Prenatal Massage Intake Form
I, ________________________ have received and read the attached written
information about the possible contraindications to massage therapy during
pregnancy. I understand and confirm that:
I have not experienced any of the complications listed on the attached
I have not experienced any of the conditions listed, which would make it
unwise to have massage therapy;
I am experiencing a low-risk pregnancy;
I am receiving medical care including regular check-ups throughout my
My physician and I have defined the following exclusions to the above
Signed: _____________________________ Date: ______________
I understand that I will be receiving massage therapy as a form of adjunctive
health care only and that this therapy is not intended to replace appropriate
medical care.
Having been fully advised of the risks, contraindications, and complications to
massage therapy during pregnancy, I have decided to participate in the therapy.
Accordingly, I do forever release the practitioners and their insurers, and their
respective officers, directors, stockholders, successors, employees, and agents
from all liability of any nature whatsoever, whether past, present, or future, for
injury or damage which may occur to myself or my family as a result of my
receiving massage therapy during this childbearing year.
I further agree to hold harmless and defend the practitioner of and from all
actions, claims, or other legal or administrative action that has arisen or may
arise directly from my and my child’s participation in this therapy.
Signed: _____________________________ Date: ______________
Print name: __________________________