17. Prezi content within a frame – an example of content created on a Prezi canvas in a frame.
18. Lock canvas – click to remain focused on given area of the canvas.
19. Home – click to return to the centre of the canvas.
20. Zoom in - option to zoom in to focus on a particular area of the canvas.
21. Zoom out - option to zoom out to get an overall picture of the canvas.
22. Text editing toolbar – insert and edit text.
Prezi tips and tricks
- Think about different visual metaphors as an integral component of telling your story or
explaining key concepts. For example, a staircase going up to a door can be used to explain
steps in a project.
- Option to use 2D prezi templates, as well as 3D Prezi templates that let you zoom in and
out of the prezi's background, giving an almost video-like depth to your prezi.
- Get creative and embed a YouTube video.
- Use keyboard shortcuts to help you quickly create your prezi.
- Change your prezi’s aspect ratio to suit on your device e.g. iPad, computer or phone.
- Group multiple objects together for ease of movement and manipulation.
- Use the zoom tool sparingly as pathway otherwise viewers can become easily seasick.
- Collaborate with others to edit your prezi.
Prezi and Copyright
Deakin University’s copyright team has advised via email the following about using Prezi and
To place your Prezi in the public domain you would need to ensure the following:
- You have the licence to release the third party content
- All third party material was cited
- It was not relying on using third party material sourced from a library database (These are
restricted to a Deakin audience)
- It was not relying on the Part VA and Part VB statutory licences of the Copyright Act (These
are also restricted to a Deakin audience)
Other points for consideration:
1. Although prezi templates are reusable by their creators, be wary if the prezi contains third
party material.
2. Pay caution to sourcing material within a ‘…Prezi from Youtube or Google Images as they
bring no citation of their origin along with them.’
If you have further Copyright queries please feel free to direct your questions to Deakin