Sample Safety Plan
Address & Location
Site Specific Safety Plan – Con’t.
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Table of Contents
1) Introduction
a) Safety & Health Policy Statement 4
b) Safety & Health Objective 4
c) Project Employee Responsibilities 5
2) OCC Project Site Safety
a) Project Safety Orientation 7
b) Jobsite Safety Inspections 7
c) Emergency Procedures, Investigation & Reporting 8
d) Emergency Signals & Procedures 8
e) Fire Prevention 9
f) Hazard Communication 10
g) Tool Box Talks 11
h) Safety Rules 12
i) Safety Discipline 14
3) General Safety
a) PPE 15
b) Moving equipment 16
c) Excavating 16
d) Crane & Rigging Safety 17
e) Fall Protection 17
f) Electrical 18
g) Scaffolding Safety 19
h) Ladder Safety 19
i) Aerial Work Platforms 20
j) Housekeeping…………………………………………………………………………………….20
k) Site Work 21
l) Concrete 21
m) Steel Erection 21
n) Block Masonry 21
o) Truss & Deck Framing 22
p) Window Installation 22
q) Roofing Shingles 23
r) Drywall 23
s) Paint Primer 23
t) Elevator 24
u) Emergency Evacuation Route 25
v) Site Logistics Plan 25
w) Map of Nearest Hospital 26
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4) OCC Policies
a) Sexual Harassment Policy 27
b) Drug Free Workplace 27
5) Sample Forms (Separate documents)
a) Emergency Contact Information (Form 1.08.2)
b) Incident Report (Form 1.10.9)
c) Accident Report (Form 1.10.10)
d) Near Miss Report (Form 1.10.11)
e) Corrective Action Form (Form 1.10.12)
f) Hot Work Permit (Form 1.10.7)
g) Pre-Task Plan (Form 1.10.18)
h) Crane Plan (Form 1.10.19)
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Safety and Health Policy Statement
O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. believes that NO JOB OR NO TASK IS MORE
potential safety or health threat, every effort will be made to plan a safe way to do the
Every procedure must be a safe procedure. Shortcuts in safe procedures by either
supervisor or workers will not be tolerated.
If a worker observes any work activity which may pose a potential threat to their or
others health or safety, he or she must inform management and management must
take adequate precautions.
Timothy W. O’Brien
Safety and Health Objectives
O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. (OCC) plans to enhance worker safety and health through
the following:
1. Using a designated qualified safety person to administer the program.
2. Making regular job site safety inspections:
a. Periodic safety inspections by OCC safety coordinator.
b. Mandatory weekly meetings between project superintendent and
c. Weekly toolbox safety talks signed and submitted by all subcontractors.
Toolbox Talks shall consist of topics relevant to the project & timely in its work
d. Address safety concerns through Pre-task planning & education.
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e. Implement & educate workers on corrective actions.
3. Enforcing the use of safety equipment.
4. Following safety procedures and rules.
5. Providing on-going safety orientations.
6. Enforcing safety rules and using appropriate accountability measures.
Project Employee Responsibilities
Project Manager- must lead project team by setting an example for safety awareness as
well as developing, communicating and supervising the safety program. The project
manager must enforce and set the tone for all safety related issues during and prior to
the planning of each project phase. They must provide leadership and show
commitment to a safe and healthy environment. Responsibilities shall include reviewing
inspection reports, safety meeting reports and addressing health and safety issues on
the jobsite.
Superintendent- must lead, oversee and manage all site work, including safety. The
superintendent must ensure that safety procedures are applied in an effective manner
and that all employees are conforming to established rules and regulations. Duties
include establishing a pre-job assessment prior to the start of the project, ensuring site
foremen comply with safety regulations, conducting safety orientations for all new
employees, reviewing all incident & corrective action reports, pre-task plans and
enforcing disciplinary action when necessary. The superintendent will also work with the
site safety representative overseeing regular site inspections, developing a site-specific
emergency plan and implementing weekly tool box topics with subcontractors.
Project Engineer- Responsibilities include collecting all subcontractor safety programs,
material safety data sheets (MSDS) and ensuring all site foreman have access to site
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Site Safety Representative- will act as the designated safety manager and will inspect
the jobsite weekly, conducting safety inspections. Responsibilities include providing
education and training opportunities to all employees, conducting safety audits,
discussing & providing weekly tool box topics, developing an emergency action plan and
procedures, reviewing all safety programs and safety data sheets (SDS), scheduling
Pre-Task planning meetings & overseeing implementation, issuing violation notices,
issuing corrective action reports, and managing the AGC/ MIOSHA alliance program.
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Project Safety Orientation
1. Each employee of OCC and its subcontractors working on designated OCC jobsites
are required to complete the Employee Safety Orientation and sign the necessary
forms. This must be complete within one week of any employee beginning work on site.
2. Upon completion of the Employee Safety Orientation, a labeled sticker will be given
to each employee which must be worn on their hard hat. Employees will not be allowed
to work on the jobsite without this sticker on their hard hat.
Jobsite Inspections
1. OCC Site Safety Representative will conduct weekly site inspections, and review all
safety documents (pre-task plan, crane plan, etc.).
2. Subcontractors shall perform daily safety inspections of their work area and
equipment per MIOSHA requirements.
3. After inspecting a job site/work area, the site safety representative and
superintendent will identify and evaluate all potential hazards for:
a. Possibility for severe injury.
b. Probability of accident occurrence.
4. This site safety representative will also consider the skill and knowledge level
demonstrated by exposed workers.
5. This site safety representative shall then take the following actions:
a. Discuss all hazards with the necessary parties.
b. Explain appropriate recommendations and precautions.
c. Assist with any necessary training (i.e. provide appropriate Tool Box Talks), in
accordance with the level of hazard.
d. Issue citations & corrective actions.
6. Records shall be maintained for all recommendations, precautions, and training for
each hazard identified.
7. All incidents, regardless of severity, will be discussed at the next project safety
meeting, with an emphasis on eliminating future occurrences.
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Emergency Procedures, Investigation, and Reporting
1. Subcontractors/employees shall report all work related injuries, illnesses, first aid
cases, near misses, property damage, and environmental incidents such as a spill or
release of hazardous materials, regardless of severity, immediately to the Project
Superintendent and OCC Safety Manager.
2. The subcontractor shall investigate all incidents and forward copies of the incident
report to the OCC Safety Manager and Project Superintendent within 4 hours of the
incident. An incident report must be provided for: near misses, first aid, recordable
injuries, third party property damage or personal injury, and builders risk claims.
3. Corrective actions will be implemented and any worker compensation or liability
claims shall be reported to OCC office.
4. Follow-up information on personal injuries (doctor's reports, insurance or worker's
compensation reports etc.), shall be forwarded to the OCC Safety Manager within a
reasonable timeframe.
Emergency Signals and Procedures
1. Serious Emergency - A single long blast from an air horn shall be given by the
Project Superintendent in the event of a serious emergency on the site. These include
serious or life threatening injury, severe weather or other impending natural disaster, or
other emergencies not requiring immediate evacuation of the site. Please discontinue
working and report to your foreman. Foremen shall report to the Project
Superintendent for further instructions. Two quick blasts from an air horn shall signal
the all clear.
2. Evacuation - Three or more long blasts from an air horn shall be given by the
Project Superintendent in the event that total evacuation of the site is necessary.
Immediately discontinue working and evacuate to a safe location (designated by project
superintendent). Foremen shall account for all workers in their crew and shall report to
the Project Superintendent. The Superintendent shall instruct the foremen according to
circumstances to remain at the gathering location or retreat to a safer distance. Two
quick blasts from an air horn shall signal the all clear.
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Fire Prevention Program
1. OCC is committed to minimizing the threat of fire to employees, visitors, and
property. It is the responsibility of the subcontractor to have their own Fire Prevention
Program (FPP) and to instruct and train all employees in fire prevention and fire
2. Portable Heaters are discouraged from being used by subcontractors.
a. In the event that a portable heater is necessary, the subcontractor must
request permission from the project superintendent. Subcontractors must then
engage the services of a reputable vendor experienced and trained in this
application and properly insured.
b. If utilizing equipment owned by the subcontractor, operator shall be properly
instructed in its use.
c. All equipment shall meet all current safety standards, shall be installed and
operated per manufacturers recommendations, and shall not be left unattended
while in operation.
d. A fire extinguisher shall be located within 5’ of heaters at all times.
e. Safe zones shall be clearly marked on the floor.
f. Storage or warming of materials is strictly prohibited in the safe zone.
3. When Cutting, Welding, and Open Flame Work are performed, the subcontractor
shall at minimum insure the following:
a. All necessary hot work permits have been obtained prior to work beginning.
b. All cutting and welding equipment is inspected and operated by competent,
trained personnel.
c. No cutting or welding shall take place on metal walls, ceilings, or roofs built of
combustible sandwich-type panel construction or having combustible covering.
d. A fire watch has been established.
e. A fire extinguisher shall be located within 10’ of all cutting, welding, or other
hot work.
f. Proper PPE must be utilized.
4. All combustible materials must be properly secured and stored outdoors.
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5. Smoking is prohibited in all OCC projects. Fines may be imposed and contracts
terminated for repeat offenders.
6. OCC must establish and maintain a means of proper egress, and all exits must be
marked by a readily visible sign.
7. Fire Extinguishers must comply with the following:
a. Readily available every 3,000sf.
b. Require an monthly inspection tag. Any defective device must be removed
from service immediately.
c. Shall be located & labeled so it can be readily seen and accessible along
normal paths of travel. In multi-story buildings, at least one extinguisher must be
adjacent to a stairway.
Hazard Communication Program
1. Hazard Determination
a. SDS supplied by the subcontractors and manufacturers shall be utilized in
identifying hazardous materials.
b. Subcontractors must submit all appropriate MSDS documentation to OCC
office prior to beginning work on project site.
2. Labeling
a. All containers on the jobsite shall be properly labeled by the responsible
b. All labels shall clearly indicate:
1. Identity
2. Hazard
3. Precautionary Statement
4. Name and address of responsible party
3. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
a. SDS for all hazardous chemicals to which employees may be exposed will be
kept at the corporate office and the jobsite field office.
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b. SDS will be available for review to all workers and employees. Copies will be
available upon request within a reasonable time at the OCC field office.
c. Notification of new or revised MSDS shall be posted per MIOSHA guidelines
4. Employee Information
a. All known hazardous substances present on the site and location of SDS shall
be disclosed to the workers in the mandatory Project Safety Orientation.
b. When workers are required to perform work in areas known to contain
hazardous materials, it is the subcontractor’s responsibility to identify:
1. Specific chemical hazards.
2. Protection/safety measures the employee is required to take to lessen
3. Potential hazard reduction measures
c. OCC will work with the subcontractor to the greatest extent feasible to limit
exposure to the hazard(s).
5. Training
a. Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on
hazardous chemicals in their work area, and whenever a new hazardous
chemical is introduced.
b. Employees are required to wear and have appropriate training on PPE
associated with each hazardous chemical being used.
Tool Box Talks
Tool box talks will be conducted weekly by the site Safety Representative or Project
Superintendent. Tool box topics should be relevant to the construction activities taking
place on the jobsite. The project superintendent will distribute and collect a signed sheet
from each subcontractor each week. Foremen have the responsibility of reviewing this
document with their crew members and submitting a signed copy to the project
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Safety Rules
1.No firearms, weapons, or explosives are allowed on the jobsite. Concealed Weapons
Permits (CCW) do not apply to this jobsite. Police will be notified to remove any
individual who is in violation of this policy.
2. Smoking is prohibited within project building(s), construction office(s), and all other
facilities related to this project. Smoking is only allowed at locations as determined by
OCC supervision.
3. Hard hats, safety shoes, safety glasses, and high visibility vests or shirts are required
to be worn 100% of the time while on OCC jobsites. All other Personal Protection
Equipment (PPE) shall be worn as required by MIOSHA standards.
4. Precautions should be taken to prevent burns, including sunburn. See medical
attention for any serious burn received.
5. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol while on the project shall be cause for removal
from the project. Inform your supervisor if taking strong prescription drugs that warn
against driving or using machinery. The Safety/Drug Testing Policy has NOT changed
due to the legalized prescription marijuana law.
6. Any worker suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is found to
have caused an accident may be subject to screening.
7. Defacing or damaging jobsite facilities is forbidden. Anyone caught committing these
acts may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
8. Do not perform work that you are physically or mentally unable to perform.
9. Lift correctly - with legs, not back. If load is too heavy, GET HELP. Stay fit. Control
your weight. Do stretching exercises. Approximately twenty percent of all construction
related injuries result from lifting materials.
10. Only trained operators shall be allowed to operate equipment. Operators shall
provide a copy of their license to the superintendent prior to starting work and should
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have it available upon request anytime thereafter. Personnel other than the operator
are not allowed on equipment unless the piece of equipment is specifically designed for
passengers or as dictated by MIOSHA standards.
11. Proper instruction in the use of power tools is required
12. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any safety device or safeguard
furnished or provided for use on or with the tool, nor interfere with the use thereof.
13. Gasoline powered equipment is NOT to be operated in any enclosed buildings
without proper ventilation.
14. Do not enter barricade areas unless trained and authorized to do so and utilizing
proper PPE. Barricade areas include, but are not limited to:
a. Caution or Danger tape of any color,
b. Guardrails,
c. Rope or Cables,
d. Visual markings, including signage and paint.
15. When working around operating equipment, stay in sight of the operator. If you
can’t see them, they can’t see you.
16. It is the subcontractor’s responsibility to follow all required manufacturer and
MIOSHA guidelines when servicing, repairing, adjusting, fueling, or lubricating tools or
17. Subcontractors shall inspect all extension cords before use. Discard any damaged
cords. OCC reserves the right to remove any extension cords it deems unsafe.
18. GFCI shall be installed at all temporary power sources.
19. The throwing of trash, tools, material, etc. from windows is prohibited due to risk of
injury to workers below.
20. Report all chemical and oil spills, and any suspected hazardous materials to OCC
21. Stairwells, corridors & work areas shall be properly illuminated with either temporary
or permanent lighting.
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Safety Discipline
1. First offence: OCC project supervision shall give verbal warning to the offending
party and record the name and company of the offender. A record of this incident
should be included in the superintendent’s daily report.
2. Second offence: OCC project supervision shall give written violation to offender and
crew foreman, record the name and company of the offender, and send copy of written
notice to the proper authority of the offending party’s company with a copy to the OCC
project manager. A record of this incident shall be included in the superintendent’s daily
report. This written violation may carry a monetary penalty that can be deducted from
the subcontractors contract amount.
3. Third offence: OCC project supervision shall have offending party removed from the
jobsite, and this party shall be banned from this site for the duration of the project. A
written report shall be sent to the proper authority of the offending party’s company
with a copy to the OCC project manager and the company President. A record of this
incident shall be included in the superintendent’s daily report. This written violation may
carry a monetary penalty that can be deducted from the subcontractor’s contract
4. Committing unsafe acts and or practices that are considered Immediately Dangerous
to Life and Health (IDLH) may result in immediate termination from the project.
O’Brien Construction Company also reserves the right to immediately sanction a
subcontractor. Sanctions include immediate abatement of the IDLH condition/hazard
and issuance of fines to the subcontractor. O’Brien Construction Company reserves the
right to terminate a contractor for IDLH safety violations. IDLH safety violations may
include, but are not limited to:
Failure to follow fall protections requirements.
Failure to follow open hole protection requirements.
Removing guard rails and not putting them back in place.
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Working in an unprotected trench greater than 5 feet deep.
Failure to wear proper respiratory protection.
Failure to follow the Substance Abuse Policy will result in a fine and removal from
the job.
Failure to wear proper PPE including reflective vest (bright color).
Possession of firearms, explosives or dangerous weapons.
Violation of project security rules and procedures.
Entering a confined space without proper training, certification and/or adherence
to procedures.
Failure to follow lock-out/tag-out procedures.
While it is not practical to detail every circumstance or type of violation, the
aforementioned items tend to be the most common. However, if workers fail to follow
safe work practices not covered by this policy, disciplinary action and or fine will be
assessed based on O’Brien Construction Company or on site Superintendent/Project
Manager’s assessment of the violation.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. All personal protective equipment shall be provided by subcontractors/ employees
prior to the start of each job.
2. Personal protective equipment including hard hats, safety glasses, work boots and
high visibility shirts must be worn 100% of the time.
3. Proper work attire consists of long pants (no shorts); a shirt with a minimum of 4
inch sleeves, and proper hard soled work shoes.
4. Fall protection is
required for all trades
when working at heights of 6’ or more.
5. Protective gloves or clothing shall be worn when required to protect against a
6. A face shield or safety goggles are required when cutting, grinding, welding or
power washing.
7. Hearing protection is required when working in areas where noise levels exceed 85
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decibels, or normal conversation cannot be conducted, or when the area is posted as a
noise hazard.
8. Dust masks or respirators shall be worn in all dusty environments. Pulmonary
function testing, fit tests and written respiratory programs are required for respirator
9. All personal protective equipment must be inspected daily per MIOSHA standards.
Moving Equipment
1. All operating equipment shall be equipped with rollover guards per MIOSHA
2. Operating equipment shall be equipped with a audible notifications, strobes and/or
beacons per manufacturers requirements.
3. A spotter is required whenever a vehicle has a restricted view while operating on
4. Properly set-up barricades or traffic control zones when operating equipment near
public roadways. When construction activities are at a peak level, the use of a
spotter/traffic controller is permitted to help direct and control traffic.
5. Sub-contractors are required to conduct daily inspections of all equipment.
6. Employees assigned to traffic control duties must wear high visibility clothing per
MIOSHA standards.
Excavating/ Site Utilities
1. The competent person must inspect the excavation:
a. Daily before work activities commences.
b. After a heavy rainfall.
c. At depths greater than 4’ for oxygen deficiencies or hazardous atmospheres.
d. For failures of protective systems, equipment and adjacent structures.
2. Miss Dig must be contacted prior to starting any excavating.
3. When working in a trench 4 feet or more in depth, proper sloping, shoring, or other
cave-in protection methods shall be utilized.
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4. Ladders shall be provided at least every 25 feet for access to trenches exceeding 4
feet in depth.
5. Material and spoil piles shall be kept a minimum of 2 feet away from the edge of a
6. All open holes, trenches, and excavations shall be barricaded and clearly marked to
alert the public and other workers in the area.
7. Excavations and trenches may be confined spaces where air monitoring could be
8. All vehicles hauling soil from site must pull into site and turn around.
9. During construction and installation of elevator, subcontractor must properly
barricade and secure pit area.
Crane & Rigging Safety
1. Must be included in a Pre-Task plan.
2. All operators shall be certified and cards submitted to project supervision before start
of work.
3. All cranes are to be inspected on a daily basis.
4. All cranes must have proof of annual inspection.
5. Outriggers must be manufactured and be fully extended and on stable ground.
6. The swing radius of all cranes must be properly barricaded.
7. Subcontractor must submit a copy of the crane plan (operation, swing radius, etc.)
to superintendent prior to the start of the project.
Fall Protection
1. Fall protection systems are required when exposed to heights of 6’ or more.
Systems include:
a. Guardrails
b. Safety nets
c. Personal fall arrest systems
All systems must be inspected, constructed and installed per MIOSHA requirements.
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2. When conducting roofing work, contractors are required to submit a pre-task
3. All holes/ floor openings greater than 2” in depth or diameter are required to be
properly barricaded/covered or secured, and clearly marked with high visibility paint as
a “hole”. All hole/openings that are barricaded and covered shall be
securely/mechanically fixed in place.
4. Contractors are required to maintain all fall protection devices.
5. If an employer can demonstrate conventional fall protection methods are infeasible
or present a greater hazard, a fall protection plan may be implemented. The fall
protection plan must comply with MIOSHA standards and include the following:
a. Site specific requirements/unique circumstances.
b. Prepared by a qualified person.
c. Supervised by a competent person.
d. Explain why conventional methods are infeasible.
e. Discuss the safety measures that will be taken to reduce or eliminate the fall
hazard of the workers.
f. Describe all controlled access zones.
g. Require training for all employees.
1. All temporary outlets must be equipped with GFCI’s and electric receptacles.
2. Cords and tools must be inspected on a daily basis. If the insulation or casing of the
cord is damaged, or the ground prong is missing, the cord will be cut by project
3. All cords must be 3 prong heavy duty cords and be protected from indoor/ outdoor
4. Portable generators must be provided with ground fault circuit interrupters.
5. Temporary lighting must be protected with safety guards.
6. Stairwells, corridors & work areas shall be properly illuminated with either temporary
or permanent lighting.
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Scaffolding Safety
1. Must be included in a Pre-Task plan.
2. All scaffolds must be erected and inspected daily by a competent person per MIOSHA
3. Each work level of the scaffold system shall be full planked and overhang the end
supports by a minimum of 6 inches and a maximum of 12 inches. Planking which does
not meet this requirement must be cleated.
4. The scaffold system must have a ladder provided for access. Climbing the bracing is
not acceptable unless the system has a built-in ladder for that purpose.
5. Scaffolding height must never exceed 4 times their minimum base dimension. If this
is exceeded, the scaffold must be tied into the structure.
6. All working and walking levels must be fully planked and not overloaded.
7. Planks must be scaffold grade lumber. Cracks shall not penetrate more than 12
8. Riding of wheeled scaffolding is prohibited.
9. The footing or anchorage for scaffolds must be sound, rigid and capable of carrying
the maximum intended load without settling or displacement.
Ladder Safety
1. Only type 1A ladders with a heavy duty rating are required.
2. No painted or aluminum ladders are allowed on site.
3. All ladders must extend a minimum of three (3) feet above the landing and be
secured. If the ladder cannot be secured, it must be held at the bottom by another
4. Keep ladder bases clear from debris, hoses, wire, materials, etc.
5. Use the “four and one” rule when positioning a ladder – one foot of base for every
four feet of height.
6. Step ladders must be fully extended and locked into place. Placement shall be on
stable surfaces.
7. Workers shall not straddle or stand on the top two rungs of a ladder, and shall work
facing the ladder.
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Aerial Work Platforms
1. Must be included in a Pre-Task plan.
2. Must be inspected daily.
3. Operated by trained and authorized personnel. Employees must have operator’s
certification readily available
4. All employees must wear a body harness and be tied off inside the basket when
elevated at all times.
5. Lifts should only be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s manual.
1. Subcontractors must properly dispose of all waste materials on a daily basis.
2. Subcontractors must properly store and secure all work material and equipment.
3. Site clean-up is required on a daily basis.
4. Stairways and passageways must be kept clear of debris.
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Site Work
1. Employees must wear proper PPE.
2. Subcontractors must maintain a clear path through the jobsite.
3. Storing of materials and goods will be located in a way as to prevent site congestion.
1. All exposed rebar will be capped, or covered to protect against impalement or injury.
2. Employees operating equipment such as vibrators, pump nozzles, and/ or buggies
will wear appropriate clothing and PPE, such as boots, eye protection and hearing
protection. Long sleeve shirts will be worn to protect against the exposure of concrete.
3. Concrete contractor must appropriately barricade working area during concrete
forming and after concrete has been poured.
4. Material used for formwork must be removed and properly disposed of.
Subcontractor will remove all debris and conduct a cleanup of the work area daily.
Steel Erection
1. Subcontractor must conduct a pre-task analysis with the superintendent before all
overhead hoisting activities take place.
2. The area of erection must be securely barricaded. If necessary, a controlled access
zone may be permitted.
3. All steel erectors must wear appropriate PPE, including fall protection at heights
greater than 6 feet and a face mask when welding.
4. Contractor must provide the following when using a crane
A. Crane operator certification
B. Crane plan, including staging area, swing radius and required barricades.
Block Masonry
1. Mason contractor must provide, if applicable, wall bracing plan prior to start of work
2. Competent person (foreman) must conduct daily inspections of scaffold equipment
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3. Employees working within restricted fall zone must be trained and certified to work
in restricted fall zone area.
4. Masonry block walls at heights of 8 feet or greater, not tied into the structure, must
be adequately braced, per MIOSHA standards.
5. Restricted fall zone areas must be established prior to the construction of the wall,
and will be restricted to employees who are actively engaged in constructing the wall.
Truss & Deck Framing
1. All walkways and working surfaces must be clear of debris to prevent tripping
2. Employees are required to wear appropriate PPE, including fall protection at heights
greater than 6 feet.
3. Contractors must establish a controlled access zone to prevent other contractors
from entering work area.
4. Trusses/Joists must be adequately braced to prevent falling or tipping.
5. Contractor must barricade crane swing radius when loading and setting trusses in
Window Installation
1. Prior to the installation of any window, the contractor must conduct a written pre-
task analysis with the superintendent.
2. All window openings require a guardrail if the window sill measures a height below
39” and a width greater than 18”.
3. When installing windows on the upper floors, the area below (ground level) must be
properly barricaded.
4. Employees are required to wear a personal fall arrest system when installing
windows on the upper floors.
5. If using any lifting devices (rough terrain, aerial), employees must:
A. Wear a personal fall arrest system
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B. Have operator’s license to use equipment.
C. Inspect equipment daily.
1. Employees are required to use a method of fall protection. Slide guards are no
longer permissible.
2. Employees are restricted from throwing material from roof. Contractor must set up
a drop zone, which requires a barricade and a spotter.
3. Employees working on roofs must wear appropriate footwear that provides good
4. Working surfaces must be free of tripping hazards (tools, cords, etc.) and must be
clean to prevent material from falling below.
5. A written pre-task analysis is required and must be submitted to superintendent
prior to start of work.
6. Employees must have proper and safe access to roofing surface. The use of any
temporary ladder must be constructed per MIOSHA standards and properly secured to
prevent movement.
7. Employees should refrain from working on the roof during inclement weather
1. Daily cleanup is required.
2. A clear path must be maintained.
3. Proper storing methods are required.
4. Employees must wear proper PPE at all times.
Paint Primer
1. Contractor must submit all required MSDS.
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2. Employees must wear appropriate work attire and PPE, including face masks/
respirators when spraying paint. A written respiratory program is required as well.
3. Employees must use ladders/ lifts to reach difficult areas.
4. While painting/ priming, contractor must make sure work area is properly ventilated.
5. Contractor is permitted to set up a restricted work zone when spraying paint.
6. Properly store all paint material, and dispose of empty paint buckets daily.
Elevator Installation
1. During initial construction, elevator pit area should be properly barricaded and
clearly labeled with high visibility paint.
2. Guardrails must be adequately secured per MIOSHA standards to elevator openings.
3. Employees working near open elevator shafts are required to wear a personal fall
arrest system.
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Site Logistics Plan
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Discrimination against any employee or applicant on the basis of the person's sex is
strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment is a violation of state and federal law and will not
be tolerated.
Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
1. It is stated or implied that submission to such conduct is a term or condition
of a person's employment; or
2. Submission to or the rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis
for any employment decision affecting such person, such as, but not limited to,
pay increases, work assignments, promotions, performance evaluation, etc. or;
3. Such conduct has either the purpose or effect of interfering with a person's
work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work
Any employee or applicant who feels that he or she has been subjected to sexual
harassment should report any incidents of sexual harassment to his or her supervisor,
or any member of management, without fear of reprisal.
The totality of the circumstances, the nature of the alleged harassment and the context
in which the alleged incidents occurred will be investigated in determining whether
alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment. Every reasonable effort will be made to
maintain confidentiality.
Violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
The Drug-Free Workplace Act specifically requires O'Brien Construction, Co., Inc. to
notify each employee that, as a condition of employment, each employee must:
1. Comply with the company's Drug-Free Workplace Policy; and
2. Notify O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. of any conviction for a drug related
offense committed in the workplace, within (5) five days of the conviction.
Any employee who violates this company policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up
to and including termination of employment.
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It is the subcontractor’s responsibility to actively maintain a drug-free workplace policy
for the health and wellbeing of their employees. Any worker on OCC jobsites found to
violate any of OCC’s or the employing subcontractors drug-free policies shall be subject
to the appropriate disciplinary actions, including removal from the jobsite and/or
O’Brien Construction Co., Inc.’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy prohibits employees from
engaging in any of the following activities:
1. The use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of illegal
drugs on company premises or company business, in company supplied vehicles,
or during working hours;
2. Unauthorized use of possession, or any manufacture, distribution,
dispensation or sale of a controlled substance on company premises or while on
company business or while in company supplied vehicles;
3. Storing in a locker, desk, automobile or other repository on company
premises, any controlled substance the use of which is unauthorized;
4. Being under the influence of a controlled substance on company premises on
while on company business, or while in company supplied vehicles;
5. Any possession, use, manufacturer, distribution, dispensation or sale of illegal
drugs off company premises that adversely affects the individuals work
performance, his own or others safety at work, or the company's regard or
reputation in the community;
6. Failure to adhere to the requirements of any drug treatment or counseling
program in which the employee is enrolled;
7. Failure to notify the company of any conviction under criminal drug statutes
for a workplace offense within five days of the conviction;
8. Refusal to sign a statement to abide by the company's Drug-Free Workplace