250 E Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20525
202-606-5000/ 800-942-2677
AmeriCorps State and National 2022
End-of-Year Project Progress Report
AmeriCorps State and National
June 2023
Table of Contents
How Will AmeriCorps Use the Information Reported? ............................................... 2
What Are the Components of the End-of-Year PPR? ................................................ 2
When Is the End-of-Year PPR Due? ............................................................................. 2
Selecting the Right PPR ................................................................................................ 2
Reporting Period ........................................................................................................... 3
Completing the PPR ..................................................................................................... 4
General Information Tab .......................................................................................... 4
Performance Data Elements Tab ............................................................................ 5
Performance Indicators Tab ..................................................................................... 7
Enrollment and Retention ..................................................................................... 7
8-Day Enrollment and 30-Day Exit ........................................................................ 8
Performance Measures Tab ..................................................................................... 8
National/Tribal PPR and State Competitive PPR................................................. 8
State Formula PPR ................................................................................................ 11
Narratives Tab .......................................................................................................... 12
Data Quality (Required) ...................................................................................... 13
Performance Management (Required) ............................................................ 13
TTA and Monitoring (Required for National/Tribal grantees only; State
Commissions provide this information in the Commission Support Grant PPR)
............................................................................................................................... 13
Other Explanations (Optional) ............................................................................ 14
Summary Tab ........................................................................................................... 14
Submitting the PPR ...................................................................................................... 14
Reviewing Feedback and Responding to Clarification Items in the PPR.............. 14
Appendix 1: Project Progress Report Supplemental Instructions: Performance
Data Elements ............................................................................................................. 15
Required for All Grantees ....................................................................................... 16
Required for All Grantees for Whom the Indicator Is Relevant to Their Program
Model ....................................................................................................................... 17
Optional for All Grantees ........................................................................................ 20
Required only for Economic Mobility Corps Grantees ........................................ 21
Required only for Public Health AmeriCorps Grantees ....................................... 21
How Will AmeriCorps Use the Information Reported?
The AmeriCorps State and National Project Progress Report (PPR) provides
information for AmeriCorps staff to monitor grantee progress and to respond to
requests from Congress and other stakeholders. Some information provided in your
PPR may be used by AmeriCorps to promote service. Program staff will use the
information you provide to identify trends and issues that may lead to changes in
policies and procedures, allocation of training and technical assistance, or
opportunities for peer learning.
What Are the Components of the End-of-Year PPR?
The end-of-year PPR consists of four sections: Performance Data Elements,
Performance Indicators, Performance Measures, and Narratives.
Please complete the report using eGrants, AmeriCorps’ integrated, secure, web-
based system for grants management, and follow these instructions.
Please note: AmeriCorps State and National PPRs are not visible to grantees in
eGrants until four months prior to their due date.
When Is the End-of-Year PPR Due?
The PPR is due on November 30, 2023. If you cannot meet the submission deadline
for the progress report, you must request an extension from your Portfolio Manager.
Requests for extensions may be granted when:
1. The report cannot be finished in a timely manner for reasons legitimately
beyond the control of the grantee, and
2. AmeriCorps receives a request explaining the need for an extension before the
due date of the report.
Selecting the Right PPR
After logging into eGrants, click the Progress Report link in the lower right corner of
the screen.
Figure 1: Home page of eGrants Phase 2 with the Progress Report link circled.
You will see a list of possible progress reports for each of your existing grants. Find
the grant number that includes the 2022-23 program year and expand the list by
clicking on the orange arrow key to the right of the grant number.
Find the progress report with a due date of 11/30/2023 labeled Progress Report
Annual and click on the edit link. You will be taken to the main progress report
Please note: Please be sure to select the grant and PPR associated with your
AmeriCorps State and National grant. Public Health AmeriCorps (PHA) grants also
have a Progress Report Annual due on 11/30/2023. All data for PHA grants should be
included in the PHA PPR and follow the 2022 Public Health AmeriCorps Project
Progress Report instructions.
Reporting Period
The reporting period is from the beginning of your 2022 grant year through
September 30, 2023.
Report all Performance Data Elements collected during the time period
10/1/2022-9/30/2023, regardless of the member cohort or program year to
which the data are connected.
Report all Performance Measures data pertaining to your 2022 program year
plus any previously unreported data from the previous (2021) program year.
Any activities taking place during the reporting period that correspond to a
later grant year should be reported on the subsequent end-of-year PPR.
State Commissions will complete one progress report for each of their AmeriCorps
State and National prime grants (competitive cost reimbursement, competitive fixed
amount, competitive EAP, formula cost reimbursement, formula fixed/EAP, etc.)
providing information as follows:
In each prime grant, the grantee reports on performance measurement data
for that prime grant.
State Commissions report on Performance Data Elements and narratives for all
grants in the formula cost reimbursement prime (except for PHA grants).
Data submitted in the progress report must be valid (i.e., the data collected and
reported must accurately align with the performance measure instructions, approved
program design, and grant application) and verifiable (i.e., the grantee must be able
to demonstrate the data are accurate). Source documentation that supports the
reported results must be maintained as grant records.
Completing the PPR
General Information Tab
The General Information tab displays information for the progress report you have
selected. Check the grant number and due date to ensure you have selected the
correct report. If you have not selected the correct report for the reporting period
and due date, click the Cancel button and select the correct report. If you have
selected the correct report, click the Begin button to open the progress report. If you
return to this tab after starting the report, you will see a Continue Working button
that allows you to open the report that is in progress.
Open amendments on the same grant year as the PPR may interfere with data entry in
the PPR. If you have amendment(s) currently in process that fit this description, please
work with your Portfolio Manager to get the amendment(s) awarded or withdrawn
before you start entering data into the PPR. Also, it is best to avoid initiating
amendments on the same grant year while you are entering data into the PPR (i.e.,
after you open the PPR for the first time but prior to submitting the PPR to
AmeriCorps). Same-year amendments awarded during the PPR data-entry process
may result in the need to re-enter all of the data from scratch.
A summary table at the bottom of this tab allows you to see all past reports
associated with your grant and to view or print a PDF version of these reports.
Performance Data Elements Tab
The Performance Data Elements tab contains a list of data elements of interest to
AmeriCorps. The definition of each Performance Data Element can be found in
Appendix 1: 2022 PPR Supplemental Instructions. Your responses on this tab
should include all data collected for these elements during the time period
10/1/2022-9/30/2023, regardless of the member cohort or program year to
which the data are connected.
The following elements are required for all grantees:
Number of individuals who applied to be AmeriCorps members
Number of volunteers recruited or managed
Dollar amount of resources leveraged by the program
The following elements are required for all grantees for whom the indicator is
relevant to their program model where relevant” refers to something that is a
significant part of a grantee’s program design and Theory of Change:
Number of hours served by recruited or managed volunteers
Number of individuals affected by disaster served
Number of individuals assisted in preparing for disasters
Number of children and youth served
Number of individuals receiving job training or placement
Number of individuals receiving independent living services
Number of veterans served
Number of veteran family members served
Number of military family members served
Number of active duty military members served
Dollar amount of resources leveraged by national service participants
Number of acres of public land supported
Number of individuals receiving opioid/drug intervention services
The following elements are optional for all grantees:
Number of previously unemployed AmeriCorps members who gain
Number of veterans serving as AmeriCorps members who gain employment
Number of AmeriCorps members who earn a high-school diploma or GED
Number of AmeriCorps members who remain in the education field post-
The following elements are required only for Economic Mobility Corps grantees:
Number of certified CDFIs identified to receive AmeriCorps members
Number of AmeriCorps members placed at one or more certified CDFIs
The following elements are required only for Public Health AmeriCorps grantees
and should be entered only in the 2022 Public Health AmeriCorps PPR:
Number of AmeriCorps members recruited from the geographic or
demographic communities the program operates
Number of AmeriCorps members with increased knowledge about public
Number of AmeriCorps members who remain the public health field post-
To complete the Performance Data Elements tab, refer to the definitions in Appendix
1: 2022 PPR Supplemental Instructions. Enter the appropriate numerical value for
each element for which you are expected to report data. If you are not reporting data
on an element, enter a zero (0) in that field. The progress report cannot be submitted
until there is a numerical value, including zero, entered in every field on this tab.
If you wish to provide an explanation about the data you have entered on this tab,
clicking on the Grantee Narrative bar will open a text box for this purpose. This is not
required. (Please note: the Grantee Narrative text box has a 2,000-character limit.
Any text entered above the character limit will not be saved.)
State Commissions should enter Performance Data Element data for all competitive
and formula subgrantees in the formula cost reimbursement PPR only. Data reported
should not be duplicated in any other AmeriCorps program progress reports
including but not limited to Public Health AmeriCorps, Commission Support Grant,
Commission Investment Fund, Volunteer Generation Fund, VISTA, or AmeriCorps
Seniors progress reports.
Click Next to proceed to the next tab.
Performance Indicators Tab
The Performance Indicators Tab shows enrollment, retention, 8-day enrollment rates
and 30-day exit rates for the 2022 program year. These data are pulled from the
Portal the first time the tab is opened. The data do not refresh when the tab is
re-opened. As a result, please do not open this tab until you are ready to
complete it. Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the page to see the chart
in its entirety.
Enrollment and Retention
For enrollment and retention, a Yes or No appears in the Meets AmeriCorps
Expectations column. AmeriCorps expects grantees to provide an explanation for
retention rates below 85% and to achieve the highest retention rate possible.
Enrollment rates below 100% is assessed as not meeting AmeriCorps expectations.
For National/Tribal grantees and competitive subgrantees with enrollment rates less
than 100% and/or retention rates less than 85%: in the Explanation column to the
right of the Meets AmeriCorps Expectations column, explain why and identify
corrective actions that are being planned to improve recruitment and retention
practices, or any planned reduction in slots requested. Click on the button that says,
Enter Explanation, type your explanation and corrective action plan, and click the
Close button. The progress report cannot be submitted unless all required
explanations have been provided. (Please note: each explanation has a 1,000-
character limit. Any text entered above the character limit will not be saved.)
For formula subgrantees, an explanation is not required for each subgrantee.
However, the State Commission must use the Grantee Narrative section on this tab
to describe its efforts to improve enrollment and retention rates in its portfolio.
(Please note: the Grantee Narrative text box has a 2,000-character limit. Any text
entered above the character limit will not be saved.)
8-Day Enrollment and 30-Day Exit
For 8-day enrollment and 30-day exit rates, a Yes or No appears in the Compliant
column. Any rate below 100% is not compliant.
For National/Tribal grantees or state subgrantees with enrollment or exit rates below
100% for reasons entirely beyond the grantee or subgrantee’s control, provide
an explanation in the Grantee Narrative section. Based on this explanation, your
Portfolio Manager may change the compliance status to Yes. (Please note: each
explanation has a 1,000-character limit; any text entered above the character limit will
not be saved.) No other explanations are required.
Click Next to go to the next tab.
Performance Measures Tab
The Performance Measures tab asks grantees to enter performance measure data for
the 2022 program year and to compare achieved (actual) values to the targets set in
the grant application. Your responses on this tab should include all data
pertaining to your 2022 program year (i.e., the outputs and outcomes
accomplished by your 2022 cohort of AmeriCorps members), plus any
previously unreported data from the previous (2021) program year. Any
activities taking place during the reporting period that correspond to a later
grant year (2023 or beyond) should be reported on the subsequent end-of-year
National/Tribal PPR and State Competitive PPR
Each performance measure panel contains a chart showing each output and outcome
for the performance measure, as well as the MSYs and members allocated to the
measure. Grantees will report on output and outcome data only. As MSY and
member data are not required, please enter zeroes in the Actual boxes for MSYs and
members on this tab. Failure to do so will result in the PPR being returned for
correction. Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the page to see the chart in
its entirety.
For each output and outcome, enter a numerical value documenting progress toward
the target. Round any decimals to the nearest whole number. When you have entered
all data for one performance measure, check the Done with Section box. This action
will cause a green checkmark to appear on the accordion panel when it is collapsed,
signaling that you are done entering data in this panel. If you leave any fields blank or
include any characters other than numbers (commas, decimals, percent symbols, etc.)
these fields will default to values of zero when you move to the next tab or save the
Once data have been entered for each performance measure, click the Calculate
button at the bottom of the page. This action will enable eGrants to calculate the
numerical difference between each performance measure target and actual, as well
as the percent of the target that was reached. In each performance measure panel,
these values will appear in the Diff and % of Target columns. A Yes or No will
automatically appear in the Met Target column.
An explanation is required for any output or outcome measure for which one or more
of the following is true:
The actual is lower than the target value;
The actual greatly exceeds the target value (i.e., by 400% or more);
Program activities and/or data collection are still ongoing for this measure,
even if targets have already been met; and/or
Data from the previous grant year that were not reported on the previous end-
of-year PPR have been included in the reported actual
The content of the explanations should be as follows:
Required Explanation
Actual that is lower
than the target
Reason(s) why the target was not met, and corrective action
plan for how the program intends to meet this target in the
next program year. If activities are still ongoing, please see
below for the required explanation content.
Actual that
exceeds the target
value by 400% or
Reason(s) why the actual value is significantly higher than
originally projected. It must be clear in the explanation that no
data were double-counted and that all data are directly
attributable to program activities.
Ongoing program
activities and/or
data collection,
State that activities are still ongoing and explain when
program activities will be completed and a full set of data will
be available. Any output or outcome data that are not
even if the target is
already met
reported in this PPR will need to be included in next year’s
end-of-year PPR.
Data included that
were not reported
in the previous
grant year
Indicate what numerical portion of the actual value
corresponds to the current grant year vs. the previous grant
year. Only data that were not already reported on the
previous year’s end-of-year PPR should be included here.
Please note: If you include performance measurement data from the previous year
that were not reported in the prior end-of-year PPR (i.e., noted as ongoing on prior
report due to continuing program activities and/or data collection), it may appear
that targets for the current year were met when they actually were not. Explanations
should be provided for any output or outcome where the actual value for the current
grant year is lower than the target value.
To enter an explanation, click on the Enter Explanation button in the
Explanation/Corrective Action column. Clicking this button opens a text box where
the explanation should be entered. (Please note: each explanation has a 1,000-
character limit. Any text entered above the character limit will not be saved.)
Figure 2: Performance Measure chart with arrow pointing to Explanation/Corrective Action field.
If the explanation entered for one output or outcome target applies to other targets
for the measure (e.g., an output and outcome were unmet for the same reason),
clicking the Copy button will automatically copy the explanation to the other outputs
and outcomes in the measure. If you wish to provide a different explanation for other
outputs or outcomes in the measure, enter those explanations by clicking on the
Enter Explanation button for those outputs or outcomes.
Performance measurement data reported in this PPR should not be duplicated in any
other AmeriCorps progress reports submitted by your organization, including but not
limited to other AmeriCorps State and National, Public Health AmeriCorps,
Commission Support Grant, Commission Investment Fund, Volunteer Generation
Fund, VISTA, or AmeriCorps Seniors progress reports.
State Formula PPR
Follow the instructions for National/Tribal and State Competitive PPRs above, but with
the following exceptions:
Actuals are not required for applicant-determined performance measures. No
fields will be available to enter these numbers (see screenshot below). An
applicant-determined measure is any performance measure that does not
contain a national performance measure output or outcome.
Figure 3: Performance Measure chart with arrow pointing to the Actual field of an applicant-determined measure
where data cannot be entered.
In lieu of providing actuals for applicant-determined measures, the State
Commission must select either Yes or No in the Met Target column (see
screenshot below). Select No in any situation where the subgrantee’s actual for
the current grant year is less than the target, even if activities are still ongoing,
and even if the subgrantee also provided prior-year data.
Figure 4: Performance Measure chart for State Formula grantee with arrow pointing to the Met Target field.
Explanations are only required for the following situations:
Required Explanation
Reason(s) why the actual value is significantly higher
than originally projected. It must be clear in the
explanation that no data were double-counted and that
all data are directly attributable to program activities.
State that activities are still ongoing. Any output or
outcome data that are not reported in this PPR will need
to be included in next year’s end-of-year PPR.
Indicate what numerical portion of the actual value
corresponds to the current grant year vs. the previous
grant year. Only data that were NOT already reported
on the previous year’s end-of-year PPR should be
included here.
Provide these explanations in the Grantee Narrative text box, clearly indicating
which explanation corresponds to which subgrantee. If you run out of space,
additional text may be entered in the Other Explanations field on the Narratives
tab. (Please note: the Grantee Narrative text box has a 2,000-character limit. Any
text entered above the character limit will not be saved. The Other Explanations
narrative field has a 32,000-character limit.)
The progress report cannot be submitted unless all required data has been entered.
Click Next to go to the next tab.
Narratives Tab
The Narratives tab asks grantees to reflect on activities and accomplishments during
the 2022 program year. State Commissions should enter narrative responses in the
formula cost reimbursement PPR only; enter See Formula Report for the narratives
on the other State Commission prime PPRs (except PHA). State Commissions should
not provide information from every subgrantee when responding to narrative
questions; rather, they should provide high-level analysis of their portfolio
supplemented by relevant examples.
Click on the accordion panels to enter narratives. When accordion panels are closed,
green checkmarks indicate that text has been entered in the text box. Text must be
entered in every narrative field before submitting the PPR. For fields that are not
required, if not providing narrative, enter N/A in the text box.
Provide the following narratives. Please limit your remarks in each section to 1,500
words or less. (The PDF printout of the PPR often truncates the narratives entered in
the Progress Report interface. However, the Progress Report screens themselves will
accept 32,000 characters per narrative field and will save the entire narrative entered
up to that limit, even if the narrative does not display fully in the PDF.):
Data Quality (Required)
National/Tribal Grantees: Describe the specific steps you took to verify data from sites
reported in this PPR.
State Commissions: Describe the specific steps you took to verify the subgrantee data
reported in this PPR.
Performance Management (Required)
National/Tribal Grantees: Describe how you have used the data you have collected
about your processes or outcomes (including performance measurement and
evaluation data) during the reporting period to improve your program. Based on the
data you have collected, what has worked well in your program during the reporting
period, and what changes will you make in the coming year to improve processes
and/or outcomes to better address identified community needs?
State Commissions: Describe how you have supported subgrantees during the
reporting period to use data they have collected about their processes or outcomes
(including performance measurement and evaluation data) to improve their
programs. Provide examples of how subgrantees have used data during the
reporting period, and/or plan to use data in the coming year, to make improvements
to program processes and/or outcomes to better address their identified community
TTA and Monitoring (Required for National/Tribal grantees only; State
Commissions provide this information in the Commission Support Grant PPR)
National/Tribal Grantees:
Describe the training and technical assistance you provided to your sites
during the reporting period.
Describe how you monitored your sites during the reporting period. Discuss
any significant issues or trends you have identified through programmatic and
fiscal monitoring and how you are responding to them.
State Commissions: enter N/A
Other Explanations (Optional)
If required narrative explanations in other sections of the PPR exceeded character
limits, provide overflow explanations here.
Click Next to go to the next tab.
Summary Tab
This tab provides a summary of the data entered in previous tabs. Pie charts and an
MSY/Member summary chart show resource allocations and member activities.
Graphs show performance against National Performance Measure targets. For State
Commissions, these data are aggregated at the prime level. The subgrantee
performance summary provides a quick visual reference for subgrantee performance.
From this tab, you can view or print all text and data entered into the PPR by clicking
Print Overall GPR Summary.
For national/tribal grantees, to print a visual summary similar to the summary screen,
click, Print Grantee Report.
For State Commissions, to view or print a summary of all data entered for a single
subgrantee, select a subgrantee in the Select Subgrantee dropdown box and click
Print Subgrantee Report.
To comment on this summary, enter text in the Overall Grantee Note text box.
(Please note: the Overall Grantee Note text box has a 3,980-character limit. Any text
entered above the character limit will not be saved.)
Submitting the PPR
When all data have been entered into the progress report, go to the Summary Tab
and click the Grantee Submit to AmeriCorps button.
If you encounter an error when trying to submit, check to see if you have a Final PPR
(Progress Report Lite Quarterly) whose reporting period ends on/before the
reporting period of the end-of-year PPR. If so, the Final PPR needs to be submitted
before the end-of-year PPR can be submitted.
Reviewing Feedback and Responding to Clarification Items
in the PPR
For each tab where data are entered, the AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager reviews data
and determines whether clarification is necessary. If no clarification is required, the
Portfolio Manager closes out the PPR. If clarification is required, the Portfolio Manager
checks the Clarification Required box on each tab that requires clarification and
returns the PPR for rework.
The following text fields for feedback and clarification appear on all tabs where data
are entered:
Program Officer Feedback May contain feedback from the AmeriCorps
Portfolio Manager. Grantees are not required to provide clarification regarding
this feedback.
Program Officer Clarification Items Contains clarification items from the
AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager. Grantees are required to respond to these
clarification items by making the necessary changes/corrections to the PPR
Grantee Clarification Items Grantees use this text field to enter their
responses to the clarification items that appear in the Program Officer
Clarification Items field. (Please note: the Grantee Clarification text box has a
1,984-character limit. Any text entered above the character limit will not be
Charts on the Performance Indicators tab and the Performance Measures tab may
also contain clarification columns to signal specific items on the chart that require
After responding to all clarification items, the grantee returns the report to
AmeriCorps by clicking the Grantee Submit to AmeriCorps button on the
Summary tab.
If the progress report does not require clarification or all clarification items have been
satisfactorily addressed, the AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager will set the PPR status to
Reviewed. The grantee will receive email notification and will be able to review any
feedback provided in the progress report when the report is in Reviewed status.
Appendix 1: Project Progress Report Supplemental
Instructions: Performance Data Elements
Data reported for Performance Data Elements in the Project Progress Report (PPR)
must adhere to the following definitions.
Please note: All Performance Data Elements should reflect unduplicated counts and
should not be double-counted in any other progress report submitted to
AmeriCorps. State Commissions should report the sum of the counts provided by
their subgrantees. Commissions should enter Performance Data Element data for all
competitive and formula subgrantees (except PHA subgrantees) in the formula cost
reimbursement PPR only.
Required for All Grantees
Number of individuals who applied to be AmeriCorps members:
Number of individuals who submitted applications for AmeriCorps member positions
in your program during the time period from October 1-September 30. National
direct grantees and state commissions are required to coordinate to ensure that they
are not reporting duplicate counts. If an organization has both a national grant and a
state subgrant, either the national grantee or the state commission should count the
number of applicants for the state program, not both.
Number of volunteers recruited or managed:
Number of volunteers recruited, trained, managed, or coordinated by your program
during the time period from October 1-September 30. For programs that engage
national service participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps Senior
volunteers), the count should represent only volunteers
recruited/trained/managed/coordinated through the efforts of the national service
participant, and should not include the national service participants themselves. Each
individual volunteer should be counted only once even if they participated in more
than one volunteer opportunity.
Dollar amount of resources leveraged by the program:
Dollar amount of cash and in-kind resources leveraged by your program to support
activities under this specific program during the time period from October 1-
September 30. The reported value should not include resources reported as formal
match or cost share (if applicable) and should also not include resources provided by
AmeriCorps as federal grant share or member benefits. Rather, the reported value
should reflect any actual expenditures beyond the formal budget (similar to the
“Other Revenue” funds projected in the AmeriCorps State and National grant
application). The reported amount should be backed up by your own accounting
records but does not need to follow the documentation requirements for formal
match or cost share. Resources raised by the national service participant (if
applicable) should not be included in the reported value; this value should be
reported in a separate Performance Data Element.
Required for All Grantees for Whom the Indicator Is Relevant to Their
Program Model
Please note: Relevant = something that is a significant part of a grantee’s program
design and Theory of Change
Number of hours served by recruited or managed volunteers:
Total number of hours served by volunteers that were recruited, trained, managed, or
coordinated by your program during the time period from October 1-September 30.
For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or
AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only hours served by
volunteers recruited and/or supported through the efforts of the national service
participant, and should not include hours served by the national service participants
Number of individuals affected by disaster served:
Number of individuals that received support or assistance from your program in the
areas of disaster response (immediate actions to save lives, protect property and the
environment, and/or meet basic human needs) and/or disaster recovery (longer-term
care or restoration) during the time period from October 1-September 30. For
programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or
AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only individuals
supported or assisted through the efforts of the national service participant, and
should not include the national service participants themselves. Each individual
should be counted only once even if they were assisted on more than one occasion.
Number of individuals assisted in preparing for disasters:
Number of individuals that received support or assistance from your program in the
area of disaster preparation (planning, training, educating, and/or increasing
capability in advance of potential disasters) during the time period from October 1-
September 30. For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps
members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only
individuals supported or assisted through the efforts of the national service
participant, and should not include the national service participants themselves. Each
individual should be counted only once even if they were assisted on more than one
Number of children and youth served:
Number of children and/or youth that receive support or assistance from your
program during the time period from October 1-September 30. For programs that
engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps Senior
volunteers), the count should represent only individuals supported or assisted
through the efforts of the national service participant, and should not include the
national service participants themselves. Each individual should be counted only
once even if they were assisted on more than one occasion.
Number of individuals receiving job training or placement:
Number of individuals that received support or assistance from your program in the
areas of job readiness/job skills training or job placement during the time period
from October 1-September 30. For programs that engage national service
participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count
should represent only individuals supported or assisted through the efforts of the
national service participant, and should not include the national service participants
themselves. Each individual should be counted only once even if they were assisted
on more than one occasion.
Number of individuals receiving independent living services:
Number of individuals, including seniors and persons with disabilities, that received
support or assistance from your program to facilitate independent living during the
time period from October 1-September 30. For programs that engage national
service participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the
count should represent only individuals supported or assisted through the efforts of
the national service participant, and should not include the national service
participants themselves. Each individual should be counted only once even if they
were assisted on more than one occasion.
Number of veterans served:
Number of veterans of the U.S. Armed Services that received support or assistance
from your program during the time period from October 1-September 30. For
programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or
AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only veterans supported
or assisted through the efforts of the national service participant, and should not
include the national service participants themselves. Each individual veteran should
be counted only once even if they were assisted on more than one occasion.
Number of veteran family members served:
Number of veteran family members (persons related by blood, marriage or adoption
to a veteran of the U.S. Armed Services, including one who is deceased) that received
support or assistance from your program during the time period from October 1-
September 30. For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps
members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only family
members supported or assisted through the efforts of the national service participant,
and should not include the national service participants themselves. Each family
member should be counted only once even if they were assisted on more than one
Number of military family members served:
Number of military family members (persons related by blood, marriage or adoption
to an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Services, including National Guard
members, reservists, and wounded warriors) that received support or assistance from
your program during the time period from October 1-September 30. For programs
that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps
Senior volunteers), the count should represent only family members supported or
assisted through the efforts of the national service participant, and should not include
the national service participants themselves. Each family member should be counted
only once even if they were assisted on more than one occasion.
Number of active duty military members served:
Number of active duty members of the U.S. Armed Services (including National
Guard members, reservists, and wounded warriors) that received support or
assistance from your program during the time period from October 1-September 30.
For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps members or
AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only active duty Armed
Service members supported or assisted through the efforts of the national service
participant, and should not include the national service participants themselves. Each
active duty military member should be counted only once even if they were assisted
on more than one occasion.
Dollar amount of resources leveraged by national service participants:
Dollar amount of cash and in-kind resources raised directly by national service
participants (AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers) to support
activities under this specific program during the time period from October 1-
September 30. The reported value should not include resources reported as formal
match or cost share (if applicable) and should also not include resources provided by
AmeriCorps as federal grant share or member benefits. Resources raised by program
staff should not be included in the reported value; this value should be reported in a
separate Performance Data Element.
Number of acres of public land supported:
Number of acres of public land treated by your program for the purpose of
improving the condition of the land during the time period from October 1-
September 30. For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps
members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only acres of
land treated through the efforts of the national service participant. Each acre should
be counted only once even if it was treated on more than one occasion.
Number of individuals receiving opioid/drug intervention services:
Number of individuals who received services in prevention, treatment, or post-
treatment of opioid or other drug use/abuse during the time period from October 1-
September 30. For programs that engage national service participants (AmeriCorps
members or AmeriCorps Senior volunteers), the count should represent only
individuals supported or assisted through the efforts of the national service
participant, and should not include the national service participants themselves. Each
individual should be counted only once even if they were assisted on more than one
Optional for All Grantees
Number of previously unemployed AmeriCorps members who gain
Number of AmeriCorps members who were unemployed prior to their term of
service and who secure employment during the time period from October 1-
September 30. In order to be counted, previously unemployed members must secure
employment during their term of service or within 90 days after finishing their service
term. Only AmeriCorps members who successfully complete their term of service OR
who leave service due to compelling personal circumstances (see 45 CFR §2522.230)
may be counted. “Secure employment” refers to paid, regular employment or serving
in the military/national guard. Admission to another term of AmeriCorps service does
not meet the definition of employment.
Number of veterans serving as AmeriCorps members who gain employment:
Number of veterans of the U.S. Armed Services who secure employment during the
time period from October 1-September 30. In order to be counted, veteran members
must secure employment during their term of service or within 90 days after finishing
their service term. Only AmeriCorps members who successfully complete their term
of service OR who leave service due to compelling personal circumstances (see 45
CFR §2522.230) may be counted. “Secure employment” refers to paid, regular
employment or serving in the military/national guard. Admission to another term of
AmeriCorps service does not meet the definition of employment.
Please note: Individuals who were previously unemployed AND are veterans should
be counted under both the “Number of previously unemployed AmeriCorps
members who gain employment and “Number of veterans serving as AmeriCorps
members who gain employment Performance Data Elements.
Number of AmeriCorps members who earn a high-school diploma or GED:
Number of AmeriCorps members who earn a high-school diploma or GED during the
time period from October 1-September 30. In order to be counted, members must
obtain the high-school diploma/GED during their term of service or within 90 days
after finishing their service term. Only AmeriCorps members who successfully
complete their term of service OR who leave service due to compelling personal
circumstances (see 45 CFR §2522.230) may be counted.
Number of AmeriCorps members who remain in the education field post-
Number of AmeriCorps members who accept a position in the education field during
the time period from October 1-September 30. “Position in the education field” is
defined as a position whose primary objective is to facilitate learning among
students; this includes classroom teachers, school support staff, school
administration, district administration, education non-profits, state/local/federal
government positions in the field of education, or additional education-focused
AmeriCorps service terms. In order to be counted, members must accept the position
during their term of service or within 90 days after finishing their service term. Only
AmeriCorps members who successfully complete their term of service OR who leave
service due to compelling personal circumstances (see 45 CFR §2522.230) may be
Required Only for Economic Mobility Corps Grantees
Number of certified CDFIs identified to receive AmeriCorps members:
Number of certified CDFIs identified to receive AmeriCorps members that received
support or assistance from your program during the time period from October 1-
September 30. Each certified CDFI should be counted only once.
Number of AmeriCorps members placed at one or more certified CDFIs:
Number of AmeriCorps members who are placed at one or more certified CDFI
during the time period from October 1-September 30. Each AmeriCorps member
should be counted only once even if they were placed at more than one certified
Required Only for Public Health AmeriCorps Grantees
These definitions are not included in these instructions, as PHA Performance
Data Elements should be reported on the PHA PPR. Please see the 2022 Public
Health AmeriCorps PPR Instructions for more information.