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European Journal of Applied Physiology
Muscle health andperformance inmonozygotic twins with30 years
ofdiscordant exercise habits
· JamesR.Bagley
· EdwardJo
· RobertJ.Talmadge
· IreneS.Tobias
· JaredW.Coburn
· JoseA.Arevalo
· NancyL.Segal
· AndrewJ.Galpin
Received: 30 April 2018 / Accepted: 10 July 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Introduction Physical health and function depend upon both genetic inheritance and environmental factors (e.g., exercise
Purpose To enhance the understanding of heritability/adaptability, we explored the skeletal muscle health and physiological
performance of monozygotic (MZ) twins with > 30 years of chronic endurance training vs. no specific/consistent exercise.
Methods One pair of male MZ twins (age = 52 years; Trained Twin, TT; Untrained Twin, UT) underwent analyses of: (1)
anthropometric characteristics and blood profiles, (2) markers of cardiovascular and pulmonary health, and (3) skeletal
muscle size, strength, and power and molecular markers of muscle health.
Results This case study represents the most comprehensive physiological comparison of MZ twins with this length and
magnitude of differing exercise history. TT exhibited: (1) lower body mass, body fat%, resting heart rate, blood pressure,
cholesterol, triglycerides, and plasma glucose, (2) greater relative cycling power, anaerobic endurance, and aerobic capac-
ity (VO
max), but lower muscle size/strength and poorer muscle quality, (3) more MHC I (slow-twitch) and fewer MHC
IIa (fast-twitch) fibers, (4) greater AMPK protein expression, and (5) greater PAX7, IGF1Ec, IGF1Ea, and FN14 mRNA
expression than UT.
Conclusions Several measured differences are the largest reported between MZ twins (TT expressed 55% more MHC I fibers,
12.4ml/kg/min greater VO
max, and 8.6% lower body fat% vs. UT). These data collectively (a) support utilizing chronic
endurance training to improve body composition and cardiovascular health and (b) suggest the cardiovascular and skeletal
muscle systems exhibit greater plasticity than previously thought, further highlighting the importance of studying MZ twins
with large (long-term) differences in exposomes.
Keywords Fiber type· Myosin heavy chain· Maximal oxygen consumption· Endurance training· FN14· PAX7· Body
composition· AMPK· Aerobic exercise· Aging
%BF Body fat percentage
AMPK 5 AMP-activated protein kinase
B2M β-2-microglobulin
Communicated by William J. Kraemer.
Katherine E. Bathgate and James R. Bagley contributed equally to
this work.
* Andrew J. Galpin
Biochemistry andMolecular Exercise Physiology
Laboratory, Center forSport Performance, Department
ofKinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, 800
North State College Blvd., KHS-121, Fullerton, CA92834,
Muscle Physiology Laboratory, Department ofKinesiology,
San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave. GYM
101, SanFrancisco, CA94132, USA
Human Performance Research Laboratory, California State
Polytechnic University, 3801 W. Temple Ave. 66-213,
Pomona, CA91768, USA
Department ofBiological Sciences, California State
Polytechnic University, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pomona,
CA91768, USA
Department ofPsychology, California State University,
Fullerton, 800 North State College Blvd., Fullerton,
CA92834, USA
European Journal of Applied Physiology
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BMC Bone mineral content
BMD Bone mineral density
CHOL Total cholesterol
CS Citrate synthase
CSA Muscular cross-sectional area
DBP Diastolic blood pressure
DXA Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
ECL Enhanced chemiluminescent
EI Echo intensity
Forced expiatory volume in the first second
FM Fat mass
FVC Forced vital capacity
HbA1c Glycosylated hemoglobin
HDL High-density lipoprotein
IGF1Ea Insulin-like growth factor a
IGF1Ec Mechano-growth factor
kcal Kilocalorie
LDL Low-density lipoprotein
LM Lean mass
MHC Myosin heavy chain
MSTN Myostatin
MT Muscle thickness
MVIC Maximal voluntary isometric contraction
MyHC Myosin heavy chain gene
MZ Monozygotic
NOS3 Endothelial nitric oxide synthase
PP Peak power
PPIA Cyclophilin
QRT-PCR Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction
RER Respiratory exchange ratio
RHR Resting heart rate
RPE Rating of perceived exertion
RPM Rotations per minute
SBP Systolic blood pressure
TFAM Transcription factor A of the mitochondria
TNF Tumor necrosis factor
TRIG Triglycerides
TT Trained twin
UT Untrained twin
VAT Visceral adipose tissue
VEGFA Vascular endothelial growth factor
VL Vastus lateralis
max Maximal aerobic capacity
WAnT Wingate anaerobic test
WEEE Weekly estimated energy expenditure
Chronic physical exercise reduces the risk of all-cause
mortality and increases longevity. The efficacy of exercise
training is widespread, well documented, and evident across
all physiological systems. Human research studies have dif-
ficulty controlling for genetic inheritance, making it chal-
lenging to discern which specific physiological character-
istics adapt to exercise, and to what extent (Boomsma etal.
2002). Fortunately, monozygotic (MZ) human twins (who
share all their genes) with differing physical activity patterns
alleviate this issue and are therefore preeminent research
targets (Hannukainen etal. 2011; Leskinen etal. 2011; Rot-
tensteiner etal. 2015; Boomsma etal. 2002; Segal 2017).
Previous investigations have analyzed MZ twins with
either long-term (several decades) and moderate differ-
ences in physical activity (e.g., walkers vs. sedentary) or
short-term (months-years) and large differences in physical
activity (e.g., high-intensity endurance training programs
vs. sedentary) (Adams etal. 1985; Fagard etal. 1991, 1987;
Klissouras and Pigozzi 2009). This heterogeneity in study
designs may partially explain why heritability estimates of
measures, such as maximal oxygen consumption (VO
range broadly from ~ 25 to 96% (Adams etal. 1985; Fagard
etal. 1991, 1987; Klissouras and Pigozzi 2009). The plastic-
ity of other markers of sport performance, physical fitness,
muscle function, body composition, metabolic health, and
the epigenome are equally difficult to interpret (Leskinen
etal. 2010, 2011; Rottensteiner etal. 2015; Hannukainen
etal. 2011; Segal 2017; Danis etal. 2003; Thomis etal.
1998). To date, no investigation has comprehensively
assessed the physiological profiles of human MZ twins with
both long-term and large differences in exercise habits.
We had the unique opportunity to study a pair of 52-year-
old male MZ twins with similar exposomes (i.e., totality
of human environmental exposures) during development
(to approximately age 20 years), but significantly divergent
exercise patterns for the past three decades. One brother
[the exercise-trained twin (TT)] regularly engaged in rig-
orous endurance training, competing in triathlons and dis-
tance running events for the past 30 years; conversely, the
untrained twin (UT) did not engage in regular exercise other
than normal activities of daily living. The purpose of this
study was to explore the effects of 30years of endurance
training on skeletal muscle health and physiological perfor-
mance in these twins.
Two male monozygotic twins (age = 52 years) volunteered
for this study. TT regularly engaged in various modes of
endurance exercise and competed in multiple marathons and
triathlons [logged ~ 63,458 running km (39,431 miles) from
July 1993 to June 2015; All Word Bronze Level Ironman
qualifier in 2005]. Conversely, UT did not engage in regular
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exercise other than normal activities of daily living. The
twins self-identified as Caucasian and originated from the
Midwestern United States; TT worked as a high school track
coach and UT was a truck driver. Written informed consent
was obtained from subjects prior to testing; this study was
approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board for
Human Subjects.
Experimental design andcontrols
The twins underwent a battery of tests (conducted over
three consecutive days) to analyze (1) anthropometric char-
acteristic and blood profiles, (2) markers of cardiovascular
and pulmonary health, and (3) whole muscle size, strength,
and power and molecular markers of skeletal muscle health
(see detailed methods in subsequent sections). Prior to vis-
iting the laboratory, participants completed informed con-
sent forms, submitted DNA samples to confirm zygosity,
underwent fasted blood panels from personal physicians,
and tracked normal physical activity patterns and dietary
intake using a cell phone application (MyFitnessPal; San
Francisco, CA, USA) for seven consecutive days before the
first visit. Additionally, the twins completed detailed written
questionnaires and follow-up oral interviews to determine
exercise histories; TT also provided proof of participation
in competitive events (e.g., pictures, medals, certificates,
race numbers, etc.) along with hand-written training logs
from 1980-current. To determine current physical activity
and dietary habits, researchers extracted exercise frequency,
intensity, duration, weekly energy expenditure due to exer-
cise (WEEE), kilocalorie (kcal) consumption, and macronu-
trient composition from the twin’s MyFitnessPal accounts.
The twins’ monozygosity was confirmed by Affiliated
Genetics (now Taueret Laboratories; Salt Lake City, UT,
USA) via analyses of fifteen short tandem repeat markers
(STRs). The probability of the twins being MZ was greater
than 99%.
During Visit 1, researchers collected medical and exer-
cise history questionnaires and performed anthropometric,
pulmonary, whole muscle size (ultrasound), strength, and
power measures; additionally, the twins were familiarized
with VO
max procedures and equipment. During Visit 2,
the twins completed body composition testing via dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and VO
max tests
on a cycle ergometer. Finally, during Visit 3 they under-
went resting muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis, VL) and
completed Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT). All testings
were conducted at the same location/time of day, and by
the same technicians; however, TT and UT were tested on
separate days to avoid competition or other unnecessary
interferences, and to minimize halo effects. The twins were
also cautioned not to discuss any of the tests until both
had completed them and they complied fully. Furthermore,
neither twin was given access to any findings until both
had completed all visits.
The twins were housed in a hotel adjacent to the labora-
tory the day before Visit 1 through the completion of Visit
3. Participants were instructed to refrain from extraordi-
nary physical activity, drugs, and alcohol at least 48h
prior to Visit 1, sleep 8h before each visit, and eat their
typical diets during the testing period. They were allowed
to continue with normal caffeine habits (although neither
twin regularly consumed coffee). Participants were asked
to consume 500ml of water the night before and 1L of
water the morning of each visit to standardize hydration.
Anthropometric measures andblood profiles
Height and body mass were measured with a stadiometer
and digital Health-o-meter scale (792KL, Bridgeview, IL)
and body composition [lean mass (LM), fat mass (FM),
total body fat percentage (%BF), visceral adipose tissue
(VAT), bone mineral content (BMC), and bone mineral
density (BMD)] was assessed via DXA (Hologic Discov-
ery-QDR Series Densitometer, Bedford, MA). A three-
compartment model of body composition was applied
through which FM and non-bone LM (i.e., lean mass—
bone mineral content) was analyzed for the whole body.
Prior to the scan, participants were made free from metal-
lic clothing and accessories, required to empty their blad-
der, and refrained from consuming liquids or mineral sup-
plements. The DXA machine was calibrated before each
scan using a manufacturer-provided phantom. All DXA
measurements and analyses were conducted by a single
certified technologist.
Each twin also obtained fasting blood profiles prior to
Visit 1 [TT was conducted by LabCorp (Dublin, OH) and
UT by Kaiser Permanente (Panorama City, CA, USA)].
Analyses included total cholesterol (CHOL), low-density
lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL), tri-
glycerides (TRIG), plasma glucose, and glycosylated hemo-
globin (HbA1c).
Cardiorespiratory health
Resting heart rate (RHR), blood pressure, VO
max, and pul-
monary function were measured to assess cardiorespiratory
health of the TT and UT. For resting measures, participants
laid supine for 20min before analysis of RHR via a polar
heart rate monitor (Polar, Olulu, Finland) and systolic (SBP)
and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures via e-sphyg 2 sphyg-
momanometer (American Diagnostic Corporation, Haup-
pauge, NY, USA).
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Maximal oxygen consumption
max was assessed using maximal graded cycling test
protocols with an open-circuit indirect calorimeter (Par-
voMedics TrueOne
2400, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)
and a cycle ergometer (Cosmed LC7, Monark Exercise
AB, Varburg, Sweden) administered in a thermo-neutral
(~ 24°C) laboratory. Participants reported to the labora-
tory following at least 8h of no strenuous activity and
rested quietly seated for 10min before testing. Subjects
were then fitted with a rubber-ventilated mask with a one-
way valve interfaced to the indirect calorimeter via corru-
gated plastic tubing as well as a wireless heart rate moni-
tor (Polar, Oulu, Finland). Participants were instructed to
cycle at a constant rate of 70 revolutions per minute (rpm)
during the graded exercise test. Due to the large differ-
ence in anticipated fitness level, TT initiated the test at a
constant workload of 125W with a 25W increase every
minute until exhaustion. UT started at a constant work-
load of 110W with 15W increases each minute for the
first 5min, and a 25W increase every minute thereafter
until exhaustion. After each stage, participants were asked
to report a rating a perceived exertion (RPE) using the
Borg Scale. A valid VO
max measurement was defined
as the highest VO
reached within the last minute of the
test while satisfying the following criteria: RPE > 18,
respiratory exchange ratio (RER) > 1.1, heart rate > 90%
of the predicted maximum heart rate (220-age), and VO
plateaued within the last 30s. Prior to each test, calibra-
tion procedures were conducted for the flow meter using a
3.0-L syringe and for the gas analyzer with verified gases
of known concentrations.
Pulmonary function
Pulmonary function was assessed using a spirometer
(Spirolab II, SDI Diagnostics, Easton, MA, USA). Partici-
pants wore a nose clip and sealed their lips around the dis-
posable turbine filter. They were instructed to breathe in as
hard as possible (maximal inspiration), then immediately
exhale as fast, hard, and long as possible (maximal expira-
tion). The best forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expia-
tory volume in the first second (FEV
) of five attempts was
Skeletal muscle health
Whole muscle size, strength, and power were assessed.
Additionally, protein and gene expression were measured for
various markers of fiber type, metabolism, growth, repair,
and inflammation.
Whole muscle size andquality
The right VL of each twin was assessed for muscular cross-
sectional area (CSA), muscle thickness (MT), and echo
intensity (EI; a proxy for muscle quality) using a portable
brightness mode (B-mode) ultrasound machine (GE/Logic
e, Wauwatosa, WI) with a 10-MHz linear array probe by the
same researcher for both twins. The researchers marked a
line at the midpoint of the lateral knee joint surface and the
anterior superior iliac spine. Two more lines were drawn 2
and 4cm distal to the midpoint. Constant minimal pressure
was applied with the probe over the skin to avoid compres-
sion of the musculature and transmission gel was used to
improve acoustic collection. Images were acquired as the
transducer was manually moved mediolaterally along the
marked lines on the skin. Three images from each of the
three marked locations were analyzed using publicly avail-
able software. CSA, MT, and EI of each location were deter-
mined by the mean of the three measurements for each loca-
tion. CSA, MT, and EI were taken as the mean values of the
three locations.
Whole muscle strength
Quadriceps strength of the right limb was assessed by maxi-
mum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) at 90° of knee
flexion. The participant was seated and fastened securely
to a HUMAC NORM isokinetic dynamometer (CSMI Inc.,
Stoughton, MA). Three extensions at 50, 75, and 90% of
maximal perceived effort were performed as a warm-up.
Testing consisted of maximally extending the leg for ~ 4–6s.
One min of rest was given before repeating the trial (par-
ticipants remained seated in the dynamometer). Four total
attempts were given, and the highest torque was recorded
as the MVIC. Additionally, handgrip strength was tested in
both hands using a Jamar Plus handgrip dynamometer (Pat-
terson Medical, Warrenville, IL). The participants performed
three warm-up repetitions at 50, 75, and 90% of their per-
ceived maximal effort, respectively. They then performed
five maximal effort trials by squeezing the device as hard as
possible for ~ 2–4s. Volitional rest was taken between trials
and the top score was recorded.
Whole muscle power
Muscle power was measured by a WAnT. After a self-
selected warm-up (~ 5min of light stretching and 5min of
light cycling; Monark ergometer 893E, Monark Exercise
AB, Varburg, Sweden), participants performed five sprints
(5s each) at ~ 95% of perceived maximal effort (1min rest
between each sprint) prior to a maximal effort WAnT. Partic-
ipants cycled between 30 and 50 rotations per minute (RPM)
for 10s at one-third of the prescribed resistance. After 10s,
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participants increased their RPM to a near-maximal rate as
the technician loaded the basket to the full resistance (7.5%
body mass). The basket was immediately dropped and the
participants cycled for 30s at maximum effort. The highest
power produced over a 5-s period was considered the peak
power (PP). Anaerobic capacity was defined by the aver-
age power throughout the 30s. Absolute power decline was
considered as PP subtracted by the lowest 5s power output.
Muscle biopsy
During Visit 3, after an overnight fast (> 12h) and refraining
from exercise (≥ 16h since VO
max test), participants rested
supine for 30min. A mark was made mid-muscle belly (half-
way between the greater trochanter and patella), cleaned
with iodine and anesthetized with 1% lidocaine/xylocaine
(without epinephrine). A small incision was made, then tis-
sue (~ 100mg) was obtained using the Bergström technique
with applied suction as described previously (Murach etal.
2016; Bagley etal. 2017; Tobias etal. 2018). The muscle
samples were immediately cleansed of excess blood, fat and
connective tissue, cut into multiple ~ 15mg bundles, and
either (1) stored in cold skinning solution [(in mm): 125K
propionate, 2.0 EGTA, 4.0 ATP, 1.0 MgCl
, 20.0 imidazole
(pH 7.0), and 50% (v/v) glycerol] at 4°C or (2) rapidly fro-
zen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at − 80°C. The incision
site was cleaned and covered with sterile gauze and cohesive
bandage tape.
Muscle fiber type
Muscle fiber composition was classified by myosin heavy
chain protein (MHC) isoform, as well as myosin heavy chain
gene (MyHC) expression. MHC isoforms were identified
using both single fibers (to determine fiber type % distribu-
tion) and homogenized samples (to determine % area that
each fiber type comprises).
Detailed methods for single muscle fiber typing via
SDS-PAGE were published previously (Murach etal.
2016; Bagley etal. 2017; Tobias etal. 2018). Briefly, indi-
vidual muscle fibers were randomly selected and extracted
longitudinally in a physiological buffer using fine-tipped
tweezers under a light microscope at room temperature and
placed into 80µl SDS buffer [10% SDS, 6mg ml
0.06m Tris (pH 6.8), 2mg ml
bromophenol blue, 15%
glycerol, and 5% b-mercaptoethanol]. For homogenate
analysis, entire bundles were mechanically homogenized,
and boiled for 90s then placed in 1ml of sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) buffer. Aliquots were loaded into individual
wells in a 3.5% loading gel and 5% separating gel and run
at 5°C (SE 600 Series; Hoefer, San Francisco, CA, USA)
and silver stained as described previously (Murach etal.
2016; Bagley etal. 2017; Tobias etal. 2018). Fiber types
were identified as MHC I, I/IIa, IIa, IIa/IIx, IIx, or I/IIa/IIx
for single fibers. For homogenate samples, band densitom-
etry was analyzed via ImageJ software (National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD) to calculate the relative amount
of MHC I, MHC IIa, and MHC IIx isoform in each sample.
The TT and UT muscle samples were also analyzed for
relative levels of MyHC 1 (MYH7), MyHC 2a (MYH2),
and MyHC 2x (MYH1) mRNAs (see Muscle gene expres-
sion section for detailed methods).
AMPK protein expression
5AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) protein subu-
nits were analyzed as markers of cellular metabolism.
Primary antibodies for AMPK α1 (ab32047) and AMPK
γ1 (ab32508) were purchased from AbCam (Cambridge,
MA). The primary antibody for tubulin (2125) and the sec-
ondary HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (7074)
were from Cell Signaling Technology. Detailed methods
for AMPK protein analysis were published previously
(Tobias etal. 2018). Briefly, fiber bundles were homog-
enized using a pellet pestle in Buffer A (1% SDS, 23mM
EDTA, 10% glycerol, 400mM β-mercaptoethanol, pH
6.8), incubated at 95°C for 5min, solubilized and stored
at − 20°C until analysis. Total protein concentration was
measured using a Bradford assay and adjusted via dilu-
tion in Buffer A to normalize total protein loading. Fiber
homogenates stored in Buffer A were combined with 20%
Buffer B (1% SDS, 23mM EDTA, 10% glycerol, 400mM
β-mercaptoethanol, pH 6.8) for western blot analysis of
AMPK isoforms. Samples were run on an 8% separating
polyacrylamide gel at 200V for 90min using Buffer C
(β-mercaptoethanol, pH 6.8) and wet transferred to PVDF
membrane for 3h at 80V using a transfer buffer contain-
ing 192mM glycine, 25mM Tris-base and 20% methanol.
Immediately following transfer, membrane was blocked
for 60min in 5% non-fat milk powder (BioRad, Hercu-
les, CA, USA) dissolved in Buffer D (20mM Tris-base,
150mM NaCl, 0.05% Tween-20). Membrane was then
rinsed (3×, 5min each) in Buffer D and rocked overnight
at 4°C in primary antibody diluted in 5% BSA in Buffer D
(1:2000 for AMPK α1 and 1:1000 for tubulin) or 5% milk
in Buffer D (1:1000 for AMPK γ1). Following another
round of rinsing three times in Buffer D, membrane was
then rocked at room temperature for 90min in secondary
antibody diluted 1:2000 in 5% non-fat milk in Buffer D.
Following a final round of rinsing three times in Buffer D,
membrane was developed with SuperSignal
West Femto
enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) substrate diluted 1:10
in SuperSignal
West Pico ECL substrate and imaged
using an Omega Lum™ C imaging system (Aplegen Gel
Company, San Francisco, CA, USA).
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Muscle gene expression
Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reac-
tion (QRT-PCR) methods were used to quantify selected
mRNAs associated with: (1) skeletal muscle fiber type
[MyHC 1 (MYH7), MyHC 2a (MYH2), MyHC 2× (MYH1)]
(Welle etal. 1999), (2) oxidative metabolism [transcription
factor A of the mitochondria (TFAM), citrate synthase (CS)]
(Mancini etal. 2017; Scribbans etal. 2017), (3) angiogenesis
[endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3), vascular endothe-
lial growth factor (VEGFA)] (Mancini etal. 2017), (4) mus-
cular growth and repair [myostatin (MSTN), Pax7 (PAX7),
mechano-growth factor (IGF1Ec), insulin-like growth factor
a (IGF1Ea), MyoD (MYOD1)] (Hameed etal. 2003; Pessina
etal. 2010; Silvennoinen etal. 2015), and (5) inflammatory
responses [TWEAK (TNFSF12), FN14 TWEAK receptor
(TNFRSF12A), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF)].
Briefly, a portion of each sample (stored at − 80°C) was
used for total RNA isolation using Trizol, purified with
RNAqueous micro kit reagents and minicolumns (Invitrogen,
ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA) and stored at − 80°C.
Reverse transcription was performed using Vilo Super-
script IV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, ThermoFisher,
Waltham, MA, USA) and random primers. The relative
levels of each mRNA were quantified using the specific
primer pairs (see Table1) in a real-time Sybr Green-based
RT-PCR procedure using the Fast SYBR
Green Master
Mix (Applied Biosystems, ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA,
USA). For QRT-PCR quantification, the cycle thresholds
were obtained for β-2-microglobulin (B2M) and cyclophilin
(PPIA) as normalizing genes (Li etal. 2015) and the ∆∆CT
method was used for calculation of relative expression levels
(Livak and Schmittgen 2001). Cycle threshold levels were
set at the mid-exponential phase for each gene from all sam-
ples (in triplicate) in a single run.
Data analysis
Percent differences between TT and UT were analyzed for
select variables using MS Office Excel 2013 (Microsoft,
Redmond, WA, USA). Relative gene expression data were
calculated as described above (presented in arbitrary units).
Exercise histories
The twins exhibited divergent physical patterns since the
mid-1980s. Both TT and UT participated in recreational
sports (e.g., baseball and basketball) from ages 10–20
(1973–1983). UT remained recreationally active in bas-
ketball and light cycling (~ 4× per week) from ages 20–39
(1983–1999), but has not been involved in recreational
sports and been otherwise relatively inactive since ~ 1999
(around this time, UT sustained a moderate ankle injury with
pain that has persisted to date).
TT began running cross-country/track competitively in
high school, competed in collegiate cross-country/track, and
was selected to All-Conference Team in 1985. After college,
Table 1 Primers for selected genes used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Primers for TWEAK, FN14 and TNF were designed for this study using published sequences in the NCBI database
Human gene name (common name) Forward primer (5–3) Reverse primer (5–3)
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TT continued endurance training and began competing in
running road races (best marathon time: 3:01:07 in 1993).
His best marathon times were relatively consistent over 20
years, with only a 6.9% increase in race time from 1985
(3:03:10) to 2005 (3:15:05). From ages 30–40 (1993–2003)
TT continued endurance training and began resistance train-
ing (2–3× per week). From ages 40–50 (2003–2013), TT
recorded ~ 34,195 running kilometers (~ 21,248 miles). He
also engaged in cycling, resistance training, and swimming
2–3× per week. He competed in one Ironman triathlon (time:
12:33:59), two half Ironman triathlons, two Olympic triath-
lons, two marathons, and 45 other running races.
Pre‑study physical activity anddietary habits
Self-recorded physical activity patterns differed between
TT and UT during the week before testing. TT reported
averaging 69min of endurance exercise per day [running
at 5.3min/km (8.5min/mile) pace] and three days of upper
body resistance training per week. UT recorded an aver-
age of 22min of walking each day. This resulted in an
estimated WEEE of 7594kcal for TT and 204kcal for UT
(189.5% difference). TT reported consuming an average
of 3517 ± 515kcal per day (51% carbohydrate, 33% fat,
and 15% protein), while UT consumed 1,741 ± 787kcal
per day (31% carbohydrate, 42% fat, and 27% protein). TT
consumed ~ 173kcal over his estimated total daily energy
expenditure (TDEE), while UT consumed ~ 208kcal over
his estimated TDEE (TDEE includes estimated resting meta-
bolic rate and energy expenditure from physical activity).
Anthropometric measures
TT was 186cm tall and weighed 94.0kg (BMI: 27.2kg/
, overweight), while UT was 183cm tall and weighed
104.5kg (BMI: 31.2kg/m
, obese class I).
Body composition
Total LM was the same between twins (74.72 vs. 74.64kg),
but UT had 47.3% greater total body fat mass. In addition,
UT demonstrated 43.3% greater estimated VAT mass and
area than TT (551 vs. 355g). Both total BMC and BMD
were similar between twins (see Table2).
Resting heart rate, blood pressure, andblood
RHR was 30.3% higher in UT (42 vs. 57bpm). Resting BP
for the TT was 122/57mmHg (Category: Elevated) and
132/77mmHg for UT (Category: Stage 1 hypertension)
(Whelton etal. 2017). TT displayed lower total cholesterol,
LDL, triglycerides, plasma glucose, and cholesterol/HDL
(2.7 vs. 3.5) (see Table2).
Maximal oxygen consumption
TT had a 30.1 and 23.8% higher relative (47.5 vs. 35.1ml/
kg/min) and absolute (4.66 vs. 3.67L/min) VO
max, respec-
tively. The final completed stages were 350W for TT and
300W for UT. Maximum HR during the test was 157bpm
for TT and 178bpm for UT (11.8% difference). Peak RER
was 1.17 for TT and 1.25 for UT (6.4% difference) and maxi-
mum ventilation (VE) was of 124.2L/min for TT and 118.7
for UT (4.4% difference). Final RPE was 18 for TT and 19
for UT (on the 6–21 Borg Scale).
Pulmonary function
FVC was similar (6.01 vs. 5.88l) for TT and UT, respec-
tively. However, UT slightly exceeded TT in FEV
(4.47 vs.
4.76l, 6.3% difference) and FEV
% (74.4 vs. 81.0%, 8.5%
Muscle size andperformance
Average CSA and MT of the vastus lateralis differed by 4.5%
(larger in UT; 1,050 vs. 1098cm
and 15.4 vs. 16.1cm,
respectively). EI was also higher in the UT (64.1 vs. 77.1
AU), but to a much larger magnitude (18.4%).
Muscle strength
The TT knee extensors produced 60% less torque during the
IMVC (137 vs. 254Nm). When normalized to LM, TT still
produced less torque (1.83 vs. 3.40Nm/kg, 60% difference).
Table 2 Body composition and blood profiles of male monozygotic
(MZ) twins with 30 years of discordant exercise training histories
NF% body fat percentage, BMC bone mineral content, BMD bone
mineral density, LDL low-density lipoprotein, HDL high-density lipo-
protein, HbA1c glycosylated hemoglobin
Body composition Trained
twin (TT)
twin (UT)
% Difference
BF% 19.2 27.8 − 36.6
BMC (g) 3.65 3.58 1.9
BMD (g/cm
) 1.39 1.35 2.9
Fasted blood profile
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 172 202 − 16.0
LDL (mg/dl) 92 124 − 29.6
HDL (mg/dl) 64 57 11.6
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 81 107 − 27.7
Plasma glucose (mg/dL) 86 102 − 17.0
HbA1c (%) 5.8 5.7 1.7
European Journal of Applied Physiology
1 3
Similarly, TT produced 24 and 17% less force in his right
(44.3 vs. 56.5kg) and left hand (43.7 vs. 51.7kg) than UT,
respectively. When normalized to LM TT still displayed less
force in both hands (right = 59 vs. 76% of LBM, 25.2% dif-
ference; left = 58 vs. 69% of LM, 17.3% difference).
TT and UT displayed similar absolute peak power dur-
ing the WAnT (788 vs. 784W). However, TT had a greater
relative peak power (8.38 vs. 7.53W/kg, 10.7% difference)
and 43.7% less absolute power decline (237 vs. 370W) and
power drop (34.2% vs. 48.9%, 5.33% difference). TT dis-
played higher average absolute power (665 vs. 585W, 12.9%
difference) and higher average relative power (7.08 vs.
5.62W/kg, 23.0% difference). Despite this, TT took 46.7%
more time to reach peak power than UT (3.20 vs. 1.99s).
Muscle fiber type
Single fiber MHC
A total of 213 single fibers were analyzed for MHC isoform.
Fiber-type distributions for TT and UT are shown in Fig.1a.
TT had 2.4× more MHC I fibers, 13.3× fewer MHC II fibers,
and 10× fewer hybrid fibers (i.e., MHC I/IIa, IIa/IIx, and I/
Homogenate MHC
The composition of MHC content (i.e., from homogenate
muscle samples) displays the total myofibrillar protein area
that each MHC-type encompasses. These data mirrored the
single fiber MHC findings (see Fig.1b). TT muscle had 1.5
times more MHC I, 5 times less MHC IIa and 14 times less
MHC IIx protein vs. UT.
MHC gene expression
As shown in Fig.1-C, MyHC 2x was expressed at a lower
level in TT relative to UT. No differences were observed in
MyHC I or IIa expression between subjects.
AMPK protein expression
Relative isoform expression was measured for AMPK
α1 (catalytic subunit) and AMPK γ1 (regulatory subu-
nit) with tubulin as a standard loading control in the fiber
Fig. 1 Vastus lateralis fiber
type in monozygotic (MZ)
twins [trained twin (TT) vs.
untrained twin (UT)]. a Single
muscle fiber myosin heavy
chain (MHC) fiber-type percent
(%) distribution (total hybrids:
MHC I/IIa, IIa/IIx, and I/IIa/
IIx fibers). b Homogenate
MHC fiber-type % composition
(unable to identify hybrids with
homogenate method). c Relative
myosin heavy chain (MyHC)
mRNA expression at rest
(arbitrary units, AU). MyHC I
(MYH7), MyHC IIa (MYH2),
European Journal of Applied Physiology
1 3
homogenates (Fig.2). TT exhibited higher expression of
both isoforms.
Muscle gene expression
No differences were observed between TT and UT in mark-
ers of oxidative metabolism or angiogenesis gene products
(Fig.3a, b). Some differences were observed in the expres-
sion of genes related to muscle growth and repair, including
elevations in PAX7, IGF1Ec and IGF1Ea, and lower MYOD1
in the TT (Fig.3c). The only difference in the expression of
inflammatory response markers was an elevation in FN14
in TT (Fig.3d).
This study represents the most comprehensive physiologi-
cal comparison of MZ twins with this length and magni-
tude of differing exercise histories to date. Major findings
were that TT exhibited: (1) lower total body mass and %BF,
(2) lower RHR, BP, total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides,
and plasma glucose levels, (3) a higher aerobic capacity
max), (4) lower quadriceps muscle size and strength,
poorer muscle quality, but greater relative cycling power
and anaerobic endurance, (5) more MHC I (slow-twitch) and
fewer MHC IIa (fast-twitch) and hybrid muscle fibers, (6)
greater muscle AMPK α1 and γ1 protein expression, and (7)
elevated expression of muscle growth, repair, and inflamma-
tory mRNA markers (i.e., PAX7, IGF1Ec, IGF1Ea, FN14)
compared to the UT. The magnitude of difference in several
of the health, cardiovascular, and muscular strength meas-
ures are larger than research on MZ twins with 3–30years
of discordant physical activity patterns (Hannukainen etal.
2011; Rottensteiner etal. 2015; Leskinen etal. 2010) (see
Table3). The variables with the largest differences between
twins (i.e., > 24%) were TRIG, LDL, WEEE, body composi-
tion, VO
max, grip strength, and leg strength; all of which
are independent and significant predictors of mortality (Vol-
aklis etal. 2015).
Body composition differed to a greater extent than similar
twin research (Leskinen etal. 2010) (see Table3). Total
muscle mass was similar between TT and UT, meaning the
differences in total body mass (10.5kg) were almost entirely
explained by fat mass (17.8 vs. 28.8kg). When compared
to age- and sex-specific normative data for %BF, UT was
placed in the 38th percentile, while TT was in the second
percentile (Kelly etal. 2009). These body composition dif-
ferences may not be explained solely by the divergent exer-
cise habits as other lifestyle factors likely contributed as well.
For example, our short-term dietary tracking data indicate
UT consumed 35 more kcals over his estimated TDEE than
TT. This small difference may account for ~ 7kg of addi-
tional body mass [(35 kcal*52 weeks*30years)/7700kcal/
kg] when extrapolated over 30years. These might explain
why UT demonstrated ~ 43% greater VAT mass than TT.
As anticipated, our data show that chronic endurance
training improves most markers of cardiovascular health.
Previous studies have reported an average decrease of
3–5bpm in RHR after 10–20 weeks of endurance training
(Cornelissen etal. 2010; Wilmore etal. 1996), which is far
less than the 15bpm difference found in the current study.
In concert, a meta-analysis concluded that on average, exer-
cise reduces SBP by 3.84mmHg and DBP by 2.58mm Hg
(Whelton etal. 2002). Our data suggest the physiological
potential for a much larger difference as TT was 10mmHg
(SBP) and 20mm Hg (DBP) lower than UT. The length of
the discordance in activity (30years) could likely explain
the dissimilarity as most of the studies included in the
meta-analysis only ranged from 3 weeks to 2years. TT also
demonstrated healthier CHOL, TRIG, LDL, HDL, and fast-
ing blood glucose concentrations, which agrees with other
research (Leskinen etal. 2010; Rottensteiner etal. 2015).
However, the magnitude of difference between our twins
was similar (HDL), less than (TRIG), and greater (fasting
glucose and CHOL) than comparable research (Leskinen
etal. 2010; Rottensteiner etal. 2015) (see Table3).
VL size (CSA and MT) was similar between TT and
UT. Yet, VL quality (EI) and overall strength were better
in UT. This has important health implications as quadricep
Fig. 2 Relative expression of
5AMP-activated protein kinase
(AMPK) protein isoforms,
AMPK α1 (catalytic subunit)
and AMPK γ1 (regulatory
subunit) with tubulin as a stand-
ard loading control in vastus
lateralis homogenate samples
from the trained twin (TT) vs.
untrained twin (UT). AMPK γ1
was below the limit of detection
in UT
European Journal of Applied Physiology
1 3
EI correlates with functional strength in middle-aged adults
(Fukumoto etal. 2012). The lower muscle quality in TT
differs from previous findings (Leskinen etal. 2009), where
inactive twins exhibited more intramuscular thigh fat com-
pared to their trained counterparts. This difference could be
explained by our use of ultrasound vs. magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) used by Leskinen etal. 2009. While MRI is
considered a “gold standard” to measure intramuscular fat
and muscle size, there is no general consensus on standard
assessment tools for muscle quality. Diagnostic ultrasound
is gaining popularity as an imaging modality due to its port-
ability and relative affordability (Correa-de-Araujo etal.
The stronger grip of UT is possibly a result of his delivery
truck occupation, yet this remains speculative. Explanation
for the differences in VL quality and strength is also not
clear, and counter to previous research which suggested the
more active twin should be favored (Leskinen etal. 2010).
Fig. 3 Resting vastus later-
alis mRNA expression of
select genes related to skeletal
muscle: a oxidative metabo-
lism [transcription factor A
of the mitochondria (TFAM),
citrate synthase (CS)], b
angiogenesis [endothelial
nitric oxide synthase (eNOS),
vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF)], c growth and
repair [myostatin (MSTN),
Pax7 (PAX7), mechano-growth
factor (MGF), insulin-like
growth factor a (IGF-1), MyoD
(MYOD1)], and d inflammatory
responses [TWEAK (TNFSF12),
FN14 (TWEAK receptor;
TNFRSF12A), tumor necrosis
factor-α (TNF-α)] in the trained
twin (TT) vs. untrained twin
(UT). Relative gene expression
represented in arbitrary units
European Journal of Applied Physiology
1 3
One difference between our study and similar research
(Leskinen etal. 2010) is our TT utilized much higher train-
ing volume and a different exercise mode. In regard to mus-
cle power, PP during the WAnT did not differ between TT
and UT, but it took TT almost twice (47%) as long to reach
PP. A previous study by Jacob and colleagues also found
endurance-trained individuals produced significantly less
power during a WAnT than both untrained and sprint-trained
individuals (Jacob etal. 2002). Thus, it is unclear if TT’s
decades of endurance-running training, or other lifestyle fac-
tors, compromised the quadriceps quality, torque production,
and time to PP.
As expected, TT displayed markedly higher anaerobic and
aerobic endurances. However, the magnitude of difference
between the twins (> 30%) was larger than most previous
reports for VO
max (Table3), albeit still within the range
proposed by previous heritability research (Schutte etal.
2016). In our study, TT’s relative VO
max placed him in
the 90th percentile for males ages 50–59, while UT’s value
placed him in the 60th percentile (Riebe etal. 2018). The
divergence in maximal cardiovascular fitness has important
health implications for the twins as each metabolic equiva-
lent of task (1 MET) decrease all-cause mortality by 13–15%
(Kodama etal. 2009). The minimal differences in maximal
spirometry found here is consistent with the prior conclusion
that these measures change little with exercise training in
healthy individuals. However, previous studies report elite
marathon runners possess ~ 7% higher FVC and FEV1% than
age-matched controls (Eastwood etal. 2001), indicating a
greater reliance on genetic inheritance than exercise habits.
MHC fiber-type distribution is highly variable among
individuals, and it has been suggested that ~ 45% of one’s
fiber-type variance is solely determined by genetic factors
(Simoneau and Bouchard 1995). To provide a comprehen-
sive view of muscle fiber type, we analyzed both MHC
fiber-type distribution (i.e., fiber type of single muscle fib-
ers) and homogenate MHC fiber-type composition (i.e.,
fiber type of homogenized muscle samples). As shown in
Fig.1 (A, B), compared to UT, TT’s VL had a greater per-
cent composition of MHC I muscle fibers, as well as more
total MHC I fibers and fewer hybrid fibers. The UT fiber-
type distribution (~ 40% MHC I, ~ 40% MHC IIa, ~ 30%
hybrids) was similar to previous research in healthy/non-
exercise-trained males (~ 36% MHC I, ~ 32% MHC IIa,
~ 32% hybrids) (Dickinson etal. 2010). The predominance
of MHC I fibers (and fewer hybrid and MHC IIx fibers)
in TT was expected, but 94% MHC I fibers is amongst the
highest documented in the literature. Succinctness among
the single fiber, homogenate, and gene data support the
pronounced bias away from MHC IIx expressing fibers in
TT. Interestingly, basal MyHC I and IIa gene expression
levels were similar between twins, suggesting that down-
stream mechanisms may dictate MHC protein isoform
synthesis. This further highlights the sometimes limited
syncing of single acute measures of molecular mecha-
nisms with long-term eventual protein expression. Another
striking finding was the magnitude of difference between
fiber-type compositions in the twins. Previous estimates
suggest ~ 30% of differences in MHC I fiber type between
individuals may be explained exclusively by environment
factors (Simoneau and Bouchard 1995). Here we report
a much larger difference in MHC I fibers between twins,
highlighting the magnitude of muscle adaptability with
exercise training may be more reliant on exposomal factors
than previously thought.
AMPK regulates cellular metabolism and is activated
during acute exercise (Kjobsted etal. 2018). The cata-
lytic subunit isoform (AMPK α1) and regulatory subunit
isoform (AMPK γ1) are known to form a complex with
AMPK β2 that is only activated during long duration,
low-intensity exercise (Kjobsted etal. 2018). We found
higher expression of both AMPK α1 and γ1 isoforms in
TT, which parallels previous research showing elevated
α1 and γ1 protein concentrations after chronic endurance
Table 3 Percent differences (%)
in body composition, muscular
strength, and cardiorespiratory
fitness variables between the
trained twin (TT) and untrained
twin (UT) with 30 years of
discordant exercise training
histories (current study)
compared to the literature (13,
20, 29)
TT greater than UT, TT less that UT, 3 years 3years of discordance between twins, 30 years 30years
of discordance between twins, BMI body mass index, FM fat mass, FFM fat free mass, BF% body fat per-
centage, IMVC isometric voluntary contraction (quadriceps), Rel. VO
max relative maximal oxygen con-
sumption (ml/kg/min)
Variable Current study 3years (Hannukainen
etal. 2011)
3years (Rottensteiner
etal. 2015)
30years (Leski-
nen etal. 2010)
Body mass 10.6 03.8 02.6 08.7
BMI 13.7 04.1 03.6 07.4
FM 47.3 16.4 18.2 32.3
FFM 00.1 00.8 02.5 00.9
BF% 36.6 10.8 14.8 22.7
IMVC 59.9 04.6 17.6
Grip strength 16.8 00.6 01.3
Rel. VO2max 30.1 15.9 15.6 20.7
European Journal of Applied Physiology
1 3
training (Frosig etal. 2004). Thus, these two isoforms may
be particularly associated with long-term endurance exer-
cise adaptations.
Differences in key mRNA markers of muscle growth,
repair, and inflammation were also observed (Fig.3). Curi-
ously, TT did not show higher expression of genes related to
oxidative capacity (TFAM or CS) or angiogenesis (NOS3 or
VEGFA). These results were unexpected, considering eleva-
tions in oxidative capacity and muscle capillarization are
hallmark adaptations with endurance training. Three possi-
ble reasons could explain these findings. One, TT may have
reached a new steady state for mitochondrial and capillary
density and no longer required elevated expression of the
related genes. Second, it is possible, yet unlikely, that TT
was in a detraining state and mRNAs associated with oxida-
tive capacity and angiogenesis returned to baseline. Third,
since the muscle biopsies were obtained approximately
48h after the muscle performance testing, it is possible that
UT would have a greater response to the muscle activity
required for the performance analyses resulting in elevations
in TFAM, CS, NOS3 (eNOS), and VEGFA expression that
approached and superseded those of TT.
A clear elevation existed in the expression of two splice
variants of the IGF-1 gene in TT. Both mechano-growth fac-
tor (IGF-1Ec) and IGF-1Ea were elevated more than 50% in
TT. As both of these isoforms are secreted by skeletal mus-
cle and thought to activate muscle satellite cells (Hameed
etal. 2003), we evaluated the expression of Pax7 (a marker
for satellite cell number). A modest elevation in Pax7 was
observed for TT, suggesting elevated satellite cell content,
which would be expected with endurance training and more
MHC I fibers (slow muscle fibers have more myonuclei than
fast fibers) (Allen etal. 1995). Thus, as fibers were trans-
formed from fast to slow a greater number of myonuclei
would likely be required to maintain the elevated expression
for nuclear DNA-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Addition-
ally, MyoD (a marker for muscle precursor cell differen-
tiation) was decreased in TT, likely reflecting the smaller
proportion of MHC IIa muscle fibers as relative levels of
MyoD are highly correlated with fast muscle fibers (Hughes
etal. 1993).
TT showed an elevated FN14 gene expression, a recep-
tor for TWEAK (Tajrishi etal. 2014). The proinflammatory
cytokine system involving TWEAK, TNFa, and FN14 have
been implicated in inducing catabolic changes in muscle
with sarcopenia (Tajrishi etal. 2014). While the precise
roles of TWEAK-FN14 signaling in human skeletal muscle
require more research, early investigations suggest moder-
ate intensity endurance exercise elevates FN14 (Raue etal.
2015). The modest elevation in FN14 mRNA in TT in our
study likely reflects his primarily MHC I fiber-type composi-
tion, as resting FN14 levels have been shown to be higher in
MHC I vs. IIa fibers (Trappe etal. 2015).
This is the first study to perform a comprehensive analysis
of skeletal muscle health and physiological performance in
MZ twins with both long-term and large divergences in exer-
cise habits. Magnitudes of difference in several measures are
the largest reported between MZ twins (i.e., TT expressed
55% more MHC I fibers, 12.4ml/kg/min greater VO
and 8.6% lower %BF vs. UT). Our findings support utilizing
chronic endurance exercise training to improve body com-
position and cardiovascular health and suggest these physi-
ological systems exhibit greater plasticity than previously
thought. These results highlight the need to further study
the exposomes role on physiological adaptations across the
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Kathryn McLe-
land, Cassio Ruas, Nathan Serrano, Kara Lazauskas, and Colleen
Gulick for their assistance with this project. This research was funded
by a California State University Development of Research and Creativ-
ity (CSU-DRC) Grant to J.R. Bagley.
Author contributions JRB and AJG conceived and designed this work.
KEB, JRB, EJ, RJT, IST, JAA, and AJG performed the experiments.
All authors collected and analyzed the data. KEB, JRB, LEB, JWC,
NLS, and AJG interpreted the results of experiments. KEB, AJG,
and JRB drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Ethical standards All procedures performed in this study were in
accordance with the ethical standards of the University’s Institutional
Review Board for Human Subjects and with the 1964 Declaration of
Helsinki and its later amendments.
Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
participants included in the study.
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