PTE Academic Offline
Practice Test
Part 3: Listening
V1 June 2011
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PTE Academic Offline
Practice Test
Part 3: Listening
Part 3: Listening
This part of the test consists of questions that are based on audio or video clips. Each audio or video
clip is heard only once and notes can be taken.
Section Item type Time allowed
Section 1 2 or 3 Summarize spoken text 20 or 30 minutes
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
Fill in the blanks
Highlight correct summary
Multiple-choice, choose single answer
Select missing word
Highlight incorrect words
Section 2
Write from dictation
22-28 minutes
The practice items are on pages 2-17 and the Answer Key and Transcripts on pages 18-28.
Audio and video prompts are provided in the folder Prompts and filed by item type, e.g., Summarize
spoken text and by item number; e.g., Prompt_Summarize_spoken_text_Item_1.
This offline test does not have the same functionality as the online test so answers will need to be
hand written. Audio countdowns are not included so if timing the test, only approximations can be
Summarize spoken text – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Summarize_spoken_text_Item_1 in the Prompts folder.
Please note: In the actual PTE Academic test, a lecture is generally included for this item type.
Write your answer in the box below:
Summarize spoken text – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Summarize_spoken_text_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Write your answer in the box below:
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Multiple_choice_choose_multiple_answers_Item_1 in the Prompts
Tick your answer choices.
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Multiple_choice_choose_multiple_answers_Item_2 in the Prompts
Tick your answer choices.
Fill in the blanks – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Fill_in_the_blanks_Item_1 in the Prompts folder.
Write your answers in the blanks in the text or note your choice of words in the box below:
Fill in the blanks – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Fill_in_the_blanks_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Write your answers in the blanks in the text or note your choice of words in the box below:
Highlight correct summary – Item 1
Play video (or audio) file Prompt_Highlight_correct_summary_Item_1 in the Prompts
Tick your answer choice.
Highlight correct summary – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Highlight_correct_summary_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Tick your answer choice.
Multiple-choice, choose single answer – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Multiple_choice_choose_single_answer_Item_1 in the Prompts
Tick your answer choice.
Multiple-choice, choose single answer – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Multiple_choice_choose_single_answer_Item_2 in the Prompts
Tick your answer choice.
Select missing word – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Select_missing_word_Item_1 in the Prompts folder.
Tick your answer choice.
Select missing word – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Select_missing_word_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Tick your answer choice.
Highlight incorrect words – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Highlight_incorrect_words_Item_1 in the Prompts folder.
Circle the words in the text that are different to what you hear.
Highlight incorrect words – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Highlight_incorrect_words_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Circle the words in the text that are different to what you hear.
Write from dictation – Item 1
Play audio file Prompt_Write_from_dictation_Item_1 in the Prompts folder.
Write the sentence you hear in the space provided above.
Write from dictation – Item 2
Play audio file Prompt_Write_from_dictation_Item_2 in the Prompts folder.
Write the sentence you hear in the space provided above.
Write from dictation – Item 3
Play audio file Prompt_Write_from_dictation_Item_3 in the Prompts folder.
Write the sentence you hear in the space provided above.
Part 3 Listening: Answer Key and Transcripts
Summarize spoken text – Item 1
Scientists are discovering that when you touch someone, you communicate very specific emotions
such as sympathy, disgust, gratitude, or even love. The current issue of the scientific journal
Emotion features a series of studies about touch. Reporter Michelle Trudeau touched base with the
lead researcher.
Michelle Trudeau: Psychologist Matt Hertenstein from DePaul University in Green Castle, Indiana
decided to study touch while he was watching parents interacting with their babies - making faces and
cooing sounds, squeezing, stroking, nuzzling them.
Mr. Matt Hertenstein (DePaul University): And all of a sudden it struck me one day and I thought,
you know, I wonder if touch can communicate distinct emotions, much like the face and the voice.
Michelle Trudeau: Decades of research has been done on the face and the voice and the distinct
emotions that they communicate. But touch has been relatively neglected by researchers until
Hertenstein stepped in and began his experiments.
Mr. Matt Hertenstein: We invited two participants into the lab. And we put a curtain up between
those two people.
Michelle Trudeau: So they couldn't see or hear each other. One participant, the sender, was told to
try and communicate twelve different emotions, one by one, to the other participant, the receiver.
Mr. Matt Hertenstein: The receiver would put his or her arm underneath the curtain, on to the
sender's side.
Michelle Trudeau: The sender would then touch the receiver's forearm, trying to communicate the
specific emotion, such as envy, fear, love, embarrassment, anger, gratitude, pride, disgust. The
receiver had to then decide which emotion was being communicated.
Sample summary
It is believed that touch can communicate a wide range of specific emotions. Touch has been ignored
by researchers in the past, and has not been focused on until recently. A person describes an
experiment carried out into touch and emotion to prove that touch can communicate a range of
specific feelings.
Sample responses
Scientists have researched that touch has more emotional signals to human’s feeling, even stronger
than hear and see, for we see or hear people, we may not feel much. Scientists have done an
experiment involved in two participants, one can see and hear each other, while the other can only
touch the other one, they found that through touch people can feel more about human’s feeling, like
envy, love, etc,.
Explanation: While the response contains information related to the lecture, the test taker
misrepresents the main point, leading the reader to believe the lecture is about an experiment which
proved the importance of touch over sight and sound. This response demonstrates poor grammar
control; verbs and nouns are improperly formed and several prepositions are missing. The vocabulary
is basic and imprecise. Spelling is fine. The word count is 70 words.
Research shows emperical evidence on the role of touch in communicating emotion like gratitute, love,
anger. It can be observed through parents making face, cuddling their children. One experiment has
been made with 2 participants, one the sender and the other the receiver of touch. They are separated
by a curtain and the sender is asked to touch the receiver to communicate 12 types of emotions likes
anger, love, digusting.
Explanation: In this response the main point has been discussed and supporting points are included.
It demonstrates weak grammar control, which hinders understanding. The vocabulary used is
appropriate for the context. There are several spelling errors. The word count is 70 words.
Touch has been neglected as an avenue of communicating distinct emotions, relative to studies
involving facial and vocal communication. The journal Emotion featured studies involving touch. One
researcher was motivated to study after seeing how parents and babies use physical contact in
addition to facial and vocal expressions to communicate with one another. In one study, the sender
was asked to communicate twelve distinct emotion, e.g. fear and love.
Explanation: This response is an accurate and detailed summary of the main point and several
supporting points discussed. The grammar follows standard conventions. The vocabulary used is
appropriate for the context. There are few spelling errors. The word count is 68 words.
Summarize spoken text – Item 2
About 20 years ago Kent Anger and Barry Johnson came up with 750 chemicals that could harm the
brain during development. Nobody has since then dared to update that number, it's just a guess
today, there has to be more than a thousand if there was 750 twenty years ago. But the problem is
also that we have put too little emphasis in this type of, uh, research.
For example, it has taken so far the OECD 10 years to devise a battery of tests that they could
recommend for systematic testing of chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity. That panel, that
battery, has not yet been completed and authorized by OECD so it's taking way, way, way too long
because it is complicated. But there is so much at stake.
Children are just losing IQ points and losing their concentration span, memory or motor functions. But
in the present world where there's so much emphasis on knowledge and brain functions this can also
translate into dollars. The EPA has calculated that every time a child loses one IQ point because of
chemical pollution it costs society something like $8,000 or $10,000.
Sample summary
About twenty years ago, it was estimated that there are 750 chemicals that can affect the developing
human brain, and today there may be over 1000. There is little emphasis on the possible damage
caused to developing children from these chemicals. It has taken the OECD ten years to develop an
index to test for developmental neurotoxicity. Economically, each IQ point lost to chemical poisoning
has an impact of $8,000-$10,000.
Sample responses
The lecture mentions chemical test for brain development. There are 2 level of chemical test. The first
one is conducted by OECD on the systematic test chemical. They found that it takes a long time and
too compicated for this test. The second is carried out by EPA which tried to find out some chemical
Explanation: While the response contains several key words, it does not summarize the main issues
described by the speaker. It demonstrates weak grammar control which hinders understanding. The
vocabulary used is appropriate for the context. There is one spelling mistake. The word count is 56
About 20 years ago, scientists came up with 750 chemicals that could harm the brain. It might be
more than that nowadays. Research on the harmful chemicals is complicated and could take too long.
Chemical pollution has various effects on children, for example loss of concentration span, memory
and IQ points.
Explanation: While the response includes some main points, other key information from the passage
is omitted. This response demonstrates good control of grammar. The use of vocabulary is appropriate
within the context. There are no spelling mistakes. The word count is 51 words.
20 years ago, the list of chemicals which affected brain development was numbered at 750. Today,
this number has increased to about 1000. There is insufficient research on the testing of such
chemicals by OECD. These chemicals cause harmful effects like the lost of IQ, concentration, memory
and motor functions. It is estimated that for every lost IQ point of a child, society stands to lose 8,000
to 10,000 dollars.
Explanation: The response is an accurate and detailed summary of the main point and several
supporting points discussed in the lecture. The grammar follows standard English conventions. The
vocabulary used is appropriate for the context. There are no spelling mistakes. The word count is 70
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers – Item 1
If you think about light bulbs, they're an enormous infrastructure. They're in every building in the
world, more or less, they have kind of a privileged position above us, around us, they can see, if you
think about it, you know, most parts of any room. The kind of key was to say, well, what if we
consider a light bulb not to be a light bulb, but actually to be a digital projector. It just happens to be
really low resolution. In fact, it's a one by one pixel digital projector. You turn on the wall switch and a
giant pixel comes out and paints your room. OK, well, that's ludicrous, but what if you put a higher
resolution projector inside that same familiar glass bulb? Well, now you have a device that can
illuminate. If you turn on all the pixels the same color, you still have a light bulb in the usual sense.
But if you turn on the pixels different amounts and different colors, then you're kind of projecting
information out into the world. And if at the same time that you're doing that, you put a little tiny
camera inside the bulb, then not only is information flowing out of the glass, but you're collecting
optical information. So screw one of those into every one of these fixtures and suddenly you have a
means potentially to put, display an interaction everywhere throughout the world.
Question: The purpose of this talk is to _____
Incorrect: suggest ways to make indoor lighting more economical.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The speaker asks listeners to think about light bulbs and
what could be done with them, but does not discuss this in terms of money.
Correct: illustrate how an everyday object could inspire new technology.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker begins by considering a light bulb and what it
does, and then imagines what could be done with it. As the speaker adds features to this imaginary
light bulb, it changes from a low resolution projector, to a high resolution projector, to a device that
projects and collects optical information.
Incorrect: persuade listeners to participate in a scientific study.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker does not mention a scientific study.
Incorrect: describe an artistic exhibition using familiar items.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. Art, art galleries, museums and exhibitions are not discussed
in this recording.
Correct: encourage listeners to think creatively about mundane items.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker invites listeners to think about light bulbs then
talks about their use in an unusual way. The speaker goes on to discuss the light bulb in ways most
people don’t think about: “they’re an enormous infrastructure,” “they have a kind of privileged
position above us,” and that light bulbs each project one giant pixel that “paints” the room.
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers – Item 2
We are led to believe that basically much of eastern North America was heavily cloaked in mature
forest, forest that today we covet as old growth, and yet at one time, it was the sort of ancestral, um,
botanical blanket that covered much of certainly Massachusetts and New England. Certainly one of the
first things that happened as increasing waves of colonists arrived was the need to clear the land, um,
and this clearing of the land is something that started, um, really in the form of small, subsistence
farms, uh, the timber was used for building houses, um for building ships, for firewood, for all manner
of things. The boulders, the erratic, ah, the glacial erratic stones that were so much a part of the New
England landscape, um, are today sort of, ah, what we find in the latticework of stone walls that one
can find practically anywhere in the landscape, ah, if it's in a relatively untouched condition. By the
early part of the ,ah, nineteenth century, ah, it's thought that generally the zenith of clearing had
taken place, ah, sometime in the 1830s 1840s and the trees and the forests were essentially clear-cut,
ah, to an extent that is almost unbelievable.
Question: What happened as a result of the arrival of colonists?
Correct: Huge areas were deforested.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker says that one of the first things that happened as
increasing waves of colonists arrived was the clearing of the land. The speaker also says that
sometime in the 1830s and 1840s, the trees and the forests were essentially clear-cut.
Incorrect: Old farming methods were abandoned.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. Abandonment of old farming methods is not discussed in the
Incorrect: Large expanses were planted with new species.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because new species are not mentioned in the recording.
Incorrect: Stone quarries were depleted.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The speaker does not mention stone quarries in the
Correct: Sections of land were delineated with stones.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker says that the glacial erratic stones that were so
much a part of the New England landscape are today ‘‘sort of’’ what can be found in the latticework of
stone walls that one can find practically anywhere in the landscape. This implies that stones were used
to delineate sections of land.
Fill in the blanks – Item 1
Transcript and answers
One seminal difference in policy remains; the coalition has not matched what is Labor's most
important innovation promise. That is to bring together responsibilities for innovation, industry,
science and research under one single federal minister. Innovation responsibilities currently lie within
the powerful Department of Education and Science, and while there is a separate industry department,
it has little influence within Cabinet. This has hampered policy development and given Australia's
innovation policies a distinctly science and research bias. It is the scientists rather than the engineers
who call the tune in innovation policy in Canberra, so it's no surprise our policies are all about boosting
government funded research and later commercializing their results.
Fill in the blanks – Item 2
Transcript and answers
We've decided to adopt, just as a loose theme for the course, a biological theme so that you can see
the connections between chemistry and biology and the things that you might consider doing in the
future. We want you to think about the molecules that are relevant to your body, the processes that
occur in your body, the chemistry that's going on and how energy plays a role. And we divided the
course into four sections and after each section there will be a mid-term. The first one, or an exam.
The first one is about matter.
Highlight correct summary – Item 1
So what influences consumers in different parts of the world? Many factors affect how we, as
individuals and societies, live, buy and consume. And it should be readily apparent that culture has a
profound impact on the way consumers perceive themselves, the products they buy and consume, and
the processes by which those products should be purchased, and the organization that sells those
Incorrect: Culture throughout the world plays a mutually beneficial role in the consumer markets of a
society. Through culture, consumers are able to identify the products most important to them, and at
the same time, culture is able to adapt to what buyers and sellers desire at any given moment.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker indicates that culture affects what
products people buy. The speaker does not state or imply that organizations that sell products have an
effect on culture.
Incorrect: Throughout the many cultures found in the world, consumers have behaved predictably.
While each society may have different values, the level of consumption as compared to other cultures
is relatively equal. Globalization ensures that consumers adopt the same process when buying goods
and services.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker directly contradicts this summary as she
says that culture affects the processes by which consumers purchase products, implying that culture
informs values and thereby influences purchasing. There is no discussion of the predictability of
consumer behavior or the level of consumption.
Incorrect: The way a consumer buys, uses, and values a product is independent of cultural influence.
A consumer may purchase desired products and still practice the beliefs and customs of their culture.
Even the organizations responsible for bringing various products to consumers operate without regard
to cultural sensitivities.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker indicates that culture “has a profound
impact” on which products consumers buy and use, how they buy them, and which organizations they
buy them from.
Correct: Consumers in different cultures value different things. These values, which can be unique
from one culture to the next, impact not only what kinds of products these consumers buy, but also
who they buy them from, how they buy them, and for what uses and reasons.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker says “culture has a profound impact on the
products they buy and consume” which implies that culture influences consumer decisions, leading
people from one culture to make different purchases from those in another culture. According to the
speaker, culture also affects “the processes by which those products should be purchased, and the
organization that sells those products”, which addresses “how they buy them” and “who they buy
them from.”
Highlight correct summary – Item 2
We’re not running out of oil. The first thing that one can say with absolute confidence is that we’re not
about to run out of oil, we are definitely not. But what we are approaching is the end of the first half,
and this is one way to describe it, and this chapter in history lasted about a hundred and fifty years
since the first oil was produced. And we’re coming to the end of that, and you have to find oil before
you can produce it, and when we look back into history, we can find that the peak of discovery was in
1964, and that the discovery of oil has been falling ever since, relentlessly, um, and it’s been falling
despite the world wide search, always aimed at the biggest and best prospects, no one’s looking for
the smallest and the worst, the biggest and the best. It’s been falling despite amazing technological
and geological advances, we understand this business so much more than we did. And finally, it’s been
falling despite a very happy economic environment, whereby most of the cost of exploration is written
off against tax. So I would say in view of all of those incentives, and all of those benefits, if discovery
has actually been falling relentlessly, er, there is no good reason to think that this trend is going to
change direction. So, in other words, we’ve passed the peak.
Incorrect: Unless major oil consumers invest in exploration now (which would be the first time major
funds have been invested since 1964) global oil production will level out and be unable to meet
increased demands from India and China.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The speaker says “the peak of (oil) discovery was in 1964”
and “the discovery of oil has been falling … despite the world wide search” and all of the advances and
tax incentives. The speaker does not mention either India or China and says nothing about increased
Incorrect: With the continuation of improvements in technology, geology, and with government
support, there is little doubt that further major reserves of oil will be found in the near future. This
should result in sustainable oil supplies for a further 150 years.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The speaker says “oil discovery has been falling … despite
amazing technological and geological advances,” and “there is no good reason to think that this trend
is going to change direction.”
Correct: While we are not about to run out of oil, we are certainly past the peak of oil production,
which occurred about 40 years ago. This is despite improvements in technology, geology, and with
tax-subsidized investment in exploration.
Explanation: This response is correct. The speaker asserts, “We’re not running out of oil” at the
beginning of the recording. The speaker then says that the peak of oil discovery was in 1964, and that
the rate of oil discovery “has been falling ever since” despite “amazing technological and geological
advances.” He also mentions that “most of the cost of exploration is written off against tax.”
Incorrect: Oil consumption reached its first peak in 1964. Since that time the world has become
increasingly dependent on oil. It is unlikely that there will be any new major oil discoveries in the
immediate future or at any subsequent time.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker does not discuss the world’s dependence
on oil.
Multiple-choice, choose single answer – Item 1
I have chronic pain and at times this is severe, but this is managed with opiates. I know the general
public has a very perverted view of opiates because they think street addiction, heroin, drug
smugglers. However, if prescribed correctly by doctors in the right dose for your height and weight
and you manage it well yourself, I haven't increased my dose of 80 milligrams of morphine in the last
18 years. So that's a fairly good illustration, that no you don't double it every ten minutes the way the
general public think. And also it's very well looked after by the government. I have to present myself
to my GPs who all get to know me very well every 30 days, and they have to phone to Canberra to
have authorization, and I get my monthly dose of opiates to keep me going till the next lot.
Question: What is the main idea that the speaker is trying to convey in her comments?
Incorrect: The dose of opiates needed to treat chronic pain is usually 80 milligrams.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the speaker states that the dose of opiates needed
varies with height and weight.
Incorrect: The rate of morphine addiction has not increased over the past 18 years.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The speaker has not increased her morphine dose in 18
Correct: Governments can play a key role in chronic pain management.
Explanation: This response is correct because the details in the recording support this idea. The
speaker also states that her opiate use is “very well looked after by the government.”
Incorrect: Authorization for the prescription of opiates is required every thirty days.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because this detail is a supporting point. Although the
speaker states that her GP must obtain authorization for her prescription every 30 days, this is not the
main idea the speaker is trying to convey.
Multiple-choice, choose single answer – Item 2
I should say one more thing about theory. It's a … It's great to discover theory, but there .. the .. you
have to lose a lot, and you may have noticed, or maybe you didn't, how much you lose. Partly you
don't notice it much because here at the university everybody's dedicated to theory, and what is …
what's left out is ,uh, perception cause you-you use your mind not your eyes. Skill-you're not
supposed to have to have any particular, uh, sort of bodily kind of skills; there's a kind of mental
thing, but I'm not … let's not call that skill. I'm just calling skill the way you cope with everyday stuff
that you use and so forth. Intuition, it's not fair to have intuition, I mean you can have intuition, but
it's not ... it's not theory, it's not something that everybody has to believe until you can put it into
language and argue for it. Gets rid of emotions, the body, tradition.
Question: What is the lecture mainly about?
Incorrect: Perception and how it relates to the mind and eyes.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. Perception is discussed in relation to what theory does not
include, the speaker says, “you use your mind not your eyes.”
Incorrect: Intuition and how to use it to form theory.
Explanation: This response is incorrect. The lecturer declares that intuition is separate from the
formation of theory by saying, “you can have intuition but it's not…theory.”
Correct: Theory and how it forces you to lose aspects of yourself.
Explanation: This response is correct. The lecturer begins by saying that he is talking about theory.
He says, “It's great to discover theory, but … you have to lose a lot,” and then goes on to list the
things that one loses in pursuit of theory including perception, skill, intuition, emotions and the body.
Incorrect: Skill and how it should be applied in a university setting.
Explanation: This response is incorrect because the lecturer provides a definition of skill, but skill is
not the focus of the lecture.
Select missing word – Item 1
Robyn Guymer: My PhD student, Elaine Chong, did what was called a meta-analysis where you
analyze the literature very carefully, to see what evidence there is to suggest that what we eat,
particularly in terms of antioxidants, prevents you getting macular degeneration.
Norman Swan: Because ophthalmologists have been using antioxidants quite a lot.
Robyn Guymer: That's right. There have been studies looking at whether antioxidant supplements
slow the progression once you have the disease, whereas this study was looking at trying to stop you
getting it (in the first place).
Incorrect: before you understood
Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. There is no
discussion related to listener understanding.
Incorrect: after diagnosis
Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. The speaker
talks about a scientific study on the effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing a disease. There is no
discussion of diagnosis of the disease.
Incorrect: from anti-oxidants
Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. The speaker
indicates that studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing and
slowing the progression of a disease. There is no discussion on the causes of disease.
Correct: in the first place
Explanation: This is correct because “stop you getting it in the first place” echoes the speaker’s
earlier statement about “preventing you getting” a disease. Also, the conjunction “whereas” signals a
contrast between the first and second half of the sentence. The first half of the sentence talks about
using antioxidants after one has the disease, whereas the second half of the sentence talks about
using antioxidants before one gets the disease.
Select missing word – Item 2
So what, what meiosis does for every species is generate a lot of diverse individuals. Individuals with
different capabilities. In the hope, that by having a population with very diverse individuals that at
least some of them will be competent to survive. And, it's wildly successful, almost, almost every
species on this planet has meio … has, has a way to create genetically diverse gametes, and they use
meiosis to do that. Ok, so ,um, meiosis is extremely important in the evolution of life and the survival
of the (species).
Incorrect: genetics
Explanation: This response is incorrect because “genetics” is not something that evolves or survives.
Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow “the” and “genetics” is an uncountable
Incorrect: diversity
Explanation: This response is incorrect because “diversity” is not a physical thing that can evolve and
survive. Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow “the” and “diversity” is an
uncountable noun.
Correct: species
Explanation: This response is correct because the speaker refers to the impact of meiosis on species
throughout the recording. Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow “the” and
“species” is a countable noun.
Highlight incorrect words – Item 1
So far in our discussion of chemical reactions we have assumed that these reactions only go in one
direction, the forward direction, from left to right as we read it in an equation. That's why our arrow
points from left to right: reactants react together to make products. However, this is not exactly how
things occur in nature. In fact, practically every chemical reaction is reversible, meaning the products
can also react together to reform the reactants that they were made of. So instead of writing that
single arrow facing from left to right, a more appropriate symbol would be a double arrow, one going
from left to right and one going from right to left. Reactants are continually - continuously - reacting
to form products. But at the same time as those products are formed, they remake the reactants.
They're both going simultaneously, forming each other. This is what we would call a state of
So far in our discussion of chemical equations we have assumed that these reactions only go in one
direction, the forward direction, from left to right as we read it in an equation. That's why our
arrowhead points from left to right: reactants react together to make products. However, this is not
exactly how things occur in reality. In fact, practically every chemical reaction is reversible, meaning
the products can also react together to reform the reactants that they were made of. So instead of
writing that single arrow facing from right to top, a more appropriate symbol would be a double arrow,
one going from left to right and one going from right to left. Reactants are continually - continuously -
reacting to form produce. But at the same time as those products are formed, they remake the
reactants. They're both going simultaneously, forming each other. This is what we would call a state of
Highlight incorrect words – Item 2
I think the importance of creativity today really reflects a fundamental shift in the nature of the
economy. You know, in the old days, wealth was created because in the industrial era, you
manufactured something, you got economies of scale, you had long production runs, you were really
efficient - you know, you could get a Model T, any color just so long as it was black. Right? So there
was standardization. And there was a whole set of assumptions about how to manage, how to create
an organization - you know, a typical kind of hierarchical organization - to make sure that things ran
smoothly. Well, that may be great for a relatively stable era of history - relatively stable - but now
things are fundamentally unstable - and so we need less economies of scale and more economies of
discovery. Which means that the management approach, the organizational approach, has got to shift
as well.
I think the importance of creativity today really reflects a fundamental rift in the nature of the
economy. You know, in the old days, wealth was created because in the industrial era, you
manufactured everything, you got economies of scale, you had long production runs, you were really
effective - you know, you could get a Model T, any color just so long as it was black. Right? So there
was centralization. And there was a whole set of presumptions about how to manage, how to create
an organization - you know, a typical kind of hierarchical organization - to make sure that things ran
smoothly. Well, that may be great for a relatively stable era of history - relatively stable - but now
things are functionally unstable - and so we need less economies of scale and more economies of
recovery. Which means that the management approach, the organizational approach, has got to shift
as well.
Write from dictation – Item 1
Transcript and answer
You must submit your assignments by next Friday at the latest.
Write from dictation – Item 2
Transcript and answer
The time of the (maths, math) lecture has been changed to (ten thirty, 10.30, 10:30).
Write from dictation – Item 3
Transcript and answer
Final year business students have to write a (5000, 5,000, five thousand, 5 thousand) word essay on
market trends.