(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 1]
Title 4
Title 4
4.04 Rule of decision—Form of actions.
4.08 Parties to actions.
4.12 Venue—Jurisdiction.
4.14 Removal of certain actions to superior court.
4.16 Limitation of actions.
4.18 Uniform conflict of laws—Limitations act.
4.20 Survival of actions.
4.22 Contributory fault—Effect—Imputation—
Contribution—Settlement agreements.
4.24 Special rights of action and special immunities.
4.28 Commencement of actions.
4.32 Pleadings.
4.36 General rules of pleading.
4.40 Issues.
4.44 Trial.
4.48 Trial before referee.
4.52 Agreed cases.
4.56 Judgments—Generally.
4.60 Judgment by confession.
4.64 Entry of judgments.
4.68 Procedure to bind joint debtor.
4.72 Vacation and modification of judgments.
4.76 New trials.
4.80 Exceptions.
4.84 Costs.
4.88 Appeals.
4.92 Actions and claims against state.
4.96 Actions against political subdivisions, munici-
pal and quasi-municipal corporations.
4.100 Wrongly convicted persons.
Arbitration of civil actions: Chapter 7.06 RCW.
Bonds, judicial
attachment: Chapter 6.25 RCW.
bail and appearance: Chapter 10.19 RCW.
civil actions, court to fix amount: RCW 4.44.470.
civil appeals from district courts: Chapter 12.36 RCW.
contempt: Chapter 7.21 RCW.
costs, security: RCW 4.84.210 through 4.84.240.
criminal appeals from district courts: Chapter 10.10 RCW.
criminal appeals to supreme court: Chapter 10.73 RCW.
executions, levy on joint personalty: RCW 6.17.180, 6.17.190.
extradition: Chapter 10.88 RCW.
garnishment: Chapter 6.27 RCW.
guardians: Chapters 11.88, 11.92 RCW.
injunction: Chapter 7.40 RCW.
judgments, sentences, good behavior, maintain peace: RCW 10.64.070.
municipal courts: Chapter 35.20 RCW.
ne exeat: Chapter 7.44 RCW.
nuisance, stay of warrant: RCW 7.48.040.
preliminary hearings: Chapter 10.16 RCW.
public officers, official bonds: Chapter 42.08 RCW.
replevin: Chapter 7.64 RCW.
replevin, district courts: Chapter 12.28 RCW.
suretyship, generally: Chapters 19.72, 48.28 RCW.
Chattel mortgages, foreclosure: Article 62A.9A RCW.
Claims against
cities and towns: Chapters 35.31, 35A.31 RCW.
counties: Chapter 36.45 RCW.
Claims, reports, etc., filing and receipt: RCW 1.12.070.
Federal court local law certificate procedure act: Chapter 2.60 RCW.
Foreign corporations, nonadmitted—Actions against: Chapter 23B.18
Immunity from implied warranties and civil liability relating to blood,
plasma, and blood derivatives—Scope—Effective date: RCW
Indians, jurisdiction in criminal and civil causes: Chapter 37.12 RCW.
Industrial insurance, procedure: Title 51 RCW.
Justice without unnecessary delay: State Constitution Art. 1 § 10.
Liens, foreclosure: Title 60 RCW.
Public bodies may retain collection agencies to collect public debts—Fees:
RCW 19.16.500.
Real estate mortgages, foreclosure: Chapter 61.12 RCW.
Redress of injuries to property under code of military justice: RCW
Tax refunds: Chapter 84.69 RCW.
Chapter 4.04
Chapter 4.04 RCW
4.04.010 Extent to which common law prevails.
General definitions: Chapter 1.16 RCW.
Rules of construction: Chapter 1.12 RCW.
4.04.010 Extent to which common law prevails.
4.04.010 Extent to which common law prevails. The
common law, so far as it is not inconsistent with the Consti
tution and laws of the United States, or of the state of Wash-
ington nor incompatible with the institutions and condition of
society in this state, shall be the rule of decision in all the
courts of this state. [1891 c 17 § 1; Code 1881 § 1; 1877 p 3
§ 1; 1862 p 83 § 1; RRS § 143. Formerly RCW 1.12.030.]
Chapter 4.08
Chapter 4.08 RCW
4.08.030 Either spouse or either domestic partner may sue for commu-
nity—Necessary parties.
4.08.040 When either spouse or either domestic partner may join,
4.08.050 Guardian ad litem for infant.
4.08.060 Guardian ad litem for incapacitated person.
4.08.080 Action on assigned choses in action.
4.08.100 Action to recover purchase money on land—Final judgment.
4.08.110 Action by public corporations.
4.08.120 Action against public corporations.
4.08.140 New party entitled to service of summons.
4.08.150 Substitution and interpleader.
4.08.160 Action to determine conflicting claims to property.
4.08.170 Action to determine conflicting claims to property—Dis-
claimer and deposit in court.
4.08.180 Action to determine conflicting claims to property—Trial of
Persons licensed to provide health care or related services, employees, hos-
pitals, clinics, etc.—Professional review committee, society, examining
or disciplinary board members, etc.—Immunity from civil suit arising
from duties: RCW 4.24.240.
4.08.030 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 2] (2016 Ed.)
4.08.03 0
4.08.030 Either spouse or either domestic partner may sue for community—Necessary partie s.
4.08.030 Either spouse or either domestic partner
may sue for community—Necessary parties. Either
spouse or either domestic partner may sue on behalf of the
community: PROVIDED, That
(1) When the action is for personal injuries, the spouse or
the domestic partner having sustained personal injuries is a
necessary party;
(2) When the action is for compensation for services ren-
dered, the spouse or the domestic partner having rendered the
services is a necessary party. [2008 c 6 § 407; 1972 ex.s. c
108 § 1; Code 1881 § 6; 1877 p 4 § 6; 1875 p 4 § 2; 1869 p 4
§ 6; 1854 p 131 § 5; RRS § 181.]
Part headings not law—Severability—2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900
and 26.60.901.
4.08.04 0
4.08.040 Whe n either spouse or either d omestic partner may join , defend.
4.08.040 When either spouse or either domestic part-
ner may join, defend. Either spouse or either domestic part-
ner may join in all causes of action arising from injuries to the
person or character of either or both of them, or from injuries
to the property of either or both of them, or arising out of any
contract in favor of either or both of them.
If the spouses or the domestic partners are sued together,
either or both spouses or either or both domestic partners may
defend, and if one spouse or one domestic partner neglects to
defend, the other spouse or other domestic partner may
defend for the nonacting spouse or nonacting domestic part
ner also. Each spouse or each domestic partner may defend in
all cases in which he or she is interested, whether that spouse
or that domestic partner is sued with the other spouse or other
domestic partner or not. [2008 c 6 § 408; 1972 ex.s. c 108 §
2; Code 1881 § 7; 1877 p 4 § 7; 1875 p 4 § 3; 1854 p 219 §
492; RRS § 182.]
Part headings not law—Severability—2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900
and 26.60.901.
4.08.05 0
4.08.050 Guardian ad litem for infant.
4.08.050 Guardian ad litem for infant. Except as pro-
vided under RCW 26.50.020 and 28A.225.035, when an
infant is a party he or she shall appear by guardian, or if he or
she has no guardian, or in the opinion of the court the guard
ian is an improper person, the court shall appoint one to act.
Said guardian shall be appointed as follows:
(1) When the infant is plaintiff, upon the application of
the infant, if he or she be of the age of fourteen years, or if
under that age, upon the application of a relative or friend of
the infant.
(2) When the infant is defendant, upon the application of
the infant, if he or she be of the age of fourteen years, and
applies within thirty days after the service of the summons; if
he or she be under the age of fourteen, or neglects to apply,
then upon the application of any other party to the action, or
of a relative or friend of the infant. [1996 c 134 § 7; 1992 c
111 § 9; 1891 c 30 § 1; Code 1881 § 12; 1854 p 132 §§ 6, 7;
RRS § 187.]
Findings—1992 c 111: See note following RCW 26.50.030.
4.08.06 0
4.08.060 Guard ian ad litem for incapacita ted person.
4.08.060 Guardian ad litem for incapacitated person.
When an incapacitated person is a party to an action in the
superior courts he or she shall appear by guardian, or if he or
she has no guardian, or in the opinion of the court the guard
ian is an improper person, the court shall appoint one to act as
guardian ad litem. Said guardian shall be appointed as fol
(1) When the incapacitated person is plaintiff, upon the
application of a relative or friend of the incapacitated person.
(2) When the incapacitated person is defendant, upon the
application of a relative or friend of such incapacitated per
son, such application shall be made within thirty days after
the service of summons if served in the state of Washington,
and if served out of the state or service is made by publica
tion, then such application shall be made within sixty days
after the first publication of summons or within sixty days
after the service out of the state. If no such application be
made within the time above limited, application may be made
by any party to the action. [1996 c 249 § 5; 1899 c 91 § 1;
RRS § 188.]
Intent—1996 c 249: See note following RCW 2.56.030.
4.08.080 Action on assigned choses in action.
4.08.080 Action on assigned choses in action. Any
assignee or assignees of any judgment, bond, specialty, book
account, or other chose in action, for the payment of money,
by assignment in writing, signed by the person authorized to
make the same, may, by virtue of such assignment, sue and
maintain an action or actions in his or her name, against the
obligor or obligors, debtor or debtors, named in such judg
ment, bond, specialty, book account, or other chose in action,
notwithstanding the assignor may have an interest in the
thing assigned: PROVIDED, That any debtor may plead in
defense as many defenses, counterclaims and offsets,
whether they be such as have heretofore been denominated
legal or equitable, or both, if held by him against the original
owner, against the debt assigned, save that no counterclaim
or offset shall be pleaded against negotiable paper assigned
before due, and where the holder thereof has purchased the
same in good faith and for value, and is the owner of all inter-
est therein. [1927 c 87 § 1; 1891 c 30 § 2; Code 1881 § 15;
1879 p 122 § 1; 1854 p 131 § 3; RRS § 191.]
4.08.100 Action to recover purchase money on land—Final judgment.
4.08.100 Action to recover purchase money on
land—Final judgment. In any action brought for the recov
ery of the purchase money against any person holding a con-
tract for the purchase of lands, the party bound to perform the
contract, if not the plaintiff, may be made a party, and the
court in a final judgment may order the interest of purchaser
to be sold or transferred to the plaintiff upon such terms as
may be just, and may also order a specific performance of the
contract in favor of the complainant, or the purchaser, in case
a sale be ordered. [Code 1881 § 19; 1877 p 6 § 19; 1854 p
219 § 490; RRS § 195.]
4.08.110 Action by public corporations.
4.08.110 Action by public corporations. An action at
law may be maintained by any county, incorporated town,
school district or other public corporation of like character, in
its corporate name, and upon a cause of action accruing to it,
in its corporate character and not otherwise, in any of the fol
lowing cases:
(1) Upon a contract made with such public corporation;
(2) Upon a liability prescribed by law in favor of such
public corporation;
(3) To recover a penalty or forfeiture given to such pub-
lic corporation;
Venue—Jurisdiction 4.12.020
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 3]
(4) To recover damages for an injury to the corporate
rights or property of such public corporation. [1953 c 118 §
1. Prior: Code 1881 § 661; 1869 p 154 § 601; RRS § 950.]
4.08.12 0
4.08.120 Actio n against public corpora tions.
4.08.120 Action against public corporations. An
action may be maintained against a county or other of the
public corporations mentioned or described in RCW
4.08.110, either upon a contract made by such county, or
other public corporation in its corporate character and within
the scope of its authority, or for an injury to the rights of the
plaintiff arising from some act or omission of such county or
other public corporation. [1953 c 118 § 2. Prior: Code 1881
§ 662; 1869 p 154 § 602; RRS § 951.]
4.08.14 0
4.08.140 New party entitled to service of summons.
4.08.140 New party entitled to service of summons.
When a new party is introduced into an action as a represen
tative or successor of a former party, such new party is enti-
tled to the same summons to be served in the same manner as
required for defendants in the commencement of an action.
[1957 c 7 § 1. Prior: Code 1881 §§ 21, 742; 1877 pp 6 and
151 §§ 21, 747; 1873 pp 7 and 176 §§ 21, 682; 1869 pp 6 and
172 §§ 21, 684; 1863 p 194 § 524; 1860 p 99 § 477; 1854 p
219 § 485; RRS § 197.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 3; CR 5.
4.08.15 0
4.08.150 Sub stitution and interpleader .
4.08.150 Substitution and interpleader. A defendant
against whom an action is pending upon a contract, or for
specific real or personal property, at any time before answer,
upon affidavit that a person not a party to the action, and
without collusion with him or her, makes against him or her a
demand for the same debt or property, upon due notice to
such person and the adverse party, may apply to the court for
an order to substitute such person in his or her place, and dis
charge him or her from liability to either party on his or her
depositing in court the amount of the debt, or delivering the
property or its value to such person as the court may direct;
and the court may make the order. [2011 c 336 § 75; Code
1881 § 22; 1877 p 6 § 22; 1869 p 7 § 22; 1854 p 132 § 12;
RRS § 198.]
Rules of court: Interpleader—CR 22; Substitution—CR 25.
4.08.16 0
4.08.160 Actio n to determine conflicti ng claims to property.
4.08.160 Action to determine conflicting claims to
property. Anyone having in his or her possession, or under
his or her control, any property or money, or being indebted,
where more than one person claims to be the owner of, enti
tled to, interested in, or to have a lien on, such property,
money, or indebtedness, or any part thereof, may commence
an action in the superior court against all or any of such per
sons, and have their rights, claims, interest, or liens adjudged,
determined, and adjusted in such action. [2011 c 336 § 76;
1890 p 93 § 1; RRS § 199.]
4.08.17 0
4.08.170 Actio n to determine conflicti ng claims to property—Disclaimer and deposit in court.
4.08.170 Action to determine conflicting claims to
property—Disclaimer and deposit in court. In any action
commenced under RCW 4.08.160, the plaintiff may disclaim
any interest in the money, property, or indebtedness, and
deposit with the clerk of the court the full amount of such
money or indebtedness, or other property, and he or she shall
not be liable for any costs accruing in said action. And the
clerks of the various courts shall receive and file such com
plaint, and all other officers shall execute the necessary pro-
cesses to carry out the purposes of this section, and RCW
4.08.160 and 4.08.180, free from all charge to said plaintiff,
and the court, in its discretion, shall determine the liability for
costs of the action. [2011 c 336 § 77; 1890 p 93 § 2; RRS §
4.08.180 Actio n to determine conflict ing claims to property—T rial of issue.
4.08.180 Action to determine conflicting claims to
property—Trial of issue. Either of the defendants may set
up or show any claim or lien he or she may have to such prop
erty, money, or indebtedness, or any part thereof, and the
superior right, title, or lien, whether legal or equitable, shall
The court or judge thereof may make all necessary
orders, during the pendency of said action, for the preserva
tion and protection of the rights, interests, or liens of the sev-
eral parties. [2011 c 336 § 78; 1890 p 94 § 3; RRS § 201.]
Chapter 4.12
Chapter 4.12 RCW
4.12.010 Actions to be commenced where subject is situated.
4.12.020 Actions to be tried in county where cause arose.
4.12.025 Action to be brought where defendant resides—Optional
venue of actions upon unlawful issuance of check or draft—
Residence of corporations—Optional venue of actions
against corporations.
4.12.030 Grounds authorizing change of venue.
4.12.040 Prejudice of judge, transfer to another department, visiting
judge—Change of venue generally, criminal cases.
4.12.050 Affidavit of prejudice.
4.12.060 To what county venue may be changed—Limitation on num-
ber of changes.
4.12.070 Change to newly created county.
4.12.080 Change by stipulation.
4.12.090 Transmission of record on change of venue—Costs, attorney's
4.12.100 Transcript of record entries.
4.12.110 Effect of neglect of moving party.
4.12.120 Change deemed complete, when.
Rules of court: Venue—CR 82.
Actions against nonresident motorist: RCW 46.64.040.
4.12.010 Actions to be commenced where subject is situated.
4.12.010 Actions to be commenced where subject is
situated. Actions for the following causes shall be com
menced in the county in which the subject of the action, or
some part thereof, is situated:
(1) For the recovery of, for the possession of, for the par-
tition of, for the foreclosure of a mortgage on, or for the deter-
mination of all questions affecting the title, or for any injuries
to real property.
(2) All questions involving the rights to the possession or
title to any specific article of personal property, in which last
mentioned class of cases, damages may also be awarded for
the detention and for injury to such personal property. [Code
1881 § 47; 1877 p 11 § 48; 1869 p 12 § 48; 1860 p 7 § 15;
1854 p 133 § 13; RRS § 204.]
4.12.020 Actions to be tried in county where cause arose.
4.12.020 Actions to be tried in county where cause
arose. Actions for the following causes shall be tried in the
county where the cause, or some part thereof, arose:
(1) For the recovery of a penalty or forfeiture imposed by
(2) Against a public officer, or person specially
appointed to execute his or her duties, for an act done by him
or her in virtue of his or her office, or against a person who,
4.12.025 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 4] (2016 Ed.)
by his or her command or in his or her aid, shall do anything
touching the duties of such officer;
(3) For the recovery of damages for injuries to the person
or for injury to personal property, the plaintiff shall have the
option of suing either in the county in which the cause of
action or some part thereof arose, or in the county in which
the defendant resides, or if there be more than one defendant,
where some one of the defendants resides, at the time of the
commencement of the action. [2001 c 45 § 2; 1941 c 81 § 1;
Code 1881 § 48; 1877 p 11 § 49; 1869 p 12 § 49; 1860 p 7 §
16; 1854 p 133 § 14; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 205.]
4.12.02 5
4.12.025 Actio n to be brought where de fendant resides—Optional venue of actions upon unlawful issuance of check or draft—Residence of corporations—Optional venue of actions against corporations.
4.12.025 Action to be brought where defendant
resides—Optional venue of actions upon unlawful issu
ance of check or draft—Residence of corporations—
Optional venue of actions against corporations. (1) An
action may be brought in any county in which the defendant
resides, or, if there be more than one defendant, where some
one of the defendants resides at the time of the commence
ment of the action. For the purpose of this section, the resi-
dence of a corporation defendant shall be deemed to be in any
county where the corporation: (a) Transacts business; (b) has
an office for the transaction of business; (c) transacted busi
ness at the time the cause of action arose; or (d) where any
person resides upon whom process may be served upon the
(2) An action upon the unlawful issuance of a check or
draft may be brought in any county in which the defendant
resides or may be brought in any division of the judicial dis
trict in which the check was issued or presented as payment.
(3) The venue of any action brought against a corpora-
tion, at the option of the plaintiff, shall be: (a) In the county
where the tort was committed; (b) in the county where the
work was performed for said corporation; (c) in the county
where the agreement entered into with the corporation was
made; or (d) in the county where the corporation has its resi
dence. [1998 c 56 § 1; 1985 c 68 § 2; 1983 c 31 § 1; 1965 c
53 § 168; 1927 c 173 § 1; RRS § 205-1. Prior: 1909 c 42 § 1;
Code 1881 § 49; 1877 p 11 § 50; 1869 p 13 § 50; 1860 p 101
§ 488; 1854 p 220 § 494.]
4.12.03 0
4.12.030 Grounds authorizing change of venue.
4.12.030 Grounds authorizing change of venue. The
court may, on motion, in the following cases, change the
place of trial when it appears by affidavit, or other satisfac
tory proof:
(1) That the county designated in the complaint is not the
proper county; or,
(2) That there is reason to believe that an impartial trial
cannot be had therein; or,
(3) That the convenience of witnesses or the ends of jus-
tice would be forwarded by the change; or,
(4) That from any cause the judge is disqualified; which
disqualification exists in either of the following cases: In an
action or proceeding to which he or she is a party, or in which
he or she is interested; when he or she is related to either party
by consanguinity or affinity, within the third degree; when he
or she has been of counsel for either party in the action or pro
ceeding. [2011 c 336 § 79; Code 1881 § 51; 1877 p 12 § 52;
1875 p 6 § 8; 1869 p 13 § 52; 1854 p 134 § 16; RRS § 209.]
4.12.040 Prejudice of judge, transfer to another department, visiting judge—Chan ge of venue generally, criminal ca ses.
4.12.040 Prejudice of judge, transfer to another
department, visiting judge—Change of venue generally,
criminal cases. (1) No judge of a superior court of the state
of Washington shall sit to hear or try any action or proceeding
when it shall be established as hereinafter provided that said
judge is prejudiced against any party or attorney, or the inter
est of any party or attorney appearing in such cause. In such
case the presiding judge in judicial districts where there is
more than one judge shall forthwith transfer the action to
another department of the same court, or call in a judge from
some other court. In all judicial districts where there is only
one judge, a certified copy of the motion and affidavit filed in
the cause shall be transmitted by the clerk of the superior
court to the clerk of the superior court designated by the chief
justice of the supreme court. Upon receipt the clerk of said
superior court shall transmit the forwarded affidavit to the
presiding judge who shall direct a visiting judge to hear and
try such action as soon as convenient and practical.
(2) The presiding judge in judicial districts where there is
more than one judge, or the presiding judge of judicial dis
tricts where there is only one judge, may send a case for trial
to another court if the convenience of witnesses or the ends of
justice will not be interfered with by such a course and the
action is of such a character that a change of venue may be
ordered: PROVIDED, That in criminal prosecutions the case
shall not be sent for trial to any court outside the county
unless the accused shall waive his or her right to a trial by a
jury of the county in which the offense is alleged to have been
(3) This section does not apply to water right adjudica-
tions filed under chapter 90.03 or 90.44 RCW. Disqualifica-
tion of judges in water right adjudications is governed by
RCW 90.03.620. [2009 c 332 § 19; 1989 c 15 § 1; 1961 c 303
§ 1; 1927 c 145 § 1; 1911 c 121 § 1; RRS § 209-1.]
Application—2009 c 332: See note following RCW 90.03.110.
Criminal proceedings, venue and jurisdiction: Chapter 10.25 RCW.
4.12.050 Affidavit of prejudice.
4.12.050 Affidavit of prejudice. (1) Any party to or
any attorney appearing in any action or proceeding in a supe
rior court, may establish such prejudice by motion, supported
by affidavit that the judge before whom the action is pending
is prejudiced against such party or attorney, so that such party
or attorney cannot, or believes that he or she cannot, have a
fair and impartial trial before such judge: PROVIDED, That
such motion and affidavit is filed and called to the attention
of the judge before he or she shall have made any ruling
whatsoever in the case, either on the motion of the party mak
ing the affidavit, or on the motion of any other party to the
action, of the hearing of which the party making the affidavit
has been given notice, and before the judge presiding has
made any order or ruling involving discretion, but the
arrangement of the calendar, the setting of an action, motion
or proceeding down for hearing or trial, the arraignment of
the accused in a criminal action or the fixing of bail, shall not
be construed as a ruling or order involving discretion within
the meaning of this proviso; and in any event, in counties
where there is but one resident judge, such motion and affida
vit shall be filed not later than the day on which the case is
called to be set for trial: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That
notwithstanding the filing of such motion and affidavit, if the
parties shall, by stipulation in writing agree, such judge may
Removal of Certain Actions to Superior Court 4.14.010
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 5]
hear argument and rule upon any preliminary motions,
demurrers, or other matter thereafter presented: AND PRO
VIDED FURTHER, That no party or attorney shall be per-
mitted to make more than one such application in any action
or proceeding under this section and RCW 4.12.040.
(2) This section does not apply to water right adjudica-
tions filed under chapter 90.03 or 90.44 RCW. Disqualifica-
tion of judges in water right adjudications is governed by
RCW 90.03.620. [2009 c 332 § 20; 1941 c 148 § 1; 1927 c
145 § 2; 1911 c 121 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 209-2.]
Rules of court: Demurrers abolished—CR 7(c).
Application—2009 c 332: See note following RCW 90.03.110.
4.12.06 0
4.12.060 To what county venue may be changed—Limitation on number of changes.
4.12.060 To what county venue may be changed—
Limitation on number of changes. If the motion for a
change of the place of trial be allowed, the change shall be
made to the county where the action ought to have been com
menced, if it be for the cause mentioned in RCW 4.12.030(1),
and in other cases to the most convenient county where the
cause alleged does not exist. Neither party shall be entitled to
more than one change of the place of trial, except for causes
not in existence when the first change was allowed. [Code
1881 § 52; 1877 p 12 § 53; 1869 p 14 § 53; RRS § 210.]
4.12.07 0
4.12.070 Change to newly created county.
4.12.070 Change to newly created county. Any party
in a civil action pending in the superior court in a county out
of whose limits a new county, in whole or in part, has been
created, may file with the clerk of such superior court an affi
davit setting forth that he or she is a resident of such newly
created county, and that the venue of such action is transitory,
or that the venue of such action is local, and that it ought
properly to be tried in such newly created county; and there
upon the clerk shall make out a transcript of the proceedings
already had in such action in such superior court, and certify
it under the seal of the court, and transmit such transcript,
together with the papers on file in his or her office connected
with such action, to the clerk of the superior court of such
newly created county, wherein it shall be proceeded with as
in other cases. [2011 c 336 § 80; 1891 c 33 § 2; Code 1881 §
53; 1877 p 12 § 54; 1869 p 14 § 54; 1854 p 377 § 2; RRS §
4.12.08 0
4.12.080 Change by stipulation.
4.12.080 Change by stipulation. Notwithstanding the
provisions of RCW 4.12.030 all the parties to the action by
stipulation in writing or by consent in open court entered in
the records may agree that the place of trial be changed to any
county of the state, and thereupon the court must order the
change agreed upon. [Code 1881 § 55; 1877 p 13 § 56; RRS
§ 216.]
4.12.09 0
4.12.090 Transmission of record on change of venue—Costs, attorney's fee.
4.12.090 Transmission of record on change of
venue—Costs, attorney's fee. (1) When an order is made
transferring an action or proceeding for trial, the clerk of the
court must transmit the pleadings and papers therein to the
court to which it is transferred and charge a fee as provided in
RCW 36.18.016. The costs and fees thereof and of filing the
papers anew must be paid by the party at whose instance the
order was made, except in the cases mentioned in RCW
4.12.030(1), in which case the plaintiff shall pay costs of
transfer and, in addition thereto, if the court finds that the
plaintiff could have determined the county of proper venue
with reasonable diligence, it shall order the plaintiff to pay
the reasonable attorney's fee of the defendant for the chang
ing of venue to the proper county. The court to which an
action or proceeding is transferred has and exercises over the
same the like jurisdiction as if it had been originally com
menced therein.
(2) In acting on any motion for dismissal without preju-
dice in a case where a motion for change of venue under sub-
section (1) of this section has been made, the court shall, if it
determines the motion for change of venue proper, determine
the amount of attorney's fee properly to be awarded to defen
dant and, if the action be dismissed, the attorney's fee shall be
a setoff against any claim subsequently brought on the same
cause of action. [2005 c 457 § 11; 1969 ex.s. c 144 § 1; Code
1881 § 54; 1877 p 12 § 55; 1875 p 7 § 10; 1869 p 14 §§ 55,
56; RRS § 215.]
Intent—2005 c 457: See note following RCW 43.08.250.
4.12.100 Transcript of record entries.
4.12.100 Transcript of record entries. The clerk of the
court must also transmit with the original papers where an
order is made changing the place of trial, a certified transcript
of all record entries up to and including the order for such
change. [Code 1881 § 58; 1877 p 13 § 59; RRS § 219.]
4.12.110 Effect of neglect of moving party.
4.12.110 Effect of neglect of moving party. If such
papers be not transmitted to the clerk of the proper court
within the time prescribed in the order allowing the change,
and the delay be caused by the act or omission of the party
procuring the change, the adverse party, on motion to the
court or judge thereof, may have the order vacated, and there
after no other change of the place of trial shall be allowed to
such party. [Code 1881 § 56; 1877 p 13 § 57; 1869 p 15 § 57;
1854 p 135 § 21; RRS § 217.]
4.12.120 Change deemed complete, when.
4.12.120 Change deemed complete, when. Upon the
filing of the papers with the clerk of the court to which the
cause is transferred, the change of venue shall be deemed
complete, and thereafter the action shall proceed as though it
had been commenced in that court. [Code 1881 § 57; 1877 p
13 § 58; 1869 p 15 § 58; 1854 p 135 § 22; RRS § 218.]
Chapter 4.14
Chapter 4.14 RCW
4.14.010 Removal of certain actions from justice court to superior court
authorized—Grounds—Joint claims or actions—Excep-
4.14.020 Petition for removal—Contents—Filing—Notice.
4.14.030 Orders and process upon removal—Remand of cases improvi-
dently removed.
4.14.040 Attached property—Custody.
4.14.01 0 Removal of certain actions from justice cou rt to super ior court authorized—Grounds—Joint claims or actions—Exceptions.
4.14.010 Removal of certain actions from justice
court to superior court authorized—Grounds—Joint
claims or actions—Exceptions. Whenever the removal of
such action to superior court is required in order to acquire
jurisdiction over a third party defendant, who is or may be lia
ble to the defendant for all or part of the judgment and resides
outside the county wherein the action was commenced, any
civil action which could have been brought in superior court
4.14.020 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 6] (2016 Ed.)
may, if commenced in district court, be removed by the
defendant or defendants to the superior court for the county
where such action is pending if the district court determines
that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a third party
may be liable to the plaintiff and issues an order so stating.
Whenever a separate or independent claim or cause of
action which would be removable if sued upon alone is joined
with one or more otherwise nonremovable claims or causes
of action, the entire case may be removed and the superior
court may determine all issues therein, or, in its discretion,
may remand all matters not otherwise within its original
This section does not apply to cases originally filed in
the small claims department of a district court, or transferred
to the small claims department pursuant to RCW 12.40.025,
except as set forth in RCW 12.40.027. [1997 c 352 § 6; 1967
ex.s. c 46 § 4.]
4.14.02 0
4.14.020 Peti tion for removal—Contents—F iling—Notice.
4.14.020 Petition for removal—Contents—Filing—
Notice. (1) A defendant or defendants desiring to remove
any civil action from a justice court as authorized by RCW
4.14.010 shall file in the superior court in the county where
such action is pending, a verified petition containing a short
and plain statement of the facts which entitle him, her, or
them to removal together with a copy of all process, plead
ings and orders served upon him, her, or them in such action.
(2) The petition for removal of a civil action or proceed-
ing shall be filed within twenty days after the receipt by the
defendant, through service or otherwise, of a copy of the ini
tial pleading setting forth the claim for relief upon which such
action or proceeding is based.
If the case stated by the initial pleading is not removable,
a petition for removal may be filed within twenty days after
receipt by the defendant, through service or otherwise, of a
copy of an amended pleading, motion, order, or other paper,
including the defendant's answer, from which it may first be
ascertained that the case is or has become removable.
(3) Promptly after the filing of such petition the defen-
dant or defendants shall give written notice thereof to all
adverse parties and shall file a copy of the petition with the
justice court, which shall effect the removal and the justice
court shall proceed no further unless and until the case is
remanded. [2011 c 336 § 81; 1967 ex.s. c 46 § 5.]
4.14.03 0
4.14.030 Orders and process upon removal—Remand of cases improvidently removed.
4.14.030 Orders and process upon removal—
Remand of cases improvidently removed. In any case
removed from justice court under the provisions of this chap
ter, the superior court may issue all necessary orders and pro-
cess to bring before it all proper parties whether served by
process issued by the justice court or otherwise.
If at any time before final judgment it appears that the
case was removed improvidently and without jurisdiction,
the superior court shall remand the case, and may order the
payment of just costs. A certified copy of the order of remand
shall be mailed by the clerk of the superior court to the justice
court. The justice court may thereupon proceed with such
case. [1967 ex.s. c 46 § 6.]
4.14.04 0
4.14.04 0 Attached p roperty—Cust ody.
4.14.040 Attached property—Custody. Whenever
any action is removed from a justice court to a superior court
under the provisions of this chapter, any attachment or
sequestration of the property of the defendant in such action
in the justice court shall remain in the custody of the sheriff
to answer the final judgment or decree in the same manner as
would have been held to answer had the cause been brought
in the superior court originally. [1967 ex.s. c 46 § 7.]
Chapter 4.16
Chapter 4.16 RCW
4.16.005 Commencement of actions.
4.16.020 Actions to be commenced within ten years—Exception.
4.16.030 Actions to foreclose special assessments.
4.16.040 Actions limited to six years.
4.16.050 Action on irrigation or drainage district warrant.
4.16.060 Action on irrigation district bonds.
4.16.070 Actions limited to five years.
4.16.080 Actions limited to three years.
4.16.090 Action to cancel tax deed.
4.16.100 Actions limited to two years.
4.16.110 Actions limited to one year.
4.16.115 Special provisions for action on penalty.
4.16.130 Action for relief not otherwise provided for.
4.16.150 Action on mutual open accounts.
4.16.160 Application of limitations to actions by state, counties, munic-
4.16.170 Tolling of statute—Actions, when deemed commenced or not
4.16.180 Statute tolled by absence from state, concealment, etc.
4.16.190 Statute tolled by personal disability.
4.16.200 Statute tolled by death.
4.16.210 Statute tolled—By war as to enemy alien.
4.16.220 Statute tolled—As to person in military service of United
4.16.230 Statute tolled by judicial proceedings.
4.16.240 Effect of reversal of judgment on appeal.
4.16.250 Disability must exist when right of action accrued.
4.16.260 Coexisting disabilities.
4.16.270 Effect of partial payment.
4.16.280 New promise must be in writing.
4.16.290 Foreign statutes of limitation, how applied.
4.16.300 Actions or claims arising from construction, alteration, repair,
design, planning, survey, engineering, etc., of improvements
upon real property.
4.16.310 Actions or claims arising from construction, alteration, repair,
design, planning, survey, engineering, etc., of improvements
upon real property—Accrual and limitations of actions or
4.16.320 Actions or claims arising from construction, alteration, repair,
design, planning, survey, engineering, etc., of improvements
upon real property—Construction.
4.16.325 Actions or claims arising from construction defect claims—
Statute tolled.
4.16.326 Actions or claims for construction defect claims—Compara-
tive fault.
4.16.327 Actions or claims for construction defects—Emergency
4.16.340 Actions based on childhood sexual abuse.
4.16.350 Action for injuries resulting from health care or related ser-
vices—Physicians, dentists, nurses, etc.—Hospitals, clinics,
nursing homes, etc.
4.16.360 Application of chapter to paternity action.
4.16.370 Actions against personal representative or trustee for breach of
fiduciary duties—Statute of limitations.
Claims against
counties: RCW 36.32.330; chapter 36.45 RCW.
estates: RCW 11.40.051, 11.40.060.
the state: RCW 4.92.050.
Contribution between joint tort feasors: RCW 4.22.050.
Criminal procedure, limitation of actions: RCW 9A.04.080.
Garnishment writ, dismissal after one year: RCW 6.27.310.
Lawyer discipline: Rules of court—RLD 12.10.
Product liability actions: RCW 7.72.060(3).
Tax liability, action by another state, limitation: RCW 4.24.140.
Uniform conflict of laws—Limitations act: Chapter 4.18 RCW.
Limitation of Actions 4.16.070
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 7]
Usury, business organizations engaged in lending or real estate develop-
ment cannot bring action: RCW 19.52.080.
4.16.00 5
4.16.005 Commencement of actions.
4.16.005 Commencement of actions. Except as other-
wise provided in this chapter, and except when in special
cases a different limitation is prescribed by a statute not con
tained in this chapter, actions can only be commenced within
the periods provided in this chapter after the cause of action
has accrued. [1989 c 14 § 1.]
4.16.02 0
4.16.020 Actions to be commenced within ten years—Exception.
4.16.020 Actions to be commenced within ten years—
Exception. The period prescribed for the commencement of
actions shall be as follows:
Within ten years:
(1) For actions for the recovery of real property, or for
the recovery of the possession thereof; and no action shall be
maintained for such recovery unless it appears that the plain
tiff, his or her ancestor, predecessor or grantor was seized or
possessed of the premises in question within ten years before
the commencement of the action.
(2) For an action upon a judgment or decree of any court
of the United States, or of any state or territory within the
United States, or of any territory or possession of the United
States outside the boundaries thereof, or of any extraterrito
rial court of the United States, unless the period is extended
under RCW 6.17.020 or a similar provision in another juris
(3) Of the eighteenth birthday of the youngest child
named in the order for whom support is ordered for an action
to collect past due child support that has accrued under an
order entered after July 23, 1989, by any of the above-named
courts or that has accrued under an administrative order as
defined in RCW 74.20A.020(6), which is issued after July
23, 1989. [2002 c 261 § 2; 1994 c 189 § 2; 1989 c 360 § 1;
1984 c 76 § 1; 1980 c 105 § 1; Code 1881 § 26; 1877 p 7 § 26;
1854 p 363 § 2; RRS § 156.]
Adverse possession
limitation tolled when personal disability: RCW 7.28.090.
recovery of realty, limitation: RCW 7.28.050.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.03 0
4.16.030 Actions to foreclose special assessments.
4.16.030 Actions to foreclose special assessments. An
action to collect any special assessment for local improve
ments of any kind against any person, corporation or property
whatsoever, or to enforce any lien for any special assessment
for local improvements of any kind, whether said action be
brought by a municipal corporation or by the holder of any
delinquency certificate, or by any other person having the
right to bring such an action, shall be commenced within ten
years after such assessment shall have become delinquent, or
due, or within ten years after the last installment of any such
special assessment shall have become delinquent or due
when said special assessment is payable in installments.
[1907 c 182 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 10322C-1.]
Actions brought by code city: RCW 35A.21.200.
Actions to foreclose special assessments in cities or towns: RCW 35.50.050.
4.16.04 0
4.16.040 Actio ns limited to six years.
4.16.040 Actions limited to six years. The following
actions shall be commenced within six years:
(1) An action upon a contract in writing, or liability
express or implied arising out of a written agreement, except
as provided for in RCW 64.04.007(2).
(2) An action upon an account receivable. For purposes
of this section, an account receivable is any obligation for
payment incurred in the ordinary course of the claimant's
business or profession, whether arising from one or more
transactions and whether or not earned by performance.
(3) An action for the rents and profits or for the use and
occupation of real estate. [2012 c 185 § 3; 2007 c 124 § 1;
1989 c 38 § 1; 1980 c 105 § 2; 1927 c 137 § 1; Code 1881 §
27; 1854 p 363 § 3; RRS § 157.]
Application—2007 c 124: "This act applies to all causes of action on
accounts receivable, whether commenced before or after July 22, 2007."
[2007 c 124 § 2.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.050 Action on irrigation or drainage district warrant.
4.16.050 Action on irrigation or drainage district
warrant. Action to enforce any right arising out of the issu
ance or ownership of any warrant of an irrigation or drainage
district organized under the laws of this state, must be
brought within six years from and after the date of the issu
ance of such warrant. [1931 c 75 § 1; RRS § 157-1.]
Reviser's note: Transitional proviso omitted. The proviso reads: "PRO-
VIDED, That this section shall not apply to actions not otherwise barred on
warrants heretofore issued, if the same shall be commenced within one year
after the taking effect of this act".
4.16.060 Action on irrigation district bonds.
4.16.060 Action on irrigation district bonds. No
action against any irrigation district organized under the laws
of this state, or its officers, to enforce any right or claim aris
ing out of the issuance or ownership of any negotiable bond,
payable on a day certain, of the irrigation district, where such
district is under contract with the United States, or any
department or agency thereof, to sell its lands and its right,
title and interest in its distribution canals and pipelines and its
water rights, thereby necessitating the discontinuance of the
district operation upon fulfillment of the contract, shall be
brought after a period of six years from and after the maturity
date of such bond. [1939 c 57 § 1; RRS § 157-2.]
Reviser's note: Transitional proviso omitted. The proviso reads: "PRO-
VIDED, That this section shall not apply to actions not otherwise barred on
such irrigation district bonds heretofore issued, if the same shall be com
menced within six (6) months after the taking effect of this act".
4.16.070 Actions limited to five years.
4.16.070 Actions limited to five years. No action for
the recovery of any real estate sold by an executor or admin
istrator under the laws of this state shall be maintained by any
heir or other person claiming under the deceased, unless it is
commenced within five years next after the sale, and no
action for any estate sold by a guardian shall be maintained
by the ward, or by any person claiming under him or her,
unless commenced within five years next after the termina
tion of the guardianship, except that minors, and other per-
sons under legal disability to sue at the time when the right of
action first accrued, may commence such action at any time
within three years after the removal of the disability. [2011 c
336 § 82; 1890 p 81 § 1; RRS § 158. Prior: 1863 p 245 §§
251, 252; 1860 p 205 §§ 217, 218; 1854 p 290 §§ 137, 138.]
Age of majority: Chapter 26.28 RCW.
actions by and against executors, etc.: Chapter 11.48 RCW.
4.16.080 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 8] (2016 Ed.)
guardianship: Chapters 11.88, 11.92 RCW.
sales and mortgages of real estate: Chapter 11.56 RCW; RCW 11.60.010.
Sales not voided by irregularities: RCW 11.56.115.
4.16.08 0
4.16.080 Actio ns limited to three years.
4.16.080 Actions limited to three years. The following
actions shall be commenced within three years:
(1) An action for waste or trespass upon real property;
(2) An action for taking, detaining, or injuring personal
property, including an action for the specific recovery
thereof, or for any other injury to the person or rights of
another not hereinafter enumerated;
(3) Except as provided in RCW 4.16.040(2), an action
upon a contract or liability, express or implied, which is not
in writing, and does not arise out of any written instrument;
(4) An action for relief upon the ground of fraud, the
cause of action in such case not to be deemed to have accrued
until the discovery by the aggrieved party of the facts consti
tuting the fraud;
(5) An action against a sheriff, coroner, or constable
upon a liability incurred by the doing of an act in his or her
official capacity and by virtue of his or her office, or by the
omission of an official duty, including the nonpayment of
money collected upon an execution; but this subsection shall
not apply to action for an escape;
(6) An action against an officer charged with misappro-
priation or a failure to properly account for public funds
intrusted to his or her custody; an action upon a statute for
penalty or forfeiture, where an action is given to the party
aggrieved, or to such party and the state, except when the
statute imposing it prescribed a different limitation: PRO
VIDED, HOWEVER, The cause of action for such misappro-
priation, penalty, or forfeiture, whether for acts heretofore or
hereafter done, and regardless of lapse of time or existing
statutes of limitations, or the bar thereof, even though com
plete, shall not be deemed to accrue or to have accrued until
discovery by the aggrieved party of the act or acts from which
such liability has arisen or shall arise, and such liability,
whether for acts heretofore or hereafter done, and regardless
of lapse of time or existing statute of limitation, or the bar
thereof, even though complete, shall exist and be enforceable
for three years after discovery by aggrieved party of the act or
acts from which such liability has arisen or shall arise. [2011
c 336 § 83; 1989 c 38 § 2; 1937 c 127 § 1; 1923 c 28 § 1; Code
1881 § 28; 1869 p 8 § 28; 1854 p 363 § 4; RRS § 159.]
Reviser's note: Transitional proviso omitted from subsection (6). The
proviso reads: "PROVIDED, FURTHER, That no action heretofore barred
under the provisions of this paragraph shall be commenced after ninety days
from the time this act becomes effective;".
4.16.09 0
4.16.090 Action to cancel tax deed.
4.16.090 Action to cancel tax deed. Actions to set
aside or cancel any deed heretofore or hereafter issued by any
county treasurer after and upon the sale of lands for general,
state, county or municipal taxes, or upon the sale of lands
acquired by any county on foreclosure of general, state,
county or municipal taxes, or for the recovery of any lands so
sold, must be brought within three years from and after the
date of the issuance of such treasurer's deed. [1949 c 74 § 1;
1907 c 173 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 162.]
Reviser's note: Transitional proviso omitted. The proviso reads: "PRO-
VIDED, This act shall not apply to actions not otherwise barred on deeds
heretofore issued if the same be commenced within one year after the pas
sage of this act".
4.16.100 Actions limited to two years.
4.16.100 Actions limited to two years. Within two
(1) An action for libel, slander, assault, assault and bat-
tery, or false imprisonment.
(2) An action upon a statute for a forfeiture or penalty to
the state. [Code 1881 § 29; 1877 p 8 § 29; 1869 p 9 § 29;
1854 p 363 § 5; RRS § 160.]
Limitation of action for recovery of transportation charges: RCW 81.28.270.
4.16.110 Actions limited to one year.
4.16.110 Actions limited to one year. Within one year
an action shall be brought against a sheriff, or other officer
for the escape of a prisoner arrested or imprisoned on civil
process. [1985 c 11 § 2. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 1; Code 1881 §
30; 1877 p 8 § 30; 1869 p 9 § 30; 1854 p 364 § 5; RRS § 161.]
Reviser's note: 1985 c 11 reenacted RCW 4.16.110 and 4.16.370 with-
out amendment.
Purpose—1985 c 11: "The purpose of this act is to make technical cor-
rections to chapter 149, Laws of 1984, and to ensure that the changes made
in that chapter meet the constitutional requirements of Article II, section 19
of the state Constitution." [1985 c 11 § 1.]
Sheriff, civil liability: RCW 36.28.150.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.115 Special provisions for action on penalty.
4.16.115 Special provisions for action on penalty. An
action upon a statute for a penalty given in whole or in part to
the person who may prosecute for the same, shall be com
menced within three years [one year] after the commission of
the offense; and if the action be not commenced within one
year by a private party, it may be commenced within two
years after the commission of the offense in behalf of the
state by the prosecuting attorney of the county, where said
offense was committed. [1877 p 9 § 31; 1854 p 364 § 6; RRS
§ 163. Formerly RCW 4.16.140. Cf. Code 1881 § 31.]
Reviser's note: "one year" appeared in Laws of 1854 and 1877; "three
years" appears in Code of 1881.
4.16.130 Action for relief not otherwise provided for.
4.16.130 Action for relief not otherwise provided for.
An action for relief not hereinbefore provided for, shall be
commenced within two years after the cause of action shall
have accrued. [Code 1881 § 33; 1877 p 9 § 32; 1854 p 364 §
7; RRS § 165.]
Limitation of action to recover taxes paid: RCW 84.68.060.
4.16.150 Action on mutual open accounts.
4.16.150 Action on mutual open accounts. In an
action brought to recover a balance due upon a mutual open
and current account, where there have been reciprocal
demands between the parties, the cause of action shall be
deemed to have accrued from the time of the last item proved
in the account on either side, but whenever a period of more
than one year shall have elapsed between any of a series of
items or demands, they are not to be deemed such an account.
[Code 1881 § 34; 1877 p 9 § 33; 1869 p 10 § 33; 1854 p 364
§ 8; RRS § 166.]
4.16.160 Application of limitations to actions by state, counties, municipa lities.
4.16.160 Application of limitations to actions by
state, counties, municipalities. The limitations prescribed
in this chapter shall apply to actions brought in the name or
for the benefit of any county or other municipality or quasi
municipality of the state, in the same manner as to actions
brought by private parties: PROVIDED, That, except as pro
vided in RCW 4.16.310, there shall be no limitation to
actions brought in the name or for the benefit of the state, and
Limitation of Actions 4.16.240
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 9]
no claim of right predicated upon the lapse of time shall ever
be asserted against the state: AND FURTHER PROVIDED,
That no previously existing statute of limitations shall be
interposed as a defense to any action brought in the name or
for the benefit of the state, although such statute may have
run and become fully operative as a defense prior to February
27, 1903, nor shall any cause of action against the state be
predicated upon such a statute. [1986 c 305 § 701; 1955 c 43
§ 2. Prior: 1903 c 24 § 1; Code 1881 § 35; 1873 p 10 §§ 34,
35; 1869 p 10 §§ 34, 35; 1854 p 364 § 9; RRS § 167, part.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.17 0
4.16.170 Tolling of statute—Actions, when deemed commenced or not commenced.
4.16.170 Tolling of statute—Actions, when deemed
commenced or not commenced. For the purpose of tolling
any statute of limitations an action shall be deemed com
menced when the complaint is filed or summons is served
whichever occurs first. If service has not been had on the
defendant prior to the filing of the complaint, the plaintiff
shall cause one or more of the defendants to be served per
sonally, or commence service by publication within ninety
days from the date of filing the complaint. If the action is
commenced by service on one or more of the defendants or
by publication, the plaintiff shall file the summons and com
plaint within ninety days from the date of service. If follow-
ing service, the complaint is not so filed, or following filing,
service is not so made, the action shall be deemed to not have
been commenced for purposes of tolling the statute of limita
tions. [1971 ex.s. c 131 § 1; 1955 c 43 § 3. Prior: 1903 c 24
§ 1; Code 1881 § 35; 1873 p 10 § 35; 1869 p 10 § 35; RRS §
167, part.]
4.16.18 0
4.16.180 Statute tolled by absence from state, concealment, etc.
4.16.180 Statute tolled by absence from state, con-
cealment, etc. If the cause of action shall accrue against any
person who is a nonresident of this state, or who is a resident
of this state and shall be out of the state, or concealed therein,
such action may be commenced within the terms herein
respectively limited after the coming, or return of such person
into the state, or after the end of such concealment; and if
after such cause of action shall have accrued, such person
shall depart from and reside out of this state, or conceal him
self or herself, the time of his or her absence or concealment
shall not be deemed or taken as any part of the time limit for
the commencement of such action. [2011 c 336 § 84; 1927 c
132 § 1; Code 1881 § 36; 1854 p 364 § 10; RRS § 168.]
4.16.19 0
4.16.190 Stat ute tolled by personal dis ability.
4.16.190 Statute tolled by personal disability. (1)
Unless otherwise provided in this section, if a person entitled
to bring an action mentioned in this chapter, except for a pen
alty or forfeiture, or against a sheriff or other officer, for an
escape, be at the time the cause of action accrued either under
the age of eighteen years, or incompetent or disabled to such
a degree that he or she cannot understand the nature of the
proceedings, such incompetency or disability as determined
according to chapter 11.88 RCW, or imprisoned on a crimi
nal charge prior to sentencing, the time of such disability
shall not be a part of the time limited for the commencement
of action.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section with respect to a person
under the age of eighteen years does not apply to the time
limited for the commencement of an action under RCW
4.16.350. [2006 c 8 § 303; 1993 c 232 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 80 §
2; 1971 ex.s. c 292 § 74; Code 1881 § 37; 1877 p 9 § 38; 1869
p 10 § 38; 1861 p 61 § 1; 1854 p 364 § 11; RRS § 169.]
Findings—Intent—Part headings and subheadings not law—Sever-
ability—2006 c 8: See notes following RCW 5.64.010.
Purpose—Intent—1977 ex.s. c 80: "It is the purpose of the legislature
in enacting this 1977 amendatory act to provide for a comprehensive revision
of out-dated and offensive language, procedures and assumptions that have
previously been used to identify and categorize mentally, physically, and
sensory handicapped citizens. It is legislative intent that language references
such as idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded or defective persons be deleted and
replaced with more appropriate references to reflect current statute law more
recently enacted by the federal government and this legislature. It is legisla
tive belief that use of the undefined term "insanity" be avoided in preference
to the use of a process for defining incompetency or disability as fully set
forth in chapter 11.88 RCW; that language that has allowed or implied a pre
sumption of incompetency or disability on the basis of an apparent condition
or appearance be deleted in favor of a reference to necessary due process
allowing a judicial determination of the existence or lack of existence of such
incompetency or disability." [1977 ex.s. c 80 § 1.]
Adverse possession, personal disability, limitation tolled: RCW 7.28.090.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.200 Statute tolled by death.
4.16.200 Statute tolled by death. Limitations on
actions against a person who dies before the expiration of the
time otherwise limited for commencement thereof are as set
forth in chapter 11.40 RCW. Subject to the limitations on
claims against a deceased person under chapter 11.40 RCW,
if a person entitled to bring an action dies before the expira
tion of the time limited for the commencement thereof, and
the cause of action survives, an action may be commenced by
his or her representatives after the expiration of the time and
within one year from his or her death. [2011 c 336 § 85; 1989
c 333 § 8; Code 1881 § 38; 1877 p 9 § 38; 1854 p 364 § 12;
RRS § 170.]
Decedents, claims against, time limits: RCW 11.40.051, 11.40.060.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.210 St atut e tolled—By war as to e nemy alien.
4.16.210 Statute tolled—By war as to enemy alien.
When a person shall be an alien subject or a citizen of a coun
try at war with the United States, the time of the continuance
of the war shall not be a part of the period limited for the
commencement of the action. [1941 c 174 § 1, part; Code
1881 § 39; 1854 p 365 § 13; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 171, part.]
4.16.220 Stat ute tolled—As to person in military service of United States.
4.16.220 Statute tolled—As to person in military ser-
vice of United States. When the enforcement of civil liabil-
ities against a person in the military service of the United
States has been suspended by operation of law, the period of
such suspension shall not be a part of the period limited for
the commencement of the action. [1941 c 174 § 1, part; Code
1881 § 39; 1854 p 365 § 13; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 171, part.]
Application of federal law: RCW 73.16.070.
4.16.230 Statute tolled by judicial proceedings.
4.16.230 Statute tolled by judicial proceedings.
When the commencement of an action is stayed by injunction
or a statutory prohibition, the time of the continuance of the
injunction or prohibition shall not be a part of the time limited
for the commencement of the action. [Code 1881 § 40; 1877
p 10 § 41; 1854 p 365 § 14; RRS § 172.]
4.16.240 Effect of reversal of judgme nt on appeal.
4.16.240 Effect of reversal of judgment on appeal. If
an action shall be commenced within the time prescribed
therefor, and a judgment therein for the plaintiff be reversed
4.16.250 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 10] (2016 Ed.)
on error or appeal, the plaintiff, or if he or she dies and the
cause of action survives, his or her heirs or representatives
may commence a new action within one year after reversal.
[2011 c 336 § 86; Code 1881 § 41; 1877 p 10 § 42; 1854 p
365 § 15; RRS § 173.]
4.16.25 0
4.16.250 Disability must exist when right of action accrued.
4.16.250 Disability must exist when right of action
accrued. No person shall avail himself or herself of a dis
ability unless it existed when his or her right of action
accrued. [2011 c 336 § 87; Code 1881 § 42; 1877 p 10 § 43;
1854 p 365 § 16; RRS § 174.]
4.16.26 0
4.16.260 Coexisting disabilities.
4.16.260 Coexisting disabilities. When two or more
disabilities shall coexist at the time the right of action
accrues, the limitation shall not attach until they all be
removed. [Code 1881 § 43; 1877 p 10 § 44; 1854 p 365 § 17;
RRS § 175.]
4.16.27 0
4.16.27 0 Effect of partial payme nt.
4.16.270 Effect of partial payment. When any pay-
ment of principal or interest has been or shall be made upon
any existing contract, whether it be a bill of exchange, prom
issory note, bond or other evidence of indebtedness, if such
payment be made after the same shall have become due, the
limitation shall commence from the time the last payment
was made. [Code 1881 § 45; 1877 p 10 § 46; 1854 p 365 §
19; RRS § 177.]
4.16.28 0
4.16.28 0 New promis e must be in writing.
4.16.280 New promise must be in writing. No
acknowledgment or promise shall be sufficient evidence of a
new or continuing contract whereby to take the case out of
the operation of this chapter, unless it is contained in some
writing signed by the party to be charged thereby; but this
section shall not alter the effect of any payment of principal
or interest. [Code 1881 § 44; 1877 p 10 § 45; 1854 p 365 §
18; RRS § 176.]
4.16.29 0
4.16.290 Fore ign statutes of limitation , how applied.
4.16.290 Foreign statutes of limitation, how applied.
When the cause of action has arisen in another state, territory
or country between nonresidents of this state, and by the laws
of the state, territory or country where the action arose, an
action cannot be maintained thereon by reason of the lapse of
time, no action shall be maintained thereon in this state.
[Code 1881 § 46; 1877 p 10 § 47; 1854 p 365 § 20; RRS §
4.16.30 0
4.16.300 Actio ns or claims arising fro m construction, alteratio n, repair, design, plann ing, survey, engineer ing, etc., of improvements upon real property.
4.16.300 Actions or claims arising from construction,
alteration, repair, design, planning, survey, engineering,
etc., of improvements upon real property. RCW 4.16.300
through 4.16.320 shall apply to all claims or causes of action
of any kind against any person, arising from such person hav
ing constructed, altered or repaired any improvement upon
real property, or having performed or furnished any design,
planning, surveying, architectural or construction or engi
neering services, or supervision or observation of construc-
tion, or administration of construction contracts for any con-
struction, alteration or repair of any improvement upon real
property. This section is specifically intended to benefit per
sons having performed work for which the persons must be
registered or licensed under RCW 18.08.310, 18.27.020,
18.43.040, 18.96.020, or 19.28.041, and shall not apply to
claims or causes of action against persons not required to be
so registered or licensed. [2004 c 257 § 1; 1986 c 305 § 703;
1967 c 75 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.310 Actions or claims arising from construction, alteration, repair, design, planning, surv ey, engineering, etc., of improvements upon real property—Accrual and limitations of actions or claims .
4.16.310 Actions or claims arising from construction,
alteration, repair, design, planning, survey, engineering,
etc., of improvements upon real property—Accrual and
limitations of actions or claims. All claims or causes of
action as set forth in RCW 4.16.300 shall accrue, and the
applicable statute of limitation shall begin to run only during
the period within six years after substantial completion of
construction, or during the period within six years after the
termination of the services enumerated in RCW 4.16.300,
whichever is later. The phrase "substantial completion of
construction" shall mean the state of completion reached
when an improvement upon real property may be used or
occupied for its intended use. Any cause of action which has
not accrued within six years after such substantial completion
of construction, or within six years after such termination of
services, whichever is later, shall be barred: PROVIDED,
That this limitation shall not be asserted as a defense by any
owner, tenant or other person in possession and control of the
improvement at the time such cause of action accrues. The
limitations prescribed in this section apply to all claims or
causes of action as set forth in RCW 4.16.300 brought in the
name or for the benefit of the state which are made or com
menced after June 11, 1986.
If a written notice is filed under RCW 64.50.020 within
the time prescribed for the filing of an action under this chap
ter, the period of time during which the filing of an action is
barred under RCW 64.50.020 plus sixty days shall not be a
part of the period limited for the commencement of an action,
nor for the application of this section. [2002 c 323 § 9; 1986
c 305 § 702; 1967 c 75 § 2.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.320 Actions or claims arising from construction, alteration, repair, design, planning, surv ey, engineering, etc., of improvements upon real property—Construction.
4.16.320 Actions or claims arising from construction,
alteration, repair, design, planning, survey, engineering,
etc., of improvements upon real property—Construction.
Nothing in RCW 4.16.300 through 4.16.320 shall be con
strued as extending the period now permitted by law for
bringing any kind of action. [1967 c 75 § 3.]
4.16.325 Actions or claims arising from construction defect claims—Statute tolled.
4.16.325 Actions or claims arising from construction
defect claims—Statute tolled. If a written notice of claim is
served under RCW 64.50.020 within the time prescribed for
the filing of an action under this chapter, the statutes of lim
itations for construction-related claims are tolled until sixty
days after the period of time during which the filing of an
action is barred under RCW 64.50.020. [2002 c 323 § 8.]
4.16.326 Actions or claims for construction defect claims—Comparative fau lt.
4.16.326 Actions or claims for construction defect
claims—Comparative fault. (1) Persons engaged in any
activity defined in RCW 4.16.300 may be excused, in whole
or in part, from any obligation, damage, loss, or liability for
those defined activities under the principles of comparative
fault for the following affirmative defenses:
(a) To the extent it is caused by an unforeseen act of
nature that caused, prevented, or precluded the activities
defined in RCW 4.16.300 from meeting the applicable build
ing codes, regulations, and ordinances in effect at the com-
Limitation of Actions 4.16.340
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 11]
mencement of construction. For purposes of this section an
"unforeseen act of nature" means any weather condition,
earthquake, or man-made event such as war, terrorism, or
(b) To the extent it is caused by a homeowner's unrea-
sonable failure to minimize or prevent those damages in a
timely manner, including the failure of the homeowner to
allow reasonable and timely access for inspections and
repairs under this section. This includes the failure to give
timely notice to the builder after discovery of a violation, but
does not include damages due to the untimely or inadequate
response of a builder to the homeowner's claim;
(c) To the extent it is caused by the homeowner or his or
her agent, employee, subcontractor, independent contractor,
or consultant by virtue of their failure to follow the builder's
or manufacturer's maintenance recommendations, or com
monly accepted homeowner maintenance obligations. In
order to rely upon this defense as it relates to a builder's rec
ommended maintenance schedule, the builder shall show that
the homeowner had written notice of the schedule, the sched
ule was reasonable at the time it was issued, and the home-
owner failed to substantially comply with the written sched-
(d) To the extent it is caused by the homeowner or his or
her agent's or an independent third party's alterations, ordi
nary wear and tear, misuse, abuse, or neglect, or by the struc-
ture's use for something other than its intended purpose;
(e) As to a particular violation for which the builder has
obtained a valid release;
(f) To the extent that the builder's repair corrected the
alleged violation or defect;
(g) To the extent that a cause of action does not accrue
within the statute of repose pursuant to RCW 4.16.310 or that
an actionable cause as set forth in RCW 4.16.300 is not filed
within the applicable statute of limitations. In contract actions
the applicable contract statute of limitations expires, regard
less of discovery, six years after substantial completion of
construction, or during the period within six years after the
termination of the services enumerated in RCW 4.16.300,
whichever is later;
(h) As to any causes of action to which this section does
not apply, all applicable affirmative defenses are preserved.
(2) This section does not apply to any civil action in tort
alleging personal injury or wrongful death to a person or per
sons resulting from a construction defect. [2003 c 80 § 1.]
4.16.32 7
4.16.327 Actions or claims for construction defects—Emergency repairs.
4.16.327 Actions or claims for construction defects—
Emergency repairs. Any person, including but not limited
to contractors, builders, tradespeople, and other providers of
construction, remodel, or repair services, who, without com
pensation or the expectation of compensation, renders emer-
gency repairs to any structure at the scene of any accident,
disaster, or emergency that has caused or resulted in damage
to the structure is not liable for civil damages resulting from
any act or omission in the rendering of such emergency
repairs, other than acts or omissions constituting gross negli
gence or willful or wanton misconduct. Any person rendering
emergency repairs during the course of regular employment
and receiving compensation or expecting to receive compen
sation for rendering such repairs is excluded from the protec-
tion of this section.
For the purposes of this section, "accident, disaster, or
emergency" includes an earthquake, windstorm, hurricane,
landslide, flood, volcanic eruption, explosion, fire, or any
similar occurrence. [2003 c 11 § 1.]
4.16.340 Actions based on childhood sexual abuse.
4.16.340 Actions based on childhood sexual abuse.
(1) All claims or causes of action based on intentional con
duct brought by any person for recovery of damages for
injury suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse shall be
commenced within the later of the following periods:
(a) Within three years of the act alleged to have caused
the injury or condition;
(b) Within three years of the time the victim discovered
or reasonably should have discovered that the injury or con
dition was caused by said act; or
(c) Within three years of the time the victim discovered
that the act caused the injury for which the claim is brought:
PROVIDED, That the time limit for commencement of
an action under this section is tolled for a child until the child
reaches the age of eighteen years.
(2) The victim need not establish which act in a series of
continuing sexual abuse or exploitation incidents caused the
injury complained of, but may compute the date of discovery
from the date of discovery of the last act by the same perpe
trator which is part of a common scheme or plan of sexual
abuse or exploitation.
(3) The knowledge of a custodial parent or guardian shall
not be imputed to a person under the age of eighteen years.
(4) For purposes of this section, "child" means a person
under the age of eighteen years.
(5) As used in this section, "childhood sexual abuse"
means any act committed by the defendant against a com
plainant who was less than eighteen years of age at the time
of the act and which act would have been a violation of chap
ter 9A.44 RCW or RCW 9.68A.040 or prior laws of similar
effect at the time the act was committed. [1991 c 212 § 2;
1989 c 317 § 2; 1988 c 144 § 1.]
Finding—Intent—1991 c 212: "The legislature finds that:
(1) Childhood sexual abuse is a pervasive problem that affects the safety
and well-being of many of our citizens.
(2) Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience for the victim
causing long-lasting damage.
(3) The victim of childhood sexual abuse may repress the memory of the
abuse or be unable to connect the abuse to any injury until after the statute of
limitations has run.
(4) The victim of childhood sexual abuse may be unable to understand
or make the connection between childhood sexual abuse and emotional harm
or damage until many years after the abuse occurs.
(5) Even though victims may be aware of injuries related to the child-
hood sexual abuse, more serious injuries may be discovered many years
(6) The legislature enacted RCW 4.16.340 to clarify the application of
the discovery rule to childhood sexual abuse cases. At that time the legisla
ture intended to reverse the Washington supreme court decision in Tyson v.
Tyson, 107 Wn.2d 72, 727 P.2d 226 (1986).
It is still the legislature's intention that Tyson v. Tyson, 107 Wn.2d 72,
727 P.2d 226 (1986) be reversed, as well as the line of cases that state that
discovery of any injury whatsoever caused by an act of childhood sexual
abuse commences the statute of limitations. The legislature intends that the
earlier discovery of less serious injuries should not affect the statute of lim
itations for injuries that are discovered later." [1991 c 212 § 1.]
Intent—1989 c 317: "(1) The legislature finds that possible confusion
may exist in interpreting the statute of limitations provisions for child sexual
abuse civil actions in RCW 4.16.190 and 4.16.340 regarding the accrual of a
cause of action for a person under age eighteen. The legislature finds that
amending RCW 4.16.340 will clarify that the time limit for commencement
4.16.350 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 12] (2016 Ed.)
of an action under RCW 4.16.340 is tolled until the child reaches age eigh-
teen. The 1989 amendment to RCW 4.16.340 is intended as a clarification of
existing law and is not intended to be a change in the law.
(2) The legislature further finds that the enactment of chapter 145, Laws
of 1988, which deleted specific reference to RCW 9A.44.070, 9A.44.080,
and 9A.44.100(1)(b) from RCW 9A.04.080 and also deleted those specific
referenced provisions from the laws of Washington, did not intend to change
the statute of limitations governing those offenses from seven to three years."
[1989 c 317 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.35 0
4.16.350 Actio n for injuries resulting fr om health care or relate d services—Physicians, den tists, nurses, etc.—Hospitals , clinics, nursing homes, etc.
4.16.350 Action for injuries resulting from health
care or related services—Physicians, dentists, nurses,
etc.—Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc. Any civil
action for damages for injury occurring as a result of health
care which is provided after June 25, 1976, against:
(1) A person licensed by this state to provide health care
or related services, including, but not limited to, a physician,
osteopathic physician, dentist, nurse, optometrist, podiatric
physician and surgeon, chiropractor, physical therapist, psy
chologist, pharmacist, optician, physician's assistant, osteo-
pathic physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, or physician's
trained mobile intensive care paramedic, including, in the
event such person is deceased, his or her estate or personal
(2) An employee or agent of a person described in sub-
section (1) of this section, acting in the course and scope of
his or her employment, including, in the event such employee
or agent is deceased, his or her estate or personal representa
tive; or
(3) An entity, whether or not incorporated, facility, or
institution employing one or more persons described in sub
section (1) of this section, including, but not limited to, a hos-
pital, clinic, health maintenance organization, or nursing
home; or an officer, director, employee, or agent thereof act
ing in the course and scope of his or her employment, includ-
ing, in the event such officer, director, employee, or agent is
deceased, his or her estate or personal representative; based
upon alleged professional negligence shall be commenced
within three years of the act or omission alleged to have
caused the injury or condition, or one year of the time the
patient or his or her representative discovered or reasonably
should have discovered that the injury or condition was
caused by said act or omission, whichever period expires
later, except that in no event shall an action be commenced
more than eight years after said act or omission: PROVIDED,
That the time for commencement of an action is tolled upon
proof of fraud, intentional concealment, or the presence of a
foreign body not intended to have a therapeutic or diagnostic
purpose or effect, until the date the patient or the patient's rep
resentative has actual knowledge of the act of fraud or con-
cealment, or of the presence of the foreign body; the patient
or the patient's representative has one year from the date of
the actual knowledge in which to commence a civil action for
For purposes of this section, notwithstanding RCW
4.16.190, the knowledge of a custodial parent or guardian
shall be imputed to a person under the age of eighteen years,
and such imputed knowledge shall operate to bar the claim of
such minor to the same extent that the claim of an adult would
be barred under this section. Any action not commenced in
accordance with this section shall be barred.
For purposes of this section, with respect to care pro-
vided after June 25, 1976, and before August 1, 1986, the
knowledge of a custodial parent or guardian shall be imputed
as of April 29, 1987, to persons under the age of eighteen
This section does not apply to a civil action based on
intentional conduct brought against those individuals or enti
ties specified in this section by a person for recovery of dam-
ages for injury occurring as a result of childhood sexual abuse
as defined in RCW 4.16.340(5). [2011 c 336 § 88; 2006 c 8
§ 302. Prior: 1998 c 147 § 1; 1988 c 144 § 2; 1987 c 212 §
1401; 1986 c 305 § 502; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 56 § 1; 1971 c
80 § 1.]
Purpose—Findings—Intent—2006 c 8 §§ 301 and 302: "The purpose
of this section and section 302, chapter 8, Laws of 2006 is to respond to the
court's decision in DeYoung v. Providence Medical Center, 136 Wn.2d 136
(1998), by expressly stating the legislature's rationale for the eight-year stat
ute of repose in RCW 4.16.350.
The legislature recognizes that the eight-year statute of repose alone
may not solve the crisis in the medical insurance industry. However, to the
extent that the eight-year statute of repose has an effect on medical malprac
tice insurance, that effect will tend to reduce rather than increase the cost of
malpractice insurance.
Whether or not the statute of repose has the actual effect of reducing
insurance costs, the legislature finds it will provide protection against claims,
however few, that are stale, based on untrustworthy evidence, or that place
undue burdens on defendants.
In accordance with the court's opinion in DeYoung, the legislature fur-
ther finds that compelling even one defendant to answer a stale claim is a
substantial wrong, and setting an outer limit to the operation of the discovery
rule is an appropriate aim.
The legislature further finds that an eight-year statute of repose is a rea-
sonable time period in light of the need to balance the interests of injured
plaintiffs and the health care industry.
The legislature intends to reenact RCW 4.16.350 with respect to the
eight-year statute of repose and specifically set forth for the court the legis
lature's legitimate rationale for adopting the eight-year statute of repose. The
legislature further intends that the eight-year statute of repose reenacted by
section 302, chapter 8, Laws of 2006 be applied to actions commenced on or
after June 7, 2006." [2006 c 8 § 301.]
Findings—Intent—Part headings and subheadings not law—Sever-
ability—2006 c 8: See notes following RCW 5.64.010.
Actions for injuries resulting from health care: Chapter 7.70 RCW.
Complaint in personal injury actions not to include statement of damages:
RCW 4.28.360.
Evidence of furnishing or offering to pay medical expenses inadmissible to
prove liability in personal injury actions for medical negligence:
Chapter 5.64 RCW.
Immunity of members of professional review committees, societies, examin-
ing, licensing or disciplinary boards from civil suit: RCW 4.24.240.
Proof and evidence required in actions against hospitals, personnel and
members of healing arts: RCW 4.24.290.
Verdict or award of future economic damages in personal injury or property
damage action may provide for periodic payments: RCW 4.56.260.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.360 Application of chapter to paternity action.
4.16.360 Application of chapter to paternity action.
This chapter does not limit the time in which an action for
determination of paternity may be brought under chapter
26.26 RCW. [1983 1st ex.s. c 41 § 13.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.16.370 Actions against personal representative or trustee for breach of fiduciary duties—Statute of limitations.
4.16.370 Actions against personal representative or
trustee for breach of fiduciary duties—Statute of limita
tions. The statute of limitations for actions against a personal
representative or trustee for breach of fiduciary duties is as
Uniform Conflict of Laws—Limitations Act 4.20.020
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 13]
set forth in RCW 11.96A.070. [1999 c 42 § 602; 1985 c 11 §
3. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 2.]
Purpose—Severability—1985 c 11: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.18
Chapter 4.18 RCW
4.18.010 Definitions.
4.18.020 Conflict of laws—Limitation periods.
4.18.030 Rules of law applicable to computation of limitation period.
4.18.040 Application of limitation period of other state—Unfairness.
4.18.900 Short title.
4.18.901 Application of chapter—Existing and future claims.
4.18.902 Uniformity of application and construction of chapter.
Limitation of actions generally: Chapter 4.16 RCW.
4.18.01 0
4.18.010 Definitions.
4.18.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Claim" means a right of action that may be asserted
in a civil action or proceeding and includes a right of action
created by statute.
(2) "State" means a state, commonwealth, territory, or
possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a foreign country, or a polit
ical subdivision of any of them. [1983 c 152 § 1.]
4.18.02 0
4.18.020 Confl ict of laws—Limitation pe riods.
4.18.020 Conflict of laws—Limitation periods. (1)
Except as provided by RCW 4.18.040, if a claim is substan
tively based:
(a) Upon the law of one other state, the limitation period
of that state applies; or
(b) Upon the law of more than one state, the limitation
period of one of those states, chosen by the law of conflict of
laws of this state, applies.
(2) The limitation period of this state applies to all other
claims. [1983 c 152 § 2.]
4.18.03 0
4.18.030 Rules of law applicable to computation of limitation period .
4.18.030 Rules of law applicable to computation of
limitation period. If the statute of limitations of another
state applies to the assertion of a claim in this state, the other
state's relevant statutes and other rules of law governing toll
ing and accrual apply in computing the limitation period, but
its statutes and other rules of law governing conflict of laws
do not apply. [1983 c 152 § 3.]
4.18.04 0
4.18.040 Appli cation of limitation perio d of other state—Unfairness.
4.18.040 Application of limitation period of other
state—Unfairness. If the court determines that the limita
tion period of another state applicable under RCW 4.18.020
and 4.18.030 is substantially different from the limitation
period of this state and has not afforded a fair opportunity to
sue upon, or imposes an unfair burden in defending against,
the claim, the limitation period of this state applies. [1983 c
152 § 4.]
4.18.90 0
4.18.900 Sho rt title.
4.18.900 Short title. This chapter may be cited as the
Uniform Conflict of Laws—Limitations Act. [1983 c 152 §
4.18.90 1
4.18.901 Appli cation of chapter—Existi ng and future claims.
4.18.901 Application of chapter—Existing and
future claims. This chapter applies to claims:
(1) Accruing after July 24, 1983; or
(2) Asserted in a civil action or proceeding more than
one year after July 24, 1983, but it does not revive a claim
barred before July 24, 1983. [1983 c 152 § 5.]
4.18.902 Uniformity of application and construction of chapter.
4.18.902 Uniformity of application and construction
of chapter. This chapter shall be applied and construed to
effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with
respect to the subject of this chapter among states enacting it.
[1983 c 152 § 6.]
Chapter 4.20
Chapter 4.20 RCW
4.20.005 Wrongful death—Application of terms.
4.20.010 Wrongful death—Right of action.
4.20.020 Wrongful death—Beneficiaries of action.
4.20.030 Workers' compensation act not affected.
4.20.046 Survival of actions.
4.20.050 Action not abated by death or disability if it survives—Substi-
4.20.060 Action for personal injury survives to surviving spouse, state
registered domestic partner, child, stepchildren, or heirs.
Action for injury or death of a child: RCW 4.24.010.
Actions by and against executors: Chapter 11.48 RCW.
Imputation of contributory fault of decedent in wrongful death actions: RCW
4.20.005 Wrongful death—Application of terms.
4.20.005 Wrongful death—Application of terms.
Words in RCW 4.20.010, 4.20.020, and 4.20.030 denoting
the singular shall be understood as belonging to a plurality of
persons or things. The masculine shall apply also to the fem
inine, and the word person shall also apply to bodies politic
and corporate. [1917 c 123 § 3; RRS § 183-2. Formerly
RCW 4.20.010, part.]
4.20.010 Wrongful death—Right of action.
4.20.010 Wrongful death—Right of action. When the
death of a person is caused by the wrongful act, neglect, or
default of another his or her personal representative may
maintain an action for damages against the person causing
the death; and although the death shall have been caused
under such circumstances as amount, in law, to a felony.
[2011 c 336 § 89; 1917 c 123 § 1; RRS § 183. FORMER
PARTS OF SECTION: 1917 c 123 § 3 now codified as RCW
4.20.005. Prior: 1909 c 129 § 1; Code 1881 § 8; 1875 p 4 § 4;
1854 p 220 § 496.]
4.20.020 Wrongful death—Beneficiaries of action.
4.20.020 Wrongful death—Beneficiaries of action.
Every such action shall be for the benefit of the wife, hus
band, state registered domestic partner, child or children,
including stepchildren, of the person whose death shall have
been so caused. If there be no wife, husband, state registered
domestic partner, or such child or children, such action may
be maintained for the benefit of the parents, sisters, or broth
ers, who may be dependent upon the deceased person for sup-
port, and who are resident within the United States at the time
of his or her death.
In every such action the jury may give such damages as,
under all circumstances of the case, may to them seem just.
[2011 c 336 § 90; 2007 c 156 § 29; 1985 c 139 § 1; 1973 1st
ex.s. c 154 § 2; 1917 c 123 § 2; RRS § 183-1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.20.030 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 14] (2016 Ed.)
4.20.03 0
4.20.030 Workers' compensation act not affected.
4.20.030 Workers' compensation act not affected.
RCW 4.20.005, 4.20.010, and 4.20.020 shall not repeal or
supersede chapter 74 of the Laws of 1911 [Title 51 RCW]
and acts amendatory thereof, or any part thereof. [1917 c 123
§ 5; RRS § 183-3.]
4.20.04 6
4.20.046 Survival of actions.
4.20.046 Survival of actions. (1) All causes of action
by a person or persons against another person or persons shall
survive to the personal representatives of the former and
against the personal representatives of the latter, whether
such actions arise on contract or otherwise, and whether or
not such actions would have survived at the common law or
prior to the date of enactment of this section: PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, That the personal representative shall only be
entitled to recover damages for pain and suffering, anxiety,
emotional distress, or humiliation personal to and suffered by
a deceased on behalf of those beneficiaries enumerated in
RCW 4.20.020, and such damages are recoverable regardless
of whether or not the death was occasioned by the injury that
is the basis for the action. The liability of property of spouses
or domestic partners held by them as community property to
execution in satisfaction of a claim enforceable against such
property so held shall not be affected by the death of either or
both spouses or either or both domestic partners; and a cause
of action shall remain an asset as though both claiming
spouses or both claiming domestic partners continued to live
despite the death of either or both claiming spouses or both
claiming domestic partners.
(2) Where death or an injury to person or property,
resulting from a wrongful act, neglect or default, occurs
simultaneously with or after the death of a person who would
have been liable therefor if his or her death had not occurred
simultaneously with such death or injury or had not inter
vened between the wrongful act, neglect or default and the
resulting death or injury, an action to recover damages for
such death or injury may be maintained against the personal
representative of such person. [2008 c 6 § 409; 1993 c 44 §
1; 1961 c 137 § 1.]
Part headings not law—Severability—2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900
and 26.60.901.
4.20.05 0
4.20.050 Actio n not abated by death or disability if it survives—S ubstitution.
4.20.050 Action not abated by death or disability if it
survives—Substitution. No action shall abate by the death,
marriage, or other disability of the party, or by the transfer of
any interest therein, if the cause of action survives or contin
ues; but the court may at any time within one year thereafter,
on motion, allow the action to be continued by or against his
or her representatives or successors in interest. [2011 c 336 §
91; Code 1881 § 17; 1877 p 6 § 17; 1869 p 6 § 17; 1854 p 132
§ 11; RRS § 193.]
Rules of court: Cf. RAP 3.2, 18.22.
4.20.06 0
4.20.060 Action for personal injury survives to surviving spouse, state regist ered domestic partner, c hild, stepchildren, or heirs.
4.20.060 Action for personal injury survives to sur-
viving spouse, state registered domestic partner, child,
stepchildren, or heirs. No action for a personal injury to any
person occasioning death shall abate, nor shall such right of
action determine, by reason of such death, if such person has
a surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, or child
living, including stepchildren, or leaving no surviving
spouse, state registered domestic partner, or such children, if
there is dependent upon the deceased for support and resident
within the United States at the time of decedent's death, par
ents, sisters, or brothers; but such action may be prosecuted,
or commenced and prosecuted, by the executor or administra
tor of the deceased, in favor of such surviving spouse or state
registered domestic partner, or in favor of the surviving
spouse or state registered domestic partner and such children,
or if no surviving spouse or state registered domestic partner,
in favor of such child or children, or if no surviving spouse,
state registered domestic partner, or such child or children,
then in favor of the decedent's parents, sisters, or brothers
who may be dependent upon such person for support, and
resident in the United States at the time of decedent's death.
[2007 c 156 § 30; 1985 c 139 § 2; 1973 1st ex.s. c 154 § 3;
1927 c 156 § 1; 1909 c 144 § 1; Code 1881 § 18; 1854 p 220
§ 495; RRS § 194.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.22
Chapter 4.22 RCW
4.22.005 Effect of contributory fault.
4.22.015 "Fault" defined.
4.22.020 Imputation of contributory fault—Spouse, domestic partner,
or minor child of spouse or domestic partner—Wrongful
death actions.
4.22.030 Nature of liability.
4.22.040 Right of contribution—Indemnity.
4.22.050 Enforcement of contribution.
4.22.060 Effect of settlement agreement.
4.22.070 Percentage of fault—Determination—Exception—Limita-
4.22.900 Effective date—1973 1st ex.s. c 138.
4.22.920 Applicability—1981 c 27.
4.22.925 Applicability—1981 c 27 § 17.
Product liability actions: Chapter 7.72 RCW.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.22.005 Effect of contributory fa ult.
4.22.005 Effect of contributory fault. In an action
based on fault seeking to recover damages for injury or death
to person or harm to property, any contributory fault charge
able to the claimant diminishes proportionately the amount
awarded as compensatory damages for an injury attributable
to the claimant's contributory fault, but does not bar recovery.
This rule applies whether or not under prior law the claim
ant's contributory fault constituted a defense or was disre-
garded under applicable legal doctrines, such as last clear
chance. [1981 c 27 § 8.]
4.22.015 "Fault" defined.
4.22.015 "Fault" defined. "Fault" includes acts or
omissions, including misuse of a product, that are in any mea
sure negligent or reckless toward the person or property of
the actor or others, or that subject a person to strict tort liabil
ity or liability on a product liability claim. The term also
includes breach of warranty, unreasonable assumption of
risk, and unreasonable failure to avoid an injury or to mitigate
damages. Legal requirements of causal relation apply both to
fault as the basis for liability and to contributory fault.
A comparison of fault for any purpose under RCW
4.22.005 through 4.22.060 shall involve consideration of
both the nature of the conduct of the parties to the action and
Contributory Fault—Effect—Imputation—Contribution—Settlement Agreements 4.22.070
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 15]
the extent of the causal relation between such conduct and the
damages. [1981 c 27 § 9.]
4.22.02 0
4.22.020 Imputation of contributory fault—Spouse, domestic partner, or minor child of spouse or domestic partn er—Wrongful death a ctions.
4.22.020 Imputation of contributory fault—Spouse,
domestic partner, or minor child of spouse or domestic
partner—Wrongful death actions. The contributory fault
of one spouse or one domestic partner shall not be imputed to
the other spouse or other domestic partner or the minor child
of the spouse or domestic partner to diminish recovery in an
action by the other spouse or other domestic partner or the
minor child of the spouse or other domestic partner, or his or
her legal representative, to recover damages caused by fault
resulting in death or in injury to the person or property,
whether separate or community, of the spouse or domestic
partner. In an action brought for wrongful death or loss of
consortium, the contributory fault of the decedent or injured
person shall be imputed to the claimant in that action. [2008
c 6 § 401; 1987 c 212 § 801; 1981 c 27 § 10; 1973 1st ex.s. c
138 § 2.]
Part headings not law—Severability—2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900
and 26.60.901.
Wrongful death actions: Chapter 4.20 RCW.
4.22.03 0
4.22.030 Natu re of liability.
4.22.030 Nature of liability. Except as otherwise pro-
vided in RCW 4.22.070, if more than one person is liable to a
claimant on an indivisible claim for the same injury, death or
harm, the liability of such persons shall be joint and several.
[1986 c 305 § 402; 1981 c 27 § 11.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.22.04 0
4.22.04 0 Right of co ntribution—I ndemnity.
4.22.040 Right of contribution—Indemnity. (1) A
right of contribution exists between or among two or more
persons who are jointly and severally liable upon the same
indivisible claim for the same injury, death or harm, whether
or not judgment has been recovered against all or any of
them. It may be enforced either in the original action or by a
separate action brought for that purpose. The basis for contri
bution among liable persons is the comparative fault of each
such person. However, the court may determine that two or
more persons are to be treated as a single person for purposes
of contribution.
(2) Contribution is available to a person who enters into
a settlement with a claimant only (a) if the liability of the per
son against whom contribution is sought has been extin-
guished by the settlement and (b) to the extent that the
amount paid in settlement was reasonable at the time of the
(3) The common law right of indemnity between active
and passive tort feasors is abolished: PROVIDED, That the
common law right of indemnity between active and passive
tort feasors is not abolished in those cases to which a right of
contribution by virtue of RCW 4.22.920(2) does not apply.
[1982 c 100 § 1; 1981 c 27 § 12.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.22.05 0
4.22.050 Enforcement of contribution.
4.22.050 Enforcement of contribution. (1) If the com-
parative fault of the parties to a claim for contribution has
been established previously by the court in the original
action, a party paying more than that party's equitable share
of the obligation, upon motion, may recover judgment for
(2) If the comparative fault of the parties to the claim for
contribution has not been established by the court in the orig
inal action, contribution may be enforced in a separate action,
whether or not a judgment has been rendered against either
the person seeking contribution or the person from whom
contribution is being sought.
(3) If a judgment has been rendered, the action for con-
tribution must be commenced within one year after the judg-
ment becomes final. If no judgment has been rendered, the
person bringing the action for contribution either must have
(a) discharged by payment the common liability within the
period of the statute of limitations applicable to the claimant's
right of action against him or her and commenced the action
for contribution within one year after payment, or (b) agreed
while the action was pending to discharge the common liabil
ity and, within one year after the agreement, have paid the lia-
bility and commenced an action for contribution. [2011 c
336 § 92; 1981 c 27 § 13.]
4.22.060 Effect of settlement agreement.
4.22.060 Effect of settlement agreement. (1) A party
prior to entering into a release, covenant not to sue, covenant
not to enforce judgment, or similar agreement with a claimant
shall give five days' written notice of such intent to all other
parties and the court. The court may for good cause authorize
a shorter notice period. The notice shall contain a copy of the
proposed agreement. A hearing shall be held on the issue of
the reasonableness of the amount to be paid with all parties
afforded an opportunity to present evidence. A determination
by the court that the amount to be paid is reasonable must be
secured. If an agreement was entered into prior to the filing of
the action, a hearing on the issue of the reasonableness of the
amount paid at the time it was entered into may be held at any
time prior to final judgment upon motion of a party.
The burden of proof regarding the reasonableness of the
settlement offer shall be on the party requesting the settle
(2) A release, covenant not to sue, covenant not to
enforce judgment, or similar agreement entered into by a
claimant and a person liable discharges that person from all
liability for contribution, but it does not discharge any other
persons liable upon the same claim unless it so provides.
However, the claim of the releasing person against other per
sons is reduced by the amount paid pursuant to the agreement
unless the amount paid was unreasonable at the time of the
agreement in which case the claim shall be reduced by an
amount determined by the court to be reasonable.
(3) A determination that the amount paid for a release,
covenant not to sue, covenant not to enforce judgment, or
similar agreement was unreasonable shall not affect the
validity of the agreement between the released and releasing
persons nor shall any adjustment be made in the amount paid
between the parties to the agreement. [1987 c 212 § 1901;
1981 c 27 § 14.]
4.22.070 Perce ntage of fault—Determinat ion—Exception—Limitation s.
4.22.070 Percentage of fault—Determination—
Exception—Limitations. (1) In all actions involving fault
of more than one entity, the trier of fact shall determine the
percentage of the total fault which is attributable to every
entity which caused the claimant's damages except entities
immune from liability to the claimant under Title 51 RCW.
The sum of the percentages of the total fault attributed to at-
4.22.900 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 16] (2016 Ed.)
fault entities shall equal one hundred percent. The entities
whose fault shall be determined include the claimant or per
son suffering personal injury or incurring property damage,
defendants, third-party defendants, entities released by the
claimant, entities with any other individual defense against
the claimant, and entities immune from liability to the claim
ant, but shall not include those entities immune from liability
to the claimant under Title 51 RCW. Judgment shall be
entered against each defendant except those who have been
released by the claimant or are immune from liability to the
claimant or have prevailed on any other individual defense
against the claimant in an amount which represents that
party's proportionate share of the claimant's total damages.
The liability of each defendant shall be several only and shall
not be joint except:
(a) A party shall be responsible for the fault of another
person or for payment of the proportionate share of another
party where both were acting in concert or when a person was
acting as an agent or servant of the party.
(b) If the trier of fact determines that the claimant or
party suffering bodily injury or incurring property damages
was not at fault, the defendants against whom judgment is
entered shall be jointly and severally liable for the sum of
their proportionate shares of the claimants [claimant's] total
(2) If a defendant is jointly and severally liable under one
of the exceptions listed in subsections (1)(a) or (1)(b) of this
section, such defendant's rights to contribution against
another jointly and severally liable defendant, and the effect
of settlement by either such defendant, shall be determined
under RCW 4.22.040, 4.22.050, and 4.22.060.
(3)(a) Nothing in this section affects any cause of action
relating to hazardous wastes or substances or solid waste dis
posal sites.
(b) Nothing in this section shall affect a cause of action
arising from the tortious interference with contracts or busi
ness relations.
(c) Nothing in this section shall affect any cause of
action arising from the manufacture or marketing of a fungi
ble product in a generic form which contains no clearly iden-
tifiable shape, color, or marking. [1993 c 496 § 1; 1986 c 305
§ 401.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.22.90 0
4.22.900 Effe ctive date—1973 1st ex .s. c 138.
4.22.900 Effective date—1973 1st ex.s. c 138. This act
takes effect as of 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 1974. [1973 1st ex.s.
c 138 § 3.]
4.22.92 0
4.22.920 Applicability—1981 c 27.
4.22.920 Applicability—1981 c 27. (1) Chapter 27,
Laws of 1981 shall apply to all claims arising on or after July
26, 1981.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, RCW
4.22.040, 4.22.050, and 4.22.060 shall also apply to all
actions in which trial on the underlying action has not taken
place prior to July 26, 1981, except that there is no right of
contribution in favor of or against any party who has, prior to
July 26, 1981, entered into a release, covenant not to sue,
covenant not to enforce judgment, or similar agreement with
the claimant. [1982 c 100 § 2; 1981 c 27 § 15.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.22.925 Applicability—1981 c 27 § 17.
4.22.925 Applicability—1981 c 27 § 17. In accordance
with section 15(1), chapter 27, Laws of 1981, the repeal of
RCW 4.22.010 by section 17, chapter 27, Laws of 1981
applies only to claims arising on or after July 26, 1981. RCW
4.22.010 shall continue to apply to claims arising prior to July
26, 1981. [1982 c 100 § 3.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.24
Chapter 4.24 RCW
4.24.005 Tort actions—Attorneys' fees—Determination of reasonable-
4.24.010 Action for injury or death of child.
4.24.020 Action by parent for seduction of child.
4.24.040 Action for negligently permitting fire to spread.
4.24.050 Kindling of fires by persons driving lumber.
4.24.060 Application of common law.
4.24.070 Recovery of money lost at gambling.
4.24.080 Action to recover leased premises used for gambling.
4.24.090 Validity of evidence of gambling debt.
4.24.115 Validity of agreement to indemnify against liability for negli-
gence relative to construction, alteration, improvement, etc.,
of structure or improvement attached to real estate or relative
to a motor carrier transportation contract.
4.24.130 Action for change of name—Fees.
4.24.140 Action by another state to enforce tax liability.
4.24.141 Action by another state to enforce tax liability—"Taxes"
4.24.150 Action for fines or forfeitures.
4.24.160 Action for penalty—Amount of recovery.
4.24.170 Judgment for penalty or forfeiture—Effect of collusion.
4.24.180 Disposition of fines, fees, penalties and forfeitures—Venue.
4.24.190 Action against parent for willful injury to person or property
by minor—Monetary limitation—Common law liability pre-
4.24.200 Liability of owners or others in possession of land and water
areas for injuries to recreation users—Purpose.
4.24.210 Liability of owners or others in possession of land and water
areas for injuries to recreation users—Known dangerous
artificial latent conditions—Other limitations.
4.24.220 Action for being detained on mercantile establishment prem-
ises for investigation—"Reasonable grounds" as defense.
4.24.230 Liability for conversion of goods or merchandise from store or
mercantile establishment, leaving restaurant or hotel or
motel without paying—Adults, minors—Parents, guard-
4.24.235 Physicians—Immunity from liability regarding safety belts.
4.24.240 Persons licensed to provide health care or related services,
employees, hospitals, clinics, etc.—Professional review
committee, society, examining, licensing or disciplinary
board members, etc.—Immunity from civil suit.
4.24.250 Health care provider filing charges or presenting evidence—
Immunity—Information sharing.
4.24.260 Health professionals making reports, filing charges, or pre-
senting evidence—Immunity.
4.24.264 Boards of directors or officers of nonprofit corporations—Lia-
4.24.290 Action for damages based on professional negligence of hospi-
tals or members of healing arts—Standard of proof—Evi-
4.24.300 Immunity from liability for certain types of medical care.
4.24.310 Persons rendering emergency care or transportation—Defini-
4.24.314 Person causing hazardous materials incident—Responsibility
for incident clean-up—Liability.
4.24.320 Action by person damaged by malicious mischief to livestock
or by owner damaged by theft of livestock—Treble dam-
ages, attorney's fees.
4.24.330 Action for damages caused by criminal street gang tagging and
4.24.340 Liability of merchants and other parties for creating a property
crime database—Information sharing.
4.24.350 Actions for damages that are false, unfounded, malicious,
without probable cause, or part of conspiracy—Action,
claim, or counterclaim by judicial officer, prosecuting
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.005
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 17]
authority, or law enforcement officer for malicious prosecu-
tion—Damages and costs—Attorneys' fees—Definitions.
4.24.360 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights
of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreason-
able delay caused by contractee, etc.—Declared void and
4.24.370 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights
of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreason
able delay caused by contractee, etc.—"Construction con-
tract" defined.
4.24.380 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights
of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreason-
able delay caused by contractee, etc.—Prospective applica-
tion of RCW 4.24.360.
4.24.400 Building warden assisting others to evacuate building or
attempting to control hazard—Immunity from liability.
4.24.410 Dog handler using dog in line of duty—Immunity.
4.24.420 Action by person committing a felony—Defense—Actions
under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
4.24.430 Actions by persons serving criminal sentence—Waiver of fil-
ing fees—Effect of previous claims dismissed on grounds
claim was frivolous or malicious.
4.24.450 Liability of operators for nuclear incidents—Definitions.
4.24.460 Liability of operators for nuclear incidents—Presumption of
operator negligence—Rebuttal—Recovery for negligence or
against other parties not limited by section.
4.24.470 Liability of officials and members of governing body of public
4.24.480 Liability of members of state hazardous materials planning
committee and local emergency planning committees.
4.24.490 Indemnification of state employees.
4.24.500 Good faith communication to government agency—Legisla-
tive findings—Purpose.
4.24.510 Communication to government agency or self-regulatory
organization—Immunity from civil liability.
4.24.520 Good faith communication to government agency—When
agency or attorney general may defend against lawsuit—
Costs and fees.
4.24.525 Public participation lawsuits—Special motion to strike
claim—Damages, costs, attorneys' fees, other relief—Defi-
4.24.530 Limitations on liability for equine activities—Definitions.
4.24.540 Limitations on liability for equine activities—Exceptions.
4.24.545 Electronic monitoring or 24/7 sobriety program participa-
tion—Limitation on liability.
4.24.550 Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders—Release of informa-
tion to public—Web site.
4.24.5501 Sex offenders—Model policy—Work group.
4.24.551 Law enforcement response to secure community transition
facility—Limitation on liability.
4.24.555 Release of information not restricted by pending appeal, peti-
tion, or writ.
4.24.556 Sex offender treatment providers—Affiliate sex offender
treatment providers—Limited liability—Responsibilities.
4.24.558 Limitations on liability for information sharing regarding per-
sons under court orders for supervision or treatment.
4.24.560 Defense to action for injury caused by indoor air pollutants.
4.24.570 Acts against animals in research or educational facilities.
4.24.575 Acts against animals kept for agricultural or veterinary pur-
4.24.580 Acts against animal facilities—Injunction.
4.24.590 Liability of foster parents.
4.24.595 Liability immunity—Emergent placement investigations of
child abuse or neglect—Shelter care and other dependency
4.24.601 Hazards to the public—Information—Legislative findings,
policy, intent.
4.24.611 Product liability/hazardous substance claims—Public right to
information—Confidentiality—Damages, costs, attorneys'
4.24.630 Liability for damage to land and property—Damages—
Costs—Attorneys' fees—Exceptions.
4.24.640 Firearm safety program liability.
4.24.660 Liability of school districts under contracts with youth pro-
4.24.670 Liability of volunteers of nonprofit or governmental entities.
4.24.680 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee
4.24.690 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee
information—Court action to prevent.
4.24.700 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee
information—Damages, fees, and costs.
4.24.710 Outdoor music festival, campground—Detention.
4.24.720 Liability immunity—Amber alerts.
4.24.730 Liability immunity—Disclosure of employee information to
prospective employer.
4.24.740 Liability immunity—Bovine handling activities.
4.24.750 Monitoring of persons charged with or convicted of misde-
meanors—Decisions concerning release of criminal offend-
4.24.760 Limited jurisdiction courts—Limitation on liability for inade-
quate supervision or monitoring—Definitions.
4.24.770 Private employer not liable for injury to unauthorized third-
party occupant of private employer's vehicle.
4.24.780 Liability of fire service protection agency in providing fire-
fighting efforts outside of jurisdiction or emergency ser-
4.24.790 Electronic impersonation—Action for invasion of privacy.
4.24.795 Distribution of intimate images—Liability for damages,
other civil penalties—Confidentiality of the plaintiff.
4.24.800 Liability immunity—Charitable donation of eyeglasses or
hearing instruments.
4.24.810 Liability immunity—Credentialing or granting practice privi-
leges to health care providers responding to emergencies.
4.24.820 Nonrecognition of foreign order—Incompatibility with public
4.24.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic
partnerships—2009 c 521.
Action for money damages due to gambling violations: RCW 9.46.200.
Arson reporting immunity act: Chapter 48.50 RCW.
Consent to treatment of minor for sexually transmitted disease, liability:
RCW 70.24.110.
Food donation and distribution, limitation of liability: Chapter 69.80 RCW.
Hazardous materials incidents, rendering emergency aid, liability: RCW
Injuries resulting from health care, special actions: Chapter 7.70 RCW.
Malpractice insurance for retired physicians providing health care services:
RCW 43.70.460.
Mine rescue or recovery work, liability: RCW 38.52.198.
Physician or hospital rendering emergency care, liability: RCW 18.71.220.
Physician's trained advanced emergency medical technician and paramedic,
liability: RCW 18.71.210.
Special proceedings and actions: Title 7 RCW.
4.24.005 Tort actions—Attorneys' fees—Determination of reasonableness.
4.24.005 Tort actions—Attorneys' fees—Determina-
tion of reasonableness. Any party charged with the payment
of attorney's fees in any tort action may petition the court not
later than forty-five days of receipt of a final billing or
accounting for a determination of the reasonableness of that
party's attorneys' fees. The court shall make such a determi
nation and shall take into consideration the following:
(1) The time and labor required, the novelty and diffi-
culty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to per-
form the legal service properly;
(2) The likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the
acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other
employment by the lawyer;
(3) The fee customarily charged in the locality for simi-
lar legal services;
(4) The amount involved and the results obtained;
(5) The time limitations imposed by the client or by the
(6) The nature and length of the professional relationship
with the client;
(7) The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer
or lawyers performing the services;
(8) Whether the fee is fixed or contingent;
(9) Whether the fixed or contingent fee agreement was in
writing and whether the client was aware of his or her right to
petition the court under this section;
4.24.010 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 18] (2016 Ed.)
(10) The terms of the fee agreement. [1987 c 212 §
1601; 1986 c 305 § 201.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.01 0
4.24.010 Actio n for injury or death of child.
4.24.010 Action for injury or death of child. A
mother or father, or both, who has regularly contributed to the
support of his or her minor child, and the mother or father, or
both, of a child on whom either, or both, are dependent for
support may maintain or join as a party an action as plaintiff
for the injury or death of the child.
This section creates only one cause of action, but if the
parents of the child are not married, are separated, or not mar
ried to each other damages may be awarded to each plaintiff
separately, as the trier of fact finds just and equitable.
If one parent brings an action under this section and the
other parent is not named as a plaintiff, notice of the institu
tion of the suit, together with a copy of the complaint, shall be
served upon the other parent: PROVIDED, That notice shall
be required only if parentage has been duly established.
Such notice shall be in compliance with the statutory
requirements for a summons. Such notice shall state that the
other parent must join as a party to the suit within twenty days
or the right to recover damages under this section shall be
barred. Failure of the other parent to timely appear shall bar
such parent's action to recover any part of an award made to
the party instituting the suit.
In such an action, in addition to damages for medical,
hospital, medication expenses, and loss of services and sup
port, damages may be recovered for the loss of love and com-
panionship of the child and for injury to or destruction of the
parent-child relationship in such amount as, under all the cir
cumstances of the case, may be just. [1998 c 237 § 2; 1973
1st ex.s. c 154 § 4; 1967 ex.s. c 81 § 1; 1927 c 191 § 1; Code
1881 § 9; 1877 p 5 § 9; 1873 p 5 § 10; 1869 p 4 § 9; RRS §
Intent—1998 c 237: "It is the intent of this act to address the constitu-
tional issue of equal protection addressed by the Washington state supreme
court in Guard v. Jackson, 132 Wn.2d 660 (1997). The legislature intends to
provide a civil cause of action for wrongful injury or death of a minor child
to a mother or father, or both, if the mother or father has had significant
involvement in the child's life, including but not limited to, emotional, psy
chological, or financial support." [1998 c 237 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.02 0
4.24.020 Action by parent for seduction of child.
4.24.020 Action by parent for seduction of child. A
father or mother, may maintain an action as plaintiff for the
seduction of a child, and the guardian for the seduction of a
ward, though the child or the ward be not living with or in the
service of the plaintiff at the time of the seduction or after
wards, and there be no loss of service. [1973 1st ex.s. c 154
§ 5; Code 1881 § 10; 1877 p 5 § 10; 1869 p 4 § 10; RRS §
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.04 0
4.24.040 Actio n for negligently permitti ng fire to spread.
4.24.040 Action for negligently permitting fire to
spread. Except as provided in RCW 76.04.760, if any person
shall for any lawful purpose kindle a fire upon his or her own
land, he or she shall do it at such time and in such manner,
and shall take such care of it to prevent it from spreading and
doing damage to other persons' property, as a prudent and
careful person would do, and if he or she fails so to do he or
she shall be liable in an action on the case to any person suf
fering damage thereby to the full amount of such damage.
[2014 c 81 § 2; 2009 c 549 § 1001; Code 1881 § 1226; 1877
p 300 § 3; RRS § 5647.]
Reviser's note: The words "on the case" appear in the 1877 law and in
the 1881 enrolled bill but were inadvertently omitted from the printed Code
of 1881. See also Pettigrew v. McCoy, 138 Wash. 619.
Authority of chapter—Application—2014 c 81: See notes following
RCW 76.04.760.
Arson, reckless burning, and malicious mischief: Chapter 9A.48 RCW.
4.24.050 Kindling of fires by persons driving lumber.
4.24.050 Kindling of fires by persons driving lumber.
Persons engaged in driving lumber upon any waters or
streams of this state, may kindle fires when necessary for the
purposes in which they are engaged, but shall be bound to use
the utmost caution to prevent the same from spreading and
doing damage; and if they fail so to do, they shall be subject
to all liabilities and penalties of RCW 4.24.040, 4.24.050,
and 4.24.060, in the same manner as if the privilege granted
by this section had not been allowed. [1983 c 3 § 4; Code
1881 § 1228; 1877 p 300 § 5; RRS § 5648.]
4.24.060 Application of common law.
4.24.060 Application of common law. The common
law right to an action for damages done by fires, is not taken
away or diminished by RCW 4.24.040, 4.24.050, and
4.24.060. However:
(1) Any person availing himself or herself of the provi-
sions of RCW 4.24.040, shall be barred of his or her action at
common law for the damage so sued for;
(2) No action shall be brought at common law for kin-
dling fires in the manner described in RCW 4.24.050. How-
ever, if any such fires shall spread and do damage, the person
who kindled the fire and any person present and concerned in
driving the lumber, by whose act or neglect the fire is suf
fered to spread and do damage shall be liable in an action on
the case for the amount of damages thereby sustained; and
(3) A civil action for property damage to public or pri-
vate forested lands, including real and personal property on
those lands, resulting from a fire that started on or spread
from public or private forested lands may be brought only
under RCW 76.04.760. [2014 c 81 § 3; 2011 c 336 § 93;
1983 c 3 § 5; Code 1881 § 1229; 1877 p 300 § 6; RRS §
Authority of chapter—Application—2014 c 81: See notes following
RCW 76.04.760.
4.24.070 Recovery of money lost at gambling.
4.24.070 Recovery of money lost at gambling. All
persons losing money or anything of value at or on any illegal
gambling games shall have a cause of action to recover from
the dealer or player winning, or from the proprietor for whose
benefit such game was played or dealt, or such money or
things of value won, the amount of the money or the value of
the thing so lost. [1957 c 7 § 2; Code 1881 § 1255; 1879 p 98
§ 3; RRS § 5851.]
Gambling: Chapter 9.46 RCW.
4.24.080 Action to recover leased premises used for gambling.
4.24.080 Action to recover leased premises used for
gambling. It shall be lawful for any person letting or renting
any house, room, shop, or other building whatsoever, or any
boat, booth, garden, or other place, which shall, at any time,
be used by the lessee or occupant thereof, or any other per
son, with his or her knowledge or consent, for gambling pur-
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.140
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 19]
poses, upon discovery thereof, to avoid and terminate such
lease, or contract of occupancy, and to recover immediate
possession of the premises by an action at law for that pur
pose. [2011 c 336 § 94; 1957 c 7 § 3; Code 1881 § 1257;
1879 p 98 § 5; RRS § 5852.]
4.24.09 0
4.24.090 Validity of evidence of gambling debt.
4.24.090 Validity of evidence of gambling debt. All
notes, bills, bonds, mortgages, or other securities, or other
conveyances, the consideration for which shall be money, or
other things of value, won by playing at any unlawful game,
shall be void and of no effect, as between the parties thereto
and all other persons, except holders in good faith, without
notice of the illegality of such contract or conveyance. [1957
c 7 § 4; Code 1881 § 1254; 1879 p 98 § 2; RRS § 5853.]
4.24.11 5
4.24.115 Valid ity of agreement to indem nify against liability for negligence relative to c onstruction, alteration, im provement, etc., of stru cture or improvement a ttached to real estate or relative to a motor c arrie r transportation contract.
4.24.115 Validity of agreement to indemnify against
liability for negligence relative to construction, alteration,
improvement, etc., of structure or improvement attached
to real estate or relative to a motor carrier transportation
contract. (1) A covenant, promise, agreement, or under
standing in, or in connection with or collateral to, a contract
or agreement relative to the construction, alteration, repair,
addition to, subtraction from, improvement to, or mainte
nance of, any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation,
or other structure, project, development, or improvement
attached to real estate, including moving and demolition in
connection therewith, a contract or agreement for architec
tural, landscape architectural, engineering, or land surveying
services, or a motor carrier transportation contract, purport
ing to indemnify, including the duty and cost to defend,
against liability for damages arising out of such services or
out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property:
(a) Caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of
the indemnitee, his or her agents or employees is against pub
lic policy and is void and unenforceable;
(b) Caused by or resulting from the concurrent negli-
gence of (i) the indemnitee or the indemnitee's agents or
employees, and (ii) the indemnitor or the indemnitor's agents
or employees, is valid and enforceable only to the extent of
the indemnitor's negligence and only if the agreement specif
ically and expressly provides therefor, and may waive the
indemnitor's immunity under industrial insurance, Title 51
RCW, only if the agreement specifically and expressly pro
vides therefor and the waiver was mutually negotiated by the
parties. This subsection applies to agreements entered into
after June 11, 1986.
(2) As used in this section, a "motor carrier transporta-
tion contract" means a contract, agreement, or understanding
covering: (a) The transportation of property for compensation
or hire by the motor carrier; (b) entrance on property by the
motor carrier for the purpose of loading, unloading, or trans
porting property for compensation or hire; or (c) a service
incidental to activity described in (a) or (b) of this subsection,
including, but not limited to, storage of property, moving
equipment or trailers, loading or unloading, or monitoring
loading or unloading. "Motor carrier transportation contract"
shall not include agreements providing for the interchange,
use, or possession of intermodal chassis, containers, or other
intermodal equipment. [2012 c 160 § 1; 2011 c 336 § 95;
2010 c 120 § 1; 1986 c 305 § 601; 1967 ex.s. c 46 § 2.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.130 Action for change of name—Fees.
4.24.130 Action for change of name—Fees. (1) Any
person desiring a change of his or her name or that of his or
her child or ward, may apply therefor to the district court of
the judicial district in which he or she resides, by petition set
ting forth the reasons for such change; thereupon such court
in its discretion may order a change of the name and thence
forth the new name shall be in place of the former.
(2) An offender under the jurisdiction of the department
of corrections who applies to change his or her name under
subsection (1) of this section shall submit a copy of the appli
cation to the department of corrections not fewer than five
days before the entry of an order granting the name change.
No offender under the jurisdiction of the department of cor
rections at the time of application shall be granted an order
changing his or her name if the court finds that doing so will
interfere with legitimate penological interests, except that no
order shall be denied when the name change is requested for
religious or legitimate cultural reasons or in recognition of
marriage or dissolution of marriage. An offender under the
jurisdiction of the department of corrections who receives an
order changing his or her name shall submit a copy of the
order to the department of corrections within five days of the
entry of the order. Violation of this subsection is a misde
(3) A sex offender subject to registration under RCW
9A.44.130 who applies to change his or her name under sub
section (1) of this section shall follow the procedures set forth
in *RCW 9A.44.130(6).
(4) The district court shall collect the fees authorized by
RCW 36.18.010 for filing and recording a name change
order, and transmit the fee and the order to the county auditor.
The court may collect a reasonable fee to cover the cost of
transmitting the order to the county auditor.
(5) Name change petitions may be filed and shall be
heard in superior court when the person desiring a change of
his or her name or that of his or her child or ward is a victim
of domestic violence as defined in **RCW 26.50.010(1) and
the person seeks to have the name change file sealed due to
reasonable fear for his or her safety or that of his or her child
or ward. Upon granting the name change, the superior court
shall seal the file if the court finds that the safety of the person
seeking the name change or his or her child or ward warrants
sealing the file. In all cases filed under this subsection,
whether or not the name change petition is granted, there
shall be no public access to any court record of the name
change filing, proceeding, or order, unless the name change is
granted but the file is not sealed. [1998 c 220 § 5; 1995 sp.s.
c 19 § 14; 1995 c 246 § 34; 1992 c 30 § 1; 1991 c 33 § 5; Code
1881 § 635; 1877 p 132 § 638; RRS § 998.]
Reviser's note: *(1) RCW 9A.44.130 was amended by 2015 c 261 § 3,
changing subsection (6) to subsection (7).
**(2) RCW 26.50.010 was alphabetized pursuant to RCW
1.08.015(2)(k), changing subsection (1) to subsection (3).
Findings—Purpose—Short title—Severability—Effective date—
1995 1st sp.s. c 19: See notes following RCW 72.09.450.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.140 Actio n by another state to en force tax liability.
4.24.140 Action by another state to enforce tax liabil-
ity. The courts of the state shall recognize and enforce the
liability for taxes lawfully imposed by the laws of any other
state which extends a like comity in respect to the liability for
taxes lawfully imposed by the laws of this state and the offi
4.24.141 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 20] (2016 Ed.)
cials of such state are hereby authorized to bring an action in
all the courts of this state for the collection of such taxes:
PROVIDED, That the courts of this state shall not recognize
claims for such taxes against this state or any of its political
subdivisions: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the time limita
tions upon the bringing of such actions which may be
imposed by the laws of such other state shall not be tolled by
the absence from such state of the person from whom the
taxes are sought. The certificate of the secretary of state of
such other state to the effect that such officials have the
authority to collect the taxes sought to be recovered by such
action shall be conclusive proof of that authority. [1951 c
166 § 1. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1951 c 166 § 2 now
codified as RCW 4.24.141.]
Limitation of actions: Chapter 4.16 RCW.
4.24.14 1
4.24.141 Actio n by another state to en force tax liability—"Taxe s" defined.
4.24.141 Action by another state to enforce tax liabil-
ity—"Taxes" defined. The term "taxes" as used in RCW
4.24.140 shall include:
(1) Any and all tax assessments lawfully made whether
they be based upon a return or other disclosure of the tax
payer, upon information and belief of the taxing authority, or
(2) Any and all penalties lawfully imposed pursuant to a
tax statute;
(3) Interest charges lawfully added to the tax liability
which constitutes the subject of the action. [1951 c 166 § 2.
Formerly RCW 4.24.140, part.]
4.24.15 0
4.24.150 Action for fines or forfeitures.
4.24.150 Action for fines or forfeitures. Fines and for-
feitures may be recovered by an action at law in the name of
the officer or person to whom they are by law given, or in the
name of the officer or person who by law is authorized to
prosecute for them. [Code 1881 § 657; 1869 p 153 § 597;
RRS § 963.]
Limitation of actions: Chapter 4.16 RCW.
4.24.16 0
4.24.160 Action for penalty—Amount of recovery.
4.24.160 Action for penalty—Amount of recovery.
When an action shall be commenced for a penalty, which by
law is not to exceed a certain amount, the action may be com
menced for that amount, and if judgment be given for the
plaintiff, it may be for such amount or less, in the discretion
of the court, in proportion to the offense. [Code 1881 § 658;
1869 p 153 § 598; RRS § 964.]
4.24.17 0
4.24.170 Judgment for penalty or forfeit ure—Effec t of collusion.
4.24.170 Judgment for penalty or forfeiture—Effect
of collusion. A recovery of a judgment for a penalty or for
feiture by collusion between the plaintiff and defendant, with
intent to save the defendant wholly or partially from the con
sequences contemplated by law, in case when the penalty or
forfeiture is given wholly or partly to the person who prose
cutes, shall not bar the recovery of the same by another per-
son. [Code 1881 § 659; 1869 p 153 § 599; RRS § 965.]
4.24.18 0
4.24.180 Disp osition of fines, fees, pe nalties and forfeitures—Ve nue.
4.24.180 Disposition of fines, fees, penalties and for-
feitures—Venue. Fines and forfeitures not specially granted
or otherwise appropriated by law, when recovered, shall be
paid into the school fund of the proper county: PROVIDED,
That all fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties collected or
assessed by a district court because of the violation of a state
law shall be remitted as provided in chapter 3.62 RCW as
now exists or is later amended. Whenever, by the provisions
of law, any property real or personal shall be forfeited to the
state, or to any officer for its use, the action for the recovery
of such property may be commenced in any county where the
defendant may be found or where such property may be.
[1987 c 202 § 115; 1969 ex.s. c 199 § 9; Code 1881 § 660;
1869 p 153 § 600; RRS § 966.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Disposition of fines, fees, costs, penalties and forfeitures: RCW 10.82.070.
4.24.190 Action against parent for willful injury to person or property by min or—Monetary limitation— Common law liability preserved.
4.24.190 Action against parent for willful injury to
person or property by minor—Monetary limitation—
Common law liability preserved. The parent or parents of
any minor child under the age of eighteen years who is living
with the parent or parents and who shall willfully or mali
ciously destroy or deface property, real or personal or mixed,
or who shall willfully and maliciously inflict personal injury
on another person, shall be liable to the owner of such prop
erty or to the person injured in a civil action at law for dam-
ages in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars. This
section shall in no way limit the amount of recovery against
the parent or parents for their own common law negligence.
[1996 c 35 § 2; 1992 c 205 § 116; 1977 ex.s. c 145 § 1; 1967
ex.s. c 46 § 1; 1961 c 99 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.20 0 Liability o f owners or others in po ssession of land and water areas for injuries to recreation users—Purpose.
4.24.200 Liability of owners or others in possession of
land and water areas for injuries to recreation users—
Purpose. The purpose of RCW 4.24.200 and 4.24.210 is to
encourage owners or others in lawful possession and control
of land and water areas or channels to make them available to
the public for recreational purposes by limiting their liability
toward persons entering thereon and toward persons who
may be injured or otherwise damaged by the acts or omis
sions of persons entering thereon. [1969 ex.s. c 24 § 1; 1967
c 216 § 1.]
4.24.21 0 Liability o f owners or others in po ssession of land and water areas for injuries to recreation users—Known dangerous artificial latent conditions—Other limitations.
4.24.210 Liability of owners or others in possession of
land and water areas for injuries to recreation users—
Known dangerous artificial latent conditions—Other lim
itations. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3)
or (4) of this section, any public or private landowners,
hydroelectric project owners, or others in lawful possession
and control of any lands whether designated resource, rural,
or urban, or water areas or channels and lands adjacent to
such areas or channels, who allow members of the public to
use them for the purposes of outdoor recreation, which term
includes, but is not limited to, the cutting, gathering, and
removing of firewood by private persons for their personal
use without purchasing the firewood from the landowner,
hunting, fishing, camping, picnicking, swimming, hiking,
bicycling, skateboarding or other nonmotorized wheel-based
activities, aviation activities including, but not limited to, the
operation of airplanes, ultra-light airplanes, hang gliders,
parachutes, and paragliders, rock climbing, the riding of
horses or other animals, clam digging, pleasure driving of
off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, and other vehicles, boating,
kayaking, canoeing, rafting, nature study, winter or water
sports, viewing or enjoying historical, archaeological, scenic,
or scientific sites, without charging a fee of any kind therefor,
shall not be liable for unintentional injuries to such users.
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.230
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 21]
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) or (4)
of this section, any public or private landowner or others in
lawful possession and control of any lands whether rural or
urban, or water areas or channels and lands adjacent to such
areas or channels, who offer or allow such land to be used for
purposes of a fish or wildlife cooperative project, or allow
access to such land for cleanup of litter or other solid waste,
shall not be liable for unintentional injuries to any volunteer
group or to any other users.
(3) Any public or private landowner, or others in lawful
possession and control of the land, may charge an administra
tive fee of up to twenty-five dollars for the cutting, gathering,
and removing of firewood from the land.
(4)(a) Nothing in this section shall prevent the liability of
a landowner or others in lawful possession and control for
injuries sustained to users by reason of a known dangerous
artificial latent condition for which warning signs have not
been conspicuously posted.
(i) A fixed anchor used in rock climbing and put in place
by someone other than a landowner is not a known dangerous
artificial latent condition and a landowner under subsection
(1) of this section shall not be liable for unintentional injuries
resulting from the condition or use of such an anchor.
(ii) Releasing water or flows and making waterways or
channels available for kayaking, canoeing, or rafting pur
poses pursuant to and in substantial compliance with a hydro-
electric license issued by the federal energy regulatory com-
mission, and making adjacent lands available for purposes of
allowing viewing of such activities, does not create a known
dangerous artificial latent condition and hydroelectric project
owners under subsection (1) of this section shall not be liable
for unintentional injuries to the recreational users and observ
ers resulting from such releases and activities.
(b) Nothing in RCW 4.24.200 and this section limits or
expands in any way the doctrine of attractive nuisance.
(c) Usage by members of the public, volunteer groups, or
other users is permissive and does not support any claim of
adverse possession.
(5) For purposes of this section, the following are not
(a) A license or permit issued for statewide use under
authority of chapter 79A.05 RCW or Title 77 RCW;
(b) A pass or permit issued under RCW 79A.80.020,
79A.80.030, or 79A.80.040; and
(c) A daily charge not to exceed twenty dollars per per-
son, per day, for access to a publicly owned ORV sports park,
as defined in RCW 46.09.310, or other public facility
accessed by a highway, street, or nonhighway road for the
purposes of off-road vehicle use. [2012 c 15 § 1. Prior: 2011
c 320 § 11; 2011 c 171 § 2; 2011 c 53 § 1; 2006 c 212 § 6;
prior: 2003 c 39 § 2; 2003 c 16 § 2; 1997 c 26 § 1; 1992 c 52
§ 1; prior: 1991 c 69 § 1; 1991 c 50 § 1; 1980 c 111 § 1; 1979
c 53 § 1; 1972 ex.s. c 153 § 17; 1969 ex.s. c 24 § 2; 1967 c
216 § 2.]
Findings—Intent—2011 c 320: See RCW 79A.80.005.
Effective date—2011 c 320: See note following RCW 79A.80.005.
Intent—2011 c 171: "This act is intended to reconcile and conform
amendments made in chapter 161, Laws of 2010 with other legislation
passed during the 2010 legislative sessions, as well as provide technical
amendments to codified sections affected by chapter 161, Laws of 2010. Any
statutory changes made by this act should be interpreted as technical in
nature and not be interpreted to have any substantive policy or legal implica
tions." [2011 c 171 § 1.]
Effective date—2011 c 171: "Except for section 129 of this act, this act
is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or
safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions,
and takes effect July 1, 2011." [2011 c 171 § 142.]
Finding—2003 c 16: "The legislature finds that some property owners
in Washington are concerned about the possibility of liability arising when
individuals are permitted to engage in potentially dangerous outdoor recre
ational activities, such as rock climbing. Although RCW 4.24.210 provides
property owners with immunity from legal claims for any unintentional inju
ries suffered by certain individuals recreating on their land, the legislature
finds that it is important to the promotion of rock climbing opportunities to
specifically include rock climbing as one of the recreational activities that
are included in RCW 4.24.210. By including rock climbing in RCW
4.24.210, the legislature intends merely to provide assurance to the owners
of property suitable for this type of recreation, and does not intend to limit
the application of RCW 4.24.210 to other types of recreation. By providing
that a landowner shall not be liable for any unintentional injuries resulting
from the condition or use of a fixed anchor used in rock climbing, the legis
lature recognizes that such fixed anchors are recreational equipment used by
climbers for which a landowner has no duty of care." [2003 c 16 § 1.].
Purpose—1972 ex.s. c 153: See RCW 79A.35.070.
Off-road and nonhighway vehicles: Chapter 46.09 RCW.
Snowmobiles: Chapter 46.10 RCW.
4.24.220 Actio n for being detained on m ercantile establishment premises for investigation—"Reasonable grounds" as defense.
4.24.220 Action for being detained on mercantile
establishment premises for investigation—"Reasonable
grounds" as defense. In any civil action brought by reason
of any person having been detained on or in the immediate
vicinity of the premises of a mercantile establishment for the
purpose of investigation or questioning as to the ownership of
any merchandise, it shall be a defense of such action that the
person was detained in a reasonable manner and for not more
than a reasonable time to permit such investigation or ques
tioning by a peace officer or by the owner of the mercantile
establishment, his or her authorized employee or agent, and
that such peace officer, owner, employee, or agent had rea
sonable grounds to believe that the person so detained was
committing or attempting to commit larceny or shoplifting on
such premises of such merchandise. As used in this section,
"reasonable grounds" shall include, but not be limited to,
knowledge that a person has concealed possession of unpur
chased merchandise of a mercantile establishment, and a
"reasonable time" shall mean the time necessary to permit the
person detained to make a statement or to refuse to make a
statement, and the time necessary to examine employees and
records of the mercantile establishment relative to the owner
ship of the merchandise. [2011 c 336 § 96; 1967 c 76 § 3.]
Theft and robbery: Chapter 9A.56 RCW.
4.24.230 Liability for conversion of goods or merchandise from store or mercan tile establishment, leaving restaurant or hotel or mot el without paying—Adu lts, minors—Parents, gu ardia ns—Notice.
4.24.230 Liability for conversion of goods or mer-
chandise from store or mercantile establishment, leaving
restaurant or hotel or motel without paying—Adults,
minors—Parents, guardians—Notice. (1) An adult or
emancipated minor who takes possession of any goods,
wares, or merchandise displayed or offered for sale by any
wholesale or retail store or other mercantile establishment
without the consent of the owner or seller, and with the inten
tion of converting such goods, wares, or merchandise to his
or her own use without having paid the purchase price thereof
is liable in addition to actual damages, for a penalty to the
owner or seller in the amount of the retail value thereof not to
exceed two thousand eight hundred fifty dollars, plus an addi
4.24.235 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 22] (2016 Ed.)
tional penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor more
than six hundred fifty dollars, plus all reasonable attorney's
fees and court costs expended by the owner or seller. A cus
tomer who orders a meal in a restaurant or other eating estab-
lishment, receives at least a portion thereof, and then leaves
without paying, is subject to liability under this section. A
person who shall receive any food, money, credit, lodging, or
accommodation at any hotel, motel, boarding house, or lodg
ing house, and then leaves without paying the proprietor,
manager, or authorized employee thereof, is subject to liabil
ity under this section.
(2) The parent or legal guardian having the custody of an
unemancipated minor who takes possession of any goods,
wares, or merchandise displayed or offered for sale by any
wholesale or retail store or other mercantile establishment
without the consent of the owner or seller and with the inten
tion of converting such goods, wares, or merchandise to his
or her own use without having paid the purchase price
thereof, is liable as a penalty to the owner or seller for the
retail value of such goods, wares, or merchandise not to
exceed one thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars plus an
additional penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than six hundred fifty dollars, plus all reasonable attor
ney's fees and court costs expended by the owner or seller.
The parent or legal guardian having the custody of an
unemancipated minor, who orders a meal in a restaurant or
other eating establishment, receives at least a portion thereof,
and then leaves without paying, is subject to liability under
this section. The parent or legal guardian having the custody
of an unemancipated minor, who receives any food, money,
credit, lodging, or accommodation at any hotel, motel, board
ing house, or lodging house, and then leaves without paying
the proprietor, manager, or authorized employee thereof, is
subject to liability under this section. For the purposes of this
subsection, liability shall not be imposed upon any govern
mental entity, private agency, or foster parent assigned
responsibility for the minor child pursuant to court order or
action of the department of social and health services.
(3) Judgments and claims arising under this section may
be assigned.
(4) A conviction for violation of chapter 9A.56 RCW
shall not be a condition precedent to maintenance of a civil
action authorized by this section.
(5) An owner or seller demanding payment of a penalty
under subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall give written
notice to the person or persons from whom the penalty is
sought. The notice shall state:
"IMPORTANT NOTICE: The payment of any penalty
demanded of you does not prevent criminal prosecution
under a related criminal provision."
This notice shall be boldly and conspicuously displayed,
in at least the same size type as is used in the demand, and
shall be sent with the demand for payment of a penalty
described in subsection (1) or (2) of this section. [2009 c 431
§ 3; 1994 c 9 § 1; 1987 c 353 § 1; 1981 c 126 § 1; 1977 ex.s.
c 134 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 59 § 1.]
Applicability—2009 c 431: "This act applies to crimes committed on or
after September 1, 2009." [2009 c 431 § 20.]
Obtaining food from restaurant without paying: RCW 19.48.110.
Property crime database, liability: RCW 4.24.340.
4.24.235 Phy sicians—Immunity from liab ility regarding safety belts .
4.24.235 Physicians—Immunity from liability
regarding safety belts. A licensed physician shall not be lia
ble for civil damages resulting directly or indirectly from pro-
viding, or refusing to provide, a written verification that a
person under that physician's care us [is] unable to wear an
automotive safety belt. [1986 c 152 § 2.]
Safety belts, use required: RCW 46.61.688.
4.24.240 Persons licensed to provide health care or related services, e mployees, hospitals, cl inics, etc.—Professional review committee, society, examining, licensing or disciplinary board member s, etc.—Immunity from c ivil suit.
4.24.240 Persons licensed to provide health care or
related services, employees, hospitals, clinics, etc.—Pro
fessional review committee, society, examining, licensing
or disciplinary board members, etc.—Immunity from
civil suit. (1)(a) A person licensed by this state to provide
health care or related services including, but not limited to, an
East Asian medicine practitioner, a physician, osteopathic
physician, dentist, nurse, optometrist, podiatric physician and
surgeon, chiropractor, physical therapist, psychologist, phar
macist, optician, physician assistant, osteopathic physician's
assistant, nurse practitioner, including, in the event such per
son is deceased, his or her estate or personal representative;
(b) An employee or agent of a person described in sub-
paragraph (a) of this subsection, acting in the course and
scope of his or her employment, including, in the event such
employee or agent is deceased, his or her estate or personal
representative; or
(c) An entity, whether or not incorporated, facility, or
institution employing one or more persons described in sub
paragraph (a) of this subsection, including, but not limited to,
a hospital, clinic, health maintenance organization, or nursing
home; or an officer, director, trustee, employee, or agent
thereof acting in the course and scope of his or her employ
ment, including in the event such officer, director, employee,
or agent is deceased, his or her estate or personal representa
shall be immune from civil action for damages arising out of
the good faith performance of their duties on such commit
tees, where such actions are being brought by or on behalf of
the person who is being evaluated.
(2) No member, employee, staff person, or investigator
of a professional review committee shall be liable in a civil
action as a result of acts or omissions made in good faith on
behalf of the committee; nor shall any person be so liable for
filing charges with or supplying information or testimony in
good faith to any professional review committee; nor shall a
member, employee, staff person, or investigator of a profes
sional society, of a professional examining or licensing
board, of a professional disciplinary board, of a governing
board of any institution, or of any employer of professionals
be so liable for good faith acts or omissions made in full or
partial reliance on recommendations or decisions of a profes
sional review committee or examining board. [2010 c 286 §
11; 1995 c 323 § 1; 1985 c 326 § 25; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 56
§ 4; 1975 1st ex.s. c 114 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 157 § 1.]
Intent—2010 c 286: See RCW 18.06.005.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.250 Health care provider filing charges or presenting evidence—Immunity—Information sharing.
4.24.250 Health care provider filing charges or pre-
senting evidence—Immunity—Information sharing. (1)
Any health care provider as defined in RCW 7.70.020 (1) and
(2) who, in good faith, files charges or presents evidence
against another member of their profession based on the
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.290
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 23]
claimed incompetency or gross misconduct of such person
before a regularly constituted review committee or board of a
professional society or hospital whose duty it is to evaluate
the competency and qualifications of members of the profes
sion, including limiting the extent of practice of such person
in a hospital or similar institution, or before a regularly con
stituted committee or board of a hospital whose duty it is to
review and evaluate the quality of patient care and any person
or entity who, in good faith, shares any information or docu
ments with one or more other committees, boards, or pro-
grams under subsection (2) of this section, shall be immune
from civil action for damages arising out of such activities.
For the purposes of this section, sharing information is pre
sumed to be in good faith. However, the presumption may be
rebutted upon a showing of clear, cogent, and convincing evi
dence that the information shared was knowingly false or
deliberately misleading. The proceedings, reports, and writ
ten records of such committees or boards, or of a member,
employee, staff person, or investigator of such a committee
or board, are not subject to review or disclosure, or subpoena
or discovery proceedings in any civil action, except actions
arising out of the recommendations of such committees or
boards involving the restriction or revocation of the clinical
or staff privileges of a health care provider as defined in
RCW 7.70.020 (1) and (2).
(2) A coordinated quality improvement program main-
tained in accordance with RCW 43.70.510 or 70.41.200, a
quality assurance committee maintained in accordance with
RCW 18.20.390 or 74.42.640, or any committee or board
under subsection (1) of this section may share information
and documents, including complaints and incident reports,
created specifically for, and collected and maintained by, a
coordinated quality improvement committee or committees
or boards under subsection (1) of this section, with one or
more other coordinated quality improvement programs or
committees or boards under subsection (1) of this section for
the improvement of the quality of health care services ren
dered to patients and the identification and prevention of
medical malpractice. The privacy protections of chapter
70.02 RCW and the federal health insurance portability and
accountability act of 1996 and its implementing regulations
apply to the sharing of individually identifiable patient infor
mation held by a coordinated quality improvement program.
Any rules necessary to implement this section shall meet the
requirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws.
Information and documents disclosed by one coordinated
quality improvement program or committee or board under
subsection (1) of this section to another coordinated quality
improvement program or committee or board under subsec
tion (1) of this section and any information and documents
created or maintained as a result of the sharing of information
and documents shall not be subject to the discovery process
and confidentiality shall be respected as required by subsec
tion (1) of this section and by RCW 43.70.510(4),
70.41.200(3), 18.20.390 (6) and (8), and 74.42.640 (7) and
(9). [2005 c 291 § 1; 2005 c 33 § 5; 2004 c 145 § 1; 1981 c
181 § 1; 1979 c 17 § 1; 1977 c 68 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 114 §
2; 1971 ex.s. c 144 § 1.]
Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2005 c 33 § 5 and by 2005
c 291 § 1, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incor
porated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of
construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Findings—2005 c 33: See note following RCW 18.20.390.
4.24.260 He alth professionals making reports, filing charge s, or presenting evidence—Immunity.
4.24.260 Health professionals making reports, filing
charges, or presenting evidence—Immunity. Any mem
ber of a health profession listed under RCW 18.130.040 who,
in good faith, makes a report, files charges, or presents evi
dence against another member of a health profession based
on the claimed unprofessional conduct as provided in RCW
18.130.180 or inability to practice with reasonable skill and
safety to consumers by reason of any physical or mental con
dition as provided in RCW 18.130.170 of such person before
the agency, board, or commission responsible for disciplinary
activities for the person's profession under chapter 18.130
RCW, shall be immune from civil action for damages arising
out of such activities. A person prevailing upon the good faith
defense provided for in this section is entitled to recover
expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in establish
ing the defense. [2006 c 8 § 102; 1994 sp.s. c 9 § 701; 1975
1st ex.s. c 114 § 3; 1971 ex.s. c 144 § 2.]
Findings—Intent—Part headings and subheadings not law—Sever-
ability—2006 c 8: See notes following RCW 5.64.010.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.264 Boards of directors or officers of nonprofit co rporations —Liability—Limitations.
4.24.264 Boards of directors or officers of nonprofit
corporations—Liability—Limitations. (1) Except as pro
vided in subsection (2) of this section, a member of the board
of directors or an officer of any nonprofit corporation is not
individually liable for any discretionary decision or failure to
make a discretionary decision within his or her official capac
ity as director or officer unless the decision or failure to
decide constitutes gross negligence.
(2) Nothing in this section shall limit or modify in any
manner the duties or liabilities of a director or officer of a cor
poration to the corporation or the corporation's members.
[1987 c 212 § 1101; 1986 c 305 § 903.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.290 Action for damages based on professional negligence of hospitals or members of healing arts—Standard of proof—Evidence— Exception.
4.24.290 Action for damages based on professional
negligence of hospitals or members of healing arts—Stan
dard of proof—Evidence—Exception. In any civil action
for damages based on professional negligence against a hos
pital which is licensed by the state of Washington or against
the personnel of any such hospital, or against a member of the
healing arts including, but not limited to, an East Asian med
icine practitioner licensed under chapter 18.06 RCW, a phy-
sician licensed under chapter 18.71 RCW, an osteopathic
physician licensed under chapter 18.57 RCW, a chiropractor
licensed under chapter 18.25 RCW, a dentist licensed under
chapter 18.32 RCW, a podiatric physician and surgeon
licensed under chapter 18.22 RCW, or a nurse licensed under
chapter 18.79 RCW, the plaintiff in order to prevail shall be
required to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the
defendant or defendants failed to exercise that degree of skill,
care, and learning possessed at that time by other persons in
the same profession, and that as a proximate result of such
failure the plaintiff suffered damages, but in no event shall
the provisions of this section apply to an action based on the
failure to obtain the informed consent of a patient. [2010 c
4.24.300 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 24] (2016 Ed.)
286 § 12; 1995 c 323 § 2; 1994 sp.s. c 9 § 702; 1985 c 326 §
26; 1983 c 149 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 35 § 1.]
Intent—2010 c 286: See RCW 18.06.005.
Limitations of actions for injuries resulting from health care or related ser-
vices: RCW 4.16.350.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.30 0
4.24.300 Imm unit y from liability for certa in types of medical care.
4.24.300 Immunity from liability for certain types of
medical care. (1) Any person, including but not limited to a
volunteer provider of emergency or medical services, who
without compensation or the expectation of compensation
renders emergency care at the scene of an emergency or who
participates in transporting, not for compensation, therefrom
an injured person or persons for emergency medical treat
ment shall not be liable for civil damages resulting from any
act or omission in the rendering of such emergency care or in
transporting such persons, other than acts or omissions con
stituting gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
Any person rendering emergency care during the course of
regular employment and receiving compensation or expect
ing to receive compensation for rendering such care is
excluded from the protection of this subsection.
(2) Any licensed health care provider regulated by a dis-
ciplining authority under RCW 18.130.040 in the state of
Washington who, without compensation or the expectation of
compensation, provides health care services at a community
health care setting is not liable for civil damages resulting
from any act or omission in the rendering of such care, other
than acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or will
ful or wanton misconduct.
(3) For purposes of subsection (2) of this section, "com-
munity health care setting" means an entity that provides
health care services and:
(a) Is a clinic operated by a public entity or private tax
exempt corporation, except a clinic that is owned, operated,
or controlled by a hospital licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW
unless the hospital-based clinic either:
(i) Maintains and holds itself out to the public as having
established hours on a regular basis for providing free health
care services to members of the public to the extent that care
is provided without compensation or expectation of compen
sation during those established hours; or
(ii) Is participating, through a written agreement, in a
community-based program to provide access to health care
services for uninsured persons, to the extent that:
(A) Care is provided without compensation or expecta-
tion of compensation to individuals who have been referred
for care through that community-based program; and
(B) The health care provider's participation in the com-
munity-based program is conditioned upon his or her agree-
ment to provide health services without expectation of com-
(b) Is a for-profit corporation that maintains and holds
itself out to the public as having established hours on a regu
lar basis for providing free health care services to members of
the public to the extent that care is provided without compen
sation or expectation of compensation during those estab-
lished hours; or
(c) Is a for-profit corporation that is participating,
through a written agreement, in a community-based program
to provide access to health care services for uninsured per
sons, to the extent that:
(i) Care is provided without compensation or expectation
of compensation to individuals who have been referred for
care through that community-based program; and
(ii) The health care provider's participation in the com-
munity-based program is conditioned upon his or her agree-
ment to provide health services without expectation of com-
(4) Any school district employee not licensed under
chapter 18.79 RCW who renders emergency care at the scene
of an emergency during an officially designated school activ
ity or who participates in transporting therefrom an injured
person or persons for emergency medical treatment shall not
be liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission
in the rendering of such emergency care or in transporting
such persons, other than acts or omissions constituting gross
negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. [2014 c 204 § 3;
2004 c 87 § 1; 2003 c 256 § 1; 1985 c 443 § 19; 1975 c 58 §
Citizen's immunity if aiding police officer: RCW 9.01.055.
Infectious disease testing availability: RCW 70.05.180.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.310 Persons rendering emergency care or transportation—Definitions .
4.24.310 Persons rendering emergency care or trans-
portation—Definitions. For the purposes of RCW 4.24.300
the following words and phrases shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Compensation" has its ordinary meaning but does
not include: Nominal payments, reimbursement for expenses,
or pension benefits; payments made to volunteer part-time
and volunteer on-call personnel of fire departments, fire dis
tricts, ambulance districts, police departments, or any emer-
gency response organizations; or any payment to a person
employed as a transit operator who is paid for his or her reg
ular work, which work does not routinely include providing
emergency care or emergency transportation.
(2) "Emergency care" means care, first aid, treatment, or
assistance rendered to the injured person in need of immedi
ate medical attention and includes providing or arranging for
further medical treatment or care for the injured person.
Except with respect to the injured person or persons being
transported for further medical treatment or care, the immu
nity granted by RCW 4.24.300 does not apply to the negli-
gent operation of any motor vehicle.
(3) "Scene of an emergency" means the scene of an acci-
dent or other sudden or unexpected event or combination of
circumstances which calls for immediate action. [1989 c 223
§ 1; 1987 c 212 § 501; 1985 c 443 § 20; 1975 c 58 § 2.]
Infectious disease testing availability: RCW 70.05.180.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.314 Person causing hazardous materials incident—Responsibility for incident clean-up—Liabi lity.
4.24.314 Person causing hazardous materials inci-
dent—Responsibility for incident clean-up—Liability.
(1) Any person transporting hazardous materials shall clean
up any hazardous materials incident that occurs during trans
portation, and shall take such additional action as may be rea-
sonably necessary after consultation with the designated inci-
dent command agency in order to achieve compliance with
all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.350
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 25]
Any person transporting hazardous materials that is
responsible for causing a hazardous materials incident, as
defined in RCW 70.136.020, other than the operating
employees of a transportation company, is liable to the state
or any political subdivision thereof for extraordinary costs
incurred by the state or the political subdivision in the course
of protecting the public from actual or threatened harm
resulting from the hazardous materials incident.
(2) Any person, other than a person transporting hazard-
ous materials or an operating employee of a company,
responsible for causing a hazardous materials incident, as
defined in RCW 70.136.020, is liable to a municipal fire
department or fire district for extraordinary costs incurred by
the municipal fire department or fire district, in the course of
protecting the public from actual or threatened harm resulting
from the hazardous materials incident, until the incident over
sight is assumed by the department of ecology.
(3) "Extraordinary costs" as used in this section means
those reasonable and necessary costs incurred by a govern
mental entity in the course of protecting life and property that
exceed the normal and usual expenses anticipated for police
and fire protection, emergency services, and public works.
These shall include, but not be limited to, overtime for public
employees, unusual fuel consumption requirements, any loss
or damage to publicly owned equipment, and the purchase or
lease of any special equipment or services required to protect
the public during the hazardous materials incident. [1989 c
406 § 1; 1984 c 165 § 3.]
4.24.32 0
4.24.320 Actio n by person damaged by m alicious mischief to lives tock or by o wner damage d by theft of livestock— Treble dama ges, attorney's fee s.
4.24.320 Action by person damaged by malicious
mischief to livestock or by owner damaged by theft of
livestock—Treble damages, attorney's fees. Any person
whose livestock is damaged as a result of actions described in
RCW 16.52.205 or any owner of livestock who suffers dam
age as a result of a willful, unauthorized act described in
RCW 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083, or 16.52.320 may bring an
action against the person or persons committing the act in a
court of competent jurisdiction for exemplary damages up to
three times the actual damages sustained, plus attorney's fees.
As used in this section, "livestock" means the animals speci
fied in RCW 9A.56.080 and 16.52.011. [2011 c 67 § 2; 2005
c 419 § 2; 2003 c 53 § 4; 1979 c 145 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 174 § 3.]
Intent—Effective date—2003 c 53: See notes following RCW
4.24.33 0
4.24.330 Action for damages caused by criminal street gang tagging and graffiti.
4.24.330 Action for damages caused by criminal
street gang tagging and graffiti. (1) An adult or emanci
pated minor who commits criminal street gang tagging and
graffiti under RCW 9A.48.105 by causing physical damage
to the property of another is liable in addition to actual dam
ages, for a penalty to the owner in the amount of the value of
the damaged property not to exceed one thousand dollars,
plus an additional penalty of not less than one hundred dollars
nor more than two hundred dollars, plus all reasonable attor
neys' fees and court costs expended by the owner.
(2) A conviction for violation of RCW 9A.48.105 is not
a condition precedent to maintenance of a civil action autho
rized by this section.
(3) An owner demanding payment of a penalty under
subsection (1) of this section shall give written notice to the
person or persons from whom the penalty is sought. [2008 c
276 § 307.]
Severability—Part headings, subheadings not law—2008 c 276: See
notes following RCW 36.28A.200.
4.24.340 Liability of merchants and other parties for creating a property crime database—Information sharing.
4.24.340 Liability of merchants and other parties for
creating a property crime database—Information shar
ing. Merchants and other parties who create a database of
individuals who have been: Apprehended in the process of
committing a property crime; assessed a civil fine or penalty
for committing a property crime; or convicted of a property
crime are not subject to civil fines or penalties for sharing
information from the database with other merchants, law
enforcement officials, or legal professionals. [2009 c 431 §
Applicability—2009 c 431: See note following RCW 4.24.230.
4.24.350 Act ions for damages that are false , unfounded, malicious, without probable cause, or part of conspiracy—Action, claim, or counterclaim by judicial officer, prosecuting authority, or law enforcement officer for malicious prosecution—Damages and costs—Attorneys' fees—
4.24.350 Actions for damages that are false,
unfounded, malicious, without probable cause, or part of
conspiracy—Action, claim, or counterclaim by judicial
officer, prosecuting authority, or law enforcement officer
for malicious prosecutionDamages and costs—Attor
neys' fees—Definitions. (1) In any action for damages,
whether based on tort or contract or otherwise, a claim or
counterclaim for damages may be litigated in the principal
action for malicious prosecution on the ground that the action
was instituted with knowledge that the same was false, and
unfounded, malicious and without probable cause in the fil
ing of such action, or that the same was filed as a part of a
conspiracy to misuse judicial process by filing an action
known to be false and unfounded.
(2) In any action, claim, or counterclaim brought by a
judicial officer, prosecuting authority, or law enforcement
officer for malicious prosecution arising out of the perfor
mance or purported performance of the public duty of such
officer, an arrest or seizure of property need not be an ele
ment of the claim, nor do special damages need to be proved.
A judicial officer, prosecuting authority, or law enforcement
officer prevailing in such an action may be allowed an
amount up to one thousand dollars as liquidated damages,
together with a reasonable attorneys' fee, and other costs of
suit. A government entity which has provided legal services
to the prevailing judicial officer, prosecuting authority, or
law enforcement officer has reimbursement rights to any
award for reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs, but shall
have no such rights to any liquidated damages allowed.
(3) No action may be brought against an attorney under
this section solely because of that attorney's representation of
a party in a lawsuit.
(4) As used in this section:
(a) "Judicial officer" means a justice, judge, magistrate,
or other judicial officer of the state or a city, town, or county.
(b) "Prosecuting authority" means any officer or
employee of the state or a city, town, or county who is autho
rized by law to initiate a criminal or civil proceeding on
behalf of the public.
(c) "Law enforcement officer" means a member of the
state patrol, a sheriff or deputy sheriff, or a member of the
police force of a city, town, university, state college, or port
district, or a fish and wildlife officer or ex officio fish and
4.24.360 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 26] (2016 Ed.)
wildlife officer as defined in RCW 77.08.010. [2001 c 253 §
1; 1997 c 206 § 1; 1984 c 133 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 158 § 1.]
Legislative findings—1984 c 133: "The legislature finds that a growing
number of unfounded lawsuits, claims, and liens are filed against law
enforcement officers, prosecuting authorities, and judges, and against their
property, having the purpose and effect of deterring those officers in the
exercise of their discretion and inhibiting the performance of their public
The legislature also finds that the cost of defending against such
unfounded suits, claims and liens is severely burdensome to such officers,
and also to the state and the various cities and counties of the state. The pur
pose of section 2 of this 1984 act is to provide a remedy to those public offi-
cers and to the public." [1984 c 133 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.36 0
4.24.360 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee, etc.—Declared void and unenforceable—Exceptions.
4.24.360 Construction contract provision waiving,
releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or
adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee,
etc.—Declared void and unenforceable—Exceptions.
Any clause in a construction contract, as defined in RCW
4.24.370, which purports to waive, release, or extinguish the
rights of a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier to damages
or an equitable adjustment arising out of unreasonable delay
in performance which delay is caused by the acts or omis
sions of the contractee or persons acting for the contractee is
against public policy and is void and unenforceable.
This section shall not be construed to void any provision
in a construction contract, as defined in RCW 4.24.370,
which (1) requires notice of delays, (2) provides for arbitra
tion or other procedure for settlement, or (3) provides for rea-
sonable liquidated damages. [1979 ex.s. c 264 § 1.]
4.24.37 0
4.24.370 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee, etc.—"Construction contract" defined.
4.24.370 Construction contract provision waiving,
releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or
adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee,
etc.—"Construction contract" defined. "Construction
contract" for purposes of RCW 4.24.360 means any contract
or agreement for the construction, alteration, repair, addition
to, subtraction from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any
building, highway, road, railroad, excavation, or other struc
ture, project, development, or improvement attached to real
estate, including moving and demolition in connection there
with. [1979 ex.s. c 264 § 2.]
4.24.38 0
4.24.380 Construction contract provision waiving, releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee, etc.—Prospective application of RCW 4.24.360.
4.24.380 Construction contract provision waiving,
releasing, etc., rights of contractor, etc., to damages or
adjustment for unreasonable delay caused by contractee,
etc.—Prospective application of RCW 4.24.360. The pro
visions of RCW 4.24.360 shall apply to contracts or agree-
ments entered into after September 1, 1979. [1979 ex.s. c 264
§ 3.]
4.24.40 0
4.24.400 Building warden assisting others to evacuate building or attempting t o control hazard—Immunity from liability.
4.24.400 Building warden assisting others to evacu-
ate building or attempting to control hazard—Immunity
from liability. No building warden, who acts in good faith,
with or without compensation, shall be personally liable for
civil damages arising from his or her negligent acts or omis
sions during the course of assigned duties in assisting others
to evacuate industrial, commercial, governmental or multi-
unit residential buildings or in attempting to control or allevi
ate a hazard to the building or its occupants caused by fire,
earthquake or other threat to life or limb. The term "building
warden" means an individual who is assigned to take charge
of the occupants on a floor or in an area of a building during
an emergency in accordance with a predetermined fire safety
or evacuation plan; and/or an individual selected by a munic
ipal fire chief or the chief of the Washington state patrol,
through the director of fire protection, after an emergency is
in progress to assist in evacuating the occupants of such a
building or providing for their safety. This section shall not
apply to any acts or omissions constituting gross negligence
or wilful or wanton misconduct. [1995 c 369 § 2; 1986 c 266
§ 79; 1981 c 320 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.410 Dog handler using dog in line of duty—Immunity.
4.24.410 Dog handler using dog in line of duty—
Immunity. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Police dog" means a dog used by a law enforcement
agency specially trained for law enforcement work and under
the control of a dog handler.
(b) "Accelerant detection dog" means a dog used exclu-
sively for accelerant detection by the state fire marshal or a
fire department and under the control of the state fire marshal
or his or her designee or a fire department handler.
(c) "Dog handler" means a law enforcement officer who
has successfully completed training as prescribed by the
Washington state criminal justice training commission in
police dog handling, or in the case of an accelerant detection
dog, the state fire marshal's designee or an employee of the
fire department authorized by the fire chief to be the dog's
(2) Any dog handler who uses a police dog in the line of
duty in good faith is immune from civil action for damages
arising out of such use of the police dog or accelerant detec
tion dog. [1993 c 180 § 1; 1989 c 26 § 1; 1982 c 22 § 1.]
4.24.420 Action by person committing a felony—Defense—Actions under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
4.24.420 Action by person committing a felony—
Defense—Actions under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983. It is a com
plete defense to any action for damages for personal injury or
wrongful death that the person injured or killed was engaged
in the commission of a felony at the time of the occurrence
causing the injury or death and the felony was a proximate
cause of the injury or death. However, nothing in this section
shall affect a right of action under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
[1987 c 212 § 901; 1986 c 305 § 501.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.430 Actio ns by persons serving c riminal sentence—Waiver of filing fees—Effect of previous claims dismissed on grounds claim was frivolou s or malicious.
4.24.430 Actions by persons serving criminal sen-
tence—Waiver of filing fees—Effect of previous claims
dismissed on grounds claim was frivolous or malicious. If
a person serving a criminal sentence in a federal, state, local,
or privately operated correctional facility seeks leave to pro
ceed in state court without payment of filing fees in any civil
action or appeal against the state, a state or local governmen
tal agency or entity, or a state or local official, employee, or
volunteer acting in such capacity, except an action that, if
successful, would affect the duration of the person's confine
ment, the court shall deny the request for waiver of the court
filing fees if the person has, on three or more occasions while
incarcerated or detained in any such facility, brought an
action or appeal that was dismissed by a state or federal court
on grounds that it was frivolous or malicious. One of the three
previous dismissals must have involved an action or appeal
commenced after July 22, 2011. A court may permit the per
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.500
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 27]
son to commence the action or appeal without payment of fil-
ing fees if the court determines the person is in imminent dan-
ger of serious physical injury. [2011 c 220 § 1.]
4.24.45 0
4.24.450 Liab ility of operators for nuc lear incidents—Definitions .
4.24.450 Liability of operators for nuclear inci-
dents—Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires oth-
erwise the following definitions apply throughout RCW
(1) "Nuclear incident" means any occurrence within this
state causing, within or without this state, bodily injury, sick
ness, disease or death; loss or damage to property; or loss of
use of property arising out of the resultant radioactive, toxic,
explosive, or other hazardous properties of radioactive
wastes being stored in or being transported to or from a waste
repository in this state.
(2) "Operator" means the entity or entities that have been
given responsibility for constructing, operating, or monitor
ing waste repositories or transporting radioactive waste and
may include the United States and its federal agencies.
(3) "Radioactive waste" includes, but is not limited to,
high-level radioactive waste, low-level radioactive waste,
transuranic radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel, and radio
active defense waste. It does not include de minimis radioac-
tive waste.
(4) "Spent nuclear fuel" means fuel that has been with-
drawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation, the con-
stituent elements of which have not been separated by repro-
(5) "Waste repository" means any system which is
intended or may be used for the disposal or storage of radio
active waste including permanent disposal systems, interim
storage systems, monitored retrievable storage systems,
defense waste storage systems, test and evaluation facilities,
or similar systems. [1985 c 275 § 1.]
4.24.46 0
4.24.460 Liability of operators for nuclear incidents—Presumption of operator negligence—Rebuttal—Recovery for negligence or against other parties n ot limited by section.
4.24.460 Liability of operators for nuclear inci-
dents—Presumption of operator negligence—Rebuttal—
Recovery for negligence or against other parties not lim
ited by section. (1) Operators are liable for failure to exer-
cise ordinary and reasonable care to protect persons and prop-
erty subject to injury in nuclear incidents. In addition, opera-
tors are liable for operational expenses and emergency
purchases incurred by local or state governments in respond
ing to nuclear incidents.
(2) If a nuclear incident occurs, there is a presumption
that the operator of a waste repository was negligent in con
structing, operating, or monitoring the waste repository, or in
transporting radioactive waste, and that the operator was an
actual cause of the nuclear incident. The presumption may be
rebutted by a clear and convincing showing by the operator
that the nuclear incident was not the result of the operator's
negligence and that the operator's negligence was not an
actual cause of the nuclear incident.
(3) This section does not limit the recovery of parties
injured by a nuclear incident against the operators of a waste
repository under theories of negligence in selecting contrac
tors, failure to retain adequate controls over the waste repos-
itory, vicarious liability for contractors, failure to take rea-
sonable precautionary measures with respect to inherently
dangerous activities, and other negligence theories. This sec
tion does not limit the recovery of parties injured by a nuclear
incident against parties other than operators of a waste facil
ity. [1985 c 275 § 2.]
4.24.470 Liability of officials and members of governing body of public agency—Definitions.
4.24.470 Liability of officials and members of gov-
erning body of public agency—Definitions. (1) An
appointed or elected official or member of the governing
body of a public agency is immune from civil liability for
damages for any discretionary decision or failure to make a
discretionary decision within his or her official capacity, but
liability shall remain on the public agency for the tortious
conduct of its officials or members of the governing body.
(2) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Public agency" means any state agency, board, com-
mission, department, institution of higher education, school
district, political subdivision, or unit of local government of
this state including but not limited to municipal corporations,
quasi-municipal corporations, special purpose districts, and
local service districts.
(b) "Governing body" means the policy-making body of
a public agency. [1987 c 212 § 401.]
Actions against local government for tortious conduct: Chapter 4.96 RCW.
4.24.480 Li abil ity of members of state h azardous materials pla nning committee and local emergency planning committees.
4.24.480 Liability of members of state hazardous
materials planning committee and local emergency plan
ning committees. Any person who is appointed by the state
emergency response commission under the authority of Sec.
301(c) of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reau
thorization Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11001) to serve on
the state hazardous materials planning committee or a local
emergency planning committee who, in good faith, assists in
the development or review of local plans to respond to haz
ardous materials incidents is not liable for civil damages as a
result of any act or omission in the development, review, or
implementation of such plans unless the act or omission con
stitutes gross negligence or wilful misconduct. [1988 c 42 §
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.490 Indemnification of state employees.
4.24.490 Indemnification of state employees. (1) The
state shall indemnify and hold harmless its employees in the
amount of any judgment obtained or fine levied against an
employee in any state or federal court, or in the amount of the
settlement of a claim, or shall pay the judgment, fine, or set
tlement, if the act or omission that gave rise to the civil or
criminal liability was in good faith and occurred while the
employee was acting within the scope of his or her employ
ment or duties and the employee is being represented in
accordance with RCW 4.92.070.
(2) For purposes of this section "state employee" means
a member of the civil service or an exempt person under
chapter 41.06 RCW, or *higher education personnel under
chapter 28B.16 RCW. [1989 c 413 § 3.]
*Reviser's note: Chapter 28B.16 RCW was repealed by 1993 c 281,
with the exception of RCW 28B.16.015 and 28B.16.240, which was recodi
fied as RCW 41.06.382. The powers, duties, and functions of the state higher
education personnel board were transferred to the Washington personnel
resources board. RCW 28B.16.015 and 41.06.382 were subsequently
repealed by 2002 c 354 § 403, effective July 1, 2005.
4.24.500 Good faith communication to government agency—Legislative findings—Purpose.
4.24.500 Good faith communication to government
agency—Legislative findings—Purpose. Information pro
vided by citizens concerning potential wrongdoing is vital to
4.24.510 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 28] (2016 Ed.)
effective law enforcement and the efficient operation of gov-
ernment. The legislature finds that the threat of a civil action
for damages can act as a deterrent to citizens who wish to
report information to federal, state, or local agencies. The
costs of defending against such suits can be severely burden
some. The purpose of RCW 4.24.500 through 4.24.520 is to
protect individuals who make good-faith reports to appropri
ate governmental bodies. [1989 c 234 § 1.]
4.24.51 0
4.24.510 Communication to government agency or self-regulatory organizat ion—Immunity from civil li ability.
4.24.510 Communication to government agency or
self-regulatory organization—Immunity from civil liabil
ity. A person who communicates a complaint or information
to any branch or agency of federal, state, or local govern
ment, or to any self-regulatory organization that regulates
persons involved in the securities or futures business and that
has been delegated authority by a federal, state, or local gov
ernment agency and is subject to oversight by the delegating
agency, is immune from civil liability for claims based upon
the communication to the agency or organization regarding
any matter reasonably of concern to that agency or organiza
tion. A person prevailing upon the defense provided for in
this section is entitled to recover expenses and reasonable
attorneys' fees incurred in establishing the defense and in
addition shall receive statutory damages of ten thousand dol
lars. Statutory damages may be denied if the court finds that
the complaint or information was communicated in bad faith.
[2002 c 232 § 2; 1999 c 54 § 1; 1989 c 234 § 2.]
Intent—2002 c 232: "Strategic lawsuits against public participation, or
SLAPP suits, involve communications made to influence a government
action or outcome which results in a civil complaint or counterclaim filed
against individuals or organizations on a substantive issue of some public
interest or social significance. SLAPP suits are designed to intimidate the
exercise of First Amendment rights and rights under Article I, section 5 of
the Washington state Constitution.
Although Washington state adopted the first modern anti-SLAPP law in
1989, that law has, in practice, failed to set forth clear rules for early dis
missal review. Since that time, the United States supreme court has made it
clear that, as long as the petitioning is aimed at procuring favorable govern
ment action, result, product, or outcome, it is protected and the case should
be dismissed. Chapter 232, Laws of 2002 amends Washington law to bring it
in line with these court decisions which recognizes that the United States
Constitution protects advocacy to government, regardless of content or
motive, so long as it is designed to have some effect on government decision
making." [2002 c 232 § 1.]
4.24.52 0
4.24.520 Good faith communication to government agency—When agency or attorney general may defend against lawsuit—Costs and fees.
4.24.520 Good faith communication to government
agency—When agency or attorney general may defend
against lawsuit—Costs and fees. In order to protect the free
flow of information from citizens to their government, an
agency receiving a complaint or information under RCW
4.24.510 may intervene in and defend against any suit precip
itated by the communication to the agency. In the event that a
local governmental agency does not intervene in and defend
against a suit arising from any communication protected
under chapter 234, Laws of 1989, the office of the attorney
general may intervene in and defend against the suit. An
agency prevailing upon the defense provided for in RCW
4.24.510 shall be entitled to recover costs and reasonable
attorneys' fees incurred in establishing the defense. If the
agency fails to establish the defense provided for in RCW
4.24.510, the party bringing the action shall be entitled to
recover from the agency costs and reasonable attorney's fees
incurred in proving the defense inapplicable or invalid.
[1989 c 234 § 4.]
4.24.525 Pub lic participation lawsuits— Special motion to strike c laim—Damages, costs, attorneys' fees, other re lief—Definitions.
4.24.525 Public participation lawsuits—Special
motion to strike claim—Damages, costs, attorneys' fees,
other relief—Definitions. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Claim" includes any lawsuit, cause of action, claim,
cross-claim, counterclaim, or other judicial pleading or filing
requesting relief;
(b) "Government" includes a branch, department,
agency, instrumentality, official, employee, agent, or other
person acting under color of law of the United States, a state,
or subdivision of a state or other public authority;
(c) "Moving party" means a person on whose behalf the
motion described in subsection (4) of this section is filed
seeking dismissal of a claim;
(d) "Other governmental proceeding authorized by law"
means a proceeding conducted by any board, commission,
agency, or other entity created by state, county, or local stat
ute or rule, including any self-regulatory organization that
regulates persons involved in the securities or futures busi
ness and that has been delegated authority by a federal, state,
or local government agency and is subject to oversight by the
delegating agency.
(e) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business
trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company,
association, joint venture, or any other legal or commercial
(f) "Responding party" means a person against whom the
motion described in subsection (4) of this section is filed.
(2) This section applies to any claim, however character-
ized, that is based on an action involving public participation
and petition. As used in this section, an "action involving
public participation and petition" includes:
(a) Any oral statement made, or written statement or
other document submitted, in a legislative, executive, or judi
cial proceeding or other governmental proceeding authorized
by law;
(b) Any oral statement made, or written statement or
other document submitted, in connection with an issue under
consideration or review by a legislative, executive, or judicial
proceeding or other governmental proceeding authorized by
(c) Any oral statement made, or written statement or
other document submitted, that is reasonably likely to
encourage or to enlist public participation in an effort to
effect consideration or review of an issue in a legislative,
executive, or judicial proceeding or other governmental pro
ceeding authorized by law;
(d) Any oral statement made, or written statement or
other document submitted, in a place open to the public or a
public forum in connection with an issue of public concern;
(e) Any other lawful conduct in furtherance of the exer-
cise of the constitutional right of free speech in connection
with an issue of public concern, or in furtherance of the exer
cise of the constitutional right of petition.
(3) This section does not apply to any action brought by
the attorney general, prosecuting attorney, or city attorney,
acting as a public prosecutor, to enforce laws aimed at public
(4)(a) A party may bring a special motion to strike any
claim that is based on an action involving public participation
and petition, as defined in subsection (2) of this section.
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.530
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 29]
(b) A moving party bringing a special motion to strike a
claim under this subsection has the initial burden of showing
by a preponderance of the evidence that the claim is based on
an action involving public participation and petition. If the
moving party meets this burden, the burden shifts to the
responding party to establish by clear and convincing evi
dence a probability of prevailing on the claim. If the respond-
ing party meets this burden, the court shall deny the motion.
(c) In making a determination under (b) of this subsec-
tion, the court shall consider pleadings and supporting and
opposing affidavits stating the facts upon which the liability
or defense is based.
(d) If the court determines that the responding party has
established a probability of prevailing on the claim:
(i) The fact that the determination has been made and the
substance of the determination may not be admitted into evi
dence at any later stage of the case; and
(ii) The determination does not affect the burden of proof
or standard of proof that is applied in the underlying proceed
(e) The attorney general's office or any government body
to which the moving party's acts were directed may intervene
to defend or otherwise support the moving party.
(5)(a) The special motion to strike may be filed within
sixty days of the service of the most recent complaint or, in
the court's discretion, at any later time upon terms it deems
proper. A hearing shall be held on the motion not later than
thirty days after the service of the motion unless the docket
conditions of the court require a later hearing. Notwithstand
ing this subsection, the court is directed to hold a hearing with
all due speed and such hearings should receive priority.
(b) The court shall render its decision as soon as possible
but no later than seven days after the hearing is held.
(c) All discovery and any pending hearings or motions in
the action shall be stayed upon the filing of a special motion
to strike under subsection (4) of this section. The stay of dis
covery shall remain in effect until the entry of the order ruling
on the motion. Notwithstanding the stay imposed by this sub
section, the court, on motion and for good cause shown, may
order that specified discovery or other hearings or motions be
(d) Every party has a right of expedited appeal from a
trial court order on the special motion or from a trial court's
failure to rule on the motion in a timely fashion.
(6)(a) The court shall award to a moving party who pre-
vails, in part or in whole, on a special motion to strike made
under subsection (4) of this section, without regard to any
limits under state law:
(i) Costs of litigation and any reasonable attorneys' fees
incurred in connection with each motion on which the mov
ing party prevailed;
(ii) An amount of ten thousand dollars, not including the
costs of litigation and attorney fees; and
(iii) Such additional relief, including sanctions upon the
responding party and its attorneys or law firms, as the court
determines to be necessary to deter repetition of the conduct
and comparable conduct by others similarly situated.
(b) If the court finds that the special motion to strike is
frivolous or is solely intended to cause unnecessary delay, the
court shall award to a responding party who prevails, in part
or in whole, without regard to any limits under state law:
(i) Costs of litigation and any reasonable attorneys' fees
incurred in connection with each motion on which the
responding party prevailed;
(ii) An amount of ten thousand dollars, not including the
costs of litigation and attorneys' fees; and
(iii) Such additional relief, including sanctions upon the
moving party and its attorneys or law firms, as the court
determines to be necessary to deter repetition of the conduct
and comparable conduct by others similarly situated.
(7) Nothing in this section limits or precludes any rights
the moving party may have under any other constitutional,
statutory, case or common law, or rule provisions. [2010 c
118 § 2.]
Findings—Purpose—2010 c 118: "(1) The legislature finds and
declares that:
(a) It is concerned about lawsuits brought primarily to chill the valid
exercise of the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and petition for the
redress of grievances;
(b) Such lawsuits, called "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participa-
tion" or "SLAPPs," are typically dismissed as groundless or unconstitutional,
but often not before the defendants are put to great expense, harassment, and
interruption of their productive activities;
(c) The costs associated with defending such suits can deter individuals
and entities from fully exercising their constitutional rights to petition the
government and to speak out on public issues;
(d) It is in the public interest for citizens to participate in matters of pub-
lic concern and provide information to public entities and other citizens on
public issues that affect them without fear of reprisal through abuse of the
judicial process; and
(e) An expedited judicial review would avoid the potential for abuse in
these cases.
(2) The purposes of this act are to:
(a) Strike a balance between the rights of persons to file lawsuits and to
trial by jury and the rights of persons to participate in matters of public con
(b) Establish an efficient, uniform, and comprehensive method for
speedy adjudication of strategic lawsuits against public participation; and
(c) Provide for attorneys' fees, costs, and additional relief where appro-
priate." [2010 c 118 § 1.]
Application—Construction—2010 c 118: "This act shall be applied
and construed liberally to effectuate its general purpose of protecting partic
ipants in public controversies from an abusive use of the courts." [2010 c 118
§ 3.]
Short title—2010 c 118: "This act may be cited as the Washington Act
Limiting Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation." [2010 c 118 § 4.]
4.24.530 Limi tations on liability for e quine activities—Definitio ns.
4.24.530 Limitations on liability for equine activi-
ties—Definitions. Unless the context clearly indicates other-
wise, the definitions in this section apply to RCW 4.24.530,
4.24.540, and section 3, chapter 292, Laws of 1989.
(1) "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey, or
(2) "Equine activity" means: (a) Equine shows, fairs,
competitions, performances, or parades that involve any or
all breeds of equines and any of the equine disciplines,
including, but not limited to, dressage, hunter and jumper
horse shows, grand prix jumping, three-day events, combined
training, rodeos, driving, pulling, cutting, polo, steeplechas
ing, endurance trail riding and western games, and hunting;
(b) equine training and/or teaching activities; (c) boarding
equines; (d) riding, inspecting, or evaluating an equine
belonging to another whether or not the owner has received
some monetary consideration or other thing of value for the
use of the equine or is permitting a prospective purchaser of
the equine to ride, inspect, or evaluate the equine; and (e)
rides, trips, hunts, or other equine activities of any type how
4.24.540 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 30] (2016 Ed.)
ever informal or impromptu that are sponsored by an equine
activity sponsor.
(3) "Equine activity sponsor" means an individual, group
or club, partnership, or corporation, whether or not the spon
sor is operating for profit or nonprofit, which sponsors, orga-
nizes, or provides the facilities for, an equine activity includ-
ing but not limited to: Pony clubs, 4-H clubs, hunt clubs, rid-
ing clubs, school and college sponsored classes and
programs, therapeutic riding programs, and, operators,
instructors, and promoters of equine facilities, including but
not limited to stables, clubhouses, ponyride strings, fairs, and
arenas at which the activity is held.
(4) "Participant" means any person, whether amateur or
professional, who directly engages in an equine activity,
whether or not a fee is paid to participate in the equine activ
(5) "Engages in an equine activity" means a person who
rides, trains, drives, or is a passenger upon an equine, whether
mounted or unmounted, and does not mean a spectator at an
equine activity or a person who participates in the equine
activity but does not ride, train, drive, or ride as a passenger
upon an equine.
(6) "Equine professional" means a person engaged for
compensation (a) in instructing a participant or renting to a
participant an equine for the purpose of riding, driving, or
being a passenger upon the equine, or, (b) in renting equip
ment or tack to a participant. [1989 c 292 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.54 0
4.24.540 Limi tations on liability for equ ine activities—Exceptions.
4.24.540 Limitations on liability for equine activi-
ties—Exceptions. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2)
of this section, an equine activity sponsor or an equine pro
fessional shall not be liable for an injury to or the death of a
participant engaged in an equine activity, and, except as pro
vided in subsection (2) of this section, no participant nor par-
ticipant's representative may maintain an action against or
recover from an equine activity sponsor or an equine profes
sional for an injury to or the death of a participant engaged in
an equine activity.
(2)(a) RCW 4.24.530 and 4.24.540 do not apply to the
horse racing industry as regulated in chapter 67.16 RCW.
(b) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall prevent
or limit the liability of an equine activity sponsor or an equine
(i) If the equine activity sponsor or the equine profes-
(A) Provided the equipment or tack and the equipment or
tack caused the injury; or
(B) Provided the equine and failed to make reasonable
and prudent efforts to determine the ability of the participant
to engage safely in the equine activity, determine the ability
of the equine to behave safely with the participant, and deter
mine the ability of the participant to safely manage the partic-
ular equine;
(ii) If the equine activity sponsor or the equine profes-
sional owns, leases, rents, or otherwise is in lawful posses-
sion and control of the land or facilities upon which the par-
ticipant sustained injuries because of a dangerous latent con-
dition which was known to or should have been known to the
equine activity sponsor or the equine professional and for
which warning signs have not been conspicuously posted;
(iii) If the equine activity sponsor or the equine profes-
sional commits an act or omission that constitutes willful or
wanton disregard for the safety of the participant and that act
or omission caused the injury;
(iv) If the equine activity sponsor or the equine profes-
sional intentionally injures the participant;
(v) Under liability provisions as set forth in the products
liability laws; or
(vi) Under liability provisions in chapter 16.04, *16.13,
or *16.16 RCW. [1989 c 292 § 2.]
*Reviser's note: Chapters 16.13 and 16.16 RCW were each recodified
and/or repealed in their entirety by 1989 c 286. For disposition of chapters
16.13 and 16.16 RCW, see Table of Disposition of Former RCW Sections.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.545 Elec tronic monitoring or 24/7 sobriety program partic ipation—Limitation on liabi lity.
4.24.545 Electronic monitoring or 24/7 sobriety pro-
gram participation—Limitation on liability. Local gov-
ernments, their subdivisions and employees, the department
of corrections and its employees, and the Washington associ
ation of sheriffs and police chiefs and its employees are
immune from civil liability for damages arising from inci
dents involving offenders who are placed on electronic mon-
itoring or who are participating in the 24/7 sobriety program,
unless it is shown that an employee acted with gross negli
gence or bad faith. [2013 2nd sp.s. c 35 § 33; 2006 c 130 § 3.]
4.24.550 Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders—Release of information to public—Web site.
4.24.550 Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders—
Release of information to public—Web site. (1) In addi
tion to the disclosure under subsection (5) of this section,
public agencies are authorized to release information to the
public regarding sex offenders and kidnapping offenders
when the agency determines that disclosure of the informa
tion is relevant and necessary to protect the public and coun-
teract the danger created by the particular offender. This
authorization applies to information regarding: (a) Any per
son adjudicated or convicted of a sex offense as defined in
RCW 9A.44.128 or a kidnapping offense as defined by RCW
9A.44.128; (b) any person under the jurisdiction of the inde
terminate sentence review board as the result of a sex offense
or kidnapping offense; (c) any person committed as a sexu
ally violent predator under chapter 71.09 RCW or as a sexual
psychopath under chapter 71.06 RCW; (d) any person found
not guilty of a sex offense or kidnapping offense by reason of
insanity under chapter 10.77 RCW; and (e) any person found
incompetent to stand trial for a sex offense or kidnapping
offense and subsequently committed under chapter 71.05 or
71.34 RCW.
(2) Except for the information specifically required
under subsection (5) of this section, the extent of the public
disclosure of relevant and necessary information shall be
rationally related to: (a) The level of risk posed by the
offender to the community; (b) the locations where the
offender resides, expects to reside, or is regularly found; and
(c) the needs of the affected community members for infor
mation to enhance their individual and collective safety.
(3) Except for the information specifically required
under subsection (5) of this section, local law enforcement
agencies shall consider the following guidelines in determin
ing the extent of a public disclosure made under this section:
(a) For offenders classified as risk level I, the agency shall
share information with other appropriate law enforcement
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.550
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 31]
agencies and, if the offender is a student, the public or private
school regulated under Title 28A RCW or chapter 72.40
RCW which the offender is attending, or planning to attend.
The agency may disclose, upon request, relevant, necessary,
and accurate information to any victim or witness to the
offense, any individual community member who lives near
the residence where the offender resides, expects to reside, or
is regularly found, and any individual who requests informa
tion regarding a specific offender; (b) for offenders classified
as risk level II, the agency may also disclose relevant, neces
sary, and accurate information to public and private schools,
child day care centers, family day care providers, public
libraries, businesses and organizations that serve primarily
children, women, or vulnerable adults, and neighbors and
community groups near the residence where the offender
resides, expects to reside, or is regularly found; (c) for
offenders classified as risk level III, the agency may also dis
close relevant, necessary, and accurate information to the
public at large; and (d) because more localized notification is
not feasible and homeless and transient offenders may pres
ent unique risks to the community, the agency may also dis-
close relevant, necessary, and accurate information to the
public at large for offenders registered as homeless or tran
(4) The county sheriff with whom an offender classified
as risk level III is registered shall release a sex offender com
munity notification that conforms to the guidelines estab-
lished under RCW 4.24.5501.
(5)(a) When funded by federal grants or other sources,
the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall
create and maintain a statewide registered kidnapping and
sex offender web site, which shall be available to the public.
The web site shall post all level III and level II registered sex
offenders, level I registered sex offenders only during the
time they are out of compliance with registration require
ments under RCW 9A.44.130 or if lacking a fixed residence
as provided in RCW 9A.44.130, and all registered kidnap
ping offenders in the state of Washington.
(i) For level III offenders, the web site shall contain, but
is not limited to, the registered sex offender's name, relevant
criminal convictions, address by hundred block, physical
description, and photograph. The web site shall provide map
ping capabilities that display the sex offender's address by
hundred block on a map. The web site shall allow citizens to
search for registered sex offenders within the state of Wash
ington by county, city, zip code, last name, and address by
hundred block.
(ii) For level II offenders, and level I sex offenders
during the time they are out of compliance with registration
requirements under RCW 9A.44.130, the web site shall con
tain, but is not limited to, the same information and function-
ality as described in (a)(i) of this subsection, provided that it
is permissible under state and federal law. If it is not permis
sible, the web site shall be limited to the information and
functionality that is permissible under state and federal law.
(iii) For kidnapping offenders, the web site shall contain,
but is not limited to, the same information and functionality
as described in (a)(i) of this subsection, provided that it is per
missible under state and federal law. If it is not permissible,
the web site shall be limited to the information and function
ality that is permissible under state and federal law.
(b) Law enforcement agencies must provide information
requested by the Washington association of sheriffs and
police chiefs to administer the statewide registered kidnap
ping and sex offender web site.
(c)(i) Within five business days of the Washington asso-
ciation of sheriffs and police chiefs receiving any public
record request under chapter 42.56 RCW for sex offender and
kidnapping offender information, records or web site data it
holds or maintains pursuant to this section or a unified sex
offender registry, the Washington association of sheriffs and
police chiefs shall refer the requester in writing to the appro
priate law enforcement agency or agencies for submission of
such a request. The Washington association of sheriffs and
police chiefs shall have no further obligation under chapter
42.56 RCW for responding to such a request.
(ii) This subparagraph (c) of this section is remedial and
applies retroactively.
(6)(a) Law enforcement agencies responsible for the reg-
istration and dissemination of information regarding offend-
ers required to register under RCW 9A.44.130 shall assign a
risk level classification to all offenders after consideration of:
(i) Any available risk level classifications provided by the
department of corrections, the department of social and
health services, and the indeterminate sentence review board;
(ii) the agency's own application of a sex offender risk assess
ment tool; and (iii) other information and aggravating or mit-
igating factors known to the agency and deemed rationally
related to the risk posed by the offender to the community at
(b) A sex offender shall be classified as a risk level I if
his or her risk assessment and other information or factors
deemed relevant by the law enforcement agency indicate he
or she is at a low risk to sexually reoffend within the commu
nity at large. A sex offender shall be classified as a risk level
II if his or her risk assessment and other information or fac
tors deemed relevant by the law enforcement agency indicate
he or she is at a moderate risk to sexually reoffend within the
community at large. A sex offender shall be classified as a
risk level III if his or her risk assessment and other informa
tion or factors deemed relevant by the law enforcement
agency indicate he or she is at a high risk to sexually reoffend
within the community at large.
(c) The agency shall make a good faith effort to notify
the public and residents within a reasonable period of time
after the offender registers with the agency.
(d) Agencies may develop a process to allow an offender
to petition for review of the offender's assigned risk level
classification. The timing, frequency, and process for review
are at the sole discretion of the agency.
(7) An appointed or elected public official, public
employee, or public agency as defined in RCW 4.24.470, or
units of local government and its employees, as provided in
RCW 36.28A.010, are immune from civil liability for dam
ages for any discretionary risk level classification decisions
or release of relevant and necessary information, unless it is
shown that the official, employee, or agency acted with gross
negligence or in bad faith. The immunity in this section
applies to risk level classification decisions and the release of
relevant and necessary information regarding any individual
for whom disclosure is authorized. The decision of a law
enforcement agency or official to classify an offender to a
4.24.5501 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 32] (2016 Ed.)
risk level other than the one assigned by the department of
corrections, the department of social and health services, or
the indeterminate sentence review board, or the release of any
relevant and necessary information based on that different
classification shall not, by itself, be considered gross negli
gence or bad faith. The immunity provided under this section
applies to the release of relevant and necessary information to
other public officials, public employees, or public agencies,
and to the general public.
(8) Except as may otherwise be provided by law, nothing
in this section shall impose any liability upon a public offi
cial, public employee, or public agency for failing to release
information authorized under this section.
(9) Nothing in this section implies that information
regarding persons designated in subsection (1) of this section
is confidential except as may otherwise be provided by law.
(10) When a law enforcement agency or official classi-
fies an offender differently than the offender is classified by
the end of sentence review committee at the time of the
offender's release from confinement, the law enforcement
agency or official shall notify the end of sentence review
committee and the Washington state patrol and submit its
reasons supporting the change in classification.
(11) As used in this section, "law enforcement agency"
means a general authority Washington law enforcement
agency as defined in RCW 10.93.020. [2015 c 261 § 1; 2011
c 337 § 1; 2008 c 98 § 1. Prior: 2005 c 380 § 2; 2005 c 228 §
1; 2005 c 99 § 1; 2003 c 217 § 1; 2002 c 118 § 1; prior: 2001
c 283 § 2; 2001 c 169 § 2; 1998 c 220 § 6; prior: 1997 c 364
§ 1; 1997 c 113 § 2; 1996 c 215 § 1; 1994 c 129 § 2; 1990 c 3
§ 117.]
Findings—1997 c 113: "The legislature finds that offenders who com-
mit kidnapping offenses against minor children pose a substantial threat to
the well-being of our communities. Child victims are especially vulnerable
and unable to protect themselves. The legislature further finds that requiring
sex offenders to register has assisted law enforcement agencies in protecting
their communities. Similar registration requirements for offenders who have
kidnapped or unlawfully imprisoned a child would also assist law enforce
ment agencies in protecting the children in their communities from further
victimization." [1997 c 113 § 1.]
Findings—Intent—1994 c 129: "The legislature finds that members of
the public may be alarmed when law enforcement officers notify them that a
sex offender who is about to be released from custody will live in or near
their neighborhood. The legislature also finds that if the public is provided
adequate notice and information, the community can develop constructive
plans to prepare themselves and their children for the offender's release. A
sufficient time period allows communities to meet with law enforcement to
discuss and prepare for the release, to establish block watches, to obtain
information about the rights and responsibilities of the community and the
offender, and to provide education and counseling to their children. There
fore, the legislature intends that when law enforcement officials decide to
notify the public about a sex offender's pending release that notice be given
at least fourteen days before the offender's release whenever possible." [1994
c 129 § 1.]
FindingPolicy1990 c 3 § 117: "The legislature finds that sex
offenders pose a high risk of engaging in sex offenses even after being
released from incarceration or commitment and that protection of the public
from sex offenders is a paramount governmental interest. The legislature fur
ther finds that the penal and mental health components of our justice system
are largely hidden from public view and that lack of information from either
may result in failure of both systems to meet this paramount concern of pub
lic safety. Overly restrictive confidentiality and liability laws governing the
release of information about sexual predators have reduced willingness to
release information that could be appropriately released under the public dis
closure laws, and have increased risks to public safety. Persons found to have
committed a sex offense have a reduced expectation of privacy because of
the public's interest in public safety and in the effective operation of govern
ment. Release of information about sexual predators to public agencies and
under limited circumstances, the general public, will further the governmen
tal interests of public safety and public scrutiny of the criminal and mental
health systems so long as the information released is rationally related to the
furtherance of those goals.
Therefore, this state's policy as expressed in RCW 4.24.550 is to require
the exchange of relevant information about sexual predators among public
agencies and officials and to authorize the release of necessary and relevant
information about sexual predators to members of the general public." [1990
c 3 § 116.]
Release of information regarding
convicted sex offenders: RCW 9.94A.846.
juveniles found to have committed sex offenses: RCW 13.40.217.
persons in custody of department of social and health services: RCW
10.77.207, 71.06.135, 71.09.120.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.5501 Sex offenders—Model policy—Work group.
4.24.5501 Sex offenders—Model policy—Work
group. (1) When funded, the Washington association of
sheriffs and police chiefs shall convene a sex offender model
policy work group to develop a model policy for law enforce
ment agencies and other criminal justice personnel. The
model policy shall provide guidelines for sex offender regis
tration, community notification, and strategies for sex
offender management.
(2) In developing the policy, the association shall consult
with representatives of the following agencies and profes
sions: (a) The department of corrections; (b) the department
of social and health services; (c) the indeterminate sentence
review board; (d) the Washington state council of police offi
cers; (e) local correctional agencies; (f) the Washington asso-
ciation of prosecuting attorneys; (g) the Washington public
defender association; (h) the Washington association for the
treatment of sexual abusers; (i) the office of the superinten
dent of public instruction; (j) the criminal justice training
commission; (k) the Washington association of criminal
defense lawyers; (l) the association of Washington cities; (m)
the Washington coalition of sexual assault programs; and (n)
victim advocates.
The sex offender model policy work group, once con-
vened, shall first conduct a series of community meetings
around the state to assess the practices and needs of commu
nities, identify best practices on sex offender registration,
community notification, and strategies for sex offender man
agement. Once the sex offender model policy work group has
received input from stakeholders on a final draft of the model
policy, the policy shall be presented to the Washington asso
ciation of sheriffs and police chiefs for adoption or rejection.
Following the adoption of a model policy, the sex offender
model policy work group shall conduct a series of meetings
around the state with local law enforcement agencies and
other criminal justice personnel to review the model policy
and conduct training as needed. The sex offender model pol
icy work group shall then be dissolved, and, when funded, the
Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall be
responsible for the continued promotion of the model policy,
including annual or biennial regional workshops with local
law enforcement agencies and other criminal justice person
nel to encourage sex offender registration, community notifi-
cation, and strategies for sex offender management policies
and practices that best fit the needs, characteristics, and risks
of each community.
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.558
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 33]
(3) The model policy shall, at a minimum, include rec-
ommendations to address the following issues: (a) Proce-
dures for local agencies or officials to accomplish the notifi-
cations required under RCW 4.24.550(10), including the
identification of best practices for community notification, as
they relate to the specific needs and characteristics to each
community and the risk posed to that community; (b) con
tents and form of community notification documents, includ-
ing procedures for ensuring the accuracy of factual informa-
tion contained in the notification documents, and ways of
protecting the privacy of victims of the offenders' crimes; (c)
methods of distributing community notification documents,
including distribution to schools; (d) methods of providing
follow-up notifications to community residents at specified
intervals and of disclosing information about offenders to law
enforcement agencies in other jurisdictions if necessary to
protect the public; (e) methods of educating community resi
dents at public meetings on how they can use the information
in the notification document in a reasonable manner to
enhance their individual and collective safety; (f) procedures
for educating community members regarding the right of sex
offenders not to be the subject of harassment or criminal acts
as a result of the notification process; (g) procedures and doc
uments for local law enforcement agencies to provide appro-
priate notification when a sex offender risk level is reclassi-
fied, including strategies to monitor the reclassification of sex
offender risk levels by local law enforcement agencies; (h)
formulas and instructions on standard sex offender risk
assessment instruments; (i) strategies for sex offender man
agement; and (j) other matters the Washington association of
sheriffs and police chiefs deems necessary as it relates to sex
offender registration, community notification, and manage
ment. [2006 c 137 § 1; 1997 c 364 § 6.]
4.24.55 1
4.24.551 Law e nforcement response to secure community tran sition facility—Limitation on l iability.
4.24.551 Law enforcement response to secure com-
munity transition facility—Limitation on liability. (1)
Law enforcement shall respond to a call regarding a resident
of a secure community transition facility as a high priority
(2) No law enforcement officer responding reasonably
and in good faith to a call regarding a resident of a secure
community transition facility shall be held liable nor shall the
city or county employing the officer be held liable, in any
cause of action for civil damages based on the acts of the res
ident or the actions of the officer during the response. [2002
c 68 § 3.]
Purpose—Severability—Effective date—2002 c 68: See notes fol-
lowing RCW 36.70A.200.
4.24.55 5
4.24.555 Release of information not restricted by pending appeal, peti tion, or writ.
4.24.555 Release of information not restricted by
pending appeal, petition, or writ. An offender's pending
appeal, petition for personal restraint, or writ of habeas cor
pus shall not restrict the agency's, official's, or employee's
authority to release relevant information concerning an
offender's prior criminal history. However, the agency must
release the latest dispositions of the charges as provided in
chapter 10.97 RCW, the Washington state criminal records
privacy act. [1990 c 3 § 118.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.556 Sex offender treatment providers—Affiliate sex offender treatment providers—Limited liabili ty—Responsibilities.
4.24.556 Sex offender treatment providers—Affiliate
sex offender treatment providers—Limited liability—
Responsibilities. (1) A certified sex offender treatment pro
vider, or a certified affiliate sex offender treatment provider
who has completed at least fifty percent of the required hours
under the supervision of a certified sex offender treatment
provider, acting in the course of his or her duties, providing
treatment to a person who has been released to a less restric
tive alternative under chapter 71.09 RCW or to a level III sex
offender on community custody as a court, department, or
board ordered condition of sentence is not negligent because
he or she treats a high risk offender; sex offenders are known
to have a risk of reoffense. The treatment provider is not lia
ble for civil damages resulting from the reoffense of a client
unless the treatment provider's acts or omissions constituted
gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. This lim
ited liability provision does not eliminate the treatment pro-
vider's duty to warn of and protect from a client's threatened
violent behavior if the client communicates a serious threat of
physical violence against a reasonably ascertainable victim or
victims. In addition to any other requirements to report viola
tions, the sex offender treatment provider is obligated to
report an offender's expressions of intent to harm or other
predatory behavior, whether or not there is an ascertainable
victim, in progress reports and other established processes
that enable courts and supervising entities to assess and
address the progress and appropriateness of treatment. This
limited liability provision applies only to the conduct of cer
tified sex offender treatment providers, and certified affiliate
sex offender treatment providers who have completed at least
fifty percent of the required hours under the supervision of a
certified sex offender treatment provider, and not the conduct
of the state.
(2) Sex offender treatment providers who provide ser-
vices to the department of corrections by identifying risk fac-
tors and notifying the department of risks for the subset of
high risk offenders who are not amenable to treatment and
who are under court order for treatment or supervision are
practicing within the scope of their profession. [2008 c 231 §
39; 2004 c 38 § 1; 2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 403.]
Intent—Application—Application of repealers—Effective date—
2008 c 231: See notes following RCW 9.94A.701.
Severability—2008 c 231: See note following RCW 9.94A.500.
Intent—Severability—Effective dates—2001 2nd sp.s. c 12: See
notes following RCW 71.09.250.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.558 Limi tations on liability for in formation sharing regarding persons under court orders f or supervision or treatme nt. (Effe ctive until April 1, 2018 .)
4.24.558 Limitations on liability for information
sharing regarding persons under court orders for super
vision or treatment. (Effective until April 1, 2018.) Infor-
mation shared and actions taken without gross negligence
and in good faith compliance with RCW 71.05.445,
72.09.585, 70.96A.142, 71.05.157, or 72.09.315 are not a
basis for any private civil cause of action. [2004 c 166 § 21.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.558 Limi tations on liability for in formation sharing regarding persons under court orders f or supervision or treatme nt. (Effe ctive April 1, 2018.)
4.24.558 Limitations on liability for information
sharing regarding persons under court orders for super
vision or treatment. (Effective April 1, 2018.) Information
shared and actions taken without gross negligence and in
good faith compliance with RCW 71.05.445, 72.09.585,
4.24.560 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 34] (2016 Ed.)
71.05.157, or 72.09.315 are not a basis for any private civil
cause of action. [2016 1st sp.s. c 29 § 401; 2004 c 166 § 21.]
Effective dates—2016 1st sp.s. c 29: See note following RCW
Short title—Right of action—2016 1st sp.s. c 29: See notes following
RCW 71.05.010.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.56 0
4.24.560 Defense to action for injury caused by indoor air pollutants .
4.24.560 Defense to action for injury caused by
indoor air pollutants. It is a defense in a civil action brought
for damages for injury caused by indoor air pollutants in a
residential structure on which construction was begun on or
after July 1, 1991, that the builder or design professional
complied in good faith, without negligence or misconduct,
(1) Building product safety standards, including label-
(2) Restrictions on the use of building materials known
or believed to contain substances that contribute to indoor air
pollution; and
(3) The ventilation and radon resistive construction
requirements adopted under RCW 19.27.190. [1992 c 132 §
2; 1990 c 2 § 8.]
Findings—Severability—1990 c 2: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.57 0
4.24.570 Acts against animals in research or educational facilities.
4.24.570 Acts against animals in research or educa-
tional facilities. (1) Joint and several liability for damages
shall apply to persons and organizations that commit an
intentional tort by (a) taking, releasing, destroying, contami
nating, or damaging any animal or animals kept in a research
or educational facility, where the animal or animals are used
or to be used for medical research or other research purposes,
or for educational purposes; or (b) destroying or damaging
any records, equipment, research product, or other thing per
taining to such animal or animals.
(2) Any person or organization that plans or assists in the
development of a plan to commit an intentional tort covered
by subsection (1) of this section is liable for damages to the
same extent as a person who has committed the tort. How
ever, a person or organization that assists in the development
of a plan is not liable under this subsection, if, at the time of
providing the assistance the person or organization does not
know, or have reason to know, that the assistance is promot
ing the commission of the tort. Membership in a liable orga-
nization does not in itself establish the member's liability
under this subsection. The common law defense of prior
renunciation is allowed in actions brought under this subsec
(3) In any case where damages are awarded under this
section, the court shall award to the plaintiff all costs of the
litigation, including reasonable attorneys' fees, investigation
costs, and court costs, and shall impose on any liable party a
civil fine of not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars to be
paid to the plaintiff. [1991 c 325 § 3.]
Criminal acts against animal facilities: RCW 9.08.080, 9.08.090.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.57 5
4.24.575 Acts against animals kept for agricultural or veterinary purposes.
4.24.575 Acts against animals kept for agricultural
or veterinary purposes. (1) Joint and several liability for
damages shall apply to persons and organizations that com
mit an intentional tort by taking, releasing, destroying or
damaging any animal or animals kept by a person for agricul
tural production purposes or by a veterinarian for veterinary
purposes; or by destroying or damaging any farm or veteri
nary equipment or supplies pertaining to such animal or ani-
(2) Any person or organization that plans or assists in the
development of a plan to commit an intentional tort covered
by subsection (1) of this section is liable for damages to the
same extent as a person who has committed the tort. How
ever, a person or organization that assists in the development
of a plan is not liable under this subsection, if, at the time of
providing the assistance the person or organization does not
know, or have reason to know, that the assistance is promot
ing the commission of the tort. Membership in a liable orga-
nization does not in itself establish the member's liability
under this subsection. The common law defense of prior
renunciation is allowed in actions brought under this subsec
(3) In any case where damages are awarded under this
section, the court shall award to the plaintiff all costs of the
litigation, including reasonable attorneys' fees, investigation
costs, and court costs, and shall impose on any liable party a
civil fine of not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars to be
paid to the plaintiff.
(4) "Agricultural production," for purposes of this sec-
tion, means all activities associated with the raising of ani-
mals for agricultural purposes, including but not limited to
animals raised for wool or fur. Agricultural production also
includes the exhibiting or marketing of live animals raised for
agricultural purposes. [1991 c 325 § 4.]
Criminal acts against animal facilities: RCW 9.08.080, 9.08.090.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.580 Acts against animal facilities—Injunction.
4.24.580 Acts against animal facilities—Injunction.
Any individual having reason to believe that he or she may be
injured by the commission of an intentional tort under RCW
4.24.570 or 4.24.575 may apply for injunctive relief to pre
vent the occurrence of the tort. Any individual who owns or
is employed at a research or educational facility or an agricul
tural production facility where animals are used for research,
educational, or agricultural purposes who is harassed, or
believes that he or she is about to be harassed, by an organi
zation, person, or persons whose intent is to stop or modify
the facility's use or uses of an animal or animals, may apply
for injunctive relief to prevent the harassment.
For the purposes of this section:
(1) "Agricultural production" means all activities associ-
ated with the raising of animals for agricultural purposes,
including but not limited to animals raised for wool or fur.
Agricultural production also includes the exhibiting or mar
keting of live animals raised for agricultural purposes; and
(2) "Harassment" means any threat, without lawful
authority, that the recipient has good reason to fear will be
carried out, that is knowingly made for the purpose of stop
ping or modifying the use of animals, and that either (a)
would cause injury to the person or property of the recipient,
or result in the recipient's physical confinement or restraint,
or (b) is a malicious threat to do any other act intended to sub
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.611
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 35]
stantially cause harm to the recipient's mental health or
safety. [1991 c 325 § 5.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.59 0
4.24.590 Liab ility of foster parents.
4.24.590 Liability of foster parents. In actions for per-
sonal injury or property damage commenced by foster chil-
dren or their parents against foster parents licensed pursuant
to chapter 74.15 RCW, the liability of foster parents for the
care and supervision of foster children shall be the same as
the liability of biological and adoptive parents for the care
and supervision of their children. [1991 c 283 § 3.]
Findings—Effective date—1991 c 283: See notes following RCW
4.24.59 5
4.24.595 Liab ility immunity—Emergent placement investigations of child abuse or neglect—Shelter care and other dependency orders.
4.24.595 Liability immunity—Emergent placement
investigations of child abuse or neglect—Shelter care and
other dependency orders. (1) Governmental entities, and
their officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, are not lia
ble in tort for any of their acts or omissions in emergent
placement investigations of child abuse or neglect under
chapter 26.44 RCW including, but not limited to, any deter
mination to leave a child with a parent, custodian, or guard-
ian, or to return a child to a parent, custodian, or guardian,
unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence.
Emergent placement investigations are those conducted prior
to a shelter care hearing under RCW 13.34.065.
(2) The department of social and health services and its
employees shall comply with the orders of the court, includ
ing shelter care and other dependency orders, and are not lia-
ble for acts performed to comply with such court orders. In
providing reports and recommendations to the court, employ
ees of the department of social and health services are entitled
to the same witness immunity as would be provided to any
other witness. [2012 c 259 § 13.]
Family assessment response evaluation—Family assessment
response survey—2012 c 259: See notes following RCW 26.44.260.
4.24.60 1
4.24.601 Hazards to the public—Information—Legislative findings, policy , intent.
4.24.601 Hazards to the public—Information—Leg-
islative findings, policy, intent. The legislature finds that
public health and safety is promoted when the public has
knowledge that enables members of the public to make
informed choices about risks to their health and safety.
Therefore, the legislature declares as a matter of public policy
that the public has a right to information necessary to protect
members of the public from harm caused by alleged hazards
to the public. The legislature also recognizes that protection
of trade secrets, other confidential research, development, or
commercial information concerning products or business
methods promotes business activity and prevents unfair com
petition. Therefore, the legislature declares it a matter of pub-
lic policy that the confidentiality of such information be pro-
tected and its unnecessary disclosure be prevented. [1994 c
42 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.61 1
4.24.611 Prod uct liability/hazardous substance claims—Public right to information—Confidentiality—Damages, costs, attorneys' fees—Repeal.
4.24.611 Product liability/hazardous substance
claims—Public right to information—Confidentiality—
Damages, costs, attorneys' fees—Repeal. As used in RCW
4.24.601 and this section:
(1)(a) "Product liability/hazardous substance claim"
means a claim for damages for personal injury, wrongful
death, or property damage caused by a product or hazardous
or toxic substances, that is an alleged hazard to the public and
that presents an alleged risk of similar injury to other mem
bers of the public.
(b) "Confidentiality provision" means any terms in a
court order or a private agreement settling, concluding, or ter
minating a product liability/hazardous substance claim, that
limit the possession, disclosure, or dissemination of informa
tion about an alleged hazard to the public, whether those
terms are integrated in the order or private agreement or writ
ten separately.
(c) "Members of the public" includes any individual,
group of individuals, partnership, corporation, or association.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section,
members of the public have a right to information necessary
for a lay member of the public to understand the nature,
source, and extent of the risk from alleged hazards to the pub
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section,
members of the public have a right to the protection of trade
secrets as defined in RCW 19.108.010, other confidential
research, development, or commercial information concern
ing products or business methods.
(4)(a) Nothing in this chapter shall limit the issuance of
any protective or discovery orders during the course of litiga
tion pursuant to court rules.
(b) Confidentiality provisions may be entered into or
ordered or enforced by the court only if the court finds, based
on the evidence, that the confidentiality provision is in the
public interest. In determining the public interest, the court
shall balance the right of the public to information regarding
the alleged risk to the public from the product or substance as
provided in subsection (2) of this section against the right of
the public to protect the confidentiality of information as pro
vided in subsection (3) of this section.
(5)(a) Any confidentiality provisions that are not
adopted consistent with the provisions of this section are
voidable by the court.
(b) Any confidentiality provisions that are determined to
be void are severable from the remainder of the order or
agreement notwithstanding any provision to the contrary and
the remainder of the order or agreement shall remain in force.
(c) Nothing in RCW 4.24.601 and this section prevents
the court from denying the request for confidentiality provi
sions under other law nor limits the scope of discovery pursu-
ant to applicable court rules.
(6) In cases of third party actions challenging confidenti-
ality provisions in orders or agreements, the court has discre-
tion to award to the prevailing party actual damages, costs,
reasonable attorneys' fees, and such other terms as the court
deems just.
(7) The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed
on May 1, 1994:
(a) RCW 4.24.600 and 1993 c 17 § 1;
(b) RCW 4.24.610 and 1993 c 17 § 2;
(c) RCW 4.24.620 and 1993 c 17 § 3;
(d) RCW 4.16.380 and 1993 c 17 § 5; and
(e) 1993 c 17 § 4 (uncodified). [1994 c 42 § 2.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.630 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 36] (2016 Ed.)
4.24.63 0
4.24.630 Liability for damage to land and property—Damages—Costs—Attorneys' fees—Exceptions.
4.24.630 Liability for damage to land and property—
Damages—Costs—Attorneys' fees—Exceptions. (1)
Every person who goes onto the land of another and who
removes timber, crops, minerals, or other similar valuable
property from the land, or wrongfully causes waste or injury
to the land, or wrongfully injures personal property or
improvements to real estate on the land, is liable to the
injured party for treble the amount of the damages caused by
the removal, waste, or injury. For purposes of this section, a
person acts "wrongfully" if the person intentionally and
unreasonably commits the act or acts while knowing, or hav
ing reason to know, that he or she lacks authorization to so
act. Damages recoverable under this section include, but are
not limited to, damages for the market value of the property
removed or injured, and for injury to the land, including the
costs of restoration. In addition, the person is liable for reim
bursing the injured party for the party's reasonable costs,
including but not limited to investigative costs and reason
able attorneys' fees and other litigation-related costs.
(2) This section does not apply in any case where liabil-
ity for damages is provided under RCW 64.12.030,
*79.01.756, 79.01.760, 79.40.070, or where there is immu
nity from liability under RCW 64.12.035. [1999 c 248 § 2;
1994 c 280 § 1.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 79.01.756, 79.01.760, and 79.40.070 were
recodified as RCW 79.02.320, 79.02.300, and 79.02.340, respectively, pur
suant to 2003 c 334 § 554. RCW 79.02.340 was subsequently repealed by
2009 c 349 § 5.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.24.64 0
4.24.640 Firear m safety program liabilit y.
4.24.640 Firearm safety program liability. No person
who owns, operates, is employed by, or volunteers at a pro
gram approved under RCW 77.32.155 shall be liable for any
injury that occurs while the person who suffered the injury is
participating in the course, unless the injury is the result of
gross negligence. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 513.]
Finding—Intent—Severability—1994 sp.s. c 7: See notes following
RCW 43.70.540.
4.24.66 0
4.24.660 Liab ility of school districts under contracts with yo uth programs.
4.24.660 Liability of school districts under contracts
with youth programs. (1) A school district shall not be lia
ble for an injury to or the death of a person due to action or
inaction of persons employed by, or under contract with, a
youth program if:
(a) The action or inaction takes place on school property
and during the delivery of services of the youth program;
(b) The private nonprofit group provides proof of being
insured, under an accident and liability policy issued by an
insurance company authorized to do business in this state,
that covers any injury or damage arising from delivery of its
services. Coverage for a policy meeting the requirements of
this section must be at least fifty thousand dollars due to
bodily injury or death of one person, or at least one hundred
thousand dollars due to bodily injury or death of two or more
persons in any incident. The private nonprofit shall also pro
vide a statement of compliance with the policies for the man-
agement of concussion and head injury in youth sports as set
forth in RCW 28A.600.190 and a statement of compliance
with the policies for sudden cardiac arrest awareness as set
forth in RCW 28A.600.195; and
(c) The group provides proof of such insurance before
the first use of the school facilities. The immunity granted
shall last only as long as the insurance remains in effect.
(2) Immunity under this section does not apply to any
school district before January 1, 2000.
(3) As used in this section, "youth programs" means any
program or service, offered by a private nonprofit group, that
is operated primarily to provide persons under the age of
eighteen with opportunities to participate in services or pro
(4) This section does not impair or change the ability of
any person to recover damages for harm done by: (a) Any
contractor or employee of a school district acting in his or her
capacity as a contractor or employee; or (b) the existence of
unsafe facilities or structures or programs of any school dis
trict. [2015 c 26 § 2; 2009 c 475 § 1; 1999 c 316 § 3.]
Findings—Intent—Short title—2015 c 26: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1999 c 316: See notes following RCW
4.24.670 Liability of volunteers of nonprofit or governmental entities.
4.24.670 Liability of volunteers of nonprofit or gov-
ernmental entities. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2)
of this section, a volunteer of a nonprofit organization or gov
ernmental entity shall not be personally liable for harm
caused by an act or omission of the volunteer on behalf of the
organization or entity if:
(a) The volunteer was acting within the scope of the vol-
unteer's responsibilities in the nonprofit organization or gov-
ernmental entity at the time of the act or omission;
(b) If appropriate or required, the volunteer was properly
licensed, certified, or authorized by the appropriate authori
ties for the activities or practice, where the activities were or
practice was undertaken within the scope of the volunteer's
responsibilities in the nonprofit organization or governmental
(c) The harm was not caused by willful or criminal mis-
conduct, gross negligence, reckless misconduct, or a con-
scious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of the indi-
vidual harmed by the volunteer;
(d) The harm was not caused by the volunteer operating
a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or other vehicle for which
the state requires the operator or the owner of the vehicle,
craft, or vessel to either possess an operator's license or main
tain insurance; and
(e) The nonprofit organization carries public liability
insurance covering the organization's liability for harm
caused to others for which it is directly or vicariously liable
of not less than the following amounts:
(i) For organizations with gross revenues of less than
twenty-five thousand dollars, at least fifty thousand dollars
due to the bodily injury or death of one person or at least one
hundred thousand dollars due to the bodily injury or death of
two or more persons;
(ii) For organizations with gross revenues of twenty-five
thousand dollars or more but less than one hundred thousand
dollars, at least one hundred thousand dollars due to the
bodily injury or death of one person or at least two hundred
thousand dollars due to the bodily injury or death of two or
more persons;
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.690
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 37]
(iii) For organizations with gross revenues of one hun-
dred thousand dollars or more, at least five hundred thousand
dollars due to bodily injury or death.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect
any civil action brought by any nonprofit organization or any
governmental entity against any volunteer of the organization
or entity.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the
liability, or vicarious liability, of any nonprofit organization
or governmental entity with respect to harm caused to any
person, including harm caused by the negligence of a volun
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to
the emergency workers registered in accordance with chapter
38.52 RCW nor to the related volunteer organizations to
which they may belong.
(5) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout
this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Economic loss" means any pecuniary loss resulting
from harm, including the loss of earnings or other benefits
related to employment, medical expense loss, replacement
services loss, loss due to death, burial costs, and loss of busi
ness or employment opportunities.
(b) "Harm" includes physical, nonphysical, economic,
and noneconomic losses.
(c) "Noneconomic loss" means loss for physical and
emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impair
ment, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of
life, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium
other than loss of domestic service, hedonic damages, injury
to reputation, and all other nonpecuniary losses of any kind or
(d) "Nonprofit organization" means: (i) Any organiza-
tion described in section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue
code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3)) and exempt from tax
under section 501(a) of the internal revenue code; (ii) any
not-for-profit organization that is organized and conducted
for public benefit and operated primarily for charitable, civic,
educational, religious, welfare, or health purposes; or (iii) any
organization described in section 501(c)(14)(A) of the inter
nal revenue code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(14)(A)) and
exempt from tax under section 501(a) of the internal revenue
(e) "Volunteer" means an individual performing services
for a nonprofit organization or a governmental entity who
does not receive compensation, other than reasonable reim
bursement or allowance for expenses actually incurred, or
any other thing of value, in excess of five hundred dollars per
year. "Volunteer" includes a volunteer serving as a director,
officer, trustee, or direct service volunteer. [2001 c 209 § 1.]
4.24.68 0
4.24.680 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee information—Exception.
4.24.680 Unlawful release of court and law enforce-
ment employee information—Exception. (1) A person
shall not knowingly make available on the world wide web
the personal information of a peace officer, corrections per
son, justice, judge, commissioner, public defender, or prose-
cutor if the dissemination of the personal information poses
an imminent and serious threat to the peace officer's, correc
tions person's, justice's, judge's, commissioner's, public
defender's, or prosecutor's safety or the safety of that person's
immediate family and the threat is reasonably apparent to the
person making the information available on the world wide
web to be serious and imminent.
(2) It is not a violation of this section if an employee of a
county auditor or county assessor publishes personal infor
mation, in good faith, on the web site of the county auditor or
county assessor in the ordinary course of carrying out public
(3) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Commissioner" means a commissioner of the supe-
rior court, court of appeals, or supreme court.
(b) "Corrections person" means any employee or volun-
teer who by state, county, municipal, or combination thereof,
statute has the responsibility for the confinement, care, man
agement, training, treatment, education, supervision, or coun-
seling of those whose civil rights have been limited in some
way by legal sanction.
(c) "Immediate family" means a peace officer's, correc-
tions person's, justice's, judge's, commissioner's, public
defender's, or prosecutor's spouse, child, or parent and any
other adult who lives in the same residence as the person.
(d) "Judge" means a judge of the United States district
court, the United States court of appeals, the United States
magistrate, the United States bankruptcy court, and the
Washington court of appeals, superior court, district court, or
municipal court.
(e) "Justice" means a justice of the United States
supreme court or Washington supreme court.
(f) "Personal information" means a peace officer's, cor-
rections person's, justice's, judge's, commissioner's, public
defender's, or prosecutor's home address, home telephone
number, pager number, social security number, home email
address, directions to the person's home, or photographs of
the person's home or vehicle.
(g) "Prosecutor" means a county prosecuting attorney, a
city attorney, the attorney general, or a United States attorney
and their assistants or deputies.
(h) "Public defender" means a federal public defender, or
other public defender, and his or her assistants or deputies.
[2006 c 355 § 2; 2002 c 336 § 1.]
Finding—2006 c 355: "The legislature finds that the dissemination of
personally identifying information as proscribed in RCW 4.24.680 is not in
the public interest." [2006 c 355 § 1.]
Severability—2006 c 355: "If any provision of this act or its application
to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the
application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not
affected." [2006 c 355 § 4.]
4.24.690 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee information—Court action to prevent.
4.24.690 Unlawful release of court and law enforce-
ment employee information—Court action to prevent.
(1) Whenever it appears that any person or organization is
engaged in or about to engage in any act that constitutes or
will constitute a violation of RCW 4.24.680, the prosecuting
attorney or any person harmed by an alleged violation of
RCW 4.24.680 may initiate a civil proceeding in superior
court to enjoin such violation, and may petition the court to
issue an order for the discontinuance of the dissemination of
information in violation of RCW 4.24.680.
(2) An action under this section shall be brought in the
county in which the violation is alleged to have taken place,
and shall be commenced by the filing of a verified complaint,
or shall be accompanied by an affidavit.
4.24.700 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 38] (2016 Ed.)
(3) If it is shown to the satisfaction of the court, either by
verified complaint or affidavit, that a person or organization
is engaged in or about to engage in any act that constitutes a
violation of RCW 4.24.680, the court may issue a temporary
restraining order to abate and prevent the continuance or
recurrence of the act.
(4) The court may issue a permanent injunction to
restrain, abate, or prevent the continuance or recurrence of
the violation of RCW 4.24.680. The court may grant declara
tory relief, mandatory orders, or any other relief deemed nec-
essary to accomplish the purposes of the injunction. The
court may retain jurisdiction of the case for the purpose of
enforcing its orders. [2002 c 336 § 2.]
4.24.70 0
4.24.700 Unlawful release of court and law enforcement employee info rmation—Damages, fees, and costs.
4.24.700 Unlawful release of court and law enforce-
ment employee information—Damages, fees, and costs.
Any person whose personal information is made available on
the world wide web as described in RCW 4.24.680(1) who
suffers damages as a result of such conduct may bring an
action against the person or organization who makes such
information available, for actual damages sustained plus
damages in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for
each day the personal information was made available on the
world wide web, and reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
[2006 c 355 § 3; 2002 c 336 § 3.]
Finding—Severability—2006 c 355: See notes following RCW
4.24.71 0
4.24.710 Outdoor music festival, campground—Detention.
4.24.710 Outdoor music festival, campground—
Detention. (1) In a civil action brought against the detainer
by reason of a person having been detained on or in the
immediate vicinity of the premises of an outdoor music festi
val or related campground for the purpose of investigation or
questioning as to the lawfulness of the consumption or pos
session of alcohol or illegal drugs, it is a defense that the
detained person was detained in a reasonable manner and for
not more than a reasonable time to permit the investigation or
questioning by a law enforcement officer, and that a peace
officer, owner, operator, employee, or agent of the outdoor
music festival had reasonable grounds to believe that the per
son so detained was unlawfully consuming or attempting to
unlawfully consume or possess, alcohol or illegal drugs on
the premises.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Illegal drug" means a controlled substance under
chapter 69.50 RCW for which the person detained does not
have a valid prescription or that is not being consumed in
accordance with the prescription directions and warnings, or
a legend drug under chapter 69.41 RCW for which the person
does not have a valid prescription or that is not being con
sumed in accordance with the prescription directions and
(b) "Outdoor music festival" has the same meaning as in
RCW 70.108.020, except that no minimum time limit is
(c) "Reasonable grounds" include, but are not limited to:
(i) Exhibiting the effects of having consumed liquor,
which means that a person has the odor of liquor on his or her
breath, or that by speech, manner, appearance, behavior, lack
of coordination, or otherwise exhibits that he or she has con
sumed liquor, and either:
(A) Is in possession of or in close proximity to a con-
tainer that has or recently had liquor in it; or
(B) Is shown by other evidence to have recently con-
sumed liquor; or
(ii) Exhibiting the effects of having consumed an illegal
drug, which means that a person by speech, manner, appear
ance, behavior, lack of coordination, or otherwise exhibits
that he or she has consumed an illegal drug, and either:
(A) Is in possession of an illegal drug; or
(B) Is shown by other evidence to have recently con-
sumed an illegal drug.
(d) "Reasonable time" means the time necessary to per-
mit the person detained to make a statement or to refuse to
make a statement, and the time necessary to allow a law
enforcement officer to determine the lawfulness of the con
sumption or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs. "Reason-
able time" may not exceed one hour. [2003 c 219 § 2.]
4.24.720 Liab ility immunity—Amber ale rts.
4.24.720 Liability immunity—Amber alerts. No
cause of action shall be maintained for civil damages in any
court of this state against any radio or television broadcasting
station or cable television system, or the employees, officers,
directors, managers, or agents of the radio or television
broadcasting station or cable television system, based on the
broadcast of information including, but not limited to, the
name or description of an abducted child, the name or
description of a suspected abductor, and the circumstances of
an abduction supplied by law enforcement officials pursuant
to the voluntary broadcast notification system commonly
known as the "Amber alert," or as the same system may oth
erwise be known in this state, which is used to notify the pub-
lic of missing or abducted children. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to limit or restrict in any way any immu
nity or privilege a radio or television broadcasting station or
cable television system may have under statute or common
law for broadcasting or otherwise disseminating information.
[2005 c 128 § 1.]
4.24.730 Liability immunity—Disclosure of employee information to prospective employer.
4.24.730 Liability immunity—Disclosure of
employee information to prospective employer. (1) An
employer who discloses information about a former or cur
rent employee to a prospective employer, or employment
agency as defined by RCW 49.60.040, at the specific request
of that individual employer or employment agency, is pre
sumed to be acting in good faith and is immune from civil and
criminal liability for such disclosure or its consequences if
the disclosed information relates to: (a) The employee's abil
ity to perform his or her job; (b) the diligence, skill, or reli-
ability with which the employee carried out the duties of his
or her job; or (c) any illegal or wrongful act committed by the
employee when related to the duties of his or her job.
(2) The employer should retain a written record of the
identity of the person or entity to which information is dis
closed under this section for a minimum of two years from
the date of disclosure. The employee or former employee has
a right to inspect any such written record upon request and
any such written record shall become part of the employee's
personnel file, subject to the provisions of chapter 49.12
(3) For the purposes of this section, the presumption of
good faith may only be rebutted upon a showing by clear and
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.790
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 39]
convincing evidence that the information disclosed by the
employer was knowingly false, deliberately misleading, or
made with reckless disregard for the truth. [2005 c 103 § 1.]
4.24.74 0
4.24.740 Liabili ty immunity—Bovine hand ling activities.
4.24.740 Liability immunity—Bovine handling activ-
ities. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,
an owner, operator, or manager of a bovine handling facility,
and the owner of bovine handled at or processed through a
bovine handling facility, are not liable for an injury to or the
death of a person who knowingly and voluntarily participates
in bovine handling activities at a bovine handling facility or
knowingly and voluntarily enters onto the premises of a
bovine handling facility as a spectator of bovine handling
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section prevents or
limits the liability of an owner, operator, or manager of a
bovine handling facility, or an owner of bovine handled at or
processed through a bovine handling facility, if the owner,
operator, or manager of the bovine handling facility, or the
bovine owner:
(a) Intentionally injures the participant or spectator or
commits an act or omission that constitutes willful or wanton
disregard for the safety of the participant or spectator and that
act or omission caused the injury;
(b) Owns, leases, rents, or otherwise is in lawful posses-
sion and control of the land or facilities upon which the par-
ticipant or spectator sustained injuries because of a dangerous
latent condition which was known to or should have been
known to the owner, operator, or manager of the bovine han
dling facility, or the bovine owner, and for which warning
signs have not been conspicuously posted; or
(c) Is liable under chapter 16.04 or 16.24 RCW.
(3) As used in this section:
(a) "Bovine" means beef cattle, dairy cattle, and bison.
(b) "Bovine handling facility" means a cooperative not-
for-profit outdoor facility, such as a corral, that is used for the
normal and customary handling and husbandry of bovines,
whether on a daily or periodic basis, and does not include
commercial slaughter facilities.
(c) "Bovine handling activities" means normal and cus-
tomary activities associated with the handling and husbandry
of bovines. [2006 c 158 § 1.]
4.24.75 0
4.24.750 Monitoring of persons charged with or convicted of misdemeanors—Decisions concerning release of criminal offenders—Findings.
4.24.750 Monitoring of persons charged with or con-
victed of misdemeanors—Decisions concerning release of
criminal offenders—Findings. The legislature finds that
the provision of preconviction and postconviction misde
meanor probation and supervision services, and the monitor-
ing of persons charged with or convicted of misdemeanors to
ensure their compliance with preconviction or postconviction
orders of the court, are essential to improving the safety of the
public in general. Furthermore, the legislature finds that deci
sions concerning whether criminal offenders are released into
the community pretrial or postconviction, including the revo
cation of probation, rest with the judiciary. [2007 c 174 § 1.]
4.24.76 0
4.24.760 Limi ted jurisdiction courts—Lim itation on liability for inadequate supervision or monitoring—Definitions.
4.24.760 Limited jurisdiction courts—Limitation on
liability for inadequate supervision or monitoring—Defi
nitions. (1) A limited jurisdiction court that provides misde-
meanant supervision services is not liable for civil damages
based on the inadequate supervision or monitoring of a mis
demeanor defendant or probationer unless the inadequate
supervision or monitoring constitutes gross negligence.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Limited jurisdiction court" means a district court or
a municipal court, and anyone acting or operating at the
direction of such court, including but not limited to its offi
cers, employees, agents, contractors, and volunteers.
(b) "Misdemeanant supervision services" means precon-
viction or postconviction misdemeanor probation or supervi-
sion services, or the monitoring of a misdemeanor defen-
dant's compliance with a preconviction or postconviction
order of the court, including but not limited to community
corrections programs, probation supervision, pretrial supervi
sion, or pretrial release services.
(3) This section does not create any duty and shall not be
construed to create a duty where none exists. Nothing in this
section shall be construed to affect judicial immunity. [2007
c 174 § 2.]
4.24.770 Private employer not liable for injury to unauthorized third-party occupant of private employer's vehicle.
4.24.770 Private employer not liable for injury to
unauthorized third-party occupant of private employer's
vehicle. (1) A private employer is not liable for any injury
received by a third-party occupant of a vehicle that is owned,
leased, or rented by the employer if, at the time the injuries
were inflicted, the third-party occupant was riding in or on
the vehicle with an employee who had explicitly acknowl
edged in writing the employer's policy on use of vehicles
owned, leased, or rented by the employer and the third-party
occupant was not:
(a) Specifically and expressly authorized by the
employer to be an occupant of the vehicle; or
(b) Acting on behalf of, or for the benefit of, the
employer with the knowledge or implied approval or acquies
cence of the employer.
(2) For purposes of this section, "third-party occupant"
means a person who occupies a vehicle owned, leased, or
rented by the private employer and who is not an officer,
employee, or agent, or authorized or constructive invitee of
the private employer. [2011 c 82 § 3.]
Intent—Application—2011 c 82: See notes following RCW 4.92.180.
Definitions: RCW 52.12.160.
4.24.780 Liability of fire service protection agency in providing firefightin g efforts outside of juris diction or emergency services.
4.24.780 Liability of fire service protection agency in
providing firefighting efforts outside of jurisdiction or
emergency services. Any fire service protection agency, as
well as the firefighters therein, whether volunteer or paid,
which takes part in firefighting efforts outside its jurisdiction
or provides emergency care, rescue, assistance, or recovery
services at the scene of an emergency, is not liable for civil
damages resulting from any act or omission in the rendering
of such services, other than acts or omissions constituting
gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. [2011 c
200 § 2.]
4.24.790 Electronic impersonation—Action for invasion of privacy.
4.24.790 Electronic impersonation—Action for inva-
sion of privacy. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply
throughout this section unless the context clearly requires
(a) "Actual person" means a living individual.
4.24.795 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 40] (2016 Ed.)
(b) "Blog" means a web site that is created primarily for
the writer to maintain an online personal journal with reflec
tions, comments, or hyperlinks provided by the writer.
(c) "Impersonates" or "impersonation" means using an
actual person's name or likeness to create an impersonation
that another person would reasonably believe or did reason
ably believe was or is the actual person being impersonated.
(d) "Interactive computer service" means any informa-
tion service, system, or access software provider that pro-
vides or enables computer access by multiple users to a com-
puter server, including specifically a service or system that
provides access to the internet and such systems operated or
services offered by libraries or educational institutions.
(e) "Online bulletin board" means a web site that is
designed specifically for internet users to post and respond to
online classified advertisements that are viewable by other
internet users.
(f) "Social networking web site" means a web site that
allows a user to create an account or profile for the user for
the purposes of, among other things, connecting the user's
account or profile to other users' accounts or profiles. A blog
is not a social networking web site.
(2) A person may be liable in a civil action based on a
claim of invasion of privacy when:
(a) The person impersonates another actual person on a
social networking web site or online bulletin board;
(b) The impersonation was intentional and without the
actual person's consent;
(c) The person intended to deceive or mislead for the
purpose of harassing, threatening, intimidating, humiliating,
or defrauding another; and
(d) The impersonation proximately caused injury to the
actual person. Injury may include injury to reputation or
humiliation, injury to professional or financial standing, or
physical harm.
(3)(a) The actual person who suffered injury by an
impersonation in violation of this section may bring an action
to recover actual damages, injunctive relief, and declaratory
relief. The court may award actual damages, injunctive relief,
and declaratory relief as necessary.
(b) The court may award the prevailing party costs and
reasonable attorneys' fees.
(4) This section does not apply when the impersonation
(a) For a use set forth in RCW 63.60.070, including for
matters of cultural, historical, political, religious, educa
tional, newsworthy, or public interest including, but not lim-
ited to, use in works of art, commentary, satire, and parody;
(b) For a use that would violate chapter 63.60 RCW;
(c) Insignificant, de minimis, or incidental use; or
(d) Performed by a law enforcement agency as part of a
lawful criminal investigation.
(5) A court of this state may exercise jurisdiction in a suit
brought by a Washington resident or against a defendant who
is a Washington resident. Jurisdiction over any person who is
not a Washington resident may be exercised in a manner con
sistent with the laws and Constitution of the state of Wash-
ington, including RCW 4.28.185, and the Constitution of the
United States.
(6)(a) This section may not be construed to impose any
liability on a social networking web site, online bulletin
board, internet service provider, interactive computer service,
computer hardware or software provider, or web site operator
or administrator or its employees, unless the provider, opera
tor, administrator, or employee is the person impersonating
an actual person. Nothing in this section is intended to pre
clude other common law causes of action against these enti-
(b) This section may not be construed to limit any other
civil cause of action available to a person under statute or
common law or any criminal prosecution.
(7) For the purposes of this section, parental liability is
limited pursuant to RCW 4.24.190. [2012 c 9 § 2.]
Finding—Intent—2012 c 9: "The legislature finds that although social
networking web sites and online bulletin boards provide valuable opportuni
ties for networking, there are also opportunities for conduct that can cause
harm to other persons. There are civil and criminal remedies for certain types
of fraud, impersonation, and appropriation of a person's personality for com
mercial purposes. However, how these traditional legal remedies extend to
wrongful impersonation over the internet to mislead, deceive, harass,
threaten, or intimidate is relatively new and unclear. Courts have recognized
the tort of invasion of privacy, and one of the four categories of an invasion
of privacy claim is the misappropriation of another person's name or like
ness. It is the intent of the legislature to specify that the tort of invasion of
privacy may include the misappropriation of a person's name or likeness
through social networking web sites and online bulletin boards with the
intent to mislead, deceive, harass, threaten, or intimidate." [2012 c 9 § 1.]
4.24.795 Distr ibution of intimate imag es—Liability for damages, o ther civil penalties—Con fidentiality of the plainti ff.
4.24.795 Distribution of intimate images—Liability
for damages, other civil penalties—Confidentiality of the
plaintiff. (1) A person distributes an intimate image of
another person when that person intentionally and without
consent distributes, transmits, or otherwise makes available
an intimate image or images of that other person that was:
(a) Obtained under circumstances in which a reasonable
person would know or understand that the image was to
remain private; or
(b) Knowingly obtained by that person without authori-
zation or by exceeding authorized access from the other per-
son's property, accounts, messages, files, or resources.
(2) Any person who distributes an intimate image of
another person as described in subsection (1) of this section
and at the time of such distribution knows or reasonably
should know that disclosure would cause harm to the
depicted person shall be liable to that other person for actual
damages including, but not limited to, pain and suffering,
emotional distress, economic damages, and lost earnings,
reasonable attorneys' fees, and costs. The court may also, in
its discretion, award injunctive relief as it deems necessary.
(3) Factors that may be used to determine whether a rea-
sonable person would know or understand that the image was
to remain private include:
(a) The nature of the relationship between the parties;
(b) The circumstances under which the intimate image
was taken;
(c) The circumstances under which the intimate image
was distributed; and
(d) Any other relevant factors.
(4) It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of this
section that the defendant is a family member of a minor and
did not intend any harm or harassment in disclosing the
images of the minor to other family or friends of the defen
dant. This affirmative defense shall not apply to matters
defined under RCW 9.68A.011.
Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities 4.24.810
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 41]
(5) As used in this section, "intimate image" means any
photograph, motion picture film, videotape, digital image, or
any other recording or transmission of another person who is
identifiable from the image itself or from information dis
played with or otherwise connected to the image, and that
was taken in a private setting, is not a matter of public con
cern, and depicts:
(a) Sexual activity, including sexual intercourse as
defined in RCW 9A.44.010 and masturbation; or
(b) A person's intimate body parts, whether nude or visi-
ble through less than opaque clothing, including the genitals,
pubic area, anus, or postpubescent female nipple.
(6) In an action brought under this section, the court
(a) Make it known to the plaintiff as early as possible in
the proceedings of the action that the plaintiff may use a con
fidential identity in relation to the action;
(b) Allow a plaintiff to use a confidential identity in all
petitions, filings, and other documents presented to the court;
(c) Use the confidential identity in all of the court's pro-
ceedings and records relating to the action, including any
appellate proceedings; and
(d) Maintain the records relating to the action in a man-
ner that protects the confidentiality of the plaintiff.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose
liability on an interactive computer service, as defined in 47
U.S.C. 230(f)(2) as it exists on September 26, 2015, for con
tent provided by another person. [2015 2nd sp.s. c 8 § 1.]
4.24.80 0
4.24.800 Liab ility immunity—Charitable donation of eyeglasses o r hearing instruments.
4.24.800 Liability immunity—Charitable donation
of eyeglasses or hearing instruments. (1) A charitable
organization is not liable for any civil damages arising out of
any act or omission, other than acts or omissions constituting
gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct, associated
with providing previously owned eyeglasses or hearing
instruments to a person if:
(a) The person is at least fourteen years of age; and
(b) The eyeglasses or hearing instruments are provided
to the person without compensation or the expectation of
(2) The immunity provided by subsection (1) of this sec-
tion applies to eyeglasses only if the eyeglasses are provided
by a physician licensed under chapter 18.71 RCW, an osteo
pathic physician licensed under chapter 18.57 RCW, an
optometrist licensed under chapter 18.53 RCW, or an opti
cian licensed under chapter 18.34 RCW who has:
(a) Personally examined the person who will receive the
eyeglasses; or
(b) Personally consulted with the licensed physician,
osteopathic physician, or optometrist who examined the per
son who will receive the eyeglasses.
(3) The immunity provided by subsection (1) of this sec-
tion applies to eyeglasses if the eyeglasses are provided by a
physician's or optician's optical assistant who has personally
consulted with the licensed physician, osteopathic physician,
or optometrist who examined the person who will receive the
(4) The immunity provided by subsection (1) of this sec-
tion applies to hearing instruments only if the hearing instru-
ments are provided by a physician licensed under chapter
18.71 RCW, an osteopathic physician licensed under chapter
18.57 RCW, or hearing health care professional licensed
under chapter 18.35 RCW who has:
(a) Personally examined the person who will receive the
hearing instruments; or
(b) Personally consulted with the licensed physician,
osteopathic physician, or hearing health care professional
who has examined the person who will receive the hearing
(5) For purposes of this section, "charitable organiza-
tion" means an organization:
(a) That regularly engages in or provides financial sup-
port for some form of benevolent or charitable activity with
the purpose of doing good to others rather than for the conve
nience of its members;
(b) In which no part of the organization's income is dis-
tributable to its members, directors, or officers; and
(c) In which no member, director, officer, agent, or
employee is paid, or directly receives, in the form of salary or
other compensation, an amount beyond that which is just and
reasonable compensation commonly paid for such services
rendered and which has been fixed and approved by the
members, directors, or other governing body of the organiza
tion. [2012 c 203 § 1.]
4.24.810 Liability immunity—Credentialing or granting practice privileges to health care providers responding to emergencies.
4.24.810 Liability immunity—Credentialing or
granting practice privileges to health care providers
responding to emergencies. (1) Except as provided in sub
section (2) of this section, any health care provider creden-
tialing or granting practice privileges to other health care pro-
viders to deliver health care in response to an emergency is
immune from civil liability arising out of such credentialing
or granting of practice privileges if: (a) The health care pro
vider so credentialed or granted practice privileges was
responding to an emergency; and (b) the procedures utilized
for credentialing and granting practice privileges were sub
stantially consistent with the standards for granting emer-
gency practice privileges adopted by the joint commission on
the accreditation of health care organizations.
(2) This section does not apply to any acts or omissions
constituting gross negligence or willful or wanton miscon
(3) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Ambulatory surgical facility" has the same meaning
as provided in RCW 70.230.010.
(b) "Clinic" means a place for treatment of patients on an
outpatient basis by a health care provider.
(c) "Credentialing" means the collection, verification,
and assessment of whether a health care provider meets rele
vant licensing, education, and training requirements.
(d) "Emergency" means an event or set of circumstances
for which the governor has proclaimed a state of emergency
pursuant to RCW 43.06.010.
(e) "Health care provider" means:
(i) A member of a profession identified in RCW
(ii) An employee or agent of a member of such a profes-
sion acting in the course and scope of his or her employment;
(iii) An entity, whether or not incorporated, facility, or
institution employing, credentialing, or providing practice
privileges to one or more persons described in (e)(i) of this
subsection including, but not limited to, a hospital, ambula
4.24.820 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 42] (2016 Ed.)
tory surgical facility, clinic, health maintenance organization,
or nursing home, or an officer, director, employee, or agent
thereof acting in the course and scope of his or her employ
(iv) A pharmacist or pharmacy as defined in RCW
18.64.011; or
(v) In the event any person identified in (e)(i) through
(iv) of this subsection is deceased, his or her estate or per
sonal representative.
(f) "Health maintenance organization" has the same
meaning as provided in RCW 48.46.020.
(g) "Hospital" has the same meaning as provided in
RCW 70.41.020.
(h) "Nursing home" has the same meaning as provided in
RCW 18.51.010. [2014 c 159 § 1.]
4.24.82 0
4.24.820 Nonre cognition of foreign or der—Incompatibility with public policy.
4.24.820 Nonrecognition of foreign order—Incom-
patibility with public policy. (1) Washington's courts,
administrative agencies, or any other Washington tribunal
shall not recognize, base any ruling on, or enforce any order
issued under foreign law, or by a foreign legal system, that is
manifestly incompatible with public policy.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, a foreign law, an order
issued by a foreign legal system or foreign tribunal is pre
sumed manifestly incompatible with public policy, when it
does not, or would not, grant the parties all of the same rights,
or when the enforcement of any order would result in a viola
tion of any right, guaranteed by the Washington state and
United States Constitutions. [2015 c 214 § 61.]
Effective date—Conflict with federal requirements—Waiver—2015
c 214: See notes following RCW 26.21A.010.
Severability—2015 c 214: See note following RCW 26.21A.115.
4.24.90 0
4.24.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domes tic partnerships—2009 c 5 21.
4.24.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state
registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521. For the
purposes of this chapter, the terms spouse, marriage, marital,
husband, wife, widow, widower, next of kin, and family shall
be interpreted as applying equally to state registered domestic
partnerships or individuals in state registered domestic part
nerships as well as to marital relationships and married per-
sons, and references to dissolution of marriage shall apply
equally to state registered domestic partnerships that have
been terminated, dissolved, or invalidated, to the extent that
such interpretation does not conflict with federal law. Where
necessary to implement chapter 521, Laws of 2009, gender-
specific terms such as husband and wife used in any statute,
rule, or other law shall be construed to be gender neutral, and
applicable to individuals in state registered domestic partner
ships. [2009 c 521 § 10.]
Chapter 4.28
Chapter 4.28 RCW
4.28.020 Jurisdiction acquired, when.
4.28.080 Summons, how served.
4.28.090 Service on corporation without officer in state upon whom
process can be served.
4.28.100 Service of summons by publication—When authorized.
4.28.110 Manner of publication and form of summons.
4.28.120 Publication of notice in eminent domain proceedings.
4.28.140 Affidavit as to unknown heirs.
4.28.150 Title of cause—Unknown claimants—Service by publication.
4.28.160 Rights of unknown claimants and heirs—Effect of judgment—
Lis pendens.
4.28.180 Personal service out-of-state.
4.28.185 Personal service out-of-state—Acts submitting person to juris-
diction of courts—Saving.
4.28.200 Right of one constructively served to appear and defend or
4.28.210 Appearance, what constitutes.
4.28.290 Assessment of damages without answer.
4.28.320 Lis pendens in actions affecting title to real estate.
4.28.325 Lis pendens in actions in United States district courts affecting
title to real estate.
4.28.328 Lis pendens—Liability of claimants—Damages, costs, attor-
neys' fees.
4.28.330 Notice to alien property custodian.
4.28.340 Notice to alien property custodian—Definitions.
4.28.350 Notice to alien property custodian—Duration.
4.28.360 Personal injury action—Complaint not to include statement of
damages—Request for statement.
4.28.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic
partnerships—2009 c 521.
Rules of court: CR 3; CR 4; CR 4.1; CR 5; and CR 6.
Claims against
cities and towns: Chapters 35.31, 35A.31 RCW.
counties: Chapter 36.45 RCW.
political subdivisions, municipal corporations, and quasi municipal cor-
porations: Chapter 4.96 RCW.
state: Chapter 4.92 RCW.
Foreign corporations, actions against: RCW 23B.15.100.
Nonadmitted foreign corporations, actions against: Chapter 23B.18 RCW.
Proceedings as to individuals with mental illness: Chapter 71.05 RCW.
Publication of legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
Service of papers on foreign corporation: RCW 23B.15.100.
Service of process on
foreign savings and loan association: RCW 33.32.050.
nonadmitted foreign corporation: RCW 23B.18.040.
nonresident motor vehicle operator: RCW 46.64.040.
Sheriff's fees for service of process and other official services: RCW
Statute of limitations, tolling: RCW 4.16.170.
4.28.020 Jurisdiction acquired, when.
4.28.020 Jurisdiction acquired, when. From the time
of the commencement of the action by service of summons,
or by the filing of a complaint, or as otherwise provided, the
court is deemed to have acquired jurisdiction and to have
control of all subsequent proceedings. [1984 c 76 § 2; 1895 c
86 § 4; 1893 c 127 § 15; RRS § 238.]
4.28.080 Summons, how served.
4.28.080 Summons, how served. Service made in the
modes provided in this section is personal service. The sum
mons shall be served by delivering a copy thereof, as follows:
(1) If the action is against any county in this state, to the
county auditor or, during normal office hours, to the deputy
auditor, or in the case of a charter county, summons may be
served upon the agent, if any, designated by the legislative
(2) If against any town or incorporated city in the state,
to the mayor, city manager, or, during normal office hours, to
the mayor's or city manager's designated agent or the city
clerk thereof.
(3) If against a school or fire district, to the superinten-
dent or commissioner thereof or by leaving the same in his or
her office with an assistant superintendent, deputy commis
sioner, or business manager during normal business hours.
(4) If against a railroad corporation, to any station,
freight, ticket or other agent thereof within this state.
Commencement of Actions 4.28.100
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 43]
(5) If against a corporation owning or operating sleeping
cars, or hotel cars, to any person having charge of any of its
cars or any agent found within the state.
(6) If against a domestic insurance company, to any
agent authorized by such company to solicit insurance within
this state.
(7)(a) If against an authorized foreign or alien insurance
company, as provided in RCW 48.05.200.
(b) If against an unauthorized insurer, as provided in
RCW 48.05.215 and 48.15.150.
(c) If against a reciprocal insurer, as provided in RCW
(d) If against a nonresident surplus line broker, as pro-
vided in RCW 48.15.073.
(e) If against a nonresident insurance producer or title
insurance agent, as provided in RCW 48.17.173.
(f) If against a nonresident adjuster, as provided in RCW
(g) If against a fraternal benefit society, as provided in
RCW 48.36A.350.
(h) If against a nonresident reinsurance intermediary, as
provided in RCW 48.94.010.
(i) If against a nonresident life settlement provider, as
provided in RCW 48.102.011.
(j) If against a nonresident life settlement broker, as pro-
vided in RCW 48.102.021.
(k) If against a service contract provider, as provided in
RCW 48.110.030.
(l) If against a protection product guarantee provider, as
provided in RCW 48.110.055.
(m) If against a discount plan organization, as provided
in RCW 48.155.020.
(8) If against a company or corporation doing any
express business, to any agent authorized by said company or
corporation to receive and deliver express matters and collect
pay therefor within this state.
(9) If against a company or corporation other than those
designated in subsections (1) through (8) of this section, to
the president or other head of the company or corporation, the
registered agent, secretary, cashier or managing agent thereof
or to the secretary, stenographer or office assistant of the
president or other head of the company or corporation, regis
tered agent, secretary, cashier or managing agent.
(10) If against a foreign corporation or nonresident joint
stock company, partnership or association doing business
within this state, to any agent, cashier or secretary thereof.
(11) If against a minor under the age of fourteen years, to
such minor personally, and also to his or her father, mother,
guardian, or if there be none within this state, then to any per
son having the care or control of such minor, or with whom
he or she resides, or in whose service he or she is employed,
if such there be.
(12) If against any person for whom a guardian has been
appointed for any cause, then to such guardian.
(13) If against a foreign or alien steamship company or
steamship charterer, to any agent authorized by such com
pany or charterer to solicit cargo or passengers for transporta-
tion to or from ports in the state of Washington.
(14) If against a self-insurance program regulated by
chapter 48.62 RCW, as provided in chapter 48.62 RCW.
(15) If against a party to a real estate purchase and sale
agreement under RCW 64.04.220, by mailing a copy by first-
class mail, postage prepaid, to the party to be served at his or
her usual mailing address or the address identified for that
party in the real estate purchase and sale agreement.
(16) In all other cases, to the defendant personally, or by
leaving a copy of the summons at the house of his or her usual
abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then
resident therein.
(17) In lieu of service under subsection (16) of this sec-
tion, where the person cannot with reasonable diligence be
served as described, the summons may be served as provided
in this subsection, and shall be deemed complete on the tenth
day after the required mailing: By leaving a copy at his or her
usual mailing address with a person of suitable age and dis
cretion who is a resident, proprietor, or agent thereof, and by
thereafter mailing a copy by first-class mail, postage prepaid,
to the person to be served at his or her usual mailing address.
For the purposes of this subsection, "usual mailing address"
does not include a United States postal service post office box
or the person's place of employment. [2015 c 51 § 2; 2012 c
211 § 1; 2011 c 47 § 1; 1997 c 380 § 1; 1996 c 223 § 1; 1991
sp.s. c 30 § 28; 1987 c 361 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 120 § 1; 1967 c
11 § 1; 1957 c 202 § 1; 1893 c 127 § 7; RRS § 226, part. FOR
MER PART OF SECTION: 1897 c 97 § 1 now codified in
RCW 4.28.081.]
Rules of court: Service of process—CR 4(d), (e).
Service of process on
foreign corporation: RCW 23B.15.100.
foreign savings and loan association: RCW 33.32.050.
nonadmitted foreign corporation: RCW 23B.18.040.
nonresident motor vehicle operator: RCW 46.64.040.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.28.090 Service on corporation without officer in state upon whom process can be served.
4.28.090 Service on corporation without officer in
state upon whom process can be served. Whenever any
corporation, created by the laws of this state, or late territory
of Washington, does not have an officer in this state upon
whom legal service of process can be made, an action or pro
ceeding against the corporation may be commenced in any
county where the cause of action may arise, or the corpora
tion may have property, and service may be made upon the
corporation by depositing a copy of the summons, writ, or
other process, in the office of the secretary of state, which
shall be taken, deemed and treated as personal service on the
corporation: PROVIDED, A copy of the summons, writ, or
other process, shall be deposited in the post office, postage
paid, directed to the secretary or other proper officer of the
corporation, at the place where the main business of the cor
poration is transacted, when the place of business is known to
the plaintiff, and be published at least once a week for six
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation at the seat of
government of this state, before the service shall be deemed
perfect. [1985 c 469 § 1; 1893 c 127 § 8; RRS § 227.]
4.28.100 Service of summons by publication—When authorized.
4.28.100 Service of summons by publication—When
authorized. When the defendant cannot be found within the
state, and upon the filing of an affidavit of the plaintiff, his or
her agent, or attorney, with the clerk of the court, stating that
he or she believes that the defendant is not a resident of the
state, or cannot be found therein, and that he or she has depos
4.28.110 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 44] (2016 Ed.)
ited a copy of the summons (substantially in the form pre-
scribed in RCW 4.28.110) and complaint in the post office,
rected to the defendant at his or her place of residence,
unless it is stated in the affidavit that such residence is not
known to the affiant, and stating the existence of one of the
cases hereinafter specified, the service may be made by pub-
lication of the summons, by the plaintiff or his or her attorney
in any
of the following cases:
(1) When the defendant is a fo
reign corporation, and has
property within the state;
(2) When the defendant, being a resident of this state, has
therefrom with intent to defraud his or her creditors,
or to avoid the service of a summons, or keeps himself or her-
self concealed therein with like intent;
(3) When the defendant is not a resident of the state, but
has property t
herein and the court has jurisdiction of the sub-
ject of the action;
(4) When the action is for (a) establishment or modifica-
tion of a parenting plan or residential schedule; or (b) disso-
lution of marriage, legal separation, or declaration of invalid-
ity, in the cases prescribed by law;
(5) When the action is for nonparental custody under
hapter 26.10 RCW and the child is in the physical custody of
the petitioner;
(6) When the subject of the action is real or personal
in this state, and the defendant has or claims a lien or
interest, actual or contingent, therein, or the relief demanded
consists wholly, or partly, in excluding the defendant from
any interest or lien therein;
(7) When the action is to foreclose,
satisfy, or redeem
from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien of any kind on real
estate in the county where the action is brought, or satisfy or
redeem from the same;
(8) When the action is against any corporation, whether
or municipal, organized under the laws of the state,
and the proper officers on whom to make service do not exist
or cannot be found;
(9) When the action is brought under RCW 4.08.160 and
to determine conflicting claims to property in this
state. [2011 c 336 § 97; 2005 c 117 § 1; 1981 c 331 § 13;
1953 c 102 § 1. Prior: 1929 c 81 § 1; 1915 c 45 § 1; 1893 c
127 § 9; RRS § 228.]
Court Congestion Reduction Act of 1981—Purpose—Severabil-
ity—1981 c 331:
See notes following RCW 2.32.070.
4.28.11 0
4.28.11 0 Manner of publication a nd form of summons.
4.28.110 Manner of publication and form of sum-
The publication shall be made in a newspaper of gen-
eral circulation in the county where
the action is brought once
a week for six consecutive weeks: PROVIDED, That publi-
cation of summons shall not be made until after the filing of
he complaint, and the service of the summons shall be
deemed complete at the expiration of the time prescribed for
publication. The summons must be subscribed by the plaintiff
or his or her attorney or attorneys. The summons shall con-
tain the date of the first publication, and shall require the
dant or defendants upon whom service by publication is
desired, to appear and answer the complaint within sixty days
from the date of the first publication of the summons; and the
summons for publication shall also contain a brief statement
of the object of the action. The summons for publication shall
be substantially as follows:
In the superior court of the State of Washington for the
y of . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . ., Plaintiff,
vs. No. . . . .
. . . . . . . . ., Defendant.
The State of Washington to the said (naming the defen-
dant or defendants to be served by publication):
You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days
after the date of the first publication of this summons, to
wit, within sixty days after the . . . . day of . . . . . ., 1 . . . .,
defend the above entitled action in the above entitled
court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff . .
. . . .,
and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned
attorneys for plaintiff . . . . . ., at his (or their) office below
ated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be
rendered against you according to the demand of the com-
plaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court.
(Insert here a brief stat
ement of the object of the action.)
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P.O. Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[2011 c 336 § 98; 1985 c 469 § 2; 1895 c 86 § 2; 1893 c 127
§ 10;
RRS § 233.]
Publication of legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
4.28.120 Publication of notice in eminent domain proceedings.
4.28.120 Publication of notice in eminent domain
proceedings. If a party having or claiming a share or interest
in or lien upon any property sought to be appropriated for
public use be unknown, and such fact be made to appear by
affidavit filed in the office of the clerk of the court, the notice
required by law in such cases may be served by publication as
in the case of nonresident owners, and such notice shall be
directed by name to every owner of a share or interest in or
lien upon the property sought to be so appropriated, and gen-
erally to all persons unknown having or claiming an interest
r estate in the property or any portion thereof, and all such
unknown parties shall in all papers and proceedings be desig-
nated as "unknown owners," and shall be bound by the provi-
sions and be entitled to the benefits of the judgment the same
as if t
hey had been known and duly named. [1895 c 140 § 1;
RRS § 239.]
Eminent domain: Title 8 RCW.
Publication of legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
4.28.140 Affidavit as to unknown heirs.
4.28.140 Affidavit as to unknown heirs. Upon pre-
senting an affidavit to the court or judge, showing to his or
satisfaction that the heirs of such deceased person are
proper parties to the action, and that their names and resi-
dences cannot with use of reasonable diligence be ascer-
tained, such court or judge may grant an order that service o
the summons in such action be made on such "Unknown
heirs" by publication thereof in the same manner as in actions
against nonresident defendants. [2011 c 336 § 99; 1903 c 144
§ 2; RRS § 230.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 10(a).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commencement of Actions 4.28.210
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 45]
4.28.15 0
4.28.150 Title of cause—Unknown claima nts—Service by publicati on.
4.28.150 Title of cause—Unknown claimants—Ser-
vice by publication. In any action brought to determine any
adverse claim, estate, lien, or interest in real property, or to
quiet title to real property, the plaintiff may include as a
defendant in such action, and insert in the title thereof, in
addition to the names of such persons or parties as appear of
record to have, and other persons or parties who are known to
have, some title, claim, estate, lien, or interest in the lands in
controversy, the following, viz.: "Also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or
interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein."
And service of summons may be had upon all such unknown
persons or parties defendant by publication as provided by
law in case of nonresident defendants. [1903 c 144 § 3; RRS
§ 231.]
Publication of legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
4.28.16 0
4.28.160 Rights of unknown claimants and heirs—Effect of judgment—Lis pendens.
4.28.160 Rights of unknown claimants and heirs—
Effect of judgment—Lis pendens. All such unknown heirs
of deceased persons, and all such unknown persons or par
ties, so served by publication as in RCW 4.28.150, provided,
shall have the same rights as are provided by law in case of all
other defendants upon whom service is made by publication,
and the action shall proceed against such unknown heirs, or
unknown persons or parties, in the same manner as against
defendants, who are named, upon whom service is made by
publication, and with like effect; and any such unknown heirs
or unknown persons or parties who have or claim any right,
estate, lien, or interest in the said real property in controversy,
at the time of the commencement of the action, duly served as
aforesaid, shall be bound and concluded by the judgment in
such action, if the same is in favor of the plaintiff therein as
effectually as if the action was brought against such defen
dant by his or her name and constructive service of summons
obtained: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such judgment
shall not bind such unknown heirs, or unknown persons or
parties, defendant, unless the plaintiff shall file a notice of lis
pendens in the office of the auditor of each county in which
said real estate is located, in the manner provided by law,
before commencing the publication of said summons. [1903
c 144 § 4; RRS § 232.]
4.28.18 0
4.28.180 Perso nal service out-of-state.
4.28.180 Personal service out-of-state. Personal ser-
vice of summons or other process may be made upon any
party outside the state. If upon a citizen or resident of this
state or upon a person who has submitted to the jurisdiction
of the courts of this state, it shall have the force and effect of
personal service within this state; otherwise it shall have the
force and effect of service by publication. The summons
upon the party out of the state shall contain the same and be
served in like manner as personal summons within the state,
except it shall require the party to appear and answer within
sixty days after such personal service out of the state. [1959
c 131 § 1; 1895 c 86 § 3; 1893 c 127 § 11; RRS § 234.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 4(e), CR 12(a), CR 82(a).
Service of process on nonresident motor vehicle operator: RCW 46.64.040.
4.28.18 5
4.28.185 Perso nal service out-of-state—Ac ts submitting person to jur isdiction of courts—Savin g.
4.28.185 Personal service out-of-state—Acts submit-
ting person to jurisdiction of courts—Saving. (1) Any per-
son, whether or not a citizen or resident of this state, who in
person or through an agent does any of the acts in this section
enumerated, thereby submits said person, and, if an individ
ual, his or her personal representative, to the jurisdiction of
the courts of this state as to any cause of action arising from
the doing of any of said acts:
(a) The transaction of any business within this state;
(b) The commission of a tortious act within this state;
(c) The ownership, use, or possession of any property
whether real or personal situated in this state;
(d) Contracting to insure any person, property, or risk
located within this state at the time of contracting;
(e) The act of sexual intercourse within this state with
respect to which a child may have been conceived;
(f) Living in a marital relationship within this state not-
withstanding subsequent departure from this state, as to all
proceedings authorized by chapter 26.09 RCW, so long as the
petitioning party has continued to reside in this state or has
continued to be a member of the armed forces stationed in
this state.
(2) Service of process upon any person who is subject to
the jurisdiction of the courts of this state, as provided in this
section, may be made by personally serving the defendant
outside this state, as provided in RCW 4.28.180, with the
same force and effect as though personally served within this
(3) Only causes of action arising from acts enumerated
herein may be asserted against a defendant in an action in
which jurisdiction over him or her is based upon this section.
(4) Personal service outside the state shall be valid only
when an affidavit is made and filed to the effect that service
cannot be made within the state.
(5) In the event the defendant is personally served out-
side the state on causes of action enumerated in this section,
and prevails in the action, there may be taxed and allowed to
the defendant as part of the costs of defending the action a
reasonable amount to be fixed by the court as attorneys' fees.
(6) Nothing herein contained limits or affects the right to
serve any process in any other manner now or hereafter pro
vided by law. [2011 c 336 § 100; 1977 c 39 § 1; 1975-'76 2nd
ex.s. c 42 § 22; 1959 c 131 § 2.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 4(e), CR 12(a), CR 82(a).
Uniform parentage act: Chapter 26.26 RCW.
4.28.200 Right of one constructively served to appear and defend or reopen.
4.28.200 Right of one constructively served to appear
and defend or reopen. If the summons is not served person
ally on the defendant in the cases provided in RCW 4.28.110
and 4.28.180, he or she or his or her representatives, on appli
cation and sufficient cause shown, at any time before judg-
ment, shall be allowed to defend the action and, except in an
action for divorce, the defendant or his or her representative
may in like manner be allowed to defend after judgment, and
within one year after the rendition of such judgment, on such
terms as may be just; and if the defense is successful, and the
judgment, or any part thereof, has been collected or otherwise
enforced, such restitution may thereupon be compelled as the
court directs. [2011 c 336 § 101; 1893 c 127 § 12; RRS §
4.28.210 Appearance, what constitutes.
4.28.210 Appearance, what constitutes. A defendant
appears in an action when he or she answers, demurs, makes
any application for an order therein, or gives the plaintiff
written notice of his or her appearance. After appearance a
4.28.290 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 46] (2016 Ed.)
defendant is entitled to notice of all subsequent proceedings;
but when a defendant has not appeared, service of notice or
papers in the ordinary proceedings in an action need not be
made upon him or her. Every such appearance made in an
action shall be deemed a general appearance, unless the
defendant in making the same states that the same is a special
appearance. [2011 c 336 § 102; 1893 c 127 § 16; RRS § 241.]
Rules of court: Demurrers abolished—CR 7(c).
4.28.29 0
4.28.290 Assessment of damages without answer.
4.28.290 Assessment of damages without answer. A
defendant who has appeared may, without answering,
demand in writing an assessment of damages, of the amount
which the plaintiff is entitled to recover, and thereupon such
assessment shall be had or any such amount ascertained in
such manner as the court on application may direct, and judg
ment entered by the clerk for the amount so assessed or ascer-
tained. [1893 c 127 § 25; RRS § 251.]
4.28.32 0
4.28.320 Lis pendens in actions affecting title to real estate.
4.28.320 Lis pendens in actions affecting title to real
estate. At any time after an action affecting title to real prop
erty has been commenced, or after a writ of attachment with
respect to real property has been issued in an action, or after
a receiver has been appointed with respect to any real prop
erty, the plaintiff, the defendant, or such a receiver may file
with the auditor of each county in which the property is situ
ated a notice of the pendency of the action, containing the
names of the parties, the object of the action, and a descrip
tion of the real property in that county affected thereby. From
the time of the filing only shall the pendency of the action be
constructive notice to a purchaser or encumbrancer of the
property affected thereby, and every person whose convey
ance or encumbrance is subsequently executed or subse-
quently recorded shall be deemed a subsequent purchaser or
encumbrancer, and shall be bound by all proceedings taken
after the filing of such notice to the same extent as if he or she
were a party to the action. For the purpose of this section an
action shall be deemed to be pending from the time of filing
such notice: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such notice
shall be of no avail unless it shall be followed by the first pub
lication of the summons, or by the personal service thereof on
a defendant within sixty days after such filing. And the court
in which the said action was commenced may, at its discre
tion, at any time after the action shall be settled, discontinued
or abated, on application of any person aggrieved and on
good cause shown and on such notice as shall be directed or
approved by the court, order the notice authorized in this sec
tion to be canceled of record, in whole or in part, by the
county auditor of any county in whose office the same may
have been filed or recorded, and such cancellation shall be
evidenced by the recording of the court order. [2004 c 165 §
33; 1999 c 233 § 1; 1893 c 127 § 17; RRS § 243.]
Purpose—Captions not law—2004 c 165: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.28.32 5
4.28.325 Lis pendens in actions in United States district courts affecting titl e to real estate.
4.28.325 Lis pendens in actions in United States dis-
trict courts affecting title to real estate. In an action in a
United States district court for any district in the state of
Washington affecting the title to real property in the state of
Washington, the plaintiff, at the time of filing the complaint,
or at any time afterwards, or a defendant, when he or she sets
up an affirmative cause of action in his or her answer, or at
any time afterward, if the same be intended to affect real
property, may file with the auditor of each county in which
the property is situated a notice of the pendency of the action,
containing the names of the parties, the object of the action
and a description of the real property in that county affected
thereby. From the time of the filing only shall the pendency
of the action be constructive notice to a purchaser or encum
brancer of the property affected thereby, and every person
whose conveyance or encumbrance is subsequently executed
or subsequently recorded shall be deemed a subsequent pur
chaser or encumbrancer, and shall be bound by all proceed-
ings taken after the filing of such notice to the same extent as
if he or she were a party to the action. For the purpose of this
section an action shall be deemed to be pending from the time
of filing such notice: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such
notice shall be of no avail unless it shall be followed by the
first publication of the summons, or by personal service
thereof on a defendant within sixty days after such filing.
And the court in which the said action was commenced may,
in its discretion, at any time after the action shall be settled,
discontinued, or abated, on application of any person
aggrieved and on good cause shown and on such notice as
shall be directed or approved by the court, order the notice
authorized in this section to be canceled, in whole or in part,
by the county auditor of any county in whose office the same
may have been filed or recorded, and such cancellation shall
be evidenced by the recording of the court order. [2011 c 336
§ 103; 1999 c 233 § 4; 1963 c 137 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.28.328 Lis pendens—Liability of cl aimants—Damages, costs, a ttorneys' fee s.
4.28.328 Lis pendens—Liability of claimants—Dam-
ages, costs, attorneys' fees. (1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Lis pendens" means a lis pendens filed under RCW
4.28.320 or 4.28.325 or other instrument having the effect of
clouding the title to real property, however named, including
consensual commercial lien, common law lien, commercial
contractual lien, or demand for performance of public office
lien, but does not include a lis pendens filed in connection
with an action under Title 6, 60, other than chapter 60.70
RCW, or 61 RCW;
(b) "Claimant" means a person who files a lis pendens,
but does not include the United States, any agency thereof, or
the state of Washington, any agency, political subdivision, or
municipal corporation thereof; and
(c) "Aggrieved party" means (i) a person against whom
the claimant asserted the cause of action in which the lis pen
dens was filed, but does not include parties fictitiously named
in the pleading; or (ii) a person having an interest or a right to
acquire an interest in the real property against which the lis
pendens was filed, provided that the claimant had actual or
constructive knowledge of such interest or right when the lis
pendens was filed.
(2) A claimant in an action not affecting the title to real
property against which the lis pendens was filed is liable to an
aggrieved party who prevails on a motion to cancel the lis
pendens, for actual damages caused by filing the lis pendens,
and for reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in canceling the lis
(3) Unless the claimant establishes a substantial justifi-
cation for filing the lis pendens, a claimant is liable to an
Pleadings 4.32.150
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 47]
aggrieved party who prevails in defense of the action in
which the lis pendens was filed for actual damages caused by
filing the lis pendens, and in the court's discretion, reasonable
attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defending the action.
[1994 c 155 § 1.]
4.28.33 0
4.28.330 Notice to alien property custodian.
4.28.330 Notice to alien property custodian. In any
court or administrative action or proceeding within this state,
involving property within this state or any interest therein, in
which service of process is required to be made upon or
notice thereof given to any person who is in a designated
enemy country or enemy-occupied territory, in addition to the
service of process upon or giving of notice to the person as
required by any law, statute or rule applicable to the action or
proceeding, a copy of the process or notice shall be sent by
registered mail to the alien property custodian, Washington,
District of Columbia. [1943 c 62 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 §
4.28.34 0
4.28.340 Notic e to alien property custo dian—Definitions.
4.28.340 Notice to alien property custodian—Defini-
tions. For the purposes of RCW 4.28.330 through 4.28.350:
(1) "Person" includes any individual, partnership, associ-
ation and corporation;
(2) "Designated enemy country" means any foreign
country as to which the United States has declared the exis
tence of a state of war and any other country with which the
United States is at war in the future;
(3) "Enemy-occupied territory" means any place under
the control of any designated enemy country or any place
with which, by reason of the existence of a state of war, the
United States does not maintain postal communication.
[1943 c 62 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 254-2.]
4.28.35 0
4.28.350 Notice to alien property custodian—Duration.
4.28.350 Notice to alien property custodian—Dura-
tion. RCW 4.28.330 and 4.28.340 shall remain in force only
so long as a state of war shall exist between the United States
and the designated enemy country involved in the action or
proceeding described in RCW 4.28.330. [1943 c 62 § 3;
Rem. Supp. 1943 § 254-3.]
4.28.36 0
4.28.360 Perso nal injury action—Complain t not to include statement of damages—Request for statement.
4.28.360 Personal injury action—Complaint not to
include statement of damages—Request for statement. In
any civil action for personal injuries, the complaint shall not
contain a statement of the damages sought but shall contain a
prayer for damages as shall be determined. A defendant in
such action may at any time request a statement from the
plaintiff setting forth separately the amounts of any special
damages and general damages sought. Not later than fifteen
days after service of such request to the plaintiff, the plaintiff
shall have served the defendant with such statement.
[1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 56 § 2.]
Actions and procedure for injuries resulting from health care: Chapter 7.70
Verdict or award of future economic damages in personal injury or property
damage action may provide for periodic payments: RCW 4.56.260.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.28.90 0
4.28.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domes tic partnerships—2009 c 5 21.
4.28.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state
registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521. For the
purposes of this chapter, the terms spouse, marriage, marital,
husband, wife, widow, widower, next of kin, and family shall
be interpreted as applying equally to state registered domestic
partnerships or individuals in state registered domestic part
nerships as well as to marital relationships and married per-
sons, and references to dissolution of marriage shall apply
equally to state registered domestic partnerships that have
been terminated, dissolved, or invalidated, to the extent that
such interpretation does not conflict with federal law. Where
necessary to implement chapter 521, Laws of 2009, gender-
specific terms such as husband and wife used in any statute,
rule, or other law shall be construed to be gender neutral, and
applicable to individuals in state registered domestic partner
ships. [2009 c 521 § 11.]
Chapter 4.32
Chapter 4.32 RCW
4.32.070 Objection may be taken by answer.
4.32.120 Setoff against beneficiary of trust estate.
4.32.130 Setoff in probate actions brought by personal representatives.
4.32.140 Setoff in probate actions against personal representatives.
4.32.150 Setoff must be pleaded.
4.32.170 Answer may be stricken.
4.32.250 Effect of minor defects in pleading.
4.32.070 Objection may be taken by answer.
4.32.070 Objection may be taken by answer. When
any of the matters enumerated in *RCW 4.32.050 do not
appear upon the face of the complaint, the objection may be
taken by answer. [Code 1881 § 79; 1877 p 18 § 79; 1854 p
139 § 42; RRS § 261.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 4.32.050 was repealed by 1984 c 76 § 11.
4.32.120 Setoff against beneficiary of trust estate.
4.32.120 Setoff against beneficiary of trust estate. If
the plaintiff be a trustee to any other, or if the action be in a
name of the plaintiff who has no real interest in the contract
upon which the action is founded, so much of a demand exist
ing against those whom the plaintiff represents or for whose
benefit the action is brought, may be set off as will satisfy the
plaintiff's debt, if the same might have been set off in an
action brought by those beneficially interested. [Code 1881 §
498; 1877 p 107 § 502; RRS § 267.]
4.32.130 Setoff in probate actions brought by personal representatives.
4.32.130 Setoff in probate actions brought by per-
sonal representatives. In actions brought by executors and
administrators, demands against their testators and intestates,
and belonging to defendant at the time of their death, may be
set off by the defendant in the same manner as if the action
had been brought by and in the name of the deceased. [Code
1881 § 499; 1877 p 107 § 503; RRS § 268.]
4.32.140 Seto ff in probate actions aga inst personal representa tives.
4.32.140 Setoff in probate actions against personal
representatives. In actions against executors and adminis
trators and against trustees and others, sued in their represen-
tative character, the defendants may set off demands belong-
ing to their testators or intestates or those whom they repre-
sent, in the same manner as the person so represented would
have been entitled to set off the same, in an action against
them. [Code 1881 § 501; 1877 p 107 § 505; RRS § 270.]
4.32.150 Setoff must be pleaded.
4.32.150 Setoff must be pleaded. To entitle a defen-
dant to a setoff he or she must set the same forth in his or her
4.32.170 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 48] (2016 Ed.)
answer. [2011 c 336 § 104; Code 1881 § 502; 1877 p 108 §
506; RRS § 271.]
4.32.17 0
4.32.170 Answer may be stricken.
4.32.170 Answer may be stricken. Sham, frivolous
and irrelevant answers and defenses may be stricken out on
motion, and upon such terms as the court may in its discretion
impose. [Code 1881 § 85; 1877 p 19 § 85; 1869 p 21 § 83;
1854 p 140 § 47; RRS § 275.]
4.32.25 0
4.32.250 Effect of minor defects in pleading.
4.32.250 Effect of minor defects in pleading. A notice
or other paper is valid and effectual though the title of the
action in which it is made is omitted, or it is defective either
in respect to the court or parties, if it intelligently refers to
such action or proceedings; and in furtherance of justice upon
proper terms, any other defect or error in any notice or other
paper or proceeding may be amended by the court, and any
mischance, omission or defect relieved within one year there
after; and the court may enlarge or extend the time, for good
cause shown, within which by statute any act is to be done,
proceeding had or taken, notice or paper filed or served, or
may, on such terms as are just, permit the same to be done or
supplied after the time therefor has expired. [1988 c 202 § 2;
1893 c 127 § 24; RRS § 250.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 6(b), RAP 5.2, 18.22.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.36
Chapter 4.36 RCW
4.36.070 Pleading judgments.
4.36.080 Conditions precedent, how pleaded.
4.36.120 Libel or slander, how pleaded.
4.36.130 Answer in justification and mitigation.
4.36.140 Answer in action to recover property distrained.
4.36.170 Material allegation defined.
4.36.210 Variance in action to recover personal property.
4.36.240 Harmless error disregarded.
4.36.07 0
4.36.07 0 Pleading ju dgments.
4.36.070 Pleading judgments. In pleading a judgment
or other determination of a court or office of special jurisdic
tion, it shall not be necessary to state the facts conferring
jurisdiction, but such judgment or determination may be
stated to have been duly given or made. If such allegation be
controverted, the party pleading shall be bound to establish
on the trial the facts conferring jurisdiction. [Code 1881 § 96;
1877 p 21 § 96; 1854 p 142 § 58; RRS § 287.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 9(e).
4.36.08 0
4.36.080 Conditions precedent, how pleaded.
4.36.080 Conditions precedent, how pleaded. In
pleading the performance of conditions precedent in a con
tract, it shall not be necessary to state the facts showing such
performance, but it may be stated generally that the party
duly performed all the conditions on his or her part; and if
such allegation be controverted, the party pleading shall be
bound to establish, on the trial, the facts showing such perfor
mance. [2011 c 336 § 105; Code 1881 § 97; 1877 p 21 § 97;
1854 p 142 § 59; RRS § 288.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 9(c).
4.36.12 0
4.36.120 Libe l or slander, how plea ded.
4.36.120 Libel or slander, how pleaded. In an action
for libel or slander, it shall not be necessary to state in the
complaint any extrinsic facts, for the purpose of showing the
application to the plaintiff, of the defamatory matter out of
which the cause arose, but it shall be sufficient to state gener
ally, that the same was published or spoken concerning the
plaintiff; and if such allegation be controverted, the plaintiff
shall be bound to establish on trial that it was so published or
spoken. [Code 1881 § 99; 1877 p 22 § 99; 1854 p 142 § 61;
RRS § 292.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 8.
4.36.130 Answer in justification and mitigation.
4.36.130 Answer in justification and mitigation. In
an action mentioned in RCW 4.36.120, the defendant may, in
his or her answer, allege both the truth of the matter charged
as defamatory, and any mitigating circumstances to reduce
the amount of damages; and whether he or she proves the jus
tification or not, he or she may give in evidence the mitigat-
ing circumstances. [2011 c 336 § 106; Code 1881 § 100;
1877 p 22 § 100; 1854 p 143 § 62; RRS § 293.]
4.36.140 Answer in action to recover property distrained.
4.36.140 Answer in action to recover property dis-
trained. In an action to recover the possession of property
distrained doing damage, an answer that the defendant or per
son by whose command he or she acted, was lawfully pos-
sessed of the real property upon which the distress was made,
and that the property distrained was at the time doing the
damage thereon, shall be good, without setting forth the title
to such real property. [2011 c 336 § 107; Code 1881 § 101;
1877 p 22 § 101; 1854 p 143 § 63; RRS § 295.]
4.36.170 Material allegation defined.
4.36.170 Material allegation defined. A material alle-
gation in a pleading is one essential to the claim or defense,
and which could not be stricken from the pleading without
leaving it insufficient. [Code 1881 § 104; 1877 p 22 § 104;
1854 p 143 § 65; RRS § 298.]
4.36.210 Variance in action to recover personal property.
4.36.210 Variance in action to recover personal prop-
erty. Where the plaintiff in an action to recover the posses-
sion of personal property on a claim of being the owner
thereof, shall fail to establish on trial such ownership, but
shall prove that he or she is entitled to the possession thereof,
by virtue of a special property therein, he or she shall not
thereby be defeated of his or her action, but shall be permitted
to amend, on reasonable terms his or her complaint, and be
entitled to judgment according to the proof in the case. [2011
c 336 § 108; Code 1881 § 108; 1877 p 23 § 108; 1869 p 27 §
106; 1856 p 10 § 11; RRS § 302.]
4.36.240 Harmless error disregarded.
4.36.240 Harmless error disregarded. The court shall,
in every stage of an action, disregard any error or defect in
pleadings or proceedings which shall not affect the substan
tial rights of the adverse party, and no judgment shall be
reversed or affected by reason of such error or defect. [Code
1881 § 113; 1877 p 24 § 113; 1854 p 144 § 71; RRS § 307.]
Rules of court: Cf. RAP 2.4(a), 18.22.
Chapter 4.40
Chapter 4.40 RCW
4.40.010 Issues defined—Kinds.
4.40.050 Trial of issue of law.
Trial 4.44.060
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 49]
4.40.060 Trial of certain issues of fact—Jury.
4.40.070 Trial of other issues of fact.
4.40.01 0
4.40.010 Issues defined—Kinds.
4.40.010 Issues defined—Kinds. Issues arise upon the
pleadings when a fact or conclusion of law is maintained by
one party and controverted by the other, they are of two
kindsfirst, of law; and second, of fact. [1893 c 127 § 28;
Code 1881 § 200; 1877 p 42 § 204; 1854 p 163 § 179; RRS §
4.40.05 0
4.40.050 Trial of issue of law.
4.40.050 Trial of issue of law. An issue of law shall be
tried by the court, unless it is referred as provided by the stat
utes relating to referees. [1893 c 127 § 32; Code 1881 § 204;
1877 p 42 § 208; 1854 p 164 § 183; RRS § 313.]
Trial before referee: Chapter 4.48 RCW.
4.40.06 0
4.40.060 Trial of certain issues of fact—Jury.
4.40.060 Trial of certain issues of fact—Jury. An
issue of fact, in an action for the recovery of money only, or
of specific real or personal property shall be tried by a jury,
unless a jury is waived, as provided by law, or a reference
ordered, as provided by statute relating to referees. [1893 c
127 § 33; Code 1881 § 204; 1877 p 42 § 208; 1873 p 52 §
206; 1869 p 50 § 208; 1854 p 164 § 183; RRS § 314.]
4.40.07 0
4.40.070 Trial of other issues of fact.
4.40.070 Trial of other issues of fact. Every other
issue of fact shall be tried by the court, subject, however, to
the right of the parties to consent, or of the court to order, that
the whole issue, or any specific question of fact involved
therein, be tried by a jury, or referred. [1893 c 127 § 34; RRS
§ 315.]
Chapter 4.44
Chapter 4.44 RCW
4.44 TR IAL
4.44.020 Notice of trial—Note of issue.
4.44.025 Priority permitted for aged or ill parties in civil cases.
4.44.060 Proceedings in trial by court—Findings deemed verdict.
4.44.070 Findings and conclusions, how made.
4.44.080 Questions of law to be decided by court.
4.44.090 Questions of fact for jury.
4.44.110 Jury fee part of taxable costs.
4.44.120 Impanelling jury—Voir dire, challenge for cause—Number.
4.44.130 Challenges—Kind and number.
4.44.140 Peremptory challenges defined.
4.44.150 Challenges for cause defined.
4.44.160 General causes of challenge.
4.44.170 Particular causes of challenge.
4.44.180 Implied bias defined.
4.44.190 Challenge for actual bias.
4.44.210 Peremptory challenges, how taken.
4.44.220 Order of taking challenges.
4.44.230 Exceptions to challenges—Determination.
4.44.240 Challenge determination.
4.44.250 Challenge, exception, denial may be oral.
4.44.260 Oath of jurors.
4.44.270 View of premises by jury.
4.44.280 Admonitions to jurors.
4.44.290 Replacement juror procedure.
4.44.300 Care of jury while deliberating.
4.44.310 Expense of keeping jury.
4.44.330 Discharge of jury without verdict.
4.44.340 Effect of discharge of jury.
4.44.350 Court recess while jury is out.
4.44.360 Proceedings when jury have agreed.
4.44.370 Manner of giving verdict.
4.44.380 Number of jurors required to render verdict.
4.44.390 Jury may be polled.
4.44.410 General or special verdicts.
4.44.420 Verdict in action for specific personal property.
4.44.440 Inconsistency between special findings of fact and general ver-
4.44.450 Jury to assess amount of recovery.
4.44.460 Receiving verdict and discharging jury.
4.44.470 Court may fix amount of bond in civil actions.
4.44.480 Deposits in court—Order.
4.44.490 Deposits in court—Enforcement of order.
4.44.500 Deposits in court—Custody of money deposited.
District court, civil trial: Chapter 12.12 RCW.
crimes relating to: Chapter 9.51 RCW.
generally: Chapter 2.36 RCW.
Right to jury trial: RCW 4.48.010.
4.44.020 Notice of trial—Note of issue.
4.44.020 Notice of trial—Note of issue. At any time
after the issues of fact are completed in any case by the ser
vice of complaint and answer or reply when necessary, as
herein provided, either party may cause the issues of fact to
be brought on for trial, by serving upon the opposite party a
notice of trial at least three days before any day provided by
rules of court for setting causes for trial, which notice shall
give the title of the cause as in the pleadings, and notify the
opposite party that the issues in such action will be brought
on for trial at the time set by the court; and the party giving
such notice of trial shall, at least five days before the day of
setting such causes for trial file with the clerk of the court a
note of issue containing the title of the action, the names of
the attorneys and the date when the last pleading was served;
and the clerk shall thereupon enter the cause upon the trial
docket according to the date of the issue.
In case an issue of law raised upon the pleadings is
desired to be brought on for argument, either party shall, at
least five days before the day set apart by the court under its
rules for hearing issues of law, serve upon the opposite party
a like notice of trial and furnish the clerk of the court with a
note of issue as above provided, which note of issue shall
specify that the issue to be tried is an issue of law; and the
clerk of the court shall thereupon enter such action upon the
motion docket of the court.
When a cause has once been placed upon either docket of
the court, if not tried or argued at the time for which notice
was given, it need not be noticed for a subsequent session or
day, but shall remain upon the docket from session to session
or from law day to law day until final disposition or stricken
off by the court. The party upon whom notice of trial is
served may file the note of issue and cause the action to be
placed upon the calendar without further notice. [2003 c 406
§ 1; 1893 c 127 § 35; RRS § 319.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 40(a).
4.44.025 Prior ity permitted for aged or ill parties in civil cases.
4.44.025 Priority permitted for aged or ill parties in
civil cases. When setting civil cases for trial, unless other
wise provided by statute, upon motion of a party, the court
may give priority to cases in which a party is frail and over
seventy years of age, a party is afflicted with a terminal ill
ness, or other good cause is shown for an expedited trial date.
[2003 c 406 § 2; 1991 c 197 § 1.]
4.44.060 Proceedings in trial by court—Findings deemed verdict.
4.44.060 Proceedings in trial by court—Findings
deemed verdict. The order of proceedings on a trial by the
court shall be the same as provided in trials by jury. The find
ing of the court upon the facts shall be deemed a verdict, and
may be set aside in the same manner and for the same reason
4.44.070 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 50] (2016 Ed.)
as far as applicable, and a new trial granted. [Code 1881 §
247; 1877 p 51 § 251; 1869 p 60 § 251; RRS § 368.]
4.44.07 0
4.44.070 Findings and conclusions, how made.
4.44.070 Findings and conclusions, how made. In any
case tried upon the facts without a jury or with an advisory
jury, any party may, when the evidence is closed, submit dis
tinct and concise proposed findings of fact and conclusions of
law. They may be written and handed to the court, or at the
option of the court, oral, and entered in the record. [2003 c
406 § 3; Code 1881 § 222; 1877 p 47 § 226; 1869 p 56 § 226;
RRS § 341.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 52(a).
4.44.08 0
4.44.080 Questions of law to be decided by court.
4.44.080 Questions of law to be decided by court. All
questions of law including the admissibility of testimony, the
facts preliminary to such admission, and the construction of
statutes and other writings, and other rules of evidence, are to
be decided by the court, and all discussions of law addressed
to it. [Code 1881 § 223; 1877 p 47 § 227; 1869 p 56 § 227;
RRS § 342.]
Rules of court: Cf. ER 104 and ER 1008.
4.44.09 0
4.44.090 Questions of fact for jury.
4.44.090 Questions of fact for jury. All questions of
fact other than those mentioned in RCW 4.44.080, shall be
decided by the jury, and all evidence thereon addressed to
them. [Code 1881 § 224; 1877 p 47 § 228; 1869 p 56 § 228;
RRS § 343.]
Rules of court: Cf. ER 1008.
Charging juries: State Constitution Art. 4 § 16.
Right to trial by jury: State Constitution Art. 1 § 21; RCW 4.48.010.
4.44.11 0
4.44.110 Jury fee part of taxable costs.
4.44.110 Jury fee part of taxable costs. The jury fee
paid by the party demanding a trial by jury shall be a part of
the taxable costs in such action. [1961 c 304 § 3; 1903 c 43 §
2; RRS § 317.]
4.44.12 0
4.44.120 Impan elling jury—Voir dire, challenge for cause—Numb er.
4.44.120 Impanelling jury—Voir dire, challenge for
cause—Number. When the action is called for trial, a panel
of potential jurors shall be selected at random from the citi
zens summoned for jury service who have appeared and have
not been excused. A voir dire examination of the panel shall
be conducted for the purpose of discovering any basis for
challenge for cause and to permit the intelligent exercise of
peremptory challenges. Any necessary additions to the panel
shall be selected at random from the list of qualified jurors.
The jury shall consist of six persons, unless the parties in their
written demand for jury demand that the jury be twelve in
number or consent to a less number. The parties may consent
to a jury less than six in number but not less than three, and
such consent shall be entered in the record. [2003 c 406 § 4;
1996 c 40 § 1; 1972 ex.s. c 57 § 3; Code 1881 § 206; 1877 p
43 § 210; 1869 p 51 § 210; 1854 p 164 § 185; RRS § 323.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 48.
Juries, district courts: Chapter 12.12 RCW.
4.44.13 0
4.44.130 Challenges—Kind and number.
4.44.130 Challenges—Kind and number. Either party
may challenge the jurors. The challenge shall be to individual
jurors, and be peremptory or for cause. Each party shall be
entitled to three peremptory challenges. When there is more
than one party on either side, the parties need not join in a
challenge for cause; but, they shall join in a peremptory chal
lenge before it can be made. If the court finds that there is a
conflict of interests between parties on the same side, the
court may allow each conflicting party up to three peremp
tory challenges. [1969 ex.s. c 37 § 1; Code 1881 § 207; 1877
p 43 § 211; 1854 p 165 § 186; RRS § 324.]
4.44.140 Peremptory challenges defined.
4.44.140 Peremptory challenges defined. A peremp-
tory challenge is an objection to a juror for which no reason
need be given, but upon which the court shall exclude the
juror. [2003 c 406 § 5; Code 1881 § 208; 1877 p 43 § 212;
1869 p 51 § 212; RRS § 325.]
4.44.150 Challenges for cause defined.
4.44.150 Challenges for cause defined. A challenge
for cause is an objection to a juror, and may be either:
(1) General; that the juror is disqualified from serving in
any action; or
(2) Particular; that the juror is disqualified from serving
in the action on trial. [2003 c 406 § 6; Code 1881 § 209; 1877
p 43 § 213; 1869 p 51 § 213; RRS § 326.]
4.44.160 General causes of challenge.
4.44.160 General causes of challenge. General causes
of challenge are:
(1) A want of any of the qualifications prescribed for a
juror, as set out in RCW 2.36.070.
(2) Unsoundness of mind, or such defect in the faculties
of the mind, or organs of the body, as renders him or her inca
pable of performing the duties of a juror in any action. [1992
c 93 § 6; 1975 1st ex.s. c 203 § 2; Code 1881 § 210; 1877 p
44 § 214; 1869 p 52 § 214; RRS § 327.]
Qualifications of jurors: RCW 2.36.070.
4.44.170 Particular causes of challenge.
4.44.170 Particular causes of challenge. Particular
causes of challenge are of three kinds:
(1) For such a bias as when the existence of the facts is
ascertained, in judgment of law disqualifies the juror, and
which is known in this code as implied bias.
(2) For the existence of a state of mind on the part of the
juror in reference to the action, or to either party, which satis
fies the court that the challenged person cannot try the issue
impartially and without prejudice to the substantial rights of
the party challenging, and which is known in this code as
actual bias.
(3) For the existence of a defect in the functions or
organs of the body which satisfies the court that the chal
lenged person is incapable of performing the duties of a juror
in the particular action without prejudice to the substantial
rights of the party challenging. [1975 1st ex.s. c 203 § 3;
Code 1881 § 211; 1877 p 44 § 215; 1869 p 52 § 215; RRS §
Reviser's note: The word "code" appeared in Code 1881 § 211.
Qualification of jurors: RCW 2.36.070.
4.44.180 Implied bias defined.
4.44.180 Implied bias defined. A challenge for
implied bias may be taken for any or all of the following
causes, and not otherwise:
(1) Consanguinity or affinity within the fourth degree to
either party.
(2) Standing in the relation of guardian and ward, attor-
ney and client, master and servant or landlord and tenant, to a
party; or being a member of the family of, or a partner in busi
ness with, or in the employment for wages, of a party, or
Trial 4.44.300
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 51]
being surety or bail in the action called for trial, or otherwise,
for a party.
(3) Having served as a juror on a previous trial in the
same action, or in another action between the same parties for
the same cause of action, or in a criminal action by the state
against either party, upon substantially the same facts or
(4) Interest on the part of the juror in the event of the
action, or the principal question involved therein, excepting
always, the interest of the juror as a member or citizen of the
county or municipal corporation. [2003 c 406 § 7; Code 1881
§ 212; 1877 p 44 § 216; 1869 p 52 § 216; 1854 p 165 § 187;
RRS § 330.]
4.44.19 0
4.44.190 Challenge for actual bias.
4.44.190 Challenge for actual bias. A challenge for
actual bias may be taken for the cause mentioned in RCW
4.44.170(2). But on the trial of such challenge, although it
should appear that the juror challenged has formed or
expressed an opinion upon what he or she may have heard or
read, such opinion shall not of itself be sufficient to sustain
the challenge, but the court must be satisfied, from all the cir
cumstances, that the juror cannot disregard such opinion and
try the issue impartially. [2003 c 406 § 8; Code 1881 § 213;
1877 p 44 § 217; 1869 p 53 § 217; RRS § 331.]
4.44.21 0
4.44.210 Peremptory challenges, how taken.
4.44.210 Peremptory challenges, how taken. The
jurors having been examined as to their qualifications, first
by the plaintiff and then by the defendant, and passed for
cause, the peremptory challenges shall be conducted as fol
lows, to wit:
The plaintiff may challenge one, and then the defendant
may challenge one, and so alternately until the peremptory
challenges shall be exhausted. During this alternating pro
cess, if one of the parties declines to exercise a peremptory
challenge, then that party may no longer peremptorily chal
lenge any of the jurors in the group for which challenges are
then being considered and may only peremptorily challenge
any jurors later added to that group. A refusal to challenge by
either party in the said order of alternation shall not prevent
the adverse party from using the full number of challenges.
[2003 c 406 § 9; Code 1881 § 215; 1877 p 45 § 219; 1869 p
53 § 219; RRS § 333.]
4.44.22 0
4.44.220 Order of taking challenges.
4.44.220 Order of taking challenges. The challenges
of either party shall be taken separately in the following
order, including in each challenge all the causes of challenge
belonging to the same class:
(1) Challenges for cause.
(2) Peremptory challenges. [2003 c 406 § 10; Code 1881
§ 216; 1877 p 45 § 220; 1869 p 53 § 220; RRS § 334.]
4.44.23 0
4.44.230 Exceptions to challenges—Determination.
4.44.230 Exceptions to challenges—Determination.
The challenge may be excepted to by the adverse party for
insufficiency, and if so, the court shall determine the suffi
ciency thereof, assuming the facts alleged therein to be true.
The challenge may be denied by the adverse party, and if so,
the court shall determine the facts and decide the issue. [2003
c 406 § 11; Code 1881 § 217; 1877 p 45 § 221; 1869 p 53 §
221; RRS § 335.]
4.44.240 Challenge determination.
4.44.240 Challenge determination. When facts are
determined under RCW 4.44.230, the rules of evidence appli
cable to testimony offered upon the trial of an ordinary issue
of fact shall govern. The juror challenged, or any other person
otherwise competent may be examined as a witness by either
party. If the challenge is sustained, the juror shall be dis
missed from the case; otherwise, the juror shall be retained.
[2003 c 406 § 12; Code 1881 § 218; 1877 p 45 § 222; 1869 p
54 § 222; RRS § 336.]
4.44.250 Challenge, exception, denial may be oral.
4.44.250 Challenge, exception, denial may be oral.
The challenge, the exception, and the denial may be made
orally. The judge shall enter the same upon the record, along
with the substance of the testimony on either side. [2003 c
406 § 13; Code 1881 § 219; 1877 p 45 § 223; 1869 p 54 §
223; RRS § 337.]
4.44.260 Oath of jurors.
4.44.260 Oath of jurors. When the jury has been
selected, an oath or affirmation shall be administered to the
jurors, in substance that they and each of them, will well, and
truly try, the matter in issue between the plaintiff and defen
dant, and a true verdict give, according to the law and evi-
dence as given them on the trial. [2003 c 406 § 14; Code
1881 § 220; 1877 p 46 § 224; 1869 p 54 § 224; RRS § 338.]
Oaths and mode of administering: State Constitution Art. 1 § 6.
4.44.270 View of premises by jury.
4.44.270 View of premises by jury. Whenever in the
opinion of the court it is proper that the jury should have a
view of real property which is the subject of litigation, or of
the place in which any material fact occurred, it may order the
jury to be conducted in a body, in the custody of a proper offi
cer, to the place which shall be shown to them by the judge or
by a person appointed by the court for that purpose. While the
jury are thus absent no person other than the judge, or person
so appointed, shall speak to them on any subject connected
with the trial. [Code 1881 § 225; 1877 p 47 § 229; 1869 p 56
§ 229; RRS § 344.]
4.44.28 0 Admonition s to jurors.
4.44.280 Admonitions to jurors. The court may
admonish the jurors that they must not discuss among them
selves any subject connected with the trial until they begin
their deliberations. The court may also admonish the jurors
that they must not discuss with nonjurors any subject con
nected with the trial until the jurors have been dismissed from
the case. [2003 c 406 § 15; 1957 c 7 § 5; Code 1881 § 226;
1877 p 47 § 230; 1869 p 56 § 230; RRS § 345.]
Care of jury while deliberating: RCW 4.44.300.
4.44.290 Replacement juror procedure.
4.44.290 Replacement juror procedure. If after the
formation of the jury, and before verdict, a juror becomes
unable to perform his or her duty, the court may discharge the
juror. In that case, unless the parties agree to proceed with the
other jurors: (1) An alternate juror may replace the dis
charged juror and the jury instructed to start their delibera-
tions anew; (2) a new juror may be sworn and the trial begin
anew; or (3) the jury may be discharged and a new jury then
or afterwards formed. [2003 c 406 § 16; Code 1881 § 227;
1877 p 48 § 231; 1869 p 56 § 231; RRS § 347.]
4.44.300 Care of jury while deliberating.
4.44.300 Care of jury while deliberating. During
deliberations, the jury may be allowed to separate unless
4.44.310 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 52] (2016 Ed.)
good cause is shown, on the record, for sequestration of the
jury. Unless the members of a deliberating jury are allowed to
separate, they must be kept together in a room provided for
them, or some other convenient place under the charge of one
or more officers, until they agree upon their verdict, or are
discharged by the court. The officer shall, to the best of his or
her ability, keep the jury separate from other persons. The
officer shall not allow any communication to be made to
them, nor make any himself or herself, unless by order of the
court, except to ask them if they have agreed upon their ver
dict, and the officer shall not, before the verdict is rendered,
communicate to any person the state of their deliberations or
the verdict agreed on. [2003 c 406 § 17; Code 1881 § 229;
1877 p 48 § 233; 1869 p 57 § 233; 1854 p 166 § 194; RRS §
Rules of court: Cf. CR 47(i), 51(h).
Admonitions to jury, separation: RCW 4.44.280.
4.44.31 0
4.44.310 Expense of keeping jury.
4.44.310 Expense of keeping jury. If, while the jury
are kept together, either during the progress of the trial or
after their retirement for deliberation, the court orders them to
be provided with suitable and sufficient food and lodging,
they shall be so provided at the expense of the county. [2003
c 406 § 18; Code 1881 § 230; 1877 p 48 § 234; 1869 p 57 §
234; RRS § 350.]
4.44.33 0
4.44.330 Discharge of jury without verdict.
4.44.330 Discharge of jury without verdict. The jury
may be discharged by the court on account of the sickness of
a juror, or other accident or calamity requiring their dis
charge, or by consent of both parties, or after they have been
kept together until it satisfactorily appears that there is no
probability of their agreeing. [Code 1881 § 233; 1877 p 48 §
237; 1869 p 58 § 237; RRS § 353.]
4.44.34 0
4.44.34 0 Effect of discharge of jury.
4.44.340 Effect of discharge of jury. In all cases where
a jury are discharged or prevented from giving a verdict, by
reason of accident or other cause, during the progress of the
trial or after the cause is submitted to them, the action shall
thereafter be for trial anew. [1891 c 60 § 2; Code 1881 § 234;
1877 p 49 § 238; 1869 p 58 § 238; RRS § 354.]
4.44.35 0
4.44.35 0 Court reces s while jury is out.
4.44.350 Court recess while jury is out. While the jury
is absent the court may adjourn from time to time, in respect
to other business, but it is nevertheless to be deemed open for
every purpose connected with the cause submitted to the jury
until a verdict is rendered or the jury discharged. [1957 c 9 §
2; Code 1881 § 235; 1877 p 49 § 239; 1869 p 58 § 239; 1854
p 166 § 197; RRS § 355.]
4.44.36 0
4.44.360 Proceedings when jury have agreed.
4.44.360 Proceedings when jury have agreed. When
the jury have agreed upon their verdict they shall be con
ducted into court by the officer having them in charge. [2003
c 406 § 19; Code 1881 § 236; 1877 p 49 § 240; 1869 p 58 §
240; RRS § 356.]
4.44.37 0
4.44.370 Manner of giving verdict.
4.44.370 Manner of giving verdict. The jurors shall be
asked by the court or the clerk whether they have agreed upon
their verdict, and if the presiding juror answers in the affirma
tive, the presiding juror shall submit the verdict to the court.
[2003 c 406 § 20; Code 1881 § 237; 1877 p 49 § 241; 1869 p
58 § 241; RRS § 357.]
4.44.380 Number of jurors required to render verdict.
4.44.380 Number of jurors required to render ver-
dict. In all trials by juries of six in the superior court, except
criminal trials, when five of the jurors agree upon a verdict,
the verdict so agreed upon shall be signed by the presiding
juror, and the verdict shall stand as the verdict of the whole
jury, and have all the force and effect of a verdict agreed to by
six jurors. In cases where the jury is twelve in number, a ver
dict reached by ten shall have the same force and effect as
described above, and the same procedures shall be followed.
[2003 c 406 § 21; 1972 ex.s. c 57 § 4; 1895 c 36 § 1; RRS §
Trial by jury: State Constitution Art. 1 § 21.
4.44.390 Jury may be polled.
4.44.390 Jury may be polled. After the verdict is
announced, but before it is filed, the jury may be polled at the
request of either party. Each juror may be asked whether the
verdict is his or her individual verdict and whether the verdict
is the jury's collective verdict. If it appears that the verdict is
insufficient because the required number of jurors have not
reached agreement, the jurors may be returned to the jury
room for further deliberation. [2003 c 406 § 22; 1972 ex.s. c
57 § 6; 1895 c 36 § 2; RRS § 359.]
4.44.410 General or special verdicts.
4.44.410 General or special verdicts. The verdict of a
jury is either general or special. [1984 c 76 § 4; Code 1881 §
240; 1877 p 49 § 244; 1869 p 59 § 244; 1854 p 167 § 198;
RRS § 362.]
Rules of court: See CR 49.
4.44.420 Verdict in action for specific personal property.
4.44.420 Verdict in action for specific personal prop-
erty. In an action for the recovery of specific personal prop-
erty, if the property has not been delivered to the plaintiff, or
the defendant by his or her answer claims a return thereof, the
jury shall assess the value of the property if their verdict be in
favor of the plaintiff, or if they find in favor of the defendant
and that the defendant is entitled to a return thereof, they may
at the same time assess the damages, if any are claimed in the
complaint or answer, which the prevailing party has sustained
by reason of the detention or taking and withholding such
property. [2003 c 406 § 23; Code 1881 § 241; 1877 p 50 §
245; 1869 p 59 § 245; 1854 p 167 § 199; RRS § 363.]
4.44.440 Inconsistency between special findings of fact and general verdict.
4.44.440 Inconsistency between special findings of
fact and general verdict. When special findings of fact are
inconsistent with the general verdict, the judge may enter
judgment consistent with the findings of fact, may return the
jurors to the jury room for further deliberations, or may order
a new trial. [2003 c 406 § 24; Code 1881 § 243; 1877 p 50 §
247; 1869 p 60 § 247; 1854 p 167 § 201; RRS § 365.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 49(b).
4.44.450 Jury to assess amount of recovery.
4.44.450 Jury to assess amount of recovery. When a
verdict is found for the plaintiff in an action for the recovery
of money, or for the defendant when a setoff for the recovery
of money is established beyond the amount of the plaintiff's
claim as established, the jury shall also assess the amount of
the recovery; they may also, under the direction of the court,
assess the amount of the recovery when the court gives judg
ment for a party on the pleadings. [2003 c 406 § 25; 1891 c
60 § 3; Code 1881 § 244; 1877 p 50 § 248; 1869 p 60 § 248;
1854 p 167 § 202; RRS § 366.]
Trial Before Referee 4.48.030
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 53]
4.44.46 0
4.44.460 Receiving verdict and discharging jury.
4.44.460 Receiving verdict and discharging jury. If
the court determines that the verdict meets the requirements
contained in this chapter and in court rules, the clerk shall file
the verdict. The verdict is then complete and the jury shall be
discharged from the case. The verdict shall be in writing, and
under the direction of the court shall be substantially entered
in the record as of the day's proceedings on which it was
given. [2003 c 406 § 26; Code 1881 § 239; 1877 p 49 § 243;
1869 p 59 § 243; RRS § 361.]
4.44.47 0
4.44.470 Court may fix amount of bond in civil actions.
4.44.470 Court may fix amount of bond in civil
actions. Whenever by statute a bond or other security is
required for any purpose in an action or other proceeding in a
court of record and if the party shall apply therefor, the court
shall have power to prescribe the amount of the bond or other
security notwithstanding any requirement of the statute; and
in every such case money in an amount prescribed by the
court may be deposited with the clerk in lieu of a bond. After
a bond or other security shall have been given, the court in its
discretion may require additional security either on its own
motion or upon motion of an interested party or person. The
courts shall exercise care to require adequate though not
excessive security in every instance. [1927 c 272 § 1; RRS §
Suretyship: Chapters 19.72, 48.28 RCW.
4.44.48 0
4.44.480 Deposits in court—Order.
4.44.480 Deposits in court—Order. When it is admit-
ted by the pleading or examination of a party, that the party
possesses or has control of any money, or other thing capable
of delivery, which being the subject of the litigation, is held
by him or her as trustee for another party, or which belongs or
is due to another party, the court may order the same to be
deposited in court, or delivered to such party, with or without
security, subject to the further direction of the court. [2003 c
406 § 27; Code 1881 § 195; 1877 p 41 § 199; 1869 p 49 §
203; 1854 p 163 § 174; RRS § 745.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 67.
4.44.49 0
4.44.490 Deposits in court—Enforcement of order.
4.44.490 Deposits in court—Enforcement of order.
Whenever, in the exercise of its authority, a court shall have
ordered the deposit or delivery of money or other thing, and
the order is disobeyed, the court, besides punishing the dis
obedience as for contempt, may make an order requiring the
sheriff to take the money or thing, and deposit or deliver it, in
conformity with the direction of the court. [Code 1881 § 196;
1877 p 41 § 200; 1869 p 49 § 200; 1854 p 163 § 175; RRS §
Rules of court: Cf. CR 67.
4.44.50 0
4.44.500 Deposits in court—Custody of money deposited.
4.44.500 Deposits in court—Custody of money
deposited. Money deposited, or paid into a court in an
action, shall not be loaned out, unless, with the consent of all
parties having an interest in, or making claim to the same.
[Code 1881 § 197; 1877 p 41 § 201; 1869 p 49 § 201; 1854 p
163 § 176; RRS § 747.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 67.
Chapter 4.48
Chapter 4.48 RCW
4.48.010 Reference by consent—Right to jury trial—Referee may not
preside—Parties' written consent constitutes waiver of right.
4.48.020 Reference without consent.
4.48.030 To whom reference may be ordered.
4.48.040 Qualifications of referees.
4.48.050 Challenges to referees.
4.48.060 Trial procedure—Powers of referee—Referee to provide cler-
ical personnel.
4.48.070 Referee's report—Contents—Evidence, filing of, frivolous.
4.48.080 Proceedings on filing of report.
4.48.090 Judgment on referee's report.
4.48.100 Compensation of referee—Trial expense—Obligation of par-
ties, when.
4.48.110 Referee's proposed report—Copies—Objections, etc.—
Request for hearing—Final report—Additional items to be
4.48.120 Termination of referral—Judgment—Review of referee's deci-
4.48.130 Notice of trial before referee.
4.48.010 Reference by consent—Right to jury trial—Referee may not preside—Parties' writt en co nsent constitutes waiver o f right.
4.48.010 Reference by consent—Right to jury trial—
Referee may not preside—Parties' written consent consti
tutes waiver of right. The court shall order all or any of the
issues in a civil action, whether of fact or law, or both,
referred to a referee upon the written consent of the parties
which is filed with the clerk. Any party shall have the right in
an action at law, upon an issue of fact, to demand a trial by
jury. No referee appointed under this chapter may preside
over a jury trial. The written consent of the parties constitutes
a waiver of the right of trial by jury by any party having the
right. [1984 c 258 § 512; Code 1881 § 248; 1854 p 168 §
206; RRS § 369. Formerly RCW 4.44.100, part, and
Rules of court: Cf. CR 38(a).
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.020 Reference without consent.
4.48.020 Reference without consent. Where the par-
ties do not consent, the court may upon the application of
either party, direct a reference in all cases formerly cogniza
ble in chancery in which reference might be made:
(1) When the trial of an issue of fact shall require the
examination of a long account on either side, in which case
the referees may be directed to hear and decide the whole
issue, or to report upon any specific question of fact involved
therein; or,
(2) When the taking of an account shall be necessary for
the information of the court, before judgment upon an issue
of law, or for carrying a judgment or order into effect; or,
(3) When a question of fact other than upon the plead-
ings shall arise, upon motion or otherwise, in any stage of the
action; or,
(4) When it is necessary for the information of the court
in a special proceeding. [1984 c 258 § 513; Code 1881 § 249;
1877 p 51 § 253; 1869 p 61 § 253; 1854 p 168 § 207; RRS §
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.030 To whom reference may be ordered.
4.48.030 To whom reference may be ordered. A ref-
erence may be ordered to any person or persons not exceed-
ing three, agreed upon by the parties. If the reference is not
agreed to by the parties, the court may appoint one or more
persons, not exceeding three. [1984 c 258 § 514; Code 1881
4.48.040 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 54] (2016 Ed.)
§ 250; 1877 p 51 § 254; 1869 p 61 § 254; 1854 p 168 § 208;
RRS § 371.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.04 0
4.48.040 Qualifications of referees.
4.48.040 Qualifications of referees. A person
appointed by the court as a referee or who serves as a referee
with the consent of the parties shall be:
(1) Qualified as a juror as provided by statute.
(2) Competent as juror between the parties.
(3) A duly admitted and practicing attorney. [1984 c 258
§ 515; Code 1881 § 251; 1877 p 51 § 255; 1859 p 61 § 255;
1854 p 169 § 209; RRS § 372.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.05 0
4.48.050 Challenges to referees.
4.48.050 Challenges to referees. If a referee is
appointed by the court, each party shall have the same right to
challenge the appointment. Challenges shall be made and
determined in the same manner and with like effect as in the
formation of juries, except that neither party shall be entitled
to a peremptory challenge. [1984 c 258 § 516; Code 1881 §
252; 1877 p 52 § 256; 1869 p 61 § 256; RRS § 373.]
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4.48.06 0
4.48.060 Trial procedure—Powers of referee— Referee to provide clerical personnel.
4.48.060 Trial procedure—Powers of referee—Ref-
eree to provide clerical personnel. (1) Subject to the limita-
tions and directions prescribed in the order of reference, the
trial conducted by a referee shall be conducted in the same
manner as a trial by the court. Unless waived in whole or in
part, the referee shall apply the rules of pleading, practice,
procedure, and evidence used in the superior courts of this
state. The referee shall have the same power to grant adjourn
ments, administer oaths, preserve order, punish all violations
thereof upon such trial, compel the attendance of witnesses,
and to punish them for nonattendance or refusal to be sworn
or testify, as is possessed by the court.
(2) A referee appointed under RCW 4.48.010 shall pro-
vide clerical personnel necessary for the conduct of the pro-
ceeding, including a court reporter. [1984 c 258 § 517; Code
1881 § 253; 1877 p 52 § 257; 1869 p 62 § 257; 1854 p 169 §
210; RRS § 374.]
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4.48.07 0
4.48.070 Referee's report—Contents—Evidence, filing of, frivolous.
4.48.070 Referee's report—Contents—Evidence, fil-
ing of, frivolous. The report of a referee appointed by the
court under RCW 4.48.020 shall state the facts found, and
when the order of reference includes an issue of law, it shall
state the conclusions of law separately from the facts. The
referee shall file with the report the evidence received upon
the trial. If evidence offered by either party shall not be
admitted on the trial and the party offering the same excepts
to the decision rejecting such evidence at the time, the excep
tions shall be noted by the referees and they shall take and
receive such testimony and file it with the report. Whatever
judgment the court may give upon the report, it shall, when it
appears that such evidence was frivolous and inadmissible,
require the party at whose instance it was taken and reported,
to pay all costs and disbursements thereby incurred. [1984 c
258 § 518; Code 1881 § 254; 1877 p 52 § 258; 1869 p 62 §
258; 1854 p 169 § 210; RRS § 375.]
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4.48.080 Proceedings on filing of report.
4.48.080 Proceedings on filing of report. The report of
a referee appointed by the court under RCW 4.48.020 shall be
filed with the clerk within twenty days after the trial con
cludes. Either party may, within such time as may be pre-
scribed by the rules of court, or by special order, move to set
the same aside, or for judgment thereon, or such order or pro
ceeding as the nature of the case may require. [1984 c 258 §
519; 1957 c 9 § 3; Code 1881 § 255; 1877 p 52 § 259; 1869 p
62 § 259; RRS § 376.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.090 Judgment on referee's report.
4.48.090 Judgment on referee's report. The court
may affirm or set aside the report of a referee appointed under
RCW 4.48.020 either in whole or in part. If it affirms the
report it shall give judgment accordingly. If the report be set
aside, either in whole or in part, the court may make another
order of reference as to all or so much of the report as is set
aside, to the original referees or others, or it may find the facts
and determine the law itself and give judgment accordingly.
Upon a motion to set aside a report, the conclusions thereof
shall be deemed and considered as the verdict of the jury.
[1984 c 258 § 520; Code 1881 § 256; 1877 p 52 § 260; 1869
p 62 § 260; RRS § 377.]
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4.48.100 Compensation of referee—Trial expense—Obligation of parties, when.
4.48.100 Compensation of referee—Trial expense
Obligation of parties, when. (1) The compensation of a ref
eree appointed under RCW 4.48.020 shall be the same as that
established for a superior court judge pro tempore under
RCW 2.08.180.
(2) If a referee is appointed pursuant to RCW 4.48.010,
the referee's compensation shall be at the rate prescribed by
subsection (1) of this section, unless otherwise agreed to by
the parties.
(3) Payment of the compensation of a referee appointed
under RCW 4.48.010 and the expense of the trial before the
referee shall be the obligation of the parties. The obligation
shall be borne equally unless the parties agree to a different
allocation. [1984 c 258 § 524; Code 1881 § 514; 1877 p 109
§ 518; 1854 p 202 § 376; RRS § 483.]
Supplemental proceedings, fees of referees: RCW 6.32.280.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.48.110 Referee's proposed report—Copies—Objections, etc.—Request for hearing—Final rep ort—Additional items to b e filed—Exception—Copies.
4.48.110 Referee's proposed report—Copies—
Objections, etc.—Request for hearing—Final report—
Additional items to be filed—Exception—Copies. (1)
Within twenty days after the conclusion of a trial before a ref
eree appointed under RCW 4.48.010, unless a later time is
agreed to by the parties, the referee shall mail to each party a
copy of the referee's proposed written report. The proposed
report shall contain the findings of fact and conclusions of
law by the referee and the judgment of the referee.
(2) Within ten days after receipt of the copy of the pro-
posed report, any party may serve written objections and sug-
gested modifications or corrections to the proposed report on
the referee and the other parties. The referee shall without
delay consider the objections and suggestions and prepare a
final written report. If requested by any party, the referee
shall conduct a hearing on the proposed report and any sug
gested corrections or modifications before preparing the final
written report.
Agreed Cases 4.56.050
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 55]
(3) Upon completion of the final written report, the ref-
eree shall file with the clerk of the superior court:
(a) Copies of all original papers in the action filed with
the referee;
(b) Exhibits offered and received or rejected during the
(c) The transcript of the proceedings in the trial; and
(d) The final written report containing the findings of
fact and conclusions of law by the referee and the judgment
of the referee.
(4) The presiding judge of the superior court may allow
the referee to file the final written report under subsection (3)
of this section without any of the items listed in subsection
(3) (a) through (c) of this section. However, the presiding
judge shall require the referee to file those items if a timely
notice of appeal of the judgment is filed.
(5) When the referee files the written report under sub-
section (3) of this section, the referee shall also mail to each
party a copy of the report. [1984 c 258 § 521.]
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4.48.12 0
4.48.120 Termination of referral—Judgment—Review of referee's decision.
4.48.120 Termination of referral—Judgment—
Review of referee's decision. (1) Upon receipt by the clerk
of the court of the final written report filed under RCW
4.48.110, the referral of the action shall terminate and the
presiding judge of the superior court shall order the judgment
contained in the report entered as the judgment of the court in
the action. Subsequent motions and other post trial proceed
ings in the action may be conducted and disposed of by the
referee upon order of the presiding judge, in the discretion of
the presiding judge, or may otherwise be assigned by the pre
siding judge.
(2) The decision of a referee entered as provided in this
section may be reviewed in the same manner as if the deci
sion was made by the court. [1984 c 258 § 522.]
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4.48.13 0
4.48.130 Notice of trial before referee.
4.48.130 Notice of trial before referee. (1) If an action
is to be tried by a referee appointed under RCW 4.48.010, at
least five days before the date set for the trial the referee shall
advise the clerk of the court of the time and place set for the
trial. The clerk shall post in a conspicuous place in the court
house a notice that includes the names of the parties to the
action, the time and place set for the trial, the name of the ref
eree, and a statement that the proceeding is being held before
a referee agreed to by the parties under chapter 4.48 RCW.
(2) A person interested in attending a trial before a ref-
eree appointed under RCW 4.84.010 [4.48.010] is entitled to
do so as in a trial of a civil action in superior court. Upon
request by any person, the referee shall give the person notice
of the time and place set for the trial. [1984 c 258 § 523.]
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Chapter 4.52
Chapter 4.52 RCW
4.52.010 Controversy may be submitted without action.
4.52.020 Judgment to be rendered as in other cases.
4.52.030 Enforcement of judgment—Appeal.
4.52.010 Cont roversy may be submitted wi thout action.
4.52.010 Controversy may be submitted without
action. Parties to a question in difference which might be the
subject of a civil action may, without action, agree upon a
case containing the facts upon which the controversy
depends, and present a submission of the same to any court
which would have jurisdiction if an action had been brought.
But it must appear by affidavit that the controversy is real,
and the proceedings in good faith to determine the rights of
the parties. The court shall thereupon hear and determine the
case and render judgment thereon as if an action were pend-
ing. [Code 1881 § 298; 1877 p 61 § 302; 1869 p 73 § 300;
RRS § 378.]
4.52.020 Judgment to be rendered as in other cases.
4.52.020 Judgment to be rendered as in other cases.
Judgment shall be entered in the judgment book as in other
cases, but without costs for any proceedings prior to the trial.
The case, the submission and a copy of the judgment shall
constitute the judgment roll. [Code 1881 § 299; 1877 p 61 §
303; 1869 p 74 § 301; RRS § 379.]
4.52.030 Enforcement of judgment—Appeal.
4.52.030 Enforcement of judgment—Appeal. The
judgment may be enforced in the same manner as if it had
been rendered in an action, and shall be in the same manner
subject to appeal. [Code 1881 § 300; 1877 p 61 § 304; 1869
p 74 § 302; RRS § 380.]
Chapter 4.56
Chapter 4.56 RCW
4.56.050 Effect of judgment against executor or administrator.
4.56.060 Judgment in case of setoff—When equal or less than plaintiff's
4.56.070 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds plaintiff's debt—
Effect of contract assignment.
4.56.075 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds plaintiff's debt or
affirmative relief required.
4.56.080 Judgment in action to recover personal property.
4.56.090 Assignment of judgment—Filing.
4.56.100 Satisfaction of judgments for payment of money.
4.56.110 Interest on judgments.
4.56.111 Interest on judgments—Rate.
4.56.115 Interest on judgments against state, political subdivisions or
municipal corporations—Torts.
4.56.120 Judgment of dismissal or nonsuit, grounds, effect—Other
judgments on merits.
4.56.150 Challenge to legal sufficiency of evidence—Judgment in bar
or of nonsuit.
4.56.190 Lien of judgment.
4.56.200 Commencement of lien on real estate.
4.56.210 Cessation of lien—Extension prohibited—Exception.
4.56.250 Claims for noneconomic damages—Limitation.
4.56.260 Award of future economic damages—Proposal for periodic
payments—Security—Satisfaction of judgment.
Enforcement of judgments: Title 6 RCW.
Judgments, financial support of child: RCW 13.34.161.
Liens, cessation, financial support of child: RCW 13.34.161.
Pleading judgments: RCW 4.36.070.
Time limit for decision: State Constitution Art. 4 § 20.
Verdict or award of future economic damages in personal injury or property
damage action may provide for periodic payments: RCW 4.56.260.
4.56.05 0 Effect of judgment aga inst execut or or adminis trator.
4.56.050 Effect of judgment against executor or
administrator. When a setoff shall be established in an
action brought by executors or administrators, and a balance
found due to the defendant, the judgment rendered thereon
against the plaintiff shall have the same effect as if the action
4.56.060 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 56] (2016 Ed.)
had been originally commenced by the defendant. [Code
1881 § 500; 1877 p 107 § 504; RRS § 269.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 54(b).
4.56.06 0
4.56.060 Judgment in case of setoff—When equal or less than plaintiff's d ebt.
4.56.060 Judgment in case of setoff—When equal or
less than plaintiff's debt. If the amount of the setoff, duly
established, be equal to the plaintiff's debt or demand, judg
ment shall be rendered that the plaintiff take nothing by his or
her action; if it be less than the plaintiff's debt or demand, the
plaintiff shall have judgment for the residue only. [2011 c
336 § 109; Code 1881 § 503; 1877 p 108 § 507; RRS § 271
Rules of court: Cf. CR 54(b).
4.56.07 0
4.56.070 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds plaintiff's debt—Effect of contract assignment.
4.56.070 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds
plaintiff's debt—Effect of contract assignment. If there be
found a balance due from the plaintiff in the action to the
defendant, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the defen
dant for the amount thereof, but no such judgment shall be
rendered against the plaintiff when the contract, which is the
subject of the action, shall have been assigned before the
commencement of such action, nor for any balance due from
any other person than the plaintiff in the action. [Code 1881
§ 504; 1877 p 108 § 508; RRS § 272. FORMER PART OF
SECTION: Code 1881 § 303; RRS § 433 now codified as
RCW 4.56.075.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 54(b).
4.56.07 5
4.56.075 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds plaintiff's debt or affirmative relief required.
4.56.075 Judgment in case of setoff—When exceeds
plaintiff's debt or affirmative relief required. If a setoff
established at the trial, exceeds the plaintiff's demand so
established, judgment for the defendant shall be given for the
excess; or if it appears that the defendant is entitled to any
affirmative relief, judgment shall be given accordingly.
[Code 1881 § 303; 1877 p 62 § 307; 1869 p 74 § 305; 1854 p
173 § 231; RRS § 433. Formerly RCW 4.56.070, part.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 54(b).
4.56.08 0
4.56.080 Judgment in action to recover personal property.
4.56.080 Judgment in action to recover personal
property. In an action to recover the possession of personal
property, judgment for the plaintiff may be for the possession
or value thereof, in case a delivery cannot be had, and dam
ages for the detention. If the property has been delivered to
the plaintiff, and the defendant claim a return thereof, judg
ment for the defendant may be for a return of the property, or
the value thereof, in case a return cannot be had, and damages
for taking and withholding the same. [Code 1881 § 304;
1877 p 62 § 308; 1869 p 75 § 306; 1854 p 173 § 232; RRS §
4.56.09 0
4.56.090 Assignment of judgment—Filing.
4.56.090 Assignment of judgment—Filing. When any
judgment has been assigned, the assignment may be filed in
the office of the county clerk in the county where the judg
ment is recorded and a certified copy thereof may be filed in
any county where an abstract of such judgment has been filed
and from the time of such filing shall be notice of such
assignment: PROVIDED, That such assignment of a judg
ment or such certified copy thereof, may not be filed unless it
is properly acknowledged before an officer qualified by law
to take acknowledgment of deeds. [1935 c 22 § 1, part; 1929
c 60 § 5, part; RRS § 447. Prior: 1893 c 42 § 6.]
4.56.100 Satisfaction of judgments for payment of money.
4.56.100 Satisfaction of judgments for payment of
money. (1) When any judgment for the payment of money
only shall have been paid or satisfied, the clerk of the court in
which such judgment was rendered shall note upon the record
in the execution docket satisfaction thereof giving the date of
such satisfaction upon either the payment to such clerk of the
amount of such judgment, costs and interest and any accrued
costs by reason of the issuance of any execution, or the filing
with such clerk of a satisfaction entitled in such action and
identifying the same executed by the judgment creditor or his
or her attorney of record in such action or his or her assignee
acknowledged as deeds are acknowledged. The clerk has the
authority to note the satisfaction of judgments for criminal
and juvenile legal financial obligations when the clerk's
record indicates payment in full or as directed by the court.
Every satisfaction of judgment and every partial satisfaction
of judgment which provides for the payment of money shall
clearly designate the judgment creditor and his or her attor
ney if any, the judgment debtor, the amount or type of satis-
faction, whether the satisfaction is full or partial, the cause
number, and the date of entry of the judgment. A certificate
by such clerk of the entry of such satisfaction by him or her
may be filed in the office of the clerk of any county in which
an abstract of such judgment has been filed. When so satis
fied by the clerk or the filing of such certificate the lien of
such judgment shall be discharged.
(2) The department of social and health services shall file
a satisfaction of judgment for welfare fraud conviction if a
person does not pay money through the clerk as required
under subsection (1) of this section. [2003 c 379 § 23; 1997
c 358 § 4; 1994 c 185 § 1; 1983 c 28 § 1; 1929 c 60 § 6; RRS
§ 454. Prior: 1893 c 42 § 7.]
Intent—Purpose—2003 c 379 §§ 13-27: See note following RCW
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4.56.110 Interest on judgments.
4.56.110 Interest on judgments. Interest on judgments
shall accrue as follows:
(1) Judgments founded on written contracts, providing
for the payment of interest until paid at a specified rate, shall
bear interest at the rate specified in the contracts: PRO
VIDED, That said interest rate is set forth in the judgment.
(2) All judgments for unpaid child support that have
accrued under a superior court order or an order entered
under the administrative procedure act shall bear interest at
the rate of twelve percent.
(3)(a) Judgments founded on the tortious conduct of a
"public agency" as defined in RCW 42.30.020 shall bear
interest from the date of entry at two percentage points above
the equivalent coupon issue yield, as published by the board
of governors of the federal reserve system, of the average bill
rate for twenty-six week treasury bills as determined at the
first bill market auction conducted during the calendar month
immediately preceding the date of entry. In any case where a
court is directed on review to enter judgment on a verdict or
in any case where a judgment entered on a verdict is wholly
or partly affirmed on review, interest on the judgment or on
that portion of the judgment affirmed shall date back to and
shall accrue from the date the verdict was rendered.
(b) Except as provided in (a) of this subsection, judg-
ments founded on the tortious conduct of individuals or other
Judgments—Generally 4.56.150
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 57]
entities, whether acting in their personal or representative
capacities, shall bear interest from the date of entry at two
percentage points above the prime rate, as published by the
board of governors of the federal reserve system on the first
business day of the calendar month immediately preceding
the date of entry. In any case where a court is directed on
review to enter judgment on a verdict or in any case where a
judgment entered on a verdict is wholly or partly affirmed on
review, interest on the judgment or on that portion of the
judgment affirmed shall date back to and shall accrue from
the date the verdict was rendered.
(4) Except as provided under subsections (1), (2), and (3)
of this section, judgments shall bear interest from the date of
entry at the maximum rate permitted under RCW 19.52.020
on the date of entry thereof. In any case where a court is
directed on review to enter judgment on a verdict or in any
case where a judgment entered on a verdict is wholly or
partly affirmed on review, interest on the judgment or on that
portion of the judgment affirmed shall date back to and shall
accrue from the date the verdict was rendered. The method
for determining an interest rate prescribed by this subsection
is also the method for determining the "rate applicable to civil
judgments" for purposes of RCW 10.82.090. [2010 c 149 §
1; 2004 c 185 § 2; 1989 c 360 § 19; 1983 c 147 § 1; 1982 c
198 § 1; 1980 c 94 § 5; 1969 c 46 § 1; 1899 c 80 § 6; 1895 c
136 § 4; RRS § 457.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.56.11 1
4.56.111 Interest on judgments—Rate.
4.56.111 Interest on judgments—Rate. The rate of
interest required by RCW 4.56.110(3) (a) and (b) applies to
the accrual of interest:
(1) As of the date of entry of judgment with respect to a
judgment that is entered on or after June 10, 2010; and
(2) As of June 10, 2010, with respect to a judgment that
was entered before June 10, 2010, and that is still accruing
interest on June 10, 2010. [2010 c 149 § 2.]
4.56.11 5
4.56.115 Inte rest on judgments against s tate, political subdivisions or m unicipal corporations—T orts.
4.56.115 Interest on judgments against state, political
subdivisions or municipal corporations—Torts. Judg
ments founded on the tortious conduct of the state of Wash-
ington or of the political subdivisions, municipal corpora-
tions, and quasi municipal corporations of the state, whether
acting in their governmental or proprietary capacities, shall
bear interest from the date of entry at two percentage points
above the equivalent coupon issue yield (as published by the
board of governors of the federal reserve system) of the aver
age bill rate for twenty-six week treasury bills as determined
at the first bill market auction conducted during the calendar
month immediately preceding the date of entry thereof. In
any case where a court is directed on review to enter judg
ment on a verdict or in any case where a judgment entered on
a verdict is wholly or partly affirmed on review, interest on
the judgment or on that portion of the judgment affirmed
shall date back to and shall accrue from the date the verdict
was rendered. [2004 c 185 § 1; 1983 c 147 § 2; 1975 c 26 §
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.56.12 0
4.56.120 Judgment of dismissal or nonsuit, grounds, effect—Other judgments on merits.
4.56.120 Judgment of dismissal or nonsuit, grounds,
effect—Other judgments on merits. An action in the supe
rior court may be dismissed by the court and a judgment of
nonsuit rendered in the following cases:
(1) Upon the motion of the plaintiff, (a) when the case is
to be or is being tried before a jury, at any time before the
court announces its decision in favor of the defendant upon a
challenge to the legal sufficiency of the evidence, or before
the jury retire to consider their verdict, (b) when the action,
whether for legal or equitable relief, is to be or is being tried
before the court without a jury, at any time before the court
has announced its decision: PROVIDED, That no action shall
be dismissed upon the motion of the plaintiff, if the defendant
has interposed a setoff as a defense, or seeks affirmative
relief growing out of the same transaction, or sets up a coun
terclaim, either legal or equitable, to the specific property or
thing which is the subject matter of the action.
(2) Upon the motion of either party, upon the written
consent of the other.
(3) When the plaintiff fails to appear at the time of trial
and the defendant appears and asks for a dismissal.
(4) Upon its own motion, when, upon the trial and before
the final submission of the case, the plaintiff abandons it.
(5) Upon its own motion, on the refusal or neglect of the
plaintiff to make the necessary parties defendants, after hav
ing been ordered so to do by the court.
(6) Upon the motion of some of the defendants, when
there are others whom the plaintiff fails to prosecute with dil
(7) Upon its own motion, for disobedience of the plain-
tiff to an order of the court concerning the proceedings in the
(8) Upon the motion of the defendant, when, upon the
trial, the plaintiff fails to prove some material fact or facts
necessary to sustain his or her action, as alleged in his or her
complaint. When judgment of nonsuit is given, the action is
dismissed, but such judgment shall not have the effect to bar
another action for the same cause. In every case, other than
those mentioned in this section, the judgment shall be ren
dered upon the merits and shall bar another action for the
same cause. [2011 c 336 § 110; 1929 c 89 § 1; RRS §§ 408,
409, 410. Formerly RCW 4.56.120, 4.56.130, and 4.56.140.
Prior: Code 1881 §§ 286, 287, 288; 1877 p 58 §§ 290, 291,
292; 1869 p 69 §§ 288, 289, 290; 1854 p 171 §§ 223, 224.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 41(a), (b).
4.56.150 Challenge to legal sufficiency of evidence—Judgment in bar or of nonsuit.
4.56.150 Challenge to legal sufficiency of evidence—
Judgment in bar or of nonsuit. In all cases tried in the supe
rior court with a jury, the defendant, at the close of the plain-
tiff's evidence, or either party, at the close of all the evidence,
may challenge the legal sufficiency of the evidence to war
rant a verdict in favor of the adverse party, and if the court
shall decide as a matter of law the evidence does not warrant
a verdict, it shall thereupon discharge the jury from further
consideration of the case and enter a judgment in accordance
with its decision, which judgment if it be in favor of the
defendant shall be a bar to another action by the plaintiff for
the same cause: PROVIDED, That in case the defendant
challenge the legal sufficiency of the evidence at the close of
plaintiff's case, and the court shall decide that it is insufficient
merely for failure of proof of some material fact, or facts, and
that there is reasonable ground to believe that such proof can
be supplied in a subsequent action, the court may discharge
4.56.190 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 58] (2016 Ed.)
the jury and enter a judgment of nonsuit as provided in RCW
4.56.120: AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, That nothing in
this section shall be construed to authorize the court to dis
charge the jury and determine disputed questions of fact.
[1929 c 89 § 2; 1895 c 40 § 1; RRS § 410-1.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 50(a).
4.56.19 0
4.56.190 Lien of judgment.
4.56.190 Lien of judgment. The real estate of any
judgment debtor, and such as the judgment debtor may
acquire, not exempt by law, shall be held and bound to satisfy
any judgment of the district court of the United States ren
dered in this state and any judgment of the supreme court,
court of appeals, superior court, or district court of this state,
and every such judgment shall be a lien thereupon to com
mence as provided in RCW 4.56.200 and to run for a period
of not to exceed ten years from the day on which such judg
ment was entered unless the ten-year period is extended in
accordance with RCW 6.17.020(3), or unless the judgment
results from a criminal sentence for a crime that was commit
ted on or after July 1, 2000, in which case the lien will remain
in effect until the judgment is fully satisfied. As used in this
chapter, real estate shall not include the vendor's interest
under a real estate contract for judgments rendered after
August 23, 1983. If a judgment debtor owns real estate, sub
ject to execution, jointly or in common with any other person,
the judgment shall be a lien on the interest of the defendant
Personal property of the judgment debtor shall be held
only from the time it is actually levied upon. [2011 c 106 § 4;
1994 c 189 § 3. Prior: 1987 c 442 § 1103; 1987 c 202 § 116;
1983 1st ex.s. c 45 § 5; 1980 c 105 § 3; 1971 c 81 § 16; 1929
c 60 § 1; RRS § 445; prior: 1893 c 42 § 9; Code 1881 § 321;
1869 p 78 § 317; 1860 p 51 § 234; 1857 p 11 § 15; 1854 p 175
§ 240.]
Finding—2011 c 106: See note following RCW 10.82.090.
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Entry of judgments—Superior court—District court—Small claims: RCW
Execution of judgments: RCW 6.17.020.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.56.20 0
4.56.200 Commencement of lien on real estate.
4.56.200 Commencement of lien on real estate. The
lien of judgments upon the real estate of the judgment debtor
shall commence as follows:
(1) Judgments of the district court of the United States
rendered or filed in the county in which the real estate of the
judgment debtor is situated, from the time of the entry or fil
ing thereof;
(2) Judgments of the superior court for the county in
which the real estate of the judgment debtor is situated, from
the time of the filing by the county clerk upon the execution
docket in accordance with RCW 4.64.030;
(3) Judgments of the district court of the United States
rendered in any county in this state other than that in which
the real estate of the judgment debtor to be affected is situ
ated, judgments of the supreme court of this state, judgments
of the court of appeals of this state, and judgments of the
superior court for any county other than that in which the real
estate of the judgment debtor to be affected is situated, from
the time of the filing of a duly certified abstract of such judg
ment with the county clerk of the county in which the real
estate of the judgment debtor to be affected is situated, as pro
vided in this act;
(4) Judgments of a district court of this state rendered or
filed as a foreign judgment in a superior court in the county in
which the real estate of the judgment debtor is situated, from
the time of the filing of a duly certified transcript of the
docket of the district court with the county clerk of the county
in which such judgment was rendered or filed, and upon such
filing said judgment shall become to all intents and purposes
a judgment of the superior court for said county; and
(5) Judgments of a district court of this state rendered or
filed in a superior court in any other county in this state than
that in which the real estate of the judgment debtor to be
affected is situated, a transcript of the docket of which has
been filed with the county clerk of the county where such
judgment was rendered or filed, from the time of filing, with
the county clerk of the county in which the real estate of the
judgment debtor to be affected is situated, of a duly certified
abstract of the record of said judgment in the office of the
county clerk of the county in which the certified transcript of
the docket of said judgment of said district court was origi
nally filed. [2012 c 133 § 1; 2002 c 261 § 3; 1987 c 202 §
117; 1971 c 81 § 17; 1929 c 60 § 2; RRS § 445-1.]
Reviser's note: The words at the end of subsection (3) reading "as pro-
vided in this act" appeared in chapter 60, Laws of 1929 which is codified as
RCW 4.56.090, 4.56.100, 4.56.190 through 4.56.210, 4.64.070, 4.64.090,
4.64.110, and 4.64.120.
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Entry of verdict in execution docket—Effect—Cessation of lien: RCW
4.64.020, 4.64.100.
4.56.210 Cessa tion of lien—Extension pr ohib ited—Exception.
4.56.210 Cessation of lien—Extension prohibited—
Exception. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3)
of this section, after the expiration of ten years from the date
of the entry of any judgment heretofore or hereafter rendered
in this state, it shall cease to be a lien or charge against the
estate or person of the judgment debtor. No suit, action or
other proceeding shall ever be had on any judgment rendered
in this state by which the lien shall be extended or continued
in force for any greater or longer period than ten years.
(2) An underlying judgment or judgment lien entered
after *the effective date of this act for accrued child support
shall continue in force for ten years after the eighteenth birth
day of the youngest child named in the order for whom sup-
port is ordered. All judgments entered after *the effective
date of this act shall contain the birth date of the youngest
child for whom support is ordered.
(3) A lien based upon an underlying judgment continues
in force for an additional ten-year period if the period of exe
cution for the underlying judgment is extended under RCW
6.17.020. [1995 c 75 § 1; 1989 c 360 § 2; 1979 ex.s. c 236 §
1; 1929 c 60 § 7; RRS §§ 459, 460. Formerly RCW 4.56.210
and 4.56.220. Prior: 1897 c 39 §§ 1, 2.]
*Reviser's note: This act [1989 c 360] has three effective dates. Sec-
tions 9, 10, and 16 are effective May 12, 1989, section 39 is effective July 1,
1990, and the remainder of this act is effective July 23, 1989.
Entry of judgments—Superior court—District court—Small claims: RCW
4.56.250 Claims for noneconomic damages—Limitation.
4.56.250 Claims for noneconomic damages—Limita-
tion. (1) As used in this section, the following terms have the
Judgment by Confession 4.60.020
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 59]
meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires other-
(a) "Economic damages" means objectively verifiable
monetary losses, including medical expenses, loss of earn
ings, burial costs, loss of use of property, cost of replacement
or repair, cost of obtaining substitute domestic services, loss
of employment, and loss of business or employment opportu
(b) "Noneconomic damages" means subjective, non-
monetary losses, including, but not limited to pain, suffering,
inconvenience, mental anguish, disability or disfigurement
incurred by the injured party, emotional distress, loss of soci
ety and companionship, loss of consortium, injury to reputa-
tion and humiliation, and destruction of the parent-child rela-
(c) "Bodily injury" means physical injury, sickness, or
disease, including death.
(d) "Average annual wage" means the average annual
wage in the state of Washington as determined under RCW
(2) In no action seeking damages for personal injury or
death may a claimant recover a judgment for noneconomic
damages exceeding an amount determined by multiplying
0.43 by the average annual wage and by the life expectancy
of the person incurring noneconomic damages, as the life
expectancy is determined by the life expectancy tables
adopted by the insurance commissioner. For purposes of
determining the maximum amount allowable for noneco
nomic damages, a claimant's life expectancy shall not be less
than fifteen years. The limitation contained in this subsection
applies to all claims for noneconomic damages made by a
claimant who incurred bodily injury. Claims for loss of con
sortium, loss of society and companionship, destruction of
the parent-child relationship, and all other derivative claims
asserted by persons who did not sustain bodily injury are to
be included within the limitation on claims for noneconomic
damages arising from the same bodily injury.
(3) If a case is tried to a jury, the jury shall not be
informed of the limitation contained in subsection (2) of this
section. [1986 c 305 § 301.]
Reviser's note: As to the constitutionality of this section, see Sofie v.
Fibreboard Corp., 112 Wn.2d 636 (1989).
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.56.26 0
4.56.260 Award of future economic damages—Proposal for periodic payments—Security—Satisfaction of judgment.
4.56.260 Award of future economic damages—Pro-
posal for periodic payments—Security—Satisfaction of
judgment. (1) In an action based on fault seeking damages
for personal injury or property damage in which a verdict or
award for future economic damages of at least one hundred
thousand dollars is made, the court or arbitrator shall, at the
request of a party, enter a judgment which provides for the
periodic payment in whole or in part of the future economic
damages. With respect to the judgment, the court or arbitrator
shall make a specific finding as to the dollar amount of peri
odic payments intended to compensate the judgment creditor
for the future economic damages.
(2) Prior to entry of judgment, the court shall request
each party to submit a proposal for periodic payment of
future economic damages to compensate the claimant. Pro
posals shall include provisions for: The name of the recipient
or recipients of the payments, the dollar amount of the pay
ments, the interval between payments, the number of pay-
ments or the period of time over which the payments shall be
made, modification for hardship or unforeseen circum
stances, posting of adequate security, and any other factor the
court deems relevant under the circumstances. After each
party has submitted a proposal, the court shall select the pro
posal, with any changes the court deems proper, which in the
discretion of the court and the interests of justice best pro
vides for the future needs of the claimant and enter judgment
(3) If the court enters a judgment for periodic payments
and any security required by the judgment is not posted
within thirty days, the court shall enter a judgment for the
payment of future damages in a lump sum.
(4) If at any time following entry of judgment for peri-
odic payments, a judgment debtor fails for any reason to
make a payment in a timely fashion according to the terms of
the judgment, the judgment creditor may petition the court
for an order requiring payment by the judgment debtor of the
outstanding payments in a lump sum. In calculating the
amount of the lump sum judgment, the court shall total the
remaining periodic payments due and owing to the judgment
creditor converted to present value. The court may also
require payment of interest on the outstanding judgment.
(5) Upon the death of the judgment creditor, the court
which rendered the original judgment may, upon petition of
any party in interest, modify the judgment to award and
apportion the unpaid future damages. Money damages
awarded for loss of future earnings shall not be reduced or
payments terminated by reason of the death of the judgment
(6) Upon satisfaction of a periodic payment judgment,
any obligation of the judgment debtor to make further pay
ments shall cease and any security posted pursuant to this
section shall revert to the judgment debtor. [1986 c 305 §
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.60
Chapter 4.60 RCW
4.60.010 Judgment on confession authorized.
4.60.020 Confession by public and private corporations and minors.
4.60.030 Confession by person jointly liable.
4.60.040 Confession, how made.
4.60.050 Judgment by confession without suit.
4.60.060 Statement in writing—Requisites.
4.60.070 Judgment on confession—Entry—Execution.
Damages, assessment without answer: RCW 4.28.290.
4.60.010 Judgment on confession authorized.
4.60.010 Judgment on confession authorized. On the
confession of the defendant, with the assent of the plaintiff or
his or her attorney, judgment may be given against the defen
dant in any action before or after answer, for any amount or
relief not exceeding or different from that demanded in the
complaint. [2011 c 336 § 111; Code 1881 § 291; 1877 p 60 §
295; 1869 p 72 § 293; 1854 p 172 §§ 226-228; RRS § 413.]
4.60.020 Confession by public and private corporations and minors.
4.60.020 Confession by public and private corpora-
tions and minors. When the action is against the state, a
county or other public corporation therein, or a private corpo
4.60.030 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 60] (2016 Ed.)
ration, or a minor, the confession shall be made by the person
who at the time sustains the relation to such state, corpora
tion, county or minor, as would authorize the service of a
notice summons upon him or her; or in the case of a minor, if
a guardian for the action has been appointed, then by such
guardian; in all other cases the confession shall be made by
the defendant in person. [2011 c 336 § 112; Code 1881 §
292; 1877 p 60 § 296; 1869 p 72 § 294; RRS § 414.]
4.60.03 0
4.60.030 Confession by person jointly liable.
4.60.030 Confession by person jointly liable. When
the action is upon a contract and against one or more defen
dants jointly liable, judgment may be given on the confession
of one or more defendants, against all the defendants thus
jointly liable, whether such defendants have been served or
not, to be enforced only against their joint property and
against the joint and separate property of the defendant mak
ing the confession. [Code 1881 § 293; 1877 p 60 § 297; 1869
p 72 § 295; RRS § 415.]
4.60.04 0
4.60.040 Confession, how made.
4.60.040 Confession, how made. The confession and
assent thereto shall be in writing and subscribed by the parties
making the same, and acknowledged by each before some
officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds. [Code
1881 § 294; 1877 p 60 § 298; 1869 p 72 § 296; RRS § 416.]
4.60.05 0
4.60.05 0 Judgment by confessio n without su it.
4.60.050 Judgment by confession without suit. A
judgment by confession may be entered without action, either
for money due or to become due, or to secure any person
against contingent liability on behalf of the defendant, or
both, in the manner prescribed by this chapter. [Code 1881 §
295; 1877 p 60 § 299; 1869 p 73 § 297; RRS § 417.]
4.60.06 0
4.60.06 0 Statement i n writing—Re quisites.
4.60.060 Statement in writing—Requisites. A state-
ment in writing shall be made, signed by the defendant and
verified by his or her oath, to the following effect:
(1) It shall authorize the entry of judgment for a specified
(2) If it be for money due or to become due, it shall state
concisely the facts out of which the indebtedness arose, and
shall show that the sum confessed to be due, is justly due or
to become due.
(3) If it be for the purpose of securing the plaintiff
against a contingent liability, it shall state concisely the facts
constituting the liability, and show that the sum confessed
therefor does not exceed the same. [2011 c 336 § 113; Code
1881 § 296; 1877 p 61 § 300; 1869 p 73 § 298; RRS § 418.]
4.60.07 0
4.60.070 Judgment on confession—Entry—Execution.
4.60.070 Judgment on confession—Entry—Execu-
tion. The statement must be presented to the superior court
or a judge thereof, and if the same be found sufficient, the
court or judge shall indorse thereon an order that judgment be
entered by the clerk; whereupon it may be filed in the office
of the clerk, who shall enter a judgment for the amount con
fessed, with costs. Execution may be issued and enforced
thereon in the same manner as upon judgments in other cases.
[Code 1881 § 297; 1877 p 61 § 301; 1869 p 73 § 299; RRS §
Chapter 4.64
Chapter 4.64 RCW
4.64.020 Entry of verdict in execution docket—Effect.
4.64.030 Entry of judgment—Form of judgment summary.
4.64.060 Execution docket—Index of record.
4.64.080 Entries in execution docket.
4.64.090 Abstract of judgment.
4.64.100 Abstract of verdict—Cessation of lien, certificate.
4.64.110 Transcript of district court docket.
4.64.120 Entry of abstract or transcript of judgment.
4.64.020 Entry of verdict in execution docket—Effect.
4.64.020 Entry of verdict in execution docket—
Effect. (1) The clerk on the return of a verdict shall forthwith
enter it in the execution docket, specifying the amount, the
names of the parties to the action, and the names of the party
or parties against whom the verdict is rendered; such entry
shall be indexed in the record index and shall conform as near
as may be to entries of judgments required to be made in the
execution docket.
(2) Beginning at eight o'clock a.m. the day after the entry
of a verdict as herein provided, it shall be notice to all the
world of the rendition thereof, and any person subsequently
acquiring title to or a lien upon the real property of the party
or parties against whom the verdict is returned shall be
deemed to have acquired such title or lien with notice, and
such title or lien shall be subject and inferior to any judgment
afterwards entered on the verdict. [1987 c 442 § 1109; 1927
c 176 § 1; 1921 c 65 § 2; RRS § 431-1.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 58(b).
4.64.030 Entry of judgment—Form of judgment summary.
4.64.030 Entry of judgment—Form of judgment
summary. (1) The clerk shall enter all judgments in the exe
cution docket, subject to the direction of the court and shall
specify clearly the amount to be recovered, the relief granted,
or other determination of the action.
(2)(a) On the first page of each judgment which provides
for the payment of money, including foreign judgments,
judgments in rem, mandates of judgments, and judgments on
garnishments, the following shall be succinctly summarized:
The judgment creditor and the name of his or her attorney, the
judgment debtor, the amount of the judgment, the interest
owed to the date of the judgment, and the total of the taxable
costs and attorney fees, if known at the time of the entry of
the judgment, and in the entry of a foreign judgment, the fil
ing and expiration dates of the judgment under the laws of the
original jurisdiction.
(b) If the judgment provides for the award of any right,
title, or interest in real property, the first page must also
include an abbreviated legal description of the property in
which the right, title, or interest was awarded by the judg
ment, including lot, block, plat, or section, township, and
range, and reference to the judgment page number where the
full legal description is included, if applicable; or the asses
sor's property tax parcel or account number, consistent with
RCW 65.04.045(1) (f) and (g).
(c) If the judgment provides for damages arising from
the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as
specified in RCW 46.29.270, the first page of the judgment
summary must clearly state that the judgment is awarded pur
suant to RCW 46.29.270 and that the clerk must give notice
Entry of Judgments 4.64.120
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 61]
to the department of licensing as outlined in *RCW
(3) If the attorney fees and costs are not included in the
judgment, they shall be summarized in the cost bill when
filed. The clerk may not enter a judgment, and a judgment
does not take effect, until the judgment has a summary in
compliance with this section. The clerk is not liable for an
incorrect summary. [2003 c 43 § 1; 2000 c 41 § 1; 1999 c 296
§ 1; 1997 c 358 § 5; 1995 c 149 § 1; 1994 c 185 § 2; 1987 c
442 § 1107; 1984 c 128 § 6; 1983 c 28 § 2; Code 1881 § 305;
1877 p 62 § 309; 1869 p 75 § 307; RRS § 435.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 58(a), CR 58(b), CR 78(e).
*Reviser's note: RCW 46.29.310 was amended by 2016 c 93 § 5,
requiring that the judgment creditor, rather than the clerk of the court, pro
vide notice to the department of licensing.
4.64.06 0
4.64.060 Execution docket—Index of record.
4.64.060 Execution docket—Index of record. Every
county clerk shall keep in the clerk's office a record, to be
called the execution docket, which shall be a public record
and open during the usual business hours to all persons desir
ous of inspecting it. The record must be indexed both directly
and inversely, and include all judgments, abstracts, and tran
scripts of judgments in the clerk's office. The index must
refer to each party against whom the judgment is rendered or
whose property is affected by the judgment. [1997 c 358 § 6;
1987 c 442 § 1105; 1967 ex.s. c 34 § 1; Code 1881 § 307;
1877 p 62 § 311; 1869 p 75 § 309; 1854 p 173 § 234; RRS §
4.64.08 0
4.64.080 Entries in execution docket.
4.64.080 Entries in execution docket. When entering
a judgment in the execution docket, the clerk shall leave
space on the same page, if practicable, in which the clerk
shall enter, in the order in which they occur, all the proceed
ings subsequent to the judgment in the case until its final sat-
isfaction, including when and to what county an execution is
issued, when returned, and the return or the substance
thereof. When the execution is levied on personal property
which is returned unsold, the entry shall be: "levied (noting
the date) on property not sold." When any sheriff shall fur
nish the clerk with a copy of any levy upon real estate on any
judgment the minutes of which are entered in the execution
docket, the entry shall be: "levied upon real estate," noting
the date. When any execution issued to any other county is
returned levied upon real estate in such county, the entry in
the docket shall be, "levied on real estate of .
. . . . ., in . . . . . .
county," noting the date, county, and defendants whose estate
is levied upon. When any money is paid, the amount and time
when paid shall be entered. When a judgment is appealed,
modified, discharged, or in any manner satisfied, the facts in
respect thereto shall be entered. The parties interested may
also assign or discharge such judgment on such execution
docket. When the judgment is fully satisfied in any way, the
clerk shall write the word "satisfied," in large letters across
the face of the record of such judgment in the execution
docket. [1987 c 442 § 1108; 1957 c 7 § 6; 1923 c 130 § 2;
Code 1881 § 310; 1877 p 63 § 314; 1869 p 76 § 312; 1854 p
174 § 237; RRS § 448.]
4.64.09 0
4.64.090 Abstract of judgment.
4.64.090 Abstract of judgment. The abstract of a judg-
ment shall contain (1) the name of the party, or parties, in
whose favor the judgment was rendered; (2) the name of the
party, or parties, against whom the judgment was rendered;
(3) the date of the rendition of the judgment; (4) the amount
for which the judgment was rendered, and in the following
manner, viz: Principal $.
. . .; interest $. . . .; costs $. . . .; total
. . . . [1987 c 442 § 1113; 1957 c 7 § 8. Prior: 1929 c 60 §
3, part; 1893 c 42 § 3; RRS § 451.]
4.64.100 Abstract of verdict—Cessation of lien, certificate.
4.64.100 Abstract of verdict—Cessation of lien, cer-
tificate. The clerk shall, on request and at the expense of the
party in whose favor the verdict is rendered, or the party's
attorney, prepare an abstract of such verdict in substantially
the same form as an abstract of a judgment and transmit such
abstract to the clerk of any court in any county in the state as
directed, and shall make a note on the execution docket of the
name of the county to which each of such abstracts is sent.
The clerk receiving such abstract shall, on payment of the
statutory fee, enter and index it in the execution docket in the
same manner as an abstract of judgment. The entry shall have
the same effect in such county as in the county where the ver
dict was rendered.
Whenever the verdict, or any judgment rendered
thereon, shall cease to be a lien in the county where rendered,
the clerk of the court shall on request of anyone, and the pay
ment of the cost and expense thereof, certify that the lien has
ceased, and transmit such certificate to the clerk of any court
to which an abstract was forwarded, and the clerk receiving
the certificate, on payment of the statutory fee, shall enter it
in the execution docket, and then the lien of such verdict or
judgment shall cease. Nothing in this section or RCW
4.64.020 shall be construed as authorizing the issuance of an
execution by a clerk in any other county than that in which
the judgment is rendered. [1987 c 442 § 1110; 1984 c 76 § 5;
1921 c 65 § 3; RRS § 431-2.]
Fees of
superior court clerks: RCW 36.18.020.
supreme and appellate court clerks: RCW 2.32.070.
4.64.110 Tran script of district court docket.
4.64.110 Transcript of district court docket. A tran-
script of the district court docket shall contain an exact copy
of the district court judgment from the docket. [1987 c 202 §
118; 1957 c 7 § 9. Prior: 1929 c 60 § 3, part; 1893 c 42 § 4;
RRS § 452.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
4.64.120 Entry of abstract or transcript of judgme nt.
4.64.120 Entry of abstract or transcript of judgment.
It shall be the duty of the county clerk to enter in the execu
tion docket any duly certified transcript of a judgment of a
district court of this state and any duly certified abstract of
any judgment of any court mentioned in RCW 4.56.200, filed
in the county clerk's office, and to index the same in the same
manner as judgments originally rendered in the superior court
for the county of which he or she is clerk. Jurisdiction over
the judgment, including modification to or vacation of the
original judgment, transfers to the superior court. The supe
rior court may, in its discretion, remand the cause to district
court for determination of any motion to vacate or modify the
original judgment. [1997 c 358 § 2. Prior: 1987 c 442 § 1111;
1987 c 202 § 119; 1929 c 60 § 4; RRS § 453; prior: 1893 c 42
§ 5.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Chapter 4.68 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 62] (2016 Ed.)
Chapter 4.68
Chapter 4.68 RCW
4.68.010 Summons after judgment.
4.68.020 Contents of summons.
4.68.030 Affidavit must accompany summons.
4.68.040 Defenses.
4.68.050 Pleadings.
4.68.060 Trial.
4.68.01 0
4.68.010 Summons after judgment.
4.68.010 Summons after judgment. When a judgment
is recorded against one or more of several persons jointly
indebted upon an obligation by proceeding as provided by the
court by rule, such defendants who were not originally served
with the summons, and did not appear to the action, may be
summoned to show cause why they should not be bound by
the judgment, in the same manner as though they had been
originally served with the summons. [1984 c 76 § 6; Code
1881 § 314; 1877 p 64 § 318; RRS § 436.]
4.68.02 0
4.68.020 Contents of summons.
4.68.020 Contents of summons. The summons, as pro-
vided in RCW 4.68.010, must describe the judgment, and
require the person summoned to show cause why he or she
should not be bound by it, and must be served in the same
manner and returnable within the same time, as the original
summons. It is not necessary to file a new complaint. [2011
c 336 § 114; Code 1881 § 315; 1877 p 64 § 319; RRS § 437.]
4.68.03 0
4.68.030 Affidavit must accompany summons.
4.68.030 Affidavit must accompany summons. The
summons must be accompanied by an affidavit of the plain
tiff, his or her agent, representative, or attorney, that the judg-
ment, or some part thereof, remains unsatisfied, and must
specify the amount due thereon. [2011 c 336 § 115; Code
1881 § 316; 1877 p 65 § 320; RRS § 438.]
4.68.04 0
4.68.04 0 Defenses.
4.68.040 Defenses. Upon the service of such summons
and affidavit, the defendant may answer within the time spec
ified therein, denying the judgment, or setting up any defense
which may have arisen subsequently to the taking of the judg
ment, or he or she may deny his or her liability on the obliga-
tion upon which the judgment was rendered, except a dis-
charge from such liability by the statute of limitations. [2011
c 336 § 116; Code 1881 § 317; 1877 p 65 § 321; RRS § 439.]
4.68.05 0
4.68.05 0 Pleadings.
4.68.050 Pleadings. If the defendant in his or her
answer, deny the judgment, or set up any defense which may
have arisen subsequently, the summons, with the affidavit
annexed, and the answer, constitute the written allegations in
the case; if he or she deny his or her liability on the obligation
upon which the judgment was rendered, a copy of the original
complaint and judgment, the summons with the affidavit
annexed, and the answer constitute such written allegations.
[2011 c 336 § 117; Code 1881 § 318; 1877 p 65 § 322; RRS
§ 440.]
4.68.06 0
4.68.06 0 Trial.
4.68.060 Trial. The issue formed may be tried as in
other cases, but when the defendant denies in his or her
answer any liability on the obligation upon which the judg
ment was rendered, if a verdict be found against him or her, it
must not exceed the amount remaining unsatisfied on such
original judgment, with interest thereon. [2011 c 336 § 118;
Code 1881 § 319; 1877 p 65 § 323; RRS § 441.]
Chapter 4.72
Chapter 4.72 RCW
4.72.010 Causes for enumerated.
4.72.020 Motion to vacate—Time limitation.
4.72.030 Petition to vacate for certain causes—Time limitation.
4.72.050 Conditions precedent to vacation.
4.72.060 Grounds for vacation may first be tried.
4.72.070 Injunction to suspend proceedings.
4.72.080 Construction of chapter—Time limitations when fraud, mis-
representation concerned.
4.72.090 Judgment upon denial of application.
4.72.010 Causes for enumerated.
4.72.010 Causes for enumerated. The superior court
in which a judgment or final order has been rendered, or
made, shall have power to vacate or modify such judgment or
(1) By granting a new trial for the cause, within the time
and in the manner, and for any of the causes prescribed by the
rules of court relating to new trials.
(2) By a new trial granted in proceedings against defen-
dant served by publication only as prescribed in RCW
(3) For mistakes, neglect or omission of the clerk, or
irregularity in obtaining a judgment or order.
(4) For fraud practiced by the successful party in obtain-
ing the judgment or order.
(5) For erroneous proceedings against a minor or person
of unsound mind, when the condition of such defendant does
not appear in the record, nor the error in the proceedings.
(6) For the death of one of the parties before the judg-
ment in the action.
(7) For unavoidable casualty, or misfortune preventing
the party from prosecuting or defending.
(8) For error in a judgment shown by a minor, within
twelve months after arriving at full age. [1957 c 9 § 4; Code
1881 § 436; 1877 p 96 § 438; 1875 p 20 § 1; RRS § 464.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 52(d), CR 60(b).
Judgment to recover realty, vacation: RCW 7.28.260.
4.72.020 Motion to vacate—Time limitation.
4.72.020 Motion to vacate—Time limitation. The
proceedings to vacate or modify a judgment or order for mis
takes or omissions of the clerk, or irregularity in obtaining the
judgment or order, shall be by motion served on the adverse
party or on his or her attorney in the action, and within one
year. [2011 c 336 § 119; 1891 c 27 § 1; Code 1881 § 438;
1877 p 97 § 440; 1875 p 21 § 3; RRS § 466.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 60(b).
4.72.030 Petition to vacate for certain causes—Time limitation.
4.72.030 Petition to vacate for certain causes—Time
limitation. RCW 4.72.010 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) shall
be by petition verified by affidavit, setting forth the judgment
or order, the facts or errors constituting a cause to vacate or
modify it, and if the party is a defendant, the facts constitut
ing a defense to the action; and such proceedings must be
commenced within one year after the judgment or order was
made, unless the party entitled thereto be a minor or person of
unsound mind, and then within one year from the removal of
such disability. [1891 c 27 § 2; Code 1881 § 439; 1877 p 97
§ 441; 1875 p 21 § 4; RRS § 467.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 60(b).
New Trials Chapter 4.80
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 63]
4.72.05 0
4.72.050 Conditions precedent to vacation.
4.72.050 Conditions precedent to vacation. The judg-
ment shall not be vacated on motion or petition until it is
adjudged that there is a valid defense to the action in which
the judgment is rendered; or, if the plaintiff seeks its vacation,
that there is a valid cause of action; and when judgment is
modified, all liens and securities obtained under it shall be
preserved to the modified judgment. [Code 1881 § 441; 1877
p 97 § 443; 1875 p 22 § 6; RRS § 469.]
4.72.06 0
4.72.060 Grounds for vacation may first be tried.
4.72.060 Grounds for vacation may first be tried.
The court may first try and decide upon the grounds to vacate
or modify a judgment or order, before trying or deciding
upon the validity of the defense or cause of action. [Code
1881 § 442; 1877 p 97 § 440; 1875 p 22 § 7; RRS § 470.]
4.72.07 0
4.72.070 Injunction to suspend proceedings.
4.72.070 Injunction to suspend proceedings. The
party seeking to vacate or modify a judgment or order may
obtain an injunction suspending proceedings on the whole or
part thereof, which injunction may be granted by the court or
the judge upon its being rendered probable, by affidavit or
petition sworn to, or by exhibition of the record, that the party
is entitled to have such judgment or order vacated or modi
fied. [Code 1881 § 443; 1877 p 97 § 445; 1875 p 22 § 8; RRS
§ 471.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 62.
4.72.08 0
4.72.080 Construction of chapter—Time limitations when fraud, misrepresentation concerned.
4.72.080 Construction of chapter—Time limitations
when fraud, misrepresentation concerned. The provisions
of this chapter shall not be so construed as to affect the power
of the court to vacate or modify judgments or orders as else
where in this code provided; nor shall the time limitations set
forth in this chapter within which proceedings to vacate or
modify a judgment must be started apply to a judgment here
tofore or hereafter entered by consent or stipulation where the
grounds to vacate or modify such judgment are based on
fraud or misrepresentation, or when after the entry of the
judgment either party fails to fulfill the terms and conditions
on which the consent judgment or stipulation was entered;
nor shall any judgment of acquittal in a criminal action be
vacated under the provisions of this chapter. [1961 c 88 § 1;
1891 c 27 § 4; RRS § 472.]
Reviser's note: The words "this code" appeared in 1891 c 27 § 4.
4.72.09 0
4.72.090 Judgment upon denial of application.
4.72.090 Judgment upon denial of application. In all
cases in which an application under this chapter to vacate or
modify a judgment or order for the recovery of money is
denied, if proceedings on the judgment or order shall have
been suspended, judgment shall be rendered against the
plaintiff [applicant] for the amount of the former judgment or
order, interest and costs, together with damages at the discre
tion of the court, not exceeding ten percent on the amount of
the judgment or order. [1891 c 27 § 5; Code 1881 § 444;
1877 p 97 § 446; 1875 p 22 § 9; RRS § 473.]
Chapter 4.76
Chapter 4.76 RCW
4.76.010 New trial defined.
4.76.030 Increase or reduction of verdict as alternative to new trial.
4.76.070 Newly discovered evidence, requirements as to.
4.76.080 Petition for new trial when discovery of grounds delayed.
4.76.010 Ne w trial defined.
4.76.010 New trial defined. A new trial is a reexamina-
tion of an issue in the same court after a trial and decision by
a jury, court or referees. [Code 1881 § 275; 1877 p 56 § 279;
1869 p 67 § 277; 1854 p 170 § 215; RRS § 398.]
4.76.030 Increase or reduction of verdict as alternative to new trial.
4.76.030 Increase or reduction of verdict as alterna-
tive to new trial. If the trial court shall, upon a motion for
new trial, find the damages awarded by a jury to be so exces
sive or inadequate as unmistakably to indicate that the
amount thereof must have been the result of passion or preju
dice, the trial court may order a new trial or may enter an
order providing for a new trial unless the party adversely
affected shall consent to a reduction or increase of such ver
dict, and if such party shall file such consent and the opposite
party shall thereafter appeal from the judgment entered, the
party who shall have filed such consent shall not be bound
thereby, but upon such appeal the court of appeals or the
supreme court shall, without the necessity of a formal cross-
appeal, review de novo the action of the trial court in requir
ing such reduction or increase, and there shall be a presump-
tion that the amount of damages awarded by the verdict of the
jury was correct and such amount shall prevail, unless the
court of appeals or the supreme court shall find from the
record that the damages awarded in such verdict by the jury
were so excessive or so inadequate as unmistakably to indi
cate that the amount of the verdict must have been the result
of passion or prejudice. [1971 c 81 § 19; 1933 c 138 § 2; RRS
§ 399-1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.76.070 Newly discovered evidence, requirements as to.
4.76.070 Newly discovered evidence, requirements as
to. If the motion be supported by affidavits and the cause be
newly discovered evidence, the affidavits of any witness or
witnesses, showing what their testimony will be, shall be pro
duced or good reasons shown for their nonproduction. [1891
c 59 § 2; Code 1881 § 282; 1877 p 57 § 286; 1869 p 68 § 284;
1854 p 170 § 219; RRS § 403.]
4.76.080 Petition for new trial when discovery of grounds delayed.
4.76.080 Petition for new trial when discovery of
grounds delayed. When the grounds for a new trial could
not with reasonable diligence have been discovered before,
but are discovered after the time when the verdict, report of
referee, or decision was rendered or made, the application
may be made by petition filed as in other cases, not later than
after the discovery, on which notice shall be served and
returned, and the defendant held to appear as in an original
action. The facts stated in the petition shall be considered as
denied without answer. The case shall be tried as other cases
by ordinary proceedings, but no motion shall be filed more
than one year after the final judgment was rendered. [1955 c
44 § 1; Code 1881 § 437; 1875 p 21 § 2; RRS § 465.]
Chapter 4.80
Chapter 4.80 RCW
4.80.010 Exception defined.
4.80.020 When to be taken.
4.80.030 Requisites—Entry in minutes.
4.80.040 Manner of taking and entry.
4.80.140 Application of chapter.
Rules of court: Cf. CR 46.
4.80.010 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 64] (2016 Ed.)
4.80.01 0
4.80.010 Exception defined.
4.80.010 Exception defined. An exception is a claim of
error in a ruling or decision of a court, judge or other tribunal,
or officer exercising judicial functions, made in the course of
an action or proceeding or after judgment therein. [1893 c 60
§ 1; RRS § 381.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 46.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.80.02 0
4.80.02 0 When to b e taken.
4.80.020 When to be taken. It shall not be necessary or
proper to take or enter an exception to any ruling or decision
mentioned in RCW 4.80.010, which is embodied in a written
judgment, order or journal entry in the cause. But this section
shall not apply to the report of a referee or commissioner, or
to findings of fact or conclusions of law in a report or deci
sion of a referee or commissioner, or in a decision of a court
or judge upon a cause or part of a cause, either legal or equi
table, tried without a jury. [1893 c 60 § 2; RRS § 382.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 46.
4.80.03 0
4.80.030 Requisites—Entry in minutes.
4.80.030 Requisites—Entry in minutes. Exceptions to
any ruling upon an objection to the admission of evidence,
offered in the course of a trial or hearing, need not be for
mally taken, but the question put or other offer of evidence,
together with the objection thereto and the ruling thereon,
shall be entered by the court, judge, referee or commissioner
(or by the stenographer, if one is in attendance) in the minutes
of the trial or hearing, and such entry shall import an excep
tion by the party against whom the ruling was made. [1893 c
60 § 5; RRS § 385.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 46.
4.80.04 0
4.80.040 Manner of taking and entry.
4.80.040 Manner of taking and entry. Exceptions to
any ruling or decision made in the course of a trial or hearing,
or in the progress of a cause, except those to which it is pro
vided in this chapter that no exception need be taken and
those to which some other mode of exception is in this chap
ter prescribed, may be taken by any party by stating to the
court, judge, referee or commissioner making the ruling or
decision, when the same is made, that such party excepts to
the same; whereupon such court, judge, referee or commis
sioner shall note the exception in the minutes of the trial,
hearing or cause, or shall cause the stenographer (if one is in
attendance) so to note the same. [1893 c 60 § 6; RRS § 386.]
Rules of court: Cf. CR 46.
4.80.14 0
4.80.14 0 Applicati on of chapter .
4.80.140 Application of chapter. This chapter shall
apply to and govern all civil actions and proceedings, both
legal and equitable, and all criminal causes, in the superior
courts, but shall not apply to district courts or other courts of
limited jurisdiction from which an appeal does not lie directly
to the supreme court or court of appeals. [1987 c 202 § 120;
1971 c 81 § 21; 1893 c 60 § 17; RRS § 397, part.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Chapter 4.84
Chapter 4.84 RCW
4.84 CO STS
4.84.010 Costs allowed to prevailing party—Defined—Compensation
of attorneys.
4.84.015 Costs in civil actions for the recovery of money only—When
plaintiff considered the prevailing party.
4.84.020 Amount of contracted attorneys' fee to be fixed by court.
4.84.030 Prevailing party to recover costs.
4.84.040 Limitation on costs in certain actions.
4.84.050 Limited to one of several actions.
4.84.060 Costs to defendant.
4.84.070 Costs to defendants defending separately.
4.84.080 Schedule of attorneys' fees.
4.84.090 Cost bill—Witnesses to report attendance.
4.84.100 Costs on postponement of trial.
4.84.110 Costs where tender is made.
4.84.120 Costs where deposit in court is made and rejected.
4.84.130 Costs in appeals from district courts.
4.84.140 Costs against guardian of infant plaintiff.
4.84.150 Costs against fiduciaries.
4.84.160 Costs against assignee.
4.84.170 Costs against state or county.
4.84.185 Prevailing party to receive expenses for opposing frivolous
action or defense.
4.84.190 Costs in proceedings not specifically covered.
4.84.200 Retaxation of costs.
4.84.210 Security for costs.
4.84.220 Bond in lieu of separate security.
4.84.230 Dismissal for failure to give security.
4.84.240 Judgment on cost bond.
4.84.250 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—Allowed to prevailing party.
4.84.260 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—When plaintiff deemed prevailing party.
4.84.270 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—When defendant deemed prevailing party.
4.84.280 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—Offers of settlement in determining.
4.84.290 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—Prevailing party on appeal.
4.84.300 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten thousand dol-
lars or less—Application.
4.84.320 Attorneys' fees in actions for injuries resulting from the ren-
dering of medical and other health care.
4.84.330 Actions on contract or lease which provides that attorneys' fees
and costs incurred to enforce provisions be awarded to one of
parties—Prevailing party entitled to attorneys' fees—Waiver
4.84.340 Judicial review of agency action—Definitions.
4.84.350 Judicial review of agency action—Award of fees and
4.84.360 Judicial review of agency action—Payment of fees and
expenses—Report to office of financial management.
4.84.370 Appeal of land use decisions—Fees and costs.
Deposit of jury fee taxable as costs: RCW 4.44.110.
4.84.010 Costs allowed to prevailing party—Defined—Compensation of attorneys.
4.84.010 Costs allowed to prevailing party—
Defined—Compensation of attorneys. The measure and
mode of compensation of attorneys and counselors, shall be
left to the agreement, expressed or implied, of the parties, but
there shall be allowed to the prevailing party upon the judg
ment certain sums for the prevailing party's expenses in the
action, which allowances are termed costs, including, in addi
tion to costs otherwise authorized by law, the following
(1) Filing fees;
(2) Fees for the service of process by a public officer,
registered process server, or other means, as follows:
(a) When service is by a public officer, the recoverable
cost is the fee authorized by law at the time of service.
(b) If service is by a process server registered pursuant to
chapter 18.180 RCW or a person exempt from registration,
the recoverable cost is the amount actually charged and
incurred in effecting service;
(3) Fees for service by publication;
(4) Notary fees, but only to the extent the fees are for ser-
vices that are expressly required by law and only to the extent
they represent actual costs incurred by the prevailing party;
Costs 4.84.090
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 65]
(5) Reasonable expenses, exclusive of attorneys' fees,
incurred in obtaining reports and records, which are admitted
into evidence at trial or in mandatory arbitration in superior
or district court, including but not limited to medical records,
tax records, personnel records, insurance reports, employ
ment and wage records, police reports, school records, bank
records, and legal files;
(6) Statutory attorney and witness fees; and
(7) To the extent that the court or arbitrator finds that it
was necessary to achieve the successful result, the reasonable
expense of the transcription of depositions used at trial or at
the mandatory arbitration hearing: PROVIDED, That the
expenses of depositions shall be allowed on a pro rata basis
for those portions of the depositions introduced into evidence
or used for purposes of impeachment. [2009 c 240 § 1; 2007
c 121 § 1; 1993 c 48 § 1; 1984 c 258 § 92; 1983 1st ex.s. c 45
§ 7; Code 1881 § 505; 1877 p 108 § 509; 1869 p 123 § 459;
1854 p 201 § 367; RRS § 474.]
Attorney fee in appeals from board of industrial insurance appeals: RCW
51.52.130, 51.52.132.
Process server fees: RCW 18.180.035.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.84.01 5
4.84.015 Costs in civil actions for the recovery of money only—When pla intiff considered the prev ailing party.
4.84.015 Costs in civil actions for the recovery of
money only—When plaintiff considered the prevailing
party. (1) In any civil action for the recovery of money only,
the plaintiff will be considered the prevailing party for the
purpose of awarding costs, including a statutory attorney fee,
if: (a) The defendant makes full or partial payment of the
amounts sought by the plaintiff prior to the entry of judg
ment; and (b) before such payment is tendered, the plaintiff
has notified the defendant in writing that the full or partial
payment of the amounts sued for might result in an award of
(2) For the purposes of this section, "plaintiff" includes a
counterclaimant, cross-claimant, and third-party plaintiff,
and "defendant" includes a party defending a counterclaim,
cross-claim, or third-party claim.
(3) A party may demand, offer, or accept the payment of
statutory costs before the entry of judgment in an action.
(4) This section may not be construed to (a) authorize an
award of costs if the action is resolved by a negotiated settle
ment or (b) limit or bar the operation of cost-shifting provi-
sions of other statutes or court rules. [2009 c 240 § 2.]
4.84.02 0
4.84.02 0 Amount of contracted a ttorneys' f ee to be fix ed by court.
4.84.020 Amount of contracted attorneys' fee to be
fixed by court. In all cases of foreclosure of mortgages and
in all other cases in which attorneys' fees are allowed, the
amount thereof shall be fixed by the court at such sum as the
court shall deem reasonable, any stipulations in the note,
mortgage or other instrument to the contrary notwithstand
ing; but in no case shall said fee be fixed above contract price
stated in said note or contract. [1895 c 48 § 1; 1891 c 44 § 1;
1888 p 9 § 1; 1885 p 176 § 1; RRS § 475.]
4.84.03 0
4.84.030 Prevailing party to recover costs.
4.84.030 Prevailing party to recover costs. In any
action in the superior court of Washington the prevailing
party shall be entitled to his or her costs and disbursements;
but the plaintiff shall in no case be entitled to costs taxed as
attorneys' fees in actions within the jurisdiction of the district
court when commenced in the superior court. [1987 c 202 §
121; 1890 p 337 § 1; 1883 p 42 § 1; Code 1881 §§ 506, 507;
1854 p 201 §§ 368, 369; RRS § 476.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
4.84.040 Limitation on costs in certain actions.
4.84.040 Limitation on costs in certain actions. In an
action for an assault and battery, or for false imprisonment,
libel, slander, malicious prosecution, criminal conversation
or seduction, if the plaintiff recover less than ten dollars, he
or she shall be entitled to no more costs or disbursements than
the damage recovered. [2011 c 336 § 120; Code 1881 § 508;
1877 p 108 § 512; 1869 p 123 § 460; 1854 p 202 § 370; RRS
§ 477.]
4.84.050 Limited to one of several actions.
4.84.050 Limited to one of several actions. When sev-
eral actions are brought on one bond, undertaking, promis-
sory note, bill of exchange, or other instrument in writing, or
in any other case for the same cause of action against several
parties, who might have been joined as defendants in the
same action, no costs or disbursements shall be allowed to the
plaintiff in more than one of such actions, which may be at
his or her election, if the parties proceeded against in the
other actions were, at the commencement of the previous
action, openly within this state. [2011 c 336 § 121; Code
1881 § 509; 1877 p 108 § 513; 1869 p 123 § 461; 1854 p 202
§ 371; RRS § 478.]
4.84.060 Costs to defendant.
4.84.060 Costs to defendant. In all cases where costs
and disbursements are not allowed to the plaintiff, the defen
dant shall be entitled to have judgment in his or her favor for
the same. [2011 c 336 § 122; Code 1881 § 510; 1877 p 109 §
514; 1869 p 123 § 462; 1854 p 202 § 372; RRS § 479.]
4.84.070 Costs to defendants defending separately.
4.84.070 Costs to defendants defending separately.
In all actions where there are several defendants not united in
interest, and making separate defenses by separate answers,
and the plaintiff fails to recover judgment against all, the
court may award costs to such defendants as recover judg
ments in their favor, or either of them. [Code 1881 § 511;
1877 p 109 § 515; 1869 p 124 § 463; 1854 p 202 § 373; RRS
§ 480.]
4.84.080 Schedule of attorneys' fees.
4.84.080 Schedule of attorneys' fees. When allowed to
either party, costs to be called the attorney fee, shall be as fol
(1) In all actions where judgment is rendered, two hun-
dred dollars.
(2) In all actions where judgment is rendered in the
supreme court or the court of appeals, after argument, two
hundred dollars. [2004 c 123 § 1; 1985 c 240 § 1; 1981 c 331
§ 3; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 30 § 2; Code 1881 § 512; 1877 p 108
§ 516; 1869 p 124 § 464; 1854 p 202 § 374; RRS § 481.]
Court Congestion Reduction Act of 1981—Purpose—Severabil-
ity—1981 c 331: See notes following RCW 2.32.070.
Costs: RCW 4.84.190.
Transmission of record on change of venue—Costs, attorney's fees: RCW
4.84.090 Cost b ill—Witnesses to report at tendance.
4.84.090 Cost bill—Witnesses to report attendance.
The prevailing party, in addition to allowance for costs, as
provided in RCW 4.84.080, shall also be allowed for all nec
essary disbursements, including the fees of officers allowed
4.84.100 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 66] (2016 Ed.)
by law, the fees of witnesses, the necessary expenses of tak-
ing depositions, by commission or otherwise, and the com-
pensation of referees. The court shall allow the prevailing
party all service of process charges in case such process was
served by a person or persons not an officer or officers. Such
service charge shall be the same as is now allowed or shall in
the future be allowed as fee and mileage to an officer. The
disbursements shall be stated in detail and verified by affida
vit, and shall be served on the opposite party or his or her
attorney, and filed with the clerk of the court, within ten days
after the judgment: PROVIDED, The clerk of the court shall
keep a record of all witnesses in attendance upon any civil
action, for whom fees are to be claimed, with the number of
days in attendance and their mileage, and no fees or mileage
for any witness shall be taxed in the cost bill unless they shall
have reported their attendance at the close of each day's ses
sion to the clerk in attendance at such trial. [2011 c 336 §
123; 1949 c 146 § 1; 1905 c 16 § 1; Code 1881 § 513; 1877 p
109 § 517; 1869 p 124 § 465; 1854 p 202 § 375; Rem. Supp.
1949 § 482.]
Witness fees and mileage: Chapter 2.40 RCW.
4.84.10 0
4.84.10 0 Costs on po stponement o f trial.
4.84.100 Costs on postponement of trial. When an
application shall be made to a court or referees to postpone a
trial, the payment to the adverse party of a sum not exceeding
ten dollars, besides the fees of witnesses, may be imposed as
the condition of granting the postponement. [Code 1881 §
515; 1877 p 109 § 519; 1854 p 203 § 377; RRS § 484.]
4.84.11 0
4.84.110 Co sts where tender is made.
4.84.110 Costs where tender is made. When in an
action for the recovery of money, the defendant alleges in his
or her answer, that, before the commencement of the action,
he or she tendered to the plaintiff the full amount to which he
or she is entitled, in such money as by agreement ought to be
tendered, and thereupon brings into court, for the plaintiff,
the amount tendered, and the allegation be found true, the
plaintiff shall not recover costs, but shall pay them to the
defendant. [2011 c 336 § 124; Code 1881 § 516; 1877 p 109
§ 520; 1854 p 203 § 378; RRS § 485.]
4.84.12 0
4.84.120 Costs where deposit in court is made and rejected.
4.84.120 Costs where deposit in court is made and
rejected. If the defendant in any action pending, shall at any
time deposit with the clerk of the court, for the plaintiff, the
amount which he or she admits to be due, together with all
costs that have accrued, and notify the plaintiff thereof, and
such plaintiff shall refuse to accept the same in discharge of
the action, and shall not afterwards recover a larger amount
than that deposited with the clerk, exclusive of interest and
cost, he or she shall pay all costs that may accrue from the
time such money was so deposited. [2011 c 336 § 125; Code
1881 § 517; 1877 p 110 § 521; 1854 p 203 § 379; RRS § 486.]
Conflicting claims, deposit in court, costs: RCW 4.08.170.
4.84.13 0
4.84.130 Costs in appeals from district courts.
4.84.130 Costs in appeals from district courts. In all
civil actions tried before the district court, in which an appeal
shall be taken to the superior court, and the party appellant
shall not recover a more favorable judgment in the superior
court than before the district court, such appellant shall pay
all costs. [1987 c 202 § 122; Code 1881 § 518; 1877 p 110 §
522; 1854 p 203 § 380; RRS § 487.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
District court appeals: Chapter 12.36 RCW.
4.84.140 Costs against guardian of infant plaintiff.
4.84.140 Costs against guardian of infant plaintiff.
When costs are adjudged against an infant plaintiff, the
guardian or person by whom he or she appeared in the action
shall be responsible therefor, and payment may be enforced
by execution. [2011 c 336 § 126; Code 1881 § 519; 1877 p
110 § 523; 1854 p 203 § 381; RRS § 488.]
4.84.150 Costs against fiduciaries.
4.84.150 Costs against fiduciaries. In an action prose-
cuted or defended by an executor, administrator, trustee of an
express trust, or a person expressly authorized by statute,
costs shall be recovered as in an action by or against a person
prosecuting in his or her own right, but such costs shall be
chargeable only upon or collected of the estate of the party
represented, unless the court shall direct the same to be paid
by the plaintiff or defendant personally, for mismanagement
or bad faith in such action or defense. [2011 c 336 § 127;
Code 1881 § 520; 1877 p 110 § 524; 1854 p 203 § 382; RRS
§ 489.]
Actions by and against personal representatives, etc.: Chapter 11.48 RCW.
4.84.160 Costs against assignee.
4.84.160 Costs against assignee. When the cause of
action, after the commencement of the action, by assignment,
or in any other manner, becomes the property of a person not
a party thereto, and the prosecution or defense is thereafter
continued, such person shall be liable for the costs in the
same manner as if he or she were a party, and payment
thereof may be enforced by execution. [2011 c 336 § 128;
Code 1881 § 521; 1877 p 110 § 525; 1869 p 125 § 473; 1854
p 203 § 383; RRS § 490.]
4.84.170 Costs against state or county.
4.84.170 Costs against state or county. In all actions
prosecuted in the name and for the use of the state, or in the
name and for the use of any county, and in any action brought
against the state or any county, and on all appeals to the
supreme court or the court of appeals of the state in all actions
brought by or against either the state or any county, the state
or county shall be liable for costs in the same case and to the
same extent as private parties. [1971 c 81 § 22; 1959 c 62 §
1; Code 1881 § 522; 1877 p 110 § 526; 1854 p 203 § 384;
RRS § 491.]
4.84.185 Prevailing party to receive expenses for opposing frivolous action or defense.
4.84.185 Prevailing party to receive expenses for
opposing frivolous action or defense. In any civil action,
the court having jurisdiction may, upon written findings by
the judge that the action, counterclaim, cross-claim, third
party claim, or defense was frivolous and advanced without
reasonable cause, require the nonprevailing party to pay the
prevailing party the reasonable expenses, including fees of
attorneys, incurred in opposing such action, counterclaim,
cross-claim, third party claim, or defense. This determination
shall be made upon motion by the prevailing party after a vol
untary or involuntary order of dismissal, order on summary
judgment, final judgment after trial, or other final order ter
minating the action as to the prevailing party. The judge shall
consider all evidence presented at the time of the motion to
determine whether the position of the nonprevailing party
was frivolous and advanced without reasonable cause. In no
event may such motion be filed more than thirty days after
entry of the order.
Costs 4.84.280
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 67]
The provisions of this section apply unless otherwise
specifically provided by statute. [1991 c 70 § 1; 1987 c 212
§ 201; 1983 c 127 § 1.]
Administrative law, frivolous petitions for judicial review: RCW 34.05.598.
4.84.19 0
4.84.190 Costs in proceedings not specifically covered.
4.84.190 Costs in proceedings not specifically cov-
ered. In all actions and proceedings other than those men-
tioned in this chapter [and RCW 4.48.100], where no provi-
sion is made for the recovery of costs, they may be allowed or
not, and if allowed may be apportioned between the parties,
in the discretion of the court. [Code 1881 § 525; 1877 p 111
§ 529; 1854 p 204 § 387; RRS § 493.]
Costs: RCW 4.84.080.
4.84.20 0
4.84.200 Retaxation of costs.
4.84.200 Retaxation of costs. Any party aggrieved by
the taxation of costs by the clerk of the court may, upon appli
cation, have the same retaxed by the court in which the action
or proceeding is had. [Code 1881 § 526; 1877 p 111 § 530;
1854 p 204 § 388; RRS § 494.]
4.84.21 0
4.84.210 Security for costs.
4.84.210 Security for costs. When a plaintiff in an
action, or in a garnishment or other proceeding, resides out of
the county, or is a foreign corporation, or begins such action
or proceeding as the assignee of some other person or of a
firm or corporation, as to all causes of action sued upon, secu
rity for the costs and charges which may be awarded against
such plaintiff may be required by the defendant or garnishee
defendant. When required, all proceedings in the action or
proceeding shall be stayed until a bond, executed by two or
more persons, or by a surety company authorized to do busi
ness in this state be filed with the clerk, conditioned that they
will pay such costs and charges as may be awarded against
the plaintiff by judgment, or in the progress of the action or
proceeding, not exceeding the sum of two hundred dollars. A
new or additional bond may be ordered by the court or judge,
upon proof that the original bond is insufficient security, and
proceedings in the action or proceeding stayed until such new
or additional bond be executed and filed. The plaintiff may
deposit with the clerk the sum of two hundred dollars in lieu
of a bond. [1929 c 103 § 1; Code 1881 § 527; 1877 p 111 §
531; 1854 p 204 § 389; RRS § 495.]
4.84.22 0
4.84.220 Bond in lieu of separate security.
4.84.220 Bond in lieu of separate security. In lieu of
separate security for each action or proceeding in any court,
the plaintiff may cause to be executed and filed in the court a
bond in the penal sum of two hundred dollars running to the
state of Washington, with surety as in case of a separate bond,
and conditioned for the payment of all judgments for costs
which may thereafter be rendered against him or her in that
court. Any defendant or garnishee who shall thereafter
recover a judgment for costs in said court against the princi
pal on such bond shall likewise be entitled to judgment
against the sureties. Such bond shall not be sufficient unless
the penalty thereof is unimpaired by any outstanding obliga
tion at the time of the commencement of the action. [2011 c
336 § 129; 1929 c 103 § 2; RRS § 495-1.]
4.84.23 0
4.84.230 Dismissal for failure to give security.
4.84.230 Dismissal for failure to give security. After
the lapse of ninety days from the service of notice that secu
rity is required or of an order for new or additional security,
upon proof thereof, and that no undertaking as required has
been filed, the court or judge may order the action to be dis
missed. [1933 c 14 § 1; RRS § 495-2.]
4.84.240 Judgment on cost bond.
4.84.240 Judgment on cost bond. Whenever any bond
or undertaking for the payment of any costs to any party shall
be filed in any action or other legal proceeding in any court in
this state and judgment should be rendered for any such costs
against the principal on any such bonds or against the party
primarily liable therefor in whose behalf any such bond or
undertaking has been filed, such judgment for costs shall be
rendered against the principal on such bond or the party pri
marily liable therefor and at the same time also against his or
her surety or sureties on any or all such bonds or undertakings
filed in any such action or other legal proceeding. [2011 c
336 § 130; 1909 c 173 § 1; RRS § 496.]
4.84.250 Attor neys' fees as costs in d amag e actions of ten thousand dollars or less—Allowed to prevailing party.
4.84.250 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—Allowed to prevailing party.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of chapter 4.84 RCW
and RCW 12.20.060, in any action for damages where the
amount pleaded by the prevailing party as hereinafter
defined, exclusive of costs, is seven thousand five hundred
dollars or less, there shall be taxed and allowed to the prevail
ing party as a part of the costs of the action a reasonable
amount to be fixed by the court as attorneys' fees. After July
1, 1985, the maximum amount of the pleading under this sec
tion shall be ten thousand dollars. [1984 c 258 § 88; 1980 c
94 § 1; 1973 c 84 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.84.260 Attor neys' fees as costs in d amag e actions of ten thousand dollars or l ess—Whe n plaintiff dee med prevailin g party.
4.84.260 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—When plaintiff deemed pre
vailing party. The plaintiff, or party seeking relief, shall be
deemed the prevailing party within the meaning of RCW
4.84.250 when the recovery, exclusive of costs, is as much as
or more than the amount offered in settlement by the plaintiff,
or party seeking relief, as set forth in RCW 4.84.280. [1973
c 84 § 2.]
4.84.270 Attor neys' fees as costs in d amag e actions of ten thousand dollars or less—When defendant deemed prevailing party.
4.84.270 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—When defendant deemed
prevailing party. The defendant, or party resisting relief,
shall be deemed the prevailing party within the meaning of
RCW 4.84.250, if the plaintiff, or party seeking relief in an
action for damages where the amount pleaded, exclusive of
costs, is equal to or less than the maximum allowed under
RCW 4.84.250, recovers nothing, or if the recovery, exclu
sive of costs, is the same or less than the amount offered in
settlement by the defendant, or the party resisting relief, as set
forth in RCW 4.84.280. [1980 c 94 § 2; 1973 c 84 § 3.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.84.280 Attor neys' fees as costs in d amag e actions of ten thousand dollars or less—Offe rs of settlement in determining.
4.84.280 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—Offers of settlement in
determining. Offers of settlement shall be served on the
adverse party in the manner prescribed by applicable court
rules at least ten days prior to trial. Offers of settlement shall
not be served until thirty days after the completion of the ser
vice and filing of the summons and complaint. Offers of set-
tlement shall not be filed or communicated to the trier of the
fact until after judgment, at which time a copy of said offer of
4.84.290 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 68] (2016 Ed.)
settlement shall be filed for the purposes of determining
attorneys' fees as set forth in RCW 4.84.250. [1983 c 282 §
1; 1980 c 94 § 3; 1973 c 84 § 4.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.84.29 0
4.84.290 Atto rneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten tho usand dollars or less—Prev ailing party on appeal.
4.84.290 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—Prevailing party on appeal.
If the case is appealed, the prevailing party on appeal shall be
considered the prevailing party for the purpose of applying
the provisions of RCW 4.84.250: PROVIDED, That if, on
appeal, a retrial is ordered, the court ordering the retrial shall
designate the prevailing party, if any, for the purpose of
applying the provisions of RCW 4.84.250.
In addition, if the prevailing party on appeal would be
entitled to attorneys' fees under the provisions of RCW
4.84.250, the court deciding the appeal shall allow to the pre
vailing party such additional amount as the court shall
adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees for the appeal. [1973 c
84 § 5.]
4.84.30 0
4.84.300 Atto rneys' fees as costs in damage actions of ten tho usand dollars or less—A pplication.
4.84.300 Attorneys' fees as costs in damage actions of
ten thousand dollars or less—Application. The provisions
of RCW 4.84.250 through 4.84.290 shall apply regardless of
whether the action is commenced in district court or superior
court except as provided in RCW 4.84.280. This section shall
not be construed as conferring jurisdiction on either court.
[1987 c 202 § 123; 1980 c 94 § 4; 1973 c 84 § 6.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.84.32 0
4.84.320 Attor neys' fees in actions for injuries resulting from th e rendering of medical and other health care .
4.84.320 Attorneys' fees in actions for injuries result-
ing from the rendering of medical and other health care.
See RCW 7.70.070.
4.84.33 0
4.84.330 Actio ns on contract or lease w hich provides that attorn eys' fees an d costs in curred to enforce prov isions be awarded to o ne of parties—Prevailing par ty entitled to attorneys' fe es—Waiver prohi bited.
4.84.330 Actions on contract or lease which provides
that attorneys' fees and costs incurred to enforce provi
sions be awarded to one of parties—Prevailing party enti-
tled to attorneys' fees—Waiver prohibited. In any action
on a contract or lease entered into after September 21, 1977,
where such contract or lease specifically provides that attor
neys' fees and costs, which are incurred to enforce the provi-
sions of such contract or lease, shall be awarded to one of the
parties, the prevailing party, whether he or she is the party
specified in the contract or lease or not, shall be entitled to
reasonable attorneys' fees in addition to costs and necessary
Attorneys' fees provided for by this section shall not be
subject to waiver by the parties to any contract or lease which
is entered into after September 21, 1977. Any provision in
any such contract or lease which provides for a waiver of
attorneys' fees is void.
As used in this section "prevailing party" means the
party in whose favor final judgment is rendered. [2011 c 336
§ 131; 1977 ex.s. c 203 § 1.]
4.84.34 0
4.84.34 0 Judicial review of a gency action —Definitio ns.
4.84.340 Judicial review of agency action—Defini-
tions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the defi-
nitions in this section apply throughout RCW 4.84.340
through 4.84.360.
(1) "Agency" means any state board, commission,
department, institution of higher education, or officer, autho
rized by law to make rules or to conduct adjudicative pro-
ceedings, except those in the legislative or judicial branches,
the governor, or the attorney general except to the extent oth
erwise required by law.
(2) "Agency action" means agency action as defined by
chapter 34.05 RCW.
(3) "Fees and other expenses" includes the reasonable
expenses of expert witnesses, the reasonable cost of a study,
analysis, engineering report, test, or project that is found by
the court to be necessary for the preparation of the party's
case, and reasonable attorneys' fees. Reasonable attorneys'
fees shall be based on the prevailing market rates for the kind
and quality of services furnished, except that (a) no expert
witness shall be compensated at a rate in excess of the highest
rates of compensation for expert witnesses paid by the state
of Washington, and (b) attorneys' fees shall not be awarded in
excess of one hundred fifty dollars per hour unless the court
determines that an increase in the cost of living or a special
factor, such as the limited availability of qualified attorneys
for the proceedings involved, justifies a higher fee.
(4) "Judicial review" means a judicial review as defined
by chapter 34.05 RCW.
(5) "Qualified party" means (a) an individual whose net
worth did not exceed one million dollars at the time the initial
petition for judicial review was filed or (b) a sole owner of an
unincorporated business, or a partnership, corporation, asso
ciation, or organization whose net worth did not exceed five
million dollars at the time the initial petition for judicial
review was filed, except that an organization described in
section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1954
as exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the code and
a cooperative association as defined in section 15(a) of the
agricultural marketing act (12 U.S.C. 1141J(a)), may be a
party regardless of the net worth of such organization or
cooperative association. [1995 c 403 § 902.]
Findings—1995 c 403: "The legislature finds that certain individuals,
smaller partnerships, smaller corporations, and other organizations may be
deterred from seeking review of or defending against an unreasonable
agency action because of the expense involved in securing the vindication of
their rights in administrative proceedings. The legislature further finds that
because of the greater resources and expertise of the state of Washington,
individuals, smaller partnerships, smaller corporations, and other organiza
tions are often deterred from seeking review of or defending against state
agency actions because of the costs for attorneys, expert witnesses, and other
costs. The legislature therefore adopts this equal access to justice act to
ensure that these parties have a greater opportunity to defend themselves
from inappropriate state agency actions and to protect their rights." [1995 c
403 § 901.]
Findings—Short title—Intent—1995 c 403: See note following RCW
4.84.350 Judicial review of agency action—Award of fees and expenses.
4.84.350 Judicial review of agency action—Award of
fees and expenses. (1) Except as otherwise specifically pro
vided by statute, a court shall award a qualified party that pre-
vails in a judicial review of an agency action fees and other
expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, unless the
court finds that the agency action was substantially justified
or that circumstances make an award unjust. A qualified
party shall be considered to have prevailed if the qualified
party obtained relief on a significant issue that achieves some
benefit that the qualified party sought.
(2) The amount awarded a qualified party under subsec-
tion (1) of this section shall not exceed twenty-five thousand
Appeals Chapter 4.92
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 69]
dollars. Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply unless
all parties challenging the agency action are qualified parties.
If two or more qualified parties join in an action, the award in
total shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. The
court, in its discretion, may reduce the amount to be awarded
pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, or deny any award,
to the extent that a qualified party during the course of the
proceedings engaged in conduct that unduly or unreasonably
protracted the final resolution of the matter in controversy.
[1995 c 403 § 903.]
Findings—1995 c 403: See note following RCW 4.84.340.
Findings—Short title—Intent—1995 c 403: See note following RCW
4.84.36 0
4.84.360 Judicial review of agency action—Payment of fees and expenses—Report to office of financial management.
4.84.360 Judicial review of agency action—Payment
of fees and expenses—Report to office of financial man
agement. Fees and other expenses awarded under RCW
4.84.340 and 4.84.350 shall be paid by the agency over which
the party prevails from operating funds appropriated to the
agency within sixty days. Agencies paying fees and other
expenses pursuant to RCW 4.84.340 and 4.84.350 shall
report all payments to the office of financial management
within five days of paying the fees and other expenses. Fees
and other expenses awarded by the court shall be subject to
the provisions of chapter 39.76 RCW and shall be deemed
payable on the date the court announces the award. [1995 c
403 § 904.]
Findings—1995 c 403: See note following RCW 4.84.340.
Findings—Short title—Intent—1995 c 403: See note following RCW
4.84.37 0
4.84.370 Appeal of land use decisions—Fees and costs.
4.84.370 Appeal of land use decisions—Fees and
costs. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chap
ter, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs shall be awarded to
the prevailing party or substantially prevailing party on
appeal before the court of appeals or the supreme court of a
decision by a county, city, or town to issue, condition, or
deny a development permit involving a site-specific rezone,
zoning, plat, conditional use, variance, shoreline permit,
building permit, site plan, or similar land use approval or
decision. The court shall award and determine the amount of
reasonable attorneys' fees and costs under this section if:
(a) The prevailing party on appeal was the prevailing or
substantially prevailing party before the county, city, or town,
or in a decision involving a substantial development permit
under chapter 90.58 RCW, the prevailing party on appeal was
the prevailing party or the substantially prevailing party
before the shoreline[s] hearings board; and
(b) The prevailing party on appeal was the prevailing
party or substantially prevailing party in all prior judicial pro
(2) In addition to the prevailing party under subsection
(1) of this section, the county, city, or town whose decision is
on appeal is considered a prevailing party if its decision is
upheld at superior court and on appeal. [1995 c 347 § 718.]
Finding—Severability—Part headings and table of contents not
law—1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.
Chapter 4.88
Chapter 4.88 RCW
4.88.330 Indigent party—State payment of review costs.
Rule-making power of
court of appeals: RCW 2.06.030, 2.06.040.
supreme court: RCW 2.04.180 through 2.04.210.
4.88.330 Indigent party—State payment of review costs.
4.88.330 Indigent party—State payment of review
costs. When a party has been judicially determined to have a
constitutional right to obtain a review and to be unable by
reason of poverty to procure counsel to perfect the review all
costs necessarily incident to the proper consideration of the
review including preparation of the record, reasonable fees
for court appointed counsel to be determined by the supreme
court, and actual travel expenses of counsel for appearance in
the supreme court or court of appeals, shall be paid by the
state. Upon satisfaction of requirements established by
supreme court rules and submission of appropriate vouchers
to the clerk of the supreme court, payment shall be made from
funds specifically appropriated by the legislature for that pur
pose. [1975 1st ex.s. c 261 § 2. Prior: 1972 ex.s. c 111 § 2;
1970 ex.s. c 31 § 2; 1965 c 133 § 2. Formerly RCW
Transcript of testimony—Fee—Forma pauperis: RCW 2.32.240.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
Chapter 4.92
Chapter 4.92 RCW
4.92.005 "Volunteer"—Definition.
4.92.006 Definitions.
4.92.010 Where brought—Change of venue.
4.92.020 Service of summons and complaint.
4.92.030 Duties of attorney general—Procedure.
4.92.040 Judgments—Claims to legislature against state—Payment
procedure—Inapplicability to judgments and claims against
housing finance commission.
4.92.050 Limitations.
4.92.060 Action against state officers, employees, volunteers, or foster
parents—Request for defense.
4.92.070 Actions against state officers, employees, volunteers, or foster
parents—Defense by attorney general—Legal expenses.
4.92.075 Action against state officers, employees, or volunteers—Judg-
ment satisfied by state.
4.92.080 Bond not required of state.
4.92.090 Tortious conduct of state—Liability for damages.
4.92.100 Tortious conduct of state or its agents—Claims—Presentment
and filing—Contents.
4.92.110 Tortious conduct of state or its agents—Presentment and filing
of claim prerequisite to suit.
4.92.120 Tortious conduct of state—Assignment of claims.
4.92.130 Tortious conduct of state—Liability account—Purpose.
4.92.150 Compromise and settlement of claims by attorney general.
4.92.160 Payment of claims and judgments.
4.92.175 Action against state patrol officers in private law enforcement
off-duty employment—Immunity of state—Notice to
4.92.180 State, local governments not liable for injury to unauthorized
third-party occupant of state or local government vehicle.
4.92.200 Actions against state on state warrant appearing to be
redeemed—Claim required—Time limitation.
4.92.210 Risk management—Review of claims—Settlements.
4.92.220 Risk management administration account.
4.92.240 Rules.
4.92.250 Risk management—Risk manager may delegate powers and
4.92.260 Construction.
4.92.270 Risk management—Standard indemnification agreements.
4.92.280 Local government reimbursement claims.
4.92.005 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 70] (2016 Ed.)
Actions against political subdivisions, municipal corporations and quasi
municipal corporations: Chapter 4.96 RCW.
Claims, reports, etc., filing and receipt: RCW 1.12.070.
Hood Canal bridge, use for sport fishing purposes—Disclaimer of liability:
RCW 47.56.366.
Interest on judgments: RCW 4.56.115.
Liability coverage of university personnel and students: RCW 28B.20.250
through 28B.20.255.
4.92.00 5
4.92.00 5 "Volunteer "—Definitio n.
4.92.005 "Volunteer"—Definition. For the purposes
of RCW 4.92.060, 4.92.070, 4.92.130, *4.92.140, and
4.92.150, volunteer is defined in RCW 51.12.035. [1985 c
217 § 6.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 4.92.140 was repealed by 1989 c 419 § 18,
effective July 1, 1989.
4.92.00 6
4.92.006 Definitions.
4.92.006 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Department" means the department of enterprise
(2) "Director" means the director of enterprise services.
(3) "Office of risk management" means the office within
the department of enterprise services that carries out the pow
ers and duties under this chapter relating to claim filing,
claims administration, and claims payment.
(4) "Risk manager" means the person supervising the
office of risk management. [2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 511; 2002
c 332 § 10; 1989 c 419 § 2.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—1989 c 419: "In recent years the state of Washington has expe-
rienced significant increases in public liability claims. It is the intent of the
legislature to reduce tort claim costs by restructuring Washington state's risk
management program to place more accountability in state agencies, to
establish an actuarially sound funding mechanism for paying legitimate
claims, when they occur, and to establish an effective safety and loss control
program." [1989 c 419 § 1.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.01 0
4.92.010 Where brought—Change of venue.
4.92.010 Where brought—Change of venue. Any
person or corporation having any claim against the state of
Washington shall have a right of action against the state in the
superior court.
The venue for such actions shall be as follows:
(1) The county of the residence or principal place of
business of one or more of the plaintiffs;
(2) The county where the cause of action arose;
(3) The county in which the real property that is the sub-
ject of the action is situated;
(4) The county where the action may be properly com-
menced by reason of the joinder of an additional defendant;
(5) Thurston county.
Actions shall be subject to change of venue in accor-
dance with statute, rules of court, and the common law as the
same now exist or may hereafter be amended, adopted, or
Actions shall be tried in the county in which they have
been commenced in the absence of a seasonable motion by or
in behalf of the state to change the venue of the action. [1986
c 126 § 1; 1973 c 44 § 1; 1963 c 159 § 1; 1927 c 216 § 1; 1895
c 95 § 1; RRS § 886.]
Venue: Chapter 4.12 RCW.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.020 Service of summons and complaint.
4.92.020 Service of summons and complaint. Service
of summons and complaint in such actions shall be served in
the manner prescribed by law upon the attorney general, or
by leaving the summons and complaint in the office of the
attorney general with an assistant attorney general. [1986 c
126 § 2; 1927 c 216 § 2; 1895 c 95 § 2; RRS § 887.]
4.92.030 Duties of attorney general—Procedure.
4.92.030 Duties of attorney general—Procedure. The
attorney general or an assistant attorney general shall appear
and act as counsel for the state. The action shall proceed in all
respects as other actions. Appellate review may be sought as
in other actions or proceedings, but in case review is sought
by the state, no bond shall be required of the appellant. [1988
c 202 § 3; 1986 c 126 § 3; 1971 c 81 § 24; 1895 c 95 § 3; RRS
§ 888.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.040 Judg ments—Claims to legislatu re against state—Payment procedure—Inapplicability to judgments and claims against housing finance commission.
4.92.040 Judgments—Claims to legislature against
state—Payment procedure—Inapplicability to judg
ments and claims against housing finance commission.
(1) No execution shall issue against the state on any judg
(2) Whenever a final judgment against the state is
obtained in an action on a claim arising out of tortious con
duct, the claim shall be paid from the liability account.
(3) Whenever a final judgment against the state shall
have been obtained in any other action, the clerk of the court
shall make and furnish to the office of risk management a
duly certified copy of such judgment; the office of risk man
agement shall thereupon audit the amount of damages and
costs therein awarded, and the same shall be paid from appro
priations specifically provided for such purposes by law.
(4) Final judgments for which there are no provisions in
state law for payment shall be transmitted by the office of risk
management to the senate and house of representatives com
mittees on ways and means as follows:
(a) On the first day of each session of the legislature, the
office of risk management shall transmit judgments received
and audited since the adjournment of the previous session of
the legislature.
(b) During each session of legislature, the office of risk
management shall transmit judgments immediately upon
completion of audit.
(5) All claims, other than judgments, made to the legisla-
ture against the state of Washington for money or property,
shall be accompanied by a statement of the facts on which
such claim is based and such evidence as the claimant intends
to offer in support of the claim and shall be filed with the
office of risk management, which shall retain the same as a
record. All claims of two thousand dollars or less shall be
approved or rejected by the office of risk management, and if
approved shall be paid from appropriations specifically pro
vided for such purpose by law. Such decision, if adverse to
the claimant in whole or part, shall not preclude the claimant
from seeking relief from the legislature. If the claimant
accepts any part of his or her claim which is approved for
payment by the office of risk management, such acceptance
shall constitute a waiver and release of the state from any fur
Actions and Claims Against State 4.92.080
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 71]
ther claims relating to the damage or injury asserted in the
claim so accepted. The office of risk management shall sub
mit to the house and senate committees on ways and means,
at the beginning of each regular session, a comprehensive list
of all claims paid pursuant to this subsection during the pre
ceding year. For all claims not approved by the office of risk
management, the office of risk management shall recom
mend to the legislature whether such claims should be
approved or rejected. Recommendations shall be submitted
to the senate and house of representatives committees on
ways and means not later than the thirtieth day of each regu
lar session of the legislature. Claims which cannot be pro-
cessed for timely submission of recommendations shall be
held for submission during the following regular session of
the legislature. The recommendations shall include, but not
be limited to:
(a) A summary of the facts alleged in the claim, and a
statement as to whether these facts can be verified by the
office of risk management;
(b) An estimate by the office of risk management of the
value of the loss or damage which was alleged to have
(c) An analysis of the legal liability, if any, of the state
for the alleged loss or damage; and
(d) A summary of equitable or public policy arguments
which might be helpful in resolving the claim.
(6) The legislative committees to whom such claims are
referred shall make a transcript, recording, or statement of the
substance of the evidence given in support of such a claim. If
the legislature approves a claim the same shall be paid from
appropriations specifically provided for such purpose by law.
(7) Subsections (3) through (6) of this section do not
apply to judgments or claims against the state housing
finance commission created under chapter 43.180 RCW.
[2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 512; 2002 c 332 § 11; 1999 c 163 § 3;
1986 c 126 § 4; 1983 c 161 § 28; 1979 ex.s. c 167 § 1; 1979 c
151 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 144 § 1; 1963 c 159 § 6; 1895 c 95 § 4;
RRS § 889.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.05 0
4.92.05 0 Limitations .
4.92.050 Limitations. All provisions of law relating to
the limitations of personal actions shall apply to claims
against the state, but the computation of time thereunder shall
not begin until RCW 4.92.010 through 4.92.050 shall have
become a law. [1895 c 95 § 5; RRS § 890.]
4.92.06 0
4.92.060 Action against state officers, employees, volunteers, or foster pa rents—Reques t for defen se.
4.92.060 Action against state officers, employees, vol-
unteers, or foster parents—Request for defense. When-
ever an action or proceeding for damages shall be instituted
against any state officer, including state elected officials,
employee, volunteer, or foster parent licensed in accordance
with chapter 74.15 RCW, arising from acts or omissions
while performing, or in good faith purporting to perform,
official duties, or, in the case of a foster parent, arising from
the good faith provision of foster care services, such officer,
employee, volunteer, or foster parent may request the attor
ney general to authorize the defense of said action or pro-
ceeding at the expense of the state. [1989 c 403 § 2; 1986 c
126 § 5; 1985 c 217 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 126 § 1; 1975 c 40 §
1; 1921 c 79 § 1; RRS § 890-1.]
Findings—1989 c 403: "The legislature finds and declares that foster
parents are a valuable resource providing an important service to the citizens
of Washington. The legislature further recognizes that the current insurance
crisis has adversely affected some foster-family homes in several ways: (1)
In some locales, foster parents are unable to obtain liability insurance cover
age over and above homeowner's or tenant's coverage for actions filed
against them by the foster child or the child's parents or legal guardian. In
addition, the monthly payment made to foster-family homes is not sufficient
to cover the cost of obtaining this extended coverage and there is no mecha
nism in place by which foster parents can recapture this cost; (2) foster par-
ents' personal resources are at risk. Therefore, the legislature is providing
relief to address these problems." [1989 c 403 § 1.]
4.92.070 Actio ns against state office rs, employees, volunte ers, or foster parents—Defense by attorney general—Legal expenses.
4.92.070 Actions against state officers, employees,
volunteers, or foster parents—Defense by attorney gen
eral—Legal expenses. If the attorney general shall find that
said officer, employee, or volunteer's acts or omissions were,
or were purported to be in good faith, within the scope of that
person's official duties, or, in the case of a foster parent, that
the occurrence arose from the good faith provision of foster
care services, said request shall be granted, in which event the
necessary expenses of the defense of said action or proceed
ing relating to a state officer, employee, or volunteer shall be
paid as provided in RCW 4.92.130. In the case of a foster par
ent, necessary expenses of the defense shall be paid from the
appropriations made for the support of the department to
which such foster parent is attached. In such cases the attor
ney general shall appear and defend such officer, employee,
volunteer, or foster parent, who shall assist and cooperate in
the defense of such suit. However, the attorney general may
not represent or provide private representation for a foster
parent in an action or proceeding brought by the department
of social and health services against that foster parent. [1999
c 163 § 5; 1989 c 403 § 3; 1986 c 126 § 6; 1985 c 217 § 2;
1975 1st ex.s. c 126 § 2; 1975 c 40 § 2; 1921 c 79 § 2; RRS §
Findings—1989 c 403: See note following RCW 4.92.060.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.075 Action against state officers, employees, or volunteers—Judg ment satisfied by state.
4.92.075 Action against state officers, employees, or
volunteers—Judgment satisfied by state. When a state
officer, employee, or volunteer has been represented by the
attorney general pursuant to RCW 4.92.070, and the body
presiding over the action or proceeding has found that the
officer, employee, or volunteer was acting within the scope
of his or her official duties, and a judgment has been entered
against the officer, employee, or volunteer pursuant to chap
ter 4.92 RCW or 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq., thereafter the
judgment creditor shall seek satisfaction only from the state,
and the judgment shall not become a lien upon any property
of such officer, employee, or volunteer. [1989 c 413 § 2.]
4.92.080 Bond not required of state.
4.92.080 Bond not required of state. No bond shall be
required of the state of Washington for any purpose in any
case in any of the courts of the state of Washington and the
state of Washington shall be, on proper showing, entitled to
any orders, injunctions and writs of whatever nature without
bond notwithstanding the provisions of any existing statute
requiring that bonds be furnished by private parties. [1935 c
122 § 1; RRS § 390-3.]
4.92.090 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 72] (2016 Ed.)
4.92.09 0
4.92.090 Tortio us conduct of state—L iability for damages.
4.92.090 Tortious conduct of state—Liability for
damages. The state of Washington, whether acting in its
governmental or proprietary capacity, shall be liable for dam
ages arising out of its tortious conduct to the same extent as if
it were a private person or corporation. [1963 c 159 § 2; 1961
c 136 § 1.]
4.92.10 0
4.92.100 Tortious conduct of state or its agents—Claims—Presentment and f iling—Contents.
4.92.100 Tortious conduct of state or its agents—
Claims—Presentment and filing—Contents. (1) All
claims against the state, or against the state's officers,
employees, or volunteers, acting in such capacity, for dam
ages arising out of tortious conduct, must be presented to the
office of risk management. A claim is deemed presented
when the claim form is delivered in person or by regular mail,
registered mail, or certified mail, with return receipt
requested, or as an attachment to electronic mail or by fax, to
the office of risk management. For claims for damages pre
sented after July 26, 2009, all claims for damages must be
presented on the standard tort claim form that is maintained
by the office of risk management. The standard tort claim
form must be posted on the department of enterprise services'
web site.
(a) The standard tort claim form must, at a minimum,
require the following information:
(i) The claimant's name, date of birth, and contact infor-
(ii) A description of the conduct and the circumstances
that brought about the injury or damage;
(iii) A description of the injury or damage;
(iv) A statement of the time and place that the injury or
damage occurred;
(v) A listing of the names of all persons involved and
contact information, if known;
(vi) A statement of the amount of damages claimed; and
(vii) A statement of the actual residence of the claimant
at the time of presenting the claim and at the time the claim
(b)(i) The standard tort claim form must be signed either:
(A) By the claimant, verifying the claim;
(B) Pursuant to a written power of attorney, by the attor-
ney-in-fact for the claimant;
(C) By an attorney admitted to practice in Washington
state on the claimant's behalf; or
(D) By a court-approved guardian or guardian ad litem
on behalf of the claimant.
(ii) For the purpose of this subsection (1)(b), when the
claim form is presented electronically it must bear an elec
tronic signature in lieu of a written original signature. An
electronic signature means a facsimile of an original signa
ture that is affixed to the claim form and executed or adopted
by the person with the intent to sign the document.
(iii) When an electronic signature is used and the claim is
submitted as an attachment to electronic mail, the convey
ance of that claim must include the date, time the claim was
presented, and the internet provider's address from which it
was sent. The attached claim form must be a format approved
by the office of risk management.
(iv) When an electronic signature is used and the claim is
submitted via a facsimile machine, the conveyance must
include the date, time the claim was submitted, and the fax
number from which it was sent.
(v) In the event of a question on an electronic signature,
the claimant shall have an opportunity to cure and the cured
notice shall relate back to the date of the original filing.
(c) The amount of damages stated on the claim form is
not admissible at trial.
(2) The state shall make available the standard tort claim
form described in this section with instructions on how the
form is to be presented and the name, address, and business
hours of the office of risk management. The standard tort
claim form must not list the claimant's social security number
and must not require information not specified under this sec
tion. The claim form and the instructions for completing the
claim form must provide the United States mail, physical,
and electronic addresses and numbers where the claim can be
(3) With respect to the content of claims under this sec-
tion and all procedural requirements in this section, this sec-
tion must be liberally construed so that substantial compli-
ance will be deemed satisfactory. [2013 c 188 § 1; 2012 c
250 § 1; 2009 c 433 § 2; 2006 c 82 § 1; 2002 c 332 § 12; 1986
c 126 § 7; 1979 c 151 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 144 § 2; 1967 c 164 §
2; 1963 c 159 § 3.]
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Purpose—Severability—1967 c 164: See notes following RCW
Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system, claims against: RCW 47.60.250.
4.92.110 Torti ous conduct of state or its agents—Presentment a nd filing of claim prerequ isite to suit.
4.92.110 Tortious conduct of state or its agents—Pre-
sentment and filing of claim prerequisite to suit. No
action subject to the claim filing requirements of RCW
4.92.100 shall be commenced against the state, or against any
state officer, employee, or volunteer, acting in such capacity,
for damages arising out of tortious conduct until sixty calen
dar days have elapsed after the claim is presented to the office
of risk management in the department of enterprise services.
The applicable period of limitations within which an action
must be commenced shall be tolled during the sixty calendar
day period. For the purposes of the applicable period of lim
itations, an action commenced within five court days after the
sixty calendar day period has elapsed is deemed to have been
presented on the first day after the sixty calendar day period
elapsed. [2015 c 225 § 5; 2009 c 433 § 3; 2006 c 82 § 2; 2002
c 332 § 13; 1989 c 419 § 14; 1986 c 126 § 8; 1979 c 151 § 4;
1977 ex.s. c 144 § 3; 1963 c 159 § 4.]
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.120 Tortious conduct of state—Assignment of claims.
4.92.120 Tortious conduct of state—Assignment of
claims. Claims against the state arising out of tortious con
duct may be assigned voluntarily, involuntarily, and by oper-
ation of law to the same extent as like claims against private
persons may be so assigned. [1963 c 159 § 5.]
4.92.130 Torti ous conduct of state—Liabi lity account—Purpose.
4.92.130 Tortious conduct of state—Liability
account—Purpose. A liability account in the custody of the
treasurer is hereby created as a nonappropriated account to be
used solely and exclusively for the payment of liability settle
ments and judgments against the state under 42 U.S.C. Sec.
Actions and Claims Against State 4.92.175
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 73]
1981 et seq. or for the tortious conduct of its officers,
employees, and volunteers and all related legal defense costs.
(1) The purpose of the liability account is to: (a) Expedi-
tiously pay legal liabilities and defense costs of the state
resulting from tortious conduct; (b) promote risk control
through a cost allocation system which recognizes agency
loss experience, levels of self-retention, and levels of risk
exposure; and (c) establish an actuarially sound system to pay
incurred losses, within defined limits.
(2) The liability account shall be used to pay claims for
injury and property damages and legal defense costs exclu
sive of agency-retained expenses otherwise budgeted.
(3) No money shall be paid from the liability account,
except for defense costs, unless all proceeds available to the
claimant from any valid and collectible liability insurance
shall have been exhausted and unless:
(a) The claim shall have been reduced to final judgment
in a court of competent jurisdiction; or
(b) The claim has been approved for payment.
(4) The liability account shall be financed through
annual premiums assessed to state agencies, based on sound
actuarial principles, and shall be for liability coverage in
excess of agency-budgeted self-retention levels.
(5) Annual premium levels shall be determined by the
risk manager. An actuarial study shall be conducted to assist
in determining the appropriate level of funding.
(6) Disbursements for claims from the liability account
shall be made to the claimant, or to the clerk of the court for
judgments, upon written request to the state treasurer from
the risk manager.
(7) The director may direct agencies to transfer moneys
from other funds and accounts to the liability account if pre
miums are delinquent.
(8) The liability account shall not exceed fifty percent of
the actuarial value of the outstanding liability as determined
annually by the office of risk management. If the account
exceeds the maximum amount specified in this section, pre
miums may be adjusted by the office of risk management in
order to maintain the account balance at the maximum limits.
If, after adjustment of premiums, the account balance
remains above the limits specified, the excess amount shall
be prorated back to the appropriate funds. [2011 1st sp.s. c 43
§ 513; 2009 c 560 § 15; 2002 c 332 § 14; 1999 c 163 § 1; 1991
sp.s. c 13 § 92; 1989 c 419 § 4; 1985 c 217 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s.
c 126 § 3; 1969 c 140 § 1; 1963 c 159 § 7.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—Disposition of property and funds—
Assignment/delegation of contractual rights or duties—2009 c 560: See
notes following RCW 18.06.080.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
Actions against regents, trustees, etc., of institutions of higher education or
educational boards, payments of obligations from liability account:
RCW 28B.10.842.
Department of enterprise services to conduct actuarial studies: RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.150 Compro mise and settlement of cla ims by attorney general.
4.92.150 Compromise and settlement of claims by
attorney general. After commencement of an action in a
court of competent jurisdiction upon a claim against the state,
or any of its officers, employees, or volunteers arising out of
tortious conduct or pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq., or
against a foster parent that the attorney general is defending
pursuant to RCW 4.92.070, or upon petition by the state, the
attorney general, with the prior approval of the office of risk
management and with the approval of the court, following
such testimony as the court may require, may compromise
and settle the same and stipulate for judgment against the
state, the affected officer, employee, volunteer, or foster par
ent. [2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 514; 2002 c 332 § 15; 1989 c 403
§ 4. Prior: 1985 c 217 § 5; 1985 c 188 § 9; 1979 ex.s. c 144 §
2; 1975 1st ex.s. c 126 § 5; 1963 c 159 § 9.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Findings—1989 c 403: See note following RCW 4.92.060.
4.92.160 Payment of claims and judgments.
4.92.160 Payment of claims and judgments. Payment
of claims and judgments arising out of tortious conduct or
pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq. shall not be made by
any agency or department of state government with the
exception of the office of risk management, and that office
shall authorize and direct the payment of moneys only from
the liability account whenever:
(1) The head or governing body of any agency or depart-
ment of state or the designee of any such agency certifies to
the office of risk management that a claim has been settled; or
(2) The clerk of court has made and forwarded a certified
copy of a final judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction
and the attorney general certifies that the judgment is final
and was entered in an action on a claim arising out of tortious
conduct or under and pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq.
Payment of a judgment shall be made to the clerk of the court
for the benefit of the judgment creditors. Upon receipt of pay
ment, the clerk shall satisfy the judgment against the state.
[2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 515; 2002 c 332 § 16; 1999 c 163 § 4;
1991 c 187 § 3; 1986 c 126 § 9; 1979 ex.s. c 144 § 3; 1979 c
151 § 5; 1975 1st ex.s. c 126 § 6; 1969 c 140 § 2; 1963 c 159
§ 10.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—1991 c 187: "It is the intent of the legislature that the tort claims
revolving fund created under section 1 of this act have [has] the same pur
pose, use, and application as the tort claims revolving fund abolished effec-
tive July 1, 1989, by the legislature in chapter 419, Laws of 1989." [1991 c
187 § 2.]
Duty of clerk to forward copy of judgment: RCW 4.92.040.
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.175 Action against state patrol officers in private law enforcement off-duty em ployment—Im munity of state—Notice to employer.
4.92.175 Action against state patrol officers in pri-
vate law enforcement off-duty employment—Immunity
of state—Notice to employer. (1) The state of Washington
is not liable for tortious conduct by Washington state patrol
officers that occurs while such officers are engaged in private
law enforcement off-duty employment.
4.92.180 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 74] (2016 Ed.)
(2) Upon petition of the state any suit, for which immu-
nity is granted to the state under subsection (1) of this section,
shall be dismissed.
(3) Washington state patrol officers engaged in private
law enforcement off-duty employment shall notify, in writ
ing, prior to such employment, anyone who employs Wash-
ington state patrol officers in private off-duty employment of
the specific provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this sec
tion. [1997 c 375 § 2.]
4.92.18 0
4.92.180 State, local governments not liable for injury to unauthorized third-party occupant of state or local government vehicle.
4.92.180 State, local governments not liable for
injury to unauthorized third-party occupant of state or
local government vehicle. (1) The state and local govern
ments are not liable for any injury received by a third-party
occupant of a vehicle that is owned, leased, or rented by the
state or local government if, at the time the injuries were
inflicted, the third-party occupant was:
(a) Riding in or on the vehicle with a state or local gov-
ernment employee who had explicitly acknowledged in writ-
ing the employer's policy on use of vehicles owned, leased, or
rented by the state or local government; and
(b) Not specifically and expressly authorized by the state
or local government to be an occupant of the vehicle.
(2) For purposes of this section, "third-party occupant"
means a person who occupies a vehicle owned, leased, or
rented by the state or local government and who is not an offi
cer, employee, or agent of the state or local government.
"Local government" includes any city, county, or other sub
division of the state and any municipal corporation, quasi-
municipal corporation, or special district within the state.
[2011 c 82 § 2.]
Intent—2011 c 82: "The legislature intends to overrule the state
supreme court's holding in Rahman v. State, No. 83428-8 (January 20, 2011),
by modifying the application of the common law doctrine of respondeat
superior." [2011 c 82 § 1.]
Application—2011 c 82: "This act applies to all causes of action accru-
ing on or after July 22, 2011." [2011 c 82 § 4.]
4.92.20 0
4.92.200 Actio ns against state on stat e warrant appearing to b e redeemed—Claim require d—Time limitation.
4.92.200 Actions against state on state warrant
appearing to be redeemed—Claim required—Time lim
itation. No action shall be commenced against the state on
account of any state warrant appearing to have been
redeemed unless a claim has been presented and filed with
the state treasurer within six years of the date of issuance of
such warrant. The requirements of this section shall not
extend or modify the period of limitations otherwise applica
ble within which an action must be commenced, but such
period shall begin and shall continue to run as if no claim
were required. [1975 c 48 § 1.]
State warrants: RCW 43.08.061 through 43.08.080.
4.92.21 0
4.92.210 Risk management—Review of c laims—Settlements.
4.92.210 Risk management—Review of claims—Set-
tlements. (1) All liability claims arising out of tortious con-
duct or under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq. that the state of
Washington or any of its officers, employees, or volunteers
would be liable for shall be filed with the office of risk man
(2) A centralized claim tracking system shall be main-
tained to provide agencies with accurate and timely data on
the status of liability claims. Information in this claim file,
other than the claim itself, shall be privileged and confiden
(3) Standardized procedures shall be established for fil-
ing, reporting, processing, and adjusting claims, which
includes the use of qualified claims management personnel.
(4) All claims shall be reviewed by the office of risk
management to determine an initial valuation, to delegate to
the appropriate office to investigate, negotiate, compromise,
and settle the claim, or to retain that responsibility on behalf
of and with the assistance of the affected state agency.
(5) All claims that result in a lawsuit shall be forwarded
to the attorney general's office. Thereafter the attorney gen
eral and the office of risk management shall collaborate in the
investigation, denial, or settlement of the claim.
(6) Reserves shall be established for recognizing finan-
cial liability and monitoring effectiveness. The valuation of
specific claims against the state shall be privileged and confi
(7) All settlements shall be approved by the responsible
agencies, or their designees, prior to settlement. [2011 1st
sp.s. c 43 § 516; 2002 c 332 § 17; 1989 c 419 § 3.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.220 Risk m anagement administration account.
4.92.220 Risk management administration account.
(1) The risk management administration account is created in
the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from appropri
ations and assessments shall be deposited into the account.
Only the director or the director's designee may authorize
expenditures from the account. The account is subject to
allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but no
appropriation is required for expenditures.
(2) The risk management administration account is to be
used for the payment of costs related to:
(a) The appropriated administration of liability, property,
and vehicle claims, including investigation, claim processing,
negotiation, and settlement, and other expenses relating to
settlements and judgments against the state not otherwise
budgeted; and
(b) The nonappropriated pass-through cost associated
with the purchase of liability and property insurance, includ
ing catastrophic insurance, subject to policy conditions and
limitations determined by the risk manager.
(3) The risk management administration account's
appropriation for risk management shall be financed through
a combination of direct appropriations and assessments to
state agencies. [2002 c 332 § 18; 1998 c 105 § 2; 1995 c 137
§ 1; 1991 sp.s. c 13 § 91; 1989 c 419 § 5.]
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.92.240 Rules.
4.92.240 Rules. The director has the power to adopt
rules necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter. [2002 c
332 § 20; 1989 c 419 § 8.]
Actions Against Political Subdivisions, Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Corporations 4.96.020
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 75]
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.25 0
4.92.250 Risk management—Risk manager may delegate powers and duties.
4.92.250 Risk management—Risk manager may del-
egate powers and duties. The risk manager may delegate to
a state agency the authority to carry out any powers or duties
of the risk manager under this chapter related to claims
administration and purchase of insurance for the purpose of
protecting any classes of officers, employees, or for other
persons performing services for the state. Such delegation
shall be made only upon a determination by the risk manager
that another agency has sufficient resources to carry out the
functions delegated. [1989 c 419 § 9.]
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.26 0
4.92.260 Construction.
4.92.260 Construction. Nothing in this chapter shall be
construed as amending, repealing, or otherwise affecting
RCW 28B.20.250 through 28B.20.255. [1989 c 419 § 10.]
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.27 0
4.92.270 Risk management—Standard indemnification agreements.
4.92.270 Risk management—Standard indemnifica-
tion agreements. The risk manager shall develop procedures
for standard indemnification agreements for state agencies to
use whenever the agency agrees to indemnify, or be indemni
fied by, any person or party. The risk manager shall also
develop guidelines for the use of indemnification agreements
by state agencies. On request of the risk manager, an agency
shall forward to the office of risk management for review and
approval any contract or agreement containing an indemnifi
cation agreement. [2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 517; 2002 c 332 §
21; 1989 c 419 § 15.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Effective date—2002 c 332: See notes following RCW
Intent—Effective date—1989 c 419: See notes following RCW
4.92.28 0
4.92.28 0 Local gov ernment rei mbursement claims.
4.92.280 Local government reimbursement claims.
If chapter 217, Laws of 1998 mandates an increased level of
service by local governments, the local government may,
under RCW 43.135.060 and chapter 4.92 RCW, submit
claims for reimbursement by the legislature. The claims shall
be subject to verification by the department of enterprise ser
vices. [2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 518; 1998 c 217 § 4.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following
RCW 43.19.003.
Chapter 4.96
Chapter 4.96 RCW
4.96.010 Tortious conduct of local governmental entities—Liability for
4.96.020 Tortious conduct of local governmental entities and their
agents—Claims—Presentment and filing—Contents.
4.96.041 Action or proceeding against officer, employee, or volunteer
of local governmental entity—Payment of damages and
expenses of defense.
4.96.050 Bond not required.
Claims, reports, etc., filing and receipt: RCW 1.12.070.
Interest on judgments: RCW 4.56.115.
Liability of local governments for injury to unauthorized third-party occu-
pant of local government vehicle: RCW 4.92.180.
Liability of public officials and governing body members: RCW 4.24.470.
4.96.010 Tortious conduct of local governmental entities—Liability for damages.
4.96.010 Tortious conduct of local governmental
entities—Liability for damages. (1) All local governmental
entities, whether acting in a governmental or proprietary
capacity, shall be liable for damages arising out of their tor
tious conduct, or the tortious conduct of their past or present
officers, employees, or volunteers while performing or in
good faith purporting to perform their official duties, to the
same extent as if they were a private person or corporation.
Filing a claim for damages within the time allowed by law
shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of any
action claiming damages. The laws specifying the content for
such claims shall be liberally construed so that substantial
compliance therewith will be deemed satisfactory.
(2) Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, for the
purposes of this chapter, "local governmental entity" means a
county, city, town, special district, municipal corporation as
defined in RCW 39.50.010, quasi-municipal corporation, any
joint municipal utility services authority, any entity created
by public agencies under RCW 39.34.030, or public hospital.
(3) For the purposes of this chapter, "volunteer" is
defined according to RCW 51.12.035. [2011 c 258 § 10;
2001 c 119 § 1; 1993 c 449 § 2; 1967 c 164 § 1.]
Short title—Purpose—Intent—2011 c 258: See RCW 39.106.010.
Purpose—1993 c 449: "This act is designed to provide a single, uni-
form procedure for bringing a claim for damages against a local governmen-
tal entity. The existing procedures, contained in chapter 36.45 RCW, coun-
ties, chapter 35.31 RCW, cities and towns, chapter 35A.31 RCW, optional
municipal code, and chapter 4.96 RCW, other political subdivisions, munic
ipal corporations, and quasi-municipal corporations, are revised and consol-
idated into chapter 4.96 RCW." [1993 c 449 § 1.]
Purpose—1967 c 164: "It is the purpose of this act to extend the doc-
trine established in chapter 136, Laws of 1961, as amended, to all political
subdivisions, municipal corporations and quasi municipal corporations of
the state." [1967 c 164 § 17.]
Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov
4.96.020 Torti ous conduct of local gove rnmental entities and thei r agents—Claims—Presentme nt and filing—Contents.
4.96.020 Tortious conduct of local governmental
entities and their agents—Claims—Presentment and fil
ing—Contents. (1) The provisions of this section apply to
claims for damages against all local governmental entities
and their officers, employees, or volunteers, acting in such
(2) The governing body of each local governmental
entity shall appoint an agent to receive any claim for damages
made under this chapter. The identity of the agent and the
address where he or she may be reached during the normal
business hours of the local governmental entity are public
records and shall be recorded with the auditor of the county in
which the entity is located. All claims for damages against a
local governmental entity, or against any local governmental
entity's officers, employees, or volunteers, acting in such
capacity, shall be presented to the agent within the applicable
period of limitations within which an action must be com
4.96.041 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 76] (2016 Ed.)
menced. A claim is deemed presented when the claim form is
delivered in person or is received by the agent by regular
mail, registered mail, or certified mail, with return receipt
requested, to the agent or other person designated to accept
delivery at the agent's office. The failure of a local govern
mental entity to comply with the requirements of this section
precludes that local governmental entity from raising a
defense under this chapter.
(3) For claims for damages presented after July 26, 2009,
all claims for damages must be presented on the standard tort
claim form that is maintained by the office of risk manage
ment in the department of enterprise services, except as
allowed under (c) of this subsection. The standard tort claim
form must be posted on the department of enterprise services'
web site.
(a) The standard tort claim form must, at a minimum,
require the following information:
(i) The claimant's name, date of birth, and contact infor-
(ii) A description of the conduct and the circumstances
that brought about the injury or damage;
(iii) A description of the injury or damage;
(iv) A statement of the time and place that the injury or
damage occurred;
(v) A listing of the names of all persons involved and
contact information, if known;
(vi) A statement of the amount of damages claimed; and
(vii) A statement of the actual residence of the claimant
at the time of presenting the claim and at the time the claim
(b) The standard tort claim form must be signed either:
(i) By the claimant, verifying the claim;
(ii) Pursuant to a written power of attorney, by the attor-
ney-in-fact for the claimant;
(iii) By an attorney admitted to practice in Washington
state on the claimant's behalf; or
(iv) By a court-approved guardian or guardian ad litem
on behalf of the claimant.
(c) Local governmental entities shall make available the
standard tort claim form described in this section with
instructions on how the form is to be presented and the name,
address, and business hours of the agent of the local govern
mental entity. If a local governmental entity chooses to also
make available its own tort claim form in lieu of the standard
tort claim form, the form:
(i) May require additional information beyond what is
specified under this section, but the local governmental entity
may not deny a claim because of the claimant's failure to pro
vide that additional information;
(ii) Must not require the claimant's social security num-
ber; and
(iii) Must include instructions on how the form is to be
presented and the name, address, and business hours of the
agent of the local governmental entity appointed to receive
the claim.
(d) If any claim form provided by the local governmental
entity fails to require the information specified in this section,
or incorrectly lists the agent with whom the claim is to be
filed, the local governmental entity is deemed to have waived
any defense related to the failure to provide that specific
information or to present the claim to the proper designated
(e) Presenting either the standard tort claim form or the
local government tort claim form satisfies the requirements
of this chapter.
(f) The amount of damages stated on the claim form is
not admissible at trial.
(4) No action subject to the claim filing requirements of
this section shall be commenced against any local govern
mental entity, or against any local governmental entity's offi-
cers, employees, or volunteers, acting in such capacity, for
damages arising out of tortious conduct until sixty calendar
days have elapsed after the claim has first been presented to
the agent of the governing body thereof. The applicable
period of limitations within which an action must be com
menced shall be tolled during the sixty calendar day period.
For the purposes of the applicable period of limitations, an
action commenced within five court days after the sixty cal
endar day period has elapsed is deemed to have been pre-
sented on the first day after the sixty calendar day period
(5) With respect to the content of claims under this sec-
tion and all procedural requirements in this section, this sec-
tion must be liberally construed so that substantial compli-
ance will be deemed satisfactory. [2015 c 225 § 6; 2012 c
250 § 2; 2009 c 433 § 1; 2006 c 82 § 3; 2001 c 119 § 2; 1993
c 449 § 3; 1967 c 164 § 4.]
Purpose—Severability—1993 c 449: See notes following RCW
4.96.041 Action or proceeding against officer, employee, or volunteer of local governmental entity—Payment of damages and expenses of defense.
4.96.041 Action or proceeding against officer,
employee, or volunteer of local governmental entity—
Payment of damages and expenses of defense. (1) When
ever an action or proceeding for damages is brought against
any past or present officer, employee, or volunteer of a local
governmental entity of this state, arising from acts or omis
sions while performing or in good faith purporting to perform
his or her official duties, such officer, employee, or volunteer
may request the local governmental entity to authorize the
defense of the action or proceeding at the expense of the local
governmental entity.
(2) If the legislative authority of the local governmental
entity, or the local governmental entity using a procedure cre
ated by ordinance or resolution, finds that the acts or omis-
sions of the officer, employee, or volunteer were, or in good
faith purported to be, within the scope of his or her official
duties, the request shall be granted. If the request is granted,
the necessary expenses of defending the action or proceeding
shall be paid by the local governmental entity. Any monetary
judgment against the officer, employee, or volunteer shall be
paid on approval of the legislative authority of the local gov
ernmental entity or by a procedure for approval created by
ordinance or resolution.
(3) The necessary expenses of defending an elective offi-
cer of the local governmental entity in a judicial hearing to
determine the sufficiency of a recall charge as provided in
*RCW 29.82.023 shall be paid by the local governmental
entity if the officer requests such defense and approval is
granted by both the legislative authority of the local govern
mental entity and the attorney representing the local govern-
mental entity. The expenses paid by the local governmental
Wrongly Convicted Persons 4.100.040
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 77]
entity may include costs associated with an appeal of the
decision rendered by the superior court concerning the suffi
ciency of the recall charge.
(4) When an officer, employee, or volunteer of the local
governmental entity has been represented at the expense of
the local governmental entity under subsection (1) of this sec
tion and the court hearing the action has found that the offi-
cer, employee, or volunteer was acting within the scope of his
or her official duties, and a judgment has been entered against
the officer, employee, or volunteer under chapter 4.96 RCW
or 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1981 et seq., thereafter the judgment credi
tor shall seek satisfaction for nonpunitive damages only from
the local governmental entity, and judgment for nonpunitive
damages shall not become a lien upon any property of such
officer, employee, or volunteer. The legislative authority of a
local governmental entity may, pursuant to a procedure cre
ated by ordinance or resolution, agree to pay an award for
punitive damages. [1993 c 449 § 4; 1989 c 250 § 1; 1979
ex.s. c 72 § 1. Formerly RCW 36.16.134.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 29.82.023 was recodified as RCW 29A.56.140
pursuant to 2003 c 111 § 2401, effective July 1, 2004.
Purpose—Severability—1993 c 449: See notes following RCW
4.96.05 0
4.96.050 Bond not required.
4.96.050 Bond not required. No bond is required of
any local governmental entity for any purpose in any case in
any of the courts of the state of Washington and all local gov
ernmental entities shall be, on proper showing, entitled to any
orders, injunctions, and writs of whatever nature without
bond, notwithstanding the provisions of any existing statute
requiring that bonds be furnished by private parties. [1993 c
449 § 5.]
Purpose—Severability—1993 c 449: See notes following RCW
Chapter 4.100
Chapter 4.100 RCW
4.100.010 Intent.
4.100.020 Claim for compensation—Definitions.
4.100.030 Procedure for filing of claims.
4.100.040 Claims—Evidence, determinations required—Dismissal of
4.100.050 Appeals.
4.100.060 Compensation awards—Amounts—Proof required—Reentry
4.100.070 Provision of information—Statute of limitations.
4.100.080 Remedies and compensation exclusive—Admissibility of
4.100.090 Actions for compensation.
4.100.010 Intent.
4.100.010 Intent. The legislature recognizes that per-
sons convicted and imprisoned for crimes they did not com-
mit have been uniquely victimized. Having suffered tremen-
dous injustice by being stripped of their lives and liberty, they
are forced to endure imprisonment and are later stigmatized
as felons. A majority of those wrongly convicted in Washing
ton state have no remedy available under the law for the
destruction of their personal lives resulting from errors in our
criminal justice system. The legislature intends to provide an
avenue for those who have been wrongly convicted in Wash
ington state to redress the lost years of their lives, and help to
address the unique challenges faced by the wrongly con
victed after exoneration. [2013 c 175 § 1.]
4.100.020 Claim for compensation—Definitions.
4.100.020 Claim for compensation—Definitions. (1)
Any person convicted in superior court and subsequently
imprisoned for one or more felonies of which he or she is
actually innocent may file a claim for compensation against
the state.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, a person is:
(a) "Actually innocent" of a felony if he or she did not
engage in any illegal conduct alleged in the charging docu
ments; and
(b) "Wrongly convicted" if he or she was charged, con-
victed, and imprisoned for one or more felonies of which he
or she is actually innocent.
(3)(a) If the person entitled to file a claim under subsec-
tion (1) of this section is incapacitated and incapable of filing
the claim, or if he or she is a minor, or is a nonresident of the
state, the claim may be filed on behalf of the claimant by an
authorized agent.
(b) A claim filed under this chapter survives to the per-
sonal representative of the claimant as provided in RCW
4.20.046. [2013 c 175 § 2.]
4.100.030 Procedure for filing of claims.
4.100.030 Procedure for filing of claims. (1) All
claims under this chapter must be filed in superior court. The
venue for such actions is governed by RCW 4.12.020.
(2) Service of the summons and complaint is governed
by RCW 4.28.080. [2013 c 175 § 3.]
4.100.040 Claims—Evidence, determinations required—Dismissal of claim.
4.100.040 Claims—Evidence, determinations
required—Dismissal of claim. (1) In order to file an action
able claim for compensation under this chapter, the claimant
must establish by documentary evidence that:
(a) The claimant has been convicted of one or more felo-
nies in superior court and subsequently sentenced to a term of
imprisonment, and has served all or part of the sentence;
(b)(i) The claimant is not currently incarcerated for any
offense; and
(ii) During the period of confinement for which the
claimant is seeking compensation, the claimant was not serv
ing a term of imprisonment or a concurrent sentence for any
crime other than the felony or felonies that are the basis for
the claim;
(c)(i) The claimant has been pardoned on grounds con-
sistent with innocence for the felony or felonies that are the
basis for the claim; or
(ii) The claimant's judgment of conviction was reversed
or vacated and the charging document dismissed on the basis
of significant new exculpatory information or, if a new trial
was ordered pursuant to the presentation of significant new
exculpatory information, either the claimant was found not
guilty at the new trial or the claimant was not retried and the
charging document dismissed; and
(d) The claim is not time barred by RCW 4.100.090.
(2) In addition to the requirements in subsection (1) of
this section, the claimant must state facts in sufficient detail
for the finder of fact to determine that:
(a) The claimant did not engage in any illegal conduct
alleged in the charging documents; and
4.100.050 Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure
[Title 4 RCW—page 78] (2016 Ed.)
(b) The claimant did not commit or suborn perjury, or
fabricate evidence to cause or bring about the conviction. A
guilty plea to a crime the claimant did not commit, or a con
fession that is later determined by a court to be false, does not
automatically constitute perjury or fabricated evidence under
this subsection.
(3) Convictions vacated, overturned, or subject to resen-
tencing pursuant to In re: Personal Detention of Andress, 147
Wn.2d 602 (2002) may not serve as the basis for a claim
under this chapter unless the claimant otherwise satisfies the
qualifying criteria set forth in RCW 4.100.020 and this sec
(4) The claimant must verify the claim unless he or she is
incapacitated, in which case the personal representative or
agent filing on behalf of the claimant must verify the claim.
(5) If the attorney general concedes that the claimant was
wrongly convicted, the court must award compensation as
provided in RCW 4.100.060.
(6)(a) If the attorney general does not concede that the
claimant was wrongly convicted and the court finds after
reading the claim that the claimant does not meet the filing
criteria set forth in this section, it may dismiss the claim,
either on its own motion or on the motion of the attorney gen
(b) If the court dismisses the claim, the court must set
forth the reasons for its decision in written findings of fact
and conclusions of law. [2013 c 175 § 4.]
4.100.050 Appeals.
4.100.050 Appeals. Any party is entitled to the rights of
appeal afforded parties in a civil action following a decision
on such motions. In the case of dismissal of a claim, review
of the superior court action is de novo. [2013 c 175 § 5.]
4.100.060 Compensation awards—Amounts—Proof required—Reentry services.
4.100.060 Compensation awards—Amounts—Proof
required—Reentry services. (1) In order to obtain a judg
ment in his or her favor, the claimant must show by clear and
convincing evidence that:
(a) The claimant was convicted of one or more felonies
in superior court and subsequently sentenced to a term of
imprisonment, and has served all or any part of the sentence;
(b)(i) The claimant is not currently incarcerated for any
offense; and
(ii) During the period of confinement for which the
claimant is seeking compensation, the claimant was not serv
ing a term of imprisonment or a concurrent sentence for any
conviction other than those that are the basis for the claim;
(c)(i) The claimant has been pardoned on grounds con-
sistent with innocence for the felony or felonies that are the
basis for the claim; or
(ii) The claimant's judgment of conviction was reversed
or vacated and the charging document dismissed on the basis
of significant new exculpatory information or, if a new trial
was ordered pursuant to the presentation of significant new
exculpatory information, either the claimant was found not
guilty at the new trial or the claimant was not retried and the
charging document dismissed;
(d) The claimant did not engage in any illegal conduct
alleged in the charging documents; and
(e) The claimant did not commit or suborn perjury, or
fabricate evidence to cause or bring about his or her convic
tion. A guilty plea to a crime the claimant did not commit, or
a confession that is later determined by a court to be false,
does not automatically constitute perjury or fabricated evi
dence under this subsection.
(2) Any pardon or proclamation issued to the claimant
must be certified by the officer having lawful custody of the
pardon or proclamation, and be affixed with the seal of the
office of the governor, or with the official certificate of such
officer before it may be offered as evidence.
(3) In exercising its discretion regarding the weight and
admissibility of evidence, the court must give due consider
ation to difficulties of proof caused by the passage of time or
by release of evidence pursuant to a plea, the death or
unavailability of witnesses, the destruction of evidence, or
other factors not caused by the parties.
(4) The claimant may not be compensated for any period
of time in which he or she was serving a term of imprison
ment or a concurrent sentence for any conviction other than
the felony or felonies that are the basis for the claim.
(5) If the jury or, in the case where the right to a jury is
waived, the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that
the claimant was wrongly convicted, the court must order the
state to pay the actually innocent claimant the following com
pensation award, as adjusted for partial years served and to
account for inflation from July 28, 2013:
(a) Fifty thousand dollars for each year of actual confine-
ment including time spent awaiting trial and an additional
fifty thousand dollars for each year served under a sentence
of death pursuant to chapter 10.95 RCW;
(b) Twenty-five thousand dollars for each year served on
parole, community custody, or as a registered sex offender
pursuant only to the felony or felonies which are grounds for
the claim;
(c) Compensation for child support payments owed by
the claimant that became due and interest on child support
arrearages that accrued while the claimant was in custody on
the felony or felonies that are grounds for the compensation
claim. The funds must be paid on the claimant's behalf in a
lump sum payment to the department of social and health ser
vices for disbursement under Title 26 RCW;
(d) Reimbursement for all restitution, assessments, fees,
court costs, and all other sums paid by the claimant as
required by pretrial orders and the judgment and sentence;
(e) Attorneys' fees for successfully bringing the wrong-
ful conviction claim calculated at ten percent of the monetary
damages awarded under subsection (5)(a) and (b) of this sec
tion, plus expenses. However, attorneys' fees and expenses
may not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars. These fees
may not be deducted from the compensation award due to the
claimant and counsel is not entitled to receive additional fees
from the client related to the claim. The court may not award
any attorneys' fees to the claimant if the claimant fails to
prove he or she was wrongly convicted.
(6) The compensation award may not include any puni-
tive damages.
(7) The court may not offset the compensation award by
any expenses incurred by the state, the county, or any politi
cal subdivision of the state including, but not limited to,
expenses incurred to secure the claimant's custody, or to feed,
clothe, or provide medical services for the claimant. The
court may not offset against the compensation award the
Wrongly Convicted Persons 4.100.090
(2016 Ed.) [Title 4 RCW—page 79]
value of any services or reduction in fees for services to be
provided to the claimant as part of the award under this sec
(8) The compensation award is not income for tax pur-
poses, except attorneys' fees awarded under subsection (5)(e)
of this section.
(9)(a) Upon finding that the claimant was wrongly con-
victed, the court must seal the claimant's record of convic-
(b) Upon request of the claimant, the court may order the
claimant's record of conviction vacated if the record has not
already been vacated, expunged, or destroyed under court
rules. The requirements for vacating records under RCW
9.94A.640 do not apply.
(10) Upon request of the claimant, the court must refer
the claimant to the department of corrections or the depart
ment of social and health services for access to reentry ser-
vices, if available, including but not limited to counseling on
the ability to enter into a structured settlement agreement and
where to obtain free or low-cost legal and financial advice if
the claimant is not already represented, the community-based
transition programs and long-term support programs for edu
cation, mentoring, life skills training, assessment, job skills
development, mental health and substance abuse treatment.
(11) The claimant or the attorney general may initiate
and agree to a claim with a structured settlement for the com
pensation awarded under subsection (5) of this section.
During negotiation of the structured settlement agreement,
the claimant must be given adequate time to consult with the
legal and financial advisor of his or her choice. Any struc
tured settlement agreement binds the parties with regard to all
compensation awarded. A structured settlement agreement
entered into under this section must be in writing and signed
by the parties or their representatives and must clearly state
that the parties understand and agree to the terms of the
(12) Before approving any structured settlement agree-
ment, the court must ensure that the claimant has an adequate
understanding of the agreement. The court may approve the
agreement only if the judge finds that the agreement is in the
best interest of the claimant and actuarially equivalent to the
lump sum compensation award under subsection (5) of this
section before taxation. When determining whether the
agreement is in the best interest of the claimant, the court
must consider the following factors:
(a) The age and life expectancy of the claimant;
(b) The marital or domestic partnership status of the
claimant; and
(c) The number and age of the claimant's dependants.
[2013 c 175 § 6.]
4.100.070 Pro vis ion of information—Statute o f limitations.
4.100.070 Provision of information—Statute of lim-
itations. (1) On or after July 28, 2013, when a court grants
judicial relief, such as reversal and vacation of a person's con
viction, consistent with the criteria established in RCW
4.100.040, the court must provide to the claimant a copy of
RCW 4.100.020 through 4.100.090, 28B.15.395, and
72.09.750 at the time the relief is granted.
(2) The clemency and pardons board or the indetermi-
nate sentence review board, whichever is applicable, upon
issuance of a pardon by the governor on grounds consistent
with innocence on or after July 28, 2013, must provide a copy
of RCW 4.100.020 through 4.100.090, 28B.15.395, and
72.09.750 to the individual pardoned.
(3) If an individual entitled to receive the information
required under this section shows that he or she was not pro
vided with the information, he or she has an additional twelve
months, beyond the statute of limitations under RCW
4.100.090, to bring a claim under this chapter. [2013 c 175 §
4.100.080 Remedies and compensation exclusive—Admissibility of agreements.
4.100.080 Remedies and compensation exclusive—
Admissibility of agreements. (1) It is the intent of the legis
lature that the remedies and compensation provided under
this chapter shall be exclusive to all other remedies at law and
in equity against the state or any political subdivision of the
state. As a requirement to making a request for relief under
this chapter, the claimant waives any and all other remedies,
causes of action, and other forms of relief or compensation
against the state, any political subdivision of the state, and
their officers, employees, agents, and volunteers related to
the claimant's wrongful conviction and imprisonment. This
waiver shall also include all state, common law, and federal
claims for relief, including claims pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec.
1983. A wrongfully convicted person who elects not to pur
sue a claim for compensation pursuant to this chapter shall
not be precluded from seeking relief through any other exist
ing remedy. The claimant must execute a legal release prior
to the payment of any compensation under this chapter. If the
release is held invalid for any reason and the claimant is
awarded compensation under this chapter and receives a tort
award related to his or her wrongful conviction and incarcer
ation, the claimant must reimburse the state for the lesser of:
(a) The amount of the compensation award, excluding
the portion awarded pursuant to RCW 4.100.060(5) (c)
through (e); or
(b) The amount received by the claimant under the tort
(2) A release dismissal agreement, plea agreement, or
any similar agreement whereby a prosecutor's office or an
agent acting on its behalf agrees to take or refrain from cer
tain action if the accused individual agrees to forgo legal
action against the county, the state of Washington, or any
political subdivision, is admissible and should be evaluated
in light of all the evidence. However, any such agreement is
not dispositive of the question of whether the claimant was
wrongly convicted or entitled to compensation under this
chapter. [2013 c 175 § 8.]
4.100.090 Actions for compensation.
4.100.090 Actions for compensation. Except as pro-
vided in RCW 4.100.070, an action for compensation under
this chapter must be commenced within three years after the
grant of a pardon, the grant of judicial relief and satisfaction
of other conditions described in RCW 4.100.020, or release
from custody, whichever is later. However, any action by the
state challenging or appealing the grant of judicial relief or
release from custody tolls the three-year period. Any persons
meeting the criteria set forth in RCW 4.100.020 who was
wrongly convicted before July 28, 2013, may commence an
action under this chapter within three years after July 28,
2013. [2013 c 175 § 9.]