Nutrition for Athletes
Athletes regularly engaging in strenuous exercise programs should be aware of their daily nutritional
needs. Maintaining a healthy diet that provides adequate energy and nutrients is vital to support
intense training as well as to optimize immune system functions. The following is a summary of the
2009 guidelines from the Nutrition and Athletic Performance position paper of the American College
of Sports Medicine, the American Dietetic Association, and the Dietitians of Canada.
Energy Requirements
In order for athletes to meet their energy needs, they must consume sufficient calories. If energy
needs are not met, fat and lean body tissue will be used as fuel by the body. This will cause a loss of
strength and endurance. Furthermore, immune, endocrine, and musculoskeletal function will be
compromised. Over time, low calorie intake may result in a slower resting metabolic rate, and
inadequate consumption of essential vitamins and minerals.
Athletes who participate in weight class sports such as boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts are
at risk for the adverse effects of poor energy intake if they undergo extreme measures to rapidly lose
weight prior to a competition. Such energy restrictions may cause loss of muscle and may interfere
with athletic performance.
For personalized information regarding appropriate calorie intakes for athletes, please visit:
Carbohydrate Requirements
Carbohydrates include both complex and simple sugars. Carbohydrates maintain blood sugar levels
to fuel exercise. They also replenish glycogen which is the storage form of carbohydrates within
muscles. The recommended daily carbohydrate intake for athletes ranges from 6-10 g/kg body
Protein Requirements
Protein is the building block of muscle tissue. In addition, it has many other functions throughout the
human body. Endurance athletes are advised to ingest between 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per
kilogram of body weight each day. Ultra-endurance athletes who participate in continuous training for
several hours or consecutive days should consume slightly more protein than this; however,
consumption of more than 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight is not recommended. Strength
athletes are encouraged to consume protein in the range of 1.2-1.7 g/kg body weight. This amount is
generally easy to obtain through a normal diet without the use of supplements. High quality protein
sources such as whey, casein, or soy are equally effective in the maintenance, repair, and synthesis
of muscle proteins.
Fat Requirements
Adequate intake of fat is necessary for numerous metabolic activities that promote optimal health.
For example, vitamins A, D, and E require fat for proper absorption. Fat intake for an athlete should
range between 20-35% of total daily calories. Current dietary guidelines recommend that 10% of fat
intake should come from monounsaturated sources, 10% from polyunsaturated sources, and no more
than 10% from saturated fat. Research does not show any beneficial effects from a diet that includes
excessive fat intake (>70% of total energy).
Vitamin and Mineral Requirements
Micronutrients function in a variety of roles that optimize health. They are involved in energy
production, blood synthesis, maintenance of bone health, immune function, and the prevention of
oxidative damage. They also aid in the process of muscle and tissue repair during recovery from
exercise or injury.
Generally, athletes consuming a healthy diet do not require any additional supplementation of
micronutrients. However, a multivitamin supplement may be appropriate if an athlete is dieting, or
avoids certain food or food groups. Supplementation of single nutrients such as iron may be required
if a deficiency is diagnosed by a medical professional.
While supplementation with high doses of antioxidants (Vitamins C, E and B-carotene) is becoming a
popular practice among athletes, there is little evidence to suggest that antioxidant supplements
enhance performance. Athletes should be cautious of mega-dosing with these vitamins since higher
doses are likely to promote a deleterious effect.
Vegetarian athletes may be at risk for low intakes of iron, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, zinc and
vitamin B
Consultation with a sports dietitian is recommended to ensure adequate intakes of these
Timing of Food and Fluid Intakes
Before Exercise
The pre-exercise meal or snack should be familiar to the athlete and contain small amounts of fat and
fiber in order to promote quick digestion and minimize potential gastrointestinal discomfort. The meal
should be high in carbohydrates and moderate in protein. The amount of carbohydrate shown to
enhance performance generally ranges from 200-300 grams of carbohydrate eaten 3-4 hours before
an event.
Fluid should be consumed at least 4 hours before an exercise event. A water or sport beverage is
appropriate. The athlete should aim for 5-7 mL/kg (2-3 mL/lb) body weight of fluid for optimal
performance. Hyperhydration with water and glycerol mixtures should be discouraged since no
performance benefit has been established by this practice.
During Exercise
Sports drinks containing 6-8% carbohydrates are beneficial for exercise lasting longer than 1 hour in
duration. For long workouts or events, athletes are advised to consume 0.7g carbohydrates/kg body
weight (approximately 30-60 grams/hour.) Research has demonstrated an extended endurance
performance from this practice. Sports drinks offer a significant benefit for athletes who exercise in
the morning after an overnight fast when liver glycogen levels are low. Supplementing carbohydrates
during this type of exercise will also benefit athletes who have not eaten a pre-exercise meal as well
as those who are restricting calories for weight loss.
The greatest improvements in performance have been observed when sports drinks are used for
hydration at 15-20 min intervals. Liquid mixtures of glucose, fructose or other simple sugars are
equally effective. However, fructose alone is not as effective and may cause diarrhea.
Consumption of a sports beverage that contains electrolytes will help to maintain a fluid and
electrolyte balance. Drinks that contain sodium and potassium will aid in the replacement of
electrolytes lost in sweat. Sodium consumption will also encourage the drive to hydrate. Sweat
losses of greater than 2% of total body weight negatively influence athletic performance so adequate
fluid replacement during exercise is a chief priority.
After Exercise
The post-exercise meal depends on the length and intensity of the exercise, as well as the timing of
the next exercise session. When multiple bouts of training are expected in the same day,
carbohydrates should be consumed within 30 minutes after exercise in order to fully replenish
glycogen stores in the muscles. Consuming 1.0-1.5 grams of carbohydrates/kg body weight at 2 hour
intervals for up to 6 hours is recommended. Post-exercise glycogen synthesis with a combination of
simple sugars is more effective than fructose alone. Including portions of protein after exercise will
help to build and repair muscle tissue.
Recovery from dehydration during exercise is accomplished by drinking 16-24 oz (450-675 mL) of
fluid for every pound (0.5 kg) lost in sweat. Eating salty foods will also help to restore electrolyte
Article written by PR Cole, MS and Timothy Trainor, MD.
Rodriguez, N. R., DiMarco, N. M., Langley, S., Denny, S., Hager, M. H., Manore, M. M., et al. (2009).
Nutrition and Athletic Performance. [Review]. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(3),