A Performance Prediction Model for Spark
Muhammad Usama Javaid, Ahmed Amir Kanoun,Florian Demesmaeker, Amine
Ghrab and Sabri Skhiri
Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
Abstract. Apache Spark is a popular open-source distributed processing
framework that enables efficient processing of massive amounts of data. It
has a large number of configuration parameters that are strongly related to
performance. Spark performance, for a given application, can significantly
vary because of input data type and size, design & implementation of al-
gorithm, computational resources and parameter configuration. So, involve-
ment of all these variables makes performance prediction very difficult.In
this paper, we take into account all the variables and try to learn machine
learning based performance prediction model. We ran extensive experiments
on a selected set of Spark applications that cover the most common work-
loads to generate a representative dataset of execution time. In addition, we
extracted application and data features to build a machine learning based
performance model to predict Spark applications execution time. The exper-
iments show that boosting algorithms achieved better results compared to
the other algorithms.
Nowadays it is common for companies to face big data challenges, as they deal
with increasingly large and complex data. Yet, they often struggle to reduce the
processing time of such amount of data. Spark is a popular distributed processing
framework used in big data. However, it comes with too many parameters (above
200 parameters) that need to be tuned to get the best performance. Hence, it is
not easy to manually choose the values of the parameters that will lead to the best
performance. Also, not all the parameters are equally important and does not have
the same impact on performance. So more often in practice, only a subset of spark
parameters is tuned.
In this paper, we discuss the influence of a subset of Spark parameters on the com-
monly used applications in industry. We present our work in three main steps. First,
The elaboration of this scientific paper was supported by the Ministry of Economy,
Industry, Research, Innovation, IT, Employment and Education of the Region of Wallonia
(Belgium), through the funding of the industrial research project Jericho (convention no.
a framework to run a set of experiments in Spark and to record aggregate measures
of execution time. Second, we discuss the selection of spark parameter and extrac-
tion of spark job features to capture the job based effect on execution time. Third,
a performance model to predict spark application execution time regarding a set of
spark parameters, application features and input data size.
Therefore, through this paper, we aim to build a robust performance model using
machine learning algorithms to predict the execution time of a given Spark appli-
cation.To train a machine learning model, we generated an execution time dataset
of various spark applications. Different spark applications were executed with dif-
ferent sets of spark platform parameters along with various sizes of input data and
execution time was recorded. The most widely used spark jobs were selected for the
generation of the dataset. As shown in [1], some of the existing works tried to predict
Spark application performance using execution time as measure. However, the work
is limited to a small subset of algorithms and did not explore the application native
To overcome this limitation, we built a performance prediction framework that,
given a Spark application and the chosen configuration values, extracts the applica-
tion features and combine them with the dataset to predict the execution time of
the application. The contributions of our work can be summarized as follows:
We built a representative training dataset by identifying the most common Spark
application families and running extensive experiments with these families.
We extracted applications features at different levels (application, stage and job)
and input data features to built a performance model using machine learning
algorithms to predict Spark applications execution time.
We built different machine learning prediction models to predict execution time
of a Spark application and discussed their accuracy.
The remaining part of this paper is structured as follows: section 2 reviews the
state of the art in the domain of performance models for distributed processing
frameworks. Section 3 presents overview of the framework and building blocks of
the framework. Section 4 discusses the results and Section 5 concludes the paper.
In the recent times, big data frameworks have been very popular as data being
produced is increasing rapidly. Many big data frameworks have emerged to process
this ocean of data. Among these big data analytics platforms, Apache Spark[2],
an open source framework with implicit data parallelism and fault tolerance, is the
most popular framework for big data analytics. Due to its efficiency and in-memory
computation, Apache Spark is preferred over other frameworks like Hadoop which
is slower because of its disk based processing.
Performance prediction for big data analytics platforms is one of the emerging
domains that received so much attention in the recent time. The performance of an
application is affected by the settings parameters of the framework. There has been
a significant number of researches on performance prediction for various big data
analytics frameworks, in this paper we are focusing on performance prediction for
Apache Spark.
Most of the work in the state of the art focused on MapReduce computing
framework or Hadoop platform. Starfish[3] uses a cost-based modeling and simula-
tion to find the desired job configurations for MapReduce workloads. AROMA [4]
proposes a two phase machine learning and optimization framework for automated
job configuration and resource allocation for heterogeneous clouds. Hadoop’s sched-
uler can degrade the performance in heterogeneous environments and introduced a
new scheduler called Longest Approximate Time to End in [5]. In [6], the author
analyzed the variant effect of resource consumption for map and reduce. In [7], an
automated framework for configuration settings for Hadoop and in [8], the presented
KMeans based framework recommends configuration for new Hadoop jobs based on
similar past jobs which have performed well.
To the best of our knowledge, there is not a lot of work on the Apache Spark
performance prediction. A simulation-driven prediction model has been proposed in
[9], in order to predict a Spark job performance. In [10], the authors proposed a
support vector regression (SVR) approach for an auto-tuning model and they shown
its efficiency in terms of computation. In [11], the authors propose a Spark job
performance analysis and prediction tool, by parsing the logs of small scale job and
then simulating it for different configuration for performance prediction.
Recently, other machine learning based algorithms have shown significant perfor-
mance. In [12], the authors selected, what they considered as, the 12 most important
Spark parameters and shown a significant performance optimization by tuning them.
In [13], the authors proposed an approach to reduce the dimensionality. First, a bi-
nary classification model is built to predict the execution time of an Apache Spark
application under a given configuration. Then, they used second classification model
to define the range of performance improvements.
In [14], the authors proposed a parameter tuning framework for Big data analytics
with time constraint. In this work, a Spark application first needs to run at a smaller
scale with different parameters - called autotune testbed - capturing the effect of
parameters on execution time. Then, an autotune algorithm finds the best parameters
configuration for an application within a time constraint. In [15], authors present a
machine learning approach to predict execution time of a Spark job. For predicting
the execution time, they extract the job level features from Directed Acyclic Graph
(DAG) of Spark job and combine it with cluster features naming number of machines,
number of cores and RAM size to train a machine learning model. Their work is
limited to predicting execution time of SQL queries and Machine Learning workloads.
In this paper we propose to learn a Spark performance function. In our ap-
proach we do not need to run the application before estimating its performance.
Our algorithm applies prior knowledge learned on a dataset that we tried to make as
representative as possible of the reality. In this context, for a given Spark application,
configuration, resource and input data we can predict the application performance.
In this section, we present the experimental framework for performance prediction
of Spark platform. We explore machine learning algorithms and several aspects of
the experimental framework such as feature selection, data collection methods and
techniques, training, testing and evaluation. Finally, we evaluate these models w.r.t.
accuracy of predicting the execution time (performance) and their sensitivity to
various variables such as the Spark configuration parameters, training data size or
even the application characteristics.
3.1 An experimental framework for performance prediction of Spark
A performance model for Spark is required in order to predict the execution time of
a Spark job. Here is the Equation (1) proposed in [16] to denote the performance
perf = F (p, d , r , c) (1)
Where perf denotes the performance of a Spark application p processing d as
input data, running on r resources under the configuration c. As a result, F is the
function we want to approximate.
In this paper, our work focuses on performance prediction of a Spark application.
Here, the performance is the execution time of a Spark application. In order to learn
such a performance model, we needed first to have a dataset representative of the
typical Spark applications. Our intuition is that if we are able to create such a
dataset, we could end up with an algorithm able to generalise what it learned to
predict the performance of any new Spark applications. Therefore, based on our
industrial experience in this field, we selected different types of Spark applications:
(1) data science workload such as Kmeans, Binomial Logistic Regression, Decision
Tree Classifier, Linear Regression,(2) data integration such as SQL Groupby, sorting
data, (3) Graph processing such as PageRank, Single Source Shortest Path, Breadth
First Search in graphs, (4) general workload such as wordcount. In the rest of the
paper, we call these four types of workdloads the four families. We ran extensive
experiment on these Spark applications and used the approach described in [14]
to collect the data. We evaluated two approaches for modeling the performance
function. First, we tried to train a dedicated algorithm for each of the four workload
family. We had the intuition that a single model would be less accurate in predicting
the performance for so many types of workloads. However, in order to valid this
first assumption, we tried to train a single model for any kind of applications. We
found out that the single model approach was actually way better. In order to create
an extensive data set, we ran a significant number of experiments. For a given
application p, we ran different input data d, on different resources r with different
configurations c. All variables from equation 1 have been used in a systematic way
to cover all the involved aspects of Spark application affecting the execution time.
We divided the result data into four datasets w.r.t. the family it comes from. We
evaluated the performance prediction of our algorithm as the ability to correctly
predict the execution time.
3.2 Parameter selection
Table 1: Spark Parameters and Value Ranges
Parameter Default Search Space Description
Spark.executor.cores 1 1-8 Number of cores assigned to each executor
Spark.executor.memory 1 GB 1 G-8 G Size of the memory allocated to each executor
Spark.shuffle.compress True True/False Whether to compress map output files
Spark.shuffle.spill.compress True True/False Whether to compress data spilled during shuffles
Spark.io.compression.codec lz4 lz4/lzf/snappy The codec used to compress internal data such as RDD partitions,
event log, broadcast variables and shuffle outputs.
Spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight 24m 24m-72m The max size of map output each reducer could fetch simultaneously
In this work, we have selected 6 Spark configuration parameters shown in the
table 1, along with the size of the input data and features extracted from exe-
cution of Spark applications. The default columns contains the default values for
Spark configuration parameters. The search space column defines the range of pa-
rameter values considered and explored. These six configuration parameters are se-
lected from [1] [12][13][14].In these papers, the authors selected a small subset of
spark parameters for parameter tuning. Out of the selected parameters, 4 param-
eters: spark.shuffle.compress, spark.spill.shuffle.compress, spark.io.compression and
spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight parameters are used in previously mentioned 4 papers.
the 2 other parameters naming spark.executor.cores and spark.executor.memory are
common in 3 papers and given their direct relevance, made them to make the list
for parameters to be considered. The reason to limit to 6 parameters is to cover
the effect of important parameters thoroughly. Nevertheless, parameter selection for
spark platform not only a different domain related to Spark platform. This research
domain can also be targeted for Spark platform optimization and could possibly lay
the foundation for future work.
3.3 Dataset Generation
Ten different Spark workloads naming KMeans, Binomial Logistic Regression, Deci-
sion Tree Classifier, Linear Regression, WordCount, Sorting, PageRank, Single Source
Shortest Path, Breadth First Search and Groupby were selected to build performance
prediction model for Spark. In this paper, we call Spark execution data the result
of a spark application run where we collect performance metrics. In order to col-
lect such execution data for different workloads, we adopted an approach inspired
by [14]. Experiments are run starting from minimum resources for Spark platform
and small input datasets. As the parameter search space is large and could not be
explored entirely, we divided it into bins based on domain knowledge and expert
opinion. In addition, we also used Bayesian optimization to identify the potential
sub-space where to run more experiments. Experiments were scaled up with respect
to resources for the Spark and input dataset size. The strategy is to capture the
complex relationship between spark parameters and input datasets size for different
spark applications. Also, each experiment is run 3 times in order to capture the
variance in performance. These experiments were run on Google Kubernetes Engine.
3.4 Application features selection
In order to build a robust prediction model, application native features were extracted
and included in dataset. Based on our experimentation and state-of-the-art,taking
into account the input dataset size only, is not enough. Thus, we aimed at leverag-
ing significant information regarding how Spark deals with a given application and
an input dataset. To do so, we rely on the execution graph of a Spark application.
This graph is called the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). With in a DAG, the nodes
represent the Spark internal state (RDD) while the edges represent the actions to
transform an RDD to another. Spark application DAG is leveraged because it con-
tains the application complexity per se.
Since we want to build a machine learning model to predict execution time, the
DAG needed to be summarized for our model. In fact, in Spark core, Spark Driver
is responsible for creating execution plans, also known as Jobs, for any Spark ap-
plication. Once the plan is created, each job, represented by a DAG, is divided by
the driver into a number of stages. These stages are then divided into smaller tasks
before sending them to workers (executors) in order to be executed. Spark prepares
the logical plan on the Spark Driver before the execution step, this plan defines the
steps and operation to be performed for the execution of an application. Fortunately,
Spark platform has its history Server’s web UI from which the following features were
Number of jobs
Number of completed tasks
Number of completed stages
Execution time as a performance measure Several measures can be taken into
consideration for a batch parallel processing job like speedup, efficiency and re-
dundancy. However, those performance measures can be related to a benchmark
between one processing unit and multiple processing units or comparing sequential
execution to parallel execution. In this work, we focus on recording execution time
as a performance measure for the experiments we run.
3.5 Performance model
The purpose of this work as mentioned above is to predict the execution time of
a given Spark application under specified spark configuration. In this section, we
present the performance model used to make this prediction.
The dataset is composed of 3 kinds of features: Spark parameters, application fea-
tures and input data size as a dataset feature in addition to applicatoin execution
time as target. Each row of the data represents an experiment run on a cluster with
given Spark configuration, a Spark workload and a dataset. Given the complex rela-
tionship and vast range of spark parameters adds to the complexity of the problem,
making it harder to predict the execution time with accurary.
Different machine learning regressor algorithms: Linear Regression, Boosting, Ran-
dom Forest and Neural Networks were implemented to build a performance model.
Fig. 1: Accuracy MAE application features in-
Fig. 2: Accuracy RMSE application features
Fig. 3: Accuracy MAE application features
not ingested
Fig. 4: Accuracy RMSE application features
not ingested
4 Experimental Evaluation
4.1 Experimental Setup
In this work, each experiment is an execution of a Spark application with defined
set of Spark parameters values, application features and dataset feature (size). We
proceed in following steps: First, all selected spark applications were run with all
the possible combination of selected spark parameters. Each experiment was run
3 times in a Kubernetes cluster. Spark application features are extracted for each
application. Finally, all the experiments results are appended to create a dataset for
machine learning algorithms.
We used Google Kubernetes Engine with 5 nodes with three different resource con-
figuration according to the size of the input dataset. The three different resource
configurations are 1 core & 1 GB RAM per node, 4 cores & 4 GB RAM per node
and 8 cores & 8 GB RAM per node.
Each application was run with an input datasets of different sizes. We classified the
datasets regarding the size into 3 major classes: (1) small: for datasets less than
1GB, (2) medium: for datasets between 1GB and 10 GB, (3) big: for datasets bigger
than 10GB.
Before starting the modeling part, it was important to check a potential dispersion
between execution time values for one experiment since we run it 3 times. As a
result, although we record a 6.73% as coefficient of variation’s mean, we record a
maximum value of 83.06% for the same metric. This large variation for some ex-
periments can be caused by networking latency for example. We took this variation
into account when building the performance model in order to check its impact.
4.2 Evaluation of performance model’s Accuracy
The machine learning prediction model was built under two different settings. First
model was built without taking into account the application features and the later
was built including the application features.The reason for this approach was to
check the contribution of application features in the prediction of execution time by
the models. Figure 1, Figure 2 show both mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean
squared error (RMSE) of the machine learning algorithms per family with applica-
tion features ingested and Figure 3, Figure 4 show both mean absolute error (MAE)
and root mean squared error (RMSE) of the machine learning algorithms per family
without application features ingested.
On average, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) and Random Forest (RF) perform
the best compared to other methods. The execution time’s mean is 399025 ms, the
mean absolute error of GBM is 46662 and for Random Forest it was 44621. The
error is approximately 10% for all families together. All ML algorithms provide good
results on Word Count and Graph family thanks to the instrinsic simplicity of the
chosen workloads. However, it proved difficult to predict the execution time of the
Machine Learning family because of different types and complexity of the workloads,
as well as for the GroupBy in SQL.
The performance model was almost the same with and without the application,
however for some families of workloads, slight improvement was recorded.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a novel method for predicting the performance of a
Spark application using machine learning models. An experimental framework for
generating relevant datasets for performance prediction was developed and several
machine learning algorithms were evaluated. Experimental results show that GBM
and RF have a good accuracy and computational performance across diverse spark
In the future, further research could be conducted on parameter selection in order
to add more suitable spark parameters. The other revelent aspects affecting the
performance prediction, such as the resource competition between the jobs and
fluctuation of network bandwidth could also be explored.
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