Our Ref: B1/15C
5 May 2022
The Chief Executive
All Authorized Institutions
Dear Sir / Madam,
Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme
I am writing to draw your attention to the Guidelines on the Mandatory
Reference Checking (“MRC”) Scheme issued by the Hong Kong Association
of Banks (“HKAB”) and the DTC Association today. The Hong Kong
Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) endorses the MRC Scheme.
The MRC Scheme seeks to address the “rolling bad apples” phenomenon in
the banking sector in Hong Kong, i.e. situations where individuals who engage
in misconduct during their employment in one institution are able to obtain
subsequent employment in another institution without disclosing their
misconduct to the new employer. Such individuals who are not held
accountable at one institution and surface at another can potentially have a
higher likelihood of repeating their misconduct. This may give rise to
operational, reputational, financial and other risks at the new employer
institution. More broadly, “rolling bad apples” may also inflict harm on bank
customers and undermine public confidence in the banking sector.
The MRC Scheme
Against this background, the HKMA consulted the banking industry in mid-
2020 on a proposed framework to facilitate Authorized Institutions (“AIs”) to
bilaterally obtain reference information during their recruitment process for
certain positions, such that misconduct information in an individual’s previous
employments can be provided to AIs to inform their employment decisions.
Taking into account the responses received, the Consultation Conclusions
issued by the HKMA in May 2021 set out the underlying principles and key
parameters for the MRC Scheme, and invited an industry working group led
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by HKAB to further flesh out the operational details, in consultation with the
The Guidelines on the MRC Scheme issued by the industry associations today
provide the operational details of the MRC Scheme. In gist, AIs recruiting for
certain specified positions that fall within the scope of the MRC Scheme
(“recruiting AIs) will be required to approach the former and current AI
employer(s) of a prospective employee (reference providing AIs) to request
conduct-related information covering the seven years prior to the application
for such position. Misconduct information to be reported includes (i) breach
of legal or regulatory requirements; (ii) incidents which cast doubt on an
individual’s honesty and integrity; (iii) misconduct reports filed with the
HKMA; (iv) internal or external disciplinary actions arising from conduct
matters; and (v) ongoing internal investigations. Reference providing AIs
should respond within one month of the MRC request using a standard
It is worth emphasising that one of the underlying principles of the MRC
Scheme is that misconduct matters that are deemed serious or material in
nature should be reported by reference providing AIs, irrespective of whether
or not the employment of the individual concerned was terminated for the
misconduct. Recruiting AIs, while retaining the discretion and remaining
responsible for their employment decisions, should document their reasons for
employing an individual notwithstanding negative or inconclusive information
The MRC Scheme is applicable to all AIs and will be implemented by phases.
In Phase 1, the positions to be covered include directors, chief executives,
alternate chief executives and managers as defined under the Banking
Ordinance, as well as executive officers and responsible officers for securities,
insurance and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF”) regulated activities. A
review of the Scheme will be conducted two years after the implementation of
Phase 1 (i.e. in mid-2025). The findings of the review will help refine the
Scheme in its Phase 2, which is expected to be expanded to also cover
individuals licensed or registered to carry out regulated activities. Please refer
to the Annex for details on the positions to be covered in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
To allow sufficient time for AIs to put in place necessary internal controls,
policies and procedures, there is a 12-month preparatory period for the
implementation of the MRC Scheme, i.e. AIs are expected to implement
Phase 1 of the MRC Scheme by 2 May 2023.
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HKMA’s Supervisory Approach
The MRC Scheme is an important component of the HKMA’s effort for the
further enhancement of bank culture in Hong Kong. While the MRC Scheme
is not introduced as a supervisory requirement, the HKMA attaches great
importance to the effective implementation of the Scheme. In particular, the
HKMA considers that repeated failures of an AI to adhere to the requirements
of the MRC Scheme may indicate potential weaknesses with its governance
arrangements or internal controls and procedures. The HKMA will monitor
AIs’ observance of the MRC Scheme during its ongoing supervisory efforts
and may initiate follow-up actions with the AIs concerned as appropriate.
If there are any questions about this circular, please contact Mr Osbert Lam at
2878-8795 or Ms Amy Wong at 2878-8830. If there are any questions about
the Guidelines of the MRC Scheme, please contact your industry association.
Yours faithfully,
Arthur Yuen
Deputy Chief Executive
c.c. The Chairperson, The Hong Kong Association of Banks
The Chairperson, The DTC Association
Coverage of personnel of the MRC Scheme
Phase 1
Directors approved under §71 of the Banking Ordinance (“BO”)
Chief executives and alternate chief executives approved under §71 of
the BO
Managers notified to the HKMA under §72B of the BO
Executive officers approved under §71C of the BO
Responsible officers (“ROs”) approved by the Insurance Authority
(“IA”) under §64ZE of the Insurance Ordinance (“IO”)
ROs approved by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
(“MPFA”) under §34W of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes
Ordinance (“MPFSO”)
Phase 2
All personnel already covered in Phase 1
Staff licensed to carry out securities related regulated activities under
the Securities and Futures Ordinance (i.e. Relevant Individuals, or
Staff licensed to carry out insurance related regulated activities under
the IO (i.e. Technical Representatives licensed by the IA under §64Y or
§64ZC of the IO, or “TRs”)
Staff registered to carry out regulated activities under the MPFSO (i.e.
subsidiary intermediaries registered with the MPFA under §34U(4) of
the MPFSO)