CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................. 1-i
1.01 Title ................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.02 Authority ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.03 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.04 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.05 Interpretation and Application ............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.06 Severability ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.07 Repeal; Applicability .......................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.08 Application to Developments in Process ........................................................................................... 1-2
1.09 Master Plan Compliance ................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.10 Planning Commission ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.11 Board of Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.12 Building Codes .................................................................................................................................. 1-5
1.13 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 1-5
CHAPTER II DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 2-i
2.01 Generally ........................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.02 Review Process ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.03 Review Process Chart ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.04 Public Hearing Notices ...................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.05 Public Hearing Rules of Procedure ................................................................................................... 2-3
2.06 Expiration of Development Approval ................................................................................................. 2-4
2.07 Review Fees...................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.08 Stages of the Review Process........................................................................................................... 2-4
2.09 Pre-Review Conference .................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.10 Procedures and Requirements for Preliminary Submission .............................................................. 2-5
2.11 Procedures and Requirements for General Submission ................................................................... 2-6
2.12 Procedures and Requirements for Final Submission ........................................................................ 2-6
2.13 Referral Agencies .............................................................................................................................. 2-7
2.14 Site Plan Review .........................................................................................................
...................... 2-8
2.15 Special Uses ..................................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.16 Temporary Use Permit ...................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.17 Rezoning ........................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.18 General Submittal Copy Requirements ............................................................................................. 2-13
2.19 Sufficient Water Supply for Land Use Approval................................................................................. 2-13
CHAPTER III ZONING REGULATIONS AND MAPS ............................................................................................. 3-i
3.01 General Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.02 Zoning Districts .................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.03 Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses in Zoning Districts ........................................................ 3-3
3.04 Uses Not Itemized ............................................................................................................................. 3-5
3.05 Accessory Buildings and Uses .......................................................................................................... 3-5
3.06 Temporary Uses ................................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.07 Airport Protection Overlay District Requirements and Provisions ...................................................... 3-7
3.08 Mobile Home Park and Campground Regulations ............................................................................ 3-10
3.09 Nonconforming Uses, Lots and Buildings .......................................................................................... 3-10
3.10 Maximum Building Height and Yard Setback Requirements ............................................................. 3-12
CHAPTER IV SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ........................................................................................................ 4-i
4.01 General Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.02 Dedication of Public Sites and Open Space ...................................................................................... 4-1
4.03 Guarantee of Improvements .............................................................................................................. 4-4
4.04 Ownership Records ........................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.05 Guarantee by Deed and Release in Escrow ..................................................................................... 4-6
4.06 Withdrawal of Approval for Cause .................................................................................................... 4-6
4.07 Family Transaction Exemption ......................................................................................................... 4-6
4.08 Single Transaction Large Lot Exempt Subdivisions and Correction Plat Exempt Subdivisions ........ 4-6
4.09 Exemption Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.10 Minor Subdivisions ........................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.11 Large Lot Subdivisions ..................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.12 Cluster Subdivisions ......................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.13 Subdivision Design Standards and Specifications ............................................................................ 4-9
4.14 Wildlife Habitat Analysis ................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.15 Amendments to Approved and Recorded Plats ................................................................................ 4-21
4.16 Vacating of Approved and Recorded Plats, Rights-of-Way or Easements ....................................... 4-23
4.17 Submittal Requirements for Proposed Subdivisions ......................................................................... 4-24
CHAPTER V PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) REGULATIONS ............................................................. 5-i
5.01 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Regulation .................................................................................. 5-1
5.02 Objectives of PUD Development ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.03 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.04 PUD Design Standards and Specifications ...................................................................................... 5-3
5.05 Maintenance of Public Open Spaces and Common Areas ............................................................... 5-4
5.06 Submittal Requirements ................................................................................................................... 5-5
CHAPTER VI SIGN CODE REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................... 6-i
6.01 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.02 Sign Standards and Requirements ................................................................................................... 6-2
6.03 Sign Permit Procedures .................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.04 Nonconforming Signs ....................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.05 Measurement ................................................................................................................................... 6-5
CHAPTER VII SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS .........................................................................................
..... 7-i
7.01 General Requirements for Off-Street Parking ................................................................................... 7-1
7.02 Scenic Corridor Setbacks ................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.03 Requirements for Solar Energy Access ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.04 Solid Waste Disposal Sites (Landfills) .............................................................................................. 7-3
7.05 Communication Facilities .................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.06 Maintenance of Structures and Sites ................................................................................................ 7-4
7.07 Performance Bonds .......................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.08 Vested Property Rights ..................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.09 H.B. 1041 Regulations ...................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.10 Oil and Gas Development ................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.11 Individual Mobile Home Placement .................................................................................................. 7-6
7.12 Storage of Inoperable Motor Vehicles .............................................................................................. 7-6
7.13 Small Wind Energy Systems ............................................................................................................ 7-6
7.14 Wind Farms ...................................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.15 Regulations for Crossing Over or Under a County Road .................................................................. 7-10
7.16 Regulations for Burning of Trash ...................................................................................................... 7-11
7.17 Reserved .......................................................................................................................................... 7-11
CHAPTER VIII MOBILE HOME PARK AND CAMPGROUND REGULATIONS ..................................................... 8-i
8.01 Purpose and Intent ........................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.02 Special Use Permits for Mobile Home Parks and Campgrounds ..................................................... 8-1
8.03 Mobile Home Park and Campground Design Standards and Specifications .................................... 8-1
8.04 Waiver of Mobile Home Park and Campground Design Standards and Specifications .................... 8-4
8.05 Submittal Requirements ................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.06 Criteria for Action on a Special Use Permit for a Mobile Home Park or Campground as a
Special Use ...................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.07 Guarantee of Performance ............................................................................................................... 8-6
8.08 Permit Conditions: Occupant Registration and Residency .............................................................. 8-6
CHAPTER IX OIL AND GAS REGULATIONS ....................................................................................................... 9-i
9.01 Authority ................................................................................................................
........................... 9-1
9.02 Oil and Gas Performance Standards ................................................................................................ 9-9
9.03 Oil and Gas Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 9-13
10.01 Statutory Authorization ...................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.02 Findings of Fact ................................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.03 Statement of Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 10-1
10.04 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses .................................................................................................. 10-1
10.05 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.06 Basis for Establishing the Special Flood Hazard Area ...................................................................... 10-6
10.07 Lands to Which This Chapter Applies ............................................................................................... 10-6
10.08 Establishment of Floodplain Development Permit ............................................................................. 10-6
10.09 Compliance ....................................................................................................................................... 10-6
10.10 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions ................................................................................................. 10-6
10.11 Interpretation ..................................................................................................................................... 10-6
10.12 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability ................................................................................................... 10-6
10.13 Designation of the Floodplain Administrator ...................................................................................... 10-6
10.14 Duties and Responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator .............................................................. 10-7
10.15 Permit Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 10-7
10.16 Variance Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 10-8
10.17 General Standards ............................................................................................................................ 10-9
10.18 Specific Standards ............................................................................................................................ 10-10
10.19 Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO/AH Zones) ................................................................. 10-11
10.20 Floodways ......................................................................................................................................... 10-11
10.21 Alteration of a Watercourse ............................................................................................................... 10-12
10.22 Properties Removed From the Floodplain by Fill ............................................................................... 10-12
10.23 Standards for Subdivision Proposals ................................................................................................. 10-13
10.24 Standards for Critical Facilities .......................................................................................................... 10-13
INTEREST (H.B. 1041 REGULATIONS) .......................................................................................... 11-i
11.01 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.02 General Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.03 Exemptions ....................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.04 Identification of Matters of Local Concern and State Interest ............................................................ 11-3
11.05 Designation of Matters of Local Concern and State Interest ............................................................. 11-4
11.06 Public Hearing Requirement and Provisions for Designation ............................................................ 11-4
11.07 Development Permit Provisions and Requirements .......................................................................... 11-6
11.08 Financial Security .............................................................................................................................. 11-8
11.09 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.10 Revocation or Suspension of Permits ............................................................................................... 11-9
11.11 Inspection and Enforcement .............................................................................................................. 11-10
11.12 Building Permits ................................................................................................................................ 11-10
11.13 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements ....................................................................... 11-10
11.14 Complaints ........................................................................................................................................ 11-11
11.15 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.16 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.17 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.18 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.19 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.20 Regulations for Site Selection and Development of New Communities ............................................ 11-13
11.21 Designation of Site Selection and Development of New Communities .............................................. 11-14
11.22 Permit Program for Site Selection and Development of New Communities ...................................... 11-14
11.23 Regulations for Site Selection and Construction of Major New Domestic Water and Sewage
Treatment Systems ........................................................................................................................... 11-19
11.24 Designation of Site Selection and Construction of Major New Domestic Water and Sewage
Treatment Systems ........................................................................................................................... 11-20
11.25 Permit Applications and Permits ........................................................................................................ 11-20
11.26 Regulations for Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems ....... 11-25
11.27 Designation of Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems ........ 11-25
11.28 Permit Applications and Permits ........................................................................................................ 11-26
11.29 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.30 Reserved .......................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.31 Reserved .......................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.32 Regulations for Efficient Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects ................................ 11-27
11.33 Designation of Site Selection and Construction of Major Facilities of a Public Utility ....................... 11-30
CHAPTER XII FEES ................................................................................................................................................ 12-i
12.01 Conditions of Fee Payment .............................................................................................................. 12-1
12.02 Fee Requirement and Exemptions ................................................................................................... 12-1
12.03 Amendments to Fee Structure .......................................................................................................... 12-1
12.04 Negotiated Fees ............................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.05 Assessment of Supplemental Fees .................................................................................................. 12-1
12.06 Fee Structure .................................................................................................................................... 12-2
CHAPTER XIII ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES ........................................................................ 13-i
13.01 Enforcement Authority ...................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.02 Unlawful to Violate These Regulations ............................................................................................. 13-1
13.03 Remedies ......................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.04 Enforcement Process ....................................................................................................................... 13-2
13.05 Abatement by the County ................................................................................................................. 13-3
13.06 Enforcement of Subdivision Regulations .......................................................................................... 13-4
13.07 Acceleration of Enforcement Process to Protect Public Health, Safety and Environment ................ 13-4
1.01 Title ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.02 Authority ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.03 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.04 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.05 Interpretation and Application ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.06 Severability .................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.07 Repeal; Applicability....................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.08 Application to Developments in Process ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.09 Master Plan Compliance ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.10 Planning Commission .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.10.01 Creation and Organization .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.10.02 Meetings ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.10.03 Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.10.04 Actions of the Planning Commission ........................................................................................... 1-3
1.11 Board of Adjustment ...................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.11.01 Creation and Organization .......................................................................................................... 1-3
1.11.02 Powers and Duties of the Board .................................................................................................. 1-4
1.11.03 Appeals Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.12 Building Codes ............................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.13 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.01
1.01 Title
The title of this document shall be The Las Animas
County Land Use Regulations, referred to hereinaf-
ter as "these Regulations" or "the Regulations."
1.02 Authority
Las Animas County is authorized and enabled by
statute to establish zoning districts, to control land
uses in those districts; to regulate the subdivision of
land and building activities; to plan for and regulate
various activities on and uses of land by Title 30,
Article 28 and Title 29, Article 20, Colorado Revised
Statutes; to identify, designate and regulate areas
and activities of local concern and state interest by
Title 24, Article 65.1, Colorado Revised Statutes, as
amended; and to regulate Planned Unit Develop-
ments (PUDs) by Title 24, Article 67, Colorado Re-
vised Statutes, 1973 as amended.
1.03 Purpose
The purpose of these Regulations is to protect and
promote the health, welfare, safety, comfort, conven-
ience and prosperity of the present and future resi-
dents of Las Animas County, as enabled and
required by the constitutions and laws of the State of
Colorado and the United States.
These purposes include securing for County resi-
dents safety from fire, floodwaters, toxic substances
and other potential hazards, dangers and nuisances;
protecting the tax base of Las Animas County, con-
serving and promoting the value of property, secur-
ing economy in government operations, providing for
the phased development of government services,
fostering the emergence of balanced, orderly pat-
terns of growth, protecting existent urban and rural
development, preserving areas of historical and
archaeological significance, protecting the physical
environment and otherwise accomplishing the goals,
objectives and policies of Las Animas County as set
forth in the Las Animas County Master Plan.
The regulations, district characteristics, standards
and other provisions of these Regulations have been
proposed and adopted on the basis of comprehen-
sive studies prepared with reasonable consideration
given to, among other items, past, current and pro-
jected future social, economic and environmental
conditions within Las Animas County and the sur-
rounding territory and the identified beliefs, aspira-
tions and needs of the residents of this County
regarding present and future utilization of the land
and the erection of structures thereon in a manner
that will promote and foster the public health and
1.04 Scope
The provisions of these Regulations shall apply to all
private and public land and structures located within
Las Animas County except land within the bounda-
ries of municipal corporations and except as other-
wise prohibited by state or federal law.
1.05 Interpretation and Application
The provisions of these Regulations shall be consid-
ered the minimum requirements for the protection of
the public health, safety, welfare, comfort, conven-
ience and prosperity of the present and future resi-
dents of Las Animas County. Consequently, these
Regulations shall be regarded as remedial and,
where appropriate, it shall be construed liberally in
order to accomplish its purpose.
Whenever a given element in these Regulations
contains provisions regarding the same subject
matter as any other element or any other law, stat-
ute, regulation or resolution of Las Animas County,
the State of Colorado or the United States, the more
restrictive requirement shall apply unless otherwise
Words in these Regulations used in the present
tense include the future tense, words in the singular
include the plural, words in the plural include the
singular, the word "shall" is mandatory and the word
"may" is permissive. The feminine gender includes
the masculine and vice versa.
1.06 Severability
Should any part, section or provision of these Regu-
lations be declared illegal, unconstitutional or other-
wise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction,
such action shall have no bearing upon the validity,
application or effect of the remainder of these Regu-
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.07
1.07 Repeal; Applicability
All regulations, resolutions and amendments to such
regulations and resolutions of Las Animas County in
effect prior to the adoption of these Regulations are
hereby repealed. The repeal of any prior regulations
or resolutions does not revive any other regulation or
resolution or portion thereof. This repeal shall not
affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment for
the violation of any resolution or regulation hereby
repealed, for any offense committed prior to the
repeal. These Regulations are not intended to ab-
rogate, annul, govern over or prevail over any per-
mits or easements issued prior to the effective date
of their adoption.
1.08 Application to Developments in Process
All applications for land use changes initiated on and
after August 1, 2010, shall be reviewed pursuant to
the review process and standards set forth in these
Regulations, as amended by Resolution No. 10-47,
and effective on that date. All applications for land
use changes submitted for review prior to August 1,
2010, shall be reviewed pursuant to the process and
under the criteria set forth in applicable portions of
these Regulations in force prior to that date. Such
prior regulations are continued in force and effect for
that limited purpose only. Upon approval or denial
of all such remaining applications, the prior regula-
tions shall be deemed repealed. In no event shall
any resubmission of an application after its rejection
or any application filed after the effective date of
these regulations be reviewed under any such prior
1.09 Master Plan Compliance
All land use changes, as defined herein, shall be in
compliance with the goals, objectives, policies and
other provisions of the Las Animas County Master
1.10 Planning Commission
1.10.01 Creation and Organization
The Board of County Commissioners shall es-
tablish and maintain a County Planning Com-
mission in the manner provided for by the laws
of the State of Colorado. Each such member of
the Planning Commission shall be a resident of
the County. The Board of County Commission-
ers may appoint associate members of the
Planning Commission, each of whom shall be a
resident of the County. In the event any regular
member is temporarily unable to act before the
Planning Commission or any other cause, his
place may be taken during such temporary disa-
bility by an associate member designated for the
The terms of the appointed members of the
Planning Commission shall be as provided for
by the laws of the State of Colorado, and the
members of the Commission shall receive such
compensation as may be fixed by the Board of
County Commissioners. The Board of County
Commissioners shall provide for reimbursement
of the members of the Planning Commission for
actual expenses incurred, for the filling of va-
cancies in the membership of the Planning
Commission and for the removal of members for
nonperformance of duty or for misconduct. Va-
cancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in
the same manner as in the case of original ap-
The Planning Commission shall elect a chair-
man from among its members, whose term shall
be for one (1) year, and the Planning Commis-
sion may create and fill such other offices as it
may determine and adopt such rules and regula-
tions governing its procedure as it considers
necessary or advisable and shall keep a record
of its proceedings, which record shall be open to
inspection by the public at all reasonable times.
The powers and duties of the Planning Commis-
sion shall be as provided for by the laws of the
State of Colorado.
1.10.02 Meetings
The Planning Commission shall meet periodical-
ly to review and process applications and other
requests and matters submitted to it. All meet-
ings shall be open to the public and an agenda
of items to be considered by the Planning Com-
mission shall be made available to the public
prior to the meeting. The Planning Commission
may call special meetings to review, discuss,
recommend or take action on matters that may
periodically come to its attention.
A majority vote of the voting members of the
Planning Commission is required for a recom-
mendation or determination. In the event of a
dissenting vote by one or more members of the
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.10.02
Planning Commission, a roll call vote shall be
recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Minutes
of Planning Commission meetings shall be a
matter of public record within a reasonable time
after any official meeting of the Planning Com-
mission and any persons wishing to have a tran-
script of the proceedings may have a court
recorder present at their own expense.
1.10.03 Procedures
At public hearings conducted by the Planning
Commission, any party at interest shall be al-
lowed to present evidence. A party at interest
for this purpose shall be defined to include an
applicant or duly appointed representative of an
applicant, owners of and tenants on property ad-
jacent to the site under discussion, members of
the Planning Commission and their officers,
agents or representatives.
Public hearings before the Planning Commission
shall be conducted as follows:
1. The Planning Commission may, at its discre-
tion, limit the presentation of evidence and
cross-examination in order to prevent repeti-
tive, redundant or superfluous evidence or
2. Whenever the Planning Commission de-
cides to table review, discussion or action on
an agenda item before the Commission, it
may do so without further notice to the af-
fected parties. The matter tabled shall be
rescheduled within thirty (30) days from the
date of the meeting at which it was heard
unless the Planning Commission receives
written consent from the applicant to extend
the time period. If an applicant or duly ap-
pointed representative is not present, the
Planning Commission may decide on its
own initiative to continue a proposal or other
agenda item.
3. Failure of the Planning Commission to act
on any proposal or other agenda item before
it within a specified time period, involving a
tie vote, shall be considered by the Board of
County Commissioners as a de facto rec-
ommendation for approval of the item in
4. Applicants appearing at a public hearing be-
fore the Planning Commission shall be noti-
fied in writing within five (5) working days
after the Planning Commission takes action
or makes a recommendation of the action
taken or recommendation made and any
comments or special conditions recom-
1.10.04 Actions of the Planning Commis-
The Planning Commission shall make one (1) of
the following recommendations:
1. Approval without any special conditions.
2. Conditional approval with a description of
the special conditions.
3. Denial, indicating for the record the reasons
for such action.
4. Continuation until a future date to gather
more information or obtain clarification or for
any other relevant cause.
1.11 Board of Adjustment
1.11.01 Creation and Organization
A Board of Adjustment is hereby created. The
purpose of the Board shall be to provide for spe-
cial exceptions to certain provisions of this zon-
ing regulation in conformance with its general
purpose and intent and the purpose and intent of
these Regulations. The term Board of Adjust-
ment and the word Board, when used in this
Section, shall mean the Board of Adjustment es-
tablished herein.
The Board of County Commissioners shall ap-
point the members of the Board of Adjustment,
which shall consist of five (5) voting members.
Each of the members of the Board shall be a
resident of the County. Until otherwise provided,
the members of the Board shall serve without
compensation, except for reimbursement of ac-
tual expenses, and each member shall serve for
five (5) years.
Any member of the Board of Adjustment may be
removed for cause by the Board of County
Commissioners upon written charges and after a
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.11.01
public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled for an
unexpired term in the same manner as in the
case of original appointments. The Board of
County Commissioners may appoint associate
members to the Board of Adjustment and, in the
event that any regular member is temporarily
unable to act owing to absence from the County,
illness, interest in a case or other cause, his
place may taken during such temporary disabil-
ity by an associate member designated for that
The Board of Adjustment shall elect from its
members a chairman, whose term of office shall
be one (1) year, and other such officers as the
Board sees fit to create. The Board shall adopt
such rules and regulations governing its pro-
ceedings as it considers necessary or advisable,
and the Board shall meet as often as necessary
to hear and act upon applications and other ap-
propriate matters within its duties and powers.
All meetings of the Board of Adjustment shall be
open to the public, and the Board shall keep
minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of
each member upon each question or, if absent
or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and it shall
keep records of its examinations and other offi-
cial actions, all of which shall be immediately
filed in the office of the Board and shall be a
public record. Any persons wishing to have a
transcript of the proceedings of the Board may
have a court recorder present at their own ex-
Until the Board of County Commissioners ap-
points the members of the Board of Adjustment,
the Board of County Commissioners shall sit as
the Board of Adjustment. In that event, the
membership of the Board of Adjustment shall be
three (3) members.
1.11.02 Powers and Duties of the Board
The Board of Adjustment shall have the follow-
ing powers and duties, which shall be exercised
in accordance with the laws of the State of Colo-
rado and the provisions of these Regulations
and in harmony with the public interest and the
most appropriate use of the land:
1. To hear and decide appeals when it is al-
leged that there is or has been an error in
any order, requirement, decision, denial or
refusal made by an administrative officer or
agency based on or made in the enforce-
ment of the zoning district regulations con-
tained within these Regulations.
2. To interpret the zoning district boundaries
and pass upon disputed questions of lot
lines and similar questions that may arise
periodically in the administration of these
3. Where, by reason of exceptional narrow-
ness, shallowness or shape of a specific
piece of property existing at the time of en-
actment of these Regulations, or by reason
of exceptional topographic conditions or
other extraordinary or exceptional physical
characteristics or conditions of such piece of
property not created by the applicant subse-
quent to the adoption of these Regulations
or previously adopted County zoning regula-
tions, the strict application of any zoning
regulation or provision therein would result
in peculiar and exceptional practical difficul-
ties to or exceptional and undue hardship
upon the owner of such property, the Board
shall have the authority, upon an appeal re-
lating to said property, to authorize a vari-
ance from such strict and literal application
so as to relieve such difficulties or hardship.
Such relief shall be granted without substan-
tial detriment to the public good and without
altering or impairing the intent and purpose
of the zoning regulations and other provi-
sions contained within these Regulations.
The Board shall not have the power to grant
variances from the uses prohibited or per-
mitted conditionally in the zoning district in-
4. To review and decide upon such other mat-
ters relating to this zoning regulation as may
be specifically referred to the Board by other
provisions of these Regulations or by the
Board of County Commissioners, by the
County Building Inspector or by the Planning
5. Meetings of the Board of Adjustment shall
be held at the call of the chairman and at
other such times as the Board in its rules of
procedure may specify. The chairman, or in
his absence the acting chairman, may ad-
minister oaths and compel the attendance of
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.11.02
witnesses by application to the district court.
The court, upon proper showing, may issue
subpoenas and enforce obedience by con-
tempt proceedings.
1.11.03 Appeals Procedure
Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be
made by any person aggrieved by an inability to
obtain a building permit or by the decision of any
administrative officer or agency based upon or
made in the course of the administration or en-
forcement of the provisions of these zoning
regulations. Appeals to the Board shall be made
within thirty (30) days after the effective date of
the order, requirement, decision or refusal al-
leged to have occurred or to be in error. Appeal
applications submitted to the Board of Adjust-
ment shall include a full and accurate legal de-
scription of the land involved.
The concurring vote of four (4) members of the
Board shall be necessary to reverse any order,
requirement, decision or determination of any
administrative official or agency or to decide in
favor of an appellant. In the event the Board of
County Commissioners is functioning as the
Board of Adjustment, the concurring vote of
three (3) members shall be necessary.
The Board shall hold a public hearing on all ap-
peals. A notice of public hearing shall be pub-
lished in the manner set forth in Section 2.04.
The applicant shall also mail a written notice of
the hearing in the manner set forth in Section
All appeals to the Board of Adjustment shall be
in writing and on such forms as shall be pre-
scribed by the Board and the appropriate filing
fee (see Chapter XII) shall accompany the appli-
cation. Every appeal shall state what provisions
of the zoning regulation are involved, what relief
from the provisions is being sought, and the
grounds on which the relief should be granted to
the applicant. The chairman of the Board, or his
appointed designee, shall call a meeting of the
Board scheduled to take place no earlier than fif-
teen (15) days after the submission of the ap-
propriate materials, including proof of notification
of a public hearing, and at the same time the
Board of Adjustment may, at its discretion,
transmit a copy of the appeal to the Planning
Commission or other appropriate public bodies
for review and comment.
Any further appeal from decisions made by the
Board of Adjustment shall be made to the
courts, as provided by law.
1.12 Building Codes
It is unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or
remodel any building, structure or improvements of
land within the unincorporated territory of Las Ani-
mas County except as allowed for by the building
codes adopted by Las Animas County. No building
permit may be issued unless the County has deter-
mined that adequate water, sewer and electrical
supplies are available on the site.
Any required agreement for construction in the
County right-of-way (Pipeline Agreement, Electrical
Agreement, Cattle Guard Agreement, Communica-
tion Device ROW Agreement, etc.) shall be obtained
from the Las Animas County Road and Bridge De-
partment prior to the commencement of any con-
struction within a County right-of-way.
No building or structure shall be demolished without
first obtaining a demolition permit for such work.
The County may demolish buildings declared nui-
sances, charging the costs thereof to the owner, and
if not paid, as a lien upon the property to be collect-
ed in the same manner as taxes.
1.13 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following
words and phrases shall be defined as stated below.
The masculine shall include the feminine and vice
versa. The singular shall include the plural. The
Planning Director shall decide any questions or
disputes regarding the interpretation and application
of the definitions.
Accessory building, structure or use: A sub-
ordinate building, structure or use customarily
incidental and subordinate to the principal build-
ing, structure or use and located on the same lot
as the principal building, structure or use.
Addition: Any activity that expands the en-
closed footprint or increases the square footage
of an existing structure.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Adjacent: Meeting, abutting or touching at
some point, or located across a street, alley or
other right-of-way.
Adjacent property owner: An owner of record
of any estate, right or interest in real property
which is adjacent to the subject land.
Agriculture: The use of land for farming, dairy-
ing, pasturage, horticulture, floriculture, viticul-
ture, and animal and poultry husbandry, and the
necessary accessory uses for harvesting, pack-
ing, treating or storing the produce, excluding
Airport: The land used by aircraft to take off
and land, together with all facilities and adjacent
land used in connection with the operation of
Airport elevation: The highest point of an air-
port's usable runway, measured in feet above
mean sea level.
Airport imaginary surfaces: Imaginary areas
in space and on the ground, defined by FAR
Part 77, which are established in relation to the
airport and its runways. Imaginary areas are de-
fined by the primary surface, approach surface,
horizontal surface, conical surface and transi-
tional surface.
1. Primary surface: A surface longitudinally
centered on a runway with dimensions as
specified by FAR Part 77.
2. Approach surface: A surface longitudinally
centered on the extended runway centerline
and extending outward and upward from
each end of the primary surface. Dimen-
sions are defined by FAR Part 77. Some-
times designated as approach zone.
3. Horizontal surface: A horizontal plane one
hundred fifty (150) feet above the estab-
lished airport elevation, the perimeter of
which is constructed by swinging arcs of
specified radii from the center of each end of
the primary surface of each runway of each
airport and connecting the adjacent arcs by
lines tangent to those arcs. The radius of
each arc is defined by FAR Part 77.
4. Conical surface: A surface extending out-
ward and upward from the periphery of the
horizontal surface at a slope of 20 to 1 for a
horizontal distance of four thousand (4,000)
5. Transitional surface: Those surfaces that
extend upward and outward at ninety-
degree angles to the runway centerline and
the runway centerline extended at a slope of
seven (7) feet horizontally for each foot ver-
tically from the sides of the primary and ap-
proach surfaces to the point of intersection
with the horizontal and conical surfaces.
Transitional surfaces for those portions of
the precision approach surfaces which pro-
ject through and beyond the limits of the
conical surface, extend a distance of five
thousand (5,000) feet measured horizontally
from the edge of the approach surface and
at a ninety-degree angle to the extended
runway centerline.
Anemometer: An instrument, usually located
on a tower, that measures wind speed.
Antenna: Any structure or device used to col-
lect or radiate electromagnetic waves, including
both directional antennas, such as panels, mi-
crowave dishes and satellite dishes and omnidi-
rectional antennas, such as whips, but not
including satellite earth stations.
Applicant: Any person making application for a
land use change or other action encompassed
by these Regulations. (See also Person.)
A-weighted sound level (dbA): A measure-
ment of sound pressure level, which has been
filtered or weighted to progressively de-
emphasize the importance of frequency compo-
nents below 1,000 Hz and above 5,000 Hz. This
reflects the fact that human hearing is less sen-
sitive at low frequencies and at extremely high
frequencies, relative to the midrange of the fre-
quency spectrum. This area of sensitivity also
corresponds to the human speech band. This
measurement is the most commonly used filter
in both industrial noise applications (OSHA) and
community noise regulations.
Block: An area of land within a subdivision or
proposed subdivision and bounded entirely by
streets, roads or other thoroughfares, except al-
leys, or the exterior boundaries of the subdivi-
Board of Adjustment: The body appointed by
the Board of County Commissioners whose au-
thority and procedures are described in Sections
30-28-117 and 30-28-118, C.R.S., and in Sec-
tion 1.11 of these Regulations.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Board of County Commissioners: The Board
of County Commissioners of Las Animas Coun-
ty, Colorado.
Building: Any structure with a roof supported
by columns and/or walls or other structure and
intended for enclosing, sheltering or protecting
any use or occupancy. The term building shall
include modular or prefabricated buildings that
do not fall within the definition of manufactured
housing or mobile homes.
Building height: The vertical distance as
measured from the average finished grade to
the point lying one-half the distance between the
lowest and highest point on the roof of the build-
Building permit: A permit issued by the County
Building Inspector for construction, alteration or
reconstruction of a building or other structure
upon compliance with these Regulations and all
other applicable rules and regulations.
Camping: Any improved property used or to be
used for the parking of camping units, and also
referred to as a campground.
Camping unit: Any pick-up camper, motor
home, recreational vehicle, travel trailer, tent
trailer or similar mobile unit not exceeding either
eight (8) feet in body width or forty (40) feet in
body length and designed and used specifically
for recreational purposes.
Camping unit space: A plot of ground within a
campground designed for the accommodation of
one (1) camping unit.
Certificate of designation: A document au-
thorizing the operation of a facility for solid waste
Club: A membership organization, including
lodges, catering exclusively to members and
their guests and whose facilities are limited to
meeting, eating and recreational or related uses
and are not conducted principally for monetary
Collector street: A street of limited continuity
serving or intended to serve as a feeder of local
traffic into one (1) or more major thoroughfares.
Common open space: As used in Chapter V of
these Regulations, a parcel of land, an area of
water or a combination of land and water within
the site designed for a planned unit develop-
ment, designed and intended primarily for the
use or enjoyment of residents, occupants and
owners of the planned unit development.
Communication facility: A structure or tower
and accessory buildings, supporting antennas
and microwave dishes that send and/or receive
radio frequency signals. Individual or personal
direct-to-home satellite services are not included
in the definition of Communication facility.
Communication tower: A guyed, monopole or
self-supporting tower, constructed as a free-
standing structure or in association with a build-
ing, other permanent structure or equipment,
containing one (1) or more antennas intended
for transmitting or receiving television, AM/FM
radio, digital, microwave, cellular, telephone or
similar forms of electronic communication.
Confined animal feeding operations: Any an-
imal feeding operation where animals are fed at
the place of confinement and crop or forage
growth in production is not sustained in the area
of confinement, and the number of any type of
animals held for that purpose exceeds thirty (30)
Contiguous: Sharing an edge or boundary,
Corrections facility: A use which provides
housing, treatment or care for individuals legally
confined or placed as a result of criminal charg-
es and designed to incarcerate or rehabilitate
individuals in either a secured or non-secured
County: Las Animas County, Colorado.
C-weighted sound level (dbC): The meas-
urement of sound pressure level which is de-
signed to be more responsive to low-frequency
noise. C-weighting is intended to represent how
the ear perceives sound at high decibel levels
and is also used for evaluating impact or im-
pulse noise, such as demolition or mining blast-
ing, artillery firing and bomb explosions using
conventional explosives of less than approxi-
mately one (1) ton.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Decibel (db): The measurement of a sound
pressure relative to the logarithmic conversion of
the sound pressure reference level, often set as
0 db (A-weighted). In general, this means the
quietest sound we can hear is near 0 db (A-
weighted) and the loudest we can hear without
pain is near 120 db (A-weighted). Most sounds
in a typical environment range from 30 to 100 db
(A-weighted). Normal speech at three (3) feet
averages about 65 db (A-weighted).
Density: A unit of measurement, specific to de-
velopment, to be interpreted as the number of
dwelling units per acre of land.
Development: Any activity or construction, ex-
cluding normal agricultural activities, that chang-
es the existing character or use of the land.
Development agreement: The agreement be-
tween the owner and the County which specifies
the terms and conditions of the land use permit
approval. This agreement implements the site
specific development plan which establishes
vested rights under Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S.
Distribution system: A network of pipes and
conduits through which water is piped to the
public for human consumption.
Domestic water and sewage treatment sys-
tem: A wastewater treatment plant, water
treatment plant or water supply system and any
system of pipes, structures and facilities through
which wastewater is collected for treatment.
Dwelling: A building designed to be used or
used as the living quarters for one (1) or more
persons, families or housekeeping units, includ-
ing manufactured homes but excluding mobile
homes. (See manufactured home and mobile
Dwelling unit: A building or portion thereof de-
signed to be used or used as the living quarters
for one (1) person, family or housekeeping unit,
including manufactured homes but excluding
mobile homes. (See manufactured home and
mobile home.)
Easement: An acquired right of use, interest or
privilege in land owned by another.
Electric power distribution lines and facili-
ties: Structures, lines and appurtenant facilities
used for the distribution of electric energy in
voltages less than 69,000 volts.
Electric power generation facility: Any elec-
tric power generating facility and appurtenant fa-
cilities with generating capacity of ten (10)
megawatts or more.
Electric power transmission line: Any power
line designed for or capable of transmitting elec-
tric energy in voltages of 69,000 volts or more,
and which emanates from an electrical power
plant or electric substation and terminates at a
Evidence: Any map, table, chart, contract or
other document or testimony, prepared or certi-
fied by a qualified person to attest to a specific
FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration.
Final plat: A map or maps and supporting ma-
terials for recording of real estate interests with
the office of the County Clerk and Recorder and
executed by a registered surveyor, such survey
being marked on the ground so that the streets,
blocks, lots and other divisions thereof can be
identified and drawn in accordance with the pro-
visions of these Regulations.
Garage, commercial: Any building or structure
where motor vehicles are stored, restored, re-
paired, painted or serviced for payment.
Golf course: A regulation nine- or eighteen-
hole course for the game of golf, which may or
may not be accompanied by a country club, but
not including freestanding miniature courses,
putting courses or golf driving ranges.
Grade, finished: The final elevation of the
ground surface after development.
Gross density: The average number of dwell-
ing units per acre of a development or a pro-
posed development.
Gross floor area: The total floor area of a
structure as measured along the outside walls at
floor level, and including all floors but excluding
open balconies and porches or enclosed parking
areas and related features.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Ground water: Subsurface water within and
below the zone of continuous saturation.
Group home: A facility operated by a public,
nonprofit, or private agency, which provides
twenty-four-hour care or supervision of persons
who are not related by blood, marriage or adop-
tion to the facility's owner, operator or manager.
Hazard: A natural or manmade phenomenon or
condition which is a significant source of risk,
danger or peril.
Hazardous waste: Any material, alone or
mixed with other materials, which has no com-
mercial use or value, or which is discarded or is
to be discarded if its quantity, concentration or
physical, chemical or infectious characteristics
may cause or significantly contribute to an in-
crease in mortality or an increase serious irre-
versible or incapacitating reversible illness; or
pose a substantial present or potential hazard to
human health or to the environment when treat-
ed, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise
Heliport: A structure or area of land or water
used or intended to be used by helicopters for
takeoff and landing, and the appurtenant build-
ings and facilities, including: necessary passen-
ger and cargo facilities, fueling and emergency
service facilities.
Helistop: A minimally developed heliport for
landing and discharging passengers or cargo,
and not intended for refueling or maintaining
itinerant helicopters.
Historic site: A structure or place of historical
significance. Such structure or place may be
designated a historic site by local, state or fed-
eral government and given official status and
Home occupation: Any use within a dwelling
and carried on by the inhabitants, which use is
clearly incidental and secondary to the use of
the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not
change the character of the dwelling.
Hotel, motel or lodge: A building or portion
thereof with sleeping rooms used or design to be
used, let or hired for occupancy by persons on a
temporary basis and containing at least six (6)
such guestrooms.
Impact: The direct or indirect effect or conse-
quence resulting from a development upon land,
the environment, the community or any part or
segment thereof. The term shall include, but not
be limited to, physical, environmental, economic,
visual, auditory or social consequences or ef-
Improvements: Street surfacing, paths,
bikeways, sedimentation control facilities, re-
vegetation, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water
mains, sanitary and storm sewers, gas lines,
electric and telephone lines and appurtenances,
street signs, trees and lights, lot pin monuments,
range point boxes and other such items as may
be required for or provided in compliance with
the provisions of these Regulations.
Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS):
An absorption system of any size or flow or a
system or facility for treating, neutralizing, stabi-
lizing or disposing of sewage that is not part of
or connected to a sewage treatment works as
that term is defined in Section 25-10-103 (20),
C.R.S., as amended.
Junkyard: A building, structure or parcel of
land or combination thereof used for the collect-
ing, storage or sale of waste paper, rags, scrap
metal or discarded material or for the collecting,
dismantling, storage, salvaging or demolition of
vehicles, machinery or other materials and in-
cluding the sale of whole item or parts thereof.
Kennel: Any building, structure or open space
devoted wholly or partially to the raising, board-
ing or harboring of six (6) or more animals that
are over four (4) months old.
Landing strip: A minimally developed airport
for landing and discharging passengers or car-
go, and not intended for refueling or maintaining
itinerant aircraft.
Land use change: Rezoning of property, sub-
division of land, substantial clearing, grading, fill-
ing or excavation, construction, alteration or
moving of buildings, or any action listed as an
"approval requested" in the Review Process
Chart. (See Section 2.03.)
Loading area: A parking space other than a
public street or alley for the parking of commer-
cial vehicles for the purpose of loading or un-
loading materials or merchandise.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Local street: A street serving individual lots
within a subdivision.
Lot: A parcel or portion of land separated from
other parcels or portions of land by specific de-
scription as in a subdivision plat or plan, record
of survey or by metes and bounds description
and used or intended to be used as a unit for
transfer of ownership, record of ownership or
Lot area: The total horizontal area within the lot
lines of a lot.
Lot depth: The average distance from a street
or road right-of-way to the rear lot line, which is
the lot line opposite and most distant from said
right-of-way line.
Lot width: The average distance between the
side lot lines.
Manufactured home: A single-family dwelling
which is partially or entirely manufactured in a
factory; is not less than twenty-four (24) feet in
width and thirty-six (36) feet in length; is installed
on an engineered permanent foundation; has
brick, wood or cosmetically equivalent exterior
siding and a pitched roof; is certified pursuant to
the "National Manufactured Housing Construc-
tion and Safety Standards Act of 1974," 42
U.S.C. § 5401, et seq., as amended, and which
meets or exceeds on an equivalent performance
engineering basis standards established by the
applicable building code. Equivalent perfor-
mance engineering basis means that, by using
engineering calculations or testing following
commonly accepted engineering practices, all
components and subsystems will perform to
meet health, safety and functional requirements
to the same extent as required for other single-
family dwelling units.
Master plan: A plan developed by the Planning
Commission in accordance with Section 30-28-
106, Colorado Revised Statutes, and all portions
of and amendments to such plan.
Meteorological (MET) Tower: Any tower to-
gether with associated instrumentation or devic-
es used for assessment of wind energy.
Mineral interest: An interest in real property
that may be severed from the surface estate of
the subject real property; which if severed, is
shown in the real estate records of Las Animas
County; and which is not owned as part of the
full fee title to the real property.
Mitigation: An action which will have one (1) or
more of the following effects:
1. Avoiding an impact by not taking a certain
action or parts of an action;
2. Minimizing an impact by limiting the degree
or magnitude of the action or its implementa-
3. Rectifying an impact by repairing, rehabilitat-
ing or restoring the impact area, facility or
4. Reducing or eliminating an impact over time
by preservation and maintenance opera-
tions; and
5. Compensating for an impact by replacing or
providing suitable biological and physical
conditions and by replacing or providing
suitable services and facilities.
Mobile home: A structure designed to be
transported after fabrication and exceeding ei-
ther eight (8) feet in overall body width or thirty-
two (32) feet in overall body length, excluding
exterior appendages. Such structures, to qualify
as mobile homes, shall bear a Federal Certifica-
tion seal, as specified in 24 C.F.R. Chapter XX,
stating that the unit is constructed in accordance
with the Federal Manufactured Home Construc-
tion and Safety Standards in effect on the date
of manufacture for the class of manufactured
home specified, unless specifically exempted
from such requirements by the provisions of 24
C.F.R. Chapter XX, it shall be suitable for safe
human habitation on a year-round basis when
equipped with the required plumbing, heating,
electrical and related facilities, and it shall be
free from apparent health hazards, as deter-
mined by the County Building Inspector. Struc-
tures not meeting these criteria shall not be
deemed to be mobile homes, and the County
Building Inspector shall, following inspection,
cite in writing the deficiencies which prevent the
structure from being defined as a mobile home.
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
Mobile home park: A parcel of land or continu-
ous lots upon which more than one (1) mobile
home or house trailer are located and used for
or intended to be used for dwelling purposes.
Multi-family dwelling: A dwelling that was de-
signed to house or houses more than two (2)
Municipality: An incorporated city or town.
Nonconforming building or use: Any pre-
existing use of a structure, land or premises con-
flicting with one (1) or more provisions of these
Open space: Any land or water area which
serves the specific use of: providing park and
recreation opportunities, conserving natural are-
as and environmental resources or protecting
areas of agricultural, archeological or historical
significance. Open space shall not be consid-
ered synonymous with vacant or unused land or
yards as part of a platted lot.
Parking area: An open space or an enclosed
structure or building used exclusively or princi-
pally for the storage of motor vehicles.
Parking, off-street: Any parking area located
within the limits of one (1) or more lots and not
situated on a public road, street or other thor-
Parking space: The part of a parking area, ex-
clusive of drives, turning areas or loading spac-
es, devoted to parking for one (1) motor vehicle.
Person: Any individual, partnership, corpora-
tion, association, company or other public or
corporate body, including the federal govern-
ment and any political subdivision, agency, in-
strumentality or corporation of the State.
Pipeline: Any conduit and appurtenant facilities
designed for, or capable of, transporting natural
gas, other petroleum derivatives or other liquid.
Planned unit development: An area of land,
controlled by one (1) or more landowners, to be
developed or developed under unified control or
a unified plan of development for a number of
dwelling units, commercial, educational, recrea-
tional or industrial uses, or any combination of
the foregoing, the plan for which does not nec-
essarily correspond in lot size, bulk or type of
use, density, lot coverage, open space or other
restriction to the provisions contained elsewhere
in these Regulations.
Planning Commission: The Las Animas
County Planning Commission.
Planning Department: The Las Animas Coun-
ty Planning and Land Use Office.
Planning Director: The Director of the Las
Animas County Planning and Land Use Office.
Plat: A map and supporting materials of certain
described land prepared in accordance with
regulations contained in these Regulations as an
instrument for the recording of real estate inter-
ests with the office of the County Clerk and Re-
Principal use or building: A building in which
is conducted the main or principal use of the lot
or land area on which said building is located.
Public building or use: Any building open to
general use, participation or enjoyment by the
public and owned or leased by a unit of govern-
ment or by a public utility corporation or similar
Public hearing: A meeting called by a public
body, for which public notice has been given in
compliance with the provisions of these Regula-
tions and which is held in a place where the
general public may attend, with the principal
purpose of receiving testimony or public com-
ment on a specific application or issue.
Public utility: An electric substation, a gas
regulator station, a wire telephone service, a wa-
ter or sewage pumping station, a water reservoir
and similar public services. The term public
utility does not include communication facilities.
Radioactive waste: A solid, liquid or gaseous
material that contains radionuclides in excess of
threshold quantities; giving off radiant energy in
the form of particles or rays (Alpha Rays, Beta
Rays or Gamma Rays).
Recreational vehicle (RV): A vehicle primarily
designed as temporary living quarters for recrea-
tional, camping or travel use, which either has its
own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by
another vehicle. Examples of recreational vehi-
cles include, but are not limited to: camping
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
trailer or tent trailer; motorized camper, motor
home, recreational conversion van or bus; pick-
up camper; tent; travel trailer.
1. Camping trailer or tent trailer means a
folding structure constructed of canvas,
plastic or similar water-repellent material,
designed to be mounted on wheels and to
be used as a temporary shelter for travel
and recreation purposes.
2. Motorized camper, motor home, recrea-
tional conversion van or bus means a self-
propelled vehicle consisting of a portable,
temporary shelter to be used for travel and
recreation purposes.
3. Pick-up camper means a structure de-
signed to be mounted on or loaded into a
pickup truck chassis for use as a temporary
shelter for travel and recreation purposes.
4. Tent means a portable, temporary cover or
shelter made of canvas, plastic or similar
materials supported by poles, with or without
side panels, used for travel and recreation
5. Travel trailer means a towed vehicle de-
signed as a temporary shelter used for travel
and recreation purposes.
Recyclable materials: Reusable materials, in-
cluding but not limited to metals, glass, plastic,
wood, and paper, which are intended for reman-
ufacturing or reconstitution. Recyclable materi-
als do not include junk, rubbish, refuse or
hazardous waste.
Recycling collection center: A center for the
acceptance and temporary storage of either re-
cyclable or organic materials to be transferred to
a processing or composting facility.
Recycling processing facility: A facility where
recyclable and organic materials are collected
and processed. Processing includes but is not
limited to baling, briquetting, compacting, flatten-
ing, crushing, mechanical sorting, shredding and
Referral agency: An agency, organization, unit
or government, political subdivision, group of
persons or individual to whom submittal materi-
als and related text, map and graphic displays
are submitted for review, comment and/or rec-
ommendations to be returned to the Planning
Commission or the Board of County Commis-
Reverse frontage lot: A lot which fronts on one
(1) public street and backs on another.
Rural land use process: A process for approv-
ing a cluster subdivision.
Roadway: That portion of a street right-of-way
designed for vehicular traffic.
Rooming or boarding house: A building or
portion thereof with sleeping rooms used or de-
signed to be used, let or hired for occupancy by
persons on a temporary basis and containing
between one (1) and five (5) such guest rooms.
Runway: A defined area on an airport prepared
for landing and takeoff of aircraft along its
Scenic corridor: An area adjacent to and ex-
tending beyond a state or federal highway in Las
Animas County and areas of otherwise special
scenic interest that offer mountain, canyon,
plains and mountain-plains vistas of uncommon
natural meadowlands, igneous rock formations
and transitional foothills.
Semi-public building or use: Any building
open to the general use, participation or enjoy-
ment of the public and owned or leased by a
public agency other than a municipality, county,
state or federal government or public utility cor-
Service building: A building housing toilet and
bathing facilities for men and women with laun-
dry facilities and other such facilities as may be
required by the mobile home park and
campground regulations contained herein.
Setback: The distance required by the provi-
sions of these Regulations between the face of a
building and the lot line opposite that building
face, measured perpendicularly to the building.
Where angled buildings or lots or curved streets
or similar features exist, the setback shall be
measured as a mean distance.
Sign: Any structure, poster, banner, insignia,
billboard, trademark or other device used to in-
dicate directions, advertise, provide information
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
or announce products, goods or services or at-
tract attention, except that flags and banners of
any county, state, municipality or nonprofit or-
ganization shall be exempt from this definition.
Sign area: The sum area of the surface of each
plane of the sign, within the outermost edge or
border of the plane. The sign area of freestand-
ing letters not attached to a surface or plane
shall be the area enclosed within the smallest
geometric figure needed to completely encom-
pass all of the letters, words, insignias or sym-
Sign, off-premises: Any sign which contains a
message unrelated to the business conducted or
to a commodity, service or entertainment sold or
offered on the premises upon which the sign is
Single-family dwelling: A dwelling designed
for or occupied by a single family.
Site specific development plan: The ap-
proved plan which has been submitted to the
County to establish a vested right pursuant to Ti-
tle 24, Article 68, C.R.S., as amended, and set
forth in Section 7.08 of these Regulations.
Small wind energy system: A wind energy
conversion system consisting of a wind turbine,
a tower and associated control or conversion
electronics, which has a rated capacity of not
more than one hundred (100) kW and which is
intended to primarily reduce on-site consumption
of utility power.
Solar easement: The right of receiving sunlight
across real property for any solar energy device.
Such a right may be stated in any deed, will or
other instrument executed by or on behalf of any
owner of land or sky space.
Solar energy device: A solar collector or other
device or a structural design feature of a struc-
ture which provides for the collection of sunlight
and which comprises part of a system for the
conversion of the sun's radiant energy into ther-
mal, chemical, mechanical or electrical energy.
Solid waste: Any garbage, refuse, sludge from
a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment
plant or air pollution control facility, and other
discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-
solid or contained gaseous material resulting
from industrial or commercial operations or from
community activities. Solid waste in this Sec-
tion will include any solid or dissolved materials
in domestic sewage, or agricultural wastes, or
solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return
flows, or industrial discharge which are point
sources subject to permits under the provisions
of the "Colorado Water Quality Control Act," Title
25, Article 8, C.R.S. 1973, or materials covered
under "Radiation Control Act" in Title 25, Article
2, C.R.S. 1973.
Stream: Any natural channel or depression
through which water flows either continuously,
intermittently or periodically, including any artifi-
cial modification of the natural channel or de-
Street: A way for vehicular traffic, whether des-
ignated as or called a street, highway, thorough-
fare, road, avenue, parkway or however else
Structural alteration: Any addition to or sub-
traction of parts of a building, including walls,
columns, beams, girders, foundations, doors,
windows and other related parts.
Structure: Anything constructed or erected up-
on the ground except utility poles, flag poles or
walls or fences less than six (6) feet high.
Subdivider: Any person, firm, company, part-
nership, joint venture or other group or associa-
tion who shall participate as owner, promoter,
developer, representative or sales agent in the
planning, platting, development, promotion, sale
or lease of a subdivision.
Subdivision or subdivided land: Any parcel of
land which is to be used for condominiums,
apartments or any other dwelling units, unless
such land when previously subdivided was ac-
companied by a filing which complied with the
provisions of the State of Colorado subdivision
law with substantially the same density, or which
is divided into two (2) or more parcels, separate
interests or interests in common, unless ex-
empted by the Board of County Commissioners,
as provided for in these Regulations. As used in
this definition and elsewhere in these Regula-
tions, interests includes any and all interests in
the surface of land but excludes any and all
subsurface interests.
The terms subdivision and subdivided land
shall not apply to any subdivision of land which
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
creates parcels of land each of which comprises
thirty-five (35) or more acres of land and none of
which is intended for use by multiple owners.
Unless the method of disposition is adopted for
the purpose of evading this definition and State
of Colorado subdivision law, the terms subdivi-
sion and subdivided land, as defined herein,
shall not apply to any division of land:
1. Which creates parcels of land such that the
land area of each of the parcels, when di-
vided by the number of interests in any such
parcel, results in thirty-five (35) or more
acres per interest.
2. Which could be created by any court in this
State pursuant to the law of eminent do-
main, or by operation of law or by order of
any court in this State if the Board of County
Commissioners of Las Animas County is
given timely notice of any such pending ac-
tion by the court and given opportunity to
join as a party in interest in such proceeding
for the purpose of raising the issue of eva-
sion of this definition and State of Colorado
subdivision law prior to entry of the court or-
der and, if the Board of County Commis-
sioners does not file an appropriate pleading
within twenty (20) days after receipt of such
notice by the court, such action may pro-
ceed before the court.
3. Which is created by a lien, mortgage, deed
of trust or any other security interest.
4. Which is created by a security or unit of in-
terest in any investment trust regulated un-
der the laws of the State of Colorado or any
other interest in an investment entity.
5. Which creates cemetery lots.
6. Which creates an interest in oil, gas, miner-
als or water which is severed from the sur-
face ownership of real property.
7. Which is created by the acquisition of an in-
terest in land in the name of a husband and
wife or other persons in joint tenancy or as
tenants in common and any such interest
shall be deemed for the purposes of this def-
inition as only one (1) interest.
8. Which is created by the combination of con-
tiguous parcels of land into one (1) larger
parcel. If the resulting parcel is less than
thirty-five (35) acres in land area, only one
(1) interest in said land shall be allowed. If
the resulting parcel is greater than thirty-five
(35) acres in land area, such land area, di-
vided by the number of interests in the re-
sulting parcel, must result in thirty-five (35)
or more acres per interest. Easements and
rights-of-way shall not be considered inter-
ests for the purposes of this Item 8.
9. Which is created by a contract concerning
the sale of land which is contingent upon the
purchaser's obtaining approval to subdivide,
pursuant to these Regulations and any ap-
plicable County regulations, the land which
he is to acquire pursuant to the contract.
Subdivision, cluster: Any division of land that
creates parcels containing less than thirty-five
(35) acres each, for single-family residential
purposes only, where one (1) or more tracts is
being divided pursuant to a rural land use pro-
cess and where at least two-thirds () of the to-
tal area of the tract or tracts is reserved for the
preservation of open space.
Subdivision, single transaction large lot: Any
division of land done for the purpose of changing
the form of ownership of a previously subdivided
parcel, provided that the change does not alter
the overall existing density of the parcel being
Subdivision improvements agreement: One
(1) or more security arrangements which may be
accepted by Las Animas County to secure the
construction of such public improvements as are
required by the County subdivision regulations.
Tract: A parcel of land or contiguous combina-
tion thereof.
Transfer station: A facility at which refuse,
awaiting transport to a disposal site, is trans-
ferred from one (1) type of containerized collec-
tion receptacle into another or is processed for
Two-family dwelling: A dwelling designed or
used for occupancy by two (2) families.
Use: The purpose for which any land, structure
or building is designed, constructed, maintained
or occupied.
Vacation lodge: A building or group of build-
ings containing individual rooms for sleeping and
Land Use Regulations General Provisions — §1.13
general occupancy and designed and used or
intended to be used for more than short-term
Vested property right: The right to undertake
and complete the development and use of prop-
erty under the terms and conditions of a County-
approved site specific development plan, as de-
fined in Section 24-68-102(5), C.R.S.
Wind farm: A single wind-driven machine or a
collection of wind-driven machines or turbines
that convert wind energy into electrical power for
the primary purpose of sale, resale or offsite
Yard: The space on the same lot as a building
or structure that is unoccupied and open to the
Yard, front: That portion of a yard between the
street line and the building and between the two
(2) side lot lines, the depth of which shall be the
least distance between the front lot line and the
Yard, rear: That portion of a yard between the
rear of a building and the rear lot line and be-
tween the two (2) side lot lines, the depth of
which shall be the least distance between the
building and the rear lot line.
Yard, side: All the yard between the front and
rear yards, the width of which shall be the least
distance between the side lot line and the build-
2.01 Generally ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.02 Review Process ............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.03 Review Process Chart ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.04 Public Hearing Notices ................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.04.01 Published Notice ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.04.02 Posted Notice .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.04.03 Mailed Notice .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.04.04 Public Notice Requirements Chart .............................................................................................. 2-3
2.04.05 Public Notice Time Requirements ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.05 Public Hearing Rules of Procedure ................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.06 Expiration of Development Approval .............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.07 Review Fees .................................................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.08 Stages of the Review Process ....................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.09 Pre-Review Conference ................................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.10 Procedures and Requirements for Preliminary Submission ........................................................................... 2-5
2.11 Procedures and Requirements for General Submission ................................................................................ 2-6
2.12 Procedures and Requirements for Final Submission ..................................................................................... 2-6
2.13 Referral Agencies .......................................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.14 Site Plan Review ............................................................................................................................................ 2-8
2.15 Special Uses .................................................................................................................................................. 2-8
2.15.01 Generally ..................................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.15.02 Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2-9
2.15.03 Criteria for Action on a Special Use Application .......................................................................... 2-10
2.15.04 Planning Commission Review ..................................................................................................... 2-10
2.15.05 Board of County Commissioners Review .................................................................................... 2-11
2.15.06 Duration ....................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.16 Temporary Use Permit .....................................................................................................
.............................. 2-11
2.17 Rezoning ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-11
2.17.01 General Information ..................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.17.02 Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2-11
2.17.03 Criteria for Action on a Rezoning Application .............................................................................. 2-12
2.18 General Submittal Copy Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.19 Sufficient Water Supply for Land Use Approval ............................................................................................. 2-13
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.01
2.01 Generally
All land use changes within the County shall be
required to follow the procedures and satisfy the
requirements set out below prior to development.
"Land use change," as used in these Regulations, is
a general and inclusive term, and is defined at Sec-
tion 1.13. The developer is required to attend in
person or by authorized representative all meetings
at which the project is considered, unless otherwise
notified by the Planning Department. No land use
change may be undertaken except in accordance
with and pursuant to the appropriate approvals listed
in the Review Process Chart, Section 2.03.
All land use changes must also obtain building and
construction permits pursuant to the building, fire,
plumbing, mechanical and other codes adopted by
the County, and must comply with all other applica-
ble sections contained within these Regulations.
2.02 Review Process
All land use changes must be reviewed and ap-
proved in accordance with the review process and
standards set forth in this Chapter II. The following
chart establishes the required review steps applica-
ble to different forms of approval which may be
requested. Applicants should refer to the chart to
determine which one (1) or more "APPROVAL RE-
QUESTED" under the left-hand column of the chart
applies to their proposed development. The re-
quired stages of review for each approval are shown
on the lines to the right. Submission requirements
and the specific review process for each stage are
set out in detail in the balance of these Regulations
under the appropriate headings. Unless otherwise
indicated, amendment or modification of a prior
approval follows the procedure for review of the
original application.
In the event the Planning Commission or County
department with jurisdiction under this section rec-
ommends denial of an application at any stage, the
applicant may choose to proceed to the next stage
of review or may resubmit the application at the first
stage. In the event the review stage is before the
Board of County Commissioners, the application
may not be further processed following a denial. If,
in the opinion of the Planning Director, a submittal at
any stage of review is incomplete, the matter shall
be removed from the agenda and not further pro-
cessed until deemed complete.
The Planning Commission, Board of County Com-
missioners, Board of Adjustment or Planning Direc-
tor may require at any stage of review of any land
use change the submission of any plan, study, sur-
vey or other information, in addition to that specified
in these Regulations, and at the applicant's expense,
as such body may determine necessary to enable it
to review and act upon the application in order to
determine whether the application complies with the
requirements of these Regulations.
2.03 Review Process Chart
Pre-Review Preliminary Final
Approval Requested Staff PC BOCC Staff PC BOCC BOA Notes
Site Plan X X
Major Subdivision
X H H X X H SIA Req'd
Cluster Subdivision X X X H
Minor Subdivision
Plat Amendment X X
Plat Vacation X X H H
Replat X X H H
PUD Subdivision X X H X X H SIA Req'd
PUD Non-subdivision X X H H
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.03
Pre-Review Preliminary Final
Approval Requested Staff PC BOCC Staff PC BOCC BOA Notes
Rezoning X X H H
Special Use Permit X X H H
Sign Permit X X - -
Sign Permit (Appeal) X X X X
Variance X H
Temporary Use Permit X X
H.B. 1041 Permit X X X H
If five or fewer parcels, minor subdivision process applies. If six or more parcels, major subdivision process applies.
Key: PC Planning Commission
BOCC Board of County Commissioners
BOA Board of Adjustment
X Meeting required
H Public hearing required
S/A Subdivision Improvement Agreement
2.04 Public Hearing Notices
2.04.01 Published Notice
At least fourteen (14) days prior to any public
hearing for a land use change which requires
approval by the Planning Commission, Board of
County Commissioners or Board of Adjustment,
the Planning Director shall cause to be pub-
lished, in the legal section of a newspaper of
general circulation within the County, a notice of
public hearing. The notice shall specify the kind
of action requested; the hearing authority; the
time, date and location of the hearing; and the
location of the parcel under consideration, by
both address and legal description. Publication
of the notice is the responsibility of the applicant.
Applicants shall be billed directly by the news-
paper publisher and shall submit proof of publi-
cation of the notice with the hearing authority
before the hearing may take place.
2.04.02 Posted Notice
At least fourteen (14) days prior to any public
hearing which requires posted notice, the Plan-
ning Director shall cause to be prepared, and
the applicant shall post, a sign (one [1] per street
frontage) upon the parcel under consideration
for approval which provides notice of the kind of
action requested; the hearing authority; the time,
date and location of the hearing; and the loca-
tion of the parcel under consideration by both
address and legal description. The signs shall
follow a form prescribed by the County and shall
consist of at least one (1) sign facing each adja-
cent public right-of-way. Such signs shall
measure at least three (3) feet by four (4) feet,
the size of all letters shall be at least two (2)
inches high and the signs shall be erected on
posts not less than four (4) feet nor more than
six (6) feet above ground level. The fact that a
parcel was not continuously posted the full peri-
od may not, at the full discretion of the hearing
authority, constitute grounds for continuance
where the applicant can show that a good faith
effort to meet this posting requirement was
2.04.03 Mailed Notice
Not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to any
public hearing which requires notification by let-
ter, the applicant shall provide to the Planning
Director the following information, as applicable
to the property under consideration:
1. A list of property owners within three hun-
dred (300) feet of the perimeter of the prop-
erty, as shown on the records of the Las
Animas County Assessor; and
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.04.03
2. A list of owners of mineral interests that
have been severed from the surface estate
of the subject property, as shown on the
records of the Las Animas County Clerk and
Recorder, in accordance with Section 24-
65.5-103, C.R.S.
At least fourteen (14) days prior to any public
hearing which requires notification by letter, the
applicant shall cause to be sent, by certified
mail, a letter to the owners listed above.
The letter shall include a vicinity map, a short
narrative describing the relief sought and an an-
nouncement of the date, time and location of the
scheduled hearing. The letters shall specify the
kind of action requested; the hearing authority;
the time, date and location of the hearing; and
the location of the parcel under consideration by
address or approximate address. Failure of a
property owner to receive a mailed notice will
not necessitate the delay of a hearing and shall
not be regarded as constituting inadequate no-
2.04.04 Public Notice Requirements Chart
The following chart sets out the form of notice of
public hearings for each land use change review
Approval Requested Published §2.04.01 Posted §2.04.02
Mailed §2.04.03
Adjacent/300 ft. Mineral Interests
Major Subdivision X X X
Cluster Subdivision X X X
Replat X X
Plat Vacation X
Rezoning X X X X
Special Use X X X X
Variance X X X
2.04.05 Public Notice Time Requirements
Unless otherwise provided in these Regulations,
public notice time requirements include the day
the notice is posted, appears in the newspaper,
is mailed, and is received by a recipient, and
shall also include the day of the public hearing.
2.05 Public Hearing Rules of Procedure
1. Rehearing requests: No application shall be
submitted to or accepted by the Planning Com-
mission, Board of Adjustment or Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners (whichever is the final hearing
authority) if any previous application for the
same or substantially similar request for the
same property or portion of property has been
denied during the preceding twelve (12) months.
The twelve-month time limitation contained here-
in shall commence on the date of any final de-
termination of denial by the hearing authority or
a court of record, whichever is later.
The twelve-month time limitation shall be strictly
adhered to except upon a finding by the final
hearing authority, after evidence presented by
the applicant, that a major change in physical
conditions and circumstances warrants an earli-
er hearing. Major change in physical conditions
and circumstances shall mean a significant mod-
ification in the character and nature of the pro-
posed development or use, and shall be
reflected in the intensity of the use, the external
effects on adjacent properties or such other fac-
tors as may be determined by the hearing au-
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.05
An exception to the twelve-month limitation may
be allowed where the applicant or a member of
the final hearing authority who voted with the
prevailing side requests a rehearing on the
same application no later than at the next regu-
lar or special meeting. The granting of such a
rehearing shall be by majority vote and shall be
based upon the submittal of new evidence which
could not have been, with due diligence, pre-
sented at the previous hearing.
2. Quasi-Judicial Matters. Any application which
involves the use and/or development of a specif-
ic parcel of land, as opposed to a county-
initiated large area or county-wide proposal, is
considered a quasi-judicial matter. Applicants,
opponents and proponents are prohibited from
making ex parte contact (that is, contact outside
of the public hearing forum) with any member of
the decision-making authority.
2.06 Expiration of Development Approval
Any preliminary or final approval shall expire and
become null and void if: (1) for preliminary or gen-
eral approvals, an application for final approval is not
filed within one (1) year of such approval; or (2) for
final approvals, a building permit is not issued for the
work authorized within one (1) year from the date of
final approval or if the work is ceased for a period of
one hundred twenty (120) days or more at any time
after work is commenced. For rezoning, planned
unit development and special use final approvals, a
public hearing before the Board of County Commis-
sioners in the manner required for final review shall
be held to confirm whether the zoning and/or permit-
ted use of the property shall revert to that in place
prior to the (expired) approval. After approval has
expired, no work shall be commenced until the de-
veloper has received new approval pursuant to the
procedures set forth in these Regulations.
Any issued building permit shall expire if the work
authorized is not commenced within one (1) year
from the date of issuance.
On the effective date of the enactment of this Sec-
tion (August 1, 2010), there exist within the County
numerous preliminary, general and final develop-
ment approvals of various types, including rezoning
approvals, planned unit development approvals,
special use permit approvals and issued building
permits. The County hereby declares that each and
every one of said approvals shall be subject to the
requirements of this Section; provided, however,
that, for the purpose of measuring the time of expira-
tion of such approvals, each and every such ap-
proval shall be deemed to have been issued on the
effective date of this Section (January 1, 2009). It is
the intent of this Section that such preexisting ap-
provals, issued prior to the effective date of this
Section, not be deprived of the full benefit of the
periods of time granted prior to expiration, all as
provided herein.
2.07 Review Fees
At the time an application for a land use change is
first submitted to the County, and prior to any review,
the applicant shall pay to the County the fee neces-
sary to cover the administrative and review costs for
each project requiring review, in the amount fixed by
Chapter XII, prior to further processing of the appli-
cation by the County. Review will be terminated
until the account is brought current. If the County
incurs costs beyond the amount deposited and the
applicant does not pay those costs within thirty (30)
days after written notice from the County, the County
shall be entitled to a lien for those costs on the land
being developed, which lien may be perfected and
foreclosed in the same manner as provided for the
collection of taxes or in any other manner permitted
by law.
2.08 Stages of the Review Process
The stages of review are:
1. The pre-review conference.
2. The preliminary submission.
3. The general submission.
4. The final submission.
2.09 Pre-Review Conference
Prior to the formal submittal of any request for ap-
proval to proceed with a land use change, an infor-
mal pre-review conference shall be held between
the applicant and the Planning Department staff.
This conference will serve to acquaint the applicant
with the requirements of these Regulations and to
allow staff to become familiar with the applicant's
development intent and design philosophy. A
schematic site plan and building concept drawings
building permit length
of time
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.09
will aid in discussion at this conference; however
applicants are encouraged not to prepare detailed
designs which might require extensive revision as a
result of the pre-review conference. An applicant
should bring the following information in a brief
1. General project concept.
2. Specific uses proposed, and intensity of use
proposed (floor area and parking demand).
3. Proposed construction timing.
4. General concepts concerning building size and
exterior materials and site plan concepts:
5. An exterior materials package including roof
material and color, wall treatment, glass and
6. Site plan concepts including site organization,
landscaping, irrigation, grading, lighting and
2.10 Procedures and Requirements for Prelimi-
nary Submission
Persons proposing land use changes to be reviewed
and/or acted upon at the preliminary submission
stage shall submit the required application forms,
application fees and submittal materials to the Plan-
ning Department.
The materials shall be reviewed by the Planning
Department, which shall determine whether the
materials submitted meet the appropriate submittal
requirements for the types of proposals to be re-
viewed, whether the required number of copies have
been submitted (see Section 2.18) and whether the
materials are sufficiently clear, neat and orderly.
Incomplete or inadequate applications will not be
scheduled for action until deemed complete.
When an application is deemed complete, the appli-
cant shall be so informed and the preliminary sub-
mittal shall be scheduled for review by the Planning
Commission. Preliminary submittals not requiring
referral to outside review agencies and not requiring
a public hearing shall be scheduled for review and/or
action within not less than three (3) days nor more
than thirty-five (35) days application is deemed to be
Preliminary submittals requiring a public hearing
and/or referral to outside review agencies shall be
scheduled for review and/or action by the Planning
Commission not before, nor more than thirty-five
(35) days after, the completion of the thirty-day
referral agency review period and the period re-
quired for notification of a public hearing.
The Planning Department shall determine which if
any referral agencies (see Section 2.13) shall review
the preliminary submission. In the case of a pro-
posed rezoning, any municipality or County located
within two (2) miles of the boundaries of the land
proposed to be rezoned shall also become a referral
Upon written request by a referral agency, the Plan-
ning Commission may extend the review period an
additional fifteen (15) days upon written notice to the
In reviewing and acting upon the proposed land use
actions submitted to the Planning Commission at the
preliminary submission stage, the Planning Com-
mission shall review and make recommendations to
the Board of County Commissioners that the appli-
cation be approved, conditionally approved or de-
nied. If the Planning Commission continues the
application, it shall be reconsidered by the Planning
Commission when all conditions that were the cause
to table further consideration have been complied
with by the applicant.
If the Planning Commission recommends denial,
said denial may be appealed to the Board of County
Commissioners which may, at its discretion, ap-
prove, conditionally approve, continue or deny the
application. Applications which are denied by the
Board of County Commissioners shall not be recon-
sidered for one (1) year.
Upon recommendation by the Planning Commission
on an application requiring action by the Board of
County Commissioners, the Planning Director shall
schedule the application for action by the Board.
Preliminary submittals not requiring a public hearing
shall be scheduled not more than thirty-five (35)
days after action by the Planning Commission.
Preliminary submittals requiring a public hearing
shall be scheduled for consideration by the Board of
County Commissioners not more than thirty-five (35)
days after the completion of the required thirty-day
notification period for a public hearing.
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.10
In reviewing and acting upon applications for land
use changes brought before it at the preliminary
submission stage, the Board of County Commis-
sioners may approve, conditionally approve or deny
an application or it may remand the submission to
the applicant for further modification and amend-
ment or table final action of the application if the
Board finds there is insufficient evidence to take final
Approval of the preliminary submission by the Board
of County Commissioners shall not constitute nor
presume acceptance or approval of any required or
other subsequent submissions and the Board may,
at its discretion, require the fulfillment of such condi-
tions as it sees fit to impose in a conditional approv-
al, as a precondition for consideration by the
Planning Commission or the Board of any subse-
quent submissions.
2.11 Procedures and Requirements for General
Persons proposing land use changes to be reviewed
and/or acted upon to the general submission stage
review shall submit the required application forms,
application fees and submittal materials to the Plan-
ning Department.
The Planning Department shall determine that any
and all modifications, amendments and special
conditions imposed at the preliminary submission
stage as a condition for subsequent review and/or
action have been complied with.
When an application is deemed complete, it shall be
reviewed pursuant to the schedule for preliminary
submissions, except as otherwise provided for.
Notice of public hearing shall be accomplished in the
manner specified in Section 2.04.
In reviewing and acting upon the proposed land use
actions submitted to the Planning Commission at the
general submission stage, the Planning Commission
shall recommend approval, conditional approval or
Upon recommendation by the Planning Commission
or upon the submittal of the appropriate materials for
a direct action by the Board of County Commission-
ers, the Planning Director shall schedule the applica-
tions or other materials for action by the Board.
General submittals not requiring a public hearing
shall be scheduled not more than thirty-five (35)
days after action by the Planning Commission or,
not requiring review by the Planning Commission,
not more than thirty-five (35) days after acceptance
of the required submittal materials.
In reviewing and acting upon proposed land use
actions, the Board shall approve, conditionally ap-
prove or deny the application.
Approval of a general submission by the Board of
County Commissioners shall not constitute nor
presume acceptance or approval of any required or
other subsequent submissions, and the Board may,
at its discretion, require the fulfillment of such condi-
tions as it sees fit to impose in a conditional approv-
al, as a precondition for consideration by the
Planning Commission or the Board of any subse-
quent submissions.
2.12 Procedures and Requirements for Final
Persons proposing land use changes to be reviewed
and/or acted upon at the final submission stage shall
submit the required application forms, application
fees and submittal materials to the Planning De-
The Planning Department shall determine that all
modifications, amendments and special conditions
imposed at the general submission stage as a condi-
tion for subsequent review and/or action have been
complied with.
When the application is deemed complete, it shall be
reviewed pursuant to the schedule for preliminary
submissions, except as otherwise provided for.
Notice of a public hearing shall be accomplished in
the manner specified in Section 2.04.
Correction plats submitted at the final submission
stage shall be exempt from the publication of notifi-
cation of hearing, notification of property owners,
mineral lessees, referral and review requirements,
along with the final plat submission requirements, if
the sole purpose of such correction plat is to correct
one (1) or more technical errors in a plat previously
approved by the Board of County Commissioners
and when the correction plat is consistent with the
preliminary plan previously approved by the Board of
County Commissioners.
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.12
In reviewing and acting upon proposed land use
actions submitted to the Planning Commission at the
final submission stage, the Planning Commission
shall recommend approval, conditional approval or
Upon recommendation by the Planning Commission
or upon the submittal of the appropriate materials for
direct action by the Board of County Commissioners,
the Planning Director shall schedule the applications
or other materials for action by the Board. Final
submittals not requiring a public hearing shall be
scheduled not more than thirty-five (35) days after
action by the Planning Commission. Final submittals
not requiring a public hearing shall be scheduled not
more than thirty-five (35) days after action by the
Planning Commission or, not requiring review by the
Planning Commission, not more than thirty-five (35)
days after acceptance of the required submittal
materials by the Planning Department.
Final submittals requiring a public hearing shall be
scheduled for consideration by the Board not more
than thirty-five (35) days after the completion of the
required notification period for a public hearing.
In reviewing and acting upon proposed land use
charges submitted to the Board of County Commis-
sioners at the final submission stage, the Board shall
act to approve, conditionally approve or deny.
In acting upon applications for approval of a final
plat, the Board of County Commissioners shall not
grant approval to a final plat unless and until all
required approvals have been granted to subdivision
improvements guarantees, covenants, easements,
deeds, proposed financial security arrangements
and all other requirements and preconditions for
approval of a final plat contained in Chapter IV of
these Regulations.
Applicants shall record approved final plats and all
attendant covenants, easements, deeds and related
documents, upon payment of the required recording
fees, in the office of the Las Animas County Clerk
and Recorder.
2.13 Referral Agencies
Referral of application materials to review agencies
shall occur as follows:
1. Applications for rezoning and for non-subdivision
PUD's shall be processed for referral in accord-
ance with the procedures and provisions con-
tained in Section 2.10.
2. Applications for special use permits, the vacat-
ing of plats and replats shall be subject to refer-
ral, at the discretion of the Planning Director,
when the size, characteristics, including possible
on- or off-site impacts, or other features of a
proposed land use change would warrant review
by one (1) or more local, regional, state or fed-
eral referral agencies.
Applications for the approval of a preliminary plan for
the subdivision of land (whether or not as a PUD)
shall be subject to referral to the following review
1. The school districts in which the land encom-
passed by the proposed subdivision is located.
2. Each County, other than Las Animas County,
and municipality within a two-mile radius of any
portion of the proposed subdivision.
3. All applicable local improvement and service
districts, ditch companies and utilities.
4. The Colorado State Forest Service, when appli-
5. Local conservation districts.
6. The Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment and/or such County, district or re-
gional health departments as may exist.
7. The State Engineer/Colorado Division of Water
Resources, when applicable.
9. The Colorado Geological Survey.
10. Other referral agencies and potentially affected
parties as the Planning Director may, in the ex-
ercise of reasonable discretion determine to be
reasonable and appropriate in order to provide
the Planning Commission and the Board of
County Commissioners with adequate infor-
The referral agencies shall make comments and/or
recommendations within thirty-five (35) days from
the date of mailing of the preliminary plan materials,
unless a necessary extension of not more than thirty
(30) days has been consented to by both the appli-
cant and the Board of County Commissioners.
Failure of any referral agency to respond within
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.13
thirty-five (35) days or within the period of an exten-
sion shall, for the purposes of the hearing on the
preliminary plan, be deemed a de facto approval of
such plan except that, when such plan involves
twenty (20) or more proposed dwelling units, a
school district shall be required to submit within said
time limit specific recommendations with respect to
the adequacy of school sites and the adequacy of
school structures.
Upon written request by a referral agency, the Plan-
ning Commission shall extend the review period an
additional fifteen (15) days upon notice to the appli-
cant. In the case of proposed rezonings, special use
permits, PUDs, vacating of plats and replats in ex-
cess of one thousand (1,000) acres, the Planning
Commission may, at its discretion, extend the review
period up to an additional thirty (30) days upon
written notification to the applicant.
Final submission application materials shall, unless
the Planning Commission deems otherwise, be
submitted for review only to those referral agencies
expressing concerns or making negative recom-
mendations at the general submission stage of
review. The Planning Commission may waive any
or all of the review agency referral agencies.
2.14 Site Plan Review
The requirements of this Section apply to develop-
ment on property for which the use proposed is:
(1) use by right; and (2) subdivision or planned unit
development approval is not sought. This Section
establishes application requirements only. The
applicant shall submit the following information in a
brief summary:
1. General project concept.
2. Specific uses proposed and intensity of use
proposed (floor area and parking demand).
3. Proposed construction timing.
4. General concepts concerning building size and
exterior materials and site plan concepts, includ-
a. An exterior materials package including roof
material, wall treatment, glass and glazing.
b. Site plan concepts including site organiza-
tion, landscaping, irrigation, grading, lighting
and signs.
5. The following additional data may be required by
the Planning Department to accompany the ap-
a. A site plan showing location of structures,
number of dwelling units per structure, exist-
ing contours at an interval of two (2) feet, lo-
cation of open space to be retained, location
of off-street parking spaces, location of
common areas and their proposed usage.
b. Evidence of availability of public water and
sewer facilities, in the form of a written
commitment by a municipal or quasi-
municipal agency stating that such service
will be available to the property.
c. Other information required by the Planning
2.15 Special Uses
2.15.01 Generally
Special uses may be allowed in an eligible zon-
ing district upon review and recommendation by
the Planning Commission and favorable action
by the Board of County Commissioners. A pub-
lic hearing before the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall be conducted prior to approval or
denial of the permit. Public notice of the hearing
shall be given as set forth in Section 2.04.
Issuance of a special use permit shall be subject
to such conditions and safeguards as the Board
of County Commissioners may impose in order
that the special use comply with the general in-
tent and specific provisions of these Regulations
and be in harmony with the character of the sur-
rounding area. Each special use permit is sub-
ject to review yearly or otherwise as often as the
Board or County Commissioners deems appro-
Special uses are discretionary uses which are
clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area
and which, if properly designed, developed, op-
erated and maintained, may be approved for any
specific location within a zone district wherein
the special use is enumerated. In order to pro-
tect the public interest, the Board of County
Commissioners shall have the right to approve,
approve with conditions or deny a special use
permit request and to revoke previously ap-
proved special use permits.
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.15.02
2.15.02 Submittal Requirements
Application for a special use permit shall include
the following items:
1. An application on a form provided by the
Planning Department.
2. A letter of intent.
3. A site plan.
4. The current zoning of the subject property
and adjoining property.
5. Proof of ownership, deed or current title pol-
icy and, as appropriate, certification from the
owner recognizing the owner's appointed
6. Description of the current land uses on the
property, the characteristics of the land with-
in the property boundaries, and the current
land use on all adjoining property.
7. Description of the proposed use of the prop-
erty and project activities needed to bring
about that use.
8. Statement of the impacts of the proposed
use on items such as roads and fire protec-
tion services, and on the features of the
neighboring environment such as flora, fau-
na and water resources.
9. Listing of additional local, state or federal
permits required to bring about the proposed
land use and notation of which permits have
been applied for and which, if any, have
been granted.
10. A noxious weed plan that conforms with the
Integrated Weed Management Plan for Las
Animas County and Section 35-5.5-101, et
seq., C.R.S. Applicants are encouraged to
contact NRCS and/or the Las Animas Coun-
ty Weed Coordinator for consultation.
11. A dust suppression plan during construction,
if applicable.
The site plan shall include the following items:
1. A minimum sheet size of 8.5" by 11" to 24"
by 36" drawn to an appropriate scale ap-
proved by the Planning Director and show-
ing the location, height and dimensions of
each existing and proposed structure in the
proposed special use areas, the uses to be
contained within the existing and/or pro-
posed structures and the name, mailing ad-
dress and phone number of the applicant.
2. The topography and drainage characteristics
of the property and the location of any
FEMA-designated floodplain areas on the
3. The existing and proposed building setbacks
and the building area with reference to
property lines, highway, street or road rights-
of-way, watercourses and other natural and
historic features of the site.
4. The location and surfacing of any existing or
proposed parking areas and the number of
existing and proposed parking spaces.
5. The location of any existing and proposed
footpaths, traffic devices, driveways and
curb cuts with an indication of how pedestri-
an and vehicular movement will be con-
6. The location, if any, and pertinent character-
istics of existing or proposed signs, lighting
fixtures and landscaping.
7. The location of any easements on the prop-
8. A notation of the stages, if any, in which the
project will be developed.
9. A vicinity map locating the proposed special
use in relationship to the surrounding area
within five hundred (500) feet of the bounda-
ries of the proposed property and a descrip-
tion of any existing plats and improvements
on this adjacent property.
The appropriate filing fees (see Chapter XII)
shall accompany the site plan. At the discretion
of the Planning Director, any but not all of the
submission requirements may be waived in cas-
es where provision of the specified items would
prove unnecessarily burdensome or inappropri-
ate. In special cases, additional submittal items
may be required by the Planning Director.
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.15.03
2.15.03 Criteria for Action on a Special Use
All actions by the Planning Commission in re-
viewing and making recommendations and by
the Board of County Commissioners in approv-
ing or disapproving special use permits shall be
based in general upon these Regulations and
specifically on whether the proposed special
1. Is consistent with the goals, objectives, poli-
cies and requirements of Las Animas Coun-
ty as contained in these Regulations and the
Las Animas County Master Plan;
2. Is consistent with and in harmony with
neighboring land uses and future intended
land uses in the area;
3. Will not unnecessarily scar the land and be
free from loose piles of soil or other materi-
als and open, unprotected pits or holes;
4. Will not be likely to prove detrimental to the
public health, safety or welfare of County
residents nor cause hardship for neighboring
5. Will meet a proven public need in that it will
fill a void in necessary services, products or
facilities especially appropriate at the loca-
tion proposed, considering available alterna-
6. Will not create or contribute to blight in the
neighborhood by virtue of physical or opera-
tional characteristics of the proposed use;
7. Will not adversely affect adequate light and
air, nor cause significant air, water or noise
8. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or
traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading,
service or internal traffic conflicts to the det-
riment of persons whether on or off the site;
9. Will be appropriately designed, including
setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering,
screening and landscaping, so as to be in
harmony and compatible with the character
of the surrounding areas and neighborhood,
especially with adjacent properties;
10. Will not overburden the capacities of the ex-
isting streets, utilities, parks, schools and
other public facilities and services;
11. History of compliance by the applicant with
these Regulations requirements and prior
conditions, if any, regarding the subject
12. Ability of the applicant or any permitted suc-
cessor-in-interest to continuously meet the
conditions of the proposed permit;
13. Other factors relevant to the specific applica-
2.15.04 Planning Commission Review
The Planning Commission shall hear and con-
sider any evidence or statement presented by
the applicant, County staff or any person in at-
tendance at the hearing. The Planning Com-
mission shall recommend that Board of County
Commissioners approve, approve with condi-
tions, or deny the application, basing its recom-
mendation upon the facts presented in the public
hearing in consideration of the criteria for review
above. The Planning Commission may recom-
mend conditions or stipulations, which may in-
clude physical design as well as operational and
maintenance considerations in addition to
standard development and use regulations
which apply within a particular zone district or for
a similar "permitted use." Such conditions or
stipulations may be recommended in order to
ensure compliance with the criteria for review,
which, if not complied with, shall be grounds for
revocation of the special use permit.
The Planning Commission shall specifically rec-
ommend, and the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall specifically consider, whether the
particular special use is dependent upon design,
management or operational aspects such that it
should be a personal grant of use to the owner
of the special use and not a grant which trans-
fers with the affected property, and, in that con-
nection, the Planning Commission and Board of
County Commissioners shall recommend and
decide, respectively, whether the special use:
1. Runs with the land in perpetuity;
2. Is personal to the applicant and may or may
not be inherited; and/or
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.15.04
3. Shall be granted only for a defined period,
after which time the special use shall expire
unless renewed subject to all of the re-
quirements of this Section.
2.15.05 Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners shall re-
view and decide upon all requests for special
uses upon recommendation of the Planning
Commission for approval or upon appeal by an
applicant of a recommendation for denial by the
Planning Commission. Notice of public hearing
shall be in the manner provided in Section 2.04.
The Board of County Commissioners, in addition
to consideration of the Planning Commission
record, shall hear additional evidence and testi-
mony presented, and either approve, approve
with conditions or deny the application, its deci-
sion being based upon all evidence presented,
with due consideration of the criteria for review.
2.15.06 Duration
A special use permit is valid so long as the con-
ditions of approval are maintained by the appli-
cant, unless a specific time limit is imposed as
part of the permit approval. If an approved spe-
cial use ceases operation for any reason for a
period of one (1) year, the permit shall be
deemed expired, unless otherwise provided in
the permit itself. If the conditions of a special
use permit become the responsibility of a person
or entity other than the applicant, the Planning
Department shall be notified in writing, identify-
ing the new person or entity responsible for
maintaining the conditions of the permit. Until
such notice is received, the applicant shall re-
main responsible for maintaining those condi-
tions. The notice shall be attached to the permit
on file with the Planning Department.
2.16 Temporary Use Permit
Applications for temporary use permits are made to
and approved or denied by the Planning Director.
All applications for a temporary use permit shall be
accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (see
Chapter XII), an application on the appropriate form
issued by the Planning Department and a plot plan
showing at an appropriate scale and in legible fash-
ion the location of the proposed structures where the
temporary use would occur, the setbacks from the
property lines, the owners of the adjacent parcels,
existing roadways on adjacent to the property, when
the proposed temporary use would occur, the zoning
districts within which the proposed temporary use
and adjacent parcels lie and the current land uses
on the property in question and adjacent parcels.
All requests for renewal of a temporary use permit
shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Director
at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the expira-
tion date of the permit; the Planning Director may at
his discretion, based on the goals, objectives, poli-
cies and other provisions of these Regulations,
renew or deny the permit.
2.17 Rezoning
2.17.01 General Information
Applications to rezone or change the zoning
classification of a parcel or parcels of land shall
comply with the common procedures described
in this Chapter II. Applications for rezoning shall
be accompanied by an application form provided
by the Planning Department, by the appropriate
submittal materials (see Section 2.18) and by
the necessary filing fees (see Chapter XII). The
requirements of this Section also apply to the
creation and amendment of Planned Unit Devel-
opments (PUDs). Rezoning applications may be
initiated by:
1. The owner of the subject property.
2. The Board of County Commissioners.
3. The Las Animas County Planning Commis-
2.17.02 Submittal Requirements
Applications for rezoning shall include a letter of
intent and a site plan providing the information
required in Section 2.15.02 for special use re-
view. In addition, applicants shall supply the fol-
lowing supplemental information and such
additional information and documentary material
as the Planning Director shall stipulate:
1. The source and quantity of water required
for the proposed uses within the areas to be
2. The method of wastewater treatment and
anticipated quantity of wastewater generat-
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.17.02
3. When water or wastewater service would be
provided by a municipality or a water, sanita-
tion or water and sanitation district or other
public entity, written confirmation that the
public entity in question is willing and able to
provide the service in question.
4. A description of any natural or man-made
hazard within or in the vicinity of the land
proposed for rezoning and a statement de-
scribing how the anticipated impact of such
hazards will be mitigated.
5. A legal description of the property to be re-
6. A vicinity map showing to scale the pro-
posed area to be rezoned in relationship to
the surrounding areas within a distance of
two (2) miles from the boundaries of the
proposed rezoning.
7. A graphic description of all natural and man-
made water courses, retention areas,
streams, lakes and known one-hundred-year
floodplains on or adjacent to the property
along with all areas in the proposed rezon-
ing with a slope of twenty (20) percent or
8. A description of any unique features, such
as historical sites, unique land forms or sce-
nic vistas contained within the land pro-
posed for rezoning.
2.17.03 Criteria for Action on a Rezoning
All actions by the Planning Commission in re-
viewing and making recommendations on a re-
zoning application and by the Board of County
Commissioners in approving or disapproving
such application shall be based in general upon
the provisions of these Regulations, and on the
following additional criteria:
1. That the existing zoning is inconsistent with
the goals, objectives or policies of the Las
Animas County Master Plan.
2. That the land proposed for rezoning or adja-
cent land has changed or is changing to a
degree such that it is in the public interest
and consistent with the intent, purpose and
provisions of these Regulations to encour-
age different densities or uses within the
land in question.
3. That the proposed rezoning is needed to
provide land for a demonstrated community
need or service and such rezoning will be
consistent with the goals, objectives and pol-
icies contained within the Las Animas Coun-
ty Master Plan.
4. That the existing zone classification current-
ly recorded on the official zoning maps of
Las Animas County is an error.
5. That the change of zone is in conformance,
or will bring the property into conformance,
with the Las Animas County Master Plan
goals, objectives and policies, comprehen-
sive land use plan and other related policies
or plans for the area.
6. That the proposed change of zone is com-
patible with the surrounding area and there
will be minimal adverse impacts considering
the benefits to be derived.
7. That there will be social, recreational, physi-
cal and/or economic benefits to the commu-
nity derived by the change of zone.
8. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are
available to serve the type of uses allowed
by the change of zone, or that the applicant
will upgrade and provide such where they do
not exist or are under capacity.
9. That the proposed rezoning will not adverse-
ly affect public health, safety or welfare by
creating excessive traffic congestion, creat-
ing drainage problems or seriously reducing
light and air to adjacent properties.
10. That the rezoning will not create an isolated
or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or
nearby areas.
In any petition for rezoning, the applicant shall
carry the burden of demonstrating that the land
in question should be rezoned and that the ad-
vantages resulting from rezoning would out-
weigh any disadvantages that would result.
Nothing contained herein shall, however, be
construed as limiting in any way the authority of
the Board of County Commissioners to rezone
any land within unincorporated Las Animas
County or otherwise amend the Zoning Regula-
tion and Maps for any reason consistent with the
health, welfare or safety of the residents of the
Land Use Regulations Development Review — §2.17.03
County. The final decision on a change of zone
expressly rests in the exercise of the discretion
of the Board of County Commissioners and all
applicants are advised there is no right to a
change of zone property.
2.18 General Submittal Copy Requirements
All submittal materials shall be neatly and clearly
drawn, legible, clear, free of errors and inaccuracies
and, when specified, capable of clean reproduction
on conventional copying equipment. Failure to
satisfy any of these conditions shall be sufficient
reason for the Planning Director, the Planning
Commission or the Board of County Commissioners
to reject submittal materials and return them for
appropriate modification or amendment.
The following number of submittal copies shall be
required, except as otherwise provided for, as a
precondition for the acceptance and the processing
of applications for proposed land use changes and
other related actions:
1. Site Plan: 5 copies.
2. Rezoning: 10 copies.
3. Special use permit: 20 copies.
4. Temporary use permit: 2 copies.
5. Variance: 5 copies.
6. Sign permit for administrative processing only: 2
7. Sign permit requiring Planning Commission and
Board of County Commissioners review: 5 cop-
8. Sketch plan: 5 copies.
9. Preliminary plan: 20 copies.
10. Final plat/replat: 3 copies and 2 Mylars.
11. Plat amendment: 5 copies.
12. PUD application: 20 copies.
13. Vacating of plats, rights-of-way and easements:
5 copies.
14. H.B. 1041 development permit: 20 copies.
15. Building permit: 2 copies.
Mylars shall be reproducible and submitted for sig-
nature by the Planning Commission and the Board
of County Commissioners. One (1) copy shall be
submitted for recording and one (1) copy for the
Planning Commission files.
2.19 Sufficient Water Supply for Land Use Ap-
All development that requires a new water use shall
provide, concurrently with the first application for any
of the approvals listed on the Review Process Chart
in Section 2.03, evidence that the water supply
proposed to serve the development will be adequate
in terms of quality, quantity, dependability and avail-
ability. The County's determination as to whether
the proposed water supply is adequate to serve the
proposed development shall be based upon:
1. Evidence that the development will be served by
a public water supply entity currently providing
treated water service within the County, which
district has been operating within the County for
no less than ten (10) years prior to the date of
application for approval of the development;
2. If requested by the Planning Department, a letter
from the state engineer commenting on such
3. Whether the applicant has paid to a water sup-
ply entity (as defined by Section 29-20-302,
C.R.S.) a fee or charge for the purpose of ac-
quiring water for or expanding or constructing
the infrastructure to serve the proposed devel-
opment; and
4. Any other information deemed relevant by the
Planning Department, including without limitation
any information required to be submitted by the
applicant pursuant to these Regulations or state
The County shall not approve such development
application unless it finds, in its sole discretion and
after considering the application and all of the infor-
mation provided, that the applicant has satisfactorily
demonstrated that the proposed water supply will be
adequate. The County shall make its determination
concerning adequate water supply only once during
the development approval process unless the water
demands or supply of the specific project for which
the development approval is sought are materially
3.01 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.01.01 Title ............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.01.02 County Building Code .................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.01.03 Control Over Use......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.01.04 Incorporation of Maps .................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.01.05 Location of the Zoning District Maps of Las Animas County ....................................................... 3-1
3.01.06 Amendments to the Zoning District Maps of Las Animas County ................................................ 3-1
3.01.07 Interpretation of District Boundaries ............................................................................................ 3-1
3.02 Zoning Districts .............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.02.01 Establishment of Zoning Districts ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.02.02 District Characteristics and Requirements .................................................................................. 3-2
3.03 Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses in Zoning Districts ..................................................................... 3-3
3.04 Uses Not Itemized ......................................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.05 Accessory Buildings and Uses ....................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.06 Temporary Uses ............................................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.06.01 Tents, Campers and Recreational Vehicles as Temporary Residences ...................................... 3-7
3.07 Airport Protection Overlay District Requirements and Provisions .................................................................. 3-7
3.07.01 Intent ........................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.07.02 Permitted Uses Within an APO District ....................................................................................... 3-7
3.07.03 Limitations Within an APO District ............................................................................................... 3-8
3.07.04 Submittal Requirements in an APO District ................................................................................. 3-10
3.07.05 Private Landing Strips, Helistops and Heliports .......................................................................... 3-10
3.08 Mobile Home Park and Campground Regulations ......................................................................................... 3-10
3.09 Nonconforming Uses, Lots and Buildings ...................................................................................................... 3-10
3.09.01 Meaning and Intent ..................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.09.02 Abandonment of Use................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.09.03 Restoration .................................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.09.04 Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use or Building ...................................................................... 3-11
3.09.05 Alteration of Nonconforming Buildings ........................................................................................ 3-11
3.09.06 Structures Under Construction .................................................................................................... 3-11
3.09.07 Title Default ................................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.09.08 Conforming and Nonconforming Lots .......................................................................................... 3-11
3.09.09 Nonconforming Signs .................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.10 Maximum Building Height and Yard Setback Requirements .......................................................................... 3-12
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.01
3.01 General Provisions
3.01.01 Title
The title of this zoning resolution shall be the
Las Animas County, Colorado Zoning Regula-
tions and Maps, and may be so cited and plead-
ed. Hereinafter in these Regulations, it shall be
referred to as the Las Animas County zoning
3.01.02 County Building Code
No building or other structure shall be erected,
reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall
any building or land be used for any purpose ex-
cept in conformity with the regulations pre-
scribed herein for the zoning district in which
such building or land is located. No building
permit shall be issued by Las Animas County
unless the plans for the proposed erection, con-
struction, reconstruction, alteration or use fully
conforms to all zoning regulations then in effect.
3.01.03 Control Over Use
After the effective date of adoption of these
Regulations and the zoning regulations herein,
and subject to the appropriate sections of these
Regulations dealing with nonconforming uses
and buildings:
1. Any new building or other structure and any
tract of land may be used;
2. The use of any existing building, other struc-
ture or tract of land may be changed or ex-
3. Any existing building or other structure may
be enlarged, reconstructed, structurally al-
tered, converted or relocated for any pur-
pose permitted or required by the
regulations for the district in which such
building or other structure or tract of land is
located, and for no other purpose. Such
use, change, extension, structural alteration,
conversion or relocation shall be subject to
all other regulations set forth or referred to in
the regulations for that district and to all oth-
er applicable regulations contained within
these Regulations.
3.01.04 Incorporation of Maps
The location and boundaries of the districts es-
tablished herein are shown on the Zoning Dis-
trict Maps of Las Animas County, which are
hereby incorporated into these regulations and
into these Regulations. The said zoning maps,
together with everything shown thereon and all
amendments thereto, shall be as much a part of
these regulations and these Regulations as if
they were fully set forth and described herein.
3.01.05 Location of the Zoning District
Maps of Las Animas County
Upon the adoption of these Regulations, the
Board of County Commissioners shall file a cer-
tified copy of the Zoning District Maps of Las
Animas County in the office of the County Clerk
and Recorder, which copy shall be available to
the public, and in such other places as desig-
nated by the Board of County Commissioners.
3.01.06 Amendments to the Zoning District
Maps of Las Animas County
All amendments made to the Zoning District
Maps of Las Animas County in accordance with
these Regulations shall be recorded on the Zon-
ing District Maps on file in the office of the Coun-
ty Clerk and Recorder.
3.01.07 Interpretation of District Bounda-
Unless otherwise noted, all district boundary
lines shall be construed to lie on the centerline
of streets, roads, alleyways and rights-of-way,
on lot lines of platted subdivisions, on section
lines, on boundaries of the County and of spe-
cial districts and on the corporate limit lines of
incorporated municipalities. Disputes regarding
the exact location of any district boundary line
shall be decided by resolution of the Board of
County Commissioners, acting upon recom-
mendation of the Planning Director.
3.02 Zoning Districts
3.02.01 Establishment of Zoning Districts
In order to carry out the purpose of these Regu-
lations and implement the goals, objectives and
policies of Las Animas County, as contained
herein, the unincorporated areas of Las Animas
zoning districts
setbacks etc
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.02.01
County is hereby divided, or by amendment
shall become divided, into the following zoning
A Agricultural District
RR Rural Residential District
UR Urban Residential District
RA Ranchette Zone
3.02.02 District Characteristics and Re-
A—Agricultural District
This district is created for the purpose of protect-
ing the productive agricultural lands of Las Ani-
mas County and preserving the visual and
cultural values associated with agricultural life-
styles in rural, unincorporated areas of Las Ani-
mas County, mountains and plains.
Minimum lot area: 35 acres
Minimum lot width: 200 feet
Minimum front yard setback: 60 feet
Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet
Minimum rear yard setback: 30 feet
Maximum building height: 60 feet
Minimum dwelling size: 600 square feet, except for
mobile homes, where
Maximum lot coverage: 15 percent
For permitted and prohibited uses, see Section
RR—Rural Residential District
This zone generally comprises those areas of
the County along Highway 12 from the Stone-
wall Valley to Trinidad and on the fringes of Trin-
idad which are more conducive to development
because of the general availability of public ser-
vices and facilities.
Minimum lot area: 12,500 square feet
Minimum lot width: 100 feet
Minimum front yard setback: 30 feet
Minimum side yard setback: 15 feet
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet
Maximum building height: 45 feet
Minimum dwelling size: 600 square feet, except for
mobile homes, where
Maximum lot coverage: 50 percent
For permitted and prohibited uses, see Section
UR—Urban Residential District
This zone generally comprises those areas im-
mediately adjacent to incorporated cities and
towns and those unincorporated communities
which are conductive to intense development
because of the availability of utility systems.
Minimum lot area: 7,500 square feet
Minimum lot width: 50 feet
Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet
Minimum side yard setback: 5 feet
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet
Maximum building height: 42 feet
Minimum dwelling size: 600 square feet, except for
mobile homes, where permitted
Maximum lot coverage: 50 percent
For permitted and prohibited uses, see Section
RA—Ranchette District
The principal purpose of this zone is to allow ru-
ral residential development compatible with agri-
cultural uses.
Minimum lot area: 5 acres
Minimum lot width: 200 feet
Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet
Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet
Minimum rear yard setback: 20 feet
Maximum building height: 60 feet
Minimum dwelling size: 600 square feet, except for
mobile homes, where
Maximum lot coverage: 15 percent
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.02.02
For permitted and prohibited uses, see Section
PUD—Planned Unit Development District
All of the above standard districts may be devel-
oped in accordance with Planned Unit Develop-
ment (PUD) concepts and procedures (detailed
at Chapter V), which are intended to encourage
creative planning consistent with the goals, ob-
jectives, policies and other provisions of these
Regulations. The overall density of a PUD may
exceed the density specified in the districts in
which it is located and variances from the nor-
mal zoning and subdivision requirements, such
as those governing setbacks. They shall be
permitted only when it can be demonstrated that
such waivers would further the purpose of the
PUD and be in compliance with intent of the
provisions of these Regulations.
3.03 Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited
Uses in Zoning Districts
The table on the following pages indicates which
land uses are allowed by right, which are special
uses and which are prohibited uses in each of the
zoning districts. Uses not listed are considered to
be special uses. See Section 2.15 on special uses.
Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses by Zoning District
Zoning District — A RR UR RA
.01 Single-family dwelling R R R R
.02 Two single-family attached dwellings (duplex) S R R S
.03 Multiple-family dwelling S S S S
.04 Boarding and rooming houses S S S S
.05 Rest, nursing, convalescent and retirement homes P S S S
.06 Hospitals and clinics P S S S
.07 Hotels, motels and vacation lodges, including time sharing estates S S S S
.08 Restaurants and eating places, bars and lounges P S S S
.09 Public schools and educational institutions R R R R
.10 Private schools, educational institutions and training centers S S S S
.11 Day care, child care, nursery schools and homes S S S S
.12 Churches and religious institutions R R R R
.13 Public and private airports, landing strips, helistops and heliports (see also Section 3.07) S S S S
.14 Cemeteries S S S S
.15 Parks, playgrounds, golf courses or playing fields R S S R
.16 Essential public and government utility uses, facilities, services and buildings, excluding
transmission and production facilities and accessory uses (see also Section 7.09)
.17 Other utility uses, facilities and services, including electric power transmission lines, electric
power distribution lines, electric power generation facilities, and gas pipelines and all appur-
tenant facilities, uses and structures thereto (see also Section 7.09)
.18 Communication facilities (including radio and television transmitting and receiving stations
and towers including microwave stations and cellular towers -see also Section 7.05)
.19 Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (ISDS), sewage treatment plants and water treatment
plants and pipelines and all appurtenant facilities, uses and structures thereto, exempting the
City of Trinidad.
.20 Waste from other states or counties buried, stored, transferred or incinerated in Las Animas
County: solid, hazardous or radioactive (see also Section 7.04)
.21 Waste defined as "hazardous waste" buried, stored, transferred or incinerated in Las Animas
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.03
Zoning District — A RR UR RA
.22 Waste having any radioactive association stored (permanent or interim), buried, transferred,
or incinerated in the boundaries of Las Animas County
.23 Sanitary landfill within the boundaries of Las Animas County S P P P
.24 Radioactive sites: long term storage, interim storage, transfer station or incineration P P P P
.25 Hazardous waste sites: interim or permanent storage, transfer station or incineration P P P P
.26 Incineration of wastes P P P P
.27 Landfills and disposal sites for toxic, radioactive and otherwise hazardous materials, includ-
ing temporary or permanent hazardous storage facilities
.28 Nuisance uses not otherwise listed S S S S
.29 Agricultural crop production, including orchards and accessory uses and buildings R R S R
.30 Animal production, including grazing, dairy farming and accessory uses and buildings but
excluding commercial feedlots
.31 Commercial tree farms and cutting storages and sales of commercial firewood S S S S
.32 Confined animal feeding operations, commercial feedlots and sales yard R P P S
.33 Stands for the sale of agricultural products R R R R
.34 Commercial riding stables S S P S
.35 Kennels and veterinary clinics R S S S
.36 Guest ranches and vacation lodges S S S S
.37 Camping areas and campgrounds S S S S
.38 Individual mobile homes (see Section 7.11 for special regulations governing the placement
of individual mobile homes regardless of zoning district)
.39 Mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions(see also Chapter VIII) S S S S
.40 Ski lifts and accessory structures and uses S S S S
.41 Outdoor amusement facilities and entertainment facilities S S S S
.42 Membership clubs and lodges S S S S
.43 Professional business offices S S S S
.44 Personal service outlets such as beauty and barber shops, Laundromats, travel agencies,
.45 Retail or wholesale outlets S S S S
.46 Shopping malls P S S S
.47 Firearms - sales and services S S S S
.48 Shooting ranges (indoor and outdoor) S S S S
.49 Gasoline service stations S S S S
.50 Vehicle repair facilities, including storage garages as a principal or an accessory use S S S S
.51 Motor vehicle parking lots S S S S
.52 Lumber yards and sawmills S P P S
.53 Manufacture or storage of gases or aboveground storage of flammable liquids such as
gasoline for other than residential or agricultural on-site use
.54 Railroad facilities, including repair sheds and switch yards and trucking terminals, excluding
.55 Junk or wrecking yards when surrounded by an eight-foot-high solid fence or not visible from
any public roads
.56 Batch plants and hot mix plants and all appurtenant accessory uses thereto S P P S
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.03
Zoning District — A RR UR RA
.57 Manufacture, fabrication or processing of all materials not otherwise listed and which will not
cause excessive noise, heat, dust, fumes or other adverse consequences
.58 Manufacturing, production and other uses not otherwise listed that will cause excess noise,
heat dust, fumes or other adverse consequences
.59 Rock quarries, sand and gravel excavation pits, oil wells and all appurtenances and acces-
sory uses thereto, but excluding strip and underground coal mines and the prospecting,
exploration for or extraction of uranium or other radioactive materials
.60 Underground coal mines S S S S
.61 Strip mines S P P P
.62 Recycling collection centers S S S S
.63 Recycling processing facilities S S S S
.64 Group homes S S S S
.65 Correctional facilities S P P S
.66 Small wind energy systems R R R R
.67 Commercial wind farms S P P S
R = Use Allowed by Right
P = Use Prohibited
S = Special Use
A = Agricultural District
RR = Rural Residential District
UR = Urban Residential District
RA = Ranchette District
3.04 Uses Not Itemized
Upon petition by any individual or organization or by
its own initiative, the Board of County Commission-
ers may, by resolution, following review and recom-
mendation by the Planning Commission, add to the
itemized list of uses in Section 3.03, any additional
uses which conform to the following criteria:
1. That the use by right, special use or prohibited
use conforms to the basic characteristics and
purpose of the district to which it would be add-
2. That, if there are zoning districts to which the
additional use would be equally or more appro-
priate, such use shall also be added to those
Before adopting any such resolution, the Board of
County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing
upon the matter, giving at least thirty (30) days'
notice of the time, place and subject matter of such
hearing by at least one (1) publication in a newspa-
per of general circulation in the County.
3.05 Accessory Buildings and Uses
An accessory building or use is a subordinate use of
a building, other structure or tract of land or a subor-
dinate building or other structure: a) which is clearly
incidental to the use of the principal building, other
structure or use of land; b) which is customary in
connection with the principal building, other structure
or use of land; or c) which is ordinarily located on the
same lot with the principal building, other structure
or use of land.
The following uses are permitted in the following
zoning districts, provided that they are incidental to
and on the same premises as a permitted or special
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.05
Garages for the storage of automobiles and/or commercial vehicles, including the maintenance of those vehicles. A and RA
Garages for the storage and owner maintenance of automobiles, light trucks and recreational vehicles. RR and UR
Vehicle parking and loading space. All
Home occupations or professional offices, only when operated by residents living on the premises and not exceeding
thirty (30) percent of three hundred (300) square feet of the gross floor areas, whichever is greater. Such use shall
be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes and shall not change the
character thereof nor generate traffic which significantly or adversely affects the residential character of the area.
A and RA
Home occupations as permitted above, except that there shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material or
equipment used as part of the home occupation and there shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat,
glare or other effects noticeable at or beyond the property line and there shall be no exterior advertising other than
identification of the home occupation.
RR and UR
Controlled burning units incidental to residential and agricultural use. A
Household pets, private greenhouses, swimming pools and fallout shelters for personal uses so long as such acces-
sory uses pose no threat to human health, safety and welfare to owners, users or adjacent residents and so long as
they meet all applicable building, electrical and plumbing codes and have received all required local, regional and
state permits.
Fences or walls which are not over six (6) feet in height. Taller fences are permitted upon inspection by the County
Building Inspector, who shall issue a permit for such fences upon determination that they would not block light, sun,
air, vision or otherwise pose a health or safety hazard or a nuisance. No fence, wall, shrubs, trees, signs or any other
obstruction over three (3) feet in height, as measured from the surface of the lowest roadway of the intersection
streets or roads, shall be permitted in any setback area if it obstructs the sight of drivers at any intersection.
Any accessory buildings, structures or uses required in addition to and in conjunction with any use by right or ap-
proved special use.
3.06 Temporary Uses
Upon application to the Planning Director, a temporary use permit may be issued for the following uses in the
following zoning districts and for the following periods of time. Such permits shall be valid only for the period
of time specified, and no more than two (2) renewals of the temporary permit shall be issued by the Planning
Director. Such permits may be predicated upon a showing by the applicant that the temporary use will not
adversely affect the health, safety and welfare of the occupant(s) or surrounding properties by providing in-
formation regarding the specifics of the structure, water sources, restroom facilities, electrical power and any
other information the Planning Director deems necessary and relevant.
Anemometer or MET tower. These temporary structures shall comply with all applicable guidelines
for locating a wind farm (Section 7.14.02), including compliance with FAA regulations and any
additional safety provisions deemed appropriate by the Planning Director.
A and RA 36 months
Residences, including mobile homes, but excluding tents, campers and recreational vehicles. A
temporary residence permit shall be issued for utilizing a temporary structure on the premises only
after obtaining a building permit for a permanent residence.
All 6 months
Construction office and yards. These temporary structures for office space and the storage of
construction materials and equipment shall be used for the management of construction projects so
long as they are not used for living quarters.
All Life of
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.06
Temporary sales offices. Temporary sales offices for the sale of residential, commercial, industrial
or other units of space shall be located within the areas of a recorded final plat and sales shall be
limited to those units within the platted subdivision in which the sales office is located.
All 6 months
Carnivals, circuses, bazaars, fairs, tent meetings, firework stands, auctions and crusades. A, UR, and RA 1 month
Non-commercial batch plants. A and RA 6 months
Such other temporary uses as may arise from time to time and which, in the opinion of the Planning
Director, furthers and contributes to the welfare of the people of the Las Animas County, Colorado.
All 3 months
3.06.01 Tents, Campers and Recreational
Vehicles as Temporary Residences
Tents, campers and recreational vehicles, when
employed as temporary residences for human
occupation, are hereby declared to be a tempo-
rary use as defined within these Regulations,
and shall be treated as temporary residences,
as described in this Section 3.06. Tents, camp-
ers and recreational vehicles that are occupied
more than seven (7) days (whether or not such
days are consecutive) within any thirty-day peri-
od shall be presumed temporary residences,
and such uses must receive a temporary use
permit as required under this Section 3.06.01.
Permits allowing for the use of tents, campers or
recreational vehicles as temporary residences
shall only be valid for thirty (30) days in A and
RR districts and fifteen (15) days in UR districts.
Such permits are subject to the renewal re-
quirements set forth in this Section 3.06.
3.07 Airport Protection Overlay District Re-
quirements and Provisions
3.07.01 Intent
The Airport Protection Overlay District is a sup-
plemental district that may overlay any standard
zoning district. Any use by right or special use
permitted in the underlying district is also permit-
ted in an APO district so long as that use meets
the special conditions required in an APO dis-
The APO district is established to minimize ex-
posure of residential and other sensitive land
uses to aircraft noise areas, to avoid danger
from aircraft accidents, to reduce the possibility
for such accidents, to discourage traffic conges-
tion within the area of the district and to restrict
noncompatible land uses in proximity to and
within airport influence areas.
This zoning district shall be applied in the vicinity
of all general aviation airports and public heli-
ports (see, however, Section 3.07.05) which
would be significantly affected by air traffic,
noise or any hazard related to the establish-
ment, operation or maintenance of an airport or
heliport facility. At a minimum, the APO District
shall apply to the Perry Stokes Airport.
The degree of protection provided by this over-
lay district is considered reasonable and prudent
for land use regulatory purposes and is based
on established parameters on control.
Establishment of this district, however, does not
imply that areas outside of the district will be to-
tally free from airport- and aircraft-related haz-
ards nor that all hazards within the district will be
completely mitigated. Establishment of this dis-
trict shall not create a liability on the part of or
cause any action against Las Animas County or
any officer, employee or contractor thereof for
any damages that may result directly or indirect-
ly from reliance on the provisions contained
3.07.02 Permitted Uses Within an APO Dis-
No building or land shall be used and no building
or other structure shall hereafter be erected,
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.07.02
converted or structurally altered except as pro-
vided for herein, and the following use provi-
sions shall apply within an APO district:
1. No use may be made of land within the dis-
trict in such a manner as to create electrical
interference with radio communication be-
tween an airport or heliport and aircraft or
make it difficult for pilots to distinguish be-
tween airport or heliport lights and other
lights, cause glare in the eyes of pilots using
the airport or heliport, impair visibility in the
vicinity of the airport or heliport or otherwise
endanger the taking off or the maneuvering
of aircraft in the vicinity of the airport or heli-
port. Noise attenuation in building design
shall be encouraged and may be required
for structures to be erected within the dis-
2. Nothing contained within this district regula-
tion shall be construed to require the remov-
al, lowering or other change or alteration of
any structure or object of natural growth not
conforming to the provisions contained here-
in or otherwise interfere with the continu-
ance of any nonconforming use, except as
specifically stated.
3. Nothing contained within this district regula-
tion shall require any change in the con-
struction, alteration or intended use of any
structure, the construction or alteration of
which was begun prior to the effective date
of adoption of these Regulations and is dili-
gently prosecuted; provided, however, that
when the nonconforming structure or non-
conforming use is destroyed or damaged to
the extent of over fifty (50) percent of the
appraised value of the nonconforming struc-
ture or use, any reuse, reconstruction or re-
placement shall be deemed a new use and
shall be subject to the applicable provisions
contained herein.
4. The owner of any nonconforming structure
or object of natural growth is hereby re-
quired to permit the installation, operation or
maintenance thereon of such markers or
lights as shall be deemed necessary by the
Board of County Commissioners or any oth-
er appropriate authority to indicate to the
operators of aircraft in the vicinity of the air-
port or heliport the presence of such non-
conforming structures or objects of natural
growth. Such markers and lights shall be
installed, operated and maintained at the
expense of the owners and/or operators.
5. Aviation easements may be required, at the
discretion of the Board of County Commis-
sioners, within a designated APO district.
3.07.03 Limitations Within an APO District
1. Height Limitations.
Height limitations within an APO district, ex-
cept as otherwise provided for herein, are
subject to the limitations of the district within
which the property is located. No structure
or object of natural growth shall be con-
structed, erected, altered, allowed to grow or
to be maintained in excess of height limits
and zones herein established.
A notice and approval from the Federal
Aviation Administration shall be required for
the construction or alteration of any structure
two hundred (200) feet or higher located
within twenty thousand (20,000) feet of the
end of any runway.
2. Surface Limitations.
Surface limitations within an APO district in-
clude all land and air space within the district
that would be hazardous to air navigation if
infringed upon. Surface limitations include
areas above imaginary surfaces and in the
clear zone and are established to regulate
the height of structures and natural objects
in the vicinity of an airport or heliport. These
surface limitations are set forth by the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration in the Federal
Aviation Regulations, Part 77, which are
hereby adopted by reference.
In addition, before any structure or natural
object is permitted to be erected, altered,
maintained or allowed to grow above the
imaginary surfaces established herein, a No-
tice of Construction or Alteration shall be
filed with the Federal Aviation Administration
for a determination of hazardous or nonhaz-
ardous conditions and of effect on the airport
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.07.03
rules and regulations. The Board of County
Commissioners shall not approve any such
development until after receiving and con-
sidering the Federal Aviation Administration
recommendation on the Matter.
Airport height zones, as determined by im-
aginary surfaces, shall include, but need not
be limited to, the following zones:
a. The utility runway visual approach zone,
which slopes upward twenty (20) feet
horizontally for each foot vertically, be-
ginning at the end of and at the same
elevation as the primary surface and ex-
tends to a horizontal distance of five
thousand (5,000) feet along the extend-
ed runway center-line with a lateral with
of one thousand two hundred fifty
(1,250) feet.
b. The utility runway nonprecision instru-
ment approach zone, which exhibits the
same configuration as the zone de-
scribed immediately above in Item a
c. The horizontal zone, which extends one
hundred fifty (150) feet above the airport
elevation above mean sea level.
d. The STOL approach zone, which slopes
upward fifteen (15) feet horizontally for
each foot vertically beginning at the end
of and at the same elevation as the pri-
mary surface and extending to a dis-
tance of ten thousand (10,000) feet
along the extended runway centerline.
e. The transitional zone, which slopes up-
ward and outward seven (7) feet hori-
zontally for each foot vertically
beginning at the sides of and at the
same elevation as the primary surface
and the approach zones and extending
to a height one hundred fifty (150) feet
above the airport elevation above mean
sea level. In addition, there are hereby
established height limits sloping upward
and outward seven (7) feet horizontally
for each foot vertically, beginning at the
sides of and at the same elevation as
the approach zones and extending to
where they intersect with the conical
f. The STOL transitional zone, which
slopes upward and outward four (4) feet
horizontally for each foot vertically be-
ginning at the sides of and at the same
elevation as the primary surface and a
portion of the sides of the approach sur-
face and extends to an elevation of one
hundred (100) feet above the primary
g. The heliport VFR approach zone, which
slopes upward eight (8) feet horizontally
for each foot vertically beginning at the
end of and at the same elevation as the
primary surface and extending to a dis-
tance of four thousand (4,000) feet
along the primary surface centerline.
h. The heliport IFR approach zone, which
slopes upward fifteen (15) feet horizon-
tally for each foot vertically beginning at
the end of and at the same elevation as
the primary surface and extending to a
distance of ten thousand (10,000) feet
along the primary surface centerline.
i. The heliport VFR transitional zone,
which slopes upward and outward two
(2) feet horizontally for each foot verti-
cally beginning at the sides of and at the
same elevation as the primary surface
and the approach surfaces and extend-
ing a distance of one hundred fifty (150)
feet measured horizontally from and at
ninety-degree angles to the primary sur-
face centerline and extended centerline.
3. Land Use Limitations
Within APO districts in the vicinity of airports
and heliports, land use patterns will be en-
couraged that separate uncontrolled noise
sources from residential and other noise-
sensitive areas and that avoid danger to
public health and safety or to property due to
aircraft operations.
In areas subject to flight hazards, uses such
as schools, churches, hospitals and libraries
are not encouraged. Open space recrea-
tional and agricultural uses shall be encour-
aged and applicants proposing such uses
may petition for waiver of the special submit-
tal requirements (see Section 3.07.04). Any
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.07.03
other use proposed shall be accompanied
by written evidence that the proposed de-
velopment poses no significant threat to
public health and safety or to property. Ap-
proval may be contingent on the applicant
granting an aviation easement.
3.07.04 Submittal Requirements in an APO
In addition to the submission requirements oth-
erwise contained within these Regulations, the
Planning Commission may, at its discretion, re-
quire additional materials regarding any pro-
posed land use change or development project
in an APO district. These additional materials
may include, but not be limited to, any or all of
the following items:
1. A map or graphic description of existing and
proposed airport facilities including towers,
lights, terminals, hangers, aprons, parking
areas, taxiways and runways.
2. A map showing the height of all existing and
proposed structures within the contemplated
development and the relationship of these
structures to adjacent land uses.
3. Evidence of the elevation and pattern of air-
craft flights over the proposed site.
4. Information relating to noise levels on the
proposed site and written statements re-
garding sound mitigation measures, if any,
that will be used to attenuate existing or pro-
jected noise levels.
3.07.05 Private Landing Strips, Helistops
and Heliports
Compliance with the provisions of an APO dis-
trict is not required for private noncommercial
landing strips, helistops and heliports, provided
that they meet the following provisions and re-
1. The applicant shall apply for and be granted
a special use for the propose use.
2. The applicant shall own a minimum of thirty-
five (35) contiguous acres of land on which
the landing strip would be located or five (5)
contiguous acres of land on which the heli-
stop or heliport site would be located.
3. No residential dwelling units, other than one
(1) dwelling unit owned by the applicant or
an immediate member of the applicant's
family, shall be located, within one-half (½)
mile of either end of any runway.
4. Runways will be so oriented that aircraft
takeoffs and landings will not pass within
one thousand (1,000) feet of any school,
dwelling unit or place of public assembly.
5. The applicant shall provide evidence that the
Federal Aviation Administration has been
sent an application for approval of airspace.
6. The applicant shall, at the discretion of the
Board of County Commissioners, grant an
aviation easement to Las Animas County or
other appropriate public body.
3.08 Mobile Home Park and Campground Regu-
Establishment of a mobile home park or
campground in Las Animas County is procedurally
treated as a rezoning; the mobile home park and
campground regulations are contained in Chapter
3.09 Nonconforming Uses, Lots and Buildings
3.09.01. Meaning and Intent
A nonconforming use of lot or building shall be
any use of lot or building that lawfully existed at
the time of adoption of these zoning regulations,
or zoning regulations previously adopted by Las
Animas County, and has been prohibited by the
provisions contained within these Regulations or
earlier lawfully adopted zoning resolutions of Las
Animas County.
It is the intent of these zoning regulations and
these Regulations to allow for the continuation of
such nonconforming uses of lots and buildings,
so long as they meet the provisions contained
herein, but not to encourage their enlargement
nor to allow their continuation should they be
discontinued for a reasonable period of time or
substantially damaged by fire or other causes.
3.09.02. Abandonment of Use
If active and continuous operations are not car-
ried on as a nonconforming use during a contin-
uous period of two (2) years, the building,
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.09.02
other structure or land where such nonconform-
ing use previously existed shall thereafter be
used and occupied only for conforming uses. A
nonconforming use of building or lot, if changed
to be a conforming use, building or lot, shall not
thereafter be changed back to a nonconforming
3.09.03. Restoration
Any nonconforming building or other structure
may not be restored to the use of such structure
unless such nonconforming structure is dam-
aged or destroyed by fire or other cause to the
extent of less than fifty (50) percent of its re-
placement cost at the time of the destruction. In
cases, however, where the destruction was due
to causes beyond the control of the owner and
the destruction was less than total, the Board of
Adjustment may allow restoration upon a finding
of exceptional and undue hardship.
3.09.04. Enlargement of a Nonconforming
Use or Building
No nonconforming building or use shall be struc-
turally altered or expanded in any way that
would increase the degree or area of noncon-
formance. In matters pertaining to the restora-
tion of nonconforming buildings, the provisions
of the building, fire, plumbing, mechanical and
other codes as Las Animas County has adopted
shall apply unless such provisions are in conflict
with or inconsistent with provisions contained
within these Regulations, in which case the pro-
visions contained herein shall prevail.
3.09.05. Alteration of Nonconforming Build-
Nonconforming buildings may be altered, how-
ever, upon the order of the County Building In-
spector or other County official to make that
building conform to established safety require-
ments, maintenance repairs may be undertaken
to keep the building in sound condition and al-
terations are permitted which would reduce the
degree of nonconformance or change the use to
one of conformance.
3.09.06. Structures Under Construction
Any nonconforming use or structure for which a
valid building permit has been issued before the
use or structure became nonconforming may be
completed and occupied in accordance with the
provisions of the building permit that was previ-
ously issued, subject to the other provisions of
this Section.
3.09.07. Title Default
If the title to any nonconforming lot or parcel
shall change by reason of tax delinquency and
such property is not redeemed as provided by
law, the future use of such property shall be in
conformity with the then adopted and amended
zoning regulations of the County.
3.09.08. Conforming and Nonconforming
Nonconforming lots of record at the time of
adoption of this zoning regulation may be built
upon or used provided that: the setback, floor
areas and bulk requirements for the zoning dis-
trict within which the lot is located are adhered
to, the lot was not created by private convey-
ance or in violation of the County subdivision
regulations and approval is granted by the Board
of Adjustment.
No lot which is conforming in size at the time of
adoption of this zoning regulation may be subdi-
vided according to the subdivision procedures
contained herein in such a manner that it would
become nonconforming or cause any structure
or use to become nonconforming.
The construction of single-family dwellings shall
be a permitted use on any lot made substandard
as to size by the adoption of this zoning regula-
tion or previous Las Animas County zoning reso-
lutions as long as the conditions contained in
this Section are satisfied along with the other
provisions of these Regulations, excepting the
minimum lot size requirements.
3.09.09. Nonconforming Signs
For nonconforming signs, see Section 6.04.
Land Use Regulations Zoning Regulations & Maps — §3.10
3.10 Maximum Building Height and Yard Set-
back Requirements
In computing the maximum height and minimum
yard setback requirements, the following architec-
tural features shall not be considered: unroofed
terraces and patios, cornices, sills, cupolas, belt
courses, eaves and similar features, open fire es-
capes projecting up to a distance of four (4) feet
from the face of a building, walls, rails or fences up
to a height of six (6) feet, and temporary awnings
and other shade devices. In UR (urbanizing resi-
dential) zoning districts, such architectural features
shall not, however, encroach upon the five-foot side
yard setback requirements contained in Section
4.01 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.01.01 Title ............................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.01.02 Types of Subdivisions and Exempted Divisions of Land ............................................................. 4-1
4.01.03 Exemptions ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.01.04 Acceptance of a Subdivision ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.01.05 Sales Prohibition Prior to Platting ................................................................................................ 4-1
4.01.06 Building Permits .......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.01.07 Zoning Compliance and Subdivision Location ............................................................................. 4-1
4.02 Dedication of Public Sites and Open Space .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.02.01 General Requirement .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.02.02 Schedule for the Reservation and Dedication of Public Sites ...................................................... 4-2
4.02.03 Procedure and Requirements for Reservation and Dedication ................................................... 4-2
4.02.04 Payment in Lieu of Dedication ..................................................................................................... 4-3
4.02.05 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.02.06 Reservation for Common Private Use ......................................................................................... 4-3
4.02.07 Dedication and Acceptance ......................................................................................................... 4-4
4.03 Guarantee of Improvements .......................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.04 Ownership Records ....................................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.05 Guarantee by Deed and Release in Escrow .................................................................................................. 4-6
4.06 Withdrawal of Approval for Cause ................................................................................................................. 4-6
4.07 Family Transaction Exemption ....................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.08 Single Transaction Large Lot Exempt Subdivisions and Correction Plat Exempt Subdivisions ..................... 4-6
4.09 Exemption Procedures................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.10 Minor Subdivisions ......................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.11 Large Lot Subdivisions ................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.12 Cluster Subdivisions ...................................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.12.01 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.12.02 Review Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.12.03 Standards for Review of Cluster Subdivisions ............................................................................. 4-8
4.12.04 Permitted Incentives for Application and Approval of Cluster Subdivisions ................................. 4-9
4.12.05 Conditions of Approval ................................................................................................................ 4-9
4.13 Subdivision Design Standards and Specifications ......................................................................................... 4-9
4.13.01 Subdivision Lots .......................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.13.02 Subdivision Blocks ...................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.13.03 Subdivision Streets and Roads ................................................................................................... 4-10
4.13.04 Driveway Design ......................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.13.05 Residential Mailboxes ................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.13.06 Underground Utilities ................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.13.07 Utility Easements ........................................................................................................................ 4-14
4.13.08 Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation and Flood Control ................................................................. 4-14
4.13.09 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Systems ............................................................................................ 4-16
4.13.10 Water Service .............................................................................................................................. 4-17
4.13.11 Fire Safety and Protection ........................................................................................................... 4-18
4.13.12 Survey Monuments ..................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.13.13 Other Public Improvements ......................................................................................................... 4-19
4.13.14 Energy Conservation and Solar Access ...................................................................................... 4-19
4.13.15 General Subdivision Design Standards and Specifications ......................................................... 4-19
4.14 Wildlife Habitat Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 4-19
4.14.01 Procedure for High and Very High Impact Areas ........................................................................ 4-21
4.14.02 Standards .................................................................................................................................... 4-21
4.15 Amendments to Approved and Recorded Plats ............................................................................................ 4-21
4.15.01 Procedures for Amendment ........................................................................................................ 4-22
4.15.02 Submission Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4-22
4.15.03 Criteria for Action on a Plat Amendment Application .................................................................. 4-23
4.15.04 Recording of Amended Plats ...................................................................................................... 4-23
4.16 Vacating of Approved and Recorded Plats, Rights-of-Way or Easements .................................................... 4-23
4.16.01 Procedure for Vacating Plats, Rights-of-Way and Easements ................................................... 4-23
4.16.02 Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................. 4-23
4.16.03 Criteria for Action on a Vacation Application .............................................................................. 4-24
4.16.04 Vacating of Roads, Streets and Highways ................................................................................. 4-24
4.17 Submittal Requirements for Proposed Subdivisions ..................................................................................... 4-24
4.17.01 Sketch Plan/Preliminary Submission .......................................................................................... 4-24
4.17.02 Preliminary Plan/General Submission ........................................................................................ 4-26
4.17.03 Final Plat/Final Submission ........................................................................................................ 4-29
4.17.04 Plan and Plat Acceptance Provisions ......................................................................................... 4-31
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.01
4.01 General Provisions
4.01.01 Title
The title of this Subdivision resolution shall be
the Las Animas County, Colorado, Subdivision
Regulations and may be so cited and pleaded.
Hereinafter in these Regulations, it shall be re-
ferred to as the subdivision regulations.
4.01.02 Types of Subdivisions and Exempt-
ed Divisions of Land
These subdivision regulations make provision
for three (3) types of subdivisions; namely, large
lot subdivisions, regular subdivisions and mobile
home subdivisions, and for divisions of land that
are exempt from the provisions of this subdivi-
sion regulation. See Sections 4.09 on exemp-
tions, 4.11 on large lot subdivisions, 4.09 on
sketch plan exempted subdivisions and 4.08 on
single transaction large lot.
4.01.03 Exemptions
The Board of County Commissioners may, pur-
suant to rules and regulations contained herein
or by individual resolution, exempt from the defi-
nition of the terms "subdivision" or "subdivided
land" any division of land if the Board of County
Commissioners determines that such division is
not within the purposes of these Regulations or
the purposes of the subdivision laws of the State
of Colorado. See Section 1.13, Definitions, for a
listing of divisions of land exempted from the
terms "subdivision" and "subdivided land."
4.01.04 Acceptance of a Subdivision
No preliminary plan or final plat of a subdivision
nor any replat or plat vacating shall be recom-
mended for approval by the Planning Commis-
sion or be approved by the Board of County
Commissioners unless and until it conforms to
the appropriate provisions contained within the-
se subdivision regulations and elsewhere within
these Regulations.
4.01.05 Sales Prohibition Prior to Platting
No person, firm, partnership or corporation with
any interest in land located within a subdivision
or proposed subdivision shall transfer, agree to
sell, offer to sell or sell any land so located by
reference to or exhibition of or by use of a plan
or plat of that subdivision before such plan or
plat has been approved by the Board of County
Commissioners and recorded or filed in the Of-
fice of the County Clerk and Recorder.
4.01.06 Building Permits
No building or other structure shall be erected
nor shall a building permit be issued within a
subdivision or proposed subdivision before a fi-
nal plat has been approved by the Board of
County Commissioners and recorded or filed in
the Office of the County Clerk and Recorder.
4.01.07 Zoning Compliance and Subdivi-
sion Location
Subdividers shall offer to the Planning Commis-
sion and the Board of County Commissioners
satisfactory evidence that the zoning of the area
in which a subdivision, plat, replat or vacating of
a plat is proposed permits subdivision for the
use and density proposed. If the area of the
proposed land use change requires establish-
ment of a new zoning district, approval of such
rezoning shall be required before approval of a
preliminary plan is considered by the Planning
Commission or the Board of County Commis-
sioners. Lands subject to natural hazards such
as flooding, rockfalls, snowslides, wildfire, ex-
treme erosion or other natural or man-made
hazards shall not be platted for any use which
might endanger the health, safety or welfare of
the residents or users in the event that the haz-
ards present in the area cannot be adequately or
properly mitigated with acceptable control
4.02 Dedication of Public Sites and Open Space
4.02.01 General Requirement
The Board of County Commissioners, upon con-
sideration of the Master Plan, the necessity of
public buildings and facilities in the area and the
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.02.01
particular type of subdivision proposed, shall re-
quire the dedication of areas or sites of a char-
acter, extent and location suitable for public use
for schools, parks, greenbelts, open space, flood
control, scenic areas or other necessary public
purposes (other than subdivision streets) ac-
cording to one (1) or more of the alternatives set
forth in Section The Board of County
Commissioners may also require, at its discre-
tion, easements along the banks of public
streams or water courses in the subdivision for
access and recreational use. Such easements,
counting toward total required dedicated open
space, shall be provided as dedicated open
space and be governed and maintained in a
manner acceptable to the Board.
4.02.02 Schedule for the Reservation and
Dedication of Public Sites
Upon recommendation of the Planning Commis-
sion, the Board of County Commissioners shall
determine the proportion of a proposed subdivi-
sion, if any, to be reserved or dedicated to Las
Animas County for public or community uses.
Such reservation or dedication shall not exceed
twenty (20) percent of the gross area of a pro-
posed subdivision, and the Board of County
Commissioners shall make its determination up-
on request of an applicant in writing for such a
determination; and in no case shall such deter-
mination be delayed more than thirty (30) days
after submission of a sketch plan to the Planning
Commission. In considering the proportion of
land, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for pub-
lic or community proposes, including but not lim-
ited to open space, the Planning Commission
and the Board of County Commissioners shall
take into account the size, location and charac-
teristics of the proposed subdivision and the cur-
rent and likely future uses of the surrounding
4.02.03 Procedure and Requirements for
Reservation and Dedication
1. Areas proposed for reservation and dedica-
tion shall be, in the opinion of the Board of
County Commissioners, suitable and usable
for the purposes and uses intended. Fac-
tors to be considered by the Planning Com-
mission and the Board of County Commis-
sioners in determining the suitability and
usability of sites include, but are not limited
to, the size, location and characteristics of
the population to use the sites and the size,
slope, drainage and other physical charac-
teristics of the sites to be reserved or dedi-
cated. The location of the sites to be
reserved and dedicated shall be determined
by the Board of County Commissioners up-
on recommendation by the Planning Com-
mission and by other public agencies, such
as a school district, with an interest in the
development and serving of the proposed
2. Dedication of sites to Las Animas County
shall be achieved through deed or other le-
gal transfer of the property at the time of fi-
nal plat approval and before recording of the
final plat. The Board of County Commis-
sioners shall, at its discretion, determine the
intended uses of land dedicated to Las Ani-
mas County. Any public or quasi-public
body may petition the Board of County
Commissioners for the use or ownership of
County land so dedicated for public purpos-
es or for use of the fees generated in lieu of
such dedication, and such petitions shall be
heard in a regular meeting of the Board of
County Commissioners and shall illustrate
the proposed facilities, intended uses of the
dedicated land, justification for the proposed
need and benefit to the public that would re-
sult. The decision of the Board of County
Commissioners shall be conveyed in writing
to the petitioner and recorded in the minutes
of the meeting.
3. The sites reserved for community use shall
be, in the opinion of the Planning Commis-
sion and the Board of County Commission-
ers, suitable and usable for their intended
purposes and uses based on consideration
of the factors described in this Section. The
areas reserved for community uses shall be
reserved through deed restriction, and the
maintenance of said sites shall be ensured
by specific obligations in the deed of each
lot within the subdivision or by other suitable
means acceptable to the Board of County
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.02.03
4. Prior to final plat approval, the developer
a. Dedicate land, interests in land or im-
provements or arrange for the construc-
tion of public facilities made necessary
as a consequence of the subdivision; or
b. Make a payment to the County of a sum
of money, to be determined by the
County in accordance with the criteria
set out below, based upon either the fair
market value of a percentage of the
acreage, a flat fee per lot or tract or, in
the case of any other method, such ba-
sis as may be agreed upon between the
County and the developer; such in-lieu
payment is to be applied against ex-
penses incurred by the County in the
provision of off-site services or facilities
made necessary or desirable by the
immediate or future increase in popula-
tion caused by or attributable to the
subdivision; or
c. Provide property by private covenant
where such property will fulfill the need-
ed recreational or amenity purposes.
d. Fulfill such other arrangements or condi-
tions, memorialized in a subdivision im-
provement agreement or development
agreement, as may be desirable or nec-
essary to alleviate the effects of or in-
crease the benefits caused by the
subdivision and to promote the public
health, safety and welfare of the present
and future subdivision residents and in-
habitants of the County as a whole.
4.02.04 Payment in Lieu of Dedication
Upon written request by an applicant, the Board
of County Commissions may accept cash pay-
ment in Lieu of dedicated land, in whole or part,
not to exceed the current market value of such
land that would have been dedicated to the
County. Current market value of the undevel-
oped land shall be determined mutually by the
subdivider and by the Board of County Commis-
sioners and, if they fail to reach a satisfactory
agreement, the current market value shall be de-
termined by the subdivider obtaining an apprais-
al of the land by a competent appraiser of his
choice and at his expense, the Board of County
Commissioners obtaining an appraisal of the
same property by an appraiser of its choice and
at its expense. The average of these two (2)
appraisals shall be deemed to be the current
market value of the property in question. All
moneys collected by the County under this Sec-
tion shall be deposited in an interest-bearing ac-
count which clearly identifies the category,
amount or fund of capital expenditure for which
the moneys were collected. Each such catego-
ry, account or fund shall be accounted for sepa-
rately. Any interest or other income earned on
such moneys shall be credited to the account.
4.02.05 Purpose
The purpose of the dedication and/or payment is
to provide the public facilities and/or services
made necessary as a consequence of the sub-
division, in an amount roughly proportional to the
impact of the subdivision upon such facilities
and/or services or the increased need for them
brought about by the subdivision. The develop-
er shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to
accept the County's calculation of the required
dedication, or to perform such studies as are
necessary to demonstrate the actual impact of
the subdivision upon public services and facili-
ties, and the resulting appropriate dedication or
other contribution.
4.02.06 Reservation for Common Private
Reservation by covenant, in lieu of dedication,
may be permitted where land is to be used for
recreational or amenity purposes by the property
owners. Such areas shall be restricted to their
intended use by plats and recorded covenants
which run with the land in favor of the future
owners of property within the subdivision and
which cannot be defeated or eliminated without
the consent of the Board of County Commis-
sioners. In the event of a reservation or dedica-
tion for the use of owners of lots within a
subdivision, the subdivider shall provide for the
creation of a homeowners' association or similar
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.02.06
organization with powers of assessment for
maintenance, improvements and upkeep of such
areas and the provisions contained within the
homeowners association bylaws or similar gov-
erning document shall receive approval from the
Board of County Commissioners prior to ac-
ceptance of a final plat.
4.02.07 Dedication and Acceptance
Final plat approval shall not constitute an ac-
ceptance of maintenance responsibility by Las
Animas County for the roads, streets, alleys or
other public lands indicated for dedication on
such plat. The dedication of any of these lands
for public use shall be accepted by resolution of
the Board of County Commissioners and in no
event until after inspection has shown that all
specifications of the County have been met.
Acceptance of dedicated lands shall not consti-
tute acceptance for maintenance responsibilities
of any right-of-way unless and until the following
conditions are met.
1. The Board of County Commissioners has
received a petition submitted by the land-
owners within the subdivision alleging a
need for County acceptance of responsibility
for street maintenance.
2. The Board of County Commissioners deter-
mines that the annual number of residents
or users of the roads in question justify such
3. The Board of County Commissioners acts
by resolution to formally accept maintenance
responsibility for such rights-of-way.
The Board of County Commissioners shall with-
hold all public street improvements and mainte-
nance from all rights-of-way which have not
been accepted for maintenance purposes by the
Board of County Commissioners. Roads ac-
cepted for maintenance purposes by the Colo-
rado Department of Transportation will be
similarly accepted by Las Animas County for
The location of all public or quasi-public land in-
tended to be conveyed or reserved in the deed
for use of all property owners shall be shown on
the preliminary and final plats or site plans, as
appropriate, together with the proposed method
of ownership, management, maintenance and
such other information as is necessary for the
Planning Commission and Board of County
Commissioners to evaluate the proposal.
At the time of presentation of the final plat for
approval by the Planning Commission and
Board of County Commissioners, a warranty
deed shall be presented for all land to be con-
veyed to the County, school district or other
governmental entity. The deed shall be accom-
panied by a title insurance policy or other evi-
dence that the land is free and clear from all
4.03 Guarantee of Improvements
1. No final plat shall be approved by the Board of
County Commissioners until the subdivider has
submitted a subdivision improvements agree-
ment or similar contract setting forth the plan,
parties responsible and method for the construc-
tion of all required public improvements shown
on the final plat documents. The agreement or
contract shall adhere to design standards of the
County or prevailing engineering practices and
shall, in the judgment of the Board of County
Commissioners, make reasonable provision for
completing of the specified improvements in a
specified time period, with appropriate phasing,
as a condition for acceptance by the Board.
2. Suitable collateral in an amount stipulated in the
subdivision improvements agreement shall ac-
company the final plat submission to ensure
completion of the public improvements accord-
ing to design and time specifications. Such col-
lateral shall be in the form of a payment and
performance bond.
3. If the improvements required to be installed are
not constructed in accordance with the required
specifications, the County shall notify the subdi-
vider of the noncompliance and establish
schedules for the correction of the noncompli-
ance. If the Board of County Commissioners
determines that any or all of the improvements
will not be constructed in accordance with the
specifications, the County shall have the power
to annul the subdivision improvements agree-
ment, either fully or in part, and withdraw from
the deposit of collateral such funds as are nec-
essary to construct the improvements in accord-
ance with the specifications previously
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.03
4. Should a subdivider not provide suitable collat-
eral to insure completion of the required public
improvements, no final plat shall be accepted by
the Office of County Clerk and Recorder until
said improvements are constructed and ap-
proved by the Board of County Commissioners.
As the required public improvements in a subdi-
vision are completed, the subdivider may apply
in writing to the Board of County Commissioners
for a partial or full release of the collateral. The
Board of County Commissioners or its appointed
agent shall inspect the public improvements that
have been completed. If the Board determines
that the improvements have been made in ac-
cordance with the final plat and the subdivision
improvement agreement, a portion of the collat-
eral shall be released, provided that the Board of
County Commissioners retains sufficient collat-
eral to cover the cost of the incomplete im-
5. Concurrently with approval of the final plat, the
developer shall furnish the County with, at the
County's option, one (1) of the following: cash,
certified funds, a certificate evidencing good and
sufficient performance and payment bond or let-
ter of credit to secure the performance and
completion of the public improvements to be
dedicated to the County, in an amount equal to
one hundred fifty (150) percent of the estimated
cost of said improvements.
6. No letter of credit or performance bond drawn
upon a company, bank or financial institution
having any relationship to the developer or any
principal, director, officer or shareholder of the
developer (other than the relationship of deposi-
tor or checking account holder) shall be ac-
ceptable. The County may reject any security
for any reason.
7. From time to time, as work to be performed and
improvements to be constructed progress to
completion, the County may, upon its inspection
of and satisfaction with the completion of im-
provements or work, cause or request that so
much of the security required hereunder be re-
leased as corresponds to the completed im-
provements or work. Consent to release of
funds or security shall not constitute acceptance
by the County of such improvements or work for
maintenance purposes.
8. Prior to any subdivision, the developer shall
provide the County with a written warranty of
work in a form acceptable to the Planning De-
partment (which warranty may be part of the site
improvements agreement) with respect to the
improvements to be constructed, warranting that
the work will be free of all defects in design, ma-
terials and construction, and will remain service-
able for a period of two (2) years after
9. Except as may be provided in any subdivision
improvements agreement, the County shall not
accept responsibility for the operation or mainte-
nance of any improvements until completion of
the improvements and final acceptance thereof
by the County. Upon written application by the
developer for a certificate of completion, and
provided that all payments and other perfor-
mances herein agreed to be made and per-
formed by the developer have been made and
completed, the County shall issue a certificate of
completion. Except for defects appearing within
two (2) years after the date of the certificate, the
County will release the developer from all further
liability as to the completed improvements. Up-
on issuance of a certificate of completion, all im-
provements specified in the certificate shall be
deemed approved and accepted by the County,
whereupon the specified improvements shall be
owned, operated and maintained by the County.
10. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for
any improvements within the development if
such agreement is in default or until the remain-
ing development improvements have been in-
stalled to serve the properties for which a
certificate of occupancy is sought, unless funds
or a performance bond sufficient to guarantee
completion and satisfactory to the County have
been provided by the developer. In the event
such funds are insufficient to complete the im-
provements, the County, in addition to any other
remedy, may revoke any or all certificates of oc-
cupancy relating to the development. No subdi-
vision may be further processed which is owned,
in whole or in part, by a developer who is in de-
fault of any site improvements agreement for
any subdivision within the County, or who is in
default of any agreement with the County for the
payment of any fee or charge.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.04
4.04 Ownership Records
So long as a subdivider continues to hold title to any
lots in a subdivision, such subdivider shall file with
the Las Animas County Assessor, no later than the
fifteenth of January of each year, a schedule of the
prior year's activity, listing the following information:
1. Name of the subdivision and date of filing of the
final plats.
2. Identification by lot and block number of the
buyer of all lots, with current buyer mailing ad-
dress, contract price and payment, the total
number of lots remaining unsold and the total
number of lots redeemed.
4.05 Guarantee by Deed and Release in Escrow
No lots within a subdivision nor any subdivided land
shall be sold or offered for sale without an absolute
guarantee by deed and release in escrow by the
land owners and lien holders, if there be any, that
merchantable title to the land sold within a subdivi-
sion shall be delivered to a purchaser who has paid
in full for said land regardless of the allocation of
payments. All sales contracts for subdivided land
and lots within a subdivision must be placed on
record not later than three (3) working days after the
expiration of any revocation period specified in the
laws of the State of Colorado and the United States.
4.06 Withdrawal of Approval for Cause
The Board of County Commissioners may withdraw
any approval previously granted to a preliminary
plan, final plat or related document if the Board
determines that any information provided by the
subdivider to the Board or to the Planning Commis-
sion, upon which such approval had been based,
was false or inaccurate.
In such cases, the Board of County Commissioners
shall give written notice to the subdivider or other
applicant stating the false or inaccurate information
allegedly provided to the Board or the Planning
Commission and directing the applicant to appear at
a public hearing, which shall be scheduled not less
than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days after
notice is given. At the hearing, the Board shall
determine the nature and extent of the alleged false
or inaccurate information and it may, for good cause,
withdraw any approval or require corrective
measures to be taken or direct its agents to enter
upon the property to take the corrective measures it
requires. The cost of such corrective measures shall
be assessed against the applicant.
4.07 Family Transaction Exemption
Unless the method of disposition is adopted for the
purpose of evading the provisions within these Reg-
ulations and the appropriate laws of the State of
Colorado, the terms "subdivision" and "subdivided
land" shall not apply to any division of land which is
created by the gift, transfer or sale by a parent to a
child or grandchild or by a child to a parent, so long
as the parcel created fully conforms to the zoning
and other provisions contained within these Regula-
tions. Such gift, sale or transfer shall be specifically
prohibited from creating nonconforming lots.
4.08 Single Transaction Large Lot Exempt Sub-
divisions and Correction Plat Exempt Sub-
Upon the recommendation of the Planning Commis-
sion, the Board of County Commissioners may, at its
discretion and in accordance with the procedures
described in Section 4.09, exempt from the definition
of the terms "subdivision" and "subdivided land" any
division of land which:
1. Is done for the purpose of changing the form of
ownership of a previously subdivided parcel,
provided that the change does not alter the
overall existing density of the parcel being sub-
2. Is done for the purpose of revising lot lines from
those shown on a recorded plat and which cre-
ates no more than the previously recorded num-
ber of parcels, provided that, first, any lot or
parcel which is now conforming shall remain so;
second, that any lot or parcel that is now non-
conforming shall not have its degree of noncon-
formance increased; and, third, that the plat
amendment and other appropriate provisions of
these Regulations are satisfied.
3. Is done for the purpose of correcting an engi-
neering or survey error in a recorded plat, pro-
vided that the corrections continue to meet the
applicable provisions of these Regulations.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.09
4.09 Exemption Procedures
Family transaction exemptions from these subdivi-
sion regulations require no approval; all other ex-
emptions (see Section 4.01.02) shall adhere to the
following procedures.
Applicants for such exemptions shall submit to the
Planning Commission a written request for exemp-
tion, which shall include, at a minimum, the following
1. A description of the property in question, with a
vicinity map, noting the location of all property
lines, easements and rights-of-way and the loca-
tion and current and proposed future uses of all
structures on the property. The description shall
also include the size of the property in question
and the names and addresses of all adjacent
property owners.
2. A statement describing what exemptions are
requested, why they are being requested and
why they should be granted.
3. Evidence of ownership of the property in ques-
tion or clear authority from the owners to act as
their appointed agent.
Exemption requests shall be considered by the
Planning Commission, which may, at its discretion,
request such additional information as it reasonably
needs and may also submit the request to other
organizations, agencies or private parties for review
and comment. Following review of the request, the
Planning Commission shall make a recommendation
to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board
of County Commissioners shall review the request
and the recommendations and comments forwarded
to it and either approve or disapprove the request.
The Board will be deemed to have granted such
request for exemption or request for variance if it
fails to rule within thirty (30) days after the Planning
Commission submits the request to it for action.
4.10 Minor Subdivisions
Proposed subdivisions which impose a condomini-
um form of ownership upon existing built structures,
and subdivisions which meet all of the following
criteria, may be processed in accordance with the
procedures outlined in this Section as minor subdivi-
1. The subdivision results in no more than five (5)
lots or interests in land.
2. All lots are adjacent to a dedicated and accepted
public street.
3. All improvements contemplated by Sections
4.02 and 4.03 are already in existence and
available to serve each lot.
4. Each lot will meet requirements of this Chapter.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a conveyance of
land to the County for public dedication purpos-
es, unless combined with another subdivision,
shall constitute a minor subdivision.
Upon receipt of an application for approval of a
minor subdivision, the Planning Director shall review
the application to determine whether the conditions
of this Section have been met and that the applica-
tion is properly one for a minor subdivision.
Upon a determination by the Planning Director that
the above conditions have been met, the applicant
shall submit two (2) reproducible originals and five
(5) copies of a subdivision plat in accordance with
Section 4.17.03. The applicant shall also submit a
certificate by a registered engineer that all required
improvements are already installed, available and
adequate to serve each lot of the subdivision. The
plat shall be recorded following the Planning Direc-
tor's approval.
4.11 Large Lot Subdivisions
All divisions of land which create parcels of land
each of which comprises thirty-five (35) or more but
less than one hundred sixty (160) acres and none of
which is intended for use by multiple owners shall be
exempt from these subdivision regulations. Howev-
er, by virtue of the authority granted by Title 29,
Article 20, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended,
the Board of County Commissioners hereby de-
clares that the division or sale of such parcels shall
be accompanied by the filing of a plan with the Las
Animas County Clerk and Recorder containing the
following information:
1. A plan, drawn in ink and to an appropriate scale,
indicating the bearings, distances and curve da-
ta of all perimeter boundary lines and legal de-
scriptions and dimensions of all parcels of land
that have been so divided.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.11
2. For all such parcels not situated adjoining a
County-maintained public street or road, an ac-
cess drive easement not less than thirty (30) feet
in width shall be designated as such and bear-
ings and dimensions given between the parcel
and a public road or street.
3. The information on the plan shall include the
name of the tract if any, the current date and the
township, range and section in which it is locat-
The Provisions contained within Section 4.03 shall
run with the land and no building permits shall be
issued for such parcels of land unless and until the
parcels are in full conformance with the provisions of
Section 4.05 and any other relevant provisions of
these Regulations. Any person, firm or corporation
violating Section 4.05 of these Regulations shall be
subject to the penalties set forth in the laws of the
State of Colorado and any other legal action provid-
ed by law. Divisions of land creating parcels of land
of one hundred sixty (160) acres or more are, how-
ever, exempt from the provisions of this Section.
4.12 Cluster Subdivisions
4.12.01 Purpose
This section implements the authority granted by
Section 30-28-401, et seq., C.R.S., and amend-
ments to Section 37-92-601, et seq., C.R.S. It is
intended that this Section provide a process for
the development of parcels of land for residential
purposes that will authorize the use of cluster-
ing, water augmentation, density bonuses, not to
exceed two (2) units for each thirty-five-acre in-
crement, or other incentives, and the transfer of
development rights, and fulfill the goals of the
County to preserve open space, protect wildlife
habitat and critical areas, and enhance and
maintain the rural character of lands with conti-
guity to agricultural lands suitable for long-range
farming and ranching operations.
4.12.02 Review Procedure
1. The applicant shall submit a site plan and
subdivision plat containing the information
required by Section 4.10:
2. The application shall be reviewed by the
Planning Commission at a public hearing,
notice of which shall be provided as required
by Section 2.04.
3. The Board of County Commissioners shall
review the application at a public hearing,
notice of which shall be provided as required
by Section 2.04.
4. After the hearing, the Board of County
Commissioners shall act to approve, ap-
prove with conditions or deny the applica-
tion. In the event the application is
approved, with or without conditions, the
cluster subdivision plat, when executed,
shall be filed for record with the County
Clerk and Recorder in the same manner as
a final subdivision plat.
5. No later than ten (10) days after approval of
a cluster subdivision, the Board of County
Commissioners shall notify the state engi-
neer of such approval and shall provide the
state engineer with a copy of the approved
rural land use plan that includes the cluster
4.12.03 Standards for Review of Cluster
The Planning Commission and Board of County
Commissioners shall be guided by the following
criteria in reviewing cluster subdivision applica-
1. That the application meets all of the mini-
mum requirements of this Section.
2. That the application fulfills the goals of the
County to preserve open space, protect
wildlife habitat and critical areas, and en-
hance and maintain the rural character of
lands with contiguity to agricultural lands
suitable for long-range farming and ranching
3. That at least two-thirds () of the total area
of the tract is reserved for the preservation
of contiguous open space.
4. That the application reduces the extension
of roads and utilities to serve the proposed
5. That the proposed development will not ex-
ceed two (2) residential units for each thirty-
five-acre increment.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.12.03
6. That the application permits landowners to
implement smart growth on land that is oth-
erwise exempt from subdivision regulation.
7. That approval of the application would pre-
serve existing agricultural uses.
8. That approval of the application would pro-
tect existing view sheds of benefit to present
and future residents and visitors to the
9. That a water-court approved plan for aug-
mentation shall be required and shall ac-
company any approved cluster subdivision
when water usage in the development would
exceed an annual withdrawal rate of one (1)
acre-foot for each thirty-five (35) acres within
the development; provided, however, that
this requirement shall not apply in the event
the development will be served by the use of
treated domestic water provided by any pub-
lic or private entity.
4.12.04 Permitted Incentives for Application
and Approval of Cluster Subdivi-
The Planning Commission may recommend,
and the Board of County Commissioners may
consider, the following incentives which may be
spent in connection with approval of the applica-
1. Density bonuses, not to exceed a total built
density of one (1) unit for each one-hundred-
acre increment.
2. Transfer of development rights, to the extent
permitted by the County in the future.
Within ten (10) days following approval, the
County shall notify the state engineer of the ap-
proval, providing a copy of the approved plan, as
required by Section 30-28-404(3), C.R.S.
4.12.05 Conditions of Approval
The Planning Commission may recommend,
and the Board of County Commissioners may
impose, any or all of the following conditions up-
on the approval of a cluster subdivision:
1. That the cluster subdivision development
plan set aside land to preserve open space,
wildlife habitat or critical areas.
2. That a conservation easement be recorded
with the cluster subdivision plat that restricts
development of any preserved open land,
wildlife habitat or critical areas for not less
than forty (40) years from the date the plan
is approved.
4.13 Subdivision Design Standards and Speci-
The following design standards and specifications
shall apply to all subdivisions to be proposed, re-
viewed, accepted or platted in Las Animas County
following the adoption of these regulations, except
as otherwise provided for within the provisions of
these Regulations.
4.13.01 Subdivision Lots
All lots in any subdivision to be proposed, re-
viewed, accepted or platted in Las Animas
County shall conform to the following specifica-
1. Lot dimensions and other characteristics
shall conform to the applicable zoning dis-
trict requirements and other appropriate pro-
visions of these Regulations.
2. All lots shall have access to a street or road,
and all streets and roads must be construct-
ed to County standards.
3. Lots with double frontage shall be avoided
except where essential and unavoidable to
provide separation from major arterials, in-
compatible land uses or topographical or
other environmental considerations.
4. Side lot lines shall be substantial at right an-
gles or radial to street right-of-way lines.
5. Wedge-shaped lots or lots fronting on cul-
de-sacs shall not be less than thirty (30) feet
in width at the front property line.
6. No lots shall be divided by County or munic-
ipal boundaries, roads or other lots.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.01
7. Delineation of areas for potential building
sites; that is, building envelopes, shall be
required for those lots significantly affected
by any designated or known one-hundred-
year floodplain, major drainage way, area of
excessive slope of twenty (20) percent or
greater or other identifiable natural or man-
made hazards.
8. No building permit shall be issued for con-
struction on building lots with twenty (20)
percent or greater slope where construction
would occur without an applicant submitting
a special engineering study to the County
Building Inspector prior to seeking the build-
ing permit. The study shall show the feasi-
bility of the site to allow for construction of
the intended structures, and it shall also de-
scribe the mitigation measures to be used to
overcome excessive slope problems. Lots
where there are no buildable sites with less
than twenty (20) percent slope shall be so
noted as excessive slope lots on the final
9. No nonconforming lots shall be created.
4.13.02 Subdivision Blocks
Block lengths and widths shall be acceptable to
the Board of County Commissioners and shall
be appropriate to the types of land use antici-
pated in the subdivision, consistent with the zon-
ing provisions within the districts in which the
subdivision would be located and compatible
with the terrain. The following criteria shall be
used by the Planning Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners for determining
the suitability of block characteristics:
1. Adequacy of block size for the provision of
building sites appropriate to the uses within
the proposed subdivision.
2. Adequacy of block size for convenient ac-
cess, vehicular and pedestrian circulation
and control and safety of street traffic.
3. Relationship of block characteristics to the
limitations and opportunities of topography.
4. Adequacy of block size for the placement of
leaching fields where individual septic dis-
posal systems are proposed.
5. Adequacy of block size for the location of
domestic wells where individual septic dis-
posal systems are used.
6. Block lengths shall not be longer than twelve
hundred (1,200) feet, except where they en-
ter main through-streets, nor be less than
four hundred (400) feet in length, except in
districts zoned agricultural, where the Plan-
ning Commission shall establish the maxi-
mum allowable length of blocks depending
on the characteristics of the proposed sub-
division and the terrain where it would be lo-
7. When a tract is to be subdivided into larger
parcels than ordinary building lots, such par-
cels shall be so arranged to allow the open-
ing of future rights-of-way and logical further
subdivision of the tract and adjoining lands.
4.13.03 Subdivision Streets and Roads
Streets and roads shall be constructed to the
standards and specifications as set forth herein
and in any other applicable regulations of Las
Animas County or the State of Colorado.
1. The street system shall be devised for the
most advantageous development of the en-
tire area. Principal streets in adjoining sub-
divisions shall be continued and the street
system shall provide for the future projection
of principal streets into subdivided and
unsubdivided adjoining property.
2. Except in the case of minor subdivisions, at
least two (2) means of access to the subdi-
vision shall be provided, so that all lots with-
in the subdivision are provided with
adequate ingress and egress in the event of
an emergency. In the case of large subdivi-
sions, the Planning Commission may, how-
ever, at its discretion, require more than two
(2) entrances and, in other cases, on appli-
cation and the demonstration of good cause,
the Planning Commission may waive the re-
quirement of two (2) means of access.
3. When a subdivision abuts or contains an ex-
isting or proposed major arterial street or
highway, the Planning Commission may re-
quire service roads, reverse frontage lots
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.03
with screen planting in a reservation strip
abutting the major arterial or other such
treatment as may be necessary to protect
adequately residential properties and sepa-
rate local and through traffic serviced by a
County road. The Planning Commission
shall review the adequacy of the road to
serve the proposed development. If the
Planning Commission determines that the
traffic generated by the subdivision will re-
sult in safety hazards for drivers, pedestri-
ans or adjacent residents, or result in
substantially increased County maintenance
costs, then the Planning Commission shall
report such findings to the Board of County
Commissioners. The Board will then deter-
mine the improvements necessary to bring
the road to acceptable standards for safe
and adequate service for the present and fu-
ture owners. The subdivider and the Board
shall then agree upon a cost-sharing pro-
gram and timetable of activities to bring the
road to an acceptable condition, and such
agreement shall be incorporated into the
subdivision improvements agreement.
4. When a subdivision borders on or contains a
railroad right-of-way or a limited access
highway right-of-way, the Planning Commis-
sion may require construction of a street ap-
proximately parallel to and on each side of
such right-of-way suitable for appropriate
uses of the intervening land.
5. Upon recommendation of the Planning
Commission, the Board of County Commis-
sioners may require the paving of any street
or road which, in the Board's opinion, would
otherwise be hazardous to public health,
safety, welfare or convenience. The cost of
such paving, if it were to be required, shall
be borne by the subdivider or the purchas-
ers of lots within the subdivision, through a
homeowners' association or similar organi-
6. Streets shall have the names of existing
streets with which they are in alignment in
the County, in adjoining counties or in ad-
joining municipalities. There shall be no du-
plication of streets within the subdivision or
adjoining areas, and names of streets shall
be subject to approval by the Board of
County Commissioners. Subdividers shall
be required to furnish and install street signs
and all traffic control devices required in the
proposed subdivision.
7. Street jogs with less centerline offset than
one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall be
avoided wherever possible.
8. Cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than one
thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet
in length, nor service more than twenty (20)
residential units. Every such street which
serves as the sole frontage of any lot shall
provide a turning space at its closed end at
least one hundred (100) feet in useable di-
ameter between property lines. Such
streets will be allowed only in cases where it
can be demonstrated that the street will be
passable year-round by virtue of minimum
grade and curvature, adequate parking pro-
visions and allowance for snow removal and
9. Dead-end streets (not including cul-de-sacs)
shall be prohibited unless they are platted to
the boundary of the subdivision and are so
located to provide logical connection to fu-
ture streets in adjoining undeveloped lands.
All dead-end streets shall be provided with a
temporary turnaround right-of-way easement
having a diameter of at least one hundred
(100) feet.
10. There shall be a minimum number of inter-
sections of residential streets with state and
federal highways. No more than two (2)
streets or roads shall intersect at one (1)
point. Streets shall not intersect at an angle
of less than sixty (60) degrees nor more
than one hundred twenty (120) degrees, ex-
cept under unusual circumstances. Inter-
secting streets shall be connected with each
other by a curve of at least twenty-five (25)
feet in radius.
11. Minor streets shall be laid out in fashion that
will discourage through traffic.
12. All horizontal and vertical curves shall be
laid out so that, from a point five (5) feet
above the surface, there shall be clear vision
ahead and behind within the traveled way
for a safe distance.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.03
13. It shall be the responsibility of subdividers to
construct, reconstruct or repair all bridges
within a proposed subdivision to meet the
following minimum requirements unless, up-
on application to the Board of County Com-
missioners and the showing that such
standards are unnecessary or would cause
undue hardship, the Board decides at its
discretion to grant a waiver or modification
of these standards.
a. Sufficient strength to accommodate an
AASHO (American Association of State
Highway Officials) H-20 live load carry-
ing capacity. It shall be the responsibil-
ity of the applicant to demonstrate that
this standard shall be met.
b. Adequate pedestrian facilities.
c. Approach grades and curvatures ade-
quate to ensure safe sight distance.
d. Hydraulic capacity to pass the maximum
one-hundred-year probable flood, as de-
termined by the drainage study or other
professionally prepared study.
14. Wherever there exists a dedicated or platted
half street or alley adjacent to the tract to be
subdivided, the other half of the street or al-
ley shall be platted or dedicated. This re-
quirement may be waived at the discretion
of the Planning Commission when the Plan-
ning Commission determines that it is in the
public interest to vacate said adjacent half
street or alleyway.
15. All subdivision streets and roads shall be
designed and constructed in a manner that
will reduce to the greatest extent practical
snow accumulation on such streets and
roads. The Planning Commission may, at
its discretion, require structural means of
mitigating snow accumulation on subdivision
streets and roads when other proposed
means are not shown to be adequate.
16. Street and road grades shall in general con-
form to the terrain and shall not, except as
provided below, be constructed at grades of
less than one (1) percent nor more than the
following percent grades:
County major highway 6%
Major street 8%
Collector street 8%
Local street 10%
Where terrain, site design considerations or
other special circumstances preclude the
construction of roads or streets within the
above grade limitations, an applicant may
petition the Planning Commission in writing
for the amendment of these standards. The
Planning Commission may, at its discretion
and upon the demonstration of sufficient
cause, allow the construction of streets and
roads with a grade that shall not be less
than three-tenths (0.3) percent nor more
than the following:
County major highway 8%
Major street 10%
Collector street 10%
Local street 12%
17. Street and road rights-of-way shall conform
to the following minimum right-of-way
widths, except as provided for below.
Major County road 80 feet
Required frontage road 50 feet
Major street 80 feet
Collector street 60 feet
Local street 50 feet
Cul-de-sac diameter 100 feet
Alleys (where required) 12 feet
Street and road roadway widths, as meas-
ured from shoulder edge to shoulder edge,
shall conform to the following minimums,
except as provided for below:
Major County road 40 feet
Required frontage road 30 feet
Major street 40 feet
Collector street 32 feet
Local street 30 feet
Alleys (where required) 12 feet
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.03
Surfacing width requirements shall be sup-
plied on request by the Planning Commis-
sion, based on established road construction
practices in Las Animas County and special
use and terrain circumstances, as appropri-
ate. In cases where there exist special ter-
rain considerations, upon application in
writing to the Planning Commission and the
showing of due cause, the Planning Com-
mission may, at its discretion, allow a reduc-
tion of up to forty (40) percent in the required
minimum right-of-way and roadway widths
for frontage roads and residential streets
within subdivisions, so long as such reduc-
tions would not compromise the safety of
such roads for vehicle operators, pedestri-
ans or residents and so long as adequate
maintenance and snow removal operations
could be provided.
18. Subdivision roads, where not paved, shall
be constructed with an eight-inch base and
a two-inch finish of a size and quality of con-
struction material acceptable to the Board of
County Commissioners. The Board may al-
so, at its discretion, establish from time to
time by resolution additional standards and
specifications for the construction of streets
and roads within proposed subdivisions and
elsewhere in the County.
19. When a tract of land proposed for subdivi-
sion includes any part of an existing or
planned state highway, it shall be the re-
sponsibility of the subdivider to cause the
right-of-way for said state highway to be
platted and reserved for purchase by the
State of Colorado.
20. When a tract of land proposed for a subdivi-
sion includes any part of an existing or
planned County road or highway, it shall be
the responsibility of the subdivider to cause
the right-of-way or an alternative access
route acceptable to the Board of County
Commissioners and the public agency man-
aging such public domain lands to be pro-
vided in the design of the proposed
4.13.04 Driveway Design
All driveways adjoining County roads must ob-
tain a driveway permit from the Planning De-
partment and shall be constructed under the
following criteria:
1. All driveways must fall away from the shoul-
der of the County road at a two-percent
slope for the first ten (10) feet or over the
driveway culvert to prevent drainage into the
County road. The driveway may incline or
decline from this point. In no case shall the
driveway slope exceed four (4)percent in the
2. All driveways shall be a minimum of sixteen
(16) feet wide and a maximum of twenty-two
(22) feet wide in the right-of-way or at the
approach to the road. These dimensions in-
clude flares.
3. All driveways must approach the road at
ninety (90) degrees or perpendicular to the
roads with a sight distance of no less than
three hundred (300) feet in each direction of
the road being accessed.
4. The minimum culvert size to provide drain-
age underneath a driveway shall be eight-
een (18) inches. A minimum of six (6)
inches of cover is required between the top
of the culvert and the driveway surface. If
the driveway crosses a major drainage way,
the County Road and Bridge Department
may require an increase in the size of the
culvert. Both sides of the culvert shall be
armored with riprap or rocks.
4.13.05 Residential Mailboxes
All residential mailboxes in a County road right-
of-way shall conform to the following specifica-
1. Mailboxes shall be mounted a minimum of
forty six (46) inches above grade.
2. Mailbox posts shall be a minimum of twenty
four (24) inches from the edge of the County
road shoulder.
3. Mailbox posts may be constructed of stone,
brick, large timbers or wood, etc.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.05
4. Any dirt work required in association with a
mailbox next to a County road shall be per-
formed by the private land owner or his con-
Federal regulations shall override these residen-
tial mailbox provisions if there is a conflict.
4.13.06 Underground Utilities
All utilities, except major power transmission
lines, transformers, switching and terminal box-
es, meter cabinets and other facilities necessari-
ly appurtenant to such utilities, shall be placed
beneath the ground, buried to a depth specified
in the design plan and acceptable to the Plan-
ning Commission, except in cases where, upon
application in writing to the Board of County
Commissioners and the showing of excessive
hardship that would so result, the Board of
County Commissioners may grant an exemption
from this requirement of underground placement
of utilities.
The construction, installation and repair of right-
of-way openings for subsurface utilities require
the issuance of a permit from Las Animas Coun-
ty Road and Bridge Department, the posting of
an appropriate bond and evidence of adequate
4.13.07 Utility Easements
Utility easements shall measure twelve (12) feet
on each side of rear lot lines and, on subdivision
perimeter rear lot lines adjacent to unsubdivided
property, utility easements shall measure fifteen
(15) feet in width. Side lot easements, where
necessary, shall measure ten (10) feet in width
on either side of the property line. If the location
of utility easements adjacent to rear property
lines is unsuitable for use by utility companies
due to drainage, irrigation or other obstructions,
a subdivider shall provide like-width easements
adjacent to said areas of obstruction. Utility
easements shall be subject to approval by the
applicable utility companies and, where re-
quired, additional easements shall be required
for main switching stations and substation.
Subdividers shall make the necessary arrange-
ments with each serving utility for the installation
of required utilities.
4.13.08 Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation
and Flood Control
Subdividers shall be responsible for the design
and construction of all drainage and erosion,
sedimentation and flood control facilities re-
quired to direct and control all permanent and
seasonal water and for providing all necessary
drainage easements. All facilities shall be de-
signed by a registered professional engineer li-
censed to practice in the State of Colorado or
other individual deemed competent by the Board
of County Commissioners and qualified in the
fields of hydrology, hydraulics and soils engi-
neering. Such facilities shall be designed and
constructed in a manner that will protect all
roadways and lots, permit the unimpeded flow of
natural water courses, ensure the adequate
drainage of all low area and avoid stream deg-
radation within and downstream from the pro-
posed subdivision.
1. Drainage systems proposed as part of a
proposed subdivision shall be based on
consideration of the drainage basin as a
whole and shall be capable of accommodat-
ing not only runoff from the proposed subdi-
vision but also, where applicable, the runoff
from areas adjacent to and upstream from
the subdivision itself. Total runoff shall be
calculated using standard engineering tech-
niques, and drainage easements shall be
provided as necessary to accommodate an
expected flow in any twenty-five-year period.
2. Drainage structures shall be designed to
prevent heavy sedimentation within or ero-
sion or overtopping of channels or damage
to structures. Drainage structures shall be
designed in a manner that will not increase
the magnitude, depth or velocity of flow at
the point where channels cross the bounda-
ry line of the proposed subdivision or in-
crease the stream channel energy gradient
within or without the proposed subdivision.
3. All drainage facilities under roadways shall
be designed and constructed to withstand
an American Association of State Highway
Officials (AASHO) recommended H
0 live
loading, except as specifically exempted by
the Planning Commission, and the minimum
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.08
accepted culvert size shall be eighteen (18)
inches in diameter. Drop structures shall be
installed as needed, as shall storm sewers
with appropriate inlets and manholes.
4. The proposed subdivision shall be designed
so as to cause minimal erosion problems.
To that end, the design and execution of the
proposal shall ensure that the proposed
subdivision be constructed in a manner
which will minimize disturbance of existing
vegetation and soil cover. Adequate provi-
sion shall be made for revegetation, and for
soil stabilization during and after develop-
ment of the site, all cuts and fills shall be de-
signed, engineered and landscaped to
control erosion as well as provide stability
for the entire mass, and natural drainage
patterns shall be preserved and protected
from increased water flows that could alter
such patters or subject existing channels
and adjacent areas to increased erosion.
5. Natural vegetation shall be preserved adja-
cent to streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs,
and the planting of trees and bushes, where
feasible, is encouraged along open areas.
In addition, all road cuts and fills should be
replanted or reseeded to grasses suited to
the environment. Applicants should consult
with the Las Animas County Soil Conserva-
tion District and any other appropriate agen-
cies, including the Purgatoire River Water
Conservancy District, in the development of
drainage, sedimentation and erosion control
6. Portions of a proposed subdivision located
within a designated one-hundred-year flood-
plain or special flood hazard area shall be
subject to the design limitations, standards
and regulations contained in the “Flood
Damage Prevention Regulations”, and may
be developed only in accordance with a
Floodplain Development Permit (see Chap-
ter X). If land within a proposed subdivision
is currently not within a designated flood-
plain but is within a flood hazard area as
identified by the Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency (FEMA) or as identified by
the floodplain studies within
the submission requirements portion of this
Section, an applicant may voluntarily apply
for a Floodplain Development Permit for the
identified flood hazard area. Alternately, the
applicant may request that the requisite
technical information for a floodplain study
and the floodplain study shall be reviewed
by the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
Following this review, the Board of County
Commissioners shall decide whether to des-
ignate the floodplain. Such designation, if
made, shall then require issuance of a
Floodplain Development Permit for devel-
opment in the designation area.
7. The above conditions shall be satisfied be-
fore an applicant may submit a preliminary
plan to the Planning Commission. All pro-
posed development within a designated
one-hundred-year floodplain located within a
proposed subdivision shall comply with the
provisions of Chapter X of these Regulations
and all applicable provisions of the Federal
Emergency Management Agency minimum
standards and regulations for land use and
construction in identified flood hazard areas.
8. Any activities which are planned to take
place in or adjacent to a streambed of a
proposed subdivision may require issuance
of a dredge and fill permit pursuant to Sec-
tion 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act, PL
92-500. If such a permit is required, evi-
dence of its issuance must be provided to
the Board of County Commissioners prior to
approval of a final plat.
9. A fifty-foot strip of land measured horizontal-
ly from the mean identifiable high-water
mark on each side of any running stream or
creek located within the boundaries of a
proposed subdivision shall be protected in
its natural state with the exception that foot-
paths, bridges, irrigation structures, drainage
and erosion control structures, flood control
devices and outdoor recreation fixtures may
be constructed thereon. If such stream is
located along the outer boundaries of a pro-
posed subdivision, this requirement shall
apply to that part of such stream and strip
which is located within the proposed subdi-
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.08
10. In cases where the required setback would
cause undue hardship or be inconsistent
with a design plan or prove not in the inter-
est of the public health, safety, welfare and
convenience, and upon written application to
the Planning Commission and demonstra-
tion of sufficient cause, the Planning Com-
mission may, at its discretion, waive or
modify this requirement. The Planning
Commission may also recommend and the
Board of County Commissioners determine
that a setback in excess of fifty (50) feet and
up to one hundred (100) feet is required
along all or a portion of a setback when
steep or highly unstable or erodible slopes
are present along the stream bank or the
proposed use of the land presents a special
hazard to the water quality.
4.13.09 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Systems
No final plat shall be approved by the Board of
County Commissioners unless or until an eco-
nomical and practical method of sanitary sew-
age disposal is available for the lots within that
subdivision. Sewage disposal facilities that are
provided for all lots within a subdivision by a
community or centralized sewage disposal sys-
tem shall be favored where such systems are
1. All lots in a proposed subdivision which can-
not practically or economically be connected
to a community or centralized sewage dis-
posal system shall be provided with an on-
lot Individual Sewage Disposal System
(ISDS) prior to the occupancy or use of
buildings constructed thereon. Whenever
an ISDS is proposed, the subdivider shall ei-
ther install such facilities or require by deed
restriction or otherwise in a manner satisfac-
tory to the Board of County Commissioners
as a condition of sale of each lot within such
subdivision that the ISDS be installed by the
purchaser of said lot at the time that the
principal building is constructed and before it
be occupied. Such ISDS shall comply with
the sewage disposal system requirements
adopted by the County and with all applica-
ble State of Colorado statutes governing the
construction of such systems.
In addition, applicants shall comply with all
other regulations regarding the design and
construction of sewage disposal systems,
including the following provisions:
a. Lands made, altered or filled with non-
earth materials within the last ten (10)
years shall not be divided into building
sites to be served by soil absorption
sewage disposal systems.
b Each lot to be served by an ISDS shall
have fifty (50) percent of its minimum
required lot area or twenty thousand
(20,000) square feet, whichever is less,
in slopes of less than fifteen (15) per-
c. Any subdivision lot to be served by an
ISDS shall have a minimum distance of
eight (8) feet from the surface of the
ground to the ground water surface,
based on the annual high water level.
d. Any ISDS must be at least one hundred
(100) feet from any water supply well
and at least fifty (50) feet from any
stream or water course.
e. Soils having a percolation rate faster
than five (5) minutes per inch or slower
than sixty (60) minutes per inch shall not
be divided into building sites to be
served by an ISDS.
f. Land rated as savings severe limitations
for septic tank absorption fields by the
U.S. Soil Conservation Service shall not
be divided into lots to be used as build-
ing sites unless the applicant can
demonstrate that such sites can be ad-
equately serviced by an ISDS of a type
and design approved by a local or state
health department.
g. Applicants desiring to install an ISDS on
soils alleged to have severe limitations
for such use shall have an opportunity to
present to the Planning Commission ev-
idence contesting such classification
and analysis. Applicants wishing to do
so should present to the Planning
Commission the evidence of additional
on-site tests, including percolation tests,
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.09
the certification of a soil scientist that
specific areas lying within the land in
question are suitable for an ISDS and
any other appropriate evidence that the
existing on-site limitations can be safely
mitigated. After hearing the matter, the
Planning Commission may, at its discre-
tion, deem the land in question suitable
for an ISDS.
2. Public sewage collection, treatment and dis-
posal facilities will normally be required in
subdivisions with a net density greater than
one (1) dwelling unit per acre of residential
land and may be required by the Board of
County Commissioners in other subdivisions
where percolation or other tests reveal soil
or other conditions unsuitable for individual
sewage disposal systems.
3. Where County, municipal or special district
plans indicate that the construction or exten-
sion of sewage collection lines may serve a
proposed subdivision within a reasonable
period of time, the Board of County Com-
missioners may require the installation of
capped sanitary sewer mains and house
connections in addition to the installation of
temporary individual sewage disposal sys-
tems. It shall be the responsibility of Las
Animas County for the design approval and
supervision of the installation of all capped
sewers, laterals and house connections or, if
there be a water and sanitation or a sanita-
tion district, that responsibility shall be as-
sumed by the district if it is willing to do so.
4.13.10 Water Service
No final plat shall be approved by the Board of
County Commissioners, unless or until a practi-
cal and reliable water supply system is available
for the lots within that subdivision. Water ser-
vice that is provided to every lot or parcel by a
community or collective water supply and distri-
bution system shall be favored where such sys-
tems are practical. Water supplies shall be
treated, as necessary, by methods acceptable to
the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment. Any proposed water supply sys-
tem for a proposed subdivision shall meet the
following conditions and requirements:
1. Sufficient quantity, quality, dependability and
pressure to provide an appropriate supply of
water for the type of subdivision proposed,
as determined by the review of an appli-
cant's water supply plan and/or other docu-
ments submitted to the office of the state
In the case of centralized treatment and
supply systems, fire supply needs shall be
satisfactory to the firefighting agency within
which jurisdiction the proposed subdivision
would be located.
2. All lots in a proposed subdivision which can-
not practically be provided with a community
or centralized water treatment and distribu-
tion system shall be provided with individual
on-lot water supply systems. The subdivider
shall install such systems or shall require by
deed restriction or otherwise in a manner
satisfactory to the Board of County Commis-
sioners, as a condition of sale of each lot
within the proposed subdivision, that such
on-site water supply systems shall be in-
stalled by the purchaser of the lot at the time
of the construction of the principal building
and before it is occupied.
3. Prior to approving a final plat for a proposed
subdivision to be supplied with on-site water
supply systems and as a condition for ap-
proval of that plat, the Board of County
Commissioners reserves the right to deter-
mine that:
a. Underground aquifers are adequate to
supply the projected future needs of the
b. Well permits are available from the Col-
orado Division of Water Resources.
c. Well usage would not interfere with
vested water rights.
4. Centralized water treatment and distribution
systems shall be sized hydraulically to meet
the initial and future demands of the pro-
posed subdivision and oversizing of lines
may be required for likely extensions. Such
systems shall be sized hydraulically for max-
imum day plus fire demands or peak
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.10
hour, whichever is greater. Maximum day
demand shall be assumed to be equal to
three (3) times average day demand, and
maximum hour demand shall be assumed to
be six (6) times average hour demand un-
less other specifications are specifically ap-
proved by the Planning Commission upon
written application and the demonstration of
good cause. In addition, new centralized
water systems shall be designed with suffi-
cient treatment and storage capacity to
serve the specified maximum hour demand
for a period of six (6) hours or maximum day
demand plus hours or a maximum day de-
mand plus the required fire demand for the
specified duration. In addition, proposed
centralized water supply systems shall be
required to meet such other design and con-
struction characteristics as the Board of
County Commissioners may from time to
time establish and as have been established
by any water and sanitation district or water
district in which the proposed subdivision
would be located.
5. Fire hydrants shall be required, at the dis-
cretion of the Board of County Commission-
ers, in all subdivisions serviced by a
centralized water treatment and distribution
system. Hydrants shall be spaced not more
than one thousand (1,000) feet apart and
provided with adequate pressure, flow and
duration, as determined by prevailing un-
derwriter standards, for firefighting purpos-
6. Applicants proposing subdivisions which
would utilize existing centralized water
treatment and distribution systems shall pro-
vide, prior to approval of a preliminary plat,
evidence in writing of the willingness of the
owner of said system to provide potable wa-
ter in a quantity, quality and pressure, on an
uninterrupted basis, adequate to serve the
present and future needs of the proposed
7. Regardless of the source of the water supply
for a proposed subdivision, applicants shall
be required to provide evidence from a repu-
table laboratory that the water available to
the proposed subdivision meets all applica-
ble state and federal drinking water stand-
ards or that it can and will be subject to
established water treatment methods that
will allow it to meet such standards.
4.13.11 Fire Safety and Protection
At the discretion of the Board of County Com-
missioners and upon a recommendation from
the Planning Commission, proposed subdivi-
sions may be required to include fire lanes
where the forested portion of a proposed subdi-
vision joins or parallels national forest bounda-
ries. Such lanes shall be of sufficient width to
allow the passage of tractors, trucks and other
heavy firefighting equipment, and the lanes to be
cleared shall be indicated on the preliminary
plan. In cases where fire lanes are required,
provision shall be made for them in the subdivi-
sion improvements agreement, including provi-
sion that all slash materials, vegetative residue,
fallen trees, limbs, roots and related material
shall be removed from the subdivision or cut for
firewood and stacked at appropriate sites. The
width and other characteristics of required fire
lanes shall be established for each proposed
subdivision by the Board of County Commis-
sioners in consultation with the Planning Com-
mission, the appropriate fire suppression
agencies and the U.S. Forest Service.
Where fire hydrants are not required in a pro-
posed subdivision, the Board of County Com-
missioners may, at its discretion and upon
recommendation by the Planning Commission,
require that a subdivider install cisterns, which
shall be of solid construction, strategically
placed and with a minimum capacity of five hun-
dred (500) gallons per dwelling unit to be pro-
tected. The location of such cisterns as may be
required shall be shown on the preliminary plan
and provision for them shall be made in the sub-
division improvements agreement.
Access to the cisterns and central water storage
shall be guaranteed to Las Animas County and
to the appropriate fire suppression agencies for
firefighting and other emergency proposes.
All proposed subdivisions shall be in compliance
with the adopted fire code.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.13.12
4.13.12 Survey Monuments
Permanent survey monuments shall be set with-
in all subdivisions pursuant to Title 38, Article
53, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended. In
addition, No. 5 steel rebars, twenty-four (24)
inches or longer, shall be set at all lot corners
prior to selling or advertising for sale such lots.
All monuments, markers and benchmarks shall
have fixed securely to the top thereof the regis-
tration number of the land surveyor responsible
for the establishment of such monument, marker
or benchmark. Benchmarks shall be stamped
with the letters "B.M." and the elevation of the
Monuments located within streets shall be of
No. 5 rebar steel, thirty-six (36) inches or longer,
placed so that their tops are six (6) inches below
the final street surface. When a street is paved
or otherwise surfaced, all such monuments with-
in the paved or surfaced area shall be fitted with
monument boxes of sturdy construction, and
monuments set after paving or surfacing shall
also be provided with sturdy monument boxes.
All monuments, markers and benchmarks shall
be set or witnessed according to standard con-
struction techniques and in a fashion that is sat-
isfactory to the Board of County Commissioners.
4.13.13 Other Public Improvements
Other reasonable improvements, not specifically
mentioned herein but found appropriate and
necessary by the Board of County Commission-
ers, shall be required to be shown on the final
plat and shall be constructed at the applicant's
expense, or at an expense to be shared by the
applicant and Las Animas County, within such
reasonable time and to such reasonable specifi-
cations as the Board of County Commissioners
deems necessary and appropriate.
4.13.14 Energy Conservation and Solar Ac-
Subdivision design, including the street configu-
ration and the layout of lots, shall be undertaken
in a manner calculated to provide for the con-
servation of energy by the future residents of the
proposed subdivision and allow for the maxi-
mum access to solar energy sources by those
4.13.15 General Subdivision Design Stand-
ards and Specifications
In addition to the design standards and specifi-
cations listed above, all proposed subdivisions
shall be designed to implement the goals, objec-
tives, policies and other provisions of Chapter II
of these Regulations and shall be so located and
laid out as to protect the public health, safety,
welfare and convenience of the residents of the
proposed subdivision and to preserve and en-
hance the natural terrain, vegetation, soils, natu-
ral drainages, land forms and other positive
characteristics of the site.
4.14 Wildlife Habitat Analysis
Where development of a subdivision may potentially
create adverse wildlife impacts, in the reasonable
determination of the Planning Director, the applica-
tion procedure shall be as follows:
1. An application for development will include the
applicant's analysis of the effect a proposed de-
velopment will have on wildlife and wildlife habi-
tat, if any, realizing that landowners and other
local laypersons may be qualified as experts in
their knowledge of wildlife activities on specific
2. The applicant shall be provided with wildlife
information, including maps and other data, as-
sembled by the Planning Department for use in
completing the application procedures.
3. The Planning Department shall provide the
applicant with a checklist or other standards to
be used by the Board of County Commissioners
in its review of the proposal. Further, the Plan-
ning Department shall develop and make avail-
able to the applicant alternative measures for
mitigating wildlife impact.
4. The Planning Commission shall submit an appli-
cant's exhibit to the Colorado Division of Wildlife
for review and comment prior to consideration of
the preliminary plan by the County Planning
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.14
Wildlife habitat means:
1. Buffer Zone. Some species of wildlife are
intolerant to disturbance from human activities
during portions of the year. In order to protect
these species, buffer zones with no, or limited,
human-related disturbances are necessary dur-
ing those seasons when these species occupy
specific areas.
2. Concentration Areas. Areas where high densi-
ty of wildlife species at certain times of the year
makes them highly susceptible to developments
and activities of man. Examples of concentra-
tion areas include staging areas for waterfowl
and deer, roosting areas for a number of birds
and colonies of such colonial species as swal-
lows and beaver.
3. Movement Corridors. Many species of wildlife
have daily and seasonal movement patterns
along more or less established corridors. These
may be between nesting, resting, roosting, feed-
ing and watering areas. Concentrations of ani-
mals increase the likelihood of conflict between
wildlife and humans. Many of these corridors of-
fer the only means for wildlife movements, or
their uses become so traditional that disruption
of interference could be disastrous for the spe-
cies involved.
4. Principal Feeding Areas. These include areas
containing the natural foods for a wildlife species
of sufficient quantity and quality and readily
available to sustain a normal population.
5. Production Areas. These include areas nec-
essary for prenuptial activities, breeding, young-
rearing and rearing; i.e.; spawning beds, nursery
streams and protected shoal areas for fish; per-
manent shallow water for amphibians; strutting,
booming and dancing grounds for calling perch-
es, nesting places; and protective young-rearing
cover for birds breeding grounds, calving and
fawning areas, den trees, burrows and young-
rearing cover for animals.
6. Shelter Areas. Those physical or natural fea-
tures in their habitats which provide escapement
from their enemies and adverse weather condi-
tions. Included therein are such things as rough
terrain for many species of wildlife; and rocky
bottoms and shorelines and aquatic vegetation
in and adjacent to water for protection of fish,
amphibians and aquatic-oriented species of ter-
restrial wildlife.
7. Shoreline Vegetation. Vegetation along
stream banks and the shorelines of lakes is ex-
tremely important to aquatic-related forms of ter-
restrial wildlife. Such vegetation controls water
temperatures, provides food and shelter and
protects banks from excessive erosion which
can damage or destroy wildlife habitats.
8. Special Habitat Needs. Some wildlife species
have very specific needs without which they
cannot survive. Therefore, reduction of such
needs beyond certain limits, or a complete de-
struction of these habitat features, could cause a
species to be reduced in number or perish. For
example, sagebrush is essential to the survival
of sage grouse.
9. Summer Ranges. Summer ranges relatively
free of human disturbance are highly important
to the survival of some species, especially those
requiring extended periods of time for rearing
the young.
10. Water and Minerals. A permanent water sup-
ply in sufficient quantity and quality is necessary
to support most wildlife species. In addition,
some species have special mineral needs. Con-
tinuous stream flows and conservation pools in
reservoirs are essential to the survival of fish.
Stable water levels in lakes and reservoirs are
highly desirable for fish, amphibians and many
birds, as well as to the food organisms upon
which they depend.
11. Winter Ranges. Winter ranges of sufficient
quality and quantity are critical for(2) two rea-
sons: (1) they are frequently so restricted in ar-
ea that they limit the size of an animal
population over its entire range; and (2) these
ranges are often in proximity to human popula-
tions and human activities so that the species
involved are adversely affected, or the species
may adversely affect real and personal property.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.14.01
4.14.01 Procedure for High and Very High
Impact Areas
If a development's potential impact has been de-
termined by the Colorado Division of Wildlife to
be high or very high, the following information
must accompany the application for develop-
1. Maps prepared at an easily readable scale,
a. The location of the proposed develop-
ment site, to include a certified boundary
b. The relationship of the site to surround-
ing topographic and cultural features.
c. The nature and density of the proposed
development or land use change.
d. Proposed building locations and ar-
e. A legend which includes:
1) A complete and accurate legal de-
scription as prescribed by the devel-
opment application form. The
description shall include the total
acreage of the parcel;
2) Title, scale and north arrows;
3) Date, including revision dates, if ap-
plicable; and
4) Certificates, by a professional biolo-
gist as appropriate.
Existing structures and land-
scape features, including the
name and location of all water
courses, ponds and other bodies
of water.
Such additional information as
may be required by the Board of
County Commissioners, in order
to determine if the intent and
purpose of Las Animas County
has been fulfilled.
2. A report which contains:
a. A description of the nature, density and
intensity of the proposed development in
sufficient detail to allow analysis of such
land use change upon identified wildlife
b. The applicant's analysis of the effect of
the proposed development, activity or
land use change upon those wildlife
species identified by the Division of
Wildlife of the Department of Natural
Resources, within the identified wildlife
habitat, utilizing the Potential Land
Use/Wildlife Habitat Conflicts Checklist.
c. A plan by the applicant which shall ex-
plain how he will mitigate any adverse
impacts to wildlife habitats created by
the proposed development.
d. An evaluation to the Division of Wildlife
or qualified expert regarding the appli-
cant's analysis and the effectiveness of
any proposed mitigating measures or
programs, to include any recommenda-
tions as appropriate.
4.14.02 Standards
Mitigating measures must be targeted to the
specific wildlife impact brought about by a par-
ticular development. For example, destruction
of deer winter range by development cannot be
mitigated by constructing brush piles for rabbits;
however, this impact might possibly be mitigated
by placing the development in clusters near the
periphery of the deer winter range - being care-
ful not to isolate such habitat from the deer by
encircling it with buildings. Similar techniques
might be advisable to keep an elk or deer migra-
tion route open. Development impact on small
habitat may be mitigated by constructing brush
piles, leaving standing snags, planting shrubs,
and other such measures in order to enhance
the remaining habitat. Another mitigating meas-
ure that may be advisable in many cases would
be to prohibit dogs in a new development.
4.15 Amendments to Approved and Recorded
The resubdivision of land substantial changes to a
recorded plat shall be subject to the subdivision and
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.15
other applicable provisions of these Regulations.
Minor changes to an approved and recorded plat
shall not be considered a subdivision of land within
the intent and definitions of these Regulations so
long as the minor changes are not undertaken for
the purposes of circumventing these subdivision
regulations and so long as the minor changes do not
include modifications which significantly alter the
intended land uses, density, number of lots, circula-
tion system or dedicated land, or encompass more
than twenty-five (25) percent of the land included
within an overall site within an approved and record-
ed subdivision. Specifically included within the
scope of minor changes are the following actions:
the adjustment and revision of lot lines, the replatting
of lots, the reconfiguration of dedicated streets and
easements and reserved sites along with similar
minor changes to an approved and recorded plat, so
long as the minor changes create no nonconforming
lots nor significantly alter street and road location,
drainage easements or violate the subdivision de-
sign standards contained herein.
4.15.01 Procedures for Amendment
Applicants wishing to amend an approved rec-
orded plat shall submit to the Planning Commis-
sion an application on a form supplied by the
County, the appropriate submittal materials and
the required filing fees (see Chapter XII). An
application to amend an approved and recorded
plat shall be reviewed by the Planning Commis-
sion following the submission of the required
materials. The Planning Commission shall
make a recommendation on the application for
the amendment of an approved and recorded
plat and transmit the application to the Board of
County Commissioners for a decision. The
Board of County Commissioners shall consider
the application following, at its discretion, the
submission of the application to any appropriate
review agencies and interested parties, and the
decision of the Board shall be recorded in the
minutes of the meeting and transmitted in writing
to the applicant. Applications that are denied by
the Board of County Commissioners shall result
in a statement to the applicant giving the reason
for the denial.
4.15.02 Submission Requirements
Submission requirements for an application to
amend an approved and recorded plat include a
completed application, the appropriate filing fees
and the following items:
1. Proof of ownership of the lots, parcels or
subdivision plat to be amended and evi-
dence that the applicant, if not the owner,
has full legal authority to act on behalf of the
2. A copy of the approved and recorded final
plat, along with drawings done to the same
scale as the recorded final plat, indicating
the amendments proposed to be made to
the approved and recorded plat. The draw-
ings submitted with the recorded final plat
shall meet all requirements for the prepara-
tion of a final plat and be suitable for record-
ing in the office of the County Clerk and
Recorder. The drawings shall also show the
location of all structures, streets, rights-of-
way and easements within the area of the
proposed plat amendment, along with the
boundary dimensions and angle of bearing
of each lot line to be amended.
3. A narrative statement describing the pro-
posed changes to the approved and record-
ed final plat and providing an explanation of
why the proposed changes should be ap-
proved by the Planning Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners. Included
with the narrative statement shall be the
acreage or square footage of all lots before
and after adjustment, a legal description of
each lot before and after adjustment and a
statement of the current zoning of all por-
tions of the plat to be amended.
4. Applications for amendment of an approved
and recorded plat submitted to correct minor
surveying or drafting errors shall be accom-
panied by an affidavit by a Colorado li-
censed land survey attesting to the
approved and recorded final plat.
The Planning Commission may, at its discretion
and upon written request by an applicant, waive
any but not all of these submission items listed
above and the Planning Commission may also,
at its discretion, add such submission items as it
deems necessary and appropriate to evaluate
and recommend upon any application for a plat
amendment submitted to it. The Planning
Commission may also submit the application for
review to such referral agencies and interested
parties as it reasonably sees fit.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.15.03
4.15.03 Criteria for Action on a Plat
Amendment Application
All actions by the Planning Commission in re-
viewing and making recommendations on an
application to amend an approved and recorded
plat and by the Board of County Commissioners
in approving or disapproving such applications
shall be based in general upon the provisions of
these Regulations and specifically on the follow-
ing criteria:
1. That the proposed amendment meets the
qualification stated herein for a minor
change to an approved and recorded plat.
2. That the proposed amendment would be
consistent with all other provisions of these
Regulations and would not cause significant
hardship or inconvenience for adjacent or
neighboring land owners or tenants.
3. That the proposed amendment would not be
likely to prove detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare of County residents.
4.15.04 Recording of Amended Plats
All amended plats shall be filed and recorded in
the office of the Las Animas County Clerk and
Recorder at the applicant's expense.
4.16 Vacating of Approved and Recorded Plats,
Rights-of-Way or Easements
Applicants may apply for the vacating of any plat,
right-of-way, easement or portion thereof so long as
the plat, right-of-way, easement or portion thereof
has been filed and recorded in the office of the Las
Animas County Clerk and Recorder.
4.16.01 Procedure for Vacating Plats,
Rights-of-Way and Easements
Applications to vacate approved and recorded
plats, rights-of-way, easements or portions
thereof shall be accompanied by an application
form provided by Las Animas County, by the
appropriate submittal materials and the neces-
sary filing fees (see Chapter XII). Copies of the
vacating submittal materials shall be submitted
to the school district and any other special pur-
pose districts in which the proposed vacating is
located along with all utility companies and mu-
nicipalities potentially affected by the proposed
vacating. Additional referral agencies may be
contacted by the Planning Commission, at its
discretion. The application shall be considered
by the Planning Commission and Board of
County Commissioners at public hearings, noti-
fied as provided in Section 2.04. The Planning
Commission shall recommend and the Board of
County Commissioners shall approve, approve
with conditions or deny the application.
Applications for vacating may be initiated by:
1. The Board of County Commissioners.
2. The Las Animas County Planning Commis-
3. The owner of record or duly authorized
agent of any owner of record of any ap-
proved and recorded plat right-of-way or
4.16.02 Submittal Requirements
Submission requirements for an application to
vacate an approved and recorded plat, right-of-
way or easement shall include a complete appli-
cation, the appropriate filing fees and the follow-
ing items:
1. Proof of ownership of the property to be va-
cated and evidence that the applicant, if not
the owner, has full legal authority to act on
behalf of the owner.
2. A copy of the approved and recorded plat,
right-of-way or easement and a vacating
plat. Said plat shall be prepared as a final
plat and shall be prepared by and have the
seal of a registered land surveyor, duly reg-
istered to practice in the State of Colorado.
3. A narrative statement describing the pro-
posed vacating action and providing an ex-
planation of why the proposed vacating
should be approved by the Planning Com-
mission and the Board of County Commis-
sioners. Included within the narrative should
be a legal description of the land to be va-
cated and the area, in acreage or square
feet, of the land in question.
The Planning Commission may, at its discretion
and upon written request by an applicant, waive
any but not all of the submission requirements
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.16.02
listed above and the Planning Commission may
also, at its discretion, add such submission
items as it deems necessary and appropriate to
evaluate and recommend upon any application
for the vacating of a plat, right-of-way or ease-
4.16.03 Criteria for Action on a Vacation
All actions by the Planning Commission in re-
viewing and making recommendations on an
application to vacate an approved and recorded
plat, right-of-way or easement and by the Board
of County Commissioners in approving or disap-
proving such applications shall be based in gen-
eral upon the provisions of these Regulations
and specifically upon the following criteria:
1. That the proposed vacating would not inter-
fere with development of or deny access via
a public thoroughfare to existing structures
within the recorded plat, adjoining proper-
ties, utility structures, facilities or sites locat-
ed beyond the plat, right-of-way or
easement to be vacated.
2. That the proposed vacating would not cause
undue hardship or inconvenience for any
utility company, special district, neighboring
landowner or tenant.
3. That the proposed vacating would not be
likely to prove detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare of County residents.
4. That the proposed vacating would be con-
sistent with all other provisions of these
5. That the proposed vacating would not cause
undue financial hardship to Las Animas
County nor deprive it of needed tax base.
4.16.04 Vacating of Roads, Streets and
Any provisions contained within these Regula-
tions notwithstanding, the procedures of vacat-
ing roads, streets and highways shall conform to
the provisions contained in Section 43-2-301, et
seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as
4.17 Submittal Requirements for Proposed
Applications for approval of a subdivision shall in-
clude, in addition to a complete application on a form
provided by Las Animas County and the appropriate
filing fees, the following items. The Planning Com-
mission may, at its discretion and upon written appli-
cation by an applicant, waive any of these items not
required by the laws of the State of Colorado, and
the Planning Commission may also, at its discretion,
add such submission items as it deems necessary
and appropriate to evaluate and recommend upon
any application for approval of a subdivision.
4.17.01 Sketch Plan/Preliminary Submis-
Applicants should note that some subdivision
proposals may be exempted from the sketch
plan submittal requirements. In addition, upon
written request by an applicant and at the discre-
tion of the Planning Commission, proposed sub-
divisions that are not to be phased in various
stages and which do not require a PUD permit,
may simultaneously submit a sketch plan and a
preliminary plan at the general submission stage
of the review process. All other applications for
approval of a subdivision shall comply with the
sketch plan/initial submission requirements con-
tained herein.
The sketch plan and associated documents are
submitted as a conceptual proposal that pro-
vides an overview of a proposed subdivision and
allows generalized discussion of the apparent
merits and perceived problems of a particular
subdivision configuration. Sketch plans shall be
prepared by appropriately qualified persons,
such as a landscape architect, engineer or
draftsperson, in a clear and legible manner ac-
ceptable to the Planning Director and at a scale
of one (1) inch to one hundred (100) or two hun-
dred (200) feet or another scale approved by the
Planning Director. In the case of large proposed
subdivisions requiring more than one (1) sheet
at such scale, a total area plan showing the total
area at an appropriate scale shall also be sub-
Sketch plans shall remain valid for one (1) year
after initially presented to the Planning Commis-
sion or until another sketch plan for the site is
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.01
presented, whichever occurs first. Any sketch
plan submitted to replace a sketch plan previ-
ously submitted to the Planning Commission
shall require a new application and filing fee if it
is a significantly revised sketch plan in the opin-
ion of the Planning Commission.
A sketch plan shall include the following infor-
1. The names, addresses and telephone num-
bers of the property owners and of the appli-
cants, if other than the owners, and the
names of the persons preparing the submit-
2. The name of the proposal.
3. The date of preparation of the sketch plan, a
north arrow and a written and a graphic
4. An accurate legal description of the property
included within the proposal and all adjacent
land owned or under option by the applicant.
5. Enumeration of the approximate acreage of
the proposed subdivision.
6. A vicinity map showing the proposed subdi-
vision in relationship to the surrounding area
with the names of adjacent subdivisions and
property owners along with the current land
uses and zoning districts within one (1) mile
of the boundaries of the proposed subdivi-
7. The current zoning on the site and any zon-
ing changes to be requested.
8. Any unique historical, archaeological, scenic
or other noteworthy features on or in close
proximity to the site.
9. A delineation of existing easements of the
site, their uses and the easement owners.
10. The existing and any proposed new means
of public access to the proposed subdivi-
11. A graphic description of all the natural and
man-made watercourses, retention areas,
streams and lakes, including any known,
identified or designated one-hundred-year
floodplains and other natural hazards, if any.
12. Evidence of all existing structures on the
site, their current uses and their future status
within the proposed subdivision.
13. The topography of the site at an appropriate
contour interval, noting all areas with slope
in excess of twenty (20) percent.
14. The average lot size, proposed density and
all public and private sources of utility facili-
ties and services.
15. The location of all existing and proposed
streets, drives and roads and the names of
existing streets within the site.
16. The approximate location of land to be re-
served and land to be dedicated to the
17. A lot and street layout, indicating general
scaled dimensions of lots and blocks.
18. The location of off-street parking areas, are-
as for landscaping, the location of any com-
mercial, service, industrial, recreational or
community facilities or buildings and the fu-
ture land uses within the various portions of
the proposed subdivision.
19. Documentation concerning the suitability of
the types of soil for the uses proposed within
the site, and in areas with a known or sus-
pected potential radiation hazard, this haz-
ard shall be evaluated. Soils suitability data
should be complied in accordance with the
National Cooperative Soil Survey and be
accompanied by a table of interpretation for
the soil types shown on the soil map.
20. A description of the proposed systems for
the supply of portable water and the dispos-
al of sewage, along with adequate evidence
that a water supply system capable of de-
pendably delivering an adequate quality and
quantity of water for the proposed subdivi-
sion will be provided.
21. Evidence of any drainage, retention or wa-
tercourse diversion structures proposed for
the site.
The sketch plan shall be accompanied by a brief
narrative description of the proposal. Include all
submission information appropriately presented
in narrative form, describing briefly the scope
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.01
and concept of the proposed subdivision and its
anticipated impact on adjoining land uses, on
water quality and supply in the area and on the
circulation system in the area. The narrative
shall also describe whether and to what extent
the proposed subdivision is consistent with and
fosters the intent of Chapter II of these Regula-
tions and particularly the goals, objectives, poli-
cies and the future land use plan contained
Included on the sketch plan and in the narrative
should be information on the phasing, if any, that
will be used in the development of the proposed
In preparing material for sketch plan submission,
applicants are urged to confer with staff from the
Soil Conservation Service, the Division of Wild-
life, utility companies, special districts and other
local, regional and state agencies, as appropri-
4.17.02 Preliminary Plan/General Submis-
The preliminary plan which may be submitted
upon approval of the sketch plan shall incorpo-
rate all modifications of and changes to the
sketch plan agreed to by the applicant, the
Planning Commission and the Board of County
Commissioners. The purpose of a preliminary
plan is to review the proposed subdivision in the
context of the technical requirements, design
standards and improvement requirements of Las
Animas County and the various other terms and
provisions of these Regulations to ensure the
compatibility of the proposed subdivision with
these considerations and with the current and
anticipated or desired future land use patterns
within and in the vicinity of the proposed subdi-
vision. Detailed review of a preliminary plan at
the general submission stage provides further
evidence of compliance or lack of compliance of
the proposed subdivision with the Master Plan
and other provisions of these Regulations, along
with the policies and plans of other public and
quasi-public agencies in Las Animas County.
Preliminary plans shall be prepared by appropri-
ately qualified persons in a clear and legible
manner on reproducible stock in a manner ac-
ceptable to the Planning Commission and at a
scale of one (1) inch to one hundred (100) or
two hundred (200) feet or another scale ap-
proved by the Planning Director. In the case of
large proposed subdivisions requiring more than
one (1) sheet at such scale, a reproducible
composite measuring not more than twenty-four
(24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches and showing
the total area at an appropriate scale shall also
be submitted.
Preliminary plans approved by the Board of
County Commissioners shall remain valid for
one (1) year following the date of their approval
unless an extension of up to one (1) additional
year is granted by the Board of County Commis-
sioners upon submission of a written request for
such extension by the applicant prior to the expi-
ration of the initial preliminary plan. Any prelimi-
nary plan submitted for a proposed subdivision
for which a previous preliminary plan approval
has expired shall be considered a new prelimi-
nary plan and shall require a new application
and filing fee.
A preliminary plan shall require the following in-
1. The names and addresses of the property
owners and of the applicants, if other than
the owners, and the persons preparing the
preliminary plan submittal materials.
2. In the case of a corporate property owner or
corporate applicant, evidence of registration
or incorporation in the State of Colorado.
3. A copy of a certificate from a title insurance
company or an attorney licensed to practice
law in the State of Colorado setting forth the
names of all owners of property included
within the proposed subdivision and a list of
all mortgages, judgments, liens, easements,
contracts and agreements of record which
shall affect the property within the proposed
4. The name or identifying title of the proposed
5. The date of preparation of the preliminary
plan, a north arrow and a written and graph-
ic scale.
6. An accurate legal description of the property
included within the proposed subdivision
and the total acreage of the proposed subdi-
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.02
7. The location of the proposed subdivision as
a part of a larger subdivision, if any, and with
reference to permanent survey monuments
with a tie to a section or a quarter-section
8. A location map showing the relationship of
the proposed subdivision to the characteris-
tics of the surrounding area, along with the
names of adjacent subdivisions and the cur-
rent land uses and zoning districts within
one (1) mile of the boundaries of the pro-
posed subdivision.
9. A list from the County Assessor's office of
current property owners of record and their
complete mailing address for property within
five hundred (500) feet of the boundaries of
the proposed subdivision. This distance
provision may be expanded up to two thou-
sand five hundred (2,500) feet at the discre-
tion of the Planning Commission in the case
of large subdivisions and other special cir-
cumstances that so warrant.
10. A list of the owners of subsurface mineral in-
terests and their lessees, if any, on the pro-
posed site and their complete mailing
11. Site data in chart form presenting the total
number of proposed residential lots, the net
size of the average (mean) lot, minimum lot
size, maximum lot size, the types of land
use proposed and the area of land proposed
for each such land use.
12. The proposed sites, if any, for multifamily
residential use, business use, commercial
and industrial areas and other public and
non-public uses exclusive of single-family
residential areas within the proposed subdi-
13. The total number of projected square feet of
nonresidential floor space to be included
within the proposed subdivision.
14. The current zoning districts on the site and
any zoning changes to be requested.
15. The location and principal dimensions of all
existing and proposed streets, alleys, roads,
easements, off-street parking areas, water-
courses, streams, ponds and other signifi-
cant features of the natural and man-made
landscape within and adjacent to the pro-
posed subdivision. Such features should be
labeled by their proper names, when such
names exist or are known, and the use of all
should be clearly shown.
16. The location and current and proposed fu-
ture uses of all buildings and other struc-
tures in and within one hundred (100) feet of
the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
17. A lot and street layout with lots and blocks
numbered consecutively, with the dimen-
sions of all lots to the nearest foot and the
acreage in each lot displayed.
18. The location of any existing or proposed
sewers, water mains, culverts, storm drains,
sidewalks, gutters, fire hydrants and the siz-
es and types thereof, along with the width
and depth of pavement or sub-grading to be
provided, the depth of burial of all under-
ground lines, pipes and tubing and typical
cross-sections of the proposed grading of
roadways and sidewalks.
19. The preliminary design for any bridges, cul-
verts or other drainage structures to be con-
20. The topography of the proposed subdivision
at two-foot contour intervals for predominant
ground slopes up to five (5) percent grade
and five-foot contours for predominant
ground slopes within the site that are over
five (5) percent grade. Upon request of and
at the discretion of the Planning Director, al-
ternate contour intervals can be used for all
or part of a site where special slope or other
conditions prevail. Elevations shall be Na-
tional Geodetic Survey sea level data.
21. The delineation of any known, identified or
designated one-hundred-year floodplains
and localized areas subject to periodic flood-
ing. Mitigation measures, if any, proposed
to overcome the consequences of periodic
inundation shall also be included in the
submission. The distance between the
mean identifiable high water mark of any
creeks, streams or rivers and the nearest
proposed development within the site shall
also be shown.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.02
22. The delineation of the geological character-
istics of the area with evidence regarding the
extent and intensity of any geological, radio-
logical, seismic or other related hazards
within or in close proximity to the proposed
subdivision to overcome such geological,
radiological, seismic or other hazards shall
also be included in the submission.
23. Soil suitability and interpretation information,
as required in Section, and a nar-
rative description of the mitigating
measures, if any, proposed to overcome
soils limitations present on the site of the
proposed subdivision.
24. Preliminary drainage, erosion and sedimen-
tation control plans, as required.
25. Delineation of the type and extent of vegeta-
tive cover on the site.
26. All areas to be reserved for community or
public uses and all areas to be dedicated to
Las Animas County, along with any other
areas to be used for open space and a
statement describing how such reserved,
dedicated and open space lands shall be
27. Preliminary copies of the protective cove-
nants to be filed with the final plat.
28. Evidence that the proposed system for the
disposal of sewage will comply with State of
Colorado and Las Animas County statutes,
regulations and design requirements and
that the proposed method is both technically
feasible and environmentally sound. The
peak capacity of the sewage treatment sys-
tem shall be provided if a centralized collec-
tion and treatment system is proposed.
29. Evidence that the proposed system for the
supply of potable water would be sufficient
in terms of quantity, quality, dependability
and pressure to provide adequate water
supply to the proposed subdivision. The
peak capacity of the proposed water supply
system shall be provided if a centralized dis-
tribution system is proposed.
Evidence that a proposed system for the
supply of water is adequate shall include but
need not be limited to the following items:
a. Evidence of ownership or right of acqui-
sition of or use of existing and/or pro-
posed water rights.
b. Historic use and estimated yield of
claimed water rights.
c. Probability of existing rights to a change
in use.
d. Evidence that public or private water
users can and will supply water to the
proposed subdivision and a statement of
the amount of water available for use
within the subdivision and the feasibility
of extending service to the site.
e. Evidence demonstrating that the
potability and overall quality of the pro-
posed supply will meet or exceed State
of Colorado and federal water quality
standards for drinking water. Where the
water supply is to be provided through
individual on-lot wells, the cumulative ef-
fect of such proposed use on vested wa-
ter rights shall be discussed.
f. Where water supply or sewage collec-
tion and treatment is to be provided by
an already existing centralized system,
a letter of preliminary commitment from
the owners of that system or their duly
authorized agents, stating that there ex-
ists or will exist sufficient system capaci-
ty to supply the needs of the proposed
subdivision and that the owners of the
system are willing and able to provide
the proposed water supply or sewage
collection and treatment services.
g. A preliminary development schedule for
required and proposed improvements,
including the estimated construction
cost and the proposed methods of fi-
h. A discussion of any special districts that
would be created wholly or partly within
the proposed subdivision, listing the
proposed boundaries of the service dis-
trict and what services it would provide.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.02
i. A preliminary phasing plan when the
proposed subdivision would be devel-
oped in more than one phase.
j. Other such information and submittal
items as the Planning Commission or
the Board of County Commissioners
may reasonably request to review and
act upon the preliminary plan.
4.17.03 Final Plat/Final Submission
Submission and review of a final plat is the last
stage in the subdivision review process. The
purpose of this review is to ensure that the de-
tailed plans of development are in keeping with
previous approvals granted, to incorporate
changes decided upon or mandated at the pre-
liminary plan general submission review stage
and to provide the final technical and legal doc-
uments that are a condition for approval and re-
cording of a final plat and associated materials.
The design of a final plat shall conform to the
preliminary plan, with appropriate modifications
and amendments. Applicants wishing to phase
final platting rather than provide a final plat for
an entire development may do so in accordance
with an approved preliminary phasing plan sub-
mitted under the general submission stage of
review and resubmitted and approved, with ap-
propriate modifications, as a final phasing plan.
Final plats shall be prepared by appropriately
qualified persons in a clear and legible manner
in black ink on Mylar and in a manner accepta-
ble to the Planning Commission. Final plats
shall be prepared at the same scale as prelimi-
nary plans unless the Planning Commission, at
its discretion, deems otherwise. Final plats ex-
hibiting outer dimensions of twenty-four (24)
inches by thirty-six (36) inches and showing the
total area at an appropriate scale shall also be
Final plats submitted for a portion of a proposed
development in accordance with an approved fi-
nal phasing plan shall include a map at an ap-
propriate scale showing which portions of the
total development are being submitted for final
platting and the relationship of the portions so
submitted to the remainder of the proposed de-
Final plats shall be submitted to the Planning
Commission for action within eighteen (18)
months after the date that a preliminary plan for
the same proposed development was granted
approval by the Board of County Commission-
ers, except that one (1) extension of up to an
additional eighteen (18) months may be granted
by the Board of County Commissioners upon the
submission of a written request for such exten-
sion by the applicant prior to the expiration of the
initial eighteen-month period. Failure to submit
an acceptable final plat within this allowable time
period or extension period, if granted, shall re-
quire that an applicant resubmit a preliminary
plan with the appropriate filing fees and associ-
ated materials.
The final plat shall contain the following infor-
1. The names and addresses of the owners of
record of the land being platted and the
same information for the applicants, if other
than the owners, along with the name, ad-
dress and seal of the certifying registered
land surveyor and other preparers of the fi-
nal plat.
2. A copy of a certificate from a title insurance
company or an attorney licensed to practice
law in the State of Colorado attesting to the
accuracy and validity of the title to the prop-
erty being platted and stating that the appli-
cant is the land owner or is duly authorized
by the land owner to plat such land.
The certificate or certification shall also list
all mortgages, liens, judgments, easements,
contracts and agreements of record regard-
ing the land to be platted, and the Board of
County Commissioners may require, at its
discretion, that the holders of such mortgag-
es, liens, judgments, easements, contracts
or agreements shall be required to join in
and approve the application for final plat ap-
proval before such final plat is accepted for
3. The name or identifying title of the proposed
4. The date of reparation of the final plat, a
north arrow and a written and graphic scale.
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — §4.17.03
5. A complete and accurate legal description of
the property being platted and the total
acreage and number of lots being platted.
6. The township, range, section and quarter
section showing the location and full de-
scription of all monuments as required by
Section 4.13.12 of these Regulations and by
Title 38, Article 53, Colorado Revised Stat-
utes, as amended.
7. A lot and street layout with all lots and
blocks numbered consecutively, the dimen-
sions of all lots, the acreage of each lot
shown to two (2) decimal places and all
street and road names.
8. All plat boundary lines with the lengths of
courses to hundredths of a foot and bearing
to the nearest second.
9. The lengths of all arcs, radii and tangents.
10. The names and widths of all existing or rec-
orded streets and roads intersecting the plat
boundaries or paralleling them within two
hundred (200) feet, the names and map
numbers of all bordering subdivisions and
any municipal limits within two hundred
(200) of the boundaries of the plat.
11. The boundary lines and dimensions, shown
accurately, of all easements, alleyways,
sidewalks and similar features, including all
other rights-of-way not otherwise or explicitly
12. The purpose and owners of all easements
and statements from all utility companies, as
applicable, that the stated services will be
provided to the proposed development after
13. The boundary lines and dimensions, shown
accurately, of all property to be reserved and
dedicated, with the means of access to such
property clearly shown and its intended uses
14. A legally acceptable statement by the appli-
cant dedicating streets, rights-of-way, public
sites and other such features; the transfer of
County-dedicated land taking place by a le-
gally acceptable instrument prior to or con-
current with final plat acceptance, but before
15. Identification of lots with slope in excess of
twenty (20) percent and any other lots where
special studies are required prior to obtain-
ing a building permit.
16. Delineation of all known, identified or desig-
nated one-hundred-year floodplains and lo-
calized areas subject to periodic inundation,
along with required stream setback lines, if
17. Final drainage, erosion and sedimentation
control plans along with a grading plan and
a revegetation plan. The grading plan shall
be indicated by solid line contours superim-
posed on dashed line contours of the exist-
ing topography of the area to be platted.
Provision for the contour intervals of the
grading plan shall be as specified in Section The final drainage, erosion,
sedimentation and revegetation plans shall
be required at the discretion of the Planning
Commission, which shall set whatever rea-
sonable standards for such plans as the
conditions of the site require.
18. Certification of approval blocks for the Plan-
ning Commission and Board of County
19. The final plat submission shall be accompa-
nied by a subdivision improvements agree-
ment, as provided for in Section 4.03 of
these Regulations and by copies of the deed
restrictions and/or covenants to govern the
future use of all lots and common land with
regard to water and sewer systems,
resubdivision and any other changes which
could significantly alter the proposed subdi-
vision as reviewed and approved by the
Board of County Commissioners. Deed re-
strictions shall be in conformance with or
more restrictive than the zoning regulations,
subdivision regulations and other provisions
of these Regulations and must be approved
by the Board of County Commissioners prior
to or concurrent with the granting of approv-
al of a final plat.
20. In cases where a Section 404 dredge and fill
permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers is required pursuant to Public Law 92-
500, evidence of an approved permit shall
be submitted as a condition for final plat ap-
Land Use Regulations Subdivision Regulations — 4.17.03
22. When a street, road or other thoroughfare to
be constructed as a part of the proposed
subdivision or to provide public access to
the proposed subdivision intersects with a
State of Colorado or U.S. Highway, a copy
of the Colorado Department of Transporta-
tion authorizing permit or other such legal
instrument as the Colorado Department of
Transportation shall issue must be submit-
ted as a condition for final plat approval.
23. The final plat submittal shall also be accom-
panied by a summary description of the pro-
posal stating:
a. Total area to be platted, the total num-
ber of proposed dwelling units, the
number of single-family units and the
number of multi-family units, and the
size of the largest lot, the smallest lot
and the average (mean) size lot.
b. The total number of square feet of non-
residential floor space.
c. The total number of off-street parking
spaces, excluding those provided for
single-family residential use.
d. The estimated peak capacity of the pro-
posed water supply system, if a central-
ized distribution system is proposed.
e. The estimated peak capacity of the
sewage treatment system, if a central-
ized collection and treatment system is
f. The estimated construction cost and in-
tended methods of financing of all public
improvements and facilities, by category
of improvement or facility. For im-
provements not completed prior to final
plat approval, the cost estimates provid-
ed herein shall be identical to those in-
cluded in the subdivision improvements
g. The names of the applicants and the
name or identifying title of the proposed
24. A list of the owners of subsurface mineral in-
terests and their lessees, if any, and their
complete mailing addresses.
25. Other plat notes and submittal items as the
Planning Commission or the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners may reasonably request
in order to review and act upon the final plat.
4.17.04 Plan and Plat Acceptance Provi-
Sketch plans, preliminary plans and final plats
which are not in compliance with the design
standards, submittal requirements or other tech-
nical provisions of this Chapter IV shall not be
acted upon by the Planning Commission or by
the Board of County Commissioners.
No plat or replat of land laid out in a subdivision
or lots shall be accepted an approved subdivi-
sion by the County Clerk and Recorder of Las
Animas County unless and until such plat or
replat shall bear thereon, by endorsement or
otherwise, the approval of the Board of County
5.01 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Regulation ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.02 Objectives of PUD Development ................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.03 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.03.01 Title ............................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.03.02 Repeal ......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.03.03 PUD Application .......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.03.04 Relationship of These Regulations to the Subdivision Regulations ............................................. 5-1
5.03.05 Relationship of These Regulations to the Zoning Regulations .................................................... 5-1
5.03.06 Building Permits .......................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.03.07 Master Plan Compliance ............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.03.08 Permitted Uses Within a PUD ..................................................................................................... 5-2
5.03.09 Sales Restriction ......................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.03.10 PUD Revocation for Nonperformance or Other Cause................................................................ 5-2
5.03.11 Amendments to an Approved PUD ............................................................................................. 5-3
5.04 PUD Design Standards and Specifications .................................................................................................... 5-3
5.04.01 General Design Standards and Specifications ............................................................................ 5-3
5.04.02 Density Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.05 Maintenance of Public Open Spaces and Common Areas ............................................................................ 5-4
5.06 Submittal Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 5-5
5.06.01 Non-Subdivision PUDs/Development Plan .................................................................................. 5-5
5.06.02 PUD Subdivisions/Sketch Plan Requirements ............................................................................ 5-6
5.06.03 PUD Subdivisions/Preliminary Plan Requirements ..................................................................... 5-7
5.06.04 PUD Subdivisions/Final Plat Requirements ................................................................................ 5-7
5.06.05 Development in a PUD and PUD Modifications .......................................................................... 5-8
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.01
5.01 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Regula-
The authority, purpose and legal standing of this
planned unit development resolution is included
within Chapter I of these Regulations and reference
is hereby explicitly made to the authorizing authority
for such resolutions contained in Section 24-67-101,
et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as
5.02 Objectives of PUD Development
These PUD regulations are intended to allow flexibil-
ity in development in a manner varying from the
constraints upon innovative design and creative land
use that might otherwise be imposed by zoning and
subdivision regulations when narrowly construed.
These PUD regulations are provided in order to
promote the unified and integrated development and
use of land at its highest feasible economic value
while protecting the natural physical environment of
Las Animas County and fostering development that
groups various land uses in appropriate relationship
to each other, to commonly shared open-space and
to common facilities.
5.03 General Provisions
5.03.01 Title
The title of this planned unit development resolu-
tion shall be the Las Animas County, Colorado
Planned Unit Development Regulations and may
be so cited and pleaded. Hereinafter in these
Regulations, it shall be referred to as the
planned unit development regulations or the
PUD regulations.
5.03.02 Repeal
Adoption of this regulation shall not modify or
otherwise compromise planned unit develop-
ments approved by the Board of County Com-
missioners prior to the adoption of this
regulation. Such prior planned unit develop-
ments shall be considered to be in conformity
and compliance with the provisions of these
regulations. Planned unit developments created
by issuance of the PUD permit before the adop-
tion of these Regulations shall be considered to
have met the provisions and requirements of this
Chapter as PUD zoning districts.
5.03.03 PUD Application
Applications wishing to create a PUD shall be
required to make application for a rezoning,
which rezoning shall be required in addition to
subdivision and/or any other permits and ap-
provals required herein before a planned unit
development may be constructed. A PUD appli-
cation shall be on an appropriate form provided
by Las Animas County, payment of the required
filing fees and submittal of the required infor-
5.03.04 Relationship of These Regulations
to the Subdivision Regulations
In the case of a proposed subdivision to be de-
veloped as a PUD, the provisions contained
herein are in addition to those contained within
the subdivision regulations and shall be con-
strued in conformity therewith. Where any regu-
lations or other provisions contained within this
PUD regulation overlap with or are incompatible
or inconsistent with any regulation or provision
of the subdivision regulations, the Planning
Commission shall, at its discretion, determine
which standard, requirement or other provision
shall apply to an applicant. In making such de-
cisions, the Planning Commission shall take into
consideration the current and proposed uses of
the land, the size, location and characteristics of
the proposed PUD subdivision and all other rel-
evant provisions of these Regulations.
5.03.05 Relationship of These Regulations
to the Zoning Regulations
Planned unit developments are permitted in any
zoning district within Las Animas County.
Planned unit developments may include all uses
allowed by right and any special uses allowed by
the zoning regulations in the districts in which
the PUD would be located. Approval of a PUD
application by the Board of County Commis-
sioners and the granting of a PUD shall be con-
sidered de facto approval of the proposed
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.03.05
special uses, and the applicant shall not be re-
quired to apply for or receive a special use per-
mit for a special use, as specified in Section
2.15, when such proposed special uses are con-
tained within a PUD proposal.
5.03.06 Building Permits
No building or other structure shall be erected
nor shall a building permit be issued within a
planned unit development or proposed planned
unit development before a PUD rezoning, subdi-
vision and/or any other additional permits and
approvals have been granted by Las Animas
County, except, however, that temporary uses
as provided for in Section 3.06 shall be allowed
if they meet the requirements and provisions
contained therein.
5.03.07 Master Plan Compliance
All planned unit development application materi-
als, site design characteristics and other PUD
characteristics shall be in compliance with the
goals, objectives, policies and other provisions
of the Las Animas County Master Plan.
5.03.08 Permitted Uses Within a PUD
Any use that is not specifically prohibited within
the zoning districts in which a PUD is to be lo-
cated (see Section 3.03 on permitted, condition-
al and prohibited uses within zoning districts)
may be an allowed use within a PUD. As long
as these uses are not specifically prohibited in a
zoning district that underlies a proposed PUD,
they may include, but need not be limited to:
1. Single- and multi-family residences.
2. Sale and rental of commercial goods or ser-
3. Recreational facilities and open space.
4. Offices.
5. Convention and meeting facilities.
6. Lodging facilities of all types.
7. Eating and drinking facilities.
8. Schools, churches and other institutional
9. Additional commercial and industrial uses.
5.03.09 Sales Restriction
No developer, subdivider, applicant or other per-
son shall transfer, or sell, any lot, tract, parcel or
other piece of property which is within a pro-
posed PUD until such PUD has been granted
the required rezoning, subdivision and/or any
other required permits and approvals by Las
Animas County.
5.03.10 PUD Revocation for Nonperfor-
mance or Other Cause
When proposed new construction or a new use
of the land was the basis for the approval of a
PUD, the Board of County Commissioners shall
declare such PUD approval to be revoked and
invalid if a building permit has not been applied
for and granted for a substantial part of said new
construction within one (1) year of the date the
PUD was approved or, if final platting is re-
quired, one (1) year from the date that a final
plat of the area encompassed within the PUD
was approved by the Board of County Commis-
Said building permits shall not be issued by the
County Building Inspector unless and until he
finds that said new construction or new use is
substantially in accord with the descriptive mate-
rial, drawings and other materials submitted by
the PUD applicant to and approved by the Board
of County Commissioners.
Following a recommendation by the Planning
Commission, the Board of County Commission-
ers may not grant more than one (1) extension
of up to one (1) year duration before the re-
quired revocation of a PUD permit rezoning for
nonperformance. Application for such extension
must be made in writing to the Board of County
Commissioners prior to the expiration of the ini-
tial one-year time period.
Failure to conform to a development plan sub-
mitted as part of a PUD permit application shall
also be considered adequate reason for revoca-
tion of a PUD approval, but such revocation
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.03.10
shall not occur except upon recommendation by
the Planning Commission and following a hear-
ing before the Board of County Commissioners.
5.03.11 Amendments to an Approved PUD
Any change in the size, type, location or uses or
other significant characteristics of an approved
PUD shall be considered a proposed amend-
ment to the previously approved PUD. Pro-
posed amendments shall require review and
recommendation by the Planning Commission,
review at public hearing and the granting of ap-
proval by the Board of County Commissioners
before such changes may be authorized and
The conditions of any waiver or modification au-
thorized by the Board of County Commissioners
shall be stated in writing in the minutes of the
Board, along with the justification for the grant-
ing or denial of such waiver or modification.
5.04 PUD Design Standards and Specifications
5.04.01 General Design Standards and
Planned unit developments shall be designed in
such manner that wherever possible they protect
and enhance the environmental assets of the
site and the surrounding area. Such assets
shall include but need not be limited to vegeta-
tion, wildlife, watercourses, scenic vistas, promi-
nent physical landmarks and features of
agricultural production.
The design and layout of a PUD shall include
adequate, safe and convenient arrangements for
pedestrian circulation, roadways, driveways, ac-
cess for the purpose of egress and ingress, off-
street parking and load space and related fea-
tures. Setbacks and lot widths and other such
dimensions shall be as required in the zoning
regulations (see Chapter III of these Regula-
tions) unless provided for otherwise by the ap-
plicant in the PUD design and with the approval
of the Planning Commission and the Board of
County Commissioners.
The PUD design shall bear a carefully thought-
out relationship to the surrounding area in order
to avoid adverse affects to the proposed devel-
opment caused by natural or man-made effects.
The minimum land area of a PUD shall not be
less than ten (10) acres, and a minimum land
area of five (5) acres shall be required for any
single construction phase of a PUD. These min-
imum size requirements shall be calculated on
the total land area of the proposed PUD, includ-
ing all rights of ways and easements.
Visual screening and buffers of an appropriate
height and construction shall be provided to
separate incompatible uses and to block from
view unattractive features of the man-made and
natural environment.
The right-of-way, roadway width and other de-
sign features of the circulation system shall be
as specified in the subdivision regulations (see
Chapter IV), except as allowed for otherwise in
the design of the PUD and with the approval of
the Planning Commission and the Board of
County Commissioners.
Parking and off-street loading spaces shall be
provided in connection with every residential,
commercial, recreational, industrial and other
use within a PUD concurrent with the completion
of said PUD element.
The underground placement of utilities and the
requirements and specifications regarding the
supply of potable water and the disposal of sew-
age shall be as specified in the subdivision regu-
lations (see Chapter IV), except as otherwise
allowed for in the design of the PUD and ap-
proved by the Planning Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners.
5.04.02 Density Requirements
1. Common Open Space
A minimum of twenty (20) percent of the ar-
ea within a PUD shall be devoted to useable
public open space, which shall be defined as
open areas designed and developed for use
by the residents of the proposed develop-
ment or by other persons for uses including
but not limited to recreation, parks, gardens,
bodies of water, greenbelts and walkways.
The terms shall not include private institu-
tional uses nor space devoted to streets,
roads, loading areas or land dedicated to the
County or other public or quasi-public enti-
ties for schools, fire or police facilities or
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.04.02
other related institutional needs. Land re-
quired to be dedicated under Section 4.02 of
these Regulations for parks, open space,
scenic easements and water and erosion
control facilities may be used to satisfy this
useable public open space requirement so
long as such lands are so designed and de-
veloped that they provide adequate access
and adequate opportunity for open space
2. Residential Density
The overall net residential density in a PUD
shall be the density allowable in the zoning
districts in which the PUD is to be located,
plus an additional twenty-percent density
bonus for the establishment of a PUD.
Residential density within a PUD shall be
calculated by dividing the number of pro-
posed residential units into the land area of
the PUD excluding: (1) all property to be
used for nonresidential uses; (2) all land to
be used for streets, right-of-way, parking
and loading facilities; and (3) open space
areas associated with nonresidential uses.
3. Density of Other Uses
The overall average net density of that por-
tion of the PUD devoted to uses other than
residential shall not be less than a land-to-
floor area ratio of two to one (2:1). The
land-to-floor area ration shall be calculated
by dividing the proposed floor area of all
nonresidential uses into the land area of the
PUD excluding: (1) all property to be used
for residential purposes; (2) land to be used
for streets and rights-of-way; and (3) parking
and open space areas associated with resi-
dential uses.
4. Parking and Loading Requirements
The parking and loading space requirements
for a PUD shall be the same as those re-
quired for various uses under the zoning
regulation (see Section 7.01) contained in
these Regulations, except where the Plan-
ning Commission, at its discretion and upon
written request by an applicant, has author-
ized other standards and requirements.
5.05 Maintenance of Public Open Spaces and
Common Areas
Public open spaces and common areas, including
those spaces used or to be used as public or private
recreation sites, shall be protected by adequate
covenants running with the land, or by conveyances
or dedications or other appropriate legal instruments
acceptable in form and content to the Board of
County Commissioners. Approval of such legal
instruments, granted in writing by the Board of
County Commissioners, shall be a prior condition to
issuance of a PUD.
The applicant for a PUD shall provide for and shall
establish or provide for the establishment of an
organization for the ownership and maintenance of
the common open space and the construction of
improvements, if any, thereon for the benefit of the
residents, occupants and owners of the PUD. Such
organization shall not be dissolved and shall not
dispose of the common open space by sale or oth-
erwise, except to an organization conceived and
established to own and maintain the common open
space for the benefit of the PUD; and thereafter,
such organization shall not be dissolved or dispose
of the common open space without first offering to
dedicate the common open space to Las Animas
In the event that the organization established to own
and maintain common open space, or any succes-
sor organization, shall at any time after establish-
ment of the PUD fail to maintain the common open
space or any portion thereof, in reasonable order
and condition or fail to establish or maintain said
common open space in accordance with the PUD
plan or other application materials, the Board of
County Commissioners may serve written notice
upon such organization or upon the residents or
owners of the PUD. Such written notice shall set
forth the manner in which the organization has failed
to maintain the common open space in reasonable
condition or failed to comply with the PUD plan or
other application materials. Said notice shall include
a demand that the deficiencies of maintenance or
improvements be remedied within sixty (60) days
thereof and shall state the date and place of a hear-
ing thereon, which shall be held within fifteen (15)
days of the notice. At such hearing, the Board of
County Commissioners may, at its discretion, modify
the terms of the original notice as to the deficiencies
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.05
previously described and may grant an extension of
time up to an additional one hundred twenty (120)
days within which time the deficiencies shall be
If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or in
the modification thereto are not corrected within the
original sixty-day time period or any extensions
granted thereto, the Board of County Commission-
ers or its duly appointed agents, in order to preserve
the taxable value of the properties contained within
the PUD, and to prevent the common open space
from becoming a public nuisance, may enter upon
said common open space and maintain it for a peri-
od of up to one (1) year or take such measures as
are necessary to bring it into compliance with the
PUD plan and other submittal materials. Said entry,
improvement or maintenance shall not vest in the
public any right to use the common open space
except when the commercial open space has been
voluntarily dedicated to the public by the owners of
the PUD or their duly established association or by
the original applicant.
Before the expiration of the one-year period, the
Board of County Commissioners shall, upon its own
initiative or upon the written request of the organiza-
tion responsible for the maintenance of the common
open space, call a public hearing upon fifteen (15)
days' written notice to such organization or to the
residents, occupants and owners of the PUD. At
this hearing, to be held by the Board of County
Commissioners, such organization or the residents
and/or owners of the PUD shall show cause why
such maintenance by Las Animas County shall not,
at the discretion of the County, continue for a suc-
ceeding year. If the Board of County Commission-
ers determines that such organization or a
successor organization is ready and able to maintain
the common open space in reasonable condition,
the Board of County Commissioners shall cease to
maintain said open space at the end of said year. If
the Board of County Commissioners determines that
such organization or its successors is not ready and
able to maintain said common open space in rea-
sonable condition, the Board of County Commis-
sioners may, at its discretion, continue to maintain
said common open space during the next succeed-
ing year and, subject to a similar hearing and deter-
mination, in each year thereafter.
The cost of such maintenance or improvements by
Las Animas County shall be assessed ratably
against the properties within the PUD that have a
right of enjoyment of the common open space, and
shall become a tax lien on said properties. The
Board of County Commissioners, at the time of
entering upon said common open space for the
purpose of maintenance or improvements, shall file
a notice of such lien in the office of the County Clerk
and Recorder upon the properties affected by such
lien within the PUD, and the lien shall be discharged
by the County upon payment, as with other liens.
5.06 Submittal Requirements
Application for a PUD shall include, in addition to a
complete application on a form provided by Las
Animas County and the appropriate filing fees, the
following items. The Planning Commission may, at
its discretion and upon written application by an
applicant, waive any but not all of these items and
the Planning Commission may also, at its discretion,
add such submission items as it deems necessary
and appropriate to evaluate and recommend ap-
proval of a PUD permit.
5.06.01 Non-Subdivision
PUDs/Development Plan
The following submittal requirements shall be
required of applicants proposing developments
with multi-family dwellings when no subdivision
of the site into individual lots or parcels will take
place and when the proposed development is
exempt from the provisions of Chapter IV, the
subdivision regulations or has already complied
with the final plat provisions of the subdivision
A development plan for a non-subdivision PUD
shall include the following information:
1. The information enumerated in Items 1
through 6, inclusive, of the preliminary
plan/general submission requirements of the
subdivision regulations (see Section 4.17.02
for a listing of these items).
2. The zoning, present land uses and location
of structures, including all improvements, lo-
cated within one (1) mile of the proposed
3. The proposed residential density, expressed
in dwelling units per net acre, within the
PUD and the density, expressed as the ratio
of floor area to land area, of all nonresiden-
tial development within the proposed PUD.
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.06.01
4. The location, width, surfacing and other rel-
evant features of all existing and proposed
streets, roads, easements and other rights-
of-way, including streets and roads to be
used for access to and from the proposed
5. The location, dimensions and size of all pro-
posed off-street parking and loading facili-
6. A description of the location and characteris-
tics of all land to be dedicated or reserved
for parks, parkways, recreation areas and
common open space with evidence that the
land to be set aside for common open space
meets or exceeds the common open space
provisions contained within this regulation.
7. Copies of all agreements, provisions, cove-
nants and related legal instruments that
would be used to govern the use, mainte-
nance, improvement and continued protec-
tion of all public lands within the PUD,
including but not necessarily limited to
common open space.
8. A grading plan, drainage plan and landscap-
ing plan, showing existing and proposed
grading, drainage and landscaping and con-
forming to the requirements for such plans
contained within Chapter IV, the subdivision
9. The location, height and dimensions of each
proposed structure within the PUD, with
building footprint sites on plan, drawn to
scale and dimensionalized.
10. Description of how the structures within the
proposed PUD would be provided with pota-
ble water supply and sewage collection and
treatment in a manner meeting the stand-
ards and requirements for water supply and
sewage disposal contained within Chapter
IV of these Regulations.
11. Description of any additional public im-
provements to be included within the pro-
posed PUD, along with adequate provision
for the dedication of any or all public right-of-
12. A detailed analysis of the soil types on the
site, their characteristics and their develop-
ment limitations, if any.
13. Drawings to scale of all signs that would be
erected within the development.
14. A statement by the landowners whose prop-
erty is included within the proposed devel-
opment, giving written consent for the
development and the names and addresses
of all adjoining landowners.
Applicants for a permit for a non-subdivision
PUD shall be required to provide suitable collat-
eral to ensure the completion of the construction
of the proposed public improvements. The pro-
cedures and other provisions governing the col-
lection and management of this collateral shall
be as specified in Section 4.03.
All maps provided to meet these development
plan submittal requirements shall conform to the
preliminary plan/general submission require-
ments for maps contained in Section 4.17.02.
Dimensionalized site plans shall be filed with the
Office of County Clerk and Recorder within five
(5) working days of their approval by the Board
of County Commissioners. All dimensionalized
site plans and other map materials submitted by
an applicant shall contain signature approval
blocks for the Planning Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners. Any proposed
changes from a previously approved site plan
shall be resubmitted to the Planning Commis-
sion for review and recommendation and to the
Board of County Commissioners for final action
prior to the start of construction.
Compliance with the provisions contained herein
does not exempt an applicant from compliance
with the provisions of Title 38, Article 53 of the
Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as amended.
5.06.02 PUD Subdivisions/Sketch Plan Re-
In addition to the submittal requirements for
subdivision sketch plans listed in Section
4.17.01, the following additional information shall
be submitted at the sketch plan/initial submis-
sion stage for PUD's that also require subdivi-
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.06.02
1. Proposed land uses within the PUD, includ-
ing the locations, size and densities of areas
to be devoted to specific uses.
2. Areas which would be conveyed, dedicated
or reserved as common open space and as
sites for public facilities and services.
3. The internal traffic circulation system, off-
street parking and loading areas and points
of access to public rights-of-way.
4. The proportion of land to be left in a natural
or semi-natural condition as common open
space within the various parts of the PUD.
5. Proposed building heights, size and location.
6. A vicinity map and descriptive material
showing the relationship of the proposed
PUD to the land to be subdivided if the
boundaries of the PUD and the proposed
subdivision are not coterminous, and an ex-
planation of the phasing, if any, of the over-
all PUD design.
7. Any additional information deemed pertinent
by the Planning Commission or by the appli-
cant to aid in evaluating the proposed PUD.
8. A statement by the landowners whose prop-
erty is included within the proposed devel-
opment giving written consent for the
development and the names and addresses
of adjoining landowners.
5.06.03 PUD Subdivisions/Preliminary Plan
In addition to the submittal requirements for pre-
liminary plans listed in Section 4.17.02, the fol-
lowing additional information shall be submitted
at the preliminary plan/general submission stage
of review for PUD's that also require subdivision.
1. A description of the objectives to be
achieved by the PUD, including descriptions
of the buildings and sketches and elevations
as may be required to illustrate how these
objectives will be accomplished.
2. A development schedule indicating the ap-
proximate date when construction of the
PUD or individual phases of the PUD can be
expected to start and to be completed.
3. A description of proposed methods of snow
removal and disposal or storage of snow ac-
cumulated during peak precipitation periods
along with alternate emergency off-street
parking provisions for periods of high snow-
4. A complete description of the proposed
methods of providing for the permanent
maintenance of all public or common build-
ings, facilities, areas and thoroughfares.
5. Copies of all special agreements, convey-
ances, restrictions, covenants and related
legal instruments that will govern the use,
maintenance and perpetual protection of the
PUD and its common and public areas.
6. Building plans including but not necessarily
limited to general dimensions, floor plans,
elevations and general types of construction,
including materials and exterior color
7. Landscape and site improvement plans in-
cluding but not necessarily limited to de-
tailed planting plans, the location and size of
signs, exterior lighting, irrigation systems
and recreation and service areas and facili-
8. Detailed utility plans including but not nec-
essarily limited to line location plans, trans-
former and terminal box locations, sewer
profiles and fire hydrant and manhole loca-
tions with the proposed depth of burial of all
underground lines.
9. Any additional information deemed pertinent
by the Planning Commission or by the appli-
cant to aid in evaluating the proposed PUD.
5.06.04 PUD Subdivisions/Final Plat Re-
In accordance with the common procedures
provisions of these Regulations, final PUD ap-
proval decisions will be made at the final sub-
mission stage of proposal review (see Chapter
II), concurrent with final plat approval. Proposed
subdivisions for which a PUD approval has al-
ready been granted or for which a PUD approval
is pending, whether for a portion or for all of the
Land Use Regulations PUD Regulations — §5.06.04
subdivision, shall be required to submit the fol-
lowing additional material in addition to the final
plat submittal requirements for proposed subdi-
visions contained in Section 4.17.03.
1. A notation prominently shown on the cover
sheet of the final plat that the proposed sub-
division is a PUD subdivision.
2. Inclusion of the approved phasing plan for
the construction of improvements.
3. A final draft of the approved legal instru-
ments for the preservation in perpetuity and
the maintenance of all common open space
along with the location and exact dimen-
sions of such open space shown on the final
4. A description on the final plat of the uses to
which each portion or each lot within the
PUD will be devoted. This information shall
be made a part of the final plat and recorded
therewith and may be shown by reference to
lot and block numbers or other convenient
5.06.05 Development in a PUD and PUD
Building permits for construction within a PUD
shall be issued only on the basis of approved
plans and plats. Any change in an approved
plan or plat shall be submitted to the Board of
County Commissioners, which may, upon con-
sultation with the review by the Planning Com-
mission, approve or deny the proposed change.
No substantial modification, amendment, re-
moval or release of the approved design and
provisions of the PUD shall be permitted by the
Board of County Commissioners except upon a
finding by the Board, following a properly noticed
public hearing, that the modification, amend-
ment, removal or release is consistent with the
efficient development and preservation of the
PUD, that it does not adversely effect either the
PUD as it currently exists or neighboring resi-
dents and that it is consistent with the purpose,
intent and various provisions of these Regula-
6.01 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.01.01 Title and Application .................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.01.02 Relationship to Other Regulations ............................................................................................... 6-1
6.01.03 Exemptions ................................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.02 Sign Standards and Requirements ................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.02.01 Prohibited Signs .......................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.02.02 Setback Requirements ................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.02.03 Illumination .................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.02.04 Signs Within Planned Unit Development ..................................................................................... 6-3
6.02.05 Construction and Maintenance .................................................................................................... 6-3
6.02.06 On-Site Signs .............................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.02.07 Off-Premise Signs ....................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.02.08 Signs Located in Airport Protection Overlay Districts .................................................................. 6-4
6.03 Sign Permit Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.03.01 Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6-4
6.03.02 Permit Issuance by the Planning Director ................................................................................... 6-5
6.03.03 Permit Review and Issuance by the Board of County Commissioners ........................................ 6-5
6.04 Nonconforming Signs..................................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.05 Measurement ................................................................................................................................................. 6-5
Land Use Regulations Sign Code Regulations — §6.01
6.01 General Provisions
6.01.01 Title and Application
The title of this regulation shall be the Las Ani-
mas County Sign Code and may be so cited and
pleaded. Hereinafter in these Regulations, it
shall be referred to as the sign code. This code
shall apply to applications for a permit to erect,
alter or move signs and outdoor advertising de-
vices in unincorporated Las Animas County. No
sign or outdoor advertising device shall hereafter
be erected, altered or moved unless or until
such sign conforms to the regulations contained
within this code and unless or until a permit for
such sign has been issued by Las Animas
County unless said sign is expressly exempted
herein from the provisions of this code.
6.01.02 Relationship to Other Regulations
Nothing in this code shall be construed as ex-
empting an applicant for a sign permit from any
other requirements of Las Animas County or
from other State of Colorado or federal laws,
regulations or requirements, including but not
limited to those contained within Section 43-1-
401, et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, as
amended and the Rules and Regulations Per-
taining to Outdoor Advertising promulgated by
the Colorado Department of Transportation as
The provisions of this code are hereby declared
to be supplemental to and in addition to the pro-
visions contained within Chapter IV of these
Regulations and within the Rules and Regula-
tions Pertaining to Outdoor Advertising promul-
gated by the Colorado Department of
Transportation as amended. To the extent that
the requirements of this code differ from or are
not in accordance with any other applicable re-
quirements of these Regulations or with the Col-
orado Department of Transportation rules and
regulations cited above, the more restrictive re-
quirements, as determined by the Planning
Commission, shall apply, unless an applicant for
a sign permit petitions otherwise to the Planning
Commission and the Planning Commission, at
its discretion, so determines that the less restric-
tive requirement shall apply.
6.01.03 Exemptions
No signs of any nature shall be allowed, con-
structed, erected or maintained, except as here-
in specifically provided. The following signs
shall be exempt from the requirements of this
1. Signs with a surface area of six (6) square
feet or less, provided, however, that only
one (1) such exempt sign may be located on
any individual lot, tract or parcel of land.
2. Civic signs used by churches, synagogues
or other civic organizations. Such signs may
be erected not earlier than two (2) weeks
prior to the opening of the event and shall be
removed not later than one (1) week after
the activity is over.
3. Holiday signs and decorations.
4. Political signs of eight (8) square feet or
5. Signs showing underground or public utili-
6. Interior window signs.
7. Private warning signs (no hunting, etc.).
8. Vending machine signs, including ATM
9. Public informational service signs of less
than twelve (12) square feet.
10. Real estate signs not to exceed six (6)
square feet in sign area, and located on the
ground floor level of the property which is
being advertised. One (1) sign is allowed on
each street frontage. Real estate signs may
not be affixed to live trees. Such signs shall
be removed seven (7) days following clos-
ing. Real estate parcels one (1) acre or
larger may have a real estate sign not in ex-
cess of sixteen (16) square feet and ten (10)
feet high.
11. Garage sale signs. Signs shall not be
placed in the County rights-of-way.
12. Gravestones, commemorative signs, cor-
nerstones and plaques not exceeding four
(4) square feet.
Land Use Regulations Sign Code Regulations — §6.01.03
13. Signs required or specifically authorized for
public purpose by any city, county or state
law, statute or ordinance (e.g., directional
14. Flags of any state, nation, government or
corporation if the latter is flown in conjunc-
tion with any of the preceding flags. Flags
may not exceed fifty (50) square feet in size
and no flagpole may be higher than thirty-
five (35) feet in all zone districts except resi-
dential zones, in which the maximum height
shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
15. Barber poles. Barber poles may not exceed
eight (8) feet in height and shall be used in
conjunction with a barber shop.
16. Scoreboards, including any advertising.
17. Not more than one (1) sign identifying a
home occupation or cottage industry, at-
tached to the building and not in excess of
six (6) square feet in area.
18. Not more than two (2) signs identifying the
house number and the names of the occu-
pants, not to exceed one-half (½) square
foot each.
19. Ranch gateway or brand signs, not to ex-
ceed one hundred twenty-eight (128) square
6.02 Sign Standards and Requirements
6.02.01 Prohibited Signs
The following types of signs shall be prohibited
in all zoning districts:
1. Signs that are not securely affixed to any
structure or securely mounted.
2. Signs mounted, attached or painted on mo-
tor vehicles, trailers, boats or other mobile
fixtures when such signs are used as addi-
tional advertising devices on or near a busi-
ness premises.
3. Signs with revolving beacons, flashing lights
or with any type of animation or intermittent
lighting effects, except for uses approved as
a part of a special use permit so long as
such signs do not, in the judgment of the
Planning Commission, represent a potential
safety threat.
4. Any sign designed to emit sounds.
5. Signs located in a public right-of-way.
6. Signs located so as to conflict with the clear
and obvious appearance and meaning of
public signs and devices controlling traffic
7. Roof-mounted signs or signs which project
above the highest point of a roof line or fas-
cia of a building.
8. Archway signs across any public right-of-
way unless such archway signs indicate
clearly in lettering highly visible to motor ve-
hicle operators that the roadway is a public
right-of-way and, if a County road, stating
the County road number.
9. Signs attached to a building and projecting a
perpendicular distance of more than three
(3) feet from the wall of the building.
10. Signs attached to a building and projecting
in parallel a distance of more than three (3)
feet from the wall of the building.
11. Signs announcing a proposed development
prior to the granting of final approval for
such development or zoning.
12. Signs intended to be read by passing motor
vehicle operators but which are difficult or
impossible to read due to insufficient size or
deteriorated condition.
6.02.02 Setback Requirements
The minimum yard setback for signs on all state
highway systems and paved County roads shall
not be less than twenty-five (25) feet from the
property line. Where this requirement may con-
flict with a yard setback otherwise required in a
given zoning district, the larger yard setback re-
quirement shall prevail. Temporary "for sale,"
"for lease" or "for rent" signs advertising land,
buildings and personal possessions shall be ex-
empt from this provision.
6.02.03 Illumination
Signs with exterior illumination shall have the il-
lumination shielded from public rights-of-way
and from residential uses and lodging facilities.
Land Use Regulations Sign Code Regulations — §6.02.04
6.02.04 Signs Within Planned Unit Devel-
Signs located or to be located within a PUD shall
conform with the provisions of this Chapter ex-
cept when differing sign provisions are incorpo-
rated in the development plan for the PUD and
approved as a part of the development plan by
the Board of County Commissioners.
6.02.05 Construction and Maintenance
All signs and sign structures shall be well con-
structed from materials of sufficient strength and
quality to withstand premature weathering or de-
terioration by wind, moisture and other natural
elements, and they shall be maintained at all
times in a state of good repair with all braces,
bolts, clips, supporting framework, fastenings
and lettering and design work free from deterio-
ration, insect damage, rot, rust, loosening or ex-
cess peeling. The County Planning Director
shall have the authority to order the repair, alter-
ation or removal of a sign or structure which
constitutes a hazard to health, safety or proper-
ty. In the event that such a sign has not been
removed, altered or repaired within thirty (30)
days after written notification by the County
Planning Director, the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall have the authority to remove said
sign or structure at the expense of the owner of
the property on which the sign is located.
6.02.06 On-Site Signs
The following on-site signs shall be permitted:
1. Temporary "for sale", "for rent" and "for
lease" signs advertising vacant land, provid-
ed that the total surface area of all such
signs on a property so advertised shall not
exceed one hundred (100) square feet nor
shall the total face area of any one (1) sign
exceed fifty (50) square feet. All such signs
shall maintain a twenty-five-foot setback
from all property lines.
2. One (1) identification sign per use by right or
approved special use, provided that the sur-
face area of such sign does not exceed thir-
ty-two (32) square feet, except that home
occupation signs shall remain limited to size
of no more than six (6) square feet.
3. Signs advertising the sale of products pro-
duced or raised on the premises, provided
that the total number of signs does not ex-
ceed four (4), that they are not illuminated
and that the total surface area of such signs
does not exceed forty (40) square feet nor
the surface area of any one (1) sign exceed
twenty (20) square feet.
4. Identification signs for residential develop-
ments, provided that only one (1) sign shall
be allowed for each subdivision entrance,
the surface area of such sign shall not ex-
ceed forty-eight (48) square feet, the maxi-
mum height of such signs shall not, except
for archway signs, exceed eight (8) feet in
height, and that such signs shall not be lo-
cated closer than twenty-five (25) feet from
5. Temporary advertising signs for the sale,
rental or lease of dwelling units under con-
struction or approved for construction, pro-
vided that no more than one (1) sign is
erected adjacent to each access street to
the subdivision and provided that the sur-
face area of each sign does not exceed for-
ty-eight (48) square feet and its height does
not exceed eight (8) feet.
6. One (1) identification sign per model home
within an approved subdivision, provided
that the surface area of each sign does not
exceed twenty-four (24) square feet and
such signs shall be required to meet the
minimum yard setback requirements of the
zoning district in which they are located.
7. Directional signs are allowed and not count-
ed as part of the total sign area allowed per
individual use or per shopping center, busi-
ness, commercial or industrial park, provid-
ed that the total number of signs shall not
exceed four (4) and provided that the sur-
face area of each sign does not exceed
eighteen (18) square feet. Directional signs
shall not be required to meet minimum yard
setback requirements of the district in which
they are located, but they shall be placed to
avoid impairing traffic visibility.
8. One (1) temporary "for sale," "for rent" or
"for lease" sign per each street frontage
shall not be counted as part of the total sign
Land Use Regulations Sign Code Regulations — §6.02.06
area allowed per individual use or per shop-
ping center, business, commercial or indus-
trial park, provided that such signs shall be
required to meet a twenty-five-foot setback
from all property lines, provided that the total
surface area of each sign does not exceed
one hundred (100) square feet per each sign
and provided that the sign does not restrict
traffic visibility.
9. Individual businesses located on a corner lot
shall be allowed one (1) sign per each front-
age abutting a public street at the rate of
one (1) square foot of sign area per one (1)
linear foot of street frontage up to a maxi-
mum of one hundred (100) square feet.
10. Each use shall be entitled to a facial sign ar-
ea of fifty (50) square feet at a minimum.
Such facial sign area may be increased at
the rate of one (1) square foot of sign area
per each linear foot of street frontage in ex-
cess of fifty (50) linear feet up to a maximum
of one hundred (100) square feet of facial
sign area. Uses with a lease or rental area
in excess of one hundred thousand
(100,000) square feet shall be permitted a
maximum of two hundred (200) square feet
of facial sign area per wall area visible to a
public right-of-way.
11. One (1) freestanding identification sign per
street frontage shall be allowed to identify
individual uses, shopping centers or busi-
ness, commercial or industrial parks, provid-
ed that the top of such signs do not extend
more than fifteen (15) feet above ground
level and provided that the surface area of
such signs does not exceed one (1) square
foot of sign area per each three (3) feet of
linear street frontage to a maximum of two
hundred (200) square feet per sign.
12. One (1) directory sign shall be allowed iden-
tifying individual businesses within a shop-
ping center or business, commercial or
industrial park per entrance, provided that
the surface area of such sign does not ex-
ceed seventy-five (75) percent of the area of
the identification sign for the center or park.
6.02.07 Off-Premise Signs
Off-premise signs are permitted in all zoning dis-
tricts to identify uses or services oriented to
highway travelers, to provide directional signs
for emergency services and as advertising
signs, provided that such signs meet the follow-
ing criteria:
1. The uses or services for highway travelers,
emergency services or advertising must be
located in Las Animas County.
2. Each use or service shall be limited to one
(1) off-premise sign per highway approach.
3. The off-premise sign shall not be more than
ten (10) feet high nor extent more than twen-
ty (20) feet above ground level nor be more
than fifty (50) square feet in sign area.
4. The minimum distance between off-premise
signs shall not be less than six hundred sixty
(660) linear feet.
6.02.08 Signs Located in Airport Protection
Overlay Districts
All signs to be located in an established airport
protection overlay district shall conform to the
special height and other requirements and pro-
visions of that district.
6.03 Sign Permit Procedures
Applications for sign permits shall be made to the
County Planning Director who shall, except as speci-
fied otherwise herein, administer this sign code.
Upon payment of the required application fee (see
Chapter XII) and the submission of the required
application materials, the County Planning Director
shall decide, on the basis of the provisions con-
tained herein, whether to issue a sign permit,
whether to deny the permit or whether to refer the
permit application to the Board of County Commis-
6.03.01 Submittal Requirements
Applications for a sign permit shall include, in
addition to the application fee and an application
on a form supplied by Las Animas County, a leg-
ibly done rendering, in ink, fully dimensioned,
showing the sign message and a site plan show-
ing the location, setbacks, height, construction
materials and sign area of all proposed signs
and sign alterations. The Planning Commission
may, at its discretion, require additional infor-
mation for sign applications submitted to it for
Land Use Regulations Sign Code Regulations — §6.03.02
6.03.02 Permit Issuance by the Planning Di-
Sign permit applications meeting the require-
ments contained herein shall be approved by the
Planning Director so long as such applications
do not expressly require Board of County Com-
missioner approval. Sign permit applications
failing to meet the requirements contained here-
in shall be denied by the Planning Director.
6.03.03 Permit Review and Issuance by the
Board of County Commissioners
Any person denied a sign permit by the Planning
Director may appeal that decision to the Board
of County Commissioners within sixty (60) days
of the denial. The Board of County Commis-
sioners and the Planning Commission shall base
their actions on the following criteria:
1. That there exists a clear and reasonable
need for the sign at the proposed location.
2. That the type, style, size and other charac-
teristics of the proposed sign are consistent
with the character of the proposed location.
3. That the benefits that the sign would provide
to residents of Las Animas County and the
motoring public outweigh any esthetic or
other negative impacts of the proposed sign.
4. That the location, character and other fea-
tures of the proposed sign are consistent
with the applicable provisions of these
The Planning Commission shall review and
make recommendations to the Board of County
Commissioners on all sign permit applications
denied by the Planning Director and appealed to
the Board of County Commissioners. The Plan-
ning Director shall promptly issue such sign
permits as the Board of County Commissioners
6.04 Nonconforming Signs
All signs that are or that become nonconforming at
the time of adoption of this Chapter may be main-
tained so long as they are kept in a state of good
repair as specified in Section 3.09 and so long as
they are not relocated, replaced, structurally altered,
abandoned for a period of more than six (6) months
or damaged by wind, fire or other cause to the ex-
tent that fifty (50) percent or more of their value has
been destroyed. Such abandoned or damaged
signs shall not be allowed to continue as noncon-
forming uses.
6.05 Measurement
In measuring the area of signs, the structure or
bracing of the sign shall be omitted from the meas-
urement unless such structure or bracing is made
part of the message or face of the sign. Where a
sign has two (2) or more display faces, the area of
all faces shall be included in determining the area of
the sign. In determining the surface area of a sign,
the County Planning Director shall measure the
smallest single continuous perimeter enclosing the
extreme limits of the display surfaces of the sign
including borders and nonstructural trim.
7.01 General Requirements for Off-Street Parking ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.01.01 Specific Off-Street Parking Requirements ................................................................................... 7-1
7.01.02 Off-Street Loading Requirements ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.02 Scenic Corridor Setbacks .............................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.03 Requirements for Solar Energy Access ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7.04 Solid Waste Disposal Sites (Landfills) ........................................................................................................... 7-3
7.05 Communication Facilities ............................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.05.01 Co-Location ................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.05.02 Building and Roof-Mounted Communication Facilities ................................................................ 7-4
7.05.03 Communication Towers ............................................................................................................... 7-4
7.05.04 General Communication Facility Requirements .......................................................................... 7-4
7.06 Maintenance of Structures and Sites ............................................................................................................. 7-4
7.07 Performance Bonds ....................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.08 Vested Property Rights .................................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.09 H.B. 1041 Regulations ................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.10 Oil and Gas Development .............................................................................................................................. 7-6
7.11 Individual Mobile Home Placement ................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.12 Storage of Inoperable Motor Vehicles ............................................................................................................ 7-6
7.13 Small Wind Energy Systems .......................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.14 Wind Farms ................................................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.14.01 Application Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7-7
7.14.02 Guidelines for Locating a Wind Farm .......................................................................................... 7-9
7.14.03 Performance Standards .............................................................................................................. 7-9
7.14.04 Project Reclamation .................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.15 Regulations for Crossing Over or Under a County Road ............................................................................... 7-10
7.15.01 Overhead Wires Crossing a County Road .................................................................................. 7-10
7.15.02 Underground Pipes or Wires Crossing a County Road ............................................................... 7-10
7.15.03 Permit Applications...................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.16 Regulations for Burning of Trash ................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.16.01 Non-Commercial Burning ............................................................................................................ 7-11
7.16.02 Authorization ............................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.16.03 Commercial Sites ........................................................................................................................ 7-11
7.17 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 7-11
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.01
7.01 General Requirements for Off-Street Park-
For every building hereafter erected or structurally
altered, off-street parking spaces shall be provided.
Each space shall measure at least eight (8) feet by
eighteen (18) feet and shall be paved or gravel-
Areas included in driveways or otherwise required to
move cars in and out of parking spaces shall not be
considered to meet off-street parking space re-
quirements. Parking spaces shall be arranged in
such a manner that vehicles will not back directly
from an off-street parking space into a public right-
Each off-street parking area containing more than
fifty (50) parking spaces shall provide one (1) or
more landscaped areas dispersed within the parking
areas and which shall be a portion of the overall site
landscaping requirement and shown on an appropri-
ate landscaping plan.
Residential off-street parking spaces shall be locat-
ed on the same lot as the dwellings they serve. All
other required parking spaces located more than two
hundred (200) feet from the building or structure
they serve, measured in a straight line from the
nearest corner of the building, must first be ap-
proved by the Board of Adjustment as a variance.
Off-street parking in a planned unit development
shall comply with the requirements of this Section
except when a separate development plan incorpo-
rating alternate off-street parking provisions is re-
viewed by the Planning Commission and approved
by the Board of County Commissioners.
Parking requirements shall apply to all zoning dis-
tricts. When more than one (1) use is conducted on
a single lot or parcel, parking shall be required for all
uses, even though one is accessory to another.
7.01.01 Specific Off-Street Parking Re-
The following types of uses shall require the fol-
lowing number of off-street parking spaces, as a
minimum requirement, for both principal and ac-
cessory uses.
No. of
1. Single-family dwellings 2
2. Multiple-family dwellings, studio or one-
3. Multiple-family dwellings, more than one
4. Lodgings, space per rental unit 1
5. Retail and service facilities per thousand
square feet of GLA (Gross Leasable Area)
6. Shopping centers per thousand square feet
of GLA
7. General and professional offices per
thousand square feet of GLA
8. Restaurants and taverns per every three
persons designed seating capacity, plus
employee parking
9. Auditoriums and public assembly facilities
per hundred square feet of floor areas used
for assembly or seating
10. Bowling alleys, per alley, plus employee
11. Industrial facilities per thousand square feet
of manufacturing floor area
12. Industrial facilities per thousand square feet
of floor area for a wholesale establishment,
warehouse or rail and truck terminal
Requirements for types of buildings and uses
not specifically enumerated herein shall be de-
termined by the Board of County Commissioners
upon review and recommendation from the
Planning Commissions, based upon the re-
quirements of comparable uses listed above.
In adding to, deleting from or otherwise amend-
ing the above enumeration of off-street parking
space requirements, the Planning Commission
and the Board of County Commissioners shall
follow the procedures described in Section 3.04,
Uses Not Itemized.
7.01.02 Off-Street Loading Requirements
For the purpose of providing off-the-street load-
ing and unloading of goods, buildings or struc-
tures to be built or substantially altered which
receive and distribute materials and merchan-
dise by truck shall provide and maintain off-
street loading berths in sufficient number and
size to accommodate the needs of the particular
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.01.02
The minimum number of berths required, if the
gross floor areas of the building is less than ten
thousand (10,000) square feet, shall be one (1)
berth; if greater than ten thousand (10,000)
square feet, the number of berths provided shall
be one (1) for each additional fifteen thousand
(15,000) square feet, or fraction thereof, of gross
floor areas over and above the first ten thousand
(10,000) square feet.
A loading berth shall contain, at a minimum, a
space ten (10) feet wide and thirty-five (35) feet
in length and maintain a vertical clearance of at
least fourteen (14) feet. Where the vehicles rou-
tinely used for loading or unloading exceed the-
se dimensions, the Planning Commission may
increase the required size of loading berths cor-
7.02 Scenic Corridor Setbacks
The purpose of the establishment of scenic corridors
is the preservation of the County's major scenic
vistas. Designation of these corridors does not
preclude development thereon; but the Planning
Commission and the Board of County Commission-
ers may require that the development be sited,
constructed and finished in a manner that is compat-
ible with, in harmony with and does not intrude upon
the existing scenic vistas or the wildlife.
1. In addition to the other setback provisions con-
tained within these Regulations, and except as
otherwise allowed herein, all buildings con-
structed along a State of Colorado or U.S. des-
ignated highway must maintain a setback from
the highway right-of-way of at least one hundred
(100) feet.
2. Where a State of Colorado or U.S. highway is
located within a scenic corridor, the minimum
setback distance from the highway right-of-way
shall be increased to two hundred (200) feet.
3. All buildings constructed along County main-
tained roads must maintain a setback from the
roadway right-of-way of at least fifty (50) feet.
4. Where a County maintained road is located
within a scenic corridor, that minimum setback
distance from the roadway right-of-way shall be
increased to one hundred (100) feet.
7.03 Requirements for Solar Energy Access
When considering whether to approve, recommend
approval of or issue a permit for the construction,
reconstruction or alteration of any structure, the
Board of County Commissioners, the Planning
Commission and the County Planning Director shall
take into consideration whether the location, height,
yard setbacks, bulk or other characteristics of the
proposed structure or proposed structural alterations
would significantly reduce access to sunlight for any
solar energy device installed on or in or under con-
struction on or in any neighboring buildings or other
structures. Evidence that the proposed structure or
structural alteration would in fact significantly reduce
or limit access to sunlight for such solar energy
devices is hereby declared to be sufficient reason to
disapprove, to recommend the disapproval of or to
deny the issuance of a permit for the proposed
structure or structural alteration.
No plan, plat, plot map or other instrument requiring
a written or graphic description of the location of
easements on a given lot, parcel or property shall be
submitted to Las Animas County for consideration in
any land use changes or other actions enabled by
these Regulations unless the instrument in question
notes relocation and terms, conditions, provisions
and restrictions of any solar easements established
on or adjacent to that lot, parcel or property.
In addition, any covenant, restriction or condition
contained in any deed, contract, security instrument
or other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of,
or any interest in, real property solely on the basis of
aesthetic considerations which effectively prohibits
or restricts the installation or use of a solar energy
device is hereby declared to be void and unenforce-
In determining whether difficulties to, or hardship
upon, the owner of a lot, parcel or other property
exists, the Board of Adjustment shall properly con-
sider the adequacy of access to sunlight for solar
energy devices installed on or after January 1, 1980.
See also Section 1.11 on the Board of Adjustment.
Moreover, the addition of a solar energy device to a
building or other structure shall not necessarily be
considered a structural alteration for the purpose of
determining whether that building or other structure
represents a nonconforming use (see Section 3.09).
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.04
7.04 Solid Waste Disposal Sites (Landfills)
Any person proposing to operate a facility for solid
waste disposal within the boundaries of Las Animas
County shall apply to the Las Animas County Plan-
ning Commission for a certificate of designation.
The certificate of designation application shall con-
sist of an engineering design and operation report,
which establishes the site, design, construction and
operational suitability of a proposed type of solid
waste disposal, and demonstrates that the imple-
mentation of proposed designs will result in compli-
ance with these Regulations and all other applicable
regulations during construction, operations and post-
The certificate of designation application shall in-
clude additional copies as needed of data as defined
by the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment and/ or Subtitle D.
Pre-established sites shall meet existing standards
already set by the Colorado Department of Public
Health and Environment. The existing City of Trini-
dad landfill is exempt from County permitting re-
quirements associated with the provisions of this
Section 7.04.
Should any change of ownership of an established
site occur, the procedure established in Section 2.15
shall apply.
7.05 Communication Facilities
All proposed communication facilities shall be re-
viewed pursuant to the following procedures:
1. Building and roof-mounted communication facili-
ties shall be reviewed by the Planning Depart-
ment for compliance with the requirements of
these Regulations.
2. Communication towers must receive a special
use permit.
7.05.01 Co-Location
A proposal for a new communication facility shall
not be approved unless it can be shown by the
applicant that the telecommunication equipment
planned for the proposed communication facility
cannot be accommodated:
1. On an existing or approved communication
facility that is within the following minimum
distance requirements between communica-
tion facilities:
a. Within a one-mile radius of another
structure over one hundred ninety-nine
(199) feet tall;
b. Within a one-half-mile radius for struc-
tures under one hundred ninety-nine
(199) feet; or
c. Within one-quarter (¼) mile for struc-
tures under eighty (80) feet, due to the
following reasons:
1) The planned equipment would ex-
ceed the structural capacity of the
existing or approved communication
tower or building, as documented by
a qualified and licensed professional
engineer, and the existing or ap-
proved structure cannot be rein-
forced, modified or replaced to
accommodate planned or equivalent
equipment at a reasonable cost.
2) The planned equipment would cause
interference, materially impacting the
usability of other existing or planned
equipment at the structure as docu-
mented by a qualified radio frequen-
cy engineer and the interference
cannot be prevented at a reasonable
3) Existing structures within the search
radius cannot accommodate the
planned equipment at a height nec-
essary to function reasonably as
documented by a qualified engineer,
regardless of whether its location is
regulated by the County or adjacent
4) In spite of its best efforts, the appli-
cant was unable to obtain approval
within sixty (60) days, to co-locate on
an existing or approved structure.
The applicant's efforts must be doc-
umented in writing and sent by certi-
fied mail.
5) Other reasons that make it impracti-
cal to locate the planned telecom-
munications equipment upon an
existing or approved structure.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.05.02
7.05.02 Building and Roof-Mounted Com-
munication Facilities
Such facilities shall be architecturally compatible
with and colored to match the building to which
they are attached.
The maximum protrusion of building-mounted
communication facilities from the building face to
which they are attached shall be two (2) feet.
Building-mounted whip antennas shall extend no
more than ten (10) feet above the highest point
of the building to which they are attached.
The visual impact of such facilities from adjacent
property and public rights-of-way shall be miti-
gated to the degree practicable.
Roof-mounted communication facility accessory
structures shall extend no more than seven (7)
feet above any parapet of a flat roof upon which
they may be placed, and shall not be permitted
on a sloped roof.
7.05.03 Communication Towers
The maximum height of a new communication
tower shall be one hundred ninety-nine (199)
feet, unless:
1. US Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines are
addressed, as appropriate to the site;
2. Determination of no hazard to air navigation
is provided by the FAA; and
3. Co-location on an existing freestanding
communication facility is not possible (see
Section 7.05.01)
A communication tower shall be setback from
the facility's base of at least 1.5 times the struc-
tures height to a public or private road and at
least 1.5 times the structure's height to the near-
est property line.
The visual impact of communication towers from
adjacent property and public rights-of-way shall
be mitigated to the degree practicable.
Screening, landscaping and/or exterior finishes
and color coding for a communication tower
shall be compatible with the existing character of
the site and adjacent properties and shall be de-
termined as part of the special use permit review
7.05.04 General Communication Facility
All communication facilities shall be in compli-
ance with all federal, state and local building,
electrical and other relevant codes and regula-
tions. Evidence of compliance with all regulatory
requirements shall be provided to the Planning
Department as appropriate.
The construction and use of a communication
facility shall not cause interference to other ad-
jacent communication facilities. The County
shall be held harmless if interference occurs.
Communication facilities which are abandoned
by disconnection of power service, equipment
removal or loss of lease for greater than six (6)
months shall be removed by the Communication
facility owner or operator. Should the owner or
operator fail to remove the facilities, the County
may do so at its option, and the costs thereof
shall be a charge against the owner. Applicants
shall provide, at the time of application, a copy
of the lease or other instrument obligating them
to remove the communication facility upon ces-
sation of operations at the site.
No commercial messages nor any other signs
beyond safety warnings and an identification
sign of not greater than six (6) square feet shall
be placed on any communication facility.
Communication facilities located within ten (10)
miles from the external boundaries of the Airport
Protection Overlay District (APO) or an FAA-
approved airstrip (if such airstrip is located out-
side of an APO), whichever is greater, shall pro-
vide evidence of FAA consent.
7.06 Maintenance of Structures and Sites
All structures, and all elements and features of any
site (including, without limitation, buildings, fences,
walls, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, signs,
landscaping, utility lines and irrigation systems) for
which the owner thereof or his or her predecessor-
in-interest obtained approval from the County for the
construction or establishment, shall be maintained in
good repair and in substantially the form, condition
and nature which was represented at the time they
were constructed. It is the intention of this Section
that such structures, elements and features of sites
within the County, having once been approved for
construction or development, shall not be allowed to
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.06
deteriorate to a condition which is in any respect
inferior to the condition or state upon which the
original approval for construction or development
was based. For purposes of this Section, the owner
or tenant of the structure or real property shall be
considered the responsible party. The County, after
notice to the property owner, may enter upon the
property and correct the condition in the event the
owner fails to do so. The cost of such correction
may be assessed against the property and collected
by the County in any manner permitted by law.
7.07 Performance Bonds
The Board of County Commissioners may, at its
discretion, require an applicant to furnish a perfor-
mance bond to secure site improvement, repair or
restoration. If required, such improvement guaran-
tee shall be made in accordance with the provisions
of Section 4.03.
7.08 Vested Property Rights
For all land use changes, the final approval step,
irrespective of its title, which occurs prior to building
permit shall be considered the "site specific devel-
opment plan" for purposes of Article 68 of Title 24,
In the event an applicant for approval of a land use
change wishes said approval to have the effect of
creating vested property rights pursuant to Article 68
of Title 24, C.R.S., the applicant must so request, in
writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date said
approval is to be considered. Failure to so request
renders the approval not a "site specific develop-
ment plan," and no vested rights shall be deemed to
have been created thereby.
In the event amendments to a site specific develop-
ment plan are proposed and approved, the effective
date of such amendments, for purposes of duration
of a vested property right, shall be the date of the
approval of the original site specific development
plan, unless the Board of County Commissioners
specifically finds to the contrary and incorporates
such finding in its approval of the amendment.
The Board of County Commissioners may revoke a
vested property right for failure to abide by the terms
and conditions of such vested property right. Prior
to taking action to revoke a vested property right, the
Board of County Commissioners shall provide a
hearing to the affected landowner and shall provide
at least fourteen (14) days' prior written notice
mailed to the property address of record in the
County Assessor's office, as well as provide notice
in the same manner as the posting or publishing of
ordinances and resolutions. The mailed notice to
the landowner shall specifically identify the terms
and conditions which are not in compliance with the
site specific development plan approval. During the
period of determining compliance with the terms and
conditions of a site specific development plan ap-
proval, the County may administratively withhold any
building, utility, excavation, road cut or other County
permit, and may withhold acceptance of additional
development applications or processing of existing
development applications for the property subject to
the site specific development plan.
A pending site specific development plan application
will be governed by the duly adopted laws and regu-
lations in effect at the time the application is submit-
ted, with the exception that the County reserves the
right pursuant to Section 24-68-102.5(2), C.R.S., to
enforce new or amended laws or regulations to
pending applications when such law or regulation is
necessary for the immediate preservation of public
health and safety, including temporary development
restrictions duly adopted by resolution for the pur-
poses of preparing planning studies and considering
land use regulations related to public health and
safety or for the purpose of promoting concurrency
of essential public infrastructure, equipment or ser-
vices with increased demand.
Nothing in this Section is intended to create any
vested property right, but only to implement the
provisions of Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S. In the
event of the repeal of said Article or a judicial deter-
mination that said Article is invalid or unconstitution-
al, this Section shall be deemed to be repealed and
the provisions hereof no longer effective.
7.09 H.B. 1041 Regulations
Areas and Activities of Local Concern and State
Interest (H.B. 1041 Regulations) have been adopted
by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to
the authority vested in it by Section 24-65.1-101, et
seq., C.R.S. A copy of the H.B. 1041 regulations
are included as Chapter XI of these Regulations.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.10
7.10 Oil and Gas Development
Oil and gas development activity is regulated by the
"Oil and Gas Regulations for Las Animas County,"
(Oil and Gas Regulations) adopted by the Board of
County Commissioners on April 2, 2002. A copy of
the Oil and Gas Regulations are included as Chap-
ter IX of these Regulations.
7.11 Individual Mobile Home Placement
Individual mobile homes (see Chapter VIII for mobile
home parks) are permitted in unincorporated Las
Animas County as a permitted use subject to an
applicant adhering to the following requirements:
1. Make application on a form provided by Las
Animas County.
2. Provide a site plan drawn to an appropriate
scale and in legible form showing the location of
the proposed mobile home, setbacks from prop-
erty lines, the location of roadways on the tract
and on neighboring parcels and the current land
use on the tract and on neighboring parcels.
3. Included with the application shall be evidence
that a water supply source of adequate quantity
and quality can and will be provided on the tract.
4. Included with the application shall be evidence
that an effective and environmentally sound in-
dividual sewage disposal system, as approved
by the County Health Department, will be pro-
5. Submit the appropriate application fees (see
Chapter XII).
Required site improvements shall include the follow-
1. A graveled or paved driveway at least eight (8)
feet in width connecting to designated public
road or street and two (2) graveled or paved off-
street parking spaces of the minimum size
specified in Chapter VIII. The mobile home site
shall have a minimum of four (4) tie-down stir-
rups and concrete pads located at stress points
pursuant to the manufacturer's specifications or,
in place of pads, it shall be attached to a perma-
nent foundation with the wheels and axles re-
moved. Mobile homes attached to pads shall be
with skirting of a rigid material which shall be in-
stalled, if required, within thirty (30) days after
the mobile home has been moved to its site.
2. The mobile home shall be sited within the mini-
mum setback requirements of the zone in which
it is located and located so that its exposure to
view from nearby public roadways and adjoining
property is kept to a minimum; evidence that
these requirements will be met shall be included
with the application.
7.12 Storage of Inoperable Motor Vehicles
It is illegal to store, keep or maintain on any residen-
tial premises a motor vehicle which is unlicensed or
is being junked, dismantled or wrecked, unless such
vehicle is located within an enclosed building or
otherwise fully screened from view of any member of
the general public. However, this regulation does
not apply to unlicensed vehicles being actively main-
tained for racing or competitive purposes nor to
vehicles defined as collector's items by Section 42-
12-101, et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, as
amended, nor to vehicles used for farming or ranch-
ing purposes in agricultural districts.
7.13 Small Wind Energy Systems
Small wind energy systems shall be a permitted use
in all zoning classifications. Applicants for a small
wind energy system shall:
1. Make application on a form provided by Las
Animas County.
2. Comply with the following requirements:
a. The minimum lot size for a small wind ener-
gy system shall be one-half (½) acre.
b. For property sizes between one-half (½)
acre and one (1) acre, the tower height shall
be limited to eighty (80) feet above the
grade of the fixed portion of the tower, ex-
cluding the wind turbine itself. For lot sizes
of one (1) acre or more, there is no limitation
on tower height, except as imposed by FAA
c. Small wind energy systems shall be set
back from property lines a minimum of 1.5
times the tower height. No part of the wind
system structure, including guy wire an-
chors, may extend closer than ten (10) feet
to a property line.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.13
d. Small wind energy systems shall maintain a
circular clear zone that has a radius which is
equivalent to 1.5 times the tower height plus
the length to the tip of the blade. This clear
zone shall be maintained free of any occu-
pied structures, tanks containing combus-
tible or flammable liquids and aboveground
telephone or electrical lines.
e. Small wind energy systems shall not exceed
state standards for maximum noise levels.
f. Applications for small wind energy systems
shall be accompanied by standard drawings
of the wind turbine structure, including the
tower, base and footings. An engineering
analysis of the tower showing compliance
with the County Building Code and certified
by a licensed professional engineer shall al-
so be submitted.
g. Small wind energy systems must comply
with applicable FAA regulations, including
any necessary approvals for installations
within ten (10) miles of an airport, measured
from the external boundary of an APO Dis-
trict or an FAA-approved airstrip (if such air-
strip is located outside of an APO),
whichever is greater.
h. Applications for small wind energy systems
shall be accompanied by a line drawing of
the electrical components in sufficient detail
to allow for a determination that the manner
of installation conforms to the National Elec-
trical Code.
i. No small wind energy system shall be in-
stalled until evidence has been given that
the utility company has been informed of the
customer's intent to install an interconnected
customer-owned generator. Off-grid sys-
tems shall be exempt from this requirement.
j. No signs beyond safety warnings of not
greater than six (6) square feet shall be
placed on any small wind energy system.
k. Small wind energy systems which are aban-
doned by disconnection of utility service for
greater than six (6) months shall be re-
moved by the owner. Should the owner fail
to remove the structure, the County may do
so at its option, and the costs thereof shall
be a charge against the owner.
7.14 Wind Farms
Wind farms shall be a special use in the Agricultural
(A) and Ranchette (RA) zoning districts.
7.14.01 Application Requirements
All applications for a wind farm shall be on a
form provided by Las Animas County and ac-
companied by the following information:
1. Evidence that the applicant is the owner of
the property or has written permission of the
owner to make such application;
2. Name, address and phone number of the
applicant and owner and the applicant's con-
tact person for the project.
3. Relevant background information on the pro-
ject, including timeframe and project life,
phases of development, likely markets for
the electricity produced and the possibilities
for future expansion.
4. A conceptual development plan of the pro-
posed wind farm drawn to scale and in suffi-
cient detail to provide a clear description of
the project and accompanied by sufficient
data to support the conceptual plan.
5. An estimated economic cost/benefit analysis
describing the impact of the project on the
local and state economy with respect to the
a. The amount of property taxes to be
generated by the project.
b. The amount of sales taxes to be gener-
ated by the project.
c. The amount of other applicable taxes to
be generated by the project.
d. The construction dollars to be spent lo-
e. The number of construction jobs and es-
timated construction payroll.
f. The number of permanent jobs and es-
timated continuing payroll.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.14.01
g. Costs associated with the impact on
roads or other County infrastructure in
the project area.
6. In the absence of a required environmental
analysis by a state or federal agency which
encompasses the entire project area, pro-
vide a project impact review and a proposed
impact mitigation plan. The project impact
review and mitigation plan shall address all
of the following:
a. Wildlife and wildlife habitat on the site
and in a biologically significant area sur-
rounding the site.
b. Any endangered or threatened species
on the site and in a biologically signifi-
cant area surrounding the site.
c. Avian population, including migratory
d. Flora on the site.
e. Soil erosion and drainage, to be coordi-
nated with the local soil conservation
f. Water quality and water supply in the
g. Historic, cultural or archaeological re-
sources within wind farm project area.
h. Dust from project activities, and dust
i. Distance from residential dwellings and
vacant platted subdivision lots within two
(2) miles of any proposed wind turbine
in the project boundary.
j. A-weighted and C-weighted noise levels
at the residence nearest to the project
boundary and at the property line of
such residence nearest to the project
k. Any wastes, either municipal solid waste
or hazardous waste, generated by the
l. Electromagnetic fields and communica-
tions interference, including interference
with radar, generated by the project.
m. Public safety in regard to the potential
hazards to adjacent properties, public
roadways, communities, aviation, etc.,
that may be created.
n. A general discussion of any potential
changes to the above assessment items
that could be anticipated when consider-
ing the cumulative impacts of other ad-
jacent wind energy projects.
7. A statement of the useful life of the project, a
general description of the decommissioning,
and the final land reclamation plan in the
event the project is abandoned or terminat-
ed. Evidence, acceptable to the Board of
County Commissioners, shall be presented
demonstrating that the applicant has entered
into an agreement with the property owner
that ensures proper final reclamation of the
wind farm project. If the applicant does not
have a reclamation agreement with the land
owner that is suitable to the Board of County
Commissioners, the applicant shall comply
with all the provisions of Section 7.14.04 of
these Regulations.
8. A conceptual transportation plan that shows
the following:
a. Anticipated locations of the project's
service road ingress and egress access
points onto State or County roads. Any
proposed access onto the State or
County road system must meet state or
County requirements, as applicable.
b. The general layout of the proposed wind
farm service road system and the extent
to which roads are planned to be up-
graded. All roads servicing manned or
occupied accessory buildings need to
be constructed to the standards of the
International Fire Code.
c. The plan for utilizing existing roadways
to service the project area. To the
greatest extent possible, the applicant
must make use of existing roadways.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.14.01
d. The anticipated volume and designated
route for traffic, including routes for
oversized and heavy equipment needed
for construction, maintenance and re-
e. The proposed methodology of assuring
to the public entities responsible for the
roads that repairs and on-going mainte-
nance of roads and bridges to be used
in both the construction and operation
phases will be carried out.
7.14.02 Guidelines for Locating a Wind
The following guidelines shall be considered by
the Planning Commission and the Board of
County Commissioners in evaluating the appro-
priateness of a proposed wind farm location:
1. A wind farm should not be located in large
impact areas such as wilderness study are-
as, areas of critical environmental concern,
County and state parks, historic trails and
special management areas.
2. A wind farm should not significantly impact
important wildlife habitat.
3. A wind farm should avoid those visual corri-
dors that are designated as scenic corridors.
4. A wind farm should maintain visual unity
among clusters of turbines. To promote vis-
ual uniformity, the towers of all turbines in an
array should appear similar.
5. To avoid visual clutter, intra-project power
lines having a voltage of 34,500 volts or less
should be buried unless the applicant can
sufficiently demonstrate that burying the
lines will violate other guidelines/standards,
violate applicable law, render the project
economically infeasible, or be hidden from
public view. Transformers and other electric
equipment should be hidden from view or
otherwise constructed in harmony with the
surrounding landscape.
6. A wind farm should avoid erosion. Disturb-
ance and construction on erodible slopes
should be minimized.
7. The number of improved roads and con-
struction staging areas should be kept to a
minimum. The grading width of roads
should be minimized. One-lane roadways
with turn-outs are recommended. The num-
ber and size of staging areas and crane pad
sites should be minimized.
8. A wind farm should avoid sites with known
sensitive historical, cultural or archeological
9. The health and safety of any person that
may reside within two (2) miles of a pro-
posed wind energy turbine.
7.14.03 Performance Standards
A wind farm shall be developed in a manner that
utilizes sound engineering practices and consid-
ers public safety in regard to the potential haz-
ards to adjacent properties, public roadways,
communities, aviation, etc., that may be created.
The following standards are to be achieved by
each wind farm project:
1. Design, construction, operation, mainte-
nance and decommissioning of all wind farm
facilities and infrastructure in compliance
with County, state and federal laws and reg-
ulations. This shall include compliance with
all applicable industry standards, including
the American National Standards Institute
and the National Electrical Commission.
2. Certification by a Professional Engineer prior
to construction that the design of the founda-
tions and towers is within accepted profes-
sional standards, given soil and climate
conditions on the wind farm site.
3. The noise level caused by the operation of
the project shall not exceed state standards
for maximum noise levels.
4. Wind farms towers shall not use lattice-type
construction or other designs that provide
perches for avian predators.
5. To provide visual order to a wind farm pro-
ject, all individual turbines shall have the
same number of rotor blades and all rotor
blades shall spin in the same direction in re-
lation to the wind. To promote visual uni-
formity, all turbines at a similar ground
elevation shall have the same height from
blade tip to the ground.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.14.03
6. Except during construction, reconstruction or
removal, outdoor storage is not permitted
within the project boundary except at loca-
tions that are screened from view.
7. To avoid cluttering the skyline, inverters and
pendant power cables shall be located in-
side the wind turbine tower, nacelle or struc-
8. No telecommunications dishes, antennas,
cellular telephone repeaters or other similar
devices shall be attached to wind turbine
9. Aircraft obstruction markings of the turbines
by use of alternating red and white bands
shall be prohibited.
10. No billboards or advertising signs of any
kind shall be located on the turbines.
11. Individual wind turbines shall be set back
from all property lines coincident with or out-
side of the project boundary a distance
equal to 1.5 times the tower height.
12. Individual wind turbines shall be set back
from all public roads a distance equal to at
least 1.5 times the tower height.
13. Individual wind turbine heights and markings
shall comply with Federal Aviation Admin-
istration (FAA) regulations. If lighting of tur-
bines or other structures is required,
"daytime white-nighttime red" shall be the
only type of lighting allowed unless prohibit-
ed by law.
14. All turbines and towers shall be a shade of
white or light grey in color.
7.14.04 Project Reclamation
If, in the assessment of the Board of County
Commissioners, the applicant cannot provide
acceptable evidence demonstrating that the ap-
plicant has entered into an agreement with the
property owner that ensures proper final recla-
mation of the wind farm project, the applicant
shall comply with the following requirements:
1. A reclamation bond shall be furnished to the
County not later than thirty (30) days before
commencement of project construction that
will be used to restore the site surface to a
condition consistent with the preconstruction
2. The reclamation bond shall be in an amount
equal to one hundred (100) percent of such
costs, where such amount is determined by
the Board of County Commissioners based
upon estimates from knowledgeable con-
tractors, except that the landowner should
be given the option to maintain access roads
for demonstrated ranching or farming pur-
poses as approved by the Board of County
3. The reclamation bond shall not be can-
celled, released or in any way terminated
without prior written approval from the Coun-
ty, and shall continue as long as such tur-
bines or other above-ground improvements
4. The reclamation bond shall be written so as
to survive any sale or other form of transfer
of ownership of such turbines and other im-
5. The company providing the reclamation
bond shall be authorized to provide bonds in
the State of Colorado and be acceptable to
the Board of County Commissioners.
6. All underground equipment and foundation
systems of a wind farm shall be removed.
7.15 Regulations for Crossing Over or Under a
County Road
7.15.01 Overhead Wires Crossing a County
Any proposed crossing of a County road with
overhead wires must be cleared with the Road
and Bridge Supervisor prior to installation of the
material crossing the road. Las Animas County
requires a minimum height of eighteen (18) feet.
7.15.02 Underground Pipes or Wires Cross-
ing a County Road
Las Animas County requires a minimum depth
of forty-eight (48) inches for the installation of
pipes or wires crossing County roads.
Land Use Regulations Supplementary Regulations — §7.15.03
7.15.03 Permit Applications
The permit regulating the overhead or under-
ground crossing of a County road shall be ob-
tained from the Road and Bridge Supervisor.
7.16 Regulations for Burning of Trash
7.16.01 Non-Commercial Burning
Burning of tree limbs can legally take place if it is
not within a landfill boundary and a burning per-
mit is obtained from the Sheriff's Department or
the fire district, as applicable.
7.16.02 Authorization
No permit shall be issued which will allow the
County to exceed primary and secondary ambi-
ent air quality standards as proscribed by federal
laws and regulations adopted by the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment
Air Pollution Control.
7.16.03 Commercial Sites
The development or establishment of a com-
mercial burning site must comply with federal,
state and County regulations.
7.17 Reserved
8.01 Purpose and Intent ........................................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.01.01 Building Permit Required ............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.01.02 Occupancy .................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.02 Special Use Permits for Mobile Home Parks and Campgrounds ................................................................... 8-1
8.03 Mobile Home Park and Campground Design Standards and Specifications ................................................. 8-1
8.03.01 Site Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.03.02 Size and Density Restrictions ...................................................................................................... 8-1
8.03.03 Mobile Home Tie Down and Skirting Requirements .................................................................... 8-1
8.03.04 Setback Requirements ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.03.05 Mobile Home Space Requirements ............................................................................................. 8-2
8.03.06 Access and Interior Roadways .................................................................................................... 8-2
8.03.07 Walkways, Paving and Lighting ................................................................................................... 8-2
8.03.08 Public Sites, Recreation and Open Space .................................................................................. 8-2
8.03.09 Parking Requirements ................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.03.10 Storage Areas ............................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.03.11 Service Buildings ......................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.03.12 Utilities ......................................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.04 Waiver of Mobile Home Park and Campground Design Standards and Specifications ................................. 8-4
8.05 Submittal Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 8-4
8.06 Criteria for Action on a Special Use Permit for a Mobile Home Park or Campground as a Special Use ........ 8-5
8.07 Guarantee of Performance ............................................................................................................................ 8-6
8.08 Permit Conditions: Occupant Registration and Residency ............................................................................ 8-6
8.08.01 Registration of Occupants ........................................................................................................... 8-6
8.08.02 Maximum Residency ................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.08.03 Management and Maintenance ................................................................................................... 8-6
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.01
8.01 Purpose and Intent
The specific purpose and intent of these Regulations
shall be to:
1. Establish, maintain and enforce minimum stand-
ards governing the site selection, development,
alteration, maintenance and operation of mobile
home parks and campgrounds.
2. Establish, maintain and enforce minimum stand-
ards governing the provision of utilities, physical
facilities and other conditions needed to make
mobile home parks and campgrounds safe,
sanitary and fit for human habitation.
3. Establish, maintain and enforce the minimum
responsibilities of owners and operators of mo-
bile home parks and campgrounds.
8.01.01 Building Permit Required
No person shall engage in the construction, de-
velopment or alteration of a mobile home park or
campground unless or until that person has
been issued a special use permit to do so by the
Board of County Commissioners in compliance
with the provisions of this regulation and other
applicable provisions contained within these
8.01.02 Occupancy
No mobile home or mobile home unit or
campsite or camping unit shall be occupied on
any site until or unless all improvements have
been completed as shown on approved submit-
tal materials and as required by this regulation
and until complete and proper inspection of such
improvements have been undertaken by the
County Building Inspector.
8.02 Special Use Permits for Mobile Home
Parks and Campgrounds
The site selection, development or alteration of a
mobile home park or campground is only allowed as
a special use in an allowable zoning district upon
review and recommendation by the Planning Com-
mission and favorable action by the Board of County
8.03 Mobile Home Park and Campground De-
sign Standards and Specifications
The following design standards and specifications
shall apply to all mobile home parks and
campgrounds to be proposed, reviewed, accepted or
issued a special use permit for site selection, devel-
opment or alteration:
8.03.01 Site Selection Criteria
Existing zoning, building and construction, mas-
ter plan, health and other rules, resolutions, reg-
ulations and laws of Las Animas County, the
State of Colorado and the United States shall be
taken into consideration and adhered to as an
integral part of the site selection process for a
mobile home park or campground. Sparsely to
moderately wooded sites providing shade trees
and natural buffering from the environment and
from public view are preferred. Mobile home
parks and campgrounds shall be situated on
well drained sites that will not cause adverse
drainage or other environmental consequences
on surrounding property. Existing streams and
other natural amenities shall be preserved. Mo-
bile home parks and campgrounds shall not be
sited in areas subject to flooding, fire or other
safety hazards nor shall be located in proximity
to chronic nuisances such as noise, smoke,
fumes or odors. The topography of the pro-
posed site shall be favorable to minor grading,
free from natural hazards and subject to ready
access and ease of maintenance.
8.03.02 Size and Density Restrictions
The gross density of a mobile home park shall
not exceed eight (8) mobile home units per acre.
The gross density of campgrounds shall not ex-
ceed twenty-five (25) camping units per acre.
A mobile home park shall contain a minimum of
ten (10) acres and a campground site shall con-
tain a minimum of five (5) acres.
8.03.03 Mobile Home Tie Down and Skirting
All mobile homes shall be tied down and skirted
in accordance with the requirements contained
in Section 7.11.
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.03.04
8.03.04 Setback Requirements
All mobile home parks and campgrounds shall
set aside along the perimeter of the site the fol-
lowing minimum setbacks, which shall be land-
scaped with suitable flora, except for roadways
and walkways:
1. Fifty (50) feet abutting a state or federally
designed highway or municipally designed
major arterial.
2. Twenty-five (25) feet abutting any other type
or category of public right-of-way or alley.
3. Fifteen (15) feet abutting any other exterior
4. Five (5) feet abutting any interior street, alley
or walkway.
All mobile homes and camping units shall be sit-
uated so that there remains a minimum of fifteen
(15) feet between units. Mobile homes or camp-
ing units parked end-to-end shall maintain an
end-to-end clearance of no less than ten (10)
feet. Enclosed additions to a mobile home unit
and extensions to a camping unit shall be con-
sidered a part of the respective unit in establish-
ing and measuring minimum required yard
Mobile home units and camping units shall not
be parked in any manner that any part of the unit
would obstruct or block any portion of a roadway
or walkway.
Only mobile home and camping units for which
there are available spaces conforming to this
Chapter shall be occupied and all such occupied
units shall be located in available spaces.
8.03.05 Mobile Home Space Requirements
The minimum size of a mobile home space shall
be three thousand five hundred (3,500) square
Groups or clusters of mobile homes may be
placed on a combined space if the size of the
combined space is equal to or greater than the
minimum area for an equal number of mobile
homes on standard spaces and where the mini-
mum setback requirements contained herein are
honored on the perimeter line of the combined
space. The application submittal requirements
for such clustered sites may be expanded by the
Planning Commission, at its discretion, to in-
clude any or all of the submittal requirements
contained within the planned unit development
regulations (Chapter V).
8.03.06 Access and Interior Roadways
All mobile home and campground spaces shall
have direct access to a public street or roadway,
which shall conform, at a minimum, to the front-
age road requirements contained in Section
4.13.03. Access roads shall be provided to mo-
bile home or camping unit spaces. Interior
roadways shall conform, at a minimum, to the
residential, local and collector street require-
ments contained in Section 4.13.03. All surfac-
ing shall meet the road construction standards
adopted by or in prevailing use by Las Animas
County. Mobile home parks and campgrounds
shall be designed and constructed so that all
spaces for units and all accessory uses shall
abut an interior roadway.
8.03.07 Walkways, Paving and Lighting
All park walkways and campground walkways
shall be gravel or hard surfaced. Walkway
widths shall not be less than four (4) feet. All
mobile home park and campground walkways
and roadways shall be provided with illumination
of not less than twenty-five-watt lamps at inter-
vals of not more than one hundred (100) feet.
8.03.08 Public Sites, Recreation and Open
Mobile home parks and campgrounds shall ded-
icate or reserve areas or sites of a character, ex-
tent and location suitable for public use for
arterial streets, schools, parks, floodways, his-
toric sites, scenic areas and/or other necessary
or convenient public uses according to one (1) of
the following options acceptable to the applicant
and the Planning Commission:
1. Up to five (5) percent of the total gross area
of mobile home park or campground shall be
dedicated to a public agency for one (1) or
more public purposes. The proportion of
land, if any, so dedicated shall be deter-
mined by the Board of County Commission-
ers upon recommendation by the Planning
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.03.08
2. Ten (10) percent of the total gross area of
the mobile home park or campground shall
be dedicated as a private park or recrea-
tional areas for the use of the residents or
users of the facility.
Applicants shall submit a warranty deed or file a
plat of the site to assure the dedication of all
easements and public or private park lands prior
to the issuance of a special use permit for such
mobile home park or campground.
Land to be provided for public and/or private rec-
reational use and/or open space shall not in-
clude any area dedicated as a roadway, mobile
home or campground space, storage area nor
any area required for setbacks as specified in
Section 8.03.04.
8.03.09 Parking Requirements
A minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces
shall be provided for each mobile home space
and each campground space, the minimum size
of each such off-street parking space being eight
(8) feet by twenty (20) feet. The second
campground space shall be the space for camp-
ing purposes or for the camping unit.
Upon application to the Planning Commission
and at the Commission's discretion, on-street
parking in mobile home parks may be permitted
in place of the required off-street parking by
constructing wider roadways. In such cases, on-
street parking shall be equal to the minimum ar-
ea required for an equal number of off-street
parking spaces, calculated at a minimum on-
street parking space width of eight (8) feet.
8.03.10 Storage Areas
An outdoor storage area or areas surfaced with
gravel, asphalt, concrete or similar surface shall
be provided for boats, trailers, camping units,
horse trailers and similar items in an amount
equal to one hundred (100) square feet per mo-
bile home space. Area beneath mobile homes
shall not be used to fulfill this requirement.
8.03.11 Service Buildings
Every mobile home park with more than twenty-
five (25) units shall provide sanitary facilities for
emergency use in a service building or office
building. These facilities shall consist of at least
one (1) flush toilet, one (1) lavatory and one (1)
Every campground shall provide one (1) or more
service buildings adequately equipped with flush
toilets, lavatories, showers and laundry facilities
meeting Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment standards and subject to Colo-
rado Department of Public Health and Environ-
ment approval, along with compliance with all
applicable Las Animas County codes.
Service buildings shall be well-lighted, equipped
with appropriate signs and shall be well-
ventilated with screened openings.
Business sales outlets in mobile home park are
subject to all applicable Las Animas County zon-
ing regulations.
8.03.12 Utilities
An accessible, adequate, safe, reliable portable
water supply meeting all applicable water supply
standards shall be provided in each mobile
home park or campground and the system shall
be capable of furnishing an adequate supply, as
determined by the Planning Commission upon
due deliberation of the matter, per day per mo-
bile home or camping space. The number of
spaces to be occupied shall be limited to the
quantity of water available to supply each such
space with the minimum requirements. Where a
public supply of water is available, connection
shall be made thereto and its supply shall be
used exclusively. The development of an inde-
pendent water supply to serve a mobile home
park or campground shall be made only after
plans and specifications for such system have
received the required and appropriate approvals
from the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment.
Mobile home parks and campgrounds shall be
served by a public sewage collection and treat-
ment system or by a private central collection
and treatment system. The development of a
private central collection and treatment system
shall be undertaken only after plans and specifi-
cations for the proposed system have been ap-
proved by the Colorado Department of Public
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.03.12
Health and Environment and the Colorado Wa-
ter Pollution Control Commission; the granting of
such required approvals shall be a precondition
for the issuance of a special use permit.
All sewage disposal facilities, including all appur-
tenances thereto, shall be constructed, main-
tained and operated so as not to create a
nuisance or a health hazard. Each mobile home
space shall be provided with at least a four-inch
sewer connection. The sewer connection shall
be securely closed when not linked to a mobile
home and shall emit no odors. The mobile
home drain shall be watertight and self-draining
and constructed of material in compliance with
local plumbing codes and applicable State of
Colorado rules and regulations.
All campgrounds shall provide sufficient facilities
at sanitary stations for the sole purpose of re-
moving and disposing of wastes from all camp-
ing unit holding tanks in a clean, efficient and
convenient manner.
1. Each sanitary station shall consist of a
drainage basin constructed of impervious
material, containing a disposal hatch and
self-closing cover and related washing facili-
2. The disposal hatch of sanitary station units
shall connect to campground sewage dis-
posal systems. The related facilities re-
quired to wash holding tanks and the
general area of the sanitary station shall be
connected to the campground water supply
3. Sanitary stations shall meet requirements of
and be approved by the Colorado Depart-
ment of Public Health and Environment.
Electrical outlets supplying 110 volts AC or
110/120 volts AC shall be provided for each mo-
bile home space but are not required for
campground spaces. Such installations shall
comply with all County electrical and other
codes requirements.
The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in
a mobile home park or campground shall be so
managed as to create no health hazards, rodent
harboring, insect-breeding areas, accident haz-
ards or air or water pollution. All refuse shall be
stored in containers resistant to water, insects
and rodents and shall be provided in sufficient
numbers, capacity and various locations as to
prevent any refuse from overflowing or blowing
In mobile home parks, such containers shall be
provided in permanent locations screened by
appropriate flora and/or fencing. Methods of
storage, collection and disposal of refuse in all
mobile home parks and campgrounds shall
comply with all applicable County and State of
Colorado rules, regulations and laws.
Consideration shall be given to the provision of
other services such as natural gas, propane, tel-
ephone and cable television.
All mobile home parks and campgrounds shall
be equipped at all times with fire-extinguishing
equipment in good working order and of such
type, size and number and so located as pre-
scribed by the County Building Inspector.
8.04 Waiver of Mobile Home Park and
Campground Design Standards and Speci-
The mobile home park and campground design
standards and specifications contained in Section
8.03 may be waived or amended in accordance with
the procedures and criteria contained within Section
8.05 Submittal Requirements
Application for a special use permit for a mobile
home park or campground as a special use shall
require: (1) submission of an application on a form
provided by Las Animas County; (2) submission of a
letter of intent; and (3) submission of the special
application materials specified within this regulation.
The appropriate filing fees (see Chapter XII) shall
accompany submission of these materials.
At the discretion of the Planning Commission, and
upon written request of the applicant, any but not all
of these submission requirements may be waived in
cases where the applicant demonstrates that provi-
sion of the specific items would prove unnecessarily
burdensome or inappropriate. In special cases, the
Planning Commission may require, at its discretion,
the submission of additional technical information
and plans not specified herein.
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.05
The specific submittal materials to be submitted to
the Planning Commission, in addition to a completed
application form and the required filing fees, shall
1. A letter of intent including the items required by
Section 2.15.02.
2. A site plan at a scale of not less than one (1)
inch equaling fifty (50) feet or other scale ac-
ceptable to the Planning Commission. Such site
plan shall include, at a minimum, the following
information and other such additional items as
the applicant shall wish to include:
a. The applicant's name, legal mailing address
and telephone number and, if different, the
same information for the proposed operator/
b. The name, legal mailing address and tele-
phone number of the persons and/or organi-
zations preparing the site plan.
c. A north arrow, scale and scale bar required
on all maps submitted in conformance.
d. Township, range and section numbers.
3. Typical plot plans for individual mobile home
and/or camping unit spaces at a scale of one (1)
inch equaling ten (10) feet.
4. Typical street and walkway sections.
5. The number, location and size of all mobile
home and/or campground spaces and the gross
density of such spaces.
6. The location and width of roadways, sidewalks
and pedestrian ways including details on all ad-
ditions to the public roadway system and written
approvals, as required, from the Colorado De-
partment of Transportation and all other appro-
priate agencies for construction of the proposed
roadway system, including access roads and
highway access.
7. The location, size and surfacing of motor vehicle
parking lots and recreation and open space and
all other dedicated and reserved land and all
8. The location or service buildings and all other
proposed structures.
9. Grading and drainage plans including:
a. A drainage plan showing existing and pro-
posed installations and structures, including
but not limited to channels, culverts and in-
lets and volumes of discharge calculated in
CFS that may affect the site and adjacent
public or private lands.
b. An overlay grading plan shall be furnished,
at the discretion of the Planning Commis-
sion, when proposed grading would signifi-
cantly modify the existing drainage.
c. A portrayal of areas subject to periodic
flooding within the site and proposed struc-
tural and nonstructural mitigation measures
proposed to address problems of periodic
flooding on and adjacent to the site.
10. The proposed source of water supply, electrical
and other services and sewage and rubbish dis-
11. Plans and specifications for all buildings, utilities
and other improvements to be constructed or al-
tered within the mobile home park or
12. The location and type of flora to be planted and
areas to be seeded or sodded as part of the
overall landscaping program.
13. A plat of the proposed development site showing
the location of all existing and proposed utilities
and all land to be dedicated to the public prior to
the issuance of a special use permit. This item
may be included on the site plan described in
Paragraph 2. above.
14. The type, size and location of all screening and
15. Such additional information and data as may be
reasonably specified by the Planning Commis-
8.06 Criteria for Action on a Special Use Permit
for a Mobile Home Park or Campground as
a Special Use
All actions by the Planning Commission in reviewing
and making recommendations on a special use
permit for the site selection, development or altera-
tion of a mobile home park or campground as a
Land Use Regulations Mobile Home Park & Campground Regulations — §8.06
special use and by the Board of County Commis-
sioners in approving or disapproving such applica-
tions shall be based in general upon the provisions
of these Regulations and specifically on the follow-
ing criteria:
1. The criteria contained in Section 2.15.03.
2. That a demonstrated need exists for the pro-
posed development and that its proposed site is
consistent will all County and other local and re-
gional master plans and service plans.
3. That all required application materials have been
properly prepared and submitted to Las Animas
County that all filing fees have been paid and
that the proposed mobile home park or
campground development plan will meet the de-
sign standards and specifications contained in
Section 4.03.
8.07 Guarantee of Performance
Prior to the issuance of said special use permit, the
applicant shall surrender to Las Animas County
suitable collateral in an amount mutually satisfactory
to the applicant and to the Board of County Com-
missioners. Said collateral shall be in the form of a
payment and performance bond to cover in full the
cost of all proposed and required site improvements.
As such site improvements are completed, the col-
lateral shall be released by the Board of County
Commissioners in accordance with the procedures
specified in Section 8.03.
8.08 Permit Conditions: Occupant Registration
and Residency
No special use permit for a mobile home park or
campground shall be issued by the Board of County
Commissioners unless and until the following condi-
tions are made a part of the permit and are agreed
to by the applicant:
8.08.01 Registration of Occupants
It shall be the duty of each permittee or operator
of a mobile home park or campground if other
than the permittee to maintain a register of all
mobile home or camping unit owners and occu-
pants within the park or campground. The regis-
ter shall contain the following information:
1. The name and address of the owners or oc-
cupants of each mobile home or camping
2. The make, model, year of manufacture and
license number of each mobile home or
camping unit and motor vehicle.
3. The jurisdiction issuing such licenses.
4. The date of arrival and the date of departure
of each mobile home or camping unit.
The mobile home park or campground shall
keep the register available for inspection at all
times by law enforcement personnel, public
health officials and agents and employees of
Las Animas County whose duties require use of
the information contained therein. The register
record shall be maintained and kept on file for a
previous twelve-month period.
8.08.02 Maximum Residency
No camping unit shall be allowed to occupy
space within a campground for a period exceed-
ing six (6) months.
8.08.03 Management and Maintenance
The permittee or, if other than the permittee, the
operator of a mobile home park or campground
shall operate such mobile home park or
campground in compliance with this regulation
and the other applicable provisions of these
Regulations and all additional rules, regulations
and laws of Las Animas County and provide ad-
equate supervision to maintain the park or
campground together with its facilities and
equipment in good repair and in clean and sani-
tary condition at all times.
9.01 Authority ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.01.01 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.01.02 Jurisdiction .................................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.01.03 General Procedures .................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.01.04 Minor Oil and Gas Facilities: Processing .................................................................................... 9-2
9.01.05 Major Facilities: Processing ........................................................................................................ 9-3
9.01.06 Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.01.07 Fee Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 9-5
9.01.08 Review and Referrals: Major Facilities ....................................................................................... 9-5
9.01.09 Major Facilities Review Criteria ................................................................................................... 9-6
9.01.10 Record of Comments .................................................................................................................. 9-6
9.01.11 Duration, Modifications, Pre-Existing Uses, Severability ............................................................. 9-7
9.01.12 Severability .................................................................................................................................. 9-7
9.01.13 Violation and Enforcement .......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.01.14 Emergency Preparedness Plan Required ................................................................................... 9-8
9.02 Oil and Gas Performance Standards ............................................................................................................. 9-9
9.02.01 Compliance ................................................................................................................................. 9-9
9.02.02 Land Use Coordination Standards .............................................................................................. 9-9
9.02.03 Environmental Quality Standards ................................................................................................ 9-10
9.02.04 Surface Disturbance Standards .................................................................................................. 9-12
9.02.05 Miscellaneous Provisions ............................................................................................................ 9-13
9.02.06 Special Exceptions ...................................................................................................................... 9-13
9.02.07 Board Review of Granted Permit ................................................................................................. 9-13
9.03 Oil and Gas Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 9-13
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01
9.01 Authority
Title 29, Article 30 and Title 30, Article 28 of the
Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, authorize
the Regulations. Any reference to, or incorporation
of, requirements imposed by the Colorado Oil and
Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) shall not
be construed as providing independent authority to
Las Animas County to enforce such requirements.
9.01.01 Purpose
This Chapter is enacted to protect and promote
the health, safety, morals, convenience, order,
prosperity or general welfare of the present and
future residents of Las Animas County. It is the
County's intent by enacting this Chapter to facili-
tate the development of oil and gas resources
within the unincorporated area of Las Animas
County while mitigating potential land use con-
flicts between such development and existing,
as well as planned, land uses. It is recognized
that, under Colorado law, the surface and min-
eral estates are separate and distinct interests in
land and that one may be severed from the oth-
er. Owners of subsurface mineral interests have
certain legal rights and privileges, including the
right to use that part of the surface estate rea-
sonably required to extract and develop their
subsurface mineral interests, subject to compli-
ance with the provisions of this Chapter and any
other applicable statutory and regulatory re-
quirements. Similarly, owners of the surface es-
tate have certain legal rights and privileges,
including the right to have the mineral estate de-
veloped in a reasonable manner and to have
adverse land use impacts upon their property,
associated with this Chapter minimized. Should
it be established by competent evidence that a
proposed major facility, as defined herein, can-
not be operated in compliance with this Chapter,
County land use approval for such a facility may
be denied.
9.01.02 Jurisdiction
This Chapter shall apply to all lands within the
unincorporated area of Las Animas County, ex-
cept only to the degree and to the extent the
County's jurisdiction is preempted by federal or
state law, or by direct federal jurisdiction (Pinon
Canyon Maneuver site).
9.01.03 General Procedures
Development of oil and gas facilities within the
unincorporated areas of Las Animas County
shall be subject to the provisions of this Chapter
and any other applicable regulations of Las
Animas County, as well as any state or federal
entities or agencies having jurisdiction over such
Construction, installation and operation of oil
and gas facilities which are subject to this Chap-
ter shall not commence until administrative ap-
proval has been granted by the Planning
Director or after recommendation following pub-
lic review by the Planning Commission and ap-
proval and granting of a permit by the Board of
County Commissioners.
Minor oil and gas facilities, as defined herein,
which comply with the applicable standards and
requirements of this Chapter shall be granted
approval by the Planning Director upon the ap-
plicant's submittal of satisfactory documentation,
in the manner prescribed, that the facility is in
compliance with the standards set forth herein.
Special mitigation measures may be required for
minor facilities, which do not comply with the
standards set forth herein. The Planning Direc-
tor shall grant approval for minor facilities requir-
ing special mitigation measures, provided that
the applicant submits satisfactory documentation
to the Planning Director that an appropriate miti-
gation plan for the facility will be implemented in
accordance with this Chapter.
Planning Commission review and recommenda-
tion together with Board review and approval
shall be required for activities and facilities clas-
sified as major facilities.
The Planning Director and his or her designee,
unless otherwise provided by the Board of
County Commissioners, shall be the authorized
representative of Las Animas County with re-
gard to the application of this Chapter. The re-
quirements of all applicable chapters of these
Regulations, to the extent not in conflict with the
requirements of this Chapter, also apply to oil
and gas facilities, it being the intention of the
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.03
County that this Chapter not be the exclusive
regulation of such facilities. As an example, but
not by way of limitation, the General Provisions
of Chapter 1, the Sign Code Regulations of
Chapter VI and the fee, enforcement, violations
and penalties provisions of Chapters XI and XII
also apply to oil and gas facilities.
9.01.04 Minor Oil and Gas Facilities: Pro-
Applications for County land use approval for
proposed minor facilities as defined herein shall
be processed administratively by the Planning
Director, provided that the information in the ap-
plication establishes that the proposed use
complies with the minimum requirements for
such facilities as set forth in this Chapter. Appli-
cations for such minor oil and gas facilities shall
receive approval without Planning Commission
or Board of County Commissioners hearing or
review, in accordance with the procedures set
forth herein. An application that the Planning Di-
rector finds to comply with the relevant stand-
ards shall be granted administrative approval
within fourteen (14) working days, with notifica-
tion to the applicant as soon as possible but in
no event later than twenty (20) working days of
the filing of the application.
Should the Planning Director fail to notify the
applicant of his or her decision on the applica-
tion within twenty (20) working days, the applica-
tion shall be deemed approved.
1. Application: Submittal Procedure. The ap-
plication shall include information and/or
documentation establishing that the pro-
posed minor facility complies with all appli-
cable requirements of this Chapter and shall
be in the form prescribed by Section 9.01.06
herein. The application shall contain a certi-
fication from the applicant or its designated
agent (accompanied by a written designa-
tion of agent in the form prescribed by the
County) that the proposed facility complies
with all applicable provisions of this Chapter,
and that the information in the application,
as well as in any documentation submitted,
is true and accurate.
2. Administrative Determination of Compliance.
a. If the application is found to be com-
plete, containing all information and/or
documentation required by this Chapter,
the Planning Director shall then review
the application for the compliance with
applicable standards and requirements.
The Planning Director shall complete
this review within fourteen (14) working
days of submittal. Should the infor-
mation in the application and any ac-
companying documentation establish
that the proposed minor facility will be
constructed and operated in compliance
with all applicable standards and re-
quirements of this Chapter, then the
Planning Director shall issue written ap-
proval for the proposed minor facility.
Within six (6) working days of adminis-
trative approval for a minor facility, the
Planning Director shall provide written
notification of the decision to the appli-
cant or its designated agent. Should the
Planning Director determine that the
proposed minor facility will not or cannot
be constructed and operated in compli-
ance with all applicable standards and
requirements of this Chapter, then he or
she shall issue a written denial of the
application, stating with specificity the
grounds for its decision. The Planning
Director shall issue such written notifica-
tions within six (6) working days of ad-
ministrative approval or denial.
b. The visual impact and visual mitigation
provisions of this Chapter shall apply if:
1) The well or facility is located within
three hundred fifty (350) feet of an
existing residential dwelling, unless a
waiver is obtained in writing from the
homeowner; or
2) Public facilities, including public
parks, schools, hospitals or similar
facilities, are within a one-thousand-
foot radius of the well or facility; un-
less a waiver is obtained in writing
from the County, school district, hos-
pital association or other public enti-
ty; or
3) If the facility or well is located within
two hundred (200) feet of a main-
tained public highway.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.04
3. Appeal of Administrative Denial
Should Planning Director deny administra-
tive approval, the applicant may request
County land use approval by the filing of a
written appeal with the Board of County
Commissioners within ten (10) days of re-
ceipt of written notification of such denial.
Such an appeal shall be in writing and state
with specificity the grounds for approval.
The Board of County Commissioners shall
proceed to consider and decide the appli-
cant's appeal within thirty (30) working days
of its receipt. Upon request of the applicant,
the Board of County Commissioners shall
provide it with an opportunity to be heard on
such an appeal. Should the applicant re-
quest a hearing on its appeal, the Planning
Director shall be notified and given an op-
portunity to present evidence at the hearing.
Should the applicant provide satisfactory
documentation that the proposed minor facil-
ity complies with all applicable requirements
of this Chapter, the Board of County Com-
missioners shall approve the application
4. Notice to Property Owners.
An application for approval of a proposed
minor facility when submitted to Planning Di-
rector shall include a written certification by
the applicant or its designated agent that
written notice of the application has been
made as follows:
a. To the current owner or owners of the
parcel of land within which the minor fa-
cility is proposed to be located.
b. By posting a sign at the intersection of
the leasehold access road and the
nearest maintained public highway, or at
the request of the applicant such other
place as may be approved by the Plan-
ning Director, which is the same sign
and/or contains the same information
required for posting at the site per
COGCC Rule 305, et seq. The sign to
be posted must be not less than twenty-
two (22) inches wide and not less than
twenty-six (26) inches high composed of
letters not less than one (1) inch in
c. By publication in a local newspaper of
the notice contained in Paragraph below.
5. Notice to Property Owners by County.
Upon receipt of an application, the Planning
Director will send notice to all surface own-
ers within one thousand (1,000) feet of a
wellhead of the application by certified mail.
The sufficiency of said notice by Planning
Director will not affect the processing of the
6. Expedited Approval Upon Emergency Cir-
The Planning Director may issue a permit in
less than ten (10) days' time if an operator
files a sworn statement and demonstrates to
the satisfaction of the Planning Director that
the operator had the right or obligation under
the terms of an existing contract to drill a
well and that the right or ability to drill will be
lost or terminated unless the operator can
immediately drill.
9.01.05 Major Facilities: Processing
All applications for major facilities (as defined
under Section 9.03 of this Chapter) shall be
scheduled for public review before the Planning
Commission and the Board of County Commis-
sioners in accordance with the provisions of this
Chapter. The Planning Commission shall review
such applications at a scheduled public meeting
and forward a recommendation for approval,
conditional approval or denial with appropriate
findings to the Board of County Commissioners
for final action. Board action on an application
for a major facility shall be scheduled for a public
hearing within thirty (30) days of the date of the
Planning Commission's action on the applica-
tion. Final actions of the Board of County Com-
missioners shall contain appropriate findings
based upon competent evidence in the record
before the Board of County Commissioners.
1. Application: submittal procedure.
The major facility application shall consist of
all items identified in Section 9.01.06 of this
Chapter. Prior to formal submittal of the ap-
plication, the Planning Director shall meet
with the applicant to discuss and identify any
additional information required to adequately
review the proposed facility.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.05
2. Determination of completeness.
The Planning Director will review the appli-
cation for completeness within fourteen (14)
working days of submittal. If the application
is deemed complete, the Planning Director
will commence project review as described
in Sections 9.01.08 and 9.01.09 of this
Chapter. If the application is incomplete, the
applicant will be notified of the deficiency
and the application shall be withdrawn from
the review process until the required infor-
mation is submitted. If the Planning Director
fails to advise the applicant that the applica-
tion is incomplete, the application shall be
deemed complete for processing purposes.
Major facility applications must be complete
at least fourteen (14) days prior to a sched-
uled Planning Commission meeting at which
said application is scheduled for review.
The Planning Commission shall conduct a
noticed public meeting for review of the pro-
posed major facility. The application shall
be considered at a scheduled Planning
Commission meeting held no less than four-
teen (14) days following public notice of
hearing. On the basis of competent evi-
dence received at such a public meeting, the
Planning Commission shall make its rec-
ommendation to the Board of County Com-
missioners regarding approval, conditional
approval or denial of the application. Such
Planning Commission actions shall contain
appropriate findings or reasons in support of
the recommendation. The Planning Com-
mission may continue a public meeting on
an application to a date certain, not to ex-
ceed sixty (60) days. The Planning Com-
mission shall render its written decision
regarding a recommendation on the pro-
posed facility within thirty (30) days of the
evidentiary phase of the public meeting.
3. Notice of Planning Commission Review.
Not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the
public meeting established to consider the
major facility application, a legal notice of
the public meeting before the Planning
Commission shall be published in a news-
paper of general circulation within the Coun-
ty and written notice shall be given
individually to the following:
a. The owners, as recorded in the records
of the County Assessor, of any land ad-
jacent to or located within one-half (½)
mile (2,640 feet) of any portion of the
subject site, said notice to be sent by
the applicant by certified mail at the ap-
plicant's expense.
b. The Public Notice of Planning Commis-
sion Review shall take a form prescribed
by the Planning Director and shall in-
clude the following:
1) A description of the location (includ-
ing a legal and practical location de-
scription), applicant/ operator and
proposed activity under review.
2) Time and place of the Planning
Commission's public meeting.
3) The name and address of the appli-
cant and/or its designated agent, and
a statement that additional infor-
mation may be obtained from the
Planning Director.
4. Notice upon request.
Notice shall be sent to any other person,
agency or organization that has filed a writ-
ten request with the Planning Director to re-
ceive notice of major facilities undergoing
public review, said notice to be sent by the
Planning Director.
5. Planning Commission review.
The Planning Commission shall conduct a
public meeting for review of a major facility
no earlier than fourteen (14) days following
submittal of a complete application. The
Planning Commission shall issue a recom-
mendation to the Board of County Commis-
sioners concerning the facility's compliance
with applicable standards and requirements
as well as the appropriateness of the facility
in the location proposed in accordance with
the review criteria set forth in Section
6. Board of County Commissioners review.
The Board of County Commissioners shall
conduct a public hearing for review of the
major facility within thirty (30) days of the
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.05
date of issuance of the Planning Commis-
sion recommendation. The Board of County
Commissioners may continue a public hear-
ing to a date certain not to exceed thirty (30)
days in order to receive additional testimony
or information. The applicant may request a
continuation of the public hearing for good
cause shown, satisfactory to the Board of
County Commissioners, to a date certain,
not to exceed thirty (30) days. The Board of
County Commissioners shall render its writ-
ten decision on the application within thirty
(30) days of the close of the hearing.
9.01.06 Submittal Requirements
Submittal requirements are as found in the fol-
lowing table:
Elements Minor Major
1. Application X X
2. Narrative, including:
operating plan X
estimated number of site visits by
other site specific information,
identified and requested at a
preapplication conference
3. Emergency contact (telephone, person) X
4. Site plan (map prepared for survey and
location purposes by the applicant's
surveyor may be used as per state and
federal requirements), including
north arrow and appropriate scale X X
existing improvements X X
utility easements, right-of-way X X
irrigation ditches crossing or within
100 feet of site
drainage plans (onsite, offsite) X
proposed facilities X X
other site specific information
identified and requested at a
preapplication conference
current surface ownership of facility
5. Vicinity maps (county assessor's or
U.S.G.S. quad maps may be used as
base map), including
section, township and range X X
Elements Minor Major
site boundary X X
north arrow and scale X X
major geographic features, to include
bodies of water, roads, utility
current surface ownership within one-
half mile of site, to include names of
platted subdivisions and approximate
locatin of residences
The submittal requirements of this table may be
met by submission of the applicable COGCC
APD (Forms 2 and 2A). Applicants will not be
required to provide duplicative information but
will be required to supply information not con-
tained within the COGCC APD.
9.01.07 Fee Schedule
The application fees to be imposed pursuant to
this Chapter are set forth in Chapter XII.
9.01.08 Review and Referrals: Major Facili-
The Planning Director may, at his or her sole
discretion, refer the application to other govern-
ment agencies or entities for review and com-
ment. For major facilities, the reviewing
agencies will be asked to return their comments
within ten (10) days of the receipt of the referral,
or as otherwise provided by state law:
Oil and gas facilities shall also be reviewed for
general consistency with the standards and poli-
cies set forth in the following documents:
1. The Las Animas County Oil and Gas Regu-
2. The Las Animas County Land Use Regula-
3. The Las Animas County Master Plan.
4. Colorado Department of Transportation
Drainage Design Specifications and Stand-
5. Plans and regulations of municipalities in
Las Animas County if applicable.
6. Other applicable local, county, state and
federal plans, policies and regulations.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.09
9.01.09 Major Facilities Review Criteria
The Board of County Commissioners' decision
to approve or deny an application for a major fa-
cility shall be made and determined based upon
its compliance with all applicable performance
standards and other requirements of this Chap-
ter and by applying the following evaluative crite-
ria to the evidence in the record of proceedings
before the Board of County Commissioners:
1. Need.
The demonstrated need for the facility, in the
location proposed, to serve the applicant's
existing and projected oil and gas develop-
ment, production and operational require-
ments. Primary consideration should be
given to a mineral owner or lessees' desire
to remove, extract and/or transport its min-
2. Suitability.
Suitability of the location of the proposed fa-
cility given its size, design and operational
characteristics. Factors to be considered in-
clude noise levels, impacts on air and water
quality, vibration and odor levels, fire protec-
tion and access requirements, visual im-
pacts, wildlife impacts and public safety.
These factors will be evaluated in accord-
ance with applicable State, County and
Federal standards and criteria.
3. Adequacy of Existing Roads and Access to
the Site.
Factors to be considered are topography,
natural hazards (landslides, flooding, wild-
fire), current resource values (open space
corridor, prime farmland as designated by
Natural Resource Soil Conservation Service,
wildlife habitat).
4. Compatibility.
Compatibility with existing uses and those
which can be projected, based upon present
subdivision and land use approvals for
properties located within or around the af-
fected area as determined by the Board of
County Commissioners based upon compe-
tent evidence in the record. A facility's com-
patibility with land uses in the surrounding
area, which the Board of County Commis-
sioners finds will be effected by its opera-
tion, shall be determined by the facilities'
estimated or projected ability to mitigate the
impacts which it generates, as set forth in
the facility operational plan, and in accord-
ance with applicable County, state and fed-
eral rules, regulations and standards.
5. Decision.
The Board of County Commissioners' deci-
sion shall be based upon competent evi-
dence in the record. Following the
conclusion of the public hearing, the Board
may proceed to render its decision on the
application, or it may take the matter under
advisement to an announced date certain
not to exceed thirty (30) days, at which time
it shall render its decision. A written resolu-
tion shall be adopted as its final action or
decision on the application. This written
resolution shall set forth findings based upon
competent evidence in the record of pro-
ceedings before the Board of County Com-
missioners and any applicable federal, state
or County statutes, rules, regulations or poli-
cies. The Board of County Commissioners
shall prepare the written resolution for the
Board of County Commissioners' considera-
tion within thirty (30) days of the public hear-
ing. For the purposes of judicial review, the
Board of County Commissioners' final action
or decision on an application shall be
deemed to have been made as of the date
upon which the Board of County Commis-
sioners executes the written resolution,
which shall constitute the Board of County
Commissioners' final action or decision.
9.01.10 Record of Comments
Where applications are scheduled for public re-
view, the Planning Commission shall provide for
comments on the application at the meeting pre-
scribed in Section 9.01.05 of this Chapter.
Comments from the reviewing agencies will also
be provided. Comments from interested mem-
bers of the public will be received at the meeting
and incorporated into the written transcript of the
meeting. A written draft copy of the minutes will
be made available to any interested party within
ten (10) days of said meeting, by the Planning
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.10
For minor facility applications, the record of
comments shall consist of the contents of the
project file.
9.01.11 Duration, Modifications, Pre-
Existing Uses, Severability
1. Duration
Approval granted for minor and major facili-
ties shall expire or be considered revoked if
construction of the facility has not com-
menced within one (1) year of the date of
approval. The applicant may request in writ-
ing an extension on an application of six (6)
months, and must be approved by the Plan-
ning Director and/or the Board of County
2. Modifications.
Where a minor or major facility has been
approved and the applicant desires to modi-
fy the subject facility by changes to equip-
ment, site lay-out, approved operating plan,
etc., an amendment to the original applica-
tion shall be required if the level of impact as
defined in the Oil and Gas Performance
Standards will be increased as a result of
the modification. The activity described in
the amendment to a minor or major facility
will be granted administrative approval if it
complies with the Performance Standards.
(In cases where the amendment would con-
sist of the addition of a major facility, public
review shall be required as described in
Section 9.01.05, Major Facilities: Pro-
Modifications which the applicant deter-
mines in good faith are required in order for
the facility to continue operating and which
must be done immediately in order to main-
tain the existing level of production or opera-
tion may be done on an emergency basis,
without prior notice or approval by the Plan-
ning Director, provided that such modifica-
tions do not include the addition of
equipment or operations associated with a
major facility. The applicant shall provide
the Planning Director with notification of
such emergency modifications by filing a
written amendment to the application, speci-
fying the modifications, within two (2) work-
ing days of their completion.
For modifications for existing facilities that
have received an SUP through the Las Ani-
mas County SUP process as of the effective
date of the amendments to the Regulations
(expected to be amended as of April 2,
2002), the fee for a permit for such modifica-
tion shall be one thousand dollars
($1,000.00) and the applicant shall have the
choice of proceeding to apply for modifica-
tion through the former Las Animas County
SUP process or under this Chapter. The
ability to choose the mode by which modifi-
cation can be requested either through the
former SUP process or under the proce-
dures and standards set forth in this Chapter
shall exist for a period of one (1) year from
the effective date of amendments (anticipat-
ed to be April 2, 2002). Future amendments
to this Chapter, if any, shall not serve to ex-
tend this ability to choose between the SUP
or this Regulation process unless specifical-
ly stated therein.
3. Effective Date, Pre-Existing/Nonconforming
This Chapter shall become effective on the
date specified in the adopting Resolution of
the Board of County Commissioners in ac-
cordance with Colorado law. The provisions
of this Chapter shall apply to all minor and
major facilities for which drilling has not
commenced or a building permit has not
been issued as of the effective date.
9.01.12 Severability
Each section, sentence, clause and phase here-
to is declared severable. If a court of competent
jurisdiction adjudges any section, sentence,
clause or phrase of this code to be invalid, the
decision shall not affect the validity of the re-
maining portions of this code.
9.01.13 Violation and Enforcement
1. Unlawful to construct or install unapproved
oil and gas facilities.
It is unlawful to construct, install or cause to
be constructed or installed any oil and gas
facility within the unincorporated areas of
Las Animas County, not subject to state and
federal jurisdiction, unless administrative
approval has been granted by the Planning
Director or approval by the Board of County
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.13
2. Penalty.
Subject to the provisions of Section 30-28-
124, C.R.S., as amended, any person, firm,
corporation or legal entity which owns, leas-
es or operates a minor or major oil and gas
facility, as defined herein, and which con-
structs, installs or uses, or which causes to
be constructed, installed or used, any minor
or major oil and gas facility without first re-
ceiving administrative approval from the
Planning Director, for minor facilities and
minor facilities requiring special mitigation,
or approval from the Board of County Com-
missioners for major facilities, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not
more than one hundred dollars ($100.00)
per day.
3. Civil action.
In case any building or structure is or is pro-
posed to be erected, constructed, recon-
structed, altered or used, or any land is or is
proposed to be used, in violation of any pro-
vision of this Chapter, the Las Animas Coun-
ty Attorney, or where the Board of County
Commissioners deems it appropriate, the
District Attorney, in addition to the other
remedies provided by law, ordinance or res-
olution, may institute an injunction, manda-
mus, abatement or other appropriate action
or proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate or
remove such unlawful erection, construction,
reconstruction, alteration or use.
4. False or inaccurate information.
The Board of County Commissioners may
revoke approval of a facility if it is deter-
mined at a public meeting, held on at least
thirty (30) days' notice to the applicant, that
the applicant provided information and/or
documentation upon which approval was
based, which the applicant, its agents, serv-
ants and employees, knew or reasonably
should have known, was false, misleading,
deceptive or inaccurate. The applicant and
the Planning Director shall be provided with
an opportunity to be heard at the public
meeting prior to the Board of County Com-
missioners rendering its decision.
5. Liability insurance.
Each applicant for a permit shall maintain
general liability insurance for property dam-
age and bodily injury to third parties as re-
quired by the COGCC, and such policy shall
include Las Animas County as a certificate
holder so that the County may receive ad-
vance notice of cancellation.
6. Performance security.
The applicant shall provide one (1) form of
the following security to assure compliance
with mitigation requirements set forth in the
Regulations, damage to County roads and
specific conditions of approval for minor and
major facilities: five thousand dollar
($5,000.00) performance bond for each mi-
nor or major facility; fifty thousand dollars
($50,000.00) countywide blanket bond for all
facilities operated by the applicant within the
County; irrevocable letter of credit; or equiv-
alent financial security acceptable to the
7. Right to enter.
For the purpose of implementing and enforc-
ing this Chapter, County personnel may en-
ter onto subject property upon notification of
the permittee, lessee, surface owner or oth-
er party holding a legal interest in the prop-
erty; if such entry is denied, the County shall
have the right to obtain an order from a court
of competent jurisdiction to obtain entry.
9.01.14 Emergency Preparedness Plan Re-
Each operator with facilities in Las Animas
County is required to provide an emergency
preparedness plan. No application for a minor
or major facility shall be considered until the op-
erator has provided said plan to the County.
The plan shall be filed with the County and up-
dated on an annual basis or as conditions
change (responsible field personnel change,
ownership changes, etc.). The emergency plan
shall consist of the following information, as a
1. Name, address and phone number, includ-
ing a 24-hour emergency number of at least
two (2) persons responsible for emergency
field operations.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.01.14
2. An as-built facilities map showing the
name, location and description of all minor
and major facilities, including the size and
type of all pipelines and isolation valves
(note: isolation valves shall not be operated
by anyone except the owner of the pipeline).
The map shall be prepared either manually
on U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Series maps
(1"=2000'), or digitally on the County Geo-
graphic Information System Parcel Maps, if
available. The as-built facilities map which
includes the information regarding the loca-
tion of isolation valves shall be held confi-
dentially by the County's Emergency
Management Staff and shall only be dis-
closed in the event of an emergency. The
County's Emergency Management Staff
shall deny the right of inspection of the as-
built facilities map to the public pursuant to
Section 24-72-204(3)(a)(IV), C.R.S. An op-
erator who is new to Las Animas County
and has no facility shall supply the infor-
mation in this Paragraph within six (6)
months of commencement of operations.
3. Provide a written response plan for the po-
tential emergencies that may be associated
with the operation of the facilities. This may
include any or all of the following: explo-
sions, fires, gas or water pipeline leaks or
ruptures, hydrogen sulfide or other toxic gas
emissions, or hazardous material vehicle
accidents or spills.
4. Project specific emergency preparedness
plans are required for any project (minor or
major) that involves drilling or penetrating
through known zones of hydrogen sulfide
gas, as determined by the County's Emer-
gency Management Staff. This plan shall be
coordinated with and approved by the Coun-
ty's Emergency Management Staff prior to
beginning field operations.
9.02 Oil and Gas Performance Standards
9.02.01 Compliance
All oil and gas facilities granted administrative
approval by the Planning Director, recommend-
ed for approval by the Planning Commission
and/or approved by the Board of County Com-
missioners must comply with the standards con-
tained herein. Failure to comply with these
standards shall be grounds for denial. For major
facilities, the Planning Director shall determine
the level of detail required in a submittal based
on the potential adverse impacts of the pro-
posed facility on the unique characteristics of the
proposed site and activity.
All mitigation measures shall be determined with
regard to the actual situation and actual land use
existing at the time of an application for a minor
or major facility. Thus, among the factors to be
considered are any building permits obtained
prior to the filing of an application for a minor or
major facility.
9.02.02 Land Use Coordination Standards
Purpose: to minimize conflicts between differing
land users.
1. Setbacks.
The visual impact and visual mitigation pro-
visions of this Chapter shall apply if:
a. The well or facility is located within three
hundred fifty (350) feet of an existing
residential dwelling, unless a waiver is
obtained in writing from the homeowner;
b. Public facilities, including public parks,
schools, hospitals or similar facilities are
within a one-thousand-foot radius of the
well or facility; unless a wavier is ob-
tained in writing from the County, school
district, hospital association or other
public entity; or
c. If the facility or well is located within two
hundred (200) feet of a maintained pub-
lic road.
2. Nuisance.
a. Security fencing and a locked gate for
minor and major facilities shall be re-
quired in the following locations:
1) Where there are four (4) or more ex-
isting residences within six hundred
sixty (660) feet of the facility site pe-
2) Where there is a public or private
school within six hundred sixty (660)
feet of the facility site perimeter;
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.02.02
3) Where there is any other existing
structure with commercial occupancy
as defined by the Uniform Building
Code within six hundred sixty (660)
feet of the facility site perimeter;
4) Where there is an existing recrea-
tional facility designated by an ap-
propriate federal, state, local
authority within six hundred sixty
(660) feet of the facility site perime-
b. Safety practices generally accepted by
the oil and gas industry shall be used at
all times during drilling and production to
minimize the danger to the general pub-
c. Open-ended discharge valves on all
storage tanks, pipelines and other con-
tainers shall be secured where the facili-
ty site is unattended and/or accessible
to the general public.
d. All land within twenty-five (25) feet of
any tank, pit or other structure contain-
ing flammable or combustible materials
shall be kept free of dry weeds, grass or
e. Where the applicant's visual mitigation
plan specifies alternative security fenc-
ing, the alternative fencing shall apply.
9.02.03 Environmental Quality Standards
1. Visual impacts.
a. To the extent possible, minor and major
oil and gas facilities shall be located
away from prominent natural features
such as distinctive rock and landforms,
river crossings and other landmarks.
b. To the extent possible, minor and major
facilities shall be located to avoid cross-
ing hills and ridges or silhouetting.
c. To the extent possible, the applicant
shall use structures of minimal size to
satisfy present and future functional re-
d. When clearing trees and vegetation for
construction of minor and major facili-
ties, the applicant shall feather and thin
edges of vegetation.
e. To the extent possible, the applicant
shall locate facilities at the base of
slopes to provide a background of to-
pography and/or natural cover.
f. The applicant shall replace earth adja-
cent to water crossings at slopes less
than the natural angle of repose for the
soil type of the site.
g. To the extent possible, the applicant
shall align access roads to follow exist-
ing grades and minimize cuts and fills.
h. Minor and major facilities shall be paint-
ed as follows:
1) Uniform, non-contrasting, non-
reflective color tones, similar to
Munsell Soil Color coding system.
2) Color matched to land, not sky,
slightly darker than adjacent land-
i. The applicant shall minimize damage to
existing trees and vegetation.
j. Pad dimensions for a minor facility shall
be the minimum size necessary to pro-
vide a safe work area and minimize sur-
face disturbance.
k. Reserved.
l. One (1) or more of the following land-
scape practices may be applied, on a
site specific basis:
1) Establishment of ground cover.
2) Shaping cuts and fills to appear as
natural forms.
3) Cutting rock areas to create irregular
4) Designing the facility to utilize natural
or planted screens.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.02.03
5) Construction of fences for use with or
instead of landscaping.
m. Exterior lighting shall be directed away
from residential areas, or from said are-
n. The provisions of Paragraphs
9.02.03.a.1 through 9.02.03.a.7 shall be
waived if the operator notifies the Coun-
ty that geologic considerations preclude
2. Visual mitigation plan.
If the visual mitigation requirements of this
Chapter are triggered by the setback provi-
sions noted in Paragraph 9.02.02.a above:
a. A visual mitigation plan may be required
for all new minor and major facilities.
The plan should incorporate the appro-
priate design elements of items 1.a
through 1.m above, and include the de-
sign information in Paragraph b. below.
The County Planning Director may
waive the requirement for a visual miti-
gation plan if a plan is deemed unnec-
essary. The Planning Director or Board
of County Commissioners designee ap-
pointed by resolution shall have discre-
tion to choose what combination of
elements are required mitigation under
Paragraph 1.l above for minor facilities.
The Board of County Commissioners
shall have discretion with regard to the
same matter as to major facilities.
b. Visual mitigation plan minimum re-
1. Scaled drawing.
2. Site boundary dimensions and de-
3. Existing and proposed contours and
pad elevations.
4. Existing conditions and site features
that incorporate and surround said
site to be developed.
5. Existing and proposed access.
6. Cross-section of existing and pro-
posed contours, if applicable.
7. Orientation and dimensions of facili-
ties (pump jacks, buildings, etc.).
8. Description of existing and proposed
9. Location, height and extent of perim-
eter berms, if applicable.
10. Type, location and amount of mulch
materials, if applicable.
11. Type, location and height of fencing,
if applicable.
12. Delineate drainage and run-off pat-
terns and mitigation.
13. Direction and type of lighting, if ap-
14. Written maintenance and irrigation
plan for at least one (1) year after
15. Title block:
a) Name of development.
b) Name of applicant or developers.
c) Project number.
d) Date of preparation.
e) Section, township and range.
16. Vicinity map.
a) Major roads, adjacent subdivi-
sions and town boundaries.
b) Section, township and range.
c) Rivers, streams, ponds and wet-
c. Performance security: For sites requir-
ing a visual mitigation plan, performance
security shall remain in place for at least
one (1) year after installation of the plant
and landscape materials. The perfor-
mance security shall be of an amount
sufficient to cover the costs of the pro-
posed improvements or the amount re-
quired by Section, whichever
is greater.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.02.03
3. Wildlife.
a. Impact zone.
When a major facility is located within a
designated moderate, high or very high
impact area on the Environmental Con-
straints Map based on information pro-
vided by the Division of Wildlife, the
applicant shall consult with the Division
of Wildlife to obtain recommendations
for appropriate site specific and cumula-
tive impact mitigation procedures. Major
facility and cumulative impact recom-
mendations shall be submitted for re-
view and approval by the Planning
Director, not to exceed the recommen-
dations of Division of Wildlife.
b. Site specific.
The following mitigation measures shall
be included as appropriate in the site
specific wildlife mitigation procedures
required under Paragraph a. above, as
1) Avoid construction activities during
critical use periods. (Examples: near
eagle nests during nesting, on big
game winter ranges during winter.)
2) Avoid conducting on-site operation
and maintenance activities during
critical use hours.
3) Confine vehicular access to estab-
lished roads except under emergen-
cy circumstances.
4) Forbid use of firearms in project are-
5) Install gates that can be locked at the
first property boundary crossed when
accessing facility from closest public
6) Conduct work in streams in a man-
ner that minimizes siltation and ero-
sion and at a period of little or no
7) Place pipe below channel scour
depths in streams and rivers to avoid
partial diversion or channel dis-
8) Stabilize excess material at stream
and river crossings in place or re-
move offsite.
9) Complete fueling and lubrication of
construction equipment away from
aquatic environments.
c. Non-mitigable impacts.
As to major facilities non-mitigable im-
pacts from oil and gas facilities that
threaten endangered species (as identi-
fied by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice) shall be considered grounds for
4. Water.
On-site containment and disposal of water
associated with minor and major facilities
shall be in accordance with any applicable
federal and state requirements.
5. Geologic hazard areas, floodplains.
Major facilities shall not be located in geo-
logic hazard areas (as determined by the
Planning Director). Major facilities shall
comply with the adopted County Floodplain
Ordinance when they are located in a one-
hundred-year floodplain area.
9.02.04 Surface Disturbance Standards
Purpose: to encourage minimal damage to sur-
face activities and surface conditions.
1. Roads and access.
Installation of major facilities which are ac-
cessible by non-maintained roads included
in the County road system, which the Coun-
ty Road Supervisor determines are inade-
quate to safely accommodate the additional
traffic associated with the operation of the
facility, shall be permitted only if such roads
are improved and maintained by the appli-
cant to a level which the County Road Su-
pervisor determines is necessary to allow
such traffic to use such roads in accordance
with applicable state and County standards.
2. Waste disposal.
a. When a minor or major facility becomes
operational, all construction-related de-
bris shall be removed from the site. The
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.02.04
site shall be maintained free of debris
and excess materials at all times during
b. No burning of trash shall occur on-site.
The appropriate fire district must ap-
prove all controlled burns.
3. Weed control.
a. The applicant shall be responsible for
ongoing minor and major facility sites
and access road weed control during
construction and operation of the facility,
until the OGCC reclamation bond is re-
leased or operation of the major facility
is terminated.
b. The appropriate weed control methods
and species to be controlled shall be de-
termined through review and recom-
mendation by NRCS and Las Animas
County Weed Coordinator.
9.02.05 Miscellaneous Provisions
1. Oil and gas facilities shall be located and
designed so as to provide access by fire or
other emergency response personnel and
2. The operator shall undertake appropriate
dust abatement measures related to their
operations as approve by the Planning Di-
rector with respect to unpaved leasehold or
County roads.
3. All storage tank batteries shall be bermed,
subject to requirements placed on oil and
gas facilities according to COGCC rules and
4. The operator shall, upon plugging and
abandonment of any well, remove all
pumps, tank batteries and other equipment
from the location, and restore the surface of
the land, including revegetation, in accord-
ance with the COGCC requirements.
9.02.06 Special Exceptions
The applicant may request special exceptions to
the Oil and Gas Performance Standards. All
applications where a special exception is re-
quested not provided elsewhere in this Chapter
will be processed as a major facility. Requests
for special exceptions for proposed facilities may
include but not be limited to one (1) or more of
the following factors:
1. Topographic characteristics of the site.
2. Duration of use of the facility.
3. Proximity of occupied structures to the facili-
4. Ownership status of adjacent and/or affect-
ed land.
5. Construction of adequate infrastructure to
serve the project.
6. Planned replacement and/or upgrading of
facility equipment.
7. Conflicts with the Oil and Gas Conservation
Act and/or the Colorado Oil and Gas Con-
servation Planning Commission rules.
If the Board of County Commissioners finds,
based upon the competent evidence in the rec-
ord, that compliance with regulations is impossi-
ble, a special exception may be granted by the
Board of County Commissioners.
9.02.07 Board Review of Granted Permit
The Board of County Commissioners retains the
right to review all permits for a major facility pre-
viously granted on a yearly basis or otherwise as
often as the Board of County Commissioners
deems appropriate and reasonable.
9.03 Oil and Gas Definitions
Abandonment: Presumption of permanent
abandonment of a major facility shall be based
upon non-use or operation for one (1) year with-
out notification to the Planning Department of in-
tent to resume operations under specified
Agricultural: Currently in use for farm or ranch
purposes, including pasture.
Applicant: That person, corporation or other
legal entity possessing the legal right to develop
the mineral resource or any other use proposed
in connection thereof for the site in question;
generally, the applicant will be the owner or les-
see of the mineral estate.
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.03
Collection line: A pipeline to a well designed to
collect produced or waste water and transport it
to a central disposal area (evaporation pit or in-
jection well).
Compatible: Able to exist or act together har-
moniously, considering noise levels, odors, po-
tential fire hazard, visual impacts, effects to
surface and ground water quality/quantity, ade-
quacy of the road system, air quality and sur-
rounding land uses.
Compressor station: An installation consisting
of one (1) or more individual compressors, lo-
cated on a gathering or transmission line, or
Corridor: The route within which a pipeline
right-of-way is located.
Critical use hours: That time of day when dis-
turbance is most likely to increase stress to and
negatively impact wildlife.
Critical use period: That portion of the year
(weeks or months) when disturbance is most
likely to increase stress to and negatively impact
D.O.T.: United States Department of Transpor-
Designated agent: Agent designated by the
owner or lessee as defined by O.G.C.C.
Developable: Land is considered to be devel-
opable for residential purposes if it does not
have slopes exceeding thirty (30) percent, and is
not located within a geologic hazard area, feder-
ally defined floodway, drainage channel or wet-
land area greater than one (1) acre. (See
Easement: Authorization by a property owner
for use of a designated portion of his property by
another, for a specified purpose.
Evaporation pit: An excavated pit used for
storing and evaporating wastewater produced in
degasification activities during drilling or produc-
tion or both, sometimes lined.
Gas well: A well having a pressure and volume
of natural gas.
Gathering system: A system consisting of well
(or gathering), lateral and trunk pipelines trans-
porting oil, gas or other products derived from oil
and gas production to a central facility of trans-
mission line, and so classified under the D.O.T.
Lessee: The individual or firm leasing mineral
rights for development purposes from the owner;
may also be the permittee, for the purposes of
this Chapter.
Major oil and gas facilities:
1. Compressor stations and associated facili-
ties, including their pipelines, which serve
multiple, wells employing engines and/or
motors with a cumulative horsepower rating
of 200 bhp or more.
2. Any facility related to the production of oil
and/or gas, which contains engines and/or
motors with a cumulative horsepower rating
of 200 bhp or more.
3. Gas treating facilities, which serve multiple
wells, or gathering systems.
4. Pipelines for which the power of eminent
domain is available. All pipelines formerly
required to proceed through the Las Animas
County special use permit/conditional use
permit process as set forth in the Las Ani-
mas County Land Use Guide prior to the im-
plementation of this Chapter.
Minor oil and gas facilities:
1. An individual well site built and operated to
produce petroleum and/or natural gas, in-
cluding auxiliary equipment required for
such production; i.e., separators, dehydra-
tors, pumping units, tank batteries and other
equipment located within the perimeter of
the well site pad, employing engines or mo-
tors with a cumulative horsepower rating of
less than 200 bhp, provided that it complies
with all applicable standards and require-
Land Use Regulations Oil & Gas Regulations — §9.03
2. Gas gathering lines and water collection
lines serving minor oil and gas facilities, in-
cluding trunk and lateral lines, shall not be
subject to the setback standards required for
such facilities, but shall comply with other
applicable standards in this Chapter.
3. Facilities which are in place for more than
three (3) months associated with gas gather-
ing lines and water collection lines, such as:
drip stations, vent stations, pigging facilities,
chemical injection stations, transfer pump
stations and valve box, where such equip-
ment or facilities employ engines or motors
with a cumulative horsepower rating of more
than 100 bhp and less than 200 bhp, which
comply with all applicable standards and re-
quirements in this Chapter.
4. An individual well head compression and
multiple well compression facility powered
by motors or engines with a cumulative
horsepower rating of more than 100 bhp and
less than 200 bhp, which complies with all
applicable standards and requirements in
this Chapter.
5. Water injection stations and associated facil-
Multiple completion well: A well equipped to
produce oil and/or gas separately from more
than one (1) reservoir.
Nuisance: A facility which is not being con-
structed, operated or installed in substantial
compliance with the Regulations and any appli-
cable conditions of approval and as to which the
applicant has failed or refused to abate, correct
or discontinue the violation of this Chapter after
being ordered to do so by the Board of County
O.G.C.C.: Oil and Gas Conservation Commis-
sion of the State of Colorado.
Operating plan: A general description of a fa-
cility identifying purpose, use, typical staffing
pattern, seasonal or periodic considerations,
routine hours of operating, source of ser-
vice/infrastructure and any other information re-
lated to regular functioning of that facility.
Operator: That individual or firm engaged in all
or a portion of the extraction operations at a well
or other facility; usually the lessee of the mineral
estate, although day-to-day operations may be
contracted to another firm.
Pollution: The contamination or other substan-
tial degradation of the physical, chemical or bio-
logical properties of water or air.
Producing, in production: The development
stage in which marketable oil and gas are ex-
tracted from a well; may also signify the extrac-
tion level at which the quantitative terms of the
lease are fulfilled.
Quiet zone: Area within one-half (½) mile of a
school, hospital, institution of learning, court,
rest home or other designated area where ex-
ceptional quiet is necessary, while the same are
in use.
10.01 Statutory Authorization ................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.02 Findings of Fact ............................................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.03 Statement of Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.04 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses ............................................................................................................... 10-1
10.05 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.06 Basis for Establishing the Special Flood Hazard Area ................................................................................... 10-6
10.07 Lands to Which This Chapter Applies ............................................................................................................ 10-6
10.08 Establishment of Floodplain Development Permit ......................................................................................... 10-6
10.09 Compliance .................................................................................................................................................... 10-6
10.10 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions .............................................................................................................. 10-6
10.11 Interpretation .................................................................................................................................................. 10-6
10.12 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability ................................................................................................................ 10-6
10.13 Designation of the Floodplain Administrator .................................................................................................. 10-6
10.14 Duties and Responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator .......................................................................... 10-7
10.15 Permit Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... 10-7
10.16 Variance Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 10-8
10.17 General Standards ......................................................................................................................................... 10-9
10.18 Specific Standards ......................................................................................................................................... 10-10
10.19 Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO/AH Zones) ............................................................................. 10-11
10.20 Floodways ...................................................................................................................................................... 10-11
10.21 Alteration of a Watercourse ........................................................................................................................... 10-12
10.22 Properties Removed From the Floodplain by Fill ........................................................................................... 10-12
10.23 Standards for Subdivision Proposals ............................................................................................................. 10-13
10.24 Standards for Critical Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 10-13
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.01
10.01 Statutory Authorization
The Legislature of the State of Colorado has, in Title
29, Article 20 of the Colorado Revised Statutes,
delegated the responsibility of local governmental
units to adopt regulations designed to minimize flood
10.02 Findings of Fact
1. The flood hazard areas of Las Animas County
are subject to periodic inundation, which can re-
sult in loss of life and property, health and safety
hazards, disruption of commerce and govern-
mental services, and extraordinary public ex-
penditures for flood protection and relief, all of
which adversely affect the health, safety and
general welfare of the public.
2 These flood losses are created by the cumula-
tive effect of obstructions in floodplains which
cause an increase in flood heights and veloci-
ties, and by the occupancy of flood hazard areas
by uses vulnerable to floods and hazardous to
other lands because they are inadequately ele-
vated, floodproofed or otherwise protected from
flood damage.
10.03 Statement of Purpose
It is the purpose of this Chapter to promote public
health, safety and general welfare and to minimize
public and private losses due to flood conditions in
specific areas by provisions designed to:
1. Protect human life and health;
2. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly
flood control projects;
3. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts
associated with flooding and generally under-
taken at the expense of the general public;
4. Minimize prolonged business interruptions;
5. Minimize damage to critical facilities, infrastruc-
ture and other public facilities such as water,
sewer and gas mains; electric and communica-
tions stations; and streets and bridges located in
6. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for
the sound use and development of flood-prone
areas in such a manner as to minimize future
flood blight areas; and
7. Ensure that potential buyers are notified that
property is located in a flood hazard area.
10.04 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses
In order to accomplish its purposes, this Chapter
uses the following methods:
1. Restrict or prohibit uses that are dangerous to
health, safety or property in times of flood, or
cause excessive increases in flood heights or
2. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including
facilities which serve such uses, be protected
against flood damage at the time of initial con-
3. Control the alteration of natural floodplains,
stream channels and natural protective barriers,
which are involved in the accommodation of
flood waters;
4. Control filling, grading, dredging and other de-
velopment which may increase flood damage;
5. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood
barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters
or which may increase flood hazards to other
10.05 Definitions
100-year flood: A flood having a recurrence interval
that has a one-percent chance of being equaled or
exceeded during any given year (1-percent-annual-
chance flood). The terms one-hundred-year flood
and one percent chance flood are synonymous with
the term 100-year flood. The term does not imply
that the flood will necessarily happen once every
one hundred years.
100-year floodplain: The area of land susceptible
to being inundated as a result of the occurrence of a
one-hundred-year flood.
500-year flood: A flood having a recurrence interval
that has a 0.2 percent chance of being equaled or
exceeded during any given year (0.2-percent-
chance-annual-flood). The term does not imply that
the flood will necessarily happen once every five
hundred years.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.05
500-year floodplain: The area of land susceptible
to being inundated as a result of the occurrence of a
five-hundred-year flood.
Alluvial fan flooding: A fan-shaped sediment
deposit formed by a stream that flows from a steep
mountain valley or gorge onto a plain or the junction
of a tributary stream with the main stream. Alluvial
fans contain active stream channels and boulder
bars, and recently abandoned channels. Alluvial
fans are predominantly formed by alluvial deposits
and are modified by infrequent sheet flood, channel
avulsions and other stream processes.
Area of shallow flooding: A designated Zone AO
or AH on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) with a one percent chance or greater annual
chance of flooding to an average depth of one (1) to
three (3) feet where a clearly defined channel does
not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable
and where velocity flow may be evident. Such flood-
ing is characterized by ponding or sheet flow.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE): The elevation shown
on a FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Zones
AE, AH, A1-A30, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30,
AR/AH, AR/AO, V1-V30 and VE that indicates the
water surface elevation resulting from a flood that
has a one-percent chance of equaling or exceeding
that level in any given year.
Basement: Any area of a building having its floor
sub-grade (below ground level) on all sides.
Channel: The physical confine of stream or water-
way consisting of a bed and stream banks, existing
in a variety of geometries.
Channelization: The artificial creation, enlargement
or realignment of a stream channel.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): The codifica-
tion of the general and permanent Rules published
in the Federal Register by the executive depart-
ments and agencies of the Federal Government. It
is divided into fifty (50) titles that represent broad
areas subject to Federal regulation.
Community: Any political subdivision in the State of
Colorado that has authority to adopt and enforce
floodplain management regulations through zoning,
including but not limited to cities, towns, unincorpo-
rated areas in the counties, Indian tribes and drain-
age and flood control districts.
Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR):
FEMA's comment on a proposed project, which does
not revise an effective floodplain map, that would,
upon construction, affect the hydrologic or hydraulic
characteristics of a flooding source and thus result in
the modification of the existing regulatory floodplain.
Critical facility: A structure or related infrastruc-
ture, but not the land on which it is situated, as spec-
ified in Section 10.24, that, if flooded, may result in
significant hazards to public health and safety or
interrupt essential services and operations for the
community at any time before, during and after a
Development: Any man-made change in improved
and unimproved real estate, including but not limited
to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging,
filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling opera-
tions or storage of equipment or materials.
DFIRM database: Database (usually spreadsheets
containing data and analyses that accompany
DFIRMs). The FEMA Mapping Specifications and
Guidelines outline requirements for the development
and maintenance of DFIRM databases.
Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM): FE-
MA digital floodplain map. These digital maps serve
as “regulatory floodplain maps” for insurance and
floodplain management purposes.
Elevated building: A non-basement building: (i)
built, in the case of a building in Zones A1-30, AE, A,
A99, AO, AH, B, C, X and D, to have the top of the
elevated floor above the ground level by means of
pilings, columns (posts and piers) or shear walls
parallel to the flow of the water; and (ii) adequately
anchored so as not to impair the structural integrity
of the building during a flood of up to the magnitude
of the base flood. In the case of Zones A1-30, AE,
A, A99, AO, AH, B, C, X and D, elevated building
also includes a building elevated by means of fill or
solid foundation perimeter walls with openings suffi-
cient to facilitate the unimpeded movement of flood
Existing manufactured home park or subdivi-
sion: A manufactured home park or subdivision for
which the construction of facilities for servicing the
lots on which the manufactured homes are to be
affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of
utilities, the construction of streets and either final
site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.05
completed before the effective date of the floodplain
management regulations adopted by a community.
Expansion to an existing manufactured home
park or subdivision: The preparation of additional
sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the
lots on which the manufactured homes are to be
affixed (including the installation of utilities, the con-
struction of streets and either final site grading or the
pouring of concrete pads).
Federal register: The official daily publication for
Rules, proposed Rules and notices of Federal agen-
cies and organizations, as well as executive orders
and other presidential documents.
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency,
the agency responsible for administering the Nation-
al Flood Insurance Program.
Flood or flooding: A general and temporary condi-
tion of partial or complete inundation of normally dry
land areas from:
1. The overflow of water from channels and reser-
voir spillways;
2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of
surface waters from any source; or
3. Mudslides or mudflows that occur from excess
surface water that is combined with mud or other
debris that is sufficiently fluid so as to flow over
the surface of normally dry land areas (such as
earth carried by a current of water and deposited
along the path of the current).
Flood control structure: A physical structure
designed and built expressly or partially for the
purpose of reducing, redirecting or guiding flood
flows along a particular waterway. These special-
ized flood modifying works are those constructed in
conformance with sound engineering standards.
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): An official map
of a community, on which the Federal Emergency
Management Agency has delineated both the Spe-
cial Flood Hazard Areas and the risk premium zones
applicable to the community.
Flood Insurance Study (FIS): The official report
provided by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency. The report contains the Flood Insurance
Rate Map, as well as flood profiles for studied flood-
ing sources that can be used to determine Base
Flood Elevations for some areas.
Floodplain or flood-prone area: Any land area
susceptible to being inundated as the result of a
flood, including the area of land over which floodwa-
ter would flow from the spillway of a reservoir.
Floodplain Administrator: The community official
designated by title to administer and enforce the
floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain development permit: A permit required
before construction or development begins within
any Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). If FEMA
has not defined the SFHA within a community, the
community shall require permits for all proposed
construction or other development in the community,
including the placement of manufactured homes, so
that it may determine whether such construction or
other development is proposed within flood-prone
areas. Permits are required to ensure that proposed
development projects meet the requirements of the
NFIP and this Chapter.
Floodplain management: The operation of an
overall program of corrective and preventive
measures for reducing flood damage, including but
not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood
control works and floodplain management regula-
Floodplain management regulations: Zoning
resolutions, subdivision regulations, building codes,
health regulations and other applications of police
power. The term describes such state or local regu-
lations, in any combination thereof, which provide
standards for the purpose of flood damage preven-
tion and reduction.
Floodproofing: Any combination of structural
and/or non-structural additions, changes or adjust-
ments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood
damage to real estate or improved real property,
water and sanitary facilities, structures and their
Floodway (regulatory floodway
): The channel of a
river or other watercourse and adjacent land areas
that must be reserved in order to discharge the base
flood without cumulatively increasing the water
surface elevation more than a designated height.
The Colorado statewide standard for the designated
height to be used for all newly studied reaches shall
be one-half (½) foot (six [6] inches). Letters of Map
Revision to existing floodway delineations may
continue to use the floodway criteria in place at the
time of the existing floodway delineation.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.05
Freeboard: The vertical distance in feet above a
predicted water surface elevation intended to pro-
vide a margin of safety to compensate for unknown
factors that could contribute to flood heights greater
than the height calculated for a selected size flood,
such as debris blockage of bridge openings and the
increased runoff due to urbanization of the water-
Functionally dependent use: A use which cannot
perform its intended purpose unless it is located or
carried out in close proximity to water. The term
includes only docking facilities, port facilities that are
necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or
passengers, and ship building and ship repair facili-
ties, but does not include long-term storage or relat-
ed manufacturing facilities.
Highest adjacent grade: The highest natural ele-
vation of the ground surface prior to construction
next to the proposed walls of a structure.
Historic structure: Any structure that is:
1. Listed individually in the National Register of
Historic Places (a listing maintained by the De-
partment of Interior) or preliminarily determined
by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the
requirements for individual listing on the National
2. Certified or preliminarily determined by the Sec-
retary of the Interior as contributing to the histor-
ical significance of a registered historic district or
a district preliminarily determined by the Secre-
tary to qualify as a registered historic district;
3. Individually listed on a state inventory of historic
places in states with historic preservation pro-
grams which have been approved by the Secre-
tary of Interior; or
4. Individually listed on a local inventory of historic
places in communities with historic preservation
programs that have been certified either:
a. By an approved state program as deter-
mined by the Secretary of the Interior; or
b. Directly by the Secretary of the Interior in
states without approved programs.
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR): FEMA's official
revision of an effective Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map
(FBFM), or both. LOMRs are generally based on the
implementation of physical measures that affect the
hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding
source and thus result in the modification of the
existing regulatory floodway, the effective Base
Flood Elevations (BFEs) or the Special Flood Haz-
ard Area (SFHA).
Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F):
FEMA’s modification of the Special Flood Hazard
Area (SFHA) shown on the Flood Insurance Rate
Map (FIRM) based on the placement of fill outside
the existing regulatory floodway.
Levee: A man-made embankment, usually earthen,
designed and constructed in accordance with sound
engineering practices to contain, control or divert the
flow of water so as to provide protection from tempo-
rary flooding. For a levee structure to be reflected
on the FEMA FIRMs as providing flood protection,
the levee structure must meet the requirements set
forth in 44 CFR 65.10.
Levee system: A flood protection system which
consists of a levee or levees and associated struc-
tures, such as closure and drainage devices, which
are constructed and operated in accordance with
sound engineering practices.
Lowest floor: The lowest floor of the lowest en-
closed area (including basement). Any floor used
for living purposes which includes working, storage,
sleeping, cooking and eating, or recreation or any
combination thereof. This includes any floor that
could be converted to such a use such as a base-
ment or crawl space. The lowest floor is a determi-
nate for the flood insurance premium for a building,
home or business. An unfinished or flood-resistant
enclosure, usable solely for parking or vehicles,
building access or storage in an area other than a
basement area, is not considered a building's lowest
floor; provided that such enclosure is not built so as
to render the structure in violation of the applicable
non-elevation design requirement of Section 60.3 of
the National Flood insurance Program regulations.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): A form with
data regarding the properties of a particular sub-
stance. An important component of product stew-
ardship and workplace safety, it is intended to
provide workers and emergency personnel with
procedures for handling or working with that sub-
stance in a safe manner, and includes information
such as physical data (melting point, boiling point,
flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid,
reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment
and spill-handling procedures.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.05
Mean sea level: For purposes of the National Flood
Insurance Program, the North American Vertical
Datum (NAVD) of 1988 or other datum, to which
Base Flood Elevations shown on a community's
Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP):
FEMA’s program of flood insurance coverage and
floodplain management administered in conjunction
with the Robert T. Stafford Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act. The NFIP has applicable Federal
regulations promulgated in Title 44 of the Code of
Federal Regulations. The U.S. Congress estab-
lished the NFIP in 1968 with the passage of the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968.
New manufactured home park or subdivision: A
manufactured home park or subdivision for which
the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on
which the manufactured homes are to be affixed
(including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities,
the construction of streets and either final site grad-
ing or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on
or after the effective date of floodplain management
regulations adopted by a community.
No-rise certification: A record of the results of an
engineering analysis conducted to determine wheth-
er a project will increase flood heights in a floodway.
A no-rise certification must be supported by tech-
nical data and signed by a registered Colorado
Professional Engineer. The supporting technical
data should be based on the standard step-
backwater computer model used to develop the 100-
year floodway shown on the Flood Insurance Rate
Map (FIRM) or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map
Physical Map Revision (PMR): FEMAs action
whereby one (1) or more map panels are physically
revised and republished. A PMR is used to change
flood risk zones, floodplain and/or floodway delinea-
tions, flood elevations and/or plan features.
Special flood hazard area: The land in the flood-
plain within a community subject to a one percent or
greater chance of flooding in any given year; i.e., the
100-year floodplain.
Start of construction: The date the building permit
was issued, including substantial improvements,
provided that the actual start of construction, repair,
reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, placement or
other improvement was within one hundred eighty
(180) days of the permit date. The actual start
means either the first placement of permanent con-
struction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring
of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the con-
struction of columns or any work beyond the stage
of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured
home on a foundation. Permanent construction
does not include land preparation, such as clearing,
grading and filling; nor does it include the installation
of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include exca-
vation for basement, footings, piers or foundations or
the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include
the installation on the property of accessory build-
ings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as
dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a
substantial improvement, the actual start of con-
struction means the first alteration of any wall, ceil-
ing, floor or other structural part of a building,
whether or not that alteration affects the external
dimensions of the building.
Substantial damage: Damage of any origin sus-
tained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring
the structure to its before-damaged condition would
equal or exceed fifty percent (50%) of the market
value of the structure just prior to when the damage
Substantial improvement: Any reconstruction,
rehabilitation, addition or other improvement of a
structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty
percent (50%) of the market value of the structure
before Start of Construction of the improvement.
The value of the structure shall be determined by the
local jurisdiction having land use authority in the
area of interest. This includes structures which have
incurred Substantial Damage, regardless of the
actual repair work performed. The term does not,
however, include either:
1. Any project for improvement of a structure to
correct existing violations of state or local health,
sanitary or safety code specifications which
have been identified by the local code enforce-
ment official and which are the minimum neces-
sary conditions; or
2. Any alteration of a historic structure, provided
that the alteration will not preclude the struc-
ture's continued designation as a historic struc-
Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ): A quantity
designated for each chemical on the list of extremely
hazardous substances that triggers notification by
facilities to the State that such facilities are subject
to emergency planning requirements.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.05
Variance: A grant of relief to a person from the
requirement of this Chapter when specific enforce-
ment would result in unnecessary hardship. A vari-
ance, therefore, permits construction or
development in a manner otherwise prohibited by
this Chapter.
Violation: The failure of a structure or other devel-
opment to be fully compliant with the community's
floodplain management regulations. A structure or
other development without the elevation certificate,
other certifications or other evidence of compliance
required in this Chapter is presumed to be in viola-
tion until such time as that documentation is provid-
Water surface elevation: The height, in relation to
the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988
(or other datum, where specified), of floods of vari-
ous magnitudes and frequencies in floodplains.
10.06 Basis for Establishing the Special Flood
Hazard Area
The Special Flood Hazard Areas identified by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency in a scien-
tific and engineering report entitled, "The Flood
Insurance Study for Las Animas County," dated
September 1977, with accompanying Flood Insur-
ance Rate Maps and/or Flood Boundary-Floodway
Maps (FIRM and/or FBFM) and any revisions thereto
are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be
a part of this Chapter. These Special Flood Hazard
Areas identified by the FIS and attendant mapping
are the minimum area of applicability of this Chapter
and may be supplemented by studies designated
and approved by Las Animas County. The Flood-
plain Administrator shall keep a copy of the Flood
Insurance Study (FIS), DFIRMs, FIRMs and/or
FBFMs on file and available for public inspection.
10.07 Lands to Which This Chapter Applies
This Chapter shall apply to all Special Flood Hazard
Areas and areas removed from the floodplain by the
issuance of a FEMA Letter of Map Revision Based
on Fill (LOMR-F) within the jurisdiction of Las Ani-
mas County, Colorado.
10.08 Establishment of Floodplain Development
A Floodplain Development Permit shall be required
to ensure conformance with the provisions of this
10.09 Compliance
No structure or land shall hereafter be located, al-
tered or have its use changed within the Special
Flood Hazard Area without full compliance with the
terms of this Chapter and other applicable regula-
tions. Nothing herein shall prevent Las Animas
County from taking such lawful action as is neces-
sary to prevent or remedy any violation. These
regulations meet the minimum requirements as set
forth by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and
the National Flood Insurance Program.
10.10 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions
This Chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate or
impair any existing easements, covenants or deed
restrictions. However, where this Chapter and an-
other regulation, easement, covenant or deed re-
striction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the
more stringent restrictions shall prevail.
10.11 Interpretation
In the interpretation and application of this Chapter,
all provisions shall be:
1. Considered as minimum requirements;
2. Liberally construed in favor of the governing
body; and
3. Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other
powers granted under State statutes.
10.12 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability
The degree of flood protection required by this
Chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory
purposes and is based on scientific and engineering
considerations. On rare occasions, greater floods
can and will occur and flood heights may be in-
creased by man-made or natural causes. This
Chapter does not imply that land outside the Special
Flood Hazard Area or uses permitted within such
areas will be free from flooding or flood damages.
This Chapter shall not create liability on the part of
the County or any official or employee thereof for
any flood damages that result from reliance on this
Chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made
there under.
10.13 Designation of the Floodplain Administra-
The Planning Director is hereby appointed as Flood-
plain Administrator to administer, implement and
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.13
enforce the provisions of this Chapter and other
appropriate sections of 44 CFR (National Flood
Insurance Program Regulations) pertaining to flood-
plain management.
10.14 Duties and Responsibilities of the Flood-
plain Administrator
Duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Admin-
istrator shall include, but not be limited to, the follow-
1. Maintain and hold open for public inspection all
records pertaining to the provisions of this Chap-
ter, including the actual elevation (in relation to
mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including
basement) of all new or substantially improved
structures and any floodproofing certificate re-
quired by Section 10.15.
2. Review, approve or deny all applications for
Floodplain Development Permits required by
adoption of this Chapter.
3. Review Floodplain Development Permit applica-
tions to determine whether a proposed building
site, including the placement of manufactured
homes, will be reasonably safe from flooding.
4. Review permits for proposed development to
assure that all necessary permits have been ob-
tained from those Federal, State or local gov-
ernmental agencies (including Section 404 of
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1334) from
which prior approval is required.
5. Inspect all development at appropriate times
during the period of construction to ensure com-
pliance with all provisions of this Chapter, includ-
ing proper elevation of the structure.
6. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact
location of the boundaries of the Special Flood
Hazard Area (for example, where there appears
to be a conflict between a mapped boundary
and actual field conditions), the Floodplain Ad-
ministrator shall make the necessary interpreta-
7. When Base Flood Elevation data has not been
provided in accordance with Section 10.07, the
Floodplain Administrator shall obtain, review and
reasonably utilize any Base Flood Elevation data
and Floodway data available from a Federal,
State or other source, in order to administer the
provisions of this Chapter.
8. For waterways with Base Flood Elevations for
which a regulatory Floodway has not been des-
ignated, no new construction, substantial im-
provements or other development (including fill)
shall be permitted within Zones A1-30 and AE
on the community's FIRM, unless it is demon-
strated that the cumulative effect of the pro-
posed development, when combined with all
other existing and anticipated development, will
not increase the water surface elevation of the
base flood more than one-half (½) foot at any
point within the community.
9. Under the provisions of 44 CFR Chapter 1,
Section 65.12, of the National Flood Insurance
Program regulations, a community may approve
certain development in Zones A1-30, AE and AH
on the community's FIRM which increases the
water surface elevation of the base flood by
more than one-half (½) foot, provided that the
community first applies for a conditional FIRM
revision through FEMA (Conditional Letter of
Map Revision), fulfills the requirements for such
revisions as established under the provisions of
Section 65.12 and receives FEMA approval.
10. Notify, in riverine situations, adjacent communi-
ties and the State Coordinating Agency, which is
the Colorado Water Conservation Board, prior to
any alteration or relocation of a watercourse,
and submit evidence of such notification to FE-
11. Ensure that the flood-carrying capacity within the
altered or relocated portion of any watercourse
is maintained.
10.15 Permit Procedures
Application for a Floodplain Development Permit
shall be presented to the Floodplain Administrator
on forms furnished by him or her and may include,
but not be limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to
scale showing the location, dimensions and eleva-
tion of proposed landscape alterations, existing and
proposed structures, including the placement of
manufactured homes, and the location of the forego-
ing in relation to the Special Flood Hazard Area.
Additionally, the following information is required:
1. Elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the
lowest floor (including basement) of all new and
substantially improved structures;
2. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which
any nonresidential structure shall be
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.15
3. A certificate from a registered Colorado Profes-
sional Engineer or architect that the nonresiden-
tial floodproofed structure shall meet the
floodproofing criteria of Section 10.18;
4. Description of the extent to which any water-
course or natural drainage will be altered or re-
located as a result of proposed development.
5. Maintain a record of all such information in ac-
cordance with Section 10.14.
Approval or denial of a Floodplain Development
Permit by the Floodplain Administrator shall be
based on all of the provisions of this Chapter and the
following relevant factors:
1. The danger to life and property due to flooding
or erosion damage;
2. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its
contents to flood damage and the effect of such
damage on the individual owner;
3. The danger that materials may be swept onto
other lands to the injury of others;
4. The compatibility of the proposed use with exist-
ing and anticipated development;
5. The safety of access to the property in times of
flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles;
6. The costs of providing governmental services
during and after flood conditions, including
maintenance and repair of streets and bridges,
and public utilities and facilities such as sewer,
gas, electrical and water systems;
7. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of
rise and sediment transport of the flood waters
and the effects of wave action, if applicable, ex-
pected at the site;
8. The necessity to the facility of a waterfront loca-
tion, where applicable;
9. The availability of alternative locations, not sub-
ject to flooding or erosion damage, for the pro-
posed use;
10. The relationship of the proposed use to the
comprehensive plan for that area.
10.16 Variance Procedures
1. The Appeal Board, as established by the com-
munity, shall hear and render judgment on re-
quests for variances from the requirements of
this Chapter.
2. The Appeal Board shall hear and render judg-
ment on an appeal only when it is alleged there
is an error in any requirement, decision or de-
termination made by the Floodplain Administra-
tor in the enforcement or administration of this
3. Any person or persons aggrieved by the deci-
sion of the Appeal Board may appeal such deci-
sion in the courts of competent jurisdiction.
4. The Floodplain Administrator shall maintain a
record of all actions involving an appeal and
shall report variances to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency upon request.
5. Variances may be issued for the reconstruction,
rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed
on the National Register of Historic Places or the
State Inventory of Historic Places, without re-
gard to the procedures set forth in the remainder
of this Chapter.
6. Variances may be issued for new construction
and substantial improvements to be erected on
a lot of one-half (½) acre or less in size contigu-
ous to and surrounded by lots with existing
structures constructed below the base flood lev-
el, provided that the relevant factors in Section
10.15 have been fully considered. As the lot
size increases beyond the one-half acre, the
technical justification required for issuing the
variance increases.
7. Upon consideration of the factors noted above
and the intent of this Chapter, the Appeal Board
may attach such conditions to the granting of
variances as it deems necessary to further the
purpose and objectives of this Chapter as stated
in Section 10.03.
8. Variances shall not be issued within any desig-
nated floodway if any increase in flood levels
during the base flood discharge would result.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.16
9. Variances may be issued for the repair or reha-
bilitation of historic structures upon a determina-
tion that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will
not preclude the structure's continued designa-
tion as a historic structure and the variance is
the minimum necessary to preserve the historic
character and design of the structure.
10. Prerequisites for granting variances:
a. Variances shall only be issued upon a de-
termination that the variance is the minimum
necessary, considering the flood hazard, to
afford relief.
b. Variances shall only be issued upon:
1) Showing a good and sufficient cause;
2) A determination that failure to grant the
variance would result in exceptional
hardship to the applicant; and
3) A determination that the granting of a
variance will not result in increased flood
heights, additional threats to public safe-
ty, extraordinary public expense, create
nuisances, cause fraud on or victimiza-
tion of the public, or conflict with existing
local laws or regulations.
c. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted
shall be given written notice that the struc-
ture will be permitted to be built with the
lowest floor elevation below the Base Flood
Elevation, and that the cost of flood insur-
ance will be commensurate with the in-
creased risk resulting from the reduced
lowest floor elevation.
11. Variances may be issued by a community for
new construction and substantial improvements
and for other development necessary for the
conduct of a Functionally Dependent Use, pro-
vided that:
a. The criteria outlined in Paragraphs 1.
through 9. are met, and
b. The structure or other development is pro-
tected by methods that minimize flood dam-
ages during the base flood and create no
additional threats to public safety.
10.17 General Standards
In all Special Flood Hazard Areas, the following
provisions are required for all new construction and
substantial improvements:
1. All new construction or substantial improve-
ments shall be designed (or modified) and ade-
quately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or
lateral movement of the structure resulting from
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including
the effects of buoyancy.
2. All new construction or substantial improve-
ments shall be constructed by methods and
practices that minimize flood damage.
3. All new construction or substantial improve-
ments shall be constructed with materials re-
sistant to flood damage.
4. All new construction or substantial improve-
ments shall be constructed with electrical, heat-
ing, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning
equipment and other service facilities that are
designed and/or located so as to prevent water
from entering or accumulating within the compo-
nents during conditions of flooding.
5. All manufactured homes shall be installed using
methods and practices which minimize flood
damage. For the purposes of this requirement,
manufactured homes must be elevated and an-
chored to resist flotation, collapse or lateral
movement. Methods of anchoring may include,
but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or
frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement
is in addition to applicable State and local an-
choring requirements for resisting wind forces.
6. All new and replacement water supply systems
shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infil-
tration of flood waters into the system.
7. New and replacement sanitary sewage systems
shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infil-
tration of flood waters into the system and dis-
charge from the systems into flood waters.
8. On-site waste disposal systems shall be located
to avoid impairment to them or contamination
from them during flooding.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.18
10.18 Specific Standards
In all Special Flood Hazard Areas where base flood
elevation data has been provided as set forth in this
Chapter, the following provisions are required:
1. Residential construction
New construction and Substantial Improvement
of any residential structure shall have the lowest
floor (including basement), electrical, heating,
ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning
equipment and other service facilities (including
ductwork), elevated to one (1) foot above the
base flood elevation. Upon completion of the
structure, the elevation of the lowest floor, in-
cluding basement, shall be certified by a regis-
tered Colorado Professional Engineer, architect
or land surveyor. Such certification shall be
submitted to the Floodplain Administrator.
2. Nonresidential construction
With the exception of Critical Facilities, outlined
in Section 10.24, new construction and Substan-
tial Improvements of any commercial, industrial
or other nonresidential structure shall either
have the lowest floor (including basement), elec-
trical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air con-
ditioning equipment and other service facilities
(including ductwork), elevated to one (1) foot
above the base flood elevation or, together with
attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be de-
signed so that, at one (1) foot above the base
flood elevation, the structure is watertight with
walls substantially impermeable to the passage
of water and with structural components having
the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydro-
dynamic loads and effects of buoyancy.
A registered Colorado Professional Engineer or
architect shall develop and/or review structural
design, specifications and plans for the con-
struction, and shall certify that the design and
methods of construction are in accordance with
accepted standards of practice as outlined in
this Subsection. Such certification shall be
maintained by the Floodplain Administrator.
3. Enclosures
New construction and substantial improvements,
with fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor
that are usable solely for parking of vehicles,
building access or storage in an area other than
a basement and which are subject to flooding,
shall be designed to automatically equalize hy-
drostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allow-
ing for the entry and exit of floodwaters.
Designs for meeting this requirement must either
be certified by a registered Colorado Profes-
sional Engineer or architect or meet or exceed
the following minimum criteria:
a. A minimum of two (2) openings having a to-
tal net area of not less than one (1) square
inch for every square foot of enclosed area
subject to flooding shall be provided.
b. The bottom of all openings shall be no high-
er than one (1) foot above grade.
c. Openings may be equipped with screens,
louvers, valves or other coverings or devic-
es, provided that they permit the automatic
entry and exit of floodwaters.
4. Manufactured homes
All manufactured homes that are placed or sub-
stantially improved within Zones A1-30, AH and
AE on the community's FIRM on sites (i) outside
of a manufactured home park or subdivision, (ii)
in a new manufactured home park or subdivi-
sion, (iii) in an expansion to an existing manu-
factured home park or subdivision or (iv) in an
existing manufactured home park or subdivision
on which manufactured home has incurred sub-
stantial damage as a result of a flood, be elevat-
ed on a permanent foundation such that the
lowest floor of the manufactured home, electri-
cal, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air condi-
tioning equipment and other service facilities
(including ductwork), are elevated to one (1) foot
above the base flood elevation and be securely
anchored to an adequately anchored foundation
system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral
All manufactured homes placed or substantially
improved on sites in an existing manufactured
home park or subdivision within Zones A1-30,
AH and AE on the community's FIRM that are
not subject to the provisions of the above Para-
graph shall be elevated so that either:
a. The lowest floor of the manufactured home,
electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and
air conditioning equipment and other service
facilities (including ductwork), are one (1)
foot above the base flood elevation; or
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.18
b. The manufactured home chassis is support-
ed by reinforced piers or other foundation
elements of at least equivalent strength that
are no less than thirty-six (36) inches in
height above grade and be securely an-
chored to an adequately anchored founda-
tion system to resist flotation, collapse and
lateral movement.
5. Recreational vehicles
All recreational vehicles placed on sites within
Zones A1-30, AH and AE on the community's
FIRM either:
a. Be on the site for fewer than one hundred
eighty (180) consecutive days;
b. Be fully licensed and ready for highway use;
c. Meet the permit requirements of Section
10.15, and the elevation and anchoring re-
quirements for manufactured homes in Par-
agraph 4. of this Section.
A recreational vehicle is ready for highway use if
it is on its wheels or jacking system, is attached
to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities
and security devices and has no permanently at-
tached additions.
6. Prior approved activities
Any activity for which a Floodplain Development
Permit was issued by Las Animas County or a
CLOMR was issued by FEMA prior to {date of
adoption} may be completed according to the
standards in place at the time of the permit or
CLOMR issuance and will not be considered in
violation of this Chapter if it meets such stand-
10.19 Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding
(AO/AH Zones)
Located within the Special Flood Hazard Area estab-
lished in Section 10.07 are areas designated as
shallow flooding. These areas have special flood
hazards associated with base flood depths of one
(1) to three (3) feet where a clearly defined channel
does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpre-
dictable and where velocity flow may be evident.
Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet
flow; therefore, the following provisions apply:
1. Residential construction
All new construction and Substantial Improve-
ments of residential structures must have the
lowest floor (including basement), electrical,
heating, ventilation, plumbing and air condition-
ing equipment and other service facilities (in-
cluding ductwork) elevated above the highest
adjacent grade at least one (1) foot above the
depth number specified in feet on the communi-
ty's FIRM (at least three [3] feet if no depth
number is specified). Upon completion of the
structure, the elevation of the lowest floor, in-
cluding basement, shall be certified by a regis-
tered Colorado Professional Engineer, architect
or land surveyor. Such certification shall be
submitted to the Floodplain Administrator.
2. Nonresidential construction
With the exception of Critical Facilities, outlined
in Section 10.24, all new construction and Sub-
stantial Improvements of non-residential struc-
tures, must have the lowest floor (including
basement), electrical, heating, ventilation,
plumbing and air conditioning equipment and
other service facilities (including ductwork) ele-
vated above the highest adjacent grade at least
one (1) foot above the depth number specified in
feet on the community's FIRM (at least three [3]
feet if no depth number is specified) or, together
with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be
designed so that the structure is watertight to at
least one (1) foot above the base flood level with
walls substantially impermeable to the passage
of water and with structural components having
the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydro-
dynamic loads of effects of buoyancy. A regis-
tered Colorado Professional Engineer or
architect shall submit a certification to the
Floodplain Administrator that the standards of
this Chapter are satisfied.
Within Zones AH or AO, adequate drainage
paths around structures on slopes are required
to guide flood waters around and away from
proposed structures.
10.20 Floodways
Floodways are administrative limits and tools used to
regulate existing and future floodplain development.
The State of Colorado has adopted Floodway
standards that are more stringent than the FEMA
minimum standard (see definition of Floodway in
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.20
10.05). Located within Special Flood Hazard Areas
established in this Chapter are areas designated as
Floodways. Since the Floodway is an extremely
hazardous area due to the velocity of floodwaters
which carry debris, potential projectiles and erosion
potential, the following provisions shall apply:
1. Encroachments are prohibited, including fill, new
construction, substantial improvements and oth-
er development within the adopted regulatory
Floodway unless it has been demonstrated
through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses per-
formed by a licensed Colorado Professional En-
gineer and in accordance with standard
engineering practice that the proposed en-
croachment would not result in any increase (re-
quires a No-Rise Certification) in flood levels
within the community during the occurrence of
the base flood discharge.
2. If Paragraph 1. above is satisfied, all new con-
struction and substantial improvements shall
comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction
provisions of this Chapter.
3. Under the provisions of 44 CFR Chapter 1,
Section 65.12, of the National Flood Insurance
Regulations, a community may permit en-
croachments within the adopted regulatory
floodway that would result in an increase in
Base Flood Elevations, provided that the com-
munity first applies for a CLOMR and floodway
revision through FEMA.
10.21 Alteration of a Watercourse
For all proposed developments that alter a water-
course within a Special Flood Hazard Area, the
following standards apply:
1. Channelization and flow diversion projects shall
appropriately consider issues of sediment
transport, erosion, deposition and channel mi-
gration and properly mitigate potential problems
through the project as well as upstream and
downstream of any improvement activity. A de-
tailed analysis of sediment transport and overall
channel stability should be considered, when
appropriate, to assist in determining the most
appropriate design.
2. Channelization and flow diversion projects shall
evaluate the residual 100-year floodplain.
3. Any channelization or other stream alteration
activity proposed by a project proponent must be
evaluated for its impact on the regulatory flood-
plain and be in compliance with all applicable
Federal, State and local floodplain rules, regula-
tions and resolutions.
4. Any stream alteration activity shall be designed
and sealed by a registered Colorado Profes-
sional Engineer or Certified Professional Hydrol-
5. All activities within the regulatory floodplain shall
meet all applicable Federal, State and Las Ani-
mas County floodplain requirements and regula-
6. Within the Regulatory Floodway, stream altera-
tion activities shall not be constructed unless the
project proponent demonstrates through a
Floodway analysis and report, sealed by a regis-
tered Colorado Professional Engineer, that there
is not more than a 0.00-foot rise in the proposed
conditions compared to existing conditions
Floodway (otherwise known as a No-Rise Certi-
fication) resulting from the project, otherwise
known as a No-Rise Certification, unless the
community first applies for a CLOMR and
Floodway revision in accordance with Section
7. Maintenance shall be required for any altered or
relocated portions of watercourses so that the
flood-carrying capacity is not diminished.
10.22 Properties Removed From the Floodplain
by Fill
A Floodplain Development Permit shall not be is-
sued for the construction of a new structure or addi-
tion to an existing structure on a property removed
from the floodplain by the issuance of a FEMA Letter
of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F), unless
such new structure or addition complies with the
1. Residential construction
The lowest floor (including basement), electrical,
heating, ventilation, plumbing and air condition-
ing equipment and other service facilities (in-
cluding ductwork) must be elevated to one (1)
foot above the Base Flood Elevation that existed
prior to the placement of fill.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.22
2. Nonresidential construction
The lowest floor (including basement), electrical,
heating, ventilation, plumbing and air condition-
ing equipment and other service facilities (in-
cluding ductwork) must be elevated to one (1)
foot above the Base Flood Elevation that existed
prior to the placement of fill or, together with at-
tendant utility and sanitary facilities, be designed
so that the structure or addition is watertight to
at least one (1) foot above the base flood level
that existed prior to the placement of fill with
walls substantially impermeable to the passage
of water and with structural components having
the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydro-
dynamic loads of effects of buoyancy.
10.23 Standards for Subdivision Proposals
1. All subdivision proposals including the place-
ment of manufactured home parks and subdivi-
sions shall be reasonably safe from flooding. If
a subdivision or other development proposal is
in a flood-prone area, the proposal shall mini-
mize flood damage.
2. All proposals for the development of subdivi-
sions including the placement of manufactured
home parks and subdivisions shall meet Flood-
plain Development Permit requirements of this
3. Base Flood Elevation data shall be generated
for subdivision proposals and other proposed
development including the placement of manu-
factured home parks and subdivisions which is
greater than fifty (50) lots or five (5) acres,
whichever is lesser, if not otherwise provided
pursuant to this Chapter.
4. All subdivision proposals including the place-
ment of manufactured home parks and subdivi-
sions shall have adequate drainage provided to
reduce exposure to flood hazards.
5. All subdivision proposals including the place-
ment of manufactured home parks and subdivi-
sions shall have public utilities and facilities such
as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems lo-
cated and constructed to minimize or eliminate
flood damage.
10.24 Standards for Critical Facilities
A Critical Facility is a structure or related infrastruc-
ture, but not the land on which it is situated, as spec-
ified in Rule 6 of the Rules and Regulations for
Regulatory Floodplains in Colorado, that, if flooded,
may result in significant hazards to public health and
safety or interrupt essential services and operations
for the community at any time before, during and
after a flood.
1. Classification of critical facilities
It is the responsibility of Las Animas County to
identify and confirm that specific structures in
their community meet the following criteria:
Critical Facilities are classified under the follow-
ing categories: (a) Essential Services; (b) Haz-
ardous Materials; (c) At-risk Populations; and (d)
Vital to Restoring Normal Services.
a. Essential services facilities include public
safety, emergency response, emergency
medical, designated emergency shelters,
communications, public utility plant facilities
and transportation lifelines.
These facilities consist of:
1) Public safety (police stations, fire and
rescue stations, emergency vehicle and
equipment storage and emergency op-
eration centers);
2) Emergency medical (hospitals, ambu-
lance service centers, urgent care cen-
ters having emergency treatment
functions and non-ambulatory surgical
structures, but excluding clinics, doctors'
offices and non-urgent care medical
structures that do not provide these
3) Designated emergency shelters;
4) Communications (main hubs for tele-
phone, broadcasting equipment for ca-
ble systems, satellite dish systems,
cellular systems, television, radio and
other emergency warning systems, but
excluding towers, poles, lines, cables
and conduits);
5) Public utility plant facilities for genera-
tion and distribution (hubs, treatment
plants, substations and pumping sta-
tions for water, power and gas, but not
including towers, poles, power lines,
buried pipelines, transmission lines, dis-
tribution lines and service lines); and
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.24
6) Air Transportation lifelines (airports
[municipal and larger], helicopter pads
and structures serving emergency func-
tions, and associated infrastructure [avi-
ation control towers, air traffic control
centers, and emergency equipment air-
craft hangars]).
Specific exemptions to this category include
wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), non-
potable water treatment and distribution sys-
tems and hydroelectric power-generating
plants and related appurtenances.
Public utility plant facilities may be exempted
if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction
of Las Animas County that the facility is an
element of a redundant system for which
service will not be interrupted during a flood.
At a minimum, it shall be demonstrated that
redundant facilities are available (either
owned by the same utility or available
through an intergovernmental agreement or
other contract) and connected, the alterna-
tive facilities are either located outside of the
100-year floodplain or are compliant with the
provisions of this Chapter, and an opera-
tions plan is in effect that states how redun-
dant systems will provide service to the
affected area in the event of a flood. Evi-
dence of ongoing redundancy shall be pro-
vided to Las Animas County on an as-
needed basis upon request.
b. Hazardous materials facilities include facili-
ties that produce or store highly volatile,
flammable, explosive, toxic and/or water-
reactive materials.
These facilities may include:
1) Chemical and pharmaceutical plants
(chemical plant, pharmaceutical manu-
2) Laboratories containing highly volatile,
flammable, explosive, toxic and/or wa-
ter-reactive materials;
3) Refineries;
4) Hazardous waste storage and disposal
sites; and
5) Aboveground gasoline or propane stor-
age or sales centers.
Facilities shall be determined to be Critical
Facilities if they produce or store materials in
excess of threshold limits. If the owner of a
facility is required by the Occupational Safe-
ty and Health Administration (OSHA) to
keep a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
on file for any chemicals stored or used in
the work place, AND the chemical is stored
in quantities equal to or greater than the
Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) for that
chemical, then that facility shall be consid-
ered to be a Critical Facility. The TPQ for
these chemicals is: either five hundred
(500) pounds or the TPQ listed (whichever is
lower) for the three hundred fifty-six (356)
chemicals listed under 40 C.F.R. § 302
(2010), also known as Extremely Hazardous
Substances (EHS); or ten thousand (10,000)
pounds for any other chemical. This thresh-
old is consistent with the requirements for
reportable chemicals established by the
Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment. OSHA requirements for
MSDS can be found in 29 C.F.R. § 1910
(2010). The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) regulation “Designation, Re-
portable Quantities, and Notification,” 40
C.F.R. § 302 (2010) and OSHA regulation
“Occupational Safety and Health Stand-
ards,” 29 C.F.R. § 1910 (2010) are incorpo-
rated herein by reference and include the
regulations in existence at the time of the
promulgation this Chapter, but exclude later
amendments to or editions of the regulations
Specific exemptions to this category include:
1) Finished consumer products within retail
centers and households containing haz-
ardous materials intended for household
use, and agricultural products intended
for agricultural use.
2) Buildings and other structures contain-
ing hazardous materials for which it can
be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the local authority having jurisdiction by
hazard assessment and certification by
a qualified professional (as determined
by the local jurisdiction having land use
authority) that a release of the subject
hazardous material does not pose a ma-
jor threat to the public.
Land Use Regulations Flood Damage Prevention Regulations — §10.24
3) Pharmaceutical sales, use, storage and
distribution centers that do not manufac-
ture pharmaceutical products.
These exemptions shall not apply to build-
ings or other structures that also function as
Critical Facilities under another category
outlined in this Chapter.
c. At-risk population facilities include medical
care, congregate care, and schools.
These facilities consist of:
1) Elder care (nursing homes).
2) Congregate care serving twelve (12) or
more individuals (day care and assisted
3) Public and private schools (pre-schools,
K-12 schools), before-school and after-
school care serving twelve (12) or more
d. Facilities vital to restoring normal services,
including government operations.
These facilities consist of:
1) Essential government operations (public
records, courts, jails, building permitting
and inspection services, community
administration and management,
maintenance and equipment centers).
2) Essential structures for public colleges
and universities (dormitories, offices and
classrooms only).
These facilities may be exempted if it is
demonstrated to Las Animas County that the
facility is an element of a redundant system
for which service will not be interrupted dur-
ing a flood. At a minimum, it shall be
demonstrated that redundant facilities are
available (either owned by the same entity
or available through an intergovernmental
agreement or other contract), the alternative
facilities are either located outside of the
100-year floodplain or are compliant with
this Chapter, and an operations plan is in ef-
fect that states how redundant facilities will
provide service to the affected area in the
event of a flood. Evidence of ongoing re-
dundancy shall be provided to Las Animas
County on an as-needed basis upon re-
2. Protection for critical facilities
All new and substantially improved Critical Fa-
cilities and new additions to Critical Facilities lo-
cated within the Special Flood Hazard Area shall
be regulated to a higher standard than struc-
tures not determined to be Critical Facilities. For
the purposes of this Chapter, protection shall in-
clude one (1) of the following:
a. Location outside the Special Flood Hazard
Area; or
b. Elevation of the lowest floor or floodproofing
of the structure, together with attendant utili-
ty and sanitary facilities, to at least two (2)
feet above the Base Flood Elevation.
3. Ingress and egress for new critical facilities
New Critical Facilities shall, when practicable as
determined by Las Animas County, have contin-
uous non-inundated access (ingress and egress
for evacuation and emergency services) during
a 100-year flood event.
11.01 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.02 General Provisions ........................................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.02.01 Title ............................................................................................................................................. 11-1
11.02.02 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................. 11-1
11.02.03 Purpose and Findings ................................................................................................................. 11-1
11.02.04 Applicability ................................................................................................................................. 11-1
11.02.05 Repeal ......................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.02.06 Boundaries of Designated Areas ................................................................................................. 11-2
11.02.07 Maps ........................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.02.08 Mapping and Boundary Disputes ................................................................................................ 11-2
11.02.09 Duties of the Board of County Commissioners ............................................................................ 11-3
11.02.10 Warning and Disclaimer .............................................................................................................. 11-3
11.03 Exemptions .................................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.04 Identification of Matters of Local Concern and State Interest ......................................................................... 11-3
11.05 Designation of Matters of Local Concern and State Interest .......................................................................... 11-4
11.05.01 Moratorium on Development ....................................................................................................... 11-4
11.06 Public Hearing Requirement and Provisions for Designation ......................................................................... 11-4
11.06.01 Publication and Distribution of Notice of Public Hearing .............................................................. 11-4
11.06.02 Matters to be Considered at Designation Hearings ..................................................................... 11-5
11.06.03 Record of the Designation Proceeding ........................................................................................ 11-5
11.06.04 Adoption of Designation and Regulations ................................................................................... 11-5
11.06.05 Reserved ..................................................................................................................................... 11-6
11.06.06 Recording of Notice of Designation ............................................................................................. 11-6
11.06.07 Effect of Designation: Moratorium Until Final Determination ...................................................... 11-6
11.07 Development Permit Provisions and Requirements ....................................................................................... 11-6
11.07.01 Notice of Permit Hearing ............................................................................................................. 11-6
11.07.02 Conduct of Permit Hearing .......................................................................................................... 11-7
11.07.03 Approval or Denial of the Permit Application ............................................................................... 11-7
11.07.04 Combined Designation and Permit Hearing ................................................................................ 11-8
11.07.05 Issuance of Permits ..................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.08 Financial Security .......................................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.09 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.10 Revocation or Suspension of Permits ............................................................................................................ 11-9
11.10.01 Violation of Permits ..................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.10.02 Public Hearing and Revocation or Suspension ........................................................................... 11-10
11.11 Inspection and Enforcement .......................................................................................................................... 11-10
11.12 Building Permits ............................................................................................................................................. 11-10
11.13 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements ................................................................................... 11-10
11.14 Complaints ..................................................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.15 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.16 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.17 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.18 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.19 Reserved ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.20 Regulations for Site Selection and Development of New Communities ......................................................... 11-13
11.20.01 Purpose and Intent ...................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.20.02 Applicability ................................................................................................................................. 11-14
11.20.03 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements................................................................. 11-14
11.21 Designation of Site Selection and Development of New Communities ......................................................... 11-14
11.21.01 Boundaries of Area Covered by the Designation ........................................................................ 11-14
11.21.02 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................ 11-14
11.22 Permit Program for Site Selection and Development of New Communities .................................................. 11-14
11.22.01 Permit Requirement ................................................................................................................... 11-14
11.22.02 Procedural Requirements ........................................................................................................... 11-14
11.22.03 Application Fees ......................................................................................................................... 11-14
11.22.04 Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................. 11-15
11.22.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................. 11-17
11.22.06 Approval of a Permit Application ................................................................................................ 11-18
11.22.07 Denial of a Permit Application .................................................................................................... 11-19
11.23 Regulations for Site Selection and Construction of Major New Domestic Water and Sewage
Treatment Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 11-19
11.23.01 Purpose and Intent ..................................................................................................................... 11-19
11.23.02 Applicability ................................................................................................................................ 11-19
11.23.03 Nonconforming Uses .................................................................................................................. 11-19
11.23.04 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements ................................................................ 11-20
11.24 Designation of Site Selection and Construction of Major New Domestic Water and Sewage
Treatment Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 11-20
11.24.01 Boundaries of Area Covered by the Designation ........................................................................ 11-20
11.24.02 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................ 11-20
11.25 Permit Applications and Permits ................................................................................................................... 11-20
11.25.01 Application Procedures .............................................................................................................. 11-20
11.25.02 Prohibition on the Site Selection and Construction of Major New Domestic Water and
Sewage Treatment Systems ...................................................................................................... 11-21
11.25.03 Application for a Permit .............................................................................................................. 11-21
11.25.04 Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................. 11-21
11.25.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................. 11-24
11.25.06 Approval of a Permit Application ................................................................................................ 11-24
11.25.07 Denial of a Permit Application .......................................................................................
............. 11-25
11.26 Regulations for Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems ................... 11-25
11.26.01 Purpose and Intent ..................................................................................................................... 11-25
11.26.02 Applicability ................................................................................................................................ 11-25
11.26.03 Nonconforming Uses .................................................................................................................. 11-25
11.26.04 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements ................................................................ 11-25
11.27 Designation of Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems .................... 11-25
11.27.01 Boundaries of the Area Covered by the Designation .................................................................. 11-25
11.27.02 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................ 11-25
11.28 Permit Applications and Permits ................................................................................................................... 11-26
11.28.01 Application Procedures .............................................................................................................. 11-26
11.28.02 Prohibition on Major Extensions of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment
Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 11-26
11.28.03 Application for a Permit .............................................................................................................. 11-26
11.28.04 Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................. 11-26
11.28.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................. 11-26
11.28.06 Approval of a Permit Application ................................................................................................ 11-26
11.28.07 Denial of a Permit Application .................................................................................................... 11-27
11.29 Reserved....................................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.30 Reserved....................................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.31 Reserved....................................................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.32 Regulations for Efficient Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects ............................................. 11-27
11.32.01 Title and Citation ........................................................................................................................ 11-27
11.32.02 Purpose and Intent ..................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.32.03 Applicability ................................................................................................................................ 11-27
11.32.04 Relationship to Other Regulations and Requirements ................................................................ 11-27
11.32.05 Designation of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects ............................................................. 11-27
11.32.06 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................ 11-27
11.32 Regulations for Efficient Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects (Cont'd)
11.32.07 Application Procedure ................................................................................................................. 11-27
11.32.08 Prohibition on Development of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects ..................................... 11-28
11.32.09 Application for a Permit ............................................................................................................... 11-28
11.32.10 Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................................. 11-28
11.32.11 Waiver of Submission Requirements .......................................................................................... 11-30
11.32.12 Approval of a Permit Application ................................................................................................. 11-30
11.32.13 Denial of a Permit Application ..................................................................................................... 11-30
11.32.14 Administration, Enforcement and Penalties ................................................................................. 11-30
11.33 Designation of Site Selection and Construction of Major Facilities of a Public Utility ..................................... 11-30
11.33.01 Purpose and Intent ...................................................................................................................... 11-31
11.33.02 Applicability ................................................................................................................................. 11-31
11.33.03 Relationship of Regulations to Other County, State and Federal Requirements Affecting
Major Facilities of a Public Utility ................................................................................................. 11-31
11.33.04 Boundaries of Area Covered by Designation .............................................................................. 11-31
11.33.05 Reasons for Designation ............................................................................................................. 11-31
11.33.06 Restriction to Corridors ................................................................................................................ 11-32
11.33.07 Prohibition of Site Selection and Construction of a Major Facility of a Public Utility Without
Permit .......................................................................................................................................... 11-32
11.33.08 Prohibition on Placement of Compressor Stations or Power Plants Within a One-Mile
Radius of any Residence ............................................................................................................ 11-32
11.33.09 Noise Level Requirements for Major Facilities of a Public Utility ................................................. 11-32
11.33.10 Procedural Requirements ............................................................................................................ 11-32
11.33.11 Preapplication Conference .......................................................................................................... 11-33
11.33.12 Preliminary Application ................................................................................................................ 11-34
11.33.13 Application Submittal Requirements............................................................................................ 11-36
11.33.14 Approval of Permit Application .................................................................................................... 11-40
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.01
11.01 Introduction
The authority, scope, purpose and legal standing of
these H.B. 1041 regulations for areas and activities
of local concern and state interest are included with
Chapter I of these Regulations and reference is
hereby made that these H.B. 1041 regulations are
specifically authorized by Section 24-65.1-101, et
seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, and
inter alia, Sections 29-20-101, et seq., and 24-32-
111, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended.
The common procedures used to review applica-
tions for a permit pursuant to these H.B. 1041 regu-
lations are contained in Section 11.07, the relevant
fee structure for applications is contained in Chapter
XII, enforcement provisions for these H.B. 1041
regulations are contained in Section 11.13, submittal
copy requirements are contained in Section 11.19
and definitions are included in Section 11.32 of
these Regulations.
11.02 General Provisions
11.02.01 Title
The title of this Chapter shall be the Las Animas
County Regulations for Areas and Activities of
Local Concern and State Interest and may be so
cited and pleaded. Hereinafter it shall be re-
ferred to as the H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.02.02 Reasons for Designation
The reasons for the designation of the areas and
activities of local concern and state interest con-
tained herein, the dangers that would result from
uncontrolled conduct of the designated activities
and the advantages of conducting the designat-
ed activities in a coordinated manner are as
stated in the following resolutions of the Board of
County Commissioners: June 30, 1976; Octo-
ber 4, 1977; October 19, 1993; September 15,
1998; September 5, 2000; and July 27, 2010.
11.02.03 Purpose and Findings
The purpose of these H.B. 1041 regulations are
to facilitate identification, designation and admin-
istration of matters of local concern and state
interest consistent with the statutory require-
ments and criteria set forth in Section 24-65.1-
101, et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, as
amended, as well as to provide certain inclu-
sions in the Las Animas County Master Plan
pursuant to Section 24-32-111, Colorado Re-
vised Statutes, as amended.
The Board of County Commissioners hereby
finds that:
1. The notice and public hearing requirements
of Section 24-65.1-404, Colorado Revised
Statutes, as amended, have been followed.
2. These H.B. 1041 regulations are necessary
because of the intensity of current and fore-
seeable future development pressures on
and within the jurisdiction.
3. These H.B. 1041 regulations apply to the
entire unincorporated area of Las Animas
4. These H.B. 1041 regulations interpret and
apply any regulations adopted for specific
areas and activities of local concern and
state interest which have been or may be
designated by the Board of County Com-
11.02.04 Applicability
These H.B. 1041 Regulations shall apply to all
proceedings concerning identification and des-
ignation of and developments in any area of lo-
cal concern and state interest or any activity of
local concern and state interest which has been
or may hereafter be designated by the Board of
County Commissioners. Designated matters of
local concern and state interest include the fol-
lowing matters:
1. Flood hazard areas.
2. Site selection and development of new
3. Sites selection and construction of major
new domestic water and sewage treatment
4. Major extensions of existing domestic water
and sewage treatment systems.
5. Site selection and construction of major fa-
cilities of a public utility.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.02.04
6. Efficient utilization of municipal and industri-
al water projects.
Proposed designations and amendments or rev-
ocations of designations of matters of local con-
cern and state interest to conduct a designated
activity of local concern and state interest shall
require compliance with the publication and dis-
tribution of notice of public hearing, scheduling,
record keeping and all other provisions and re-
quirements of Section 2.04. In the event of in-
consistencies between the procedures and other
provisions contained therein and those con-
tained herein, the procedures and other provi-
sions contained therein shall prevail.
11.02.05 Repeal
All regulations, resolutions and amendments to
regulations and resolutions of Las Animas Coun-
ty pertaining to the designation and regulation of
areas and activities of state interest adopted
pursuant to Section 24-65.1-101, et seq., Colo-
rado Revised Statutes, as amended, are hereby
repealed only to the extent such regulations are
inconsistent herewith. It is the intent of this Sec-
tion to restate, with amendments, all H.B. 1041
regulations of Las Animas County previously
adopted by resolutions of the Board of County
Commissioners, as such resolutions are listed in
Section 11.02.02 hereof. The repeal of any of
these prior regulations or resolutions does not
revive any other regulations or resolution or por-
tion thereof. This repeal shall not affect nor pre-
vent the prosecution or punishment for the
violation of any resolution or regulation or por-
tion thereof repealed, for any offense committed
prior to the repeal.
11.02.06 Boundaries of Designated Areas
The location and boundaries of any area desig-
nated and regulated pursuant to this Chapter XI
shall be as they appear on the maps adopted by
this Chapter and referred to in Section 11.02.07.
The boundary lines shall be determined by use
of the scale appearing on the maps. Where in-
terpretation is needed as to the exact location of
a boundary line or where there appears to be a
conflict between a mapped boundary and actual
field conditions, the Planning Director shall make
such determinations.
11.02.07 Maps
Each map referred to in designations and regu-
lations for any particular matter of local concern
and state interest adopted by Las Animas Coun-
ty is deemed adopted therein as if set out in full.
Maps referred to in any such designation and
regulation shall be filed with and available for in-
spection in the office of the Las Animas County
Clerk and Recorder.
11.02.08 Mapping and Boundary Disputes
Any person contesting the location of an adopt-
ed boundary line or the existence of designated
conditions within such area shall be provided
with a reasonable opportunity to present his
case to the Planning Commission and the Board
of County Commissioners. The Board of County
Commissioners may, at its discretion and upon
the showing of good cause, exclude the property
in question from the designated area.
Applicants wishing to so contest the location of
an adopted boundary line or the existence of
designated conditions within an area shall sub-
mit sufficient technical information from reliable
sources in support of their case. Such infor-
mation shall be submitted to the Planning Com-
mission for review and recommendation and the
recommendation, along with the supporting in-
formation, shall be forwarded to the Board of
County Commissioners for a determination.
The Board of County Commissioners shall not
grant an exclusion unless the technical evidence
presented clearly and conclusively establishes
that the map location of the line is incorrect or
inappropriate or that, in a designated hazard ar-
ea, hazard conditions do not in fact present a
significant hazard to the public health, safety or
welfare or to property at the specific location
within the hazard area boundary for the particu-
lar proposed uses.
If the Board of County Commissioners grants an
exclusion, the Board shall cause such exclusion
to be noted on the official designation maps and
shall, without further cost or delay to the appli-
cant, undertake any necessary proceedings to
redesignate or amend the area to reflect the
amendment of the official designation map.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.02.09
11.02.09 Duties of the Board of County
Unless otherwise specifically provided for, it
shall be the duty of the Board of County Com-
missioners to perform all functions set forth in all
provisions of these H.B. 1041 regulations re-
garding areas and activities of local concern and
state interest, including serving as the Permit
11.02.10 Warning and Disclaimer
The provisions of these H.B. 1041 regulations
do not in any way assure or imply that areas
outside any hazard areas designated herein will
be free from any natural or manmade hazards.
11.03 Exemptions
These H.B. 1041 regulations shall not apply to any
development in an area of local concern and state
interest or to any activity of local concern and state
interest if, on May 17, 1974:
1. The specific development or activity was cov-
ered by a current building permit issued by Las
Animas County.
2. The specific development or activity was directly
approved by the electorate of the State of Colo-
rado or Las Animas County, provided that ap-
proval by the electorate of any bond issue by
itself shall not be construed as approval of the
specific development or activity.
3. The specific development or activity is on land
which has been finally approved, with or without
conditions, for planned unit development or for a
use other than a subdivision substantially the
same as planned unit development.
4. The specific development activity is on land
which was zoned or rezoned in response to an
application, which specifically contemplated said
specific development or activity.
5. The specific development or activity is on land
with respect to which a final plat for a subdivi-
sion had been approved, pursuant to the provi-
sions of Sections 30-28-101, 30-28-110, 30-28-
133, 30-28-136 and 30-28-137, Colorado Re-
vised Statutes, as amended.
11.04 Identification of Matters of Local Concern
and State Interest
The technical step in identification in any matter of
local concern and state interest shall be made by
report and must be completed for the appropriate
matter of local concern and state interest before
identification be adopted.
After completion of the technical step, identification
by the Planning Commission is completed when
adopted as part of the Las Animas County Master
Plan or when a designation or regulation based
thereon is adopted by the Board of County Commis-
Adoption of identification shall be accomplished
under the same procedures followed for adoption of
a master plan, as well as the following additional
1. The "careful and comprehensive surveys" upon
which the master plan must be based according
to Sections 30-28-107 and 31-23-107, Colorado
Revised Statutes, as amended, shall include the
technical step as described above.
2. At least thirty (30) days before adoption of offi-
cial identification as part of the master plan, a
summary of the proposed official identification
shall be submitted to the division of local gov-
ernment, Colorado Department of Local Affairs,
or its successor, for review and advisory rec-
ommendations. If any other local governmental
jurisdiction would be directly or indirectly affect-
ed, the proposed identification similarly shall be
submitted to such governments.
3. The Planning Commission's adoption of the
identification as part of the master plan shall be
made by resolution.
4. Before adoption, the Planning Commission shall
hold at least one (1) public hearing thereon, with
notice of the hearing given by publication in a
newspaper of general circulation in Las Animas
County and with the notice of the hearing being
given to all members of the news media in the
County as determined to be appropriate by the
Planning Commission.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.04
5. Adoption shall refer to all maps and descriptive
matter intended to be part of the identification.
The action taken shall be recorded on any such
map or descriptive matter by the signature of the
chairman, or in the chairman's absence, the sec-
retary of the Planning Commission.
6. Once the identification is adopted as part of the
master plan, the Planning Commission shall cer-
tify a copy of the identification to the division of
local government, Colorado Department of Local
Affairs, or its successor.
11.05 Designation of Matters of Local Concern
and State Interest
Designations and amendments or revocations of
designations of matters of local concern and state
interest may be initiated in any of the following ways:
1. After a matter of local concern and state interest
has been identified, as provided for in these H.B.
1041 regulations, the Board of County Commis-
sioners may designate such matter in accord-
ance with the provisions contained herein.
2. If the Board of County Commissioners finds that
it would be inappropriate to await identification of
any matter of local concern and state interest by
the Planning Commission, the Board of County
Commissioners may designate such matter prior
to the adoption of identification.
3. If the Board of County Commissioners receives
a petition signed by a number of qualified voters
equal to at least eight (8) percent of the total
number of votes cast for all candidates for gov-
ernor in the last general election in Las Animas
County requesting designation of any matter of
local concern and state interest, the Board of
County Commissioners shall begin designation
proceedings on the matter of local concern and
state interest as set forth below.
11.05.01 Moratorium on Development
After the Board of County Commissioners has
elected to consider designation of a matter of lo-
cal concern and state interest within the jurisdic-
tion of Las Animas County, no person shall
engage in development in the area or conduct
the activities under consideration until the Board
of County Commissioners has held its hearing
and issued its order relating thereto.
11.06 Public Hearing Requirement and Provi-
sions for Designation
The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a
public hearing before designating any matter of local
concern and state interest and adopting regulations
for the administration thereof. Said hearing shall be
held not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60)
days after notice of the same pursuant to Section
11.06.01 Publication and Distribution of No-
tice of Public Hearing
When a public hearing on designation is to be
held, the Planning Director shall prepare a no-
tice of the designation hearing which shall in-
1. The time and place of the hearing.
2. The place at which materials relating to the
matter to be considered for designation and
any guidelines and regulations for the ad-
ministration thereof may be examined.
3. A telephone number where inquiries may be
4. A description of the area or activity to be
designated, the description being in suffi-
cient detail to provide reasonable notice as
to property which would be included. The
notice shall include, when practical, both the
legal description of the property as well as
any general or popular names of the proper-
The Planning Director shall maintain a mailing
list of the names of those persons requesting
that their names addresses be placed on the list
and paying an annual fee, the amount of which
shall be determined from time to time by the
Board of County Commissioners. In order to
have a name and address retained on said mail-
ing list, persons shall resubmit their names and
addresses and pay such fee before January 31
of each year.
At least thirty (30) days but not more than sixty
(60) days before the public hearing, the Planning
Director shall publish the notice in a newspaper
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.06.01
of general circulation in Las Animas County and
shall mail the notice by first-class mail to the fol-
lowing parties:
1. State and federal agencies as deemed ap-
propriate at the discretion of the Planning Di-
2. Persons on the mailing list maintained by
the Planning Director.
3. Any other persons, at the discretion of the
Planning Director, considered likely to be af-
fected by the proposed designation.
4. At the discretion of the Planning Director,
members of the news media.
5. If, in the option of the Planning Director, any
other local government jurisdiction would be
directly or indirectly affected by the pro-
posed designation, notice similarly shall be
mailed to such governmental jurisdictions.
11.06.02 Matters to be Considered at Des-
ignation Hearings
At the public hearing described above, the
Board of County Commissioners shall consider
such evidence as may appear appropriate, in-
cluding but not necessarily limited to:
1. The intensity of current and foreseeable de-
velopment pressures.
2. The matters and considerations set forth in
and applicable guidelines for identification
any designation.
3. The boundaries of the proposed area.
4. Reasons why the particular area or activity
is of local concern and state interest, the
dangers that would result from uncontrolled
development of any such area or uncon-
trolled conduct of such activity, and the ad-
vantages of development of such area or
conduct of such activity in a coordinated
5. Any master plan pertaining to or affected by
the area or activity under consideration.
The Board of County Commissioners may hear
testimony and receive evidence including:
1. Recommendations submitted by the Plan-
ning Commission upon prior review of the
2. Relevant testimony and documents present-
11.06.03 Record of the Designation Pro-
The Planning Director will collect and preserve a
record of the public hearing including, at a mini-
1. Notice of the hearing.
2. Certification of publication of the notice.
3. Names and addresses of persons who pre-
sented written and oral statements.
4. Evidence of the identification of the matter of
local concern and state interest proposed to
be designed.
5. Written findings regarding each of the mat-
ters referred to in Section 6.06.02.
6. A written or electronic record of all testimony
and evidence presented.
Any person may, at that person's expense, pro-
vide for the recording of the hearing and tran-
scription thereof; provided, however, that a copy
of the recording or transcript shall be furnished
free of charge to the Planning Director and shall
become part of the record of the hearing.
11.06.04 Adoption of Designation and
At the conclusion of such hearing, the Board of
County Commissioners may adopt, adopt with
modification or reject the proposed designation
that was the subject of the public hearing. If
designation and regulation under Section 24-
65.1-101, et seq., Colorado Revised 1973, as
amended, is rejected, the Board of County
Commissioners may regulate the matter under
any other available land use control authority or
it may, at its discretion, reject regulation of the
matter entirely.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.06.04
Such action as the Board of County Commis-
sioners may take shall be taken by resolution.
In the event that the Board of County Commis-
sioners finally determines that any matter is a
matter of local concern and state interest, it shall
be the duty of the Board to designate such mat-
ter and adopt regulations for the administration
Each designation order adopted by the Board of
County Commissioners shall, at a minimum:
1. Specify the boundaries of the designated
area of local concern and state interest or
the boundary of the area in which an activity
of local concern and state interest has been
2. State reasons why the particular area or ac-
tivity is of local concern and state interest,
the dangers that would result from uncon-
trolled development of such area or the un-
controlled conduct of such activity, and the
advantages of development of such area or
conduct of such activity in a coordinated
3. Specify the H.B. 1041 regulations applicable
to the designated matter of local concern
and state interest.
11.06.05 Reserved
11.06.06 Recording of Notice of Designation
A notice of the designation shall be certified by
the Board of County Commissioners to the office
of the County Clerk and Recorder for filing in the
same manner as any document affecting real
11.06.07 Effect of Designation: Moratorium
Until Final Determination
After a matter of local concern is designated
pursuant to these H.B. 1041 regulations, no per-
son shall engage in development in such area
and no such activity shall be conducted until the
designation and regulations for such area or ac-
tivity are finally determined as required by Sec-
tion 24-65.1-404(4), Colorado Revised Statutes,
as amended.
11.07 Development Permit Provisions and Re-
Any person desiring to engage in development in a
designated area of local concern and state interest
or to conduct a designated activity of local concern
and state interest must obtain a permit form the
Board of County Commissioners prior to undertaking
such development.
An application for development under these H.B.
1041 regulations shall not be accepted for review
and decision until and unless the application is com-
plete. If the Board of County Commissioners deter-
mines that an application is incomplete, the Board of
County Commissioners shall specify to an applicant
what additional information is required and, when a
completed application is submitted to the Board of
County Commissioners, the Board of County Com-
missioners or its duly appointed representative shall
note upon the face of the application the date and
hour of its receipt.
When an applicant seeks to obtain a permit to en-
gage in development in more than one (1) area of
local concern and state interest and/or to conduct
more than one (1) activity of local concern and state
interest and/or engage in development in one (1)
area of local concern and state interest and to con-
duct one (1) activity of local concern and state-
interest, a single application may, upon request of
the applicant and at the discretion of the Board of
County Commissioners, be completed for all such
activities or developments and may be reviewed by
the Board of County Commissioners in one (1) con-
solidated public hearing.
Applications for a permit require, in addition to the
application form and such additional materials as
may be specified by the Board of County Commis-
sioners, an application fee; see Chapter XII for the
fee structure.
11.07.01 Notice of Permit Hearing
Not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of a
completed application for a permit, the Board of
County Commissioners shall set and publish no-
tice of a date, time and place for a hearing on
said application. Such notice shall be published
once in a newspaper of general circulation in
Las Animas County, not less than thirty (30)
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.07.01
days nor more than sixty (60) days before the
date set for the hearing, and said notice shall al-
so be given to other persons and entities in the
same manner as set forth above for the notice of
designation hearing in Section 11.06.01 of these
H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.07.02 Conduct of Permit Hearing
The Board of County Commissioners shall con-
duct the public hearing in such a manner as to
afford due process to the applicant as well as to
any person opposing the issuance of the re-
quested permit. The public hearing regarding
the issuance of a H.B. 1041 development permit
shall be considered a general submission action
by the Board of County Commissioners. In its
capacity as the Permit Authority, the Board of
County Commissioners shall hear testimony and
receive evidence, including but not necessarily
limited to staff recommendations, relevant testi-
mony presented in person or by written commu-
nication and documents submitted as evidence.
Although the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure
do not govern the conduct of the hearing, all
persons present at the hearing in person or by
counsel shall be afforded the right of cross-
examination, at the discretion of the Board of
County Commissioners, as well as reasonable
opportunity to offer evidence in rebuttal.
Any person may, at that person's own expense,
provide for the recording of the hearing and
transcription thereof; provided, however, that a
copy of the recording or transcript thereof, if
transcribed, shall be furnished free of charge to
the Board of County Commissioners and shall
become a part of the record.
The Planning Director shall collect and preserve
the following record of the public hearing:
1. The permit application.
2. Any written statements or documents pre-
sented in support of or in opposition to the
permit application.
3. The names and addresses of all persons
making oral or written statements, appearing
as witnesses or offering documentary evi-
4. Any recording or transcript of the hearing, as
provided in this Section.
5. Written minutes of the Board of County
Commissioners relating to the public hear-
6. The resolution of the Board of County
Commissioners granting or denying the
permit application.
7. A copy of the permit, if issued.
11.07.03 Approval or Denial of the Permit
If the Board of County Commissioners finds that
there is not sufficient information concerning any
material feature of a proposed development of
activity, the Board of County Commissioners
may deny the application or it may continue the
hearing until the additional information has been
received. However, no such continuance may
exceed sixty (60) days unless agreed to by the
The Board of County Commissioners shall ap-
prove an application for a permit to engage in
development in an area of local concern and
state interest or for the conduct of an activity of
local concern and state interest if the proposed
development or activity complies with the provi-
sions of the regulations governing such area or
activity. If the proposed development does not
comply with such regulations and with the Las
Animas County Master Plan, the permit shall be
Upon reaching a decision, the Board of County
Commissioners, when conducting a hearing
pursuant to this Section, shall state in writing the
reasons for its decision and its findings and con-
The Board of County Commissioners shall reach
a decision on a permit application within one
hundred twenty (120) days after the completion
of the permit hearing or the permit application
shall be deemed approved.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.07.04
11.07.04 Combined Designation and Permit
If a person proposes to engage in development
in an area of local concern and state interest or
to conduct an activity of local concern and state
interest not previously identified, designated or
for which regulations have not been adopted,
the Board of County Commissioners alone may
hold one (1) hearing for determination of identifi-
cation, designation and regulation, as well as for
granting or denying the permit. No permit that is
granted at the conclusion of any such hearing
shall be authority to engage in development or
to conduct an activity until the identification, des-
ignation and regulations are finally determined.
11.07.05 Issuance of Permits
Permits issued under the provisions of these
H.B. 1041 regulations shall be issued on a form
adopted by and provided by Las Animas County.
Such permits may be issued for an indefinite
term or for a specified period of time.
Copies or notice of the permit shall be sent to
any person or organization requesting a copy
thereof on payment of the cost of reproduction.
A copy of the permit shall be certified by the
Board of County Commissioners to the office of
the County Clerk and Recorder of Las Animas
County for recording in the same manner as any
other document relating to real property, and the
certified copy of the permit shall be presented by
the Board of County Commissioners to the Clerk
and Recorder for recording at the expense of the
11.08 Financial Security
Before any permit is issued under the provisions of
these H.B. 1041 regulations, the Board of County
Commissioners may, at its discretion, require the
applicant to file a performance bond deemed ade-
quate by the Board of County Commissioners and
payable to Las Animas County.
The purpose of said financial guarantee shall be to
assure that the applicant or permittee shall faithfully
perform all requirements and stipulations of the
permit or applicable regulations adopted by Las
Animas County.
The amount of said financial guarantee shall be
established by the Board of County Commissioners
upon consideration of the following applicable crite-
1. The estimated cost of returning the site of the
permitted development or activity to its original
condition or to a condition acceptable to Las
Animas County in accordance with standards
adopted by Las Animas County for the matter of
local concern and state interest for which the
permit is being or was granted.
2. The estimated cost of completing the permitted
development or activity.
3. The estimated cost of complying with any condi-
tion of the permit.
Estimated cost shall be based on the applicant's
submitted cost estimate plus the Board of County
Commissioners estimate of the additional cost to Las
Animas County of bringing in personnel and equip-
ment to accomplish any unperformed provisions of
the financial guarantee. The Board of County
Commissioners will consider the duration of the
development or activity and compute a reasonable
projection of increases due to inflation. The Board
of County Commissioners may require as a condi-
tion of the permit that the financial security shall be
adjusted upon receipt of bids.
At least ten (10) percent of the amount of the finan-
cial guarantee shall be in cash deposited with Las
Animas County's Treasurer and shall be placed in
an earmarked escrow account mutually agreeable to
the Board of County Commissioners and to the
The financial guarantee shall be released only when:
1. The permit has been surrendered to Las Animas
County before commencement of any physical
activity on the site of the permitted development
or activity; or
2. The development or activity has been aban-
doned and the site thereof has been returned to
the original condition or to a condition accepta-
ble to the Board of County Commissioners in
accordance with standards adopted by Las Ani-
mas County for the matter of local concern and
state interest for which the permit is being or has
been issued; or
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.08
3. The project has been satisfactorily completed; or
4. The applicable guarantee conditions have been
Any security may be canceled by a surety only upon
receipt of the Board of County Commissioners'
written consent, which may be granted only when
such cancellation will not detract from the purposes
of the security.
If the license to do business in Colorado of any
surety upon a security filed pursuant to this regula-
tion is suspended or revoked by any state authority,
then the applicant or permittee, within sixty (60) days
after receiving notice thereof, shall substitute a good
and sufficient surety licensed to do business in the
State of Colorado. Upon failure of the permittee to
make substitution of surety within the time allowed,
the Board of County Commissioners shall suspend
the permit until proper substitution has been made.
If the Board of County Commissioners determines
that a financial guarantee should be forfeited be-
cause of any violation of the permit or any applicable
regulations adopted by the Board of County Com-
missioners, it shall provide written notice to the
surety and to the permittee that the financial guaran-
tee will be forfeited unless the permittee makes
written demand to the Board of County Commis-
sioners within thirty (30) days after the permittee's
receipt of notice, requesting a hearing before the
Board of County Commissioners. If no demand is
made by the permittee within the said period, the
Board of County Commissioners shall order the
financial guarantee forfeited.
The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a
hearing within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the
demand by the permittee. At the hearing, the per-
mittee may present for consideration of the Board of
County Commissioners statements, documents and
other information with respect to the alleged viola-
tion. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board of
County Commissioners shall either withdraw the
notice of violation or enter an order forfeiting the
financial guarantee.
The cash deposit described in this Section 11.08
may be used by the Board of County Commissioners
in the event of the default or alleged default of the
permit holder only for the purpose of recovering on
the surety or for fulfilling the permit obligations of the
permit holder. In the event that the ultimate review-
ing court determines that there has been no default
by the permit holder, that portion of any monies
expended by Las Animas County from the escrow
funds relating to such default shall be replaced in the
escrow account by Las Animas County immediately
following such determination.
Las Animas County may arrange with a lending
institution, which provides money for the permit
holder, that said institution may hold in escrow any
funds required for said cash deposit. Funds shall be
distributed out of escrow by the institution to Las
Animas County upon the County's demand for the
purposes specified in this Section.
If the forfeiture results in inadequate revenues to
cover the costs of accomplishing the purposes of the
financial guarantee, legal representatives and
agents of Las Animas County shall take such steps
as are proper and necessary to recover such costs
where recovery is deemed possible.
11.09 Reserved
11.10 Revocation or Suspension of Permits
11.10.01 Violation of Permits
When it comes to the attention of the Board of
County Commissioners that the provisions of
any permit or the terms of any regulation for
administration under these H.B. 1041 regula-
tions have been violated by a holder of a permit,
the Board of County Commissioners may tem-
porarily suspend the permit for a period of thirty
(30) days.
Before making such a temporary suspension,
the Board of County Commissioners shall give
the permit holder written notice of the specific
violation and shall allow the permit holder a pe-
riod of at least fifteen (15) days to correct the vi-
olation. If the permit holder does not concur that
violations have occurred, the permittee shall,
within fifteen (15) days of receipt of said notice,
show cause to the Board of County Commis-
sioners why temporary suspension shall not be
ordered. A hearing shall then be held within
said thirty-day period.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.10.02
11.10.02 Public Hearing and Revocation or
Either prior to or subsequent to a temporary
suspension, the Board of County Commission-
ers may permanently revoke or suspend the
permit after conducting a public hearing in sub-
stantially the same manner and after substantial-
ly the same notice as if required for permit
hearings under the provisions of these H.B.
1041 regulations if the Board of County Com-
missioners finds:
1. A violation of the provisions of the permit or
any applicable regulation for administration
which may have been adopted by the Board
of County Commissioners; or
2. That the applicant has failed to take sub-
stantial steps to initiate the permitted devel-
opment or activity within twelve (12) months
from the date of issuance of the permit or, if
such steps have been taken, the applicant
has failed to complete the development or
activity with reasonable diligence.
11.11 Inspection and Enforcement
The use, occupation or development of or activity in
each and every area or activities subject to these
H.B. 1041 regulations, are subject to the inspection
and enforcement provisions of Chapter XIII of these
H.B. 1041 regulations.
If a violation shall be found to exist, the Planning
Commission or its authorized representative shall by
written order direct that such remedial action be
taken forthwith as will result in full compliance with
the applicable regulations. The issuance of such
order, however, shall in no way or manner be
deemed a prerequisite to the institution of such
enforcement proceedings as are set forth in these
H.B. 1041 regulations, and compliance with such
order shall not necessarily be deemed to be a de-
fense to any alleged violation of this or any other
applicable regulations of Las Animas County in any
court action instituted seeking full compliance there-
11.12 Building Permits
No building or other structure shall be erected nor
shall a building permit be issued within an area of
local concern and state interest or for an activity of
local concern and state interest unless and until all
applicable identification, designation, administration
and permit provisions of these H.B. 1041 regulations
have been met.
11.13 Relationship to Other Regulations and
Nothing in these H.B. 1041 regulations shall be
construed as exempting an applicant for a permit
from any other requirements of Las Animas County
or other State of Colorado or federal laws, regula-
tions or requirements provided, however, that in the
event a special use permit under Section 2.15 of
these Regulations is required for a proposed activity
which is also governed by these HB 1041 Regula-
tions, review of the required permit under these HB
1041 Regulations may be combined with review of
the special use permit application pursuant to the
following procedure:
1. The submission requirements for a special use
permit set forth in Section 2.15.02 may be com-
bined with those for the relevant permit under
these HB 1041 Regulations and duplication
2. The Planning Commission hearing required by
Section 2.15.04 for a special use permit must
precede the Board of County Commissioners
hearing on the relevant permit under these HB
1041 Regulations.
3. The Board of County Commissioners hearing on
the special use permit may be combined with
the Board of County Commissioners hearing on
the relevant permit under these HB 1041 Regu-
4. At the close of the combined hearing, the Board
of County Commissioners shall act first on the
special use permit application, and either ap-
prove, approve with conditions or deny the same
as contemplated by Section 2.15.05.
5. In the event the special use permit is denied, the
Board of County Commissioners shall not act
upon the application for the relevant permit un-
der these HB 1041 Regulations, in recognition of
the fact that no permit under these HB 1041
Regulations may be issued if another required
County permit is not obtained or is denied.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.10.02
6. In the event the special use permit application is
approved, with or without conditions, the Board
of County Commissioners shall proceed to take
action on the application for the relevant permit
under these HB 1041 Regulations. Subsequent
to approval of a special use permit under this
combined procedure, the permit holder shall, if
required by the terms of the special use permit,
apply for renewals of the same in the manner
prescribed by Section 2.15.04.
To the extent that the requirements of these H.B.
1041 regulations differ from any other applicable
requirements, the more restrictive requirements shall
11.14 Complaints
Any person aggrieved by a violation or alleged viola-
tion of any provision of these H.B. 1041 regulations
may file a written complaint with the Planning Direc-
tor, who shall promptly investigate such complaint
and report his or her findings to the Board of County
11.15 Definitions
Appurtenant facilities means any buildings,
structures or other property which are clearly in-
cidental to, and customarily found in connection
with, major facilities of public utilities and are
operated and maintained for the benefit or con-
venience of the occupants, employees, custom-
ers or visitors of such major facilities.
Aquifer recharge area means any area where
surface waters may infiltrate to a water-bearing
stratum of permeable rock, sand or gravel. This
definition will also include wells used for disposal
of wastewater or other toxic pollutants.
Efficient use of water means the employment
of methods, procedures, techniques and con-
trols to ensure that the amount of water and the
purpose for which water is used will yield the
greatest possible benefit to the greatest number
of people. Such benefits will consider, but not
be limited to, economic, social, aesthetic, envi-
ronmental; agricultural, aquicultural and recrea-
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.15
Major facilities of a public utility means:
1. Transmission lines, power plants and sub-
stations of electrical utilities;
2. Pipelines and storage areas of utilities
providing natural gas or other petroleum de-
rivatives; and
3. Other appurtenant facilities of a public utility
which in the opinion of the Board of County
Commissioners, either by itself or in con-
junction with other major facilities of a public
utility, are likely to cause a major impact on
the health, welfare or safety of the citizens of
Las Animas County, or upon the physical,
social or economic environment of Las Ani-
mas County or this region. As used in these
H.B. 1041 Regulations, major facilities of a
public utility shall not include small wind
energy systems as defined in Section 7.13
of these Regulations or wind farms as de-
fined in Section 7.14 of these Regulations.
Major extension of an existing domestic wa-
ter treatment system: The expansion of exist-
ing domestic water treatment plants or any
extension of existing domestic water service
lines to serve an additional population equivalent
of twenty-five (25) single-family dwellings or the
equivalent thereof in other areas.
Major extension of an existing sewage treat-
ment system: Any modification of an existing
sewage treatment system to increase hydraulic
capacity or to upgrade treatment capability or
any extension of existing main collector sewer
lines or any extensions to service a population of
twenty (20) or more people or the equivalent
thereof in other uses.
Major new domestic sewage treatment sys-
tem: A new sewage treatment system and col-
lector system capable of treating the wastewater
generated by twenty (20) or more people
through domestic uses or the equivalent thereof
in commercial and/or industrial needs.
Major new domestic water system: A system
for provision to the public of piped water for hu-
man consumption if such system is proposed to
serve a population equivalent of twenty-five (25)
or more single-family dwelling units or the
equivalent thereof in other uses.
Matter of local concern and state interest: An
area or an activity of local concern and state in-
terest or both. The meaning is also identical to
"matter of state interest," "area of state interest"
and "activity of state interest" as these terms are
used in Section 24-65.1-101, et seq., Colorado
Revised Statutes, as amended.
Municipal and industrial water project means
a system and all integrated components thereof
through which a municipality and/or industry de-
rives its water supply from either surface or sub-
surface sources. This includes a system and all
integrated components thereof through which a
municipality or industry derives water exchanged
or traded for water it uses for its own needs.
This term also includes stormwater and
wastewater disposal systems of a municipality
and/or industry.
New community or new communities:
1. The establishment of urbanized growth cen-
ters in the unincorporated territory of Las
Animas County.
2. Any activity within the unincorporated territo-
ry of Las Animas County which falls within
one (1) or more of the following criteria is
defined as "site selection and development
of new communities" and requires applica-
tion to the Planning Commission for a permit
to conduct such activity:
a. Is planned for a population or work force
of five hundred (500) persons or two
hundred fifty (250) dwelling units within
five (5) years of implementation of the
activity or for an ultimate population or
labor force of two thousand five hundred
(2,500) persons or one thousand two
hundred fifty (1,250) dwelling units.
b. Is planned for or requires the expansion
and/or extension of any existing water
and/or sewer district or association with-
in any twenty-four-month period which is
equal to or greater than fifty (50) percent
of the population or land area served by
the district or association at the begin-
ning of said period.
c. Is planned for or requires a change in
existing zoning that provides for a one-
hundred-percent or greater increase in
allowable density on more than six hun-
dred forty (640) acres of land.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.15
d. Is planned for or requires an ultimate
contiguous zoning district or conditional
use permit for commercial, industrial
and/or public use on three hundred
twenty (320) or more acres of land.
Pipelines mean any pipeline and appurtenant
facilities designed for, or capable of, transporting
natural gas or other petroleum derivatives of ten
(10) inches diameter or larger which creates a
hoop stress of twenty (20) percent or more at
their specified minimum yield strength.
Power plant means any electrical energy gen-
erating facility with a generating capacity of fifty
(50) megawatts or more, and any facilities ap-
purtenant thereto, or any addition thereto in-
creasing the existing design capacity of the
facility by fifty (50) megawatts or more. As used
in these H.B. 1041 regulations, power plant
shall not include small wind energy systems as
defined in Section 7.13 of these Regulations or
wind farms as defined in Section 7.14 of these
Proposed development: A major new domes-
tic water or sewage treatment system, and in-
cludes any proposed land development directly
related to such system if such development is to
be located within Las Animas County and if such
development specifically generates the need for
the system. The term development area, as
used herein, is included within the meaning of
proposed development.
Public utilities, as used in these H.B. 1041
regulations, means that term as defined in Sec-
tion 40-1-103, C.R.S., as amended.
Recycling means the treatment of wastewater
in a manner that will replenish its quality to the
standard established by the Colorado Depart-
ment of Public Health and Environment where
permissible by Colorado water law.
Site selection means the process for determin-
ing the location of major facilities of a public utili-
ty or the expansion of existing major facilities of
a public utility.
Source development area means that geo-
graphic area or region wholly or partially within
the unincorporated territory of the County which
will be developed or altered in connection with
the development of a municipal or industrial wa-
ter project, as these terms are defined here-
Storage area means any facility, including ap-
purtenant facilities, designed to store fifty million
(50,000,000) cubic feet or more of natural gas or
thirty-five thousand (35,000) barrels or more of
petroleum derivatives, or any expansion of any
existing storage facilities to accommodate an
additional fifty million (50,000,000) cubic feet or
more of natural gas or thirty-five thousand
(35,000) barrels or more of petroleum deriva-
Substation means any facility designed to pro-
vide switching, voltage transformation or voltage
control required for the transmission of electricity
at 115 kilovolts or greater.
Transmission lines means those electrical
lines and appurtenant facilities which meet all
the following criteria:
1. Either a series of three (3) or more struc-
tures and appurtenant facilities erected
above ground which support one (1) or more
conductors or a power line placed under-
ground; and
2. Which lines emanate from a power plant or
a substation/transition site and terminate at
a substation/transition site; and
3. Which are designed to transmit electrical
voltages of 115 kV or greater.
11.16 Reserved
11.17 Reserved
11.18 Reserved
11.19 Reserved
11.20 Regulations for Site Selection and Devel-
opment of New Communities
11.20.01 Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of the H.B. 1041 new
communities regulations contained herein shall
1. To provide for transportation, waste dispos-
al, schools and other government services in
a manner that will not overload facilities of
existing communities of the region.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.20.01
2. To provide for the development of total
communities which provide for commercial
and industrial activity as well as residences
and for internal transportation and circulation
3. To achieve planned and orderly land use
4. To promote efficient and economical use of
public resources.
5. To encourage the provision of transporta-
tion, commercial, recreational and educa-
tional facilities conveniently located to
housing of all types and designs.
6. To encourage innovations in residential,
commercial and industrial development and
renewal so that the growing demands of
population may be met by a greater variety
in type, design and layout of buildings and
by the conservation and more efficient use
of open space ancillary to said buildings.
7. To encourage the planning and building of
new communities which incorporate the best
features of design and planning.
8. To ensure minimal adverse environmental,
social and economic impacts in such sites
and in such impact areas.
9. To encourage the review of new communi-
ties at the earliest possible point in the plan-
ning process.
11.20.02 Applicability
These regulations apply to applications for per-
mits to engage in the development of new com-
munities within unincorporated Las Animas
11.20.03 Relationship to Other Regulations
and Requirements
The relationship of this regulation to other regu-
lations and requirements shall be exactly as the
relationship provisions contained in Section
11.13 of these H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.21 Designation of Site Selection and Devel-
opment of New Communities
Having considered the intensity of current and
foreseeable development pressures, it is the or-
der of the Board of County Commissioners that
site selection and development of new commu-
nities be designed a matter of local concern and
state interest pursuant to the provisions of this
11.21.01 Boundaries of Area Covered by the
The site selection and development of any new
communities within the unincorporated bounda-
ries of Las Animas County, except as otherwise
prohibited by law, shall be subject to this desig-
nation and regulation.
11.21.02 Reasons for Designation
Site selection and designation of any new com-
munity is hereby designated a matter of local
concern and state interest for the reasons stated
in Section 11.20.01 of these H.B. 1041 regula-
11.22 Permit Program for Site Selection and
Development of New Communities
11.22.01 Permit Requirement
No person may locate a new community in unin-
corporated Las Animas County without first ob-
taining a permit pursuant to these H.B. 1041
11.22.02 Procedural Requirements
The procedures concerning permit applications,
notice and conduct of permit hearings, review of
Board of County Commissioners decisions and
the issuance and content of permits to engage in
development of a designated new community
shall comply with the provisions set for in Sec-
tions 11.07 through 11.10 of these H.B. 1041
regulations adopted by Las Animas County.
11.22.03 Application Fees
See Chapter XII on application fees for a permit
to engage in the development of a new commu-
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.22.04
11.22.04 Submittal Requirements
An application for a permit to locate or develop a
new community shall be accompanied by the fol-
lowing items:
1. An abstract of the proposal indicating the
scope, timing and need for the development.
2. A general plan for the development of the
new community, to include the following in-
a. A statement of goals and objectives.
b. A site location analysis of the total area
proposed for the new community. This
site analysis should include:
1) The criteria, data assumptions, and
conditions used in determining the
site location.
2) The natural and man-made features,
conditions, trends and hazards which
affected the selection of the site.
3) A comparison of alternative potential
sites and the feasibility of each, in-
cluding any sites which may be sug-
gested by the Planning Director.
c. A description, including maps at a scale
acceptable to the Planning Director, of
the characteristics of the natural envi-
ronment of the site and impact area, in-
cluding the following items:
1) Topography.
2) Climatological conditions.
3) Geomorphology, geology and soils
by type and suitability.
4) Potential natural hazards.
5) Plant communities.
6) Terrestrial and aquatic wildlife com-
7) All water bodies including all major
surficial waters, groundwater aqui-
fers and groundwater recharge are-
8) Air quality.
9) Archaeological and historical sites.
10) Scenic qualities.
d. A description, including maps at a scale
acceptable to the Planning Director, of
existing and proposed features of the
man-made environment of the new
community site and impact area, includ-
ing the following items:
1) Housing of all types for all income
2) Industrial facilities and sites.
3) Commercial establishments and
4) Recreational facilities and sites and
open spaces.
5) Transportation systems and facilities
and parking facilities.
6) Agricultural uses by classification.
7) Services and utilities, including water
supply systems, sewage systems,
storm drainage systems, solid waste
disposal systems, gas and electrical
utilities and communication utilities.
8) Public institutions and structures, in-
cluding schools, government build-
ings and other community facilities.
9) Public lands and open space.
e. An analysis of the environmental im-
pacts of the new community, as deline-
ated in Paragraph d. above, based on
the following considerations:
1) Water quality, including surficial wa-
ter, groundwater aquifers and
groundwater aquifer recharge areas.
2) Ambient air quality, including indirect
3) Plant communities.
4) Aquatic and terrestrial wildlife com-
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.22.04
5) Geomorphology, geology and soils.
6) Climate.
7) Scenic quality.
8) Noise.
9) Historical and archaeological re-
f. A description, including maps at a scale
acceptable to the Planning Director, of
the proposed social environment of the
new community and analyses of the im-
pacts of the social environment of the
new community on the existing social
environment in the new community site
and the impact area, including the fol-
lowing items:
1) Current population.
2) Proposed population.
3) Past population trends.
4) Population forecasts.
5) Existing housing.
6) Types of housing proposed to meet
the needs of the new population, in-
cluding low and moderate income
7) Price range of the proposed housing
8) Residential density.
9) Housing market conditions.
10) Existing community facilities.
11) Planned community programs.
12) Diversity of facilities and programs
to meet the needs of the population.
13) Cultural services to be available.
14) Expected school enrollment.
15) Distances of schools from neighbor-
16) Transportation of students.
17) New school facilities required.
18) Existing facilities at the site and in
the impact area.
19) Existing and proposed hospitals and
medical clinics.
20) Existing and proposed emergency
health services.
21) Existing and proposed medical per-
22) Police services.
23) Fire services.
23) Rescue services.
25) Social services.
26) Recreational facilities including pre-
sent and future adequacy and need,
present and future open space ac-
quisitions and accessibility to open
g. A description of governmental infrastruc-
ture within the new community site and
the impact area.
1) A map at a scale acceptable to the
Planning Director and a description
of existing and proposed local gov-
ernment institutions, special districts
or other jurisdictions, the types of
services to be provided by each and
the proposed method of governance
of each.
2) Proposed methods of generating
public revenue through existing and
proposed government jurisdictions.
3) Estimated revenue-generating ca-
pacity of each method described in
Item 2) above and identification of
any new sources of revenue created
by the community.
4) Estimated operating revenue and
expenditures of proposed new public
and publicity funded services and fa-
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.22.04
5) Estimated public debt expected as a
result of development of new public
and publicity funded services and fa-
6) Evaluation of the capacity of existing
services to meet needs.
h. A description of the economic profile of
the planned new community and impact
area, including:
1) Type of industry, commerce and oth-
er private enterprises contributing to
the economic base of the new com-
2) An analysis of employment charac-
teristics and the labor market of the
new community and the impact area.
3) A description of the potential eco-
nomic effects of the new community
on the impact area.
i. A description of the proposed public im-
provements, including:
1) A list of the proposed public im-
provements and to which jurisdic-
tions they would by dedicated.
2) The proposed terms of the perfor-
mance guarantees.
3) A description of the proposed
maintenance programs.
4) The proposed phasing of the dedica-
j. A description of area-wide planning and
development, including:
1) The relationship of the new commu-
nity development plan with local
master plans, regional and state
plans and federal plans and pro-
grams of jurisdictions in the impact
2) The relationship of the new commu-
nities development plan with ap-
proved and proposed public projects
and capital improvements programs
in the impact area.
k. A description of the likely impacts of the
proposed land uses in the new commu-
nity on existing land use patterns in the
impact area.
l. A description of the proposed develop-
ment schedule, including:
1) A detailed schedule of development
and plan for its implementation.
2) The proposed phasing, if any, of the
development schedule, with a table
showing the relationship of the public
facilities construction schedule to the
expected population base of the new
m. Evidence demonstrating the technical
and administrative capability of the ap-
plicant to plan and develop a new com-
munity on the scale proposed, including
past experience of the applicant and
other principal participants and previous
projects undertaken.
n. Evidence demonstrating the financial
capability of the applicant, including:
1) All anticipated costs of development
public and privately financed ser-
vices and facilities.
2) How and from where development
costs will be met, including a sched-
ule showing anticipated revenues
from the development, the financial
resources of the applicant and other
principal participants, borrowing ca-
pacity with letters of credit, if availa-
ble, and special district revenues
3) Written procedures to allow for peri-
odic updating of the financial plan
and implementation program to ac-
count for changes in costs, reve-
nues, market conditions and other
relevant changes affecting the de-
4) The proposed marketing strategy for
residential, commercial and industrial
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.22.05
11.22.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements
The submittal requirements for permit applica-
tions for site selection and development of new
communities may be waived by the Board of
County Commissioners as allowed for in Section
11.19.03. In addition, the submittal require-
ments contained in Paragraphs, and
j. may be waived by the Board of County Com-
missioners, at its discretion, upon submission by
the applicant of a final environmental impact
statement prepared in compliance with the re-
quirements of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA), as amended.
11.22.06 Approval of a Permit Application
The Board of County Commissioners shall ap-
prove an application for a permit for site selec-
tion and construction of a new community only if
the proposed site selection and development
complies with these regulations and other rele-
vant guidelines and regulations and meets all of
the following criteria:
1. All required information has been submitted.
2. There is a clear and defined need for the
new community as proposed.
3. The public health, safety and welfare of the
residents of Las Animas County will be
served by the new community.
4. The natural and socioeconomic environ-
ments of Las Animas County and the impact
area will be protected and enhanced.
5. All reasonable alternatives to the proposed
action have been adequately assessed and
the proposed action represents the best al-
ternative for satisfying all requirements of
this regulation.
6. A program to minimize and mitigate all likely
adverse impacts has been presented.
7. The characteristics and location of the pro-
posed new community satisfies all applica-
ble provisions of Chapter II of these
Regulations and other regional, state and
federal plans affecting Las Animas County.
8. The characteristics and location of the pro-
posed new community complement the ex-
isting and reasonably foreseeable needs of
the jurisdictions in the impact area.
9. The new community design, at a minimum,
provides for adequate and necessary trans-
portation, waste disposal, schools and other
governmental services in a manner that will
not overload the facilities of existing com-
munities in the impact area.
10. Priority is given to the development of a total
community which provides for commercial
and industrial activity as well as residences
and for internal transportation patterns.
11. The characteristics and location of the new
community will not create increases in the
demand for services beyond the reasonable
capacity of the new community and sur-
rounding jurisdictions affected to provide
such services, as determined by the Board
of County Commissioners.
12. The characteristics and location of the new
community will not unduly interfere with any
existing easements for or rights-of-way for
other utilities, canals, mineral claims or
13. Adequate electric, gas, telephone, water,
sewage and other utilities exist or can and
shall be developed to service the new com-
14. The characteristics and location of the new
community will not interfere with any signifi-
cant wildlife habitat or adversely affect any
threatened wildlife species, unique natural
resource or historical or archaeological
landmark within the new community and the
impact area.
15. The characteristics and location of the new
community, including expected growth and
development related to the new community,
will not significantly deteriorate air quality in
the new community site or the impact area.
16. The existing water quality of affected waters
will not be adversely affected, unless and to
the degree permitted by law.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.22.06
17. The sites for the proposed uses in the pro-
posed new community are suitable consider-
ing location, size, topography, micro-climate
and soil characteristics and the harmonious
relationship of these uses with surrounding
18. The land use and transportation circulation
plans and the population density and distri-
bution pattern are planned in such a way as
to promote harmonious human relationships
and optimum internal accessibility.
19. Provision has been made to preserve such
natural features as water bodies and steep
slopes and to establish and maintain an ac-
cessible open space network for conserva-
tion, visual satisfaction and recreation.
20. Measures have been taken to prevent envi-
ronmental pollution, reduce potential natural
hazards and minimize noise problems.
21. The development plan utilizes current de-
sign concepts and technology for energy
conservation with respect to land utilization,
materials and methods of construction and
the provision of community facilities and
services, and it encourages innovations in
meeting social and economic problems of
the new community and the impact area.
22. The development provides housing for all
income groups and age groups, unless spe-
cifically exempted from doing so by the
Board of County Commissioners.
23. The proposed new community appears to be
economically feasible as determined by the
Board of County Commissioners on the ba-
sis of the information provided in the appli-
24. The applicant had demonstrated the tech-
nical and financial capability to plan and de-
velop completely the new community within
a reasonable period of time.
25. The existing and proposed governmental ju-
risdictions will be able to govern adequately
the new community.
11.22.07 Denial of a Permit Application
A permit application shall be denied if a pro-
posed development does not meet all of the ap-
plicable criteria listed in Section 11.19.06.
11.23 Regulations for Site Selection and Con-
struction of Major New Domestic Water
and Sewage Treatment Systems
11.23.01 Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of the H.B. 1041 major
new domestic water and sewage treatment sys-
tem regulations contained herein shall be:
1. To ensure that new domestic water and
sewage treatment systems are constructed
in areas which will result in the proper utili-
zation of existing treatment plants and the
orderly development of domestic water and
sewage systems of adjacent communities.
2. To ensure that site selection and construc-
tion of major new domestic water and sew-
age treatment systems are conducted in
such a manner as to minimize environmen-
tal impacts associated with such develop-
3. To ensure that site selection and construc-
tion of major new domestic water and sew-
age treatment systems are planned and
developed in a manner so as not to impose
an undue economic burden on existing or
proposed communities.
11.23.02 Applicability
These H.B. 1041 major new domestic water and
sewage treatment system regulations shall apply
to the site selection for all major new domestic
water and sewage treatment systems and the
construction thereof. They shall not apply to the
expansion of existing domestic water or sewage
treatment systems.
11.23.03 Nonconforming Uses
The provisions of these H.B. 1041 regulations
shall not apply to any nonconforming use exist-
ing on the date the area is initially designated or
subjected to regulation; provided that, when a
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.23.03
nonconforming use shall be discontinued for six
(6) months or more or a nonconforming structure
is damaged or destroyed to the extent of at least
fifty (50) percent of the appraised value, any re-
use, reconstruction or replacement of such
structure shall be deemed a new use and shall
be subject to the provisions of these regulations.
Any alteration, addition or repair to any noncon-
forming structure or significant change in land
use permitted pursuant to these regulations shall
be designed and conducted so as to minimize,
mitigate or avoid the significant adverse impact
by or to mineral resource utilization. For the
purpose of this H.B. 1041 regulation for site se-
lection and construction of major new domestic
water and sewage treatment systems, seasonal
use shall include but not be limited to irrigation
systems and recreational areas that operate less
than six (6) months per year.
11.23.04 Relationship to Other Regulations
and Requirements
The relationship of this regulation to other regu-
lations and requirements shall be exactly as the
relationship provisions contained in Section
11.13 of these H.B. 1041 regulations with the
exception of the addition that permit require-
ments included in this regulation shall be in addi-
tion to and in conformance with all applicable
state and federal water quality laws, rules and
regulations, including but not limited to the fol-
1. Section 25-8-701, et seq., C.R.S, as
amended, "Domestic Wastewater Treatment
Works," which requires approval from the
Colorado Water Quality Control Division for
site location and design of construction or
enlargement in capacity of existing domestic
wastewater treatment works.
2. Section 25-8-501, Colorado Revised Stat-
utes, as amended, point source pollutant
discharge permit.
3. Section 208 (33 U.S.C. § 1288) area-wide
waste water treatment management plan-
4. Section 303 (33 U.S.C. § 1313) river basic
water quality management planning.
5. Disposal of sewage sludge (33 U.S.C.
§ 1345.)
6. Section 32-1-201, Colorado Revised Stat-
utes, 1973, as amended, Special District
Control Act.
11.24 Designation of Site Selection and Con-
struction of Major New Domestic Water
and Sewage Treatment Systems
Having considered the intensity of current and fore-
seeable development pressures, it is the order of the
Board of County Commissioners that site selection
and construction of major new domestic water and
sewage treatment systems be designated a matter
of local concern and state interest and be regulated
pursuant to the provisions of these H.B. 1041 regu-
11.24.01 Boundaries of Area Covered by the
The site selection and construction of any major
new domestic water and sewage treatment sys-
tems within the unincorporated boundaries of
Las Animas County, except as otherwise prohib-
ited by law, shall be subject to this designation
and regulation.
11.24.02 Reasons for Designation
Site selection and construction of any major new
domestic water and sewage treatment systems
is hereby designated as a matter of local con-
cern and state interest for the reasons stated in
Section 11.23.01.
11.25 Permit Applications and Permits
11.25.01 Application Procedures
The procedures concerning permit applications,
notice and conduct of permit hearings, review of
Planning Commission decisions and the issu-
ance and content of permits to engage in site
selection and development of major new domes-
tic water and sewage treatment systems shall
comply with the provisions set forth in Sections
11.07 through 11.10 of these H.B. 1041 regula-
tions adopted by Las Animas County.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.25.02
11.25.02 Prohibition on the Site Selection
and Construction of Major New
Domestic Water and Sewage
Treatment Systems
No person may locate a major new domestic
water or sewage treatment system in Las Ani-
mas County without first obtaining a permit pur-
suant to these H.B. 1041 regulations.
No local authority shall issue a building permit
for purposes of selecting a site for or construct-
ing a major new domestic water or sewage
treatment system without the applicant first hav-
ing obtained a permit pursuant to these H.B.
1041 regulations.
11.25.03 Application for a Permit
Any person seeking to locate or construct a ma-
jor new domestic water or sewage treatment
system in Las Animas County shall apply for a
permit from Las Animas County. For sewage
systems, the site application form used by the
Colorado Water Quality Control Commission
shall be completed and attached to the applica-
tion form for a permit from Las Animas County.
Applications for a permit to locate or construct a
major new domestic water or sewage treatment
system shall be accompanied by an application
fee. See Chapter XII of these Regulations on
application fees.
Applications for a permit to locate or construct a
major new domestic water or sewage treatment
system shall be accompanied by the following
documents and information:
1. An abstract of the proposal indicating the
scope and need for the development.
2. Preliminary review and comment on the
proposal by the appropriate agency of the
Colorado Department of Natural Resources
and the Colorado Department of Public
Health and Environment within sixty (60)
days of the date of submittal of the proposal
for review.
3. Alternative potential site locations and the
degree of feasibility of each.
4. For each alternative site or expansion area
under consideration by the applicant, the
submittal requirements specified in Section
Any demographic data needed to satisfy the re-
quirements of this regulation shall be consistent
with those used or required by or for the federal-
ly established Section 208 area-wide waste
treatment management planning.
11.25.04 Submittal Requirements
1. Proponents of Proposal
a. Names, addresses and business of all
local interests proposing site selection
and construction of a major new water
or sewage treatment system.
b. Name and qualifications of the person
responding to the requirements con-
tained within this regulation.
2. Scope of Proposal
a. Provide detailed plans of the proposal,
including proposed system capacity and
service area plans mapped at a scale
acceptable to the Planning Commission.
b. Provide a description of all existing or
approved proposed domestic water or
sewage treatment systems within the
development area.
c. Describe the design capacity of each
domestic water or sewage treatment
system facility proposed and the distri-
bution or collection network proposed in
the development area.
d. Describe the excess capacity of each
treatment system and distribution or col-
lection network in the community or de-
velopment area.
e. Provide an inventory of total commit-
ments already made for current water or
sewage services.
f. Describe the operational efficiency of
each existing system in the area, includ-
ing the age, state of repair and level of
g. Describe the source, rights and quality
of the existing water supply.
h. Describe the existing water utilization,
including the historic yield from rights
and use by category such as agricultur-
al, municipal and industrial supply obli-
gations to other systems.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.25.04
3. Demonstrate the Need for a New Water or
Sewage Treatment System.
a. Provide population trends for the devel-
opment area, including present popula-
tion, population growth and growth
rates, documenting the sources used.
b. Specify the predominant types of devel-
opments to be served by the proposed
new water and/or sewage systems.
c. Specify at what percentage of the de-
sign capacity the current system is now
1) Water treatment system.
2) Wastewater treatment system.
d. Specify whether or not present facilities
can be upgraded to accommodate ade-
quately the ten-year projected increase
needed in treatment and/or hydraulic
4. Land Use.
a. Provide a map at a scale acceptable to
the Planning Commission describing ex-
isting land uses of the proposed devel-
opment and the project service area,
including peripheral lands which may be
impacted. The land use map shall in-
clude but need not necessarily be lim-
ited to the following categories:
residential, commercial, industrial, ex-
tractive transportation, communication
and utility, institutional, open space,
outdoor recreation, agricultural, forest
land and water bodies.
b. All immediately affected public land
boundaries should be indicated on the
map. Potential impacts of the proposed
development upon public lands will be
visually illustrated on the map as well as
described in the text.
c. Specify whether the proposed project
conforms to the Las Animas County
Master Plan.
d. Specify whether the proposed project
conforms to regional and state planning
e. Specify whether the proposed project
conforms to federal land management
f. Describe the present use of the land in
the development area.
g. Describe the present zoning in the de-
velopment area.
h. Describe the agricultural productivity
capability of the land in the development
area, using SCS soils classification da-
i. Specify how the proposed development
will use existing easements or rights-of-
way for new associated distribution or
collector networks.
j. Describe the probability that the system
may be significantly affected by earth-
quakes, floods, fires, snow, slides, ava-
lanches, rockslides or landslides and
any measures taken to reduce the im-
pact of such events upon the system.
k. Specify if excess service capabilities
created by the proposed development
will prove likely to generate sprawl or
strip development.
l. Specify whether the demand for this
project is associated with development
within or contiguous to existing service
5. Water Resources.
a. Describe and indicate on a map at a
scale acceptable to the Planning Com-
mission relevant surface water bodies,
including streams, lakes, reservoirs and
groundwater aquifers in the area and
their uses. Describe the potential ef-
fects of the proposed project on the
above detailed water features, including
the effects on present water quality and
current uses.
b. On the same or another map, indicate
any floodplains associated with the pro-
posed development, including documen-
tation of historical flooding activity.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.25.04
c. Describe the potential adverse effects of
the proposed development on plant and
animal life dependent on the water re-
sources in question.
d. Describe potential effects of the pro-
posed development on eutrophication,
waste load allocations and water quality
of rivers, streams, aquifers and/or any
existing or proposed reservoirs in Las
Animas County.
e. Describe potential effects of the pro-
posed development project on above-
described water features in the devel-
opment area, including the effects on
present water quality and current uses.
Include a detailed statement of impacts
on the proposed project on federal and
State water quality standards.
6. Air Quality.
Detail the impact, both direct and indirect, of the
proposed development on ambient air quality in
the vicinity of the development.
7. Environmentally Sensitive Factors.
Identify and locate on a map at a scale appro-
priate to the Planning Commission the spatial re-
lationship of any of the following features
present in the proposed development and its
environs and describe the potential impact of the
proposed development on each relevant feature:
a. Marshlands and wetlands.
b. Groundwater recharge areas.
c. Potential natural hazards.
d. Forests and woodlands.
e. Critical wildlife habitat.
f. Public outdoor recreation.
g. Unique areas of archaeological, geolog-
ical and historical importance.
h. Critical aquatic life habitat.
i. Agricultural areas.
8. Aesthetics and Nuisance Factors.
Identify any significant deterioration of existing
natural aesthetics, creation of visual blight, noise
pollution or obnoxious odors which may result
from the development.
9. Describe what impact the development will
have on transportation impacts in the area.
10. The financial impact analysis of site selec-
tion and construction of major new water
and sewage treatment facilities shall include
but need not be limited to the following
a. A review and summary of any existing
engineering and/or financial feasibility
studies, assessed taxable property val-
uations and all other matters of financial
aid and resources in determining the
feasibility of the proposed new facility,
1) Service area and/or boundaries.
2) Applicable methods of transmitting,
storing, treating and delivering water
and collecting, transmitting, treating
and discharging sewage, including
effluent and/or sludge disposal.
3) Estimated construction costs and pe-
riod of construction of each new facil-
ity component.
4) Assessed valuation of the property to
be included within the service area
5) Revenues and operating expenses
of the proposed new facility, includ-
ing but not limited to historical and
estimated property taxation, service
charges and rates, assessments,
connection and tap fees, standby
charges and all other anticipated
revenues of the proposed new facili-
6) Amount and security of the proposed
debt and method and estimated cost
of debt service.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.25.04
7) Provide the details of any substantial
contract or agreement for revenues
or for services to be paid, furnished
or used by or with any person, asso-
ciation, corporation or governmental
11. Provide a debt retirement schedule based
on anticipated service fees and the tax base.
12. Identify the person, association, corporation
and government bodies that will benefit by,
use and pay any or all of the revenues.
13. If the new water or sewage treatment sys-
tem exceeds the proposed ten-year popula-
tion growth needs as described by the
appropriate region's Section 208 planning
demographic projections, then describe the
reasons for the proposed excess service
capacity and the cost of such excess capaci-
ty to the community.
11.25.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements
The submittal requirements for permit applica-
tions for site selection and development of new
communities may be waived by the Board of
County Commissioners as allowed for in Section
11.25.06 Approval of a Permit Application
A permit application for site selection and con-
struction of a major new domestic water or sew-
age treatment system shall be approved if the
proposed development complies with the follow-
ing criteria:
1. New domestic water and sewage treatment
systems shall be constructed in areas which
will result in the proper utilization of existing
treatment plants and the orderly develop-
ment of domestic water and sewage treat-
ment systems of adjacent communities.
2. The proposed development does not conflict
with an approved local master plan or mas-
ter plan or other applicable regional, state or
federal land use or water plan.
3. The proposed development does not ad-
versely affect either surface or subsurface
water rights of upstream or downstream us-
4. Adequate water supplies, as determined by
the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment, are available for efficient
5. Existing domestic water treatment systems
servicing the area must be at or greater than
eighty (80) percent of operational capacity.
6. Existing domestic sewage treatment sys-
tems servicing the area must be at or great-
er than eighty (80) percent of operational
7. The scope and nature of the proposed de-
velopment will not compete with existing wa-
ter and sewage services or create duplicate
8. The age of existing water and sewage sys-
tems, operational efficiency, state or repair
or level of treatment is such that replace-
ment is warranted.
9. Area and community development and pop-
ulation trends clearly demonstrate a need for
such development.
10. Existing facilities cannot be upgraded or ex-
panded to meet waste discharge permit
conditions of the Colorado Water Quality
Control Division.
11. Appropriate easements can be obtained for
any associated collector or distribution sys-
tem that will serve existing and proposed
12. Such development will not encourage strip
or leapfrog development.
13. The benefits of the proposed development
outweigh the losses of any natural resources
or agricultural lands rendered unavailable as
a result of the proposed development.
14. The proposed development will not de-
crease the quality of peripheral or down-
stream surface or subsurface water
resources below that designated by the Col-
orado Water Quality Control Commission.
15. The proposed development or its associated
collector or distribution system or new ser-
vice areas will not violate federal or state air
quality standards.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.25.06
16. The proposed development or its associated
collector or distribution system will not signif-
icantly deteriorate aquatic habitats, marsh-
lands and wetlands, groundwater recharge
areas, steeply sloping or unstable terrain,
forests and woodland, critical wildlife habitat,
big game migratory routes, calving grounds,
migratory ponds, nesting areas and the
habitats of rare and endangered species,
public outdoor recreation areas and unique
areas of geological, historical or archaeolog-
ical significance.
17. The proposed development or its associated
collector or distribution system will not signif-
icantly degrade existing natural scenic char-
acteristics, create blight or cause other
nuisances such as excessive noise or ob-
noxious odors.
18. The proposed development or its associated
collector or distribution system will not cre-
ate an undue financial burden on existing or
future residents of the area or community.
19. The development site of a major new do-
mestic water or sewage treatment system is
not subject to a significant risk from earth-
quakes floods, fires or other disasters or
hazards which could cause a system opera-
tional breakdown.
11.25.07 Denial of a Permit Application
A permit application shall be denied if an appli-
cant's application fails to meet all the relevant
criteria described in Section 11.25.06.
11.26 Regulations for Major Extension of Exist-
ing Domestic Water and Sewage Treat-
ment Systems
11.26.01 Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of the H.B. 1041 major
extension of existing domestic water and sew-
age treatment system regulations contained
herein are to ensure that anticipated growth and
development that may occur as a result of major
extensions of domestic water and sewage
treatment systems can be accommodated within
the financial and environmental capacity of the
area to sustain such growth and development.
11.26.02 Applicability
These H.B. 1041 major extension of existing
domestic water and sewage treatment system
regulations shall apply to the site selection and
construction of all major extensions of existing
domestic water and sewage treatment systems.
11.26.03 Nonconforming Uses
The provisions of this regulation governing non-
conforming uses shall be exactly as the noncon-
forming use provisions contained in Section
11.23.03 of these H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.26.04 Relationship to Other Regulations
and Requirements
The relationship of this regulation to other regu-
lations and requirements shall be exactly as the
relationship provisions that are contained in Sec-
tion 11.13 of these H.B. 1041 regulations, with
the addition of the supplemental requirements
requiring conformance with the applicable state
and federal water quality laws, rules and regula-
tion contained in Section 11.23.04.
11.27 Designation of Major Extension of Exist-
ing Domestic Water and Sewage Treat-
ment Systems
Having considered the intensity of current and fore-
seeable development pressures, it is the order of the
Board of County Commissioners that major exten-
sions of existing domestic water and sewage treat-
ment systems be designated as a matter of local
concern and state interest and be regulated pursu-
ant to the provisions of Section 11.27.
11.27.01 Boundaries of the Area Covered by
the Designation
Major extensions of existing domestic water and
sewage treatment systems within the unincorpo-
rated boundaries of Las Animas County, except
as otherwise prohibited from law, shall be sub-
ject to this designation and regulation.
11.27.02 Reasons for Designation
Major extension of existing domestic water and
sewage treatment systems are hereby designat-
ed as a matter of local concern and state inter-
est for the reasons stated in Section 11.26.01.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.28
11.28 Permit Applications and Permits
11.28.01 Application Procedures
The procedures concerning permit applications,
notice and conduct of permit hearing, review of
Planning Commission decisions and the issu-
ance and content of permits to engage in major
extensions of existing domestic water and sew-
age treatment systems shall comply with the
provisions set forth in Sections 11.07 through
11.10 of these H.B. 1041 regulations adopted by
Las Animas County.
11.28.02 Prohibition on Major Extensions of
Existing Domestic Water and Sew-
age Treatment Systems
No person may engage in a major extension of a
domestic water or sewage treatment system in
Las Animas County without first obtaining a
permit pursuant to these H.B. 1041 regulations.
No local authority shall issue a building permit
for purposes of a major extension of a domestic
water or sewage treatment system without the
applicant first having obtained a permit pursuant
to these H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.28.03 Application for a Permit
Any person seeking to develop a major exten-
sion of a domestic water or sewage treatment
system in Las Animas County shall apply for a
permit from the Board of County Commission-
ers. For sewage systems, the site application
form used by the Colorado Water Quality Con-
trol Commission shall be completed and at-
tached to the application form for a permit form
Las Animas County.
Any application for a permit to construct a major
extension of an existing domestic water or sew-
age treatment system shall be accompanied by
an application fee. See Chapter XII of these
Regulations on application fees.
An application for a permit to develop a major
extension of an existing domestic water or sew-
age treatment system shall be accompanied by
the documents and information required in Sec-
tions 11.25.03. and 11.25.04.
11.28.04 Submittal Requirements
Applicants shall comply with the submittal re-
quirements contained in Section 11.25.03 of
these regulations including, unless exempted
under Section 11.28.05, all items required within
Section 11.25.04.
11.28.05 Waiver of Submittal Requirements
The submittal requirements for permit applica-
tions for major extensions of domestic water and
sewage treatment systems may be waived by
the Board of County Commissioners as allowed
for in Section 11.19.03.
11.28.06 Approval of a Permit Application
A permit application for a major extension of ex-
isting domestic water or sewage treatment sys-
tems shall be approved if the proposed
development complies with the following criteria:
1. Major extensions of domestic water and
sewage treatment systems shall be permit-
ted in those areas in which the anticipated
growth and development that may occur as
a result of such extension can be accommo-
dated within the financial and environmental
capacity of the area to sustain such growth
and development.
2. The development site of a proposed major
extension of an existing domestic water or
sewage treatment system is not subject to
significant risk from earthquakes, floods,
fires or other disasters or hazards which
could cause a system operational break-
3. Any proposed domestic water treatment and
distribution system is capable of providing
water meeting the requirements and specifi-
cations of the Colorado Department of Pub-
lic Health and Environment.
4. The proposed development complies with all
the criteria contained in Section 11.25.06,
Paragraphs 2. through 20., inclusive.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.28.07
11.28.07 Denial of a Permit Application
A permit application shall be denied if an appli-
cant's application fails to meet all the relevant
criteria described directly or by reference in Sec-
tion 11.28.06.
11.29 Reserved
11.30 Reserved
11.31 Reserved
11.32 Regulations for Efficient Utilization of
Municipal and Industrial Water Projects
11.32.01 Title and Citation
This Section 11.32 may be cited as the "Regula-
tions for Efficient Utilization of Municipal and In-
dustrial Water Projects, and may be referred to
in such Sections as "these H.B. 1041 Regula-
11.32.02 Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of the regulations con-
tained in this Section 11.32 are:
1. To ensure that municipal and industrial wa-
ter projects are developed in a manner so as
to emphasize the most efficient use of water,
including, to the extent permissible under
law, the recycling and reuse of water;
2. To ensure that urban development, popula-
tion densities and site layout and design of
stormwater and sanitation systems shall be
accomplished in a manner that will prevent
the pollution of aquifer recharge areas;
3. To ensure that municipal and industrial wa-
ter projects are developed in such a manner
so as not to pollute rivers, streams, lakes
reservoirs, ponds and aquifer recharge are-
as within the source development area; and
4. To ensure that the off-site impacts of munic-
ipal and industrial water projects are effec-
tively mitigated.
11.32.03 Applicability
1. These H.B. 1041 Regulations shall apply to
the development of municipal and industrial
water projects wholly or partially within the
unincorporated territory of the County.
2. A permit under these H.B. 1041 Regulations
shall be required prior to or in conjunction
with subdivision, PUD or preliminary plan
approval, but in every case must be ob-
tained prior to commencement of construc-
tion of the project.
11.32.04 Relationship to Other Regulations
and Requirements
The relationship of this regulation to other regu-
lations and requirements shall be exactly as the
relationship provisions contained in Section
10.13 of these HB 1041 Regulations.
11.32.05 Designation of Municipal and In-
dustrial Water Projects
Having considered the intensity of current and
foreseeable development pressures, it is the or-
der of the Board of County Commissioners that
efficient use of municipal and industrial water
projects be designated a matter of state interest
and regulated pursuant to these H.B. 1041 Reg-
ulations. Development of municipal and indus-
trial water projects wholly or partially within the
unincorporated territory of the County shall be
subject to this designation and these H.B. 1041
11.32.06 Reasons for Designation
Development of municipal and industrial water
projects is hereby designated as a matter of
state interest for the reasons stated in Section
11.35.02 of these H.B. 1041 Regulations.
11.32.07 Application Procedure
The procedures concerning permit applications,
notice and conduct of permit hearings, review of
the Board of County Commissioners decisions,
and the issuance and content of permits to en-
gage in development of a municipal or industrial
water project shall comply with the provisions
set forth in Sections 11.07 through 11.15 of the-
se H.B. 1041 Regulations.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.32.08
11.32.08 Prohibition on Development of
Municipal and Industrial Water
1. No person may engage in development of a
municipal or industrial water project in the
County without first obtaining a permit pur-
suant to these H.B. 1041 Regulations.
2. No local authority shall issue a building per-
mit for purposes of development or con-
struction of a municipal or industrial water
project without the applicant first having ob-
tained a permit pursuant to these H.B. 1041
11.32.09 Application for a Permit
1. Any person seeking to engage in develop-
ment of a municipal or industrial water pro-
ject in the County shall apply for a permit
from the County.
2. Applications for a permit to engage in devel-
opment of a municipal or industrial water
project shall be accompanied by appropriate
application fees. See Chapter XII of these
3. Applications for a permit to engage in devel-
opment of a municipal or industrial water
project shall be accompanied by the follow-
ing documents and information:
a. An abstract of the proposal indicating
the scope and need for the develop-
b. Preliminary review and comment on the
proposal by the appropriate agency of
the Colorado Department of Natural Re-
sources and the Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment within
sixty (60) days of the date of submittal of
the proposal for review.
c. Alternative potential site locations and
the degree of feasibility of each.
d. For each alternative site or expansion
area under consideration by the appli-
cant, the submittal requirements speci-
fied in Section 11.35.10 of these H.B.
1041 Regulations.
4. Any demographic data needed to satisfy the
requirements of these H.B. 1041 Regula-
tions shall be consistent with those used or
required by or for the federally established
Section 208 area-wide waste treatment
management planning.
11.32.10 Submittal Requirements
1. Proponents of Proposal:
a. Names, addresses and business of all
local interests proposing the develop-
ment of a municipal or industrial water
b. Name and qualifications of the persons
responding to the requirements con-
tained within these H.B. 1041 Regula-
2. Scope of Proposal:
a. Location and scope of the proposed pro-
b. Current and future needs for such de-
c. Inventory of existing water projects
presently serving the municipality or ar-
ea in question and excess service ca-
pacity of each project.
d. Population trends, projections and
growth rates (if a municipal project).
e. Primary source of proposed water re-
3. Verification that the proposed water project
will not conflict with federal, state, regional
or County planning policies or regulations
applicable to land or water resources.
4. Detail proposed methods of ensuring effi-
cient and beneficial use of water resources
within the municipality or industrial area and
the source development area. Such meth-
ods should consider metering of all users,
examination of rate structure to discourage
waste and recycling of water for reuse
where permissible by Colorado water law.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.32.10
5. Provide a description and detailed engineer-
ing plans and specifications of the proposed
construction of structures, buildings and im-
provements associated with the project and
the financial and environmental impacts
thereof on the community or surrounding ar-
eas within the development area and source
development area.
6. In instances where municipal or industrial
wastewater or stormwater disposal methods
are not subject to and regulated by other
state and/or federal statutes or regulations,
describe the proposed methods by which
stormwater or wastewater will be prevented
from contaminating aquifers.
7. Provide assurance that the proposed munic-
ipal or industrial water project is capable of
supplying water of a quality determined by
the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment.
8. Identify and locate on a map, at a scale ap-
propriate to the Board of County Commis-
sioners, the spatial relationship of any of the
following features present in the proposed
development and its environs and describe
the potential impact of the proposed devel-
opment on each relevant feature:
a. Marshlands and wetlands.
b. Groundwater recharge areas.
c. Potential natural hazards.
d. Forests and woodlands.
e. Critical wildlife habitat or other wildlife
protection areas.
f. Public, outdoor recreation areas.
g. Unique areas of geological, historical
and archaeological importance.
h. Critical aquatic life habitat.
i. Agricultural areas.
9. Describe the potential adverse effects of the
diversions of water from the source devel-
opment area upon plant and animal life de-
pendent upon the water resources in
10. Provide a map, at a scale appropriate to the
Board of County Commissioners, describing
surface water bodies (streams, lakes and
existing or proposed reservoirs, etc.) and
groundwater aquifers in the source devel-
opment area and their uses. Describe the
effects of the diversion of water for the mu-
nicipal or industrial water project on the
above-described water features, including
the effects on present water quality, current
and foreseeable uses. Include a detailed
statement of impacts of the proposed project
upon federal and state water quality stand-
11. Describe the present zoning of the land in
the source development area.
12. Describe the agricultural productivity capa-
bility of the land in the source development
area, using SCS soils classification data,
and describe the potential effects of the di-
version of water for the municipal or indus-
trial water project on that agricultural
productivity capability.
13. Describe the potential effects of the pro-
posed development on eutrophication,
wasteload allocations and water quality of
the rivers, streams, aquifers and/or any ex-
isting or proposed reservoirs in the County.
14. Increased domestic and/or municipal water
treatment costs and/or wastewater treatment
costs. The applicant shall submit a plan to
offset increased domestic and/or municipal
water treatment and/or wastewater treat-
ment necessary to meet water quality
standards and determined to be a direct re-
sult of flow modification through changes in
the transport of nutrients, total dissolved sol-
ids, hardness, minerals or other pollutants
due to the operation of any project facilities
proposed by the applicant. This may be ac-
complished either by construction and oper-
ation of additional domestic and/or municipal
water treatment facilities made necessary by
the reduction in flow, or the applicant may
elect to pay a fee in lieu of those mitigation
measures. This fee will be based upon the
additional costs of domestic and/or munici-
pal treatment and/or wastewater treatment
(capital, operation and maintenance); and it
will be used exclusively for
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.32.10
meeting the costs of such additional domes-
tic and/or municipal treatment and/or waste
water treatment.
11.32.11 Waiver of Submission Require-
The Planning Director may waive submission
requirements pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 11.19.03.
11.32.12 Approval of a Permit Application
A permit application for development of a munic-
ipal or industrial water project shall be approved
(with reasonable conditions, if any, in the discre-
tion of the Board of County Commissioners) only
if the proposed development complies with all of
the following criteria:
1. The need for the proposed water project can
be substantiated.
2. Assurances of compatibility of the proposed
water project with federal, state, regional
and County planning policies regarding land
use and water resources.
3. Municipal and industrial water projects shall
emphasize the most efficient use of water,
including to the extent permissible under ex-
isting law, the recycling and reuse of water.
Urban development, population densities
and site layout and design of stormwater
and sanitation systems shall be accom-
plished in a manner that will prevent the pol-
lution of aquifer recharge areas.
4. Provisions to ensure that the proposed wa-
ter project will not contaminate surface water
5. The proposed water project is capable of
providing water pursuant to standards of the
Colorado Department of Public Health and
6. Such proposed water project will not en-
courage strip or leapfrog development.
7. The proposed division of water from the
source development area will not decrease
the quality of peripheral or downstream sur-
face or subsurface water resources below
that designated by the Colorado Water
Quality Control Commission.
8. The proposed development and the poten-
tial diversions of water from the source de-
velopment area will not significantly
deteriorate aquatic habitats, marshlands and
wetlands, groundwater recharge areas,
steeply sloping or unstable terrain, forests
and woodlands, critical wildlife habitat or
other wildlife protection areas, big game mi-
gratory routes, calving grounds, migratory
ponds, nesting areas and the habitats of ra-
re and endangered species, public outdoor
recreation areas, and unique areas of geo-
logic, historic or archaeological importance.
9. Water treatment offset plans required by
Section 11.32.11(14) have been approved
by the Board of County Commissioners and
required fees associated therewith, if any,
have been paid.
10. The construction of structures, buildings and
improvements associated with the proposed
development will not significantly impact ex-
isting or proposed communities within the
development area and source development
11.32.13 Denial of a Permit Application
.A permit application shall be denied if the appli-
cant fails to satisfy all the criteria outlined in Sec-
tion 11.32.12.
11.32.14 Administration, Enforcement and
The provisions of these H.B. 1041 Regulations
and any permits issued hereunder shall be ad-
ministered and enforced according to the provi-
sions of Sections 11.07 through 11.15 of these
H.B. 1041 Regulations.
11.33 Designation of Site Selection and Con-
struction of Major Facilities of a Public
Having considered the intensity of current and fore-
seeable development pressures, it is the order of the
Board of County Commissioners that site selection
and construction of major facilities of a public utility
be designated a matter of local concern and state
interest and be regulated pursuant to the provisions
of these H.B. 1041 regulations.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.01
11.33.01 Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of the regulations con-
tained in this Section 11.33 are:
1. To encourage planned and orderly land use
2. To provide for the needs of agriculture, for-
estry, industry, business, residential com-
munities and recreation in future growth;
3. To encourage uses of land and other natural
resources which are in accordance with their
character and adaptability;
4. To conserve soil, water, forest and agricul-
tural resources and to protect vested water
5. To protect the beauty of the landscape;
6. To promote the efficient and economic use
of public resources;
7. To regulate the site selection and construc-
tion of major facilities of a public utility to
prevent significant deterioration or degrada-
tion of existing air and water quality in Las
Animas County;
8. To avoid or reduce direct conflicts with
adopted local government, regional and
state master plans; and
9. To regulate the site selection and construc-
tion of major facilities of a public utility to
preserve the health and welfare of the citi-
zens of Las Animas County.
11.33.02 Applicability
This Section 11.33 shall apply to the site selec-
tion and construction of all major facilities of a
public utility wholly or partially within the unin-
corporated territory of Las Animas County.
A permit under this Section 11.33 shall be re-
quired prior to or in conjunction with subdivision,
PUD or preliminary plan approval, but in every
case must be obtained prior to commencement
of construction of the project.
11.33.03 Relationship of Regulations to
Other County, State and Federal
Requirements Affecting Major Fa-
cilities of a Public Utility
Nothing in these H.B. 1041 regulations shall be
construed as exempting an applicant for a per-
mit from any other requirements of this County
or other state or federal laws and regulations.
To the extent that the requirements of these
H.B. 1041 regulations differ from any other ap-
plicable requirements, the more restrictive re-
quirements shall apply.
Nothing in these H.B. 1041 regulations shall be
construed as enhancing or diminishing the pow-
er and authority of municipalities, counties or the
Public Utilities Commission. Any order, rule or
directive issued by any governmental agency
pursuant to these H.B. 1041 regulations shall
not be inconsistent with or in contravention of
any decision, order or finding of the Public Utili-
ties Commission with respect to public conven-
ience and necessity. The Public Utilities
Commission and public utilities shall take into
consideration and, when feasible, foster compli-
ance with adopted master plans of local gov-
ernments, regions and the State.
Nothing in these H.B. 1041 regulations shall be
construed as enhancing or diminishing the rights
and procedures with respect to the power of a
public utility to acquire property and rights-of-
way by eminent domain to serve public need in
the most economical and expedient manner.
11.33.04 Boundaries of Area Covered by
The site selection and construction of any major
facility of a public utility wholly or partially within
the unincorporated territory of Las Animas
County shall be subject to this designation and
these H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.33.05 Reasons for Designation
Site selection and construction of any major fa-
cility of a public utility is hereby designated as a
matter of state interest for the reasons stated in
Section 11.33.01.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.06
11.33.06 Restriction to Corridors
The projects that applicants propose shall be re-
stricted to corridors unless such route is not
economically or practically feasible or unless the
placement of the facilities overburdens any
piece of land.
The applicant and the property owner shall ne-
gotiate in good faith regarding the issue of what
path the utility will take over the owner's land.
There are several generally recognized corridors
within Las Animas County. The Planning Com-
mission shall identify said corridors, which identi-
fication shall later be recognized by the Board of
County Commissioners with the understanding
that the Board of County Commissioners may
adjust the corridors as submitted to it by the
Planning Commission. Said corridors shall then
be recognized in the regulations by an amend-
ment to it complete with maps showing said cor-
Until the Planning Commission formally identi-
fies said corridors and submits that information
to the Board of County Commissioners, the
Planning Commission and the Board of County
Commissioners shall utilize their general
knowledge as to where existing corridors are
with the advice and counsel of the Planning Di-
11.33.07 Prohibition of Site Selection and
Construction of a Major Facility of
a Public Utility Without Permit
No person may locate or construct a major facili-
ty of a public utility wholly or partially in this
County without first obtaining a permit pursuant
to these H.B. 1041 regulations.
No local authority, including Las Animas County,
may issue a building permit for purposes of se-
lecting a site for or constructing a major facility
of a public utility wholly or partially in this County
without the applicant first having obtained a
permit pursuant to these H.B. 1041 regulations.
11.33.08 Prohibition on Placement of Com-
pressor Stations or Power Plants
Within a One-Mile Radius of any
No compressor station or power plant shall be
situated within a one-mile radius of any resi-
dence unless:
1. That compressor station or power plant
meets the noise level requirements of Sec-
tion 11.33.09; and
2. The applicant demonstrates that situation of
that compressor station or power plant as
required by this Section is unduly burden-
some and/or not physically or economically
11.33.09 Noise Level Requirements for Ma-
jor Facilities of a Public Utility
No compressor station, power plant or other ma-
jor facility of a public utility shall exceed the fol-
lowing noise limitations within Las Animas
County: 50 db(A) from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
and 45 db(A) from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. During
the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., the
above noise levels may be increased by 10
db(A) for a period not to exceed fifteen (15)
minutes in any one-hour period. The above
noise level shall be monitored at a distance of
twenty-five (25) feet from the property line where
the compressor station, power plant or other ma-
jor facility of a public utility site.
11.33.10 Procedural Requirements
The procedures concerning permit applications,
notice and conduct of permit hearings, review of
Board of County Commissioners decisions and
issuance and content of permits for selecting a
site and constructing any major facility of a pub-
lic utility shall comply with the provisions set
forth in Sections 11.07 through 11.15, inclusive,
of this Chapter, together with the additional
regulations set forth herein.
With regard to applications for site selection and
construction of major facilities of a public utility,
the procedures outlined in Sections 11.07
through 11.15 are modified as follows:
1. No later than thirty (30) days after receipt of
a completed application for a permit, the
Board of County Commissioners shall set
and publish notices of the dates, times and
places for hearings before the Board of
County Commissioners on said application.
The hearing before the Planning Commis-
sion may be set fourteen (14) days before
the hearing before the Board of County
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.10
Prior to the preapplication conference, the appli-
cant may meet with both the Planning Director
and Board of County Commissioners to discuss
and outline the project. The purpose of the
meeting is to discuss general information perti-
nent to the project, identify any major problems
and define issues in order to direct the data
gathering and assessment that are to accompa-
ny the future application. No record shall be
maintained of this meeting and neither party
shall be bound by plans, statements or positions
discussed at the meeting.
1. If, as a result of the meeting, the Planning
Director or Board of County Commissioners
determines that the nature or extent of the
proposal involves the potential for significant
environmental damage or warrants exami-
nation of specific, less environmentally
damaging alternatives, the Planning Director
may request that the applicant evaluate and
present information on such alternatives as
part of the application. This shall not pre-
clude a similar request following the
preapplication conference.
2. Required information on alternatives may in-
clude, but shall not necessarily be limited to,
information on the environmental impacts
and cost-effectiveness of the alternatives in
relationship to the proposal presented.
To minimize expenditures of time and money by
all concerned, an application for a permit to lo-
cate and construct a major facility of a public util-
ity must begin with a preapplication conference
with the Planning Director. Within ten (10) days
following the preapplication conference or within
a reasonable time after consultation with the
Board of County Commissioners, the Planning
Director, in consultation with the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners, shall determine whether or
not the application shall be commenced with a
preliminary application which shall be reviewed
by the Planning Director and the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners without public hearing prior to
the receipt of the final application. The purposes
of the preliminary application are to assess the
general feasibility of the application, identify any
major problems and define issues in order to di-
rect the data gathering and assessment that are
to accompany the final application. The proce-
dures and submission requirements for each
stage of the application are set forth in more de-
tail below.
The requirements of these H.B. 1041 regulations
shall not be deemed to waive the requirements
of Section 40-5-101, et seq., C.R.S., if applica-
ble, that a public utility obtain a certificate of
public convenience and necessity.
Available documents, studies or reviews by ap-
plicant or regulatory agencies will be utilized
whenever possible by the Board of County
Commissioners in its review in order to minimize
duplication and promote the timely review of the
permit application.
11.33.11 Preapplication Conference
Prior to formal filing of the application, the appli-
cant shall confer with the Planning Director to
obtain information and guidance. The purpose
of such a conference is to permit the applicant
and the staff to review the proposal informally
before substantial commitments of time and
money are made.
Topics of discussion shall include, but not be
limited to:
1. Characteristics of the activity, including its
location or potential locations, significant
natural and man-made features, with par-
ticular attention to natural hazard, resource
or other special areas; the size and accessi-
bility of the site; surrounding development
and land uses; and its potential impact on
surrounding areas, including potential envi-
ronmental effects and planned mitigation
2. The nature of the development proposed,
including land use types and their densities;
placement of proposed buildings and
maintenance of common open space or
treatment of public use areas; the preserva-
tion of natural features; proposed parking
areas and internal circulation system, includ-
ing trails, the total ground coverage of paved
areas and structures; and types of water and
sewage treatment systems proposed.
3. Community policy considerations, including
the review process and likely conformity of
the proposed development with the policies
and requirements of these H.B. 1041 regula-
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.11
4. Applicable regulations, review procedures
and submission requirements.
5. Other regulatory reviews or procedures to
which the applicant is subject, the appli-
cant's time frame for the project, whether the
applicant requests waiver of the preliminary
application, and other concerns of the appli-
Any comments or commitments made by any
member of the County administration during this
preapplication conference are only preliminary in
nature and should not be relied upon by the ap-
plicant. All prospective applicants should be in-
formed that formal comments can not be made
by staff until after the application is submitted
and property owners and referral agencies with-
in a one-mile circumference have had an oppor-
tunity to respond, if applicable.
County staff will make available to the applicant
any public information concerning the applica-
tion which is in the County's possession.
If the project is not set for a preliminary applica-
tion, the Planning Director shall consult with the
Board of County Commissioners concerning the
County's application requirements for the pro-
ject, and shall notify the applicant in writing ei-
ther at the preapplication conference, within ten
(10) days thereafter or as soon as feasible after
consulting with the Board of County Commis-
sioners in writing of such requirements, including
but not limited to the identity of those to receive
notification of the project under the applicable
sections, the extent of the project area to be
considered, the submittal requirements that will
be waived by the Planning Director, and any
particular submittal requirements in addition to
those specified in these Regulations.
11.33.12 Preliminary Application
Following the preapplication conference, the
Planning Director shall consult with the Board of
County Commissioners and, on the basis of the
information provided by the applicant at the
preapplication conference, it shall determine, in
its sole discretion, whether to require the appli-
cant to submit a preliminary application. This
decision shall be communicated by the Planning
Director to the applicant within ten (10) days af-
ter the preapplication conference, or as soon as
feasible thereafter. A preliminary process will be
required only for substantial facilities of a size or
potential impact on the community to justify ad-
ditional study. If the applicant objects to under-
going the preliminary application process, the
applicant may appeal this decision to the Board
of County Commissioners, which shall meet with
the applicant and the Planning Director as soon
as feasible thereafter to consider the basis for
the applicant's appeal, and shall then determine
whether or not the preliminary application shall
be waived for good cause shown.
The submission requirements for the preliminary
application shall be five (5) copies of the follow-
1. Completed application form in the format
approved by the Planning Director.
2. Description of proposed facility and site.
3. Description of the present use and zoning.
4. Vicinity map showing the proposed site and
the surrounding area. The project area to
be shown shall be defined as follows:
a. If a power plant is proposed, the area
within fifty (50) miles from the site;
b. If new transmission lines or pipelines
are proposed, provide a map showing
all existing transmission lines and pipe-
lines for a distance of two (2) miles be-
yond any reasonable alternative studied.
c. For upgrades of existing transmission
lines or gas pipelines, provide a map
showing all existing transmission lines
and pipelines within one (1) mile on ei-
ther side of the proposed alignment.
d. For all other major facilities of a public
utility, the area within ten (10) miles of
the site if another major facility is pro-
5. Type of facility - specify where applicable:
a. Approximate floor space of office build-
b. The voltages and lengths of transmis-
sion lines.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.12
c. Power source and generating capacity.
d. The functions and sizes of substations.
e. The diameters and lengths of pipelines.
r. The capacities of the storage tanks and
types of petroleum derivative to be
g. Corridor locations.
h. Service area.
i. Resource area (e.g., source of power
being generated or transmitted, source
of petroleum derivative being transport-
6. Projected development schedule:
a. Estimate maximum number of employ-
ees, number of shifts and employees
per shift during the construction, opera-
tion and maintenance phases of the pro-
b. Specify any future phases or extensions
of the facility and relationship of the fa-
cility (if currently foreseen) to larger pro-
grams and plans.
c. Specify timetable for planning (e.g., fed-
eral permits other State permits, local
zoning, etc.).
d. Estimate beginning and completion of
construction and beginning of operation
of facility.
e. Describe support facilities (e.g., pollution
control, parking areas, landscaping,
etc.) to be provided.
f. Describe any feasible "non-structural"
alternatives to meet the objectives of the
proposed site selection and construc-
7. Hazards and emergency procedures:
a. Describe hazards, if any, of fire, explo-
sion and other dangers to the health,
safety and welfare of employees and the
general public.
b. Describe hazards, if any, of environmen-
tal damage and contamination due to
materials used at or activities taking
place at the proposed facility.
c. Describe emergency procedures to be
used in the event of fire, explosion or
other event which may endanger the
public health, safety and welfare.
d. Describe any prevalent natural hazards
that will affect or be affected by devel-
opment, and describe mitigating
measures to be taken to reduce danger
due to such natural hazards.
Upon receipt of complete preliminary application
submission requirements, the Planning Director
shall issue a receipt indicating that preliminary
application requirements have been satisfied.
Within thirty (30) days of issuing receipt of the
preliminary application, the Board of County
Commissioners, in consultation with the Plan-
ning Director, shall provide the applicant with a
written review concerning the general feasibility
of the application. Major problems and concerns
shall be outlined in this review.
If the applicant, after receiving the written re-
view, decides to proceed with the permit applica-
tion, then the applicant shall notify the Planning
Director in writing within forty-five (45) days.
The Board of County Commissioners shall then
arrange a meeting at a mutually agreeable time
and place among the Board, the Planning Direc-
tor and the applicant. This meeting may be at-
tended by interested parties and members of the
public, but they shall not be parties to the meet-
ing and shall be permitted to comment only in
the discretion of the Chair of the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners.
At such meeting, the preliminary review shall be
discussed and clarified, where necessary, and
submission requirements for the final application
shall be determined, means of coordinating this
study with others shall be considered, referral
agencies for the application shall be designated,
and the parties shall establish study format,
methodology, map scales, work schedules in
gathering and analyzing data for the final appli-
cation, and a time frame for the final application.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.13
11.33.13 Application Submittal Require-
These application submittal requirements shall
apply to all applications for a development per-
mit for a major facility of a public utility, except
for requirements which have been waived by the
Planning Director, whether or not a preliminary
application is required. Fifteen (15) copies of
the application shall be submitted by the appli-
cant when the application is filed.
Submittal requirements for all applications for a
development permit for a major facility of a pub-
lic utility, where applicable:
1. The following are general requirements for
any map or plan required hereunder. Mini-
mum requirements include:
a. The name of the proposed development
or use and total number of acres under
b. Since all maps and plans may be used
for public presentations, the map scale
and size should be large enough for ef-
fective presentation and should accu-
rately illustrate the application.
c. Name, address, and telephone number
of the applicant, designer, engineer,
surveyor and any other consultants of
the applicant.
d. Date of preparation, revision box, written
scale, graphic scale and north arrow for
each map.
2. The applicant must provide the following in-
formation concerning the title of the project
site, which shall be the entire proposed
alignment or corridor under consideration at
the time of the application for transmission
line and pipeline projects:
a. The names and addresses of all surface
property owners of the project site, all
adjacent landowners and all landowners
within two thousand six hundred forty
(2,640) feet of the boundaries of the
property proposed to be physically dis-
turbed, except for transmission line or
pipeline projects, for which the names
and addresses of all surface property
owners for five hundred (500) feet on ei-
ther side of the centerline of the pro-
posed alignment and all landowners
adjacent to the property on which the
transmission line or pipeline will sit shall
be provided;
b. The planned access to the project site
and the means that the applicant in-
tends to use to obtain a legal right to uti-
lize such access, including copies of any
access or right-of-way agreements en-
tered into by the date of the application
for such access;
c. The names and addresses of mineral in-
terest holders with an interest in any real
property proposed to be physically dis-
turbed or crossed by the activity or de-
velopment which is the subject of the
application in the case of projects to be
constructed more than ten (10) feet be-
low the surface, excluding foundation
structures for above-ground transmis-
sion lines, at least to the extent shown in
the records of the County Clerk and Re-
corder and Assessor.
In addition, the applicant shall provide a certifi-
cate stating the process by which the applicant
compiled such information, when such infor-
mation was compiled and the steps which were
taken to ensure the accuracy of the information.
The Planning Director will require that the infor-
mation be compiled and verified in a manner
reasonably designed to ensure the accuracy of
such information, but shall not require the use of
title insurance or attorney's title opinions.
3. The applicant shall provide the following
a. Map delineating study area and describ-
ing how the study area was determined.
b. Map showing all special districts
(school, fire, water, sanitation, etc.) with-
in the study area.
c. Map or narrative delineating the area
within the study area where the physical
and socioeconomic environment is likely
to be affected, beneficially or adversely,
by the site selection and construction of
the proposed facility.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.13
4. The applicant shall supply information as per
the preliminary application requirements set
forth at 10.33.12, if the preliminary applica-
tion was not required.
5. The applicant shall supply a summarization
of major natural and socioeconomic envi-
ronmental constraints as they affect the site
selection and construction of the facility as
6. The applicant shall supply a summarization
of the effects of the proposed site selection
and construction upon the natural and soci-
oeconomic environment of the impact area
as applicable to submission requirements.
Included should be an analysis of impacts
upon agricultural productivity and agricultur-
al resources and upon vested water rights.
7. The applicant shall supply an analysis of the
long-term effects of the proposed site selec-
tion and construction upon the physical and
socioeconomic development of the impact
8. The applicant shall supply a description of a
program to minimize and mitigate adverse
impacts and to maximize the positive im-
pacts of the proposed site selection and
9. The applicant shall supply an analysis of
non-structural alternatives to the project,
such as conservation of energy use, no de-
velopment or management (different sched-
uling, conservation programs, facility design,
land trades etc.), if applicable.
10. The applicant shall supply an analysis of
structural alternatives to the project, such as
alternate locations and routes, alternative
types of facilities, use of existing rights-of-
way, joint use of rights-of-way with other util-
ities and upgrading of existing facilities.
11. The applicant shall supply an analysis of air
and water pollution impacts and control al-
12. The applicant shall supply an analysis of de-
sign alternatives concerning access, land-
scaping, architectural controls and so forth.
13. The applicant shall supply a proposed form
of development agreement to meet costs of
affected political subdivisions in the project
area of providing new or upgraded services
and facilities necessary to serve the pro-
posed project.
14. The applicant shall supply an analysis of hy-
drologic, atmospheric, geologic, pedologic,
biotic, visual and noise impacts.
15. The applicant shall supply a surface and
subsurface drainage analysis.
16. The applicant shall supply any other infor-
mation required by the Board of County
Commissioners or the Planning Director and
communicated to the applicant at the
preapplication conference or within ten (10)
days thereafter, if the project is proceeding
without a preliminary application, or no later
than the preliminary review meeting de-
scribed at hereof, if the applica-
tion is proceeding with a preliminary
application. This limitation shall not pre-
clude the Board of County Commissioners
from requesting the applicant to provide ad-
ditional information during the public hearing
on the application. The applicant shall be
granted reasonable continuances to provide
such information if the applicant so requests.
Specific submittal requirements. These addi-
tional requirements shall be imposed on the ap-
plicant by the Planning Director, in such
Administrator's sole discretion, if the Planning
Director determines that the need for the addi-
tional information is warranted by the size and
scope of the proposed project in order for the
Board of County Commissioners to make an in-
formed decision on the application. It is the in-
tention of these H.B. 1041 regulations that the
following information shall be required only if the
proposed project is of such size and scope that
it is reasonably likely to have significant envi-
ronmental or social impacts on Las Animas
County residents or lands.
1. Detailed description of the need for the pro-
posed development or activity, including but
not limited to:
a. The present population of the area to be
served and the total population to be
served when the project is operating at
full capacity.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.13
b. The predominant type of users or com-
munities to be served by the proposal.
c. The percentage of the design capacity
at which the current system is now op-
d. If the proposal is for construction of a
new facility and the capacity of that facil-
ity exceeds a ten-year projected in-
crease in demand, a detailed
explanation of the excess service ca-
pacity and the cost of the excess ca-
e. The relationship of the proposal to the
applicant's long-range planning and cap-
ital improvement programs.
f. A description of why public convenience
and necessity require a facility of the
size and nature proposed.
g. A description of the user needs and user
patterns to be fulfilled by the proposed
h. A description of the relationship of the
project to other existing and planned
utility facilities of a similar nature, other
communication or energy generation
and transmission facilities, local gov-
ernment capital improvement programs
and special district expansion programs.
2. Environmental impact analysis.
a. Land use:
1) Describe the relationship of the pro-
ject to local land use policies and
comprehensive plans and to policies
and plans adopted or under prepara-
tion by federal, state, regional or oth-
er affected local governmental
2) Detail the agricultural productivity
capability of the land affected by the
proposal (NRCS classification).
3) Specify how the proposed develop-
ment will utilize existing easements
or rights-of-way for any associated
distribution or collector networks.
b. Information regarding other utility facili-
1) A map showing each existing major
facility of a public utility within the
County of the type proposed for de-
2) The design capacity of each such fa-
cility, the excess capacity of each
such facility and the percentage of
capacity at which each such facility
3) Whether present facilities can be up-
graded to adequately accommodate
a ten-year projected increase in de-
mand for services to be offered by
the proposed project.
c. Water resources:
1) On the map of the base area, or an-
other appropriate map, indicate any
floodplain associated with the pro-
posal. Documentation of the histori-
cal flooding activity should be
included. Detail potential, adverse
impacts related to the associated
2) Describe the potential adverse ef-
fects of the proposal upon plant and
animal life dependent upon the water
resources in question.
3) Describe proposed sewage treat-
ment facilities and nonpoint source
4) Describe pollutant loads (point and
non-point sources) expected directly
from the development. Specify sea-
sonal variation.
5) Describe the proposed water system,
a) Source of supply, volume and
rate of flow at full development.
b) Water rights owned or utilized.
c) Proposed points of diversion and
changes of points of diversion.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.13
d) Volume of stream flow to remain
unused between points of diver-
e) Dependability of supply (physical
and legal).
f) Effects on downstream users.
d. Air quality.
1) Detail how many average daily trips
will be generated by the proposal.
2) Describe atmospheric and meteoro-
logic conditions in the impact area,
and the background ambient air
quality (TSP, S02, CO, HC, NOx, 03,
3) Describe pollutant outputs anticipat-
ed from the development and mitiga-
tion strategies.
e. Significant environmentally sensitive
Identify and locate on a map of appro-
priate scale the juxtaposition of any of
the following features present in the
proposed development or activity and its
vicinity, and detail the potential impact of
the proposal upon each feature.
1) Marshlands and wetlands.
2) Ground water recharge areas.
3) Potential natural hazards.
4) Forests and woodlands.
5) Critical wildlife habitat.
6) Public outdoor recreation areas.
7) Unique areas of geologic, historic or
archeological importance.
f. Visual aesthetics and nuisance factors:
1) Identify any significant deterioration
of natural aesthetics, creation of vis-
ual blight, noise and obnoxious odors
which stem from the proposal.
2) Where significant, map or describe
the area within view of the project.
3) Describe the proposed mitigation
g. Transportation impacts:
1) Describe what impacts the proposal
will have upon transportation pat-
terns in the area intended to be
served or affected by the proposal.
2) Describe the potential impact on
roads within the County.
3) Identify improvements required to
any roads within the County in order
to serve the project adequately.
h) Less damaging alternatives:
1) If the Planning Director determines
that the nature or extent of the pro-
posal involves the potential for signif-
icant environmental damage or
warrants examination of specific,
less environmentally damaging alter-
natives, the Planning Director may
request that the Board of County
Commissioners require that the ap-
plicant evaluate and present infor-
mation on such alternatives as part
of the application.
2) Required information on alternatives
may include, but shall not necessari-
ly be limited to, information on the
environmental impacts and cost-
effectiveness of the alternatives in
relationship to the proposal present-
3. Community impact analysis.
a. Public support facilities and pacts:
1) Describe community or public sup-
port facilities needed for the project,
including but not limited to police and
fire protection, public road mainte-
nance and educational and health
services, and identify needs for im-
provement or construction of new fa-
cilities or programs required for the
success of the project.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.13
2) Describe how these needs are pro-
posed to be accomplished or fi-
b. Impact on public finances:
1) Describe capital investment in facili-
2) Estimate anticipated revenues to lo-
cal, state and federal governments
and special districts.
4. Applicants seeking a permit for the site se-
lection and construction of pipelines or stor-
age areas shall submit the following
additional documents and information:
a. Description of hydrologic conditions –
surface (impact area).
1) Provide a map of all surface water.
2) Describe expected monthly stream
flows for typical year, wet year, dry
year (include seven-day – ten-year
low flows where sufficient data ex-
3) Describe physical stream features
(gradient, velocity, depth, etc.).
4) Provide data on chemical and biolog-
ical quality, including BOD, dissolved
, free CO
, pH, TDS, ph-th alkalini-
ty, MO alkalinity, NH
, heavy metals
and other toxic or deleterious sub-
b. Description of hydrologic conditions –
subsurface (impact area).
1) Map all aquifers that may be affected
by the project.
2) Provide tables, graphs and maps
showing permeability, transmissibil-
ity, thickness, volume, depth of aqui-
3) Describe geology of strata overlying
aquifers including percolation rates,
travel time to ground water surface.
4) Map of all wells using aquifers, in-
cluding diameter and flow rates.
5. Applicants seeking a permit for the site se-
lection and construction of a power plant
shall submit, in addition to those require-
ments set forth above, a map locating and
describing resource areas to be utilized as
sources of energy.
6. Applicants seeking a permit for the site se-
lection and construction of transmission
lines or substations shall submit the follow-
ing additional documents and information:
a. Computer modeled electromagnetic field
measurement within the proposed
transmission line easement for that por-
tion of the transmission line between
substations or transition sites; and
b. Measures taken to comply with the con-
cept of prudent avoidance with respect
to planning, siting, construction and op-
eration of transmission lines, which may
be those steps taken to comply with the
Colorado Public Utilities Commission's
Rule 18(i)1 or similar authority, for pro-
jects where other similar authority is ap-
11.33.14 Approval of Permit Application
The Board of County Commissioners shall ap-
prove an application for a permit for site selec-
tion and construction of a major facility of a
public utility (with reasonable conditions, if any,
in the discretion of the Board of County Com-
missioners) only if the proposed site selection
and construction complies with the following to
the extent applicable:
1. The health, welfare and safety of the citizens
of this County will be protected and served.
2. The natural and socioeconomic environment
of this County will be protected and en-
3. All reasonable alternatives to the proposed
action, including use of existing rights-of-
way and joint use of rights-of-way wherever
uses are compatible, have been adequately
assessed and the proposed action repre-
sents the best interests of the people of this
County and presents the best utilization of
resources in the impact area.
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.14
4. A satisfactory program to mitigate and mini-
mize adverse impacts has been presented.
5. The nature and location or expansion of the
facility complies with all applicable provi-
sions of the Master Plan of this County, and
other applicable regional, metropolitan, state
and national plans.
6. The nature and location or expansion of the
facility complements the existing and rea-
sonably foreseeable needs of the service
area and of the area immediately affected by
the facility.
7. The nature and location or expansion of the
facility does not unduly or unreasonably im-
pact existing community services.
8. The nature and location or expansion of the
facility will not create an expansion of the
demand for government services beyond the
reasonable capacity of the community or re-
gion to provide such services, as determined
by the Board of County Commissioners.
9. The facility site or expansion area is not in
an area with general meteorological and
climatological conditions which would un-
reasonably interfere with or obstruct normal
operations and maintenance.
10. The nature and location of the facility or ex-
pansion will not adversely affect the water
rights of any upstream, downstream or agri-
cultural users, adjacent communities or oth-
er water users.
11. Adequate water supplies are available for
facility needs.
12. The nature and location of the facility or ex-
pansion will not unduly interfere with any ex-
isting easements for or rights-of-way, for
other utilities, canals, mineral claims or
13. Adequate electric, gas, telephone, water,
sewage and other utilities exist or shall be
developed to service the site.
14. The nature and location for expansion of the
facility will not interfere with any significant
wildlife habitat or adversely affect any en-
dangered wildlife species, unique natural re-
source or historic landmark within the impact
15. The nature and location or expansion of the
facility, including expected growth and de-
velopment related to the operation and pro-
vision of service, will not significantly
deteriorate water or air quality in the impact
16. The geological and topographic features of
the site are adequate for all construction,
clearing, grading, drainage, vegetation and
other needs of the facility construction or
17. The existing water quality of affected state
waters will not be degraded below state and
federal standards or established baseline
18. The proposed project will not have a signifi-
cantly adverse net effect on the capacities or
functioning of streams, lakes and reservoirs
in the impact area, nor on the permeability,
volume, recharge capability and depth of
aquifers in the impact area.
19. The benefits of the proposed developments
outweigh the losses of any natural resources
or reduction of productivity of agricultural
lands as a result of the proposed develop-
20. The applicant has obtained or will obtain all
property rights, permits and approvals nec-
essary for the proposed project, including
surface, mineral and water rights and ease-
ments for drainage, disposal, utilities, ac-
cess, etc. If the applicant has not obtained
all necessary property rights, permits and
approvals, the Board of County Commis-
sioners may, at its discretion, grant the per-
mit conditioned upon completion of the
acquisition of such rights prior to issuance of
a zoning or building permit by the County.
The Board of County Commissioners shall deny
the permit if the proposed development does not
comply with the applicable criteria of this Sec-
The Board of County Commissioners may im-
pose additional mitigation requirements and
conditions on an applicant as follows if it com-
plies with each of the following steps:
Land Use Regulations H.B. 1041 Regulations — §11.33.14
1. The Board of County Commissioners shall
make written findings that each such re-
quirement and condition is necessary to en-
sure that the proposed project will not result
in significant adverse net effect on the re-
sources, values and conditions referenced
2. The Board of County Commissioners shall
also find in writing that each such require-
ment and condition is necessitated by the
proposed project.
3. All such findings shall be based on material
in the administrative record.
4. The Board of County Commissioners shall
base the additional requirements and condi-
tions on applicable design standards as
adopted by the County to the extent that
such standards then exists.
12.01 Conditions of Fee Payment ............................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.02 Fee Requirement and Exemptions ................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.03 Amendments to Fee Structure ....................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.04 Negotiated Fees ............................................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.05 Assessment of Supplemental Fees ............................................................................................................... 12-1
12.06 Fee Structure ................................................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.06.01 Zoning-Related Applications ....................................................................................................... 12-2
12.06.02 Subdivision and Plat-Related Applications (including Replats) ................................................... 12-2
12.06.03 Matters of Local Concern and State Interest ............................................................................... 12-2
12.06.04 Other Actions .............................................................................................................................. 12-2
Land Use Regulations Fees — §12.01
12.01 Conditions of Fee Payment
No applications for land use changes requiring a fee
as established by this Chapter will be accepted
without payment of the required application fees. All
fees are payable to the order of Las Animas County
in the form of cash, check or money order. Fee
payments that do not clear due to insufficient funds
shall cause all processing and review of an applica-
tion to be halted immediately until proper payment
has been made.
All fees paid are nonrefundable except to applicants
who provide written notification to the Planning
Director of a withdrawal of an application prior to its
initial consideration by the Planning Commission or,
if no Planning Commission review is required, its
initial hearing before the Board of County Commis-
sioners, Board of Adjustment or Planning Director,
as shown on the Review Process Chart, Section
12.02 Fee Requirement and Exemptions
The fees included in this Chapter shall be paid by all
applicants requesting or proposing land use chang-
es requiring payment of an application fee as listed
herein, with the following exceptions:
1. All Las Animas County departments, agencies,
boards and commissioners are hereby declared
to be exempt from the payment of fees other-
wise required herein.
2. Upon written request of a public agency or a not-
for-profit applicant to the Board of County Com-
missioners requesting an adjustment to or an
exemption from any of the fees contained herein
and a statement of the reasons why such fee
change or waiver should be granted, the Board
of County Commissioners shall consider the
matter at a regularly scheduled meeting and on-
ly grant such requests in cases where the char-
acteristics of the application would cause the
establishment application fees to represent an
unreasonable burden upon the applicant.
12.03 Amendments to Fee Structure
Acting upon the recommendation of the Planning
Director, the Board of County Commissioners may at
its discretion modify, eliminate or add to the fees
listed herein by resolution.
12.04 Negotiated Fees
Applications for large-scale developments listed
below as requiring negotiation of fees shall be nego-
tiated between the applicant and the Planning
Commission. Following such negotiations, the addi-
tional fees agreed upon by the applicant and the
Planning Commission shall be submitted to the
Board of County Commissioners for approval of the
12.05 Assessment of Supplemental Fees
Applications for proposed land use changes of large
scale or complexity, or likely to produce substantial
on- or off-site physical, social or economic impacts
may require special review by engineering, tech-
nical, scientific and other expert personnel not nor-
mally employed on a regular basis by Las Animas
County. When, in the judgment of the Planning
Commission or the Board of County Commissioners,
such independent expert review and analysis of an
application is required, the direct cost of such expert
review and analysis shall be added to the application
fees contained herein and charged to the applicant.
Payment of such supplemental fees by the applicant
to Las Animas County shall be a precondition for the
granting of all permits or approvals requested by the
applicant and requiring independent expert review or
Applications for proposed land use changes requir-
ing legally mandated State of Colorado agency
reviews by agencies charging fees for such review
services shall be assessed supplemental fees in the
amount of such charges incurred by Las Animas
County. Such supplemental fees shall be paid by
the applicant to Las Animas County as a precondi-
tion for the granting on all required permits or ap-
Land Use Regulations Fees — §12.06
12.06 Fee Structure
12.06.01 Zoning-Related Applications
1. Rezoning: $500.00
a. Over 1,000 acres: $1.00/acre
2. Special use permit: $300.00
3. Special use permit/mining &
extraction: $500.00
4. Special use permit/mobile home
park or campground: $1,000.00
5. Special use permit landfill: $1,000.00
6. Variance application: $150.00
7. Sign permit:
a. Administrative approval under
50 square feet: $25.00
b. Board of County
Commissioners approval,
50 square feet and above: $150.00
12.06.02 Subdivision and Plat-Related Ap-
plications (including Replats)
1. Sketch plan: $250.00
2. Preliminary plan: $500.00
3. Final plat (excludes recording
fees): $250.00
4. Plat amendment: $250.00
5. Plat corrections: $100.00
6. Vacating of plats, rights-of-way
and easements: $150.00
7. Subdivision exemptions: $500.00
8. Development plan applications: $200.00
9. PUD permits: $1,000.00
12.06.03 Matters of Local Concern and
State Interest
1. H.B. 1041 development permits: $5,000.00
12.06.04 Other Actions
1. Extractive Operation Performance
Bonds: $50.00
2. Temporary Use Permits: $75.00
3. Mobile Home Permits:
Double Wide: $290.00
Single Wide (16-foot and less
in width): $165.00
4. Appeals Procedure: $75.00
5. Minor Oil and Gas Facility: $1,000.00
6. Major Oil and Gas Facility: $4,000.00
7. Certificate of Designation: $1,000.00
13.01 Enforcement Authority ................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.02 Unlawful to Violate These Regulations .......................................................................................................... 13-1
13.03 Remedies ....................................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.03.01 Withholding Permits .................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.03.02 Cease and Desist Orders ............................................................................................................ 13-1
13.03.03 Injunction ..................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.03.04 Specific Performance .................................................................................................................. 13-1
13.03.05 Judicial Action ............................................................................................................................. 13-1
13.03.06 Cumulative Remedies ................................................................................................................. 13-2
13.04 Enforcement Process..................................................................................................................................... 13-2
13.04.01 Complaint and Verification of Violation ........................................................................................ 13-2
13.04.02 Authority to Enter and Inspect ..................................................................................................... 13-2
13.04.03 Notice of Violation and Response ............................................................................................... 13-2
13.04.04 Notice Requirements ................................................................................................................... 13-2
13.04.05 Response .................................................................................................................................... 13-3
13.05 Abatement by the County .............................................................................................................................. 13-3
13.05.01 Authorization for Abatement by County ....................................................................................... 13-3
13.05.02 Execution of Warrant and Abatement of Violation ....................................................................... 13-3
13.05.03 Cost of Abatement Billed to Property Owner ............................................................................... 13-3
13.05.04 Collection of Unpaid Bill for Cost of Abatement by County .......................................................... 13-3
13.06 Enforcement of Subdivision Regulations ....................................................................................................... 13-4
13.06.01 Requirement for County Subdivision Approval ............................................................................ 13-4
13.06.02 Enforcement of Subdivision Process and Platting Requirements ................................................ 13-4
13.07 Acceleration of Enforcement Process to Protect Public Health, Safety and Environment ............................. 13-4
Land Use Regulations Enforcement, Violations & Penalties — §13.01
13.01 Enforcement Authority
Provisions of these Regulations shall be enforced by
the Board of County Commissioners and the County
Attorney through their authority granted by Colorado
law, as follows:
1. The Subdivision and Subdivision Exemption
regulations of these Regulations, set forth in
Chapter IV, Subdivision Regulations, shall be
enforced in accordance with remedies specified
under Sections 30-28-110, C.R.S., and 30-28-
137, C.R.S.
2. The Planned Unit Development regulations of
these Regulations, set forth in Chapter V,
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Regulations,
shall be enforced in accordance with Section 24-
67-101, et seq., C.R.S., the Planned Unit Devel-
opment Act, in addition to applicable zoning and
subdivision regulation remedies.
3. All other provisions shall be enforced as a viola-
tion of zoning regulations in accordance with
Section 30-28-114, C.R.S.
13.02 Unlawful to Violate These Regulations
It shall be unlawful to develop or use any building,
structure or land in unincorporated Las Animas
County in violation of these Regulations.
13.03 Remedies
13.03.01 Withholding Permits
The County shall not issue any building permit
unless the proposed erection, construction, re-
construction, alteration or use fully conforms to
all provisions of these Regulations and complies
with all other state and local regulations.
The County may withdraw or deny land use
change permits, including plat approvals, and
any other applicable permits issued under these
Regulations, on any land for which a notice of
violation has been issued and the violation has
not been corrected in a timely manner. The
County may require correction of the violation as
a condition of any future approvals.
13.03.02 Cease and Desist Orders
After notice of a violation and an opportunity to
correct the violation, the County may halt work
on any land where there is a violation of a provi-
sion of these Regulations or of a permit issued
hereunder, through issuance of a cease and de-
sist order. All work shall immediately halt upon
issuance of such order. If work continues, the
unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction,
alteration, maintenance or use shall be in viola-
tion of these Regulations.
13.03.03 Injunction
If any building, structure or land is or is proposed
to be erected, constructed, reconstructed, al-
tered, maintained or used in violation of the pro-
visions of these Regulations, the Board of
County Commissioners or the County Attorney,
in addition to other remedies provided by law,
may institute an injunction, mandamus, abate-
ment or other appropriate action or proceeding
to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove such unlaw-
ful erection, construction, reconstruction, altera-
tion, maintenance or use.
13.03.04 Specific Performance
The County may seek specific performance of
the terms or conditions of any agreement or
permit issued under these Regulations.
13.03.05 Judicial Action
At the request of the Board of County Commis-
sioners, the County Attorney shall be empow-
ered to bring either a civil or a criminal (or both)
action against the owner of any premises or
property on which a violation of these Regula-
tions is alleged and, following investigation, has
been confirmed or is reasonably believed to ex-
1. Civil remedies against violations of these
Regulations may include injunction, man-
damus, abatement or any other appropriate
action or proceeding to prevent, enjoin,
abate or remove the violation. Fines as-
sessed pursuant to these enforcement pro-
visions may be recovered in that same civil
action wherein such injunction, mandamus
and/or abatement is sought, or separate and
Land Use Regulations Enforcement, Violations & Penalties — §13.03.05
district proceedings may be instituted seek-
ing varying forms of relief, as may be al-
lowed by law.
2. Criminal violations of these Regulations
shall be punished by a fine in an amount not
to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for
each violation or by imprisonment in the
County jail for not more than ten (10) days,
or by both a fine and imprisonment, and
payment of all costs and expenses involved
in prosecuting the offense, or by such other
remedy as may be specified by law. Each
day during which such illegal erection, con-
struction, reconstruction, alteration, mainte-
nance or use continues shall be deemed a
separate offense.
13.03.06 Cumulative Remedies
All remedies provided for in this Section are cu-
mulative, are not exclusive and shall be in addi-
tion to any other remedies provided by law. To
the extent that Colorado law may limit the avail-
ability of a particular remedy for a particular vio-
lation or a part of a violation, such remedy shall
remain available for other violations of other
parts of the same violation, and all other reme-
dies shall remain available for the same viola-
tions or part of a violation.
13.04 Enforcement Process
13.04.01 Complaint and Verification of Vio-
Upon complaint made or filed by a member of
the public or by a County official or employee,
the Planning Director shall verify the complaint
as a violation of these Regulations.
13.04.02 Authority to Enter and Inspect
The Planning Director is empowered to inspect
and examine any building, other structure or
parcel or other area of land where there is rea-
sonable cause to believe that a use exists or
construction, reconstruction, alteration or
maintenance is being performed or has been
performed in violation of these Regulations.
Consent to enter or an administrative entry and
seizure warrant shall not be required in the fol-
lowing circumstances:
1. To conduct inspections within the scope of
another official document.
2. To make observations of the premises in
plain view from public property or from por-
tions of the premises which are open or ac-
cessible to the public, or in which the owner
or occupant otherwise lacks a reasonable
expectation of privacy.
3. In emergency situations in which the Plan-
ning Director has reason to believe that the
public health or safety is in imminent danger
and could be jeopardized by delay.
The following documents shall be required for
the court to issue an administrative entry and
seizure warrant.
1. The applicable regulatory provisions of the-
se Regulations.
2. An affidavit stating the factual basis for the
3. Evidence that the property owner has re-
ceived notice of the violation and has failed
to abate the violation within the prescribed
4. A general description of the location of the
subject property.
5. A general description of the violation.
6. The proposed method and extent of abate-
ment by the County, including proposed dis-
posal or temporary impoundment of
13.04.03 Notice of Violation and Response
If a violation exists, the County shall send written
notice of a violation of these Regulations to the
property owner of record, as identified In the
County tax records.
13.04.04 Notice Requirements
The notice of violation shall be sent by certified
mail, return receipt, to both the address in the
tax records and the property address, if different.
The notice of violation shall contain the following
Land Use Regulations Enforcement, Violations & Penalties — §13.04.04
1. A list and description of all violations with
references to the section or sections of the
Regulations violated.
2. An order requiring correction of the viola-
3. The date by which compliance shall be at-
4. The appeal process, if applicable for the vio-
13.04.05 Response
Unless otherwise provided by these Regula-
tions, a period of thirty (30) calendar days after
the date of notice shall be allowed for response
to a notice of violation:
1. The alleged violator shall respond by provid-
ing evidence satisfactory to the Planning Di-
rector to show that the determination is in
error; or
2. The alleged violator shall restore the site,
structure or use of the property to compli-
ance. An inspection by the County shall be
required to confirm compliance; or
3. The alleged violator shall obtain approval
from the County for an extension of time to
attain compliance, showing good cause for
extension, with such extension limited to six-
ty (60) days unless a longer period is ap-
proved due to extenuating circumstances
ending with an inspection of the property by
the County to confirm compliance.
13.05 Abatement by the County
13.05.01 Authorization for Abatement by
If the alleged violator fails to comply with the
County's requirements for abatement of the vio-
lation, the Planning Director may request that
the Board of County Commissioners, at a public
meeting, authorize the County to arrange for
abatement of the violation. (NOTE: A public
hearing is not required.)
At least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the
date of the meeting, the Planning Director shall
provide notice of the meeting to the alleged vio-
lator by certified mail, return receipt requested to
both the address in the County tax records and
the property address, if different.
13.05.02 Execution of Warrant and Abate-
ment of Violation
Upon authorization by the Board of County
Commissioners for abatement by the County,
the Planning Director shall seek an administra-
tive entry and seizure warrant from the County
Court or District Court having jurisdiction over
the subject property.
1. Within ten (10) calendar days following the
date of issuance of an administrative war-
rant, the County shall abate the violation in
accordance with the direction of the court. A
copy of the issued warrant shall be provided
to the property owner. Proof of the execu-
tion of the warrant, including a written inven-
tory of any property impounded by the
County, shall be submitted to the court.
2. The proposed method of abatement by the
County may be accomplished through the
use of County staff or by contract with a pri-
vate party.
13.05.03 Cost of Abatement Billed to Prop-
erty Owner
A bill for the reasonable costs of abatement,
plus an inspection fee of five (5) percent of that
cost, shall be mailed to the property owner of
record, at both the address in the tax records
and the property address, if different. Payment
of the bill shall be due within sixty (60) days of
the date of the bill.
13.05.04 Collection of Unpaid Bill for Cost
of Abatement by County
If the bill is unpaid after sixty (60) calendar days,
the Planning Director through the County Clerk
shall certify the bill to the County Treasurer, who
shall collect the assessment, together with a ten-
percent penalty for the cost of collection, in the
same manner as other taxes are collected.
Land Use Regulations Enforcement, Violations & Penalties — §13.06
13.06 Enforcement of Subdivision Regulations
13.06.01 Requirement for County Subdivi-
sion Approval
No plans, plats, plots and replats of land laid out
in subdivision or building lots or of the streets,
highways or alleys, or other portions thereof, in-
tended to be dedicated to a public use or the
use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting
thereon or adjacent thereto, shall be recorded in
any public office unless first approved in compli-
ance with these Regulations.
Any subdivider or agent of a subdivider who
transfers or sells land before the final plat has
been approved pursuant to these Regulations
and recorded or filed in the office of the County
Clerk and Recorder shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not more than one thou-
sand dollars ($1,000.00) nor less than five hun-
dred dollars ($500.00) for each parcel or interest
in subdivided land which is sold or offered for
sale. All fines collected shall be credited to the
General Fund of the County. (Section 30-28-
The Board of County Commissioners shall have
the power to bring an action to enjoin any subdi-
vider from selling proposed subdivided land be-
fore the final plat has been approved by the
Board of County Commissioners and filed for re-
cording in the office of the County Clerk and Re-
corder. (Section 30-28-110(4)(b), C.R.S.)
In addition to any other enforcement action
specified in these Regulations, the Planning Di-
rector is authorized to withhold or demand with-
holding the issuance of any permits under these
Regulations sought or requested for property
which is determined to have been divided with-
out the required County approval. (Section 30-
28-110(4)(a), C.R.S.)
Properties that were divided in violation of the
County's land use regulations in effect at the
time of such division shall be further subdivided
only if the proposal includes provisions which
bring the entire original parcel, including the ar-
ea previously divided in violation of County regu-
lations, into compliance with the provisions of
these Regulations.
13.06.02 Enforcement of Subdivision Pro-
cess and Platting Requirements
The Board of County Commissioners or the pur-
chaser of any lot or other subdivided land sub-
ject to a plat restriction which is the security
portion of an improvements agreement shall
have the authority to bring an action in district
court to compel enforcement of the improve-
ments agreement on the sale, conveyance or
transfer of any such subdivided land, or en-
forcement of other applicable provisions for sub-
division of land under Colorado law. Such
authority shall include the right to compel rescis-
sion of sale, conveyance or transfer of title of
any lot or other subdivided land contrary to the
restrictions set forth on the plat or in any sepa-
rate recorded instrument. Any such action shall
be commenced prior to issuance of a building
permit by the County or otherwise prior to com-
mencement of construction on any such lot or
other subdivided land. (Section 30-28-137(3),
In addition to any other remedy provided by Col-
orado law, the Board of County Commissioners
or the purchaser of any lot or other subdivided
land shall have the authority to bring an action
for injunctive relief to enforce any plat restriction
(including all obligations contained in documents
required to be executed and recorded as part of
the final plat approval and all commitments of
record of the subdivider related to the County's
approval of the final plat), plat note, plat map or
provision of a subdivision improvements agree-
ment, and for damages arising out of failure to
adhere to any such plat restriction, plat note, plat
map or provision of a subdivision improvements
agreement pursuant to Section 30-28-137,
13.07 Acceleration of Enforcement Process to
Protect Public Health, Safety and Envi-
The enforcement process set forth in this Chapter
may be accelerated if the Planning Director makes a
written finding that the public health, safety, welfare,
or the environment could be endangered by a con-
tinuing violation. After such finding is made, the
County Attorney shall take immediate action to end
the threat to the public health, safety, welfare or the
environment through, but not limited to, ex parte
restraining orders as authorized under the Colorado
Rules of Civil Procedure and/or action by local law
enforcement or public safety agencies as deemed
appropriate and necessary.