1st Session
________, 2017.—Ordered to be printed
Mr. Brady of Texas, from the committee of conference,
submitted the following
[To accompany H.R. 1]
The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two
Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 1), to provide
for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution
on the budget for fiscal year 2018, having met, after full and free
conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their
respective Houses as follows:
That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of
the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as follows:
In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate
amendment, insert the following:
And the Senate agree to the same.
(a) S
.—This title may be cited as the 3
‘‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’’. 4
(b) A
1986 C
.—Except as other-5
wise expressly provided, whenever in this title an amend-6
ment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment 7
to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference 8
shall be considered to be made to a section or other provi-9
sion of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 10
Subtitle A—Individual Tax Reform 11
(a) I
.—Section 1 is amended by adding 14
at the end the following new subsection: 15
‘‘(j) M
2018 16
2025.— 17
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a taxable 18
year beginning after December 31, 2017, and before 19
January 1, 2026— 20
‘‘(A) subsection (i) shall not apply, and 21
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‘‘(B) this section (other than subsection 1
(i)) shall be applied as provided in paragraphs 2
(2) through (6). 3
‘‘(2) R
.— 4
‘‘(A) M
.—The fol-6
lowing table shall be applied in lieu of the table 7
contained in subsection (a): 8
‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $19,050 ...................................... 10% of taxable income.
Over $19,050 but not over $77,400 .......... $1,905, plus 12% of the excess over
Over $77,400 but not over $165,000 ........ $8,907, plus 22% of the excess over
Over $165,000 but not over $315,000 ...... $28,179, plus 24% of the excess
over $165,000.
Over $315,000 but not over $400,000 ...... $64,179, plus 32% of the excess
over $315,000.
Over $400,000 but not over $600,000 ...... $91,379, plus 35% of the excess
over $400,000.
Over $600,000 ........................................... $161,379, plus 37% of the excess
over $600,000.
‘‘(B) H
.—The fol-9
lowing table shall be applied in lieu of the table 10
contained in subsection (b): 11
‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $13,600 ...................................... 10% of taxable income.
Over $13,600 but not over $51,800 .......... $1,360, plus 12% of the excess over
Over $51,800 but not over $82,500 .......... $5,944, plus 22% of the excess over
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 ........ $12,698, plus 24% of the excess
over $82,500.
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 ...... $30,698, plus 32% of the excess
over $157,500.
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 ...... $44,298, plus 35% of the excess
over $200,000.
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‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Over $500,000 ........................................... $149,298, plus 37% of the excess
over $500,000.
‘‘(C) U
.—The following table shall be ap-3
plied in lieu of the table contained in subsection 4
(c): 5
‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $9,525 ........................................ 10% of taxable income.
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 ............ $952.50, plus 12% of the excess
over $9,525.
Over $38,700 but not over $82,500 .......... $4,453.50, plus 22% of the excess
over $38,700.
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 ........ $14,089.50, plus 24% of the excess
over $82,500.
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 ...... $32,089.50, plus 32% of the excess
over $157,500.
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 ...... $45,689.50, plus 35% of the excess
over $200,000.
Over $500,000 ........................................... $150,689.50, plus 37% of the ex-
cess over $500,000.
‘‘(D) M
.—The following table shall be 7
applied in lieu of the table contained in sub-8
section (d): 9
‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $9,525 ........................................ 10% of taxable income.
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 ............ $952.50, plus 12% of the excess
over $9,525.
Over $38,700 but not over $82,500 .......... $4,453.50, plus 22% of the excess
over $38,700.
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 ........ $14,089.50, plus 24% of the excess
over $82,500.
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 ...... $32,089.50, plus 32% of the excess
over $157,500.
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‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Over $200,000 but not over $300,000 ...... $45,689.50, plus 35% of the excess
over $200,000.
Over $300,000 ........................................... $80,689.50, plus 37% of the excess
over $300,000.
‘‘(E) E
.—The fol-1
lowing table shall be applied in lieu of the table 2
contained in subsection (e): 3
‘‘If taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $2,550 ........................................ 10% of taxable income.
Over $2,550 but not over $9,150 .............. $255, plus 24% of the excess over
Over $9,150 but not over $12,500 ............ $1,839, plus 35% of the excess over
Over $12,500 ............................................. $3,011.50, plus 37% of the excess
over $12,500.
‘‘(F) R
.— 4
Any reference in this title to a rate of tax under 5
subsection (c) shall be treated as a reference to 6
the corresponding rate bracket under subpara-7
graph (C) of this paragraph, except that the 8
reference in section 3402(q)(1) to the third low-9
est rate of tax applicable under subsection (c) 10
shall be treated as a reference to the fourth 11
lowest rate of tax under subparagraph (C). 12
‘‘(3) A
.— 13
‘‘(A) N
.—The ta-14
bles contained in paragraph (2) shall apply 15
without adjustment for taxable years beginning 16
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after December 31, 2017, and before January 1
1, 2019. 2
‘‘(B) S
.—For taxable 3
years beginning after December 31, 2018, the 4
Secretary shall prescribe tables which shall 5
apply in lieu of the tables contained in para-6
graph (2) in the same manner as under para-7
graphs (1) and (2) of subsection (f) (applied 8
without regard to clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-9
section (f)(2)(A)), except that in prescribing 10
such tables— 11
‘‘(i) subsection (f)(3) shall be applied 12
by substituting ‘calendar year 2017’ for 13
‘calendar year 2016’ in subparagraph 14
(A)(ii) thereof, 15
‘‘(ii) subsection (f)(7)(B) shall apply 16
to any unmarried individual other than a 17
surviving spouse or head of household, and 18
‘‘(iii) subsection (f)(8) shall not apply. 19
‘‘(4) S
.— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of a child 22
to whom subsection (g) applies for the taxable 23
year, the rules of subparagraphs (B) and (C) 24
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shall apply in lieu of the rule under subsection 1
(g)(1). 2
‘‘(B) M
.—In determining the amount 4
of tax imposed by this section for the taxable 5
year on a child described in subparagraph (A), 6
the income tax table otherwise applicable under 7
this subsection to the child shall be applied with 8
the following modifications: 9
‘‘(i) 24-
.—The 10
maximum taxable income which is taxed at 11
a rate below 24 percent shall not be more 12
than the sum of— 13
‘‘(I) the earned taxable income of 14
such child, plus 15
‘‘(II) the minimum taxable in-16
come for the 24-percent bracket in the 17
table under paragraph (2)(E) (as ad-18
justed under paragraph (3)) for the 19
taxable year. 20
‘‘(ii) 35-
.—The 21
maximum taxable income which is taxed at 22
a rate below 35 percent shall not be more 23
than the sum of— 24
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‘‘(I) the earned taxable income of 1
such child, plus 2
‘‘(II) the minimum taxable in-3
come for the 35-percent bracket in the 4
table under paragraph (2)(E) (as ad-5
justed under paragraph (3)) for the 6
taxable year. 7
‘‘(iii) 37-
.—The 8
maximum taxable income which is taxed at 9
a rate below 37 percent shall not be more 10
than the sum of— 11
‘‘(I) the earned taxable income of 12
such child, plus 13
‘‘(II) the minimum taxable in-14
come for the 37-percent bracket in the 15
table under paragraph (2)(E) (as ad-16
justed under paragraph (3)) for the 17
taxable year. 18
‘‘(C) C
.—For purposes of applying section 1(h) 20
(after the modifications under paragraph 21
(5)(A))— 22
‘‘(i) the maximum zero rate amount 23
shall not be more than the sum of— 24
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‘‘(I) the earned taxable income of 1
such child, plus 2
‘‘(II) the amount in effect under 3
paragraph (5)(B)(i)(IV) for the tax-4
able year, and 5
‘‘(ii) the maximum 15-percent rate 6
amount shall not be more than the sum 7
of— 8
‘‘(I) the earned taxable income of 9
such child, plus 10
‘‘(II) the amount in effect under 11
paragraph (5)(B)(ii)(IV) for the tax-12
able year. 13
‘‘(D) E
.—For 14
purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘earned 15
taxable income’ means, with respect to any 16
child for any taxable year, the taxable income 17
of such child reduced (but not below zero) by 18
the net unearned income (as defined in sub-19
section (g)(4)) of such child. 20
‘‘(5) A
.— 22
‘‘(A) I
.—Section 1(h)(1) shall 23
be applied— 24
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‘‘(i) by substituting ‘below the max-1
imum zero rate amount’ for ‘which would 2
(without regard to this paragraph) be 3
taxed at a rate below 25 percent’ in sub-4
paragraph (B)(i), and 5
‘‘(ii) by substituting ‘below the max-6
imum 15-percent rate amount’ for ‘which 7
would (without regard to this paragraph) 8
be taxed at a rate below 39.6 percent’ in 9
subparagraph (C)(ii)(I). 10
‘‘(B) M
.—For 11
purposes of applying section 1(h) with the 12
modifications described in subparagraph (A)— 13
‘‘(i) M
.—The maximum zero rate 15
amount shall be— 16
‘‘(I) in the case of a joint return 17
or surviving spouse, $77,200, 18
‘‘(II) in the case of an individual 19
who is a head of household (as de-20
fined in section 2(b)), $51,700, 21
‘‘(III) in the case of any other in-22
dividual (other than an estate or 23
trust), an amount equal to
of the 24
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amount in effect for the taxable year 1
under subclause (I), and 2
‘‘(IV) in the case of an estate or 3
trust, $2,600. 4
‘‘(ii) M
.—The maximum 15-percent rate 6
amount shall be— 7
‘‘(I) in the case of a joint return 8
or surviving spouse, $479,000 (
such amount in the case of a married 10
individual filing a separate return), 11
‘‘(II) in the case of an individual 12
who is the head of a household (as de-13
fined in section 2(b)), $452,400, 14
‘‘(III) in the case of any other in-15
dividual (other than an estate or 16
trust), $425,800, and 17
‘‘(IV) in the case of an estate or 18
trust, $12,700. 19
‘‘(C) I
.—In the 20
case of any taxable year beginning after 2018, 21
each of the dollar amounts in clauses (i) and 22
(ii) of subparagraph (B) shall be increased by 23
an amount equal to— 24
‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by 25
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‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment de-1
termined under subsection (f)(3) for the 2
calendar year in which the taxable year be-3
gins, determined by substituting ‘calendar 4
year 2017’ for ‘calendar year 2016’ in sub-5
paragraph (A)(ii) thereof. 6
If any increase under this subparagraph is not 7
a multiple of $50, such increase shall be round-8
ed to the next lowest multiple of $50. 9
‘‘(6) S
.—Section 15 10
shall not apply to any change in a rate of tax by rea-11
son of this subsection.’’. 12
(b) D
.—Subsection (g) of section 6695 is amended to read 15
as follows: 16
‘‘(g) F
.—Any person 18
who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return 19
or claim for refund who fails to comply with due diligence 20
requirements imposed by the Secretary by regulations with 21
respect to determining— 22
‘‘(1) eligibility to file as a head of household (as 23
defined in section 2(b)) on the return, or 24
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‘‘(2) eligibility for, or the amount of, the credit 1
allowable by section 24, 25A(a)(1), or 32, 2
shall pay a penalty of $500 for each such failure.’’. 3
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 4
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 5
December 31, 2017. 6
CPI. 8
(a) I
.—Subsection (f) of section 1 is 9
amended by striking paragraph (3) and by inserting after 10
paragraph (2) the following new paragraph: 11
‘‘(3) C
.—For pur-12
poses of this subsection— 13
‘‘(A) I
.—The cost-of-living ad-14
justment for any calendar year is the percent-15
age (if any) by which— 16
‘‘(i) the C-CPI-U for the preceding 17
calendar year, exceeds 18
‘‘(ii) the CPI for calendar year 2016, 19
multiplied by the amount determined 20
under subparagraph (B). 21
‘‘(B) A
.—The 22
amount determined under this clause is the 23
amount obtained by dividing— 24
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‘‘(i) the C-CPI-U for calendar year 1
2016, by 2
‘‘(ii) the CPI for calendar year 2016. 3
‘‘(C) S
.—For purposes 5
of any provision of this title which provides for 6
the substitution of a year after 2016 for ‘2016’ 7
in subparagraph (A)(ii), subparagraph (A) shall 8
be applied by substituting ‘the C-CPI-U for cal-9
endar year 2016’ for ‘the CPI for calendar year 10
2016’ and all that follows in clause (ii) there-11
of.’’. 12
(b) C-CPI-U.—Subsection (f) of section 1 is amended 13
by striking paragraph (7), by redesignating paragraph (6) 14
as paragraph (7), and by inserting after paragraph (5) 15
the following new paragraph: 16
‘‘(6) C-CPI-U.—For purposes of this sub-17
section— 18
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘C-CPI-U’ 19
means the Chained Consumer Price Index for 20
All Urban Consumers (as published by the Bu-21
reau of Labor Statistics of the Department of 22
Labor). The values of the Chained Consumer 23
Price Index for All Urban Consumers taken 24
into account for purposes of determining the 25
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cost-of-living adjustment for any calendar year 1
under this subsection shall be the latest values 2
so published as of the date on which such Bu-3
reau publishes the initial value of the Chained 4
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Con-5
sumers for the month of August for the pre-6
ceding calendar year. 7
‘‘(B) D
.—The C-CPI-U for any calendar year is 9
the average of the C-CPI-U as of the close of 10
the 12-month period ending on August 31 of 11
such calendar year.’’. 12
(c) A
.— 13
(1) I
.—Section 1(f)(2)(A) is amend-14
ed to read as follows: 15
‘‘(A) except as provided in paragraph (8), 16
by increasing the minimum and maximum dol-17
lar amounts for each bracket for which a tax is 18
imposed under such table by the cost-of-living 19
adjustment for such calendar year, deter-20
mined— 21
‘‘(i) except as provided in clause (ii), 22
by substituting ‘1992’ for ‘2016’ in para-23
graph (3)(A)(ii), and 24
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‘‘(ii) in the case of adjustments to the 1
dollar amounts at which the 36 percent 2
rate bracket begins or at which the 39.6 3
percent rate bracket begins, by sub-4
stituting ‘1993’ for ‘2016’ in paragraph 5
(3)(A)(ii),’’. 6
(2) C
.—Section 1(i) 7
is amended— 8
(A) by striking ‘‘for ‘1992’ in subpara-9
graph (B)’’ in paragraph (1)(C) and inserting 10
‘‘for ‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii)’’, and 11
(B) by striking ‘‘subsection (f)(3)(B) shall 12
be applied by substituting ‘2012’ for ‘1992’ ’’ in 13
paragraph (3)(C) and inserting ‘‘subsection 14
(f)(3)(A)(ii) shall be applied by substituting 15
‘2012’ for ‘2016’ ’’. 16
(d) A
1986 P
.— 18
(1) The following sections are each amended by 19
striking ‘‘for ‘calendar year 1992’ in subparagraph 20
(B)’’ and inserting ‘‘for ‘calendar year 2016’ in sub-21
paragraph (A)(ii)’’: 22
(A) Section 23(h)(2). 23
(B) Paragraphs (1)(A)(ii) and (2)(A)(ii) of 24
section 25A(h). 25
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(C) Section 25B(b)(3)(B). 1
(D) Subsection (b)(2)(B)(ii)(II), and 2
clauses (i) and (ii) of subsection (j)(1)(B), of 3
section 32. 4
(E) Section 36B(f)(2)(B)(ii)(II). 5
(F) Section 41(e)(5)(C)(i). 6
(G) Subsections (e)(3)(D)(ii) and 7
(h)(3)(H)(i)(II) of section 42. 8
(H) Section 45R(d)(3)(B)(ii). 9
(I) Section 55(d)(4)(A)(ii). 10
(J) Section 62(d)(3)(B). 11
(K) Section 63(c)(4)(B). 12
(L) Section 125(i)(2)(B). 13
(M) Section 135(b)(2)(B)(ii). 14
(N) Section 137(f)(2). 15
(O) Section 146(d)(2)(B). 16
(P) Section 147(c)(2)(H)(ii). 17
(Q) Section 151(d)(4)(B). 18
(R) Section 179(b)(6)(A)(ii). 19
(S) Subsections (b)(5)(C)(i)(II) and 20
(g)(8)(B) of section 219. 21
(T) Section 220(g)(2). 22
(U) Section 221(f)(1)(B). 23
(V) Section 223(g)(1)(B). 24
(W) Section 408A(c)(3)(D)(ii). 25
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(X) Section 430(c)(7)(D)(vii)(II). 1
(Y) Section 512(d)(2)(B). 2
(Z) Section 513(h)(2)(C)(ii). 3
(AA) Section 831(b)(2)(D)(ii). 4
(BB) Section 877A(a)(3)(B)(i)(II). 5
(CC) Section 2010(c)(3)(B)(ii). 6
(DD) Section 2032A(a)(3)(B). 7
(EE) Section 2503(b)(2)(B). 8
(FF) Section 4261(e)(4)(A)(ii). 9
(GG) Section 5000A(c)(3)(D)(ii). 10
(HH) Section 6323(i)(4)(B). 11
(II) Section 6334(g)(1)(B). 12
(JJ) Section 6601(j)(3)(B). 13
(KK) Section 6651(i)(1). 14
(LL) Section 6652(c)(7)(A). 15
(MM) Section 6695(h)(1). 16
(NN) Section 6698(e)(1). 17
(OO) Section 6699(e)(1). 18
(PP) Section 6721(f)(1). 19
(QQ) Section 6722(f)(1). 20
(RR) Section 7345(f)(2). 21
(SS) Section 7430(c)(1). 22
(TT) Section 9831(d)(2)(D)(ii)(II). 23
(2) Sections 41(e)(5)(C)(ii) and 68(b)(2)(B) are 24
each amended— 25
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(A) by striking ‘‘1(f)(3)(B)’’ and inserting 1
‘‘1(f)(3)(A)(ii)’’, and 2
(B) by striking ‘‘1992’’ and inserting 3
‘‘2016’’. 4
(3) Section 42(h)(6)(G) is amended— 5
(A) by striking ‘‘for ‘calendar year 1987’ ’’ 6
in clause (i)(II) and inserting ‘‘for ‘calendar 7
year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof’’, 8
and 9
(B) by striking ‘‘if the CPI for any cal-10
endar year’’ and all that follows in clause (ii) 11
and inserting ‘‘if the C-CPI-U for any calendar 12
year (as defined in section 1(f)(6)) exceeds the 13
C-CPI-U for the preceding calendar year by 14
more than 5 percent, the C-CPI-U for the base 15
calendar year shall be increased such that such 16
excess shall never be taken into account under 17
clause (i). In the case of a base calendar year 18
before 2017, the C-CPI-U for such year shall 19
be determined by multiplying the CPI for such 20
year by the amount determined under section 21
1(f)(3)(B).’’. 22
(4) Section 59(j)(2)(B) is amended by striking 23
‘‘for ‘1992’ in subparagraph (B)’’ and inserting ‘‘for 24
‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii)’’. 25
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(5) Section 132(f)(6)(A)(ii) is amended by 1
striking ‘‘for ‘calendar year 1992’ ’’ and inserting 2
‘‘for ‘calendar year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) 3
thereof’’. 4
(6) Section 162(o)(3) is amended by striking 5
‘‘adjusted for changes in the Consumer Price Index 6
(as defined in section 1(f)(5)) since 1991’’ and in-7
serting ‘‘adjusted by increasing any such amount 8
under the 1991 agreement by an amount equal to— 9
‘‘(A) such amount, multiplied by 10
‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter-11
mined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar 12
year in which the taxable year begins, by sub-13
stituting ‘calendar year 1990’ for ‘calendar year 14
2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof’’. 15
(7) So much of clause (ii) of section 16
213(d)(10)(B) as precedes the last sentence is 17
amended to read as follows: 18
‘‘(ii) M
.—For purposes of clause (i), the 20
medical care cost adjustment for any cal-21
endar year is the percentage (if any) by 22
which— 23
‘‘(I) the medical care component 24
of the C-CPI-U (as defined in section 25
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1(f)(6)) for August of the preceding 1
calendar year, exceeds 2
‘‘(II) such component of the CPI 3
(as defined in section 1(f)(4)) for Au-4
gust of 1996, multiplied by the 5
amount determined under section 6
1(f)(3)(B).’’. 7
(8) Subparagraph (B) of section 280F(d)(7) is 8
amended to read as follows: 9
‘‘(B) A
.—For purposes of this paragraph— 11
‘‘(i) I
.—The automobile 12
price inflation adjustment for any calendar 13
year is the percentage (if any) by which— 14
‘‘(I) the C-CPI-U automobile 15
component for October of the pre-16
ceding calendar year, exceeds 17
‘‘(II) the automobile component 18
of the CPI (as defined in section 19
1(f)(4)) for October of 1987, multi-20
plied by the amount determined under 21
1(f)(3)(B). 22
‘‘(ii) C-CPI-U
.—The term ‘C-CPI-U automobile 24
component’ means the automobile compo-25
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nent of the Chained Consumer Price Index 1
for All Urban Consumers (as described in 2
section 1(f)(6)).’’. 3
(9) Section 911(b)(2)(D)(ii)(II) is amended by 4
striking ‘‘for ‘1992’ in subparagraph (B)’’ and in-5
serting ‘‘for ‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii)’’. 6
(10) Paragraph (2) of section 1274A(d) is 7
amended to read as follows: 8
‘‘(2) A
.—In the 9
case of any debt instrument arising out of a sale or 10
exchange during any calendar year after 1989, each 11
dollar amount contained in the preceding provisions 12
of this section shall be increased by an amount equal 13
to— 14
‘‘(A) such amount, multiplied by 15
‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter-16
mined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar 17
year in which the taxable year begins, by sub-18
stituting ‘calendar year 1988’ for ‘calendar year 19
2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 20
Any increase under the preceding sentence shall be 21
rounded to the nearest multiple of $100 (or, if such 22
increase is a multiple of $50, such increase shall be 23
increased to the nearest multiple of $100).’’. 24
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(11) Section 4161(b)(2)(C)(i)(II) is amended by 1
striking ‘‘for ‘1992’ in subparagraph (B)’’ and in-2
serting ‘‘for ‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii)’’. 3
(12) Section 4980I(b)(3)(C)(v)(II) is amended 4
by striking ‘‘for ‘1992’ in subparagraph (B)’’ and 5
inserting ‘‘for ‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii)’’. 6
(13) Section 6039F(d) is amended by striking 7
‘‘subparagraph (B) thereof shall be applied by sub-8
stituting ‘1995’ for ‘1992’ ’’ and inserting ‘‘subpara-9
graph (A)(ii) thereof shall be applied by substituting 10
‘1995’ for ‘2016’ ’’. 11
(14) Section 7872(g)(5) is amended to read as 12
follows: 13
‘‘(5) A
.— 14
In the case of any loan made during any calendar 15
year after 1986, the dollar amount in paragraph (2) 16
shall be increased by an amount equal to— 17
‘‘(A) such amount, multiplied by 18
‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter-19
mined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar 20
year in which the taxable year begins, by sub-21
stituting ‘calendar year 1985’ for ‘calendar year 22
2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 23
Any increase under the preceding sentence shall be 24
rounded to the nearest multiple of $100 (or, if such 25
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increase is a multiple of $50, such increase shall be 1
increased to the nearest multiple of $100).’’. 2
(e) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) I
.—Part VI of subchapter B of chap-10
ter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new 11
section: 12
‘‘(a) I
.—In the case of a taxpayer other 14
than a corporation, there shall be allowed as a deduction 15
for any taxable year an amount equal to the sum of— 16
‘‘(1) the lesser of— 17
‘‘(A) the combined qualified business in-18
come amount of the taxpayer, or 19
‘‘(B) an amount equal to 20 percent of the 20
excess (if any) of— 21
‘‘(i) the taxable income of the tax-22
payer for the taxable year, over 23
‘‘(ii) the sum of any net capital gain 24
(as defined in section 1(h)), plus the ag-25
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gregate amount of the qualified cooperative 1
dividends, of the taxpayer for the taxable 2
year, plus 3
‘‘(2) the lesser of— 4
‘‘(A) 20 percent of the aggregate amount 5
of the qualified cooperative dividends of the tax-6
payer for the taxable year, or 7
‘‘(B) taxable income (reduced by the net 8
capital gain (as so defined)) of the taxpayer for 9
the taxable year. 10
The amount determined under the preceding sentence 11
shall not exceed the taxable income (reduced by the net 12
capital gain (as so defined)) of the taxpayer for the taxable 13
year. 14
‘‘(b) C
.—For purposes of this section— 16
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘combined quali-17
fied business income amount’ means, with respect to 18
any taxable year, an amount equal to— 19
‘‘(A) the sum of the amounts determined 20
under paragraph (2) for each qualified trade or 21
business carried on by the taxpayer, plus 22
‘‘(B) 20 percent of the aggregate amount 23
of the qualified REIT dividends and qualified 24
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publicly traded partnership income of the tax-1
payer for the taxable year. 2
‘‘(2) D
.—The 4
amount determined under this paragraph with re-5
spect to any qualified trade or business is the lesser 6
of— 7
‘‘(A) 20 percent of the taxpayer’s qualified 8
business income with respect to the qualified 9
trade or business, or 10
‘‘(B) the greater of— 11
‘‘(i) 50 percent of the W–2 wages 12
with respect to the qualified trade or busi-13
ness, or 14
‘‘(ii) the sum of 25 percent of the W– 15
2 wages with respect to the qualified trade 16
or business, plus 2.5 percent of the 17
unadjusted basis immediately after acquisi-18
tion of all qualified property. 19
‘‘(3) M
.— 21
‘‘(A) E
.—In the 22
case of any taxpayer whose taxable income for 23
the taxable year does not exceed the threshold 24
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amount, paragraph (2) shall be applied without 1
regard to subparagraph (B). 2
‘‘(B) P
.— 4
‘‘(i) I
.—If— 5
‘‘(I) the taxable income of a tax-6
payer for any taxable year exceeds the 7
threshold amount, but does not exceed 8
the sum of the threshold amount plus 9
$50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a 10
joint return), and 11
‘‘(II) the amount determined 12
under paragraph (2)(B) (determined 13
without regard to this subparagraph) 14
with respect to any qualified trade or 15
business carried on by the taxpayer is 16
less than the amount determined 17
under paragraph (2)(A) with respect 18
such trade or business, 19
then paragraph (2) shall be applied with 20
respect to such trade or business without 21
regard to subparagraph (B) thereof and by 22
reducing the amount determined under 23
subparagraph (A) thereof by the amount 24
determined under clause (ii). 25
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‘‘(ii) A
.—The 1
amount determined under this subpara-2
graph is the amount which bears the same 3
ratio to the excess amount as— 4
‘‘(I) the amount by which the 5
taxpayer’s taxable income for the tax-6
able year exceeds the threshold 7
amount, bears to 8
‘‘(II) $50,000 ($100,000 in the 9
case of a joint return). 10
‘‘(iii) E
.—For pur-11
poses of clause (ii), the excess amount is 12
the excess of— 13
‘‘(I) the amount determined 14
under paragraph (2)(A) (determined 15
without regard to this paragraph), 16
over 17
‘‘(II) the amount determined 18
under paragraph (2)(B) (determined 19
without regard to this paragraph). 20
‘‘(4) W
.— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘W–2 22
wages’ means, with respect to any person for 23
any taxable year of such person, the amounts 24
described in paragraphs (3) and (8) of section 25
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6051(a) paid by such person with respect to 1
employment of employees by such person during 2
the calendar year ending during such taxable 3
year. 4
‘‘(B) L
.— 6
Such term shall not include any amount which 7
is not properly allocable to qualified business 8
income for purposes of subsection (c)(1). 9
‘‘(C) R
.—Such term 10
shall not include any amount which is not prop-11
erly included in a return filed with the Social 12
Security Administration on or before the 60th 13
day after the due date (including extensions) 14
for such return. 15
‘‘(5) A
.—The Secretary shall provide for 17
the application of this subsection in cases of a short 18
taxable year or where the taxpayer acquires, or dis-19
poses of, the major portion of a trade or business or 20
the major portion of a separate unit of a trade or 21
business during the taxable year. 22
‘‘(6) Q
.—For purposes of 23
this section: 24
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‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 1
property’ means, with respect to any qualified 2
trade or business for a taxable year, tangible 3
property of a character subject to the allowance 4
for depreciation under section 167— 5
‘‘(i) which is held by, and available for 6
use in, the qualified trade or business at 7
the close of the taxable year, 8
‘‘(ii) which is used at any point during 9
the taxable year in the production of quali-10
fied business income, and 11
‘‘(iii) the depreciable period for which 12
has not ended before the close of the tax-13
able year. 14
‘‘(B) D
.—The term 15
‘depreciable period’ means, with respect to 16
qualified property of a taxpayer, the period be-17
ginning on the date the property was first 18
placed in service by the taxpayer and ending on 19
the later of— 20
‘‘(i) the date that is 10 years after 21
such date, or 22
‘‘(ii) the last day of the last full year 23
in the applicable recovery period that 24
would apply to the property under section 25
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168 (determined without regard to sub-1
section (g) thereof). 2
‘‘(c) Q
.—For purposes 3
of this section— 4
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘qualified busi-5
ness income’ means, for any taxable year, the net 6
amount of qualified items of income, gain, deduc-7
tion, and loss with respect to any qualified trade or 8
business of the taxpayer. Such term shall not include 9
any qualified REIT dividends, qualified cooperative 10
dividends, or qualified publicly traded partnership 11
income. 12
‘‘(2) C
.—If the net 13
amount of qualified income, gain, deduction, and 14
loss with respect to qualified trades or businesses of 15
the taxpayer for any taxable year is less than zero, 16
such amount shall be treated as a loss from a quali-17
fied trade or business in the succeeding taxable year. 18
‘‘(3) Q
.—For purposes of this sub-20
section— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 22
items of income, gain, deduction, and loss’ 23
means items of income, gain, deduction, and 24
loss to the extent such items are— 25
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‘‘(i) effectively connected with the con-1
duct of a trade or business within the 2
United States (within the meaning of sec-3
tion 864(c), determined by substituting 4
‘qualified trade or business (within the 5
meaning of section 199A)’ for ‘nonresident 6
alien individual or a foreign corporation’ or 7
for ‘a foreign corporation’ each place it ap-8
pears), and 9
‘‘(ii) included or allowed in deter-10
mining taxable income for the taxable year. 11
‘‘(B) E
.—The following invest-12
ment items shall not be taken into account as 13
a qualified item of income, gain, deduction, or 14
loss: 15
‘‘(i) Any item of short-term capital 16
gain, short-term capital loss, long-term 17
capital gain, or long-term capital loss. 18
‘‘(ii) Any dividend, income equivalent 19
to a dividend, or payment in lieu of divi-20
dends described in section 954(c)(1)(G). 21
‘‘(iii) Any interest income other than 22
interest income which is properly allocable 23
to a trade or business. 24
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‘‘(iv) Any item of gain or loss de-1
scribed in subparagraph (C) or (D) of sec-2
tion 954(c)(1) (applied by substituting 3
‘qualified trade or business’ for ‘controlled 4
foreign corporation’). 5
‘‘(v) Any item of income, gain, deduc-6
tion, or loss taken into account under sec-7
tion 954(c)(1)(F) (determined without re-8
gard to clause (ii) thereof and other than 9
items attributable to notional principal 10
contracts entered into in transactions 11
qualifying under section 1221(a)(7)). 12
‘‘(vi) Any amount received from an 13
annuity which is not received in connection 14
with the trade or business. 15
‘‘(vii) Any item of deduction or loss 16
properly allocable to an amount described 17
in any of the preceding clauses. 18
‘‘(4) T
.—Qualified busi-20
ness income shall not include— 21
‘‘(A) reasonable compensation paid to the 22
taxpayer by any qualified trade or business of 23
the taxpayer for services rendered with respect 24
to the trade or business, 25
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‘‘(B) any guaranteed payment described in 1
section 707(c) paid to a partner for services 2
rendered with respect to the trade or business, 3
and 4
‘‘(C) to the extent provided in regulations, 5
any payment described in section 707(a) to a 6
partner for services rendered with respect to the 7
trade or business. 8
‘‘(d) Q
.—For pur-9
poses of this section— 10
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘qualified trade 11
or business’ means any trade or business other 12
than— 13
‘‘(A) a specified service trade or business, 14
or 15
‘‘(B) the trade or business of performing 16
services as an employee. 17
‘‘(2) S
.—The term ‘specified service trade or busi-19
ness’ means any trade or business— 20
‘‘(A) which is described in section 21
1202(e)(3)(A) (applied without regard to the 22
words ‘engineering, architecture,’) or which 23
would be so described if the term ‘employees or 24
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owners’ were substituted for ‘employees’ there-1
in, or 2
‘‘(B) which involves the performance of 3
services that consist of investing and investment 4
management, trading, or dealing in securities 5
(as defined in section 475(c)(2)), partnership 6
interests, or commodities (as defined in section 7
475(e)(2)). 8
‘‘(3) E
.— 10
‘‘(A) I
.—If, for any taxable 11
year, the taxable income of any taxpayer is less 12
than the sum of the threshold amount plus 13
$50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a joint re-14
turn), then— 15
‘‘(i) any specified service trade or 16
business of the taxpayer shall not fail to be 17
treated as a qualified trade or business due 18
to paragraph (1)(A), but 19
‘‘(ii) only the applicable percentage of 20
qualified items of income, gain, deduction, 21
or loss, and the W–2 wages and the 22
unadjusted basis immediately after acquisi-23
tion of qualified property, of the taxpayer 24
allocable to such specified service trade or 25
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business shall be taken into account in 1
computing the qualified business income, 2
W–2 wages, and the unadjusted basis im-3
mediately after acquisition of qualified 4
property of the taxpayer for the taxable 5
year for purposes of applying this section. 6
‘‘(B) A
.—For 7
purposes of subparagraph (A), the term ‘appli-8
cable percentage’ means, with respect to any 9
taxable year, 100 percent reduced (not below 10
zero) by the percentage equal to the ratio of— 11
‘‘(i) the taxable income of the tax-12
payer for the taxable year in excess of the 13
threshold amount, bears to 14
‘‘(ii) $50,000 ($100,000 in the case of 15
a joint return). 16
‘‘(e) O
.—For purposes of this 17
section— 18
‘‘(1) T
.—Taxable income shall 19
be computed without regard to the deduction allow-20
able under this section. 21
‘‘(2) T
.— 22
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘threshold 23
amount’ means $157,500 (200 percent of such 24
amount in the case of a joint return). 25
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‘‘(B) I
.—In the 1
case of any taxable year beginning after 2018, 2
the dollar amount in subparagraph (A) shall be 3
increased by an amount equal to— 4
‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by 5
‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment de-6
termined under section 1(f)(3) for the cal-7
endar year in which the taxable year be-8
gins, determined by substituting ‘calendar 9
year 2017’ for ‘calendar year 2016’ in sub-10
paragraph (A)(ii) thereof. 11
The amount of any increase under the pre-12
ceding sentence shall be rounded as provided in 13
section 1(f)(7). 14
‘‘(3) Q
.—The term 15
‘qualified REIT dividend’ means any dividend from 16
a real estate investment trust received during the 17
taxable year which— 18
‘‘(A) is not a capital gain dividend, as de-19
fined in section 857(b)(3), and 20
‘‘(B) is not qualified dividend income, as 21
defined in section 1(h)(11). 22
‘‘(4) Q
.— 23
The term ‘qualified cooperative dividend’ means any 24
patronage dividend (as defined in section 1388(a)), 25
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any per-unit retain allocation (as defined in section 1
1388(f)), and any qualified written notice of alloca-2
tion (as defined in section 1388(c)), or any similar 3
amount received from an organization described in 4
subparagraph (B)(ii), which— 5
‘‘(A) is includible in gross income, and 6
‘‘(B) is received from— 7
‘‘(i) an organization or corporation de-8
scribed in section 501(c)(12) or 1381(a), 9
or 10
‘‘(ii) an organization which is gov-11
erned under this title by the rules applica-12
ble to cooperatives under this title before 13
the enactment of subchapter T. 14
‘‘(5) Q
.—The term ‘qualified publicly traded 16
partnership income’ means, with respect to any 17
qualified trade or business of a taxpayer, the sum 18
of— 19
‘‘(A) the net amount of such taxpayer’s al-20
locable share of each qualified item of income, 21
gain, deduction, and loss (as defined in sub-22
section (c)(3) and determined after the applica-23
tion of subsection (c)(4)) from a publicly traded 24
partnership (as defined in section 7704(a)) 25
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which is not treated as a corporation under sec-1
tion 7704(c), plus 2
‘‘(B) any gain recognized by such taxpayer 3
upon disposition of its interest in such partner-4
ship to the extent such gain is treated as an 5
amount realized from the sale or exchange of 6
property other than a capital asset under sec-7
tion 751(a). 8
‘‘(f) S
.— 9
‘‘(1) A
.— 11
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of a part-12
nership or S corporation— 13
‘‘(i) this section shall be applied at the 14
partner or shareholder level, 15
‘‘(ii) each partner or shareholder shall 16
take into account such person’s allocable 17
share of each qualified item of income, 18
gain, deduction, and loss, and 19
‘‘(iii) each partner or shareholder 20
shall be treated for purposes of subsection 21
(b) as having W–2 wages and unadjusted 22
basis immediately after acquisition of 23
qualified property for the taxable year in 24
an amount equal to such person’s allocable 25
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share of the W–2 wages and the 1
unadjusted basis immediately after acquisi-2
tion of qualified property of the partner-3
ship or S corporation for the taxable year 4
(as determined under regulations pre-5
scribed by the Secretary). 6
For purposes of clause (iii), a partner’s or 7
shareholder’s allocable share of W–2 wages 8
shall be determined in the same manner as the 9
partner’s or shareholder’s allocable share of 10
wage expenses. For purposes of such clause, 11
partner’s or shareholder’s allocable share of the 12
unadjusted basis immediately after acquisition 13
of qualified property shall be determined in the 14
same manner as the partner’s or shareholder’s 15
allocable share of depreciation. For purposes of 16
this subparagraph, in the case of an S corpora-17
tion, an allocable share shall be the share-18
holder’s pro rata share of an item. 19
‘‘(B) A
.—Rules similar to the rules under sec-21
tion 199(d)(1)(B)(i) (as in effect on December 22
1, 2017) for the apportionment of W–2 wages 23
shall apply to the apportionment of W–2 wages 24
and the apportionment of unadjusted basis im-25
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mediately after acquisition of qualified property 1
under this section. 2
‘‘(C) T
.— 4
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of any 5
taxpayer with qualified business income 6
from sources within the commonwealth of 7
Puerto Rico, if all such income is taxable 8
under section 1 for such taxable year, then 9
for purposes of determining the qualified 10
business income of such taxpayer for such 11
taxable year, the term ‘United States’ shall 12
include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 13
‘‘(ii) S
.—In the case of any taxpayer de-15
scribed in clause (i), the determination of 16
W–2 wages of such taxpayer with respect 17
to any qualified trade or business con-18
ducted in Puerto Rico shall be made with-19
out regard to any exclusion under section 20
3401(a)(8) for remuneration paid for serv-21
ices in Puerto Rico. 22
‘‘(2) C
.—For 23
purposes of determining alternative minimum tax-24
able income under section 55, qualified business in-25
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come shall be determined without regard to any ad-1
justments under sections 56 through 59. 2
‘‘(3) D
.—The deduction under subsection (a) shall 4
only be allowed for purposes of this chapter. 5
‘‘(4) R
.—The Secretary shall pre-6
scribe such regulations as are necessary to carry out 7
the purposes of this section, including regulations— 8
‘‘(A) for requiring or restricting the alloca-9
tion of items and wages under this section and 10
such reporting requirements as the Secretary 11
determines appropriate, and 12
‘‘(B) for the application of this section in 13
the case of tiered entities. 14
‘‘(g) D
.— 16
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of any taxable 17
year of a specified agricultural or horticultural coop-18
erative beginning after December 31, 2017, there 19
shall be allowed a deduction in an amount equal to 20
the lesser of— 21
‘‘(A) 20 percent of the excess (if any) of— 22
‘‘(i) the gross income of a specified 23
agricultural or horticultural cooperative, 24
over 25
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‘‘(ii) the qualified cooperative divi-1
dends (as defined in subsection (e)(4)) 2
paid during the taxable year for the tax-3
able year, or 4
‘‘(B) the greater of— 5
‘‘(i) 50 percent of the W–2 wages of 6
the cooperative with respect to its trade or 7
business, or 8
‘‘(ii) the sum of 25 percent of the W– 9
2 wages of the cooperative with respect to 10
its trade or business, plus 2.5 percent of 11
the unadjusted basis immediately after ac-12
quisition of all qualified property of the co-13
operative. 14
‘‘(2) L
.—The amount determined 15
under paragraph (1) shall not exceed the taxable in-16
come of the specified agricultural or horticultural for 17
the taxable year. 18
‘‘(3) S
.—For purposes of this 20
subsection, the term ‘specified agricultural or horti-21
cultural cooperative’ means an organization to which 22
part I of subchapter T applies which is engaged in— 23
‘‘(A) the manufacturing, production, 24
growth, or extraction in whole or significant 25
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part of any agricultural or horticultural prod-1
uct, 2
‘‘(B) the marketing of agricultural or hor-3
ticultural products which its patrons have so 4
manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted, 5
or 6
‘‘(C) the provision of supplies, equipment, 7
or services to farmers or to organizations de-8
scribed in subparagraph (A) or (B). 9
‘‘(h) A
.—The Secretary shall— 10
‘‘(1) apply rules similar to the rules under sec-11
tion 179(d)(2) in order to prevent the manipulation 12
of the depreciable period of qualified property using 13
transactions between related parties, and 14
‘‘(2) prescribe rules for determining the 15
unadjusted basis immediately after acquisition of 16
qualified property acquired in like-kind exchanges or 17
involuntary conversions. 18
‘‘(i) T
.—This section shall not apply to 19
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.’’. 20
(b) T
.— 22
(1) D
.—Section 62(a) is amend-24
ed by adding at the end the following new sentence: 25
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‘‘The deduction allowed by section 199A shall not be 1
treated as a deduction described in any of the pre-2
ceding paragraphs of this subsection.’’. 3
(2) D
.—Section 63(b) is amended by striking 5
‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the 6
period at the end of paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘, 7
and’’, and by adding at the end the following new 8
paragraph: 9
‘‘(3) the deduction provided in section 199A.’’. 10
(3) D
.—Section 12
63(d) is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of 13
paragraph (1), by striking the period at the end of 14
paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by adding 15
at the end the following new paragraph: 16
‘‘(3) the deduction provided in section 199A.’’. 17
(4) C
.—Section 18
3402(m)(1) is amended by inserting ‘‘and the esti-19
mated deduction allowed under section 199A’’ after 20
‘‘chapter 1’’. 21
(c) A
.—Section 6662(d)(1) 23
is amended by inserting at the end the following new sub-24
paragraph: 25
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‘‘(C) S
.—In the 2
case of any taxpayer who claims the deduction 3
allowed under section 199A for the taxable 4
year, subparagraph (A) shall be applied by sub-5
stituting ‘5 percent’ for ‘10 percent’.’’. 6
(d) C
.— 7
(1) Section 172(d) is amended by adding at the 8
end the following new paragraph: 9
‘‘(8) Q
.—The deduction under section 199A shall not 11
be allowed.’’. 12
(2) Section 246(b)(1) is amended by inserting 13
‘‘199A,’’ before ‘‘243(a)(1)’’. 14
(3) Section 613(a) is amended by inserting 15
‘‘and without the deduction under section 199A’’ 16
after ‘‘and without the deduction under section 17
199’’. 18
(4) Section 613A(d)(1) is amended by redesig-19
nating subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E) as subpara-20
graphs (D), (E), and (F), respectively, and by in-21
serting after subparagraph (B), the following new 22
subparagraph: 23
‘‘(C) any deduction allowable under section 24
199A,’’. 25
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(5) Section 170(b)(2)(D) is amended by strik-1
ing ‘‘and’’ in clause (iv), by striking the period at 2
the end of clause (v), and by adding at the end the 3
following new clause: 4
‘‘(vi) section 199A(g).’’. 5
(6) The table of sections for part VI of sub-6
chapter B of chapter 1 is amended by inserting at 7
the end the following new item: 8
‘‘Sec. 199A. Qualified business income.’’.
(e) E
.—The amendments made by 9
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 10
December 31, 2017. 11
(a) I
.—Section 461 is amended by adding 14
at the end the following new subsection: 15
‘‘(l) L
.— 17
‘‘(1) L
.—In the case of taxable year 18
of a taxpayer other than a corporation beginning 19
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 20
2026— 21
‘‘(A) subsection (j) (relating to limitation 22
on excess farm losses of certain taxpayers) shall 23
not apply, and 24
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‘‘(B) any excess business loss of the tax-1
payer for the taxable year shall not be allowed. 2
‘‘(2) D
.—Any loss 3
which is disallowed under paragraph (1) shall be 4
treated as a net operating loss carryover to the fol-5
lowing taxable year under section 172. 6
‘‘(3) E
.—For purposes of 7
this subsection— 8
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘excess busi-9
ness loss’ means the excess (if any) of— 10
‘‘(i) the aggregate deductions of the 11
taxpayer for the taxable year which are at-12
tributable to trades or businesses of such 13
taxpayer (determined without regard to 14
whether or not such deductions are dis-15
allowed for such taxable year under para-16
graph (1)), over 17
‘‘(ii) the sum of— 18
‘‘(I) the aggregate gross income 19
or gain of such taxpayer for the tax-20
able year which is attributable to such 21
trades or businesses, plus 22
‘‘(II) $250,000 (200 percent of 23
such amount in the case of a joint re-24
turn). 25
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‘‘(B) A
.—In 1
the case of any taxable year beginning after De-2
cember 31, 2018, the $250,000 amount in sub-3
paragraph (A)(ii)(II) shall be increased by an 4
amount equal to— 5
‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by 6
‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment de-7
termined under section 1(f)(3) for the cal-8
endar year in which the taxable year be-9
gins, determined by substituting ‘2017’ for 10
‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 11
If any amount as increased under the pre-12
ceding sentence is not a multiple of 13
$1,000, such amount shall be rounded to 14
the nearest multiple of $1,000. 15
‘‘(4) A
.—In the case 17
of a partnership or S corporation— 18
‘‘(A) this subsection shall be applied at the 19
partner or shareholder level, and 20
‘‘(B) each partner’s or shareholder’s allo-21
cable share of the items of income, gain, deduc-22
tion, or loss of the partnership or S corporation 23
for any taxable year from trades or businesses 24
attributable to the partnership or S corporation 25
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shall be taken into account by the partner or 1
shareholder in applying this subsection to the 2
taxable year of such partner or shareholder 3
with or within which the taxable year of the 4
partnership or S corporation ends. 5
For purposes of this paragraph, in the case of an S 6
corporation, an allocable share shall be the share-7
holder’s pro rata share of an item. 8
‘‘(5) A
.—The Secretary 9
shall prescribe such additional reporting require-10
ments as the Secretary determines necessary to 11
carry out the purposes of this subsection. 12
‘‘(6) C
.—This 13
subsection shall be applied after the application of 14
section 469.’’. 15
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 16
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 17
December 31, 2017. 18
(a) I
.—Subsection (c) of section 63 is 22
amended by adding at the end the following new para-23
graph: 24
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‘‘(7) S
.—In the case of a taxable year begin-2
ning after December 31, 2017, and before January 3
1, 2026— 4
‘‘(A) I
.—Paragraph (2) shall be applied— 6
‘‘(i) by substituting ‘$18,000’ for 7
‘$4,400’ in subparagraph (B), and 8
‘‘(ii) by substituting ‘$12,000’ for 9
‘$3,000’ in subparagraph (C). 10
‘‘(B) A
.— 11
‘‘(i) I
.—Paragraph (4) 12
shall not apply to the dollar amounts con-13
tained in paragraphs (2)(B) and (2)(C). 14
‘‘(ii) A
.—In the case of a taxable year 16
beginning after 2018, the $18,000 and 17
$12,000 amounts in subparagraph (A) 18
shall each be increased by an amount equal 19
to— 20
‘‘(I) such dollar amount, multi-21
plied by 22
‘‘(II) the cost-of-living adjust-23
ment determined under section 1(f)(3) 24
for the calendar year in which the tax-25
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able year begins, determined by sub-1
stituting ‘2017’ for ‘2016’ in subpara-2
graph (A)(ii) thereof. 3
If any increase under this clause is not a 4
multiple of $50, such increase shall be 5
rounded to the next lowest multiple of 6
$50.’’. 7
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 8
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 9
December 31, 2017. 10
(a) I
.—Section 24 is amended by adding 13
at the end the following new subsection: 14
‘‘(h) S
2018 15
2025.— 16
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a taxable 17
year beginning after December 31, 2017, and before 18
January 1, 2026, this section shall be applied as 19
provided in paragraphs (2) through (7). 20
‘‘(2) C
.—Subsection (a) shall be 21
applied by substituting ‘$2,000’ for ‘$1,000’. 22
‘‘(3) L
.—In lieu of the amount deter-23
mined under subsection (b)(2), the threshold amount 24
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shall be $400,000 in the case of a joint return 1
($200,000 in any other case). 2
‘‘(4) P
.— 4
‘‘(A) I
.—The credit determined 5
under subsection (a) (after the application of 6
paragraph (2)) shall be increased by $500 for 7
each dependent of the taxpayer (as defined in 8
section 152) other than a qualifying child de-9
scribed in subsection (c). 10
‘‘(B) E
.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with 12
respect to any individual who would not be a 13
dependent if subparagraph (A) of section 14
152(b)(3) were applied without regard to all 15
that follows ‘resident of the United States’. 16
‘‘(C) C
.— 17
In the case of any qualifying child with respect 18
to whom a credit is not allowed under this sec-19
tion by reason of paragraph (7), such child 20
shall be treated as a dependent to whom sub-21
paragraph (A) applies. 22
‘‘(5) M
.— 24
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‘‘(A) I
.—The amount deter-1
mined under subsection (d)(1)(A) with respect 2
to any qualifying child shall not exceed $1,400, 3
and such subsection shall be applied without re-4
gard to paragraph (4) of this subsection. 5
‘‘(B) A
.—In 6
the case of a taxable year beginning after 2018, 7
the $1,400 amount in subparagraph (A) shall 8
be increased by an amount equal to— 9
‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by 10
‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment de-11
termined under section 1(f)(3) for the cal-12
endar year in which the taxable year be-13
gins, determined by substituting ‘2017’ for 14
‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 15
If any increase under this clause is not a mul-16
tiple of $100, such increase shall be rounded to 17
the next lowest multiple of $100. 18
‘‘(6) E
.—Subsection (d)(1)(B)(i) shall 20
be applied by substituting ‘$2,500’ for ‘$3,000’. 21
‘‘(7) S
.— 22
No credit shall be allowed under this section to a 23
taxpayer with respect to any qualifying child unless 24
the taxpayer includes the social security number of 25
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such child on the return of tax for the taxable year. 1
For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term 2
‘social security number’ means a social security 3
number issued to an individual by the Social Secu-4
rity Administration, but only if the social security 5
number is issued— 6
‘‘(A) to a citizen of the United States or 7
pursuant to subclause (I) (or that portion of 8
subclause (III) that relates to subclause (I)) of 9
section 205(c)(2)(B)(i) of the Social Security 10
Act, and 11
‘‘(B) before the due date for such return.’’. 12
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 13
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 14
December 31, 2017. 15
(a) I
.—Section 170(b)(1) is amended by 18
redesignating subparagraph (G) as subparagraph (H) and 19
by inserting after subparagraph (F) the following new 20
subparagraph: 21
‘‘(G) I
.— 23
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of any 24
contribution of cash to an organization de-25
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scribed in subparagraph (A), the total 1
amount of such contributions which may 2
be taken into account under subsection (a) 3
for any taxable year beginning after De-4
cember 31, 2017, and before January 1, 5
2026, shall not exceed 60 percent of the 6
taxpayer’s contribution base for such year. 7
‘‘(ii) C
.—If the aggregate 8
amount of contributions described in clause 9
(i) exceeds the applicable limitation under 10
clause (i) for any taxable year described in 11
such clause, such excess shall be treated 12
(in a manner consistent with the rules of 13
subsection (d)(1)) as a charitable contribu-14
tion to which clause (i) applies in each of 15
the 5 succeeding years in order of time. 16
‘‘(iii) C
.— 18
‘‘(I) I
tions taken into account under this 20
subparagraph shall not be taken into 21
account under subparagraph (A). 22
‘‘(II) L
.— 23
For each taxable year described in 24
clause (i), and each taxable year to 25
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which any contribution under this 1
subparagraph is carried over under 2
clause (ii), subparagraph (A) shall be 3
applied by reducing (but not below 4
zero) the contribution limitation al-5
lowed for the taxable year under such 6
subparagraph by the aggregate con-7
tributions allowed under this subpara-8
graph for such taxable year, and sub-9
paragraph (B) shall be applied by 10
treating any reference to subpara-11
graph (A) as a reference to both sub-12
paragraph (A) and this subpara-13
graph.’’. 14
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 15
this section shall apply to contributions in taxable years 16
beginning after December 31, 2017. 17
(a) I
.— 22
(1) I
.—Section 529A(b)(2)(B) is 23
amended to read as follows: 24
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‘‘(B) except in the case of contributions 1
under subsection (c)(1)(C), if such contribution 2
to an ABLE account would result in aggregate 3
contributions from all contributors to the 4
ABLE account for the taxable year exceeding 5
the sum of— 6
‘‘(i) the amount in effect under sec-7
tion 2503(b) for the calendar year in which 8
the taxable year begins, plus 9
‘‘(ii) in the case of any contribution 10
by a designated beneficiary described in 11
paragraph (7) before January 1, 2026, the 12
lesser of— 13
‘‘(I) compensation (as defined by 14
section 219(f)(1)) includible in the 15
designated beneficiary’s gross income 16
for the taxable year, or 17
‘‘(II) an amount equal to the 18
poverty line for a one-person house-19
hold, as determined for the calendar 20
year preceding the calendar year in 21
which the taxable year begins.’’. 22
(2) R
.—Paragraph (2) of section 529A(b) is 24
amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘A des-25
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ignated beneficiary (or a person acting on behalf of 1
such beneficiary) shall maintain adequate records for 2
purposes of ensuring, and shall be responsible for 3
ensuring, that the requirements of subparagraph 4
(B)(ii) are met.’’ 5
(3) E
.— 6
Section 529A(b) is amended by adding at the end 7
the following: 8
‘‘(7) S
.—For purposes of paragraph 10
(2)(B)(ii)— 11
‘‘(A) D
.—A des-12
ignated beneficiary described in this paragraph 13
is an employee (including an employee within 14
the meaning of section 401(c)) with respect to 15
whom— 16
‘‘(i) no contribution is made for the 17
taxable year to a defined contribution plan 18
(within the meaning of section 414(i)) with 19
respect to which the requirements of sec-20
tion 401(a) or 403(a) are met, 21
‘‘(ii) no contribution is made for the 22
taxable year to an annuity contract de-23
scribed in section 403(b), and 24
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‘‘(iii) no contribution is made for the 1
taxable year to an eligible deferred com-2
pensation plan described in section 457(b). 3
‘‘(B) P
.—The term ‘poverty 4
line’ has the meaning given such term by sec-5
tion 673 of the Community Services Block 6
Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902).’’. 7
(b) A
.—Section 9
25B(d)(1) is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of sub-10
paragraph (B)(ii), by striking the period at the end of sub-11
paragraph (C) and inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by inserting at 12
the end the following: 13
‘‘(D) the amount of contributions made be-14
fore January 1, 2026, by such individual to the 15
ABLE account (within the meaning of section 16
529A) of which such individual is the des-17
ignated beneficiary.’’. 18
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 20
the date of the enactment of this Act. 21
(a) I
.—Clause (i) of section 529(c)(3)(C) 24
is amended by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subclause (I), 25
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by striking the period at the end of subclause (II) and 1
inserting ‘‘, or’’, and by adding at the end the following: 2
‘‘(III) before January 1, 2026, to 3
an ABLE account (as defined in sec-4
tion 529A(e)(6)) of the designated 5
beneficiary or a member of the family 6
of the designated beneficiary. 7
Subclause (III) shall not apply to so much 8
of a distribution which, when added to all 9
other contributions made to the ABLE ac-10
count for the taxable year, exceeds the lim-11
itation under section 529A(b)(2)(B)(i).’’. 12
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 13
this section shall apply to distributions after the date of 14
the enactment of this Act. 15
(a) I
.—For purposes of the following pro-19
visions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, with respect 20
to the applicable period, a qualified hazardous duty area 21
shall be treated in the same manner as if it were a combat 22
zone (as determined under section 112 of such Code): 23
(1) Section 2(a)(3) (relating to special rule 24
where deceased spouse was in missing status). 25
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(2) Section 112 (relating to the exclusion of 1
certain combat pay of members of the Armed 2
Forces). 3
(3) Section 692 (relating to income taxes of 4
members of Armed Forces on death). 5
(4) Section 2201 (relating to members of the 6
Armed Forces dying in combat zone or by reason of 7
combat-zone-incurred wounds, etc.). 8
(5) Section 3401(a)(1) (defining wages relating 9
to combat pay for members of the Armed Forces). 10
(6) Section 4253(d) (relating to the taxation of 11
phone service originating from a combat zone from 12
members of the Armed Forces). 13
(7) Section 6013(f)(1) (relating to joint return 14
where individual is in missing status). 15
(8) Section 7508 (relating to time for per-16
forming certain acts postponed by reason of service 17
in combat zone). 18
(b) Q
.—For pur-19
poses of this section, the term ‘‘qualified hazardous duty 20
area’’ means the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, if as of the 21
date of the enactment of this section any member of the 22
Armed Forces of the United States is entitled to special 23
pay under section 310 of title 37, United States Code (re-24
lating to special pay; duty subject to hostile fire or immi-25
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nent danger), for services performed in such location. 1
Such term includes such location only during the period 2
such entitlement is in effect. 3
(c) A
.— 4
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-5
graph (2), the applicable period is— 6
(A) the portion of the first taxable year 7
ending after June 9, 2015, which begins on 8
such date, and 9
(B) any subsequent taxable year beginning 10
before January 1, 2026. 11
(2) W
.—In the case of subsection 12
(a)(5), the applicable period is— 13
(A) the portion of the first taxable year 14
ending after the date of the enactment of this 15
Act which begins on such date, and 16
(B) any subsequent taxable year beginning 17
before January 1, 2026. 18
(d) E
.— 19
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-20
graph (2), the provisions of this section shall take 21
effect on June 9, 2015. 22
(2) W
.—Subsection (a)(5) shall 23
apply to remuneration paid after the date of the en-24
actment of this Act. 25
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(a) I
.—Subsection (f) of section 213 is 3
amended to read as follows: 4
‘‘(f) S
2013 T
2018.— 5
In the case of any taxable year— 6
‘‘(1) beginning after December 31, 2012, and 7
ending before January 1, 2017, in the case of a tax-8
payer if such taxpayer or such taxpayer’s spouse has 9
attained age 65 before the close of such taxable 10
year, and 11
‘‘(2) beginning after December 31, 2016, and 12
ending before January 1, 2019, in the case of any 13
taxpayer, 14
subsection (a) shall be applied with respect to a taxpayer 15
by substituting ‘7.5 percent’ for ‘10 percent’.’’. 16
(b) M
.— 17
Section 56(b)(1)(B) is amended by adding at the end the 18
following new sentence:‘‘This subparagraph shall not 19
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016, 20
and ending before January 1, 2019’’. 21
(c) E
.—The amendment made by 22
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 23
December 31, 2016. 24
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(a) I
.—For purposes of this section, the 2
term ‘‘2016 disaster area’’ means any area with respect 3
to which a major disaster has been declared by the Presi-4
dent under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 5
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act during calendar year 6
2016. 7
(b) S
2016 9
.— 10
(1) T
.— 12
(A) I
.—Section 72(t) of the In-13
ternal Revenue Code of 1986 shall not apply to 14
any qualified 2016 disaster distribution. 15
(B) A
.— 16
(i) I
.—For purposes of 17
this subsection, the aggregate amount of 18
distributions received by an individual 19
which may be treated as qualified 2016 20
disaster distributions for any taxable year 21
shall not exceed the excess (if any) of— 22
(I) $100,000, over 23
(II) the aggregate amounts treat-24
ed as qualified 2016 disaster distribu-25
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tions received by such individual for 1
all prior taxable years. 2
(ii) T
.—If a distribution to an individual 4
would (without regard to clause (i)) be a 5
qualified 2016 disaster distribution, a plan 6
shall not be treated as violating any re-7
quirement of this title merely because the 8
plan treats such distribution as a qualified 9
2016 disaster distribution, unless the ag-10
gregate amount of such distributions from 11
all plans maintained by the employer (and 12
any member of any controlled group which 13
includes the employer) to such individual 14
exceeds $100,000. 15
(iii) C
.—For pur-16
poses of clause (ii), the term ‘‘controlled 17
group’’ means any group treated as a sin-18
gle employer under subsection (b), (c), 19
(m), or (o) of section 414 of the Internal 20
Revenue Code of 1986. 21
(C) A
.— 23
(i) I
.—Any individual who 24
receives a qualified 2016 disaster distribu-25
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tion may, at any time during the 3-year 1
period beginning on the day after the date 2
on which such distribution was received, 3
make one or more contributions in an ag-4
gregate amount not to exceed the amount 5
of such distribution to an eligible retire-6
ment plan of which such individual is a 7
beneficiary and to which a rollover con-8
tribution of such distribution could be 9
made under section 402(c), 403(a)(4), 10
403(b)(8), 408(d)(3), or 457(e)(16) of the 11
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as the 12
case may be. 13
(ii) T
.—For 16
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 17
1986, if a contribution is made pursuant 18
to clause (i) with respect to a qualified 19
2016 disaster distribution from an eligible 20
retirement plan other than an individual 21
retirement plan, then the taxpayer shall, to 22
the extent of the amount of the contribu-23
tion, be treated as having received the 24
qualified 2016 disaster distribution in an 25
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eligible rollover distribution (as defined in 1
section 402(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue 2
Code of 1986) and as having transferred 3
the amount to the eligible retirement plan 4
in a direct trustee to trustee transfer with-5
in 60 days of the distribution. 6
(iii) T
.—For 8
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 9
1986, if a contribution is made pursuant 10
to clause (i) with respect to a qualified 11
2016 disaster distribution from an indi-12
vidual retirement plan (as defined by sec-13
tion 7701(a)(37) of the Internal Revenue 14
Code of 1986), then, to the extent of the 15
amount of the contribution, the qualified 16
2016 disaster distribution shall be treated 17
as a distribution described in section 18
408(d)(3) of such Code and as having been 19
transferred to the eligible retirement plan 20
in a direct trustee to trustee transfer with-21
in 60 days of the distribution. 22
(D) D
.—For purposes of this 23
paragraph— 24
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(i) Q
.—Except as provided in sub-2
paragraph (B), the term ‘‘qualified 2016 3
disaster distribution’’ means any distribu-4
tion from an eligible retirement plan made 5
on or after January 1, 2016, and before 6
January 1, 2018, to an individual whose 7
principal place of abode at any time during 8
calendar year 2016 was located in a dis-9
aster area described in subsection (a) and 10
who has sustained an economic loss by rea-11
son of the events giving rise to the Presi-12
dential declaration described in subsection 13
(a) which was applicable to such area. 14
(ii) E
.— 15
The term ‘‘eligible retirement plan’’ shall 16
have the meaning given such term by sec-17
tion 402(c)(8)(B) of the Internal Revenue 18
Code of 1986. 19
(E) I
- 20
.— 21
(i) I
.—In the case of any 22
qualified 2016 disaster distribution, unless 23
the taxpayer elects not to have this sub-24
paragraph apply for any taxable year, any 25
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amount required to be included in gross in-1
come for such taxable year shall be so in-2
cluded ratably over the 3-taxable-year pe-3
riod beginning with such taxable year. 4
(ii) S
.—For purposes of 5
clause (i), rules similar to the rules of sub-6
paragraph (E) of section 408A(d)(3) of the 7
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall apply. 8
(F) S
.— 9
(i) E
.—For purposes 12
of sections 401(a)(31), 402(f), and 3405 of 13
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, quali-14
fied 2016 disaster distribution shall not be 15
treated as eligible rollover distributions. 16
(ii) Q
.—For pur-19
poses of the Internal Revenue Code of 20
1986, a qualified 2016 disaster distribu-21
tion shall be treated as meeting the re-22
quirements of sections 401(k)(2)(B)(i), 23
403(b)(7)(A)(ii), 403(b)(11), and 24
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457(d)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code 1
of 1986. 2
(2) P
.— 4
(A) I
.—If this paragraph ap-5
plies to any amendment to any plan or annuity 6
contract, such plan or contract shall be treated 7
as being operated in accordance with the terms 8
of the plan during the period described in sub-9
paragraph (B)(ii)(I). 10
(B) A
.— 12
(i) I
.—This paragraph 13
shall apply to any amendment to any plan 14
or annuity contract which is made— 15
(I) pursuant to any provision of 16
this section, or pursuant to any regu-17
lation under any provision of this sec-18
tion, and 19
(II) on or before the last day of 20
the first plan year beginning on or 21
after January 1, 2018, or such later 22
date as the Secretary prescribes. 23
In the case of a governmental plan (as de-24
fined in section 414(d) of the Internal Rev-25
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enue Code of 1986), subclause (II) shall be 1
applied by substituting the date which is 2 2
years after the date otherwise applied 3
under subclause (II). 4
(ii) C
.—This paragraph 5
shall not apply to any amendment to a 6
plan or contract unless such amendment 7
applies retroactively for such period, and 8
shall not apply to any such amendment un-9
less the plan or contract is operated as if 10
such amendment were in effect during the 11
period— 12
(I) beginning on the date that 13
this section or the regulation de-14
scribed in clause (i)(I) takes effect (or 15
in the case of a plan or contract 16
amendment not required by this sec-17
tion or such regulation, the effective 18
date specified by the plan), and 19
(II) ending on the date described 20
in clause (i)(II) (or, if earlier, the 21
date the plan or contract amendment 22
is adopted). 23
(c) S
2016 M
.— 25
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(1) I
.—If an individual has a net 1
disaster loss for any taxable year beginning after 2
December 31, 2015, and before January 1, 2018— 3
(A) the amount determined under section 4
165(h)(2)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code 5
of 1986 shall be equal to the sum of— 6
(i) such net disaster loss, and 7
(ii) so much of the excess referred to 8
in the matter preceding clause (i) of sec-9
tion 165(h)(2)(A) of such Code (reduced 10
by the amount in clause (i) of this sub-11
paragraph) as exceeds 10 percent of the 12
adjusted gross income of the individual, 13
(B) section 165(h)(1) of such Code shall 14
be applied by substituting ‘‘$500’’ for ‘‘$500 15
($100 for taxable years beginning after Decem-16
ber 31, 2009)’’, 17
(C) the standard deduction determined 18
under section 63(c) of such Code shall be in-19
creased by the net disaster loss, and 20
(D) section 56(b)(1)(E) of such Code shall 21
not apply to so much of the standard deduction 22
as is attributable to the increase under sub-23
paragraph (C) of this paragraph. 24
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(2) N
.—For purposes of this 1
subsection, the term ‘‘net disaster loss’’ means the 2
excess of qualified disaster-related personal casualty 3
losses over personal casualty gains (as defined in 4
section 165(h)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code 5
of 1986). 6
(3) Q
.—For purposes of this para-8
graph, the term ‘‘qualified disaster-related personal 9
casualty losses’’ means losses described in section 10
165(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 11
which arise in a disaster area described in subsection 12
(a) on or after January 1, 2016, and which are at-13
tributable to the events giving rise to the Presi-14
dential declaration described in subsection (a) which 15
was applicable to such area. 16
(a) I
.—Section 108(f) is amended by 20
adding at the end the following new paragraph: 21
‘‘(5) D
.— 23
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of an indi-24
vidual, gross income does not include any 25
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amount which (but for this subsection) would 1
be includible in gross income for such taxable 2
year by reasons of the discharge (in whole or in 3
part) of any loan described in subparagraph 4
(B) after December 31, 2017, and before Janu-5
ary 1, 2026, if such discharge was— 6
‘‘(i) pursuant to subsection (a) or (d) 7
of section 437 of the Higher Education 8
Act of 1965 or the parallel benefit under 9
part D of title IV of such Act (relating to 10
the repayment of loan liability), 11
‘‘(ii) pursuant to section 464(c)(1)(F) 12
of such Act, or 13
‘‘(iii) otherwise discharged on account 14
of the death or total and permanent dis-15
ability of the student. 16
‘‘(B) L
.—A loan is de-17
scribed in this subparagraph if such loan is— 18
‘‘(i) a student loan (as defined in 19
paragraph (2)), or 20
‘‘(ii) a private education loan (as de-21
fined in section 140(7) of the Consumer 22
Credit Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 23
1650(7))).’’. 24
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(b) E
.—The amendment made by 1
this section shall apply to discharges of indebtedness after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.— 6
(1) I
.—Section 529(c) is amended 7
by adding at the end the following new paragraph: 8
‘‘(7) T
.—Any reference in this subsection 10
to the term ‘qualified higher education expense’ shall 11
include a reference to— 12
‘‘(A) expenses for tuition in connection 13
with enrollment or attendance at an elementary 14
or secondary public, private, or religious school, 15
and 16
‘‘(B) expenses for— 17
‘‘(i) curriculum and curricular mate-18
rials, 19
‘‘(ii) books or other instructional ma-20
terials, 21
‘‘(iii) online educational materials, 22
‘‘(iv) tuition for tutoring or edu-23
cational classes outside of the home (but 24
only if the tutor or instructor is not related 25
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(within the meaning of section 152(d)(2)) 1
to the student), 2
‘‘(v) dual enrollment in an institution 3
of higher education, and 4
‘‘(vi) educational therapies for stu-5
dents with disabilities, 6
in connection with a homeschool (whether treat-7
ed as a homeschool or a private school for pur-8
poses of applicable State law).’’. 9
(2) L
.—Section 529(e)(3)(A) is 10
amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘The 11
amount of cash distributions from all qualified tui-12
tion programs described in subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii) 13
with respect to a beneficiary during any taxable year 14
shall, in the aggregate, include not more than 15
$10,000 in expenses described in subsection (c)(7) 16
incurred during the taxable year.’’. 17
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 18
this section shall apply to distributions made after Decem-19
ber 31, 2017. 20
(a) I
.—Subsection (d) of section 151 is 24
amended— 25
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(1) by striking ‘‘In the case of’’ in paragraph 1
(4) and inserting ‘‘Except as provided in paragraph 2
(5), in the case of’’, and 3
(2) by adding at the end the following new 4
paragraph: 5
‘‘(5) S
.—In the case of a taxable year begin-7
ning after December 31, 2017, and before January 8
1, 2026— 9
‘‘(A) E
.—The term ‘ex-10
emption amount’ means zero. 11
‘‘(B) R
.—For purposes of any 12
other provision of this title, the reduction of the 13
exemption amount to zero under subparagraph 14
(A) shall not be taken into account in deter-15
mining whether a deduction is allowed or allow-16
able, or whether a taxpayer is entitled to a de-17
duction, under this section.’’. 18
(b) A
tion 642(b)(2)(C) is amended by adding at the end the 20
following new clause: 21
‘‘(iii) Y
.— 23
‘‘(I) I
.—In the case 24
of any taxable year in which the ex-25
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emption amount under section 151(d) 1
is zero, clause (i) shall be applied by 2
substituting ‘$4,150’ for ‘the exemp-3
tion amount under section 151(d)’. 4
‘‘(II) I
.—In the case of any taxable 6
year beginning in a calendar year 7
after 2018, the $4,150 amount in 8
subparagraph (A) shall be increased 9
in the same manner as provided in 10
section 6334(d)(4)(C).’’. 11
(c) M
.— 13
(1) I
.—Section 3402(a)(2) is 14
amended by striking ‘‘means the amount’’ and all 15
that follows and inserting ‘‘means the amount by 16
which the wages exceed the taxpayer’s withholding 17
allowance, prorated to the payroll period.’’. 18
(2) C
.— 19
(A) Section 3401 is amended by striking 20
subsection (e). 21
(B) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 22
3402(f) are amended to read as follows: 23
‘‘(1) I
.—Under rules determined by 24
the Secretary, an employee receiving wages shall on 25
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any day be entitled to a withholding allowance deter-1
mined based on— 2
‘‘(A) whether the employee is an individual 3
for whom a deduction is allowable with respect 4
to another taxpayer under section 151; 5
‘‘(B) if the employee is married, whether 6
the employee’s spouse is entitled to an allow-7
ance, or would be so entitled if such spouse 8
were an employee receiving wages, under sub-9
paragraph (A) or (D), but only if such spouse 10
does not have in effect a withholding allowance 11
certificate claiming such allowance; 12
‘‘(C) the number of individuals with re-13
spect to whom, on the basis of facts existing at 14
the beginning of such day, there may reason-15
ably be expected to be allowable a credit under 16
section 24(a) for the taxable year under subtitle 17
A in respect of which amounts deducted and 18
withheld under this chapter in the calendar year 19
in which such day falls are allowed as a credit; 20
‘‘(D) any additional amounts to which the 21
employee elects to take into account under sub-22
section (m), but only if the employee’s spouse 23
does not have in effect a withholding allowance 24
certificate making such an election; 25
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‘‘(E) the standard deduction allowable to 1
such employee (one-half of such standard de-2
duction in the case of an employee who is mar-3
ried (as determined under section 7703) and 4
whose spouse is an employee receiving wages 5
subject to withholding); and 6
‘‘(F) whether the employee has withholding 7
allowance certificates in effect with respect to 8
more than 1 employer. 9
‘‘(2) A
.— 10
‘‘(A) O
.—On or before the date of the com-12
mencement of employment with an employer, 13
the employee shall furnish the employer with a 14
signed withholding allowance certificate relating 15
to the withholding allowance claimed by the em-16
ployee, which shall in no event exceed the 17
amount to which the employee is entitled. 18
‘‘(B) C
.—If, on any day 19
during the calendar year, an employee’s with-20
holding allowance is in excess of the with-21
holding allowance to which the employee would 22
be entitled had the employee submitted a true 23
and accurate withholding allowance certificate 24
to the employer on that day, the employee shall 25
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within 10 days thereafter furnish the employer 1
with a new withholding allowance certificate. If, 2
on any day during the calendar year, an em-3
ployee’s withholding allowance is greater than 4
the withholding allowance claimed, the employee 5
may furnish the employer with a new with-6
holding allowance certificate relating to the 7
withholding allowance to which the employee is 8
so entitled, which shall in no event exceed the 9
amount to which the employee is entitled on 10
such day. 11
‘‘(C) C
.—If on any day during 13
the calendar year the withholding allowance to 14
which the employee will be, or may reasonably 15
be expected to be, entitled at the beginning of 16
the employee’s next taxable year under subtitle 17
A is different from the allowance to which the 18
employee is entitled on such day, the employee 19
shall, in such cases and at such times as the 20
Secretary shall by regulations prescribe, furnish 21
the employer with a withholding allowance cer-22
tificate relating to the withholding allowance 23
which the employee claims with respect to such 24
next taxable year, which shall in no event ex-25
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ceed the withholding allowance to which the em-1
ployee will be, or may reasonably be expected to 2
be, so entitled.’’. 3
(C) Subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), (f)(3), 4
(f)(4), (f)(5), (f)(7) (including the heading 5
thereof), (g)(4), (l)(1), (l)(2), and (n) of section 6
3402 are each amended by striking ‘‘exemp-7
tion’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘al-8
lowance’’. 9
(D) The heading of section 3402(f) is 10
amended by striking ‘‘E
’’ and in-11
serting ‘‘A
’’. 12
(E) Section 3402(m) is amended by strik-13
ing ‘‘additional withholding allowances or addi-14
tional reductions in withholding under this sub-15
section. In determining the number of addi-16
tional withholding allowances’’ and inserting 17
‘‘an additional withholding allowance or addi-18
tional reductions in withholding under this sub-19
section. In determining the additional with-20
holding allowance’’. 21
(F) Paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 22
3405(a) (and the heading for such paragraph 23
(4)) are each amended by striking ‘‘exemption’’ 24
each place it appears and inserting ‘‘allowance’’. 25
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(G) Section 3405(a)(4) is amended by 1
striking ‘‘shall be determined’’ and all that fol-2
lows through ‘‘3 withholding exemptions’’ and 3
inserting ‘‘shall be determined under rules pre-4
scribed by the Secretary’’. 5
(d) E
.—Section 6334(d) is amended by add-7
ing at the end the following new paragraph: 8
‘‘(4) Y
.— 10
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 11
taxable year in which the exemption amount 12
under section 151(d) is zero, paragraph (2) 13
shall not apply and for purposes of paragraph 14
(1) the term ‘exempt amount’ means an amount 15
equal to— 16
‘‘(i) the sum of the amount deter-17
mined under subparagraph (B) and the 18
standard deduction, divided by 19
‘‘(ii) 52. 20
‘‘(B) A
.—For pur-21
poses of subparagraph (A), the amount deter-22
mined under this subparagraph is $4,150 multi-23
plied by the number of the taxpayer’s depend-24
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ents for the taxable year in which the levy oc-1
curs. 2
‘‘(C) I
.—In the 3
case of any taxable year beginning in a calendar 4
year after 2018, the $4,150 amount in subpara-5
graph (B) shall be increased by an amount 6
equal to— 7
‘‘(i) such dollar amount, multiplied by 8
‘‘(ii) the cost-of-living adjustment de-9
termined under section 1(f)(3) for the cal-10
endar year in which the taxable year be-11
gins, determined by substituting ‘2017’ for 12
‘2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 13
If any increase determined under the preceding 14
sentence is not a multiple of $100, such in-15
crease shall be rounded to the next lowest mul-16
tiple of $100. 17
‘‘(D) V
.—Unless the 18
taxpayer submits to the Secretary a written and 19
properly verified statement specifying the facts 20
necessary to determine the proper amount 21
under subparagraph (A), subparagraph (A) 22
shall be applied as if the taxpayer were a mar-23
ried individual filing a separate return with no 24
dependents.’’. 25
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(e) P
.—Section 6012 is amended by adding at the end 2
the following new subsection: 3
‘‘(f) S
2018 4
2025.—In the case of a taxable year beginning 5
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026, 6
subsection (a)(1) shall not apply, and every individual who 7
has gross income for the taxable year shall be required 8
to make returns with respect to income taxes under sub-9
title A, except that a return shall not be required of— 10
‘‘(1) an individual who is not married (deter-11
mined by applying section 7703) and who has gross 12
income for the taxable year which does not exceed 13
the standard deduction applicable to such individual 14
for such taxable year under section 63, or 15
‘‘(2) an individual entitled to make a joint re-16
turn if— 17
‘‘(A) the gross income of such individual, 18
when combined with the gross income of such 19
individual’s spouse, for the taxable year does 20
not exceed the standard deduction which would 21
be applicable to the taxpayer for such taxable 22
year under section 63 if such individual and 23
such individual’s spouse made a joint return, 24
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‘‘(B) such individual and such individual’s 1
spouse have the same household as their home 2
at the close of the taxable year, 3
‘‘(C) such individual’s spouse does not 4
make a separate return, and 5
‘‘(D) neither such individual nor such indi-6
vidual’s spouse is an individual described in sec-7
tion 63(c)(5) who has income (other than 8
earned income) in excess of the amount in ef-9
fect under section 63(c)(5)(A).’’. 10
(f) E
.— 11
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-12
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 13
shall apply to taxable years beginning after Decem-14
ber 31, 2017. 15
(2) W
.—The Secretary of 16
the Treasury may administer section 3402 for tax-17
able years beginning before January 1, 2019, with-18
out regard to the amendments made by subsections 19
(a) and (c). 20
(a) I
.—Subsection (b) of section 164 is 23
amended by adding at the end the following new para-24
graph: 25
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‘‘(6) L
.—In the 2
case of an individual and a taxable year beginning 3
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 4
2026— 5
‘‘(A) foreign real property taxes shall not 6
be taken into account under subsection (a)(1), 7
and 8
‘‘(B) the aggregate amount of taxes taken 9
into account under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) 10
of subsection (a) and paragraph (5) of this sub-11
section for any taxable year shall not exceed 12
$10,000 ($5,000 in the case of a married indi-13
vidual filing a separate return). 14
The preceding sentence shall not apply to any for-15
eign taxes described in subsection (a)(3) or to any 16
taxes described in paragraph (1) and (2) of sub-17
section (a) which are paid or accrued in carrying on 18
a trade or business or an activity described in sec-19
tion 212. For purposes of subparagraph (B), an 20
amount paid in a taxable year beginning before Jan-21
uary 1, 2018, with respect to a State or local income 22
tax imposed for a taxable year beginning after De-23
cember 31, 2017, shall be treated as paid on the last 24
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day of the taxable year for which such tax is so im-1
posed.’’. 2
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2016. 5
(a) I
.—Section 163(h)(3) is amended by 8
adding at the end the following new subparagraph: 9
‘‘(F) S
2018 THROUGH 2025
.— 11
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of tax-12
able years beginning after December 31, 13
2017, and before January 1, 2026— 14
‘‘(I) D
.— 16
Subparagraph (A)(ii) shall not apply. 17
‘‘(II) L
.—Subparagraph 19
(B)(ii) shall be applied by substituting 20
‘$750,000 ($375,000’ for ‘$1,000,000 21
($500,000’. 22
‘‘(III) T
.—Subclause (II) 25
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shall not apply to any indebtedness in-1
curred on or before December 15, 2
2017, and, in applying such subclause 3
to any indebtedness incurred after 4
such date, the limitation under such 5
subclause shall be reduced (but not 6
below zero) by the amount of any in-7
debtedness incurred on or before De-8
cember 15, 2017, which is treated as 9
acquisition indebtedness for purposes 10
of this subsection for the taxable year. 11
‘‘(IV) B
.—In the case of a taxpayer 13
who enters into a written binding con-14
tract before December 15, 2017, to 15
close on the purchase of a principal 16
residence before January 1, 2018, and 17
who purchases such residence before 18
April 1, 2018, subclause (III) shall be 19
applied by substituting ‘April 1, 2018’ 20
for ‘December 15, 2017’. 21
‘‘(ii) T
, 23
.—In the case of taxable years begin-24
ning after December 31, 2025, the limita-25
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tion under subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be 1
applied to the aggregate amount of indebt-2
edness of the taxpayer described in sub-3
paragraph (B)(i) without regard to the 4
taxable year in which the indebtedness was 5
incurred. 6
‘‘(iii) T
.— 8
‘‘(I) I
.—In the case 9
of any indebtedness which is incurred 10
to refinance indebtedness, such refi-11
nanced indebtedness shall be treated 12
for purposes of clause (i)(III) as in-13
curred on the date that the original 14
indebtedness was incurred to the ex-15
tent the amount of the indebtedness 16
resulting from such refinancing does 17
not exceed the amount of the refi-18
nanced indebtedness. 19
‘‘(II) L
.—Subclause (I) shall 21
not apply to any indebtedness after 22
the expiration of the term of the origi-23
nal indebtedness or, if the principal of 24
such original indebtedness is not am-25
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ortized over its term, the expiration of 1
the term of the 1st refinancing of 2
such indebtedness (or if earlier, the 3
date which is 30 years after the date 4
of such 1st refinancing). 5
‘‘(iv) C
.—Section 108(h)(2) shall be 8
applied without regard to this subpara-9
graph.’’. 10
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 12
December 31, 2017. 13
(a) I
.—Subsection (h) of section 165 is 16
amended by adding at the end the following new para-17
graph: 18
‘‘(5) L
.— 20
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of an indi-21
vidual, except as provided in subparagraph (B), 22
any personal casualty loss which (but for this 23
paragraph) would be deductible in a taxable 24
year beginning after December 31, 2017, and 25
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before January 1, 2026, shall be allowed as a 1
deduction under subsection (a) only to the ex-2
tent it is attributable to a Federally declared 3
disaster (as defined in subsection (i)(5)). 4
‘‘(B) E
.—If a taxpayer has personal 6
casualty gains for any taxable year to which 7
subparagraph (A) applies— 8
‘‘(i) subparagraph (A) shall not apply 9
to the portion of the personal casualty loss 10
not attributable to a Federally declared 11
disaster (as so defined) to the extent such 12
loss does not exceed such gains, and 13
‘‘(ii) in applying paragraph (2) for 14
purposes of subparagraph (A) to the por-15
tion of personal casualty loss which is so 16
attributable to such a disaster, the amount 17
of personal casualty gains taken into ac-18
count under paragraph (2)(A) shall be re-19
duced by the portion of such gains taken 20
into account under clause (i).’’. 21
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 22
this section shall apply to losses incurred in taxable years 23
beginning after December 31, 2017. 24
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(a) I
.—Section 67 is amended by adding 3
at the end the following new subsection: 4
‘‘(g) S
2018 5
2025.—Notwithstanding subsection (a), no 6
miscellaneous itemized deduction shall be allowed for any 7
taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, and be-8
fore January 1, 2026.’’. 9
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 10
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 11
December 31, 2017. 12
(a) I
.—Section 68 is amended by adding 15
at the end the following new subsection: 16
‘‘(f) S
.—This section shall not 17
apply to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 18
2017, and before January 1, 2026.’’. 19
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 20
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 21
December 31, 2017. 22
(a) I
.—Section 132(f) is amended by 25
adding at the end the following new paragraph: 26
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‘‘(8) S
.—Paragraph 2
(1)(D) shall not apply to any taxable year beginning 3
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 4
2026.’’. 5
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 6
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 7
December 31, 2017. 8
(a) I
.—Section 132(g) is amended— 11
(1) by striking ‘‘For purposes of this section, 12
the term’’ and inserting ‘‘For purposes of this sec-13
tion— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—The term’’, and 15
(2) by adding at the end the following new 16
paragraph: 17
‘‘(2) S
.—Except in the case of a member of 19
the Armed Forces of the United States on active 20
duty who moves pursuant to a military order and in-21
cident to a permanent change of station, subsection 22
(a)(6) shall not apply to any taxable year beginning 23
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 24
2026.’’. 25
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(b) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Section 217 is amended by adding 6
at the end the following new subsection: 7
‘‘(k) S
2018 T
2025.—Except in the case of an 9
individual to whom subsection (g) applies, this section 10
shall not apply to any taxable year beginning after Decem-11
ber 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026.’’. 12
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 13
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 14
December 31, 2017. 15
(a) I
.—Section 165(d) is amended by 17
adding at the end the following: ‘‘For purposes of the pre-18
ceding sentence, in the case of taxable years beginning 19
after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026, 20
the term ‘losses from wagering transactions’ includes any 21
deduction otherwise allowable under this chapter incurred 22
in carrying on any wagering transaction.’’. 23
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(b) E
.—The amendment made by 1
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Part VII of subchapter B is 6
amended by striking by striking section 215 (and by strik-7
ing the item relating to such section in the table of sec-8
tions for such subpart). 9
(b) C
.— 10
(1) C
.— 13
(A) Subsection (a) of section 61 is amend-14
ed by striking paragraph (8) and by redesig-15
nating paragraphs (9) through (15) as para-16
graphs (8) through (14), respectively. 17
(B) Part II of subchapter B of chapter 1 18
is amended by striking section 71 (and by strik-19
ing the item relating to such section in the 20
table of sections for such part). 21
(C) Subpart F of part I of subchapter J 22
of chapter 1 is amended by striking section 682 23
(and by striking the item relating to such sec-24
tion in the table of sections for such subpart). 25
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(2) R
215.— 1
(A) Section 62(a) is amended by striking 2
paragraph (10). 3
(B) Section 3402(m)(1) is amended by 4
striking ‘‘(other than paragraph (10) thereof)’’. 5
(C) Section 6724(d)(3) is amended by 6
striking subparagraph (C) and by redesignating 7
subparagraph (D) as subparagraph (C). 8
(3) R
71.— 9
(A) Section 121(d)(3) is amended— 10
(i) by striking ‘‘(as defined in section 11
71(b)(2))’’ in subparagraph (B), and 12
(ii) by adding at the end the following 13
new subparagraph: 14
‘‘(C) D
.—For purposes of this paragraph, the 16
term ‘divorce or separation instrument’ 17
means— 18
‘‘(i) a decree of divorce or separate 19
maintenance or a written instrument inci-20
dent to such a decree, 21
‘‘(ii) a written separation agreement, 22
or 23
‘‘(iii) a decree (not described in clause 24
(i)) requiring a spouse to make payments 25
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for the support or maintenance of the 1
other spouse.’’. 2
(B) Section 152(d)(5) is amended to read 3
as follows: 4
‘‘(5) S
.— 5
‘‘(A) I
.—For purposes of this 6
subsection— 7
‘‘(i) payments to a spouse of alimony 8
or separate maintenance payments shall 9
not be treated as a payment by the payor 10
spouse for the support of any dependent, 11
and 12
‘‘(ii) in the case of the remarriage of 13
a parent, support of a child received from 14
the parent’s spouse shall be treated as re-15
ceived from the parent. 16
‘‘(B) A
.—For purposes of subpara-18
graph (A), the term ‘alimony or separate main-19
tenance payment’ means any payment in cash 20
if— 21
‘‘(i) such payment is received by (or 22
on behalf of) a spouse under a divorce or 23
separation instrument (as defined in sec-24
tion 121(d)(3)(C)), 25
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‘‘(ii) in the case of an individual le-1
gally separated from the individual’s 2
spouse under a decree of divorce or of sep-3
arate maintenance, the payee spouse and 4
the payor spouse are not members of the 5
same household at the time such payment 6
is made, and 7
‘‘(iii) there is no liability to make any 8
such payment for any period after the 9
death of the payee spouse and there is no 10
liability to make any payment (in cash or 11
property) as a substitute for such pay-12
ments after the death of the payee 13
spouse.’’. 14
(C) Section 219(f)(1) is amended by strik-15
ing the third sentence. 16
(D) Section 220(f)(7) is amended by strik-17
ing ‘‘subparagraph (A) of section 71(b)(2)’’ and 18
inserting ‘‘clause (i) of section 121(d)(3)(C)’’. 19
(E) Section 223(f)(7) is amended by strik-20
ing ‘‘subparagraph (A) of section 71(b)(2)’’ and 21
inserting ‘‘clause (i) of section 121(d)(3)(C)’’. 22
(F) Section 382(l)(3)(B)(iii) is amended by 23
striking ‘‘section 71(b)(2)’’ and inserting ‘‘sec-24
tion 121(d)(3)(C)’’. 25
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(G) Section 408(d)(6) is amended by strik-1
ing ‘‘subparagraph (A) of section 71(b)(2)’’ and 2
inserting ‘‘clause (i) of section 121(d)(3)(C)’’. 3
(4) A
.— 4
Section 7701(a)(17) is amended— 5
(A) by striking ‘‘sections 682 and 2516’’ 6
and inserting ‘‘section 2516’’, and 7
(B) by striking ‘‘such sections’’ each place 8
it appears and inserting ‘‘such section’’. 9
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 10
this section shall apply to— 11
(1) any divorce or separation instrument (as de-12
fined in section 71(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue 13
Code of 1986 as in effect before the date of the en-14
actment of this Act) executed after December 31, 15
2018, and 16
(2) any divorce or separation instrument (as so 17
defined) executed on or before such date and modi-18
fied after such date if the modification expressly 19
provides that the amendments made by this section 20
apply to such modification. 21
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(a) I
.—Section 2010(c)(3) is amended by 5
adding at the end the following new subparagraph: 6
‘‘(C) I
.—In the case of estates of decedents 8
dying or gifts made after December 31, 2017, 9
and before January 1, 2026, subparagraph (A) 10
shall be applied by substituting ‘$10,000,000’ 11
for ‘$5,000,000’.’’. 12
(b) C
.—Subsection (g) of 13
section 2001 is amended to read as follows: 14
‘‘(g) M
.— 15
‘‘(1) M
.—For purposes of 17
applying subsection (b)(2) with respect to 1 or more 18
gifts, the rates of tax under subsection (c) in effect 19
at the decedent’s death shall, in lieu of the rates of 20
tax in effect at the time of such gifts, be used both 21
to compute— 22
‘‘(A) the tax imposed by chapter 12 with 23
respect to such gifts, and 24
‘‘(B) the credit allowed against such tax 25
under section 2505, including in computing— 26
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‘‘(i) the applicable credit amount 1
under section 2505(a)(1), and 2
‘‘(ii) the sum of the amounts allowed 3
as a credit for all preceding periods under 4
section 2505(a)(2). 5
‘‘(2) M
.—The Secretary shall prescribe such regu-8
lations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry 9
out this section with respect to any difference be-10
tween— 11
‘‘(A) the basic exclusion amount under sec-12
tion 2010(c)(3) applicable at the time of the de-13
cedent’s death, and 14
‘‘(B) the basic exclusion amount under 15
such section applicable with respect to any gifts 16
made by the decedent.’’. 17
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 18
this section shall apply to estates of decedents dying and 19
gifts made after December 31, 2017. 20
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(a) E
.—Subsection (b) of section 6343 is 6
amended by striking ‘‘9 months’’ and inserting ‘‘2 years’’. 7
(b) P
.—Subsection 8
(c) of section 6532 is amended— 9
(1) by striking ‘‘9 months’’ in paragraph (1) 10
and inserting ‘‘2 years’’, and 11
(2) by striking ‘‘9-month’’ in paragraph (2) and 12
inserting ‘‘2-year’’. 13
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 14
this section shall apply to— 15
(1) levies made after the date of the enactment 16
of this Act, and 17
(2) levies made on or before such date if the 9- 18
month period has not expired under section 6343(b) 19
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (without re-20
gard to this section) as of such date. 21
(a) I
.—Section 5000A(c) is amended— 26
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(1) in paragraph (2)(B)(iii), by striking ‘‘2.5 1
percent’’ and inserting ‘‘Zero percent’’, and 2
(2) in paragraph (3)— 3
(A) by striking ‘‘$695’’ in subparagraph 4
(A) and inserting ‘‘$0’’, and 5
(B) by striking subparagraph (D). 6
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 7
this section shall apply to months beginning after Decem-8
ber 31, 2018. 9
Subtitle B—Alternative Minimum 10
Tax 11
(a) I
.—Section 55(a) is amended by 13
striking ‘‘There’’ and inserting ‘‘In the case of a taxpayer 14
other than a corporation, there’’. 15
(b) C
.— 16
(1) Section 38(c)(6) is amended by adding at 17
the end the following new subparagraph: 18
‘‘(E) C
.—In the case of a 19
corporation, this subsection shall be applied by 20
treating the corporation as having a tentative 21
minimum tax of zero.’’. 22
(2) Section 53(d)(2) is amended by inserting ‘‘, 23
except that in the case of a corporation, the ten-24
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tative minimum tax shall be treated as zero’’ before 1
the period at the end. 2
(3)(A) Section 55(b)(1) is amended to read as 3
follows: 4
‘‘(1) A
.— 5
‘‘(A) I
.—The tentative min-6
imum tax for the taxable year is the sum of— 7
‘‘(i) 26 percent of so much of the tax-8
able excess as does not exceed $175,000, 9
plus 10
‘‘(ii) 28 percent of so much of the tax-11
able excess as exceeds $175,000. 12
The amount determined under the preceding 13
sentence shall be reduced by the alternative 14
minimum tax foreign tax credit for the taxable 15
year. 16
‘‘(B) T
.—For purposes of 17
this subsection, the term ‘taxable excess’ means 18
so much of the alternative minimum taxable in-19
come for the taxable year as exceeds the exemp-20
tion amount. 21
‘‘(C) M
.—In the case of a married indi-23
vidual filing a separate return, subparagraph 24
(A) shall be applied by substituting 50 percent 25
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of the dollar amount otherwise applicable under 1
clause (i) and clause (ii) thereof. For purposes 2
of the preceding sentence, marital status shall 3
be determined under section 7703.’’. 4
(B) Section 55(b)(3) is amended by striking 5
‘‘paragraph (1)(A)(i)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraph 6
(1)(A)’’. 7
(C) Section 59(a) is amended— 8
(i) by striking ‘‘subparagraph (A)(i) or 9
(B)(i) of section 55(b)(1) (whichever applies) in 10
lieu of the highest rate of tax specified in sec-11
tion 1 or 11 (whichever applies)’’ in paragraph 12
(1)(C) and inserting ‘‘section 55(b)(1) in lieu of 13
the highest rate of tax specified in section 1’’, 14
and 15
(ii) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘means’’ 16
and all that follows and inserting ‘‘means the 17
amount determined under the first sentence of 18
section 55(b)(1)(A).’’. 19
(D) Section 897(a)(2)(A) is amended by strik-20
ing ‘‘section 55(b)(1)(A)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 21
55(b)(1)’’. 22
(E) Section 911(f) is amended— 23
(i) in paragraph (1)(B)— 24
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(I) by striking ‘‘section 1
55(b)(1)(A)(ii)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 2
55(b)(1)(B)’’, and 3
(II) by striking ‘‘section 4
55(b)(1)(A)(i)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 5
55(b)(1)(A)’’, and 6
(ii) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ‘‘sec-7
tion 55(b)(1)(A)(ii)’’ each place it appears and 8
inserting ‘‘section 55(b)(1)(B)’’. 9
(4) Section 55(c)(1) is amended by striking ‘‘, 10
the section 936 credit allowable under section 27(b), 11
and the Puerto Rico economic activity credit under 12
section 30A’’. 13
(5) Section 55(d), as amended by section 14
11002, is amended— 15
(A) by striking paragraph (2) and redesig-16
nating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs 17
(2) and (3), respectively, 18
(B) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated), 19
by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the end of subparagraph 20
(B), by striking ‘‘, and’’ at the end of subpara-21
graph (C) and inserting a period, and by strik-22
ing subparagraph (D), and 23
(C) in paragraph (3) (as so redesig-24
nated)— 25
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(i) by striking ‘‘(b)(1)(A)(i)’’ in sub-1
paragraph (B)(i) and inserting 2
‘‘(b)(1)(A)’’, and 3
(ii) by striking ‘‘paragraph (3)’’ in 4
subparagraph (B)(iii) and inserting ‘‘para-5
graph (2)’’. 6
(6) Section 55 is amended by striking sub-7
section (e). 8
(7) Section 56(b)(2) is amended by striking 9
subparagraph (C) and by redesignating subpara-10
graph (D) as subparagraph (C). 11
(8)(A) Section 56 is amended by striking sub-12
sections (c) and (g). 13
(B) Section 847 is amended by striking the last 14
sentence of paragraph (9). 15
(C) Section 848 is amended by striking sub-16
section (i). 17
(9) Section 58(a) is amended by striking para-18
graph (3) and redesignating paragraph (4) as para-19
graph (3). 20
(10) Section 59 is amended by striking sub-21
sections (b) and (f). 22
(11) Section 11(d) is amended by striking ‘‘the 23
taxes imposed by subsection (a) and section 55’’ and 24
inserting ‘‘the tax imposed by subsection (a)’’. 25
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(12) Section 12 is amended by striking para-1
graph (7). 2
(13) Section 168(k) is amended by striking 3
paragraph (4). 4
(14) Section 882(a)(1) is amended by striking 5
‘‘, 55,’’. 6
(15) Section 962(a)(1) is amended by striking 7
‘‘sections 11 and 55’’ and inserting ‘‘section 11’’. 8
(16) Section 1561(a) is amended— 9
(A) by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the end of para-10
graph (1), by striking ‘‘, and’’ at the end of 11
paragraph (2) and inserting a period, and by 12
striking paragraph (3), and 13
(B) by striking the last sentence. 14
(17) Section 6425(c)(1)(A) is amended to read 15
as follows: 16
‘‘(A) the tax imposed by section 11 or 17
1201(a), or subchapter L of chapter 1, which-18
ever is applicable, over’’. 19
(18) Section 6655(e)(2) is amended by striking 20
‘‘and alternative minimum taxable income’’ each 21
place it appears in subparagraphs (A) and (B)(i). 22
(19) Section 6655(g)(1)(A) is amended by in-23
serting ‘‘plus’’ at the end of clause (i), by striking 24
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clause (ii), and by redesignating clause (iii) as clause 1
(ii). 2
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) C
.—Section 8
53 is amended by adding at the end the following new 9
subsection: 10
‘‘(e) P
.— 12
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of any taxable 13
year of a corporation beginning in 2018, 2019, 14
2020, or 2021, the limitation under subsection (c) 15
shall be increased by the AMT refundable credit 16
amount for such year. 17
‘‘(2) AMT
.— 18
For purposes of paragraph (1), the AMT refundable 19
credit amount is an amount equal to 50 percent 20
(100 percent in the case of a taxable year beginning 21
in 2021) of the excess (if any) of— 22
‘‘(A) the minimum tax credit determined 23
under subsection (b) for the taxable year, over 24
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‘‘(B) the minimum tax credit allowed 1
under subsection (a) for such year (before the 2
application of this subsection for such year). 3
‘‘(3) C
.—For purposes of 4
this title (other than this section), the credit allowed 5
by reason of this subsection shall be treated as a 6
credit allowed under subpart C (and not this sub-7
part). 8
‘‘(4) S
.—In the case of 9
any taxable year of less than 365 days, the AMT re-10
fundable credit amount determined under paragraph 11
(2) with respect to such taxable year shall be the 12
amount which bears the same ratio to such amount 13
determined without regard to this paragraph as the 14
number of days in such taxable year bears to 365.’’. 15
(b) T
.—Section 53(d) is 16
amended by adding at the end the following new para-17
graph: 18
‘‘(3) AMT
.—In the case of 19
a corporation, any references in this subsection to 20
section 55, 56, or 57 shall be treated as a reference 21
to such section as in effect before the amendments 22
made by Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.’’. 23
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(c) C
.—Section 1
1374(b)(3)(B) is amended by striking the last sentence 2
thereof. 3
(d) E
.— 4
(1) I
.—The amendments made by 5
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning 6
after December 31, 2017. 7
(2) C
.—The amend-8
ment made by subsection (c) shall apply to taxable 9
years beginning after December 31, 2021. 10
(a) I
.—Section 55(d), as amended by the 12
preceding provisions of this Act, is amended by adding at 13
the end the following new paragraph: 14
‘‘(4) S
.— 16
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 17
taxable year beginning after December 31, 18
2017, and before January 1, 2026— 19
‘‘(i) paragraph (1) shall be applied— 20
‘‘(I) by substituting ‘$109,400’ 21
for ‘$78,750’ in subparagraph (A), 22
and 23
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‘‘(II) by substituting ‘$70,300’ 1
for ‘$50,600’ in subparagraph (B), 2
and 3
‘‘(ii) paragraph (2) shall be applied— 4
‘‘(I) by substituting ‘$1,000,000’ 5
for ‘$150,000’ in subparagraph (A), 6
‘‘(II) by substituting ‘50 percent 7
of the dollar amount applicable under 8
subparagraph (A)’ for ‘$112,500’ in 9
subparagraph (B), and 10
‘‘(III) in the case of a taxpayer 11
described in paragraph (1)(D), with-12
out regard to the substitution under 13
subclause (I). 14
‘‘(B) I
.— 15
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of any 16
taxable year beginning in a calendar year 17
after 2018, the amounts described in 18
clause (ii) shall each be increased by an 19
amount equal to— 20
‘‘(I) such dollar amount, multi-21
plied by 22
‘‘(II) the cost-of-living adjust-23
ment determined under section 1(f)(3) 24
for the calendar year in which the tax-25
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able year begins, determined by sub-1
stituting ‘calendar year 2017’ for ‘cal-2
endar year 2016’ in subparagraph 3
(A)(ii) thereof. 4
‘‘(ii) A
.—The 5
amounts described in this clause are the 6
$109,400 amount in subparagraph 7
(A)(i)(I), the $70,300 amount in subpara-8
graph (A)(i)(II), and the $1,000,000 9
amount in subparagraph (A)(ii)(I). 10
‘‘(iii) R
.—Any increased 11
amount determined under clause (i) shall 12
be rounded to the nearest multiple of 13
$100. 14
‘‘(iv) C
.—In the case of any taxable 16
year to which subparagraph (A) applies, no 17
adjustment shall be made under paragraph 18
(3) to any of the numbers which are sub-19
stituted under subparagraph (A) and ad-20
justed under this subparagraph.’’. 21
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 22
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 23
December 31, 2017. 24
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Subtitle C—Business-related 1
Provisions 2
(a) I
.—Subsection (b) of section 11 is 5
amended to read as follows: 6
‘‘(b) A
.—The amount of the tax im-7
posed by subsection (a) shall be 21 percent of taxable in-8
come.’’. 9
(b) C
.— 10
(1) The following sections are each amended by 11
striking ‘‘section 11(b)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 12
11(b)’’: 13
(A) Section 280C(c)(3)(B)(ii)(II). 14
(B) Paragraphs (2)(B) and (6)(A)(ii) of 15
section 860E(e). 16
(C) Section 7874(e)(1)(B). 17
(2)(A) Part I of subchapter P of chapter 1 is 18
amended by striking section 1201 (and by striking 19
the item relating to such section in the table of sec-20
tions for such part). 21
(B) Section 12 is amended by striking para-22
graphs (4) and (6), and by redesignating paragraph 23
(5) as paragraph (4). 24
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(C) Section 453A(c)(3) is amended by striking 1
‘‘or 1201 (whichever is appropriate)’’. 2
(D) Section 527(b) is amended— 3
(i) by striking paragraph (2), and 4
(ii) by striking all that precedes ‘‘is hereby 5
imposed’’ and inserting: 6
‘‘(b) T
.—A tax’’. 7
(E) Sections 594(a) is amended by striking 8
‘‘taxes imposed by section 11 or 1201(a)’’ and in-9
serting ‘‘tax imposed by section 11’’. 10
(F) Section 691(c)(4) is amended by striking 11
‘‘1201,’’. 12
(G) Section 801(a) is amended— 13
(i) by striking paragraph (2), and 14
(ii) by striking all that precedes ‘‘is hereby 15
imposed’’ and inserting: 16
‘‘(a) T
.—A tax’’. 17
(H) Section 831(e) is amended by striking 18
paragraph (1) and by redesignating paragraphs (2) 19
and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. 20
(I) Sections 832(c)(5) and 834(b)(1)(D) are 21
each amended by striking ‘‘sec. 1201 and fol-22
lowing,’’. 23
(J) Section 852(b)(3)(A) is amended by strik-24
ing ‘‘section 1201(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 11(b)’’. 25
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(K) Section 857(b)(3) is amended— 1
(i) by striking subparagraph (A) and re-2
designating subparagraphs (B) through (F) as 3
subparagraphs (A) through (E), respectively, 4
(ii) in subparagraph (C), as so redesig-5
nated— 6
(I) by striking ‘‘subparagraph (A)(ii)’’ 7
in clause (i) thereof and inserting ‘‘para-8
graph (1)’’, 9
(II) by striking ‘‘the tax imposed by 10
subparagraph (A)(ii)’’ in clauses (ii) and 11
(iv) thereof and inserting ‘‘the tax imposed 12
by paragraph (1) on undistributed capital 13
gain’’, 14
(iii) in subparagraph (E), as so redesig-15
nated, by striking ‘‘subparagraph (B) or (D)’’ 16
and inserting ‘‘subparagraph (A) or (C)’’, and 17
(iv) by adding at the end the following new 18
subparagraph: 19
‘‘(F) U
.— 20
For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘un-21
distributed capital gain’ means the excess of the 22
net capital gain over the deduction for divi-23
dends paid (as defined in section 561) deter-24
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mined with reference to capital gain dividends 1
only.’’. 2
(L) Section 882(a)(1), as amended by section 3
12001, is further amended by striking ‘‘or 1201(a)’’. 4
(M) Section 904(b) is amended— 5
(i) by striking ‘‘or 1201(a)’’ in paragraph 6
(2)(C), 7
(ii) by striking paragraph (3)(D) and in-8
serting the following: 9
‘‘(D) C
.—There is a capital gain rate differential 11
for any year if subsection (h) of section 1 ap-12
plies to such taxable year.’’, and 13
(iii) by striking paragraph (3)(E) and in-14
serting the following: 15
‘‘(E) R
.—The 16
rate differential portion of foreign source net 17
capital gain, net capital gain, or the excess of 18
net capital gain from sources within the United 19
States over net capital gain, as the case may 20
be, is the same proportion of such amount as— 21
‘‘(i) the excess of— 22
‘‘(I) the highest rate of tax set 23
forth in subsection (a), (b), (c), (d), or 24
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(e) of section 1 (whichever applies), 1
over 2
‘‘(II) the alternative rate of tax 3
determined under section 1(h), bears 4
to 5
‘‘(ii) that rate referred to in subclause 6
(I).’’. 7
(N) Section 1374(b) is amended by striking 8
paragraph (4). 9
(O) Section 1381(b) is amended by striking 10
‘‘taxes imposed by section 11 or 1201’’ and inserting 11
‘‘tax imposed by section 11’’. 12
(P) Sections 6425(c)(1)(A), as amended by sec-13
tion 12001, and 6655(g)(1)(A)(i) are each amended 14
by striking ‘‘or 1201(a),’’. 15
(Q) Section 7518(g)(6)(A) is amended by strik-16
ing ‘‘or 1201(a)’’. 17
(3)(A) Section 1445(e)(1) is amended— 18
(i) by striking ‘‘35 percent’’ and inserting 19
‘‘the highest rate of tax in effect for the taxable 20
year under section 11(b)’’, and 21
(ii) by striking ‘‘of the gain’’ and inserting 22
‘‘multiplied by the gain’’. 23
(B) Section 1445(e)(2) is amended by striking 24
‘‘35 percent of the amount’’ and inserting ‘‘the high-25
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est rate of tax in effect for the taxable year under 1
section 11(b) multiplied by the amount’’. 2
(C) Section 1445(e)(6) is amended— 3
(i) by striking ‘‘35 percent’’ and inserting 4
‘‘the highest rate of tax in effect for the taxable 5
year under section 11(b)’’, and 6
(ii) by striking ‘‘of the amount’’ and in-7
serting ‘‘multiplied by the amount’’. 8
(D) Section 1446(b)(2)(B) is amended by strik-9
ing ‘‘section 11(b)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 10
11(b)’’. 11
(4) Section 852(b)(1) is amended by striking 12
the last sentence. 13
(5)(A) Part I of subchapter B of chapter 5 is 14
amended by striking section 1551 (and by striking 15
the item relating to such section in the table of sec-16
tions for such part). 17
(B) Section 535(c)(5) is amended to read as 18
follows: 19
‘‘(5) C
.—For limitation on 20
credit provided in paragraph (2) or (3) in the case 21
of certain controlled corporations, see section 22
1561.’’. 23
(6)(A) Section 1561, as amended by section 24
12001, is amended to read as follows: 25
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‘‘(a) I
.—The component members of a 4
controlled group of corporations on a December 31 shall, 5
for their taxable years which include such December 31, 6
be limited for purposes of this subtitle to one $250,000 7
($150,000 if any component member is a corporation de-8
scribed in section 535(c)(2)(B)) amount for purposes of 9
computing the accumulated earnings credit under section 10
535(c)(2) and (3). Such amount shall be divided equally 11
among the component members of such group on such De-12
cember 31 unless the Secretary prescribes regulations per-13
mitting an unequal allocation of such amount. 14
‘‘(b) C
.—If a cor-15
poration has a short taxable year which does not include 16
a December 31 and is a component member of a controlled 17
group of corporations with respect to such taxable year, 18
then for purposes of this subtitle, the amount to be used 19
in computing the accumulated earnings credit under sec-20
tion 535(c)(2) and (3) of such corporation for such taxable 21
year shall be the amount specified in subsection (a) with 22
respect to such group, divided by the number of corpora-23
tions which are component members of such group on the 24
last day of such taxable year. For purposes of the pre-25
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ceding sentence, section 1563(b) shall be applied as if such 1
last day were substituted for December 31.’’. 2
(B) The table of sections for part II of 3
subchapter B of chapter 5 is amended by strik-4
ing the item relating to section 1561 and in-5
serting the following new item: 6
‘‘Sec. 1561. Limitation on accumulated earnings credit in the case of certain
controlled corporations.’’.
(7) Section 7518(g)(6)(A) is amended— 7
(A) by striking ‘‘With respect to the por-8
tion’’ and inserting ‘‘In the case of a taxpayer 9
other than a corporation, with respect to the 10
portion’’, and 11
(B) by striking ‘‘(34 percent in the case of 12
a corporation)’’. 13
(c) E
.— 14
(1) I
.—Except as otherwise pro-15
vided in this subsection, the amendments made by 16
subsections (a) and (b) shall apply to taxable years 17
beginning after December 31, 2017. 18
(2) W
.—The amendments made by 19
subsection (b)(3) shall apply to distributions made 20
after December 31, 2017. 21
(3) C
.—The amendments 22
made by subsection (b)(6) shall apply to transfers 23
made after December 31, 2017. 24
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(d) N
.— 1
(1) I
.—A normalization method of 2
accounting shall not be treated as being used with 3
respect to any public utility property for purposes of 4
section 167 or 168 of the Internal Revenue Code of 5
1986 if the taxpayer, in computing its cost of service 6
for ratemaking purposes and reflecting operating re-7
sults in its regulated books of account, reduces the 8
excess tax reserve more rapidly or to a greater ex-9
tent than such reserve would be reduced under the 10
average rate assumption method. 11
(2) A
.—If, as of the first day of the taxable year 13
that includes the date of enactment of this Act— 14
(A) the taxpayer was required by a regu-15
latory agency to compute depreciation for public 16
utility property on the basis of an average life 17
or composite rate method, and 18
(B) the taxpayer’s books and underlying 19
records did not contain the vintage account 20
data necessary to apply the average rate as-21
sumption method, 22
the taxpayer will be treated as using a normalization 23
method of accounting if, with respect to such juris-24
diction, the taxpayer uses the alternative method for 25
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public utility property that is subject to the regu-1
latory authority of that jurisdiction. 2
(3) D
.—For purposes of this sub-3
section— 4
(A) E
.—The term 5
‘‘excess tax reserve’’ means the excess of— 6
(i) the reserve for deferred taxes (as 7
described in section 168(i)(9)(A)(ii) of the 8
Internal Revenue Code of 1986) as of the 9
day before the corporate rate reductions 10
provided in the amendments made by this 11
section take effect, over 12
(ii) the amount which would be the 13
balance in such reserve if the amount of 14
such reserve were determined by assuming 15
that the corporate rate reductions provided 16
in this Act were in effect for all prior peri-17
ods. 18
(B) A
.—The average rate assumption method is 20
the method under which the excess in the re-21
serve for deferred taxes is reduced over the re-22
maining lives of the property as used in its reg-23
ulated books of account which gave rise to the 24
reserve for deferred taxes. Under such method, 25
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during the time period in which the timing dif-1
ferences for the property reverse, the amount of 2
the adjustment to the reserve for the deferred 3
taxes is calculated by multiplying— 4
(i) the ratio of the aggregate deferred 5
taxes for the property to the aggregate 6
timing differences for the property as of 7
the beginning of the period in question, by 8
(ii) the amount of the timing dif-9
ferences which reverse during such period. 10
(C) A
.—The ‘‘alter-11
native method’’ is the method in which the tax-12
payer— 13
(i) computes the excess tax reserve on 14
all public utility property included in the 15
plant account on the basis of the weighted 16
average life or composite rate used to com-17
pute depreciation for regulatory purposes, 18
and 19
(ii) reduces the excess tax reserve rat-20
ably over the remaining regulatory life of 21
the property. 22
(4) T
.—If, for any taxable year ending after the 24
date of the enactment of this Act, the taxpayer does 25
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not use a normalization method of accounting for 1
the corporate rate reductions provided in the amend-2
ments made by this section— 3
(A) the taxpayer’s tax for the taxable year 4
shall be increased by the amount by which it re-5
duces its excess tax reserve more rapidly than 6
permitted under a normalization method of ac-7
counting, and 8
(B) such taxpayer shall not be treated as 9
using a normalization method of accounting for 10
purposes of subsections (f)(2) and (i)(9)(C) of 11
section 168 of the Internal Revenue Code of 12
1986. 13
(a) D
.— 17
(1) I
.—Section 243(a)(1) is amend-18
ed by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘50 per-19
cent’’. 20
(2) D
.—Section 243(c)(1) is amended— 22
(A) by striking ‘‘80 percent’’ and inserting 23
‘‘65 percent’’, and 24
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(B) by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ and inserting 1
‘‘50 percent’’. 2
(3) C
.—The heading 3
for section 243(c) is amended by striking ‘‘R
’’ and inserting ‘‘I
’’. 6
(b) D
FSC.—Section 7
245(c)(1)(B) is amended— 8
(1) by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘50 9
percent’’, and 10
(2) by striking ‘‘80 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘65 11
percent’’. 12
(c) L
.—Section 246(b)(3) is amended— 14
(1) by striking ‘‘80 percent’’ in subparagraph 15
(A) and inserting ‘‘65 percent’’, and 16
(2) by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ in subparagraph 17
(B) and inserting ‘‘50 percent’’. 18
(d) R
.—Section 246A(a)(1) is 20
amended— 21
(1) by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘50 22
percent’’, and 23
(2) by striking ‘‘80 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘65 24
percent’’. 25
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(e) I
.—Section 861(a)(2) is amended— 2
(1) by striking ‘‘100/70th’’ and inserting ‘‘100/ 3
50th’’ in subparagraph (B), and 4
(2) in the flush sentence at the end— 5
(A) by striking ‘‘100/80th’’ and inserting 6
‘‘100/65th’’, and 7
(B) by striking ‘‘100/70th’’ and inserting 8
‘‘100/50th’’. 9
(f) E
.—The amendments made by 10
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 11
December 31, 2017. 12
(a) I
.— 16
(1) D
.—Section 179(b)(1) is 17
amended by striking ‘‘$500,000’’ and inserting 18
‘‘$1,000,000’’. 19
(2) R
.—Section 20
179(b)(2) is amended by striking ‘‘$2,000,000’’ and 21
inserting ‘‘$2,500,000’’. 22
(3) I
.— 23
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(A) I
.—Subparagraph (A) of 1
section 179(b)(6), as amended by section 2
11002(d), is amended— 3
(i) by striking ‘‘2015’’ and inserting 4
‘‘2018’’, and 5
(ii) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘cal-6
endar year 2014’’ and inserting ‘‘calendar 7
year 2017’’. 8
(B) S
.—Section 9
179(b)(6) is amended— 10
(i) in subparagraph (A), by striking 11
‘‘paragraphs (1) and (2)’’ and inserting 12
‘‘paragraphs (1), (2), and (5)(A)’’, and 13
(ii) in subparagraph (B), by inserting 14
‘‘($100 in the case of any increase in the 15
amount under paragraph (5)(A))’’ after 16
‘‘$10,000’’. 17
(b) Section 179 Property To Include Qualified Real 18
Property.— 19
(1) I
.—Subparagraph (B) of section 20
179(d)(1) is amended to read as follows: 21
‘‘(B) which is— 22
‘‘(i) section 1245 property (as defined 23
in section 1245(a)(3)), or 24
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‘‘(ii) at the election of the taxpayer, 1
qualified real property (as defined in sub-2
section (f)), and’’. 3
(2) Q
.— 4
Subsection (f) of section 179 is amended to read as 5
follows: 6
‘‘(f) Q
.—For purposes of 7
this section, the term ‘qualified real property’ means— 8
‘‘(1) any qualified improvement property de-9
scribed in section 168(e)(6), and 10
‘‘(2) any of the following improvements to non-11
residential real property placed in service after the 12
date such property was first placed in service: 13
‘‘(A) Roofs. 14
‘‘(B) Heating, ventilation, and air-condi-15
tioning property. 16
‘‘(C) Fire protection and alarm systems. 17
‘‘(D) Security systems.’’. 18
(c) R
.—The last sentence of section 179(d)(1) is amended 20
by inserting ‘‘(other than paragraph (2) thereof)’’ after 21
‘‘section 50(b)’’. 22
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 23
this section shall apply to property placed in service in 24
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. 25
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(a) M
.— 4
(1) I
.—So much of sec-5
tion 448(c) as precedes paragraph (2) is amended to 6
read as follows: 7
‘‘(c) G
.—For purposes of this 8
section— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—A corporation or partner-10
ship meets the gross receipts test of this subsection 11
for any taxable year if the average annual gross re-12
ceipts of such entity for the 3-taxable-year period 13
ending with the taxable year which precedes such 14
taxable year does not exceed $25,000,000.’’. 15
(2) A
.—Section 448(b)(3) is amended to read as fol-17
lows: 18
‘‘(3) E
.—Paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) 20
shall not apply to any corporation or partnership for 21
any taxable year if such entity (or any predecessor) 22
meets the gross receipts test of subsection (c) for 23
such taxable year.’’. 24
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(3) I
.—Section 448(c) 1
is amended by adding at the end the following new 2
paragraph: 3
‘‘(4) A
.—In the 4
case of any taxable year beginning after December 5
31, 2018, the dollar amount in paragraph (1) shall 6
be increased by an amount equal to— 7
‘‘(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by 8
‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter-9
mined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar 10
year in which the taxable year begins, by sub-11
stituting ‘calendar year 2017’ for ‘calendar year 12
2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof. 13
If any amount as increased under the preceding sen-14
tence is not a multiple of $1,000,000, such amount 15
shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of 16
$1,000,000.’’. 17
(4) C
tion 448(d)(7) is amended to read as follows: 19
‘‘(7) C
.—Any 20
change in method of accounting made pursuant to 21
this section shall be treated for purposes of section 22
481 as initiated by the taxpayer and made with the 23
consent of the Secretary.’’. 24
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(5) A
.— 2
(A) I
.—Section 447(c) is 3
amended— 4
(i) by inserting ‘‘for any taxable year’’ 5
after ‘‘not being a corporation’’ in the mat-6
ter preceding paragraph (1), and 7
(ii) by amending paragraph (2) to 8
read as follows: 9
‘‘(2) a corporation which meets the gross re-10
ceipts test of section 448(c) for such taxable year.’’. 11
(B) C
.— 12
Section 447(f) is amended to read as follows: 13
‘‘(f) C
481.—Any 14
change in method of accounting made pursuant to this 15
section shall be treated for purposes of section 481 as ini-16
tiated by the taxpayer and made with the consent of the 17
Secretary.’’. 18
(C) C
.—Section 19
447 is amended— 20
(i) by striking subsections (d), (e), 21
(h), and (i), and 22
(ii) by redesignating subsections (f) 23
and (g) (as amended by subparagraph (B)) 24
as subsections (d) and (e), respectively. 25
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(b) E
.— 1
(1) I
.—Section 263A is amended by 2
redesignating subsection (i) as subsection (j) and by 3
inserting after subsection (h) the following new sub-4
section: 5
‘‘(i) E
.— 7
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of any taxpayer 8
(other than a tax shelter prohibited from using the 9
cash receipts and disbursements method of account-10
ing under section 448(a)(3)) which meets the gross 11
receipts test of section 448(c) for any taxable year, 12
this section shall not apply with respect to such tax-13
payer for such taxable year. 14
‘‘(2) A
.— In the case of any taxpayer 16
which is not a corporation or a partnership, the 17
gross receipts test of section 448(c) shall be applied 18
in the same manner as if each trade or business of 19
such taxpayer were a corporation or partnership. 20
‘‘(3) C
.—Any 21
change in method of accounting made pursuant to 22
this subsection shall be treated for purposes of sec-23
tion 481 as initiated by the taxpayer and made with 24
the consent of the Secretary.’’. 25
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(2) C
.—Section 1
263A(b)(2) is amended to read as follows: 2
‘‘(2) P
.—Real 3
or personal property described in section 1221(a)(1) 4
which is acquired by the taxpayer for resale.’’. 5
(c) E
.—Section 471 6
is amended by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection 7
(d) and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new 8
subsection: 9
‘‘(c) E
.— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of any taxpayer 12
(other than a tax shelter prohibited from using the 13
cash receipts and disbursements method of account-14
ing under section 448(a)(3)) which meets the gross 15
receipts test of section 448(c) for any taxable year— 16
‘‘(A) subsection (a) shall not apply with re-17
spect to such taxpayer for such taxable year, 18
and 19
‘‘(B) the taxpayer’s method of accounting 20
for inventory for such taxable year shall not be 21
treated as failing to clearly reflect income if 22
such method either— 23
‘‘(i) treats inventory as non-incidental 24
materials and supplies, or 25
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‘‘(ii) conforms to such taxpayer’s 1
method of accounting reflected in an appli-2
cable financial statement of the taxpayer 3
with respect to such taxable year or, if the 4
taxpayer does not have any applicable fi-5
nancial statement with respect to such tax-6
able year, the books and records of the 7
taxpayer prepared in accordance with the 8
taxpayer’s accounting procedures. 9
‘‘(2) A
.— 10
For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘applicable 11
financial statement’ has the meaning given the term 12
in section 451(b)(3). 13
‘‘(3) A
.—In the case of any taxpayer 15
which is not a corporation or a partnership, the 16
gross receipts test of section 448(c) shall be applied 17
in the same manner as if each trade or business of 18
such taxpayer were a corporation or partnership. 19
‘‘(4) C
.—Any 20
change in method of accounting made pursuant to 21
this subsection shall be treated for purposes of sec-22
tion 481 as initiated by the taxpayer and made with 23
the consent of the Secretary.’’. 24
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(d) E
.— 2
(1) I
.—Section 460(e)(1)(B) is 3
amended— 4
(A) by inserting ‘‘(other than a tax shelter 5
prohibited from using the cash receipts and dis-6
bursements method of accounting under section 7
448(a)(3))’’ after ‘‘taxpayer’’ in the matter pre-8
ceding clause (i), and 9
(B) by amending clause (ii) to read as fol-10
lows: 11
‘‘(ii) who meets the gross receipts test 12
of section 448(c) for the taxable year in 13
which such contract is entered into.’’. 14
(2) C
.—Section 15
460(e) is amended by striking paragraphs (2) and 16
(3), by redesignating paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) as 17
paragraphs (3), (4), and (5), respectively, and by in-18
serting after paragraph (1) the following new para-19
graph: 20
‘‘(2) R
.— 22
‘‘(A) A
.— For purposes of 24
paragraph (1)(B)(ii), in the case of any tax-25
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payer which is not a corporation or a partner-1
ship, the gross receipts test of section 448(c) 2
shall be applied in the same manner as if each 3
trade or business of such taxpayer were a cor-4
poration or partnership. 5
‘‘(B) C
.— 6
Any change in method of accounting made pur-7
suant to paragraph (1)(B)(ii) shall be treated 8
as initiated by the taxpayer and made with the 9
consent of the Secretary. Such change shall be 10
effected on a cut-off basis for all similarly clas-11
sified contracts entered into on or after the 12
year of change.’’. 13
(e) E
.— 14
(1) I
.—Except as otherwise pro-15
vided in this subsection, the amendments made by 16
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning 17
after December 31, 2017. 18
(2) P
.—So much of the amendments made by 21
subsection (a)(5)(C) as relate to section 447(i) of 22
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall not apply 23
with respect to any suspense account established 24
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under such section before the date of the enactment 1
of this Act. 2
(3) E
.—The amend-4
ments made by subsection (d) shall apply to con-5
tracts entered into after December 31, 2017, in tax-6
able years ending after such date. 7
Subpart A—Cost Recovery 10
(a) I
.— 13
(1) I
.—Section 168(k) is amend-14
ed— 15
(A) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘50 16
percent’’ and inserting ‘‘the applicable percent-17
age’’, and 18
(B) in paragraph (5)(A)(i), by striking ‘‘50 19
percent’’ and inserting ‘‘the applicable percent-20
age’’. 21
(2) A
.—Paragraph (6) 22
of section 168(k) is amended to read as follows: 23
‘‘(6) A
.—For purposes 24
of this subsection— 25
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‘‘(A) I
.—Except as otherwise 1
provided in this paragraph, the term ‘applicable 2
percentage’ means— 3
‘‘(i) in the case of property placed in 4
service after September 27, 2017, and be-5
fore January 1, 2023, 100 percent, 6
‘‘(ii) in the case of property placed in 7
service after December 31, 2022, and be-8
fore January 1, 2024, 80 percent, 9
‘‘(iii) in the case of property placed in 10
service after December 31, 2023, and be-11
fore January 1, 2025, 60 percent, 12
‘‘(iv) in the case of property placed in 13
service after December 31, 2024, and be-14
fore January 1, 2026, 40 percent, and 15
‘‘(v) in the case of property placed in 16
service after December 31, 2025, and be-17
fore January 1, 2027, 20 percent. 18
‘‘(B) R
.—In the case of property 20
described in subparagraph (B) or (C) of para-21
graph (2), the term ‘applicable percentage’ 22
means— 23
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‘‘(i) in the case of property placed in 1
service after September 27, 2017, and be-2
fore January 1, 2024, 100 percent, 3
‘‘(ii) in the case of property placed in 4
service after December 31, 2023, and be-5
fore January 1, 2025, 80 percent, 6
‘‘(iii) in the case of property placed in 7
service after December 31, 2024, and be-8
fore January 1, 2026, 60 percent, 9
‘‘(iv) in the case of property placed in 10
service after December 31, 2025, and be-11
fore January 1, 2027, 40 percent, and 12
‘‘(v) in the case of property placed in 13
service after December 31, 2026, and be-14
fore January 1, 2028, 20 percent. 15
‘‘(C) R
.—In the case of a specified plant de-17
scribed in paragraph (5), the term ‘applicable 18
percentage’ means— 19
‘‘(i) in the case of a plant which is 20
planted or grafted after September 27, 21
2017, and before January 1, 2023, 100 22
percent, 23
‘‘(ii) in the case of a plant which is 24
planted or grafted after December 31, 25
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2022, and before January 1, 2024, 80 per-1
cent, 2
‘‘(iii) in the case of a plant which is 3
planted or grafted after December 31, 4
2023, and before January 1, 2025, 60 per-5
cent, 6
‘‘(iv) in the case of a plant which is 7
planted or grafted after December 31, 8
2024, and before January 1, 2026, 40 per-9
cent, and 10
‘‘(v) in the case of a plant which is 11
planted or grafted after December 31, 12
2025, and before January 1, 2027, 20 per-13
cent.’’. 14
(3) C
.— 15
(A) Paragraph (5) of section 168(k) is 16
amended by striking subparagraph (F). 17
(B) Section 168(k) is amended by adding 18
at the end the following new paragraph: 19
‘‘(8) P
.—In the case of qualified 20
property acquired by the taxpayer before September 21
28, 2017, and placed in service by the taxpayer after 22
September 27, 2017, paragraph (6) shall be applied 23
by substituting for each percentage therein— 24
‘‘(A) ‘50 percent’ in the case of— 25
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‘‘(i) property placed in service before 1
January 1, 2018, and 2
‘‘(ii) property described in subpara-3
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2) which 4
is placed in service in 2018, 5
‘‘(B) ‘40 percent’ in the case of— 6
‘‘(i) property placed in service in 2018 7
(other than property described in subpara-8
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2)), and 9
‘‘(ii) property described in subpara-10
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2) which 11
is placed in service in 2019, 12
‘‘(C) ‘30 percent’ in the case of— 13
‘‘(i) property placed in service in 2019 14
(other than property described in subpara-15
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2)), and 16
‘‘(ii) property described in subpara-17
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2) which 18
is placed in service in 2020, and 19
‘‘(D) ‘0 percent’ in the case of— 20
‘‘(i) property placed in service after 21
2019 (other than property described in 22
subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph 23
(2)), and 24
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‘‘(ii) property described in subpara-1
graph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2) which 2
is placed in service after 2020.’’. 3
(b) E
.— 4
(1) I
.—Section 168(k) is amend-5
ed— 6
(A) in paragraph (2)— 7
(i) in subparagraph (A)(iii), clauses 8
(i)(III) and (ii) of subparagraph (B), and 9
subparagraph (E)(i), by striking ‘‘January 10
1, 2020’’ each place it appears and insert-11
ing ‘‘January 1, 2027’’, and 12
(ii) in subparagraph (B)— 13
(I) in clause (i)(II), by striking 14
‘‘January 1, 2021’’ and inserting 15
‘‘January 1, 2028’’, and 16
(II) in the heading of clause (ii), 17
by striking ‘‘
’’ 18
and inserting ‘‘
’’, 19
and 20
(B) in paragraph (5)(A), by striking ‘‘Jan-21
uary 1, 2020’’ and inserting ‘‘January 1, 22
2027’’. 23
(2) C
.— 24
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(A) Clause (ii) of section 460(c)(6)(B) is 1
amended by striking ‘‘January 1, 2020 (Janu-2
ary 1, 2021’’ and inserting ‘‘January 1, 2027 3
(January 1, 2028’’. 4
(B) The heading of section 168(k) is 5
amended by striking ‘‘A
31, 2007,
1, 7
2020’’. 8
(c) A
.— 9
(1) I
.—Section 168(k)(2)(A)(ii) is 10
amended to read as follows: 11
‘‘(ii) the original use of which begins 12
with the taxpayer or the acquisition of 13
which by the taxpayer meets the require-14
ments of clause (ii) of subparagraph (E), 15
and’’. 16
(2) A
.—Section 17
168(k)(2)(E)(ii) is amended to read as follows: 18
‘‘(ii) A
.— 19
An acquisition of property meets the re-20
quirements of this clause if— 21
‘‘(I) such property was not used 22
by the taxpayer at any time prior to 23
such acquisition, and 24
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‘‘(II) the acquisition of such 1
property meets the requirements of 2
paragraphs (2)(A), (2)(B), (2)(C), 3
and (3) of section 179(d).’’, 4
(3) A
.—Section 168(k)(2)(E) 5
is further amended by amending clause (iii)(I) to 6
read as follows: 7
‘‘(I) property is used by a lessor 8
of such property and such use is the 9
lessor’s first use of such property,’’. 10
(d) E
.—Section 11
168(k), as amended by this section, is amended by adding 12
at the end the following new paragraph: 13
‘‘(9) E
.— 14
The term ‘qualified property’ shall not include— 15
‘‘(A) any property which is primarily used 16
in a trade or business described in clause (iv) 17
of section 163(j)(7)(A), or 18
‘‘(B) any property used in a trade or busi-19
ness that has had floor plan financing indebted-20
ness (as defined in paragraph (9) of section 21
163(j)), if the floor plan financing interest re-22
lated to such indebtedness was taken into ac-23
count under paragraph (1)(C) of such section.’’. 24
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(e) S
.—Section 168(k), as amended by 1
this section, is amended by adding at the end the following 2
new paragraph: 3
‘‘(10) S
.— 5
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of quali-6
fied property placed in service by the taxpayer 7
during the first taxable year ending after Sep-8
tember 27, 2017, if the taxpayer elects to have 9
this paragraph apply for such taxable year, 10
paragraphs (1)(A) and (5)(A)(i) shall be ap-11
plied by substituting ‘50 percent’ for ‘the appli-12
cable percentage’. 13
‘‘(B) F
.—Any election 14
under this paragraph shall be made at such 15
time and in such form and manner as the Sec-16
retary may prescribe.’’. 17
(f) C
280F.—Clause 18
(iii) of section 168(k)(2)(F) is amended by striking 19
‘‘placed in service by the taxpayer after December 31, 20
2017’’ and inserting ‘‘acquired by the taxpayer before Sep-21
tember 28, 2017, and placed in service by the taxpayer 22
after September 27, 2017’’. 23
(g) Q
.— 25
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(1) I
.—Clause (i) of section 1
168(k)(2)(A), as amended by section 13204, is 2
amended— 3
(A) in subclause (II), by striking ‘‘or’’, 4
(B) in subclause (III), by adding ‘‘or’’ 5
after the comma, and 6
(C) by adding at the end the following: 7
‘‘(IV) which is a qualified film or tele-8
vision production (as defined in subsection 9
(d) of section 181) for which a deduction 10
would have been allowable under section 11
181 without regard to subsections (a)(2) 12
and (g) of such section or this subsection, 13
or 14
‘‘(V) which is a qualified live theat-15
rical production (as defined in subsection 16
(e) of section 181) for which a deduction 17
would have been allowable under section 18
181 without regard to subsections (a)(2) 19
and (g) of such section or this sub-20
section,’’. 21
(2) P
graph (2) of section 168(k) is amended by adding at 23
the end the following: 24
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‘‘(H) P
.— 1
For purposes of subparagraph (A)— 2
‘‘(i) a qualified film or television pro-3
duction shall be considered to be placed in 4
service at the time of initial release or 5
broadcast, and 6
‘‘(ii) a qualified live theatrical produc-7
tion shall be considered to be placed in 8
service at the time of the initial live staged 9
performance.’’. 10
(h) E
.— 11
(1) I
.—Except as provided by para-12
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 13
shall apply to property which— 14
(A) is acquired after September 27, 2017, 15
and 16
(B) is placed in service after such date. 17
For purposes of the preceding sentence, property 18
shall not be treated as acquired after the date on 19
which a written binding contract is entered into for 20
such acquisition. 21
(2) S
.—The amendments 22
made by this section shall apply to specified plants 23
planted or grafted after September 27, 2017. 24
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(a) L
.— 4
(1) I
.—280F(a)(1)(A) is amended— 5
(A) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘$2,560’’ and 6
inserting ‘‘$10,000’’, 7
(B) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘$4,100’’ 8
and inserting ‘‘$16,000’’, 9
(C) in clause (iii), by striking ‘‘$2,450’’ 10
and inserting ‘‘$9,600’’, and 11
(D) in clause (iv), by striking ‘‘$1,475’’ 12
and inserting ‘‘$5,760’’. 13
(2) C
.— 14
(A) Clause (ii) of section 280F(a)(1)(B) is 15
amended by striking ‘‘$1,475’’ in the text and 16
heading and inserting ‘‘$5,760’’. 17
(B) Paragraph (7) of section 280F(d) is 18
amended— 19
(i) in subparagraph (A), by striking 20
‘‘1988’’ and inserting ‘‘2018’’, and 21
(ii) in subparagraph (B)(i)(II), by 22
striking ‘‘1987’’ and inserting ‘‘2017’’. 23
(b) R
.— 25
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(1) I
.—Section 280F(d)(4)(A) is 1
amended— 2
(A) by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the end of clause 3
(iii), 4
(B) by striking clause (iv), and 5
(C) by redesignating clause (v) as clause 6
(iv). 7
(2) C
.—Section 8
280F(d)(4) is amended by striking subparagraph 9
(B) and by redesignating subparagraph (C) as sub-10
paragraph (B). 11
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 12
this section shall apply to property placed in service after 13
December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such 14
date. 15
(a) T
5- 18
.—Clause (vii) of section 168(e)(3)(B) is 19
amended by striking ‘‘after December 31, 2008, and which 20
is placed in service before January 1, 2010’’ and inserting 21
‘‘after December 31, 2017’’. 22
(b) R
.—Section 168(b)(2) is 24
amended by striking subparagraph (B) and by redesig-25
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nating subparagraphs (C) and (D) as subparagraphs (B) 1
and (C), respectively. 2
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to property placed in service after 4
December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such 5
date. 6
(a) I
.— 9
(1) E
section (e) of section 168 is amended— 13
(A) in subparagraph (E) of paragraph 14
(3)— 15
(i) by striking clauses (iv), (v), and 16
(ix), 17
(ii) in clause (vii), by inserting ‘‘and’’ 18
at the end, 19
(iii) in clause (viii), by striking ‘‘, 20
and’’ and inserting a period, and 21
(iv) by redesignating clauses (vi), 22
(vii), and (viii), as so amended, as clauses 23
(iv), (v), and (vi), respectively, and 24
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(B) by striking paragraphs (6), (7), and 1
(8). 2
(2) A
graph (3) of section 168(b) is amended— 5
(A) by striking subparagraphs (G), (H), 6
and (I), and 7
(B) by inserting after subparagraph (F) 8
the following new subparagraph: 9
‘‘(G) Qualified improvement property de-10
scribed in subsection (e)(6).’’. 11
(3) A
.— 12
(A) E
.—Subsection (g) of section 168 is 14
amended— 15
(i) in paragraph (1)— 16
(I) in subparagraph (D), by 17
striking ‘‘and’’ at the end, 18
(II) in subparagraph (E), by in-19
serting ‘‘and’’ at the end, and 20
(III) by inserting after subpara-21
graph (E) the following new subpara-22
graph: 23
‘‘(F) any property described in paragraph 24
(8),’’, and 25
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(ii) by adding at the end the following 1
new paragraph: 2
‘‘(8) E
.—The property described in this para-4
graph shall consist of any nonresidential real prop-5
erty, residential rental property, and qualified im-6
provement property held by an electing real property 7
trade or business (as defined in 163(j)(7)(B)).’’. 8
(B) Q
.—The table contained in subparagraph 10
(B) of section 168(g)(3) is amended— 11
(i) by inserting after the item relating 12
to subparagraph (D)(ii) the following new 13
item: 14
‘‘(D)(v) ......................................................................................... 20’’
, and 15
(ii) by striking the item relating to 16
subparagraph (E)(iv) and all that follows 17
through the item relating to subparagraph 18
(E)(ix) and inserting the following: 19
‘‘(E)(iv) ........................................................................................ 20
(E)(v) ........................................................................................... 30
(E)(vi) .......................................................................................... 35’’.
(C) A
.—The table 21
contained in subparagraph (C) of section 22
168(g)(2) is amended by striking clauses (iii) 23
and (iv) and inserting the following: 24
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‘‘(iii) Residential rental property ................................................. 30 years
(iv) Nonresidential real property ................................................. 40 years
(v) Any railroad grading or tunnel bore or water utility prop-
erty ........................................................................................... 50 years’’.
(4) C
.— 1
(A) Clause (i) of section 168(k)(2)(A) is 2
amended— 3
(i) in subclause (II), by inserting ‘‘or’’ 4
after the comma, 5
(ii) in subclause (III), by striking 6
‘‘or’’ at the end, and 7
(iii) by striking subclause (IV). 8
(B) Section 168 is amended— 9
(i) in subsection (e), as amended by 10
paragraph (1)(B), by adding at the end 11
the following: 12
‘‘(6) Q
.— 13
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 14
improvement property’ means any improvement 15
to an interior portion of a building which is 16
nonresidential real property if such improve-17
ment is placed in service after the date such 18
building was first placed in service. 19
‘‘(B) C
.—Such term shall not include any im-21
provement for which the expenditure is attrib-22
utable to— 23
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‘‘(i) the enlargement of the building, 1
‘‘(ii) any elevator or escalator, or 2
‘‘(iii) the internal structural frame-3
work of the building.’’, and 4
(ii) in subsection (k), by striking 5
paragraph (3). 6
(b) E
.— 7
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-8
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 9
shall apply to property placed in service after De-10
cember 31, 2017. 11
(2) A
.—The amend-13
ments made by subsection (a)(3)(A) shall apply to 14
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. 15
(a) I
.—Section 168(g)(1), as amended by 18
section 13204, is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end 19
of subparagraph (E), by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the end of 20
subparagraph (F), and by inserting after subparagraph 21
(F) the following new subparagraph: 22
‘‘(G) any property with a recovery period 23
of 10 years or more which is held by an electing 24
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farming business (as defined in section 1
163(j)(7)(C)),’’. 2
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) I
.—Section 174 is amended to read 8
as follows: 9
‘‘(a) I
.—In the case of a taxpayer’s speci-12
fied research or experimental expenditures for any taxable 13
year— 14
‘‘(1) except as provided in paragraph (2), no 15
deduction shall be allowed for such expenditures, 16
and 17
‘‘(2) the taxpayer shall— 18
‘‘(A) charge such expenditures to capital 19
account, and 20
‘‘(B) be allowed an amortization deduction 21
of such expenditures ratably over the 5-year pe-22
riod (15-year period in the case of any specified 23
research or experimental expenditures which are 24
attributable to foreign research (within the 25
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meaning of section 41(d)(4)(F))) beginning 1
with the midpoint of the taxable year in which 2
such expenditures are paid or incurred. 3
‘‘(b) S
.—For purposes of this section, the term 5
‘specified research or experimental expenditures’ means, 6
with respect to any taxable year, research or experimental 7
expenditures which are paid or incurred by the taxpayer 8
during such taxable year in connection with the taxpayer’s 9
trade or business. 10
‘‘(c) S
.— 11
‘‘(1) L
.—This sec-12
tion shall not apply to any expenditure for the acqui-13
sition or improvement of land, or for the acquisition 14
or improvement of property to be used in connection 15
with the research or experimentation and of a char-16
acter which is subject to the allowance under section 17
167 (relating to allowance for depreciation, etc.) or 18
section 611 (relating to allowance for depletion); but 19
for purposes of this section allowances under section 20
167, and allowances under section 611, shall be con-21
sidered as expenditures. 22
‘‘(2) E
.—This sec-23
tion shall not apply to any expenditure paid or in-24
curred for the purpose of ascertaining the existence, 25
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location, extent, or quality of any deposit of ore or 1
other mineral (including oil and gas). 2
‘‘(3) S
.—For purposes 3
of this section, any amount paid or incurred in con-4
nection with the development of any software shall 5
be treated as a research or experimental expendi-6
ture. 7
‘‘(d) T
, R
, 8
.—If any property with respect to 9
which specified research or experimental expenditures are 10
paid or incurred is disposed, retired, or abandoned during 11
the period during which such expenditures are allowed as 12
an amortization deduction under this section, no deduction 13
shall be allowed with respect to such expenditures on ac-14
count of such disposition, retirement, or abandonment and 15
such amortization deduction shall continue with respect to 16
such expenditures.’’. 17
(b) C
.—The 18
amendments made by subsection (a) shall be treated as 19
a change in method of accounting for purposes of section 20
481 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and— 21
(1) such change shall be treated as initiated by 22
the taxpayer, 23
(2) such change shall be treated as made with 24
the consent of the Secretary, and 25
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(3) such change shall be applied only on a cut- 1
off basis for any research or experimental expendi-2
tures paid or incurred in taxable years beginning 3
after December 31, 2021, and no adjustments under 4
section 481(a) shall be made. 5
(c) C
.—The table of sections 6
for part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended by 7
striking the item relating to section 174 and inserting the 8
following new item: 9
‘‘Sec. 174. Amortization of research and experimental expenditures.’’.
(d) C
.— 10
(1) Section 41(d)(1)(A) is amended by striking 11
‘‘expenses under section 174’’ and inserting ‘‘speci-12
fied research or experimental expenditures under 13
section 174’’. 14
(2) Subsection (c) of section 280C is amend-15
ed— 16
(A) by striking paragraph (1) and insert-17
ing the following: 18
‘‘(1) I
.—If— 19
‘‘(A) the amount of the credit determined 20
for the taxable year under section 41(a)(1), ex-21
ceeds 22
‘‘(B) the amount allowable as a deduction 23
for such taxable year for qualified research ex-24
penses or basic research expenses, 25
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the amount chargeable to capital account for the 1
taxable year for such expenses shall be reduced by 2
the amount of such excess.’’, 3
(B) by striking paragraph (2), 4
(C) by redesignating paragraphs (3) (as 5
amended by this Act) and (4) as paragraphs (2) 6
and (3), respectively, and 7
(D) in paragraph (2), as redesignated by 8
subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘paragraphs (1) 9
and (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraph (1)’’. 10
(e) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred in tax-12
able years beginning after December 31, 2021. 13
(a) I
.—Section 263A(d)(2) is amended 17
by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: 18
‘‘(C) S
.— 20
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of the 21
replanting of citrus plants, subparagraph 22
(A) shall apply to amounts paid or in-23
curred by a person (other than the tax-24
payer described in subparagraph (A)) if— 25
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‘‘(I) the taxpayer described in 1
subparagraph (A) has an equity inter-2
est of not less than 50 percent in the 3
replanted citrus plants at all times 4
during the taxable year in which such 5
amounts were paid or incurred and 6
such other person holds any part of 7
the remaining equity interest, or 8
‘‘(II) such other person acquired 9
the entirety of such taxpayer’s equity 10
interest in the land on which the lost 11
or damaged citrus plants were located 12
at the time of such loss or damage, 13
and the replanting is on such land. 14
‘‘(ii) T
.—Clause (i) shall 15
not apply to any cost paid or incurred 16
after the date which is 10 years after the 17
date of the enactment of the Tax Cuts and 18
Jobs Act.’’. 19
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 20
this section shall apply to costs paid or incurred after the 21
date of the enactment of this Act. 22
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Subpart B—Accounting Methods 1
(a) I
.—Section 451 is amended by re-5
designating subsections (b) through (i) as subsections (c) 6
through (j), respectively, and by inserting after subsection 7
(a) the following new subsection: 8
‘‘(b) I
.— 10
‘‘(1) I
.— 12
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of a tax-13
payer the taxable income of which is computed 14
under an accrual method of accounting, the all 15
events test with respect to any item of gross in-16
come (or portion thereof) shall not be treated as 17
met any later than when such item (or portion 18
thereof) is taken into account as revenue in— 19
‘‘(i) an applicable financial statement 20
of the taxpayer, or 21
‘‘(ii) such other financial statement as 22
the Secretary may specify for purposes of 23
this subsection. 24
‘‘(B) E
.—This paragraph shall 25
not apply to— 26
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‘‘(i) a taxpayer which does not have a 1
financial statement described in clause (i) 2
or (ii) of subparagraph (A) for a taxable 3
year, or 4
‘‘(ii) any item of gross income in con-5
nection with a mortgage servicing contract. 6
‘‘(C) A
.—For purposes of 7
this section, the all events test is met with re-8
spect to any item of gross income if all the 9
events have occurred which fix the right to re-10
ceive such income and the amount of such in-11
come can be determined with reasonable accu-12
racy. 13
‘‘(2) C
.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply 15
with respect to any item of gross income for which 16
the taxpayer uses a special method of accounting 17
provided under any other provision of this chapter, 18
other than any provision of part V of subchapter P 19
(except as provided in clause (ii) of paragraph 20
(1)(B)). 21
‘‘(3) A
.— 22
For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘applicable 23
financial statement’ means— 24
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‘‘(A) a financial statement which is cer-1
tified as being prepared in accordance with gen-2
erally accepted accounting principles and which 3
is— 4
‘‘(i) a 10–K (or successor form), or 5
annual statement to shareholders, required 6
to be filed by the taxpayer with the United 7
States Securities and Exchange Commis-8
sion, 9
‘‘(ii) an audited financial statement of 10
the taxpayer which is used for— 11
‘‘(I) credit purposes, 12
‘‘(II) reporting to shareholders, 13
partners, or other proprietors, or to 14
beneficiaries, or 15
‘‘(III) any other substantial 16
nontax purpose, 17
but only if there is no statement of the 18
taxpayer described in clause (i), or 19
‘‘(iii) filed by the taxpayer with any 20
other Federal agency for purposes other 21
than Federal tax purposes, but only if 22
there is no statement of the taxpayer de-23
scribed in clause (i) or (ii), 24
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‘‘(B) a financial statement which is made 1
on the basis of international financial reporting 2
standards and is filed by the taxpayer with an 3
agency of a foreign government which is equiva-4
lent to the United States Securities and Ex-5
change Commission and which has reporting 6
standards not less stringent than the standards 7
required by such Commission, but only if there 8
is no statement of the taxpayer described in 9
subparagraph (A), or 10
‘‘(C) a financial statement filed by the tax-11
payer with any other regulatory or govern-12
mental body specified by the Secretary, but only 13
if there is no statement of the taxpayer de-14
scribed in subparagraph (A) or (B). 15
‘‘(4) A
.— 16
For purposes of this subsection, in the case of a con-17
tract which contains multiple performance obliga-18
tions, the allocation of the transaction price to each 19
performance obligation shall be equal to the amount 20
allocated to each performance obligation for pur-21
poses of including such item in revenue in the appli-22
cable financial statement of the taxpayer. 23
‘‘(5) G
.—For purposes of 24
paragraph (1), if the financial results of a taxpayer 25
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are reported on the applicable financial statement 1
(as defined in paragraph (3)) for a group of entities, 2
such statement shall be treated as the applicable fi-3
nancial statement of the taxpayer.’’. 4
(b) T
.—Section 5
451, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by redesig-6
nating subsections (c) through (j) as subsections (d) 7
through (k), respectively, and by inserting after subsection 8
(b) the following new subsection: 9
‘‘(c) T
.— 10
‘‘(1) I
.—A taxpayer which computes 11
taxable income under the accrual method of account-12
ing, and receives any advance payment during the 13
taxable year, shall— 14
‘‘(A) except as provided in subparagraph 15
(B), include such advance payment in gross in-16
come for such taxable year, or 17
‘‘(B) if the taxpayer elects the application 18
of this subparagraph with respect to the cat-19
egory of advance payments to which such ad-20
vance payment belongs, the taxpayer shall— 21
‘‘(i) to the extent that any portion of 22
such advance payment is required under 23
subsection (b) to be included in gross in-24
come in the taxable year in which such 25
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payment is received, so include such por-1
tion, and 2
‘‘(ii) include the remaining portion of 3
such advance payment in gross income in 4
the taxable year following the taxable year 5
in which such payment is received. 6
‘‘(2) E
.— 7
‘‘(A) I
.—Except as otherwise 8
provided in this paragraph, the election under 9
paragraph (1)(B) shall be made at such time, 10
in such form and manner, and with respect to 11
such categories of advance payments, as the 12
Secretary may provide. 13
‘‘(B) P
.—An election under paragraph (1)(B) 15
shall be effective for the taxable year with re-16
spect to which it is first made and for all subse-17
quent taxable years, unless the taxpayer secures 18
the consent of the Secretary to revoke such 19
election. For purposes of this title, the com-20
putation of taxable income under an election 21
made under paragraph (1)(B) shall be treated 22
as a method of accounting. 23
‘‘(3) T
.—Except 24
as otherwise provided by the Secretary, the election 25
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under paragraph (1)(B) shall not apply with respect 1
to advance payments received by the taxpayer during 2
a taxable year if such taxpayer ceases to exist during 3
(or with the close of) such taxable year. 4
‘‘(4) A
.—For purposes of this 5
subsection— 6
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘advance 7
payment’ means any payment— 8
‘‘(i) the full inclusion of which in the 9
gross income of the taxpayer for the tax-10
able year of receipt is a permissible method 11
of accounting under this section (deter-12
mined without regard to this subsection), 13
‘‘(ii) any portion of which is included 14
in revenue by the taxpayer in a financial 15
statement described in clause (i) or (ii) of 16
subsection (b)(1)(A) for a subsequent tax-17
able year, and 18
‘‘(iii) which is for goods, services, or 19
such other items as may be identified by 20
the Secretary for purposes of this clause. 21
‘‘(B) E
.—Except as otherwise 22
provided by the Secretary, such term shall not 23
include— 24
‘‘(i) rent, 25
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‘‘(ii) insurance premiums governed by 1
subchapter L, 2
‘‘(iii) payments with respect to finan-3
cial instruments, 4
‘‘(iv) payments with respect to war-5
ranty or guarantee contracts under which 6
a third party is the primary obligor, 7
‘‘(v) payments subject to section 8
871(a), 881, 1441, or 1442, 9
‘‘(vi) payments in property to which 10
section 83 applies, and 11
‘‘(vii) any other payment identified by 12
the Secretary for purposes of this subpara-13
graph. 14
‘‘(C) R
.—For purposes of this sub-15
section, an item of gross income is received by 16
the taxpayer if it is actually or constructively 17
received, or if it is due and payable to the tax-18
payer. 19
‘‘(D) A
.—For purposes of this subsection, rules 21
similar to subsection (b)(4) shall apply.’’. 22
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 23
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 24
December 31, 2017. 25
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(d) C
481.— 1
(1) I
.—In the case of any qualified 2
change in method of accounting for the taxpayer’s 3
first taxable year beginning after December 31, 4
2017— 5
(A) such change shall be treated as initi-6
ated by the taxpayer, and 7
(B) such change shall be treated as made 8
with the consent of the Secretary of the Treas-9
ury. 10
(2) Q
.—For purposes of this subsection, the 12
term ‘‘qualified change in method of accounting’’ 13
means any change in method of accounting which— 14
(A) is required by the amendments made 15
by this section, or 16
(B) was prohibited under the Internal Rev-17
enue Code of 1986 prior to such amendments 18
and is permitted under such Code after such 19
amendments. 20
(e) S
.—Notwithstanding subsection (c), in the case of 22
income from a debt instrument having original issue dis-23
count— 24
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(1) the amendments made by this section shall 1
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2
2018, and 3
(2) the period for taking into account any ad-4
justments under section 481 by reason of a qualified 5
change in method of accounting (as defined in sub-6
section (d)) shall be 6 years. 7
(a) I
.—Section 163(j) is amended to read 11
as follows: 12
‘‘(j) L
.— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—The amount allowed as a 14
deduction under this chapter for any taxable year 15
for business interest shall not exceed the sum of— 16
‘‘(A) the business interest income of such 17
taxpayer for such taxable year, 18
‘‘(B) 30 percent of the adjusted taxable in-19
come of such taxpayer for such taxable year, 20
plus 21
‘‘(C) the floor plan financing interest of 22
such taxpayer for such taxable year. 23
The amount determined under subparagraph (B) 24
shall not be less than zero. 25
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‘‘(2) C
.—The amount of any business in-2
terest not allowed as a deduction for any taxable 3
year by reason of paragraph (1) shall be treated as 4
business interest paid or accrued in the succeeding 5
taxable year. 6
‘‘(3) E
.—In the case of any taxpayer (other than a 8
tax shelter prohibited from using the cash receipts 9
and disbursements method of accounting under sec-10
tion 448(a)(3)) which meets the gross receipts test 11
of section 448(c) for any taxable year, paragraph (1) 12
shall not apply to such taxpayer for such taxable 13
year. In the case of any taxpayer which is not a cor-14
poration or a partnership, the gross receipts test of 15
section 448(c) shall be applied in the same manner 16
as if such taxpayer were a corporation or partner-17
ship. 18
‘‘(4) A
.— 19
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 20
partnership— 21
‘‘(i) this subsection shall be applied at 22
the partnership level and any deduction for 23
business interest shall be taken into ac-24
count in determining the non-separately 25
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stated taxable income or loss of the part-1
nership, and 2
‘‘(ii) the adjusted taxable income of 3
each partner of such partnership— 4
‘‘(I) shall be determined without 5
regard to such partner’s distributive 6
share of any items of income, gain, 7
deduction, or loss of such partnership, 8
and 9
‘‘(II) shall be increased by such 10
partner’s distributive share of such 11
partnership’s excess taxable income. 12
For purposes of clause (ii)(II), a partner’s 13
distributive share of partnership excess 14
taxable income shall be determined in the 15
same manner as the partner’s distributive 16
share of nonseparately stated taxable in-17
come or loss of the partnership. 18
‘‘(B) S
.— 20
‘‘(i) I
.—The amount of 21
any business interest not allowed as a de-22
duction to a partnership for any taxable 23
year by reason of paragraph (1) for any 24
taxable year— 25
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‘‘(I) shall not be treated under 1
paragraph (2) as business interest 2
paid or accrued by the partnership in 3
the succeeding taxable year, and 4
‘‘(II) shall, subject to clause (ii), 5
be treated as excess business interest 6
which is allocated to each partner in 7
the same manner as the non-sepa-8
rately stated taxable income or loss of 9
the partnership. 10
‘‘(ii) T
.—If a partner is allocated any excess 13
business interest from a partnership under 14
clause (i) for any taxable year— 15
‘‘(I) such excess business interest 16
shall be treated as business interest 17
paid or accrued by the partner in the 18
next succeeding taxable year in which 19
the partner is allocated excess taxable 20
income from such partnership, but 21
only to the extent of such excess tax-22
able income, and 23
‘‘(II) any portion of such excess 24
business interest remaining after the 25
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application of subclause (I) shall, sub-1
ject to the limitations of subclause (I), 2
be treated as business interest paid or 3
accrued in succeeding taxable years. 4
For purposes of applying this paragraph, 5
excess taxable income allocated to a part-6
ner from a partnership for any taxable 7
year shall not be taken into account under 8
paragraph (1)(A) with respect to any busi-9
ness interest other than excess business in-10
terest from the partnership until all such 11
excess business interest for such taxable 12
year and all preceding taxable years has 13
been treated as paid or accrued under 14
clause (ii). 15
‘‘(iii) B
.— 16
‘‘(I) I
.—The adjusted 17
basis of a partner in a partnership in-18
terest shall be reduced (but not below 19
zero) by the amount of excess busi-20
ness interest allocated to the partner 21
under clause (i)(II). 22
‘‘(II) S
.—If a partner disposes of 24
a partnership interest, the adjusted 25
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basis of the partner in the partnership 1
interest shall be increased immediately 2
before the disposition by the amount 3
of the excess (if any) of the amount of 4
the basis reduction under subclause 5
(I) over the portion of any excess 6
business interest allocated to the part-7
ner under clause (i)(II) which has pre-8
viously been treated under clause (ii) 9
as business interest paid or accrued 10
by the partner. The preceding sen-11
tence shall also apply to transfers of 12
the partnership interest (including by 13
reason of death) in a transaction in 14
which gain is not recognized in whole 15
or in part. No deduction shall be al-16
lowed to the transferor or transferee 17
under this chapter for any excess 18
business interest resulting in a basis 19
increase under this subclause. 20
‘‘(C) E
.—The 21
term ‘excess taxable income’ means, with re-22
spect to any partnership, the amount which 23
bears the same ratio to the partnership’s ad-24
justed taxable income as— 25
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‘‘(i) the excess (if any) of— 1
‘‘(I) the amount determined for 2
the partnership under paragraph 3
(1)(B), over 4
‘‘(II) the amount (if any) by 5
which the business interest of the 6
partnership, reduced by the floor plan 7
financing interest, exceeds the busi-8
ness interest income of the partner-9
ship, bears to 10
‘‘(ii) the amount determined for the 11
partnership under paragraph (1)(B). 12
‘‘(D) A
.— 13
Rules similar to the rules of subparagraphs (A) 14
and (C) shall apply with respect to any S cor-15
poration and its shareholders. 16
‘‘(5) B
.—For purposes of 17
this subsection, the term ‘business interest’ means 18
any interest paid or accrued on indebtedness prop-19
erly allocable to a trade or business. Such term shall 20
not include investment interest (within the meaning 21
of subsection (d)). 22
‘‘(6) B
.—For pur-23
poses of this subsection, the term ‘business interest 24
income’ means the amount of interest includible in 25
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the gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year 1
which is properly allocable to a trade or business. 2
Such term shall not include investment income 3
(within the meaning of subsection (d)). 4
‘‘(7) T
.—For purposes of 5
this subsection— 6
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘trade or 7
business’ shall not include— 8
‘‘(i) the trade or business of per-9
forming services as an employee, 10
‘‘(ii) any electing real property trade 11
or business, 12
‘‘(iii) any electing farming business, 13
or 14
‘‘(iv) the trade or business of the fur-15
nishing or sale of— 16
‘‘(I) electrical energy, water, or 17
sewage disposal services, 18
‘‘(II) gas or steam through a 19
local distribution system, or 20
‘‘(III) transportation of gas or 21
steam by pipeline, 22
if the rates for such furnishing or sale, as 23
the case may be, have been established or 24
approved by a State or political subdivision 25
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thereof, by any agency or instrumentality 1
of the United States, by a public service or 2
public utility commission or other similar 3
body of any State or political subdivision 4
thereof, or by the governing or ratemaking 5
body of an electric cooperative. 6
‘‘(B) E
.—For purposes of this paragraph, 8
the term ‘electing real property trade or busi-9
ness’ means any trade or business which is de-10
scribed in section 469(c)(7)(C) and which 11
makes an election under this subparagraph. 12
Any such election shall be made at such time 13
and in such manner as the Secretary shall pre-14
scribe, and, once made, shall be irrevocable. 15
‘‘(C) E
.—For 16
purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘electing 17
farming business’ means— 18
‘‘(i) a farming business (as defined in 19
section 263A(e)(4)) which makes an elec-20
tion under this subparagraph, or 21
‘‘(ii) any trade or business of a speci-22
fied agricultural or horticultural coopera-23
tive (as defined in section 199A(g)(2)) 24
with respect to which the cooperative 25
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makes an election under this subpara-1
graph. 2
Any such election shall be made at such time 3
and in such manner as the Secretary shall pre-4
scribe, and, once made, shall be irrevocable. 5
‘‘(8) A
.—For pur-6
poses of this subsection, the term ‘adjusted taxable 7
income’ means the taxable income of the taxpayer— 8
‘‘(A) computed without regard to— 9
‘‘(i) any item of income, gain, deduc-10
tion, or loss which is not properly allocable 11
to a trade or business, 12
‘‘(ii) any business interest or business 13
interest income, 14
‘‘(iii) the amount of any net operating 15
loss deduction under section 172, 16
‘‘(iv) the amount of any deduction al-17
lowed under section 199A, and 18
‘‘(v) in the case of taxable years be-19
ginning before January 1, 2022, any de-20
duction allowable for depreciation, amorti-21
zation, or depletion, and 22
‘‘(B) computed with such other adjust-23
ments as provided by the Secretary. 24
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‘‘(9) F
.—For purposes of this subsection— 2
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘floor plan 3
financing interest’ means interest paid or ac-4
crued on floor plan financing indebtedness. 5
‘‘(B) F
.—The term ‘floor plan financing indebt-7
edness’ means indebtedness— 8
‘‘(i) used to finance the acquisition of 9
motor vehicles held for sale or lease, and 10
‘‘(ii) secured by the inventory so ac-11
quired. 12
‘‘(C) M
.—The term ‘motor 13
vehicle’ means a motor vehicle that is any of 14
the following: 15
‘‘(i) Any self-propelled vehicle de-16
signed for transporting persons or property 17
on a public street, highway, or road. 18
‘‘(ii) A boat. 19
‘‘(iii) Farm machinery or equipment. 20
‘‘(10) C
.— 21
‘‘(A) For requirement that an electing real 22
property trade or business use the alternative 23
depreciation system, see section 168(g)(1)(F). 24
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‘‘(B) For requirement that an electing 1
farming business use the alternative deprecia-2
tion system, see section 168(g)(1)(G).’’. 3
(b) T
.— 6
(1) I
.—Section 381(c) is amended 7
by inserting after paragraph (19) the following new 8
paragraph: 9
‘‘(20) C
.—The carryover of disallowed busi-11
ness interest described in section 163(j)(2) to tax-12
able years ending after the date of distribution or 13
transfer.’’. 14
(2) A
.—Section 15
382(d) is amended by adding at the end the fol-16
lowing new paragraph: 17
‘‘(3) A
.—The term ‘pre-change loss’ 19
shall include any carryover of disallowed interest de-20
scribed in section 163(j)(2) under rules similar to 21
the rules of paragraph (1).’’. 22
(3) C
.—Section 23
382(k)(1) is amended by inserting after the first 24
sentence the following: ‘‘Such term shall include any 25
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corporation entitled to use a carryforward of dis-1
allowed interest described in section 381(c)(20).’’. 2
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) L
.— 8
(1) I
.—Section 172(a) is amended 9
to read as follows: 10
‘‘(a) D
.—There shall be allowed 11
as a deduction for the taxable year an amount equal to 12
the lesser of— 13
‘‘(1) the aggregate of the net operating loss 14
carryovers to such year, plus the net operating loss 15
carrybacks to such year, or 16
‘‘(2) 80 percent of taxable income computed 17
without regard to the deduction allowable under this 18
section. 19
For purposes of this subtitle, the term ‘net operating loss 20
deduction’ means the deduction allowed by this sub-21
section.’’. 22
(2) C
.—Section 172(b)(2) 24
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is amended by striking ‘‘shall be computed—’’ and 1
all that follows and inserting ‘‘shall— 2
‘‘(A) be computed with the modifications 3
specified in subsection (d) other than para-4
graphs (1), (4), and (5) thereof, and by deter-5
mining the amount of the net operating loss de-6
duction without regard to the net operating loss 7
for the loss year or for any taxable year there-8
after, 9
‘‘(B) not be considered to be less than 10
zero, and 11
‘‘(C) not exceed the amount determined 12
under subsection (a)(2) for such prior taxable 13
year.’’. 14
(3) C
.—Section 15
172(d)(6) is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end 16
of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the 17
end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ‘‘; and’’, and 18
by adding at the end the following new subpara-19
graph: 20
‘‘(C) subsection (a)(2) shall be applied by 21
substituting ‘real estate investment trust tax-22
able income (as defined in section 857(b)(2) but 23
without regard to the deduction for dividends 24
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paid (as defined in section 561))’ for ‘taxable 1
income’.’’. 2
(b) R
; 3
.— 4
(1) I
.—Section 172(b)(1)(A) is 5
amended— 6
(A) by striking ‘‘shall be a net operating 7
loss carryback to each of the 2 taxable years’’ 8
in clause (i) and inserting ‘‘except as otherwise 9
provided in this paragraph, shall not be a net 10
operating loss carryback to any taxable year’’, 11
and 12
(B) by striking ‘‘to each of the 20 taxable 13
years’’ in clause (ii) and inserting ‘‘to each tax-14
able year’’. 15
(2) C
.—Section 16
172(b)(1) is amended by striking subparagraphs (B) 17
through (F). 18
(c) T
.— 19
(1) A
.—Section 20
172(b)(1), as amended by subsection (b)(2), is 21
amended by adding at the end the following new 22
subparagraph: 23
‘‘(B) F
.— 24
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‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of any 1
portion of a net operating loss for the tax-2
able year which is a farming loss with re-3
spect to the taxpayer, such loss shall be a 4
net operating loss carryback to each of the 5
2 taxable years preceding the taxable year 6
of such loss. 7
‘‘(ii) F
.—For purposes 8
of this section, the term ‘farming loss’ 9
means the lesser of— 10
‘‘(I) the amount which would be 11
the net operating loss for the taxable 12
year if only income and deductions at-13
tributable to farming businesses (as 14
defined in section 263A(e)(4)) are 15
taken into account, or 16
‘‘(II) the amount of the net oper-17
ating loss for such taxable year. 18
‘‘(iii) C
.—For purposes of applying 20
paragraph (2), a farming loss for any tax-21
able year shall be treated as a separate net 22
operating loss for such taxable year to be 23
taken into account after the remaining 24
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portion of the net operating loss for such 1
taxable year. 2
‘‘(iv) E
.—Any taxpayer enti-3
tled to a 2-year carryback under clause (i) 4
from any loss year may elect not to have 5
such clause apply to such loss year. Such 6
election shall be made in such manner as 7
prescribed by the Secretary and shall be 8
made by the due date (including extensions 9
of time) for filing the taxpayer’s return for 10
the taxable year of the net operating loss. 11
Such election, once made for any taxable 12
year, shall be irrevocable for such taxable 13
year.’’. 14
(2) C
.— 15
(A) Section 172 is amended by striking 16
subsections (f), (g), and (h), and by redesig-17
nating subsection (i) as subsection (f). 18
(B) Section 537(b)(4) is amended by in-19
serting ‘‘(as in effect before the date of enact-20
ment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act)’’ after ‘‘as 21
defined in section 172(f)’’. 22
(d) T
.— 23
(1) T
.—Section 172(b)(1), as amended by 25
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subsections (b)(2) and (c)(1), is amended by adding 1
at the end the following new subparagraph: 2
‘‘(C) I
.—In the case 3
of an insurance company (as defined in section 4
816(a)) other than a life insurance company, 5
the net operating loss for any taxable year— 6
‘‘(i) shall be a net operating loss 7
carryback to each of the 2 taxable years 8
preceding the taxable year of such loss, 9
and 10
‘‘(ii) shall be a net operating loss car-11
ryover to each of the 20 taxable years fol-12
lowing the taxable year of the loss.’’. 13
(2) E
.—Section 14
172, as amended by subsection (c)(2)(A), is amend-15
ed by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) 16
and inserting after subsection (e) the following new 17
subsection: 18
‘‘(f) S
.— 19
In the case of an insurance company (as defined in section 20
816(a)) other than a life insurance company— 21
‘‘(1) the amount of the deduction allowed under 22
subsection (a) shall be the aggregate of the net oper-23
ating loss carryovers to such year, plus the net oper-24
ating loss carrybacks to such year, and 25
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‘‘(2) subparagraph (C) of subsection (b)(2) 1
shall not apply.’’. 2
(e) E
.— 3
(1) N
.—The 4
amendments made by subsections (a) and (d)(2) 5
shall apply to losses arising in taxable years begin-6
ning after December 31, 2017. 7
(2) C
.—The 8
amendments made by subsections (b), (c), and 9
(d)(1) shall apply to net operating losses arising in 10
taxable years ending after December 31, 2017. 11
(a) I
.—Section 1031(a)(1) is amended by 13
striking ‘‘property’’ each place it appears and inserting 14
‘‘real property’’. 15
(b) C
.— 16
(1)(A) Paragraph (2) of section 1031(a) is 17
amended to read as follows: 18
‘‘(2) E
.—This subsection shall not apply to any 20
exchange of real property held primarily for sale.’’. 21
(B) Section 1031 is amended by striking sub-22
section (i). 23
(2) Section 1031 is amended by striking sub-24
section (e). 25
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(3) Section 1031, as amended by paragraph 1
(2), is amended by inserting after subsection (d) the 2
following new subsection: 3
‘‘(e) A
.— 4
For purposes of this section, an interest in a partnership 5
which has in effect a valid election under section 761(a) 6
to be excluded from the application of all of subchapter 7
K shall be treated as an interest in each of the assets of 8
such partnership and not as an interest in a partnership.’’. 9
(4) Section 1031(h) is amended to read as fol-10
lows: 11
‘‘(h) S
.—Real property located in the United States and 13
real property located outside the United States are not 14
property of a like kind.’’. 15
(5) The heading of section 1031 is amended by 16
striking ‘‘
’’ and inserting ‘‘
’’. 18
(6) The table of sections for part III of sub-19
chapter O of chapter 1 is amended by striking the 20
item relating to section 1031 and inserting the fol-21
lowing new item: 22
‘‘Sec. 1031. Exchange of real property held for productive use or investment.’’.
(c) E
.— 23
(1) I
.—Except as otherwise pro-24
vided in this subsection, the amendments made by 25
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this section shall apply to exchanges completed after 1
December 31, 2017. 2
(2) T
.—The amendments 3
made by this section shall not apply to any exchange 4
if— 5
(A) the property disposed of by the tax-6
payer in the exchange is disposed of on or be-7
fore December 31 2017, or 8
(B) the property received by the taxpayer 9
in the exchange is received on or before Decem-10
ber 31, 2017. 11
(a) N
.— 15
(1) I
.—Section 274(a) is amend-16
ed— 17
(A) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘un-18
less’’ and all that follows through ‘‘trade or 19
business,’’, 20
(B) by striking the flush sentence at the 21
end of paragraph (1), and 22
(C) by striking paragraph (2)(C). 23
(2) C
.— 24
(A) Section 274(d) is amended— 25
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(i) by striking paragraph (2) and re-1
designating paragraphs (3) and (4) as 2
paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively, and 3
(ii) in the flush text following para-4
graph (3) (as so redesignated)— 5
(I) by striking ‘‘, entertainment, 6
amusement, recreation, or use of the 7
facility or property,’’ in item (B), and 8
(II) by striking ‘‘(D) the business 9
relationship to the taxpayer of persons 10
entertained, using the facility or prop-11
erty, or receiving the gift’’ and insert-12
ing ‘‘(D) the business relationship to 13
the taxpayer of the person receiving 14
the benefit’’, 15
(B) Section 274 is amended by striking 16
subsection (l). 17
(C) Section 274(n) is amended by striking 18
’’ in the heading. 19
(D) Section 274(n)(1) is amended to read 20
as follows: 21
‘‘(1) I
.—The amount allowable as a 22
deduction under this chapter for any expense for 23
food or beverages shall not exceed 50 percent of the 24
amount of such expense which would (but for this 25
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paragraph) be allowable as a deduction under this 1
chapter.’’. 2
(E) Section 274(n)(2) is amended— 3
(i) in subparagraph (B), by striking 4
‘‘in the case of an expense for food or bev-5
erages,’’, 6
(ii) by striking subparagraph (C) and 7
redesignating subparagraphs (D) and (E) 8
as subparagraphs (C) and (D), respec-9
tively, 10
(iii) by striking ‘‘of subparagraph 11
(E)’’ the last sentence and inserting ‘‘of 12
subparagraph (D)’’, and 13
(iv) by striking ‘‘in subparagraph 14
(D)’’ in the last sentence and inserting ‘‘in 15
subparagraph (C)’’. 16
(F) Clause (iv) of section 7701(b)(5)(A) is 17
amended to read as follows: 18
‘‘(iv) a professional athlete who is 19
temporarily in the United States to com-20
pete in a sports event— 21
‘‘(I) which is organized for the 22
primary purpose of benefiting an or-23
ganization which is described in sec-24
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tion 501(c)(3) and exempt from tax 1
under section 501(a), 2
‘‘(II) all of the net proceeds of 3
which are contributed to such organi-4
zation, and, 5
‘‘(III) which utilizes volunteers 6
for substantially all of the work per-7
formed in carrying out such event.’’. 8
(b) O
50 P
.—Paragraph (2) of section 274(n), as 11
amended by subsection (a), is amended— 12
(1) by striking subparagraph (B), 13
(2) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and 14
(D) as subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively, 15
(3) by striking ‘‘of subparagraph (D)’’ in the 16
last sentence and inserting ‘‘of subparagraph (C)’’, 17
and 18
(4) by striking ‘‘in subparagraph (C)’’ in the 19
last sentence and inserting ‘‘in subparagraph (B)’’. 20
(c) T
.— 21
Section 274, as amended by subsection (a), is amended— 22
(1) in subsection (a)— 23
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(A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘
’’ and inserting ‘‘R
’’, and 3
(B) by adding at the end the following new 4
paragraph: 5
‘‘(4) Q
.— 6
No deduction shall be allowed under this chapter for 7
the expense of any qualified transportation fringe 8
(as defined in section 132(f)) provided to an em-9
ployee of the taxpayer.’’, and 10
(2) by inserting after subsection (k) the fol-11
lowing new subsection: 12
‘‘(l) T
.— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—No deduction shall be al-15
lowed under this chapter for any expense incurred 16
for providing any transportation, or any payment or 17
reimbursement, to an employee of the taxpayer in 18
connection with travel between the employee’s resi-19
dence and place of employment, except as necessary 20
for ensuring the safety of the employee. 21
‘‘(2) E
.—In the case of any qualified 22
bicycle commuting reimbursement (as described in 23
section 132(f)(5)(F)), this subsection shall not apply 24
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for any amounts paid or incurred after December 1
31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026.’’. 2
(d) E
.—Section 274, as 4
amended by subsection (c), is amended— 5
(1) by redesignating subsection (o) as sub-6
section (p), and 7
(2) by inserting after subsection (n) the fol-8
lowing new subsection: 9
‘‘(o) M
.—No deduction shall be allowed under this chap-11
ter for— 12
‘‘(1) any expense for the operation of a facility 13
described in section 132(e)(2), and any expense for 14
food or beverages, including under section 132(e)(1), 15
associated with such facility, or 16
‘‘(2) any expense for meals described in section 17
119(a).’’. 18
(e) E
.— 19
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-20
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 21
shall apply to amounts incurred or paid after De-22
cember 31, 2017. 23
(2) E
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.—The amendments made by sub-1
section (d) shall apply to amounts incurred or paid 2
after December 31, 2025. 3
(a) I
.—Part VI of subchapter B of chap-7
ter 1 is amended by striking section 199 (and by striking 8
the item relating to such section in the table of sections 9
for such part). 10
(b) C
.— 11
(1) Sections 74(d)(2)(B), 86(b)(2)(A), 12
135(c)(4)(A), 137(b)(3)(A), 219(g)(3)(A)(ii), 13
221(b)(2)(C), 222(b)(2)(C), 246(b)(1), and 14
469(i)(3)(F)(iii) are each amended by striking 15
‘‘199,’’. 16
(2) Section 170(b)(2)(D), as amended by sub-17
title A, is amended by striking clause (iv), and by 18
redesignating clauses (v) and (vi) as clauses (iv) and 19
(v). 20
(3) Section 172(d) is amended by striking para-21
graph (7). 22
(4) Section 613(a), as amended by section 23
11011, is amended by striking ‘‘and without the de-24
duction under section 199’’. 25
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(5) Section 613A(d)(1), as amended by section 1
11011, is amended by striking subparagraph (B) 2
and by redesignating subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), 3
and (F) as subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), and (E), 4
respectively. 5
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 6
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 7
December 31, 2017. 8
(a) D
.— 11
(1) I
.—Subsection (f) of section 162 12
is amended to read as follows: 13
‘‘(f) F
, P
.— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in the 15
following paragraphs of this subsection, no deduction 16
otherwise allowable shall be allowed under this chap-17
ter for any amount paid or incurred (whether by 18
suit, agreement, or otherwise) to, or at the direction 19
of, a government or governmental entity in relation 20
to the violation of any law or the investigation or in-21
quiry by such government or entity into the potential 22
violation of any law. 23
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‘‘(2) E
.— 3
‘‘(A) I
.—Paragraph (1) shall 4
not apply to any amount that— 5
‘‘(i) the taxpayer establishes— 6
‘‘(I) constitutes restitution (in-7
cluding remediation of property) for 8
damage or harm which was or may be 9
caused by the violation of any law or 10
the potential violation of any law, or 11
‘‘(II) is paid to come into compli-12
ance with any law which was violated 13
or otherwise involved in the investiga-14
tion or inquiry described in paragraph 15
(1), 16
‘‘(ii) is identified as restitution or as 17
an amount paid to come into compliance 18
with such law, as the case may be, in the 19
court order or settlement agreement, and 20
‘‘(iii) in the case of any amount of 21
restitution for failure to pay any tax im-22
posed under this title in the same manner 23
as if such amount were such tax, would 24
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have been allowed as a deduction under 1
this chapter if it had been timely paid. 2
The identification under clause (ii) alone shall 3
not be sufficient to make the establishment re-4
quired under clause (i). 5
‘‘(B) L
.—Subparagraph (A) 6
shall not apply to any amount paid or incurred 7
as reimbursement to the government or entity 8
for the costs of any investigation or litigation. 9
‘‘(3) E
.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any 12
amount paid or incurred by reason of any order of 13
a court in a suit in which no government or govern-14
mental entity is a party. 15
‘‘(4) E
.—Paragraph 16
(1) shall not apply to any amount paid or incurred 17
as taxes due. 18
‘‘(5) T
.—For purposes of 20
this subsection, the following nongovernmental enti-21
ties shall be treated as governmental entities: 22
‘‘(A) Any nongovernmental entity which 23
exercises self-regulatory powers (including im-24
posing sanctions) in connection with a qualified 25
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board or exchange (as defined in section 1
1256(g)(7)). 2
‘‘(B) To the extent provided in regulations, 3
any nongovernmental entity which exercises 4
self-regulatory powers (including imposing sanc-5
tions) as part of performing an essential gov-6
ernmental function.’’. 7
(2) E
.—The amendment made 8
by this subsection shall apply to amounts paid or in-9
curred on or after the date of the enactment of this 10
Act, except that such amendments shall not apply to 11
amounts paid or incurred under any binding order 12
or agreement entered into before such date. Such ex-13
ception shall not apply to an order or agreement re-14
quiring court approval unless the approval was ob-15
tained before such date. 16
(b) R
.— 17
(1) I
.—Subpart B of part III of 18
subchapter A of chapter 61 is amended by inserting 19
after section 6050W the following new section: 20
‘‘(a) R
.— 23
‘‘(1) I
.—The appropriate official of 24
any government or any entity described in section 25
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162(f)(5) which is involved in a suit or agreement 1
described in paragraph (2) shall make a return in 2
such form as determined by the Secretary setting 3
forth— 4
‘‘(A) the amount required to be paid as a 5
result of the suit or agreement to which para-6
graph (1) of section 162(f) applies, 7
‘‘(B) any amount required to be paid as a 8
result of the suit or agreement which con-9
stitutes restitution or remediation of property, 10
and 11
‘‘(C) any amount required to be paid as a 12
result of the suit or agreement for the purpose 13
of coming into compliance with any law which 14
was violated or involved in the investigation or 15
inquiry. 16
‘‘(2) S
.— 17
‘‘(A) I
.—A suit or agreement is 18
described in this paragraph if— 19
‘‘(i) it is— 20
‘‘(I) a suit with respect to a vio-21
lation of any law over which the gov-22
ernment or entity has authority and 23
with respect to which there has been 24
a court order, or 25
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‘‘(II) an agreement which is en-1
tered into with respect to a violation 2
of any law over which the government 3
or entity has authority, or with re-4
spect to an investigation or inquiry by 5
the government or entity into the po-6
tential violation of any law over which 7
such government or entity has author-8
ity, and 9
‘‘(ii) the aggregate amount involved in 10
all court orders and agreements with re-11
spect to the violation, investigation, or in-12
quiry is $600 or more. 13
‘‘(B) A
.—The Secretary shall adjust the 15
$600 amount in subparagraph (A)(ii) as nec-16
essary in order to ensure the efficient adminis-17
tration of the internal revenue laws. 18
‘‘(3) T
.—The return required 19
under this subsection shall be filed at the time the 20
agreement is entered into, as determined by the Sec-21
retary. 22
‘‘(b) S
.—Every person re-24
quired to make a return under subsection (a) shall furnish 25
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to each person who is a party to the suit or agreement 1
a written statement showing— 2
‘‘(1) the name of the government or entity, and 3
‘‘(2) the information supplied to the Secretary 4
under subsection (a)(1). 5
The written statement required under the preceding sen-6
tence shall be furnished to the person at the same time 7
the government or entity provides the Secretary with the 8
information required under subsection (a). 9
‘‘(c) A
.—For pur-10
poses of this section, the term ‘appropriate official’ means 11
the officer or employee having control of the suit, inves-12
tigation, or inquiry or the person appropriately designated 13
for purposes of this section.’’. 14
(2) C
.—The table of 15
sections for subpart B of part III of subchapter A 16
of chapter 61 is amended by inserting after the item 17
relating to section 6050W the following new item: 18
‘‘Sec. 6050X. Information with respect to certain fines, penalties, and other
(3) E
.—The amendments made 19
by this subsection shall apply to amounts paid or in-20
curred on or after the date of the enactment of this 21
Act, except that such amendments shall not apply to 22
amounts paid or incurred under any binding order 23
or agreement entered into before such date. Such ex-24
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ception shall not apply to an order or agreement re-1
quiring court approval unless the approval was ob-2
tained before such date. 3
(a) D
.—Section 162 is amend-8
ed by redesignating subsection (q) as subsection (r) and 9
by inserting after subsection (p) the following new sub-10
section: 11
‘‘(q) P
.—No deduction shall be allowed 13
under this chapter for— 14
‘‘(1) any settlement or payment related to sex-15
ual harassment or sexual abuse if such settlement or 16
payment is subject to a nondisclosure agreement, or 17
‘‘(2) attorney’s fees related to such a settlement 18
or payment.’’. 19
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 20
this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after 21
the date of the enactment of this Act. 22
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(a) I
.—Section 162(e) is amended by 3
striking paragraphs (2) and (7) and by redesignating 4
paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8) as paragraphs (2), 5
(3), (4), (5), and (6), respectively. 6
(b) C
.—Section 7
6033(e)(1)(B)(ii) is amended by striking ‘‘section 8
162(e)(5)(B)(ii)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 9
162(e)(4)(B)(ii)’’. 10
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred on 12
or after the date of the enactment of this Act. 13
(a) I
.—Part IV of subchapter O of chap-18
ter 1 is amended— 19
(1) by redesignating section 1061 as section 20
1062, and 21
(2) by inserting after section 1060 the following 22
new section: 23
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‘‘(a) I
.—If one or more applicable part-3
nership interests are held by a taxpayer at any time during 4
the taxable year, the excess (if any) of— 5
‘‘(1) the taxpayer’s net long-term capital gain 6
with respect to such interests for such taxable year, 7
over 8
‘‘(2) the taxpayer’s net long-term capital gain 9
with respect to such interests for such taxable year 10
computed by applying paragraphs (3) and (4) of sec-11
tions 1222 by substituting ‘3 years’ for ‘1 year’, 12
shall be treated as short-term capital gain, notwith-13
standing section 83 or any election in effect under section 14
83(b). 15
‘‘(b) S
.—To the extent provided by the 16
Secretary, subsection (a) shall not apply to income or gain 17
attributable to any asset not held for portfolio investment 18
on behalf of third party investors. 19
‘‘(c) A
.—For 20
purposes of this section— 21
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in this 22
paragraph or paragraph (4), the term ‘applicable 23
partnership interest’ means any interest in a part-24
nership which, directly or indirectly, is transferred to 25
(or is held by) the taxpayer in connection with the 26
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performance of substantial services by the taxpayer, 1
or any other related person, in any applicable trade 2
or business. The previous sentence shall not apply to 3
an interest held by a person who is employed by an-4
other entity that is conducting a trade or business 5
(other than an applicable trade or business) and 6
only provides services to such other entity. 7
‘‘(2) A
.—The 8
term ‘applicable trade or business’ means any activ-9
ity conducted on a regular, continuous, and substan-10
tial basis which, regardless of whether the activity is 11
conducted in one or more entities, consists, in whole 12
or in part, of— 13
‘‘(A) raising or returning capital, and 14
‘‘(B) either— 15
‘‘(i) investing in (or disposing of) 16
specified assets (or identifying specified as-17
sets for such investing or disposition), or 18
‘‘(ii) developing specified assets. 19
‘‘(3) S
.—The term ‘specified 20
asset’ means securities (as defined in section 21
475(c)(2) without regard to the last sentence there-22
of), commodities (as defined in section 475(e)(2)), 23
real estate held for rental or investment, cash or 24
cash equivalents, options or derivative contracts with 25
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respect to any of the foregoing, and an interest in 1
a partnership to the extent of the partnership’s pro-2
portionate interest in any of the foregoing. 3
‘‘(4) E
.—The term ‘applicable part-4
nership interest’ shall not include— 5
‘‘(A) any interest in a partnership directly 6
or indirectly held by a corporation, or 7
‘‘(B) any capital interest in the partner-8
ship which provides the taxpayer with a right to 9
share in partnership capital commensurate 10
with— 11
‘‘(i) the amount of capital contributed 12
(determined at the time of receipt of such 13
partnership interest), or 14
‘‘(ii) the value of such interest subject 15
to tax under section 83 upon the receipt or 16
vesting of such interest. 17
‘‘(5) T
.—The term ‘third 18
party investor’ means a person who— 19
‘‘(A) holds an interest in the partnership 20
which does not constitute property held in con-21
nection with an applicable trade or business; 22
and 23
‘‘(B) is not (and has not been) actively en-24
gaged, and is (and was) not related to a person 25
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so engaged, in (directly or indirectly) providing 1
substantial services described in paragraph (1) 2
for such partnership or any applicable trade or 3
business. 4
‘‘(d) T
.— 6
‘‘(1) I
.—If a taxpayer transfers any 7
applicable partnership interest, directly or indirectly, 8
to a person related to the taxpayer, the taxpayer 9
shall include in gross income (as short term capital 10
gain) the excess (if any) of— 11
‘‘(A) so much of the taxpayer’s long-term 12
capital gains with respect to such interest for 13
such taxable year attributable to the sale or ex-14
change of any asset held for not more than 3 15
years as is allocable to such interest, over 16
‘‘(B) any amount treated as short term 17
capital gain under subsection (a) with respect 18
to the transfer of such interest. 19
‘‘(2) R
.—For purposes of this 20
paragraph, a person is related to the taxpayer if— 21
‘‘(A) the person is a member of the tax-22
payer’s family within the meaning of section 23
318(a)(1), or 24
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‘‘(B) the person performed a service within 1
the current calendar year or the preceding three 2
calendar years in any applicable trade or busi-3
ness in which or for which the taxpayer per-4
formed a service. 5
‘‘(e) R
.—The Secretary shall require such 6
reporting (at the time and in the manner prescribed by 7
the Secretary) as is necessary to carry out the purposes 8
of this section. 9
‘‘(f) R
.—The Secretary shall issue such 10
regulations or other guidance as is necessary or appro-11
priate to carry out the purposes of this section’’. 12
(b) C
.—The table of sections 13
for part IV of subchapter O of chapter 1 is amended by 14
striking the item relating to 1061 and inserting the fol-15
lowing new items: 16
‘‘Sec. 1061. Partnership interests held in connection with performance of serv-
‘‘Sec. 1062. Cross references.’’.
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 17
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 18
December 31, 2017. 19
(a) I
.—Subparagraph (A) of section 23
274(j)(3) is amended— 24
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(1) by striking ‘‘The term’’ and inserting the 1
following: 2
‘‘(i) I
.—The term’’. 3
(2) by redesignating clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) as 4
subclauses (I), (II), and (III), respectively, and con-5
forming the margins accordingly, and 6
(3) by adding at the end the following new 7
clause: 8
‘‘(ii) T
.—For purposes of clause (i), the 10
term ‘tangible personal property’ shall not 11
include— 12
‘‘(I) cash, cash equivalents, gift 13
cards, gift coupons, or gift certificates 14
(other than arrangements conferring 15
only the right to select and receive 16
tangible personal property from a lim-17
ited array of such items pre-selected 18
or pre-approved by the employer), or 19
‘‘(II) vacations, meals, lodging, 20
tickets to theater or sporting events, 21
stocks, bonds, other securities, and 22
other similar items.’’. 23
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(b) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Subsection (a) of section 162 is 7
amended in the matter following paragraph (3) by striking 8
‘‘in excess of $3,000’’. 9
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 10
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 11
the date of the enactment of this Act. 12
(a) I
.—Section 118 is amended— 16
(1) by striking subsections (b), (c), and (d), 17
(2) by redesignating subsection (e) as sub-18
section (d), and 19
(3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol-20
lowing new subsections: 21
‘‘(b) E
.—For purposes of subsection (a), 22
the term ‘contribution to the capital of the taxpayer’ does 23
not include— 24
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‘‘(1) any contribution in aid of construction or 1
any other contribution as a customer or potential 2
customer, and 3
‘‘(2) any contribution by any governmental enti-4
ty or civic group (other than a contribution made by 5
a shareholder as such). 6
‘‘(c) R
.—The Secretary shall issue such 7
regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or ap-8
propriate to carry out this section, including regulations 9
or other guidance for determining whether any contribu-10
tion constitutes a contribution in aid of construction.’’. 11
(b) E
.— 12
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-13
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 14
shall apply to contributions made after the date of 15
enactment of this Act. 16
(2) E
.—The amendments made by 17
this section shall not apply to any contribution, 18
made after the date of enactment of this Act by a 19
governmental entity, which is made pursuant to a 20
master development plan that has been approved 21
prior to such date by a governmental entity. 22
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(a) I
.—Part III of subchapter O of chap-4
ter 1 is amended by striking section 1044 (and by striking 5
the item relating to such section in the table of sections 6
of such part). 7
(b) C
.—Section 8
1016(a)(23) is amended— 9
(1) by striking ‘‘1044,’’, and 10
(2) by striking ‘‘1044(d),’’. 11
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 12
this section shall apply to sales after December 31, 2017. 13
(a) P
.—Section 1221(a)(3) is amended 16
by inserting ‘‘a patent, invention, model or design (wheth-17
er or not patented), a secret formula or process,’’ before 18
‘‘a copyright’’. 19
(b) C
.—Section 20
1231(b)(1)(C) is amended by inserting ‘‘a patent, inven-21
tion, model or design (whether or not patented), a secret 22
formula or process,’’ before ‘‘a copyright’’. 23
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 24
this section shall apply to dispositions after December 31, 25
2017. 26
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(a) C
.—Subsection (a) of section 45C is 3
amended by striking ‘‘50 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘25 per-4
cent’’. 5
(b) E
.—Subsection 6
(b) of section 280C is amended by redesignating para-7
graph (3) as paragraph (4) and by inserting after para-8
graph (2) the following new paragraph: 9
‘‘(3) E
.— 10
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 11
taxable year for which an election is made 12
under this paragraph— 13
‘‘(i) paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not 14
apply, and 15
‘‘(ii) the amount of the credit under 16
section 45C(a) shall be the amount deter-17
mined under subparagraph (B). 18
‘‘(B) A
.—The 19
amount of credit determined under this sub-20
paragraph for any taxable year shall be the 21
amount equal to the excess of— 22
‘‘(i) the amount of credit determined 23
under section 45C(a) without regard to 24
this paragraph, over 25
‘‘(ii) the product of— 26
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‘‘(I) the amount described in 1
clause (i), and 2
‘‘(II) the maximum rate of tax 3
under section 11(b). 4
‘‘(C) E
.—An election under this 5
paragraph for any taxable year shall be made 6
not later than the time for filing the return of 7
tax for such year (including extensions), shall 8
be made on such return, and shall be made in 9
such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe. 10
Such an election, once made, shall be irrev-11
ocable.’’. 12
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 13
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 14
December 31, 2017. 15
(a) I
.—Subsection (a) of section 47 is 18
amended to read as follows: 19
‘‘(a) G
.— 20
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of section 46, 21
for any taxable year during the 5-year period begin-22
ning in the taxable year in which a qualified reha-23
bilitated building is placed in service, the rehabilita-24
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tion credit for such year is an amount equal to the 1
ratable share for such year. 2
‘‘(2) R
.—For purposes of para-3
graph (1), the ratable share for any taxable year 4
during the period described in such paragraph is the 5
amount equal to 20 percent of the qualified rehabili-6
tation expenditures with respect to the qualified re-7
habilitated building, as allocated ratably to each year 8
during such period.’’. 9
(b) C
.— 10
(1) Section 47(c) is amended— 11
(A) in paragraph (1)— 12
(i) in subparagraph (A), by amending 13
clause (iii) to read as follows: 14
‘‘(iii) such building is a certified his-15
toric structure, and’’, 16
(ii) by striking subparagraph (B), and 17
(iii) by redesignating subparagraphs 18
(C) and (D) as subparagraphs (B) and 19
(C), respectively, and 20
(B) in paragraph (2)(B), by amending 21
clause (iv) to read as follows: 22
‘‘(iv) C
.—Any expenditure attributable to 24
the rehabilitation of a qualified rehabili-25
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tated building unless the rehabilitation is a 1
certified rehabilitation (within the meaning 2
of subparagraph (C)).’’. 3
(2) Paragraph (4) of section 145(d) is amend-4
ed— 5
(A) by striking ‘‘of section 47(c)(1)(C)’’ 6
each place it appears and inserting ‘‘of section 7
47(c)(1)(B)’’, and 8
(B) by striking ‘‘section 47(c)(1)(C)(i)’’ 9
and inserting ‘‘section 47(c)(1)(B)(i)’’. 10
(c) E
.— 11
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-12
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 13
shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after De-14
cember 31, 2017. 15
(2) T
.—In the case of quali-16
fied rehabilitation expenditures with respect to any 17
building— 18
(A) owned or leased by the taxpayer dur-19
ing the entirety of the period after December 20
31, 2017, and 21
(B) with respect to which the 24-month 22
period selected by the taxpayer under clause (i) 23
of section 47(c)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue 24
Code (as amended by subsection (b)), or the 25
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60-month period applicable under clause (ii) of 1
such section, begins not later than 180 days 2
after the date of the enactment of this Act, 3
the amendments made by this section shall apply to 4
such expenditures paid or incurred after the end of 5
the taxable year in which the 24-month period, or 6
the 60-month period, referred to in subparagraph 7
(B) ends. 8
(a) I
.— 11
(1) A
.—Subpart D of 12
part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by 13
adding at the end the following new section: 14
‘‘(a) E
.— 17
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of section 38, 18
in the case of an eligible employer, the paid family 19
and medical leave credit is an amount equal to the 20
applicable percentage of the amount of wages paid 21
to qualifying employees during any period in which 22
such employees are on family and medical leave. 23
‘‘(2) A
.—For purposes 24
of paragraph (1), the term ‘applicable percentage’ 25
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means 12.5 percent increased (but not above 25 per-1
cent) by 0.25 percentage points for each percentage 2
point by which the rate of payment (as described 3
under subsection (c)(1)(B)) exceeds 50 percent. 4
‘‘(b) L
.— 5
‘‘(1) I
.—The credit allowed under 6
subsection (a) with respect to any employee for any 7
taxable year shall not exceed an amount equal to the 8
product of the normal hourly wage rate of such em-9
ployee for each hour (or fraction thereof) of actual 10
services performed for the employer and the number 11
of hours (or fraction thereof) for which family and 12
medical leave is taken. 13
‘‘(2) N
.—For purposes 14
of paragraph (1), in the case of any employee who 15
is not paid on an hourly wage rate, the wages of 16
such employee shall be prorated to an hourly wage 17
rate under regulations established by the Secretary. 18
‘‘(3) M
.—The amount of family and medical leave 20
that may be taken into account with respect to any 21
employee under subsection (a) for any taxable year 22
shall not exceed 12 weeks. 23
‘‘(c) E
.—For purposes of this 24
section— 25
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‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘eligible em-1
ployer’ means any employer who has in place a writ-2
ten policy that meets the following requirements: 3
‘‘(A) The policy provides— 4
‘‘(i) in the case of a qualifying em-5
ployee who is not a part-time employee (as 6
defined in section 4980E(d)(4)(B)), not 7
less than 2 weeks of annual paid family 8
and medical leave, and 9
‘‘(ii) in the case of a qualifying em-10
ployee who is a part-time employee, an 11
amount of annual paid family and medical 12
leave that is not less than an amount 13
which bears the same ratio to the amount 14
of annual paid family and medical leave 15
that is provided to a qualifying employee 16
described in clause (i) as— 17
‘‘(I) the number of hours the em-18
ployee is expected to work during any 19
week, bears to 20
‘‘(II) the number of hours an 21
equivalent qualifying employee de-22
scribed in clause (i) is expected to 23
work during the week. 24
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‘‘(B) The policy requires that the rate of 1
payment under the program is not less than 50 2
percent of the wages normally paid to such em-3
ployee for services performed for the employer. 4
‘‘(2) S
.— 6
‘‘(A) I
.—An added employer 7
shall not be treated as an eligible employer un-8
less such employer provides paid family and 9
medical leave in compliance with a written pol-10
icy which ensures that the employer— 11
‘‘(i) will not interfere with, restrain, 12
or deny the exercise of or the attempt to 13
exercise, any right provided under the pol-14
icy, and 15
‘‘(ii) will not discharge or in any other 16
manner discriminate against any individual 17
for opposing any practice prohibited by the 18
policy. 19
‘‘(B) A
.—For purposes of this paragraph— 21
‘‘(i) A
.—The term 22
‘added employee’ means a qualifying em-23
ployee who is not covered by title I of the 24
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Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as 1
amended. 2
‘‘(ii) A
.—The term 3
‘added employer’ means an eligible em-4
ployer (determined without regard to this 5
paragraph), whether or not covered by that 6
title I, who offers paid family and medical 7
leave to added employees. 8
‘‘(3) A
.—All persons which 9
are treated as a single employer under subsections 10
(a) and (b) of section 52 shall be treated as a single 11
taxpayer. 12
‘‘(4) T
.—For 14
purposes of this section, any leave which is paid by 15
a State or local government or required by State or 16
local law shall not be taken into account in deter-17
mining the amount of paid family and medical leave 18
provided by the employer. 19
‘‘(5) N
.—Nothing in this sub-20
section shall be construed as subjecting an employer 21
to any penalty, liability, or other consequence (other 22
than ineligibility for the credit allowed by reason of 23
subsection (a) or recapturing the benefit of such 24
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credit) for failure to comply with the requirements 1
of this subsection. 2
‘‘(d) Q
.—For purposes of 3
this section, the term ‘qualifying employee’ means any em-4
ployee (as defined in section 3(e) of the Fair Labor Stand-5
ards Act of 1938, as amended) who— 6
‘‘(1) has been employed by the employer for 1 7
year or more, and 8
‘‘(2) for the preceding year, had compensation 9
not in excess of an amount equal to 60 percent of 10
the amount applicable for such year under clause (i) 11
of section 414(q)(1)(B). 12
‘‘(e) F
.— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-14
graph (2), for purposes of this section, the term 15
‘family and medical leave’ means leave for any 1 or 16
more of the purposes described under subparagraph 17
(A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) of paragraph (1), or para-18
graph (3), of section 102(a) of the Family and Med-19
ical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, whether the 20
leave is provided under that Act or by a policy of the 21
employer. 22
‘‘(2) E
.—If an employer provides paid 23
leave as vacation leave, personal leave, or medical or 24
sick leave (other than leave specifically for 1 or more 25
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of the purposes referred to in paragraph (1)), that 1
paid leave shall not be considered to be family and 2
medical leave under paragraph (1). 3
‘‘(3) D
.—In this subsection, the 4
terms ‘vacation leave’, ‘personal leave’, and ‘medical 5
or sick leave’ mean those 3 types of leave, within the 6
meaning of section 102(d)(2) of that Act. 7
‘‘(f) D
.—For purposes of this section, any determina-9
tion as to whether an employer or an employee satisfies 10
the applicable requirements for an eligible employer (as 11
described in subsection (c)) or qualifying employee (as de-12
scribed in subsection (d)), respectively, shall be made by 13
the Secretary based on such information, to be provided 14
by the employer, as the Secretary determines to be nec-15
essary or appropriate. 16
‘‘(g) W
.—For purposes of this section, the term 17
‘wages’ has the meaning given such term by subsection 18
(b) of section 3306 (determined without regard to any dol-19
lar limitation contained in such section). Such term shall 20
not include any amount taken into account for purposes 21
of determining any other credit allowed under this sub-22
part. 23
‘‘(h) E
.— 24
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‘‘(1) I
.—A taxpayer may elect to 1
have this section not apply for any taxable year. 2
‘‘(2) O
.—Rules similar to the rules 3
of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 51(j) shall 4
apply for purposes of this subsection. 5
‘‘(i) T
.—This section shall not apply to 6
wages paid in taxable years beginning after December 31, 7
2019.’’. 8
(b) C
.— 9
Section 38(b) is amended by striking ‘‘plus’’ at the end 10
of paragraph (35), by striking the period at the end of 11
paragraph (36) and inserting ‘‘, plus’’, and by adding at 12
the end the following new paragraph: 13
‘‘(37) in the case of an eligible employer (as de-14
fined in section 45S(c)), the paid family and medical 15
leave credit determined under section 45S(a).’’. 16
(c) C
graph (B) of section 38(c)(4) is amended by redesignating 18
clauses (ix) through (xi) as clauses (x) through (xii), re-19
spectively, and by inserting after clause (viii) the following 20
new clause: 21
‘‘(ix) the credit determined under sec-22
tion 45S,’’. 23
(d) C
.— 24
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(1) D
.—Section 1
280C(a) is amended by inserting ‘‘45S(a),’’ after 2
‘‘45P(a),’’. 3
(2) E
.— 4
Section 6501(m) is amended by inserting ‘‘45S(h),’’ 5
after ‘‘45H(g),’’. 6
(3) C
.—The table of sec-7
tions for subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 8
chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the fol-9
lowing new item: 10
‘‘Sec. 45S. Employer credit for paid family and medical leave.’’.
(e) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to wages paid in taxable years be-12
ginning after December 31, 2017. 13
(a) I
.—Part IV of subchapter A of chap-15
ter 1 is amended by striking subparts H, I, and J (and 16
by striking the items relating to such subparts in the table 17
of subparts for such part). 18
(b) P
.—Subchapter B of chap-19
ter 65 is amended by striking section 6431 (and by strik-20
ing the item relating to such section in the table of sec-21
tions for such subchapter). 22
(c) C
.— 23
(1) Part IV of subchapter U of chapter 1 is 24
amended by striking section 1397E (and by striking 25
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the item relating to such section in the table of sec-1
tions for such part). 2
(2) Section 54(l)(3)(B) is amended by inserting 3
‘‘(as in effect before its repeal by the Tax Cuts and 4
Jobs Act)’’ after ‘‘section 1397E(I)’’. 5
(3) Section 6211(b)(4)(A) is amended by strik-6
ing ‘‘, and 6431’’ and inserting ‘‘and’’ before 7
‘‘36B’’. 8
(4) Section 6401(b)(1) is amended by striking 9
‘‘G, H, I, and J’’ and inserting ‘‘and G’’. 10
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to bonds issued after December 12
31, 2017. 13
Subpart A—Partnership Provisions 16
(a) A
.— 23
(1) I
.—Section 864(c) is amended 24
by adding at the end the following: 25
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‘‘(8) G
.— 3
‘‘(A) I
.—Notwithstanding any 4
other provision of this subtitle, if a nonresident 5
alien individual or foreign corporation owns, di-6
rectly or indirectly, an interest in a partnership 7
which is engaged in any trade or business with-8
in the United States, gain or loss on the sale 9
or exchange of all (or any portion of) such in-10
terest shall be treated as effectively connected 11
with the conduct of such trade or business to 12
the extent such gain or loss does not exceed the 13
amount determined under subparagraph (B). 14
‘‘(B) A
.—The amount determined under 16
this subparagraph with respect to any partner-17
ship interest sold or exchanged— 18
‘‘(i) in the case of any gain on the 19
sale or exchange of the partnership inter-20
est, is— 21
‘‘(I) the portion of the partner’s 22
distributive share of the amount of 23
gain which would have been effectively 24
connected with the conduct of a trade 25
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or business within the United States 1
if the partnership had sold all of its 2
assets at their fair market value as of 3
the date of the sale or exchange of 4
such interest, or 5
‘‘(II) zero if no gain on such 6
deemed sale would have been so effec-7
tively connected, and 8
‘‘(ii) in the case of any loss on the 9
sale or exchange of the partnership inter-10
est, is— 11
‘‘(I) the portion of the partner’s 12
distributive share of the amount of 13
loss on the deemed sale described in 14
clause (i)(I) which would have been so 15
effectively connected, or 16
‘‘(II) zero if no loss on such 17
deemed sale would be have been so ef-18
fectively connected. 19
For purposes of this subparagraph, a part-20
ner’s distributive share of gain or loss on 21
the deemed sale shall be determined in the 22
same manner as such partner’s distributive 23
share of the non-separately stated taxable 24
income or loss of such partnership. 25
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‘‘(C) C
.—If a partnership 2
described in subparagraph (A) holds any United 3
States real property interest (as defined in sec-4
tion 897(c)) at the time of the sale or exchange 5
of the partnership interest, then the gain or loss 6
treated as effectively connected income under 7
subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by the 8
amount so treated with respect to such United 9
States real property interest under section 897. 10
‘‘(D) S
.—For purposes 11
of this paragraph, the term ‘sale or exchange’ 12
means any sale, exchange, or other disposition. 13
‘‘(E) S
.—The Sec-14
retary shall prescribe such regulations or other 15
guidance as the Secretary determines appro-16
priate for the application of this paragraph, in-17
cluding with respect to exchanges described in 18
section 332, 351, 354, 355, 356, or 361.’’. 19
(2) C
.—Section 20
864(c)(1) is amended— 21
(A) by striking ‘‘and (7)’’ in subparagraph 22
(A), and inserting ‘‘(7), and (8)’’, and 23
(B) by striking ‘‘or (7)’’ in subparagraph 24
(B), and inserting ‘‘(7), or (8)’’. 25
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(b) W
.—Section 1446 1
is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection 2
(g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following: 3
‘‘(f) S
.— 5
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in this 6
subsection, if any portion of the gain (if any) on any 7
disposition of an interest in a partnership would be 8
treated under section 864(c)(8) as effectively con-9
nected with the conduct of a trade or business with-10
in the United States, the transferee shall be required 11
to deduct and withhold a tax equal to 10 percent of 12
the amount realized on the disposition. 13
‘‘(2) E
.— 15
‘‘(A) I
.—No person shall be re-16
quired to deduct and withhold any amount 17
under paragraph (1) with respect to any dis-18
position if the transferor furnishes to the trans-19
feree an affidavit by the transferor stating, 20
under penalty of perjury, the transferor’s 21
United States taxpayer identification number 22
and that the transferor is not a foreign person. 23
‘‘(B) F
.—Subparagraph 24
(A) shall not apply to any disposition if— 25
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‘‘(i) the transferee has actual knowl-1
edge that the affidavit is false, or the 2
transferee receives a notice (as described in 3
section 1445(d)) from a transferor’s agent 4
or transferee’s agent that such affidavit or 5
statement is false, or 6
‘‘(ii) the Secretary by regulations re-7
quires the transferee to furnish a copy of 8
such affidavit or statement to the Sec-9
retary and the transferee fails to furnish a 10
copy of such affidavit or statement to the 11
Secretary at such time and in such manner 12
as required by such regulations. 13
‘‘(C) R
.—The rules of 14
section 1445(d) shall apply to a transferor’s 15
agent or transferee’s agent with respect to any 16
affidavit described in subparagraph (A) in the 17
same manner as such rules apply with respect 18
to the disposition of a United States real prop-19
erty interest under such section. 20
‘‘(3) A
.—At the request of the trans-22
feror or transferee, the Secretary may prescribe a 23
reduced amount to be withheld under this section if 24
the Secretary determines that to substitute such re-25
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duced amount will not jeopardize the collection of 1
the tax imposed under this title with respect to gain 2
treated under section 864(c)(8) as effectively con-3
nected with the conduct of a trade or business with 4
in the United States. 5
‘‘(4) P
.—If a trans-7
feree fails to withhold any amount required to be 8
withheld under paragraph (1), the partnership shall 9
be required to deduct and withhold from distribu-10
tions to the transferee a tax in an amount equal to 11
the amount the transferee failed to withhold (plus 12
interest under this title on such amount). 13
‘‘(5) D
.—Any term used in this sub-14
section which is also used under section 1445 shall 15
have the same meaning as when used in such sec-16
tion. 17
‘‘(6) R
.—The Secretary shall pre-18
scribe such regulations or other guidance as may be 19
necessary to carry out the purposes of this sub-20
section, including regulations providing for excep-21
tions from the provisions of this subsection.’’. 22
(c) E
.— 23
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(1) S
(a).—The amendments made 1
by subsection (a) shall apply to sales, exchanges, and 2
dispositions on or after November 27, 2017. 3
(2) S
(b).—The amendment made 4
by subsection (b) shall apply to sales, exchanges, 5
and dispositions after December 31, 2017. 6
(a) I
.—Paragraph (1) of section 743(d) 10
is to read as follows: 11
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of this sec-12
tion, a partnership has a substantial built-in loss 13
with respect to a transfer of an interest in the part-14
nership if— 15
‘‘(A) the partnership’s adjusted basis in 16
the partnership property exceeds by more than 17
$250,000 the fair market value of such prop-18
erty, or 19
‘‘(B) the transferee partner would be allo-20
cated a loss of more than $250,000 if the part-21
nership assets were sold for cash equal to their 22
fair market value immediately after such trans-23
fer.’’. 24
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(b) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to transfers of partnership inter-2
ests after December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Subsection (d) of section 704 is 8
amended— 9
(1) by striking ‘‘A partner’s distributive share’’ 10
and inserting the following: 11
‘‘(1) I
.—A partner’s distributive 12
share’’, 13
(2) by striking ‘‘Any excess of such loss’’ and 14
inserting the following: 15
‘‘(2) C
.—Any excess of such loss’’, 16
and 17
(3) by adding at the end the following new 18
paragraph: 19
‘‘(3) S
.— 20
‘‘(A) I
.—In determining the 21
amount of any loss under paragraph (1), there 22
shall be taken into account the partner’s dis-23
tributive share of amounts described in para-24
graphs (4) and (6) of section 702(a). 25
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‘‘(B) E
.—In the case of a chari-1
table contribution of property whose fair mar-2
ket value exceeds its adjusted basis, subpara-3
graph (A) shall not apply to the extent of the 4
partner’s distributive share of such excess.’’. 5
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 6
this section shall apply to partnership taxable years begin-7
ning after December 31, 2017. 8
(a) I
.—Paragraph (1) of section 708(b) 11
is amended— 12
(1) by striking ‘‘, or’’ at the end of subpara-13
graph (A) and all that follows and inserting a pe-14
riod, and 15
(2) by striking ‘‘only if—’’ and all that follows 16
through ‘‘no part of any business’’ and inserting the 17
following: ‘‘only if no part of any business’’. 18
(b) C
.— 19
(1) Section 168(i)(7)(B) is amended by striking 20
the second sentence. 21
(2) Section 743(e) is amended by striking para-22
graph (4) and redesignating paragraphs (5), (6), 23
and (7) as paragraphs (4), (5), and (6). 24
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(c) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to partnership taxable years begin-2
ning after December 31, 2017. 3
Subpart B—Insurance Reforms 4
(a) I
.—Section 805(b) is amended by 7
striking paragraph (4) and by redesignating paragraph 8
(5) as paragraph (4). 9
(b) C
.— 10
(1) Part I of subchapter L of chapter 1 is 11
amended by striking section 810 (and by striking 12
the item relating to such section in the table of sec-13
tions for such part). 14
(2)(A) Part III of subchapter L of chapter 1 is 15
amended by striking section 844 (and by striking 16
the item relating to such section in the table of sec-17
tions for such part). 18
(B) Section 831(b)(3) is amended by striking 19
‘‘except as provided in section 844,’’ 20
(3) Section 381 is amended by striking sub-21
section (d). 22
(4) Section 805(a)(4)(B)(ii) is amended to read 23
as follows: 24
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‘‘(ii) the deduction allowed under sec-1
tion 172,’’. 2
(5) Section 805(a) is amended by striking para-3
graph (5). 4
(6) Section 805(b)(2)(A)(iv) is amended to read 5
as follows: 6
‘‘(iv) any net operating loss carryback 7
to the taxable year under section 172, 8
and’’. 9
(7) Section 953(b)(1)(B) is amended to read as 10
follows: 11
‘‘(B) So much of section 805(a)(8) as re-12
lates to the deduction allowed under section 13
172.’’. 14
(8) Section 1351(i)(3) is amended by striking 15
‘‘or the operations loss deduction under section 16
810,’’. 17
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 18
this section shall apply to losses arising in taxable years 19
beginning after December 31, 2017. 20
(a) I
.—Part I of subchapter L of chapter 23
1 is amended by striking section 806 (and by striking the 24
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item relating to such section in the table of sections for 1
such part). 2
(b) C
.— 3
(1) Section 453B(e) is amended— 4
(A) by striking ‘‘(as defined in section 5
806(b)(3))’’ in paragraph (2)(B), and 6
(B) by adding at the end the following new 7
paragraph: 8
‘‘(3) N
.— 9
‘‘(A) I
.—For purposes of this 10
subsection, the term ‘noninsurance business’ 11
means any activity which is not an insurance 12
business. 13
‘‘(B) C
.—For purposes of sub-15
paragraph (A), any activity which is not an in-16
surance business shall be treated as an insur-17
ance business if— 18
‘‘(i) it is of a type traditionally carried 19
on by life insurance companies for invest-20
ment purposes, but only if the carrying on 21
of such activity (other than in the case of 22
real estate) does not constitute the active 23
conduct of a trade or business, or 24
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‘‘(ii) it involves the performance of ad-1
ministrative services in connection with 2
plans providing life insurance, pension, or 3
accident and health benefits.’’. 4
(2) Section 465(c)(7)(D)(v)(II) is amended by 5
striking ‘‘section 806(b)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 6
453B(e)(3)’’. 7
(3) Section 801(a)(2) is amended by striking 8
subparagraph (C). 9
(4) Section 804 is amended by striking 10
‘‘means—’’ and all that follows and inserting 11
‘‘means the general deductions provided in section 12
805.’’. 13
(5) Section 805(a)(4)(B), as amended by this 14
Act, is amended by striking clause (i) and by redes-15
ignating clauses (ii), (iii), and (iv) as clauses (i), (ii), 16
and (iii), respectively. 17
(6) Section 805(b)(2)(A), as amended by this 18
Act, is amended by striking clause (iii) and by redes-19
ignating clauses (iv) and (v) as clauses (iii) and (iv), 20
respectively. 21
(7) Section 842(c) is amended by striking para-22
graph (1) and by redesignating paragraphs (2) and 23
(3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. 24
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(8) Section 953(b)(1), as amended by section 1
13511, is amended by striking subparagraph (A) 2
and by redesignating subparagraphs (B) and (C) as 3
subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively. 4
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 5
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 6
December 31, 2017. 7
(a) I
.—Paragraph (1) of section 807(f) 10
is amended to read as follows: 11
‘‘(1) T
.—If the basis for determining any item 13
referred to in subsection (c) as of the close of any 14
taxable year differs from the basis for such deter-15
mination as of the close of the preceding taxable 16
year, then so much of the difference between— 17
‘‘(A) the amount of the item at the close 18
of the taxable year, computed on the new basis, 19
and 20
‘‘(B) the amount of the item at the close 21
of the taxable year, computed on the old basis, 22
as is attributable to contracts issued before the tax-23
able year shall be taken into account under section 24
481 as adjustments attributable to a change in 25
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method of accounting initiated by the taxpayer and 1
made with the consent of the Secretary.’’. 2
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) I
.—Subpart D of part I of subchapter 9
L is amended by striking section 815 (and by striking the 10
item relating to such section in the table of sections for 11
such subpart). 12
(b) C
.—Section 801 is 13
amended by striking subsection (c). 14
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 15
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 16
December 31, 2017. 17
(d) P
.—In the case of 19
any stock life insurance company which has a balance (de-20
termined as of the close of such company’s last taxable 21
year beginning before January 1, 2018) in an existing pol-22
icyholders surplus account (as defined in section 815 of 23
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as in effect before 24
its repeal), the tax imposed by section 801 of such Code 25
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for the first 8 taxable years beginning after December 31, 1
2017, shall be the amount which would be imposed by 2
such section for such year on the sum of— 3
(1) life insurance company taxable income for 4
such year (within the meaning of such section 801 5
but not less than zero), plus 6
of such balance. 7
(a) I
.—Section 832(b)(5)(B) is amend-11
ed— 12
(1) by striking ‘‘15 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘the 13
applicable percentage’’, and 14
(2) by inserting at the end the following new 15
sentence: ‘‘For purposes of this subparagraph, the 16
applicable percentage is 5.25 percent divided by the 17
highest rate in effect under section 11(b).’’. 18
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 20
December 31, 2017. 21
(a) I
.—Part III of subchapter L of chap-24
ter 1 is amended by striking section 847 (and by striking 25
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the item relating to such section in the table of sections 1
for such part). 2
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(a) I
.— 8
(1) A
.—The 9
second sentence of section 807(c) is amended to read 10
as follows: ‘‘For purposes of paragraph (3), the ap-11
propriate rate of interest is the highest rate or rates 12
permitted to be used to discount the obligations by 13
the National Association of Insurance Commis-14
sioners as of the date the reserve is determined.’’. 15
(2) M
tion 807(d) is amended— 17
(A) by striking paragraphs (1), (2), (4), 18
and (5), 19
(B) by redesignating paragraph (6) as 20
paragraph (4), 21
(C) by inserting before paragraph (3) the 22
following new paragraphs: 23
‘‘(1) D
.— 24
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‘‘(A) I
.—For purposes of this 1
part (other than section 816), the amount of 2
the life insurance reserves for any contract 3
(other than a contract to which subparagraph 4
(B) applies) shall be the greater of— 5
‘‘(i) the net surrender value of such 6
contract, or 7
‘‘(ii) 92.81 percent of the reserve de-8
termined under paragraph (2). 9
‘‘(B) V
.—For pur-10
poses of this part (other than section 816), the 11
amount of the life insurance reserves for a vari-12
able contract shall be equal to the sum of— 13
‘‘(i) the greater of— 14
‘‘(I) the net surrender value of 15
such contract, or 16
‘‘(II) the portion of the reserve 17
that is separately accounted for under 18
section 817, plus 19
‘‘(ii) 92.81 percent of the excess (if 20
any) of the reserve determined under para-21
graph (2) over the amount in clause (i). 22
‘‘(C) S
.—In no event shall 23
the reserves determined under subparagraphs 24
(A) or (B) for any contract as of any time ex-25
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ceed the amount which would be taken into ac-1
count with respect to such contract as of such 2
time in determining statutory reserves (as de-3
fined in paragraph (4)). 4
‘‘(D) N
.—In no event 5
shall any amount or item be taken into account 6
more than once in determining any reserve 7
under this subchapter. 8
‘‘(2) A
.—The amount of 9
the reserve determined under this paragraph with 10
respect to any contract shall be determined by using 11
the tax reserve method applicable to such contract.’’. 12
(D) by striking ‘‘(other than a qualified 13
long-term care insurance contract, as defined in 14
section 7702B(b)), a 2-year full preliminary 15
term method’’ in paragraph (3)(A)(iii) and in-16
serting ‘‘, the reserve method prescribed by the 17
National Association of Insurance Commis-18
sioners which covers such contract as of the 19
date the reserve is determined’’, 20
(E) by striking ‘‘(as of the date of 21
issuance)’’ in paragraph (3)(A)(iv)(I) and in-22
serting ‘‘(as of the date the reserve is deter-23
mined)’’, 24
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(F) by striking ‘‘as of the date of the 1
issuance of’’ in paragraph (3)(A)(iv)(II) and in-2
serting ‘‘as of the date the reserve is deter-3
mined for’’, 4
(G) by striking ‘‘in effect on the date of 5
the issuance of the contract’’ in paragraph 6
(3)(B)(i) and inserting ‘‘applicable to the con-7
tract and in effect as of the date the reserve is 8
determined’’, and 9
(H) by striking ‘‘in effect on the date of 10
the issuance of the contract’’ in paragraph 11
(3)(B)(ii) and inserting ‘‘applicable to the con-12
tract and in effect as of the date the reserve is 13
determined’’. 14
(3) S
.—Section 807(e) is amend-15
ed— 16
(A) by striking paragraphs (2) and (5), 17
(B) by redesignating paragraphs (3), (4), 18
(6), and (7) as paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and 19
(5), respectively, 20
(C) by amending paragraph (2) (as so re-21
designated) to read as follows: 22
‘‘(2) Q
.— 23
‘‘(A) Q
.—For purposes of 25
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this part, the amount of the life insurance re-1
serve for any qualified supplemental benefit 2
shall be computed separately as though such 3
benefit were under a separate contract. 4
‘‘(B) Q
.—For purposes of this paragraph, the 6
term ‘qualified supplemental benefit’ means any 7
supplemental benefit described in subparagraph 8
(C) if— 9
‘‘(i) there is a separately identified 10
premium or charge for such benefit, and 11
‘‘(ii) any net surrender value under 12
the contract attributable to any other ben-13
efit is not available to fund such benefit. 14
‘‘(C) S
.—For 15
purposes of this paragraph, the supplemental 16
benefits described in this subparagraph are 17
any— 18
‘‘(i) guaranteed insurability, 19
‘‘(ii) accidental death or disability 20
benefit, 21
‘‘(iii) convertibility, 22
‘‘(iv) disability waiver benefit, or 23
‘‘(v) other benefit prescribed by regu-24
lations, 25
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which is supplemental to a contract for which 1
there is a reserve described in subsection (c).’’, 2
and 3
(D) by adding at the end the following new 4
paragraph: 5
‘‘(6) R
.—The Secretary shall 6
require reporting (at such time and in such manner 7
as the Secretary shall prescribe) with respect to the 8
opening balance and closing balance of reserves and 9
with respect to the method of computing reserves for 10
purposes of determining income.’’. 11
(4) D
.—Section 7702 is amended— 13
(A) by striking clause (i) of subsection 14
(c)(3)(B) and inserting the following: 15
‘‘(i) reasonable mortality charges 16
which meet the requirements prescribed in 17
regulations to be promulgated by the Sec-18
retary or that do not exceed the mortality 19
charges specified in the prevailing commis-20
sioners’ standard tables as defined in sub-21
section (f)(10),’’ and 22
(B) by adding at the end of subsection (f) 23
the following new paragraph: 24
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‘‘(10) P
.—For purposes of subsection (c)(3)(B)(i), 2
the term ‘prevailing commissioners’ standard tables’ 3
means the most recent commissioners’ standard ta-4
bles prescribed by the National Association of Insur-5
ance Commissioners which are permitted to be used 6
in computing reserves for that type of contract 7
under the insurance laws of at least 26 States when 8
the contract was issued. If the prevailing commis-9
sioners’ standard tables as of the beginning of any 10
calendar year (hereinafter in this paragraph referred 11
to as the ‘year of change’) are different from the 12
prevailing commissioners’ standard tables as of the 13
beginning of the preceding calendar year, the issuer 14
may use the prevailing commissioners’ standard ta-15
bles as of the beginning of the preceding calendar 16
year with respect to any contract issued after the 17
change and before the close of the 3-year period be-18
ginning on the first day of the year of change.’’. 19
(b) C
.— 20
(1) Section 808 is amended by adding at the 21
end the following new subsection: 22
‘‘(g) P
.—For purposes of this subchapter— 24
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‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘prevailing State 1
assumed interest rate’ means, with respect to any 2
contract, the highest assumed interest rate per-3
mitted to be used in computing life insurance re-4
serves for insurance contracts or annuity contracts 5
(as the case may be) under the insurance laws of at 6
least 26 States. For purposes of the preceding sen-7
tence, the effect of nonforfeiture laws of a State on 8
interest rates for reserves shall not be taken into ac-9
count. 10
‘‘(2) W
.—The pre-11
vailing State assumed interest rate with respect to 12
any contract shall be determined as of the beginning 13
of the calendar year in which the contract was 14
issued.’’. 15
(2) Paragraph (1) of section 811(d) is amended 16
by striking ‘‘the greater of the prevailing State as-17
sumed interest rate or applicable Federal interest 18
rate in effect under section 807’’ and inserting ‘‘the 19
interest rate in effect under section 808(g)’’. 20
(3) Subparagraph (A) of section 846(f)(6) is 21
amended by striking ‘‘except that’’ and all that fol-22
lows and inserting ‘‘except that the limitation of 23
subsection (a)(3) shall apply, and’’. 24
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(4) Section 848(e)(1)(B)(iii) is amended by 1
striking ‘‘807(e)(4)’’ and inserting ‘‘807(e)(3)’’. 2
(5) Subparagraph (B) of section 954(i)(5) is 3
amended by striking ‘‘shall be substituted for the 4
prevailing State assumed interest rate,’’ and insert-5
ing ‘‘shall apply,’’. 6
(c) E
.— 7
(1) I
.—The amendments made by 8
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning 9
after December 31, 2017. 10
(2) T
.—For the first taxable 11
year beginning after December 31, 2017, the reserve 12
with respect to any contract (as determined under 13
section 807(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 14
1986) at the end of the preceding taxable year shall 15
be determined as if the amendments made by this 16
section had applied to such reserve in such preceding 17
taxable year. 18
(3) T
.— 19
(A) I
.—If— 20
(i) the reserve determined under sec-21
tion 807(d) of the Internal Revenue Code 22
of 1986 (determined after application of 23
paragraph (2)) with respect to any con-24
tract as of the close of the year preceding 25
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the first taxable year beginning after De-1
cember 31, 2017, differs from 2
(ii) the reserve which would have been 3
determined with respect to such contract 4
as of the close of such taxable year under 5
such section determined without regard to 6
paragraph (2), 7
then the difference between the amount of the 8
reserve described in clause (i) and the amount 9
of the reserve described in clause (ii) shall be 10
taken into account under the method provided 11
in subparagraph (B). 12
(B) M
.—The method provided in 13
this subparagraph is as follows: 14
(i) If the amount determined under 15
subparagraph (A)(i) exceeds the amount 16
determined under subparagraph (A)(ii), 1/ 17
8 of such excess shall be taken into ac-18
count, for each of the 8 succeeding taxable 19
years, as a deduction under section 20
805(a)(2) or 832(c)(4) of such Code, as 21
applicable. 22
(ii) If the amount determined under 23
subparagraph (A)(ii) exceeds the amount 24
determined under subparagraph (A)(i), 1/8 25
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of such excess shall be included in gross in-1
come, for each of the 8 succeeding taxable 2
years, under section 803(a)(2) or 3
832(b)(1)(C) of such Code, as applicable. 4
(a) I
.—Section 812 is amended to read 9
as follows: 10
‘‘(a) C
.—For purposes of section 13
805(a)(4), the term ‘company’s share’ means, with respect 14
to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, 15
70 percent. 16
‘‘(b) P
.—For purposes of sec-17
tion 807, the term ‘policyholder’s share’ means, with re-18
spect to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 19
2017, 30 percent.’’. 20
(b) C
.—Section 817A(e)(2) 21
is amended by striking ‘‘, 807(d)(2)(B), and 812’’ and in-22
serting ‘‘and 807(d)(2)(B)’’. 23
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(c) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.— 6
(1) Section 848(a)(2) is amended by striking 7
‘‘120-month’’ and inserting ‘‘180-month’’. 8
(2) Section 848(c)(1) is amended by striking 9
‘‘1.75 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘2.09 percent’’. 10
(3) Section 848(c)(2) is amended by striking 11
‘‘2.05 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘2.45 percent’’. 12
(4) Section 848(c)(3) is amended by striking 13
‘‘7.7 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘9.2 percent’’. 14
(b) C
.—Section 848(b)(1) 15
is amended by striking ‘‘120-month’’ and inserting ‘‘180- 16
month’’. 17
(c) E
.— 18
(1) I
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to net premiums for taxable 20
years beginning after December 31, 2017. 21
(2) T
.—Specified policy acqui-22
sition expenses first required to be capitalized in a 23
taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, will 24
continue to be allowed as a deduction ratably over 25
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the 120-month period beginning with the first month 1
in the second half of such taxable year. 2
(a) I
.—Subpart B of part III of sub-5
chapter A of chapter 61, as amended by section 13306, 6
is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 7
‘‘(a) R
.— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—Every person who acquires 12
a life insurance contract or any interest in a life in-13
surance contract in a reportable policy sale during 14
any taxable year shall make a return for such tax-15
able year (at such time and in such manner as the 16
Secretary shall prescribe) setting forth— 17
‘‘(A) the name, address, and TIN of such 18
person, 19
‘‘(B) the name, address, and TIN of each 20
recipient of payment in the reportable policy 21
sale, 22
‘‘(C) the date of such sale, 23
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‘‘(D) the name of the issuer of the life in-1
surance contract sold and the policy number of 2
such contract, and 3
‘‘(E) the amount of each payment. 4
‘‘(2) S
.—Every person required to make a return 7
under this subsection shall furnish to each person 8
whose name is required to be set forth in such re-9
turn a written statement showing— 10
‘‘(A) the name, address, and phone num-11
ber of the information contact of the person re-12
quired to make such return, and 13
‘‘(B) the information required to be shown 14
on such return with respect to such person, ex-15
cept that in the case of an issuer of a life insur-16
ance contract, such statement is not required to 17
include the information specified in paragraph 18
(1)(E). 19
‘‘(b) R
.— 21
‘‘(1) I
.—Upon receipt of the state-22
ment required under subsection (a)(2) or upon no-23
tice of a transfer of a life insurance contract to a 24
foreign person, each issuer of a life insurance con-25
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tract shall make a return (at such time and in such 1
manner as the Secretary shall prescribe) setting 2
forth— 3
‘‘(A) the name, address, and TIN of the 4
seller who transfers any interest in such con-5
tract in such sale, 6
‘‘(B) the investment in the contract (as de-7
fined in section 72(e)(6)) with respect to such 8
seller, and 9
‘‘(C) the policy number of such contract. 10
‘‘(2) S
.—Every person required to make a return 13
under this subsection shall furnish to each person 14
whose name is required to be set forth in such re-15
turn a written statement showing— 16
‘‘(A) the name, address, and phone num-17
ber of the information contact of the person re-18
quired to make such return, and 19
‘‘(B) the information required to be shown 20
on such return with respect to each seller whose 21
name is required to be set forth in such return. 22
‘‘(c) R
.— 24
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‘‘(1) I
.—Every person who makes a 1
payment of reportable death benefits during any tax-2
able year shall make a return for such taxable year 3
(at such time and in such manner as the Secretary 4
shall prescribe) setting forth— 5
‘‘(A) the name, address, and TIN of the 6
person making such payment, 7
‘‘(B) the name, address, and TIN of each 8
recipient of such payment, 9
‘‘(C) the date of each such payment, 10
‘‘(D) the gross amount of each such pay-11
ment, and 12
‘‘(E) such person’s estimate of the invest-13
ment in the contract (as defined in section 14
72(e)(6)) with respect to the buyer. 15
‘‘(2) S
.—Every person required to make a return 18
under this subsection shall furnish to each person 19
whose name is required to be set forth in such re-20
turn a written statement showing— 21
‘‘(A) the name, address, and phone num-22
ber of the information contact of the person re-23
quired to make such return, and 24
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‘‘(B) the information required to be shown 1
on such return with respect to each recipient of 2
payment whose name is required to be set forth 3
in such return. 4
‘‘(d) D
.—For purposes of this section: 5
‘‘(1) P
.—The term ‘payment’ means, 6
with respect to any reportable policy sale, the 7
amount of cash and the fair market value of any 8
consideration transferred in the sale. 9
‘‘(2) R
.—The term 10
‘reportable policy sale’ has the meaning given such 11
term in section 101(a)(3)(B). 12
‘‘(3) I
.—The term ‘issuer’ means any life 13
insurance company that bears the risk with respect 14
to a life insurance contract on the date any return 15
or statement is required to be made under this sec-16
tion. 17
‘‘(4) R
.—The 18
term ‘reportable death benefits’ means amounts paid 19
by reason of the death of the insured under a life 20
insurance contract that has been transferred in a re-21
portable policy sale.’’. 22
(b) C
.—The table of sections 23
for subpart B of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61, 24
as amended by section 13306, is amended by inserting 25
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after the item relating to section 6050X the following new 1
item: 2
‘‘Sec. 6050Y. Returns relating to certain life insurance contract transactions.’’.
(c) C
.— 3
(1) Subsection (d) of section 6724 is amend-4
ed— 5
(A) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause 6
(xxiv) of paragraph (1)(B), by striking ‘‘and’’ 7
at the end of clause (xxv) of such paragraph 8
and inserting ‘‘or’’, and by inserting after such 9
clause (xxv) the following new clause: 10
‘‘(xxvi) section 6050Y (relating to re-11
turns relating to certain life insurance con-12
tract transactions), and’’, and 13
(B) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subpara-14
graph (HH) of paragraph (2), by striking the 15
period at the end of subparagraph (II) of such 16
paragraph and inserting ‘‘, or’’, and by insert-17
ing after such subparagraph (II) the following 18
new subparagraph: 19
‘‘(JJ) subsection (a)(2), (b)(2), or (c)(2) of 20
section 6050Y (relating to returns relating to 21
certain life insurance contract transactions).’’. 22
(2) Section 6047 is amended— 23
(A) by redesignating subsection (g) as sub-24
section (h), 25
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(B) by inserting after subsection (f) the 1
following new subsection: 2
‘‘(g) I
.—This section shall not apply 4
to any information which is required to be reported under 5
section 6050Y.’’, and 6
(C) by adding at the end of subsection (h), 7
as so redesignated, the following new para-8
graph: 9
‘‘(4) For provisions requiring reporting of infor-10
mation relating to certain life insurance contract 11
transactions, see section 6050Y.’’. 12
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 13
this section shall apply to— 14
(1) reportable policy sales (as defined in section 15
6050Y(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 16
(as added by subsection (a)) after December 31, 17
2017, and 18
(2) reportable death benefits (as defined in sec-19
tion 6050Y(d)(4) of such Code (as added by sub-20
section (a)) paid after December 31, 2017. 21
(a) C
.—Paragraph (1) of section 1016(a) is amended by 25
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striking subparagraph (A) and all that follows and insert-1
ing the following: 2
‘‘(A) for— 3
‘‘(i) taxes or other carrying charges 4
described in section 266; or 5
‘‘(ii) expenditures described in section 6
173 (relating to circulation expenditures), 7
for which deductions have been taken by the 8
taxpayer in determining taxable income for the 9
taxable year or prior taxable years; or 10
‘‘(B) for mortality, expense, or other rea-11
sonable charges incurred under an annuity or 12
life insurance contract;’’. 13
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 14
this section shall apply to transactions entered into after 15
August 25, 2009. 16
(a) I
.—Subsection (a) of section 101 is 19
amended by inserting after paragraph (2) the following 20
new paragraph: 21
‘‘(3) E
.— 23
‘‘(A) I
.—The second sentence 24
of paragraph (2) shall not apply in the case of 25
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a transfer of a life insurance contract, or any 1
interest therein, which is a reportable policy 2
sale. 3
‘‘(B) R
.—For 4
purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘reportable 5
policy sale’ means the acquisition of an interest 6
in a life insurance contract, directly or indi-7
rectly, if the acquirer has no substantial family, 8
business, or financial relationship with the in-9
sured apart from the acquirer’s interest in such 10
life insurance contract. For purposes of the pre-11
ceding sentence, the term ‘indirectly’ applies to 12
the acquisition of an interest in a partnership, 13
trust, or other entity that holds an interest in 14
the life insurance contract.’’. 15
(b) C
.—Paragraph (1) of 16
section 101(a) is amended by striking ‘‘paragraph (2)’’ 17
and inserting ‘‘paragraphs (2) and (3)’’. 18
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to transfers after December 31, 20
2017. 21
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(a) M
.—Paragraph (2) of section 5
846(c) is amended to read as follows: 6
‘‘(2) D
.—The 7
annual rate determined by the Secretary under this 8
paragraph for any calendar year shall be a rate de-9
termined on the basis of the corporate bond yield 10
curve (as defined in section 430(h)(2)(D)(i), deter-11
mined by substituting ‘60-month period’ for ‘24- 12
month period’ therein).’’. 13
(b) M
.—Section 846(d)(3) is amend-15
ed by striking subparagraphs (B) through (G) and insert-16
ing the following new subparagraph: 17
‘‘(B) T
.— 18
‘‘(i) 3-
.—In the case of any line of business 20
not described in subparagraph (A)(ii), 21
losses paid after the 1st year following the 22
accident year shall be treated as paid 23
equally in the 2nd and 3rd year following 24
the accident year. 25
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‘‘(ii) 10-
.— 2
‘‘(I) I
.—The period 3
taken into account under subpara-4
graph (A)(ii) shall be extended to the 5
extent required under subclause (II). 6
‘‘(II) C
.—The amount of losses which 8
would have been treated as paid in the 9
10th year after the accident year shall 10
be treated as paid in such 10th year 11
and each subsequent year in an 12
amount equal to the amount of the 13
average of the losses treated as paid 14
in the 7th, 8th, and 9th years after 15
the accident year (or, if lesser, the 16
portion of the unpaid losses not there-17
tofore taken into account). To the ex-18
tent such unpaid losses have not been 19
treated as paid before the 24th year 20
after the accident year, they shall be 21
treated as paid in such 24th year.’’. 22
(c) R
.—Section 846, as amended by this Act, is 24
amended by striking subsection (e) and by redesignating 25
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subsections (f) and (g) as subsections (e) and (f), respec-1
tively. 2
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 4
December 31, 2017. 5
(e) T
.—For the first taxable year 6
beginning after December 31, 2017— 7
(1) the unpaid losses and the expenses unpaid 8
(as defined in paragraphs (5)(B) and (6) of section 9
832(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) at the 10
end of the preceding taxable year, and 11
(2) the unpaid losses as defined in sections 12
807(c)(2) and 805(a)(1) of such Code at the end of 13
the preceding taxable year, 14
shall be determined as if the amendments made by this 15
section had applied to such unpaid losses and expenses 16
unpaid in the preceding taxable year and by using the in-17
terest rate and loss payment patterns applicable to acci-18
dent years ending with calendar year 2018, and any ad-19
justment shall be taken into account ratably in such first 20
taxable year and the 7 succeeding taxable years. For sub-21
sequent taxable years, such amendments shall be applied 22
with respect to such unpaid losses and expenses unpaid 23
by using the interest rate and loss payment patterns appli-24
cable to accident years ending with calendar year 2018. 25
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Subpart C—Banks and Financial Instruments 1
(a) I
.—Section 162, as amended by sec-4
tions 13307, is amended by redesignating subsection (r) 5
as subsection (s) and by inserting after subsection (q) the 6
following new subsection: 7
‘‘(r) D
.— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—No deduction shall be al-10
lowed for the applicable percentage of any FDIC 11
premium paid or incurred by the taxpayer. 12
‘‘(2) E
.— 13
Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any taxpayer for 14
any taxable year if the total consolidated assets of 15
such taxpayer (determined as of the close of such 16
taxable year) do not exceed $10,000,000,000. 17
‘‘(3) A
.—For purposes 18
of this subsection, the term ‘applicable percentage’ 19
means, with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable 20
year, the ratio (expressed as a percentage but not 21
greater than 100 percent) which— 22
‘‘(A) the excess of— 23
‘‘(i) the total consolidated assets of 24
such taxpayer (determined as of the close 25
of such taxable year), over 26
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‘‘(ii) $10,000,000,000, bears to 1
‘‘(B) $40,000,000,000. 2
‘‘(4) FDIC
.—For purposes of this 3
subsection, the term ‘FDIC premium’ means any as-4
sessment imposed under section 7(b) of the Federal 5
Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(b)). 6
‘‘(5) T
.—For pur-7
poses of this subsection, the term ‘total consolidated 8
assets’ has the meaning given such term under sec-9
tion 165 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and 10
Consumer Protection Act (12 U.S.C. 5365). 11
‘‘(6) A
.— 12
‘‘(A) I
.—Members of an ex-13
panded affiliated group shall be treated as a 14
single taxpayer for purposes of applying this 15
subsection. 16
‘‘(B) E
.— 17
‘‘(i) I
.—For purposes of 18
this paragraph, the term ‘expanded affili-19
ated group’ means an affiliated group as 20
defined in section 1504(a), determined— 21
‘‘(I) by substituting ‘more than 22
50 percent’ for ‘at least 80 percent’ 23
each place it appears, and 24
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‘‘(II) without regard to para-1
graphs (2) and (3) of section 1504(b). 2
‘‘(ii) C
.—A partnership or any other en-4
tity (other than a corporation) shall be 5
treated as a member of an expanded affili-6
ated group if such entity is controlled 7
(within the meaning of section 954(d)(3)) 8
by members of such group (including any 9
entity treated as a member of such group 10
by reason of this clause).’’. 11
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 12
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 13
December 31, 2017. 14
(a) I
.—Paragraph (1) of section 149(d) 16
is amended by striking ‘‘as part of an issue described in 17
paragraph (2), (3), or (4).’’ and inserting ‘‘to advance re-18
fund another bond.’’. 19
(b) C
.— 20
(1) Section 149(d) is amended by striking para-21
graphs (2), (3), (4), and (6) and by redesignating 22
paragraphs (5) and (7) as paragraphs (2) and (3). 23
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(2) Section 148(f)(4)(C) is amended by striking 1
clause (xiv) and by redesignating clauses (xv) to 2
(xvii) as clauses (xiv) to (xvi). 3
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 4
this section shall apply to advance refunding bonds issued 5
after December 31, 2017. 6
Subpart D—S Corporations 7
(a) N
.—Section 1361(c)(2)(B)(v) is amended by adding 11
at the end the following new sentence: ‘‘This clause shall 12
not apply for purposes of subsection (b)(1)(C).’’. 13
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 14
this section shall take effect on January 1, 2018. 15
(a) I
.—Section 641(c)(2) is amended by 18
inserting after subparagraph (D) the following new sub-19
paragraph: 20
‘‘(E)(i) Section 642(c) shall not apply. 21
‘‘(ii) For purposes of section 170(b)(1)(G), 22
adjusted gross income shall be computed in the 23
same manner as in the case of an individual, 24
except that the deductions for costs which are 25
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paid or incurred in connection with the admin-1
istration of the trust and which would not have 2
been incurred if the property were not held in 3
such trust shall be treated as allowable in arriv-4
ing at adjusted gross income.’’. 5
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 6
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 7
December 31, 2017. 8
(a) A
.—Section 481 12
is amended by adding at the end the following new sub-13
section: 14
‘‘(d) A
.— 16
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of an eligible 17
terminated S corporation, any adjustment required 18
by subsection (a)(2) which is attributable to such 19
corporation’s revocation described in paragraph 20
(2)(A)(ii) shall be taken into account ratably during 21
the 6-taxable year period beginning with the year of 22
change. 23
‘‘(2) E
.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘el-25
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igible terminated S corporation’ means any C cor-1
poration— 2
‘‘(A) which— 3
‘‘(i) was an S corporation on the day 4
before the date of the enactment of the 5
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and 6
‘‘(ii) during the 2-year period begin-7
ning on the date of such enactment makes 8
a revocation of its election under section 9
1362(a), and 10
‘‘(B) the owners of the stock of which, de-11
termined on the date such revocation is made, 12
are the same owners (and in identical propor-13
tions) as on the date of such enactment.’’. 14
(b) C
.—Section 1371 is amended by adding at the end the 17
following new subsection: 18
‘‘(f) C
.—In the case of a distribu-20
tion of money by an eligible terminated S corporation (as 21
defined in section 481(d)) after the post-termination tran-22
sition period, the accumulated adjustments account shall 23
be allocated to such distribution, and the distribution shall 24
be chargeable to accumulated earnings and profits, in the 25
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same ratio as the amount of such accumulated adjust-1
ments account bears to the amount of such accumulated 2
earnings and profits.’’. 3
Subpart A—Compensation 5
(a) R
.— 10
(1) I
.—Paragraph (4) of section 11
162(m) is amended by striking subparagraphs (B) 12
and (C) and by redesignating subparagraphs (D), 13
(E), (F), and (G) as subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), 14
and (E), respectively. 15
(2) C
.— 16
(A) Paragraphs (5)(E) and (6)(D) of sec-17
tion 162(m) are each amended by striking 18
‘‘subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D)’’ and insert-19
ing ‘‘subparagraph (B)’’. 20
(B) Paragraphs (5)(G) and (6)(G) of sec-21
tion 162(m) are each amended by striking ‘‘(F) 22
and (G)’’ and inserting ‘‘(D) and (E)’’. 23
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(b) M
.—Paragraph (3) of section 162(m) is amend-2
ed— 3
(1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘as of the 4
close of the taxable year, such employee is the chief 5
executive officer of the taxpayer or is’’ and inserting 6
‘‘such employee is the principal executive officer or 7
principal financial officer of the taxpayer at any 8
time during the taxable year, or was’’, 9
(2) in subparagraph (B)— 10
(A) by striking ‘‘4’’ and inserting ‘‘3’’, and 11
(B) by striking ‘‘(other than the chief exec-12
utive officer)’’ and inserting ‘‘(other than any 13
individual described in subparagraph (A))’’, and 14
(3) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subparagraph 15
(A), by striking the period at the end of subpara-16
graph (B) and inserting ‘‘, or’’, and by adding at the 17
end the following: 18
‘‘(C) was a covered employee of the tax-19
payer (or any predecessor) for any preceding 20
taxable year beginning after December 31, 21
2016.’’. 22
(c) E
.— 23
(1) I
.—Section 162(m)(2) is amend-24
ed to read as follows: 25
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‘‘(2) P
.—For pur-1
poses of this subsection, the term ‘publicly held cor-2
poration’ means any corporation which is an issuer 3
(as defined in section 3 of the Securities Exchange 4
Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c))— 5
‘‘(A) the securities of which are required to 6
be registered under section 12 of such Act (15 7
U.S.C. 78l), or 8
‘‘(B) that is required to file reports under 9
section 15(d) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 78o(d)).’’. 10
(2) C
.—Section 11
162(m)(3), as amended by subsection (b), is amend-12
ed by adding at the end the following flush sentence: 13
‘‘Such term shall include any employee who 14
would be described in subparagraph (B) if the re-15
porting described in such subparagraph were re-16
quired as so described.’’. 17
(d) S
.—Paragraph (4) of section 162(m), 19
as amended by subsection (a), is amended by adding at 20
the end the following new subparagraph: 21
‘‘(F) S
.—Remuneration 23
shall not fail to be applicable employee remu-24
neration merely because it is includible in the 25
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income of, or paid to, a person other than the 1
covered employee, including after the death of 2
the covered employee.’’. 3
(e) E
.— 4
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-5
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 6
shall apply to taxable years beginning after Decem-7
ber 31, 2017. 8
(2) E
.— 9
The amendments made by this section shall not 10
apply to remuneration which is provided pursuant to 11
a written binding contract which was in effect on 12
November 2, 2017, and which was not modified in 13
any material respect on or after such date. 14
(a) I
.—Subchapter D of chapter 42 is 17
amended by adding at the end the following new section: 18
‘‘(a) T
.—There is hereby imposed a tax 21
equal to the product of the rate of tax under section 11 22
and the sum of— 23
‘‘(1) so much of the remuneration paid (other 24
than any excess parachute payment) by an applica-25
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ble tax-exempt organization for the taxable year with 1
respect to employment of any covered employee in 2
excess of $1,000,000, plus 3
‘‘(2) any excess parachute payment paid by 4
such an organization to any covered employee. 5
For purposes of the preceding sentence, remuneration 6
shall be treated as paid when there is no substantial risk 7
of forfeiture (within the meaning of section 457(f)(3)(B)) 8
of the rights to such remuneration. 9
‘‘(b) L
.—The employer shall be lia-10
ble for the tax imposed under subsection (a). 11
‘‘(c) D
.—For pur-12
poses of this section— 13
‘‘(1) A
.—The term ‘applicable tax-exempt organiza-15
tion’ means any organization which for the taxable 16
year— 17
‘‘(A) is exempt from taxation under section 18
501(a), 19
‘‘(B) is a farmers’ cooperative organization 20
described in section 521(b)(1), 21
‘‘(C) has income excluded from taxation 22
under section 115(1), or 23
‘‘(D) is a political organization described in 24
section 527(e)(1). 25
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‘‘(2) C
.—For purposes of 1
this section, the term ‘covered employee’ means any 2
employee (including any former employee) of an ap-3
plicable tax-exempt organization if the employee— 4
‘‘(A) is one of the 5 highest compensated 5
employees of the organization for the taxable 6
year, or 7
‘‘(B) was a covered employee of the organi-8
zation (or any predecessor) for any preceding 9
taxable year beginning after December 31, 10
2016. 11
‘‘(3) R
.—For purposes of this 12
section: 13
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘remunera-14
tion’ means wages (as defined in section 15
3401(a)), except that such term shall not in-16
clude any designated Roth contribution (as de-17
fined in section 402A(c)) and shall include 18
amounts required to be included in gross in-19
come under section 457(f). 20
‘‘(B) E
.—The term ‘remuneration’ 22
shall not include the portion of any remunera-23
tion paid to a licensed medical professional (in-24
cluding a veterinarian) which is for the per-25
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formance of medical or veterinary services by 1
such professional. 2
‘‘(4) R
.— 4
‘‘(A) I
.—Remuneration of a 5
covered employee by an applicable tax-exempt 6
organization shall include any remuneration 7
paid with respect to employment of such em-8
ployee by any related person or governmental 9
entity. 10
‘‘(B) R
.—A per-11
son or governmental entity shall be treated as 12
related to an applicable tax-exempt organization 13
if such person or governmental entity— 14
‘‘(i) controls, or is controlled by, the 15
organization, 16
‘‘(ii) is controlled by one or more per-17
sons which control the organization, 18
‘‘(iii) is a supported organization (as 19
defined in section 509(f)(3)) during the 20
taxable year with respect to the organiza-21
tion, 22
‘‘(iv) is a supporting organization de-23
scribed in section 509(a)(3) during the 24
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taxable year with respect to the organiza-1
tion, or 2
‘‘(v) in the case of an organization 3
which is a voluntary employees’ beneficiary 4
association described in section 501(c)(9), 5
establishes, maintains, or makes contribu-6
tions to such voluntary employees’ bene-7
ficiary association. 8
‘‘(C) L
.—In any case in 9
which remuneration from more than one em-10
ployer is taken into account under this para-11
graph in determining the tax imposed by sub-12
section (a), each such employer shall be liable 13
for such tax in an amount which bears the 14
same ratio to the total tax determined under 15
subsection (a) with respect to such remunera-16
tion as— 17
‘‘(i) the amount of remuneration paid 18
by such employer with respect to such em-19
ployee, bears to 20
‘‘(ii) the amount of remuneration paid 21
by all such employers to such employee. 22
‘‘(5) E
.—For pur-23
poses of determining the tax imposed by subsection 24
(a)(2)— 25
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‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘excess 1
parachute payment’ means an amount equal to 2
the excess of any parachute payment over the 3
portion of the base amount allocated to such 4
payment. 5
‘‘(B) P
.—The term 6
‘parachute payment’ means any payment in the 7
nature of compensation to (or for the benefit 8
of) a covered employee if— 9
‘‘(i) such payment is contingent on 10
such employee’s separation from employ-11
ment with the employer, and 12
‘‘(ii) the aggregate present value of 13
the payments in the nature of compensa-14
tion to (or for the benefit of) such indi-15
vidual which are contingent on such sepa-16
ration equals or exceeds an amount equal 17
to 3 times the base amount. 18
‘‘(C) E
.—Such term does not in-19
clude any payment— 20
‘‘(i) described in section 280G(b)(6) 21
(relating to exemption for payments under 22
qualified plans), 23
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‘‘(ii) made under or to an annuity 1
contract described in section 403(b) or a 2
plan described in section 457(b), 3
‘‘(iii) to a licensed medical profes-4
sional (including a veterinarian) to the ex-5
tent that such payment is for the perform-6
ance of medical or veterinary services by 7
such professional, or 8
‘‘(iv) to an individual who is not a 9
highly compensated employee as defined in 10
section 414(q). 11
‘‘(D) B
.—Rules similar to the 12
rules of 280G(b)(3) shall apply for purposes of 13
determining the base amount. 14
‘‘(E) P
.—Rules similar to the rules of para-16
graphs (3) and (4) of section 280G(d) shall 17
apply. 18
‘‘(6) C
.—Remuneration the deduction for which is not 20
allowed by reason of section 162(m) shall not be 21
taken into account for purposes of this section. 22
‘‘(d) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 23
such regulations as may be necessary to prevent avoidance 24
of the tax under this section, including regulations to pre-25
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vent avoidance of such tax through the performance of 1
services other than as an employee or by providing com-2
pensation through a pass-through or other entity to avoid 3
such tax.’’. 4
(b) C
.—The table of sections 5
for subchapter D of chapter 42 is amended by adding at 6
the end the following new item: 7
‘‘Sec. 4960. Tax on excess tax-exempt organization executive compensation.’’.
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 8
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 9
December 31, 2017. 10
(a) I
.—Section 83 is amended by adding 12
at the end the following new subsection: 13
‘‘(i) Q
.— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of this sub-15
title— 16
‘‘(A) T
.—If qualified 17
stock is transferred to a qualified employee who 18
makes an election with respect to such stock 19
under this subsection, subsection (a) shall be 20
applied by including the amount determined 21
under such subsection with respect to such 22
stock in income of the employee in the taxable 23
year determined under subparagraph (B) in lieu 24
of the taxable year described in subsection (a). 25
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‘‘(B) T
.—The 1
taxable year determined under this subpara-2
graph is the taxable year of the employee which 3
includes the earliest of— 4
‘‘(i) the first date such qualified stock 5
becomes transferable (including, solely for 6
purposes of this clause, becoming transfer-7
able to the employer), 8
‘‘(ii) the date the employee first be-9
comes an excluded employee, 10
‘‘(iii) the first date on which any stock 11
of the corporation which issued the quali-12
fied stock becomes readily tradable on an 13
established securities market (as deter-14
mined by the Secretary, but not including 15
any market unless such market is recog-16
nized as an established securities market 17
by the Secretary for purposes of a provi-18
sion of this title other than this sub-19
section), 20
‘‘(iv) the date that is 5 years after the 21
first date the rights of the employee in 22
such stock are transferable or are not sub-23
ject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, 24
whichever occurs earlier, or 25
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‘‘(v) the date on which the employee 1
revokes (at such time and in such manner 2
as the Secretary provides) the election 3
under this subsection with respect to such 4
stock. 5
‘‘(2) Q
.— 6
‘‘(A) I
.—For purposes of this 7
subsection, the term ‘qualified stock’ means, 8
with respect to any qualified employee, any 9
stock in a corporation which is the employer of 10
such employee, if— 11
‘‘(i) such stock is received— 12
‘‘(I) in connection with the exer-13
cise of an option, or 14
‘‘(II) in settlement of a restricted 15
stock unit, and 16
‘‘(ii) such option or restricted stock 17
unit was granted by the corporation— 18
‘‘(I) in connection with the per-19
formance of services as an employee, 20
and 21
‘‘(II) during a calendar year in 22
which such corporation was an eligible 23
corporation. 24
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‘‘(B) L
.—The term ‘qualified 1
stock’ shall not include any stock if the em-2
ployee may sell such stock to, or otherwise re-3
ceive cash in lieu of stock from, the corporation 4
at the time that the rights of the employee in 5
such stock first become transferable or not sub-6
ject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. 7
‘‘(C) E
.—For pur-8
poses of subparagraph (A)(ii)(II)— 9
‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘eligible 10
corporation’ means, with respect to any 11
calendar year, any corporation if— 12
‘‘(I) no stock of such corporation 13
(or any predecessor of such corpora-14
tion) is readily tradable on an estab-15
lished securities market (as deter-16
mined under paragraph (1)(B)(iii)) 17
during any preceding calendar year, 18
and 19
‘‘(II) such corporation has a writ-20
ten plan under which, in such cal-21
endar year, not less than 80 percent 22
of all employees who provide services 23
to such corporation in the United 24
States (or any possession of the 25
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United States) are granted stock op-1
tions, or are granted restricted stock 2
units, with the same rights and privi-3
leges to receive qualified stock. 4
‘‘(ii) S
.—For purposes of clause (i)(II)— 6
‘‘(I) except as provided in sub-7
clauses (II) and (III), the determina-8
tion of rights and privileges with re-9
spect to stock shall be made in a simi-10
lar manner as under section 11
423(b)(5), 12
‘‘(II) employees shall not fail to 13
be treated as having the same rights 14
and privileges to receive qualified 15
stock solely because the number of 16
shares available to all employees is not 17
equal in amount, so long as the num-18
ber of shares available to each em-19
ployee is more than a de minimis 20
amount, and 21
‘‘(III) rights and privileges with 22
respect to the exercise of an option 23
shall not be treated as the same as 24
rights and privileges with respect to 25
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the settlement of a restricted stock 1
unit. 2
‘‘(iii) E
.—For purposes of 3
clause (i)(II), the term ‘employee’ shall not 4
include any employee described in section 5
4980E(d)(4) or any excluded employee. 6
‘‘(iv) S
.—In the case of any 8
calendar year beginning before January 1, 9
2018, clause (i)(II) shall be applied with-10
out regard to whether the rights and privi-11
leges with respect to the qualified stock are 12
the same. 13
‘‘(3) Q
.—For purposes of this subsection— 15
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 16
employee’ means any individual who— 17
‘‘(i) is not an excluded employee, and 18
‘‘(ii) agrees in the election made 19
under this subsection to meet such require-20
ments as are determined by the Secretary 21
to be necessary to ensure that the with-22
holding requirements of the corporation 23
under chapter 24 with respect to the quali-24
fied stock are met. 25
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‘‘(B) E
.—The term 1
‘excluded employee’ means, with respect to any 2
corporation, any individual— 3
‘‘(i) who is a 1-percent owner (within 4
the meaning of section 416(i)(1)(B)(ii)) at 5
any time during the calendar year or who 6
was such a 1 percent owner at any time 7
during the 10 preceding calendar years, 8
‘‘(ii) who is or has been at any prior 9
time— 10
‘‘(I) the chief executive officer of 11
such corporation or an individual act-12
ing in such a capacity, or 13
‘‘(II) the chief financial officer of 14
such corporation or an individual act-15
ing in such a capacity, 16
‘‘(iii) who bears a relationship de-17
scribed in section 318(a)(1) to any indi-18
vidual described in subclause (I) or (II) of 19
clause (ii), or 20
‘‘(iv) who is one of the 4 highest com-21
pensated officers of such corporation for 22
the taxable year, or was one of the 4 high-23
est compensated officers of such corpora-24
tion for any of the 10 preceding taxable 25
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years, determined with respect to each 1
such taxable year on the basis of the 2
shareholder disclosure rules for compensa-3
tion under the Securities Exchange Act of 4
1934 (as if such rules applied to such cor-5
poration). 6
‘‘(4) E
.— 7
‘‘(A) T
.—An 8
election with respect to qualified stock shall be 9
made under this subsection no later than 30 10
days after the first date the rights of the em-11
ployee in such stock are transferable or are not 12
subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, 13
whichever occurs earlier, and shall be made in 14
a manner similar to the manner in which an 15
election is made under subsection (b). 16
‘‘(B) L
.—No election may be 17
made under this section with respect to any 18
qualified stock if— 19
‘‘(i) the qualified employee has made 20
an election under subsection (b) with re-21
spect to such qualified stock, 22
‘‘(ii) any stock of the corporation 23
which issued the qualified stock is readily 24
tradable on an established securities mar-25
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ket (as determined under paragraph 1
(1)(B)(iii)) at any time before the election 2
is made, or 3
‘‘(iii) such corporation purchased any 4
of its outstanding stock in the calendar 5
year preceding the calendar year which in-6
cludes the first date the rights of the em-7
ployee in such stock are transferable or are 8
not subject to a substantial risk of for-9
feiture, unless— 10
‘‘(I) not less than 25 percent of 11
the total dollar amount of the stock so 12
purchased is deferral stock, and 13
‘‘(II) the determination of which 14
individuals from whom deferral stock 15
is purchased is made on a reasonable 16
basis. 17
‘‘(C) D
.— 20
‘‘(i) D
.—For pur-21
poses of this paragraph, the term ‘deferral 22
stock’ means stock with respect to which 23
an election is in effect under this sub-24
section. 25
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‘‘(ii) D
.—Stock purchased by a corpora-5
tion from any individual shall not be treat-6
ed as deferral stock for purposes of sub-7
paragraph (B)(iii) if such individual (im-8
mediately after such purchase) holds any 9
deferral stock with respect to which an 10
election has been in effect under this sub-11
section for a longer period than the elec-12
tion with respect to the stock so pur-13
chased. 14
‘‘(iii) P
.—The re-16
quirements of subclauses (I) and (II) of 17
subparagraph (B)(iii) shall be treated as 18
met if the stock so purchased includes all 19
of the corporation’s outstanding deferral 20
stock. 21
‘‘(iv) R
.—Any corporation 22
which has outstanding deferral stock as of 23
the beginning of any calendar year and 24
which purchases any of its outstanding 25
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stock during such calendar year shall in-1
clude on its return of tax for the taxable 2
year in which, or with which, such calendar 3
year ends the total dollar amount of its 4
outstanding stock so purchased during 5
such calendar year and such other infor-6
mation as the Secretary requires for pur-7
poses of administering this paragraph. 8
‘‘(5) C
.—For purposes of 9
this subsection, all persons treated as a single em-10
ployer under section 414(b) shall be treated as 1 11
corporation. 12
‘‘(6) N
.—Any corporation 13
which transfers qualified stock to a qualified em-14
ployee shall, at the time that (or a reasonable period 15
before) an amount attributable to such stock would 16
(but for this subsection) first be includible in the 17
gross income of such employee— 18
‘‘(A) certify to such employee that such 19
stock is qualified stock, and 20
‘‘(B) notify such employee— 21
‘‘(i) that the employee may be eligible 22
to elect to defer income on such stock 23
under this subsection, and 24
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‘‘(ii) that, if the employee makes such 1
an election— 2
‘‘(I) the amount of income recog-3
nized at the end of the deferral period 4
will be based on the value of the stock 5
at the time at which the rights of the 6
employee in such stock first become 7
transferable or not subject to substan-8
tial risk of forfeiture, notwithstanding 9
whether the value of the stock has de-10
clined during the deferral period, 11
‘‘(II) the amount of such income 12
recognized at the end of the deferral 13
period will be subject to withholding 14
under section 3401(i) at the rate de-15
termined under section 3402(t), and 16
‘‘(III) the responsibilities of the 17
employee (as determined by the Sec-18
retary under paragraph (3)(A)(ii)) 19
with respect to such withholding. 20
‘‘(7) R
.—This section 21
(other than this subsection), including any election 22
under subsection (b), shall not apply to restricted 23
stock units.’’. 24
(b) W
.— 25
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(1) T
.—Section 3401 is 1
amended by adding at the end the following new 2
subsection: 3
‘‘(i) Q
).—For purposes of sub-5
section (a), qualified stock (as defined in section 83(i)) 6
with respect to which an election is made under section 7
83(i) shall be treated as wages— 8
‘‘(1) received on the earliest date described in 9
section 83(i)(1)(B), and 10
‘‘(2) in an amount equal to the amount in-11
cluded in income under section 83 for the taxable 12
year which includes such date.’’. 13
(2) A
.—Section 3402 14
is amended by adding at the end the following new 15
subsection: 16
‘‘(t) R
.—In the case of any qualified stock (as defined in 18
section 83(i)(2)) with respect to which an election is made 19
under section 83(i)— 20
‘‘(1) the rate of tax under subsection (a) shall 21
not be less than the maximum rate of tax in effect 22
under section 1, and 23
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‘‘(2) such stock shall be treated for purposes of 1
section 3501(b) in the same manner as a non-cash 2
fringe benefit.’’. 3
(c) C
.— 5
(1) E
.— 7
(A) I
.—Section 8
422(b) is amended by adding at the end the fol-9
lowing: ‘‘Such term shall not include any option 10
if an election is made under section 83(i) with 11
respect to the stock received in connection with 12
the exercise of such option.’’. 13
(B) E
.—Section 423 is amended— 15
(i) in subsection (b)(5), by striking 16
‘‘and’’ before ‘‘the plan’’ and by inserting 17
‘‘, and the rules of section 83(i) shall apply 18
in determining which employees have a 19
right to make an election under such sec-20
tion’’ before the semicolon at the end, and 21
(ii) by adding at the end the following 22
new subsection: 23
‘‘(d) C
.—An option for which an election is made under 25
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section 83(i) with respect to the stock received in connec-1
tion with its exercise shall not be considered as granted 2
pursuant an employee stock purchase plan.’’. 3
(2) E
section (d) of section 409A is amended by adding at 6
the end the following new paragraph: 7
‘‘(7) T
.—An 8
arrangement under which an employee may receive 9
qualified stock (as defined in section 83(i)(2)) shall 10
not be treated as a nonqualified deferred compensa-11
tion plan with respect to such employee solely be-12
cause of such employee’s election, or ability to make 13
an election, to defer recognition of income under sec-14
tion 83(i).’’. 15
(d) I
.—Section 6051(a) is 16
amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph 17
(14)(B), by striking the period at the end of paragraph 18
(15) and inserting a comma, and by inserting after para-19
graph (15) the following new paragraphs: 20
‘‘(16) the amount includible in gross income 21
under subparagraph (A) of section 83(i)(1) with re-22
spect to an event described in subparagraph (B) of 23
such section which occurs in such calendar year, and 24
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‘‘(17) the aggregate amount of income which is 1
being deferred pursuant to elections under section 2
83(i), determined as of the close of the calendar 3
year.’’. 4
(e) P
.—Section 6652 is 6
amended by adding at the end the following new sub-7
section: 8
‘‘(p) F
).—In the case of each failure to provide a notice as 10
required by section 83(i)(6), at the time prescribed there-11
for, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reason-12
able cause and not to willful neglect, there shall be paid, 13
on notice and demand of the Secretary and in the same 14
manner as tax, by the person failing to provide such no-15
tice, an amount equal to $100 for each such failure, but 16
the total amount imposed on such person for all such fail-17
ures during any calendar year shall not exceed $50,000.’’. 18
(f) E
.— 19
(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-20
graph (2), the amendments made by this section 21
shall apply to stock attributable to options exercised, 22
or restricted stock units settled, after December 31, 23
2017. 24
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(2) R
.—The 1
amendments made by subsection (e) shall apply to 2
failures after December 31, 2017. 3
(g) T
.—Until such time as the Sec-4
retary (or the Secretary’s delegate) issues regulations or 5
other guidance for purposes of implementing the require-6
ments of paragraph (2)(C)(i)(II) of section 83(i) of the 7
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this section), 8
or the requirements of paragraph (6) of such section, a 9
corporation shall be treated as being in compliance with 10
such requirements (respectively) if such corporation com-11
plies with a reasonable good faith interpretation of such 12
requirements. 13
(a) I
.—Section 4985(a)(1) is amended by 17
striking ‘‘section 1(h)(1)(C)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 18
1(h)(1)(D)’’. 19
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 20
this section shall apply to corporations first becoming ex-21
patriated corporations (as defined in section 4985 of the 22
Internal Revenue Code of 1986) after the date of enact-23
ment of this Act. 24
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Subpart B—Retirement Plans 1
(a) I
.—Section 408A(d)(6)(B) is amend-5
ed by adding at the end the following new clause: 6
‘‘(iii) C
.—Subparagraph 7
(A) shall not apply in the case of a quali-8
fied rollover contribution to which sub-9
section (d)(3) applies (including by reason 10
of subparagraph (C) thereof).’’. 11
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 12
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 13
December 31, 2017. 14
(a) M
.—Clause (ii) of 17
section 457(e)(11)(B) is amended by striking ‘‘$3,000’’ 18
and inserting ‘‘$6,000’’. 19
(b) C
.—Subparagraph 20
(B) of section 457(e)(11) is amended by adding at the 21
end the following: 22
‘‘(iii) C
.—In the case of taxable years begin-24
ning after December 31, 2017, the Sec-25
retary shall adjust the $6,000 amount 26
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under clause (ii) at the same time and in 1
the same manner as under section 415(d), 2
except that the base period shall be the 3
calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2016, 4
and any increase under this paragraph 5
that is not a multiple of $500 shall be 6
rounded to the next lowest multiple of 7
$500.’’. 8
(c) A
.— 9
Subparagraph (B) of section 457(e)(11), as amended by 10
subsection (b), is amended by adding at the end the fol-11
lowing: 12
‘‘(iv) S
.—In the case of a plan de-15
scribed in subparagraph (A)(ii) which is a 16
defined benefit plan (as defined in section 17
414(j)), the limitation under clause (ii) 18
shall apply to the actuarial present value 19
of the aggregate amount of length of serv-20
ice awards accruing with respect to any 21
year of service. Such actuarial present 22
value with respect to any year shall be cal-23
culated using reasonable actuarial assump-24
tions and methods, assuming payment will 25
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be made under the most valuable form of 1
payment under the plan with payment 2
commencing at the later of the earliest age 3
at which unreduced benefits are payable 4
under the plan or the participant’s age at 5
the time of the calculation.’’. 6
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 7
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 8
December 31, 2017. 9
(a) I
.—Paragraph (3) of section 402(c) 12
is amended by adding at the end the following new sub-13
paragraph: 14
‘‘(C) R
.— 16
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of a 17
qualified plan loan offset amount, para-18
graph (1) shall not apply to any transfer 19
of such amount made after the due date 20
(including extensions) for filing the return 21
of tax for the taxable year in which such 22
amount is treated as distributed from a 23
qualified employer plan. 24
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‘‘(ii) Q
.—For purposes of this subpara-2
graph, the term ‘qualified plan loan offset 3
amount’ means a plan loan offset amount 4
which is treated as distributed from a 5
qualified employer plan to a participant or 6
beneficiary solely by reason of— 7
‘‘(I) the termination of the quali-8
fied employer plan, or 9
‘‘(II) the failure to meet the re-10
payment terms of the loan from such 11
plan because of the severance from 12
employment of the participant. 13
‘‘(iii) P
.— 14
For purposes of clause (ii), the term ‘plan 15
loan offset amount’ means the amount by 16
which the participant’s accrued benefit 17
under the plan is reduced in order to repay 18
a loan from the plan. 19
‘‘(iv) L
.—This subpara-20
graph shall not apply to any plan loan off-21
set amount unless such plan loan offset 22
amount relates to a loan to which section 23
72(p)(1) does not apply by reason of sec-24
tion 72(p)(2). 25
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‘‘(v) Q
.— 1
For purposes of this subsection, the term 2
‘qualified employer plan’ has the meaning 3
given such term by section 72(p)(4).’’. 4
(b) C
.—Section 402(c)(3) 5
is amended— 6
(1) by striking ‘‘T
’’ in the heading and 8
inserting ‘‘T
’’, and 9
(2) by striking ‘‘subparagraph (B)’’ in subpara-10
graph (A) and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (B) and 11
(C)’’. 12
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 13
this section shall apply to plan loan offset amounts which 14
are treated as distributed in taxable years beginning after 15
December 31, 2017. 16
(a) I
.—Chapter 42 is amended by adding 20
at the end the following new subchapter: 21
‘‘Subchapter H—Excise Tax Based on Invest-22
ment Income of Private Colleges and Uni-23
versities 24
‘‘Sec. 4968. Excise tax based on investment income of private colleges and uni-
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‘‘(a) T
.—There is hereby imposed on 3
each applicable educational institution for the taxable year 4
a tax equal to 1.4 percent of the net investment income 5
of such institution for the taxable year. 6
‘‘(b) A
.—For 7
purposes of this subchapter— 8
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘applicable edu-9
cational institution’ means an eligible educational in-10
stitution (as defined in section 25A(f)(2))— 11
‘‘(A) which had at least 500 tuition-paying 12
students during the preceding taxable year, 13
‘‘(B) more than 50 percent of the tuition- 14
paying students of which are located in the 15
United States, 16
‘‘(C) which is not described in the first 17
sentence of section 511(a)(2)(B) (relating to 18
State colleges and universities), and 19
‘‘(D) the aggregate fair market value of 20
the assets of which at the end of the preceding 21
taxable year (other than those assets which are 22
used directly in carrying out the institution’s 23
exempt purpose) is at least $500,000 per stu-24
dent of the institution. 25
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‘‘(2) S
.—For purposes of paragraph 1
(1), the number of students of an institution (includ-2
ing for purposes of determining the number of stu-3
dents at a particular location) shall be based on the 4
daily average number of full-time students attending 5
such institution (with part-time students taken into 6
account on a full-time student equivalent basis). 7
‘‘(c) N
.—For purposes of 8
this section, net investment income shall be determined 9
under rules similar to the rules of section 4940(c). 10
‘‘(d) A
.— 12
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of sub-13
sections (b)(1)(C) and (c), assets and net investment 14
income of any related organization with respect to 15
an educational institution shall be treated as assets 16
and net investment income, respectively, of the edu-17
cational institution, except that— 18
‘‘(A) no such amount shall be taken into 19
account with respect to more than 1 educational 20
institution, and 21
‘‘(B) unless such organization is controlled 22
by such institution or is described in section 23
509(a)(3) with respect to such institution for 24
the taxable year, assets and net investment in-25
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come which are not intended or available for 1
the use or benefit of the educational institution 2
shall not be taken into account. 3
‘‘(2) R
.—For purposes 4
of this subsection, the term ‘related organization’ 5
means, with respect to an educational institution, 6
any organization which— 7
‘‘(A) controls, or is controlled by, such in-8
stitution, 9
‘‘(B) is controlled by 1 or more persons 10
which also control such institution, or 11
‘‘(C) is a supported organization (as de-12
fined in section 509(f)(3)), or an organization 13
described in section 509(a)(3), during the tax-14
able year with respect to such institution.’’. 15
(b) C
.—The table of sub-16
chapters for chapter 42 is amended by adding at the end 17
the following new item: 18
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 20
December 31, 2017. 21
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(a) I
.—Subsection (a) of section 512 is 4
amended by adding at the end the following new para-5
graph: 6
‘‘(6) S
.— 8
In the case of any organization with more than 1 9
unrelated trade or business— 10
‘‘(A) unrelated business taxable income, in-11
cluding for purposes of determining any net op-12
erating loss deduction, shall be computed sepa-13
rately with respect to each such trade or busi-14
ness and without regard to subsection (b)(12), 15
‘‘(B) the unrelated business taxable income 16
of such organization shall be the sum of the un-17
related business taxable income so computed 18
with respect to each such trade or business, less 19
a specific deduction under subsection (b)(12), 20
and 21
‘‘(C) for purposes of subparagraph (B), 22
unrelated business taxable income with respect 23
to any such trade or business shall not be less 24
than zero.’’. 25
(b) E
.— 26
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(1) I
.—Except to the extent pro-1
vided in paragraph (2), the amendment made by this 2
section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 3
December 31, 2017. 4
(2) C
.—If any net operating loss arising in a tax-6
able year beginning before January 1, 2018, is car-7
ried over to a taxable year beginning on or after 8
such date— 9
(A) subparagraph (A) of section 512(a)(6) 10
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added 11
by this Act, shall not apply to such net oper-12
ating loss, and 13
(B) the unrelated business taxable income 14
of the organization, after the application of sub-15
paragraph (B) of such section, shall be reduced 16
by the amount of such net operating loss. 17
(a) I
.—Section 512(a), as amended by 22
this Act, is further amended by adding at the end the fol-23
lowing new paragraph: 24
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‘‘(7) I
.—Unrelated 2
business taxable income of an organization shall be 3
increased by any amount for which a deduction is 4
not allowable under this chapter by reason of section 5
274 and which is paid or incurred by such organiza-6
tion for any qualified transportation fringe (as de-7
fined in section 132(f)), any parking facility used in 8
connection with qualified parking (as defined in sec-9
tion 132(f)(5)(C)), or any on-premises athletic facil-10
ity (as defined in section 132(j)(4)(B)). The pre-11
ceding sentence shall not apply to the extent the 12
amount paid or incurred is directly connected with 13
an unrelated trade or business which is regularly 14
carried on by the organization. The Secretary shall 15
issue such regulations or other guidance as may be 16
necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes 17
of this paragraph, including regulations or other 18
guidance providing for the appropriate allocation of 19
depreciation and other costs with respect to facilities 20
used for parking or for on-premises athletic facili-21
ties.’’. 22
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 23
this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after 24
December 31, 2017. 25
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(a) I
.—Section 170(l) is amended— 4
(1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the 5
following: 6
‘‘(1) I
.—No deduction shall be al-7
lowed under this section for any amount described in 8
paragraph (2).’’, and 9
(2) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ‘‘such 10
amount would be allowable as a deduction under this 11
section but for the fact that’’. 12
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 13
this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable 14
years beginning after December 31, 2017. 15
(a) I
.—Section 170(f)(8) is amended by 19
striking subparagraph (D) and by redesignating subpara-20
graph (E) as subparagraph (D). 21
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 22
this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable 23
years beginning after December 31, 2016. 24
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Subpart A—Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax 2
Reform 3
(a) I
.—Section 263A(f) is amended— 6
(1) by redesignating paragraph (4) as para-7
graph (5), and 8
(2) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol-9
lowing new paragraph: 10
‘‘(4) E
.— 12
‘‘(A) I
.—For purposes of this 13
subsection, the production period shall not in-14
clude the aging period for— 15
‘‘(i) beer (as defined in section 16
5052(a)), 17
‘‘(ii) wine (as described in section 18
5041(a)), or 19
‘‘(iii) distilled spirits (as defined in 20
section 5002(a)(8)), except such spirits 21
that are unfit for use for beverage pur-22
poses. 23
‘‘(B) T
.—This paragraph 24
shall not apply to interest costs paid or accrued 25
after December 31, 2019.’’. 26
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(b) C
.—Paragraph 1
(5)(B)(ii) of section 263A(f), as redesignated by this sec-2
tion, is amended by inserting ‘‘except as provided in para-3
graph (4),’’ before ‘‘ending on the date’’. 4
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 5
this section shall apply to interest costs paid or accrued 6
in calendar years beginning after December 31, 2017. 7
(a) I
.—Paragraph (1) of section 5051(a) 9
is amended to read as follows: 10
‘‘(1) I
.— 11
‘‘(A) I
.—A tax is here-12
by imposed on all beer brewed or produced, and 13
removed for consumption or sale, within the 14
United States, or imported into the United 15
States. Except as provided in paragraph (2), 16
the rate of such tax shall be the amount deter-17
mined under this paragraph. 18
‘‘(B) R
.—Except as provided in sub-19
paragraph (C), the rate of tax shall be $18 for 20
per barrel. 21
‘‘(C) S
.—In the case of beer 22
removed after December 31, 2017, and before 23
January 1, 2020, the rate of tax shall be— 24
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‘‘(i) $16 on the first 6,000,000 barrels 1
of beer— 2
‘‘(I) brewed by the brewer and 3
removed during the calendar year for 4
consumption or sale, or 5
‘‘(II) imported by the importer 6
into the United States during the cal-7
endar year, and 8
‘‘(ii) $18 on any barrels of beer to 9
which clause (i) does not apply. 10
‘‘(D) B
.—For purposes of this sec-11
tion, a barrel shall contain not more than 31 12
gallons of beer, and any tax imposed under this 13
section shall be applied at a like rate for any 14
other quantity or for fractional parts of a bar-15
rel.’’. 16
(b) R
.—Subparagraph (A) of section 5051(a)(2) is 18
amended— 19
(1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘
’’, 20
and 21
(2) by inserting ‘‘($3.50 in the case of beer re-22
moved after December 31, 2017, and before January 23
1, 2020)’’ after ‘‘$7’’. 24
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(c) A
.—Subsection (a) 2
of section 5051 is amended— 3
(1) in subparagraph (C)(i)(II) of paragraph (1), 4
as amended by subsection (a), by inserting ‘‘but only 5
if the importer is an electing importer under para-6
graph (4) and the barrels have been assigned to the 7
importer pursuant to such paragraph’’ after ‘‘during 8
the calendar year’’, and 9
(2) by adding at the end the following new 10
paragraph: 11
‘‘(4) R
.— 13
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 14
barrels of beer which have been brewed or pro-15
duced outside of the United States and im-16
ported into the United States, the rate of tax 17
applicable under clause (i) of paragraph (1)(C) 18
(referred to in this paragraph as the ‘reduced 19
tax rate’) may be assigned by the brewer (pro-20
vided that the brewer makes an election de-21
scribed in subparagraph (B)(ii)) to any electing 22
importer of such barrels pursuant to the re-23
quirements established by the Secretary under 24
subparagraph (B). 25
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‘‘(B) A
.—The Secretary shall, 1
through such rules, regulations, and procedures 2
as are determined appropriate, establish proce-3
dures for assignment of the reduced tax rate 4
provided under this paragraph, which shall in-5
clude— 6
‘‘(i) a limitation to ensure that the 7
number of barrels of beer for which the re-8
duced tax rate has been assigned by a 9
brewer— 10
‘‘(I) to any importer does not ex-11
ceed the number of barrels of beer 12
brewed or produced by such brewer 13
during the calendar year which were 14
imported into the United States by 15
such importer, and 16
‘‘(II) to all importers does not 17
exceed the 6,000,000 barrels to which 18
the reduced tax rate applies, 19
‘‘(ii) procedures that allow the election 20
of a brewer to assign and an importer to 21
receive the reduced tax rate provided under 22
this paragraph, 23
‘‘(iii) requirements that the brewer 24
provide any information as the Secretary 25
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determines necessary and appropriate for 1
purposes of carrying out this paragraph, 2
and 3
‘‘(iv) procedures that allow for revoca-4
tion of eligibility of the brewer and the im-5
porter for the reduced tax rate provided 6
under this paragraph in the case of any er-7
roneous or fraudulent information provided 8
under clause (iii) which the Secretary 9
deems to be material to qualifying for such 10
reduced rate. 11
‘‘(C) C
.—For purposes 12
of this section, any importer making an election 13
described in subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be 14
deemed to be a member of the controlled group 15
of the brewer, as described under paragraph 16
(5).’’. 17
(d) C
.—Subsection (a) of section 5051, as amended by 19
this section, is amended— 20
(1) in paragraph (2)— 21
(A) by striking subparagraph (B), and 22
(B) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as 23
subparagraph (B), and 24
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(2) by adding at the end the following new 1
paragraph: 2
‘‘(5) C
.— 4
‘‘(A) I
.—Except as provided in 5
subparagraph (B), in the case of a controlled 6
group, the 6,000,000 barrel quantity specified 7
in paragraph (1)(C)(i) and the 2,000,000 barrel 8
quantity specified in paragraph (2)(A) shall be 9
applied to the controlled group, and the 10
6,000,000 barrel quantity specified in para-11
graph (1)(C)(i) and the 60,000 barrel quantity 12
specified in paragraph (2)(A) shall be appor-13
tioned among the brewers who are members of 14
such group in such manner as the Secretary or 15
their delegate shall by regulations prescribe. 16
For purposes of the preceding sentence, the 17
term ‘controlled group’ has the meaning as-18
signed to it by subsection (a) of section 1563, 19
except that for such purposes the phrase ‘more 20
than 50 percent’ shall be substituted for the 21
phrase ‘at least 80 percent’ in each place it ap-22
pears in such subsection. Under regulations 23
prescribed by the Secretary, principles similar 24
to the principles of the preceding two sentences 25
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shall be applied to a group of brewers under 1
common control where one or more of the brew-2
ers is not a corporation. 3
‘‘(B) F
.—For purposes of paragraph (4), in 5
the case of a controlled group, the 6,000,000 6
barrel quantity specified in paragraph (1)(C)(i) 7
shall be applied to the controlled group and ap-8
portioned among the members of such group in 9
such manner as the Secretary shall by regula-10
tions prescribe. For purposes of the preceding 11
sentence, the term ‘controlled group’ has the 12
meaning given such term under subparagraph 13
(A). Under regulations prescribed by the Sec-14
retary, principles similar to the principles of the 15
preceding two sentences shall be applied to a 16
group of brewers under common control where 17
one or more of the brewers is not a corporation. 18
‘‘(C) S
.—Pursuant to 19
rules issued by the Secretary, two or more enti-20
ties (whether or not under common control) 21
that produce beer marketed under a similar 22
brand, license, franchise, or other arrangement 23
shall be treated as a single taxpayer for pur-24
poses of the application of this subsection.’’. 25
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(e) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to beer removed after December 2
31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Section 5414 is amended— 6
(1) by striking ‘‘Beer may be removed’’ and in-7
serting ‘‘(a) I
—Beer may be removed’’, 8
and 9
(2) by adding at the end the following: 10
‘‘(b) T
.— 12
‘‘(1) I
.—Beer may be removed from 13
one bonded brewery to another bonded brewery, 14
without payment of tax, and may be mingled with 15
beer at the receiving brewery, subject to such condi-16
tions, including payment of the tax, and in such con-17
tainers, as the Secretary by regulations shall pre-18
scribe, which shall include— 19
‘‘(A) any removal from one brewery to an-20
other brewery belonging to the same brewer, 21
‘‘(B) any removal from a brewery owned 22
by one corporation to a brewery owned by an-23
other corporation when— 24
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‘‘(i) one such corporation owns the 1
controlling interest in the other such cor-2
poration, or 3
‘‘(ii) the controlling interest in each 4
such corporation is owned by the same per-5
son or persons, and 6
‘‘(C) any removal from one brewery to an-7
other brewery when— 8
‘‘(i) the proprietors of transferring 9
and receiving premises are independent of 10
each other and neither has a proprietary 11
interest, directly or indirectly, in the busi-12
ness of the other, and 13
‘‘(ii) the transferor has divested itself 14
of all interest in the beer so transferred 15
and the transferee has accepted responsi-16
bility for payment of the tax. 17
‘‘(2) T
.—For 18
purposes of paragraph (1)(C), such relief from liabil-19
ity shall be effective from the time of removal from 20
the transferor’s bonded premises, or from the time 21
of divestment of interest, whichever is later. 22
‘‘(3) T
.—This subsection shall not 23
apply to any calendar quarter beginning after De-24
cember 31, 2019.’’. 25
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(b) R
tion 5412 is amended by inserting ‘‘pursuant to section 2
5414 or’’ before ‘‘by pipeline’’. 3
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 4
this section shall apply to any calendar quarters beginning 5
after December 31, 2017. 6
(a) I
.—Section 5041(c) is amended by 9
adding at the end the following new paragraph: 10
‘‘(8) S
.— 11
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of wine re-12
moved after December 31, 2017, and before 13
January 1, 2020, paragraphs (1) and (2) shall 14
not apply and there shall be allowed as a credit 15
against any tax imposed by this title (other 16
than chapters 2, 21, and 22) an amount equal 17
to the sum of— 18
‘‘(i) $1 per wine gallon on the first 19
30,000 wine gallons of wine, plus 20
‘‘(ii) 90 cents per wine gallon on the 21
first 100,000 wine gallons of wine to which 22
clause (i) does not apply, plus 23
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‘‘(iii) 53.5 cents per wine gallon on 1
the first 620,000 wine gallons of wine to 2
which clauses (i) and (ii) do not apply, 3
which are produced by the producer and re-4
moved during the calendar year for consump-5
tion or sale, or which are imported by the im-6
porter into the United States during the cal-7
endar year. 8
‘‘(B) A
.—In the case of wine described in sub-10
section (b)(6), subparagraph (A) of this para-11
graph shall be applied— 12
‘‘(i) in clause (i) of such subpara-13
graph, by substituting ‘6.2 cents’ for ‘$1’, 14
‘‘(ii) in clause (ii) of such subpara-15
graph, by substituting ‘5.6 cents’ for ‘90 16
cents’, and 17
‘‘(iii) in clause (iii) of such subpara-18
graph, by substituting ‘3.3 cents’ for ‘53.5 19
cents’.’’, 20
(b) C
.—Paragraph (4) of section 5041(c) is amended by 22
striking ‘‘section 5051(a)(2)(B)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 23
5051(a)(5)’’. 24
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(c) A
.—Subsection (c) of section 2
5041, as amended by subsection (a), is amended— 3
(1) in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (8), by 4
inserting ‘‘but only if the importer is an electing im-5
porter under paragraph (9) and the wine gallons of 6
wine have been assigned to the importer pursuant to 7
such paragraph’’ after ‘‘into the United States dur-8
ing the calendar year’’, and 9
(2) by adding at the end the following new 10
paragraph: 11
‘‘(9) A
.— 13
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 14
wine gallons of wine which have been produced 15
outside of the United States and imported into 16
the United States, the credit allowable under 17
paragraph (8) (referred to in this paragraph as 18
the ‘tax credit’) may be assigned by the person 19
who produced such wine (referred to in this 20
paragraph as the ‘foreign producer’), provided 21
that such person makes an election described in 22
subparagraph (B)(ii), to any electing importer 23
of such wine gallons pursuant to the require-24
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ments established by the Secretary under sub-1
paragraph (B). 2
‘‘(B) A
.—The Secretary shall, 3
through such rules, regulations, and procedures 4
as are determined appropriate, establish proce-5
dures for assignment of the tax credit provided 6
under this paragraph, which shall include— 7
‘‘(i) a limitation to ensure that the 8
number of wine gallons of wine for which 9
the tax credit has been assigned by a for-10
eign producer— 11
‘‘(I) to any importer does not ex-12
ceed the number of wine gallons of 13
wine produced by such foreign pro-14
ducer during the calendar year which 15
were imported into the United States 16
by such importer, and 17
‘‘(II) to all importers does not 18
exceed the 750,000 wine gallons of 19
wine to which the tax credit applies, 20
‘‘(ii) procedures that allow the election 21
of a foreign producer to assign and an im-22
porter to receive the tax credit provided 23
under this paragraph, 24
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‘‘(iii) requirements that the foreign 1
producer provide any information as the 2
Secretary determines necessary and appro-3
priate for purposes of carrying out this 4
paragraph, and 5
‘‘(iv) procedures that allow for revoca-6
tion of eligibility of the foreign producer 7
and the importer for the tax credit pro-8
vided under this paragraph in the case of 9
any erroneous or fraudulent information 10
provided under clause (iii) which the Sec-11
retary deems to be material to qualifying 12
for such credit. 13
‘‘(C) C
.—For purposes 14
of this section, any importer making an election 15
described in subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be 16
deemed to be a member of the controlled group 17
of the foreign producer, as described under 18
paragraph (4).’’. 19
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 20
this section shall apply to wine removed after December 21
31, 2017. 22
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(a) I
.—Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 3
5041(b) are each amended by inserting ‘‘(16 percent in 4
the case of wine removed after December 31, 2017, and 5
before January 1, 2020’’ after ‘‘14 percent’’. 6
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 7
this section shall apply to wine removed after December 8
31, 2017. 9
(a) I
.—Section 5041 is amended— 12
(1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘Still wines’’ 13
and inserting ‘‘Subject to subsection (h), still 14
wines’’, and 15
(2) by adding at the end the following new sub-16
section: 17
‘‘(h) M
.— 19
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of sub-20
sections (a) and (b)(1), mead and low alcohol by vol-21
ume wine shall be deemed to be still wines con-22
taining not more than 16 percent of alcohol by vol-23
ume. 24
‘‘(2) D
.— 25
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‘‘(A) M
.—For purposes of this section, 1
the term ‘mead’ means a wine— 2
‘‘(i) containing not more than 0.64 3
gram of carbon dioxide per hundred milli-4
liters of wine, except that the Secretary 5
shall by regulations prescribe such toler-6
ances to this limitation as may be reason-7
ably necessary in good commercial prac-8
tice, 9
‘‘(ii) which is derived solely from 10
honey and water, 11
‘‘(iii) which contains no fruit product 12
or fruit flavoring, and 13
‘‘(iv) which contains less than 8.5 per-14
cent alcohol by volume. 15
‘‘(B) L
.— 16
For purposes of this section, the term ‘low alco-17
hol by volume wine’ means a wine— 18
‘‘(i) containing not more than 0.64 19
gram of carbon dioxide per hundred milli-20
liters of wine, except that the Secretary 21
shall by regulations prescribe such toler-22
ances to this limitation as may be reason-23
ably necessary in good commercial prac-24
tice, 25
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‘‘(ii) which is derived— 1
‘‘(I) primarily from grapes, or 2
‘‘(II) from grape juice con-3
centrate and water, 4
‘‘(iii) which contains no fruit product 5
or fruit flavoring other than grape, and 6
‘‘(iv) which contains less than 8.5 per-7
cent alcohol by volume. 8
‘‘(3) T
.—This subsection shall not 9
apply to wine removed after December 31, 2019.’’. 10
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 11
this section shall apply to wine removed after December 12
31, 2017. 13
(a) I
.—Section 5001 is amended by re-16
designating subsection (c) as subsection (d) and by insert-17
ing after subsection (b) the following new subsection: 18
‘‘(c) R
2019.— 19
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a distilled 20
spirits operation, the otherwise applicable tax rate 21
under subsection (a)(1) shall be— 22
‘‘(A) $2.70 per proof gallon on the first 23
100,000 proof gallons of distilled spirits, and 24
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‘‘(B) $13.34 per proof gallon on the first 1
22,130,000 of proof gallons of distilled spirits 2
to which subparagraph (A) does not apply, 3
which have been distilled or processed by such oper-4
ation and removed during the calendar year for con-5
sumption or sale, or which have been imported by 6
the importer into the United States during the cal-7
endar year. 8
‘‘(2) C
.— 9
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of a con-10
trolled group, the proof gallon quantities speci-11
fied under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of para-12
graph (1) shall be applied to such group and 13
apportioned among the members of such group 14
in such manner as the Secretary or their dele-15
gate shall by regulations prescribe. 16
‘‘(B) D
.—For purposes of sub-17
paragraph (A), the term ‘controlled group’ shall 18
have the meaning given such term by subsection 19
(a) of section 1563, except that ‘more than 50 20
percent’ shall be substituted for ‘at least 80 21
percent’ each place it appears in such sub-22
section. 23
‘‘(C) R
.— 24
Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, 25
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principles similar to the principles of subpara-1
graphs (A) and (B) shall be applied to a group 2
under common control where one or more of the 3
persons is not a corporation. 4
‘‘(D) S
.—Pursuant to 5
rules issued by the Secretary, two or more enti-6
ties (whether or not under common control) 7
that produce distilled spirits marketed under a 8
similar brand, license, franchise, or other ar-9
rangement shall be treated as a single taxpayer 10
for purposes of the application of this sub-11
section. 12
‘‘(3) T
.—This subsection shall not 13
apply to distilled spirits removed after December 31, 14
2019.’’. 15
(b) C
.—Section 7652(f)(2) 16
is amended by striking ‘‘section 5001(a)(1)’’ and inserting 17
‘‘subsection (a)(1) of section 5001, determined as if sub-18
section (c)(1) of such section did not apply’’. 19
(c) A
.—Subsection (c) 21
of section 5001, as added by subsection (a), is amended— 22
(1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘but only if 23
the importer is an electing importer under para-24
graph (3) and the proof gallons of distilled spirits 25
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have been assigned to the importer pursuant to such 1
paragraph’’ after ‘‘into the United States during the 2
calendar year’’, and 3
(2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as para-4
graph (4) and by inserting after paragraph (2) the 5
following new paragraph: 6
‘‘(3) R
.— 8
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 9
proof gallons of distilled spirits which have been 10
produced outside of the United States and im-11
ported into the United States, the rate of tax 12
applicable under paragraph (1) (referred to in 13
this paragraph as the ‘reduced tax rate’) may 14
be assigned by the distilled spirits operation 15
(provided that such operation makes an election 16
described in subparagraph (B)(ii)) to any elect-17
ing importer of such proof gallons pursuant to 18
the requirements established by the Secretary 19
under subparagraph (B). 20
‘‘(B) A
.—The Secretary shall, 21
through such rules, regulations, and procedures 22
as are determined appropriate, establish proce-23
dures for assignment of the reduced tax rate 24
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provided under this paragraph, which shall in-1
clude— 2
‘‘(i) a limitation to ensure that the 3
number of proof gallons of distilled spirits 4
for which the reduced tax rate has been as-5
signed by a distilled spirits operation— 6
‘‘(I) to any importer does not ex-7
ceed the number of proof gallons pro-8
duced by such operation during the 9
calendar year which were imported 10
into the United States by such im-11
porter, and 12
‘‘(II) to all importers does not 13
exceed the 22,230,000 proof gallons of 14
distilled spirits to which the reduced 15
tax rate applies, 16
‘‘(ii) procedures that allow the election 17
of a distilled spirits operation to assign 18
and an importer to receive the reduced tax 19
rate provided under this paragraph, 20
‘‘(iii) requirements that the distilled 21
spirits operation provide any information 22
as the Secretary determines necessary and 23
appropriate for purposes of carrying out 24
this paragraph, and 25
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‘‘(iv) procedures that allow for revoca-1
tion of eligibility of the distilled spirits op-2
eration and the importer for the reduced 3
tax rate provided under this paragraph in 4
the case of any erroneous or fraudulent in-5
formation provided under clause (iii) which 6
the Secretary deems to be material to 7
qualifying for such reduced rate. 8
‘‘(C) C
.— 9
‘‘(i) I
.—For purposes of 10
this section, any importer making an elec-11
tion described in subparagraph (B)(ii) 12
shall be deemed to be a member of the 13
controlled group of the distilled spirits op-14
eration, as described under paragraph (2). 15
‘‘(ii) A
.—For purposes 16
of this paragraph, in the case of a con-17
trolled group, rules similar to section 18
5051(a)(5)(B) shall apply.’’. 19
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 20
this section shall apply to distilled spirits removed after 21
December 31, 2017. 22
(a) I
.—Section 5212 is amended by add-24
ing at the end the following sentence: ‘‘In the case of dis-25
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tilled spirits transferred in bond after December 31, 2017, 1
and before January 1, 2020, this section shall be applied 2
without regard to whether distilled spirits are bulk dis-3
tilled spirits.’’. 4
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 5
this section shall apply distilled spirits transferred in bond 6
after December 31, 2017. 7
Subpart B—Miscellaneous Provisions 8
(a) E
.— 13
(1) I
.—Part III of subchapter B of 14
chapter 1 is amended by inserting before section 140 15
the following new section: 16
‘‘(a) I
.—In the case of a Native Corpora-19
tion, gross income shall not include the value of any pay-20
ments that would otherwise be made, or treated as being 21
made, to such Native Corporation pursuant to, or as re-22
quired by, any provision of the Alaska Native Claims Set-23
tlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), including any pay-24
ment that would otherwise be made to a Village Corpora-25
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tion pursuant to section 7(j) of the Alaska Native Claims 1
Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1606(j)), provided that any 2
such payments— 3
‘‘(1) are assigned in writing to a Settlement 4
Trust, and 5
‘‘(2) were not received by such Native Corpora-6
tion prior to the assignment described in paragraph 7
(1). 8
‘‘(b) I
.—In the case of 9
a Settlement Trust which has been assigned payments de-10
scribed in subsection (a), gross income shall include such 11
payments when received by such Settlement Trust pursu-12
ant to the assignment and shall have the same character 13
as if such payments were received by the Native Corpora-14
tion. 15
‘‘(c) A
.—The 16
amount and scope of any assignment under subsection (a) 17
shall be described with reasonable particularity and may 18
either be in a percentage of one or more such payments 19
or in a fixed dollar amount. 20
‘‘(d) D
; R
.— 21
Any assignment under subsection (a) shall specify— 22
‘‘(1) a duration either in perpetuity or for a pe-23
riod of time, and 24
‘‘(2) whether such assignment is revocable. 25
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‘‘(e) P
standing section 247, no deduction shall be allowed to a 2
Native Corporation for purposes of any amounts described 3
in subsection (a). 4
‘‘(f) D
.—For purposes of this section, the 5
terms ‘Native Corporation’ and ‘Settlement Trust’ have 6
the same meaning given such terms under section 7
646(h).’’. 8
(2) C
.—The table of 9
sections for part III of subchapter B of chapter 1 10
is amended by inserting before the item relating to 11
section 140 the following new item: 12
‘‘Sec. 139G. Assignments to Alaska Native Settlement Trusts.’’.
(3) E
.—The amendments made 13
by this subsection shall apply to taxable years begin-14
ning after December 31, 2016. 15
(b) D
.— 17
(1) I
.—Part VIII of subchapter B 18
of chapter 1 is amended by inserting before section 19
248 the following new section: 20
‘‘(a) I
.—In the case of a Native Corpora-23
tion, there shall be allowed a deduction for any contribu-24
tions made by such Native Corporation to a Settlement 25
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Trust (regardless of whether an election under section 646 1
is in effect for such Settlement Trust) for which the Na-2
tive Corporation has made an annual election under sub-3
section (e). 4
‘‘(b) A
.—The amount of the 5
deduction under subsection (a) shall be equal to— 6
‘‘(1) in the case of a cash contribution (regard-7
less of the method of payment, including currency, 8
coins, money order, or check), the amount of such 9
contribution, or 10
‘‘(2) in the case of a contribution not described 11
in paragraph (1), the lesser of— 12
‘‘(A) the Native Corporation’s adjusted 13
basis in the property contributed, or 14
‘‘(B) the fair market value of the property 15
contributed. 16
‘‘(c) L
.— 17
‘‘(1) I
.—Subject to paragraph (2), 18
the deduction allowed under subsection (a) for any 19
taxable year shall not exceed the taxable income (as 20
determined without regard to such deduction) of the 21
Native Corporation for the taxable year in which the 22
contribution was made. 23
‘‘(2) C
.—If the aggregate amount of 24
contributions described in subsection (a) for any tax-25
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able year exceeds the limitation under paragraph 1
(1), such excess shall be treated as a contribution 2
described in subsection (a) in each of the 15 suc-3
ceeding years in order of time. 4
‘‘(d) D
.—For purposes of this section, the 5
terms ‘Native Corporation’ and ‘Settlement Trust’ have 6
the same meaning given such terms under section 646(h). 7
‘‘(e) M
.— 8
‘‘(1) I
.—For each taxable year, a 9
Native Corporation may elect to have this section 10
apply for such taxable year on the income tax return 11
or an amendment or supplement to the return of the 12
Native Corporation, with such election to have effect 13
solely for such taxable year. 14
‘‘(2) R
.—Any election made by a 15
Native Corporation pursuant to this subsection may 16
be revoked pursuant to a timely filed amendment or 17
supplement to the income tax return of such Native 18
Corporation. 19
‘‘(f) A
.— 20
‘‘(1) E
standing section 646(d)(2), in the case of a Native 22
Corporation which claims a deduction under this sec-23
tion for any taxable year, the earnings and profits 24
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of such Native Corporation for such taxable year 1
shall be reduced by the amount of such deduction. 2
‘‘(2) G
.—No gain or loss shall be 3
recognized by the Native Corporation with respect to 4
a contribution of property for which a deduction is 5
allowed under this section. 6
‘‘(3) I
.—Subject to subsection (g), a Set-7
tlement Trust shall include in income the amount of 8
any deduction allowed under this section in the tax-9
able year in which the Settlement Trust actually re-10
ceives such contribution. 11
‘‘(4) P
.—The holding period under sec-12
tion 1223 of the Settlement Trust shall include the 13
period the property was held by the Native Corpora-14
tion. 15
‘‘(5) B
.—The basis that a Settlement Trust 16
has for which a deduction is allowed under this sec-17
tion shall be equal to the lesser of— 18
‘‘(A) the adjusted basis of the Native Cor-19
poration in such property immediately before 20
such contribution, or 21
‘‘(B) the fair market value of the property 22
immediately before such contribution. 23
‘‘(6) P
.—No deduction shall be al-24
lowed under this section with respect to any con-25
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tributions made to a Settlement Trust which are in 1
violation of subsection (a)(2) or (c)(2) of section 39 2
of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 3
U.S.C. 1629e). 4
‘‘(g) E
.— 6
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a contribu-7
tion which consists of property other than cash, a 8
Settlement Trust may elect to defer recognition of 9
any income related to such property until the sale or 10
exchange of such property, in whole or in part, by 11
the Settlement Trust. 12
‘‘(2) T
.—In the case of property de-13
scribed in paragraph (1), any income or gain real-14
ized on the sale or exchange of such property shall 15
be treated as— 16
‘‘(A) for such amount of the income or 17
gain as is equal to or less than the amount of 18
income which would be included in income at 19
the time of contribution under subsection (f)(3) 20
but for the taxpayer’s election under this sub-21
section, ordinary income, and 22
‘‘(B) for any amounts of the income or 23
gain which are in excess of the amount of in-24
come which would be included in income at the 25
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time of contribution under subsection (f)(3) but 1
for the taxpayer’s election under this sub-2
section, having the same character as if this 3
subsection did not apply. 4
‘‘(3) E
.— 5
‘‘(A) I
.—For each taxable year, 6
a Settlement Trust may elect to apply this sub-7
section for any property described in paragraph 8
(1) which was contributed during such year. 9
Any property to which the election applies shall 10
be identified and described with reasonable par-11
ticularity on the income tax return or an 12
amendment or supplement to the return of the 13
Settlement Trust, with such election to have ef-14
fect solely for such taxable year. 15
‘‘(B) R
.—Any election made by 16
a Settlement Trust pursuant to this subsection 17
may be revoked pursuant to a timely filed 18
amendment or supplement to the income tax re-19
turn of such Settlement Trust. 20
‘‘(C) C
.— 21
‘‘(i) I
.—In the case of any 22
property for which an election is in effect 23
under this subsection and which is dis-24
posed of within the first taxable year sub-25
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sequent to the taxable year in which such 1
property was contributed to the Settlement 2
Trust— 3
‘‘(I) this section shall be applied 4
as if the election under this subsection 5
had not been made, 6
‘‘(II) any income or gain which 7
would have been included in the year 8
of contribution under subsection (f)(3) 9
but for the taxpayer’s election under 10
this subsection shall be included in in-11
come for the taxable year of such con-12
tribution, and 13
‘‘(III) the Settlement Trust shall 14
pay any increase in tax resulting from 15
such inclusion, including any applica-16
ble interest, and increased by 10 per-17
cent of the amount of such increase 18
with interest. 19
‘‘(ii) A
.—Notwithstanding 20
section 6501(a), any amount described in 21
subclause (III) of clause (i) may be as-22
sessed, or a proceeding in court with re-23
spect to such amount may be initiated 24
without assessment, within 4 years after 25
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the date on which the return making the 1
election under this subsection for such 2
property was filed.’’. 3
(2) C
.—The table of 4
sections for part VIII of subchapter B of chapter 1 5
is amended by inserting before the item relating to 6
section 248 the following new item: 7
‘‘Sec. 247. Contributions to Alaska Native Settlement Trusts.’’.
(3) E
.— 8
(A) I
.—The amendments made 9
by this subsection shall apply to taxable years 10
for which the period of limitation on refund or 11
credit under section 6511 of the Internal Rev-12
enue Code of 1986 has not expired. 13
(B) O
.—If the period of limitation on a 15
credit or refund resulting from the amendments 16
made by paragraph (1) expires before the end 17
of the 1-year period beginning on the date of 18
the enactment of this Act, refund or credit of 19
such overpayment (to the extent attributable to 20
such amendments) may, nevertheless, be made 21
or allowed if claim therefor is filed before the 22
close of such 1-year period. 23
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(c) I
.— 3
(1) I
.—Section 6039H is amend-4
ed— 5
(A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘
’’, and 7
(B) by adding at the end the following new 8
subsection: 9
‘‘(e) D
.— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—Any Native Corporation (as 12
defined in subsection (m) of section 3 of the Alaska 13
Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1602(m))) 14
which has made a contribution to a Settlement 15
Trust (as defined in subsection (t) of such section) 16
to which an election under subsection (e) of section 17
247 applies shall provide such Settlement Trust with 18
a statement regarding such election not later than 19
January 31 of the calendar year subsequent to the 20
calendar year in which the contribution was made. 21
‘‘(2) C
.—The state-22
ment described in paragraph (1) shall include— 23
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‘‘(A) the total amount of contributions to 1
which the election under subsection (e) of sec-2
tion 247 applies, 3
‘‘(B) for each contribution, whether such 4
contribution was in cash, 5
‘‘(C) for each contribution which consists 6
of property other than cash, the date that such 7
property was acquired by the Native Corpora-8
tion and the adjusted basis and fair market 9
value of such property on the date such prop-10
erty was contributed to the Settlement Trust, 11
‘‘(D) the date on which each contribution 12
was made to the Settlement Trust, and 13
‘‘(E) such information as the Secretary de-14
termines to be necessary or appropriate for the 15
identification of each contribution and the accu-16
rate inclusion of income relating to such con-17
tributions by the Settlement Trust.’’. 18
(2) C
.—The item re-19
lating to section 6039H in the table of sections for 20
subpart A of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 21
is amended to read as follows: 22
‘‘Sec. 6039H. Information With Respect to Alaska Native Settlement Trusts
and Native Corporations.’’.
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(3) E
.—The amendments made 1
by this subsection shall apply to taxable years begin-2
ning after December 31, 2016. 3
(a) I
.—Subsection (e) of section 4261 is 6
amended by adding at the end the following new para-7
graph: 8
‘‘(5) A
.— 10
‘‘(A) I
.—No tax shall be im-11
posed by this section or section 4271 on any 12
amounts paid by an aircraft owner for aircraft 13
management services related to— 14
‘‘(i) maintenance and support of the 15
aircraft owner’s aircraft, or 16
‘‘(ii) flights on the aircraft owner’s 17
aircraft. 18
‘‘(B) A
.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the 20
term ‘aircraft management services’ includes— 21
‘‘(i) assisting an aircraft owner with 22
administrative and support services, such 23
as scheduling, flight planning, and weather 24
forecasting, 25
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‘‘(ii) obtaining insurance, 1
‘‘(iii) maintenance, storage and fuel-2
ing of aircraft, 3
‘‘(iv) hiring, training, and provision of 4
pilots and crew, 5
‘‘(v) establishing and complying with 6
safety standards, and 7
‘‘(vi) such other services as are nec-8
essary to support flights operated by an 9
aircraft owner. 10
‘‘(C) L
.— 12
‘‘(i) I
.—For purposes of 13
this paragraph, the term ‘aircraft owner’ 14
includes a person who leases the aircraft 15
other than under a disqualified lease. 16
‘‘(ii) D
.—For pur-17
poses of clause (i), the term ‘disqualified 18
lease’ means a lease from a person pro-19
viding aircraft management services with 20
respect to such aircraft (or a related per-21
son (within the meaning of section 22
465(b)(3)(C)) to the person providing such 23
services), if such lease is for a term of 31 24
days or less. 25
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‘‘(D) P
.—In the case 1
of amounts paid to any person which (but for 2
this subsection) are subject to the tax imposed 3
by subsection (a), a portion of which consists of 4
amounts described in subparagraph (A), this 5
paragraph shall apply on a pro rata basis only 6
to the portion which consists of amounts de-7
scribed in such subparagraph.’’. 8
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 9
this section shall apply to amounts paid after the date of 10
the enactment of this Act. 11
(a) I
.—Chapter 1 is amended by adding 13
at the end the following: 14
‘‘Subchapter Z—Opportunity Zones 15
‘‘Sec. 1400Z–1. Designation.
‘‘Sec. 1400Z–2. Special rules for capital gains invested in opportunity zones.
‘‘SEC. 1400Z–1. DESIGNATION. 16
‘‘(a) Q
.— 17
For the purposes of this subchapter, the term ‘qualified 18
opportunity zone’ means a population census tract that 19
is a low-income community that is designated as a quali-20
fied opportunity zone. 21
‘‘(b) D
.— 22
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of subsection 23
(a), a population census tract that is a low-income 24
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community is designated as a qualified opportunity 1
zone if— 2
‘‘(A) not later than the end of the deter-3
mination period, the chief executive officer of 4
the State in which the tract is located— 5
‘‘(i) nominates the tract for designa-6
tion as a qualified opportunity zone, and 7
‘‘(ii) notifies the Secretary in writing 8
of such nomination, and 9
‘‘(B) the Secretary certifies such nomina-10
tion and designates such tract as a qualified op-11
portunity zone before the end of the consider-12
ation period. 13
‘‘(2) E
.—A chief execu-14
tive officer of a State may request that the Sec-15
retary extend either the determination or consider-16
ation period, or both (determined without regard to 17
this subparagraph), for an additional 30 days. 18
‘‘(c) O
.—For purposes of this 19
subsection— 20
‘‘(1) L
.—The term 21
‘low-income community’ has the same meaning as 22
when used in section 45D(e). 23
‘‘(2) D
.— 24
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‘‘(A) C
.—The term 1
‘consideration period’ means the 30-day period 2
beginning on the date on which the Secretary 3
receives notice under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), 4
as extended under subsection (b)(2). 5
‘‘(B) D
.—The term 6
‘determination period’ means the 90-day period 7
beginning on the date of the enactment of the 8
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, as extended under sub-9
section (b)(2). 10
‘‘(3) S
.—For purposes of this section, the 11
term ‘State’ includes any possession of the United 12
States. 13
‘‘(d) N
.— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided by 15
paragraph (2), the number of population census 16
tracts in a State that may be designated as qualified 17
opportunity zones under this section may not exceed 18
25 percent of the number of low-income communities 19
in the State. 20
‘‘(2) E
.—If the number of low-income 21
communities in a State is less than 100, then a total 22
of 25 of such tracts may be designated as qualified 23
opportunity zones. 24
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‘‘(e) D
.— 2
‘‘(1) I
.—A population census tract 3
that is not a low-income community may be des-4
ignated as a qualified opportunity zone under this 5
section if— 6
‘‘(A) the tract is contiguous with the low- 7
income community that is designated as a 8
qualified opportunity zone, and 9
‘‘(B) the median family income of the tract 10
does not exceed 125 percent of the median fam-11
ily income of the low-income community with 12
which the tract is contiguous. 13
‘‘(2) L
.—Not more than 5 percent of 14
the population census tracts designated in a State as 15
a qualified opportunity zone may be designated 16
under paragraph (1). 17
‘‘(f) P
.—A designation as a qualified opportunity zone 19
shall remain in effect for the period beginning on the date 20
of the designation and ending at the close of the 10th cal-21
endar year beginning on or after such date of designation. 22
‘‘(a) I
.— 25
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‘‘(1) T
.—In the case of 1
gain from the sale to, or exchange with, an unre-2
lated person of any property held by the taxpayer, 3
at the election of the taxpayer— 4
‘‘(A) gross income for the taxable year 5
shall not include so much of such gain as does 6
not exceed the aggregate amount invested by 7
the taxpayer in a qualified opportunity fund 8
during the 180-day period beginning on the 9
date of such sale or exchange, 10
‘‘(B) the amount of gain excluded by sub-11
paragraph (A) shall be included in gross income 12
as provided by subsection (b), and 13
‘‘(C) subsection (c) shall apply. 14
‘‘(2) E
.—No election may be made 15
under paragraph (1)— 16
‘‘(A) with respect to a sale or exchange if 17
an election previously made with respect to such 18
sale or exchange is in effect, or 19
‘‘(B) with respect to any sale or exchange 20
after December 31, 2026. 21
‘‘(b) D
.— 23
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‘‘(1) Y
.—Gain to which sub-1
section (a)(1)(B) applies shall be included in income 2
in the taxable year which includes the earlier of— 3
‘‘(A) the date on which such investment is 4
sold or exchanged, or 5
‘‘(B) December 31, 2026. 6
‘‘(2) A
.— 7
‘‘(A) I
.—The amount of gain 8
included in gross income under subsection 9
(a)(1)(A) shall be the excess of— 10
‘‘(i) the lesser of the amount of gain 11
excluded under paragraph (1) or the fair 12
market value of the investment as deter-13
mined as of the date described in para-14
graph (1), over 15
‘‘(ii) the taxpayer’s basis in the in-16
vestment. 17
‘‘(B) D
.— 18
‘‘(i) I
.—Except as other-19
wise provided in this clause or subsection 20
(c), the taxpayer’s basis in the investment 21
shall be zero. 22
‘‘(ii) I
(a)(1)(B).— 24
The basis in the investment shall be in-25
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creased by the amount of gain recognized 1
by reason of subsection (a)(1)(B) with re-2
spect to such property. 3
‘‘(iii) I
.—In the case of any investment 5
held for at least 5 years, the basis of such 6
investment shall be increased by an 7
amount equal to 10 percent of the amount 8
of gain deferred by reason of subsection 9
(a)(1)(A). 10
‘‘(iv) I
.—In the case of any investment 12
held by the taxpayer for at least 7 years, 13
in addition to any adjustment made under 14
clause (iii), the basis of such property shall 15
be increased by an amount equal to 5 per-16
cent of the amount of gain deferred by rea-17
son of subsection (a)(1)(A). 18
‘‘(c) S
10 Y
.—In the case of any investment held 20
by the taxpayer for at least 10 years and with respect to 21
which the taxpayer makes an election under this clause, 22
the basis of such property shall be equal to the fair market 23
value of such investment on the date that the investment 24
is sold or exchanged. 25
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‘‘(d) Q
.—For pur-1
poses of this section— 2
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘qualified oppor-3
tunity fund’ means any investment vehicle which is 4
organized as a corporation or a partnership for the 5
purpose of investing in qualified opportunity zone 6
property (other than another qualified opportunity 7
fund) that holds at least 90 percent of its assets in 8
qualified opportunity zone property, determined by 9
the average of the percentage of qualified oppor-10
tunity zone property held in the fund as measured— 11
‘‘(A) on the last day of the first 6-month 12
period of the taxable year of the fund, and 13
‘‘(B) on the last day of the taxable year of 14
the fund. 15
‘‘(2) Q
.— 17
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 18
opportunity zone property’ means property 19
which is— 20
‘‘(i) qualified opportunity zone stock, 21
‘‘(ii) qualified opportunity zone part-22
nership interest, or 23
‘‘(iii) qualified opportunity zone busi-24
ness property. 25
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‘‘(B) Q
.— 2
‘‘(i) I
.—Except as pro-3
vided in clause (ii), the term ‘qualified op-4
portunity zone stock’ means any stock in a 5
domestic corporation if— 6
‘‘(I) such stock is acquired by the 7
qualified opportunity fund after De-8
cember 31, 2017, at its original issue 9
(directly or through an underwriter) 10
from the corporation solely in ex-11
change for cash, 12
‘‘(II) as of the time such stock 13
was issued, such corporation was a 14
qualified opportunity zone business 15
(or, in the case of a new corporation, 16
such corporation was being organized 17
for purposes of being a qualified op-18
portunity zone business), and 19
‘‘(III) during substantially all of 20
the qualified opportunity fund’s hold-21
ing period for such stock, such cor-22
poration qualified as a qualified op-23
portunity zone business. 24
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‘‘(ii) R
.—A rule similar 1
to the rule of section 1202(c)(3) shall 2
apply for purposes of this paragraph. 3
‘‘(C) Q
.—The term ‘qualified 5
opportunity zone partnership interest’ means 6
any capital or profits interest in a domestic 7
partnership if— 8
‘‘(i) such interest is acquired by the 9
qualified opportunity fund after December 10
31, 2017, from the partnership solely in 11
exchange for cash, 12
‘‘(ii) as of the time such interest was 13
acquired, such partnership was a qualified 14
opportunity zone business (or, in the case 15
of a new partnership, such partnership was 16
being organized for purposes of being a 17
qualified opportunity zone business), and 18
‘‘(iii) during substantially all of the 19
qualified opportunity fund’s holding period 20
for such interest, such partnership quali-21
fied as a qualified opportunity zone busi-22
ness. 23
‘‘(D) Q
.— 25
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‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘quali-1
fied opportunity zone business property’ 2
means tangible property used in a trade or 3
business of the qualified opportunity fund 4
if— 5
‘‘(I) such property was acquired 6
by the qualified opportunity fund by 7
purchase (as defined in section 8
179(d)(2)) after December 31, 2017, 9
‘‘(II) the original use of such 10
property in the qualified opportunity 11
zone commences with the qualified op-12
portunity fund or the qualified oppor-13
tunity fund substantially improves the 14
property, and 15
‘‘(III) during substantially all of 16
the qualified opportunity fund’s hold-17
ing period for such property, substan-18
tially all of the use of such property 19
was in a qualified opportunity zone. 20
‘‘(ii) S
.— 21
For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), 22
property shall be treated as substantially 23
improved by the qualified opportunity fund 24
only if, during any 30-month period begin-25
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ning after the date of acquisition of such 1
property, additions to basis with respect to 2
such property in the hands of the qualified 3
opportunity fund exceed an amount equal 4
to the adjusted basis of such property at 5
the beginning of such 30-month period in 6
the hands of the qualified opportunity 7
fund. 8
‘‘(iii) R
.—For pur-9
poses of subparagraph (A)(i), the related 10
person rule of section 179(d)(2) shall be 11
applied pursuant to paragraph (8) of this 12
subsection in lieu of the application of such 13
rule in section 179(d)(2)(A). 14
‘‘(3) Q
.— 16
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 17
opportunity zone business’ means a trade or 18
business— 19
‘‘(i) in which substantially all of the 20
tangible property owned or leased by the 21
taxpayer is qualified opportunity zone busi-22
ness property (determined by substituting 23
‘qualified opportunity zone business’ for 24
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‘qualified opportunity fund’ each place it 1
appears in paragraph (2)(D)), 2
‘‘(ii) which satisfies the requirements 3
of paragraphs (2), (4), and (8) of section 4
1397C(b), and 5
‘‘(iii) which is not described in section 6
144(c)(6)(B). 7
‘‘(B) S
.—For purposes of 8
subparagraph (A), tangible property that ceases 9
to be a qualified opportunity zone business 10
property shall continue to be treated as a quali-11
fied opportunity zone business property for the 12
lesser of— 13
‘‘(i) 5 years after the date on which 14
such tangible property ceases to be so 15
qualified, or 16
‘‘(ii) the date on which such tangible 17
property is no longer held by the qualified 18
opportunity zone business. 19
‘‘(e) A
.— 20
‘‘(1) T
.—In the case of any investment in a 22
qualified opportunity fund only a portion of which 23
consists of investments of gain to which an election 24
under subsection (a) is in effect— 25
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‘‘(A) such investment shall be treated as 2 1
separate investments, consisting of— 2
‘‘(i) one investment that only includes 3
amounts to which the election under sub-4
section (a) applies, and 5
‘‘(ii) a separate investment consisting 6
of other amounts, and 7
‘‘(B) subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall 8
only apply to the investment described in sub-9
paragraph (A)(i). 10
‘‘(2) R
.—For purposes of this 11
section, persons are related to each other if such 12
persons are described in section 267(b) or 707(b)(1), 13
determined by substituting ‘20 percent’ for ‘50 per-14
cent’ each place it occurs in such sections. 15
‘‘(3) D
.—In the case of a decedent, 16
amounts recognized under this section shall, if not 17
properly includible in the gross income of the dece-18
dent, be includible in gross income as provided by 19
section 691. 20
‘‘(4) R
.—The Secretary shall pre-21
scribe such regulations as may be necessary or ap-22
propriate to carry out the purposes of this section, 23
including— 24
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‘‘(A) rules for the certification of qualified 1
opportunity funds for the purposes of this sec-2
tion, 3
‘‘(B) rules to ensure a qualified oppor-4
tunity fund has a reasonable period of time to 5
reinvest the return of capital from investments 6
in qualified opportunity zone stock and quali-7
fied opportunity zone partnership interests, and 8
to reinvest proceeds received from the sale or 9
disposition of qualified opportunity zone prop-10
erty, and 11
‘‘(C) rules to prevent abuse. 12
‘‘(f) F
.— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—If a qualified opportunity 15
fund fails to meet the 90-percent requirement of 16
subsection (c)(1), the qualified opportunity fund 17
shall pay a penalty for each month it fails to meet 18
the requirement in an amount equal to the product 19
of— 20
‘‘(A) the excess of— 21
‘‘(i) the amount equal to 90 percent of 22
its aggregate assets, over 23
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‘‘(ii) the aggregate amount of quali-1
fied opportunity zone property held by the 2
fund, multiplied by 3
‘‘(B) the underpayment rate established 4
under section 6621(a)(2) for such month. 5
‘‘(2) S
.—In 6
the case that the qualified opportunity fund is a 7
partnership, the penalty imposed by paragraph (1) 8
shall be taken into account proportionately as part 9
of the distributive share of each partner of the part-10
nership. 11
‘‘(3) R
.—No 12
penalty shall be imposed under this subsection with 13
respect to any failure if it is shown that such failure 14
is due to reasonable cause.’’. 15
(b) B
.—Section 1016(a) is 16
amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (36), 17
by striking the period at the end of paragraph (37) and 18
inserting ‘‘, and’’, and by inserting after paragraph (37) 19
the following: 20
‘‘(38) to the extent provided in subsections 21
(b)(2) and (c) of section 1400Z–2.’’. 22
(c) C
.—The table of sub-23
chapters for chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end 24
the following new item: 25
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(d) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment 2
of this Act. 3
Subtitle D—International Tax 4
Provisions 5
Subpart A—Establishment of Participation 7
Exemption System for Taxation of Foreign Income 8
(a) I
.—Part VIII of subchapter B of 13
chapter 1 is amended by inserting after section 245 the 14
following new section: 15
‘‘(a) I
.—In the case of any dividend re-20
ceived from a specified 10-percent owned foreign corpora-21
tion by a domestic corporation which is a United States 22
shareholder with respect to such foreign corporation, there 23
shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to the 24
foreign-source portion of such dividend. 25
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‘‘(b) S
.—For purposes of this section— 2
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘specified 10-per-3
cent owned foreign corporation’ means any foreign 4
corporation with respect to which any domestic cor-5
poration is a United States shareholder with respect 6
to such corporation. 7
‘‘(2) E
.—Such term shall not include any 9
corporation which is a passive foreign investment 10
company (as defined in section 1297) with respect to 11
the shareholder and which is not a controlled foreign 12
corporation. 13
‘‘(c) F
.—For purposes of 14
this section— 15
‘‘(1) I
.—The foreign-source portion 16
of any dividend from a specified 10-percent owned 17
foreign corporation is an amount which bears the 18
same ratio to such dividend as— 19
‘‘(A) the undistributed foreign earnings of 20
the specified 10-percent owned foreign corpora-21
tion, bears to 22
‘‘(B) the total undistributed earnings of 23
such foreign corporation. 24
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‘‘(2) U
.—The term 1
‘undistributed earnings’ means the amount of the 2
earnings and profits of the specified 10-percent 3
owned foreign corporation (computed in accordance 4
with sections 964(a) and 986)— 5
‘‘(A) as of the close of the taxable year of 6
the specified 10-percent owned foreign corpora-7
tion in which the dividend is distributed, and 8
‘‘(B) without diminution by reason of divi-9
dends distributed during such taxable year. 10
‘‘(3) U
.— 11
The term ‘undistributed foreign earnings’ means the 12
portion of the undistributed earnings which is attrib-13
utable to neither— 14
‘‘(A) income described in subparagraph (A) 15
of section 245(a)(5), nor 16
‘‘(B) dividends described in subparagraph 17
(B) of such section (determined without regard 18
to section 245(a)(12)). 19
‘‘(d) D
, 20
.— 21
‘‘(1) I
.—No credit shall be allowed 22
under section 901 for any taxes paid or accrued (or 23
treated as paid or accrued) with respect to any divi-24
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dend for which a deduction is allowed under this sec-1
tion. 2
‘‘(2) D
.—No deduction 3
shall be allowed under this chapter for any tax for 4
which credit is not allowable under section 901 by 5
reason of paragraph (1) (determined by treating the 6
taxpayer as having elected the benefits of subpart A 7
of part III of subchapter N). 8
‘‘(e) S
.— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—Subsection (a) shall not 10
apply to any dividend received by a United States 11
shareholder from a controlled foreign corporation if 12
the dividend is a hybrid dividend. 13
‘‘(2) H
.—If a controlled foreign corporation with re-15
spect to which a domestic corporation is a United 16
States shareholder receives a hybrid dividend from 17
any other controlled foreign corporation with respect 18
to which such domestic corporation is also a United 19
States shareholder, then, notwithstanding any other 20
provision of this title— 21
‘‘(A) the hybrid dividend shall be treated 22
for purposes of section 951(a)(1)(A) as subpart 23
F income of the receiving controlled foreign cor-24
poration for the taxable year of the controlled 25
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foreign corporation in which the dividend was 1
received, and 2
‘‘(B) the United States shareholder shall 3
include in gross income an amount equal to the 4
shareholder’s pro rata share (determined in the 5
same manner as under section 951(a)(2)) of the 6
subpart F income described in subparagraph 7
(A). 8
‘‘(3) D
.— 9
The rules of subsection (d) shall apply to any hybrid 10
dividend received by, or any amount included under 11
paragraph (2) in the gross income of, a United 12
States shareholder. 13
‘‘(4) H
.—The term ‘hybrid 14
dividend’ means an amount received from a con-15
trolled foreign corporation— 16
‘‘(A) for which a deduction would be al-17
lowed under subsection (a) but for this sub-18
section, and 19
‘‘(B) for which the controlled foreign cor-20
poration received a deduction (or other tax ben-21
efit) with respect to any income, war profits, or 22
excess profits taxes imposed by any foreign 23
country or possession of the United States. 24
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‘‘(f) S
.—Any 2
amount which is treated as a dividend under section 3
1291(d)(2)(B) shall not be treated as a dividend for pur-4
poses of this section. 5
‘‘(g) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 6
such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary 7
or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, 8
including regulations for the treatment of United States 9
shareholders owning stock of a specified 10 percent owned 10
foreign corporation through a partnership.’’. 11
(b) A
.—Subsection (c) of section 246 is amended— 13
(1) by striking ‘‘or 245’’ in paragraph (1) and 14
inserting ‘‘245, or 245A’’, and 15
(2) by adding at the end the following new 16
paragraph: 17
‘‘(5) S
.— 20
‘‘(A) 1-
.—For purposes of section 245A— 22
‘‘(i) paragraph (1)(A) shall be ap-23
plied— 24
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‘‘(I) by substituting ‘365 days’ 1
for ‘45 days’ each place it appears, 2
and 3
‘‘(II) by substituting ‘731-day pe-4
riod’ for ‘91-day period’, and 5
‘‘(ii) paragraph (2) shall not apply. 6
‘‘(B) S
.—For purposes of apply-8
ing paragraph (1) with respect to section 245A, 9
the taxpayer shall be treated as holding the 10
stock referred to in paragraph (1) for any pe-11
riod only if— 12
‘‘(i) the specified 10-percent owned 13
foreign corporation referred to in section 14
245A(a) is a specified 10-percent owned 15
foreign corporation at all times during 16
such period, and 17
‘‘(ii) the taxpayer is a United States 18
shareholder with respect to such specified 19
10-percent owned foreign corporation at all 20
times during such period.’’. 21
(c) A
.— 23
(1) T
.—Paragraph (1) of section 246(a) is 25
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amended by striking ‘‘and 245’’ and inserting ‘‘245, 1
and 245A’’. 2
(2) C
paragraph (B) of section 1059(b)(2) is amended by 4
striking ‘‘or 245’’ and inserting ‘‘245, or 245A’’. 5
(d) C
.—Subsection (b) of section 904 is amended 7
by adding at the end the following new paragraph: 8
‘‘(5) T
.— 10
For purposes of subsection (a), in the case of a do-11
mestic corporation which is a United States share-12
holder with respect to a specified 10-percent owned 13
foreign corporation, such shareholder’s taxable in-14
come from sources without the United States (and 15
entire taxable income) shall be determined without 16
regard to— 17
‘‘(A) the foreign-source portion of any divi-18
dend received from such foreign corporation, 19
and 20
‘‘(B) any deductions properly allocable or 21
apportioned to— 22
‘‘(i) income (other than amounts in-23
cludible under section 951(a)(1) or 24
951A(a)) with respect to stock of such 25
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specified 10-percent owned foreign cor-1
poration, or 2
‘‘(ii) such stock to the extent income 3
with respect to such stock is other than 4
amounts includible under section 951(a)(1) 5
or 951A(a). 6
Any term which is used in section 245A and in this 7
paragraph shall have the same meaning for purposes 8
of this paragraph as when used in such section.’’. 9
(e) C
.— 10
(1) Subsection (b) of section 951 is amended by 11
striking ‘‘subpart’’ and inserting ‘‘title’’. 12
(2) Subsection (a) of section 957 is amended by 13
striking ‘‘subpart’’ in the matter preceding para-14
graph (1) and inserting ‘‘title’’. 15
(3) The table of sections for part VIII of sub-16
chapter B of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after 17
the item relating to section 245 the following new 18
item: 19
‘‘Sec. 245A. Deduction for foreign source-portion of dividends received by do-
mestic corporations from certain 10-percent owned foreign cor-
(f) E
.—The amendments made by 20
this section shall apply to distributions made after (and, 21
in the case of the amendments made by subsection (d), 22
deductions with respect to taxable years ending after) De-23
cember 31, 2017. 24
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(a) S
.— 5
(1) I
.—Section 1248 is amended by 6
redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k) and by 7
inserting after subsection (i) the following new sub-8
section: 9
‘‘(j) C
.—In the case of the sale or exchange by a 11
domestic corporation of stock in a foreign corporation held 12
for 1 year or more, any amount received by the domestic 13
corporation which is treated as a dividend by reason of 14
this section shall be treated as a dividend for purposes 15
of applying section 245A.’’. 16
(2) E
.—The amendments made 17
by this subsection shall apply to sales or exchanges 18
after December 31, 2017. 19
(b) B
.— 22
(1) I
.—Section 961 is amended by 23
adding at the end the following new subsection: 24
‘‘(d) B
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.— 1
If a domestic corporation received a dividend from a speci-2
fied 10-percent owned foreign corporation (as defined in 3
section 245A) in any taxable year, solely for purposes of 4
determining loss on any disposition of stock of such for-5
eign corporation in such taxable year or any subsequent 6
taxable year, the basis of such domestic corporation in 7
such stock shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the 8
amount of any deduction allowable to such domestic cor-9
poration under section 245A with respect to such stock 10
except to the extent such basis was reduced under section 11
1059 by reason of a dividend for which such a deduction 12
was allowable.’’. 13
(2) E
.—The amendments made 14
by this subsection shall apply to distributions made 15
after December 31, 2017. 16
(c) S
CFC.— 17
(1) I
.—Section 964(e) is amended 18
by adding at the end the following new paragraph: 19
‘‘(4) C
.— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—If, for any taxable 22
year of a controlled foreign corporation begin-23
ning after December 31, 2017, any amount is 24
treated as a dividend under paragraph (1) by 25
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reason of a sale or exchange by the controlled 1
foreign corporation of stock in another foreign 2
corporation held for 1 year or more, then, not-3
withstanding any other provision of this title— 4
‘‘(i) the foreign-source portion of such 5
dividend shall be treated for purposes of 6
section 951(a)(1)(A) as subpart F income 7
of the selling controlled foreign corporation 8
for such taxable year, 9
‘‘(ii) a United States shareholder with 10
respect to the selling controlled foreign cor-11
poration shall include in gross income for 12
the taxable year of the shareholder with or 13
within which such taxable year of the con-14
trolled foreign corporation ends an amount 15
equal to the shareholder’s pro rata share 16
(determined in the same manner as under 17
section 951(a)(2)) of the amount treated 18
as subpart F income under clause (i), and 19
‘‘(iii) the deduction under section 20
245A(a) shall be allowable to the United 21
States shareholder with respect to the sub-22
part F income included in gross income 23
under clause (ii) in the same manner as if 24
such subpart F income were a dividend re-25
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ceived by the shareholder from the selling 1
controlled foreign corporation. 2
‘‘(B) A
.—For purposes of this title, in 4
the case of a sale or exchange by a controlled 5
foreign corporation of stock in another foreign 6
corporation in a taxable year of the selling con-7
trolled foreign corporation beginning after De-8
cember 31, 2017, rules similar to the rules of 9
section 961(d) shall apply. 10
‘‘(C) F
.—For 11
purposes of this paragraph, the foreign-source 12
portion of any amount treated as a dividend 13
under paragraph (1) shall be determined in the 14
same manner as under section 245A(c).’’. 15
(2) E
.—The amendments made 16
by this subsection shall apply to sales or exchanges 17
after December 31, 2017. 18
(d) T
.— 21
(1) I
.—Part II of subchapter B of 22
chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the fol-23
lowing new section: 24
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‘‘(a) I
.—If a domestic corporation trans-4
fers substantially all of the assets of a foreign branch 5
(within the meaning of section 367(a)(3)(C), as in effect 6
before the date of the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs 7
Act) to a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation 8
(as defined in section 245A) with respect to which it is 9
a United States shareholder after such transfer, such do-10
mestic corporation shall include in gross income for the 11
taxable year which includes such transfer an amount equal 12
to the transferred loss amount with respect to such trans-13
fer. 14
‘‘(b) T
.—For purposes 15
of this section, the term ‘transferred loss amount’ means, 16
with respect to any transfer of substantially all of the as-17
sets of a foreign branch, the excess (if any) of— 18
‘‘(1) the sum of losses— 19
‘‘(A) which were incurred by the foreign 20
branch after December 31, 2017, and before 21
the transfer, and 22
‘‘(B) with respect to which a deduction was 23
allowed to the taxpayer, over 24
‘‘(2) the sum of— 25
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‘‘(A) any taxable income of such branch 1
for a taxable year after the taxable year in 2
which the loss was incurred and through the 3
close of the taxable year of the transfer, and 4
‘‘(B) any amount which is recognized 5
under section 904(f)(3) on account of the trans-6
fer. 7
‘‘(c) R
.—The 8
transferred loss amount shall be reduced (but not below 9
zero) by the amount of gain recognized by the taxpayer 10
on account of the transfer (other than amounts taken into 11
account under subsection (b)(2)(B)). 12
‘‘(d) S
.—Amounts included in 13
gross income under this section shall be treated as derived 14
from sources within the United States. 15
‘‘(e) B
.—Consistent with such 16
regulations or other guidance as the Secretary shall pre-17
scribe, proper adjustments shall be made in the adjusted 18
basis of the taxpayer’s stock in the specified 10-percent 19
owned foreign corporation to which the transfer is made, 20
and in the transferee’s adjusted basis in the property 21
transferred, to reflect amounts included in gross income 22
under this section.’’. 23
(2) C
.—The table of sec-24
tions for part II of subchapter B of chapter 1 is 25
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amended by adding at the end the following new 1
item: 2
‘‘Sec. 91. Certain foreign branch losses transferred to specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporations.’’.
(3) E
.—The amendments made 3
by this subsection shall apply to transfers after De-4
cember 31, 2017. 5
(4) T
.—The amount of gain 6
taken into account under section 91(c) of the Inter-7
nal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by this sub-8
section, shall be reduced by the amount of gain 9
which would be recognized under section 10
367(a)(3)(C) (determined without regard to the 11
amendments made by subsection (e)) with respect to 12
losses incurred before January 1, 2018. 13
(e) R
367.— 15
(1) I
.—Section 367(a) is amended 16
by striking paragraph (3) and redesignating para-17
graphs (4), (5), and (6) as paragraphs (3), (4), and 18
(5), respectively. 19
(2) C
.—Section 20
367(a)(4), as redesignated by paragraph (1), is 21
amended— 22
(A) by striking ‘‘Paragraphs (2) and (3)’’ 23
and inserting ‘‘Paragraph (2)’’, and 24
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(B) by striking ‘‘P
’’ 1
in the heading and inserting ‘‘P
’’. 2
(3) E
.—The amendments made 3
by this subsection shall apply to transfers after De-4
cember 31, 2017. 5
(a) I
.—Section 965 is amended to read 9
as follows: 10
‘‘(a) T
.—In the case of the last taxable 15
year of a deferred foreign income corporation which begins 16
before January 1, 2018, the subpart F income of such 17
foreign corporation (as otherwise determined for such tax-18
able year under section 952) shall be increased by the 19
greater of— 20
‘‘(1) the accumulated post-1986 deferred for-21
eign income of such corporation determined as of 22
November 2, 2017, or 23
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‘‘(2) the accumulated post-1986 deferred for-1
eign income of such corporation determined as of 2
December 31, 2017. 3
‘‘(b) R
.— 7
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a taxpayer 8
which is a United States shareholder with respect to 9
at least one deferred foreign income corporation and 10
at least one E&P deficit foreign corporation, the 11
amount which would (but for this subsection) be 12
taken into account under section 951(a)(1) by rea-13
son of subsection (a) as such United States share-14
holder’s pro rata share of the subpart F income of 15
each deferred foreign income corporation shall be re-16
duced by the amount of such United States share-17
holder’s aggregate foreign E&P deficit which is allo-18
cated under paragraph (2) to such deferred foreign 19
income corporation. 20
‘‘(2) A
.—The aggregate foreign E&P deficit of any 22
United States shareholder shall be allocated among 23
the deferred foreign income corporations of such 24
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United States shareholder in an amount which bears 1
the same proportion to such aggregate as— 2
‘‘(A) such United States shareholder’s pro 3
rata share of the accumulated post-1986 de-4
ferred foreign income of each such deferred for-5
eign income corporation, bears to 6
‘‘(B) the aggregate of such United States 7
shareholder’s pro rata share of the accumulated 8
post-1986 deferred foreign income of all de-9
ferred foreign income corporations of such 10
United States shareholder. 11
‘‘(3) D
.—For purposes of this subsection— 13
‘‘(A) A
.— 15
‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘aggre-16
gate foreign E&P deficit’ means, with re-17
spect to any United States shareholder, the 18
lesser of— 19
‘‘(I) the aggregate of such share-20
holder’s pro rata shares of the speci-21
fied E&P deficits of the E&P deficit 22
foreign corporations of such share-23
holder, or 24
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‘‘(II) the amount determined 1
under paragraph (2)(B). 2
‘‘(ii) A
.—If 3
the amount described in clause (i)(II) is 4
less than the amount described in clause 5
(i)(I), then the shareholder shall designate, 6
in such form and manner as the Secretary 7
determines— 8
‘‘(I) the amount of the specified 9
E&P deficit which is to be taken into 10
account for each E&P deficit corpora-11
tion with respect to the taxpayer, and 12
‘‘(II) in the case of an E&P def-13
icit corporation which has a qualified 14
deficit (as defined in section 952), the 15
portion (if any) of the deficit taken 16
into account under subclause (I) 17
which is attributable to a qualified 18
deficit, including the qualified activi-19
ties to which such portion is attrib-20
utable. 21
‘‘(B) E&P
.—The term ‘E&P deficit foreign corpora-23
tion’ means, with respect to any taxpayer, any 24
specified foreign corporation with respect to 25
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which such taxpayer is a United States share-1
holder, if, as of November 2, 2017— 2
‘‘(i) such specified foreign corporation 3
has a deficit in post-1986 earnings and 4
profits, 5
‘‘(ii) such corporation was a specified 6
foreign corporation, and 7
‘‘(iii) such taxpayer was a United 8
States shareholder of such corporation. 9
‘‘(C) S
.—The term 10
‘specified E&P deficit’ means, with respect to 11
any E&P deficit foreign corporation, the 12
amount of the deficit referred to in subpara-13
graph (B). 14
‘‘(4) T
.— 16
‘‘(A) R
.—For purposes of apply-19
ing section 959 in any taxable year beginning 20
with the taxable year described in subsection 21
(a), with respect to any United States share-22
holder of a deferred foreign income corporation, 23
an amount equal to such shareholder’s reduc-24
tion under paragraph (1) which is allocated to 25
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such deferred foreign income corporation under 1
this subsection shall be treated as an amount 2
which was included in the gross income of such 3
United States shareholder under section 951(a). 4
‘‘(B) E&P
.—For purposes of 5
this title, with respect to any taxable year be-6
ginning with the taxable year described in sub-7
section (a), a United States shareholder’s pro 8
rata share of the earnings and profits of any 9
E&P deficit foreign corporation under this sub-10
section shall be increased by the amount of the 11
specified E&P deficit of such corporation taken 12
into account by such shareholder under para-13
graph (1), and, for purposes of section 952, 14
such increase shall be attributable to the same 15
activity to which the deficit so taken into ac-16
count was attributable. 17
‘‘(5) N
.— 19
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any af-20
filiated group which includes at least one E&P 21
net surplus shareholder and one E&P net def-22
icit shareholder, the amount which would (but 23
for this paragraph) be taken into account under 24
section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection (a) by 25
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each such E&P net surplus shareholder shall be 1
reduced (but not below zero) by such share-2
holder’s applicable share of the affiliated 3
group’s aggregate unused E&P deficit. 4
‘‘(B) E&P
.—For purposes of this paragraph, the 6
term ‘E&P net surplus shareholder’ means any 7
United States shareholder which would (deter-8
mined without regard to this paragraph) take 9
into account an amount greater than zero 10
under section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection 11
(a). 12
‘‘(C) E&P
.— 13
For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘E&P 14
net deficit shareholder’ means any United 15
States shareholder if— 16
‘‘(i) the aggregate foreign E&P deficit 17
with respect to such shareholder (as de-18
fined in paragraph (3)(A) without regard 19
to clause (i)(II) thereof), exceeds 20
‘‘(ii) the amount which would (but for 21
this subsection) be taken into account by 22
such shareholder under section 951(a)(1) 23
by reason of subsection (a). 24
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‘‘(D) A
.— 1
For purposes of this paragraph— 2
‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘aggre-3
gate unused E&P deficit’ means, with re-4
spect to any affiliated group, the lesser 5
of— 6
‘‘(I) the sum of the excesses de-7
scribed in subparagraph (C), deter-8
mined with respect to each E&P net 9
deficit shareholder in such group, or 10
‘‘(II) the amount determined 11
under subparagraph (E)(ii). 12
‘‘(ii) R
.—If the group ownership per-16
centage of any E&P net deficit shareholder 17
is less than 100 percent, the amount of the 18
excess described in subparagraph (C) 19
which is taken into account under clause 20
(i)(I) with respect to such E&P net deficit 21
shareholder shall be such group ownership 22
percentage of such amount. 23
‘‘(E) A
.—For purposes 24
of this paragraph, the term ‘applicable share’ 25
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means, with respect to any E&P net surplus 1
shareholder in any affiliated group, the amount 2
which bears the same proportion to such 3
group’s aggregate unused E&P deficit as— 4
‘‘(i) the product of— 5
‘‘(I) such shareholder’s group 6
ownership percentage, multiplied by 7
‘‘(II) the amount which would 8
(but for this paragraph) be taken into 9
account under section 951(a)(1) by 10
reason of subsection (a) by such 11
shareholder, bears to 12
‘‘(ii) the aggregate amount deter-13
mined under clause (i) with respect to all 14
E&P net surplus shareholders in such 15
group. 16
‘‘(F) G
.— 17
For purposes of this paragraph, the term 18
‘group ownership percentage’ means, with re-19
spect to any United States shareholder in any 20
affiliated group, the percentage of the value of 21
the stock of such United States shareholder 22
which is held by other includible corporations in 23
such affiliated group. Notwithstanding the pre-24
ceding sentence, the group ownership percent-25
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age of the common parent of the affiliated 1
group is 100 percent. Any term used in this 2
subparagraph which is also used in section 3
1504 shall have the same meaning as when 4
used in such section. 5
‘‘(c) A
.— 7
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a United 8
States shareholder of a deferred foreign income cor-9
poration, there shall be allowed as a deduction for 10
the taxable year in which an amount is included in 11
the gross income of such United States shareholder 12
under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section an 13
amount equal to the sum of— 14
‘‘(A) the United States shareholder’s 8 15
percent rate equivalent percentage of the excess 16
(if any) of— 17
‘‘(i) the amount so included as gross 18
income, over 19
‘‘(ii) the amount of such United 20
States shareholder’s aggregate foreign cash 21
position, plus 22
‘‘(B) the United States shareholder’s 15.5 23
percent rate equivalent percentage of so much 24
of the amount described in subparagraph (A)(ii) 25
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as does not exceed the amount described in sub-1
paragraph (A)(i). 2
‘‘(2) 8
AND 15
.—For purposes of this subsection— 4
‘‘(A) 8
.—The term ‘8 percent rate equivalent 6
percentage’ means, with respect to any United 7
States shareholder for any taxable year, the 8
percentage which would result in the amount to 9
which such percentage applies being subject to 10
a 8 percent rate of tax determined by only tak-11
ing into account a deduction equal to such per-12
centage of such amount and the highest rate of 13
tax specified in section 11 for such taxable 14
year. In the case of any taxable year of a 15
United States shareholder to which section 15 16
applies, the highest rate of tax under section 11 17
before the effective date of the change in rates 18
and the highest rate of tax under section 11 19
after the effective date of such change shall 20
each be taken into account under the preceding 21
sentence in the same proportions as the portion 22
of such taxable year which is before and after 23
such effective date, respectively. 24
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‘‘(B) 15.5
.—The term ‘15.5 percent rate 2
equivalent percentage’ means, with respect to 3
any United States shareholder for any taxable 4
year, the percentage determined under subpara-5
graph (A) applied by substituting ‘15.5 percent 6
rate of tax’ for ‘8 percent rate of tax’. 7
‘‘(3) A
.— 8
For purposes of this subsection— 9
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘aggregate 10
foreign cash position’ means, with respect to 11
any United States shareholder, the greater of— 12
‘‘(i) the aggregate of such United 13
States shareholder’s pro rata share of the 14
cash position of each specified foreign cor-15
poration of such United States shareholder 16
determined as of the close of the last tax-17
able year of such specified foreign corpora-18
tion which begins before January 1, 2018, 19
or 20
‘‘(ii) one half of the sum of— 21
‘‘(I) the aggregate described in 22
clause (i) determined as of the close of 23
the last taxable year of each such 24
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specified foreign corporation which 1
ends before November 2, 2017, plus 2
‘‘(II) the aggregate described in 3
clause (i) determined as of the close of 4
the taxable year of each such specified 5
foreign corporation which precedes the 6
taxable year referred to in subclause 7
(I). 8
‘‘(B) C
.—For purposes of 9
this paragraph, the cash position of any speci-10
fied foreign corporation is the sum of— 11
‘‘(i) cash held by such foreign cor-12
poration, 13
‘‘(ii) the net accounts receivable of 14
such foreign corporation, plus 15
‘‘(iii) the fair market value of the fol-16
lowing assets held by such corporation: 17
‘‘(I) Personal property which is 18
of a type that is actively traded and 19
for which there is an established fi-20
nancial market. 21
‘‘(II) Commercial paper, certifi-22
cates of deposit, the securities of the 23
Federal government and of any State 24
or foreign government. 25
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‘‘(III) Any foreign currency. 1
‘‘(IV) Any obligation with a term 2
of less than one year. 3
‘‘(V) Any asset which the Sec-4
retary identifies as being economically 5
equivalent to any asset described in 6
this subparagraph. 7
‘‘(C) N
.—For 8
purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘net ac-9
counts receivable’ means, with respect to any 10
specified foreign corporation, the excess (if any) 11
of— 12
‘‘(i) such corporation’s accounts re-13
ceivable, over 14
‘‘(ii) such corporation’s accounts pay-15
able (determined consistent with the rules 16
of section 461). 17
‘‘(D) P
.—Cash positions of a specified foreign cor-19
poration described in clause (ii), (iii)(I), or 20
(iii)(IV) of subparagraph (B) shall not be taken 21
into account by a United States shareholder 22
under subparagraph (A) to the extent that such 23
United States shareholder demonstrates to the 24
satisfaction of the Secretary that such amount 25
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is so taken into account by such United States 1
shareholder with respect to another specified 2
foreign corporation. 3
‘‘(E) C
- 4
.— 5
An entity (other than a corporation) shall be 6
treated as a specified foreign corporation of a 7
United States shareholder for purposes of de-8
termining such United States shareholder’s ag-9
gregate foreign cash position if any interest in 10
such entity is held by a specified foreign cor-11
poration of such United States shareholder (de-12
termined after application of this subpara-13
graph) and such entity would be a specified for-14
eign corporation of such United States share-15
holder if such entity were a foreign corporation. 16
‘‘(F) A
.—If the Secretary deter-17
mines that a principal purpose of any trans-18
action was to reduce the aggregate foreign cash 19
position taken into account under this sub-20
section, such transaction shall be disregarded 21
for purposes of this subsection. 22
‘‘(d) D
; 23
-1986 D
.—For purposes of this section— 25
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‘‘(1) D
.—The term ‘deferred foreign income corpora-2
tion’ means, with respect to any United States 3
shareholder, any specified foreign corporation of 4
such United States shareholder which has accumu-5
lated post-1986 deferred foreign income (as of the 6
date referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) of sub-7
section (a)) greater than zero. 8
‘‘(2) A
.—The term ‘accumulated post-1986 10
deferred foreign income’ means the post-1986 earn-11
ings and profits except to the extent such earnings— 12
‘‘(A) are attributable to income of the 13
specified foreign corporation which is effectively 14
connected with the conduct of a trade or busi-15
ness within the United States and subject to 16
tax under this chapter, or 17
‘‘(B) in the case of a controlled foreign 18
corporation, if distributed, would be excluded 19
from the gross income of a United States share-20
holder under section 959. 21
To the extent provided in regulations or other guid-22
ance prescribed by the Secretary, in the case of any 23
controlled foreign corporation which has share-24
holders which are not United States shareholders, 25
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accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income shall 1
be appropriately reduced by amounts which would be 2
described in subparagraph (B) if such shareholders 3
were United States shareholders. 4
‘‘(3) P
.—The 5
term ‘post-1986 earnings and profits’ means the 6
earnings and profits of the foreign corporation (com-7
puted in accordance with sections 964(a) and 986, 8
and by only taking into account periods when the 9
foreign corporation was a specified foreign corpora-10
tion) accumulated in taxable years beginning after 11
December 31, 1986, and determined— 12
‘‘(A) as of the date referred to in para-13
graph (1) or (2) of subsection (a), whichever is 14
applicable with respect to such foreign corpora-15
tion, and 16
‘‘(B) without diminution by reason of divi-17
dends distributed during the taxable year de-18
scribed in subsection (a) other than dividends 19
distributed to another specified foreign corpora-20
tion. 21
‘‘(e) S
.— 22
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of this sec-23
tion, the term ‘specified foreign corporation’ 24
means— 25
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‘‘(A) any controlled foreign corporation, 1
and 2
‘‘(B) any foreign corporation with respect 3
to which one or more domestic corporations is 4
a United States shareholder. 5
‘‘(2) A
.—For purposes of sections 951 and 961, 7
a foreign corporation described in paragraph (1)(B) 8
shall be treated as a controlled foreign corporation 9
solely for purposes of taking into account the sub-10
part F income of such corporation under subsection 11
(a) (and for purposes of applying subsection (f)). 12
‘‘(3) E
.—Such term shall not include any 14
corporation which is a passive foreign investment 15
company (as defined in section 1297) with respect to 16
the shareholder and which is not a controlled foreign 17
corporation. 18
‘‘(f) D
.— 19
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of this sec-20
tion, the determination of any United States share-21
holder’s pro rata share of any amount with respect 22
to any specified foreign corporation shall be deter-23
mined under rules similar to the rules of section 24
951(a)(2) by treating such amount in the same 25
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manner as subpart F income (and by treating such 1
specified foreign corporation as a controlled foreign 2
corporation). 3
‘‘(2) S
.—The portion which is in-4
cluded in the income of a United States shareholder 5
under section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection (a) 6
which is equal to the deduction allowed under sub-7
section (c) by reason of such inclusion— 8
‘‘(A) shall be treated as income exempt 9
from tax for purposes of sections 705(a)(1)(B) 10
and 1367(a)(1)(A), and 11
‘‘(B) shall not be treated as income exempt 12
from tax for purposes of determining whether 13
an adjustment shall be made to an accumulated 14
adjustment account under section 15
1368(e)(1)(A). 16
‘‘(g) D
, 17
.— 18
‘‘(1) I
.—No credit shall be allowed 19
under section 901 for the applicable percentage of 20
any taxes paid or accrued (or treated as paid or ac-21
crued) with respect to any amount for which a de-22
duction is allowed under this section. 23
‘‘(2) A
.—For purposes 24
of this subsection, the term ‘applicable percentage’ 25
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means the amount (expressed as a percentage) equal 1
to the sum of— 2
‘‘(A) 0.771 multiplied by the ratio of— 3
‘‘(i) the excess to which subsection 4
(c)(1)(A) applies, divided by 5
‘‘(ii) the sum of such excess plus the 6
amount to which subsection (c)(1)(B) ap-7
plies, plus 8
‘‘(B) 0.557 multiplied by the ratio of— 9
‘‘(i) the amount to which subsection 10
(c)(1)(B) applies, divided by 11
‘‘(ii) the sum described in subpara-12
graph (A)(ii). 13
‘‘(3) D
.—No deduction 14
shall be allowed under this chapter for any tax for 15
which credit is not allowable under section 901 by 16
reason of paragraph (1) (determined by treating the 17
taxpayer as having elected the benefits of subpart A 18
of part III of subchapter N). 19
‘‘(4) C
.—With 20
respect to the taxes treated as paid or accrued by a 21
domestic corporation with respect to amounts which 22
are includible in gross income of such domestic cor-23
poration by reason of this section, section 78 shall 24
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apply only to so much of such taxes as bears the 1
same proportion to the amount of such taxes as— 2
‘‘(A) the excess of— 3
‘‘(i) the amounts which are includible 4
in gross income of such domestic corpora-5
tion by reason of this section, over 6
‘‘(ii) the deduction allowable under 7
subsection (c) with respect to such 8
amounts, bears to 9
‘‘(B) such amounts. 10
‘‘(h) E
.— 12
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a United 13
States shareholder of a deferred foreign income cor-14
poration, such United States shareholder may elect 15
to pay the net tax liability under this section in 8 16
installments of the following amounts: 17
‘‘(A) 8 percent of the net tax liability in 18
the case of each of the first 5 of such install-19
ments, 20
‘‘(B) 15 percent of the net tax liability in 21
the case of the 6th such installment, 22
‘‘(C) 20 percent of the net tax liability in 23
the case of the 7th such installment, and 24
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‘‘(D) 25 percent of the net tax liability in 1
the case of the 8th such installment. 2
‘‘(2) D
.— 3
If an election is made under paragraph (1), the first 4
installment shall be paid on the due date (deter-5
mined without regard to any extension of time for 6
filing the return) for the return of tax for the tax-7
able year described in subsection (a) and each suc-8
ceeding installment shall be paid on the due date (as 9
so determined) for the return of tax for the taxable 10
year following the taxable year with respect to which 11
the preceding installment was made. 12
‘‘(3) A
.—If there is 13
an addition to tax for failure to timely pay any in-14
stallment required under this subsection, a liquida-15
tion or sale of substantially all the assets of the tax-16
payer (including in a title 11 or similar case), a ces-17
sation of business by the taxpayer, or any similar 18
circumstance, then the unpaid portion of all remain-19
ing installments shall be due on the date of such 20
event (or in the case of a title 11 or similar case, 21
the day before the petition is filed). The preceding 22
sentence shall not apply to the sale of substantially 23
all the assets of a taxpayer to a buyer if such buyer 24
enters into an agreement with the Secretary under 25
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which such buyer is liable for the remaining install-1
ments due under this subsection in the same manner 2
as if such buyer were the taxpayer. 3
‘‘(4) P
.—If an election is made under paragraph (1) 5
to pay the net tax liability under this section in in-6
stallments and a deficiency has been assessed with 7
respect to such net tax liability, the deficiency shall 8
be prorated to the installments payable under para-9
graph (1). The part of the deficiency so prorated to 10
any installment the date for payment of which has 11
not arrived shall be collected at the same time as, 12
and as a part of, such installment. The part of the 13
deficiency so prorated to any installment the date 14
for payment of which has arrived shall be paid upon 15
notice and demand from the Secretary. This sub-16
section shall not apply if the deficiency is due to 17
negligence, to intentional disregard of rules and reg-18
ulations, or to fraud with intent to evade tax. 19
‘‘(5) E
.—Any election under paragraph 20
(1) shall be made not later than the due date for the 21
return of tax for the taxable year described in sub-22
section (a) and shall be made in such manner as the 23
Secretary shall provide. 24
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‘‘(6) N
.—For purposes of this subsection— 2
‘‘(A) I
.—The net tax liability 3
under this section with respect to any United 4
States shareholder is the excess (if any) of— 5
‘‘(i) such taxpayer’s net income tax 6
for the taxable year in which an amount is 7
included in the gross income of such 8
United States shareholder under section 9
951(a)(1) by reason of this section, over 10
‘‘(ii) such taxpayer’s net income tax 11
for such taxable year determined— 12
‘‘(I) without regard to this sec-13
tion, and 14
‘‘(II) without regard to any in-15
come or deduction properly attrib-16
utable to a dividend received by such 17
United States shareholder from any 18
deferred foreign income corporation. 19
‘‘(B) N
.—The term ‘net 20
income tax’ means the regular tax liability re-21
duced by the credits allowed under subparts A, 22
B, and D of part IV of subchapter A. 23
‘‘(i) S
.— 25
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‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of any S cor-1
poration which is a United States shareholder of a 2
deferred foreign income corporation, each share-3
holder of such S corporation may elect to defer pay-4
ment of such shareholder’s net tax liability under 5
this section with respect to such S corporation until 6
the shareholder’s taxable year which includes the 7
triggering event with respect to such liability. Any 8
net tax liability payment of which is deferred under 9
the preceding sentence shall be assessed on the re-10
turn of tax as an addition to tax in the shareholder’s 11
taxable year which includes such triggering event. 12
‘‘(2) T
.— 13
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of any 14
shareholder’s net tax liability under this section 15
with respect to any S corporation, the trig-16
gering event with respect to such liability is 17
whichever of the following occurs first: 18
‘‘(i) Such corporation ceases to be an 19
S corporation (determined as of the first 20
day of the first taxable year that such cor-21
poration is not an S corporation). 22
‘‘(ii) A liquidation or sale of substan-23
tially all the assets of such S corporation 24
(including in a title 11 or similar case), a 25
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cessation of business by such S corpora-1
tion, such S corporation ceases to exist, or 2
any similar circumstance. 3
‘‘(iii) A transfer of any share of stock 4
in such S corporation by the taxpayer (in-5
cluding by reason of death, or otherwise). 6
‘‘(B) P
.—In 7
the case of a transfer of less than all of the tax-8
payer’s shares of stock in the S corporation, 9
such transfer shall only be a triggering event 10
with respect to so much of the taxpayer’s net 11
tax liability under this section with respect to 12
such S corporation as is properly allocable to 13
such stock. 14
‘‘(C) T
.—A trans-15
fer described in clause (iii) of subparagraph (A) 16
shall not be treated as a triggering event if the 17
transferee enters into an agreement with the 18
Secretary under which such transferee is liable 19
for net tax liability with respect to such stock 20
in the same manner as if such transferee were 21
the taxpayer. 22
‘‘(3) N
.—A shareholder’s net 23
tax liability under this section with respect to any S 24
corporation is the net tax liability under this section 25
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which would be determined under subsection (h)(6) 1
if the only subpart F income taken into account by 2
such shareholder by reason of this section were allo-3
cations from such S corporation. 4
‘‘(4) E
.—In the case of a taxpayer which 6
elects to defer payment under paragraph (1)— 7
‘‘(A) subsection (h) shall be applied sepa-8
rately with respect to the liability to which such 9
election applies, 10
‘‘(B) an election under subsection (h) with 11
respect to such liability shall be treated as time-12
ly made if made not later than the due date for 13
the return of tax for the taxable year in which 14
the triggering event with respect to such liabil-15
ity occurs, 16
‘‘(C) the first installment under subsection 17
(h) with respect to such liability shall be paid 18
not later than such due date (but determined 19
without regard to any extension of time for fil-20
ing the return), and 21
‘‘(D) if the triggering event with respect to 22
any net tax liability is described in paragraph 23
(2)(A)(ii), an election under subsection (h) with 24
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respect to such liability may be made only with 1
the consent of the Secretary. 2
‘‘(5) J
.—If any shareholder of an S corporation 4
elects to defer payment under paragraph (1), such 5
S corporation shall be jointly and severally liable for 6
such payment and any penalty, addition to tax, or 7
additional amount attributable thereto. 8
‘‘(6) E
.—Any limitation on the time period for the col-10
lection of a liability deferred under this subsection 11
shall not be treated as beginning before the date of 12
the triggering event with respect to such liability. 13
‘‘(7) A
.— 15
‘‘(A) I
.—Any shareholder of an 16
S corporation which makes an election under 17
paragraph (1) shall report the amount of such 18
shareholder’s deferred net tax liability on such 19
shareholder’s return of tax for the taxable year 20
for which such election is made and on the re-21
turn of tax for each taxable year thereafter 22
until such amount has been fully assessed on 23
such returns. 24
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‘‘(B) D
.— 1
For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘de-2
ferred net tax liability’ means, with respect to 3
any taxable year, the amount of net tax liability 4
payment of which has been deferred under 5
paragraph (1) and which has not been assessed 6
on a return of tax for any prior taxable year. 7
‘‘(C) F
.—In the case of 8
any failure to report any amount required to be 9
reported under subparagraph (A) with respect 10
to any taxable year before the due date for the 11
return of tax for such taxable year, there shall 12
be assessed on such return as an addition to 13
tax 5 percent of such amount. 14
‘‘(8) E
.—Any election under paragraph 15
(1)— 16
‘‘(A) shall be made by the shareholder of 17
the S corporation not later than the due date 18
for such shareholder’s return of tax for the tax-19
able year which includes the close of the taxable 20
year of such S corporation in which the amount 21
described in subsection (a) is taken into ac-22
count, and 23
‘‘(B) shall be made in such manner as the 24
Secretary shall provide. 25
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‘‘(j) R
.—Each S cor-1
poration which is a United States shareholder of a speci-2
fied foreign corporation shall report in its return of tax 3
under section 6037(a) the amount includible in its gross 4
income for such taxable year by reason of this section and 5
the amount of the deduction allowable by subsection (c). 6
Any copy provided to a shareholder under section 6037(b) 7
shall include a statement of such shareholder’s pro rata 8
share of such amounts. 9
‘‘(k) E
.— 10
Notwithstanding section 6501, the limitation on the time 11
period for the assessment of the net tax liability under 12
this section (as defined in subsection (h)(6)) shall not ex-13
pire before the date that is 6 years after the return for 14
the taxable year described in such subsection was filed. 15
‘‘(l) R
.— 16
‘‘(1) I
.—If a deduction is allowed 17
under subsection (c) to a United States shareholder 18
and such shareholder first becomes an expatriated 19
entity at any time during the 10-year period begin-20
ning on the date of the enactment of the Tax Cuts 21
and Jobs Act (with respect to a surrogate foreign 22
corporation which first becomes a surrogate foreign 23
corporation during such period), then— 24
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‘‘(A) the tax imposed by this chapter shall 1
be increased for the first taxable year in which 2
such taxpayer becomes an expatriated entity by 3
an amount equal to 35 percent of the amount 4
of the deduction allowed under subsection (c), 5
and 6
‘‘(B) no credits shall be allowed against 7
the increase in tax under subparagraph (A). 8
‘‘(2) E
.—For purposes of 9
this subsection, the term ‘expatriated entity’ has the 10
same meaning given such term under section 11
7874(a)(2), except that such term shall not include 12
an entity if the surrogate foreign corporation with 13
respect to the entity is treated as a domestic cor-14
poration under section 7874(b). 15
‘‘(3) S
.—For 16
purposes of this subsection, the term ‘surrogate for-17
eign corporation’ has the meaning given such term 18
in section 7874(a)(2)(B). 19
‘‘(m) S
.— 22
‘‘(1) I
.—If a real estate investment 23
trust is a United States shareholder in 1 or more de-24
ferred foreign income corporations— 25
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‘‘(A) any amount required to be taken into 1
account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of 2
this section shall not be taken into account as 3
gross income of the real estate investment trust 4
for purposes of applying paragraphs (2) and (3) 5
of section 856(c) to any taxable year for which 6
such amount is taken into account under sec-7
tion 951(a)(1), and 8
‘‘(B) if the real estate investment trust 9
elects the application of this subparagraph, not-10
withstanding subsection (a), any amount re-11
quired to be taken into account under section 12
951(a)(1) by reason of this section shall, in lieu 13
of the taxable year in which it would otherwise 14
be included in gross income (for purposes of the 15
computation of real estate investment trust tax-16
able income under section 857(b)), be included 17
in gross income as follows: 18
‘‘(i) 8 percent of such amount in the 19
case of each of the taxable years in the 5- 20
taxable year period beginning with the tax-21
able year in which such amount would oth-22
erwise be included. 23
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‘‘(ii) 15 percent of such amount in the 1
case of the 1st taxable year following such 2
period. 3
‘‘(iii) 20 percent of such amount in 4
the case of the 2nd taxable year following 5
such period. 6
‘‘(iv) 25 percent of such amount in 7
the case of the 3rd taxable year following 8
such period. 9
‘‘(2) R
.— 11
‘‘(A) E
.—Any election under 12
paragraph (1)(B) shall be made not later than 13
the due date for the first taxable year in the 5- 14
taxable year period described in clause (i) of 15
paragraph (1)(B) and shall be made in such 16
manner as the Secretary shall provide. 17
‘‘(B) S
.—If an election 18
under paragraph (1)(B) is in effect with respect 19
to any real estate investment trust, the fol-20
lowing rules shall apply: 21
‘‘(i) A
.—For purposes of subsection 23
(c)(1)— 24
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‘‘(I) the aggregate amount to 1
which subparagraph (A) or (B) of 2
subsection (c)(1) applies shall be de-3
termined without regard to the elec-4
tion, 5
‘‘(II) each such aggregate 6
amount shall be allocated to each tax-7
able year described in paragraph 8
(1)(B) in the same proportion as the 9
amount included in the gross income 10
of such United States shareholder 11
under section 951(a)(1) by reason of 12
this section is allocated to each such 13
taxable year. 14
‘‘(III) N
.—The real estate investment 16
trust may not make an election under 17
subsection (g) for any taxable year de-18
scribed in paragraph (1)(B). 19
‘‘(ii) A
.— 20
If there is a liquidation or sale of substan-21
tially all the assets of the real estate in-22
vestment trust (including in a title 11 or 23
similar case), a cessation of business by 24
such trust, or any similar circumstance, 25
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then any amount not yet included in gross 1
income under paragraph (1)(B) shall be in-2
cluded in gross income as of the day before 3
the date of the event and the unpaid por-4
tion of any tax liability with respect to 5
such inclusion shall be due on the date of 6
such event (or in the case of a title 11 or 7
similar case, the day before the petition is 8
filed). 9
‘‘(n) E
.— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—If a United States share-12
holder of a deferred foreign income corporation 13
elects the application of this subsection for the tax-14
able year described in subsection (a), then the 15
amount described in paragraph (2) shall not be 16
taken into account— 17
‘‘(A) in determining the amount of the net 18
operating loss deduction under section 172 of 19
such shareholder for such taxable year, or 20
‘‘(B) in determining the amount of taxable 21
income for such taxable year which may be re-22
duced by net operating loss carryovers or 23
carrybacks to such taxable year under section 24
172. 25
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‘‘(2) A
.—The amount de-1
scribed in this paragraph is the sum of— 2
‘‘(A) the amount required to be taken into 3
account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of 4
this section (determined after the application of 5
subsection (c)), plus 6
‘‘(B) in the case of a domestic corporation 7
which chooses to have the benefits of subpart A 8
of part III of subchapter N for the taxable 9
year, the taxes deemed to be paid by such cor-10
poration under subsections (a) and (b) of sec-11
tion 960 for such taxable year with respect to 12
the amount described in subparagraph (A) 13
which are treated as a dividends under section 14
78. 15
‘‘(3) E
.—Any election under this sub-16
section shall be made not later than the due date 17
(including extensions) for filing the return of tax for 18
the taxable year and shall be made in such manner 19
as the Secretary shall prescribe. 20
‘‘(o) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 21
such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary 22
or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, 23
including— 24
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‘‘(1) regulations or other guidance to provide 1
appropriate basis adjustments, and 2
‘‘(2) regulations or other guidance to prevent 3
the avoidance of the purposes of this section, includ-4
ing through a reduction in earnings and profits, 5
through changes in entity classification or account-6
ing methods, or otherwise.’’. 7
(b) C
.—The table of sections 8
for subpart F of part III of subchapter N of chapter 1 9
is amended by striking the item relating to section 965 10
and inserting the following: 11
‘‘Sec. 965. Treatment of deferred foreign income upon transition to participa-
tion exemption system of taxation.’’.
Subpart B—Rules Related to Passive and Mobile 12
Income 13
(a) I
.—Subpart F of part III of sub-21
chapter N of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after sec-22
tion 951 the following new section: 23
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‘‘(a) I
.—Each person who is a United 4
States shareholder of any controlled foreign corporation 5
for any taxable year of such United States shareholder 6
shall include in gross income such shareholder’s global in-7
tangible low-taxed income for such taxable year. 8
‘‘(b) G
.— 9
For purposes of this section— 10
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘global intangible 11
low-taxed income’ means, with respect to any United 12
States shareholder for any taxable year of such 13
United States shareholder, the excess (if any) of— 14
‘‘(A) such shareholder’s net CFC tested in-15
come for such taxable year, over 16
‘‘(B) such shareholder’s net deemed tan-17
gible income return for such taxable year. 18
‘‘(2) N
.—The term ‘net deemed tangible income re-20
turn’ means, with respect to any United States 21
shareholder for any taxable year, the excess of— 22
‘‘(A) 10 percent of the aggregate of such 23
shareholder’s pro rata share of the qualified 24
business asset investment of each controlled for-25
eign corporation with respect to which such 26
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shareholder is a United States shareholder for 1
such taxable year (determined for each taxable 2
year of each such controlled foreign corporation 3
which ends in or with such taxable year of such 4
United States shareholder), over 5
‘‘(B) the amount of interest expense taken 6
into account under subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii) in 7
determining the shareholder’s net CFC tested 8
income for the taxable year to the extent the in-9
terest income attributable to such expense is 10
not taken into account in determining such 11
shareholder’s net CFC tested income. 12
‘‘(c) N
.—For purposes of 13
this section— 14
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘net CFC tested 15
income’ means, with respect to any United States 16
shareholder for any taxable year of such United 17
States shareholder, the excess (if any) of— 18
‘‘(A) the aggregate of such shareholder’s 19
pro rata share of the tested income of each con-20
trolled foreign corporation with respect to which 21
such shareholder is a United States shareholder 22
for such taxable year of such United States 23
shareholder (determined for each taxable year 24
of such controlled foreign corporation which 25
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ends in or with such taxable year of such 1
United States shareholder), over 2
‘‘(B) the aggregate of such shareholder’s 3
pro rata share of the tested loss of each con-4
trolled foreign corporation with respect to which 5
such shareholder is a United States shareholder 6
for such taxable year of such United States 7
shareholder (determined for each taxable year 8
of such controlled foreign corporation which 9
ends in or with such taxable year of such 10
United States shareholder). 11
‘‘(2) T
.—For pur-12
poses of this section— 13
‘‘(A) T
.—The term ‘tested 14
income’ means, with respect to any controlled 15
foreign corporation for any taxable year of such 16
controlled foreign corporation, the excess (if 17
any) of— 18
‘‘(i) the gross income of such corpora-19
tion determined without regard to— 20
‘‘(I) any item of income described 21
in section 952(b), 22
‘‘(II) any gross income taken into 23
account in determining the subpart F 24
income of such corporation, 25
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‘‘(III) any gross income excluded 1
from the foreign base company income 2
(as defined in section 954) and the in-3
surance income (as defined in section 4
953) of such corporation by reason of 5
section 954(b)(4), 6
‘‘(IV) any dividend received from 7
a related person (as defined in section 8
954(d)(3)), and 9
‘‘(V) any foreign oil and gas ex-10
traction income (as defined in section 11
907(c)(1)) of such corporation, over 12
‘‘(ii) the deductions (including taxes) 13
properly allocable to such gross income 14
under rules similar to the rules of section 15
954(b)(5) (or to which such deductions 16
would be allocable if there were such gross 17
income). 18
‘‘(B) T
.— 19
‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘tested 20
loss’ means, with respect to any controlled 21
foreign corporation for any taxable year of 22
such controlled foreign corporation, the ex-23
cess (if any) of the amount described in 24
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subparagraph (A)(ii) over the amount de-1
scribed in subparagraph (A)(i). 2
‘‘(ii) C
.— 4
Section 952(c)(1)(A) shall be applied by 5
increasing the earnings and profits of the 6
controlled foreign corporation by the tested 7
loss of such corporation. 8
‘‘(d) Q
.— 9
For purposes of this section— 10
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘qualified busi-11
ness asset investment’ means, with respect to any 12
controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, 13
the average of such corporation’s aggregate adjusted 14
bases as of the close of each quarter of such taxable 15
year in specified tangible property— 16
‘‘(A) used in a trade or business of the 17
corporation, and 18
‘‘(B) of a type with respect to which a de-19
duction is allowable under section 167. 20
‘‘(2) S
.— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘specified 22
tangible property’ means, except as provided in 23
subparagraph (B), any tangible property used 24
in the production of tested income. 25
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‘‘(B) D
.—In the case 1
of property used both in the production of test-2
ed income and income which is not tested in-3
come, such property shall be treated as speci-4
fied tangible property in the same proportion 5
that the gross income described in subsection 6
(c)(1)(A) produced with respect to such prop-7
erty bears to the total gross income produced 8
with respect to such property. 9
‘‘(3) D
.— 10
For purposes of this subsection, notwithstanding any 11
provision of this title (or any other provision of law) 12
which is enacted after the date of the enactment of 13
this section, the adjusted basis in any property shall 14
be determined— 15
‘‘(A) by using the alternative depreciation 16
system under section 168(g), and 17
‘‘(B) by allocating the depreciation deduc-18
tion with respect to such property ratably to 19
each day during the period in the taxable year 20
to which such depreciation relates. 21
‘‘(3) P
.—For purposes 22
of this subsection, if a controlled foreign corporation 23
holds an interest in a partnership at the close of 24
such taxable year of the controlled foreign corpora-25
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tion, such controlled foreign corporation shall take 1
into account under paragraph (1) the controlled for-2
eign corporation’s distributive share of the aggregate 3
of the partnership’s adjusted bases (determined as 4
of such date in the hands of the partnership) in tan-5
gible property held by such partnership to the extent 6
such property— 7
‘‘(A) is used in the trade or business of the 8
partnership, 9
‘‘(B) is of a type with respect to which a 10
deduction is allowable under section 167, and 11
‘‘(C) is used in the production of tested in-12
come (determined with respect to such con-13
trolled foreign corporation’s distributive share 14
of income with respect to such property). 15
For purposes of this paragraph, the controlled for-16
eign corporation’s distributive share of the adjusted 17
basis of any property shall be the controlled foreign 18
corporation’s distributive share of income with re-19
spect to such property. 20
‘‘(4) R
.—The Secretary shall issue 21
such regulations or other guidance as the Secretary 22
determines appropriate to prevent the avoidance of 23
the purposes of this subsection, including regulations 24
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or other guidance which provide for the treatment of 1
property if— 2
‘‘(A) such property is transferred, or held, 3
temporarily, or 4
‘‘(B) the avoidance of the purposes of this 5
paragraph is a factor in the transfer or holding 6
of such property. 7
‘‘(e) D
.— 8
For purposes of this section— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—The pro rata shares re-10
ferred to in subsections (b), (c)(1)(A), and (c)(1)(B), 11
respectively, shall be determined under the rules of 12
section 951(a)(2) in the same manner as such sec-13
tion applies to subpart F income and shall be taken 14
into account in the taxable year of the United States 15
shareholder in which or with which the taxable year 16
of the controlled foreign corporation ends. 17
‘‘(2) T
.—A person shall be treated as a United 19
States shareholder of a controlled foreign corpora-20
tion for any taxable year of such person only if such 21
person owns (within the meaning of section 958(a)) 22
stock in such foreign corporation on the last day in 23
the taxable year of such foreign corporation on 24
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which such foreign corporation is a controlled for-1
eign corporation. 2
‘‘(3) T
.—A foreign corporation shall be treat-4
ed as a controlled foreign corporation for any tax-5
able year if such foreign corporation is a controlled 6
foreign corporation at any time during such taxable 7
year. 8
‘‘(f) T
.— 10
‘‘(1) I
.— 11
‘‘(A) A
.—Except as provided in 12
subparagraph (B), any global intangible low- 13
taxed income included in gross income under 14
subsection (a) shall be treated in the same 15
manner as an amount included under section 16
951(a)(1)(A) for purposes of applying sections 17
168(h)(2)(B), 535(b)(10), 851(b), 904(h)(1), 18
959, 961, 962, 993(a)(1)(E), 996(f)(1), 19
1248(b)(1), 1248(d)(1), 6501(e)(1)(C), 20
6654(d)(2)(D), and 6655(e)(4). 21
‘‘(B) E
.—The Secretary shall 22
provide rules for the application of subpara-23
graph (A) to other provisions of this title in any 24
case in which the determination of subpart F 25
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income is required to be made at the level of 1
the controlled foreign corporation. 2
‘‘(2) A
.—For purposes of the sections referred 5
to in paragraph (1), with respect to any controlled 6
foreign corporation any pro rata amount from which 7
is taken into account in determining the global in-8
tangible low-taxed income included in gross income 9
of a United States shareholder under subsection (a), 10
the portion of such global intangible low-taxed in-11
come which is treated as being with respect to such 12
controlled foreign corporation is— 13
‘‘(A) in the case of a controlled foreign 14
corporation with no tested income, zero, and 15
‘‘(B) in the case of a controlled foreign 16
corporation with tested income, the portion of 17
such global intangible low-taxed income which 18
bears the same ratio to such global intangible 19
low-taxed income as— 20
‘‘(i) such United States shareholder’s 21
pro rata amount of the tested income of 22
such controlled foreign corporation, bears 23
to 24
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‘‘(ii) the aggregate amount described 1
in subsection (c)(1)(A) with respect to 2
such United States shareholder.’’. 3
(b) F
.— 4
(1) A
.—Section 960 is amended adding at the 6
end the following new subsection: 7
‘‘(d) D
.— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of subpart A 10
of this part, if any amount is includible in the gross 11
income of a domestic corporation under section 12
951A, such domestic corporation shall be deemed to 13
have paid foreign income taxes equal to 80 percent 14
of the product of— 15
‘‘(A) such domestic corporation’s inclusion 16
percentage, multiplied by 17
‘‘(B) the aggregate tested foreign income 18
taxes paid or accrued by controlled foreign cor-19
porations. 20
‘‘(2) I
.—For purposes 21
of paragraph (1), the term ‘inclusion percentage’ 22
means, with respect to any domestic corporation, the 23
ratio (expressed as a percentage) of— 24
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‘‘(A) such corporation’s global intangible 1
low-taxed income (as defined in section 2
951A(b)), divided by 3
‘‘(B) the aggregate amount described in 4
section 951A(c)(1)(A) with respect to such cor-5
poration. 6
‘‘(3) T
.—For 7
purposes of paragraph (1), the term ‘tested foreign 8
income taxes’ means, with respect to any domestic 9
corporation which is a United States shareholder of 10
a controlled foreign corporation, the foreign income 11
taxes paid or accrued by such foreign corporation 12
which are properly attributable to the tested income 13
of such foreign corporation taken into account by 14
such domestic corporation under section 951A.’’. 15
(2) A
.— 17
(A) S
.—Section 19
904(d)(1) is amended by redesignating subpara-20
graphs (A) and (B) as subparagraphs (B) and 21
(C), respectively, and by inserting before sub-22
paragraph (B) (as so redesignated) the fol-23
lowing new subparagraph: 24
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‘‘(A) any amount includible in gross in-1
come under section 951A (other than passive 2
category income),’’. 3
(B) E
.—Section 904(d)(2)(A)(ii) is 5
amended by inserting ‘‘income described in 6
paragraph (1)(A) and’’ before ‘‘passive category 7
income’’. 8
(C) N
.—Section 904(c) is amended by 10
adding at the end the following: ‘‘This sub-11
section shall not apply to taxes paid or accrued 12
with respect to amounts described in subsection 13
(d)(1)(A).’’. 14
(c) C
.—The table of sections 15
for subpart F of part III of subchapter N of chapter 1 16
is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 17
951 the following new item: 18
‘‘Sec. 951A. Global intangible low-taxed income included in gross income of
United States shareholders.’’.
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-20
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 21
years of United States shareholders in which or with which 22
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 23
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(a) I
.—Part VIII of subchapter B of 4
chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following 5
new section: 6
‘‘(a) A
.— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—In the case of a domestic 10
corporation for any taxable year, there shall be al-11
lowed as a deduction an amount equal to the sum 12
of— 13
‘‘(A) 37.5 percent of the foreign-derived in-14
tangible income of such domestic corporation 15
for such taxable year, plus 16
‘‘(B) 50 percent of— 17
‘‘(i) the global intangible low-taxed in-18
come amount (if any) which is included in 19
the gross income of such domestic corpora-20
tion under section 951A for such taxable 21
year, and 22
‘‘(ii) the amount treated as a dividend 23
received by such corporation under section 24
78 which is attributable to the amount de-25
scribed in clause (i). 26
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‘‘(2) L
.— 2
‘‘(A) I
.—If, for any taxable 3
year— 4
‘‘(i) the sum of the foreign-derived in-5
tangible income and the global intangible 6
low-taxed income amount otherwise taken 7
into account by the domestic corporation 8
under paragraph (1), exceeds 9
‘‘(ii) the taxable income of the domes-10
tic corporation (determined without regard 11
to this section), 12
then the amount of the foreign-derived intan-13
gible income and the global intangible low-taxed 14
income amount so taken into account shall be 15
reduced as provided in subparagraph (B). 16
‘‘(B) R
.—For purposes of sub-17
paragraph (A)— 18
‘‘(i) foreign-derived intangible income 19
shall be reduced by an amount which bears 20
the same ratio to the excess described in 21
subparagraph (A) as such foreign-derived 22
intangible income bears to the sum de-23
scribed in subparagraph (A)(i), and 24
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‘‘(ii) the global intangible low-taxed 1
income amount shall be reduced by the re-2
mainder of such excess. 3
‘‘(3) R
.—In the case of any taxable year 5
beginning after December 31, 2025, paragraph (1) 6
shall be applied by substituting— 7
‘‘(A) ‘21.875 percent’ for ‘37.5 percent’ in 8
subparagraph (A), and 9
‘‘(B) ‘37.5 percent’ for ‘50 percent’ in sub-10
paragraph (B). 11
‘‘(b) F
.—For 12
purposes of this section— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—The foreign-derived intan-14
gible income of any domestic corporation is the 15
amount which bears the same ratio to the deemed 16
intangible income of such corporation as— 17
‘‘(A) the foreign-derived deduction eligible 18
income of such corporation, bears to 19
‘‘(B) the deduction eligible income of such 20
corporation. 21
‘‘(2) D
.—For pur-22
poses of this subsection— 23
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘deemed in-24
tangible income’ means the excess (if any) of— 25
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‘‘(i) the deduction eligible income of 1
the domestic corporation, over 2
‘‘(ii) the deemed tangible income re-3
turn of the corporation. 4
‘‘(B) D
.—The term ‘deemed tangible income re-6
turn’ means, with respect to any corporation, 7
an amount equal to 10 percent of the corpora-8
tion’s qualified business asset investment (as 9
defined in section 951A(d), determined by sub-10
stituting ‘deduction eligible income’ for ‘tested 11
income’ in paragraph (2) thereof and without 12
regard to whether the corporation is a con-13
trolled foreign corporation). 14
‘‘(3) D
.— 15
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘deduction 16
eligible income’ means, with respect to any do-17
mestic corporation, the excess (if any) of— 18
‘‘(i) gross income of such corporation 19
determined without regard to— 20
‘‘(I) any amount included in the 21
gross income of such corporation 22
under section 951(a)(1), 23
‘‘(II) the global intangible low- 24
taxed income included in the gross in-25
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come of such corporation under sec-1
tion 951A, 2
‘‘(III) any financial services in-3
come (as defined in section 4
904(d)(2)(D)) of such corporation, 5
‘‘(IV) any dividend received from 6
a corporation which is a controlled 7
foreign corporation of such domestic 8
corporation, 9
‘‘(V) any domestic oil and gas ex-10
traction income of such corporation, 11
and 12
‘‘(VI) any foreign branch income 13
(as defined in section 904(d)(2)(J)), 14
over 15
‘‘(ii) the deductions (including taxes) 16
properly allocable to such gross income. 17
‘‘(B) D
.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), 19
the term ‘domestic oil and gas extraction in-20
come’ means income described in section 21
907(c)(1), determined by substituting ‘within 22
the United States’ for ‘without the United 23
States’. 24
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‘‘(4) F
.—The term ‘foreign-derived deduction eligi-2
ble income’ means, with respect to any taxpayer for 3
any taxable year, any deduction eligible income of 4
such taxpayer which is derived in connection with— 5
‘‘(A) property— 6
‘‘(i) which is sold by the taxpayer to 7
any person who is not a United States per-8
son, and 9
‘‘(ii) which the taxpayer establishes to 10
the satisfaction of the Secretary is for a 11
foreign use, or 12
‘‘(B) services provided by the taxpayer 13
which the taxpayer establishes to the satisfac-14
tion of the Secretary are provided to any per-15
son, or with respect to property, not located 16
within the United States. 17
‘‘(5) R
.—For purposes of this sub-19
section— 20
‘‘(A) F
.—The term ‘foreign 21
use’ means any use, consumption, or disposition 22
which is not within the United States. 23
‘‘(B) P
.— 25
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‘‘(i) P
.—If a taxpayer sells 1
property to another person (other than a 2
related party) for further manufacture or 3
other modification within the United 4
States, such property shall not be treated 5
as sold for a foreign use even if such other 6
person subsequently uses such property for 7
a foreign use. 8
‘‘(ii) S
.—If a taxpayer pro-9
vides services to another person (other 10
than a related party) located within the 11
United States, such services shall not be 12
treated as described in paragraph (4)(B) 13
even if such other person uses such serv-14
ices in providing services which are so de-15
scribed. 16
‘‘(C) S
.— 18
‘‘(i) S
.—If 19
property is sold to a related party who is 20
not a United States person, such sale shall 21
not be treated as for a foreign use un-22
less— 23
‘‘(I) such property is ultimately 24
sold by a related party, or used by a 25
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related party in connection with prop-1
erty which is sold or the provision of 2
services, to another person who is an 3
unrelated party who is not a United 4
States person, and 5
‘‘(II) the taxpayer establishes to 6
the satisfaction of the Secretary that 7
such property is for a foreign use. 8
For purposes of this clause, a sale of prop-9
erty shall be treated as a sale of each of 10
the components thereof. 11
‘‘(ii) S
.—If a service is provided to a re-13
lated party who is not located in the 14
United States, such service shall not be 15
treated described in subparagraph (A)(ii) 16
unless the taxpayer established to the sat-17
isfaction of the Secretary that such service 18
is not substantially similar to services pro-19
vided by such related party to persons lo-20
cated within the United States. 21
‘‘(D) R
.—For purposes of 22
this paragraph, the term ‘related party’ means 23
any member of an affiliated group as defined in 24
section 1504(a), determined— 25
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‘‘(i) by substituting ‘more than 50 1
percent’ for ‘at least 80 percent’ each place 2
it appears, and 3
‘‘(ii) without regard to paragraphs (2) 4
and (3) of section 1504(b). 5
Any person (other than a corporation) shall be 6
treated as a member of such group if such per-7
son is controlled by members of such group (in-8
cluding any entity treated as a member of such 9
group by reason of this sentence) or controls 10
any such member. For purposes of the pre-11
ceding sentence, control shall be determined 12
under the rules of section 954(d)(3). 13
‘‘(E) S
.—For purposes of this sub-14
section, the terms ‘sold’, ‘sells’, and ‘sale’ shall 15
include any lease, license, exchange, or other 16
disposition. 17
‘‘(c) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 18
such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary 19
or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section.’’. 20
(b) C
.— 21
(1) Section 172(d), as amended by this Act, is 22
amended by adding at the end the following new 23
paragraph: 24
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‘‘(9) D
.—The deduction under section 2
250 shall not be allowed.’’. 3
(2) Section 246(b)(1) is amended— 4
(A) by striking ‘‘and subsection (a) and (b) 5
of section 245’’ the first place it appears and 6
inserting ‘‘, subsection (a) and (b) of section 7
245, and section 250’’, 8
(B) by striking ‘‘and subsection (a) and 9
(b) of section 245’’ the second place it appears 10
and inserting ‘‘subsection (a) and (b) of section 11
245, and 250’’. 12
(3) Section 469(i)(3)(F)(iii) is amended by 13
striking ‘‘and 222’’ and inserting ‘‘222, and 250’’. 14
(4) The table of sections for part VIII of sub-15
chapter B of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the 16
end the following new item: 17
‘‘Sec. 250. Foreign-derived intangible income and global intangible low-taxed
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 18
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 19
December 31, 2017. 20
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(a) R
.—Subsection (a) of section 954 is 5
amended— 6
(1) by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph 7
(2), 8
(2) by striking the comma at the end of para-9
graph (3) and inserting a period, and 10
(3) by striking paragraph (5). 11
(b) C
.— 12
(1) Section 952(c)(1)(B)(iii) is amended by 13
striking subclause (I) and redesignating subclauses 14
(II) through (V) as subclauses (I) through (IV), re-15
spectively. 16
(2) Section 954(b) is amended— 17
(A) by striking the second sentence of 18
paragraph (4), 19
(B) by striking ‘‘the foreign base company 20
services income, and the foreign base company 21
oil related income’’ in paragraph (5) and insert-22
ing ‘‘and the foreign base company services in-23
come’’, and 24
(C) by striking paragraph (6). 25
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(3) Section 954 is amended by striking sub-1
section (g). 2
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-4
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 5
years of United States shareholders with or within which 6
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 7
MENT. 11
(a) I
.—Subpart F of part III of sub-12
chapter N of chapter 1 is amended by striking section 955. 13
(b) C
.— 14
(1)(A) Section 951(a)(1)(A) is amended to read 15
as follows: 16
‘‘(A) his pro rata share (determined under 17
paragraph (2)) of the corporation’s subpart F 18
income for such year, and’’. 19
(B) Section 851(b) is amended by striking ‘‘sec-20
tion 951(a)(1)(A)(i)’’ in the flush language at the 21
end and inserting ‘‘section 951(a)(1)(A)’’. 22
(C) Section 952(c)(1)(B)(i) is amended by 23
striking ‘‘section 951(a)(1)(A)(i)’’ and inserting 24
‘‘section 951(a)(1)(A)’’. 25
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(D) Section 953(c)(1)(C) is amended by strik-1
ing ‘‘section 951(a)(1)(A)(i)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 2
951(a)(1)(A)’’. 3
(2) Section 951(a) is amended by striking para-4
graph (3). 5
(3) Section 953(d)(4)(B)(iv)(II) is amended by 6
striking ‘‘or amounts referred to in clause (ii) or (iii) 7
of section 951(a)(1)(A)’’. 8
(4) Section 964(b) is amended by striking ‘‘, 9
955,’’. 10
(5) Section 970 is amended by striking sub-11
section (b). 12
(6) The table of sections for subpart F of part 13
III of subchapter N of chapter 1 is amended by 14
striking the item relating to section 955. 15
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 16
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-17
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 18
years of United States shareholders in which or with which 19
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 20
(a) I
.—Section 958(b) is amended— 24
(1) by striking paragraph (4), and 25
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(2) by striking ‘‘Paragraphs (1) and (4)’’ in the 1
last sentence and inserting ‘‘Paragraph (1)’’. 2
(b) E
.—The amendments made by 3
this section shall apply to— 4
(1) the last taxable year of foreign corporations 5
beginning before January 1, 2018, and each subse-6
quent taxable year of such foreign corporations, and 7
(2) taxable years of United States shareholders 8
in which or with which such taxable years of foreign 9
corporations end. 10
(a) I
.—Section 951(b) is amended by in-13
serting ‘‘, or 10 percent or more of the total value of 14
shares of all classes of stock of such foreign corporation’’ 15
after ‘‘such foreign corporation’’. 16
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 17
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-18
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 19
years of United States shareholders with or within which 20
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 21
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(a) I
.—Section 951(a)(1) is amended by 5
striking ‘‘for an uninterrupted period of 30 days or more’’ 6
and inserting ‘‘at any time’’. 7
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 8
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-9
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 10
years of United States shareholders with or within which 11
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 12
(a) D
.—Section 17
936(h)(3)(B) is amended— 18
(1) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause (v), 19
(2) by striking clause (vi) and inserting the fol-20
lowing: 21
‘‘(vi) any goodwill, going concern 22
value, or workforce in place (including its 23
composition and terms and conditions 24
(contractual or otherwise) of its employ-25
ment); or 26
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‘‘(vii) any other item the value or po-1
tential value of which is not attributable to 2
tangible property or the services of any in-3
dividual.’’, and 4
(3) by striking the flush language after clause 5
(vii), as added by paragraph (2). 6
(b) C
.— 8
(1) F
.—Section 9
367(d)(2) is amended by adding at the end the fol-10
lowing new subparagraph: 11
‘‘(D) R
.—For pur-12
poses of the last sentence of subparagraph (A), 13
the Secretary shall require— 14
‘‘(i) the valuation of transfers of in-15
tangible property, including intangible 16
property transferred with other property or 17
services, on an aggregate basis, or 18
‘‘(ii) the valuation of such a transfer 19
on the basis of the realistic alternatives to 20
such a transfer, 21
if the Secretary determines that such basis is 22
the most reliable means of valuation of such 23
transfers.’’. 24
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(2) A
.—Section 1
482 is amended by adding at the end the following: 2
‘‘For purposes of this section, the Secretary shall re-3
quire the valuation of transfers of intangible prop-4
erty (including intangible property transferred with 5
other property or services) on an aggregate basis or 6
the valuation of such a transfer on the basis of the 7
realistic alternatives to such a transfer, if the Sec-8
retary determines that such basis is the most reli-9
able means of valuation of such transfers.’’. 10
(c) E
.— 11
(1) I
.—The amendments made by 12
this section shall apply to transfers in taxable years 13
beginning after December 31, 2017. 14
(2) N
.—Nothing in the amend-15
ment made by subsection (a) shall be construed to 16
create any inference with respect to the application 17
of section 936(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 18
1986, or the authority of the Secretary of the Treas-19
ury to provide regulations for such application, with 20
respect to taxable years beginning before January 1, 21
2018. 22
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(a) I
.—Part IX of subchapter B of chap-4
ter 1 is amended by inserting after section 267 the fol-5
lowing: 6
‘‘(a) I
.—No deduction shall be allowed 10
under this chapter for any disqualified related party 11
amount paid or accrued pursuant to a hybrid transaction 12
or by, or to, a hybrid entity. 13
‘‘(b) D
.—For 14
purposes of this section— 15
‘‘(1) D
.—The term ‘disqualified related party 17
amount’ means any interest or royalty paid or ac-18
crued to a related party to the extent that— 19
‘‘(A) such amount is not included in the 20
income of such related party under the tax law 21
of the country of which such related party is a 22
resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax, 23
or 24
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‘‘(B) such related party is allowed a deduc-1
tion with respect to such amount under the tax 2
law of such country. 3
Such term shall not include any payment to the ex-4
tent such payment is included in the gross income 5
of a United States shareholder under section 951(a). 6
‘‘(2) R
.—The term ‘related 7
party’ means a related person as defined in section 8
954(d)(3), except that such section shall be applied 9
with respect to the person making the payment de-10
scribed in paragraph (1) in lieu of the controlled for-11
eign corporation otherwise referred to in such sec-12
tion. 13
‘‘(c) H
.—For purposes of this 14
section, the term ‘hybrid transaction’ means any trans-15
action, series of transactions, agreement, or instrument 16
one or more payments with respect to which are treated 17
as interest or royalties for purposes of this chapter and 18
which are not so treated for purposes the tax law of the 19
foreign country of which the recipient of such payment 20
is resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax. 21
‘‘(d) H
.—For purposes of this section, 22
the term ‘hybrid entity’ means any entity which is either— 23
‘‘(1) treated as fiscally transparent for purposes 24
of this chapter but not so treated for purposes of the 25
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tax law of the foreign country of which the entity is 1
resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax, or 2
‘‘(2) treated as fiscally transparent for purposes 3
of such tax law but not so treated for purposes of 4
this chapter. 5
‘‘(e) R
.—The Secretary shall issue such 6
regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or ap-7
propriate to carry out the purposes of this section, includ-8
ing regulations or other guidance providing for— 9
‘‘(1) rules for treating certain conduit arrange-10
ments which involve a hybrid transaction or a hybrid 11
entity as subject to subsection (a), 12
‘‘(2) rules for the application of this section to 13
branches or domestic entities, 14
‘‘(3) rules for treating certain structured trans-15
actions as subject to subsection (a), 16
‘‘(4) rules for treating a tax preference as an 17
exclusion from income for purposes of applying sub-18
section (b)(1) if such tax preference has the effect 19
of reducing the generally applicable statutory rate by 20
25 percent or more, 21
‘‘(5) rules for treating the entire amount of in-22
terest or royalty paid or accrued to a related party 23
as a disqualified related party amount if such 24
amount is subject to a participation exemption sys-25
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tem or other system which provides for the exclusion 1
or deduction of a substantial portion of such 2
amount, 3
‘‘(6) rules for determining the tax residence of 4
a foreign entity if the entity is otherwise considered 5
a resident of more than one country or of no coun-6
try, 7
‘‘(7) exceptions from subsection (a) with respect 8
to— 9
‘‘(A) cases in which the disqualified related 10
party amount is taxed under the laws of a for-11
eign country other than the country of which 12
the related party is a resident for tax purposes, 13
and 14
‘‘(B) other cases which the Secretary de-15
termines do not present a risk of eroding the 16
Federal tax base, 17
‘‘(8) requirements for record keeping and infor-18
mation reporting in addition to any requirements 19
imposed by section 6038A.’’. 20
(b) C
.—The table of sec-21
tions for part IX of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended 22
by inserting after the item relating to section 267 the fol-23
lowing new item: 24
‘‘Sec. 267A. Certain related party amounts paid or accrued in hybrid trans-
actions or with hybrid entities.’’.
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(c) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Section 1(h)(11)(C)(iii) is amend-7
ed— 8
(1) by striking ‘‘shall not include any foreign 9
corporation’’ and inserting ‘‘shall not include— 10
‘‘(I) any foreign corporation’’, 11
(2) by striking the period at the end and insert-12
ing ‘‘, and’’, and 13
(3) by adding at the end the following new sub-14
clause: 15
‘‘(II) any corporation which first 16
becomes a surrogate foreign corpora-17
tion (as defined in section 18
7874(a)(2)(B)) after the date of the 19
enactment of this subclause, other 20
than a foreign corporation which is 21
treated as a domestic corporation 22
under section 7874(b).’’. 23
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(b) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to dividends received after the date 2
of the enactment of this Act. 3
Subpart C—Modifications Related to Foreign Tax 4
Credit System 5
(a) R
902 I
.—Subpart A of part III of subchapter N 10
of chapter 1 is amended by striking section 902. 11
(b) D
960 C
.—Section 960, as amended by sec-13
tion 14201, is amended— 14
(1) by striking subsection (c), by redesignating 15
subsection (b) as subsection (c), by striking all that 16
precedes subsection (c) (as so redesignated) and in-17
serting the following: 18
‘‘(a) I
.—For purposes of subpart A of 21
this part, if there is included in the gross income of a do-22
mestic corporation any item of income under section 23
951(a)(1) with respect to any controlled foreign corpora-24
tion with respect to which such domestic corporation is 25
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a United States shareholder, such domestic corporation 1
shall be deemed to have paid so much of such foreign cor-2
poration’s foreign income taxes as are properly attrib-3
utable to such item of income. 4
‘‘(b) S
.—For pur-6
poses of subpart A of this part— 7
‘‘(1) I
.—If any portion of a dis-8
tribution from a controlled foreign corporation to a 9
domestic corporation which is a United States share-10
holder with respect to such controlled foreign cor-11
poration is excluded from gross income under section 12
959(a), such domestic corporation shall be deemed 13
to have paid so much of such foreign corporation’s 14
foreign income taxes as— 15
‘‘(A) are properly attributable to such por-16
tion, and 17
‘‘(B) have not been deemed to have to been 18
paid by such domestic corporation under this 19
section for the taxable year or any prior taxable 20
year. 21
‘‘(2) T
.—If section 959(b) applies to any portion of 23
a distribution from a controlled foreign corporation 24
to another controlled foreign corporation, such con-25
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trolled foreign corporation shall be deemed to have 1
paid so much of such other controlled foreign cor-2
poration’s foreign income taxes as— 3
‘‘(A) are properly attributable to such por-4
tion, and 5
‘‘(B) have not been deemed to have been 6
paid by a domestic corporation under this sec-7
tion for the taxable year or any prior taxable 8
year.’’, 9
(2) and by adding after subsection (d) (as 10
added by section 14201) the following new sub-11
sections: 12
‘‘(e) F
.—The term ‘foreign 13
income taxes’ means any income, war profits, or excess 14
profits taxes paid or accrued to any foreign country or 15
possession of the United States. 16
‘‘(f) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 17
such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary 18
or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section.’’. 19
(c) C
.— 20
(1) Section 78 is amended to read as follows: 21
‘‘If a domestic corporation chooses to have the bene-24
fits of subpart A of part III of subchapter N (relating 25
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to foreign tax credit) for any taxable year, an amount 1
equal to the taxes deemed to be paid by such corporation 2
under subsections (a), (b), and (d) of section 960 (deter-3
mined without regard to the phrase ‘80 percent of’ in sub-4
section (d)(1) thereof) for such taxable year shall be treat-5
ed for purposes of this title (other than sections 245 and 6
245A) as a dividend received by such domestic corporation 7
from the foreign corporation.’’. 8
(2) Paragraph (4) of section 245(a) is amended 9
to read as follows: 10
‘‘(4) P
.— 11
The term ‘post-1986 undistributed earnings’ means 12
the amount of the earnings and profits of the for-13
eign corporation (computed in accordance with sec-14
tions 964(a) and 986) accumulated in taxable years 15
beginning after December 31, 1986— 16
‘‘(A) as of the close of the taxable year of 17
the foreign corporation in which the dividend is 18
distributed, and 19
‘‘(B) without diminution by reason of divi-20
dends distributed during such taxable year.’’. 21
(3) Section 245(a)(10)(C) is amended by strik-22
ing ‘‘902, 907, and 960’’ and inserting ‘‘907 and 23
960’’. 24
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(4) Sections 535(b)(1) and 545(b)(1) are each 1
amended by striking ‘‘section 902(a) or 960(a)(1)’’ 2
and inserting ‘‘section 960’’. 3
(5) Section 814(f)(1) is amended— 4
(A) by striking subparagraph (B), and 5
(B) by striking all that precedes ‘‘No in-6
come’’ and inserting the following: 7
‘‘(1) T
.—’’. 8
(6) Section 865(h)(1)(B) is amended by strik-9
ing ‘‘902, 907,’’ and inserting ‘‘907’’. 10
(7) Section 901(a) is amended by striking ‘‘sec-11
tions 902 and 960’’ and inserting ‘‘section 960’’. 12
(8) Section 901(e)(2) is amended by striking 13
‘‘but is not limited to—’’ and all that follows 14
through ‘‘that portion’’ and inserting ‘‘but is not 15
limited to that portion’’. 16
(9) Section 901(f) is amended by striking ‘‘sec-17
tions 902 and 960’’ and inserting ‘‘section 960’’. 18
(10) Section 901(j)(1)(A) is amended by strik-19
ing ‘‘902 or’’. 20
(11) Section 901(j)(1)(B) is amended by strik-21
ing ‘‘sections 902 and 960’’ and inserting ‘‘section 22
960’’. 23
(12) Section 901(k)(2) is amended by striking 24
‘‘, 902,’’. 25
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(13) Section 901(k)(6) is amended by striking 1
‘‘902 or’’. 2
(14) Section 901(m)(1)(B) is amended to read 3
as follows: 4
‘‘(B) in the case of a foreign income tax 5
paid by a foreign corporation, shall not be 6
taken into account for purposes of section 7
960.’’. 8
(15) Section 904(d)(2)(E) is amended— 9
(A) by amending clause (i) to read as fol-10
lows: 11
‘‘(i) N
.—The 13
term ‘noncontrolled 10-percent owned for-14
eign corporation’ means any foreign cor-15
poration which is— 16
‘‘(I) a specified 10-percent owned 17
foreign corporation (as defined in sec-18
tion 245A(b)), or 19
‘‘(II) a passive foreign invest-20
ment company (as defined in section 21
1297(a)) with respect to which the 22
taxpayer meets the stock ownership 23
requirements of section 902(a) (or, for 24
purposes of applying paragraphs (3) 25
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and (4), the requirements of section 1
902(b)). 2
A controlled foreign corporation shall not 3
be treated as a noncontrolled 10-percent 4
owned foreign corporation with respect to 5
any distribution out of its earnings and 6
profits for periods during which it was a 7
controlled foreign corporation. Any ref-8
erence to section 902 in this clause shall be 9
treated as a reference to such section as in 10
effect before its repeal.’’, and 11
(B) by striking ‘‘non-controlled section 902 12
corporation’’ in clause (ii) and inserting ‘‘non-13
controlled 10-percent owned foreign corpora-14
tion’’. 15
(16) Section 904(d)(4) is amended— 16
(A) by striking ‘‘noncontrolled section 902 17
corporation’’ each place it appears and inserting 18
‘‘noncontrolled 10-percent owned foreign cor-19
poration’’, 20
(B) by striking ‘‘
’’ in the heading there-22
of and inserting ‘‘
’’. 24
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(17) Section 904(d)(6)(A) is amended by strik-1
ing ‘‘902, 907,’’ and inserting ‘‘907’’. 2
(18) Section 904(h)(10)(A) is amended by 3
striking ‘‘sections 902, 907, and 960’’ and inserting 4
‘‘sections 907 and 960’’. 5
(19) Section 904(k) is amended to read as fol-6
lows: 7
‘‘(k) C
.—For increase of limita-8
tion under subsection (a) for taxes paid with respect to 9
amounts received which were included in the gross income 10
of the taxpayer for a prior taxable year as a United States 11
shareholder with respect to a controlled foreign corpora-12
tion, see section 960(c).’’. 13
(20) Section 905(c)(1) is amended by striking 14
the last sentence. 15
(21) Section 905(c)(2)(B)(i) is amended to read 16
as follows: 17
‘‘(i) shall be taken into account for 18
the taxable year to which such taxes relate, 19
and’’. 20
(22) Section 906(a) is amended by striking ‘‘(or 21
deemed, under section 902, paid or accrued during 22
the taxable year)’’. 23
(23) Section 906(b) is amended by striking 24
paragraphs (4) and (5). 25
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(24) Section 907(b)(2)(B) is amended by strik-1
ing ‘‘902 or’’. 2
(25) Section 907(c)(3)(A) is amended— 3
(A) by striking subparagraph (A) and in-4
serting the following: 5
‘‘(A) interest, to the extent the category of 6
income of such interest is determined under 7
section 904(d)(3),’’, and 8
(B) by striking ‘‘section 960(a)’’ in sub-9
paragraph (B) and inserting ‘‘section 960’’. 10
(26) Section 907(c)(5) is amended by striking 11
‘‘902 or’’. 12
(27) Section 907(f)(2)(B)(i) is amended by 13
striking ‘‘902 or’’. 14
(28) Section 908(a) is amended by striking 15
‘‘902 or’’. 16
(29) Section 909(b) is amended— 17
(A) by striking ‘‘section 902 corporation’’ 18
in the matter preceding paragraph (1) and in-19
serting ‘‘specified 10-percent owned foreign cor-20
poration (as defined in section 245A(b) without 21
regard to paragraph (2) thereof)’’, 22
(B) by striking ‘‘902 or’’ in paragraph (1), 23
(C) by striking ‘‘by such section 902 cor-24
poration’’ and all that follows in the matter fol-25
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lowing paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘by such 1
specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation 2
or a domestic corporation which is a United 3
States shareholder with respect to such speci-4
fied 10-percent owned foreign corporation.’’, 5
and 6
(D) by striking ‘‘S
902 C
’’ in the heading thereof and inserting 8
’’. 10
(30) Section 909(d) is amended by striking 11
paragraph (5). 12
(31) Section 958(a)(1) is amended by striking 13
‘‘960(a)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘960’’. 14
(32) Section 959(d) is amended by striking 15
‘‘Except as provided in section 960(a)(3), any’’ and 16
inserting ‘‘Any’’. 17
(33) Section 959(e) is amended by striking 18
‘‘section 960(b)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 960(c)’’. 19
(34) Section 1291(g)(2)(A) is amended by 20
striking ‘‘any distribution—’’ and all that follows 21
through ‘‘but only if’’ and inserting ‘‘any distribu-22
tion, any withholding tax imposed with respect to 23
such distribution, but only if’’. 24
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(35) Section 1293(f) is amended by striking 1
‘‘and’’ at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the 2
period at the end of paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘, 3
and’’, and by adding at the end the following new 4
paragraph: 5
‘‘(3) a domestic corporation which owns (or is 6
treated under section 1298(a) as owning) stock of a 7
qualified electing fund shall be treated in the same 8
manner as a United States shareholder of a con-9
trolled foreign corporation (and such qualified elect-10
ing fund shall be treated in the same manner as 11
such controlled foreign corporation) if such domestic 12
corporation meets the stock ownership requirements 13
of subsection (a) or (b) of section 902 (as in effect 14
before its repeal) with respect to such qualified elect-15
ing fund.’’. 16
(36) Section 6038(c)(1)(B) is amended by 17
striking ‘‘sections 902 (relating to foreign tax credit 18
for corporate stockholder in foreign corporation) and 19
960 (relating to special rules for foreign tax credit)’’ 20
and inserting ‘‘section 960’’. 21
(37) Section 6038(c)(4) is amended by striking 22
subparagraph (C). 23
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(38) The table of sections for subpart A of part 1
III of subchapter N of chapter 1 is amended by 2
striking the item relating to section 902. 3
(39) The table of sections for subpart F of part 4
III of subchapter N of chapter 1 is amended by 5
striking the item relating to section 960 and insert-6
ing the following: 7
‘‘Sec. 960. Deemed paid credit for subpart F inclusions.’’.
(d) E
.—The amendments made by 8
this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corpora-9
tions beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable 10
years of United States shareholders in which or with which 11
such taxable years of foreign corporations end. 12
(a) I
.—Section 904(d)(1), as amended by 15
section 14201, is amended by redesignating subpara-16
graphs (B) and (C) as subparagraphs (C) and (D), respec-17
tively, and by inserting after subparagraph (A) the fol-18
lowing new subparagraph: 19
‘‘(B) foreign branch income,’’. 20
(b) F
.— 21
(1) I
.—Section 904(d)(2) is amend-22
ed by inserting after subparagraph (I) the following 23
new subparagraph: 24
‘‘(J) F
.— 25
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‘‘(i) I
.—The term ‘foreign 1
branch income’ means the business profits 2
of such United States person which are at-3
tributable to 1 or more qualified business 4
units (as defined in section 989(a)) in 1 or 5
more foreign countries. For purposes of 6
the preceding sentence, the amount of 7
business profits attributable to a qualified 8
business unit shall be determined under 9
rules established by the Secretary. 10
‘‘(ii) E
.—Such term shall 11
not include any income which is passive 12
category income.’’. 13
(2) C
.—Section 14
904(d)(2)(A)(ii), as amended by section 14201, is 15
amended by striking ‘‘income described in paragraph 16
(1)(A) and’’ and inserting ‘‘income described in 17
paragraph (1)(A), foreign branch income, and’’. 18
(c) E
.—The amendments made by 19
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 20
December 31, 2017. 21
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(a) I
.—Section 863(b) is amended by 4
adding at the end the following: ‘‘Gains, profits, and in-5
come from the sale or exchange of inventory property de-6
scribed in paragraph (2) shall be allocated and appor-7
tioned between sources within and without the United 8
States solely on the basis of the production activities with 9
respect to the property.’’. 10
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 11
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 12
December 31, 2017. 13
(a) I
.—Section 904(g) is amended by 18
adding at the end the following new paragraph: 19
‘‘(5) E
.— 21
‘‘(A) I
.—If any pre-2018 un-22
used overall domestic loss is taken into account 23
under paragraph (1) for any applicable taxable 24
year, the taxpayer may elect to have such para-25
graph applied to such loss by substituting a 26
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percentage greater than 50 percent (but not 1
greater than 100 percent) for 50 percent in 2
subparagraph (B) thereof. 3
‘‘(B) P
.—For purposes of this paragraph, the 5
term ‘pre-2018 unused overall domestic loss’ 6
means any overall domestic loss which— 7
‘‘(i) arises in a qualified taxable year 8
beginning before January 1, 2018, and 9
‘‘(ii) has not been used under para-10
graph (1) for any taxable year beginning 11
before such date. 12
‘‘(C) A
.—For 13
purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘applicable 14
taxable year’ means any taxable year of the tax-15
payer beginning after December 31, 2017, and 16
before January 1, 2028.’’. 17
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 18
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 19
December 31, 2017. 20
(a) I
.—Subchapter A of chapter 23
1 is amended by adding at the end the following new part: 24
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‘‘Sec. 59A. Tax on base erosion payments of taxpayers with substantial gross
‘‘(a) I
.—There is hereby imposed 5
on each applicable taxpayer for any taxable year a tax 6
equal to the base erosion minimum tax amount for the 7
taxable year. Such tax shall be in addition to any other 8
tax imposed by this subtitle. 9
‘‘(b) B
.—For 10
purposes of this section— 11
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-12
graphs (2) and (3), the term ‘base erosion minimum 13
tax amount’ means, with respect to any applicable 14
taxpayer for any taxable year, the excess (if any) 15
of— 16
‘‘(A) an amount equal to 10 percent (5 17
percent in the case of taxable years beginning 18
in calendar year 2018) of the modified taxable 19
income of such taxpayer for the taxable year, 20
over 21
‘‘(B) an amount equal to the regular tax li-22
ability (as defined in section 26(b)) of the tax-23
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payer for the taxable year, reduced (but not 1
below zero) by the excess (if any) of— 2
‘‘(i) the credits allowed under this 3
chapter against such regular tax liability, 4
over 5
‘‘(ii) the sum of— 6
‘‘(I) the credit allowed under sec-7
tion 38 for the taxable year which is 8
properly allocable to the research 9
credit determined under section 41(a), 10
plus 11
‘‘(II) the portion of the applicable 12
section 38 credits not in excess of 80 13
percent of the lesser of the amount of 14
such credits or the base erosion min-15
imum tax amount (determined with-16
out regard to this subclause). 17
‘‘(2) M
.—In the case of any taxable 19
year beginning after December 31, 2025, paragraph 20
(1) shall be applied— 21
‘‘(A) by substituting ‘12.5 percent’ for ‘10 22
percent’ in subparagraph (A) thereof, and 23
‘‘(B) by reducing (but not below zero) the 24
regular tax liability (as defined in section 25
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26(b)) for purposes of subparagraph (B) there-1
of by the aggregate amount of the credits al-2
lowed under this chapter against such regular 3
tax liability rather than the excess described in 4
such subparagraph. 5
‘‘(3) I
.— 7
‘‘(A) I
.—In the case of a tax-8
payer described in subparagraph (B) who is an 9
applicable taxpayer for any taxable year, the 10
percentage otherwise in effect under paragraphs 11
(1)(A) and (2)(A) shall each be increased by 12
one percentage point. 13
‘‘(B) T
.—A taxpayer 14
is described in this subparagraph if such tax-15
payer is a member of an affiliated group (as de-16
fined in section 1504(a)(1)) which includes— 17
‘‘(i) a bank (as defined in section 18
581), or 19
‘‘(ii) a registered securities dealer 20
under section 15(a) of the Securities Ex-21
change Act of 1934. 22
‘‘(4) A
.—For 23
purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(ii)(II), the term ‘ap-24
plicable section 38 credits’ means the credit allowed 25
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under section 38 for the taxable year which is prop-1
erly allocable to— 2
‘‘(A) the low-income housing credit deter-3
mined under section 42(a), 4
‘‘(B) the renewable electricity production 5
credit determined under section 45(a), and 6
‘‘(C) the investment credit determined 7
under section 46, but only to the extent prop-8
erly allocable to the energy credit determined 9
under section 48. 10
‘‘(c) M
.—For purposes of 11
this section— 12
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘modified taxable 13
income’ means the taxable income of the taxpayer 14
computed under this chapter for the taxable year, 15
determined without regard to— 16
‘‘(A) any base erosion tax benefit with re-17
spect to any base erosion payment, or 18
‘‘(B) the base erosion percentage of any 19
net operating loss deduction allowed under sec-20
tion 172 for the taxable year. 21
‘‘(2) B
.— 22
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘base ero-23
sion tax benefit’ means— 24
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‘‘(i) any deduction described in sub-1
section (d)(1) which is allowed under this 2
chapter for the taxable year with respect to 3
any base erosion payment, 4
‘‘(ii) in the case of a base erosion pay-5
ment described in subsection (d)(2), any 6
deduction allowed under this chapter for 7
the taxable year for depreciation (or amor-8
tization in lieu of depreciation) with re-9
spect to the property acquired with such 10
payment, 11
‘‘(iii) in the case of a base erosion 12
payment described in subsection (d)(3)— 13
‘‘(I) any reduction under section 14
803(a)(1)(B) in the gross amount of 15
premiums and other consideration on 16
insurance and annuity contracts for 17
premiums and other consideration 18
arising out of indemnity insurance, 19
and 20
‘‘(II) any deduction under section 21
832(b)(4)(A) from the amount of 22
gross premiums written on insurance 23
contracts during the taxable year for 24
premiums paid for reinsurance, and 25
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‘‘(iv) in the case of a base erosion 1
payment described in subsection (d)(4), 2
any reduction in gross receipts with re-3
spect to such payment in computing gross 4
income of the taxpayer for the taxable year 5
for purposes of this chapter. 6
‘‘(B) T
.— 8
‘‘(i) I
.—Except as pro-9
vided in clause (ii), any base erosion tax 10
benefit attributable to any base erosion 11
payment— 12
‘‘(I) on which tax is imposed by 13
section 871 or 881, and 14
‘‘(II) with respect to which tax 15
has been deducted and withheld under 16
section 1441 or 1442, 17
shall not be taken into account in com-18
puting modified taxable income under 19
paragraph (1)(A) or the base erosion per-20
centage under paragraph (4). 21
‘‘(ii) E
.—The amount not 22
taken into account in computing modified 23
taxable income by reason of clause (i) shall 24
be reduced under rules similar to the rules 25
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under section 163(j)(5)(B) (as in effect be-1
fore the date of the enactment of the Tax 2
Cuts and Jobs Act). 3
‘‘(3) S
.—For pur-5
poses of applying paragraph (1), in the case of a 6
taxpayer to which section 163(j) applies for the tax-7
able year, the reduction in the amount of interest for 8
which a deduction is allowed by reason of such sub-9
section shall be treated as allocable first to interest 10
paid or accrued to persons who are not related par-11
ties with respect to the taxpayer and then to such 12
related parties. 13
‘‘(4) B
.—For pur-14
poses of paragraph (1)(B)— 15
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘base ero-16
sion percentage’ means, for any taxable year, 17
the percentage determined by dividing— 18
‘‘(i) the aggregate amount of base 19
erosion tax benefits of the taxpayer for the 20
taxable year, by 21
‘‘(ii) the sum of— 22
‘‘(I) the aggregate amount of the 23
deductions (including deductions de-24
scribed in clauses (i) and (ii) of para-25
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graph (2)(A)) allowable to the tax-1
payer under this chapter for the tax-2
able year, plus 3
‘‘(II) the base erosion tax bene-4
fits described in clauses (iii) and (iv) 5
of paragraph (2)(A) allowable to the 6
taxpayer for the taxable year. 7
‘‘(B) C
.—The amount under subparagraph 9
(A)(ii) shall be determined by not taking into 10
account— 11
‘‘(i) any deduction allowed under sec-12
tion 172, 245A, or 250 for the taxable 13
year, 14
‘‘(ii) any deduction for amounts paid 15
or accrued for services to which the excep-16
tion under subsection (d)(5) applies, and 17
‘‘(iii) any deduction for qualified de-18
rivative payments which are not treated as 19
a base erosion payment by reason of sub-20
section (h). 21
‘‘(d) B
.—For purposes of 22
this section— 23
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘base erosion 24
payment’ means any amount paid or accrued by the 25
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taxpayer to a foreign person which is a related party 1
of the taxpayer and with respect to which a deduc-2
tion is allowable under this chapter. 3
‘‘(2) P
.— 4
Such term shall also include any amount paid or ac-5
crued by the taxpayer to a foreign person which is 6
a related party of the taxpayer in connection with 7
the acquisition by the taxpayer from such person of 8
property of a character subject to the allowance for 9
depreciation (or amortization in lieu of depreciation). 10
‘‘(3) R
.—Such term 11
shall also include any premium or other consider-12
ation paid or accrued by the taxpayer to a foreign 13
person which is a related party of the taxpayer for 14
any reinsurance payments which are taken into ac-15
count under sections 803(a)(1)(B) or 832(b)(4)(A). 16
‘‘(4) C
.— 18
‘‘(A) I
.—Such term shall also 19
include any amount paid or accrued by the tax-20
payer with respect to a person described in sub-21
paragraph (B) which results in a reduction of 22
the gross receipts of the taxpayer. 23
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‘‘(B) P
.—A person is 1
described in this subparagraph if such person is 2
a— 3
‘‘(i) surrogate foreign corporation 4
which is a related party of the taxpayer, 5
but only if such person first became a sur-6
rogate foreign corporation after November 7
9, 2017, or 8
‘‘(ii) foreign person which is a mem-9
ber of the same expanded affiliated group 10
as the surrogate foreign corporation. 11
‘‘(C) D
.—For purposes of this 12
paragraph— 13
‘‘(i) S
.—The term ‘surrogate foreign cor-15
poration’ has the meaning given such term 16
by section 7874(a)(2)(B) but does not in-17
clude a foreign corporation treated as a do-18
mestic corporation under section 7874(b). 19
‘‘(ii) E
.—The term ‘expanded affiliated 21
group’ has the meaning given such term by 22
section 7874(c)(1). 23
‘‘(5) E
.—Paragraph (1) shall not 25
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apply to any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer 1
for services if— 2
‘‘(A) such services are services which meet 3
the requirements for eligibility for use of the 4
services cost method under section 482 (deter-5
mined without regard to the requirement that 6
the services not contribute significantly to fun-7
damental risks of business success or failure), 8
and 9
‘‘(B) such amount constitutes the total 10
services cost with no markup component. 11
‘‘(e) A
.—For purposes of this 12
section— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘applicable tax-14
payer’ means, with respect to any taxable year, a 15
taxpayer— 16
‘‘(A) which is a corporation other than a 17
regulated investment company, a real estate in-18
vestment trust, or an S corporation, 19
‘‘(B) the average annual gross receipts of 20
which for the 3-taxable-year period ending with 21
the preceding taxable year are at least 22
$500,000,000, and 23
‘‘(C) the base erosion percentage (as deter-24
mined under subsection (c)(4)) of which for the 25
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taxable year is 3 percent (2 percent in the case 1
of a taxpayer described in subsection (b)(3)(B)) 2
or higher. 3
‘‘(2) G
.— 4
‘‘(A) S
.—In the case of a foreign person the 6
gross receipts of which are taken into account 7
for purposes of paragraph (1)(B), only gross re-8
ceipts which are taken into account in deter-9
mining income which is effectively connected 10
with the conduct of a trade or business within 11
the United States shall be taken into account. 12
In the case of a taxpayer which is a foreign per-13
son, the preceding sentence shall not apply to 14
the gross receipts of any United States person 15
which are aggregated with the taxpayer’s gross 16
receipts by reason of paragraph (3). 17
‘‘(B) O
.— 18
Rules similar to the rules of subparagraphs (B), 19
(C), and (D) of section 448(c)(3) shall apply in 20
determining gross receipts for purposes of this 21
section. 22
‘‘(3) A
.—All persons treat-23
ed as a single employer under subsection (a) of sec-24
tion 52 shall be treated as 1 person for purposes of 25
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this subsection and subsection (c)(4), except that in 1
applying section 1563 for purposes of section 52, the 2
exception for foreign corporations under section 3
1563(b)(2)(C) shall be disregarded. 4
‘‘(f) F
.—For purposes of this sec-5
tion, the term ‘foreign person’ has the meaning given such 6
term by section 6038A(c)(3). 7
‘‘(g) R
.—For purposes of this sec-8
tion— 9
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘related party’ 10
means, with respect to any applicable taxpayer— 11
‘‘(A) any 25-percent owner of the taxpayer, 12
‘‘(B) any person who is related (within the 13
meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)) to the 14
taxpayer or any 25-percent owner of the tax-15
payer, and 16
‘‘(C) any other person who is related (with-17
in the meaning of section 482) to the taxpayer. 18
‘‘(2) 25-
.—The term ‘25-per-19
cent owner’ means, with respect to any corporation, 20
any person who owns at least 25 percent of— 21
‘‘(A) the total voting power of all classes of 22
stock of a corporation entitled to vote, or 23
‘‘(B) the total value of all classes of stock 24
of such corporation. 25
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‘‘(3) S
.—Section 318 1
shall apply for purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), 2
except that— 3
‘‘(A) ‘10 percent’ shall be substituted for 4
‘50 percent’ in section 318(a)(2)(C), and 5
‘‘(B) subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of 6
section 318(a)(3) shall not be applied so as to 7
consider a United States person as owning 8
stock which is owned by a person who is not a 9
United States person. 10
‘‘(h) E
.—For 12
purposes of this section— 13
‘‘(1) I
.—Except as provided in para-14
graph (3), any qualified derivative payment shall not 15
be treated as a base erosion payment. 16
‘‘(2) Q
.— 17
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘qualified 18
derivative payment’ means any payment made 19
by a taxpayer pursuant to a derivative with re-20
spect to which the taxpayer— 21
‘‘(i) recognizes gain or loss as if such 22
derivative were sold for its fair market 23
value on the last business day of the tax-24
able year (and such additional times as re-25
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quired by this title or the taxpayer’s meth-1
od of accounting), 2
‘‘(ii) treats any gain or loss so recog-3
nized as ordinary, and 4
‘‘(iii) treats the character of all items 5
of income, deduction, gain, or loss with re-6
spect to a payment pursuant to the deriva-7
tive as ordinary. 8
‘‘(B) R
.—No 9
payments shall be treated as qualified derivative 10
payments under subparagraph (A) for any tax-11
able year unless the taxpayer includes in the in-12
formation required to be reported under section 13
6038B(b)(2) with respect to such taxable year 14
such information as is necessary to identify the 15
payments to be so treated and such other infor-16
mation as the Secretary determines necessary 17
to carry out the provisions of this subsection. 18
‘‘(3) E
.—This sub-20
section shall not apply to any qualified derivative 21
payment if— 22
‘‘(A) the payment would be treated as a 23
base erosion payment if it were not made pur-24
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suant to a derivative, including any interest, 1
royalty, or service payment, or 2
‘‘(B) in the case of a contract which has 3
derivative and nonderivative components, the 4
payment is properly allocable to the nonderiva-5
tive component. 6
‘‘(4) D
.—For purposes of 7
this subsection— 8
‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘derivative’ 9
means any contract (including any option, for-10
ward contract, futures contract, short position, 11
swap, or similar contract) the value of which, or 12
any payment or other transfer with respect to 13
which, is (directly or indirectly) determined by 14
reference to one or more of the following: 15
‘‘(i) Any share of stock in a corpora-16
tion. 17
‘‘(ii) Any evidence of indebtedness. 18
‘‘(iii) Any commodity which is actively 19
traded. 20
‘‘(iv) Any currency. 21
‘‘(v) Any rate, price, amount, index, 22
formula, or algorithm. 23
Such term shall not include any item described 24
in clauses (i) through (v). 25
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‘‘(B) T
.— 2
Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary, 3
for purposes of this part, American depository 4
receipts (and similar instruments) with respect 5
to shares of stock in foreign corporations shall 6
be treated as shares of stock in such foreign 7
corporations. 8
‘‘(C) E
.—Such term shall not include any in-10
surance, annuity, or endowment contract issued 11
by an insurance company to which subchapter 12
L applies (or issued by any foreign corporation 13
to which such subchapter would apply if such 14
foreign corporation were a domestic corpora-15
tion). 16
‘‘(i) R
.—The Secretary shall prescribe 17
such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary 18
or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, 19
including regulations— 20
‘‘(1) providing for such adjustments to the ap-21
plication of this section as are necessary to prevent 22
the avoidance of the purposes of this section, includ-23
ing through— 24
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‘‘(A) the use of unrelated persons, conduit 1
transactions, or other intermediaries, or 2
‘‘(B) transactions or arrangements de-3
signed, in whole or in part— 4
‘‘(i) to characterize payments other-5
wise subject to this section as payments 6
not subject to this section, or 7
‘‘(ii) to substitute payments not sub-8
ject to this section for payments otherwise 9
subject to this section and 10
‘‘(2) for the application of subsection (g), in-11
cluding rules to prevent the avoidance of the excep-12
tions under subsection (g)(3).’’. 13
(b) R
.— 14
(1) I
.—Subsection (b) of section 15
6038A is amended to read as follows: 16
‘‘(b) R
.— 17
‘‘(1) I
.—For purposes of subsection 18
(a), the information described in this subsection is 19
such information as the Secretary prescribes by reg-20
ulations relating to— 21
‘‘(A) the name, principal place of business, 22
nature of business, and country or countries in 23
which organized or resident, of each person 24
which— 25
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‘‘(i) is a related party to the reporting 1
corporation, and 2
‘‘(ii) had any transaction with the re-3
porting corporation during its taxable year, 4
‘‘(B) the manner in which the reporting 5
corporation is related to each person referred to 6
in subparagraph (A), and 7
‘‘(C) transactions between the reporting 8
corporation and each foreign person which is a 9
related party to the reporting corporation. 10
‘‘(2) A
.—For purposes of sub-12
section (a) and section 6038C, if the reporting cor-13
poration or the foreign corporation to whom section 14
6038C applies is an applicable taxpayer, the infor-15
mation described in this subsection shall include— 16
‘‘(A) such information as the Secretary de-17
termines necessary to determine the base ero-18
sion minimum tax amount, base erosion pay-19
ments, and base erosion tax benefits of the tax-20
payer for purposes of section 59A for the tax-21
able year, and 22
‘‘(B) such other information as the Sec-23
retary determines necessary to carry out such 24
section. 25
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For purposes of this paragraph, any term used in 1
this paragraph which is also used in section 59A 2
shall have the same meaning as when used in such 3
section.’’. 4
(2) I
.—Paragraphs (1) 5
and (2) of section 6038A(d) are each amended by 6
striking ‘‘$10,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$25,000’’. 7
(c) D
.—Paragraph (2) of section 26(b) is amend-9
ed by inserting after subparagraph (A) the following new 10
subparagraph: 11
‘‘(B) section 59A (relating to base erosion 12
and anti-abuse tax),’’. 13
(d) C
.— 14
(1) The table of parts for subchapter A of chap-15
ter 1 is amended by adding after the item relating 16
to part VI the following new item: 17
(2) Paragraph (1) of section 882(a), as amend-18
ed by this Act, is amended by inserting ‘‘ or 59A,’’ 19
after ‘‘section 11,’’. 20
(3) Subparagraph (A) of section 6425(c)(1), as 21
amended by section 13001, is amended to read as 22
follows: 23
‘‘(A) the sum of— 24
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‘‘(i) the tax imposed by section 11, or 1
subchapter L of chapter 1, whichever is 2
applicable, plus 3
‘‘(ii) the tax imposed by section 59A, 4
over’’. 5
(4)(A) Subparagraph (A) of section 6655(g)(1), 6
as amended by sections 12001 and 13001, is amend-7
ed by striking ‘‘plus’’ at the end of clause (i), by re-8
designating clause (ii) as clause (iii), and by insert-9
ing after clause (i) the following new clause: 10
‘‘(ii) the tax imposed by section 59A, 11
plus’’. 12
(B) Subparagraphs (A)(i) and (B)(i) of section 13
6655(e)(2), as amended by sections 12001 and 14
13001, are each amended by inserting ‘‘and modi-15
fied taxable income’’ after ‘‘taxable income’’. 16
(C) Subparagraph (B) of section 6655(e)(2) is 17
amended by adding at the end the following new 18
clause: 19
‘‘(iii) M
.— 20
The term ‘modified taxable income’ has the 21
meaning given such term by section 22
59A(c)(1).’’. 23
(e) E
.—The amendments made by 24
this section shall apply to base erosion payments (as de-25
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fined in section 59A(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1
1986, as added by this section) paid or accrued in taxable 2
years beginning after December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Section 1297(b)(2)(B) is amend-8
ed to read as follows: 9
‘‘(B) derived in the active conduct of an in-10
surance business by a qualifying insurance cor-11
poration (as defined in subsection (f)),’’. 12
(b) Q
.—Section 1297 is amended by adding at the end 14
the following new subsection: 15
‘‘(f) Q
.—For 16
purposes of subsection (b)(2)(B)— 17
‘‘(1) I
.—The term ‘qualifying insur-18
ance corporation’ means, with respect to any taxable 19
year, a foreign corporation— 20
‘‘(A) which would be subject to tax under 21
subchapter L if such corporation were a domes-22
tic corporation, and 23
‘‘(B) the applicable insurance liabilities of 24
which constitute more than 25 percent of its 25
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total assets, determined on the basis of such li-1
abilities and assets as reported on the corpora-2
tion’s applicable financial statement for the last 3
year ending with or within the taxable year. 4
‘‘(2) A
.— 6
If a corporation fails to qualify as a qualified insur-7
ance corporation under paragraph (1) solely because 8
the percentage determined under paragraph (1)(B) 9
is 25 percent or less, a United States person that 10
owns stock in such corporation may elect to treat 11
such stock as stock of a qualifying insurance cor-12
poration if— 13
‘‘(A) the percentage so determined for the 14
corporation is at least 10 percent, and 15
‘‘(B) under regulations provided by the 16
Secretary, based on the applicable facts and cir-17
cumstances— 18
‘‘(i) the corporation is predominantly 19
engaged in an insurance business, and 20
‘‘(ii) such failure is due solely to run-21
off-related or rating-related circumstances 22
involving such insurance business. 23
‘‘(3) A
.— 24
For purposes of this subsection— 25
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‘‘(A) I
.—The term ‘applicable 1
insurance liabilities’ means, with respect to any 2
life or property and casualty insurance busi-3
ness— 4
‘‘(i) loss and loss adjustment ex-5
penses, and 6
‘‘(ii) reserves (other than deficiency, 7
contingency, or unearned premium re-8
serves) for life and health insurance risks 9
and life and health insurance claims with 10
respect to contracts providing coverage for 11
mortality or morbidity risks. 12
‘‘(B) L
.—Any amount determined under clause 14
(i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A) shall not exceed 15
the lesser of such amount— 16
‘‘(i) as reported to the applicable in-17
surance regulatory body in the applicable 18
financial statement described in paragraph 19
(4)(A) (or, if less, the amount required by 20
applicable law or regulation), or 21
‘‘(ii) as determined under regulations 22
prescribed by the Secretary. 23
‘‘(4) O
.—For 24
purposes of this subsection— 25
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‘‘(A) A
.—The term ‘applicable financial state-2
ment’ means a statement for financial reporting 3
purposes which— 4
‘‘(i) is made on the basis of generally 5
accepted accounting principles, 6
‘‘(ii) is made on the basis of inter-7
national financial reporting standards, but 8
only if there is no statement that meets 9
the requirement of clause (i), or 10
‘‘(iii) except as otherwise provided by 11
the Secretary in regulations, is the annual 12
statement which is required to be filed 13
with the applicable insurance regulatory 14
body, but only if there is no statement 15
which meets the requirements of clause (i) 16
or (ii). 17
‘‘(B) A
.—The term ‘applicable insurance 19
regulatory body’ means, with respect to any in-20
surance business, the entity established by law 21
to license, authorize, or regulate such business 22
and to which the statement described in sub-23
paragraph (A) is provided.’’. 24
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(c) E
.—The amendments made by 1
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 2
December 31, 2017. 3
(a) I
.—Paragraph (2) of section 864(e) 6
is amended to read as follows: 7
‘‘(2) G
.—All 9
allocations and apportionments of interest expense 10
shall be determined using the adjusted bases of as-11
sets rather than on the basis of the fair market 12
value of the assets or gross income.’’. 13
(b) E
.—The amendment made by 14
this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after 15
December 31, 2017. 16
(a) D
.—In this section: 19
(1) C
.—The term ‘‘Coastal 20
Plain’’ means the area identified as the 1002 Area 21
on the plates prepared by the United States Geologi-22
cal Survey entitled ‘‘ANWR Map – Plate 1’’ and 23
‘‘ANWR Map – Plate 2’’, dated October 24, 2017, 24
and on file with the United States Geological Survey 25
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and the Office of the Solicitor of the Department of 1
the Interior. 2
(2) S
.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means 3
the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bu-4
reau of Land Management. 5
(b) O
.— 6
(1) I
.—Section 1003 of the Alaska 7
National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 8
U.S.C. 3143) shall not apply to the Coastal Plain. 9
(2) E
.— 10
(A) I
.—The Secretary shall es-11
tablish and administer a competitive oil and gas 12
program for the leasing, development, produc-13
tion, and transportation of oil and gas in and 14
from the Coastal Plain. 15
(B) P
.—Section 303(2)(B) of the 16
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation 17
Act (Public Law 96–487; 94 Stat. 2390) is 18
amended— 19
(i) in clause (iii), by striking ‘‘and’’ at 20
the end; 21
(ii) in clause (iv), by striking the pe-22
riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and 23
(iii) by adding at the end the fol-24
lowing: 25
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‘‘(v) to provide for an oil and gas pro-1
gram on the Coastal Plain.’’. 2
(3) M
.—Except as otherwise pro-3
vided in this section, the Secretary shall manage the 4
oil and gas program on the Coastal Plain in a man-5
ner similar to the administration of lease sales under 6
the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 7
1976 (42 U.S.C. 6501 et seq.) (including regula-8
tions). 9
(4) R
.—Notwithstanding the Mineral 10
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), the royalty 11
rate for leases issued pursuant to this section shall 12
be 16.67 percent. 13
(5) R
.—Notwithstanding the Mineral 14
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), of the amount 15
of adjusted bonus, rental, and royalty receipts de-16
rived from the oil and gas program and operations 17
on Federal land authorized under this section— 18
(A) 50 percent shall be paid to the State 19
of Alaska; and 20
(B) the balance shall be deposited into the 21
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. 22
(c) 2 L
10 Y
.— 23
(1) R
.— 24
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(A) I
.—Subject to subpara-1
graph (B), the Secretary shall conduct not 2
fewer than 2 lease sales area-wide under the oil 3
and gas program under this section by not later 4
than 10 years after the date of enactment of 5
this Act. 6
(B) S
.— 7
(i) A
.—The Secretary shall 8
offer for lease under the oil and gas pro-9
gram under this section— 10
(I) not fewer than 400,000 acres 11
area-wide in each lease sale; and 12
(II) those areas that have the 13
highest potential for the discovery of 14
hydrocarbons. 15
(ii) S
.—The Secretary shall 16
offer— 17
(I) the initial lease sale under the 18
oil and gas program under this sec-19
tion not later than 4 years after the 20
date of enactment of this Act; and 21
(II) a second lease sale under the 22
oil and gas program under this sec-23
tion not later than 7 years after the 24
date of enactment of this Act. 25
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(2) R
.—The Secretary shall issue 1
any rights-of-way or easements across the Coastal 2
Plain for the exploration, development, production, 3
or transportation necessary to carry out this section. 4
(3) S
.—In admin-5
istering this section, the Secretary shall authorize up 6
to 2,000 surface acres of Federal land on the Coast-7
al Plain to be covered by production and support fa-8
cilities (including airstrips and any area covered by 9
gravel berms or piers for support of pipelines) dur-10
ing the term of the leases under the oil and gas pro-11
gram under this section. 12
Section 105(f)(1) of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Secu-16
rity Act of 2006 (43 U.S.C. 1331 note; Public Law 109– 17
432) is amended by striking ‘‘exceed $500,000,000 for 18
each of fiscal years 2016 through 2055.’’ and inserting 19
the following: ‘‘exceed— 20
‘‘(A) $500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 21
2016 through 2019; 22
‘‘(B) $650,000,000 for each of fiscal years 23
2020 and 2021; and 24
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‘‘(C) $500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 1
2022 through 2055.’’. 2
(a) D
.— 5
(1) I
.—Notwithstanding section 161 6
of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 7
U.S.C. 6241), except as provided in subsections (b) 8
and (c), the Secretary of Energy shall draw down 9
and sell from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve 10
7,000,000 barrels of crude oil during the period of 11
fiscal years 2026 through 2027. 12
(2) D
.—Amounts received from a sale under para-14
graph (1) shall be deposited in the general fund of 15
the Treasury during the fiscal year in which the sale 16
occurs. 17
(b) E
.—The Secretary of 18
Energy shall not draw down and sell crude oil under sub-19
section (a) in a quantity that would limit the authority 20
to sell petroleum products under subsection (h) of section 21
161 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 22
6241) in the full quantity authorized by that subsection. 23
(c) L
.—The Secretary of Energy shall not 24
drawdown or conduct sales of crude oil under subsection 25
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(a) after the date on which a total of $600,000,000 has 1
been deposited in the general fund of the Treasury from 2
sales authorized under that subsection. 3
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TITLE I INDIVIDUAL TAX REFORM .................................................................................... 2
A. Reduction and Simplification of Individual Income Tax Rates (sec. 1001 of the House
bill, sec. 11001 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 1 of the Code) .......................................... 2
1. Increase in standard deduction (sec. 1002 of the House bill, sec. 11021 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 63 of the Code) ............................................................................... 14
2. Repeal of the deduction for personal exemptions (sec. 1003 of the House bill, sec.
11041 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 151 of the Code) ............................................ 15
3. Alternative inflation adjustment (secs. 1001 and 1005 of the House bill, sec. 11002 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 1 of the Code) ............................................................... 17
B. Treatment of Business Income of Individuals, Trusts, and Estates .................................. 20
1. Deduction for qualified business income (sec. 1004 of the House bill, sec. 11011 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 199A of the Code) ......................................................... 20
C. Simplification and Reform of Family and Individual Tax Credits ................................... 41
1. Enhancement of child tax credit and new family credit (sec. 1101 of the House bill,
sec. 11022 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 24 of the Code) ....................................... 41
2. Credit for the elderly and permanently disabled (sec. 1102(a) of the House bill and
sec. 22 of the Code) .......................................................................................................... 44
3. Repeal of credit for plug-in electric drive motor vehicles (sec. 1102(c) of the House
bill and sec. 30D of the Code) .......................................................................................... 45
4. Termination of credit for interest on certain home mortgages (sec. 1102(b) of the
House bill and sec. 25 of the Code) .................................................................................. 46
5. Modification of taxpayer identification number requirements for the child tax credit,
earned income credit, and American Opportunity credit (sec. 1103 of the House bill, sec.
11022 of the Senate amendment and secs. 24, 25A and 32 of the Code) ......................... 46
6. Procedures to reduce improper claims of earned income credit (sec. 1104 of the
House bill and new secs. 32(c)(2)(B)(vii) and 6011(i) of the Code) ................................ 50
7. Certain income disallowed for purposes of the earned income tax credit (sec. 1105 of
the House bill, new secs. 32(n) and 32(c)(2)(C) of the Code, and secs. 6051, 6052,
6041(a), and 6050(w) of the Code) ................................................................................... 53
8. Limitation on losses for taxpayers other than corporations (sec. 11012 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 461(l) of the Code) .......................................................................... 56
9. Reform of American opportunity tax credit and repeal of lifetime learning credit (sec.
1201 of the House bill and sec. 25A of the Code) ............................................................ 58
10.Consolidation and modification of education savings rules (sec. 1202 of the House
bill, sec. 11033 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 529 and 530 of the Code) .............. 60
11.Reforms to discharge of certain student loan indebtedness (sec. 1203 of the House
bill, sec. 11031 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 108 of the Code) .............................. 64
12.Repeal of deduction for student loan interest (sec. 1204 of the House bill and sec. 221
of the Code)....................................................................................................................... 66
13.Repeal of deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses (sec. 1204 of the House
bill and sec. 222 of the Code) ........................................................................................... 67
14.Repeal of exclusion for qualified tuition reductions (sec. 1204 of the House bill and
sec. 117(d) of the Code) .................................................................................................... 68
15.Repeal of exclusion for interest on United States savings bonds used for higher
education expenses (sec. 1204 of the House bill and sec. 135 of the Code) .................... 69
16.Repeal of exclusion for educational assistance programs (sec. 1204 of the House bill
and sec. 127 of the Code) .................................................................................................. 70
17.Rollovers between qualified tuition programs and qualified ABLE programs (sec.
1205 of the House bill, sec. 11025 of the Senate amendment and secs. 529 and 529A of
the Code) ........................................................................................................................... 71
18.Repeal of overall limitation on itemized deductions (sec. 1301 of the House bill, sec.
11046 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 68 of the Code) .............................................. 74
D. Simplification and Reform of Deductions and Exclusions ............................................... 76
1. Modification of deduction for home mortgage interest (sec. 1302 of the House bill,
sec. 11043 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 163(h) of the Code) ................................ 76
2. Modification of deduction for taxes not paid or accrued in a trade or business (sec.
1303 of the House bill, sec. 11042 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 164 of the Code) 78
3. Repeal of deduction for personal casualty and theft losses (sec. 1304 of the House
bill, sec. 11044 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 165 of the Code) .............................. 81
4. Limitation on wagering losses (sec. 1305 of the House bill, sec. 11051 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 165 of the Code) ............................................................................. 82
5. Modifications to the deduction for charitable contributions (sec. 1306 of the House
bill, secs. 11023, 13703, and 13704 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 170 of the Code)
6. Repeal of Certain Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions Subject to the Two-Percent
Floor (secs. 1307 and 1312 of the House bill, sec. 11045 of the Senate amendment, and
secs. 62, 67 and 212 of the Code) ..................................................................................... 95
7. Repeal of deduction for medical expenses (sec. 1308 of the House bill, sec. 11028 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 213 of the Code) ............................................................ 99
8. Repeal of deduction for alimony payments and corresponding inclusion in gross
income (sec. 1309 of the House bill and secs. 61, 71, and 215 of the Code) ................. 100
9. Repeal of deduction for moving expenses (sec. 1310 of the House bill, sec. 11050 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 217 of the Code) ......................................................... 101
10.Termination of deduction and exclusions for contributions to medical savings
accounts (sec. 1311 of the House bill, secs. 106(b) and 220 of the Code) ..................... 102
11.Denial of deduction for performing artists and certain officials; Modification of
deduction for educator expenses (sec. 1312 of the House bill, sec. 11032 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 62 of the Code) .............................................................................. 105
12.Suspension of exclusion for qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement (sec. 11048
of the Senate amendment and secs. 132(f) of the Code) ................................................. 106
13.Limitation on exclusion for employer-provided housing (sec. 1401 of the House bill
and sec. 119 of the Code) ................................................................................................ 107
14.Modification of exclusion of gain on sale of a principal residence (sec. 1402 of the
House bill, sec. 11047 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 121 of the Code) ................ 108
15.Sunset of exclusion for dependent care assistance programs (sec. 1404 of the House
bill and sec. 129 of the Code) ......................................................................................... 109
16.Repeal of exclusion for qualified moving expense reimbursement (sec. 1405 of the
House bill, sec. 11049 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 132(g) of the Code) ............ 110
17.Repeal of exclusion for adoption assistance programs (sec. 1406 of the House bill and
sec. 137 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 111
E. Simplification and Reform of Savings, Pensions, Retirement ........................................ 113
1. Repeal of special rule permitting recharacterization of IRA contributions (sec. 1501
of the House bill, sec. 13611 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 408A of the Code) ... 113
2. Reduction in minimum age for allowable in-service distributions (sec. 1502 of the
House bill and secs. 401 and 457 of the Code) ............................................................... 117
3. Modification of rules governing hardship distributions (sec. 1503 of the House bill
and secs. 401 and 403 of the Code) ................................................................................ 118
4. Modification of rules relating to hardship withdrawals from cash or deferred
arrangements (sec. 1504 of the bill, sec. 11033(c) of the Senate amendment, and sec. 401
of the Code)..................................................................................................................... 119
5. Extended rollover period for the rollover of plan loan offset amounts in certain cases
(sec. 1505 of the bill, sec. 13613 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 402 of the Code) 120
6. Modification of nondiscrimination rules for certain plans providing benefits or
contributions to older, longer service participants (sec. 1506 of the House bill and
sec. 401 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 122
7. Modification of rules applicable to length of service award programs for bona fide
public safety volunteers (sec. 13612 of the Senate amendment and sec. 457(e) of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 132
F. Modifications to Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Transfers Taxes (secs 1601 and
1602 of the House bill, sec. 11061 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 2001 and 2010 of the
Code) ..................................................................................................................................... 134
G. Alternative Minimum Tax (sec. 2001 of the House bill, sec. 12001 of the Senate
amendment, and secs. 53 and 55-59 of the Code) ................................................................ 145
H. Elimination of Shared Responsibility Payment for Individuals Failing to Maintain
Minimal Essential Coverage (sec. 11081 of the Senate amendment and sec. 5000A of the
Code) ..................................................................................................................................... 153
I. Other Provisions.............................................................................................................. 155
1. Temporarily allow increased contributions to ABLE accounts, and allow
contributions to be eligible for saver’s credit (sec. 11024 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 529A of the Code) .................................................................................................... 155
2. Extension of time limit for contesting IRS levy (sec. 11071 of the Senate amendment
and secs. 6343 and 6532 of the Code) ............................................................................ 159
3. Treatment of certain individuals performing services in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
(sec. 11026 of the Senate amendment and secs. 2, 112, 692, 2201, 3401, 4253, 6013, and
7508 of the Code)............................................................................................................ 160
4. Modifications of user fees requirements for installment agreements (sec. 11073 of the
Senate amendment and new sec. 6159(f) of the Code) ................................................... 162
5. Relief for 2016 disaster areas (sec. 11029 of the Senate amendment and secs. 72(t),
165, 401-403, 408, 457, and 3405 of the Code) ............................................................. 163
6. Attorneys’ fees relating to awards to whistleblowers (sec. 11078 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 62(a)(21) of the Code) ................................................................... 166
7. Clarification of whistleblower awards (sec. 11079 of the Senate amendment and new
sec. 7623(c) of the Code) ................................................................................................ 167
8. Exclusion from gross income of certain amounts received by wrongly incarcerated
individuals (sec. 11027 of the Senate amendment and sec. 139F of the Code) .............. 172
BUSINESS TAX REFORM ....................................................................................................... 174
A. Tax Rates ........................................................................................................................ 174
1. Reduction in corporate tax rate (sec. 3001 of the House bill, secs. 13001 and 13002 of
the Senate amendment, and secs. 11 and 243 of the Code) ............................................ 174
B. Cost Recovery ................................................................................................................. 179
1. Increased expensing (sec. 3101 of the House bill, secs. 13201 and 13311 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 168(k) of the Code) ........................................................... 179
2. Modifications to depreciation limitations on luxury automobiles and personal use
property (sec. 13202 of the Senate amendment and sec. 280F of the Code) .................. 193
3. Modifications of treatment of certain farm property (sec. 13203 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 168 of the Code) ............................................................................ 195
4. Applicable recovery period for real property (sec. 13204 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 168 of the Code) ................................................................................................ 199
5. Use of alternative depreciation system for electing farming businesses (sec. 13205 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 168 of the Code) .......................................................... 205
6. Expensing of certain costs of replanting citrus plants lost by reason of casualty (sec.
13207 of the Senate amendment and sec. 263A of the Code) ........................................ 209
C. Small Business Reforms ................................................................................................. 212
1. Expansion of section 179 expensing (sec. 3201 of the House bill, sec. 13101 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 179 of the Code) ............................................................... 212
2. Small business accounting method reform and simplification (sec. 3202 of the House
bill, secs. 13102 through 13105 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 263A, 448, 460, and
471 of the Code) .............................................................................................................. 215
3. Modification of treatment of S corporation conversions to C corporations (sec. 3204
of the House bill, sec. 13543 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 481 and 1371 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 222
D. Reform of Business Related Exclusions, Deductions, etc. ............................................. 226
1. Interest (sec. 3301 of the House bill, secs. 13301 and 13311 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 163(j) of the Code) ....................................................................... 226
2. Modification of net operating loss deduction (sec. 3302 of the House bill, sec. 13302
of the Senate amendment, and sec. 172 of the Code) ..................................................... 234
3. Like-kind exchanges of real property (sec. 3303 of the House bill, and sec. 13303 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 1031 of the Code) ....................................................... 236
4. Revision of treatment of contributions to capital (sec. 3304 of the House bill and
sec. 118 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 239
5. Repeal of deduction for local lobbying expenses (sec. 3305 of the House bill, sec.
13308 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 162(e) of the Code) ...................................... 242
6. Repeal of deduction for income attributable to domestic production activities (sec.
3306 of the House bill, sec. 13305 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 199 of the Code)
7. Entertainment, etc. expenses (sec. 3307 of the House bill, sec. 13304 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 274 of the Code) ........................................................................... 246
8. Repeal of exclusion, etc., for employee achievement awards (sec. 1403 of the House
bill, sec. 13310 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 74(c) and 274(j) of the Code) ...... 251
9. Unrelated business taxable income increased by amount of certain fringe benefit
expenses for which deduction is disallowed (sec. 3308 of the House bill and sec. 512 of
the Code) ......................................................................................................................... 252
10.Limitation on deduction for FDIC premiums (sec. 3309 of the House bill, sec. 13531
of the Senate amendment, and sec. 162 of the Code) ..................................................... 254
11.Repeal of rollover of publicly traded securities gain into specialized small business
investment companies (sec. 3310 of the House bill and sec. 1044 of the Code) ............ 258
12.Certain self-created property not treated as a capital asset (sec. 3311 of the House bill
and sec. 1221 of the Code) .............................................................................................. 258
13.Repeal of special rule for sale or exchange of patents (sec. 3312 of the House bill and
sec. 1235 of the Code)) ................................................................................................... 260
14.Repeal of technical termination of partnerships (sec. 3313 of the House bill and
sec. 708(b) of the Code) .................................................................................................. 261
15.Recharacterization of certain gains in the case of partnership profits interests held in
connection with performance of investment services (sec. 3314 of the House bill,
sec. 13310 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 1061 and 83 of the Code) .................... 262
16.Amortization of research and experimental expenditures (sec. 3315 of the House bill,
sec. 13206 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 174 of the Code) ................................... 269
17.Certain special rules for taxable year of inclusion (sec. 13221 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 451 of the Code) ............................................................................ 272
18.Denial of deduction for certain fines, penalties, and other amounts (sec. 13306 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 162(f) and new sec. 6050X of the Code) ........................... 277
19.Denial of deduction for settlements subject to nondisclosure agreements paid in
connection with sexual harassment or sexual abuse (sec. 13307 of the Senate amendment
and new sec. 162(q) of the Code) ................................................................................... 279
20.Uniform treatment of expenses in contingency fee cases (sec. 3316 of the House bill
and new sec. 162(q) of the Code) ................................................................................... 279
E. Reform of Business Credits ............................................................................................ 282
1. Repeal of credit for clinical testing expenses for certain drugs for rare diseases or
conditions (sec. 3401 of the House bill, sec. 13401 of the Senate amendment, and
sec. 45C of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 282
2. Repeal of employer-provided child care credit (sec. 3402 of the House bill and sec.
42F of the Code) ............................................................................................................. 283
3. Rehabilitation credit (sec. 3403 of the House bill, sec. 13402 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 47 of the Code) ............................................................................. 284
4. Repeal of work opportunity tax credit (sec. 3404 of the House bill and sec. 51 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 285
5. Repeal of deduction for certain unused business credits (sec. 3405 of the House bill,
sec. 13403 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 196 of the Code) ................................... 287
6. Termination of new markets tax credit (sec. 3406 of the House bill and sec. 45D of
the Code) ......................................................................................................................... 288
7. Repeal of credit for expenditures to provide access to disabled individuals (sec. 3407
of the House bill and sec. 44 of the Code) ...................................................................... 290
8. Modification of credit for portion of employer social security taxes paid with respect
to employee tips (sec. 3408 of the House bill and sec. 45B of the Code) ...................... 292
9. Employer credit for paid family and medical leave (sec. 13403 of the Senate
amendment, and new sec. 45S of the Code) ................................................................... 293
F. Energy Credits ................................................................................................................ 295
1. Modifications to credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources
(sec. 3501 of the House bill and sec. 45 of the Code) .................................................... 295
2. Modification of the energy investment tax credit (sec. 3502 of the House bill and
sec. 48 of the Code) ........................................................................................................ 297
3. Extension and phaseout of residential energy efficient property credit (sec. 3503 of
the House bill and sec. 25D of the Code) ....................................................................... 301
4. Repeal of enhanced oil recovery credit (sec. 3504 of the House bill and sec. 43 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 303
5. Repeal of credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells (sec. 3505 of the
House bill and sec. 45I of the Code) ............................................................................... 303
6. Modification of credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities
(sec. 3506 of the House bill and sec. 45J of the Code) ................................................... 304
G. Bond Reforms ................................................................................................................. 307
1. Termination of private activity bonds (sec. 3601 of the bill and sec. 103 of the Code)
2. Repeal of advance refunding bonds (sec. 3602 of the bill, sec. 13532 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 149(d) of the Code) ...................................................................... 310
3. Repeal of tax credit bonds (sec. 3603 of the bill and secs. 54A, 54B, 54C, 54D, 54E,
54F and 6431 of the Code) .............................................................................................. 311
4. No tax-exempt bonds for professional stadiums (sec. 3604 of the bill and sec. 103 of
the Code) ......................................................................................................................... 315
H. Insurance ......................................................................................................................... 318
1. Net operating losses of life insurance companies (sec. 3701 of the House bill, sec.
13511 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 810 of the Code) .......................................... 318
2. Repeal of small life insurance company deduction (sec. 3702 of the House bill, sec.
13512 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 806 of the Code) .......................................... 319
3. Surtax on life insurance company taxable income (sec. 3703 of the House bill and
sec. 801 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 319
4. Adjustment for change in computing reserves (sec. 3704 of the House bill, sec. 13513
of the Senate amendment, and sec. 807 of the Code) ..................................................... 320
5. Repeal of special rule for distributions to shareholders from pre-1984 policyholders
surplus account (sec. 3705 of the House bill, sec. 13514 of the Senate amendment, and
sec. 815 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 321
6. Modification of proration rules for property and casualty insurance companies
(sec. 3706 of the House bill, sec. 13515 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 832 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 323
7. Modification of discounting rules for property and casualty insurance companies
(sec. 3707 of the House bill and sec. 832 of the Code) .................................................. 324
8. Repeal of special estimated tax payments (sec. 3708 of the House bill, sec. 13516 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 847 of the Code) ......................................................... 327
9. Computation of life insurance tax reserves (sec. 13517 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 807 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 330
10.Modification of rules for life insurance proration for purposes of determining the
dividends received deduction (sec. 13518 of the Senate amendment and sec. 812 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 333
11.Capitalization of certain policy acquisition expenses (sec. 13519 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 848 of the Code) ............................................................................ 336
12.Tax reporting for life settlement transactions, clarification of tax basis of life
insurance contracts, and exception to transfer for valuable consideration rules (secs.
13518 through 13520 of the Senate amendment and secs. 101, 1016, and 6050X of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 337
I. Compensation ................................................................................................................. 341
1. Modification of limitation on excessive employee remuneration (sec. 3801 of the
House bill, sec. 13601 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 162(m) of the Code) ........... 341
2. Excise tax on excess tax-exempt organization executive compensation (sec. 3802 of
the House bill, sec. 13602 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 4960 of the Code) ......... 346
3. Treatment of qualified equity grants (sec. 3803 of the House bill, sec. 13603 of the
Senate amendment, and secs. 83, 3401, and 6051 of the Code) ..................................... 349
4. Increase in excise tax rate for stock compensation of insiders in expatriated
corporations (sec. 13604 of the Senate amendment and sec. 4985 of the Code) ............ 359
J. Other Provisions.............................................................................................................. 366
1. Treatment of gain or loss of foreign persons from sale or exchange of interests in
partnerships engaged in trade or business within the United States (sec. 13501 of the
Senate amendment and secs. 864(c) and 1446 of the Code) ........................................... 366
2. Modification of the definition of substantial built-in loss in the case of transfer of
partnership interest (sec. 13502 of the Senate amendment and sec. 743 of the Code) ... 369
3. Charitable contributions and foreign taxes taken into account in determining
limitation on allowance of partner’s share of loss (sec. 13503 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 704 of the Code) ................................................................................................ 371
4. Cost basis of specified securities determined without regard to identification
(sec. 13533 of the Senate amendment and sec. 1012 of the Code) ................................. 373
5. Expansion of qualifying beneficiaries of an electing small business trust (sec. 13541
of the Senate amendment and sec. 1361 of the Code) .................................................... 375
6. Charitable contribution deduction for electing small business trusts (sec. 13542 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 642(c) of the Code) ............................................................ 376
7. Production period for beer, wine, and distilled spirits (sec. 13801 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 263A of the Code) ......................................................................... 377
8. Reduced rate of excise tax on beer (sec. 13802 of the Senate amendment and sec.
5051 of the Code)............................................................................................................ 379
9. Transfer of beer between bonded facilities (sec. 13803 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 5414 of the Code) .................................................................................................... 381
10.Reduced rate of excise tax on certain wine (sec. 13804 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 5041 of the Code) .................................................................................................... 383
11.Adjustment of alcohol content level for application of excise tax rates (sec. 13805 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 5041 of the Code) ........................................................ 385
12.Definition of mead and low alcohol by volume wine (sec. 13806 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 5041 of the Code) .......................................................................... 387
13.Reduced rate of excise tax on certain distilled spirits (sec. 13807 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 5001 of the Code) .......................................................................... 389
14.Bulk distilled spirits (sec. 13808 of the Senate amendment and sec. 5212 of the Code)
15.Modification of tax treatment of Alaska Native Corporations and Settlement Trusts
(sec. 13821 of the Senate amendment and sec. 6039H and new secs. 139G and 247 of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 392
16.Amounts paid for aircraft management services (sec. 13822 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 4261 of the Code) .............................................................................................. 395
17.Opportunity zones (sec. 13823 of the Senate amendment and new secs. 1400Z-1 and
1400Z-2 of the Code) ...................................................................................................... 398
18.Provisions relating to the low-income housing credit (secs. 13411 and 13412 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 42 of the Code) .................................................................. 401
EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................................... 404
A. Unrelated Business Income Tax ..................................................................................... 404
1. Clarification of unrelated business income tax treatment of entities exempt from tax
under section 501(a) (sec. 5001 of the House bill and sec. 511 of the Code) ................. 404
2. Exclusion of research income from unrelated business taxable income limited to
publicly available research (sec. 5002 of the House bill and sec. 512(b)(9) of the Code)
3. Unrelated business taxable income separately computed for each trade or business
activity (sec. 13703 of the Senate amendment and sec. 512(a) of the Code) ................. 408
B. Excise Taxes ................................................................................................................... 412
1. Simplification of excise tax on private foundation investment income (sec. 5101 of
the House bill and sec. 4940 of the Code) ...................................................................... 412
2. Private operating foundation requirements relating to operation of an art museum
(sec. 5102 of the House bill and sec. 4942(j) of the Code) ............................................. 413
3. Excise tax based on investment income of private colleges and universities (sec. 5103
of the House bill, sec. 13701 of the Senate amendment, and new sec. 4968 of the Code)
4. Provide an exception to the private foundation excess business holdings rules for
philanthropic business holdings (sec. 5104 of the House bill and sec. 4943 of the Code)
C. Requirements for Organizations Exempt From Tax ....................................................... 424
1. Section 501(c)(3) organizations permitted to make statements relating to political
campaign in ordinary course of activities in carrying out exempt purpose (sec. 5201 of
the House bill and sec. 501 of the Code) ........................................................................ 424
2. Additional reporting requirements for donor advised fund sponsoring organizations
(sec. 5202 of the House bill and sec. 6033 of the Code) ................................................ 426
INTERNATIONAL TAX PROVISIONS .................................................................................. 466
A. Establishment of Participation Exemption System for Taxation of Foreign Income ..... 466
1. Deduction for foreign-source portion of dividends received by domestic corporations
from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations (sec. 4001 of the House bill, sec.
14101 of the Senate amendment, and new sec. 245A of the Code) ................................ 466
2. Modification of subpart F inclusion for increased investments in United States
property (sec. 4002 of the House bill, sec. 14218 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 956
of the Code)..................................................................................................................... 472
3. Special rules relating to sales or transfers involving specified 10-percent owned
foreign corporations (sec. 4003 of the House bill, sec. 14102 of the Senate Amendment
and secs. 367(a)(3)(C), 961, 1248 and new sec. 91 of the Code) ................................... 472
4. Treatment of deferred foreign income upon transition to participation exemption
system of taxation and deemed repatriation at two-tier rate (sec. 4004 of the House bill,
sec. 14103 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 78, 904, 907 and 965 of the Code) ...... 477
5. Election to increase percentage of domestic taxable income offset by overall domestic
loss treated as foreign source (sec. 14305 of the Senate amendment and sec. 904(g) of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 493
B. Rules Related to Passive and Mobile Income ................................................................. 494
1. Deduction for foreign-derived intangible income and global intangible low-taxed
income (sec. 14202 of the Senate amendment and new sec. 250 of the Code) .............. 494
2. Special rules for transfers of intangible property from controlled foreign corporations
to United States shareholders (sec. 14203 of the Senate amendment and new sec. 966 of
the Code) ......................................................................................................................... 499
C. Modifications Related to Foreign Tax Credit System .................................................... 501
1. Repeal of section 902 indirect foreign tax credits; determination of section 960 credit
on current year basis (sec. 4101 of the House bill, sec. 14301 of the Senate amendment,
and secs. 902 and 960 of the Code) ................................................................................ 501
2. Source of income from sales of inventory determined solely on basis of production
activities (sec. 4102 of the House bill, sec. 14304 of the Senate amendment, and sec.
863(b) of the Code) ......................................................................................................... 502
3. Separate foreign tax credit limitation basket for foreign branch income (sec. 14302 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 904 of the Code) .......................................................... 503
4. Acceleration of election to allocate interest, etc., on a worldwide basis (sec. 14303 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 864 of the Code) .......................................................... 503
D. Modification of Subpart F Provisions ............................................................................. 505
1. Repeal of inclusion based on withdrawal of previously excluded subpart F income
from qualified investment (sec. 4201 of the House bill, sec. 14213 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 955 of the Code) ........................................................................... 505
2. Repeal of treatment of foreign base company oil related income as subpart F income
(sec. 4202 of the House bill, sec. 14211 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(a) of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 505
3. Inflation adjustment of de minimis exception for foreign base company income (sec.
4203 of the House bill, sec. 14212 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(b)(3) of the
Code) ............................................................................................................................... 506
4. Look-thru rule for related controlled foreign corporations made permanent (sec. 4204
of the House bill, sec. 14217 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(c)(6) of the Code)
5. Modification of stock attribution rules for determining CFC status (sec. 4205 of the
House bill, sec. 14214 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 318 and 958 of the Code) . 507
6. Modification of definition of United States shareholder (sec. 14215 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 951 of the Code) ............................................................................ 508
7. Elimination of requirement that corporation must be controlled for 30 days before
subpart F inclusions apply (sec. 4206 of the House bill, sec. 14216 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 951(a)(1) of the Code) .................................................................. 508
8. Current year inclusion of foreign high return amounts or global intangible low-taxed
income by United States shareholders (sec. 4301 of the House bill, sec. 14201 of the
Senate amendment, and secs. 78 and 960 and new sec. 951A of the Code) ................... 509
9. Limitation on deduction of interest by domestic corporations which are members of
an international group (sec. 4302 of the House bill, sec. 14221 of the Senate amendment,
and new sec. 163(n) of the Code) ................................................................................... 520
E. Prevention of Base Erosion ............................................................................................. 524
1. Base erosion using deductible cross-border payments between affiliated companies
(sec. 4303 of the House bill and new secs. 4491 and 6038E of the Code; sec. 14401 of the
Senate amendment and secs. 6038A and 6038C and new secs. 59A and 59B of the Code)
2. Limitations on income shifting through intangible property transfers (sec. 14222 of
the bill and secs. 367, 482, and 936 of the Code) ........................................................... 536
3. Certain related party amounts paid or accrued in hybrid transactions or with hybrid
entities (sec. 14223 of the Senate amendment and sec. 267A of the Code) ................... 537
4. Shareholders of surrogate foreign corporations not eligible not eligible for reduced
rate on dividends (sec. 14225 of the Senate amendment and sec. 1 of the Code) .......... 539
F. Provisions Related to the Possessions of the United States ............................................ 540
1. Extension of deduction allowable with respect to income attributable to domestic
production activities in Puerto Rico (sec. 4401 of the House bill and sec. 199 of the Code)
2. Extension of temporary increase in limit on cover over of rum excise taxes to Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands (sec. 4402 of the House bill and sec. 7652(f) of the Code)
3. Extension of American Samoa economic development credit (sec. 4403 of the House
bill and sec. 119 of Pub. L. No. 109-432) ....................................................................... 543
G. Other International Reforms ........................................................................................... 546
1. Restriction on insurance business exception to the passive foreign investment
company rules (sec. 4501 of the House bill, sec. 14502 of the Senate amendment, and
sec. 1297 of the Code) .................................................................................................... 546
2. Repeal of fair market value of interest expense apportionment (sec. 14503 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 864 of the Code) ................................................................ 549
3. Modification to source rules involving possessions (sec. 14504 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 865 of the Code) ............................................................................ 549
TITLE II JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT ............................................................... 553
BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................. 554
TAX COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 555
The managers on the part of the House and the Senate at the conference on the
disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 1), the Tax
Cuts and Jobs Act, submit the following joint statement to the House and the Senate in
explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon by the managers and recommended in the
accompanying conference report:
The Senate amendment struck all of the House bill after the enacting clause and inserted
a substitute text.
The House recedes from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate with an
amendment that is a substitute for the House bill and the Senate amendment. The differences
between the House bill, the Senate amendment, and the substitute agreed to in conference are
noted below, except for clerical corrections, conforming changes made necessary by agreements
reached by the conferees, and minor drafting and clarifying changes.
A. Reduction and Simplification of Individual Income Tax Rates
(sec. 1001 of the House bill, sec. 11001 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 1 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
To determine regular tax liability, an individual taxpayer generally must apply the tax
rate schedules (or the tax tables) to his or her regular taxable income. The rate schedules are
broken into several ranges of income, known as income brackets, and the marginal tax rate
increases as a taxpayer’s income increases.
Tax rate schedules
Separate rate schedules apply based on an individual’s filing status. For 2017, the regular
individual income tax rate schedules are as follows:
Table 1.Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2017
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Single Individuals
Not over $9,325 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,325 but not over $37,950 $932.50 plus 15% of the excess over $9,325
Over $37,950 but not over $91,900 $5,226.25 plus 25% of the excess over $37,950
Over $91,900 but not over $191,650 $18,713.75 plus 28% of the excess over $91,900
Over $191,650 but not over $416,700 $46,643.75 plus 33% of the excess over $191,650
Over $416,700 but not over $418,400 $120,910.25 plus 35% of the excess over $416,700
Over $418,400 $121,505.25 plus 39.6% of the excess over $418,400
Heads of Households
Not over $13,350 10% of the taxable income
Over $13,350 but not over $50,800 $1,335 plus 15% of the excess over $13,350
Over $50,800 but not over $131,200 $6,952.50 plus 25% of the excess over $50,800
Over $131,200 but not over $212,500 $27,052.50 plus 28% of the excess over $131,200
Over $212,500 but not over $416,700 $49,816.50 plus 33% of the excess over $212,500
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Over $416,700 but not over $444,550 $117,202.50 plus 35% of the excess over $416,700
Over $444,550 $126,950 plus 39.6% of the excess over $444,550
Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns and Surviving Spouses
Not over $18,650 10% of the taxable income
Over $18,650 but not over $75,900 $1,865 plus 15% of the excess over $18,650
Over $75,900 but not over $153,100 $10,452.50 plus 25% of the excess over $75,900
Over $153,100 but not over $233,350 $29,752.50 plus 28% of the excess over $153,100
Over $233,350 but not over $416,700 $52,222.50 plus 33% of the excess over $233,350
Over $416,700 but not over $470,700 $112,728 plus 35% of the excess over $416,700
Over $470,700 $131,628 plus 39.6% of the excess over $470,700
Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Not over $9,325 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,325 but not over $37,950 $932.50 plus 15% of the excess over $9,325
Over $37,950 but not over $76,550 $5,226.25 plus 25% of the excess over $37,950
Over $76,550 but not over $116,675 $14,876.25 plus 28% of the excess over $76,550
Over $116,675 but not over $208,350 $26,111.25 plus 33% of the excess over $116,675
Over $208,350 but not over $235,350 $56,364 plus 35% of the excess over $208,350
Over $235,350 $65,814 plus 39.6% of the excess over $235,350
Estates and Trusts
Not over $2,550 15% of the taxable income
Over $2,550 but not over $6,000 $382.50 plus 25% of the excess over $2,550
Over $6,000 but not over $9,150 $1,245 plus 28% of the excess over $6,000
Over $9,150 but not over $12,500 $2,127 plus 33% of the excess over $9,150
Over $12,500 $3,232.50 plus 39.6% of the excess over $12,500
Rev. Proc. 2016-55, 2016-45 I.R.B. 707, sec. 3.01.
Unearned income of children
Special rules (generally referred to as the “kiddie tax”) apply to the net unearned income
of certain children.
Generally, the kiddie tax applies to a child if: (1) the child has not reached
the age of 19 by the close of the taxable year, or the child is a full-time student under the age of
24, and either of the child’s parents is alive at such time; (2) the child’s unearned income exceeds
$2,100 (for 2017); and (3) the child does not file a joint return.
The kiddie tax applies
regardless of whether the child may be claimed as a dependent by either or both parents. For
children above age 17, the kiddie tax applies only to children whose earned income does not
exceed one-half of the amount of their support.
Under these rules, the net unearned income of a child (for 2017, unearned income over
$2,100) is taxed at the parents’ tax rates if the parents’ tax rates are higher than the tax rates of
the child.
The remainder of a child’s taxable income (i.e., earned income, plus unearned income
up to $2,100 (for 2017), less the child’s standard deduction) is taxed at the child’s rates,
regardless of whether the kiddie tax applies to the child. For these purposes, unearned income is
income other than wages, salaries, professional fees, other amounts received as compensation for
personal services actually rendered, and distributions from qualified disability trusts.
In general,
a child is eligible to use the preferential tax rates for qualified dividends and capital gains.
The kiddie tax is calculated by computing the “allocable parental tax.” This involves
adding the net unearned income of the child to the parent’s income and then applying the
parent’s tax rate. A child’s “net unearned income” is the child’s unearned income less the sum
of (1) the minimum standard deduction allowed to dependents ($1,050 for 2017
), and (2) the
greater of (a) such minimum standard deduction amount or (b) the amount of allowable itemized
deductions that are directly connected with the production of the unearned income.
The allocable parental tax equals the hypothetical increase in tax to the parent that results
from adding the child’s net unearned income to the parent’s taxable income.
If the child has net
capital gains or qualified dividends, these items are allocated to the parent’s hypothetical taxable
income according to the ratio of net unearned income to the child’s total unearned income. If a
Sec. 1(g). Unless otherwise stated, all section references are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the “Code”).
Sec. 1(g)(2).
Special rules apply for determining which parent’s rate applies where a joint return is not filed.
Sec. 1(g)(4) and sec. 911(d)(2).
Sec. 1(h).
Sec. 3.02 of Rev. Proc. 2016-55, supra.
Sec. 1(g)(4).
Sec. 1(g)(3).
parent has more than one child subject to the kiddie tax, the net unearned income of all children
is combined, and a single kiddie tax is calculated. Each child is then allocated a proportionate
share of the hypothetical increase, based upon the child’s net unearned income relative to the
aggregate net unearned income of all of the parent’s children subject to the tax.
Generally, a child must file a separate return to report his or her income.
In such case,
items on the parents’ return are not affected by the child’s income, and the total tax due from the
child is the greater of:
1. The sum of (a) the tax payable by the child on the child’s earned income and unearned
income up to $2,100 (for 2017), plus (b) the allocable parental tax on the child’s
unearned income, or
2. The tax on the child’s income without regard to the kiddie tax provisions.
Under certain circumstances, a parent may elect to report a child’s unearned income on
the parent’s return.
Capital gains rates
In general
In the case of an individual, estate, or trust, any adjusted net capital gain which otherwise
would be taxed at the 10- or 15-percent rate is not taxed. Any adjusted net capital gain which
otherwise would be taxed at rates over 15-percent and below 39.6 percent is taxed at a 15-
percent rate. Any adjusted net capital gain which otherwise would be taxed at a 39.6-percent rate
is taxed at a 20-percent rate.
The unrecaptured section 1250 gain is taxed at a maximum rate of 25 percent, and 28-
percent rate gain is taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. Any amount of unrecaptured section
1250 gain or 28-percent rate gain otherwise taxed at a 10- or 15-percent rate is taxed at the
otherwise applicable rate.
In addition, a tax is imposed on net investment income in the case of an individual, estate,
or trust. In the case of an individual, the tax is 3.8 percent of the lesser of net investment income,
which includes gains and dividends, or the excess of modified adjusted gross income over the
threshold amount. The threshold amount is $250,000 in the case of a joint return or surviving
spouse, $125,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return, and $200,000 in the
case of any other individual.
Sec. 1(g)(6). See Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income.
Sec. 1(g)(1).
Sec. 1(g)(7).
Net capital gain
In general, gain or loss reflected in the value of an asset is not recognized for income tax
purposes until a taxpayer disposes of the asset. On the sale or exchange of a capital asset, any
gain generally is included in income. Net capital gain is the excess of the net long-term capital
gain for the taxable year over the net short-term capital loss for the year. Gain or loss is treated
as long-term if the asset is held for more than one year.
A capital asset generally means any property except (1) inventory, stock in trade, or
property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s trade or
business, (2) depreciable or real property used in the taxpayer’s trade or business, (3) specified
literary or artistic property, (4) business accounts or notes receivable, (5) certain U.S.
publications, (6) certain commodity derivative financial instruments, (7) hedging transactions,
and (8) business supplies. In addition, the net gain from the disposition of certain property used
in the taxpayer’s trade or business is treated as long-term capital gain. Gain from the disposition
of depreciable personal property is not treated as capital gain to the extent of all previous
depreciation allowances. Gain from the disposition of depreciable real property is generally not
treated as capital gain to the extent of the depreciation allowances in excess of the allowances
available under the straight-line method of depreciation.
Adjusted net capital gain
The “adjusted net capital gain” of an individual is the net capital gain reduced (but not
below zero) by the sum of the 28-percent rate gain and the unrecaptured section 1250 gain. The
net capital gain is reduced by the amount of gain that the individual treats as investment income
for purposes of determining the investment interest limitation under section 163(d).
Qualified dividend income
Adjusted net capital gain is increased by the amount of qualified dividend income.
A dividend is the distribution of property made by a corporation to its shareholders out of
its after-tax earnings and profits. Qualified dividends generally includes dividends received from
domestic corporations and qualified foreign corporations. The term “qualified foreign
corporation” includes a foreign corporation that is eligible for the benefits of a comprehensive
income tax treaty with the United States which the Treasury Department determines to be
satisfactory and which includes an exchange of information program. In addition, a foreign
corporation is treated as a qualified foreign corporation for any dividend paid by the corporation
with respect to stock that is readily tradable on an established securities market in the United
If a shareholder does not hold a share of stock for more than 60 days during the 121-day
period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date (as measured under section 246(c)),
dividends received on the stock are not eligible for the reduced rates. Also, the reduced rates are
not available for dividends to the extent that the taxpayer is obligated to make related payments
with respect to positions in substantially similar or related property.
Dividends received from a corporation that is a passive foreign investment company (as
defined in section 1297) in either the taxable year of the distribution, or the preceding taxable
year, are not qualified dividends.
A dividend is treated as investment income for purposes of determining the amount of
deductible investment interest only if the taxpayer elects to treat the dividend as not eligible for
the reduced rates.
The amount of dividends qualifying for reduced rates that may be paid by a regulated
investment company (“RIC”) for any taxable year in which the qualified dividend income
received by the RIC is less than 95 percent of its gross income (as specially computed) may not
exceed the sum of (1) the qualified dividend income of the RIC for the taxable year and (2) the
amount of earnings and profits accumulated in a non-RIC taxable year that were distributed by
the RIC during the taxable year.
The amount of qualified dividend income that may be paid by a real estate investment
trust (“REIT”) for any taxable year may not exceed the sum of (1) the qualified dividend income
of the REIT for the taxable year, (2) an amount equal to the excess of the income subject to the
taxes imposed by section 857(b)(1) and the regulations prescribed under section 337(d) for the
preceding taxable year over the amount of these taxes for the preceding taxable year, and (3) the
amount of earnings and profits accumulated in a non-REIT taxable year that were distributed by
the REIT during the taxable year.
Dividends received from an organization that was exempt from tax under section 501 or
was a tax-exempt farmers’ cooperative in either the taxable year of the distribution or the
preceding taxable year; dividends received from a mutual savings bank that received a deduction
under section 591; or deductible dividends paid on employer securities are not qualified dividend
28-percent rate gain
The term “28-percent rate gain” means the excess of the sum of the amount of net gain
attributable to long-term capital gains and losses from the sale or exchange of collectibles (as
defined in section 408(m) without regard to paragraph (3) thereof) and the amount of gain equal
to the additional amount of gain that would be excluded from gross income under section 1202
(relating to certain small business stock) if the percentage limitations of section 1202(a) did not
apply, over the sum of the net short-term capital loss for the taxable year and any long-term
capital loss carryover to the taxable year.
Unrecaptured section 1250 gain
“Unrecaptured section 1250 gain” means any long-term capital gain from the sale or
exchange of section 1250 property (i.e., depreciable real estate) held more than one year to the
extent of the gain that would have been treated as ordinary income if section 1250 applied to all
depreciation, reduced by the net loss (if any) attributable to the items taken into account in
computing 28-percent rate gain. The amount of unrecaptured section 1250 gain (before the
reduction for the net loss) attributable to the disposition of property to which section 1231
(relating to certain property used in a trade or business) applies may not exceed the net section
1231 gain for the year.
House Bill
Modification of rates
The House bill replaces the individual income tax rate structure with a new rate structure.
Table 2. Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the House Bill
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Single Individuals
Not over $45,000 12% of the taxable income
Over $45,000 but not over $200,000 $5,400 plus 25% of the excess over $45,000
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $44,150 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $149,150 plus 39.6% of the excess over $500,000
Heads of Households
Not over $67,500 12% of the taxable income
Over $67,500 but not over $200,000 $8,100 plus 25% of the excess over $67,500
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $41,225 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $146,225 plus 39.6% of the excess over $500,000
Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns and Surviving Spouses
Not over $90,000 12% of the taxable income
Over $90,000 but not over $260,000 $10,800 plus 25% of the excess over $90,000
Over $260,000 but not over $1,000,000 $53,300 plus 35% of the excess over $260,000
Over $1,000,000 $312,300 plus 39.6% of the excess over $1,000,000
Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Not over $45,000 12% of the taxable income
Over $45,000 but not over $130,000 $5,400 plus 25% of the excess over $45,000
Over $130,000 but not over $500,000 $26,650 plus 35% of the excess over $130,000
Over $500,000 $156,150 plus 39.6% of the excess over $500,000
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Estates and Trusts
Not over $2,550 12% of the taxable income
Over $2,550 but not over $9,150 $306 plus 25% of the excess over $2,550
Over $9,150 but not over $12,500 $1,956 plus 35% of the excess over $9,150
Over $12,500 $3,128.50 plus 39.6% of the excess over $12,500
The dollar amounts for bracket thresholds are all adjusted for inflation and then rounded
to the next lowest multiple of $100 in future years.
Unlike present law, which uses a measure
of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”), the new inflation adjustment
uses the Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“C-CPI-U”).
Phaseout of benefit of the 12-percent bracket
For taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $1,000,000 ($1,200,000 in the case
of married taxpayers filing jointly), the benefit of the 12-percent bracket, as measured against the
39.6-percent bracket, is phased out at a rate of 6-percent for taxpayers whose AGI is in excess of
these amounts. Thus, in the case of a married taxpayer filing a joint return, if AGI is in excess of
$1,200,000, the benefit of $24,840 (27.6-percent of $90,000) phases out over an income range of
$414,000. The phaseout thresholds are indexed for inflation.
Simplification of tax on unearned income of children
The provision simplifies the “kiddie tax” by effectively applying ordinary and capital
gains rates applicable to trusts and estates to the net unearned income of a child. Thus, as under
present law, taxable income attributable to earned income is taxed according to an unmarried
taxpayers’ brackets and rates. Taxable income attributable to net unearned income is taxed
according to the brackets applicable to trusts and estates, with respect to both ordinary income
and income taxed at preferential rates. Thus, under the provision, the child’s tax is unaffected by
the tax situation of the child’s parent or the unearned income of any siblings.
Maximum rates on capital gains and qualified dividends
The provision generally retains the present-law maximum rates on net capital gain and
qualified dividends. The breakpoints between the zero- and 15-percent rates (“15-percent
breakpoint”) and the 15- and 20-percent rates (“20-percent breakpoint”) are based on the same
amounts as the breakpoints under present law, except the breakpoints are indexed using the C-
CPI-U in taxable years beginning after 2017. Thus, for 2018, the 15-percent breakpoint is
$77,200 for joint returns and surviving spouses (one-half of this amount for married taxpayers
filing separately), $51,700 for heads of household, $2,600 for estates and trusts, and $38,600 for
other unmarried individuals. The 20-percent breakpoint is $479,000 for joint returns and
Some thresholds are defined as ½ of dollar amounts and thus may be multiples of $50.
surviving spouses (one-half of this amount for married taxpayers filing separately), $452,400 for
heads of household, $12,700 for estates and trusts, and $425,800 for other unmarried individuals.
Therefore, in the case of an individual (including an estate or trust) with adjusted net
capital gain, to the extent the gain would not result in taxable income exceeding the 15-percent
breakpoint, such gain is not taxed. Any adjusted net capital gain which would result in taxable
income exceeding the 15-percent breakpoint but not exceeding the 20-percent breakpoint is taxed
at 15 percent. The remaining adjusted net capital gain is taxed at 20 percent.
As under present law, unrecaptured section 1250 gain generally is taxed at a maximum
rate of 25 percent, and 28-percent rate gain is taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
Temporary modification of rates
The Senate amendment temporarily replaces the individual income tax rate structure with
a new rate structure.
Table 3.Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Senate Amendment
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Single Individuals
Not over $9,525 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 $952.50 plus 12% of the excess over $9,525
Over $38,700 but not over $70,000 $4,453.50 plus 22% of the excess over $38,700
Over $70,000 but not over $160,000 $11,339.50 plus 24% of the excess over $70,000
Over $160,000 but not over $200,000 $32,939.50 plus 32% of the excess over $160,000
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $45,739.50 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $150,739.50 plus 38.5% of the excess over $500,000
Heads of Households
Not over $13,600 10% of the taxable income
Over $13,600 but not over $51,800 $1,360 plus 12% of the excess over $13,600
Over $51,800 but not over $70,000 $5,944 plus 22% of the excess over $51,800
Over $70,000 but not over $160,000 $9,948 plus 24% of the excess over $70,000
Over $160,000 but not over $200,000 $31,548 plus 32% of the excess over $160,000
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $44,348 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $149,348 plus 38.5% of the excess over $500,000
Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns and Surviving Spouses
Not over $19,050 10% of the taxable income
Over $19,050 but not over $77,400 $1,905 plus 12% of the excess over $19,050
Over $77,400 but not over $140,000 $8,907 plus 22% of the excess over $77,400
Over $140,000 but not over $320,000 $22,679 plus 24% of the excess over $140,000
Over $320,000 but not over $400,000 $65,879 plus 32% of the excess over $320,000
Over $400,000 but not over $1,000,000 $91,479 plus 35% of the excess over $400,000
Over $1,000,000 $301,479 plus 38.5% of the excess over $1,000,000
Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Not over $9,525 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 $952.50 plus 12% of the excess over $9,525
Over $38,700 but not over $70,000 $4,453.50 plus 22% of the excess over $38,700
Over $70,000 but not over $160,000 $11,339.50 plus 24% of the excess over $70,000
Over $160,000 but not over $200,000 $32,939.50 plus 32% of the excess over $160,000
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $45,739.50 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $150,739.50 plus 38.5% of the excess over $500,000
Estates and Trusts
Not over $2,550 10% of the taxable income
Over $2,550 but not over $9,150 $255 plus 24% of the excess over $2,550
Over $9,150 but not over $12,500 $1,839 plus 35% of the excess over $9,150
Over $12,500 $3,011.50 plus 38.5% of the excess over $12,500
Unlike present law, which uses a measure of the CPI-U, the new inflation adjustment
uses the C-CPI-U.
The provision’s rate structure does not apply to taxable years beginning after December
31, 2025.
Temporary simplification of tax on unearned income of children
The Senate amendment follows the House bill in applying ordinary and capital gains
rates applicable to trusts and estates to the net unearned income of a child, but does not apply
these changes to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Maximum rates on capital gains and qualified dividends
The Senate amendment follows the House bill and generally retains the present-law
maximum rates on net capital gain and qualified dividends.
Paid preparer due diligence requirement for head of household status
The Senate amendment directs the Secretary of the Treasury to promulgate due diligence
requirements for paid preparers in determining eligibility for a taxpayer to file as head of
household. A penalty of $500 is imposed for each failure to meet these requirements.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement temporarily replaces the existing rate structure with a new rate
Table 4.Federal Individual Income Tax Rates for 2018 Under the Conference Agreement
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Single Individuals
Not over $9,525 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 $952.50 plus 12% of the excess over $9,525
Over $38,700 but not over $82,500 $4,453.50 plus 22% of the excess over $38,700
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 $14,089.50 plus 24% of the excess over $82,500
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 $32,089.50 plus 32% of the excess over $157,500
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $45,689.50 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $150,689.50 plus 37% of the excess over $500,000
Heads of Households
Not over $13,600 10% of the taxable income
Over $13,600 but not over $51,800 $1,360 plus 12% of the excess over $13,600
Over $51,800 but not over $82,500 $5,944 plus 22% of the excess over $51,800
If taxable income is: Then income tax equals:
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 $12,698 plus 24% of the excess over $82,500
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 $30,698 plus 32% of the excess over $157,500
Over $200,000 but not over $500,000 $44,298 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $500,000 $149,298 plus 37% of the excess over $500,000
Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns and Surviving Spouses
Not over $19,050 10% of the taxable income
Over $19,050 but not over $77,400 $1,905 plus 12% of the excess over $19,050
Over $77,400 but not over $165,000 $8,907 plus 22% of the excess over $77,400
Over $165,000 but not over $315,000 $28,179 plus 24% of the excess over $165,000
Over $315,000 but not over $400,000 $64,179 plus 32% of the excess over $315,000
Over $400,000 but not over $600,000 $91,379 plus 35% of the excess over $400,000
Over $600,000 $161,379 plus 37% of the excess over $600,000
Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns
Not over $9,525 10% of the taxable income
Over $9,525 but not over $38,700 $952.50 plus 12% of the excess over $9,525
Over $38,700 but not over $82,500 $4,453.50 plus 22% of the excess over $38,700
Over $82,500 but not over $157,500 $14,089.50 plus 24% of the excess over $82,500
Over $157,500 but not over $200,000 $32,089.50 plus 32% of the excess over $157,500
Over $200,000 but not over $300,000 $45,689.50 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
Over $300,000 $80,689.50 plus 37% of the excess over $300,000
Estates and Trusts
Not over $2,550 10% of the taxable income
Over $2,550 but not over $9,150 $255 plus 24% of the excess over $2,550
Over $9,150 but not over $12,500 $1,839 plus 35% of the excess over $9,150
Over $12,500 $3,011.50 plus 37% of the excess over $12,500
The provision’s rate structure does not apply to taxable years beginning after December
31, 2025.
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill in phasing out the benefit of the
12-percent bracket for taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $1,000,000 ($1,200,000
in the case of married taxpayers filing jointly).
The conference agreement follows the House bill and generally retains present-law
maximum rates on net capital gains and qualified dividends.
The conference agreement follows the House bill in simplifying the tax on the unearned
income of children. This provision does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31,
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment and directs the Secretary of the
Treasury to promulgate due diligence requirements for paid preparers in determining eligibility
for a taxpayer to file as head of household.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
1. Increase in standard deduction (sec. 1002 of the House bill, sec. 11021 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 63 of the Code)
Present Law
Under present law, an individual who does not elect to itemize deductions may reduce his
or her adjusted gross income (“AGI”) by the amount of the applicable standard deduction in
arriving at his or her taxable income. The standard deduction is the sum of the basic standard
deduction and, if applicable, the additional standard deduction. The basic standard deduction
varies depending upon a taxpayer’s filing status. For 2017, the amount of the basic standard
deduction is $6,350 for single individuals and married individuals filing separate returns, $9,350
for heads of households, and $12,700 for married individuals filing a joint return and surviving
spouses. An additional standard deduction is allowed with respect to any individual who is
elderly or blind.
The amount of the standard deduction is indexed annually for inflation.
In the case of a dependent for whom a deduction for a personal exemption is allowed to
another taxpayer, the standard deduction may not exceed the greater of (i) $1,050 (in 2017) or
(ii) the sum of $350 (in 2017) plus the individual’s earned income.
House Bill
The House bill increases the standard deduction for individuals across all filing statuses.
Under the provision, the amount of the standard deduction is $24,400 for married individuals
filing a joint return, $18,300 for head-of-household filers, and $12,200 for all other taxpayers.
The amount of the standard deduction is indexed for inflation using the C-CPI-U for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2019.
For 2017, the additional amount is $1,250 for married taxpayers (for each spouse meeting the applicable
criterion) and surviving spouses. The additional amount for single individuals and heads of households is $1,550.
An individual who qualifies as both blind and elderly is entitled to two additional standard deductions, for a total
additional amount (for 2017) of $2,500 or $3,100, as applicable.
Thus, the standard deduction is the same for 2018 and 2019.
The provision eliminates the additional standard deduction for the aged and the blind.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment temporarily increases the basic standard deduction for individuals
across all filing statuses. Under the provision, the amount of the standard deduction is
temporarily increased to $24,000 for married individuals filing a joint return, $18,000 for head-
of-household filers, and $12,000 for all other individuals. The amount of the standard deduction
is indexed for inflation using the C-CPI-U for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
The additional standard deduction for the elderly and the blind is not changed by the
The increase of the basic standard deduction does not apply to taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
2. Repeal of the deduction for personal exemptions (sec. 1003 of the House bill, sec. 11041
of the Senate amendment, and sec. 151 of the Code)
Present Law
Under present law, in determining taxable income, an individual reduces AGI by any
personal exemption deductions and either the applicable standard deduction or his or her
itemized deductions. Personal exemptions generally are allowed for the taxpayer, his or her
spouse, and any dependents. For 2017, the amount deductible for each personal exemption is
$4,050. This amount is indexed annually for inflation. The personal exemption amount is
phased out in the case of an individual with AGI in excess of $313,800 for married taxpayers
filing jointly, $287,650 for heads of household, $156,900 for married taxpayers filing separately,
and $261,500 for all other filers. In addition, no personal exemption is allowed in the case of a
dependent if a deduction is allowed to another taxpayer.
Withholding rules
Under present law, the amount of tax required to be withheld by employers from a
taxpayer’s wages is based in part on the number of withholding exemptions a taxpayer claims on
The standard deduction continues to be indexed with the C-CPI-U after this sunset.
his Form W-4. An employee is entitled to the following exemptions: (1) an exemption for
himself, unless he allowed to be claimed as a dependent of another person; (2) an exemption to
which the employee’s spouse would be entitled, if that spouse does not file a Form W-4 for that
taxable year claiming an exemption described in (1); (3) an exemption for each individual who is
a dependent (but only if the employee’s spouse has not also claimed such a withholding
exemption on a Form W-4); (4) additional withholding allowances (taking into account estimated
itemized deductions, estimated tax credits, and additional deductions as provided by the
Secretary of the Treasury); and (5) a standard deduction allowance.
Filing requirements
Under present law, an unmarried individual is required to file a tax return for the taxable
year if in that year the individual had income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount
plus the standard deduction applicable to such individual (i.e., single, head of household, or
surviving spouse). An individual entitled to file a joint return is required to do so unless that
individual’s gross income, when combined with the individual’s spouse’s gross income for the
taxable year, is less than the sum of twice the exemption amount plus the basic standard
deduction applicable to a joint return, provided that such individual and his spouse, at the close
of the taxable year, had the same household as their home.
Trusts and estates
In lieu of the deduction for personal exemptions, an estate is allowed a deduction of
$600. A trust is allowed a deduction of $100; $300 if required to distribute all its income
currently; and an amount equal to the personal exemption of an individual in the case of a
qualified disability trust.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the deduction for personal exemptions.
The provision modifies the requirements for those who are required to file a tax return.
In the case of an individual who is not married, such individual is required to file a tax return if
the taxpayer’s gross income for the taxable year exceeds the applicable standard deduction.
Married individuals are required to file a return if that individual’s gross income, when combined
with the individual’s spouse’s gross income, for the taxable year is more than the standard
deduction applicable to a joint return, provided that: (i) such individual and his spouse, at the
close of the taxable year, had the same household as their home; (ii) the individual’s spouse does
not make a separate return; and (iii) neither the individual nor his spouse is a dependent of
another taxpayer who has income (other than earned income) in excess of $500 (indexed for
The provision repeals the enhanced deduction for qualified disability trusts.
Under the provision, the Secretary of the Treasury is to develop rules to determine the
amount of tax required to be withheld by employers from a taxpayer’s wages.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment suspends the deduction for personal exemptions.
The Senate amendment follows the House bill in modifying the requirements for those
who are required to file a tax return.
The provision does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment and suspends the deduction for
personal exemptions. The suspension does not apply to taxable years beginning after December
31, 2025.
The conference agreement generally follows the House bill in modifying the withholding
rules to reflect that taxpayers no longer claim personal exemptions under the conference
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017. The conference agreement provides that the Secretary may administer the withholding
rules under section 3402 for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2019, without regard to
the amendments made under this provision. Thus, at the Secretary’s discretion, wage
withholding rules may remain the same as under present law for 2018.
3. Alternative inflation adjustment (secs. 1001 and 1005 of the House bill, sec. 11002 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 1 of the Code)
Present Law
Under present law, many parameters of the tax system are adjusted for inflation to protect
taxpayers from the effects of rising prices. Most of the adjustments are based on annual changes
in the level of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”).
The CPI-U is an
The provision also clarifies that, for purposes of taxable years in which the personal exemption is
reduced to zero, this should not alter the operation of those provisions of the Code which refer to a taxpayer allowed
a deduction (or an individual with respect to whom a taxpayer is allowed a deduction) under section 151. Thus, for
instance, sec. 24(a) allows a credit against tax with respect to each qualifying child of the taxpayer for which the
taxpayer is allowed a deduction under section 151. A qualifying child, as defined under section 152(c), remains
eligible for the credit, notwithstanding that the deduction under section 151 has been reduced to zero.
Generally, the Code adjusts calendar year values for cost of living by using the percentage by which the
price index for the preceding calendar year exceeds the price index for a base calendar year. Sec. 1(f).
index that measures prices paid by typical urban consumers on a broad range of products, and is
developed and published by the Department of Labor.
Among the inflation-indexed tax parameters are the following individual income tax
amounts: (1) the regular income tax brackets; (2) the basic standard deduction; (3) the additional
standard deduction for aged and blind; (4) the personal exemption amount; (5) the thresholds for
the overall limitation on itemized deductions and the personal exemption phase-out; (6) the
phase-in and phase-out thresholds of the earned income credit; (7) IRA contribution limits and
deductible amounts; and (8) the saver’s credit.
House Bill
The House bill requires the use of the Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban
Consumers (“C-CPI-U”) to adjust tax parameters currently indexed by the CPI-U. The C-CPI-U,
like the CPI-U, is a measure of the average change over time in prices paid by urban consumers.
It is developed and published by the Department of Labor, but differs from the CPI-U in
accounting for the ability of individuals to alter their consumption patterns in response to relative
price changes. The C-CPI-U accomplishes this by allowing for consumer substitution between
item categories in the market basket of consumer goods and services that make up the index,
while the CPI-U only allows for modest substitution within item categories.
Under the provision, indexed parameters in the Code switch from CPI-U indexing to C-
CPI-U indexing going forward in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. Therefore,
in the case of any existing tax parameters that are not reset for 2018, the provision indexes
parameters as if CPI-U applies through 2017 and C-CPI-U applies for years thereafter; the
provision does not index all existing tax parameters from their base years using the C-CPI-U.
Tax parameters with cost-of-living adjustment base years of 2016 and later are indexed solely
with C-CPI-U. Therefore, tax values that are reset for 2018 are indexed by the C-CPI-U in
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally follows the House bill.
The provision requiring C-CPI-U indexing after 2017 is permanent. Thus, after certain
temporary tax parameters sunset, such as bracket thresholds and the increased basic standard
deduction, corresponding present law values in the Code are indexed appropriately with the C-
One exception is the increased standard deduction which is indexed by C-CPI-U in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2019 and therefore is the same in 2018 and 2019.
The Senate Amendment indexes all tax values that are temporarily reset for 2018, including the basic
standard deduction, with the C-CPI-U in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
B. Treatment of Business Income of Individuals, Trusts, and Estates
1. Deduction for qualified business income (sec. 1004 of the House bill, sec. 11011 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 199A of the Code)
Present Law
Individual income tax rates
To determine regular tax liability, an individual taxpayer generally must apply the tax
rate schedules (or the tax tables) to his or her regular taxable income. The rate schedules are
broken into several ranges of income, known as income brackets, and the marginal tax rate
increases as a taxpayer’s income increases. Separate rate schedules apply based on an
individual’s filing status (i.e., single, head of household, married filing jointly, or married filing
separately). For 2017, the regular individual income tax rate schedule provides rates of 10, 15,
25, 28, 33, 35, and 39.6 percent.
Partnerships generally are treated for Federal income tax purposes as pass-through
entities not subject to tax at the entity level.
Items of income (including tax-exempt income),
gain, loss, deduction, and credit of the partnership are taken into account by the partners in
computing their income tax liability (based on the partnership’s method of accounting and
regardless of whether the income is distributed to the partners).
A partner’s deduction for
partnership losses is limited to the partner’s adjusted basis in its partnership interest.
not allowed as a result of that limitation generally are carried forward to the next year. A
partner’s adjusted basis in the partnership interest generally equals the sum of (1) the partner’s
capital contributions to the partnership, (2) the partner’s distributive share of partnership income,
and (3) the partner’s share of partnership liabilities, less (1) the partner’s distributive share of
losses allowed as a deduction and certain nondeductible expenditures, and (2) any partnership
distributions to the partner.
Partners generally may receive distributions of partnership
property without recognition of gain or loss, subject to some exceptions.
Sec. 701.
Sec. 702(a).
Sec. 704(d). In addition, passive loss and at-risk limitations limit the extent to which certain types of
income can be offset by partnership deductions (sections 469 and 465). These limitations do not apply to corporate
partners (except certain closely-held corporations) and may not be important to individual partners who have
partner-level passive income from other investments.
Sec. 705.
Sec. 731. Gain or loss may nevertheless be recognized, for example, on the distribution of money or
marketable securities, distributions with respect to contributed property, or in the case of disproportionate
distributions (which can result in ordinary income).
Partnerships may allocate items of income, gain, loss, deduction, and credit among the
partners, provided the allocations have substantial economic effect.
In general, an allocation
has substantial economic effect to the extent the partner to which the allocation is made receives
the economic benefit or bears the economic burden of such allocation and the allocation
substantially affects the dollar amounts to be received by the partners from the partnership
independent of tax consequences.
State laws of every State provide for limited liability companies
(“LLCs”), which are
neither partnerships nor corporations under applicable State law, but which are generally treated
as partnerships for Federal tax purposes.
Under present law, a publicly traded partnership generally is treated as a corporation for
Federal tax purposes.
For this purpose, a publicly traded partnership means any partnership if
interests in the partnership are traded on an established securities market or interests in the
partnership are readily tradable on a secondary market (or the substantial equivalent thereof).
An exception from corporate treatment is provided for certain publicly traded
partnerships, 90 percent or more of whose gross income is qualifying income.
Sec. 704(b)(2).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.704-1(b)(2).
The first LLC statute was enacted in Wyoming in 1977. All States (and the District of Columbia) now
have an LLC statute, though the tax treatment of LLCs for State tax purposes may differ.
Under Treasury regulations promulgated in 1996, any domestic nonpublicly traded unincorporated entity
with two or more members generally is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, while any single-
member domestic unincorporated entity generally is treated as disregarded for Federal income tax purposes (i.e.,
treated as not separate from its owner). Instead of the applicable default treatment, however, an LLC may elect to be
treated as a corporation for Federal income tax purposes. Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-3. These are known as the
“check-the-box” regulations.
Sec. 7704(a).
Sec. 7704(b).
Sec. 7704(c)(2). Qualifying income is defined to include interest, dividends, and gains from the
disposition of a capital asset (or of property described in section 1231(b)) that is held for the production of income
that is qualifying income. Sec. 7704(d). Qualifying income also includes rents from real property, gains from the
sale or other disposition of real property, and income and gains from the exploration, development, mining or
production, processing, refining, transportation (including pipelines transporting gas, oil, or products thereof), or the
marketing of any mineral or natural resource (including fertilizer, geothermal energy, and timber), industrial source
carbon dioxide, or the transportation or storage of certain fuel mixtures, alternative fuel, alcohol fuel, or biodiesel
fuel. It also includes income and gains from commodities (not described in section 1221(a)(1)) or futures, options,
or forward contracts with respect to such commodities (including foreign currency transactions of a commodity
pool) where a principal activity of the partnership is the buying and selling of such commodities, futures, options, or
forward contracts. However, the exception for partnerships with qualifying income does not apply to any
partnership resembling a mutual fund (i.e., that would be described in section 851(a) if it were a domestic
S corporations
For Federal income tax purposes, an S corporation
generally is not subject to tax at the
corporate level.
Items of income (including tax-exempt income), gain, loss, deduction, and
credit of the S corporation are taken into account by the S corporation shareholders in computing
their income tax liabilities (based on the S corporation’s method of accounting and regardless of
whether the income is distributed to the shareholders). A shareholder’s deduction for corporate
losses is limited to the sum of the shareholder’s adjusted basis in its S corporation stock and the
indebtedness of the S corporation to such shareholder. Losses not allowed as a result of that
limitation generally are carried forward to the next year. A shareholder’s adjusted basis in the
S corporation stock generally equals the sum of (1) the shareholder’s capital contributions to the
S corporation and (2) the shareholder’s pro rata share of S corporation income, less (1) the
shareholder’s pro rata share of losses allowed as a deduction and certain nondeductible
expenditures, and (2) any S corporation distributions to the shareholder.
In general, an S corporation shareholder is not subject to tax on corporate distributions
unless the distributions exceed the shareholder’s basis in the stock of the corporation.
Electing S corporation status
To be eligible to elect S corporation status, a corporation may not have more than
100 shareholders and may not have more than one class of stock.
Only individuals (other than
nonresident aliens), certain tax-exempt organizations, and certain trusts and estates are permitted
shareholders of an S corporation.
Sole proprietorships
Unlike a C corporation, partnership, or S corporation, a business conducted as a sole
proprietorship is not treated as an entity distinct from its owner for Federal income tax
corporation), which includes a corporation registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (Pub. L. No. 76-
768 (1940)) as a management company or unit investment trust (sec. 7704(c)(3)).
An S corporation is so named because its Federal tax treatment is governed by subchapter S of the Code.
Secs. 1363 and 1366.
Sec. 1367. If any amount that would reduce the adjusted basis of a shareholder’s S corporation stock
exceeds the amount that would reduce that basis to zero, the excess is applied to reduce (but not below zero) the
shareholder’s basis in any indebtedness of the S corporation to the shareholder. If, after a reduction in the basis of
such indebtedness, there is an event that would increase the adjusted basis of the shareholder’s S corporation stock,
such increase is instead first applied to restore the reduction in the basis of the shareholder’s indebtedness.
Sec. 1367(b)(2).
Sec. 1361. For this purpose, a husband and wife and all members of a family are treated as one
shareholder. Sec. 1361(c)(1).
Rather, the business owner is taxed directly on business income, and files
Schedule C (sole proprietorships generally), Schedule E (rental real estate and royalties), or
Schedule F (farms) with his or her individual tax return. Furthermore, transfer of a sole
proprietorship is treated as a transfer of each individual asset of the business. Nonetheless, a sole
proprietorship is treated as an entity separate from its owner for employment tax purposes,
certain excise taxes,
and certain information reporting requirements.
House Bill
Qualified business income of an individual from a partnership, S corporation, or sole
proprietorship is subject to Federal income tax at a rate no higher than 25 percent. Qualified
business income means, generally, all net business income from a passive business activity plus
the capital percentage of net business income from an active business activity, reduced by
carryover business losses and by certain net business losses from the current year, as determined
under the provision.
Determination of rate
25-percent rate
The provision provides that an individual’s tax is reduced to reflect a maximum rate of
25 percent on qualified business income. Qualified business income includes the capital
percentage, generally 30 percent, of net business income. The percentage differs in the case of
specified service activities or in the case of a taxpayer election to prove out a different
Taxable income (reduced by net capital gain) that exceeds the maximum dollar amount
for the 25-percent rate bracket applicable to the taxpayer, and that exceeds qualified business
income, is subject to tax in the next higher brackets.
The provision provides that a 25-percent tax rate applies generally to dividends received
from a real estate investment trust (other than any portion that is a capital gain dividend or a
qualified dividend), and applies generally to dividends that are includable in gross income from
certain cooperatives.
A single-member unincorporated entity is disregarded for Federal income tax purposes, unless its owner
elects to be treated as a C corporation. Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-3(b)(1)(ii). Sole proprietorships often are
conducted through legal entities for nontax reasons. While sole proprietorships generally may have no more than
one owner, a married couple that files a joint return and jointly owns and operates a business may elect to have that
business treated as a sole proprietorship under section 761(f).
Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-2(c)(2)(iv).
Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-2(c)(2)(v).
Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-2(c)(2)(vi).
Nine-percent rate
A special rule provides a reduced tax rate of 11, 10, or nine percent in the case of an
individual’s qualified active business income below an indexed threshold of $75,000 (in the case
of a joint return or a surviving spouse) (the “nine-percent bracket threshold amount”). The
indexed $75,000 threshold is three quarters of that amount for individuals filing as head of
household and half that amount for other individuals. The reduced rate is not available to estates
and trusts.
The reduced rate is phased in. The reduced rate is 11 percent (that is, one percentage
point below the 12 percent rate) for taxable years beginning in 2018 and 2019, and is 10 percent
(that is, two percentage points below the 12 percent rate) for taxable years beginning in 2020 and
2021. For taxable years beginning in 2022 and thereafter the reduced rate is nine percent (that is,
three percentage points below the 12 percent rate).
The reduced tax rate applies to the least of three amounts, the taxpayer’s: (1) qualified
active business income, (2) taxable income reduced by net capital gain, or (3) nine-percent
bracket threshold amount (described above). Qualified active business income for a taxable year
means the excess of the taxpayer’s net business income from any active business activity over
his or her net business loss from any active business activity. An active business activity is an
activity that involves the conduct of any trade or business and that is not a passive activity for
purposes of the passive loss rules of section 469 determined without regard to paragraphs (2) and
(6)(B) of section 469(c) (that is, generally, the taxpayer materially participates in the trade or
business activity). Qualified active business income includes income from any trade or business
activity, including service businesses. No capital percentage limitation applies in determining
qualified active business income.
A phaseout applies to the amount subject to the 11-, 10-, or nine-percent rate. The
amount taxed at one of these rates is reduced by the excess of taxable income over an indexed
applicable threshold amount, $150,000 in the case of married individuals filing jointly. The
applicable threshold amount is three quarters of that amount for individuals filing as head of
household and half that amount for other individuals.
For example, assume that in 2022, an individual (married filing jointly) has $70,000 of
qualified active business income and $40,000 of other income, resulting in taxable income of
$110,000. The $70,000 of qualified active business income is subject to tax at nine percent.
Alternatively, assume that in 2022, another individual has $160,000 of qualified active business
income and $10,000 of other income resulting in taxable income of $170,000. The excess of the
taxpayer’s $170,000 taxable income over the $150,000 applicable threshold amount is $20,000.
Taking into account the phaseout, this $20,000 amount reduces the $75,000 amount that, absent
the phaseout, would be subject to the nine-percent rate, reversing the benefit of the nine-percent
rate for $20,000 of the taxpayer’s qualified active business income. The effect is that $55,000 is
subject to the nine percent rate.
Qualified business income
Qualified business income is defined as the sum of 100 percent of any net business
income derived from any passive business activity plus the capital percentage of net business
income derived from any active business activity, reduced by the sum of 100 percent of any net
business loss derived from any passive business activity, 30 percent (except as otherwise
provided under rules for determining the capital percentage, below) of any net business loss
derived from any active business activity, and any carryover business loss determined for the
preceding taxable year. Qualified business income does not include income from a business
activity that exceeds these percentages.
Net business income or loss
To determine qualified business income requires a calculation of net business income or
loss from each of an individual’s passive business activities and active business activities. Net
business income or loss is determined at the activity level, that is, separately for each business
Net business income is determined by appropriately netting items of income, gain,
deduction and loss with respect to the business activity. The determination takes into account
these amounts only to the extent the amount affects the determination of taxable income for the
year. For example, if in a taxable year, a business activity has 100 of ordinary income from
inventory sales, and makes an expenditure of 25 that is required to be capitalized and amortized
over 5 years under applicable tax rules, the net business income is 100 minus 5 (current-year
ordinary amortization deduction), or 95. The net business income is not reduced by the entire
amount of the capital expenditure, only by the amount deductible in determining taxable income
for the year.
Net business income or loss includes the amounts received by the individual taxpayer as
wages, director’s fees, guaranteed payments and amounts received from a partnership other than
in the individual’s capacity as a partner, that are properly attributable to a business activity.
These amounts are taken into account as an item of income with respect to the business activity.
For example, if an individual shareholder of an S corporation engaged in a business activity is
paid wages or director’s fees by the S corporation, the amount of wages or director’s fees is
added in determining net business or loss with respect to the business activity. This rule is
intended to ensure that the amount eligible for the 25-percent tax rate is not erroneously reduced
because of compensation for services or other specified amounts that are paid separately (or
treated as separate) from the individual’s distributive share of passthrough income.
Net business income or loss does not include specified investment-related income,
deductions, or loss. Specifically, net business income does not include (1) any item taken into
account in determining net long-term capital gain or net long-term capital loss, (2) dividends,
income equivalent to a dividend, or payments in lieu of dividends, (3) interest income and
income equivalent to interest, other than that which is properly allocable to a trade or business,
(4) the excess of gain over loss from commodities transactions, other than those entered into in
the normal course of the trade or business or with respect to stock in trade or property held
primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the trade or business, property used in
the trade or business, or supplies regularly used or consumed in the trade or business, (5) the
excess of foreign currency gains over foreign currency losses from section 988 transactions,
other than transactions directly related to the business needs of the business activity, (6) net
income from notional principal contracts, other than clearly identified hedging transactions that
are treated as ordinary (i.e., not treated as capital assets), and (7) any amount received from an
annuity that is not used in the trade or business of the business activity. Net business income
does not include any item of deduction or loss properly allocable to such income.
Carryover business loss
The carryover business loss from the preceding taxable year reduces qualified business
income in the taxable year. The carryover business loss is the excess of (1) the sum of 100
percent of any net business loss derived from any passive business activity, 30 percent (except as
otherwise provided under rules for determining the capital percentage, below) of any net
business loss derived from any active business activity, and any carryover business loss
determined for the preceding taxable year, over (2) the sum of 100 percent of any net business
income derived from any passive business activity plus the capital percentage of net business
income derived from any active business activity. There is no time limit on carryover business
losses. For example, an individual has two business activities that give rise to a net business loss
of 3 and 4, respectively, in year one, giving rise to a carryover business loss of 7 in year two. If
in year two the two business activities each give rise to net business income of 2, a carryover
business loss of 3 is carried to year three (that is, <7> - (2 + 2) = <3>).
Passive business activity and active business activity
A business activity means an activity that involves the conduct of any trade or business.
A taxpayer’s activities include those conducted through partnerships, S corporations, and sole
proprietorships. An activity has the same meaning as under the present-law passive loss rules
(section 469). As provided in regulations under those rules, a taxpayer may use any reasonable
method of applying the relevant facts and circumstances in grouping activities together or as
separate activities (through rental activities generally may not be grouped with other activities
unless together they constitute an appropriate economic unit, and grouping real property rentals
with personal property rentals is not permitted). It is intended that the activity grouping the
taxpayer has selected under the passive loss rules is required to be used for purposes of the
passthrough rate rules. For example, an individual taxpayer has an interest in a bakery and a
movie theater in Baltimore, and a bakery and a movie theatre in Philadelphia. For purposes of
the passive loss rules, the taxpayer has grouped them as two activities, a bakery activity and a
movie theatre activity. The taxpayer must group them the same way that is as two activities, a
bakery activity and a movie theatre activity, for purposes of rules of this provision.
Regulatory authority is provided to require or permit grouping as one or as multiple
activities in particular circumstances, in the case of specified services activities that would be
treated as a single employer under broad related party rules of present law.
A passive business activity generally has the same meaning as a passive activity under
the present-law passive loss rules. However, for this purpose, a passive business activity is not
defined to exclude a working interest in any oil or gas property that the taxpayer holds directly or
through an entity that does not limit the taxpayer’s liability. Rather, whether the taxpayer
materially participates in the activity is relevant. Further, for this purpose, a passive business
activity does not include an activity in connection with a trade or business or in connection with
the production of income.
An active business activity is an activity that involves the conduct of any trade or
business and that is not a passive activity. For example, if an individual has a partnership
interest in a manufacturing business and materially participates in the manufacturing business, it
is considered an active business activity of the individual.
Capital percentage
The capital percentage is the percentage of net business income from an active business
activity that is included in qualified business income subject to Federal income tax at a rate no
higher than 25 percent.
In general, the capital percentage is 30 percent, except as provided in the case of
application of an increased percentage for capital-intensive business activities, in the case of
specified service activities, and in the case of application of the rule for capital-intensive
specified service activities.
The capital percentage is reduced if the portion of net business income represented by the
sum of wages, director’s fees, guaranteed payments and amounts received from a partnership
other than in the individual’s capacity as a partner, that are properly attributable to a business
activity exceeds the difference between 100 percent and the capital percentage. For example, if
net business income from an individual’s active business activity conducted through an S
corporation is 100, including 75 of wages that the S corporation pays the individual, the
otherwise applicable capital percentage is reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent.
Increased percentage for capital-intensive business activities.A taxpayer may elect the
application of an increased percentage with respect to any active business activity other than a
specified service activity (described below). The election applies for the taxable year it is made
and each of the next four taxable years. The election is to be made no later than the due date
(including extensions) of the return for the taxable year made, and is irrevocable. The
percentage under the election is the applicable percentage (described below) for the five taxable
years of the election.
Specified service activities.In the case of an active business activity that is a specified
service activity, generally the capital percentage is 0 and the percentage of any net business loss
from the specified service activity that is taken into account as qualified business income is 0
A specified service activity means any trade or business activity involving the
performance of services in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting,
actuarial science, performing arts, consulting, athletics, financial services, brokerage services,
any trade or business where the principal asset of such trade or business is the reputation or skill
of one or more of its employees, or investing, trading, or dealing in securities, partnership
interests, or commodities. For this purpose a security and a commodity have the meanings
provided in the rules for the mark-to-market accounting method for dealers in securities (sections
475(c)(2) and 475(e)(2), respectively).
Capital-intensive specified service activities.A taxpayer may elect the application of an
exception with respect to any active business activity that is specified service activity, provided
the applicable percentage (described below) for the taxable year is at least 10 percent. If the
election is validly made, the capital percentage and the percentage of net business loss with
respect to the activity are not 0 percent, but rather, the applicable percentage for the taxable year.
Calculation of applicable percentage.The applicable percentage is the percentage
applied in lieu of the capital percentage in the case of either of the foregoing elections. The
applicable percentage (not the capital percentage) then determines the portion of the net business
income or loss from the activity for the taxable year that is taken into account in determining
qualified business income subject to Federal income tax at a rate no higher than 25 percent.
The applicable percentage is determined by dividing (1) the specified return on capital for
the activity for the taxable year, by (2) the taxpayer’s net business income derived from that
activity for that taxable year. The specified return on capital for any active business activity is
determined by multiplying a deemed rate of return, the short-term AFR plus 7 percentage points,
times the asset balance for the activity for the taxable year, and reducing the product by interest
expense deducted with respect to the activity for the taxable year. The asset balance for this
purpose is the adjusted basis of property used in connection with the activity as of the end of the
taxable year, but without taking account of basis adjustments for bonus depreciation under
section 168(k) or expensing under section 179. In the case of an active business activity
conducted through a partnership or S corporation, the taxpayer takes into account his distributive
share of the asset balance of the partnership’s or S corporation’s property used in connection
with the activity. Regulatory authority is provided to ensure that in determining asset balance,
no amount is taken into account for more than one activity.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017. A transition rule provides that for fiscal year taxpayers whose taxable year includes
December 31, 2017, a proportional benefit of the reduced rate under the provision is allowed for
the period beginning January 1, 2018, and ending on the day before the beginning of the taxable
year beginning after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
In general
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026, an
individual taxpayer generally may deduct 23 percent of qualified business income from a
partnership, S corporation, or sole proprietorship, as well as 23 percent of aggregate qualified
REIT dividends, qualified cooperative dividends, and qualified publicly traded partnership
income. Special rules apply to specified agricultural or horticultural cooperatives. A limitation
based on W-2 wages paid is phased in above a threshold amount of taxable income. A
disallowance of the deduction with respect to specified service trades or businesses is also
phased in above the threshold amount of taxable income.
Qualified business income
Qualified business income is determined for each qualified trade or business of the
taxpayer. For any taxable year, qualified business income means the net amount of qualified
items of income, gain, deduction, and loss with respect to the qualified trade or business of the
taxpayer. The determination of qualified items of income, gain, deduction, and loss takes into
account these items only to the extent included or allowed in the determination of taxable income
for the year. For example, if in a taxable year, a qualified business has $100,000 of ordinary
income from inventory sales, and makes an expenditure of $25,000 that is required to be
capitalized and amortized over 5 years under applicable tax rules, the qualified business income
is $100,000 minus $5,000 (current-year ordinary amortization deduction), or $95,000. The
qualified business income is not reduced by the entire amount of the capital expenditure, only by
the amount deductible in determining taxable income for the year.
If the net amount of qualified business income from all qualified trades or businesses
during the taxable year is a loss, it is carried forward as a loss from a qualified trade or business
in the next taxable year. Similar to a qualified trade or business that has a qualified business loss
for the current taxable year, any deduction allowed in a subsequent year is reduced (but not
below zero) by 23 percent of any carryover qualified business loss. For example, Taxpayer has
qualified business income of $20,000 from qualified business A and a qualified business loss of
$50,000 from qualified business B in Year 1. Taxpayer is not permitted a deduction for Year 1
and has a carryover qualified business loss of $30,000 to Year 2. In Year 2, Taxpayer has
qualified business income of $20,000 from qualified business A and qualified business income of
$50,000 from qualified business B. To determine the deduction for Year 2, Taxpayer reduces the
23 percent deductible amount determined for the qualified business income of $70,000 from
qualified businesses A and B by 23 percent of the $30,000 carryover qualified business loss.
Domestic business
Items are treated as qualified items of income, gain, deduction, and loss only to the extent
they are effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States.
In the case of a taxpayer who is an individual with otherwise qualified business income from
sources within the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, if all the income is taxable under section 1
(income tax rates for individuals) for the taxable year, the “United States” is considered to
include Puerto Rico for purposes of determining the individual’s qualified business income.
For purposes of this provision, taxable income is computed without regard to the 23 percent deduction.
For this purpose, section 864(c) is applied substituting "qualified trade or business (within the meaning
of section 199A)" for "nonresident alien individual or a foreign corporation" or "a foreign corporation."
Treatment of investment income
Qualified items do not include specified investment-related income, deductions, or loss.
Specifically, qualified items of income, gain, deduction and loss do not include (1) any item
taken into account in determining net long-term capital gain or net long-term capital loss, (2)
dividends, income equivalent to a dividend, or payments in lieu of dividends, (3) interest income
other than that which is properly allocable to a trade or business, (4) the excess of gain over loss
from commodities transactions, other than those entered into in the normal course of the trade or
business or with respect to stock in trade or property held primarily for sale to customers in the
ordinary course of the trade or business, property used in the trade or business, or supplies
regularly used or consumed in the trade or business, (5) the excess of foreign currency gains over
foreign currency losses from section 988 transactions, other than transactions directly related to
the business needs of the business activity, (6) net income from notional principal contracts,
other than clearly identified hedging transactions that are treated as ordinary (i.e., not treated as
capital assets), and (7) any amount received from an annuity that is not used in the trade or
business of the business activity. Qualified items under this provision do not include any item of
deduction or loss properly allocable to such income.
Reasonable compensation and guaranteed payments
Qualified business income does not include any amount paid by an S corporation that is
treated as reasonable compensation of the taxpayer. Similarly, qualified business income does
not include any guaranteed payment for services rendered with respect to the trade or business,
and to the extent provided in regulations, does not include any amount paid or incurred by a
partnership to a partner who is acting other than in his or her capacity as a partner for services.
Qualified trade or business
A qualified trade or business means any trade or business other than a specified service
trade or business and other than the trade or business of being an employee.
Specified service business
A specified service trade or business means any trade or business involving the
performance of services in the fields of health,
law, engineering, architecture, accounting,
Described in sec. 707(c).
Described in sec. 707(a).
A similar list of service trades or business is provided in section 448(d)(2)(A) and Treas. Reg. sec.
1.448-1T(e)(4)(i). For purposes of section 448, Treasury regulations provide that the performance of services in the
field of health means the provision of medical services by physicians, nurses, dentists, and other similar healthcare
professionals. The performance of services in the field of health does not include the provision of services not
directly related to a medical field, even though the services may purportedly relate to the health of the service
recipient. For example, the performance of services in the field of health does not include the operation of health
actuarial science, performing arts,
athletics, financial services, brokerage services,
including investing and investment management, trading, or dealing in securities, partnership
interests, or commodities, and any trade or business where the principal asset of such trade or
business is the reputation or skill of one or more of its employees. For this purpose a security
and a commodity have the meanings provided in the rules for the mark-to-market accounting
method for dealers in securities (sections 475(c)(2) and 475(e)(2), respectively).
Phase-in of specified service business limitation
The exclusion from the definition of a qualified business for specified service trades or
businesses phases in for a taxpayer with taxable income in excess of a threshold amount. The
threshold amount is $250,000 (200 percent of that amount, or $500,000, in the case of a joint
return) (the “threshold amount”). The threshold amount is indexed for inflation. The exclusion
from the definition of a qualified business for specified service trades or businesses is fully
phased in for a taxpayer with taxable income in excess of the threshold amount plus $50,000
($100,000 in the case of a joint return). For a taxpayer with taxable income within the phase-in
range, the exclusion applies as follows.
In computing the qualified business income with respect to a specified service trade or
business, the taxpayer takes into account only the applicable percentage of qualified items of
income, gain, deduction, or loss, and of allocable W-2 wages. The applicable percentage with
respect to any taxable year is 100 percent reduced by the percentage equal to the ratio of the
excess of the taxable income of the taxpayer over the threshold amount bears to $50,000
($100,000 in the case of a joint return).
clubs or health spas that provide physical exercise or conditioning to their customers. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.448-
For purposes of the similar list of services in section 448, Treasury regulations provide that the
performance of services in the field of the performing arts means the provision of services by actors, actresses,
singers, musicians, entertainers, and similar artists in their capacity as such. The performance of services in the field
of the performing arts does not include the provision of services by persons who themselves are not performing
artists (e.g., persons who may manage or promote such artists, and other persons in a trade or business that relates to
the performing arts). Similarly, the performance of services in the field of the performing arts does not include the
provision of services by persons who broadcast or otherwise disseminate the performance of such artists to members
of the public (e.g., employees of a radio station that broadcasts the performances of musicians and singers). See
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.448-1T(e)(4)(iii).
For purposes of the similar list of services in section 448, Treasury regulations provide that the
performance of services in the field of consulting means the provision of advice and counsel. The performance of
services in the field of consulting does not include the performance of services other than advice and counsel, such
as sales or brokerage services, or economically similar services. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the
determination of whether a person’s services are sales or brokerage services, or economically similar services, shall
be based on all the facts and circumstances of that person’s business. Such facts and circumstances include, for
example, the manner in which the taxpayer is compensated for the services provided (e.g., whether the
compensation for the services is contingent upon the consummation of the transaction that the services were
intended to effect). See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.448-1T(e)(4)(iv).
For example, Taxpayer has taxable income of $280,000, of which $200,000 is
attributable to an accounting sole proprietorship after paying wages of $100,000 to employees.
Taxpayer has an applicable percentage of 40 percent.
In determining includible qualified
business income, Taxpayer takes into account 40 percent of $200,000, or $80,000. In
determining the includible W-2 wages, Taxpayer takes into account 40 percent of $100,000, or
$40,000. Taxpayer calculates the deduction by taking the lesser of 23 percent of $80,000
($18,400) or 50 percent of $40,000 ($20,000). Taxpayer takes a deduction for $18,400.
Tentative deductible amount for a qualified trade or business
In general
For each qualified trade or business, the taxpayer is allowed a deductible amount equal to
the lesser of 23 percent of the qualified business income with respect to such trade or business or
50 percent of the W-2 wages with respect to such business (the “wage limit”). However, if the
taxpayer’s taxable income is below the threshold amount, the deductible amount for each
qualified trade or business is equal to 23 percent of the qualified business income with respect to
each respective trade or business.
W-2 wages
W-2 wages are the total wages
subject to wage withholding, elective deferrals,
deferred compensation
paid by the qualified trade or business with respect to employment of its
employees during the calendar year ending during the taxable year of the taxpayer.
W-2 wages
do not include any amount which is not properly allocable to the qualified business income as a
qualified item of deduction. In addition, W-2 wages do not include any amount which was not
properly included in a return filed with the Social Security Administration on or before the 60
day after the due date (including extensions) for such return.
1 - ($280,000 - $250,000)/$50,000 = 1 - 30,000/50,000 = 1 - .6 = 40 percent.
Defined in sec. 3401(a).
Within the meaning of sec. 402(g)(3).
Deferred compensation includes compensation deferred under section 457, as well as the amount of any
designated Roth contributions (as defined in section 402A).
In the case of a taxpayer with a short taxable year that does not contain a calendar year ending during
such short taxable year, the Committee intends that the following amounts shall be treated as the W-2 wages of the
taxpayer for the short taxable year: (1) only those wages paid during the short taxable year to employees of the
qualified trade or business, (2) only those elective deferrals (within the meaning of section 402(g)(3)) made during
the short taxable year by employees of the qualified trade or business, and (3) only compensation actually deferred
under section 457 during the short taxable year with respect to employees of the qualified trade or business. The
Committee intends that amounts that are treated as W-2 wages for a taxable year shall not be treated as W-2 wages
of any other taxable year.
In the case of a taxpayer who is an individual with otherwise qualified business income
from sources within the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, if all the income is taxable under section
1 (income tax rates for individuals) for the taxable year, the determination of W-2 wages with
respect to the taxpayer’s trade or business conducted in Puerto Rico is made without regard to
any exclusion under the wage withholding rules
for remuneration paid for services in Puerto
Phase-in of wage limit
The application of the wage limit phases in for a taxpayer with taxable income in excess
of the threshold amount. The wage limit applies fully for a taxpayer with taxable income in
excess of the threshold amount plus $50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a joint return). For a
taxpayer with taxable income within the phase-in range, the wage limit applies as follows.
With respect to any qualified trade or business, the taxpayer compares (1) 23 percent of
the taxpayer’s qualified business income with respect to the qualified trade or business with (2)
50 percent of the W-2 wages with respect to the qualified trade or business. If the amount
determined under (2) is less than the amount determined (1), (that is, if the wage limit is
binding), the taxpayer’s deductible amount is the amount determined under (1) reduced by the
same proportion of the difference between the two amounts as the excess of the taxable income
of the taxpayer over the threshold amount bears to $50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a joint
For example, H and W file a joint return on which they report taxable income of
$520,000. W has a qualified trade or business that is not a specified service business, such that
23 percent of the qualified business income with respect to the business is $15,000. W’s share of
wages paid by the business is $20,000, such that 50 percent of the W-2 wages with respect to the
business is $10,000. The $15,000 amount is reduced by 20 percent
of the difference between
$15,000 and $10,000, or $1,000. H and W take a deduction for $14,000.
Qualified REIT dividends, cooperative dividends, and publicly traded partnership income
A deduction is allowed under the provision for 23 percent of the taxpayer’s aggregate
amount of qualified REIT dividends, qualified cooperative dividends, and qualified publicly
traded partnership income for the taxable year. Qualified REIT dividends do not include any
portion of a dividend received from a REIT that is a capital gain dividend
or a qualified
A qualified cooperative dividend means a patronage dividend,
per-unit retain
As provided in sec. 3401(a)(8).
($520,000-$500,000)/$100,000 = 20 percent.
Defined in sec. 857(b)(3).
Defined in sec. 1(h)(11).
Defined in sec. 1388(a).
qualified written notice of allocation,
or any similar amount, provided it is
includible in gross income and is received from either (1) a tax-exempt benevolent life insurance
association, mutual ditch or irrigation company, cooperative telephone company, like
cooperative organization,
or a taxable or tax-exempt cooperative that is described in section
1381(a), or (2) a taxable cooperative governed by tax rules applicable to cooperatives before the
enactment of subchapter T of the Code in 1962. Qualified publicly traded partnership income
means (with respect to any qualified trade or business of the taxpayer), the sum of the (a) the net
amount of the taxpayer’s allocable share of each qualified item of income, gain, deduction, and
loss (that are effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business and are included or allowed in
determining taxable income for the taxable year and do not constitute excepted enumerated
investment-type income, and not including the taxpayer’s reasonable compensation, guaranteed
payments for services, or (to the extent provided in regulations) section 707(a) payments for
services) from a publicly traded partnership not treated as a corporation, and (b) gain recognized
by the taxpayer on disposition of its interest in the partnership that is treated as ordinary income
(for example, by reason of section 751).
Determination of the taxpayer’s deduction
The taxpayer’s deduction for qualified business income is equal to the lesser of the
combined qualified business income amount for the taxable year or an amount equal to 23
percent of the taxpayer’s taxable income (reduced by any net capital gain
) for the taxable year.
The combined qualified business income amount is the sum of the deductible amounts
determined for each qualified trade or business for the taxable year and 23 percent of the
qualified REIT dividends and qualified cooperative dividends received by the taxpayer for the
taxable year.
Specified agricultural or horticultural cooperatives
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018 but not after December 31, 2025, a
deduction is allowed to any specified agricultural or horticultural cooperative equal to the lesser
of 23 percent of the cooperative’s taxable income for the taxable year or 50 percent of the W-2
wages paid by the cooperative with respect to its trade or business. A specified agricultural or
horticultural cooperative is a organization to which subchapter T applies that is engaged in (a)
the manufacturing, production, growth, or extraction in whole or significant part of any
agricultural or horticultural product, (b) the marketing of agricultural or horticultural products
that its patrons have so manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted, or (c) the provision of
supplies, equipment, or services to farmers or organizations described in the foregoing.
Defined in sec. 1388(f).
Defined in sec. 1388(c).
Described in sec. 501(c)(12).
Defined in sec. 1(h).
Special rules and definitions
For purposes of the provision, taxable income is determined without regard to the
deduction allowable under the provision.
In the case of a partnership or S corporation, the provision applies at the partner or
shareholder level. Each partner takes into account the partner’s allocable share of each qualified
item of income, gain, deduction, and loss, and is treated as having W-2 wages for the taxable
year equal to the partner’s allocable share of W-2 wages of the partnership. The partner’s
allocable share of W-2 wages is required to be determined in the same manner as the partner’s
share of wage expenses. For example, if a partner is allocated a deductible amount of 10 percent
of wages paid by the partnership to employees for the taxable year, the partner is required to be
allocated 10 percent of the W-2 wages of the partnership for purposes of calculating the wage
limit under this deduction. Similarly, each shareholder of an S corporation takes into account the
shareholder’s pro rata share of each qualified item of income, gain, deduction, and loss, and is
treated as having W-2 wages for the taxable year equal to the shareholder’s pro rata share of W-2
wages of the S corporation.
Qualified business income is determined without regard to any adjustments prescribed
under the rules of the alternative minimum tax.
The provision does not apply to a trust or estate.
The deduction under the provision is allowed only for Federal income tax purposes.
For purposes of determining a substantial underpayment of income tax under the
accuracy related penalty,
a substantial underpayment exists if the amount of the understatement
exceeds the greater of five percent (not 10 percent) of the tax required to be shown on the return
or $5,000.
Authority is provided to promulgate regulations needed to carry out the purposes of the
provision, including regulations requiring, or restricting, the allocation of items of income, gain,
loss, or deduction, or of wages under the provision. In addition, regulatory authority is provided
to address reporting requirements appropriate under the provision, and the application of the
provision in the case of tiered entities.
The provision does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Additional examples
The following examples provide a comprehensive illustration of the provision.
Sec. 6662(d)(1)(A).
Example 1
H and W file a joint return on which they report taxable income of $520,000 (determined
without regard to this provision). H is a partner in a qualified trade or business that is not a
specified service business (“qualified business A”). W has a sole proprietorship qualified trade
or business that is a specified service business (“qualified business B”). H and W also received
$10,000 in qualified REIT dividends during the tax year.
H’s allocable share of qualified business income from qualified business A is $300,000,
such that 23 percent of the qualified business income with respect to the business is $69,000.
H’s allocable share of wages paid by qualified business A is $100,000, such that 50 percent of
the W-2 wages with respect to the business is $50,000.
As H and W’s taxable income is above
the threshold amount for a joint return, the application of the wage limit for qualified business A
is phased in. Accordingly, the $69,000 amount is reduced by 20 percent
of the difference
between $69,000 and $50,000, or $3,800.
H’s deductible amount for qualified business A is
W’s qualified business income and W-2 wages from qualified business B, which is a
specified service business, are $325,000 and $150,000, respectively. H and W’s taxable income
is above the threshold amount for a joint return. Thus, the exclusion of qualified business
income and W-2 wages from the specified service business are phased in. W has an applicable
percentage of 80 percent.
In determining includible qualified business income, W takes into
account 80 percent of $325,000, or $260,000. In determining includible W-2 wages, W takes
into account 80 percent of $150,000, or $120,000. W calculates the deductible amount for
qualified business B by taking the lesser of 23 percent of $260,000 ($59,800) or 50 percent of
includible W-2 wages of $120,000 ($60,000).
W’s deductible amount for qualified business B
is $59,800.
H and W’s combined qualified business income amount of $127,300 is comprised of the
deductible amount for qualified business A of $65,200, the deductible amount for qualified
business B of $59,800, and 23 percent of the $10,000 qualified REIT dividends ($2,300). H and
$300,000*.23 = $69,000.
$100,000*.5 = $50,000.
($520,000-$500,000)/$100,000 = 20 percent.
($69,000 - $50,000)*.2 = $3,800.
$69,000 - $3,800 = $65,200.
1 - ($520,000-$500,000)/$100,000 = 1 - $20,000/$100,000 = 1 - .2 = 80 percent.
Although H and W’s taxable income is above the threshold amount for a joint return, the wage limit is
not binding as the 23 percent of includible qualified business income of qualified business B ($59,800) is less than
50 percent of includible W-2 wages of qualified business B ($60,000).
W’s deduction is limited to 23 percent of their taxable income for the year ($520,000), or
$119,600. Accordingly, H and W’s deduction for the taxable year is $119,600.
Example 2
H and W file a joint return on which they report taxable income of $200,000 (determined
without regard to this provision). H has a sole proprietorship qualified trade or business that is
not a specified service business (“qualified business A”). W is a partner in a qualified trade or
business that is not a specified service business (“qualified business B”). H and W have a
carryover qualified business loss of $50,000.
H’s qualified business income from qualified business A is $150,000, such that 23
percent of the qualified business income with respect to the business is $34,500. As H and W’s
taxable income is below the threshold amount for a joint return, the wage limit does not apply to
qualified business A. H’s deductible amount for qualified business A is $34,500.
W’s allocable share of qualified business loss is $40,000, such that 23 percent of the
qualified business loss with respect to the business is $9,200. As H and W’s taxable income is
below the threshold amount for a joint return, the wage limit does not apply to qualified business
B. W’s deductible amount for qualified business B is a reduction to the deduction of $9,200.
H and W’s combined qualified business income amount of $13,800 is comprised of the
deductible amount for qualified business A of $34,500, the reduction to the deduction for
qualified business B of $9,200, and the reduction to the deduction of $11,500 attributable to the
carryover qualified business loss. H and W’s deduction is limited to 23 percent of their taxable
income for the year ($200,000), or $46,000. Accordingly, H and W’s deduction for the taxable
year is $13,800.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with modifications.
Deduction percentage
Under the conference agreement, the percentage of the deduction allowable under the
provision is 20 percent (not 23 percent).
Threshold amount
The conference agreement reduces the threshold amount above which both the limitation
on specified service businesses and the wage limit are phased in. Under the conference
agreement, the threshold amount is $157,500 (twice that amount or $315,000 in the case of a
joint return), indexed. The conferees expect that the reduced threshold amount will serve to
deter high-income taxpayers from attempting to convert wages or other compensation for
personal services to income eligible for the 20-percent deduction under the provision.
The conference agreement provides that the range over which the phase-in of these
limitations applies is $50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a joint return).
Limitation based on W-2 wages and capital
The conference agreement modifies the wage limit applicable to taxpayers with taxable
income above the threshold amount to provide a limit based either on wages paid or on wages
paid plus a capital element. Under the conference agreement, the limitation is the greater of (a)
50 percent of the W-2 wages paid with respect to the qualified trade or business, or (b) the sum
of 25 of percent of the W-2 wages with respect to the qualified trade or business plus 2.5 percent
of the unadjusted basis, immediately after acquisition, of all qualified property.
For purposes of the provision, qualified property means tangible property of a character
subject to depreciation that is held by, and available for use in, the qualified trade or business at
the close of the taxable year, and which is used in the production of qualified business income,
and for which the depreciable period has not ended before the close of the taxable year. The
depreciable period with respect to qualified property of a taxpayer means the period beginning
on the date the property is first placed in service by the taxpayer and ending on the later of (a) the
date 10 years after that date, or (b) the last day of the last full year in the applicable recovery
period that would apply to the property under section 168 (without regard to section 168(g)).
For example, a taxpayer (who is subject to the limit) does business as a sole
proprietorship conducting a widget-making business. The business buys a widget-making
machine for $100,000 and places it in service in 2020. The business has no employees in 2020.
The limitation in 2020 is the greater of (a) 50 percent of W-2 wages, or $0, or (b) the sum of 25
percent of W-2 wages ($0) plus 2.5 percent of the unadjusted basis of the machine immediately
after its acquisition: $100,000 x .025 = $2,500. The amount of the limitation on the taxpayer’s
deduction is $2,500.
In the case of property that is sold, for example, the property is no longer available for
use in the trade or business and is not taken into account in determining the limitation. The
Secretary is required to provide rules for applying the limitation in cases of a short taxable year
of where the taxpayer acquires, or disposes of, the major portion of a trade or business or the
major portion of a separate unit of a trade or business during the year. The Secretary is required
to provide guidance applying rules similar to the rules of section 179(d)(2) to address
acquisitions of property from a related party, as well as in a sale-leaseback or other transaction as
needed to carry out the purposes of the provision and to provide anti-abuse rules, including under
the limitation based on W-2 wages and capital. Similarly, the Secretary shall provide guidance
prescribing rules for determining the unadjusted basis immediately after acquisition of qualified
property acquired in like-kind exchanges or involuntary conversions as needed to carry out the
purposes of the provision and to provide anti-abuse rules, including under the limitation based on
W-2 wages and capital.
Specified service trade or business
The conference agreement modifies the definition of a specified service trade or business
in several respects. The definition is modified to exclude engineering and architecture services,
and to take into account the reputation or skill of owners.
A specified service trade or business means any trade or business involving the
performance of services in the fields of health, law, consulting, athletics, financial services,
brokerage services, or any trade or business where the principal asset of such trade or business is
the reputation or skill of one or more of its employees or owners, or which involves the
performance of services that consist of investing and investment management trading, or dealing
in securities, partnership interests, or commodities. For this purpose a security and a commodity
have the meanings provided in the rules for the mark-to-market accounting method for dealers in
securities (sections 475(c)(2) and 475(e)(2), respectively).
Determination of the taxpayer’s deduction
The taxpayer’s deduction for qualified business income for the taxable year is equal to
the sum of (a) the lesser of the combined qualified business income amount for the taxable year
or an amount equal to 20 percent of the excess of taxpayer’s taxable income over any net capital
and qualified cooperative dividends, plus (b) the lesser of 20 percent of qualified
cooperative dividends and taxable income (reduced by net capital gain). This sum may not
exceed the taxpayer's taxable income for the taxable year (reduced by net capital gain). Under
the provision, the 20-percent deduction with respect to qualified cooperative dividends is limited
to taxable income (reduced by net capital gain) for the year. The combined qualified business
income amount for the taxable year is the sum of the deductible amounts determined for each
qualified trade or business carried on by the taxpayer and 20 percent of the taxpayer’s qualified
REIT dividends and qualified publicly traded partnership income. The deductible amount for
each qualified trade or business is the lesser of (a) 20 percent of the taxpayer's qualified business
income with respect to the trade or business, or (b) the greater of 50 percent of the W-2 wages
with respect to the trade or business or the sum of 25 percent of the W-2 wages with respect to
the trade or business and 2.5 percent of the unadjusted basis, immediately after acquisition, of all
qualified property.
Deduction against taxable income
The conference agreement clarifies that the 20-percent deduction is not allowed in
computing adjusted gross income, and instead is allowed as a deduction reducing taxable
income. Thus, for example, the provision does not affect limitations based on adjusted gross
income. Similarly the conference agreement clarifies that the deduction is available to both non-
itemizers and itemizers.
Defined in sec. 1(h).
Treatment of agricultural and horticultural cooperatives
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 but not after December 31, 2025, a
deduction is allowed to any specified agricultural or horticultural cooperative equal to the lesser
of (a) 20 percent of the cooperative’s taxable income for the taxable year or (b) the greater of 50
percent of the W-2 wages paid by the cooperative with respect to its trade or business or the sum
of 25 percent of the W-2 wages of the cooperative with respect to its trade or business plus 2.5
percent of the unadjusted basis immediately after acquisition of qualified property of the
cooperative. A specified agricultural or horticultural cooperative is a organization to which
subchapter T applies that is engaged in (a) the manufacturing, production, growth, or extraction
in whole or significant part of any agricultural or horticultural product, (b) the marketing of
agricultural or horticultural products that its patrons have so manufactured, produced, grown, or
extracted, or (c) the provision of supplies, equipment, or services to farmers or organizations
described in the foregoing.
Treatment of trusts and estates
The conference agreement provides that trusts and estates are eligible for the 20-percent
deduction under the provision. Rules similar to the rules under present-law section 199 (as in
effect on December 1, 2017) apply for apportioning between fiduciaries and beneficiaries any
W-2 wages and unadjusted basis of qualified property under the limitation based on W-2 wages
and capital.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
C. Simplification and Reform of Family and Individual Tax Credits
1. Enhancement of child tax credit and new family credit (sec. 1101 of the House bill,
sec. 11022 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 24 of the Code)
Present Law
An individual may claim a tax credit for each qualifying child under the age of 17. The
amount of the credit per child is $1,000. A child who is not a citizen, national, or resident of the
United States cannot be a qualifying child.
The aggregate amount of child credits that may be claimed is phased out for individuals
with income over certain threshold amounts. Specifically, the otherwise allowable child tax
credit is reduced by $50 for each $1,000 (or fraction thereof) of modified adjusted gross income
(“AGI”) over $75,000 for single individuals or heads of households, $110,000 for married
individuals filing joint returns, and $55,000 for married individuals filing separate returns. For
purposes of this limitation, modified AGI includes certain otherwise excludable income earned
by U.S. citizens or residents living abroad or in certain U.S. territories.
The credit is allowable against both the regular tax and the alternative minimum tax
(“AMT”). To the extent the child credit exceeds the taxpayer’s tax liability, the taxpayer is
eligible for a refundable credit
(the “additional child tax credit”) equal to 15 percent of earned
income in excess of $3,000 (the “earned income” formula).
Families with three or more children may determine the additional child tax credit using
the “alternative formula,” if this results in a larger credit than determined under the earned
income formula. Under the alternative formula, the additional child tax credit equals the amount
by which the taxpayer’s Social Security taxes exceed the taxpayer’s earned income credit
Earned income is defined as the sum of wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee
compensation plus net self-employment earnings. At the taxpayer’s election, combat pay may be
treated as earned income for these purposes. Unlike the EIC, which also includes the preceding
items in its definition of earned income, the additional child tax credit is based only on earned
income to the extent it is included in computing taxable income. For example, some ministers’
parsonage allowances are considered self-employment income, and thus are considered earned
income for purposes of computing the EIC, but the allowances are excluded from gross income
for individual income tax purposes, and thus are not considered earned income for purposes of
the additional child tax credit since the income is not included in taxable income.
Any credit or refund allowed or made to an individual under this provision (including to
any resident of a U.S. possession) is not taken into account as income and is not be taken into
account as resources for the month of receipt and the following two months for purposes of
determining eligibility of such individual or any other individual for benefits or assistance, or the
The refundable credit may not exceed the maximum credit per child of $1,000.
amount or extent of benefits or assistance, under any Federal program or under any State or local
program financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.
House Bill
The provision expands the child tax credit into a new family tax credit. The family credit
consists of a $1,600 credit per qualifying child under the age of 17, and a $300 credit for each of
the taxpayer (both spouses in the case of married taxpayers filing a joint return) and each
dependent of the taxpayer who is not a qualifying child under age 17.
The provision generally retains the present-law definition of dependent. However, under
the provision, a qualifying child is eligible for the $1,600 credit only if such child is a citizen or
national of the United States.
The family credit phases out at AGI of $230,000 for married taxpayers filing joint returns
and $115,000 for other individuals. The credit is refundable under rules similar to the present
law additional child tax credit. That is, to the extent the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s tax
liability, the taxpayer is eligible for a refundable credit equal to 15 percent of earned income in
excess of $3,000.
The refundable credit is limited to $1,000 times the number of qualifying
children under the age of 17 claimed on the return. This $1,000 per child dollar limitation is
indexed for inflation, with a base year of 2017, rounding up to the nearest $100. Accordingly, in
2018 the limitation will be $1,100.
The provision requires that the taxpayer include the name and taxpayer identification
number of each qualifying child and dependent on the tax return for each taxable year.
The $300 credit for the taxpayer, spouse, and non-child dependents of the taxpayer
expires for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The provision temporarily increases the child tax credit to $2,000 per qualifying child.
Additionally, the age limit for a qualifying child is temporarily increased by one year, such that a
taxpayer may claim the credit with respect to any qualifying child under the age of 18. This
increase in the age limit expires for taxable years after December 31, 2024.
The alternate formula described in the present law section applies to the refundable portion of the family
credit as well.
See a description of sec. 1103 of the House bill for modifications to the taxpayer identification number
The credit is further modified to temporarily provide for a $500 nonrefundable credit for
qualifying dependents other than qualifying children. The provision generally retains the
present-law definition of dependent.
Under the temporary provision, beginning in 2018, the threshold at which the credit
begins to phase out is increased to $500,000 for all taxpayers. These amounts are not indexed
for inflation.
The provision temporarily lowers the earned income threshold for the refundable child
tax credit to $2,500. As under present law, the maximum amount refundable may not exceed
$1,000 per qualifying child. Under the provision, this $1,000 threshold is indexed for inflation
with a base year of 2017, rounding up to the nearest $100 (such that the threshold is $1,100 in
2018). A temporary rule provides that, for the taxable years for which the above-described
changes are in effect, in order to receive the refundable portion of the child tax credit, a taxpayer
must include a Social Security number for each qualifying child for whom the credit is claimed
on the tax return.
The temporary provision (other than the increase in the age limit, which expires one year
earlier) expires for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement temporarily increases the child tax credit to $2,000 per
qualifying child. The credit is further modified to temporarily provide for a $500 nonrefundable
credit for qualifying dependents other than qualifying children. The provision generally retains
the present-law definition of dependent.
Under the conference agreement, the maximum amount refundable may not exceed
$1,400 per qualifying child.
Additionally, the conference agreement provides that, in order to
receive the child tax credit (i.e., both the refundable and non-refundable portion), a taxpayer
must include a Social Security number for each qualifying child for whom the credit is claimed
on the tax return. For these purposes, a Social Security number must be issued before the due
date for the filing of the return for the taxable year. This requirement does not apply to a non-
child dependent for whom the $500 non-refundable credit is claimed.
Further, the conference agreement retains the present-law age limit for a qualifying child.
Thus, a qualifying child is an individual who has not attained age 17 during the taxable year.
Unlike both the House bill and the Senate amendment, the conference agreement uses an indexing
convention that rounds the $1,400 amount to the next lowest multiple of $100.
Additionally, a qualifying child who is ineligible to receive the child tax credit because that child did not
have a Social Security number as the child’s taxpayer identification number may nonetheless qualify for the non-
refundable $500 credit.
Finally, the conference agreement modifies the adjusted gross income phaseout
thresholds. Under the conference agreement, the credit begins to phase out for taxpayers with
adjusted gross income in excess of $400,000 (in the case of married taxpayers filing a joint
return) and $200,000 (for all other taxpayers). These phaseout thresholds are not indexed for
As was the case with the Senate amendment, the provision expires for taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2. Credit for the elderly and permanently disabled (sec. 1102(a) of the House bill and
sec. 22 of the Code)
Present Law
Certain taxpayers who are over the age of 65 or retired on account of permanent and total
disability may claim a nonrefundable credit. The maximum credit is 15 percent of $5,000 for a
return where one individual qualifies and $7,500 on a joint return where both spouses qualify.
Thus, the maximum credit amounts are $750 and $1,125, respectively.
The credit base is reduced by one half of the amount by which the taxpayer's adjusted
gross income exceeds $7,500 if the taxpayer is unmarried, $10,000 if the taxpayer is married and
files a joint return, or $5,000 if the taxpayer is married and files a separate return.
Thus, the
credit base is phased down to zero when adjusted gross income exceeds $17,500 for an
unmarried person, $20,000 for a married couple filing a joint return where only one spouse
qualifies for the credit, $25,000 for a joint return where both spouses qualify, and $12,500 for a
married person filing a separate return.
Additionally, the credit base is reduced by certain items of income otherwise exempt
from tax: (1) benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act; (2) retirement benefits under the
Railroad Retirement Act of 1974; (3) disability benefits paid by the Veterans Administration,
except for benefits payable on account of personal injuries or sickness resulting from active
service in the Armed Forces; and (4) pensions, annuities, and disability benefits exempted from
tax by any provision not in the Code.
To qualify for the credit, a taxpayer must, at the end of the taxable year, be at least 65
years old or retired on account of permanent and total disability.
Permanent and total disability
Sec. 22(a).
Sec. 22(d).
Sec. 22(c)(3).
Sec. 22(b).
exists if, at the time of retirement, the taxpayer was “unable to engage in any substantial gainful
activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be
expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period
of not less than 12 months.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the credit for the elderly and permanently disabled.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
3. Repeal of credit for plug-in electric drive motor vehicles (sec. 1102(c) of the House bill
and sec. 30D of the Code)
Present Law
A credit is available for new four-wheeled vehicles (excluding low speed vehicles and
vehicles weighing 14,000 pounds or more) propelled by a battery with at least 4 kilowatt-hours
of electricity that can be charged from an external source.
The base credit is $2,500 plus $417
for each kilowatt-hour of additional battery capacity in excess of 4 kilowatt-hours (for a
maximum credit of $7,500). Qualified vehicles are subject to a 200,000 vehicle-per-
manufacturer limitation. Once the limitation has been reached the credit is phased down over
four calendar quarters.
House Bill
The provision repeals the credit for plug-in electric drive motor vehicles.
Effective date.The provision is effective for vehicles placed in service in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Sec. 22(e)(3).
Sec. 30D.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
4. Termination of credit for interest on certain home mortgages (sec. 1102(b) of the House
bill and sec. 25 of the Code)
Present Law
Qualified governmental units can elect to exchange all or a portion of their qualified
mortgage bond authority for authority to issue mortgage credit certificates (“MCCs”).
entitle homebuyers to a nonrefundable income tax credit for a specified percentage of interest
paid on mortgage loans on their principal residences. The tax credit provided by the MCC may
be carried forward three years. Once issued, an MCC generally remains in effect as long as the
residence being financed is the certificate-recipient’s principal residence. MCCs generally are
subject to the same eligibility and targeted area requirements as qualified mortgage bonds.
House Bill
No credit is allowed with respect to any MCC issued after December 31, 2017.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years ending after December 31, 2017.
Credits continue for interest paid on mortgage loans on principal residences for which MCCs
have been issued on or before December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not contain the House bill provision.
5. Modification of taxpayer identification number requirements for the child tax credit,
earned income credit, and American Opportunity credit (sec. 1103 of the House bill,
sec. 11022 of the Senate amendment and secs. 24, 25A and 32 of the Code)
Present Law
Earned income credit
Low and moderate-income taxpayers may be eligible for the refundable earned income
credit (“EIC”). Eligibility for the EIC is based on the taxpayer’s earned income, adjusted gross
Sec. 25.
Sec. 143.
income, investment income, filing status, and work status in the United States. The amount of
the EIC is based on the presence and number of qualifying children in the worker’s family, as
well as on adjusted gross income and earned income.
The earned income credit generally equals a specified percentage of earned income
to a maximum dollar amount. The maximum amount applies over a certain income range and
then diminishes to zero over a specified phase-out range. For taxpayers with earned income (or
adjusted gross income (“AGI”), if greater) in excess of the beginning of the phase-out range, the
maximum EIC amount is reduced by the phase-out rate multiplied by the amount of earned
income (or AGI, if greater) in excess of the beginning of the phase-out range. For taxpayers with
earned income (or AGI, if greater) in excess of the end of the phase-out range, no credit is
An individual is not eligible for the EIC if the aggregate amount of disqualified income
of the taxpayer for the taxable year exceeds $3,450 (for 2017). This threshold is indexed for
inflation. Disqualified income is the sum of: (1) interest (taxable and tax-exempt); (2) dividends;
(3) net rent and royalty income (if greater than zero); (4) capital gains net income; and (5) net
passive income (if greater than zero) that is not self-employment income.
The EIC is a refundable credit, meaning that if the amount of the credit exceeds the
taxpayer’s Federal income tax liability, the excess is payable to the taxpayer as a direct transfer
Child tax credit
An individual may claim a tax credit of $1,000 for each qualifying child under the age of
17. A child who is not a citizen, national, or resident of the United States cannot be a qualifying
The aggregate amount of allowable child credits is phased out for individuals with
income over certain threshold amounts. Specifically, the otherwise allowable aggregate child tax
credit (“CTC”) amount is reduced by $50 for each $1,000 (or fraction thereof) of modified
adjusted gross income (“modified AGI”) over $75,000 for single individuals or heads of
households, $110,000 for married individuals filing joint returns, and $55,000 for married
individuals filing separate returns. For purposes of this limitation, modified AGI includes certain
otherwise excludable income
earned by U.S. citizens or residents living abroad or in certain
U.S. territories.
The child tax credit is allowable against both the regular tax and the alternative minimum
tax (“AMT”). To the extent the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s tax liability, the taxpayer is eligible
Earned income is defined as (1) wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation, but only if such
amounts are includible in gross income, plus (2) the amount of the individual’s net self-employment earnings.
See description of sec. 1101 of the House bill for the House bill and Senate amendment modifications to
the child tax credit.
Sec. 911.
for a refundable credit (the “additional child tax credit”) equal to 15 percent of earned income in
excess of a threshold dollar amount of $3,000 (the “earned income” formula).
Families with three or more qualifying children may determine the additional child tax
credit using the “alternative formula” if this results in a larger credit than determined under the
earned income formula. Under the alternative formula, the additional child tax credit equals the
amount by which the taxpayer’s Social Security taxes exceed the taxpayer’s EIC.
As with the EIC, earned income is defined as the sum of wages, salaries, tips, and other
taxable employee compensation plus net self-employment earnings. Unlike the EIC, the
additional child tax credit is based on earned income only to the extent it is included in
computing taxable income. For example, some ministers’ parsonage allowances are considered
self-employment income and thus are considered earned income for purposes of computing the
EIC, but the allowances are excluded from gross income for individual income tax purposes and
thus are not considered earned income for purposes of the additional child tax credit.
American Opportunity credit
The American Opportunity credit provides individuals with a tax credit of up to $2,500
per eligible student per year for qualified tuition and related expenses (including course
materials) paid for each of the first four years of the student’s post-secondary education in a
degree or certificate program. The credit rate is 100 percent on the first $2,000 of qualified
tuition and related expenses, and 25 percent on the next $2,000 of qualified tuition and related
The American Opportunity credit is phased out ratably for taxpayers with modified AGI
between $80,000 and $90,000 ($160,000 and $180,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint
return). The credit may be claimed against a taxpayer’s AMT liability.
Forty percent of a taxpayer’s otherwise allowable modified credit is refundable. A
refundable credit is a credit which, if the amount of the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s Federal
income tax liability, the excess is payable to the taxpayer as a direct transfer payment.
No credit is allowed to a taxpayer who fails to include the taxpayer identification number
of the student to whom the qualified tuition and related expenses relate.
Taxpayer identification number requirements
Any individual filing a U.S. tax return is required to state his or her taxpayer
identification number on such return. Generally, a taxpayer identification number is the
individual’s Social Security number (“SSN”).
However, in the case of an individual who is not
See description of sec. 1201 of the House bill for the bill’s modifications to the American Opportunity
Sec. 6109(a).
eligible to be issued an SSN, but who has a tax filing obligation, the Internal Revenue Service
(“IRS”) issues an individual taxpayer identification number (“ITIN”) for use in connection with
the individual’s tax filing requirements.
An individual who is eligible to receive an SSN may
not obtain an ITIN for purposes of his or her tax filing obligations.
An ITIN does not provide
eligibility to work in the United States or claim Social Security benefits.
Examples of individuals who are not eligible for SSNs, but potentially need ITINs in
order to file U.S. returns include a nonresident alien filing a claim for a reduced withholding rate
under a U.S. income tax treaty, a nonresident alien required to file a U.S. tax return,
individual who is a U.S. resident alien under the substantial presence test and who therefore must
file a U.S. tax return,
a dependent or spouse of the prior two categories of individuals, or a
dependent or spouse of a nonresident alien visa holder.
An individual is ineligible for the EIC (but not the child tax credit) if he or she does not
include a valid SSN and the qualifying child’s valid SSN (and, if married, the spouse’s SSN) on
his or her tax return. For these purposes, the Code defines an SSN as a Social Security number
issued to an individual, other than an SSN issued to an individual solely for the purpose of
applying for or receiving federally funded benefits.
If an individual fails to provide a correct
taxpayer identification number, such omission will be treated as a mathematical or clerical error
by the IRS.
A taxpayer who resides with a qualifying child may not claim the EIC with respect to the
qualifying child if such child does not have a valid SSN. The taxpayer also is ineligible for the
EIC for workers without children because he or she resides with a qualifying child. However, if
a taxpayer has two or more qualifying children, some of whom do not have a valid SSN, the
taxpayer may claim the EIC based on the number of qualifying children for whom there are valid
House Bill
Under the provision, any qualifying child claimed by the taxpayer on the tax return must
use, as that child’s identifying number, a Social Security number that is valid for employment in
the United States in order to be eligible for the CTC. Under the provision, if a child’s identifying
number was other than a Social Security number (such as an ITIN), the taxpayer would be
Treas. Reg. Sec. 301.6109-1(d)(3)(i).
Treas. Reg. Sec. 301.6109-1(d)(3)(ii).
For instance, in the case of an individual that has income which is effectively connected with a United
States trade or business, such as the performance of personal services in the United States.
Such an individual would have a filing requirement without regard to whether the individual is lawfully
present or has work authorization.
Sec. 205(c)(2)(B)(i)(II) (and that portion of sec. 205(c)(2)(B)(i)(III) relating to it) of the Social Security
eligible to receive the $300 credit for dependents other than qualifying children, assuming such
child otherwise qualified as a dependent of the taxpayer.
Additionally, under the provision, taxpayers who use as their taxpayer identification
number a Social Security number issued for non-work reasons, such as for purposes of receiving
Federal benefits or for any other reason, are not eligible for the EIC.
Lastly, under the provision, in order to claim the American Opportunity credit, the
identification number provided with respect to the student to whom the tuition and related
expenses relate must be a Social Security number.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
Under the Senate amendment, as a part of the temporary modifications to the child tax
credit, for the taxable years 2018 through 2025, in order to receive the refundable portion of the
child tax credit, a taxpayer must include a Social Security number for each qualifying child for
whom the credit is claimed on the tax return.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not contain the House bill provision.
6. Procedures to reduce improper claims of earned income credit (sec. 1104 of the House
bill and new secs. 32(c)(2)(B)(vii) and 6011(i) of the Code)
Present Law
Earned income credit
Low- and moderate-income workers may be eligible for the refundable earned income
credit (“EIC”). Eligibility for the EIC is based on earned income, adjusted gross income
(“AGI”), investment income, filing status, number of children, and immigration and work status
in the United States. The maximum amount of the EIC applies over a certain income range and
then diminishes to zero over a specified phaseout range. The EIC is a refundable credit, meaning
See description of sec. 1101 of the House bill.
But see description of sec. 11022 of the conference agreement for a description of modifications with
respect to the taxpayer identification number requirements pertaining to the child tax credit.
that if the amount of the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s Federal income tax liability, the excess is
payable to the taxpayer as a direct transfer payment.
The EIC generally equals a specified percentage of earned income up to a maximum
dollar amount. Earned income is the sum of employee compensation includible in gross income
(generally the amount reported in Box 1 of Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, discussed
below) plus net earnings from self-employment determined with regard to the deduction for one-
half of self-employment taxes.
Special rules apply in computing earned income for purposes of
the EIC.
Net earnings from self-employment generally includes the gross income derived by
an individual from any trade or business carried on by the individual, less the deductions
attributable to the trade or business that are allowed under the self-employment tax rules, plus the
individual’s distributive share of income or loss from any trade or business of a partnership in
which the individual is a partner.
Employment taxes and quarterly reporting by employers
Employment taxes include employer and employee taxes on employee wages under the
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (“FICA”) and income taxes required to be withheld by
employers from employee wages (“income tax withholding”).
Income tax withholding rates
vary depending on the amount of wages paid, the length of the payroll period, and the number of
withholding allowances claimed by the employee. Employers are required also to withhold the
employee share of FICA tax from employee wages. For these purposes, wages is defined
broadly to include all remuneration, subject to exceptions specifically provided in the relevant
statutory provisions.
Employers generally submit quarterly reports to IRS on Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly
Federal Tax Return, showing the number of employees to whom wages were paid during the
quarter, the total wages paid to employees, total FICA taxes (employer and employee) on the
wages, and total income tax withheld from the wages.
In addition, by January 31 after the end
of a calendar year, an employer must provide each employee with Form W-2, Wage and Tax
Statement, showing the total wages paid to the employee during the calendar year and certain
Sec. 32(c)(2)(A).
Sec. 32(c)(2)(B).
Sec. 1402(a); Chief Counsel Advice 200022051.
Secs. 3101-3128 (FICA) and 3401-3404 (income tax withholding). Employment taxes also include
taxes under the Railroad Retirement Act (“RRTA”), sections 3201-3241, and tax under the Federal Unemployment
Taxes Act (“FUTA”), sections 3301-3311. Sections 3501-3510 provide additional employment tax rules.
Treas. Secs. 31.6011(a)-1(a)(1), 31.6011(a)-4(a)(1), 31.6011(a)-1(a)(5). If the total amount of FICA
taxes and withheld income tax for a year is $1,000 or less, instead of filing Form 941 for each quarter, the employer
is permitted file annually on Form 944, Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return. Separate forms and filing
requirement apply with respect to RRTA and FUTA taxes.
other information.
The information contained on each employee’s W-2 is also provided to the
IRS, accompanied by Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, showing the total
number of Forms W-2 and aggregate information for all employees, such as aggregate wages
reported on Forms W-2. IRS then compares the W-3 wage totals to the Form 941 (or Form 944)
wage totals.
House Bill
Modification of the definition of “earned income”
The provision clarifies that a taxpayer is required to claim all allowable deductions in
computing net earnings from self-employment for EIC purposes.
Quarterly reporting of wages by employers
The provision modifies employer reporting requirements associated with the deduction
and withholding of certain employment taxes on wages. Under the provision, employers must
report, along with the aggregate wages paid and employment taxes collected on Form 941 or
Form 944, the name and address of each employee and the amount of reportable wages received
by each of those employees.
Effective date.Modification of the definition of “earned income”
The provision applies to taxable years ending after the date of enactment.
Effective date.Quarterly reporting of wages by employers
The provision applies to taxable years ending after the date of enactment, subject to the
authority of the Secretary to delay for such period as the Secretary determines to be reasonable to
allow adequate time to modify systems to permit compliance with the additional reporting
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Sec. 6051(a). Employees are required to include a copy of Form W-2 when filing their income tax
7. Certain income disallowed for purposes of the earned income tax credit (sec. 1105 of the
House bill, new secs. 32(n) and 32(c)(2)(C) of the Code, and secs. 6051, 6052, 6041(a), and
6050(w) of the Code)
Present Law
Earned income credit
Low- and moderate-income workers may be eligible for the refundable earned income
credit (“EIC”). Eligibility for the EIC is based on earned income, adjusted gross income
(“AGI”), investment income, filing status, number of children, and immigration and work status
in the United States. The maximum amount of the EIC applies over a certain income range and
then diminishes to zero over a specified phaseout range. The EIC is a refundable credit, meaning
that if the amount of the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s Federal income tax liability, the excess is
payable to the taxpayer as a direct transfer payment.
The EIC generally equals a specified percentage of earned income up to a maximum
dollar amount. Earned income is the sum of employee compensation includible in gross income
plus net earnings from self-employment determined with regard to the deduction for one-half of
self-employment taxes.
Special rules apply in computing earned income for purposes of the
Information reporting
Present law imposes a variety of information reporting requirements on participants in
certain transactions.
These requirements are intended to assist taxpayers in preparing their
income tax returns and to help the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) determine whether such
returns are correct and complete.
The primary provision governing information reporting by payors requires an information
return by every person engaged in a trade or business who makes payments aggregating $600 or
more in any taxable year to a single payee in the course of the payor’s trade or business.
Payments to corporations generally are excepted from this requirement. Payments subject to
reporting include fixed or determinable income or compensation, but do not include payments
for goods or certain enumerated types of payments that are subject to other specific reporting
Sec. 32(c)(2)(A).
Sec. 32(c)(2)(B).
Sec. 6031 through 6060.
The information return generally is submitted electronically as a Form-1099 or Form-1096, although
certain payments to beneficiaries or employees may require use of Forms W-3 or W-2, respectively. Treas. Reg. sec.
Detailed rules are provided for the reporting of various types of investment
income, including interest, dividends, and gross proceeds from brokered transactions (such as a
sale of stock) paid to U.S. persons.
Special information reporting requirements exist for employers required to deduct and
withhold tax from employees’ income.
In addition, any service recipient engaged in a trade or
business and paying for services is required to make a return according to regulations when the
aggregate of payments is $600 or more.
There are also information reporting requirements for merchant acquiring entities and
third party settlement organizations with respect to payments made in settlement of payment card
transactions and third party payment network transactions occurring in that calendar year.
The payor of amounts described above is required to provide the recipient of the payment
with an annual statement showing the aggregate payments made and contact information for the
The statement must be supplied to taxpayers by the payors by January 31 of the
following calendar year.
Payors generally must file the information return with the IRS on or
before January 31 of the year following the calendar year to which such returns relate.
Failure to comply with the information reporting requirements results in penalties, which
may include a penalty for failure to file the information return,
to furnish payee statements,
or to comply with other various reporting requirements.
No penalty is imposed if the failure is
due to reasonable cause.
Any person who is required to file an information return, but who
Sec. 6041(a) requires reporting as to fixed or determinable gains, profits, and income (other than
payments to which section 6042(a)(1), 6044(a)(1), 6047(c), 6049(a), or 6050N(a) applies and other than payments
with respect to which a statement is required under authority of section 6042(a), 6044(a)(2) or 6045). These
payments excepted from section 6041(a) include most interest, royalties, and dividends.
Secs. 6042 (dividends), 6045 (broker reporting) and 6049 (interest) and the Treasury regulations
Sec. 6051(a).
Sec. 6041A.
Sec. 6050W.
Sec. 6041(d).
Sec. 6071(d).
Sec. 6721.
Sec. 6722.
Sec. 6723.
Sec. 6724.
fails to do so on or before the prescribed filing date is subject to a penalty that varies based on
when, if at all, the correct information return is filed and the correct payee statement is furnished.
Books or records
Every person liable for any tax imposed by the Code, or for the collection thereof, must
keep such records, render such statements, make such returns, and comply with such rules and
regulations as the Secretary may from time to time prescribe.
Whenever necessary, the
Secretary may require any person, by notice served upon that person or by regulations, to make
such returns, render such statements, or keep such records, as the Secretary deems sufficient to
show whether or not that person is liable for tax. Persons subject to income tax are required to
keep books or records sufficient to establish the amount of gross income, deductions, credits, or
other matters required to be shown by that person in any return of such tax or information.
The books or records are required to be kept available at all times for inspection by the IRS, and
must be retained so long as the contents thereof may become material in the administration of
any internal revenue law.
House Bill
The provision limits earned income for purposes of the earned income credit to amounts
substantiated by the taxpayer on statements furnished or returns filed under third party
information reporting requirements, or amounts substantiated by the taxpayer’s books and
records. The authority of the IRS to make returns, render statements, or keep records and,
pursuant to the Code, to make corresponding adjustments to income to reflect substantiated
amounts for purposes other than the EIC remains unaffected by this provision.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years ending after the date of
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Sec. 6001.
Treas. sec. 1.6001-1(a).
Treas. sec. 1.6001-1(e).
8. Limitation on losses for taxpayers other than corporations (sec. 11012 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 461(l) of the Code)
Present Law
Loss limitation rules applicable to individuals
Passive loss rules
The passive loss rules limit deductions and credits from passive trade or business
The passive loss rules apply to individuals, estates and trusts, and closely held
corporations. A passive activity for this purpose is a trade or business activity in which the
taxpayer owns an interest, but in which the taxpayer does not materially participate. A taxpayer
is treated as materially participating in an activity only if the taxpayer is involved in the
operation of the activity on a basis that is regular, continuous, and substantial.
attributable to passive activities, to the extent they exceed income from passive activities,
generally may not be deducted against other income. Deductions and credits that are suspended
under these rules are carried forward and treated as deductions and credits from passive activities
in the next year. The suspended losses from a passive activity are allowed in full when a
taxpayer makes a taxable disposition of his entire interest in the passive activity to an unrelated
Excess farm loss rules
A limitation on excess farm losses applies to taxpayers other than C corporations.
If a
taxpayer other than a C corporation receives an applicable subsidy for the taxable year, the
amount of the excess farm loss is not allowed for the taxable year, and is carried forward and
treated as a deduction attributable to farming businesses in the next taxable year. An excess farm
loss for a taxable year means the excess of aggregate deductions that are attributable to farming
businesses over the sum of aggregate gross income or gain attributable to farming businesses
plus the threshold amount. The threshold amount is the greater of (1) $300,000 ($150,000 for
married individuals filing separately), or (2) for the five-consecutive-year period preceding the
taxable year, the excess of the aggregate gross income or gain attributable to the taxpayer’s
farming businesses over the aggregate deductions attributable to the taxpayer’s farming
House Bill
No provision.
Sec. 469.
Regulations provide more detailed standards for material participation. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.469-5
and -5T.
Sec. 461(j).
Senate Amendment
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026, excess
business losses of a taxpayer other than a corporation are not allowed for the taxable year. Such
losses are carried forward and treated as part of the taxpayer’s net operating loss (“NOL”)
carryforward in subsequent taxable years. Under the bill, NOL carryovers generally are allowed
for a taxable year up to the lesser of the carryover amount or 90 percent (80 percent for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2022) of taxable income determined without regard to the
deduction for NOLs.
An excess business loss for the taxable year is the excess of aggregate deductions of the
taxpayer attributable to trades or businesses of the taxpayer (determined without regard to the
limitation of the provision), over the sum of aggregate gross income or gain of the taxpayer plus
a threshold amount. The threshold amount for a taxable year is $250,000 (or twice the otherwise
applicable threshold amount in the case of a joint return). The threshold amount is indexed for
In the case of a partnership or S corporation, the provision applies at the partner or
shareholder level. Each partner’s distributive share and each S corporation shareholder’s pro rata
share of items of income, gain, deduction, or loss of the partnership or S corporation are taken
into account in applying the limitation under the provision for the taxable year of the partner or S
corporation shareholder. Regulatory authority is provided to apply the provision to any other
passthrough entity to the extent necessary to carry out the provision. Regulatory authority is also
provided to require any additional reporting as the Secretary determines is appropriate to carry
out the purposes of the provision.
The provision applies after the application of the passive loss rules.
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026, the
present-law limitation relating to excess farm losses does not apply.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment. Thus, excess business losses
not allowed are carried forward and treated as part of the taxpayer’s net operating loss (“NOL”)
carryforward in subsequent taxable years as determined under the NOL rules provided under the
conference agreement.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Sec. 469.
9. Reform of American opportunity tax credit and repeal of lifetime learning credit
(sec. 1201 of the House bill and sec. 25A of the Code)
Present Law
American Opportunity credit
The American Opportunity credit provides individuals with a tax credit of up to $2,500
per eligible student per year for qualified tuition and related expenses (including course
materials) paid for each of the first four years of the student’s post-secondary education in a
degree or certificate program. The credit rate is 100 percent on the first $2,000 of qualified
tuition and related expenses, and 25 percent on the next $2,000 of qualified tuition and related
expenses. The credit may not be claimed for more than four taxable years with respect to any
The American Opportunity credit is phased out ratably for taxpayers with modified AGI
between $80,000 and $90,000 ($160,000 and $180,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint
return). The credit may be claimed against a taxpayer’s AMT liability.
Forty percent of a taxpayer’s otherwise allowable modified credit is refundable. A
refundable credit is a credit which, if the amount of the credit exceeds the taxpayer’s Federal
income tax liability, the excess is payable to the taxpayer as a direct transfer payment.
A taxpayer may not claim the American Opportunity credit if the qualified tuition and
related expenses for the enrollment or attendance of a student, if such student has been convicted
of a Federal or State felony offense consisting of the possession or distribution of a controlled
substance before the end of the taxable year.
Lifetime learning credit
Individual taxpayers may be eligible to claim a nonrefundable credit, the Lifetime
Learning credit, against Federal income taxes equal to 20 percent of qualified tuition and related
expenses incurred during the taxable year on behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or
any dependents. Up to $10,000 of qualified tuition and related expenses per taxpayer return are
eligible for the Lifetime Learning credit (i.e., the maximum credit per taxpayer return is $2,000).
In contrast to the American Opportunity credit, a taxpayer may claim the Lifetime
Learning credit for an unlimited number of taxable years.
Also in contrast to the American
Opportunity credit, the maximum amount of the Lifetime Learning credit that may be claimed on
a taxpayer’s return does not vary based on the number of students in the taxpayer’s family—that
is, the American Opportunity credit is computed on a per-student basis while the Lifetime
Learning credit is computed on a family-wide basis. The Lifetime Learning credit amount that a
taxpayer may otherwise claim is phased out ratably for taxpayers with modified AGI between
Sec. 25A(b)(2)(D).
Sec. 25A(a)(2).
$56,000 and $66,000 ($112,000 and $132,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint return) in
House Bill
The House bill modifies the American Opportunity credit
by providing that a credit
may be claimed with respect to a student for five taxable years (rather than four taxable years
under present law). For a credit claimed with respect to the student’s fifth taxable year, the
credit is half the value of the American Opportunity credit that is applicable to the first four
taxable years (the refundable portion of the credit is 40-percent of the half-value credit).
Additionally, the provision allows a student to claim the American Opportunity credit for any of
the first five years of postsecondary education.
The operation of this provision is as follows. Assume that a student enters college in the
Fall of 2018, attending for eight consecutive semesters, such that the student graduates in the
Spring of 2022. Assume that qualifying tuition and fees for each semester is in excess of $5,000.
For each of taxable years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, an individual claiming the credit on behalf
of the student would be eligible for the maximum credit of $2,500 (of which $1,000 is
refundable). For taxable year 2022, a taxpayer claiming the credit on behalf of the student may
be eligible for a $1,250 credit (of which $500 is refundable). Alternatively, if no credit were
claimed with respect to the student in 2022, and the student were to decide to attend graduate
school in the Fall of 2024, the student may claim the half-value fifth year credit ($1,250 ($500
refundable)) for the 2024 taxable year.
The provision repeals the lifetime learning credit.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
The provision also repeals the Hope credit, a precursor to the American Opportunity credit which since
2009 has been largely superseded in the Code by the American Opportunity credit.
10. Consolidation and modification of education savings rules (sec. 1202 of the House bill,
sec. 11033 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 529 and 530 of the Code)
Present Law
Coverdell education savings accounts
A Coverdell education savings account is a trust or custodial account created exclusively
for the purpose of paying qualified education expenses of a named beneficiary.
contributions to Coverdell education savings accounts may not exceed $2,000 per designated
beneficiary and may not be made after the designated beneficiary reaches age 18 (except in the
case of a special needs beneficiary). The contribution limit is phased out for taxpayers with
modified AGI between $95,000 and $110,000 ($190,000 and $220,000 for married taxpayers
filing a joint return); the AGI of the contributor, and not that of the beneficiary, controls whether
a contribution is permitted by the taxpayer.
Earnings on contributions to a Coverdell education savings account generally are subject
to tax when withdrawn.
However, distributions from a Coverdell education savings account
are excludable from the gross income of the distributee (i.e., the student) to the extent that the
distribution does not exceed the qualified education expenses incurred by the beneficiary during
the year the distribution is made. The earnings portion of a Coverdell education savings account
distribution not used to pay qualified education expenses is includible in the gross income of the
distributee and generally is subject to an additional 10-percent tax.
Tax-free (and free of additional 10-percent tax) transfers or rollovers of account balances
from one Coverdell education savings account benefiting one beneficiary to another Coverdell
education savings account benefiting another beneficiary (as well as redesignations of the named
beneficiary) are permitted, provided that the new beneficiary is a member of the family of the
prior beneficiary and is under age 30 (except in the case of a special needs beneficiary). In
general, any balance remaining in a Coverdell education savings account is deemed to be
distributed within 30 days after the date that the beneficiary reaches age 30 (or, if the beneficiary
dies before attaining age 30, within 30 days of the date that the beneficiary dies).
Qualified education expenses include qualified elementary and secondary expenses and
qualified higher education expenses. Such qualified education expenses generally include only
out-of-pocket expenses. They do not include expenses covered by employer-provided
educational assistance or scholarships for the benefit of the beneficiary that are excludable from
gross income.
Sec. 530.
In addition, Coverdell education savings accounts are subject to the unrelated business income tax
imposed by section 511.
This 10-percent additional tax does not apply if a distribution from an education savings account is
made on account of the death or disability of the designated beneficiary, or if made on account of a scholarship
received by the designated beneficiary.
The term qualified elementary and secondary school expenses, means expenses for: (1)
tuition, fees, academic tutoring, special needs services, books, supplies, and other equipment
incurred in connection with the enrollment or attendance of the beneficiary at a public, private,
or religious school providing elementary or secondary education (kindergarten through grade 12)
as determined under State law; (2) room and board, uniforms, transportation, and supplementary
items or services (including extended day programs) required or provided by such a school in
connection with such enrollment or attendance of the beneficiary; and (3) the purchase of any
computer technology or equipment (as defined in section 170(e)(6)(F)(i)) or internet access and
related services, if such technology, equipment, or services are to be used by the beneficiary and
the beneficiary’s family during any of the years the beneficiary is in elementary or secondary
school. Computer software primarily involving sports, games, or hobbies is not considered a
qualified elementary and secondary school expense unless the software is predominantly
educational in nature.
The term qualified higher education expenses includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, and
equipment required for the enrollment or attendance of the designated beneficiary at an eligible
education institution, regardless of whether the beneficiary is enrolled at an eligible educational
institution on a full-time, half-time, or less than half-time basis.
Moreover, qualified higher
education expenses include certain room and board expenses for any period during which the
beneficiary is at least a half-time student. Qualified higher education expenses include expenses
with respect to undergraduate or graduate-level courses. In addition, qualified higher education
expenses include amounts paid or incurred to purchase tuition credits (or to make contributions
to an account) under a qualified tuition program for the benefit of the beneficiary of the
Coverdell education savings account.
Section 529 qualified tuition programs
In general
A qualified tuition program is a program established and maintained by a State or agency
or instrumentality thereof, or by one or more eligible educational institutions, which satisfies
certain requirements and under which a person may purchase tuition credits or certificates on
behalf of a designated beneficiary that entitle the beneficiary to the waiver or payment of
qualified higher education expenses of the beneficiary (a “prepaid tuition program”).
529 provides specified income tax and transfer tax rules for the treatment of accounts and
contracts established under qualified tuition programs.
In the case of a program established
and maintained by a State or agency or instrumentality thereof, a qualified tuition program also
includes a program under which a person may make contributions to an account that is
established for the purpose of satisfying the qualified higher education expenses of the
designated beneficiary of the account, provided it satisfies certain specified requirements (a
Qualified higher education expenses are defined in the same manner as for qualified tuition programs.
Sec. 530(b)(2)(B).
For purposes of this description, the term “account” is used interchangeably to refer to a prepaid tuition
benefit contract or a tuition savings account established pursuant to a qualified tuition program.
“savings account program”). Under both types of qualified tuition programs, a contributor
establishes an account for the benefit of a particular designated beneficiary to provide for that
beneficiary’s higher education expenses.
In general, prepaid tuition contracts and tuition savings accounts established under a
qualified tuition program involve prepayments or contributions made by one or more individuals
for the benefit of a designated beneficiary. Decisions with respect to the contract or account are
typically made by an individual who is not the designated beneficiary. Qualified tuition accounts
or contracts generally require the designation of a person (generally referred to as an “account
whom the program administrator (oftentimes a third party administrator retained by
the State or by the educational institution that established the program) may look to for decisions,
recordkeeping, and reporting with respect to the account established for a designated beneficiary.
The person or persons who make the contributions to the account need not be the same person
who is regarded as the account owner for purposes of administering the account. Under many
qualified tuition programs, the account owner generally has control over the account or contract,
including the ability to change designated beneficiaries and to withdraw funds at any time and
for any purpose. Thus, in practice, qualified tuition accounts or contracts generally involve a
contributor, a designated beneficiary, an account owner (who oftentimes is not the contributor or
the designated beneficiary), and an administrator of the account or contract.
Qualified higher education expenses
For purposes of receiving a distribution from a qualified tuition program that qualifies for
favorable tax treatment under the Code, qualified higher education expenses means tuition, fees,
books, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment or attendance of a designated
beneficiary at an eligible educational institution, and expenses for special needs services in the
case of a special needs beneficiary that are incurred in connection with such enrollment or
attendance. Qualified higher education expenses generally also include room and board for
students who are enrolled at least half-time. Qualified higher education expenses include the
purchase of any computer technology or equipment, or Internet access or related services, if such
technology or services were to be used primarily by the beneficiary during any of the years a
beneficiary is enrolled at an eligible institution.
Contributions to qualified tuition programs
Contributions to a qualified tuition program must be made in cash. Section 529 does not
impose a specific dollar limit on the amount of contributions, account balances, or prepaid tuition
benefits relating to a qualified tuition account; however, the program is required to have
adequate safeguards to prevent contributions in excess of amounts necessary to provide for the
beneficiary’s qualified higher education expenses. Contributions generally are treated as a
completed gift eligible for the gift tax annual exclusion. Contributions are not tax deductible for
Federal income tax purposes, although they may be deductible for State income tax purposes.
Section 529 refers to contributors and designated beneficiaries, but does not define or otherwise refer to
the term “account owner,” which is a commonly used term among qualified tuition programs.
Amounts in the account accumulate on a tax-free basis (i.e., income on accounts in the plan is
not subject to current income tax).
A qualified tuition program may not permit any contributor to, or designated beneficiary
under, the program to direct (directly or indirectly) the investment of any contributions (or
earnings thereon) more than two times in any calendar year, and must provide separate
accounting for each designated beneficiary. A qualified tuition program may not allow any
interest in an account or contract (or any portion thereof) to be used as security for a loan.
House Bill
Under the House bill, no new contributions are permitted into Coverdell savings accounts
after December 31, 2017. However, rollovers of account balances from one Coverdell education
savings account to another pre-existing Coverdell education savings account benefiting another
beneficiary remain permitted after this date. Additionally, the provision allows section 529 plans
to receive rollover contributions from Coverdell education savings accounts.
The provision modifies section 529 plans to allow such plans to distribute not more than
$10,000 in expenses for tuition incurred during the taxable year in connection with the
enrollment or attendance of the designated beneficiary at a public, private or religious elementary
or secondary school. This limitation applies on a per-student basis, rather than a per-account
basis. Thus, under the provision, although an individual may be the designated beneficiary of
multiple accounts, that individual may receive a maximum of $10,000 in distributions free of tax,
regardless of whether the funds are distributed from multiple accounts. Any excess distributions
received by the individual would be treated as a distribution subject to tax under the general rules
of section 529.
The provision also modifies section 529 plans to allow such plan distributions to be used
for certain expenses, including books, supplies, and equipment, required for attendance in a
registered apprenticeship program. Registered apprenticeship programs are apprenticeship
programs registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor.
Finally, the provision specifies that nothing in this section shall prevent an unborn child
from qualifying as a designated beneficiary. For these purposes, an unborn child means a child
in utero, and the term child in utero means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage
of development, who is carried in the womb.
Effective date.The provision applies to contributions and distributions made after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment modifies section 529 plans to allow such plans to distribute not
more than $10,000 in expenses for tuition incurred during the taxable year in connection with the
enrollment or attendance of the designated beneficiary at a public, private or religious elementary
or secondary school. This limitation applies on a per-student basis, rather than a per-account
basis. Thus, under the provision, although an individual may be the designated beneficiary of
multiple accounts, that individual may receive a maximum of $10,000 in distributions free of tax,
regardless of whether the funds are distributed from multiple accounts. Any excess distributions
received by the individual would be treated as a distribution subject to tax under the general rules
of section 529.
The provision also modifies the definition of higher education expenses to include certain
expenses incurred in connection with a homeschool. Those expenses are (1) curriculum and
curricular materials; (2) books or other instructional materials; (3) online educational materials;
(4) tuition for tutoring or educational classes outside of the home (but only if the tutor or
instructor is not related to the student); (5) dual enrollment in an institution of higher education;
and (6) educational therapies for students with disabilities.
Effective date.The provision applies to distributions made after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
11. Reforms to discharge of certain student loan indebtedness (sec. 1203 of the House bill,
sec. 11031 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 108 of the Code)
Present Law
Gross income generally includes the discharge of indebtedness of the taxpayer. Under an
exception to this general rule, gross income does not include any amount from the forgiveness
(in whole or in part) of certain student loans, provided that the forgiveness is contingent on the
student’s working for a certain period of time in certain professions for any of a broad class of
Student loans eligible for this special rule must be made to an individual to assist the
individual in attending an educational institution that normally maintains a regular faculty and
curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance at the place
where its education activities are regularly carried on. Loan proceeds may be used not only for
tuition and required fees, but also to cover room and board expenses. The loan must be made by
(1) the United States (or an instrumentality or agency thereof), (2) a State (or any political
subdivision thereof), (3) certain tax-exempt public benefit corporations that control a State,
county, or municipal hospital and whose employees have been deemed to be public employees
under State law, or (4) an educational organization that originally received the funds from which
the loan was made from the United States, a State, or a tax-exempt public benefit corporation.
In addition, an individual’s gross income does not include amounts from the forgiveness
of loans made by educational organizations (and certain tax-exempt organizations in the case of
refinancing loans) out of private, nongovernmental funds if the proceeds of such loans are used
to pay costs of attendance at an educational institution or to refinance any outstanding student
loans (not just loans made by educational organizations) and the student is not employed by the
lender organization. In the case of such loans made or refinanced by educational organizations
Sec. 108(f).
(or refinancing loans made by certain tax-exempt organizations), cancellation of the student loan
must be contingent on the student working in an occupation or area with unmet needs and such
work must be performed for, or under the direction of, a tax-exempt charitable organization or a
governmental entity.
Finally, an individual’s gross income does not include any loan repayment amount
received under the National Health Service Corps loan repayment program, certain State loan
repayment programs, or any amount received by an individual under any State loan repayment or
loan forgiveness program that is intended to provide for the increased availability of health care
services in underserved or health professional shortage areas (as determined by the State).
House Bill
The House bill modifies the exclusion of student loan discharges from gross income, by
including within the exclusion certain discharges on account of death or disability. Loans
eligible for the exclusion under the provision are loans made by (1) the United States (or an
instrumentality or agency thereof), (2) a State (or any political subdivision thereof), (3) certain
tax-exempt public benefit corporations that control a State, county, or municipal hospital and
whose employees have been deemed to be public employees under State law, (4) an educational
organization that originally received the funds from which the loan was made from the United
States, a State, or a tax-exempt public benefit corporation, or (5) private education loans (for this
purpose, private education loan is defined in section 140(7) of the Consumer Protection Act).
Under the provision, the discharge of a loan as described above is excluded from gross
income if the discharge was pursuant to the death or total and permanent disability of the
Additionally, the provision modifies the gross income exclusion for amounts received
under the National Health Service Corps loan repayment program or certain State loan
repayment programs to include any amount received by an individual under the Indian Health
Service loan repayment program.
Effective date.The provision applies to discharges of loans after, and amounts received
after, December 31, 2017.
15 U.S.C. 1650(7).
Although the provision makes specific reference to those provisions of the Higher Education Act of
1965 that discharge William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program loans, Federal Family Education Loan Program
loans, and Federal Perkins Loan Program loans in the case of death and total and permanent disability, the provision
also contains a catch-all exclusion in the case of a student loan discharged on account of the death or total and
permanent disability of the student, in addition to those specific statutory references.
Section 108 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act established the Indian Health Service loan
repayment program to assure a sufficient supply of trained health professionals needed to provide health care
services to Indians. Pub. L. No. 94-437, as amended by Pub. L. No. 100-713, sec. 108, and Pub. L. No. 102-573,
sec. 106, and as amended, and permanently reauthorized by Pub. L. No. 111-148, sec. 10221.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally follows the House bill. However, the Senate
amendment does not contain the provision in the House bill excluding amounts received under
the Indian Health Service loan repayment program from income.
Additionally, the Senate amendment does not apply to discharges of indebtedness
occurring after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for discharges of indebtedness after December
31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
12. Repeal of deduction for student loan interest (sec. 1204 of the House bill and sec. 221 of
the Code)
Present Law
Certain individuals who have paid interest on qualified education loans may claim an
above-the-line deduction for such interest expenses, subject to a maximum annual deduction
Required payments of interest generally do not include voluntary payments, such as
interest payments made during a period of loan forbearance. No deduction is allowed to an
individual if that individual is claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s return for the
taxable year.
A qualified education loan generally is defined as any indebtedness incurred solely to pay
for the costs of attendance (including room and board) of the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or
any dependent of the taxpayer as of the time the indebtedness was incurred in attending on at
least a half-time basis (1) eligible educational institutions, or (2) institutions conducting
internship or residency programs leading to a degree or certificate from an institution of higher
education, a hospital, or a health care facility conducting postgraduate training. The cost of
attendance is reduced by any amount excluded from gross income under the exclusions for
qualified scholarships and tuition reductions, employer-provided educational assistance, interest
earned on education savings bonds, qualified tuition programs, and Coverdell education savings
accounts, as well as the amount of certain other scholarships and similar payments.
The maximum allowable deduction per year is $2,500.
For 2017, the deduction is
phased out ratably for taxpayers with AGI between $65,000 and $80,000 ($135,000 and
Sec. 221.
Sec. 221(c).
Sec. 221(b)(1).
$165,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint return). The income phase-out ranges are indexed
for inflation and rounded to the next lowest multiple of $5,000.
House Bill
The provision repeals the deduction for student loan interest.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
13. Repeal of deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses (sec. 1204 of the House
bill and sec. 222 of the Code)
Present Law
For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2017, an individual is allowed an above-
the-line deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses for higher education paid by the
individual during the taxable year.
Qualified tuition includes tuition and fees required for the
enrollment or attendance by the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or any dependent of the
taxpayer with respect to whom the taxpayer may claim a personal exemption, at an eligible
institution of higher education for courses of instruction of such individual at such institution.
The expenses must be in connection with enrollment at an institution of higher education during
the taxable year, or with an academic term beginning during the taxable year or during the first
three months of the next taxable year. The deduction is not available for tuition and related
expenses paid for elementary or secondary education.
The maximum deduction is $4,000 for an individual whose AGI for the taxable year does
not exceed $65,000 ($130,000 in the case of a joint return), or $2,000 for other individuals whose
AGI does not exceed $80,000 ($160,000 in the case of a joint return).
No deduction is
allowed for an individual whose AGI exceeds the relevant AGI limitations, for a married
individual who does not file a joint return, or for an individual with respect to whom a personal
exemption deduction may be claimed by another taxpayer for the taxable year. The deduction is
not available for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016.
Sec. 222(a).
Sec. 222(b)(2)(B).
House Bill
The provision repeals the deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
14. Repeal of exclusion for qualified tuition reductions (sec. 1204 of the House bill and
sec. 117(d) of the Code)
Present Law
Qualified tuition reductions for certain education provided to employees (and their
spouses and dependents
) of certain educational organizations are excludible from gross
The tuition reduction is subject to nondiscrimination rules.
The exclusion
generally applies below the graduate level, and to teaching and research assistants who are
students at the graduate level, but does not apply to any amount received by a student that
represents payment for teaching, research or other services by the student required as a condition
for receiving the tuition reduction. Amounts that are excludible from gross income for income
tax purposes are also excluded from wages for employment tax purposes.
House Bill
The provision repeals the exclusions from gross income and wages for qualified tuition
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
Individuals described under the rules of Sec. 132(h).
Educational organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). Sec. 117(d)(2).
The exclusion applies with respect to highly compensated employees, within the meaning of Sec.
414(q), only if such tuition reductions are available on substantially the same terms to each member of a group of
employees which is defined under a reasonable classification established by the employer, such that the benefit does
not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
15. Repeal of exclusion for interest on United States savings bonds used for higher
education expenses (sec. 1204 of the House bill and sec. 135 of the Code)
Present Law
Interest earned on a qualified United States Series EE savings bond issued after 1989 is
excludable from gross income if the proceeds of the bond upon redemption do not exceed
qualified higher education expenses paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year.
higher education expenses include tuition and fees (but not room and board expenses) required
for the enrollment or attendance of the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or a dependent of the
taxpayer at certain eligible higher educational institutions. The amount of qualified higher
education expenses taken into account for purposes of the exclusion is reduced by the amount of
such expenses taken into account in determining the Hope, American Opportunity, or Lifetime
Learning credits claimed by any taxpayer, or taken into account in determining an exclusion
from gross income for a distribution from a qualified tuition program or a Coverdell education
savings account, with respect to a particular student for the taxable year.
The exclusion is phased out for certain higher-income taxpayers, determined by the
taxpayer’s modified AGI during the year the bond is redeemed. For 2017, the exclusion is
phased out for taxpayers with modified AGI between $78,150 and $93,150 ($117,250 and
$147,250 for married taxpayers filing a joint return). To prevent taxpayers from effectively
avoiding the income phaseout limitation through the purchase of bonds directly in the child’s
name, the interest exclusion is available only with respect to U.S. Series EE savings bonds issued
to taxpayers who are at least 24 years old.
House Bill
The House bill repeals exclusion for interest on Series EE savings bond used for qualified
higher education expenses.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Sec. 135.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
16. Repeal of exclusion for educational assistance programs (sec. 1204 of the House bill and
sec. 127 of the Code)
Present Law
Up to $5,250 annually of educational assistance provided by an employer to an employee
is excludible from the employee’s gross income, provided that certain requirements are
Nondiscrimination rules
apply and the educational assistance must be provided
pursuant to a separate written plan of the employer. The exclusion applies to both graduate and
undergraduate courses, and applies only with respect to education provided to the employee (i.e.,
it does not apply to education provided to the spouse or a child of the employee). Amounts that
are excludible from gross income for income tax purposes are also excluded from wages for
employment tax purposes.
For purposes of the exclusion, educational assistance means the payment by an employer
of expenses incurred by or on behalf of the employee for education of the employee including,
but not limited to, tuition, fees and similar payments, books, supplies, and equipment.
Educational assistance also includes the provision by the employer of courses of instruction for
the employee (including books, supplies, and equipment). Educational assistance does not
include (1) tools or supplies that may be retained by the employee after completion of a course,
(2) meals, lodging, or transportation, and (3) any education involving sports, games, or hobbies.
House Bill
The provision repeals the exclusions from gross income and wages for educational
assistance programs.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Sec. 127(a).
The employer’s educational assistance program must not discriminate in favor of highly compensated
employees, within the meaning of Sec. 414(q). In addition, no more than five percent of the amounts paid or
incurred by the employer during the year for educational assistance under a qualified educational assistance program
can be provided for the class of individuals consisting of more-than-five-percent owners of the employer and the
spouses or dependents of such more-than-five-percent owners.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
17. Rollovers between qualified tuition programs and qualified ABLE programs (sec. 1205
of the House bill, sec. 11025 of the Senate amendment and secs. 529 and 529A of the Code)
Present Law
Qualified ABLE programs
The Code provides for a tax-favored savings program intended to benefit disabled
individuals, known as qualified ABLE programs.
A qualified ABLE program is a program
established and maintained by a State or agency or instrumentality thereof. A qualified ABLE
program must meet the following conditions: (1) under the provisions of the program,
contributions may be made to an account (an “ABLE account”), established for the purpose of
meeting the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary of the account; (2) the
program must limit a designated beneficiary to one ABLE account; and (3) the program must
meet certain other requirements discussed below. A qualified ABLE program is generally
exempt from income tax, but is otherwise subject to the taxes imposed on the unrelated business
income of tax-exempt organizations.
A designated beneficiary of an ABLE account is the owner of the ABLE account. A
designated beneficiary must be an eligible individual (defined below) who established the ABLE
account and who is designated at the commencement of participation in the qualified ABLE
program as the beneficiary of amounts paid (or to be paid) into and from the program.
Contributions to an ABLE account must be made in cash and are not deductible for
Federal income tax purposes. Except in the case of a rollover contribution from another ABLE
account, an ABLE account must provide that it may not receive aggregate contributions during a
taxable year in excess of the amount under section 2503(b) of the Code (the annual gift tax
exemption). For 2017, this is $14,000.
Additionally, a qualified ABLE program must provide
adequate safeguards to ensure that ABLE account contributions do not exceed the limit imposed
on accounts under the qualified tuition program of the State maintaining the qualified ABLE
program. Amounts in the account accumulate on a tax-deferred basis (i.e., income on accounts
under the program is not subject to current income tax).
A qualified ABLE program may permit a designated beneficiary to direct (directly or
indirectly) the investment of any contributions (or earnings thereon) no more than two times in
Sec. 529A.
This amount is indexed for inflation. In the case that contributions to an ABLE account exceed the
annual limit, an excise tax in the amount of six percent of the excess contribution to such account is imposed on the
designated beneficiary. Such tax does not apply in the event that the trustee of such account makes a corrective
distribution of such excess amounts by the due date (including extensions) of the individual’s tax return for the year
within the taxable year.
any calendar year and must provide separate accounting for each designated beneficiary. A
qualified ABLE program may not allow any interest in the program (or any portion thereof) to be
used as security for a loan.
Distributions from an ABLE account are generally includible in the distributee’s income
to the extent consisting of earnings on the account.
Distributions from an ABLE account are
excludable from income to the extent that the total distribution does not exceed the qualified
disability expenses of the designated beneficiary during the taxable year. If a distribution from
an ABLE account exceeds the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary, a pro
rata portion of the distribution is excludable from income. The portion of any distribution that is
includible in income is subject to an additional 10-percent tax unless the distribution is made
after the death of the beneficiary. Amounts in an ABLE account may be rolled over without
income tax liability to another ABLE account for the same beneficiary
or another ABLE
account for the designated beneficiary’s brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister who is also an
eligible individual.
Except in the case of an ABLE account established in a different ABLE program for
purposes of transferring ABLE accounts,
no more than one ABLE account may be established
by a designated beneficiary. Thus, once an ABLE account has been established by a designated
beneficiary, no account subsequently established by such beneficiary shall be treated as an
ABLE account.
A contribution to an ABLE account is treated as a completed gift of a present interest to
the designated beneficiary of the account. Such contributions qualify for the per-donee annual
gift tax exclusion ($14,000 for 2017) and, to the extent of such exclusion, are exempt from the
generation skipping transfer (“GST”) tax. A distribution from an ABLE account generally is not
subject to gift tax or GST tax.
Eligible individuals
As described above, a qualified ABLE program may provide for the establishment of
ABLE accounts only if those accounts are established and owned by an eligible individual, such
owner referred to as a designated beneficiary. For these purposes, an eligible individual is an
individual either (1) for whom a disability certification has been filed with the Secretary for the
taxable year, or (2) who is entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits or SSI
based on blindness or disability, and such blindness or disability occurred before the
individual attained age 26.
The rules of section 72 apply in determining the portion of a distribution that consists of earnings.
For instance, if a designated beneficiary were to relocate to a different State.
In which case the contributor ABLE account must be closed 60 days after the transfer to the new ABLE
account is made.
These are benefits, respectively, under Title II or Title XVI of the Social Security Act.
A disability certification means a certification to the satisfaction of the Secretary, made
by the eligible individual or the parent or guardian of the eligible individual, that the individual
has a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, which results in marked and severe
functional limitations, and which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be
expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months, or is blind (within the
meaning of section 1614(a)(2) of the Social Security Act). Such blindness or disability must
have occurred before the date the individual attained age 26. Such certification must include a
copy of the diagnosis of the individual’s impairment and be signed by a licensed physician.
Qualified disability expenses
As described above, the earnings on distributions from an ABLE account are excluded
from income only to the extent total distributions do not exceed the qualified disability expenses
of the designated beneficiary. For this purpose, qualified disability expenses are any expenses
related to the eligible individual’s blindness or disability which are made for the benefit of the
designated beneficiary. Such expenses include the following expenses: education, housing,
transportation, employment training and support, assistive technology and personal support
services, health, prevention and wellness, financial management and administrative services,
legal fees, expenses for oversight and monitoring, funeral and burial expenses, and other
expenses, which are approved by the Secretary under regulations and consistent with the
purposes of section 529A.
Transfer to State
In the event that the designated beneficiary dies, subject to any outstanding payments due
for qualified disability expenses incurred by the designated beneficiary, all amounts remaining in
the deceased designated beneficiary’s ABLE account not in excess of the amount equal to the
total medical assistance paid such individual under any State Medicaid plan established under
title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be distributed to such State upon filing of a claim for
payment by such State. Such repaid amounts shall be net of any premiums paid from the account
or by or on behalf of the beneficiary to the State’s Medicaid Buy-In program.
Treatment of ABLE accounts under Federal programs
Any amounts in an ABLE account, and any distribution for qualified disability expenses,
shall be disregarded for purposes of determining eligibility to receive, or the amount of, any
assistance or benefit authorized by any Federal means-tested program. However, in the case of
the SSI program, a distribution for housing expenses is not disregarded, nor are amounts in an
ABLE account in excess of $100,000. In the case that an individual’s ABLE account balance
exceeds $100,000, such individual’s SSI benefits shall not be terminated, but instead shall be
suspended until such time as the individual’s resources fall below $100,000. However, such
suspension shall not apply for purposes of Medicaid eligibility.
No inference may be drawn from a disability certification for purposes of eligibility for Social Security,
SSI or Medicaid benefits.
House Bill
The House bill allows for amounts from qualified tuition programs (also known as 529
accounts) to be rolled over to an ABLE account without penalty, provided that the ABLE
account is owned by the designated beneficiary of that 529 account, or a member of such
designated beneficiary's family.
Such rolled-over amounts count towards the overall
limitation on amounts that can be contributed to an ABLE account within a taxable year.
amount rolled over that is in excess of this limitation shall be includible in the gross income of
the distributee in a manner provided by section 72.
Effective date.The provision applies to distributions after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally follows the House Bill. Under the Senate amendment,
the provision is not effective for distributions after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision applies to distributions after the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
18. Repeal of overall limitation on itemized deductions (sec. 1301 of the House bill,
sec. 11046 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 68 of the Code)
Present Law
The total amount of most otherwise allowable itemized deductions (other than the
deductions for medical expenses, investment interest and casualty, theft or gambling losses) is
limited for certain upper-income taxpayers.
All other limitations applicable to such
deductions (such as the separate floors) are first applied and, then, the otherwise allowable total
amount of itemized deductions is reduced by three percent of the amount by which the
taxpayer’s adjusted gross income exceeds a threshold amount.
For 2017, the threshold amounts are $261,500 for single taxpayers, $287,650 for heads of
household, $313,800 for married couples filing jointly, and $156,900 for married taxpayers filing
separately. These threshold amounts are indexed for inflation. The otherwise allowable
For these purposes, a member of the family means, with respect to any designated beneficiary, the
taxpayer's: (1) spouse; (2) child or descendant of a child; (3) brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister; (4) father,
mother or ancestor of either; (5) stepfather or stepmother; (6) niece or nephew; (7) aunt or uncle; (8) in-law; (9) the
spouse of any individual described in (2)-(8); and (10) any first cousin of the designated beneficiary.
Sec. 68.
itemized deductions may not be reduced by more than 80 percent by reason of the overall limit
on itemized deductions.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the overall limitation on itemized deductions.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill. Under the Senate amendment, the
suspension of the overall limitation on itemized deductions does not apply to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
D. Simplification and Reform of Deductions and Exclusions
1. Modification of deduction for home mortgage interest (sec. 1302 of the House bill,
sec. 11043 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 163(h) of the Code)
Present Law
As a general matter, personal interest is not deductible.
Qualified residence interest is
not treated as personal interest and is allowed as an itemized deduction, subject to limitations.
Qualified residence interest means interest paid or accrued during the taxable year on either
acquisition indebtedness or home equity indebtedness. A qualified residence means the
taxpayer’s principal residence and one other residence of the taxpayer selected to be a qualified
residence. A qualified residence can be a house, condominium, cooperative, mobile home, house
trailer, or boat.
Acquisition indebtedness
Acquisition indebtedness is indebtedness that is incurred in acquiring, constructing, or
substantially improving a qualified residence of the taxpayer and which secures the residence.
The maximum amount treated as acquisition indebtedness is $1 million ($500,000 in the case of
a married person filing a separate return).
Acquisition indebtedness also includes indebtedness from the refinancing of other
acquisition indebtedness but only to the extent of the amount (and term) of the refinanced
indebtedness. Thus, for example, if the taxpayer incurs $200,000 of acquisition indebtedness to
acquire a principal residence and pays down the debt to $150,000, the taxpayer’s acquisition
indebtedness with respect to the residence cannot thereafter be increased above $150,000 (except
by indebtedness incurred to substantially improve the residence).
Interest on acquisition indebtedness is allowable in computing alternative minimum
taxable income. However, in the case of a second residence, the acquisition indebtedness may
only be incurred with respect to a house, apartment, condominium, or a mobile home that is not
used on a transient basis.
Home equity indebtedness
Home equity indebtedness is indebtedness (other than acquisition indebtedness) secured
by a qualified residence.
The amount of home equity indebtedness may not exceed $100,000 ($50,000 in the case
of a married individual filing a separate return) and may not exceed the fair market value of the
residence reduced by the acquisition indebtedness.
Sec. 163(h)(1).
Sec. 163(h)(2)(D) and (h)(3).
Interest on home equity indebtedness is not deductible in computing alternative minimum
taxable income.
Interest on qualifying home equity indebtedness is deductible, regardless of how the
proceeds of the indebtedness are used. For example, personal expenditures may include health
costs and education expenses for the taxpayer’s family members or any other personal expenses
such as vacations, furniture, or automobiles. A taxpayer and a mortgage company can contract
for the home equity indebtedness loan proceeds to be transferred to the taxpayer in a lump sum
payment (e.g., a traditional mortgage), a series of payments (e.g., a reverse mortgage), or the
lender may extend the borrower a line of credit up to a fixed limit over the term of the loan (e.g.,
a home equity line of credit).
Thus, the aggregate limitation on the total amount of a taxpayer’s acquisition
indebtedness and home equity indebtedness with respect to a taxpayer’s principal residence and a
second residence that may give rise to deductible interest is $1,100,000 ($550,000, for married
persons filing a separate return).
House Bill
The House bill modifies the home mortgage interest deduction in the following ways.
First, under the provision, only interest paid on indebtedness used to acquire, construct or
substantially improve the taxpayer’s principal residence may be included in the calculation of the
deduction. Thus, under the provision, a taxpayer receives no deduction for interest paid on
indebtedness used to acquire a second home.
Second, under the provision, a taxpayer may treat no more than $500,000 as principal
residence acquisition indebtedness ($250,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately).
In the case of principal residence acquisition indebtedness incurred before the date of
introduction (November 2, 2017), this limitation is $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of married
taxpayers filing separately).
Although the term principal residence acquisition indebtedness is
not defined in the statute, it is intended that this “grandfathering” provision apply only with
respect to indebtedness incurred with respect to a taxpayer’s principal residence.
Last, under the provision, interest paid on home equity indebtedness is not treated as
qualified residence interest, and thus is not deductible. This is the case regardless of when the
home equity indebtedness was incurred.
Effective date.The provision is effective for interest paid or accrued in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Special rules apply in the case of indebtedness from refinancing existing principal residence acquisition
indebtedness. Specifically, the $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately) limitation
continues to apply to any indebtedness incurred on or after November 2, 2017, to refinance qualified residence
indebtedness incurred before that date to the extent the amount of the indebtedness resulting from the refinancing
does not exceed the amount of the refinanced indebtedness. Thus, the maximum dollar amount that may be treated
as principal residence acquisition indebtedness will not decrease by reason of a refinancing.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment suspends the deduction for interest on home equity indebtedness.
Thus, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, a taxpayer may not claim a
deduction for interest on home equity indebtedness. The suspension ends for taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement provides that, in the case of taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017, and beginning before January 1, 2026, a taxpayer may treat no more than
$750,000 as acquisition indebtedness ($375,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing
separately). In the case of acquisition indebtedness incurred before December 15, 2017
limitation is $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately).
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, a taxpayer may treat up to $1,000,000
($500,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately) of indebtedness as acquisition
indebtedness, regardless of when the indebtedness was incurred.
Additionally, the conference agreement suspends the deduction for interest on home
equity indebtedness. Thus, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, a taxpayer may
not claim a deduction for interest on home equity indebtedness. The suspension ends for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2. Modification of deduction for taxes not paid or accrued in a trade or business (sec. 1303
of the House bill, sec. 11042 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 164 of the Code)
Present Law
Individuals are permitted a deduction for certain taxes paid or accrued, whether or not
incurred in a taxpayer’s trade or business. These taxes are: (i) State and local real and foreign
The conference agreement provides that a taxpayer who has entered into a binding written contract
before December 15, 2017 to close on the purchase of a principal residence before January 1, 2018, and who
purchases such residence before April 1, 2018, shall be considered to incurred acquisition indebtedness prior to
December 15, 2017 under this provision.
Special rules apply in the case of indebtedness from refinancing existing acquisition indebtedness.
Specifically, the $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately) limitation continues to
apply to any indebtedness incurred on or after December 15, 2017, to refinance qualified residence indebtedness
incurred before that date to the extent the amount of the indebtedness resulting from the refinancing does not exceed
the amount of the refinanced indebtedness. Thus, the maximum dollar amount that may be treated as principal
residence acquisition indebtedness will not decrease by reason of a refinancing.
property taxes;
(ii) State and local personal property taxes;
(iii) State, local, and foreign
income, war profits, and excess profits taxes.
At the election of the taxpayer, an itemized
deduction may be taken for State and local general sales taxes in lieu of the itemized deduction
for State and local income taxes.
Property taxes may be allowed as a deduction in computing adjusted gross income if
incurred in connection with property used in a trade or business; otherwise they are an itemized
deduction. In the case of State and local income taxes, the deduction is an itemized deduction
notwithstanding that the tax may be imposed on profits from a trade or business.
Individuals also are permitted a deduction for Federal and State generation skipping
transfer tax (“GST tax”) imposed on certain income distributions that are included in the gross
income of the distributee.
In determining a taxpayer’s alternative minimum taxable income, no itemized deduction
for property, income, or sales tax is allowed.
House Bill
Under the provision, in the case of an individual, as a general matter, State, local, and
foreign property taxes and State and local sales taxes are allowed as a deduction only when paid
or accrued in carrying on a trade or business, or an activity described in section 212 (relating to
expenses for the production of income).
Thus, the provision allows only those deductions for
State, local, and foreign property taxes, and sales taxes, that are presently deductible in
computing income on an individual’s Schedule C, Schedule E, or Schedule F on such
individual’s tax return. Thus, for instance, in the case of property taxes, an individual may
deduct such items only if these taxes were imposed on business assets (such as residential rental
Sec. 164(a)(1).
Sec. 164(a)(2).
Sec. 164(a)(3). A foreign tax credit, in lieu of a deduction, is allowable for foreign taxes if the taxpayer
so elects.
Sec. 164(b)(5).
See H. Rep. No. 1365 to accompany Individual Income Tax Bill of 1944 (78
Cong., 2d. Sess.),
reprinted at 19 C.B. 839 (1944).
Sec. 164(a)(4).
The proposal does not modify the deductibility of GST tax imposed on certain income distributions.
Additionally, taxes imposed at the entity level, such as a business tax imposed on pass-through entities, that are
reflected in a partner’s or S corporation shareholder’s distributive or pro-rata share of income or loss on a Schedule
K-1 (or similar form), will continue to reduce such partner’s or shareholder’s distributive or pro-rata share of income
as under present law.
The provision contains an exception to the above-stated rule in the case of real property
taxes. Under this exception, an individual may claim an itemized deduction of up to $10,000
($5,000 for married taxpayer filing a separate return) for property taxes paid or accrued in the
taxable year, in addition to any property taxes deducted in carrying on a trade or business or an
activity described in section 212. Foreign real property taxes may not be deducted under this
Under the provision, in the case of an individual, State and local income, war profits, and
excess profits taxes are not allowable as a deduction.
It is intended that persons required to report refunds of State and local income taxes
under section 6050E should no longer be required to report such refunds of tax relating to taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2017. A technical amendment may be needed to reflect this
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill. However, under the Senate amendment,
the suspension of the deduction for State and local taxes expires for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement provides that in the case of an individual,
as a general
matter, State, local, and foreign property taxes and State and local sales taxes are allowed as a
deduction only when paid or accrued in carrying on a trade or business, or an activity described
in section 212 (relating to expenses for the production of income).
Thus, the provision allows
only those deductions for State, local, and foreign property taxes, and sales taxes, that are
presently deductible in computing income on an individual’s Schedule C, Schedule E, or
Schedule F on such individual’s tax return. Thus, for instance, in the case of property taxes, an
individual may deduct such items only if these taxes were imposed on business assets (such as
residential rental property).
See sec. 641(b) regarding the computation of taxable income of an estate or trust in the same manner as
an individual.
The proposal does not modify the deductibility of GST tax imposed on certain income distributions.
Additionally, taxes imposed at the entity level, such as a business tax imposed on pass-through entities, that are
reflected in a partner’s or S corporation shareholder’s distributive or pro-rata share of income or loss on a Schedule
K-1 (or similar form), will continue to reduce such partner’s or shareholder’s distributive or pro-rata share of income
as under present law.
Under the provision, in the case of an individual, State and local income, war profits, and
excess profits taxes are not allowable as a deduction.
The provision contains an exception to the above-stated rule. Under the provision a
taxpayer may claim an itemized deduction of up to $10,000 ($5,000 for married taxpayer filing a
separate return) for the aggregate of (i) State and local property taxes not paid or accrued in
carrying on a trade or business, or an activity described in section 212, and (ii) State and local
income, war profits, and excess profits taxes (or sales taxes in lieu of income, etc. taxes) paid or
accrued in the taxable year. Foreign real property taxes may not be deducted under this
The above rules apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and
beginning before January 1, 2026.
The conference agreement also provides that, in the case of an amount paid in a taxable
year beginning before January 1, 2018, with respect to a State or local income tax imposed for a
taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, the payment shall be treated as paid on the last
day of the taxable year for which such tax is so imposed for purposes of applying the provision
limiting the dollar amount of the deduction. Thus, under the provision, an individual may not
claim an itemized deduction in 2017 on a pre-payment of income tax for a future taxable year in
order to avoid the dollar limitation applicable for taxable years beginning after 2017.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
3. Repeal of deduction for personal casualty and theft losses (sec. 1304 of the House bill,
sec. 11044 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 165 of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer may generally claim a deduction for any loss sustained during the taxable
year, not compensated by insurance or otherwise. For individual taxpayers, deductible losses
must be incurred in a trade or business or other profit-seeking activity or consist of property
losses arising from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other casualty, or from theft.
Personal casualty
or theft losses are deductible only if they exceed $100 per casualty or theft. In addition,
aggregate net casualty and theft losses are deductible only to the extent they exceed 10 percent of
an individual taxpayer’s adjusted gross income.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the deduction for personal casualty and theft losses. However,
notwithstanding the repeal of the deduction, the provision retains the benefit of the deduction, as
modified by the Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017,
for those
Sec. 165(c).
Pub. L. No. 115-63.
individuals who sustained a personal casualty loss arising from hurricanes Harvey, Irma, or
Effective date.The provision is effective for losses incurred in taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment temporarily modifies the deduction for personal casualty and
theft losses. Under the provision, a taxpayer may claim a personal casualty loss (subject to the
limitations described above) only if such loss was attributable to a disaster declared by the
President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance
The above-described limitation does not apply with respect to losses incurred after
December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for losses incurred in taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
4. Limitation on wagering losses (sec. 1305 of the House bill, sec. 11051 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 165 of the Code)
Present Law
Losses sustained during the taxable year on wagering transactions are allowed as a
deduction only to the extent of the gains during the taxable year from such transactions.
House Bill
The House bill clarifies the scope of “losses from wagering transactions” as that term is
used in section 165(d). Under the provision, this term includes any deduction otherwise
allowable under chapter 1 of the Code incurred in carrying on any wagering transaction.
The provision is intended to clarify that the limitation on losses from wagering
transactions applies not only to the actual costs of wagers incurred by an individual, but to other
expenses incurred by the individual in connection with the conduct of that individual’s gambling
Sec. 165(d).
The provision clarifies, for instance, an individual’s otherwise deductible expenses in
traveling to or from a casino are subject to the limitation under section 165(d).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill. However, the Senate amendment does
not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment
5. Modifications to the deduction for charitable contributions (sec. 1306 of the House bill,
secs. 11023, 13703, and 13704 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 170 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
The Internal Revenue Code allows taxpayers to reduce their income tax liability by
taking deductions for contributions to certain organizations, including charities, Federal, State,
local, and Indian tribal governments, and certain other organizations.
To be deductible, a charitable contribution generally must meet several threshold
requirements. First, the recipient of the transfer must be eligible to receive charitable
contributions (i.e., an organization or entity described in section 170(c)). Second, the transfer
must be made with gratuitous intent and without the expectation of a benefit of substantial
economic value in return. Third, the transfer must be complete and generally must be a transfer
of a donor’s entire interest in the contributed property (i.e., not a contingent or partial interest
contribution). To qualify for a current year charitable deduction, payment of the contribution
must be made within the taxable year.
Fourth, the transfer must be of money or property—
contributions of services are not deductible.
Finally, the transfer must be substantiated and in
the proper form.
The provision thus reverses the result reached by the Tax Court in Ronald A. Mayo v. Commissioner,
136 T.C. 81 (2011). In that case, the Court held that a taxpayer’s expenses incurred in the conduct of the trade or
business of gambling, other than the cost of wagers, were not limited by sec. 165(d), and were thus deductible under
sec. 162(a).
Sec. 170(a)(1).
For example, as discussed in greater detail below, the value of time spent volunteering for a charitable
organization is not deductible. Incidental expenses such as mileage, supplies, or other expenses incurred while
volunteering for a charitable organization, however, may be deductible.
As discussed below, special rules limit the deductibility of a taxpayer’s charitable
contributions in a given year to a percentage of income, and those rules, in part, turn on whether
the organization receiving the contributions is a public charity or a private foundation. Other
special rules determine the deductible value of contributed property for each type of property.
Contributions of partial interests in property
In general
In general, a charitable deduction is not allowed for income, estate, or gift tax purposes if
the donor transfers an interest in property to a charity while retaining an interest in that property
or transferring an interest in that property to a noncharity for less than full and adequate
This rule of nondeductibility, often referred to as the partial interest rule,
generally prohibits a charitable deduction for contributions of income interests, remainder
interests, or rights to use property.
A charitable contribution deduction generally is not allowable for a contribution of a
future interest in tangible personal property.
For this purpose, a future interest is one “in
which a donor purports to give tangible personal property to a charitable organization, but has an
understanding, arrangement, agreement, etc., whether written or oral, with the charitable
organization that has the effect of reserving to, or retaining in, such donor a right to the use,
possession, or enjoyment of the property.”
A gift of an undivided portion of a donor’s entire interest in property generally is not
treated as a nondeductible gift of a partial interest in property.
For this purpose, an undivided
portion of a donor’s entire interest in property must consist of a fraction or percentage of each
and every substantial interest or right owned by the donor in such property and must extend over
the entire term of the donor’s interest in such property.
A gift generally is treated as a gift of
an undivided portion of a donor’s entire interest in property if the donee is given the right, as a
Secs. 170(f)(3)(A) (income tax), 2055(e)(2) (estate tax), and 2522(c)(2) (gift tax).
Sec. 170(a)(3).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-5(a)(4). Treasury regulations provide that section 170(a)(3), which generally
denies a deduction for a contribution of a future interest in tangible personal property, has “no application in respect
of a transfer of an undivided present interest in property. For example, a contribution of an undivided one-quarter
interest in a painting with respect to which the donee is entitled to possession during three months of each year shall
be treated as made upon the receipt by the donee of a formally executed and acknowledged deed of gift. However,
the period of initial possession by the donee may not be deferred in time for more than one year.” Treas. Reg. sec.
Sec. 170(f)(3)(B)(ii).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-7(b)(1).
tenant in common with the donor, to possession, dominion, and control of the property for a
portion of each year appropriate to its interest in such property.
Other exceptions to the partial interest rule are provided for, among other interests:
(1) remainder interests in charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, and
pooled income funds; (2) present interests in the form of a guaranteed annuity or a fixed
percentage of the annual value of the property; (3) a remainder interest in a personal residence or
farm; and (4) qualified conservation contributions.
Qualified conservation contributions
Qualified conservation contributions are not subject to the partial interest rule, which
generally bars deductions for charitable contributions of partial interests in property.
qualified conservation contribution is a contribution of a qualified real property interest to a
qualified organization exclusively for conservation purposes. A qualified real property interest is
defined as: (1) the entire interest of the donor other than a qualified mineral interest; (2) a
remainder interest; or (3) a restriction (granted in perpetuity) on the use that may be made of the
real property (generally, a conservation easement). Qualified organizations include certain
governmental units, public charities that meet certain public support tests, and certain supporting
organizations. Conservation purposes include: (1) the preservation of land areas for outdoor
recreation by, or for the education of, the general public; (2) the protection of a relatively natural
habitat of fish, wildlife, or plants, or similar ecosystem; (3) the preservation of open space
(including farmland and forest land) where such preservation will yield a significant public
benefit and is either for the scenic enjoyment of the general public or pursuant to a clearly
delineated Federal, State, or local governmental conservation policy; and (4) the preservation of
an historically important land area or a certified historic structure.
Percentage limits on charitable contributions
Individual taxpayers
Charitable contributions by individual taxpayers are limited to a specified percentage of
the individual’s contribution base. The contribution base is the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income
(“AGI”) for a taxable year, disregarding any net operating loss carryback to the year under
section 172.
In general, more favorable (higher) percentage limits apply to contributions of
cash and ordinary income property than to contributions of capital gain property. More
favorable limits also generally apply to contributions to public charities (and certain operating
foundations) than to contributions to nonoperating private foundations.
More specifically, the deduction for charitable contributions by an individual taxpayer of
cash and property that is not appreciated to a charitable organization described in section
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-7(b)(1).
Secs. 170(f)(3)(B)(iii) and 170(h).
Sec. 170(b)(1)(G).
170(b)(1)(A) (public charities, private foundations other than nonoperating private foundations,
and certain governmental units) may not exceed 50 percent of the taxpayer’s contribution base.
Contributions of this type of property to nonoperating private foundations generally may be
deducted up to the lesser of 30 percent of the taxpayer’s contribution base or the excess of (i) 50
percent of the contribution base over (ii) the amount of contributions subject to the 50 percent
Contributions of appreciated capital gain property to public charities and other
organizations described in section 170(b)(1)(A) generally are deductible up to 30 percent of the
taxpayer’s contribution base (after taking into account contributions other than contributions of
capital gain property). An individual may elect, however, to bring all these contributions of
appreciated capital gain property for a taxable year within the 50-percent limitation category by
reducing the amount of the contribution deduction by the amount of the appreciation in the
capital gain property. Contributions of appreciated capital gain property to nonoperating private
foundations are deductible up to the lesser of 20 percent of the taxpayer’s contribution base or
the excess of (i) 30 percent of the contribution base over (ii) the amount of contributions subject
to the 30 percent limitation.
Finally, contributions that are for the use of (not to) the donee charity get less favorable
percentage limits. Contributions of capital gain property for the use of public charities and other
organizations described in section 170(b)(1)(A) also are limited to 20 percent of the taxpayer’s
contribution base. Property contributed for the use of an organization generally has been
interpreted to mean property contributed in trust for the organization.
Charitable contributions
of income interests (where deductible) also generally are treated as contributions for the use of
the donee organization.
Rockefeller v. Commissioner, 676 F.2d 35, 39 (2d Cir. 1982).
Table 3.–Charitable Contribution Percentage Limits For Individual Taxpayers
Ordinary Income
Property and Cash
Capital Gain
Property to the
Capital Gain
Property for the use
of the Recipient
Public Charities, Private
Operating Foundations, and
Private Distributing Foundations
50% 30%
Nonoperating Private
30% 20% 20%
Corporate taxpayers
A corporation generally may deduct charitable contributions up to 10 percent of the
corporation’s taxable income for the year.
For this purpose, taxable income is determined
without regard to: (1) the charitable contributions deduction; (2) any net operating loss
carryback to the taxable year; (3) deductions for dividends received; (4) deductions for dividends
paid on certain preferred stock of public utilities; and (5) any capital loss carryback to the taxable
Carryforwards of excess contributions
Charitable contributions that exceed the applicable percentage limit generally may be
carried forward for up to five years.
In general, contributions carried over from a prior year
are taken into account after contributions for the current year that are subject to the same
percentage limit. Excess contributions made for the use of (rather than to) an organization
generally may not be carried forward.
Percentages shown are the percentage of an individual’s contribution base.
Capital gain property contributed to public charities, private operating foundations, or private
distributing foundations will be subject to the 50-percent limitation if the donor elects to reduce the fair market value
of the property by the amount that would have been long-term capital gain if the property had been sold.
Certain qualified conservation contributions to public charities (generally, conservation easements),
qualify for more generous contribution limits. In general, the 30-percent limit applicable to contributions of capital
gain property is increased to 100 percent if the individual making the qualified conservation contribution is a
qualified farmer or rancher or to 50 percent if the individual is not a qualified farmer or rancher.
Sec. 170(b)(2)(A).
Sec. 170(b)(2)(C).
Sec. 170(d).
Qualified conservation contributions
Preferential percentage limits and carryforward rules apply for qualified conservation
In general, the 30-percent contribution base limitation on contributions of
capital gain property by individuals does not apply to qualified conservation contributions.
Instead, individuals may deduct the fair market value of any qualified conservation contribution
to an organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A) (generally, public charities) to the extent of
the excess of 50 percent of the contribution base over the amount of all other allowable
charitable contributions. These contributions are not taken into account in determining the
amount of other allowable charitable contributions. Individuals are allowed to carry forward any
qualified conservation contributions that exceed the 50-percent limitation for up to 15 years. In
the case of an individual who is a qualified farmer or rancher for the taxable year in which the
contribution is made, a qualified conservation contribution is allowable up to 100 percent of the
excess of the taxpayer’s contribution base over the amount of all other allowable charitable
In the case of a corporation (other than a publicly traded corporation) that is a qualified
farmer or rancher for the taxable year in which the contribution is made, any qualified
conservation contribution is allowable up to 100 percent of the excess of the corporation’s
taxable income (as computed under section 170(b)(2)) over the amount of all other allowable
charitable contributions. Any excess may be carried forward for up to 15 years as a contribution
subject to the 100-percent limitation.
A qualified farmer or rancher means a taxpayer whose gross income from the trade or
business of farming (within the meaning of section 2032A(e)(5)) is greater than 50 percent of the
taxpayer’s gross income for the taxable year.
Valuation of charitable contributions
In general
For purposes of the income tax charitable deduction, the value of property contributed to
charity may be limited to the fair market value of the property, the donor’s tax basis in the
property, or in some cases a different amount.
Charitable contributions of cash are deductible in the amount contributed, subject to the
percentage limits discussed above. In addition, a taxpayer generally may deduct the full fair
market value of long-term capital gain property contributed to charity.
Contributions of
Sec. 170(b)(1)(E).
Sec. 170(b)(2)(B).
Capital gain property means any capital asset or property used in the taxpayer’s trade or business, the
sale of which at its fair market value, at the time of contribution, would have resulted in gain that would have been
long-term capital gain. Sec. 170(e)(1)(A).
tangible personal property also generally are deductible at fair market value if the use by the
recipient charitable organization is related to its tax-exempt purpose.
In certain other cases, however, section 170(e) limits the deductible value of the
contribution of appreciated property to the donor’s tax basis in the property. This limitation of
the property’s deductible value to basis generally applies, for example, for: (1) contributions of
inventory or other ordinary income or short-term capital gain property;
(2) contributions of
tangible personal property if the use by the recipient charitable organization is unrelated to the
organization’s tax-exempt purpose;
and (3) contributions to or for the use of a private
foundation (other than certain private operating foundations).
For contributions of qualified appreciated stock, the above-described rule that limits the
value of property contributed to or for the use of a private nonoperating foundation to the
taxpayer’s basis in the property does not apply; therefore, subject to certain limits, contributions
of qualified appreciated stock to a nonoperating private foundation may be deducted at fair
market value.
Qualified appreciated stock is stock that is capital gain property and for which
(as of the date of the contribution) market quotations are readily available on an established
securities market.
A contribution of qualified appreciated stock (when increased by the
aggregate amount of all prior such contributions by the donor of stock in the corporation)
generally does not include a contribution of stock to the extent the amount of the stock
contributed exceeds 10 percent (in value) of all of the outstanding stock of the corporation.
Contributions of property with a fair market value that is less than the donor’s tax basis
generally are deductible at the fair market value of the property.
Enhanced deduction rules for certain contributions of inventory and other property
Although most charitable contributions of property are valued at fair market value or the
donor’s tax basis in the property, certain statutorily described contributions of appreciated
inventory and other property qualify for an enhanced deduction valuation that exceeds the
donor’s tax basis in the property, but which is less than the fair market value of the property.
Sec. 170(e). Special rules, discussed below, apply for certain contributions of inventory and other
Sec. 170(e)(1)(B)(i)(I).
Sec. 170(e)(1)(B)(ii). Certain contributions of patents or other intellectual property also generally are
limited to the donor’s basis in the property. Sec. 170(e)(1)(B)(iii). However, a special rule permits additional
charitable deductions beyond the donor’s tax basis in certain situations.
Sec. 170(e)(5).
Sec. 170(e)(5)(B).
Sec. 170(e)(5)(C).
As discussed above, a taxpayer’s deduction for charitable contributions of inventory
property generally is limited to the taxpayer’s basis (typically, cost) in the inventory, or if less,
the fair market value of the property. For certain contributions of inventory, however, C
corporations (but not other taxpayers) may claim an enhanced deduction equal to the lesser of
(1) basis plus one-half of the item’s appreciation (i.e., basis plus one-half of fair market value in
excess of basis) or (2) two times basis.
To be eligible for the enhanced deduction value, the
contributed property generally must be inventory of the taxpayer, contributed to a charitable
organization described in section 501(c)(3) (except for private nonoperating foundations), and
the donee must (1) use the property consistent with the donee’s exempt purpose solely for the
care of the ill, the needy, or infants, (2) not transfer the property in exchange for money, other
property, or services, and (3) provide the taxpayer a written statement that the donee’s use of the
property will be consistent with such requirements.
Contributions to organizations that are not
described in section 501(c)(3), such as governmental entities, do not qualify for this enhanced
To use the enhanced deduction provision, the taxpayer must establish that the fair market
value of the donated item exceeds basis.
A taxpayer engaged in a trade or business, whether or not a C corporation, is eligible to
claim the enhanced deduction for certain donations of food inventory.
Selected statutory rules for specific types of contributions
Special statutory rules limit the deductible value (and impose enhanced reporting
obligations on donors) of charitable contributions of certain types of property, including vehicles,
intellectual property, and clothing and household items. Each of these rules was enacted in
response to concerns that some taxpayers did not accurately report – and in many instances
overstated – the value of the property for purposes of claiming a charitable deduction.
Vehicle donations.Under present law, the amount of deduction for charitable
contributions of vehicles (generally including automobiles, boats, and airplanes for which the
claimed value exceeds $500 and excluding inventory property) depends upon the use of the
vehicle by the donee organization. If the donee organization sells the vehicle without any
significant intervening use or material improvement of such vehicle by the organization, the
amount of the deduction may not exceed the gross proceeds received from the sale. In other
situations, a fair market value deduction may be allowed.
Sec. 170(e)(3).
Sec. 170(e)(3)(A)(i)-(iii).
Sec. 170(e)(3)(C).
Patents and other intellectual property.If a taxpayer contributes a patent or other
intellectual property (other than certain copyrights or inventory)
to a charitable organization,
the taxpayer’s initial charitable deduction is limited to the lesser of the taxpayer’s basis in the
contributed property or the fair market value of the property.
In addition, the taxpayer
generally is permitted to deduct, as a charitable contribution, certain additional amounts in the
year of contribution or in subsequent taxable years based on a specified percentage of the
qualified donee income received or accrued by the charitable donee with respect to the
contributed intellectual property. For this purpose, qualified donee income includes net income
received or accrued by the donee that properly is allocable to the intellectual property itself (as
opposed to the activity in which the intellectual property is used).
Clothing and household items.Charitable contributions of clothing and household items
generally are subject to the charitable deduction rules applicable to tangible personal property. If
such contributed property is appreciated property in the hands of the taxpayer, and is not used to
further the donee’s exempt purpose, the deduction is limited to basis. In most situations,
however, clothing and household items have a fair market value that is less than the taxpayer’s
basis in the property. Because property with a fair market value less than basis generally is
deductible at the property’s fair market value, taxpayers generally may deduct only the fair
market value of most contributions of clothing or household items, regardless of whether the
property is used for exempt or unrelated purposes by the donee organization. Furthermore, a
special rule generally provides that no deduction is allowed for a charitable contribution of
clothing or a household item unless the item is in good used or better condition. The Secretary is
authorized to deny by regulation a deduction for any contribution of clothing or a household item
that has minimal monetary value, such as used socks and used undergarments. Notwithstanding
the general rule, a charitable contribution of clothing or household items not in good used or
better condition with a claimed value of more than $500 may be deducted if the taxpayer
includes with the taxpayer’s return a qualified appraisal with respect to the property.
Household items include furniture, furnishings, electronics, appliances, linens, and other similar
items. Food, paintings, antiques, and other objects of art, jewelry and gems, and certain
collections are excluded from the special rules described in the preceding paragraph.
Under present and prior law, certain copyrights are not considered capital assets, such that the
charitable deduction for such copyrights generally is limited to the taxpayer’s basis. See sec. 1221(a)(3),
Sec. 170(e)(1)(B)(iii).
The present-law rules allowing additional charitable deductions for qualified donee income were
enacted as part of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, and are effective for contributions made after June 3,
2004. For a more detailed description of these rules, see Joint Committee on Taxation, General Explanation of Tax
Legislation Enacted in the 108
Congress (JCS-5-05), May 2005, pp. 457-461.
As is discussed above, the charitable contribution substantiation rules generally require a qualified
appraisal where the claimed value of a contribution is more than $5,000.
The special rules concerning the deductibility of clothing and household items were enacted as part of
the Pension Protection Act of 2006, P.L. 109-280 (August 17, 2006), and are effective for contributions made after
College athletic seating rights.In general, where a taxpayer receives or expects to
receive a substantial return benefit for a payment to charity, the payment is not deductible as a
charitable contribution. However, special rules apply to certain payments to institutions of
higher education in exchange for which the payor receives the right to purchase tickets or seating
at an athletic event. Specifically, the payor may treat 80 percent of a payment as a charitable
contribution where: (1) the amount is paid to or for the benefit of an institution of higher
education (as defined in section 3304(f)) described in section (b)(1)(A)(ii) (generally, a school
with a regular faculty and curriculum and meeting certain other requirements), and (2) such
amount would be allowable as a charitable deduction but for the fact that the taxpayer receives
(directly or indirectly) as a result of the payment the right to purchase tickets for seating at an
athletic event in an athletic stadium of such institution.
Use of a vehicle when volunteering for a charity
Unreimbursed out-of-pocket expenditures made incident to providing donated services to
a qualified charitable organization such as out-of-pocket transportation expenses necessarily
incurred in performing donated services may qualify as a charitable contribution.
charitable contribution deduction is allowed for traveling expenses (including expenses for meals
and lodging) while away from home, whether paid directly or by reimbursement, unless there is
no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation in such travel.
In determining the amount treated as a charitable contribution where a taxpayer operates
a vehicle in providing donated services to a charity, the taxpayer either may track and deduct
actual out-of-pocket expenditures or, in the case of a passenger automobile, may use the
charitable standard mileage rate. The charitable standard mileage rate is set by statute at 14 cents
per mile.
The taxpayer may also deduct (under either computation method), any parking fees
and tolls incurred in rendering the services, but may not deduct any amount (regardless of the
computation method used) for general repair or maintenance expenses, depreciation, insurance,
registration fees, etc. Regardless of the computation method used, the taxpayer must keep
reliable written records of expenses incurred. For example, where a taxpayer uses the charitable
standard mileage rate to determine a deduction, the IRS has stated that the taxpayer generally
must maintain records of miles driven, time, place (or use), and purpose of the mileage. If the
August 17, 2006. For a more detailed description of these rules, see Joint Committee on Taxation, General
Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in the 109
Congress (JCS-1-07), January 17, 2007, pp. 597-600.
Sec. 170(l).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-1(g).
Sec. 170(j).
Sec. 170(i).
charitable standard mileage rate is not used to determine the deduction, the taxpayer generally
must maintain reliable written records of actual expenses incurred.
Substantiation and other formal requirements
In general
A donor who claims a deduction for a charitable contribution must maintain reliable
written records regarding the contribution, regardless of the value or amount of such
In the case of a charitable contribution of money, regardless of the amount,
applicable recordkeeping requirements are satisfied only if the donor maintains as a record of the
contribution a bank record or a written communication from the donee showing the name of the
donee organization, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution. In such
cases, the recordkeeping requirements may not be satisfied by maintaining other written records.
No charitable contribution deduction is allowed for a separate contribution of $250 or
more unless the donor obtains a contemporaneous written acknowledgement of the contribution
from the charity indicating whether the charity provided any good or service (and an estimate of
the value of any such good or service) to the taxpayer in consideration for the contribution.
In addition, any charity receiving a contribution exceeding $75 made partly as a gift and
partly as consideration for goods or services furnished by the charity (a “quid pro quo”
contribution) is required to inform the contributor in writing of an estimate of the value of the
goods or services furnished by the charity and that only the portion exceeding the value of the
goods or services is deductible as a charitable contribution.
If the total charitable deduction claimed for noncash property is more than $500, the
taxpayer must attach a completed Form 8283 (Noncash Charitable Contributions) to the
taxpayer’s return or the deduction is not allowed.
In general, taxpayers are required to obtain
In lieu of actual operating expenses, an optional standard mileage rate may be used in computing
deductible transportation expenses for medical purposes (section 213) or for work-related moving (section 217).
The standard mileage rates for medical and moving purposes generally cover only out-of-pocket operating expenses
(including gasoline and oil) directly related to the use of the automobile. Such rates do not include costs that are not
deductible for medical or moving purposes, such as general maintenance expenses, depreciation, insurance, and
registration fees. The medical and moving standard mileage rates are determined by the IRS and updated
periodically. For expenses paid or incurred on or after January 1, 2017, the rate for both such purposes is 17 cents
per mile. IRS Notice 2016-79.
Sec. 170(f)(17).
Such acknowledgement must include the amount of cash and a description (but not value) of any
property other than cash contributed, whether the donee provided any goods or services in consideration for the
contribution, and a good faith estimate of the value of any such goods or services. Sec. 170(f)(8).
Sec. 6115.
Sec. 170(f)(11).
a qualified appraisal for donated property with a value of more than $5,000, and to attach an
appraisal summary to the tax return.
Exception for certain contributions reported by the donee organization
Subsection 170(f)(8)(D) provides an exception to the contemporaneous written
acknowledgment requirement described above. Under the exception, a contemporaneous written
acknowledgment is not required if the donee organization files a return, on such form and in
accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, that includes the same content.
“[T]he section 170(f)(8)(D) exception is not available unless and until the Treasury Department
and the IRS issue final regulations prescribing the method by which donee reporting may be
No such final regulations have been issued.
House Bill
The provision makes the following modifications to the present law charitable deduction
Increased percentage limit for contributions of cash to public charities
The provision increases the income-based percentage limit described in section
170(b)(1)(A) for certain charitable contributions by an individual taxpayer of cash to public
charities and certain other organizations from 50 percent to 60 percent.
Charitable mileage rate adjusted for inflation
The provision repeals the statutory charitable mileage rate and provides instead that the
standard mileage rate used for determining the charitable contribution deduction shall be a rate
which takes into account the variable costs of operating an automobile. The intent of the
provision is to allow the IRS to determine, and make periodic adjustments to, the charitable
standard mileage rate, taking into account the types of costs that are deductible under section 170
of the Code when operating a vehicle in connection with providing volunteer services (i.e.,
generally, the out-of-pocket operating expenses (including gasoline and oil) directly related to
the use of the automobile for such purposes).
See IRS, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Substantiation Requirement for Certain Contributions, REG-
138344-13 (October 13, 2015), I.R.B. 2015-41 (preamble).
In October 2015, the IRS issued proposed regulations that, if finalized, would have implemented the
section 170(f)(8)(D) exception to the contemporaneous written acknowledgment requirement. The proposed
regulations provided that a return filed by a donee organization under section 170(f)(8)(D) must include, in addition
to the information generally required on a contemporaneous written acknowledgment: (1) the name and address of
the donee organization; (2) the name and address of the donor; and (3) the taxpayer identification number of the
donor. In addition, the return must be filed with the IRS (with a copy provided to the donor) on or before February
28 of the year following the calendar year in which the contribution was made. Under the proposed regulations,
donee reporting would have been optional and would have been available solely at the discretion of the donee
organization. The proposed regulations were withdrawn in January 2016. See Prop. Treas. Reg. sec 1.170A-
Denial of charitable deduction for college athletic event seating rights
The provision amends section 170(l) to provide that no charitable deduction shall be
allowed for any amount described in paragraph 170(l)(2), generally, a payment to an institution
of higher education in exchange for which the payor receives the right to purchase tickets or
seating at an athletic event, as described in greater detail above.
Repeal of substantiation exception for certain contributions reported by the donee
The provision repeals the section 170(f)(8)(D) exception to the contemporaneous written
acknowledgment requirement.
Effective date.The provision is effective for contributions made in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment includes three of the House bill’s four modifications to the
present-law charitable contribution rules: (1) the increase in the percentage limit for charitable
contributions of cash to public charities; (2) the denial of a charitable deduction for payments
made in exchange for college athletic event seating rights; and (3) the repeal of the substantiation
exception for certain contributions reported by the donee organization.
The Senate amendment does not include the provision from the House bill that allows the
charitable standard mileage rate to be adjusted for inflation.
Effective date.The provisions that increase the charitable contribution percentage limit
and deny a deduction for stadium seating payments are effective for contributions made in
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. The provision that repeals the substantiation
exception for certain contributions reported by the donee organization is effective for
contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
6. Repeal of Certain Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions Subject to the Two-Percent Floor
(secs. 1307 and 1312 of the House bill, sec. 11045 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 62, 67
and 212 of the Code)
Present Law
Individuals may claim itemized deductions for certain miscellaneous expenses. Certain of
these expenses are not deductible unless, in aggregate, they exceed two percent of the taxpayer’s
adjusted gross income (“AGI”).
The deductions described below are subject to the aggregate
two-percent floor.
Expenses for the production or collection of income
Individuals may deduct all ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred during the
taxable year for the production or collection of income.
Present law and IRS guidance provide examples of items that may be deducted under this
provision. This non-exhaustive list includes:
Appraisal fees for a casualty loss or charitable contribution;
Casualty and theft losses from property used in performing services as an employee;
Clerical help and office rent in caring for investments;
Depreciation on home computers used for investments;
Excess deductions (including administrative expenses) allowed a beneficiary on
termination of an estate or trust;
Fees to collect interest and dividends;
Hobby expenses, but generally not more than hobby income;
Indirect miscellaneous deductions from pass-through entities;
Investment fees and expenses;
Loss on deposits in an insolvent or bankrupt financial institution;
Loss on traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs, when all amounts have been distributed;
Repayments of income;
Safe deposit box rental fees, except for storing jewelry and other personal effects;
Service charges on dividend reinvestment plans; and
Trustee’s fees for an IRA, if separately billed and paid.
Sec. 67(a).
The miscellaneous itemized deduction for tax preparation expenses is described in a separate section of
this document.
Sec. 212(1).
See IRS Publication 529, “Miscellaneous Deductions” (2016), p. 9.
Tax preparation expenses
For regular income tax purposes, individuals are allowed an itemized deduction for
expenses for the production of income. These expenses are defined as ordinary and necessary
expenses paid or incurred in a taxable year: (1) for the production or collection of income; (2) for
the management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for the production of income; or
(3) in connection with the determination, collection, or refund of any tax.
Unreimbursed expenses attributable to the trade or business of being an employee
In general, unreimbursed business expenses incurred by an employee are deductible, but
only as an itemized deduction and only to the extent the expenses exceed two percent of adjusted
gross income.
Present law and IRS guidance provide examples of items that may be deducted under this
provision. This non-exhaustive list includes:
Business bad debt of an employee;
Business liability insurance premiums;
Damages paid to a former employer for breach of an employment contract;
Depreciation on a computer a taxpayer’s employer requires him to use in his work;
Dues to a chamber of commerce if membership helps the taxpayer perform his job;
Dues to professional societies;
Educator expenses;
Home office or part of a taxpayer’s home used regularly and exclusively in the
taxpayer’s work;
Job search expenses in the taxpayer’s present occupation;
Laboratory breakage fees;
Legal fees related to the taxpayer’s job;
Licenses and regulatory fees;
Malpractice insurance premiums;
Medical examinations required by an employer;
Sec. 212.
Secs. 62(a)(1) and 67.
See IRS Publication 529, “Miscellaneous Deductions” (2016), p. 3.
Under a special provision, these expenses are deductible “above the line” up to $250.
Occupational taxes;
Passport fees for a business trip;
Repayment of an income aid payment received under an employer’s plan;
Research expenses of a college professor;
Rural mail carriers’ vehicle expenses;
Subscriptions to professional journals and trade magazines related to the taxpayer’s
Tools and supplies used in the taxpayer’s work;
Purchase of travel, transportation, meals, entertainment, gifts, and local lodging
related to the taxpayer’s work;
Union dues and expenses;
Work clothes and uniforms if required and not suitable for everyday use; and
Work-related education.
Other miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the two-percent floor
Other miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the two-percent floor include:
Repayments of income received under a claim of right (only subject to the two-
percent floor if less than $3,000);
Repayments of Social Security benefits; and
The share of deductible investment expenses from pass-through entities.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the deduction for expenses in connection with the determination,
collection, or refund of any tax.
Under the provision, business expenses incurred by an employee are not deductible, other
than expenses that are deductible in determining adjusted gross income (that is, above-the-line
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment suspends all miscellaneous itemized deductions that are subject
to the two-percent floor under present law. Thus, under the provision, taxpayers may not claim
the above-listed items as itemized deductions for the taxable years to which the suspension
applies. The provision does not apply for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
7. Repeal of deduction for medical expenses (sec. 1308 of the House bill, sec. 11028 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 213 of the Code)
Present Law
Individuals may claim an itemized deduction for unreimbursed medical expenses, but
only to the extent that such expenses exceed 10 percent of adjusted gross income.
For taxable
years beginning before January 1, 2017, the 10-percent threshold is reduced to 7.5 percent in the
case of taxpayers who have attained the age of 65 before the close of the taxable year. In the
case of married taxpayers, the 7.5 percent threshold applies if either spouse has obtained the age
of 65 before the close of the taxable year. For these taxpayers, during these years, the threshold
is 10 percent for AMT purposes.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the deduction for unreimbursed medical expenses.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment provides that, for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2016 and ending before January 1, 2019, the threshold for deducting medical expenses shall be
7.5-percent for all taxpayers. For these years, this threshold applies for purposes of the AMT in
addition to the regular tax.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Sec. 213. The threshold was amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No.
111-118). For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2013, the threshold was 7.5 percent and 10 percent for
alternative minimum tax (“AMT”) purposes.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
8. Repeal of deduction for alimony payments and corresponding inclusion in gross income
(sec. 1309 of the House bill and secs. 61, 71, and 215 of the Code)
Present Law
Alimony and separate maintenance payments are deductible by the payor spouse and
includible in income by the recipient spouse.
Child support payments are not treated as
House Bill
Under the House bill, alimony and separate maintenance payments are not deductible by
the payor spouse. The House bill repeals the Code provisions that specify that alimony and
separate maintenance payments are included in income. Thus, the intent of the provision is to
follow the rule of the United States Supreme Court’s holding in Gould v. Gould,
in which the
Court held that such payments are not income to the recipient. Income used for alimony
payments is taxed at the rates applicable to the payor spouse rather than the recipient spouse.
The treatment of child support is not changed.
Effective date.The provision is effective for any divorce or separation instrument
executed after December 31, 2017, or for any divorce or separation instrument executed on or
before December 31, 2017, and modified after that date, if the modification expressly provides
that the amendments made by this section apply to such modification.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement generally follows the House bill. However, the conference
agreement delays the effective date of the provision by one year. Thus, the conference
agreement is effective for any divorce or separation instrument executed after December 31,
2018, or for any divorce or separation instrument executed on or before December 31, 2018, and
modified after that date, if the modification expressly provides that the amendments made by this
section apply to such modification.
Secs. 215(a), 61(a)(8) and 71(a).
Sec. 71(c).
245 U.S. 151 (1917).
9. Repeal of deduction for moving expenses (sec. 1310 of the House bill, sec. 11050 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 217 of the Code)
Present Law
Individuals are permitted an above-the-line deduction for moving expenses paid or
incurred during the taxable year in connection with the commencement of work by the taxpayer
as an employee or as a self-employed individual at a new principal place of work.
expenses are deductible only if the move meets certain conditions related to distance from the
taxpayer’s previous residence and the taxpayer’s status as a full-time employee in the new
Special rules apply in the case of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States. In
the case of any such individual who is on active duty, who moves pursuant to a military order
and incident to a permanent change of station, the limitations related to distance from the
taxpayer’s previous residence and status as a full-time employee in the new location do not
Additionally, any moving and storage expenses which are furnished in kind to such an
individual, spouse, or dependents, or if such expenses are reimbursed or an allowance for such
expenses is provided, such amounts are excluded from gross income.
Rules also apply to
exclude amounts furnished to the spouse and dependents of such an individual in the event that
such individuals move to a location other than to where the member of the Armed Forces is
Present law provides income exclusions for various benefits provided to members of the
Armed Forces.
House Bill
The House bill generally repeals the deduction for moving expenses. The provision
intends to retain tax benefits for the moving expenses of members of the Armed Forces of the
United States.
Thus, the provision retains the special rules under present law that provide an
exclusion for amounts attributable to in-kind moving and storage expenses (and reimbursements
or allowances for these expenses) for members of the Armed Forces (or their spouse or
Sec. 217(a).
Sec. 217(g).
Sec. 217(g)(2).
Sec. 134.
A technical amendment may be needed to reflect this intent for the deduction for moving expenses for
members of the Armed Forces.
dependents) on active duty that move pursuant to a military order and incident to a permanent
change of station.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally suspends the deduction for moving expenses for
taxable years 2018 through 2025. However, during that suspension period, the provision retains
the deduction for moving expenses and the rules providing for exclusions of amounts attributable
to in-kind moving and storage expenses (and reimbursements or allowances for these expenses)
for members of the Armed Forces (or their spouse or dependents) on active duty that move
pursuant to a military order and incident to a permanent change of station.
The suspension of the deduction for moving expenses does not apply to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
10. Termination of deduction and exclusions for contributions to medical savings accounts
(sec. 1311 of the House bill, secs. 106(b) and 220 of the Code)
Present Law
Archer MSAs
As of 1997, certain individuals are permitted to contribute to an Archer MSA, which is a
tax-exempt trust or custodial account.
Within limits, contributions to an Archer MSA are
deductible in determining adjusted gross income if made by an individual and are excludible
from gross income for income tax purposes and wages for employment tax
purposes if made
by the employer of an individual.
An individual is generally eligible for an Archer MSA if the individual is covered by a
high deductible health plan and no other health plan other than a plan that provides certain
Under the provision, these exclusions are added to section 134.
Archer MSAs were originally called medical savings accounts or MSAs.
The FICA exclusion is provided under IRS Notice 96-53.
Sections 106(b) and 220.
permitted insurance or permitted coverage. In addition, the individual either must be an
employee of a small employer (generally an employer with 50 or fewer employees on average)
that provides the high deductible health plan or must be self-employed or the spouse of a self-
employed individual and the high deductible health plan is not provided by the employer of the
individual or spouse.
For 2017, a high deductible health plan for purposes of Archer MSA eligibility is a health
plan with an annual deductible of at least $2,250 and not more than $3,350 in the case of self-
only coverage and at least $4,500 and not more than $6,750 in the case of family coverage. In
addition, for 2017, the maximum out-of-pocket expenses with respect to allowed costs must be
no more than $4,500 in the case of self-only coverage and no more than $8,250 in the case of
family coverage. Out-of-pocket expenses include deductibles, co-payments, and other amounts
(other than premiums) that the individual must pay for covered benefits under the plan. A plan
does not fail to qualify as a high deductible health plan if substantially all of the coverage under
the plan is certain permitted insurance or is coverage (whether provided through insurance or
otherwise) for accidents, disability, dental care, vision care, or long-term care.
The maximum annual contribution that can be made to an Archer MSA for a year is 65
percent of the annual deductible under the individual’s high deductible health plan in the case of
self-only coverage (65 percent of $3,350 for 2017) and 75 percent of the annual deductible in the
case of family coverage (75 percent of $6,750 for 2017), but in no case more than the
individual’s compensation income. In addition, the maximum contribution can be made only if
the individual is covered by the high deductible health plan for the full year.
Distributions from an Archer MSA for qualified medical expenses are not includible in
gross income. Distributions not used for qualified medical expenses are includible in gross
income and subject to an additional 20-percent tax unless an exception applies. A distribution
from an Archer MSA may be rolled over on a nontaxable basis to another Archer MSA or to a
health savings account and does not count against the contribution limits.
After 2007, no new contributions can be made to Archer MSAs except by or on behalf of
individuals who previously had made Archer MSA contributions and employees of small
employers that previously contributed to Archer MSAs (or at least 20 percent of whose
employees who were previously eligible to contribute to Archer MSAs did so).
Health savings accounts
As of 2004, an individual with a high deductible health plan (and no other health plan
other than a plan that provides certain permitted insurance or permitted coverage) generally may
contribute to a health savings account (“HSA”), which is a tax-exempt trust or custodial account.
HSAs provide similar tax-favored savings treatment as Archer MSAs. That is, within limits,
contributions to an HSA are deductible in determining adjusted gross income if made by an
individual and are excludable from gross income for income tax purposes and wages for
employment tax
purposes if made by the employer of an individual, and distributions for
The FICA exclusion is provided under IRS Notice 2004-2.
qualified medical expenses are not includible in gross income.
However, the rules for HSAs
are in various aspects more favorable than the rules for Archer MSAs. For example, the
availability of HSAs is not limited to employees of small employers or self-employed individuals
and their spouses.
For 2017, a high deductible health plan for purposes of HSA eligibility is a health plan
with an annual deductible of at least $1,300 in the case of self-only coverage and at least $2,600
in the case of family coverage. In addition, for 2017, the sum of the deductible and the
maximum out-of-pocket expenses with respect to allowed costs must be no more than $6,550 in
the case of self-only coverage and no more than $13,100 in the case of family coverage. A plan
does not fail to qualify as a high deductible health plan for HSA purposes merely because it does
not have a deductible for preventive care.
For 2017, the maximum aggregate annual contribution that can be made to an HSA is
$3,400 in the case of self-only coverage and $6,750 in the case of family coverage. The annual
contribution limits are increased by $1,000 for individuals who have attained age 55 by the end
of the taxable year (referred to as “catch-up contributions”). The maximum amount that an
individual make contribute is reduced by the amount of any contributions to the individual’s
Archer MSA and any excludable HSA contributions made by the individual’s employer. In
some cases, an individual may make the maximum HSA contribution, even if the individual is
covered by the high deductible health plan for only part of the year. A distribution from an HSA
may be rolled over on a nontaxable basis to another HSA and does not count against the
contribution limits.
House Bill
Under the provision, contributions to Archer MSAs for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017, are not deductible or excludible from gross income and wages.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not contain the House bill provision.
Secs. 106(d) and 223.
11. Denial of deduction for performing artists and certain officials; Modification of
deduction for educator expenses (sec. 1312 of the House bill, sec. 11032 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 62 of the Code)
Present Law
In general, unreimbursed business expenses incurred by an employee are deductible, but
only as an itemized deduction and only to the extent the expenses exceed two percent of adjusted
gross income.
However, in the case of certain employees and certain expenses, a deduction
may be taken in determining adjusted gross income (referred to as an “above-the-line”
deduction), including expenses of qualified performing artists, expenses of State or local
government officials performing services on a fee basis, and expenses of eligible educators.
Eligible educators are elementary or secondary school teachers, instructors, counselors,
principals, or aides in a school for at least 900 hours during a school year.
An eligible
educator may take an “above-the-line” deduction for ordinary and necessary expenses incurred
1) by reason of participation in professional development courses related to the curriculum or
students the educator teaches, or 2) in connection with books, supplies, computer and other
equipment, and supplementary materials to be used in the classroom. The deduction may not
exceed $250 (for 2017) in expenses, and is indexed for inflation.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the present-law provisions allowing for above-the-line deductions
for expenses of qualified performing artists, expenses of State or local government officials
performing services on a fee basis, and expenses of eligible educators.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment temporarily increases the limit for the deduction of certain
expenses of eligible educators, in determining adjusted gross income, to $500. Any deduction
Secs. 62(a)(1) and 67.
Sec. 62(a)(2)(B), (C), and (D). Under section 62(a)(2)(A) and (C), certain reimbursements of employee
business expenses are excluded from income. Under section 62(a)(2)(E), an above-the-line deduction applies to
expenses of members of a reserve component of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 62(d)(1).
The provision retains the present-law provisions under which certain reimbursements of employee
business expenses are excluded from income and under which an above-the-line deduction applies to expenses of
members of a reserve component of the Armed Forces.
for expenses in excess of this amount (under present law generally a miscellaneous itemized
deduction subject to the two-percent floor) is suspended.
The provision does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision or the Senate
amendment provision and retains the present-law above-the-line deduction and limit for certain
expenses of eligible educators.
12. Suspension of exclusion for qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement (sec. 11048 of
the Senate amendment and secs. 132(f) of the Code)
Present Law
Qualified bicycle commuting reimbursements of up to $20 per qualifying bicycle
commuting month are excludible from an employee’s gross income
. A qualifying bicycle
commuting month is any month during which the employee regularly uses the bicycle for a
substantial portion of travel to a place of employment and during which the employee does not
receive transportation in a commuter highway vehicle, a transit pass, or qualified parking from
an employer.
Qualified reimbursements are any amount received from an employer during a 15-month
period beginning with the first day of the calendar year as payment for reasonable expenses
during a calendar year. Reasonable expenses are those incurred in a calendar year for the
purchase of a bicycle and bicycle improvements, repair, and storage, if the bicycle is regularly
used for travel between the employee’s residence and place of employment.
Amounts that are excludible from gross income for income tax purposes are also
excluded from wages for employment tax purposes.
House Bill
No provision.
Sec. 11045 of the Senate amendment.
Section 132(a)(5) and 132(f)(1)(D).
Senate Amendment
The provision suspends the exclusion from gross income and wages for qualified bicycle
commuting reimbursements. The exclusion does not apply to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
13. Limitation on exclusion for employer-provided housing (sec. 1401 of the House bill and
sec. 119 of the Code)
Present Law
The value of lodging furnished to an employee, spouse, or dependents by or on behalf of
an employer for the convenience of the employer (referred to as “employer-provided lodging”) is
excludible from the employee’s gross income, but only if the employee is required to accept the
lodging on the business premises of the employer as a condition of employment.
Special rules
apply with respect to employees living in foreign camps
and lodging furnished by certain
educational institutions to employees.
Amounts attributable to employer-provided lodging that
are excludible from gross income for income tax purposes are also excluded from wages for
employment tax purposes.
House Bill
The provision limits the amount that may be excluded from gross income for employer-
provided lodging to $50,000 ($25,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return),
subject to a phase-out based on the employee’s level of compensation. The exclusion is phased
out by $1 for every $2 earned above the indexed compensation threshold. For 2017, this
compensation threshold is $120,000.
The provision also denies any exclusion for employer-
provided housing provided to 5% owners,
regardless of their compensation level.
In addition, the exclusion does not apply to more than one residence at any given time.
In the case of spouses filing a joint return, the one residence limit may be applied separately to
each spouse for a period during which the spouses reside in separate residences provided in
connection with their respective employments.
Sec. 119(a).
Sec. 119(c).
Sec. 119(d).
The compensation threshold is that amount in effect under section 414(q)(1)(B)(i).
As defined in section 416(i)(1)(B)(i).
Those amounts that are not excludible from gross income for income tax purposes will
also not be excluded from wages for employment tax purposes.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
14. Modification of exclusion of gain on sale of a principal residence (sec. 1402 of the House
bill, sec. 11047 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 121 of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer who is an individual may exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing
a joint return) of gain realized on the sale or exchange of a principal residence. To be eligible for
the exclusion, the taxpayer must have owned and used the residence as a principal residence for
at least two of the five years ending on the date of the sale or exchange. A taxpayer who fails to
meet these requirements by reason of a change of place of employment, health, or, to the extent
provided under regulations, unforeseen circumstances, is able to exclude an amount equal to the
fraction of the $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing a joint return) that is equal to the fraction of
the two years that the ownership and use requirements are met.
The exclusion under this provision may not be claimed for more than one sale or
exchange during any two-year period.
House Bill
The provision extends the length of time a taxpayer must own and use a residence to
qualify for this exclusion. Specifically, the exclusion is available only if the taxpayer has owned
and used the residence as a principal residence for at least five of the eight years ending on the
date of the sale or exchange. A taxpayer who fails to meet these requirements by reason of a
change of place of employment, health, or, to the extent provided under regulations, unforeseen
circumstances is able to exclude an amount equal to the fraction of the $250,000 ($500,000 if
married filing a joint return) that is equal to the fraction of the five years that the ownership and
use requirements are met.
The provision limits the exclusion so that the exclusion may not apply to more than one
sale or exchange during any five-year period.
The provision phases-out the exclusion by one dollar for every dollar a taxpayer’s AGI
exceeds $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing a joint return). For purposes of this provision, AGI
is measured using the average of the taxpayer’s AGI in the year of sale (excluding any income
from the sale of the home) and the prior two taxable years before the sale.
Effective date.The provision is effective for sales and exchanges after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally follows the House bill, but does not include the
provision that phases out the exclusion for AGI in excess of $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing
a joint return). The Senate amendment does not apply to taxable years beginning after December
31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for sales and exchanges after December 31,
Conference Agreement
No provision.
15. Sunset of exclusion for dependent care assistance programs (sec. 1404 of the House bill
and sec. 129 of the Code)
Present Law
An exclusion from the gross income of an employee of up to $5,000 annually for
employer-provided dependent care assistance
is allowed if the assistance is provided pursuant
to a separate written plan of an employer that does not discriminate in favor of highly
compensated employees
and meets certain other requirements. The amount excludible cannot
exceed the earned income of the employee or, if the employee is married, the lesser of the earned
income of the employee or the earned income of the employee’s spouse. Amounts attributable to
dependent care assistance that are excludible from gross income for income tax purposes are also
excludible from wages for employment tax purposes.
House Bill
The provision repeals the deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses.
Effective date.The provision terminates the exclusions from gross income and wages for
dependent care assistance programs for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
Sec. 129(a).
Section 129(d). The exclusion applies if the contributions or benefits under the program do not
discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees, within the meaning of Sec. 414(q), or their dependents, and
the program benefits employees under a classification established by the employer found not to be discriminatory in
favor or such highly compensated employees or their dependents.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
16. Repeal of exclusion for qualified moving expense reimbursement (sec. 1405 of the
House bill, sec. 11049 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 132(g) of the Code)
Present Law
Qualified moving expense reimbursements are excluded from an employee’s gross
and are defined as any amount received (directly or indirectly) from an employer as
payment for (or reimbursement of) expenses which would be deductible as moving expenses
under section 217
if directly paid or incurred by the employee. However, any such amount
actually deducted by the individual is not eligible for this exclusion. Amounts that are excludible
from gross income for income tax purposes are also excluded from wages for employment tax
House Bill
The provision repeals the exclusion from gross income and wages for qualified moving
expense reimbursements except in the case of a member of the Armed Forces of the United
States on active duty who moves pursuant to a military order.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill except that the exclusion does not
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Secs. 132(a)(6) and 132(g).
Individuals are allowed an itemized deduction for moving expenses paid or incurred during the taxable
year in connection with the commencement of work by the taxpayer as an employee or as a self-employed
individual at a new principal place of work.
Such expenses are deductible only if the move meets certain
conditions related to distance from the taxpayer’s previous residence and the taxpayer’s status as a full-time
employee in the new location.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
17. Repeal of exclusion for adoption assistance programs (sec. 1406 of the House bill and
sec. 137 of the Code)
Present Law
An exclusion from an employee’s gross income is allowed for qualified adoption
expenses paid or reimbursed by an employer, if such amounts are furnished pursuant to an
adoption assistance program.
For 2017, the maximum exclusion amount is $13,570, and is
phased out ratably for taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income (“AGI”) above a certain
amount. In 2017, the phase out range begins at modified AGI of $203,540, with no exclusion
when modified AGI equals or exceeds $243,540. Modified AGI is the sum of the taxpayer’s
AGI plus amounts excluded from income under sections 911, 931, and 933 (relating to the
exclusion of income of U.S. citizens or residents living abroad; residents of Guam, American
Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands and residents of Puerto Rico, respectively).
In the case of adoption of a child with special needs that is finalized during a taxable
year, the taxpayer may claim as an exclusion the amount of the maximum exclusion minus the
aggregate qualified adoption expenses with respect to that adoption for all prior taxable years.
Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs,
attorney fees, and other expenses that are: (1) directly related to, and the principal purpose of
which is for, the legal adoption of an eligible child by the taxpayer; (2) not incurred in violation
of State or Federal law, or in carrying out any surrogate parenting arrangement; (3) not for the
adoption of the child of the taxpayer’s spouse; and (4) not reimbursed (e.g., by an employer).
For the exclusion to apply, certain requirements must be satisfied, including satisfaction
of nondiscrimination rules and providing employees with reasonable notification of the
availability and terms of the program.
Adoption expenses paid or reimbursed by the employer under an adoption assistance
program are not eligible for the adoption credit under section 23. A taxpayer may be eligible for
the adoption credit (with respect to qualified adoption expenses he or she incurs) and also for the
Sec. 137(a).
Sec. 23(d)(1).
The employer’s adoption assistance program must not discriminate in favor of highly compensated
employees, within the meaning of Sec. 414(q). In addition, no more than five percent of the amounts paid or
incurred by the employer during the year for qualified adoption expenses under an adoption assistance program can
be provided for the class of individuals consisting of more-than-five-percent owners of the employer and the spouses
or dependents of such more-than-five-percent owners.
exclusion (with respect to different qualified adoption expenses paid or reimbursed by his or her
House Bill
The provision repeals the exclusion from gross income for adoption assistance programs.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
E. Simplification and Reform of Savings, Pensions, Retirement
1. Repeal of special rule permitting recharacterization of IRA contributions (sec. 1501 of
the House bill, sec. 13611 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 408A of the Code)
Present Law
Individual retirement arrangements
There are two basic types of individual retirement arrangements (“IRAs”) under present
law: traditional IRAs,
to which both deductible and nondeductible contributions may be
and Roth IRAs, to which only nondeductible contributions may be made.
principal difference between these two types of IRAs is the timing of income tax inclusion.
An annual limit applies to contributions to IRAs. The contribution limit is coordinated so
that the aggregate maximum amount that can be contributed to all of an individual’s IRAs (both
traditional and Roth) for a taxable year is the lesser of a certain dollar amount ($5,500 for 2017)
or the individual’s compensation. In the case of a married couple, contributions can be made up
to the dollar limit for each spouse if the combined compensation of the spouses is at least equal
to the contributed amount. The dollar limit is increased annually (“indexed”) as needed to reflect
increases in the cost-of living. An individual who has attained age 50 before the end of the
taxable year may also make catch-up contributions up to $1,000 to an IRA. The IRA catch-up
contribution limit is not indexed.
Traditional IRAs
An individual may make deductible contributions to a traditional IRA up to the IRA
contribution limit (reduced by any contributions to Roth IRAs) if neither the individual nor the
individual’s spouse is an active participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. If an
individual (or the individual’s spouse) is an active participant in an employer-sponsored
retirement plan, the deduction is phased out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income (“AGI”)
for the taxable year over certain indexed levels.
To the extent an individual cannot or does not
make deductible contributions to a traditional IRA or contributions to a Roth IRA for the taxable
year, the individual may make nondeductible after-tax contributions to a traditional IRA (that is,
no AGI limits apply), subject to the same contribution limits as the limits on deductible
contributions, including catch-up contributions. An individual who has attained age 70½ before
to the close of a year is not permitted to make contributions to a traditional IRA for that year.
Sec. 408.
Secs. 219(a) and 408(o).
Sec. 408A.
Sec. 219(g).
Amounts held in a traditional IRA are includible in income when withdrawn, except to
the extent the withdrawal is a return of the individual’s basis.
All traditional IRAs of an
individual are treated as a single contract for purposes of recovering basis in the IRAs.
Roth IRAs
Individuals with AGI below certain levels may make nondeductible contributions to a
Roth IRA. The maximum annual contribution that can be made to a Roth IRA is phased out for
taxpayers with AGI for the taxable year over certain indexed levels.
Amounts held in a Roth IRA that are withdrawn as a qualified distribution are not
includible in income. A qualified distribution is a distribution that (1) is made after the five-
taxable-year period beginning with the first taxable year for which the individual first made a
contribution to a Roth IRA, and (2) is made after attainment of age 59½, on account of death or
disability, or is made for first-time homebuyer expenses of up to $10,000.
Distributions from a Roth IRA that are not qualified distributions are includible in
income to the extent attributable to earnings; amounts that are attributable to a return of
contributions to the Roth IRA are not includible in income. All Roth IRAs are treated as a single
contract for purposes of determining the amount that is a return of contributions.
Separation of traditional and Roth IRA accounts
Contributions to traditional IRAs and to Roth IRAs must be segregated into separate
IRAs, meaning arrangements with separate trusts, accounts, or contracts, and separate IRA
documents. Except in the case of a conversion or recharacterization, amounts cannot be
transferred or rolled over between the two types of IRAs.
Taxpayers generally may convert an amount in a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.
amount converted is includible in the taxpayer’s income as if a withdrawal had been made.
The conversion is accomplished by a trustee-to-trustee transfer of the amount from the traditional
Basis results from after-tax contributions to traditional IRAs or a rollovers to traditional IRAs of after-
tax amounts from another eligible retirement plan.
Although an individual with AGI exceeding certain limits is not permitted to make a contribution
directly to a Roth IRA, the individual can make a contribution to a traditional IRA and convert the traditional IRA to
a Roth IRA, as discussed below.
Although an individual with AGI exceeding certain limits is not permitted to make a contribution
directly to a Roth IRA, the individual can make a contribution to a traditional IRA and convert the traditional IRA to
a Roth IRA.
Subject to various exceptions, distributions from an IRA before age 59½ that are includible in income
are subject to a 10-percent early distribution tax under section 72(t). An exception applies to an amount includible
in income as a result of the conversion from a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA. However, the early distribution tax
applies if the taxpayer withdraws the amount within five years of the conversion.
IRA to the Roth IRA, or by a distribution from the traditional IRA and contribution to the Roth
IRA within 60 days.
Rollovers to IRAs of distributions from tax-favored employer-sponsored retirement plans
(that is, qualified retirement plans, tax-deferred annuity plans, and governmental eligible
deferred compensation plans
) are also permitted. For tax-free rollovers, distributions from
pretax accounts under an employer-sponsored plan generally must are contributed to a traditional
IRA, and distributions from a designated Roth account under an employer-sponsored plan must
be contributed only to a Roth IRA. However, a distribution from an employer-sponsored plan
that is not from a designated Roth account is also permitted to be rolled over into a Roth IRA,
subject to the rules that apply to conversions from a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA. Thus, a
rollover from a tax-favored employer-sponsored plan to a Roth IRA is includible in gross income
(except to the extent it represents a return of after-tax contributions).
Recharacterization of IRA contributions
If an individual makes a contribution to an IRA (traditional or Roth) for a taxable year,
the individual is permitted to recharacterize the contribution as a contribution to the other type of
IRA (traditional or Roth) by making a trustee-to-trustee transfer to the other type of IRA before
the due date for the individual’s income tax return for that year.
In the case of a
recharacterization, the contribution will be treated as having been made to the transferee IRA
(and not the original, transferor IRA) as of the date of the original contribution. Both regular
contributions and conversion contributions to a Roth IRA can be recharacterized as having been
made to a traditional IRA.
The amount transferred in a recharacterization must be accompanied by any net income
allocable to the contribution. In general, even if a recharacterization is accomplished by
transferring a specific asset, net income is calculated as a pro rata portion of income on the entire
account rather than income allocable to the specific asset transferred. However, when doing a
Roth conversion of an amount for a year, an individual may establish multiple Roth IRAs, for
example, Roth IRAs with different investment strategies, and divide the amount being converted
among the IRAs. The individual can then choose whether to recharacterize any of the Roth IRAs
as a traditional IRA by transferring the entire amount in the particular Roth IRA to a traditional
For example, if the value of the assets in a particular Roth IRA declines after the
conversion, the conversion can be reversed by recharacterizing that IRA as a traditional IRA.
The individual may then later convert that traditional IRA to a Roth IRA (referred to as a
reconversion), including only the lower value in income. Treasury regulations prevent the
Secs. 401(a), 403(a), 403(b) and 457(b).
As in the case of a conversion of an amount from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, the special recapture
rule relating to the 10-percent additional tax on early distributions applies for distributions made from the Roth IRA
within a specified five-year period after the rollover.
Sec. 408A(d)(6).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.408A-5, Q&A-2(b).
reconversion from taking place immediately after the recharcterization, by requiring a minimum
period to elapse before the reconversion. Generally the reconversion cannot occur sooner than
the later of 30 days after the recharacterization or a date during the taxable year following the
taxable year of the original conversion.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the special rule that allows IRA contributions to one type of IRA
(either traditional or Roth) to be recharacterized as a contribution to the other type of IRA. Thus,
for example, under the provision, a conversion contribution establishing a Roth IRA during a
taxable year can no longer be recharacterized as a contribution to a traditional IRA (thereby
unwinding the conversion).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment with a
modification. Under the provision, the special rule that allows a contribution to one type of IRA
to be recharacterized as a contribution to the other type of IRA does not apply to a conversion
contribution to a Roth IRA. Thus, recharacterization cannot be used to unwind a Roth
conversion. However, recharacterization is still permitted with respect to other contributions.
For example, an individual may make a contribution for a year to a Roth IRA and, before the due
date for the individual’s income tax return for that year, recharacterize it as a contribution to a
traditional IRA.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.408A-5, Q&A-9.
The provision does not preclude an individual from making a contribution to a traditional IRA and
converting the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Rather, the provision would preclude the individual from later
unwinding the conversion through a recharacterization.
In addition, an individual may still make a contribution to a traditional IRA and convert the traditional
IRA to a Roth IRA, but the provision precludes the individual from later unwinding the conversion through a
2. Reduction in minimum age for allowable in-service distributions (sec. 1502 of the House
bill and secs. 401 and 457 of the Code)
Present Law
Tax-favored employer-sponsored retirement plans consist of qualified retirement plans,
including certain defined contribution plans that allow employees to make elective deferrals (a
“section 401(k) plan”), tax-deferred annuity plans (a “section 403(b) plan”), which may also
allow employees to make elective deferrals, and eligible deferred compensation plans of State
and local government employers (a “governmental section 457(b) plan”).
The terms of an
employer-sponsored retirement plan generally determine when distributions are permitted.
However, in some cases, restrictions may apply to distribution before an employee’s severance
from employment, referred to as “in-service” distributions.
In-service distributions of elective deferrals (and related earnings) under a section 401(k)
plan generally are permitted only after attainment of age 59½ or termination of the plan.
In-service distributions of elective deferrals (but not related earnings) are also permitted in the
case of hardship. Elective deferrals under a section 403(b) plan are subject to in-service
distribution restrictions similar to those applicable to elective deferrals under a section 401(k)
plan, and, in some cases, other contributions to a section 403(b) plan are subject to similar
Pension plans, that is, qualified defined benefit plans and money purchase pension plans,
a type of qualified defined contribution plan, generally may not permit in-service distributions
before attainment of age 62 (or attainment of normal retirement age under the plan if earlier) or
termination of the plan.
Deferrals under a governmental section 457(b) plan are subject to in-service distribution
restrictions similar to those applicable to elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan, except
that in-service distributions under a governmental section 457(b) plan are permitted only after
attainment of age 70½ (rather than age 59½).
Secs. 401(a), 401(k), 403(a), 403(b), and 457(b).
Sec. 401(k)(2)(B). Similar restrictions apply to certain other contributions, such as employer matching
or nonelective contributions required under the nondiscrimination safe harbors under section 401(k).
Secs. 403(b)(7)(A)(ii) and 403(b)(11).
Sec. 401(a)(36) and Treas. Reg. secs. 1.401-1(b)(1)(i) and 1.401(a)-1(b).
Sec. 457(d)(1)(A).
House Bill
Under the House bill, in-service distributions are permitted under a pension plan or a
governmental section 457(b) plan at age 59½, thus making the rules for those plans consistent
with the rules for section 401(k) plans and section 403(b) plans.
Effective date.The provision is effective for plan years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
3. Modification of rules governing hardship distributions (sec. 1503 of the House bill and
secs. 401 and 403 of the Code)
Present Law
Elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan or a section 403(b) plan may not be
distributed before the occurrence of one or more specified events, including financial hardship of
the employee.
Applicable Treasury regulations provide that a distribution is made on account of
hardship only if the distribution is made on account of an immediate and heavy financial need of
the employee and is necessary to satisfy the heavy need.
The Treasury regulations provide a
safe harbor under which a distribution may be deemed necessary to satisfy an immediate and
heavy financial need. One requirement of this safe harbor is that the employee be prohibited
from making elective deferrals and employee contributions to the plan and all other plans
maintained by the employer for at least six months after receipt of the hardship distribution.
House Bill
Under the House bill, the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to modify the applicable
regulations within one year of the date of enactment to (1) delete the requirement that an
employee be prohibited from making elective deferrals and employee contributions for six
months after the receipt of a hardship distribution in order for the distribution to be deemed
necessary to satisfy an immediate and heavy financial need, and (2) make any other
modifications necessary to carry out the purposes of the rule allowing elective deferrals to be
distributed in the case of hardship. Thus, under the modified regulations, an employee would not
Secs. 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(IV) and 403(b)(7)(A)(ii) and (b)(11)(B). Other types of contributions may also be
subject to this restriction.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.401(k)-1(d)(3).
be prevented for any period after the receipt of a hardship distribution from continuing to make
elective deferrals and employee contributions.
Effective date.The regulations as revised by the provision shall apply to plan years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
4. Modification of rules relating to hardship withdrawals from cash or deferred
arrangements (sec. 1504 of the bill, sec. 11033(c) of the Senate amendment, and sec. 401 of
the Code)
Present Law
Amounts attributable to elective deferrals (including earnings thereon) under a
section 401(k) plan generally may not be distributed before the earliest of the employee's
severance from employment, death, disability or attainment of age 59½, or termination of the
plan, or as a qualified reservist distribution.
Elective deferrals, but not associated earnings,
may be distributed on account of hardship.
An employer may make nonelective and matching contributions for employees under a
section 401(k) plan. Elective deferrals, and matching contributions and after-tax employee
contributions, are subject to special tests (“nondiscrimination tests”) to prevent discrimination in
favor of highly compensated employees. Nonelective contributions and matching contributions
that satisfy certain requirements (“qualified nonelective contributions and qualified matching
contributions”) may be used to enable the plan to satisfy these nondiscrimination tests. One of
the requirements is that these contributions be subject to the same distribution restrictions as
elective deferrals, except that these contributions (and associated earnings) are not permitted to
be distributed on account of hardship.
Applicable Treasury regulations provide that a distribution is made on account of
hardship only if the distribution is made on account of an immediate and heavy financial need of
the employee and is necessary to satisfy the heavy need.
The Treasury regulations provide a
safe harbor under which a distribution may be deemed necessary to satisfy an immediate and
heavy financial need. One requirement of the safe harbor is that the employee represent that the
Sec. 401(k)(2)(B)(i).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.401(k)-1(d)(3).
need cannot be satisfied through currently available plan loans. This in effect requires an
employee to take any available plan loan before receiving a hardship distribution.
House Bill
The House bill allows earnings on elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan, as well
as qualified nonelective contributions and qualified matching contributions (and associated
earnings), to be distributed on account of hardship. Further, a distribution is not treated as failing
to be on account of hardship solely because the employee does not take any available plan loan.
Effective date.The provision is effective for plan years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision or Senate
5. Extended rollover period for the rollover of plan loan offset amounts in certain cases
(sec. 1505 of the bill, sec. 13613 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 402 of the Code)
Present Law
Taxation of retirement plan distributions
A distribution from a tax-favored employer-sponsored retirement plan (that is, a qualified
retirement plan, section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan) is generally
includible in gross income, except in the case of a qualified distribution from a designated Roth
account or to the extent the distribution is a recovery of basis under the plan or the distribution is
contributed to another such plan or an IRA (referred to as eligible retirement plans) in a tax-free
In the case of a distribution from a retirement plan to an employee under age 59½,
the distribution (other than a distribution from a governmental section 457(b) plan) is also
subject to a 10-percent early distribution tax unless an exception applies.
A distribution from a tax-favored employer-sponsored retirement plan that is an eligible
rollover distribution may be rolled over to an eligible retirement plan.
The rollover generally
can be achieved by direct rollover (direct payment from the distributing plan to the recipient
Secs. 402(a) and (c), 402A(d), 403(a) and (b), 457(a) and (e)(16).
Sec. 72(t).
Certain distributions are not eligible rollover distributions, such as annuity payments, required
minimum distributions, hardship distributions, and loans that are treated as deemed distributions under section 72(p).
plan) or by contributing the distribution to the eligible retirement plan within 60 days of
receiving the distribution (“60-day rollover”).
Employer-sponsored retirement plans are required to offer an employee a direct rollover
with respect to any eligible rollover distribution before paying the amount to the employee. If an
eligible rollover distribution is not directly rolled over to an eligible retirement plan, the taxable
portion of the distribution generally is subject to mandatory 20-percent income tax
Employees who do not elect a direct rollover but who roll over eligible
distributions within 60 days of receipt also defer tax on the rollover amounts; however, the 20
percent withheld will remain taxable unless the employee substitutes funds within the 60-day
Plan loans
Employer-sponsored retirement plans may provide loans to employees. Unless the loan
satisfies certain requirements in both form and operation, the amount of a retirement plan loan is
a deemed distribution from the retirement plan, including that the terms of the loan provide for a
repayment period of not more than five years (except for a loan specifically to purchase a home)
and for level amortization of loan payments with payments not less frequently than quarterly.
Thus, if an employee stops making payments on a loan before the loan is repaid, a deemed
distribution of the outstanding loan balance generally occurs. A deemed distribution of an
unpaid loan balance is generally taxed as though an actual distribution occurred, including being
subject to a 10-percent early distribution tax, if applicable. A deemed distribution is not eligible
for rollover to another eligible retirement plan.
A plan may also provide that, in certain circumstances (for example, if an employee
terminates employment), an employee’s obligation to repay a loan is accelerated and, if the loan
is not repaid, the loan is cancelled and the amount in employee’s account balance is offset by the
amount of the unpaid loan balance, referred to as a loan offset. A loan offset is treated as an
actual distribution from the plan equal to the unpaid loan balance (rather than a deemed
distribution), and (unlike a deemed distribution) the amount of the distribution is eligible for tax-
free rollover to another eligible retirement plan within 60 days. However, the plan is not
required to offer a direct rollover with respect to a plan loan offset amount that is an eligible
rollover distribution, and the plan loan offset amount is generally not subject to 20-percent
income tax withholding.
House Bill
Under the House bill, the period during which a qualified plan loan offset amount may be
contributed to an eligible retirement plan as a rollover contribution is extended from 60 days
after the date of the offset to the due date (including extensions) for filing the Federal income tax
return for the taxable year in which the plan loan offset occurs, that is, the taxable year in which
the amount is treated as distributed from the plan. Under the provision, a qualified plan loan
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.402(c)-2, Q&A-1(b)(3).
Sec. 72(p).
offset amount is a plan loan offset amount that is treated as distributed from a qualified
retirement plan, a section 403(b) plan or a governmental section 457(b) plan solely by reason of
the termination of the plan or the failure to meet the repayment terms of the loan because of the
employee’s separation from service, whether due to layoff, cessation of business, termination of
employment, or otherwise. As under present law, a loan offset amount under the provision is the
amount by which an employee’s account balance under the plan is reduced to repay a loan from
the plan.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill, except that a qualified plan loan
offset amount is a plan loan offset amount that is treated as distributed from a qualified
retirement plan, a section 403(b) plan or a governmental section 457(b) plan solely by reason of
the termination of the plan or the failure to meet the repayment terms of the loan because of the
employee’s severance from employment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for plan loan offset amounts treated as
distributed in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
6. Modification of nondiscrimination rules for certain plans providing benefits or
contributions to older, longer service participants (sec. 1506 of the House bill and sec. 401
of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Qualified retirement plans are subject to nondiscrimination requirements, under which
the group of employees covered by a plan (“plan coverage”) and the contributions or benefits
provided to employees, including benefits, rights, and features under the plan, must not
discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees.
The timing of plan amendments must
also not have the effect of discriminating significantly in favor of highly compensated
employees. In addition, in the case of a defined benefit plan, the plan must benefit at least the
lesser of (1) 50 employees and (2) the greater of 40 percent of all employees and two employees
Secs. 401(a)(3)-(5) and 410(b). Detailed rules are provided in Treas. Reg. secs. 1.401(a)(4)-1
through -13 and secs. 1.410(b)-2 through -10. In applying the nondiscrimination requirements, certain employees,
such as those under age 21 or with less than a year of service, generally may be disregarded. In addition, employees
of controlled groups and affiliated service groups under the aggregation rules of section 414(b), (c), (m) and (o) are
treated as employed by a single employer.
(or one employee if the employer has only one employee), referred to as the “minimum
participation” requirements.
These nondiscrimination requirements are designed to help
ensure that qualified retirement plans achieve the goal of retirement security for both lower and
higher paid employees.
For nondiscrimination purposes, an employee generally is treated as highly compensated
if the employee (1) was a five-percent owner of the employer at any time during the year or the
preceding year, or (2) had compensation for the preceding year in excess of $120,000 (for
Employees who are not highly compensated are referred to as nonhighly compensated
Nondiscriminatory plan coverage
Whether plan coverage of employees is nondiscriminatory is determined by calculating a
plan’s ratio percentage, that is, the ratio of the percentage of nonhighly compensated employees
covered under the plan to the percentage of highly compensated employees covered. For this
purpose, certain portions of a defined contribution plan are treated as separate plans to which the
plan coverage requirements are applied separately, referred to as mandatory disaggregation.
Specifically, the following, if provided under a plan, are treated as separate plans: the portion of
a plan consisting of employee elective deferrals, the portion consisting of employer matching
contributions, the portion consisting of employer nonelective contributions, and the portion
consisting of an employee stock ownership plan (“ESOP”).
Subject to mandatory
disaggregation, different qualified retirement plans may otherwise be aggregated and tested
together as a single plan, provided that they use the same plan year. The plan determined under
these rules for plan coverage purposes generally is also treated as the plan for purposes of
applying the other nondiscrimination requirements.
A plan’s coverage is nondiscriminatory if the ratio percentage, as determined above, is 70
percent or greater. If a plan’s ratio percentage is less than 70 percent, a multi-part test applies,
referred to as the average benefit test. First, the plan must meet a “nondiscriminatory
classification requirement,” that is, it must cover a group of employees that is reasonable and
established under objective business criteria and the plan’s ratio percentage must be at or above a
level specified in the regulations, which varies depending on the percentage of nonhighly
Sec. 401(a)(26).
Sec. 414(q). At the election of the employer, employees who are highly compensated based on the
amount of their compensation may be limited to employees who were among the top 20 percent of employees based
on compensation.
Elective deferrals are contributions that an employee elects to have made to a defined contribution plan
that includes a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (referred to as “section 401(k) plan”) rather than receive the
same amount as current compensation. Employer matching contributions are contributions made by an employer
only if an employee makes elective deferrals or after-tax employee contributions. Employer nonelective
contributions are contributions made by an employer regardless of whether an employee makes elective deferrals or
after-tax employee contributions. Under section 4975(e)(7), an ESOP is a defined contribution plan, or portion of a
defined contribution plan, that is designated as an ESOP and is designed to invest primarily in employer stock.
compensated employees in the employer’s workforce. In addition, the average benefit
percentage test must be satisfied.
Under the average benefit percentage test, in general, the average rate of
employer-provided contributions or benefit accruals for all nonhighly compensated employees
under all plans of the employer must be at least 70 percent of the average contribution or accrual
rate of all highly compensated employees.
In applying the average benefit percentage test,
elective deferrals made by employees, as well as employer matching and nonelective
contributions, are taken into account. Generally, all plans maintained by the employer are taken
into account, including ESOPs, regardless of whether plans use the same plan year.
Under a transition rule applicable in the case of the acquisition or disposition of a
business, or portion of a business, or a similar transaction, a plan that satisfied the plan coverage
requirements before the transaction is deemed to continue to satisfy them for a period after the
transaction, provided coverage under the plan is not significantly changed during that period.
Nondiscriminatory contributions or benefit accruals
In general
There are three general approaches to testing the amount of benefits under qualified
retirement plans: (1) design-based safe harbors under which the plan’s contribution or benefit
accrual formula satisfies certain uniformity standards, (2) a general test, described below, and
(3) cross-testing of equivalent contributions or benefit accruals. Employee elective deferrals and
employer matching contributions under defined contribution plans are subject to special testing
rules and generally are not permitted to be taken into account in determining whether other
contributions or benefits are nondiscriminatory.
The nondiscrimination rules allow contributions and benefit accruals to be provided to
highly compensated and nonhighly compensated employees at the same percentage of
Thus, the various testing approaches described below are generally applied to
Contribution and benefit rates are generally determined under the rules for nondiscriminatory
contributions or benefit accruals, described below. These rules are generally based on benefit accruals under a
defined benefit plan, other than accruals attributable to after-tax employee contributions, and contributions allocated
to participants’ accounts under a defined contribution plan, other than allocations attributable to after-tax employee
contributions. (Under these rules, contributions allocated to a participants accounts are referred to as “allocations,”
with the related rates referred to as “allocation rates,” but “contribution rates” is used herein for convenience.)
However, as discussed below, benefit accruals can be converted to actuarially equivalent contributions, and
contributions can be converted to actuarially equivalent benefit accruals.
Sec. 410(b)(6)(C).
Secs. 401(k) and (m), the latter of which applies also to after-tax employee contributions under a
defined contribution plan.
For this purpose, under section 401(a)(17), compensation generally is limited to $265,000 per year (for
the amount of contributions or accruals provided as a percentage of compensation, referred to as
a contribution rate or accrual rate. In addition, under the “permitted disparity” rules, in
calculating an employee’s contribution or accrual rate, credit may be given for the employer paid
portion of Social Security taxes or benefits.
The permitted disparity rules do not apply in
testing whether elective deferrals, matching contributions, or ESOP contributions are
The general test is generally satisfied by measuring the rate of contribution or benefit
accrual for each highly compensated employee to determine if the group of employees with the
same or higher rate (a “rate” group) is a nondiscriminatory group, using the nondiscriminatory
plan coverage standards described above. For this purpose, if the ratio percentage of a rate group
is less than 70 percent, a simplified standard applies, which includes disregarding the reasonable
classification requirement, but requires satisfaction of the average benefit percentage test.
Cross-testing involves the conversion of contributions under a defined contribution plan
or benefit accruals under a defined benefit plan to actuarially equivalent accruals or
contributions, with the resulting equivalencies tested under the general test. However, employee
elective deferrals and employer matching contributions under defined contribution plans are not
permitted to be taken into account for this purpose, and cross-testing of contributions under a
defined contribution plan, or cross-testing of a defined contribution plan aggregated with a
defined benefit plan, is permitted only if certain threshold requirements are satisfied.
In order for a defined contribution plan to be tested on an equivalent benefit accrual basis,
one of the following three threshold conditions must be met:
The plan has broadly available allocation rates, that is, each allocation rate under the
plan is available to a nondiscriminatory group of employees (disregarding certain
permitted additional contributions provided to employees as a replacement for
benefits under a frozen defined benefit plan, as discussed below);
The plan provides allocations that meet prescribed designs under which allocations
gradually increase with age or service or are expected to provide a target level of
annuity benefit; or
The plan satisfies a minimum allocation gateway, under which each nonhighly
compensated employee has an allocation rate of (a) at least one-third of the highest
rate for any highly compensated employee, or (b) if less, at least five percent.
See sections 401(a)(5)(C) and (D) and 401(l) and Treas. Reg. section 1. 401(a)(4)-7 and 1.401(l)-1
through -6 for rules for determining the amount of contributions or benefits that can be attributed to the
employer-paid portion of Social Security taxes or benefits.
In order for an aggregated defined contribution and defined benefit plan to be tested on
an aggregate equivalent benefit accrual basis, one of the following three threshold conditions
must be met:
The plan must be primarily defined benefit in character, that is, for more than fifty
percent of the nonhighly compensated employees under the plan, their accrual rate
under the defined benefit plan exceeds their equivalent accrual rate under the defined
contribution plan;
The plan consists of broadly available separate defined benefit and defined
contribution plans, that is, the defined benefit plan and the defined contribution plan
would separately satisfy simplified versions of the minimum coverage and
nondiscriminatory amount requirements; or
The plan satisfies a minimum aggregate allocation gateway, under which each
nonhighly compensated employee has an aggregate allocation rate (consisting of
allocations under the defined contribution plan and equivalent allocations under the
defined benefit plan) of (a) at least one-third of the highest aggregate allocation rate
for any nonhighly compensated employee, or (b) if less, at least five percent in the
case of a highest nonhighly compensated employee’s rate up to 25 percent, increased
by one percentage point for each five-percentage-point increment (or portion thereof)
above 25 percent, subject to a maximum of 7.5 percent.
Benefits, rights, and features
Each benefit, right, or feature offered under the plan generally must be available to a
group of employees that has a ratio percentage that satisfies the minimum coverage
requirements, including the reasonable classification requirement if applicable, except that the
average benefit percentage test does not have to be met, even if the ratio percentage is less than
70 percent.
Multiple-employer and section 403(b) plans
A multiple-employer plan generally is a single plan maintained by two or more unrelated
employers, that is, employers that are not treated as a single employer under the aggregation
rules for related entities.
The plan coverage and other nondiscrimination requirements are
applied separately to the portions of a multiple-employer plan covering employees of different
Sec. 413(c). Multiple-employer status does not apply if the plan is a multiemployer plan, defined under
sec. 414(f) as a plan maintained pursuant to one or more collective bargaining agreements with two or more
unrelated employers and to which the employers are required to contribute under the collective bargaining
agreement(s). Multiemployer plans are also known as Taft-Hartley plans.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.413-2(a)(3)(ii)-(iii).
Certain tax-exempt charitable organizations may offer their employees a tax-deferred
annuity plan (“section 403(b) plan).
The nondiscrimination requirements, other than the
requirements applicable to elective deferrals, generally apply to section 403(b) plans of private
tax-exempt organizations. For purposes of applying the nondiscrimination requirements to a
section 403(b) plan, subject to mandatory disaggregation, a qualified retirement plan may be
combined with the section 403(b) plan and treated as a single plan.
However, a section 403(b)
plan and qualified retirement plan may not be treated as a single plan for purposes of applying
the nondiscrimination requirements to the qualified retirement plan.
Closed and frozen defined benefit plans
A defined benefit plan may be amended to limit participation in the plan to individuals
who are employees as of a certain date. That is, employees hired after that date are not eligible
to participate in the plan. Such a plan is sometimes referred to as a “closed” defined benefit plan
(that is, closed to new entrants). In such a case, it is common for the employer also to maintain a
defined contribution plan and to provide employer matching or nonelective contributions only to
employees not covered by the defined benefit plan or at a higher rate to such employees.
Over time, the group of employees continuing to accrue benefits under the defined
benefit plan may come to consist more heavily of highly compensated employees, for example,
because of greater turnover among nonhighly compensated employees or because increasing
compensation causes nonhighly compensated employees to become highly compensated. In that
case, the defined benefit plan may have to be combined with the defined contribution plan and
tested on a benefit accrual basis. However, under the regulations, if none of the threshold
conditions is met, testing on a benefits basis may not be available. Notwithstanding the
regulations, recent IRS guidance provides relief for a limited period, allowing certain closed
defined benefit plans to be aggregated with a defined contribution plan and tested on an
aggregate equivalent benefits basis without meeting any of the threshold conditions.
When the
group of employees continuing to accrue benefits under a closed defined benefit plan consists
more heavily of highly compensated employees, the benefits, rights, and features provided under
the plan may also fail the tests under the existing nondiscrimination rules.
In some cases, if a defined benefit plan is amended to cease future accruals for all
participants, referred to as a “frozen” defined benefit plan, additional contributions to a defined
contribution plan may be provided for participants, in particular for older participants, in order to
make up in part for the loss of the benefits they expected to earn under the defined benefit plan
(“make-whole” contributions). As a practical matter, testing on a benefit accrual basis may be
Sec. 403(b). These plans are available to employers that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3), as
well as to educational institutions of State or local governments.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.410(b)-7(f).
Notice 2014-5, 2014-2 I.R.B. 276, extended by Notice 2015-28, 2015-14 14 I.R.B. 848,
Notice 2016-57, 2016-40 I.R.B. 432, and Notice 2017-45, 2017-38 I.R.B. 232. Proposed regulations revising the
nondiscrimination requirements for closed plans were also issued earlier this year, subject to various conditions.
81 Fed. Reg. 4976 (January 29, 2016).
required in that case, but may not be available because the defined contribution plan does not
meet any of the threshold conditions.
House Bill
Closed or frozen defined benefit plans
In general
Under the House bill, nondiscrimination relief applies with respect to benefits, rights, and
features for a closed class of participants (“closed class”),
and with respect to benefit accruals
for a closed class, under a defined benefit plan that meets the requirements described below
(referred to herein as an “applicable” defined benefit plan). In addition, the provision treats a
closed or frozen applicable defined benefit plan as meeting the minimum participation
requirements if the plan met the requirements as of the effective date of the plan amendment by
which the plan was closed or frozen.
If a portion of an applicable defined benefit plan eligible for relief under the provision is
spun off to another employer, and if the spun-off plan continues to satisfy any ongoing
requirements applicable for the relevant relief as described below, the relevant relief for the
spun-off plan will continue with respect to the other employer.
Benefits, rights, or features for a closed class
Under the provision, an applicable defined benefit plan that provides benefits, rights, or
features to a closed class does not fail the nondiscrimination requirements by reason of the
composition of the closed class, or the benefits, rights, or features provided to the closed class, if
(1) for the plan year as of which the class closes and the two succeeding plan years, the benefits,
rights, and features satisfy the nondiscrimination requirements without regard to the relief under
the provision, but taking into account the special testing rules described below,
and (2) after
the date as of which the class was closed, any plan amendment modifying the closed class or the
benefits, rights, and features provided to the closed class does not discriminate significantly in
favor of highly compensated employees.
For purposes of requirement (1) above, the following special testing rules apply:
In applying the plan coverage transition rule for business acquisitions, dispositions,
and similar transactions, the closing of the class of participants is not treated as a
significant change in coverage;
References under the provision to a closed class of participants and similar references to a closed class
include arrangements under which one or more classes of participants are closed, except that one or more classes of
participants closed on different dates are not aggregated for purposes of determining the date any such class was
Other testing options available under present law are also available for this purpose.
Two or more plans do not fail to be eligible to be a treated as a single plan solely by
reason of having different plan years;
Changes in employee population are disregarded to the extent attributable to
individuals who become employees or cease to be employees, after the date the class
is closed, by reason of a merger, acquisition, divestiture, or similar event.
Benefit accruals for a closed class
Under the provision, an applicable defined benefit plan that provides benefits to a closed
class may be aggregated, that is, treated as a single plan, and tested on a benefit accrual basis
with one or more defined contribution plans (without having to satisfy the threshold conditions
under present law) if (1) for the plan year as of which the class closes and the two succeeding
plan years, the plan satisfies the plan coverage and nondiscrimination requirements without
regard to the relief under the provision, but taking into account the special testing rules described
and (2) after the date as of which the class was closed, any plan amendment modifying
the closed class or the benefits provided to the closed class does not discriminate significantly in
favor of highly compensated employees.
Under the provision, defined contribution plans that may be aggregated with an
applicable defined benefit plan and treated as a single plan include the portion of one or more
defined contribution plans consisting of matching contributions, an ESOP, or matching or
nonelective contributions under a section 403(b) plan. If an applicable defined benefit plan is
aggregated with the portion of a defined contribution plan consisting of matching contributions,
any portion of the defined contribution plan consisting of elective deferrals must also be
aggregated. In addition, the matching contributions are treated in the same manner as
nonelective contributions, including for purposes of permitted disparity.
Applicable defined benefit plan
An applicable defined benefit plan to which relief under the provision applies is a defined
benefit plan under which the class was closed (or the plan frozen) before April 5, 2017, or that
meets the following alternative conditions: (1) taking into account any predecessor plan, the
plan has been in effect for at least five years as of the date the class is closed (or the plan is
frozen) and (2) under the plan, during the five-year period preceding that date, (a) for purposes of
the relief provided with respect to benefits, rights, and features for a closed class, there has not
been a substantial increase in the coverage or value of the benefits, rights, or features, or (b) for
purposes of the relief provided with respect to benefit accruals for a closed class or the minimum
participation requirements, there has not been a substantial increase in the coverage or benefits
under the plan.
This rule applies also for purposes applying the plan coverage and other nondiscrimination
requirements to an applicable defined benefit plan and one or more defined contributions that, under the provision,
may be treated as a single plan as described below.
Other testing options available under present law are also available for this purpose.
For purposes of (2)(a) above, a plan is treated as having a substantial increase in coverage
or value of benefits, rights, or features only if, during the applicable five-year period, either the
number of participants covered by the benefits, rights, or features on the date the period ends is
more than 50 percent greater than the number on the first day of the plan year in which the
period began, or the benefits, rights, and features have been modified by one or more plan
amendments in such a way that, as of the date the class is closed, the value of the benefits, rights,
and features to the closed class as a whole is substantially greater than the value as of the first
day of the five-year period, solely as a result of the amendments.
For purposes of (2)(b) above, a plan is treated as having had a substantial increase in
coverage or benefits only if, during the applicable five-year period, either the number of
participants benefiting under the plan on the date the period ends is more than 50 percent greater
than the number of participants on the first day of the plan year in which the period began, or the
average benefit provided to participants on the date the period ends is more than 50 percent
greater than the average benefit provided on the first day of the plan year in which the period
began. In applying this requirement, the average benefit provided to participants under the plan
is treated as having remained the same between the two relevant dates if the benefit formula
applicable to the participants has not changed between the dates and, if the benefit formula has
changed, the average benefit under the plan is considered to have increased by more than 50
percent only if the target normal cost for all participants benefiting under the plan for the plan
year in which the five-year period ends exceeds the target normal cost for all such participants
for that plan year if determined using the benefit formula in effect for the participants for the first
plan year in the five-year period by more than 50 percent.
In applying these rules, a
multiple-employer plan is treated as a single plan, rather than as separate plans separately
covering the employees of each participating employer.
In applying these standards, any increase in coverage or value, or in coverage or benefits,
whichever is applicable, is generally disregarded if it is attributable to coverage and value, or
coverage and benefits, provided to employees who (1) became participants as a result of a
merger, acquisition, or similar event that occurred during the 7-year period preceding the date the
class was closed, or (2) became participants by reason of a merger of the plan with another plan
that had been in effect for at least five years as of the date of the merger and, in the case of
benefits, rights, or features for a closed class, under the merger, the benefits, rights, or features
under one plan were conformed to the benefits, rights, or features under the other plan
Under the funding requirements applicable to defined benefit plans, target normal cost for a plan year
(defined in section 430(b)(1)(A)(i)) is generally the sum of the present value of the benefits expected to be earned
under the plan during the plan year plus the amount of plan-related expenses to be paid from plan assets during the
plan year. Under the provision, in applying this average benefit rule to certain defined benefit plans maintained by
cooperative organizations and charities, referred to as CSEC plans (defined in section 414(y)), which are subject to
different funding requirements, the CSEC plan’s normal cost under section 433(j)(1)(B) is used instead of target
normal cost.
Make-whole contributions under a defined contribution plan
Under the provision, a defined contribution plan is permitted to be tested on an equivalent
benefit accrual basis (without having to satisfy the threshold conditions under present law) if the
following requirements are met:
The plan provides make-whole contributions to a closed class of participants whose
accruals under a defined benefit plan have been reduced or ended (“make-whole
For the plan year of the defined contribution plan as of which the make-whole class
closes and the two succeeding plan years, the make-whole class satisfies the
nondiscriminatory classification requirement under the plan coverage rules, taking
into account the special testing rules described above;
After the date as of which the class was closed, any amendment to the defined
contribution plan modifying the make-whole class or the allocations, benefits, rights,
and features provided to the make-whole class does not discriminate significantly in
favor of highly compensated employees; and
Either the class was closed before April 5, 2017, or the defined benefit plan is an
applicable defined benefit plan under the alternative conditions applicable for
purposes of the relief provided with respect to benefit accruals for a closed class.
With respect to one or more defined contribution plans meeting the requirements above,
in applying the plan coverage and nondiscrimination requirements, the portion of the plan
providing make-whole or other nonelective contributions may also be aggregated and tested on
an equivalent benefit accrual basis with the portion of one or more other defined contribution
plans consisting of matching contributions, an ESOP, or matching or nonelective contributions
under a section 403(b) plan. If the plan is aggregated with the portion of a defined contribution
plan consisting of matching contributions, any portion of the defined contribution plan consisting
of elective deferrals must also be aggregated. In addition, the matching contributions are treated
in the same manner as nonelective contributions, including for purposes of permitted disparity.
Under the provision, “make-whole contributions” generally means nonelective
contributions for each employee in the make-whole class that are reasonably calculated, in a
consistent manner, to replace some or all of the retirement benefits that the employee would have
received under the defined benefit plan and any other plan or qualified cash or deferred
arrangement under a section 401(k) plan if no change had been made to the defined benefit plan
and other plan or arrangement.
However, under a special rule, in the case of a defined
contribution plan that provides benefits, rights, or features to a closed class of participants whose
accruals under a defined benefit plan have been reduced or eliminated, the plan will not fail to
satisfy the nondiscrimination requirements solely by reason of the composition of the closed
class, or the benefits, rights, or features provided to the closed class, if the defined contribution
plan and defined benefit plan otherwise meet the requirements described above but for the fact
For this purpose, consistency is not required with respect to employees who were subject to different
benefit formulas under the defined benefit plan.
that the make-whole contributions under the defined contribution plan are made in whole or in
part through matching contributions.
If a portion of a defined contribution plan eligible for relief under the provision is spun
off to another employer, and if the spun-off plan continues to satisfy any ongoing requirements
applicable for the relevant relief as described above, the relevant relief for the spun-off plan will
continue with respect to the other employer.
Effective date.The provision is generally effective on the date of enactment without
regard to whether any plan modifications referred to in the provision are adopted or effective
before, on, or after the date of enactment. However, at the election of a plan sponsor, the
provision will apply to plan years beginning after December 31, 2013. For purposes of the
provision, a closed class of participants under a defined benefit plan is treated as being closed
before April 5, 2017, if the plan sponsor’s intention to create the closed class is reflected in
formal written documents and communicated to participants before that date. In addition, a plan
does not fail to be eligible for the relief under the provision solely because (1) in the case of
benefits, rights, or features for a closed class under a defined benefit plan, the plan was amended
before the date of enactment to eliminate one or more benefits, rights, or features and is further
amended after the date of enactment to provide the previously eliminated benefits, rights, or
features to a closed class of participants, or (2) in the case of benefit accruals for a closed class
under a defined benefit plan or application of the minimum benefit requirements to a closed or
frozen defined benefit plan, the plan was amended before the date of the enactment to cease all
benefit accruals and is further amended after the date of enactment to provide benefit accruals to
a closed class of participants. In either case, the relevant relief applies only if the plan otherwise
meets the requirements for the relief, and, in applying the relevant relief, the date the class of
participants is closed is the effective date of the later amendment.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
7. Modification of rules applicable to length of service award programs for bona fide
public safety volunteers (sec. 13612 of the Senate amendment and sec. 457(e) of the Code)
Present Law
Special rules apply to deferred compensation plans of State and local government and
private, tax-exempt employers.
However, an exception to these rules applies in the case of a
plan paying solely length of service awards to bona fide volunteers (or their beneficiaries) on
account of qualified services performed by the volunteers. For this purpose, qualified services
consist of firefighting and fire prevention services, emergency medical services, and ambulance
Sec. 457.
services. An individual is treated as a bona fide volunteer for this purpose if the only
compensation received by the individual for performing qualified services is in the form of
(1) reimbursement or a reasonable allowance for reasonable expenses incurred in the
performance of such services, or (2) reasonable benefits (including length of service awards) and
nominal fees for the services, customarily paid in connection with the performance of such
services by volunteers. The exception applies only if the aggregate amount of length of service
awards accruing for a bona fide volunteer with respect to any year of service does not exceed
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment increases the aggregate amount of length of service awards that
may accrue for a bona fide volunteer with respect to any year of service to $6,000 and adjusts
that amount in $500 increments to reflect changes in cost-of-living for years after the first year
the provision is effective. In addition, under the provision, if the plan is a defined benefit plan,
the limit applies to the actuarial present value of the aggregate amount of length of service
awards accruing with respect to any year of service. Actuarial present value is to be calculated
using reasonable actuarial assumptions and methods, assuming payment will be made under the
most valuable form of payment under the plan with payment commencing at the later of the
earliest age at which unreduced benefits are payable under the plan or the participant’s age at the
time of the calculation.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
F. Modifications to Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Transfers Taxes
(secs. 1601 and 1602 of the House bill, sec. 11061 of the Senate amendment,
and secs. 2001 and 2010 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A gift tax is imposed on certain lifetime transfers, and an estate tax is imposed on certain
transfers at death. A generation-skipping transfer tax generally is imposed on transfers, either
directly or in trust or similar arrangement, to a “skip person” (i.e., a beneficiary in a generation
more than one generation younger than that of the transferor). Transfers subject to the
generation-skipping transfer tax include direct skips, taxable terminations, and taxable
Income tax rules determine the recipient’s tax basis in property acquired from a decedent
or by gift.
Gifts and bequests generally are excluded from the recipient’s gross income.
Common features of the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes
Unified credit (exemption) and tax rates
Unified credit.A unified credit is available with respect to taxable transfers by gift and
at death.
The unified credit offsets tax, computed using the applicable estate and gift tax rates,
on a specified amount of transfers, referred to as the applicable exclusion amount, or exemption
amount. The exemption amount was set at $5 million for 2011 and is indexed for inflation for
later years.
For 2017, the inflation-indexed exemption amount is $5.49 million.
used during life to offset taxable gifts reduces the amount of exemption that remains at death to
offset the value of a decedent’s estate. An election is available under which exemption that is
not used by a decedent may be used by the decedent’s surviving spouse (exemption portability).
Common tax rate table.A common tax-rate table with a top marginal tax rate of 40
percent is used to compute gift tax and estate tax. The 40-percent rate applies to transfers in
excess of $1 million (to the extent not exempt). Because the exemption amount currently shields
the first $5.49 million in gifts and bequests from tax, transfers in excess of the exemption amount
generally are subject to tax at the highest marginal rate (40 percent).
Sec. 102.
Sec. 2010.
For 2011 and later years, the gift and estate taxes were reunified, meaning that the gift tax exemption
amount was increased to equal the estate tax exemption amount.
For 2017, the $5.49 million exemption amount results in a unified credit of $2,141,800, after applying
the applicable rates set forth in section 2001(c).
Generation-skipping transfer tax exemption and rate.The generation-skipping transfer
tax is a separate tax that can apply in addition to either the gift tax or the estate tax. The tax rate
and exemption amount for generation-skipping transfer tax purposes, however, are set by
reference to the estate tax rules. Generation-skipping transfer tax is imposed using a flat rate
equal to the highest estate tax rate (40 percent). Tax is imposed on cumulative generation-
skipping transfers in excess of the generation-skipping transfer tax exemption amount in effect
for the year of the transfer. The generation-skipping transfer tax exemption for a given year is
equal to the estate tax exemption amount in effect for that year (currently $5.49 million).
Transfers between spouses.A 100-percent marital deduction generally is permitted for
the value of property transferred between spouses.
In addition, transfers of “qualified
terminable interest property” also are eligible for the marital deduction. Qualified terminable
interest property is property: (1) that passes from the decedent, (2) in which the surviving spouse
has a “qualifying income interest for life,” and (3) to which an election under these rules applies.
A qualifying income interest for life exists if: (1) the surviving spouse is entitled to all the
income from the property (payable annually or at more frequent intervals) or has the right to use
the property during the spouse’s life, and (2) no person has the power to appoint any part of the
property to any person other than the surviving spouse.
A marital deduction generally is denied for property passing to a surviving spouse who is
not a citizen of the United States. A marital deduction is permitted, however, for property
passing to a qualified domestic trust of which the noncitizen surviving spouse is a beneficiary. A
qualified domestic trust is a trust that has as its trustee at least one U.S. citizen or U.S.
corporation. No corpus may be distributed from a qualified domestic trust unless the U.S. trustee
has the right to withhold any estate tax imposed on the distribution.
Tax is imposed on (1) any distribution from a qualified domestic trust before the date of
the death of the noncitizen surviving spouse and (2) the value of the property remaining in a
qualified domestic trust on the date of death of the noncitizen surviving spouse. The tax is
computed as an additional estate tax on the estate of the first spouse to die.
Transfers to charity.Contributions to section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and
certain other organizations may be deducted from the value of a gift or from the value of the
assets in an estate for Federal gift or estate tax purposes.
The effect of the deduction generally
is to remove the full fair market value of assets transferred to charity from the gift or estate tax
base; unlike the income tax charitable deduction, there are no percentage limits on the deductible
amount. For estate tax purposes, the charitable deduction is limited to the value of the
transferred property that is required to be included in the gross estate.
A charitable
Secs. 2056 and 2523.
Secs. 2055 and 2522.
Sec. 2055(d).
contribution of a partial interest in property, such as a remainder or future interest, generally is
not deductible for gift or estate tax purposes.
The estate tax
The Code imposes a tax on the transfer of the taxable estate of a decedent who is a citizen
or resident of the United States.
The taxable estate is determined by deducting from the value
of the decedent’s gross estate any deductions provided for in the Code. After applying tax rates
to determine a tentative amount of estate tax, certain credits are subtracted to determine estate tax
Because the estate tax shares a common unified credit (exemption) and tax rate table with
the gift tax, the exemption amounts and tax rates are described together above, along with certain
other common features of these taxes.
Gross estate
A decedent’s gross estate includes, to the extent provided for in other sections of the
Code, the date-of-death value of all of a decedent’s property, real or personal, tangible or
intangible, wherever situated.
In general, the value of property for this purpose is the fair
market value of the property as of the date of the decedent’s death, although an executor may
elect to value certain property as of the date that is six months after the decedent’s death (the
alternate valuation date).
Secs. 2055(e)(2) and 2522(c)(2).
Sec. 2001(a).
More mechanically, the taxable estate is combined with the value of adjusted taxable gifts made during
the decedent’s life (generally, post-1976 gifts), before applying tax rates to determine a tentative total amount of tax.
The portion of the tentative tax attributable to lifetime gifts is then subtracted from the total tentative tax to
determine the gross estate tax, i.e., the amount of estate tax before considering available credits. Credits are then
subtracted to determine the estate tax liability.
This method of computation was designed to ensure that a taxpayer only gets one run up through the rate
brackets for all lifetime gifts and transfers at death, at a time when the thresholds for applying the higher marginal
rates exceeded the exemption amount. However, the higher ($5.49 million) present-law exemption amount
effectively renders the lower rate brackets irrelevant, because the top marginal rate bracket applies to all transfers in
excess of $1 million. In other words, all transfers that are not exempt by reason of the $5.49 million exemption
amount are taxed at the highest marginal rate of 40 percent.
Sec. 2031(a).
Sec. 2032.
The gross estate includes not only property directly owned by the decedent, but also other
property in which the decedent had a beneficial interest at the time of his or her death.
gross estate also includes certain transfers made by the decedent prior to his or her death,
including: (1) certain gifts made within three years prior to the decedent’s death;
(2) certain
transfers of property in which the decedent retained a life estate;
(3) certain transfers taking
effect at death;
and (4) revocable transfers.
In addition, the gross estate also includes
property with respect to which the decedent had, at the time of death, a general power of
appointment (generally, the right to determine who will have beneficial ownership).
value of a life insurance policy on the decedent’s life is included in the gross estate if the
proceeds are payable to the decedent’s estate or the decedent had incidents of ownership with
respect to the policy at the time of his or her death.
Deductions from the gross estate
A decedent’s taxable estate is determined by subtracting from the value of the gross
estate any deductions provided for in the Code.
Marital and charitable transfers.As described above, transfers to a surviving spouse or to
charity generally are deductible for estate tax purposes. The effect of the marital and charitable
deductions generally is to remove assets transferred to a surviving spouse or to charity from the
estate tax base.
State death taxes.An estate tax deduction is permitted for death taxes (e.g., any estate,
inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes) actually paid to any State or the District of Columbia, in
respect of property included in the gross estate of the decedent.
Such State taxes must have
been paid and claimed before the later of: (1) four years after the filing of the estate tax return;
or (2) (a) 60 days after a decision of the U.S. Tax Court determining the estate tax liability
becomes final, (b) the expiration of the period of extension to pay estate taxes over time under
section 6166, or (c) the expiration of the period of limitations in which to file a claim for refund
or 60 days after a decision of a court in which such refund suit has become final.
Sec. 2033.
Sec. 2035.
Sec. 2036.
Sec. 2037.
Sec. 2038.
Sec. 2041.
Sec. 2042.
Sec. 2058.
Other deductions.A deduction is available for funeral expenses, estate administration
expenses, and claims against the estate, including certain taxes.
A deduction also is available
for uninsured casualty and theft losses incurred during the settlement of the estate.
Credits against tax
After accounting for allowable deductions, a gross amount of estate tax is computed.
Estate tax liability is then determined by subtracting allowable credits from the gross estate tax.
Unified credit.The most significant credit allowed for estate tax purposes is the unified
credit, which is discussed in greater detail above.
For 2017, the value of the unified credit is
$2,141,800, which has the effect of exempting $5.49 million in transfers from tax. The unified
credit available at death is reduced by the amount of unified credit used to offset gift tax on gifts
made during the decedent’s life.
Other credits.Estate tax credits also are allowed for: (1) gift tax paid on certain pre-
1977 gifts (before the estate and gift tax computations were integrated);
(2) estate tax paid on
certain prior transfers (to limit the estate tax burden when estate tax is imposed on transfers of
the same property in two estates by reason of deaths in rapid succession);
and (3) certain
foreign death taxes paid (generally, where the property is situated in a foreign country but
included in the decedent’s U.S. gross estate).
Provisions affecting small and family-owned businesses and farms
Special-use valuation.An executor can elect to value for estate tax purposes certain
“qualified real property” used in farming or another qualifying closely-held trade or business at
its current-use value, rather than its fair market value.
The maximum reduction in value for
such real property is $750,000 (adjusted for inflation occurring after 1997; the inflation-adjusted
amount for 2017 is $1,120,000). In general, real property qualifies for special-use valuation only
if (1) at least 50 percent of the adjusted value of the decedent’s gross estate (including both real
and personal property) consists of a farm or closely-held business property in the decedent’s
estate and (2) at least 25 percent of the adjusted value of the gross estate consists of farm or
Sec. 2053.
Sec. 2054.
Sec. 2010.
Sec. 2012.
Sec. 2013.
Sec. 2014. In certain cases, an election may be made to deduct foreign death taxes. See section
Sec. 2032A.
closely held business real property. In addition, the property must be used in a qualified use
(e.g., farming) by the decedent or a member of the decedent’s family for five of the eight years
before the decedent’s death.
If, after a special-use valuation election is made, the heir who acquired the real property
ceases to use it in its qualified use within 10 years of the decedent’s death, an additional estate
tax is imposed to recapture the entire estate-tax benefit of the special-use valuation.
Installment payment of estate tax for closely held businesses.Under present law, the
estate tax generally is due within nine months of a decedent’s death. However, an executor
generally may elect to pay estate tax attributable to an interest in a closely held business in two
or more installments (but no more than 10).
An estate is eligible for payment of estate tax in
installments if the value of the decedent’s interest in a closely held business exceeds 35 percent
of the decedent’s adjusted gross estate (i.e., the gross estate less certain deductions). If the
election is made, the estate may defer payment of principal and pay only interest for the first five
years, followed by up to 10 annual installments of principal and interest. This provision
effectively extends the time for paying estate tax by 14 years from the original due date of the
estate tax. A special two-percent interest rate applies to the amount of deferred estate tax
attributable to the first $1 million (adjusted annually for inflation occurring after 1998; the
inflation-adjusted amount for 2017 is $1,490,000) in taxable value of a closely held business.
The interest rate applicable to the amount of estate tax attributable to the taxable value of the
closely held business in excess of $1 million (adjusted for inflation) is equal to 45 percent of the
rate applicable to underpayments of tax under section 6621 of the Code (i.e., 45 percent of the
Federal short-term rate plus three percentage points).
Interest paid on deferred estate taxes is
not deductible for estate or income tax purposes.
The gift tax
The Code imposes a tax for each calendar year on the transfer of property by gift during
such year by any individual, whether a resident or nonresident of the United States.
amount of taxable gifts for a calendar year is determined by subtracting from the total amount of
gifts made during the year: (1) the gift tax annual exclusion (described below); and (2) allowable
Gift tax for the current taxable year is determined by: (1) computing a tentative tax on
the combined amount of all taxable gifts for the current and all prior calendar years using the
common gift tax and estate tax rate table; (2) computing a tentative tax only on all prior-year
gifts; (3) subtracting the tentative tax on prior-year gifts from the tentative tax computed for all
Sec. 6166.
The interest rate on this portion adjusts with the Federal short-term rate.
Sec. 2501(a).
years to arrive at the portion of the total tentative tax attributable to current-year gifts; and,
finally, (4) subtracting the amount of unified credit not consumed by prior-year gifts.
Because the gift tax shares a common unified credit (exemption) and tax rate table with
the estate tax, the exemption amounts and tax rates are described together above, along with
certain other common features of these taxes.
Transfers by gift
The gift tax applies to a transfer by gift regardless of whether: (1) the transfer is made
outright or in trust; (2) the gift is direct or indirect; or (3) the property is real or personal, tangible
or intangible.
For gift tax purposes, the value of a gift of property is the fair market value of
the property at the time of the gift.
Where property is transferred for less than full
consideration, the amount by which the value of the property exceeds the value of the
consideration is considered a gift and is included in computing the total amount of a taxpayer’s
gifts for a calendar year.
For a gift to occur, a donor generally must relinquish dominion and control over donated
property. For example, if a taxpayer transfers assets to a trust established for the benefit of his or
her children, but retains the right to revoke the trust, the taxpayer may not have made a
completed gift, because the taxpayer has retained dominion and control over the transferred
assets. A completed gift made in trust, on the other hand, often is treated as a gift to the trust
By reason of statute, certain transfers are not treated as transfers by gift for gift tax
purposes. These include, for example, certain transfers for educational and medical purposes,
transfers to section 527 political organizations,
and transfers to tax-exempt organizations
described in sections 501(c)(4), (5), or (6).
Taxable gifts
As stated above, the amount of a taxpayer’s taxable gifts for the year is determined by
subtracting from the total amount of the taxpayer’s gifts for the year the gift tax annual exclusion
and any available deductions.
Sec. 2511(a).
Sec. 2512(a).
Sec. 2512(b).
Sec. 2503(e).
Sec. 2501(a)(4).
Sec. 2501(a)(6).
Gift tax annual exclusion.Under present law, donors of lifetime gifts are provided an
annual exclusion of $14,000 per donee in 2017 (indexed for inflation from the 1997 annual
exclusion amount of $10,000) for gifts of present interests in property during the taxable year.
If the non-donor spouse consents to split the gift with the donor spouse, then the annual
exclusion is $28,000 per donee in 2017. In general, unlimited transfers between spouses are
permitted without imposition of a gift tax. Special rules apply to the contributions to a qualified
tuition program (“529 Plan”) including an election to treat a contribution that exceeds the annual
exclusion as a contribution made ratably over a five-year period beginning with the year of the
Marital and charitable deductions.As described above, transfers to a surviving spouse or
to charity generally are deductible for gift tax purposes. The effect of the marital and charitable
deductions generally is to remove assets transferred to a surviving spouse or to charity from the
gift tax base.
The generation-skipping transfer tax
A generation-skipping transfer tax generally is imposed (in addition to the gift tax or the
estate tax) on transfers, either directly or in trust or similar arrangement, to a “skip person” (i.e.,
a beneficiary in a generation more than one generation below that of the transferor). Transfers
subject to the generation-skipping transfer tax include direct skips, taxable terminations, and
taxable distributions.
Exemption and tax rate
An exemption generally equal to the estate tax exemption amount ($5.49 million for
2017) is provided for each person making generation-skipping transfers. The exemption may be
allocated by a transferor (or his or her executor) to transferred property, and in some cases is
automatically allocated. The allocation of generation-skipping transfer tax exemption effectively
reduces the tax rate on a generation-skipping transfer.
The tax rate on generation-skipping transfers is a flat rate of tax equal to the maximum
estate and gift tax rate (40 percent) multiplied by the “inclusion ratio.” The inclusion ratio with
respect to any property transferred indicates the amount of “generation-skipping transfer tax
exemption” allocated to a trust (or to property transferred in a direct skip) relative to the total
value of property transferred.
If, for example, a taxpayer transfers $5 million in property to a
trust and allocates $5 million of exemption to the transfer, the inclusion ratio is zero, and the
applicable tax rate on any subsequent generation-skipping transfers from the trust is zero percent
(40 percent multiplied by the inclusion ratio of zero). If, however, the taxpayer allocated only
$2.5 million of exemption to the transfer, the inclusion ratio is 0.5, and the applicable tax rate on
Sec. 2503(b).
Sec. 529(c)(2).
The inclusion ratio is one minus the applicable fraction. The applicable fraction is the amount of
exemption allocated to a trust (or to a direct skip) divided by the value of assets transferred.
any subsequent generation-skipping transfers from the trust is 20 percent (40 percent multiplied
by the inclusion ratio of 0.5). If the taxpayer allocates no exemption to the transfer, the inclusion
ratio is one, and the applicable tax rate on any subsequent generation-skipping transfers from the
trust is 40 percent (40 percent multiplied by the inclusion ratio of one).
Generation-skipping transfers
Generation-skipping transfer tax generally is imposed at the time of a generation-
skipping transfer a direct skip, a taxable termination, or a taxable distribution.
A direct skip is any transfer subject to estate or gift tax of an interest in property to a skip
person. A skip person may be a natural person or certain trusts. All persons assigned to the
second or more remote generation below the transferor are skip persons (e.g., grandchildren and
great-grandchildren). Trusts are skip persons if (1) all interests in the trust are held by skip
persons, or (2) no person holds an interest in the trust and at no time after the transfer may a
distribution (including distributions and terminations) be made to a non-skip person.
A taxable termination is a termination (by death, lapse of time, release of power, or
otherwise) of an interest in property held in trust unless, immediately after such termination, a
non-skip person has an interest in the property, or unless at no time after the termination may a
distribution (including a distribution upon termination) be made from the trust to a skip person.
A taxable distribution is a distribution from a trust to a skip person (other than a taxable
termination or direct skip). If a transferor allocates generation-skipping transfer tax exemption to
a trust prior to the taxable distribution, generation-skipping transfer tax may be avoided.
Income tax basis in property received
In general
Gain or loss, if any, on the disposition of property is measured by the taxpayer’s amount
realized (i.e., gross proceeds received) on the disposition, less the taxpayer’s basis in such
property. Basis generally represents a taxpayer’s investment in property with certain
adjustments required after acquisition. For example, basis is increased by the cost of capital
improvements made to the property and decreased by depreciation deductions taken with respect
to the property.
A gift or bequest of appreciated (or loss) property is not an income tax realization event
for the transferor. The Code provides special rules for determining a recipient’s basis in assets
received by lifetime gift or from a decedent.
Basis in property received by lifetime gift
Under present law, property received from a donor of a lifetime gift generally takes a
carryover basis. “Carryover basis” means that the basis in the hands of the donee is the same as
it was in the hands of the donor. The basis of property transferred by lifetime gift also is
increased, but not above fair market value, by any gift tax paid by the donor. The basis of a
lifetime gift, however, generally cannot exceed the property’s fair market value on the date of the
gift. If a donor’s basis in property is greater than the fair market value of the property on the
date of the gift, then, for purposes of determining loss on a subsequent sale of the property, the
donee’s basis is the property’s fair market value on the date of the gift.
Basis in property acquired from a decedent
Property acquired from a decedent’s estate generally takes a stepped-up basis. “Stepped-
up basis” means that the basis of property acquired from a decedent’s estate generally is the fair
market value on the date of the decedent’s death (or, if the alternate valuation date is elected, the
earlier of six months after the decedent’s death or the date the property is sold or distributed by
the estate). Providing a fair market value basis eliminates the recognition of income on any
appreciation of the property that occurred prior to the decedent’s death and eliminates the tax
benefit from any unrealized loss.
In community property states, a surviving spouse’s one-half share of community property
held by the decedent and the surviving spouse (under the community property laws of any State,
U.S. possession, or foreign country) generally is treated as having passed from the decedent and,
thus, is eligible for stepped-up basis. Thus, both the decedent’s one-half share and the surviving
spouse’s one-half share are stepped up to fair market value. This rule applies if at least one-half
of the whole of the community interest is includible in the decedent’s gross estate.
Stepped-up basis treatment generally is denied to certain interests in foreign entities.
Stock in a passive foreign investment company (including those for which a mark-to-market
election has been made) generally takes a carryover basis, except that stock of a passive foreign
investment company for which a decedent shareholder had made a qualified electing fund
election is allowed a stepped-up basis. Stock owned by a decedent in a domestic international
sales corporation (or former domestic international sales corporation) takes a stepped-up basis
reduced by the amount (if any) which would have been included in gross income under section
995(c) as a dividend if the decedent had lived and sold the stock at its fair market value on the
estate tax valuation date (i.e., generally the date of the decedent’s death unless an alternate
valuation date is elected).
House Bill
The provision doubles the estate and gift tax exemption for decedents dying and gifts
made after December 31, 2017. This is accomplished by increasing the basic exclusion amount
provided in section 2010(c)(3) of the Code from $5 million to $10 million. The $10 million
amount is indexed for inflation occurring after 2011.
For estates of decedents dying and generation-skipping transfers made after December
31, 2024, the provision repeals the estate tax and the generation-skipping transfer tax. The
provision includes a transition rule for assets placed in a qualified domestic trust by a decedent
who died before the effective date of the provision. Specifically, estate tax will not be imposed
on: (1) distributions before the death of a surviving spouse from the trust more than 10 years
after the date of enactment; or (2) assets remaining in the qualified domestic trust upon the death
of the surviving spouse. The top marginal gift tax rate is reduced to 35 percent for gifts made
after December 31, 2024.
The provision generally retains the present law rules for determining the income tax basis
of assets acquired by gift and assets acquired from a decedent. As a result, property received
from a donor of a lifetime gift generally will continue to take a carryover basis, and property
acquired from a decedent’s estate generally will continue to take a stepped-up basis.
Effective date.The doubling of the estate and gift tax exemption is effective for estates
of decedents dying, generation-skipping transfers, and gifts made after December 31, 2017. The
repeal of the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, and the reduction in the gift tax rate to
35 percent, are effective for estates of decedents dying, generation-skipping transfers, and gifts
made after December 31, 2024.
Senate Amendment
The provision doubles the estate and gift tax exemption for estates of decedents dying
and gifts made after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026. This is accomplished by
increasing the basic exclusion amount provided in section 2010(c)(3) of the Code from $5
million to $10 million. The $10 million amount is indexed for inflation occurring after 2011.
As a conforming amendment to section 2010(g) (regarding computation of estate tax), the
provision provides that the Secretary shall prescribe regulations as may be necessary or
appropriate to carry out the purposes of the section with respect to differences between the basic
exclusion amount in effect: (1) at the time of the decedent’s death; and (2) at the time of any
gifts made by the decedent.
Effective date.The provision is effective for estates of decedents dying and gifts made
after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
G. Alternative Minimum Tax
(sec. 2001 of the House bill, sec. 12001 of the Senate amendment,
and secs. 53 and 55-59 of the Code)
Present Law
Individual alternative minimum tax
In general
An alternative minimum tax (“AMT”) is imposed on an individual, estate, or trust in an
amount by which the tentative minimum tax exceeds the regular income tax for the taxable year.
For taxable years beginning in 2017, the tentative minimum tax is the sum of (1) 26 percent of so
much of the taxable excess as does not exceed $187,800 ($93,900 in the case of a married
individual filing a separate return) and (2) 28 percent of the remaining taxable excess. The
breakpoints are indexed for inflation. The taxable excess is so much of the alternative minimum
taxable income (“AMTI”) as exceeds the exemption amount. The maximum tax rates on net
capital gain and dividends used in computing the regular tax are used in computing the tentative
minimum tax. AMTI is the taxable income adjusted to take account of specified tax preferences
and adjustments.
The exemption amounts for taxable years beginning in 2017 are: (1) $84,500 in the case
of married individuals filing a joint return and surviving spouses; (2) $54,300 in the case of other
unmarried individuals; (3) $42,250 in the case of married individuals filing separate returns; and
(4) $24,100 in the case of an estate or trust. For taxable years beginning in 2017, the exemption
amounts are phased out by an amount equal to 25 percent of the amount by which the
individual’s AMTI exceeds (1) $160,900 in the case of married individuals filing a joint return
and surviving spouses, (2) $120,700 in the case of other unmarried individuals, and (3) $80,450
in the case of married individuals filing separate returns or an estate or a trust. The amounts are
indexed for inflation.
AMTI is the taxpayer’s taxable income increased by certain preference items and
adjusted by determining the tax treatment of certain items in a manner that negates the deferral of
income resulting from the regular tax treatment of those items.
Preference items in computing AMTI
The minimum tax preference items are:
1. The excess of the deduction for percentage depletion over the adjusted basis of each
mineral property (other than oil and gas properties) at the end of the taxable year.
2. The amount by which excess intangible drilling costs (i.e., expenses in excess the
amount that would have been allowable if amortized over a 10-year period) exceed
65 percent of the net income from oil, gas, and geothermal properties. This preference
applies to independent producers only to the extent it reduces the producer’s AMTI
(determined without regard to this preference and the net operating loss deduction) by
more than 40 percent.
3. Tax-exempt interest income on private activity bonds (other than qualified 501(c)(3)
bonds, certain housing bonds, and bonds issued in 2009 and 2010) issued after
August 7, 1986.
4. Accelerated depreciation or amortization on certain property placed in service before
January 1, 1987.
5. Seven percent of the amount excluded from income under section 1202 (relating to
gains on the sale of certain small business stock).
In addition, losses from any tax shelter farm activity or passive activities are not taken
into account in computing AMTI.
Adjustments in computing AMTI
The adjustments that individuals must make to compute AMTI are:
1. Depreciation on property placed in service after 1986 and before January 1, 1999, is
computed by using the generally longer class lives prescribed by the alternative
depreciation system of section 168(g) and either (a) the straight-line method in the
case of property subject to the straight-line method under the regular tax or (b) the
150-percent declining balance method in the case of other property. Depreciation on
property placed in service after December 31, 1998, is computed by using the regular
tax recovery periods and the AMT methods described in the previous sentence.
Depreciation on property acquired after September 10, 2001, which is allowed an
additional allowance under section 168(k) for the regular tax is computed without
regard to any AMT adjustments.
2. Mining exploration and development costs are capitalized and amortized over a 10-
year period.
3. Taxable income from a long-term contract (other than a home construction contract)
is computed using the percentage of completion method of accounting.
4. Depreciation on property placed in service after 1986 and before January 1, 1999, is
computed by using the generally longer class lives prescribed by the alternative
depreciation system of section 168(g) and either (a) the straight-line method in the
case of property subject to the straight-line method under the regular tax or (b) the
150-percent declining balance method in the case of other property. Depreciation on
property placed in service after December 31, 1998, is computed by using the regular
tax recovery periods and the AMT methods described in the previous sentence.
Depreciation on property acquired after September 10, 2001, which is allowed an
additional allowance under section 168(k) for the regular tax is computed without
regard to any AMT adjustments.
5. Mining exploration and development costs are capitalized and amortized over a 10-
year period.
6. Taxable income from a long-term contract (other than a home construction contract)
is computed using the percentage of completion method of accounting.
7. The amortization deduction allowed for pollution control facilities placed in service
before January 1, 1999 (generally determined using 60-month amortization for a
portion of the cost of the facility under the regular tax), is calculated under the
alternative depreciation system (generally, using longer class lives and the straight-
line method). The amortization deduction allowed for pollution control facilities
placed in service after December 31, 1998, is calculated using the regular tax
recovery periods and the straight-line method.
8. Miscellaneous itemized deductions are not allowed.
9. Itemized deductions for State, local, and foreign real property taxes; State and local
personal property taxes; State, local, and foreign income, war profits, and excess
profits taxes; and State and local sales taxes are not allowed.
10. Medical expenses are allowed only to the extent they exceed ten percent of the
taxpayer’s adjusted gross income.
11. Deductions for interest on home equity loans are not allowed.
12. The standard deduction and the deduction for personal exemptions are not allowed.
13. The amount allowable as a deduction for circulation expenditures is capitalized and
amortized over a three-year period.
14. The amount allowable as a deduction for research and experimentation expenditures
from passive activities is capitalized and amortized over a 10-year period.
15. The regular tax rules relating to incentive stock options do not apply.
Other rules
The taxpayer’s net operating loss deduction generally cannot reduce the taxpayer’s AMTI
by more than 90 percent of the AMTI (determined without the net operating loss deduction).
The alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit reduces the tentative minimum tax.
The various nonrefundable business credits allowed under the regular tax generally are
not allowed against the AMT. Certain exceptions apply.
If an individual is subject to AMT in any year, the amount of tax exceeding the
taxpayer’s regular tax liability is allowed as a credit (the “AMT credit”) in any subsequent
taxable year to the extent the taxpayer’s regular tax liability exceeds his or her tentative
minimum tax liability in such subsequent year. The AMT credit is allowed only to the extent
that the taxpayer’s AMT liability is the result of adjustments that are timing in nature. The
individual AMT adjustments relating to itemized deductions and personal exemptions are not
timing in nature, and no minimum tax credit is allowed with respect to these items.
An individual may elect to write off certain expenditures paid or incurred with respect of
circulation expenses, research and experimental expenses, intangible drilling and development
expenditures, development expenditures, and mining exploration expenditures over a specified
period (three years in the case of circulation expenses, 60 months in the case of intangible
drilling and development expenditures, and 10 years in case of other expenditures). The election
applies for purposes of both the regular tax and the alternative minimum tax.
Corporate alternative minimum tax
In general
An AMT is also imposed on a corporation to the extent the corporation’s tentative
minimum tax exceeds its regular tax. This tentative minimum tax is computed at the rate of
20 percent on the AMTI in excess of a $40,000 exemption amount that phases out. The
exemption amount is phased out by an amount equal to 25 percent of the amount that the
corporation’s AMTI exceeds $150,000.
AMTI is the taxpayer’s taxable income increased by certain preference items and
adjusted by determining the tax treatment of certain items in a manner that negates the deferral of
income resulting from the regular tax treatment of those items.
A corporation with average gross receipts of less than $7.5 million for the prior three
taxable years is exempt from the corporate minimum tax. The $7.5 million threshold is reduced
to $5 million for the corporation’s first three-taxable year period.
Preference items in computing AMTI
The corporate minimum tax preference items are:
1. The excess of the deduction for percentage depletion over the adjusted basis of the
property at the end of the taxable year. This preference does not apply to percentage
depletion allowed with respect to oil and gas properties.
2. The amount by which excess intangible drilling costs arising in the taxable year
exceed 65 percent of the net income from oil, gas, and geothermal properties. This
preference does not apply to an independent producer to the extent the preference
would not reduce the producer’s AMTI by more than 40 percent.
3. Tax-exempt interest income on private activity bonds (other than qualified 501(c)(3)
bonds, certain housing bonds, and bonds issued in 2009 and 2010) issued after
August 7, 1986.
4. Accelerated depreciation or amortization on certain property placed in service before
January 1, 1987.
Adjustments in computing AMTI
The adjustments that corporations must make in computing AMTI are:
1. Depreciation on property placed in service after 1986 and before January 1, 1999,
must be computed by using the generally longer class lives prescribed by the
alternative depreciation system of section 168(g) and either (a) the straight-line
method in the case of property subject to the straight-line method under the regular tax
or (b) the 150-percent declining balance method in the case of other property.
Depreciation on property placed in service after December 31, 1998, is computed by
using the regular tax recovery periods and the AMT methods described in the previous
sentence. Depreciation on property which is allowed “bonus depreciation” for the
regular tax is computed without regard to any AMT adjustments.
2. Mining exploration and development costs must be capitalized and amortized over a
10-year period.
3. Taxable income from a long-term contract (other than a home construction contract)
must be computed using the percentage of completion method of accounting.
4. The amortization deduction allowed for pollution control facilities placed in service
before January 1, 1999 (generally determined using 60-month amortization for a
portion of the cost of the facility under the regular tax), must be calculated under the
alternative depreciation system (generally, using longer class lives and the straight-line
method). The amortization deduction allowed for pollution control facilities placed in
service after December 31, 1998, is calculated using the regular tax recovery periods
and the straight-line method.
5. The special rules applicable to Merchant Marine construction funds are not applicable.
6. The special deduction allowable under section 833(b) for Blue Cross and Blue Shield
organizations is not allowed.
7. The adjusted current earnings adjustment applies, as described below.
Adjusted current earning (“ACE”) adjustment
The adjusted current earnings adjustment is the amount equal to 75 percent of the amount
by which the adjusted current earnings of a corporation exceed its AMTI (determined without the
ACE adjustment and the alternative tax net operating loss deduction). In determining ACE the
following rules apply:
1. For property placed in service before 1994, depreciation generally is determined using
the straight-line method and the class life determined under the alternative
depreciation system.
2. Amounts excluded from gross income under the regular tax but included for purposes
of determining earnings and profits are generally included in determining ACE.
3. The inside build-up of a life insurance contract is included in ACE (and the related
premiums are deductible).
4. Intangible drilling costs of integrated oil companies must be capitalized and amortized
over a 60-month period.
5. The regular tax rules of section 173 (allowing circulation expenses to be amortized)
and section 248 (allowing organizational expenses to be amortized) do not apply.
6. Inventory must be calculated using the FIFO, rather than LIFO, method.
7. The installment sales method generally may not be used.
8. No loss may be recognized on the exchange of any pool of debt obligations for another
pool of debt obligations having substantially the same effective interest rates and
9. Depletion (other than for oil and gas properties) must be calculated using the cost,
rather than the percentage, method.
10. In certain cases, the assets of a corporation that has undergone an ownership change
must be stepped down to their fair market values.
Other rules
The taxpayer’s net operating loss carryover generally cannot reduce the taxpayer’s AMT
liability by more than 90 percent of AMTI determined without this deduction.
The various nonrefundable business credits allowed under the regular tax generally are
not allowed against the AMT. Certain exceptions apply.
If a corporation is subject to AMT in any year, the amount of AMT is allowed as an
AMT credit in any subsequent taxable year to the extent the taxpayer’s regular tax liability
exceeds its tentative minimum tax in the subsequent year. Corporations are allowed to claim a
limited amount of AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation.
A corporation may elect to write off certain expenditures paid or incurred with respect of
circulation expenses, research and experimental expenses, intangible drilling and development
expenditures, development expenditures, and mining exploration expenditures over a specified
period (three years in the case of circulation expenses, 60 months in the case of intangible
drilling and development expenditures, and 10 years in case of other expenditures). The election
applies for purposes of both the regular tax and the alternative minimum tax
House Bill
The House bill repeals the individual and corporate alternative minimum tax.
The provision allows the AMT credit to offset the taxpayer’s regular tax liability for any
taxable year. In addition, the AMT credit is refundable for any taxable year beginning after 2018
and before 2023 in an amount equal to 50 percent (100 percent in the case of taxable years
beginning in 2022) of the excess of the minimum tax credit for the taxable year over the amount
of the credit allowable for the year against regular tax liability. Thus, the full amount of the
minimum tax credit will be allowed in taxable years beginning before 2023.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
In determining the alternative minimum taxable income for taxable years beginning
before January 1, 2018, the net operating loss deduction carryback from taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2017, are determined without regard to any AMT adjustments or preferences.
The repeal of the election to write off certain expenditures over a specified period applies
to amounts paid or incurred after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment temporarily increases both the exemption amount and the
exemption amount phaseout thresholds for the individual AMT. Under the provision, for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2017, and beginning before January 1, 2026, the AMT
exemption amount is increased to $109,400 for married taxpayers filing a joint return (half this
amount for married taxpayers filing a separate return), and $70,300 for all other taxpayers (other
than estates and trusts). The phaseout thresholds are increased to $208,400 (half this amount for
married taxpayers filing a separate return), and $156,300 for all other taxpayers (other than
estates and trusts). These amounts are indexed for inflation.
The provision does not change the corporate alternative minimum tax.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement temporarily increases both the exemption amount and the
exemption amount phaseout thresholds for the individual AMT. Under the provision, for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2017, and beginning before January 1, 2026, the AMT
exemption amount is increased to $109,400 for married taxpayers filing a joint return (half this
amount for married taxpayers filing a separate return), and $70,300 for all other taxpayers (other
than estates and trusts). The phaseout thresholds are increased to $1,000,000 for married
taxpayers filing a joint return, and $500,000 for all other taxpayers (other than estates and trusts).
These amounts are indexed for inflation.
The conference agreement follows the House bill in repealing the corporate alternative
minimum tax.
In the case of a corporation, the conference agreement allows the AMT credit to offset
the regular tax liability for any taxable year. In addition, the AMT credit is refundable for any
taxable year beginning after 2017 and before 2022 in an amount equal to 50 percent (100 percent
in the case of taxable years beginning in 2021) of the excess of the minimum tax credit for the
taxable year over the amount of the credit allowable for the year against regular tax liability.
Thus, the full amount of the minimum tax credit will be allowed in taxable years beginning
before 2022.
Effective date.The provisions are effective for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2017.
H. Elimination of Shared Responsibility Payment for Individuals
Failing to Maintain Minimal Essential Coverage
(sec. 11081 of the Senate amendment and sec. 5000A of the Code)
Present Law
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(also called the Affordable Care
Act, or “ACA”), individuals must be covered by a health plan that provides at least minimum
essential coverage or be subject to a tax (also referred to as a penalty) for failure to maintain the
coverage (commonly referred to as the “individual mandate”).
Minimum essential coverage
includes government-sponsored programs (including Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP, among
others), eligible employer-sponsored plans, plans in the individual market, grandfathered group
health plans and grandfathered health insurance coverage, and other coverage as recognized by
the Secretary of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) in coordination with the Secretary of the
The tax is imposed for any month that an individual does not have minimum
essential coverage unless the individual qualifies for an exemption for the month as described
The tax for any calendar month is one-twelfth of the tax calculated as an annual amount.
The annual amount is equal to the greater of a flat dollar amount or an excess income amount.
The flat dollar amount is the lesser of (1) the sum of the individual annual dollar amounts for the
members of the taxpayer’s family and (2) 300 percent of the adult individual dollar amount. The
individual adult annual dollar amount is $695 for 2017 and 2018.
For an individual who has
not attained age 18, the individual annual dollar amount is one half of the adult amount. The
excess income amount is 2.5 percent of the excess of the taxpayer’s household income for the
taxable year over the threshold amount of income for requiring the taxpayer to file an income tax
The total annual household payment may not exceed the national average annual
premium for bronze level health plans for the applicable family size offered through Exchanges
that year.
Exemptions from the requirement to maintain minimum essential coverage are provided for the
following: (1) an individual for whom coverage is unaffordable because the required
Pub. L. No. 111-148.
Section 5000A. If an individual is a dependent, as defined in section 152, of another taxpayer, the other
taxpayer is liable for any tax for failure to maintain the required coverage with respect to the individual.
Sec. 5000A(f). Minimum essential coverage does not include coverage that consists of only certain
excepted benefits, such as limited scope dental and vision benefits or long-term care insurance offered under a
separate policy, certificate or contract.
For years after 2016, the $695 amount is indexed to CPI-U, rounded to the next lowest multiple of $50.
Sec. 6012(a).
contribution exceeds 8.16
percent of household income, (2) an individual with household
income below the income tax return filing threshold, (3) a member of an Indian tribe, (4) a
member of certain recognized religious sects or a health sharing ministry, (5) an individual with
a coverage gap for a continuous period of less than three months, and (6) an individual who is
determined by the Secretary of HHS to have suffered a hardship with respect to the capability to
obtain coverage.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment reduces the amount of the individual responsibility payment,
enacted as part of the Affordable Care Act, to zero.
Effective date.The provision is effective with respect to health coverage status for
months beginning after December 31, 2018.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
For 2017. The rate applicable for 2018 is 8.06 percent of household income.
In addition, certain individuals present or residing outside of the United States and bona fide residents
of United States territories are deemed to maintain minimum essential coverage.
I. Other Provisions
1. Temporarily allow increased contributions to ABLE accounts, and allow contributions
to be eligible for saver’s credit (sec. 11024 of the Senate amendment and sec. 529A of the
Present Law
Qualified ABLE programs
The Code provides for a tax-favored savings program intended to benefit disabled
individuals, known as qualified ABLE programs.
A qualified ABLE program is a program
established and maintained by a State or agency or instrumentality thereof. A qualified ABLE
program must meet the following conditions: (1) under the provisions of the program,
contributions may be made to an account (an “ABLE account”), established for the purpose of
meeting the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary of the account; (2) the
program must limit a designated beneficiary to one ABLE account; and (3) the program must
meet certain other requirements discussed below. A qualified ABLE program is generally
exempt from income tax, but is otherwise subject to the taxes imposed on the unrelated business
income of tax-exempt organizations.
A designated beneficiary of an ABLE account is the owner of the ABLE account. A
designated beneficiary must be an eligible individual (defined below) who established the ABLE
account and who is designated at the commencement of participation in the qualified ABLE
program as the beneficiary of amounts paid (or to be paid) into and from the program.
Contributions to an ABLE account must be made in cash and are not deductible for
Federal income tax purposes. Except in the case of a rollover contribution from another ABLE
account, an ABLE account must provide that it may not receive aggregate contributions during a
taxable year in excess of the amount under section 2503(b) of the Code (the annual gift tax
exemption). For 2017, this is $14,000.
Additionally, a qualified ABLE program must provide
adequate safeguards to ensure that ABLE account contributions do not exceed the limit imposed
on accounts under the qualified tuition program of the State maintaining the qualified ABLE
program. Amounts in the account accumulate on a tax-deferred basis (i.e., income on accounts
under the program is not subject to current income tax).
A qualified ABLE program may permit a designated beneficiary to direct (directly or
indirectly) the investment of any contributions (or earnings thereon) no more than two times in
any calendar year and must provide separate accounting for each designated beneficiary. A
Sec. 529A.
This amount is indexed for inflation. In the case that contributions to an ABLE account exceed the
annual limit, an excise tax in the amount of six percent of the excess contribution to such account is imposed on the
designated beneficiary. Such tax does not apply in the event that the trustee of such account makes a corrective
distribution of such excess amounts by the due date (including extensions) of the individual’s tax return for the year
within the taxable year.
qualified ABLE program may not allow any interest in the program (or any portion thereof) to be
used as security for a loan.
Distributions from an ABLE account are generally includible in the distributee’s income
to the extent consisting of earnings on the account.
Distributions from an ABLE account are
excludable from income to the extent that the total distribution does not exceed the qualified
disability expenses of the designated beneficiary during the taxable year. If a distribution from
an ABLE account exceeds the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary, a pro
rata portion of the distribution is excludable from income. The portion of any distribution that is
includible in income is subject to an additional 10-percent tax unless the distribution is made
after the death of the beneficiary. Amounts in an ABLE account may be rolled over without
income tax liability to another ABLE account for the same beneficiary
or another ABLE
account for the designated beneficiary’s brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister who is also an
eligible individual.
Except in the case of an ABLE account established in a different ABLE program for
purposes of transferring ABLE accounts,
no more than one ABLE account may be established
by a designated beneficiary. Thus, once an ABLE account has been established by a designated
beneficiary, no account subsequently established by such beneficiary shall be treated as an
ABLE account.
A contribution to an ABLE account is treated as a completed gift of a present interest to
the designated beneficiary of the account. Such contributions qualify for the per-donee annual
gift tax exclusion ($14,000 for 2017) and, to the extent of such exclusion, are exempt from the
generation skipping transfer (“GST”) tax. A distribution from an ABLE account generally is not
subject to gift tax or GST tax.
Eligible individuals
As described above, a qualified ABLE program may provide for the establishment of
ABLE accounts only if those accounts are established and owned by an eligible individual, such
owner referred to as a designated beneficiary. For these purposes, an eligible individual is an
individual either (1) for whom a disability certification has been filed with the Secretary for the
taxable year, or (2) who is entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits or SSI
based on blindness or disability, and such blindness or disability occurred before the
individual attained age 26.
The rules of section 72 apply in determining the portion of a distribution that consists of earnings.
For instance, if a designated beneficiary were to relocate to a different State.
In which case the contributor ABLE account must be closed 60 days after the transfer to the new ABLE
account is made.
These are benefits, respectively, under Title II or Title XVI of the Social Security Act.
A disability certification means a certification to the satisfaction of the Secretary, made
by the eligible individual or the parent or guardian of the eligible individual, that the individual
has a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, which results in marked and severe
functional limitations, and which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be
expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months, or is blind (within the
meaning of section 1614(a)(2) of the Social Security Act). Such blindness or disability must
have occurred before the date the individual attained age 26. Such certification must include a
copy of the diagnosis of the individual’s impairment and be signed by a licensed physician.
Qualified disability expenses
As described above, the earnings on distributions from an ABLE account are excluded
from income only to the extent total distributions do not exceed the qualified disability expenses
of the designated beneficiary. For this purpose, qualified disability expenses are any expenses
related to the eligible individual’s blindness or disability which are made for the benefit of the
designated beneficiary. Such expenses include the following expenses: education, housing,
transportation, employment training and support, assistive technology and personal support
services, health, prevention and wellness, financial management and administrative services,
legal fees, expenses for oversight and monitoring, funeral and burial expenses, and other
expenses, which are approved by the Secretary under regulations and consistent with the
purposes of section 529A.
Transfer to State
In the event that the designated beneficiary dies, subject to any outstanding payments due
for qualified disability expenses incurred by the designated beneficiary, all amounts remaining in
the deceased designated beneficiary’s ABLE account not in excess of the amount equal to the
total medical assistance paid such individual under any State Medicaid plan established under
title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be distributed to such State upon filing of a claim for
payment by such State. Such repaid amounts shall be net of any premiums paid from the account
or by or on behalf of the beneficiary to the State’s Medicaid Buy-In program.
Treatment of ABLE accounts under Federal programs
Any amounts in an ABLE account, and any distribution for qualified disability expenses,
shall be disregarded for purposes of determining eligibility to receive, or the amount of, any
assistance or benefit authorized by any Federal means-tested program. However, in the case of
the SSI program, a distribution for housing expenses is not disregarded, nor are amounts in an
ABLE account in excess of $100,000. In the case that an individual’s ABLE account balance
exceeds $100,000, such individual’s SSI benefits shall not be terminated, but instead shall be
suspended until such time as the individual’s resources fall below $100,000. However, such
suspension shall not apply for purposes of Medicaid eligibility.
No inference may be drawn from a disability certification for purposes of eligibility for Social Security,
SSI or Medicaid benefits.
Saver’s credit
Present law provides a nonrefundable tax credit for eligible taxpayers for qualified
retirement savings contributions.
The maximum annual contribution eligible for the credit is
$2,000 per individual. The credit rate depends on the adjusted gross income (“AGI”) of the
taxpayer. For this purpose, AGI is determined without regard to certain excludable foreign-
source earned income and certain U.S. possession income.
For taxable years beginning in 2017, married taxpayers filing joint returns with AGI of
$61,500 or less, taxpayers filing head of household returns with AGI of $46,125 or less, and all
other taxpayers filing returns with AGI of $30,750 or less are eligible for the credit. As the
taxpayer’s AGI increases, the credit rate available to the taxpayer is reduced, until, at certain
AGI levels, the credit is unavailable. The credit rates based on AGI for taxable years beginning
in 2016 are provided in the table below. The AGI levels used for the determination of the
available credit rate are indexed for inflation.
Table 3.Credit Rates for Saver’s Credit
Joint Filers
Heads of
Households All Other Filers Credit Rate
$0 – $37,000 $0 – $27,750 $0 – $18,500 50 percent
$37,001 – $40,000 $27,751 – $30,000 $18,501 – $20,000 20 percent
$40,001 – $62,00 $30,001 – $46,500 $20,001 – $31,000 10 percent
Over $62,000 Over $46,500 Over $31,000 0 percent
The saver’s credit is in addition to any deduction or exclusion that would otherwise apply
with respect to the contribution. The credit offsets alternative minimum tax liability as well as
regular tax liability. The credit is available to individuals who are 18 years old or older, other
than individuals who are full-time students or claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s
Qualified retirement savings contributions consist of (1) elective deferrals to a
section 401(k) plan, a section 403(b) plan, a governmental section 457 plan, a SIMPLE plan, or a
SARSEP; (2) contributions to a traditional or Roth IRA; and (3) voluntary after-tax employee
contributions to a qualified retirement plan or section 403(b) plan. Under the rules governing
these arrangements, an individual’s contribution to the arrangement generally cannot exceed the
lesser of an annual dollar amount (for example, in 2017, $5,500 in the case of an IRA of an
individual under age 50) or the individual’s compensation that is includible in income. In the
case of IRA contributions of a married couple, the combined includible compensation of both
spouses may be taken into account.
The amount of any contribution eligible for the credit is reduced by distributions received by the
taxpayer (or by the taxpayer’s spouse if the taxpayer files a joint return with the spouse) from
Sec. 25B.
any retirement plan to which eligible contributions can be made during the taxable year for
which the credit is claimed, during the two taxable years prior to the year for which the credit is
claimed, and during the period after the end of the taxable year for which the credit is claimed
and prior to the due date (including extensions) for filing the taxpayer’s return for the year.
Distributions that are rolled over to another retirement plan do not affect the credit.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment temporarily increases the contribution limitation to ABLE
accounts under certain circumstances. While the general overall limitation on contributions (the
per-donee annual gift tax exclusion ($14,000 for 2017)) remains the same, the limitation is
temporarily increased with respect to contributions made by the designated beneficiary of the
ABLE account. Under the temporary provision, after the overall limitation on contributions is
reached, an ABLE account’s designated beneficiary may contribute an additional amount, up to
the lesser of (a) the Federal poverty line for a one-person household; or (b) the individual’s
compensation for the taxable year.
Additionally, the provision temporarily allows a designated beneficiary of an ABLE
account to claim the saver’s credit for contributions made to his or her ABLE account.
The provision does not apply to taxable years after December 31, 2025.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after the date of
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after the date of
enactment of this Act.
2. Extension of time limit for contesting IRS levy (sec. 11071 of the Senate amendment and
secs. 6343 and 6532 of the Code)
Present Law
The IRS is authorized to return property that has been wrongfully levied upon.
general, monetary proceeds from the sale of levied property may be returned within nine months
of the date of the levy.
Sec. 6343.
Generally, any person (other than the person against whom is assessed the tax out of
which such levy arose) who claims an interest in levied property and that such property was
wrongfully levied upon may bring a civil action for wrongful levy in a district court of the
United States.
Generally, an action for wrongful levy must be brought within nine months
from the date of levy.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision extends from nine months to two years the period for returning the
monetary proceeds from the sale of property that has been wrongfully levied upon.
The provision also extends from nine months to two years the period for bringing a civil
action for wrongful levy.
Effective date.The provision is effective with respect to: (1) levies made after the date
of enactment; and (2) levies made on or before the date of enactment provided that the nine-
month period has not expired as of the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
3. Treatment of certain individuals performing services in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
(sec. 11026 of the Senate amendment and secs. 2, 112, 692, 2201, 3401, 4253, 6013, and 7508
of the Code)
Present Law
Members of the Armed Forces serving in a combat zone are afforded a number of tax
benefits. These include:
1. An exclusion from gross income of certain military pay received for any month during
which the member served in a combat zone or was hospitalize as a result of serving in
a combat zone;
Sec. 7426.
Sec. 6532.
Sec. 112; see also, sec. 3401(a)(1), exempting such income from wage withholding.
2. An exemption from taxes on death while serving in combat zone or dying as a result
of wounds, disease, or injury incurred while so serving;
3. Special estate tax rules where death occurs in a combat zone;
4. Special benefits to surviving spouses in the event of a service member’s death or
missing status;
5. An extension of time limits governing the filing of returns and other rules regarding
timely compliance with Federal income tax rules;
6. An exclusion from telephone excise taxes.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision grants combat zone tax benefits to the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, if as of the
date of enactment of the provision any member of the Armed Forces of the United States is
entitled to special pay under section 310 of title 37, United States Code (relating to special pay;
duty subject to hostile fire or imminent danger), for services performed in such location. This
benefit lasts only during the period such entitlement is in effect but not later than taxable years
beginning before January 1, 2026.
Effective date.The provision is generally effective beginning June 9, 2015. The portion
of the provision related to wage withholding applies to remuneration paid after the date of
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 692.
Sec. 2201.
Secs. 2(a)(3) and 6013(f)(1).
Sec. 7508.
Sec. 4253(d).
4. Modifications of user fees requirements for installment agreements (sec. 11073 of the
Senate amendment and new sec. 6159(f) of the Code)
Present Law
The Code authorizes the IRS to enter into written agreements with any taxpayer under
which the taxpayer agrees to pay taxes owed, as well as interest and penalties, in installments
over an agreed schedule, if the IRS determines that doing so will facilitate collection of the
amounts owed. This agreement provides for a period during which payments may be made and
while other IRS enforcement actions are held in abeyance.
An installment agreement
generally does not reduce the amount of taxes, interest, or penalties owed. However, the IRS is
authorized to enter into installment agreements with taxpayers which do not provide for full
payment of the taxpayer’s liability over the life of the agreement. The IRS is required to review
such partial payment installment agreements at least every two years to determine whether the
financial condition of the taxpayer has significantly changed so as to warrant an increase in the
value of the payments being made.
Taxpayers can request an installment agreement by filing Form 9465, Installment
Agreement Request.
If the request for an installment agreement is approved by the IRS, the
IRS charges a user fee.
The IRS currently charges $225 for entering into an installment
If the application is for a direct debit installment agreement, whereby the taxpayer
authorizes the IRS to request the monthly electronic transfer of funds from the taxpayer’s bank
account to the IRS, the fee is reduced to $107.
In addition, regardless of the method of
payment, the fee is $43 for low-income taxpayers.
For this purpose, low-income is defined as
a person who falls below 250 percent of the Federal poverty guidelines published annually.
Finally, there is no user fee if the agreement qualifies for a short term agreement (120 days or
House Bill
No provision.
Sec. 6331(k).
The IRS accepts applications for installment agreements online, from individuals and businesses, if the
total tax, penalties and interest is below $50,000 for the former, and $25,000 for the latter.
31 U.S.C. sec. 9701; Treas. reg. sec. 300.1; The Independent Offices Appropriations Act of 1952
(IOAA) 65 Stat. B70 (June 27, 1951). A discussion of the IRS practice regarding user fees and a list of actions for
which fees are charged is included in the Internal Revenue Manual. See “User Fees,” paragraph 1.32.19 IRM,
available at https://www.irs.gov/irm/part1/irm_01-035-019.
Treas. reg. sec. 300.1.
Senate Amendment
The provision generally prohibits increases in the amount of user fees charged by the IRS
for installment agreements. For low-income taxpayers (those whose income falls below 250
percent of the Federal poverty guidelines), it alleviates the user fee requirement in two ways.
First, it waives the user fee if the low-income taxpayer enters into an installment agreement
under which the taxpayer agrees to make automated installment payments through a debit
account. Second, it provides that low-income taxpayers who are unable to agree to make
payments electronically remain subject to the required user fee, but the fee is reimbursed upon
completion of the installment agreement.
Effective date.The provision is effective for agreements entered into on or after the date
that is 60 days after the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
5. Relief for 2016 disaster areas (sec. 11029 of the Senate amendment and secs. 72(t), 165,
401-403, 408, 457, and 3405 of the Code)
Present Law
Distributions from tax-favored retirement plans
A distribution from a qualified retirement plan, a tax-sheltered annuity plan (a
“section 403(b) plan”), an eligible deferred compensation plan of a State or local government
employer (a “governmental section 457(b) plan”), or an individual retirement arrangement (an
“IRA”) generally is included in income for the year distributed.
These plans are referred to
collectively as “eligible retirement plans.” In addition, unless an exception applies, a distribution
from a qualified retirement plan, a section 403(b) plan, or an IRA received before age 59½ is
subject to a 10-percent additional tax (referred to as the “early withdrawal tax”) on the amount
includible in income.
In general, a distribution from an eligible retirement plan may be rolled over to another
eligible retirement plan within 60 days, in which case the amount rolled over generally is not
includible in income. The IRS has the authority to waive the 60-day requirement if failure to
waive the requirement would be against equity or good conscience, including cases of casualty,
disaster or other events beyond the reasonable control of the individual.
Secs. 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 457(b) and 408. Under section 3405, distributions from these plans are
generally subject to income tax withholding unless the recipient elects otherwise. In addition, certain distributions
from a qualified retirement plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan are subject to
mandatory income tax withholding at a 20-percent rate unless the distribution is rolled over.
Sec. 72(t). Under present law, the 10-percent early withdrawal tax does not apply to distributions from
a governmental section 457(b) plan.
The terms of a qualified retirement plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental
section 457(b) plan generally determine when distributions are permitted. However, in some
cases, restrictions may apply to distribution before an employee’s termination of employment,
referred to as “in-service” distributions. Despite such restrictions, an in-service distribution may
be permitted in the case of financial hardship or an unforeseeable emergency.
Tax-favored retirement plans are generally required to be operated in accordance with the
terms of the plan document, and amendments to reflect changes to the plan generally must be
adopted within a limited period.
Itemized deduction for casualty losses
A taxpayer may generally claim a deduction for any loss sustained during the taxable
year and not compensated by insurance or otherwise.
For individual taxpayers, deductible
losses must be incurred in a trade or business or other profit-seeking activity or consist of
property losses arising from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other casualty, or from theft. Personal
casualty or theft losses are deductible only if they exceed $100 per casualty or theft. In addition,
aggregate net casualty and theft losses are deductible only to the extent they exceed 10 percent of
an individual taxpayer’s adjusted gross income.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision provides tax relief, as described below, relating to a “2016 disaster area,”
defined as any area with respect to which a major disaster was declared by the President under
section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act during
calendar year 2016.
Distributions from eligible retirement plans
Under the provision, an exception to the 10-percent early withdrawal tax applies in the
case of a qualified 2016 disaster distribution from a qualified retirement plan, a section 403(b)
plan or an IRA. In addition, as discussed further, income attributable to a qualified 2016 disaster
distribution may be included in income ratably over three years, and the amount of a qualified
2016 disaster distribution may be recontributed to an eligible retirement plan within three years.
A qualified 2016 disaster distribution is a distribution from an eligible retirement plan
made on or after January 1, 2016, and before January 1, 2018, to an individual whose principal
place of abode at any time during calendar year 2016 was located in a 2016 disaster area and
Sec. 165.
who has sustained an economic loss by reason of the events giving rise to the Presidential
disaster declaration.
The total amount of distributions to an individual from all eligible retirement plans that
may be treated as qualified 2016 disaster distributions is $100,000. Thus, any distributions in
excess of $100,000 during the applicable period are not qualified 2016 disaster distributions.
Any amount required to be included in income as a result of a qualified 2016 disaster is
included in income ratably over the three-year period beginning with the year of distribution
unless the individual elects not to have ratable inclusion apply.
Any portion of a qualified 2016 disaster distribution may, at any time during the three-
year period beginning the day after the date on which the distribution was received, be
recontributed to an eligible retirement plan to which a rollover can be made. Any amount
recontributed within the three-year period is treated as a rollover and thus is not includible in
income. For example, if an individual receives a qualified 2016 disaster distribution in 2016,
that amount is included in income, generally ratably over the year of the distribution and the
following two years, but is not subject to the 10-percent early withdrawal tax. If, in 2018, the
amount of the qualified 2016 disaster distribution is recontributed to an eligible retirement plan,
the individual may file an amended return to claim a refund of the tax attributable to the amount
previously included in income. In addition, if, under the ratable inclusion provision, a portion of
the distribution has not yet been included in income at the time of the contribution, the remaining
amount is not includible in income.
A qualified 2016 disaster distribution is a permissible distribution from a qualified
retirement plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) plan, regardless of whether
a distribution otherwise would be permissible.
A plan is not treated as violating any Code
requirement merely because it treats a distribution as a qualified 2016 disaster distribution,
provided that the aggregate amount of such distributions from plans maintained by the employer
and members of the employer’s controlled group or affiliated service group does not exceed
$100,000. Thus, a plan is not treated as violating any Code requirement merely because an
individual might receive total distributions in excess of $100,000, taking into account
distributions from plans of other employers or IRAs.
A plan amendment made pursuant to the provision (or a regulation issued thereunder)
may be retroactively effective if, in addition to the requirements described below, the
amendment is made on or before the last day of the first plan year beginning after
December 31, 2018 (or in the case of a governmental plan, December 31, 2020), or a later date
prescribed by the Secretary. In addition, the plan will be treated as operated in accordance with
plan terms during the period beginning with the date the provision or regulation takes effect (or
the date specified by the plan if the amendment is not required by the provision or regulation)
and ending on the last permissible date for the amendment (or, if earlier, the date the amendment
is adopted). In order for an amendment to be retroactively effective, it must apply retroactively
A qualified 2016 disaster distributions is subject to income tax withholding unless the recipient elects
otherwise. Mandatory 20-percent withholding does not apply.
for that period, and the plan must be operated in accordance with the amendment during that
Modification of rules related to casualty losses
Under the provision, in the case of a personal casualty loss which arose on or after
January 1, 2016, in a 2016 disaster area and was attributable to the events giving rise to the
Presidential disaster declaration, such losses are deductible without regard to whether aggregate
net losses exceed ten percent of a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. Under the provision, in
order to be deductible, the losses must exceed $500 per casualty. Additionally, such losses may
be claimed in addition to the standard deduction.
Effective date.The provision is effective on the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with a clarification that
casualty loss relief applies to losses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015,
and before January 1, 2018.
6. Attorneys’ fees relating to awards to whistleblowers (sec. 11078 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 62(a)(21) of the Code)
Present Law
The Code provides an above-the-line deduction for attorneys’ fees and costs paid by, or
on behalf of, the taxpayer in connection with any action involving a claim of unlawful
discrimination, certain claims against the Federal Government, or a private cause of action under
the Medicare Secondary Payer statute.
The amount that may be deducted above-the-line may
not exceed the amount includible in the taxpayer’s gross income for the taxable year on account
of a judgment or settlement (whether by suit or agreement and whether as lump sum or periodic
payments) resulting from such claim. Additionally, the Code provides an above-the-line
deduction for attorneys’ fees and costs paid by, or on behalf of, the individual in connection with
any award for providing information regarding violations of the tax laws.
The amount that
may be deducted above-the-line may not exceed the amount includible in the taxpayer’s gross
income for the taxable year on account of such award.
Secs. 62(a)(20) and (e). Section 62(e) defines “unlawful discrimination” to include a number of
specific statutes, any federal whistle-blower statute, and any federal, state, or local law “providing for the
enforcement of civil rights” or “regulating any aspect of the employment relationship…or prohibiting the discharge
of an employee, the discrimination against an employee, or any other form of retaliation or reprisal against an
employee for asserting rights or taking other actions permitted by law.”
Secs. 7623 and 62(a)(21).
Secs. 7623 and 62(a)(21).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision provides an above-the-line deduction for attorney fees and court costs paid
by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer in connection with any action involving a claim under State
False Claim Acts, the SEC whistleblower program,
and the Commodity Future Trading
Commission whistleblower program.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
7. Clarification of whistleblower awards (sec. 11079 of the Senate amendment and new sec.
7623(c) of the Code)
Present Law
Awards to whistleblowers
The Code authorizes the IRS to pay such sums as deemed necessary for: “(1) detecting
underpayments of tax; or (2) detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of
violating the internal revenue laws or conniving at the same.”
Generally, amounts are paid
based on a percentage of proceeds collected based on the information provided.
The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (the “Act”)
established an enhanced
reward program for actions in which the tax, penalties, interest, additions to tax, and additional
amounts in dispute exceed $2,000,000 and, if the taxpayer is an individual, the individual’s gross
income exceeds $200,000 for any taxable year in issue. In such cases, the award is calculated to
be at least 15 percent but not more than 30 percent of collected proceeds (including penalties,
interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts).
The Act permits an individual to appeal the amount or a denial of an award determination
to the United States Tax Court (the “Tax Court”) within 30 days of such determination. Tax
Court review of an award determination may be assigned to a special trial judge.
15 U.S.C. secs. 78u-6 and 78u-7.
7 U.S.C. sec. 26.
Sec. 7623.
Pub. L. No. 109-432.
Rules relating to taxpayers with foreign assets
U.S. persons who transfer assets to, and hold interests in, foreign bank accounts or
foreign entities may be subject to self-reporting requirements under both the Foreign Account
Tax Compliance Act provisions in the Code and the provisions in the Bank Secrecy Act and its
underlying regulations (which provide for FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and
Financial Accounts, the “FBAR”), as discussed below. Amounts recovered for violations of
FATCA provisions in the Code may be considered for purposes of computing a whistleblower
award under the Code. However, the IRS has found that amounts recovered for violations of
non-tax laws, including the provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act (and FBAR) for which the IRS
has delegated authority, may not be considered for purposes of computing an award under the
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”)
The Code imposes a withholding and reporting regime for U.S. persons engaged in
foreign activities, directly or indirectly, through a foreign business entity.
This regime for
outbound payments,
commonly referred to as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
imposes a withholding tax of 30 percent of the gross amount of certain payments
to foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”) unless the FFI establishes that it is compliant with the
information reporting requirements of FATCA which include identifying certain U.S. accounts
held in the FFI. An FFI must report with respect to a U.S. account (1) the name, address, and
taxpayer identification number of each U.S. person holding an account or a foreign entity with
one or more substantial U.S. owners holding an account; (2) the account number; (3) the account
balance or value; and (4) except as provided by the Secretary, the gross receipts, including from
dividends and interest, and gross withdrawals or payments from the account.
Individuals are required to disclose with their annual Federal income tax return any
interest in foreign accounts and certain foreign securities if the aggregate value of such assets is
in excess of the greater of $50,000 or an amount determined by the Secretary in regulations.
Failure to do so is punishable by a penalty of $10,000, which may increase for each 30-day
Chief Counsel Memorandum, “Scope of Awards Payable Under I.R.C. section 7623,” April 23, 2012,
available at http://www.tax-whistleblower.com/resources/PMTA-2012-10.pdf. Under Title 31, “[t]he Secretary may
pay a reward to an individual who provides original information which leads to a recovery of a criminal fine, civil
penalty, or forfeiture, which exceeds $50,000, for a violation of [chapter 53 of Title 31]. The Secretary shall
determine the amount of a reward...[and]… may not award more than 25 per centum of the net amount of the fine,
penalty, or forfeiture collected or $150,000, whichever is less.” 31 U.S.C. § 5323.
See, e.g., secs. 6038, 6038B, and 6046.
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-147.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 2009 is the name of the House and Senate bills in which the
provisions first appeared. See H.R. 3933 and S. 1934 (October 27, 2009).
Sec. 1471(c).
period during which the failure continues after notification by the IRS, up to a maximum penalty
of $50,000.
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (the “FBAR”)
In addition to the reporting requirements under the Code, U.S. persons who transfer
assets to, and hold interests in, foreign bank accounts or foreign entities may be subject to self-
reporting requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act.
The Bank Secrecy Act imposes reporting obligations on both financial institutions and
account holders. With respect to account holders, a U.S. citizen, resident, or person doing
business in the United States is required to keep records and file reports, as specified by the
Secretary, when that person enters into a transaction or maintains an account with a foreign
financial agency.
Regulations promulgated pursuant to broad regulatory authority granted to
the Secretary in the Bank Secrecy Act
provide additional guidance regarding the disclosure
obligation with respect to foreign accounts.
The FBAR must be filed by June 30
of the year following the year in which the
$10,000 filing threshold is met.
Failure to file the FBAR is subject to both criminal
civil penalties.
Willful failure to file an FBAR may be subject to penalties in amounts not to
exceed the greater of $100,000 or 50 percent of the amount in the account at the time of the
Sec. 6038D. Guidance on the scope of reporting required, the threshold values triggering reporting
requirements for various fact patterns and how the value of assets is to be determined is found in Treas. Reg. secs.
1.6038D-1 to 1.6038D-8.
Bank Secrecy Act, 31 U.S.C. secs. 5311-5332.
31 U.S.C. sec. 5314. The term “agency” in the Bank Secrecy Act includes financial institutions.
31 U.S.C. sec. 5314(a) provides: “Considering the need to avoid impeding or controlling the export or
import of monetary instruments and the need to avoid burdening unreasonably a person making a transaction with a
foreign financial agency, the Secretary of the Treasury shall require a resident or citizen of the United States or a
person in, and doing business in, the United States, to keep records, file reports, or keep records and file reports,
when the resident, citizen, or person makes a transaction or maintains a relation for any person with a foreign
financial agency.”
The Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015, Pub. L. No.
114-41, changed the filing date for FinCEN Form 114 from June 30 to April 15 (with a maximum extension for a 6-
month period ending on October 15 and with provision for an extension under rules similar to the rules in Treas.
Reg. section 1.6081–5) for tax returns for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015.
31 C.F.R. sec. 103.27(c). The $10,000 threshold is the aggregate value of all foreign financial accounts
in which a U.S. person has a financial interest or over which the U.S. person has signature or other authority.
31 U.S.C. sec. 5322 (failure to file is punishable by a fine up to $250,000 and imprisonment for five
years, which may double if the violation occurs in conjunction with certain other violations).
31 U.S.C. sec. 5321(a)(5).
A non-willful, but negligent, failure to file is subject to a penalty of $10,000 for
each negligent violation.
The penalty may be waived if (1) there is reasonable cause for the
failure to report and (2) the amount of the transaction or balance in the account was properly
reported. In addition, serious violations are subject to criminal prosecution, potentially resulting
in both monetary penalties and imprisonment. Civil and criminal sanctions are not mutually
FBAR enforcement responsibility
Until 2003, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), an agency of the
Department of the Treasury, had exclusive responsibility for civil penalty enforcement of FBAR,
although administration of the FBAR reporting regime was delegated to the IRS.
As a result,
persons who were more than 180 days delinquent in paying any FBAR penalties were referred
for collection action to the Financial Management Service of the Treasury Department, which is
responsible for such non-tax collections.
Continued nonpayment resulted in a referral to the
Department of Justice for institution of court proceedings against the delinquent person. In 2003,
the Secretary delegated FBAR civil enforcement authority to the IRS.
The authority delegated
to the IRS in 2003 included the authority to determine and enforce civil penalties,
as well as to
revise the form and instructions. However, the Bank Secrecy Act does not include collection
powers similar to those available for enforcement of the tax laws under the Code. As a
consequence, FBAR civil penalties remain collectible only in accord with the procedures for
non-tax collection described above.
31 U.S.C. sec. 5321(a)(5)(C).
31 U.S.C. sec. 5321(a)(5)(B)(i), (ii).
Treas. Directive 15-14 (December 1, 1992), in which the Secretary delegated to the IRS authority to
investigate violations of the Bank Secrecy Act. If the IRS Criminal Investigation Division declines to pursue a
possible criminal case, it is to refer the matter to FinCEN for civil enforcement.
31 U.S.C. sec. 3711(g).
31 C.F.R. sec. 103.56(g). Memorandum of Agreement and Delegation of Authority for Enforcement of
FBAR Requirements (April 2, 2003); News Release, Internal Revenue Service, IR-2003-48 (April 10, 2003).
Secretary of the Treasury, “A Report to Congress in Accordance with sec. 361(b) of the Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA Patriot
Act)” (April 24, 2003).
A penalty may be assessed before the end of the six-year period beginning on the date of the transaction
with respect to which the penalty is assessed. 31 U.S.C. sec. 5321(b)(1). A civil action for collection may be
commenced within two years of the later of the date of assessment and the date a judgment becomes final in any a
related criminal action. 31 U.S.C. sec. 5321(b)(2).
FBAR and awards to whistleblowers
Recent cases have considered FBAR penalties in connection with IRS whistleblower
One case analyzed the provision dealing with “additional amounts in dispute” and
linked that concept to amounts assessed and collected under the Code which FBAR is not.
The issue was whether FBAR penalties constituted “additional amounts” for purposes of
determining whether “additional amounts in dispute exceed $2,000,000.” The case was disposed
on summary judgment on the grounds that FBAR penalties are not assessed, collected or paid in
the same manner as taxes. As such, they are not additional amounts in dispute and therefore the
threshold was not exceeded. Notably, the court suggested that the petitioner present its policy
arguments to Congress based on the fact that the connection between FBAR and tax enforcement
justified the Secretary to redelegate FBAR administrative authority to the IRS.
Another case dealt with the provision “collected proceeds” and held that the term is not
limited to amounts assessed and collected under Title 26.
The issue in the case was whether
payments of a criminal fine and civil forfeitures constitute collected proceeds.
The criminal fine was imposed under Title 18 as a result of guilty plea to conspiring to
defraud the IRS, file false Federal income tax returns, and evade Federal income taxes. The
money was forfeited pursuant to Title 18. The IRS argued that criminal fines and forfeitures are
not collected proceeds because only amounts assessed and collected under Title 26 can be used
to pay a whistleblower award. The IRS also argued that a criminal fine collected by the
Government cannot be considered collected proceeds because (1) pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec.
10601 all criminal fines collected from persons convicted of offenses against the United States
are to be deposited in the Crime Victims Fund; (2) criminal fines are paid by the taxpayer
directly to the imposing court, which in turn deposits them into the Crime Victims Fund; and (3)
at no time are criminal fines available to the Secretary. The court said that the Code did not refer
to, or require, the availability of funds to be used in making an award.
Petitioners said the payment resulted from action taken by Secretary and relates to acts
committed by taxpayer in violation of Title 26 provisions. The court agreed and held that
collected proceeds are not limited to amounts assessed and collected under Title 26. In reaching
its holding it referenced Whistleblower 22716-13W v. Commissioner, discussed above and noted
there is no inconsistency because the issue there was about whether the threshold of $2,000,000
was exceeded. It is not clear whether FBAR penalties would be included under their holding
Whistleblower 22716-13W v. Commissioner, 146 T.C. No. 6 (March 14, 2016); and Whistleblower
21276-13W v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 4 (August 3, 2016).
Whistleblower 22716-13W v. Commissioner, 146 T.C. No. 6 (March 14, 2016).
Whistleblower 22716-13W v. Commissioner, 146 T.C. No. 6 at 26-27.
Whistleblower 21276-13W v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 4 (August 3, 2016).
Whistleblower 21276-13W v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 4 at 28-29.
because in the case, the taxpayer did violate Title 26 (even if the penalties were imposed under
Title 18).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
Under the provision, collected proceeds eligible for awards under the Code are defined to
include: (1) penalties, interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts and (2) any proceeds
under enforcement programs that the Treasury has delegated to the IRS the authority to
administer, enforce, or investigate, including criminal fines and civil forfeitures, and violations
of reporting requirements. This definition is also used to determine eligibility for the enhanced
reward program under which proceeds and additional amounts in dispute exceed $2,000,000.
The collected proceeds amounts are determined without regard to whether such proceeds
are available to the Secretary.
Effective date.The provision is effective for information provided before, on, or after
date of enactment with respect to which a final determination has not been made before such
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
8. Exclusion from gross income of certain amounts received by wrongly incarcerated
individuals (sec. 11027 of the Senate amendment and sec. 139F of the Code)
Present Law
Under a provision added in the PATH Act,
with respect to any wrongfully incarcerated
individual, gross income does not include any civil damages, restitution, or other monetary
award (including compensatory or statutory damages and restitution imposed in a criminal
matter) relating to the incarceration of such individual for the covered offense for which such
individual was convicted.
A wrongfully incarcerated individual means an individual:
(1) who was convicted of a covered offense;
Pub. L. No. 114-113 (2015), Division Q (Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015), sec. 304.
Sec. 139F.
(2) who served all or part of a sentence of imprisonment relating to that covered offense;
(3) (i) was pardoned, granted clemency, or granted amnesty for such offense because the
individual was innocent, or
(ii) for whom the judgment of conviction for the offense was reversed or vacated, and
whom the indictment, information, or other accusatory instrument for that covered
offense was dismissed or who was found not guilty at a new trial after the judgment of
conviction for that covered offense was reversed or vacated.
For these purposes, a covered offense is any criminal offense under Federal or State law,
and includes any criminal offense arising from the same course of conduct as that criminal
The Code contains a special rule allowing individuals to make a claim for credit or refund
of any overpayment of tax resulting from the exclusion, even if such claim would be disallowed
under the Code or by operation of any law or rule of law (including res judicata), if the claim for
credit or refund is filed before the close of the one-year period beginning on the date of
enactment of the PATH Act (December 18, 2015).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment would extend the waiver on the statute of limitations with respect
to filing a claim for a credit or refund of an overpayment of tax resulting from the exclusion
described above for an additional year. Thus, under the provision, such claim for credit or
refund must be filed before December 18, 2017.
Effective date.The provision is effective on the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
Sec. 139F.
A. Tax Rates
1. Reduction in corporate tax rate (sec. 3001 of the House bill, secs. 13001 and 13002 of the
Senate amendment, and secs. 11 and 243 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Corporate taxable income is subject to tax under a four-step graduated rate structure.
The top corporate tax rate is 35 percent on taxable income in excess of $10 million. The
corporate taxable income brackets and tax rates are as set forth in the table below.
Taxable Income
Tax rate (percent)
Not over $50,000 15
Over $50,000 but not over $75,000 25
Over $75,000 but not over $10,000,000 34
Over $10,000,000 35
An additional five-percent tax is imposed on a corporation’s taxable income in excess of
$100,000. The maximum additional tax is $11,750. Also, a second additional three-percent tax
is imposed on a corporation’s taxable income in excess of $15 million. The maximum second
additional tax is $100,000.
Certain personal service corporations pay tax on their entire taxable income at the rate of
35 percent.
Present law provides that, if the maximum corporate tax rate exceeds 35 percent, the
maximum rate on a corporation’s net capital gain will be 35 percent.
Sec. 11(a) and (b)(1).
Sec. 11(b)(2).
Sec. 1201(a).
Dividends received deduction
Corporations are allowed a deduction with respect to dividends received from other
taxable domestic corporations.
The amount of the deduction is generally equal to 70 percent
of the dividend received.
In the case of any dividend received from a 20-percent owned corporation, the amount of
the deduction is equal to 80 percent of the dividend received.
The term “20-percent owned
corporation” means any corporation if 20 percent or more of the stock of such corporation (by
vote and value) is owned by the taxpayer. For this purpose, certain preferred stock is not taken
into account.
In the case of a dividend received from a corporation that is a member of the same
affiliated group, a corporation is generally allowed a deduction equal to 100 percent of the
dividend received.
House Bill
The provision eliminates the graduated corporate rate structure and instead taxes
corporate taxable income at 20 percent.
Personal service corporations are taxed at 25 percent.
The provision repeals the maximum corporate tax rate on net capital gain as obsolete.
The provision reduces the 70 percent dividends received deduction to 50 percent and the
80 percent dividends received deduction to 65 percent.
For taxpayers subject to the normalization method of accounting (e.g., regulated public
utilities), the provision provides for the normalization of excess deferred tax reserves resulting
from the reduction of corporate income tax rates (with respect to prior depreciation or recovery
allowances taken on assets placed in service before the date of enactment).
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Sec. 243(a). Such dividends are taxed at a maximum rate of 10.5 percent (30 percent of the top
corporate tax rate of 35 percent).
Sec. 243(c). Such dividends are taxed at a maximum rate of 7 percent (20 percent of the top corporate
tax rate of 35 percent).
Sec. 243(a)(3) and (b)(1). For this purpose, the term “affiliated group” generally has the meaning given
such term by section 1504(a). Sec. 243(b)(2).
Such dividends would be taxed at a maximum rate of 10 percent (50 percent of the top corporate tax
rate of 20 percent) and 7 percent (35 percent of the top corporate tax rate of 20 percent), respectively.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill, but does not provide a special rate for
personal service corporations.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment, but provides for a 21-percent
corporate rate effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
In addition, for taxpayers subject to the normalization method of accounting (e.g.,
regulated public utilities), the conference agreement clarifies the normalization of excess tax
reserves resulting from the reduction of corporate income tax rates (with respect to prior
depreciation or recovery allowances taken on assets placed in service before the corporate rate
reduction takes effect).
The excess tax reserve is the reserve for deferred taxes as of the day before the corporate
rate reduction takes effect over what the reserve for deferred taxes would be if the corporate rate
reduction had been in effect for all prior periods. If an excess tax reserve is reduced more
rapidly or to a greater extent than such reserve would be reduced under the average rate
assumption method, the taxpayer will not be treated as using a normalization method with
respect to the corporate rate reduction. If the taxpayer does not use a normalization method of
accounting for the corporate rate reduction, the taxpayer’s tax for the taxable year shall be
increased by the amount by which it reduces its excess tax reserve more rapidly than permitted
under a normalization method of accounting and the taxpayer will not be treated as using a
normalization method of accounting for purposes of section 168(f)(2) and (i)(9)(C).
The average rate assumption method
reduces the excess tax reserve over the remaining
regulatory lives of the property that gave rise to the reserve for deferred taxes during the years in
which the deferred tax reserve related to such property is reversing. Under this method, the
excess tax reserve is reduced as the timing differences (i.e., differences between tax depreciation
and regulatory depreciation with respect to the property) reverse over the remaining life of the
asset. The reversal of timing differences generally occurs when the amount of the tax
depreciation taken with respect to an asset is less than the amount of the regulatory depreciation
taken with respect to the asset. To ensure that the deferred tax reserve, including the excess tax
reserve, is reduced to zero at the end of the regulatory life of the asset that generated the reserve,
the amount of the timing difference which reverses during a taxable year is multiplied by the
Section 168(f)(2) and (i)(9)(C) provide that if a taxpayer is required to use a normalization method of
accounting with respect to public utility property and does not do so, such taxpayer must compute its depreciation
allowances for Federal income tax purposes using the depreciation method, useful life determination, averaging
convention, and salvage value limitation used for purposes of setting rates and reflecting operating results in its
regulated books of account.
See section 2.04 of Rev. Proc. 88-12, 1988-1 C.B. 637.
ratio of (1) the aggregate deferred taxes as of the beginning of the period in question to (2) the
aggregate timing differences for the property as of the beginning of the period in question.
The following example illustrates the application of the average rate assumption method.
A calendar year regulated utility placed property costing $100 million in service in 2016. For
regulatory (book) purposes, the property is depreciated over 10 years on a straight line basis with
a full year’s allowance in the first year. For tax purposes, the property is depreciated over 5
years using the 200 percent declining balance method and a half-year placed in service
The excess tax reserve as of December 31, 2017, the day before the corporate rate
reduction takes effect, is $4.5 million.
The taxpayer will begin taking the excess tax reserve
into account in the 2021 taxable year, which is the first year in which the tax depreciation taken
with respect to the property is less than the depreciation reflected in the regulated books of
account. The annual adjustment to the deferred tax reserve for the 2021 through 2025 taxable
years is multiplied by 31.1 percent which is the ratio of the aggregate deferred taxes as of the
beginning of 2021 ($13.8 million) to the aggregate timing differences for the property as of the
beginning of 2021 ($44.2 million).
The 5-year tax and 10-year book lives are used for illustration purposes only. In general, public utility
property may be depreciated over various periods ranging from 5 to 20 years under MACRS. For regulatory
purposes, public utility property may, in certain cases, have a useful life of 30 years or more.
The excess tax reserve of $4.5 million is equal to the cumulative deferred tax reserve as of December
31, 2017 ($11.2 million) minus the cumulative timing difference as of December 31, 2017 ($32 million) multiplied
by 21 percent.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total
Tax expense 20 32 19.2 11.52 11.52 5.76 0 0 0 0 100
Book depreciation 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
Timing difference 10 22 9.2 1.52 1.52 (4.24) (10) (10) (10) (10) 0
Tax rate 35%
35% 21% 21% 21% 31.1% 31.1% 31.1% 31.1% 31.1%
Annual adjustment to
reserve 3.5 7.7 1.9 0.3 0.3 (1.3) (3.1) (3.1) (3.1) (3.1) 0
Cumulative deferred
tax reserve 3.5 11.2 13.1 13.5 13.8 12.5 9.3 6.2 3.1 (0.0) 0
(0.9) (2.1) (2.1) (2.1) (2.1) (9.3)
(3.1) (3.1) (3.1) (3.1) (13.8)
0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.5
Annual adjustment at average rate
Excess tax reserve
Normalization calculation for corporate rate re duction
(Millions of dollars)
Ye ar(s )
Annual adjustment at 21%
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
B. Cost Recovery
1. Increased expensing (sec. 3101 of the House bill, secs. 13201 and 13311 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 168(k) of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer generally must capitalize the cost of property used in a trade or business or
held for the production of income and recover such cost over time through annual deductions for
depreciation or amortization.
Tangible property
Tangible property generally is depreciated under the modified accelerated cost recovery
system (“MACRS”), which determines depreciation for different types of property based on an
assigned applicable depreciation method, recovery period,
and convention.
Bonus depreciation
An additional first-year depreciation deduction is allowed equal to 50 percent of the
adjusted basis of qualified property acquired and placed in service before January 1, 2020
(January 1, 2021, for longer production period property
and certain aircraft
The 50-
percent allowance is phased down for property placed in service after December 31, 2017 (after
December 31, 2018 for longer production period property and certain aircraft). The bonus
depreciation percentage rates are as follows.
See secs. 263(a) and 167. However, where property is not used exclusively in a taxpayer’s business,
the amount eligible for a deduction must be reduced by the amount related to personal use. See, e.g., section 280A.
The applicable recovery period for an asset is determined in part by statute and in part by historic
Treasury guidance. Exercising authority granted by Congress, the Secretary issued Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B.
674, laying out the framework of recovery periods for enumerated classes of assets. The Secretary clarified and
modified the list of asset classes in Rev. Proc. 88-22, 1988-1 C.B. 785. In November 1988, Congress revoked the
Secretary’s authority to modify the class lives of depreciable property. Rev. Proc. 87-56, as modified, remains in
effect except to the extent that the Congress has, since 1988, statutorily modified the recovery period for certain
depreciable assets, effectively superseding any administrative guidance with regard to such property.
Sec. 168.
As defined in section 168(k)(2)(B).
As defined in section 168(k)(2)(C).
Sec. 168(k). The additional first-year depreciation deduction is generally subject to the rules regarding
whether a cost must be capitalized under section 263A.
Placed in Service Year
Bonus Depreciation Percentage
Qualified Property
in General
Longer Production Period
Property and
Certain Aircraft
2017 50 percent 50 percent
2018 40 percent 50 percent
2019 30 percent 40 percent
2020 None 30 percent
The additional first-year depreciation deduction is allowed for both the regular tax and
the alternative minimum tax (“AMT”),
but is not allowed in computing earnings and profits.
The basis of the property and the depreciation allowances in the year of purchase and later years
are appropriately adjusted to reflect the additional first-year depreciation deduction.
amount of the additional first-year depreciation deduction is not affected by a short taxable
The taxpayer may elect out of the additional first-year depreciation for any class of
property for any taxable year.
The interaction of the additional first-year depreciation allowance with the otherwise
applicable depreciation allowance may be illustrated as follows. Assume that in 2017 a taxpayer
purchases new depreciable property and places it in service.
The property’s cost is $10,000,
and it is five-year property subject to the 200 percent declining balance method and half-year
convention. The amount of additional first-year depreciation allowed is $5,000. The remaining
$5,000 of the cost of the property is depreciable under the rules applicable to five-year property.
It is intended that for longer production period property placed in service in 2018, 50 percent applies to
the entire adjusted basis. Similarly, for longer production period property placed in service in 2019, 40 percent
applies to the entire adjusted basis. A technical correction may be necessary with respect to longer production
period property placed in service in 2018 and 2019 so that the statute reflects this intent.
In the case of longer production period property described in section 168(k)(2)(B) and placed in service
in 2020, 30 percent applies to the adjusted basis attributable to manufacture, construction, or production before
January 1, 2020, and the remaining adjusted basis does not qualify for bonus depreciation. Thirty percent applies to
the entire adjusted basis of certain aircraft described in section 168(k)(2)(C) and placed in service in 2020.
Sec. 168(k)(2)(G). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.168(k)-1(d).
Sec. 312(k)(3) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.168(k)-1(f)(7).
Sec. 168(k)(1)(B).
Sec. 168(k)(7). For the definition of a class of property, see Treas. Reg. sec. 1.168(k)-1(e)(2).
Assume that the cost of the property is not eligible for expensing under section 179 or Treas. Reg.
sec. 1.263(a)-1(f).
Thus, $1,000 also is allowed as a depreciation deduction in 2017.
The total depreciation
deduction with respect to the property for 2017 is $6,000. The remaining $4,000 adjusted basis
of the property generally is recovered through otherwise applicable depreciation rules.
Qualified property
Property qualifying for the additional first-year depreciation deduction must meet all of
the following requirements.
First, the property must be: (1) property to which MACRS
applies with an applicable recovery period of 20 years or less; (2) water utility property;
(3) computer software other than computer software covered by section 197; or (4) qualified
improvement property.
Second, the original use
of the property must commence with the
Third, the taxpayer must acquire the property within the applicable time period (as
described below). Finally, the property must be placed in service before January 1, 2020. As
noted above, an extension of the placed-in-service date of one year (i.e., before January 1, 2021)
is provided for certain property with a recovery period of 10 years or longer, certain
transportation property, and certain aircraft.
$1,000 results from the application of the half-year convention and the 200 percent declining balance
method to the remaining $5,000.
Requirements relating to actions taken before 2008 are not described herein since they have little (if
any) remaining effect.
As defined in section 168(e)(5).
The additional first-year depreciation deduction is not available for any property that is required to be
depreciated under the alternative depreciation system of MACRS. Sec. 168(k)(2)(D)(i).
The term “original use” means the first use to which the property is put, whether or not such use
corresponds to the use of such property by the taxpayer. If in the normal course of its business a taxpayer sells
fractional interests in property to unrelated third parties, then the original use of such property begins with the first
user of each fractional interest (i.e., each fractional owner is considered the original user of its proportionate share of
the property). Treas. Reg. sec. 1.168(k)-1(b)(3).
A special rule applies in the case of certain leased property. In the case of any property that is
originally placed in service by a person and that is sold to the taxpayer and leased back to such person by the
taxpayer within three months after the date that the property was placed in service, the property would be treated as
originally placed in service by the taxpayer not earlier than the date that the property is used under the leaseback. If
property is originally placed in service by a lessor, such property is sold within three months after the date that the
property was placed in service, and the user of such property does not change, then the property is treated as
originally placed in service by the taxpayer not earlier than the date of such sale. Sec. 168(k)(2)(E)(ii) and (iii).
Property qualifying for the extended placed-in-service date must have an estimated production period
exceeding one year and a cost exceeding $1 million. Transportation property generally is defined as tangible
personal property used in the trade or business of transporting persons or property. Certain aircraft which is not
transportation property, other than for agricultural or firefighting uses, also qualifies for the extended placed-in-
service date, if at the time of the contract for purchase, the purchaser made a nonrefundable deposit of the lesser of
10 percent of the cost or $100,000, and which has an estimated production period exceeding four months and a cost
exceeding $200,000.
To qualify, property must be acquired (1) before January 1, 2020, or (2) pursuant to a
binding written contract which was entered into before January 1, 2020. With respect to
property that is manufactured, constructed, or produced by the taxpayer for use by the taxpayer,
the taxpayer must begin the manufacture, construction, or production of the property before
January 1, 2020.
Property that is manufactured, constructed, or produced for the taxpayer by
another person under a contract that is entered into prior to the manufacture, construction, or
production of the property is considered to be manufactured, constructed, or produced by the
For property eligible for the extended placed-in-service date, a special rule limits
the amount of costs eligible for the additional first-year depreciation. With respect to such
property, only the portion of the basis that is properly attributable to the costs incurred before
January 1, 2020 (“progress expenditures”) is eligible for the additional first-year depreciation
Qualified improvement property
Qualified improvement property is any improvement to an interior portion of a building
that is nonresidential real property if such improvement is placed in service after the date such
building was first placed in service.
Qualified improvement property does not include any
improvement for which the expenditure is attributable to the enlargement of the building, any
elevator or escalator, or the internal structural framework of the building.
Election to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation
A corporation otherwise eligible for additional first-year depreciation may elect to claim
additional AMT credits in lieu of claiming additional depreciation with respect to qualified
In the case of a corporation making this election, the straight line method is used for
the regular tax and the AMT with respect to qualified property.
A corporation making an election increases the tax liability limitation under section 53(c)
on the use of minimum tax credits by the bonus depreciation amount. The aggregate increase in
credits allowable by reason of the increased limitation is treated as refundable.
Sec. 168(k)(2)(E)(i).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.168(k)-1(b)(4)(iii).
Sec. 168(k)(2)(B)(ii). For purposes of determining the amount of eligible progress expenditures, rules
similar to section 46(d)(3) as in effect prior to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 apply.
Sec. 168(k)(3).
Sec. 168(k)(4).
Sec. 168(k)(4)(A)(ii).
The bonus depreciation amount generally is equal to 20 percent of bonus depreciation for
qualified property that could be claimed as a deduction absent an election under this provision.
As originally enacted, the bonus depreciation amount for all taxable years was limited to the
lesser of (1) $30 million or (2) six percent of the minimum tax credits allocable to the adjusted
net minimum tax imposed for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2006. However,
extensions of this provision have provided that this limitation applies separately to property
subject to each extension.
For taxable years ending after December 31, 2015, the bonus depreciation amount for a
taxable year (as defined under present law with respect to all qualified property) is limited to the
lesser of (1) 50 percent of the minimum tax credit for the first taxable year ending after
December 31, 2015 (determined before the application of any tax liability limitation) or (2) the
minimum tax credit for the taxable year allocable to the adjusted net minimum tax imposed for
taxable years ending before January 1, 2016 (determined before the application of any tax
liability limitation and determined on a first-in, first-out basis).
All corporations treated as a single employer under section 52(a) are treated as one
taxpayer for purposes of the limitation, as well as for electing the application of this provision.
In the case of a corporation making an election which is a partner in a partnership, for
purposes of determining the electing partner’s distributive share of partnership items, bonus
depreciation does not apply to any qualified property and the straight line method is used with
respect to that property.
In the case of a partnership having a single corporate partner owning (directly or
indirectly) more than 50 percent of the capital and profits interests in the partnership, each
partner takes into account its distributive share of partnership depreciation in determining its
bonus depreciation amount.
Special rules
Passenger automobiles
The limitation under section 280F on the amount of depreciation deductions allowed with
respect to certain passenger automobiles is increased in the first year by $8,000 for automobiles
that qualify (and for which the taxpayer does not elect out of the additional first-year
For this purpose, bonus depreciation is the difference between (i) the aggregate amount of depreciation
determined if section 168(k)(1) applied to all qualified property placed in service during the taxable year and (ii) the
amount of depreciation that would be so determined if section 168(k)(1) did not so apply. This determination is
made using the most accelerated depreciation method and the shortest life otherwise allowable for each property.
Sec. 168(k)(4)(B)(iii).
Sec. 168(k)(4)(D)(ii).
Sec. 168(k)(4)(D)(iii).
The $8,000 amount is phased down from $8,000 by $1,600 per calendar year
beginning in 2018. Thus, the section 280F increase amount for property placed in service during
2018 is $6,400, and during 2019 is $4,800. While the underlying section 280F limitation is
indexed for inflation,
the section 280F increase amount is not indexed for inflation. The
increase does not apply to a taxpayer who elects to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus
depreciation for a taxable year.
Certain plants bearing fruits and nuts
A special election is provided for certain plants bearing fruits and nuts.
Under the
election, the applicable percentage of the adjusted basis of a specified plant which is planted or
grafted after December 31, 2015, and before January 1, 2020, is deductible for regular tax and
AMT purposes in the year planted or grafted by the taxpayer, and the adjusted basis is reduced
by the amount of the deduction.
The percentage is 50 percent for 2017, 40 percent for 2018,
and 30 percent for 2019. A specified plant is any tree or vine that bears fruits or nuts, and any
other plant that will have more than one yield of fruits or nuts and generally has a preproductive
period of more than two years from planting or grafting to the time it begins bearing fruits or
The election is revocable only with the consent of the Secretary, and if the election is
made with respect to any specified plant, such plant is not treated as qualified property eligible
for bonus depreciation in the subsequent taxable year in which it is placed in service.
Long-term contracts
In general, in the case of a long-term contract, the taxable income from the contract is
determined under the percentage-of-completion method.
Solely for purposes of determining
the percentage of completion under section 460(b)(1)(A), the cost of qualified property with a
MACRS recovery period of seven years or less is taken into account as a cost allocated to the
contract as if bonus depreciation had not been enacted for property placed in service before
January 1, 2020 (January 1, 2021, in the case of longer production period property).
Sec. 168(k)(2)(F).
Sec. 280F(d)(7).
See sec. 168(k)(5).
Any amount deducted under this election is not subject to capitalization under section 263A.
A specified plant does not include any property that is planted or grafted outside the United States.
Sec. 460.
Sec. 460(c)(6). Other dates involving prior years are not described herein.
Intangible property
MACRS does not apply to certain property, including any motion picture film, video
tape, or sound recording, or to any other property if the taxpayer elects to exclude such property
from MACRS and the taxpayer properly applies a unit-of-production method or other method of
depreciation not expressed in a term of years.
Section 197 (amortization of goodwill and
certain other intangibles) does not apply to certain intangible property, including certain property
produced by the taxpayer or any interest in a film, sound recording, video tape, book or similar
property not acquired in a transaction (or a series of related transactions) involving the
acquisition of assets constituting a trade or business or substantial portion thereof.
Thus, the
recovery of the cost of a film, video tape, or similar property that is produced by the taxpayer or
is acquired on a “stand-alone” basis by the taxpayer may not be determined under either the
MACRS depreciation provisions or under the section 197 amortization provisions. The cost
recovery of such property may be determined under section 167, which allows a depreciation
deduction for the reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, wear and tear, or obsolescence of the
property if it is used in a trade or business or held for the production of income. In addition, the
costs of motion picture films, video tapes, sound recordings, copyrights, books, and patents are
eligible to be recovered using the income forecast method of depreciation.
Expensing of certain qualified film, television and live theatrical productions
Under section 181, a taxpayer may elect
to deduct the cost of any qualifying film,
television and live theatrical production, commencing prior to January 1, 2017, in the year the
expenditure is incurred in lieu of capitalizing the cost and recovering it through depreciation
A taxpayer may elect to deduct up to $15 million of the aggregate cost of the film
or television production under this section.
The threshold is increased to $20 million if a
significant amount of the production expenditures are incurred in areas eligible for designation as
Sec. 168(f)(1), (3) and (4).
Sec. 197(c)(2) and (e)(4)(A). If section 197 applies to the acquisition of intangible assets held in
connection with a trade or business, any value properly attributable to a “section 197 intangible” is amortizable on a
straight-line basis over 15 years. Sec. 197(a) and (c).
Sec. 167(g)(6). Under the income forecast method, a property’s depreciation deduction for a taxable
year is determined by multiplying the adjusted basis of the property by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
gross income generated by the property during the year, and the denominator of which is the total forecasted or
estimated gross income expected to be generated prior to the close of the tenth taxable year after the year the
property is placed in service. Any costs that are not recovered by the end of the tenth taxable year after the property
is placed in service may be taken into account as depreciation in that year. Sec. 167(g)(1).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.181-2 for rules on making an election under this section.
For this purpose, a qualified film or television production is treated as commencing on the first date of
principal photography. The date on which a qualified live theatrical production commences is the date of the first
public performance of such production for a paying audience.
Sec. 181(a)(2)(A). See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.181-1 for rules on determining eligible production costs.
a low-income community or eligible for designation by the Delta Regional Authority as a
distressed county or isolated area of distress.
A qualified film, television or live theatrical production means any production of a
motion picture (whether released theatrically or directly to video cassette or any other format),
television program or live staged play if at least 75 percent of the total compensation expended
on the production is for services performed in the United States by actors, directors, producers,
and other relevant production personnel.
The term “compensation” does not include
participations and residuals (as defined in section 167(g)(7)(B)).
Each episode of a television series is treated as a separate production, and only the first
44 episodes of a particular series qualify under the provision.
Qualified productions do not
include sexually explicit productions as referenced by section 2257 of title 18 of the U.S.
A qualified live theatrical production is defined as a live staged production of a play
(with or without music) which is derived from a written book or script and is produced or
presented by a commercial entity in any venue which has an audience capacity of not more than
3,000, or a series of venues the majority of which have an audience capacity of not more than
In addition, qualified live theatrical productions include any live staged production
which is produced or presented by a taxable entity no more than 10 weeks annually in any venue
which has an audience capacity of not more than 6,500.
In general, in the case of multiple
live-staged productions, each such live-staged production is treated as a separate production.
Similar to the exclusion for sexually explicit productions from the definition of qualified film or
television productions, qualified live theatrical productions do not include stage performances
that would be excluded by section 2257(h)(1) of title 18 of the U.S. Code, if such provision were
extended to live stage performances.
For purposes of recapture under section 1245, any deduction allowed under section 181 is
treated as if it were a deduction allowable for amortization.
Sec. 181(a)(2)(B).
Sec. 181(d)(3)(A).
Sec. 181(d)(3)(B).
Sec. 181(d)(2)(B).
Sec. 181(d)(2)(C).
Sec. 181(e)(2)(A).
Sec. 181(e)(2)(D).
Sec. 181(e)(2)(E).
Sec. 1245(a)(2)(C).
House Bill
Full expensing for certain business assets
The provision extends and modifies the additional first-year depreciation deduction
through 2022 (through 2023 for longer production period property and certain aircraft). The 50-
percent allowance is increased to 100 percent for property acquired and placed in service after
September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023 (January 1, 2024, for longer production period
property and certain aircraft), as well as for specified plants planted or grafted after
September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023.
Special rules
The $8,000 increase amount in the limitation on the depreciation deductions allowed with
respect to certain passenger automobiles is increased to $16,000 for passenger automobiles
acquired and placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023.
The provision extends the special rule under the percentage-of-completion method for the
allocation of bonus depreciation to a long-term contract for property placed in service before
January 1, 2023 (January 1, 2024, in the case of longer production period property).
Application to used property
The provision removes the requirement that the original use of qualified property must
commence with the taxpayer. Thus, the provision applies to purchases of used as well as new
items. To prevent abuses, the additional first-year depreciation deduction applies only to
property purchased in an arm’s-length transaction. It does not apply to property received as a
gift or from a decedent.
In the case of trade-ins, like-kind exchanges, or involuntary
conversions, it applies only to any money paid in addition to the traded-in property or in excess
of the adjusted basis of the replaced property.
It does not apply to property acquired in a
nontaxable exchange such as a reorganization, to property acquired from a member of the
taxpayer’s family, including a spouse, ancestors, and lineal descendants, or from another related
entity as defined in section 267, nor to property acquired from a person who controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with, the taxpayer.
Thus it does not apply, for
example, if one member of an affiliated group of corporations purchases property from another
member, or if an individual who controls a corporation purchases property from that corporation.
Exception for certain businesses not subject to limitation on interest expense
The provision excludes from the definition of qualified property any property used in a
real property trade or business, i.e., any real property development, redevelopment, construction,
By reference to section 179(d)(2)(C). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.179-4(c)(1)(iv).
By reference to section 179(d)(3). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.179-4(d).
By reference to section 179(d)(2)(A) and (B). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.179-4(c).
reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, operation, management, leasing, or brokerage
trade or business.
The provision also excludes from the definition of qualified property any property used in
the trade or business of certain regulated public utilities, i.e., the trade or business of the
furnishing or sale of (1) electrical energy, water, or sewage disposal services, (2) gas or steam
through a local distribution system, or (3) transportation of gas or steam by pipeline, if the rates
for such furnishing or sale, as the case may be, have been established or approved by a State or
political subdivision thereof, by any agency or instrumentality of the United States, or by a
public service or public utility commission or other similar body of any State or political
subdivision thereof.
In addition, the provision excludes from the definition of qualified property any property
used in a trade or business that has had floor plan financing indebtedness,
unless the taxpayer
with such trade or business is not a tax shelter prohibited from using the cash method and is
exempt from the interest limitation rules in section 3301 of the bill by meeting the $25 million
gross receipts test of section 448(c).
Election to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation
As a conforming amendment to the repeal of AMT,
the provision repeals the election
to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation.
Transition rule
The present-law phase-down of bonus depreciation is maintained for property acquired
before September 28, 2017, and placed in service after September 27, 2017. Under the
provision, in the case of property acquired and adjusted basis incurred before September 28,
2017, the bonus depreciation rates are as follows.
As defined in section 3301 of the House bill (Interest), by cross reference to section 469(c)(7)(C). Note
that a mortgage broker who is a broker of financial instruments is not in a real property trade or business for this
purpose. See, e.g., CCA 201504010 (December 17, 2014).
As defined in section 3301 of the House bill (Interest).
As defined in section 3301 of the House bill (Interest).
See section 2001 of the House bill (Repeal of alternative minimum tax).
Phase-Down for Portion of Basis of Qualified Property
Acquired before September 28, 2017
Placed in Service Year
Bonus Depreciation Percentage
Qualified Property
in General
Longer Production Period
Property and
Certain Aircraft
2017 50 percent 50 percent
2018 40 percent 50 percent
2019 30 percent 40 percent
2020 None 30 percent
Similarly, the section 280F increase amount in the limitation on the depreciation
deductions allowed with respect to certain passenger automobiles acquired before September 28,
2017, and placed in service after September 27, 2017, is $8,000 for 2017, $6,400 for 2018, and
$4,800 for 2019.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to property acquired
and placed in
service after September 27, 2017, and to specified plants planted or grafted after such date.
A transition rule provides that, for a taxpayer’s first taxable year ending after
September 27, 2017, the taxpayer may elect to apply section 168 without regard to the
amendments made by this provision.
In the case of any taxable year that includes any portion of the period beginning on
September 28, 2017, and ending on December 31, 2017, the amount of any net operating loss for
such taxable year which may be treated as a net operating loss carryback is determined without
regard to the amendments made by this provision.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision extends and modifies the additional first-year depreciation deduction
through 2026 (through 2027 for longer production period property and certain aircraft). The 50-
percent allowance is increased to 100 percent for property placed in service after September 27,
2017, and before January 1, 2023 (January 1, 2024, for longer production period property and
certain aircraft), as well as for specified plants planted or grafted after September 27, 2017, and
before January 1, 2023.
Thus, the provision repeals the phase-down of the 50-percent allowance
for property placed in service after December 31, 2017, and for specified plants planted or
Property is not treated as acquired after the date on which a written binding contract is entered into for
such acquisition.
See section 3302 of the House bill (Modification of net operating loss deduction).
grafted after such date. The 100-percent allowance is phased down by 20 percent per calendar
year for property placed in service, and specified plants planted or grafted, in taxable years
beginning after 2022 (after 2023 for longer production period property and certain aircraft).
Under the provision, the bonus depreciation percentage rates are as follows.
Placed in Service Year
Bonus Depreciation Percentage
Qualified Property
in General
Longer Production Period
Property and
Certain Aircraft
2023 80 percent 100 percent
2024 60 percent 80 percent
2025 40 percent 60 percent
2026 20 percent 40 percent
2027 None 20 percent
Special rules
The provision maintains the section 280F increase amount of $8,000 for passenger
automobiles placed in service after December 31, 2017.
The provision extends the special rule under the percentage-of-completion method for the
allocation of bonus depreciation to a long-term contract for property placed in service before
January 1, 2027 (January 1, 2028, in the case of longer production period property).
Application to qualified film, television and live theatrical productions
The provision expands the definition of qualified property eligible for the additional first-
year depreciation allowance to include qualified film, television and live theatrical productions
placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2027, for which a deduction
otherwise would have been allowable under section 181 without regard to the dollar limitation or
termination of such section. For purposes of this provision, a production is considered placed in
service at the time of initial release, broadcast, or live staged performance (i.e., at the time of the
first commercial exhibition, broadcast, or live staged performance of a production to an
In the case of specified plants, this is the year of planting or grafting.
Twenty percent applies to the adjusted basis attributable to manufacture, construction, or production
before January 1, 2027, and the remaining adjusted basis does not qualify for bonus depreciation. Twenty percent
applies to the entire adjusted basis of certain aircraft described in section 168(k)(2)(C) and placed in service in 2027.
As defined in section 181(d) and (e).
Exception for certain businesses not subject to limitation on interest expense
The provision excludes from the definition of qualified property any property which is
primarily used in the trade or business of the furnishing
or sale of (1) electrical energy, water,
or sewage disposal services, (2) gas or steam through a local distribution system, or
(3) transportation of gas or steam by pipeline, if the rates for such furnishing or sale, as the case
may be, have been established or approved by a State or political subdivision thereof, by any
agency or instrumentality of the United States, by a public service or public utility commission
or other similar body of any State or political subdivision thereof, or by the governing or
ratemaking body of an electric cooperative.
In addition, the provision excludes from the definition of qualified property any property
used in a trade or business that has had floor plan financing indebtedness,
unless the taxpayer
with such trade or business is not a tax shelter prohibited from using the cash method and is
exempt from the interest limitation rules in section 13301 of the Senate amendment by meeting
the small business gross receipts test of section 448(c).
Effective date.The provision generally applies to property placed in service after
September 27, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date, and to specified plants planted or
grafted after such date.
A transition rule provides that, for a taxpayer’s first taxable year ending after
September 27, 2017, the taxpayer may elect to apply a 50-percent allowance instead of the 100-
percent allowance.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment but also includes the House
bill’s removal of the requirement that the original use of qualified property must commence with
the taxpayer (i.e., it allows the additional first-year depreciation deduction for new and used
In addition, the conference agreement also follows the House bill’s application of the
present-law phase-down of bonus depreciation to property acquired before September 28, 2017,
and placed in service after September 27, 2017, as well as the present-law phase-down of the
section 280F increase amount in the limitation on the depreciation deductions allowed with
respect to certain passenger automobiles acquired before September 28, 2017, and placed in
The term “furnishing” includes generation, transmission, and distribution activities.
See sec. 13301 of the Senate amendment (Limitation on deduction for interest).
As defined in section 13311 of the Senate amendment (Floor plan financing).
Such election shall be made at such time and in such form and manner as prescribed by the Secretary.
service after September 27, 2017. Under the conference agreement, the bonus depreciation rates
are as follows.
Placed in Service Year
Bonus Depreciation Percentage
Qualified Property
in General/Specified Plants
Longer Production Period
Property and
Certain Aircraft
Portion of Basis of Qualified Property
Acquired before Sept. 28, 2017
Sept. 28, 2017 Dec. 31, 2017 50 percent 50 percent
2018 40 percent 50 percent
2019 30 percent 40 percent
2020 None 30 percent
2021 and thereafter None None
Portion of Basis of Qualified Property
Acquired after Sept. 27, 2017
Sept. 28, 2017 Dec. 31, 2022 100 percent 100 percent
2023 80 percent 100 percent
2024 60 percent 80 percent
2025 40 percent 60 percent
2026 20 percent 40 percent
2027 None 20 percent
2028 and thereafter None None
As a conforming amendment to the repeal of corporate AMT, the conference agreement
repeals the election to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to property acquired and placed in
service after September 27, 2017, and to specified plants planted or grafted after such date.
In the case of specified plants, this is the year of planting or grafting.
Thirty percent applies to the adjusted basis attributable to manufacture, construction, or production
before January 1, 2020, and the remaining adjusted basis does not qualify for bonus depreciation. Thirty percent
applies to the entire adjusted basis of certain aircraft described in section 168(k)(2)(C) and placed in service in 2020.
Twenty percent applies to the adjusted basis attributable to manufacture, construction, or production
before January 1, 2027, and the remaining adjusted basis does not qualify for bonus depreciation. Twenty percent
applies to the entire adjusted basis of certain aircraft described in section 168(k)(2)(C) and placed in service in 2027.
A transition rule provides that, for a taxpayer’s first taxable year ending after
September 27, 2017, the taxpayer may elect to apply a 50-percent allowance instead of the 100-
percent allowance.
2. Modifications to depreciation limitations on luxury automobiles and personal use
property (sec. 13202 of the Senate amendment and sec. 280F of the Code)
Present Law
Section 280F(a) limits the annual cost recovery deduction with respect to certain
passenger automobiles. This limitation is commonly referred to as the “luxury automobile
depreciation limitation.” For passenger automobiles placed in service in 2017, and for which the
additional first-year depreciation deduction under section 168(k) is not claimed, the maximum
amount of allowable depreciation is $3,160 for the year in which the vehicle is placed in service,
$5,100 for the second year, $3,050 for the third year, and $1,875 for the fourth and later years in
the recovery period.
This limitation is indexed for inflation and applies to the aggregate
deduction provided under present law for depreciation and section 179 expensing. Hence,
passenger automobiles subject to section 280F are eligible for section 179 expensing only to the
extent of the applicable limits contained in section 280F. For passenger automobiles eligible for
the additional first-year depreciation allowance in 2017, the first-year limitation is increased by
an additional $8,000.
For purposes of the depreciation limitation, passenger automobiles are defined broadly to
include any four-wheeled vehicles that are manufactured primarily for use on public streets,
roads, and highways and which are rated at 6,000 pounds unloaded gross vehicle weight or
In the case of a truck or a van, the depreciation limitation applies to vehicles that are
rated at 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight or less. Sport utility vehicles are treated as a truck for
the purpose of applying the section 280F limitation.
Basis not recovered in the recovery period of a passenger automobile is allowable as an
expense in subsequent taxable years.
The expensed amount is limited in each such subsequent
taxable year to the amount of the limitation in the fourth year in the recovery period.
Rev. Proc. 2017-29, Table 3, 2017-14 I.R.B. 1065.
Sec. 168(k)(2)(F). For proposed changes to section 168(k), see section II.B.1. of this document
(Increased expensing).
Sec. 280F(d)(5). Exceptions are provided for any ambulance, hearse, or combination ambulance-hearse
used by the taxpayer directly in a trade or business, or any vehicle used by the taxpayer directly in the trade or
business of transporting persons or property for compensation or hire.
Sec. 280F(a)(1)(B).
Listed property
In the case of certain listed property, special rules apply. Listed property generally is
defined as (1) any passenger automobile; (2) any other property used as a means of
(3) any property of a type generally used for purposes of entertainment,
recreation, or amusement; (4) any computer or peripheral equipment;
and (5) any other
property of a type specified in Treasury regulations.
First, if for the taxable year in which the property is placed in service, the use of the
property for trade or business purposes does not exceed 50 percent of the total use of the
property, then the depreciation deduction with respect to such property is determined under the
alternative depreciation system.
The alternative depreciation system generally requires the use
of the straight-line method and a recovery period equal to the class life of the property.
Second, if an individual owns or leases listed property that is used by the individual in
connection with the performance of services as an employee, no depreciation deduction,
expensing allowance, or deduction for lease payments is available with respect to such use unless
the use of the property is for the convenience of the employer and required as a condition of
Both limitations apply for purposes of section 179 expensing.
For listed property, no deduction is allowed unless the taxpayer adequately substantiates
the expense and business usage of the property.
A taxpayer must substantiate the elements of
each expenditure or use of listed property, including (1) the amount (e.g., cost) of each separate
expenditure and the amount of business or investment use, based on the appropriate measure
(e.g., mileage for automobiles), and the total use of the property for the taxable period, (2) the
date of the expenditure or use, and (3) the business purposes for the expenditure or use.
level of substantiation for business or investment use of listed property varies depending on the
Property substantially all of the use of which is in a trade or business of providing transportation to
unrelated persons for hire is not considered other property used as a means of transportation. Sec. 280F(d)(4)(C).
Computer or peripheral equipment used exclusively at a regular business establishment and owned or
leased by the person operating such establishment, however, is not listed property. Sec. 280F(d)(4)(B).
Sec. 280F(d)(4)(A).
Sec. 280F(b)(1). If for any taxable year after the year in which the property is placed in service the use
of the property for trade or business purposes decreases to 50 percent or less of the total use of the property, then the
amount of depreciation allowed in prior years in excess of the amount of depreciation that would have been allowed
for such prior years under the alternative depreciation system is recaptured (i.e., included in gross income) for such
taxable year.
Sec. 168(g).
Sec. 280F(d)(3).
Sec. 274(d)(4).
Temp. Reg. sec. 1.274-5T(b)(6).
facts and circumstances. In general, the substantiation must contain sufficient information as to
each element of every business or investment use.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision increases the depreciation limitations under section 280F that apply to
listed property. For passenger automobiles placed in service after December 31, 2017, and for
which the additional first-year depreciation deduction under section 168(k) is not claimed, the
maximum amount of allowable depreciation is $10,000 for the year in which the vehicle is
placed in service, $16,000 for the second year, $9,600 for the third year, and $5,760 for the
fourth and later years in the recovery period.
The limitations are indexed for inflation for
passenger automobiles placed in service after 2018.
The provision removes computer or peripheral equipment from the definition of listed
property. Such property is therefore not subject to the heightened substantiation requirements
that apply to listed property.
Effective date.The provision is effective for property placed in service after
December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
3. Modifications of treatment of certain farm property (sec. 13203 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 168 of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer generally must capitalize the cost of property used in a trade or business or
held for the production of income and recover such cost over time through annual deductions for
depreciation or amortization.
Tangible property generally is depreciated under the modified
accelerated cost recovery system (“MACRS”), which determines depreciation for different types
Temp. Reg. sec. 1.274-5T(c)(2)(ii)(C).
Rev. Proc. 2017-29, Table 3, 2017-14 I.R.B. 1065.
See secs. 263(a) and 167. However, where property is not used exclusively in a taxpayer’s business,
the amount eligible for a deduction must be reduced by the amount related to personal use. See, e.g., section 280A.
of property based on an assigned applicable depreciation method, recovery period, and
The applicable recovery period for an asset is determined in part by statute and in part by
historic Treasury guidance.
The “type of property” of an asset is used to determine the “class
life” of the asset, which in turn dictates the applicable recovery period for the asset.
The MACRS recovery periods applicable to most tangible personal property range from
three to 20 years. The depreciation methods generally applicable to tangible personal property
are the 200-percent and 150-percent declining balance methods,
switching to the straight line
method for the first taxable year where using the straight line method with respect to the adjusted
basis as of the beginning of that year yields a larger depreciation allowance. The recovery
periods for most real property are 39 years for nonresidential real property and 27.5 years for
residential rental property. The straight line depreciation method is required for the
aforementioned real property.
Property used in a farming business is assigned various recovery periods in the same
manner as other business property. For example, depreciable assets used in agriculture activities
that are assigned a recovery period of 7 years include machinery and equipment, grain bins, and
fences (but no other land improvements), that are used in the production of crops or plants, vines,
and trees; livestock; the operation of farm dairies, nurseries, greenhouses, sod farms, mushrooms
cellars, cranberry bogs, apiaries, and fur farms; and the performance of agriculture, animal
husbandry, and horticultural services.
Cotton ginning assets are also assigned a recovery
Sec. 168.
Exercising authority granted by Congress, the Secretary issued Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674,
laying out the framework of recovery periods for enumerated classes of assets. The Secretary clarified and modified
the list of asset classes in Rev. Proc. 88-22, 1988-1 C.B. 785. In November 1988, Congress revoked the Secretary’s
authority to modify the class lives of depreciable property. Rev. Proc. 87-56, as modified, remains in effect except
to the extent that the Congress has, since 1988, statutorily modified the recovery period for certain depreciable
assets, effectively superseding any administrative guidance with regard to such property.
Under the declining balance method the depreciation rate is determined by dividing the appropriate
percentage (here 150 or 200) by the appropriate recovery period. This leads to accelerated depreciation when the
declining balance percentage is greater than 100. The table below illustrates depreciation for an asset with a cost of
$1,000 and a seven-year recovery period under the 200-percent declining balance method, the 150-percent declining
balance method, and the straight line method.
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.1, Agriculture.
Recovery method Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7 Total
200-percent declining balance 285.71 204.08 145.77 104.12 86.77 86.77 86.77 1,000.00
150-percent declining balance 214.29 168.37 132.29 121.26 121.26 121.26 121.26 1,000.00
Straight-line 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 1,000.00
period of 7 years.
Any single purpose agricultural or horticultural structure,
and any tree or
vine bearing fruit or nuts are assigned a recovery period of 10 years.
Land improvements such
as drainage facilities, paved lots, and water wells are assigned a recovery period of 15 years.
A 5-year recovery period was assigned to new farm machinery or equipment (other than
any grain bin, cotton ginning asset, fence, or other land improvement) which was used in a
farming business,
the original use of which commenced with the taxpayer after December 31,
2008, and which was placed in service before January 1, 2010.
Any property (other than nonresidential real property,
residential rental property,
and trees or vines bearing fruits or nuts
) used in a farming business
is subject to the 150-
percent declining balance method.
Under a special accounting rule, certain taxpayers engaged in the business of farming
who elect to deduct preproductive period expenditures are required to depreciate all farming
assets using the alternative depreciation system (i.e., using longer recovery periods and the
straight line method).
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.11, Cotton ginning assets.
Within the meaning of section 168(i)(13). See also Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.4, Single purpose
agricultural or horticultural structures. Farm buildings that do not meet the definition of a single purpose
agricultural or horticultural structure are assigned a recovery period of 20 years. Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.3,
Farm buildings except structures included in asset class 01.4.
Sec. 168(e)(3)(D)(i) and (ii).
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 00.3, Land improvements. See also, IRS Publication 225, Farmer’s Tax
Guide (2017).
As defined in section 263A(e)(4). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A–4(a)(4).
Sec. 168(e)(3)(B)(vii).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(A).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(B).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(E).
Within the meaning of section 263A(e)(4). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A–4(a)(4).
Sec. 168(b)(2)(B).
Sec. 263A(d)(3) and (e)(2).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision shortens the recovery period from 7 to 5 years for any machinery or
equipment (other than any grain bin, cotton ginning asset, fence, or other land improvement)
used in a farming business, the original use of which commences with the taxpayer and is placed
in service after December 31, 2017.
The provision also repeals the required use of the 150-percent declining balance method
for property used in a farming business (i.e., for 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year property). The 150-
percent declining balance method will continue to apply to any 15-year or 20-year property used
in the farming business to which the straight line method does not apply, or to property for which
the taxpayer elects the use of the 150-percent declining balance method.
For these purposes, the term “farming business” means a farming business as defined in
section 263A(e)(4). Thus, the term ‘‘farming business’’ means a trade or business involving the
cultivation of land or the raising or harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodity
(e.g., the trade or business of operating a nursery or sod farm; the raising or harvesting of trees
bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops; the raising of ornamental trees (other than evergreen trees that
are more than six years old at the time they are severed from their roots); and the raising,
shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and management of animals).
A farming business
includes processing activities that are normally incident to the growing, raising, or harvesting of
agricultural or horticultural products.
A farming business does not include contract harvesting
of an agricultural or horticultural commodity grown or raised by another taxpayer, or merely
buying and reselling plants or animals grown or raised by another taxpayer.
Effective date.The provision is effective for property placed in service after December
31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A–4(a)(4)(i).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A–4(a)(4)(ii).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4)(i).
4. Applicable recovery period for real property (sec. 13204 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 168 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A taxpayer generally must capitalize the cost of property used in a trade or business or
held for the production of income and recover such cost over time through annual deductions for
depreciation or amortization.
Tangible property generally is depreciated under the modified
accelerated cost recovery system (“MACRS”), which determines depreciation for different types
of property based on an assigned applicable depreciation method, recovery period, and
Recovery periods and depreciation methods
The applicable recovery period for an asset is determined in part by statute and in part by
historic Treasury guidance.
The “type of property” of an asset is used to determine the “class
life” of the asset, which in turn dictates the applicable recovery period for the asset.
The MACRS recovery periods applicable to most tangible personal property range from
three to 20 years. The depreciation methods generally applicable to tangible personal property
are the 200-percent and 150-percent declining balance methods,
switching to the straight line
method for the first taxable year where using the straight line method with respect to the adjusted
basis as of the beginning of that year yields a larger depreciation allowance. The recovery
See secs. 263(a) and 167. However, where property is not used exclusively in a taxpayer’s business,
the amount eligible for a deduction must be reduced by the amount related to personal use. See, e.g., section 280A.
Sec. 168.
Exercising authority granted by Congress, the Secretary issued Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674,
laying out the framework of recovery periods for enumerated classes of assets. The Secretary clarified and modified
the list of asset classes in Rev. Proc. 88-22, 1988-1 C.B. 785. In November 1988, Congress revoked the Secretary’s
authority to modify the class lives of depreciable property. Rev. Proc. 87-56, as modified, remains in effect except
to the extent that the Congress has, since 1988, statutorily modified the recovery period for certain depreciable
assets, effectively superseding any administrative guidance with regard to such property.
Under the declining balance method the depreciation rate is determined by dividing the appropriate
percentage (here 150 or 200) by the appropriate recovery period. This leads to accelerated depreciation when the
declining balance percentage is greater than 100. The table below illustrates depreciation for an asset with a cost of
$1,000 and a seven-year recovery period under the 200-percent declining balance method, the 150-percent declining
balance method, and the straight line method.
Recovery method Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7 Total
200-percent declining balance 285.71 204.08 145.77 104.12 86.77 86.77 86.77 1,000.00
150-percent declining balance 214.29 168.37 132.29 121.26 121.26 121.26 121.26 1,000.00
Straight-line 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 1,000.00
periods for most real property are 39 years for nonresidential real property and 27.5 years for
residential rental property. The straight line depreciation method is required for the
aforementioned real property.
Placed-in-service conventions
Depreciation of an asset begins when the asset is deemed to be placed in service under
the applicable convention.
Under MACRS, nonresidential real property, residential rental
property, and any railroad grading or tunnel bore generally are subject to the mid-month
convention, which treats all property placed in service during any month (or disposed of during
any month) as placed in service (or disposed of) on the mid-point of such month.
All other
property generally is subject to the half-year convention, which treats all property placed in
service during any taxable year (or disposed of during any taxable year) as placed in service (or
disposed of) on the mid-point of such taxable year to reflect the assumption that assets are placed
in service ratably throughout the year.
However, if substantial property is placed in service
during the last three months of a taxable year, a special rule requires use of the mid-quarter
designed to prevent the recognition of disproportionately large amounts of first-
year depreciation under the half-year convention.
Depreciation of additions or improvements to property
The recovery period for any addition or improvement to real or personal property begins
on the later of (1) the date on which the addition or improvement is placed in service, or (2) the
date on which the property with respect to which such addition or improvement is made is placed
in service.
Any MACRS deduction for an addition or improvement to any property is to be
computed in the same manner as the deduction for the underlying property would be if such
property were placed in service at the same time as such addition or improvement. Thus, for
example, the cost of an improvement to a building that constitutes nonresidential real property is
recovered over 39 years using the straight line method and mid-month convention. Certain
improvements to nonresidential real property are eligible for the additional first-year
depreciation deduction if the other requirements of section 168(k) are met (i.e., improvements
that constitute “qualified improvement property”).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.167(a)-10(b).
Sec. 168(d)(2) and (d)(4)(B).
Sec. 168(d)(1) and (d)(4)(A).
The mid-quarter convention treats all property placed in service (or disposed of) during any quarter as
placed in service (or disposed of) on the mid-point of such quarter. Sec. 168(d)(3) and (d)(4)(C).
Sec. 168(i)(6).
Sec. 168(k)(2)(A)(i)(IV) and (k)(3). See also section 13201 of the bill (Temporary 100-percent
expensing for certain business assets).
Qualified improvement property
Qualified improvement property is any improvement to an interior portion of a building
that is nonresidential real property if such improvement is placed in service after the date such
building was first placed in service.
Qualified improvement property does not include any
improvement for which the expenditure is attributable to the enlargement of the building, any
elevator or escalator, or the internal structural framework of the building.
Depreciation of leasehold improvements
Generally, depreciation allowances for improvements made on leased property are
determined under MACRS, even if the MACRS recovery period assigned to the property is
longer than the term of the lease.
This rule applies regardless of whether the lessor or the
lessee places the leasehold improvements in service. If a leasehold improvement constitutes an
addition or improvement to nonresidential real property already placed in service, the
improvement generally is depreciated using the straight-line method over a 39-year recovery
period, beginning in the month the addition or improvement was placed in service. However,
exceptions to the 39-year recovery period exist for certain qualified leasehold improvements,
qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement property.
Qualified leasehold improvement property
Section 168(e)(3)(E)(iv) provides a statutory 15-year recovery period for qualified
leasehold improvement property. Qualified leasehold improvement property is any improvement
to an interior portion of a building that is nonresidential real property, provided certain
requirements are met.
The improvement must be made under or pursuant to a lease either by
the lessee (or sublessee), or by the lessor, of that portion of the building to be occupied
exclusively by the lessee (or sublessee). The improvement must be placed in service more than
three years after the date the building was first placed in service. Qualified leasehold
improvement property does not include any improvement for which the expenditure is
attributable to the enlargement of the building, any elevator or escalator, any structural
component benefiting a common area, or the internal structural framework of the building. If a
lessor makes an improvement that qualifies as qualified leasehold improvement property, such
improvement does not qualify as qualified leasehold improvement property to any subsequent
owner of such improvement. An exception to the rule applies in the case of death and certain
transfers of property that qualify for non-recognition treatment.
Sec. 168(k)(3).
Sec. 168(i)(8).
Sec. 168(e)(6).
Qualified leasehold improvement property is generally recovered using the straight-line
method and a half-year convention,
and is eligible for the additional first-year depreciation
deduction if the other requirements of section 168(k) are met.
Qualified restaurant property
Section 168(e)(3)(E)(v) provides a statutory 15-year recovery period for qualified
restaurant property. Qualified restaurant property is any section 1250 property that is a building
or an improvement to a building, if more than 50 percent of the building’s square footage is
devoted to the preparation of, and seating for on-premises consumption of, prepared meals.
Qualified restaurant property is recovered using the straight-line method and a half-year
Additionally, qualified restaurant property is not eligible for the additional first-
year depreciation deduction unless it also satisfies the definition of qualified improvement
Qualified retail improvement property
Section 168(e)(3)(E)(ix) provides a statutory 15-year recovery period for qualified retail
improvement property. Qualified retail improvement property is any improvement to an interior
portion of a building which is nonresidential real property if such portion is open to the general
and is used in the retail trade or business of selling tangible personal property to the
general public, and such improvement is placed in service more than three years after the date
the building was first placed in service.
Qualified retail improvement property does not
include any improvement for which the expenditure is attributable to the enlargement of the
building, any elevator or escalator, any structural component benefiting a common area, or the
internal structural framework of the building.
In the case of an improvement made by the
Sec. 168(b)(3)(G) and (d).
Sec. 168(k)(2)(A)(i)(IV) and (k)(3). See section 13201 of the bill (Temporary 100-percent expensing
for certain business assets).
Sec. 168(e)(7).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(H) and (d).
Sec. 168(e)(7)(B).
Improvements to portions of a building not open to the general public (e.g., stock room in back of retail
space) do not qualify under the provision.
Sec. 168(e)(8).
Sec. 168(e)(8)(C).
owner of such improvement, the improvement is a qualified retail improvement only so long as
the improvement is held by such owner.
Retail establishments that qualify for the 15-year recovery period include those primarily
engaged in the sale of goods. Examples of these retail establishments include, but are not limited
to, grocery stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, and convenience stores. Establishments
primarily engaged in providing services, such as professional services, financial services,
personal services, health services, and entertainment, do not qualify. Generally, it is intended
that businesses defined as a store retailer under the current North American Industry
Classification System (industry sub-sectors 441 through 453) qualify while those in other
industry classes do not qualify.
Qualified retail improvement property is recovered using the straight-line method and a
half-year convention,
and is eligible for the additional first-year depreciation deduction if the
other requirements of section 168(k) are met.
Alternative depreciation system
The alternative depreciation system (“ADS”) is required to be used for tangible property
used predominantly outside the United States, certain tax-exempt use property, tax-exempt bond
financed property, and certain imported property covered by an Executive order.
An election
to use ADS is available to taxpayers for any class of property for any taxable year.
ADS, all property is depreciated using the straight line method over recovery periods which
generally are equal to the class life of the property, with certain exceptions.
For example
nonresidential real and residential rental property have a 40-year ADS recovery period, while
qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail
improvement property have a 39-year ADS recovery period.
Sec. 168(e)(8)(B). Rules similar to section 168(e)(6)(B) apply in the case of death and certain transfers
of property that qualify for non-recognition treatment.
Joint Committee on Taxation, General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in the 110
(JCS-1-09), March 2009, p. 402.
Sec. 168(b)(3)(I) and (d).
Sec. 168(k)(2)(A)(i)(IV) and (k)(3). See section 13301 of the bill (Temporary 100-percent expensing
for certain business assets).
Sec. 168(g).
Sec. 168(g)(7).
Sec. 168(g)(2) and (3).
Sec. 168(g)(3).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision shortens the recovery period for determining the depreciation deduction
with respect to nonresidential real and residential rental property to 25 years. As a conforming
amendment, the provision changes the statutory recovery period for nonresidential real and
residential rental property to 25 years for purposes of determining whether a rental agreement is
a long-term agreement under the section 467 rules applicable to certain payments for the use of
property or services.
The provision also shortens the ADS recovery period for residential
rental property from 40 years to 30 years.
The provision eliminates the separate definitions of qualified leasehold improvement,
qualified restaurant, and qualified retail improvement property, and provides a general 10-year
recovery period for qualified improvement property,
and a 20-year ADS recovery period for
such property. Thus, for example, qualified improvement property placed in service after
December 31, 2017, is generally depreciable over 10 years using the straight line method and
half-year convention, without regard to whether the improvements are property subject to a
lease, placed in service more than three years after the date the building was first placed in
service, or made to a restaurant building. Restaurant building property placed in service after
December 31, 2017, that does not meet the definition of qualified improvement property is
depreciable over 25 years as nonresidential real property, using the straight line method and the
mid-month convention.
As a conforming amendment, the provision replaces the references in section 179(f) to
qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail
improvement property with a reference to qualified improvement property.
Thus, for
example, the provision allows section 179 expensing for improvement property without regard to
whether the improvements are property subject to a lease, placed in service more than three years
after the date the building was first placed in service, or made to a restaurant building.
Restaurant building property placed in service after December 31, 2017, that does not meet the
definition of qualified improvement property is not eligible for section 179 expensing.
A long-term section 467 rental agreement is a lease of property for a term in excess of 75 percent of the
property’s statutory recovery period. Sec. 467(b)(4)(A) and (e)(3)(A). A disqualified long-term agreement is one
that has as one of its principal purposes the avoidance of taxes. Sec. 467(b)(4)(B).
Described in present law section 168(k)(3).
For additional changes to section 179, see section 13101 of the Senate amendment (Modifications of
rules for expensing depreciable business assets).
The provision also requires a real property trade or business
electing out of the
limitation on the deduction for interest to use ADS to depreciate any of its nonresidential real
property, residential rental property, and qualified improvement property.
Effective date.The provision is effective for property placed in service after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment except that it maintains the
present law general MACRS recovery periods of 39 and 27.5 years for nonresidential real and
residential rental property, respectively. In addition, the conference agreement provides a
general 15-year MACRS recovery period for qualified improvement property.
5. Use of alternative depreciation system for electing farming businesses (sec. 13205 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 168 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A taxpayer generally must capitalize the cost of property used in a trade or business or
held for the production of income and recover such cost over time through annual deductions for
depreciation or amortization.
Tangible property generally is depreciated under the modified
accelerated cost recovery system (“MACRS”), which determines depreciation for different types
of property based on an assigned applicable depreciation method, recovery period, and
The applicable recovery period for an asset is determined in part by statute and in part by
historic Treasury guidance.
The “type of property” of an asset is used to determine the “class
life” of the asset, which in turn dictates the applicable recovery period for the asset.
As defined in section 13301 of the Senate amendment (Limitation on deduction for interest), by cross
reference to section 469(c)(7)(C) (i.e., any real property development, redevelopment, construction, reconstruction,
acquisition, conversion, rental, operation, management, leasing, or brokerage trade or business). Note that a
mortgage broker who is a broker of financial instruments is not in a real property trade or business for this purpose.
See, e.g., CCA 201504010 (December 17, 2014).
See secs. 263(a) and 167. However, where property is not used exclusively in a taxpayer’s business,
the amount eligible for a deduction must be reduced by the amount related to personal use. See, e.g., section 280A.
Sec. 168.
Exercising authority granted by Congress, the Secretary issued Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674,
laying out the framework of recovery periods for enumerated classes of assets. The Secretary clarified and modified
the list of asset classes in Rev. Proc. 88-22, 1988-1 C.B. 785. In November 1988, Congress revoked the Secretary’s
authority to modify the class lives of depreciable property. Rev. Proc. 87-56, as modified, remains in effect except
The MACRS recovery periods applicable to most tangible personal property range from
three to 20 years. The depreciation methods generally applicable to tangible personal property
are the 200-percent and 150-percent declining balance methods,
switching to the straight line
method for the first taxable year where using the straight line method with respect to the adjusted
basis as of the beginning of that year yields a larger depreciation allowance. The recovery
periods for most real property are 39 years for nonresidential real property and 27.5 years for
residential rental property.
The straight line depreciation method is required for the
aforementioned real property.
Property used in a farming business is assigned various recovery periods in the same
manner as other business property. For example, depreciable assets used in agriculture activities
that are assigned a recovery period of 7 years include machinery and equipment, grain bins, and
fences (but no other land improvements), that are used in the production of crops or plants, vines,
and trees; livestock; the operation of farm dairies, nurseries, greenhouses, sod farms, mushrooms
cellars, cranberry bogs, apiaries, and fur farms; and the performance of agriculture, animal
husbandry, and horticultural services.
Cotton ginning assets are also assigned a recovery
period of 7 years.
Any single purpose agricultural or horticultural structure,
and any tree or
to the extent that the Congress has, since 1988, statutorily modified the recovery period for certain depreciable
assets, effectively superseding any administrative guidance with regard to such property.
Under the declining balance method the depreciation rate is determined by dividing the appropriate
percentage (here 150 or 200) by the appropriate recovery period. This leads to accelerated depreciation when the
declining balance percentage is greater than 100. The table below illustrates depreciation for an asset with a cost of
$1,000 and a seven-year recovery period under the 200-percent declining balance method, the 150-percent declining
balance method, and the straight line method.
However, section 13204 of the bill (Applicable recovery period for real property) reduces the recovery
period to 25 years for both nonresidential real property and residential rental property.
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.1, Agriculture.
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.11, Cotton ginning assets.
Within the meaning of section 168(i)(13). See also Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.4, Single purpose
agricultural or horticultural structures. Farm buildings that do not meet the definition of a single purpose
agricultural or horticultural structure are assigned a recovery period of 20 years. Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.3,
Farm buildings except structures included in asset class 01.4.
Recovery method Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7 Total
200-percent declining balance 285.71 204.08 145.77 104.12 86.77 86.77 86.77 1,000.00
150-percent declining balance 214.29 168.37 132.29 121.26 121.26 121.26 121.26 1,000.00
Straight-line 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 142.86 1,000.00
vine bearing fruit or nuts are assigned a recovery period of 10 years.
Land improvements such
as drainage facilities, paved lots, and water wells are assigned a recovery period of 15 years.
A 5-year recovery period was assigned to new farm machinery or equipment (other than
any grain bin, cotton ginning asset, fence, or other land improvement) which was used in a
farming business,
the original use of which commenced with the taxpayer after December 31,
2008, and which was placed in service before January 1, 2010.
Any property (other than nonresidential real property,
residential rental property,
and trees or vines bearing fruits or nuts
) used in a farming business
is subject to the 150-
percent declining balance method.
Alternative depreciation system
The alternative depreciation system (“ADS”) is required to be used for tangible property
used predominantly outside the United States, certain tax-exempt use property, tax-exempt bond
financed property, and certain imported property covered by an Executive order.
An election
to use ADS is available to taxpayers for any class of property for any taxable year.
ADS, all property is depreciated using the straight line method over recovery periods which
Sec. 168(e)(3)(D)(i) and (ii).
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 00.3, Land improvements. See also, IRS Publication 225, Farmer’s Tax
Guide (2017).
As defined in section 263A(e)(4).
Sec. 168(e)(3)(B)(vii). However, section 13203 of the bill (Modifications of treatment of certain farm
property) also shortens the recovery period from 7 to 5 years for any machinery or equipment (other than any grain
bin, cotton ginning asset, fence, or other land improvement) which is used in a farming business, the original use of
which commences with the taxpayer and is placed in service after December 31, 2017.
Sec. 168(b)(3)(A).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(B).
Sec. 168(b)(3)(E).
Within the meaning of section 263A(e)(4).
Sec. 168(b)(2)(B). However, section 13203 of the bill (Modifications of treatment of certain farm
property) repeals the required use of the 150-percent declining balance method for property used in a farming
business (i.e., for 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year property). The 150-percent declining balance method will continue to apply
to any 15-year or 20-year property used in the farming business to which the straight line method does not apply, or
to property for which the taxpayer elects the use of the 150-percent declining balance method.
Sec. 168(g).
Sec. 168(g)(7).
generally are equal to the class life of the property, with certain exceptions.
For example, any
single purpose agricultural or horticultural structure has a 15-year ADS recovery period,
any tree or vine bearing fruit or nuts has a 20-year ADS recovery period.
Similarly, land
improvements such as drainage facilities, paved lots, and water wells have an ADS recovery
period of 20 years.
Under a special accounting rule, certain taxpayers engaged in the business of farming
who elect to deduct preproductive period expenditures under the uniform capitalization rules are
required to depreciate all farming assets using ADS.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision requires an electing farming business,
i.e., a farming business electing
out of the limitation on the deduction for interest,
to use ADS to depreciate any property with
a recovery period of 10 years or more (e.g., property such as single purpose agricultural or
Sec. 168(g)(2) and (3).
Sec. 168(g)(3)(B). Farm buildings that do not meet the definition of a single purpose agricultural or
horticultural structure have an ADS recovery period of 25 years. Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 01.3, Farm buildings
except structures included in asset class 01.4.
Sec. 168(g)(3)(B).
Rev. Proc. 87-56, Asset class 00.3, Land improvements.
Sec. 263A(d)(3) and (e)(2).
As defined in section 13301 of the Senate amendment (Limitation on deduction for interest), by cross
reference to section 263A(e)(4) (i.e., farming business means the trade or business of farming and includes the trade
or business of operating a nursery or sod farm, or the raising or harvesting of trees bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops,
or ornamental trees (other than evergreen trees that are more than six years old at the time they are severed from
their roots)). Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4) further defines a farming business as a trade or business involving the
cultivation of land or the raising or harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodity. Examples of a
farming business include the trade or business of operating a nursery or sod farm; the raising or harvesting of trees
bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops; the raising of ornamental trees (other than evergreen trees that are more than six
years old at the time they are severed from their roots); and the raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and
management of animals. A farming business also includes processing activities that are normally incident to the
growing, raising, or harvesting of agricultural or horticultural products. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4)(i) and
(ii). A farming business does not include contract harvesting of an agricultural or horticultural commodity grown or
raised by another taxpayer, or merely buying and reselling plants or animals grown or raised by another taxpayer.
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4)(i).
See section 13301 of the Senate amendment (Limitation on deduction for interest). Section 13301 of
the Senate amendment also includes an exception from the limitation on the deduction for interest for taxpayers
meeting the $15 million gross receipts test.
horticultural structures, trees or vines bearing fruit or nuts, farm buildings, and certain land
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
6. Expensing of certain costs of replanting citrus plants lost by reason of casualty
(sec. 13207 of the Senate amendment and sec. 263A of the Code)
Present Law
In general
The uniform capitalization (“UNICAP”) rules, which were enacted as part of the Tax
Reform Act of 1986,
require certain direct and indirect costs allocable to real or tangible
personal property produced by the taxpayer to be either capitalized into the basis of such
property or included in inventory, as applicable.
For real or personal property acquired by the
taxpayer for resale, section 263A generally requires certain direct and indirect costs allocable to
such property to be either capitalized into the basis of such property or included in inventory, as
Section 263A generally requires the capitalization of the direct and indirect costs
allocable to the production of any property in a farming business, including animals and plants
without regard to the length of their preproductive period.
The costs of a plant generally
required to be capitalized under section 263(a) include preparatory costs incurred so that the
plant’s growing process may begin, such as the acquisition costs of the seed, seedling, or plant.
Under section 263A, the costs of producing a plant generally required to be capitalized also
include the preproductive period costs of planting, cultivating, maintaining, and developing the
plant during the preproductive period.
Preproductive period costs may include management,
irrigation, pruning, soil and water conservation, fertilizing, frost protection, spraying, harvesting,
storage and handling, upkeep, electricity, tax depreciation and repairs on buildings and
equipment used in raising the plants, farm overhead, taxes, and interest, as applicable.
Sec. 803(a) of Pub. L. No. 99-514 (1986).
Sec. 263A.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(b)(1).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(b)(1)(i).
Special rules for plant farmers
Section 263A provides an exception to the general capitalization requirements for
taxpayers who raise, harvest, or grow trees.
Under this exception, section 263A does not
apply to trees raised, harvested, or grown by the taxpayer (other than trees bearing fruit, nuts, or
other crops, or ornamental trees) and any real property underlying such trees. Similarly, the
UNICAP rules do not apply to any plant having a preproductive period of two years or less,
which is produced by a taxpayer in a farming business (unless the taxpayer is required to use an
accrual method of accounting under section 447 or 448(a)(3)).
Hence, in general, the
UNICAP rules apply to the production of plants that have a preproductive period of more than
two years, and to taxpayers required to use an accrual method of accounting.
Plant farmers otherwise required to capitalize preproductive period costs may elect to
deduct such costs currently, provided the alternative depreciation system described in section
168(g)(2) is used on all farm assets and the preproductive period costs are recaptured upon
disposition of the product.
The election is not available to taxpayers required to use the
accrual method of accounting. Moreover, the election is not available with respect to certain
costs attributable to planting, cultivating, maintaining, or developing citrus or almond groves.
Section 263A does not apply to costs incurred in replanting edible crops for human
consumption following loss or damage due to freezing temperatures, disease, drought, pests, or
The same type of crop as the lost or damaged crop must be replanted. However, the
exception to capitalization still applies if the replanting occurs on a parcel of land other than the
land on which the damage occurred provided the acreage of the new land does not exceed that of
the land to which the damage occurred and the new land is located in the United States. This
exception may also apply to costs incurred by persons other than the taxpayer who incurred the
loss or damage, provided (1) the taxpayer who incurred the loss or damage retains an equity
interest of more than 50 percent in the property on which the loss or damage occurred at all times
during the taxable year in which the replanting costs are paid or incurred, and (2) the person
holding a minority equity interest and claiming the deduction materially participates in the
Sec. 263A(c)(5).
Sec. 263A(d).
Sec. 263A(d)(3), (e)(1), and (e)(2).
Sec. 263A(d)(2). Such replanting costs generally include costs attributable to the replanting,
cultivating, maintaining, and developing of the plants that were lost or damaged that are incurred during the
preproductive period. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(e)(1). The acquisition costs of the replacement trees or seedlings
must still be capitalized under section 263(a) (see, e.g., T.D. 8897, 65 FR 50638, Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(e)(3),
Examples 1 - 3, and TAM 9547002 (July 18, 1995)), potentially subject to the special bonus depreciation deduction
in the year of planting under section 168(k)(5).
planting, maintenance, cultivation, or development of the property during the taxable year in
which the replanting costs are paid or incurred.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies the special rule for costs incurred by persons other than the
taxpayer in connection with replanting an edible crop for human consumption following loss or
damage due to casualty. Under the provision, with respect to replanting costs paid or incurred
after the date of enactment, but no later than a date which is ten years after such date of
enactment, for citrus plants lost or damaged due to casualty, such replanting costs may also be
deducted by a person other than the taxpayer if (1) the taxpayer has an equity interest of not less
than 50 percent in the replanted citrus plants at all times during the taxable year in which the
replanting costs are paid or incurred and such other person holds any part of the remaining equity
interest, or (2) such other person acquires all of the taxpayer’s equity interest in the land on
which the lost or damaged citrus plants were located at the time of such loss or damage, and the
replanting is on such land.
Effective date.The provision is effective for costs paid or incurred after the date of
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 263A(d)(2)(B). Material participation for this purpose is determined in a similar manner as under
section 2032A(e)(6) (relating to qualified use valuation of farm property upon death of the taxpayer).
C. Small Business Reforms
1. Expansion of section 179 expensing (sec. 3201 of the House bill, sec. 13101 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 179 of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer generally must capitalize the cost of property used in a trade or business or
held for the production of income and recover such cost over time through annual deductions for
depreciation or amortization.
Tangible property generally is depreciated under the modified
accelerated cost recovery system (“MACRS”), which determines depreciation for different types
of property based on an assigned applicable depreciation method, recovery period,
Election to expense certain depreciable business assets
A taxpayer may elect under section 179 to deduct (or “expense”) the cost of qualifying
property, rather than to recover such costs through depreciation deductions, subject to limitation.
The maximum amount a taxpayer may expense is $500,000 of the cost of qualifying property
placed in service for the taxable year.
The $500,000 amount is reduced (but not below zero)
by the amount by which the cost of qualifying property placed in service during the taxable year
exceeds $2,000,000.
The $500,000 and $2,000,000 amounts are indexed for inflation for
taxable years beginning after 2015.
In general, qualifying property is defined as depreciable tangible personal property that is
purchased for use in the active conduct of a trade or business. Qualifying property also includes
off-the-shelf computer software and qualified real property (i.e., qualified leasehold
improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement
See secs. 263(a) and 167. However, where property is not used exclusively in a taxpayer’s business,
the amount eligible for a deduction must be reduced by the amount related to personal use. See, e.g., section 280A.
The applicable recovery period for an asset is determined in part by statute and in part by historic
Treasury guidance. Exercising authority granted by Congress, the Secretary issued Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B.
674, laying out the framework of recovery periods for enumerated classes of assets. The Secretary clarified and
modified the list of asset classes in Rev. Proc. 88-22, 1988-1 C.B. 785. In November 1988, Congress revoked the
Secretary’s authority to modify the class lives of depreciable property. Rev. Proc. 87-56, as modified, remains in
effect except to the extent that the Congress has, since 1988, statutorily modified the recovery period for certain
depreciable assets, effectively superseding any administrative guidance with regard to such property.
Sec. 168.
Sec. 179(b)(1).
Sec. 179(b)(2).
Sec. 179(b)(6).
Qualifying property excludes any property described in section 50(b) (i.e., certain
property not eligible for the investment tax credit).
Passenger automobiles subject to the section 280F limitation are eligible for section 179
expensing only to the extent of the dollar limitations in section 280F. For sport utility vehicles
above the 6,000 pound weight rating and not more than the 14,000 pound weight rating, which
are not subject to the limitation under section 280F, the maximum cost that may be expensed for
any taxable year under section 179 is $25,000 (the “sport utility vehicle limitation”).
The amount eligible to be expensed for a taxable year may not exceed the taxable income
for such taxable year that is derived from the active conduct of a trade or business (determined
without regard to this provision).
Any amount that is not allowed as a deduction because of
the taxable income limitation may be carried forward to succeeding taxable years (subject to
No general business credit under section 38 is allowed with respect to any amount for
which a deduction is allowed under section 179.
If a corporation makes an election under
section 179 to deduct expenditures, the full amount of the deduction does not reduce earnings
and profits. Rather, the expenditures that are deducted reduce corporate earnings and profits
ratably over a five-year period.
An expensing election is made under rules prescribed by the Secretary.
In general, any
election or specification made with respect to any property may not be revoked except with the
consent of the Commissioner. However, an election or specification under section 179 may be
revoked by the taxpayer without consent of the Commissioner.
Sec. 179(d)(1)(A)(ii) and (f).
Sec. 179(d)(1) flush language. Property described in section 50(b) is generally property used outside
the United States, certain property used for lodging, property used by certain tax exempt organizations, and property
used by governmental units and foreign persons or entities.
Sec. 179(b)(5). For this purpose, a sport utility vehicle is defined to exclude any vehicle that: (1) is
designed for more than nine individuals in seating rearward of the driver’s seat; (2) is equipped with an open cargo
area, or a covered box not readily accessible from the passenger compartment, of at least six feet in interior length;
or (3) has an integral enclosure, fully enclosing the driver compartment and load carrying device, does not have
seating rearward of the driver’s seat, and has no body section protruding more than 30 inches ahead of the leading
edge of the windshield.
Sec. 179(b)(3).
Sec. 179(d)(9).
Sec. 312(k)(3)(B).
Sec. 179(c)(1).
House Bill
The provision increases the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense under section 179
to $5,000,000, and increases the phase-out threshold amount to $20,000,000 for five taxable
years, i.e., for taxable years beginning in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. Thus, the provision
provides that the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense, for taxable years beginning after
2017 and before 2023, is $5,000,000 of the cost of qualifying property placed in service for the
taxable year. The $5,000,000 amount is reduced (but not below zero) by the amount by which
the cost of qualifying property placed in service during the taxable year exceeds $20,000,000.
The $5,000,000 and $20,000,000 amounts are indexed for inflation for taxable years beginning
after 2018.
The provision also expands the definition of qualified real property under section 179 to
include qualified energy efficient heating and air-conditioning property acquired and placed in
service by the taxpayer after November 2, 2017. For purposes of the provision, qualified energy
efficient heating and air-conditioning property means any depreciable section 1250 property that
is (i) installed as part of a building’s heating, cooling, ventilation, or hot water system, and
(ii) within the scope of Standard 90.1-2007 of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (as
in effect on the day before the date of the adoption of Standard 90.1-2010 of such Societies) or
any successor standard.
Effective date.The increased dollar limitations under section 179 apply to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
The expansion of qualified real property to include qualified energy efficient heating and
air-conditioning property applies to property acquired
and placed in service after November 2,
Senate Amendment
The provision increases the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense under section 179
to $1,000,000, and increases the phase-out threshold amount to $2,500,000. Thus, the provision
provides that the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense, for taxable years beginning after
2017, is $1,000,000 of the cost of qualifying property placed in service for the taxable year. The
$1,000,000 amount is reduced (but not below zero) by the amount by which the cost of
qualifying property placed in service during the taxable year exceeds $2,500,000. The
$1,000,000 and $2,500,000 amounts, as well as the $25,000 sport utility vehicle limitation, are
indexed for inflation for taxable years beginning after 2018.
Property is not treated as acquired after the date on which a written binding contract is entered into for
such acquisition.
The provision expands the definition of section 179 property to include certain
depreciable tangible personal property used predominantly to furnish lodging or in connection
with furnishing lodging.
The provision also expands the definition of qualified real property eligible for
section 179 expensing to include any of the following improvements to nonresidential real
property placed in service after the date such property was first placed in service: roofs; heating,
ventilation, and air-conditioning property; fire protection and alarm systems; and security
Effective date.The provision applies to property placed in service in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
2. Small business accounting method reform and simplification (sec. 3202 of the House bill,
secs. 13102 through 13105 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 263A, 448, 460, and 471 of
the Code)
Present Law
General rule for methods of accounting
Section 446 generally allows a taxpayer to select the method of accounting to be used to
compute taxable income, provided that such method clearly reflects the income of the taxpayer.
The term “method of accounting” includes not only the overall method of accounting used by the
taxpayer, but also the accounting treatment of any one item.
Permissible overall methods of
accounting include the cash receipts and disbursements method (“cash method”), an accrual
method, or any other method (including a hybrid method) permitted under regulations prescribed
by the Secretary.
Examples of any one item for which an accounting method may be adopted
include cost recovery,
revenue recognition,
and timing of deductions.
For each separate
As defined in section 50(b)(2). Property used predominantly to furnish lodging or in connection with
furnishing lodging generally includes, e.g., beds and other furniture, refrigerators, ranges, and other equipment used
in the living quarters of a lodging facility such as an apartment house, dormitory, or any other facility (or part of a
facility) where sleeping accommodations are provided and let. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.48-1(h).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(a)(1).
Sec. 446(c).
See, e.g., secs. 167 and 168.
See, e.g., secs. 451 and 460.
See, e.g., secs. 461 and 467.
trade or business, a taxpayer is entitled to adopt any permissible method, subject to certain
A taxpayer filing its first return may adopt any permissible method of accounting in
computing taxable income for such year.
Except as otherwise provided, section 446(e)
requires taxpayers to secure consent of the Secretary before changing a method of accounting.
The regulations under this section provide rules for determining: (1) what a method of
accounting is, (2) how an adoption of a method of accounting occurs, and (3) how a change in
method of accounting is effectuated.
Cash and accrual methods
Taxpayers using the cash method generally recognize items of income when actually or
constructively received and items of expense when paid. The cash method is administratively
easy and provides the taxpayer flexibility in the timing of income recognition. It is the method
generally used by most individual taxpayers, including farm and nonfarm sole proprietorships.
Taxpayers using an accrual method generally accrue items of income when all the events
have occurred that fix the right to receive the income and the amount of the income can be
determined with reasonable accuracy.
Taxpayers using an accrual method of accounting
generally may not deduct items of expense prior to when all events have occurred that fix the
obligation to pay the liability, the amount of the liability can be determined with reasonable
accuracy, and economic performance has occurred.
Accrual methods of accounting generally
result in a more accurate measure of economic income than does the cash method. The accrual
method is often used by businesses for financial accounting purposes.
A C corporation, a partnership that has a C corporation as a partner, or a tax-exempt trust
or corporation with unrelated business income generally may not use the cash method.
Exceptions are made for farming businesses, qualified personal service corporations, and the
aforementioned entities to the extent their average annual gross receipts do not exceed $5 million
for all prior years (including the prior taxable years of any predecessor of the entity) (the “gross
receipts test”). The cash method may not be used by any tax shelter.
In addition, the cash
Sec. 446(d); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(d).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(e)(1).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(e).
See, e.g., sec. 451.
See, e.g., sec. 461.
Secs. 448(a)(3) and (d)(3) and 461(i)(3) and (4). For this purpose, a tax shelter includes: (1) any
enterprise (other than a C corporation) if at any time interests in such enterprise have been offered for sale in any
offering required to be registered with any Federal or State agency having the authority to regulate the offering of
securities for sale; (2) any syndicate (within the meaning of section 1256(e)(3)(B)); or (3) any tax shelter as defined
in section 6662(d)(2)(C)(ii). In the case of a farming trade or business, a tax shelter includes any tax shelter as
defined in section 6662(d)(2)(C)(ii) or any partnership or any other enterprise other than a corporation which is not
method generally may not be used if the purchase, production, or sale of merchandise is an
income producing factor.
Such taxpayers generally are required to keep inventories and use
an accrual method with respect to inventory items.
A farming business is defined as a trade or business of farming, including operating a
nursery or sod farm, or the raising or harvesting of trees bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops,
timber, or ornamental trees.
Such farming businesses are not precluded from using the cash
method regardless of whether they meet the gross receipts test. However, section 447 generally
requires a farming C corporation (and any farming partnership if a corporation is a partner in
such partnership) to use an accrual method of accounting. Section 447 does not apply to nursery
or sod farms, to the raising or harvesting of trees (other than fruit and nut trees), nor to farming
C corporations meeting a gross receipts test with a $1 million threshold. For family farm
C corporations, the threshold under the gross receipts test is $25 million.
A qualified personal service corporation is a corporation: (1) substantially all of whose
activities involve the performance of services in the fields of health, law, engineering,
architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, or consulting, and (2) substantially
all of the stock of which is owned by current or former employees performing such services,
their estates, or heirs.
Qualified personal service corporations are allowed to use the cash
method without regard to whether they meet the gross receipts test.
Accounting for inventories
In general, for Federal income tax purposes, taxpayers must account for inventories if the
production, purchase, or sale of merchandise is an income-producing factor to the taxpayer.
Treasury regulations also provide that in any case in which the use of inventories is necessary to
clearly reflect income, the accrual method must be used with regard to purchases and sales.
However, an exception is provided for taxpayers whose average annual gross receipts do not
exceed $1 million.
A second exception is provided for taxpayers in certain industries whose
an S corporation engaged in the trade or business of farming, (1) if at any time interests in such partnership or
enterprise have been offered for sale in any offering required to be registered with any Federal or State agency
having authority to regulate the offering of securities for sale or (2) if more than 35 percent of the losses during any
period are allocable to limited partners or limited entrepreneurs.
Treas. Reg. secs. 1.446-1(c)(2) and 1.471-1.
Sec. 471 and Treas. Reg. secs. 1.446-1(c)(2) and 1.471-1.
Sec. 448(d)(1).
Sec. 448(d)(2).
Sec. 471(a) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.471-1.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(c)(2).
Rev. Proc. 2001-10, 2001-1 C.B. 272.
average annual gross receipts do not exceed $10 million and that are not otherwise prohibited
from using the cash method under section 448.
Such taxpayers may account for inventory as
materials and supplies that are not incidental (i.e., “non-incidental materials and supplies”).
In those circumstances in which a taxpayer is required to account for inventory, the
taxpayer must maintain inventory records to determine the cost of goods sold during the taxable
period. Cost of goods sold generally is determined by adding the taxpayer’s inventory at the
beginning of the period to the purchases made during the period and subtracting from that sum
the taxpayer’s inventory at the end of the period.
Because of the difficulty of accounting for inventory on an item-by-item basis, taxpayers
often use conventions that assume certain item or cost flows. Among these conventions are the
first-in, first-out (“FIFO”) method, which assumes that the items in ending inventory are those
most recently acquired by the taxpayer, and the last-in, first-out (“LIFO”) method, which
assumes that the items in ending inventory are those earliest acquired by the taxpayer.
Uniform capitalization
The uniform capitalization rules require certain direct and indirect costs allocable to real
or tangible personal property produced by the taxpayer to be included in either inventory or
capitalized into the basis of such property, as applicable.
For real or personal property
acquired by the taxpayer for resale, section 263A generally requires certain direct and indirect
costs allocable to such property to be included in inventory.
Section 263A provides a number of exceptions to the general uniform capitalization
requirements. One such exception exists for certain small taxpayers who acquire property for
resale and have $10 million or less of average annual gross receipts;
such taxpayers are not
required to include additional section 263A costs in inventory. Another exception exists for
taxpayers who raise, harvest, or grow trees.
Under this exception, section 263A does not
apply to trees raised, harvested, or grown by the taxpayer (other than trees bearing fruit, nuts, or
other crops, or ornamental trees) and any real property underlying such trees. Similarly, the
uniform capitalization rules do not apply to any plant having a preproductive period of two years
or less or to any animal, which is produced by a taxpayer in a farming business (unless the
Rev. Proc. 2002-28, 2002-1 C.B. 815.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.162-3(a)(1). A deduction is generally permitted for the cost of non-incidental
materials and supplies in the taxable year in which they are first used or are consumed in the taxpayer’s operations.
Sec. 263A.
Sec. 263A(b)(2)(B). No exception is available for small taxpayers who produce property subject to
section 263A. However, a de minimis rule under Treasury regulations treats producers with total indirect costs of
$200,000 or less as having no additional indirect costs beyond those normally capitalized for financial accounting
purposes. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-2(b)(3)(iv).
Sec. 263A(c)(5).
taxpayer is required to use an accrual method of accounting under section 447 or 448(a)(3)).
Freelance authors, photographers, and artists also are exempt from section 263A for any
qualified creative expenses.
Accounting for long-term contracts
In general, in the case of a long-term contract, the taxable income from the contract is
determined under the percentage-of-completion method.
Under this method, the taxpayer
must include in gross income for the taxable year an amount equal to the product of (1) the gross
contract price and (2) the percentage of the contract completed during the taxable year.
percentage of the contract completed during the taxable year is determined by comparing costs
allocated to the contract and incurred before the end of the taxable year with the estimated total
contract costs.
Costs allocated to the contract typically include all costs (including
depreciation) that directly benefit or are incurred by reason of the taxpayer’s long-term contract
The allocation of costs to a contract is made in accordance with regulations.
Costs incurred with respect to the long-term contract are deductible in the year incurred, subject
to general accrual method of accounting principles and limitations.
An exception from the requirement to use the percentage-of-completion method is
provided for certain construction contracts (“small construction contracts”). Contracts within
this exception are those contracts for the construction or improvement of real property if the
contract: (1) is expected (at the time such contract is entered into) to be completed within two
years of commencement of the contract and (2) is performed by a taxpayer whose average annual
gross receipts for the prior three taxable years do not exceed $10 million.
Thus, long-term
contract income from small construction contracts must be reported consistently using the
Sec. 263A(d).
Sec. 263A(h). Qualified creative expenses are defined as amounts paid or incurred by an individual in
the trade or business of being a writer, photographer, or artist. However, such term does not include any expense
related to printing, photographic plates, motion picture files, video tapes, or similar items.
Sec. 460(a).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.460-4. This calculation is done on a cumulative basis. Thus, the amount
included in gross income in a particular year is that proportion of the expected contract price that the amount of
costs incurred through the end of the taxable year bears to the total expected costs, reduced by the amounts of gross
contract price included in gross income in previous taxable years.
Sec. 460(b)(1).
Sec. 460(c).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.460-5.
Treas. Reg. secs. 1.460-4(b)(2)(iv) and 1.460-1(b)(8).
Secs. 460(e)(1)(B) and (4).
taxpayer’s exempt contract method.
Permissible exempt contract methods include the
completed contract method, the exempt-contract percentage-of-completion method, the
percentage-of-completion method, or any other permissible method.
House Bill
The provision expands the universe of taxpayers that may use the cash method of
accounting. Under the provision, the cash method of accounting may be used by taxpayers, other
than tax shelters, that satisfy the gross receipts test, regardless of whether the purchase,
production, or sale of merchandise is an income-producing factor. The gross receipts test allows
taxpayers with annual average gross receipts that do not exceed $25 million for the three prior
taxable-year period (the “$25 million gross receipts test”) to use the cash method. The
$25 million amount is indexed for inflation for taxable years beginning after 2018.
The provision expands the universe of farming C corporations (and farming partnerships
with a C corporation partner) that may use the cash method to include any farming C corporation
(or farming partnership with a C corporation partner) that meets the $25 million gross receipts
The provision retains the exceptions from the required use of the accrual method for
qualified personal service corporations and taxpayers other than C corporations. Thus, qualified
personal service corporations, partnerships without C corporation partners, S corporations, and
other passthrough entities are allowed to use the cash method without regard to whether they
meet the $25 million gross receipts test, so long as the use of such method clearly reflects
In addition, the provision also exempts certain taxpayers from the requirement to keep
inventories. Specifically, taxpayers that meet the $25 million gross receipts test are not required
to account for inventories under section 471
, but rather may use a method of accounting for
Since such contracts involve the construction of real property, they are subject to the interest
capitalization rules without regard to their duration. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-8.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.460-4(c)(1).
Consistent with present law, the cash method generally may not be used by taxpayers, other than those
that meet the $25 million gross receipts test, if the purchase, production, or sale of merchandise is an income-
producing factor. In addition, the cash method may not be used by a tax shelter.
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the $25 million gross receipts test is applied as if the sole
proprietorship is a corporation or partnership.
inventories that either (1) treats inventories as non-incidental materials and supplies
, or
(2) conforms to the taxpayer’s financial accounting treatment of inventories.
The provision expands the exception for small taxpayers from the uniform capitalization
rules. Under the provision, any producer or reseller that meets the $25 million gross receipts test
is exempted from the application of section 263A.
The provision retains the exemptions from
the uniform capitalization rules that are not based on a taxpayer’s gross receipts.
Finally, the provision expands the exception for small construction contracts from the
requirement to use the percentage-of-completion method. Under the provision, contracts within
this exception are those contracts for the construction or improvement of real property if the
contract: (1) is expected (at the time such contract is entered into) to be completed within two
years of commencement of the contract and (2) is performed by a taxpayer that (for the taxable
year in which the contract was entered into) meets the $25 million gross receipts test.
Under the provision, a taxpayer who fails the $25 million gross receipts test would not be
eligible for any of the aforementioned exceptions (i.e., from the accrual method, from keeping
inventories, from applying the uniform capitalization rules, or from using the percentage-of
completion method) for such taxable year.
Application of the provisions to expand the universe of taxpayers eligible to use the cash
method, exempt certain taxpayers from the requirement to keep inventories, and expand the
exception from the uniform capitalization rules is a change in the taxpayer’s method of
accounting for purposes of section 481. Application of the exception for small construction
contracts from the requirement to use the percentage-of-completion method is applied on a cutoff
basis for all similarly classified contracts (hence there is no adjustment under section 481(a) for
contracts entered into before January 1, 2018).
Effective date.The provisions to expand the universe of taxpayers eligible to use the
cash method, exempt certain taxpayers from the requirement to keep inventories, and expand the
exception from the uniform capitalization rules apply to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. The provision to expand the exception for small construction contracts
Consistent with present law, a deduction is generally permitted for the cost of non-incidental materials
and supplies in the taxable year in which they are first used or are consumed in the taxpayer’s operations. See Treas.
Reg. sec. 1.162-3(a)(1).
The taxpayer’s financial accounting treatment of inventories is determined by reference to the method
of accounting used in the taxpayer’s applicable financial statement (as defined in section 3202 of the House bill
(Small business accounting method reform and simplification)) or, if the taxpayer does not have an applicable
financial statement, the method of accounting used in the taxpayer’s book and records prepared in accordance with
the taxpayer’s accounting procedures.
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the $25 million gross receipts test is applied as if the sole
proprietorship is a corporation or partnership.
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the $25 million gross receipts test is applied as if the sole
proprietorship is a corporation or partnership.
from the requirement to use the percentage-of-completion method applies to contracts entered
into after December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill with the following modifications.
The Senate amendment modifies the $25 million gross receipts test to be a $15 million gross
receipts test which is met if a taxpayer’s annual average gross receipts do not exceed $15 million
for the three prior taxable-year period. The Senate amendment retains the present law $25
million gross receipts limit for family farming corporations and applies such limit consistent with
present law.
Effective date.The provisions to expand the universe of taxpayers eligible to use the
cash method, exempt certain taxpayers from the requirement to keep inventories, and expand the
exception from the uniform capitalization rules apply to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. The provision to expand the exception for small construction contracts
from the requirement to use the percentage-of-completion method applies to contracts entered
into after December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
3. Modification of treatment of S corporation conversions to C corporations (sec. 3204 of
the House bill, sec. 13543 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 481 and 1371 of the Code)
Present Law
Changes in accounting method
Cash and accrual methods in general
Taxpayers using the cash method generally recognize items of income when actually or
constructively received and items of expense when paid. The cash method is administratively
easy and provides the taxpayer flexibility in the timing of income recognition. It is the method
generally used by most individual taxpayers, including farm and nonfarm sole proprietorships.
Taxpayers using an accrual method generally accrue items of income when all the events
have occurred that fix the right to receive the income and the amount of the income can be
determined with reasonable accuracy.
Taxpayers using an accrual method of accounting
generally may not deduct items of expense prior to when all events have occurred that fix the
obligation to pay the liability, the amount of the liability can be determined with reasonable
accuracy, and economic performance has occurred.
Accrual methods of accounting generally
See, e.g., sec. 451.
See, e.g., sec. 461.
result in a more accurate measure of economic income than does the cash method. The accrual
method is often used by businesses for financial accounting purposes.
A C corporation, a partnership that has a C corporation as a partner, or a tax-exempt trust
or corporation with unrelated business income generally may not use the cash method.
Exceptions are made for farming businesses,
qualified personal service corporations,
the aforementioned entities to the extent their average annual gross receipts do not exceed
$5 million for all prior years (including the prior taxable years of any predecessor of the entity)
(the “gross receipts test”).
The cash method may not be used by any tax shelter.
addition, the cash method generally may not be used if the purchase, production, or sale of
merchandise is an income producing factor.
Such taxpayers generally are required to keep
inventories and use an accrual method with respect to inventory items.
Procedures for changing a method of accounting
A taxpayer filing its first return may adopt any permissible method of accounting in
computing taxable income for such year.
Except as otherwise provided, section 446(e)
A farming business is defined as a trade or business of farming, including operating a nursery or sod
farm, or the raising or harvesting of trees bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops, timber, or ornamental trees.
Sec. 448(d)(1).
A qualified personal service corporation is a corporation (1) substantially all of whose activities involve
the performance of services in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science,
performing arts, or consulting, and (2) substantially all of the stock of which is owned by current or former
employees performing such services, their estates, or heirs. Sec. 448(d)(2).
The gross receipts test is modified to apply to taxpayers with annual average gross receipts that do not
exceed $25 million for the three prior taxable-year period as part of this bill. See section 3202 of the bill (Small
business accounting method reform and simplification).
Secs. 448(a)(3) and (d)(3) and 461(i)(3) and (4). For this purpose, a tax shelter includes: (1) any
enterprise (other than a C corporation) if at any time interests in such enterprise have been offered for sale in any
offering required to be registered with any Federal or State agency having the authority to regulate the offering of
securities for sale; (2) any syndicate (within the meaning of section 1256(e)(3)(B)); or (3) any tax shelter as defined
in section 6662(d)(2)(C)(ii). In the case of a farming trade or business, a tax shelter includes any tax shelter as
defined in section 6662(d)(2)(C)(ii) or any partnership or any other enterprise other than a corporation which is not
an S corporation engaged in the trade or business of farming, (1) if at any time interests in such partnership or
enterprise have been offered for sale in any offering required to be registered with any Federal or State agency
having authority to regulate the offering of securities for sale or (2) if more than 35 percent of the losses during any
period are allocable to limited partners or limited entrepreneurs.
Treas. Reg. secs. 1.446-1(c)(2) and 1.471-1.
Sec. 471 and Treas. Reg. secs. 1.446-1(c)(2) and 1.471-1. However, section 3202 of the House bill
(Small business accounting method reform and simplification) provides an exemption from the requirement to use
inventories for taxpayers that meet the $25 million gross receipts test provided in such section. Accordingly, under
the bill, such taxpayers are thus also eligible to use the cash method.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(e)(1).
requires taxpayers to secure consent of the Secretary before changing a method of accounting.
The regulations under this section provide rules for determining: (1) what a method of
accounting is, (2) how an adoption of a method of accounting occurs, and (3) how a change in
method of accounting is effectuated.
Section 481 prescribes the rules to be followed in computing taxable income in cases
where the taxable income of the taxpayer is computed under a different method than the prior
year (e.g., when changing from the cash method to an accrual method). In computing taxable
income for the year of change, the taxpayer must take into account those adjustments which are
determined to be necessary solely by reason of such change in order to prevent items of income
or expense from being duplicated or omitted.
The year of change is the taxable year for which
the taxable income of the taxpayer is computed under a different method than the prior year.
Congress has provided the Secretary with the authority to prescribe the timing and manner in
which such adjustments are taken into account in computing taxable income.
Net adjustments
that decrease taxable income generally are taken into account entirely in the year of change, and
net adjustments that increase taxable income generally are taken into account ratably during the
four-taxable-year period beginning with the year of change.
Post-termination distributions
Under present law, in the case of an S corporation that converts to a C corporation,
distributions of cash by the C corporation to its shareholders during the post-termination
transition period (to the extent of the amount in the accumulated adjustment account) are tax-free
to the shareholders and reduce the adjusted basis of the stock.
The post-termination transition
period is generally the one-year period after the S corporation election terminates.
House Bill
Under the provision, any section 481(a) adjustment of an eligible terminated S
corporation attributable to the revocation of its S corporation election (i.e., a change from the
cash method to an accrual method) is taken into account ratably during the six-taxable-year
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.446-1(e).
Sec. 481(a)(2) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.481-1(a)(1).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.481-1(a)(1).
Sec. 481(c). While Treasury regulations generally provide that the entire adjustments required by
section 481(a) are taken into account entirely in the year of change, the Secretary has provided the Commissioner
with the authority to provide additional guidance regarding the taxable year or years in which the adjustments are
taken into account. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.481-1(c)(2).
See Section 7.03 of Rev. Proc. 2015-13, 2015-5 I.R.B 419.
Sec. 1371(e)(1).
Sec. 1377(b).
period beginning with the year of change.
An eligible terminated S corporation is any C
corporation which (1) is an S corporation the day before the enactment of this bill, (2) during the
two-year period beginning on the date of such enactment revokes its S corporation election under
section 1362(a), and (3) all of the owners of which on the date the S corporation election is
revoked are the same owners (and in identical proportions) as the owners on the date of such
Under the provision, in the case of a distribution of money by an eligible terminated S
corporation, the accumulated adjustments account shall be allocated to such distribution, and the
distribution shall be chargeable to accumulated earnings and profits, in the same ratio as the
amount of the accumulated adjustments account bears to the amount the accumulated earnings
and profits.
Effective date.The provision is effective upon enactment.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment generally is the same as the House bill, except that any increase
in tax due to the section 481(a) adjustment, rather than the section 481(a) adjustment itself, is
taken into account ratably during the six-taxable-year period beginning with the year of change.
Effective date.The provision is effective for distributions after the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
Section 3202 of the House bill (Small business accounting method reform and simplification) expand
the universe of partnerships and C corporations eligible to use the cash method to include partnerships or C
corporations with annual average gross receipts that do not exceed $25 million for the three prior taxable-year
period. Accordingly, an eligible terminated S corporation with annual average gross receipts that do not exceed $25
million that used the cash method prior to revoking its S corporation election may be eligible to remain on the cash
method as a C corporation.
D. Reform of Business Related Exclusions, Deductions, etc.
1. Interest (secs. 3203 and 3301 of the House bill, secs. 13301 and 13311 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 163(j) of the Code)
Present Law
Interest deduction
Interest paid or accrued by a business generally is deductible in the computation of
taxable income subject to a number of limitations.
Interest is generally deducted by a taxpayer as it is paid or accrued, depending on the
taxpayer’s method of accounting. For all taxpayers, if an obligation is issued with original issue
discount (“OID”), a deduction for interest is allowable over the life of the obligation on a yield to
maturity basis.
Generally, OID arises where interest on a debt instrument is not calculated
based on a qualified rate and required to be paid at least annually.
Investment interest expense
In the case of a taxpayer other than a corporation, the deduction for interest on
indebtedness that is allocable to property held for investment (“investment interest”) is limited to
the taxpayer’s net investment income for the taxable year.
Disallowed investment interest is
carried forward to the next taxable year.
Net investment income is investment income net of investment expenses. Investment
income generally consists of gross income from property held for investment, and investment
expense includes all deductions directly connected with the production of investment income
(e.g., deductions for investment management fees) other than deductions for interest.
The two-percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions allows taxpayers to deduct
investment expenses connected with investment income only to the extent such deductions
exceed two percent of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income (“AGI”).
Miscellaneous itemized
Sec. 163(a). In addition to the limitations discussed herein, other limitations include: denial of the
deduction for the disqualified portion of the original issue discount on an applicable high yield discount obligation
(sec. 163(e)(5)), denial of deduction for interest on certain obligations not in registered form (sec. 163(f)), reduction
of the deduction for interest on indebtedness with respect to which a mortgage credit certificate has been issued
under section 25 (sec. 163(g)), disallowance of deduction for personal interest (sec. 163(h)), disallowance of
deduction for interest on debt with respect to certain life insurance contracts (sec. 264), and disallowance of
deduction for interest relating to tax-exempt income (sec. 265). Interest may also be subject to capitalization. See,
e.g., sections 263A(f) and 461(g).
Sec. 163(e). But see section 267 (dealing in part with interest paid to a related or foreign party).
Sec. 163(d).
Sec. 67(a).
that are not investment expenses are disallowed first before any investment
expenses are disallowed.
Earnings stripping
Section 163(j) may disallow a deduction for disqualified interest paid or accrued by a
corporation in a taxable year if two threshold tests are satisfied: the payor’s debt-to-equity ratio
exceeds 1.5 to 1.0 (the safe harbor ratio) and the payor’s net interest expense exceeds 50 percent
of its adjusted taxable income (generally, taxable income computed without regard to deductions
for net interest expense, net operating losses, domestic production activities under section 199,
depreciation, amortization, and depletion). Disqualified interest includes interest paid or accrued
to: (1) related parties when no Federal income tax is imposed with respect to such interest;
(2) unrelated parties in certain instances in which a related party guarantees the debt; or (3) to a
real estate investment trust (“REIT”) by a taxable REIT subsidiary of that trust.
amounts disallowed under these rules can be carried forward indefinitely.
In addition, any
excess limitation (i.e., the excess, if any, of 50 percent of the adjusted taxable income of the
payor over the payor’s net interest expense) can be carried forward three years.
House Bill
In general
In the case of any taxpayer for any taxable year, the deduction for business interest is
limited to the sum of (1) business interest income; (2) 30 percent of the adjusted taxable income
of the taxpayer for the taxable year; and (3) the floor plan financing interest of the taxpayer for
the taxable year. The amount of any business interest not allowed as a deduction for any taxable
year may be carried forward for up to five years beyond the year in which the business interest
was paid or accrued, treating business interest as allowed as a deduction on a first-in, first-out
Miscellaneous itemized deductions include itemized deductions of individuals other than certain
specific itemized deductions. Sec. 67(b). Miscellaneous itemized deductions generally include, for example,
investment management fees and certain employee business expenses, but specifically do not include, for example,
interest, taxes, casualty and theft losses, charitable contributions, medical expenses, or other listed itemized
H.R. Rep. No. 841, 99th Cong., 2d Sess., p. II-154, Sept. 18, 1986 (Conf. Rep.) (“In computing the
amount of expenses that exceed the 2-percent floor, expenses that are not investment expenses are intended to be
disallowed before any investment expenses are disallowed.”).
If a tax treaty reduces the rate of tax on interest paid or accrued by the taxpayer, the interest is treated as
interest on which no Federal income tax is imposed to the extent of the same proportion of such interest as the rate
of tax imposed without regard to the treaty, reduced by the rate of tax imposed by the treaty, bears to the rate of tax
imposed without regard to the treaty. Sec. 163(j)(5)(B).
Sec. 163(j)(3).
Sec. 163(j)(1)(B).
Sec. 163(j)(2)(B)(ii).
basis. The limitation applies at the taxpayer level. In the case of a group of affiliated
corporations that file a consolidated return, the limitation applies at the consolidated tax return
filing level.
Business interest means any interest paid or accrued on indebtedness properly allocable
to a trade or business. Any amount treated as interest for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code
is interest for purposes of the provision. Business interest income means the amount of interest
includible in the gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year which is properly allocable to
a trade or business. Business interest does not include investment interest, and business interest
income does not include investment income, within the meaning of section 163(d).
Adjusted taxable income means the taxable income of the taxpayer computed without
regard to (1) any item of income, gain, deduction, or loss which is not properly allocable to a
trade or business; (2) any business interest or business interest income; (3) the amount of any net
operating loss deduction; and (4) any deduction allowable for depreciation, amortization, or
The Secretary may provide other adjustments to the computation of adjusted
taxable income.
Floor plan financing interest means interest paid or accrued on floor plan financing
indebtedness. Floor plan financing indebtedness means indebtedness used to finance the
acquisition of motor vehicles held for sale to retail customers and secured by the inventory so
acquired. A motor vehicle means a motor vehicle that is an automobile, a truck, a recreational
vehicle, a motorcycle, a boat, farm machinery or equipment, or construction machinery or
By including business interest income and floor plan financing interest in the limitation,
the rule operates to allow floor plan financing interest to be fully deductible and to limit the
deduction for net interest expense (less floor plan financing interest) to 30 percent of adjusted
taxable income. That is, a deduction for business interest is permitted to the full extent of
business interest income and any floor plan financing interest. To the extent that business
interest exceeds business interest income and floor plan financing interest, the deduction for the
net interest expense is limited to 30 percent of adjusted taxable income.
It is generally intended that, similar to present law, section 163(j) apply after the
application of provisions that subject interest to deferral, capitalization, or other limitation.
Thus, section 163(j) applies to interest deductions that are deferred, for example under section
163(e) or section 267(a)(3)(B), in the taxable year to which such deductions are deferred.
Section 163(d) applies in the case of a taxpayer other than a corporation. Thus, a corporation has
neither investment interest nor investment income within the meaning of section 163(d). Thus, interest income and
interest expense of a corporation is properly allocable to a trade or business, unless such trade or business is
otherwise explicitly excluded from the application of the provision.
Any deduction allowable for depreciation, amortization, or depletion includes any deduction allowable
for any amount treated as depreciation, amortization, or depletion under present law.
Section 163(j) applies after section 263A is applied to capitalize interest and after, for example,
section 265 or section 279 is applied to disallow interest.
Application to passthrough entities
In general
In the case of any partnership, the limitation is applied at the partnership level. Any
deduction for business interest is taken into account in determining the nonseparately stated
taxable income or loss of the partnership.
To prevent double counting, special rules are
provided for the determination of the adjusted taxable income of each partner of the partnership.
Similarly, to allow for additional interest deduction by a partner in the case of an excess amount
of unused adjusted taxable income limitation of the partnership, special rules apply. Similar
rules apply with respect to any S corporation and its shareholders.
Double counting rule
The adjusted taxable income of each partner (or shareholder, as the case may be) is
determined without regard to such partner’s distributive share of the nonseparately stated income
or loss of such partnership. In the absence of such a rule, the same dollars of adjusted taxable
income of a partnership could generate additional interest deductions as the income is passed
through to the partners.
Example 1.ABC is a partnership owned 50-50 by XYZ Corporation and an individual.
ABC generates $200 of noninterest income. Its only expense is $60 of business interest. Under
the provision the deduction for business interest is limited to 30 percent of adjusted taxable
income, that is, 30 percent * $200 = $60. ABC deducts $60 of business interest and reports
ordinary business income of $140. XYZ’s distributive share of the ordinary business income of
ABC is $70. XYZ has net taxable income of zero from its other operations, none of which is
attributable to interest income and without regard to its business interest expense. XYZ has
business interest expense of $25. In the absence of any special rule, the $70 of taxable income
from its interest in ABC would permit the deduction of up to an additional $21 of interest
(30 percent * $70 = $21), resulting in a deduction disallowance of only $4. XYZ’s $100 share of
ABC’s adjusted taxable income would generate $51 of interest deductions. If XYZ were instead
a passthrough entity, additional deductions could be available at each tier.
The double counting rule provides that XYZ has adjusted taxable income computed
without regard to the $70 distributive share of the nonseparately stated income of ABC. As a
result, XYZ has adjusted taxable income of $0. XYZ’s deduction for business interest is limited
to 30 percent * $0 = $0, resulting in a deduction disallowance of $25.
This amount is the “Ordinary business income or loss” reflected on Form 1065 (U.S. Return of
Partnership Income). The partner’s distributive share is reflected in Box 1 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065).
Additional deduction limit
The limit on the amount allowed as a deduction for business interest is increased by a
partner’s distributive share of the partnership’s excess amount of unused adjusted taxable income
limitation. The excess amount with respect to any partnership is the excess (if any) of 30 percent
of the adjusted taxable income of the partnership over the amount (if any) by which the business
interest of the partnership (reduced by floor plan financing interest) exceeds the business interest
income of the partnership. This allows a partner of a partnership to deduct more interest expense
the partner may have paid or incurred to the extent the partnership could have deducted more
business interest.
Example 2.The facts are the same as in Example 1 except ABC has only $40 of business
interest. As in Example 1, ABC has a limit on its interest deduction of $60. The excess amount
for ABC is $60 - $40 = $20. XYZ’s distributive share of the excess amount from ABC
partnership is $10. XYZ’s deduction for business interest is limited to 30 percent of its adjusted
taxable income plus its distributive share of the excess amount from ABC partnership (30
percent * $0 + $10 = $10). As a result of the rule, XYZ may deduct $10 of business interest and
has an interest deduction disallowance of $15.
Carryforward of disallowed business interest
The amount of any business interest not allowed as a deduction for any taxable year is
treated as business interest paid or accrued in the succeeding taxable year. Business interest may
be carried forward for up to five years. Carryforwards are determined on a first-in, first-out
basis. It is intended that the provision be administered in a way to prevent trafficking in
A coordination rule is provided with the limitation on deduction of interest by domestic
corporations in international financial reporting groups.
Whichever rule imposes the lower
limitation on deduction of business interest with respect to the taxable year (and therefore the
greatest amount of interest to be carried forward) governs.
Any carryforward of disallowed business interest is an item taken into account in the case
of certain corporate acquisitions described in section 381 and is subject to limitation under
section 382.
The limitation does not apply to any taxpayer that meets the $25 million gross receipts
test of section 448(c), that is, if the average annual gross receipts for the three-taxable-year
period ending with the prior taxable year does not exceed $25 million.
Aggregation rules
See section 4302 of the bill (Limitation on deduction of interest by domestic corporations which are
members of an international financial reporting group).
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the $25 million gross receipts test is applied as if the sole
proprietorship were a corporation or partnership.
apply to determine the amount of a taxpayer’s gross receipts under the gross receipts test of
section 448(c).
The trade or business of performing services as an employee is not treated as a trade or
business for purposes of the limitation. As a result, for example, the wages of an employee are
not counted in the adjusted taxable income of the taxpayer for purposes of determining the
The limitation does not apply to a real property trade or business as defined in
section 469(c)(7)(C). Any real property development, redevelopment, construction,
reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, operation, management, leasing, or brokerage
trade or business is not treated as a trade or business for purposes of the limitation.
The limitation does not apply to certain regulated public utilities. Specifically, the trade
or business of the furnishing or sale of (1) electrical energy, water, or sewage disposal services,
(2) gas or steam through a local distribution system, or (3) transportation of gas or steam by
pipeline, if the rates for such furnishing or sale, as the case may be, have been established or
approved by a State
or political subdivision thereof, by any agency or instrumentality of the
United States, or by a public service or public utility commission or other similar body of any
State or political subdivision thereof is not treated as a trade or business for purposes of the
limitation. As a result, for example, interest expense paid or incurred in a real property trade or
business is not business interest subject to limitation and is generally deductible in the
computation of taxable income.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill, with the following modifications.
In general
The Senate amendment makes several changes to the definition of adjusted taxable
income. Specifically, the Senate amendment does not add back deductions allowable for
depreciation, amortization, or depletion, but does add back any deduction under section 199,
The term “State” includes the District of Columbia. See sec. 7701(a)(10) (“The term ‘State’ shall be
construed to include the District of Columbia where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this
The deduction for income attributable to domestic production activities is repealed effective for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2018. See section 13305 of the Senate amendment (Repeal of deduction for
income attributable to domestic production activities).
and any deduction under section 199A with respect to qualified business income of a
passthrough entity.
The Senate amendment also modifies the definition of floor plan financing. Specifically,
the Senate amendment permits interest on indebtedness used to finance acquisition of motor
vehicles for sale or lease (i.e., not just for sale, as in the House bill) to qualify as floor plan
financing interest. The Senate amendment also includes self-propelled vehicles in the definition
of motor vehicle, but removes construction machinery and equipment from the definition.
Carryforward of disallowed business interest
The Senate amendment permits interest deductions to be carried forward indefinitely,
subject to certain restrictions applicable to partnerships, described below.
Application to passthrough entities
The Senate amendment requires a partner in a partnership to ignore the partner’s
distributive share of all items of income, gain, deduction, or loss of the partnership when
calculating adjusted taxable income (rather than merely ignoring the nonseparately stated income
or loss, as in the House bill).
The Senate amendment takes a different mathematical approach from the House bill to
calculating a partner’s interest limitation, though both provisions have the same practical effect.
In the Senate amendment, the limit on the amount allowed as a deduction for business interest is
increased by a partner’s distributive share of the partnership’s excess taxable income. The
excess taxable income with respect to any partnership is the amount which bears the same ratio
to the partnership’s adjusted taxable income as the excess (if any) of 30 percent of the adjusted
taxable income of the partnership over the amount (if any) by which the business interest of the
partnership, reduced by floor plan financing interest, exceeds the business interest income of the
partnership bears to 30 percent of the adjusted taxable income of the partnership. This allows a
partner of a partnership to deduct additional interest expense the partner may have paid or
incurred to the extent the partnership could have deducted more business interest. The Senate
amendment requires that excess taxable income be allocated in the same manner as
nonseparately stated income and loss. As in the House bill, rules similar to these rules also apply
to S corporations.
The Senate amendment provides a special rule for carryforward of disallowed partnership
interest. In the case of a partnership, the general carryforward rule described in the discussion of
the House bill does not apply. Instead, any business interest that is not allowed as a deduction to
the partnership for the taxable year is allocated to each partner in the same manner as
nonseparately stated taxable income or loss of the partnership. The partner may deduct its share
of the partnership’s excess business interest in any future year, but only against excess taxable
income attributed to the partner by the partnership the activities of which gave rise to the excess
business interest carryforward. Any such deduction requires a corresponding reduction in excess
taxable income. Additionally, when excess business interest is allocated to a partner, the
See section 11011 of the Senate amendment (Deduction for qualified business income).
partner’s basis in its partnership interest is reduced (but not below zero) by the amount of such
allocation, even though the carryforward does not give rise to a partner deduction in the year of
the basis reduction. However, the partner’s deduction in a future year for interest carried
forward does not reduce the partner’s basis in the partnership interest. In the event the partner
disposes of a partnership interest the basis of which has been so reduced, the partner’s basis in
such interest shall be increased, immediately before such disposition, by the amount that any
such basis reductions exceed any amount of excess interest expense that has been treated as paid
by the partner (i.e., excess interest expense that has been deducted by the partner against excess
taxable income of the same partnership). This special rule does not apply to S corporations and
their shareholders.
The Senate amendment exempts certain categories of taxpayers or trades or businesses
from the interest limitation. First, any taxpayer that meets the $15 million gross receipts test of
section 448(c) is exempt from the interest limitation.
Second, the Senate amendment expands
the regulated public utilities exception in the House bill to include utilities where the rates for
such furnishing or sale, as the case may be, have been established by the governing or
ratemaking body of an electric cooperative.
In the Senate amendment, at the taxpayer’s election, any real property development,
redevelopment, construction, reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, operation,
management, leasing, or brokerage trade or business is not treated as a trade or business for
purposes of the limitation, and therefore the limitation does not apply to such trades or
Similarly, at the taxpayer’s election, any farming business,
as well as any
See section 13102 of the Senate amendment (Modifications of gross receipts test for use of cash method
of accounting by corporations and partnerships). In the case of a sole proprietorship, the $15 million gross receipts
test is applied as if the sole proprietorship were a corporation or partnership.
It is intended that any such real property trade or business, including such a trade or business conducted
by a corporation or real estate investment trust, be included. Because this description of a real property trade or
business refers only to the section 469(c)(7)(C) description, and not to other rules of section 469 (such as the rule of
section 469(c)(2) that passive activities include rental activities or the rule of section 469(a) that a passive activity
loss is limited under section 469), the other rules of section 469 are not made applicable by this reference. It is
further intended that a real property operation or a real property management trade or business includes the
operation or management of a lodging facility.
As defined in section 263A(e)(4) (i.e., farming business means the trade or business of farming and
includes the trade or business of operating a nursery or sod farm, or the raising or harvesting of trees bearing fruit,
nuts, or other crops, or ornamental trees (other than evergreen trees that are more than six years old at the time they
are severed from their roots)). Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4) further defines a farming business as a trade or
business involving the cultivation of land or the raising or harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodity.
Examples of a farming business include the trade or business of operating a nursery or sod farm; the raising or
harvesting of trees bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops; the raising of ornamental trees (other than evergreen trees that
are more than six years old at the time they are severed from their roots); and the raising, shearing, feeding, caring
for, training, and management of animals. A farming business also includes processing activities that are normally
incident to the growing, raising, or harvesting of agricultural or horticultural products. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-
4(a)(4)(i) and (ii). A farming business does not include contract harvesting of an agricultural or horticultural
business engaged in the trade or business of a specified agricultural or horticultural
are not treated as trades or businesses for purposes of the limitation, and therefore
the limitation does not apply to such trades or businesses.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement generally follows the Senate amendment, with the following
modifications. Under the conference agreement, for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017 and before January 1, 2022, adjusted taxable income is computed without regard to
deductions allowable for depreciation, amortization, or depletion. Additionally, because the
conference agreement repeals section 199 effective December 31, 2017, adjusted taxable income
is computed without regard to such deduction. The conference agreement follows the House in
exempting from the limitation taxpayers with average annual gross receipts for the three-taxable-
year period ending with the prior taxable year that do not exceed $25 million. In addition, for
purposes of defining floor plan financing, the conference agreement modifies the definition of
motor vehicle by deleting the specific references to an automobile, a truck, a recreational vehicle,
and a motorcycle because those terms are encompassed in the phrase, “any self-propelled vehicle
designed for transporting persons or property on a public street, highway, or road,” which was
also part of the definition in the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
2. Modification of net operating loss deduction (sec. 3302 of the House bill, sec. 13302 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 172 of the Code)
Present Law
A net operating loss (“NOL”) generally means the amount by which a taxpayer’s
business deductions exceed its gross income.
In general, an NOL may be carried back two
years and carried over 20 years to offset taxable income in such years.
NOLs offset taxable
income in the order of the taxable years to which the NOL may be carried.
Different carryback periods apply with respect to NOLs arising in different
circumstances. Extended carryback periods are allowed for NOLs attributable to specified
commodity grown or raised by another taxpayer, or merely buying and reselling plants or animals grown or raised
by another taxpayer. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-4(a)(4)(i).
As defined in new section 199A(g)(2) under the Senate amendment. See section 11011 of the Senate
amendment (Deduction for qualified business income).
Sec. 172(c).
Sec. 172(b)(1)(A).
Sec. 172(b)(2).
liability losses and certain casualty and disaster losses.
Limitations are placed on the
carryback of excess interest losses attributable to corporate equity reduction transactions.
House Bill
The provision limits the NOL deduction to 90 percent of taxable income (determined
without regard to the deduction). Carryovers to other years are adjusted to take account of this
limitation, and may be carried forward indefinitely. In addition, NOL carryovers attributable to
losses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, are increased annually to take
into account the time value of money.
The provision repeals the two-year carryback and the special carryback provisions, but
provides a one-year carryback in the case of certain disaster losses incurred in the trade or
business of farming, or by certain small businesses.
For this purpose, small business means a
corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship whose average annual gross receipts for the three-
taxable-year period ending with such taxable year does not exceed $5,000,000. Aggregation
rules apply to determine gross receipts.
Effective date.The provision allowing indefinite carryovers and modifying carrybacks
generally applies to losses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
The provision limiting the NOL deduction applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
The annual increase in carryover amounts applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill, with the following modifications. First,
provision limits the NOL deduction to 80 percent of taxable income (determined without regard
to the deduction), for loses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. The
limitation does not apply to a property and casualty insurance company.
Sec. 172(b)(1)(C) and (E).
Sec. 172(b)(1)(D).
Notwithstanding the amendments made by the provision and section 1304 of the House bill (Repeal of
deduction for personal casualty losses), the provision retains the present-law three-year carryback for the portion of
the NOL for any taxable year which is a net disaster loss to which section 504(b) of the Disaster Tax Relief and
Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 (Pub. L. No. 115-63) applies (i.e., a net disaster loss arising from
hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria).
See section 3101 of the House bill (Increased expensing) for a limitation on the amount of any NOL
which may be treated as an NOL carryback in the case of any year which includes any portion of the period
beginning September 28, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017.
The provision repeals the two-year carryback and the special carryback provisions, but
provides a two-year carryback in the case of certain losses incurred in the trade or business of
farming. In addition, the Senate amendment provides a two-year carryback and 20-year
carryforward for NOLs of a property and casualty insurance company (defined in section 816(a))
as an insurance company other than a life insurance company).
The provision does not increase NOL carryovers.
Effective date.The provision allowing indefinite carryovers and modifying carrybacks
applies to losses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
The provision limiting the NOL deduction applies to losses arising in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment, except that the provision
limits the NOL deduction to 80 percent of taxable income (determined without regard to the
deduction) for losses arising in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
3. Like-kind exchanges of real property (sec. 3303 of the House bill, and sec. 13303 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 1031 of the Code)
Present Law
An exchange of property, like a sale, generally is a taxable event. However, no gain or
loss is recognized if property held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment is
exchanged for property of a “like kind” which is to be held for productive use in a trade or
business or for investment.
In general, section 1031 does not apply to any exchange of stock
in trade (i.e., inventory) or other property held primarily for sale; stocks, bonds, or notes; other
securities or evidences of indebtedness or interest; interests in a partnership; certificates of trust
or beneficial interests; or choses in action.
Section 1031 also does not apply to certain
exchanges involving livestock
or foreign property.
For purposes of section 1031, the determination of whether property is of a “like kind”
relates to the nature or character of the property and not its grade or quality, i.e., the
nonrecognition rules do not apply to an exchange of one class or kind of property for property of
a different class or kind (e.g., section 1031 does not apply to an exchange of real property for
Sec. 1031(a)(1).
Sec. 1031(a)(2). A chose in action is a right that can be enforced by legal action.
Sec. 1031(e).
Sec. 1031(h).
personal property).
The different classes of property are: (1) depreciable tangible personal
(2) intangible or nondepreciable personal property;
and (3) real property.
However, the rules with respect to whether real estate is “like kind” are applied more liberally
than the rules governing like-kind exchanges of depreciable, intangible, or nondepreciable
personal property. For example, improved real estate and unimproved real estate generally are
considered to be property of a “like kind” as this distinction relates to the grade or quality of the
real estate,
while depreciable tangible personal properties must be either within the same
General Asset Class
or within the same Product Class.
The nonrecognition of gain in a like-kind exchange applies only to the extent that like-
kind property is received in the exchange. Thus, if an exchange of property would meet the
requirements of section 1031, but for the fact that the property received in the transaction
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-1(b).
For example, an exchange of a personal computer classified under asset class 00.12 of Rev. Proc. 87-
56, 1987-2 C.B. 674, for a printer classified under the same asset class of Rev. Proc. 87-56 would be treated as
property of a like kind. However, an exchange of an airplane classified under asset class 00.21 of Rev. Proc. 87-56
for a heavy general purpose truck classified under asset class 00.242 of Rev. Proc. 87-56 would not be treated as
property of a like kind. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-2(b)(7).
For example, an exchange of a copyright on a novel for a copyright on a different novel would be
treated as property of a like kind. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-2(c)(3). However, the goodwill or going concern
value of one business is not of a like kind to the goodwill or going concern value of a different business. See Treas.
Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-2(c)(2). The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has ruled that intangible assets such as
trademarks, trade names, mastheads, and customer-based intangibles that can be separately described and valued
apart from goodwill qualify as property of a like kind under section 1031. See Chief Counsel Advice 200911006,
February 12, 2009.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-1(b) and (c).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-1(b).
Treasury Regulation section 1.1031(a)-2(b)(2) provides the following list of General Asset Classes,
based on asset classes 00.11 through 00.28 and 00.4 of Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674: (i) Office furniture,
fixtures, and equipment (asset class 00.11), (ii) Information systems (computers and peripheral equipment) (asset
class 00.12), (iii) Data handling equipment, except computers (asset class 00.13), (iv) Airplanes (airframes and
engines), except those used in commercial or contract carrying of passengers or freight, and all helicopters
(airframes and engines) (asset class 00.21), (v) Automobiles, taxis (asset class 00.22), (vi) Buses (asset class 00.23),
(vii) Light general purpose trucks (asset class 00.241), (viii) Heavy general purpose trucks (asset class 00.242),
(ix) Railroad cars and locomotives, except those owned by railroad transportation companies (asset class 00.25),
(x) Tractor units for use over-the-road (asset class 00.26), (xi) Trailers and trailer-mounted containers (asset class
00.27), (xii) Vessels, barges, tugs, and similar water-transportation equipment, except those used in marine
construction (asset class 00.28), and (xiii) Industrial steam and electric generation and/or distribution systems (asset
class 00.4).
Property within a product class consists of depreciable tangible personal property that is described in a
6-digit product class within Sectors 31, 32, and 33 (pertaining to manufacturing industries) of the North American
Industry Classification System (“NAICS”), set forth in Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and
Budget, North American Industry Classification System, United States, 2002 (NAICS Manual), as periodically
updated. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-2(b)(3).
consists not only of the property that would be permitted to be exchanged on a tax-free basis, but
also other non-qualifying property or money (“additional consideration”), then the gain to the
recipient of the other property or money is required to be recognized, but not in an amount
exceeding the fair market value of such other property or money.
Additionally, any such gain
realized on a section 1031 exchange as a result of additional consideration being involved
constitutes ordinary income to the extent that the gain is subject to the recapture provisions of
sections 1245 and 1250.
No losses may be recognized from a like-kind exchange.
If section 1031 applies to an exchange of properties, the basis of the property received in
the exchange is equal to the basis of the property transferred. This basis is increased to the
extent of any gain recognized as a result of the receipt of other property or money in the like-
kind exchange, and decreased to the extent of any money received by the taxpayer.
holding period of qualifying property received includes the holding period of the qualifying
property transferred, but the nonqualifying property received is required to begin a new holding
A like-kind exchange also does not require that the properties be exchanged
simultaneously. Rather, the property to be received in the exchange must be received not more
than 180 days after the date on which the taxpayer relinquishes the original property (but in no
event later than the due date (including extensions) of the taxpayer’s income tax return for the
taxable year in which the transfer of the relinquished property occurs). In addition, the taxpayer
must identify the property to be received within 45 days after the date on which the taxpayer
transfers the property relinquished in the exchange.
Sec. 1031(b). For example, if a taxpayer holding land A having a basis of $40,000 and a fair market
value of $100,000 exchanges the property for land B worth $90,000 plus $10,000 in cash, the taxpayer would
recognize $10,000 of gain on the transaction, which would be includable in income. The remaining $50,000 of gain
would be deferred until the taxpayer disposes of land B in a taxable sale or exchange.
Secs. 1245(b)(4) and 1250(d)(4). For example, if a taxpayer holding section 1245 property A with an
original cost basis of $11,000, an adjusted basis of $10,000, and a fair market value of $15,000 exchanges the
property for section 1245 property B with a fair market value of $14,000 plus $1,000 in cash, the taxpayer would
recognize $1,000 of ordinary income on the transaction. The remaining $4,000 of gain would be deferred until the
taxpayer disposes of section 1245 property B in a taxable sale or exchange.
Sec. 1031(c).
Sec. 1031(d). Thus, in the example noted above, the taxpayer’s basis in B would be $40,000 (the
taxpayer’s transferred basis of $40,000, increased by $10,000 in gain recognized, and decreased by $10,000 in
money received).
Sec. 1223(1).
Sec. 1031(a)(3).
The Treasury Department has issued regulations
and revenue procedures
guidance and safe harbors for taxpayers engaging in deferred like-kind exchanges.
House Bill
The provision modifies the provision providing for nonrecognition of gain in the case of
like-kind exchanges by limiting its application to real property that is not held primarily for
Effective date.The provision generally applies to exchanges completed after
December 31, 2017. However, an exception is provided for any exchange if the property
disposed of by the taxpayer in the exchange is disposed of on or before December 31, 2017, or
the property received by the taxpayer in the exchange is received on or before such date.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
4. Revision of treatment of contributions to capital (sec. 3304 of the House bill and sec. 118
of the Code)
Present Law
The gross income of a corporation does not include any contribution to its capital.
purposes of this rule, a contribution to the capital of a corporation does not include any
contribution in aid of construction or any other contribution from a customer or potential
A special rule allows certain contributions in aid of construction received by a
regulated public utility that provides water or sewerage disposal services to be treated as a tax-
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(k)-1(a) through (o).
See Rev. Proc. 2000-37, 2000-40 I.R.B. 308, as modified by Rev. Proc. 2004-51, 2004-33 I.R.B. 294.
It is intended that real property eligible for like-kind exchange treatment under present law will
continue to be eligible for like-kind exchange treatment under the provision. For example, a like-kind exchange of
real property includes an exchange of shares in a mutual ditch, reservoir, or irrigation company described in
section 501(c)(12)(A) if at the time of the exchange such shares have been recognized by the highest court or statute
of the State in which the company is organized as constituting or representing real property or an interest in real
property. Similarly, improved real estate and unimproved real estate are generally considered to be property of a
like kind. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1031(a)-1(b).
Sec. 118(a).
Sec. 118(b).
free contribution to the capital of the utility.
No deduction or credit is allowed for, or by
reason of, any expenditure that constitutes a contribution that is treated as a tax-free contribution
to the capital of the utility.
If property is acquired by a corporation as a contribution to capital and is not contributed
by a shareholder as such, the adjusted basis of the property is zero.
If the contribution consists
of money, the corporation must first reduce the basis of any property acquired with the
contributed money within the following 12-month period, and then reduce the basis of other
property held by the corporation.
Similarly, the adjusted basis of any property acquired by a
utility with a contribution in aid of construction is zero.
House Bill
The provision repeals the provision of the Internal Revenue Code under which, generally,
a corporation’s gross income does not include contributions of capital to the corporation.
The provision provides that a contribution to capital, other than a contribution of money
or property made in exchange for stock of a corporation or any interest in an entity, is included in
gross income of the corporation. For example, a contribution of municipal land by a
municipality that is not in exchange for stock (or for a partnership interest or other interest) of
equivalent value is considered a contribution to capital that is includable in gross income. By
contrast, a municipal tax abatement for locating a business in a particular municipality is not
considered a contribution to capital.
The provision further provides that a contribution of capital in exchange for stock is not
includible in the gross income of the corporation to the extent that the fair market value of any
money or other property contributed does not exceed the fair market value of stock received. It
is intended that, for this purpose, the fair market value of any property contributed is calculated
net of any liabilities to which the property is subject and net of any liabilities or obligations of
the transferor assumed or taken subject to by the entity in connection with the transaction. When
valuing stock or equity received, taxpayers may disregard discounts for lack of control and the
effect of limited liquidity on valuation.
The provision does not change the application of the meaningless gesture doctrine,
described in Lessinger v. Commissioner, 872 F.2d 519 (2d. Cir. 1989) and related cases, as well
as in administrative guidance.
Thus, under the provision, whether incremental shares of stock
Sec. 118(c)(1).
Sec. 118(c)(4).
Sec. 362(c)(1).
Sec. 362(c)(2). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.362-2.
Sec. 118(c)(4).
Rev. Rul. 64-155, 1964-1 CB 138.
are issued when the existing shareholder or shareholders of a corporation make a pro-rata
contribution to the capital of the corporation is not determinative of whether the contribution is
included in income of the corporation.
The fair market value requirement generally will be satisfied in any arm’s length
transaction in which stock is issued in consideration for cash. Thus, for example, in a public
offering, if the price of the stock was determined on an arm’s length basis, the fact the stock
trades immediately after its issuance at a price below the issue price will not result in
contribution to capital treatment.
Finally, the provision provides rules clarifying the contributee’s basis in the property
Effective date.The provision applies to contributions made, and transactions entered
into, after the date of enactment.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the policy of the House bill but takes a different
approach. The conference agreement does not repeal the provision of the Internal Revenue Code
under which, generally, a corporation’s gross income does not include contributions to capital.
Rather, it preserves that provision, but provides that the term “contributions to capital” does not
include (1) any contribution in aid of construction or any other contribution as a customer or
potential customer, and (2) any contribution by any governmental entity or civic group (other
than a contribution made by a shareholder as such). The conferees intend that section 118, as
modified, continue to apply only to corporations.
Effective date.The provision applies to contributions made after the date of enactment.
However, the provision shall not apply to any contribution made after the date of enactment by a
governmental entity pursuant to a master development plan that has been approved prior to such
date by a governmental entity.
5. Repeal of deduction for local lobbying expenses (sec. 3305 of the House bill, sec. 13308 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 162(e) of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A taxpayer generally is allowed a deduction for ordinary and necessary expenses paid or
incurred in carrying on any trade or business.
However, section 162(e) denies a deduction for
amounts paid or incurred in connection with (1) influencing legislation,
(2) participation in, or
intervention in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public
office, (3) any attempt to influence the general public, or segments thereof, with respect to
elections, legislative matters, or referendums, or (4) any direct communication with a covered
executive branch official
in an attempt to influence the official actions or positions of such
official. Expenses paid or incurred in connection with lobbying and political activities (such as
research for, or preparation, planning, or coordination of, any previously described activity) also
are not deductible.
Local legislation
Notwithstanding the above, a deduction is allowed for ordinary and necessary expenses
incurred in connection with any legislation of any local council or similar governing body (“local
With respect to local legislation, the exception permits a deduction for amounts
paid or incurred in carrying on any trade or business (1) in direct connection with appearances
before, submission of statements to, or sending communications to the committees or individual
members of such council or body with respect to legislation or proposed legislation of direct
Sec. 162(a).
The term “influencing legislation” means any attempt to influence any legislation through
communication with any member or employee of a legislative body, or with any government official or employee
who may participate in the formulation of legislation. The term “legislation” includes actions with respect to Acts,
bills, resolutions, or similar items by the Congress, any State legislature, any local council, or similar governing
body, or by the public in a referendum, initiative, constitutional amendment, or similar procedure. Secs. 162(e)(4)
and 4911(e)(2).
The term “covered executive branch official” means (1) the President, (2) the Vice President, (3) any
officer or employee of the White House Office of the Executive Office of the President, and the two most senior
level officers of each of the other agencies in such Executive Office, (4) any individual servicing in a position in
level I of the Executive Schedule under section 5312 of title 5, United States Code, (5) any other individual
designated by the President as having Cabinet-level status, and (6) any immediate deputy of an individual described
in (4) or (5). Sec. 162(e)(6).
Sec. 162(e)(5)(C).
Sec. 162(e)(2)(A).
interest to the taxpayer, or (2) in direct connection with communication of information between
the taxpayer and an organization of which the taxpayer is a member with respect to any such
legislation or proposed legislation which is of direct interest to the taxpayer and such
organization, and (3) that portion of the dues paid or incurred with respect to any organization of
which the taxpayer is a member which is attributable to the expenses of the activities described
in (1) or (2) carried on by such organization.
For purposes of this exception, legislation of an Indian tribal government is treated in the
same manner as local legislation.
De minimis
For taxpayers with $2,000 or less of in-house expenditures related to lobbying and
political activities, a de minimis exception is provided that permits a deduction.
House Bill
The provision repeals the exception for amounts paid or incurred related to lobbying local
councils or similar governing bodies, including Indian tribal governments. Thus, the general
disallowance rules applicable to lobbying and political expenditures will apply to costs incurred
related to such local legislation.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill other than to change the effective date so
that the provision applies to amounts paid or incurred on or after the date of enactment.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred on or after the date of
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 162(e)(2)(B).
Sec. 162(e)(7).
Sec. 162(e)(5)(B).
6. Repeal of deduction for income attributable to domestic production activities (sec. 3306
of the House bill, sec. 13305 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 199 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Section 199 provides a deduction from taxable income (or, in the case of an individual,
adjusted gross income
) that is equal to nine percent of the lesser of the taxpayer’s qualified
production activities income or taxable income (determined without regard to the section 199
deduction) for the taxable year.
For corporations subject to the 35-percent corporate income
tax rate, the nine-percent deduction effectively reduces the corporate income tax rate to slightly
less than 32 percent on qualified production activities income.
A similar reduction applies to
the graduated rates applicable to individuals with qualifying domestic production activities
In general, qualified production activities income is equal to domestic production gross
receipts reduced by the sum of: (1) the costs of goods sold that are allocable to those receipts;
and (2) other expenses, losses, or deductions which are properly allocable to those receipts.
Domestic production gross receipts generally are gross receipts of a taxpayer that are
derived from: (1) any sale, exchange, or other disposition, or any lease, rental, or license, of
qualifying production property
that was manufactured, produced, grown or extracted by the
taxpayer in whole or in significant part within the United States;
(2) any sale, exchange, or
For this purpose, adjusted gross income is determined after application of sections 86, 135, 137, 219,
221, 222, and 469, without regard to the section 199 deduction. Sec. 199(d)(2).
Sec. 199(a). In the case of oil related qualified production activities income, the deduction from taxable
income is equal to six percent of the lesser of the taxpayer’s oil related qualified production activities income,
qualified production activities income, or taxable income. Sec. 199(d)(9).
This example assumes the deduction does not exceed the wage limitation discussed below.
Sec. 199(c)(1). In computing qualified production activities income, the domestic production activities
deduction itself is not an allocable deduction. Sec. 199(c)(1)(B)(ii). See Treas. Reg. secs. 1.199-1 through 1.199-9
where the Secretary has prescribed rules for the proper allocation of items of income, deduction, expense, and loss
for purposes of determining qualified production activities income.
Qualifying production property generally includes any tangible personal property, computer software,
and sound recordings. Sec. 199(c)(5).
When used in the Code in a geographical sense, the term “United States” generally includes only the
States and the District of Columbia. Sec. 7701(a)(9). A special rule for determining domestic production gross
receipts, however, provides that for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2017, in
the case of any taxpayer with gross receipts from sources within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the term
“United States” includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, but only if all of the taxpayer’s Puerto Rico-sourced
gross receipts are taxable under the Federal income tax for individuals or corporations for such taxable year.
other disposition, or any lease, rental, or license, of qualified film
produced by the taxpayer;
(3) any sale, exchange, or other disposition, or any lease, rental, or license, of electricity, natural
gas, or potable water produced by the taxpayer in the United States; (4) construction of real
property performed in the United States by a taxpayer in the ordinary course of a construction
trade or business; or (5) engineering or architectural services performed in the United States for
the construction of real property located in the United States.
The amount of the deduction for a taxable year is limited to 50 percent of the W-2 wages
paid by the taxpayer, and properly allocable to domestic production gross receipts, during the
calendar year that ends in such taxable year.
Agricultural and horticultural cooperatives
With regard to member-owned agricultural and horticultural cooperatives formed under
Subchapter T of the Code, section 199 provides the same treatment of qualified production
activities income derived from agricultural or horticultural products that are manufactured,
produced, grown, or extracted by cooperatives,
or that are marketed through cooperatives, as it
provides for qualified production activities income of other taxpayers (i.e., the cooperative may
claim a deduction from qualified production activities income).
In addition, section 199(d)(3)(A) provides that the amount of any patronage dividends or
per-unit retain allocations paid to a member of an agricultural or horticultural cooperative (to
which Part I of Subchapter T applies), which is allocable to the portion of qualified production
activities income of the cooperative that is deductible under the provision, is deductible from the
gross income of the member. In order to qualify, such amount must be designated by the
organization as allocable to the deductible portion of qualified production activities income in a
written notice mailed to its patrons not later than the payment period described in section
Secs. 199(d)(8)(A) and (C). In computing the 50-percent wage limitation, the taxpayer is permitted to take into
account wages paid to bona fide residents of Puerto Rico for services performed in Puerto Rico. Sec. 199(d)(8)(B).
Qualified film includes any motion picture film or videotape (including live or delayed television
programming, but not including certain sexually explicit productions) if 50 percent or more of the total
compensation relating to the production of the film (including compensation in the form of residuals and
participations) constitutes compensation for services performed in the United States by actors, production personnel,
directors, and producers. Sec. 199(c)(6).
Sec. 199(c)(4)(A).
Sec. 199(b)(1). For purposes of the provision, “W-2 wages” include the sum of the amounts of wages
as defined in section 3401(a) and elective deferrals that the taxpayer properly reports to the Social Security
Administration with respect to the employment of employees of the taxpayer during the calendar year ending during
the taxpayer’s taxable year. Elective deferrals include elective deferrals as defined in section 402(g)(3), amounts
deferred under section 457, and designated Roth contributions as defined in section 402A. See sec. 199(b)(2)(A).
The wage limitation for qualified films includes any compensation for services performed in the United States by
actors, production personnel, directors, and producers and is not restricted to W-2 wages. Sec. 199(b)(2)(D).
For this purpose, agricultural or horticultural products also include fertilizer, diesel fuel and other
supplies used in agricultural or horticultural production that are manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted by the
1382(d). In addition, section 199(d)(3)(B) provides that the cooperative cannot reduce its
income under section 1382 (e.g., cannot claim a dividends-paid deduction) for such amounts.
House Bill
The provision repeals the deduction for income attributable to domestic production
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Effective date.The provision is effective for non-corporate taxpayers and for certain
rules applicable to agricultural and horticultural cooperates provided in section 199(d)(3)(A) and
(B) for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. The provision is effective for C
corporations for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
7. Entertainment, etc. expenses (sec. 3307 of the House bill, sec. 13304 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 274 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
No deduction is allowed with respect to (1) an activity generally considered to be
entertainment, amusement, or recreation (“entertainment”), unless the taxpayer establishes that
the item was directly related to (or, in certain cases, associated with) the active conduct of the
taxpayer’s trade or business, or (2) a facility (e.g., an airplane) used in connection with such
If the taxpayer establishes that entertainment expenses are directly related to (or
associated with) the active conduct of its trade or business, the deduction generally is limited to
50 percent of the amount otherwise deductible.
Similarly, a deduction for any expense for
food or beverages generally is limited to 50 percent of the amount otherwise deductible.
addition, no deduction is allowed for membership dues with respect to any club organized for
business, pleasure, recreation, or other social purpose.
Sec. 274(a)(1).
Sec. 274(n)(1)(B).
Sec. 274(n)(1)(A).
Sec. 274(a)(3).
There are a number of exceptions to the general rule disallowing deduction of
entertainment expenses and the rules limiting deductions to 50 percent of the otherwise
deductible amount. Under one such exception, those rules do not apply to expenses for goods,
services, and facilities to the extent that the expenses are reported by the taxpayer as
compensation and as wages to an employee.
Those rules also do not apply to expenses for
goods, services, and facilities to the extent that the expenses are includible in the gross income of
a recipient who is not an employee (e.g., a nonemployee director) as compensation for services
rendered or as a prize or award.
The exceptions apply only to the extent that amounts are
properly reported by the company as compensation and wages or otherwise includible in income.
In no event can the amount of the deduction exceed the amount of the taxpayer’s actual cost,
even if a greater amount (i.e., fair market value) is includible in income.
Those deduction disallowance rules also do not apply to expenses paid or incurred by the
taxpayer, in connection with the performance of services for another person (other than an
employer), under a reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement if the taxpayer
accounts for the expenses to such person.
Another exception applies for expenses for
recreational, social, or similar activities primarily for the benefit of employees other than certain
owners and highly compensated employees.
An exception applies also to the 50 percent
deduction limit for food and beverages provided to crew members of certain commercial vessels
and certain oil or gas platform or drilling rig workers.
Expenses treated as compensation
Except as otherwise provided, gross income includes compensation for services,
including fees, commissions, fringe benefits, and similar items.
In general, an employee (or
other service provider) must include in gross income the amount by which the fair market value
of a fringe benefit exceeds the sum of the amount (if any) paid by the individual and the amount
(if any) specifically excluded from gross income.
Treasury regulations provide detailed rules
regarding the valuation of certain fringe benefits, including flights on an employer-provided
aircraft. In general, the value of a non-commercial flight generally is determined under the base
Sec. 274(e)(2)(A). See below for a discussion of the recent modification of this rule for certain
Sec. 274(e)(9).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.162-25T(a).
Sec. 274(e)(3).
Sec. 274(e)(4).
Sec. 274(n)(2)(E).
Sec. 61(a)(1).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.61-21(b)(1).
aircraft valuation formula, also known as the Standard Industry Fare Level formula or “SIFL.”
If the SIFL valuation rules do not apply, the value of a flight on an employer-provided aircraft
generally is equal to the amount that an individual would have to pay in an arm’s-length
transaction to charter the same or a comparable aircraft for that period for the same or a
comparable flight.
In the context of an employer providing an aircraft to employees for nonbusiness (e.g.,
vacation) flights, the exception for expenses treated as compensation has been interpreted as not
limiting the company’s deduction for expenses attributable to the operation of the aircraft to the
amount of compensation reportable to its employees.
The result of that interpretation is often
a deduction several times larger than the amount required to be included in income. Further, in
many cases, the individual including amounts attributable to personal travel in income directly
benefits from the enhanced deduction, resulting in a net deduction for the personal use of the
company aircraft.
The exceptions for expenses treated as compensation or otherwise includible income
were subsequently modified in the case of specified individuals such that the exceptions apply
only to the extent of the amount of expenses treated as compensation or includible in income of
the specified individual.
Specified individuals are individuals who, with respect to an
employer or other service recipient (or a related party), are subject to the requirements of
section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or would be subject to such requirements if
the employer or service recipient (or related party) were an issuer of equity securities referred to
in section 16(a).
As a result, in the case of specified individuals, no deduction is allowed with respect to
expenses for (1) a nonbusiness activity generally considered to be entertainment, amusement or
recreation, or (2) a facility (e.g., an airplane) used in connection with such activity to the extent
that such expenses exceed the amount treated as compensation or includible in income to the
specified individual. For example, a company’s deduction attributable to aircraft operating costs
and other expenses for a specified individual’s vacation use of a company aircraft is limited to
the amount reported as compensation to the specified individual. However, in the case of other
employees or service providers, the company’s deduction is not limited to the amount treated as
compensation or includible in income.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.61-21(g)(5).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.61-21(b)(6).
Sutherland Lumber-Southwest, Inc. v. Commissioner, 114 T.C. 197 (2000), aff’d, 255 F.3d 495 (8th Cir.
Sec. 274(e)(2)(B)(i). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.274-9(a).
Sec. 274(e)(2)(B)(ii). See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.274-9(b).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.274-10(a)(2).
Excludable fringe benefits
Certain employer-provided fringe benefits are excluded from an employee’s gross
income and wages for employment tax purposes, including, but not limited to, de minimis
fringes, qualified transportation fringes, on-premises athletic facilities, and meals provided for
the “convenience of the employer.”
A de minimis fringe generally means any property or service the value of which is (taking
into account the frequency with which similar fringes are provided by the employer) so small as
to make accounting for it unreasonable or administratively impracticable,
and also includes
food and beverages provided to employees through an eating facility operated by the employer
that is located on or near the employer’s business premises and meets certain requirements.
Qualified transportation fringes include qualified parking (parking on or near the
employer’s business premises or on or near a location from which the employee commutes to
work by public transit), transit passes, vanpool benefits, and qualified bicycle commuting
On-premises athletic facilities are gyms or other athletic facilities located on the
employer’s premises, operated by the employer, and substantially all the use of which is by
employees of the employer, their spouses, and their dependent children.
The value of meals furnished to an employee or the employee’s spouse or dependents by
or on behalf of an employer for the convenience of the employer is excludible from the
employee’s gross income, but only if such meals are provided on the employer’s business
House Bill
The provision provides that no deduction is allowed with respect to (1) an activity
generally considered to be entertainment, amusement or recreation, (2) membership dues with
respect to any club organized for business, pleasure, recreation or other social purposes, (3) a de
Secs. 132(a), 119(a), 3121(a)(19) and (20), 3231(e)(5) and (9), 3306(b)(14) and (16), and 3401(a)(19).
Sec. 132(e)(1). Examples include occasional personal use of an employer’s copying machine,
occasional parties or meals for employees and their guests, local telephone calls, and coffee, doughnuts and soft
drinks. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.132-6(e)(1).
Sec. 132(e)(2). Revenue derived from such a facility must normally equal or exceed the direct operating
costs of the facility. Employees who are entitled, under Section 119, to exclude the value of a meal provided at such
a facility are treated as having paid an amount for the meal equal to the direct operating costs of the facility
attributable to such meal.
Sec. 132(f)(1), (5). The qualified transportation fringe exclusions are subject to monthly limits.
Sec. 132(f)(2).
Sec. 132(j)(4).
Sec. 119(a).
minimis fringe that is primarily personal in nature and involving property or services that are not
directly related to the taxpayer’s trade or business, (4) a facility or portion thereof used in
connection with any of the above items, (5) a qualified transportation fringe, including costs of
operating a facility used for qualified parking, and (6) an on-premises athletic facility provided
by an employer to its employees, including costs of operating such a facility. Thus, the provision
repeals the present-law exception to the deduction disallowance for entertainment, amusement,
or recreation that is directly related to (or, in certain cases, associated with) the active conduct of
the taxpayer’s trade or business (and the related rule applying a 50 percent limit to such
deductions). The provision also repeals the present-law exception for recreational, social, or
similar activities primarily for the benefit of employees. However, taxpayers may still,
generally, deduct 50 percent of the food and beverage expenses associated with operating their
trade or business (e.g., meals consumed by employees on work travel).
Under the provision, in the case of all individuals (not just specified individuals), the
exceptions to the general entertainment expense disallowance rule for expenses treated as
compensation or includible in income apply only to the extent of the amount of expenses treated
as compensation or includible in income. Thus, under those exceptions, no deduction is allowed
with respect to expenses for (1) a nonbusiness activity generally considered to be entertainment,
amusement or recreation, or (2) a facility (e.g., an airplane) used in connection with such activity
to the extent that such expenses exceed the amount treated as compensation or includible in
income. As under present law, the exceptions apply only if amounts are properly reported by the
company as compensation and wages or otherwise includible in income.
The provision amends the present-law exception for reimbursed expenses. The provision
disallows a deduction for amounts paid or incurred by a taxpayer in connection with the
performance of services for another person (other than an employer) under a reimbursement or
other expense allowance arrangement if the person for whom the services are performed is a tax-
exempt entity
or the arrangement is designated by the Secretary as having the effect of
avoiding the 50 percent deduction disallowance.
The provision clarifies that the exception to the 50 percent deduction limit for food or
beverages applies to any expense excludible from the gross income of the recipient related to
meals furnished for the convenience of the employer. The provision thereby repeals as
deadwood the special exceptions for food or beverages provided to crew members of certain
commercial vessels and certain oil or gas platform or drilling rig workers.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
As defined in section 168(h)(2)(A), i.e., Federal, State and local government entities, organizations
(other than certain cooperatives) exempt from income tax, any foreign person or entity, and any Indian tribal
Senate Amendment
The provision provides that no deduction is allowed with respect to (1) an activity
generally considered to be entertainment, amusement or recreation, (2) membership dues with
respect to any club organized for business, pleasure, recreation or other social purposes, or (3) a
facility or portion thereof used in connection with any of the above items. Thus, the provision
repeals the present-law exception to the deduction disallowance for entertainment, amusement,
or recreation that is directly related to (or, in certain cases, associated with) the active conduct of
the taxpayer’s trade or business (and the related rule applying a 50 percent limit to such
In addition, the provision disallows a deduction for expenses associated with providing
any qualified transportation fringe to employees of the taxpayer, and except as necessary for
ensuring the safety of an employee, any expense incurred for providing transportation (or any
payment or reimbursement) for commuting between the employee’s residence and place of
Taxpayers may still generally deduct 50 percent of the food and beverage expenses
associated with operating their trade or business (e.g., meals consumed by employees on work
travel). For amounts incurred and paid after December 31, 2017 and until December 31, 2025,
the provision expands this 50 percent limitation to expenses of the employer associated with
providing food and beverages to employees through an eating facility that meets requirements
for de minimis fringes and for the convenience of the employer. Such amounts incurred and paid
after December 31, 2025 are not deductible.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to amounts paid or incurred after
December 31, 2017. However, for expenses of the employer associated with providing food and
beverages to employees through an eating facility that meets requirements for de minimis fringes
and for the convenience of the employer, amounts paid or incurred after December 31, 2025 are
not deductible.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
8. Repeal of exclusion, etc., for employee achievement awards (sec. 1403 of the House bill,
sec. 13310 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 74(c) and 274(j) of the Code)
Present Law
An employer’s deduction for the cost of an employee achievement award is limited to a
certain amount.
Employee achievement awards that are deductible by an employer (or would
be deductible but for the fact that the employer is a tax-exempt organization) are excludible from
Sec. 274(j).
an employee’s gross income.
Amounts that are excludible from gross income under section
74(c) for income tax purposes are also excluded from wages for employment tax purposes.
An employee achievement award is an item of tangible personal property given to an
employee in recognition of either length of service or safety achievement and presented as part
of a meaningful presentation.
House Bill
The provision repeals the deduction limitation for employee achievement awards. It also
repeals the exclusions from gross income and wages.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment adds a definition of “tangible personal property” that may be
considered a deductible employee achievement award. It provides that tangible personal
property shall not include cash, cash equivalents, gift cards, gift coupons or gift certificates
(other than arrangements conferring only the right to select and receive tangible personal
property from a limited array of such items pre-selected or pre-approved by the employer), or
vacations, meals, lodging, tickets to theater or sporting events, stocks, bonds, other securities,
and other similar items. No inference is intended that this is a change from present law and
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
9. Unrelated business taxable income increased by amount of certain fringe benefit
expenses for which deduction is disallowed (sec. 3308 of the House bill and sec. 512 of the
Present Law
Tax exemption for certain organizations
Section 501(a) exempts certain organizations from Federal income tax. Such
organizations include: (1) tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) (including
among others section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and section 501(c)(4) social welfare
organizations); (2) religious and apostolic organizations described in section 501(d); and
Sec. 74(c).
(3) trusts forming part of a pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan of an employer described
in section 401(a).
Unrelated business income tax, in general
The unrelated business income tax (“UBIT”) generally applies to income derived from a
trade or business regularly carried on by the organization that is not substantially related to the
performance of the organization’s tax-exempt functions.
An organization that is subject to
UBIT and that has $1,000 or more of gross unrelated business taxable income must report that
income on Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return).
Most exempt organizations may operate an unrelated trade or business so long as the
organization remains primarily engaged in activities that further its exempt purposes. Therefore,
an organization may engage in a substantial amount of unrelated business activity without
jeopardizing its exempt status. A section 501(c)(3) (charitable) organization, however, may not
operate an unrelated trade or business as a substantial part of its activities.
Therefore, the
unrelated trade or business activity of a section 501(c)(3) organization must be insubstantial.
An organization determines its unrelated business taxable income by subtracting from its
gross unrelated business income deductions directly connected with the unrelated trade or
Under regulations, in determining unrelated business taxable income, an
organization that operates multiple unrelated trades or businesses aggregates income from all
such activities and subtracts from the aggregate gross income the aggregate of deductions.
a result, an organization may use a loss from one unrelated trade or business to offset gain from
another, thereby reducing total unrelated business taxable income.
Organizations subject to tax on unrelated business income
Most exempt organizations are subject to the tax on unrelated business income.
Specifically, organizations subject to the unrelated business income tax generally include:
(1) organizations exempt from tax under section 501(a), including organizations described in
section 501(c) (except for U.S. instrumentalities and certain charitable trusts); (2) qualified
pension, profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described in section 401(a); and (3) certain State
colleges and universities.
Secs. 511-514.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(e).
Sec. 512(a).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.512(a)-1(a).
Sec. 511(a)(2).
Exclusions from Unrelated Business Taxable Income
Certain types of income are specifically exempt from unrelated business taxable income,
such as dividends, interest, royalties, and certain rents,
unless derived from debt-financed
property or from certain 50-percent controlled subsidiaries.
Other exemptions from UBIT are
provided for activities in which substantially all the work is performed by volunteers, for income
from the sale of donated goods, and for certain activities carried on for the convenience of
members, students, patients, officers, or employees of a charitable organization. In addition,
special UBIT provisions exempt from tax activities of trade shows and State fairs, income from
bingo games, and income from the distribution of low-cost items incidental to the solicitation of
charitable contributions. Organizations liable for tax on unrelated business taxable income may
be liable for alternative minimum tax determined after taking into account adjustments and tax
preference items.
House Bill
Under the provision, unrelated business taxable income includes any expenses paid or
incurred by a tax exempt organization for qualified transportation fringe benefits (as defined in
section 132(f)), a parking facility used in connection with qualified parking (as defined in
section 132(f)(5)(C)), or any on-premises athletic facility (as defined in section 132(j)(4)(B)),
provided such amounts are not deductible under section 274.
Effective date.The provision is effective for amounts paid or incurred after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
10. Limitation on deduction for FDIC premiums (sec. 3309 of the House bill, sec. 13531 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 162 of the Code)
Present Law
Corporations organized under the laws of any of the 50 States (and the District of
Columbia) generally are subject to the U.S. corporate income tax on their worldwide taxable
income. The taxable income of a C corporation
generally comprises gross income less
Secs. 511-514.
Sec. 512(b)(13).
Corporations subject to tax are commonly referred to as C corporations after subchapter C of the Code,
which sets forth corporate tax rules. Certain specialized entities that invest primarily in real estate related assets
allowable deductions. A taxpayer generally is allowed a deduction for ordinary and necessary
expenses paid or incurred in carrying on any trade or business.
Corporations that make a valid election pursuant to section 1362 of subchapter S of the
Code, referred to as S corporations, generally are not subject to corporate-level income tax on its
items of income and loss. Instead, an S corporation passes through to shareholders its items of
income and loss. The shareholders separately take into account their shares of these items on
their individual income tax returns.
Banks, thrifts, and credit unions
In general
Financial institutions are subject to the same Federal income tax rules and rates as are
applied to other corporations or entities, with specified exceptions.
C corporation banks and thrifts
A bank is generally taxed for Federal income tax purposes as a C corporation. For this
purpose a bank generally means a corporation, a substantial portion of whose business is
receiving deposits and making loans and discounts, or exercising certain fiduciary powers.
bank for this purpose generally includes domestic building and loan associations, mutual stock or
savings banks, and certain cooperative banks that are commonly referred to as thrifts.
(real estate investment trusts) or in stock and securities (regulated investment companies) and that meet other
requirements, generally including annual distribution of 90 percent of their income, are allowed to deduct their
distributions to shareholders, thus generally paying little or no corporate-level tax despite otherwise being subject to
subchapter C.
Sec. 162(a). However, certain exceptions apply. No deduction is allowed for (1) any charitable
contribution or gift that would be allowable as a deduction under section 170 were it not for the percentage
limitations, the dollar limitations, or the requirements as to the time of payment, set forth in such section; (2) any
illegal bribe, illegal kickback, or other illegal payment; (3) certain lobbying and political expenditures; (4) any fine
or similar penalty paid to a government for the violation of any law; (5) two-thirds of treble damage payments under
the antitrust laws; (6) certain foreign advertising expenses; (7) certain amounts paid or incurred by a corporation in
connection with the reacquisition of its stock or of the stock of any related person; or (8) certain applicable
employee remuneration.
Sec. 581. See also Treas. Reg. sec. 1.581-1(a).
While the general principles for determining the taxable income of a corporation are applicable to a
mutual savings bank, a building and loan association, and a cooperative bank, there are certain exceptions and
special rules for such institutions. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.581-2(a).
S corporation banks
A bank is generally eligible to elect S corporation status under section 1362, provided it
meets the other requirements for making this election and it does not use the reserve method of
accounting for bad debts as described in section 585.
Special bad debt loss rules for small banks
Section 166 provides a deduction for any debt that becomes worthless (wholly or
partially) within a taxable year. The reserve method of accounting for bad debts, repealed in
for most taxpayers, is allowed under section 585 for any bank (as defined in section 581)
other than a large bank. For this purpose, a bank is a large bank if, for the taxable year (or for
any preceding taxable year after 1986), the average adjusted basis of all its assets (or the assets of
the controlled group of which it is a member) exceeds $500 million. Deductions for reserves are
taken in lieu of a worthless debt deduction under section 166. Accordingly, a small bank is able
to take deductions for additions to a bad debt reserve. Additions to the reserve are determined
under an experience method that generally looks to the ratio of (1) the total bad debts sustained
during the taxable year and the five preceding taxable years to (2) the sum of the loans
outstanding at the close of such taxable years.
Credit unions
Credit unions are exempt from Federal income taxation.
The exemption is based on
their status as not-for-profit mutual or cooperative organizations (without capital stock) operated
for the benefit of their members, who generally must share a common bond. The definition of
common bond has been expanded to permit greater use of credit unions.
While significant
differences between the rules under which credit unions and banks operate have existed in the
past, most of those differences have disappeared over time.
Sec. 1361(b)(2)(A).
Tax Reform Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-514.
Sec. 585(b)(2).
Sec. 501(c)(14)(A). For a discussion of the history of and reasons for Federal tax exemption, see
United States Department of the Treasury, Comparing Credit Unions with Other Depository Institutions, Report
3070, January 15, 2001, available at https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-
The Credit Union Membership Access Act, Pub. L. No. 105-219, allows multiple common bond credit
unions. The legislation in part responds to National Credit Union Administration v. First National Bank & Trust
Co., 522 U.S. 479 (1998), which interpreted the permissible membership of tax-exempt credit unions narrowly.
The Treasury Department has concluded that any remaining regulatory differences do not raise
competitive equity concerns between credit unions and banks. United States Department of the Treasury,
Comparing Credit Unions with Other Depository Institutions, Report 3070, January 15, 2001, p. 2, available at
FDIC premiums
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) provides deposit insurance for
banks and savings institutions. To maintain its status as an insured depository institution, a bank
must pay semiannual assessments into the deposit insurance fund (“DIF”). Assessments for
deposit insurance are treated as ordinary and necessary business expenses. These assessments,
also known as premiums, are deductible once the all events test for the premium is satisfied.
House Bill
No deduction is allowed for the applicable percentage of any FDIC premium paid or
incurred by the taxpayer. For taxpayers with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more, the
applicable percentage is 100 percent. Otherwise, the applicable percentage is the ratio of the
excess of total consolidated assets over $10 billion to $40 billion. For example, for a taxpayer
with total consolidated assets of $20 billion, no deduction is allowed for 25 percent of FDIC
premiums. The provision does not apply to taxpayers with total consolidated assets (as of the
close of the taxable year) that do not exceed $10 billion.
FDIC premium means any assessment imposed under section 7(b) of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act.
The term total consolidated assets has the meaning given such term under
section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
For purposes of determining a taxpayer’s total consolidated assets, members of an
expanded affiliated group are treated as a single taxpayer. An expanded affiliated group means
an affiliated group as defined in section 1504(a), determined by substituting “more than 50
percent” for “at least 80 percent” each place it appears and without regard to the exceptions from
the definition of includible corporation for insurance companies and foreign corporations. A
partnership or any other entity other than a corporation is treated as a member of an expanded
affiliated group if such entity is controlled by members of such group.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Technical Advice Memorandum 199924060, March 5, 1999, and Rev. Rul. 80-230, 1980-2 C.B. 169,
12 U.S.C. sec. 1817(b).
Pub. L. No. 111-203.
11. Repeal of rollover of publicly traded securities gain into specialized small business
investment companies (sec. 3310 of the House bill and sec. 1044 of the Code)
Present Law
A corporation or individual may elect to roll over tax-free any capital gain realized on the
sale of publicly-traded securities to the extent of the taxpayer’s cost of purchasing common stock
or a partnership interest in a specialized small business investment company within 60 days of
the sale.
The amount of gain that an individual may elect to roll over under this provision for
a taxable year is limited to (1) $50,000 or (2) $500,000 reduced by the gain previously excluded
under this provision.
For corporations, these limits are $250,000 and $1 million,
House Bill
The House bill repeals the election described above to roll over tax-free capital gain
realized on the sale of publicly-traded securities.
Effective date.The provision applies to sales after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
12. Certain self-created property not treated as a capital asset (sec. 3311 of the House bill
and sec. 1221 of the Code)
Present Law
In general, property held by a taxpayer (whether or not connected with his trade or
business) is considered a capital asset.
Certain assets, however, are specifically excluded from
the definition of capital asset. Such excluded assets are: inventory property, property of a
character subject to depreciation (including real property),
certain self-created intangibles,
Sec. 1044(a).
Sec. 1044(b)(1).
Sec. 1044(b)(2).
Sec. 1221(a).
The net gain from the sale, exchange, or involuntary conversion of certain property used in the
taxpayer’s trade or business (in excess of depreciation recapture) is treated as long-term capital gain. Sec. 1231.
accounts or notes receivable acquired in the ordinary course of business (e.g., for providing
services or selling property), publications of the U.S. Government received by a taxpayer other
than by purchase at the price offered to the public, commodities derivative financial instruments
held by a commodities derivatives dealer unless established to the satisfaction of the Secretary
that any such instrument has no connection to the activities of such dealer as a dealer and clearly
identified as such before the close of the day on which it was acquired, originated, or entered
into, hedging transactions clearly identified as such, and supplies regularly used or consumed by
the taxpayer in the ordinary course of a trade or business of the taxpayer.
Self-created intangibles subject to the exception are copyrights, literary, musical, or
artistic compositions, letters or memoranda, or similar property which is held either by the
taxpayer who created the property, or (in the case of a letter, memorandum, or similar property) a
taxpayer for whom the property was produced.
For the purpose of determining gain, a
taxpayer with a substituted or transferred basis from the taxpayer who created the property, or for
whom the property was created, also is subject to the exception.
However, a taxpayer may
elect to treat musical compositions and copyrights in musical works as capital assets.
Since the intent of Congress is that profits and losses arising from everyday business
operations be characterized as ordinary income and loss, the general definition of capital asset is
narrowly applied and the categories of exclusions are broadly interpreted.
House Bill
This provision amends section 1221(a)(3), resulting in the exclusion of a patent,
invention, model or design (whether or not patented), and a secret formula or process which is
held either by the taxpayer who created the property or a taxpayer with a substituted or
transferred basis from the taxpayer who created the property (or for whom the property was
created) from the definition of a “capital asset.” Thus, gains or losses from the sale or exchange
of a patent, invention, model or design (whether or not patented), or a secret formula or process
which is held either by the taxpayer who created the property or a taxpayer with a substituted or
transferred basis from the taxpayer who created the property (or for whom the property was
created) will not receive capital gain treatment.
However, net gain from such property is treated as ordinary income to the extent that losses from such property in
the previous five years were treated as ordinary losses. Sec. 1231(c).
Sec. 1221(a)(1)-(8).
Sec. 1221(a)(3)(A) and (B).
Sec. 1221(a)(3)(C).
Sec. 1221(b)(3). Thus, if a taxpayer who owns musical compositions or copyrights in musical works
that the taxpayer created (or if a taxpayer to which the musical compositions or copyrights have been transferred by
the works’ creator in a substituted basis transaction) elects the application of this provision, gain from a sale of the
compositions or copyrights is treated as capital gain, not ordinary income.
Corn Products Refining Co. v. Commissioner, 350 U.S. 46, 52 (1955).
Effective date.The provision applies to dispositions after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
13. Repeal of special rule for sale or exchange of patents (sec. 3312 of the House bill and
sec. 1235 of the Code))
Present Law
Section 1235 provides that a transfer
of all substantial rights to a patent, or an
undivided interest therein which includes a part of all such rights, by any holder shall be
considered the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for more than one year, regardless of
whether or not payments in consideration of such transfer are (1) payable periodically over a
period generally conterminous with the transferee’s use of the patent, or (2) contingent on the
productivity, use, or disposition of the property transferred.
A holder is defined as (1) any individual whose efforts created such property, or (2) any
other individual who has acquired his interest in such property in exchange for consideration in
money or money’s worth paid to such creator prior to actual reduction to practice of the
invention covered by the patent, if such individual is neither the employer of such creator nor
related (as defined) to such creator.
House Bill
The provision repeals section 1235. Thus, the holder of a patented invention may not
transfer his or her rights to the patent and treat amounts received as proceeds from the sale of a
capital asset. It is intended that the determination of whether a transfer is a sale or exchange of a
capital asset that produces capital gain, or a transaction that produces ordinary income, will be
determined under generally applicable principles.
Effective date.The provision applies to dispositions after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
A transfer by gift, inheritance, or devise is not included.
Sec. 1235(a).
Sec. 1235(b).
See also section 3311 of the House bill (Certain self-created property not treated as a capital asset).
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
14. Repeal of technical termination of partnerships (sec. 3313 of the House bill and
sec. 708(b) of the Code)
Present Law
A partnership is considered as terminated under specified circumstances.
Special rules
apply in the case of the merger, consolidation, or division of a partnership.
A partnership is treated as terminated if no part of any business, financial operation, or
venture of the partnership continues to be carried on by any of its partners in a partnership.
A partnership is also treated as terminated if within any 12-month period, there is a sale
or exchange of 50 percent or more of the total interest in partnership capital and profits.
is sometimes referred to as a technical termination. Under regulations, the technical termination
gives rise to a deemed contribution of all the partnership’s assets and liabilities to a new
partnership in exchange for an interest in the new partnership, followed by a deemed distribution
of interests in the new partnership to the purchasing partners and the other remaining partners.
The effect of a technical termination is not necessarily the end of the partnership’s existence, but
rather the termination of some tax attributes. Upon a technical termination, the partnership’s
taxable year closes, potentially resulting in short taxable years.
Partnership-level elections
generally cease to apply following a technical termination.
A technical termination generally
results in the restart of partnership depreciation recovery periods.
Sec. 708(b)(1).
Sec. 708(b)(2). Mergers, consolidations, and divisions of partnerships take either an assets-over form
or an assets-up form pursuant to Treas. Reg. sec. 1.708-1(c).
Sec. 708(b)(1)(A).
Sec. 708(b)(1)(B).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.708-1(b)(4).
Sec. 706(c)(1); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.708-1(b)(3).
Partnership level elections include, for example, the section 754 election to adjust basis on a transfer or
distribution, as well as other elections that determine the partnership’s tax treatment of partnership items. A list of
elections can be found at William S. McKee, William F. Nelson, and Robert L. Whitmire, Federal Taxation of
Partnerships and Partners, 4
edition, para. 9.01[7], pp. 9-42 - 9-44.
House Bill
The provision repeals the section 708(b)(1)(B) rule providing for technical terminations
of partnerships. The provision does not change the present-law rule of section 708(b)(1)(A) that
a partnership is considered as terminated if no part of any business, financial operation, or
venture of the partnership continues to be carried on by any of its partners in a partnership.
Effective date.The provision applies to partnership taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
15. Recharacterization of certain gains in the case of partnership profits interests held in
connection with performance of investment services (sec. 3314 of the House bill, sec. 13310
of the Senate amendment, and secs. 1061 and 83 of the Code)
Present Law
Partnership profits interest for services
A profits interest in a partnership is the right to receive future profits in the partnership
but does not generally include any right to receive money or other property upon the immediate
liquidation of the partnership. The treatment of the receipt of a profits interest in a partnership
(sometimes referred to as a carried interest) in exchange for the performance of services has been
the subject of controversy. Though courts have differed, in some instances, a taxpayer receiving
a profits interest for performing services has not been taxed upon the receipt of the partnership
In 1993, the Internal Revenue Service, referring to the litigation of the tax treatment of
receiving a partnership profits interest and the results in the cases, issued administrative guidance
that the IRS generally would treat the receipt of a partnership profits interest for services as not a
taxable event for the partnership or the partner.
Under this guidance, this treatment does not
apply, however, if: (1) the profits interest relates to a substantially certain and predictable stream
Only a handful of cases have addressed this issue. Though one case required the value to be included
currently, where value was easily determined by a sale of the profits interest soon after receipt (Diamond v.
Commissioner, 56 T.C. 530 (1971), aff’d 492 F.2d 286 (7th Cir. 1974)), a more recent case concluded that
partnership profits interests were not includable on receipt, because the profits interests were speculative and
without fair market value (Campbell v. Commissioner, 943 F. 2d 815 (8th Cir. 1991)).
Rev. Proc. 93-27 (1993-2 C.B. 343), citing the Diamond and Campbell cases, supra.
of income from partnership assets, such as income from high-quality debt securities or a high-
quality net lease; (2) within two years of receipt, the partner disposes of the profits interest; or (3)
the profits interest is a limited partnership interest in a publicly traded partnership. More recent
administrative guidance
clarifies that this treatment applies with respect to substantially
unvested profits interests provided the service partner takes into income his distributive share of
partnership income, and the partnership does not deduct any amount either on grant or on vesting
of the profits interest.
By contrast, a partnership capital interest received for services is includable in the
partner’s income under generally applicable rules relating to the receipt of property for the
performance of services.
A partnership capital interest for this purpose is an interest that
would entitle the receiving partner to a share of the proceeds if the partnership’s assets were sold
at fair market value and the proceeds were distributed in liquidation.
Property received for services under section 83
In general
Section 83 governs the amount and timing of income and deductions attributable to
transfers of property in connection with the performance of services. If property is transferred in
connection with the performance of services, the person performing the services (the “service
provider”) generally must recognize income for the taxable year in which the property is first
substantially vested (i.e., transferable or not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture).
Rev. Proc. 2001-43 (2001-2 C.B. 191). This result applies under the guidance even if the interest is
substantially nonvested on the date of grant.
A similar result would occur under the “safe harbor” election under proposed regulations regarding the
application of section 83 to the compensatory transfer of a partnership interest. REG-105346-03, 70 Fed. Reg.
29675 (May 24, 2005).
Secs. 61 and 83; Treas. Reg. sec. 1.721-1(b)(1); see U.S. v. Frazell, 335 F.2d 487 (5th Cir. 1964), cert.
denied, 380 U.S. 961 (1965).
Rev. Proc. 93-27, 1993-2 C.B. 343.
The Department of Treasury has issued proposed regulations regarding the application of section 83 to
the compensatory transfer of a partnership interest. 70 Fed. Reg. 29675 (May 24, 2005). The proposed regulations
provide that a partnership interest is “property” for purposes of section 83. Thus, a compensatory transfer of a
partnership interest is includible in the service provider’s gross income at the time that it first becomes substantially
vested (or, in the case of a substantially nonvested partnership interest, at the time of grant if a section 83(b) election
is made). However, because the fair market value of a compensatory partnership interest is often difficult to
determine, the proposed regulations also permit a partnership and a partner to elect a safe harbor under which the
fair market value of a compensatory partnership interest is treated as being equal to the liquidation value of that
interest. Therefore, in the case of a true profits interest in a partnership (one under which the partner would be
entitled to nothing if the partnership were liquidated immediately following the grant), under the proposed
regulations, the grant of a substantially vested profits interest (or, if a section 83(b) election is made, the grant of a
substantially nonvested profits interest) results in no income inclusion under section 83 because the fair market
value of the property received by the service provider is zero. The proposed safe harbor is subject to a number of
amount includible in the service provider’s income is the excess of the fair market value of the
property over the amount (if any) paid for the property. A deduction is allowed to the person for
whom such services are performed (the “service recipient”) equal to the amount included in
gross income by the service provider.
The deduction is allowed for the taxable year of the
service recipient in which or with which ends the taxable year in which the amount is included in
the service provider’s income.
Property that is subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture and that is not transferable is
generally referred to as “substantially nonvested.” Property is subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture if the individual’s right to the property is conditioned on the future performance (or
refraining from performance) of substantial services. In addition, a substantial risk of forfeiture
exists if the right to the property is subject to a condition other than the performance of services,
provided that the condition relates to a purpose of the transfer and there is a substantial
possibility that the property will be forfeited if the condition does not occur.
Section 83(b) election
Under section 83(b), even if the property is substantially nonvested at the time of transfer,
the service provider may nevertheless elect within 30 days of the transfer to recognize income
for the taxable year of the transfer. Such an election is referred to as a “section 83(b) election.”
The service provider makes an election by filing with the IRS a written statement that includes
the fair market value of the property at the time of transfer and the amount (if any) paid for the
property. The service provider must also provide a copy of the statement to the service recipient.
Passthrough tax treatment of partnerships
The character of partnership items passes through to the partners, as if the items were
realized directly by the partners.
Thus, for example, long-term capital gain of the partnership
is treated as long-term capital gain in the hands of the partners.
A partner holding a partnership interest includes in income its distributive share (whether
or not actually distributed) of partnership items of income and gain, including capital gain
eligible for the lower tax rates. A partner’s basis in the partnership interest is increased by any
amount of gain thus included and is decreased by losses. These basis adjustments prevent double
taxation of partnership income to the partner, preserving the partnership’s tax status as a
passthrough entity. Money distributed to the partner by the partnership is taxed to the extent the
amount exceeds the partner’s basis in the partnership interest.
Net long-term capital gain
conditions. For example, the election cannot be made retroactively and must apply to all compensatory partnership
transfers that occur during the period that the election is in effect.
Sec. 83(h).
Sec. 702.
In the case of an individual, estate, or trust, any adjusted net capital gain which otherwise
would be taxed at the 10- or 15-percent rate is not taxed. Any adjusted net capital gain which
otherwise would be taxed at rates over 15 percent and below 39.6 percent is taxed at a 15-percent
rate. Any adjusted net capital gain which otherwise would be taxed at a 39.6-percent rate is
taxed at a 20-percent rate.
In general, gain or loss reflected in the value of an asset is not recognized for income tax
purposes until a taxpayer disposes of the asset. On the sale or exchange of a capital asset,
gain generally is included in income.
Short-term capital gain means gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for
not more than one year, if and to the extent such gain is taken into account in computing gross
income. Net short-term capital loss means the excess of short term capital losses for the taxable
year over the short-term capital gains for the taxable year.
Net long-term capital gain means the excess of long-term capital gains for the taxable
year over the long-term capital losses for the taxable year.
Net capital gain is the excess of the net long-term capital gain for the taxable year over
the net short-term capital loss for the year. Gain or loss is treated as long-term if the asset is held
for more than one year.
The adjusted net capital gain of an individual is the net capital gain reduced (but not below zero)
by the sum of the 28-percent rate gain and the unrecaptured section 1250 gain. The net capital
gain is reduced by the amount of gain that the individual treats as investment income for
purposes of determining the investment interest limitation.
Sec. 1. Other rates apply to certain types of gain. The unrecaptured section 1250 gain is taxed at a
maximum rate of 25 percent, and 28-percent rate gain is taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. Any amount of
unrecaptured section 1250 gain or 28-percent rate gain otherwise taxed at a 10- or 15-percent rate is taxed at the
otherwise applicable rate. In addition, a tax is imposed on net investment income in the case of an individual, estate,
or trust. In the case of an individual, the tax is 3.8 percent of the lesser of net investment income, which includes
gains and dividends, or the excess of modified adjusted gross income over the threshold amount. The threshold
amount is $250,000 in the case of a joint return or surviving spouse, $125,000 in the case of a married individual
filing a separate return, and $200,000 in the case of any other individual.
Sec. 1221. A capital asset generally means any property except (1) inventory, stock in trade, or
property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s trade or business, (2)
depreciable or real property used in the taxpayer’s trade or business, (3) specified literary or artistic property, (4)
business accounts or notes receivable, (5) certain U.S. publications, (6) certain commodity derivative financial
instruments, (7) hedging transactions, and (8) business supplies. In addition, the net gain from the disposition of
certain property used in the taxpayer’s trade or business is treated as long-term capital gain. Gain from the
disposition of depreciable personal property is not treated as capital gain to the extent of all previous depreciation
allowances. Gain from the disposition of depreciable real property is generally not treated as capital gain to the
extent of the depreciation allowances in excess of the allowances available under the straight-line method of
Sec. 163(d).
House Bill
General rule
The provision provides for a three-year holding period in the case of certain net long-term
capital gain with respect to any applicable partnership interest held by the taxpayer.
Section 83 (relating to property transferred in connection with performance of services)
does not apply to the transfer of a partnership interest to which the provision applies.
Short-term capital gain
The provision treats as short-term capital gain taxed at ordinary income rates the amount
of the taxpayer’s net long-term capital gain with respect to an applicable partnership interest for
the taxable year that exceeds the amount of such gain calculated as if a three-year (not one-year)
holding period applies. In making this calculation, the provision takes account of long-term
capital losses calculated as if a three-year holding period applies.
A special rule provides that, as provided in regulations or other guidance issued by the
Secretary, this rule does not apply to income or gain attributable to any asset that is not held for
portfolio investment on behalf of third party investors. Third party investor means a person (1)
who holds an interest in the partnership that is not property held in connection with an applicable
trade or business (defined below) with respect to that person, and (2) who is not and has not been
actively engaged in directly or indirectly providing substantial services for the partnership or any
applicable trade or business (and is (or was) not related to a person so engaged). A related
person for this purpose is a family member (within the meaning of attribution rules
) or
colleague, that is a person who performed a service within the current calendar year or the
preceding three calendar years in any applicable trade or business in which or for which the
taxpayer performed a service.
Applicable partnership interest
An applicable partnership interest is any interest in a partnership that, directly or
indirectly, is transferred to (or held by) the taxpayer in connection with performance of services
in any applicable trade or business. The services may be performed by the taxpayer or by any
other related person or persons in any applicable trade or business. It is intended that partnership
interests shall not fail to be treated as transferred or held in connection with the performance of
services merely because the taxpayer also made contributions to the partnership, and the
Treasury Department is directed to provide guidance implementing this intent. An applicable
partnership interest does not include an interest held by a person who is employed by another
entity that is conducting a trade or business (which is not an applicable trade or business) and
who provides services only to the other entity.
An applicable partnership interest does not include an interest in a partnership directly or
indirectly held by a corporation. For example, if two corporations form a partnership to conduct
Sec. 318(a)(1).
a joint venture for developing and marketing a pharmaceutical product, the partnership interests
held by the two corporations are not applicable partnership interests.
An applicable partnership interest does not include any capital interest in a partnership
giving the taxpayer a right to share in partnership capital commensurate with the amount of
capital contributed (as of the time the partnership interest was received), or commensurate with
the value of the partnership interest that is taxed under section 83 on receipt or vesting of the
partnership interest. For example, in the case of a partner who holds a capital interest in the
partnership with respect to capital he or she contributed to the partnership, if the partnership
agreement provides that the partner’s share of partnership capital is commensurate with the
amount of capital he or she contributed (as of the time the partnership interest was received)
compared to total partnership capital, the partnership interest is not an applicable partnership
interest to that extent.
Applicable trade or business
An applicable trade or business means any activity (regardless of whether the activity are
conducted in one or more entities) that consists in whole or in part of the following: (1) raising
or returning capital, and either (2) investing in (or disposing of) specified assets (or identifying
specified assets for investing or disposition), or (3) developing specified assets.
Developing specified assets takes place, for example, if it is represented to investors,
lenders, regulators, or others that the value, price, or yield of a portfolio business may be
enhanced or increased in connection with choices or actions of a service provider or of others
acting in concert with or at the direction of a service provider. Services performed as an
employee of an applicable trade or business are treated as performed in an applicable trade or
business for purposes of this rule. Merely voting shares owned does not amount to development;
for example, a mutual fund that merely votes proxies received with respect to shares of stock it
holds is not engaged in development.
Specified assets
Under the provision, specified assets means securities (generally as defined under rules
for mark-to-market accounting for securities dealers), commodities (as defined under rules for
mark-to-market accounting for commodities dealers), real estate held for rental or investment,
cash or cash equivalents, options or derivative contracts with respect to such securities,
commodities, real estate, cash or cash equivalents, as well as an interest in a partnership to the
extent of the partnership’s proportionate interest in the foregoing. A security for this purpose
means any (1) share of corporate stock, (2) partnership interest or beneficial ownership interest
in a widely held or publicly traded partnership or trust, (3) note, bond, debenture, or other
evidence of indebtedness, (4) interest rate, currency, or equity notional principal contract, (5)
interest in, or derivative financial instrument in, any such security or any currency (regardless of
whether section 1256 applies to the contract), and (6) position that is not such a security and is a
hedge with respect to such a security and is clearly identified. A commodity for this purpose
means any (1) commodity that is actively traded, (2) notional principal contract with respect to
such a commodity, (3) interest in, or derivative financial instrument in, such a commodity or
notional principal contract, or (4) position that is not such a commodity and is a hedge with
respect to such a commodity and is clearly identified. For purposes of the provision, real estate
held for rental or investment does not include, for example, real estate on which the holder
operates an active farm.
A partnership interest, for purposes of determining the proportionate interest of a
partnership in any specified asset, includes any partnership interest that is not otherwise treated
as a security for purposes of the provision (for example, an interest in a partnership that is not
widely held or publicly traded). For example, assume that a hedge fund acquires an interest in an
operating business conducted in the form of a non-publicly traded partnership that is not widely
held; the partnership interest is a specified asset for purposes of the provision.
Transfer of applicable partnership interest to related person
If a taxpayer transfers any applicable partnership interest, directly or indirectly, to a
person related to the taxpayer, then the taxpayer includes in gross income as short-term capital
gain so much of the taxpayer’s net long-term capital gain attributable to the sale or exchange of
an asset held for not more than three years as is allocable to the interest. The amount included as
short-term capital gain on the transfer is reduced by the amount treated as short-term capital gain
on the transfer for the taxable year under the general rule of the provision (that is, amounts are
not double-counted). A related person for this purpose is a family member (within the meaning
of attribution rules
) or colleague, that is a person who performed a service within the current
calendar year or the preceding three calendar years in any applicable trade or business in which
or for which the taxpayer performed a service.
Reporting requirement
The Secretary is directed to require reporting (at the time in the manner determined by
the Secretary) necessary to carry out the purposes of the provision. The penalties otherwise
applicable to a failure to report to partners under section 6031(b) apply to failure to report under
this requirement.
Regulatory authority
The Treasury Department is directed to issue regulations or other guidance necessary to
carry out the provision. Such guidance is to address prevention of the abuse of the purposes of
the provision, including through the allocation of income to tax-indifferent parties. Guidance is
also to provide for the application of the provision in the case of tiered structures of entities.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is generally the same as the House bill, except with respect to the
nonapplicability of section 83. Under the Senate amendment, the provision provides a three-year
Sec. 318(a)(1).
holding period in the case of certain net long-term capital gain with respect to any applicable
partnership interest held by the taxpayer, notwithstanding the rules of section 83 or any election
in effect under section 83(b).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment. The conferees wish to clarify
the interaction of section 83 with the provision’s three-year holding requirement, which applies
notwithstanding the rules of section 83 or any election in effect under section 83(b). Under the
provision, the fact that an individual may have included an amount in income upon acquisition of
the applicable partnership interest, or that an individual may have made a section 83(b) election
with respect to an applicable partnership interest, does not change the three-year holding period
requirement for long-term capital gain treatment with respect to the applicable partnership
interest. Thus, the provision treats as short-term capital gain taxed at ordinary income rates the
amount of the taxpayer’s net long-term capital gain with respect to an applicable partnership
interest for the taxable year that exceeds the amount of such gain calculated as if a three-year
(not one-year) holding period applies. In making this calculation, the provision takes account of
long-term capital losses calculated as if a three-year holding period applies.
16. Amortization of research and experimental expenditures (sec. 3315 of the House bill,
sec. 13206 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 174 of the Code)
Present Law
Business expenses associated with the development or creation of an asset having a
useful life extending beyond the current year generally must be capitalized and depreciated over
such useful life.
Taxpayers, however, may elect to deduct currently the amount of certain
reasonable research or experimentation expenditures paid or incurred in connection with a trade
or business.
Taxpayers may choose to forgo a current deduction, capitalize their research
expenditures, and recover them ratably over the useful life of the research, but in no case over a
period of less than 60 months.
Taxpayers, alternatively, may elect to amortize their research
expenditures over a period of 10 years.
Research and experimental expenditures deductible
Secs. 167 and 263(a).
Secs. 174(a) and (e).
Sec. 174(b). Taxpayers generating significant short-term losses often choose to defer the deduction for
their research and experimentation expenditures under this section. Additionally, section 174 amounts are excluded
from the definition of “start-up expenditures” under section 195 (section 195 generally provides that start-up
expenditures in excess of $5,000 either are not deductible or are amortizable over a period of not less than 180
months once an active trade or business begins). So as not to generate significant losses before beginning their trade
or business, a taxpayer may choose to defer the deduction and amortize its section 174 costs beginning with the
month in which the taxpayer first realizes benefits from the expenditures.
Secs. 174(f)(2) and 59(e). This special 10-year election is available to mitigate the effect of the
alternative minimum tax adjustment for research expenditures set forth in section 56(b)(2). Taxpayers with
under section 174 are not subject to capitalization under either section 263(a)
or section
Amounts defined as research or experimental expenditures under section 174 generally
include all costs incurred in the experimental or laboratory sense related to the development or
improvement of a product.
In particular, qualifying costs are those incurred for activities
intended to discover information that would eliminate uncertainty concerning the development or
improvement of a product.
Uncertainty exists when information available to the taxpayer is
not sufficient to ascertain the capability or method for developing, improving, and/or
appropriately designing the product.
The determination of whether expenditures qualify as
deductible research expenses depends on the nature of the activity to which the costs relate, not
the nature of the product or improvement being developed or the level of technological
advancement the product or improvement represents. Examples of qualifying costs include
salaries for those engaged in research or experimentation efforts, amounts incurred to operate
and maintain research facilities (e.g., utilities, depreciation, rent), and expenditures for materials
and supplies used and consumed in the course of research or experimentation (including amounts
incurred in conducting trials).
In addition, under administrative guidance, the costs of
developing computer software have been accorded treatment similar to research expenditures.
Research or experimental expenditures under section 174 do not include expenditures for
quality control testing; efficiency surveys; management studies; consumer surveys; advertising
or promotions; the acquisition of another’s patent, model, production or process; or research in
connection with literary, historical, or similar projects.
For purposes of section 174, quality
control testing means testing to determine whether particular units of materials or products
significant losses also may elect to amortize their otherwise deductible research and experimentation expenditures to
reduce amounts that could be subject to expiration under the net operating loss carryforward regime.
Sec. 263(a)(1)(B).
Sec. 263A(c)(2).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-2(a)(1) and (2). Product is defined to include any pilot model, process, formula,
invention, technique, patent, or similar property, and includes products to be used by the taxpayer in its trade or
business as well as products to be held for sale, lease, or license. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-2(a)(11), Example 10,
provides an example of new process development costs eligible for section 174 treatment.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-2(a)(1).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-4(c). The definition of research and experimental expenditures also includes
the costs of obtaining a patent, such as attorneys’ fees incurred in making and perfecting a patent. Treas. Reg.
sec. 1.174-2(a)(1).
Rev. Proc. 2000-50, 2000-2 C.B. 601.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-2(a)(6).
conform to specified parameters, but does not include testing to determine if the design of the
product is appropriate.
Generally, no current deduction under section 174 is allowable for expenditures for the
acquisition or improvement of land or of depreciable or depletable property used in connection
with any research or experimentation.
In addition, no current deduction is allowed for
research expenses incurred for the purpose of ascertaining the existence, location, extent, or
quality of any deposit of ore or other mineral, including oil and gas.
House Bill
Under the provision, amounts defined as specified research or experimental expenditures
are required to be capitalized and amortized ratably over a five-year period, beginning with the
midpoint of the taxable year in which the specified research or experimental expenditures were
paid or incurred. Specified research or experimental expenditures which are attributable to
research that is conducted outside of the United States
are required to be capitalized and
amortized ratably over a period of 15 years, beginning with the midpoint of the taxable year in
which such expenditures were paid or incurred. Specified research or experimental expenditures
subject to capitalization include expenditures for software development.
Specified research or experimental expenditures do not include expenditures for land or
for depreciable or depletable property used in connection with the research or experimentation,
but do include the depreciation and depletion allowances of such property. Also excluded are
exploration expenditures incurred for ore or other minerals (including oil and gas).
In the case of retired, abandoned, or disposed property with respect to which specified
research or experimental expenditures are paid or incurred, any remaining basis may not be
recovered in the year of retirement, abandonment, or disposal, but instead must continue to be
amortized over the remaining amortization period.
As part of the repeal of the alternative minimum tax, taxpayers may no longer elect to
amortize their research or experimental expenditures over a period of 10 years.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2022.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.174-2(a)(7).
Sec. 174(c).
Sec. 174(d). Special rules apply with respect to geological and geophysical costs (section 167(h)),
qualified tertiary injectant expenses (section 193), intangible drilling costs (sections 263(c) and 291(b)), and mining
exploration and development costs (sections 616 and 617).
For this purpose, the term “United States” includes the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, and any possession of the United States.
See section 2001 of the House bill (Repeal of alternative minimum tax).
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill, except with the following modifications.
The application of the Senate amendment is treated as a change in the taxpayer’s method of
accounting for purposes of section 481, initiated by the taxpayer, and made with the consent of
the Secretary. The Senate amendment is applied on a cutoff basis to research or experimental
expenditures paid or incurred in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025 (hence there is
no adjustment under section 481(a) for research or experimental expenditures paid or incurred in
taxable years beginning before January 1, 2026). In addition, the Senate amendment makes
conforming changes to sections 41 and 280C.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2021.
17. Certain special rules for taxable year of inclusion (sec. 13221 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 451 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Under section 61(a), gross income generally includes all income from whatever source
derived, except as otherwise provided in Subtitle A of the Code. Thus, gross income generally
includes income realized in any from, whether in money, property, or services, except to the
extent provided in other sections of the Code.
Once it is determined that an item of gross
income is clearly realized for Federal income tax purposes, section 451 and the regulations
thereunder provide the general rules as to the timing of when such item is to be included in gross
A taxpayer generally is required to include an item in gross income no later than the time
of its actual or constructive receipt, unless the item properly is accounted for in a different period
under the taxpayer’s method of accounting.
If a taxpayer has an unrestricted right to demand
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.61-1.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.61-1(b)(3).
Sec. 451(a).
the payment of an amount, the taxpayer is in constructive receipt of that amount whether or not
the taxpayer makes the demand and actually receives the payment.
In general, for a cash basis taxpayer, an amount is included in gross income when
actually or constructively received. For an accrual basis taxpayer, an amount is included in gross
income when all the events have occurred that fix the right to receive such income and the
amount thereof can be determined with reasonable accuracy (i.e., when the “all events test” is
met), unless an exception permits deferral or exclusion, or a special method of accounting
A number of exceptions that exist to permit deferral of gross income relate to advance
payments. An advance payment is when a taxpayer receives payment before the taxpayer
provides goods or services to its customer. The exceptions often allow tax deferral to mirror
financial accounting deferral (e.g., income is recognized as the goods are provided or the
services are performed).
Interest income
A taxpayer generally must include in gross income the amount of interest received or
accrued within the taxable year on indebtedness held by the taxpayer.
Original issue discount
The holder of a debt instrument with original issue discount (“OID”) generally accrues
and includes the OID in gross income as interest over the term of the instrument, regardless of
when the stated interest (if any) is paid.
The amount of OID with respect to a debt instrument is the excess of the stated
redemption price at maturity over the issue price of the debt instrument.
The stated
redemption price at maturity is the sum of all payments provided by the debt instrument other
than qualified stated interest payments.
The holder includes in gross income an amount equal
to the sum of the daily portions of the OID for each day during the taxable year the holder held
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.451-2.
See Treas. Reg. secs. 1.446-1(c)(1)(ii) and 1.451-1(a).
For examples of provisions permitting deferral of advance payments, see Treas. Reg. sec. 1.451-5 and
Rev. Proc. 2004-34, 2004-1 C.B. 991, as modified and clarified by Rev. Proc. 2011-18, 2011-5 I.R.B. 443, and Rev.
Proc. 2013-29, 2013-33 I.R.B. 141.
Secs. 61(a)(4) and 451.
Sec. 1272.
Sec. 1273(a)(1).
Sec. 1273(a)(2) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1273-1(b).
such debt instrument. The daily portion is determined by allocating to each day in any accrual
period its ratable portion of the increase during such accrual period in the adjusted issue price of
the debt instrument.
The adjustment to the issue price is determined by multiplying the
adjusted issue price (i.e., the issue price increased by adjustments prior to the accrual period) by
the instrument’s yield to maturity, and then subtracting the interest payable during the accrual
period. Thus, to compute the amount of OID and the portion of OID allocable to a period, the
stated redemption price at maturity and the term must be known. Issuers of OID instruments
accrue and deduct the amount of OID as interest expense in the same manner as the holder.
Debt instruments subject to acceleration
Special rules for determining the amount of OID allocated to a period apply to certain
instruments that may be subject to prepayment. If a borrower can reduce the yield on a debt by
exercising a prepayment option, the OID rules assume that the borrower will prepay the debt.
In addition, in the case of (1) any regular interest in a real estate mortgage investment conduit
(“REMIC”) or qualified mortgages held by a REMIC or (2) any other debt instrument if
payments under the instrument may be accelerated by reason of prepayments of other obligations
securing the instrument, the daily portions of the OID on such debt instruments are determined
by taking into account an assumption regarding the prepayment of principal for such
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
extended these rules to any pool of debt instruments
the payments on which may be accelerated by reason of prepayments.
Thus, if a taxpayer
holds a pool of credit card receivables that require interest to be paid only if the borrowers do not
pay their accounts by a specified date (“grace-period interest”), the taxpayer is required to accrue
interest or OID on such pool based upon a reasonable assumption regarding the timing of the
payments of the accounts in the pool. Under these rules, certain amounts (other than grace-
period interest) related to credit card transactions, such as late-payment fees,
Sec. 1272(a)(1) and (3).
Sec. 163(e).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1272-1(c)(5).
Sec. 1272(a)(6).
Pub. L. No. 105-34, sec. 1004(a).
Sec. 1272(a)(6)(C)(iii).
Rev. Proc. 2004-33, 2004-1 C.B. 989.
and interchange fees,
have been determined to create OID or increase the amount of
OID on the pool of credit card receivables to which the amounts relate.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision revises the rules associated with the timing of the recognition of income.
Specifically, the provision requires an accrual method taxpayer subject to the all events test for
an item of gross income to recognize such income no later than the taxable year in which such
income is taken into account as revenue in an applicable financial statement
or another
financial statement under rules specified by the Secretary, but provides an exception for
Rev. Proc. 2005-47, 2005-2 C.B. 269.
Capital One Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries v. Commissioner, 133 T.C. No. 8 (2009); IRS Chief
Counsel Notice CC-2010-018, September 27, 2010.
See also Rev. Proc. 2013-26, 2013-22 I.R.B. 1160, for a safe harbor method of accounting for OID on a
pool of credit card receivables for purposes of section 1272(a)(6).
The provision does not revise the rules associated with when an item is realized for Federal income tax
purposes and, accordingly, does not require the recognition of income in situations where the Federal income tax
realization event has not yet occurred. For example, the provision does not require the recharacterization of a
transaction from sale to lease, or vice versa, to conform to how the transaction is reported in the taxpayer’s
applicable financial statement. Similarly, the provision does not require the recognition of gain or loss from
securities that are marked to market for financial reporting purposes if the gain or loss from such investments is not
realized for Federal income tax purposes until such time that the taxpayer sells or otherwise disposes of the
investment. As a further example, income from investments in corporations or partnerships that are accounted for
under the equity method for financial reporting purposes will not result in the recognition of income for Federal
income tax purposes until such time that the Federal income tax realization even has occurred (e.g., when the
taxpayer receives a dividend from the corporation in which it owns less than a controlling interest or when the
taxpayer receives its allocable share of income, deductions, gains, and losses on its Schedule K-1 from the
For purposes of the provision, the term “applicable financial statement” means: (A) a financial
statement which is certified as being prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
which is (i) a 10–K (or successor form), or annual statement to shareholders, required to be filed by the taxpayer
with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), (ii) an audited financial statement of the
taxpayer which is used for (I) credit purposes, (II) reporting to shareholders, partners, or other proprietors, or to
beneficiaries, or (III) any other substantial nontax purpose, but only if there is no statement of the taxpayer described
in clause (i), or (iii) filed by the taxpayer with any other Federal agency for purposes other than Federal tax
purposes, but only if there is no statement of the taxpayer described in clause (i) or (ii); (B) a financial statement
which is made on the basis of international financial reporting standards and is filed by the taxpayer with an agency
of a foreign government which is equivalent to the SEC and which has reporting standards not less stringent than the
standards required by such Commission, but only if there is no statement of the taxpayer described in
subparagraph (A); or (C) a financial statement filed by the taxpayer with any other regulatory or governmental body
specified by the Secretary, but only if there is no statement of the taxpayer described in subparagraph (A) or (B). If
the financial results of a taxpayer are reported on the applicable financial statement for a group of entities, such
statement is treated as the applicable financial statement of the taxpayer.
taxpayers without an applicable or other specified financial statement.
In the case of a
contract which contains multiple performance obligations, the provision allows the taxpayer to
allocate the transaction price in accordance with the allocation made in the taxpayer’s applicable
financial statement.
In addition, the provision directs accrual method taxpayers with an applicable financial
statement to apply the income recognition rules under section 451 before applying the special
rules under part V of subchapter P, which, in addition to the OID rules, also includes rules
regarding the treatment of market discount on bonds, discounts on short-term obligations, OID
on tax-exempt bonds, and stripped bonds and stripped coupons.
Thus, for example, to the
extent amounts are included in revenue for financial statement purposes when received (e.g.,
late-payment fees, cash-advance fees, or interchange fees), such amounts generally are
includable in income at such time in accordance with the general recognition principles under
section 451. The provision provides an exception for any item of gross income in connection
with a mortgage servicing contract. Thus, under the provision, income from mortgage servicing
rights will continue to be recognized in accordance with the present law rules for such items of
gross income (i.e., “normal” mortgage servicing rights will be included in income upon the
earlier of earned or received under the all events test of section 451 (i.e., not averaged over the
life of the mortgage),
and “excess” mortgage servicing rights will be treated as stripped
coupons under section 1286 and therefore subject to the original issue discount rules
The provision also codifies the current deferral method of accounting for advance
payments for goods, services, and other specified items provided by the IRS under Revenue
The Committee intends that the provision apply to items of gross income for which the timing of
income inclusion is determined using the all events test under present law. Under the provision, an accrual method
taxpayer with an applicable financial statement will include an item in income under section 451 upon the earlier of
when the all events test is met or when the taxpayer includes such item in revenue in an applicable financial
statement. For example, under the provision, any unbilled receivables for partially performed services must be
recognized to the extent the amounts are taken into income for financial statement purposes. However, accrual
method taxpayers without an applicable or other specified financial statement will continue to determine income
inclusion under the all events test, unless an exception permits deferral or exclusion. See sec. 451(a) and Treas.
Reg. sec. 1.451-1(a). The Committee intends that the financial statement conformity requirement added to
section 451 not be construed as preventing the use of special methods of accounting provided elsewhere in the Code,
other than part V of subchapter P (special rules for bonds and other debt instruments) excluding items of gross
income in connection with a mortgage servicing contract. For example, it does not preclude the use of the
installment method under section 453 or the use of long-term contract methods under section 460. See Treas. Reg.
sec. 1.446-1(c)(1)(iii).
Secs. 1271 – 1288.
See Rev. Rul. 70-142, 1970-2 C.B. 115.
See Rev. Rul. 91-46, 1991-2, C.B. 358, and Rev. Proc. 91-50, 1991-2 C.B. 778.
Procedure 2004-34.
That is, the provision allows accrual method taxpayers to elect
to defer
the inclusion of income associated with certain advance payments to the end of the tax year
following the tax year of receipt if such income also is deferred for financial statement
In the case of advance payments received for a combination of services, goods, or
other specified items, the provision allows the taxpayer to allocate the transaction price in
accordance with the allocation made in the taxpayer’s applicable financial statement. The
provision requires the inclusion in gross income of a deferred advance payment if the taxpayer
ceases to exist.
The application of these rules is a change in the taxpayer’s method of accounting for
purposes of section 481. In the case of any taxpayer required by this provision to change its
method of accounting for its first taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, such change
is treated as initiated by the taxpayer and made with the consent of the Secretary. In the case of
income from a debt instrument having OID, the related section 481(a) adjustment is taken into
account over six taxable years.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. In the case of income from a debt instrument having OID, the provision
applies to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
18. Denial of deduction for certain fines, penalties, and other amounts (sec. 13306 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 162(f) and new sec. 6050X of the Code)
Present Law
The Code denies a deduction for fines or penalties paid to a government for the violation
of any law.
House Bill
No provision.
2004-1 C.B. 991, as modified and clarified by Rev. Proc. 2011-18, 2011-5 I.R.B. 443, and Rev. Proc.
2013-29, 2013-33 I.R.B. 141.
The election shall be made at such time, in such form and manner, and with respect to such categories
of advance payments as the Secretary may provide. For these purposes, the recognition of income under such
election is treated as a method of accounting.
Thus, the provision is intended to override any deferral method provided by Treasury Regulation
section 1.451-5 for advance payments received for goods.
Sec. 162(f).
Senate Amendment
The provision denies deductibility for any otherwise deductible amount paid or incurred
(whether by suit, agreement, or otherwise) to or at the direction of a government or specified
nongovernmental entity in relation to the violation of any law or the investigation or inquiry by
such government or entity into the potential violation of any law. An exception applies to
payments that the taxpayer establishes are either restitution (including remediation of property)
or amounts required to come into compliance with any law that was violated or involved in the
investigation or inquiry, that are identified in the court order or settlement agreement as
restitution, remediation, or required to come into compliance. In the case of any amount of
restitution for failure to pay any tax and assessed as restitution under the Code, such restitution is
deductible only to the extent it would have been allowed as a deduction if it had been timely
paid. The IRS remains free to challenge the characterization of an amount so identified;
however, no deduction is allowed unless the identification is made. Restitution or included
remediation of property does not include reimbursement of government investigative or litigation
The provision applies only where a government (or other entity treated in a manner
similar to a government under the provision) is a complainant or investigator with respect to the
violation or potential violation of any law.
An exception also applies to any amount paid or
incurred as taxes due.
The provision requires government agencies (or entities treated as such agencies under
the provision) to report to the IRS and to the taxpayer the amount of each settlement agreement
or order entered into where the aggregate amount required to be paid or incurred to or at the
direction of the government is at least $600 (or such other amount as may be specified by the
Secretary of the Treasury as necessary to ensure the efficient administration of the Internal
Revenue laws). The report must separately identify any amounts that are for restitution or
remediation of property, or correction of noncompliance. The report must be made at the time
the agreement is entered into, as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Effective date.The provision denying the deduction and the reporting provision are
effective for amounts paid or incurred on or after the date of enactment, except that it would not
apply to amounts paid or incurred under any binding order or agreement entered into before such
date. Such exception does not apply to an order or agreement requiring court approval unless the
approval was obtained before such date.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Thus, for example, the provision does not apply to payments made by one private party to another in a
lawsuit between private parties, merely because a judge or jury acting in the capacity as a court directs the payment
to be made. The mere fact that a court enters a judgment or directs a result in a private dispute does not cause the
payment to be made “at the direction of a government” for purposes of the provision.
19. Denial of deduction for settlements subject to nondisclosure agreements paid in
connection with sexual harassment or sexual abuse (sec. 13307 of the Senate amendment
and new sec. 162(q) of the Code)
Present Law
A taxpayer generally is allowed a deduction for ordinary and necessary expenses paid or
incurred in carrying on any trade or business.
However, certain exceptions apply. No
deduction is allowed for (1) any charitable contribution or gift that would be allowable as a
deduction under section 170 were it not for the percentage limitations, the dollar limitations, or
the requirements as to the time of payment, set forth in such section; (2) any illegal bribe, illegal
kickback, or other illegal payment; (3) certain lobbying and political expenditures; (4) any fine
or similar penalty paid to a government for the violation of any law; (5) two-thirds of treble
damage payments under the antitrust laws; (6) certain foreign advertising expenses; (7) certain
amounts paid or incurred by a corporation in connection with the reacquisition of its stock or of
the stock of any related person; or (8) certain applicable employee remuneration.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
Under the provision, no deduction is allowed for any settlement, payout, or attorney fees
related to sexual harassment or sexual abuse if such payments are subject to a nondisclosure
Effective date.The provision is effective for amounts paid or incurred after the date of
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
20. Uniform treatment of expenses in contingency fee cases (sec. 3316 of the House bill and
new sec. 162(q) of the Code)
Present Law
The Code provides that a taxpayer may deduct all ordinary and necessary expenses paid
or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on a trade or business.
Sec. 162(a).
Sec. 162(a); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.162-1(a).
A current deduction for an expense for which there is a right or expectation of
reimbursement may be disallowed because these payments are not expenses of the taxpayer and
are instead in the nature of an advance or a loan. The extent to which the right must be
established has varied. Some cases have denied the current deduction because the right of
reimbursement was fixed,
others have allowed the current deduction because the right of
reimbursement was uncertain,
and other cases have denied the current deduction if the
taxpayer’s right to reimbursement was subject to a contingency.
Courts have held that an attorney representing clients on a contingent fee basis may not
currently deduct advances to or expenses paid on behalf of the clients as ordinary and necessary
business expenses.
The amounts in these cases were to be repaid from any recovery. Courts
have also held that even if reimbursement is due only under certain circumstances, generally no
immediate deduction is allowable.
However, the Ninth Circuit reached the opposite conclusion and held that attorneys who
represent clients in “gross fee” contingency fee cases are not extending loans to clients and
therefore may treat litigation costs, such as court fees and witness expenses, as deductible
business expenses under the Code.
The IRS does not follow this decision, except in the Ninth
Circuit, based on the fact that amounts advanced by attorneys will be reimbursed by the client
and therefore are not deductible business expenses.
House Bill
The provision denies attorneys an otherwise-allowable deduction for litigation costs paid
under arrangements that are primarily on a contingent fee basis until the contingency ends.
Charles Baloian Company, Inc. v. Commissioner, 68 T.C. 620, 626, 628 (1977); Manocchio v.
Commissioner, 710 F.2d 1400, 1402 (9th Cir. 1983); Glendinning, McLeish & Co. v. Commissioner, 61 F.2d 950,
952 (2d Cir. 1932); Webbe v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1987-426, aff’d, 902 F.2d 688 (8th Cir. 1990).
George K. Herman Chevrolet, Inc. v. Commissioner, 39 T.C. 846, 853 (1963); Allegheny Corporation
v. Commissioner, 28 T.C. 298, 305 (1957), acq., 1957-2 C.B. 3; Electric Tachometer Corporation v. Commissioner,
37 T.C. 158, 161-162 (1961), acq., 1962-2 C.B. 4.
Burnett v. Commissioner, 356 F.2d 755, 760 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 385 U.S. 832 (1966); Herrick v.
Commissioner, 63 T.C. 562, 567, 568 (1975); Canelo v. Commissioner, 53 T.C. 217, 225 (1969), aff’d, 447 F.2d
484 (9th Cir. 1971), acq. 1971-2 C.B. 2, nonacq. in part, 1982-2 C.B. 2; Silverton v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.
1977-198, aff’d, 647 F.2d 172 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 454 U.S. 1033 (1981); Watts v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.
Boccardo v. Commissioner, 12 Cl Ct. 184 (1987); Boccardo v. Commissioner, 65 T.C.M. 2739 (1993).
Boccardo v. Commissioner, 56 F.3d 1016 (9th Cir. 1995), rev’g 65 T.C.M. 2739 (1993).
1997 FSA LEXIS 442 (June 2, 1997).
The provision effects a legislative override of the opinion in the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals in Boccardo v. Commissioner, 56 F.3d 1016 (9th Cir. 1995). No inference regarding the
tax treatment of these costs under present law is intended.
Effective date.The provision applies to expenses and costs paid or incurred in taxable
years beginning after the date of enactment.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
E. Reform of Business Credits
1. Repeal of credit for clinical testing expenses for certain drugs for rare diseases or
conditions (sec. 3401 of the House bill, sec. 13401 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 45C of
the Code)
Present Law
Section 45C provides a 50-percent business tax credit for qualified clinical testing
expenses incurred in testing of certain drugs for rare diseases or conditions, generally referred to
as “orphan drugs.” Qualified clinical testing expenses are costs incurred to test an orphan drug
after the drug has been approved for human testing by the Food and Drug Administration
(“FDA”) but before the drug has been approved for sale by the FDA.
A rare disease or
condition is defined as one that (1) affects fewer than 200,000 persons in the United States, or
(2) affects more than 200,000 persons, but for which there is no reasonable expectation that
businesses could recoup the costs of developing a drug for such disease or condition from sales
in the United States of the drug.
Amounts included in computing the credit under this section are excluded from the
computation of the research credit under section 41.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the credit for qualified clinical testing expenses.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment reduces the credit rate to 27.5 percent of qualified clinical testing
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment, but reduces the credit rate to
25 percent of qualified clinical testing expenses.
Sec. 45C(b).
Sec. 45C(d).
Sec. 45C(c).
2. Repeal of employer-provided child care credit (sec. 3402 of the House bill and sec. 42F of
the Code)
Present Law
Taxpayers are eligible for a tax credit equal to 25 percent of qualified expenditures for
employee child care and 10 percent of qualified expenditures for child care resource and referral
services. The maximum total credit that may be claimed by a taxpayer may not exceed $150,000
per taxable year. The credit is part of the general business credit.
Qualified child care expenditures generally include costs paid or incurred: (1) to acquire,
construct, rehabilitate or expand property that is to be used as part of the taxpayer’s qualified
child care facility;
(2) for the operation of the taxpayer’s qualified child care facility, including
the costs of training and certain compensation for employees of the child care facility, and
scholarship programs; or (3) under a contract with a qualified child care facility to provide child
care services to employees of the taxpayer. To be a qualified child care facility, the principal use
of the facility must be for child care (unless it is the principal residence of the taxpayer), and the
facility must meet all applicable State and local laws and regulations, including any licensing
Qualified child care expenditures for resource and referral services include amounts paid
under contract to provide child care resource and referral services to a taxpayer’s employees.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the credit for qualified child care expenditures and qualified child
care expenditures for resource and referral services.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The Conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
Sec. 38(b)(15).
In addition, a depreciation deduction (or amortization in lieu of depreciation) must be allowable with
respect to the property and the property must not be part of the principal residence of the taxpayer or any employee
of the taxpayer.
3. Rehabilitation credit (sec. 3403 of the House bill, sec. 13402 of the Senate amendment,
and sec. 47 of the Code)
Present Law
Section 47 provides a two-tier tax credit for rehabilitation expenditures.
A 20-percent credit is provided for qualified rehabilitation expenditures with respect to a
certified historic structure. For this purpose, a certified historic structure means any building that
is listed in the National Register, or that is located in a registered historic district and is certified
by the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Treasury as being of historic significance
to the district.
A 10-percent credit is provided for qualified rehabilitation expenditures with respect to a
qualified rehabilitated building, which generally means a building that was first placed in service
before 1936. A pre-1936 building must meet requirements with respect to retention of existing
external walls and internal structural framework of the building in order for expenditures with
respect to it to qualify for the 10-percent credit. A building is treated as having met the
substantial rehabilitation requirement under the 10-percent credit only if the rehabilitation
expenditures during the 24-month period selected by the taxpayer and ending within the taxable
year exceed the greater of (1) the adjusted basis of the building (and its structural components),
or (2) $5,000.
The provision requires the use of straight-line depreciation or the alternative depreciation system
in order for rehabilitation expenditures to be treated as qualified under the provision.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the rehabilitation credit.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
2017. A transition rule provides that in the case of qualified rehabilitation expenditures (within
the meaning of present law), with respect to any building owned or leased by the taxpayer at all
times on and after January 1, 2018, the 24-month period selected by the taxpayer (under
section 47(c)(1)(C)) is to begin not later than the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date
of the enactment of the Act, and the amendments made by the provision apply to such
expenditures paid or incurred after the end of the taxable year in which such 24-month period
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment repeals the 10-percent credit for pre-1936 buildings. The
provision retains the 20-percent credit for qualified rehabilitation expenditures with respect to a
certified historic structure, with a modification. Under the provision, the credit allowable for a
taxable year during the five-year period beginning in the taxable year in which the qualified
rehabilitated building is placed in service is an amount equal to the ratable share. The ratable
share for a taxable year during the five-year period is amount equal to 20 percent of the qualified
rehabilitation expenditures for the building, as allocated ratably to each taxable year during the
five-year period. It is intended that the sum of the ratable shares for the taxable years during the
five-year period does not exceed 100 percent of the credit for qualified rehabilitation
expenditures for the qualified rehabilitated building.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
2017. A transition rule provides that in the case of qualified rehabilitation expenditures (for a
pre-1936 building) with respect to any building owned or leased (as provided under present law)
by the taxpayer at all times on and after January 1, 2018, the 24-month period selected by the
taxpayer (under section 47(c)(1)(C)) is to begin not later than the end of the 180-day period
beginning on the date of the enactment of the Act, and the amendments made by the provision
apply to such expenditures paid or incurred after the end of the taxable year in which such 24-
month period ends.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with a modification to the
transition rule under the effective date relating to qualified rehabilitation expenditures under
certain phased rehabilitations for which the taxpayer may select a 60-month period.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred after December 31,
2017. A transition rule provides that in the case of qualified rehabilitation expenditures (for
either a certified historic structure or a pre-1936 building), with respect to any building owned or
leased (as provided under present law) by the taxpayer at all times on and after January 1, 2018,
the 24-month period selected by the taxpayer (section 47(c)(1)(C)(i)), or the 60-month period
selected by the taxpayer under the rule for phased rehabilitation (section 47(c)(1)(C)(ii)), is to
begin not later than the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of the
Act, and the amendments made by the provision apply to such expenditures paid or incurred after
the end of the taxable year in which such 24-month or 60-month period ends.
4. Repeal of work opportunity tax credit (sec. 3404 of the House bill and sec. 51 of the
Present Law
In general
The work opportunity tax credit is available on an elective basis for employers hiring
individuals from one or more of ten targeted groups. The amount of the credit available to an
employer is determined by the amount of qualified wages paid by the employer. Generally,
qualified wages consist of wages attributable to services rendered by a member of a targeted
group during the one-year period beginning with the day the individual begins work for the
employer (two years in the case of an individual in the long-term family assistance recipient
Targeted groups eligible for the credit
Generally, an employer is eligible for the credit only for qualified wages paid to members
of a targeted group. These targeted groups are: (1) Families receiving TANF; (2) Qualified
veterans; (3) Qualified ex-felons; (4) Designated community residents; (5) Vocational
rehabilitation referrals; (6) Qualified summer youth employees; (7) Qualified food and nutrition
recipients; (8) Qualified SSI recipients; (9) Long-term family assistance recipients; and
(10) Qualified long-term unemployment recipients.
Qualified wages
Generally, qualified wages are defined as cash wages paid by the employer to a member
of a targeted group. The employer’s deduction for wages is reduced by the amount of the credit.
For purposes of the credit, generally, wages are defined by reference to the FUTA
definition of wages contained in section 3306(b) (without regard to the dollar limitation therein
contained). Special rules apply in the case of certain agricultural labor and certain railroad labor.
Calculation of the credit
The credit available to an employer for qualified wages paid to members of all targeted
groups (except for long-term family assistance recipients and qualified veterans) equals
40 percent (25 percent for employment of 400 hours or less) of qualified first-year wages.
Generally, qualified first-year wages are qualified wages (not in excess of $6,000) attributable to
service rendered by a member of a targeted group during the one-year period beginning with the
day the individual began work for the employer. Therefore, the maximum credit per employee is
$2,400 (40 percent of the first $6,000 of qualified first-year wages). With respect to qualified
summer youth employees, the maximum credit is $1,200 (40 percent of the first $3,000 of
qualified first-year wages). Except for long-term family assistance recipients, no credit is
allowed for second-year wages.
In the case of long-term family assistance recipients, the credit equals 40 percent
(25 percent for employment of 400 hours or less) of $10,000 for qualified first-year wages and
50 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified second-year wages. Generally, qualified second-year
wages are qualified wages (not in excess of $10,000) attributable to service rendered by a
member of the long-term family assistance category during the one-year period beginning on the
day after the one-year period beginning with the day the individual began work for the employer.
Therefore, the maximum credit per employee is $9,000 (40 percent of the first $10,000 of
qualified first-year wages plus 50 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified second-year wages).
In the case of a qualified veterans, the credit is calculated as follows: (1) in the case of a
qualified veteran who was eligible to receive assistance under a supplemental nutritional
assistance program (for at least a three-month period during the year prior to the hiring date) the
employer is entitled to a maximum credit of 40 percent of $6,000 of qualified first-year wages;
(2) in the case of a qualified veteran who is entitled to compensation for a service connected
disability, who is hired within one year of discharge, the employer is entitled to a maximum
credit of 40 percent of $12,000 of qualified first-year wages; (3) in the case of a qualified veteran
who is entitled to compensation for a service connected disability, and who has been
unemployed for an aggregate of at least six months during the one-year period ending on the
hiring date, the employer is entitled to a maximum credit of 40 percent of $24,000 of qualified
first-year wages; (4) in the case of a qualified veteran unemployed for at least four weeks but less
than six months (whether or not consecutive) during the one-year period ending on the date of
hiring, the maximum credit equals 40 percent of $6,000 of qualified first-year wages; and (5) in
the case of a qualified veteran unemployed for at least six months (whether or not consecutive)
during the one-year period ending on the date of hiring, the maximum credit equals 40 percent of
$14,000 of qualified first-year wages.
The work opportunity tax credit is not available with respect to wages paid to individuals
who begin work for an employer after December 31, 2019.
House Bill
The provision repeals the work opportunity tax credit.
Effective date.The provision applies to amounts paid or incurred to individuals who
begin work for the employer after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
5. Repeal of deduction for certain unused business credits (sec. 3405 of the House bill,
sec. 13403 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 196 of the Code)
Present Law
The general business credit (“GBC”) consists of various individual tax credits allowed
with respect to certain qualified expenditures and activities.
In general, the various individual
tax credits contain provisions that prohibit “double benefits,” either by denying deductions in the
case of expenditure-related credits or by requiring income inclusions in the case of activity-
related credits. Unused credits may be carried back one year and carried forward 20 years.
Section 196 allows a deduction to the extent that certain portions of the GBC expire
unused after the end of the carry forward period. In general, 100 percent of the unused credit is
allowed as a deduction in the taxable year after such credit expired. However, with respect to the
investment credit determined under section 46 (other than the rehabilitation credit) and the
Sec. 38.
Sec. 39.
research credit determined under section 41(a) (for a taxable year beginning before January 1,
1990), section 196 limits the deduction to 50 percent of such unused credits.
House Bill
This provision repeals the deduction for certain unused business credits.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
6. Termination of new markets tax credit (sec. 3406 of the House bill and sec. 45D of the
Present Law
Section 45D provides a new markets tax credit for qualified equity investments made to
acquire stock in a corporation, or a capital interest in a partnership, that is a qualified community
development entity (“CDE”).
The amount of the credit allowable to the investor (either the
original purchaser or a subsequent holder) is (1) a five-percent credit for the year in which the
equity interest is purchased from the CDE and for each of the following two years, and (2) a six-
percent credit for each of the following four years.
The credit is determined by applying the
applicable percentage (five or six percent) to the amount paid to the CDE for the investment at
its original issue, and is available to the taxpayer who holds the qualified equity investment on
the date of the initial investment or on the respective anniversary date that occurs during the
taxable year.
The credit is recaptured if at any time during the seven-year period that begins
on the date of the original issue of the investment the entity (1) ceases to be a qualified CDE,
(2) the proceeds of the investment cease to be used as required, or (3) the equity investment is
Sec. 196(d).
Section 45D was added by section 121(a) of the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000, Pub. L.
No. 106-554.
Sec. 45D(a)(2).
Sec. 45D(a)(3).
Sec. 45D(g).
A qualified CDE is any domestic corporation or partnership: (1) whose primary mission
is serving or providing investment capital for low-income communities or low-income persons;
(2) that maintains accountability to residents of low-income communities by their representation
on any governing board of or any advisory board to the CDE; and (3) that is certified by the
Secretary as being a qualified CDE.
A qualified equity investment means stock (other than
nonqualified preferred stock) in a corporation or a capital interest in a partnership that is acquired
at its original issue directly (or through an underwriter) from a CDE for cash, and includes an
investment of a subsequent purchaser if such investment was a qualified equity investment in the
hands of the prior holder.
Substantially all of the investment proceeds must be used by the
CDE to make qualified low-income community investments and the investment must be
designated as a qualified equity investment by the CDE. For this purpose, qualified low-income
community investments include: (1) capital or equity investments in, or loans to, qualified active
low-income community businesses; (2) certain financial counseling and other services to
businesses and residents in low-income communities; (3) the purchase from another CDE of any
loan made by such entity that is a qualified low-income community investment; or (4) an equity
investment in, or loan to, another CDE.
A “low-income community” is a population census tract with either (1) a poverty rate of
at least 20 percent or (2) median family income which does not exceed 80 percent of the greater
of metropolitan area median family income or statewide median family income (for a non-
metropolitan census tract, does not exceed 80 percent of statewide median family income). In
the case of a population census tract located within a high migration rural county, low-income is
defined by reference to 85 percent (as opposed to 80 percent) of statewide median family
For this purpose, a high migration rural county is any county that, during the 20-year
period ending with the year in which the most recent census was conducted, has a net out-
migration of inhabitants from the county of at least 10 percent of the population of the county at
the beginning of such period.
The Secretary is authorized to designate “targeted populations” as low-income
communities for purposes of the new markets tax credit.
For this purpose, a “targeted
population” is defined by reference to section 103(20) of the Riegle Community Development
and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994
(the “Act”) to mean individuals, or an identifiable
group of individuals, including an Indian tribe, who are low-income persons or otherwise lack
adequate access to loans or equity investments. Section 103(17) of the Act provides that “low-
income” means (1) for a targeted population within a metropolitan area, less than 80 percent of
the area median family income; and (2) for a targeted population within a non-metropolitan area,
Sec. 45D(c).
Sec. 45D(b).
Sec. 45D(d).
Sec. 45D(e).
Sec. 45D(e)(2).
Pub. L. No. 103-325.
less than the greater of 80 percent of the area median family income or 80 percent of the
statewide non-metropolitan area median family income. A targeted population is not required to
be within any census tract. In addition, a population census tract with a population of less than
2,000 is treated as a low-income community for purposes of the credit if such tract is within an
empowerment zone, the designation of which is in effect under section 1391, and is contiguous
to one or more low-income communities.
A qualified active low-income community business is defined as a business that satisfies,
with respect to a taxable year, the following requirements: (1) at least 50 percent of the total
gross income of the business is derived from the active conduct of trade or business activities in
any low-income community; (2) a substantial portion of the tangible property of the business is
used in a low-income community; (3) a substantial portion of the services performed for the
business by its employees is performed in a low-income community; and (4) less than five
percent of the average of the aggregate unadjusted bases of the property of the business is
attributable to certain financial property or to certain collectibles.
The maximum annual amount of qualified equity investments is $3.5 billion for calendar
years 2010 through 2019. No amount of unused allocation limitation may be carried to any
calendar year after 2024.
House Bill
This provision provides that the new markets tax credit limitation is zero for calendar
year 2018 and thereafter and no amount of unused allocation limitation may be carried to any
calendar year after 2022.
Effective date.The provision applies to calendar years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
7. Repeal of credit for expenditures to provide access to disabled individuals (sec. 3407 of
the House bill and sec. 44 of the Code)
Present Law
Section 44 provides a 50-percent credit for eligible access expenditures paid or incurred
by an eligible small business for the taxable year. The credit is limited to eligible access
Sec. 45D(d)(2).
expenditures exceeding $250 but not exceeding 10,500. The credit is part of the general business
Eligible access expenditures generally means amounts paid or incurred by an eligible
small business to comply with requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act of
These expenditures
include: (1) removal of architectural, communication, physical
or transportation barriers which prevent a business from being usable or accessible to individuals
with disabilities;
(2) provision of qualified interpreters or other effective methods of making
aurally-delivered materials available to individuals with hearing impairments; (3) provision of
qualified readers, taped texts, or other effective methods of making visually-delivered materials
available to individuals with visual impairments; (4) acquisition or modification of equipment or
devices for individuals with disabilities; or (5) provision of other similar services, modifications,
materials or equipment.
An eligible small business means any person that elects application of section 44 and,
during the preceding taxable year, (1) had gross receipts not exceeding $1,000,000 or
(2) employed not more than 30 full-time employees.
House Bill
The House bill repeals the credit for eligible access expenditures.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
Sec. 38(b)(17).
As in effect on November 5, 1990. Sec. 44(c)(1).
These expenditures must be reasonable and necessary, excluding those unnecessary to accomplish listed
purposes, and meet standards set forth by the Secretary and the Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board. Sec. 44(c)(3) and (5).
Expenses related to this removal are not eligible in connection with facilities placed in service after
November 5, 1990. Sec. 44(c)(4).
For this definition, an employee is considered full-time if employed at least 30 hours per week for 20 or
more calendar weeks in the taxable year.
8. Modification of credit for portion of employer social security taxes paid with respect to
employee tips (sec. 3408 of the House bill and sec. 45B of the Code)
Present Law
Certain food or beverage establishments may elect to claim a business tax credit equal to
an employer’s taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (“FICA”)
paid on tips in
excess of those treated as wages for purposes of meeting the minimum wage requirements of the
Fair Labor Standards Act (the “FLSA”) as in effect on January 1, 2007.
The credit applies
only with respect to FICA taxes paid on tips received from customers in connection with the
providing, delivering, or serving of food or beverages for consumption if the tipping of
employees delivering or serving food or beverages by customers is customary. The credit is
available whether or not the tips are reported or a percentage of gross receipts is allocated
(described below). No deduction is allowed for any amount taken into account in determining
the tip credit. A taxpayer may elect not to have the credit apply for a taxable year.
Reporting and allocation requirements
Employees are required to report monthly tips to their employer.
Certain large
or beverage establishments are required to report to the IRS and employees various information
including gross receipts of the establishment, and to allocate among employees who customarily
receive tip income an amount equal to eight percent of gross receipts in excess of the amount of
tips reported by such employees.
Employee tip income that is reported by employees is
treated as employer-provided wages subject to FICA.
House Bill
The provision revises the amount of the credit for FICA taxes an employer pays on tips,
as an amount equal to the employer’s FICA taxes paid on tips in excess of those treated as
minimum wages under the FLSA without regard to the January 1, 2007 date. For 2017, this
amount is $7.25. In addition, the credit is permitted only if the employer satisfies the reporting
FICA taxes consist of social security (OASDI, or old age, survivor, and disability insurance) and
hospital (Medicare) taxes imposed on employers and employees with respect to wages paid to employees under
sections 3101-3128.
Sec. 45B. As of January 1, 2007, the Federal minimum wage under the FLSA was $5.15 per hour. In
the case of tipped employees, the FLSA provided that the minimum wage could be reduced to $2.13 per hour (that
is, the employer is only required to pay cash equal to $2.13 per hour) if the combination of tips and cash income
equaled the Federal minimum wage.
Sec. 6053(a).
A large establishment for this purpose is one which normally employed more than 10 employees on a
typical business day during the preceding calendar year.
Sec. 6053(c).
requirements of section 6053(c) to the IRS and employees, and allocates among employees who
customarily receive tip income an amount equal to 10 percent (rather than eight percent) of gross
receipts in excess of the amount of tips reported by such employees. The claiming of the credit
remains elective. However, if any size eligible food or beverage establishment elects to claim
the FICA tip credit for any taxable year after the provision takes effect, the establishment must
satisfy this reporting and 10-percent allocation requirement for that taxable year. Reporting and
allocation requirements for food and beverage establishments that elect not to claim the credit
remain unchanged.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
9. Employer credit for paid family and medical leave (sec. 13403 of the Senate amendment,
and new sec. 45S of the Code)
Present Law
Present law does not provide a credit to employers for compensation paid to employees
while on leave.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision allows eligible employers to claim a general business credit equal to
12.5 percent of the amount of wages paid to qualifying employees during any period in which
such employees are on family and medical leave if the rate of payment under the program is
50 percent of the wages normally paid to an employee. The credit is increased by
0.25 percentage points (but not above 25 percent) for each percentage point by which the rate of
payment exceeds 50 percent. The maximum amount of family and medical leave that may be
taken into account with respect to any employee for any taxable year is 12 weeks.
An eligible employer is one who has in place a written policy that allows all qualifying
full-time employees not less than two weeks of annual paid family and medical leave, and who
allows all less-than-full-time qualifying employees a commensurate amount of leave on a pro
rata basis. For purposes of this requirement, leave paid for by a State or local government is not
taken into account. A “qualifying employee” means any employee as defined in section 3(e) of
the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 who has been employed by the employer for one year or
more, and who for the preceding year, had compensation not in excess of 60 percent of the
compensation threshold for highly compensated employees.
The Secretary will make
determinations as to whether an employer or an employee satisfies the applicable requirements
for an eligible employer or qualifying employee, based on information provided by the
“Family and medical leave” is defined as leave described under sections 102(a)(1)(a)-(e)
or 102(a)(3) of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
If an employer provides paid
leave as vacation leave, personal leave, or other medical or sick leave, this paid leave would not
be considered to be family and medical leave.
This proposal would not apply to wages paid in taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision is generally effective for wages paid in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 414(g)(1)(B) ($120,000 for 2017).
In order to be an eligible employer, an employer must provide certain protections applicable under the
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, regardless of whether they otherwise apply. Specifically, the employer
must provide paid family and medical leave in compliance with a policy which ensures that the employer will not
interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to exercise, any right provided under the policy and
will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any individual for opposing any practice prohibited
by the policy.
F. Energy Credits
1. Modifications to credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources
(sec. 3501 of the House bill and sec. 45 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
An income tax credit is allowed for the production of electricity from qualified energy
resources at qualified facilities (the “renewable electricity production credit”).
energy resources comprise wind, closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal energy,
municipal solid waste, qualified hydropower production, and marine and hydrokinetic renewable
energy. Qualified facilities are, generally, facilities that generate electricity using qualified
energy resources. To be eligible for the credit, electricity produced from qualified energy
resources at qualified facilities must be sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person.
Summary of Credit for Electricity Produced from Certain Renewable Resources
Eligible electricity production
activity (sec. 45)
Credit amount for 2017
(cents per kilowatt-hour)
Wind 2.4 December 31, 2019
Closed-loop biomass 2.4 December 31, 2016
Open-loop biomass
(including agricultural livestock waste
nutrient facilities)
1.2 December 31, 2016
Geothermal 2.4 December 31, 2016
Municipal solid waste
(including landfill gas facilities and trash
combustion facilities)
1.2 December 31, 2016
Qualified hydropower 1.2 December 31, 2016
Marine and hydrokinetic 1.2 December 31, 2016
Expires for property the construction of which begins after this date.
The credit rate, initially set at 1.5 cents per kilowatt-hour (reduced by one-half for certain
renewable resources) is adjusted annually for inflation.
In general, the credit is available for
electricity produced during the first 10 years after a facility has been placed in service.
Sec. 45. In addition to the renewable electricity production credit, section 45 also provides income tax
credits for the production of Indian coal and refined coal at qualified facilities.
The most recent inflation adjustment factors can be in IRS Notice 2017-33, I.R.B. 2017-22, May 30,
Taxpayers may also elect to get a 30-percent investment tax credit in lieu of this production tax
Phase-down for wind facilities
In the case of wind facilities, the available production tax credit or investment tax credit
is reduced by 20 percent for facilities the construction of which begins in 2017, by 40 percent for
facilities the construction of which begins in 2018, and by 60 percent for facilities the
construction of which begins in 2019.
Special rules for determining when the construction of a facility begins
In general, a taxpayer may establish the beginning of construction of a facility by
beginning physical work of a significant nature (the “physical work test”).
Alternatively, a
taxpayer may establish the beginning of construction by meeting the safe harbor test which
generally requires that the taxpayer have paid or incurred five percent of the total cost of
constructing the facility (the “five percent safe harbor”).
Both methods require that a taxpayer
make continuous progress towards completion once construction has begun.
To demonstrate
that continuous progress is being made, taxpayers relying on the physical work test must show
that the project is undergoing “continuous construction,” and taxpayer relying on the five percent
safe harbor must show “continuous effort” to complete the project.
Collectively, these two
tests are referred to as the “continuity requirement.”
House Bill
The provision eliminates the inflation adjustment for wind facilities the construction of
which begins after the date of enactment. Such facilities are entitled to a credit of 1.5 cents per
kilowatt-hour (i.e., the statutory credit rate unadjusted for inflation). Credits remain subject to
the phase-down based on the year construction begins.
The provision includes a special rule for determining the beginning of construction,
which is intended to codify Treasury guidance for determining when construction of a facility
has begun, including the physical work test, the five percent safe harbor, and the continuity
Sec. 48(a)(5).
IRS Notice 2013-29, 2013-20 I.R.B. 1085, April 14, 2013.
Ibid. See also, Notice 2016-31, 2016-23 I.R.B. 1025, May 5, 2016.
Notice 2016-31, 2016-23 I.R.B. 1025, May 5, 2016.
Effective date.The provision terminating the inflation adjustment is effective for taxable
years ending after the date of enactment. The provision codifying existing guidance for
determining when construction has begun is effective for taxable years beginning before, on, or
after the date of enactment.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
2. Modification of the energy investment tax credit (sec. 3502 of the House bill and sec. 48
of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A permanent, nonrefundable, 10-percent business energy credit
is allowed for the cost
of new property that is equipment that either (1) uses solar energy to generate electricity, to heat
or cool a structure, or to provide solar process heat or (2) is used to produce, distribute, or use
energy derived from a geothermal deposit, but only, in the case of electricity generated by
geothermal power, up to the electric transmission stage. Property used to generate energy for the
purposes of heating a swimming pool is not eligible solar energy property.
In addition to the permanent credit, temporary investment credits are available for a
variety of renewable and alternative energy property. The rules governing these temporary
credits are described below.
The energy credit is a component of the general business credit.
An unused general
business credit generally may be carried back one year and carried forward 20 years.
taxpayer’s basis in the property is reduced by one-half of the amount of the credit claimed. For
projects whose construction time is expected to equal or exceed two years, the credit may be
claimed as progress expenditures are made on the project, rather than during the year the
property is placed in service. The credit is allowed against the alternative minimum tax.
Solar energy property
The credit rate for solar energy property is increased to 30 percent in the case of property
the construction of which begins before January 1, 2020. The rate is increased to 26 percent in
Sec. 48.
Sec. 38(b)(1).
Sec. 39.
the case of property the construction of which begins in calendar year 2020. The rate is
increased to 22 percent in the case of property the construction of which begins in calendar year
2021. To qualify for the enhanced credit rates, the property must be placed in service before
January 1, 2024.
Additionally, equipment that uses fiber-optic distributed sunlight (“fiber optic solar”) to
illuminate the inside of a structure is solar energy property eligible for the 30-percent credit, but
only for property placed in service before January 1, 2017.
Fuel cell property and microturbine property
The energy credit applies to qualified fuel cell power plant property, but only for periods
prior to January 1, 2017. The credit rate is 30 percent.
A qualified fuel cell power plant is an integrated system composed of a fuel cell stack
assembly and associated balance of plant components that (1) converts a fuel into electricity
using electrochemical means, and (2) has an electricity-only generation efficiency of greater than
30 percent and a capacity of at least one-half kilowatt. The credit may not exceed $1,500 for
each 0.5 kilowatt of capacity.
The energy credit applies to qualifying stationary microturbine power plant property for
periods prior to January 1, 2017. The credit is limited to the lesser of 10 percent of the basis of
the property or $200 for each kilowatt of capacity.
A qualified stationary microturbine power plant is an integrated system comprised of a
gas turbine engine, a combustor, a recuperator or regenerator, a generator or alternator, and
associated balance of plant components that converts a fuel into electricity and thermal energy.
Such system also includes all secondary components located between the existing infrastructure
for fuel delivery and the existing infrastructure for power distribution, including equipment and
controls for meeting relevant power standards, such as voltage, frequency, and power factors.
Such system must have an electricity-only generation efficiency of not less than 26 percent at
International Standard Organization conditions and a capacity of less than 2,000 kilowatts.
Geothermal heat pump property
The energy credit applies to qualified geothermal heat pump property placed in service
prior to January 1, 2017. The credit rate is 10 percent. Qualified geothermal heat pump property
is equipment that uses the ground or ground water as a thermal energy source to heat a structure
or as a thermal energy sink to cool a structure.
Small wind property
The energy credit applies to qualified small wind energy property placed in service prior
to January 1, 2017. The credit rate is 30 percent. Qualified small wind energy property is
property that uses a qualified wind turbine to generate electricity. A qualifying wind turbine
means a wind turbine of 100 kilowatts of rated capacity or less.
Combined heat and power property
The energy credit applies to combined heat and power (“CHP”) property placed in
service prior to January 1, 2017. The credit rate is 10 percent.
CHP property is property: (1) that uses the same energy source for the simultaneous or
sequential generation of electrical power, mechanical shaft power, or both, in combination with
the generation of steam or other forms of useful thermal energy (including heating and cooling
applications); (2) that has an electrical capacity of not more than 50 megawatts or a mechanical
energy capacity of not more than 67,000 horsepower or an equivalent combination of electrical
and mechanical energy capacities; (3) that produces at least 20 percent of its total useful energy
in the form of thermal energy that is not used to produce electrical or mechanical power, and
produces at least 20 percent of its total useful energy in the form of electrical or mechanical
power (or a combination thereof); and (4) the energy efficiency percentage of which exceeds
60 percent. CHP property does not include property used to transport the energy source to the
generating facility or to distribute energy produced by the facility.
The otherwise allowable credit with respect to CHP property is reduced to the extent the
property has an electrical capacity or mechanical capacity in excess of any applicable limits.
Property in excess of the applicable limit (15 megawatts or a mechanical energy capacity of
more than 20,000 horsepower or an equivalent combination of electrical and mechanical energy
capacities) is permitted to claim a fraction of the otherwise allowable credit. The fraction is
equal to the applicable limit divided by the capacity of the property. For example, a
45 megawatt property would be eligible to claim 15/45ths, or one third, of the otherwise
allowable credit. Again, no credit is allowed if the property exceeds the 50 megawatt or
67,000 horsepower limitations described above.
Additionally, systems whose fuel source is at least 90 percent open-loop biomass and that
would qualify for the credit but for the failure to meet the efficiency standard are eligible for a
credit that is reduced in proportion to the degree to which the system fails to meet the efficiency
standard. For example, a system that would otherwise be required to meet the 60-percent
efficiency standard, but which only achieves 30-percent efficiency, would be permitted a credit
equal to one-half of the otherwise allowable credit (i.e., a 5-percent credit).
Election of energy credit in lieu of section 45 production tax credit
A taxpayer may make an irrevocable election to have the property used in certain
qualified renewable power facilities be treated as energy property eligible for a 30-percent
investment credit under section 48. For this purpose, qualified facilities are facilities otherwise
eligible for the renewable electricity production tax credit with respect to which no credit under
section 45 has been allowed. A taxpayer electing to treat a facility as energy property may not
claim the production credit under section 45. In the case of non-wind facilities, to make this
election, construction must begin before January 1, 2017. For wind facilities, the 30-percent
credit rate is reduced by 20 percent in the case of any wind facility the construction of which
begins in calendar year 2017, by 40 percent in the case of any wind facility the construction of
which begins in calendar year 2018, and by 60 percent in the case of any wind facility the
construction of which begins in calendar year 2019. The credit for wind facilities expires for
facilities the construction of which begins after calendar year 2019.
In general, a taxpayer may establish the beginning of construction of a facility by
beginning physical work of a significant nature (the “physical work test”).
Alternatively, a
taxpayer may establish the beginning of construction by meeting the safe harbor test which
generally requires that the taxpayer have paid or incurred five percent of the total cost of
constructing the facility (the “five percent safe harbor”).
Both methods require that a taxpayer
make continuous progress towards completion once construction has begun.
To demonstrate
that continuous progress is being made, taxpayers relying on the physical work test must show
that the project is undergoing “continuous construction,” and taxpayer relying on the five percent
safe harbor must show “continuous effort” to complete the project.
Collectively, these two
tests are referred to as the “continuity requirement.”
House Bill
The provision extends the energy credit for fiber optic solar, fuel cell, microturbine,
geothermal heat pump, small wind, and combined heat and power property. In each case, the
credit is extended for property the construction of which begins before January 1, 2022. In the
case of fiber optic solar, fuel cell, and small wind property, the credit rate is reduced to
26 percent for property the construction of which begins in calendar year 2020 and to 22 percent
for property the construction of which begins in calendar year 2021. Qualified property must be
placed in service before January 1, 2024.
The provision terminates the permanent credits for solar and geothermal property the
construction of which begins after December 31, 2027.
The provision includes a special rule for determining the beginning of construction,
which is intended to adopt Treasury guidance for determining when construction of a facility has
begun, including the physical work test, the five percent safe harbor, and the continuity
Effective date.The provision generally applies to periods after December 31, 2016,
under rules similar to the rules of section 48(m), as in effect on the day before the date of
enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990. The extension of the credit for combined
heat and power system property applies to property placed in service after December 31, 2016.
The reduced credit rates and the termination of the permanent credits are effective on the date of
the enactment of the provision. The special rule for determining the beginning of construction of
IRS Notice 2013-29, 2013-20 I.R.B. 1085, April 14, 2013.
Ibid. See also, Notice 2016-31, 2016-23 I.R.B. 1025, May 5, 2016.
Notice 2016-31, 2016-23 I.R.B. 1025, May 5, 2016.
qualified property applies to taxable years beginning before, on, or after the date of enactment of
the provision.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
3. Extension and phaseout of residential energy efficient property credit (sec. 3503 of the
House bill and sec. 25D of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Section 25D provides a personal tax credit for the purchase of qualified solar electric
property and qualified solar water heating property that is used exclusively for purposes other
than heating swimming pools and hot tubs. The credit is equal to 30 percent of qualifying
Section 25D also provides a 30 percent credit for the purchase of qualified geothermal
heat pump property, qualified small wind energy property, and qualified fuel cell power plants.
The credit for any fuel cell may not exceed $500 for each 0.5 kilowatt of capacity.
The credit is nonrefundable. The credit with respect to all qualifying property may be
claimed against the alternative minimum tax.
With the exception of solar property, the credit expires for property placed in service
after December 31, 2016. In the case of qualified solar electric property and solar water heating
property, the credit expires for property placed in service after December 31, 2021. In addition,
the credit rate for such solar property is reduced to 26 percent for property placed in service in
calendar year 2020 and to 22 percent for property placed in service in calendar year 2021.
Qualified property
Qualified solar electric property is property that uses solar energy to generate electricity
for use in a dwelling unit. Qualifying solar water heating property is property used to heat water
for use in a dwelling unit located in the United States and used as a residence if at least half of
the energy used by such property for such purpose is derived from the sun.
A qualified fuel cell power plant is an integrated system comprised of a fuel cell stack
assembly and associated balance of plant components that (1) converts a fuel into electricity
using electrochemical means, (2) has an electricity-only generation efficiency of greater than
30 percent, and (3) has a nameplate capacity of at least 0.5 kilowatt. The qualified fuel cell
power plant must be installed on or in connection with a dwelling unit located in the United
States and used by the taxpayer as a principal residence.
Qualified small wind energy property is property that uses a wind turbine to generate
electricity for use in a dwelling unit located in the United States and used as a residence by the
Qualified geothermal heat pump property means any equipment which (1) uses the
ground or ground water as a thermal energy source to heat the dwelling unit or as a thermal
energy sink to cool such dwelling unit, (2) meets the requirements of the Energy Star program
which are in effect at the time that the expenditure for such equipment is made, and (3) is
installed on or in connection with a dwelling unit located in the United States and used as a
residence by the taxpayer.
Additional rules
The depreciable basis of the property is reduced by the amount of the credit.
Expenditures for labor costs allocable to onsite preparation, assembly, or original installation of
property eligible for the credit are eligible expenditures.
Special proration rules apply in the case of jointly owned property, condominiums, and
tenant-stockholders in cooperative housing corporations. If less than 80 percent of the property
is used for nonbusiness purposes, only that portion of expenditures that is used for nonbusiness
purposes is taken into account.
House Bill
The provision extends the residential energy efficient property credit with respect to non-
solar qualified property through December 31, 2021. The credit rate for such property is reduced
to 26 percent for property placed in service in calendar year 2020 and to 22 percent for property
placed in service in calendar year 2021.
Effective date.The provision applies to property placed in service after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
4. Repeal of enhanced oil recovery credit (sec. 3504 of the House bill and sec. 43 of the
Present Law
Section 43 provides a 15-percent credit for expenses associated with an enhanced oil
recovery (“EOR”) project. Qualified EOR costs consist of the following designated expenses
associated with an EOR project: (1) amounts paid for depreciable tangible property;
(2) intangible drilling and development expenses; (3) tertiary injectant expenses; and
(4) construction costs for certain Alaskan natural gas treatment facilities. An EOR project is
generally a project that involves increasing the amount of recoverable domestic crude oil through
the use of one or more tertiary recovery methods (as defined in section 193(b)(3)), such as
injecting steam or carbon dioxide into a well to effect oil displacement. The credit is reduced as
the price of oil exceeds a certain threshold.
House Bill
The provision repeals the enhanced oil recovery credit.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
5. Repeal of credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells (sec. 3505 of the House
bill and sec. 45I of the Code)
Present Law
Section 45I provides a $3-per-barrel credit for the production of crude oil and a $0.50
credit per 1,000 cubic feet of qualified natural gas production. In both cases, the credit is
available only for production from a “qualified marginal well.”
A qualified marginal well is defined as a domestic well: (1) production from which is
treated as marginal production for purposes of the Code’s percentage depletion rules; or (2) that
during the taxable year had average daily production of not more than 25 barrel equivalents and
produces water at a rate of not less than 95 percent of total well effluent. The maximum amount
of production on which credit could be claimed is 1,095 barrels or barrel equivalents.
The credit is not available to production occurring if the reference price of oil exceeds
$18 ($2.00 for natural gas). The credit is reduced proportionately for reference prices between
$15 and $18 ($1.67 and $2.00 for natural gas).
The credit is treated as a general business credit. Unused credits can be carried back for
up to five years rather than the generally applicable carryback period of one year. The credit is
indexed for inflation.
House Bill
The provision repeals the credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
6. Modification of credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities (sec. 3506
of the House bill and sec. 45J of the Code)
Present Law
Taxpayers producing electricity at a qualifying advanced nuclear power facility may
claim a credit equal to 1.8 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced for the eight-year
period starting when the facility is placed in service.
The aggregate amount of credit that a
taxpayer may claim in any year during the eight-year period is subject to limitation based on
allocated capacity and an annual limitation as described below.
An advanced nuclear facility is any nuclear facility for the production of electricity, the
reactor design for which was approved after 1993 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. For
this purpose, a qualifying advanced nuclear facility does not include any facility for which a
substantially similar design for a facility of comparable capacity was approved before 1994.
A qualifying advanced nuclear facility is an advanced nuclear facility for which the
taxpayer has received an allocation of megawatt capacity from the Secretary of the Treasury
(“the Secretary”) and is placed in service before January 1, 2021. The taxpayer may only claim
credit for production of electricity equal to the ratio of the allocated capacity that the taxpayer
receives from the Secretary to the rated nameplate capacity of the taxpayer’s facility. For
example, if the taxpayer receives an allocation of 750 megawatts of capacity from the Secretary
and the taxpayer’s facility has a rated nameplate capacity of 1,000 megawatts, then the taxpayer
Sec. 45J. The 1.8-cents credit amount is reduced, but not below zero, if the annual average contract
price per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated from advanced nuclear power facilities in the preceding year exceeds
eight cents per kilowatt-hour. The eight-cent price comparison level is indexed for inflation after 1992 (12.6 cents
for 2017).
may claim three-quarters of the otherwise allowable credit, or 1.35 cents per kilowatt-hour, for
each kilowatt-hour of electricity produced at the facility (subject to the annual limitation
described below). The credit is restricted to 6,000 megawatts of national capacity. Once that
limitation has been reached, the Secretary may make no additional allocations. Treasury
guidance required allocation applications to be filed before February 1, 2014.
A taxpayer operating a qualified facility may claim no more than $125 million in tax
credits per 1,000 megawatts of allocated capacity in any one year of the eight-year credit period.
If the taxpayer operates a 1,350 megawatt rated nameplate capacity system and has received an
allocation from the Secretary for 1,350 megawatts of capacity eligible for the credit, the
taxpayer’s annual limitation on credits that may be claimed is equal to 1.35 times $125 million,
or $168.75 million. If the taxpayer operates a facility with a nameplate rated capacity of
1,350 megawatts, but has received an allocation from the Secretary for 750 megawatts of credit
eligible capacity, then the two limitations apply such that the taxpayer may claim a credit
effectively equal to one cent per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced (calculated as described
above) subject to an annual credit limitation of $93.75 million in credits (three-quarters of
$125 million).
The credit is part of the general business credit.
House Bill
The provision modifies the national megawatt capacity limitation for the advanced
nuclear power production credit. To the extent any amount of the 6,000 megawatts of authorized
capacity remains unutilized, the provision requires the Secretary to allocate such capacity first to
facilities placed in service before the year 2021, to the extent such facilities did not receive an
allocation equal to their full nameplate capacity, and then to facilities placed in service after such
date in the order in which such facilities are placed in service. The provision provides that the
present-law placed-in-service sunset date of January 1, 2021, does not apply with respect to
allocations of such unutilized national megawatt capacity.
The provision also allows qualified public entities to elect to forgo credits to which they
otherwise would be entitled in favor of an eligible project partner. Qualified public entities are
defined as (1) a Federal, State, or local government of any political subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality thereof; (2) a mutual or cooperative electric company; or (3) a not-for-profit
electric utility which has or had received a loan or loan guarantee under the Rural Electrification
Act of 1936.
An eligible project partner under the provision generally includes any person
who designed or constructed the nuclear power plant, participates in the provision of nuclear
steam or nuclear fuel to the power plant, or has an ownership interest in the facility. In the case
of a facility owned by a partnership, where the credit is determined at the partnership level, any
electing qualified public entity is treated as the taxpayer with respect to such entity’s distributive
share of such credits, and any other partner is an eligible project partner.
I.R.S. Notice 2013-68.
7 U.S.C. sec. 901 et seq.
Effective date.The provision requiring the allocation of unutilized national megawatt
capacity limitation is effective on the date of enactment. The provision allowing an election by
qualified public entities to forgo credits in favor of an eligible project partner is effective for
taxable years beginning after the date of enactment.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include in the House bill.
G. Bond Reforms
1. Termination of private activity bonds (sec. 3601 of the House bill and sec. 103 of the
Present Law
In general
Under present law, gross income generally does not include interest paid on State or local
State and local bonds are classified generally as either governmental bonds or private
activity bonds. Governmental bonds are bonds which are primarily used to finance
governmental functions or that are repaid with governmental funds. Private activity bonds are
bonds with respect to which the State or local government serves as a conduit providing
financing to nongovernmental persons (e.g., private businesses or individuals). The exclusion
from income for State and local bonds only applies to private activity bonds if the bonds are
issued for certain permitted purposes (“qualified private activity bonds”).
Private activity bonds
Present law provides three main tests for determining whether a State or local bond is in
substance a private activity bond, the two-part private business test, the five-percent unrelated or
disproportionate use test, and the private loan test.
Private business test
Private business use and private payments result in State and local bonds being private
activity bonds if both parts of the two-part private business test are satisfied–
1. More than 10 percent of the bond proceeds is to be used (directly or indirectly) by a
private business (the “private business use test”); and
2. More than 10 percent of the debt service on the bonds is secured by an interest in
property to be used in a private business use or to be derived from payments in respect
of such property (the “private payment test”).
Private business use generally includes any use by a business entity (including the
Federal government), which occurs pursuant to terms not generally available to the general
public. For example, if bond-financed property is leased to a private business (other than
pursuant to certain short-term leases for which safe harbors are provided under Treasury
regulations), bond proceeds used to finance the property are treated as used in a private business
use, and rental payments are treated as securing the payment of the bonds. Private business use
also can arise when a governmental entity contracts for the operation of a governmental facility
by a private business under a management contract that does not satisfy Treasury regulatory safe
Sec. 103.
harbors regarding the types of payments made to the private operator and the length of the
Five-percent unrelated or disproportionate business use test
A second standard to determine whether a bond is to be treated as a private activity bond
is the five percent unrelated or disproportionate business use test. Under this test the private
business use and private payment test (described above) are separately applied substituting five
percent for 10 percent and generally only taking into account private business use and private
payments that are not related or not proportionate to the government use of the bond proceeds.
For example, while a bond issue that finances a new State or local government office building
may include a cafeteria, the issue may become a private activity bond if the size of the cafeteria
is excessive (as determined under this rule).
Private loan test
The third standard for determining whether a State or local bond is a private activity bond
is whether an amount exceeding the lesser of (1) five percent of the bond proceeds or
(2) $5 million is used (directly or indirectly) to finance loans to private persons. Private loans
include both business and other (e.g., personal) uses and payments by private persons; however,
in the case of business uses and payments, all private loans also constitute private business uses
and payments subject to the private business test. Present law provides that the substance of a
transaction governs in determining whether the transaction gives rise to a private loan. In
general, any transaction which transfers tax ownership of property to a private person is treated
as a private loan.
Special limit on certain output facilities
A special rule for output facilities treats bonds as private activity bonds if more than
$15 million of the proceeds of the bond issue are used to finance an output facility (an output
facility includes electric and gas generation, transmission and related facilities but not a facility
for the furnishing of water).
Special volume cap requirement for larger transactions
A special volume cap requirement for larger transactions treats bonds as private activity
bonds if the nonqualified amount of private business use or private payments exceeds
$15 million (even if that amount is within the general 10-percent private business limitation for
governmental bonds) unless the issuer obtains a private activity bond volume allocation.
Sec. 141(b)(4).
Sec. 141(b)(5).
Qualified private activity bonds
As stated, interest on private activity bonds is taxable unless the bonds meet the
requirements for qualified private activity bonds. Qualified private activity bonds permit States
or local governments to act as conduits providing tax-exempt financing for certain private
activities. The definition of qualified private activity bonds includes an exempt facility bond, or
qualified mortgage, veterans’ mortgage, small issue, redevelopment, 501(c)(3), or student loan
The definition of exempt facility bond includes bonds issued to finance certain
transportation facilities (airports, ports, mass commuting, and high-speed intercity rail facilities);
qualified residential rental projects; privately owned and/or operated utility facilities (sewage,
water, solid waste disposal, and local district heating and cooling facilities, certain private
electric and gas facilities, and hydroelectric dam enhancements); public/private educational
facilities; qualified green building and sustainable design projects; and qualified highway or
surface freight transfer facilities.
In most cases, the aggregate volume of these tax-exempt private activity bonds is
restricted by annual aggregate volume limits imposed on bonds issued by issuers within each
State. For 2017, the State volume limit is the greater of $100 multiplied by the State population,
or $305.32 million.
House Bill
The provision repeals the exception from the exclusion from gross income for interest
paid on qualified private activity bonds issued after December 31, 2017. Thus, such interest on
private activity bond issued after such date is includible in the gross income of the taxpayer.
Effective date.The provision applies to bonds issued after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
Sec. 141(e).
Sec. 142(a).
Sec. 3.20 of Rev. Proc. 2016-55, 2016-2 C.B. 707.
The provisions do not apply to any previously issued bond, nor would the provisions prevent State and
local governments from issuing private activity bonds in the future; the provisions merely remove the Federal tax
subsidy for newly issued bonds. The bill also terminates section 25 of the Code as it relates to credits associated
with mortgage credit certificates issued after December 31, 2017. See section 1102 of the bill (Repeal of
nonrefundable credits).
2. Repeal of advance refunding bonds (sec. 3602 of the House bill, sec. 13532 of the Senate
amendment, and sec. 149(d) of the Code)
Present Law
Section 103 generally provides that gross income does not include interest received on
State or local bonds. State and local bonds are classified generally as either governmental bonds
or private activity bonds. Governmental bonds are bonds the proceeds of which are primarily
used to finance governmental facilities or the debt is repaid with governmental funds. Private
activity bonds are bonds in which the State or local government serves as a conduit providing
financing to nongovernmental persons (e.g., private businesses or individuals).
Bonds issued
to finance the activities of charitable organizations described in section 501(c)(3) (“qualified
501(c)(3) bonds”) are one type of private activity bond. The exclusion from income for interest
on State and local bonds only applies if certain Code requirements are met.
The exclusion for income for interest on State and local bonds applies to refunding bonds
but there are limits on advance refunding bonds. A refunding bond is defined as any bond used
to pay principal, interest, or redemption price on a prior bond issue (the refunded bond).
Different rules apply to current as opposed to advance refunding bonds. A current refunding
occurs when the refunded bond is redeemed within 90 days of issuance of the refunding bonds.
Conversely, a bond is classified as an advance refunding if it is issued more than 90 days before
the redemption of the refunded bond.
Proceeds of advance refunding bonds are generally
invested in an escrow account and held until a future date when the refunded bond may be
Although there is no statutory limitation on the number of times that tax-exempt bonds
may be currently refunded, the Code limits advance refundings. Generally, governmental bonds
and qualified 501(c)(3) bonds may be advance refunded one time.
Private activity bonds,
other than qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, may not be advance refunded at all.
Furthermore, in the
case of an advance refunding bond that results in interest savings (e.g., a high interest rate to low
interest rate refunding), the refunded bond must be redeemed on the first call date 90 days after
the issuance of the refunding bond that results in debt service savings.
Sec. 141.
Sec. 149(d)(5).
Sec. 149(d)(3). Bonds issued before 1986 and pursuant to certain transition rules contained in the Tax
Reform Act of 1986 may be advance refunded more than one time in certain cases.
Sec. 149(d)(2).
Sec. 149(d)(3)(A)(iii) and (B); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.149(d)-1(f)(3). A “call” provision provides the issuer
of a bond with the right to redeem the bond prior to the stated maturity.
House Bill
The provision repeals the exclusion from gross income for interest on a bond issued to
advance refund another bond.
Effective date.The provision applies to advance refunding bonds issued after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
3. Repeal of tax credit bonds (sec. 3603 of the House bill and secs. 54A, 54B, 54C, 54D, 54E,
54F and 6431 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Tax-credit bonds provide tax credits to investors to replace a prescribed portion of the
interest cost. The borrowing subsidy generally is measured by reference to the credit rate set by
the Treasury Department. Current tax-credit bonds include qualified tax credit bonds, which
have certain common general requirements, and include new clean renewable energy bonds,
qualified energy conservation bonds, qualified zone academy bonds, and qualified school
construction bonds.
Qualified tax-credit bonds
General rules applicable to qualified tax-credit bonds
Unlike tax-exempt bonds, qualified tax-credit bonds generally are not interest-bearing
obligations. Rather, the taxpayer holding a qualified tax-credit bond on a credit allowance date
is entitled to a tax credit. The amount of the credit is determined by multiplying the bond’s
credit rate by the face amount on the holder’s bond. The credit rate for an issue of qualified tax
credit bonds is determined by the Secretary and is estimated to be a rate that permits issuance of
The authority to issue two other types of tax-credit bonds, recovery zone economic development bonds
and Build America Bonds, expired on January 1, 2011.
Certain other rules apply to qualified tax credit bonds, such as maturity limitations, reporting
requirements, spending rules, and rules relating to arbitrage. Separate rules apply in the case of tax-credit bonds
which are not qualified tax-credit bonds (i.e., “recovery zone economic development bonds,” and “Build America
the qualified tax-credit bonds without discount and interest cost to the qualified issuer.
credit accrues quarterly and is includible in gross income (as if it were an interest payment on the
bond), and can be claimed against regular income tax liability and alternative minimum tax
liability. Unused credits may be carried forward to succeeding taxable years. In addition, credits
may be separated from the ownership of the underlying bond similar to how interest coupons can
be stripped for interest-bearing bonds.
New clean renewable energy bonds
New clean renewable energy bonds (“New CREBs”) may be issued by qualified issuers
to finance qualified renewable energy facilities.
Qualified renewable energy facilities are
facilities that: (1) qualify for the tax credit under section 45 (other than Indian coal and refined
coal production facilities), without regard to the placed-in-service date requirements of that
section; and (2) are owned by a public power provider, governmental body, or cooperative
electric company.
The term “qualified issuers” includes: (1) public power providers; (2) a governmental
body; (3) cooperative electric companies; (4) a not-for-profit electric utility that has received a
loan or guarantee under the Rural Electrification Act; and (5) clean renewable energy bond
lenders. There was originally a national limitation for New CREBs of $800 million. The
national limitation was then increased by an additional $1.6 billion in 2009. As with other tax
credit bonds, a taxpayer holding New CREBs on a credit allowance date is entitled to a tax
credit. However, the credit rate on New CREBs is set by the Secretary at a rate that is 70 percent
of the rate that would permit issuance of such bonds without discount and interest cost to the
Qualified energy conservation bonds
Qualified energy conservation bonds may be used to finance qualified conservation
The term “qualified conservation purpose” means:
1. Capital expenditures incurred for purposes of: (a) reducing energy consumption in
publicly owned buildings by at least 20 percent; (b) implementing green community
(c) rural development involving the production of electricity from
However, for new clean renewable energy bonds and qualified energy conservation bonds, the
applicable credit rate is 70 percent of the otherwise applicable rate.
Sec. 54C.
Given the differences in credit quality and other characteristics of individual issuers, the Secretary
cannot set credit rates in a manner that will allow each issuer to issue tax credit bonds at par.
Capital expenditures to implement green community programs include grants, loans, and other
repayment mechanisms to implement such programs. For example, States may issue these tax credit bonds to
finance retrofits of existing private buildings through loans and/or grants to individual homeowners or businesses, or
through other repayment mechanisms. Other repayment mechanisms can include periodic fees assessed on a
renewable energy resources; or (d) any facility eligible for the production tax credit
under section 45 (other than Indian coal and refined coal production facilities);
2. Expenditures with respect to facilities or grants that support research in:
(a) development of cellulosic ethanol or other nonfossil fuels; (b) technologies for the
capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide produced through the use of fossil fuels;
(c) increasing the efficiency of existing technologies for producing nonfossil fuels;
(d) automobile battery technologies and other technologies to reduce fossil fuel
consumption in transportation; and (e) technologies to reduce energy use in buildings;
3. Mass commuting facilities and related facilities that reduce the consumption of
energy, including expenditures to reduce pollution from vehicles used for mass
4. Demonstration projects designed to promote the commercialization of: (a) green
building technology; (b) conversion of agricultural waste for use in the production of
fuel or otherwise; (c) advanced battery manufacturing technologies; (d) technologies
to reduce peak-use of electricity; and (e) technologies for the capture and sequestration
of carbon dioxide emitted from combusting fossil fuels in order to produce electricity;
5. Public education campaigns to promote energy efficiency (other than movies,
concerts, and other events held primarily for entertainment purposes).
There was originally a national limitation on qualified energy conservation bonds of
$800 million. The national limitation was then increased by an additional $2.4 billion in 2009.
As with other qualified tax credit bonds, the taxpayer holding qualified energy conservation
bonds on a credit allowance date is entitled to a tax credit. The credit rate on the bonds is set by
the Secretary at a rate that is 70 percent of the rate that would permit issuance of such bonds
without discount and interest cost to the issuer.
Qualified zone academy bonds
Qualifies zone academy bonds (“QZABs”) are defined as any bond issued by a State or
local government, provided that (1) at least 95 percent of the proceeds are used for the purpose of
renovating, providing equipment to, developing course materials for use at, or training teachers
and other school personnel in a “qualified zone academy,” and (2) private entities have promised
to contribute to the qualified zone academy certain equipment, technical assistance or training,
employee services, or other property or services with a value equal to at least 10 percent of the
bond proceeds.
government bill or utility bill that approximates the energy savings of energy efficiency or conservation retrofits.
Retrofits can include heating, cooling, lighting, water-saving, storm water-reducing, or other efficiency measures.
Given the differences in credit quality and other characteristics of individual issuers, the Secretary
cannot set credit rates in a manner that will allow each issuer to issue tax credit bonds at par.
A total of $400 million of QZABs has been authorized to be issued annually in calendar
years 1998 through 2008. The authorization was increased to $1.4 billion for calendar year
2009, and also for calendar year 2010. For each of the calendar years 2011 through 2016, the
authorization was set at $400 million.
Qualified school construction bonds
Qualified school construction bonds must meet three requirements: (1) 100 percent of
the available project proceeds of the bond issue is used for the construction, rehabilitation, or
repair of a public school facility or for the acquisition of land on which such a bond-financed
facility is to be constructed; (2) the bonds are issued by a State or local government within which
such school is located; and (3) the issuer designates such bonds as a qualified school construction
There is a national limitation on qualified school construction bonds of $11 billion for
calendar years 2009 and 2010, and zero after 2010. If an amount allocated is unused for a
calendar year, it may be carried forward to the following and subsequent calendar years. Under a
separate special rule, the Secretary of the Interior may allocate $200 million of school
construction bond authority for Indian schools.
Direct-pay bonds and expired tax-credit bond provisions
The Code provides that an issuer may elect to issue certain tax credit bonds as “direct-pay
bonds.” Instead of a credit to the holder, with a “direct-pay bond” the Federal government pays
the issuer a percentage of the interest on the bonds. The following tax credit bonds may be
issued as direct-pay bonds: new clean renewable energy bonds, qualified energy conservation
bonds, and qualified school construction bonds. Qualified zone academy bonds may not be
issued as direct-pay using any national zone academy bond allocation for calendar years after
2011 or any carryforward of such allocations. The ability to issue Build America Bonds and
Recovery Zone bonds, which have direct-pay features, has expired.
House Bill
The provision prospectively repeals authority to issue tax-credit bonds and direct-pay
Effective date.The provision applies to bonds issued after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill.
4. No tax-exempt bonds for professional stadiums (sec. 3604 of the House sbill and sec. 103
of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Section 103 generally provides gross income does not include interest on State or local
bonds. State and local bonds are classified generally as either governmental bonds or private
activity bonds. Governmental bonds are bonds the proceeds of which are primarily used to
finance governmental facilities or the debt is repaid with governmental funds. Private activity
bonds are bonds in which the State or local government serves as a conduit providing financing
to nongovernmental persons (e.g., private businesses or individuals). The exclusion from income
for State and local bonds does not apply to private activity bonds, unless the bonds are issued for
certain purposes (“qualified private activity bonds”) permitted by the Code and other Code
requirements are met.
Private activity bond tests
In general
A private activity bond includes any bond that satisfies (1) the “private business test”
(consisting of two components: a private business use test and a private security or payment
test); or (2) “the private loan financing test.”
Two-part private business test
Under the private business test, a bond is a private activity bond if it is part of an issue in
More than 10 percent of the proceeds of the issue (including use of the bond-financed
property) are to be used in the trade or business of any person other than a governmental unit
(“private business use test”); and
More than 10 percent of the payment of principal or interest on the issue is, directly or
indirectly, secured by (a) property used or to be used for a private business use or (b) to be
derived from payments in respect of property, or borrowed money, used or to be used for a
private business use (“private payment test”).
A bond is not a private activity bond unless both parts of the private business test (i.e., the
private business use test and the private payment test) are met. For purposes of the private
payment test, both direct and indirect payments made by any private person treated as using the
Sec. 141.
The 10-percent private business test is reduced to five percent in the case of private business uses (and
payments with respect to such uses) that are unrelated to any governmental use being financed by the issue.
financed property are taken into account. Payments by a person for the use of proceeds generally
do not include payments for ordinary and necessary expenses (within the meaning of section
162) attributable to the operation and maintenance of financed property.
Private loan financing test
A bond issue satisfies the private loan financing test if proceeds exceeding the lesser of
$5 million or five percent of such proceeds are used directly or indirectly to finance loans to one
or more nongovernmental persons.
Types of qualified private activity bonds
The interest of qualified private activity bonds is tax exempt. A qualified private activity
bond is a qualified mortgage, veterans’ mortgage, small issue, student loan, redevelopment,
501(c)(3), or exempt facility bond.
To qualify as an exempt facility bond, 95 percent of the
net proceeds must be used to finance: (1) airports; (2) docks and wharves; (3) mass commuting
facilities; (4) high-speed intercity rail facilities; (5) facilities for the furnishing of water;
(6) sewage facilities; (7) solid waste disposal facilities; (8) hazardous waste disposal facilities;
(9) qualified residential rental projects; (10) facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy or
gas; (11) local district heating or cooling facilities; (12) environmental enhancements of
hydroelectric generating facilities; (13) qualified public educational facilities; or (14) qualified
green building and sustainable design projects.
Financing of sports facilities with governmental bonds
In 1986, Congress eliminated a provision expressly allowing tax-exempt financing for
sports facilities.
Nevertheless, professional sports facilities continue to be financed with tax-
exempt bonds despite the fact that privately owned sports teams are the primary (if not
exclusive) users of such facilities. Present law permits the use of tax-exempt bond proceeds for
private activities if either part of the two-part private business test is not met. Only if both parts
of the private business test (private use and private payment) are met will the interest on such
bonds be taxable. In the case of bond-financed professional sports facilities, issuers have
intentionally structured the tax-exempt bond issuance and related transactions to fail the private
payment test. In most of these transactions, the professional sports team is not required to pay
for more than a small portion of its use of the sports facility. As a result, the private payment test
is not met and the bonds financing the facility are not treated as private activity bonds, despite
the existence of substantial private business use.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.141-4(c)(3).
Sec. 141(e).
Sec. 1301 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-514, 1986) (prior to amendment,
sec. 103(b)(4)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 permitted tax-exempt financing for sports facilities).
House Bill
The provision provides that the interest on bonds, the proceeds of which are to be used to
finance or refinance capital expenditures allocable to a professional sports stadium, is not tax-
exempt. The term “professional sports stadium” means any facility (or appurtenant real
property) which during at least five days during any calendar year is used as a stadium or arena
for professional sports, exhibitions, games, or training.
Effective date.The provision applies to bonds issued after November 2, 2017.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
H. Insurance
1. Net operating losses of life insurance companies (sec. 3701 of the House bill, sec. 13511 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 810 of the Code)
Present Law
A net operating loss (“NOL”) generally means the amount by which a taxpayer’s
business deductions exceed its gross income. In general, an NOL may be carried back two years
and carried over 20 years to offset taxable income in such years. NOLs offset taxable income in
the order of the taxable years to which the NOL may be carried.
For purposes of computing the alternative minimum tax (“AMT”), a taxpayer’s NOL
deduction cannot reduce the taxpayer’s alternative minimum taxable income (“AMTI”) by more
than 90 percent of the AMTI.
In the case of a life insurance company, a deduction is allowed in the taxable year for
operations loss carryovers and carrybacks, in lieu of the deduction for net operation losses
allowed to other corporations.
A life insurance company is permitted to treat a loss from
operations (as defined under section 810(c)) for any taxable year as an operations loss carryback
to each of the three taxable years preceding the loss year and an operations loss carryover to each
of the 15 taxable years following the loss year.
House Bill
The provision repeals the operations loss deduction for life insurance companies and
allows the NOL deduction under section 172.
Effective date.The provision applies to losses arising in taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
Sec. 172(b)(2).
Sec. 56(d).
Secs. 810, 805(a)(5).
Sec. 810(b)(1).
2. Repeal of small life insurance company deduction (sec. 3702 of the House bill, sec. 13512
of the Senate amendment, and sec. 806 of the Code)
Present Law
The small life insurance company deduction for any taxable year is 60 percent of so
much of the tentative life insurance company taxable income (“LICTI”) for such taxable year as
does not exceed $3 million, reduced by 15 percent of the excess of tentative LICTI over
$3 million. The maximum deduction that can be claimed by a small company is $1.8 million,
and a company with a tentative LICTI of $15 million or more is not entitled to any small
company deduction. A small life insurance company for this purpose is one with less than
$500 million of assets.
House Bill
The provision repeals the small life insurance company deduction.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
3. Surtax on life insurance company taxable income (sec. 3703 of the House bill and
sec. 801 of the Code)
Present Law
Tax on life insurance company taxable income
In the case of a life insurance company, income tax is imposed on life insurance company
taxable income at the rate applicable to taxable income of a corporation.
House Bill
The provision imposes an additional eight-percent income tax on life insurance company
taxable income.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill provision.
4. Adjustment for change in computing reserves (sec. 3704 of the House bill, sec. 13513 of
the Senate amendment, and sec. 807 of the Code)
Present Law
Change in method of accounting
In general, a taxpayer may change its method of accounting under section 446 with the
consent of the Secretary (or may be required to change its method of accounting by the
Secretary). In such instances, a taxpayer generally is required to make an adjustment (a
“section 481(a) adjustment”) to prevent amounts from being duplicated in, or omitted from, the
calculation of the taxpayer’s income. Pursuant to IRS procedures, negative section 481(a)
adjustments generally are deducted from income in the year of the change whereas positive
section 481(a) adjustments generally are required to be included in income ratably over four
taxable years.
However, section 807(f) explicitly provides that changes in the basis for determining life
insurance company reserves are to be taken into account ratably over 10 years.
10-year spread for change in computing life insurance company reserves
For Federal income tax purposes, a life insurance company includes in gross income any
net decrease in reserves, and deducts a net increase in reserves.
Methods for determining
reserves for tax purposes generally are based on reserves prescribed by the National Association
of Insurance Commissioners for purposes of financial reporting under State regulatory rules.
Income or loss resulting from a change in the method of computing reserves is taken into
account ratably over a 10-year period.
The rule for a change in basis in computing reserves
applies only if there is a change in basis in computing the Federally prescribed reserve (as
distinguished from the net surrender value). Although life insurance tax reserves require the use
of a Federally prescribed method, interest rate, and mortality or morbidity table, changes in other
assumptions for computing statutory reserves (e.g., when premiums are collected and claims are
paid) may cause increases or decreases in a company’s life insurance reserves that must be
spread over a 10-year period. Changes in the net surrender value of a contract are not subject to
the 10-year spread because, apart from its use as a minimum in determining the amount of life
insurance tax reserves, the net surrender value is not a reserve but a current liability.
See, e.g., Rev. Proc. 2015-13, 2015-5 I.R.B. 419, and Rev. Proc. 2017-30, 2017-18 I.R.B. 1131.
Sec. 807.
Sec. 807(f).
If for any taxable year the taxpayer is not a life insurance company, the balance of any
adjustments to reserves is taken into account for the preceding taxable year.
House Bill
Income or loss resulting from a change in method of computing life insurance company
reserves is taken into account consistent with IRS procedures, generally ratably over a four-year
period, instead of over a 10-year period.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
5. Repeal of special rule for distributions to shareholders from pre-1984 policyholders
surplus account (sec. 3705 of the House bill, sec. 13514 of the Senate amendment, and
sec. 815 of the Code)
Present and Prior Law
Under the law in effect from 1959 through 1983, a life insurance company was subject to
a three-phase taxable income computation under Federal tax law. Under the three-phase system,
a company was taxed on the lesser of its gain from operations or its taxable investment income
(Phase I) and, if its gain from operations exceeded its taxable investment income, 50 percent of
such excess (Phase II). Federal income tax on the other 50 percent of the gain from operations
was deferred, and was accounted for as part of a policyholder’s surplus account and, subject to
certain limitations, taxed only when distributed to stockholders or upon corporate dissolution
(Phase III). To determine whether amounts had been distributed, a company maintained a
shareholders surplus account, which generally included the company’s previously taxed income
that would be available for distribution to shareholders. Distributions to shareholders were
treated as being first out of the shareholders surplus account, then out of the policyholders
surplus account, and finally out of other accounts.
The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
included provisions that, for 1984 and later years,
eliminated further deferral of tax on amounts (described above) that previously would have been
deferred under the three-phase system. Although for taxable years after 1983, life insurance
companies may not enlarge their policyholders surplus account, the companies are not taxed on
Pub. L. No. 98-369.
previously deferred amounts unless the amounts are treated as distributed to shareholders or
subtracted from the policyholders surplus account.
Any direct or indirect distribution to shareholders from an existing policyholders surplus
account of a stock life insurance company is subject to tax at the corporate rate in the taxable
year of the distribution. Present law (like prior law) provides that any distribution to
shareholders is treated as made (1) first out of the shareholders surplus account, to the extent
thereof, (2) then out of the policyholders surplus account, to the extent thereof, and (3) finally,
out of other accounts.
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2007, the
application of the rules imposing income tax on distributions to shareholders from the
policyholders surplus account of a life insurance company were suspended. Distributions in
those years were treated as first made out of the policyholders surplus account, to the extent
thereof, and then out of the shareholders surplus account, and lastly out of other accounts.
House Bill
The provision repeals section 815, the rules imposing income tax on distributions to
shareholders from the policyholders surplus account of a stock life insurance company.
In the case of any stock life insurance company with an existing policyholders surplus
account (as defined in section 815 before its repeal), tax is imposed on the balance of the account
as of December 31, 2017. A life insurance company is required to pay tax on the balance of the
account ratably over the first eight taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
Specifically, the tax imposed on a life insurance company is the tax on the sum of life insurance
company taxable income for the taxable year (but not less than zero) plus 1/8 of the balance of
the existing policyholders surplus account as of December 31, 2017. Thus, life insurance
company losses are not allowed to offset the amount of the policyholders surplus account
balance subject to tax.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
Sec. 815.
6. Modification of proration rules for property and casualty insurance companies
(sec. 3706 of the House bill, sec. 13515 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 832 of the Code)
Present Law
The taxable income of a property and casualty insurance company is determined as the
sum of its gross income from underwriting income and investment income (as well as gains and
other income items), reduced by allowable deductions.
A proration rule applies to property and casualty insurance companies. In calculating the
deductible amount of its reserve for losses incurred, a property and casualty insurance company
must reduce the amount of losses incurred by 15 percent of (1) the insurer’s tax-exempt interest,
(2) the deductible portion of dividends received (with special rules for dividends from affiliates),
and (3) the increase for the taxable year in the cash value of life insurance, endowment, or
annuity contracts the company owns.
This proration rule reflects the fact that reserves are
generally funded in part from tax-exempt interest, from deductible dividends, and from other
untaxed amounts.
House Bill
The provision replaces the 15-percent reduction under present law with a 26.25-percent
reduction under the proration rule for property and casualty insurance companies. This change
in the percentage takes into account the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent
under section 3001 of the bill (reduction in corporate tax rate).
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The provision replaces the 15-percent reduction under present law with a reduction equal
to 5.25 percent divided by the top corporate tax rate. For 2018, the top corporate tax rate is 35
percent, and the percentage reduction is 15 percent. For 2019 and thereafter, the corporate tax
rate is 20 percent, and the percentage reduction is 26.25 percent under the proration rule for
property and casualty insurance companies. The proration percentage will be automatically
adjusted in the future if the top corporate tax rate is changed, so that the product of the proration
percentage and the top corporate tax rate always equals 5.25 percent.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Sec. 832(b)(5).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment. The top corporate tax rate is
21 percent for 2018 and thereafter,
so the percentage reduction is 25 percent under the
proration rule for property and casualty insurance companies.
7. Modification of discounting rules for property and casualty insurance companies
(sec. 3707 of the House bill and sec. 832 of the Code)
Present Law
A property and casualty insurance company generally is subject to tax on its taxable
The taxable income of a property and casualty insurance company is determined as
the sum of its underwriting income and investment income (as well as gains and other income
items), reduced by allowable deductions.
Among the items that are deductible in calculating
underwriting income are additions to reserves for losses incurred and expenses incurred.
To take account of the time value of money, discounting of unpaid losses is required. All
property and casualty loss reserves (unpaid losses and unpaid loss adjustment expenses) for each
line of business (as shown on the annual statement) are required to be discounted for Federal
income tax purposes.
The discounted reserves are calculated using a prescribed interest rate which is based on
the applicable Federal mid-term rate (“mid-term AFR”). The discount rate is the average of the
mid-term AFRs effective at the beginning of each month over the 60-month period preceding the
calendar year for which the determination is made.
To determine the period over which the reserves are discounted, a prescribed loss
payment pattern applies. The prescribed length of time is either the accident year and the
following three calendar years, or the accident year and the following 10 calendar years,
depending on the line of business. In the case of certain “long-tail” lines of business, the 10-year
period is extended, but not by more than five additional years. Thus, present law limits the
maximum duration of any loss payment pattern to the accident year and the following 15 years.
The Treasury Department is directed to determine a loss payment pattern for each line of
business by reference to the historical loss payment pattern for that line of business using
aggregate experience reported on the annual statements of insurance companies, and is required
to make this determination every five years, starting with 1987.
See Part II.A.1 (Reduction in corporate tax rate).
Sec. 831(a).
Sec. 832.
Under the discounting rules, an election is provided permitting a taxpayer to use its own
(rather than an industry-wide) historical loss payment pattern with respect to all lines of business,
provided that applicable requirements are met.
Treasury publishes discount factors for each line of business to be applied by taxpayers
for discounting reserves.
The discount factors are published annually, based on (1) the interest
rate applicable to the calendar year, and (2) the loss payment pattern for each line of business as
determined every five years.
House Bill
The provision modifies the reserve discounting rules applicable to property and casualty
insurance companies. In general, the provision modifies the prescribed interest rate, extends the
periods applicable under the loss payment pattern, and repeals the election to use a taxpayer’s
historical loss payment pattern.
Interest rate
The provision provides that the interest rate is an annual rate for any calendar year to be
determined by Treasury based on the corporate bond yield curve (rather than the mid-term AFR
as under present law). For this purpose, the corporate bond yield curve means, with respect to
any month, a yield curve that reflects the average, for the preceding 24-month period, of monthly
yields on investment grade corporate bonds with varying maturities and that are in the top three
quality levels available.
Because the corporate bond yield curve provides for 24-month
averaging, the present-law rule providing for 60-month averaging to determine the interest rate is
repealed under the provision. It is expected that Treasury will determine a 24-month average for
the 24 months preceding the first month of the calendar year for which the determination is
Loss payment patterns
The provision extends the periods applicable for determining loss payment patterns.
Under the provision, the maximum duration of the loss payment pattern is determined by the
amount of losses remaining unpaid using aggregate industry experience for each line of business,
rather than by a set number of years as under present law.
Like present law, the provision provides that Treasury determines a loss payment pattern
for each line of business by reference to the historical loss payment pattern for that line of
The most recent property and casualty reserve discount factors published by Treasury are in Rev. Proc.
2016-58, 2016-51 I.R.B. 839, and see Rev. Proc. 2012-44, 2012-49 I.R.B. 645.
This rule adopts the definition found in section 430(h)(2)(D)(i) of the term “corporate bond yield
curve.” Section 430, which relates to minimum funding standards for single-employer defined benefit pension
plans, includes other rules for determining an “effective interest rate,” such as segment rate rules. The term
“effective interest rate” along with these other rules, including the segment rate rules, do not apply for purposes of
property and casualty insurance reserve discounting.
business using aggregate experience reported on the annual statements of insurance companies,
and is required to make this determination every five years.
Under the provision, the present-law three-year and 10-year periods following the
accident year are extended up to a maximum of 15 more years for the lines of business to which
each period applies. For lines of business to which the three-year period applies, the amount of
losses that would have been treated as paid in the third year after the accident year is treated as
paid in that year and each subsequent year in an amount equal to the average of the amounts
treated as paid in the first and second years (or, if less, the remaining amount). To the extent
these unpaid losses have not been treated as paid before the 18th year after the accident year,
they are treated as paid in that 18th year.
Similarly, for lines of business to which the 10-year period applies, the amount of losses
that would have been treated as paid in the 10th year following the accident year is treated as
paid in that year and each subsequent year in an amount equal to the average of the amounts
treated as paid in the seventh, eighth, and ninth years (or if less, the remaining amount). To the
extent these unpaid losses have not been treated as paid before the 25th year after the accident
year, they are treated as paid in that 25th year.
The provision repeals the present-law rule providing that in the case of certain “long-tail”
lines of business, the 10-year period is extended, but not by more than five additional years. The
provision does not change the lines of business to which the three-year, and 10-year, periods,
respectively, apply.
Election to use own historical loss payment pattern
The provision repeals the present-law election permitting a taxpayer to use its own (rather
than an aggregate industry-experience-based) historical loss payment pattern with respect to all
lines of business.
Effective date.The provision generally applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. Under a transitional rule for the first taxable year beginning in 2018, the
amount of unpaid losses and expenses unpaid (under section 832(b)(5)(B) and (6)) and the
unpaid losses (under sections 807(c)(2) and 805(a)(1)) at the end of the preceding taxable year
are determined as if the provision had applied to these items in such preceding taxable year,
using the interest rate and loss payment patterns for accident years ending with calendar year
2018. Any adjustment is spread over eight taxable years, i.e., is included in the taxpayer’s gross
income ratably in the first taxable year beginning in 2018 and the seven succeeding taxable
years. For taxable years subsequent to the first taxable year beginning in 2018, the provision
applies to such unpaid losses and expenses unpaid (i.e., unpaid losses and expenses unpaid at the
end of the taxable year preceding the first taxable year beginning in 2018) by using the interest
rate and loss payment patterns applicable to accident years ending with calendar year 2018.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill with modifications. The corporate
bond yield curve means, with respect to any month, a yield curve that reflects the average, for the
preceding 60-month period (not 24-month period), of monthly yields on investment grade
corporate bonds with varying maturities and that are in the top three quality levels available. The
present-law three-year period for discounting certain lines of business other than long-tail lines
of business is not modified under the conference agreement. The present-law 10-year period for
certain long tail lines of business is extended for a maximum of 14 more years (instead of 15
more years as under the House bill). The present-law election permitting a taxpayer to use its
own (rather than an aggregate industry-experience-based) historical loss payment pattern is
Effective date.The provision generally applies to taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. Under a transitional rule for the first taxable year beginning in 2018, the
amount of unpaid losses and expenses unpaid (under section 832(b)(5)(B) and (6)) and the
unpaid losses (under sections 807(c)(2) and 805(a)(1)) at the end of the preceding taxable year
are determined as if the provision had applied to these items in such preceding taxable year,
using the interest rate and loss payment patterns for accident years ending with calendar year
2018. Any adjustment is spread over eight taxable years, i.e., is included in the taxpayer’s gross
income ratably in the first taxable year beginning in 2018 and the seven succeeding taxable
years. For taxable years subsequent to the first taxable year beginning in 2018, the provision
applies to such unpaid losses and expenses unpaid (i.e., unpaid losses and expenses unpaid at the
end of the taxable year preceding the first taxable year beginning in 2018) by using the interest
rate and loss payment patterns applicable to accident years ending with calendar year 2018.
8. Repeal of special estimated tax payments (sec. 3708 of the House bill, sec. 13516 of the
Senate amendment, and sec. 847 of the Code)
Present Law
Allowance of additional deduction and establishment of special loss discount account
Present law allows an insurance company required to discount its reserves an additional
deduction that is not to exceed the excess of (1) the amount of the undiscounted unpaid losses
over (2) the amount of the related discounted unpaid losses, to the extent the amount was not
deducted in a preceding taxable year.
The provision imposes the requirement that a special
loss discount account be established and maintained, and that special estimated tax payments be
made. Unused amounts of special estimated tax payments are treated as a section 6655 estimated
tax payment for the 16th year after the year for which the special estimated tax payment was
The total payments by a taxpayer, including section 6655 estimated tax payments and
other tax payments, together with special estimated tax payments made under this provision, are
generally the same as the total tax payments that the taxpayer would make if the taxpayer did not
Sec. 847.
elect to have this provision apply, except to the extent amounts can be refunded under the
provision in the 16th year.
Calculation of special estimated tax payments based on tax benefit attributable to
More specifically, present law imposes a requirement that the taxpayer make special
estimated tax payments in an amount equal to the tax benefit attributable to the additional
deduction allowed under the provision. If amounts are included in gross income as a result of a
reduction in the taxpayer’s special loss discount account or the liquidation or termination of the
taxpayer’s insurance business, and an additional tax is due for any year as a result of the
inclusion, then an amount of the special estimated tax payments equal to such additional tax is
applied against such additional tax. If there is an adjustment reducing the amount of additional
tax against which the special estimated tax payment was applied, then in lieu of any credit or
refund for the reduction, a special estimated tax payment is treated as made in an amount equal
to the amount that would otherwise be allowable as a credit or refund.
The amount of the tax benefit attributable to the deduction is to be determined (under
Treasury regulations (which have not been promulgated)) by taking into account tax benefits that
would arise from the carryback of any net operating loss for the year as well as current year
benefits. In addition, tax benefits for the current and carryback years are to take into account the
benefit of filing a consolidated return with another insurance company without regard to the
consolidation limitations imposed by section 1503(c).
The taxpayer’s estimated tax payments under section 6655 are to be determined without
regard to the additional deduction allowed under this provision and the special estimated tax
payments. Legislative history
indicates that it is intended that the taxpayer may apply the
amount of an overpayment of any section 6655 estimated tax payments for the taxable year
against the amount of the special estimated tax payment required under this provision. The
special estimated tax payments under this provision are not treated as estimated tax payments for
purposes of section 6655 (e.g., for purposes of calculating penalties or interest on underpayments
of estimated tax) when such special estimated tax payments are made.
Refundable amount
To the extent that a special estimated tax payment is not used to offset additional tax due
for any of the first 15 taxable years beginning after the year for which the payment was made,
such special estimated tax payment is treated as an estimated tax payment made under
section 6655 for the 16th year after the year for which the special estimated tax payment was
made. If the amount of such deemed section 6655 payment, together with the taxpayer’s other
payments credited against tax liability for such 16th year, exceeds the tax liability for such year,
then the excess (up to the amount of the deemed section 6655 payment) may be refunded to the
taxpayer to the same extent provided under present law with respect to overpayments of tax.
See H.R. Rep. No. 100-1104, Conference Report to accompany H.R. 4333, the Technical and
Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, October 21, 1988, p. 174.
Regulatory authority
In addition to the regulatory authority to adjust the amount of special estimated tax
payments in the event of a change in the corporate tax rate, authority is provided to Treasury to
prescribe regulations necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the provision.
Such regulations include those providing for the separate application of the provision
with respect to each accident year. Separate application of the provision with respect to each
accident year (i.e., applying a vintaging methodology) may be appropriate under regulations to
determine the amount of tax liability for any taxable year against which special estimated tax
payments are applied, and to determine the amount (if any) of special estimated tax payments
remaining after the 15th year which may be available to be refunded to the taxpayer.
Regulatory authority is also provided to make such adjustments in the application of the
provision as may be necessary to take into account the corporate alternative minimum tax.
Under this regulatory authority, rules similar to those applicable in the case of a change in the
corporate tax rate are intended to apply to determine the amount of special estimated tax
payments that may be applied against tax calculated at the corporate alternative minimum tax
rate. The special estimated tax payments are not treated as payments of regular tax for purposes
of determining the taxpayer’s alternative minimum tax liability.
Regulations have not been promulgated under section 847.
House Bill
The provision repeals section 847. Thus, the election to apply section 847, the additional
deduction, special loss discount account, special estimated tax payment, and refundable amount
rules of present law are eliminated.
The entire balance of an existing account is included in income of the taxpayer for the
first taxable year beginning after 2017, and the entire amount of existing special estimated tax
payments are applied against the amount of additional tax attributable to this inclusion. Any
special estimated tax payments in excess of this amount are treated as estimated tax payments
under section 6655.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
9. Computation of life insurance tax reserves (sec. 13517 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 807 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
In determining life insurance company taxable income, a life insurance company includes
in gross income any net decrease in reserves, and deducts a net increase in reserves.
for determining reserves for tax purposes generally are based on reserves prescribed by the
National Association of Insurance Commissioners for purposes of financial reporting under State
regulatory rules.
In computing the net increase or net decrease in reserves, six items are taken into
account. These are (1) life insurance reserves; (2) unearned premiums and unpaid losses
included in total reserves; (3) amounts that are discounted at interest to satisfy obligations under
insurance and annuity contracts that do not involve life, accident, or health contingencies when
the computation is made; (4) dividend accumulations and other amounts held at interest in
connection with insurance and annuity contracts; (5) premiums received in advance and
liabilities for premium deposit funds; and (6) reasonable special contingency reserves under
contracts of group term life insurance or group accident and health insurance that are held for
retired lives, premium stabilization, or a combination of both.
Life insurance reserves for any contract are the greater of the net surrender value of the
contract or the reserves determined under Federally prescribed rules, but may not exceed the
statutory reserve with respect to the contract (for regulatory reporting). In computing the
Federally prescribed reserve for any type of contract, the taxpayer must use the tax reserve
method applicable to the contract, an interest rate for discounting of reserves to take account of
the time value of money, and the prevailing commissioners’ standard tables for mortality or
Interest rate
The assumed interest rate to be used in computing the Federally prescribed reserve is the
greater of the applicable Federal interest rate or the prevailing State assumed interest rate. The
applicable Federal interest rate is the annual rate determined by the Secretary under the
discounting rules for property and casualty reserves for the calendar year in which the contract is
issued. The prevailing State assumed interest rate is generally the highest assumed interest rate
permitted to be used in at least 26 States in computing life insurance reserves for insurance or
annuity contracts of that type as of the beginning the calendar year in which the contract is
issued. In determining the highest assumed rates permitted in at least 26 States, each State is
treated as permitting the use of every rate below its highest rate.
A one-time election is permitted (revocable only with the consent of the Secretary) to
apply an updated applicable Federal interest rate every five years in calculating life insurance
Sec. 807.
reserves. The election is provided to take account of the fluctuations in market rates of return
that companies experience with respect to life insurance contracts of long duration. The use of
the updated applicable Federal interest rate under the election does not cause the recalculation of
life insurance reserves for any prior year. Under the election no change is made to the interest
rate used in determining life insurance reserves if the updated applicable Federal interest rate is
less than one-half of one percentage point different from the rate used by the company in
calculating life insurance reserves during the preceding five years.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision provides that for purposes of determining the deduction for increases in
certain reserves of a life insurance company, the amount of the life insurance reserves for any
contract (other than certain variable contracts) is the greater of (1) the net surrender value of the
contract (if any), or (2) 92.87 percent of the amount determined using the tax reserve method
otherwise applicable to the contract as of the date the reserve is determined. In the case of a
variable contract, the amount of life insurance reserves for the contract is the sum of (1) the
greater of (a) the net surrender value of the contract, or (b) the separate-account reserve amount
under section 817 for the contract, plus (2) 92.87 percent of the excess (if any) of the amount
determined using the tax reserve method otherwise applicable to the contract as of the date the
reserve is determined over the amount determined in (1). In no event shall the reserves exceed
the amount which would be taken into account in determining statutory reserves. No amount or
item shall be taken into account more than once in determining any reserve. As under present
law, no deduction for asset adequacy or deficiency reserves is allowed. The amount of life
insurance reserves may not exceed the annual statement reserves. The provision provides
reserve rules for supplemental benefits and retains present-law rules regarding certain contracts
issued by foreign branches of domestic life insurance companies.
Effective date.The proposal applies to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.
For the first taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, the difference in the amount of the
reserve with respect to any contract at the end of the preceding taxable year and the amount of
such reserve determined as if the proposal had applied for that year is taken into account for each
of the eight taxable years following that preceding year, one-eighth per year.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment except that, instead of 92.87
percent, the percentage relating to the statutory reserve is 92.81 percent. More specifically, the
provision provides that for purposes of determining the deduction for increases in certain
reserves of a life insurance company, the amount of the life insurance reserves for any contract
(other than certain variable contracts) is the greater of (1) the net surrender value of the contract
(if any), or (2) 92.81 percent of the amount determined using the tax reserve method otherwise
applicable to the contract as of the date the reserve is determined. In the case of a variable
contract, the amount of life insurance reserves for the contract is the sum of (1) the greater of (a)
the net surrender value of the contract, or (b) the separate-account reserve amount under section
817 for the contract, plus (2) 92.81 percent of the excess (if any) of the amount determined using
the tax reserve method otherwise applicable to the contract as of the date the reserve is
determined over the amount determined in (1). In no event shall the reserves exceed the amount
which would be taken into account in determining statutory reserves. As under present law, no
deduction for asset adequacy or deficiency reserves is allowed.
The amount of life insurance reserves may not exceed the annual statement reserves. A
no-double-counting rule provides that no amount or item is taken into account more than once in
determining any reserve under subchapter L of the Code. For example, an amount taken into
account in determining a loss reserve under section 807 may not be taken into account again in
determining a loss reserve under section 832. Similarly, a loss reserve determined under the tax
reserve method (whether the Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method, the Commissioner’s
Annuity Reserve Valuation Method, a principles -based reserve method, or another method
developed in the future, that is prescribed for a type of contract by the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners) may not again be taken into account in determining the portion of the
reserve that is separately accounted for under section 817 or be included also in determining the
net surrender value of a contract.
The provision provides reserve rules for supplemental benefits and retains present-law
rules regarding certain contracts issued by foreign branches of domestic life insurance
companies. The provision requires the Secretary to provide for reporting (at such time and in
such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe) with respect to the opening balance and closing
balance or reserves and with respect to the method of computing reserves for purposes of
determining income. For this purpose, the Secretary may require that a life insurance company
(including an affiliated group filing a consolidated return that includes a life insurance company)
is required to report each of the line item elements of each separate account by combining them
with each such item from all other separate accounts and the general account, and to report the
combined amounts on a line-by-line basis on the taxpayer’s return. Similarly, the Secretary may
in such guidance provide that reporting on a separate account by separate account basis is
generally not permitted. Under existing regulatory authority, if the Secretary determines it is
necessary in order to carry out and enforce this provision, the Secretary may require e-filing or
comparable filing of the return on magnetic medial or other machine readable form, and may
require that the taxpayer provide its annual statement via a link, electronic copy, or other similar
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017. For the first taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, the difference in the amount
of the reserve with respect to any contract at the end of the preceding taxable year and the
amount of such reserve determined as if the proposal had applied for that year is taken into
account for each of the eight taxable years following that preceding year, one-eighth per year.
10. Modification of rules for life insurance proration for purposes of determining the
dividends received deduction (sec. 13518 of the Senate amendment and sec. 812 of the
Present Law
Reduction of reserve deduction and dividends received deduction to reflect untaxed income
A life insurance company is subject to proration rules in calculating life insurance
company taxable income.
The proration rules reduce the company’s deductions, including reserve deductions and
dividends received deductions, if the life insurance company has tax-exempt income, deductible
dividends received, or other similar untaxed income items, because deductible reserve increases
can be viewed as being funded proportionately out of taxable and tax-exempt income.
Under the proration rules, the net increase and net decrease in reserves are computed by
reducing the ending balance of the reserve items by the policyholders’ share of tax-exempt
Similarly, under the proration rules, a life insurance company is allowed a dividends-
received deduction for intercorporate dividends from nonaffiliates only in proportion to the
company’s share of such dividends,
but not for the policyholders’ share. Fully deductible
dividends from affiliates are excluded from the application of this proration formula, if such
dividends are not themselves distributions from tax-exempt interest or from dividend income that
would not be fully deductible if received directly by the taxpayer. In addition, the proration rule
includes in prorated amounts the increase for the taxable year in policy cash values of life
insurance policies and annuity and endowment contracts.
Company’s share and policyholder’s share
The life insurance company proration rules provide that the company’s share, for this
purpose, means the percentage obtained by dividing the company’s share of the net investment
income for the taxable year by the net investment income for the taxable year.
Net investment
income means 95 percent of gross investment income, in the case of assets held in segregated
asset accounts under variable contracts, and 90 percent of gross investment income in other
Secs. 807(a)(2)(B) and (b)(1)(B).
Secs. 805(a)(4), 812.
Sec. 812(a).
Sec. 812(c).
Gross investment income includes specified items.
The specified items include interest
(including tax-exempt interest), dividends, rents, royalties and other related specified items,
short-term capital gains, and trade or business income. Gross investment income does not
include gain (other than short-term capital gain to the extent it exceeds net long-term capital loss)
that is, or is considered as, from the sale or exchange of a capital asset. Gross investment income
also does not include the appreciation in the value of assets that is taken into account in
computing the company’s tax reserve deduction under section 817.
The company’s share of net investment income, for purposes of this calculation, is the net
investment income for the taxable year, reduced by the sum of (a) the policy interest for the
taxable year and (b) a portion of policyholder dividends.
Policy interest is defined to include
required interest at the greater of the prevailing State assumed rate or the applicable Federal rate
(plus some other interest items). Present law provides that in any case where neither the
prevailing State assumed interest rate nor the applicable Federal rate is used, “another
appropriate rate” is used for this calculation. No statutory definition of “another appropriate
rate” is provided; the law is unclear as to what rate or rates are appropriate for this purpose.
In 2007, the IRS issued Rev. Rul. 2007-54,
interpreting required interest under
section 812(b) to be calculated by multiplying the mean of a contract’s beginning-of-year and
end-of-year reserves by the greater of the applicable Federal interest rate or the prevailing State
assumed interest rate, for purposes of determining separate account reserves for variable
contracts. However, Rev. Rul. 2007-54 was suspended by Rev. Rul. 2007-61, in which the IRS
and the Treasury Department stated that the issues would more appropriately be addressed by
No regulations have been issued to date.
General account and separate accounts
A variable contract is generally a life insurance (or annuity) contract whose death benefit
(or annuity payout) depends explicitly on the investment return and market value of underlying
Sec. 812(d).
Sec. 812(b)(1). This portion is defined as gross investment income’s share of policyholder dividends.
Legislative history of section 812 mentions that the general concept that items of investment yield
should be allocated between policyholders and the company was retained from prior law. H. Rep. 98-861,
Conference Report to accompany H.R. 4170, the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., 1065 (June
23, 1984). This concept is referred to in Joint Committee on Taxation, General Explanation of the Revenue
Provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, JCS-41-84, December 31, 1984, p. 622, stating, “[u]nder the Act,
the formula used for purposes of determining the policyholders’ share is based generally on the proration formula
used under prior law in computing gain or loss from operations (i.e., by reference to ‘required interest’).” This may
imply that a reference to pre-1984-law regulations may be appropriate. See Rev. Rul. 2003-120, 2003-2 C.B. 1154,
and Technical Advice Memoranda 20038008 and 200339049.
2007-38 I.R.B. 604.
2007-42 I.R.B. 799.
The investment risk is generally that of the policyholder, not the insurer. The assets
underlying variable contracts are maintained in separate accounts held by life insurers. These
separate accounts are distinct from the insurer’s general account in which it maintains assets
supporting products other than variable contracts.
For Federal income tax purposes, a life insurance company includes in gross income any
net decrease in reserves, and deducts a net increase in reserves.
Methods for determining
reserves for tax purposes generally are based on reserves prescribed by the National Association
of Insurance Commissioners for purposes of financial reporting under State regulatory rules.
For purposes of determining the amount of the tax reserves for variable contracts,
however, a special rule eliminates gains and losses. Under this rule,
in determining reserves
for variable contracts, realized and unrealized gains are subtracted, and realized and unrealized
losses are added, whether or not the assets have been disposed of. The basis of assets in the
separate account is increased to reflect appreciation, and reduced to reflect depreciation in value,
that are taken into account in computing reserves for such contracts.
Dividends received deduction
A corporate taxpayer may partially or fully deduct dividends received.
The percentage
of the allowable dividends received deduction depends on the percentage of the stock of the
distributing corporation that the recipient corporation owns.
Limitation on dividends received deduction under section 246(c)(4)
The dividends received deduction is not allowed with respect to stock either (1) held for
45 days or less during a 91-day period beginning 45 days before the ex-dividend date, or (2) to
the extent the taxpayer is under an obligation to make related payments with respect to positions
in substantially similar or related property.
The taxpayer’s holding period is reduced for
periods during which its risk of loss is reduced.
Section 817(d) provides a more detailed definition of a variable contract.
Sec. 807.
Sec. 817.
Sec. 243 et seq. Conceptually, dividends received by a corporation are retained in corporate solution;
these amounts are taxed when distributed to noncorporate shareholders.
Sec. 246(c).
Sec. 246(c)(4). For this purpose, the holding period is reduced for periods in which (1) the taxpayer has
an obligation to sell or has shorted substantially similar stock; (2) the taxpayer has granted an option to buy
substantially similar stock; or (3) under Treasury regulations, the taxpayer has diminished its risk of loss by holding
other positions with respect to substantially similar or related property.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies the life insurance company proration rule for reducing dividends
received deductions and reserve deductions with respect to untaxed income. For purposes of the
life insurance proration rule of section 805(a)(4), the company’s share is 70 percent. The
policyholder’s share is 30 percent.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
11. Capitalization of certain policy acquisition expenses (sec. 13519 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 848 of the Code)
Present Law
In the case of an insurance company, specified policy acquisition expenses for any
taxable year are required to be capitalized, and generally are amortized over the 120-month
period beginning with the first month in the second half of the taxable year.
A special rule provides for 60-month amortization of the first $5 million of specified
policy acquisition expenses with a phase-out. The phase-out reduces the amount amortized over
60 months by the excess of the insurance company’s specified policy acquisition expenses for
the taxable year over $10 million.
Specified policy acquisition expenses are determined as that portion of the insurance
company’s general deductions for the taxable year that does not exceed a specific percentage of
the net premiums for the taxable year on each of three categories of insurance contracts. For
annuity contracts, the percentage is 1.75; for group life insurance contracts, the percentage is
2.05; and for all other specified insurance contracts, the percentage is 7.7.
With certain exceptions, a specified insurance contract is any life insurance, annuity, or
noncancellable accident and health insurance contract or combination thereof. A group life
insurance contract is any life insurance contract that covers a group of individuals defined by
reference to employment relationship, membership in an organization, or similar factor, the
premiums for which are determined on a group basis, and the proceeds of which are payable to
Sec. 848.
(or for the benefit of) persons other than the employer of the insured, an organization to which
the insured belongs, or other similar person.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision extends the amortization period for specified policy acquisition expenses
from a 120-month period to the 180-month period beginning with the first month in the second
half of the taxable year. The provision does not change the special rule providing for 60-month
amortization of the first $5 million of specified policy acquisition expenses (with phaseout). The
provision provides that for annuity contracts, the percentage is 2.1 percent; for group life
insurance contracts, the percentage is 2.46 percent; and for all other specified insurance
contracts, the percentage is 9.24 percent.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with modifications. Under the
conference agreement, the amortization period is 180 months. For annuity contracts, the
percentage is 2.09 percent; for group life insurance contracts, the percentage is 2.45 percent; and
for all other specified insurance contracts, the percentage is 9.20 percent.
12. Tax reporting for life settlement transactions, clarification of tax basis of life insurance
contracts, and exception to transfer for valuable consideration rules (secs. 13518 through
13520 of the Senate amendment and secs. 101, 1016, and 6050X of the Code)
Present Law
An exclusion from Federal income tax is provided for amounts received under a life
insurance contract paid by reason of the death of the insured.
Sec. 101(a)(1). In the case of certain accelerated death benefits and viatical settlements, special rules
treat certain amounts as amounts paid by reason of the death of an insured (that is, generally, excludable from
income). Sec. 101(g). The rules relating to accelerated death benefits provide that amounts treated as paid by
reason of the death of the insured include any amount received under a life insurance contract on the life of an
insured who is a terminally ill individual, or who is a chronically ill individual (provided certain requirements are
met). For this purpose, a terminally ill individual is one who has been certified by a physician as having an illness
or physical condition which can reasonably be expected to result in death in 24 months or less after the date of the
certification. A chronically ill individual is one who has been certified by a licensed health care practitioner within
the preceding 12-month period as meeting certain ability-related requirements. In the case of a viatical settlement, if
any portion of the death benefit under a life insurance contract on the life of an insured who is terminally ill or
chronically ill is sold to a viatical settlement provider, the amount paid for the sale or assignment of that portion is
treated as an amount paid under the life insurance contract by reason of the death of the insured (that is, generally,
Under rules known as the transfer for value rules, if a life insurance contract is sold or
otherwise transferred for valuable consideration, the amount paid by reason of the death of the
insured that is excludable generally is limited.
Under the limitation, the excludable amount
may not exceed the sum of (1) the actual value of the consideration, and (2) the premiums or
other amounts subsequently paid by the transferee of the contract. Thus, for example, if a person
buys a life insurance contract, and the consideration he pays combined with his subsequent
premium payments on the contract are less than the amount of the death benefit he later receives
under the contract, then the difference is includable in the buyer’s income.
Exceptions are provided to the limitation on the excludable amount. The limitation on
the excludable amount does not apply if (1) the transferee’s basis in the contract is determined in
whole or in part by reference to the transferor’s basis in the contract,
or (2) the transfer is to
the insured, to a partner of the insured, to a partnership in which the insured is a partner, or to a
corporation in which the insured is a shareholder or officer.
IRS guidance sets forth more details of the tax treatment of a life insurance policyholder
who sells or surrenders the life insurance contract and the tax treatment of other sellers and of
buyers of life insurance contracts. The guidance relates to the character of taxable amounts
(ordinary or capital) and to the taxpayer’s basis in the life insurance contract.
In Revenue Ruling 2009-13,
the IRS ruled that income recognized under section 72(e)
on surrender to the life insurance company of a life insurance contract with cash value is
ordinary income. In the case of sale of a cash value life insurance contract, the IRS ruled that the
insured’s (seller’s) basis is reduced by the cost of insurance, and the gain on sale of the contract
is ordinary income to the extent of the amount that would be recognized as ordinary income if
the contract were surrendered (the “inside buildup”), and any excess is long-term capital gain.
Gain on the sale of a term life insurance contract (without cash surrender value) is long-term
capital gain under the ruling.
In Revenue Ruling 2009-14,
the IRS ruled that under the transfer for value rules, a
portion of the death benefit received by a buyer of a life insurance contract on the death of the
insured is includable as ordinary income. The portion is the excess of the death benefit over the
consideration and other amounts (e.g., premiums) paid for the contract. Upon sale of the
excludable from income). For this purpose, a viatical settlement provider is a person regularly engaged in the trade
or business of purchasing, or taking assignments of, life insurance contracts on the lives of terminally ill or
chronically ill individuals (provided certain requirements are met).
Sec. 101(a)(2).
Sec. 101(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 101(a)(2)(B).
2009-21 I.R.B. 1029.
2009-21 I.R.B. 1031.
contract by the purchaser of the contract, the gain is long-term capital gain, and in determining
the gain, the basis of the contract is not reduced by the cost of insurance.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision imposes reporting requirements in the case of the purchase of an existing
life insurance contract in a reportable policy sale and imposes reporting requirements on the
payor in the case of the payment of reportable death benefits. The provision sets forth rules for
determining the basis of a life insurance or annuity contract. Lastly, the provision modifies the
transfer for value rules in a transfer of an interest in a life insurance contract in a reportable
policy sale.
Reporting requirements for acquisitions of life insurance contracts
Reporting upon acquisition of life insurance contract
The reporting requirement applies to every person who acquires a life insurance contract,
or any interest in a life insurance contract, in a reportable policy sale during the taxable year. A
reportable policy sale means the acquisition of an interest in a life insurance contract, directly or
indirectly, if the acquirer has no substantial family, business, or financial relationship with the
insured (apart from the acquirer’s interest in the life insurance contract). An indirect acquisition
includes the acquisition of an interest in a partnership, trust, or other entity that holds an interest
in the life insurance contract.
Under the reporting requirement, the buyer reports information about the purchase to the
IRS, to the insurance company that issued the contract, and to the seller. The information
reported by the buyer about the purchase is (1) the buyer’s name, address, and taxpayer
identification number (“TIN”), (2) the name, address, and TIN of each recipient of payment in
the reportable policy sale, (3) the date of the sale, (4) the name of the issuer, and (5) the amount
of each payment. The statement the buyer provides to any issuer of a life insurance contract is
not required to include the amount of the payment or payments for the purchase of the contract.
Reporting of seller’s basis in the life insurance contract
On receipt of a report described above, or on any notice of the transfer of a life insurance
contract to a foreign person, the issuer is required to report to the IRS and to the seller (1) ) the
name, address, and TIN of the seller or the transferor to a foreign person, (2) the basis of the
contract (i.e., the investment in the contract within the meaning of section 72(e)(6)), and (3) the
policy number of the contract. Notice of the transfer of a life insurance contract to a foreign
person is intended to include any sort of notice, including information provided for nontax
purposes such as change of address notices for purposes of sending statements or for other
purposes, or information relating to loans, premiums, or death benefits with respect to the
Reporting with respect to reportable death benefits
When a reportable death benefit is paid under a life insurance contract, the payor
insurance company is required to report information about the payment to the IRS and to the
payee. Under this reporting requirement, the payor reports (1) the name, address and TIN of the
person making the payment, (2) the name, address, and TIN of each recipient of a payment, (3)
the date of each such payment, (4) the gross amount of the payment (5) the payor’s estimate of
the buyer’s basis in the contract. A reportable death benefit means an amount paid by reason of
the death of the insured under a life insurance contract that has been transferred in a reportable
policy sale.
For purposes of these reporting requirements, a payment means the amount of cash and
the fair market value of any consideration transferred in a reportable policy sale.
Determination of basis
The provision provides that in determining the basis of a life insurance or annuity
contract, no adjustment is made for mortality, expense, or other reasonable charges incurred
under the contract (known as “cost of insurance”). This reverses the position of the IRS in
Revenue Ruling 2009-13 that on sale of a cash value life insurance contract, the insured’s
(seller’s) basis is reduced by the cost of insurance.
Scope of transfer for value rules
The provision provides that the exceptions to the transfer for value rules do not apply in
the case of a transfer of a life insurance contract, or any interest in a life insurance contract, in a
reportable policy sale. Thus, some portion of the death benefit ultimately payable under such a
contract may be includable in income.
Effective date.Under the provision, the reporting requirement is effective for reportable
policy sales occurring after December 31, 2017, and reportable death benefits paid after
December 31, 2017. The clarification of the basis rules for life insurance and annuity contracts
is effective for transactions entered into after August 25, 2009. The modification of exception to
the transfer for value rules is effective for transfers occurring after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
I. Compensation
1. Modification of limitation on excessive employee remuneration (sec. 3801 of the House
bill, sec. 13601 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 162(m) of the Code)
Present Law
In general
An employer generally may deduct reasonable compensation for personal services as an
ordinary and necessary business expense. Section 162(m) provides an explicit limitation on the
deductibility of compensation expenses in the case of publicly traded corporate employers. The
otherwise allowable deduction for compensation with respect to a covered employee of a
publicly held corporation
is limited to no more than $1 million per year.
The deduction
limitation applies when the deduction attributable to the compensation would otherwise be taken.
Covered employees
Section 162(m) defines a covered employee as (1) the chief executive officer of the
corporation (or an individual acting in such capacity) as of the close of the taxable year and
(2) any employee whose total compensation is required to be reported to shareholders under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) by reason of being among the corporation’s
four most highly compensated officers for the taxable year (other than the chief executive
Treasury regulations under section 162(m) provide that whether an employee is the
chief executive officer or among the four most highly compensated officers should be
determined pursuant to the executive compensation disclosure rules promulgated under the
Exchange Act.
In 2006, the Securities and Exchange Commission amended certain rules relating to
executive compensation, including which officers’ compensation must be disclosed under the
Exchange Act. Under the new rules, such officers are (1) the principal executive officer (or an
individual acting in such capacity), (2) the principal financial officer (or an individual acting in
such capacity), and (3) the three most highly compensated officers, other than the principal
executive officer or principal financial officer.
In response to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s new disclosure rules, the
Internal Revenue Service issued updated guidance on identifying which employees are covered
Provisions relating to retirement plans are discussed in Part I.E.
A corporation is treated as publicly held if it has a class of common equity securities that is required to
be registered under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Section 162(m)(2).
Sec. 162(m). This deduction limitation applies for purposes of the regular income tax and the
alternative minimum tax.
Sec. 162(m)(3).
by section 162(m).
The new guidance provides that “covered employee” means any
employee who is (1) as of the close of the taxable year, the principal executive officer (or an
individual acting in such capacity) defined in reference to the Exchange Act, or (2) among the
three most highly compensated officers
for the taxable year (other than the principal
executive officer or principal financial officer), again defined by reference to the Exchange Act.
Thus, under current guidance, only four employees are covered under section 162(m) for any
taxable year. Under Treasury regulations, the requirement that the individual meet the criteria as
of the last day of the taxable year applies to both the principal executive officer and the three
highest compensated officers.
Definition of publicly held corporation
For purposes of the deduction disallowance of section 162(m), a publicly held
corporation means any corporation issuing any class of common equity securities required to be
registered under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
All U.S. publicly traded
companies are subject to this registration requirement, including their foreign affiliates. A
foreign company publicly traded through American depository receipts (“ADRs”) is also subject
to this registration requirement if more than 50 percent of the issuer’s outstanding voting
securities are held, directly or indirectly, by residents of United States and either (i) the majority
of the executive officers or directors are United States citizens or residents, (ii) more than
50 percent of the assets of the issuer are located in the United States, or (iii) the business of the
issuer is administered principally in the United States. Other foreign companies are not subject
to the registration requirement.
Remuneration subject to the deduction limitation
In general
Unless specifically excluded, the deduction limitation applies to all remuneration for
services, including cash and the cash value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in a
medium other than cash. If an individual is a covered employee for a taxable year, the deduction
limitation applies to all compensation not explicitly excluded from the deduction limitation,
regardless of whether the compensation is for services as a covered employee and regardless of
when the compensation was earned. The $1 million cap is reduced by excess parachute
payments (as defined in section 280G) that are not deductible by the corporation.
Notice 2007-49, 2007-25 I.R.B. 1429.
By reason of being among the officers whose total compensation is required to be reported to
shareholders under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.162-27(c)(2).
Sec. 162(m)(2).
Sec. 162(m)(4)(F).
Certain types of compensation are not subject to the deduction limit and are not taken
into account in determining whether other compensation exceeds $1 million. The following
types of compensation are not taken into account: (1) remuneration payable on a commission
; (2) remuneration payable solely on account of the attainment of one or more
performance goals if certain outside director and shareholder approval requirements are met
(“performance-based compensation”)
; (3) payments to a tax-favored retirement plan
(including salary reduction contributions); (4) amounts that are excludable from the executive’s
gross income (such as employer-provided health benefits and miscellaneous fringe benefits
and (5) any remuneration payable under a written binding contract which was in effect on
February 17, 1993. In addition, remuneration does not include compensation for which a
deduction is allowable after a covered employee ceases to be a covered employee. Thus, the
deduction limitation often does not apply to deferred compensation that is otherwise subject to
the deduction limitation (e.g., is not performance-based compensation) because the payment of
compensation is deferred until after termination of employment.
Performance-based compensation
Compensation qualifies for the exception for performance-based compensation only if
(1) it is paid solely on account of the attainment of one or more performance goals, (2) the
performance goals are established by a compensation committee consisting solely of two or more
outside directors,
(3) the material terms under which the compensation is to be paid, including
the performance goals, are disclosed to and approved by the shareholders in a separate majority-
approved vote prior to payment, and (4) prior to payment, the compensation committee certifies
that the performance goals and any other material terms were in fact satisfied.
Compensation (other than stock options or other stock appreciation rights (“SARs”)) is
not treated as paid solely on account of the attainment of one or more performance goals unless
the compensation is paid to the particular executive pursuant to a pre-established objective
performance formula or standard that precludes discretion. A stock option or SAR with an
exercise price not less than the fair market value, on the date the option or SAR is granted, of the
stock subject to the option or SAR, generally is treated as meeting the exception for
performance-based compensation, provided that the requirements for outside director and
shareholder approval are met (without the need for certification that the performance standards
have been met). This is the case because the amount of compensation attributable to the options
or SARs received by the executive is based solely on an increase in the corporation’s stock price.
Sec. 162(m)(4)(B).
Sec. 162(m)(4)(C).
Secs. 105, 106, and 132.
A director is considered an outside director if he or she is not a current employee of the corporation (or
related entities), is not a former employee of the corporation (or related entities) who is receiving compensation for
prior services (other than benefits under a qualified retirement plan), was not an officer of the corporation (or related
entities) at any time, and is not currently receiving compensation for personal services in any capacity (e.g., for
services as a consultant) other than as a director.
Stock-based compensation is not treated as performance-based if it depends on factors other than
corporate performance.
House Bill
Definition of covered employee
The provision revises the definition of covered employee to include both the principal
executive officer and the principal financial officer. Further, an individual is a covered employee
if the individual holds one of these positions at any time during the taxable year. The provision
also defines as a covered employee the three (rather than four) most highly compensated officers
for the taxable year (other than the principal executive officer or principal financial officer) who
are required to be reported on the company’s proxy statement (i.e., the statement required
pursuant to executive compensation disclosure rules promulgated under the Exchange Act) for
the taxable year (or who would be required to be reported on such a statement for a company not
required to make such a report to shareholders). This includes such officers of a corporation not
required to file a proxy statement but which otherwise falls within the revised definition of a
publicly held corporation, as well as such officers of a publicly traded corporation that would
otherwise have been required to file a proxy statement for the year (for example, but for the fact
that the corporation delisted its securities or underwent a transaction that resulted in the
nonapplication of the proxy statement requirement).
In addition, if an individual is a covered employee with respect to a corporation for a
taxable year beginning after December 31, 2016, the individual remains a covered employee for
all future years. Thus, an individual remains a covered employee with respect to compensation
otherwise deductible for subsequent years, including for years during which the individual is no
longer employed by the corporation and years after the individual has died. Compensation does
not fail to be compensation with respect to a covered employee and thus subject to the deduction
limit for a taxable year merely because the compensation is includible in the income of, or paid
to, another individual, such as compensation paid to a beneficiary after the employee’s death, or
to a former spouse pursuant to a domestic relations order.
Definition of publicly held corporation
The provision extends the applicability of section 162(m) to include all domestic publicly
traded corporations and all foreign companies publicly traded through ADRs. The proposed
definition may include certain additional corporations that are not publicly traded, such as large
private C or S corporations.
Performance-based compensation and commissions exceptions
The provision eliminates the exceptions for commissions and performance-based
compensation from the definition of compensation subject to the deduction limit. Thus, such
compensation is taken into account in determining the amount of compensation with respect to a
covered employee for a taxable year that exceeds $1 million and is thus not deductible under
section 162.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill, except that it adds a transition rule for
remuneration which is provided pursuant to a written binding contract which was in effect on
November 2, 2017 and which was not modified in any material respect on or after such date.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017. A transition rule applies to remuneration which is provided pursuant to a written binding
contract which was in effect on November 2, 2017 and which was not modified in any material
respect on or after such date
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment. For purposes of the transition
rule, compensation paid pursuant to a plan qualifies for this exception provided that the right to
participate in the plan is part of a written binding contract with the covered employee in effect on
November 2, 2017. For example, suppose a covered employee was hired by XYZ Corporation
on October 2, 2017 and one of the terms of the written employment contract is that the executive
is eligible to participate in the ‘XYZ Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan’ in
accordance with the terms of the plan. Assume further that the terms of the plan provide for
participation after 6 months of employment, amounts payable under the plan are not subject to
discretion, and the corporation does not have the right to amend materially the plan or terminate
the plan (except on a prospective basis before any services are performed with respect to the
applicable period for which such compensation is to be paid). Provided that the other conditions
of the binding contract exception are met (e.g., the plan itself is in writing), payments under the
plan are grandfathered, even though the employee was not actually a participant in the plan on
November 2, 2017.
The fact that a plan was in existence on November 2, 2017 is not by itself sufficient to
qualify the plan for the exception for binding written contracts.
The exception for remuneration paid pursuant to a binding written contract ceases to
apply to amounts paid after there has been a material modification to the terms of the contract.
The exception does not apply to new contracts entered into or renewed after November 2, 2017.
For purposes of this rule, any contract that is entered into on or before November 2, 2017 and
that is renewed after such date is treated as a new contract entered into on the day the renewal
takes effect. A contract that is terminable or cancelable unconditionally at will by either party to
the contract without the consent of the other, or by both parties to the contract, is treated as a new
contract entered into on the date any such termination or cancellation, if made, would be
effective. However, a contract is not treated as so terminable or cancelable if it can be
As discussed in the text below, the grandfather ceases to apply if the plan is materially amended.
terminated or cancelled only by terminating the employment relationship of the covered
2. Excise tax on excess tax-exempt organization executive compensation (sec. 3802 of the
House bill, sec. 13602 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 4960 of the Code)
Present Law
Taxable employers and other service recipients generally may deduct reasonable
compensation expenses.
However, in some cases, compensation in excess of specific levels
is not deductible.
A publicly held corporation generally cannot deduct more than $1 million of
compensation (that is not compensation otherwise excepted from this limit) in a taxable year for
each “covered employee.”
For this purpose, a covered employee is the corporation’s
principal executive officer (or an individual acting in such capacity) defined in reference to the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) as of the close of the taxable year, or any
employee whose total compensation is required to be reported to shareholders under the
Exchange Act by reason of being among the corporation’s three most highly compensated
officers for the taxable year (other than the principal executive officer or principal financial
Unless an exception applies, generally a corporation cannot deduct that portion of the
aggregate present value of a “parachute payment” which equals or exceeds three times the “base
amount” of certain service providers. The nondeductible excess is an “excess parachute
A parachute payment is generally a payment of compensation that is contingent
on a change in corporate ownership or control made to certain officers, shareholders, and highly
compensated individuals.
An individual’s base amount is the average annualized
compensation includible in the individual’s gross income for the five taxable years ending before
the date on which the change in ownership or control occurs.
Certain amounts are not
considered parachute payments, including payments under a qualified retirement plan, a
simplified employee pension plan, or a simple retirement account.
Sec. 162(a)(1).
Sec. 162(m)(1). Under section 162(m)(6), limits apply to deductions for compensation of individuals
performing services for certain health insurance providers.
Notice 2007-49, 2007-2 I.R.B. 1429.
Sec. 280G(a) and (b)(1).
Sec. 280G(b)(2) and (c).
Sec. 280G(b)(3).
Secs. 401(a), 403(a), 408(k), and 408(p).
These deduction limits generally do not affect a tax-exempt organization.
House Bill
Under the provision, an employer is liable for an excise tax equal to 20 percent of the
sum of (1) any remuneration (other than an excess parachute payment) in excess of $1 million
paid to a covered employee by an applicable tax-exempt organization for a taxable year, and
(2) any excess parachute payment (under a new definition for this purpose that relates solely to
separation pay) paid by the applicable tax-exempt organization to a covered employee.
Accordingly, the excise tax applies as a result of an excess parachute payment, even if the
covered employee’s remuneration does not exceed $1 million.
For purposes of the provision, a covered employee is an employee (including any former
employee) of an applicable tax-exempt organization if the employee is one of the five highest
compensated employees of the organization for the taxable year or was a covered employee of
the organization (or a predecessor) for any preceding taxable year beginning after December 31,
2016. An “applicable tax-exempt organization” is an organization exempt from tax under
section 501(a), an exempt farmers’ cooperative,
a Federal, State or local governmental entity
with excludable income,
or a political organization.
Remuneration means wages as defined for income tax withholding purposes,
but does
not include any designated Roth contribution.
Remuneration of a covered employee includes
any remuneration paid with respect to employment of the covered employee by any person or
governmental entity related to the applicable tax-exempt organization. A person or
governmental entity is treated as related to an applicable tax-exempt organization if the person or
governmental entity (1) controls, or is controlled by, the organization, (2) is controlled by one or
more persons that control the organization, (3) is a supported organization
during the taxable
year with respect to the organization, (4) is a supporting organization
during the taxable year
with respect to the organization, or (5) in the case of a voluntary employees’ beneficiary
association (“VEBA”),
establishes, maintains, or makes contributions to the VEBA.
Sec. 521(b).
Sec. 115(1).
Sec. 527(e)(1).
Sec. 3401(a).
Under section 402A(c), a designated Roth contribution is an elective deferral (that is, a contribution to
a tax-favored employer-sponsored retirement plan made at the election of an employee) that the employee
designates as not being excludable from income.
Sec. 509(f)(3).
Sec. 509(a)(3).
Sec. 501(c)(9).
However, remuneration of a covered employee that is not deductible by reason of the $1 million
limit on deductible compensation is not taken into account for purposes of the provision.
Under the provision, an excess parachute payment is the amount by which any parachute
payment exceeds the portion of the base amount allocated to the payment. A parachute payment
is a payment in the nature of compensation to (or for the benefit of) a covered employee if the
payment is contingent on the employee’s separation from employment and the aggregate present
value of all such payments equals or exceeds three times the base amount. The base amount is
the average annualized compensation includible in the covered employee’s gross income for the
five taxable years ending before the date of the employee’s separation from employment.
Parachute payments do not include payments under a qualified retirement plan, a simplified
employee pension plan, a simple retirement account, a tax-deferred annuity,
or an eligible
deferred compensation plan of a State or local government employer.
The employer of a covered employee is liable for the excise tax. If remuneration of a
covered employee from more than one employer is taken into account in determining the excise
tax, each employer is liable for the tax in an amount that bears the same ratio to the total tax as
the remuneration paid by that employer bears to the remuneration paid by all employers to the
covered employee.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill, except that remuneration is treated as paid
when there is no substantial risk of forfeiture of the rights to such remuneration. In addition, the
definition of remuneration for this purpose includes amounts required to be included in gross
income under section 457(f).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with modifications. Under the
conference agreement, the tax rate is equal to corporate tax rate, which is 21 percent under the
conference agreement. In addition, for purposes of the requirement to treat remuneration as paid
when the rights to the remuneration are no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, the
conference agreement clarifies that “substantial risk of forfeiture” is based on the definition
Sec. 403(b).
Sec. 457(b).
Sec. 457(f) applies to an “ineligible” deferred compensation plan of a State or local government or a
tax-exempt employer (that is, a plan that does not meet the requirements to be an eligible plan under section 457(b)).
Under an ineligible plan, deferred amounts are treated as nonqualified deferred compensation and includible in
income for the first taxable year in which there is no substantial risk of forfeiture of the rights to such compensation.
For this purpose, a person’s rights to compensation are subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture if the rights are
conditioned on the future performance of substantial services by any individual. Earnings post-vesting are generally
taxed when paid.
under section 457(f)(3)(B) which applies to ineligible deferred compensation subject to section
457(f). Accordingly, the tax imposed by this provision can apply to the value of remuneration
that is vested (and any increases in such value or vested remuneration) under this definition, even
if it is not yet received.
The conference agreement exempts compensation paid to employees who are not highly
compensated employees (within the meaning of section 414(q)) from the definition of parachute
payment, and also exempts compensation attributable to medical services of certain qualified
medical professionals from the definitions of remuneration and parachute payment. For
purposes of determining a covered employee, remuneration paid to a licensed medical
professional which is directly related to the performance of medical or veterinary services by
such professional is not taken into account, whereas remuneration paid to such a professional in
any other capacity is taken into account. A medical professional for this purpose includes a
doctor, nurse, or veterinarian.
3. Treatment of qualified equity grants (sec. 3803 of the House bill, sec. 13603 of the Senate
amendment, and secs. 83, 3401, and 6051 of the Code)
Present Law
Income tax treatment of employer stock transferred to an employee
Specific rules apply to property, including employer stock, transferred to an employee in
connection with the performance of services.
These rules govern the amount and timing of
income inclusion by the employee and the amount and timing of the employer’s compensation
Under these rules, an employee generally must recognize income in the taxable year in
which the employee’s right to the stock is transferable or is not subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture, whichever occurs earlier (referred to herein as “substantially vested”). Thus, if the
employee’s right to the stock is substantially vested when the stock is transferred to the
employee, the employee recognizes income in the taxable year of such transfer, in an amount
equal to the fair market value of the stock as of the date of transfer (less any amount paid for the
stock). If at the time the stock is transferred to the employee, the employee’s right to the stock is
not substantially vested (referred to herein as “nonvested”), the employee does not recognize
income attributable to the stock transfer until the taxable year in which the employee’s right
becomes substantially vested. In this case, the amount includible in the employee’s income is
the fair market value of the stock as of the date that the employee’s right to the stock is
substantially vested (less any amount paid for the stock). However, if the employee’s right to
the stock is nonvested at the time the stock is transferred to employee, under section 83(b), the
employee may elect within 30 days of transfer to recognize income in the taxable year of
Sec. 83. Section 83 applies generally to transfers of any property, not just employer stock, in
connection with the performance of services by any service provider, not just an employee. However, the provision
described herein applies only with respect to certain employer stock transferred to employees.
transfer, referred to as a “section 83(b)” election.
If a proper and timely election under
section 83(b) is made, the amount of compensatory income is capped at the amount equal to the
fair market value of the stock as of the date of transfer (less any amount paid for the stock). A
section 83(b) election is available with respect to grants of “restricted stock” (nonvested stock),
and does not generally apply to the grant of options.
In general, an employee’s right to stock or other property is subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture if the employee’s right to full enjoyment of the property is subject to a condition, such
as the future performance of substantial services.
An employee’s right to stock or other
property is transferable if the employee can transfer an interest in the property to any person
other than the transferor of the property.
Thus, generally, employer stock transferred to an
employee by an employer is not transferable merely because the employee can sell it back to the
In the case of stock transferred to an employee, the employer is allowed a deduction (to
the extent a deduction for a business expense is otherwise allowable) equal to the amount
included in the employee’s income as a result of transfer of the stock.
The employer
deduction generally is permitted in the employer’s taxable year in which or with which ends the
employee’s taxable year when the amount is included and properly reported in the employee’s
These rules do not apply to the grant of a nonqualified option on employer stock unless
the option has a readily ascertainable fair market value.
Instead, these rules apply to the
transfer of employer stock by the employee on exercise of the option. That is, if the right to the
stock is substantially vested on transfer (the time of exercise), income recognition applies for the
taxable year of transfer. If the right to the stock is nonvested on transfer, the timing of income
inclusion is determined under the rules applicable to the transfer of nonvested stock. In either
case, the amount includible in income by the employee is the fair market value of the stock as of
the required time of income inclusion, less the exercise price paid by the employee. A section
83(b) election generally does not apply to the grant of options. If upon the exercise of an option,
nonvested stock is transferred to the employee, a section 83(b) election may apply. The
Under Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-2, the employee makes an election by filing with the Internal Revenue
Service a written statement that includes the fair market value of the property at the time of transfer and the amount
(if any) paid for the property. The employee must also provide a copy of the statement to the employer.
See section 83(c)(1) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-3(c) for the definition of substantial risk of forfeiture.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-3(d). In addition, under section 83(c)(2), the right to stock is transferable only if
any transferee’s right to the stock would not be subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture.
Sec. 83(h).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-6.
See section 83(e)(3) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-7. A nonqualified option is an option on employer stock
that is not a statutory option, discussed below.
employer’s deduction is generally determined under the rules that apply to transfers of restricted
stock, but a special accrual rule may apply under Treasury regulations when the transferred stock
is substantially vested.
Employment taxes and reporting
Employment taxes generally consist of taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions
Act (“FICA”), tax under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (“FUTA”), and income taxes
required to be withheld by employers from wages paid to employees (“income tax
Unless an exception applies under the applicable rules, compensation
provided to an employee constitutes wages subject to these taxes.
FICA imposes tax on employers and employees, generally based on the amount of wages
paid to an employee during the year. Special rules as to the timing and amount of FICA taxes
apply in the case of nonqualified deferred compensation, as defined for FICA purposes.
The tax imposed on the employer and on the employee is each composed of two parts: (1)
the Social Security or old age, survivors, and disability insurance (“OASDI”) tax equal to 6.2
percent of covered wages up to the OASDI wage base ($127,200 for 2017); and (2) the Medicare
or hospital insurance (“HI”) tax equal to 1.45 percent of all covered wages.
The employee
portion of FICA tax generally must be withheld and, along with the employer portion, remitted
to the Federal government by the employer. FICA tax withholding applies regardless of whether
compensation is provided in the form of cash or a noncash form, such as a transfer of property
(including employer stock) or in-kind benefits.
FUTA imposes a tax on employers of six percent of wages up to the FUTA wage base of
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-6(a)(3).
Secs. 3101-3128 (FICA), 3301-3311 (FUTA), and 3401-3404 (income tax withholding). Instead of
FICA taxes, railroad employers and employees are subject, under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act (“RRTA”),
sections 3201-3241, to taxes equivalent to FICA taxes with respect to compensation as defined for RRTA purposes.
Sections 3501-3510 provide additional rules relating to all these taxes.
Sec. 3121(v); Treas. Reg. sec. 31.3121(v)(2).
The employee portion of the HI tax under FICA (not the employer portion) is increased by an
additional tax of 0.9 percent on wages received in excess of a threshold amount. The threshold amount is $250,000
in the case of a joint return, $125,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return, and $200,000 in
any other case.
Under section 3501(b), employment taxes with respect to noncash fringe benefits are to be collected
(or paid) by the employer at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury (“Treasury”).
Announcement 85-113, 1985-31 I.R.B. 31, provides guidance on the application of employment taxes with respect
to noncash fringe benefits.
Income tax withholding generally applies when wages are paid by an employer to an
employee, based on graduated withholding rates set out in tables published by the Internal
Revenue Service (“IRS”).
Like FICA tax withholding, income tax withholding applies
regardless of whether compensation is provided in the form of cash or a noncash form, such as a
transfer of property (including employer stock) or in-kind benefits.
An employer is required to furnish each employee with a statement of compensation
information for a calendar year, including taxable compensation, FICA wages, and withheld
income and FICA taxes.
In addition, information relating to certain nontaxable items must be
reported, such as certain retirement and health plan contributions. The statement, made on
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, must be provided to each employee by January 31 of the
succeeding year.
Statutory options
Two types of statutory options apply with respect to employer stock: incentive stock
options (“ISOs”) and options provided under an employee stock purchase plan (“ESPP”).
Stock received pursuant to a statutory option is subject to special rules, rather than the rules for
nonqualified options, discussed above. No amount is includible in an employee’s income on the
grant, vesting, or exercise of a statutory option.
In addition, generally no deduction is
allowed to the employer with respect to the option or the stock transferred to an employee.
If a holding requirement is met with respect to the stock transferred on exercise of a
statutory option and the employee later disposes of the stock, the employee’s gain generally is
treated as capital gain rather than ordinary income. Under the holding requirement, the
employee must not dispose of the stock within two years after the date the option is granted and
also must not dispose of the stock within one year after the date the option is exercised. If a
disposition occurs before the end of the required holding period (a “disqualifying disposition”),
the employee recognizes ordinary income in the taxable year in which the disqualifying
disposition occurs and the employer may be allowed a corresponding deduction in the taxable
year in which such disposition occurs. The amount of ordinary income recognized when a
Sec. 3402. Specific withholding rates apply in the case of supplemental wages.
Secs. 6041 and 6051.
Employers send Form W-2 information to the Social Security Administration, which records
information relating to Social Security and Medicare and forwards the Form W-2 information to the IRS.
Employees include a copy of Form W-2 with their income tax returns.
Sections 421-424 govern statutory options. Section 423(b)(5) requires that, under the terms of an
ESPP, all employees granted options generally must have the same rights and privileges.
Under section 56(b)(3), this income tax treatment with respect to stock received on exercise of an ISO
does not apply for purposes of the alternative minimum tax under section 55.
disqualifying disposition occurs generally equals the fair market value of the stock on the date of
exercise (that is, when the stock was transferred to the employee) less the exercise price paid.
Employment taxes do not apply with respect to the grant or vesting of a statutory option,
transfer of stock pursuant to the option, or a disposition (including a disqualifying disposition) of
the stock.
However, certain special reporting requirements apply.
Nonqualified deferred compensation
Compensation is generally includible in an employee’s income when paid to the
employee. However, in the case of a nonqualified deferred compensation plan,
unless the
arrangement either is exempt from or meets the requirements of section 409A, the amount of
deferred compensation is first includible in income for the taxable year when not subject to a
substantial risk of forfeiture (as defined
), even if payment will not occur until a later year.
In general, to meet the requirements of section 409A, the time when nonqualified deferred
compensation will be paid, as well as the amount, must be specified at the time of deferral with
limits on further deferral after the time for payment. Various other requirements apply, including
that payment can only occur on specific defined events.
Various exemptions from section 409A apply, including transfers of property subject to
section 83.
Nonqualified options are not automatically exempt from section 409A, but may
be structured so as not to be considered nonqualified deferred compensation.
A restricted
stock unit (“RSU”) is a term used for an arrangement under which an employee has the right to
receive at a specified time in the future an amount determined by reference to the value of one or
more shares of employer stock. An employee’s right to receive the future amount may be
subject to a condition, such as continued employment for a certain period or the attainment of
certain performance goals. The payment to the employee of the amount due under the
arrangement is referred to as settlement of the RSU. The arrangement may provide for the
Secs. 3121(a)(22), 3306(b)(19), and the last sentence of section 421(b).
Compensation earned by an employee is generally paid to the employee shortly after being earned.
However, in some cases, payment is deferred to a later period, referred to as “deferred compensation.” Deferred
compensation may be provided through a plan that receives tax-favored treatment, such as a qualified retirement
plan under section 401(a). Deferred compensation provided through a plan that is not eligible for tax-favored
treatment is referred to as “nonqualified” deferred compensation.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(d).
Section 409A and the regulations thereunder provide rules for nonqualified deferred compensation.
Compensation that fails to meet the requirements of section 409A is also subject to an additional income tax of 20%
on amounts includible in income and a potential interest factor tax (“409A taxes”). Section 409A and the additional
409A taxes apply to increases in the value of the failed compensation each year until it is paid.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(b)(6).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(b)(5). In addition, statutory option arrangements are not nonqualified
deferred compensation arrangements.
settlement amount to be paid in cash or as a transfer of employer stock (or either). An
arrangement providing RSUs is generally considered a nonqualified deferred compensation plan
and is subject to the rules, including the limits, of section 409A. The employer deduction
generally is permitted in the employer’s taxable year in which or with which ends the
employee’s taxable year when the amount is included and properly reported in the employee’s
House Bill
In general
The provision allows a qualified employee to elect to defer, for income tax purposes, the
inclusion in income of the amount of income attributable to qualified stock transferred to the
employee by the employer. An election to defer income inclusion (“inclusion deferral election”)
with respect to qualified stock must be made no later than 30 days after the first time the
employee’s right to the stock is substantially vested or is transferable, whichever occurs earlier.
If an employee elects to defer income inclusion under the provision, the income must be
included in the employee’s income for the taxable year that includes the earliest of (1) the first
date the qualified stock becomes transferable, including, solely for this purpose, transferable to
the employer;
(2) the date the employee first becomes an excluded employee (as described
below); (3) the first date on which any stock of the employer becomes readily tradable on an
established securities market;
(4) the date five years after the first date the employee’s right to
the stock becomes substantially vested; or (5) the date on which the employee revokes her
inclusion deferral election.
An inclusion deferral election is made in a manner similar to the manner in which a
section 83(b) election is made.
The provision does not apply to income with respect to
nonvested stock that is includible as a result of a section 83(b) election. The provision clarifies
that Section 83 (other than the provision), including subsection (b), shall not apply to RSUs.
Therefore, RSUs are not eligible for a section 83(b) election. This is the case because, absent
Sec. 404(a)(5).
Thus, for this purpose, the qualified stock is considered transferable if the employee has the ability to
sell the stock to the employer (or any other person).
An established securities market is determined for this purpose by the Secretary, but does not include
any market unless the market is recognized as an established securities market for purposes of another Code
An inclusion deferral election is revoked at the time and in the manner as the Secretary provides.
Thus, as in the case of a section 83(b) election under present law, the employee must file with the IRS
the inclusion deferral election and provide the employer with a copy.
this provision, RSUs are nonqualified deferred compensation and therefore subject to the rules
that apply to nonqualified deferred compensation.
An employee may not make an inclusion deferral election for a year with respect to
qualified stock if, in the preceding calendar year, the corporation purchased any of its
outstanding stock unless at least 25 percent of the total dollar amount of the stock so purchased is
stock with respect to which an inclusion deferral election is in effect (“deferral stock”) and the
determination of which individuals from whom deferral stock is purchased is made on a
reasonable basis.
For purposes of this requirement, stock purchased from an individual is not
treated as deferral stock (and the purchase is not treated as a purchase of deferral stock) if,
immediately after the purchase, the individual holds any deferral stock with respect to which an
inclusion deferral election has been in effect for a longer period than the election with respect to
the purchased stock. Thus, in general, in applying the purchase requirement, an individual’s
deferral stock with respect to which an inclusion deferral election has been in effect for the
longest periods must be purchased first. A corporation that has deferral stock outstanding as of
the beginning of any calendar year and that purchases any of its outstanding stock during the
calendar year must report on its income tax return for the taxable year in which, or with which,
the calendar year ends the total dollar amount of the outstanding stock purchased during the
calendar year and such other information as the Secretary may require for purposes of
administering this requirement.
A qualified employee may make an inclusion deferral election with respect to qualified
stock attributable to a statutory option.
In that case, the option is not treated as a statutory
option and the rules relating to statutory options and related stock do not apply. In addition, an
arrangement under which an employee may receive qualified stock is not treated as a
nonqualified deferred compensation plan solely because of an employee’s inclusion deferral
election or ability to make an election.
Deferred income inclusion applies also for purposes of the employer’s deduction of the
amount of income attributable to the qualified stock. That is, if an employee makes an inclusion
deferral election, the employer’s deduction is deferred until the employer’s taxable year in which
or with which ends the taxable year of the employee for which the amount is included in the
employee’s income as described in (1)-(5) above.
Qualified employee and qualified stock
Under the provision, a qualified employee means an individual who is not an excluded
employee and who agrees, in the inclusion deferral election, to meet the requirements necessary
(as determined by the Secretary) to ensure the income tax withholding requirements of the
This requirement is met if the stock purchased by the corporation includes all the corporation’s
outstanding deferral stock.
For purposes of the requirement that an ESPP provide employees with the same rights and privileges,
the rules of the provision apply in determining which employees have the right to make an inclusion deferral
election with respect to stock received under the ESPP.
employer corporation with respect to the qualified stock (as described below) are met. For this
purpose, an excluded employee with respect to a corporation is any individual (1) who was a
one-percent owner of the corporation at any time during the 10 preceding calendar years,
(2) who is, or has been at any prior time, the chief executive officer or chief financial officer of
the corporation or an individual acting in either capacity, (3) who is a family member of an
individual described in (1) or (2),
or (4) who has been one of the four highest compensated
officers of the corporation for any of the 10 preceding taxable years.
Qualified stock is any stock of a corporation if--
an employee receives the stock in connection with the exercise of an option or in
settlement of an RSU, and
the option or RSU was granted by the corporation to the employee in connection with
the performance of services and in a year in which the corporation was an eligible
corporation (as described below).
However, qualified stock does not include any stock if, at the time the employee’s right
to the stock becomes substantially vested, the employee may sell the stock to, or otherwise
receive cash in lieu of stock from, the corporation. Qualified stock can only be such if it relates
to stock received in connection with options or RSUs, and does not include stock received in
connection with other forms of equity compensation, including stock appreciation rights or
restricted stock.
A corporation is an eligible corporation with respect to a calendar year if (1) no stock of
the employer corporation (or any predecessor) is readily tradable on an established securities
market during any preceding calendar year,
and (2) the corporation has a written plan under
which, in the calendar year, not less than 80 percent of all employees who provide services to the
corporation in the United States (or any U.S. possession) are granted stock options, or restricted
stock units (“RSUs”), with the same rights and privileges to receive qualified stock (“80-percent
One-percent owner status is determined under the top-heavy rules for qualified retirement plans, that
is, section 416(i)(1)(B)(ii).
In the case of one-percent owners, this results from application of the attribution rules of section 318
under section 416(i)(1)(B)(i)(II). Family members are determined under section 318(a)(1) and generally include an
individual’s spouse, children, grandchildren and parents.
These officers are determined on the basis of shareholder disclosure rules for compensation under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as if such rules applied to the corporation.
This requirement continues to apply up to the time an inclusion deferral election is made. That is,
under the provision, no inclusion deferral election may be made with respect to qualified stock if any stock of the
corporation is readily tradable on an established securities market at any time before the election is made.
For this purpose, in general, the determination of rights and privileges with
respect to stock is determined in a similar manner as provided under the present-law ESPP
However, employees will not fail to be treated as having the same rights and privileges
to receive qualified stock solely because the number of shares available to all employees is not
equal in amount, provided that the number of shares available to each employee is more than a
de minimis amount. In addition, rights and privileges with respect to the exercise of a stock
option are not treated for this purpose as the same as rights and privileges with respect to the
settlement of an RSU.
For purposes of the provision, corporations that are members of the same controlled
are treated as one corporation.
Notice, withholding and reporting requirements
Under the provision, a corporation that transfers qualified stock to a qualified employee
must provide a notice to the qualified employee at the time (or a reasonable period before) the
employee’s right to the qualified stock is substantially vested (and income attributable to the
stock would first be includible absent an inclusion deferral election). The notice must (1) certify
to the employee that the stock is qualified stock, and (2) notify the employee (a) that the
employee may (if eligible) elect to defer income inclusion with respect to the stock and (b) that,
if the employee makes an inclusion deferral election, the amount of income required to be
included at the end of the deferral period will be based on the value of the stock at the time the
employee’s right to the stock first becomes substantially vested, notwithstanding whether the
value of the stock has declined during the deferral period (including whether the value of the
stock has declined below the employee’s tax liability with respect to such stock), and the amount
of income to be included at the end of the deferral period will be subject to withholding as
provided under the provision, as well as of the employee’s responsibilities with respect to
required withholding. Failure to provide the notice may result in the imposition of a penalty of
$100 for each failure, subject to a maximum penalty of $50,000 for all failures during any
calendar year.
An inclusion deferral election applies only for income tax purposes. The application of
FICA and FUTA are not affected. The provision includes specific income tax withholding and
reporting requirements with respect to income subject to an inclusion deferral election.
In applying the requirement that 80 percent of employees receive stock options or RSUs, excluded
employees and part-time employees are not taken into account. For this purpose, part-time employee is defined
under section 4980G(d)(4), as an employee who is customarily employed for fewer than 30 hours per week.
Sec. 423(b)(5).
Under a transition rule, in the case of a calendar year beginning before January 1, 2018, the 80-percent
requirement is applied without regard to whether the rights and privileges with respect to the qualified stock are the
As defined in sec. 1563(a).
For the taxable year for which income subject to an inclusion deferral election is required
to be included in income by the employee (as described above), the amount required to be
included in income is treated as wages with respect to which the employer is required to
withhold income tax at a rate not less than the highest income tax rate applicable to individual
The employer must report on Form W-2 the amount of income covered by an
inclusion deferral election (1) for the year of deferral and (2) for the year the income is required
to be included in income by the employee. In addition, for any calendar year, the employer must
report on Form W-2 the aggregate amount of income covered by inclusion deferral elections,
determined as of the close of the calendar year.
Effective date.The provision generally applies with respect to stock attributable to
options exercised or RSUs settled after December 31, 2017. Under a transition rule, until the
Secretary (or the Secretary’s delegate) issues regulations or other guidance implementing the
80-percent and employer notice requirements under the provision, a corporation will be treated
as complying with those requirements (respectively) if it complies with a reasonable good faith
interpretation of the requirements. The penalty for a failure to provide the notice required under
the provision applies to failures after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill, except that, for purposes of
determining corporations that are members of the same controlled group and treated as one
corporation, the definition of controlled group under section 414(b) applies.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with modifications. The
conference agreement clarifies that (1) when an inclusion deferral election is made with respect
to stock transferred under an ESPP, the option is not considered an ESPP, such that when an
inclusion deferral election is made in connection with the exercise of both ESPPs and ISOs, the
options are not treated as statutory options but rather as nonqualified stock options for FICA
purposes (in addition to being subject to section 83(i) for income tax purposes), (2) an excluded
employee includes an individual who first becomes a 1 percent owner or one of the 4 highest
compensated officers in a taxable year, notwithstanding that such individual may not have been
among such categories for the 10 preceding taxable years, (3) the requirement that 80 percent of
all applicable employees be granted stock options or restricted stock units with the same rights
and privileges cannot be satisfied in a taxable year by granting a combination of stock options
and RSUs, and instead all such employees must either be granted stock options or be granted
restricted stock units for that year, and (4) the exception from treatment as a nonqualified
deferred compensation plan for purposes of section 409A applies solely with respect to an
employee who may receive qualified stock. It is intended that the requirement that 80 percent of
all applicable employees be granted stock options or be granted restricted stock units apply
consistently to eligible employees, whether they are new hires or existing employees.
Additionally, it is intended that the limited circumstances outlined in section 83(c)(3) and
That is, the maximum rate of tax in effect for the year under section 1. The provision specifies that
qualified stock is treated as a noncash fringe benefit for income tax withholding purposes.
applicable regulations apply with respect to the determination of when stock first becomes
transferrable or is no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. For example, income
inclusion cannot be delayed due to a lock-up period as a result of an initial public offering.
Finally, it is intended that the transition rule provided with respect to compliance with the
80-percent and employer notice requirements not be expanded beyond these specific items.
4. Increase in excise tax rate for stock compensation of insiders in expatriated corporations
(sec. 13604 of the Senate amendment and sec. 4985 of the Code)
Present Law
Income tax treatment of employee stock compensation
In general
Employers may grant various forms of stock compensation to employees,
nonstatutory and statutory stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units, and stock
appreciation rights. The tax treatment of these various forms of stock compensation depends on
the specific terms and conditions of the arrangement and applicable rules.
Stock compensation treated as property transferred in connection with the performance of
Section 83 generally governs the taxation of transfers of any property in connection with
the performance of services by any service provider. Typically, this encompasses the transfer of
stock to an employee which is subject to conditions that amount to a substantial risk of forfeiture,
called “restricted stock.” Section 83 also generally governs the taxation of nonstatutory (or
nonqualified) stock options. In general, an employee’s right to stock or other property is subject
to a substantial risk of forfeiture if the employee’s right to full enjoyment of the property is
subject to a condition, such as the future performance of substantial services.
Generally, an employee must recognize income in the taxable year in which the
employee’s right to the stock is transferable or is not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture,
whichever occurs earlier (referred to herein as “substantially vested”). Thus, if the employee’s
right to the stock is substantially vested when the stock is transferred to the employee, the
employee recognizes income in the taxable year of such transfer, in an amount equal to the fair
market value of the stock as of the date of transfer (less any amount paid for the stock). If at the
time the stock is transferred to the employee, the employee’s right to the stock is not
substantially vested (referred to herein as “nonvested”), the employee does not recognize income
attributable to the stock transfer until the taxable year in which the employee’s right becomes
substantially vested. In this case, the amount includible in the employee’s income is the fair
The terms “employer” and “employee” are used, although the provision herein also applies to
individuals who are not employees and the service recipients of such non-employee individuals.
See section 83(c)(1) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-3(c) for the definition of substantial risk of forfeiture.
market value of the stock as of the date that the employee’s right to the stock is substantially
vested (less any amount paid for the stock).
These rules do not apply to the grant of a nonqualified option unless the option has a
readily ascertainable fair market value.
Instead, these rules generally apply to the transfer of
employer stock by the employee on exercise of the option. That is, if the right to the stock is
substantially vested on transfer (the time of exercise), income recognition applies for the taxable
year of transfer. If the right to the stock is nonvested on transfer, the timing of income inclusion
is determined under the rules applicable to the transfer of nonvested stock. In either case, the
amount includible in income by the employee is the fair market value of the stock as of the
required time of income inclusion, less the exercise price paid by the employee.
Statutory stock options
Two types of statutory options apply with respect to employer stock: incentive stock
options (“ISOs”) and options provided under an employee stock purchase plan (“ESPP”).
Stock received pursuant to a statutory option is subject to special rules, rather than the rules for
nonqualified options, discussed above. Unlike nonqualified options, statutory options may only
be considered as such if granted to employees.
No amount is includible in an employee’s
income on the grant, vesting, or exercise of a statutory option.
If a holding requirement is met with respect to the stock transferred on exercise of a
statutory option and the employee later disposes of the stock, the employee’s gain generally is
treated as capital gain rather than ordinary income. Under the holding requirement, the
employee must not dispose of the stock within two years after the date the option is granted and
also must not dispose of the stock within one year after the date the option is exercised. If a
disposition occurs before the end of the required holding period (a “disqualifying disposition”),
the employee recognizes ordinary income in the taxable year in which the disqualifying
disposition occurs. The amount of ordinary income recognized when a disqualifying disposition
occurs generally equals the fair market value of the stock on the date of exercise (that is, when
the stock was transferred to the employee) less the exercise price paid.
Under section 83(b), the employee may elect within 30 days of transfer to recognize income in the
taxable year of transfer, referred to as a “section 83(b)” election. If a proper and timely election under section 83(b)
is made, the amount of compensatory income is capped at the amount equal to the fair market value of the stock as
of the date of transfer (less any amount paid for the stock).
See section 83(e)(3) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.83-7. A nonqualified option is an option on employer stock
that is not a statutory option, discussed below.
Sections 421-424 govern statutory options. Section 423(b)(5) requires that, under the terms of an
ESPP, all employees granted options generally must have the same rights and privileges.
Secs. 422(a)(2) and 423(a)(2).
Stock compensation treated as deferred compensation
A restricted stock unit (“RSU”) is a term used for an arrangement under which an
employee has the right to receive at a specified time in the future an amount determined by
reference to the value of one or more shares of employer stock. An employee’s right to receive
the future amount may be subject to a condition, such as continued employment for a certain
period or the attainment of certain performance goals. The payment to the employee of the
amount due under the arrangement is referred to as settlement of the RSU. The arrangement
may provide for the settlement amount to be paid in cash or as a transfer of employer stock. An
arrangement providing RSUs is generally considered a nonqualified deferred compensation plan
and is subject to the rules, including the limits, of section 409A,
unless it meets an exemption
from section 409A. If the RSU either is exempt from or complies with section 409A, the
employee is subject to income taxation on receipt of cash or the transfer of shares attributable to
the RSU.
A stock appreciation right (“SAR”) is an arrangement under which an employee has the
right to receive an amount (in the form of cash or stock) determined by reference to the
appreciation in value of one or more shares of employer stock, based on the difference in the
stock’s value when the employee chooses to exercise the right and the value of the stock on the
date of grant of the SAR. An SAR is generally taxable at the time of exercise on the amount of
cash or value of stock transferred at the time of exercise of the SAR.
Various exemptions from section 409A apply, including transfers of property subject to
section 83, such as restricted stock.
Nonqualified options and SARs are not automatically
exempt from section 409A, but may be structured so as not to be considered nonqualified
deferred compensation.
In addition, ISOs and ESPPs are exempt from section 409A.
Section 409A and the regulations thereunder provide rules for nonqualified deferred compensation.
Unless an arrangement either is exempt from or meets the requirements of section 409A, the amount of deferred
compensation is first includible in income for the taxable year when not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture (as
defined), even if payment will not occur until a later year. In general, to meet the requirements of section 409A, the
time when nonqualified deferred compensation will be paid, as well as the amount, must be specified at the time of
deferral with limits on further deferral after the time for payment. Various other requirements apply, including that
payment can only occur on specific defined events. Compensation that fails to meet the requirements of section
409A is also subject to an additional income tax of 20 percent on amounts includible in income and a potential
interest factor tax (“409A taxes”). Section 409A and the additional 409A taxes apply to increases in the value of the
failed compensation each year until it is paid.
Rev. Rul. 80-300, 1980-2 C.B. 165.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(b)(6).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(b)(5).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.409A-1(b)(5)(ii).
Section 4985 excise tax on stock compensation of insiders of expatriated corporations
Under section 4985, certain holders of stock options and other stock-based compensation
are subject to an excise tax upon certain transactions that result in an expatriated corporation
(also referred to as corporate inversions).
The provision imposes an excise tax, currently at
the rate of 15 percent, on the value of specified stock compensation held (directly or indirectly)
by or for the benefit of a disqualified individual, or a member of such individual’s family, at any
time during the 12-month period beginning six months before the corporation’s expatriation date.
Specified stock compensation is treated as held for the benefit of a disqualified individual if such
compensation is held by an entity, e.g., a partnership or trust, in which the individual, or a
member of the individual’s family, has an ownership interest.
A disqualified individual is any individual who, with respect to a corporation, is, at any
time during the 12-month period beginning on the date which is six months before the
expatriation date, subject to the requirements of section 16(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act
of 1934 with respect to the corporation, or any member of the corporation’s expanded affiliated
or would be subject to such requirements if the corporation (or member) were an
issuer of equity securities referred to in section 16(a). Disqualified individuals generally include
officers (as defined by section 16(a)),
directors, and 10-percent owners of private and
publicly-held corporations.
The excise tax is imposed on a disqualified individual of an expatriated corporation (as
defined for this purpose) only if gain is recognized in whole or part by any shareholder by reason
of the acquisition resulting in the corporate inversion.
Specified stock compensation subject to the excise tax includes any payment (or right to
granted by the expatriated corporation (or any member of the corporation’s
expanded affiliated group) to any person in connection with the performance of services by a
disqualified individual for such corporation (or member of the corporation’s expanded affiliated
Sec. 7874(a)(2).
For further discussion of the tax treatment of expatriated entities before the effective date of section
7874 and concerns that led to the enactment of sections 7874 and 4985, see Joint Committee on Taxation, General
Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in the 108th Congress (JCS-5-05), May 2005.
An expanded affiliated group is an affiliated group (under section 1504) except that such group is
determined without regard to the exceptions for certain corporations and is determined by substituting “more than 50
percent” for “at least 80 percent.”
An officer is defined as the president, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer (or, if
there is no such accounting officer, the controller), any vice-president in charge of a principal business unit, division
or function (such as sales, administration or finance), any other officer who performs a policy-making function, or
any other person who performs similar policy-making functions.
As referred to in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(i).
Under the provision, any transfer of property is treated as a payment and any right to a transfer of
property is treated as a right to a payment.
group) if the value of the payment or right is based on, or determined by reference to, the value
or change in value of stock of such corporation (or any member of the corporation’s expanded
affiliated group). In determining whether such compensation exists and valuing such
compensation, all restrictions, other than non-lapse restrictions, are ignored. Thus, the excise tax
applies, and the value subject to the tax is determined, without regard to whether such specified
stock compensation is subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture or is exercisable at the time of the
corporate inversion. Specified stock compensation includes compensatory stock and restricted
stock grants, compensatory stock options, and other forms of stock-based compensation,
including stock appreciation rights, restricted stock units, phantom stock, and phantom stock
options. Specified stock compensation also includes nonqualified deferred compensation that is
treated as though it were invested in stock or stock options of the expatriating corporation (or
member). For example, the provision applies to a disqualified individual’s nonqualified deferred
compensation if company stock is one of the actual or deemed investment options under the
nonqualified deferred compensation plan.
Specified stock compensation includes a compensation arrangement that gives the
disqualified individual an economic stake substantially similar to that of a corporate shareholder.
A payment directly tied to the value of the stock is specified stock compensation.
The excise tax applies to any such specified stock compensation previously granted to a
disqualified individual but cancelled or cashed-out within the six-month period ending with the
expatriation date, and to any specified stock compensation awarded in the six-month period
beginning with the expatriation date. As a result, for example, if a corporation cancels
outstanding options three months before the transaction and then reissues comparable options
three months after the transaction, the tax applies both to the cancelled options and the newly
granted options.
Specified stock compensation subject to the tax does not include a statutory stock option
or any payment or right from a qualified retirement plan or annuity, a tax-sheltered annuity, a
simplified employee pension, or a simple retirement account. In addition, under the provision,
the excise tax does not apply to any stock option that is exercised during the six-month period
before the expatriation date or to any stock acquired pursuant to such exercise, if income is
recognized under section 83 on or before the expatriation date with respect to the stock acquired
pursuant to such exercise. The excise tax also does not apply to any specified stock
compensation that is exercised, sold, exchanged, distributed, cashed out, or otherwise paid
during such period in a transaction in which income, gain, or loss is recognized in full.
For specified stock compensation held on the expatriation date, the amount of the tax is
determined based on the value of the compensation on such date. The tax imposed on specified
stock compensation cancelled during the six-month period before the expatriation date is
determined based on the value of the compensation on the day before such cancellation, while
specified stock compensation granted after the expatriation date is valued on the date granted.
Under the provision, the cancellation of a non-lapse restriction is treated as a grant.
The value of the specified stock compensation on which the excise tax is imposed is the
fair value in the case of stock options (including warrants and other similar rights to acquire
stock) and stock appreciation rights and the fair market value for all other forms of
compensation. For purposes of the tax, the fair value of an option (or a warrant or other similar
right to acquire stock) or a stock appreciation right is determined using an appropriate option-
pricing model, as specified or permitted by the Treasury Secretary, that takes into account the
stock price at the valuation date; the exercise price under the option; the remaining term of the
option; the volatility of the underlying stock and the expected dividends on it; and the risk-free
interest rate over the remaining term of the option. Options that have no intrinsic value (or
“spread”) because the exercise price under the option equals or exceeds the fair market value of
the stock at valuation nevertheless have a fair value and are subject to tax under the provision.
The value of other forms of compensation, such as phantom stock or restricted stock, is the fair
market value of the stock as of the date of the expatriation transaction. The value of any deferred
compensation that can be valued by reference to stock is the amount that the disqualified
individual would receive if the plan were to distribute all such deferred compensation in a single
sum on the date of the expatriation transaction (or the date of cancellation or grant, if applicable).
The excise tax also applies to any payment by the expatriated corporation or any member
of the expanded affiliated group made to an individual, directly or indirectly, in respect of the
tax. Whether a payment is made in respect of the tax is determined under all of the facts and
circumstances. Any payment made to keep the individual in the same after-tax position that the
individual would have been in had the tax not applied is a payment made in respect of the tax.
This includes direct payments of the tax and payments to reimburse the individual for payment
of the tax. Any payment made in respect of the tax is includible in the income of the individual,
but is not deductible by the corporation.
To the extent that a disqualified individual is also a covered employee under section
162(m), the limit on the deduction allowed for employee remuneration for such employee is
reduced by the amount of any payment (including reimbursements) made in respect of the tax
under the provision. As discussed above, this includes direct payments of the tax and payments
to reimburse the individual for payment of the tax.
The payment of the excise tax has no effect on the subsequent tax treatment of any specified
stock compensation. Thus, the payment of the tax has no effect on the individual’s basis in any
specified stock compensation and no effect on the tax treatment for the individual at the time of
exercise of an option or payment of any specified stock compensation, or at the time of any lapse
or forfeiture of such specified stock compensation. The payment of the tax is not deductible and
has no effect on any deduction that might be allowed at the time of any future exercise or
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision increases the 15 percent rate of excise tax, imposed on the value of stock
compensation held by insiders of an expatriated corporation, to 20 percent.
Effective date.The provision applies to corporations first becoming expatriated
corporations after the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
J. Other Provisions
1. Treatment of gain or loss of foreign persons from sale or exchange of interests in
partnerships engaged in trade or business within the United States (sec. 13501 of the Senate
amendment and secs. 864(c) and 1446 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
A partnership generally is not treated as a taxable entity, but rather, income of the
partnership is taken into account on the tax returns of the partners. The character (as capital or
ordinary) of partnership items passes through to the partners as if the items were realized directly
by the partners.
A partner holding a partnership interest includes in income its distributive
share (whether or not actually distributed) of partnership items of income and gain, including
capital gain eligible for the lower tax rates, and deducts its distributive share of partnership items
of deduction and loss. A partner’s basis in the partnership interest is increased by any amount of
gain and decreased by ay amount of losses thus included. These basis adjustments prevent
double taxation of partnership income to the partner. Money distributed to the partner by the
partnership is taxed to the extent the amount exceeds the partner’s basis in the partnership
Gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest generally is treated as
gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset.
However, the amount of money and
the fair market value of property received in the exchange that represent the partner’s share of
certain ordinary income-producing assets of the partnership give rise to ordinary income rather
than capital gain.
In general, a partnership does not adjust the basis of partnership property
following the transfer of a partnership interest unless either the partnership has made a one-time
election to do so,
or the partnership has a substantial built-in loss immediately after the
If an election is in effect or the partnership has a substantial built-in loss
immediately after the transfer, adjustments are made with respect to the transferee partner.
These adjustments are to account for the difference between the transferee partner’s
proportionate share of the adjusted basis of the partnership property and the transferee partner’s
basis in its partnership interest.
The effect of the adjustments on the basis of partnership
Sec. 702.
Sec. 741; Pollack v. Commissioner, 69 T.C. 142 (1977).
Sec. 751(a). These ordinary income-producing assets are unrealized receivables of the partnership or
inventory items of the partnership (“751 assets”).
Sec. 754.
Sec. 743(a).
Sec. 743(b).
property is to approximate the result of a direct purchase of the property by the transferee
Source of gain or loss on transfer of a partnership interest
A foreign person that is engaged in a trade or business in the United States is taxed on
income that is “effectively connected” with the conduct of that trade or business (“effectively
connected gain or loss”).
Partners in a partnership are treated as engaged in the conduct of a
trade or business within the United States if the partnership is so engaged.
Any gross income
derived by the foreign person that is not effectively connected with the person’s U.S. business is
not taken into account in determining the rates of U.S. tax applicable to the person’s income
from the business.
Among the factors taken into account in determining whether income, gain, or loss is
effectively connected gain or loss are the extent to which the income, gain, or loss is derived
from assets used in or held for use in the conduct of the U.S. trade or business and whether the
activities of the trade or business were a material factor in the realization of the income, gain, or
loss (the “asset use” and “business activities” tests).
In determining whether the asset use or
business activities tests are met, due regard is given to whether such assets or such income, gain,
or loss were accounted for through such trade or business. Thus, notwithstanding the general
rule that source of gain or loss from the sale or exchange of personal property is generally
determined by the residence of the seller,
a foreign partner may have effectively connected
income by reason of the asset use or business activities of the partnership in which he is an
Special rules apply to treat gain or loss from disposition of U.S. real property interests as
effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
To the extent that
consideration received by the nonresident alien or foreign corporation for all or part of its interest
in a partnership is attributable to a U.S. real property interest, that consideration is considered to
be received from the sale or exchange in the United States of such property.
In certain
Secs. 871(b), 864(c), 882.
Sec. 875.
Secs. 871(b)(2), and 882(a)(2). Non-business income received by foreign persons from U.S. sources is
generally subject to tax on a gross basis at a rate of 30 percent, and is collected by withholding at the source of the
payment. The income of non-resident aliens or foreign corporations that is subject to tax at a rate of 30-percent is
fixed, determinable, annual or periodical income that is not effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or
Sec. 864(c)(2).
Sec. 865(a).
Sec. 897(a), (g).
Sec. 897(g).
circumstances, gain attributable to sales of U.S. real property interests may be subject to
withholding tax of ten percent of the amount realized on the transfer.
Under a 1991 revenue ruling, in determining the source of gain or loss from the sale or
exchange of an interest in a foreign partnership, the IRS applied the asset-use test and business
activities test at the partnership level to determine the extent to which income derived from the
sale or exchange is effectively connected with that U.S. business.
Under the ruling, if there is
unrealized gain or loss in partnership assets that would be treated as effectively connected with
the conduct of a U.S. trade or business if those assets were sold by the partnership, some or all of
the foreign person’s gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest may be
treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business. However, a 2017
Tax Court case rejects the logic of the ruling and instead holds that, generally, gain or loss on
sale or exchange by a foreign person of an interest in a partnership that is engaged in a U.S. trade
or business is foreign-source.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
Under the provision, gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest is
effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business to the extent that the transferor would have
had effectively connected gain or loss had the partnership sold all of its assets at fair market
value as of the date of the sale or exchange. The provision requires that any gain or loss from the
hypothetical asset sale by the partnership be allocated to interests in the partnership in the same
manner as nonseparately stated income and loss.
The provision also requires the transferee of a partnership interest to withhold 10 percent
of the amount realized on the sale or exchange of a partnership interest unless the transferor
certifies that the transferor is not a nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation. If the
transferee fails to withhold the correct amount, the partnership is required to deduct and withhold
from distributions to the transferee partner an amount equal to the amount the transferee failed to
The provision provides the Secretary of the Treasury with specific regulatory authority to
address coordination with the nonrecognition provisions of the Code.
Effective date.The provision is effective for sales and exchanges on or after November
27, 2017.
Sec. 1445(e)(5). Temp. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1445-11T(b),(d).
Rev. Rul. 91-32, 1991-1 C.B. 107.
See Grecian Magnesite Mining v. Commissioner, 149 T.C. No. 3 (July 13, 2017).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement generally follows the Senate amendment. The conference
agreement modifies the grant of authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to make clear that the
Secretary shall issues such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate for the application
of the paragraph, including in exchanges described in sections 332, 351, 354, 355, 356, or 361.
The conference agreement also provides that the provisions related to withholding are effective
for sales and exchanges after December 31, 2017. Additionally, the conferees intend that, under
regulatory authority provided by the Senate amendment to carry out withholding requirements of
the provision, the Secretary may provide guidance permitting a broker, as agent of the transferee,
to deduct and withhold the tax equal to 10 percent of the amount realized on the disposition of a
partnership interest to which the provision applies. For example, such guidance may provide that
if an interest in a publicly traded partnership is sold by a foreign partner through a broker, the
broker may deduct and withhold the 10-percent tax on behalf of the transferee.
Effective date.The portion of the provision treating gain or loss on sale of a partnership
interest as effectively connected income is effective for sales, exchanges, and dispositions on or
after November 27, 2017. The portion of the provision requiring withholding on sales or
exchanges of partnership interests is effective for sales, exchanges, and dispositions after
December 31, 2017.
2. Modification of the definition of substantial built-in loss in the case of transfer of
partnership interest (sec. 13502 of the Senate amendment and sec. 743 of the Code)
Present Law
In general, a partnership does not adjust the basis of partnership property following the
transfer of a partnership interest unless either the partnership has made a one-time election under
section 754 to make basis adjustments, or the partnership has a substantial built-in loss
immediately after the transfer.
If an election is in effect, or if the partnership has a substantial built-in loss immediately
after the transfer, adjustments are made with respect to the transferee partner. These adjustments
are to account for the difference between the transferee partner’s proportionate share of the
adjusted basis of the partnership property and the transferee’s basis in its partnership interest.
The adjustments are intended to adjust the basis of partnership property to approximate the result
of a direct purchase of the property by the transferee partner.
Under the provision, a substantial built-in loss exists if the partnership’s adjusted basis in
its property exceeds by more than $250,000 the fair market value of the partnership property.
Sec. 743(a).
Sec. 743(b).
Sec. 743(d).
Certain securitization partnerships and electing investment partnerships are not treated as having
a substantial built-in loss in certain instances, and thus are not required to make basis
adjustments to partnership property.
For electing investment partnerships, in lieu of the
partnership basis adjustments, a partner-level loss limitation rule applies.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies the definition of a substantial built-in loss for purposes of section
743(d), affecting transfers of partnership interests. Under the provision, in addition to the
present-law definition, a substantial built-in loss also exists if the transferee would be allocated a
net loss in excess of $250,000 upon a hypothetical disposition by the partnership of all
partnership’s assets in a fully taxable transaction for cash equal to the assets’ fair market value,
immediately after the transfer of the partnership interest.
For example, a partnership of three taxable partners (partners A, B, and C) has not made
an election pursuant to section 754. The partnership has two assets, one of which, Asset X, has a
built-in gain of $1 million, while the other asset, Asset Y, has a built-in loss of $900,000.
Pursuant to the partnership agreement, any gain on sale or exchange of Asset X is specially
allocated to partner A. The three partners share equally in all other partnership items, including
in the built-in loss in Asset Y. In this case, each of partner B and partner C has a net built-in loss
of $300,000 (one third of the loss attributable to asset Y) allocable to his partnership interest.
Nevertheless, the partnership does not have an overall built-in loss, but a net built-in gain of
$100,000 ($1 million minus $900,000). Partner C sells his partnership interest to another person,
D, for $33,333. Under the provision, the test for a substantial built-in loss applies both at the
partnership level and at the transferee partner level. If the partnership were to sell all its assets
for cash at their fair market value immediately after the transfer to D, D would be allocated a loss
of $300,000 (one third of the built-in loss of $900,000 in Asset Y). A substantial built-in loss
exists under the partner-level test added by the provision, and the partnership adjusts the basis of
its assets accordingly with respect to D.
Effective date.The provision applies to transfers of partnership interests after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
See sec. 743(e) (alternative rules for electing investment partnerships) and sec. 743(f) (exception for
securitization partnerships).
Unlike in the case of an electing investment partnership, the partner-level loss limitation rule does not
apply for a securitization partnership.
Effective date.The provision applies to transfers of partnership interests after
December 31, 2017.
3. Charitable contributions and foreign taxes taken into account in determining limitation
on allowance of partner’s share of loss (sec. 13503 of the Senate amendment and sec. 704 of
the Code)
Present Law
A partner’s distributive share of partnership loss (including capital loss) is allowed only
to the extent of the adjusted basis (before reduction by current year’s losses) of the partner’s
interest in the partnership at the end of the partnership taxable year in which the loss occurred.
Any disallowed loss is allowable as a deduction at the end of the first succeeding partnership
taxable year, and subsequent taxable years, to the extent that the partner’s adjusted basis for its
partnership interest at the end of any such year exceeds zero (before reduction by the loss for the
A partner’s basis in its partnership interest is increased by its distributive share of income
(including tax exempt income). A partner’s basis in its partnership interest is decreased (but not
below zero) by distributions by the partnership and its distributive share of partnership losses and
expenditures of the partnership not deductible in computing partnership taxable income and not
properly chargeable to capital account.
In the case of a charitable contribution, a partner’s
basis is reduced by the partner’s distributive share of the adjusted basis of the contributed
A partnership computes its taxable income in the same manner as an individual with
certain exceptions. The exceptions provide, in part, that the deductions for foreign taxes and
charitable contributions are not allowed to the partnership.
Instead, a partner takes into
account its distributive share of the foreign taxes paid by the partnership and the charitable
contributions made by the partnership for the taxable year.
However, in applying the basis limitation on partner losses, Treasury regulations do not
take into account the partner’s share of partnership charitable contributions and foreign taxes
Sec. 704(d) and Treas. Reg. sec. 1.704-1(d)(1).
Sec. 705(a).
Rev. Rul. 96-11, 1996-1 C. B. 140.
Sec. 703(a)(2)(B) and (C). In addition, section 703(a)(2) provides that other deductions are not
allowed to the partnership, notwithstanding that the partnership’s taxable income is computed in the same manner as
an individual’s taxable income, specifically: personal exemptions, net operating loss deductions, certain itemized
deductions for individuals, or depletion.
Sec. 702.
paid or accrued.
The IRS has taken the position in a private letter ruling that the basis
limitation on partner losses does not apply to limit the partner’s deduction for its share of the
partnership’s charitable contributions.
While the regulations relating to the loss limitation do
not mention the foreign tax credit, a taxpayer may choose the foreign tax credit in lieu of
deducting foreign taxes.
By contrast, under S corporation rules limiting the losses and deductions which may be
taken into account by a shareholder of an S corporation to the shareholder’s basis in stock and
debt of the corporation, the shareholder’s pro rata share of charitable contributions and foreign
taxes are taken into account.
In the case of charitable contributions, a special rule is provided
prorating the amount of appreciation not subject to the limitation in the case of charitable
contributions of appreciated property by the S corporation.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies the basis limitation on partner losses to provide that the limitation
takes into account a partner’s distributive share of partnership charitable contributions (as
defined in section 170(c)) and taxes (described in section 901) paid or accrued to foreign
countries and to possessions of the United States. Thus, the amount of the basis limitation on
partner losses is decreased to reflect these items. In the case of a charitable contribution by the
partnership, the amount of the basis limitation on partner losses is decreased by the partner’s
distributive share of the adjusted basis of the contributed property. In the case of a charitable
contribution by the partnership of property whose fair market value exceeds its adjusted basis, a
The regulation provides that “[i]f the partner’s distributive share of the aggregate of items of loss
specified in section 702(a)(1), (2), (3), (8) [now (7)], and (9) [now (8)] exceeds the basis of the partner’s interest
computed under the preceding sentence, the limitation on losses under section 704(d) must be allocated to his
distributive share of each such loss.” The regulation does not refer to section 702(a)(4) (charitable contributions)
and 702(a)(6) (foreign taxes paid or accrued). Treas. Reg. sec. 1.704-1(d)(2).
Priv. Ltr. Rul. 8405084. And see William S. McKee, William F. Nelson and Robert L. Whitmire,
Federal Taxation of Partnerships and Partners, WG&L, 4
Edition (2011), paragraph 11.05[1][b], pp. 11-214
(noting that the “failure to include charitable contributions in the § 704(d) limitation is an apparent technical flaw in
the statute. Because of it, a zero-basis partner may reap the benefits of a partnership charitable contribution without
an offsetting decrease in the basis of his interest, whereas a fellow partner who happens to have a positive basis may
do so only at the cost of a basis decrease.”).
Sec. 901.
Sec. 1366(d) and sec. 1366(a)(1). Under a related rule, the shareholder’s basis in his interest is
decreased by the basis (rather than the fair market value) of appreciated property by reason of a charitable
contribution of the property by the S corporation (sec. 1367(a)(2)).
Sec. 1366(d)(4).
special rule provides that the basis limitation on partner losses does not apply to the extent of the
partner’s distributive share of the excess.
Effective date.The provision applies to partnership taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision applies to partnership taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017.
4. Cost basis of specified securities determined without regard to identification (sec. 13533
of the Senate amendment and sec. 1012 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Gain or loss generally is recognized for Federal income tax purposes on realization of
that gain or loss (for example, as the result of sale of property). The taxpayer’s gain or loss on a
disposition of property is the difference between the amount realized on the sale and the
taxpayer’s adjusted basis in the property disposed of.
To compute adjusted basis, a taxpayer must first determine the property’s unadjusted or
original basis and then make adjustments prescribed by the Code.
The original basis of
property is its cost, except as otherwise prescribed by the Code (for example, in the case of
property acquired by gift or bequest or in a tax-free exchange). Once determined, the taxpayer’s
original basis generally is adjusted downward to take account of depreciation or amortization,
and generally is adjusted upward to reflect income and gain inclusions or capital improvements
with respect to the property.
Basis computation rules
If a taxpayer has acquired stock in a corporation on different dates or at different prices
and sells or transfers some of the shares of that stock, and the lot from which the stock is sold or
transferred is not adequately identified, the shares sold are deemed to be drawn from the earliest
acquired shares (the “first-in-first-out rule”).
However, if a taxpayer makes an adequate
identification (“specific identification”) of shares of stock that it sells, the shares of stock treated
Sec. 1001.
Sec. 1016.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1012-1(c)(1).
as sold are the shares that have been identified.
A taxpayer who owns shares in a regulated
investment company (“RIC”) generally is permitted to elect, in lieu of the specific identification
or first-in-first-out methods, to determine the basis of RIC shares sold under one of two average-
cost-basis methods described in Treasury regulations (together, the “average basis method”).
In the case of the sale, exchange, or other disposition of a specified security (defined
below) to which the basis reporting requirement described below applies, the first-in-first-out
rule, specific identification, and average basis method conventions are applied on an account by
account basis.
To facilitate the determination of the cost of RIC stock under the average basis
method, RIC stock acquired before January 1, 2012, generally is treated as a separate account
from RIC stock acquired on or after that date unless the RIC (or a broker holding the stock as a
nominee) elects otherwise with respect to one or more of its stockholders, in which case all the
RIC stock with respect to which the election is made is treated as a single account and the basis
reporting requirement described below applies to all that stock.
The basis of stock acquired after December 31, 2010, in connection with a dividend
reinvestment plan (“DRP”) is determined under the average basis method for as long as the stock
is held as part of that plan.
Basis reporting
A broker is required to report to the IRS a customer’s adjusted basis in a covered security
that the customer has sold and whether any gain or loss from the sale is long-term or short-
A covered security is, in general, any specified security acquired after an applicable date
specified in the basis reporting rules. A specified security is any share of stock of a corporation
(including stock of a RIC); any note, bond, debenture, or other evidence of indebtedness; any
commodity, or contract or derivative with respect to such commodity, if the Treasury Secretary
determines that adjusted basis reporting is appropriate; and any other financial instrument with
respect to which the Treasury Secretary determines that adjusted basis reporting is appropriate.
For purposes of satisfying the basis reporting requirements, a broker must determine a
customer’s adjusted basis in accordance with rules intended to ensure that the broker’s reported
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1012-1(c)(2).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1012-1(e).
Sec. 1012(c)(1).
Sec. 1012(c)(2).
Sec. 1012(d)(1). Other special rules apply to DRP stock. See sec. 1012(d)(2) and (3).
Sec. 6045(g); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.6045-1(d).
adjusted basis numbers are the same numbers that customers must use in filing their tax
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision requires that the cost of any specified security sold, exchanged, or
otherwise disposed of on or after January 1, 2018, be determined on a first-in first-out basis
except to the extent the average basis method is otherwise allowed (as in the case of a taxpayer
holding shares in a RIC). The provision does not apply to sales, exchanges, or other dispositions
of specified securities by RICs.
The provision includes several conforming amendments, including a rule restricting a
broker’s basis reporting method to the first-in first-out method in the case of the sale of any stock
for which the average basis method is not permitted.
Effective date.The provision applies to sales, exchanges, and other dispositions after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
5. Expansion of qualifying beneficiaries of an electing small business trust (sec. 13541 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 1361 of the Code)
Present Law
An electing small business trust (“ESBT”) may be a shareholder of an S corporation.
Generally, the eligible beneficiaries of an ESBT include individuals, estates, and certain
charitable organizations eligible to hold S corporation stock directly. A nonresident alien
individual may not be a shareholder of an S corporation and may not be a potential current
beneficiary of an ESBT.
The portion of an ESBT which consists of the stock of an S corporation is treated as a
separate trust and generally is taxed on its share of the S corporation’s income at the highest rate
of tax imposed on individual taxpayers. This income (whether or not distributed by the ESBT) is
not taxed to the beneficiaries of the ESBT.
See sec. 6045(g)(2).
Sec. 1361(c)(2)(A)(v).
Sec. 1361(b)(1)(C) and (c)(2)(B)(v).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment allows a nonresident alien individual to be a potential current
beneficiary of an ESBT.
Effective date.The provision takes effect on January 1, 2018.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
6. Charitable contribution deduction for electing small business trusts (sec. 13542 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 642(c) of the Code)
Present Law
An electing small business trust (“ESBT”) may be a shareholder of an S corporation.
The portion of an ESBT that consists of the stock of an S corporation is treated as a separate trust
and generally is taxed on its share of the S corporation’s income at the highest rate of tax
imposed on individual taxpayers. This income (whether or not distributed by the ESBT) is not
taxed to the beneficiaries of the ESBT. In addition to nonseparately computed income or loss, an
S corporation reports to its shareholders their pro rata share of certain separately stated items of
income, loss, deduction, and credit.
For this purpose, charitable contributions (as defined in
section 170(c)) of an S corporation are separately stated and taken by the shareholder.
The treatment of a charitable contribution passed through by an S corporation depends on
the shareholder. Because an ESBT is a trust, the deduction for charitable contributions
applicable to trusts,
rather than the deduction applicable to individuals,
applies to the trust.
Generally, a trust is allowed a charitable contribution deduction for amounts of gross income,
without limitation, which pursuant to the terms of the governing instrument are paid for a
charitable purpose. No carryover of excess contributions is allowed. An individual is allowed a
charitable contribution deduction limited to certain percentages of adjusted gross income
generally with a five-year carryforward of amounts in excess of this limitation.
Sec. 1361(c)(2)(A)(v).
Sec. 1366(a)(1).
Sec. 642(c).
Sec. 170.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment provides that the charitable contribution deduction of an ESBT is
not determined by the rules generally applicable to trusts but rather by the rules applicable to
individuals. Thus, the percentage limitations and carryforward provisions applicable to
individuals apply to charitable contributions made by the portion of an ESBT holding
S corporation stock.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
7. Production period for beer, wine, and distilled spirits (sec. 13801 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 263A of the Code)
Present Law
In general
The uniform capitalization (“UNICAP”) rules, which were enacted as part of the Tax
Reform Act of 1986,
require certain direct and indirect costs allocable to real or tangible
personal property produced by the taxpayer to be included in either inventory or capitalized into
the basis of such property, as applicable.
For real or personal property acquired by the
taxpayer for resale, section 263A generally requires certain direct and indirect costs allocable to
such property to be included in inventory.
In the case of interest expense, the UNICAP rules apply only to interest paid or incurred
during the property’s production period
and that is allocable to property produced by the
taxpayer or acquired for resale which (1) is either real property or property with a class life of at
least 20 years, (2) has an estimated production period exceeding two years, or (3) has an
estimated production period exceeding one year and a cost exceeding $1,000,000.
production period with respect to any property is the period beginning on the date on which
Sec. 803(a) of Pub. L. No. 99-514 (1986).
Sec. 263A.
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-12.
Sec. 263A(f).
production of the property begins, and ending on the date on which the property is ready to be
placed in service or held for sale.
In the case of property that is customarily aged (e.g.,
tobacco, wine, and whiskey) before it is sold, the production period includes the aging period.
Exceptions from UNICAP
Section 263A provides a number of exceptions to the general capitalization requirements.
One such exception exists for certain small taxpayers who acquire property for resale and have
$10 million or less of average annual gross receipts for the preceding three-taxable year
such taxpayers are not required to include additional section 263A costs in inventory.
Another exception exists for taxpayers who raise, harvest, or grow trees.
Under this
exception, section 263A does not apply to trees raised, harvested, or grown by the taxpayer
(other than trees bearing fruit, nuts, or other crops, or ornamental trees) and any real property
underlying such trees. Similarly, the UNICAP rules do not apply to any animal or plant having a
reproductive period of two years or less, which is produced by a taxpayer in a farming business
(unless the taxpayer is required to use an accrual method of accounting under section 447 or
Freelance authors, photographers, and artists also are exempt from section 263A for any
qualified creative expenses.
Qualified creative expenses are defined as amounts paid or
incurred by an individual in the trade or business of being a writer, photographer, or artist.
However, such term does not include any expense related to printing, photographic plates,
motion picture files, video tapes, or similar items.
Sec. 263A(f)(4)(B).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.263A-12(d)(1). See also TAM 9327007 (Mar. 31, 1993) (holding that producers
of wine must include the time that wine ages in bottles as part of the production period, which concludes when the
wine vintage is officially released to the distribution chain).
Sec. 263A(b)(2)(B). No statutory exception is available for small taxpayers who produce property
subject to section 263A. However, a de minimis rule under Treasury regulations treats producers that use the
simplified production method and incur total indirect costs of $200,000 or less in a taxable year as having no
additional indirect costs beyond those normally capitalized for financial accounting purposes. Treas. Reg. sec.
1.263A-2(b)(3)(iv). However, the Chairman’s Mark of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” proposes to expand the
exception for small taxpayers from the uniform capitalization rules. Under the provision, any producer or reseller
that meets the $15 million gross receipts test is exempted from the application of section 263A. See section III.B.4
of Description of the Chairman’s Mark of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (JCX-51-17), November 9, 2017.
Sec. 263A(c)(5).
Sec. 263A(d). See also section III.B.3 of Description of the Chairman’s Mark of the “Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act” (JCX-51-17), November 9, 2017, which expands the universe of farming C corporations that may use the
cash method to include any farming C corporation that meets the $15 million gross receipts test.
Sec. 263A(h).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment would exclude the aging periods for beer, wine, and distilled
spirits from the production period for purposes of the UNICAP interest capitalization rules.
Thus, under the provision, producers of beer, wine and distilled spirits are able to deduct interest
expenses (subject to any other applicable limitation) attributable to a shorter production period.
The provision does not apply to interest costs paid or accrued after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision is effective for interest costs paid or accrued after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
8. Reduced rate of excise tax on beer (sec. 13802 of the Senate amendment and sec. 5051 of
the Code)
Present Law
Federal excise taxes are imposed at different rates on distilled spirits, wine, and beer and
are imposed on these products when produced or imported. Generally, these excise taxes are
administered and enforced by the TTB, except the taxes on imported bottled distilled spirits,
wine, and beer are collected by the Customs and Border Protection Bureau (the “CBP”) of the
Department of Homeland Security (under delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury).
Liability for the excise tax on beer also come into existence when the alcohol is produced
but is not payable until the beer is removed from the brewery for consumption or sale.
Generally, beer may be transferred between commonly owned breweries without payment of tax;
however, tax liability follows these products. Imported bulk beer may be released from customs
custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a brewery. Beer may be exported
without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax from the
production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
The rate of tax on beer is $18 per barrel (31 gallons).
Small brewers are subject to a
reduced tax rate of $7 per barrel on the first 60,000 barrels of beer domestically produced and
removed each year.
Small brewers are defined as brewers producing fewer than two million
Sec. 5051.
Sec. 5051(a)(2).
barrels of beer during a calendar year. The credit reduces the effective per-gallon tax rate from
approximately 58 cents per gallon to approximately 22.6 cents per gallon for this beer.
In the case of a controlled group, the two million barrel limitation for small brewers is
applied to the controlled group, and the 60,000 barrels eligible for the reduced rate of tax, are
apportioned among the brewers who are component members of such group. The term
“controlled group” has the meaning assigned to it by sec. 1563(a), except that the phrase “more
than 50 percent” is substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each place it appears in sec.
Individuals may produce limited quantities of beer for personal or family use without
payment of tax during each calendar year. The limit is 200 gallons per calendar year for
households of two or more adults and 100 gallons per calendar year for single-adult households.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment lowers the rate of tax on beer to $16 per barrel on the first six
million barrels brewed by the brewer or imported by the importer. In general, in the case of a
controlled group of brewers, the six million barrel limitation is applied and apportioned at the
level of the controlled group. Beer brewed or imported in excess of the six million barrel limit
would continue to be taxed at $18 per barrel. In the case of small brewers, such brewers would
be taxed at a rate of $3.50 per barrel on the first 60,000 barrels domestically produced, and $16
per barrel on any further barrels produced. The same rules applicable to controlled groups under
present law apply with respect to this limitation.
For barrels of beer that have been brewed or produced outside of the United States and
imported into the United States, the reduced tax rate may be assigned by the brewer to any
importer of such barrels pursuant to requirements set forth by the Secretary of the Treasury in
consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security. These requirements are to include: (1) a limitation to ensure
that the number of barrels of beer for which the reduced tax rate has been assigned by a brewer
to any importer does not exceed the number of barrels of beer brewed or produced by such
brewer during the calendar year which were imported into the United States by such importer;
(2) procedures that allow a brewer and an importer to elect whether to receive the reduced tax
rate; (3) requirements that the brewer provide any information as the Secretary of the Treasury
determines necessary and appropriate for purposes of assignment of the reduced tax rate; and (4)
procedures that allow for revocation of eligibility of the brewer and the importer for the reduced
tax rate in the case of erroneous or fraudulent information provided in (3) which the Secretary of
the Treasury deems to be material for qualifying for the reduced tax rate.
Any importer making an election to receive the reduced tax rate shall be deemed to be a
member of the controlled group of the brewer, within the meaning of sec. 1563(a), except that
the phrase “more than 50 percent” is substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each place
it appears in sec 1563(a).
Under rules issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, two or more entities (whether or not
under common control) that produce beer marketed under a similar brand, license, franchise, or
other arrangement shall be treated as a single taxpayer for purposes of the excise tax on beer.
The provision does not apply for beer removed after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision is effective for beer removed after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
9. Transfer of beer between bonded facilities (sec. 13803 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 5414 of the Code)
Present Law
Federal excise taxes are imposed at different rates on distilled spirits, wine, and beer and
are imposed on these products when produced or imported. Generally, these excise taxes are
administered and enforced by the TTB, except the taxes on imported bottled distilled spirits,
wine, and beer are collected by the Customs and Border Protection Bureau (the “CBP”) of the
Department of Homeland Security (under delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury). The rate
of tax on beer is $18 per barrel (31 gallons).
Liability for the excise tax on beer also come into existence when the alcohol is produced
but is not payable until the beer is removed from the brewery for consumption or sale.
Generally, beer may be transferred between commonly owned breweries without payment of tax;
however, tax liability follows these products. Imported bulk beer may be released from customs
custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a brewery. Beer may be exported
without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax from the
production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
Small domestic brewers are subject to a reduced tax rate of $7 per barrel on the first
60,000 barrels of beer removed each year.
Small brewers are defined as brewers producing
fewer than two million barrels of beer during a calendar year. The credit reduces the effective
per-gallon tax rate from approximately 58 cents per gallon to approximately 22.6 cents per
gallon for this beer.
Members of the controlled group may include foreign corporations.
Sec. 5051.
Sec. 5051(a)(2).
Individuals may produce limited quantities of beer for personal or family use without
payment of tax during each calendar year. The limit is 200 gallons per calendar year for
households of two or more adults and 100 gallons per calendar year for single-adult households.
Transfer rules and removals without tax
Certain removals or transfers of beer are exempt from tax. Beer may be transferred
without payment of the tax between bonded premises under certain conditions specified in the
The tax liability accompanies the beer that is transferred in bond. However, beer
may only be transferred free of tax between breweries if both breweries are owned by the same
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment relaxes the shared ownership requirement of section 5414. Thus,
under the provision, a brewer may transfer beer from one brewery to another without incurring
tax, provided that: (i) the breweries are owned by the same person; (ii) one brewery owns a
controlling interest in the other; (iii) the same person or persons have a controlling interest in
both breweries; or (iv) the proprietors of the transferring and receiving premises are independent
of each other, and the transferor has divested itself of all interest in the beer so transferred, and
the transferee has accepted responsibility for payment of the tax.
For purposes of transferring the tax liability pursuant to (iv) above, such relief from
liability shall be effective from the time of removal from the transferor’s bonded premises, or
from the time of divestment, whichever is later.
The provision does not apply for calendar quarters beginning after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision applies to any calendar quarters beginning after December
31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 5414.
10. Reduced rate of excise tax on certain wine (sec. 13804 of the Senate amendment and
sec. 5041 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Under present law, excise taxes are imposed at different rates on wine, depending on the
wine’s alcohol content and carbonation levels. The following table outlines the present rates of
tax on wine.
Tax (and Code Section) Tax Rates
Wines (sec. 5041)
“Still wines”
not more than 14 percent
$1.07 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 14 percent, but not more
than 21 percent, alcohol
$1.57 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 21 percent, but not more
than 24 percent, alcohol
$3.15 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 24 percent alcohol $13.50 per proof gallon
(taxed as distilled spirits)
Champagne and other sparkling wines $3.40 per wine gallon
Artificially carbonated wines $3.30 per wine gallon
Liability for the excise taxes on wine come into existence when the wine is produced but
is not payable until the wine is removed from the bonded wine cellar or winery for consumption
or sale. Generally, bulk and bottled wine may be transferred in bond between bonded premises;
however, tax liability follows these products. Bulk natural wine may be released from customs
custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a winery. Wine may be exported
without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax from the
production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
Reduced rates and exemptions for certain wine producers
Wineries having aggregate annual production not exceeding 250,000 gallons (“small
domestic producers”) receive a credit against the wine excise tax equal to 90 cents per gallon (the
amount of a wine tax increase enacted in 1990) on the first 100,000 gallons of wine domestically
produced and removed during a calendar year.
The credit is reduced (but not below zero) by
one percent for each 1,000 gallons produced in excess of 150,000 gallons; the credit does not
A “still wine” is a non-sparkling wine. Most common table wines are still wines.
A wine gallon is a U.S. liquid gallon.
Sec. 5041(c).
apply to sparkling wines. In the case of a controlled group, the 250,000 gallon limitation for
wineries is applied to the controlled group, and the 100,000 gallons eligible for the credit, are
apportioned among the wineries who are component members of such group. The term
“controlled group” has the meaning assigned to it by sec. 1563(a), except that the phrase “more
than 50 percent” is substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each place it appears in sec
Individuals may produce limited quantities of wine for personal or family use without
payment of tax during each calendar year. The limit is 200 gallons per calendar year for
households of two or more adults and 100 gallons per calendar year for single-adult households.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment modifies the credit against the wine excise tax for small domestic
producers, by removing the 250,000 wine gallon domestic production limitation (and thus
making the credit available for all wine producers and importers). Additionally, under the
provision, sparkling wine producers and importers are now eligible for the credit. With respect to
wine produced in, or imported into, the United States during a calendar year, the credit amount is
(1) $1.00 per wine gallon for the first 30,000 wine gallons of wine, plus; (2) 90 cents per wine
gallon on the next 100,000 wine gallons of wine, plus; (3) 53.5 cents per wine gallon on the next
620,000 wine gallons of wine.
There is no phaseout of the credit.
In the case of any wine gallons of wine that have been produced outside of the United
States and imported into the United States, the tax credit allowable may be assigned by the
person who produced such wine (the “foreign producer”) to any electing importer of such wine
gallons pursuant to requirements established by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation
with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security. These requirement are to include: (1) a limitation to ensure that the number
of wine gallons of wine for which the tax credit has been assigned by a foreign producer to any
importer does not exceed the number of wine gallons of wine produced by such foreign
producer, during the calendar year, which were imported into the United States by such importer;
(2) procedures that allow the election of a foreign producer to assign, and an importer to receive,
the tax credit; (3) requirements that the foreign producer provide any information that the
Secretary of the Treasury determines to be necessary and appropriate for purposes of assigning
the tax credit; and (4) procedures that allow for revocation of eligibility of the foreign producer
and the importer for the tax credit in the case of erroneous or fraudulent information provided in
(3) which the Secretary of the Treasury deems to be material for qualifying for the reduced tax
The credit rate for hard cider is tiered at the same level of production or importation, but is equal to 6.2
cents, 5.6 cents and 3.3 cents, respectively.
Any importer making an election to receive the reduced tax rate shall be deemed to be a
member of the controlled group of the winemaker, within the meaning of sec. 1563(a), except
that the phrase “more than 50 percent” is substitute for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each
place it appears in sec 1563(a).
The provision does not apply for wine removed in calendar quarters beginning after
December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision applies to wine removed after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
11. Adjustment of alcohol content level for application of excise tax rates (sec. 13805 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 5041 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Under present law, excise taxes are imposed at different rates on wine, depending on the
wine’s alcohol content and carbonation levels. The following table outlines the present rates of
tax on wine.
Tax (and Code Section) Tax Rates
Wines (sec. 5041)
“Still wines”
not more than 14 percent alcohol $1.07 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 14 percent, but not more
than 21 percent, alcohol
$1.57 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 21 percent, but not more
than 24 percent, alcohol
$3.15 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 24 percent alcohol $13.50 per proof gallon
(taxed as distilled spirits)
Champagne and other sparkling wines $3.40 per wine gallon
Artificially carbonated wines $3.30 per wine gallon
Liability for the excise taxes on wine come into existence when the wine is produced but
is not payable until the wine is removed from the bonded wine cellar or winery for consumption
Members of the controlled group may include foreign corporations.
A “still wine” is a non-sparkling wine. Most common table wines are still wines.
A wine gallon is a U.S. liquid gallon.
or sale. Generally, bulk and bottled wine may be transferred in bond between bonded premises;
however, tax liability follows these products. Bulk natural wine may be released from customs
custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a winery. Wine may be exported
without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax from the
production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
Reduced rates and exemptions for certain wine producers
Wineries having aggregate annual production not exceeding 250,000 gallons (“small
domestic producers”) receive a credit against the wine excise tax equal to 90 cents per gallon (the
amount of a wine tax increase enacted in 1990) on the first 100,000 gallons of wine domestically
produced and removed during a calendar year.
The credit is reduced (but not below zero) by
one percent for each 1,000 gallons produced in excess of 150,000 gallons; the credit does not
apply to sparkling wines. In the case of a controlled group, the 250,000 gallon limitation for
wineries is applied to the controlled group, and the 100,000 gallons eligible for the credit, are
apportioned among the wineries who are component members of such group. The term
“controlled group” has the meaning assigned to it by sec. 1563(a), except that the phrase “more
than 50 percent” is substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each place it appears in sec.
Individuals may produce limited quantities of wine for personal or family use without
payment of tax during each calendar year. The limit is 200 gallons per calendar year for
households of two or more adults and 100 gallons per calendar year for single-adult households.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment modifies alcohol-by-volume levels of the first two tiers of the
excise tax on wine, by changing 14 percent to 16 percent. Thus, under the provision, a wine
producer or importer may produce or import “still wine” that has an alcohol-by-volume level of
up to 16 percent, and remain subject to the lowest rate of $1.07 per wine gallon.
The provision does not apply to wine removed after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision applies to wine removed after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 5041(c).
12. Definition of mead and low alcohol by volume wine (sec. 13806 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 5041 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Under present law, excise taxes are imposed at different rates on wine, depending on the
wine’s alcohol content and carbonation levels. The following table outlines the present rates of
tax on wine.
Tax (and Code Section) Tax Rates
Wines (sec. 5041)
“Still wines”
not more than 14 percent alcohol $1.07 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 14 percent, but not more
than 21 percent, alcohol
$1.57 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 21 percent, but not more
than 24 percent, alcohol
$3.15 per wine gallon
“Still wines” more than 24 percent alcohol $13.50 per proof gallon
(taxed as distilled spirits)
Champagne and other sparkling wines $3.40 per wine gallon
Artificially carbonated wines $3.30 per wine gallon
Liability for the excise taxes on wine come into existence when the wine is produced but
is not payable until the wine is removed from the bonded wine cellar or winery for consumption
or sale. Generally, bulk and bottled wine may be transferred in bond between bonded premises;
however, tax liability follows these products. Bulk natural wine may be released from customs
custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a winery. Wine may be exported
without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax from the
production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
Reduced rates and exemptions for certain wine producers
Wineries having aggregate annual production not exceeding 250,000 gallons (“small
domestic producers”) receive a credit against the wine excise tax equal to 90 cents per gallon (the
amount of a wine tax increase enacted in 1990) on the first 100,000 gallons of wine domestically
produced and removed during a calendar year.
The credit is reduced (but not below zero) by
one percent for each 1,000 gallons produced in excess of 150,000 gallons; the credit does not
A “still wine” is a non-sparkling wine. Most common table wines are still wines.
A wine gallon is a U.S. liquid gallon.
Sec. 5041(c).
apply to sparkling wines. In the case of a controlled group, the 250,000 gallon limitation for
wineries is applied to the controlled group, and the 100,000 gallons eligible for the credit, are
apportioned among the wineries who are component members of such group. The term
“controlled group” has the meaning assigned to it by sec. 1563(a), except that the phrase “more
than 50 percent” is substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” in each place it appears in sec
Individuals may produce limited quantities of wine for personal or family use without
payment of tax during each calendar year. The limit is 200 gallons per calendar year for
households of two or more adults and 100 gallons per calendar year for single-adult households.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment designates mead and certain sparkling wines to be taxed at the
lowest rate applicable to “still wine,” of $1.07 per wine gallon of wine. Mead is defined as a
wine that contains not more than 0.64 grams of carbon dioxide per hundred milliliters of
which is derived solely from honey and water, contains no fruit product or fruit
flavoring, and contains less than 8.5 percent alcohol-by-volume. The sparkling wines eligible to
be taxed at the lowest rate are those wines that contain not more than 0.64 grams of carbon
dioxide per hundred milliliters of wine,
which are derived primarily from grapes or grape
juice concentrate and water, which contain no fruit flavoring other than grape, and which contain
less than 8.5 percent alcohol by volume.
The provision does not apply to wine removed after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision applies to wine removed after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
The Secretary is authorized to prescribe tolerances to this limitation as may be reasonably necessary in
good commercial practice.
The Secretary is authorized to prescribe tolerances to this limitation as may be reasonably necessary in
good commercial practice.
13. Reduced rate of excise tax on certain distilled spirits (sec. 13807 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 5001 of the Code)
Present Law
An excise tax is imposed on all distilled spirits produced in, or imported into, the United
The tax liability legally comes into existence the moment the alcohol is produced or
imported but payment of the tax is not required until a subsequent withdrawal or removal from
the distillery, or, in the case of an imported product, from customs custody or bond.
Distilled spirits are taxed at a rate of $13.50 per proof gallon.
Liability for the excise
tax on distilled spirits comes into existence when the alcohol is produced but is not determined
and payable until bottled distilled spirits are removed from the bonded premises of the distilled
spirits plant where they are produced. Generally, bulk distilled spirits may be transferred in bond
between bonded premises; however, tax liability follows these products. Imported bulk distilled
spirits may be released from customs custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to
a distillery. Distilled spirits be exported without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without
payment of tax or free of tax from the production facility for certain authorized uses, including
industrial uses and non-beverage uses.
A portion of the revenues from the distilled spirits excise tax imposed on rum imported or
brought into
the United States (less certain administrative costs) is transferred (“covered
over”) to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The amount covered over is $10.50 per
proof gallon ($13.25 per proof gallon during the period from July 1, 1999, through December 31,
Eligible distilled spirits wholesale distributors and distillers receive an income tax credit
for the average cost of carrying previously imposed excise tax on beverages stored in their
Secs. 5001.
Secs. 5006, 5043, and 5054. In general, proprietors of distilled spirit plants, proprietors of bonded
wine cellars, brewers, and importers are liable for the tax.
A “proof gallon” is a U.S. liquid gallon of proof spirits, or the alcoholic equivalent thereof. Generally
a proof gallon is a U.S. liquid gallon consisting of 50 percent alcohol. On lesser quantities, the tax is paid
proportionately. Credits are allowed for wine content and flavors content of distilled spirits. Sec. 5010.
Because Puerto Rico is inside U.S. customs territory, articles entering the United States from that
commonwealth are “brought into” rather than “imported into” the U.S.
Sec. 7652.
Sec. 5011. Section 5011 is administered and enforced by the IRS.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment institutes a tiered rate for distilled spirits. The rate of tax is
lowered to $2.70 per proof gallon on the first 100,000 proof gallons of distilled spirits, $13.34 for
all proof gallons in excess of that amount but below 22,130,000 proof gallons, and $13.50 for
amounts thereafter. The provision contains rules so as to prevent members of the same
controlled group from receiving the lower rate on more than 100,000 proof gallons of distilled
spirits. Importers of distilled spirits are eligible for the lower rates.
The provision does not apply to distilled spirits removed after December 31, 2019.
Effective date.The provision applies to distilled spirits removed after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
14. Bulk distilled spirits (sec. 13808 of the Senate amendment and sec. 5212 of the Code)
Present Law
An excise tax is imposed on all distilled spirits produced in, or imported into, the United
The tax liability legally comes into existence the moment the alcohol is produced or
imported but payment of the tax is not required until a subsequent withdrawal or removal from
the distillery, or, in the case of an imported product, from customs custody or bond.
Distilled spirits are taxed at a rate of $13.50 per proof gallon.
Liability for the excise
tax on distilled spirits comes into existence when the alcohol is produced but is not determined
and payable until bottled distilled spirits are removed from the bonded premises of the distilled
spirits plant where they are produced. Generally, bulk distilled spirits may be transferred in bond
between bonded premises; however, tax liability follows these products. Additionally, in order to
transfer such spirits in bond without payment of tax, such spirits may not be transferred in
Secs. 5001.
Secs. 5006, 5043, and 5054. In general, proprietors of distilled spirit plants, proprietors of bonded
wine cellars, brewers, and importers are liable for the tax.
A “proof gallon” is a U.S. liquid gallon of proof spirits, or the alcoholic equivalent thereof. Generally
a proof gallon is a U.S. liquid gallon consisting of 50 percent alcohol. On lesser quantities, the tax is paid
proportionately. Credits are allowed for wine content and flavors content of distilled spirits. Sec. 5010.
containers smaller than one gallon.
Imported bulk distilled spirits may be released from
customs custody without payment of tax and transferred in bond to a distillery. Distilled spirits
be exported without payment of tax and may be withdrawn without payment of tax or free of tax
from the production facility for certain authorized uses, including industrial uses and non-
beverage uses.
A portion of the revenues from the distilled spirits excise tax imposed on rum imported or
brought into
the United States (less certain administrative costs) is transferred (“covered
over”) to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The amount covered over is $10.50 per
proof gallon ($13.25 per proof gallon during the period from July 1, 1999, through December 31,
Eligible distilled spirits wholesale distributors and distillers receive an income tax credit
for the average cost of carrying previously imposed excise tax on beverages stored in their
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment allows distillers to transfer spirits in approved containers other
than bulk containers in bond without payment of tax.
The provision does not apply to distilled spirits transferred in bond after December 31,
Effective date.The provision applies to distilled spirits transferred in bond after
December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Sec. 5212.
Because Puerto Rico is inside U.S. customs territory, articles entering the United States from that
commonwealth are “brought into” rather than “imported into” the U.S.
Sec. 7652.
Sec. 5011. Section 5011 is administered and enforced by the IRS.
15. Modification of tax treatment of Alaska Native Corporations and Settlement Trusts
(sec. 13821 of the Senate amendment and sec. 6039H and new secs. 139G and 247 of the
Present Law
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (“ANCSA”)
established Native
to hold property for Alaska Natives. Alaska Natives are generally the only
permitted common shareholders of those corporations under section 7(h) of ANCSA, unless a
Native Corporation specifically allows other shareholders under specified procedures.
ANCSA permits a Native Corporation to transfer money or other property to an Alaska
Native Settlement Trust (“Settlement Trust”) for the benefit of beneficiaries who constitute all or
a class of the shareholders of the Native Corporation, to promote the health, education and
welfare of beneficiaries and to preserve the heritage and culture of Alaska Natives.
Native Corporations and Settlement Trusts, as well as their shareholders and
beneficiaries, are generally subject to tax under the same rules and in the same manner as other
taxpayers that are corporations, trusts, shareholders, or beneficiaries.
Special tax rules enacted in 2001 allow an election to use a more favorable tax regime for
transfers of property by a Native Corporation to a Settlement Trust and for income taxation of
the Settlement Trust. There is also simplified reporting to beneficiaries.
Under the special tax rules, a Settlement Trust may make an irrevocable election to pay
tax on taxable income at the lowest rate specified for individuals, (rather than the highest rate
that is generally applicable to trusts) and to pay tax on capital gains at a rate consistent with
being subject to such lowest rate of tax. As described further below, beneficiaries may generally
thereafter exclude from gross income distributions from a trust that has made this election. Also,
contributions from a Native Corporation to an electing Settlement Trust generally will not result
in the recognition of gross income by beneficiaries on account of the contribution. An electing
Settlement Trust remains subject to generally applicable requirements for classification and
taxation as a trust.
A Settlement Trust distribution is excludable from the gross income of beneficiaries to
the extent of the taxable income of the Settlement Trust for the taxable year and all prior taxable
years for which an election was in effect, decreased by income tax paid by the Trust, plus tax-
exempt interest from State and local bonds for the same period. Amounts distributed in excess
of the amount excludable is taxed to the beneficiaries as if distributed by the sponsoring Native
Corporation in the year of distribution by the Trust, which means that the beneficiaries must
43 U.S.C. 1601 et. seq.
Defined at 43 U.S.C. 1602(m).
With certain exceptions, once an Alaska Native Corporation has made a conveyance to a Settlement
Trust, the assets conveyed shall not be subject to attachment, distraint, or sale or execution of judgment, except with
respect to the lawful debts and obligations of the Settlement Trust.
include in gross income as dividends the amount of the distribution, up to the current and
accumulated earnings and profits of the Native Corporation. Amounts distributed in excess of
the current and accumulated earnings and profits are not included in gross income by the
A special loss disallowance rule reduces (but not below zero) any loss that would
otherwise be recognized upon disposition of stock of a sponsoring Native Corporation by a
proportion, determined on a per share basis, of all contributions to all electing Settlement Trusts
by the sponsoring Native Corporation. This rule prevents a stockholder from being able to take
advantage of a decrease in value of a Native Corporation that is caused by a transfer of assets
from the Native Corporation to a Settlement Trust.
The fiduciary of an electing Settlement Trust is obligated to provide certain information
relating to distributions from the trust in lieu of reporting requirements under Section 6034A.
The election to pay tax at the lowest rate is not available in certain disqualifying cases
where transfer restrictions have been modified to allow a transfer of either: (a) a beneficial
interest that would not be permitted by section 7(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
if the interest were Settlement common stock, or (b) any stock in an Alaska Native Corporation
that would not be permitted by section 7(h) if it were Settlement common stock and the Native
Corporation thereafter makes a transfer to the Trust. Where an election is already in effect at the
time of such disqualifying transfers, the special rules applicable to an electing trust cease to
apply and rules generally applicable to trusts apply. In addition, the distributable net income of
the trust is increased by undistributed current and accumulated earnings and profits of the trust,
limited by the fair market value of trust assets at the date the trust becomes so disposable. The
effect is to cause the trust to be taxed at regular trust rates on the amount of recomputed
distributable net income not distributed to beneficiaries, and to cause the beneficiaries to be
taxed on the amount of any distributions received consistent with the applicable tax rate bracket.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision comprises three separate but related sections. The first section allows a
Native Corporation to assign certain payments described in ANCSA to a Settlement Trust
without having to recognize gross income from those payments, provided the assignment is in
writing and the Native Corporation has not received the payment prior to assignment. The
Settlement Trust is required to include the assigned payment in gross income when received.
The second section allows a Native Corporation to elect annually to deduct contributions
made to a Settlement Trust. If the contribution is in cash, the deduction is in the amount of cash
contributed. If the contribution is property other than cash, the deduction is the amount of the
Native Corporation’s basis in the contributed property (or the fair market value of such property,
if less than the Native Corporation’s basis), and no gain or loss can be recognized on the
contribution. The Native Corporation’s deduction is limited to the amount of its taxable income
for that year, and any unused deduction may be carried forward 15 additional years. The Native
Corporation’s earnings and profits for the taxable year are reduced by the amount of any
deduction claimed for that year.
Generally, the Settlement Trust must include income equal to the deduction by the Native
Corporation. For contributions of property other than cash, the Settlement Trust takes a basis in
the property equal to its basis in the hands of the Native Corporation immediately before the
contribution (or the fair market value of such property, if less than the Native Corporation’s
basis), and may elect to defer recognition of income associated with such property until the
Settlement Trust sells or disposes of the property. In that case, any income that is deferred (i.e.,
the amount of income that would have been included upon contribution absent the election to
defer) is treated as ordinary income, while any gain in excess of the amount that is deferred takes
the same character as if the election had not been made. If property subject to this election is
disposed of within the first taxable year subsequent to the taxable year in which the property was
contributed to the Settlement Trust, the election is voided with respect to the property, and the
Settlement Trust is required to pay any tax applicable to the disposition of the property, including
interest, as well as a penalty of 10 percent of the amount of the tax. The provision provides for a
four year assessment period in which to assess the tax, interest, and penalty amounts. The
provision permits the amendment of the terms of any Settlement Trust agreement to allow this
election within one year of the enactment of the provision, with certain restrictions.
The third section of the provision requires any Native Corporation which has made an
election to deduct contributions to a Settlement Trust as described above to furnish a statement to
the Settlement Trust containing: (1) the total amount of contributions; (2) whether such
contribution was in cash; (3) for non-cash contributions, the date that such property was acquired
by the Native Corporation and the adjusted basis of such property on the contribution date;
(4) the date on which each contribution was made to the Settlement Trust; and (5) such
information as the Secretary determines is necessary for the accurate reporting of income relating
to such contributions.
Effective date.The provision relating to the exclusion for ANCSA payments assigned to
Settlement Trusts is effective to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016.
The provision relating to the deduction of contributions is effective for taxable years for
which the Native Corporation’s refund statute of limitations period has not expired, and the
provision provides a one-year waiver of the refund statute of limitations period in the event that
the limitation period expires before the end of the one-year period beginning on the date of
The provision relating to the reporting requirement applies to taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2016.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
16. Amounts paid for aircraft management services (sec. 13822 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 4261 of the Code)
Present Law
Excise tax on taxable transportation by air
For domestic passenger transportation, section 4261 imposes an excise tax on amounts
paid for taxable transportation. In general, for domestic flights, the tax consists of two parts: a
7.5 percent ad valorem tax applied to the amount paid and a flat dollar amount for each flight
segment (consisting of one takeoff and one landing). “Taxable transportation” generally means
transportation by air which begins and ends in the United States. The tax is paid by the person
making the payment subject to tax and the tax is collected by the person receiving the payment.
For commercial freight aviation, the ad valorem tax is 6.25 percent of the amount paid for
In determining whether a flight constitutes taxable transportation and whether the
amounts paid for such transportation are subject to tax, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has
looked at who has “possession, command, and control” of the aircraft based on the relevant facts
and circumstances.
Applicability to aircraft management services
Generally, an aircraft management services company (“management company”) has as its
business purpose the management of aircraft owned by other corporations or individuals
(“aircraft owners”). In this function, management companies provide aircraft owners, among
other things, with administrative and support services (such as scheduling, flight planning, and
weather forecasting), aircraft maintenance services, the provision of pilots and crew, and
compliance with regulatory standards. Although the arrangement between management
companies and aircraft owners may vary, it is our understanding that aircraft owners generally
pay management companies a monthly fee to cover the fixed expenses of maintaining the aircraft
(such as insurance, maintenance, and recordkeeping) and a variable fee to cover the cost of using
the aircraft (such as the provision of pilots, crew, and fuel).
In March 2012, the IRS issued a Chief Counsel Advice determining that a management
company provided all of the essential elements necessary for providing transportation by air and
the owner relinquished possession, command and control to the management company.
Thus, the management company was determined to be providing taxable transportation to the
See, e.g., Rev. Rul. 60-311, 1960-2 C.B. 341, which held that, since the company in question retains
the elements of possession, command, and control of the aircraft and performs all services in connection with the
operation of the aircraft, the company is, in fact, furnishing taxable transportation to the lessee; and the tax on the
transportation of persons applies to the portion of the total payment which is allocable to the transportation of
persons, provided such allocation is made on a fair and reasonable basis. If no allocation is made, the tax applies to
the total payment for the lease of the aircraft.
CCA 2012-10026 (March, 2012).
owner and was required to collect the appropriate federal excise tax from the aircraft owner and
remit it to the IRS. The Chief Counsel Advice resulted in increased audit activity by the IRS on
aircraft management companies.
In May 2013, the IRS suspended assessment of the federal excise tax with respect to
aircraft management services while it developed guidance on the tax treatment of aircraft
management issues. In a 2015 opinion,
an Ohio district court held that the existing revenue
rulings (in effect for the tax period April 1, 2005, through June 30, 2009, the period that was the
subject of the litigation) regarding the possession, command and control test, failed to provide
precise and not speculative notice of a collection obligation as it related to whole-aircraft
management contracts.
As a result, the court ruled as a matter of law that because precise and
not speculative notice was not received, the aircraft management company plaintiff did not have
a collection obligation with respect to the Federal excise tax on payments received for whole-
aircraft management services.
In 2017, the IRS decided not to pursue examination of the issue of whether amounts paid
to aircraft companies by the owners or lessors of the aircraft are taxable until further guidance is
made available. According to the IRS, for any exam in suspense the aircraft management fee
issue was conceded and the taxpayers were notified accordingly.
The IRS has not issued
further guidance on this issue.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment exempts certain payments related to the management of private
aircraft from the excise taxes imposed on taxable transportation by air. Exempt payments are
those amounts paid by an aircraft owner for management services related to maintenance and
support of the owner’s aircraft or flights on the owner’s aircraft. Applicable services include
support activities related to the aircraft itself, such as its storage, maintenance, and fueling, and
those related to its operation, such as the hiring and training of pilots and crew, as well as
administrative services such as scheduling, flight planning, weather forecasting, obtaining
insurance, and establishing and complying with safety standards. Aircraft management services
also include such other services as are necessary to support flights operated by an aircraft owner.
Netjets Large Aircraft Inc. v. United States, 116 A.F.T.R. 2d. 2015-6776 (S.D. Ohio, 2015).
The district court held that such notice is required to persons having a deputy tax collection obligation
under the rationale of the Supreme Court’s holding in Central Illinois Public Service Company v. United States,
435 U.S. 21 (1978).
See also, Kerry Lynch, IRS To Shelve Pending Audits on Aircraft Management Fees, AINonline (July
17, 2017) http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2017-07-17/irs-shelve-pending-audits-aircraft-
Payments for flight services are exempt only to the extent that they are attributable to
flights on an aircraft owner’s own aircraft.
Thus, if an aircraft owner makes a payment to a
management company for the provision of a pilot and the pilot provides his services on the
aircraft owner’s aircraft, such payment is not subject to Federal excise tax. However, if the pilot
provides his services to the aircraft owner on an aircraft other than the aircraft owner’s (for
instance, on an aircraft that is part of a fleet of aircraft available for third-party charter services),
then such payment is subject to Federal excise tax.
The provision provides a pro rata allocation rule in the event that a monthly payment
made to a management company is allocated in part to exempt services and flights on the aircraft
owner’s aircraft, and in part to flights on aircraft other than the aircraft owner’s. In such a
circumstance, Federal excise tax must be collected on that portion of the payment attributable to
flights on aircraft not owned by the aircraft owner.
Under the provision, a lessee of an aircraft is considered an aircraft owner provided that
the lease is not a “disqualified lease.” A disqualified lease is any lease of an aircraft from a
management company (or a related party) for a term of 31 days or less.
Effective date.The provision is effective for amounts paid after the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for amounts paid after the date of enactment.
Examples of arrangements that cannot qualify a person as an "aircraft owner" include ownership of
stock in a commercial airline and participation in a fractional ownership aircraft program. Ownership of stock in a
commercial airline cannot qualify an individual as an “aircraft owner” of a commercial airline’s aircraft, and
amounts paid for transportation on such flights remain subject to the tax under section 4261. Similarly, participation
in a fractional ownership aircraft program does not constitute “aircraft ownership” for purposes of this
standard. Amounts paid to a fractional ownership aircraft program for transportation under such a program are
exempt from the ticket tax under section 4261(j) if the aircraft is operating under subpart K of part 91 of title 14 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (“subpart K”), and flights under such program are subject to both the fuel tax levied
on non-commercial aviation an additional fuel surtax under section 4043 of the Code. A business arrangement
seeking to circumvent that surtax by operating outside of subpart K, allowing an aircraft owner the right to use any
of a fleet of aircraft, be it through an aircraft interchange agreement, through holding nominal shares in a fleet of
aircraft, or any other arrangement that does not reflect true tax ownership of the aircraft being flown upon, is not
considered ownership for purposes of the provision.
17. Opportunity zones (sec. 13823 of the Senate amendment and new secs. 1400Z-1 and
1400Z-2 of the Code)
Present Law
The Code occasionally has provided several incentives aimed at encouraging economic
growth and investment in distressed communities by providing Federal tax benefits to businesses
located within designated boundaries.
One of these incentives is a federal income tax credit that is allowed in the aggregate
amount of 39 percent of a taxpayer investment in a qualified community development entity
In general, the credit is allowed to a taxpayer who makes a “qualified equity
investment” in a CDE which further invests in a “qualified active low-income community
business.” CDEs are required to make investments in low income communities (generally
communities with 20 percent or greater poverty rate or median family income less than 80
percent of statewide median). The credit is allowed over seven years, five percent in each of the
first three years and six percent in each of the next four years. The credit is recaptured if at any
time during the seven-year period that begins on the date of the original issue of the investment
the entity (1) ceases to be a qualified CDE, (2) the proceeds of the investment cease to be used as
required, or (3) the equity investment is redeemed. The Department of Treasury’s Community
Development Financial Institutions Fund (“CDFI”) allocates the new markets tax credits.
The maximum annual amount of qualified equity investments is $3.5 billion for calendar
years 2010 through 2019. The new markets tax credit is set to expire on December 31, 2019. No
amount of unused allocation limitation may be carried to any calendar year after 2024.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision provides for the temporary deferral of inclusion in gross income for capital
gains reinvested in a qualified opportunity fund and the permanent exclusion of capital gains
Such designated areas were referred to as empowerment zones, the District of Columbia Enterprise
(“DC”) Zone, and the Gulf Opportunity (“GO”) Zone, and each of these designations and attendant tax incentives
have expired. The designations and tax incentives for the DC Zone, and the GO Zone generally expired after
December 31, 2011. 1400(f), 1400N(h), 1400N(c)(5), 1400N(a)(2)(D), 1400N(a)(7)(C), 1400N(d). The
empowerment zones program and attendant tax incentives expired as of December 31, 2016. Secs. 1391(d)(1),
There are also areas that were designated as renewal communities under section 1400E which received tax benefits
that all expired as of December 31, 2009, except that a zero-percent capital gains rate applies with respect to gain
from the sale through December 31, 2014 of a qualified community asset acquired after December 31, 2001, and
before January 1, 2010 and held for more than five years. For more information on these programs and attendant tax
incentives, see Joint Committee on Taxation, Incentives for Distressed Communities: Empowerment Zones and
Renewal Communities (JCX-38-09), October 5, 2009.
Sec. 45D.
from the sale or exchange of an investment in the qualified opportunity fund.
The provision allows for the designation of certain low-income community population
census tracts as qualified opportunity zones, where low-income communities are defined in
Section 45D(e). The designation of a population census tract as a qualified opportunity zone
remains in effect for the period beginning on the date of the designation and ending at the close
of the tenth calendar year beginning on or after the date of designation.
Governors may submit nominations for a limited number of opportunity zones to the
Secretary for certification and designation. If the number of low-income communities in a State
is less than 100, the Governor may designate up to 25 tracts, otherwise the Governor may
designate tracts not exceeding 25 percent of the number of low-income communities in the State.
Governors are required to provide particular consideration to areas that: (1) are currently the
focus of mutually reinforcing state, local, or private economic development initiatives to attract
investment and foster startup activity; (2) have demonstrated success in geographically targeted
development programs such as promise zones, the new markets tax credit, empowerment zones,
and renewal communities; and (3) have recently experienced significant layoffs due to business
closures or relocations.
The provision provides two main tax incentives to encourage investment in qualified
opportunity zones. First, it allows for the temporary deferral of inclusion in gross income for
capital gains that are reinvested in a qualified opportunity fund. A qualified opportunity fund is
an investment vehicle organized as a corporation or a partnership for the purpose of investing in
qualified opportunity zone property (other than another qualified opportunity fund) that holds at
least 90 percent of its assets in qualified opportunity zone property. The provision intends that
the certification process for a qualified opportunity fund will be done in a manner similar to the
process for allocating the new markets tax credit. The provision provides the Secretary authority
to carry out the process.
If a qualified opportunity fund fails to meet the 90 percent requirement and unless the
fund establishes reasonable cause, the fund is required to pay a monthly penalty of the excess of
the amount equal to 90 percent of its aggregate assets, over the aggregate amount of qualified
opportunity zone property held by the fund multiplied by the underpayment rate in the Code. If
the fund is a partnership, the penalty is taken into account proportionately as part of each
partner’s distributive share.
Qualified opportunity zone property includes: any qualified opportunity zone stock, any
qualified opportunity zone partnership interest, and any qualified opportunity zone business
The maximum amount of the deferred gain is equal to the amount invested in a qualified
opportunity fund by the taxpayer during the 180-day period beginning on the date of sale of the
asset to which the deferral pertains. For amounts of the capital gains that exceed the maximum
deferral amount, the capital gains must be recognized and included in gross income as under
present law.
If the investment in the qualified opportunity zone fund is held by the taxpayer for at least
five years, the basis on the original gain is increased by 10 percent of the original gain. If the
opportunity zone asset or investment is held by the taxpayer for at least seven years, the basis on
the original gain is increased by an additional 5 percent of the original gain. The deferred gain is
recognized on the earlier of the date on which the qualified opportunity zone investment is
disposed of or December 31, 2026. Only taxpayers who rollover capital gains of non-zone assets
before December 31, 2026, will be able to take advantage of the special treatment of capital
gains for non-zone and zone realizations under the provision.
The basis of an investment in a qualified opportunity zone fund immediately after its
acquisition is zero. If the investment is held by the taxpayer for at least five years, the basis on
the investment is increased by 10 percent of the deferred gain. If the investment is held by the
taxpayer for at least seven years, the basis on the investment is increased by an additional five
percent of the deferred gain. If the investment is held by the taxpayer until at least December 31,
2026, the basis in the investment increases by the remaining 85 percent of the deferred gain.
The second main tax incentive in the bill excludes from gross income the post-acquisition
capital gains on investments in opportunity zone funds that are held for at least 10 years.
Specifically, in the case of the sale or exchange of an investment in a qualified opportunity zone
fund held for more than 10 years, at the election of the taxpayer the basis of such investment in
the hands of the taxpayer shall be the fair market value of the investment at the date of such sale
or exchange. Taxpayers can continue to recognize losses associated with investments in
qualified opportunity zone funds as under current law.
The Secretary or the Secretary’s delegate is required to report annually to Congress on
the opportunity zone incentives beginning 5 years after the date of enactment. The report is to
include an assessment of investments held by the qualified opportunity fund nationally and at the
State level. To the extent the information is available, the report is to include the number of
qualified opportunity funds, the amount of assets held in qualified opportunity funds, the
composition of qualified opportunity fund investments by asset class, and the percentage of
qualified opportunity zone census tracts designated under the provision that have received
qualified opportunity fund investments. The report is also to include an assessment of the
impacts and outcomes of the investments in those areas on economic indicators including job
creation, poverty reduction and new business starts, and other metrics as determined by the
Effective date.The provision is effective on the date of enactment.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement generally follows the Senate amendment with the following
modifications. First, the provision provides that each population census tract in each U.S.
possession that is a low-income community is deemed certified and designated as a qualified
opportunity zone effective on the date of enactment. Second, the provision clarifies that chief
executive officer of the State (which includes the District of Columbia) may submit nominations
for a limited number of opportunity zones to the Secretary for certification and designation. This
change clarifies that the mayor of the District of Columbia may also submit nominations. Third,
the provision clarifies that there is no gain deferral available with respect to any sale or exchange
made after December 31, 2026, and there is no exclusion available for investments in qualified
opportunity zones made after December 31, 2026. The agreement also makes some technical
changes to the Senate amendment to make it clear which taxpayer may claim the tax benefits.
18. Provisions relating to the low-income housing credit (secs. 13411 and 13412 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 42 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
The low-income housing credit may be claimed over a 10-year period for the cost of
building rental housing a sufficient portion of which is rent restricted and occupied by tenants
having incomes below specified levels.
Qualified basis is the low-income portion of the
building times the eligible basis. The amount of the credit for any taxable year in the credit
period is the applicable percentage of the qualified basis of each qualified low-income building.
The applicable percentage for new buildings that are not Federally subsidized, is computed to
yield a present value of 70 percent of the qualified basis over a 10-year period. For other
buildings the applicable percentage is calculated to yield 30 percent. Rehabilitation expenses are
treated as a separate new building.
Increase in credit for certain high cost areas
In the case of a building located in a qualified census tract or difficult development area,
the eligible basis of a building is 130 percent of eligible basis. This “basis boost also applies to
rehabilitation expenditures that are treated as a separate new building.
A “difficult development area” is an area designated by the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development (“HUD”) as having high construction, land, and utility costs relative to the
area’s median income. The portions of metropolitan statistical areas that may be designated for
this purpose cannot exceed an aggregate area having 20 percent of the population of such
metropolitan statistical areas. A comparable rule applies to nonmetropolitan areas.
A “qualified census tract” means any census tract which is designated by HUD in which
either: (1) 50 percent or more of the households have an income which is less than 60 percent of
the area median income for the year; or (2) the poverty rate in that tract is 25 percent. The
portion of a metropolitan statistical area that may be designated for this purpose cannot exceed
an area having 20 percent of the population of such metropolitan statistical area. Each
metropolitan statistical area is treated as a separate area and all nonmetropolitan areas in a State
are treated as one area.
In addition, a building which is designated by a State housing credit agency as requiring
an increase in credit to be financially feasible is treated as located in a HUD-designated difficult
Sec. 42.
development area. This rule does not apply to a building if any portion of the eligible basis is
financed with tax-exempt bonds.
General public use
In order to be eligible for the low-income housing credit, the residential units in a
qualified low-income housing project must be available for use by the general public. A project
is available for general public use if the project complies with housing non-discrimination
policies including those set forth in the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. sec. 3601) and (2) the
project does not restrict occupancy based on membership in a social organization or employment
by specific employers In addition, any residential unit that is part of a hospital, nursing home,
sanitarium, lifecare facility, trailer park, or intermediate care facility for the mentally or
physically handicapped is not available for use by the general public.
However, a project that otherwise meets the general public use requirements above shall
not fail to meet the general public use requirement solely because of occupancy restrictions or
preferences that favor tenants with (1) special needs; (2) who are members of a specified group
under a Federal program or State program or policy that supports housing for such specified
group; or (3) who are involved in artistic or literary activities.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
Treatment of veterans’ preference as not violating general public use requirements
The provision replaces the exception to the general public use requirement for tenants
engaged in artistic and literary activities with an exception for veterans.
Increase in credit for certain rural housing
For buildings eligible for the 70 percent present-value credit, the provision makes two
changes. First, the provision treats such buildings located in rural areas (as defined in section
520 of the Fair Housing Act of 1949) as located in a HUD-designated difficult development area.
Second, the provision reduces the eligible basis for difficult to develop areas and qualified
census tracts from 130 percent to 125 percent.
Effective date.The provisions generally apply to buildings placed in service after the
date of enactment. The changes related to the treatment of a veterans preference as not violating
general public use requirements applies to buildings placed in service before, on, or after the date
of enactment.
A correction to the language is needed to conform to the intent that the change be limited to buildings
eligible for the 70 percent credit only.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the Senate amendment provisions.
A. Unrelated Business Income Tax
1. Clarification of unrelated business income tax treatment of entities exempt from tax
under section 501(a) (sec. 5001 of the House bill and sec. 511 of the Code)
Present Law
Tax exemption for certain organizations
Section 501(a) exempts certain organizations from Federal income tax. Such
organizations include: (1) tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) (including
among others section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and section 501(c)(4) social welfare
organizations); (2) religious and apostolic organizations described in section 501(d); and (3)
trusts forming part of a pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan of an employer described in
section 401(a).
Section 115 excludes from gross income certain income of entities that perform an
essential government function. The exemption applies to: (1) income derived from any public
utility or the exercise of any essential governmental function and accruing to a State or any
political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia; or (2) income accruing to the
government of any possession of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof.
Unrelated business income tax, in general
An exempt organization generally may have revenue from four sources: contributions,
gifts, and grants; trade or business income that is related to exempt activities (e.g., program
service revenue); investment income; and trade or business income that is not related to exempt
activities. The Federal income tax exemption generally extends to the first three categories, and
does not extend to an organization’s unrelated trade or business income. In some cases,
however, the investment income of an organization is taxed as if it were unrelated trade or
business income.
The unrelated business income tax (“UBIT”) generally applies to income derived from a
trade or business regularly carried on by the organization that is not substantially related to the
performance of the organization’s tax-exempt functions.
An organization that is subject to
UBIT and that has $1,000 or more of gross unrelated business taxable income must report that
income on Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return).
Most exempt organizations may operate an unrelated trade or business so long as the
organization remains primarily engaged in activities that further its exempt purposes. Therefore,
This is the case for social clubs (sec. 501(c)(7)), voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations
(sec. 501(c)(9)), and organizations and trusts described in sections 501(c)(17) and 501(c)(20). Sec. 512(a)(3).
Secs. 511-514.
an organization may engage in a substantial amount of unrelated business activity without
jeopardizing exempt status. A section 501(c)(3) (charitable) organization, however, may not
operate an unrelated trade or business as a substantial part of its activities.
Therefore, the
unrelated trade or business activity of a section 501(c)(3) organization must be insubstantial.
Organizations subject to tax on unrelated business income
Most exempt organizations are subject to the tax on unrelated business income.
Specifically, organizations subject to the unrelated business income tax generally include: (1)
organizations exempt from tax under section 501(a), including organizations described in section
501(c) (except for U.S. instrumentalities and certain charitable trusts)
(2) qualified pension,
profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described in section 401(a)
and (3) certain State
colleges and universities.
House Bill
The provision clarifies that an organization does not fail to be subject to tax on its
unrelated business income as an organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) solely
because the organization also is exempt, or excludes amounts from gross income, by reason of
another provision of the Code. For example, if an organization is described in section 401(a)
(and thus is exempt from tax under section 501(a)) and its income also is described in section
115 (relating to the exclusion from gross income of certain income derived from the exercise of
an essential governmental function), its status under section 115 does not cause it to be exempt
from tax on its unrelated business income.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(e).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(B).
2. Exclusion of research income from unrelated business taxable income limited to publicly
available research (sec. 5002 of the House bill and sec. 512(b)(9) of the Code)
Present Law
Tax exemption for certain organizations
Section 501(a) exempts certain organizations from Federal income tax. Such
organizations include: (1) tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) (including
among others section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and section 501(c)(4) social welfare
organizations); (2) religious and apostolic organizations described in section 501(d); and (3)
trusts forming part of a pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan of an employer described in
section 401(a).
Unrelated business income tax, in general
The unrelated business income tax (“UBIT”) generally applies to income derived from a
trade or business regularly carried on by the organization that is not substantially related to the
performance of the organization’s tax-exempt functions.
An organization that is subject to
UBIT and that has $1,000 or more of gross unrelated business taxable income must report that
income on Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return).
Most exempt organizations may operate an unrelated trade or business so long as the
organization remains primarily engaged in activities that further its exempt purposes. Therefore,
an organization may engage in a substantial amount of unrelated business activity without
jeopardizing exempt status. A section 501(c)(3) (charitable) organization, however, may not
operate an unrelated trade or business as a substantial part of its activities.
Therefore, the
unrelated trade or business activity of a section 501(c)(3) organization must be insubstantial.
Organizations subject to tax on unrelated business income
Most exempt organizations are subject to the tax on unrelated business income.
Specifically, organizations subject to the unrelated business income tax generally include: (1)
organizations exempt from tax under section 501(a), including organizations described in section
501(c) (except for U.S. instrumentalities and certain charitable trusts)
(2) qualified pension,
Secs. 511-514.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(e).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described in section 401(a)
and (3) certain State
colleges and universities.
Exclusions from unrelated business taxable income
In general
Certain types of income are specifically exempt from unrelated business taxable income,
such as dividends, interest, royalties, and certain rents,
unless derived from debt-financed
property or from certain 50-percent controlled subsidiaries.
Other exemptions from UBIT are
provided for activities in which substantially all the work is performed by volunteers, for income
from the sale of donated goods, and for certain activities carried on for the convenience of
members, students, patients, officers, or employees of a charitable organization. In addition,
special UBIT provisions exempt from tax activities of trade shows and State fairs, income from
bingo games, and income from the distribution of low-cost items incidental to the solicitation of
charitable contributions. Organizations liable for tax on unrelated business taxable income may
be liable for alternative minimum tax determined after taking into account adjustments and tax
preference items.
Research income
Certain income derived from research activities of exempt organizations is excluded from
unrelated business taxable income. For example, income derived from research performed for
the United States, a State, and certain agencies and subdivisions is excluded.
Income from
research performed by a college, university, or hospital for any person also is excluded.
Finally, if an organization is operated primarily for purposes of carrying on fundamental research
the results of which are freely available to the general public, all income derived by research
performed by such organization for any person, not just income derived from research available
to the general public, is excluded.
House Bill
The provision modifies the exclusion of income from research performed by an
organization operated primarily for purposes of carrying on fundamental research the results of
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(B).
Secs. 511-514.
Sec. 512(b)(13).
Sec. 512(b)(7).
Sec. 512(b)(8).
Sec. 512(b)(9).
which are freely available to the general public (section 512(b)(9)). Under the provision, the
organization may exclude from unrelated business taxable income under section 512(b)(9) only
income from such fundamental research the results of which are freely available to the general
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
3. Unrelated business taxable income separately computed for each trade or business
activity (sec. 13703 of the Senate amendment and sec. 512(a) of the Code)
Present Law
Tax exemption for certain organizations
Section 501(a) exempts certain organizations from Federal income tax. Such
organizations include: (1) tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) (including
among others section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and section 501(c)(4) social welfare
organizations); (2) religious and apostolic organizations described in section 501(d); and (3)
trusts forming part of a pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan of an employer described in
section 401(a).
Unrelated business income tax, in general
An exempt organization generally may have revenue from four sources: contributions,
gifts, and grants; trade or business income that is related to exempt activities (e.g., program
service revenue); investment income; and trade or business income that is not related to exempt
activities. The Federal income tax exemption generally extends to the first three categories, and
does not extend to an organization’s unrelated trade or business income. In some cases,
however, the investment income of an organization is taxed as if it were unrelated trade or
business income.
The unrelated business income tax (“UBIT”) generally applies to income derived from a
trade or business regularly carried on by the organization that is not substantially related to the
performance of the organization’s tax-exempt functions.
An organization that is subject to
This is the case for social clubs (sec. 501(c)(7)), voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations (sec.
501(c)(9)), and organizations and trusts described in sections 501(c)(17) and 501(c)(20). Sec. 512(a)(3).
Secs. 511-514.
UBIT and that has $1,000 or more of gross unrelated business taxable income must report that
income on Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return).
Most exempt organizations may operate an unrelated trade or business so long as the
organization remains primarily engaged in activities that further its exempt purposes. Therefore,
an organization may engage in a substantial amount of unrelated business activity without
jeopardizing exempt status. A section 501(c)(3) (charitable) organization, however, may not
operate an unrelated trade or business as a substantial part of its activities.
Therefore, the
unrelated trade or business activity of a section 501(c)(3) organization must be insubstantial.
Organizations subject to tax on unrelated business income
Most exempt organizations are subject to the tax on unrelated business income.
Specifically, organizations subject to the unrelated business income tax generally include: (1)
organizations exempt from tax under section 501(a), including organizations described in section
501(c) (except for U.S. instrumentalities and certain charitable trusts)
(2) qualified pension,
profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described in section 401(a)
and (3) certain State
colleges and universities.
Exclusions from Unrelated Business Taxable Income
Certain types of income are specifically exempt from unrelated business taxable income,
such as dividends, interest, royalties, and certain rents,
unless derived from debt-financed
property or from certain 50-percent controlled subsidiaries.
Other exemptions from UBIT are
provided for activities in which substantially all the work is performed by volunteers, for income
from the sale of donated goods, and for certain activities carried on for the convenience of
members, students, patients, officers, or employees of a charitable organization. In addition,
special UBIT provisions exempt from tax activities of trade shows and State fairs, income from
bingo games, and income from the distribution of low-cost items incidental to the solicitation of
charitable contributions. Organizations liable for tax on unrelated business taxable income may
be liable for alternative minimum tax determined after taking into account adjustments and tax
preference items.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(e).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(A).
Sec. 511(a)(2)(B).
Secs. 511-514.
Sec. 512(b)(13).
Specific deduction against unrelated business taxable income
In computing unrelated business taxable income, an exempt organization may take a
specific deduction of $1,000. This specific deduction may not be used to create a net operating
loss that will be carried back or forward to another year.
In the case of a diocese, province or religious order, or a convention or association of
churches, a specific deduction is allowed with respect to each parish, individual church, district,
or other local unit. The specific deduction is equal to the lower of $1,000 or the gross income
derived from any unrelated trade or business regularly carried on by the local unit.
Operation of multiple unrelated trades or businesses
An organization determines its unrelated business taxable income by subtracting from its
gross unrelated business income deductions directly connected with the unrelated trade or
Under regulations, in determining unrelated business taxable income, an
organization that operates multiple unrelated trades or businesses aggregates income from all
such activities and subtracts from the aggregate gross income the aggregate of deductions.
As a result, an organization may use a deduction from one unrelated trade or business to offset
income from another, thereby reducing total unrelated business taxable income.
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
For an organization with more than one unrelated trade or business, the provision requires
that unrelated business taxable income first be computed separately with respect to each trade or
business and without regard to the specific deduction generally allowed under section
512(b)(12). The organization’s unrelated business taxable income for a taxable year is the sum
of the amounts (not less than zero) computed for each separate unrelated trade or business, less
the specific deduction allowed under section 512(b)(12). A net operating loss deduction is
allowed only with respect to a trade or business from which the loss arose.
The result of the provision is that a deduction from one trade or business for a taxable
year may not be used to offset income from a different unrelated trade or business for the same
taxable year. The provision generally does not, however, prevent an organization from using a
Sec. 512(b)(12).
Sec. 512(a).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.512(a)-1(a).
deduction from one taxable year to offset income from the same unrelated trade or business
activity in another taxable year, where appropriate.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017. Under a special transition rule, net operating losses arising in a taxable year beginning
before January 1, 2018, that are carried forward to a taxable year beginning on or after such date
are not subject to the rule of the provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
B. Excise Taxes
1. Simplification of excise tax on private foundation investment income (sec. 5101 of the
House bill and sec. 4940 of the Code)
Present Law
Excise tax on the net investment income of private foundations
Under section 4940(a), private foundations that are recognized as exempt from Federal
income tax under section 501(a) (other than exempt operating foundations
) are subject to a
two-percent excise tax on their net investment income. Net investment income generally
includes interest, dividends, rents, royalties (and income from similar sources), and capital gain
net income, and is reduced by expenses incurred to earn this income. The two-percent rate of tax
is reduced to one-percent in any year in which a foundation exceeds the average historical level
of its charitable distributions. Specifically, the excise tax rate is reduced if the foundation’s
qualifying distributions (generally, amounts paid to accomplish exempt purposes)
equal or
exceed the sum of (1) the amount of the foundation’s assets for the taxable year multiplied by the
average percentage of the foundation’s qualifying distributions over the five taxable years
immediately preceding the taxable year in question, and (2) one percent of the net investment
income of the foundation for the taxable year.
In addition, the foundation cannot have been
subject to tax in any of the five preceding years for failure to meet minimum qualifying
distribution requirements in section 4942.
Private foundations that are not exempt from tax under section 501(a), such as certain
charitable trusts, are subject to an excise tax under section 4940(b). The tax is equal to the
excess of the sum of the excise tax that would have been imposed under section 4940(a) if the
foundation were tax exempt and the amount of the tax on unrelated business income that would
have been imposed if the foundation were tax exempt, over the income tax imposed on the
foundation under subtitle A of the Code.
Private foundations are required to make a minimum amount of qualifying distributions
each year to avoid tax under section 4942. The minimum amount of qualifying distributions a
Sec. 4940(d)(1). Exempt operating foundations generally include organizations such as museums or
libraries that devote their assets to operating charitable programs but have difficulty meeting the “public support”
tests necessary not to be classified as a private foundation. To be an exempt operating foundation, an organization
must: (1) be an operating foundation (as defined in section 4942(j)(3)); (2) be publicly supported for at least 10
taxable years; (3) have a governing body no more than 25 percent of whom are disqualified persons and that is
broadly representative of the general public; and (4) have no officers who are disqualified persons. Sec. 4940(d)(2).
Sec. 4942(g).
Sec. 4940(e).
foundation has to make to avoid tax under section 4942 is reduced by the amount of section 4940
excise taxes paid.
House Bill
The provision replaces the two rates of excise tax on tax-exempt private foundations with
a single rate of tax of 1.4 percent. Thus, under the provision, a tax-exempt private foundation
generally is subject to an excise tax of 1.4 percent on its net investment income. A taxable
private foundation is subject to an excise tax equal to the excess (if any) of the sum of the 1.4-
percent net investment income excise tax and the amount of the tax on unrelated business income
(both calculated as if the foundation were tax-exempt), over the income tax imposed on the
foundation. The provision repeals the special reduced excise tax rate for private foundations that
exceed their historical level of qualifying distributions.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
2. Private operating foundation requirements relating to operation of an art museum
(sec. 5102 of the House bill and sec. 4942(j) of the Code)
Present Law
Public charities and private foundations
An organization qualifying for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) is further
classified as either a public charity or a private foundation. An organization may qualify as a
public charity in several ways.
Certain organizations are classified as public charities per se,
regardless of their sources of support. These include churches, certain schools, hospitals and
other medical organizations, certain organizations providing assistance to colleges and
universities, and governmental units.
Other organizations qualify as public charities because
they are broadly publicly supported. First, a charity may qualify as publicly supported if at least
Sec. 4942(d)(2).
The Code does not expressly define the term “public charity,” but rather provides exceptions to those
entities that are treated as private foundations.
Sec. 509(a)(1) (referring to sections 170(b)(1)(A)(i) through (iv) for a description of these
one-third of its total support is from gifts, grants, or other contributions from governmental units
or the general public.
Alternatively, it may qualify as publicly supported if it receives more
than one-third of its total support from a combination of gifts, grants, and contributions from
governmental units and the public plus revenue arising from activities related to its exempt
purposes (e.g., fee for service income). In addition, this category of public charity must not rely
excessively on endowment income as a source of support.
A supporting organization, i.e., an
organization that provides support to another section 501(c)(3) entity that is not a private
foundation and meets certain other requirements of the Code, also is classified as a public
A section 501(c)(3) organization that does not fit within any of the above categories is a
private foundation. In general, private foundations receive funding from a limited number of
sources (e.g., an individual, a family, or a corporation).
The deduction for charitable contributions to private foundations is in some instances less
generous than the deduction for charitable contributions to public charities. In addition, private
foundations are subject to a number of operational rules and restrictions that do not apply to
public charities.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(2). Failing this mechanical test, the organization may qualify as a public
charity if it passes a “facts and circumstances” test. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(3).
To meet this requirement, the organization must normally receive more than one-third of its support
from a combination of (1) gifts, grants, contributions, or membership fees and (2) certain gross receipts from
admissions, sales of merchandise, performance of services, and furnishing of facilities in connection with activities
that are related to the organization’s exempt purposes. Sec. 509(a)(2)(A). In addition, the organization must not
normally receive more than one-third of its public support in each taxable year from the sum of (1) gross investment
income and (2) the excess of unrelated business taxable income as determined under section 512 over the amount of
unrelated business income tax imposed by section 511. Sec. 509(a)(2)(B).
Sec. 509(a)(3). Supporting organizations are further classified as Type I, II, or III depending on the
relationship they have with the organizations they support. Supporting organizations must support public charities
listed in one of the other categories (i.e., per se public charities, broadly supported public charities, or revenue
generating public charities), and they are not permitted to support other supporting organizations or testing for
public safety organizations.
Organizations organized and operated exclusively for testing for public safety also are classified as public
charities. Sec. 509(a)(4). Such organizations, however, are not eligible to receive deductible charitable
contributions under section 170.
Unlike public charities, private foundations are subject to tax on their net investment income at a rate
of two percent (one percent in some cases). Sec. 4940. Private foundations also are subject to more restrictions on
their activities than are public charities. For example, private foundations are prohibited from engaging in self-
dealing transactions (sec. 4941), are required to make a minimum amount of charitable distributions each year, (sec.
4942), are limited in the extent to which they may control a business (sec. 4943), may not make speculative
investments (sec. 4944), and may not make certain expenditures (sec. 4945). Violations of these rules result in
excise taxes on the foundation and, in some cases, may result in excise taxes on the managers of the foundation.
Tax on failure to distribute income by private nonoperating foundations
Private nonoperating foundations are required to pay out a minimum amount each year as
qualifying distributions.
In general, a qualifying distribution is an amount paid to accomplish
one or more of the organization’s exempt purposes, including reasonable and necessary
administrative expenses.
Failure to pay out the minimum required amount results in an initial
excise tax on the foundation of 30 percent of the undistributed amount. An additional tax of 100
percent of the undistributed amount applies if an initial tax is imposed and the required
distributions have not been made by the end of the applicable taxable period.
A foundation
may include as a qualifying distribution the salaries, occupancy expenses, travel costs, and other
reasonable and necessary administrative expenses that the foundation incurs in operating a grant
program. A qualifying distribution also includes any amount paid to acquire an asset used (or
held for use) directly in carrying out one or more of the organization’s exempt purposes and
certain amounts set aside for exempt purposes.
Private operating foundations
The tax on failure to distribute income does not apply to the undistributed income of a
private foundation for any taxable year for which it is an operating foundation.
operating foundations generally operate their own charitable programs directly, rather than
serving primarily as a grantmaking entity.
Private operating foundations must satisfy several tests designed to distinguish them from
nonoperating (grantmaking) foundations. First, an operating foundation generally must make
qualifying distributions for the direct conduct of activities that are related to its exempt purpose
(as opposed to making such distributions in the form of grants to other charities) equal to 85
percent of the lesser of its adjusted net income or its minimum investment return, each as defined
under section 4942.
In addition, an operating foundation must satisfy one of the following
three alternative tests: (1) an asset test, under which substantially more than half of the
organization’s assets (generally, 65 percent) are devoted to the direct conduct of exempt
activities or to functionally related businesses; (2) an endowment test, under which the
organization normally makes qualifying distributions for the direct conduct of activities related
Sec. 4942.
Sec. 4942(g)(1)(A).
Sec. 4942(a) and (b). Taxes imposed may be abated if certain conditions are met. Secs. 4961 and
Sec. 4942(g)(1)(B) and 4942(g)(2). In general, an organization is permitted to adjust the distributable
amount in those cases where distributions during the five preceding years have exceeded the payout requirements.
Sec. 4942(i).
Sec. 4942(a)(1).
Sec. 4942(j)(3)(A); Treas. Reg. sec. 53.4942(b)-1(c).
to its exempt purpose in an amount not less than two-thirds of its minimum investment return; or
(3) a support test, under which the organization must meet certain measures to show that it
receives public support.
House Bill
Under the provision, an organization that operates an art museum as a substantial activity
does not qualify as a private operating foundation unless the museum is open during normal
business hours to the public for at least 1,000 hours during the taxable year.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
3. Excise tax based on investment income of private colleges and universities (sec. 5103 of
the House bill, sec. 13701 of the Senate amendment, and new sec. 4968 of the Code)
Present Law
Public charities and private foundations
An organization qualifying for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) is further
classified as either a public charity or a private foundation. An organization may qualify as a
public charity in several ways.
Certain organizations are classified as public charities per se,
regardless of their sources of support. These include churches, certain schools, hospitals and
other medical organizations, certain organizations providing assistance to colleges and
universities, and governmental units.
Other organizations qualify as public charities because
they are broadly publicly supported. First, a charity may qualify as publicly supported if at least
one-third of its total support is from gifts, grants or other contributions from governmental units
or the general public.
Alternatively, it may qualify as publicly supported if it receives more
Sec. 4942(j)(3)(B).
The Code does not expressly define the term “public charity,” but rather provides exceptions to those
entities that are treated as private foundations.
Sec. 509(a)(1) (referring to sections 170(b)(1)(A)(i) through (iv) for a description of these
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(2). Failing this mechanical test, the organization may qualify as a public
charity if it passes a “facts and circumstances” test. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(3).
than one-third of its total support from a combination of gifts, grants, and contributions from
governmental units and the public plus revenue arising from activities related to its exempt
purposes (e.g., fee for service income). In addition, this category of public charity must not rely
excessively on endowment income as a source of support.
A supporting organization, i.e., an
organization that provides support to another section 501(c)(3) entity that is not a private
foundation and meets the requirements of the Code, also is classified as a public charity.
A section 501(c)(3) organization that does not fit within any of the above categories is a
private foundation. In general, private foundations receive funding from a limited number of
sources (e.g., an individual, a family, or a corporation).
The deduction for charitable contributions to private foundations is in some instances less
generous than the deduction for charitable contributions to public charities. In addition, private
foundations are subject to a number of operational rules and restrictions that do not apply to
public charities.
Excise tax on investment income of private foundations
Under section 4940(a), private foundations that are recognized as exempt from Federal
income tax under section 501(a) (other than exempt operating foundations)
are subject to a
To meet this requirement, the organization must normally receive more than one-third of its support
from a combination of (1) gifts, grants, contributions, or membership fees and (2) certain gross receipts from
admissions, sales of merchandise, performance of services, and furnishing of facilities in connection with activities
that are related to the organization’s exempt purposes. Sec. 509(a)(2)(A). In addition, the organization must not
normally receive more than one-third of its public support in each taxable year from the sum of (1) gross investment
income and (2) the excess of unrelated business taxable income as determined under section 512 over the amount of
unrelated business income tax imposed by section 511. Sec. 509(a)(2)(B).
Sec. 509(a)(3). Supporting organizations are further classified as Type I, II, or III depending on the
relationship they have with the organizations they support. Supporting organizations must support public charities
listed in one of the other categories (i.e., per se public charities, broadly supported public charities, or revenue
generating public charities), and they are not permitted to support other supporting organizations or testing for
public safety organizations.
Organizations organized and operated exclusively for testing for public safety also are classified as public
charities. Sec. 509(a)(4). Such organizations, however, are not eligible to receive deductible charitable
contributions under section 170.
Unlike public charities, private foundations are subject to tax on their net investment income at a rate
of two percent (one percent in some cases). Sec. 4940. Private foundations also are subject to more restrictions on
their activities than are public charities. For example, private foundations are prohibited from engaging in self-
dealing transactions (sec. 4941), are required to make a minimum amount of charitable distributions each year, (sec.
4942), are limited in the extent to which they may control a business (sec. 4943), may not make speculative
investments (sec. 4944), and may not make certain expenditures (sec. 4945). Violations of these rules result in
excise taxes on the foundation and, in some cases, may result in excise taxes on the managers of the foundation.
Exempt operating foundations are exempt from the section 4940 tax. Sec. 4940(d)(1). Exempt
operating foundations generally include organizations such as museums or libraries that devote their assets to
operating charitable programs but have difficulty meeting the “public support” tests necessary not to be classified as
a private foundation. To be an exempt operating foundation, an organization must: (1) be an operating foundation
two-percent excise tax on their net investment income. Net investment income generally
includes interest, dividends, rents, royalties (and income from similar sources), and capital gain
net income, and is reduced by expenses incurred to earn this income. The two-percent rate of tax
is reduced to one-percent in any year in which a foundation exceeds the average historical level
of its charitable distributions. Specifically, the excise tax rate is reduced if the foundation’s
qualifying distributions (generally, amounts paid to accomplish exempt purposes)
equal or
exceed the sum of (1) the amount of the foundation’s assets for the taxable year multiplied by the
average percentage of the foundation’s qualifying distributions over the five taxable years
immediately preceding the taxable year in question, and (2) one percent of the net investment
income of the foundation for the taxable year.
In addition, the foundation cannot have been
subject to tax in any of the five preceding years for failure to meet minimum qualifying
distribution requirements in section 4942.
Private foundations that are not exempt from tax under section 501(a), such as certain
charitable trusts, are subject to an excise tax under section 4940(b). The tax is equal to the
excess of the sum of the excise tax that would have been imposed under section 4940(a) if the
foundation were tax exempt and the amount of the tax on unrelated business income that would
have been imposed if the foundation were tax exempt, over the income tax imposed on the
foundation under subtitle A of the Code.
Private foundations are required to make a minimum amount of qualifying distributions
each year to avoid tax under section 4942. The minimum amount of qualifying distributions a
foundation has to make to avoid tax under section 4942 is reduced by the amount of section 4940
excise taxes paid.
Private colleges and universities
Private colleges and universities generally are treated as public charities rather than
private foundations
and thus are not subject to the private foundation excise tax on net
investment income.
House Bill
The provision imposes an excise tax on an applicable educational institution for each
taxable year equal to 1.4 percent of the net investment income of the institution for the taxable
(as defined in section 4942(j)(3)); (2) be publicly supported for at least 10 taxable years; (3) have a governing body
no more than 25 percent of whom are disqualified persons and that is broadly representative of the general public;
and (4) have no officers who are disqualified persons. Sec. 4940(d)(2).
Sec. 4942(g).
Sec. 4940(e).
Sec. 4942(d)(2).
Secs. 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(ii).
year. Net investment income is determined using rules similar to the rules of section 4940(c)
(relating to the net investment income of a private foundation).
For purposes of the provision, an applicable educational institution is an institution: (1)
that has at least 500 students during the preceding taxable year; (2) that is an eligible education
institution as described in section 25A of the Code;
(3) that is not described in the first section
of section 511(a)(2)(B) of the Code (generally describing State colleges and universities); and (4)
the aggregate fair market value of the assets of which at the end of the preceding taxable year
(other than those assets that are used directly in carrying out the institution’s exempt purpose
is at least $250,000 per student. For these purposes, the number of students of an institution is
based on the daily average number of full-time students attending the institution, with part-time
students being taken into account on a full-time student equivalent basis.
For purposes of determining whether an institution meets the asset-per-student threshold
and determining net investment income, assets and net investment income include amounts with
respect to an organization that is related to the institution. An organization is treated as related to
the institution for this purpose if the organization: (1) controls, or is controlled by, the
institution; (2) is controlled by one or more persons that control the institution; or (3) is a
supported organization
or a supporting organization
during the taxable year with respect to
the institution.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill with the following modifications. First,
the definition of applicable educational institution is modified in two ways: (1) it requires that
the educational institution have at least 500 tuition paying students; and (2) it increases the asset-
per-student threshold from $250,000 to $500,000.
Second, the Senate amendment clarifies the operation of the related-party rules of the
provision. For purposes of determining whether an educational institution meets the asset-per-
student threshold and for purposes of determining net investment income, assets and net
Section 25A defines an eligible educational institution as an institution (1) which is described in
section 481 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. sec. 1088), as in effect on August 5, 1977, and (2)
which is eligible to participate in a program under title IV of such Act.
Assets used directly in carrying out the institution’s exempt purpose include, for example, classroom
buildings and physical facilities used for educational activities and office equipment or other administrative assets
used by employees of the institution in carrying out exempt activities, among other assets.
Secs. 509(f)(3).
Secs. 509(a)(3).
investment income of a related organization with respect to the educational institution are treated
as assets and net investment income, respectively, of the educational institution, except that:
1. No such amount is taken into account with respect to more than one educational
institution; and
2. Unless the related organization is controlled by the educational institution or is a
supporting organization (described in section 509(a)(3)) with respect to the institution
for the taxable year, assets and investment income that are not intended or available
for the use or benefit of the educational institution are not taken into account. For
example, assets of a related organization that are earmarked or restricted for (or fairly
attributable to) the educational institution would be treated as assets of the educational
institution, whereas assets of a related organization that are held for unrelated purposes
(and are not fairly attributable to the educational institution) would be disregarded.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with the following
modification. The provision modifies the definition of "applicable educational institution" to
include only institutions more than 50 percent of the tuition paying students of which are located
in the United States. For this purpose, the number of students at a location is based on the daily
average number of full-time students attending the institution, with part-time students being
taken into account on a full-time student equivalent basis.
It is intended that the Secretary promulgate regulations to carry out the intent of the
provision, including regulations that describe: (1) assets that are used directly in carrying out the
educational institution’s exempt purpose; (2) the computation of net investment income; and (3)
assets that are intended or available for the use or benefit of the educational institution.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
4. Provide an exception to the private foundation excess business holdings rules for
philanthropic business holdings (sec. 5104 of the House bill and sec. 4943 of the Code)
Present Law
Public charities and private foundations
An organization qualifying for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) is further
classified as either a public charity or a private foundation. An organization may qualify as a
public charity in several ways.
Certain organizations are classified as public charities per se,
regardless of their sources of support. These include churches, certain schools, hospitals and
other medical organizations (including medical research organizations), certain organizations
providing assistance to colleges and universities, and governmental units.
organizations qualify as public charities because they are broadly publicly supported. First, a
charity may qualify as publicly supported if at least one-third of its total support is from gifts,
grants, or other contributions from governmental units or the general public.
Alternatively, it
may qualify as publicly supported if it receives more than one-third of its total support from a
combination of gifts, grants, and contributions from governmental units and the public plus
revenue arising from activities related to its exempt purposes (e.g., fee for service income). In
addition, this category of public charity must not rely excessively on endowment income as a
source of support.
A supporting organization, i.e., an organization that provides support to
another section 501(c)(3) entity that is not a private foundation and meets certain other
requirements of the Code, also is classified as a public charity.
A section 501(c)(3) organization that does not fit within any of the above categories is a
private foundation. In general, private foundations receive funding from a limited number of
sources (e.g., an individual, a family, or a corporation).
The deduction for charitable contributions to private foundations is in some instances less
generous than the deduction for charitable contributions to public charities. In addition, private
foundations are subject to a number of operational rules and restrictions that do not apply to
public charities, as well as a tax on their net investment income.
The Code does not expressly define the term “public charity,” but rather provides exceptions to those
entities that are treated as private foundations.
Sec. 509(a)(1) (referring to sections 170(b)(1)(A)(i) through (iv) for a description of these
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(2). Failing this mechanical test, the organization may qualify as a public
charity if it passes a “facts and circumstances” test. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.170A-9(f)(3).
To meet this requirement, the organization must normally receive more than one-third of its support
from a combination of (1) gifts, grants, contributions, or membership fees and (2) certain gross receipts from
admissions, sales of merchandise, performance of services, and furnishing of facilities in connection with activities
that are related to the organization’s exempt purposes. Sec. 509(a)(2)(A). In addition, the organization must not
normally receive more than one-third of its public support in each taxable year from the sum of (1) gross investment
income and (2) the excess of unrelated business taxable income as determined under section 512 over the amount of
unrelated business income tax imposed by section 511. Sec. 509(a)(2)(B).
Sec. 509(a)(3). Organizations organized and operated exclusively for testing for public safety also are
classified as public charities. Sec. 509(a)(4). Such organizations, however, are not eligible to receive deductible
charitable contributions under section 170.
Unlike public charities, private foundations are subject to tax on their net investment income at a rate
of two percent (one percent in some cases). Sec. 4940. Private foundations also are subject to more restrictions on
their activities than are public charities. For example, private foundations are prohibited from engaging in self-
dealing transactions (sec. 4941), are required to make a minimum amount of charitable distributions each year (sec.
Excess business holdings of private foundations
Private foundations are subject to tax on excess business holdings.
In general, a
private foundation is permitted to hold 20 percent of the voting stock in a corporation, reduced
by the amount of voting stock held by all disqualified persons (as defined in section 4946). If it
is established that no disqualified person has effective control of the corporation, a private
foundation and disqualified persons together may own up to 35 percent of the voting stock of a
corporation. A private foundation shall not be treated as having excess business holdings in any
corporation if it owns (together with certain other related private foundations) not more than two
percent of the voting stock and not more than two percent in value of all outstanding shares of all
classes of stock in that corporation. Similar rules apply with respect to holdings in a partnership
(substituting “profits interest” for “voting stock” and “capital interest” for “nonvoting stock”)
and to other unincorporated enterprises (by substituting “beneficial interest” for “voting stock”).
Private foundations are not permitted to have holdings in a proprietorship. Foundations
generally have a five-year period to dispose of excess business holdings (acquired other than by
purchase) without being subject to tax.
This five-year period may be extended an additional
five years in limited circumstances.
The excess business holdings rules do not apply to
holdings in a functionally related business or to holdings in a trade or business at least 95 percent
of the gross income of which is derived from passive sources.
The initial tax is equal to five percent of the value of the excess business holdings held
during the foundation’s applicable taxable year. An additional tax is imposed if an initial tax is
imposed and at the close of the applicable taxable period, the foundation continues to hold excess
business holdings. The amount of the additional tax is equal to 200 percent of such holdings.
House Bill
The provision creates an exception to the excess business holdings rules for certain
philanthropic business holdings. Specifically, the tax on excess business holdings does not apply
with respect to the holdings of a private foundation in any business enterprise that, for the
taxable year, satisfies the following requirements: (1) the ownership requirements; (2) the “all
profits to charity” distribution requirement; and (3) the independent operation requirements.
4942), are limited in the extent to which they may control a business (sec. 4943), may not make speculative
investments (sec. 4944), and may not make certain expenditures (sec. 4945). Violations of these rules result in
excise taxes on the foundation and, in some cases, may result in excise taxes on the managers of the foundation.
Sec. 4943. Taxes imposed may be abated if certain conditions are met. Secs. 4961 and 4962.
Sec. 4943(c)(6).
Sec. 4943(c)(7).
Sec. 4943(d)(3).
The ownership requirements are satisfied if: (1) all ownership interests in the business
enterprise are held by the private foundation at all times during the taxable year; and (2) all the
private foundation's ownership interests in the business enterprise were acquired not by purchase.
The “all profits to charity” distribution requirement is satisfied if the business enterprise,
not later than 120 days after the close of the taxable year, distributes an amount equal to its net
operating income for such taxable year to the private foundation. For this purpose, the net
operating income of any business enterprise for any taxable year is an amount equal to the gross
income of the business enterprise for the taxable year, reduced by the sum of: (1) the deductions
allowed by chapter 1 of the Code for the taxable year that are directly connected with the
production of the income; (2) the tax imposed by chapter 1 on the business enterprise for the
taxable year; and (3) an amount for a reasonable reserve for working capital and other business
needs of the business enterprise.
The independent operation requirements are met if, at all times during the taxable year,
the following three requirements are satisfied. First, no substantial contributor to the private
foundation, or family member of such a contributor, is a director, officer, trustee, manager,
employee, or contractor of the business enterprise (or an individual having powers or
responsibilities similar to any of the foregoing). Second, at least a majority of the board of
directors of the private foundation are not also directors or officers of the business enterprise or
members of the family of a substantial contributor to the private foundation. Third, there is no
loan outstanding from the business enterprise to a substantial contributor to the private
foundation or a family member of such contributor. For purposes of the independent operation
requirements, “substantial contributor” has the meaning given to the term under section
4958(c)(3)(C), and family members are determined under section 4958(f)(4).
The provision does not apply to the following organizations: (1) donor advised funds or
supporting organizations that are subject to the excess business holdings rules by reason of
section 4943(e) or (f); (2) any trust described in section 4947(a)(1) (relating to charitable trusts);
or (3) any trust described in section 4947(a)(2) (relating to split-interest trusts).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
C. Requirements for Organizations Exempt From Tax
1. Section 501(c)(3) organizations permitted to make statements relating to political
campaign in ordinary course of activities in carrying out exempt purpose
(sec. 5201 of the House bill and sec. 501 of the Code)
Present Law
Section 501(c)(3) organizations
Charitable organizations, i.e., organizations described in section 501(c)(3), generally are
exempt from Federal income tax and are eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. A
charitable organization must operate primarily in pursuance of one or more tax-exempt purposes
constituting the basis of its tax exemption.
The Code specifies such purposes as religious,
charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster
international amateur sports competition, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or
In general, an organization is organized and operated for charitable purposes if it
provides relief for the poor and distressed or the underprivileged. In order to qualify as operating
primarily for a purpose described in section 501(c)(3), an organization must satisfy the following
operational requirements: (1) its net earnings may not inure to the benefit of any person in a
position to influence the activities of the organization; (2) it must operate to provide a public
benefit, not a private benefit;
(3) it may not be operated primarily to conduct an unrelated
trade or business;
(4) it may not engage in substantial legislative lobbying; and (5) it may not
participate or intervene in any political campaign.
Section 501(c)(3) organizations are classified either as “public charities” or “private
Private foundations generally are defined under section 509(a) as all
organizations described in section 501(c)(3) other than an organization granted public charity
status by reason of: (1) being a specified type of organization (i.e., churches, educational
institutions, hospitals and certain other medical organizations, certain organizations providing
assistance to colleges and universities, or a governmental unit); (2) receiving a substantial part of
its support from governmental units or direct or indirect contributions from the general public; or
(3) providing support to another section 501(c)(3) entity that is not a private foundation. In
contrast to public charities, private foundations generally are funded from a limited number of
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(c)(1).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(1)(ii).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(e)(1). Conducting a certain level of unrelated trade or business activity
will not jeopardize tax-exempt status.
Sec. 509(a).
sources (e.g., an individual, family, or corporation). Donors to private foundations and persons
related to such donors together often control the operations of private foundations.
Because private foundations receive support from, and typically are controlled by, a small
number of supporters, private foundations are subject to a number of anti-abuse rules and excise
taxes not applicable to public charities.
Public charities also have certain advantages over
private foundations regarding the deductibility of contributions.
Political campaign activities
Charitable organizations may not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing
or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any
candidate for public office.
The prohibition on such political campaign activity is absolute
and, in general, includes activities such as making contributions to a candidate’s political
campaign, endorsements of a candidate, lending employees to work in a political campaign, or
providing facilities for use by a candidate. The absolute prohibition on campaign activities was
added in 1954 by the so called “Johnson amendment.”
Many other activities may constitute
political campaign activity, depending on the facts and circumstances. The sanction for a
violation of the prohibition is loss of the organization’s tax-exempt status.
For organizations that engage in prohibited political campaign activity, the Code provides
three penalties that may be applied either as alternatives to revocation of tax exemption or in
addition to loss of tax-exempt status: an excise tax on political expenditures,
assessment of all taxes due,
and an injunction against further political expenditures.
House Bill
The provision modifies the present-law rules relating to political campaign activity by
section 501(c)(3) organizations for the following purposes: (1) section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
status; (2) qualifying as an eligible recipient of tax-deductible contributions for income,
Secs. 4940-4945.
Sec. 501(c)(3).
Internal Revenue Code of 1954, sec. 501(c)(3), Pub. L. No. 591 (August 16, 1954).
Sec. 4955.
Sec. 6852(a)(1).
Sec. 7409.
Sec. 170(c)(2).
and estate tax
purposes; and (3) application of the excise tax on political expenditures
by section 501(c)(3) organizations.
For such purposes, an organization shall not fail to be treated as organized and operated
exclusively for a purpose described in section 501(c)(3), nor shall it be deemed to have
participated in, or intervened in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any
candidate for public office, solely because of the content of any statement that: (A) is made in
the ordinary course of the organization’s regular and customary activities in carrying out its
exempt purpose; and (B) results in the organization incurring not more than de minimis
incremental expenses.
The provision does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
2. Additional reporting requirements for donor advised fund sponsoring organizations
(sec. 5202 of the House bill and sec. 6033 of the Code)
Present Law
Some charitable organizations (including community foundations) establish accounts to
which donors may contribute and thereafter provide nonbinding advice or recommendations with
regard to distributions from the fund or the investment of assets in the fund. Such accounts are
commonly referred to as “donor advised funds.” Donors who make contributions to charities for
maintenance in a donor advised fund generally claim a charitable contribution deduction at the
time of the contribution.
Although sponsoring charities frequently permit donors (or other
Sec. 2522.
Secs. 2055 and 2106.
Sec. 4955.
Contributions to a sponsoring organization for maintenance in a donor advised fund are not eligible for
a charitable deduction for income tax purposes if the sponsoring organization is a veterans’ organization described
in section 170(c)(3), a fraternal society described in section 170(c)(4), or a cemetery company described in section
170(c)(5); for gift tax purposes if the sponsoring organization is a fraternal society described in section 2522(a)(3) or
a veterans’ organization described in section 2522(a)(4); or for estate tax purposes if the sponsoring organization is a
persons appointed by donors) to provide nonbinding recommendations concerning the
distribution or investment of assets in a donor advised fund, sponsoring charities generally must
have legal ownership and control of such assets following the contribution. If the sponsoring
charity does not have such control (or permits a donor to exercise control over amounts
contributed), the donor’s contributions may not qualify for a charitable deduction, and, in the
case of a community foundation, the contribution may be treated as being subject to a material
restriction or condition by the donor.
Statutory definition of a donor advised fund
The Code defines a “donor advised fund” as a fund or account that is: (1) separately
identified by reference to contributions of a donor or donors; (2) owned and controlled by a
sponsoring organization; and (3) with respect to which a donor (or any person appointed or
designated by such donor (a “donor advisor”)) has, or reasonably expects to have, advisory
privileges with respect to the distribution or investment of amounts held in the separately
identified fund or account by reason of the donor’s status as a donor. All three prongs of the
definition must be met in order for a fund or account to be treated as a donor advised fund.
A “sponsoring organization” is an organization that: (1) is described in section 170(c)
(other than a governmental entity described in section 170(c)(1), and without regard to any
requirement that the organization be organized in the United States
); (2) is not a private
foundation (as defined in section 509(a)); and (3) maintains one or more donor advised funds.
fraternal society described in section 2055(a)(3) or a veterans’ organization described in section 2055(a)(4). In
addition, contributions to a sponsoring organization for maintenance in a donor advised fund are not eligible for a
charitable deduction for income, gift, or estate tax purposes if the sponsoring organization is a Type III supporting
organization (other than a functionally integrated Type III supporting organization). In addition to satisfying
generally applicable substantiation requirements under section 170(f), a donor must obtain, with respect to each
charitable contribution to a sponsoring organization to be maintained in a donor advised fund, a contemporaneous
written acknowledgment from the sponsoring organization providing that the sponsoring organization has exclusive
legal control over the assets contributed.
See sec. 4966(d)(2)(A). A donor advised fund does not include a fund or account that makes
distributions only to a single identified organization or governmental entity. A donor advised fund also does not
include certain funds or accounts with respect to which a donor or donor advisor provides advice as to which
individuals receive grants for travel, study, or other similar purposes. In addition, the Secretary may exempt a fund
or account from treatment as a donor advised fund if such fund or account is advised by a committee not directly or
indirectly controlled by a donor, donor advisor, or persons related to a donor or donor advisor. The Secretary also
may exempt a fund or account from treatment as a donor advised fund if such fund or account benefits a single
identified charitable purpose. Secs. 4966(d)(2)(B) and (C).
Section 170(c) describes organizations to which charitable contributions that are deductible for income
tax purposes can be made.
See sec. 170(c)(2)(A).
Sec. 4966(d)(1).
Reporting and disclosure
Each sponsoring organization must disclose on its information return: (1) the total
number of donor advised funds it owns; (2) the aggregate value of assets held in those funds at
the end of the organization’s taxable year; and (3) the aggregate contributions to and grants made
from those funds during the year.
In addition, when seeking recognition of its tax-exempt
status, a sponsoring organization must disclose whether it intends to maintain donor advised
House Bill
The provision requires a sponsoring organization to report additional information on its
annual information return (Form 990). Sponsoring organizations must indicate: (1) the average
amount of grants made from donor advised funds during the taxable year (expressed as a
percentage of the value of assets held in such funds at the beginning of the taxable year), and (2)
whether the organization has a policy with respect to donor advised funds relating to the
frequency and minimum level of distributions from donor advised funds. The sponsoring
organization must include with its return a copy of any such policy.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Sec. 6033(k).
Sec. 508(f).
The following discussion provides an overview of general principles of taxation of cross-
border activity as well as a detailed explanation of provisions in present law that are relevant to
the provisions in the bill.
A. General Overview of International Principles of Taxation
International law generally recognizes the right of each sovereign nation to prescribe
rules to regulate conduct with a sufficient nexus to the sovereign nation. The nexus may be
based on nationality of the actor, i.e., a nexus between said conduct and a person (whether
natural or juridical) with a connection to the sovereign nation, or it may be territorial, i.e., a
nexus between the conduct to be regulated and the territory where the conduct occurs.
example, most legal systems respect limits on the extent to which their measures may be given
extraterritorial effect. The broad acceptance of such norms extends to authority to regulate cross-
border trade and economic dealings, including taxation.
The exercise of sovereign jurisdiction is usually based on either nationality of the person
whose conduct is regulated or the territory in which the conduct or activity occurs. These
concepts have been refined and, in varying combinations, adapted to form the principles for
determining whether sufficient nexus with a jurisdiction exists to conclude that the jurisdiction
may enforce its right to impose a tax. The elements of nexus and the nomenclature of the
principles may differ based on the type of tax in question. Taxes are categorized as either direct
taxes or indirect taxes. The former category generally refers to those taxes that are imposed
directly on a person (“capitation tax”), property, or income from property and that cannot be
shifted to another person by the taxpayer. In contrast, indirect taxes are taxes on consumption or
production of goods or services, for which a taxpayer may shift responsibility to another person.
Such taxes include sales or use taxes, value-added taxes, or customs duties.
Although governments have imposed direct taxes on property and indirect taxes and
duties on specific transactions since ancient times, the history of direct taxes in the form of an
income tax is relatively recent.
When determining how to allocate the right to tax a particular
American Law Institute, Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, secs. 402
and 403, (1987).
Maria S. Cox, Fritz Neumark, et al., “Taxation” Encyclopedia Britannica,
https://www.britannica.com/topic/taxation/Classes-of-taxes, accessed May 16, 2017. Whether a tax is considered a
direct tax or indirect tax has varied over time, and no single definition is used. For a review of the significance of
these terms in Federal tax history, see Alan O. Dixler, “Direct Taxes Under the Constitution: A Review of the
Precedents,” Tax History Project, Tax Analysts, available at
accessed May 17, 2017.
The earliest western income tax system is traceable to the British Tax Act of 1798, enacted in 1799 to
raise funds needed to prosecute the Napoleonic Wars, and rescinded in 1816. See, A.M. Bardopoulos, eCommerce
and the Effects of Technology on Taxation, Law, Governance and Technology Series 22, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-
item of income, most jurisdictions consider principles based on either source (territory or situs of
the income) or residence (nationality of the taxpayer).
By contrast, when the authority to
collect indirect taxes in the form of sales taxes or value added taxes is under consideration,
jurisdictions analyze the taxing rights in terms of the origin principle or destination principle.
The balance of this Part I.A describes the principles in more detail and how jurisdictions resolve
claims of overlapping jurisdiction.
1. Origin and destination principles
Indirect taxes that are imposed based on the place where production of goods or services
occur, irrespective of the location of the persons who own the means of production, and where
the goods and services go after being produced, are examples of origin-based taxes. If, instead,
authority to tax a transaction or service is dependent on the location of use or consumption of the
goods or services, the tax system is an example of a destination-based tax. The most common
form of a destination-based tax is the destination-based value-added tax (“VAT”). Over 160
countries have adopted a VAT,
which is generally a tax imposed and collected on the “value
added” at every stage in the production and distribution of a good or service. Although there are
several ways to compute the taxable base for a VAT, the amount of value added can generally be
thought of as the difference between the value of sales (outputs) and purchases (inputs) of a
The United States does not have a VAT, nor is there a Federal sales or use tax.
15449-7_2, (Springer 2015), at Section 2.2. “History of Tax,” pp. 23-24. See also,
Reuven Avi-Yonah, “International Tax as International Law,” 57 Tax Law Review 483 (2003-2004).
Alan Schenk, Victor Thuronyi, and Wei Cui, Value Added Tax: A Comparative Approach, Cambridge
University Press, 2015. Consistent with the OECD International VAT/GST Guidelines, supra, the term VAT is used
to refer to all broad-based final consumption taxes, regardless of the acronym used to identify. Thus, many
countries that denominate their national consumption tax as a GST (general sales tax) are included in the estimate of
the number of countries with a VAT.
Nearly all countries use the credit-invoice method of calculating value added to determine VAT
liability. Under the credit-invoice method, a tax is imposed on the seller for all of its sales. The tax is calculated by
applying the tax rate to the sales price of the good or service, and the amount of tax is generally disclosed on the
sales invoice. A business credit is provided for all VAT levied on purchases of taxable goods and services (i.e.,
“inputs”) used in the seller’s business. The ultimate consumer (i.e., a non-business purchaser), however, does not
receive a credit with respect to his or her purchases. The VAT credit for inputs prevents the imposition of multiple
layers of tax with respect to the total final purchase price (i.e., a “cascading” of the VAT). As a result, the net tax
paid at a particular stage of production or distribution is based on the value added by that taxpayer at that stage of
production or distribution. In theory, the total amount of tax paid with respect to a good or service from all levels of
production and distribution should equal the sales price of the good or service to the ultimate consumer multiplied
by the VAT rate.
In order to receive an input credit with respect to any purchase, a business purchaser is generally required
to possess an invoice from a seller that contains the name of the purchaser and indicates the amount of tax collected
by the seller on the sale of the input to the purchaser. At the end of a reporting period, a taxpayer may calculate its
tax liability by subtracting the cumulative amount of tax stated on its purchase invoices from the cumulative amount
of tax stated on its sales invoices.
However, the majority of the States have enacted sales or use taxes, including both origin-based
taxes and destination-based taxes.
With respect to cross-border transactions, the OECD has recommended that the
destination principle be adopted for all indirect taxes, in part to conform to the treatment of such
transactions for purposes of customs duties. The OECD defines the destination principle as “the
principle whereby, for consumption tax purposes, internationally traded services and intangibles
should be taxed according to the rules of the jurisdiction of consumption.”
A jurisdiction
may determine the place of use or consumption by adopting the convention that the place of
business or residence of a customer is the place of consumption. Use of such proxies are needed
to determine the location of businesses that are juridical entities, which are more able than
natural persons to move the location of use of goods, services or intangibles in response to
imposition of tax.
2. Source and residence principles
Exercise of taxing authority based on a person’s residence may be based on status as a
national, resident, or domiciliary of a jurisdiction and may reach worldwide activities of such
persons. As such, it is the broadest assertion of taxing authority. For individuals, the test for
residence may depend upon nationality, or a physical presence test, or some combination of the
two. For all other persons, determining residency may require more complex consideration of
the level of activities within a jurisdiction, management, control or place of incorporation. Such
rules generally reflect a policy decision about the requisite level of activity within, or contact
with, a jurisdiction by a person that is sufficient to warrant assertion of taxing jurisdiction.
Source-based exercise of taxing authority taxes income from activities that occur, or
property that is located, within the territory of the taxing jurisdiction. If a person conducts
business or owns property in a jurisdiction, or if a transaction occurs in whole or in part in a
jurisdiction, the resulting taxation may require allocation and apportionment of expenses
attributable to the activity in order to ensure that only the portion of profits that have the required
nexus with the territory are subject to tax. Most jurisdictions, including the United States, have
rules for determining the source of items of income and expense in a broad range of categories
such as compensation for services, dividends, interest, royalties and gains.
Regardless of which of these two bases of taxing authority is chosen by a jurisdiction, a
jurisdiction’s determination of whether a transaction, activity or person is subject to tax requires
that the jurisdiction establish the limits on its assertion of authority to tax.
EY, Worldwide VAT, GST and Sales Tax Guide 2015, p. 1021, available at
See, OECD, “Recommendation of the Council on the application of value added tax/goods and
services tax to the international trade in services and intangibles as approved on September 27, 2016,”
[C(2016)120], appendix, page 3, reproduced in the appendix, OECD, International VAT/GST Guidelines, OECD
Publishing, 2017.
3. Resolving overlapping or conflicting jurisdiction to tax
Countries have developed norms about what constitutes a reasonable regulatory action by
a sovereign state that will be respected by other sovereign states. Consensus on what constitutes
a reasonable limit on the extent of one state’s jurisdiction helps to minimize the risk of conflicts
arising as a result of extraterritorial action by a state or overlapping exercise of authority by
states. Mechanisms to eliminate double taxation have developed to address those situations in
which the source and residency determinations of the respective jurisdictions result in duplicative
assertion of taxing authority. For example, asymmetry between different standards adopted in
two countries for determining residency of persons, source of income, or other basis for taxation
may result in income that is subject to taxation in both jurisdictions.
When the rules of two or more countries overlap, potential double taxation is usually
mitigated by operation of bilateral tax treaties or by legislative measures permitting credit for
taxes paid to another jurisdiction. The United States is a partner in numerous bilateral
agreements that have as their objective the avoidance of international double taxation and the
prevention of tax avoidance and evasion. Another related objective of U.S. tax treaties is the
removal of the barriers to trade, capital flows, and commercial travel that may be caused by
overlapping tax jurisdictions and by the burdens of complying with the tax laws of a jurisdiction
when a person’s contacts with, and income derived from, that jurisdiction are minimal. The
United States Model Income Tax Convention (“U.S. Model Treaty of 2016”) with an
accompanying Preamble by the Department of Treasury, reflects the most recent comprehensive
statement of U.S. negotiating position with respect to tax treaties.
Bilateral agreements are
also used to permit limited mutual administrative assistance between jurisdictions.
In addition to entering into bilateral treaties, countries have worked in multilateral
organizations to develop common principles to alleviate double taxation. Those principles are
generally reflected in the provisions of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital of
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the “OECD Model treaty”),
The current U.S. Model treaty was published February 17, 2016, and is available at
https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/tax-policy/treaties/Documents/Treaty-US%20Model-2016.pdf; the
Preamble is available at https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/tax-policy/treaties/Documents/Preamble-
US%20Model-2016.pdf. The U.S. Model treaty is updated periodically to reflect developments in the negotiating
position of the United States. Such changes include provisions that were successfully included in bilateral treaties
concluded by the United States, as well as new proposed measures not yet included in a bilateral agreement.
Although U.S. courts extend comity to foreign judgments in some instances, they are not required to
recognize or assist in enforcement of foreign judgments for collection of taxes, consistent with the common law
“revenue rule” in Holman v. Johnson, 1 Cowp. 341, 98 Eng. Rep. 1120 (K.B.1775). American Law Institute,
Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, sec. 483, (1987). The rule retains vitality in U.S.
case law. Pasquantino v. United States, 544 U.S. 349; 125 S. Ct. 1766; 161 L. Ed. 2d 619 (2005) (a conviction for
criminal wire fraud arising from an intent to defraud Canadian tax authorities was found not to conflict “with any
well-established revenue rule principle[,]” and thus was not in derogation of the revenue rule). To the extent it is
abrogated, it is done so in bilateral treaties, to ensure reciprocity. At present, the United States has such agreements
in force with five jurisdictions: Canada; Denmark; France; Netherlands; and Sweden.
OECD (2014), Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital: Condensed Version 2014, OECD
Publishing, 2014, available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1787//mtc_cond-2014-en. The multinational organization was
precursor of which was first developed by a predecessor organization in 1958, which in turn has
antecedents from work by the League of Nations in the 1920s.
As a consensus document, the
OECD Model treaty is intended to serve as a model for countries to use in negotiating a bilateral
treaty that would settle issues of double taxation as well as to avoid inappropriate double
nontaxation. The provisions have developed over time as practice with actual bilateral treaties
leads to unexpected results and new issues are raised by parties to the treaties.
4. International principles as applied in the U.S. system
Present law combines taxation of all U.S. persons on their worldwide income, whether
derived in the United States or abroad, with limited deferral of taxation of income earned by
foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies and source-based taxation of the U.S.-source income of
nonresident aliens and foreign entities. Under this system (sometimes described as the U.S.
hybrid system), the application of the Code differs depending on whether income arises from
outbound investment or inbound investment. Outbound investment refers to the foreign
activities of U.S. persons, while inbound investment is investment by foreign persons in U.S.
assets or activities, although certain rules are common to both inbound and outbound activities.
B. Principles Common to Inbound and Outbound Taxation
Although the U.S. tax rules differ depending on whether the activity in question is
inbound or outbound, there are certain concepts that apply to both inbound and outbound
investment. Such areas include the transfer pricing rules, entity classification, the rules for
determination of source, and whether a corporation is foreign or domestic.
1. Residence
U.S. persons are subject to tax on their worldwide income. The Code defines U.S. person
to include all U.S. citizens and residents as well as domestic entities such as partnerships,
corporations, estates and certain trusts.
The term “resident” is defined only with respect to
natural persons. Noncitizens who are lawfully admitted as permanent residents of the United
States in accordance with immigration laws (colloquially referred to as green card holders) are
first established in 1961 by the United States, Canada and 18 European countries, dedicated to global development,
and has since expanded to 35 members.
“Report by the Experts on Double Taxation,” League of Nation Document E.F.S. 73\F19 (1923), a
report commissioned by the League at its second assembly. See also, Lara Friedlander and Scott Wilkie, “Policy
Forum: The History of Tax Treaty Provisions--And Why It Is Important to Know About It,” 54 Canadian Tax
Journal No. 4 (2006).
For example, the OECD initiated a multi-year study on base-erosion and profit shifting in response to
concerns of multiple members. For an overview of that project, see Joint Committee on Taxation, Background,
Summary, and Implications of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project (JCX-139-15), November
30, 2015. This document can also be found on the Joint Committee on Taxation website at www.jct.gov.
Sec. 7701(a)(30).
treated as residents for tax purposes. In addition, noncitizens who meet a substantial presence
test and are not otherwise exempt from U.S. taxation are also taxable as U.S. residents.
For legal entities, the Code determines whether an entity is subject to U.S. taxation on its
worldwide income on the basis of its place of organization. For purposes of U.S. tax law, a
corporation or partnership is treated as domestic if it is organized or created under the laws of the
United States or of any State, unless, in the case of a partnership, the Secretary prescribes
otherwise by regulation.
All other partnerships and corporations (that is, those organized
under the laws of foreign countries) are treated as foreign.
In contrast, place of organization
is not determinative of residence under taxing jurisdictions that use factors such as situs,
management and control to determine residence. As a result, legal entities may have more than
one tax residence, or, in some case, no residence.
Only domestic corporations are subject to
U.S. tax on a worldwide basis. Foreign corporations are taxed only on income that has a
sufficient connection with the United States.
Tax benefits otherwise available to a domestic corporation that migrates its tax home
from the United States to foreign jurisdiction may be denied to such corporation, in which case it
continues to be treated as a domestic corporation for ten years following such migration.
These sanctions generally apply to a transaction in which, pursuant to a plan or a series of related
transactions: (1) a domestic corporation becomes a subsidiary of a foreign-incorporated entity or
otherwise transfers substantially all of its properties to such an entity in a transaction completed
after March 4, 2003; (2) the former shareholders of the domestic corporation hold (by reason of
the stock they had held in the domestic corporation) at least 60 percent but less than 80 percent
(by vote or value) of the stock of the foreign-incorporated entity after the transaction (this stock
often being referred to as “stock held by reason of”); and (3) the foreign-incorporated entity,
considered together with all companies connected to it by a chain of greater than 50 percent
ownership (that is, the “expanded affiliated group”), does not have substantial business activities
in the entity’s country of incorporation, compared to the total worldwide business activities of
the expanded affiliated group.
Sec. 7701(b).
Sec. 7701(a)(4).
Secs. 7701(a)(5) and 7701(a)(9). Entities organized in a possession or territory of the United States are
not considered to have been organized under the laws of the United States.
“The notion of corporate residence is an important touchstone of taxation, however, in many foreign
income tax systems[,]” with the result that the bilateral treaties are often relied upon to resolve conflicting claims of
taxing jurisdiction. Joseph Isenbergh, Vol. 1 U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons and Foreign Income, Para. 7.1
(Fourth Ed. 2016).
Sec. 7874.
Section 7874(a). In addition, an excise tax may be imposed on certain stock compensation of
executives of companies that undertake inversion transactions. Sec. 4985.
The Treasury Department and the IRS have promulgated detailed guidance, through both
regulations and several notices, addressing these requirements under section 7874 since the
section was enacted in 2004,
and have sought to expand the reach of the section or reduce the
tax benefits of inversion transactions. For example, Notice 2014-52 announced Treasury’s and
the IRS’s intention to issue regulations and took a two-pronged approached. First, it addressed
the treatment of cross-border combination transactions themselves. Second, it addressed post-
transaction steps that taxpayers may undertake with respect to US-owned foreign subsidiaries
making it more difficult to access foreign earnings without incurring added U.S. tax. On
November 19, 2015, Treasury and the IRS issued Notice 2015-79, which announced their intent
to issue further regulations to limit cross-border merger transactions, expanding on the guidance
issued in Notice 2014-52. In 2016, Treasury and the IRS issued proposed and temporary
regulations that incorporate the rules previously announced in Notice 2014-52 and Notice 2015-
79 and a new multiple domestic entity acquisition rule.
In early 2017, Treasury issued final and temporary regulations
that adopt, with few
changes, the 2016 temporary and proposed regulations.
2. Entity classification
Certain entities are eligible to elect their classification for Federal tax purposes under the
“check-the-box” regulations adopted in 1997.
Those regulations simplified the entity
classification process for both taxpayers and the IRS by making the entity classification of
unincorporated entities explicitly elective in most instances.
The eligibility to elect and the
Notice 2015-79, 2015 I.R.B. LEXIS 583 (Nov. 19, 2015), which announced their intent to issue further
regulations to limit cross-border merger transactions, expanding on the guidance issued in Notice 2014-52. On
April 4, 2016, Treasury and the IRS issued proposed and temporary regulations (T.D. 9761) that incorporate the
rules previously announced in Notice 2014-52 and Notice 2015-79 and a new multiple domestic entity acquisition
rule. On January 13, 2017, Treasury and the IRS issued final and temporary regulations under section 7874 (T.D.
9812), which adopt, with few changes, prior temporary and proposed regulations, which identify certain stock of an
acquiring foreign corporation that is disregarded in calculating the ownership of the foreign corporation for purposes
of section 7874.
T.D. 9761, April 4, 2016. But see, Chamber of Commerce v Internal Revenue Service, Cause No 1:16-
CV-944-LY (W.D. Tex. Sept. 29, 2017), granting summary judgment to plaintiff in challenge to temporary
regulations based on lack of compliance with Administrative Procedure Requirements.
T.D. 9812, January 13, 2017.
Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-1, et seq.
The check-the-box regulations replaced Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-2, as in effect prior to 1997, under
which the classification of unincorporated entities for Federal tax purposes was determined on the basis of a four
characteristics indicative of status as a corporation: continuity of life, centralization of management, limited
liability, and free transferability of interests. An entity that possessed three or more of these characteristics was
treated as a corporation; if it possessed two or fewer, then it was treated as a partnership. Thus, to achieve
characterization as a partnership under this system, taxpayers needed to arrange the governing instruments of an
entity in such a way as to eliminate two of these corporate characteristics. The advent and proliferation of limited
liability companies (“LLCs”) under State laws allowed business owners to create customized entities that possessed
breadth of an entity’s choices depend upon whether it is a “per se corporation” and its number of
beneficial owners. Foreign as well as domestic entities may make the election. As a result, it is
possible for an entity that operates across countries to be treated as a hybrid entity. A hybrid
entity is one which is treated as a flow-through or disregarded entity for U.S. tax purposes but as
a corporation for foreign tax purposes. For “reverse hybrid entities,” the opposite is true. The
election can affect the determination of the source of the income, availability of tax credits, and
other tax attributes.
3. Source of income rules
The rules for determining the source of certain types of income are specified in the Code
and described briefly below. Various factors determine the source of income for U.S. tax
purposes, including the status or nationality of the payor, the status or nationality of the recipient,
the location of the recipient’s activities that generate the income, and the location of the assets
that generate the income. To the extent that the source of income is not specified by statute, the
Treasury Secretary may promulgate regulations that explain the appropriate treatment. However,
many items of income are not explicitly addressed by either the Code or Treasury regulations,
sometimes resulting in nontaxation of the income. On several occasions, courts have determined
the source of such items by applying the rule for the type of income to which the disputed
income is most closely analogous, based on all facts and circumstances.
Interest is derived from U.S. sources if it is paid by the United States or any agency or
instrumentality thereof, a State or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia.
Interest is also from U.S. sources if it is paid by a resident or a domestic corporation on a bond,
note, or other interest-bearing obligation.
Special rules apply to treat as foreign-source
certain amounts paid on deposits with foreign commercial banking branches of U.S. corporations
or partnerships and certain other amounts paid by foreign branches of domestic financial
Interest paid by the U.S. branch of a foreign corporation is also treated as U.S.-
source income.
a critical common feature—limited liability for investors—as well as other corporate characteristics the owners
found desirable. As a consequence, classification was effectively elective for well-advised taxpayers.
See, e.g., Hunt v. Commissioner, 90 T.C. 1289 (1988).
Sec. 861(a)(1); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-2(a)(1).
Secs. 861(a)(1) and 862(a)(1). For purposes of certain reporting and withholding obligations the
source rule in section 861(a)(1)(B) does not apply to interest paid by the foreign branch of a domestic financial
institution. This results in the payment being treated as a withholdable payment. Sec. 1473(1)(C).
Sec. 884(f)(1).
Dividend income is generally sourced by reference to the payor’s place of
Thus, dividends paid by a domestic corporation are generally treated as
entirely U.S.-source income. Similarly, dividends paid by a foreign corporation are generally
treated as entirely foreign-source income. Under a special rule, dividends from certain foreign
corporations that conduct U.S. businesses are treated in part as U.S.-source income.
Rents and royalties
Rental income is sourced by reference to the location or place of use of the leased
The nationality or the country of residence of the lessor or lessee does not affect the
source of rental income. Rental income from property located or used in the United States (or
from any interest in such property) is U.S.-source income, regardless of whether the property is
real or personal, intangible or tangible.
Royalties are sourced in the place of use of (or the place of privilege to use) the property
for which the royalties are paid.
This source rule applies to royalties for the use of either
tangible or intangible property, including patents, copyrights, secret processes, formulas,
goodwill, trademarks, trade names, and franchises.
Income from sales of personal property
Subject to significant exceptions, income from the sale of personal property is sourced on
the basis of the residence of the seller.
For this purpose, special definitions of the terms “U.S.
resident” and “nonresident” are provided. A nonresident is defined as any person who is not a
U.S. resident,
while the term “U.S. resident” comprises any juridical entity which is a U.S.
person, all U.S. citizens, as well as any individual who is a U.S. resident without a tax home in a
foreign country or a nonresident alien with a tax home in the United States.
As a result,
nonresident includes any foreign corporation.
Several special rules apply. For example, income from the sale of inventory property is
generally sourced to the place of sale, which is determined by where title to the property
Secs. 861(a)(2), 862(a)(2).
Sec. 861(a)(2)(B).
Sec. 861(a)(4).
Sec. 865(a).
Sec. 865(g)(1)(B).
Sec. 865(g)(1)(A).
Sec. 865(g).
However, if the sale is by a nonresident and is attributable to an office or other fixed
place of business in the United States, the sale is treated as income from U.S. sources without
regard to the place of sale, unless it is sold for use, disposition, or consumption outside the
United States and a foreign office materially participates in the sale.
Income from the sale of
inventory property that a taxpayer produces (in whole or in part) in the United States and sells
outside the United States, or that a taxpayer produces (in whole or in part) outside the United
States and sells in the United States, is treated as partly U.S.-source and partly foreign-source.
In determining the source of gain or loss from the sale or exchange of an interest in a
foreign partnership, the IRS has taken the position that to the extent that there is unrealized gain
attributable to partnership assets that are effectively connected with the U.S. business, the foreign
person’s gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a partnership interest is effectively connected
gain or loss to the extent of the partner’s distributive share of such unrealized gain or loss, and
not capital gain or loss. Similarly, to the extent that the partner’s distributive share of unrealized
gain is attributable to a permanent establishment of the partnership under an applicable treaty
provision, it may be subject to U.S. tax under a treaty.
Gain on the sale of depreciable property is divided between U.S.-source and foreign-
source in the same ratio that the depreciation was previously deductible for U.S. tax purposes.
Payments received on sales of intangible property are sourced in the same manner as royalties to
the extent the payments are contingent on the productivity, use, or disposition of the intangible
Secs. 865(b), 861(a)(6), 862(a)(6); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-7(c).
Sec. 865(e)(2).
Sec. 863(b). A taxpayer may elect one of three methods for allocating and apportioning income as
U.S.- or foreign-source: (1) the 50-50 method under which 50 percent of the income from the sale of inventory
property in such a situation is attributable to the production activities and 50 percent to the sales activities, with the
income sourced based on the location of those activities; (2) independent factory price (“IFP”) method under which,
in certain circumstances, an IFP may be established by the taxpayer to determine income from production activities;
(3) the books and records method under which, with advance permission, the taxpayer may use books of account to
detail the allocation of receipts and expenditures between production and sales activities. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.863-
3(b), (c). If production activity occurs only within the United States, or only within foreign countries, then all
income is sourced to where the production activity occurs; when production activities occur in both the United
States and one or more foreign countries, the income attributable to production activities must be split between U.S.
and foreign sources. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.863-3(c)(1). The sales activity is generally sourced based on where title to
the property passes. Treas. Reg. secs. 1.863-3(c)(2), 1.861-7(c).
Rev. Rul. 91-32, 1991-1 C.B. 107. But see, Grecian Magnesite Mining, Industrial & Shipping Co. SA
v Commissioner, 149 T.C. No. 3 (2017).
Sec. 865(c).
Sec. 865(d).
Personal services income
Compensation for labor or personal services is generally sourced to the place-of-
performance. Thus, compensation for labor or personal services performed in the United States
generally is treated as U.S.-source income, subject to an exception for amounts that meet certain
de minimis criteria.
Compensation for services performed both within and without the United
States is allocated between U.S.-and foreign-source.
Insurance income
Underwriting income from issuing insurance or annuity contracts generally is treated as
U.S.-source income if the contract involves property in, liability arising out of an activity in, or
the lives or health of residents of, the United States.
Transportation income
Transportation income is any income derived from, or in connection with, the use (or
hiring or leasing for use) of a vessel or aircraft (or a container used in connection therewith) or
the performance of services directly related to such use.
That definition does not encompass
land transport except to the extent that it is directly related to shipping by vessel or aircraft, but
regulations extend a similar rule for determining the source of income from transportation
services other than shipping or aviation. Sources rules generally provide that income from
furnishing transportation that both begins and ends in the United States is U.S.-source
and 50-percent of income attributable to transportation that either begins or the ends
in the United States is treated as U.S.-source income. However, to the extent that the operator of
a shipping or cruise line is foreign, its ownership structure and the maritime law
Sec. 861(a)(3). Gross income of a nonresident alien individual, who is present in the United States as a
member of the regular crew of a foreign vessel, from the performance of personal services in connection with the
international operation of a ship is generally treated as foreign-source income.
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-4(b).
Sec. 861(a)(7).
Sec. 863(c)(3).
Sec. 863(c).
U.S. law on navigation is codified in U.S. Code at title 33, and is consistent with the body of
international maritime law. The normative principles of international maritime law for determining the maritime
zones and territorial sovereignty over seas are embodied in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
first opened for signature in 1982. Since 1983, the Executive Branch has agreed that the treaty is generally
consistent with existing international norms of the law of the sea and that the United States would act in conformity
to the principles of the treaty other than those portions regarding deep seabed exploitation, even in the absence of
ratification of the treaty.
for determining what constitutes international shipping as well as specific income tax provisions
combine to create an industry-specific departure from the rules generally applicable.
A subcategory of transportation income, “U.S. source gross transportation income” is
subject to taxation on a gross basis at the rate of four percent.
Income is within the scope of
this special tax if it is considered to be U.S. source because travel begins or ends in the United
States, is not effectively connected, and is not of a kind to which the exemption from tax
An exemption from U.S. tax is provided for transportation income of foreign persons
from countries that extend reciprocal relief to U.S. persons. A nonresident alien individual with
income from the international operation of a ship may qualify, provided that the foreign country
in which such individual is resident grants an equivalent exemption to individual residents of the
United States.
A similar exemption from U.S. tax is provided for gross income derived by a
foreign corporation from the international operation of an aircraft, provided that the foreign
country in which the corporation is organized grants an equivalent exemption to corporations
organized in the United States.
To determine whether income from shipping or aviation is
eligible for an exemption under section 883, one must examine the extent to which the foreign
jurisdiction has extended reciprocity for U.S. businesses; whether the party claiming an
exemption is eligible for the tax relief; and the nature of the activities that give rise to the
Income from space or ocean activities or international communications
In the case of a foreign person, generally no income from a space or ocean activity or
from international communications is treated as U.S.-source income.
With respect to the
latter, an exception is provided if the foreign person maintains an office or other fixed place of
Due to the regulatory framework for aviation, an international flight must either originate or conclude
in the country of residence of the airline’s owner, where income tax for the international flight is assessed. In
contrast to international shipping, international aviation cannot be carried out using flags-of-convenience. Thus,
although tax law treats shipping and aviation similarly, the differences between the two industries and the applicable
regulatory regimes produce different tax outcomes. Full territorial sovereignty applies within 12 nautical miles of
one’s coast; the contiguous waters beyond 12 nautical miles but up to 24 nautical miles are subject to some
regulation. Within 200 nautical miles, a country may assert an economic zone for exploitation of living marine
resources and some minerals. Beyond 200 nautical miles are the “high seas” in which no sovereign state may assert
exclusive jurisdiction.
Sec. 887(a). Special rules for determining whether transportation income is effectively connected with
the conduct of a U.S. trade or business are also provided, and for coordinating the application of sections 871, 882,
and 887.
Sec. 887(b)(1).
Sec. 872(b)(1).
Sec. 883(a)(2).
Sec. 863(d).
business in the United States, in which case the international communications income
attributable to such fixed place of business is treated as U.S.-source income.
For U.S.
persons, all income from space or ocean activities and 50 percent of income from international
communications is treated as U.S.-source income.
Amounts received with respect to guarantees of indebtedness
Amounts received, directly or indirectly, from a noncorporate resident or from a domestic
corporation for the provision of a guarantee of indebtedness of such person are income from U.S.
This includes payments that are made indirectly for the provision of a guarantee.
For example, U.S.-source income under this rule includes a guarantee fee paid by a foreign bank
to a foreign corporation for the foreign corporation’s guarantee of indebtedness owed to the bank
by the foreign corporation’s domestic subsidiary, where the cost of the guarantee fee is passed on
to the domestic subsidiary through, for instance, additional interest charged on the indebtedness.
In this situation, the domestic subsidiary has paid the guarantee fee as an economic matter
through higher interest costs, and the additional interest payments made by the subsidiary are
treated as indirect payments of the guarantee fee and, therefore, as income from U.S. sources.
Such U.S.-source income also includes amounts received from a foreign person, whether
directly or indirectly, for the provision of a guarantee of indebtedness of that foreign person if
the payments received are connected with income of such person that is effectively connected
with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business. Amounts received from a foreign person, whether
directly or indirectly, for the provision of a guarantee of that person’s debt, are treated as foreign-
source income if they are not from sources within the United States under section 861(a)(9).
4. Intercompany transfers
Transfer pricing
A basic U.S. tax principle applicable in dividing profits from transactions between related
taxpayers is that the amount of profit allocated to each related taxpayer must be measured by
reference to the amount of profit that a similarly situated taxpayer would realize in similar
transactions with unrelated parties. The transfer pricing rules of section 482 and the
accompanying Treasury regulations are intended to preserve the U.S. tax base by ensuring that
taxpayers do not shift income properly attributable to the United States to a related foreign
Sec. 863(e).
Sec. 861(a)(9). This provision effects a legislative override of the opinion in Container Corp. v.
Commissioner, 134 T.C. 122 (February 17, 2010), aff’d 2011 WL1664358, 107 A.F.T.R.2d 2011-1831 (5th Cir.
May 2, 2011), in which the Tax Court held that fees paid by a domestic corporation to its foreign parent with respect
to guarantees issued by the parent for the debts of the domestic corporation were more closely analogous to
compensation for services than to interest, and determined that the source of the fees should be determined by
reference to the residence of the foreign parent-guarantor. As a result, the income was treated as income from
foreign sources.
company through pricing that does not reflect an arm’s-length result.
Similarly, the domestic
laws of most U.S. trading partners include rules to limit income shifting through transfer pricing.
The arm’s-length standard is difficult to administer in situations in which no unrelated party
market prices exist for transactions between related parties. When a foreign person with U.S.
activities has transactions with related U.S. taxpayers, the amount of income attributable to U.S.
activities is determined in part by the same transfer pricing rules of section 482 that apply when
U.S. persons with foreign activities transact with related foreign taxpayers.
Section 482 authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to allocate income, deductions,
credits, or allowances among related business entities
when necessary to clearly reflect
income or otherwise prevent tax avoidance, and comprehensive Treasury regulations under that
section adopt the arm’s-length standard as the method for determining whether allocations are
The regulations generally attempt to identify the respective amounts of taxable
income of the related parties that would have resulted if the parties had been unrelated parties
dealing at arm’s length. For income from intangible property, section 482 provides “in the case
of any transfer (or license) of intangible property (within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B)),
the income with respect to such transfer or license shall be commensurate with the income
attributable to the intangible.” By requiring inclusion in income of amounts commensurate with
the income attributable to the intangible, Congress was responding to concerns regarding the
effectiveness of the arm’s-length standard with respect to intangible property—including, in
particular, high-profit-potential intangibles.
Gain recognition on outbound transfers
If a transfer of intangible property to a foreign affiliate occurs in connection with certain
corporate transactions, nonrecognition rules that may otherwise apply are suspended. The
transferor of intangible property must recognize gain from the transfer as though he had sold the
intangible (regardless of the stage of development of the intangible property) in exchange for
payments contingent on the use, productivity or disposition of the transferred property in
amounts that would have been received either annually over the useful life of the property or
upon disposition of the property after the transfer.
The appropriate amounts of those imputed
payments are determined using transfer-pricing principles. Final regulations issued in 2016
For a detailed description of the U.S. transfer pricing rules, see Joint Committee on Taxation, Present
Law and Background Related to Possible Income Shifting and Transfer Pricing (JCX-37-10), July 20, 2010, pp. 18-
The term “related” as used herein refers to relationships described in section 482, which refers to “two
or more organizations, trades or businesses (whether or not incorporated, whether or not organized in the United
States, and whether or not affiliated) owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the same interests.”
Section 1059A buttresses section 482 by limiting the extent to which costs used to determine custom
valuation can also be used to determine basis in property imported from a related party. A taxpayer that imports
property from a related party may not assign a value to the property for cost purposes that exceeds its customs value.
H.R. Rep. No. 99-426, p. 423.
Sec. 367(d).
eliminate an exception under temporary regulations that permitted nonrecognition of gain from
outbound transfers of foreign goodwill and going concern value. However, the Secretary
announced that reinstatement of an exception for active trade or business is under consideration
for cases with little potential for abuse and administrative difficulties
C. U.S. Tax Rules Applicable to Nonresident Aliens
and Foreign Corporations (Inbound)
Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations are generally subject to U.S. tax only on their
U.S.-source income. Thus, the source and type of income received by a foreign person generally
determines whether there is any U.S. income tax liability and the mechanism by which it is
taxed. The U.S. tax rules for U.S. activities of foreign taxpayers apply differently to two broad
types of income: U.S.-source income that is “fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains,
profits, and income” (“FDAP income”) or income that is “effectively connected with the conduct
of a trade or business within the United States” (“ECI”). FDAP income generally is subject to a
30-percent gross-basis tax withheld at its source, while ECI is generally subject to the same U.S.
tax rules that apply to business income derived by U.S. persons. That is, deductions are
permitted in determining taxable ECI, which is then taxed at the same rates applicable to U.S.
persons. Much FDAP income and similar income is, however, exempt from tax or is subject to a
reduced rate of tax under the Code
or a bilateral income tax treaty.
1. Gross-basis taxation of U.S.-source income
Non-business income received by foreign persons from U.S. sources is generally subject
to tax on a gross basis at a rate of 30 percent, which is collected by withholding at the source of
the payment. As explained below, the categories of income subject to the 30-percent tax and the
categories for which withholding is required are generally coextensive, with the result that
determining the withholding tax liability determines the substantive liability.
The income of non-resident aliens or foreign corporations that is subject to tax at a rate of
30-percent includes FDAP income that is not effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S.
See, T.D. 9803, 81 F.R. 91012 (December 17, 2016). Treas. Reg. sec. 1.367(d)-1(b) now provides that
the rules of section 367(d) apply to transfers of intangible property as defined under Treas. Sec. 1.367(a)-1(d)(5)
after September 14, 2015, and to any transfers occurring before that date resulting from entity classification
elections filed on or after September 15, 2015. Noting that commenters on the regulations had cited legislative
history that contemplated active business exceptions, Treasury announced the reconsideration of the rule. U.S.
Treasury Department, Second Report to the President on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens,
Executive Order 13789 October 2, 2017, TNT Doc 2017-72131. The relevant legislative history is found at in H.R.
Rep. No. 98-432, 98
Cong., 2d Sess. 1318-1320 (March 5, 1984) and Conference Report, H.R. Rep. No. 98-861,
Cong. 2d Sess. 951-957 (June 23, 1984).
E.g., the portfolio interest exception in section 871(h) (discussed below).
Because each treaty reflects considerations unique to the relationship between the two treaty countries,
treaty withholding tax rates on each category of income are not uniform across treaties.
trade or business.
The items enumerated in defining FDAP income are illustrative; the
common characteristic of types of FDAP income is that taxes with respect to the income may be
readily computed and collected at the source, in contrast to the administrative difficulty involved
in determining the seller’s basis and resulting gain from sales of property.
The words “annual
or periodical” are “merely generally descriptive” of the payments that could be within the
purview of the statute and do not preclude application of the withholding tax to one-time, lump
sum payments to nonresident aliens.
With respect to income from shipping, the gross basis tax potentially applicable is four
unless the income is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, and thus
subject to the graduated rates, as determined under rules specific to U.S.-source gross
transportation income rather than the more broadly applicable rules defining effectively
connected income in section 864(c). Even if the income is within the purview of those special
rules, it may nevertheless be exempt if the income is derived from the international operation of
a ship or aircraft by a foreign entity organized in a jurisdiction which provides a reciprocal
exemption to U.S. entities.
Types of FDAP income
FDAP income encompasses a broad range of types of gross income, but has limited
application to gains on sales of property, including market discount on bonds and option
Capital gains received by nonresident aliens present in the United States for fewer
than 183 days are generally treated as foreign source and are thus not subject to U.S. tax, unless
the gains are effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business; capital gains received by
nonresident aliens present in the United States for 183 days or more
that are treated as income
Secs. 871(a), 881. If the FDAP income is also ECI, it is taxed on a net basis, at graduated rates.
Commissioner v. Wodehouse, 337 U.S. 369, 388-89 (1949). After reviewing legislative history of the
Revenue Act of 1936, the Supreme Court noted that Congress expressly intended to limit taxes on nonresident aliens
to taxes that could be readily collectible, i.e., subject to withholding, in response to “a theoretical system impractical
of administration in a great number of cases. H.R. Rep. No. 2475, 74th Cong., 2d Sess. 9-10 (1936).” In doing so,
the Court rejected P.G. Wodehouse’s arguments that an advance royalty payment was not within the purview of the
statutory definition of FDAP income.
Commissioner v. Wodehouse, 337 U.S. 369, 393 (1949).
Sec. 887.
Sec. 883(a)(1). In addition, to the extent provided in regulations, income from shipping and aviation is
not subject to the four-percent gross basis tax if the income is of a type that is not subject to the reciprocal
exemption for net basis taxation. See sec. 887(b)(1). Comparable rules under section 872(b)(1) apply to income of
nonresident alien individuals from shipping operations.
Although technically insurance premiums paid to a foreign insurer or reinsurer are FDAP income, they
are exempt from withholding under Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-2(a)(7) if the insurance contract is subject to the excise
tax under section 4371. Treas. Reg. secs. 1.1441-2(b)(1)(i) and 1.1441-2(b)(2).
For purposes of this rule, whether a person is considered a resident in the United States is determined
by application of the rules under section 7701(b).
from U.S. sources are subject to gross-basis taxation.
In contrast, U.S-source gains from the
sale or exchange of intangibles are subject to tax and withholding if they are contingent upon the
productivity of the property sold and are not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or
Interest on bank deposits may qualify for exemption on two grounds, depending on where
the underlying principal is held on deposit. Interest paid with respect to deposits with domestic
banks and savings and loan associations, and certain amounts held by insurance companies, are
U.S.-source income but are not subject to the U.S. tax when paid to a foreign person, unless the
interest is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business of the recipient.
Interest on
deposits with foreign branches of domestic banks and domestic savings and loan associations is
not treated as U.S.-source income and is thus exempt from U.S. tax (regardless of whether the
recipient is engaged in a U.S. trade or business).
Similarly, interest and original issue
discount on certain short-term obligations is also exempt from U.S. tax when paid to a foreign
Additionally, there is generally no information reporting required with respect to
payments of such amounts.
Although FDAP income includes U.S.-source portfolio interest, such interest is
specifically exempt from the 30-percent gross-basis tax. Portfolio interest is any interest
(including original issue discount) that is paid on an obligation that is in registered form and for
which the beneficial owner has provided to the U.S. withholding agent a statement certifying that
the beneficial owner is not a U.S. person.
For obligations issued before March 19, 2012,
portfolio interest also includes interest paid on an obligation that is not in registered form,
provided that the obligation is shown to be targeted to foreign investors under the conditions
sufficient to establish deductibility of the payment of such interest.
Portfolio interest,
Sec. 871(a)(2). In addition, certain capital gains from sales of U.S. real property interests are subject to
tax as effectively connected income (or in some instances as dividend income) under the Foreign Investment in Real
Property Tax Act of 1980 (“FIRPTA”).
Secs. 871(a)(1)(D), 881(a)(4).
Secs. 871(i)(2)(A), 881(d); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-1(b)(4)(ii).
Sec. 861(a)(1)(B); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-1(b)(4)(iii).
Secs. 871(g)(1)(B), 881(a)(3); Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-1(b)(4)(iv).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1461-1(c)(2)(ii)(A), (B). Regulations require a bank to report interest if the recipient
is a nonresident alien who resides in a country with which the United States has a satisfactory exchange of
information program under a bilateral agreement and the deposit is maintained at an office in the United States.
Treas. Reg. secs. 1.6049-4(b)(5) and 1.6049-8. The IRS publishes lists of the countries whose residents are subject
to the reporting requirements, and those countries with respect to which the reported information will be
automatically exchanged. Rev. Proc. 2017-31, available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-17-31.pdf,
supplementing Rev. Proc. 2014-64.
Sec. 871(h)(2).
Sec. 163(f)(2)(B). The exception to the registration requirements for foreign targeted securities was
repealed in 2010, effective for obligations issued two years after enactment, thus narrowing the portfolio interest
however, does not include interest received by a 10-percent shareholder,
certain contingent
interest received by a controlled foreign corporation from a related person,
interest received by a bank on an extension of credit made pursuant to a loan agreement entered
into in the ordinary course of its trade or business.
Imposition of gross-basis tax and reporting by U.S. withholding agents
The 30-percent tax on FDAP income is generally collected by means of withholding.
Withholding on FDAP payments to foreign payees is required unless the withholding agent,
i.e., the person making the payment to the foreign person receiving the income, can establish that
the beneficial owner of the amount is eligible for an exemption from withholding or a reduced
rate of withholding under an income tax treaty.
The principal statutory exemptions from the
30-percent tax apply to interest on bank deposits, and portfolio interest, described above.
In many instances, the income subject to withholding is the only income of the foreign
recipient that is subject to any U.S. tax. No U.S. Federal income tax return from the foreign
recipient is generally required with respect to the income from which tax was withheld, if the
recipient has no ECI income and the withholding is sufficient to satisfy the recipient’s liability.
Accordingly, although the 30-percent gross-basis tax is a withholding tax, it is also generally the
final tax liability of the foreign recipient (unless the foreign recipients files for a refund).
A withholding agent that makes payments of U.S.-source amounts to a foreign person is
required to report and pay over any amounts of U.S. tax withheld. The reports are due to be filed
with the IRS by March 15 of the calendar year following the year in which the payment is made.
Two types of reports are required: (1) a summary of the total U.S.-source income paid and
withholding tax withheld on foreign persons for the year and (2) a report to both the IRS and the
exemption for obligations issued after March 18, 2012. See Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Law of 2010,
Pub. L. No. 111-147, sec. 502(b).
Sec. 871(h)(3).
Sec. 871(h)(4).
Sec. 881(c)(3)(C).
Sec. 881(c)(3)(A).
Secs. 1441, 1442.
Withholding agent is defined broadly to include any U.S. or foreign person that has the control, receipt,
custody, disposal, or payment of an item of income of a foreign person subject to withholding. Treas. Reg. sec.
Secs. 871, 881, 1441, 1442; Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-1(b).
A reduced rate of withholding of 14 percent applies to certain scholarships and fellowships paid to
individuals temporarily present in the United States. Sec. 1441(b). In addition to statutory exemptions, the 30-
percent tax with respect to interest, dividends and royalties may be reduced or eliminated by a tax treaty between the
United States and the country in which the recipient of income otherwise subject to tax is resident.
foreign person of that person’s U.S.-source income that is subject to reporting.
nonresident withholding rules apply broadly to any financial institution or other payor, including
foreign financial institutions.
To the extent that the withholding agent deducts and withholds an amount, the withheld
tax is credited to the recipient of the income.
If the agent withholds more than is required,
and results in an overpayment of tax, the excess may be refunded to the recipient of the income
upon filing of a timely claim for refund.
Excise tax on foreign reinsurance premiums
An excise tax applies to premiums paid to foreign insurers and reinsurers covering U.S.
The excise tax is imposed on a gross basis at the rate of one percent on reinsurance and
life insurance premiums, and at the rate of four percent on property and casualty insurance
premiums. The excise tax does not apply to premiums that are effectively connected with the
conduct of a U.S. trade or business or that are exempted from the excise tax under an applicable
income tax treaty. The excise tax paid by one party cannot be credited if, for example, the risk is
reinsured with a second party in a transaction that is also subject to the excise tax.
Many U.S. tax treaties provide an exemption from the excise tax, including the treaties
with Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
To prevent persons from
inappropriately obtaining the benefits of exemption from the excise tax, the treaties generally
include an anti-conduit rule. The most common anti-conduit rule provides that the treaty
exemption applies to the excise tax only to the extent that the risks covered by the premiums are
not reinsured with a person not entitled to the benefits of the treaty (or any other treaty that
provides exemption from the excise tax).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1461-1(b), (c).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1441-7(a) (definition of withholding agent includes foreign persons).
Sec. 1462.
Secs. 4371-4374.
Generally, when a foreign person qualifies for benefits under such a treaty, the United States is not
permitted to collect the insurance premiums excise tax from that person.
In Rev. Rul. 2008-15, 2008-1 C.B. 633, the IRS provided guidance to the effect that the excise tax is
imposed separately on each reinsurance policy covering a U.S. risk. Thus, if a U.S. insurer or reinsurer reinsures a
U.S. risk with a foreign reinsurer, and that foreign reinsurer in turn reinsures the risk with a second foreign reinsurer,
the excise tax applies to both the premium to the first foreign reinsurer and the premium to the second foreign
reinsurer. In addition, if the first foreign reinsurer is resident in a jurisdiction with a tax treaty containing an excise
tax exemption, the revenue ruling provides that the excise tax still applies to both payments to the extent that the
transaction violates an anti-conduit rule in the applicable tax treaty. Even if no violation of an anti-conduit rule
occurs, under the revenue ruling, the excise tax still applies to the premiums paid to the second foreign reinsurer,
unless the second foreign reinsurer is itself entitled to an excise tax exemption.
2. Net-basis taxation of U.S.-source income
The United States taxes on a net basis the income of foreign persons that is “effectively
connected” with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States.
Any gross income
derived by the foreign person that is not effectively connected with the person’s U.S. business is
not taken into account in determining the rates of U.S. tax applicable to the person’s income
from the business.
U.S. trade or business
A foreign person is subject to U.S. tax on a net basis if the person is engaged in a U.S.
trade or business. Partners in a partnership and beneficiaries of an estate or trust are treated as
engaged in the conduct of a trade or business within the United States if the partnership, estate,
or trust is so engaged.
The question whether a foreign person is engaged in a U.S. trade or business is factual
and has generated much case law. Basic issues include whether the activity constitutes business
rather than investing, whether sufficient activities in connection with the business are conducted
in the United States, and whether the relationship between the foreign person and persons
performing functions in the United States in respect of the business is sufficient to attribute those
functions to the foreign person.
The trade or business rules differ from one activity to another. The term “trade or
business within the United States” expressly includes the performance of personal services
within the United States.
If, however, a nonresident alien individual performs personal
services for a foreign employer, and the individual’s total compensation for the services and
period in the United States are minimal ($3,000 or less in total compensation and 90 days or
fewer of physical presence in a year), the individual is not considered to be engaged in a U.S.
trade or business.
Detailed rules govern whether trading in stocks or securities or
commodities constitutes the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
A foreign person who trades
in stock or securities or commodities in the United States through an independent agent generally
is not treated as engaged in a U.S. trade or business if the foreign person does not have an office
or other fixed place of business in the United States through which trades are carried out. A
foreign person who trades stock or securities or commodities for the person’s own account also
generally is not considered to be engaged in a U.S. business so long as the foreign person is not a
dealer in stock or securities or commodities.
Secs. 871(b), 882.
Secs. 871(b)(2), 882(a)(2).
Sec. 875.
Sec. 864(b).
Sec. 864(b)(1).
Sec. 864(b)(2).
For eligible foreign persons, U.S. bilateral income tax treaties restrict the application of
net-basis U.S. taxation. Under each treaty, the United States is permitted to tax business profits
only to the extent those profits are attributable to a U.S. permanent establishment of the foreign
person. The threshold level of activities that constitute a permanent establishment is generally
higher than the threshold level of activities that constitute a U.S. trade or business. For example,
a permanent establishment typically requires the maintenance of a fixed place of business over a
significant period of time.
Effectively connected income
A foreign person that is engaged in the conduct of a trade or business within the United
States is subject to U.S. net-basis taxation on the income that is “effectively connected” with the
business. Specific statutory rules govern whether income is ECI.
In the case of U.S.-source capital gain and U.S.-source income of a type that would be
subject to gross basis U.S. taxation, the factors taken into account in determining whether the
income is ECI include whether the income is derived from assets used in or held for use in the
conduct of the U.S. trade or business and whether the activities of the trade or business were a
material factor in the realization of the amount (the “asset use” and “business activities”
Under the asset use and business activities tests, due regard is given to whether the
income, gain, or asset was accounted for through the U.S. trade or business. All other
U.S.-source income is treated as ECI.
A foreign person who is engaged in a U.S. trade or business may have limited categories
of foreign-source income that are considered to be ECI.
Foreign-source income not included
in one of these categories (described next) generally is exempt from U.S. tax.
A foreign person’s income from foreign sources generally is considered to be ECI only if
the person has an office or other fixed place of business within the United States to which the
income is attributable and the income is in one of the following categories: (1) rents or royalties
for the use of patents, copyrights, secret processes or formulas, good will, trade-marks, trade
brands, franchises, or other like intangible properties derived in the active conduct of the trade or
business; (2) interest or dividends derived in the active conduct of a banking, financing, or
similar business within the United States or received by a corporation the principal business of
which is trading in stocks or securities for its own account; or (3) income derived from the sale
or exchange (outside the United States), through the U.S. office or fixed place of business, of
inventory or property held by the foreign person primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary
Sec. 864(c).
Sec. 864(c)(2).
Sec. 864(c)(3).
This income is subject to net-basis U.S. taxation after allowance of a credit for any foreign income tax
imposed on the income. Sec. 906.
course of the trade or business, unless the sale or exchange is for use, consumption, or
disposition outside the United States and an office or other fixed place of business of the foreign
person in a foreign country participated materially in the sale or exchange.
dividends, interest, and royalties are not treated as ECI if the items are paid by a foreign
corporation more than 50 percent (by vote) of which is owned directly, indirectly, or
constructively by the recipient of the income.
In determining whether a foreign person has a U.S. office or other fixed place of
business, the office or other fixed place of business of an agent generally is disregarded. The
place of business of an agent other than an independent agent acting in the ordinary course of
business is not disregarded, however, if the agent either has the authority (regularly exercised) to
negotiate and conclude contracts in the name of the foreign person or has a stock of merchandise
from which he regularly fills orders on behalf of the foreign person.
If a foreign person has a
U.S. office or fixed place of business, income, gain, deduction, or loss is not considered
attributable to the office unless the office was a material factor in the production of the income,
gain, deduction, or loss and the office regularly carries on activities of the type from which the
income, gain, deduction, or loss was derived.
Special rules apply in determining the ECI of an insurance company. The foreign-source
income of a foreign corporation that is subject to tax under the insurance company provisions of
the Code is treated as ECI if the income is attributable to its United States business.
Income, gain, deduction, or loss for a particular year generally is not treated as ECI if the
foreign person is not engaged in a U.S. trade or business in that year.
If, however, income or
gain taken into account for a taxable year is attributable to the sale or exchange of property, the
performance of services, or any other transaction that occurred in a prior taxable year, the
determination whether the income or gain is taxable on a net basis is made as if the income were
taken into account in the earlier year and without regard to the requirement that the taxpayer be
engaged in a trade or business within the United States during the later taxable year.
If any
property ceases to be used or held for use in connection with the conduct of a U.S. trade or
business and the property is disposed of within 10 years after the cessation, the determination
whether any income or gain attributable to the disposition of the property is taxable on a net
basis is made as if the disposition occurred immediately before the property ceased to be used or
Sec. 864(c)(4)(B).
Sec. 864(c)(4)(D)(i).
Sec. 864(c)(5)(A).
Sec. 864(c)(5)(B).
Sec. 864(c)(4)(C).
Sec. 864(c)(1)(B).
Sec. 864(c)(6).
held for use in connection with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business and without regard to the
requirement that the taxpayer be engaged in a U.S. business during the taxable year for which the
income or gain is taken into account.
Transportation income from U.S. sources is treated as effectively connected with a
foreign person’s conduct of a U.S. trade or business only if the foreign person has a fixed place
of business in the United States that is involved in the earning of such income and substantially
all of such income of the foreign person is attributable to regularly scheduled transportation.
If the transportation income is effectively connected with conduct of a U.S. trade or business, the
transportation income, along with transportation income that is from U.S. sources because the
transportation both begins and ends in the United States, may be subject to net-basis taxation.
Income from the international operation of a ship or aircraft may be eligible for an exemption
under section 883, provided that the foreign jurisdiction has extended reciprocity for U.S.
whether the party claiming an exemption is eligible for the tax relief;
and the
activities that give rise to the income qualify under relevant regulations.
Allowance of deductions
Taxable ECI is computed by taking into account deductions associated with gross ECI.
For this purpose, the apportionment and allocation of deductions is addressed in detailed
regulations. The regulations applicable to deductions other than interest expense set forth
general guidelines for allocating deductions among classes of income and apportioning
deductions between ECI and non-ECI. In some circumstances, deductions may be allocated on
the basis of units sold, gross sales or receipts, costs of goods sold, profits contributed, expenses
incurred, assets used, salaries paid, space used, time spent, or gross income received. More
specific guidelines are provided for the allocation and apportionment of research and
experimental expenditures, legal and accounting fees, income taxes, losses on dispositions of
property, and net operating losses. Detailed regulations under section 861 address the allocation
and apportionment of interest deductions. In general, interest is allocated and apportioned based
on assets rather than income.
Sec. 864(c)(7).
Sec. 887(b)(4).
The most recent compilation of countries that the United States recognizes as providing exemptions
lists countries in three groups: Twenty-seven countries are eligible for exemption on the basis of a review of the
legislation in the foreign jurisdiction; 39 nations exchanged diplomatic notes with the United States that grant
exemption to some extent; and more than 50 nations are parties with the United States to bilateral income tax treaties
that include a shipping article. Rev. Rul. 2008-17, 2008-1 C.B. 626, modified by Ann. 2008-57, 2008-C.B. 1192,
Sec. 883(c) and regulations thereunder.
3. Special rules
A foreign person’s gain or loss from the disposition of a U.S. real property interest
(“USRPI”) is treated as ECI and, therefore, as taxable at the income tax rates applicable to U.S.
persons, including the rates for net capital gain. A foreign person subject to tax on this income is
required to file a U.S. tax return under the normal rules relating to receipt of ECI.
In the case
of a foreign corporation, the gain from the disposition of a USRPI may also be subject to the
branch profits tax at a 30-percent rate (or lower treaty rate).
The payor of income that FIRPTA treats as ECI (“FIRPTA income”) is generally
required to withhold U.S. tax from the payment.
The foreign person can request a refund
with its U.S. tax return, if appropriate, based on that person’s total ECI and deductions (if any)
for the taxable year.
Branch profits taxes
A domestic corporation owned by foreign persons is subject to U.S. income tax on its net
income. The earnings of the domestic corporation are subject to a second tax, this time at the
shareholder level, when dividends are paid. As described previously, when the shareholders are
foreign, the second-level tax is imposed at a flat rate and collected by withholding. Unless the
portfolio interest exemption or another exemption applies, interest payments made by a domestic
corporation to foreign creditors are likewise subject to U.S. tax. To approximate these second-
level withholding taxes imposed on payments made by domestic subsidiaries to their foreign
parent corporations, the United States taxes a foreign corporation that is engaged in a U.S. trade
or business through a U.S. branch on amounts of U.S. earnings and profits that are shifted out of,
or amounts of interest that are deducted by, the U.S. branch of the foreign corporation. These
branch taxes may be reduced or eliminated under an applicable income tax treaty.
Under the branch profits tax, the United States imposes a tax of 30 percent on a foreign
corporation’s “dividend equivalent amount.”
The dividend equivalent amount generally is
the earnings and profits of a U.S. branch of a foreign corporation attributable to its ECI.
Sec. 897(a).
Sec. 1445 and Treasury regulations thereunder.
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.884-1(g), -5.
Sec. 884(a).
Sec. 884(b).
Limited categories of earnings and profits attributable to a foreign corporation’s ECI are
excluded in calculating the dividend equivalent amount.
In arriving at the dividend equivalent amount, a branch’s effectively connected earnings
and profits are adjusted to reflect changes in a branch’s U.S. net equity (that is, the excess of the
branch’s assets over its liabilities, taking into account only amounts treated as connected with its
U.S. trade or business).
The first adjustment reduces the dividend equivalent amount to the
extent the branch’s earnings are reinvested in trade or business assets in the United States (or
reduce U.S. trade or business liabilities). The second adjustment increases the dividend
equivalent amount to the extent prior reinvested earnings are considered remitted to the home
office of the foreign corporation.
Interest paid by a U.S. trade or business of a foreign corporation generally is treated as if
paid by a domestic corporation and therefore is subject to U.S. 30-percent withholding tax (if the
interest is paid to a foreign person and a Code or treaty exemption or reduction would not be
available if the interest were actually paid by a domestic corporation).
Certain “excess
interest” of a U.S. trade or business of a foreign corporation is treated as if paid by a U.S.
corporation to a foreign parent and, therefore, is subject to U.S. 30-percent withholding tax.
For this purpose, excess interest is the excess of the interest expense of the foreign corporation
apportioned to the U.S. trade or business over the amount of interest paid by the trade or
Earnings stripping
Taxpayers are limited in their ability to reduce the U.S. tax on the income derived from
their U.S. operations through certain earnings stripping transactions that involve interest
payments. If the payor’s debt-to-equity ratio exceeds 1.5 to 1 (a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.5 to 1
or less is considered a “safe harbor”), a deduction for disqualified interest paid or accrued by the
payor in a taxable year is generally disallowed to the extent of the payor’s excess interest
Disqualified interest includes interest paid or accrued to related parties when no
Federal income tax is imposed with respect to such interest;
to unrelated parties in certain
instances in which a related party guarantees the debt (“guaranteed debt”); or to a REIT by a
See sec. 884(d)(2) (excluding, for example, earnings and profits attributable to gain from the sale of
domestic corporation stock that constitutes a U.S. real property interest described in section 897.
Sec. 884(b).
Sec. 884(f)(1)(A).
Sec. 884(f)(1)(B).
Sec. 163(j).
If a tax treaty reduces the rate of tax on interest paid or accrued by the taxpayer, the interest is treated
as interest on which no Federal income tax is imposed to the extent of the same proportion of such interest as the
rate of tax imposed without regard to the treaty, reduced by the rate of tax imposed under the treaty, bears to the rate
of tax imposed without regard to the treaty. Sec. 163(j)(5)(B).
taxable REIT subsidiary of that REIT. Excess interest expense is the amount by which the
payor’s net interest expense (that is, the excess of interest paid or accrued over interest income)
exceeds 50 percent of its adjusted taxable income (generally taxable income computed without
regard to deductions for net interest expense, net operating losses, domestic production activities
under section 199, depreciation, amortization, and depletion). Interest amounts disallowed under
these rules can be carried forward indefinitely and are allowed as a deduction to the extent of
excess limitation in a subsequent tax year. In addition, any excess limitation (that is, the excess,
if any, of 50 percent of the adjusted taxable income of the payor over the payor’s net interest
expense) can be carried forward three years.
D. U.S. Tax Rules Applicable to Foreign Activities of U.S. Persons (Outbound)
1. In general
In general, income earned directly by a U.S. person from the conduct of a foreign
business is taxed on a current basis,
but income earned indirectly from a separate legal entity
operating the foreign business is not. Instead, active foreign business income earned by a U.S.
person indirectly through an interest in a foreign corporation generally is not subject to U.S. tax
until the income is distributed as a dividend to the U.S. person. Certain anti-deferral regimes
may cause the U.S. owner to be taxed on a current basis in the United States on certain categories
of passive or highly mobile income earned by the foreign corporation regardless of whether the
income has been distributed as a dividend to the U.S. owner. The main anti-deferral regimes that
provide such exceptions are the controlled foreign corporation (“CFC”) rules of subpart F
the passive foreign investment company (“PFIC”) rules.
A foreign tax credit generally is
available to offset, in whole or in part, the U.S. tax owed on foreign-source income, whether the
income is earned directly by the domestic corporation, repatriated as an actual dividend, or
included in the domestic parent corporation’s income under one of the anti-deferral regimes.
2. Anti-deferral regimes
Subpart F
Subpart F,
applicable to CFCs and their shareholders, is the main anti-deferral regime
of relevance to a U.S.-based multinational corporate group. A CFC generally is defined as any
foreign corporation if U.S. persons own (directly, indirectly, or constructively) more than 50
A U.S. citizen or resident living abroad may be eligible to exclude from U.S. taxable income certain
foreign earned income and foreign housing costs under section 911. For a description of this exclusion, see Present
Law and Issues in U.S. Taxation of Cross-Border Income (JCX-42-11), September 6, 2011, p. 52.
Secs. 951-964.
Secs. 1291-1298.
Secs. 901, 902, 960, 1293(f).
Secs. 951-964.
percent of the corporation’s stock (measured by vote or value), taking into account only those
U.S. persons that are within the meaning of the term “United States shareholder,” which refers
only to those U.S. persons who own at least 10 percent of the stock (measured by vote only).
Subpart F income
Under the subpart F rules, the United States generally taxes the 10-percent U.S.
shareholders of a CFC on their pro rata shares of certain income of the CFC (referred to as
“subpart F income”), without regard to whether the income is distributed to the shareholders.
In effect, the United States treats the 10-percent U.S. shareholders of a CFC as having received a
current distribution of the corporation’s subpart F income. With exceptions described below,
subpart F income generally includes passive income and other income that is readily movable
from one taxing jurisdiction to another. Subpart F income consists of foreign base company
insurance income,
and certain income relating to international boycotts and other
violations of public policy.
Foreign base company income consists of foreign personal holding company income,
which includes passive income such as dividends, interest, rents, and royalties, and a number of
categories of income from business operations, including foreign base company sales income,
foreign base company services income, and foreign base company oil-related income.
Insurance income subject to current inclusion under the subpart F rules includes any
income of a CFC attributable to the issuing or reinsuring of any insurance or annuity contract in
connection with risks located in a country other than the CFC’s country of organization.
Subpart F insurance income also includes income attributable to an insurance contract in
connection with risks located within the CFC’s country of organization as the result of an
arrangement under which another corporation receives a substantially equal amount of
consideration for insurance of other country risks. Finally, special rules apply under subpart F
with respect to related person insurance income
in order to address captive insurance
Secs. 951(b), 957, 958. The term “United States shareholder” is used interchangeably herein with
“U.S. shareholder.”
Sec. 951(a).
Sec. 954.
Sec. 953.
Sec. 952(a)(3)-(5).
Sec. 954.
Sec. 953(c). Related person insurance income is defined for this purpose to mean any insurance
income attributable to a policy of insurance or reinsurance with respect to which the primary insured is either a U.S.
shareholder (within the meaning of the provision) in the foreign corporation receiving the income or a person related
to such a shareholder.
Under these rules, the threshold for determining control is reduced to 25 percent,
and any level of stock ownership by a U.S. person in such corporation is sufficient for the person
to be treated as a U.S. shareholder.
Investments in U.S. property
The 10-percent U.S. shareholders of a CFC also are required to include currently in
income for U.S. tax purposes their pro rata shares of the corporation’s untaxed earnings invested
in certain items of U.S. property.
This U.S. property generally includes tangible property
located in the United States, stock of a U.S. corporation, an obligation of a U.S. person, and
certain intangible assets, such as patents and copyrights, acquired or developed by the CFC for
use in the United States.
There are specific exceptions to the general definition of U.S.
property, including for bank deposits, certain export property, and certain trade or business
The inclusion rule for investment of earnings in U.S. property is intended to
prevent taxpayers from avoiding U.S. tax on dividend repatriations by repatriating CFC earnings
through non-dividend payments, such as loans to U.S. persons.
Subpart F exceptions
Several exceptions to the broad definition of subpart F income permit continued deferral
for income from certain transactions, dividends, interest and certain rents and royalties received
by a CFC from a related corporation organized and operating in the same foreign country in
which the CFC is organized.
The same-country exception is not available to the extent that
the payments reduce the subpart F income of the payor. A second exception from foreign base
company income and insurance income is available for any item of income received by a CFC if
the taxpayer establishes that the income was subject to an effective foreign income tax rate
greater than 90 percent of the maximum U.S. corporate income tax rate (that is, more than 90
percent of 35 percent, or 31.5 percent).
A provision colloquially referred to as the “CFC look-through” rule excludes from
foreign personal holding company income dividends, interest, rents, and royalties received or
accrued by one CFC from a related CFC (with relation based on control) to the extent
attributable or properly allocable to non-subpart-F income of the payor.
The look-through
Joint Committee on Taxation, General Explanation of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (JCS-10-87), May
4, 1987, p. 968.
Secs. 951(a)(1)(B), 956.
Sec. 956(c)(1).
Sec. 956(c)(2).
Sec. 954(c)(3).
Sec. 954(b)(4).
Sec. 954(c)(6).
rule applies to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning before January 1, 2020, and to
taxable years of U.S. shareholders with or within which such taxable years of foreign
corporations end.
There is also an exclusion from subpart F income for certain income of a CFC that is
derived in the active conduct of banking or financing business (“active financing income”),
which applies to all taxable years of the foreign corporation beginning after December 31, 2014,
and for taxable years of the shareholders that end during or within such taxable years of the
With respect to income derived in the active conduct of a banking, financing, or
similar business, a CFC is required to be predominantly engaged in such business and to conduct
substantial activity with respect to such business in order to qualify for the active financing
exceptions. In addition, certain nexus requirements apply, which provide that income derived by
a CFC or a qualified business unit (“QBU”) of a CFC from transactions with customers is
eligible for the exceptions if, among other things, substantially all of the activities in connection
with such transactions are conducted directly by the CFC or QBU in its home country, and such
income is treated as earned by the CFC or QBU in its home country for purposes of such
country’s tax laws. Moreover, the exceptions apply to income derived from certain cross border
transactions, provided that certain requirements are met.
In the case of a securities dealer, an exception from foreign personal holding company
income applies to any interest or dividend (or certain equivalent amounts) from any transaction,
including a hedging transaction or a transaction consisting of a deposit of collateral or margin,
entered into in the ordinary course of the dealer’s trade or business as a dealer in securities
within the meaning of section 475.
In the case of a QBU of the dealer, the income is required
to be attributable to activities of the QBU in the country of incorporation, or to a QBU in the
country in which the QBU both maintains its principal office and conducts substantial business
activity. A coordination rule provides that, for securities dealers, this exception generally takes
precedence over the exception for active financing income.
Income is treated as active financing income only if, among other requirements, it is
derived by a CFC or by a QBU of that CFC. Certain activities conducted by persons related to
the CFC or its QBU are treated as conducted directly by the CFC or QBU.
An activity
qualifies under this rule if the activity is performed by employees of the related person and if the
related person is an eligible CFC, the home country of which is the same as the home country of
See section 144 of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (Division Q of Pub. L. No.
114-113), H.R. 2029 [“the PATH Act of 2015”], which extended section 954(c)(6) for five years. Congress has
previously extended the application of section 954(c)(6) several times, most recently in the Tax Increase Prevention
Act of 2014, Pub. L. No. 113-295; Pub. L. No. 107-147, sec. 614, 2002; Pub. L. No. 106-170, sec. 503, 1999; Pub.
L. No. 105-277, 1998.
Sec. 954(h). See section 128 of the PATH Act of 2015, which made the active financing exception
Sec. 954(c)(2)(C).
Sec. 954(h)(3)(E).
the related CFC or QBU; the activity is performed in the home country of the related person; and
the related person receives arm’s-length compensation that is treated as earned in the home
country. Income from an activity qualifying under this rule is excluded from subpart F income
so long as the other active financing requirements are satisfied.
Certain income of a qualifying branch of a qualifying insurance company with respect to
risks located within the home country of the branch or within the CFC’s country of creation or
organization are also excepted from foreign personal holding company income, provided that
certain requirements are met. Further, additional exceptions from insurance income and from
foreign personal holding company income apply for certain income of certain CFCs or branches
with respect to risks located in a country other than the United States, provided that the
requirements for these exceptions, including reserve requirements, are met.
Exclusion of previously taxed earnings and profits
A 10-percent U.S. shareholder of a CFC may exclude from its income actual distributions
of earnings and profits from the CFC that were previously included in the 10-percent U.S.
shareholder’s income under subpart F.
Any income inclusion (under section 956) resulting
from investments in U.S. property may also be excluded from the 10-percent U.S. shareholder’s
income when such earnings are ultimately distributed.
Ordering rules provide that
distributions from a CFC are treated as coming first out of earnings and profits of the CFC that
have been previously taxed under subpart F, then out of other earnings and profits.
Basis adjustments
In general, a 10-percent U.S. shareholder of a CFC receives a basis increase with respect
to its stock in the CFC equal to the amount of the CFC’s earnings that are included in the
10-percent U.S. shareholder’s income under subpart F.
Similarly, a 10-percent U.S.
shareholder of a CFC generally reduces its basis in the CFC’s stock in an amount equal to any
Subject to approval by the IRS, a taxpayer may establish that the reserve of a life insurance company
for life insurance and annuity contracts is the amount taken into account in determining the foreign statement reserve
for the contract (reduced by catastrophe, equalization, or deficiency reserve or any similar reserve). IRS approval is
to be based on whether the method, the interest rate, the mortality and morbidity assumptions, and any other factors
taken into account in determining foreign statement reserves (taken together or separately) provide an appropriate
means of measuring income for Federal income tax purposes.
Sec. 959(a)(1).
Sec. 959(a)(2).
Sec. 959(c).
Sec. 961(a).
distributions that the 10-percent U.S. shareholder receives from the CFC that are excluded from
its income as previously taxed under subpart F.
Passive foreign investment companies
The Tax Reform Act of 1986
established the PFIC anti-deferral regime. A PFIC is
generally defined as any foreign corporation if 75 percent or more of its gross income for the
taxable year consists of passive income, or 50 percent or more of its assets consists of assets that
produce, or are held for the production of, passive income.
Alternative sets of income
inclusion rules apply to U.S. persons that are shareholders in a PFIC, regardless of their
percentage ownership in the company. One set of rules applies to PFICs that are qualified
electing funds, under which electing U.S. shareholders currently include in gross income their
respective shares of the company’s earnings, with a separate election to defer payment of tax,
subject to an interest charge, on income not currently received.
A second set of rules applies
to PFICs that are not qualified electing funds, under which U.S. shareholders pay tax on certain
income or gain realized through the company, plus an interest charge that is attributable to the
value of deferral.
A third set of rules applies to PFIC stock that is marketable, under which
electing U.S. shareholders currently take into account as income (or loss) the difference between
the fair market value of the stock as of the close of the taxable year and their adjusted basis in
such stock (subject to certain limitations), often referred to as “marking to market.”
Under the PFIC regime, passive income is any income which is of a kind that would be
foreign personal holding company income, including dividends, interest, royalties, rents, and
certain gains on the sale or exchange of property, commodities, or foreign currency. However,
among other exceptions, passive income does not include any income derived in the active
conduct of an insurance business by a corporation that is predominantly engaged in an insurance
business and that would be subject to tax under subchapter L if it were a domestic
In applying the insurance exception, the IRS analyzes whether risks assumed
under contracts issued by a foreign company organized as an insurer are truly insurance risks,
Sec. 961(b).
Pub. L. No. 99-514.
Sec. 1297.
Secs. 1293-1295.
Sec. 1291.
Sec. 1296.
Sec. 1297(b)(2)(B).
whether the risks are limited under the terms of the contracts, and the status of the company as an
insurance company.
Other anti-deferral rules
The subpart F and PFIC rules are not the only anti-deferral regimes. Other rules that
impose current U.S. taxation on income earned through corporations include the accumulated
earnings tax rules
and the personal holding company rules.
Rules for coordination among the anti-deferral regimes are provided to prevent U.S.
persons from being subject to U.S. tax on the same item of income under multiple regimes. For
example, a corporation generally is not treated as a PFIC with respect to a particular shareholder
if the corporation is also a CFC and the shareholder is a 10-percent U.S. shareholder. Thus,
subpart F is allowed to trump the PFIC rules.
3. Foreign tax credit
Subject to certain limitations, U.S. citizens, resident individuals, and domestic
corporations are allowed to claim credit for foreign income taxes they pay. A domestic
corporation that owns at least 10 percent of the voting stock of a foreign corporation is allowed a
“deemed-paid” credit for foreign income taxes paid by the foreign corporation that the domestic
corporation is deemed to have paid when the related income is distributed as a dividend or is
included in the domestic corporation’s income under the anti-deferral rules.
The foreign tax credit generally is limited to a taxpayer’s U.S. tax liability on its foreign-
source taxable income (as determined under U.S. tax accounting principles). This limit is
intended to ensure that the credit serves its purpose of mitigating double taxation of foreign-
source income without offsetting U.S. tax on U.S.-source income.
The limit is computed by
multiplying a taxpayer’s total U.S. tax liability for the year by the ratio of the taxpayer’s foreign-
source taxable income for the year to the taxpayer’s total taxable income for the year. If the total
amount of foreign income taxes paid and deemed paid for the year exceeds the taxpayer’s
foreign tax credit limitation for the year, the taxpayer may carry back the excess foreign taxes to
the previous year or carry forward the excess taxes to one of the succeeding 10 years.
The computation of the foreign tax credit limitation requires a taxpayer to determine the
amount of its taxable income from foreign sources in each limitation category (described below)
Notice 2003-34, 2003-C.B. 1 990, June 9, 2003. See also, Prop. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1297-4, 26 CFR
Part 1, REG-108214-15, April 24, 2015.
Secs. 531-537.
Secs. 901, 902, 960, 1291(g).
Secs. 901, 904.
Sec. 904(c).
by allocating and apportioning deductions between U.S.-source gross income, on the one hand,
and foreign-source gross income in each limitation category, on the other. In general, deductions
are allocated and apportioned to the gross income to which the deductions factually relate.
However, subject to certain exceptions, deductions for interest expense and research and
experimental expenses are apportioned based on taxpayer ratios.
In the case of interest
expense, this ratio is the ratio of the corporation’s foreign or domestic (as applicable) assets to its
worldwide assets. In the case of research and experimental expenses, the apportionment ratio is
based on either sales or gross income. All members of an affiliated group of corporations
generally are treated as a single corporation for purposes of determining the apportionment
The term “affiliated group” is determined generally by reference to the rules for
determining whether corporations are eligible to file consolidated returns.
These rules
exclude foreign corporations from an affiliated group.
Interest expense allocation rules
permitting a U.S. affiliated group to apportion the interest expense of the members of the U.S.
affiliated group on a worldwide-group basis were modified in 2004, and initially effective for
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.
The effective date of the modified rules
has been delayed to January 1, 2021.
A result of this rule is that interest expense of foreign
members of a U.S. affiliated group is taken into account in determining whether a portion of the
interest expense of the domestic members of the group must be allocated to foreign-source
income. An allocation to foreign-source income generally is required only if, in broad terms, the
domestic members of the group are more highly leveraged than is the entire worldwide group.
The new rules are generally expected to reduce the amount of the U.S. group’s interest expense
that is allocated to foreign-source income.
The foreign tax credit limitation is applied separately to passive category income and to
general category income.
Passive category income includes passive income, such as portfolio
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-8(b), Temp. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-8T(c).
Temp. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-9T, Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-17.
Sec. 864(e)(1), (6); Temp. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.861-14T(e)(2).
Secs. 864(e)(5), 1504.
Sec. 1504(b)(3).
Sec. 864(f); “American Jobs Creation Act of 2004” (“AJCA”), Pub. L. 108-357, sec. 401(a).
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act, Pub. L. No. 111-147, sec. 551(a).
Sec. 904(d). AJCA generally reduced the number of income categories from nine to two, effective for
tax years beginning in 2006. Before AJCA, the foreign tax credit limitation was applied separately to the following
categories of income: (1) passive income, (2) high withholding tax interest, (3) financial services income, (4)
shipping income, (5) certain dividends received from noncontrolled section 902 foreign corporations (also known as
“10/50 companies”), (6) certain dividends from a domestic international sales corporation or former domestic
international sales corporation, (7) taxable income attributable to certain foreign trade income, (8) certain
distributions from a foreign sales corporation or former foreign sales corporation, and (9) any other income not
interest and dividend income, and certain specified types of income. All other income is in the
general category. Passive income is treated as general category income if it is earned by a
qualifying financial services entity. Passive income is also treated as general category income if
it is highly taxed (that is, if the foreign tax rate is determined to exceed the highest rate of tax
specified in Code section 1 or 11, as applicable). Dividends (and subpart F inclusions), interest,
rents, and royalties received by a 10-percent U.S. shareholder from a CFC are assigned to a
separate limitation category by reference to the category of income out of which the dividends or
other payments were made.
Dividends received by a 10-percent corporate shareholder of a
foreign corporation that is not a CFC are also categorized on a look-through basis.
Special rules apply to the allocation of income and losses from foreign and U.S. sources
within each category of income.
Foreign losses from one category will first be used to offset
income from foreign sources of other categories. If there remains an overall foreign loss, it will
be deducted against income from U.S. sources. The same principle applies to losses from U.S.
sources. In subsequent years, the losses that were deducted against another category or source of
income will be recaptured. That is, an equal amount of income from the same category or source
that generated a loss in the prior year will be recharacterized as income from the other category
or source against which the loss was deducted. Up to 50 percent of income from one source in
any subsequent year will be recharacterized as income from the other source, whereas foreign-
source income in a particular category can be fully recharacterized as income in another category
until the losses from prior years are fully recaptured.
In addition to the foreign tax credit limitation just described, a taxpayer’s ability to claim
a foreign tax credit may be further limited by a matching rule that prevents the separation of
creditable foreign taxes from the associated foreign income. Under this rule, a foreign tax
generally is not taken into account for U.S. tax purposes, and thus no foreign tax credit is
available with respect to that foreign tax, until the taxable year in which the related income is
taken into account for U.S. tax purposes.
described in items (1) through (8) (so-called “general basket” income). A number of other provisions of the Code,
including several enacted in 2010 as part of Pub. L. No. 111-226, create additional separate categories in specific
circumstances or limit the availability of the foreign tax credit in other ways. See, e.g., secs. 865(h), 901(j),
904(d)(6), 904(h)(10).
Sec. 904(d)(3). The subpart F rules applicable to CFCs and their 10-percent U.S. shareholders are
described below.
Sec. 904(d)(4).
Secs. 904(f), (g).
Secs. 904(f)(1), (g)(1).
Sec. 909.
4. Special rules
Dual consolidated loss rules
Under the rules applicable to corporations filing consolidated returns, a dual consolidated
loss (“DCL”) is any net operating loss of a domestic corporation if the corporation is subject to
an income tax of a foreign country without regard to whether such income is from sources in or
outside of such foreign country, or if the corporation is subject to such a tax on a residence basis
(a “dual resident corporation”).
A DCL generally cannot be used to reduce the taxable
income of any member of the corporation’s affiliated group. Losses of a separate unit of a
domestic corporation (a foreign branch or an interest in a hybrid entity owned by the
corporation) are subject to this limitation in the same manner as if the unit were a wholly owned
subsidiary of such corporation. An exemption is available under Treasury regulations in the case
of DCLs for which a domestic use election (that is, an election to use the loss only for domestic,
and not foreign, tax purposes) has been made.
Recapture is required, however, upon the
occurrence of certain triggering events, including the conversion of a separate unit to a foreign
corporation and the transfer of 50 percent or more of the assets of a separate unit within a twelve-
month period.
Temporary dividends-received deduction for repatriated foreign earnings
AJCA section 421 added to the Code section 965, a temporary provision intended to
encourage U.S. multinational companies to repatriate foreign earnings. Under section 965, for
one taxable year certain dividends received by a U.S. corporation from its CFCs were eligible for
an 85-percent dividends-received deduction. At the taxpayer’s election, this deduction was
available for dividends received either during the taxpayer’s first taxable year beginning on or
after October 22, 2004, or during the taxpayer’s last taxable year beginning before such date.
The temporary deduction was subject to a number of general limitations. First, it applied
only to cash repatriations generally in excess of the taxpayer’s average repatriation level
calculated for a three-year base period preceding the year of the deduction. Second, the amount
of dividends eligible for the deduction was generally limited to the amount of earnings shown as
permanently invested outside the United States on the taxpayer’s recent audited financial
statements. Third, to qualify for the deduction, dividends were required to be invested in the
United States according to a domestic reinvestment plan approved by the taxpayer’s senior
management and board of directors.
Sec. 1503(d).
Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1503(d)-6(d).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1503(d)-6(e)(1).
Section 965(b)(4). The plan was required to provide for the reinvestment of the repatriated dividends
in the United States, including as a source for the funding of worker hiring and training, infrastructure, research and
development, capital investments, and the financial stabilization of the corporation for the purposes of job retention
or creation.
No foreign tax credit (or deduction) was allowed for foreign taxes attributable to the
deductible portion of any dividend.
For this purpose, the taxpayer was permitted to
specifically identify which dividends were treated as carrying the deduction and which dividends
were not. In other words, the taxpayer was allowed to choose which of its dividends were
treated as meeting the base-period repatriation level (and thus carry foreign tax credits, to the
extent otherwise allowable), and which of its dividends were treated as part of the excess eligible
for the deduction (and thus subject to proportional disallowance of any associated foreign tax
Deductions were disallowed for expenses that were directly allocable to the
deductible portion of any dividend.
Domestic international sales corporations
A domestic international sales corporations (“DISC”) is a domestic corporation that
satisfies the following conditions: 95 percent of its gross receipts must be qualified export
receipts; 95 percent of the sum of the adjusted bases of all its assets must be attributable to the
sum of the adjusted bases of qualified export assets; the corporation must have no more than one
class of stock; the par or stated value of the outstanding stock must be at least $2,500 on each
day of the taxable year; and an election must be in effect to be taxed as a DISC.
In general, a
DISC is not subject to corporate-level tax and offers limited deferral of tax liability to its
DISC income attributable to a maximum of $10 million annually of qualified
export receipts is generally exempt from income tax at both the corporate and shareholder level.
Shareholders must pay interest to account for the benefit of deferring the tax liability on
undistributed DISC income related to this $10 million maximum annual amount.
entities are also referred to as interest charge DISCs, or IC-DISCs. Shareholders of a DISC are
deemed to receive a dividend out of current earnings and profits from qualified export receipts in
Sec. 965(d)(1).
Accordingly, taxpayers generally were expected to pay regular dividends out of high-taxed CFC
earnings (thereby generating deemed-paid credits available to offset foreign-source income) and section 965
dividends out of low-taxed CFC earnings (thereby availing themselves of the 85-percent deduction).
Sec. 965(d)(2).
Secs. 992(a) and (b). If a corporation fails to satisfy either or both of the 95-percent tests, it is deemed
to satisfy such tests if it makes a pro rata distribution of its gross receipts which are not qualified export receipts and
the fair market value of its assets which are not qualified export assets. Sec. 992(c).
Sec. 991. Prior to the 1984 Revenue Act (Pub. L. 98-369), DISCs were eligible for more generous tax
benefits that were eliminated in favor of the since-repealed foreign sales corporation regime (“FSC”). An overview
of the history of the DISCs and FSCs regimes is provided in Joseph Isenbergh, Vol. 3 U.S. Taxation of Foreign
Persons and Foreign Income, Para. 81. (Fourth Ed. 2016).
The rate is the average of one-year constant maturity Treasury yields. The deferral benefit is the
excess of the amount of tax for which the shareholder would be liable if deferred DISC income were included as
ordinary income over the actual tax liability of such shareholder. Sec. 995(f).
excess of $10 million.
Gain on the sale of DISC stock is treated as a dividend to the extent of
accumulated DISC income.
The shareholders of a corporation which is not a DISC, but was a
DISC in a previous taxable year, and which has previously taxed income or accumulated DISC
income, are also required to pay interest on the deferral benefit, and gain on the sale or exchange
of stock in such corporation is treated as a dividend.
The amount of the deemed distribution is the sum of several items, including qualified export receipts
in excess of $10 million. See sec. 955(b).
Sec. 995(c).
A. Establishment of Participation Exemption System
for Taxation of Foreign Income
1. Deduction for foreign-source portion of dividends received by domestic corporations
from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations (sec. 4001 of the House bill,
sec. 14101 of the Senate amendment, and new sec. 245A of the Code)
House Bill
In general
The provision generally establishes a participation exemption system for foreign income.
This exemption is provided for by means of a 100-percent deduction for the foreign-source
portion of dividends received from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations by domestic
corporations that are United States shareholders of those foreign corporations within the meaning
of section 951(b) (referred to here as “participation DRD”).
A specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is any foreign corporation with respect
to which any domestic corporation is a United States shareholder. The phrase does not include a
passive foreign investment company within the meaning of subpart D of part VI of subchapter P.
The term “dividend received” is intended to be interpreted broadly, consistently with the
meaning of the phrases “amount received as dividends” and “dividends received” under sections
243 and 245, respectively.
Under proposed section 245A(e), the Secretary of the Treasury
may prescribe such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out
the rules of section 245A, including clarifying the intended broad scope of the term “dividend
For example, if a domestic corporation indirectly owns stock of a foreign corporation
through a foreign partnership and the domestic corporation would qualify for the participation
DRD with respect to dividends from the foreign corporation if the domestic corporation owned
such stock directly, the domestic corporation would be allowed a participation DRD with respect
to its distributive share of the partnership’s dividend from the foreign corporation.
Foreign-source portion of a dividend
The participation DRD is available only for the foreign-source portion of dividends
received from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations. The foreign-source portion of
Under section 951(b), a domestic corporation is a United States shareholder of a foreign corporation if
it owns, within the meaning of section 958(a), or is considered as owning by applying the rules of section 958(b), 10
percent or more of the voting stock of the foreign corporation.
Consequently, for example, gain included in gross income as a dividend under section 1248(a) or
964(e) would constitute a dividend received for which the deduction under section 245A may be available.
any dividend is the amount that bears the same ratio to the dividend as the specified foreign
corporation’s post-1986 undistributed foreign earnings bears to the corporation’s total post-1986
undistributed earnings. Post-1986 undistributed earnings are the amount of the earnings and
profits of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation accumulated in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 1986, as of the close of the taxable year of the foreign corporation
in which the dividend is distributed and not reduced by dividends
distributed during that year.
Post-1986 undistributed foreign earnings are, in general, the portion of post-1986 undistributed
earnings that is not attributable to post-1986 undistributed U.S. earnings. Post-1986
undistributed U.S. earnings are, in general, undistributed earnings attributable to: (a) the
corporation’s income that is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within
the United States, or (b) any dividend received (directly or through a wholly owned foreign
corporation) from an 80-percent-owned (by vote or value) domestic corporation.
Rules similar to the rules described above apply when a dividend is paid out of earnings
and profits of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation accumulated in taxable years
beginning before January 1, 1987. As a consequence, the participation exemption system is
available for both post-1986 and pre-1987 foreign earnings. An ordering rule provides that
dividends are treated as first being paid out of post-1986 undistributed earnings to the extent of
those earnings.
An additional rule provides for the treatment of distributions of a specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporation in excess of undistributed earnings. Under section 316(a)(2), a
distribution of earnings and profits of a corporation in the taxable year of the distribution is
treated as a dividend even if the distribution exceeds accumulated earnings and profits.
determination of the foreign-source portion of such a distribution is calculated in a similar
manner as for other types of dividends.
Foreign tax credit disallowance; foreign tax credit limitation
No foreign tax credit or deduction is allowed for any taxes (including withholding taxes)
paid or accrued with respect to a dividend that qualifies for the participation DRD.
For purposes of computing the section 904(a) foreign tax credit limitation, a domestic
corporation that is a United States shareholder of a specified 10-percent owned foreign
corporation must compute its foreign-source taxable income (and entire taxable income) by
disregarding the foreign-source portion of any dividend received from that foreign corporation
for which the participation DRD is taken, as well as and any deductions properly allocable or
apportioned to that foreign-source portion or the stock with respect to which it is paid.
Pursuant to section 959(d), a distribution of previously taxed income does not constitute a dividend
even if it reduces earnings and profits.
Called a “nimble dividend.” See, Boris I. Bittker and James S. Eustice, Federal Income Taxation of
Corporations and Shareholders, (7th ed. 2016) para. 8-12.
Six-month holding period requirement
A domestic corporation is not permitted a participation DRD in respect of any dividend
on any share of stock that is held by the domestic corporation for 180 days or less during the
361-day period beginning on the date that is 180 days before the date on which the share
becomes ex-dividend with respect to the dividend. For this purpose, a domestic corporation is
treated as holding a share of stock for any period only if the corporation is a specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporation and the taxpayer is a United States shareholder with respect to such
corporation during that period.
Effective date.The provision applies to distributions made (and for purposes of
determining a taxpayer’s foreign tax credit limitation under section 904, deductions in taxable
years beginning) after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision allows an exemption for certain foreign income. This exemption is
provided for by means of a 100-percent deduction for the foreign-source portion of dividends
received from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations by domestic corporations that are
United States shareholders of those foreign corporations within the meaning of section 951(b)
(referred to here as “DRD”).
A specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is any foreign corporation (other than a
PFIC that is not also a CFC) with respect to which any domestic corporation is a U.S.
Foreign-source portion of a dividend
The DRD is available only for the foreign-source portion of dividends received by a
domestic corporation from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations. The foreign-source
portion of any dividend is the amount that bears the same ratio to the dividend as the
undistributed foreign earnings bears to the total undistributed earnings of the foreign corporation.
Undistributed earnings are the amount of the earnings and profits of a specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporation
as of the close of the taxable year of the specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporation in which the dividend is distributed and not reduced by dividends
Under section 951(b), a domestic corporation is a United States shareholder of a foreign corporation if
it owns, within the meaning of section 958(a), or is considered as owning by applying the rules of section 958(b),
10-percent or more of the voting stock of the foreign corporation.
Secs. 1297, 1298.
Computed in accordance with secs. 964(a) and 986.
Pursuant to section 959(d), a distribution of previously taxed income does not constitute a dividend
even if it reduces earnings and profits.
distributed during that taxable year. Undistributed foreign earnings are the portion of the
undistributed earnings attributable to neither income described in section 245(a)(5)(A) nor
section 245(a)(5)(B), without regard to section 245(a)(12).
Hybrid Dividends
The DRD is not available for any dividend received by a U.S. shareholder from a
controlled foreign corporation if the dividend is a hybrid dividend. A hybrid dividend is an
amount received from a controlled foreign corporation for which a deduction would be allowed
under this provision and for which the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation received a
deduction (or other tax benefit) from taxes imposed by a foreign country.
If a controlled foreign corporation with respect to which a domestic corporation is a U.S.
shareholder receives a hybrid dividend from any other controlled foreign corporation with
respect to which the domestic corporation is also a U.S. shareholder, then the hybrid dividend is
treated for purposes of section 951(a)(1)(A) as subpart F income of the recipient controlled
foreign corporation for the taxable year of the controlled foreign corporation in which the
dividends was received and the U.S. shareholder includes in gross income an amount equal to the
shareholder’s pro rata share of the subpart F income, determined in the same manner as section
Foreign tax credit disallowance
No foreign tax credit or deduction is allowed for any taxes paid or accrued with respect to
a dividend that qualifies for the DRD.
For purposes of computing the section 904(a) foreign tax credit limitation, a domestic
corporation that is a U.S. shareholder of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation must
compute its foreign-source taxable income by disregarding the foreign-source portion of any
dividend received from that foreign corporation for which the DRD is taken, and any deductions
properly allocable or apportioned to that foreign-source portion or the stock with respect to
which it is paid.
Holding period requirement
A domestic corporation is not permitted a DRD in respect of any dividend on any share
of stock that is held by the domestic corporation for 365 days or less during the 731-day period
beginning on the date that is 365 days before the date on which the share becomes ex-dividend
with respect to the dividend. For this purpose, the holding period requirement is treated as met
only if the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is a specified 10-percent owned
foreign corporation at all times during the period and the taxpayer is a U.S. shareholder with
respect to such specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation at all times during the period.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Conference Agreement
In general
The provision in the conference agreement generally follows the provision in the Senate
amendment, with some changes, as described below, and allows an exemption for certain foreign
income by means of a 100-percent deduction for the foreign-source portion of dividends received
from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations by domestic corporations
that are
United States shareholders of those foreign corporations within the meaning of section 951(b)
(referred to here, as above, as “DRD”).
A specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is any foreign corporation (other than a
PFIC that is not also a CFC) with respect to which any domestic corporation is a U.S.
The term “dividend received” is intended to be interpreted broadly, consistently with the
meaning of the phrases “amount received as dividends” and “dividends received” under sections
243 and 245, respectively. For example, if a domestic corporation indirectly owns stock of a
foreign corporation through a partnership and the domestic corporation would qualify for the
participation DRD with respect to dividends from the foreign corporation if the domestic
corporation owned such stock directly, the domestic corporation would be allowed a
participation DRD with respect to its distributive share of the partnership’s dividend from the
foreign corporation.
The DRD is available only to C corporations that are not RICs or REITs.
Foreign-source portion of a dividend
The DRD is available only for the foreign-source portion of dividends received by a
domestic corporation from specified 10-percent owned foreign corporations. The foreign-source
portion of any dividend is the amount that bears the same ratio to the dividend as the
undistributed foreign earnings bears to the total undistributed earnings of the foreign corporation.
Undistributed earnings are the amount of the earnings and profits of a specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporation
as of the close of the taxable year of the specified 10-percent
Including a controlled foreign corporation treated as a domestic corporation for purposes of computing
the taxable income thereof. See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.952-2(b)(1). Therefore, a CFC receiving a dividend from a 10-
percent owned foreign corporation that constitutes subpart F income may be eligible for the DRD with respect to
such income.
Under section 951(b) as revised by the Act, a domestic corporation is a United States shareholder of a
foreign corporation if it owns, within the meaning of section 958(a), or is considered as owning by applying the
rules of section 958(b), 10-percent or more of the vote or value of the foreign corporation.
Secs. 1297, 1298.
Computed in accordance with secs. 964(a) and 986.
owned foreign corporation in which the dividend is distributed and not reduced by dividends
distributed during that taxable year. Undistributed foreign earnings are the portion of the
undistributed earnings attributable to neither income described in section 245(a)(5)(A) nor
section 245(a)(5)(B), without regard to section 245(a)(12).
Hybrid dividends
The DRD is not available for any dividend received by a U.S. shareholder from a
controlled foreign corporation if the dividend is a hybrid dividend. A hybrid dividend is an
amount received from a controlled foreign corporation for which a deduction would be allowed
under this provision and for which the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation received a
deduction (or other tax benefit) with respect to any income, war profits, and excess profits taxes
imposed by any foreign country.
If a controlled foreign corporation with respect to which a domestic corporation is a U.S.
shareholder receives a hybrid dividend from any other controlled foreign corporation with
respect to which the domestic corporation is also a U.S. shareholder, then the hybrid dividend is
treated for purposes of section 951(a)(1)(A) as subpart F income of the recipient controlled
foreign corporation (notwithstanding section 954(c)(6)) for the taxable year of the controlled
foreign corporation in which the dividends was received and the U.S. shareholder includes in
gross income an amount equal to the shareholder’s pro rata share of the subpart F income,
determined in the same manner as section 951(a)(2).
Foreign tax credit disallowance
No foreign tax credit or deduction is allowed for any taxes paid or accrued with respect to
any portion of a distribution treated as a dividend that qualifies for the DRD.
For purposes of computing the section 904(a) foreign tax credit limitation, a domestic
corporation that is a U.S. shareholder of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation must
compute its foreign-source taxable income (and entire taxable income) by disregarding the
foreign-source portion of any dividend received from that foreign corporation for which the
DRD is taken, and any deductions properly allocable or apportioned to that foreign-source
portion or the stock with respect to which it is paid.
Holding period requirement
A domestic corporation is not permitted a DRD in respect of any dividend on any share
of stock that is held by the domestic corporation for 365 days or less during the 731-day period
beginning on the date that is 365 days before the date on which the share becomes ex-dividend
with respect to the dividend. For this purpose, the holding period requirement is treated as met
only if the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation is a specified 10-percent owned
Pursuant to section 959(d), a distribution of previously taxed income does not constitute a dividend
even if it reduces earnings and profits.
foreign corporation at all times during the period and the taxpayer is a U.S. shareholder with
respect to such specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation at all times during the period.
Effective date.The provision applies to distributions made (and for purposes of
determining a taxpayer’s foreign tax credit limitation under section 904, deductions in taxable
years beginning) after December 31, 2017.
2. Modification of subpart F inclusion for increased investments in United States property
(sec. 4002 of the House bill, sec. 14218 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 956 of the Code)
House Bill
Under the provision, the amount determined under section 956 (relating to CFC
investments in United States property) with respect to a domestic corporation is zero. A similar
rule is intended for domestic corporations that own a CFC through a domestic partnership. The
provision includes a specific grant of authority to the Secretary to issue regulations to effect that
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning
after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
The provision excepts domestic corporations that are U.S. shareholders in the CFC from
the requirement that they recognize income when the CFC increases its investment in U.S.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning
after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not follow the House bill or the Senate amendment.
3. Special rules relating to sales or transfers involving specified 10-percent owned foreign
corporations (sec. 4003 of the House bill, sec. 14102 of the Senate Amendment and secs.
367(a)(3)(C), 961, 1248 and new sec. 91 of the Code)
House Bill
Reduction in basis of certain foreign stock
Solely for the purpose of determining a loss, a domestic corporate shareholder's adjusted
basis in the stock of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation (as defined in new section
245A) is reduced by an amount equal to the portion of any dividend received with respect to
such stock from such foreign corporation that was not taxed by reason of a dividends received
deduction allowable under section 245A in any taxable year of such domestic corporation. This
rule applies in coordination with section 1059, such that any reduction in basis required pursuant
to this provision will be disregarded, to the extent the basis in the 10-percent owned foreign
corporation's stock has already been reduced pursuant to section 1059.
Inclusion of transferred loss amount in certain assets transfers
Under the provision, if a domestic corporation transfers substantially all of the assets of a
foreign branch (within the meaning of section 367(a)(3)(C)) to a foreign corporation which, after
such transfer, is a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation with respect to which the
domestic corporation is a United States shareholder, the domestic corporation includes in gross
income an amount equal to the transferred loss amount, subject to certain limitations.
The transferred loss amount is the excess of: (1) losses incurred by the foreign branch
after December 31, 2017 for which a deduction was allowed to the domestic corporation, over
(2) the sum of taxable income earned by the foreign branch and gain recognized by reason of an
overall foreign loss recapture arising out of disposition of assets on account of the underlying
transfer. For the purposes of (2), only taxable income of the foreign branch in taxable years after
the loss is incurred through the close of the taxable year of the transfer is included.
For transfers not covered by section 367(a)(3)(C), the transferred loss amount is reduced
by the amount of gain recognized by the domestic corporation on the transfer (other than gains
recognized by reason of overall foreign loss recapture). For transfers covered by section
367(a)(3)(C), the transferred loss amount is reduced by the amount of gain recognized by reason
of such subparagraph.
Amounts included in gross income by reason of the provision or by reason of section
367(a)(3)(C) are treated as derived from sources within the United States.
The provision provides authority for the Secretary of the Treasury to prescribe
regulations or other guidance for proper adjustments to the adjusted basis of the specified 10-
percent owned foreign corporation to which the transfer is made, and to the adjusted basis of the
property transferred, to reflect amounts included in gross income under the provision.
Effective date.The provision relating to reduction of basis in certain foreign stock for
the purposes of determining a loss is effective for distributions made after December 31, 2017.
The provision relating to transfer of loss amounts from foreign branches to certain
foreign corporations is effective for transfers after December 31, 2017.
Senate Amendment
Sales by United States persons of stock
In the case of the sale or exchange by a domestic corporation of stock in a foreign
corporation held for one year or more, any amount received by the domestic corporation which is
treated as a dividend for purposes of section 1248, is treated as a dividend for purposes of
applying the provision
Reduction in basis of certain foreign stock
Solely for the purpose of determining a loss, a domestic corporate shareholder’s adjusted
basis in the stock of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation (as defined in this
provision) is reduced by an amount equal to the portion of any dividend received with respect to
such stock from such foreign corporation that was not taxed by reason of a dividends received
deduction allowable under section 245A in any taxable year of such domestic corporation. This
rule applies in coordination with section 1059, such that any reduction in basis required pursuant
to this provision will be disregarded, to the extent the basis in the specified 10-percent owned
foreign corporation’s stock has already been reduced pursuant to section 1059.
Sale by a CFC of a lower-tier CFC
If for any taxable year of a CFC beginning after December 31, 2017, an amount is treated
as a dividend under section 964(e)(1) because of a sale or exchange by the CFC of stock in
another foreign corporation held for a year or more, then: (i) the foreign-source portion of the
dividend is treated as subpart F income of the selling CFC for purposes of section 951(a)(1)(A),
(ii) a United States shareholder with respect to the selling CFC includes in gross income for the
taxable year of the shareholder with or within the taxable year of the CFC ends, an amount equal
to the shareholder’s pro rata share (determined in the same manner as under section 951(a)(2)) of
the amount treated as subpart F income under (i), and (iii) the deduction under section 245A(a) is
allowable to the United States shareholder with respect to the subpart F income included in gross
income under (ii) in the same manner as if the subpart F income were a dividend received by the
shareholder from the selling CFC.
In the case of a sale or exchange by a CFC of stock in another corporation in a taxable
year of the selling CFC beginning after December 31, 2017, to which this provision applies if
gain were recognized, rules similar to those in section 961(d) apply.
Inclusion of transferred loss amount in certain assets transfers
Under the provision, if a domestic corporation transfers substantially all of the assets of a
foreign branch (within the meaning of section 367(a)(3)(C) as in effect before the date of
enactment of TCJA) to a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation with respect to which it
is a U.S. shareholder after the transfer, the domestic corporation includes in gross income an
amount equal to the transferred loss amount, subject to certain limitations.
The transferred loss amount is the excess (if any) of: (1) losses incurred by the foreign
branch after December 31, 2017, and before the transfer, for which a deduction was allowed to
the domestic corporation, over (2) the sum of certain taxable income earned by the foreign
branch and gain recognized by reason of an overall foreign loss recapture arising out of
disposition of assets on account of the underlying transfer. For the purposes of (2), only taxable
income of the foreign branch in taxable years after the loss is incurred through the close of the
taxable year of the transfer, is included. The transferred loss amount is reduced by the amount of
gain recognized by the taxpayer (other than gain recognized by reason of an overall foreign loss
recapture) on account of the transfer.
The amount of loss included in the gross income of the taxpayer under the proposed rule
above for any taxable year cannot exceed the amount allowed as a deduction under new section
245A for the taxable year (taking into account dividends received from all specified 10-percent
owned foreign corporations with respect to which the taxpayer is a U.S. shareholder). Any
amount not included in gross income for a taxable year because of this proposed rule is included
in gross income in the succeeding taxable year.
Amounts included in gross income by reason of the provision are treated as derived from
sources within the United States. Consistent with regulations or guidance that the Secretary of
the Treasury may prescribe, proper adjustments are made in the adjusted basis of the taxpayer’s
stock in the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation to which the transfer is made, and in
the transferee’s adjusted basis in the property transferred, to reflect amounts included in gross
income under this provision.
Repeal of active trade or business exception
Section 367 is amended to provide that in connection with any exchange described in section
332, 351, 354, 356, or 361, if a U.S. person transfers property used in the active conduct of a
trade or business to a foreign corporation, such foreign corporation shall not, for purposes of
determining the extent to which gain shall be recognized on such transfer, be considered to be a
Effective date.The provision relating to reduction of basis in certain foreign stock for
the purposes of determining a loss is effective for dividends received in taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2017.
The provisions relating to transfer of loss amounts from foreign branches to certain
foreign corporations and to the repeal of the active trade or business exception are effective for
transfers after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The provision in the conference agreement retains elements of both the House Bill and
the Senate amendment, as follows.
Sales by United States persons of stock
In the case of the sale or exchange by a domestic corporation of stock in a foreign
corporation held for one year or more, any amount received by the domestic corporation which is
treated as a dividend for purposes of section 1248, is treated as a dividend for purposes of
applying the provision.
Reduction in basis of certain foreign stock
Solely for the purpose of determining a loss, a domestic corporate shareholder’s adjusted
basis in the stock of a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation (as defined in this
provision) is reduced by an amount equal to the portion of any dividend received with respect to
such stock from such foreign corporation that was not taxed by reason of a dividends received
deduction allowable under section 245A in any taxable year of such domestic corporation. This
rule applies in coordination with section 1059, such that any reduction in basis required pursuant
to this provision will be disregarded, to the extent the basis in the specified 10-percent owned
foreign corporation’s stock has already been reduced pursuant to section 1059.
Sale by a CFC of a lower-tier CFC
If for any taxable year of a CFC beginning after December 31, 2017, an amount is treated
as a dividend under section 964(e)(1) because of a sale or exchange by the CFC of stock in
another foreign corporation held for a year or more, then: (i) the foreign-source portion of the
dividend is treated as subpart F income of the selling CFC for purposes of section 951(a)(1)(A),
(ii) a United States shareholder with respect to the selling CFC includes in gross income for the
taxable year of the shareholder with or within the taxable year of the CFC ends, an amount equal
to the shareholder’s pro rata share (determined in the same manner as under section 951(a)(2)) of
the amount treated as subpart F income under (i), and (iii) the deduction under section 245A(a) is
allowable to the United States shareholder with respect to the subpart F income included in gross
income under (ii) in the same manner as if the subpart F income were a dividend received by the
shareholder from the selling CFC.
In the case of a sale or exchange by a CFC of stock in another corporation in a taxable
year of the selling CFC beginning after December 31, 2017, to which this provision applies if
gain were recognized, rules similar to section 961(d) apply.
Inclusion of transferred loss amount in certain assets transfers
Under the provision, if a domestic corporation transfers substantially all of the assets of a
foreign branch (within the meaning of section 367(a)(3)(C)) as in effect before the date of
enactment of TCJA) to a specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation with respect to which it
is a U.S. shareholder after the transfer, the domestic corporation includes in gross income an
amount equal to the transferred loss amount, subject to certain limitations.
The transferred loss amount is the excess (if any) of: (1) losses incurred by the foreign
branch after December 31, 2017, and before the transfer, for which a deduction was allowed to
the domestic corporation, over (2) the sum of certain taxable income earned by the foreign
branch and gain recognized by reason of an overall foreign loss recapture arising out of
disposition of assets on account of the underlying transfer. For the purposes of (2), only taxable
income of the foreign branch in taxable years after the loss is incurred through the close of the
taxable year of the transfer, is included. The transferred loss amount is reduced by the amount of
gain recognized by the taxpayer (other than gain recognized by reason of an overall foreign loss
recapture) on account of the transfer.
Amounts included in gross income by reason of the provision are treated as derived from
sources within the United States. Consistent with regulations or guidance that the Secretary of
the Treasury may prescribe, proper adjustments are made in the adjusted basis of the taxpayer’s
stock in the specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation to which the transfer is made, and in
the transferee’s adjusted basis in the property transferred, to reflect amounts included in gross
income under this provision.
The amount of gain taken into account under this provision is reduced by the amount of
gain which would be recognized under section 367(a)(3)(C) as in effect before the date of
enactment of TCJA
with respect to losses incurred before January 1, 2018.
Repeal of active trade or business exception
Section 367 is amended to provide that in connection with any exchange described in
section 332, 351, 354, 356, or 361, if a U.S. person transfers property used in the active conduct
of a trade or business to a foreign corporation, such foreign corporation shall not, for purposes of
determining the extent to which gain shall be recognized on such transfer, be considered to be a
Effective date.The provisions relating to sales or exchanges of stock apply to sales or
exchanges after December 31, 2017.
The provision relating to reduction of basis in certain foreign stock for the purposes of
determining a loss is effective for distributions made after December 31, 2017.
The provisions relating to transfer of loss amounts from foreign branches to certain
foreign corporations and to the repeal of the active trade or business are effective for transfers
after December 31, 2017.
4. Treatment of deferred foreign income upon transition to participation exemption
system of taxation and deemed repatriation at two-tier rate (sec. 4004 of the House bill,
sec. 14103 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 78, 904, 907 and 965 of the Code)
House Bill
In general
The provision generally requires that, for the last taxable year of a foreign corporation
beginning before January 1, 2018, all U.S. shareholders of any CFC or other foreign corporation
that is at least 10-percent U.S.-owned but not controlled (other than a PFIC) must include in
income their pro rata shares of the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income that was not
previously taxed. A portion of that pro rata share of deferred foreign income is deductible; the
amount deductible varies depending upon whether the deferred foreign income is held in the
form of liquid or illiquid assets. The deduction results in a reduced rate of tax of 14 percent for
the included deferred foreign income held in liquid form and 7 percent for remaining deferred
foreign income. A corresponding portion of the credit for foreign taxes is disallowed, thus
limiting the credit to the taxable portion of the included income. The increased tax liability
generally may be paid over an eight-year period.
Determined without regard to the rule providing for proper adjustment of basis in the stock in the
specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation to which the transfer is made.
Subpart F inclusion of deferred foreign income
The mechanism for the mandatory inclusion of pre-effective date foreign earnings is
subpart F. The provision provides that the subpart F income of all specified foreign corporations
is increased for the last taxable year
that begins before January 1, 2018, by its accumulated
post-1986 deferred foreign income. In contrast to the participation exemption deduction
available only to domestic corporations that are U.S. shareholders under subpart F, the transition
rule applies to all U.S. shareholders
of a specified foreign corporation. A specified foreign
corporation means (1) a CFC or (2) any foreign corporation in which a domestic corporation is a
U.S. shareholder (determined without regard to the special attribution rules of section 958(b)(4)),
other than a PFIC that is not a CFC.
A specified foreign corporation that has deferred foreign
income is a deferred foreign income corporation. Consistent with the general operation of
subpart F, each U.S. shareholder of a specified foreign corporation must include in income its
pro rata share of the foreign corporation’s subpart F income attributable to its accumulated
deferred foreign income.
Accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income
Accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of a specified foreign corporation that is
the subject of the mandatory inclusion under this provision is the greater of the accumulated
post-1986 deferred foreign income determined as of November 2, 2017 (the date of introduction
of the bill) or as of December 31, 2017. The includible portion of the accumulated post-1986
deferred foreign income is all post-1986 earnings and profits that are (1) not attributable to
income that is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States
and thus subject to current U.S. income tax, or (2) when distributed, not excludible from the
gross income of a U.S. shareholder as previously taxed income under section 959.
Post-1986 earnings and profits are those earnings that accumulated in taxable years
beginning after 1986, computed in in accordance with sections 964(a) and 986, even if arising
from periods during which the U.S. shareholder did not own stock of the foreign corporation.
Post-1986 earnings are not reduced by distributions during the taxable year to which section 965
applies. Such earnings are increased by the amount of qualified deficits
that arose in a
taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, if such deficit is also treated as a qualified deficit
Foreign corporations no longer in existence and for which there is no taxable year beginning or ending
in 2017 are not within the scope of this provision.
Sec. 951(b), which defines United States shareholder as any U.S. person that owns 10 percent or more
of the voting classes of stock of a foreign corporation.
Taxation of income earned by PFICs remains subject to the antideferral PFIC regime and are ineligible
for the dividend received deduction under new section 245A.
For purposes of taking into account its subpart F income under this rule, a noncontrolled 10/50
corporation is treated as a CFC.
Sec. 952(c)(1)(B)(ii).
for purposes of taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. Finally, the post-1986
earnings and profits are determined by reference to the foreign corporation’s total earnings and
profits, irrespective of the foreign tax credit separate category limitations.
The Secretary may prescribe appropriate rules regarding the treatment of accumulated
post-1986 foreign deferred income of specified foreign corporations that have shareholders who
are not U.S. shareholders. Such rules may also include rules that are appropriate to implement
the intent of the revised section 965 and the use of the date of introduction as one of the
measurement dates in order to establish a floor for determining the post-1986 deferred foreign
earnings and profits. For example, guidance may address the extent to which retroactive
effective dates selected in entity classification elections filed after introduction of the bill will be
Reductions of amounts included in income of U.S. shareholder of foreign corporations
with deficits in earnings and profits
The income inclusion required of a U.S. shareholder under this transition rule is reduced
by the portion of aggregate foreign earnings and profits deficit allocated to that person by reason
of that person’s interest in an “E&P deficit foreign corporation.” An E&P deficit foreign
corporation is defined as any specified foreign corporation owned by the U.S. shareholder as of
the date on which accumulated earnings and profits are measure for that corporation (November
2, 2017 or December 31, 2017, as the case may be) and which also has a deficit in post-1986
earnings and profits as of that date. Accordingly, the deficits of a foreign subsidiary that
accumulated prior to its acquisition by the U.S. shareholder may be taken into account in
determining the aggregate foreign earnings and profits deficit of a U.S. shareholder.
The U.S. shareholder aggregates its pro rata share in the foreign E&P deficits of each
such company and allocates such aggregate amount among the deferred foreign income
corporations in which the shareholder is a U.S. shareholder. The aggregate foreign E & P deficit
is allocable to a specified foreign corporation in the same ratio as the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata
share of post-1986 deferred income in that corporation bears to the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata
share of accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income from all deferred income companies of
such shareholder.
To illustrate the ratio, assume that Z, a domestic corporation, is a U.S. shareholder with
respect to each of four specified foreign corporations, two of which are E&P deficit foreign
corporations. Assume further the foreign companies have the following accumulated post-1986
See Treas, Reg, 301.7701-3(c), under which an election may specify an effective date up to 75 days
prior to the date on which the election is filed.
For example, assume that a foreign corporation organized after December 31, 1986 has $100 of
accumulated earnings and profits as of November 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017 (determined without diminution
by reason of dividends distributed during the taxable year and after any increase for qualified deficits), which consist
of $120 general limitation earnings and profits and a $20 passive limitation deficit, the foreign corporation’s post-
1986 earnings and profits would be $100, even if the $20 passive limitation deficit was a hovering deficit described
in Treas. Reg. sec. 1.367(b)-17(d)(2). Foreign income taxes related to the hovering deficit, however, would not be
deemed paid by the U.S. shareholder recognizing an incremental income inclusion.
deferred foreign income or foreign earnings and profits deficits as of November 2, 2017, and
December 31, 2017:
Specified Foreign
Percentage Owned
profit/deficit USD
Pro Rata Share
A 60% ($1,000) ($600)
B 10% ($200) ($20)
C 70% $2,000 $1,400
D 100% $1,000 $1,000
The aggregate foreign earnings and profits deficit of the U. S. shareholder is ($620), and
the aggregate share of accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income is $2,400. Thus, the
portion of the aggregate foreign earnings and profits deficit allocable to Corporation C is ($362),
that is, ($620) x 1400/2400. The remainder of the aggregate foreign earnings and profits deficit
is allocable to Corporation D. The U.S. shareholder has a net surplus of earnings and profits in
the amount of $1,780.
The provision also permits intragroup netting among U.S. shareholders in an affiliated
group in which there is at least one U.S. shareholder with a net E&P surplus and another with a
net E&P deficit. The net E&P surplus shareholder may reduce its net surplus by the
shareholder’s applicable share of aggregate unused E&P deficit, based on the group’s ownership
percentage of the members. For example, a U.S. corporation may have two domestic
subsidiaries, X and Y, in which it owns 100 percent and 80 percent, respectively. If X has a
$1,000 net E&P surplus, and Y has $1,000 net E&P deficit, X is an E&P net surplus shareholder,
and Y is an E&P net deficit shareholder. The net E&P surplus of X may be reduced by the net
E&P deficit of Y to the extent of the group’s ownership percentage in Y, which is 80-percent.
The remaining net E&P deficit of Y is unused. If the U.S. shareholder Z is also a wholly owned
domestic subsidiary of the same U.S. parent as X and Y, the group ownership percentage of Y is
unchanged, and the surpluses of X and Z are reduced ratably by 800 of the net E&P deficit of Y.
Participation exemption applied to accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income
A U.S. shareholder of a specified foreign corporation is allowed a deduction of a portion
of the increased subpart F income attributable to the inclusion of pre-effective date deferred
foreign income. The amount of the deduction is the sum of the 14-percent rate equivalent
percentage of the inclusion amount that is the shareholder’s aggregate cash position and the 7-
percent rate equivalent percentage of the portion of the inclusion that exceeds the aggregate cash
position. By stating the permitted deduction in the form of a tax rate equivalent percentage, the
provision ensures that all pre-effective date accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income is
subject to either a 7-percent or 14-percent rate of tax, depending on the underlying assets as of
the measurement date, without regard to the corporate tax rate that may be in effect at the time of
the inclusion. For example, corporate taxpayers that use a fiscal year as the taxable year may
report the increased subpart F income in a taxable year for which a reduced corporate tax rate
would otherwise apply (on a pro-rated basis under section 15), but the allowable deduction
would be reduced such that the rate of U.S. tax on the income inclusion would be 7 or 14
Aggregate cash position
The aggregate cash position of a U.S. shareholder is the average of the sum of the
shareholder’s pro rata share of the cash position of each specified foreign corporation with
respect to which that shareholder is a U.S. shareholder on each of three dates: Date of
introduction (November 2, 2017) and the last day of the two most recent taxable years ending
before the date of introduction. Appropriate adjustments are made if a specified foreign
corporation is not in existence on one or more of those dates. By using a three-year average as
the aggregate cash position for a U.S. shareholders, the effect of unusual or anomalous
transactions is muted.
For purposes of this computation, the cash position of certain non-corporate entities that
would be treated as specified foreign corporations if they were foreign corporations is also
included. The cash position of an entity consists of all cash, net accounts receivables, and the
fair market value of similarly liquid assets, specifically including personal property that is
actively traded on an established financial market, government securities, certificates of deposit,
commercial paper, foreign currency, and short-term obligations. In addition, the Secretary may
identify other assets that are economically equivalent to the enumerated assets that are included.
Certain reductions from aggregate cash position are specified in the provision. First, rules
are provided to avoid the double counting of cash position of specified foreign corporations in an
affiliated group, while ensuring that all of the cash position is taken into account. Second,
regardless of the form in which a specified foreign corporation holds earnings, to the extent that
the earnings constitute blocked income that could not be distributed by the corporation due to
local jurisdiction restrictions,
such earnings are not included in the cash position of that
specified foreign corporation. The blocked income remains within the scope of the accumulated
post-1986 deferred foreign income that is subject to inclusion under this provision.
In addition to the authority to identify other assets that are subject to the cash position
determination by regulation, the provision also authorizes the Secretary to disregard transactions
that he determines had the principal purpose of reducing the aggregate foreign cash position.
Foreign tax credits reduced
A portion of foreign income taxes deemed paid or accrued with respect to the increased
subpart F income attributable to the inclusion of pre-effective date deferred foreign income is not
creditable against the Federal income tax attributable to the inclusion, nor is it deductible. The
disallowed portion of foreign tax credits is 60-percent of foreign taxes paid attributable to the
Sec. 964(b) and regulations thereunder.
portion of the inclusion attributable to the aggregate cash position plus 80-percent of foreign
taxes paid attributable to the remaining portion of the section 965 inclusion.
The provision coordinates the disallowance of foreign tax credits described above with
the requirement
that a domestic corporate shareholder is deemed to receive a dividend in an
amount equal to foreign taxes it is deemed to have paid and for which it claimed a credit. Under
the coordination rule, the foreign taxes treated as paid or accrued by a domestic corporation as a
result of the inclusion are limited to the those taxes in proportion to the taxable portion of the
section 965 inclusion. The gross-up amount equals the total foreign income taxes multiplied by
the fraction, numerator of which is taxable portion of the increased subpart F income under this
provision and the denominator of which is the total increase in subpart F income under this
The amount of deferred foreign income required to be included in subpart F income
under this provision is disregarded for purposes of determining the amount of income from
foreign sources and the combined foreign oil and gas income that a U.S. shareholder has for
purposes of the recapture rules applicable to overall foreign losses, separate limitation losses, and
foreign oil and gas losses under sections 904(f)(1) and 907(c)(4).
The foreign income taxes deemed paid with respect to the inclusion required by the
provision and for which no credit is allowed in the year of inclusion by reason of section 904
limitations (e.g., because part or all of the inclusion required by the provision is offset by a net
operating loss deduction) are eligible for a special 20 year carry forward period, rather than the
otherwise available 10 year period.
Installment payments
A U.S. shareholder may elect to pay the net tax liability resulting from the mandatory
inclusion of pre-effective-date undistributed CFC earnings in eight equal installments. The net
tax liability that may be paid in installments is the excess of the U.S. shareholder’s net income
tax for the taxable year in which the pre-effective-date undistributed CFC earnings are included
in income over the taxpayer’s net income tax for that year determined without regard to the
inclusion. Net income tax means net income tax as defined for purposes of the general business
credit, but reduced by the amount of that credit.
An election to pay tax in installments must be made by the due date for the tax return for
the taxable year in which the pre-effective-date undistributed CFC earnings are included in
income. The Treasury Secretary has authority to prescribe the manner of making the election.
The first installment must be paid on the due date (determined without regard to extensions) for
the tax return for the taxable year of the income inclusion. Succeeding installments must be paid
annually no later than the due dates (without extensions) for the income tax return of each
succeeding year. If a deficiency is later determined with respect to the net tax liability, the
Other foreign tax credits used by a taxpayer against tax liability resulting from the deemed inclusion
apply in full.
Sec. 78.
additional tax due may be prorated among all installment payments in most circumstances. The
portions of the deficiency prorated to an installment that was due before the deficiency was
assessed must be paid upon notice and demand. The portion prorated to any remaining
installment is payable with the timely payment of that installment payment, unless the deficiency
is attributable to negligence, intentional disregard of rules or regulations, or fraud with intent to
evade tax, in which case the entire deficiency is payable upon notice and demand.
The timely payment of an installment does not incur interest. If a deficiency is
determined that is attributable to an understatement of the net tax liability due under this
provision, the deficiency is payable with underpayment interest for the period beginning on the
date on which the net tax liability would have been due, without regard to an election to pay in
installments, and ending with the payment of the deficiency. Furthermore, any amount of
deficiency prorated to a remaining installment also bears interest on the deficiency, but not on
the original installment amount.
The provision also includes an acceleration rule. If (1) there is a failure to pay timely any
required installment, (2) there is a liquidation or sale of substantially all of the U.S. shareholder’s
assets (including in a bankruptcy case), (3) the U.S. shareholder ceases business, or (4) another
similar circumstance arises, the unpaid portion of all remaining installments is due on the date of
the event (or, in a title 11 case or similar proceeding, the day before the petition is filed).
Special rule for S corporations
A special rule permits deferral of the transition net tax liability for shareholders of a U.S.
shareholder that is a flow-through entity known as an S corporation.
The S corporation is
required to report on its income tax return the amount includible in gross income by reason of
this provision, as well as the amount of deduction that would be allowable, and provide a copy of
such information to its shareholders. Any shareholder of the S corporation may elect to defer
his portion of the net tax liability at transition to the participation exemption system until the
shareholder’s taxable year in which a triggering event occurs. The election to defer the tax is due
not later than the due date for the return of the S corporation for its last taxable year that begins
before January 1, 2018.
Three types of events may trigger an end to deferral of the net tax liability. The first type
of triggering event is a change in the status of the corporation as an S corporation. The second
category includes liquidation, sale of substantially all corporate assets, termination of the
company or end of business, or similar event, including reorganization in bankruptcy. The third
type of triggering event is a transfer of shares of stock in the S corporation by the electing
taxpayer, whether by sale, death or otherwise, unless the transferee of the stock agrees with the
Secretary to be liable for net tax liability in the same manner as the transferor. Partial transfers
trigger the end of deferral only with respect to the portion of tax properly allocable to the portion
of stock sold.
Section 1361 defines an S corporation as a domestic small business corporation that has an election in
effect for status as an S corporation, with fewer than 100 shareholders, none of whom are nonresident aliens, and all
of whom are individuals, estates, trusts or certain exempt organizations.
If a shareholder of an S corporation has elected deferral under the special rule for S
corporation shareholders and a triggering event occurs, the S corporation and the electing
shareholder are jointly and severally liable for any net tax liability and related interest or
penalties. The period within which the IRS may collect such liability does not begin before the
date of an event that triggers the end of the deferral. If an election to defer payment of the net
tax liability is in effect for a shareholder, that shareholder must report the amount of the deferred
net tax liability on each income tax return due during the period that the election is in effect.
Failure to include that information with each income tax return will result in a penalty equal to
five-percent of the amount that should have been reported.
After a triggering event occurs, a shareholder is the S corporation may elect to pay the net
tax liability in eight equal installments, subject to rules similar to those generally applicable
absent deferral. Whether a shareholder may elect to pay in installments depends upon the type of
event that triggered the end of deferral. If the triggering event is a liquidation, sale of
substantially all corporate assets, termination of the company or end of business, or similar
event, the installment payment election is not available. Instead, the entire net tax liability is due
upon notice and demand. The installment election is due with the timely return for the year in
which the triggering event occurs. The first installment payment is required by the due date of
the same return, determined without regard to extensions of time to file.
Effective Date. - The provision is effective for the last taxable year of a foreign
corporation that begins before January 1, 2018, and with respect to U.S. shareholders, for the
taxable years in which or with which such taxable years of the foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision generally requires that, for the last taxable year beginning before January
1, 2018, any U.S. shareholder of a specified foreign corporation must include in income its pro
rata share of the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of the corporation. For
purposes of this provision, a specified foreign corporation is any foreign corporation that has at
least one U.S. shareholder. It excludes PFICs that are not also CFCs. A portion of that pro rata
share of foreign earnings is deductible; the amount of the deductible portion depends upon
whether the deferred earnings are held in cash or other assets. The deduction results in a reduced
rate of tax with respect to income from the required inclusion of pre-effective date earnings. A
corresponding portion of the credit for foreign taxes is disallowed, thus limiting the credit to the
taxable portion of the included income. The separate foreign tax credit limitation rules of present
law section 904 apply, with coordinating rules. The increased tax liability generally may be paid
over an eight-year period. Special rules are provided for S corporations and real estate
investment trusts (“REITs”).
Subpart F
The mechanism for requiring an inclusion of pre-effective-date foreign earnings is
subpart F. The provision provides that in the last taxable year of a deferred foreign income
corporation that begins before January 1, 2018, which is that foreign corporation’s last taxable
year before the transition to the new corporate tax regime elsewhere in the bill goes into effect,
the subpart F income of the foreign corporation is increased by the greater of the accumulated
post-1986 deferred foreign income of the corporation, determined as of November 9, 2017, or as
of December 31, 2017 (“measurement date”). The amount so determined is includible in gross
income under section 951 (hereinafter, “the section 951 inclusion”).
The transition rule applies to all U.S. shareholders
of a deferred foreign income
corporation. “Deferred foreign income corporation” is any specified foreign corporation with
accumulated post-1986 deferred income that is greater than zero. A specified foreign
corporation is defined as any CFC as well as any section 902 corporation, as defined in section
909(d)(5) prior to date of enactment of this bill, i.e., any foreign corporation in which a U.S.
person owns 10 percent of the voting stock. Consistent with the general operation of subpart F,
each U.S. shareholder of a deferred foreign income corporation must include in income the
shareholder’s pro rata share of the foreign corporation’s subpart F income attributable to its
section 951 inclusion.
Accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income
A specified foreign corporation’s accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income on the
measurement date is based on all post-1986 foreign earnings and profits (“E&P”) that are not
previously taxed and are neither (1) attributable to income that is effectively connected with the
conduct of a trade or business in the United States and subject to U.S. income tax nor (2) subpart
F income (determined without regard to the section 951 inclusion) included in the gross income
of a U.S. shareholder. The potential pool of includible earnings includes all undistributed
foreign earnings accumulated in taxable years beginning after 1986, computed in accordance
with sections 964(a) and 986, taking into account only periods when the foreign corporation was
a specified corporation. The pool of post-1986 foreign earnings and profits is not reduced by
distributions during the taxable year to which section 965 applies.
Reductions of amounts included in income of U.S. shareholder of foreign corporations
with deficits in E&P
The pool of post-1986 earnings and profits taken into consideration in computing the
section 951 inclusion required of a U.S. shareholder under this transition rule generally is
reduced by foreign earnings and profits deficits that are properly allocated to that person. The
U.S. shareholder must determine its aggregate E&P deficit based on its interest in each specified
foreign corporation with a deficit in post-1986 foreign earnings and profits as of the
measurement date (“E&P deficit foreign corporation”).
The U.S. shareholder’s aggregate E&P deficit is then allocated among the deferred
foreign income corporations in the same ratio as the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata share of post-
Sec. 951(b) defines United States shareholder as any U.S. person that owns 10 percent or more of
combined voting classes of stock of a foreign corporation.
For purposes of taking into account its subpart F income under this rule, a noncontrolled section 902
corporation is treated as a CFC.
1986 deferred income in that corporation bears to the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata share of
accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income from all deferred foreign income corporations
with respect to which the shareholder is a U.S. shareholder. For the portion of aggregate E&P
deficits that include qualified deficits, the portion of the deficit that is attributable to a qualified
deficit, and the qualified activity, must be identified. The provision does not permit intragroup
netting among U.S. shareholders within an affiliated group.
In taxable years beginning after 2017, amounts by which the section 951 inclusion was
reduced by aggregate E&P deficits are considered as amounts included in the gross income of
the U.S. shareholder. The shareholder’s pro rata share of the E&P of an E&P deficit foreign
corporation that used qualified deficits to reduce its section 951 inclusion is increased by the
amount of such deficit and attributed to the same activity to which the income was attributed.
Deductions from section 951 inclusion
To determine the taxable portion of the section 951 inclusion, the U.S. shareholders with
accumulated deferred foreign income may deduct a portion of the section 951 inclusion in an
amount that depends upon the proportion of aggregate earnings and profits attributable to cash
assets rather than noncash assets, in the nature of a partial dividends-received deduction. A U.S.
shareholder may deduct 71.4 percent of the aggregate earnings and profits attributable to cash
assets, and 85.7 percent of the remainder of the aggregate earnings and profits in the section 951
A U.S. shareholder may elect, no later than with a timely filed return for the taxable year,
not to apply its net operating loss deduction to the deemed repatriation. If so, neither the section
951 inclusion nor any related deemed paid foreign tax credits may be taken into account in
computing the net operating loss deduction for that year.
Cash position
The aggregate earnings and profits attributable to cash assets for a U.S. shareholder is the
greater of the pro rata share of the cash position of all specified foreign corporations as of the last
day of the last taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, or the average of the cash position
determined on the last day of each of the two taxable years ending immediately before
November 9, 2017. For purposes of this computation, the cash position of certain non-corporate
entities that would be treated as specified foreign corporations if they were foreign corporations
is also included. The cash position of an entity consists of all cash, net accounts receivables, and
the fair market value of similarly liquid assets, specifically including personal property that is
actively traded on an established financial market (other than stock in the specified foreign
Committee Print, Reconciliation Recommendations Pursuant to H. Con. Res. 71, S. Prt. 115-20,
(December 2017), as reprinted on the website of the Senate Budget Committee, available at
https://www.budget.senate.gov/taxreform., at footnote 1198, indicated that the income deducted was to be treated as
exempt from tax, with the result that the deducted income, if earned by a partnership, could give rise to an increase
in a partner’s basis under section 705(a)(1)(B).
corporation) government securities, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and short-term
To avoid double counting of cash assets, a U.S. shareholder may disregard accounts
receivable and short-term obligations of a specified foreign corporation if that shareholder can
establish that the amounts were already taken into account by that shareholder with respect to
another specified foreign corporation.
The Secretary may identify other assets that are economically equivalent to the
enumerated assets that are treated as cash. The provision also authorizes the Secretary to
disregard transactions that are determined to have the principal purpose of reducing the
aggregate foreign cash position.
Foreign tax credit
A portion of foreign income tax that is deemed paid or accrued with respect to the section
951 inclusion is not creditable or deductible against the Federal income tax attributable to the
inclusion. The disallowed portion of foreign tax credits is 71.4 percent of foreign taxes paid
attributable to the portion of the section 965 inclusion attributable to the aggregate cash position
plus, 85.7 percent of foreign taxes paid attributable to the remaining portion of the section 965
The provision coordinates the disallowance of foreign tax credits with the
that a domestic corporate shareholder is deemed to receive a dividend in an
amount equal to foreign taxes it is deemed to have paid and for which it claimed a credit.
Limitations on assessment extended
The provision also allows an exception to the otherwise applicable limitations period for
assessment of tax to ensure that the period for assessment of underpayments in tax related to the
treatment of the pre-effective date foreign earnings does not expire prior to six years from the
date on which the return initially reflecting the section 951 inclusion was filed.
Installment payments
The Senate amendment follows the House provision in allowing a U.S. shareholder to
elect to pay the net tax liability resulting from the section 951 inclusion in eight installments.
However, if installment payment is elected, rather than requiring eight equal installments, the
Senate amendment requires that the payments for each of the first five years equal 8 percent of
the net tax liability, the sixth installment equals 15 percent of the net tax liability, increasing to
20 percent for the seventh installment and the remaining balance of 25 percent in the eighth year.
Other foreign tax credits used by a taxpayer against tax liability resulting from the deemed inclusion
apply in full.
Sec. 78.
Special rule for S corporations
The Senate amendment also includes the special rule of the House provision that permits
deferral of the transition net tax liability for shareholders of a U.S. shareholder that is a flow-
through entity known as an S corporation.
After a triggering event occurs, a shareholder in
the S corporation may elect to pay the net tax liability in eight installments, subject to rules
similar to those generally applicable absent deferral.
Special rules for REITs
To alleviate burden of compliance with this section by REITs, special rules are provided
if a U.S. shareholder is a REIT. First, although it must determine its pro rata share of the
increase in subpart F income in accordance with the rules described above, the REIT is not
required to take into account the section 951 inclusion for purposes of determining the REIT’s
amount of qualified REIT gross income.
The section 951 inclusion is, however, taken into
account for purposes of determining the income potentially required to be included in taxable
income under section 857(b). Unlike a regular subchapter C corporation, a REIT is able to
deduct the portion of its income that is distributed to its shareholders as a dividend or qualifying
liquidating distribution each year.
The distributed income of the REIT is not taxed at the
entity level; instead, it is taxed once, at the investor level. As a result, a required inclusion under
this section may trigger a requirement that the REIT distribute an amount equal to 90 percent of
that inclusion despite the fact that it received no distribution from the deferred foreign income
To avoid requiring that any distribution requirement be satisfied in one year, an election
to defer the section 951 inclusion is permitted. Under a timely election, a REIT may instead take
the amounts into income over a period of eight years. It must include 8 percent in each of the
five years beginning with the initial year in which the section 951 inclusion is determined, 15
percent in the sixth year, 20 percent in the seventh year and 25 percent in the eighth year. In
each of those years, it may claim a partial dividends-received deduction in the applicable
percentages in proportion to the amount included in each of the eight years. Neither the REIT
nor the recipient of the distribution may elect to use the installment payment.
Section 1361 defines an S corporation as a domestic small business corporation that has an election in
effect for status as an S corporation, with no more than 100 shareholders, none of whom are nonresident aliens, and
all of whom are individuals, estates, trusts or certain exempt organizations.
To qualify as a REIT, an entity must meet certain income requirements. A REIT is restricted to
earning certain types of generally passive income. Among other requirements, at least 75 percent of the gross
income of a REIT in each taxable year must consist of real estate-related income. Secs. 856. In addition, a REIT is
required to distribute at least 90 percent of REIT income (other than net capital gain) annually. Sec. 857. Even if a
REIT meets the 90-percent income distribution requirement for REIT qualification, more stringent distribution
requirements must be met in order to avoid an excise tax under section 4981.
Liquidating distributions are covered to the extent of earnings and profits, and are defined to include
redemptions of stock that are treated by shareholders as a sale of stock under section 302. Secs. 857(b)(2)(B), 561,
and 562(b).
In the event that a REIT liquidates, ceases to operate its business, or distributes
substantially all its assets (or any other similar event occurs), any portion of the required
inclusion not yet taken into income is accelerated and required to be included as gross income as
of the day before the event.
Recapture from expatriated entities
The provision denies any deduction claimed with respect to the mandatory subpart F
inclusion and imposes a 35-percent tax on the entire inclusion if a U.S. shareholder becomes an
expatriated entity within the meaning of section 7874(a)(2) at any point within the ten-year
period following enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. An entity that becomes a surrogate
foreign corporation that is treated as a domestic corporation under section 7874(b) is not within
the scope of this recapture provision. Although the amount due is computed by reference to the
year in which the deemed subpart F income was originally reported, the additional tax arises and
is assessed for the taxable year in which the U.S. shareholder becomes an expatriated entity. No
foreign tax credits are permitted with respect to the additional tax due as a result of the recapture
Regulatory authority
A specific grant of regulatory authority to carry out the intent of this provision is
included. For example, the Secretary may identify instances in which it is appropriate to grant
relief from potential double-counting of earnings and profits, which may occur due to different
measurement dates applicable to specified foreign corporations within an affiliated group, or the
timing of intragroup distributions. It also specifies that the Secretary shall prescribe rules or
guidance in order to deter tax avoidance through use of entity classification elections and
accounting method changes, among other possible strategies.
Effective date.The provision is effective for the last taxable year of a foreign
corporation that begins before January 1, 2018, and with respect to U.S. shareholders, for the
taxable years in which or with which such taxable years of the foreign corporations end.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement generally follows the Senate amendment, with several
modifications, including those described below.
Scope of earnings and profits subject to the transition tax
The provision applies to all CFCs. It also applies to all foreign corporations (other than
PFICs), in which a U.S. person owns a 10-percent voting interest, rather than only CFCs and
those corporations within the definition of section 902 corporation. However, in the case of a
foreign corporation that is not a CFC, there must be at least one U.S. shareholder that is a
domestic corporation in order for the foreign corporation to be a specified foreign corporation.
Such entities must determine their deferred foreign income based on the greater of the aggregate
post-1986 accumulated foreign earnings and profits as of November 2, 2017 or December 31,
2017, not reduced by distributions during the taxable year ending with or including the
measurement date, unless such distributions were made to another specified foreign corporation.
The portion of post-1986 earnings and profits subject to the transition tax does not include
earnings and profits that were accumulated by a foreign company prior to attaining its status as a
specified foreign corporation.
Deferred earnings of a U.S. shareholder are reduced (but not below zero) by the
shareholder’s share of deficits as of November 2, 2017, from a specified foreign corporation that
is not a deferred foreign income corporations, including the pro rata share of deficits of another
U.S. shareholder in a different U.S. ownership chain within the same U.S. affiliated group. The
deficits (including hovering deficits
) of a foreign subsidiary that accumulated while it was a
specified foreign corporation may be taken into account in determining the aggregate foreign
earnings and profits deficit of a U.S. shareholder. Therefore, the amount of post-1986 earnings
and profits of a specified foreign corporation is the amount of positive earnings and profits
accumulated as of the measurement date reduced by any deficit in earnings and profits of the
specified foreign corporation as of the measurement date, without regard to the limitation
category of the earnings or deficit. In taxable years beginning with the year of the section 951
inclusion, amounts by which the section 951 inclusion was reduced by aggregate E&P deficits
are considered as amounts included in the gross income of the U.S. shareholder for purposes of
applying section 959.
For example, assume that a foreign corporation organized after December 31, 1986 has
$100 of accumulated earnings and profits as of November 2, 2017, and December 31, 2017
(determined without diminution by reason of dividends distributed during the taxable year and
after any increase for qualified deficits), which consist of $120 general limitation earnings and
profits and a $20 passive limitation deficit, the foreign corporation’s post-1986 earnings and
profits would be $100, even if the $20 passive limitation deficit was a hovering deficit. Foreign
income taxes related to the hovering deficit, however, would not generally be deemed paid by
the U.S. shareholder recognizing an incremental income inclusion. However, the conferees
expect the Secretary may issue guidance to provide that, solely for purposes of calculating the
amount of foreign income taxes deemed paid by the U.S. shareholder with respect to an inclusion
under section 965, a hovering deficit may be absorbed by current year earnings and profits and
the foreign income taxes related to the hovering deficit may be added to the specified foreign
corporation’s post-1986 foreign income taxes in that separate category on a pro rata basis in the
year of inclusion.
In order to avoid double-counting and double non-counting of earnings, the Secretary
may provide guidance to adjust the amount of post-1986 earnings and profits of a specified
foreign corporation to ensure that a single item of a specified foreign corporation is taken into
account only once in determining the income of a United States shareholder subject to this
provision. Such an adjustment may be necessary, for example, when there is a deductible
payment (e.g., interest or royalties) from one specified foreign corporation to another specified
foreign corporation between measurement dates.
See, Treas. Reg. sec. 1.367(b)-7(d)(2) (definition of hovering deficit).
Cf. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.367(b)-7(d)(2)(ii) and (iii).
The conferees are also aware that certain taxpayers may have engaged in tax strategies
designed to reduce the amount of post-1986 earnings and profits in order to decrease the amount
of the inclusion required under this provision. Such tax strategies may include a change in entity
classification, accounting method, and taxable year, or intragroup transactions such as
distributions or liquidations. The conferees expect the Secretary to prescribe rules to adjust the
amount of post-1986 earnings and profits in such cases in order to prevent the avoidance of the
purposes of this section.
Furthermore, the conferees expect that the Secretary will exercise his authority under the
consolidated return provisions to appropriately limit the netting across chains of ownership
within a group of related parties in the application of this provision. However, nothing in this
provision is intended to be interpreted as limiting the Secretary’s authority to use such regulatory
authority to prescribe regulations on proper application of this section on a consolidated basis for
affiliated groups filing a consolidated return.
Application of participation exemption deduction and related foreign tax credits
Instead of prescribing a fixed percentage of the section 951 inclusion resulting from
section 965 for which a partial dividends-received deduction is permitted, the conference
agreement adopts the rate equivalent percentage method used in the House bill. As a result, the
total deduction from the amount of the section 951 inclusion is the amount necessary to result in
a 15.5-percent rate of tax on accumulated post-1986 foreign earnings held in the form of cash or
cash equivalents, and 8-percent rate of tax on all other earnings. The calculation is based on the
highest rate of tax applicable to corporations in the taxable year of inclusion, even if the U.S.
shareholder is an individual.
The use of rate equivalent percentages is intended to ensure that the rates of tax imposed
on the deferred foreign income is similar for all U.S. shareholders, regardless of the year in
which section 965 gives rise to an income inclusion. Individual U.S. shareholders, and the
investors in U.S. shareholders that are pass-through entities generally can elect application of
corporate rates for the year of inclusion.
In addition, the increase in income that is not taxed
by reason of the partial dividends-received deduction allowed under this provision is treated as
income exempt from tax for purposes of determining the basis in an interest in a partnership or
subchapter S corporation, but not as income exempt from tax for purposes of determining the
accumulated adjustments account of a subchapter S corporation.
Similarly, the conferees
expect the Secretary to provide regulations or other guidance that provide for similar treatment
under section 986(c), such that any gain or loss recognized thereunder with respect to
distributions of earnings previously taxed (or treated as previously taxed) by reason of section
965(a) will be diminished proportionately to the diminution of the net taxable income resulting
from section 965(a) by reason of the deduction allowed under section 965(c).
Sec. 962 allows individuals to make the election for a specific taxable year, subject to regulations
provided by the Secretary.
Secs. 705(a)(1)(B), 1367(a)(1)(A) and 1368(e)(1)(A).
To reflect the change in the applicable rates of deduction, the amounts by which foreign
tax credits are reduced are also changed. In addition, the rules for coordination of this provision
with the limitations on foreign tax credits follows the House provision. Under the coordination
rule, the foreign taxes treated as paid or accrued by a domestic corporation as a result of the
inclusion are limited to the those taxes in proportion to the taxable portion of the section 965
inclusion. The gross-up amount equals the total foreign income taxes multiplied by the fraction,
numerator of which is taxable portion of the increased subpart F income under this provision and
the denominator of which is the total increase in subpart F income under this provision.
The conferees recognize that basis adjustments (increases or decreases) may be necessary
with respect to both the stock of the deferred foreign income corporation and the E&P deficit
foreign corporation and authorizes the Secretary to provide for such basis adjustments or other
adjustments, as may be appropriate. For example, with respect to the stock of the deferred
foreign income corporation, the Secretary may determine that a basis increase is appropriate in
the taxable year of the section 951A inclusion or, alternatively, the Secretary may modify the
application of section 961(b)(1) with respect to such stock. Moreover, with respect to the stock
of the E&P deficit corporation, the Secretary may require a reduction in basis for the taxable year
in which the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata share of the earnings of the E&P deficit corporation are
With respect to the denial of the partial dividend to any U.S. shareholder that becomes an
expatriated entity within the meaning of section 7874(a)(2) at any point within the ten-year
period following enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the conference agreement clarifies that
U.S. shareholders acquired by a surrogate corporation are within the scope of the provision only
if the surrogate corporation inverted post-enactment.
Determination of cash position
The determination of assets to be considered in measuring the cash position of an entity is
modified in several ways. First, cash holdings of a specified foreign corporation in the form of
publicly traded stock may be excluded to the extent that a U.S. shareholder can demonstrate that
the value of such stock was taken into account as cash or cash equivalent by another specified
foreign corporation with respect to which such shareholder is a U.S. shareholder.
The conference agreement also provides that the cash position of a U.S. shareholder does
not generally include the cash attributable to a direct ownership interest in a partnership, but
preserves the rule that cash positions of certain noncorporate foreign entities owned by a
specified foreign corporation are taken into account if such entities would be specified foreign
corporations with respect to the U.S. shareholder if the entity were a foreign corporation. For
example, if a U.S. shareholder owns a five-percent interest in a partnership, the balance of which
is held by a specified foreign corporations with respect to which such shareholder is a U.S.
shareholder, the partnership is treated as a specified foreign corporation with respect to the U.S.
shareholder, and the cash or cash equivalents held by the partnership are includible in the
aggregate cash position of the U.S. shareholder on a look-through basis. The conferees
anticipate that the Secretary will provide guidance for taking into account only the specified
foreign corporation’s share of the partnership’s cash position, and not the five-percent interest
directly owned by the U.S. shareholder.
Effective date.The provision is effective for the last taxable year of a foreign
corporation that begins before January 1, 2018, and with respect to U.S. shareholders, for the
taxable years in which or with which such taxable years of the foreign corporations end.
5. Election to increase percentage of domestic taxable income offset by overall domestic
loss treated as foreign source (sec. 14305 of the Senate amendment and sec. 904(g) of the
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies section 904(g) by providing an election to increase the percentage
(but not greater than 100 percent) of domestic taxable income offset by any pre-2018 unused
overall domestic loss and recharacterized as foreign source. The term “pre-2018 unused overall
domestic loss” means any overall domestic loss which: (1) arises in a qualified taxable year
beginning before January 1, 2018, and (2) has not been used under the general rule set forth in
section 904(g)(1). The term “qualified taxable year” means any taxable year of the taxpayer
beginning after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2028.
Effective date.The provision shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
B. Rules Related to Passive and Mobile Income
1. Deduction for foreign-derived intangible income and global intangible low-taxed income
(sec. 14202 of the Senate amendment and new sec. 250 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
In general
The provision provides domestic corporations with reduced rates of U.S. tax on their
foreign-derived intangible income (“FDII”) and global intangible low-taxed income
GILTI is defined in section 14201 of the Senate amendment and new section
951A, while a domestic corporation’s FDII is the portion of its intangible income, determined on
a formulaic basis, that is derived from serving foreign markets. For taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, the effective tax rate on FDII is 21.875 percent
and the effective U.S. tax rate on GILTI is 17.5 percent under the Senate amendment.
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018, and before January 1, 2026, the effective tax
rate on FDII is 12.5 percent and the effective U.S. tax rate on GILTI is 10 percent. For taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2025, the effective tax rate on FDII is 15.625 percent and the
effective U.S. tax rate on GILTI is 12.5 percent.
Deduction for FDII and GILTI
Deduction for FDII and GILTI and taxable income limitation
In the case of domestic corporations for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2017, and before January 1, 2026, the provision generally allows as a deduction an amount equal
to the sum of 37.5 percent of its FDII plus 50 percent of its GILTI (if any). For taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025, the deduction for FDII is reduced to 21.875 percent and the
deduction for GILTI is lowered to 37.5 percent.
If the sum of a domestic corporation’s FDII and GILTI amounts exceeds its taxable
income determined without regard to this provision, then the amount of FDII and GILTI for
The deduction for FDII and GILTI is only available to domestic corporations. U.S. shareholders that
are not domestic corporations are subject to full U.S. tax on their GILTI.
Under the sec. 13001 of the Senate amendment, the corporate tax rate is reduced to 20 percent for
taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
The Committee intends that the deduction allowed by new Code section 250 be treated as exempting
the deducted income from tax. Thus, for example, the deduction for global intangible low-taxed income could give
rise to an increase in a domestic corporate partner’s basis in a domestic partnership under section 705(a)(1)(B).
which a deduction is allowed is reduced by an amount determined by such excess. The reduction
in FDII for which a deduction is allowed equals such excess multiplied by a percentage equal to
the corporation’s FDII divided by the sum of its FDII and GILTI. The reduction in GILTI for
which a deduction is allowed equals the remainder of such excess.
The FDII of any domestic corporation is the amount which bears the same ratio to the
corporation’s deemed intangible income as its foreign-derived deduction eligible income bears to
its deduction eligible income. In other words, a domestic corporation’s FDII is its deemed
intangible income multiplied by the percentage of its deduction eligible income that is foreign-
derived. The calculation can also be expressed as the following:
 
The Secretary is authorized to prescribe regulations or other guidance as may be
necessary or appropriate to carry out this provision.
Deduction eligible income
Deduction eligible income means, with respect to any domestic corporation, the excess (if
any) of the gross income of the corporation—determined without regard to certain exceptions to
deduction eligible income—over deductions (including taxes) properly allocable to such gross
income (referred to in this document as “deduction eligible gross income”). The exceptions to
deduction eligible income are: (1) the subpart F income of the corporation determined under
section 951; (2) the GILTI of the corporation; (3) any financial services income (as defined in
section 904(d)(2)(D)) of the corporation; (4) any dividend received from a CFC with respect to
which the corporation is a U.S. shareholder; and (5) any domestic oil and gas extraction income
of the corporation; and (6) any foreign branch income (as defined in section 904(d)(2)(J)) of the
The formula for deduction eligible income can generally be written as follows:
   
For example, consider a domestic corporation with $1,250 of FDII, $750 of GILTI, and taxable income
(determined without regard to this provision) of $1,500. The sum of the corporation’s FDII and GILTI amounts is
$2,000, which exceeds $1,500 by $500. For purposes of this provision, the amount of FDII for which a deduction is
allowed is reduced by $500 multiplied by $1,250/$2,000, or $312.50. The amount of GILTI for which a deduction
is allowed is reduced by the remainder of the excess, or $187.50 (= $500 × $750/$2,000).
This formula assumes that the excess described in the preceding paragraph is positive. Otherwise there
is no deduction eligible income.
where  refers to the exceptions to deduction eligible income and
 encompass all deductions (including taxes) property allocable to deduction
eligible gross income.
Deemed intangible income
The domestic corporation’s deemed intangible income means the excess (if any) of its
deduction eligible income over its deemed tangible income return. The deemed tangible income
return means, with respect to any corporation, an amount equal to 10 percent of the corporation’s
qualified business asset investment (“QBAI”). Deemed intangible income can be calculated as
  10% 
For purposes of computing its FDII, a domestic corporation’s QBAI is the average of the
aggregate of its adjusted bases, determined as of the close of each quarter of the taxable year, in
specified tangible property used in its trade or business and of a type with respect to which a
deduction is allowable under section 167. The adjusted basis in any property must be determined
using the alternative depreciation system under section 168(g), notwithstanding any provision of
law (or any other section of the Senate amendment) which is enacted after the date of enactment
of this provision (unless such later enacted law specifically and directly amends this provision’s
Specified tangible property means any tangible property used in the production of
deduction eligible income. If such property was used in the production of deduction eligible
income and income that is not deduction eligible income (i.e., dual-use property), the property is
treated as specified tangible property in the same proportion that the amount of deduction
eligible gross income produced with respect to the property bears to the total amount of gross
income produced with respect to the property.
In other words, the percentage of a domestic
corporation’s adjusted basis in dual-use property that is included in QBAI equals the deduction
eligible gross income produced with respect to the property divided by the total gross income
produced with respect to the property.
Foreign-derived deduction eligible income
Foreign-derived deduction eligible income means, with respect to a taxpayer for its
taxable year, any deduction eligible income of the taxpayer that is derived in connection with (1)
property that is sold by the taxpayer to any person who is not a United States person and that the
If the quantity in this formula is negative, deemed intangible income is zero.
For example, if a building is used in the production of $1,000 of total gross income for a taxable year,
$250 of which was domestic oil and gas extraction income and the remaining $750 of which was deduction eligible
gross income, then 75 percent of a domestic corporation’s average adjusted basis in the building is included in QBAI
for that taxable year.
taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary is for a foreign use
or (2) services
provided by the taxpayer that the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary are
provided to any person, or with respect to property, not located within the United States. Foreign
use means any use, consumption, or disposition that is not within the United States. Special
rules for determining foreign use apply to transactions that involve property or services provided
to domestic intermediaries or related parties.
For purposes of the provision, the terms “sold,” “sells”, and “sale” include any lease,
license, exchange, or other disposition.
Property or services provided to domestic intermediaries
If a taxpayer sells property to another person (other than a related party) for further
manufacture or modification within the United States, the property is generally not treated as
sold for a foreign use even if such other person subsequently uses such property for foreign use.
However, there is an exception to this general rule for property (1) that is ultimately sold by a
related party, or used by a related party in connection with property that is sold or the provision
of services, to another person who is an unrelated party who is not a U.S. person and (2) that the
taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary is for a foreign use.
eligible income derived in connection with services provided to another person (other than a
related party) located within the United States is not treated as foreign-derived deduction eligible
income, even if the other person uses the services in providing services the income from which is
considered foreign-derived deduction eligible income.
Special rules with respect to related party transactions
If property is sold to a related foreign party, the sale is not treated as for a foreign use
unless the property is sold by the related foreign party to another person who is unrelated and is
not a U.S. person and the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such
property is for a foreign use. Income derived in connection with services provided to a related
party who is not located in the United States is not treated as foreign-derived deduction eligible
income unless the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such service is not
substantially similar to services provided by the related party to persons located within the
United States.
For purposes of applying these rules, a related party means any member of an affiliated
group as defined in section 1504(a) determined by substituting “more than 50 percent” for “at
least 80 percent” each place it appears and without regard to sections 1504(b)(2) and 1504(b)(3).
Any person (other than a corporation) is treated as a member of the affiliated group if the person
is controlled by members of the group (including any entity treated as a member of the group by
If property is sold by a taxpayer to a person who is not a U.S. person, and after such sale the property
is subject to manufacture, assembly, or other processing (including the incorporation of such property, as a
component, into a second product by means of production, manufacture, or assembly) outside the United States by
such person, then the property is for a foreign use.
In other words, the fact that a component is included in a piece of property that is eventually sold for a
foreign use is insufficient for the sale of the component to be considered for a foreign use.
reason of this sentence) or controls any member, with control being determined under the rules
of section 954(d)(3).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment, with clarifications and
modifications that include the following:
The deduction for FDII and GILTI is available only to C corporations that are not
RICs or REITs.
The deduction for GILTI applies to the amount treated as a dividend received by a
domestic corporation under section 78 that is attributable to the corporation’s GILTI
amount under new section 951A.
The exclusions from deduction eligible income are clarified.
The definition of deemed tangible income return is clarified.
Illustration of effective tax rates on FDII and GILTI
Under a 21-percent corporate tax rate, and as a result of the deduction for FDII and
GILTI, the effective tax rate on FDII is 13.125 percent and the effective U.S. tax rate on GILTI
(with respect to domestic corporations) is 10.5 percent for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026.
Since only a portion (80 percent) of foreign
tax credits are allowed to offset U.S. tax on GILTI, the minimum foreign tax rate, with respect to
GILTI, at which no U.S. residual tax is owed by a domestic corporation is 13.125 percent.
An S corporation’s taxable income is computed in the same manner as an individual (sec. 1363(b)) so
that deductions allowable only to corporations, such as FDII and GILTI, do not apply. See Report by the House
Committee on Ways and Means to accompany H.R. 6055, Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982, H. Rep. No. 97-826,
p. 14; and Report by the Senate Committee on Finance to accompany H.R. 6055, Subchapter S Revision Act of
1982, S. Rep. 97-640, p. 15.
The Code provides that deductions for corporations provided in part VIII of subchapter B, which include
the deduction for FDII and GILTI, do not apply in computing investment company taxable income (sec.
852(b)(2)(C)) or real estate investment trust taxable income (sec. 857(b)(2)(A)). Therefore, the deduction for FDII
and GILTI does not apply to RICs or REITs.
Due to the reduction in the effective U.S. tax rate resulting from the deduction for FDII and GILTI, the
conferees expect the Secretary to provide, as appropriate, regulations or other guidance similar to that under
amended section 965 with respect to the determination of basis adjustments under section 705(a)(1) and the
determination of gain or loss under section 986(c).
13.125 percent equals the effective GILTI rate of 10.5 percent divided by 80 percent. If the foreign tax
rate on GILTI is 13.125 percent, and domestic corporations are allowed a credit equal to 80 percent of foreign taxes
the foreign tax rate on GILTI is zero percent, then the U.S. residual tax rate on GILTI is 10.5
percent. Therefore, as foreign tax rates on GILTI range between zero percent and 13.125
percent, the total combined foreign and U.S. tax rate on GILTI ranges between 10.5 percent and
13.125 percent. At foreign tax rates greater than or equal to 13.125 percent, there is no residual
U.S. tax owed on GILTI, so that the combined foreign and U.S. tax rate on GILTI equals the
foreign tax rate.
For domestic corporations in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, the
effective tax rate on FDII is 16.406 percent and the effective U.S. tax rate on GILTI is 13.125
percent. The minimum foreign tax rate, with respect to GILTI, at which no U.S. residual tax is
owed is 16.406 percent.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2. Special rules for transfers of intangible property from controlled foreign corporations to
United States shareholders (sec. 14203 of the Senate amendment and new sec. 966 of the
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
For certain distributions of intangible property held by a CFC on the date of enactment of
this provision, the fair market value of the property on the date of the distribution is treated as
not exceeding the adjusted basis of the property immediately before the distribution. If the
distribution is not a dividend, a U.S. shareholder’s adjusted basis in the stock of the CFC with
respect to which the distribution is made is increased by the amount (if any) of the distribution
that would, but for this provision, be includible in gross income. The adjusted basis of the
property in the hands of the U.S. shareholder immediately after the distribution is the adjusted
basis immediately before the distribution, reduced by the amount of the increase (if any)
described previously.
For purposes of the provision, intangible property means intangible property as described
in section 936(h)(3)(B) and computer software as described in section 197(e)(3)(B).
paid, then the post-credit foreign tax rate on GILTI equals 10.5 percent (= 13.125 percent × 80 percent), which
equals the effective GILTI rate of 10.5 percent. Therefore, no U.S. residual tax is owed.
If the foreign tax rate on GILTI is zero percent, then the U.S. residual tax rate on GILTI is 13.125
percent. Therefore, as foreign tax rates on GILTI range between zero percent and 16.406 percent, the total
combined foreign and U.S. tax rate on GILTI ranges between 13.125 percent and 16.406 percent. At foreign tax
rates greater than or equal to 16.406 percent, there is no residual U.S. tax on GILTI, and the combined foreign and
U.S. tax rate on GILTI equals the foreign tax rate.
The provision applies to distributions that are (1) received by a domestic corporation
from a CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder and (2) made by the CFC before the
last day of the third taxable year of the CFC beginning after December 31, 2017.
Effective date.–The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
C. Modifications Related to Foreign Tax Credit System
1. Repeal of section 902 indirect foreign tax credits; determination of section 960 credit on
current year basis (sec. 4101 of the House bill, sec. 14301 of the Senate amendment, and
secs. 902 and 960 of the Code)
House Bill
The provision repeals the deemed-paid credit with respect to dividends received by a
domestic corporation that owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock of a foreign corporation.
A deemed-paid credit is provided with respect to any income inclusion under subpart F.
The deemed-paid credit is limited to the amount of foreign income taxes properly attributable to
the subpart F inclusion. Foreign income taxes under the proposal include income, war profits, or
excess profits taxes paid or accrued by the CFC to any foreign country or possession of the
United States. The proposal eliminates the need for computing and tracking cumulative tax
Additionally, the provision provides rules applicable to foreign taxes attributable to
distributions from previously taxed earnings and profits, including distributions made through
The Secretary is granted authority under the proposal to provide regulations and other
guidance as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this proposal. It is
anticipated that the Secretary would provide regulations with rules for allocating taxes similar to
rules in place for purposes of determining the allocation of taxes to specific foreign tax credit
Under such rules, taxes are not attributable to an item of subpart F income if the
base upon which the tax was imposed does not include the item of subpart F income. For
example, if foreign law exempts a certain type of income from its tax base, no deemed-paid
credit results from the inclusion of such income as subpart F. Tax imposed on income that is not
included in subpart F income, is not considered attributable to subpart F income.
In addition to the rules described in this section, the proposal makes several conforming
amendments to various other sections of the Code reflecting the repeal of section 902 and the
modification of section 960. These conforming amendments include amending the section 78
gross-up provision to apply solely to taxes deemed paid under the amended section 960.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill, except with respect to certain
conforming amendments.
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.904-6(a).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill with the following modifications. The
conference agreement applies the existing language of section 78, which treats the gross-up as a
dividend to the domestic corporation, to foreign income taxes deemed paid under section 960(a),
(b), and (d) (without regard to the phrase ‘80 percent of’ in section 960(d)(1), except with respect
to section 245 and new section 245A (i.e., the deemed dividend would not receive the benefit of
the participation exemption). The conference agreement further revises new section
250(a)(1)(B) to apply the deduction with respect to inclusions under new section 951A to the
section 78 gross-up.
In addition, the conference agreement eliminates the dividend reference in section
907(c)(3)(A) without disturbing the application of section 907(c)(3)(A) to certain interest
payments. The conference agreement also amends section 1293(f) to provide section 960(a)
credits to an inclusion of income of a qualified electing fund (as defined in section 1295)
consistent with present law.
The conference agreement makes certain conforming amendments to sections 901(m),
904, 907, and 909, including replacing the reference to section 960(b) in section 904(k) to
section 960(c), striking the reference to section 902 in section 904(d)(2)(E), and preserving the
current applicability of sections 901(m) and 909 to all taxpayers who claim foreign tax credits,
including qualified electing funds.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years taxable years of foreign
corporations beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable years of United States
shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
2. Source of income from sales of inventory determined solely on basis of production
activities (sec. 4102 of the House bill, sec. 14304 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 863(b)
of the Code)
House Bill
Under the provision, gains, profits, and income from the sale or exchange of inventory
property produced partly in, and partly outside, the United States is allocated and apportioned on
the basis of the location of production with respect to the property. For example, income derived
from the sale of inventory property to a foreign jurisdiction is sourced wholly within the United
States if the property was produced entirely in the United States, even if title passage occurred
elsewhere. Likewise, income derived from inventory property sold in the United States, but
produced entirely in another country, is sourced in that country even if title passage occurs in the
United States. If the inventory property is produced partly in, and partly outside, the United
States, however, the income derived from its sale is sourced partly in the United States.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is identical to the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
3. Separate foreign tax credit limitation basket for foreign branch income (sec. 14302 of
the Senate amendment and sec. 904 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision requires foreign branch income to be allocated to a specific foreign tax
credit basket. Foreign branch income is the business profits of a United States person which are
attributable to one or more QBUs in one or more foreign countries.
Under this provision, business profits of a QBU shall be determined under rules
established by the Secretary. Business profits of a QBU shall not, however, include any income
which is passive category income.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
4. Acceleration of election to allocate interest, etc., on a worldwide basis (sec. 14303 of the
Senate amendment and sec. 864 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
This provision accelerates the effective date of the worldwide interest allocation rules to
apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, rather than to taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2020.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
D. Modification of Subpart F Provisions
1. Repeal of inclusion based on withdrawal of previously excluded subpart F income from
qualified investment (sec. 4201 of the House bill, sec. 14213 of the Senate amendment, and
sec. 955 of the Code)
House Bill
The provision repeals section 955. As a result, a U.S. shareholder in a CFC that invested
its previously excluded subpart F income in qualified foreign base company shipping operations
is no longer required to include in income a pro rata share of the previously excluded subpart F
income when the CFC decreases such investments.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable years of U.S. shareholders within which or
with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment follows the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
2. Repeal of treatment of foreign base company oil related income as subpart F income
(sec. 4202 of the House bill, sec. 14211 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(a) of the
House Bill
The provision eliminates foreign base company oil related income as a category of
foreign base company income.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
3. Inflation adjustment of de minimis exception for foreign base company income (sec. 4203
of the House bill, sec. 14212 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(b)(3) of the Code)
House Bill
The provision amends the de minimis exception of present law, which permits a CFC to
exclude its foreign base company income if the sum of its total foreign base company income
and gross insurance income is the lesser of five percent of its gross income or $1,000,000. In the
case of any taxable year beginning after 2017, the provision indexes for inflation the $1,000,000
de minimis amount for foreign base company income, with all increases rounded to the nearest
multiple of $50,000.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill or the Senate amendment
4. Look-thru rule for related controlled foreign corporations made permanent (sec. 4204 of
the House bill, sec. 14217 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 954(c)(6) of the Code)
House Bill
The provision makes the exclusion from foreign personal holding company income for
certain dividends, interest (including factoring income that is treated as equivalent to interest
under section 954(c)(1)(E)), rents, and royalties received or accrued by one CFC from a related
CFC permanent.
Effective date.The proposal is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2019, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Effective date.The proposal is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill or the Senate amendment
5. Modification of stock attribution rules for determining CFC status (sec. 4205 of the
House bill, sec. 14214 of the Senate amendment, and secs. 318 and 958 of the Code)
House Bill
The provision amends the ownership attribution rules of section 958(b) so that certain
stock of a foreign corporation owned by a foreign person is attributed to a related U.S. person for
purposes of determining whether the related U.S. person is a U.S. shareholder of the foreign
corporation and, therefore, whether the foreign corporation is a CFC. In other words, the
provision provides “downward attribution” from a foreign person to a related U.S. person in
circumstances in which present law does not so provide. The pro rata share of a CFC’s subpart F
income that a U.S. shareholder is required to include in gross income, however, continues to be
determined based on direct or indirect ownership of the CFC, without application of the new
downward attribution rule.
It also conforms the reporting requirements of section 6038 to require that entities that are
treated as CFCs by reason of the rules on constructive ownership are within the scope of the
reporting requirements.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and to taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is similar to the House bill, except that it does not adopt the
change to the reporting requirements of section 6038 and has a different effective date.
Furthermore, the Senate Finance Committee explanation states that the provision is not intended
to cause a foreign corporation to be treated as a controlled foreign corporation with respect to a
U.S. shareholder as a result of attribution of ownership under section 318(a)(3) to a U.S. person
that is not a related person (within the meaning of section 954(d)(3)) to such U.S. shareholder as
a result of the repeal of section 958(b)(4).
Effective date.The provision is effective for the last taxable year of foreign corporations
beginning before January 1, 2018 and each subsequent year of such foreign corporations and for
the taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign
corporations end.
Committee Print, Reconciliation Recommendations Pursuant to H. Con. Res. 71, S. Prt. 115-20,
(December 2017), p. 378, as reprinted on the website of the Senate Budget Committee, available at
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment. In adopting this provision, the
conferees intend to render ineffective certain transactions that are used to as a means of avoiding
the subpart F provisions. One such transaction involves effectuating “de-control” of a foreign
subsidiary, by taking advantage of the section 958(b)(4) rule that effectively turns off the
constructive stock ownership rules of 318(a)(3) when to do otherwise would result in a U.S.
person being treated as owning stock owned by a foreign person. Such a transaction converts
former CFCs to non-CFCs, despite continuous ownership by U.S. shareholders.
Effective date.The provision is effective for the last taxable year of foreign corporations
beginning before January 1, 2018 and each subsequent year of such foreign corporations and for
the taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign
corporations end.
6. Modification of definition of United States shareholder (sec. 14215 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 951 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision expands the definition of U.S. shareholder under subpart F to include any
U.S. person who owns 10 percent or more of the total value of shares of all classes of stock of a
foreign corporation.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders with or within
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
7. Elimination of requirement that corporation must be controlled for 30 days before
subpart F inclusions apply (sec. 4206 of the House bill, sec. 14216 of the Senate amendment,
and sec. 951(a)(1) of the Code)
House Bill
The provision eliminates the requirement that a corporation must be controlled for an
uninterrupted period of 30 days before subpart F inclusions apply.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders with or within
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders with or within
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
8. Current year inclusion of foreign high return amounts or global intangible low-taxed
income by United States shareholders (sec. 4301 of the House bill, sec. 14201 of the Senate
amendment, and secs. 78 and 960 and new sec. 951A of the Code)
House Bill
In general
Under the provision, a U.S. shareholder of any CFC must include in gross income for a
taxable year an amount equal to 50 percent of its foreign high return amount (“FHRA”) in a
manner generally similar to inclusions of subpart F income. FHRA means, with respect to any
U.S. shareholder for the shareholder’s taxable year, the shareholder’s net CFC tested income less
an amount equal to the excess (if any) of (1) the applicable percentage of the aggregate of the
shareholder’s pro rata share of the qualified business asset investment (“QBAI”) of each CFC
with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder over (2) the amount of interest expense taken into
account in determining the shareholder’s net CFC tested income. The applicable percentage is
the Federal short-term rate (determined under section 1274(d) for the month in which such
shareholder’s taxable year ends) plus seven percentage points.
The formula for FHRA, which is calculated at the U.S. shareholder level, is generally:
 
 
where AFR is the short-term Federal rate.
Net CFC tested income
Net CFC tested income means, with respect to any U.S. shareholder, the excess of the
aggregate of its pro rata share of the tested income of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S.
shareholder over the aggregate of its pro rata share of the tested loss of each CFC with respect to
which it is a U.S. shareholder. Pro rata shares are determined under the rules of section
If the amount of interest expense exceeds [(7% + AFR) × QBAI], then the quantity in brackets in the
formula equals zero in the determination of FHRA.
The formula for net CFC tested income, which is calculated at the U.S. shareholder level,
  
The tested income of a CFC means the excess (if any) of the gross income of the
corporation determined without regard to certain exceptions to tested income, over deductions
(including taxes) properly allocable to such gross income. The exceptions to tested income are:
(1) the corporation’s ECI if the income is subject to tax;
(2) any gross income taken into
account in determining the corporation’s subpart F income; (3) any amount, except as otherwise
provided by the Secretary, that qualifies for CFC look-through treatment, but only to the extent
that any deduction allowable for the payment or accrual of such amount does not result in a
reduction of the FHRA of any U.S. shareholder (determined without regard to such amount); (4)
any gross income excluded as foreign personal holding company income by reason of the
exceptions for active financing income and active insurance income as well as the exception for
dealers under section 954(c)(2)(C); (5) any gross income excluded from foreign base company
income or insurance income by reason of the high-tax exception under section 954(b)(4); (6) any
dividend received from a related person (as defined in section 954(d)(3)); and (7) any
commodities gross income.
Commodities gross income means (1) gross income of a corporation (or of a partnership
in which the corporation is a partner) from the disposition of commodities that it has produced or
extracted and that are commodities described in sections 475(e)(2)(A) and 475(e)(2)(D), and (2)
the gross income of the corporation from the disposition of property that gives rise to income
described in (1). Commodities income is intended to include any foreign oil and gas extraction
and any foreign oil related income.
The tested loss of a CFC means the excess (if any) of the deductions (including taxes)
properly allocable to the corporation’s gross income determined without regard to the tested
income exceptions over the amount of such gross income.
Qualified business asset investment
QBAI means, with respect to any CFC for a taxable year, the aggregate of its adjusted
bases (determined as of the close of the taxable year and after any adjustments with respect to
such taxable year) in specified tangible property used in its trade or business and with respect to
which a deduction is allowable under section 168. Specified tangible property means any
tangible property to the extent such property is used in the production of tested income or tested
loss. The adjusted basis in any property is determined without regard to any provision of law
ECI includes income that is subject to the election described in section 4303 of the House bill and new
sec. 4491. As a result, income that a CFC derives from certain sales to the U.S. market is excluded from the FHRA
calculation and is subject to new sec. 4491, to the extent that the sales are made to a related party.
Sec. 907(c)(1).
Sec. 907(c)(2).
that is enacted after the date of enactment of this provision, unless such law specifically and
directly amends this provision’s definition.
If a CFC holds an interest in a partnership as of the close of the corporation’s taxable
year, the corporation takes into account its distributive share of the aggregate of the partnership’s
adjusted bases (determined as of such date in the hands of the partnership) in tangible property
held by the partnership to the extent that such property is used in the trade or business of the
partnership, is of a type with respect to which a deduction is allowable under section 168, and is
used in the production of tested income or tested loss (determined with respect to the
corporation’s distributive share of income or loss with respect to such property). The
corporation’s distributive share of the adjusted basis of any property is the corporation’s
distributive share of income and loss with respect to such property.
For purposes of determining QBAI, the Secretary is authorized to issue anti-avoidance
regulations or other guidance as the Secretary determines appropriate, including regulations or
other guidance that provide for the treatment of property if the property is transferred or held
temporarily, or if avoidance was a factor in the transfer or holding of the property.
Foreign tax credits and coordination with subpart F
Deemed-paid credit for taxes properly attributable to tested income
For any FHRA included in the gross income of a domestic corporation, the corporation is
deemed to have paid foreign income taxes equal to 80 percent of its foreign high return
percentage multiplied by the aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued by each CFC
with respect to which the corporation is a U.S. shareholder. The foreign high return percentage
is the corporation’s FHRA divided by the aggregate amount of its pro rata share of the tested
income of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder. Tested foreign income taxes
are the foreign income taxes paid or accrued by a CFC that are properly attributable to gross
income taken into account in determining tested income or tested loss.
The provision creates a separate foreign tax credit basket for the FHRA inclusion, with
no carryforward or carryback available for excess credits. For purpose of determining the
foreign tax credit limitation, any FHRA is not general category income, and income that can be
classified as both a FHRA and passive category income is considered passive category income.
The taxes deemed to have been paid are treated as an increase in the FHRA for purposes of
section 78, determined by taking into account 100 percent of its foreign high return percentage
multiplied by the aggregate tested foreign income taxes.
Coordination with subpart F
Although FHRA inclusions do not constitute subpart F income, FHRA inclusions are
generally treated similarly to subpart F inclusions. Thus, with respect to any CFC any pro rata
amount from which is taken into account in determining the FHRA included in gross income of a
U.S. shareholder, such amount, except as otherwise provided by the Secretary, is treated in the
same manner as an amount included under section 951(a)(1)(A) for purposes of applying
sections 168(h)(2)(B), 535(b)(10), 851(b), 904(h)(1), 959, 961, 962, 993(a)(1)(E), 996(f)(1),
1248(b)(1), 1248(d)(1), 6501(e)(1)(C), 6654(d)(2)(D), and 6655(e)(4).
The provision requires that the amount of FHRA included by a U.S. corporation be
allocated across each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder. The portion of the
FHRA treated as being with respect to a CFC equals zero for a foreign corporation with tested
loss and, for a foreign corporation with tested income, the portion of the FHRA which bears the
same ratio to the total FHRA as the shareholder’s pro rata amount of the tested income of the
foreign corporation bears to the aggregate amount of the shareholder’s pro rata share of the
tested income of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder.
Tested losses taken into account in determining a U.S. shareholder’s FHRA cannot also
reduce the shareholder’s inclusions in gross income under section 951(a)(1)(A) by reason of the
earnings and profits limitation in section 952(c). Accordingly, a U.S. shareholder’s amount
included in gross income under section 951(a)(1)(A) with respect to a CFC is determined by
increasing the earnings and profits of such corporation (solely for purposes of determining such
amount) by an amount that bears the same ratio (not greater than 1) to the shareholder’s pro rata
share of the tested loss of such CFC as (1) the aggregate amount of the shareholder’s pro rata
share of the tested income of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder bears to (2)
the aggregate amount of the shareholder’s tested loss of each CFC with respect to which it is a
U.S. shareholder. If this increase in earnings and profits results in an incremental inclusion
under section 951(a)(1)(A, the CFC will increases its earnings and profits described in section
959(c)(2) by that amount and decrease its earnings and profits in section 959(c)(3) by that
amount (even if that results in, or increases, a deficit).
Taxable years for which persons are treated as U.S. shareholders of a CFC
For purposes of the FHRA inclusion, a U.S. shareholder of a CFC is treated as a U.S.
shareholder of the corporation for any taxable year of the shareholder if a taxable year of the
corporation ends in or with the taxable year of such person and the person owns (within the
meaning of section 958(a)) stock in the corporation on the last day in the taxable year of the
corporation on which the corporation is a CFC. A corporation is generally treated as a CFC for
any taxable year if the corporation is a CFC at any time during the taxable year.
The following examples illustrate how FHRA is calculated. The examples are highly
stylized and are not meant to represent actual taxpayer scenarios.
Example 1: Two Wholly Owned CFCs, Each with Tested Income
Assume a domestic corporation, US1, wholly owns two CFCs, CFC1 and CFC2. These
are the only CFCs with respect to which US1 is a U.S. shareholder. Assume that the applicable
percentage to be applied to QBAI is 10 percent. The following table includes more information
about CFC1 and CFC2. Assume that their foreign sales income are items of gross income
included in the computation of tested income, and that all expenses are allocable to their foreign
sales income. Also assume a U.S. corporate tax rate of 20 percent, and that the foreign tax rates
faced by CFC1 and CFC2 are applied evenly across each of its sources of income.
Facts for Example 1
Gross Income
Foreign Sales Income $300 $2,000
Subpart F Income $100 $0
Commodities Income $600 $0
Operating Expenses $200 $300
Net Income $800 $1,700
Foreign Tax Rate 20 percent 5 percent
QBAI $500 $0
CFC-level calculations of tested income and QBAI
CFC1 earns foreign sales income of $300 and has deductions of $220 (= $20 of taxes
plus $200 of operating expenses) allocable to its foreign sales income. Therefore, it has tested
income of $80 (= $300 – $220) and tested foreign income tax of $20 (= 20% × $100). CFC1 has
QBAI of $500.
CFC2 earns foreign sales income of $2,000 and has deductions of $385 (= $85 of taxes
plus $300 of operating expenses) allocable to its foreign sales income. Therefore, it has tested
income of $1,615 (= $2,000 – $385) and tested foreign income tax of $85 (= 5% × $1,700).
CFC2 has QBAI of $0.
U.S.-shareholder-level calculation of FHRA and tax liability
US1 has net CFC tested income of $1,695, which is the sum of CFC1’s tested income of
$80 and CFC2’s tested income of $1,615. Its pro rata share of QBAI is $500 (= [100% × $500]
+ [100% × $0]). No interest expense is taken into account in determining US1’s net CFC tested
income. Therefore, US1’s FHRA = $1,695 – ([10% × $500] – $0) = $1,645.
US1 receives a deemed-paid credit equal to 80 percent of its foreign high return
percentage multiplied by the aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued by CFC1 and
CFC2. Its foreign high return percentage is 97.1 percent (= FHRA/Aggregate Tested Income =
$1,645/$1,695). The aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued by CFC1 and CFC2
is $105 (= $20 + $85). Therefore, US1’s deemed-paid credit is 80 percent × 97.1 percent × $105
= $81.52.
US1 includes 50 percent of its FHRA and 50 percent of its section 78 gross-up in gross
income, or $873.45 (= 50% × [$1,645 + $101.90]).
The tentative U.S. tax owed on this
income is the U.S. corporate tax rate of 20 percent applied to the total inclusion of $873.45, or
The residual U.S. tax paid by US1 on its FHRA is its tentative U.S. tax of $174.69 less its
deemed-paid credit of $81.52, or $93.17.
Example 2: Variant of Example 1, With Tested Loss
Example 2 generally has the same facts as example 1, except that CFC2 earns foreign
sales of $360. This means that CFC2 has tested income (before taking into account taxes) of
$60. Assume, for simplicity, that it still pays foreign taxes of $85 with respect to the $360 of
foreign sales, so that its tested loss is $25 (= $60 – $85) and its tested foreign income tax is $85.
Like in Example 1, CFC1 has tested income of $80 and tested foreign income tax of $20.
U.S.-shareholder-level calculation of FHRA and tax liability
US1 has net CFC tested income of $55, which is CFC1’s tested income of $80 less
CFC2’s tested loss of $25. Its pro rata share of QBAI is $500 (= [100% × $500] + [100% × $0]).
No interest expense is taken into account in determining US1’s net CFC tested income.
Therefore, US1’s FHRA = $55 – (10% × $500) – $0 = $5.
US1 receives a deemed-paid credit equal to 80 percent of its foreign high return
percentage multiplied by the aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued by CFC1 and
CFC2. Its foreign high return percentage is 6.25 percent (= FHRA/Aggregate Tested Income =
$5/$80). The aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued by CFC1 and CFC2 is $105
(= $20 + $85). Therefore, US1’s deemed-paid credit is 80 percent × 6.25 percent × $105 =
US1 includes 50 percent of its FHRA in gross income and 50 percent of its section 78
gross-up in gross income, or $5.78 (= 50% × [$5 + $6.56]).
The tentative U.S. tax owed on
this income is the U.S. corporate tax rate of 20 percent applied to the total inclusion of $5.78, or
The residual U.S. tax paid by US1 on its FHRA is its tentative U.S. tax of $1.16 less its
deemed-paid credit of $5.25, or $0. The amount of US1’s deemed-paid credit that is unused,
$4.09, may not be carried back or carried forward.
The section 78 gross-up amount = 100 percent × 97.1 percent × $105 = 101.90
The section 78 gross-up amount = 100 percent × 6.25 percent × $105 = $6.56
Example 3: CFC Look-Through Payment
Example 3 illustrates how the FHRA calculation is applied when there are payments that
qualify for CFC look-through treatment. Example 3 is limited to the calculation of the FHRA
and does not provide calculations of the amount of U.S. or foreign income tax related to the
USCo, a domestic corporation, wholly owns US1 and US2, each a domestic corporation.
US1 wholly owns CFC1, and US2 wholly owns CFC2. These are the only CFCs with respect to
which either US1 or US2 is a U.S. shareholder. Assume the applicable percentage for QBAI is
10 percent.
CFC1 has total gross income of $100, none of which consists of a tested income
exception, and has interest expense of $30, which it pays to CFC2. CFC1 has no other
deductions and has QBAI of $200. As a result, CFC1 has tested income of $70 (= $100 of gross
income less $30 of interest expense). US1’s net CFC tested income is $70 and the applicable
percentage of its pro rata share of QBAI is $20 (= 10% × $200). As CFC1’s interest expense of
$30 was taken into account in determining its tested income of $70, the excess of US1’s
applicable percentage of QBAI over this amount of interest expense is $0. As a result, US1’s
FHRA is $70 (= $70 – $0).
CFC2 has $30 of interest income, all of which qualifies for CFC look-through treatment
because CFC1 has no subpart F income. Assume CFC2 has no other gross income, no
deductions, and no QBAI. CFC2’s interest income is not includible in its tested income, but only
to the extent a deduction for its payment or accrual does not reduce the FHRA of any U.S.
shareholder. Absent the $30 interest expense deduction used in determining its net CFC tested
income, US1’s net CFC tested income would have been $100, and US1’s FHRA would have
been $80 (= $100 – $20). With the $30 deduction, US1’s net CFC’s tested income is $70.
Therefore, the deduction allowable for the payment or accrual of the interest reduced the FHRA
of US1 by $10, so only $20 of CFC2’s interest income is excluded from tested income. As a
result, CFC2 has tested income of $10 (= $30 – $20), and US2 has net CFC tested income of $10
(=$10 – $0).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Senate Amendment
In general
Under the provision, a U.S. shareholder of any CFC must include in gross income for a
taxable year its global intangible low-taxed income (“GILTI”) in a manner generally similar to
inclusions of subpart F income. GILTI means, with respect to any U.S. shareholder for the
shareholder’s taxable year, the excess (if any) of the shareholder’s net CFC tested income over
the shareholder’s net deemed tangible income return. The shareholder’s net deemed tangible
income return is an amount equal to 10 percent of the aggregate of the shareholder’s pro rata
share of the qualified business asset investment (“QBAI”) of each CFC with respect to which it
is a U.S. shareholder.
The formula for GILTI, which is calculated at the U.S. shareholder level, is:
  10%
Net CFC tested income
Net CFC tested income means, with respect to any U.S. shareholder, the excess of the
aggregate of the shareholder’s pro rata share of the tested income of each CFC with respect to
which it is a U.S. shareholder over the aggregate of its pro rata share of the tested loss of each
CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder. Pro rata shares are determined under the
rules of section 951(a)(2).
The formula for net CFC tested income, which is calculated at the U.S. shareholder level,
  
The tested income of a CFC means the excess (if any) of the gross income of the
corporation—determined without regard to certain exceptions to tested income—over deductions
(including taxes) properly allocable to such gross income (referred to in this document as “tested
gross income”). The exceptions to tested income are: (1) the corporation’s ECI under section
952(b); (2) any gross income taken into account in determining the corporation’s subpart F
income; (3) any gross income excluded from foreign base company income or insurance income
by reason of the high-tax exception under section 954(b)(4); (4) any dividend received from a
related person (as defined in section 954(d)(3)); and (5) any foreign oil and gas extraction
income (as defined in section 907(c)(1)).
The tested loss of a CFC means the excess (if any) of deductions (including taxes)
properly allocable to the corporation’s gross income—determined without regard to the tested
income exceptions—over the amount of such gross income.
Qualified business asset investment
QBAI means, with respect to any CFC for a taxable year, the average of the aggregate of
its adjusted bases, determined as of the close of each quarter of the taxable year, in specified
tangible property used in its trade or business and of a type with respect to which a deduction is
generally allowable under section 167. The adjusted basis in any property must be determined
using the alternative depreciation system under current section 168(g), notwithstanding any
provision of law (or any other section of the Senate amendment) which is enacted after the date
of enactment of this provision (unless such later enacted law specifically and directly amends
this provision’s definition).
Specified tangible property means any property used in the production of tested
If such property was used in the production of both tested income and income that is
not tested income (i.e., dual-use property), the property is treated as specified tangible property
in the same proportion that the amount of tested gross income produced with respect to the
property bears to the total amount of gross income produced with respect to the property.
For purposes of determining QBAI, the Secretary is authorized to issue anti-avoidance
regulations or other guidance as the Secretary determines appropriate, including regulations or
other guidance that provide for the treatment of property if the property is transferred or held
temporarily, or if avoidance was a factor in the transfer or holding of the property.
Coordination with subpart F
Although GILTI inclusions do not constitute subpart F income, GILTI inclusions are
generally treated similarly to subpart F inclusions. Thus they are generally treated in the same
manner as amounts included under section 951(a)(1)(A) for purposes of applying sections
168(h)(2)(B), 535(b)(10), 904(h)(1), 959, 961, 962, 993(a)(1)(E), 996(f)(1), 1248(b)(1),
1248(d)(1), 6501(e)(1)(C), 6654(d)(2)(D), and 6655(e)(4). However, the Secretary may provide
rules for coordinating the GILTI inclusion with provisions of law in which the determination of
subpart F income is required to be made at the CFC level.
The provision requires that the amount of GILTI included by a U.S. shareholder be
allocated across each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder. The portion of GILTI
treated as being with respect to a CFC equals zero for a CFC with no tested income and, for a
CFC with tested income, the portion of GILTI which bears the same ratio to the total amount of
GILTI as the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata amount of tested income of the CFC bears to the
aggregate amount of the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata amount of the tested income of each CFC
with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder. For a CFC with tested income, the following
formula expresses how to determine the portion of GILTI treated as being with respect to the
 
where 
is the U.S. shareholder’s pro rata amount of the
tested income of a CFC and .is the aggregate amount of the
U.S. shareholder’s pro rata amount of the tested income of each CFC with respect to which it is a
U.S. shareholder.
For purposes of the GILTI inclusion, a person is treated as a U.S. shareholder of a CFC
for any taxable year only if such person owns (within the meaning of section 958(a)) stock in the
Specified tangible property does not include property used in the production of tested loss, so that a
CFC that has a tested loss in a taxable year does not have QBAI for the taxable year.
For example, if a building produces $1,000 of tested gross income and $250 of subpart F income for a
taxable year, then 80 percent (= $1,000/$1,250) of a domestic corporation’s average adjusted basis in the building is
included in QBAI for that taxable year.
corporation on the last day, in such year, on which the corporation is a CFC. A corporation is
generally treated as a CFC for any taxable year if the corporation is a CFC at any time during the
taxable year.
Deemed-paid credit for taxes properly attributable to tested income
For any amount of GILTI included in the gross income of a domestic corporation, the
corporation’s deemed-paid credit equals 80 percent of the product of the corporation’s inclusion
percentage multiplied by the aggregate tested foreign income taxes paid or accrued, with respect
to tested income, by each CFC with respect to which the domestic corporation is a U.S.
The inclusion percentage means, with respect to any domestic corporation, the ratio
(expressed as a percentage) of such corporation’s GILTI amount divided by the aggregate
amount of its pro rata share of the tested income of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S.
shareholder (referred to as “aggregate tested income” in the formulas below). Tested foreign
income taxes means, with respect to any domestic corporation that is a U.S. shareholder of a
CFC, the foreign income taxes paid or accrued by the CFC that are properly attributable to the
CFC’s tested income.
The deemed-paid credit with respect to the GILTI inclusion can be expressed in the
following formula:
- 80%
The provision creates a separate foreign tax credit basket for GILTI, with no
carryforward or carryback available for excess credits. For purposes of determining the foreign
tax credit limitation, GILTI is not general category income, and income that is both GILTI and
passive category income is considered passive category income. As described in section 14301
of the Senate amendment and new section 78, the taxes deemed to have been paid are treated as
an increase in GILTI for purposes of section 78, determined by taking into account 100 percent
of the product of the inclusion percentage and aggregate tested foreign income taxes (instead of
80 percent in the determination of the deemed-paid credit). Therefore, the section 78 gross-up
can be expressed in the following formula:
78- 100%
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Tested foreign income taxes do not include any foreign income tax paid or accrued by a CFC that is
properly attributable to the CFC’s tested loss (if any).
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment provision, with clarifications
and modifications that include the following.
Net deemed tangible income return
The conference agreement modifies, along lines similar to an approach taken in the
House bill provision, the calculation of net deemed tangible income return for purposes of
determining GILTI. Net deemed tangible income return is, with respect to any U.S. shareholder
for a taxable year, the excess (if any) of 10 percent of the aggregate of its pro rata share of the
QBAI of each CFC with respect to which it is a U.S. shareholder over the amount of interest
expense taken into account in determining its net CFC tested income for the taxable year to the
extent that the interest expense exceeds the interest income properly allocable to the interest
expense that is taken into account in determining its net CFC tested income. As a result, the
formula for GILTI in the conference agreement is generally:
 
10% 
where  is defined and limited in the manner described above.
Computation of tested income and tested loss
For purposes of computing deductions (including taxes) properly allocable to gross
income included in tested income or tested loss with respect to a CFC, the deductions are
allocated to such gross income following rules similar to the rules of section 954(b)(5) (or to
which such deductions would be allocable if there were such gross income).
Calculation of pro rata shares
For purposes of determining pro rata shares in the computation of a U.S. shareholder’s
GILTI amount, a person is treated as a U.S. shareholder of a CFC for any taxable year of such
person only if the person owns (within the meaning of section 958(a)) stock in the foreign
corporation on the last day in the taxable year of the foreign corporation on which the foreign
corporation is a CFC.
Qualified business asset investment
For purposes of determining a CFC’s QBAI and its adjusted basis in specified tangible
property, the adjusted basis is determined by allocating the depreciation deduction with respect
to the property ratably to each day during the period in the taxable year to which the depreciation
relates. In addition, if a CFC holds an interest in a partnership at the close of the CFC’s taxable
year, the CFC takes into account its distributive share of the aggregate of the partnership’s
adjusted bases (determined as of such date in the hands of the partnership) in tangible property
If the amount of interest expense exceeds 10% × QBAI, then the quantity in brackets in the formula
equals zero in the determination of GILTI.
held by the partnership to the extent that the property is used in the trade or business of the
partnership, is of a type with respect to which a deduction is allowable under section 167, and is
used in the production of tested income (determined with respect to the CFC’s distributive share
of income with respect to the property). The CFC’s distributive share of the adjusted basis of
any property is the CFC’s distributive share of income with respect to the property.
Regulatory authority to address abuse
The conferees intend that non-economic transactions intended to affect tax attributes of
CFCs and their U.S. shareholders (including amounts of tested income and tested loss, tested
foreign income taxes, net deemed tangible income return, and QBAI) to minimize tax under this
provision be disregarded. For example, the conferees expect the Secretary to prescribe
regulations to address transactions that occur after the measurement date of post-1986 earnings
and profits under amended section 965, but before the first taxable year for which new section
951A applies, if such transactions are undertaken to increase a CFC’s QBAI.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years of foreign corporations
beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with
which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
9. Limitation on deduction of interest by domestic corporations which are members of an
international group (sec. 4302 of the House bill, sec. 14221 of the Senate amendment, and
new sec. 163(n) of the Code)
House Bill
The provision limits the amount of U.S. interest expense that a domestic corporation
which is a member of an international financial reporting group can deduct to the sum of the
member’s interest income plus the allowable percentage of 110 percent of net interest expense.
An international financial reporting group is a group that: (1) includes at least one foreign
corporation engaged in a U.S. trade or business or at least one domestic corporation and one
foreign corporation at any time during the group’s reporting year, (2) prepares consolidated
financial statements in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(“GAAP”), International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), or any other comparable
method identified by the Secretary,
and (3) reports in such statements average annual gross
receipts in excess of $100,000,000 (determined in the aggregate with respect to all entities which
are part of such group) for the three-reporting-year period ending with such reporting year.
The allowable percentage is the ratio of a corporation’s allocable share of the
international financial reporting group’s net interest expense over such corporation’s reported net
interest expense. A corporation’s allocable share of an international financial reporting group’s
net interest expense is determined based on the corporation’s share of the group’s earnings
(computed by adding back net interest expense, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) as
reflected in the group’s consolidated financial statements. A corporation’s reported net interest
The International Financial Reporting Standards are a set of accounting standards commonly used for
the preparation of financial statements of public companies listed in countries outside the United States.
expense is its net interest expense reported in the books and records used to prepare the group’s
consolidated financial statements. For international financial reporting groups that do not
prepare consolidated financial statements under U.S. GAAP, IFRS, or any other comparable
method identified by the Secretary and which are filed with the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission, the provision provides a hierarchy of other audited consolidated
financial statements that may be relied upon by such group.
The provision applies to partnerships at the partnership level under rules similar to the
rules of section 3301 of the bill. The provision also applies to foreign corporations engaged in a
U.S. trade or business. A U.S. consolidated group is considered a single corporation under this
The amount of any interest not allowed as a deduction for any taxable year by reason of
this provision or section 3301 of the bill (depending on whichever imposes the lower limitation
for the amount allowed as an interest deduction with respect to such taxable year) can be carried
forward as interest (and as business interest for purposes of section 3301 of the bill) for up to five
The following example illustrates the coordination of this provision with section 3301 of
the bill in a context involving a partnership.
FP, a foreign corporation, wholly owns USS, a domestic corporation. FP and USS each
own 50 percent of PS, a partnership. FP, USS, and PS prepare audited consolidated
financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP that are used for internal management
purposes and under which average annual gross receipts for the 3-reporting-year period
ending with the current reporting year in excess of $100 million are reported. During the
current reporting year, the FP-USS-PS group has consolidated EBITDA of 300 and
consolidated interest expense of 50. During that period, USS has EBITDA of 50
(determined without regard to distributions from PS), reported interest expense of 25,
business interest of 30, and adjusted taxable income (determined without regard to USS’s
distributive share of PS’s non-separately stated taxable income or loss) of 40. Also during
that period, PS has EBITDA of 150, reported interest expense of 15, business interest of
20, and adjusted taxable income of 120.
PS’s business interest is deductible only to the extent it does not exceed the limitations in
each of section 163(j) (as provided in section 3301 of the bill) and section 163(n) (as
provided in section 4302 of the bill). PS’s limitation under section 163(j) is 36, which
equals 30 percent of its adjusted taxable income of 120 (i.e., 30% x 120 = 36). PS’s
limitation under section 163(n) is 22, which equals the allowable percentage (i.e., 160% =
50 x 150 / 300 / 15, not greater than 100%) of 110 percent of PS’s business interest (i.e.,
22 = 110% x 20). Therefore, all 20 of PS’s business interest is deductible. PS’s excess
amount under section 163(j) (i.e., 36 – 20 = 16) and excess EBITDA under section 163(n)
(i.e., 150 – 300 x 15 / 50 = 60) flow through to its partners.
Similarly, USS’s business interest is deductible only to the extent it does not exceed the
limitations in each of section 163(j) and section 163(n). USS’s limitation under section
163(j) is 20, which equals 30 percent of the sum of its adjustable taxable income of 40
(determined without regard to USS’s distributive share of PS’s non-separately stated
taxable income or loss) or 12 (i.e., 30% x 40 = 12) plus USS’s distributive share of PS’s
excess amount under section 163(j)(3)(B) (i.e., 50% x 16 = 8). USS’s limitation under
section 163(n) is 17.60, which equals the allowable percentage (i.e., 53% = 50 x (50 + 30)
/ 300 / 25) of 110 percent of USS’s business interest (i.e., 33 = 110% x 30) after taking into
account USS’s distributive share of PS’s excess EBITDA under section 163(n) (i.e., 50%
x 60 = 30). Therefore, USS may deduct 17.60 of its 30 of business interest in the current
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
For any domestic corporation that is a member of a worldwide affiliated group
(hereinafter referred to as the “U.S. corporate members”), the provision reduces the deduction for
interest paid or accrued by the corporation by the product of the net interest expense of the
domestic corporation multiplied by the debt-to-equity differential percentage of the worldwide
affiliated group. Net interest expense means the excess (if any) of: (1) interest paid or accrued
by the taxpayer during the taxable year, over (2) the amount of interest includible in the gross
income of the taxpayer for the taxable year.
A worldwide affiliated group is one or more chains of corporations, connected through
stock ownership with a common parent that would qualify as an affiliated group under section
1504(a), with two differences. First, the ownership threshold of section 1504(a)(2) is applied
using 50 percent rather than 80 percent. Second, the restrictions on inclusion described in
sections 1504(b)(2), (b)(3) and (b)(4) are disregarded for purposes of identifying the worldwide
affiliated group.
The debt-to-equity differential percentage means, with respect to any worldwide
affiliated group, the excess domestic indebtedness of the group divided by the total indebtedness
of the domestic corporations that are members of the group. All U.S. corporate members of the
worldwide affiliated group are treated as one member when determining whether the group has
excess domestic indebtedness as a result of a debt-to-equity differential. Excess domestic
indebtedness is the amount by which the total indebtedness of the U.S. corporate members
exceeds 110 percent of the total indebtedness those members would hold if their total
indebtedness to total equity ratio equaled the ratio of total indebtedness to total equity for the
worldwide affiliated group. Total equity means, with respect to one or more corporations, the
excess (if any) of: (1) the money and all other assets of such corporations, over (2) the total
indebtedness of such corporations. For purposes of this computation, intragroup debt and equity
interests are disregarded, and assets of the U.S. corporate members of the worldwide affiliated
The Secretary is provided is regulatory authority to provide for adjustments in determining the amount
of net interest expense.
group exclude any interest held by any U.S. corporate member in any foreign corporation that is
a member of the group.
The amount of any interest not allowed as a deduction for any taxable year by reason of
this provision or new section 163(j) (depending on whichever imposes the lower limitation with
respect to such taxable year) can be carried forward indefinitely.
The Secretary is provided regulatory authority to provide rules for: (1) the prevention of
the avoidance of this provision, (2) adjustments in the case of corporations which are members of
an affiliated group as may be appropriate to carry out the purposes of the provision, (3) the
coordination of this provision with section 884, (4) the treatment of partnership indebtedness,
allocation of partnership debt, interest, or distributive shares, and (5) the coordination of this
provision with new section 163(j).
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill or the Senate amendment
E. Prevention of Base Erosion
1. Base erosion using deductible cross-border payments between affiliated companies
(sec. 4303 of the House bill and new secs. 4491 and 6038E of the Code; sec. 14401 of the
Senate amendment and secs. 6038A and 6038C and new secs. 59A and 59B of the Code)
House Bill
In general
This provision imposes an excise tax on certain amounts paid by U.S. payors to certain
related foreign recipients to the extent the amounts are deductible by the U.S. payor. However,
the excise tax does not apply if the foreign recipient elects to be subject to U.S. income tax on
the amounts received. In calculating the U.S. income tax liability imposed under such an
election, deemed expenses are allowed as a deduction. A foreign tax credit of 80% of applicable
foreign credits are allowed against the U.S. tax liability imposed by this provision if an election
is made.
Excise tax
The provision provides for an excise tax on specified amounts paid or incurred by a
domestic corporation to a foreign corporation if both the foreign and domestic corporations are
members of the same international financial reporting group. The amount of the tax is equal to
20 percent of the specified amounts paid or incurred. The excise tax is not imposed with respect
to amounts that are or are deemed to be effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business of the
foreign corporation. The excise tax imposed is neither deductible nor creditable.
A specified amount is any amount which is allowable by the payor as a deduction or
includible in costs of goods sold, or inventory, or in the basis of an amortizable or depreciable
asset. A specified amount does not include: (i) interest, (ii) an amount paid or incurred for the
acquisition of a security defined in section 475(c)(2) (without regard to the last sentence thereof)
or a commodity defined in sections 475(e)(2), that is, a commodity actively traded within the
meaning of section 1092(d)(1) or an identified hedge of such commodity, or, (iii) for a payor
which has elected to use a services cost method under section 482, an amount paid or incurred
for services if such amount is the total services cost with no markup.
An international financial reporting group is any group of entities that prepares
consolidated financial statements
if the average annual aggregate payment amount for the
This term is defined in new section 163(n)(4) as a financial statement certified as being prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, international financial reporting standards, or any other
comparable method of accounting identified by the Secretary of the Treasury and which is: (i) a 10-K (or successor
form), or annual statement to shareholders required to be filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission, or, if this is not available, (ii) an audited financial statement used for (1) credit purposes, (2) reporting
to shareholders, partners or other proprietors, or to beneficiaries, or (3) any other substantial nontax purpose, or, if
(i) and (ii) are not available, (iii) filed with any other Federal or State agency for nontax purposes, or, if (i), (ii), or
(iii) are not available, a financial statement used for a purpose described in (ii)(1), (2) and (3), or filed with any
regulatory or governmental body, within or outside the United States, specified by the Secretary of the Treasury.
group for the three-year period ending in the reporting year exceeds $100,000,000. The annual
aggregate payment amount means the aggregate of the specified amounts made by U.S. members
of the group to foreign members of the group during the reporting year.
Partnerships and branches
For purposes of this provision, a partnership is treated as an aggregate of its partners.
Accordingly, a payment made to a partnership is treated as a payment to the partners, and a
payment from a partnership is treated as a payment from the partners, in an amount equal to the
partner’s distributive share of the relevant item of income, gain, deduction, or loss.
For purposes of this provision, U.S. branches are treated as separate entities for purposes
of determining the treatment of payments between a branch and entities other than its owner and
for purposes of deemed payments between a branch and its owner.
Election to treat payments as effectively connected income
If a specified amount is paid or incurred by a domestic corporation with respect to a
foreign corporation and both the foreign and domestic corporations are members of the same
international financial reporting group, the foreign corporation may elect to take into account all
such specified amounts as if the foreign corporation were engaged in a U.S. trade or business and
had a permanent establishment and as if the payment were effectively connected with that U.S.
trade or business and were attributable to the permanent establishment, irrespective of any
otherwise applicable treaty. If the foreign corporation makes such election, the excise tax is not
imposed and tax is imposed on a net basis on such specified amounts less deemed expenses. The
election applies for the taxable year for which the election is made and all subsequent taxable
years unless revoked with consent of the Secretary of the Treasury.
In general, the amount treated as effectively connected income under this provision is
treated as such for all purposes of the Code. For example, it is subject to the branch profit tax
(unless otherwise reduced, such as by an applicable treaty) and is not subject to the excise tax
under section 4371. However, for purposes of section 245 and new section 245A, these amounts
are not treated as effectively connected income. Therefore, a distribution of earnings attributable
to the amounts described in this provision is eligible for the participation DRD under new section
The deemed expenses with respect to any specified amount received by a foreign
corporation during any reporting year is the amount of expenses such that the net income ratio of
the foreign corporation with respect to the specified amount (taking into account only such
specified amounts and such deemed expenses) is equal to the net income ratio of the international
financial reporting group determined for the reporting year with respect to the product line to
which the specified amount relates. The net income ratio is the ratio of net income determined
without regard to income taxes, interest income, and interest expense, divided by revenue. The
net income ratio is calculated in accordance with the books and records used in preparing the
group’s consolidated financial statements. The net income ratio is determined by taking into
account only revenues and expenses of the foreign members of the international financial
reporting group (other than the members of the group that are or are treated as domestic
corporations for purposes of the provision) derived from, or incurred with respect to, persons that
are not members of the group or members of the group that are or are treated as domestic
corporations for purposes of the provision.
The following example illustrates the determination of a foreign affiliate’s deemed
expenses under the provision:
According to the books and records (after taking into account intercompany transactions
otherwise eliminated in consolidation) of an international financial reporting group consisting of
US, FS1, and FS2, a domestic corporation, US has third-party revenues of $1000, incurs third-
party expenses of $500, and makes a $300 payment for intercompany services to its foreign
affiliate, FS1. FS1 has revenues of $500 ($200 of which are third-party) and incurs third-party
expenses of $250. US’s other foreign affiliate, FS2, has $300 of revenues, incurs $150 of third-
party expenses, and makes a $100 intercompany payment to US. US’s entire payment to FS1 is
deductible for Federal income tax purposes, and FS1 elects to treat the $300 amount as subject to
section 882(g)(1). On a consolidated basis, the US-FS1-FS2 group has revenues of $1500 and
incurs third-party expenses of $900.
To determine the foreign affiliate’s deemed expenses, its foreign profit margin will be
determined by reference to ratio of the foreign earnings before interest and taxes (“EBIT”)
against the foreign revenues, with adjustments for related party inbound and outbound payments.
In other words, the foreign affiliate’s profit margin can be determined as follows:
– –
GEBIT is global EBIT (determined on a consolidated basis), USEBIT is the domestic
corporation’s EBIT (without regard to related party transactions), RPOP is the group’s related
party outbound payments made from domestic corporations to foreign affiliates, and RPIP is the
group’s related party inbound payments made from foreign affiliates to domestic corporations.
In the denominator, GREV is global revenues (determined on a consolidated basis) and
USREV is the domestic corporation’s revenues (without regard to related party transactions).
Under the aforementioned facts, the foreign affiliate’s profit margin would be 37.5%, or
600 500300 100
1500 1000 300
Accordingly, of the $300 payment from US to FS1, $112.50 would be deemed to be
income effectively connected to a US trade or business, and subject to corporate tax. The
remaining $187.50 of the payment would be deemed expenses for which FSI would be allowed a
Coordination with FDAP
Amounts treated as effectively connected income under this provision are not excluded
from the definition of fixed or determinable annual or periodical (“FDAP”) income. Payments
subject to tax under section 881 do not constitute specified payments under this provision except
to the extent that the rate of tax imposed under section 881 is reduced by a bilateral income tax
Joint and several liability
If there is an underpayment with respect to any taxable year of an electing foreign
corporation which is a member of an international financial accounting group, each domestic
corporation in the group is jointly and severally liable for as much of the underpayment as does
not exceed the excess of such underpayment over the amount of such underpayment determined
without regard to this rule and any penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount attributable to
the above amount.
Foreign tax credit
The foreign tax credit allowed under section 906(a) with respect to amounts taken into
account as effectively connected income is limited to 80 percent of the amount of taxes paid or
accrued (and determined without regard to section 906(b)(1)). These foreign tax credits are
effectively separately basketed and may not be carried backwards or forwards.
An electing foreign corporation that receives a specified amount is required to report,
with respect to each member of the international financial reporting group from which any such
amount is received: (i) the name and taxpayer identification number of each member, (ii) the
aggregate amounts received from each member, (iii) the product lines to which such amounts
relate, the aggregate amounts relating to each product line, and the net income ratio for each
product line, and (iv) a summary of changes in financial accounting methods that affect the
computation of any net income ratio described above.
A domestic corporation that pays or accrues a specified amount with respect to which a
foreign corporation has made the election is required to make a return according to the forms
and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury containing certain information and
to maintain sufficient records to determine the tax liability imposed by this provision. The
information required to be provided is as follows: (1) the name and taxpayer identification
number of the common parent of the international financial reporting group of which the
domestic corporation is a member, and (2) with respect to a specified amount: (A) the name and
taxpayer identification number of the recipient of the amount, (B) the aggregate amounts
received by the recipient, (C) the product lines to which the amounts relate and the aggregate
amounts for each product line, and the net income ratio for each product line, and (D) a
summary of any changes in financial accounting methods that affect the computation of any net
income ratio described in (C).
Treasury may prescribe regulations or other guidance that address reporting requirements
of foreign affiliates under this provision, such as allowing reporting or elections on a group basis.
Effective date.The provisions of this section apply to amounts paid or incurred after
December 31, 2018.
Senate Amendment
In general
Under the provision, an applicable taxpayer is required to pay a tax equal to the base
erosion minimum tax amount for the taxable year. The base erosion minimum tax amount is the
excess of 10 percent of the modified taxable income of the taxpayer for the taxable year over an
amount equal to the regular tax liability (defined in section 26(b)) of the taxpayer for the taxable
year reduced (but not below zero) by the excess of an amount equal to the credits allowed under
Chapter 1 less the credit allowed under section 38 (general business credits) for the taxable year
allocable to the research credit under section 41(a). For taxable years beginning after December
31, 2025, two changes are made, (A) the 10-percent provided for above is changed to 12.5-
percent, and (B) the regular tax liability is reduced by the aggregate amount of the credits
allowed under Chapter 1 (and no other adjustment is made).
To determine its modified taxable income, the applicable taxpayer computes its taxable
income for the year without regard to any base erosion tax benefit of a base erosion payment or
base erosion percentage of any allowable net operating loss deduction.
Base erosion payments
A base erosion payment generally includes any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer to a
foreign person that is a related party of the taxpayer and with respect to which a deduction is
allowable under Chapter 1. Such payments also include any amount paid or accrued by the
taxpayer to the related party in connection with the acquisition by the taxpayer from the related
party of property of a character subject to the allowance of depreciation (or amortization in lieu
of depreciation).
Base erosion payments do not include payments for cost of goods sold (which is not a
deduction but rather a reduction to income). A base erosion payment includes any amount that
constitutes reductions in gross receipts of the taxpayer that is paid or accrued by the taxpayer
with respect to: (1) a surrogate foreign corporation which is a related party of the taxpayer, but
only if such person first became a surrogate foreign corporation after November 9, 2017, or (2) a
foreign person that is a member of the same expanded affiliated group as the surrogate foreign
corporation. A surrogate foreign corporation has the meaning given in section 7874(a)(2), but
does not include a foreign corporation treated as a domestic corporation under section 7874(b).
A base erosion payment does not apply to any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer for
services if such services meet the requirements for eligibility for use of the services cost method
under section 482,
determined without regard to the requirement that the services not
In the case of an applicable taxpayer that is a member of an affiliated group (defined in section
1504(a)(1)) that includes a bank as defined in section 581or a registered securities dealer defined in section 15(a) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the rates are 11 percent instead of the abovementioned 10 percent and 13.5
percent instead of the abovementioned 12.5 percent.
Described in Treas. Reg. sec. 1.482-9(b).
contribute significantly to fundamental risks of business success or failure and such amount
constitutes the total services cost with no markup.
Any qualified derivative payment is not treated as a base erosion payment. A qualified
derivative payment means any payment made by a taxpayer pursuant to a derivative with respect
to which the taxpayer: (i) recognizes gain or loss as if such derivative were sold for its fair
market value on the last business day of the taxable year (and such additional times as are
required by this title or the taxpayer’s method of accounting), (ii) treats any gain or loss so
recognized as ordinary, and (iii) treats the character of all items of income, deduction, gain or
loss with respect to a payment pursuant to the derivative as ordinary.
No payment is treated as a qualified derivative payment unless the taxpayer includes in
the information required to be reported under section 6038B(b)(2) with respect to such taxable
year such information as is necessary to identify the payments to be so treated and such other
information as the Secretary of the Treasury determines necessary to carry out the provision.
The rule for qualified derivative payments does not apply if such payment would be
treated as a base erosion payment if it were not made pursuant to a derivative, including any
interest, royalty, or service payment, or in the case of a contract which has derivative and
nonderivative components, the payment is properly allocable to the nonderivative component.
For these purposes, the term derivative means any contract (including any option,
forward contract, futures contract, short position, swap, or similar contract) the value of which,
or any payment or other transfer with respect to which, is (directly or indirectly) determined by
reference to one or more of the following: (i) any share of stock of a corporation, (ii) any
evidence of indebtedness, (iii) any commodity which is actively traded, (iv) any currency, (v)
any rate, price, amount, index, formula, or algorithm. Except as otherwise provided by the
Secretary of the Treasury, American depository receipts and similar instruments with respect to
shares of stock in foreign corporations are treated as shares of stock in such foreign corporations.
A base erosion tax benefit means: (i) any deduction allowed under Chapter 1 for the
taxable year with respect to a base erosion payment, (ii) in the case of a base erosion payment
with respect to the purchase of property of a character subject to the allowance for depreciation
(or amortization in lieu of depreciation), any deduction allowed in Chapter 1 for depreciation or
amortization in lieu of depreciation with respect to the property acquired with such payment, or
(iii) any reduction in gross receipts with respect to a payment described above with respect to a
surrogate foreign corporation (as defined there) in computing gross income of the taxpayer for
the taxable year.
Any base erosion tax benefit attributable to any base erosion payment on which tax is
imposed by sections 871 or 881 and with respect to which tax has been deducted and withheld
under sections 1441 or 1442, is not taken into account in computing modified taxable income as
defined above. The amount not taken into account in computing modified taxable income is
reduced under rules similar to the rules under section 163(j)(5)(B).
As in effect before the date of enactment of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
The base erosion percentage means for any taxable year, the percentage determined by
dividing the aggregate amount of base erosion tax benefits of the taxpayer for the taxable year by
the aggregate amount of the deductions allowable to the taxpayer under Chapter 1 for the taxable
year, taking into account base erosion tax benefits described above and by not taking into
account any deduction allowed under sections 172, 245A or 250 for the taxable year.
Applicable taxpayers and related parties
Applicable taxpayer means with respect to any taxable year, a taxpayer: (A) which is a
corporation other than a regulated investment company, a real estate investment trust, or an S
corporation; (B) the average annual gross receipts of the corporation for the three-taxable-year
period ending with the preceding taxable year are at least $500 million, and (C) the base erosion
percentage (as defined above) of the corporation for the taxable year is four percent or higher.
In the case of a foreign person the gross receipts of which are taken into account for
purposes of this provision, only gross receipts which are taken into account in determining
income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States is
taken into account. If a foreign person’s gross receipts are aggregated with a U.S. person’s gross
receipts for reasons described in the aggregation rules below, the preceding sentence does not
apply to the gross receipts of any U.S. person which are aggregated with the taxpayer’s gross
All persons treated as a single employer under section 52(a) are treated as one person for
purposes of this provision, except that in applying section 1563 for purposes of section 52, the
exception for foreign corporations under section 1563(b)(2)(C) is disregarded (called the
“aggregation rules”).
For purposes of this provision, foreign person has the meaning given in section
Related party means: (i) any 25-percent owner of the taxpayer, (ii) any person who is
related to the taxpayer or any 25-percent owner of the taxpayer, within the meaning of sections
267(b) or 707(b)(1), and (iii) any other person related to the taxpayer within the meaning of
section 482. For these purposes, section 318 regarding constructive ownership of stock applies
to these related party rules except that 10-percent is substituted for 50-percent in section
318(a)(2)(C), and for these purposes section 318(a)(3)(A), (B) and (C) do not cause a United
States person to own stock owned by a person who is not a United States person.
The provision provides that the Secretary of the Treasury is to prescribe such regulations
or other guidance necessary or appropriate, including regulations providing for such adjustments
to the application of this section necessary to prevent avoidance of the provision, including
through: (1) the use of unrelated persons, conduit transactions, or other intermediaries, or (2)
transactions or arrangements designed in whole or in part: (A) to characterize payments
otherwise subject to this provision as payments not subject to this provision, or (B) to substitute
payments not subject to this provision for payments otherwise subject to this provision.
Information reporting requirements
The provision authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to prescribe additional reporting
requirements under section 6038A relating to: (A) the name, principal place of business, and
country or countries in which organized or resident of each person which: (i) is a related party to
the reporting corporation, and (ii) had any transaction with the reporting corporation during its
taxable year, (B) the manner of relation between the reporting corporation and the person
referred to in (A), and (C) transactions between the reporting corporation and each related
foreign person.
In addition, for purposes of information reporting under sections 6038A and 6038C, if the
reporting corporation or the foreign corporation to which section 6038C applies is an applicable
taxpayer under this provision, the information that may be required includes: (A) base erosion
payments paid or accrued during the taxable year by the taxpayer to a foreign person which is a
related party of the taxpayer, (B) such information as the Secretary of the Treasury finds
necessary to determine the base erosion minimum amount of the taxpayer for the taxable year,
and (C) such other information as the Secretary of the Treasury determines is necessary.
The penalties provided for under sections 6038A(D)(1) and (2) are both increased to
Effective date.The provision applies to base erosion payments paid or accrued in taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The provision in the conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with some
changes, as follows.
In general
Under the provision, an applicable taxpayer is required to pay a tax equal to the base
erosion minimum tax amount for the taxable year. The base erosion minimum tax amount is the
excess of 10 percent
of the modified taxable income of the taxpayer for the taxable year over
an amount equal to the regular tax liability (defined in section 26(b)) of the taxpayer for the
taxable year reduced (but not below zero) by the excess (if any) of the credits allowed under
Section 15006 of the bill (and new section 6050Z) establishes certain reporting requirements. These
reporting requirements are effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024, and continue to be
required regardless of whether the revenue requirement is met. Any taxpayer who makes a payment to a foreign
person who is a related party (as such term is defined in section 14401 of the bill and new section 59A) of the
taxpayer during the taxable year is required to make a return, according to forms and regulations prescribed by the
Secretary, setting forth (1) the amount of such payments by type and separately stated and (2) any amount paid that
results in a reduction of gross receipts to the taxpayer (e.g., cost of goods sold).
5 percent rate applies for one year for base erosion payments paid or accrued in taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2017.
Chapter 1 against such regular tax liability over the sum of: (1) the credit allowed under section
38 for the taxable year which is properly allocable to the research credit determined under
section 41(a), plus (2) the portion of the applicable section 38 credits not in excess of 80 percent
of the lesser of the amount of such credits or the base erosion minimum tax amount (determined
without regard to this clause (2)). For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, two
changes are made, (A) the 10-percent provided for above is changed to 12.5-percent, and (B) the
regular tax liability is reduced by the aggregate amount of the credits allowed under Chapter 1
(and no other adjustment is made).
Applicable section 38 credits means the credit allowed under section 38 for the taxable
year which is properly allocable to: (A) the low-income housing credit determined under section
42(a), (B) the renewable electricity production credit determined under section 45(a), and (C) the
investment credit determined under section 46, but only to the extent properly allocable to the
energy credit determined under section 48.
To determine its modified taxable income, the applicable taxpayer computes its taxable
income for the year without regard to any base erosion tax benefit with respect to any base
erosion payment or the base erosion percentage of any allowable net operating loss deduction
allowed under section 172 for the taxable year.
Base erosion payments
A base erosion payment means any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer to a foreign
person that is a related party of the taxpayer and with respect to which a deduction is allowable
under Chapter 1. Such payments include any amount paid or accrued by the taxpayer to the
related party in connection with the acquisition by the taxpayer from the related party of property
of a character subject to the allowance of depreciation (or amortization in lieu of depreciation). A
base erosion payment includes any premium or other consideration paid or accrued by the
taxpayer to a foreign person which is a related party of the taxpayer for any reinsurance
payments taken into account under sections 803(a)(1)(B) or 832(b)(4)(A).
Base erosion payments do not include any amount that constitutes reductions in gross
receipts including payments for costs of goods sold. However, base erosion payment includes
any amount that constitutes reductions in gross receipts of the taxpayer that is paid or accrued by
the taxpayer with respect to: (1) a surrogate foreign corporation which is a related party of the
taxpayer, but only if such person first became a surrogate foreign corporation after November 9,
2017, or (2) a foreign person that is a member of the same expanded affiliated group as the
surrogate foreign corporation. A surrogate foreign corporation has the meaning given in section
7874(a)(2), but does not include a foreign corporation treated as a domestic corporation under
section 7874(b).
In the case of a taxpayer that is a member of an affiliated group (defined in section 1504(a)(1)) that
includes a bank as defined in section 581or a registered securities dealer defined in section 15(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the rates are 6 percent instead of 5 percent, 11 percent instead of 10 percent and 13.5 percent
instead of 12.5 percent.
A base erosion payment does not include any amount paid or accrued by a taxpayer for
services if such services meet the requirements for eligibility for use of the services cost method
described in Treas. Reg. sec. 1.482-9, as in effect as of the date of enactment of TCJA, without
regard to the requirement that the services not contribute significantly to fundamental risks of
business success or failure and only if the payments are made for services that have no markup
Any qualified derivative payment is not treated as a base erosion payment. A qualified
derivative payment means any payment made by a taxpayer pursuant to a derivative with respect
to which the taxpayer: (i) recognizes gain or loss as if such derivative were sold for its fair
market value on the last business day of the taxable year (and such additional times as are
required by this title or the taxpayer’s method of accounting), (ii) treats any gain or loss so
recognized as ordinary, and (iii) treats the character of all items of income, deduction, gain or
loss with respect to a payment pursuant to the derivative as ordinary.
No payment is treated as a qualified derivative payment unless the taxpayer includes in
the information required to be reported under section 6038B(b)(2) with respect to such taxable
year such information as is necessary to identify the payments to be so treated and such other
information as the Secretary of the Treasury determines necessary to carry out the provision.
The rule for qualified derivative payments does not apply if a payment with respect to a
derivative is in substance, or is disguising, the kind of payment that would be treated as a base
erosion payment if it were not made pursuant to a derivative, including any interest, royalty, or
service payment, (or any other payment subject to this provision) or in the case of a contract
which has derivative and nonderivative components, the payment is properly allocable to the
nonderivative component.
For these purposes, the term derivative means any contract (including any option,
forward contract, futures contract, short position, swap, or similar contract) the value of which,
or any payment or other transfer with respect to which, is (directly or indirectly) determined by
reference to one or more of the following: (i) any share of stock of a corporation, (ii) any
evidence of indebtedness, (iii) any commodity which is actively traded, (iv) any currency, (v)
any rate, price, amount, index, formula, or algorithm. Except as otherwise provided by the
Secretary of the Treasury, American depository receipts and similar instruments with respect to
shares of stock in foreign corporations are treated as shares of stock in such foreign corporations.
The term derivative does not include any item described in paragraphs (i) through (v) above nor
shall the term ‘derivative’ include any insurance, annuity, or endowment contract issued by an
insurance company to which subchapter L applies (or issued by any foreign corporation to which
such subchapter would apply if such foreign corporation were a domestic corporation).
A base erosion tax benefit means: (i) any deduction allowed under Chapter 1 for the
taxable year with respect to a base erosion payment, (ii) in the case of a base erosion payment
with respect to the purchase of property of a character subject to the allowance for depreciation
(or amortization in lieu of depreciation), any deduction allowed in Chapter 1 for depreciation or
amortization in lieu of depreciation with respect to the property acquired with such payment, or
(iii) any reduction in gross receipts with respect to a payment described above with respect to a
surrogate foreign corporation (as defined there) in computing gross income of the taxpayer for
the taxable year.
Any base erosion tax benefit attributable to any base erosion payment on which tax is
imposed by sections 871 or 881 and with respect to which tax has been deducted and withheld
under sections 1441 or 1442, is not taken into account in computing modified taxable income as
defined above. The amount not taken into account in computing modified taxable income is
reduced under rules similar to the rules under section 163(j)(5)(B).
The base erosion percentage means for any taxable year, the percentage determined by
dividing the aggregate amount of base erosion tax benefits of the taxpayer for the taxable year by
the aggregate amount of the deductions allowable to the taxpayer under Chapter 1 for the taxable
year, taking into account base erosion tax benefits described above and by not taking into
account any deduction allowed under sections 172, 245A or 250 for the taxable year, any
deduction for amounts paid or accrued for services to which the exception for the services cost
method (as described above) applies, and any deduction for qualified derivative payments which
are not treated as a base erosion payment as described above.
Applicable taxpayers and related parties
Applicable taxpayer means with respect to any taxable year, a taxpayer: (A) which is a
corporation other than a regulated investment company, a real estate investment trust, or an S
corporation; (B) the average annual gross receipts of the corporation for the three-taxable-year
period ending with the preceding taxable year are at least $500 million, and (C) the base erosion
percentage (as defined above) of the corporation for the taxable year is three percent or
In the case of a foreign person the gross receipts of which are taken into account for
purposes of this provision, only gross receipts which are taken into account in determining
income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States is
taken into account. If a foreign person’s gross receipts are aggregated with a U.S. person’s gross
receipts for reasons described in the aggregation rules below, the preceding sentence does not
apply to the gross receipts of any U.S. person which are aggregated with the taxpayer’s gross
All persons treated as a single employer under section 52(a) are treated as one person for
purposes of this provision, except that in applying section 1563 for purposes of section 52, the
exception for foreign corporations under section 1563(b)(2)(C) is disregarded (called the
“aggregation rules”).
As in effect before the date of enactment of TCJA.
In the case of an applicable taxpayer that is a member of an affiliated group (defined in section
1504(a)(1)) that includes a bank as defined in section 581or a registered securities dealer defined in section 15(a) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the base erosion percentage of which is two percent or higher.
For purposes of this provision, foreign person has the meaning given in section
Related party means: (i) any 25-percent owner of the taxpayer, (ii) any person who is
related to the taxpayer or any 25-percent owner of the taxpayer, within the meaning of sections
267(b) or 707(b)(1), and (iii) any other person related to the taxpayer within the meaning of
section 482. For these purposes, section 318 regarding constructive ownership of stock applies
to these related party rules except that 10-percent is substituted for 50-percent in section
318(a)(2)(C), and for these purposes section 318(a)(3)(A), (B) and (C) do not cause a United
States person to own stock owned by a person who is not a United States person.
The provision provides that the Secretary of the Treasury is to prescribe such regulations
or other guidance necessary or appropriate, including regulations providing for such adjustments
to the application of this section necessary to prevent avoidance of the provision, including
through: (1) the use of unrelated persons, conduit transactions, or other intermediaries, or (2)
transactions or arrangements designed in whole or in part: (A) to characterize payments
otherwise subject to this provision as payments not subject to this provision, or (B) to substitute
payments not subject to this provision for payments otherwise subject to this provision.
Information reporting requirements
The provision authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to prescribe additional reporting
requirements under section 6038A relating to: (A) the name, principal place of business, and
country or countries in which organized or resident of each person which: (i) is a related party to
the reporting corporation, and (ii) had any transaction with the reporting corporation during its
taxable year, (B) the manner of relation between the reporting corporation and the person
referred to in (A), and (C) transactions between the reporting corporation and each related
foreign person.
In addition, for purposes of information reporting under sections 6038A and 6038C, if the
reporting corporation or the foreign corporation to which section 6038C applies is an applicable
taxpayer under this provision, the information that may be required includes: (A) base erosion
payments paid or accrued during the taxable year by the taxpayer to a foreign person which is a
related party of the taxpayer, (B) such information as the Secretary of the Treasury finds
necessary to determine the base erosion minimum amount of the taxpayer for the taxable year,
and (C) such other information as the Secretary of the Treasury determines is necessary.
The penalties provided for under sections 6038A(D)(1) and (2) are both increased to
Section 15006 of the bill (and new section 6050Z) establishes certain reporting requirements. These
reporting requirements are effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024, and continue to be
required regardless of whether the revenue requirement is met. Any taxpayer who makes a payment to a foreign
person who is a related party (as such term is defined in section 14401 of the bill and new section 59A) of the
taxpayer during the taxable year is required to make a return, according to forms and regulations prescribed by the
Secretary, setting forth (1) the amount of such payments by type and separately stated and (2) any amount paid that
results in a reduction of gross receipts to the taxpayer (e.g., cost of goods sold).
Effective date.The provision applies to base erosion payments paid or accrued in taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2017.
2. Limitations on income shifting through intangible property transfers (sec. 14222 of the
bill and secs. 367, 482, and 936 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision addresses recurring definitional and methodological issues that have arisen
in controversies
in transfers of intangible property for purposes of sections 367(d) and 482,
both of which use the statutory definition of intangible property in section 936(h)(3)(B). The
provision revises that definition and confirms the authority to require certain valuation methods.
It does not modify the basic approach of the existing transfer pricing rules with regard to income
from intangible property.
Under the provision, workforce in place, goodwill (both foreign and domestic), and going
concern value are intangible property within the meaning of section 936(h)(3)(B), as is the
residual category of “any similar item” the value of which is not attributable to tangible property
or the services of an individual. The flush language at the end of that subparagraph is removed,
to make clear that the source or amount of value is not relevant to whether property that is one of
the specified types of intangible property is within the scope of the definition.
The provision clarifies the authority of the Secretary to specify the method to be used to
determine the value of intangible property, both with respect to outbound restructurings of U.S.
operations and to intercompany pricing allocations,
by amending 482 as well as the grant of
regulatory authority under section 367 regarding the use of aggregate basis valuation and the
application of the realistic alternative principle.
With respect to aggregate basis valuation, the provision requires use of that method of
valuation in the case of transfers of multiple intangible properties in one or more related
transactions if the Secretary determines that an aggregate basis achieves a more reliable result
than an asset-by-asset approach. The provision is consistent with the position that the additional
value that results from the interrelation of intangible assets can be properly attributed to the
underlying intangible assets in the aggregate, where doing so yields a more reliable result. This
Veritas v. Commissioner, 133 T.C. No. 14 (December 10, 2009), non-acq., IRB 2010-49 (December 6,
2010). (stating that including goodwill and going concern value within the definition would “expand[]” that
definition, and that “taxpayers are merely required to be compliant, not prescient”); Amazon v. Commissioner, 148
T.C. No. 8 (2017) (holding that “workforce in place, going concern value, goodwill, and what trial witnesses
described as ‘growth options’ and corporate ‘resources’ or ‘opportunities’” all fell outside the definition under
present law).
Secs. 367(d) and 482.
approach is also consistent with Tax Court decisions in cases outside of the section 482 context,
where collections of multiple, related intangible assets were viewed by the Tax Court in the
Finally, it is also consistent with the cost-sharing regulations.
The provision codifies use of the realistic alternative principles to determine valuation
with respect to intangible property transactions. The realistic alternative principle is predicated
on the notion that a taxpayer will only enter into a particular transaction if none of its realistic
alternatives is economically preferable to the transaction under consideration. For example,
under the existing regulations provide the IRS with the ability to determine an arm’s-length price
by reference to a transaction (such as the owner of intangible property using it to make a product
itself) that is different from the transaction that was actually completed (such as the owner of that
same intangible property licensing the manufacturing rights and then buying the product from
the licensee).
Effective date.The provision applies to transfers in taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2017. No inference is intended with respect to application of section 936(h)(3)(B)
or the authority of the Secretary to provide by regulation for such application with respect to
taxable years beginning before January 1, 2018.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
3. Certain related party amounts paid or accrued in hybrid transactions or with hybrid
entities (sec. 14223 of the Senate amendment and sec. 267A of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision denies a deduction for any disqualified related party amount paid or
accrued pursuant to a hybrid transaction or by, or to, a hybrid entity. A disqualified related party
See, e.g., Kraft Foods Co. v. Commissioner, 21 T.C. 513 (1954) (thirty-one related patents must be
valued as a group and the useful life for depreciation should be based on the average of the patents’ useful lives);
Standard Conveyor Co. v. Commissioner, 25 B.T.A. 281, p. 283 (1932) (“[I]t is evident that it is impossible to value
these seven patents separately. Their value, as in the case of many groups of patents representing improvements on
the prior art, appears largely to consist of their combination.”); Massey-Ferguson, Inc. v. Commissioner, 59 T.C. 220
(1972) (taxpayer who abandoned a distribution network of contracts with separate distributorships was entitled to an
abandonment loss for the entire network in the taxable year during which the last of the contracts was terminated
because that was the year in which the entire intangible value was lost).
See Treas. Reg. sec. 1.482-7(g)(2)(iv) (if multiple transactions in connection with a cost-sharing
arrangement involve platform, operating and other contributions of resources, capabilities or rights that are
reasonably anticipated to be interrelated, then determination of the arm’s-length charge for platform contribution
transactions and other transactions on an aggregate basis may provide the most reliable measure of an arms-length
amount is any interest or royalty paid or accrued to a related party to the extent that: (1) there is
no corresponding inclusion to the related party under the tax law of the country of which such
related party is a resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax, or (2) such related party is allowed
a deduction with respect to such amount under the tax law of such country. A disqualified
related party amount does not include any payment to the extent such payment is included in the
gross income of a U.S. shareholder under section 951(a). A related party for these purposes is
determined under the rules of section 954(d)(3), except that such section applies with respect to
the payor as opposed to the CFC otherwise referred to in such section.
A hybrid transaction is any transaction, series of transactions, agreement, or instrument
one or more payments with respect to which are treated as interest or royalties for Federal
income tax purposes and which are not so treated for purposes of the tax law of the foreign
country of which the recipient of such payment is resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax.
A hybrid entity is any entity which is either: (1) treated as fiscally transparent for Federal income
tax purposes but not so treated for purposes of the tax law of the foreign country of which the
entity is resident for tax purposes or is subject to tax, or (2) treated as fiscally transparent for
purposes of the tax law of the foreign country of which the entity is resident for tax purposes or
is subject to tax but not so treated for Federal income tax purposes.
The provision further provides that the Secretary shall issue regulations or other guidance
as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the provision, including
regulations or other guidance providing rules for: (1) denying deductions for conduit
arrangements that involve a hybrid transaction or a hybrid entity, (2) the application of this
provision to foreign branches, (3) applying this provision to certain structured transactions, (4)
denying all or a portion of a deduction claimed for an interest or a royalty payment that, as a
result of the hybrid transaction or entity, is included in the recipient’s income under a preferential
tax regime of the country of residence of the recipient and has the effect of reducing the
country’s generally applicable statutory tax rate by at least 25 percent, (5) denying all of a
deduction claimed for an interest or a royalty payment if such amount is subject to a participation
exemption system or other system which provides for the exclusion or deduction of a substantial
portion of such amount, (6) rules for determining the tax residence of a foreign entity if the
foreign entity is otherwise considered a resident of more than one country or of no country, (7)
exceptions to the general rule set forth in the provision, and (8) requirements for record keeping
and information in addition to any requirements imposed by section 6038A.
Effective date.The provision shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with the following
modifications. The bill provides that the Secretary shall issue regulations or other guidance as
may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the provision for branches
(domestic or foreign) and domestic entities, even if such branches or entities do not meet the
statutory definition of a hybrid entity.
4. Shareholders of surrogate foreign corporations not eligible not eligible for reduced rate
on dividends (sec. 14225 of the Senate amendment and sec. 1 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
Any individual shareholder who receives a dividend from a corporation which is a
surrogate foreign corporation as defined in section 7874(a)(2)(B), other than a foreign
corporation which is treated as a domestic corporation under section 7874(b), is not entitled to
the lower rates on qualified dividends provided for in section 1(h).
Effective date.The provision is effective for dividends paid in taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2017.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment with a modification. The
modification is that the provision applies to dividends received from foreign corporations that
first become surrogate foreign corporations after date of enactment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for dividends received after date of enactment.
F. Provisions Related to the Possessions of the United States
1. Extension of deduction allowable with respect to income attributable to domestic
production activities in Puerto Rico (sec. 4401 of the House bill and sec. 199 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
Present law generally provides a deduction from taxable income (or, in the case of an
individual, adjusted gross income) that is equal to nine percent of the lesser of the taxpayer’s
qualified production activities income or taxable income for the taxable year. For taxpayers
subject to the 35-percent corporate income tax rate, the nine-percent deduction effectively
reduces the corporate income tax rate to slightly less than 32 percent on qualified production
activities income.
In general, qualified production activities income is equal to domestic production gross
receipts reduced by the sum of: (1) the costs of goods sold that are allocable to those receipts;
and (2) other expenses, losses, or deductions which are properly allocable to those receipts.
Domestic production gross receipts generally are gross receipts of a taxpayer that are
derived from: (1) any sale, exchange, or other disposition, or any lease, rental, or license, of
qualifying production property
that was manufactured, produced, grown or extracted by the
taxpayer in whole or in significant part within the United States; (2) any sale, exchange, or other
disposition, or any lease, rental, or license, of qualified film
produced by the taxpayer; (3) any
lease, rental, license, sale, exchange, or other disposition of electricity, natural gas, or potable
water produced by the taxpayer in the United States; (4) construction of real property performed
in the United States by a taxpayer in the ordinary course of a construction trade or business; or
(5) engineering or architectural services performed in the United States for the construction of
real property located in the United States.
The amount of the deduction for a taxable year is limited to 50 percent of the wages paid
by the taxpayer, and properly allocable to domestic production gross receipts, during the
calendar year that ends in such taxable year.
Wages paid to bona fide residents of Puerto
Qualifying production property generally includes any tangible personal property, computer software,
and sound recordings.
Qualified film includes any motion picture film or videotape (including live or delayed television
programming, but not including certain sexually explicit productions) if 50 percent or more of the total
compensation relating to the production of the film (including compensation in the form of residuals and
participations) constitutes compensation for services performed in the United States by actors, production personnel,
directors, and producers.
For purposes of the provision, “wages” include the sum of the amounts of wages as defined in
section 3401(a) and elective deferrals that the taxpayer properly reports to the Social Security Administration with
respect to the employment of employees of the taxpayer during the calendar year ending during the taxpayer’s
taxable year.
Rico generally are not included in the definition of wages for purposes of computing the wage
limitation amount.
Rules for Puerto Rico
When used in the Code in a geographical sense, the term “United States” generally
includes only the States and the District of Columbia.
A special rule for determining
domestic production gross receipts, however, provides that in the case of any taxpayer with gross
receipts from sources within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the term “United States”
includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, but only if all of the taxpayer’s Puerto Rico-sourced
gross receipts are taxable under the Federal income tax for individuals or corporations.
computing the 50-percent wage limitation, the taxpayer is permitted to take into account wages
paid to bona fide residents of Puerto Rico for services performed in Puerto Rico.
The special rules for Puerto Rico apply only with respect to the first 11 taxable years of a
taxpayer beginning after December 31, 2005 and before January 1, 2017.
House Bill
The provision extends the special domestic production activities rules for Puerto Rico to
apply for the first 12 taxable years of a taxpayer beginning after December 31, 2005 and before
January 1, 2018.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Section 3401(a)(8)(C) excludes wages paid to U.S. citizens who are bona fide residents of Puerto Rico
from the term wages for purposes of income tax withholding.
Sec. 7701(a)(9).
Sec. 199(d)(8)(A).
Sec. 199(d)(8)(B).
2. Extension of temporary increase in limit on cover over of rum excise taxes to Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands (sec. 4402 of the House bill and sec. 7652(f) of the Code)
Present Law
A $13.50 per proof gallon
excise tax is imposed on distilled spirits produced in or
imported into the United States.
The excise tax does not apply to distilled spirits that are
exported from the United States, including exports to U.S. possessions (e.g., Puerto Rico and the
U.S. Virgin Islands).
The Code provides for cover over (payment) to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
of the excise tax imposed on rum imported (or brought) into the United States, without regard to
the country of origin.
The amount of the cover over is limited under section 7652(f) to the
lesser of (1) $10.50 per proof gallon ($13.25 per proof gallon before January 1, 2017) or (2) the
excise tax imposed under section 5001(a)(1) on each proof gallon.
Tax amounts attributable to shipments to the United States of rum produced in Puerto
Rico are covered over to Puerto Rico. Tax amounts attributable to shipments to the United
States of rum produced in the U.S. Virgin Islands are covered over to the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Tax amounts attributable to shipments to the United States of rum produced in neither Puerto
Rico nor the U.S. Virgin Islands are divided and covered over to the two possessions under a
Amounts covered over to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are deposited into
the treasuries of the two possessions for use as those possessions determine.
All of the
amounts covered over are subject to the limitation.
House Bill
The provision suspends for six years the $10.50 per proof gallon limitation on the amount
of excise taxes on rum covered over to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Under the
provision, the cover-over limitation of $13.25 per proof gallon is extended for rum brought into
the United States after December 31, 2016 and before January 1, 2023. After December 31,
2022, the cover over amount reverts to $10.50 per proof gallon.
A proof gallon is a liquid gallon consisting of 50 percent alcohol. See secs. 5002(a)(10) and (11).
Sec. 5001(a)(1).
Secs. 5214(a)(1)(A), 5002(a)(15), 7653(b) and (c).
Secs. 7652(a)(3), (b)(3), and (e)(1). One percent of the amount of excise tax collected from imports
into the United States of articles produced in the U.S. Virgin Islands is retained by the United States under section
Sec. 7652(e)(2).
Secs. 7652(a)(3), (b)(3), and (e)(1).
Effective date.The provision applies to distilled spirits brought into the United States
after December 31, 2016.
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
3. Extension of American Samoa economic development credit (sec. 4403 of the House bill
and sec. 119 of Pub. L. No. 109-432)
Present Law
A domestic corporation that was an existing credit claimant with respect to American
Samoa and that elected the application of section 936 for its last taxable year beginning before
January 1, 2006 is allowed a credit based on the corporation’s economic activity-based limitation
with respect to American Samoa. The credit is not part of the Code but is computed based on the
rules of sections 30A and 936. The credit is allowed for the first eleven taxable years of a
corporation that begin after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2017.
A corporation was an existing credit claimant with respect to a American Samoa if (1) the
corporation was engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business within American Samoa on
October 13, 1995, and (2) the corporation elected the benefits of the possession tax credit
For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2006, certain domestic corporations with business
operations in the U.S. possessions were eligible for the possession tax credit. Secs. 27(b) and 936. This credit offset
the U.S. tax imposed on certain income related to operations in the U.S. possessions. Subject to certain limitations,
the amount of the possession tax credit allowed to any domestic corporation equaled the portion of that corporation’s
U.S. tax that was attributable to the corporation’s non-U.S. source taxable income from (1) the active conduct of a
trade or business within a U.S. possession, (2) the sale or exchange of substantially all of the assets that were used in
such a trade or business, or (3) certain possessions investment. No deduction or foreign tax credit was allowed for
any possessions or foreign tax paid or accrued with respect to taxable income that was taken into account in
computing the credit under section 936. Under the economic activity-based limit, the amount of the credit could not
exceed an amount equal to the sum of (1) 60 percent of the taxpayer’s qualified possession wages and allocable
employee fringe benefit expenses, (2) 15 percent of depreciation allowances with respect to short-life qualified
tangible property, plus 40 percent of depreciation allowances with respect to medium-life qualified tangible
property, plus 65 percent of depreciation allowances with respect to long-life qualified tangible property, and (3) in
certain cases, a portion of the taxpayer’s possession income taxes. A taxpayer could elect, instead of the economic
activity-based limit, a limit equal to the applicable percentage of the credit that otherwise would have been
allowable with respect to possession business income, beginning in 1998, the applicable percentage was 40 percent.
To qualify for the possession tax credit for a taxable year, a domestic corporation was required to satisfy
two conditions. First, the corporation was required to derive at least 80 percent of its gross income for the three-year
period immediately preceding the close of the taxable year from sources within a possession. Second, the
corporation was required to derive at least 75 percent of its gross income for that same period from the active
an election in effect for its taxable year that included October 13, 1995.
A corporation that
added a substantial new line of business (other than in a qualifying acquisition of all the assets of
a trade or business of an existing credit claimant) ceased to be an existing credit claimant as of
the close of the taxable year ending before the date on which that new line of business was
The amount of the credit allowed to a qualifying domestic corporation under the
provision is equal to the sum of the amounts used in computing the corporation’s economic
activity-based limitation with respect to American Samoa, except that no credit is allowed for the
amount of any American Samoa income taxes. Thus, for any qualifying corporation the amount
of the credit equals the sum of (1) 60 percent of the corporation’s qualified American Samoa
wages and allocable employee fringe benefit expenses and (2) 15 percent of the corporation’s
depreciation allowances with respect to short-life qualified American Samoa tangible property,
plus 40 percent of the corporation’s depreciation allowances with respect to medium-life
qualified American Samoa tangible property, plus 65 percent of the corporation’s depreciation
allowances with respect to long-life qualified American Samoa tangible property.
The section 936(c) rule denying a credit or deduction for any possessions or foreign tax
paid with respect to taxable income taken into account in computing the credit under section 936
does not apply with respect to the credit allowed by the provision.
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016 the credit rules are modified in two
ways. First, domestic corporations with operations in American Samoa are allowed the credit
even if those corporations are not existing credit claimants. Second, the credit is available to a
domestic corporation (either an existing credit claimant or a new credit claimant) only if, in
addition to satisfying all the present law requirements for claiming the credit, the corporation
also has qualified production activities income (as defined in section 199(c) by substituting
“American Samoa” for “the United States” in each place that latter term appears).
In the case of a corporation that is an existing credit claimant with respect to American
Samoa and that elected the application of section 936 for its last taxable year beginning before
January 1, 2006, the credit applies to the first nine taxable years of the corporation which begin
after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2017. For any other corporation, the credit
applies to the first three taxable years of that corporation which begin after December 31, 2011
and before January 1, 2017.
House Bill
The provision extends the credit for five years to apply (a) in the case of a corporation
that is an existing credit claimant with respect to American Samoa and that elected the
conduct of a possession business. Sec. 936(a)(2). The section 936 credit generally expired for taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2005.
A corporation will qualify as an existing credit claimant if it acquired all the assets of a trade or
business of a corporation that (1) actively conducted that trade or business in a possession on October 13, 1995, and
(2) had elected the benefits of the possession tax credit in an election in effect for the taxable year that included
October 13, 1995.
application of section 936 for its last taxable year beginning before January 1, 2006, to the first
17 taxable years of the corporation which begin after December 31, 2005, and before January 1,
2023, and (b) in the case of any other corporation, to the first 11 taxable years of the corporation
which begin after December 31, 2011 and before January 1, 2023.
For purposes of this provision, section 119(e) of division A of the Tax Relief and Health
Care Act of 2006
is amended to indicate that any reference to section 199 of the Code is to be
treated as a reference to section 199 as in effect before its repeal by the House bill.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
No provision.
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the House bill provision.
Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-432, sec. 119.
G. Other International Reforms
1. Restriction on insurance business exception to the passive foreign investment company
rules (sec. 4501 of the House bill, sec. 14502 of the Senate amendment, and sec. 1297 of the
Present Law
Passive foreign investment companies
The Tax Reform Act of 1986
established the PFIC anti-deferral regime. A PFIC is
generally defined as any foreign corporation if 75 percent or more of its gross income for the
taxable year consists of passive income, or 50 percent or more of its assets consists of assets that
produce, or are held for the production of, passive income.
Alternative sets of income
inclusion rules apply to U.S. persons that are shareholders in a PFIC, regardless of their
percentage ownership in the company. One set of rules applies to PFICs that are qualified
electing funds, under which electing U.S. shareholders currently include in gross income their
respective shares of the company’s earnings, with a separate election to defer payment of tax,
subject to an interest charge, on income not currently received.
A second set of rules applies
to PFICs that are not qualified electing funds, under which U.S. shareholders pay tax on certain
income or gain realized through the company, plus an interest charge that is attributable to the
value of deferral.
A third set of rules applies to PFIC stock that is marketable, under which
electing U.S. shareholders currently take into account as income (or loss) the difference between
the fair market value of the stock as of the close of the taxable year and their adjusted basis in
such stock (subject to certain limitations), often referred to as “marking to market.”
Under the PFIC regime, passive income is any income which is of a kind that would be
foreign personal holding company income, including dividends, interest, royalties, rents, and
certain gains on the sale or exchange of property, commodities, or foreign currency. However,
among other exceptions, passive income does not include any income derived in the active
conduct of an insurance business by a corporation that is predominantly engaged in an insurance
business and that would be subject to tax under subchapter L if it were a domestic
In applying the insurance exception, the IRS analyzes whether risks assumed
under contracts issued by a foreign company organized as an insurer are truly insurance risks,
Pub. L. No. 99-514.
Sec. 1297.
Secs. 1293-1295.
Sec. 1291.
Sec. 1296.
Sec. 1297(b)(2)(B).
whether the risks are limited under the terms of the contracts, and the status of the company as an
insurance company.
House Bill
The provision modifies the requirements for a corporation the income of which is not
included in passive income for purposes of the PFIC rules. The provision replaces the test based
on whether a corporation is predominantly engaged in an insurance business with a test based on
the corporation's insurance liabilities.
The requirement that the foreign corporation would be
subject to tax under subchapter L if it were a domestic corporation is retained.
Under the provision, passive income for purposes of the PFIC rules does not include
income derived in the active conduct of an insurance business by a corporation (1) that would be
subject to tax under subchapter L if it were a domestic corporation; and (2) the applicable
insurance liabilities of which constitute more than 25 percent of its total assets as reported on the
company’s applicable financial statement for the last year ending with or within the taxable year.
For the purpose of the provision’s exception from passive income, applicable insurance
liabilities mean, with respect to any property and casualty or life insurance business (1) loss and
loss adjustment expenses, (2) reserves (other than deficiency, contingency, or unearned premium
reserves) for life and health insurance risks and life and health insurance claims with respect to
contracts providing coverage for mortality or morbidity risks. This includes loss reserves for
property and casualty, life, and health insurance contracts and annuity contracts. Unearned
premium reserves with respect to any type of risk are not treated as applicable insurance
liabilities for purposes of the provision. For purposes of the provision, the amount of any
applicable insurance liability may not exceed the lesser of such amount (1) as reported to the
applicable insurance regulatory body in the applicable financial statement (or, if less, the amount
required by applicable law or regulation), or (2) as determined under regulations prescribed by
the Secretary.
An applicable financial statement is a statement for financial reporting purposes that (1)
is made on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles, (2) is made on the basis of
Notice 2003-34, 2003-C.B. 1 990, June 9, 2003. See also, Prop. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1297-4, 26 CFR
Part 1, REG-108214-15, April 24, 2015.
Treasury regulations proposed in 2015 have taken a different approach that is based on the current
statutory rule. Prop. Treas. Reg. sec. 1.1297-4, 26 CFR Part 1, REG-108214-15, April 24, 2015. The proposed
regulations provide that “the term insurance business means the business of issuing insurance and annuity contracts
and the reinsuring of risks underwritten by insurance companies, together with those investment activities and
administrative services that are required to support or are substantially related to insurance and annuity contracts
issued or reinsured by the foreign corporation.” The proposed regulations provide that an investment activity is an
activity producing foreign personal holding company income, and that is “required to support or [is] substantially
related to insurance and annuity contracts issued or reinsured by the foreign corporation to the extent that income
from the activities is earned from assets held by the foreign corporation to meet obligations under the contracts.”
The preamble to the proposed regulations specifically requests comments on the proposed regulations “with regard
to how to determine the portion of a foreign insurance company’s assets that are held to meet obligations under
insurance contracts issued or reinsured by the company,” for example, if the assets “do not exceed a specified
percentage of the corporation’s total insurance liabilities for the year.” Ibid.
international financial reporting standards, but only if there is no statement made on the basis of
generally accepted accounting principles, or (3) except as otherwise provided by the Secretary in
regulations, is the annual statement required to be filed with the applicable insurance regulatory
body, but only if there is no statement made on either of the foregoing bases. Unless otherwise
provided in regulations, it is intended that generally accepted accounting principles means U.S.
The applicable insurance regulatory body means, with respect to any insurance business,
the entity established by law to license, authorize, or regulate such insurance business and to
which the applicable financial statement is provided. For example, in the United States, the
applicable insurance regulatory body is the State insurance regulator to which the corporation
provides its annual statement.
If a corporation fails to qualify solely because its applicable insurance liabilities
constitute 25 percent or less of its total assets, a United States person who owns stock of the
corporation may elect in such manner as the Secretary prescribes to treat the stock as stock of a
qualifying insurance corporation if (1) the corporation’s applicable insurance liabilities
constitute at least 10 percent of its total assets, and (2) based on the applicable facts and
circumstances, the corporation is predominantly engaged in an insurance business, and its failure
to qualify under the 25 percent threshold is due solely to runoff-related or rating-related
circumstances involving such insurance business.
Facts and circumstances that tend to show the firm may not be predominantly engaged in
an insurance business include a small number of insured risks with low likelihood but large
potential costs; workers focused to a greater degree on investment activities than underwriting
activities; and low loss exposure. Additional relevant facts for determining whether the firm is
predominantly engaged in an insurance business include: claims payment patterns for the current
and prior years; the firm’s loss exposure as calculated for a regulator such as the SEC or for a
rating agency, or if those are not calculated, for internal pricing purposes; the percentage of gross
receipts constituting premiums for the current and prior years; and the number and size of
insurance contracts issued or taken on through reinsurance by the firm. The fact that a firm has
been holding itself out as an insurer for a long period is not determinative either way.
Runoff-related or rating-related circumstances include, for example, the fact that the
company is in runoff, that is, it is not taking on new insurance business (and consequently has
little or no premium income), and is using its remaining assets to pay off claims with respect to
pre-existing insurance risks on its books. Such circumstances also include, for example, the
application to the company of specific requirements with respect to capital and surplus relating to
insurance liabilities imposed by a rating agency as a condition of obtaining a rating necessary to
write new insurance business for the current year.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Senate Amendment
The Senate amendment is the same as the House bill.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the House bill and the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision applies to taxable years beginning after December 31,
2. Repeal of fair market value of interest expense apportionment (sec. 14503 of the Senate
amendment and sec. 864 of the Code)
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision prohibits members of a U.S. affiliated group from allocating interest
expense on the basis of the fair market value of assets for purposes of section 864(e). Instead,
the members must allocate interest expense based on the adjusted tax basis of assets.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment.
Effective date.The provision is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,
3. Modification to source rules involving possessions (sec. 14504 of the Senate amendment
and sec. 865 of the Code)
Present Law
In general
The U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
have income tax systems that “mirror” the U.S. Code, with the latter two possessions being
permitted under current law to delink and use their own tax systems provided certain conditions
are met. The U.S. Virgin Islands may also impose certain local income taxes in addition to taxes
imposed by the mirror Code. The Code provides rules for coordination of United States and
U.S. Virgin Islands taxation.
It permits the U.S. Virgin Islands to reduce or remit tax
otherwise imposed by the mirror code if the tax is attributable to U.S. Virgin Islands source
income or income effectively connected to the conduct of a trade or business in U.S. Virgin
The U.S. Virgin Islands has exercised that authority to provide development
incentives for certain types of businesses operating within its borders. Under such initiatives,
companies can receive a 90 percent reduction in their tax liability on certain income.
Taxation of individuals
Under the mirror Code, U.S. Virgin Islands citizens and residents are taxable on their
worldwide income. A foreign tax credit is allowed for income taxes paid to the United States,
foreign countries, and other possessions of the United States. In general, a bona fide resident of
the U.S. Virgin Islands is required to file and pay tax only to the possession; compliance with
that obligation satisfies any Federal income tax filing obligation. All other U.S. residents or
citizens with income from U.S. Virgin Island sources are subject to a dual filing requirement.
In the case of an individual who is a U.S. citizen or alien residing in the United States or
the U.S. Virgin Islands, only one tax is computed under the Code. If an individual is a bona fide
resident of U.S. Virgin Islands for the entire taxable year, such tax is payable to the U.S. Virgin
Islands and no U.S. tax is imposed. Otherwise, a citizen or resident of the United States who has
income from sources within the U.S. Virgin Islands must determine the portion of income
attributable to the U.S. Virgin Islands and the related tax payable to the U.S. Virgin Islands. The
remaining portion is payable to the United States.
Concerns that U.S. citizens not resident in the U.S. Virgin Islands were improperly
claiming residence in the U.S. Virgin Islands
or forming entities in the U.S. Virgin Islands in
order to recharacterize income earned in the United States as sourced in the U.S. Virgin Islands
and claim the 90 percent economic development credit led to legislative changes in 2004.
These changes provided a definition of bona fide residence in a possession and rules to
Secs. 932 and 934.
Sec. 934. In general, a bona fide resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands is required to file and pay tax only
to the possession. Persons incurring income tax liability in both the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands are
required to file tax returns and pay income tax to both jurisdictions.
Sec. 932(b). See, Internal Revenue Service, Tax Guide for Individuals with Income from
U.S. Possessions (Pub. 570), 2011, pp. 17-18.
In Notice 2004-45, 2004-2 C.B. 33 (2004), the IRS described several scenarios in which U.S. persons
claimed to have satisfied U.S. liabilities by having filed a return with the U.S. Virgin Islands.
McHenry v. Commissioner, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 7562 (April 16, 2012) and Huff v. Commissioner,
135 T.C. 605 (2010).
determine source of income from possessions. They also impose a requirement that individuals
report any change in residency status with respect to a possession during a taxable year.
Taxation of corporations
If a corporation is formed in U.S. Virgin Islands, it is classified as a domestic corporation
for U.S. Virgin Islands purposes and a foreign corporation for U.S. tax purposes. Such a
corporation is only subject to U.S. tax if it has U.S.-source income or income effectively
connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States. U.S. Virgin Islands taxes
a domestic corporation on its worldwide income, but the company is allowed a foreign tax credit
against U.S. Virgin Islands tax for taxes imposed by the United States, foreign countries and
other possessions. A corporation that is not formed in U.S. Virgin Islands is treated as a foreign
corporation under the U.S. Virgin Islands mirror Code. A company not formed in U.S. Virgin
Islands is only subject to U.S. Virgin Islands tax if it has U.S. Virgin Islands source income or
income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in U.S. Virgin Islands. The
United States taxes its domestic corporations on their worldwide income, but allows a foreign tax
credit for taxes imposed by foreign jurisdictions, including U.S. Virgin Islands.
Sourcing rules
As a general rule, the principles for determining whether income is U.S. source are
applicable for purposes of determining whether income is possession source. In addition, the
principles for determining whether income is effectively connected with the conduct of a
U.S. trade or business are applicable for purposes of determining whether income is effectively
connected to the conduct of a possession trade or business. However, except as provided in
regulations, any income treated as U.S. source income or as effectively connected with the
conduct of a U.S. trade or business is not treated as income from within any possession or as
effectively connected with a trade or business within any such possession.
This rule applies
regardless of where the office or fixed place of business connected to such trade or business is
Section 865(j)(3) was added by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988
and states that Treasury is authorized to waive the requirements imposed by
sections 865(e)(1)(B) and 865(g)(2) (both of which impose a 10 percent foreign tax requirement
for source treatment of sales of personal property) for the purposes of determining Guam,
Sec. 937. In the preamble to final regulations issued in 2008, certain de minimis exceptions are
provided for the U.S. citizen or resident with income from U.S. Virgin Island sources, in recognition that “the
interaction of section 937 and other sections of the Code relating to the territories requires a balance between
implementing the policies Congress intended in section 937(b) while recognizing the territories’ efforts to retain and
attract workers and businesses.” T.D. 9391, 73 F.R. 19350 (April 9, 2008); Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.937-2. Those
required to report changes in residency status must use Form 8898, “Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End
Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession.”
Sec. 937(b).
Pub. L. No. 100-647.
American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico-source
income (sections 931 and 933, respectively).
House Bill
No provision.
Senate Amendment
The provision modifies the sourcing rule in section 937(b)(2) by modifying the
U.S. income limitation to exclude only U.S. source (or effectively connected) income attributable
to a U.S. office or fixed place of business. The provision also modifies section 865(j)(3) by
providing Treasury with the authority to waive the 10% foreign tax requirement for source
treatment of capital gains income earned by a U.S. Virgin Islands resident.
Effective date.The provision shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31,
Conference Agreement
The conference agreement does not include the Senate amendment provision.
Section 20001. Oil and Gas Program
Section 2001 directs the Secretary of the Interior to establish and administer all aspects of
a competitive oil and gas program in the non-wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, known as the “1002 Area” or Coastal Plain. The legislation defines the term “Coastal
Plain” by referencing Plate 1 and Plate 2 of the October 24, 2017 Map prepared by the United
States Geological Survey.
The legislation repeals the prohibition on development from the Coastal Plain contained
in section 1003 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3143), and
directs the Secretary to manage the oil and gas program on the Coastal Plain in a manner similar
to what is required by the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6501 et
seq.). The legislation sets a 16.67 percent royalty rate for leases and allocates 50 percent of the
revenue derived from the program to the State of Alaska, with the remainder going to the Federal
Section 20001 further requires the Secretary to conduct at least two area-wide lease sales
within the 10-year budget window – the first lease sale within four years of the Act’s enactment
and the second lease sale within seven years of enactment. Each lease sale must contain not
fewer than 400,000 acres and be comprised of those areas that have the highest hydrocarbon
The legislation directs the Secretary to issue any necessary rights-of-way or easements
across the Coastal Plain for the exploration, development, production, or transportation
associated with the oil and gas program. Additionally, the section authorizes the development of
up to 2,000 surface acres of federal land on the Coastal Plain.
Section 20002. Limitations on Amount of Distributed Qualified Outer Continental Shelf
Section 20002 temporarily increases the annual limitation on offshore revenue sharing
under section 105(f)(1) of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-
432) for the states of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas from $500 million annually for
FY 2020 and FY 2021, to $650 million annually for those two fiscal years.
Section 20003. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Drawdown and Sale
Section 20003 directs the Secretary of Energy to draw down and sell a total of seven
million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve during FY 2026 through FY
2027. The section prohibits the Secretary from taking actions that would limit the President’s
authority to direct a drawdown and sale of petroleum products to address a domestic or
international energy supply shortage pursuant to section 161(h) of the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6241). The Secretary is further directed to stop the drawdown or
sale of crude oil after the date on which a total of $600 million has been deposited in the general
fund of the Federal Treasury.
With respect to clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the
Committee has carefully reviewed the provisions of the bill and states that the provisions of the
bill do not contain any congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits
within the meaning of the rule.
Section 4022(b) of the Internal Revenue Service Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998
requires the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (in consultation with the Internal Revenue
Service and the Treasury Department) to provide a tax complexity analysis. The complexity
analysis is required for all legislation reported by the Senate Committee on Finance, the House
Committee on Ways and Means, or any committee of conference if the legislation includes a
provision that directly or indirectly amends the Code and has widespread applicability to
individuals or small businesses. The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation has determined
that the following provisions are of widespread applicability to individuals or small businesses.
1. Temporary modification of tax rates, tax brackets, standard deduction and repeal of
personal exemptions (secs. 11001, 11002, 11021 and 11041 of the bill)
Summary description of the provisions
The bill temporarily changes the structure of the individual income tax by modifying the
rate structure such that the tax brackets are 10-percent, 12-percent, 22-percent, 24-percent, 32-
percent, 35-percent and 37-percent. The bill temporarily increases the size of the standard
deduction (for 2018 the standard deduction is $24,000 for joint filers, $18,000 for heads of
household and $12,000 for other filers), and temporarily eliminates personal exemptions. These
provisions sunset for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect approximately 120 million tax returns.
It is not anticipated that individuals will need to keep additional records due to these
provisions. It should not result in an increase in disputes with the IRS, nor will regulatory
guidance be necessary to implement this provision.
The IRS will need to adjust its wage withholding tables to reflect the repeal of personal
exemptions. Because revised wage withholding will occur within the first month of 2018, this
would require employers to switch to new withholding tables somewhat quickly, which can be
expected to result in a one-time additional burden for employers (or potential additional costs for
employers that rely on a bookkeeping or payroll service).
The IRS will need to modify its forms and publications. The temporary nature of the
provision will necessitate that the IRS do this again once the temporary provisions expire.
Some taxpayers who currently itemize deductions may respond to the provision by
claiming the increased standard deduction in lieu of itemizing. According to estimates by the
staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, approximately 94-percent of taxpayers will claim the
standard deduction under the bill, up from approximately 70-percent under present law. These
taxpayers will no longer have to file Schedule A to Form 1040, a significant number of which
will no longer need to engage in the record keeping inherent in itemizing below-the-line
deductions. Moreover, by claiming the standard deduction, such taxpayers may qualify to use
simpler versions of the Form 1040 (i.e., Form 1040EZ or Form 1040A) that are not available to
individuals who itemize their deductions. These forms simplify the return preparation process by
eliminating from the Form 1040 those items that do not apply to particular taxpayers.
This reduction in complexity and record keeping also may result in a decline in the
number of individuals using a tax preparation service, or tax preparation software, or a decline in
the cost of such service or software. The provision also should reduce the number of disputes
between taxpayers and the IRS regarding the substantiation of itemized deductions.
2. Temporary deduction for qualified business income (sec. 11011 of the bill)
Summary description of the provisions
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026, an
individual taxpayer generally may deduct 20 percent of qualified business income from a
partnership, S corporation, or sole proprietorship, as well as 20 percent of aggregate qualified
REIT dividends, qualified cooperative dividends, and qualified publicly traded partnership
income. Special rules apply to specified agricultural or horticultural cooperatives permitting the
cooperative a deduction.
A limitation based on the greater of 50 percent of W-2 wages paid, or the sum of 25
percent of W-2 wages paid plus a capital allowance, is phased in above a threshold amount of
taxable income. A disallowance of the deduction with respect to specified service trades or
businesses is also phased in above the same threshold amount of taxable income. The threshold
amount is $157,500 (twice that amount or $315,000 in the case of a joint return), indexed. These
limitations are fully phased in for a taxpayer with taxable income in excess of the threshold
amount plus $50,000 ($100,000 in the case of a joint return).
Qualified business income for a taxable year generally means the net amount of domestic
qualified items of income, gain, deduction, and loss with respect to the taxpayer’s qualified
businesses. Qualified business income does not include any amount paid by an S corporation
that is treated as reasonable compensation of the taxpayer. Similarly, qualified business income
does not include any guaranteed payment for services rendered with respect to the trade or
business, and to the extent provided in regulations, does not include any amount allocated or
distributed by a partnership to a partner who is acting other than in his or her capacity as a
partner for services. Qualified business income or loss does not include certain investment-
related income, gain, deductions, or loss.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect over ten percent of small business tax returns.
It is not anticipated that individuals will need to keep additional records due to the
provision. It should not result in an increase in disputes with the IRS, nor will regulatory
guidance be necessary to implement this provision. It may, however, increase the number of
questions that taxpayers ask the IRS, such as how to calculate qualified business income and how
to apply the phaseins of the W-2 wage (or W-2 wage and capital) limit and of the exclusion of
service business income in the case of taxpayers with taxable income exceeding the threshold
amount of $157,500 (twice that amount or $315,000 in the case of a joint return), indexed. This
increased volume of questions could have an adverse impact on other elements of IRS’s
operation, such as the levels of taxpayer service. The provision should not increase the tax
preparation costs for most individuals.
The IRS will need to add to the individual income tax forms package a new worksheet so
that taxpayers can calculate their qualified business income, as well as the phaseins. This
worksheet will require a series of calculations.
3. Temporary increase in child tax credit (sec. 11022 of the bill)
Summary description of the provisions
The bill temporarily increases the value of the child tax credit to $2,000, providing that
no more than $1,400 per child shall be refundable. This $1,400 limitation is indexed for inflation.
In order to qualify for the child tax credit, a Social Security number must be provided for the
qualifying child for whom such credit is claimed. These provisions sunset for taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2025.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect approximately 90 million tax returns.
It is not anticipated that individuals will need to keep additional records due to these
provisions. It should not result in an increase in disputes with the IRS, nor will regulatory
guidance be necessary to implement this provision. The provision may, however, increase the
number of questions that taxpayers ask the IRS, such as whether they may claim the new family
credit for certain members of their household, or whether and to what extent the combined tax
credit is refundable.
The IRS will need to modify its forms and publications to reflect this change. The
temporary nature of the provision will necessitate that the IRS do this again once the temporary
provision expires.
4. Temporary suspension of the deduction for State and local income taxes (sec. 11042
of the bill)
Summary description of the provisions
The bill provides that in the case of an individual, as a general matter, State, local, and
foreign property taxes and State and local sales taxes are allowed as a deduction only when paid
or accrued in carrying on a trade or business, or an activity described in section 212 (relating to
expenses for the production of income). Thus, the provision allows only those deductions for
State, local, and foreign property taxes, and sales taxes, that are presently deductible in
computing income on an individual’s Schedule C, Schedule E, or Schedule F on such
individual’s tax return. Thus, for instance, in the case of property taxes, an individual may
deduct such items only if these taxes were imposed on business assets (such as residential rental
Under the bill, in the case of an individual, State and local income, war profits, and
excess profits taxes are not allowable as a deduction.
The bill contains an exception to the above-stated rule. Under the provision a taxpayer
may claim an itemized deduction of up to $10,000 ($5,000 for married taxpayer filing a separate
return) for the aggregate of (i) State and local property taxes not paid or accrued in carrying on a
trade or business, or an activity described in section 212, and (ii) State and local income, war
profits, and excess profits taxes (or sales taxes in lieu of income, etc. taxes) paid or accrued in
the taxable year. Foreign real property taxes may not be deducted under this exception.
The above rules apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and
beginning before January 1, 2026.
The bill also provides that, in the case of an amount paid in a taxable year beginning
before January 1, 2018, with respect to a State or local income tax imposed for a taxable year
beginning after December 31, 2017, the payment shall be treated as paid on the last day of the
taxable year for which such tax is so imposed for purposes of applying the provision limiting the
dollar amount of the deduction. Thus, under the provision, an individual may not claim an
itemized deduction in 2017 on a pre-payment of income tax for a future taxable year in order to
avoid the dollar limitation applicable for taxable years beginning after 2017.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect approximately 44 million tax returns.
It is not anticipated that individuals will need to keep additional records due to this
provision. Because the deduction for State and local taxes has been longstanding in the Code, its
repeal may require regulatory guidance, so as to provide guidance for taxpayers regarding which
taxes remain properly deductible on an individual’s Schedule C, Schedule E or Schedule F. This
may also result in an increase in disputes with the IRS.
The IRS will need to modify its forms and publications to reflect this change. The
temporary nature of the provision will necessitate that the IRS do this again once the temporary
provision expires.
5. Modifications of rules for expensing depreciable business assets (sec. 13101 of the
The bill increases the maximum amount a taxpayer may expense under section 179 to
$1,000,000, and increases the phase-out threshold amount to $2,500,000. The $1,000,000 and
$2,500,000 amounts, as well as the $25,000 sport utility vehicle limitation, are indexed for
inflation for taxable years beginning after 2018.
The bill expands the definition of section 179 property to include certain depreciable
tangible personal property used predominantly to furnish lodging or in connection with
furnishing lodging.
The bill also expands the definition of qualified real property eligible for section 179
expensing to include any of the following improvements to nonresidential real property placed in
service after the date such property was first placed in service: roofs; heating, ventilation, and
air-conditioning property; fire protection and alarm systems; and security systems.
The bill applies to property placed in service in taxable years beginning after December
31, 2017.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect over ten percent of small business tax returns.
While taxpayers purchasing section 179 property will still be required to complete and
file Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property),
significantly less detail is required to be included on such form. Accordingly, the compliance
burden of many taxpayers will be reduced.
6. Temporary 100-percent expensing for certain business assets (sec. 13201 of the bill)
The bill extends and modifies the additional first-year depreciation deduction through
2026 (through 2027 for longer production period property and certain aircraft). The 50-percent
allowance is increased to 100 percent for property acquired and placed in service after
September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023 (January 1, 2024, for longer production period
property and certain aircraft), as well as for specified plants planted or grafted after
September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023.
Thus, the bill follows the present-law phase-
down of bonus depreciation for property acquired before September 28, 2017, and placed in
service after September 27, 2017. The 100-percent allowance is phased down by 20 percent per
calendar year for property placed in service, and specified plants planted or grafted, in taxable
years beginning after 2022 (after 2023 for longer production period property and certain aircraft).
The bill removes the requirement that the original use of qualified property must
commence with the taxpayer (i.e., it allows the additional first-year depreciation deduction for
new and used property).
As a conforming amendment to the repeal of corporate AMT, the election to accelerate
AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation is repealed.
The bill maintains the section 280F increase amount of $8,000 for passenger automobiles
placed in service after December 31, 2017. However, the bill follows the present-law phase-
down of the section 280F increase amount in the limitation on the depreciation deduction
allowed with respect to certain passenger automobiles acquired before September 28, 2017, and
placed in service after September 27, 2017.
The bill extends the special rule under the percentage-of-completion method for the
allocation of bonus depreciation to a long-term contract for property placed in service before
January 1, 2027 (January 1, 2028, in the case of longer production period property).
The bill expands the definition of qualified property eligible for the additional first-year
depreciation allowance to include qualified film, television and live theatrical productions (as
defined in section 181(d) and (e)) for which a deduction otherwise would have been allowable
under section 181 without regard to the dollar limitation or termination of such section, effective
for productions placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2027. For
purposes of this provision, a production is considered placed in service at the time of initial
release, broadcast, or live staged performance (i.e., at the time of the first commercial exhibition,
broadcast, or live staged performance of a production to an audience).
The bill excludes from the definition of qualified property any property which is
primarily used in the trade or business of the furnishing or sale of (1) electrical energy, water, or
sewage disposal services, (2) gas or steam through a local distribution system, or
(3) transportation of gas or steam by pipeline, if the rates for such furnishing or sale, as the case
may be, have been established or approved by a State or political subdivision thereof, by any
agency or instrumentality of the United States, by a public service or public utility commission
or other similar body of any State or political subdivision thereof, or by the governing or
ratemaking body of an electric cooperative.
The bill excludes from the definition of qualified property any property used in a trade or
business that has had floor plan financing indebtedness, unless the taxpayer with such trade or
business is not a tax shelter prohibited from using the cash method and is exempt from the
interest limitation rules by meeting a small business $25 million gross receipts test.
Number of affected taxpayers
It is estimated that the provision will affect over ten percent of small business tax returns.
The reporting requirements are unchanged by this provision. Capital assets purchased
during the tax year will still need to be reported on Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization
(Including Information on Listed Property); however, the current year tax deduction associated
with such assets will increase.
15-Dec-17 9:28AM #17-2 128 R3
Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
I. Individual Tax Reform
A. Simplification and Reform of Rates, Standard Deductions,
and Exemptions
1. 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37% income
tax rate brackets (sunset 12/31/25) [1][2]............................. tyba 12/31/17 -94.1 -135.3 -140.9 -146.4 -152.0 -158.1 -164.3 -171.1 -52.0 [3] -668.7 -1,214.2
2. Modify standard deduction ($12,000 for singles, $24,000
for married filing jointly, $18,000 for HoH) (sunset
12/31/25) [2]......................................................................... tyba 12/31/17 -57.2 -82.6 -84.7 -87.5 -90.7 -92.9 -95.7 -99.1 -30.0 [3] -402.6 -720.4
3. Repeal of deduction for personal exemptions (sunset generally
12/31/25) [2]......................................................................... tyba 12/31/17 93.3 137.1 141.6 146.4 151.8 157.6 163.3 169.2 51.3 --- 670.1 1,211.5
4. Alternative inflation measure [2].......................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.8 2.1 5.5 8.2 10.4 12.8 16.6 20.0 25.6 31.5 27.0 133.5
Treatment of Business Income of Individuals, Trusts, and Estates
1. Allow 20 percent deduction of qualified business income
and certain dividends for individuals and for gross income
of agricultural or horticultural cooperatives (sunset
12/31/25) [4].........................................................................
tyba 12/31/17 -27.7 -47.1 -49.9 -51.8 -52.8 -52.2 -53.6 -53.2 -24.2 -1.9 -229.5 -414.5
2. Disallow active passthrough losses in excess of $500,000
for joint filers, $250,000 for all others (sunset 12/31/25)..... tyba 12/31/17
9.5 16.2 17.2 18.0 18.8 19.6 20.4 19.4 9.3 1.3
79.7 149.7
C. Reform of the Child Tax Credit
1. Modification of child tax credit: $2,000 not indexed;
refundable up to $1,400 indexed down to nearest $100
base year 2018; $2,500 refundability threshold not
indexed; $500 other dependents not indexed; phase outs
$200K/$400K not indexed (sunset 12/31/25) [2]................. tyba 12/31/17 -29.3 -67.7 -69.2 -70.4 -71.4 -73.8 -74.9 -76.0 -40.7 --- -308.1 -573.4
2. Require valid Social Security number of each child to
claim refundable and non-refundable portions of child
credit, non-child dependents and any child without a valid
Social Security number still receives $500 non-refundable
credit (sunset 12/31/25) [2]................................................... tyba 12/31/17 --- 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.0 0.5 15.2 29.8
Fiscal Years 2018 - 2027
[Billions of Dollars]
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Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
D. Simplification and Reform of Deductions and Exclusions
1. Repeal of itemized deductions for taxes not paid or
accrued in a trade or business (except for up to $10,000 in
State and local taxes), interest on mortgage debt in excess
of $750K, interest on home equity debt, non-disaster
casualty losses, and certain miscellaneous expenses (sunset generally
12/31/25) [2]......................................................................... tyba 12/31/17 43.5 70.4 72.0 77.1 82.3 87.9 94.0 100.2 41.1 --- 345.3 668.4
2. Increase percentage limit for charitable contributions
of cash to public charities (sunset 12/31/25)......................... cmi tyba 12/31/17
3. Repeal of overall limitation on itemized deductions
(sunset 12/31/25)................................................................... tyba 12/31/17
4. Repeal exclusion for employer-provided bicycle commuter
fringe benefit (sunset 12/31/25)............................................ tyba 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
[5] [5]
Repeal exclusion for employer-provided qualified
moving expense reimbursements (other than members
of the Armed Forces) (sunset 12/31/25) [6][7].....................
tyba 12/31/17 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.2 --- 2.7 4.8
6. Repeal of deduction for moving expenses (other
than members of the Armed Forces) (sunset
12/31/25)............................................................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.3 --- 4.1 7.6
7. Limitation on wagering losses (sunset 12/31/25).................. tyba 12/31/17
[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] ---
0.1 0.1
E. Retirement Savings
1. Repeal of special rule permitting recharacterization
of Roth conversions............................................................... tyba 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5
2. Length of service awards for public safety
volunteers [8]........................................................................ tyba 12/31/17 [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5
3. Extended rollover period for certain plan loan offsets.......... tyba 12/31/17
F. Double Estate, Gift, and GST Tax Exemption Amount
(sunset 12/31/25)................................................................... dda & gma 12/31/17
-1.2 -8.1 -8.8 -9.1 -9.6 -10.1 -10.7 -11.1 -11.0 -3.3
-36.8 -83.0
G. Increase the Individual AMT Exemption Amounts and
Phase-out Thresholds (sunset 12/31/25)............................... tyba 12/31/17 -6.9 -82.5 -69.9 -74.9 -80.5 -81.6 -85.6 -90.1 -65.2 [3] -314.7 -637.1
H. Reduce ACA Individual Shared Responsibility
Payment Amount to Zero [2][9][10]..................................... mba 12/31/18
--- 6.0 9.7 28.4 37.0 40.7 43.5 46.1 49.6 53.3
80.8 314.1
I. Other Provisions
1. Restore a medical expense deduction for expenses in
excess of 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (sunset
12/31/18)............................................................................... tyba 12/31/16 -3.8 -1.4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -5.2 -5.2
2. Allow for increased contributions to ABLE accounts;
allow saver's credit for ABLE contributions (sunset
12/31/25)............................................................................... tyba DOE [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
3. Allow rollovers from 529 accounts to ABLE accounts
(sunset 12/31/25)................................................................... da DOE [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item I.D.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Negligible Revenue Effect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item I.D.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
4. Extend time limit for contesting IRS levy............................. [11] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
5. Treatment of certain individuals performing services
in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt (sunset 12/31/25)................ spo/a 6/9/15 [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] --- [3] [3]
6. Treatment of student loans discharged on account of
death or disability (sunset 12/31/25)..................................... doia 12/31/17 [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1
7. Allow 529 withdrawals up to $10,000 for primary and
secondary education.............................................................. da 12/31/17 [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5
8. Retirement plan and casualty loss relief for any area
with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by
the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act during 2016.............. DOE -3.2 -1.3 [5] [5] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -4.6 -4.6
9. Repeal of deduction for alimony payments and generally
corresponding inclusion in income....................................... dosaeia 12/31/18 --- 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.2 6.9
Total of Individual Tax Reform ……………………………………………………
-75.3 -188.8 -171.9 -156.3 -150.8 -144.0 -140.9 -139.2 -41.4 83.0 -744.0 -1,126.6
II. Business Tax Reform
A. Repeal of Alternative Minimum Tax on Corporations [2].... tyba 12/31/17 -6.8 -6.9 -6.6 -6.8 -7 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -34.0 -40.3
B. 21 Percent Corporate Tax Rate............................................. tyba 12/31/17 -101.3 -125.3 -130.5 -131.1 -132.6 -136.2 -140.7 -144.7 -149.7 -156.3 -620.8 -1,348.5
C. Small Business Reforms
1. Increase section 179 expensing to $1 million with a
phaseout range beginning at $2.5 million and expand
definition of qualified property............................................. ppisi tyba 12/31/17 -4.7 -7.4 -4.1 -2.6 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -20.8 -25.9
2. Simplified accounting for small business.............................. [12] -7.6 -7.5 -3.3 -2.1 -1.7 -1.5 -1.6 -1.7 -1.7 -1.8 -22.1 -30.5
D. Cost Recovery, etc.
1. Extension, expansion, and phase down of bonus paa 9/27/17 apisasd
depreciation (sunset 12/31/26) [13]...................................... & sppoga 9/27/17 -32.5 -36.5 -24.6 -14.2 -11.6 -4.9 3.3 8.4 12.5 13.7 -119.4 -86.3
2. Limit net interest deductions to 30 percent of adjusted
taxable income, carryforward of denied deduction............... tyba 12/31/17
8.4 17.7 19.7 19.6 24.9 30.2 29.6 31.8 34.7 36.9
90.2 253.4
3. Modify treatment of S corporation conversions into C
corporations........................................................................... DOE
-0.5 -0.5 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7
-2.8 -6.1
4. Modifications to depreciation limitations on luxury
automobiles and personal use property................................. ppisa 12/31/17
5. Modifications of treatment of certain farm property............. ppisa 12/31/17 [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 [3] [3] -0.4 -1.1
6. Modification of net operating loss deduction........................ lai tyba 12/31/17 6.4 10.0 11.1 15.9 25.2 34.1 36.0 30.2 20.8 11.4 68.5 201.1
7. Repeal like-kind exchanges except for real property............
generally eca 12/31/17 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.9 3.8 4.7 5.8 7.2 6.6 31.0
8. Applicable recovery period for real property........................ ppisa 12/31/17
-0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.7 -0.6 -0.7 -0.9 -0.6
-1.4 -4.9
9. Amortization of research and experimental expenditures..... apoii tyba 12/31/21 --- --- --- --- 24.2 32.9 26.0 18.9 11.4 6.3 24.2 119.7
10. Expensing of certain costs of replacing citrus plants
lost by reason of a casualty (sunset 12/22/27)....................... apoia DOE [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item II.D.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
E. Business-Related Deductions
1. Repeal of deduction for income attributable to domestic
production activities ............................................................. tyba 12/31/17 4.3 8.9 9.3 9.6 9.9 10.3 10.7 11.1 11.6 12.2 42.1 98.0
Limitation on deduction by employers of expenses for
fringe benefits:
a. Meals and entertainment expenses, including
apoia 12/31/17 &
meals for the convenience of the employer [14]..............
apoia 12/31/25 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.8 2.8 10.6 23.5
b. Repeal deduction for qualified transportation
fringes, including commuting except as necessary for
employee's safety [15]......................................................
apoia 12/31/17 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 8.1 17.7
c. Clarification of tangible personal property deductible as
employee achievement award........................................... apoia 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
3. Eliminate deduction for member of Congress living
expenses................................................................................ tyba DOE [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
4. UBTI increased by amount of certain fringe benefit
expenses for which deduction is disallowed......................... apoia 12/31/17
5. Repeal of rollover of publicly traded securities gain
into specialized small business investment companies......... sa 12/31/17 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.7
6. Certain self-created property not treated as a capital asset.... Da 12/31/17 [3] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5
Accounting Methods
Certain special rules for taxable year of inclusion (in
tyba 12/31/17 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 7.0 8.1
2. Certain special rules for taxable year of inclusion
(related to original issue discount and other similar
items)..................................................................................... [16] --- 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.4 4.5
G. Business Credits
1. Modification of credit for clinical testing expenses for
certain drugs for rare diseases or conditions......................... apoii tyba 12/31/17 0.7 1.7 2.1 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 10.0 32.5
2. Modify rehabilitation credit to provide 20 percent
historic credit ratably over 5 years, repeal credit for
pre-1936 property.................................................................. [17] [5] 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.0 3.1
3. Provide a tax credit to certain employers who
provide family and medical leave (sunset 12/31/19)............. tyba 12/31/17 -0.7 -1.5 -1.1 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 --- --- --- --- -4.1 -4.3
H. Banks and Financial Instruments
1. Limitation on deduction for FDIC premiums........................ tyba 12/31/17 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 6.5 14.8
Repeal of advance refunding bonds......................................
ar bia 12/31/17 0.4 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 6.6 17.4
Repeal of tax credit bonds [2]...............................................
bia 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5
I. Compensation
1. Modification of limitation on excessive employee
remuneration, with transition rule [18]................................. tyba 12/31/17 [5] 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 4.1 9.2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Items II.E.2.b. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
2. 21-percent excise tax on excess tax-exempt organization
executive compensation (certain exceptions provided to
non-highly compensated employees, and for certain medical
services)................................................................................ tyba 12/31/17
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.9 1.8
3. Treatment of qualified equity grants..................................... [19] -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -1.0 -1.2
4. Increase the excise tax on stock compensation in an
inversion from 15 percent to 20 percent................................ DOE [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1
J. Insurance
1. Net operating losses of life insurance companies.................. lai tyba 12/31/17
2. Repeal of small life insurance company deduction............... tyba 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1 0.2
3. Adjustment for change in computing reserves...................... tyba 12/31/17 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.2
4. Repeal of special rule for distributions to shareholders
from pre-1984 policyholders surplus account....................... tyba 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
5. Modification of proration rules for property and
casualty insurance companies............................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 2.1
6. Repeal of special estimated tax payments............................. tyba 12/31/17 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
7. Computation of life insurance reserves................................. tyba 12/31/17 0.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.2 0.6 7.9 15.2
8. Modification of rules for life insurance proration................. tyba 12/31/17 [5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.6
9. Capitalization of certain policy acquisition
expenses................................................................................ tyba 12/31/17 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 2.5 7.2
10. Tax reporting for life settlement transactions........................
generally tyba 12/31/17 [3] [3] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1 0.1 [5] 0.2
11. Clarification of tax basis of life insurance contracts............. generally teia 8/25/0
12. Exception to transfer for valuable consideration rules.......... ta 12/31/17
13. Modification of property and casualty insurance company
discounting rules................................................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.4 0.6 0.3 7.5 13.2
K. Partnerships
1. Tax gain on the sale of a partnership interest on look-thru seado/a 11/27/17 &
basis...................................................................................... seada 12/31/17 [5] 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.2 3.8
2. Expand the definition of substantial built-in loss for
purposes of partnership loss transfers................................... topia 12/31/17 [3] [3] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5
3. Charitable contributions and foreign taxes taken into
account in determining limitation on allowance of
partner’s share of loss........................................................... tyba 12/31/17 [5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 1.2
4. Repeal of technical termination of partnerships.................... ptyba 12/31/17 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 1.6
L. Tax-Exempt Organizations
1. Excise tax based on investment income of private
colleges and universities with endowment per student
of at least $500,000............................................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.8
2. Unrelated business taxable income separately computed generally
for each trade or business activity......................................... tyba 12/31/17 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.6 3.5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item II.D.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item II.J.8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item II.J.8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
3. Charitable deduction not allowed for amounts paid in
exchange for college athletic event seating rights................. cmi tyba 12/31/17 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9 2.0
4. Repeal substantiation exception for charitable
contributions reported by donee organization....................... cmi tyba 12/31/16
M. Other Provisions
1. Modify tax treatment of Alaska Native Corporations and
Settlement Trusts................................................................... [20] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1
2. Expansion of qualifying beneficiaries of an electing small
business trust, and modify charitable contribution 1/1/18 feoqb &
deduction for electing small business trusts.......................... tyba 12/31/17 fc [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.3
3. Craft beverage modernization and tax reform generally
(sunset 12/31/19)................................................................... 1/1/18 -1.6 -1.5 -1.1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -4.2 -4.2
4. Exempt amounts paid for aircraft management services
from the excise taxes imposed on transportation by air........ apa DOE [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
5. Create qualified opportunity zones........................................ DOE -1.2 -1.7 -1.6 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.5 -1.6 8.1 2.7 -7.7 -1.6
6. Deny deduction for settlements subject to a nondisclosure
agreement paid in connection with sexual harassment.......... apoia DOE [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
7. Expand provision relating to the non-deductibility
of fines and penalties............................................................. apoio/a DOE [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 0.1 0.1
8. Repeal of deduction for local lobbying expenses.................. apoio/a DOE [5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8
9. Revision of treatment of contributions to capital.................. [21]
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
2.5 6.5
10. Recharacterization of certain gains on property held for
fewer than 3 years in the case of partnership profits
interest held in connection with performance of investment
services.................................................................................. tyba 12/31/17
0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.7 1.1
Total of Business Tax Reform………………………………………………………
-129.3 -133.8 -112.9 -92.5 -50.4 -16.4 -15.9 -24.1 -28.4 -49.4 -518.2 -653.8
III. International Tax Reform
A. Establishment of Participation Exemption System for
Taxation of Foreign Income
1. Deduction for dividends received by domestic
corporations from certain foreign corporations..................... [22]
-17.8 -28.1 -20.1 -20.3 -20.8 -21.0 -22.1 -23.2 -24.3 -25.8
-107.2 -223.6
2. Special rules relating to sales or transfers involving da 12/31/17 &
certain foreign corporations.................................................. Ta 12/31/17
0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.8 2.4
2.9 11.8
3. Treatment of deferred foreign income upon transition
to participation exemption system of taxation and
mandatory inclusion at two-tier rate (8-percent rate
for illiquid assets, 15.5-percent rate for liquid assets)........... [23]
78.6 49.6 16.5 15.6 15.7 27.2 47.5 64.4 33.0 -9.4
176.0 338.8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Negligible Revenue Effect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Page 7
Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
B. Rules Related to Passive and Mobile Income
1. Current year inclusion of global intangible low-taxed
tyba 12/31/17
income, with deduction, by United States shareholders........ [24]
7.7 12.5 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.0 9.2 9.3 15.1 21.2
48.6 112.4
2. Deduction for foreign-derived intangible income derived
from trade or business within the United States.................... tyba 12/31/17
-0.2 4.8 6.9 6.6 0.2 -11.4 -15.7 -20.2 -18.4 -16.3
18.2 -63.8
C. Other Modifications of Subpart F Provisions
1. Elimination of inclusion of foreign base company
oil related income.................................................................. [24]
-0.1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.7
-1.4 -4.0
2. Repeal of inclusion based on withdrawal of previously
excluded subpart F income from qualified investment......... [24] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
3. Modification of stock attribution rules for determining
status as a controlled foreign corporation.............................. [25]
4. Modification of definition of United States shareholder....... [24]
0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.7 1.3
5. Elimination of requirement that corporation must be
controlled for 30 days before subpart F inclusions apply...... [24]
[5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.3 0.6
D. Prevention of Base Erosion
1. Limitation on income shifting through intangible
property transfers.................................................................. ti tyba 12/31/17
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.5 1.3
2. Certain related party amounts paid or accrued in
hybrid transactions or with hybrid entities............................ tyba 12/31/17
Dividends received from post-enactment surrogate foreign
corporations not qualified dividend income.......................... dra DOE
[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
E. Modifications Related to Foreign Tax Credit System
1. Repeal of section 902 indirect foreign tax credits;
determination of section 960 credit on current year
basis...................................................................................... [24]
2. Separate foreign tax credit limitation basket for
foreign branch income........................................................... tyba 12/31/17
3. Source of income from sales of inventory determined
solely on basis of production activities................................. tyba 12/31/17
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.3 0.5
4. Increase maximum overall domestic loss recapture to
100 percent for pre-2018 losses............................................ tyba 12/31/17
-0.6 -1.1 -1.0 -0.6 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
-3.2 -2.3
F. Inbound Provisions
1. Base erosion and anti-abuse tax............................................ apoaa 12/31/17
0.8 4.3 13.3 16.1 17.1 16.8 15.9 16.5 21.6 27.0
51.7 149.6
G. Other Provisions
1. Restriction on insurance business exception to passive
foreign investment company rules......................................... tyba 12/31/17
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.5 1.1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item III.A.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item III.A.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item III.B.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimate Included in Item III.A.1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Page 8
Provision Effective 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
2. Repeal of fair market value method of interest
expense apportionment.......................................................... tyba 12/31/17
[5] 0.1 0.1 0.1 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
0.3 0.6
Total of International Tax Reform .............................................................................. 68.9 42.6 26.0 28.0 22.9 22.5 36.7 48.7 29.1 -0.8 188.2 324.4
NET TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………
-135.7 -280.0 -258.8 -220.8 -178.3 -137.9 -120.1 -114.6 -40.6 32.9 -1,074.0 -1,456.0
Joint Committee on Taxation
NOTE: Details may not add to totals due to rounding. The date of enactment is generally assumed to be December 22, 2017.
Legend for "Effective" column:
apa = amounts paid after DOE = date of enactment seada = sales exchanges and dispositions
apisasd = and placed in service after such date doia = discharges of indebtedness after after
apoaa = amounts paid or accrued after dosaeia = divorce or separation agreements entered into after seado/a = sales, exchanges and dispositions
apoia = amounts paid or incurred after eca = exchanges completed after on or after
apoii = amounts paid or incurred in fc = for charitable spo/a = service provided on or after
apoio/a = amounts paid or incurred on or after feoqb = for expansion of qualifying beneficiaries sppoga = specified plants planted or
ar = advance refunding gma = gifts made after grafted after
bia = bonds issued after lai = losses accrued in ta = transactions after
cmi = contributions made in mba = months beginning after Ta = transfers after
da = distributions after paa = property acquired after teia = transactions entered into after
Da = dispositions after ppisa = property placed in service after ti = transfers in
dda = decedents dying after ptyba = partnership taxable years beginning after topia = transfers of partnership interests after
sa = sales after tyba = taxable years beginning after
[Footnotes for Table #17-2 128 R3 appear on the following pages]
Page 9
Footnotes for Table #17-2 128 R3:
[1] The parameters for the beginning of the 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37% rate brackets, and the standard deduction amount use 2018 as the base year. Other indexed parameters are adjusted for inflation
from their 2017 values using the chained CPI-U as the inflation measure to determine 2018 values.
[2] Estimate includes the following outlay effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37% income tax rate brackets....................
--- 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 --- 4.4 9.3
Modify standard deduction.......................................................................................
--- 9.4 9.7 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.9 --- 39.6 82.3
Repeal of deduction for personal exemptions........................................................... -10.8 -16.0 -16.4 -16.7 -17.0 -17.3 -17.5 -17.8 -5.4 --- -77.0 -134.9
Alternative inflation measure.................................................................................... --- -0.3 -0.6 -1.3 -1.6 -2.1 -2.5 -3.1 -3.6 -4.1 -3.9 -19.3
Modification of child tax credit................................................................................
--- 21.8 22.1 22.0 22.0 23.1 23.1 23.1 24.1 --- 87.9 181.3
Require valid Social Security number of each child to claim refundable and
non-refundable portions of child credit, non-child dependents and any child
without a valid Social Security number still receives $500 non-refundable
--- -3.0 -2.9 -2.8 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.6 -2.6 -0.5 -11.4 -22.4
Repeal of itemized deductions for taxes not paid or accrued in a trade or
business (except for up to $10,000 in State and local taxes), interest on mortgage
debt in excess of $750K, interest on home equity debt, non-disaster casualty
losses and certain miscellaneous expenses............................................................. --- -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 --- -0.8 -1.7
Reduce ACA individual shared responsibility payment amount to zero..................
--- -5.8 -12.7 -28.2 -35.2 -38.4 -40.7 -43.0 -45.3 -48.0 -81.9 -297.3
Repeal of alternative minimum tax on corporations.................................................
2.2 2.3 1.7 1.9 1.9 --- --- --- --- --- 10.2 10.2
Repeal of tax credit bonds......................................................................................... [26] [26] [26] [26] [26] -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5
[3] Loss of less than $50 million.
[4] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect (SECA interaction)................................................................
-1.4 -1.9 -1.7 -1.5 -1.1 1.5 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.8 -7.7 [3]
On-budget effects................................................................................................... -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 -1.6 [3]
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
-1.1 -1.5 -1.4 -1.2 -0.9 1.2 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 -6.1 [3]
[5] Gain of less than $50 million.
[6] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect................................................................................................
0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.2 --- 2.7 4.8
On-budget effects................................................................................................... 0.3 0.4 0.4 --- 2.1 3.8
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 --- --- 0.6 1.0
[7] Estimate includes policy that retains exclusion under section 217(g) (related to members of the Armed Forces).
[8] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect................................................................................................
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5
On-budget effects...................................................................................................
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] -0.1 -0.1
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
-0.1 [3] -0.2
[9] Estimate provided by the Joint Committee on Taxation staff in collaboration with the Congressional Budget Office.
[Footnotes for Table #17-2 128 R3 continue on the following page]
Page 10
Footnotes for Table #17-2 128 R3 continued:
[10] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect................................................................................................
6.0 9.7 28.4 37.0 40.7 43.5 46.1 49.6 53.3 80.8 314.1
On-budget effects...................................................................................................
5.9 9.0 26.5 34.8 38.3 40.8 43.3 46.7 50.5 76.1 295.6
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
0.1 0.8 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8
4.9 18.7
Effective with respect to: (1) levies made after the date of enactment; and (2) levies made on or before the date of enactment provided that the nine-month period has not expired as of the date of enactment.
[12] The expansion of the threshold allowing the use of the cash method, the creation of an exemption from the requirement to use inventories, and the expansion of the exception from the uniform capitalization
rules are effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. The expansion of the exception from the requirement to use the percentage of completion method is effective for contracts entered
into after December 31, 2017, in taxable years ending after such date. The threshold applicable to each provision is indexed for inflation for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018.
[13] The percentage is phased down from 100 percent by 20 percent per calendar year beginning in 2023 (2024 for certain longer production period property and certain aircraft).
[14] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect................................................................................................
1.6 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.8 2.8 10.6 23.5
On-budget effects................................................................................................... 1.3 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 8.8 19.7
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.8 3.9
[15] Estimate includes the following budget effects: 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2018-22 2018-27
Total Revenue Effect................................................................................................
1.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 8.1 17.7
On-budget effects................................................................................................... 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 6.5 14.2
Off-budget effects..................................................................................................
0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.6 3.5
[16] Generally effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. Effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018 for income from a debt instrument having original issue discount.
[17] Generally effective for amounts paid or incurred after December 31, 2017, with a transition rule providing that for buildings owned or leased at all times after December 31, 2017, the 24-month or 60-month
period for making qualified rehabilitation expenditures begins no later than 180 days after the date of enactment, and the repeal is effective for such expenditures paid or incurred after the
end of the taxable year in which such 24-month or 60-month period ends.
[18] Transition rule for any remuneration under a written binding contract which was in effect on November 2, 2017, and which was not modified thereafter in any material respect.
[19] Effective for options exercised or restricted stock units settled after December 31, 2017. The penalty for failure to provide a notice is effective for failures after December 31, 2017.
[20] Generally, taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016. The deduction for contributions to a Settlement Trust is effective for taxable years for which the Native Corporation’s refund
statute of limitations period has not expired, with a one-year waiver of the refund statute of limitations period in the event that the period expires before the end of the one-year period
beginning on the date of enactment.
[21] Effective for contributions made after date of enactment, except that the provision does not apply to contributions pursuant to plans approved prior to date of enactment.
Effective for distributions made (and for purposes of determining a taxpayer’s foreign tax credit limitation under section 904, deductions in taxable years ending) after December 31, 2017.
[23] Effective for the last taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, of a foreign corporation and with respect to U.S. shareholders for the taxable years in which or with which such taxable year of the
foreign corporation ends.
[24] Effective for taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2017, and for taxable years of U.S. shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
[25] Effective for the last taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, of a foreign corporation and all subsequent years, and with respect to U.S. shareholders for the taxable years in which or with which such
taxable year of the foreign corporation ends.
[26] Decrease in outlays of less than $50 million.