Worksheet #1
Which Method Would You Use?
The following are examples of research methods used by psychologists: case histories, naturalistic observation,
laboratory observation, surveys, tests, correlational studies, and experiments. For each situation, decide which
method is appropriate and briefly describe why.
1. Determining the favorite food of adolescents.
2. Determining whether a person is introverted or extroverted.
3. Determining if frustration causes aggression.
4. Determining if level of education is associated with crime.
5. Determining how teenagers behave on their first date.
6. Determining the behavior of subjects who are anxious about participating in research.
Worksheet #2
Understanding Correlations
Correlational studies show relationships between variables. If high scores on one variable predict high scores on the
other variable, the correlation is positive. If high scores on one variable predict low scores on the other variable, the
correlation is negative.
Showing that two variables are related does not justify claiming that a causal relationship exists. There may be a
causal relationship, but other explanations usually exist. For example, the variables may be related because both
have a causal relationship with a third variable.
For each of the correlational studies described below, decide whether the correlation is positive or negative and give
two alternative explanations for each finding.
1. A study of married couples showed that the longer they had been married, the more similar their opinions on
social and political issues were.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
2. An intelligence test was given to all the children in an orphanage. The results showed that the longer children
had lived in the orphanage, the lower their IQ scores.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
variable 1 variable 2 variable 1 variable 2
Positive Correlation Negativ e Correlation
causes causes causes
3. In a study of American cities, a relationship was found between the number of violent crimes and the number
of stores selling violence-depicting pornography.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
4. A college professor found that the more class absences students have, the lower their grade in the course tends
to be.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
5. A politician running against a candidate who had been in office for eight years pointed out that violent crime
had increased steadily during those eight years even though the administration appropriated more and more
money to fight crime.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2:
6. It was found that elementary-school children who made high scores on a vocabulary test also tended to make
high scores on a test of physical strength and muscular coordination.
Positive or negative?
Explanation 1:
Explanation 2: