The Reverse Mortgage Analyst
Illustrated User Manual
May 26, 2009 version
Christena Schafale, Consultant, AARP Foundation
Table of Contents
Using this Manual............................................................................................. 1
Getting Started ................................................................................................. 1
The Navigator................................................................................................... 2
Entering Counselor Information........................................................................ 3
Entering New Client Information....................................................................... 4
Get Client ......................................................................................................... 6
Loan Estimates................................................................................................. 7
Payment Options............................................................................................ 10
Creditline .............................................................................................. 10
Tenure.................................................................................................. 10
Modified Tenure ................................................................................... 11
Term..................................................................................................... 12
Modified Term ...................................................................................... 13
Creditline Scenarios ....................................................................................... 14
Amortization Schedule ................................................................................... 15
Creditline Draw Estimates.............................................................................. 17
Comparing Loan Costs and Benefits.............................................................. 18
Using the Charts Function.............................................................................. 20
TALC .............................................................................................................. 22
HECM Certificates.......................................................................................... 23
HECM Refinance Counseling......................................................................... 24
Comparing Refinance Costs and Benefits ..................................................... 25
Refi Disclosure ............................................................................................... 25
Sell & Move .................................................................................................... 26
Annuity Comparison....................................................................................... 26
HECM for Purchase ....................................................................................... 27
Print & Email................................................................................................... 28
Technical Specifications................................................................................. 30
User Support .................................................................................................. 30
Using this Manual
If you are just getting started using Ibis RMA, it will be helpful to try out all the features and see
how they work. This manual will lead you through an exploration of the program, with
illustrations showing how the screens will look as you go along. You may want to read through
the text once first, then sit down at the computer, open Ibis RMA, and follow along, entering
sample client data and trying out features.
Getting Started
To access the Ibis Reverse Mortgage Analyst, open your browser and go to:
You will see the login screen, where you will enter your username and password.
The Navigator
When you open the software, you will find yourself at the Navigator screen. The Navigator is a
roadmap to all the other places in the program. The initial Navigator screen that you see is a
simplified one.
Once you have entered client data, you will see a Navigator screen with many more options.
When selecting a button on the Navigator screen, click the text inside the button, not the blank
areas. You will know you are in the right place when the words appear underlined.
Entering Counselor Information
The first time you use the Ibis RMA, you will need to enter information about yourself and your
agency. This information is used to generate printable counseling certificates. Once you have
entered and saved this information, you won’t have to do it again.
To enter counselor information, click on
on the Navigator screen. Now fill in the
blanks. Click Save at the bottom of the screen, which will save your information and return you
to the Navigator.
If the counselor is based at a different physical location from the agency they work for, the
counselor’s info would be placed in the first section, and the agency’s information (which will
appear on the certificate) would appear in the second section.
Entering New Client Information
Click on (at the top left of the Navigator page). This will take you to the Client
Info page, where you will enter data about your clients.
First, enter the 5-digit zip code in which this client’s home is located. Then click on the
button. This will cause the home’s state and county to be entered into those
Some zip codes cover more than one county. If the zip code you enter is one of these, you
will be shown a list of counties in that zip code. Select the county where the home is
Note that the zip code is needed despite the national lending limit, because Ibis uses the
zip code to provide localized estimates of third-party closing costs.
Required Entries: The boxes marked with a red asterisk (*) must be completed, or you
will not be able to save the data you have entered. To be sure that estimates are
calculated correctly, be sure to enter info for the co-owner, if there is one.
If a legal representative (guardian, conservator, or power of attorney) is being counseled
instead of the owner, you may enter this information as well.
In the Current Debt box, enter the total amount of any current debt against the home,
for example, mortgages or outstanding balances on home equity lines of credit. Do not
include any other debt such as credit cards or car loans.
When all required boxes are complete, click on at the bottom of the page.
This will save all of the client data you have entered to the secure online database
associated with your User ID. If you have entered all the required data, clicking on Save
Client will also take you to the Loan Estimates page. If you are missing any required
info, an error message will remind you what you need to enter.
Data Entry Tips:
Use the Tab key to move from one field to another.
You cannot enter the client’s state and county info manually. You must
enter the zip code and use the Find It button.
When entering the Month of the client’s Date of Birth, use the month’s
number. For example, for March enter 3.
“Word wrap” means that you can type in more than appears to fit in the
box; so just keep typing.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Get Client
If you have already entered client data and want to retrieve it, click on on the
Navigator page. This takes you to the Select a Client page, where you can open a client’s record
by clicking on the borrower’s name.
Clicking on the client’s name selects that client and takes you to the Estimates page for that
client. The selected client’s name and age will now appear at the top of any page you go to.
By default, the clients are listed by the date of the most recent revision, with the most recently-
edited records at the top.. You can change this by clicking on the heading at the top of each
column, if you would prefer to search the list by the client’s name, by the date they were
originally entered, or by the user who entered them.
If a client name appears at the top of this page, that client’s current Client Info and Settings data
will automatically be saved when you click anything on this page.
If you delete one of your clients from the Select a Client page, the client’s name will disappear
from the list, but their data will be archived with your User ID. A site administrator would be
able to reactivate the client at your request, in case of an accidental deletion.
Loan Estimates
Here you will see three sample HECM loans and two empty columns into which you can enter
data for non-HECM loans. The three HECMs shown by default are based on three different
combinations of interest rate type, index, and margin. These default settings are subject to
change as prevailing interest rates change.
Changing Margins: If you need to change the margins or select a different index, click on
HECM Settings at the top of the page. This will take you to a page where you can make these
choices. Note that, for previously entered clients, the system will retain the index rates used the
last time you did calculations for this client. If you want to update to current rates, click the
Current Rates button at the bottom of the screen.
Choosing a Fixed Rate: The dropdown boxes next to “Adjusting Period” allow you to select
Monthly-adjusting, Annual-adjusting, or Fixed Rate loans. If you select Fixed Rate, click
Current Rate, which will refresh the screen so that you can see the current default rate, which
you can change if needed. Take note of which column (HECM 1, 2 or 3) you are using for Fixed
Rate; this will be reflected on the Estimates page. You will need to select this column in order to
have the fixed rate reflected in the Amortization schedule and other printouts.
The checkboxes at the top of the Estimates page allow you to specify which loans will appear on
loan printouts and comparisons. (See page 25 for directions on creating, printing, saving, and
emailing PDF printouts.)
The Select Loan box: appears just above the words Loan Program
in the upper left of the page. It is used to choose and highlight a specific loan on the page, which
allows you to place some or all of the Net Principal Limit into an initial Lump-Sum Cash
advance or a Monthly Advance. It also allows you to select which loan will be reflected in an
amortization schedule.
The Select Type box: (just to the right of the Select Loan
box) displays “Creditline/Tenure” by default. You can change this setting if you want to
generate a HECM term or modified term loan with monthly payments for a specific period of
time, or specific monthly payments that are larger than those allowed by a tenure plan. Leave it
as is if you want to show tenure or creditline options.
Non-HECM Loans
You can also enter data about any non-HECM loan in the columns called OTHER-1 and
OTHER-2. To do this, you will need to obtain the data from printouts or other information
provided to your client by a lender. Entering data on non-HECM loans will allow you to
generate amortization schedules and side-by-side loan comparisons with HECM loans.
If a non-HECM loan does not have a given feature (for example, if it does not provide any
creditline growth, or doesn’t have a servicing fee set-aside), just leave the entry box blank.
If a loan has a "teaser" interest rate (for example, a lower rate for the first six months), do not
enter the teaser rate as the "Initial Total Loan Rate." Instead, enter the rate that will be in effect
when the teaser rate ends. For example, if the initial teaser rate is 7% but it will increase to 7.5%
after six months, enter 7.5% as the "Initial Total Loan Rate" because that's the rate that will be in
effect for all but six months of the loan.
Data Entry Tip:
You can change data that appears in any box with a white background.
Enter your new data, then hit the Tab key on your keyboard or click on
any other data entry box on the page to recalculate.
Don’t forget to click the Save & Continue button at the top or bottom
before you leave this page! If you don’t, you will lose the information
you just entered.
Hitting the Enter key has the same effect as clicking Save & Continue,
taking you to the Scenarios page. Use your Back button or the Estimates
link at the top of the page to get back to the Estimates page.
Payment options
By default, all funds will be placed in a creditline. If that’s what your client wants, leave
things as is. Click the Save & Continue button at the top of the page to proceed to the
Scenarios page to specify a pattern of creditline draws. See below for details.
The maximum tenure payment is displayed at the bottom of the column for all clients. If
your client is interested in receiving the maximum tenure payment, simply delete the
Selected Creditline amount and click anywhere on the page to recalculate. The program
will then fill in the maximum tenure amount in the Monthly Advance box.
Modified Tenure:
To show a specific monthly payment and calculate what would be left in the line of
credit, put the desired monthly amount in the Monthly Advance box. The available line
of credit will now show up in the Less Selected Creditline box.
To show a specific creditline amount and calculate the tenure payment that would be
available, enter the desired creditline in the Selected Creditline box. The maximum
monthly tenure payment that could be combined with that creditline will now appear in
the Monthly Advance box.
Go to the Select Type box: at the top of the screen. Choose
HECM Term Plan from the dropdown menu.
There are three pieces of information that will determine how much the term payment will be:
1. Selected Creditline, if any
2. Monthly Advance
3. Monthly Term in Years (how many years the borrower wants to receive monthly
You will need to specify two out of three in order to calculate the third.
To calculate a term payment for a fixed number of years with nothing reserved in a
o Enter 0 in the Selected Creditline box
o Fill in the desired number of years in the Monthly Term in Years box.
o Click the calculator icon next to the Monthly Advance box to calculate how
much the monthly payment will be.
To calculate a term payment based on a specific amount each month, with nothing
reserved in a creditline,
o Enter 0 in the Selected Creditline box
o Fill in the desired monthly payment in the Monthly Advance box
o Click the calculator icon next to the Monthly Term in Years box to calculate
how many years payments will last.
o Results will display the term in years and in months. There may be a small
remainder left in the creditline. (Click again if number of months does not
display correctly.)
Modified Term:
There are three different ways to display a modified term plan.
Specify creditline and monthly advance, then calculate term in years:
o Enter the desired creditline amount in the Selected Creditline box
o Enter the desired monthly payment amount
o Click the calculator button next to Monthly Term in Years.
Specify creditline and term in years, then calculate monthly advance
o Enter the desired creditline amount in the Selected Creditline box
o Enter the desired term in years in the Monthly Term in Years box
o Click the calculator button next to Monthly Advance
Specify monthly advance and term in years, calculate remaining creditline
o Enter 0 in the Selected Creditline box
o Enter the desired monthly advance
o Enter the desired term in years
o Click the calculator button next to Selected Creditline
button at the top or bottom of the page will save your work. It will
also automatically take you to the Creditline Draw Scenarios page.
Creditline Scenarios
If you have entered a creditline for your client, this page allows you to select the draw pattern
and specify the dollar amounts that best approximate your client’s intended or expected use of
the creditline.
The draws you specify here will be transferred into three key reports and make them more
realistic for your client.
You can show monthly or annual draws of any amount you select, or monthly or annual draws
equal to projected creditline growth. You can also show up to 5 draws of different amounts at
particular future times. For instance, your client might specify that he wants to take a trip
costing $5000 in year 2 of the loan, then buy a car costing $15,000 in year 3, then give $10,000
to his grandchildren in year 5.
You can then look at the results in several ways, by clicking on one of the three report buttons at
the bottom of the page.
Amortization Schedule
The Loan Amortization Schedule projects into the future the single loan you selected in the
Select a Loan Program menu on the Loan Estimates page, using the draws you specified on the
Scenarios page.
The text at the top of the page explains the assumptions that go into the amortization
schedule. These assumptions should be pointed out whenever you provide an
amortization schedule, because the projected loan balances are only as accurate as the
assumptions they are based on.
By default, the schedule uses the initial interest rate and a predicted 4% appreciation
rate. However, you can change these assumptions to better fit the client’s situation, or to
illustrate what would happen if the home did not appreciate as expected, for instance.
o You can select one of four interest rates for projecting the loan’s future balance:
the loan’s initial rate, that rate plus 2 points, or plus 4 points, or the loan’s
“expected” rate.
o Appreciation rate can be changed to any percentage between -10% and +10%.
The definitions at the bottom of the page provide an explanation of each column on the
amortization schedule. Note that the net home value takes into account the projected costs of
selling the home. (This is different from the home value column in FFRMA amortization
schedules, which does not reflect costs of sale.)
Creditline Draw Estimates
For each loan you select on the Estimates page, this report displays the client’s selected creditline
draws and the amount of funds remaining available in the creditline. To change the draws that
are illustrated, click on Scenarios at the top or bottom of the page. To change which loans are
selected, click on Estimates.
Comparing Loan Costs and Benefits
The Comparison button on the Scenarios page or the Navigator takes you to the Reverse
Mortgage Comparisons report.
This report is similar to the Performance report found in the FFRMA software. It projects the
loan into the future and shows the three basic facts about any reverse mortgage:
Loan advances (what the borrower got)
Loan costs (what it cost them to get it)
Leftover equity (what the borrower or their estate has left after the loan is paid
The Comparisons report allows you to compare these projections side-by-side for three different
loans or loan variations, at five future points in time. The five points in time are the median
projected remaining life expectancy for the youngest borrower, and 20%, 60%, 140%, and 180%
of this median life expectancy.
The report also includes a Total Annual Rate at each point in time, which is similar to the official
Total Annual Loan Cost (TALC) rate, but takes into account client-specific creditline draws and
other factors which may make it more useful to the borrower. This single percentage, like an
APR, includes both interest charges and closing costs, and allows side-by-side comparison of
loans with different kinds of costs.
Like the Amortization schedule, the Comparison report relies on some assumptions, including
projected interest rate and appreciation rate. These assumptions can be changed using the boxes
on the upper right hand side of the page.
The software provides a 2-page handout that explains the Comparison report in detail. The
handout should be given to clients whenever you provide the Comparison report.
To review the handout, click on the
button at the bottom of the page, which
takes you to the first page. A link at the bottom of the first page leads to the second page of
the handout.
To show your client a visual representation of the numerical information presented on the
Comparisons page, Ibis RMA provides pie charts. Click on the link at the top of the
Comparisons page to access the charts. There is also a link to the charts on the Navigator page,
at the far right.
Using the Charts Function
Clicking the Charts link on the Navigation page or from the Comparisons page takes you to the
Charts page. Here you will have the opportunity to display pie charts showing a visual
representation of the same data that is displayed numerically on the Comparisons page. Pie
charts like these can make it much easier for some clients to grasp the growth of their loan
balance and the shrinkage of their remaining equity.
First, check the assumptions that you want to use. By default, the Charts page will pick up the
assumptions you used on the Comparisons page (by default, a 4% appreciation rate and
projecting the loan at the initial interest rate), but you can change these assumptions at the top
Next, you have a number of choices about which comparisons to display. First, you’ll want to
think about whether you want to show one loan program compared to another (e.g., two HECM
loans with different interest rates), or comparing two different points in time for the same loan
(e.g., year 2 vs. year 14). Make that selection at the top left.
If you decide to show two loans in one period, then you will need to select what time period you
want to show, and then which two loans you want to compare.
If, instead, you want to show one loan at two different time points, you’ll first select the loan
program, then select the two time periods.
After making changes to these options, you may see a Refresh Charts button. Click it to make
the charts reflect your new choices.
To print out the charts, click the Print Charts button at the bottom of the page.
To meet HUD specifications for a pre-counseling package to be sent to all clients, Ibis RMA
includes the ability to generate a TALC disclosure similar to the one that clients must receive
from their lender. This gives the counselor an opportunity to educate the client about the
meaning of this complex disclosure. The TALC disclosure can be accessed using the Navigator
page. Look for the TALC button on the far right side. The TALC disclosure is also included by
default in the pre-counseling package generated by Ibis.
The TALC calculation will be based on your selected loan product and payment plan, so be sure
these options are selected correctly before you generate the TALC disclosure.
HECM Certificates
Ibis RMA can generate your HECM counseling certificates for you, with all the counselor,
client, and session info inserted.
Session Info
At the Navigator, click on . Enter the information about your session, including
the amount of time it took and what fees were/should be charged. When you are finished, click
the Save Session button, which will save your information and take you back to the Navigator.
From the Navigator, click on the button to create a HECM counseling certificate
in PDF format. The certificate will open with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Depending on your
browser settings, Reader may appear as a separate program window, or it may appear inside your
browser window. Use the printer icon or the Print command on the File menu to print out as
many copies as you need.
If you have made changes in your session info, be sure to check the certificate before printing to
be sure that the counseling date and amount of time are shown correctly.
HECM Refinance Counseling
Ibis RMA provides support for the special calculations that are needed when a client is
considering a refinance of a HECM Loan. To access these calculations, go to the Navigator and
click on
The text at the top of the “Refinancing a HECM with a HECM” page explains how the mortgage
insurance premium is calculated for a HECM refi, and the conditions under which clients are
permitted to waive the counseling requirement.
To calculate the costs and benefits of a refi for your client, you will need several pieces of
Maximum Claim Amount from the original HECM
Current Principal Limit
Current Payoff on Existing HECM
This information can be obtained from the client’s loan servicer or from the original loan
documents and a recent loan statement. Enter this information into the boxes at the bottom of the
page. Then click on the button, which takes you to the “Comparing Refinance
Costs & Benefits” page.
Comparing Refinance Costs & Benefits
This page provides calculations of the new Principal Limit and the costs associated with
refinancing. Note that the Upfront Cash on the new HECM figure includes the lien payoff for
the old HECM plus any lump-sum cash draw that you may have entered on the Estimates page.
The Ratio of PL Increase/Total Cost is an indicator of how well the benefits of a refi compare to
the costs. A ratio of 5:1 or greater indicates that there is substantial benefit to the borrower, and
is also one of the criteria that must be met if the borrower wishes to waive the counseling
The Current Principal Limit minus Total Costs of Refinancing, minus the Current Payoff on
Existing HECM, would give you the cash available to the borrower from the new HECM. This
figure appears on the Refi Disclosure page.
Refi Disclosure
The button will take you to a Sample Refinance Disclosure. This is a copy
of the official HUD Anti-Churning Disclosure, which the lender is required to provide to the
borrower. Since the lender may not actually provide the official disclosure until the closing, it
can be helpful for the counselor to prepare a sample disclosure using the best information
available at the time of counseling.
Sell & Move
Selling and moving is an important option to consider, because it helps clients evaluate how
important it is to them to continue living in their current homes.
The Reverse Mortgage Analyst provides an individually-customized one-page handout on this
choice. To access it, a client name must appear in the upper left-hand part of the Navigator.
Click on Sell & Move, which takes you to the “Selling Your Home” page. The figures in the
second paragraph of this page are based on your current client’s information. These figures do
not take tax considerations into account, but they provide a general sense of the economics of
selling and moving.
Annuity Comparison
If your client is considering the purchase of an annuity with reverse mortgage proceeds, a 3-page
handout on this topic is available in HUD’s HECM Counseling Protocol. The second page of that
3-page handout explains that software meeting the model specifications cited above can generate
a side-by-side comparison of the costs and benefits of using a HECM to purchase an annuity
versus a HECM tenure plan. The Reverse Mortgage Analyst has an annuity comparison feature
that is currently available to site administrators only.
HECM for Purchase
Ibis does not have a special module for calculating HECM for Purchase transactions, but it can
certainly be used to generate the numbers you need. Here’s how:
As with any HECM, the loan amount depends on the value of the property, the age of the
youngest borrower, and the expected interest rate. However, what most borrowers really want to
know is, how much money they will need to bring to the table in order to complete the
Using the Ibis Reverse Mortgage Analyst, the HECM loan amount, and the borrower’s required
investment on a HECM for Purchase can be calculated as follows:
Initial input:
Zip code
Property value = Estimated appraised value or negotiated purchase price of the
subject property, whichever is lower
Current liens = Property value as above PLUS estimated purchase costs such as
recordation fees and transfer taxes (if known).
Name and date of birth of each borrower (everyone who will be on title)
Principal Limit = total amount of HECM
Net Principal Limit = amount the HECM will provide toward the purchase
Program is Short By = minimum required monetary investment. If they have
already paid earnest money, subtract that figure to get the amount they must bring to
If the client has not yet found a house they want to buy,and wants to know how much house they
could afford to buy using a HECM, based on a set amount of money they have to contribute, the
counselor will need to take a guess at the purchase price that might work, and then redo the
calculations as needed to come as close as possible to the client’s desired scenario.
For instance, borrower has $100,000 to spend. Counselor might start by using a $200,000 home
value, and see what figure they get in the Program is Short By field. If it’s higher than $100,000,
try a lower home value. If it’s lower than $100,000, try a higher home value. Keep doing this
until you get as close as you need to be.
In future, Ibis may add a HECM for Purchase feature that will make this easier, but this approach
will work until that time.
Print & Email
Click on Navigator and then on . Follow the instructions on this page to generate,
view, print out, save, and email a PDF file that includes whichever reports you select for your
current client.
You can also print individual pages at any point while using Ibis, by using the Print menu in your
browser, or the Print Page link at the bottom of each page; however, the output that you will get
may not look as good as what you get from the Print & Email page. For example, the Estimates
page may print across two pages instead of being sized to fit a single sheet.
On the Print & Email page, you can select which reports you would like to print or email. The
three reports required by HUD for the pre-counseling package are pre-selected by default.
Once you have chosen which reports to generate, click Build Package. A notification will pop
up, telling you that your package is complete. Click OK to view the package immediately, or
close the window if you don’t want to view the package right away. Clicking OK should cause a
new window to open, displaying the first page of your package in Adobe Reader. If no window
appears, check your browser settings to be sure you haven’t blocked all popups. If so, change
your settings to allow popups from
Once the new window is showing, you can enlarge it, review the printouts, and decide if
everything looks right.
If you build a package more than once, you will see a list of all packages built for that client.
Each one is dated so you can tell them apart. The most recent one will appear at the top of the
list by default.
From the list of packages, you can view any package, or set up an email to send the package to
yourself or someone else. If you click on the Email icon, you will have the opportunity to insert
addresses and personalize a message to the recipients.
Technical Specifications
The Reverse Mortgage Analyst software meets the "Model Specifications for Analyzing and
Comparing Reverse Mortgages" developed by the AARP Foundation’s Reverse Mortgage
Education Project with support from HUD.
General information on the model specifications can be found at
and a copy of the specifications at:
User Support
Call Ibis Customer Service between 1 PM and 2 PM Pacific time (4-5 PM Eastern), Monday-
Friday at 805-807-7148 or send an email to s[email protected] with a question or a
requested time for us to call you.
Exam-qualified counselors who have access to can also use the Ibis Forum
to ask question. Check the forum archives to see if your question has already been answered.