October Executive Committee Meeting
Contingency Planning and Succession Discussion
Thursday, October XX, 2014
Succession Planning is critical to our immediate and long-term success because it:
1) protects our organization’s capacity to perform key functions, sustain important
relationships, and fulfill our commitments to the people we serve, our funders and donors,
and the community, and
2) develops staff and volunteers (including board) for future leadership needs and
Bryan Orander of Charitable Advisors will be joining a portion of the Executive Committee
meeting to support the discussion of succession and contingency planning and to assist in
drafting an Emergency Succession Plan for our Executive Director/CEO.
Key Questions we want to discuss:
1. Current Leadership team, tenure, individual strengths and expertise
2. How are very short-term absences covered right now for the Executive Director(like
3. Assuming payroll was happening, the first concerns to arise in case of the Executive
Director’s unexpected absence would be?
4. What would the board’s role be in case of an unexpected absence? Who’s involved?
5. If the Executive Director/CEO were unavailable for more than a few weeks, we would
need additional support in...?
6. What internal and external resources could we turn to?
7. If we decided we needed an Interim Executive Director, where would we look? What
would be key experience and qualities needed in this person? Short-term vs. longer
Organization A
Youth-serving organization
8 staff, $400K budget
Founding Exec Dir retiring after 15 years
One year notice of departure
Wants to remain involved with the
organization, maybe on the board
Funding - grants, donations, United Way,
Ran $20K deficit the past year.
Organization B
Low Income Housing Ministry
Staff of 5 with Budget of $700K
Exec Dir of three years has just been fired by
the board for financial irregularities
Funding from churches and individuals
Agency has great reputation among faith
Mostly new board members
How Does Your Organization Work?
Internal vs. External Interims
Advantages of Internal
Know the organization and people
Lower outlay of funds
Advantages of External
Specialized skills not possessed by staff
No expectations with current staff about succession
Board sees benefits of having a “seasoned” leader
Interims should not be candidates for the position.
A board member serving as interim resigns from board
Preparing for the Inevitable: A Succession Readiness Checklist
When the following conditions are in place, an agency can expect a relatively smooth transition
to new leadership whenever it might occur. An agency might determine which elements below
are lacking in its current operations and then create a “succession plan” or “capacity building
plan” that prescribes activities and timelines for filling the gaps. The agency is then ready for
leadership transitions, foreseen or unforeseen. (Building a Leaderful Organization Tim Wolfred)
Transition/Search Committee Working Session
4:00pm Welcome/Introductions
Expectations for this meeting
Search Process Overview(pg 2)
Roles/Responsibilities of the Transition/Search Committee(pg 3)
Preliminary timeline (pg 4)
Confirming or revising Search/Transition Committee membership
Considering hiring outside assistance
The Board’s Leadership Role
How do we ensure the search process is valid and fulfills the board’s
responsibility? What does a valid search process look like for us?
How do we want the Executive Director/Board relationship to change?
How do we want it to be similar?
Internal candidates? Board candidates?
What communications need to happen?
The Next Leader
What are the big issues/opportunities this leader will face? What are the
critical skills this new leader must possess? (pgs 5-7)
Is our current compensation competitive?
Is the current Job Description accurate?
Do we seek input from community stakeholders, board, staff? (pg 8-10)
Draft recruiting plan (pg 11)
Next steps
Finalize timeline
Set next meeting dates and agenda priorities
Complete information gathering, as defined
Review/Finalize Job Description
Develop ads and promotional strategies
6:00pm Wrap up
Sample Nonprofit
Sustaining Board Leadership
Succession Planning for the Board
In many regards, planning for succession of board leaders is just as difficult as planning for the
succession of staff leaders. Though we always hope to know well in advance when a board
leader will be leaving, in reality careers, family, or illness can often throw well-made plans off
course. In addition, new board leaders need time to learn about the organization, the board
and staff team, and their role and to learn all this on a part-time, volunteer schedule.
We realize that multiple strategies will be required in order to build and maintain a strong
leadership culture at ____________________.
Key Strategies
Identifying Leaders the most informal, watching the board work and observing those
people who bring the passion for our efforts along with leadership skills, organizational
skills, and discipline to get things done.
Replicating Leaders each board officer and committee chair is challenged to develop
their own successor and have that person ready before they are needed.
Recruiting Leaders as the governance committee is recruiting new candidates, they
are looking for new members who bring leadership experience and skills from other
boards or a similar team environment.
Leadership Roles whether heading a special event, a task force, or other short-term
effort, we look for ways that board members and other volunteers can develop and
showcase their leadership skills.
Learning from Participating though conventional wisdom suggests that every
conversation have the fewest possible people involved, we open the doors of most
board and committee meetings to any board member who is interested with the hope
that they will develop new interest and learn more about how things work within our
Putting It Into Action: (Sample Action Steps)
Every Board Officer and Committee Chair should be able to name at least one person
who would be able, willing, and reasonably prepared to step into their role if they were
unable to continue.
We will put into practice the identification of the next board chair one year prior to the
time they will take office and build a culture of strong leadership.
Assembling Key Staff Contingency Plans
Please complete the following questions/blanks to organize key information about your current
roles and responsibilities. We are trying to take a minimalist approach but if you have additional
information to provide or have assembled procedures for many of the things that you do,
please attach that material with this submission.
The current thinking is that this information will be reviewed and updated with your immediate
supervisor annually as part of the performance evaluation process.
Name________________________ Job Title _____________________________
1) In the chart below, please begin by listing the various areas of responsibility where you
spend most of your time, or that are unique to you(no one else in the organization does it).
2) For each of those roles, note the person or people who would cover for you in an
unexpected absence, this might be similar to how coverage is handled when you take a
vacation and should presume that you are not easily reached by phone.
3) If you have not yet identified a way to cover this responsibility in your absence or you have
identified a person to cover but need to train that person, please add that note.
1) Key Role/Responsibility
2) Who could provide
interim coverage?
3) What preparation,
documentation or cross-training
is needed?
4) If you were out for more than 30 days, what would be the greatest challenges to covering
your area? What guidance can you offer about who should be involved in covering until you
return and what they need to know or do?
5) What Key people or organizations does this position work with that no one else works with?
E-mail and Phone#
6) In addition to the people listed in Q#5 above, what is the list of people/organizations that
need to be informed in case of your serious illness or departure?
E-mail and Phone#
7) Please spend a few minutes looking at your calendar to briefly note your recurring
responsibilities and outline an annual calendar of major responsibilities and deadlines
don’t try to fill every box.
Things I do every week
Things I do every month
Annual Calendar
Key Tasks/Projects/Events
Key Deadlines
Successor Development
Who are the high potential people on your team right now? What makes them stand
out? What would have the greatest impact on their growth and increase their likelihood
to stay with us?
Please submit this form to your Executive Director/CEO with a copy of your most recent Job
Description and any other information that is pertinent to someone covering your role in your