As you know, each District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) tenant is required to sign the newly updated dwelling lease
agreement. Specific appointments are being made to insure that each and every tenant signs the new lease. The appointments will
consist of a brief orientation, after which, you will be required to sign your lease. Only the head(s) of household is required to attend
the orientation and sign the lease.
You are scheduled to attend your orientation and sign your new lease on
The orientation will take place
It is extremely important that you attend your scheduled appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment, you must
immediately notify your property manager. If you fail to notify your property manager prior to your scheduled appointment and you do
not keep your appointment, you will be issued a thirty-day notice to vacate, as a failure to sign a new lease is a violation of your
existing lease. Your new lease will go into effect on the day that it is signed.
We are very excited about the new levels of accountability that this new lease provides on behalf of DCHA and its residents. We
look forward to bringing DCHA, residents and our communities to new and greater levels of achievement. Please do not hesitate to
contact your property manager if you have any questions.
Property Manager
Property Name Property 001
Lease Number of Bedrooms UFAS/RA Unit NO
1.1 Parties. This Dwelling Lease Agreement (Lease) is entered into between the District of Columbia
Housing Authority (“Landlord” or “Authority”), and the following named lessee or lessees: -
____________________(Collectively, hereinafter “Lessee”). The Lessee” is the individual(s) that signs
the Lease with the Authority. Each Lessee is individually, jointly and severally responsible for
performance of all obligations under this Lease including, but not limited to, the payment of rent and other
charges, as defined herein. No individual, including any of those listed in paragraphs 3.1 or Article IV
hereof, other than the signatory to this Lease, is deemed to be a tenant or have any rights of a tenant
1.2 Warranty. The Lessee agrees and warrants that the name(s) of the Lessee and Household Members
provided to the Housing Authority are the same name(s) as on the Social Security card(s) submitted for the
Lessee and Household Members. Should the Lessee or Household Members formally change their names
or use another name not specified in this Lease, the Lessee shall notify the Authority immediately in
writing and provide the proper documentation that the Authority deems appropriate. The failure to use the
same name on this Lease, or to modify same as required herein, does not reduce or affect any obligation of
Lessee, including the obligation to assure that all Others, as identified in Article IV hereof, comply with the
provisions of the Lease.
2.1 Description. The Authority agrees to rent to the Lessee the premises located at the property and
address indicated above subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. The Leased Premises includes
the Lessee’s Unit as indicated above and other buildings or areas for the exclusive use of the Lessee (the
"Lease Premises"). The Leased Premises are located in a federally assisted public housing development
owned by the Authority (the "Development"). “Development” includes the common areas of the buildings
and grounds associated with all the buildings in the Development.
2.2 Right to Use. The Lessee shall have the right to the exclusive use of the Leased Premises, including
the Unit identified above and in the case of a townhouse, rowhouse or single family home, all buildings or
additional areas provided for the exclusive use of the Lessee, including the yard and any outbuildings,
subject to the restrictions and obligations contained in this Lease.
3.1 Household Members. In addition to the Lessee, the Leased Premises may not be occupied or used for
residential or other purposes by any persons other than those listed below, who are referred to hereinafter as
the "Household" or "Household Members" under this Lease. For purposes of this Lease an approved Live-
in Aide has no rights of tenancy under this Lease and has duties and obligations as set forth in
Section 7.4 herein below of this Lease but has no other rights as a Household Member. Any change to
Household Members must be processed in accordance with Article X.
Name of Household Member Relationship to
Date of Birth SS #
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
3.2 In
formation Concerning Household. Lessee shall provide documentation satisfactory to the
Authority that the individual is residing elsewhere, including but not limited to any one or a combination of
the following:
) A
lease for another un
A utility bill for another unit,
(3) Government-issued ID issued after the date the household member vacated the leased
(4) U.S. Postal Service change-of-address form;
(5) School records;
(6) Government benefits records; or
(7) Other documentary proof satisfactory to the Authority. If the Lessee is unable to produce
documentation satisfactory to the Authority, the Lessee may submit a form attesting under penalty of
perjury that the individual has permanently vacated the Leased Premises, and the Authority shall remove
the individual from the Household Composition upon receipt of such form.
3.3 Adding Household Members. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3.3.4 no additional persons,
adults or minors, may be added to the Household as Household Members unless first approved in
accordance with the provisions of this subsection. Any person using or occupying the Leased Premises
without approval in accordance with this Article is an unauthorized occupant without tenancy or other
rights under this Lease.
3.3.1 Written Application Required. No person, including spouses or live-in aides, may be
added to the Lease as a Household Member or legally occupy the Leased Premises unless prior to
(i) A written application is submitted and that person is screened and meets all applicable
eligibility and screening requirements,
(ii) Th
e proposed addition does not cause the Leased Premises to exceed the maximum occupancy
in accordance with the Authority’s policies and regulations, and
(iii) The proposed addition is approved in writing by the Authority.
3.3.2 Permitted Additions. The Authority, in its sole discretion, may deny any request for
additions to the Household if the addition will result in overcrowding, or the additional person(s) fails to
meet the Authority’s screening requirements.
3.3.3 Transfers. In the event that an additional Household Member is approved, the Lessee may
apply for a transfer but shall not be entitled to any priority or preference on the transfer waiting list based
on a change in the size of the Household.
3.3.4 Notice Only Additions. The following persons may be added to the household with written
notice only to the Authority:
1. Persons born to an existing household member
1. Pers
ons legally adopted by an existing household memb
2. Persons who have been added to the household of an existing household member by
order of a court of competent jurisdiction including orders of guardianship,
conservatorship, and legal custody.
Prior approval in accordance with subsections 3.3.1, and 3.3.2, by the Authority is not required for these
persons. The written notice must include a copy of the appropriate court order, or a birth certificate and any
other documentation deemed necessary by the Authority.
4.1 Lessee's Responsibility and Liability for Others. Lessee is responsible for compliance with all
provisions of the Lease by all Household Members, visitors, guests, unauthorized occupants, live-in aides,
others under the Lessee's control or on the Leased Premises with Lessee's consent; including but not limited
to, any individuals occupying or using the Leased Premises for any purpose with actual or implied consent
of the Lessee (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Others").
4.1.1 Consent Presumed. Consent of Lessee is presumed if an individual is using or occupying
or in the Leased Premises unless the Lessee takes reasonably prompt action to have unwanted individuals
removed from the Leased Premises. Any failure to do so will be deemed to be permission or consent of
Lessee for the individual to be on the Leased Premises. Lessee is responsible for, and is presumed to have
control over, the conduct of all Others regardless of hour or time or presence of Lessee and will be held
responsible for any and all conduct of any such persons that is in non-compliance with the provisions of the
4.1.2 Obligations of all Others. Any provision of this Lease that imposes an obligation on
Lessee applies that obligation fully on all Others and Lessee is responsible for compliance by all Others
with all provisions of this Lease. Lessee may be served a notice of lease termination in accordance with
Article 20.3 hereof for actions of Lessee, or Others, that violate any of the obligations of this Lease.
4.2 Unauthorized Occupants. The Lessee shall not provide accommodations to anyone other than
authorized Household Members either listed in this Lease or approved in writing hereafter as Household
Members in accordance with the provisions herein and shall not allow anyone other than such authorized
Household Members to use the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of the Authority. The
Lessee shall not permit and shall prohibit anyone other than a Household Member from residing in the
Leased Premises during the Lessee’s absence without the prior written consent of the Authority. The
Authority will post a list of barred individuals in the management office.
4.2.1 Overnight Visitors. Each overnight guest is permitted for up to (10) consecutive days and
up to thirty (30) non-consecutive days in a twelve (12) month period without the approval of the Authority.
A guest’s overnight stay for longer periods require prior written permission of the Authority. The Lessee is
obligated hereunder to prohibit anyone from staying in the Leased Premises without the prior written
permission of the Authority except as provided herein. The Authority will respond to any such request
within (10) days of the request. Any denial shall include the reasons for the denial.
4.2.2 Barred Individuals. The Lessee, other Household Members, and any Others identified in
ticle VII hereof, shall prohibit and shall not permit anyone who is currently barred from the Leased
Premises or Development from occupying, staying overnight, or visiting the Leased Premises or invite
them to the Leased Premises or anywhere else on the Development at any time for any purpose, unless
authorized in writing by the Authority in advance. The Authority will post a list of barred individuals in the
Property Management Office.
4.3 Li
ve-In Aides Generally. A disabled or elderly Household Member who qualifies under Authority and
federal regulations, policies and guidelines to have a live-in aide, may be entitled to have an aide reside in
the Leased Premises upon the prior written approval of the Authority. While a Lessee’s application for a
live-in aide is pending, the individual identified as the live-in aide shall be considered an overnight visitor
in accordance with Section 4.2.1 of this Lease until such time as the application to be the live-in-aide is
decided. If the Authority fails to make a decision on the application for a live-in aide within (10) days of
submission, then the application shall also be treated as a request for written permission for an overnight
visitor under Section 4.2.1 and the Authority shall respond accordingly.
4.3.1 Application and Approval Process. The Lessee must first submit an application and the
proposed aide shall be subject to all applicable eligibility and screening requirements of the Authority,
including criminal background checks. The live-in-aide is not a tenant or occupant and has no tenancy,
occupancy or other leasehold rights under this Lease or under the Rental Housing Act, and in order to be
approved as a live-in aide must execute an acknowledgment of their non-tenant status and lack of rights to
notice of any kind under this Lease. In the event that a live-in-aide is approved, the Lessee may apply for a
transfer but shall not be entitled to any priority or preference on the transfer waiting list with regard to
transfer to a new dwelling unit based solely on the addition of the live-in-aide. Nothing herein is intended
to alter any preference the Lessee may have as a result of a reasonable accommodation being granted.
4.3.2 Responsibility for Live-In Aide Conduct. Lessee is responsible for the conduct of the live-
It is the Lessee’s responsibility to ensure that the live-in-aide abides by all of the rules and regulations and
lease requirements of the Authority and the failure of the live-in- aide to do so, after notice required by this
section is sent by the Authority, shall be deemed a breach of this Lease and may result in termination of
Lessee's tenancy hereunder. After the Authority learns of live-in-aide conduct that may breach the rules
and regulations and lease requirements of the Authority, the Authority shall send a warning notice to the
Lessee indicating that such conduct has come to the attention of the Authority. If the conduct continues
after the expiration of (30) days after the Authority provides the warning notice, the Authority may issue a
Notice to Correct or Vacate or Notice to Vacate in accordance with the terms of this Lease and federal and
District of Columbia law. For conduct that violates Article 18 of this lease the Authority shall not be
obligated to issue the warning notice upon any reoccurrence of the conduct by the same or any subsequent
4.3.3 Termination of Live-in Aide. The live-in-aide may live at the Leased Premises only so
long as the Authority determines that the live-in aide meets the Authority's screening criteria, is in
compliance with all rules, regulations and Lessee’s lease terms, and where the Household Member
continues to qualify for the live-in-aide's necessary services. The Authority may withdraw or terminate its
approval of the live-in-aide for reasonable cause. If the approval for a live-in-aide is terminated, the live-in-
aide must immediately vacate the Leased Premises or the live-in-aide will be deemed an unauthorized
occupant of the Lessee. If the tenancy is terminated for any reason, including but not limited to breach of
the Lease, move out of the Lessee or death of the Lessee, the live-in-aide must immediately vacate the
Leased Premises. The live-in aide has no rights to apply to become a Lessee.
5.1 Effective Date and Term. The term of this Lease will commence on 3/31/08 and shall be the effective
date of the lease unless it is not signed on the first day of the month, in which case the effective date is the
first day of the succeeding month, that being 4/1/08. Unless the Lease is terminated by the Authority or the
Lessee as provided in this Lease, the Lease shall have a term of twelve (12) months.
5.2 Renewal. The Lease shall be automatically renewed for successive terms of one month with each term
commencing to run on the 1
day of each month, unless terminated as provided for herein.
6.1 Security Deposits. Lessee shall pay to the Authority as a Security Deposit the sum of $100.00 upon
execution of this Lease unless paid in advance.
6.2 No Segregation or Interest on Deposits. The Security Deposit specified hereinabove shall be
maintained by the Authority and collected for the faithful performance of all of the terms, conditions and
covenants of this Lease by the Lessee including payment of Rent and Other Charges, until after surrender of
the Leased Premises. The Authority is not obligated to maintain monies paid toward security deposit in a
segregated account. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay interest on any deposit, except as
required by law. Refund, if any, of a Security Deposit is governed by Section 11.5 hereof.
7.1 Monthly Rent. The Lessee shall _______rent per month ("Monthly Rent"), due and payable in
advance on the first day of each month, beginning 3/31/08.
7.1.2 Proration. The Authority will prorate the rent for Lessees who move in after the first day of
the month. The Lessee will pay the pro rata payment in the amount of $ N/A
for the period beginning
and ending on N/A .
7.1.3 Changes to Rent. The Monthly Rent is subject to change in accordance with Article X of
this Lease.
7.2 Other Charges. All other payments due under this Lease including, but not limited to, late charges,
returned check charges, excess utility charges, service charges, grounds maintenance charges, repair and
damage charges, contractor charges, fire damage charges, pet charges, motor vehicle removal charges,
“lock-out” charges, replacement key charges, and any other charges or fees as may be specified hereunder
shall be deemed "Other Charges.” Such Other Charges shall be charged to the Lessee’s account and shall
be due and payable on the first day of the month after the Authority has given the Lessee thirty days written
notice of the charges. The amount of such ‘Other Charges,’ with the exception of contractor charges and
fire damage charges, shall be fixed in the Schedule of Charges, which shall be posted in the Property
Management Office. Any change to the Schedule of Charges shall be subject to a (30) day period of notice
and opportunity for comment before the change takes effect.
7.2.1 Late Charges. The Lessee must pay Rent on or before the first (1st) day of each month. If
the Lessee fails to pay the Monthly Rent by the 10
day of the month, regardless of whether the 10th day of
the month is a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, then the Lessee shall be liable for a charge. The amount of the
Late Charge is as posted in the Schedule of Charges at the Property Management office. This late charge
does not establish a grace period for the late payment of rent. Rent remains due and payable by the first
day of each month.
7.2.2 Returned Check Charges. There will be a charge for a returned check, in addition to the
Rent or late charge amount due, if a check written by or on behalf of the Lessee is returned for insufficient
funds. The amount of the charge shall be the amount charged to the Authority and posted in the Schedule of
Charges posted in the Property Management offices.
7.2.3 Excess Utility Charges. There will be a charge for window air conditioners, refrigerators,
freezers, washers, dryers and similar appliances in the Leased Premises which have not been furnished by
the Authority, except where air conditioners are installed pursuant to a reasonable accommodation. The
amounts of those charges are stated in the Schedule of Charges as “Excess Utility Charges for Tenant
Supplied Appliances” which is posted in the Property Management offices. The charges will be posted to
the Lessee’s account until such time as the appliance in question is physically removed from the Leased
Premises and the Lessee has given written notice to the Authority and the Authority has verified that the
appliance has been removed. The charges may be pro rated annually in which case there will be a charge
posted to the Lessee's account for each month during the year.
7.2.4 General Service, Repair and Damage Charges. The Lessee shall pay for any service,
repair, maintenance, damage, and cleaning and/or extermination expenses incurred by the Authority caused
by the action or inaction of the Lessee or Others in the Leased Premises or otherwise on the Development.
The costs to remedy the aforementioned shall be charged to the Lessee's account. A schedule of
maintenance and repair charges is posted in the Property Management Office. For work not listed on the
Schedule of Charges, Lessee will be charged the actual cost of the repair. The Authority shall not be
responsible or liable for the repair or replacement of any appliances not supplied by the Authority.
7.2.5 Contractor Charges. There will be a charge if a Lessee has been appropriately notified that
an appointment has been made for a contractor to gain access to the Leased Premises, and upon scheduled
arrival the contractor is unable to gain access.
7.2.6 Fire Damage Charges. If a fire occurs at the Leased Premises or the Development where the
Lessee(s) or Others caused the fire, either intentionally or through negligence, the Lessee shall be liable for the
cost of repairs as specified in Section 13.2.
7.2.7 Pet Charges. The Authority may collect charges as provided for in its Community Living
Standards or any other rules and regulations of the Authority with respect to pets that are permitted under
the Authority's rules and regulations, a copy of which are available in the Property Management Office.
The amount of the charges will be posted in the Schedule of Charges in the Property Management office.
7.2.8 Motor Vehicle Removal Charges. The Lessee shall pay to the landlord a charge for the
removal of any motorized vehicle, off-road vehicle, go-cart, scooter, recreational vehicle (including boats),
trailer or vehicle part(s) parked or otherwise stored by any Household Member or Guest of the Lessee or
Others in accordance with the Authority’s vehicle towing policy, a copy of which is available in the
Property Management office. The amount of the vehicle towing charge will be posted in the Schedule of
Charges in the Property Management office.
7.2.9 Lock-out Charges. The Lessee agrees to pay the Landlord a charge in the event the Lessee is
locked out of the Leased Premises and the Landlord provides access to the Leased Premises, in accordance
with Article 12 of this Lease. The amount of the lock-out charge will be posted in the Schedule of Charges
in the Property Management office.
7.2.10 Replacement Key Charges. The Lessee agrees to pay the Landlord a charge if the
Landlord provides replacement keys for the Leased Premises, in accordance with Article 12 of this lease. The
amount of the replacement key charge will be posted in the Schedule of Charges in the Property
Management office.
7.3 Payment Method. Rent and Other Charge payments shall be made payable to the Authority and shall
include the Lessee’s name, address and lease number. If any other person pays rent to the Landlord for the
Leased Premises, said payments shall be deemed to be made on the behalf of the Lessee, notwithstanding that
the monies may be paid in another's name, provided the payment is identified on its face as a payment on
behalf of the Lessee along with the Unit # and Address of the Leased Premises. No tenancy shall be deemed
to be established with anyone other than the lessee by acceptance of such payment from any person
other than the Lessee.
7.3.1 Partial Payment. The acceptance by the Landlord of partial payment of rent and Other
Charges due shall not, under any circumstances, constitute a waiver of any rights of the Landlord at law or
under this Lease, nor affect any notice of legal proceedings, given or commenced, for possession of the
Leased Premises.
7.3.2 Form of Payment. The Lessee shall pay rent and other charges only by personal check,
certified check or money order. If the Lessee has made a payment that resulted in a returned check, the
returned check charges, and the amount originally due, plus any late charges, are required to be paid by
money order or cashier’s check within two (2) weeks after the Lessee receives the returned check notice.
Once the Lessee has had a check returned for insufficient funds twice within any 12-month period, Lessee
shall pay all future payments by certified check or money order. The amount of the returned check charge
will be posted in the Schedule of Charges in the Property Management office. This section does not
establish a grace period, and Authority may immediately issue a Notice to Cure or Vacate upon receipt of a
returned check.
7.3.3 Application of Payment. Payment is deemed made upon the act
ual receipt
by the Authority
of the payment. Notwithstanding any designation entered by the Lessee or someone on the Lessee’s behalf
on the face of the payment, any payment received by the Authority, by or on behalf of Lessee, shall be
credited first to the security deposit charge and then to Rent and then to any Other Charges due at the time
payment is received.
7.4 Continued Obligation to Pay Upon Transfer. If the Lessee transfers to another unit, whether
requested by Lessee or required by the Authority, any consent judgment agreement, settlement agreement
or repayment agreement entered into while the Lessee resided at the original unit, shall automatically be
transferred to, and become part of, the Lease for the unit to which the Lessee transferred. All prior
balances will be transferred in accordance with Section 11.6.
Lessee and all Others identified in Article IV hereof, are obligated to comply with all the provisions of this
Article VIII.
8.1 Residential Use Only. The Leased Premises shall be used solely as a private residential dwelling, and
shall not use or permit the use of the Leased Premises for any other business or non-residential purpose,
unless the Lessee has received the prior written consent of the Authority.
8.2 No Other Residence. Lessee shall have no other primary residence, either leased or owned.
8.3 Sublease Prohibition. The Lease or sublease of all or any portion of the Leased Premises shall not be
permitted and any attempt to lease, assign or sublet all or any portion of Lessee’s interest under this Lease
will constitute a violation of this Lease and such lease, assignment or sublease will be null and void and
ineffective to transfer such interest to any assignee or sublessee. Acceptance of rent by the Authority from
a sublessee or assignee shall not create a tenancy with the sublessee or assignee.
8.4 Housekeeping and Other Leased Premises Responsibilities. The Leased Premises shall be
maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition, including, but not limited, to the following:
8.4.1 Waste Removal. Keep the Leased Premises and such other areas as may be assigned to
Lessees for their exclusive use in a clean and safe condition and to dispose of all garbage, rubbish and other
waste from the Leased Premises in a sanitary and safe manner.
8.4.2 Grounds Maintenance. Fully maintain the grounds and landscaping that are provided for
the exclusive use of Lessee.
8.4.3 Recycling Policy. Observe all recycling rules, as they may be amended from time to time,
and which will be available in the Property Management Office.
8.4.4 Safety Duties. Comply with all obligations imposed by applicable building and housing
codes materially affecting health and safety.
8.4.5 Fire Safety. Take precautions to prevent fires. Unless provided by the Authority no
portable heating appliances may be used. All appliances shall be operated in a manner to prevent fires..
Not disable any fire alarm device or cause a false fire alarm, or generally permit or do anything, including
storing excess amounts of personal property, which would increase the risk of fire or an increase in insurance
premiums to the Authority.
8.4.6 Smoke Detectors. Not remove or tamper with any smoke detector, including removing any
working batteries, so as to render the smoke detector inoperative.
8.4.7 Leased Premises Exterior Responsibilities. Not store, hang or leave household or other
personal property of any type, including clothes, on the exterior of the Leased Premises unless the area is
specifically designated for that purpose by the Authority.
8.5 Additional Appliances. Installation or use of any major electrical appliances not provided by the
Authority is prohibited unless prior written approval is obtained from the Authority. The Authority may
deny such installation or use at is sole option and discretion. Major electrical appliances include,
but are
not limited to, the following:
(i) Clothes dryer(s);
(ii) Additional refrigerator/ freezer(s);
(iii) A
ir conditioner(s);
(iv) Washing machine(s); and
(v) Dishwasher(s).
8.6 Conservation. Lessee shall take reasonable steps to conserve energy and water and avoid unreasonable
use of water, gas and/or electricity including but not limited to non-routine washing of vehicles, or any
other unreasonable use of utilities.
8.7 Repair Notice Requirements. The Authority shall be promptly notified of any need for repairs to the
Leased Premises or of any unsafe conditions in the common areas or the grounds surrounding the Leased
Premises. Notification of repairs shall be in writing or by a telephone call to the Authority’s Control Center
and Lessee shall obtain a control number for each such repair. The number for the Control Center can be
obtained from the Management office or the Central Office. Additionally in Developments that are
managed by a management company under contract with the Authority the Lessee agrees to provide
notice in accordance with the attached Supplement to the Lease.
8.8 Alterations to Leased Premises. No repairs or alterations to the Leased Premises may be made,
including, but not limited to, painting, wallpapering, changing locks, installing alarms, doors, affixed gates,
window bars, carpets, storage sheds, antenna or satellite dishes, without the prior written approval of the
Authority. Upon completion, any such repairs or alterations, made with or without prior written consent,
become part of the Leased Premises.
8.9 Use of Common Areas. The Leased Premises, together with all common areas, grounds, and
facilities, including elevators, and any other property owned by the Authority shall be used only in a
reasonable manner.
8.9.1 No Trespass/Access to Unauthorized Areas.Entry to any part of the Development, other
than the common areas or the areas included in the Leased Premises, or other Authority property restricted
areas including, but not limited to, vacant units, boiler rooms, electrical rooms, and any areas under
construction is strictly prohibited. Entry to any other Lessee’s leased premises is prohibited without
permission or consent of such other lessee.
8.10 Additional Use Restrictions and Requirements. Lessee and all Others are required to comply with
the following use restrictions and requirements:
8.10.1 Waterbeds. To not have waterbeds on the Leased Premises without prior written approval
of the Authority, which approval may be withheld in the Authority's sole discretion.
8.10.2 Anti-Graffiti Rule. May not destroy, deface, damage or remove any part of the Leased
Premises or the Development.
8.10.3 Utility Line Compliance. May not refrain from tamper with, illegally receive or interfere
with any phone, cable, gas, electric or other utility meter or line on the Leased Premises or the
8.10.4 Firearms. To refrain from storing, maintaining, using, distributing, purchasing or selling
any type of firearm or ammunition on the Leased Premises or the Development, whether registered or
8.10.5 Hazardous Materials. May not have or store any combustible or other hazardous
materials such as gasoline, kerosene, fireworks or explosives in or around the Leased Premises or the
8.10.6 Dangerous Conditions. May not create or permit to exist any nuisance or unreasonably
dangerous condition that results in risk to the health or safety of any person or damage to property.
8.11 Motor Vehicles. The term Motor Vehicles includes, but is not limited to: automobiles, cars,
motorized wheelchairs, off-road vehicles, go-carts, scooters, recreational vehicles (including boats),
motorcycles, motorized bicycles, trailers or vehicle part. The Authority’s Motor Vehicle parking and
towing policy must be complied with as a requirement of this Lease, including but not limited to:
8.11.1 Registration. Any Motor Vehicle on the Leased Premises that is not registered with the
Authority is subject to towing.
8.11.2 Operation. Operating any Motor Vehicle in an unsafe or unlawful manner or in a manner
which disturbs other Lessees on the Development is prohibited.
8.11.3 Parking and Repairs. Parking Motor Vehicles on areas not specifically designated for
driving or parking, or using parking areas or the grounds of the Development or the Leased Premises for
the repair of Motor Vehicles is prohibited
8.11.4 Charges. The Authority's Motor Vehicle registration and parking policies and the charges
for non-compliance with the policies are located in the Property Management office. Any cost of towing or
removal of a Motor Vehicle shall be charged to the Lessee.
8.12 Community Living Standards. Lessee shall comply with the Authority’s Community Living
Standards for the Leased Premises and the Development and any other rules, procedures, policies and
regulations of the Authority concerning the Leased Premises which may be amended from time to time and
shall be incorporated in this Lease without further action of the Authority. Copies of the Community
Living Standards, rules, regulations and policies will be available for inspection in the Property
Management office, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Central office of the Authority. A violation
of any of the Community Living Standards by Lessee is a breach of the Lease and subject to termination
9.1 Community Service Requirements. Each adult member of a Household listed on the lease in a public
housing Development must comply with the Authority’s Neighbor to Neighbor Care Program unless
exempt, and shall contribute eight (8) hours each month of community service as required by federal and
local rules and regulations A copy of the Authority’s Neighbor to Neighbor Program will be available in
the Property Management office or the Central Office of the Authority.
9.2 Exemptions. Exemptions are granted during recertification or through a written request and approval
by the Authority and may require supporting documentation. The exemptions are listed in 14 District of
Columbia Municipal Regulations§ 6214.3, as amended.
9.3 Annual Reporting. Each adult family member required to participate shall provide information
requested by the Authority including but not limited to the following as part of the Lessee’s recertification
9.3.1 A signed statement by each adult describing the activity(ies) undertaken in order to comply
with the community service requirements and pursued by the adult since the Lessee’s last recertification.
9.3.2 A certification of the hours of service provided.
9.3.3 A signed release from each family member required to participate authorizing the Authority
to obtain verification of any information reported.
9.3.4 Any other information reasonably requested by the Authority to verify compliance with the
Community Service Requirement.
.1 Applicable Laws. All rent, unit bedroom size determinations and rent adjustments shall be made in
accordance with applicable federal and local regulations and are subject to review and adjustment annually
or such other periodic time as may be set by the Authority from time to time by regulation.
10.2 Lessee’s Reporting Obligations. The information that the Lessee must submit to the Authority,
within the time frame and on the forms as may be required, includes but is not limited to the following:
10.2.1 Family Composition. Lessee shall provide the full name, gender, social security number
and date of birth for each Household Member. Lessee shall report, within 30 days, any changes in family
composition. The requirements for adding Household Members are addressed in Section 3.3 of this Lease.
The requirements for removing Household Members are addressed in Section 3.2 of this Lease.
10.2.2 Income. For each Household Member, Lessee shall provide to the Authority a listing of
the exact amount of income or benefits, from whatever source and the exact source of the income or
benefit. This information shall also be provided for any Household Member when added to the Family
Composition. Any Household Member who begins employment or begins to receive any benefits, or other
source of income shall report said change to the Authority within 30 days thereof. Any changes in income
including increases or decreases shall be reported within 30 days to the Authority.
10.2.3 Educational Enrollment or Attainment: Lessee shall provide to the Authority proof of
the Lessee’s and/or any Household Member’s enrollment in an educational facility and shall provide this
information for any Household Member that Lessee is seeking to add.
10.2.4 Community Service. Lessee shall provide proof to the Authority of the Lessee’s and any
Household Member’s compliance with any applicable community service or alternative economic self-
sufficiency activities as required under Article VIII hereunder.
10.2.5 Complete and Accurate Information. Lessee shall furnish complete and accurate
information in meeting all Reporting Obligations as set forth herein for use by the Authority in conducting
regular or interim recertification or whenever there is a change in family composition, or family income.
Lessee shall obtain from other Household Members such supplemental information and required signatures
when submitting such information as the Authority may require from time to time. Lessee may be required
to attend a personal interview or to submit documentation in person for any regular or interim
10.3 Documentation, Releases and Verification. The documentation, releases and verification that
Lessee must provide are as follows:
10.3.1 Form of Submission. Information must be submitted on forms provided or otherwise
authorized by the Authority. Submission of supporting documents without the required forms is insufficient
to complete recertification. Oral submission of information, either in person, or by telephone is insufficient
to complete any reporting obligation or recertification.
10.3.2 Timely Submission. Lessee must submit to the Authority a complete recertification packet
within the time specified by the Authority, which shall be at least thirty days.
10.3.3 Documentation of Information Provided. Lessee shall provide to the Authority written
documentary proof of all information submitted by Lessee when required by the Authority. Lessee shall
also provide to the Authority any additional information requested by the Authority in order for the
Authority to make determinations including monthly rent, continued eligibility, accessibility needs and
appropriate unit size.
10.3.4 Verification of Information Provided. All information provided to the Authority is
subject to third party verification. Lessee shall comply with all requests for verification of information
submitted for recertification by:
(i) Signing releases for third-party sources of information to enable the Authority to verify this
(ii) Presenting documents for review, when requested by the Authority; and/or
(iii) Provid
ing other suitable forms of verification as reasonably determined by the Authority.
10.3.5 Burden of Proof.Lessees who wish to remove a Household Member from the Household
Composition have the burden of proof that such person has permanently vacated the Leased Premises and
must submit documentation as required in Section 3.2.
10.4 Failure to Report.If the Lessee has misrepresented or failed to submit timely to the Authority any
facts used in the determination of rent, whether intentionally or by mistake, the Authority may charge and
collect as rent the difference between the rent actually paid and the rent which would have been due had the
proper information been submitted timely by the Lessee. This amount, the basis for the charge, and notice
of the Lessee’s grievance rights will be made available to the Lessee in writing by the Authority. This
amount shall be posted to the Lessee's account and the Lessee’s rent statement and shall be due 30 days
from the date of the written notification. A failure to accurately report income, deductions, family
composition, or any other information may result in legal action being taken by the Authority or other law
enforcement agencies.
10.5 Rent Review. The Authority shall have the right to require the Lessee to attend a rent review meeting
upon written request. Lessee may request a rent review through the manager of his property at any time
upon written request. Lessee shall attend any meetings held to conduct the rent review at the time and place
specified by the Authority or, if requested by the Lessee, at an alternative time during normal Authority
hours. Lessee shall provide to the Authority complete and accurate information, including documentation,
as specified by the Authority.
10.6 Rent Determinations. Based on information provided as described herein above, the rent charged
shall be the lesser of:
10.6.1 A fixed amount determined by the Authority for the Development (“market-based rent”);
10.6.2 An amount based on a percentage of household income; or
10.6.3 An amount or percentage fixed from time to time by the Authority by regulation.
10.7 Changes in Rent. Rent changes shall be accomplished in the following manner:
10.7.1 Notice of Rent Determination. Any change in Monthly Rent, either an increase or
decrease, shall be stated in a Supplement to the Lease which shall, upon issuance, be sent to the Lessee and
noted on the Lessee’s rent statement.
10.7.2 Effective Date of Rent Increase. If the Authority increases the Monthly Rent pursuant to
a regular or interim recertification or any other rent review or other reexamination that may be conducted
by the Authority, the new Monthly Rent shall be effective on the first day of the second month following
the completion of the review and notice to Lessee. If Lessee fails to report a change in any information
required hereinabove, within the required time, the Authority may make the increase retroactive to the date
that the increase should have occurred if the change was timely report and would have resulted in a rent
10.7.3 Effective Date of Rent Decrease. If the Authority decreases the Monthly Rent pursuant to
a regular or interim recertification or other rent review or reexamination, the new Monthly Rent shall be
effective on the first day of the month following the date that the Lessee submitted all verifiable
information that is required to be submitted by the Lessee on the forms provided or otherwise authorized by
the Authority indicating a change in circumstances relevant to the calculation of rent. Decreases may, at
the discretion of the Authority, be applied retroactively depending on the date of the month information is
provided and the time for review and verification.
10.7.4 Effective Date
Rent Reduction Related to Public Assistance Benefits.Any reduction
in rent related to the reduction of public assistance benefits, will be effective at the time the Authority
obtains written notification from the relevant agency verifying the benefits reduction or the date that the
Lessee submits all verifiable information that is required to be submitted by the Lessee, whichever is
earlier. Rent will not be reduced because of a reduction in welfare or public assistance benefits due to
failure of any Household Member to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program required by the
welfare agency, or because of an act of fraud by the Lessee or any Household Member in connection with a
welfare program.
10.8 Report to Third Party Vendor. Lessee shall immediately provide updated information concerning
all changes in rent and rent status to third parties who are paying rent each month on behalf of the Lessee.
Lessee shall provide proof of such updates to the Authority. Any credit for overpayment of rent shall be
posted to the Lessee’s rental account and will be applied accordingly. If a Third Party Vendor fails to pay
rent in the correct amount, or fails to pay any rent, the Lessee remains responsible to make full payment
within the time period allowed for payment of rent hereunder.
11.1 Approval/Disapproval. All transfers to another unit at the same or a different Development shall be
approved or disapproved in accordance with applicable Federal and Authority rules, regulations, policies
and procedures.
11.2 Transfers Initiated by the Authority. Transfers initiated by the Authority are mandatory and the
Authority will bear the cost of all such transfers. The Authority may require the Lessee to transfer to
another Leased Premises if:
11.2.1 The size of the Leased Premises is no longer appropriate for the Household composition;
11.2.2 The physical condition of the Leased Premises, in the Authority's sole discretion, poses a
threat to the life, health or safety of any person;
11.2.3 The Authority is planning to make significant repairs or modernization upgrades to
the Leased Premises or building.
11.2.4 The Leased Premises or building is expected to undergo future rehabilitation or demolition
in accordance with an Authority or HUD approved relocation plan;
11.2.5 The Leased Premises has special features that neither the Lessee nor the Lessee’s
Household Members need and the Housing Authority determines another family needs the special features
available at the Lessee’s Leased Premises;
11.2.6 Any other conditions of hardship exist as determined by the Authority or to effectuate the
Authority’s goals or objectives.
11.3 Transfer on Lessee’s Request. A Lessee may request a transfer, for the following reasons, which if
approved by the Authority, will place the Lessee on a transfer waiting list in accordance with priorities and
preferences specified in the Authority's regulations:
11.3.1 When a Household Member has a verified need to live in a unit with special features (e.g.
accessibility features) that are not available or cannot be provided at the current Leased Premises or as a
reasonable accommodation for a disability;
11.3.2 For public safety reasons where the Lessee or a Household Member has reported a threat to
the personal safety of the Lessee or a Household Member that is verified and documented by the
Authority's Police Department or any other police department or law enforcement agency authorized to
operate in the District of Columbia, or where the Lessee or a Household Member is a victim of domestic
violence as defined in Section 18.2 and documents the threat to personal safety as specified in Section
11.3.3 A change in household composition that exceeds the Authority's occupancy standards; or
11.3.4 Lessee's personal preference.
11.4 Transfer Request Processing. Transfer requests shall be made in writing and may require the
submission of supporting documentation, including documentation from third parties.
11.4.1 Approval. Transfer requests, other than those in 11.3.1 above, may be approved or denied
at the sole discretion of the Authority. If the Lessee’s request is approved, the Lessee’s name will be
placed on the waiting list with other Lessees requesting transfers based on date and time of application.
Lessee is not entitled to be placed at the top of the transfer waiting list.
11.4.2 Timing of Transfer. Upon approval of a transfer request, the transfer will be made when
an appropriate size unit with any special features, if required, becomes available, and the Lessee's request is
at the top of the transfer list for the unit that has become available.
11.5 Transfer Process. When the Authority determines that the Lessee must transfer to another unit, or
when the Lessee has made a written request for a transfer, the Authority will mail or deliver a notice to
Lessee which explains why a transfer is required, or which approves or denies Lessee’s request.
11.5.1 Time to Transfer. Lessee shall move to the new unit within ten (10) days after receipt of
notice that a new unit is available.
11.5.2 Transfer Costs. Mandatory transfers that are initiated by the Authority and transfers made
as reasonable accommodation shall be at the expense of the Authority. All other transfers are at the
expense of the Lessee.
11.6 New Lease; Continued Liability. All causes of action of any nature whatsoever available to the
Authority at the Leased Premises governed by this Lease, shall be automatically transferred to, and
actionable by, the Authority at the new unit after transfer, whether such transfer is mandatory or voluntary,
as herein specified:
11.6.1 Causes of Action. Any pending legal action, notice to vacate, notice to cure or vacate, any
consent judgment or stipulation of settlement in effect under this Lease, shall automatically transfer and
become part of the tenancy and lease at the transfer unit. Moreover, the Authority may move to enforce the
same under the terms of the lease for the transfer unit and Lessee shall be deemed to have consented to any
amendment thereof so that the relief or action may be effectuated under the lease for the transfer unit.
11.6.2 Monies Owed. All rent, and other charges or credits shall be automatically transferred and
all such amounts shall be due and owing to the Authority at the premises where the Lessee now leases and
resides. Failure to pay amounts incurred at any Leased Premises leased by the Lessee and owned by the
Authority may result in eviction from any premises that the Lessee is in possession of at the time of
eviction proceedings.
12.1 Keys and Locks. The Authority agrees to provide the Lessee two sets of keys for the Leased
Premises and, where applicable, one set of keys for the mailbox and other entry devices as applicable upon
execution of this Lease.
12.2 Lock-Out Service. The Authority is not obligated to provide lock-out service to any Lessee and
reserves the right to deny such service. The Authority is not obligated to provide lock-out service to anyone
other than the Lessee or an adult Household Member.
12.2.1 Additional Locks, Keys and Security Devices. The Authority may, at its sole discretion,
provide additional keys at an additional charge to the Lessee.
12.2.2 Key Copies. If Lessee secures a lock-smith or otherwise obtains entrance to the Leased
Premises which results in a change to the locks; Lessee sh
all immed
iately provide a copy of such key to the
12.3 Changing Locks, Keys and Adding Security Devices. The Lessee shall not install additional or
different locks, bars or gates on any door, window or other entry devices including security devices
("Security Devices") without the prior written consent of the Authority and without providing management
with keys or entry codes for the approved replacement locks or Security Devices within 24 hours of the
date the items are installed.
12.3.1 Sole Cost and Risk of Lessee. Any installation of Security Devices will be at the Lessee’s
sole risk and cost. If the Lessee installs Security Devices without the written consent of the Authority, the
Authority has the right to remove such items at any time at the sole risk and cost of the Lessee.
12.3.2 Restoration and Removal. Any Security Devices installed, with or without the written
consent of the Authority, will be deemed fixtures and will become the Property of the Authority unless the
Lessee is give prior written permission to remove such items. In such instance, the Lessee shall remain
liable for the cost of removal and the cost of returning the Leased Premises to its original condition.
In the event of a fire caused intentionally or by the neglect or negligence of the Lessee or Others, then:
13.1 No Abatement of Rent. No rent will be abated, and Lessee will be responsible for paying all monthly
rent until the earlier of the end of the Lease term or if Lessee has not vacated the Leased Premises prior to
the end of the Lease term, such time as the Lease is terminated by DCHA.
13.2 Fire Repair. The Authority shall be responsible for the repair of the unit within a reasonable period
of time.
13.3 Repair Charges. Lessee is responsible for the payment of the lesser of the:
13.3.1 Costs for the repair of the fire damage, or
13.3.2 The insurance deductible, if any, afforded by any insurance policy held by the Authority
and applicable to the damages caused by the fire at the Leased Premises or the Development.
13.4 Transfer Obligation. The Authority shall offer standard alternative accommodations, if available,
where necessary repairs cannot be made within a reasonable period of time. Any offer of the Authority to
transfer a Lessee due to fire does not obviate the charges or liability of the Lessee under this Article XIII.
13.5 Termination of Lease. The Authority may terminate this Lease for any fire on the Leased Premises
caused intentionally or negligently by the Lessee or Others that has resulted in a risk to the health or safety
of any person or damage to property.
14.1 Pets. Pets are not permitted at any Development, except for Lessees who owned a pet at an Elderly
Only or Mixed Population Development prior to May 1, 2005 and provided the pet was of an eligible
variety and registration was timely completed.
14.2 Service Animals. Lessees and Household Members with disabilities are permitted to own a service
animal at any Development provided the animal is necessary and approved as a reasonable accommodation
for the disability.
14.3 Requests for Reasonable Accommodation. Lessee and Household Members who require a service
animal as a reasonable accommodation must request the accommodation in accordance with the
Authority’s reasonable accommodation policy. Lessees who are approved to have a service animal as a
reasonable accommodation may keep the animal provided they comply with the Authority’s rules and
regulations, as posted from time to time in the Property Management office
.1 Initial Inspection - Move In. The Authority and the Lessee shall inspect the Leased Premises before
the Lessee takes occupancy. The Authority shall furnish the Lessee with a written statement of the
condition of the Leased Premises and the equipment provided with the Leased Premises. The Lessee and
the Authority shall sign the inspection report, and a copy shall be kept in Lessee’s file.
15.2 Scheduled Inspections. The Lessee shall permit the Authority, upon advance written notice, to enter
the Leased Premises during normal business hours so that the Authority may perform routine inspections or
maintenance, make improvements or repairs, take photographs or otherwise document the condition of the
unit or repairs, or to show the Leased Premises. A written statement specifying the purpose of the entry will
be delivered to the Leased Premises at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Delivery may be made by
placing the notice on or under the main entrance door of the Leased Premises.
15.3 Unscheduled Inspections. The Authority may enter the Leased Premises at any time without advance
notice when it has cause to believe that an emergency exists, or when the Lessee has agreed to such entry.
If at the time of entry no adult Household Member is present, then the Authority shall leave in the Leased
Premises a written statement specifying the date, time and purpose of the entry.
15.4 Final Inspection - Move Out. A final or move-out inspection is conducted in accordance with the
provisions of Article XVI hereof. The Authority will provide the Lessee with a written statement of the
damage to and repair of the unit for which the Lessee is responsible. The statement will be mailed to the
lessee’s forwarding address, if provided, and if not, to the last known address. Lessee is responsible for the
cost of repair for all damage to the Leased Premises, wear and tear excepted.
16.1 Move-Out Inspection. The Authority shall conduct a move-out inspection, which move-out
inspection may be attended by the departing Lessee.
16.2 Forwarding Address. Lessee shall furnish a forwarding address for the purposes of either forwarding
the Lessee's refund check, or a bill for additional monies due to the Authority with a written statement of
the damage to the Leased Premises for which the Lessee is responsible. If no forwarding address is
provided then the Authority shall mail notice of any refund or outstanding charges to the Lessee’s last
known address.
16.3 Returning all Keys. The Lessee shall return all keys and other entry devices whenever the unit is
vacated. Failure to return keys or other entry devices will result in a charge in accordance with a Schedule
of Charges as posted in the Property Management office.
16.4 Proper Notice. If Lessee vacates the Leased Premises without providing proper notice of intent to
vacate in accordance with Articles XIX and XXI of this Lease, Lessee shall be deemed to have relinquished
any right to possession of the Leased Premises, or remaining household goods. Leaving keys without
written notice or signing an official vacate form is not proper notice hereunder.
16.5 Security Deposit Refund.
16.5.1 Inspection Required. No portion of the deposit shall be returned until the Authority has
made an inspection of the Leased Premises.
16.5.2 Amount of Refund. The amount of the security deposit to be refunded shall be the original
amount deposited by the Lessee reduced by the following:
(i) The cost of repairs to the Leased Premises due to the Lessee's abuse or neglect, normal wear
and tear excepted;
(ii) An
y delinquent rent, and
Any o
ther charges.
16.5.3 Ins
ufficient Deposit. If the security deposit is insufficient to cover the charges referred to
in 16.5.2(i) the Lessee shall be billed for the difference and the amount posted to the Lessee's account. The
Authority may take any appropriate legal action to collect such amounts.
16.5.4 Return of Deposit.
(i) If th
e Authority determines that all of the security deposit is to be returned to Lessee, paymen
will be tendered to the Lessee within forty-five (45) days of termination of tenancy.
(ii) If a partial or no refund of the security deposit is due, notice of the Authority’s intention to
withhold or apply the security deposit to charges will be sent to the Lessee within forty-five (45) days of
termination of the tenancy, and payment of any remaining refund will be tendered thirty (30) days
17.1 Maintenance. The Authority shall maintain the Leased Premises and the Development in a decent,
safe and sanitary condition, including all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, hearing, ventilating, and other
facilities and appliances, supplied or required to be supplied by the Authority, including:
17.1.2 Making necessary repairs to the Leased Premises;
17.2.3 Keeping buildings, facilities and common areas not otherwise assigned to Lessee for
Lessee’s exclusive use, maintained in a sanitary and safe condition.
17.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. The Authority shall comply with requirements of applicable
building codes, housing codes, and federal regulations materially affecting health and safety.
17.3 Utilities. The Authority shall provide, subject to the conditions identified, the following utilities:
17.3.1 Hot and cold running water, except where hot water is operated by installation within the
exclusive control of the Lessee and supplied by a direct utility connection.
17.3.2 Gas and/or electricity for the provision of heat, lighting and the operation of ranges,
refrigerators, and general household appliances, except where such utilities are operated by an installation
within the exclusive control of the Lessee and supplied by a direct utility connection, or where an
additional appliance is used by the Lessee with the written approval of the Authority.
17.3.3 Air conditioning to those housing developments designated for occupancy by elderly or
disabled families or at family properties where air conditioning is an existing part of the building systems,
otherwise the Authority has no obligation to provide window air conditioners.
17.4 Trash Facilities. The Authority shall provide and maintain appropriate receptacles and facilities for
the Development for the deposit by Lessee of garbage, rubbish, and other waste the Lessee removes from
the Leased Premises.
17.5 Reasonable Accommodation. The Authority shall provide, at the request of the Lessee, a Household
Member, or someone acting on behalf of the Lessee or Household Member, and upon receipt of
documentation or information the Authority has verified, a reasonable accommodation of a disability of any
Household Member to the extent required by law.
17.6 Pest Service. The Authority shall provide pest extermination service on a regularly scheduled basis.
17.7 Package Delivery. The Landlord or its agents are NOT obligated to receive any packages or other
articles delivered to the Leased Premises for the Lessees. Should Landlord receive any such packages or
articles the Landlord in so doing shall be the agent of the Lessee and no bailor-bailee relationship shall exist
between the Landlord and the Lessee.
In addition to the other obligations set forth in this Lease, Lessee and all Others, as set forth in Article IV
hereof, must comply with the obligations and prohibitions of this Article XVIII.
18.1 Lessee is responsible for all actions or inactions of all Others as identified in Article IV and
compliance with all the obligations and prohibitions imposed on Lessee by this Article XVIII, and Lessee
and all Others are obligated as follows:
18.1.1 To act in a manner that will not disturb the other residents’ or management staffs’ peaceful
enjoyment of the entire Development and will be conducive to maintaining the Development in a
decent, safe and sanitary condition;
18.1.2 To not engage in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of any alcoholic beverages or
openly consume alcoholic beverages in any common areas in the Development or otherwise
consume alcoholic beverages in a manner that impairs the physical or social environment of the
Development or the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Development by other
residents, service providers, or Authority staff.
18.1.3 Lessee shall not flee to avoid prosecution or custody or confinement after conviction, for a
crime or attempt to commit a crime that is a felony under the laws of the place from which the individual
flees; or violate a condition of probation or parole imposed under federal or state law.
18.1.4 The Lessee, Household Member or Guest, or other person shall not engage in any:
(i) Criminal activity that threatens the residents’ health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of
the Development; or
(ii) Drug-related Criminal Activity on or off the Leased Premises or the Development.
18.1.5 To assure that others under the Lessee's control, as identified Article IV hereof, not
engage in any:
(i) Criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
Development by other lessees; or
(ii) Any Drug-related Criminal Activity on the Leased Premises or the Developm
18.1.6 To not engage in any violent criminal activity or be in possession of any firearm or
ammunition for a firearm.
18.1.7 The Lessee is strictly liable for violations of Sections 18.1.4, 18.1.5 and 18.1.6
18.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of 18.1, if the incident of criminal activity was a result of or involved
domestic violence, dating violence or stalking (as defined herein below and referred to hereinafter as
"Domestic Violence") against Lessee or a Household Member then such incident is not a violation of the
Lease by the victim and cannot provide the basis for a notice of termination.
18.2.1 Where the Authority has reasonable cause to believe that the incident of criminal activity
was a result of or involved domestic violence against the Lessee or a Household Member, and the Lessee’s
or the Household Member’s continued tenancy does not pose an actual or imminent threat to other residents
or employees of the Authority, the Authority will issue a written request to the Lessee or the Household
Member if the Lessee is the aggressor, requesting that the Lessee or Household Member provide the
Authority with evidence and certify that the incident was the result of or involved domestic violence within
fourteen (14) days of receipt of the written request. Acceptable evidence may take the form of:
(i) A
written certification from Lessee, in the form specified by the Authority, which certification
shall include:
(a) The name of the perpetrator and the Lessee or Household Member who Lessee
believes is a victim of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking;
(b) A brief description of the incident of violence or stalking which Lessee believes to be
bona fide incidents of actual or threatened abuse and such other requirements determined
by the Housing Authority; or
(ii) Documentation that meets the following requirements:
ned under penalty of perjury by an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim
service provider, an attorney, or a medical professional from whom the Lessee or
Household Member has sought assistance in addressing Domestic Violence or the effects
of the abuse, and
(b) Attested or signed by the Lessee or Household Member who is the victim of
stic Violence; and
Stating that the incident or incident in question is a bona fide incident of abuse, and
the Lessee or Household Member is a victim of Domestic Violence; or
(iii) A certified copy of a Federal, State or local police or court record of the actual or threatened
violence or abuse.
18.2.2 If the Lessee or Household Member does not provide the Authority with acceptable
evidence and certification within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Authority’s written request, the
Authority may issue a thirty (30) day Notice to Vacate to the lessee. All Notices to Vacate issued by the
Authority, regardless of whether the Notice to Vacate was preceded by a (14) day written request for
information and certification regarding domestic violence, shall instruct the Lessee that if the incident
underlying the Notice to Vacate was a result of or involved domestic violence, the Lessee or a Household
Member may submit a certification to and evidence of domestic violence to the Authority before the
expiration of the notice. If the evidence and certification are sufficient to substantiate the Lessee’s or
Household Member’s claim of domestic violence, the Authority shall withdraw the Notice to Vacate except
as to the perpetrator(s).
18.2.3 No provision within 18.2.1 or 18.2.2 shall be deemed to limit the right of the Lessee or a
Household Member to raise the protections contained within D.C. Code § 42-3505.01(c-1), as amended or
recodified, in defending against an action brought by the Authority.
18.3 In accordance with the authority provided at 42.U.S.C. 1437d, the Authority may bifurcate this Lease
in order to evict, remove or terminate assistance to the Lessee or Household Member who has engaged in
criminal acts of physical violence against Household Members or others, without evicting the victim of
such violence who is either the Lessee or a Household Member.
18.4 For purposes of this Article XVIII, the following definitions, presumptions and
determinations apply:
18.4.1 The Authority has the right to terminate this Lease in the event the Lessee or Others engage
in illegal activity even in the absence of an arrest or conviction.
18.4.2 A “Guest” is a person temporarily staying in the Leased Premises with the consent of a
Lessee or other Member of the Household who has express or implied authority to so consent on behalf of
the Lessee.
18.4.3 “Drug-related criminal activity” means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution or use, or
possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute or use a controlled substance as defined by Federal
and State law.
18.4.4 "Domestic Violence" includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a
current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a
person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly
situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving
grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's
acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction including but not limited to victims of
intrafamily offences under D.C. Code § 16-1001(5), as amended or recodified.. Domestic Violence as used
elsewhere in this Article XVIII includes Dating Violence and Stalking as herein below defined.
18.4.5 "Stalking" means:
(i) To
follow, pursue, or repeatedly commit acts with the intent to kill, injure, harass or intimidate;
(ii) To place under surveillance with the intent to kill, injure, harass or intimidate another person;
In th
e course of or as a result of such following, pursuit, surveillance, or repeatedly committed
acts, to place a person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to or to cause
substantial emotional harm to that person, a member of the immediate family of that person or the
spouse or intimate partner of that person.
18.4.6 The term
"immediate family member" means:
) a spouse, domestic partner, parent, brother, sister, child of that person, or an individual to
whom that person has legal custody, or an individual to whom that person stands in loco parentis;
(ii) any other person living in the household of that person and related to that person by blood or
18.4.7 "Dating Violence" for purposes of this Lease means violence committed by a person:
(i) Who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and
ere the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the
following factors:
length of the relationship;
(b) The type of relationship; and
The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
19.1 Notice to Vacate. Lessee may terminate this Lease by giving at least thirty (30) days written
notice on forms required by the Authority that are submitted to the Property Manager, completed with the
assistance of the Authority if necessary.
19.2 Lessee's Obligations upon Vacating. Lessee shall
19.2.1 Leave the Leased Premises in as clean and good condition as Lessee received at the start
of Lessee’s occupancy; wear and tear excepted; and
19.2.2 Return all keys to the Authority.
19.3 Lessee’s Death. If Lessee dies and there are no remaining adult Household Members living in the
Leased Premises at the time of Lessees death then the following applies:
19.3.1 This Lease shall terminate.
19.3.2 The Authority shall have the right to reenter and secure the Leased Premises.
19.3.3 The Authority shall contact the person(s) who the Lessee has designated, in writing, to take
possession of Lessee’s personal property. Access to the Leased Premises will be granted only to any such
designated person, or to the Lessee’s personal representative, administrator or guardian.
19.4.4 Once the Authority has
made efforts to contact the Lessee's designated contact person and
has not been able to make contact within 30 days, the Authority reserves the right, after posting notice on
and under the door of the Leased Premises, to dispose of all household belongings from the Leased
Premises, and Lessee hereby consents to such disposition of personal property.
19.4 Rent Liability After Vacating the Leased Premises. The Lessee shall be liable for rent until the
earlier of the time the Authority has taken possession of the Unit in accordance with the provisions of this
Lease, or such time as all of the following are completed:
19.4.1 The proper written notice has been given;
19.4.2 The required vacate forms are completed with the assistance of the Authority if necessary;
19.4.3 The keys are turned in; and
19.4.4 Lessee and all Household Members, and Others, as identified in Article IV, have vacated
the Leased Premises.
19.5 No Right to Continued Occupancy. Termination requires that the Lessee and all other Household
Members, as well as all Others as identified in Article IV hereof, vacate the Leased Premises on or before
the date specified in Lessee's written notice. If the Lessee is no longer in occupancy of the unit or vacates
without proper notice or is deceased, a remaining household member, or another adult identified in the
applicable regulation, must notify the Authority of the Lessee’s death or departure within (14) days of the
date the Lessee vacates the Leased Premises or dies. Within (30) days thereafter, or within (14) days of the
Authority’s issuance of a Notice to Vacate the premises, whichever is later, in order to sustain continued
occupancy for the remaining household members at the Leased Premises, the remaining household member
or other adult must submit a written application to become head of household.. If an application for
continued occupancy is filed during the required time period, Household Members or Others identified in
Article IV hereof, may continue in occupancy until a determination on such application is made, otherwise
they have no right to continue to occupy the Leased Premises and thereafter the Authority may serve a
notice to vacate.
20.1 Breach of Lease. The Authority may terminate this Lease for any serious or repeated breach of the
material terms of this Lease by Lessee or any Others as identified in Article IV herein above.
20.2. Additional Events That Cause Termination. This Lease may also be terminated by the Authority
and the Leased Premises repossessed, in the event of:
20.2.1 Failure to Execute a New Form of Lease. Lessee's failure to sign a new lease or
addendum to the lease agreement at the request of the Authority in accordance with applicable federal
20.2.2 Sex-Offender Registration. If the Authority receives verified information that the Lessee
or any Household Member, or any Others identified in Article IV hereof, is subject to a lifetime sex
offender registration requirement.
entations. Any representations made on the lease application or any recertification
documents, which are materially false or fraudulent. .
20.3 Notice of Termination. Authority shall terminate this Lease by giving Lessee a (30) day Notice to
Cure or Vacate or a Notice to Vacate, or a Notice to Quit, stating:
20.3.1 The specific grounds for the termination;
20.3.2 Lessee's right to examine documents directly relevant to the termination;
20.3.3 Lessee's right to make such reply as Lessee may wish; and
20.3.4 Lessee's righ
t to request a grievance hearing, unless that right is not permitted under
applicable regulations and this lease; and
20.3.5 If the Lessee has a right to cure a lease violation, the Authority shall detail the necessary
action the Lessee must take to cure the violation.
21.1 Notice To Lessee. Any notice to Lessee shall be in writing and shall be:
(i) Personally delivered to Lessee; or
(ii) Personally delivered to any adult Household Member; or
(iii) Sent by first-class mail to the Leased Premises and addressed to the Lessee; or
(iv) Delivered by placing a notice on or under the main entrance door of the Leased Premises.
(v) Or as otherwise required by federal and District of Columbia Law applicable to the Authority
21.2 Notice To Authority. Notices to the Authority shall be in writing unless otherwise provided herein
and delivered to the Property Management Office or the Central Office of the Authority either:
21.2.1 Personally delivered to an appropriate official who has provided a signature of receipt,
which receipt shall be retained as proof of delivery; or
21.2.2 Sent by first-class mail properly addressed and postage prepaid, or by registered or certified
mail with a receipt which shall be retained as proof of delivery by Lessee.
21.3 Notice of Adverse Action.
21.3.1 The Authority shall give written notice to Lessee of any adverse action. As used in this
Lease, “adverse action” includes, but is not limited to, involuntary transfer, rent re-determination,
violations of the Community Service Requirements or Community Living Standards or any other policy,
rule or procedure of the Authority, imposition of maintenance charges, excess utility charges, damage
charges, late charges or any other charges hereunder.
21.3.2 The notice shall state the specific grounds for the adverse action by the Authority and, if
applicable, shall inform the Lessee of the right to request a hearing under the Authority’s Grievance
21.3.3 Nothing in 21.3 is intended to waive the Lessee’s right to receive a Notice to Vacate,
Notice to Quit, or a Notice to Cure or Vacate in the event of a Lease violation.
21.4 Notice of Policy Changes.
21.4.1 Except as otherwise required by law, and in accordance with federal and local law the
Authority shall give Lessee thirty (30) days prior written notice of any proposed change to the standard
dwelling lease form, list of maintenance or other charges provided for hereunder, the Grievance Procedure,
Community Service Requirements, Community Living Standards, transfer, rent and occupancy policies,
rules of occupancy and any other Authority policy which is and shall be incorporated into this Lease as of
such date as specified by the Authority.
21.4.2 The notice shall advise Lessee that the Authority will consider all written comments from
Lessees about the proposed changes before they become effective. A copy of any proposed policy shall be
made available at the Property Management office for the Development as well as the Authority's Central
21.4.3 Changes to Authority policies, after the notice and comment opportunity provided
hereinabove, shall not require a written addendum to this Lease and will be incorporated into the Lease
once final. Any change in federal regulations required to be incorporated in the Authority's standard form
lease, shall be deemed to be incorporated herein immediately, notwithstanding the provisions for notice and
comment hereunder, upon final publication of such federal regulation.
22.1 Grievance Generally. The grievance procedures are contained in 14 District of Columbia Municipal
Regulations (DCMR) Chapter 63. A copy of the regulations is available for inspection in each DCHA
Property Management office, DCHA regional offices, and the central office in the Office of Fair Hearings.
The lessee is issued a copy of the grievance quick guide at lease-up or recertification.
22.2 Access to the Grievance Process. The grievance process is available only to lessees of Authority
owned properties. Only the Lessee may file a grievance. If a Lessee believes that the Authority has taken
an action or failed to take an action that adversely affects the Lessee’s rights, duties, welfare or status the
Lessee may file a grievance with the DCHA Office of Fair Hearings at the Authority's headquarters or the
Property Management Office of the Development. For assistance call the Office of Fair Hearings at (202)
22.3 Non-Grievance Issues. The grievance process cannot be used to:
22.3.1 To resolve disputes with other Lessees not involving any action by the Authority;
22.3.2 Bring class action grievances;
22.3.3 Contest a Notice to Vacate based on:
(a) Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises of other residents or employees of the Authority;
(b) Any violent or drug-related criminal activity on or off the premises; or
(c) Any criminal activity that resulted in a felony conviction of the Lessee or a Household
22.3.4 Initiate or negotiate changes generally to Authority policies or procedures;
22.4 No Limitations on Legal Action.
22.4.1 Lessees are not required to file a grievance prior to seeking resolution by filing legal action
through the judicial process.
22.4.2 The Authority is not precluded from filing for judicial action to take possession of the
Leased Premises for a violation of this Lease, during the period of time that Lessee is entitled to file a
grievance in accordance with the Authority's regulations as identified in 22.1 above. This section does not
preclude the Lessee from requesting a stay of any judicial proceeding pending the outcome of the grievance
process in accordance with D.C. law.
23.1 Entire Agreement; Changes. This Lease, any amendments hereto and all documents incorporated
herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, except as provided in Article X
and Section 21.4.
23.2 Written Addendum. Any changes to this Lease, other than those provided for in Article X and 21.4
shall be made by a written addendum, dated and signed by both Lessee and the Authority.
23.3 Construction.
23.3.1 The various head notes and groupings of the provisions of this Lease are for convenience
and reference only and are in no way intended and shall not be construed to limit or restrict the meaning or
application of any of the provisions to which they refer.
23.3.2 Feminine or neuter pronouns shall be substituted for those of the masculine form, and the
plural shall be substituted for the singular number in any place herein in which the context may require such
23.4 No Waiver.
23.4.1 The Authority's failure to insist in any one or more instances upon the strict observance of
the terms of the Lease shall not be considered a waiver of the Authority's right thereafter to enforce the
provisions of the Lease. The Authority shall not waive its rights to enforce the Lease provisions unless it
does so in writing, signed by an authorized agent of the Authority. No waiver of any breach, of any
condition or agreement contained herein shall be construed to be a waiver of that condition or agreement or of
any subsequent breach thereof or of this Agreement.
23.4.2 The receipt by Authority of rent, even with knowledge of the breach of any covenant or
condition hereof, shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach or any other breach. Acceptance of rent by
the Authority following service of a notice of termination of tenancy shall not be deemed a withdrawal of
the notice or a waiver of the Authority's right to obtain possession of the Leased Premises. The acceptance
of rent by the Landlord with or without the knowledge of such breach, shall in no way have any effect
thereon, and shall not operate as a waiver of the breach.
23.5 Lead-Based Paint. The Lessee acknowledges receipt of all required information pursuant to the Lead-
Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, Title X. Specifically, Lessees acknowledge receipt of the
Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Form as well as the pamphlet,
Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home
23.6 Rent Control. It is understood and agreed that the housing accommodation is exempt from the D.C.
rent control law.
23.7 Receipt Acknowledgment. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the D.C. Housing Regulations,
Chapter 1, 101 and 106 and Chapter 3.
23.8 Military Notification. Lessee and a Household Member who is a spouse of a member of the Armed
Forces of the United States represents that he or she is or is not presently in the United States Military Service,
or any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, and agree upon notice of induction or deployment to
promptly notify the Landlord in writing by certified mail. Check those that apply:
Lessee is in the Armed Forces
Household Member is the Spouse of a person in the Armed Forces
Lessee is not in the Armed Forces
Household Member is not the Spouse of a person in the Armed Forces
23.9 Service of Process. Service of process or notice on any one Lessee shall constitute service of all
Lessees. That Lessee agrees that the obligations of the Lessee are joint and several and the Lessee shall be
jointly and severally liable for any breach or obligation of the tenancy.
23.10 Severability. If any of the terms or provisions of this Lease are found null and void or inoperative
for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect the language in all parts of this
Lease shall, in all cases, be construed as a whole according to its plain meaning, and not strictly for or
against any of the Parties.
23.11 Electronic Signature. Parties agree that the execution of this Lease by electronic signature shall be
binding upon the Parties. The Parties further agree that an electronically stored copy of this Lease has the
same legal effect and enforceability as a paper original.
24.1 Lessee has read, or has had this Lease explained or read to him or her;
24.2 Lessee understands the Lease and agrees to abide by the terms of the Lease;
24.3 Lessee understands that the Leased Premises are provided as part of a federally funded program and
certain provisions of this Lease, particularly relating to rent, occupancy and termination are designed to
assure the proper use and fair allocation of a limited supply of federally assisted housing.
24.4 Lessee and all Household Members shall occupy the Leased Premises as their primary residence as of
the Effective Date of this Lease.
Signature ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: ____________________ _
Signature __________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name:
Signature ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name: ______________________________________
herein immediately, notwithstanding the provisions for notice and comment hereunder, upon final
publication of such federal regulation.
22.1 Grievance Generally. The grievance procedures are contained in 14 District of Columbia Municipal
Regulations (DCMR) Chapter 63. A copy of the regulations is available for inspection in each DCHA
Property Management office, DCHA regional offices, and the central office in the Office of Fair Hearings.
The lessee is issued a copy of the grievance quick guide at lease-up or recertification.
22.2 Access to the Grievance Process. The grievance process is available only to lessees of Authority
owned properties. Only the Lessee may file a grievance. If a Lessee believes that the Authority has taken
an action or failed to take an action that adversely affects the Lessee’s rights, duties, welfare or status the
Lessee may file a grievance with the DCHA Office of Fair Hearings at the Authority's headquarters or the
Property Management Office of the Development. For assistance call the Office of Fair Hearings at (202)
22.3 Non-Grievance Issues. The grievance process cannot be used to:
22.3.1 To resolve disputes with other Lessees not involving any action by the Authority;
22.3.2 Bring class action grievances;
22.3.3 Contest a Notice to Vacate based on:
(a) Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises of other residents or employees of the Authority;
(b) Any violent or drug-related criminal activity on or off the premises; or
(c) Any criminal activity that resulted in a felony conviction of the Lessee or a Household
22.3.4 Initiate or negotiate changes generally to Authority policies or procedures;
22.4 No Limitations on Legal Action.
22.4.1 Lessees are not required to file a grievance prior to seeking resolution by filing legal action
through the judicial process.
22.4.2 The Authority is not precluded from filing for judicial action to take possession of the
Leased Premises for a violation of this Lease, during the period of time that Lessee is entitled to file a
grievance in accordance with the Authority's regulations as identified in 22.1 above. This section does not
preclude the Lessee from requesting a stay of any judicial proceeding pending the outcome of the grievance
process in accordance with D.C. law.
23.1 Entire Agreement; Changes. This Lease, any amendments hereto and all documents incorporated
herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, except as provided in Article X
and Section 21.4.
23.2 Written Addendum. Any changes to this Lease, other than those provided for in Article X and 21.4
shall be made by a written addendum, dated and signed by both Lessee and the Authority.
23.3 Construction.
23.3.1 The various head notes and groupings of the provisions of this Lease are for convenience
and reference only and are in no way intended and shall not be construed to limit or restrict the meaning or
application of any of the provisions to which they refer.
23.3.2 Feminine or neuter pronouns shall be substituted for those of the masculine form, and the
plural shall be substituted for the singular number in any place herein in which the context may require such
23.4 No Waiver.
23.4.1 The Authority's failure to insist in any one or more instances upon the strict observance of
the terms of the Lease shall not be considered a waiver of the Authority's right thereafter to enforce the
provisions of the Lease. The Authority shall not waive its rights to enforce the Lease provisions unless it
does so in writing, signed by an authorized agent of the Authority. No waiver of any breach, of any
condition or agreement contained herein shall be construed to be a waiver of that condition or agreement or of
any subsequent breach thereof or of this Agreement.
23.4.2 The receipt by Authority of rent, even with knowledge of the breach of any covenant or
condition hereof, shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach or any other breach. Acceptance of rent by
the Authority following service of a notice of termination of tenancy shall not be deemed a withdrawal of
the notice or a waiver of the Authority's right to obtain possession of the Leased Premises. The acceptance
of rent by the Landlord with or without the knowledge of such breach, shall in no way have any effect
thereon, and shall not operate as a waiver of the breach.
23.5 Lead-Based Paint. The Lessee acknowledges receipt of all required information pursuant to the Lead-
Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, Title X. Specifically, Lessees acknowledge receipt of the
Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Form as well as the pamphlet,
Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home
23.6 Rent Control. It is understood and agreed that the housing accommodation is exempt from the D.C.
rent control law.
23.7 Receipt Acknowledgment. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the D.C. Housing Regulations,
Chapter 1, 101 and 106 and Chapter 3.
23.8 Military Notification. Lessee and a Household Member who is a spouse of a member of the Armed
Forces of the United States represents that he or she is or is not presently in the United States Military Service,
or any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, and agree upon notice of induction or deployment to
promptly notify the Landlord in writing by certified mail. Check those that apply:
Lessee is in the Armed Forces
Household Member is the Spouse of a person in the Armed Forces
Lessee is not in the Armed Forces
Household Member is not the Spouse of a person in the Armed Forces
23.9 Service of Pr
ocess. Service of process or notice on any one Lessee shall constitute service of all
Lessees. That Lessee agrees that the obligations of the Lessee are joint and several and the Lessee shall be
jointly and severally liable for any breach or obligation of the tenancy.
23.10 Severability. If any of the terms or provisions of this Lease are found null and void or inoperative
for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect the language in all parts of this
Lease shall, in all cases, be construed as a whole according to its plain meaning, and not strictly for or
against any of the Parties.
23.11 Electronic Signature. Parties agree that the execution of this Lease by electronic signature shall be
binding upon the Parties. The Parties further agree that an electronically stored copy of this Lease has the
same legal effect and enforceability as a paper original.
24.1 Lessee has read, or has had this Lease explained or read to him or her;
24.2 Lessee understands the Lease and agrees to abide by the terms of the Lease;
24.3 Lessee understands that the Leased Premises are provided as part of a federally funded program and
certain provisions of this Lease, particularly relating to rent, occupancy and termination are designed to
assure the proper use and fair allocation of a limited supply of federally assisted housing.
24.4 Lessee and all Household Members shall occupy the Leased Premises as their primary residence as of
the Effective Date of this Lease.
Signature ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: ____________________ _
Signature __________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name:
Signature ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name: _______________________________________