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Chapter 11. Experimental Design: One-Way Independent Samples Design
Advantages and Limitations
Comparing Two Groups
Comparing t Test to ANOVA
Independent Samples t Test
Independent Samples ANOVA
Comparing More Than Two Groups
Thinking Critically About Everyday Information
Case Analysis
General Summary
Detailed Summary
Key Terms
Review Questions/Exercises
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Advantages and Limitations
Now that we have introduced the basic concepts of behavioral research, the next five chapters discuss
specific research designs. Chapters 1114 focus on true experimental designs that involve experimenter
manipulation of the independent variable and experimenter control over the assignment of participants to
treatment conditions. Chapter 15 focuses on alternative research designs in which the experimenter does
not manipulate the independent variable and/or does not have control over the assignment of participants
to treatment conditions.
Let’s return to a topic and experimental design that we discussed earlier. Suppose we are interested
in the possible effect of TV violence on aggressive behavior in children. One fairly simple approach is to
randomly sample several day-care centers for participants. On a particular day, half of the children in each
day-care center are randomly assigned to watch Mister Rogers for 30 minutes, and the other half watch
Beast Wars for 30 minutes. The children are given the same instructions by one of the day-care personnel
and watch the TV programs in identical environments. Following the TV program, the children play for
30 minutes, and the number of aggressive behaviors is observed and recorded by three experimenters who
are “blind” to which TV program each child saw. (You should be able to identify several experimental
control techniques in this description.)
The subject of this chapter is one-way independent samples designs. The term one-way means that
there is one independent variable (IV). In our example, the IV is level of TV violence. Independent
samples means that random assignment was used to create groups whose scores are independent of each
In our example, the independent variable has two levels. One level is a TV program with violence,
and the other level is a TV program without violence. Thus, we have one dependent variable and one
independent variable with two levels (see Table 11.1).
Our design has several advantages. As noted in Chapter 9, our use of random sampling, at least in
the geographical area that we are conducting the experiment, helps avoid bias that might be created by
choosing one particular day-care center. It also permits us to generalize from our sample to the population
of day-care centers from which our sample was drawn. Our use of random assignment is designed to
avoid confounding variables associated with selection of participants. Can you imagine the characteristics
of the two groups if you asked for volunteers to watch Mister Rogers and volunteers to watch Beast
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Wars? The two groups would almost certainly be different before you even introduced the independent
variable. Also, it is clear that we have a control group (TV program without violence) with which to
compare the children who receive the TV violence.
As we have mentioned, no design is perfect, and this design has limitations. We know that our two
experimental conditions have different children in them. These different children have different
backgrounds and different personalities that will certainly influence their aggressiveness regardless of the
TV program watched. Although random assignment is a technique designed to equate the groups at the
start, there is no guarantee that they are in fact equated. Thus, the fact that there are different participants
in the different groups constitutes an important source of random error. As we know, random error makes
it more difficult to identify variability in the scores that is due to the independent variable. We will
explore designs (correlated samples designs) that attempt to deal with this problem in the next chapter.
Comparing Two Groups
In our example, we have two groups. This is the same as saying there are two conditions or two levels of
the independent variable. A two-group study is the simplest design that incorporates a number of
experimental control techniques. Let’s look at some data that might be recorded from this study (see
Table 11.2).
From the table we can see that 48 children were randomly sampled and n=24 children were
randomly assigned to each of the two experimental groups. The numbers in each cell represent our
dependent variablethe number of aggressive behaviors that were observed. Clearly, the mean number of
aggressive behaviors for children who watched the TV program with violence is somewhat higher than
that for children who watched the TV program without violence.
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In addition to this variability between the groups, there is also variability within the groups (as
indicated by the standard deviation) such that scores were, on average, about 3 units from their respective
means. The variability within the groups (also called error variability) is due to random error; the
variability between the groups is due to any systematic error due to confounds plus any systematic
variability due to the type of TV program. Thus:
Variability Within Groups (error variability) = Random Error (extraneous variables)
Variability Between Groups = Systematic Error (confounds) + Systematic Variability
(effect of IV)
Recall from Chapter 8 that random error includes extraneous variables such as individual differences in
the participants, characteristics of the experimenter, and characteristics of the experimental procedure.
Systematic error includes many of the same factors but in circumstances in which the error creates
unintended differences between the groups.
The goal is for our experimental design and procedures to reduce random error due to extraneous
variables, to eliminate systematic error due to confounds, and to maximize the systematic variability due
to manipulation of the independent variable. Although this is our goal, we in fact expect some degree of
error in the scores. Thus, we expect some difference between the two group means even if there is
absolutely no effect of the independent variable. So, the basic question is whether the difference between
the two group means is due to error alone or due to error plus an effect of the independent variable (TV
Comparing t Test to ANOVA
Let’s return to the data in Table 11.1. Notice that we have already used descriptive statistics (mean and
standard deviation) to summarize the data. We now need to use inferential statistics to determine whether
our independent variable had a significant effect on our dependent variable. That is, did the level of TV
violence have an effect on aggressive behavior? We actually have two options. An independent samples
design with two groups can be analyzed with either an independent samples t test or a one-way
independent samples ANOVA. Recall from Chapter 10 that parametric tests require assumptions of
normality and homogeneity of variance. If there is reason to suspect that these assumptions are seriously
violated in an independent samples design, then a nonparametric test such as the MannWhitney test is
more appropriate. For the examples in this chapter, we will assume normality of the data and
homogeneity of variance.
Whereas t tests are restricted to the comparison of two groups, ANOVAs can be used with two
groups or more. In either case, the inferential statistic is based on a ratio of variability between groups to
variability due to error.
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Inferential Statistic =
Let’s look at each one.
Independent Samples t Test
The independent samples t test uses the difference between the two group means as a measure of
variability between groups and uses the standard error of the difference between means as a measure of
error variability.
t =
The difference between the two group means is a straightforward calculation. The standard error of the
difference between means tells you, on average, how different the two group means should be if the
difference is due solely to error variability. If you examine the formulas in a statistics book, you will see
that the standard error is based on the variance of the scores within each of the groups.
If the null hypothesis (H
) is truethat is, there is no effect of the independent variablethen you
would expect the difference between the two group means to be small and the t-statistic to be near 0. If,
on the other hand, the null hypothesis is false, then you would expect the difference between the two
group means to be large (in either a positive or a negative direction) relative to the standard error. This
would produce a t-statistic that has a value away from 0 (in either a positive or a negative direction). The
larger the absolute value of the t-statistic, the lower is the probability that the difference between the
group means is due solely to error variability. If the probability is low enough (lower than the alpha
level), then we reject the null hypothesis (H
) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H
). We conclude that
the independent variable had an effect.
Because this is not a statistics book, we are not going to present the detailed calculations of the t-
statistic here. You can consult a statistics textbook for the relevant formulas. Most people now do the
statistical analyses using a computer with statistical software. For the data presented in this example, the
output from one of these programs would include the information in Table 11.3.
This table shows that the t-statistic is 2.34, the degrees of freedom are 46, and the probability value
is 0.023. The probability value tells you the probability (likelihood) of obtaining that t-statistic assuming
the null hypothesis is true. Typically, researchers set their alpha level at .05 for deciding to reject the null
Variability Between Groups
Error Variability
Difference Between the Two Group Means
Standard Error of the Difference Between Means (Error)
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hypothesis. Because the probability is low enough (0.023 < .05), we decide to reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that there was a significant effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
Specifically, children who watched a TV program with violence showed significantly more aggressive
behaviors than children who watched a TV program without violence, t(46) = 2.34, p = 0.023.
Independent Samples ANOVA
As noted earlier, these same data could be analyzed with an independent samples analysis of variance
(ANOVA). By the way, the results based on a t test will always match those based on an ANOVA. The
logic of the ANOVA is very similar to that of the t test. Again, a ratio of variability between the groups to
error variability is calculated. The resulting statistic is referred to as the F-ratio.
F-ratio =
F-ratio =
Here, the numerator of the formula is not simply the difference between the group means. It is a measure
of variability based on how different the group means are. Therefore, whereas the t-statistic can have
negative values and has an expected value of 0, the F-ratio must be positive (because variability is always
positive) and has an expected value of 1. Remember that expected values are based on the null hypothesis
being true.
Output from a computer program would include the information in Table 11.4.
As in the analysis using the t test, the probability of the F-ratio (0.023) is less than the alpha level
(.05), so the decision would be to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the independent variable
had a significant effect on the dependent variable. Specifically, children who watched a TV program with
violence showed significantly more aggressive behaviors than children who watched a TV program
without violence, F(1,46) = 5.50, p = 0.023.
We hope that you get the sense that the independent samples design with two groups is a relatively
simple, yet powerful, design that requires a relatively simple analysis. We arrived at a conclusion without
too much effort. But let’s take a closer look at our conclusion.
Variability Between Group (Mean Sq
between groups
Error Variability (Mean Square
Treatment Effect + Systematic Error
Random Error
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Comparing More Than Two Groups
Based on the above experiment, we concluded that children who watched a TV program with violence
showed significantly more aggressive behaviors than children who watched a TV program without
violence. We bet that you are thinking the TV violence increased aggressive behaviors. We bet that most
people would think that and naturally conclude that violence on TV is “bad.” But is there another possible
interpretation of the results? Is it possible that the children who watched Beast Wars showed normal
levels of aggression and the children who watched Mister Rogers showed unusually low levels of
aggression? In other words, it could be that Beast Warshad no effect and Mister Rogers actually caused a
decrease in aggression. In fact, there is yet a third possibility: that Beast Warsincreased aggression and
Mister Rogers decreased aggression. This is a very important distinction and one that cannot be answered
with the design that we have used.
To help us distinguish among these possibilities, we could add a third group of children to our
experimental design. The experimental procedures would be the same as previously described with the
exception that there is an additional group of children who watch no TV program in the 30 minutes prior
to the observation period. This third group will serve as something of a baseline with which we can
compare the other two groups. Let’s add this third group to our hypothetical data set (see Table 11.5; note
that the number in each cell represents the score of a single participant).
An inspection of the group means suggests that it may be the Mister Rogers program that reduced
aggression in that group. We need to conduct analyses to tell us whether there are any significant
differences, and if so, where they are. A t test is not an option because it is restricted to the comparison of
two groups. Therefore, an independent samples ANOVA is the appropriate analysis. Output from a
computer program would include the information in Table 11.6.
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This output tells us that there is a significant difference among the three group means, F(2,69) =
3.90, p = 0.025. Because there are more than two groups, we cannot be sure where the differences are. To
determine this, we need to conduct a post hoc specific comparison test (such as Tukey HSD, Bonferroni,
or Sheffé). Output from a Tukey HSD showed that the means for Group 1 (TV Violence) and Group 3
(No TV) are significantly higher than the mean for Group 2 (No Violence). Therefore, we can now
conclude that watching Mister Rogers for 30 minutes significantly reduced aggressive behavior when
compared to watching either Beast Wars or no TV.
It is important to note that post hoc specific comparison tests are only applied when there are more
than two groups and the F-statistic in the ANOVA is significant. Sometimes, the researcher plans
comparisons between specific groups before the experiment is conducted. In these situations, the
experimenter can apply an a priori specific comparison test (planned comparisons) even if the F-
statistic in the ANOVA is not significant (see an advanced statistics book for a complete discussion of
specific comparison tests).
Although the independent samples design seems simple and easy to identify, it possesses important
characteristics that require a critical evaluation. Practice your skills by considering research that studied
video games (see Thinking Critically About Everyday Information).
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Thinking Critically About Everyday Information: Can Video Games Sharpen Your Mind?
CBS News reported on a set of studies that examined the relationship between playing video games and
skills in processing visual information. Portions of the report are shown below:
Study: Video Games Hone the Mind
All those hours spent playing video games may not be wasted time after all: A new study suggests
action-packed video games like “Grand Theft Auto III” and “Counter-Strike” may sharpen your
Researchers at the University of Rochester found that young adults who regularly played
video games full of high-speed car chases and blazing gun battles showed better visual skills than
those who did not. For example, they kept better track of objects appearing simultaneously and
processed fast-changing visual information more efficiently.
In the Rochester study, 16 men ages 18 to 23 took a series of tests that measured their ability
to locate the position of a blinking object, count the number of simultaneous objects on a screen
and pick out the color of an alphabet letter. Those who played video games for the previous six
months (self-report on a questionnaire) performed better in all those tests than those who did not.
Before we read about the next study that was reported, think about the following:
How many groups were compared?
Did the researchers use an independent samples design?
Although the report suggests a causal link between video gaming and visual perception skills, what is
an alternative interpretation for the results?
How might you design a true experiment to answer the same research question?
Now that you’ve thought about these questions, let’s continue with the report:
To rule out the possibility that visually adept people are simply drawn toward video games, the
researchers conducted a second experiment. They found that people who do not normally play
video games but were trained to play them developed enhanced visual perception.
In a separate test, a group of 17 who never played video games were trained to play the
military game “Medal of Honor” and the puzzle game “Tetris.” After playing for 10 days, those
who learned “Medal of Honor” scored better on the performance tests than those who didn’t.
Let’s return to some critical thinking questions:
The researchers understood that there was an alternative interpretation for the first study. Based on the
description in the last paragraph, did the researcher do a good job of resolving the issue? Do you
believe that the second study represents a true experiment?
Although the second study represents a research design similar to what will be discussed in the next
chapter (thus, you may not be familiar with the issues involved), do believe that the second study
convincingly demonstrates an effect of video gaming on visual perception? Can you think of an
alternative explanation?
SOURCE: Retrieved June 30, 2003, online at
Reprinted with permission of The Associated Press.
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The studies discussed so far in this chapter represent true experiments that included manipulation of the
independent variable and random assignment of participants to conditions. Many studies closely mimic a
true experiment but lack one or more essential characteristics. In some cases, the investigator may
manipulate the independent variable but be unable to randomly assign participants to conditions. Such
designs are termed quasi-experiments and are very similar to true experiments except for the important
feature of random assignment. It is important to distinguish between a true experiment and a
quasi-experiment because the conclusions that may be drawn from the research depend upon this
distinction. The degree of risk in inferring causal relationships is much greater with quasi-experiments.
Let’s look at an example of a quasi-experiment that resembles a true experiment. To investigate the
effect of TV violence, a researcher selects two day-care centers to participate in the study. In one day-care
center, the experimenter presents Mister Rogers; in the other day-care center, the experimenter
presentsBeast Wars. In both day-care centers, the researcher observes the number of aggressive behaviors
during a play period following the TV programs. Assume that the data collected are identical to those for
the first study in this chapter (see Table 11.7).
The results from the t test or ANOVA would again show the difference between the two group
means to be significant. Can we conclude that the manipulation of the independent variable (level of TV
violence) caused a change in the dependent variable (aggressive behavior)? The answer is no. The
difference in aggressiveness may be due to differences that already existed between the children in the
two day-care centers. It is likely that these two day-care centers differ in many ways other than the type of
TV program that was presented. They may differ in quality of the staff, types of activities, typical TV
programming, income level of the children’s parents, educational level of the children’s parents, and
many other factors. The differences that were observed in the children’s aggressiveness could be due to
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one or more of these other factors rather than to the type of TV program presented by the researcher.
Unfortunately, we cannot choose among these alternative interpretations. On the other hand, if this study
had used random assignment of participants, alternative interpretations would have been eliminated and
strong, confident conclusions could have been drawn.
Other examples of quasi-experiments are cross-sectional research designs. Developmental
psychologists are often interested in how the behaviors of individuals may change across portions of the
life span or across the entire life span. We could ask the question “Do people’s responses to violence on
TV change as they develop from young children to school-age children to teenagers?” An approach using
a cross-sectional design might involve testing children of different specific age groups and then making
comparisons across the age groups. Once again, notice that the researcher can manipulate the
independent variable (level of TV violence) but does not use random assignment to form the age groups.
The different age groups are preexisting groups.
When quasi-experiments are conducted using an experimental group and a comparison group, there
is always concern about the equality of the two (or more) groups because random assignment is absent.
Any differences between the two groups could be due to the treatment that only the experimental group
received or to differences between participants in the two groups (perhaps brighter, healthier, or more
motivated in one group than the other). Researchers conducting quasi-experiments may try to minimize
participant differences by selecting participants as similar as possible for the two groups, but this is very
difficult. There is no way to be sure that the composition of participants in the two groups will be equal,
but a random assignment procedure comes closest to achieving this goal.
As we have just discussed, quasi-experiments involve manipulation of an independent variable but
lack random assignment. Other studies may lack both manipulation of the independent variable and
random assignment. Common examples include many typical undergraduate studies that involve
comparisons of gender, race, socioeconomic status, fraternity/sorority status, and other preexisting
characteristics. Because these are not true experiments, strong causeeffect conclusions cannot be made.
These types of studies will be discussed further in Chapter 15.
Case Analysis
One important area of behavioral research involves attempts to reduce the occurrence of risky sexual
behaviors in teenagers. A recent study showed that a high school program taught by teachers was more
effective in the long term than a similar program taught by peers (Fisher, Fisher, & Bryan, 2002). You
decide to determine whether the same principle applies to drug education. Using three high schools, you
implement a teacher-based program in one school, a peer-based program in a second school, and no
program in a third school. For the dependent variable, you ask students to anonymously report the number
of times they have used drugs in the previous month. You measure level of drug use at the beginning of
the school year and at the end of the school year and calculate a “change” score by subtracting one from
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the other. Thus, a score of 0 would indicate no change, a positive score would indicate an increase in drug
use, and a negative score would indicate a decrease in drug use. From the samples tested in each high
school, you obtain the statistics shown in Tables 11.811.10.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Based on the ANOVA, is there a significant effect of type of program on drug use?
2. Based on the post hoc analysis, which groups differ from each other?
3. Write a conclusion for the study that includes the direction of the effects.
4. Was this study a true experiment?
5. Can you conclude that the programs caused a change in drug use? Why or why not?
6. Identify at least two variables that were not measured but that may be confounding variables?
7. How could the study be improved so that the conclusion would be stronger?
General Summary
An independent samples design is a true experiment characterized by random assignment of participants
to conditions and manipulation of the independent variable. In conjunction with the use of control groups,
this design permits causeeffect conclusions and results in fewer alternative interpretations of the data.
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Such conclusions are derived from the use of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (t test,
Quasi-experiments are similar to true experiments with the exception that there is no random
assignment of participants to conditions. Thus, there is no experimental procedure that adequately equates
the groups prior to introduction of the independent variable. Therefore, quasi-experiments do not lend
themselves to causeeffect conclusions. Differences between the groups could be due to a host of factors
other than the independent variable.
The next chapter will explore true experiments that consist of correlated samples.
Detailed Summary
1. When a research design is a “one-way” design, it involves only one independent variable. When a
research design is an “independent samples” design, random assignment is used to place participants
into comparison groups.
2. Random assignment is the best method to create initial equality of comparison groups before the
independent variable is introduced. Thus, random assignment is designed to eliminate potential
confounds. However, the technique does not guarantee equality of groups, and random error due to
individual differences is still expected.
3. In a two-group study, the variability of the scores is composed of variability within groups and
variability between groups. Variability within groups is the result of extraneous variables. Variability
between groups is the result of confounding variables plus the effect of the independent variable.
4. The objective of the researcher is to reduce extraneous variables and confounds so that any effect of
the independent variable is revealed.
5. An independent samples design with two groups can be analyzed with either an independent samples
t test or a one-way independent samples analysis of variance (ANOVA). The t tests are restricted to
the comparison of two groups while ANOVAs are appropriate when there are two or more groups.
6. The t-statistic in a t test is a standardized score that reflects the size of the difference between the two
group means. The t-statistic can be used to determine the probability that the difference was simply
due to chance. If that probability is low enough (less than the alpha level, usually .05), then the
researcher can reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesisthat is, conclude that
there was a significant effect.
7. The F-ratio in an analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a standardized score that reflects the degree to
which the variability between groups is greater than the variability within groups. Like the t-statistic,
the F-ratio is used to determine the probability that the difference between group means is significant.
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8. An independent samples design with more than two groups should be analyzed with ANOVA. To
determine where differences may exist between specific groups, a priori planned comparisons or post
hoc comparisons can be performed.
9. Quasi-experiments are similar to true experiments in that the researcher manipulates the independent
variable but different in that the researcher does not randomly assign participants to the comparison
groups. Absence of random assignment creates a greater concern that differences between the
comparison groups are the result of confounding variables rather than manipulation of the
independent variable. Thus, causeeffect conclusions are typically unwarranted and should only be
made with great caution.
Key Terms
a priori specific comparison test
cross-sectional research
independent samples t test
one-way independent samples ANOVA
post hoc specific comparison test
Review Questions / Exercises
1. Summarize the essential characteristics of a one-way independent samples research design.
2. Briefly describe a true experiment regarding the effectiveness of a particular drug for which an
independent samples t test would be the appropriate inferential statistic.
3. Briefly describe a true experiment regarding the effectiveness of a particular drug for which an
independent samples ANOVA would be the appropriate inferential statistic.
4. Briefly describe a quasi-experiment regarding the effectiveness of a particular drug for which an
independent samples ANOVA would be the appropriate inferential statistic.
5. In your own words, describe the purpose of post hoc specific comparison tests, including a
description of when it is appropriate to use them.