Notice to All Counsel re: Song-Beverly Cases
In cases involving the Song-Beverly Act, the Court will entertain entry of a Case Management
Order pursuant to California Rule of Court 3.727 and CCP § 2019.020(b) at the initial Case
Management Conference. Parties in these cases are ordered to review and be prepared to discuss
whether the court should enter the proposed Case Management Order at the Case Management
<Case Title>
CASE NUMBER <Case Number>
Case Management Order (Song-Beverly Litigation)
1. General Orders:
a. The Court finds that under California Rule of Court 3.727 and CCP §
2019.020(b) that the sequence and timing of discovery in this matter
should be the subject of management by the Court in the interests of
justice, given the nature of the allegations in the Complaint and the
defenses raised in the Answer.
b. Absent written agreement of the parties to the contrary, other than initial
disclosures made pursuant to CCP § 2016.090, any formal discovery
propounded and currently pending or outstanding by a party in this
matter prior to the date of this Case Management Order is stayed pending
further order of the Court.
c. A party may also seek to modify and/or delete any of these orders, via
noticed motion, upon showing of good cause.
d. Items 2-6 below shall be considered the initial or Phase I discovery. Any
additional discovery or Phase II shall be permitted, if necessary, as set for
in section 7.
e. This order shall not affect the parties’ obligations under CCP § 2016.090.
2. Production of Documents: If not otherwise provided sooner, within 45 days
of entry of this order both Plaintiff and Defendant shall provide copies of the
following documents, which are in their respective possession, custody and/or
control, to the opposing side(s):
a. All purchase or lease contracts concerning the subject vehicle, including
any associated documents reflecting Original Equipment Manufacturer
aftermarket equipment installed at the dealership, Extended Limited
Warranties or service contracts, and any other writings signed by the
plaintiff at the point of sale.
b. All work orders, repair orders, and invoices (including accounting and
warranty versions) for any maintenance, service and repair activity
concerning the subject vehicle.
c. All rental car or loaner agreements regarding alternate transportation
provided during service or repair visits concerning the subject vehicle.
d. All records of communications with dealer personnel, factory
representatives, and Defendants call center or customer assistance
personnel concerning the subject vehicle.
e. All warranty claims submitted to and/or approved by Defendant
concerning the subject vehicle.
f. All Warranty Policy and Procedure Manual or similar policies or claim-
handling procedures published by Defendant from the date the subject
vehicle was purchased or leased to the date the lawsuit was filed.
g. All of Defendants written statements of policy and/or procedures used to
evaluate customer requests for repurchase or replacement pursuant to
"Lemon Law" claims, including those brought under the Song-Beverly
Consumer Warranty Act, from the date the subject vehicle was purchased
or leased to the date the lawsuit was filed.
h. All documents concerning any internal analysis or investigation
regarding the alleged defects claimed by plaintiff in vehicles purchased in
California for the same year, make and model of the subject vehicle.
i. A list or compilation of customer complaints in Defendants
electronically stored information database that are substantially similar to
the alleged defects claimed by Plaintiff in vehicles purchased in
California for the same year, make, and model of the subject vehicle. A
substantially similar customer complaint would be the same nature of
reported symptom, malfunction, dashboard indicator light, or other
manifestation of a repair problem as the description listed in any work
order or repair order for the subject vehicle, other than routine or
scheduled maintenance items. The list provided by Defendant may be in
a chart or spreadsheet format and shall include the VIN, date of repair
visit, dealership or other reporting location, and text of the other
customersreported complaint, but shall not include the other customers
names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or other personal
identifying information.
j. All Technical Service Bulletins and Recall Notices for vehicles
purchased or leased in California for the same year, make and model of
the subject vehicle.
k. Any repair instruction, bulletin, or other diagnostic/repair procedure
identified in any of the repair order/invoice records for the subject
l. All receipts or other written evidence supporting any incidental or
consequential damages claimed by Plaintiff.
The information identified above may be provided to the opposing party in
electronic form at the option of the producing party.
Any additional requests for documents may only be propounded by written
stipulation and/or court order (via motion upon showing of good cause).
3. Interrogatories: Within the time limits allowed by law, both Plaintiff and
Defendant may initially propound one set of Judicial Council Form
Interrogatories and one set of a maximum of 35 special interrogatories. Any
additional special interrogatories may only be propounded by written stipulation
and/or court order.
4. Depositions: Within the time limits allowed by law:
a. Defendant may depose Plaintiff.
b. Plaintiff may depose Defendants person(s) most qualified (PMQ). The
Court initially limits matters for examination to 10 categories. No documents
beyond those authorized herein shall be requested as part of any non-expert
c. Parties may depose any experts identified in an expert witness list exchanged
pursuant to CCP § 2034.210, et seq.
d. If a deponent resides out of state, the deposition may be taken by video
conference or telephone. The deponents are not required to travel to
California, and the attorneys are not required to travel out of state.
e. Parties shall meet and confer as to whether there is a need to take any
additional depositions. Any additional depositions may only be noticed and
taken by written stipulation and/or court order.
5. Requests for Admission: Within the time limits allowed by law, both plaintiff
and defendant may propound one set of a maximum of 35 requests for
admission. Any additional requests for admission may only be propounded by
stipulation and/or court order.
6. Vehicle Inspection: Within the time limits allows by law, the subject vehicle
shall be inspected by the parties at a mutual agreeable time and place. Unless
otherwise agreed by the parties or modified by the Court upon motion by a
party, the vehicle inspection (VI) process shall be as follows:
a. Defendant shall show Plaintiff's representative proof of insurance for the
person/company who will be road testing the subject vehicle.
b. The VI shall commence at 9:00 a.m. at an authorized service and repair
facility closest to Plaintiff's residence and may continue until no later than
5:00 p.m. that same day.
c. Plaintiff shall deliver the vehicle to the noticed place of inspection. If the
subject vehicle has a dead battery, Plaintiffs counsel shall notify Defendants
counsel at least one court day before the VI, and the VI shall proceed with
Defendant paying for the tow or jump start to the place of inspection and
taking reasonable steps to retrieve stored diagnostic codes and other onboard
data before the battery is recharged or replaced.
d. Defendant shall provide Plaintiffs representative with duplicate copies of all
paper and electronic documents created during and because of the VI, such as
test results, the stored codes in the vehicles internal network or in its control
units, alignment sheets, etc.
e. If the subject vehicle is in then-current use by the Plaintiff and if requested in
writing within a reasonable time prior to the VI, Plaintiff shall be provided a
loaner or rental vehicle paid for by Defendant for the duration of the VI,
conditioned on plaintiff providing standard rental car disclosures such as
proof of a current drivers license and insurance coverage and with plaintiff
responsible for the loaner vehicles fuel. The loaner vehicle need not be the
same model or type as the subject vehicle unless Plaintiff agrees to pay for an
f. Defendant shall be permitted to run tests of relevant electronic control units
(“ECU) and components, conditioned on Defendant maintaining,
downloading, or printing out stored data on the existing condition or
historical information stored in an ECU.
g. Plaintiffs representative is permitted to conduct video and audio recording of
the VI.
7. Phase II Discovery: Discovery beyond that enumerated in sections 2-6 above
(Phase I) is stayed pursuant to CCP § 2019.020(b) as well as California Rule of
Court 3.727 and the Court’s inherent authority to actively manage cases. To the
extent any party concludes additional discovery is necessary beyond Phase I, that
party shall by application or motion request such Phase II discovery. In advance of
any such request the parties are ordered to meet and confer regarding the additional
discovery needed to prepare this case for trial. Any motion or application seeking
to commence Phase II discovery shall specifically identify the contemplated
additional discovery and shall include a statement of the parties’ respective
positions re same. In evaluating that request, the Court may on its own motion
entertain the appointment of a discovery referee pursuant to CCP § 639. Parties
intending to establish an economic inability to pay a pro rata share of the referees
fee are to submit an evidentiary declaration substantiating their inability to pay
with the request for additional discovery. Any party seeking Phase II discovery
shall do so promptly so as to ensure completion prior to the discovery cut-off.
8. Civility: Counsel are reminded to abide by the California Rules of Professional
Conduct, California Attorney Guidelines of Civility and Professionalism, and the
Civility Guidelines set forth in the Preface to Local Rules of the Superior Court,
County of Orange.
9. Sanctions: Failure to comply with this Order, which results in subsequent
discovery motions, may result in (a) sanctions as allowed by law, (b) an order for
further in person or telephonic meet and confer (fees for which will not be
recoverable in fees motion); and/or (c) the appointment of a discovery referee as
allowed by law.
<Judges Name>
Judge of the Superior Court