Submit completed CAP form and CAP Acknowledgement form to the Admissions Office after completing application online.
See reverse side for CAP registration procedure.
____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________
Last Name First Name SCC Student #
_________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________
Email Phone # DOB: mm/dd/yy
Grade: K – 8 9 10 11 12 Semester____________ Year__________
Check this box if you have previously taken a course at Santiago Canyon College.
Check this box if you are an International Student (F1/F2 Visa).
Student’s Signature ________________________________________________________ ________________________
Parent’s Name _____________________________________________ __________________________________________
Last Name First Name
Parent’s Signature _________________________________________________________ __________________________
Registration is only allowed for courses approved and listed on CAP form.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Name of School (please print) Name of Principal/Counselor (please print)
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Subject & Course Number (ex. BIOL-109) - Only one course per line Principal/Counselor Signature *
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Subject & Course Number (ex. BIOL-109) - Only one course per line Principal/Counselor Signature *
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Subject & Course Number (ex. BIOL-109) - Only one course per line Principal/Counselor Signature *
* I certify that this student’s enrollment adheres to and complies with the relevant Education Code Sections for
Concurrent Enrollment. (see reverse side)
SCC Department Dean’s approval/signature required for students under 15 years of age or below 9
______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Dean’s Name Dean’s Signature
Verify school grade & age Signatures on both forms Entered in STPE Clerk’s Initials ________________ Date __________
1. Complete college application online.
2. Placement testing is required of students enrolling in English, Reading, Mathematics, and advanced Chemistry courses. The student may
schedule a Placement Test online at
3. Print and complete Career Advanced Placement (CAP) form and CAP Acknowledgement form.
4. Obtain the signature of a parent, high school principal/counselor. Students under 15 years of age or below 9
grade must obtain additional
approval and signature from Santiago Canyon College Department Dean. Both the student and parent must be present to meet with the
5. Submit completed and signed CAP form and CAP Acknowledgement form to the Admissions & Records Office (E-101) in person, before
your registration date. Online registration is restricted until the CAP form is submitted.
6. The Enrollment Fee is waived for students who are in grades 9-12 and who are enrolled less than full time at Santiago Canyon College
(less than 12 units for Fall/Spring semesters and less than 6 units for Summer session). If the student is enrolled full time at SCC, the
student will be charged the current enrollment fee for all units. Students must also pay all other college fees.
7. Students who are currently enrolled in grades K-8 are required to pay enrollment fee and all other college fees.
8. The parent’s signature indicates that the student has permission to take classes at Santiago Canyon College and assumes full responsibility
for their young adult’s conduct while in class and on campus. The parent and student agree to abide by all rules and regulations regarding
student conduct at Santiago Canyon College, as listed in the Student Handbook.
9. Use of course(s) toward high school graduation:
a. Upon completion of the course(s), request an official transcript from Santiago Canyon College to be forwarded to your high school.
Advise your high school of the transcript request and indicate course(s) that you wish to use toward high school graduation.
b. The high school must evaluate the Santiago Canyon College transcript to determine which college credit classes will be used for high
school credit. After evaluation, the high school makes the appropriate allowances for Santiago Canyon College credit on the student’s
high school record, according to Title V, Section 1630.
Section 1. Section 48800 of the Education Code: 48800. (a) The governing board of a school district may determine which pupils would benefit from advanced
scholastic or vocational work. The intent of this section is to provide educational enrichment opportunities for a limited number of eligible pupils, rather than
to reduce current course requirements of elementary and secondary schools. The governing board may authorize those pupils, upon recommendation of the
principal of the pupil’s school of attendance, and with parental consent, to attend a community college during any session or term as special part-time or full-
time students and to undertake one or more courses of instruction offered at the community college level. (b) If the governing board denies a request for a
special part-time or full-time enrollment at a community college for any session or term for a pupil who is identified as highly gifted, the board shall issue its
written recommendation and the reasons for the denial within 60 days. The written recommendation and denial shall be issued at the next regularly scheduled
board meeting that falls at least 30 days after the request has been submitted. (c) The students shall receive credit for community college courses that they
complete at the level determined appropriate by the school district and community college district governing boards. (d) The principal of a school may only
recommend a pupil for community college summer session if that pupil meets all the following criteria: (1) Demonstrates adequate preparation in the discipline
to be studied. (2) Exhausts all opportunities to enroll in an equivalent course, if any, at his or her school of attendance. (3) For any particular grade level, a
principal may not recommend for community college summer session attendance more than 5 percent of the total number of pupils who completed that grade
immediately prior to the time of recommendation. (4) Notwithstanding Article 3 (commencing with Section 33050) of Chapter 1 of Part 20, compliance with
this subdivision may not be waived.
Section 2. Section 48800.5 of the Education Code: 48800.5 (a) A parent or guardian of a pupil, regardless of the pupil’s age or class level, may petition of the
governing board of the school district in which the pupil is enrolled to authorized the attendance of the pupil at a community college as a special full-time
student on the ground that the pupil would benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational work that would thereby be available. If the governing board denies
the petition, the pupil’s parent or guardian may file an appeal with the county board of education, which shall render a final decision on the petition in writing
within 30 days. (b) A pupil who attends a community college as a special full-time student pursuant to this section is exempt from compulsory school attendance
under Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 46100) of Part 26. (c) A parent or guardian of a pupil who is not enrolled in a public school may directly petition the
president of any community college to authorize the attendance of the pupil at the community college as a special part-time or full-time student on the ground
that the pupil would benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational work that would thereby be available. (d) Any pupil authorized to attend a community
college as a special full-time student shall, nevertheless, be required to undertake courses of instruction of a scope and duration sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of law. (e) For purposes of allowances and apportionments from the State School Fund, a community college shall be credited with additional
units of average daily attendance attributable to the attendance of special full-time students at the community college.
Section 3. Section 48802 of the Education Code: 48802. (a) For purposes of allowances and apportionments from Section B of the State School Fund, a
community college shall be credited with additional units of average daily attendance attributable to the attendance of pupils at the community college as
special part-time students pursuant to this article and as set forth in Section 76002. (b) A school district whose pupils attend a community college as special
part-time students pursuant to this article shall, for purposes of allowances and apportionments from Section A of the State School Fund, continue to receive
credit for attendance by those pupils computed in the manner prescribed by law, and a pupil’s attendance at school for the minimum school day shall be
deemed a day of attendance for purposes of making the computation.
Career Advanced Placement (CAP) Acknowledgement
Dear Career Advanced Placement (CAP) Student,
You are registering for a college class. There are a few things you need to know about college credit classes. This is
a limited program geared toward educational enrichment not remediation.
You will be receiving college credits for this class whether or not you choose to use it toward high school
graduation. This means that you will have a college transcript listing the class or classes that you are taking and
the grades that you receive. You are establishing a permanent record with the college.
You are required to attend class until the end of the semester unless you decide to drop the class online prior
to the deadline identified in the schedule of classes. The drop deadline is set when 75% of the course has been
completed or 10% of the course if less than a full-semester course. You will receive a “W” grade when you drop
after the first two weeks of a full semester or after the first week of the summer session. Please read class
section details listed in WebAdvisor (Online Records) for important refund and drop deadlines.
Be sure to attend all classes. Material covered in college courses is at a faster pace than high school classes.
Expect to spend twice as much time outside of class as you do in class completing assignments and homework.
The Enrollment Fee is waived for students who are in grades 9-12 and who are enrolled less than full time at
Santiago Canyon College (less than 12 units for Fall/Spring semesters and less than 6 units for Summer session).
If the student is enrolled full time at SCC, the student will be charged the current enrollment fee for all units.
Students must also pay all other college fees.
Students who are currently enrolled in grades K-8 are required to pay enrollment fee and all other college fees.
The enrollment fee is $46 per unit. All concurrently enrolled students are charged health fees.
Santa Ana and Santiago Canyon Colleges maintain open campuses. Students function under Standards of Student
Conduct (Board Policy 5201), and there is an expectation that adult behavior will be displayed by students on campus.
Academic honesty is a requirement and sanctions are identified in course overviews which are distributed by faculty
on the first day of class. Students are responsible for their own transportation and materials on campus.
College students receive priority for registration. Under the California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 58108
“a district may establish a priority registration system which would accord adult students higher registration priority”.
Therefore, high school students are only able to register during their assigned registration time during the week prior
to the start of the term.
The transcript information is confidential and is only accessible by the student. All student record information is
confidential and not accessible to parents or guardians.
Student’s Name ___________________________________________ SCC Student #________________________
(please print)
Student’s Signature ________________________________________ Date _______________________________
Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________________________________
(please print)
Parent’s Signature ________________________________________ Date _______________________________