Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Report of the
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Subcommittee Chair
Deborah E. Lechner, PT, MS
Subcommittee Members
Gunnar Andersson, MD, Ph.D.
Mary Barros-Bailey, Ph.D.
Sylvia E. Karman, Project Director
Occupational Information Development
Social Security Administration
September 1, 2009
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Methodology and Procedures...............................................................................3
Physical Demands Subcommittee Recommendations..........................................7
Definition of Terms..............................................................................................21
References .........................................................................................................25
Appendix A .........................................................................................................29
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Purpose/Mission and the Role of Subcommittee: The purpose/mission of the
Physical Demands Subcommittee is to provide recommendations to the OIDAP
regarding the development of the physical demands content model and
components of a new Occupational Information System (OIS). This new OIS will
serve as a long-term replacement for the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT),
the Selected Characteristics of Occupations (SCO), and the Revised Handbook
for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ).
Each occupation in the new OIS will be described to some extent by the physical
demands and requirements of the occupation. Our recommendations will focus
on the following categories of physical demands:
I. Manual Materials Handling/Strength;
II. Postures and Positions;
III. Mobility and Movement;
IV. Psychomotor;
V. Sensory; and,
VI. Environmental.
Each of these categories will have a list of physical demands. For example, the
Manual Materials Handling/Strength would have:
Pushing; and,
Many of these physical demands would have further qualifiers such as one-handed
vs. two-handed lifting, carrying pushing and pulling, and would be rated according
to duration and repetition.
The Physical Demands Subcommittee will also discuss the issues with the present
“level of gross physical activity” (i.e., Sedentary, Light, Medium, etc.) that is
consistent with an individual’s overall physical residual functional capacity (RFC).
SSA needs such a schema at Steps Four and Five of their sequential disability
determination process.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Methodology and Procedures
The Physical Demands Subcommittee investigated and deliberated on the
physical demands components of the OIS to inform its recommendations in the
following manner:
Panel Meetings Involving Relevant Presentations: Members of the Physical
Demands Subcommittee attended all meetings held by the Occupational
Information Development Advisory Panel (Panel) on the following dates:
February 23-25, 2009—Washington, DC
April 27-29, 2009—Atlanta, GA
June 9-11, 2009—Chicago, IL
During each of these Panel meetings, the Physical Demands Subcommittee
heard testimony from a variety of stakeholders (within and outside the Social
Security Administration (SSA)) regarding desired changes to the physical
demands in the current DOT, SCO and RHAJ. The Chair of the Physical
Demands Subcommittee presented a preliminary literature review at the June
2009 Panel meeting.
Formation of Subcommittees: The Physical Demands Subcommittee was
formed on February 25, 2009 and consisted of Deborah Lechner, PT, MS, Chair;
PhD, Gunnar Andersson, MD, PhD; Mary Barros-Bailey; and, Sylvia Karman,
Project Director, Occupational Information Development, Social Security
Activities of Subcommittees: The Physical Demands Subcommittee met five
April 2009—Panel meeting in Atlanta, GA
Via teleconference—May 2009
June 2009—Panel meeting in Chicago, IL
Via teleconference—July 29, 2009
Via teleconference—August 31, 2009
We have also exchanged information and research articles via email in
preparation for our subcommittee meetings.
Studies: A preliminary feasibility study was conducted in June 2009, pulling
data from Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs) that have been performed for
the purpose of long term private disability determination. The purpose of this
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
feasibility study is to determine the time required to perform a data transfer from
existing .tif files into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which would permit the data
to be analyzed. It was determined that sanitizing the records would involve five
minutes per record. Entering data into a spreadsheet or database would take
approximately 10 minutes per record. Over 900 records in which a
comprehensive set of tasks was evaluated are available. Accessing these
records would allow SSA to perform an exploratory factor analysis of physical
demands and is being considered.
Sources Consulted: Members of the Physical Demands Subcommittee
reviewed the physical components of existing general work taxonomies as well
as taxonomies used in the ergonomics literature for the purposes of classifying
the physical demands of work. See the bibliography and the Excel spreadsheet
in Appendix A of this report for details.
DDS/ODAR/Appellate Council Visits: Members of the Physical Demands
Subcommittee visited their local Disability Determination Services (DDS) offices
and the Maryland Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), and
Appellate Councils to observe the current DOT/SCO taxonomy being utilized in
SSA’s disability determination process and the adjudication of appeals.
Review of Recommended Documents and SSA Working Papers: Members
of the Physical Demands Subcommittee reviewed the following presentations
and SSA-prepared and recommended papers;
Working Paper: What is a Content Model?
Working Paper: Developing an Initial Classification System
Working Paper: Social Security Administration’s Legal,
Program and Technical/Data Occupational Information
Working Paper: SSA Plans and Methods for Developing a
Content Model: Key Questions to Be Addressed
Presentation: A History of Job Analysis (Mark A. Wilson,
In addition, the subcommittee reviewed user input from the following sources:
A Call to Update the DOT: Findings of the International
Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP),
Occupational Database Committee (Authors: Angela
Heitzman et al), The Rehab Professional, 17(2)
IARP OIDAP Survey Summary, July 2009, Final
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Occupational Information System Survey Comments: IARP,
August 3, 2009
Comments from National Organization of Social Security
Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR)
User Needs Analysis: Office of Disability Adjudication and
Review; Office of Appellate Operations: (Authors: Roth &
Dunn, SSA, OPDR).
User Needs Analysis: Maryland Disability Determination
Services (DDS) (Authors: Roth & Dunn, SSA, OPDR).
National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR)
OIDAP Committee – Collaborative Opinion: July 2009
Comments from the American Board of Vocational Experts
Comments from the American Physical Therapy
Comments from the American Occupational Therapy
Presentation by Georgina B. Huskey, President, National
Association of Disability Examiners
Presentation by Trudy Lyon-Hart, Secretary of the National
Council of Disability Determination Directors
*Included in Appendix F—Report of the User Needs and Relations Subcommittee
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Physical Demands Subcommittee Recommendations
Issues Considered
In its deliberations, the Physical Demands Subcommittee considered the
1) The application of the physical demands taxonomy within the
context of the Social Security Administration’s Five-Step process
for disability determination.
2) The efficacy or lack thereof of the current DOT/SCO physical
demands classification system.
3) The effects of a change of the current DOT/SCO physical demands
classification system on the medical and rehabilitation community
that also currently utilizes the DOT for private disability
determination and for workers’ compensation cases, and the extent
to which SSA and external users share requirements.
4) The input provided from stakeholders at the various Panel meetings
from February through June of 2009.
5) The input provided from stakeholders in the 2002 job analysis
research sponsored by the Department of Labor.
Specific Physical Elements (Demands)/ Recommended Level of Detail
In general, we feel that with the exception of a few areas, the current categories
of physical demands provided in the DOT/SCO provide a fairly adequate level of
detail. The physical demands that are not adequately covered are as follows:
1) Above v. below-waist lifting. There is currently no distinction
between above and below-waist lifting. We consider this to be a
problem when documenting the lifting requirements of various
occupations and comparing those requirements to individuals with
varying physical dysfunctions. For example, an individual who has
sustained an upper extremity dysfunction could possibly handle 30
lb lifting below waist but only able to sustain 10 lb of lifting above
waist. Conversely an individual with a lower extremity or back
dysfunction would likely be able to lift much better above waist than
below waist. Since there is such a high prevalence of applicants
who apply for Social Security disability with a low back
dysfunction/diagnosis, we believe that distinguishing between these
two types of lifting is important for SSA.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
2) Reaching levels and types defined. The current DOT defines
reaching as a physical demand of work. Claimants with shoulder
dysfunction can tolerate reaching at shoulder height and below
fairly well. However reaching above shoulder height is typically
problematic. Claimants with hand injuries and resulting swelling in
a dependent position, tolerate low reaching poorly. For these
reasons, we recommend that reaching be subcategorized into three
different heights a) Above shoulder; b) Shoulder to waist height;
and, c) Below waist. In addition, the reaching required should be
designated as either one-handed or two-handed reaching as noted
3) Addition of keyboarding and use of mouse/touchpad. Given the
frequency of computer use in today’s work environment, we feel
that the addition of keyboarding and use of pointing devices is
warranted. We feel that keyboarding involves a specialized type of
finger dexterity that justifies identifying it as a separate physical
demand. The use of the mouse requires reaching and handling.
The use of the touchpad requires fingering and sensation.
4) Addition of forceful gripping and forceful pinching. The current DOT
taxonomy addresses Handling and Fingering. Handling is
described as hand function that includes contact of the palm of the
hand with the object being handled. Fingering is described as
contact of the fingers only (not palm of hand) with the object being
handled. Neither of these descriptions address squeezing and
pinching motions of the hands and fingers respectively. In SSA
claimants with hand dysfunction resulting in weak or painful
gripping and pinching this hand function is not appropriately
addressed within the parameters of handling and fingering.
5) Documenting the uni- and bi-lateral requirements of occupations
Currently there are no classification options to address the
requirements of one hand in manual materials handling and forceful
exertions in the DOT/SCO. If an applicant with an injury or disease
affecting one arm applies for disability, there currently is no way to
compare the remaining residual functional capacity of his/her
unaffected arm to the one-handed requirements of the job. By
adding the following to the classification system, we feel that this
issue could be addressed:
One-handed lifting
One-handed carrying
One-handed push and pull
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
One-handed reaching
One-handed fingering
One-handed handling
6) Addition of trunk (body) rotation/twisting/lateral bending. The
current taxonomy in the DOT does not mention trunk/body rotation.
For claimants who have low back dysfunction, trunk rotation is often
a challenge and is required for many jobs. The trunk rotation can
be repetitive or it can be statically held while a hand and positional
task is performed.
7) Addition of neck rotation/twisting, bending and extension. The
current DOT taxonomy does not address neck rotation and
bending. For claimants with neck dysfunction (i.e., arthritis, cervical
disc disease, and cervical stenosis) the extent of neck rotation and
bending required for work is an important issue. The neck
movements can occur repetitively or held statically while an eye-
hand task is performed.
8) Addition of forward bending from sitting. The current DOT
taxonomy addresses only forward bending from a standing position.
However, some occupations require forward bending from a sitting
position as well. Occupations such as mechanics, electricians,
plumbers, painters are a few examples. Claimants with low back
dysfunction may have difficulty with this position.
9) Increased specificity for climbing. Currently the DOT taxonomy
addresses climbing. In the definition this can include climbing
stairs, ladders, poles, ropes, or scaffolding. The physical ability
required for each type of climbing is significantly different. Stair
climbing is the least demanding of all types of climbing because it
requires less hip and knee motion and strength. Ladder climbing
requires significantly more hip and knee motion and strength and
some use of the upper extremities. The physical demands of a
vertical ladder are greater than an A-frame ladder. Pole and rope
climbing requires similar hip and knee motion as ladder climbing
but significantly more arm strength than ladder climbing. Stair
climbing and climbing an A-frame ladder can typically be performed
with one hand or arm. The other types of climbing require bilateral
hand use. Climbing ramps may also need to be included.
10) Addition of Running. Not many professions require running. For
those that require running, however, the demand is an important
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
challenging occupational requirement. The current DOT does not
address running as a physical requirement.
11) Categories for Balance. The current DOT has a single
classification of balance. However, the balance required varies
greatly depending on the surface on which the worker must work.
For example, the balance required for walking on even surfaces is
much less than that required for uneven surfaces. The balance
required for ladder climbing, and beam and scaffold walking, is
much greater than that for level walking. For these reasons, we
recommend classifying balance into at least four categories: a)
Even/Level surfaces; b) Uneven/Irregular surfaces; c) Ladder
climbing; d) Beam and scaffold walking; and, e) Balancing by
walking on an incline.
12) Separate Classification of Sitting, Standing, and Walking. The
current DOT classifies sitting, standing, and walking as part of the
General Physical Category. We recommend that each of these
variables be classified separately and categorized according to
duration or percent of day spent in these activities.
13) Ability to Alternate Position. There are some sedentary jobs where
a sit-stand option is available. This identification borders on
accommodation. However, if the sit-stand option is available, it
opens up opportunities for employment that would otherwise be
14) Ability to Use Assistive Devices: In some work environments the
use of physical assistive devices is permitted and the work
environment lends itself to the use of these devices. In other
environments the use of assistive devices is not feasible. Notation
of the occupations that allow these devices would be helpful.
15) Operation of Foot Controls
: Needs to be added. Documentation of
whether one or two feet are required would be helpful in cases
where the applicant has use of only one foot such as the case if
applicants with an amputation or with paralysis or loss of sensation
of one foot.
16) Repetitive Twisting of Wrist: Needs to be added. Documentation
of the presence of this activity in an occupation would be important
to applicants with carpal tunnel, chronic tendonitis, and arthritis.
Individuals with these diagnoses tolerate repetitive turning of the
wrist and forearm poorly. These motions are present to some
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
degree in many manufacturing jobs and in the food processing
17) Handwriting. Needs to be added. Most occupations in today’s
environment required handwriting to some extent. The duration of
writing can affect the work tolerance of those with carpal tunnel and
Comprehensiveness: The Physical Demands Subcommittee believes that the
physical demands taxonomy should be as comprehensive as possible, covering
all physical demands that are required for work.
Specificity: The Physical Demands Subcommittee believes that the level of
specificity or detail of the content model and taxonomy should be carefully
balanced with practicality and feasibility in mind. Too little detail will result in the
frustration that has occurred with the current DOT expressed by many of the user
needs analyses and stakeholder presentations. Alternatively, too much detail will
render the system impractical and cumbersome to use. We believe that the level
of detail contained in many of the ergonomic taxonomies and assessment tools is
more detail that would be feasible or practical for SSA. However, we believe that
these tools can provide information that will be instructive for SSA in establishing
certain parameters for operational definitions. For example, we recommend that
SSA conduct a formal literature review of the topic of repetition to determine an
appropriate operational definition for repetitive.
Operational Definitions: Operational definitions are extremely important to the
reliability and validity of any data collection method for job analysis. The
definitions must be written in sufficient detail to allow job analysts to correctly
classify the physical demands. Our field experience in job analysis has shown
that positions such as bending/stooping are difficult to classify correctly and to
distinguish from standing or squatting/crouching without specific operational
definitions. Questions arise such as: How much forward bending has to occur in
order for the physical demand to be classified as stooping? Is it 10 degrees, 20
degrees, 30 degrees or more? Our experience indicates that it must be a visible
angle that can be clearly distinguished. We have come to appreciate that there is
no one magical number. However, an arbitrary cut point at least allows the
analysts to be consistent with one another and with themselves on a re-test
situation. The following provide a few examples:
Trunk angle required to distinguish stooping from
Knee angle required to separate squatting from
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Shoulder angle for reaching high, low, medium;
Force for forceful gripping as distinct from handling;
Number of consecutive steps to be considered
walking vs. standing.
Recommended Rating System for Specific Demands
Significant controversy surrounds the issue of measurement parameters of the
physical demands. However, most agree that some sort of classification system
of the extent of repetition as well as duration should be included.
Low Repetition:1-12 times per hour
Moderate: 13-30 times per hour
High: 31 to 60 times per hour
While we agree that repetition should be addressed, we are not confident that
this should be the classification system. It may be that the number of repetitions
would vary depending on whether one is classifying upper extremity vs. trunk
repetition. In our brief review of the ergonomics literature, we noted a wide
variation in what is considered “repetitive.”
We feel that this subject deserves very close attention. As such we recommend
a thorough analysis of the literature on repetitive work to determine the most
appropriate classification system for repetition.
: Several groups have mentioned that a scale for duration for
physical demands is very important. However, most feel that the current
categories of Never, Occasional (1-33% of the day), Frequent 34 – 66% of
the day, and Constant > 66% of the day, are too broad. Most user needs
groups and individuals requested a seldom or rarely category and IARP
requested that the OIS classify jobs that require more than an 8-hour day.
The length of time a physical demand is performed and the length of a
workday should be captured in the data gathering process. Once the
data is analyzed, future recommendations could address how best to
address this issue.
Maximum Continuous Duration
. In addition to the issue of total duration
throughout the day, the maximum continuous duration a position is
assumed or other physical demand must be performed is important as
well. For example, a physical demand may occur occasionally (up to 1/3
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
of the day) and in one occupation. The demand would be interspersed
intermittently throughout the day while in another occupation, this 2.7
hours of activity would occur continuously. Many claimants can tolerate
activity if the physical demand is required intermittently but may not be
able to if it is required continuously for 2.7 hours.
Maximum Continuous Distance: For dynamic movements such as
carrying, pushing, pulling, walking, climbing, running, crawling, etc., the
maximum continuous distance can be a very important occupational
demand. If a claimant can only walk 50 continuous feet and the
occupation requires at least 500 feet of continuous walking, then there is
an obvious mismatch between claimant’s ability and the occupational
demand. The challenge is that each job that is analyzed in an occupation
may vary considerably when it comes to these distances based on the
size of the physical location.
Variations of Physical Demands within Occupations: Each occupation will
be studied by observing and measuring physical demands in multiple
representative jobs. Most certainly there will be a range of demands for
each occupation. Even if demands are similar, the extent to which these
demands are required will vary. The occupational classification will
identify the highest physical demand level in individual job analyses that
will then be used to determine a mean for each occupation.
General Physical Category
The current DOT taxonomy defines general physical demands categories as
Sedentary, Light, Medium, Heavy, Very Heavy. Some frustrations with these
general physical categories of have been expressed by user groups. The
frustrations have mainly centered on several issues:
1) Some of the categories are too broad. For example, the Medium
category contains occupations that require 21-50 lbs of lifting and
Heavy includes materials handling in the 51-100 lbs.
2) The definitions include the extent of sitting, standing, and walking
that are required for each level of work. The specific duration of
sitting, standing and walking are only vaguely defined for the
Sedentary and Light levels and not defined at all for Medium level
and above.
3) Interpretation of the levels vary from organization to organization
and among vocational evaluators, insurance companies and case
managers, making it difficult to report functional testing results in a
way that is consistent and meaningful for all referral sources.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
4) Classification of jobs with multiple levels of material handling.
Recommendations for improvements include:
1) More narrow ranges of material handling.
2) Focus definitions on materials handling only. Classify sitting,
standing and walking as independent physical demands and rate
according to the duration.
3) Standardization of interpretation of the categories and how they
relate to claimant disability or ability is needed in the new OIS.
Once data is captured, recommendations should focus on
suggesting methods to represent this concept. That is, these could
involve assigning ranges to weights that are standardized.
4) Occupations should be classified according to the heaviest level of
material handling required. So that if a job requires lifting of a
variety of materials some of which weigh 10 lb, some 35 lb and
some 53 lb. Then the job would be classified based on the 53 lb
weight. If a job had light lifting but heavier pulling, the job would be
classified according to the pulling.
1) Create more categories that are not as broad. Perhaps a system
that increases by smaller weight increments may provide a solution.
However, once the data is gathered and analyzed, future
recommendations could suggest a scale that is more applicable
than what users presently have.
Recommend Methods of Data Collection
For the DOT, data was collected using field analysts. However, this data
collection has been criticized for lack of standardization. In fact, standardization
was provided through the Handbook of Analyzing Jobs. But the training and
utilization of this method was not consistent across all field locations. For the
O*NET, the data collection was entirely through self report. The Physical
Demands Subcommittee strongly believes that data collection for the physical
demands of work cannot be done via self-report. There are numerous studies
that demonstrate that self-reported physical demands are neither reliable nor
valid, especially at the level of detail requested by user needs analyses, and
stakeholder comments (Wiktorin, Kariqvist, & Winkel, 1993; Oliveira de Souza &
Gil Coury, 2004).
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Sensory/Motor Category
This category includes feeling, hearing, vision, and tasting/smelling. The
American Occupational Therapy Association identified sensory skill demands as
“actions or behaviors required to locate, identify, and respond to sensations and
to select, interpret, associate, organize, and remember sensory events based on
discriminating experiences through a variety of sensations that include visual,
auditory, proprioceptive, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, and vestibular.” Analysis of
the literature regarding such topics as visual ergonomics, hearing demands of
work, and other related areas found little contemporary research regarding the
sensory demands of work.
User groups comments are summarized in the following sensory categories:
1) Speech: Talking may be a function of the mental/cognitive process
of receptive and expressive speech as is addressed in that
subcommittee’s recommendations with respect to the outcomes of
expressive and receptive language that are measurable and
observable. From a physical standpoint, only speech quality
(sound and frequency) are considered.
2) Feeling:
a. User Recommendation: Tactile perceptions of objects,
environmental conditions, and other sensations felt through
the skin.
b. Measurement needs: refined frequency measures.
3) Vision:
a. User Recommendation: Degree of vision needed to
complete the task (i.e., peripheral, accommodation, near
acuity, far acuity, etc.), including vision in one or both eyes.
b. Measurement needs: level of peripheral vision required to
avoid hazards and distance from visual stimuli represented
the greatest need for data elements to be included the
content model. Scales should use realistic units (e.g.,
distances), such as the use of the Snellen chart, of
measurement rather than frequencies.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
4) Hearing:
a. User Recommendation: Degree of sound discrimination to
safely and adequately carry out a work activity. Specificity in
job requirements with respect to distinguishing different
levels of sound as well as any level of sound regardless of
b. Measurement needs: Decibel and frequency demand scales
rather than frequency scales.
5) Tasting/Smelling:
a. The ability to detect the existence of pleasant or
unpleasant tastes or smells may be essential to certain
occupations, such as first responders (e.g., firefighter,
police officer) and those in the hospitality industry (e.g.,
chef, waitress, child care provider). It should be included
when their impairment alone, or in constellation with other
impairments, may preclude a claimant from performing the
core functions of occupations for which they may have
1) Defining talking within the physical demands context in terms of
speech quality rather than the receptive or expressive qualities that
are more of the mental/cognitive process.
2) Consider more discrete, appropriate, and functional levels of
measurement for feeling, vision, and hearing.
3) Although not frequently encountered as an impairment
consideration, including taste and smell sensory demands due to
their relevance as essential and core functions of a variety of
4) Sensory demands are not a primary expertise of any of the
members of the Physical Demands Subcommittee. For this reason,
we recommend that SSA convene a focus group or roundtable of
experts in the area of vision and hearing for more specific
recommendations and definitions that are contemporary.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Legal, Technical, and Data Issues
Legal issues in the physical demands area that are important to consider relate
mainly to the accuracy of the data that populates the occupational data base.
The data collection method must be shown to be reliable and valid. The data
should be collected by direct observation using a classification system with well-
defined operational definitions rather than self-report.
Test-retest and inter-rater reliability should be studied. Validity will be more
difficult and costly to establish. We believe that the data collection method could
be compared to a full-day time and motion study in a limited number of
occupations at each of the physical demand levels (Sedentary, Light, Medium,
etc). A less rigorous but alternative method of establishing validity would be to
compare the results of the data analysis method to expert opinion. However, this
method of face validity is the weakest form of validity.
A training course and accompanying manual would need to be developed.
Analysts would need to attend a rigorous training with testing and certification in
the established data collection method. Based on research conducted in 2002
with the US Department of Labor, the training could occur via the internet with
protocol practice using videotaped jobs. Periodic re-certification would be
Suggested Studies
The Physical Demands Subcommittee recommends that SSA undertake the
following studies to inform the overall process:
Perform an analysis of the literature on repetition to determine the
most appropriate definition of the term repetitive.
Perform contemporary research regarding the sensory demands of
work, particularly as these relate vision and hearing, the areas most
identified by users that require attention.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Environmental Category
A complete job description should include information about the environmental
conditions present. Of particular concern are exposures to heat and cold,
humidity, wetness (moisture, rain, water), dust, chemicals, fumes, gases, smoke,
mold or mildew, fibers including asbestos, vibration and general conditions of the
workplace (hazardous environment, heights, noise, animals, etc.). Whether work
is performed outdoors or indoors is important since environmental factors are
more difficult to control outdoors.
Most research on the effect of environmental factors on health and human
performance concerns noise, thermal stress (heat and cold), and vibration. In
areas such as noise and vibration safety standards have been developed which
include level and time of exposure. This is also true for exposure to fibers (such
as asbestos). With respect to thermal stress the best measure would be the core
temperature (about 98.6
F or 37
C), but this is an uncomfortable measure to
obtain. In thermally neutral environments (air temperature 20-23
C for a resting,
comfortably clothed person) the body maintains its heat balance by regulation of
blood flow. When the temperature increases beyond that level or when vigorous
activity is performed increased blood flow in the skin results in sweating. Under
excessive heat stress this mechanism shuts down and the core temperature
rises (hyperthermia) with potential development of heat exhaustion and even
heat stroke. Conversely, in colder temperatures the body restricts this blood
flow, then contracts muscles rapidly (shivering). With extreme cold the regulation
fails and the body starts losing heat to the environment (hypothermia). This can
cause death. A complicating factor is the heat accommodation that naturally
occurs in a hot environment. This process results in increase of sweating,
reduced salt concentration in sweat and reduction in core temperature and heart
rate. To determine heat stress one needs to measure air temperature, humidity,
air velocity and surrounding surface temperatures. Although a number of
measures have been developed to address these interactions the “dry bulb
temperature” thermometer is the simplest and most practical (Hancock &
Vasmatzidis, 1999).
In 1986 NIOSH developed as set of heat stress criteria as requested by OSHA
(Millar 1986). Those are primarily based on effective temperature (which
combines air temperature, humidity and air movement) and exposure time. A
formula has also been developed to convert temperature to “wet bulb glove
temperature” (WBGT) which takes radiant heat and air velocity into account
(Yagloglou & Minard, 1957). Recommended exposure limit curves were
developed by NIOSH taking the environmental heat (WBGT) and metabolic heat
(generated by the worker) into account (NIOSH Publications 86-113). The
simplest way to describe heat stress is to record the temperature, time of
exposure, and frequency of exposure.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
As exemplified in the discussion of heat stress, highly sophisticated analyses can
be performed for most environmental conditions. In the context of a useful job
description, all the discussed exposures should be described, but detailed
measurements of exposures are unpractical. At a minimum the exposure, its
concentration (severity), frequency and the workers ability to address the
exposures (protective equipment, etc.) should be described.
1) Describe and define environmental conditions as they relate to:
heat and cold, humidity, wetness (moisture, rain, water), dust,
chemicals, fumes, gases, smoke, mold or mildew, fibers including
asbestos, vibration and general conditions of the workplace
(hazardous environment, heights, noise, animals, etc.).
2) Define appropriate measures for each condition where possible
(e.g., for noise and vibration issues provide details of the level and
time of exposure) or, at a minimum, include descriptions of levels of
exposure, concentration or severity, frequency and
accommodations available to address the effects of the exposure
(such as protective equipment).
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Definition of Terms
Accommodation: adjustment of lens of eyes to bring an object into sharp focus.
Balancing: maintaining body equilibrium to prevent falling.
Balancing on level surfaces
Balancing on Uneven surfaces
Balancing on Ladders
Balancing on Beam and Scaffolding
Carrying: Transporting an object over a distance through walking, usually holding
the load in the hands or arms.
One-handed: using one hand or arm to carry the object
Two-handed: using both hands or arms to carry the object
Color Vision: ability to identify and distinguish colors.
Crawling: moving about on hands and knees, hands and feet or on the abdomen
Crouching: bending the body downward and forward by bending legs at the hips
and knees with simultaneous forward bending of the spine. This is typically
performed when working with material that is at or near the floor level. Squatting
includes positions where one knee is on the floor or both knees are off the floor.
Depth Perception: ability to judge distances and spatial relations.
Far Acuity: clarity of vision at 20 feet or more.
Feeling: perceiving attributes of items as size, shape, temperature as
experienced through the skin.
Field of Vision
: Observing an area that can be seen up and down and right and
left when eyes are fixed on a given point.
: picking, pinching, or otherwise working primarily with the fingers. The
object handled does not contact the palm of the hand.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Handling: seizing, holding, grasping, turning, or working with hands; using the
hands in such a fashion that the object being handled contacts the palm and
fingers of the hand.
Hearing: perceiving the nature of sounds by the ear.
Kneeling: bending the legs at the knees to come to rest on both knees.
Ladder Climbing: Ascending or descending either A-frame or vertical ladders.
Lifting: Raising or lowering an object from one level to another. Involves
primarily vertical displacement of the load but can also include a component of
horizontal displacement as well. Can involve one or two-handed lifting and can
occur either above waist or below waist.
One-handed: using one hand or arm to raise or lower the object
Two-handed: using both hands or arms to raise or lower the object
Above-waist: lifting that occurs from the waist and above. Typically
performed primarily with the strength of the arms, shoulders, and
upper back.
Below-waist: lifting that occurs from the floor to approximately
waist height. Typically performed primarily with the strength of the
legs and low back.
Near Acuity
: clarity of vision at 20 inches or less.
Physical Demands
: occupational demands that require movement of the body,
including arms, legs, hands, feet, neck and back.
: Exerting force upon an object so that the object moves toward the force.
One-handed: using one hand or arm to pull the object
Two-handed: using both hands or arms to pull the object
: Exerting force upon an object so that the object moves away from the
One-handed: using one hand or arm to push the object
Two-handed: using both hands or arms to push the object
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Reaching: extending arms and hands away from the body in any direction.
Shoulder angle must be 45 degrees from the body to be considered reaching.
Three levels of reaching include:
Low: below the waist
Medium: waist to shoulder height
High: above shoulder
Scaffolding or Pole Climbing: Ascending or descending scaffolding or poles.
Sitting: Remaining in a seated position with knees and hips flexed to some
extent and buttocks resting on surface.
Speech: voice tone, quality, projection, and other physical attributes during
speech production in the communication process.
Stair Climbing: Ascending or descending stairs.
Standing: Remaining on one’s feet in an upright position without walking.
Strength Category: The manual material handling/ demands category of the
Stooping/Forward Bending: bending the body downward and forward from a
standing position by bending the spine at the hips and/or waist. The hips must
be flexed more than 20 degrees and the knees are kept relatively straight (flexed
no more than 35 degrees).
Tasting/Smelling: distinguishing flavors or odors using the tongue and/or nose.
Walking: Moving about on foot. Requires three consecutive steps to be
considered walking.
Level surfaces: surfaces that are level and do not include ramps or
uneven terrain
Uneven surfaces: surfaces that include uneven terrain. Includes
walking outside over grass, dirt, gravel, up and down curbs
Ramps/inclines: surfaces that include an incline of over 15 degrees
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Breen, R., Pyper, S., Rusk, Y., & Dockrell, S. (2007). An investigation of
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Bruijn, I., Engels, J. A., & Gulden, J. W. J. (1998). A simple method to evaluate
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Buchholz, B., Paquet, V., Punnett, L., Lee, D., & Moir, S. (1996). PATH: A work
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Buchholz, B., Paquet, V., Wellman, H., & Forde, M. (2003). Quantification of
Ergonomic Hazards for Ironworkers Performing Concrete Reinforcement
Tasks During Heavy Highway Construction, AIHA Journal, 64, 243-250.
Chung, M. K., Lee, I., & Kee, D. (2003). Assessment of postural load for lower
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Industrial Ergonomics, 31, 17-32.
Chung, M. K., Lee, I., & Kee, D. (2005). Quantitative postural load assessment
for whole body manual tasks based on perceived discomfort, Ergonomics,
48, 492-505.
Engels, J. A., Landeweerd, J. A., & Kant, Y. (1994). An OWAS-based analysis of
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Fransson-Hall, C., Gloria, R., Kilbom, A., & Winkel, J. (1995). A portable
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of postures and manual handling, Applied Ergonomics, 26, 93-100.
Genaidy, A., Barkawi, H., & Christensen, D. (1995). Ranking of static non-
neutral postures around the joints of the upper extremity and the spine,
Ergonomics, 38, 1851-1858.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Graham, B., Lambe, S. R., & Lambe, N. R. (1996). Working practices in a
perchery system, using the OVAKO Working posture Analysing System
(OWAS), Applied Ergonomics, 27, 281-284.
Hignett, S., & McAtamney, L. (2000). Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA),
Applied Ergonomics, 31, 201-205.
Holzmann, P. (1982) ARBAN – A new method for analysis of ergonomic effort,
Applied Ergonomics, 15, 82-86.
Juul-Kristensen, B., Fallentin, N., & Ekhahl, C. (1997). Criteria for classification of
posture in repetitive work by observation methods: A review, International
Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 19, 397-411.
Kant, I., Notermans, J. H. V., & Borm, P. J. A. (1990). Observations of working
postures in garages using the Ovako Working Posture Analysing System
(OWAS) and consequent workload reduction recommendations,
Ergonomics, 33, 209-220.
Karhu, O., Kansi, P., & Kuorinka, I. (1977). Correcting working postures in
industry: A practical method for analysis, Applied Ergonomics, 8, 199-201.
Kee, D., & Karwowski, W. (2001). The boundaries for joint angles of isocomfort
for sitting and standing males based on perceived comfort of static joint
postures, Ergonomics, 44, 614-648.
Kee, D., & Karwowski, W. (2001). LUBA: an assessment technique for postural
loading on the upper body based on joint motion discomfort and maximum
holding time, Applied Ergonomics, 32, 357-366.
Kilbom, A., Persson, J., & Johnsson, B. G. (1986). Disorders of the
cervicobrachial region among female workers in the electronics industry,
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 1, 37-47.
Kivi, P., & Mattila, M., (1991). Analysis and improvement of work postures in the
building industry: Application of the computerized OWAS method, Applied
Ergonomics, 22, 43-48.
Li, G., & Buckle, P. (1999). Current techniques for assessing physical exposure
to work-related musculoskeletal risks, with emphasis on posture-based
methods, Ergonomics, 42, 674-695.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Mattila, M., Karwowski, W., & Vilkki, M. (1993). Analysis of working postures in
hammering tasks on building construction sites using the computerized
OWAS method, Applied Ergonomics, 24, 405-412.
Nevela-Puranen, N. (1995). Reduction of farmers’ postural load during
occupationally oriented medical rehabilitation, Applied Ergonomics, 26,
Olendorf, M. R., & Drury, C. G. (2001). Postural discomfort and perceived
exertion in standardized box-holding postures, Ergonomics, 44, 1341-
Paquet, V., Punnett, L., Woskie, S., & Buchholz, B. (2005). Reliable exposure
assessment strategies for physical ergonomics stressors in construction
and other non-routinized work, Ergonomics, 48, 1200-1219.
Rohmert, W. (1985). AET-a new job-analysis method, Ergonomics, 28, 245-254.
Souza, T. O., & Coury, H. J. C. G. (2005). Are the postures adopted according to
requested linguistic categories similar to those classified by the recording
protocols, Applied Ergonomics, 36, 207-212.
Wiktorin, C., Karlquist, L., & Winkel, J. (1993). Validity of self-reported exposures
to work postures and manual materials handling. Scandinavian Journal of
Work, Environmental & Health, 19, 208-214.
Wilson, M. A. (2007). A history of Job Analysis, 219-241.
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
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Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Appendix A
Excel Spreadsheet Comparison of Occupational and
Ergonomic Classification Schemes
Shoulder Reach Ranges
DOL 2002
Level 1 0-20 0-20 0 -90 0-45 0-9
Level 2 20-45 20-45 90 + 45-90 90+ 30-60 >60 45-90
Level 3 45 -90 45 -90 NA 90-150 NA 60-90 NA >90
Level 4 90 + 90 + NA >150 NA NA NA NA
Extensio n
Level 1 NA 0 NA 0-20 NA >0 NA NA
Level 2NA>20NA20-45NANANA NA
Level 3 NA NA NA > 45 NA NA NA NA
Medial Rotation
Level 2 NA NA NA 30-90 NA NA NA NA
Level 3 NA NA NA > 90 NA NA NA NA
Lateral Rotation
Level 3 NA NA NA >30 NA NA NA NA
Level 1 NA NA NA 0-30 NA 0-30 0-60 0-45
Level 2NANANA30-90NA30-60>6045-90
Level 3NANANA>90NA60-90NA >90
Level 3 NA NA NA >30 NA NA NA NA
Elbow Bend Ranges
M inimal NA 60 - 100 NA 0-45 NA NA NA NA
Moderate 45-120NANANA NA
Severe NA <60; > 100 NA >120 NA NA NA NA
Wrist Ranges
Minimal 0-15 0-15 NA 0-20 NA NA NA NA
Severe>15>15NA>60NANANA NA
Extensio n
Level 2
Level 3 NA NA NA >45 NA NA NA NA
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Appendix A
Excel Spreadsheet Comparison of Occupational and
Ergonomic Classification Schemes
Wrist Ranges (cont'd)
DOL 2002
Neutral No # No # NA 0-70 NA NA NA NA
Non-Neutral No # No # NA >70 NA NA NA NA
Neutral No # No # NA 0-90 NA NA NA NA
Non-Neutral No # No # NA >90 NA NA NA NA
Radial Deviation
Level 1 No # No # NA 0-10 NA NA NA NA
Level 2 No # No # NA 30-Oct NA NA NA NA
Level 3 NA NA NA >30 NA NA NA NA
Ulnar Deviation
Level 1 No # No # NA 0-10 NA NA NA NA
Level 2 No # No # NA 20-Oct NA NA NA NA
Level 3 NA NA NA >20 NA NA NA NA
Trunk Ranges
Level 1 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 NA 0-15 0-35
Level 2 20 - 60 20 - 60 20-45 20 - 60 21-60 NA 15-45 >35
Level 3 60 + 60 + > 45 >60 > 60 NA 45-75 NA
Min NA 0 - 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Level 1 0 0 0-20 0-20 0-45 NA NA No #
Level 2 > 0 > 0 > 20 20-30 > 45 NA NA No #
Level 3 NA NA NA 30-45 NA NA NA No #
Level 4 NA NA NA >45 NA NA NA No #
Side bend
Level 1 0 0 0-20 0-10 NA NA NA NA
Level 2 > 0 > 0 > 20 10 to 20 NA NA NA NA
Level 3 NA NA NA 20-30 NA NA NA NA
Level 4 NA NA NA >30 NA NA NA NA
Neck Ranges
Min 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-20 0-20 0-20 NA No #
Mod 10 to 20 NA 20-45 NA >20 NA No #
Sev 20 + 20+ > 30 >45 > 20 NA N A No #
MinNA0-20NA0-30NA NA NA No #
Mod NA NA 30-60 NA NA NA No #
SevNA20+NA>60NANANA No #
Physical Demands Subcommittee
Content Model and Classification Recommendations
Excel Spreadsheet Comparison of Occupational and
Ergonomic Classification Schemes
Neck Ranges (cont'd)
DOL 2002
Level 1 0
0-45 0-30 0-45 NA NA No #
Level 2 > 0 > 0 > 45 30-60 > 45 NA NA No #
Level 3 >60
Side bend
Level 1 0 0 0-30 0-30 NA NA NA No #
Level 2> 0> 0> 3030-45NANANA No #
Level 3 >45 NA NA NA No #
> 45 knee
3 consecutive
NA = Category not used; joint position not classified
No # = Category/ joint position classified but no specific ROM criteria provided