Bernard L. Erven
Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Ohio State University
Communication plays a major role in employer-employee relationships on farms. It also
affects the relationships among family members on the management team. Although effective
communication does not guarantee success of a farm business, its absence usually assures
problems. A communication problem may soon become a crisis or it may linger on for years.
More specifically, communication influences the effectiveness of the hiring and training
of employees, motivation of employees, providing daily instructions, performance evaluations
and the handling of discipline problems. These are the obvious roles of communication.
Communication also affects the willingness of employees to provide useful suggestions.
Employees feeling a part of the business requires communication. In fact, for employees to make
the important evolution from "workers" to "working managers" requires effective communication
between supervisors and employees.
Employees typically are hesitant to state their goals, their concerns and their
disappointments. Of course, an employee may be a complainer and share views to the point a
supervisor silently begs for less "communication." Much more common is the need to better
understand what an employee is "really thinking."
This paper is about improving communication skills. Removing barriers to
communication is one of the easiest ways to improve communication. Removing these barriers
starts with an understanding of a communication model. This paper should help managers think
about their own communication skills and the way they communicate day-to-day back home.
Communication Model
The model in Figure 1 identifies the major components in the communication process.
The process starts with a sender who has a message for a receiver. Two or more people are
always involved in communication. The sender has the responsibility for the message.
The sender's message travels to the receiver through one or more channels chosen by the
sender. The channels may be verbal or non-verbal. They may involve only one of the senses,
hearing for example, or they may involve all five of the senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell, and
taste. Non-verbal communication, popularly referred to as body language, relies primarily on
seeing rather than hearing.
Figure 1. Communication Model (To be filled in by participants.)
The sending of a message by an appropriate channel to a receiver appears to have
completed the communication process or at least the sender's responsibility. Not so! After
sending the message, the sender becomes a receiver and the receiver becomes a sender through
the process of feedback. Feedback is the receiver's response to the attempt by the sender to send
the message. Feedback is the key to determination by the sender of whether or not the message
has been received in the intended form. Feedback involves choice of channel by the receiver of
the original message. The channel for feedback may be quite different from the original channel
chosen by the sender. A puzzled look may be the feedback to what the sender considered a
perfectly clear oral instruction.
Effect on the receiver completes the communication process. Effective communication is
the original sender having the desired effect on the receiver. Communication at its best
minimizes misunderstanding between sender and receiver. The sender cannot transplant a
message or idea. Ineffective communication means there was no effect on the receiver or the
effect was unexpected, undesired and/or unknown to the sender.
This simplified version of a complex process can be a powerful tool for thinking about
one's communication skills, diagnosing communication problems and developing plans for
improvement of communication. The good news about communication is that improvement is
usually possible. The bad news is that perfection in communication escapes everyone.
Barriers to Communication
Problems with any one of the components of the communication model can become a
barrier to communication. These barriers suggest opportunities for improving communication
1. Muddled messages - Effective communication starts with a clear message. Contrast
these two messages: "Please be here about 7:00 tomorrow morning." "Please be here at
7:00 tomorrow morning." The one word difference makes the first message muddled and
the second message clear.
Muddled messages are a barrier to communication because the sender leaves the receiver
unclear about the intent of the sender. Muddled messages have many causes. The sender
may be confused in his or her thinking. The message may be little more than a vague
idea. The problem may be semantics, e.g., note this muddled newspaper ad: "Dog for
sale. Will eat anything. Especially likes children. Call 888-3599 for more information."
Feedback from the receiver is the best way for a sender to be sure that the message is
clear rather than muddled. Clarifying muddled messages is the responsibility of the
sender. The sender hoping the receiver will figure out the message does little to remove
this barrier to communication.
2. Stereotyping - Stereotyping causes us to typify a person, a group, an event or a thing on
oversimplified conceptions, beliefs, or opinions. Thus, basketball players can be
stereotyped as tall, green equipment as better than red equipment, football linemen as
dumb, Ford as better than Chevrolet, Vikings as handsome, and people raised on dairy
farms as interested in animals. Stereotyping can substitute for thinking, analysis and open
mindedness to a new situation.
Stereotyping is a barrier to communication when it causes people to act as if they already
know the message that is coming from the sender or worse, as if no message is necessary
because "everybody already knows." Both senders and listeners should continuously look
for and address thinking, conclusions and actions based on stereotypes.
3. Wrong channel - "Good morning." An oral channel for this message is highly
appropriate. Writing "GOOD MORNING!" on a chalkboard in the machine shed is less
effective than a warm oral greeting. On the other hand, a detailed request to a contractor
for construction of a farrowing house should be in writing, i.e., non-oral. A long
conversation between a pork producer and a contractor about the farrowing house
construction, with neither taking notes, surely will result in confusion and
misunderstanding. These simple examples illustrate how the wrong channel can be a
barrier to communication.
Variation of channels helps the receiver understand the nature and importance of a
message. Using a training video on cleaning practices helps new employees grasp the
importance placed on herd health. A written disciplinary warning for tardiness
emphasizes to the employee that the problem is serious. A birthday card to an employee's
spouse is more sincere than a request to the employee to say "Happy Birthday" to the
Simple rules for selection of a channel cause more problems than they solve. In choice of
a channel, the sender needs to be sensitive to such things as the complexity of the
message (good morning versus a construction contract); the consequences of a
misunderstanding (medication for a sick animal versus a guess about tomorrow's
weather); knowledge, skills and abilities of the receiver (a new employee versus a partner
in the business); and immediacy of action to be taken from the message (instructions for
this morning's work versus a plan of work for 1994).
4. Language - Words are not reality. Words as the sender understands them are combined
with the perceptions of those words by the receiver. Language represents only part of the
whole. We fill in the rest with perceptions. Trying to understand a foreign language
easily demonstrates words not being reality. Being "foreign" is not limited to the
language of another country. It can be the language of another farm. The Gerken house
may be where the Browns now live. The green goose may be a trailer painted red long
after it was given the name green goose. A brassy day may say much about temperature
and little about color.
Each new employee needs to be taught the language of the farm. Until the farm's
language is learned, it can be as much a barrier to communication as a foreign language.
5. Lack of feedback - Feedback is the mirror of communication. Feedback mirrors what
the sender has sent. Feedback is the receiver sending back to the sender the message as
perceived. Without feedback, communication is one-way.
Feedback happens in a variety of ways. Asking a person to repeat what has been said,
e.g., repeat instructions, is a very direct way of getting feedback. Feedback may be as
subtle as a stare, a puzzled look, a nod, or failure to ask any questions after complicated
instructions have been given. Both sender and receiver can play an active role in using
feedback to make communication truly two-way.
Feedback should be helpful rather than hurtful. Prompt feedback is more effective that
feedback saved up until the "right" moment. Feedback should deal in specifics rather
than generalities. Approach feedback as a problem in perception rather than a problem of
discovering the facts.
6. Poor listening skills - Listening is difficult. A typical speaker says about 125 words per
minute. The typical listener can receive 400-600 words per minute. Thus, about 75
percent of listening time is free time. The free time often sidetracks the listener. The
solution is to be an active rather than passive listener.
One important listening skill is to be prepared to listen. Tune out thoughts about other
people and other problems. Search for meaning in what the person is saying. A mental
outline or summary of key thoughts can be very helpful. Avoid interrupting the speaker.
"Shut up" is a useful listening guideline. "Shut up some more" is a useful extension of
this guideline. Withhold evaluation and judgment until the other person has finished with
the message. A listener's premature frown, shaking of the head, or bored look can easily
convince the other person there is no reason to elaborate or try again to communicate his
or her excellent idea.
Providing feedback is the most important active listening skill. Ask questions. Nod in
agreement. Look the person straight in the eye. Lean forward. Be an animated listener.
Focus on what the other person is saying. Repeat key points.
Active listening is particularly important in dealing with an angry person. Encouraging
the person to speak, i.e., to vent feelings, is essential to establishing communication with
an angry person. Repeat what the person has said. Ask questions to encourage the person
to say again what he or she seemed most anxious to say in the first place. An angry
person will not start listening until they have "cooled" down. Telling an angry person to
"cool" down often has the opposite effect. Getting angry with an angry person only
assures that there are now two people not listening to what the other is saying.
7. Interruptions - A farm is a lively place. Few days are routine. Long periods of calm and
quiet rarely interrupt the usual hectic pace. In this environment, conversations, meetings,
instructions and even casual talk about last night's game are likely to be interrupted. The
interruptions may be due to something more pressing, rudeness, lack of privacy for
discussion, a drop-in visitor, an emergency, or even the curiosity of someone else wanting
to know what two other people are saying.
Regardless of the cause, interruptions are a barrier to communication. In the extreme,
there is a reluctance of employees and family members even to attempt discussion with a
manager because of the near certainty that the conversation will be interrupted. Less
extreme but serious is the problem of incomplete instructions because someone came by
with a pressing question.
8. Physical distractions - Physical distractions are the physical things that get in the way of
communication. Examples of such things include the telephone, a pick-up truck door, a
desk, an uncomfortable meeting place, and noise.
These physical distractions are common on farms. If the phone rings, the tendency is to
answer it even if the caller is interrupting a very important or even delicate conversation.
A supervisor may give instructions from the driver's seat of a pick-up truck. Talking
through an open window and down to an employee makes the truck door a barrier. A
person sitting behind a desk, especially if sitting in a large chair, talking across the desk is
talking from behind a physical barrier. Two people talking facing each other without a
desk or truck-door between them have a much more open and personal sense of
communication. Uncomfortable meeting places may include a place on the farm that is
too hot or too cold. Another example is a meeting room with uncomfortable chairs that
soon cause people to want to stand even if it means cutting short the discussion. Noise is
a physical distraction simply because it is hard to concentrate on a conversation if hearing
is difficult.
Facilitating Communication
In addition to removal of specific barriers to communication, the following general
guidelines may also facilitate communication.
1. Have a positive attitude about communication. Defensiveness interferes with
2. Work at improving communication skills. It takes knowledge and work. The
communication model and discussion of barriers to communication provide the
necessary knowledge. This increased awareness of the potential for improving
communication is the first step to better communication.
3. Include communication as a skill to be evaluated along with all the other skills in each
person's job description. Help other people improve their communication skills by
helping them understand their communication problems.
4. Make communication goal oriented. Relational goals come first and pave the way for
other goals. When the sender and receiver have a good relationship, they are much more
likely to accomplish their communication goals.
5. Approach communication as a creative process rather than simply part of the chore of
working with people. Experiment with communication alternatives. What works with
one person may not work well with another person. Vary channels, listening techniques,
and feedback techniques.
6. Accept the reality of miscommunication. The best communicators fail to have perfect
communication. They accept miscommunication and work to minimize its negative
Communication is at the heart of many interpersonal problems faced by farm employers.
Understanding the communication process and then working at improvement provide managers a
recipe for becoming more effective communicators. Knowing the common barriers to
communication is the first step to minimizing their impact. Managers can reflect on how they are
doing and make use of the ideas presented in this paper. When taking stock of how well you are
doing as a manager, first ask yourself and others how well you are doing as a communicator.