Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Integration to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
June 2017
(Updated in November 2022)
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, Release
12.1 Implementation Guide
Copyright ©2015, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Contents - i
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Implementation Guide
Preface................................................................................................................................................................................... i
Documentation and Resources ........................................................................................................................................................... i
Documentation Accessibility ............................................................................................................................................................. iii
Conventions.......................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Part 1
Understanding the Integration
Chapter 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
About the Integration Product.........................................................................................................................................................1-2
About the Products................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Supported Business Processes..........................................................................................................................................................1-3
Chapter 2
Understanding the Integration Process ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
Technical Overview............................................................................................................................................................................2-2
Integration Points ...............................................................................................................................................................................2-6
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Synchronization Request ....................................................................... 2-6
Business Processing .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Synchronization Response................................................................... 2-8
Business Processing .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Completion........................................................................................... 2-10
Business Processing ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-11
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-11
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Service Request Update............................................................................. 2-12
Business Processing ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-13
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-14
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information.............................................................................. 2-14
Business Processing ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-15
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-15
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query ....................................................................... 2-16
Contents - ii
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Business Processing ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-17
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-17
Optional JMS Wrapper Integration Processes .............................................................................................................................2-18
Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-18
JMS Wrappers For Integration Processes .......................................................................................................................... 2-19
Part 2
Implementing the Integration Product
Chapter 3
Configuring the Integration............................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Integration Configuration Checklist ................................................................................................................................................3-2
Integration JMS Wrapper Configuration (Optional) ........................................................................................................... 3-2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Configuration Checklist ................................................................................ 3-2
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Configuration Checklist .............................................................................. 3-2
Integration Product Configuration Checklist........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Setting up the Integration JMS Wrapper Process..........................................................................................................................3-3
Install Optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Setting JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties ................................................................................................................... 3-3
Setting Edge Application Outbound Message Configuration............................................................................................ 3-3
Data Synchronization.........................................................................................................................................................................3-4
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.................................................................................................................3-4
Configuring Admin Data Tables............................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Master Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Configuring System Data Tables............................................................................................................................................. 3-7
Business Objects ............................................................................................................................................................... 3-7
BO Algorithms ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-10
Lookups ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3-13
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Inbound Message (JMS) Configuration.................................................... 3-14
WebLogic Server JMS Configuration........................................................................................................................... 3-14
Configuration File Changes........................................................................................................................................... 3-16
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Outbound Message (XAI) Configuration................................................ 3-20
XAI JNDI Server ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-20
XAI JMS Queue .............................................................................................................................................................. 3-21
XAI JMS Connection ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-21
XAI Sender ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-22
Outbound Message Type............................................................................................................................................... 3-25
External System............................................................................................................................................................... 3-25
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.............................................................................................................3-26
Configuring Admin Data Tables........................................................................................................................................... 3-27
Master Configuration...................................................................................................................................................... 3-27
Configuring System Data Tables........................................................................................................................................... 3-28
Business Objects ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-29
Lookups and Extendable Lookups .............................................................................................................................. 3-39
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Outbound (XAI) Configuration .............................................................. 3-41
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management - Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration ............ 3-45
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management - Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Integration....................... 3-52
Setting Up Process Integration.......................................................................................................................................................3-56
Setting Configuration Properties for the Integration Layer.............................................................................................. 3-56
Module Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 3-56
Service Configuration ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-57
Setting Domain Value Maps for the Integration Layer..................................................................................................... 3-63
Contents - iii
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 4
Monitoring and Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing .....................................................................................................4-1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error Logs....................................................................................................... 4-1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Notifications................................................................................................... 4-2
Setup To Do Entry for JMS Message Error ................................................................................................................. 4-2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Connection Errors......................................................................................... 4-2
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management....................................................................................................4-3
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Error Logs..................................................................................................... 4-3
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Notifications ................................................................................................. 4-3
Setup To Do Entry for JMS message error .................................................................................................................. 4-4
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Connection Errors ....................................................................................... 4-4
Monitoring from the Integration......................................................................................................................................................4-4
Monitoring Using WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager..................................................................................................... 4-4
Monitoring Using the WebLogic Logs................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Monitoring the Queues Using the WebLogic Console ....................................................................................................... 4-5
Data Purge.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Chapter 5
Customization Options...................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Extension Methods ............................................................................................................................................................................5-1
Pre-Transformation Extension Scope.................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Pre-Invoke Extension Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Post-Invoke Extension Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Post-Transformation Extension Scope.................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Custom Transformations ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Override Transformations ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Implementing Extension Points ............................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Sample WSDL File with Binding and Service Details......................................................................................................... 5-3
Implementing Custom Transformations ............................................................................................................................... 5-4
Appendix A
Data Mapping ................................................................................................................................................................... A-1
FA Synchronization Request .......................................................................................................................................................... A-2
FA Synchronization Response........................................................................................................................................................ A-5
Collection Information .................................................................................................................................................................... A-7
FA Cancel Eligibility Query .......................................................................................................................................................... A-10
FA Completion ............................................................................................................................................................................... A-12
Service Request Update ................................................................................................................................................................. A-19
Appendix B
JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties File .................................................................................................................... B-1
Service Configurations..................................................................................................................................................................... B-1
Preface - i
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Welcome to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management Implementation Guide.
The preface includes the following:
Documentation and Resources
Documentation Accessibility
Preface - ii
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
This document is intended for anyone implementing the Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
Documentation and Resources
For more information regarding this integration, foundation technology and the edge
applications, refer to the following documents:
Product Documentation
Additional Documentation
Resource Description
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management documentation
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Resource Location
SOA Suite 12c documentation Refer to the SOA documentation at:
Oracle Support Visit My Oracle Support at https://
regularly to stay informed about
updates and patches.
Access the support site for the Edge Application
Certification Matrix for Oracle Utilities Products
(Doc ID 1454143.1) or refer to the Oracle Utilities
Integrations page at http://my.oracle.com/site/
Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
Latest versions of documents
Oracle University
for training opportunities
Web Services Security For more information about Web services security
using Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c refer to https:/
Documentation Accessibility
Preface - iii
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support for the hearing impaired. Visit:
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or http://
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c
Refer to the Oracle applications documentation
Oracle Fusion Middleware “What's
New In Oracle WebLogic Server”
Section: Standards Support, Supported
Configurations and WebLogic Server
Compatibility, Database
For additional information on the type
of database to use.
Instructions on installing this
integration on non-Windows/ Linux
Refer to Oracle Support Knowledge Article ID
Resource Location
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which
you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Preface - iv
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
The following table lists the commonly used abbreviations used in this document.
Abbreviation Expanded Form
SOM Service Order Management
CCB Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
MDS Metadata Store
EBF Enterprise Business Flow
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
AIA Application Integration Architecture
DVM Domain Value Map
OHS Oracle HTTP Server
Part 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Part 1
Understanding the Integration
This section provides an overview of the participating applications and information
regarding the business processes addressed by the integration. It includes the following
Understanding the Integration Process
Introduction 1 - 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 1
This document provides configuration and administration information for the integration
between Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (CCB) and Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management (SOM).
The overview includes the following:
About the Integration Product
Supported Business Processes
Introduction 1 - 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
All participating applications must be installed, set up, and working properly.
About the Integration Product
This section provides general information about the functionality and processing of the
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order
About the Products
The following Oracle Utilities products are involved in the integration:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing is a customer and billing system that manages
all aspects of customer service needed by most utilities to operate their business. Basic
objects form the core of the system are person, account, premise, service agreement, and
service point. These objects hold the demographic, geographic, and financial information
about a company's customers and properties. Related to these objects are the processes
that they manage, such as bills, payments, meter readings, and field activities.
This integration supports Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing v2.5.0 Service Pack
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management supports centralized orchestration and
management of service requests in the smart grid. Service requests include the set of
processes involved when changing or checking the status of the (metered) utility service.
These are generated from customer requests or collections, meter data actions,
maintenance operations, or by ad-hoc field crew tasks.
Oracle Utilities applications, such as Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Oracle
Utilities Meter Data Management, and Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management
generate service requests and the smart grid is leveraged to handle them in Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
provides insight into the progress of in-flight processes, which helps end users identify
issues with individual transactions, and assists analysts of the application in improving
service order processing efficiency.
Historically, the service requests were handled in Customer Information System, which
had information about service points and meters, and were integrated with a workforce
management system. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management is a common platform
for all the Oracle Utility applications to initiate and receive updates related to all work
activities at customer service points.
Supported Business Processes
Introduction 1 - 3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Supported Business Processes
In this integration, Oracle Utilities Service Order Management orchestrates the processes
necessary to create, update, and complete the service orders initiated by events, including
start/stop services and collection processing.
All the integration points, except Cancel FA, are initiated by Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
The following list summarizes the functionality included in the integration:
FA Synchronization: This business process synchronizes the field activities
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. It is implemented in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
FA Synchronization Request integration point.
Note: Real-time synchronous FA outbound messages are not
recommended. The monitor process on the “Pending” state of the sync
request business objects must be used so that message processing
occurs asynchronously to prevent race conditions and timing issues. If
near real time processing of sync requests are needed, schedule the
deferred sync request monitor jobs frequently.
FA Completion: For activities that are handled in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing, Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends a success/
failure response to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. For the pass thru
activities that are not handled in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management,
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends the completion message from
Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management to Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing. It is implemented in the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management FA Completion integration point.
SR Update Request/ FA Customer Contact: Customer contacts may need to
be created as part of completion for activities handled in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends a
message to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to create a customer
contact. It is implemented in the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Service Request Update integration point.
Appointment Notifications: Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
communicates to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing if an appointment
was booked. It is implemented in the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Service Request Update integration point.
Missed Appointment: Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
communicates to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing if an appointment
was missed. It is implemented in the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Service Request Update integration point.
Collection Information: Oracle Utilities Service Order Management requests
the collection information from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and
passes it to Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management. It is implemented in
the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information
integration point.
Cancel FA: Before attempting to cancel a Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management orchestrated FA in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, a
real-time service call to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management is made to
Supported Business Processes
Introduction 1 - 4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
determine if the FA is cancellable. It is implemented in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query integration point.
The data process between the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management systems is illustrated below:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Integration Processes
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 2
Understanding the Integration
This section outlines the overall technical overview, business processes, and specific
integration points handled by the integration.
Technical Overview
Integration Points
Optional JMS Wrapper Integration Processes
Technical Overview
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Technical Overview
This direct integration between Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management uses the end-to-end integration processes.
The technical processes include the following:
The integration comprises three different integration patterns:
Asynchronous messages using queues on both the edge applications
Asynchronous messages using queue on Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and inbound web service on Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing.
Synchronous outbound messages on Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and XAI inbound web service on Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing.
Both Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management interact with the integration layer using queues and web
The integration layer is made up of BPEL composites deployed on the SOA
Note: The data translations are handled by Domain Value Maps
(DVMs) in the integration layer. The integration processes can be
customized to extend the business processes, if needed.
Asynchronous messages using queues on both the edge applications
The process uses queues on both Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management. The pattern is used in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing FA Synchronization Request and Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management FA Synchronization Response integration processes.
The process is as follows:
1. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing adds the request message to the source
request queue.
2. The integration process consumes the message and transforms it into the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management format using xsl. DVMs are used for data
3. The transformed message is put into a target request queue for Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management to consume.
4. For any business errors during the transformation, a business fault is thrown in the
integration layer. For any remote/technical errors, a technical fault is thrown in the
integration layer.
Technical Overview
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
5. Optional E-mail notifications are sent for business and technical errors.
Asynchronous messages using queue on Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and IWS on Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
The process uses queues on Oracle Utilities Service Order Management and XAI
inbound web service on Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. This pattern is used
in the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Service Request Update and Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management FA Completion integration processes.
The process is as follows:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management adds request message to the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management request queue.
2. Integration process consumes the message and transforms it into the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing format using xsl. DVMs are used for data translations.
3. The transformed message is sent to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing by
invoking the XAI Inbound web service.
4. For any business error, a business fault is thrown. For any technical errors, the
messages are roll backed into the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Request Error Queue. These messages can be resent from the integration layer to
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
Technical Overview
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
5. Optional E-mail notifications are sent for business and technical errors.
Synchronous outbound messages on Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and XAI inbound web service on Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
The process uses an outbound message on Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
and XAI inbound web service on Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. This pattern
is used in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information and Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query integration processes.
The process is as follows:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management invokes the integration process to send
request messages to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
2. The integration process transforms messages from the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management format into the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing format using
xsl. DVMs are used for data translations.
3. The transformed messages are sent to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing by
invoking the XAI Inbound web service.
4. For any transformation error, a fault message is sent back to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
5. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing XAI Inbound Service responds with a
message in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing format.
6. The integration process transforms the message from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing format into the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management format using
xsl. DVMs are used for data translations.
7. The response message is sent back to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Technical Overview
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 5
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
8. Optional E-mail notifications are sent for business and technical failures.
Extensibility Options
The integration processes offer the following extension scopes:
Pre-transformation extension scope
Pre-invoke extension scope
Post-invoke extension scope
Post-transformation extension scope
Custom transformations
Request custom transformation
Response custom transformation
Override transformations
Request override transformation
Response override transformation
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 6
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Integration Points
The integration supports the following business processes:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Synchronization Request
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Synchronization Response
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Completion
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Service Request Update
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Synchronization Request
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends create/update/cancel field activity
request messages to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management which create the
corresponding service request orchestrators in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and creates/updates/cancels an activity. Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management sends the response back to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing later
using the FA Synchronization Response integration point. Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing sends the syncRequestId, premise details, and person details.
The following diagram provides a graphical representation of the FA Synchronization
Request process:
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 7
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Business Processing
The FA Synchronization Request process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing adds the field activity sync request
message to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing field activity request queue.
2. The integration CCBSOMFASyncReqEBF consumes the message from
CCBFASyncRequest JMS queue and transforms it into the Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management format.
3. The transformed message is put into the SOMFASyncRequest JMS queue for Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management to consume.
4. For any transformation errors, a business fault is thrown by the integration process.
5. If the process fails to send messages to the SOMFASyncRequest JMS queue, the
integration process retries thrice, and then a technical fault is thrown in the
integration process.
6. The e-mail notification is sent to the users by the integration based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Technical Details
This section provides details of the composites and JMS queues used for the FA
Synchronization Request integration point.
JMS Queues
Composite Name Description
CCBSOMFASyncReqEBF Receives the FA sync request message from the
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing queue and
adds the transformed message into the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management queue.
Queue Name Description
CCBFASyncRequest Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Request queue used by the integration to read the
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
request messages.
CCBFASyncRequestError Error queue for the CCBFASyncRequest queue
SOMFASyncRequest Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Request queue used by the integration to add
transformed FA Sync request messages.
SOMFASyncRequestError Error Queue for the SOMFASyncRequest queue
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 8
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Synchronization Response
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends the create/update/cancel field activity
response messages to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management sends the activity ID and externalReferenceId in the input.
The following diagram provides a graphical representation of the FA Synchronization
Response process:
Business Processing
The FA Synchronization Response process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management adds the field activity sync response
message to the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management response queue.
2. Integration SOMCCBFASyncRespEBF consumes the message from the
SOMFASyncResponse JMS queue and transforms it into the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing format.
3. The transformed message is put in the CCBFASyncResponse JMS queue for Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to consume.
4. For any transformation errors, a business fault is thrown by the integration process.
5. If the process fails to send messages to the CCBFASyncResponse JMS queue, the
integration process retries thrice, and then a technical fault is thrown in the
integration process.
6. The e-mail notification is sent by the integration to the users based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 9
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Technical Details
This section provides details of the composites and JMS queues used for the FA
Synchronization Response integration point.
JMS Queues
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
FA Completion is a Oracle Utilities Service Order Management initiated integration
process. In this process, Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends the field
activity completion message to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. For Non-Pass
Thru activities, Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends only success/failure
response. For Pass-Thru activities, the entire field activity completion details are sent to
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
The Oracle Utilities Service Order Management input includes activity ID, SR
CompletionInformation, and address information.
Composite Name Description
SOMCCBFASyncRespEBF Receives the FA sync response message from the
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management queue and
adds the transformed message into the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing queue.
Queue Name Description
SOMFASyncResponse Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA sync
response queue used by the integration layer to read
the incoming messages from Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
SOMFASyncResponseError Error queue for the SOMFASyncResponse queue
CCBFASyncResponse Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA sync
response queue used by the integration layer to add
transformed FA sync response messages.
CCBFASyncResponseError Error queue for the CCBFASyncResponse queue
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 10
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
The following diagram provides a graphical representation of the FA Completion
Business Processing
The FA Completion process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management adds the field activity completion request
message to the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management request queue.
2. Integration SOMCCBFACompletionReqEBF consumes the message from the
SOMFACompletionRequest JMS queue and transforms it into the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing format.
3. The transformed message is sent to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing by
invoking the C1FACompletionServiceRequest XAI inbound service >
C1FACompletionServiceRequest operation.
4. For any errors in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing while processing the
request sent by Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, a business fault is
thrown by the integration process.
5. In case of connectivity issues/remote faults, the integration process retries thrice,
and then a technical fault is thrown in the integration process if the connection is not
6. The e-mail notification is sent by the integration to the users based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Technical Details
This section provides details of the composites, JMS queues, and Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing services used for the FA Completion integration point.
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 11
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
JMS Queues
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Services
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Service Request Update
Service Request Update is an Oracle Utilities Service Order Management initiated
integration process used to accept Customer Contact/Appointment Notification or
Missed Appointment message sent by Oracle Utilities Service Order Management. The
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management input includes activity ID, FA ID, and
Composite Name Description
SOMCCBFACompletionReqEBF Reads the FA completion request message from the
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management queue and
sends the transformed message to the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing XAI inbound service.
Queue Name Description
SOMFACompletionRequest Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion request queue used by the integration to
read the field activity completion request messages
from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
SOMFACompletionRequestError Error queue for the SOMFACompletionRequest
Service Name Operation Name Description
Used to complete the field activities
managed by Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management. It creates either a
FA Completion Sync Request or FA
Completion Task.
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 12
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
The following diagram shows a graphical representation of the Service Request Update
Business Processing
The Service Request Update process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management adds the request message to the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management Request queue.
2. Integration SOMCCBSRUpdateReqEBF consumes the message from the
SOMSRUpdateRequest JMS queue and transforms it into the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing format.
3. The transformed message is sent to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing by
invoking the C1-ServiceRequestUpdateRequest XAI inbound service > C1-
ServiceRequestUpdateRequest operation.
4. For any error in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing while processing the
request sent by Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, a business fault is
thrown by the integration process.
5. In case of connectivity issues/remote faults, the integration process retries thrice,
and then a technical fault is thrown in the integration process if the connection is not
6. The e-mail notification is sent by the integration to the users based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 13
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Technical Details
This section provides details of the composites, JMS queues, and Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing services used for the FA Request Update integration point.
JMS Queues
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Services
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Collection Information
Collection Information is a Oracle Utilities Service Order Management initiated
integration process used to accept the request for Collection Information message sent
by Oracle Utilities Service Order Management and return the Collection Information
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. After a field activity sync request is sent from Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, FA is created in Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management and Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
requests Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing for the service point's collection
information by sending the service point ID for which Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing sends the respective person’s collection details to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Composite Name Description
SOMCCBSRUpdateReqEBF Receives the SR update request message from the
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management queue and
transforms it into the Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing format.
Queue Name Description
SOMSRUpdateRequest Oracle Utilities Service Order Management SR Update
Request queue used by integration to read Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management Request messages.
SOMSRUpdateRequestError Error queue for the SOMSRUpdateRequest queue
Service Name Operation Name Description
Used to perform the following
requests from Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management:
Create Customer Contact
Appointment Notification
Missed Appointment Notification
Field Activity Remarks
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 14
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
The following diagram provides a graphical representation of the process:
Business Processing
The Collection Information process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends request message to the integration
layer by invoking a web service in the integration layer.
2. The SOMCCBCollectionInfoEBF process transforms the request message from
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management to the request message format in Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing and invokes the C1-
ServiceRequestFinancialInfo XAI inbound web service > C1-
ServiceRequestFinancialInfo operation.
3. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends the success or failure response to
the integration that is transformed and sent to Oracle Utilities Service Order
4. In case of connectivity issues/remote faults, the integration process retries thrice.
The error response message is sent back to Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management and a technical fault is thrown in the integration process if the
connection is not restored.
5. For any errors in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing in processing the request
sent by Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, a business fault is thrown by the
integration process.
6. The e-mail notification is sent by the integration to the users based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Technical Details
This section provides the details of the composites and Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing services used for the Collection Information integration point.
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 15
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Services
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Cancel Eligibility Query
FA Cancel Eligibility Query is a Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing initiated
integration process that checks for the field activity cancel eligibility in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing.
Before attempting to cancel a field activity in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing,
a real-time service call to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management is made to
determine if the FA is cancellable. Service response include Cancellable, Non-
Cancellable, and Undetermined. The Undetermined scenario can mean that the FA has
been dispatched, but there is still a chance for successful cancellation. In this case, a
warning is thrown, and when the user confirms, the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing FA is cancelled.
The following diagram provides a graphical representation of this process:
Composite Name Description
SOMCCBCollectionInfoEBF Receives the collection information request message
from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management and
sends the transformed message to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Service Name Operation Name Description
Used to retrieve the financial details -
current and payoff balance, arrears
buckets, last six payments, etc., for an
Integration Points
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 16
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Business Processing
The FA Cancel Eligibility Query process includes the following activities:
1. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends the field activity cancel ability check
request message to the integration layer by invoking a web service in the integration
2. The CCBSOMCancelFAEligibilityQueryReqEBF process transforms the request
message from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to the request message
format in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management and invokes the D1-
TestFACancellability XAI inbound web service > D1-TestFACancellability
3. Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends the success or failure response to
the integration that is transformed and sent to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
4. In case of connectivity issues/remote faults, integration process retries thrice. The
error response message is sent back to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
and a technical fault is thrown in the integration process if the connection is not
5. If there is any error in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management while processing
the request sent by Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, the error response
message is sent back to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and a business
fault is thrown by the integration process.
6. The e-mail notification is sent by the integration to the users based on the error
notification flag configuration value.
Technical Details
This section provides details of the composites and Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management services used for the Cancel Eligibility Query integration point.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Services
Composite Name Description
Receives the FA cancel eligibility request from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and
sends the transformed message to Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Service Name Operation Name Description
D1-TestFACancellability D1-TestFACancellability Invoked by the integration layer to
determine the cancellability of an
orchestration or specific field
Optional JMS Wrapper Integration Processes
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 17
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Optional JMS Wrapper Integration Processes
This section provides information about the integration JMS wrapper processes,
JMS Wrappers For Integration Processes
In this integration, asynchronous processes use queues to send and receive messages
from the edge applications. By default, the edge applications need to setup their JMS and
MDB configuration to send and receive messages to and from the queue.
Another option to send and receive messages from the edge applications without directly
accessing the queues is by using the Integration JMS Wrapper processes. In this option,
the edge applications communicate with the Integration through webservices.
There are two types of JMS Wrapper processes:
The JMS Write Flow
The edge applications send their messages by invoking the Integration Point's
JMS Write flow which will receive the message and write it to the source queue.
The JMS Read Flow
The Integration Point's JMS Read consumes the message from the target queue
and sends it to the target application by invoking a webservice.
The main integration point should work as is. The only change here is how the messages
are written and consumes by the edge applications.
Note: This JMS Wrapper processes are only available if optional CCB-
SOM Patch 26786387 is installed.
Optional JMS Wrapper Integration Processes
Understanding the Integration Process 2 - 18
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
JMS Wrappers For Integration Processes
JMS Wrappers
Part 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Part 2
Implementing the Integration
This section provides details about how to configure the participating applications and
middle layer for the integration. It also includes information on error handling,
monitoring, customization options, and data mapping.
The section contains the following chapters:
Configuring the Integration
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Customization Options
Part 2 - Implementing the
Integration Product
Configuring the Integration 3 - 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 3
Configuring the Integration
This section provides details about the configuration settings required for the integration,
and also discusses the following in detail:
Integration Configuration Checklist
Setting up the Integration JMS Wrapper Process
Data Synchronization
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Setting Up Process Integration
Integration Configuration Checklist
Configuring the Integration 3 - 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Integration Configuration Checklist
In order to implement the integration between Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
and Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, the respective applications need to be
configured. For complete details, see the following sections:
Integration JMS Wrapper Configuration (Optional)
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Configuration Checklist
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Configuration Checklist
Integration Product Configuration Checklist
Note: Refer to the product documentation for Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing or Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management for the configuration information.
Integration JMS Wrapper Configuration
Note: When using the Integration JMS Wrapper Processes, Inbound
Message Configuration (JMS and MDB configuration) and some
Oubound Message Configurations are not needed in both CCB and
SOM applications. See the respective sections for more details.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuration Checklist
Complete the administrative data setup as needed to implement the integration. Refer to
the Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing section for more details.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Configuration Checklist
Complete the administrative data setup as needed to implement the integration. Refer to
the Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management section for more details.
Task Description
Install Patch Install Optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 if
implementation decides to use the JMS Wrapper
processes to access the request and response queues
instead of letting the edge applications access the
queues directly.
Setting JMS Wrapper Configuration
Set Service Configurations properties that are used by
a specific JMS Wrapper BPEL processes.
Setting up the Integration JMS Wrapper Process
Configuring the Integration 3 - 3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Integration Product Configuration Checklist
In the integration layer, configure the system properties in the configuration properties
file and the Domain Value Maps (DVMs).
Setting Configuration Properties for the Integration Layer: Set the system
properties in the ConfigurationProperties.xml file.
Setting Domain Value Maps for the Integration Layer: Set the Domain Value
Maps to map the codes and other static values across applications.
Setting up the Integration JMS Wrapper Process
The following sections describe how to configure the JMS Wrapper integration processes
to allow CCB and SOM to communicate with the CCB-SOM integration processes using
webservice rather than reading and writing to the queue directly.
The configuration steps include setting the following:
Install Optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387
Setting JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties
Setting Edge Application Outbound Message Configuration
Install Optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387
Download and install the CCB-SOM Patch 26786387.
Setting JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties
Various configurations that apply specific JMS Wrapper integration processes are stored
in the JMSWrapperConfigurationProperties.xml file located in MDS under the apps/
CCB-SOM/AIAMetaData/config directory.
The JMSWrapperConfigurationProperties file holds the edge application's endpoint
references that are picked up by the integration at runtime to use to call the specific edge
application's webservice.
Note: Whenever the JMSWrapperConfigurationProperties.xml file is
updated, the file must be reloaded to MDS for updates to be reflected in
the applications or services that use the updated properties. You can
perform the reload by restarting the SOA server.
Please refer to Appendix B for more information on how to configure the JMS Wrapper
Configuration Properties File values.
Setting Edge Application Outbound Message
When using the JMS Wrapper Integration Processes, message senders should be created
to call the JMS Wrapper Write Processes and these message senders should be linked to
the CCB or SOM external system. Also, JMS, MDB, JNDI Server, JMS Queues and
Connection configurations are not needed in both CCB and SOM application.
Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Configuration Checklist and Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management Configuration Checklist sections for more details.
Data Synchronization
Configuring the Integration 3 - 4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Data Synchronization
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing manages the customer (person), account
(service agreement), and service point details. And, the person, service point (SP), and
service agreement (SA) details from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing need to be
synchronized in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management for the integration to work.
For more information about the sync request process, the business objects, maintenance
objects, and other components used for this process, see Data Synchronization in Oracle
Utilities Framework User Guide.
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
This section describes the procedure to configure Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to meet the requirements for this integration.
Setting up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing includes the following:
Configuring Admin Data Tables
Configuring System Data Tables
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Inbound Message (JMS)
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Outbound Message (XAI)
For more information on configuring and working with Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing, see the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing standard documentation.
Some configurations described may be required for general functionality
and do not necessarily relate directly to the integration; however these
are called out as particularly significant configuration items. The
inclusion of such items does not mean that other general items that are
not mentioned do not need to be configured.
Configuring Admin Data Tables
The table below shows the unique setup data required to configure the system for this
Column Description Navigation Guideline
FA Cancel Reason Creates the required FA cancel
reason in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
indicated. One must also be
selected as the system default
value for Service Order
Admin > F>
Cancel Reason
Define FA cancel
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 5
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Country Creates the required country code
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing.
Use the Main page to customize
the fields and field descriptions
that are displayed where addresses
are used in the system. This
ensures that all addresses
conform to the customary
address format and conventions
of the particular country defined.
Admin > C >
Create the country
Disconnect Location Creates the required Disconnect
Location codes in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The
codes defined here must exactly
match the values in the DVM
When a service point is
disconnected from the supply
source, a disconnect location
must be specified. This location
defines where service was
Admin > D >
Define the
location codes
FA Type Creates the required FA types in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing. The codes defined
here must exactly match the
values in the DVM indicated.
They should be defined with no
FA steps, non-dispatchable and
fieldwork orchestration is Oracle
Utilities Service Order
Admin > F>
Field Activity
Create FA types CCB_SOM_FAType
Remark Code Creates the required remark code
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Admin >
Remark Code
Define the code
for remarks
Service Instructions Creates the required service
instructions in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Admin > Meter
Read Instruction
Define service
Column Description Navigation Guideline
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 6
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Master Configuration
On the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration Master
Configuration page, click Add to configure the external communication, service order
management task, and contact information.
External Communication
This information is used by Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to communicate
with Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
For example: The Field Activity portal displays the service request overview containing
the corresponding Oracle Utilities Service Order Management activity, as well as any
related activities. The External System and Outbound Message Type defined in this
section are used to request this information.
The Request Type identifies the various data requests that can be made to an external
system. The External System and Outbound Message Type are used to create the
outbound message for the data request.
Service Order Management Tasks
Use the Service Task Type to support service order management requests, such as
appointment booking and confirmation, missed appointment notification, customer
contact creation, field activity remarks creation, and others. Also, it is used to create an
instance of a service task.
Contact Information
Define the phone types to be used to retrieve the contact information to be included in
the information sent to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management as part of sending the
FA Sync Request.
Note: [External System] denotes the name of the master configuration
which is configurable by the user. The field values also can be
configured in the implementation:
Service Warnings Creates the required service
instructions in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Admin > Meter
Read Warning
Define service
Column Description Navigation Guideline
Field Sample Value
Admin > M > Master Configuration > [External System] > Master Configuration Details
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 7
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Configuring System Data Tables
To use the system data tables, configure the following:
Business Objects
BO Algorithms
Business Objects
The table below lists the business objects to be configured in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing.
External Communication >
Request Type
Field Activity Information
Field Activity Cancellability
External Communication >
Outbound Message Type
SOM (Integration) - FA
Information OB Message
SOM (Integration) - FA
Cancellability OB Message
Service Order Management Task
> Service Order Management
Appointment Notification
Customer Contact
Service Order Management
Task > Service Task Type
SOM (Integration) -
Appointment Notification
SOM (Integration) - Create
Customer Contact
Contact Information FA contact information that
includes Main Phone Type for
Person, Business, and Cell
Phone Type
Field Activity Type Profile
Defaults according to your
business requirements.
For example: start activity
Business Object Description
C1-ServiceRequestFieldActivity Specified as Business Object to Read in FA Synch
Request's (C1-FASyncRequest) business object option
and is used to capture initial and final FA snapshot to
be synced to Oracle Utilities Service Order
The data area - C1-ServiceRequestFieldActivity,
included in this business object may be extended by
implementation, with additional FA attributes, as
Field Sample Value
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 8
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
C1-SOMFieldActivity Captures the field activity information of pass thru
pick-up order instantiated during the processing of
Field Activity Completion Task.
C1-FieldActivityRemarkTask Processes the field activity remark request from Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management.
C1-FieldActivityRemarkTaskType Captures the information to use in create field activity
remark task processing.
C1-ServiceRequestIntegration Captures the configuration required by the integration.
C1-FASyncRequest Defines the behavior of an outbound FA sync request
to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
Configure the Outbound Message Type to create the
outbound sync request. The base package includes BO
C1-FASyncReqOutMsg for the Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management FA Sync.
Refer to Defining Outbound Message Types in the
user documentation for more information.
C1-ServiceRequestTask Holds the common schema elements and life cycle of
the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management flows,
such as appointment notification, missed appointment,
and customer contact creation.
C1-ServiceRequestTaskType Used as a parent service task type BO for service order
management related task type BOs (i.e. appointment
notification, missed appointment and customer
contact creation requests).
C1-NotifyAppointmentTask Processes the appointment booking request and
confirmation from Oracle Utilities Service Order
C1-NotifyAppointmentTaskType Captures the information to use in the appointment
notification processing.
C1-NotifyMissedAppointmentTask Contains the actions and processes to be executed
when Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
receives a missed appointment notification from
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
C1-NotifyMissedApptTaskType Captures the information to be used in the missed
appointment processing.
C1-CreateCustomerContactTask Processes the customer contact creation request from
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
C1-CreateCustContactTaskType Captures the information used in creating customer
contact when processing the service task.
Business Object Description
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 9
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
C1-FACompletionTask Created by the field activity completion inbound
service and captures the completion information from
the service, used to complete a field activity.
C1-FACompletionTaskType Captures the attributes used in field activity
completion task processing.
C1-FASyncReqOutMsg Contains the elements necessary to build a sync
request outbound message. Define this business object
on the outbound message type your implementation
configures for the MDM FA sync.
C1-ServiceRequestOutMsg Requests the field activity tree information from
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management. The
information is displayed on the Field Activity portal.
C1-DeviceOverviewOutMsg Requests the device information from Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management. The information
retrieved is displayed on the Service Point portal.
C1-DeviceConfigOutMsg Requests the device configuration information from
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management. The
information retrieved is displayed on the Control
Central Premise Information zone.
C1-FAInfoOutMsg Requests the field activity information from Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management. The information
retrieved is concatenated to Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing field activity information.
C1-FACancellabilityOutMsg Contains the request sent to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management to determine if the field activity
can be cancelled.
C1-PremiseSOMActivityOutMsg Retrieves the premise's activities from Service Order
Management. The information retrieved is displayed
on the Control Central Account Information and
Premise portal zones.
Business Object Description
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 10
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
BO Algorithms
The table below describes the BO algorithms for the integration.
BO Algorithm Type Description
(Capture FA-Based Initial Snapshot)
Builds the initial snapshot for the FA Sync Request.
At first, the FA type's fieldwork orchestration is
interrogated to verify is sync is needed. Algorithm
terminates if FA to be synced is not managed by
Service Order Management. The read BO, snapshot
data area and post script are obtained from the FA
sync request's BO options. This entire set of
information is captured in the snapshot data area. Post
script on BO option allows implementations to
perform further manipulation on the data if necessary.
Also see the service script C1-ConMDM2En called by
this algorithm to build the snapshot. It is a generic
script that can be used if only one "read" BO is used to
build the data and the snapshot data area does not
need any further manipulation prior to the execution
of the post script.
Once the algorithm has determined the values above,
it stores them in the sync request schema so that the
same values may be used later in building the final
snapshot. Refer to algorithm type C1-CAPFASSF.
(Capture FA Final Snapshot)
Builds the final snapshot of FA Sync Request.
To accomplish this, it uses values stored in the sync
request as determined by the algorithm that built the
initial snapshot. Refer to C1-CAPFASSI for more
information. Also see the generic service script C1-
ConMDM2En called by this algorithm to build the
(Check If Related Non-Final Syncs
Exist for the FA)
Checks existence of non-final FA related sync requests
such as SA and SP. It ensures that related sync requests
are completed before sending over the FA sync
(Wait For Related Sync To
Checks the eligibility of the FA sync request. Request is
discarded due to the following conditions:
FA to be synched has been completed
FA to be synched has been cancelled with cancel
reason indicating Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management initiated cancellation.
FA to be synched has been cancelled but the FA has
not yet been synced over to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Log entry will be created to indicate that
synchronization is not required if the FA sync request
is discarded.
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 11
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
(Capture Additional FA
Populates the FA Information with the following:
Service agreements and event type list from FA's
Aaddress details from SP's premise
SP's service point type
(Retrieve Latitude/Longitude
Geographic Value
Retrieves the geographic value that holds the
concatenated latitude and longitude information from
the FA's service point, using the feature
configuration's schema constant option for geographic
type. If not available from the SP, the value is obtained
from the SP's premise. If a geographic value is
available, it is split its components - latitude and
longitude and stamped on the FA sync request.
(Capture FA Contact Information)
Sends the contact information of the person linked to
a Field Activity.
In a back-to-back situation, specify if the contact
information of the person linked to the stop or to the
start should be sent.
If value is "ST" (Start): Contact information for the
first person retrieved that is linked to the activity
with activity type of start will be sent
If value is "SP" (Stop): Contact information for the
first person retrieved that is linked to the activity
with activity type of stop will be sent
If not provided or blank: Contact information for
the first person retrieved that is linked to the activity
will be sent
(Transition Related FA From SP
Retrieves FA sync request related to the SP sync
request and auto-transitions them.
(Transition Related FA From SA
Retrieves FA sync request related to the SA sync
request and auto-transitions them.
(Process Appointment Notification)
Processes the following appointment notifications
received from Oracle Utilities Service Order
Appointment Needed: This request type creates a
to do entry using the to do type specified in the
appointment notification service task type. The to
do entry is stamped with the FA Id that required an
Appointment Scheduled: This request type finds all
outstanding to do entries associated with the FA
that required an appointment and completes them.
BO Algorithm Type Description
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 12
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
(Process Missed Appointment
Creates an adjustment using the adjustment type
specified in the service task's type, against the SA
associated with the FA's SP.
C1-CREATECC (Create Customer
Creates customer contact, initiated by Service Order
Management for the main person associated with FA's
service point, using customer class obtained from
feature configuration's schema constants option and
customer contact type obtained from the service task
(Service Order Management Task
Formats service order management service task
information that appears throughout the system.
Info String format is service task type description, BO
status description, Customer name, Create date/time
(FA Completion - Create FA)
Creates a field activity using the service point, field
activity type and field activity date time stamped on the
FA completion service task.
It applies to non-Customer Care & Billing owned field
activities (pick-up orders) that are initiated by the
fieldwork system with the completion information
routed to Customer Care & Billing by Service Order
Management. The field activity to be created also has
to be a "pass thru" - as identified by the population of
the srCompletionMessage node of the service task.
The newly created FA is stamped on the service task.
(FA Completion - Update Master
Updates the following master data: SP, item and meter
and customer contact. It applies to non-Customer
Care & Billing owned field activities (pick-up orders)
that are initiated by the fieldwork system with the
completion information routed to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing by Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Master data update information is obtained from the
srCompletionMessage node of the service task. After
the master data updates, the field activity steps are
completed via field activity upload process. To do
entry will also be created for crew messages specified
in the completion details - with to do type obtained
from the service task type.
BO Algorithm Type Description
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Configuring the Integration 3 - 13
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
To configure the lookups, follow these steps:
1. On the Admin menu, navigate to L > Lookup.
2. Enter the Field Name (from the table below), and then enter the respective values.
(FA Completion - Create
Adjustment And/Or To Do)
Creates an adjustment and/or to do for field activity
completion. It applies to non-Customer Care & Billing
owned field activities (pick-up orders), that are
initiated by the fieldwork system with the completion
information routed to Customer Care & Billing by
Service Order Management.
The adjustment type is obtained from the Service Task
Type using the field activity type stamped on the
service task. If the adjustment type cannot be
identified or if the field activity type is not included in
the mapping, adjustment will not be created.
Adjustment's service agreement is obtained from the
service point stamped on the service task. If a billable
service agreement cannot be identified from the
service point, the service task transitions to error.
To do type used in the to do creation is also obtained
from the service task type. This algorithm is applicable
only if field activity is not stamped on the service task.
BO Algorithm Type Description
Column Description Field Name Guideline
App Request System delivered values. The
codes defined here must exactly
match the values in the DVM
Create the
request type
Completion Action
Creates the required completion
action's code in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. The
codes defined here must exactly
match the values in the DVM
Create completion
action's code
FA Status System delivered values. The
codes defined here must exactly
match the values in the DVM
Define FA status CCB_SOM_FAStatus
FA Check
System delivered values. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Create FA check
cancelability code
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Inbound Message (JMS) Configuration
This section describes the JMS configuration to be done in the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing WebLogic server and in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
deployment XML files. Configure the JMS to receive JMS messages from the integration
WebLogic Server JMS Configuration
Configuration File Changes
Note: This Inbound Message Configuration setup is NOT needed if the
optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 is installed. This means the
implementation will use the Integration JMS Wrapper processes to
receive and send JMS messages to the request and response queues.
Please proceed to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Outbound Message (XAI) Configuration section.
For first-time installation, skip this configuration. For an existing implementation that
has already done this setup but want to switch and use the Integration JMS Wrapper
Processes instead, the JMS configuration can be left as is. These configurations will not
be used but the deployment XML files must be removed to avoid any issues with
message consumption from the queue.
WebLogic Server JMS Configuration
To configure JMS on the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing WebLogic server,
login to the console using the URL http://<server_name>:<port_number>/console.
For example: http://CCB_HOST:7001/console
SASPFAEventTy System delivered values. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Update Event Type System delivered values. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Define update
event type
Service Request
Cancel Reason
Configures the corresponding
values from the Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing Field
Activity Cancel Reason table.
Service Request
Cancel Reason
Column Description Field Name Guideline
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
JMS Module
To create a new JMS module in the WebLogic console:
1. Open the WebLogic console and create a new JMS module.
2. Enter a meaningful name for the JMS module. This JMS module is used to create
configurations which consume messages from remote WebLogic queues.
Example: CCBSOMIntegrationModule
Foreign Server
To create a new Foreign server under the JMS module in the WebLogic console:
1. Enter the WebLogic console and select the JMS module created for the integration.
2. Create a Foreign server under the JMS module.
3. Enter the following for the Foreign server:
Name – Name for the Foreign server.
Example: CCBSOMForeignServer
JNDI Initial Context Factoryweblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
JNDI Connection URL – Add the URL for the Integration SOA server.
Example: t3://SOA_HOST: SOA_PORT_NO
JNDI Properties Credential – Password for the SOA server user
JNDI Properties - java.naming.security.principal=<SOA Server user>
Example: weblogic
4. Under the Foreign server, create a foreign destination for each remote queue.
Name – Name of the foreign destination.
Local JNDI Name – Add a local JNDI name for the Integration Queue. Local
JNDI name is later added manually as part of configuration in weblogic-ejb-
jar.xml <weblogic-enterprise-bean> <message-driven-descriptor>
Remote JNDI Name – JNDI name of the queue on the Integration SOA
A destination is created for each integration point.
5. Under the Foreign server, create a Remote Connection Factory according to the
following example:
Name – Name of the remote connection factory.
Local JNDI Name – Add a local JNDI name to the Integration Connection
Factory. This JNDI name is added manually later as part of configuration in
WebLogic-ejb-jar.xml <weblogic-enterprise-bean> <message-driven-
descriptor> <connection-factory-jndi-name>.
Remote JNDI Name – JNDI name of the JMS Connection factory on the
Integration SOA server.
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Example WebLogic Server JMS Setup
FA Sync Response
Remote Connection Factory
Configuration File Changes
Configuring Message Driven Beans (MDB)
It is recommended that you use the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing template
and CM (Customer Modification) feature to make changes to these configuration files.
This ensures that your modifications cannot be overwritten by future application patches.
Modify files: ejb-jar.xml and ejb-weblogic-jar.xml
Location: Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Enterprise Archive (EAR)
Observe the following while making configuration file changes:
The Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing configuration files, ejb-
jar.xml and ejb-weblogic-jar.xml, must be modified to configure Message
Driven Beans (MDB). MDBs which receive messages from the integration
queues. These files are part of the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Enterprise Archive (EAR) file.
The Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing application needs to be
redeployed after these changes are made.
Managing configuration files: Configuration files such as config.xml, ejb-
jar.xml, and ejb-weblogic-jar.xml are managed through template configuration
files which reside in the environment’s templates directory. When the
initialSetup.sh script is executed, environment specific information is combined
with the template to create the target file which is then deployed to the correct
location. When the environment is started (spl.sh start), changes are
automatically deployed to WebLogic.
Extending existing templates: For Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
version, it is possible to extend existing templates with the use of Include
template file(s) in the same location as the existing template. Using
#ouaf_user_exit within the target template that is extended, additional
configuration from the included template is processed and appended to the
target template where the #ouaf_user_exit is present.
Destination Name Local JNDI Name Remote JNDI Name
CCBFASyncResponse jms/CCB-SOM/
Destination Name Local JNDI Name Remote JNDI Name
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Enabling changes for integration: To enable your changes for integration
with Oracle Utilities Service Order Management it is recommended that you first
make a “CM” copy of the existing template and then make your changes to the
CM version. If there are any problems with starting the application, delete the
CM versions of the files and rerun initialSetup to regenerate and redeploy the
original versions.
If you make CM versions of the template files and later install a patch which
updates the base template, the CM version will not be updated.
Create an MDB to Receive Messages
To create an MDB to receive messages from the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing inbound queue:
1. Create an MDB to receive messages from each integration inbound queue.
For simplicity, we refer to the names of the target configuration files in the following
examples. However, ensure the changes are done in the templates/cm_<target
file>.include version of the file, and then execute initalSetup.sh (Unix) or
initalSetup.cmd (Windows) to deploy the generated file.
2. Create an MDB for each Oracle Utilities Service Order Management inbound queue
to receive messages and invoke the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
3. Create or modify the following files to configure the MDBs for both XAI MDB
setup and IWS MDB setup. The different filenames used for IWS and XAI MDB
setup are:
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include
XAI: cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include
XAI: cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
IWS: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include
XAI: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include
IWS/XAI: cm_config.xml.jms.include or cm_config.xml.win.jms.include (for
Windows systems only)
Note: Add the <message-driven> and <container-transaction> tag for
each inbound queue in the ejb-jar.xml files. Also, add a security role with
role cisusers in the ejb-jar.xml files.
a. For File Name:
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include
XAI : cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
These configurations are needed based on whether IWS or XAI MDB setup
is needed.
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Example of cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include (IWS Setup)
<description>MDB for OUSOM2BatchBDRequest</description>
<description>Allow messages without SOAPJMS_targetService'
IWS Configuration XAI Configuration
<description>Allow messages without
'SOAPJMS_targetService' set
<description>user name case
Not needed
Not needed
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<description>user name case insensitive</description> <env-
entry-name>caseInsensitiveName</env-entry-name> <env-entry-
b. File Name:
IWS : cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include
XAI : cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
These configurations are needed based on whether IWS or XAI MDB setup
is needed.
Example of cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include (IWS Setup)
c. Modify the file for IWS: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include or file for
XAI: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include. Add the <weblogic-enterprise-
bean> tag for each inbound queue.
The references in <weblogic-enterprise-bean> tag are as follows:
<ejb-name> - MDB name given in ejb-jar.xml.
<destination-jndi-name> - JNDI name provided in JMS module
Foreign server Foreign destination Local JNDI name.
<connection-factory-jndi-name> - JNDI name provided in JMS
module Foreign server Remote Connection Factory Local
JNDI name.
Example in cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include (IWS Setup)
IWS Configuration XAI Configuration
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
d. Example in cm_config.xml.jms.include / cm_config.xml.win.jms.include
Add the entries of users needed for MDB execution through Menu options.
Set the environment and navigate to bin. Run the configuration file
(configureEnv.sh for Linux and configureEnv.cmd for windows). From the
Menu 3 - Web Application Server Configuration configure the MDB RunAs
User ID: and Super User IDs: that modify the environment file with
necessary user information.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Outbound Message (XAI) Configuration
This section describes the requirements for configuring XAI in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing.
Note: The JNDI Server, JMS Queue and JMS Connection setup are
NOT needed if the optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 is installed.
This means the implementation will use the Integration JMS Wrapper
processes to receive and send JMS messages to the request and response
queues. Please proceed to XAI Sender, Outbound Message Type and
External System Configuration.
For a new installation, skip this setup. For an existing implementation that has already
done this setup but want to switch and use the Integration JMS Wrapper processes
instead, this setup can be left as is since they will just be ignored and not use.
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
To create a new XAI JNDI server pointing to the integration SOA server:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to XAI JNDI Server.
2. Enter the XAI JNDI server name.
3. Enter the XAI JNDI server description
Example: CCB-SOM
4. Enter the Provider URL in the t3://
5. Enter the Initial Context Factory.
Example: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
To create a new XAI JMS queue for each integration queue where Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing sends messages:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI JMS Queue.
2. Enter the following:
XAI JMS Queue – Queue name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Description – Queue description
Queue NameJNDI name of the queue on the integration server.
Example: jms/CCB-SOM/CCBFASyncRequest
Target Client FlagJMS
XAI JNDI Server – Select the XAI JNDI server created for integration.
Note: Define those queues only where Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing publishes or writes messages.
Example JMS Queue Setup
FA Sync Request
XAI JMS Connection
Create a new XAI JMS connection used to connect to the integration queues.
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI JMS Connection.
2. Enter the following:
Description Queue Name
FASyncReq CCBFASyncReques
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
XAI JMS Connection – Connection name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing
Description – Connection description
XAI JNDI Server – Select the XAI JNDI server created for this integration (as
described in XAI JNDI Server).
JNDI ConnectionFactory – JNDI name of the connection factory on the
Integration server.
XAI Sender
Create a new XAI Sender for each Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing outbound
integration queue.
If Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing is accessing the Integration JMS Wrapper
services, create a XAI Sender for each JMS Wrapper service. Refer to XAI Sender for
Each JMS Wrapper Process setup below.
Note that the optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 must be installed to use the
Integration JMS Wrapper services. XAI Sender for each outbound queue is not needed.
XAI Sender for Each Outbound Queue
To create a real-time XAI sender configured to communicate with the integration layer:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI Sender.
2. Enter a unique XAI sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
XAI Sender – Sender name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Description – Sender description
Invocation Type Real-time
XAI Class – RTJMSQSNDR (Messages routed via JMS queue real-time)
Active - Select the check box.
MSG EncodingUTF-8 message encoding
XAI JMS Connection – XAI JMS connection created for the integration.
XAI JMS QueueXAI JMS queue created for the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing outbound queue.
4. On the Context tab, set the values for the following context types:
JMS Message Type (Bytes(Y)/Text(N))N
JMS User NameUser for the SOA server to be accessed.
JMS User Password Password for the SOA server to be accessed.
Description XAI JNDI Server
JNDI Connection
Connection Factory
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XAI Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Process
Create a real time XAI Sender configured to communicate with the integration JMS
wrapper service. Navigate to the XAI Sender portal under the Admin menu and do the
1. Enter a unique XAI Sender and its description.
2. Populate the following values:
XAI Sender - Sender name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
Description - Sender description
Invocation Type - Real-time
Message Class - SOAPSNDR (SOAP Sender)
Active - Select the checkbox
XAI Encoding - UTF-8 message encoding
3. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Header - SOAPAction:"process"
HTTP Login User - User ID to access Integration BPEL process
HTTP Password - Password to access Integration BPEL process
HTTP Timeout - 60
HTTP Transport Method - SendReceive
HTTP URL 1 - Set the URL to be accessed. If the URL value does not fit, use
the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
Example XAI Sender Setup for Outbound Queues
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
CCB-SOM Integration -
Device Config
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
CCB-SOM Integration -
Device Overview
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Example XAI Sender for BPEL JMS Wrapper Services
FA Sync Request JMS Write Service
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
FA Cancellability
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
FA Information
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
CCB-SOM Integration -
SOM Overview
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
CCB-SOM Integration -
Premise Activity Overview
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
FASynReqJW FASyncRequest JMS Write
Wrapper Service
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Outbound Message Type
To create a new outbound message type for each Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing outbound integration queue:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to O > Outbound Message Type.
2. Enter an outbound message type, description, and detailed description.
3. Select the outbound message business object created for a specific outbound queue.
Example Outbound Message Type Setup
External System
To create a new external system for the integration:
Note: The system supports defining XSLs as a managed content record.
For backward compatibility, the system supports defining XSL as a file
in the file system. This is a system wide setting that is defined using the
Feature Configuration page. The Feature Type is “External
Messages” and Option Type is “XSL Location”. Set the value to
“F1FL” to support XSL in the file system. The file location is
configured using a system property. To support XSL in managed
Outbound Message
Type Name
Description Business Object
SOM_DCONQRY SOM (Integration) - Device
Configuration OB Message
(Device Configuration
Outbound Message
SOM_DVCEQRY SOM (Integration) - Device
Query OB Message
(Device Overview
Outbound Message)
SOM_FACAN SOM (Integration) - FA
Cancellability OB Message
(Device Overview
Outbound Message)
SOM_FAINFO SOM (Integration) - FA
Information OB Message
(Activity Information
Outbound Message)
SOM_FASYNC SOM (Integration) - FASyncReq
OB Message
(FA Sync Request
Outbound Message)
SOM_SREQEURY SOM (Integration) - SR Query
OB Message
(Service Order Management
Overview Outbound
SOM_SREPREMQRY SOM (Integration) - Premise
Activity Query OB Message
(Premise Activity Overview
Outbound Message)
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
content, no option is needed since it is the default. You may explicitly
define the “F1MC” value, if required.
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to E > External System.
2. Enter a unique external system and description.
Example: Name = SOM, Description = CCB-SOM
3. Set the Our Name in Their System field to Customer Care and Billing.
4. Associate the outbound message types created to the external system.
For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message TypeSet the outbound message type created for Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing outbound queue.
Processing Method Real-time
XAI Sender – Set the XAI sender created for the queue.
Message XSL - C1SRDeviceConfigRequest.xsl
If Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends JMS messages to the integration
queues, use the XAI senders created for each outbound queue. See XAI Sender for each
outbound queue for more information.
If Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing is sending JMS messages to the integration
JMS Wrapper service, use the XAI senders create for each JMS Wrapper service. See XAI
Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Process for more information.
Example: External System – SOM
For more information about configuration guidelines, see the Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing documentation.
Message Type
g Method
XAI Sender Message XSL Response XSL
SOM_DVCEQRY Real-time SOMDEVICEOVW C1SRDeviceInfoRequest.xsl C1SRDeviceInfoResponse.xsl
Real-time SOMDEVICECON C1SRDeviceConfigRequest.xsl C1SRDeviceConfigResponse.
SOM_FACAN Real-time SOMFACAN CDxAddEnvelope-SOAP1-
SOM_FACOM Real-time SOMFACOM C1SRPremisesActivitiesRequest
C1SRFAInfoRequest.xsl C1SRFAInfoResponse.xsl
Real-time SOMSROVERVW C1SRActivityInfoRequest.xsl C1SRActivityInfoResponse.
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
This section describes the procedure to configure Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management to meet the requirements for the integration.
Setting up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management includes the following:
Configuring Admin Data Tables
Configuring System Data Tables
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Outbound (XAI) Configuration
Some configurations described may be required for general functionality and do not
necessarily relate directly to the integration; however these are called out as particularly
significant configuration items. The inclusion of such items does not mean that other
general items that are not mentioned do not need to be configured.
Note: This Inbound Message Configuration is NOT needed if the
optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 is installed. This means the
implementation will use the Integration JMS Wrapper processes to
receive and send JMS messages to the request and response queues.
Please proceed to the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Outbound Message Configuration section.
For a new installation, skip this configuration. For an existing implementation that has
already done this setup but want to switch and use the Integration JMS Wrapper
processes instead, the JMS configuration can be left as is since these configuration will
not be used but the deployment XML files must be removed.
Configuring Admin Data Tables
This section describes the Admin tables required for configuring your system for the
For more information about configuring Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management, see the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management User's
The table below shows the unique setup data required to configure the system for this
Column Description Navigation Guideline
Manufacturer Create a Manufacturer code in
Oracle Utilities Service Order
Admin >
Create a
Manufacturer code
Configuration Type
Create a Device Configuration
Type in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Admin > Device
Create a Device
Configuration Type
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Master Configuration
The master configurations are pre-populated with the information that is necessary to
support the base objects included in the data sync.
Note: [External System] denotes the name of the master configuration
which is configurable by the user. The field values also can be
configured in the implementation.
TOU Create the required TOU in
Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Admin > Time Of
Create the required
Time Of Use
UOM Create the required UOM in
Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Admin >Unit of
Create the required
Unit of Measure
Column Description Navigation Guideline
Field Sample Value
Admin > M > Master Configuration > [External System] > Master Configuration Details zone
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Configuring System Data Tables
To use the system data tables, configure the following:
Business Objects
Lookups and Extendable Lookups
CIS External Requester CCB External Application -
Used in Integration
Default Appointment Handling
CCB External Application -
Used in Integration
Completion Event Exception
To Do Type
To Do Role
Maximum Retries
Retry Frequency
Completion Event Expiration
Activity To Do Type
System Default Role
Maximum Retries 4
Retry Frequency: 00:05:00
Completion Event
Expiration Days10
FA Cancellable Script Determine FA Cancellability
Canceled - Cancellable
Completed - Not
Declined - Cancellable
Dispatched - Cancellable
Enroute - Not Cancellable
Error - Cancellable
On Hold - Cancellable
Started - Not Cancellable
Queued for Dispatch - Not
Scheduled - Cancellable
Suspended - Cancellable
Life Support/ Sensitive Load
Allow Cut Service
Field Sample Value
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Business Objects
The table below lists the business objects to be configured in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Business Object Name Description
D1-EnableService This business object handles requests for enablement
of service for a particular service point.
In the “Are SP and Device Ready?” state, it will first
execute any Customer-Device Compatibility algorithm
defined on the Enable Service Activity Type. If your
organization has specific criteria that should prevent
the enablement from happening without review (for
example, a meter exchange might be necessary), you
would define these criteria via the Customer-Device
Compatibility algorithm. If incompatibility is detected,
a Service Order Resolution activity will be created.
This activity type can be overridden via algorithm
Next, the BO logic checks the state of the service
point, and if required, creates the corresponding
activities to bring the state of the service point such
that service is available. This could involve issuing field
work to connect service at the service point, install a
meter, and ensure the meter is turned on. If the meter
is a smart meter, the activity can create the appropriate
smart meter commands to commission and connect
the meter. If the smart meter is not yet enabled for
commands, an alternative field task will be created.
The configuration for these activities can be found in
the soft parameters of the “Connect SP and Install
Device” and “Connect Device” algorithms.
If it determines that the desired state of the service
point is achieved, it will also ensure that corresponding
measurements exist so that the service can be billed
from the date/time at which service started.
If the request came from an external system, it will
then send a response message indicating it was
successful in enabling service.
If the request is discarded, it will send a response
message indicating it was unsuccessful to the external
system. Note that if the cause of it being discarded was
initiated by the external system no response message
will be sent.
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D1-DisableService This business object handles requests for disablement
of service for a particular service point.
In the ‘Are SP and Device Ready’ state, it will check the
state of the service point and if required creates the
corresponding activities to bring the state of the
service point such that service is cut.
If it determines that the desired state of the service
point is achieved, it will also ensure that corresponding
measurements exists so that the service can be final
If the requests came from an external system, it will
then send a response message indicating it was
successful in disabling service.
If it is discarded, it will send a response message
indicating it was unsuccessful to the external system.
Note that if the cause of it being discarded was
initiated by the external system no response message
will be sent.
D1-UpdateOrchestration This business object handles requests for updates to an
existing enablement or disablement orchestration and
their specific field activities. The available fields to
update are:
Start Date Time
Appointment Start Date Time
Appointment End Date Time
Depending on the status of the specific activity either
direct updates will be made to the activities and
communications within Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management or an outbound communication will be
sent to the field work system to request an update of
the specific activity fields that have been changed.
Once that update to the field work system is
confirmed as successful this BO will also update the
enable or disable orchestration as well.
If the updates are not successful the BO will be
discarded. When it is discarded, it will send a response
message to the requester indicating the update was
Business Object Name Description
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D1-CancelOrchestration This business object handles requests to cancel an
existing enablement or disablement orchestration and
their specific field activities.
Depending on the status of the specific activity, it will
either discard the activity or an outbound
communication will be sent to the field work system to
request a cancel of the specific activity. Once the
cancel to the field work system is confirmed as
successful this BO will also cancel the enable or
disable orchestration as well.
If the cancel is not successful the BO will be discarded.
When it is discarded, it will send a response message to
the requester indicating the cancel was unsuccessful.
D1-ExchangeMeter This activity orchestration business object handles
requests for exchanging the meter for a particular
service point.
By default, the new meter will be left in the same on/
off state as the previously installed meter. This can be
overridden by changing the Connect New Device flag
value either at request time or manually. A
decommissioning command will be created for the old
meter if it is a smart meter, based on a configuration
parameter on the Meter Exchange Activity Type.
The field task type of the meter exchange field activity
is defined via soft parameters for algorithm Create
Meter Exchange Field Activity. If there are different
business reasons for your organization's meter
exchanges that need to result in different types of
work, the field task type can be conditionally
overridden by setting up the following:
Device Install Business Role - Enumerates
business roles for meter exchanges, such as smart
meter roll-out, program enrollment, etc.
Meter Exchange Mapping - Maps the requested
types of activity (this is stored in BO element
FAType) to Device Install Business Roles.
Processing Method - Defines a processing
method for External Activity Type Mapping for the
Service Provider representing the requesting
system, and link the Meter Exchange Mapping BO
to it.
Meter Exchange Orchestration Type - The
activity type can be configured to associate a Device
Install Business Role to a field task type.
Business Object Name Description
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D1-BackToBackService This business object handles requests for back to back
- disablement and enablement of service for a
particular service point.
In the “Are SP and Device Ready?” state, it will first
execute any Customer-Device Compatibility algorithm
defined on the Enable Service Activity Type. If your
organization has specific criteria that should prevent
the enablement from happening without review (for
example, a meter exchange might be necessary), you
would define these criteria via the Customer-Device
Compatibility algorithm. If incompatibility is detected,
a Service Order Resolution activity will be created.
This activity type can be overridden via algorithm
Next, the BO logic checks if the device installed on the
service point is connected. If not and the installed
device is a manual meter, a field activity is dispatched
to turn on the device.
If device installed on the service point supports
remote disconnect and reconnect connect, command
requests will be issued to turn-off and turn-on the
device on the move-out and move-in dates. This
applies only if the vacant period is within the remote
off/on threshold days specified on the back to back
activity type.
Once the desired state of the service point is achieved,
it will also ensure that corresponding measurements
exist for both move-in and move-out to ensure that
the service can be billed.
If the request came from an external system, it will
then send a response message indicating it was
successful in disabling and enabling the service.
If the request is discarded, it will send a response
message indicating it was unsuccessful to the external
system. Note that if the cause of it being discarded was
initiated by the external system no response message
will be sent.
Business Object Name Description
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D1-CutServiceForNonPayment This business object handles cut service requests for a
service point due to non-payment.
In the 'Are SP and Device Ready' state, it will check
the state of the service point and if required creates the
corresponding activities to bring the state of the
service point such that service is cut.
Once the desired state of the service point is achieved,
it will also ensure that corresponding measurements
exist for cut service.
If the request came from an external system, it will
then send a response message indicating it was
successful in cutting the service.
If the request is discarded, it will send a response
message indicating it was unsuccessful to the external
system. Note that if the cause of it being discarded was
initiated by the external system no response message
will be sent.
In addition to common request orchestration
elements, this business object also includes an attribute
that allows the user to override rules - such as seasonal
and life support restrictions, determined at the time
when BO is instantiated. Cut service request
transitions to "Validation Error" state if any cut service
restriction, set in the Service Order Master
Configuration, is violated. This feature will be available
only while the BO has not passed the "Validate" state.
The business object also captures the customer's
financial information - collection details and payment
history. This information is populated at the time the
cut service field task is dispatched to the fieldwork
Business Object Name Description
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D1-ReconnectForPayment This business object handles requests for enablement
of service for a particular service point due to
In the 'Are SP and Device Ready' state, it will check
the state of the service point and if required creates the
corresponding activities to bring the state of the
service point such that service is enabled.
If the requests came from an external system, it will
then send a response message indicating it was
successful in reconnecting the service.
If it is discarded, it will send a response message
indicating it was unsuccessful to the external system.
Note that if the cause of it being discarded was
initiated by the external system no response message
will be sent.
Business Object Name Description
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D1-FieldActivity This business object represents a specific field work
task. It can be created from an orchestration activity
(such as Enable Service), directly (online or via
external service call to this business object), or via
service script Field Activity Inbound Synchronous/
Asynchronous Request.
The activity is validated as follows:
The field work system that should receive the
request can be identified successfully.
The field work site is supplied.
No duplicate or conflicting field task has been
issued for the site.
Any validation error transitions the request to its
'Validation Error' state and it remains in that state until
the error is fixed or until the request expires.
After validating the request, field work task is
evaluated if appointment is needed. If required, a
notification is sent to the appropriate external system
(either the requesting system or an appointment-
subscribing system) to schedule it with the customer.
The activity then creates an outbound communication,
and awaits an inbound communication response from
the field work system.
If the field work system indicates successful task
completion, completion events associated with the
field task type are created and executed, the request
transitions to its 'Completed' state and the
orchestrating request is nudged to determine the next
If the field work system indicates task cancellation, the
request transitions to its 'Cancelled' state, any
cancellation completion events associated with the
field task type are created and executed, and the
orchestrating request is nudged to its 'Error' state.
D1-DeviceCommission This business object orchestrates the communications
for the process of commissioning a device. This
process can differ significantly between AMI (head-
end) systems, so the life cycle of this business object is
meant to accommodate those differences by driving
successive communications to the head-end system.
Based on processing method configuration (see
Service Provider), this BO can produce the following
AMI Device Identifier request
Device Commissioning request
Device Commissioning Verification request
Business Object Name Description
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D1-DeviceDecommission This business object issues a communication that
decommissions a device. For the AMI vendors that are
supported with Smart Grid Gateway adapter products,
the decommissioning process requires only a single
communication, defined via the Device
Decommissioning processing method for the head-
end system Service Provider.
The communication produced by this activity can vary
for the different vendors, but it typically involves an
update to the head-end system database rather than a
communication that must reach the meter.
Decommissioning typically serves to inform the head-
end system that no communications should be
expected for the associated meter from that point
onward. If communication will eventually be resumed
from that device, the device would need to be
commissioned again.
This command may be part of the process of
removing or retiring a meter, or may be used in the
process of replacing communication network
hardware as a notification of a temporary
communications stoppage.
D1-RemoteConnect This business object produces multiple
communications depending upon head-end system
Based on processing method configuration (see
Service Provider), this BO can produce the below
communications in the following sequence:
Load Check request
Scalar On-Demand Read request
Remote Connect request
If any of the above processing methods is not
configured for a given head-end system (via Service
Provider), the command activity will skip creating that
D1-RemoteDisconnect This business object orchestrates the communications
for the process of connecting a device. The life cycle
of this business object can produce multiple
communications to complete the disconnect,
depending upon head-end system functionality.
Based on processing method configuration for the
head-end system Service Provider, this BO can
produce the below communications in the following
Remote Disconnect request
Scalar On-Demand Read request
Business Object Name Description
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D1-OnDemandReadScalar This command activity business object issues a
communication that requests a scalar on-demand read
for the point in time of the request, or as of the
effective date/time. An on-demand read typically
requires only a single communication, defined for this
command via the On-Demand Read (Scalar)
processing method for the head-end system Service
This command activity has several options that affect
its execution.
The command can be used to request either initial
or final measurements based on the input
Measurement Requested flag.
The command can retrieve measurement data
already existing in the system (useful if Meter Data
Management is installed, and the command is
requested from an outside system with no
knowledge of measurement data), or can produce a
request for new measurement data, via the Should
Use Existing Measurements flag.
The command can send the on-demand read data
to the requesting system and/or to measurement
subscribing applications based on the Measurement
Destination flag.
D1-OnDemandReadInterval This command activity business object issues a
communication that requests an interval on-demand
read for a range of time defined on the request. This
command business object produces a single
communication (typically, the on-demand read is not a
multi-message process), defined for this command via
the On-Demand Read (Interval) processing method
for the head-end system Service Provider.
This command activity has several options that affect
its execution.
The command can be used to request either initial
or final measurements based on the input
Measurement Requested flag.
The command can retrieve measurement data
already existing in the system (useful if Meter Data
Management is installed, and the command is
requested from an outside system with no
knowledge of measurement data), or can produce a
request for new measurement data, via the Should
Use Existing Measurements flag.
The command can send the on-demand read data
to the requesting system and/or to measurement
subscribing applications based on the Measurement
Destination flag.
Business Object Name Description
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D1-FieldActivityOBComm This business object creates a field activity outbound
message to be sent to Oracle Utilities Mobile
Workforce Management. Based upon the specific field
task type that is to be performed, it will gather the
appropriate supporting information to be sent along
with the message to Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce
Management. The additional information is retrieved
via service scripts that can be configured for each field
task type (refer to the processing scripts section within
the Field Task Type extendable lookup). The
outbound message BO to use in sending the message
is configured via the Field Activity processing method
for the service provider corresponding to Oracle
Utilities Mobile Workforce Management.
When field completion response is returned via an
inbound communication (see the Field Activity
Inbound Communication business object) and
successfully processed, the outbound communication
is then completed, transitioning the field activity that
had originally created it.
This business object also supports time-out, as well as
automated retry in case of an error. When this
business object is discarded, it transitions the field
activity that had originally created it into an exception
status (generally an error state).
Business Object Name Description
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Lookups and Extendable Lookups
To configure lookups in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management:
1. On the Admin menu, navigate to L > Lookup.
D1-FieldActivityIBComm This inbound communication contains the data
structure and processing logic for field work
completion information from Oracle Utilities Mobile
Workforce Management.
The inbound communication is responsible for
determining the outbound communication that
originated the request, as well as the associated field
Additional logic maps the Oracle Utilities Mobile
Workforce Management-formatted information from
the Response Detail section into the internal
Completion Detail section.
Based on the activity's field task type (refer to the Field
Task Type extendable lookup), the inbound
communication then creates completion events -
which could differ depending upon whether the
activity was completed or canceled by Oracle Utilities
Mobile Workforce Management. If any completion
event required for the field task type is not created
successfully, the inbound communication transitions
to an error state for troubleshooting. If any
completion event is not required for the field task type,
no error is thrown if it isn't successfully created.
The inbound communication also processes field
activity remarks included in the completion details,
creating completion events as needed based on the
configuration of the Field Activity Remark Type
extendable lookup.
Upon successful creation of the required completion
events, the inbound communication then updates the
outbound communication with the event date/time -
representing the point at which work was completed -
and transitions the outbound communication to
continue with its processing.
Business Object Name Description
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1. Enter the Field Name from the list below, and then enter the respective values.
To configure extendable lookups in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management:
1. On the Admin menu, navigate to E > Extendable Lookup.
1. Enter the Business Object from the list below, and then enter the respective values.
Column Description Navigation Guideline
Appt Request Type Create the required appointment
in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM
Create the
Request Type
Action Code Create the Action Code in Oracle
Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Create the
Completion Action
Disconnect Location Create the Disconnect Location
in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Create the
Disconnect Location
FA Status Create the FA Status in Oracle
Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated.
Create the FA Status CCB_SOM_
Event Type Create the required Event Type in
Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management. The codes defined
here must exactly match values in
the DVM indicated
Create the required
Event Type
Column Description Business Object Guideline
Field Task Type Creates the required Field Task
Type in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management. The codes
defined here must exactly match
values in the DVM indicated.
Create the Field Task
Meter Location Creates the required Meter
Location in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Create a Meter
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Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Outbound (XAI) Configuration
This section describes the requirements for configuring XAI in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
Note that the JNDI Server, JMS Queue and JMS Connection setup are
NOT needed if the optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 is installed.
This means the implementation will use the Integration JMS Wrapper
processes to receive and send JMS messages to the request and response
queues. Please proceed to XAI Sender, Outbound Message Type and
External System configuration.
For a new installation, skip this setup. For an existing implementation that has already
done this setup but want to switch and use the Integration JMS Wrapper processes
instead, this setup can be left as is since they will just be ignored and not use.
Create an MDB to Receive Messages
To create an MDB to receive messages from the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management outbound queue:
1. Create an MDB to receive messages from each integration outbound queue.
For simplicity, we refer to the names of the target configuration files in the following
examples. However, ensure the changes are done in the templates/cm_<target
file>.include version of the file, and then execute initalSetup.sh (Unix) or
initalSetup.cmd (Windows) to deploy the generated file.
2. Create an MDB for each Oracle Utilities Service Order Management outbound
queue to receive messages and invoke the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management service.
Remark Code Creates the required Remark
Code in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management. The codes
defined here must exactly match
values in the DVM indicated.
Create the required
Remark Code
Service Instructions Creates the required Service
Instructions in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Create the required
Service Instructions
Service Warnings Creates the required Service
Warnings in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management. The
codes defined here must exactly
match values in the DVM
Create the required
Service Warnings
Column Description Business Object Guideline
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3. Create or modify the following files to configure the MDBs for both XAI MDB
setup and IWS MDB setup. The different filenames used for IWS and XAI MDB
setup are:
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include
XAI: cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include
XAI: cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
IWS: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include
XAI: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include
IWS/XAI: cm_config.xml.jms.include or cm_config.xml.win.jms.include (for
Windows systems only)
Note: Add the <message-driven> and <container-transaction> tag for
each inbound queue in the ejb-jar.xml files. Also, add a security role with
role cisusers in the ejb-jar.xml files.
a. For File Name:
IWS: cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include
XAI : cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_1.include
These configurations are needed based on whether IWS or XAI MDB setup
is needed.
IWS Configuration XAI Configuration
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Example of cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_1.include (IWS Setup)
<description>MDB for OUSOM2BatchBDRequest</description>
<description>Allow messages without SOAPJMS_targetService'
<description>user name case insensitive</description> <env-
entry-name>caseInsensitiveName</env-entry-name> <env-entry-
<description>Allow messages without
'SOAPJMS_targetService' set
<description>user name case
Not needed
Not needed
IWS Configuration XAI Configuration
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
b. File Name:
IWS : cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include
XAI : cm_ejb-jar.xml.wls.jms_2.include
These configurations are needed based on whether IWS or XAI MDB setup
is needed.
Example of cm_ejb-jar.iws.xml.wls.jms_2.include (IWS Setup)
c. Modify the file for IWS: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include or file for
XAI: cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.jms.include. Add the <weblogic-enterprise-
bean> tag for each inbound queue.
The references in <weblogic-enterprise-bean> tag are as follows:
<ejb-name> - MDB name given in ejb-jar.xml.
<destination-jndi-name> - JNDI name provided in JMS module
Foreign server Foreign destination Local JNDI name.
<connection-factory-jndi-name> - JNDI name provided in JMS
module Foreign server Remote Connection Factory Local
JNDI name.
Example in cm_weblogic-ejb-jar.iws.xml.jms.include (IWS Setup)
IWS Configuration XAI Configuration
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d. Example in cm_config.xml.jms.include / cm_config.xml.win.jms.include
Add the entries of users needed for MDB execution through Menu options.
Set the environment and navigate to bin. Run the configuration file
(configureEnv.sh for Linux and configureEnv.cmd for windows). From the
Menu 3 - Web Application Server Configuration configure the MDB RunAs
User ID: and Super User IDs: that modify the environment file with
necessary user information.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management - Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing Integration
To create a new XAI JNDI server pointing to the Integration SOA server to
communicate with the integration layer:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI JNDI Server.
2. Enter the XAI JNDI server name.
Example: CCB_JNDI
3. Enter the XAI JNDI server description
Example: CCB Integration Server
4. Enter the Provider URL in the t3://<SOA_HOST>:<SOA_PORT_NO> format
5. Enter the Initial Context Factory.
Example: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
To create a new XAI JMS queue for each integration queue:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to XAI JMS Queue.
2. Enter the following:
XAI JMS Queue – Queue name in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Description – Queue description
Queue NameJNDI name of the queue on the integration server.
Example: jms/CCB-SOM/SOMFACompletionRequest
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Target Client FlagJMS
XAI JNDI Server – Select the XAI JNDI server created for integration.
Note: Define those queues only where Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management publishes or writes messages.
Example JMS Queue Setup
FA Sync Response
FA Completion Request
Update Request
Description Queue Name
FASyncResp SOM FA Sync
Response to Oracle
Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Description Queue Name
Request to Oracle
Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Description Queue Name
SRUpdateReq SOM SR Update
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SUB Completion Request
XAI JMS Connection
To create a new XAI JMS connection used to connect to the integration queues:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI JMS Connection.
2. Enter the following:
XAI JMS Connection – Connection name in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Description – Connection description
XAI JNDI Server – Select the XAI JNDI server created for this integration (as
described in XAI JNDI Server).
JNDI ConnectionFactory – JNDI name of the connection factory on the
Integration server.
XAI Sender
If Oracle Utilities Service Order Management is writing to the integration queues, create a
Message Sender for each outbound queue. Refer to the XAI Sender for Each Outbound
Queue XAI Sender for Each Outbound Queue setup below.
Note that Message Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Service
Configuration is not needed.
Optional CCB-SOM Patch 26786387 must be installed to use the
Integration JMS Wrapper Services. Message Sender for each outbound
queue Configuration is not needed. If Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management is calling the integration JMS Wrapper services, create a
XAI Sender for each JMS Wrapper service. Refer to the XAI Sender for
Each JMS Wrapper Service XAI Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Process
setup below.
Description Queue Name
SubCompReq SOM
Request to Oracle
Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Description XAI JNDI Server
JNDI Connection
Connection Factory
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XAI Sender for Each Outbound Queue
To create a new XAI Sender for each Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
outbound integration queue:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI Sender.
2. Enter a unique XAI sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
XAI Sender – Sender name in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Description – Sender description
Invocation Type Real-time
XAI Class – RTJMSQSNDR (Real-time JMS Queue Sender)
Active - Select the check box.
MSG EncodingUTF-8 message encoding
XAI JMS Connection – XAI JMS connection created for the integration.
XAI JMS QueueXAI JMS queue created for the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing outbound queue.
4. On the Context tab, set the values for the following context types:
JMS Message Type (Bytes(Y)/Text(N))N
JMS User NameUser for the SOA server to be accessed.
JMS User Password Password for the SOA server to be accessed.
XAI Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Service
Create a real time XAI Sender configured to communicate with the integration JMS
wrapper service.
1. Navigate to the XAI Sender portal under the Admin menu.
2. Enter a unique XAI Sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
XAI Sender - Sender name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Description - Sender description
Invocation Type - Real-time
Message Class - SOAPSNDR (SOAP Sender)
Active - Select the checkbox
MSG Encoding - UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Header - SOAPAction:"process"
HTTP Login User - User ID to access Integration BPEL process
HTTP Password - Password to access Integration BPEL process
HTTP Timeout - 60
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HTTP Transport Method - SendReceive
HTTP URL 1 - Set the URL to be accessed. If the URL value does not fit, use
the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
Example XAI Sender Setup for Outbound Queue
SR Update Request
FA Completion Request
FA Sync Response
FA Sync Request
XAI Sender Description
SRUpdateReq Sender to
SOMSRUpdateRequest queue in
Integration Server
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SR-COLLDATA SR-Collection Details http://
XAI Sender Description
FACompReq Sender to
SOMFACompletionReque queue
in Integration Server
XAI Sender Description
FASyncResp Sender to SOMFASyncResponse
queue in Integration Server
XAI Sender Description
FASyncReq Sender to CCBFASyncRequest
CCB-SOM Integration
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Example XAI Sender for BPEL JMS Wrapper Setup
FA Completion Request JMS Write Service
FA Sync Response JMS Write Service
SR Update Request JMS Write Service
Outbound Message Type
To create a new outbound message type for each Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management outbound integration queue:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to O > Outbound Message Type.
2. Enter an outbound message type, description, and detailed description.
3. Select the outbound message business object created for a specific outbound queue.
Example Outbound Message Type Setup
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
FACompReqJW FACompletionRequest JMS
Write Wrapper Service
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
FASynRespJW FASyncResponse JMS Write
Wrapper Service
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SRUpdateReqJW SRUpdateRequest JMS Write
Wrapper Service
Outbound Message
Type Name
Description Business Object
CNTRESMSG2 CCB2 Contact Response
Outbound Message
DVCNFRESMSG2 CCB2 Device Configuration
Response Outbound Message
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External System
To create a new external system for the integration:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to E > External System.
2. Enter a unique external system and description.
Example: Name = CCB, Description = CCB External System - Used in Integration
3. Set the Our Name in Their System field to MDM.
4. Associate the outbound message types created to the external system.
For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message TypeSet the outbound message type created for Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing outbound queue.
Processing Method Real-time
XAI Sender – Set the XAI sender created for the queue.
DVCRESMSG2 CCB2 Device Response
Outbound Message
INEVTRESMSG2 CCB2 Install Event Response
Outbound Message
SOM-UNPICCCB Send Unrelated PickUp Subp to
Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing
SPRESMSG2 CCB2 SP Response Outbound
SR-ACTRMKS SR-Send Activity Remarks D1-SendFARmkTypMsg
SR-COLLDATA SR-Collection Details D1-OutboundMessage
SR-CUSTCON SR-Customer Contact D1-FACustomerContactMsg
SR-MISSAPT SR-Missed Appointment D1-SendMissedAppointment
SR-SAPPTRESP SR-Send Appointment
Response to External Requester
SR-SFAILRESP SR-Send Fail Response to
External Requester
SR-SNEGACK SR-Send Negative
Acknowledgement to External
SR-SPOSACK SR-Send Positive
Acknowledgement to External
SR-SSUCCRESP SR-Send Success Response to
External Requester
USRESMSG2 CCB2 Usage Subscription
Response Outbound Message
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Message XSL - D1-MDMJMSQAddNamespace.xsl
If Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management sends JMS messages to the integration
queues, use the XAI senders created for each outbound queue. See XAI Sender for Each
Outbound Queue for more information.
If Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management sends JMS messages to the integration JMS
Wrapper service, use the XAI senders create for each JMS Wrapper service. See XAI
Sender for Each JMS Wrapper Process for more details.
Example: External System Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
For more information about configuration guidelines, see the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management documentation.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management - Oracle Utilities
Smart Grid Gateway Integration
XAI Sender
To create a new XAI Sender for each integration service being called:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to X > XAI Sender.
2. Enter a unique XAI sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
XAI Sender – Sender name in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
For example: REGHILOW
Description – Sender description
Outbound Message Type
XAI Sender Message XSL
SOM-UNPICCCB Real-time SOM-SubUnRel D1-
SR-ACTRMKS Real-time SRUpdateReq or
SR-COLLDATA Real-time SR-COLLDATA D1-ServiceRequestRequest.xsl
SR-CUSTCON Real-time SRUpdateReq or
SR-MISSAPT Real-time SRUpdateReq or
SR-SFAILRESP Real-time FACompReq or
SR-SNEGACK Real-time FASyncResp or
SR-SPOSACK Real-time FASyncResp or
SR-SSUCCRESP Real-time FACompReq or
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Invocation Type Real-time
XAI Class – RTHTTPSNDR (Sender routes messages via HTTP real-time)
Active - Select the check box.
MSG EncodingUTF-8 message encoding
4. On the Context tab, set the values for the following context types:
HTTP Header - SOAPAction:"process"
HTTP Login User - User ID to access SGG BPEL process
HTTP Password - Password to access SGG BPEL process
HTTP Timeout - 60
HTTP Transport Method - SendReceive
HTTP URL 1 - Set the URL to be accessed. If the URL value does not fit, use
the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
Example XAI Sender Setup
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SOM_D8_Connect SOM_D8_Connect http://
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SOM_D8_DCONN SOM_D8_Disconnect http://
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Configuring the Integration 3 - 55
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Outbound Message Type
To create a new outbound message type for each Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management outbound integration queue:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to O > Outbound Message Type.
2. Enter an outbound message type, description, and detailed description.
3. Select the outbound message business object created for a specific outbound queue.
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SOM_D8_DECOM SOM_D8_Decommission http://
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
Disconnect State By
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SOM_D8_LOADV SOM_D8_Detect Load
Side Voltage By Meter
XAI Sender Description HTTP URL
SOM_D8_ONDSC SOM_D8_Ondemand
Setting Up Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Example Outbound Message Type Setup
External System
To create a new external system for the integration:
1. In the Admin menu, navigate to E > External System.
2. Enter a unique external system and description.
Description = SOM_D8_ITRON_External System
3. Set the Our Name in Their System field to SOM_ITRON.
4. Associate the outbound message types created to the external system.
For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message TypeSet the outbound message type created for Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management outbound queue.
Processing Method Real-time
XAI Sender – Set the XAI sender created for the queue.
Message XSL - D8-Request.xsl
Example: External System Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Outbound Message
Type Name
Description Business Object
SOM_D8_COMMS SOM_D8_Commission D1-OutboundMessage
SOM_D8_CONN SOM_D8_Connect D1-OutboundMessage
SOM_D8_DCONN SOM_D8_Disconnect D1-OutboundMessage
SOM_D8_DECOM SOM_D8_Decommission D1-OutboundMessage
SOM_D8_LOADM SOM_D8_Read Disconnect
State By Meters
SOM_D8_LOADV SOM_D8_Detect Load Side
Voltage By Meter
SOM_D8_ONDSC SOM_D8_Ondemand Scalar D1-OutboundMessage
Outbound Message
XAI Sender Message XSL
SOM_D8_COMMS Real-time SOM_D8_Commission D8-Request.xsl
SOM_D8_CONN Real-time SOM_D8_Connect D8-Request.xsl
SOM_D8_DCONN Real-time SOM_D8_Disconnect D8-Request.xsl
SOM_D8_DECOM Real-time SOM_D8_Decommissio
SOM_D8_LOADM Real-time SOM_D8_Read
Disconnect State By
Setting Up Process Integration
Configuring the Integration 3 - 57
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Process Integration
The following sections describe how to configure integration pack to meet the
requirements for 2-way integration. Configuration steps include setting the following:
Setting Configuration Properties for the Integration Layer
Setting Domain Value Maps for the Integration Layer
Setting Configuration Properties for the
Integration Layer
The ConfigurationProperties.xml file contains properties that can be defaulted in the
integration. It also contains flags to enable extension points within the integration.
The ConfigurationProperties.xml file is located in MDS under the apps/CCB-SOM/
AIAMetaData/config directory.
Note: Whenever the ConfigurationProperties.xml file is updated, it
must be reloaded so that the update is reflected in applications or
services, which use these updated properties. Reload the
ConfigurationProperties.xml file by restarting the server.
This section describes the following sets of configuration properties:
Module Configuration: The properties shared by multiple composites within this
Service Configuration: The properties used by a specific composite.
Module Configuration
Module configuration has application level properties used by all SOA composites.
SOM_D8_LOADV Real-time SOM_D8_Detect Load
Side Voltage By Meter
SOM_D8_ONDSC Real-time SOM_D8_Ondemand
Outbound Message
XAI Sender Message XSL
Property Name
SOA-INFRA.AuditLevel OFF Needs to be set to OFF if the Audit
Level is set to OFF for the BPEL
processes. If the setting is OFF, then
error handling does not use the
composite and component instance IDs
to log the error message.
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Service Configuration
The service configuration properties are specific to the SOA composites. These are used
to make changes in a specific composite behavior.
ErrorHandling.GenericEmailID ABC@oracle.
Sets the administrator email ID for the
errorhandling process to send out an
email in case of a critical failure where
even the Errorhandling process fails.
SR.Generic.MessageCategory 11017 The message category that the
integration layer uses for Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management error
11001 The message number that the
integration layer uses for generic Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management
error messages.
CCB.Generic.MessageCategory 11114 The message category that the
integration layer uses for Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing error
11001 The message number that the
integration layer uses for generic Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing
: The separator that the integration layer
uses for generic Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management message category.
: The separator that the integration layer
uses for generic Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing message
Property Name
Property Name
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Extension.PreXformCCBToSOM false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformCCBToSOM false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
Override.Request false If set to 'true', the override request
transformation is executed.
Extension.PreXformSOMToCCB false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformSOMToCCB false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
Override.Response false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Property Name
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Extension.PreXformSRToCCB false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformSRToCCB false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
CCB.FACompletionService.EndPoint @CCB_protoc
Endpoint for the FA Completion service
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Service name for the FA Completion
service in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing.
CCB.FACompletionService.PortType C1FACompleti
Port type for the FA Completion service
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Override.Request false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Extension.PreXformSOMToCCB false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformSOMToCCB false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
Property Name
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CCB.SRUpdateService.EndPoint @CCB_protoc
Endpoint for SR Update service in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
CCB.SRUpdateService.ServiceName http://
Service name for the SR Update service
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
CCB.SRUpdateService.PortType C1-
Port type for the SR Update service in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Override.Request false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Property Name
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Extension.PreXformSOMtoCCB false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformSOMtoCCB false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PreXformCCBtoSOM false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
Extension.PostXformCCBtoSOM false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
Endpoint for Collection Info service in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Service name for the Collection Info
service in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing.
Port type for the Collection Info service
in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Override.Response false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Property Name
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Extension.PreXformCCBToSOM false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PreInvokeSOM false If set to true, the pre transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostInvokeSOM false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
Extension.PostXformSOMToCCB false If set to true, the post transformation
extension service is invoked.
BusinessError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, business error notification
is sent via Email.
TechnicalError.NotificationFlag false If set to true, technical error notification
is sent via Email.
SOM.CEService.EndPoint @SOM_proto
Endpoint for the Cancel Eligibility
service in Oracle Utilities Service Order
SOM.CEService.ServiceName http://
Service name for the Cancel Eligibility
service in Oracle Utilities Service Order
SOM.CEService.PortType D1-
Port type for the Cancel Eligibility service
in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Override.Request false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Override.Response false If set to true, the respective
transformation file will be overriden.
Property Name
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Setting Domain Value Maps for the Integration
The Domain Value Maps (DVMs) are the standard features of the Oracle SOA Suite.
They map codes and other static values across applications.
For example: Different types of country codes configured in each of the applications can
be mapped using a DVM. The country code for USA can be “US” in one application and
map to “USA” in the other application.
The DVMs are static in nature, though administrators can add additional values as
Transactional business processes never update the DVMs; instead, they only read from
DVMs. DVMs are stored in the XML files and cached in the memory at run-time.
To Maintain Information within Domain Value Maps
1. Open a browser and access the SOA Composer application (http://
2. On the SOA Composer, select Open from the drop-down list and select Open
The list of all DVM files in the MDS repository is displayed.
3. Select the relevant DVM you wish to maintain.
4. Edit the selected DVM by clicking the Edit button in the top navigation bar for
editing DVM.
5. Once the DVM is edited, click Save in the navigation bar. This saves the DVM data
for that session.
6. Click Commit after updating each DVM. This saves the DVM data in the MDS
The DVMs for the integration are listed below.
DVMs Integration Points Description
CCB_MWM_CustomerContactType FA Completion
Service Request Update
Maps the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing customer contact type
to Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce
Management customer contact type
CCB_MWM_RemarksCode FA Completion
CCB_SOM_ApptRequestType Service Request Update Maps the appointment request type
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
CCB_SOM_CompletionActionCode FA Completion Maps the FA completion action code
from Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
CCB_SOM_Country FA Synchronization Request Maps the country code from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_DisconnectLocation FA Completion Maps the device’s disconnect location
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_FACancelReason FA Synchronization Request Maps the field activity cancel reason
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_FAStatus FA Synchronization Request Maps the field activity status from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_FAType FA Synchronization Request
FA Completion
Maps the field activity type from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
FA Cancel Eligibility Query Maps the field activity cancel ability
code from Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing to Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
CCB_SOM_ItemStatus FA Completion Maps the Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing item status to Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management
item status
CCB_SOM_Manufacturer FA Completion Maps the manufacturer from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_MeterConfigurationType FA Completion Maps the meter configuration type
from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_MeterLocation FA Completion Maps the meter location from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_MeterStatus FA Completion Maps the meter status from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
DVMs Integration Points Description
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Configuring the Integration 3 - 66
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
CCB_SOM_Model FA Completion Maps the model from Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management
CCB_SOM_RemarkCode Service Request Update
CCB_SOM_SASPFAEventType FA Synchronization Request Maps the FA event type from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_ServiceInstructions FA Completion Maps the service instructions from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_ServiceWarnings FA Completion Maps the service warnings from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_SRCompletionActionCode FA Completion Maps the service request completion
action code from Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management
and vice versa
CCB_SOM_StockLocation FA Completion Maps the stock location from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_TOU FA Completion Maps the time of use from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
FA Completion Request
CCB_SOM_UOM FA Completion Maps the unit of measure from Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_SOM_UpdateEventType Service Request Update Maps the update event type form
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SOM_Worker FA Completion Maps the worker from Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management
DVMs Integration Points Description
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
This DVM is used to map the appointment request type in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing to the appointment request type in Oracle Utilities Service Order
This DVM is used to map the field activity completion action code in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to the completion action code in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the country code in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
to the country code in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM maps the device disconnect location in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
CCB_ApptRequestType SOM_ApptRequestType
Appointment request type in Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Example: C1AN
Appointment request type in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Example: D1AN
CCB_CompletionActionCode SOM_CompletionActionCode
Completion action code in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: CANC
Completion action code in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Example: D1CN
CCB_Country SOM_Country
Country code in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: USA
Country code in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: US
CCB_DisconnectLocation SOM_DisconnectLocation
Disconnect location in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: DSCN
Disconnect location in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
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This DVM is used to map the field activity cancel reason in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing to the cancel reason in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the field activity status in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to the activity status in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM maps the field activity type in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
the task type in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management..
This DVM is used to map the field activity cancellability code in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to the cancellability code in Oracle Utilities Service Order
CCB_FA_Cancel_Reason SOM_FA_Cancel_Reason
Field activity cancel reason in Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Example: C1FC
Field activity cancel reason in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Example: D1-Undeteremined
Field activity status in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: P
Field activity status in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
Example: D1PN
CCB_FAType SOM_ExtActivityType SOM_FieldTaskType
Field activity type in Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and
Example: FA-TTREE
External activity type in
Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
Example: FieldActivity
Field task type in Oracle
Utilities Service Order
Example: D1-TrimTree
SOM_FA_CancellabilityCode CCB_FA_CancellabilityCode
Cancellability code in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Example: D1CN
Cancellability code in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: C1CN
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This dvm is used to map the item status in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
the item status in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
This DVM is used to map the manufacturer in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
to the manufacturer in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the meter configuration type in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to the meter configuration type in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This dvm is used to map the meter location in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
to the meter location in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
CCB_ItemStatus SOM_ItemStatus
Item status in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: LEFT
Item status in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: GARG
CCB_Manufacturer SOM_Manufacturer
Manufacturer in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: GE
Manufacturer in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: GD_SR_Elster
CCB_MeterConfigurationType SOM_MeterConfigurationType
Meter configuration type in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: E-DFLT
Meter configuration type in Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management
Example: LEFT
CCB_MeterLocation SOM_MeterLocation
Meter location in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: LEFT
Meter location in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: LEFT
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This DVM is used to map the meter status in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
to the meter status Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the model in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to the
model in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the remark code in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
to the remark code in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the field activity event type in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing to the field activity event type in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
CCB_MeterStatus SOM_MeterStatus
Meter status in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: A
Meter status in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: ACTIVE
CCB_Model SOM_Model
Model in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing
Example: E-1
Model in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: GD_SR_Elster
CCB_RemarkCode SOM_RemarkCode
Remark code in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: HIGH BILL
Remark code in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: SOMHBC
CCB_EventType SOM_EventType
Event type in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: SP
Event type in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: D1SP
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This dvm is sued to map the service instruction from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to the service instructions in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the service warnings from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to service warnings in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the service request completion action code in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing to the action code in Oracle Utilities Service Order
This DVM is used to map the stock location from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to stock location in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
CCB_ServiceInstructions SOM_ServiceInstructions
Service instruction in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: LRC
Service instruction in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
Example: LRC
CCB_ServiceWarnings SOM_ServiceWarnings
Service warnings in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: DANG
Service warnings in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
CCB_SRCompletionActionCode SOM_SRCompletionActionCode
Service request completion action code in
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Example: C1CP
Service request completion action code in
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Example: D1CP
CCB_StockLocation SOM_StockLocation
Stock location in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: SF MAIN
Stock location in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: SF MAIN
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This DVM is used to map the time of use in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to
the time of use in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management..
This DVM is used to map the Field activity type in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
with UseReadingOnbill in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
This DVM is used to map the unit of measure in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to unit of measure in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
This DVM is used to map the update event type in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing to the update event type in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
Time of use in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: ON
Time of use in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: ON
CCB_FAType CCB_UseReadingOnBill
Field activity type in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: FA-START
UseReadingOnbill in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: TRUE
Unit of measure in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing
Example: KW
Unit of measure in Oracle Utilities Service
Order Management
Example: KW
CCB_EventType SOM_EventType
Event type in Oracle Utilities Customer
Care and Billing
Example: C1AN
Event type in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: D1AN
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Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
This DVM is used to map the worker in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to the
worker in Oracle Utilities Service Order Management.
CCB_Worker SOM_Worker
Worker in Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing
Example: CCB_CREW
Worker in Oracle Utilities Service Order
Example: SOM_CREW
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 4
Monitoring andTroubleshooting
This chapter discusses the following in detail:
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Monitoring from the Integration
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
This section provides information on the following:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error Logs
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Notifications
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Connection Errors
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error
Errors related to the online integration invocation from Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing are stored in the $SPLEBASE/system/logs folder where SPLEBASE is the
location where the application is installed.
For example: //V24020_CCB_SOA12C_CERT_LIN_ORA_WLS /logs/system
Errors related to batch integration invocation from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing are stored in the $SPLOUTPUT/ CCB_ENVIRONMENT_NAME folder where
SPLOUTPUT location is used for storing batch log files and output from batch jobs.
For example: //sploutput/ V24020_CCB_SOA12C_CERT_LIN_ORA_WLS
For more information about errors and notifications, see the Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing documentation.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
When Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends a request message out to Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management, it expects a response back. It can get a positive
response when the message is processed successfully or can get an error response when a
business error is encountered in the integration or from the target application (Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management).
When Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing receives the response message from the
inbound Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing response queue, the message is
parsed and converted to an XML document, checked that the XML is valid and that the
XML has a valid XAI inbound service.
If there is an error encountered which processing the message, EJBException
will be thrown causing the message to be rolled back to the corresponding
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing response error queue and a To Do
entry is created, if configured.
For example, if Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing receives an FA sync
response message from the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA sync
response queue and an error is encountered, the message is moved to the Oracle
Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA sync response error queue.
If the message was processed successfully, the Business Object or Business
Service or Service Script (BO/BS/SS) defined on XAI Inbound Service is
invoked. If an application error is encountered inside the BO/BS/SS processing,
the message is not be rolled back to the error queue. Only a To Do entry is
created, if configured. Otherwise, the error is only seen in the spl-service.log file.
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
The XAI inbound service is invoked to process the response message.
Regardless of whether To-Do was set up or not, the errors are logged in spl-service.log
Setup To Do Entry for JMS Message Error
XAI Options
Define the To Do Type for Inbound JMS Message Errors XAI Option and use Use To
Do Type F1-INJMS (Inbound JMS Message In Error). This To Do Type is delivered
with the application. Implementation can define a custom To Do Type, if needed.
XAI Inbound Service
For every XAI Inbound Service used to process the FA Sync Response, the Post Error
check box must be set to Yes.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Connection Errors
Information about errors can be found in log files. For information about error logs and
their respective folders, see the section Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Service Order
This section describes in detail the following:
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Error Logs
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Notifications
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Connection Errors
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Error
Many times a Log tab appears on the errored object, such as Activities and
Communications. It contains the significant events that have occurred since the object
was created. These events include related objects, such as outbound messages, or error
messages such as, explanations of missing configuration. More serious errors are very
easy to detect when manually advancing BO life cycle states by pressing the appropriate
button on an errored activity. It should fail again in a similar way, but adding information
to the user log. This log is accessible when "?utilities=true&debug=true&tools=true" is
included in the URL and by clicking Show User Log at the top of the page.
Sometimes, it is necessary to use Oracle Enterprise Manager to check the status of a SOA
service (for instance when an activity does not complete in a reasonable time). More
details can be seen by navigating to the appropriate composite and viewing the trace of
the problematic instance.
For more information about errors and notifications, see the Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management documentation.
Monitoring from Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
When Oracle Utilities Service Order Management receives a request message from
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, it will send a response back to Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing. It can send a positive response when the message is
processed successfully or can send an error response when a business error is
When Oracle Utilities Service Order Management receives the request message from the
inbound Oracle Utilities Service Order Management request queue, the message is parsed
and converted to an XML document, checked that the XML is valid and check that the
XML has a valid XAI inbound service.
If an error is encountered while processing the message, an EJBException is
thrown causing the message to be rolled back to the corresponding Oracle
Utilities Service Order Management request error queue. A To Do entry is
created, if already configured.
For example: If Oracle Utilities Service Order Management receives a person
sync request message from the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
person sync request queue and an error is encountered, the message is moved to
the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management person sync request error queue.
If the message was processed successfully, the Business Object or Business
Service or Service Script (BO/BS/SS) defined on XAI Inbound Service is
invoked. If an application error is encountered inside the BO/BS/SS processing,
the message is not rolled back to the error queue. Only a To Do entry is created,
if configured. Else, the error is only recorded in the spl-service.log file.
The XAI inbound service is invoked to process the request message. Regardless of
whether To-Do was set up or not, the errors are logged in spl-service.log file.
Setup To Do Entry for JMS message error
XAI Options
Define To Do Type for Inbound JMS Message Errors XAI Option. Use To Do Type F1-
INJMS (Inbound JMS Message In Error). This To Do Type is delivered with the
application. Implementation can define a custom To Do Type, if needed.
XAI Inbound Service
For every XAI Inbound Service used to process the different Sync Request and Billing
Determinant Request, the Post Error check box must be set to Yes.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Connection Errors
Information about errors can be found in the log files.
For information about error logs and their respective folders, see
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Error Logs.
Monitoring from the Integration
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 5
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Monitoring from the Integration
This section describes the utilities used (any of these) to monitor the integration.
Monitoring Using WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager
Monitoring Using the WebLogic Logs
Monitoring the Queues Using the WebLogic Console
Data Purge
Monitoring Using WebLogic SOA Enterprise
To monitor the integration using WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager, follow these steps:
1. Login to the WebLogic SOA Server Enterprise Manager console, and then navigate
to SOA > soa-infra > SOA Folders > CCB-SOM.
All composite processes deployed for the integration are available under the partition
2. Select the appropriate process to list all the instances for the processes sorted by time
of execution.
The instances also have the Request ID as part of the display name.
3. Click the appropriate process instance and it displays the process.
The composite process lists all activities in the process instance.
Monitoring Using the WebLogic Logs
To monitor using the WebLogic logs, follow these steps:
1. Login to the machine where the SOA Server is installed.
2. Navigate to where the SOA logs are stored. They are in: <Weblogic installation
folder>/user_projects/domains/<SOA Domain name>/servers/<managed server
For example: /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/
Monitoring the Queues Using the WebLogic
To monitor the queues using the WebLogic console, follow these steps:
1. Login to the WebLogic console, and then go to the Services Messaging JMS
All queues used for the integration are available in the JMS Module
2. Select the appropriate queue on the list and go to the Monitoring tab.
3. On the Monitoring tab, verify that the message is stuck in the queue because there
are no consumers listening to the queue and check how many consumers are
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 6
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
listening to the queue. If the Consumers Current column is 0, it means no consumers
are listening to the queue.
4. To check the message rolled back to the error queue, select the appropriate error
queue on the list and go to the Monitoring tab. Look for the appropriate message.
Data Purge
To maintain maximum system integrity, the Oracle Fusion Middleware database should
be purged periodically. Oracle SOA Suite 12c provides pre-tuned database profiles to
automatically enable appropriate performance features, based on the expected data size.
It also enables autopurge to prevent bloating of the database.
For information about how to complete this task, refer to the note
815896.1 on https://support.oracle.com.
At times, Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management might experience errors or issues with connection,
processing, or sending or receiving messages. Following are the common scenarios which
help you to troubleshoot the error, if any, and find possible solutions.
The source application send out the message and the target application receives the
For example: When Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing sends an FA sync request
message to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management, Oracle Utilities Customer Care
and Billing is the source application and Oracle Utilities Service Order Management is the
target application. The source queue is CCBFASyncRequest and the target queue is
SOMFASyncRequestt. The source error queue is CCBFASyncRequestError and the
target queue is SOMFASyncRequestError.
If Oracle Utilities Service Order Management sends an FA sync response message to
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, then Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management is the source application and Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing is
the target application. The source queue is SOMFASyncResponse and the target queue is
CCBFASyncResponse. The source error queue is SOMFASyncResponseError and the
target queue is CCBFASyncResponseError.
Error 1: Source application sends out a message, but the message does not reach the
source queue.
On the WebLogic console, verify that the message reached the source queue. Refer to
Monitoring the Queues Using the WebLogic Consolefor more information.
To resolve this error, follow these steps:
1. Check the source application logs to see if any errors are encountered while trying to
send out the message. Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error Logs
or Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Error Logs for more information
about where to find the logs.
2. Check the source application’s XAI configuration to ensure they are configured as
required. Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Outbound Message
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 7
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
(XAI) Configuration or Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Outbound (XAI)
Error 2: The source application sends out a message, but the message does not reach the
target queue.
To resolve this error, follow these steps:
1. Verify that the BPEL processes are running. Refer to Monitoring Using WebLogic
SOA Enterprise Manager for more information.
If WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager is not accessible or the BPEL processes
cannot be seen found in the Weblogic SOA Enterprise Manger, restart the SOA
managed server.
2. If WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager is accessible but the BPEL process is not
active, activate or start up the process from the WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager.
3. If the BPEL processes are running, verify that the message has faulted or
encountered an error.
a. From WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager, check the appropriate process
instance flow trace to see the error details.
b. Check the logs.
Refer to Monitoring Using the WebLogic Logsfor more information.
Error 3: Source application sends out a message, message successfully processed by the
integration, but the message does not reach the target application.
To resolve this error, do the following:
1. In Weblogic SOA Enterprise Manager, check the process to see if the message was
successfully processed by the integration layer.
Refer to Monitoring Using WebLogic SOA Enterprise Manager section for more
2. If a successful instance of the message was found in the WebLogic SOA Enterprise
Manager, check the target queue to see if the message exists in the queue. Check the
corresponding target queue of the process to see if there is a current or pending
message stuck in the queue. The possible cause is that no consumers are listening to
the target queue. Try restarting the target application.
Refer to the Monitoring the Queues Using the WebLogic Console section for more
3. If there are still no consumers listening to the target queue after bouncing the
application, check the target application’s JMS Configuration to make sure they are
configured correctly. After changing the JMS configuration of the target application,
restart the target application.
Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Inbound Message (JMS)
Configuration for more information.
4. Check the source application logs to see if any errors are encountered while trying to
send the message out.
Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error Logs or Oracle Utilities
Monitoring andTroubleshooting 4 - 8
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Service Order Management Error Logs for more information on where to find the
5. If no message is stuck in the target queue, check the target application logs to see if
any errors are encountered while trying to process the message received.
Refer to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Error Logs or Oracle Utilities
Service Order Management Error Logs sections for more information on where to
find the logs.
At times, the integration might experience errors or issues with connection, processing,
or sending or receiving messages to the CCBSOMCancelFAEligibilityQueryReqEBF
composite. Following are the common scenarios which help to troubleshoot error, if any,
and find possible solutions.
Possible Error Scenario Resolution
Oracle Utilities Oracle
Utilities Customer Care
and Billing is unable to
connect to the
integration layer
Verify whether the integration composite endpoint URLs are
configured in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
Verify whether the integration layer is running, the SOA
composite is deployed and it is accepting the requests.
Perform the following steps:
1. Check the SOA composite process to find out where the
failure occurred.
2. Verify whether or not the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management credentials are properly configured in the
integration layer by logging into the enterprise manager
a. Navigate to Weblogic domain> <Domain Name>.
b. Right-click the <Domain Name> and select Security
> Credentials.
c. Under the credential map oracle.wsm.security, select the
d. Verify whether or not the user and password for Oracle
Utilities Service Order Managementare correct.
3. Check whether the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management WSDL (<Property
TestFACancellability</Property>) is properly configured in
the ConfigurationProperties.xml at:
4. Verify whether the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management environment is up and running.
5. Verify whether the Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management service policies are attached in the integration
Customization Options 5 - 1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Chapter 5
Customization Options
This chapter provides information on the various methods that can be used to extend or
customize the integration, including:
Extension Methods
Extension Methods
Customization Options 5 - 2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Extension Methods
The integration process allows the extensibility of transaction messages using the
following methods:
Pre-Transformation Extension Scope
Pre-Invoke Extension Scope
Post-Invoke Extension Scope
Post-Transformation Extension Scope
Custom Transformations
Request custom transformation
Response custom transformation
Override Transformations
Request override transformation
Response override transformation
Implementers can add/implement their logic in these custom scopes of a specific
composite once they login to Jdeveloper with the Customization Developer Role.
Pre-Transformation Extension Scope
The pre-transformation extension scope is invoked before the request transformation is
executed. This transformation aids in converting the source XML that comes in as an
input to the integration process and helps the implementation to invoke external web
services and/or transform the input XML.
Pre-Invoke Extension Scope
The pre-invoke extension scope is invoked after the main transformation is executed.
This transformation aids in converting the source XML that comes in as an input to the
integration process and helps the implementation to invoke external web services and/or
transform the input XML.
Post-Invoke Extension Scope
The post-invoke extension scope is invoked before the response transformation is
executed. This transformation aids in converting the target XML that comes in as an
input to the integration process and helps the implementation to invoke external web
services and/or transform the output XML.
Post-Transformation Extension Scope
The post-transformation extension scope is invoked after the response transformation is
executed. This transformation aids in converting the target XML that comes in as an
input to the target queue and helps the implementation to invoke external web services
and/or transform the output XML.
Extension Methods
Customization Options 5 - 3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Custom Transformations
The custom transformations are used to add data to the message in the incoming and
outgoing messages.
Custom transformations named “XX_Custom.xsl” are shipped with the product, which
will add the new data mappings to the main transformations.
Using custom transformations enables the implementation to define and pass additional
data from source system to the target system.
Override Transformations
The override transformations are used to override the message in the incoming and
outgoing messages.
Override transformations named "XX_ Override.xsl" is shipped with the product, which
sends the output derived from the main transformations.
Using override transformations enables the implementation to pass any data from source
system to the target system.
Note: For more details on customization, refer to http://docs.tpu.ru/
Implementing Extension Points
To implement the extension points, follow these steps:
1. Each process in the integration has a pre- and post-transformation extension point
which can be used to invoke web services and transform the payload.
2. The desired extension point can be triggered from the process by enabling it using
the ConfigurationProperties.xml pre- and post-transformation extension flags as
described in the Setting Configuration Properties for the Integration Layer section.
3. Each process has its own concrete wsdl used to read the endpoint location for the
extension service. These concrete wsdl files are located in MDS under the following
4. Update the concrete wsdl file to update the binding and service details for the
extension service to be called and move the concrete wsdl file to MDS.
5. To move the updated concrete wsdl to MDS, update the appropriate wsdl in the
product install home. The directories to put the concrete wsdl in product install
home are as follows:
6. Deploy the concrete wsdls to MDS by running the ant deploy command for
deploying the MDS folder.
For more information about the command to use to deploying to
MDS, see the Deploying MDS Folder section in Oracle Utilities
Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order
Management Release 12.1 Installation Guide.
Extension Methods
Customization Options 5 - 4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
7. After deploying the files to MDS, restart the SOA server.
8. After restarting the SOA server, the extension point invokes the web service in the
concrete WSDL.
Sample WSDL File with Binding and Service
To invoke the extension points for any integration process, enable the extension flags in
the ConfigurationProperties.xml file and add/update the binding and service details in
the respective integration process’ ExtensionConcrete wsdl.
For example: To enable the extension points for SOMCCBFACompletionReqExtension,
add the binding and service elements to the
<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="PreXform">
<soap:operation style="document"
<soap:body use="literal" parts="sendDetails"/>
<soap:body use="literal" parts="sendDetails"/>
<fault name="fault">
<soap:fault name="fault" use="literal"/>
<operation name="PostXform">
<soap:operation style="document"
<soap:body use="literal" parts="C1FACompletionServiceRequest"/>
<soap:body use="literal" parts="C1FACompletionServiceRequest"/>
<fault name="fault">
<soap:fault name="fault" use="literal"/>
<service name="SOMCCBFACompletionReqExtensionAbstractService">
<port name="SOMCCBFACompletionReqExtensionAbstractServicePort"
<soap:address location="endpoint url of the extension service "/>
Note: The binding and service can be added easily using the Oracle
Jdeveloper 12c.
Extension Methods
Customization Options 5 - 5
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Implementing Custom Transformations
To implement the custom transformations, follow these steps:
1. Each process in the integration has its own XSD file. The messages have custom
elements which can be used to pass additional data from one application to another
or vice versa. Refer to the message mappings for the location of customElements in
each message.
2. Each XSD has a corresponding CustomType xsd file in which the complexType
elements for each customElements tag are defined.
3. Each process uses two XSD files, one for the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
Billing message and one for the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management message.
4. To pass additional elements in the customElements tag, the corresponding
complexType needs to be modified. Add the additional elements required in both
complexType elements (xsd for both the edge applications).
5. Each process has a main transformation which invokes custom templates. Each main
transformation file has a corresponding custom XSL and custom templates are
defined in the custom XSL.
6. These custom templates are invoked at the location where each customElements tag
is present.
7. The custom XSL can be modified to add transformation for the newly added
elements in custom XSD files.
8. The custom XSD files are located in product install home under the following
9. The custom XSL files are located in product install home under the directory: CCB-
SOM/services/industry/Utilities/EBF/<Process Name>/xsl
10. After updating the XSD and XSL files in the product install home, update MDS
using the ant deploy command for deploying the MDS folder.
For more information about the command to use to deploying to MDS, see the
Deploying MDS Folder section in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and
BillingIntegration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Release 12.1 Installation
11. After deploying the files to MDS, restart the SOA server.
12. After restarting the SOA server, the changes to the custom xsd and xsl will be
reflected in the integration.
Data Mapping A-1
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Appendix A
Data Mapping
This section provides mapping details for each of integration points mentioned below:
FA Synchronization Request
FA Synchronization Response
Collection Information
FA Cancel Eligibility Query
FA Completion
Service Request Update
Appendix A - Data Mapping
Data Mapping A-2
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
FA Synchronization Request
This section provides data mapping details for the field activity synchronization request.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
sendDetails OutermostTag D1-
request Group
relatedActivityId Request Field
syncRequestId sendDetails Field externalReferenceId Request Field
sourceSystem sendDetails Field sourceSystem Request Field
syncRequestDetails sendDetails Group
initialSnapshot syncRequestDetails Group
finalSnapshot syncRequestDetails Group
faType initialSnapshot Field externalActTypeIdentif
Request Field CCB_SOM_FAType
faType initialSnapshot Field fieldTaskType Request Field CCB_SOM_FAType
CCB_FAType SOM_FieldTaskTyp
faStatus initialSnapshot Field somStatus Request Field CCB_SOM_FAStat
CCB_Status SOM_Status
customElements finalSnapshot Field customElements Request Group
formattedElements finalSnapshot Field externalActivityElemen
Request Group
saList sendDetails Group saList Request Group
saId saList Field saId saList Field
premiseAddress sendDetails Group addressConstituents Request Group
Data Mapping A-3
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
country premiseAddress Field country addressConstituents Field CCB_SOM_Countr
CCB_Country SOM_Country
addressLine1 premiseAddress Field address1 addressConstituents Field
addressLine2 premiseAddress Field address2 addressConstituents Field
addressLine3 premiseAddress Field address3 addressConstituents Field
addressLine4 premiseAddress Field address4 addressConstituents Field
houseType premiseAddress Field houseType addressConstituents Field
number1 premiseAddress Field number1 addressConstituents Field
number2 premiseAddress Field number2 addressConstituents Field
inCityLimit premiseAddress Field inCityLimit addressConstituents Field
city premiseAddress Field city addressConstituents Field
geographic premiseAddress Field geographic addressConstituents Field
county premiseAddress Field county addressConstituents Field
state premiseAddress Field state addressConstituents Field
postal premiseAddress Field postal addressConstituents Field
latitude sendDetails/
Field geocodeLatitude addressConstituents Field
longitude sendDetails/
Field geocodeLongitude addressConstituents Field
List List Request/saList
saId saList Field saId saList Field
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-4
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
eventType saList Field eventType saList Field CCB_SOM_SASPF
CCB_EventType SOM_EventType
personName contactInformation Field contactName contactDetails Field
mainPhone contactInformation Field mainPhone contactDetails Field
cellPhone contactInformation Field cellPhone contactDetails Field
accountId contactInformation Field accountId contactDetails Field
personId contactInformation Field personId contactDetails Field
faCancelReason finalSnapshot Field cancelReasonCode request Field CCB_SOM_FACan
spType syncRequestDetails Field externalSPType syncRequestDetails Field
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-5
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
FA Synchronization Response
This section provides data mapping details for the field activity synchronization response.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Response Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Response Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
System Column
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
sendDetails OutermostTag F1-
externalReferenceId sendDetails Field syncRequestId F1-
exceptionInformation sendDetails Group
exceptionInformationList exceptionInformatio
List exceptionInfo F1-
messageCategory exceptionInformatio
Field messageCategory F1-
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_ErrorCode SOM_ErrorCode
messageNumber exceptionInformatio
Field messageNumber F1-
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_ErrorCode SOM_ErrorCode
sequence exceptionInformatio
Field sequence F1-
comments exceptionInformatio
Field comments F1-
messageParameters exceptionInformatio
List messageParameters exceptionInfo List
parameterSequence messageParameters Field parameterSequence messageParameters Field
messageParameterType messageParameters Field
Data Mapping A-6
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
messageParameterValue messageParameters Field messageParameterValu
messageParameters Field
customElements sendDetails Field customElements F1-
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Sync
Response Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Sync
Response Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
System Column
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-7
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Collection Information
This section includes the following:
Collection Information Request
Collection Information Response
Collection Information Request
The table shows the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information Request mapping details for each integration point
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection
Information Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Collection
Information Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
sendDetail OutermostTag input C1-ServiceRequest
accountId input Field
servicePointId Field spId input Field
activityId Field
Data Mapping A-8
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Collection Information Response
The table shows the Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection Information Response mapping details for each integration point.
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Collection
Information Response Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Collection Information
Response Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Care and
Service Order
responseDetail OutermostTag output C1-
collectionDataDetails Group accountBalanceDetails output Group
payoffAmount collectionDataDetails Field payoffAmount accountBalanceDetails Field
currentAmount collectionDataDetails Field currentAmount accountBalanceDetails Field
arrearsDataDetails collectionDataDetails Group arrearsDetails accountBalanceDetails Group
disputedAmount arrearsDataDetails Field disputedAmount arrearsDataDetails Field
newCharges arrearsDataDetails Field newCharges arrearsDataDetails Field
arrearsDataDetails Field lessThanThirtyDaysAmo
arrearsDataDetails Field
thirtyDaysAmount arrearsDataDetails Field thirtyDaysAmount arrearsDataDetails Field
overSixtyDaysAmount arrearsDataDetails Field overSixtyDaysAmount arrearsDataDetails Field
paymentHistory output Group
paymentHistoryList paymentHistory List paymentHistoryList output List
paymentExternalId paymentHistoryList Field paymentId paymentHistoryList Field
paymentDate paymentHistoryList Field paymentDate paymentHistoryList Field
paymentAmount paymentHistoryList Field paymentAmount paymentHistoryList Field
paymentCancellationReason paymentHistoryList Field paymentCancellationReas
paymentHistoryList Field
Data Mapping A-9
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
FA Cancel Eligibility Query
This section includes the following:
FA Cancel Eligibility Query Request
FA Cancel Eligibility Query Response
FA Cancel Eligibility Query Request
The table shows the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query Request mapping details for each integration point
FA Cancel Eligibility Query Response
The table shows the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility Query Response mapping details for each integration point.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility
Query Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA Cancel
Eligibility Query Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
Service Order
Input D1-TestFACancellability
requesterTransactionId input Field requesterTransactionId input Field
sourceSystem input Field sourceSystem input Field
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA Cancel Eligibility
Query Response Mapping
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Cancel Eligibility Query Response Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing
Service Order
cancellability Output Field cancellability Output Field CCB_SOM_FA_
Data Mapping A-10
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
FA Completion
This section provides data mapping details for the field activity completion request:
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
sendDetails OutermostTag C1FACompletionServi
sendDetails Group srCompletion
FAId srCompletion
Field FAId srCompletion
SRCompletionAction srCompletion
Field SRCompletionAction srCompletion
Field CCB_SOM_
activityId sendDetails activityId srCompletion
message sendDetails Group C1FACompletionExtS
transactionType Field
faultStyle Field
hostExternalId message Field UploadFieldActivityID C1FACompletionEx
hostExternalId FieldActivityID
completionStatus message FACompletionAction C1FACompletionEx
Field CCB_SOM_Compl
Data Mapping A-11
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
completedByCrew message Workedby C1FACompletionEx
Field CCB_SOM_Worker.
CCB_Worker SOM_Worker
completionDateTime message WorkDateTime C1FACompletionEx
comments message LongDescription C1FACompletionEx
comments message Descr2542 C1FACompletionEx
comments message ExtMsgRecd C1FACompletionEx
taskType ExtFaTypeCode C1FACompletionEx
message Group
remarkTypes completion
Group FAUploadRemarks C1FACompletion
remarkTypesList remarkTypes List FAUploadRemarksRow FAUploadRemarks Field
remarkType remarkTypesList Field FieldActivityRemark FAUploadRemarks
Field CCB_MWM_
CCB_RemarksCode MWM_
message Group
disconnectLocation message/
DisconnectLocation C1FACompletion
Field CCB_SOM_
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-12
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
existingDevice and
MeterInfo C1FACompletion
meterDataDetails meterCompletion
Group MeterInfoRow MeterInfo Field
Field MeterConfigurationTy
MeterInfoRow Field CCB_SOM_
badgeNumber meterCompletion
BadgeNumber MeterInfoRow Field
MeterInfoRow Field
deviceStatusLeft meterCompletion
OnOffStatus MeterInfoRow Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_MeterStatus SOM_MeterStatus
stockLocation meterCompletion
StockLocation MeterInfoRow Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_StockLocation SOM_
meterDataDetails MeterConfigurationTy
MeterInfoRow CCB_SOM_Meter
readingDateTime sendDetails/
ReadDateTime MeterInfoRow Field
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-13
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
Value picked from
UseOnBill MeterInfoRow Field CCB_SOM_
MeterReadSource MeterInfoRow Field
Registers MeterInfoRow List
RegistersRow Registers Field
readSequence Seq RegistersRow Field
unitOfMeasure UnitofMeasure RegistersRow Field CCB_SOM_UOM.
timeOfUse TimeofUse RegistersRow Field CCB_SOM_TOU.
RegisterReading RegistersRow List
RegisterReadingRow RegistersRow Field
readSequence Seq RegistersRow Field
overrideReading ReadType RegistersRow Field
reading RegisterReading RegistersRow Field
ItemInfo Group
ItemInfoRow Field
badgeNumber itemCompletionDet
BadgeNumber Field
deviceStatusLeft itemCompletionDet
OnOffStatus Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_ItemStatus SOM_ItemStatus
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-14
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
completionDateTime message DateReceived Field
completionDateTime DateRetired
stockLocation itemCompletionDet
StockLocation CCB_SOM_
CCB_StockLocation SOM_
DVM Mapped fields for updating SP, Meter and Item
serviceInstructions utilityCompletionInf
Field serviceInstructions utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
serviceWarnings utilityCompletionInf
Field serviceWarnings utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_Service
Manufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Manufacturer SOM_Manufacturer
deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Manufacturer SOM_Manufacturer
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-15
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Manufacturer SOM_Manufacturer
deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceManufacturer utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Manufacturer SOM_Manufacturer
deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Model SOM_Model
deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Model SOM_Model
deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Model SOM_Model
deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field deviceModel utilityCompletionInf
Field CCB_SOM_
CCB_Model SOM_Model
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
Data Mapping A-16
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Oracle Utilities Service Order Management Implementation Guide
customerContactType completionInformat
Field customerContactType completionInformat
Field CCB_MWM_
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management FA
Completion Request Mapping
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing FA
Completion Request Mapping
DVM Mapping
Element Name Parent Element Type Element Name Parent Element Type DVM
Oracle Utilities
Customer Care
and Billing System
Oracle Utilities
Service Order
JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties File B-1
Oracle Utilities Integration for Device Operations Implementation Guide
Appendix B
JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties File
This appendix lists configurations stored in the JMSWrapperConfigurationProperties.xml. The file is stored in the Metadata Service (MDS) in <PRODUCT.HOME>/MDS-
Artifacts/CCB-SOM/config/ folder.
Service Configurations
For information on creating/modifying the JMS Wrapper configuration properties refer to the Setting JMS Wrapper Configuration Properties section in Chapter
3: Configuring the Integration.
Service Configurations
Service Configuration properties are specific to SOA composites and are used to modify specific composite behavior.
Note: The Endpoint URL tokenization is done during installation.The SOM and CCB edge application information is tokenized to point to the accurate SOM
and CCB servers being used.
Service Name Property Name Default/Shipped Value Description
The SOM endpoint URL for D1-
@ccb_ctx1/ F1-
The CCB endpoint URL for F1-