State of South Carolina
County of Jasper
Contract of Sale for Real Property
(Bond for Title)
This agreement made and concluded at______________SC, between ______________________
____________________hereinafter referred to as the Seller, and __________________________
_____________________________, hereinafter referred to as Buyer. The item for sale is real property
located in Jasper County, known as TM#____________________________(see attached page for
derivation of property).
Witnesseth: That the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following described
property upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth below:
Subject, to the following terms and conditions:
1. The agreed sales and purchase price is_______________dollars ($______) payable as follows:
a. The buyer agrees to make monthly payments in the amount of $_______________ Dollars to
the seller at the signing of the contract.
b. The seller agrees to accept this amount to make the monthly payments, if any, to the
mortgage holder, with no additional cost other than the monthly mortgage payment.
c. The buyer agrees to make payment in the amount of $__________________ Dollars, which
began______________ to be paid monthly for the next _______months last payment due
_____________________. The seller agrees that the said payment is to be made directly to
____________________of ___________________________________________________.
Payments are to be made in the form of personal checks, money orders, cashiers’ check or
2. A late charge of $_________will be added to payment amounts if payment is not paid before
the _____________of each month.
3. The buyer may receive a clear and marketable title (warranty deed) to the real property at any
time during the contract upon payment of the balance due date. The principle amount on the
contract may be paid off at any time without payment penalty.
Note: This form does not constitute the rendering of legal advice. Consult an attorney licensed to practice law in
the State of South Carolina on legal matters.
4. Buyer agrees to pay all taxes on the real property. All county and/or municipal taxes will be
due upon receipt of the tax notice from ________________________, annually. In the event
that the taxes are not paid before such time, seller will pay same. The costs of the taxes plus
penalties will be added to the buyers’ next monthly payment. If this amount is not paid by the
buyer, the default clause of the contract will apply.
5. Upon full performance by buyer, the seller shall deliver to the buyer a good marketable title
(warranty deed), subject only to the current taxes for that year.
6. That it is mutually understood and agreed that time is of the essence of this contract: and if
the buyer becomes in default of the payment of any sums under the terms of this contract for
a period in excess of three (3) months, the seller shall have the right to declare this contract
null and void, and all sums paid prior to that date shall be forfeited to the seller as liquidated
damages and deemed to be entitled to the immediate possession of the real property and to
eject the buyer thereon in the same manner as provided for ejection of the tenant when
holding over after the expiration of their contract.
7. The buyer understands and agrees that this contract is not assignable by them, without
written consent of the seller.
8. The seller agrees to pay for the preparation of the deed and the documentary stamps.
9. The seller shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to property or injury to persons,
occurring in or about the demised premises, by reason of any of any existing of failure
condition, defect, matter or thing in said demised premises or the property of which the real
property is a part, or for nets, omission or negligence of the other persons or tenants in and
about the real property. The buyer agrees to indemnity and save the seller harmless from all
claims and liability for losses of or damage to the real property, or injuries to persons
occurring in or about the demised property.
10. It is agreed that in the event that the buyer defaults as set out above, the seller shall be
entitled to reimbursement from the buyer form the buyers for any court cost or attorneys’
fees for enforcement of this agreement and/or taking the necessary legal steps to protect
their interest.
11. The parties further agree and consent that this instrument expresses the entire agreement
between them, their executors, administrators, successors, heirs and assigns.
Note: This form does not constitute the rendering of legal advice. Consult an attorney licensed to practice law in
the State of South Carolina on legal matters.
12. They further consent and agree that this instrument expresses the entire agreement between
them and may be enforced by their party, or their heirs, administrators, executors, successors,
and assigns, by specific performances in and that there is no agreement, oral or written,
varying or modifying this agreement.
13. Modifications and improvements may be made only with the written consent of the seller but
such consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
State of South Carolina
County of Jasper
Personally appeared before me___________________________ and made oath
Witness 1
That I saw the within named ___________________________________ sign and
seal and his act of deed, deliver the within written instrument; and I with
_______________________________witnessed the execution thereof.
Witness 2
____________________________ _________________________
____________________________ __________________________
I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was
acknowledged before me this _________ day of _____________ and the document was
executed by the above named ______________________________ of his/her own free will.
Buyer Seller
Witness my hand and seal this ______ Day of __________ 2012
Notary Public of the state of South Carolina
My commission Expires_______ _________
Note: This form does not constitute the rendering of legal advice. Consult an attorney licensed to practice law in
the State of South Carolina on legal matters.