Puromycin Dihydrochloride Soluon
Quick Reference Protocol
Instrucons for MIR 5940
MSDS and Cercate of Analysis available at mirusbio.com/5940
Mirus Bio LLC
www.mirusbio.com [email protected]m Toll Free (U.S.): 844.MIRUSBIO Direct: +1.608.441.2852
Storage Store Puromycin Soluon at 20°C. Protect from moisture.
Product Guarantee As labeled on the product, when properly stored and handled.
Concentraon 10 mg/ml Puromycin Dihydrochloride, sterile ltered in DI water
Puromycin anbioc ensures eecve posive selecon of cells expressing the puromycin-N-acetyl-
transferase (pac) gene. In mammalian cells, the recommended working concentraon range for
puromycin is 0.5 – 10 µg/ml. Dierent cell types and cell culture condions may require dierent
concentraons of selecon anbioc. Perform a kill curve to determine the opmal working concentra-
on for your experiment. The following is a general guideline for performing an anbioc kill curve.
NOTE: Performing a kill curve is recommended with each new cell type or selecon anbioc lot, or if
changes are made to the cell culture condions.
A. Plate cells in 0.5 ml complete growth medium per well in a 24-well ssue culture plate.
For adherent cells: Plate cells at a density of 0.83.0 x 10
For suspension cells: Plate cells at a density of 2.55.0 x 10
B. Culture overnight. Most cell types should be ≥80% conuent prior to adding the selecon anbioc.
C. Add increasing amounts of puromycin to duplicate wells of cells plated in complete media. Include a
no-anbioc control. For example, add 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0 µg/ml
Puromycin to duplicate wells of cells plated in complete growth media. Certain cell types and cell
culture condions may require concentraons outside of this range.
D. Replace media containing selecon anbioc every 2-3 days for up to a week. Examine the culture
every day for signs of visual toxicity. Determine the following anbioc doses:
- Low dose - the anbioc concentraon at which minimal visual toxicity is apparent aer 7 days of
anbioc selecon
- Opmal dose - the lowest anbioc concentraon at which all cells are dead aer 7 days of
anbioc selecon
- High dose - the anbioc concentraon at which visual toxicity is evident within the rst 2-3 days
of anbioc selecon
E. Proceed with stable cell line generaon using the concentraons determined in step D. Cells
transfected with a plasmid harboring the puromycin-N-acetyl-transferase (pac) gene should be grown
in complete growth medium for 4872 hours post-transfecon before selecon anbioc is applied.
For more informaon on stable cell line generaon, visit www.mirusbio.com/stable.
MSDS and Cercate of
Analysis available at
Mirus Bio LLC
www.mirusbio.com [email protected]m Toll Free (U.S.): 844.MIRUSBIO Direct: +1.608.441.2852
Rev.A 1216
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