The Effect of Student Debt on Consumption: A
State-Level Analysis
Berrak Bahadir
and Dora Gicheva
October 2019
Using state-level data for the 2003–2018 period, we show that changes in the state-
level student debt-to-income ratio are associated with lower consumption growth over
the next four years. We use exogenous increases in the annual limits for subsidized
federal student loans and grants to identify a causal relationship between student loans
and consumption. Our results are robust to controlling for mean reversion and using
alternative lag structures.
JEL Codes: D14, E21, I22
Keywords: Student loans, household credit, consumption
Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1 Introduction
According to data from the New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel, outstanding student
debt is currently at $1.49 trillion, representing the second largest type of household credit
after mortgage debt. As such, student loans constitute a critical component of households’
budgets, especially since repayment starts soon after the completion of schooling, when
earnings tend to be relatively low. Student debt assumes even more importance for young
borrowers who are credit constrained and are forced to lower consumption when paying off
student loans.
Using state-level data for the 2003–2018 period, we investigate the macroeconomic im-
plications of the rise in outstanding student debt by studying the effects of student loans on
aggregate consumption. Because the relationship between student debt and consumption is
confounded by educational attainment, our empirical strategy uses the exogenous increase
in annual limits for subsidized Stafford loans following the Higher Education Reconciliation
Act of 2005 and several increases in the maximum Pell Grant to identify a causal impact.
The microeconomic literature has been uncovering statistically and economically signifi-
cant relationships between student debt and household decisions such as marriage (Gicheva,
2016; Sieg and Wang, 2018) or homeownership (Cooper and Wang, 2014; Mezza, Ringo,
Sherlund and Sommer, 2019). While this literature finds that student loans lead borrowers
to postpone important life decisions that are closely tied to consumption choices, the link
between student debt and household consumption has not been examined directly.
Macroeconomic studies have not examined the consequences of student loans but rather
focus on total household credit or only on mortgage debt (Beck, uy¨ukkarabacak, Rioja and
Valev, 2012; Schularick and Taylor, 2012; Mian, Sufi and Verner, 2017). Recent trends in
the data underline the importance of studying student loans separately from mortgages and
other types of consumer credit. As Figure 1 shows, student loans have grown substantially
since 2003, while the growth in other types of debt has been mostly negative since the Great
Recession. As a result, student loans have become an increasingly important component of
household credit with potentially unique consequences for consumption dynamics.
Figure 1: State-Level Student Debt and Other Household Debt As Fractions of Income
Student debt/income
Student debt
Other debt
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Other debt/income
Weighted average student debt-to-income and other household debt-to-income ratios. Sources: Federal
Reserve Bank of New York (debt) and Bureau of Economic Analysis (per-capita personal income).
2 Empirical Methodology and Data
The model we are interested in estimating for state i in year t is:
] = α
+ β[StudentLoans
] + γ · [X
+ (ν
itτ 1
]) + ε
τ =1
where c denotes the natural log of consumption; StudentLoans measures the ratio of per-
capita outstanding federal and private student loans to personal income; X
is a vector of
time-varying controls at the state level including changes in other household credit and the
share of the state’s population with some college and with a four-year degree; α
is a state
fixed effect; and ε
is a random error term. Some of the models we estimate include lagged
consumption growth to account for possible reversion toward the mean; previous studies
such as Mian et al. (2017) use a similar approach. We allow for clustering of the errors at
the state level.
An exogenous increase in borrowing is expected to boost aggregate demand and may
hence have an immediate positive effect on consumption. Possible negative effects are ex-
pected to occur when borrowers start to service their debt. To capture this medium-run
effect, we use the change in outstanding student loans from year t 4 to t 1 to predict
changes in consumption between t and t + 3.
The length of this lag structure also corre-
sponds to the time it takes for a typical student to finish college and start paying off the
Student debt may have a positive association with consumption through increased educa-
tional attainment and earnings potential. Unobserved heterogeneity also plays an important
role, for example through the effects of family resources on both student borrowing and sub-
sequent labor market outcomes. We rely on an instrumental variable (IV) approach, which
uses the fact that the limit for subsidized Stafford loans increased from $2,625 to $3,500 for
freshmen and from $3,500 to $4,500 for sophomores in the 2007–08 academic year,
and the
maximum Pell grant, which we expect to have negative relationship with student debt, has
been increasing by a different amount most years.
To isolate cross-state variation in out-
standing student debt due to the above federal policy changes, we interact the increases in
the federal loan and grant limits with, respectively, the state-specific share of undergraduate
The literature has used a three- to four-year horizon of private credit changes to examine the effect of
credit expansions on macroeconomic outcomes; see Mian et al. (2017). Our results are robust to using two
and four-year lags.
We use an increase of $875 in our empirical analysis.
The limits for unsubsidized Stafford loans increased by $2,000 for graduate students starting in the fall
of 2007 and for undergraduate students in the following year. We verify that our results are robust to using
this increase as an additional instrumental variable in the model, but its relationship with student debt is
weaker so we omit it from our preferred specifications. These results are available on request.
students borrowing at the subsidized Stafford limit and the state-specific share of undergrad-
uate students receiving any Pell grant in the 1999-2000 academic year, or prior to the start of
the study period. The latter two variables serve the role of exposure measures, which predict
how strongly changes in federal policies should affect state-level changes in the per-capita
ratio of student loans to personal income. While an increase in the maximum Stafford loan
is unlikely to affect students borrowing lower amounts, Pell limit increases tend to result in
higher grant aid for all Pell recipients.
To account for the fact that policy changes likely
take time to affect borrowing behavior and the amount of accumulated student debt, we use
changes in loan and grant limits between years t 5 and t 2 to instrument for student loan
changes between t 4 and t 1.
Annual state-level data on outstanding student debt and other household debt come from
the New York Federal Reserve Bank’s Consumer Credit Panel, which is constructed from
a random sample of Equifax credit reports. We use per-capita consumption data from the
Bureau of Economic Analysis. We construct average educational attainment at the state
level using data from the American Community Survey. Finally, the shares of students in
each state who borrowed the maximum subsidized Stafford loan or received any Pell Grant
are based on data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study.
3 Results
We document the relationship between student loans and consumption in Table 1. Columns 2
through 4 present baseline results from OLS specifications with an increasing set of controls.
In the most parsimonious specification, 1 percentage point (slightly more than a standard
deviation) increase in the change in student debt to income ratio is associated with 0.9
Lucca, Nadauld and Shen (2018) use similar policy variations to study how postsecondary institutions
change their prices in response to changes in student loan availability.
percentage point (less than a third of a standard deviation) decrease in the growth rate of
consumption over the next three years. When we control for educational attainment, which
is reasonable to assume to be positively correlated with both student debt and consumption
growth, the coefficient estimate decreases to -1.3. Including lagged consumption growth
allows us to control for state-level variations in macroeconomic conditions simultaneous with
the changes in student debt; inclusion of these variables strengthens the negative relationship
between student debt and consumption.
The final two columns of Table 1 report results from the IV specifications, with first-stage
results presented in the bottom panel. We find that both instruments are significant deter-
minants of student loans with the expected signs. The results show that 1 percentage point
increase in the change in student debt to income ratio is associated with 2.5 percentage point
lower consumption growth rate during the subsequent three years in the specification with-
out controls for lagged consumption changes, and 3.7 percentage point lower consumption
growth with these controls. These effects are larger in magnitude than the OLS estimates,
which is consistent with the expected bias driven by changes in educational attainment.
Further, the magnitude of these results cannot be accounted for by a direct increase in ed-
ucation spending since data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey suggest that spending
on education accounted for only 2.3% of aggregate expenditures in 2018.
4 Conclusion
Using state-level data for the 2003–2018 period, we show that an increase in the student
debt-to-income ratio contributes to lower consumption growth in the medium run. A possible
mechanism for the results is that credit constrained young borrowers, who start paying off
student loans soon after they graduate when earnings are relatively low, are forced to lower
Table 1: Relationship Between Student Debt and Other Household Debt and Consumption
Per Capita
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dependent variable: Δ
ln C
0.018 -0.914*** -1.288*** -1.770*** -2.480*** -3.684***
[0.008] (0.231) (0.260) (0.248) (0.327) (0.411)
-0.033 -0.123*** -0.120*** -0.116*** -0.114*** -0.093***
[0.149] (0.015) (0.014) (0.017) (0.013) (0.016)
0.008 0.467** 0.115 0.503** 0.051
[0.010] (0.186) (0.150) (0.196) (0.144)
0.007 0.471*** -0.058 0.748*** 0.145
[0.014] (0.110) (0.107) (0.120) (0.126)
Δ ln C
ln C
ln C
No No Yes No Yes
First-Stage Results
× Exposure 0.043*** 0.035***
(0.006) (0.006)
P ellLimit
× Exposure -0.08*** -0.008***
(0.004) (0.003)
0.004 0.008***
(0.003) (0.003)
-0.030 -0.065**
(0.036) (0.029)
0.128*** 0.050
(0.027) (0.032)
F stat of excluded instruments
Hansen J statistic
P-value of J statistic
Notes: * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Time subscripts denote the end period and number of lags;
for example, Δ
stands for (StudentDebt/GDP )
(StudentDebt/GDP )
. The
models include state fixed effects. The reported errors are clustered at the state level. N = 450.
their consumption, generating significant effects at the aggregate level. This mechanism
is consistent with the findings of prior studies suggestive of student borrowers being credit
constrained after graduation (e.g. Rothstein and Rouse, 2011) and underlines the importance
of binding credit constraints for aggregate macroeconomic outcomes.
Our study is the first to combine the literature on the unintended consequences of student
debt and the existing research on the macroeconomic effects of household debt. To our
knowledge, we are also the first to directly examine the link between student debt and
consumption using an exogenous variation in student borrowing. Last but not least, our
results are informative of the degree to which student loan debt can affect non-borrowers
through its impact on macroeconomic conditions.
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