Penalty Areas (17)
Stroke-and-Distance Relief; Ball Lost or Out of Bounds;
Provisional Ball (18)
Unplayable Ball (19)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Overview Penalty Areas
Definition of Penalty Area
Options for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1)
Options After Playing Ball from Penalty Area (17.2)
No Relief Under Other Rules for Ball in Penalty Area
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
An area from which relief
with a one-stroke penalty is
allowed if the players ball
comes to rest there.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
Any body of water including:
ü Sea,
ü Lake,
ü Pond,
ü River,
ü Ditch,
ü Surface drainage ditch, or
ü Other open watercourse
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
Any other part of the course
the Committee defines as a
penalty area.
(A penalty area is one of the five defined
areas of the course.)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
Two types of penalty areas:
ü Yellow penalty areas – 2 relief
options (Rules 17.1d(1) and (2))
ü Red penalty areas – 3 relief options
(& Rule 17.1d(3))
*If the colour of a penalty area has not
been marked or indicated by the
Committee, it is treated as a red penalty
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
The edge of a penalty area extends both up above the ground and down
below the ground:
ü This means that all ground and anything else (such as any natural
or artificial object) inside the edge is part of the penalty area,
whether on, above or below the surface of the ground
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
The edge of a penalty area should be defined by stakes, lines or
physical features:
ü Stakes: When defined by stakes, the edge of the penalty area is
defined by the line between the outside points of the stakes at
ground level, and the stakes are inside the penalty area.
ü Lines: When defined by a painted line on the ground, the edge of the
penalty area is the outside edge of the line, and the line itself is in
the penalty area.
ü Physical Features: When defined by physical features (such as a
beach or desert area or a retaining wall), the Committee should say
how the edge of the penalty area is defined.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Penalty Area
When the edge of a body of water is not defined by the Committee, the
edge of that penalty area is defined by its natural boundaries (that is,
where the ground slopes down to form the depression that can hold the
If an open watercourse usually does not contain water (such as a
drainage ditch or run-off area that is dry except during a rainy season),
the Committee may define that area as part of the general area (which
means it is not a penalty area).
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Options for Ball in Penalty Area
When Ball Is In Penalty Area (17.1a)
ü When any part of the ball:
Lies in or touches the ground or anything else inside penalty area
Is above the edge or any other part of penalty area
Player May Play Ball as It Lies or Take Penalty Relief (17.1b)
ü The player may either:
Play the ball as it lies without penalty, under the same Rules that
apply to a ball in the general area
Play a ball from outside the penalty area by taking relief
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Options for Ball in Penalty Area
Relief for Ball Not Found but in Penalty Area (17.1c)
ü If a players ball has not been found and it is known or
virtually certain that the ball came to rest in a penalty area:
The player may take penalty relief under Rule 17.1d or
Once the player puts another ball in play, the original
ball I no longer in play and must not be played.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1d)
1) Stroke-and-Distance
Player may play from
where the previous
stroke was made (Rule 14.6).
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1d)
2) Back-On-the-Line
Player must drop on the line
going straight back from the
hole through the estimated
point where the original ball
last crossed the edge of the
penalty area.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1d)
2) Back-On-the-Line Relief
Relief Area:
ü One club-length,
ü In any direction
ü Any area of course
except same penalty
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1d)
3) Lateral Relief (Red
Reference Point:
ü Estimated point where
the original ball last
crossed the edge of the
red penalty area
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1d)
3) Lateral Relief (Red
Relief Area:
ü Two club-lengths,
ü Not nearer hole than
reference point, and
ü Any area of course
except same penalty
2023 Rules of Golf Free Relief
Definition of Penalty Area
Options for Ball in Penalty Area (17.1)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Ball Played from Penalty Area Comes to
Rest in Same or Another Penalty Area
Normal Relief Options
ü Stroke-and-distance
ü Back-on-the-line
ü Lateral relief (red penalty
Estimated point is where the
original ball last crossed the
edge of penalty area
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Ball Played from Penalty Area Comes to
Rest in Same or Another Penalty Area
Extra Relief Option
ü Player may play a ball
from where he or she
made the last stroke from
outside a penalty area
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Ball Played from Penalty Area Is Lost, Out of
Bounds or Unplayable Outside Penalty Area
If a player takes stroke-and-distance relief by dropping a ball in the penalty area
(see Rule 14.6) and then decides not to play the dropped ball from where it
comes to rest:
ü The player may take further relief outside the penalty area under Rule
17.1d(2) or (3) (for a red penalty area) or under Rule 17.2a(2).
ü If the player does so, he or she gets one more penalty stroke, for a total of
two penalty strokes: one stroke for taking stroke-and-distance relief, and
one stroke for taking relief outside the penalty area
*The player may directly take such relief outside the penalty area without first
dropping a ball in the penalty area, but still gets a total of two penalty strokes.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
No Relief Under Other Rules
When a players ball is in a
penalty area, there is no relief
ü Interference by an abnormal
course condition (16.1)
ü An embedded ball (rule 16.3)
ü An unplayable ball (Rule 19)
2023 Rules of Golf Free Relief
Options After Playing Ball from Penalty Area (17.2)
No Relief Under Other Rules for Ball in Penalty Area
Overview Stroke and Distance; Ball
Lost or Out of Bounds; Provisional Ball
Definition of Lost and Out of Bounds
Relief Under Penalty of Stroke and Distance Allowed at Any
Time (Rule 18.1)
Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-Distance Relief Must
Be Taken (18.2)
Provisional Ball (18.3)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Lost
Player (or the players partner or
partners caddie) has three
minutes to search for ball
If the search begins and is then
temporarily interrupted for a good
reason, the time between the
interruption and when the search
resumes does not count
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Out of Bounds
All areas outside the
boundary edge of the course
as defined by the Committee.
All areas inside that edge are
in bounds.
The boundary edge of the
course extends both up above
the ground and down below
the ground.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Definition: Out of Bounds
When defined by stakes or a fence,
the boundary edge is defined by the
line between the course-side points
of the stakes or fence posts at
ground level, and those stakes or
fence posts are out of bounds.
When defined by a painted line on
the ground, the boundary edge is
the course-side edge of the line, and
the line itself is out of bounds.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Under Penalty of Stroke and
Distance Allowed at Any Time
At any time, a player may
take stroke-and-distance
relief by adding one penalty
stroke and playing the
original ball or another ball
from where the previous
stroke was made.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-
Distance Relief Must Be Taken
Lost Ball
ü If a ball is found within 3 minutes but it is uncertain whether it is the
player’s ball:
The player must promptly attempt to identify the ball (see Rule 7.2) and
is allowed a reasonable time to do so (1 minute), even if that happens
after the three minute search time has ended.
Ball Out of Bounds
ü A ball at rest is out of bounds only when all of it is outside the boundary
edge of the course
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-
Distance Relief Must Be Taken
If a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player must take
stroke-and-distance relief
ü Player may substitute another ball under other Rule when
it is known or virtually certain what happened to the ball
(ex: came to rest in penalty area, moved by outside
influence, etc.)
2023 Rules of Golf Free Relief
Relief Under Penalty of Stroke and Distance Allowed
at Any Time (Rule 18.1)
Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-Distance Relief
Must Be Taken (18.2)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
When Provisional Ball Is Allowed
If a ball may be lost outside
a penalty area or be out of
bounds, to save time the
player may play another ball
provisionally under penalty
of stroke and distance
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Announcing Play of Provisional Ball
Player must announce that
he or she is going to play a
provisional ball:
ü Player must use the
word “provisional” or
clearly indicate that he or
she is playing a ball
provisionally under Rule
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Playing Provisional Ball Until It Becomes
the Ball In Play or Is Abandoned
Playing Provisional Ball
More Than Once
ü Player may continue to play
provisional ball so long as it
is played from a spot the
same distance or father from
the hole than where the
original is estimated to be.
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Playing Provisional Ball Until It Becomes
the Ball In Play or Is Abandoned
When Provisional Ball
Becomes Ball In Play:
ü When original ball is lost
anywhere on course except
penalty area or is out of bounds
ü When provisional ball is played
from spot nearer hole than
original ball is estimated to be
2023 Rules of Golf Free Relief
Provisional Ball (18.3)
Overview Unplayable Ball
Player May Decide to Take Unplayable Ball Relief
Anywhere Except Penalty Area (19.1)
Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in General Area or on
Putting Green (19.2)
Relief Options for Unplayable all in Bunker (19.3)
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Player May Decide to Take Unplayable
Ball Relief Anywhere Except Penalty Area
Player is the only person
who may decide to treat his
or her ball as unplayable
Unplayable ball relief is
allowed anywhere on the
course, except in a penalty
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: General Area or Putting Green
19.2a) Stroke-and-Distance
Player may play from
where the previous
stroke was made (Rule 14.6).
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: General Area or Putting Green
19.2b) Back-On-the-Line
Player may drop on the line
going straight back from the
hole through the spot of the
original ball
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: General Area or Putting Green
19.2b) Back-On-the-Line
Relief Area:
ü One club-length,
ü In any direction
ü Any area of course
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: General Area or Putting Green
19.2c) Lateral Relief
Reference Point:
ü Spot of the original ball
Relief Area:
ü Two club-lengths,
ü Not nearer hole than
reference point, and
ü Any area of course
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: Bunker
Same relief options in Rule
19.2, except:
ü If player takes back-on-
the-line or lateral relief,
the ball must be
dropped in and come to
rest in a relief area in
the bunker
2023 Rules of Golf Penalty Relief
Relief Options: Bunker
Extra relief option
ü For a total of TWO
penalty strokes, the
player may take back-
on-the-line relief
outside the bunker
2023 Rules of Golf Free Relief
Player May Decide to Take Unplayable Ball Relief
Anywhere Except Penalty Area (19.1)
Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in General Area or
on Putting Green (19.2)
Relief Options for Unplayable all in Bunker (19.3)