Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 1
Summoner Wars Frequently Asked
Version 2.1
Table of Contents General Rulings Unit Questions and Answers Benders Breakers Controllers Deceivers Gulldune Kalu and Talu Mind Witches Tacullu Cave Goblins Berserker Blarf Fighter Goblin Invincibility The Eater Cloaks Scam Sin-Sin Sniper Spy The Admiral Violet Vlox Deep Dwarves Crossbowman Gem Mage Gren Kynder Magic Stasis Magic Torrent Miner Tundle Fallen Kingdom General Dark Sacrifice Dragos
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 2 Forced Summon Reaper Ret-Talus Skhull Filth Mutations Abomination Claw Mutant Heretic’s Rebuke Horror Mutant Possessed Wall Vomitus Spellsucker Mutant Guild Dwarves Baldar Defender Gror Halvor Oldin Thorkur Jungle Elves General Abua Shi Deception Haste Negation Lioness Makeinda Ru Mercenaries General Channeled Summon Khan Queso Hulgorad Kogar Malevolence Rallul Rune Mage Sairook Stonecloaks Mountain Vargath Muster Superior Planning Torodin Phoenix Elves Burn Fire Beast Fire Drake Guardian
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 3 Holleas Kaesseeall Maelena Fireling Sand Goblins General Javelineers Shadow Elves Malidala Scout Shadows Summon the Night Xaserbane Swamp Orcs Conjurer Hunter Vine Wall Tundra Orcs Bragg Fighter Freeze Ice Wall Ragnor Shaman Smasher Glacial Shift Crusher
2.16.00 Vanguard General Guardian Knight Priest Raechel Loveguard Summoning Surge Woeful Brothers Honor Guard General Rulings Do I start the game with any cards in my hand?
No. Is there a hand limit?
No. Normally during your draw phase, you draw up to 5 cards. If you somehow have 5 or more cards in
your hand, you simply don't draw
any. Which cards can a player look at?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 4
A: Players may look at and count their own hands, and any face-up cards on the Battlefield and Discard
piles. Players may also look at their own Magic Pile. Players cannot change the order of the cards in any
pile. Which piles can a player count?
The number of cards in each player's Magic Pile is public knowledge, as are the number of cards in each
playerʼs hand. The number of cards in a draw pile is not public knowledge. If a Champion or Summoner card mentions itself by name, do the effects of its Ability work for
all cards with that same name, i.e. my opponent's copy of that same card?
When a Champion or Summoner card refers to itself by using its name, that ability only affects that card. I just got my new Reinforcements cards! How does this custom deck-building thing work? Is it
like Dominion?
No. Turn to pages 13-14 of your Starter Set rulebook or page 16 of the Revised Master Set rulebook for
all of the relevant deck building
rules. Some cards do something “at the start of your turn.” When is that exactly?
The start of your turn happens immediately before your Draw Phase (or your Movement Phase on the
first turn of the starting player). What about “at the end of your turn?
After your Build Magic Phase. Can I summon more than 1 Unit at a time?
A: You can summon as many Units as you can afford to pay the Summon Cost for, so long as there are
enough empty spaces adjacent to Walls that you control to summon them to. The rules state if you play multiple Event Cards that confer Special Abilities on Units, Special
Abilities with the same name do not stack. However, what about cards that do not confer Special
A: Event Cards that do not confer a Special Ability can stack unto a single Unit. For example, you could
play 2 Heroic Feat Events on 1 Unit, giving that Unit a +4 Attack Value for the turn (+2 for each of the 2
Heroic Feats), or play 2 Burns or Freezes on the same target. There are some more current examples
given in the Master Set's revised rulebook. But how do I know which Event Cards confer Abilities and which do not?
A: Whenever an Event Card* confers a Special Ability to a Unit, it will say so very explicitly, and will be
followed by an ability name (all in caps) and a description of that ability. The only other way for a Unit to
have a Special Ability is for it to be written on the left side of its card. An example of this is Duck and
Cover from Krusk’s deck. If a Special Ability grants a single Unit multiple attacks, such as FURY, SWIFT STRIKE, or
ASSAULT, do those additional attacks count towards my limit of 3 Unit attacks per player turn?
No. The rule imposes a limit on the number of Units that may attack in 1 turn, not on the number of
attacks they each make.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 5 What happens if 2 powers trigger at the same time?
The player whose turn it is determines in which order the Special Abilities will be resolved. Can a player choose to attack an empty space or roll fewer dice than their Unit's Attack
Value indicates?
No. Some Special Abilities or Events say that you can choose to trigger them “at any time”. Can I
trigger these powers in the middle of a roll, or trigger them before the effects of an Event Card are
No. You can trigger “at any time” powers anytime during your turn, or in between any phase of your
opponentʼs turn. Does a Wall go into my Magic Pile when I destroy it in the same way as a Unit?
Yes. Some Special Abilities say they affect Units; does this include Walls?
No, Walls are not Units. Special Abilities that affect both Units and Walls use the generic term “cards”. Does a player have to roll to hit Walls when his Units attack one?
Yes. Roll dice as you normally would for any attack. If a player has a Wall adjacent to his opponent’s half of the Battlefield, can he summon Units
into his opponent’s half?
Yes. Can I choose not to use a Unit’s Special Ability?
Typically Special Abilities are not optional, with the exception of Special Abilities that take the place of
an attack. Special Abilities that take the place of a standard attack are always optional, as are Special
Abilities that use the term “may”, as in, “you may move up to two additional spaces. When a Special Ability says “instead of attacking” and it is used, does that count towards the
limit of 3 Unit attacks per player turn?
Yes. During your Attack Phase, you choose 3 Units to attack with. They can choose to use their attack as
normal or to use an “instead of attacking” ability if they have one. When using a Special Ability that affects cards “within X spaces” can I count diagonally to
determine which cards are affected?
No, in the Terminology Clarifications section of the rulebook it explains that when counting spaces for
these types of powers you don't count diagonally, you count the spaces like you would count out
movement, so area of effect powers have a sort of jagged diamond shaped area of effect. Can you trigger the “may” ability of a Unit you do not control? For instance, if you were to
move your opponent’s Kalal, could you trigger the ability to look at the top of a draw pile?
No. Only a Unit’s controller may trigger a “may” ability on their card.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 6 After my opponent moves one of my Units, may I trigger one of their “after moving this
Unit” abilities? For instance, if your opponent moved a Kalal that you controlled, could you trigger her
ability to look at the top of a draw pile?
No. You may only trigger an “after moving” ability if you were the Unit to move Kalal. If your own Unit—
for instance a Controllerwere to move Kalal outside the normal move phase, you could trigger her
ability, as you were the player doing the movement. Can you create a Vine Wall if you are faction other than the Swamp Orcs?
No. You may only place a Vine Wall on the board if your Summoner reference card specifically states
that you have a Vine Wall pile. If you, for instance, use Tacullu’s Mimic event card to steal a Vine Growth
event card from Mugglug, you may not play Vine Growth to create two Vine Walls, as Tacullu does not
have a Vine Wall pile. When multiple cards go to the Magic Pile at the same time (e.g. Blarf with cards under him),
can I get to choose the order they go in, or is there a set procedure?
You take cards one at a time and stack them on your Magic pile, starting with the topmost card. For
instance, first you would move Blarf, then each subsequent card underneath him, starting with the
topmost one. This also applies to the discard pile. Start with the topmost card and then count the next,
then the next, and so on, until all cards have entered your discard pile one by one. When an attack affects multiple cards, are they resolved simultaneously or sequentially?
The wounds are placed sequentially, but no cards are removed from play until all cards have received
their wounds. For instance, if Gror attacks a Swamp Orc Shaman on a Vine Wall, he may deal first two
wounds to the Vine Wall and then a wound to the Shaman, or the other way around, but neither card
will be sent to his Magic pile until are wounds are dealt. How does Summoning Surge work?
Summoning Surge removes the top three cards of your discard pile and places them face down on top of
your Magic pile, if you have fewer Units on the board than an opponent. Can you play an event card for no effect?
You can only play an event card if you can meet its conditions. For instance, you can play Summoning
Surge if you have fewer Units on the board than an opponent, but no cards in your discard pile. Having
fewer Units in play is the condition and must be met, but the effect does not have to be completely
resolved. Is an instead of attacking ability an attack?
No, it is an instead of attacking ability. As such, abilities like the Deceiver's Stun do not affect instead of
attacking abilities. However, instead of attacking abilities still count as one of your three attack
activations. Can a Unit such as Gren or Krusk choose themselves as a target with an ability that allows
them to target a Unit “within x spaces of themselves” for which they meet the target criteria (for
instance, being a Sand Goblin unit)?
No. A Unit cannot be within any spaces of themselves for the purposes of choosing a target from its own
ability card. As such, neither Gren nor Krusk can choose themselves as a Deep Dwarf or Sand Goblin Unit
within any spaces of themselves for their respective powers.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 7 Can I play an event card like Summoning Surge if I cannot meets its to-play requirement, for
instance having fewer Units on the board than an opponent?
No. Summoning Surge and similar events cannot be played if you cannot meet the criteria to play them.
In this case, if you do not have fewer Units on the Battlefield than your opponent, you may not play
Summoning Surge, as its condition cannot be met. Is there a distinction between moving with a Unit and moving a Unit?
Yes. Moving with a Unit (such as on a Rune Mage or Phantom) is different from moving a Unit (as seen
on as Vermin and Kalal). Powers, like Siphon and Possess, may only be triggered after moving a Unit
during the movement phase with a movement activation. Powers such as Plague and Glimpse of the
Future, that trigger simply “after moving,” may be triggered after a Unit moves by any means, such as
being moved by a Controller or another card ability. Is an instead of moving ability a move?
No. An instead of moving ability is not a move, though it still counts as one of your three movement
activations. As such, abilities like the Deceiver’s Stun do not affect instead of moving abilities. However,
instead of moving abilities still count as one of your three movement activations. Unit Questions and Answers Benders Breakers In which Discard pile does the card targeted by Memory Break go?
Cards discarded by a Breaker will go to the Discard Pile of the Breaker’s controller. This is because the
Discard is a specific action being made by the Breaker. Whenever a player discards a card, like a Freeze,
it goes to that player’s discard pile. Controllers Can a Controller use Telekinetic Blast on a Controller that is controlled by another player?
No. The Controller’s power says that a Controller may not be the target of Telekinetic Blast, regardless
of who controls that Unit. Deceivers If an enemy Common Unit starts my turn adjacent to one of my Deceivers, and I gain control
of it later in that same turn, can I move or attack with it this turn?
No. The Deceiver's STUN ability is checked at the start of every turn and lasts for that whole turn. Even if
the affected Unit is no longer an enemy later in the turn, it was still stunned at the start of the turn and
will be unable to move or attack for the remainder of that turn. What about if an allied Phoenix Elf player starts a turn where Kaeseeall is adjacent to an
enemy Common which is adjacent to my Deceiver?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 8
A: In that case, the PE player could elect to trigger her power first (since both BLAZING CONSCRIPTION
and STUN occur at the same time
and it is the PE' player's turn). The Blazing Conscripted common would no longer be an enemy and thus
won't get stunned on that turn. If a Deceiver is killed or moved away after the beginning of the turn, but before moving or
attacking with a Stunned Unit, is that Unit able to move and attack? What if the controller of that Unit
changes (for instance, due to the Mind Control event card)? What if the controller of the Deceiver
No. The Unit adjacent to the Deceiver was affected by Stun at the beginning of their turn. Even if the
Deceiver was removed (via, for instance, a Burn event card) the Unit has still been affected by Stun and
will not be able to move or attack until the next turn. If the controller of the Unit affected by Stun
changes, the Unit still cannot attack or move. If the controller of the Deceiver changes, the Unit affected
by Stun still cannot attack or move. Does Stun prevent a Unit from being placed (e.g. Muster) or exchanging places (e.g. Cunning)?
If not, can the previously Stunned Unit then move after that?
Stun does not prevent a Unit from being placed or exchanging places. Stun only prevents a Unit from
moving or attacking. If a Unit exchanges places or is placed in a space not adjacent to the Deceiver, the
Unit cannot attack or move until your next turn. Gulldune Can an opposing Cloak player's Admiral use COVER to prevent Gulldune's MIND CAPTURE?
Yes. Placing wound markers is always done before checking to see if a Unit would be destroyed by an
attack. Since The Admiral's Special Ability takes place during this step of "receiving one or more wounds"
he may save his comrades from Gulldune, whose Special Ability is checked later. Kalu and Talu If one of Kalu or Talu is destroyed and the other is then destroyed by Mind Link, whose Magic
Pile does he go to?
A Unit destroyed by Mind Link goes to its controller’s Magic Pile. If Kalu or Talu is destroyed by a Unit with an ability triggered from destroying a Unit (for
instance, Splub’s Vinemancer Sow), are both destroyed Units treated as though they were destroyed
by the attack (for instance, would two Vine Walls be placed, one in Kalu’s space and one in Talu’s)?
A: No. The second twin is destroyed by Mind Link, not the attack, so they are unaffected by the Unit’s
ability. Mind Witches If you mimic Ret-Talus, can you bring back a FK Common? If so, which Discard Pile(s) can you
bring FK Commons back from? Can you bring back a FK Common next to Ret-Talus?
Yes, you can. They would come from the Mind Witch’s controller’s discard pile. They can only come back
adjacent to the Mind Witch, who has also taken the name of Ret-Talus.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 9 If a Mind Witch copies Selundar, what happens? If she had no enemy Units next to her in the
movement phase, can she use Selundar’s ability?
The Mind Witch was not Selundar at the beginning of the turn, so the Mind Witch cannot trigger this
ability, as it did not meet the conditions to do so. What happens if Witches copy Reapers and gets cards under themselves? Do the cards stay
there when the turn is over? Do they count for attacks in later turns? Do they count if mimicking other
abilities that use such cards (e.g. Blarf)?
The cards remain under the Mind Witch. They do not count for attacks in later turns, unless the Mind
Witch copies another Unit that has a benefit for having cards underneath them. If the Mind Witch is
destroyed, all cards under her will go to the destroyer’s Magic Pile, as normal. Can I use Gwalark's LEVITATE to make a Mind Witch that copied a Unit with TRAMPLE to
levitate over a Champion or Summoner and still damage them?
Yes. Tacullu Will Tacullu lose life from his own Demon Hand's Dark Pact if he uses Counter Summon on it?
No, as the Demon Hand is discarded, not destroyed. Cave Goblins Berserker Does a Goblin Berserker have to attack all adjacent enemy Units? The card says "it may attack
all enemy Units that are adjacent to it," so does that mean it can either attack normally against 1 card,
or attack all adjacent Units, or can it simply pick and choose which adjacent Units it attacks?
A player can choose to have a Berserker attack just 1 adjacent card as normal, but should a player elect
to use the Berserkerʼs Special Ability he must attack all enemy Units the Berserker is adjacent to. When attacking with a Goblin Berserker does that Berserker continue to attack all Units next
to it over and over again until they are dead?
No, the Berserker only attacks each Unit once. Blarf Do I have to reveal what card I take from my Magic Pile when using Blarf's Magic
No. The card is placed face down under Blarf and does not need to be revealed to any opponents. Fighter The Goblin Fighter’s Special Ability says that they do not attack during the normal Attack
Phase, but 2 of them attack immediately after it. Does that mean I can only attack with 2 per turn?
That is correct. Up to 2 Goblin Fighters can attack each turn, and no more.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 10 Goblin Invincibility Does the Goblin Invincibility Event Card work for all Cave Goblin Units or just 1?
It works for all Cave Goblin Units you control until the start of your next turn. The Eater What happens first? The Eater's Feed the Eater Ability or Relentless?
Relentless. It occurs immediately after your normal attack phase (think of it as an extended attack
phase). Then the Eater eats. Cloaks Scam Does Scam have to attack a card to ESCAPE?
Yes. Sin-Sin What happens if I use Sin-Sin’s Charm on a Unit with an end-of-turn ability?
As the active player, you will decide the order in which the timing conflict resolves. That means you will
be able to trigger an ability like Blaze Step if you choose to have it activate before losing control of the
Unit. When Sin-Sin uses CHARM on a Thief that had Raid played on it, can that Thief move up to 5
Yes. Sniper Does a Sniper have to use a movement activation to use its Sniper Shot ability?
No. A Sniper does not require a movement activation to use its ability. Spy What happens when I play Spy and there is less than 5 cards in my opponent's deck?
Spy resolves as follows: put the first two cards on the bottom. Then put two on the top. Then discard
one. If they have only four cards, no card would be discarded. Three cards, put two on the bottom and
one on top. And so on. The Admiral If a Unit with two life points remaining receives three wound markers worth of damage, how
much damage does the Admiral take?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 11
The Unit received three wound markers, so the Admiral would take three wound markers. The check for
whether or not a Unit is destroyed does not occur until after all wound markers from the attack are
placed on a Unit. Violet Can Violet attack a Wall and hit any Units between her and said Wall at the same time?
Yes. Vlox Can Vlox use MASTER OF THE ART to gain the names and abilities of more than one unit in a
No. Just one. Once he changes his name and ability, he can't use MASTER OF THE ART again that turn. Can I use Master of the Arts on the first turn of a game?
No. If you are the first player on the first turn of the game, you have an abbreviated turn which skips the
Event Phase. However, if you are going second on the first turn of the game, you may use Master of the
Arts during your Event Phase on that turn. Can Vlox use Master of the Arts to take the name and ability of a Cloak Unit you do not
Yes. Master of the Arts does not specify the controller of the Cloak Unit that Vlox can copy, meaning he
can copy any Cloak Unit on the board, regardless of its controller. Is it possible to have Vlox take a wound if he copies The Admiral's Cover with Master of the
Yes. Deep Dwarves Crossbowman Does playing a Wall card trigger the Crossbowman’s Rally ability?
Yes. A Wall is an event card played from your hand, so a Crossbowman would receive an extra attack die
from the Rally ability. Gem Mage Can a single Gem Mage make use of Wake the Father Gem twice in the same turn?
Yes! It can be used once to reduce the cost of the Attack Value boost, and once to do the end-of-attack
phase placement for 'free' as well. Kynder If Kynder pushes a Unit and that Unit is for some reason destroyed, for instance if it failed to
roll a 4+ to move off of a Vine Wall, which Magic Pile would the destroyed Unit go to?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 12
The controller of the card with the ability or effect that destroyed the Unit would receive the Magic Pile.
For instance, if the Unit failed to move off of a Vine Wall and received one wound marker and was
subsequently destroyed, that Unit would go into the Magic Pile of the Vine Wall’s controller. Can Kynder move on space, Mage Push, and then move a second space?
Yes. Kynder’s ability can be used at any point during your turn, which includes in the middle of a move. Magic Stasis If a Deep Dwarf player uses Magic Stasis, can his opponent still summon Units that have a
Summoning Cost of 0, such as the Shadow Elf Scout?
Yes. As long as the affected player doesn't have to spend Magic Points to summon the Unit, it is legal to
summon it. Magic Torrent What happens if you place one Wound Marker on a Unit and the Admiral receives the Wound
Marker for that Unit? Can you place another Wound Marker on the Admiral?
The Admiral’s power rules that he takes the wounds instead of the other Unit. In doing so, the Admiral
has now received one wound marker for Magic Torrent. That means that the original Magic Torrent
target can be chosen again, because it hasn’t received a wound yet, but the Admiral cannot use Cover to
take another wound and he can also not be chosen at the target for Magic Torrent. Miner Can a Miner adjacent to a Guild Dwarf Defender use Tunnel to escape? Will it have to roll to
Tunnel off of a Vine Wall?
Yes it can leave a Defender; no it won't roll to leave a Vine Wall. Since the Miner card uses the word
'placed' it is no longer movement in the conventional sense. Tundle Can Tundle attack on a turn he used Meditate?
Yes. Tundle does not use an attack to Meditate, he simply limits the number of total attacks to one. Do I have to attack with Tundle on a turn he used Meditate?
No. Any one Unit may attack. Fallen Kingdom General May I attack with a Unit that was placed onto the Battlefield during my current attack phase?
Yes. As long as you still have attacked with fewer than the 3 Units you are allowed to attack with on a
turn, freshly infected Zombies and Units newly raised from the dead by Ret-Talus can attack right away.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 13 Dark Sacrifice May I use Dark Sacrifice even if I don’t have a wounded Champion on the Battlefield?
Yes. You would complete the first part of the Event (destroy Units of your choice), but would not have a
target to remove Wound Markers from. How does Dark Sacrifice work?
After playing Dark Sacrifice from your hand, choose X number of Units to destroy. Destroy those Units.
Choose a Champion. Heal X wounds from that Champion. Dragos Does Dragos' Life Drain work when he attacks a Skeletal Archer that gets discarded due to
Magic Lock?
Yes, because the Skeletal Archer was still destroyed, even if its final destination changes. Dragos’ Life
Drain triggers on that destruction. Forced Summon May I use Forced Summon even if Ret-Talus has 3 or more Wound Markers on him?
Yes, but you would lose the game as soon as you finish resolving that Event Card. Reaper What happens when a Reaper destroys a Unit that had cards under it, such as Blarf or another
The destroyed Unit would go under the Reaper, but any other cards underneath the destroyed Unit
would go to the Magic Pile of the player who destroyed that Unit. Ret-Talus When I use Raise the Dead or Greater Raise, can the cards I just discarded from my Magic Pile
to play for the Special Ability be included among the cards I can choose to Raise?
Yes. Skhull Do I roll for Fear if I move Skhull adjacent to an enemy Common Unit or if my opponent
summons a Common Unit adjacent to Skhull?
No. You only roll when an enemy Common Unit moves adjacent to Skhull. Do I roll for Fear before or after my opponent gets to roll for Plague with Vermin or Burst of
Speed with a Charger?
Skhull's Fear happens first. It occurs when moving. Plague and Burst of Speed occur after moving.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 14 If an Elephant with Trample moves into a space adjacent to Skhull that contains an enemy
Common Unit, what happens?
When the Elephant moves onto the space adjacent to Skhull, the Elephant has to make a roll to check
for Fear. The Elephant does not do a wound to the enemy Common Unit until the Elephant leaves the
space with that Common. As such, if the Elephant is discarded for Fear, it does not have a chance to
leave the space with the enemy Common Unit and the enemy Common Unit does not take a wound. Filth Mutations Does Mutating a Unit make it a different Unit? For example: A) Do abilities or events with
lingering effects continue to happen to a Unit if it Mutates? (Stun, Conceal; Grapple, Disruption Field)
B) If Tark selects a Filth Unit (Mutated or not) to not attack him, but it mutates, can it then attack
Yes. If a Unit is mutated, it is no longer stunned. If a Unit is mutated, it can attack Tark, etc. Can you summon a Mutation on a frozen mutant? If so, does it go over or under the Freeze
card? Or does the Freeze card get discarded, or go to the Filth player’s hand?
Yes. A Frozen Unit does not lose its name or faction, meaning it is still a valid target for the Mutation. Are Mutated Units considered Common Units off the battlefield? E.g. can Illusionary Warrior
be used to fetch a Mutation card from the Magic Pile?
Yes. If a Filth Unit has a Freeze event card on it, what happens if a Mutation card is played?
While mutating (playing a Mutation card on) a Filth Common Unit removes any temporary card effect,
such as from a Deceiver’s Stun ability, it does not cancel Freeze. The Mutation card should be played
under the Freeze card, meaning the Unit is still subject to card’s effects. This is much like a Unit retaining
the physical wound markers it has received when you mutate it. Abomination Does yelling "ABOMINATIOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" make you roll
higher when rolling for Writhing Spawn?
Of course. Claw Mutant What is the Claw's AV vs. a Mutation?
The value of the top Mutation's life points. Heretic’s Rebuke Can I use Channel Corruption to play a Mutation with Heretic's Rebuke?
No. You cannot play another event card until one event has completely resolved. In this instance,
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 15
Heretic's Rebuke will not have fully resolved because you will not have played a Mutation, so Channel
Corruption may not be used. What happens if you use Heretic’s Rebuke to take control of a Mutated Unit controlled by the
opponent? Are we still required to summon a new Mutation onto it? If so, do we still reduce the cost
by the cost of the Mutation already there?
Yes, you still have to play a new Mutation from your hand. And yes, you would reduce the cost of that
Mutation and put it into your hand. Horror Mutant If a Unit uses an "instead of moving" ability next to the Horror Mutant, can it attack the
Horror mutant?
Yes. The Unit used its ability instead of moving, so did not end a move next to the Horror Mutant and
may thus attack it. If a Unit moves twice--for instance with Chant of Haste or Goblin Rush--can it ended its first
move adjacent to the Horror, but then moved again after, may it attack that turn?
No. It ended a move on its turn next to the Horror Mutant is still quite terrified from the Demonic Visage
and thus not able to attack this turn. Can you really blame them? Possessed Wall Can the cards be discarded from the hand (to discard Possessed Wall) in the middle of the
Draw Phase, so we can continue drawing until we reach 5 cards?
No. The drawing up to five cards in the draw step is an entire action. You draw a number of cards such
that you have five cards in your hand. Therefore, you may not discard cards during this draw cards
action. You may, however, discard cards prior to the entire draw action to discard Possessed Wall. Vomitus Does Vomitus take up one of my attack slots if I roll a die for his range and the number I rolled
determines that I can't attack anything?
No. You roll at the beginning of the phase, before any attackers are declared. Spellsucker If the a Spellsucker Mutant triggers his ability to cancel an Abolish that has cancelled an event
card, can the Vanguard player play a second Abolish?
No. The original Abolish was stilled player, it simply has no effect. A player cannot respond twice to the
same event with two Abolishes. The same interaction applies to Shadows. Guild Dwarves Baldar If Baldar is attacked by Maelena, does he receive a wound from Burning Blade?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 16
Yes. Baldar blocks wounds dealt by an attack; Maelena’s wouns are in addition to any wounds dealt by
the attack. Baldar will take a wound. Defender Can an enemy Unit move past a Unit with the Engage ability?
No. As soon as a Unit moves next to a Unit with Engage, the moving Unit is stuck there. Does the Dwarven Defenders' Engage ability negate the Phoenix Elf Warriors’ Blaze Step or
Sneeks’s Sly? In other words can these Special Abilities be used if the Warrior or Sneeks is adjacent to
1 or more Defenders?
Engage only prevents a Unit from moving away. So powers like Sly, where 2 Units are being swapped,
and Blaze Step, where a Unit is being placed elsewhere on the board, are not affected by Engage.
However, when a Unit is moving either normally or as the result of a power, Engage will keep the Unit
from moving away from a Defender. Does Engage work against flying opponents, like Rahlee or Archangel?
A: Yes. If a flying Unit moves adjacent to a Defender, it must stop moving. If the Unit would stop moving
somewhere that it can’t end its movement, such as a Wall or another Unit, the flying Unit canʼt move
there in the first place. Gror Does Gror have to be attacking an adjacent card to trigger his Hammer Quake Ability, or can
he choose to target an empty space or his own space to trigger a Hammer Quake all around him?
Gror has to be able to attack a card to have Hammer Quake trigger. If my opponent has Goblin Invincibility in play and I attack a wall with Gror’s Hammer Quake,
do all of the Units affected by the Hammer Quake take the same Damage as the Wall took, or do
Goblin Units that are also affected by the attack only take damage from die results of 6 or higher?
When Goblin Invincibility is in play Goblin Units only take damage from die results of 6 or higher when
they are attacked. So even if Gror isnʼt targeting a Goblin Unit when he attacks, any Goblin Unit in the
attackʼs area of effect only receive damage from die results of 6 or higher during that attack. Halvor If Halvor's Rage ability places enough wounds on his card to destroy him, does he still get to
attack? Who gets the Magic?
Since Rage happens before attacking, he would be immediately destroyed and go to the Magic pile of
the player controlling Halvor. If Halvor destroys himself with rage, does that count as one of your three attacks taken that
Yes. In order for Halvor to trigger Rage, he must be declared as an attacker that turn. Oldin
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 17 Does Oldin’s Stone Melding Special Ability work only with his own Walls?
Stone Melding works with all Walls on the Battlefield, including Ice Walls and Vine Walls. Thorkur What happened to Thorkur?
After launch, some new play testers were added onto the team at Plaid Hat Games. While testing
reinforcements, it became apparent that Thorkur was just too good and game-altering to leave as he
was. For the long term health and balance of the game, the designer decided to fix the card and issue a
new, more balanced version of Thorkur. It is available for free with any purchase made at the Plaid Hat
Games website. If that is not a convenient option, the new official version of Thorkur has the same
Attack, Range, Magic Cost, and Life as before, but his Special Ability has been changed to the following:
Once per turn, whenever 1 or more Wound Markers would be placed on this card, you may spend 1
Magic Point to prevent 1 of those Wound Markers from being placed on this card.
We appreciate your support and patience and are working to prevent events like this from occurring in
the future. Jungle Elves General Can Miti Mumway or Elephants end their TRAMPLE movement on a space containing a
common with 1 life point remaining?
No. Moving through a card requires you to end on an unoccupied space before the damage is applied. Abua Shi Can Abua Shi use CHANT OF GROWTH on himself?
Technically, yes. But it'd be pretty silly to do since he used up his attack action to do it! Chant of Deception Can I use Chant of Deception on a Unit that has a Freeze Card on it?
Yes. Units with a Freeze card on top of them can switch places with other Units. The Freeze card will
remain on top of the Unit it was originally on. Chant of Haste If I use Chant of Haste twice in one turn, can I move a Unit 4 spaces at once?
No. You must resolve each Chant of Haste individually, moving the Unit two spaces, then moving the
Unit two spaces again with the second event. These are separate moves and your Unit must end its
move on an empty space.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 18 Chant of Negation Does Chant of Negation stop _____?
Chant of Negation only removes the effects of Special Abilities. Recall from the start of the FAQ that
Special Abilities come in two forms: the text on the bottom part of a Unit Card, and the Special Abilities
granted by a small handful of Events. These Event Cards clearly state that they add an ability, and will
have that Special Ability's name listed all in CAPS. When Chant of Negation is played, pretend that all of
your chosen opponent's Unit Cards have no rules text on the bottom of their card, and can't have any
added to them either. Does Chant of Negation prevent a unit from being affected by Stun or Negation Field?
No. The Stun and Negation Field triggers are the beginning of your turn, after Chant of Negation's effect
has ended. When does Chant of Negation start and stop?
A: After your opponent's turn ends and before yours begins. Lioness Can you move all Lionesses on your first turn after having reached your two move first turn
Yes. Lionesses may all move 2 spaces outside the normal move limitations, regardless of turn. Makeinda Ru Can Makeinda Ru still use Power Shot if her position changed as a result of Chant of
A: Yes. She technically did not move. What if Makeinda Ru is moved by Chant of Haste?
A: No. Is Power Shot optional?
A: No. If Makeinda Ru does not move, her attack value is 4. Mercenaries General Do mercenaries count as a part of your faction? For example, when using Gang Up, does Khan
Queso add a die to a Goblin Fighter's attack if he is adjacent to the target?
A: No, mercenaries do not become part of your Summonerʼs faction, unless your faction IS the
Mercenaries, like when your Summoner is Rallul. Channeled Summon
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 19 While Channeled Summon is in effect, are Stone Golems considered both Units and Walls, or
just Walls only?
Stone Golems are considered both Walls and Units. Khan Queso If Khan Queso starts his movement adjacent to a Dwarven Defender can he still use Plague?
No. Engage prevents movement. Plague triggers after moving Khan Queso. Hulgorad Can Gwalark Levitate Hulgorad so he Gores through other Units?
Hulgorad must move three, clear straight line spaces to activate his Gore ability. If Hulgorad moves
through a Unit using Gwalark’s Levitate ability, then Hulgorad has not moved through clear spaces. Gore
will not trigger. If Hulgorad switches places with Silts using Cunning, can Hulgorad still trigger Gore?
It depends. Hulgorad must move three, clear straight line spaces in order to activate Gore. If he switches
with Silts prior to moving, then he may Gore. If he switches with Silts after moving, he may Gore.
Otherwise, Hulgorad would not move three, clear straight line spaces. If Urick uses Knock Around to hit Hulgorad three spaces, does Hulgorad's Gore trigger?
Yes, if Hulgorad moves all three, clear straight line spaces. Kogar If I destroy Kogar, can I then attack with the Unit Kogar was Grappling?
No. Kogar has grappled that Unit and it will need until your next turn to recover from being bent out of
shape. Malevolence If Malevolence does enough damage to kill herself with Cursed Blade would she still attack?
Who gets the Magic?
The Wound Marker is placed after attacking, so she can still attack when she has 6 Wound Markers on
her card. If Cursed Blade destroys her, the controlling player gains the Magic. Rallul Can Rallul wound a Wall with Draw Power even if there are no cards in your Draw Pile?
Yes. Rallul specifically states he can draw up to 1 card for Draw Power, meaning you can draw 0 cards. Rune Mage Can Rune Mages take one card per Wall they are adjacent to?
No. It is one card per Rune Mage.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 20 Sairook Can my opponent's Kaeseeall steal my Sairook using Blazing Conscription and then use
Shadow Summon to put Sairook into her hand?
Yes. The Phoenix Elf player will control Sairook until the end of their turn, and then they can choose to
use Sairook's power. This would be an excellent time to point at your opponent and laugh. Can I build Sairook as Magic on the turn that I use Shadow Summon?
No. The Build Magic step happens before the end of your turn. What happens if you have 5 cards in your hand at the end of your turn and want to put
Sairook back in your hand?
There is no maximum hand size. You simply will not draw any cards at the start of your next turn if you
still have six or more cards, as though you had five. Stonecloaks If I use Reinforcements to summon a Stonecloak, do I still put wounds on my wall?
Yes. You are still summoning the unit when you play Reinforcements. Its cost is just 0. Mountain Vargath Muster How does Muster work?
Pick up a Unit off the board and place it on an empty space adjacent to Sunderved. You may then pick
up a second Unit and place it in an empty space adjacent to Sunderved. The second Unit may be placed
in the space vacated by the first Unit. Superior Planning Can Superior Planning be used to obtain Wall cards?
No. Only the Events listed on General Sunderved's Starting Setup card can be chosen by Superior
Planning. Torodin Can Torodin's Advance stack if I use Superior Planning to get it multiple times in the same
Yes. It does not grant a Special Ability. Can I Trample the same Unit more than once during a movement with Torodin and Torodin's
No. Torodin may move through a Unit multiple times, but each Unit moved through only receives one
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 21 Phoenix Elves Burn Can I use a Burn Event Card to place a Wound Marker on a Summoner?
No, the Burn card states that it can only be used on Common or Champion Units. Fire Beast Can a Fire Beast destroy itself with HELLFIRE if it already has 2 wound markers on its card?
Will the Phoenix Elf player gain the magic?
Yes and yes. Fire Drake Does the Fire Drake’s BREATH OF FLAME work through Walls?
Yes. If a Unit on a Vine Wall is the target of Breath of Flame, does the Vine Wall receive a wound?
Yes. Guardian Does PRECISE work against Walls?
No. Precise only affects Units. A Precise Unit attacking a Wall must roll attack dice normally. What happens when a Precise unit attacks a Tundra Orc Smasher?
First trigger Precise. Count the number of dice that would be rolled. Put that number of Wound Markers
on the Smasher. Next, trigger the Smasherʼs ability. Since there are no dice being rolled, Sluggish does
nothing! Holleas Do I have to shuffle if I didn't search my Draw Pile with Holleas’ Summon Fire Beast?
No. If you spend the 2 Magic and discover that you don’t have any Fire Beasts in your draw pile,
do you regain the Magic that you spent?
No. Paying the Magic is the cost to search for and play the Fire Beast. You pay the Magic even if you
cannot resolve the entire effect. Kaeseeall If Kaeseeall takes control of the Eater with BLAZING CONSCRIPTION can the Phoenix Elf
player move the Eater away from all Common Units on his/her turn and discard the Eater in that turn,
or can the Eater only be discarded for lack of food on a Goblin turn?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 22
Kaeseeall could take control of The Eater and send him away from any tasty Common Units, thus
causing him to be discarded. Does moving or attacking with a Unit that has been Blazing Conscripted by Kaeseeall count
toward my limit of 3 for each of those phases?
Yes. In a mirror match, can one Kaeseeall gain control of the opponent’s Kaeseeall? If so, can that
second one then gain control of another Unit?
Kaesseeall can gain control of an opponent’s Kaesseeall. That Kaesseeall may not trigger Blazing
Conscription because the opposing Kaesseall was not under your control at the beginning of your turn. If Blazing Conscription is used on Kreep, what happens at the end of the PE turn?
The PE player decides if Kreep rolls for Cowardly or if he is returned to your opponent first. Whether
Cowardly is rolled or not will depend on who Kreep’s controller is; he will only roll for Cowardly if the
Active player chooses to roll before returning control to his opponent. Maelena Does Maelena have to do damage to a Card in order to inflict the automatic wound caused
No. The Card Maelena is attacking always takes the automatic wound from Burning Blade, even if
Maelena doesn’t inflict any wounds on her roll. Fireling What happens if two Firelings are adjacent to the same enemy Unit that moves, thus
triggering two instances of Pursue?
The active player will decide which Fireling triggers Pursue; the other Fireling will trigger Pursue, but will
no longer be able to move into the empty space (as it now contains the first Fireling), and the ability
does not resolve. Does Pursue trigger for each space moved by an enemy Unit, or does it trigger once at the
end of the enemy Unit’s move?
The Fireling will Pursue on each space moved by an enemy away from the Fireling, one at a time. It will
roll to damage the enemy Unit with every space it moves. They are just really friendly like that. If a Unit uses Trample (or Flight) to move through a Fireling, may I trigger Pursue?
No. If a Fireling is moved through by a Unit using the Trample special ability or the Flight special ability,
the moving Unit has not moved away from the Fireling. If a Unit with Greater Flight were to then move
an additional space away from the Fireling, the Fireling could then Pursue. Sand Goblins General Why are there no questions about the Sand Goblins?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 23
Hey, surprise, there are now some questions about the Sand Goblins. Javelineers Are Javelineers affected by an attack from a non-adjacent Unit that affects multiple units, like
Gror’s Hammer Quake or Violet’s Whirling Blade?
No, they do not. Irritating little poopers, these ones. Just like Smashers still take extra damage and
Maldaria still blocks wounds, Javelineers are being attacked by Gror or Violet and, as such, they are
ignored during that attack. Shadow Elves Malidala Can Malidala block attacks with Precise and such, that don't roll dice?
No. No dice are rolled for Precise, so Malidala would take the wounds. Scout Does Scout, the Scout’s power, stack?
Yes. Shadows Can the event Shadows still be played after a Fallen Kingdom player has used SPIRIT DRAIN,
LIFE DRAIN, or INFECT on a Shadow Elf Unit?
Yes. The card went to the magic pile of an opponent, and it was destroyed. Both criteria were met. What about MIND CAPTURE, SOUL HARVEST, or SCAVENGE, all of which prevent cards from
going to the Magic Pile?
No. The Shadow Elf unit never went to the magic pile in these cases. What about Shadows v. Blerg's ADAPT, which can either put a card under Blerg or function
similarly to LIFE DRAIN?
When playing against a Shadow Elf player, the Swamp Orc player makes his decision first. Either he
places the Shadow Elf Unit under his card (which would prevent the use of Shadows), or he places it on
top of his Magic Pile and removes 1 Wound Marker from Blerg. He can't "take it back" once he sees
someone use Shadows if he picked the latter. Summon the Night Does Summon the Night's 1 movement penalty trump those cards that may move multiple
spaces (such as a Lioneer)?
Yes. When Summon the Night is in play, cards may only move one space.
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 24 Can Units outside the normal Movement Phase, like Krag and Lionesses, move more than 1
Yes. Summon the Night only limits movement during the Movement Phase. Xaserbane If Xaserbane tries to move a third space off of a Vine Wall, can his controller move other
Units that turn?
No. Xaserbane has initiated his additional movement ability, even though it has failed. Can I use Xaserbane's Sneak if I moved someone else using Stalking Advance?
Yes. The Units who move due to Stalking Advance all move during the Event Phase. Swamp Orcs Conjurer Can I choose to discard a Vine Wall using the Conjurer's Vinemancer Animate and not attack
with it?
Yes. Hunter Can a Hunter get the bonus from Vinemancer Ambush more than once if he moves onto and
off of multiple Vine Walls in one movement?
No. The Hunter increases its attack value by one if it has moved onto or off of a Vine Wall that turn. Can a Hunter move 0 spaces to trigger Vinemancer Ambush?
No. A Hunter must move onto or off of a Vine Wall to trigger Vinemancer Ambush. Vine Walls Can a Unit on a Vine Wall move zero spaces to trigger an "after moving" Special Ability such
as GLIMPSE THE FUTURE or PLAGUE, and still not roll to move off the Vine Wall?
Yes. This is a legal play, but it does count as having moved 1 of the 3 Units you are allowed to move in a
turn. If a Unit is destroyed moving off a Vine Wall, who receives the Magic?
The Vine Wall's controller. Does a Unit moving off a vine wall get just one chance to move off it per turn, or once per
movement space it has left?
The Unit who fails that roll cannot move off of a Vine Wall that turn. Is a space with only a Vine Wall occupied?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 25 Tundra Orcs Bragg If there are multiple Braggs in play, will the cost to remove the Freeze Event Card increase
(stack) accordingly?
No. Bragg only affects the Ice Walls and Freeze events of the player who controls Bragg. Fighter After attacking with a Tundra Orc Fighter, if I roll a 5 or higher and use Fury to move and
attack with that Tundra Orc Fighter again, do I get to roll for Fury again?
Yes, you can continue to Fury until you fail to roll a 5 or higher on your Fury roll. Yes, it is annoying
sometimes. Please refrain from harming your opponent in the instances where a Fighter kills Prince Elien
in one turn. Freeze If a player's Summoner has a Freeze card on it, is that player still able to summon new Units?
Yes, the summoning of new Units is not considered a movement, attack, or Special Ability, so a Freeze
card cannot prevent a player from summoning. Ice Wall Can I place Ice Walls anywhere or are they restricted to my side of the Battlefield like regular
They act like regular Walls in every way except for the fact that they have 3 Life Points instead of 9. Ragnor If I attack with Ragnor, do I need to get a 5 on one attack die or both to Fury?
Neither! The roll for Fury is a completely separate roll after your attack. You donʼt need to hit with the
attack either, but you do need to have a target to attack to be able to roll for Fury afterward. Shaman When a Shaman attacks, are die results of 3 or higher ALWAYS considered 'hits' even if some
of the wounds are prevented?
Yes. For instance, if a Shaman rolls a 3 and a 6 when attacking a Tordok-boosted Common, an Invincible
Goblin, a Tough Guardsman, a Wall-scaling Climber, or a Stone Melding Oldin, he will still score two
"hits" and one wound will be prevented, so the units would take 1 wound in each of these cases.
"Preventing a wound" prevents a wound, but does not turn hits into misses. Smasher
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 26 What happens when Rukar or a Slasher attacks a Smasher? Do they roll to see if they get
extra hits, or do they just get the normal amount?
As no dice are rolled, they simply do an amount of damage equal to the number of dice they would roll
like any other Unit. No 5s or 6s are rolled. If a Smasher is hit by an attack that affects multiple Units, like Krung’s WILD SWING or Gror’s
HAMMER QUAKE does the attacker still have to roll attack dice? How much damage will the Smasher
Even if a Smasher is the first target of Grorʼs Hammer Quake, the attacking player will roll dice equal to
his Unitʼs attack value. Because of Sluggish, the Smasher will take damage equal to the number of dice
rolled, and any other cards affected by the attack will receive their wounds as usual. Glacial Shift When do you roll to wound a Unit when a Minor Ice Wall is moved through an enemy Unit
by the event Glacial Shift?
You roll to wound a unit from a Minor Ice Wall moving via Glacial Shift as soon as the Minor Ice Wall
moves off a Unit. As such, a Minor Ice Wall cannot move into a space containing a Unit with no adjacent
empty spaces, as there is no legal target from there in which to move the Minor Ice Wall. Crusher If a Crusher deals no wounds due to a Unit ignoring those wounds (such as a Unit with Shield
Block), does he receive damage from his Devastating Swing?
No. If a Crusher’s wounds are negated by an ability like Shield Block, he has still rolled a hit, the
defending Unit has simply taken no damage from that hit. In that case, the Crusher does not receive any
damage, as no miss result was rolled. The same goes for a die ignored by an ability like Malidala’s
Shadow Dancer. Vanguard General May I use a Priest’s Healing or Sera Eldwyn’s Greater Healing Ability to heal her? Could a
teammate’s Summoner use those Abilities to heal her?
No. Neither of those Special Abilities work on Summoners. May I heal my opponent’s Units?
Yes. Guardian Knight How do Units with the Assault and Wild Swing ability factor in with the Guardian Knight's
Protector ability?
For Assault, the Unit with Assault can attack all Units adjacent to it. The Guardian Knight will be attacked
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 27
as part of the Assault attack, so Protect is satisfied. For Wild Swing, as the Guardian Knight is a target in
the simultaneous attack, it is also satisfying Protector. Priest May I use Healing more than once per turn with the same Priest?
No. Healing (and Seraʼs Greater Healing) replace that Unitʼs attack for the turn. Raechel Loveguard If Raechel Loveguard attacks and destroys a Shadow Elf Unit, and Shadows is the last card in
the Shadow Elf's player hand, which gets to happen first: Shadows, or Arrow of Light?
The active player would determine the order of the resolution. So Arrow of Light could resolve before
Shadows. Summoning Surge When I play Summoning Surge can I discard that Summoning Surge Event card and use it as 1
of the 3 cards being pulled out of my Discard Pile and placed into my Magic Pile?
No. When you play an Event card, it is discarded at the conclusion of the Event. Woeful Brother If a Woeful Brothers has received no Wound Markers from an attack, due to missed die
results or a Divine Protection, does Swift Maneuver occur before an “any time” ability like Silts’
Swift Maneuver and Cunning both have a window of opportunity to occur after the miss result on the
Woeful Brother. As such, the active player decides which of the two abilities occurs first. If a Woeful Brother moves away from a Unit with Assault and another Unit moves into the
space adjacent to a Unit using the Assault special ability, can the Unit with Assault attack the Unit that
just moved adjacent to it?
Yes. Assault specifies that a Unit attacks all adjacent Units. It does not specify that it attacks every space
only once. There is now an adjacent Unit that has not been attacked by the Unit being hit with Assault.
So if a Woeful Brother is missed by an attack from a Unit with Assault, like the Hydrake, and the Woeful
Brother chooses to switch places with a Warrior Angel who had not previously been adjacent to the
Hydrake, the Warrior Angel is a valid target for a subsequent Hydrake attack. Honor Guard If I move a Champion with an after moving ability like Khan Queso, does the Honor Guard’s
Escort ability or the Champion’s after moving ability trigger first?
Plaid Hat Games - Summoner Wars Frequently Asked Questions 28
Escort happens immediately after the Champion finishes moving. Resolve it before resolving any other
after moving abilities.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please contact us at [email protected]m...
You might even see your questions featured in a future FAQ!