Painting depicting the James Fort construction in
May-June 1607.
magine sailing across the
Atlantic Ocean in the
early 1600s. With hopes of
owning land and religious
freedom, people sailed for
60 days or more. Babies
cried, food rotted, sailors
shouted, and families wait-
ed on deck to catch sight of
the New World.
“Land!” someone shout-
ed and everyone looked
west to the horizon. Parents
lifted their small children to
look over the rail. The long
journey was about to end.
Stepping cautiously onto
the rocky shores, families
noticed endless forests and wilderness. People needed food, fresh water, shelter, and
safety. Men chopped trees for timber to build log shelters, women searched nearby
for edible plants while children chased one another.
The first attempt at colonization in 1607 was a failure.
Settlers in Jamestown were met with unfriendly Native Amer-
icans as well as a lack of fresh water. A second settlement
in present-day Massachusetts became the setting and story
of Thanksgiving. Colonists were fortunate to find fields ready
for planting and a helpful Native American named Squanto
to teach them to plant corn, beans, and squash. Even so,
nearly half of the settlers died before the winter of 1620 end-
ed. These first two settlements focused on survival while later
settlements focused on making products and growing crops
to sell to England.
Name: ______________________________________
Life in the American Colonies
By Anita Kim Venegas
Super Teacher Worksheets -
A Native American named Squanto helped teach colonists
to plant crops in present day Massachusetts.
Near present-day Boston, a third at-
tempt to establish a colony was an eco-
nomic success. Throughout the Massa-
chusetts Bay Colony, families built homes
and started businesses. The town needed
craftsmen to work as blacksmiths and
shipbuilders, as well as fishermen and fur
Climate and geography influenced
the type of work settlers did. Settlers in the
north cleared forests for timber to build
furniture and export it to England. Farm-
ers in the south grew tobacco to export
to England on the ships that were built in
the north. As trade expanded in different
directions, the colonies imported sugar and molasses from the islands, then exported
these products to England. In exchange, England exported cloth, iron, and glass to
the colonies.
Native Americans befriended the newcomers when they could trade with them
to attain new items from England. Natives traded furs in exchange for axes and guns
from the settlers. Violence erupted when either the Native Americans or the settlers
felt cheated in some way. Perhaps an agreement was made, and then broken. Per-
haps one or the other felt they did not get a fair trade.
For many years, the colonies were profitable for England. Settlers sent goods
across the Atlantic, and the British sold them in the European market. When England
raised their prices for the colonists, and colonists found they could pay less than what
England charged, the colonists bought from other countries. England reminded the
colonies that they were established to make a profit for the King of England and not
for themselves. England began imposing restrictions on colonists, writing laws that for-
bade the colonists to buy from other countries besides England.
After leaving their homeland in search of new opportunities and freedoms, the En-
glish laws angered the colonists. While they had no voice in the laws that were made,
they were forced by England to obey the laws, and pay the taxes. Colonists were
unhappy and began to speak of independence; at first in whispers, and then in public
meetings. Revolution was coming to the North American colonies.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Drawing showing Native Americans
trading with the first settlers.
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Name: ______________________________________
1. What is the author’s purpose for writing this
a. to persuade readers to move to America
b. to teach readers how to establish a colony
c. to entertain readers with an amusing story
in American history
d. to inform readers about the history of
English colonists in America
2. List three items mentioned in the article that were exported from the American
colonies to England.
________________________, ________________________, and _________________________
3. List three items mentioned in the article that were imported from the England to the
American colonies.
________________________, ________________________, and _________________________
4. Which statement about life in the American colonies is an opinion?
a. Life was difcult for all settlers in the American colonies.
b. Native Americans traded furs in exchange for axes and guns from the settlers.
c. England imposed laws and taxes on the American colonists.
d. Farmers in the southern American colonies grew tobacco.
5. Reread the following sentence from the article.
Climate and geography influenced the type of work the settlers did.
What do the words climate and geography mean?
Life in the American Colonies
By Anita Kim Venegas
Match each vocabulary word from the reading passage with the correct definition.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
_______ 1. New World a. having to do with money
_______ 2. failure b. buying and selling goods
_______ 3. settlers c. lucky
_______ 4. fortunate d. land in North and South America
_______ 5. economic e. people who makes things from iron
_______ 6. blacksmiths f. not a success
_______ 7. trade g. people who live in England
_______ 8. revolution h. people who make a home in a new place
_______ 9. British i. an event in which citizens attempt to over-
throw the government
Name: ______________________________________
Life in the
American Colonies
By Anita Kim Venegas
Super Teacher Worksheets -
timber (wood)
cloth iron glass
(Also accept: ships, molasses, and furs)
tobacco sugar
Climate is the general weather patterns in an area over a long period of time.
Geography is the location of an area and it’s features.
1. What is the author’s purpose for writing this
a. to persuade readers to move to America
b. to teach readers how to establish a colony
c. to entertain readers with an amusing story
in American history
d. to inform readers about the history of
English colonists in America
2. List three items mentioned in the article that were exported from the American
colonies to England.
________________________, ________________________, and _________________________
3. List three items mentioned in the article that were imported from the England to the
American colonies.
________________________, ________________________, and _________________________
4. Which statement about life in the American colonies is an opinion?
a. Life was difficult for all settlers in the American colonies.
b. Native Americans traded furs in exchange for axes and guns from the settlers.
c. England imposed laws and taxes on the American colonists.
d. Farmers in the southern American colonies grew tobacco.
5. Reread the following sentence from the article.
Climate and geography influenced the type of work the settlers did.
What do the words climate and geography mean?
Life in the American Colonies
By Anita Kim Venegas
Match each vocabulary word from the reading passage with the correct definition.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
_______ 1. New World a. having to do with money
_______ 2. failure b. buying and selling goods
_______ 3. settlers c. lucky
_______ 4. fortunate d. land in North and South America
_______ 5. economic e. people who makes things from iron
_______ 6. blacksmiths f. not a success
_______ 7. trade g. people who live in England
_______ 8. revolution h. people who make a home in a new place
_______ 9. British i. an event in which citizens attempt to over-
throw the government
Life in the
American Colonies
By Anita Kim Venegas
Name: ____________________________
Colonial American Jobs
Match each colonial occupation with its description. If you're not
sure of the answers, use a computer or dictionary to look up the
1. _____ blacksmith a. ground corn and wheat to make flour
2. _____ cobbler b. made and repaired clothing, such as suits
and dresses, from fabric
3. _____ cooper c. made clothing and blankets from animal
hides; made saddles for horses
4. _____ wheelwright d. printed newspapers and signs with a
printing press
5. _____ silversmith e. made horseshoes and farm equipment
from iron and steel
6. _____ miller f. made and repaired wagons and wheels
7. _____ milliner g. made and sold hats
8. _____ tanner h. repaired, altered, and made firearms
9. _____ apothecary i. made and fixed shoes
10. _____ tailor j. made dishes, spoons, and cups from
pewter (silver)
11. _____ gunsmith k. made barrels out of wood
12. _____ printer l. mixed herbs to make medicine for the sick
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial American Jobs
Match each colonial occupation with its description. If you're not
sure of the answers, use a computer or dictionary to look up the
1. e blacksmith a. ground corn and wheat to make flour
2. i cobbler b. made and repaired clothing, such as suits
and dresses, from fabric
3. k cooper c. made clothing and blankets from animal
hides; made saddles for horses
4. f wheelwright d. printed newspapers and signs with a
printing press
5. j silversmith e. made horseshoes and farm equipment
from iron and steel
6. a miller f. made and repaired wagons and wheels
7. g milliner g. made and sold hats
8. c tanner h. repaired, altered, and made firearms
9. l apothecary i. made and fixed shoes
10. b tailor j. made dishes, spoons, and cups from
pewter (silver)
11. h gunsmith k. made barrels out of wood
12. d printer l. mixed herbs to make medicine for the sick
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt Activity
Materials: Colonial America questions worksheet (pages 2-3)
18 Colonial America fact cards (pages 4-8)
Tape and scissors
Preparation: Print the fact cards on card stock or brightly-colored paper
and cut them apart along the dotted lines.
Make copies of the Colonial America questions worksheet (2-sided).
Each student will need his or her own copy.
Hide the 18 Colonial America fact cards around your classroom where
students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the
computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides
of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
Activity: Students receive a copy of the question worksheet. They have to search
the room and find all of the fact cards to answer the questions.
After they have completed the question sheet, you can go over the
answers together with the class.
Management tips: You may want to make this a silent activity so students don't share
answers with each other.
You can have students work alone or with a classmate.
Don't be afraid to hide the facts in tough places. Students usually find
the game more fun when they have to search around a little.
Examples of good hiding spots might include:
the back of the classroom door
laying flat on the bookshelf
on the side of your computer monitor
sticking out of a book, like a bookmark
Have a plan for students who finish early. You may want to have an
assignment for them to complete when they're done, or you may have
them help other students find fact cards.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Name: ___________________________
Colonial America Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #1: What was the name of the ship that the Pilgrims traveled on when they
came to America in 1620?
Fact Card #2: What was the name of the colony formed by Pilgrims in 1620?
Fact Card #3: Georgia was named after which British king?
Fact Card #4: What grades were taught in a one-room schoolhouse during colonial
Fact Card #5: What is the full name of Rhode Island?
Fact Card #6: New York used to be a Dutch colony called...
Fact Card #7: Today's U.S. state of Maine was once part of...
Fact Card #8: What does the word Pennsylvania mean?
Fact Card #9: Name the four New England Colonies.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #10: Name the four Middle Colonies.
Fact Card #11: Name the five Southern Colonies.
Fact Card #12: Name three crops that were grown on southern plantations.
Fact Card #13: Slaves in colonial America were people who were kidnapped from...
Fact Card #14: What famous colonial American was an author, publisher, politician,
scientist, and inventor?
Fact Card #15: What was a cooper's job?
Fact Card #16: Someone who made wagons and wheels was a...
Fact Card #17: Name three things colonial Americans made from corn.
Fact Card #18: What famous document was signed in 1776, marking the end of colonial
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #1
In 1620, Pilgrims came to America
aboard a ship called the
Mayflower. They came for religious
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #2
When the Pilgrims came to
America in 1620, they formed a
settlement called Plymouth
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #3
Georgia was named after King
George II of England.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #4
In colonial times, many children
attended school in small, one-
room schoolhouses. Children in
1st through 8th grades would all
be in the same classroom
learning together.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #5
The colony (now state) of Rhode
Island actually has a longer name.
The full name is Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #6
New York used to be a Dutch
colony called New Amsterdam.
It was later named New York,
after King Charles II's brother, the
Duke of York.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #7
Today's U.S. state of Maine was
once part of Massachusetts Bay
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #8
Pennsylvania was named after a
man named William Penn. The
word Pennsylvania means “Penn's
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #9
The northern colonies
(Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, and New
Hampshire) were known as New
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #10
New York, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, and Delaware were
known as the Middle Colonies.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #11
Virginia, Maryland, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and
Georgia were known as the
Southern Colonies.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #12
The Southern Colonies had many
large farms, called plantations,
which grew tobacco, cotton, and
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #13
Many African people were
kidnapped and brought to the
colonies. They were forced to
work as slaves on small farms
and large plantations.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #14
Benjamin Franklin lived in
America during colonial times.
He had many jobs, including
author, publisher, politician,
scientist, and inventor.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #15
People in Colonial America had
many different jobs.
A cobbler made and repaired
shoes. A tanner made saddles
and leather clothing from animal
skins. A cooper made large
barrels from wood.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #16
A blacksmith was a person who
made and repaired things made
from iron. He made horseshoes,
and farming tools.
A wheelwright made wagons
and wheels.
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #17
Native Americans taught the early
colonists how to grow corn. The
corn was used to make
cornbread, corn pancakes, and
corn pudding.
Colonial America
Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #18
Colonial America ended in the
year 1776, when the Declaration
of Independence was signed.
When this document was signed,
the United States of America was
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #1: What was the name of the ship that the Pilgrims traveled on when they
came to America in 1620?
Fact Card #2: What was the name of the colony formed by Pilgrims in 1620?
Plymouth Colony
Fact Card #3: Georgia was named after which British king?
King George II
Fact Card #4: What grades were taught in a one-room schoolhouse during colonial
1st through 8th
Fact Card #5: What is the full name of Rhode Island?
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Fact Card #6: New York used to be a Dutch colony called...
New Amsterdam
Fact Card #7: Today's U.S. state of Maine was once part of...
Massachusetts Bay colony
Fact Card #8: What does the word Pennsylvania mean?
Penn's Woods (named for William Penn)
Fact Card #9: Name the four New England Colonies.
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Colonial America Scavenger Hunt
Fact Card #10: Name the four Middle Colonies.
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Fact Card #11: Name the five Southern Colonies.
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Fact Card #12: Name three crops that were grown on southern plantations.
tobacco, cotton, and rice
Fact Card #13: Slaves in colonial America were people who were kidnapped from...
Fact Card #14: What famous colonial American was an author, publisher, politician,
scientist, and inventor?
Benjamin Franklin
Fact Card #15: What was a cooper's job?
He made wooden barrels.
Fact Card #16: Someone who made wagons and wheels was a...
Fact Card #17: Name three things colonial Americans made from corn.
cornbread, corn pudding, and corn pancakes
Fact Card #18: What famous document was signed in 1776, marking the end of colonial
the Declaration of Independence
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