79MILITARY REVIEW March-April 2013
Major David Faggard is a U.S. Air Force
public affairs ofcer and most recently
worked with the 82d Airborne Division
in Afghanistan. He currently serves as
the director of public affairs for U.S. Air
Forces, Central Command.
PHOTO: A man shouts after a missile
hits in a house in Aleppo, Syria, 3
January 2013. The ghting is part of the
escalating violence in the Syrian civil
war that the United Nations estimates
has killed more than 60,000 people
since the revolt against President
Bashar Assad began in March 2011.
(AP Photo/Andoni Lubaki)
Major David Faggard, U.S. Air Force
Asymmetric Effects on Public Discourse
in Future Conict
WEETING DURING THE Arab Spring? Thats so 2010. A future
tactic in cyber-based-information warfare is built upon mobile-media
wielding e-citizen soldiers employing social swarming tactics to overwhelm
a system, a decision maker, or a critical node.
These mobile networks are vital to starting and maintaining cyber-based
insurgency, drawing physical and moral strength from super-empowered
individuals, while also using super-connected-individual networks to spread
information, move undetected, and muster support, constantly one step ahead
of authorities. It is possible for this swarm to move from the online world
into the real world where violence may ensue.
Understanding Swarming
To understand the nature of communication-based social swarming, one
must understand the concept of battle swarm, introduced by John Arquilla
and David Ronfeldt of the Rand Corporation in 2000.
Their essay, Swarm-
ing and the Future of Conict, studied historical conicts placing context
on smaller, less-equipped individual forces defeating larger, more equipped
forces by overwhelming the system and decision makers. Using swarming
tactics, by building off the past warfare approaches of melee, massing, and
maneuver, social revolutions would, in coming decades, help bring about
the downfall of empires, according to the Rand study.
Swarming as a mili-
tary tactic implies a convergent attack by many units.
The Rand report
80 March-April 2013 MILITARY REVIEW
argued that swarming must be able to be employed
from multiple directions, which clearly the hyper
connectedness of the Internet and digital devices
allow, and that the swarm must also perform sensory
operations on the selected target.
Imagine a mob of hyper-connected actors
Howard Rheingold referred to it as a smart mob
constantly one step ahead of authorities because it
employed real-time, GPS-enabled devices. With
these devices it could data-burst updates to its
The only things in the swarms way attenuat-
ing communications among members are the seconds
it takes for servers to refresh. These conditions mean
the 24-hour news cycle would be obviated. This
smart mob, as we saw in the 2009 Iranian presiden-
tial elections, created melee, had mass, and through
exploitable off-the-shelf and widely available data
technology, was able to maneuver where government
forces were not.
Social swarming is more than using the Internet or
social media; it entails network envelopment of the
information aspect of modern command and control.
These complex networks are optimal when fully con-
nected and at with opportunity for direct horizontal
communication between network peers.
Swarming model. A working denition for this
essay would be that social swarming employs the
full computing power of mobile technology with
real-time network updates to strategically organize
e-citizen forces to overwhelm an opposing force
online achieving ones own political ends.
The overall objective of this information-based
social swarm would not be the kinetic destruction
of a system or node, but the disruption of the nodes
ability to make a decision.
The implications of
this aspect of cyber- or net-centric warfare on a
decision makers ability to keep order are critical
in humanitarian or homeland operations. However,
dark-actors, either homegrown or transnational,
could potentially employ social swarming for
purely kinetic reasons, as was the case with the
2011 Mumbai attacks.
In addition, social swarms
might be used by insurgents of a connected state
in phase four operations.
Overlaying on recent communication-based
events, Mia Stockmans rened MAO-Model of
Audience Development, as well as this authors per-
sonal observations on advocacy-based communica-
tion, provides a working model for communication-
based social swarming (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Communication-based social swarm
Narrative Medium
Target Selection
Potential for Violence
Super-Connected Individual
Major David Faggard
Super-Empowered Individual
Resources: Time, Money,
Physical, Mental
Resources: Promotion, Price,
Place, Product
1 2
3 4
1. Preparation Phase
2. Ignition Phase
3. Protest Phase
4. International Buy-In
5. Climax
6. Follow on Information Warfare
Hussain and Howards
81MILITARY REVIEW March-April 2013
Additionally, incorporating Muzammil M. Hus-
sain and Philip N. Howards working 6-Stage
Framework for Political Change offers an in-depth
study on the recent Arab Spring (March 2012),
which validates the working model of communica-
tion-based social swarming.
After explaining the
models of Stockmans and Hussain and Howard, this
author provides a working graphical representation
of the communication-based social swarm model.
Here, I interpret Stockmans model while over-
laying it with personal experience from years of
advocacy-based public-communication campaigns.
Stockmans rened motivation, ability, opportunity
(MAO) model of audience development provides
a basic starting point for a dynamic model of
communication-based social swarming.
Motivation. Where Stockmans model ends
and the communication-based social-swarm
model begins is motivation. Stockmans model
explains that motivation for participation in an
event is largely cultural, based on desire and past
experience, not life-threatening necessity.
compelled to overthrow an oppressive regime is a
signicant investment, a natural reaction to oppres-
sion, brutality, or another self-perceived injustice.
In other words, this catalyst event, which she
calls the scream, is a force within oneself that
literally motivates one to commit some form of
action you would otherwise not do under normal
Ability. The ability Stockmans describes focuses
on the resources of time, money, and physical and
mental capacity.
Time is relative online; quicker
is paramount, while monetary resources are
minimal. In the ability step of the communication-
based social swarm model, it is appropriate to list
additional factors required to start mobilizing a
swarm online: narrative and medium, as well as
target selection, all of which t within Stockmans
descriptions of resources.
Narrative. Narrative drives action. Narrative
allows an audience to relate to the subject ratio-
Narrative is as much about the receiver as
it is about the message. Narratives explain societal
fabric, beliefs, attitudes, values, and actions,
and allow the receiver to connect with the sender
through stories.
Moreover, culture, socioeconomic
status, and personal beliefs create audience refer-
ence points for narrative. Narrative can create third-
party advocacy or kill it.
Defense Department
communicators build reputation-based narrative in
the world every day, according to Gallup condence
surveys, which indicate the U.S. military has the
highest con
dence amongst Americans.
Department Public Affairs efforts shape these
narratives for Americans. Moreover, the narratives
shape network-based power.
However, depending
on the receivers lens and narrative interpretation,
tremendous effects may result.
Medium. The medium for the communication-
based social swarm can be the regional, national,
or tribal online network based off the globally con-
nected information grid and its ability to employ
mobile media. Target selection can occur before
or after narrative development. However, if the
target is selected before narrative development,
the narrative may need to be reworked throughout
the process or the
nal online endstate may not be
achieved. The narrative is then translated by way
of a super-connected individual across the online
medium to the mass base.
Recruit, rage, change. The mass base is
recruited into this movement, typically through
the already-established online followership of the
super-connected individual driving towards some
form of political rage, otherwise known as the
advocacy issue. At this point, there is a potential
for violence, melee, or maneuver. Finally, after the
rage, there is a possibility for political change. If the
political change does not occur, a super-empowered
individual can rene the narrative, or a super-
connected individual can increase the mass base,
change the medium, or continue pulse-attacking
the government communication apparatus while
striving to create confusion.
Opportunity. Opportunity described by Stock-
mans follows promotion, product, place, and
price (the 4Ps of marketing, which is a 1960s
marketing formula that still applies to online com-
munication today).
A recent marketing brochure
for this online technique says: Where the voice of
one can quickly become the voice of one hundred
or one million.
Promotion for a social swarm
is synonymous with recruitment based on narrative.
Product is the purchasing of a continuation of
the current corrupt governmental practices or an
attempt to mass together with like-minded actors
for the installment of a new government. Place,
82 March-April 2013 MILITARY REVIEW
referred to as everyplace in social swarms, will
rst take root globally online. It is the nal P,
price, which likely weighs on the social swarms
potential recruits most. The price for this endeavor
may be a changed life, death, or imprisonment.
Stockmans adds that in opportunity, actors might
not be willing to act if there are signicant envi-
ronmental barriers.
With a social swarm, this is a
decision point where actors may decide it is too dan-
gerous to rebel, and maintain the status quo, or it is
too dangerous not to rebel, and suffer more potential
disruptive events. This is also the point at which there
is a potential for kinetic violence to begin.
Super Empowerment and Super
Thomas Friedman described super-empowered
individuals in his essay on globalization effects,
Longitudes and Latitudes, as those who could act
much more directly and much more powerfully on
the world stage.
Friedman explained how Osama
bin-Laden and the effects he could muster, through
the results of globalization, would bring about prob-
lems nations would have to deal with in the future.
The motivating catalyst event is a traumatic event
suffered by a victim, which may lead to a super-
empowered person providing spiritual, military, or
ideological guidance to the masses. This develop-
ment helps shape narrative.
In public relations,
this super-empowered individual might be seen as
the inuencer, or the person who might develop
narrative in a third-party advocate situation.
However, online mega-inuencers can be referred
to as super-connected individuals. These are the
actors who by their position, celebrity status, or
wealth are connected to tens of thousands of others
and can build and recruit the network to propagate
narrative. Often their followers may take information
and retransmit it to their networks, compounding the
effects of virally spreading information. The super-
connected individuals reach is potentially unlimited
online, especially when the data relayed is of value
(potentially carrying life or death importance) to
the swarm.
A super-connected individuals potential threats
to U.S. interests in remote hot spots are evident in
situations like that of Pakistani citizen journalist
Sohaib Athar, who unknowingly tweeted by way of
@ReallyVirtual (Figure 2). He conveyed real-time
details about Americas covert and secret mission
designed to get Osama bin-Laden.
Athars near-
instant accounts are not uncommon in todays opera-
tional environment. Anyone, anywhere can inform a
global community regarding any matter in seconds,
no matter how classied and compartmentalized.
Although no physical social swarm occurred in
Athars case, one can only imagine the international
crisis that may have occurred if a smart mob of a
dozen followers of his subscribers (750 at the time)
showed up at Bin-Ladens Abbottabad compound
and confronted the Americans. After live tweeting the
Bin-Laden mission, Athar, a Pakistani information
technology Twitter user, created one of the largest
Twitter followings in Pakistan with more than 70,000
Even though Athar was within the clos-
est proximity for his network to directly affect the
operation, the real super-connected individual in
the Osama bin-Laden example was Keith Urbahn
(Figure 3).
Urbahn is a former assistant of former Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
He spread word
online that America may have killed Bin-Laden.
When Athar tweeted, some of the world took notice;
when Urbahn tweeted, many in mainstream media,
Figure 3
Figure 2
83MILITARY REVIEW March-April 2013
as well as prominent social media users in govern-
ment and society, took notice and perpetuated that
message. Based on Figure 4, it is easy to see what
nodes in the network offer the biggest reach with
the smallest bit of information.
David Singh Grewal provides an appropriate def-
inition for a network using a communication-based
social swarm model: an interconnected group of
actors linked to one another in a way that makes
them capable of benecial cooperation. Network
power, Grewal argues, results from societal coor-
dination and new global standards brought forth
through a revolution in technological advancements
via the elimination of distance and reach from the
concept of globalization.
Hyper-connected swarming. Social swarms
operate in an all-channel network; that is, the
swarm is capable of being hyper connected to every
other member of the swarm, and there is neither a
superior nor a follower, but all operate independently
and collectively to support the swarm.
swarming is both nodal and nodeless.
My communication-based social swarming model
also builds off Hussain and Howards 6-Stage
Framework for Political Change. However, there are
some differences based off marketing and public rela-
tions experience and the communication aspects of
the social swarm model.
My communication-based
social swarm model includes Hussain and Howards
stated phases with numbers one through six to repre-
sent their input. Step one is the preparation phase,
which they state includes recruitment and narrative
development, as well as medium identication. This
is the phase where the mass base may start searching
for narrative. The ignition phase follows a catalyst
event. A protest phase follows, which organizes
networks ofine to build larger numbers online and
in person. An international buy-in phase follows,
which, through online media, allows for the global
community to be aware. The climax phase fol-
lows, where real-world actors on both sides of the
issue can clash. Finally, a follow-on information
warfare phase happens where actors clash in the
social, cultural, political spheres online and in person,
vying to dene the new makeup of the movement,
government, or the nation.
The communication-based social swarm model
in gure 1 is best understood with recent events in
2009 Iran, 2010 Haiti, and 2010 Tunisia, followed
by a future cast of Pakistan.
Iran. The June 2009 Iranian presidential elec-
tions appeared to be corrupt when President Mah-
moud Ahmadinejad defeated Mir-Hossein Mousavi,
causing nationwide protests that initially went
largely unnoticed in American mainstream media.
According to Alex Burns and Ben Eltham, citizen
activists took to the streets in Iran largely due to
access that Twitter provided the Iranian people.
Eventually the Internets global reach and inuence
channelized mainstream media and prominent blog-
gers to report on the protests. Regional users even
altered their personal online settings like time-zone
stamps to reect Tehran time. Many online personas
also changed their prole photos to reect a green
tint to go along with the narrative of a green-color
As a medium, the advocacy-based social-media
effort, Help Iran Election, gathered 160,000
citizen activists to support the Iranian revolution
online from other countries.
This peacefully led
social swarm was further emboldened and assisted
Figure 4
Each node represents a twitter user that mentioned @KeithUrbahn
within 1 hour and 15 minutes of his infamous tweet. Read-
ers can nd this representation at <http://blog.socialow.com/
84 March-April 2013 MILITARY REVIEW
by hackers who attacked Iranian government cyber
One must ask why did the social swarm not
topple the repressive Iranian regime. According to
Burns and Eltham, it is likely because the Iranian
people were not willing to counter the brutal acts
of violence committed by the Basij military forces
on the streets targeting the cyber activists.
forces were likely the environmental factors
Stockmans identies as roadblocks to opportu-
Haiti. In 2010, the U.S. Air Force social-media
team found itself dealing directly with a commu-
nication-based social swarm while Airmen sup-
ported Haiti relief efforts following that nations
devastating earthquake. Haitis infrastructure, to
include its major ports and airport, were ravaged
by the earthquake.
On the ground in Haiti, a small
team of Air Force special operations airmen lled
in as air-traf
c controllers. Because the earthquake
severely damaged airport capabilities, these airmen
determined aircraft- landing priority for the severely
overcrowded runway based on aircraft cargo and
A Doctors Without Borders airplane circled
overhead because there was literally no more room
on the ight line, so they took to the online world
and Twitter. When super-connected individual Ann
Curry became aware of the issue, she spread the
message via Twitter that the Air Force must let the
aircraft land. That tweet would go down as 2010s
most powerful tweet.
Within minutes the Internet exploded, and the
swarm pulse attacked with direct messages, ques-
tions, and accusations ooding Air Force Websites,
chat rooms, forums and blogs, eventually leading
to massive amounts of mainstream press coverage.
The Air Force social media team replied to the
fervor nearly instantaneously, but the social swarm
was mobilized and calling upon DOD decision
makers for action. A short time later, the Doctors
Without Borders aircraft was allowed to land.
Although the successful landing of the aircraft was
not directly related to the online attention, the atten-
tion the issue caused online made Pentagon senior
leadership aware, many who personally respond
and interact with followers on Twitter.
Arab Spring. The Arab Spring example was
of Mohammed Bouazizi, a Tunisian who turned
himself into a super-empowered individual
through self-immolation in December 2010 to
protest increased prices of local goods and local
police brutality and corruption.
Bouazizis self-
immolation, recorded on video and used in many
online and mainstream media sources, instantly
turned Bouazizi into a super-empowered individual
by providing the region a narrative for the Arab
Obviously digital and social media did
not cause the Tunisian people to overthrow the
Tunisian government, but Bouazizis suicide and his
funeral were captured on mobile-phone video and
later broadcasted by mainstream media and online,
creating a narrative for the movement that many in
the region could sympathize and empathize with.
With Bouazizis video so viral, it is impossible to
track down who created and distributed it initially,
but the narrative was created and exploited through
horizontal communication, which made advocacy
easier for a social swarm to form.
Pakistan. Potential threats to U.S. governmental
interests using social swarming could be affected
in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)
of Pakistan where a lack of U.S. narrative clouds a
nation struggling to assert sovereignty and regional
power in light of the recent American-led Bin-Laden
mission, alleged drone strikes, and transnational ter-
rorism. Placing the expanded MAO model against
the backdrop of current tensions in Pakistan and
Al-Qaeda front man Ayman Al-Zawahiris recent
comments calling for national revolution, one must
ask, What is next for the nation of Pakistan?
In the FATA region, U.S. narrative is nearly dead.
This is an area where American strategic interests
However, only 12 percent of Pakistanis view
the U.S. positively.
Furthermore, other nations
in the region believe America is a military threat
to them, according to Pew research.
and nonstate propaganda efforts likely frame this
Within minutes the Internet
exploded, and the swarm pulse
attacked with direct messages . . .
85MILITARY REVIEW March-April 2013
narrative. Framing allows users to understand an
Pakistanis develop anti-U.S. narra-
tives at home, at places of worship, and even in the
Furthermore, Americans fullled Pakistani nar-
ratives when the United States invaded Afghanistan
in 2001.
Years of negative U.S. framing likely
created a damaging U.S. image in the region.
The vacuum of a U.S. narrative along the Afghan-
Pakistan border contributed to regional, tribal, and
familial anti-U.S. narratives, making dynamics
favorable for terrorism recruitment.
From the
Pakistani lens of a nation under attack, allegedly by
drone aircraft, almost 70 percent of Pakistanis now
want U.S. forces out of Afghanistan.
perceptions of America will continue to decline as
long as these alleged drone strikes along the border
continue without explanation or transparency from
the governments involved. Is what happens next in
Pakistan based off the social swarm model?
One must ask why the Pakistani people have not
responded to the issues affecting them, in a way
similar to the Arab Spring. Some theories exist.
However, the answer to the question is largely
unknown. Still, a super-empowered individual,
now-Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri, recently
called on the people of Pakistan to revolt against
the Pakistan government and follow a similar path
as in the Arab Spring.
Using my communication-
based social swarm model, if Pakistanis in the FATA
region view their nations governmental policies
regarding Western operations as life threatening,
this may be a catalyst event for some of them.
Rounding out the items needed for a social swarm
to begin, consider this list:
They have a super-empowered individual,
Zawahiri, who has developed narratives of cor-
ruption, anti-governmental feelings, and economic
decline, and he has engendered swaths of potential
Whether those affected by a catalyst event have
a super-connected individual is not clear.
They need a ready and willing person to pro-
vide a medium and network.
They also need someone willing to socially
swarm online or in person.
Mahmoud Salem, right, speaks to people before he suspends his campaign for parliament during the unrest in Heliopolis,
a suburb of Cairo, Egypt, 16 November 2011. Salem, one of Egypts most prominent activist bloggers, suspended his cam-
paign to join the protesters in Tahrir. Salem was part of a core group of online activists who used social media to spread
the word about police abuse and corruption under Mubarakt.
(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
86 March-April 2013 MILITARY REVIEW
The social swarms Pakistan medium is present
with 68.2 percent of Pakistanis having access to
a mobile phone.
Pakistans understanding of the
widespread usage of mobile devices as a terrorism
tool is only beginning to take form, as evinced by
that nations recent legislation to ban the sale of
mobile SIM cards without biometric data.
tionally, only 37 percent of Pakistanis support that
nations efforts against extremism in the FATA.
One solid aspect to the opinion polling of Pakistan
though is that approval rates of terror groups like
Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are in decline.
Alleged drone strikes, reportedly surgical in
nature and only killing intended targets, may not
be enough of a catalyst for the mass base to rally
against the Pakistani government and the alleged
U.S. mission there. However, perception can
obscure reality, and if the FATA people believe in
their narrative, anything can happen.
According to civilian researchers, the accuracy
of the alleged drone strikes is not in question. The
aircraft and systemic processes are on target, and,
assuming these strikes could be a catalyst, their
accuracy could explain why they have not trig-
gered social swarming in Pakistan.
The lack of
a social swarm may not be because of insufcient
narrative, lack of medium, or low recruitment. It
may be because the catalyst effect is not as large
and as widespread in the FATA region as it is
reported to be by news media. However, the global
narrative of perceived civilian casualties stemming
from drone strikes is signi
Cost and widespread usage. Finally, the con-
cept of a communication-based social swarm has
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
in the offense, as well as the defense. The largest
strength to the concept of a communication-based
social swarm is its cost and widespread usage.
Free mobile-media-enabled platforms like Twit-
ter, Facebook, and Google offer a wide range of
latitude to organizations operating within a con-
strained budgetary environment. For the United
States, these efforts can be relatively quick, in
a society that spent the past decade at war. The
biggest strength to this free tool is its size; nearly
a billion people are on Facebook alone; that is
tremendous reach within the network pool.
Additionally, large pools of employees are not
necessarily needed to use these tools because of the
distributed network of users already in the system.
History provides a window into the development
of communication; from pretelevised town-square
community gatherings, to the printing press, to
megaphone-like mainstream media, and now to
global town halls not constricted by borders or time
zones, the Internet is a game changer.
A weakness in my statements about communi-
cation-based social swarming may be the fact that
they are rooted in years of personal experience.
Additionally, many online strategists believe that
the 4Ps of marketing may be out of sync with the
communicators and networks, which operate primar-
ily online.
It would be inappropriate not to mention
the collection of effort written against this topic as
well; some believe the capability is a utopian view.
Evgeny Morozov, in his book The Net Delusion,
offers his counterpoints to the concept that online
media can spur revolution. His arguments provide
debate on the growing power of Google, foreign
spy agencies collecting data on everyone, and the
consequences of an open and free Internet. However,
the book is all doom and gloom with little optimism.
In addition, while access is a strength to communi-
cation-based social swarming, it is also a weakness;
places like North Korea and many others around the
world labeled as Internet black holes will likely
have no ability to create meaningful social swarms.
If a super-connected individual built a network of
swarmers within one of these countries, he would
likely bear the brunt of national censorship and
repressive governmental practices.
The bread crumb trail. A big weakness when
employing social swarms is the digital bread crumb
trail the Internet user leaves behind. This trail pro-
vides an avenue for quick vengeance from proregime
forces to locate and neutralize online activists, as was
the case in Iran.
Additional weaknesses include
mobile-medias ability to Geo-Tag photos and
video. These geo-tagged products inherently con-
tain the natural data needed by swarmers to com-
municate and plan with each other; however, the
ironic weakness is that the governmental decision-
making node would in theory be able to track the
GPS-enabled device either in real time, or through
the GPS-enabled photo or video. Furthermore, any
data broadcast over air waves would be vulnerable
to interception and jamming through a variety of
87MILITARY REVIEW March-April 2013
Opportunities for communication-based social
swarming include traditional functions of command
and control on the part of the swarming force, as well
as the governing decision-making node. In addition,
the concept goes further into the areas of foreign
intelligence gathering. Avenues like the American
Open-Source Center or U.S. Cyber Command may
be potential mechanisms to monitor communication-
based social swarms. However, transmitting and
interpreting that intelligence for real-time battleeld
commanders or police ofcers is another problem all
together. An additional opportunity may rest with the
U.S. governments role in cloak-and-dagger mis-
sions of organizations that specialize in insurgencies.
Communication-based social swarming provides
another aspect in ghting, monitoring, and recogniz-
ing, as well as defeating insurgency.
Threats to communication-based social swarm-
ing include the vertical communication structure
found throughout bureaucracies. Any response
agency would ultimately need a network-organized
structure capable of handling vast amounts of data
and directing it downward directly to company-level
or police-precinct leaders. Waiting weeks, days, or
even minutes is far too long for national response
agencies to maneuver within the decision space of
an online social swarm. Threats additionally might
come from dark-network elements attempting to
employ communication-based social swarming in
fragile or failing states, thus working with rebels to
ignite turmoil online instead of taking a target by
force—a cyber-social insurgency.
Future Threats
One potential future threat is with warfare itself.
A communication-based social swarm may have
both assisted and softened Georgian defenses during
the 2008 ve-day war with Russia. During Rus-
sias cyber-softening, cyber patriots allegedly
attacked the Georgia infrastructure before kinetic
operations ever began.
It is widely rumored
that Russian-hired hacktivists enlisted e-cyber
soldiers (everyday citizens) from popular social
networks to conduct cyber attacks against the
Georgian governments online infrastructure.
Imagine if, weeks before the cyber offensive,
efforts of social swarm recruitment may poten-
tially have affected the outcome of that conict.
Communication-based social swarming is in no
way a panacea. It does offer methods for starting,
stopping, and coordinating online insurgencies,
while also creating governmental confusion in
a moderately connected society. Its methods are
furthered when repression and corruption are
rampant, when a narrative is easy to come by, and
when diplomatic access by other world powers is
not easily attainable, as was the case in 2009 Iran.
In situations like the Arab Spring in Libya, social
swarms employing online social media action
can assist with the revolution. In this case, it was
possibly because NATO military force limited
barriers from government forces.
Without this
military checkmate, pro-Qadaf forces might have
fared much better.
With a nodeless organization, a fully integrated
and funded interagency effort within a joint task
force for global communication (operating under
a loosely dened role with, but not subordinate
to, U.S. Cyber Command) would provide the best
possible way for America to identify, counter, or
adapt to an online social swarm. The process of
forming online groups capable of creating tension
to overwhelm decision makers or government
forces through a communication-based social
swarm is possible. Government decision makers
should take these swarms and their access to
democratized digital technologies into account in
future planning scenarios. MR
1. David Faggard, Horizontal communication: Maneuvering a 21st Century Air
Force with Web 2.0, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, 2009.
2. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, Swarming and The Future of Conict,
Rand National Defense Institute (Santa Monica, CA, 2000), prepared for the Of
of the Secretary of Defense, 7.
3. Ibid.
4. Sean J.A. Edwards,
Swarming on the Battleeld: Past, Present, and Future,
Rand National Defense Institute (Santa Monica, CA, 2000), prepared for the Ofce
of the Secretary of Defense, 2.
5. Arquilla and Ronfeldt, 22.
6. Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs, the Next social Revolution: Transforming
Cultures and Communities in the Age of Instant Access (Cambridge, MA: Basic
Books, 2002).
7. Arquilla and Ronfeldt, 7. Mass, melee, and maneuver are forms of war-
fare, which historically build upon each other over time leading to the concept
of swarming.
8. David Schmidtchen, Military Systems as Socio-Technical Networks, in The
Rise of the Strategic Private, Technology, Control and Change in a Network-Enabled
, The General Sir Brudenell White Series (Commonwealth of Australia:
National Library of Australia, 2006), 8.
88 March-April 2013 MILITARY REVIEW
9. Arquilla and Ronefeldt, 23.
10. MSN.com News, Mumbai attack plan used Google Earth, says US com-
mander, 17 May 2012, online at <http://news.in.msn.com/international/mumbai-
attack-plan-used-google-earth-says-us-commander-1> (14 May 2012).
11. Muzammil M. Hussain and Philip N. Howard, Democracys Fourth Wave?
Information Technologies and the Fuzzy Causes of the Arab Spring, Working Paper
Series for the Social Science Research Network, 27 March 2012, online at <http://
papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2029711> (14 April 2012).
12. Mia Stockmans, MAO-Model of Audience Development: Some Theoretical
Elaborations and Practical Consequences, Tillburg University, no publication date,
online at <http://neumann.hec.ca/aimac2005/PDF_Text/Stockmans_Mia.pdf> (1
May 2012).
13. Ibid., 2.
14. Joss Hands, “@ is for Activism: Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital
Culture (New York: Pluto Press, 2011), 7.
15. Stockmans, MAO-Model of Audience Development, 4.
16. Stephen W. Littlejohn, Theories of Human Communication 5th edition (New
York: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1996).
17. Joann Keyton,
Communication Research: Asking Questions, Finding Answers
(New York: McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2001).
18. John Rendon, Brieng to U.S. Army Command and General Staff College,
Fort Leavenworth, KS, 20 September 2011.
19. Gallup. Congress Ranks Last in Condence in Institutions, Gallup Website,
22 July 2010, online at <http://www.gallup.com/poll/141512/congress-ranks-last-
dence-institutions.aspx> (14 September 2011).
20. David Singh Grewal, Globalization and Network Power, Network-Power:
The Social Dynamics of Globalization (London: Yale University Press, 2008), 4 and 9.
21. Arquilla Ronfeldt, 69. Pulse is used throughout the Rand study and this author
believes the nature of constant online messaging for or against an issue that confuses
or degrades a decision making node is similar to a pulse attack.
22. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing (14th Edition)
(Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011).
23. Chuck Brymer, president and CEO, DDB Worldwide, swarm marketing,
no publication date, online at <http://www.ddb.com/pdf/yellowpapers/DDB_YP_
swarm_210408.pdf> (15 April 2012).
24. Stockmans, MAO-Model of Audience Development, 5.
25. Thomas L. Friedman, Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World after
September 11, online at <http://www.thomaslfriedman.com/bookshelf/longitudes-
and-attitudes/prologue> (1 May 2012).
26. Ibid.
27. Friedman, Longitudes and Attitudes, 2002.
28. Rheingold, Smart Mobs, 2002, xv.
29. Doug Gross, Tweeting Osamas Death: The Accidental Citizen Journalist,
CNN, online at <http://articles.cnn.com/2012-03-10/tech/tech_social-media_twitter-
osama-death_1_sohaib-athar-abbottabad-citizen-doctor?_s=PM:TECH>, March
2012 (2 April 2012).
30. Sohaib Athar Twitter Prole, online at <http://twitter.com/#!/reallyvirtual> (2
May 2012).
31. Charles Cooper, Twitters bin Laden coming of age moment”—really? ABC
News, 2 May 2011, online at <http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20058851-
501465.html> (3 May 2012).
32. Keith Urbahn, Osama-bin-laden-tweet-death, Google Image of Urbahn,s
Tweet, 2011, online at <http://utopianist.com/2011/05/osama-bin-laden-killed-the-
global-online-community-reacts/osama-bin-laden-tweet-death/> (4 May 2012).
33. Gilad Lotan, Breaking Bin Laden: A Closer Look, Social Flow, 13 May 2011,
online at <http://blog.socialow.com/post/5454638896/breaking-bin-laden-a-closer-
look> (3 May 2012).
34. Grewal, Network-Power, 4.
35. Arquilla and Ronfeldt, 58.
36. Ibid, 83.
37. Hussain and Howard, Democracys Fourth Wave? 27 March 2012.
38. Alex Burns and Ben Eltham, (2009) Twitter Free Iran: An Evaluation of Twit-
ters Role in Public Diplomacy and Information Operations in Irans 2009 Election
Crisis, in
Communications Policy & Research Forum 2009, 19th-20th November
2009, University of Technology, Sydney, 299.
39. Ibid., Twitter Free Iran, 303.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid., 304.
43. Ibid., 305.
44. Peter Spiegel and Yochi Dreazen, U.S. Air Force Reopens Haitian Airport,
Wall Street Journal, Americas News Section, 15 January 2010, online at: <http://
(4 May 2012).
45. Tyler Foster, Dispatch from an Airman in Haiti—Team Efforts, Air Force Blog,
2010, online at <http://airforcelive.dodlive.mil/index.php/2010/01/dispatch-from-an-
airman-in-haiti-team-efforts/> (12 April 2012).
46. MSNBC Newscast, Ann Currys Haiti tweet ranked most powerful of 2010, 14
December 2010, online at <http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/40645273/ns/today-today_
celebrates_2010/t/ann-currys-haiti-tweet-ranked-most-powerful/> (22 April 2012).
47. Eliza Villarino, The Power of a Tweet: Doctors without Borders, Devex,
12 October 2011, online at <http://www.devex.com/en/news/76230/print> (4 April
48. Ann Curry, television correspondent, NBC, interviewed by author, 20 April 2010.
49. Sudarsan Raghavan, A lost generation of young people of Tunisia discuss
grievances that led to their revolution,
Washington Post, World Section, 20 January 2011,
online at <http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/a-lost-generation-of-young-people-
html> (19 April 2012).
50. Ayman Mohyeldin, Tunisia: Time of Change, Suicide that Sparked a Revo-
lution, Al-Jazeera English, 19 January 2011, online at <http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=47d6fyaOjRM> (3 May 2012).
51. Ibid.
52. Asad Hashim, Pakistan: A revolution against whom? Al-Jazeera, 24 March 2011,
online at <http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/03/2011322132948393481.
html> (27 April 2012).
53. Barack Obama, Text of Obamas Speech to West Point 2010 Cadets, CBSnews.
com, 22 May 2010, online at <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/22/national/
main6509577.shtml> (4 May 2012).
54. Pew, Support for Campaign against Extremists Wanes, Pew Global Attitudes
Project, 21 June 2011, online at <http://www.pewglobal.org/2011/06/21/u-s-image-in-
pakistan-falls-no-further-following-bin-laden-killing> (4 May 2012).
55. Pew, From Hyperpower to Declining Power,
Pew Global Attitudes Project, 7
September 2011, online at <http://www.pewglobal.org/2011/09/07/from-hyperpower-to-
declining-power/> (4 May 2012).
56. Littlejohn, Theories of Human communication, 1996.
57. Scott Gerwehr and Sara Daly, Al-Qaida: Terrorist Selection and Recruitment,
Rand National Security Research Division, no date given of publication; however,
language in the report indicates it is post-9/11, online at <http://www.rand.org/pubs/
reprints/2006/RAND_RP1214.pdf> (4 May 2012).
58. Pew, Support for Campaign against Extremists Wanes.
59. Steven Kull, Why Muslims are still mad at
America, World Public Opinion.org,
6 September 2011, online at <http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/brmid-
dleeastnafricara/691.php> (4 May 2012).
60. Gerweher, Al-Qaida: Terrorist Selection and Recruitment.
61. Pew, Support for Campaign against Extremists Wanes, 3.
62. Farhana Qazi, Why is there no revolt in Pakistan? Reuters, The Great Debate
Web page, 11 May 2011, online at <http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2011/05/11/
why-is-there-no-revolt-in-pakistan> (4 May 2012).
63. CNN, Al Qaeda leader calls for revolt like Arab Spring in Pakistan, CNN
U.S. Webpage, 16 March 2012, online at <http://articles.cnn.com/2012-03-16/asia/
pakistan?_s=PM:ASIA> (2 May 2012).
64. Daily Times Website, US should apologise for Salala cross-border attack:
Pakistan, 21 May 2012, online at <http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2
012%5C05%5C21%5Cstory_21-5-2012_pg1_3> (21 May 2012).
65. Richard Leiby and Karen DeYoung, U.S. drone strikes resume in Pakistan;
action may complicate vital negotiations, Washington Post, World Section, 29 April
(no year given), online at <http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_paci
gIQAIprqpT_story.htm> (20 May 2012).
66. Pew, Support for Campaign against Extremists wane.
67. Donald Rumsfeld, Rumsfelds war on terror memo,
USA Today, World and
Politics Section, 20 May 2005, online at <http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/
executive/rumsfeld-memo.htm> (2 May 2012).
68. Pakistan Telecommunications Agency of
cial data, no publication date given,
online at <http://www.pta.gov.pk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=269&
Itemid=658> (18 April 2012).
69. Pakistan cracks down on terrorism tool mobile sim cards, 3 Dec 2012, online
at <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/9718441/Pakistan-cracks-
down-on-terrorism-tool-mobile-sim-cards.html> (10 Dec 2012).
70. Pew, Support for Campaign against Extremists Wanes.
71. Ibid.
72. Brian Glyn Williams, Matthew Fricker, and Avery Plaw, New Light on the
Accuracy of the CIAs Predator Drone Campaign in Pakistan,
Terrorism Monitor, vol.
8, 11 November 2010, online at <http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_
ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=37165%20> (3 May 2012).
73. Ibid.
74. PakistanSurvey.org, The New America Foundation, no publication date,
online at <http://pakistansurvey.org/question/drone-targets> (22 May 2012). Addi-
tional data concerning the alleged drone strikes is viewable in an online Google
Map mash-up from open source reporting at <http://counterterrorism.newamerica.
75. Christina DesMarais, Facebook vs. Google: Who Will Win? PCWorld, 19
May 2012, online at <http://www.pcworld.com/article/255866/facebook_vs_google_
who_will_win.html> (20 May 2012).
76. David Meerman Scott, Why the 4 Ps of marketing do not work on the Web,
Webinknow.com, 20 July 2011, online at <http://www.webinknow.com/2011/07/why-
the-4-ps-of-marketing-do-not-work-on-the-web.html> (7 May 2012).
77. Reporters without Borders info-graphic, The Internets Black Holes, no
publication date, online at <http://emu.edu/now/peacebuilder/
black-holes-rsf.jpg> (11 April 2012).
78. Burns and Eltham, Twitter Free Iran, 304.
79. Paul Rosenzweig, From Worms to Cyber War, The Dening Ideas Website,
A Hoover Institutional Journal, 9 December 2011, online at <http://www.hoover.org/
publications/dening-ideas/article/102401> (18 May 2012).
80. Jeanne Meserve, Study warns of cyber warfare during military con
CNN, 17 August 2009, online at <http://articles.cnn.com/2009-08-17/us/cyber.
warfare_1_russian-georgian-attacks?_s=PM:US> (18 May 2012).
81. Megan ONeill, How YouTube is Aiding the Libyan Revolution,
, 26 February 2011, online at <http://socialtimes.com/youtube-libyan-
revolution_b39678> (20 May 2012).