Howie The Harp (HTH) Peer Training Program
(as of March 2022)
Our award winning HTH Peer Training Program provides an intensive 16-week classroom-based
training and 12 week internship experience to specifically train people in mental health
recovery to work as Peer Providers in Human Services. With your full participation and
commitment to our program, you will be able to:
Establish and sustain your own self-directed recovery and care.
Provide effective peer support services in Human Services.
Choose, get and keep competitive employment.
Application and attendance to HTH’s Peer Training Program is free of charge to all participants.
We are funded by: Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), Office of Mental Health
(OMH) ACCES-VR Adult Career and Continuing Education Services, and donor sponsorships.
HTH will follow all COVID health and safety guidance including those regarding staff, program
participants and program site protocols as per our contracts with the NYC Department of Health
& Mental Hygiene. COVID related safety protocols could possibly require:
Mask wearing on HTH premises
Proof of COVID vaccine/boost to attend trainings/meeting on HTH premises
I. 16 week classroom training (approx. 320 hours)
II. 12 week internship (work max. 24 hours per week)
III. Competitive employment obtainment support
I. 16 week Classroom Training
Our classroom curriculum is designed to develop you in three key areas of workplace
Personal Wellness - our training provides a solid foundation of self-directed recovery tools that
every effective employee needs for work/life balance and satisfaction. Classes include:
W.R.A.P., Self Regulation, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution and Food Justice,
Professional Development - course topics not only address the how/why of the peer profession
(History of the Movement, The Evolution of the Peer Specialist) but the knowledge, tools and
skills that inform a well-rounded practice of Peer provision. Classes include: Stages of Change,
Motivational Interviewing, Active Listening, Intentional Peer Support, Social Justice, Cultural
Competence and Navigation of various Public Systems.
Work Readiness - these courses offer comprehensive training in obtaining and maintaining
employment. Topics include: cover letter/resume writing, mock interviewing, Utilizing
Supervision, Agency Compliance training, HIPAA laws and Writing Progress Notes for Human
II. 12 week Internship
Upon completion of the classroom training, you get to select from, and interview with, a myriad
of internship partner agencies from across the NYC area. Our list of internship partner agencies
In-patient and out-patient hospital settings
Respite centers
PROS programs
Supportive housing
Mental health wellness/recovery programs
Alternative to incarceration programs
Co-occurring service program
III. Competitive Employment Obtainment Support
Upon completion of the internship, you’ll then move on to the final phase of the program
employment! Each week you’ll attend our Career Club and meet with your Career Coach to
enhance your employment search. The group camaraderie provides you with the support to
enhance your job search experience. Also, agencies seeking peer providers often contact us
directly for employees part time and full time positions which we distribute in these weekly
People with personal mental health recovery experience who want to use their recovery
process to help others and establish a career in social services
Applicants must:
Have a clinical mental health diagnosis
Reside in the NYC metropolitan area
Have at least a high school diploma (or the equivalent)
Be able to work in the U.S.
Classroom Training: Monday, Aug 15, 2022 through Thursday, Dec 8, 2022
Monday through Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM - No classes on Fridays.
Daily format:
AM Class: 9:30AM 12pm (15 min break at 10:45AM)
Lunch break: 12pm-1pm
PM Class: 1pm 3:30PM (15 min break @ 2:15PM)
Additional class days off:
Midterm Break: Mon Oct 10 through Thu Oct 13, 2022
Holidays: Mon Sept 5 - Labor Day
Thu Nov 24 Thanksgiving
During the week of Dec 12, 2022, HTH will host an onsite Internship Fair, inviting internship
sites to meet and interview with Fall 2022 trainees. Trainees will use skills obtained from their
training experience to interview with the internship opportunities they are interested in.
Most internships will start in Jan 2023. Internship start dates vary depending on the
onboarding process of the internship site.
Most internships will be 12 weeks all sites confirm with us their needs and expectations so we
inform trainees of details before the Internship Fair. Internship schedules vary but usually
within normal office hours between 9am and 5pm. Trainees will work no more than 24
hours/week. HTH offers a $45 stipend per week.
27 years of peer training experience
Since 1995, HTH has trained hundreds of peers working across a broad range of mental health
community services. Our training experience centers peer history and values, critical thinking,
social service systems and employment prep to provide trainees with the skills and confidence
to work in any community-based peer role you choose.
Classroom Instruction
You’ll be taught by working professionals. You’ll practice the material among your classmates to
develop your competency and understanding. Studying alongside your peers, discussions with
trainers and staff bring the information alive in real-world ways. And most important to our
students – you will not be alone in the process.
Socialization Education (aka Social Curriculum)
Both students and staff work together to secure a safe and functional learning environment.
You’ll learn to work in a group setting and be part of team as workplace skills require.
Supportive Peer Staff
Our staff provides support throughout your participation in the program. As a peer run
program, we understand the strengths that peers bring to the recovery process. Our intention
ensures that you discover for yourself your greatest asset personal experience. You’ll be
assigned to a career coach during your first week of training and they will accompany you all
the way through to employment obtainment and retention.
New York State Peer Certification Preparation Support
HTH will support you in obtaining the state certification. New York State Peer Certification is a
New York State initiative of the Office of Mental Health Consumer Affairs, which is additional
to our peer training program. For more information about the New York State Peer Certification
process/application, download an application from their website http://nypeerspecialist.org – it
explains the process on the first page or please contact:
New York Peer Specialist Certification Board
11 North Pearl Street, Suite 801
Albany, NY 12207
(518) 426-0945
The online application for Fall 2022 is open from Wed, March 2, 2022 – Wed, May 4
Applicants may work on the application over time before submitting.
Submitting inaccurate or incomplete documentation may delay the application process
and/or result in decline of admission
Proof of mental health condition: Either a psych evaluation OR psych social, dated
within 1 year of your HTH application submission date. This is a requirement of HTH’s
funders. Applications submitted without either of these will not be assessed or accepted.
Letters from clinicians will not fulfill this requirement. Any questions please email: HTH@
Proof of education requirement (High school grad/GED or higher): Diploma or transcript
that clearly documents graduation date and academic institution. This is a requirement
of HTH’s funders. Applications submitted without this information will not be assessed or
accepted. Transcripts with partial college credits will not fulfill this requirement. Any
questions please email: HTH@ communityaccess.org.
Two references: References should tell us how long and in what capacity they have
known you and why they would recommend you for the HTH Peer Training Program.
Resume: Please submit an updated resume OR an outline of your activities over the past
10 years volunteering, caretaking children/family, programs, trainings etc.
Please apply as soon as possible. There are only 40 training slots for the term.
Step 1: Complete application. Application open: Wed Mar 2 through Wed, May 4
Step 2: Attend Group Interviews: Mon May 9 through Thu May 12
Step 3: Application status deadline: Fri May 20, 2022
Applications completed accurately will be assessed throughout the application submission
process. Once assessed, select applicants will be invited to an in-person group interview in the
NYC area during the week of Monday May 9 Thu May 12. After group interviews are
complete, 40 applicants will be invited to attend the training, an additional 10 applicants will be
waitlisted to attend (in case one of the 40 declines)
1. Who was Howie the Harp?
Howard Geld was a national pioneer in the peer movement. He got the nickname Howie the
Harp because he played the harmonica as a street musician.
Having spent three years in psychiatric institutions in his youth, Howie said he found his cause:
patient/mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor movement. (He preferred to use the term
“crazy folks”!)
Howie helped start and ran several peer-led organizations in New York and California, including
the Mental Health Liberation Project, Project Release, the California Network of Mental Health
Clients and the Oakland Independence Support Center.
Yet, Howie recognized that transforming the mental health system required the full integration
of people in recovery into the workforce, and that these workers needed the skills and
knowledge to be effective change agents. As Director of Advocacy at Community Access, Howie
conceived the model and developed the initial curriculum of the HTH Peer Training Program.
Unfortunately, Howie died before the Center opened its doors so it was renamed in his honor
and legacy.
Howard “The Harp” Geld 1952-1995
Excerpt from NY Times- Feb 14, 1995
"I've been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, as psychotic, as manic-depressive and as psychotic
depressive," Mr. Geld said later. "I don't really believe in those labels, but there have been times
in my life when I went into what can be called a manic episode, and when I went into severe
depressions. What I'm doing with my life right now is trying to learn how to control what I call
manic energy. If it can be controlled and directed and channeled, it could be really valuable and
real powerful. I'd rather learn how to control it, rather than be cured of it."
2. What COVID related safety precautions will be in place in order for us to train together
in a classroom?
HTH will follow all COVID health and safety guidance including those regarding staff, program
participants and program site protocols as per our contracts with the NYC Department of
Health & Mental Hygiene. COVID related safety protocols could possibly require:
Mask wearing on HTH premises
Proof of COVID vaccine/boost to attend trainings/meeting on HTH premises
Because of the changing nature of the pandemic, we will keep all admitted trainees informed
about specific safety protocols before the classroom training starts.
3. How many people will be admitted into the Fall 2022 Term? Can anyone outside of
NYC attend?
Up to 40 people will be admitted into the Fall 2022 Term. Since we are funded by New York
City, all trainees must reside in the NYC area only, consisting of Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn,
Queens and Staten Island.
4. What will a typical day be like in the HTH Peer Training Program?
Each day for the 16 week classroom portion of the program, we encourage all students to arrive
when our office doors open by 9am. You’ll have time to settle into your classroom seat, chat
with your classmates and take care of any personal needs before the AM session starts:
Training Starts: Monday Aug 15, 2022
Training ends: Thu December 8, 2022
Monday through Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM - No classes on Fridays.
AM Class: 9:30AM 12pm (15 min break at 10:45AM)
Lunch break: 12pm-1pm
PM Class: 1pm 3:30PM (15 min break @ 2:15PM)
Additional time off:
Midterm Break: Mon Oct 10- Thu Oct 13, 2022
Holidays: Mon Sept 5 - Labor Day
Thu Nov 24 Thanksgiving
Our various trainings offer lectures, discussions, role play, group work, homework as well as
periodic testing to help you learn and integrate your skills in real world situations. We have staff
trainers as well as 25+ consultant trainer that bring their professional experience to the topics
they teach.
5. How much does HTH cost?
HTH programs are free of charge for all participants. We receive funding from the Office of
Mental Health (OMH), the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene (DOHMH), ACCES VR as
well as grants and generous donations from private funders.
We will request upon admission that all trainees apply for ACCES VR services to help fund their
participation in our program. However, your invitation is not a conditional to ACCES VR funding.
6. Do you offer any financial help/carfare during the training? Meals?
We don’t offer financial support for car/fare ACCES VR does! If you are accepted into the
program, be sure to submit your application to their services as well! We don’t offer meals, but
trainees will have access to microwaves and a refrigerator.
7. I have a long standing weekly appointment that conflicts with classroom time. What
should I do?
Attendance is a critical component of this training attendance will be recorded. This training
does not work unless you attend and participate in classes. We suggest that you use the lead
time between acceptance and the first day of training to reschedule your appointments.
8. Why do you ask about co-experiences in the application?
HTH strives to have a classroom that reflects the experience of the NYC population receiving
mental health services. People seeking mental health support services often experience other
circumstances like incarceration or homelessness, identify as LGBTQIA+, are military vets or
seek substance use counseling. In peer support, these co-experiences are bonus when seeking
9. I’m concerned about my history of incarceration and/or convictions. How will that
affect my chances of actually getting work?
It depends on the conviction charge. Convictions that prohibit or greatly limit employment in
social services:
Sexual assault charges
Crimes against vulnerable populations (such as children, elderly)
Violent crime conviction within the past 10 years
To learn more please check the Justice Center’s explanation:
We strongly recommend that if you have incarceration experience, please confirm if the
conviction would hinder your ability to work in social services before applying.
10. How much will I get paid as a peer worker in human services?
Pay varies on the agency check out current employment opportunities on sites such as like
11. I want to keep my SSI/SSDI benefits. Can I work part time as a peer specialist?
Yes, there are part time peer specialist jobs available. Please check on the website
www.Indeed.com for examples of work available.
12. This program requires a great commitment of time can you guarantee me
We can’t guarantee you work. It really is up to you to commit to the program as well as to your
personal growth and competency to work in the field. Our staff will work with you to identify
employers with gainful opportunities.
However, be assured that between your commitment and our over 27 years of experience, your
time at HTH will be well spent! Being an HTH graduate gives you an advantage when seeking
peer specialist work in the New York City area. Peer Specialist positions often list “HTH
Graduate Preferred” in the qualifications section!
13. Can I bring an emotional support animal with me to class?
We cannot accommodate an emotional support animal in our Center or in our classroom
training. Please note that we use trauma-informed practices to help reduce anxiety for
students. Graduates have said that their classroom experience was a safe haven in their
recovery and work prep process.
14. Your program sounds great but I need to start working now. What should I do?
HTH also offers Assisted Competitive Employment (A.C.E.) Program a supportive employment
service to help people in mental health recovery gain and sustain employment of their
choosing. The program is an on-going, year-round enrollment basis. Please check our webpage
for details and link to online application: www.communityaccess.org/hth.
15. What do HTH graduates say about their experience in the program?
Recovery is not linear. The fact that the stumbles are part of the journey is central to personal
growth at HTH and something I reinforce daily as a peer provider. Drew W
Throughout the training I was going through long episodes of depression and I used some of the
tools I learned from HTH to walk me though my depression and I was able to find a measure of
peace of mind through it. Robert S
The greatest lesson I learned about myself is that I'm a natural leader, highly empathetic and
have the strength and courage to utilize these virtues for the growth of the peer community and
my personal development. Scott R
When I got up to present to the class, I felt this incredible calm wash over me and it stayed with
me throughout my entire presentation. What I noticed was that I was at home in myself and in
front of this group of people I had grown to feel great affection for. I really have no words for
how important the experience at Howie and all the people I got to experience it with is to me,
but I know I will always be very grateful. Melanie F
HTH has changed my life. I am not ashamed of who I am. I am a proud warrior and have fought
the good fight to get well. Gail Z