AUSD Teaching and Learning Framework Connection
ü 1d1. Standards-Based Learning Activities
ü 3a4. Use of Academic Language
ü 3b1. Quality and Purpose of Questions
ü 3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
ü 3d3. Feedback to Students
The THREE READS protocol supports students as they read closely to make sense of challenging word
problems during Integrated ELD/Math instruction. It may be used to support ELs in the “Before Phase”
of a Three Phase math problem solving lesson. The THREE READS protocol includes reading a math
scenario three times with a different goal each time. The FIRST READ is to understand the context. The
SECOND READ is to understand the mathematics. The THIRD READ is to generate a plan for solving the
problem. Throughout the protocol, students apply Constructive Conversation Skills as they discuss their
thinking with a partner.
Why use this protocol?
This protocol supports all students, but is especially critical for reducing barriers and providing access to
ELs as they interact with complex word problems in math. The goal is for students to internalize and
apply this strategy on their own whenever they encounter challenging word problems.
How does this protocol support standards-based instruction?
The CA ELD Standards are designed and intended to be used in tandem with the CA CCSSM to
support ELs in mainstream academic content classrooms. The THREE READS protocol supports ELs as
they engage in the following CA CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Practice and CA ELD Standards:
MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically
Part I: B5 Listening actively
Part I: B6 Reading/viewing closely
How do I plan for this protocol?
Evaluate the language demands of the task and determine which language might need to be
highlighted/clarified during each read of the problem. Then, consider the way you will read the
problem each time (e.g. teacher reads and students listen, choral, echo, partners, etc.). Next,
determine how you will structure student conversations throughout the protocol. For example:
How will you orient students to the Conversation Norms?
How will you orient students to the Constructive Conversation Skills?
What questions will you ask during each read?
How will students discuss? (e.g. Turn & Talk, Partners, Triads, etc.)
What scaffolds will you provide? (e.g. Prompt & Response Starters, Think Aloud, etc.)
How will you debrief the protocol? What feedback will you provide to students?
Three Reads
Applying Constructive Conversation Skills