The Appellants and petitioners filed writ petitions in W.P. Nos. 9125, 9126, 9319,
9923, 9927, 10589, 10598, 11785, 12003, 12004, 15512, 15636 and 15873 of 2014
challenging the selection process to the post of 4000 ITI Helpers recruited by the
TANGEDCO Per (Per.) FB (TANGEDCO) Proceedings No. 14, dated 12.07.2012 and
the same were dismissed by the learned single Judge by an order dated 04.12.2014.
Aggrieved by the same the Appellants have filed the above Writ Appeals in W.A. Nos.
81, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023 and 1301 of 2015.
Further abovesaid three writ petitions in W.P. No. 22095, 33097 & 33098 of 2014,
challenging the same selection of ITI Helper (Trainee) came up for admission and
this Hon'ble court has directed the registry to post the same along with the batch of
cases in W.P. No. 9125 of 2014 etc., But the said writ petitions were not posted along
with W.P. No. 9125 of 2014 etc., batch cases during final hearing and the same are
pending and now posted along with the above writ appeals.
The above first writ appeal came up for hearing before this Hon'ble court on several
occasions and finally on 02.09.2015 and in view of the judgement of the Apex court,
the respondents corporation accepted the proposals of the Appellants and Petitioners
numbering 84 who have filed the Writ Appeals/Writ Petitions before this Hon'ble
court challenging the ITI Helper (Trainee) and have stated that they will be
accommodated in the post of ITI Helper (Trainee) in the 1st & 2nd respondents
corporation under the following
1. The respondent corporation and the appellants & petitioners mutually agreed that
the respondent corporation shall appoint the Appellants and Petitioners in the post of
ITI Helper (Trainee) in TANGEDCO Service within a time frame fixed by this
Hon'ble court.
2. The respondent corporation and the appellants & petitioners mutually agreed that
the appointment to the appellants and petitioners shall be given only after
verification of the original certificates.
3. The respondent corporation and the appellants & petitioners mutually agreed that
the Appellants and petitioners shall be appointed in the post of ITI Helper (Trainee)
on production of original certified copy of the judgment of the Hon'ble court along
with covering letter affixing the concerned appellant/Petitioner photograph from the
counsel on record in order to avoid any impersonation and future litigation. No
request for seniority, service & other benefits will be entertained.
4. As per the respondent corporation's request, this order will not apply to the
persons, who did not approach this Hon'ble court in time challenging the selection
process and that this compromise cannot be treated as a precedent as this order is
binding as between the parties on the basis of the consensus reached.
5. The respondent corporation and the appellants & petitioners mutually agreed to
bear their respective cost in the above cases."