Non-immigrant Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for Undergraduate Students
Office of International Education
International students in F-1 or J-1 status at Georgia Tech are invited to apply for the non-resident tuition
waiver, which is available each semester.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student in the semester (Fall/Spring) for which the application
is made. Summer enrollment can be less than full-time.
2. Applicant must have been enrolled full-time in their current F-1/J-1 status for two consecutive
semesters at Georgia Tech.
3. Extreme financial need based on emergency or unforeseen circumstances.
4. Minimum 3.0 cumulative Georgia Tech GPA.
5. Active involvement in student organizations, community service, or volunteer activities while at
Georgia Tech.
Application Instructions
Please submit all of the following materials together to OIE by the deadline:
Completed application form.
Answer all parts, and sign last page
Evidence (supporting documents) of change in financial circumstances, IN ENGLISH.
Proof of residence for the semester you are applying for, indicating amount of rent paid and
all roommates listed (
e.g. Copy of lease agreement, official letter from housing, copy of housing contract, or
letter from person providing housing to you.)
Copies of your 3 most current US bank account statements, showing details of withdrawals
and deposits
For Spring: Statements from August—October
For Summer: Statements from December—February
For Fall: Statements from March—May
Copy of front and back of most recent I-94 form.
Copy of most recent I-20 (F-1 Student) or DS-2019 (J-1 Student).
Official copy of your GT transcript ordered from the Registrar’s office.
Unofficial transcript is not acceptable. The transcript must be attached and should not be sent to OIE separately.
Spring semester : 4.30pm, third Friday of October
Summer semester : 4.30pm, last Friday of March
Fall semester : 4.30pm, first Friday of July
Other Notes
Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered.
OIE is not responsible for making copies of documents.
If you have submitted an application for previous semesters, subsequent applications must
include all documentation. Past applications will not be reviewed.
Decisions will be made within three weeks and will be sent by email.
Spring 200_ __ Summer 200__ _ Fall 200_ __
I. Personal Information
Name: ___________
(family name – in capital letters) (given name)
Birth date: / /
mm / dd / yy
Phone #: ( ) Email: _________________________
GT Student ID#: 90 _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ SEVIS #: N000_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Local mailing address: ___________________________
_____________________________ ______
______________________________ _____
Current Academic Standing: freshman; sophomore; junior; senior
Current major:
First semester at Ga. Tech: Sem _______ Yr________
Expected date of graduation: Sem ______ Yr _____
Grade point average information:
a) current overall grade point average: ____________
b) most recent semester point average: ____________
Dates of travel outside the U.S. (List all travel since coming to the U.S. for study):
Depart date Return date Destination
II. Information related to your financial status
Source of funding (check all that apply)
List all financial aid you have applied for and/or received (include previous tuition waivers):
Semester received Source
Have you ever been or are you currently employed in the U.S.? Yes No
If yes, give the name of your employer: ___________________________________
Dates employed: ________________________Salary: ______________________
Additional Employer(s): _______________________________________________
Dates employed: ________________________Salary: ______________________
How much money do you receive from your family, sponsor and/or employer
each year? _________________
Is your spouse employed in the U.S.? Yes No
If yes, spouse’s employer: ________________________________________
Spouse’s monthly salary _________ Is your spouse a student? Yes No
Do you own a car? Yes No
Year & model of your car ________________________________________
If you are not financially self-sponsored, give the following information:
Name of Primary Financial Sponsor(s):
(i.e., parents(s) or relative’s name, foreign university or
government agency, etc.)
Address: Address:
Occupation/Title: Occupation/Title:
Employer: Employer:
Annual Salary in U.S. $ _____________ Annual Salary in U.S. $ _____________
III. Personal Budget
Estimated income and financial support (in U.S. dollars) for NEXT semester.
Personal and/or family support $ ____________
Government Sponsor or Loan Agency ____________
Income from Employment ____________
Other: (specify) _____________________ ____________
TOTAL Financial Support $ ____________
Estimated Expenses for next semester
Tuition & Fees $ ____________
Housing ____________
Food ____________
Books & Supplies ____________
Insurance ____________
Child Care (if any) ____________
Car expenses (if any)s ____________
Other ____________
TOTAL Expenses $ ____________
IV. Statement of Financial Need
Explain in detail your need for financial assistance. Include any recent change in your financial situation and
explain why you cannot obtain the total amount of funding necessary. You can complete this page or submit
one separate page that addresses all 3 sections. DO NOT FORGET TO ATTACH EVIDENCE (supporting
FINANCIAL NEED (attach separate sheet if necessary)
(any work for which you are compensated (i.e., Housing/Community advisor
separate sheet if necessary)
(explain specific participation) (attach separate sheet if
I certify that all the information given in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I will
inform the Office of International Education if there are any changes in the financial information that I have
provided. I understand that making false statements within this certification of financial need may result in
disciplinary action and loss of financial aid.
_____________________________________ _________________