Ann Arbor, Michigan
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
This handbook is intended to serve as a consolidated source of information and as a guide for the Chemistry faculty
and graduate students of the University of Michigan to the guidelines relating to graduate study in the Department of
Chemistry. Graduate students should also refer to the Rackham Graduate School website which outlines the
Rackham Graduate School guidelines for graduate study at the University.
The Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook contains information concerning the organization of the
Department, its personnel, and their duties. We hope you will find it helpful and convenient for reference.
UM Chemistry
Student Services, Lab and Facilities
Chemistry Graduate Student Organizations
Rackham Ph.D. Requirements
Departmental Requirements
Annual Evaluation & Mentoring Plan
Data Meeting
Course Requirements/Registration
Other Registration Information
Research Requirements
Choice of Research Advisor
Dissertation Committee
Candidacy Oral Examination
Data Meeting
Good Standing Policy
Masters Degree
Chronology of PhD Degree
Descriptions of Authorized Courses
Cognate Courses
Financial Support
GSI/GSRA Appointments, Fellowships, Travel Funds
Stipend Payment Schedules
Supplementary Income
Income Tax Liability
Mentoring Resources
Academic Resources
Campus Support
Conflict Resolution
Leave of Absence Policy
Building Use Regulations
Special Rooms
Bicycles, Rollerblades
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Emergency and Safety Regulations
Emergency Telephone Numbers
Alarm System
Response to the Alarm
General Precautions
Maintenance in the Building
Energy Considerations
Floor Plan
UM Chemistry
Graduate Student Handbook
This Handbook is to be used as a guide to the rules and regulations that govern the graduate program both here in
the Department of Chemistry as well as the University of Michigan. As a student you must familiarize yourself with
requirements of the Department and the Rackham Graduate School. Graduate School rules/regulations can be found
in their entirety on the Rackham Graduate School at
Graduate Mailboxes
Every graduate student will have their own mailbox located in Room 1416. In addition to receiving U.S. mail, you
will also receive campus mail. Any messages from Faculty, Academic Services staff, Technical staff or the Rack-
ham Graduate School will be put in your mailbox.
Graduate Bulletin Board
Boards are located in the 1500 complex outside the Graduate Studies offices, as well as down the main hallway of
the ’48 building. Job postings, events, and fellowships, scholarships and grants offered outside the University are
posted here. Rackham Doctoral Degree deadlines and available campus resources are also posted here.
Graduate Advisors
First year students are assigned an advisor who is a member of the Graduate Committee (GC), a departmental
committee that oversees the graduate program. Advising regarding coursework selection will be provided at
Orientation, but you may contact your GC advisor at any time during your first year for guidance on any matter.
After your first year, your Research Advisor (dissertation mentor) is your primary resource for academic advising
as well as your mentor for your thesis project. In addition, staff in the Student Services office are an excellent
Adam Matzger - Graduate Committee Chair
Mark Meyerhoff - Analytical
Alison Narayan- Chemical Biology
Nathaniel Szymczak - Inorganic
Adam Matzger - Materials
Pavel Nagorny - Organic
Eitan Geva - Physical Chemistry
Ginger Shultz Chemical Education
Administrative Complex
The offices of the Chair, Assistant to the Chair, Chief Administrator, Building Manager, Student Services Manager,
and Coordinators of Undergraduate and Graduate Student Services are located in 1500. The student services staff
can provide help to graduate students in such areas as program requirements/regulations, finances/fellowships,
insurance, conflict resolution, graduate student instructor appointments, and industrial recruitment visits/job
opportunities. All room reservation requests can be sent to . Building access and
building/lab problems will be handled by Tracy Stevenson, Lab and Facilities Manager (1500C).
Shapiro Science Library
Graduate students are encouraged to use services and resources provided by the Shapiro Science Library
( As a part of the M Library system, the Shapiro Science Library
strives to support research, teaching, learning and scientific inquiry in Chemistry and other science disciplines. The
Chemistry print collections are located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Shapiro Library Building, along with
excellent places for study and research. If you need any assistance for your information inquiry, please contact the
Chemistry Librarian, or ask a librarian on
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Robert Kennedy
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education
Associate Chair for Educational Development
John Wolfe
Brian Coppola
Graduate Committee Chair
Adam Matzger
Chief Administrator
Jan Malaikal
Assistant to the Chair
Alex Franklin
Student and Academic Services
Heather Hanosh
Student Services Manager
Katherine (Katie) Foster
Doctoral Program Coordinator
Brendan Locke
Funding & MS Program
Angela Cox
Undergraduate Program
Emma Houle
Student Services Assistant
Laboratories and Facilities
Tracy Stevenson
Building Manager
Hawaii Maliga
Facilities Assistant
Laurie MacDonald
Environmental Health/Safety
Chris Peters
Environmental Health/Safety
Anson Pesek
Environmental Health/Safety
UM Chemistry
Chemistry Graduate Student Organizations
Chemistry Graduate Student Council (GSC). The Chemistry Graduate Student Council (GSC) deals with
academic and other issues of concern to graduate students in the Department. It serves as a tie between the faculty,
graduate students, and staff. In addition to their academic responsibilities, the GSC also sponsors social events for
faculty, graduate students, staff and their families from time to time. Any student interested in being on the GSC
should email che[email protected].
CSIE|UM (Chemical Sciences at the Interface of Education University of Michigan). Long in the forefront of
delivering innovative and quality instruction in Chemistry, the UM Chemistry Department pairs CSIE|UM
participants (postdoctoral associates, graduate and undergraduate students) with faculty members working on
revamping the curriculum, reworking laboratory instruction, exploring new approaches and technologies in
pedagogy, and more.
CALC|UM (Chemistry Aligned with Life & Career University of Michigan). CALC|UM is directed by the
faculty, and co-designed and implemented with a core organizing committee made up of 10-15 students. Core
objectives of the CALC|UM program are to: (a) increase student awareness and understanding of critical features of
their future professional lives where their scientific expertise intersects with the other constituencies typical in an
industry setting (business, law, informatics, etc.); and (b) provide opportunities for first-hand leadership and multi-
disciplinary team experiences that are relevant to their future professional lives.
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Name Office Phone Uniquename Title
Andrews, Philip 1198 300 NIB SPC 763-3130 andrewsp Professor
Ault, Andrew 4545 CHEM 763-2283 aulta Assistant Professor
Bailey, Ryan 4821 CHEM 764-1438 ryancb Professor
Barteau, Mark UM Energy Inst. 615-9521 barteau Professor
Bartlett, Bart 2813 CHEM 615-9279 bartmb Associate Professor
Biteen, Julie 2533 CHEM 647-1135 jsbiteen Associate Professor
Blum, Joel 2534 CC Little 615-3242 jdblum Professor
Bridwell-Rabb, Jennifer 4817 CHEM 763-1125 jebridwe Assistant Professor
Brooks, Charles 2006A CHEM 647-6682 brookscl Professor
Carlson, Heather 2555 CCL 615-6841 carlsonh Professor
Castaneda, Carol Ann 3545 CHEM 764-8527 castanca Lecturer III
Chen, Zhan 4809 CHEM 615-4189 zhanc Professor
Coppola, Brian 2403 CHEM 764-7329 bcoppola Professor
Fierke, Carol 4525 CHEM 936-2678 fierke Professor Emerita
Frank, Aaron 3000 CHEM 615-2053 afrankz Assistant Professor
Geva, Eitan 2000D CHEM 763-8012 etian Professor
Goodson III, Theodore 4819 CHEM 647-0274 tgoodson Professor
Gottfried, Amy 3533 CHEM 647-9540 acgottfr Lecturer IV
Hakansson, Kristina 4521 CHEM 615-0570 kicki Professor
Keane, Sarah 4022 CHEM 763-2332 sckeane Assistant Professor
Kennedy, Robert 4815 CHEM 615-4363 rtkenn Professor & Chair
Kim, Jinsang 2090 H H Dow 936-4681 jinsang Professor
Kopelman, Raoul 4744 CHEM 764-7541 kopelman Professor
Koutmos, Markos 4525 CHEM 963-267 mkoutmos Assistant Professor
Koutmou, Kristin 2549 CHEM 764-5650 kkoutmou Assistant Professor
Kubarych, Kevin 4813 CHEM 764-7528 kubarych Professor
Lehnert, Nicolai 2807 CHEM 615-3673 lehnertn Professor
Maldonado, Stephen 4533 CHEM 647-4750 smald Associate Professor
Mapp, Anna 4000 LSI 615-6862 amapp
Professor & Rackham Assoc Dean-Academic Pgms & Initiatives
Marsh, E. Neil 4537 CHEM 763-6096 nmarsh Professor
Matzger, Adam 2823 CHEM 615-6627 matzger Professor
McCrory, Charles 4807 CHEM 763-8060 cmccrory Assistant Professor
McNeil, Anne 2817 CHEM 615-5204 ajmcneil Professor
Meyerhoff, Mark 3306 CHEM 763-5916 mmeyerho Professor
Montgomery, John 3819 CHEM 764-4424 jmontg Professor
Nagorny, Pavel 3807 CHEM 615-2833 nagorny Associate Professor
Narayan, Alison 4002 LSI 615-5505 arhardin Assistant Professor
Nolta, Kathleen 3537 CHEM 763-5901 nolta Lecturer IV
Pecoraro, Vincent 3823 CHEM 763-1519 vlpec Professor
Penner-Hahn, James 4020 CHEM 764-7324 jeph Professor
Poniatowski, Alexander 3541 CHEM 615-0725 aponiato Lecturer III
Pratt, Kerri 3549 CHEM 763-2871 prattka Assistant Professor
Ramamoorthy, Ayyalusamy 4024 CHEM 647-6572 ramamoor Professor
Ruotolo, Brandon 4549 CHEM 615-0198 bruotolo Associate Professor
Sanford, Melanie 2811 CHEM 615-0451 mssanfor Professor
Schindler, Corinna 2815 CHEM 763-6853 corinnas Assistant Professor
Sension, Roseanne 4529 CHEM 763-6074 rsension Professor
Sherman, David 4036 LSI 615-9907 davidhs Professor
Shultz, Ginger 2521 CHEM 764-7345 gshultz Assistant Professor
Stephenson, Corey 3817 CHEM 763-8283 crjsteph Professor
Szymczak, Nathaniel 3809 CHEM 615-4330 nszym Associate Professor
Walters, Nils 2405 CHEM 615-2060 nwalter Professor
Wang, Wenjing 4115A LSI 647-3226 wenjwang Assistant Professor
Wolfe, John 3811 CHEM 763-3432 jpwolfe Professor
Woodard, Ronald 4569 CHEM 764-7366 rww Professor
Zellers, Edward SPH2/ M6543 936-0766 ezellers Professor
Zgid, Dominika 2000F CHEM 647-4495 zgid Associate Professor
Zimmerman, Paul 2000E CHEM 615-0191 paulzim Associate Professor
UM Chemistry
This section provides information on the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. A description of all
graduate courses in chemistry is provided later in this section. The requirements stated here include those set by the
Department and those set by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Students are urged to consult the Rackham
Graduate School Academic Policies (
Departmental requirements for graduate degrees are administered by the Graduate Committee, a committee of eight
faculty members representing the various clusters. This Committee has been delegated the authority by the faculty
to interpret rules and requirements and, when the circumstances warrant, to grant exceptions upon formal appeal. In
the first year, each student will be provided formal academic counseling by a member of the Graduate Committee.
The Committee is also a resource for any questions or concerns regarding progress to the Ph.D. and can assist with
conflict resolution.
Course elections for each term must be reviewed either by the Graduate Committee or research advisor. Each
student’s standing in the program is reviewed by the Graduate Committee after each year and an appropriate report
is transmitted to the student and/or advisor when needed. NOTE: Failure to follow the approved registration can
place your standing in the Ph.D. program in jeopardy. Do not make unapproved changes in your schedule.
The degree Doctor of Philosophy is the highest degree conferred by the University. It is a research degree. It is
never conferred solely as a result of study, no matter how faithful, extending over any prescribed time period or for
any amount of course work or research accumulated. The degree represents more than merely the sum of semesters
in residence and of credits for courses taken. The length of residence and the plan of study are of secondary
importance. The degree is granted solely upon evidence of general proficiency and of distinctive attainment in the
specialty field chosen by the candidate. The degree is granted particularly upon a recognized ability for independent
and insightful investigation as demonstrated in a thesis based upon original research combined with creative
scholarship and presented with a high degree of literary skill.
Rackham and Departmental Ph.D. Requirements
The basic requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy set by the Rackham Graduate School and the
Department include:
1. Minimum coursework in residence requirement (18 hours of graded graduate coursework registered as a
Rackham student in Ann Arbor).
2. An overall GPA of B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) grade point average or higher in the graduate student’s record.
3. 4 credit hours of cognate coursework with a B- grade or better, in a minimum two courses.
4. Appointment of a Dissertation Committee to oversee the student’s program and progress in research.
5. Completion of a public seminar.
6. Recommendation by the Department of specialization for admission to candidacy (Candidacy Exam).
7. Approval of the written dissertation by the Dissertation Committee and the Graduate Dean and a final oral
examination by the Committee (Thesis Defense).
Departmental requirements are directed primarily towards giving students practice and skills in research,
discovery, problem solving and creative learning, particularly in their area of interest. The requirements
governing examinations and basic courses are designed to test and solidify the fundamental background of the
student in the main branches of Chemistry while still encouraging an early start in research.
Organic Proposition
Organic students must submit a written Original Research Proposition (of no more than ten pages) to the
organic faculty. The Proposition consists of the identification and solution of an original research problem in
Organic Chemistry. It will be judged both on the nature of the problem chosen and the proposed solution.
Acceptable propositions are presented to the faculty periodically throughout the year. The research proposition
is designed to be an opportunity for students to try out their ability to be creative, search the literature for new
ideas and what was done previously, practice mechanism and problem solving and presentation skills, and to
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
become effective and confident in their ability to defend their own research ideas. Specific details regarding this
requirement will be provided as a student begins their third year of study.
Candidacy Exam
Each Chemistry graduate student is subject to an oral candidacy examination by their Dissertation Committee.
The Graduate Committee holds a yearly information session on preparing for this exam in the summer/ early
fall term. This examination is held in the second year of enrollment and can be completed EITHER by the end
of the fall term (end of December) or by the end of spring term (end of May). The timing of the exam should be
decided via a discussion between the graduate student and their PhD advisor.
In preparation for the candidacy exam, each student should form a Dissertation Committee of 4 members
consisting of their dissertation advisor, at least two Chemistry faculty members and one faculty member whose
primary appointment is not in the Department of Chemistry (the cognate member). You should choose your
committee in concert with your dissertation advisor and once the committee has been constituted, make sure to
notify the Graduate Program Coordinator in the Student Services office so that the appropriate forms can be
completed. For students planning to complete their candidacy in FALL term, these forms are due by October
15. For student planning to complete their candidacy in the WINTER term, these forms are due on February 15.
These forms should be turned in, at a minimum 4 week prior to the candidacy exam.
As part of the candidacy exam, each student must submit a written proposal to his/her Dissertation Committee.
The proposal should be sufficiently detailed so that the nature of the research problem and the direction of the
effort is defined and characterized, but not more than ten double-spaced typed pages [including all text and
graphics (sections a-d)]. Literature references are then added at the end.
The proposal should contain:
a) Background
b) Specific Project Goals
c) Research Plan
d) Preliminary Data
e) Literature References
The proposal should be distributed to the student’s Dissertation Committee at least two weeks prior to the exam.
At the Candidacy Exam, students present a brief summary of their research proposal; this may include
preliminary research results but should not be a seminar-style presentation. Students will be examined on
knowledge of the background subject areas and on their research plans. Students are expected to have a good
understanding of the goals, directions, importance, and pathways of the proposed research. Students should be
prepared to propose alternatives and discuss background material concerned with that proposal. Students
should also show that they are making reasonable progress towards their doctoral research. The Dissertation
Committee will determine a Chair (other than the research advisor) for the meeting and that Chair will be
responsible for the conduct of the exam. The research advisor will be present, but will not participate in the
examination except in limited consultation.
The Committee also reviews the student’s course work and any progress reports. The Committee determines
what additional courses, reports, or other study are required if, for any reason, the examination is not
satisfactory. The Committee may decide to re-examine the student at a later time or recommend dismissal from
the program. A subsequent review by the student’s research advisor as to whether any additional requirements
have been met does not necessarily require another meeting of the Dissertation Committee with the student.
Students should inform the Graduate Office when their candidacy exams are scheduled. A report to the
Dissertation Committee will be prepared and given to you by the Graduate Program Coordinator before the
exam takes place.
Annual Evaluation & Mentoring Plan
All students from the second year to the completion of the Ph.D. degree requirements participate in a yearly
evaluation of their progress towards the degree with their dissertation advisor. By May 15 of each year, students and
faculty must complete the annual evaluation form. The form is completed jointly by the student and advisor and
UM Chemistry
reviewed by the Graduate Chair. The goal of this process is to assist students and advisors in overcoming any
barriers to success and to facilitate open communication. Students who receive an evaluation of marginal or
insufficient progress must take additional steps to remain in good standing in the program. If a student receives a
marginal evaluation then a re-evaluation must be submitted by August 15. Students who are not making sufficient
progress must schedule a committee meeting by June 15 for evaluation.
Data Meeting (8
Semester Meeting)
All chemistry graduate students will be required to have an 8
semester meeting with their Dissertation committee in
the winter of their 4
year. The timing of this meeting will be determined for each student based on discussion with
their faculty advisor, but it must be completed by May 15th. In rare exceptions (where students make exceptionally
fast progress in their Ph.D. studies), this meeting may occur even earlier (6
or 7
semester, for example). In this
meeting, the student must present a detailed discussion of his/her data in a clear and logical fashion, including major
conclusions, and a detailed outline of the thesis. More than one such meeting may be required before actual writing
of the thesis begins. Please notify the Graduate Program Coordinator in Student Services once the date for the data
meeting is determined so that you can receive the appropriate paperwork. Students are then required to have a
similar meeting every year after their Data Meeting if they have not graduated or scheduled their thesis defense (i.e.
if they have not graduated or set a defense date of before August 31
of their 5
year, 6
year, etc. they are required
to have a meeting).
Course Requirements/Registration
Departmental requirements for course work fall into two categories: (a) those specified by the Department and
applying generally to all students, and (b) those specified by the student’s area or by his/her Dissertation Committee
and applying individually in terms of special field and interest.
A first year graduate research rotation course will be required of all Chemistry students (Chem 597). All first year
students must also register for Chem 415 (Responsible Conduct in Chemistry Research).
Pre-Candidates in their 2
year must register for Chem 990 (pre-candidate dissertation research) in addition to
needed coursework, and all Candidates will register for 8 credits of Chem 995 (candidate dissertation research)
see ‘Other Registration Information’ below. A student seminar is usually given in the third year, students must
register for the appropriate seminar course (Chem 800-805; please see section on seminars that follows).
At least 4 graduate level Chemistry courses are required by the Department in addition to the above. The Graduate
School also requires four credit hours (usually two courses) of cognate coursework (i.e. outside the Chemistry
Department or cross-listed courses).
In general, this translates to students taking a total of six courses during the course of the first two years, (two
cognate courses and four Chemistry courses) in addition to the research rotation, research dissertation, and seminar
courses. The various clusters have individual course requirements as listed below.
Analytical Chemistry: Any 3 of the 4 ‘core’ analytical courses (or all 4): Chem 646, 647, 648, 649. The
fourth Chemistry class may be any remaining 600 level analytical course or some other Chemistry graduate
Inorganic Chemistry: Chem 507 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry), 616 (Physical Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry), at least one of the following: Chem 508, 511 or 515, and one additional Chemistry course (free to
Organic Chemistry: Four core Organic courses: Chem 540, 541, 543, and either Chem 542 (Organic Spectroscopy)
or Chem 515 (Organometallic Chemistry). Chem 515 can also be taken as a cognate. The organic faculty require
grades of B or better in Chem 540 and 541.
Chemical Biology: Two core Chemical Biology courses: Chem 525 and 526 (Chemical Biology I & II), and two
additional Chemistry graduate courses (such as the Chemical Biology courses 505, 528 or 673), chosen based on
your research interests.
Materials Chemistry: Chem 511 (Materials Chemistry) and either Chem 535 (Physical Chemistry of
Macromolecules) or Chem 538 (Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules). Two courses from the offerings of any
other Chemistry cluster (analytical, chembio, inorganic, organic, or physical) are required, noting that both courses
must be from the same cluster. Two additional courses, one of which must be an approved materials course (check
with advisor or the materials Graduate Committee advisor) are required to complete the six-course total.
Physical Chemistry: Four graduate-level courses in physical Chemistry: Chem 571 (Quantum Mechanics) and
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Chem 576 (Statistical Mechanics) and two additional Chemistry graduate courses (Chem 567 (Kinetics) and Chem
580 (Spectroscopy) are recommended).
Students must present one seminar usually in the third year of their graduate career. It is necessary to register for 2
credit seminar course numbered Chem 800-805 during the term in which the seminar is to be given. A grade of
“Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” is given on the presentation. The student should contact the appropriate
subarea/cluster coordinator at the beginning of the term to arrange for the seminar date and time and to discuss the
format and topic of the seminar.
Participation in the departmental seminars is required. In addition to presenting a seminar, all students are minimally
expected to regularly attend the seminar series associated with their area of interest. However, seminars relevant to
a person’s interest and/or research (e.g., materials Chemistry or biologically related Chemistry) may appear in either
series. The serious student will take advantage of all learning opportunities, and the seminar series represent
excellent sources of up-to-date results and ideas.
Other Registration Information
The residency (time enrolled as a graduate student in our program) requirement for the Ph.D. degree provides for a
minimum of seven terms of study and research beyond the bachelor’s degree. A student is considered full-time with
registration of 9 hours per term for pre-candidates and 8 hours for candidates. One must be registered as a full-time
student during the Fall and Winter terms unless on an approved leave of absence. You are not required to register
for Spring/Summer unless you are defending your dissertation sometime between late May and August.
In electing Chemistry 990, (pre-candidate dissertation research-usually register in the 2
year in addition to
remaining required coursework), the number of hours taken for credit may range from one to eight per term as
approved by the advisor; but a student must register for a total of 9 hours per term prior to candidacy. For
Chemistry 995 (candidate research-usually register in the 3
year and above), the number of registration hours is
fixed at eight and the candidacy tuition fee is fixed (at an amount less than the regular pre-candidate full-time fee).
After passing candidacy, a candidate may register for up to 4 credits per term in addition to 995 without incurring
additional tuition.
Registration is required of any person using University facilities (classes, laboratories, libraries, computing center,
consultations with faculty, etc.) in progress toward a degree, with the exception of Spring/Summer terms. During
Spring/Summer you only need to register if you defend between May and August. You must register for the entire
Spring/Summer term, regardless of which month you defend.
General Course Requirement Information - All Areas
Students entering with previous graduate credit from other universities in the U.S. may be excused from some of the
preceding Chemistry course requirements by petitioning the Graduate Committee, but in any case, the minimum
requirement will be one graduate lecture course in the student’s major field in Chemistry and one in any field in
Chemistry. The Graduate Committee and the student’s Dissertation Committee both are charged with the
responsibility to see that the individual student has a program of course work that is both broadly supportive of
his/her specialized field of study and also indicative of the breadth and range of interest which the graduate student
may need to call upon.
One of the requirements of the Department is for a student to be “in good standing (see ‘Good Standing Policy’
section). Part of being in ‘good standing’ means that the student must maintain a grade point average of B (3.0 on
a 4.0 scale) or better. Credit in independent research (Chem 990, 995) and seminar courses do not count in the
GPA. Grades in both research and seminar courses accepted by the Graduate School are S (satisfactory) and U
An Incomplete grade may be assigned to a student only if the unfinished part of the student’s work is small, the
work is unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor, and the student’s standing in the course is a “B” grade or
UM Chemistry
higher. Grades of Incomplete can be changed to letter grades only if the incomplete work is made up within the
time frame allowed by the instructor. Check in the Rackham website for specific information on the incomplete
policy. “I” or “E” grades are not accepted for research rotation (Chem 597) and research courses (Chem 990, 995).
Research Requirements
Choice of Research Advisor
The choice of a Research Advisor generally occurs after the second term of enrollment. The formal steps preceding
the choice include:
1. All first year graduate students are required to take two terms of the research rotation course, one in the fall
and one in the winter (Chem 597) to gain practical lab experience. The purpose of this rotation course is to
acquaint the students with the research efforts of the faculty they are primarily interested in. Rotation
assignments are to help students decide which lab they may want to join at the end of the winter term.
Graduate students must rotate in two different labs. Exceptions are rare and must be presented to the
Graduate Committee for approval.
2. At the time of the first term counseling during Orientation, each student should discuss with their advisor
on the Graduate Committee his/her research focus and interests. A Rotation Selection form will be in the
Orientation folder. All students will interview at least five professors. Student should interview all
assistant professors in their field of interest as well. This will allow incoming students to meet potential fall
research advisors and allow them to become aware of the research going on in the department. Toward the
end of the fall term, the student will decide on the second winter term rotation in a similar fashion.
3. During Orientation, students are also required to attend the Graduate Research Awareness Seminar
Program (GRASP) given by faculty.
4. Until a research advisor is officially selected, the student should discuss any questions or problems with
his/her Graduate Committee area advisor or the Chair of the Graduate Committee. After the research
advisor is chosen, questions regarding course work, career objectives and goals, or any other concerns
should be directed to the Research Advisor. However, the members of the Graduate Committee are always
available for consultation, as are the staff in the Student Services office.
5. Near the end of the Winter term, after the rotations have been completed and the student has decided on
his/her choice for Ph.D. advisor, he/she will submit an online research advisor selection form to the
Graduate Student Services Office. The Graduate Committee will assist with advising issues, including the
choice of a permanent advisor.
6. Formal approval by the Graduate & Department Chairs is required before the student is admitted to the
research advisor’s group. The student and the Research Advisor are jointly responsible for fulfilling the
Departmental and Graduate School requirements for the Ph.D. degree. The Advisor’s responsibilities
begin at the time of his/her agreement to accept the student into his/her group. In addition to supervising
the research, the Research Advisor is expected to guide the student on course elections, examinations,
independent study pertinent to his/her general development as a scientist, and any other matters affecting
his/her general progress toward a degree.
Forming a Dissertation Committee
A Dissertation Committee should be assembled by each graduate student in consultation with his/her Research
Advisor early in the second year, before the candidacy exam. The composition of the Committee should be reported
to the Graduate Student Services Office, by submitting the Departmental Dissertation Committee form, as soon as it
is formed so it can be recorded at the Graduate School. The Research Advisor serves as Chair and shares with the
Committee the responsibilities of guiding the student toward the doctoral degree. All Dissertation Committees must
consist of at least four members, including the Research Advisor/Dissertation Committee Chair. At least two of the
Committee members must be from Chemistry. At least one member (cognate) must be out of the Department (such
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
as Chemical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Pharmacy, Materials Science and Engineering, etc.). There are
particular rules regarding who can serve as a cognate member, ask the Graduate Program Coordinator if you have
any questions.
Functions of the Dissertation Committee
A meeting of the Dissertation Committee is required by the Department before the student can be advanced to
candidacy. The Research Advisor and student are responsible for calling the meeting. For all students, the
candidacy meeting is an examination and must be taken by May 31
of the second year.
The Dissertation Committee consults with the student and the Research Advisor as may be appropriate with respect
to the student’s development, as indicated by his/her course work, seminar participation, and experience in
examinations and research performance.
In the aggregate, three formal recommendations (and three meetings) are required of the Committee: (1) one for
advancement to candidacy which is made on a departmental form specifically approving the total program of
courses or indicating remaining expected courses (this form will be given to you from the Graduate Student
Services Office prior to your candidacy exam); (2) one for a Data Meeting to discuss if the student has gathered
enough data to write a thesis satisfying the requirement of scientific merit and (3) one for acceptance of the
dissertation certified on the form supplied by the Graduate School prior to the Oral/Thesis Defense.
The information needed by the Committee comes from consultations its members may have with the student,
advisor, and from the:
o Summary of the student’s academic record
o Meeting of the Dissertation Committee held at the student’s Candidacy Exam
o Progress reports of the research submitted by the student.
Later information comes from:
o Data Meeting
o Review of the written dissertation
o Final meeting of the Dissertation Committee (“thesis defense”) for approval of the dissertation and
the degree
Candidacy Oral Examination
Admission to candidacy is required to take place by May 31
of the second year. Early candidacy is advantageous to
be eligible for reduced tuition and for certain grants and fellowships administered by the Graduate School or the
Chemistry Department. As a requirement for good academic standing, students must advance to candidacy by May
of their second year.
Before admission to candidacy can be recommended, the following requirements need to be met:
Pass the cognate course requirement by the end of the term that you are advancing to candidacy.
Achieve 3.0 or better grade point average (graded courses only).
Choose a Research Director/Advisor.
Have a Dissertation Committee appointed.
Pass the oral examination.
Be formally recommended for candidacy by the Dissertation Committee.
NOTE: Students advancing to candidacy in the Winter of their 2nd year must have completed all the courses
required by their cluster and cognates by the end of winter term. Students advancing to candidacy in the Fall
term must have completed at minimum all but 1 of the courses required by their cluster, as well as the
cognates, by the end of Fall term. If a student is unable to meet these deadlines they should petition the
Graduate Committee for an exception.
UM Chemistry
Data Meeting
In this meeting, the student must present a detailed discussion of his/her data in a clear and logical fashion, including
major conclusions, and a detailed outline of the thesis. **See page 11 for more information.
The regulations governing the preparation of the dissertation are located on Rackham Dissertation website
( The subject matter of the dissertation is to be presented
at a public seminar (Thesis Defense) in the last term of the student’s program. The student is responsible for setting
up his/her thesis defense in consultation with his/her Dissertation Committee.
The Department requires that the student present a detailed outline of the dissertation before actual writing begins at
a pre-defense Data Meeting. At this point, if the Committee agrees, the candidate will then begin putting the thesis
together. The dissertation must be submitted in draft form (i.e., before the final typing and final reproduction of
figures) to the members of the Dissertation Committee for their suggestions at least two weeks prior to the defense.
Modifications are much easier to make at this stage.
Beginning with the 2012-13 academic year, all dissertations will be submitted electronically to Rackham during the
post-defense meeting. The final digital copy will be the copy of record. To submit your dissertation, you will access
the Rackham dissertation online submission website. You will be asked to provide bibliographic keywords, or tags,
that describe the content of your dissertation, including subject, concepts, theory and methods. These will help
others to find and retrieve your dissertation. You will copy your abstract to the website and upload a PDF of the
final digital copy of your dissertation. The staff of Rackham’s Academic Records and Dissertations will review your
submission, and may require you to make final changes before the submission is approved. No further changes will
be allowed once the dissertation is approved and submitted. Rackham will hold your dissertation until your degree is
conferred (which happens three times a year in April, August, and December). After your degree is conferred,
Rackham will forward your dissertation as the copy of record to Deep Blue (, the
permanent digital repository of the University Library.
The Graduate School establishes deadlines related to finishing the degree requirements. The first is related to the
intended final term of enrollment. Full candidacy tuition must be paid in the term in which the final examination is
held, but a grace period is allowed under which the examination may be held within about 30 days after the end of
the term without paying additional fees. This grace period or 2
“extended” deadline does not require formal
request or approval, but the degree conferral date changes. The exact dates and conditions of the deadlines are
posted each term in 1500 Chemistry and can be found at
“Good Standing” Policy
A graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Michigan will be considered in “good
standing” if he/she complies with all rules and regulations of the University, the College and the Department and
performs the duties of his/her appointment as a GSI, GSRA or fellow in a professional and timely manner and if the
following conditions are also met:
1. The student must maintain an overall GPA of greater than or equal to 3.00 for all academic courses taken,
including cognate courses, throughout their residence in the program.
2. The student must take two terms of Graduate Research rotation course (Chem 597) and receive a passing grade
in both terms.
3. The student must find a mentor who will agree to oversee their Ph.D. research by the beginning of the spring
term (May 1) of their first year in residence.
*Under special circumstances, and with the approval of the Graduate Committee, the student may elect to
enroll in a third research rotation during the Spring term. If so, the student must finalize the choice of their
mentor by July 1 of their first year in residence.
4. The student must achieve Ph.D. candidacy by May 31 of his/her second year in residence. This will involve the
following sequence of events (also see Candidacy Oral Exam section):
a. The student must assemble a suitable Dissertation Committee (faculty will sign form agreeing to serve
on dissertation committee). For students planning to complete their candidacy in FALL term, their
committee must be assembled by October 15. For student planning to complete their candidacy in the
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
WINTER term by February 15. These Dissertation Committee form should be turned in, at a minimum
4 week prior to the candidacy exam.
b. The student must fulfill all minimum course requirements for a Ph.D. degree by the end of the Winter
term of their second year.
c. The student must prepare a written candidacy proposal for his/her Ph.D. research and disseminate to
his/her Dissertation Committee at least 2 weeks prior to their exam. The student must then meet with
his/her Dissertation Committee no later than May 31 of the second year to take the required Oral
Candidacy Exam. In the event that the student does not pass the Oral Exam on his/her first attempt
they will then not be in good standing. The student will have until August 31 of that year to take the
exam again, pass and regain good standing status.
5. The student must receive Satisfactory (S) grades for all terms enrolled in Chem 990 or Chem 995. If a student
receives an Unsatisfactory grade in Chem 995, this will trigger an immediate meeting of the Dissertation
Committee to review the student’s progress, and report back to the Graduate Committee. Based on this report,
the Graduate Committee may determine that the student is not in “Good Standing” and recommend dismissal
from the program. Alternatively, the Graduate Committee may recommend that the student find a new mentor.
6. The student must receive a “Satisfactory” or “Marginal” assessment of progress by their Ph.D. mentor on their
Annual Evaluation that is to be prepared by the student and advisor by May 15 of each year.
a. If the student receives a ‘Marginal’ rating on the Annual Evaluation, a re-evaluation must be
completed by August 15
of that year. If a student receives an ‘Unsatisfactory' rating on their re-
evaluation, this will trigger an immediate meeting of their Dissertation Committee who must meet with
the student by September 15 of that year to review the student’s progress, and report back to the
Graduate Committee. If the Graduate Committee agrees that the student is NOT making good progress,
then the student is automatically no longer in good standing in the graduate program. The student
would then have two options, (1) to change research groups or (2) to have a second dissertation
committee meeting to re-evaluate their program; either option must be completed by December 15 of
that year. If the dissertation committee re-evaluates the student and finds that they are still not making
satisfactory progress the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the fall term.
b. If a student receives an ‘Unsatisfactory/Not Making Sufficient Progress’ rating on the Annual
Evaluation, this will trigger an immediate meeting of their dissertation committee who must meet with
the student by June 15 of that year to review the student’s progress, and report back to the Graduate
Committee. If the Graduate Committee agrees that the student is NOT making good progress, then the
student is automatically no longer in good standing in the graduate program. The student would then
have two options, (1) to change research groups or (2) to have a second committee meeting to re-
evaluate their program; either option must be completed by August 15 of that year. If the dissertation
committee re-evaluates the student and finds that they are still not making satisfactory progress (either
an insufficient or marginal rating) the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the
summer term.
7. In addition to the general requirements cited above, the student must also fulfill all requirements (e.g., seminars,
research proposals, etc.) set by the sub-area of chemistry that they choose to pursue as a graduate student in the
Approved by Graduate Committee May 2015
UM Chemistry
Masters Degree
The M.S. degree is distinguished from the Ph.D. degree by the fact that it is a degree related to course work. It is not
considered to be on the pathway to a Ph.D. degree. Any Ph.D. student who fulfills the M.S. requirements may apply
for this coursework degree.
The requirements for a Master’s degree are:
24 course credits
“B” (3.0) cumulative grade point average or higher
Satisfactorily complete two graduate-level courses outside of Chemistry (cognate requirement is four hours
of course credit).
Meet all Area/Cluster Requirements.
The 24 credit hours may include up to 6 credit hours of graduate research (Chem 597). In addition, seminar courses
numbered 800-805 will be counted only once. Chem 990 and Chem 995 do not count towards the 24 credits for the
Masters Degree. A formal application must be filed with the Graduate School when the degree requirements have
been met in order for the degree to be awarded (Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator to initiate the process).
NOTE: Students entering with a Master’s degree from another institution cannot apply courses used to obtain the
first M.S. toward a M.S. from Michigan. Furthermore, previous M.S. degree requirements must be substantially
different from the Michigan M.S. degree requirements in order that a Michigan M.S. be awarded. An example of a
substantially different previous M.S. degree is one based on a Master’s research thesis. The M.S. thesis must be
presented before approval for a Michigan M.S. degree will be granted.
Chronology of Ph.D. Degree
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
lab for
(end of
2 courses
First Year
Fall/Winter: Take two courses per semester and perform research rotations in two different labs
Spring/Summer: Identify lab for Ph.D. research, full-time research
Second Year
Fall/Winter: Compete remaining courses, perform research in Ph.D. lab,
Fall/Winter: Assemble Dissertation Committee, prepare for and pass the candidacy exam
Spring/Summer: Full-time research
Third and Fourth Years
Fall/Winter: present 2 credit student seminar during the 3
year (timing and details of seminar requirement vary
slightly between clusters)
Continue full-time dissertation research
Fourth/Fifth Years
With the Dissertation Committee, have the Data Meeting (8
Semester Meeting)
Write and defend thesis
Candidacy exams
are due by end of
Winter term
Organic students: submit and defend an original research proposal
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Current Graduate Course Offerings
Descriptions of Authorized Courses
The offerings in any given term should be checked in the current time schedule
( The entries below give the course number, title, credit hours, prerequisites and
description of each course offered by the Chemistry Department. Chemistry courses cross-listed with other
departments may be counted as a cognate course.
NOTE: The prerequisite courses listed below refer to the undergraduate Chemistry courses taught in the Department
and are meant for undergraduates intending to take graduate courses. Graduate students should have completed
similar undergraduate courses or performed well on area qualifiers. To compare your undergraduate course with
Michigan’s, check the Undergraduate Course Guide ( for prerequisite course
415 Responsible Conduct in Chemical Research (1 hr.) Every discipline at the University of Michigan engages in
research. The approach to performing research varies significantly between disciplines. Half of the course will be
discipline-specific research methods and half will be the responsible conduct of research (RCR). This course will
teach research methods for the natural sciences. Topic areas include:
appropriate citation of sources and avoiding plagiarism
authorship and publication practices and responsibilities
acquisition, management, ownership and sharing of data
research misconduct, including data fabrication and falsification
personal, professional and financial conflicts of interest
supervisory and mentoring relationships and responsibilities
responsibilities of collaborative research
protection of human beings and welfare of laboratory animals when research involves human participants
and animal subjects.
This will include an overview of example research projects, the methods for performing research, and the tools
needed. The mechanisms for communicating research, such as conferences, articles, papers and books will be
discussed. In addition there are areas common to conducting research in any discipline, such as appropriate citation
of sources, authorship practices, acquisition, management and sharing of data.
505 / BIOLCHEM 505. Nucleic Acids Biochemistry. (3 hrs.) This course will provide a high-level overview on
the structure, function and biology of nucleic acids. After gaining a high-level background in nucleic acid structure
and their interactions with proteins, we will study important RNA-based biological processes, including pre-mRNA
splicing, translation, RNAI and RNA decay.
507 Inorganic Chemistry. (3 hrs.) The main topics include: fundamentals of group theory and applications in
atomic and molecular structure, molecular vibrations, spectroscopic selection rules, and chemical reactivity;
Fundamentals of coordination Chemistry, ligand field theory, molecular orbital theory and reaction mechanisms; and
Applications of these concepts to contemporary problems in inorganic Chemistry, which have previously included
bioinorganic, organometallics and inorganic materials Chemistry.
508 Advanced Bioinorganic Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 302, 303 or equivalent. This course provides an
introduction to the roles that metals play in biological systems such as metalloproteins, metalloenzymes and metal
nucleic acid complexes. Using principles from inorganic Chemistry, a detailed understanding of the coordination
Chemistry and function of transition metals in the context of biological systems will be obtained.
511 / MATSCIE 510 Materials Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 430 or 461 or BIOLCHEM 415. This course presents
concepts in materials Chemistry. The main topics covered include structure and characterization, macroscopic
properties and synthesis and processing.
515 / MACROMOL 518 Organometallic Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Systematic consideration of modern aspects of
organometallic chemistry including main group and transition metal complexes. The structure and bonding in
organometallic compounds are covered. Particular emphasis is placed on applications of homogeneous
organometallic catalysis in polymer synthesis, industrial processes, and synthetic organic Chemistry.
520 / BIOPHYS 520 Theory and Methods. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 420, 463 or BIOLCHEM 415. Methods of Biophysical
Chemistry --- This course provides an overview of key methodologies of contemporary biophysics and biophysical
Chemistry. Principles of structure determination by X-ray diffraction, solution and solid-state NMR and electron
microscopy will be covered. A variety of optical spectroscopic techniques, including UV/Vis, fluorescence, circular
UM Chemistry
dichroism and cell imaging will be discussed. Methods for the separation and study of biological macromolecules
and membranes including utracentrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, mass spectometry and calorimetry
will be introduced.
521 / BIOPHYS 521 Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 430, 461 or BIOLCHEM 415. This
course is team-taught and is the second of a two-term biophysical Chemistry series, BIOPHYS 520/521, but it can
be taken as a stand-alone course. BIOPHYS 521 provides an overview of the theory and application of
spectroscopical techniques of UV/Vis, IR, Fluorescence, Single Molecule Detection, CD, and NMR. Other topics
covered include X-ray crystallography, computational methods, light scattering, ultracentrifugation. When possible,
hands-on opportunities in applying some of these techniques will be offered.
525 / CHEMBIO 525 Chemical Biology I. (3hrs.) Exploration of the application of chemical principles to biology.
Together with CHEM 526, this constitutes a comprehensive one year introduction to the field of chemical biology.
526 / CHEMBIO 526 Chemical Biology II. (3hrs.) Exploration of the application of chemical principles to
biology. Together with CHEM 525, this constitutes a comprehensive one year introduction to the field of chemical
528 / BIOLCHEM 528 / MEDCHEM 528 Biology and Chemistry of Enzymes. (2 hrs.) Prereq. 501 or
BIOLCHEM 550. This course will explore the roles of organic and organometallic cofactors in biology. Topics
covered will be cofactor assembly, cofactors as sensors, and cofactors in enzyme Chemistry, with an emphasis on
modulation of cofactor reactivity by complexation with the protein. The lectures will be complemented by assigned
reading material from the primary literature and will assume basic familiarity with bioorganic Chemistry.
536 / MACROMOL 536. Laboratory in Macromolecular Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 535 or Phys
418/permission. Experimental methods for the study of macromolecular materials in solution and in bulk state.
538 Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules. (3 hrs.) The preparation, reactions, and properties of high
molecular weight polymeric materials of both natural and synthetic origin.
540 Organic Principles. (3 hrs.) Mechanisms of organic chemical reactions, stereochemistry, and conformational
analysis. The important types of organic reactions are discussed. Basic principles are emphasized; relatively little
attention is paid to the scope and synthetic applications of the reactions.
541 Advanced Organic Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 540. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. The scope and limitations
of the more important synthetic reactions are discussed within the framework of multi-step organic synthesis.
542 Application of Physical Methods to Organic Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Applications of infrared, ultraviolet,
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, optical rotatory dispersion/circular dichroism spectroscopy, mass
spectrometry and other physical methods to the study and identification of the structure and reactions of organic
543 Organic Mechanisms. (3 hrs.) Students will learn to propose and write reasonable mechanisms for organic
reactions, including complex multi-step processes. Knowledge of the details of the fundamental organic reaction
processes will also be gained.
548 New Frontiers at the Chemistry/Biology Interface. (1 hr.) Students attend seminars that describe topics at
the frontiers of Chemistry and Biology.
550 / EDUC 550 Chemistry Education. (3 hrs.) Chemistry Education Research and Practice. This course will
prepare future secondary and post-secondary chemistry educators to translate chemistry education research into
effective classroom practice. Students will read and critically evaluate literature from top Chemistry Education and
Science Education Journals. Students will learn about, prepare, and test their own formative and summative
assessments. Students will practice student-centered classroom techniques and reflect on and develop their own
teaching identity and style. Students will learn about issues of diversity and equity and learn strategies to foster
inclusivity in the science classroom.
551 / BIOINF 551 / BIOLCHEM 551 / BIOMEDE 551 / PATH 551 Proteome Informatics. (3 hrs.)
Introduction to proteomics, mass spectrometry, peptide identification and protein inference, statistical methods and
computational algorithms, post-translational modifications, genome annotation and alternative splicing,
quantitative proteomics and differential protein expression analysis, protein-protein interaction networks and
protein complexes, data mining and analysis of large-scale data sets, clinical applications, related technologies such
a metabolomics and protein arrays, data integration and systems biology.
567 / AOSS 567. Chemical Dynamics. (3 hrs.) Prereq.461 or AOSS 479. Chemical Kinetics is the study of the
rates and mechanisms of systems undergoing chemical change. The extraction of rate data from reacting systems
and the utilization of such data in other reacting systems is central to Chemistry in the laboratory and in the
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
practical worlds of combustion science, atmospheric science, and chemical synthesis. This course introduces the
treatment of complex chemical systems and fundamental ideas about chemical reaction rates in gases and in
solutions. Computer software is utilized to treat complex reaction systems.
570 Molecular Physical Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. Permission of Instructor. Designed for non-specialists
lacking a solid background in physical Chemistry. Meets along with Chem 461. Should not be elected by students
specializing in physical Chemistry. This is the second of the three-term physical Chemistry sequence CHEM
260/461/463. CHEM 461 builds on the introduction to quantum mechanics that was given in CHEM 260. Students
will use the Schrödinger Equation in 1-, 2-, and 3 dimensions to solve exactly a series of important chemical
problems including the harmonic oscillator, the rigid rotor, and the hydrogen atom. Group theory is introduced as
an aid for understanding spectroscopic selection rules. Advanced spectroscopy, including transition probabilities,
normal vibrational modes, and photoelectron spectroscopies are introduced and then used to deduce molecular
structure. The valence-bond and molecular orbital theories of chemical bonding are discussed, and methods for
performing quantum chemical calculations, including variational and perturbation methods, are introduced. The
quantum mechanics of spin and angular momentum are discussed and used to interpret magnetic resonance spectra.
571 Quantum Chemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 570. This course is the first of a two-term physical Chemistry series:
Quantum Chem 571/Statistical Mechanics/576. Review of quantum mechanics from a postulational viewpoint;
variational and matrix methods, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory; applications to molecular
systems including potential energy surfaces and reaction pathways.
576 / APPPHYS 576 Statistical Mechanics. (3 hrs.). Constitutes with 571 as a two-term series for students
specializing in physical Chemistry. The foundation of equilibrium statistical mechanics and applications to
problems of chemical interest. Included are discussions of imperfect gases and liquids, mixtures, solids, quantum
statistics, surface Chemistry and polymers.
580 Molecular Spectra and Structure. (3 hrs.) CHEM 580 is an advanced physical Chemistry graduate course on
molecular structure, dynamics and spectroscopy. Tentative list of topics:
1. A survey of quantum Chemistry
2. Quantum dynamics in Hilbert space.
3. Quantum dynamics in Liouville space.
4. Green function/operator techniques.
5. The quantum master equation.
6. Mixed quantum classical dynamics.
7. Electromagnetic radiation and radiation-matter interaction.
8. Optical response.
9. Optical response of a multi-level system governed by a quantum master equation.
10. Mixed quantum-classical approaches for calculating optical response tensors.
11. The Brownian oscillator model.
597 Intro to Graduate Research. (3 hrs.) First year only. All Chemistry Ph.D. students are required to take a first-
year graduate research course both Fall and Winter Academic Terms. This course consists of practical hands-on
experience in a faculty's lab. Students receive training in research methods and techniques necessary for the
successful conduct of dissertation research as the new curriculum changes require.
602 / BIOLCHEM 602 / BIOPHYS 602 / PHRMACOL 602 Protein Crystallography: Principles of
Macromolecular Crystallography. (3 hrs) Fundamentals of the methods for determining 3-dimensional structures
of large molecules by X-ray crystallography. Aimed at students who expect to use crystallography as a major tool
for their research, and at those who want in-depth knowledge of the methods in order to analyze structure data.
616 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. (3 hrs.). (Prereq.: basic knowledge of group theory). The application of
theoretical principles to understand the theoretical background of key optical and vibrational spectroscopic
techniques. These include electronic absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), magnetic circular
dichroism (MCD), Mossbauer, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. In addition, a brief introduction to magnetism
and magnetic susceptibility, and modern quantum-chemical calculations (in particular, density functional theory) is
646 Separation Processes. (3 hrs.) This course will cover theory and practical applications of modern
chromatography, electrophoresis, centrifugation, and other chemical separation methods. Instrumentation and
interface to mass spectrometry will also be covered. This course will be valuable for students of chemical,
biological, or environmental sciences who use separations techniques or who will specialize in the development
of such methods.
UM Chemistry
647 Mass Spectrometry. (3 hrs.) This course is focused on gaining a deep understanding of the physical principles
of this technique, including generation and measurement of high vacuum, sample introduction systems, ionization
methods, ion optics, mass analysis, ion detection, electronics, and data processing. Methods for tandem mass
spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments are also discussed in detail, including collision induced dissociation, surface
induced dissociation, photo dissociation, and techniques involving radical ion Chemistry, e.g., electron capture and
transfer dissociation, as well as implementation of MS/MS on various mass analyzers.
648 Analysis Spectroscopic and Imaging. (3 hrs.) Prereq. 447 or equivalent/permission. Theory, practice and
application of spectrochemical techniques for analysis and research with emphasis on emission and absorption
spectroscopy in the principal regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
649 Electrochemistry. (3 hrs.) Prereq. Permission. The course will introduce and discuss the fundamental
processes necessary for understanding electrochemical systems. The common methods and interpretation of
experimental data will be presented. A description of experimental design and instrumentation will be given. As
time permits, current and special topics in electrochemical research will be discussed.
673 / BIOLCHEM 673. Kinetics and Mechanism. (2 hrs.) Prereq. BIOLCHEM 550 or CHEMBIO 501. This
course will cover the investigation of enzyme mechanisms with an emphasis on kinetic and thermodynamic
methodology, including: ligand binding to macromolecules, transient kinetics, steady-state kinetics, and kinetic
isotope effects. The key kinetic and thermodynamic concepts that govern the action of enzymes, and the thought
processes required to deduce catalytic and kinetic mechanisms will be explored. Topics will be treated from both a
"gut-feeling" and a mathematical perspective, and applications to real systems, including experimental methods,
data analysis, and common errors/fallacies/abuses, will be considered in detail. Because computer methods for
analyzing and simulating data have taken a prominent place in the field, the use of software from kinetics research
will be emphasized through numerous "hands-on" exercises.
720 Chemical Sciences at the Interface of Education Seminar (CSIE). (1 hr.) Prereq. Instructor permission.
Professional Development and Organizational Leadership in Chemistry --- Participants in this seminar will plan,
develop, and implement workshops, seminars, and other relevant sessions for the CSIE / UM and CALC / UM
programs, with an explicit emphasis on developing academic organizational leadership skills.
743-744 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry. (2 hrs.) Prereq. 541. Hetero-organic Chemistry: open chain
nitrogen compounds, organometallic compounds, heterocyclic compounds.
800-805 Individual Student Seminars. (2 hrs, all terms). Prereq. Graduate standing. Every student is required to
present a student seminar on a topic approved by research advisor. Each student must register for this in the term
he/she expects to present it, typically in the fall/winter of the 2
800 Chemical Biology
801 Analytical
802 Inorganic
803 Organic
804 Physical
805 Materials
990 Dissertation Research/Precandidacy. (1-8 hrs. every term except Spring/Summer) Prereq. Instructor
permission. Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate.
995 Dissertation Research/Candidacy. (8 hrs. every term. In Spring/Summer only if defending). Prereq. Instructor
permission. This course number is used for doctoral research by students who have been admitted to candidacy.
Cognate Courses
The Graduate School requirement of at least four cognate credit hours, a minimum of 2 courses total (outside the
department and on the Department approved cognate list) is interpreted to allow courses in departments whose
subject matter is related in some significant way to chemical professional interests. Please consult with a Graduate
Committee advisor or your Research Advisor for additional courses. See list below for the approved cognates.
Check the time schedule for courses offered in a particular term. If there is a course that you would like to take that
is not on this list, you must send an email to the Graduate Program Coordinator with a paragraph stating why you
would like to take the course and attach the syllabus for the course and a statement from your advisor saying they
support your petition. The petition will then be taken to the Graduate Committee for approval and you will be
notified of the decision. This must all be done BEFORE you register for the course.
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Cognates are intended to enhance the scientific training of each graduate student. Exceptions to the approved
cognate course list are made by the Graduate Committee. Courses from the following areas are usually approved for
cognate credit:
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, Biology, Biological Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Environmental and Industrial Health, Geological Science, Macromolecular Science,
Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Nuclear Engineering,
Physics, Statistics
(This is just a guide. These courses may/may not be available. Please consult the time schedule.)
524/525 Foundations in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
527 Introduction to Bioinformatics
528 Advanced Applications of Bioinformatics
545 Molecular Genomic and Epigenetic Data Analysis
551 Proteome Informatics
515 Intro to Biochemistry
530 Structural Biology in Solution (Protein Interactions?)
550 Macro Mol Structure and Function
640 Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation
650 Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
660 Protein Biochemistry
503 Macromolecular NMR Spectroscopy
520 Methods and Theory
521 Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry
602 Principles of Macromolecular Crystallography
608 Biophysical Principles of Microscopy
501 Introduction to Biostatistics
581 Biostatistical Modeling in Clinical Research
554 Cancer Pathogenesis and Treatment
530 Cell Biology
682 Organogenesis of a Complex Tissue
470 Colloids and Interfaces
512 Physical Polymers
527 Fluid Flow
528 Reactor Engineering
538 Statistical and Irreversible Thermodynamics
542 Transport Phenomena
696 Selected Topics: Hydrogen Technology I: Production and Storage
401 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
451 Atmospheric Dynamics I
463 Air Pollution Meteorology
UM Chemistry
467 Biogeochemistry
473 Climate Physics
479 Atmospheric Chemistry
422 Principles of Geochemistry
455 Determinative Methods in Mineralogical and Inorganic Materials
478 Geochemistry of Natural Waters
Learning Theory
831 Theory and Research on Learning and Instruction in Science
832 Theory and Research Development in Science Teaching
606 Developmental and Psychological Perspectives on Education
662 Learning and Development in Higher Education
708 Cognition and Instruction in the Classroom
710 Learning, Thinking, and Problem Solving
791 Foundations of Teaching and Learning
695.Research and Educational Practice
705.Evaluating Educational and Social Programs
Instructional Design
834 Designing Science Learning Environments
626 Principles of Software Design for Learning
Other general classes
864 The American College Student
762 Curriculum in Postsecondary Education
640 Independent Study in Educational Studies
402 Computer Programming for Scientists & Engineers
413 Monolith Amplifier Circuits
414 Introduction to Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
434 Principles of Photonics
470 Computer Architecture
537 Classical Optics
598 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
570 Water Quality Assessment & Management
574 Environmental Chemistry
576 Microbiology in Environmental Health
582 Principles of Community Air Pollution
652 Evaluation of Chemical Hazards
672 Life Cycle Assessment: Human health and environmental impacts
874 Aerosol Chemistry, Physics and Impacts
599.030 Project Management
541 Molecular Genetics
518 Organometallic Chemistry
536 Laboratory in Macromolecular Chemistry
538 Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
410 Biomedical Materials Considerations
412 Polymeric Materials
465 Chemical and Structural Characterization of Materials
500 Materials Physics & Chemistry
512 Polymer Physics
514 Composite Materials
515 Mechanical Behavior of Solid Polymetric Materials
517 Advanced Functional Polymers
535 Kinetics, Phase Transformations and Transport
555 Nanostructures of Energy Conversion and Storage
560 Structure of Materials
562 Electron Microscopy I
404 Differential Equations
416 Theory of Algorithms
417 Matrix Algebra I
419 Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory
420 Matrix Algebra II
425 Intro to Probability
450 Advanced Math for Engineers
451 Advanced Calculus I
555 Intro to Complex Variables
556 Applied Functional Analysis
590 Topology/Geometry
599 Molecular Fundamentals of Energy Conversion
599 Introduction to BioMEMS and Microfluidics
532 Bioorganic Principles
534 Modern Techniques in Drug Discovery & Development
504 Cellular Biotechnology
540 Immunology
640 Molecular and Cellular Immunology
610 Principles Neuroscience I (cross-listed with NeuroSci 601)
441 Nuclear Reactor Theory I
442 Nuclear Power Reactors
515 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory
521 Radiation Materials Science I
522 Radiation Materials Science II
590 Special Topics II: Methods & Practice in Scientific Compution
NRE 501 Science and Management of Great Lakes
612 Seminar in Antimicrobial and Cancer Pharmacology
615 Molecular Neuropharmacology
620 Business of Biology
621 Translational Pharmacology: From Drug Discovery to Therapeutics
UM Chemistry
701 Physiochemical Concepts of Drug Development and Delivery
706 Biologic Products: Recombinant Proteins, Cell Therapies and Biosimilars
576 Signal Transduction (WI terms only)
731 Physiological Psychology (Drug Abuse, Brain & Behavior section only)
401 Intermediate Mechanics
402 Light
405 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
406 Statistical and Thermal Physics
411 Introduction to Computational Physics
417 Macromolecular and Biophysics I
441 Advanced Laboratory I
463 Introduction to Solid State Physics
425 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
500 Statistics
Revised 8/2017
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Financial Support
The Chemistry Department is committed to providing all graduate students full financial support for up to five
years of their graduate program tenure. This support frees the student to concentrate on research and full-time
study. Students receive aid through a combination of teaching or research assistantships and fellowships that
provide tuition, excellent health care benefits, and stipend. Students must be making satisfactory progress toward
the Ph.D. degree to be eligible for support. Graduate students holding at least a quarter-time appointment as a
Graduate Student Instructor or Graduate Student Research Assistant will have the full tuition waived. Unless
covered by a fellowship, students pay the registration, lab and student fees each term.
Fellowship support may be in the form of a fellowship awarded directly to the student by a national agency or
research foundation (e.g., NSF), by the Department, the University, or Rackham.
Rackham Fellowships, Awards, Grants & Scholarships.
Rackham provides a variety of faculty nominated, Department nominated, and student initiated funding
opportunities. Selection of departmental nominees is made by the Chemistry Department Graduate Committee.
These fellowships are typically awarded on the basis of scholastic record and the student’s research achievements.
Follow the link at the following site for detailed guidelines for each competition, including eligibility requirements,
nomination forms and selection criteria:
Fellowships Awarded by the Chemistry Department. These include industrial, Rackham, and endowed
fellowships, in addition to traineeships.
Chemistry Graduate Student Instructorships (GSIs).
This appointment is made to qualified Chemistry graduate students (and to those in closely-related fields) who have
an aptitude and interest in teaching. The conditions of this appointment are governed by the agreement which exists
between the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) and the University
( The standard half-time appointment calls for an average
of eight contact hours per week and up to 20 hours per week for all teaching-related activities. These hours include,
in addition to actual contact time, preparation, grading, attending staff meetings, office hours and similar duties. All
Graduate Student Instructors are required to attend a Chemistry Department GSI training program during
Orientation. This is given the week before Labor Day. In addition to the Department’s GSI training,
all international students (with some exceptions) are required to take a 3-week training course and Oral English Test
through the English Language Institute (
at-the-um.html), usually given in July/August.
Chemistry Graduate Student Research Assistantships (GSRAs).
Research assistantships are provided by a Research Advisor from grant funds under his/her supervision. In those
cases where the student will be engaged in his/her dissertation research, full-time activity is expected; otherwise,
conditions of the appointment are governed by the standard employment practices of the University.
Travel Funds. The Rackham Graduate School provides up to $800-$1,050 for travel to domestic (up to $1300
for international) professional conferences and meetings. You can only receive one travel grant per fiscal year
(July 1 June 30). Refer to Rackham’s website for detailed information and forms to apply for travel funds:
Stipend Payment Schedules
Stipends for teaching and research appointments are paid in four equal installments per term. Checks are available
on the last working day of each. They are mailed to your current address in Wolverine Access
( or directly deposited into your bank account, which can also be set up in
Wolverine Access. Full information is available on your appointment confirmation. Fellowship and training grant
payments are also typically paid monthly, though the payment dates are usually closer to the middle of the month.
Please see the Student Services Manager if you have questions or problems with payments.
UM Chemistry
Supplementary Income
Appointment to a half-time assistantship or to an equivalent fellowship is intended to provide sufficient financial
support to enable a student to devote full time to his/her graduate program. Consequently, a condition of the
appointment is that no outside employment be undertaken other than tutoring. In conditions of unusual financial
stress, such as may result from extra dependents or special circumstances, the student should discuss projected
additional employment with his/her Research Advisor and the Chair of the Graduate Committee.
Tutoring not only offers the graduate student a chance to obtain a small supplementary income, but also offers a
chance to better his/her teaching methods and to review the basics of a particular course. At the beginning of the
semester, a questionnaire will be sent out to determine each graduate student’s willingness to tutor and his/her
preference for specific courses. A composite of the results will be made available to all undergraduate students. It
should be stressed that there are no recommendations made on these sheets. The principal restriction on tutoring is
that Graduate Student Instructors must not tutor students enrolled in the course in which they are teaching.
Loan funds administered through the Office of Financial Aid ( are available to meet
the needs of any educational expense for students while enrolled in the University. The extent of this financial need
must be clearly established by providing a complete statement of the applicant’s financial resources and expenses
for the academic year.
Loans are NOT available for any non-educational expense which is normally financed by a commercial lending
institution, nor are they available for the repayment of previously incurred indebtedness. The graduate college does
have a Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Fund (
students/funding/student-application/graduate-student-emergency-funds) that is intended to help meet the financial
needs of Rackham graduate students who encounter an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen
expenses during their degree program.
Income Tax Liability
Current practice is subject to review by the IRS and may change at any time. Graduate Student Instructor and
Graduate Student Research Assistantship stipends are considered salary for services performed and, as such, are
subject to withholding and income tax. Under the income tax law of 1986, stipends for fellowships and other forms
of student aid are subject to income tax and must be reported quarterly. It is the student’s responsibility to report
fellowship/award aid to the IRS.
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
In addition to your Advisor, the Student Services staff, the Graduate Committee (including the Chair), and the
Rackham Graduate School staff, there are many resources on campus to help you succeed in the Chemistry Ph.D.
Mentoring Resources
How to Get the Mentoring You Want
A general guide for graduate students about the importance of the student-mentor relationship.
Mentoring Others Results in Excellence (MORE)
inclusion/mentoring A senior faculty committee providing information and resources on mentoring to
students and faculty.
Selected Campus Academic Resources
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)
CRLT offers programs and services designed to support graduate students in all stages of their teaching careers
from training for their first teaching experience through preparation for the academic job market.
Preparing Future Faculty Conference
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate
Seminars for Graduate Student Instructors
Sweetland Center for Writing
The Sweetland Center for Writing supplements formal writing instruction by providing free programs that help
students understand assignments, develop ideas, support arguments and claims, cite sources, and revise at the
paragraph and sentence level.
Writing workshops
Writing references and resources
Peer tutoring
Dissertation Writing Institute
English Language Institute (ELI)
The English Language Institute offers opportunities for students to participate in courses and workshops aimed
at improving their language and communication skills.
English for Academic Purposes Courses
Writing Clinics
English Learning Links
Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR)
CSCAR emphasizes an integrated, comprehensive statistical consulting service, covering all aspects of a
quantitative research project ranging from the initial study design through to the presentation of the final
research conclusions.
Workshops and seminars
Software help
Software access
Spatial Analysis/GIS
Scholar Space
Scholar Space teaches individuals how to use technology in coursework, teaching, or research.
One-on-one technology consultations
Digitalization of documents
University of Michigan Library
MLibrary supports, enhances, and collaborates in the instructional, research, and service activities of the
faculty, students, and staff, and contributes to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving,
communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge.
Borrowing and circulation
Course reserves
Instruction and workshops
Selected Sources of Campus Support
The Career Center is committed to preparing U-M students and alumni to be active, life-long learners in
developing and implementing their career decisions.
UM Chemistry
Center for the Education of Women (CEW+) offers support services to students, faculty, staff and
community members.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a variety of confidential services to help students
resolve personal difficulties. Services include brief counseling for individuals, couples and groups.
Department of Recreational Sports is the place for fun and fitness on campus. Rec Sports offers both
informal activities and structured programs: Club Sports, Challenge Program, Drop-in Program, Intramural
Sports and/or Outdoor Adventures.
International Center provides a variety of services to assist international students, scholars, faculty and staff.
Psychological Clinic provides psychological care for students. Services include consultation, short-term and
long-term therapy for individual adults and couples.
Department of Public Safety (DPS) provides information on crime prevention strategies, the law enforcement
authority of the University police, and policies and statistics about crime on campus.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) provides educational and supportive services for
the University of Michigan community related to sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, sexual
harassment, and stalking.
Spectrum Center
Spectrum Center provides a comprehensive range of education, information and advocacy services working to
create and maintain an open, safe and inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
students, faculty, and staff, their families and friends, and the campus community at large.
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSWD) provides services to students with visual impairments,
learning disabilities, mobility impairments, hearing impairments, chronic health problems and psychological
disabilities, so they may enjoy a complete range of academic and non academic opportunities.
University Health Service (UHS) is a health care facility, located on central campus that offers many
outpatient services in one building for U-M students, faculty, and staff. Many of UHS services provided to
registered students are covered by the Health Service fee.
Conflict Resolution
Office of the Ombuds is a place where student questions, complaints and concerns about the functioning of the
University can be discussed confidentially in a safe environment. 6015 Fleming, Phone: (734) 763-3545
Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR) Promotes justice by facilitating conflict resolution for the
Michigan community and creating a just and safe campus climate. 100 Student Activities Building, Phone:
(734) 936-6308.
Rackham Graduate School’s Designated Resolution Officer (RO)
Advises faculty, staff and students on matters related to student emergencies, crisis situations, disputes, and
student conduct violations. The RO also provides information about Graduate School and University policies
and procedures, makes referrals, and provides resources when appropriate.
**For a more comprehensive list of ‘Mental Health and Wellness’ resources, please see:
Leave of Absence Policy
Effective Fall 2010, Ph.D. students may request a temporary leave of absence when certain life events prevent
continued active participation in their degree program. The policy enables students to officially suspend work
toward their degree for a limited time.
Students may request a leave of absence as early as six months prior to the term the leave is to start. A leave will be
granted to students for illness (either physical or mental) or injury, to enable them to provide care or assistance for
family or dependents, to allow them to meet military service obligations, or for other personal reasons.
See Rackham’s Leave of Absence Policy for a checklist for graduate students, faculty and staff.
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
The issuance of keys to the Chemistry Building carries with it the following responsibilities:
1. Keys will not be issued to undergraduates students.
2. Keys must be returned to the Key Office upon graduation or when no longer needed. Key deposits are
$20.00 per key.
3. Lost keys must be reported promptly to Tracy Stevenson, Room 1500c.
4. No duplicates are to be made or allowed to be made from keys issued to individuals.
5. The holder of a key must not permit the use of that key by unauthorized persons, nor must he/she use that
key to admit unauthorized persons.
Building Use Regulations
The Chemistry Building customarily is open from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday and from 11:30 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 11:30 am to 10 pm on Sunday. It is accessible via MCard access. It is closed on
holidays. During times that the building is closed, the University Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) is
responsible for the proper use of the building. They may request identification of all persons in the building during
these hours, together with evidence of authorization for being in the building. DPSS has the authority to request all
unauthorized persons to leave the building at hours when the outside doors are locked. Department rules state that
the doors to all offices and laboratories must be kept locked. This is necessary to prevent entry by unauthorized
persons and reduce the possibility of theft.
Special Rooms
The Departmental Instrument rooms and the “hands-on” instrument laboratories, and other rooms containing
specialized equipment for general use require cooperative procedures. Before using equipment in such rooms for the
first time, obtain instructions as to the proper operating procedures from the appropriate person. Report any damage
or malfunction to the designated person in charge of the equipment or the responsible staff member. At the
conclusion of your work, always clean up the area.
Classes begin at the designated start-time and end 10 minutes before the designated end-time to accommodate
students travelling across campus for classes. Teachers and other persons using classrooms should follow this
schedule so that classes coming into the room can do so on time. It is expected for persons using the blackboards to
clean them before leaving the room for another class.
Bicycles, Rollerblades
These items are for outdoor use and should not to be brought/worn into the building at any time.
At all times, radios and other sound equipment must be kept at a sufficiently low volume so that they do not become
a nuisance. Similarly, conduct in the building should be such as not to interfere with classes or research activities in
progress. The Chemistry Building is a place for study and research. Conditions which interfere with these objectives
should not be allowed to develop.
Emergency and Safety Regulations/Emergency Telephone Numbers
In case of emergency, use a campus-only phone and dial 911, give description and location of emergency. The
Division of Public Safety & Security can also be reached by dialing 3-1131. University-only telephones are
located on the east wall of the lower Atrium and on the wall outside the Administrative Complex (1500). If you
dial 911 on a cell phone, please be sure to tell them you are calling from the University of Michigan Chemistry
UM Chemistry
The Division of Public Safety & Security feels that we should report all fires, since what might appear to be a
small fire could get out of control and a few minutes delay in calling might result in a serious situation. Under
any circumstances, if an extinguisher is used, even partially, Tracy Stevenson (Room 1500c) or Christopher
Peters (Room 1608) should be notified immediately in order to have it refilled before it may be needed again and
if they are not available (after hours/weekend) call 911 and let them know that you used a fire extinguisher to
put out a fire. They will gather some information and may or may not come to inspect the scene.
Alarm System
The building has been equipped with an automatic dual-activated detection system which has both heat and smoke
sensors. The systems may be activated by either type of sensor or by the manual operation of the lever at any of the
standard red alarm boxes.
Upon activation of the system, warning horns sound continuously and the Division of Public Safety & Security
responds by dispatching a campus police officer to investigate the cause of the alarm and by contacting the fire
department, if necessary.
Response to the Fire Alarm
Leave the building at once! Do not assume that it is a false alarm. Do not attempt your own investigation. Class
instructors should direct their students to the nearest exit.
If you have first-hand information, meet the firemen at the loading dock on the north side of the building; otherwise,
stay away from the dock so that emergency vehicles and personnel can get to the building. When the warning horns
shut off AND you receive the “All Clear” command from the Facilities Manager, a Safety Officer with “Fire” vest
or the Chief Administrator, it is then safe to re-enter the building.
The Chemistry Building contains a large amount of dangerous and/or flammable substances and also a great deal of
expensive and delicate equipment. It is therefore particularly vulnerable to petty thievery and to attempts at
malicious mischief. Strangers, and particularly youngsters, can seriously injure themselves by wandering into
hazardous areas. For these reasons, doors to individual office and laboratories areas should always be locked. If
persons are found in areas where they appear to have no business, they should be questioned and directed to the
location they are seeking. If they seem to have no valid reason for being where they are, they should be ushered out
courteously but firmly. Call DPSS (763-1131) if the situation warrants further investigation.
Permission to be in the building during the hours when it is locked (10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. weekdays; 10:00 p.m.
Friday until 7:00 a.m. Monday) is granted to members of the Chemistry Department. The presence of unauthorized
individuals in the building after it is locked should be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety at
763-1131. Particular care should be taken with keys to various rooms in the building and any loss should be
reported immediately. In the case of untoward events such as theft, arson, or vandalism, notify the Division of
Public Safety & Security, using any University phone dialing 911 immediately. Do not call the Ann Arbor Police.
The Department of Public Safety will evaluate the situation and take additional action if necessary.
First-aid treatment for injuries should be limited to common sense emergency treatment only. Examples might
include severe cuts where profuse bleeding dictates the use of compresses or a tourniquet, chemical splashes which
call for immediate flooding with water for 15 minutes followed by washing the exposed area for an additional 15
minutes, chemicals in the eye which should be washed copiously with water (note the drench hoses which are
located throughout the building in the laboratories), and moderate burns for which the best first aid is flooding with
cold water to reduce the flesh temperature.
If there is a relatively minor injury to any individual, notify Christopher Peters immediately. His phone number is
763-4527 and his pager number is 734-651-6289. If he is unavailable, notify Tracy Stevenson at 764-7316.
If the injury has occurred after normal working hours and the individual requires medical attention, call 911 for
transportation to the Emergency Room. If, at any time, there is a life threatening injury, call the Department of
Public Safety (x911) immediately for assistance. Then contact Christopher Peters or Tracy Stevenson and appraise
them of the situation. If an injury occurs after 5pm or on a weekend, a report will need to be filed with Christopher
Graduate Student Handbook • 2019-2020
Peters as soon as possible, contact Chris Peters or Tracy Stevenson immediately to notify them of the accident. If an
injury that requires medical treatment happened to an employee during working hours, the individual will be taken
to M-Works. If an injury happens to a student, the student will be taken to Health Services.
Emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, are located on each floor of the Chemistry Building. Please notify
Tracy Stevenson, Room 1500C (Safety Warden) whenever you see safety equipment which is dislocated or in poor
condition, or if you find a hazardous situation which cannot easily be remedied. No person is permitted to work in
the building alone at any time in the conduct of experiments which could possibly cause burns, blindness, or other
physical disability. Some other person must be near enough to give first-aid and assistance in case of accident
(Buddy Rule). Compliance with this rule often entails considerable cooperation in hours when only a few are
working in the building. It also means that rear and side doors to research rooms in which work is going on should
always be open to allow ready entrance and exit in case of accident.
General Precautions
The general accepted safety principles and practices for the department, and specifically for individual research
laboratories, are contained within the Chemical Hygiene Plans (CHPs) that are located within each respective
research laboratory suite. Familiarization with the contents of this departmental safety manual (CHP) is essential to
working safely in the Chemistry buildings.
Safety glasses or goggles are required to be worn in all laboratories, instrument rooms, chemical storage rooms and
other areas where hazardous work is being performed. Under no circumstances are contact lenses to be worn in an
eye protection area. Safety glasses, including prescription, are available at low or no cost to the individual from the
Department of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health. See Christopher Peters, Room 1608, to obtain the
Federal and State law requires that all containers in which chemicals are stored are to be properly labeled as to their
contents, hazards associated with handling these materials and safety precautions that must be followed. Gas
cylinders, which present a special physical hazard, must be securely fastened to benches, tables and/or walls with
appropriate supports. When stored or not in use, gas cylinders need to have their safety caps in place. Under no
circumstances are cylinders to be stored in the halls. Hoods are critical to the safe operation of a laboratory and the
wellbeing of its occupants. The proper use of the double sash, two speed hoods that are currently in place in the
Department is important to provide a maximum level of safety. Correct operating procedures are posted on each
hood and are described in the Chemical Hygiene Plan. Following these instructions carefully will insure proper
usage of the hoods and maximum safety to the user.
Conservation of resources is critical to the Department and the University. Ensure that all water, nitrogen,
electricity and other utilities are turned off when not in use. All non-rigid lines that carry fluids (water, nitrogen,
etc.) are to be properly fastened with clamps or wire. Reinforced Tygon tubing is recommended.
If an experiment needs to be run overnight or through a weekend, a sign indicating that it is not to be disturbed must
be attached with contact information on it in case of emergency. Security has been known to close water valves and
turn off electricity to equipment left running after hours. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons to be
notified in case of emergencies must be posted on the corridor doors of each laboratory.
Use common sense when working in a laboratory. Remove or repair any and all hazards, be they physical, electrical
or chemical. A safe working environment requires a concerted effort by all parties. If there is a safety problem that
needs to be resolved, notify Christopher Peters (Room 1608) or Tracy Stevenson (Room 1500c).
All maintenance items such as lights out, malfunctioning switches, plugged sinks, leaking radiators, etc., should
be reported to Anson Pesek (CHEM 1612) or to the facilities website Floods
should be reported immediately to Tracy Stevenson or Anson Pesek. If after hours, call 647-2059 and report the
UM Chemistry
Energy Considerations
Chemistry, as one of the most energy-intensive activities in the University, can contribute a great deal toward
holding energy costs down. Everyone in the Department needs to help eliminate wasteful use of energy. Room
lights, particularly in classrooms should be turned off when leaving; furnaces, pumps, heaters of all kinds and other
items of equipment using electrical energy should not be left on for any purpose. Hoods, particularly in teaching
laboratories, should be turned down or off when they are not needed. Hoods are high consumers of energy, not only
because of the energy to operate the fans but also because they exhaust a large volume of tempered air outside the
building. The cooperation of everyone in the building is necessary to keep growing energy costs within bounds.
930 North University Avenue
Chemistry Administrative Complex, Room 1500; Mailboxes, 1500o & 1531.
The first digit gives the floor on which room is located.
The second digit gives the corridor on that floor.
The last two digits give the room number in that corridor.
(Three digit numbers preceded by an “A” are found in the basement.)
The letters on the diagram indicate the locations of the following safety devices:
P - Emergency Phone E - Fire Extinguisher
A - Fire Alarm W -Water Fountain
Stairway Elevator