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The UNC Policy Manual
Adopted 02/10/84
Amended 04/12/00
Amended 04/11/03
Amended 07/01/07
Amended 01/11/08
Amended 02/27/15
Amended 04/15/16
Amended 07/29/16
Amended 03/30/20
Amended 11/18/21
Amended 02/24/22
Amended 04/20/23
Amended 05/23/24
Policy on Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduate Admission for the
University of North Carolina System
I. Purpose. The University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors has, since 1988, established
minimum requirements for undergraduate admission to any constituent institution. These requirements serve
to provide a common set of minimum standards to be considered for admission as an undergraduate student.
Completion of these standards does not guarantee admission to any UNC System institution or program of study.
Exceptions and special considerations to these minimum eligibility requirements are provided in Sections
700.1.1.1[R], 700.1.1.2[R], 700.7.1, and 700.7.1[R] of the UNC Policy Manual.
II. High School Diploma. All students should hold a high school diploma or its equivalent.
III. Minimum Course Requirements. The following courses must be completed at the high school level,
although those courses may be completed at an earlier time (e.g., middle school).
A. English: four course units emphasizing grammar, composition, and literature.
B. Mathematics: four course units in any of the following combinations:
1. Algebra I, algebra II, geometry, and one unit beyond algebra II; or
2. Algebra I, algebra II, and two units beyond algebra II; or
3. Common core math I, II, and III, and one unit beyond common core math III; or
4. Integrated math I, II, III, and one unit beyond integrated math III; or
5. NC Math 1, 2, 3, and one unit beyond NC Math 3 identified as meeting the 4
Students applying to the University of North Carolina School of the Arts must only complete three mathematics courses in
order to be eligible for admission.
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mathematics requirement for admission to UNC System institutions.
C. Science: three course units, including at least:
1. One life science unit (e.g., biology, ecology, zoology); and
2. One non-life science unit (e.g., astronomy, chemistry, earth science, environmental
science, physical science, physics); and
3. One laboratory science unit.
D. Social Studies: two course units, including one unit in U.S. history.
E. Two additional academic courses from English, mathematics, science, social studies, world
languages, or computer science. (Note: these courses should be selected in alignment with a student’s
academic and career objectives. Completion of two sequential world language courses is recommended.)
F. Applicants who require special consideration: Constituent institutions shall develop a policy for
evaluating applications from students who have not completed all minimum course requirements and
shall at least include provisions addressing students with a documented Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) or 504 plan. The institutional policy shall be approved by the board of trustees in accordance with
regulations promulgated by the president.
IV. Recommended Courses. While the minimum course requirements serve as the cornerstone of the
UNC System admissions policy, students are encouraged to pursue a challenging and rigorous high school
curriculum aligned with their academic and career objectives. Completion of the minimum course
requirements does not guarantee admission to any individual UNC System institution. As such, students
should consult with their high school counselor regarding additional courses recommended by individual
UNC System institutions. Additionally, students should:
A. Consider taking the most rigorous courses available at their high school that they can
successfully complete.
B. Ensure to complete an academically challenging course load in their senior year, even if they
have completed the minimum course requirements.
V. High School Grade Point Average and Standardized Test Scores. All applicants for admission, except
those exempted by UNC Policy or regulation, must meet the following criteria for admission.
A. For students entering in the Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 semesters:
1. High School GPA: A minimum weighted GPA of 2.5; or
2. Standardized Test Scores: Students are not required to submit a standardized test score.
If a student does not meet the minimum High School GPA requirement, they may gain admission
An applicant who does not have the unit in U.S. history may be admitted on the condition that at least three semester
hours in that subject be passed by the end of the sophomore (second) year.
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eligibility with a composite ACT score of 19, or combined SAT (mathematics and evidence-based
reading and writing) of 1010.
B. For students entering in the Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 semesters:
1. High School GPA: A minimum weighted GPA of 2.5.
2. Standardized Test Scores: Students with a weighted High School GPA greater than or
equal to 2.50 and less than 2.80 are required to submit a standardized test score (ACT or SAT).
C. For students entering in the Fall 2026 semester and beyond:
1. High School GPA: A minimum weighted GPA of 2.5.
2. Standardized Test Scores: Students with a weighted High School GPA greater than or
equal to 2.50 and less than 2.80 are required to submit a standardized test score of a 17 or
higher on the ACT or a 930 or higher on the SAT.
The chancellor of each respective constituent institution may, subject to the approval of the
president and the Board of Governors, require all students with a weighted High School GPA of
2.80 or greater to also submit a standardized test score. The Board of Governors must grant any
such approval before December 1, two academic years prior to the implementation of the
D. Chancellor’s Exceptions: Chancellors shall develop a policy for evaluating applications from
students who have not met the school grade point average and/or standardized test score
requirements. The maximum number of chancellor’s exceptions is limited to one percent of the total
number of applicants accepted as first-time undergraduates each year, or 75 students, whichever is
greater. The institutional policy shall be approved by the board of trustees in accordance with
regulations promulgated by the president.
VI. Additional Admissions Requirements. Chancellors may identify standards for admission that exceed the
minimums identified in this policy, including but not limited to, essays, letters of recommendation, and higher
high school GPAs or standardized test scores. These requirements shall be approved by the board of trustees in
accordance with regulations promulgated by the president.
VII. Graduates of Cooperative Innovative High Schools (Early College). Each UNC constituent institution must
offer to any student who graduated from a cooperative innovative high school program with an associate degree
and who applies for admission to a constituent institution the option of being considered for admission as a first-
time (freshman) or as a transfer student.
A. The constituent institution shall also provide written information to the student regarding the
consequences that accompany each option and any other relevant information that may be helpful to
the student when considering which option to select.
B. The Board of Governors shall report annually regarding the number of students who graduated
from a cooperative innovative high school program with an associate degree and which option was
chosen by those students when applying for admission to a constituent institution.
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VIII. Graduates of North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM). Each UNC constituent
must offer first-time (freshman) admission to any applicant attending the residential program at
NCSSM. Such offer of admission shall be contingent upon the applicant:
A. Successfully completing all NCSSM graduation requirements and remaining enrolled and in good
standing at NCSSM through the time of the student’s graduation. For the purposes of this policy, “in good
standing” shall mean with no pending disciplinary charges or pending academic violations that could lead
to dismissal as of the date of graduation;
B. Meeting the academic program requirements as outlined in Section 700.1.1.3[R] of the UNC
Policy Manual;
C. Completing all application requirements established by the constituent institution by a standard
public deadline; and
D. Satisfying the provisions of Section 700.5.1[R] of the UNC Policy Manual.
This guaranteed offer of admission shall apply only to acceptance to the respective constituent institutions, and
shall not apply to any specific school, major, or program of study within the constituent institutions.
IX. Notification of Stakeholders and Educational Policymakers. The president is directed to develop plans and
further recommendations to inform key stakeholders and education policymakers of the changes in
X. Other Matters
A. Effective Date. The requirements of this policy shall be effective on the date of adoption by the
Board of Governors, as defined in the various sections herein. Reference to the fall semester shall include
students who attended the institution for the first time in the prior summer term.
B. Report on Implementation. The president shall provide a report to the Committee on Educational
Planning, Policies, and Programs at the February 2025 Board meeting and annually thereafter. The report
shall include an analysis of admissions policies in place at other public universities along with available
data on the impact of the policy on the constituent institutions.
C. Relation to Federal and State Laws. The foregoing policy as adopted by the Board of Governors is
meant to supplement, and does not purport to supplant or modify, those statutory enactments which
may govern or relate to the subject matter of this policy.
D. Regulations and Guidelines. This policy shall be implemented and applied in accordance with such
regulations and guidelines as may be adopted from time to time by the president.
In accordance with the unique mission and undergraduate admissions process employed at the University of North
Carolina School of the Arts, it is exempted from this provision.