inspections, please note any material
differences between the two inspections.
General Information Tab (cont’d)
Property offers Rental
If yes, enter details of concessions in
comment box
If yes, enter details of down units in the
comment box. Details should include
length of time units have been down and
when they are expected to be rent ready.
Operations and Maintenance
(O&M) plans
Required in Loan
Includes Asbestos, Lead Paint,
Moisture/Mold, Radon, Storage Tanks,
PCB, and Other. If “Other” is selected,
please specify type of O&M plan in the
comment box below. Please indicate if
Management is aware of the plan and if
the plan is available. Loan will be
considered O&M non-compliant if
management is not aware OR if the plan
is unavailable. This section is expandable,
and you may add up to 5 O&M plans.
Replacements or
Capital Improvements
within the past 12 or
This section is expandable, and you may
add up to 15 capital expenditures. Also
include hazard loss repairs that are
covered by insurance as well as priority
repairs identified at UW.
Comparison Data
section are required
As suggested in the reference guide,
please use the comment box in this
section to describe the Subject’s
surroundings and trends that impact
operations. For example, new
construction that competes directly with
Subject, major employer changes,, or
poor visibility due to location.
Description and
Negative News
Provide any pertinent information that
could explain property performance.
Examples include property management
negligence, tenant profile (student),
LIHTC/rent regulations limiting tenant
base, high turnover issues, absence of
commercial tenants causing decline in
income and unique unit configurations.
Affirm that servicer has conducted a
search for negative news and provide
links to any notable articles from the prior