Students will explore their senses, experience how information is
gathered by different senses, and discover how our senses provide
essential information about the outside world.
Everything we know about the world comes to us through our senses. Our senses of vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste
provide essential information about our environment, such as potential danger and availability of food. Different regions of
our brains work together to process and create meaning from this fl ood of sensory data. This is how we understand what
we see, hear, touch, smell and taste.
Activity: Explore Our Senses
Part 1: Mystery Bag
Prepare the mystery bags ahead of time (one bag for each group of four
students). Each bag should contain different items that require students
to use their different senses to identify them. These could be scented
objects like candles, round heavy objects like rocks or potatoes, or
objects that make noise when rattled, like a bag of pennies.
Begin the activity by reviewing the fi ve senses (vision, hearing, touch,
taste, and smell) with your students. Then distribute the mystery bags. Have your students explore the bag
in stages, using only one sense at a time (smell, hearing, touch) to fi gure out what’s in the bag. Ask them to work in silence
and to record their observations during each stage.
Ask students to share how their senses helped them fi gure out what was in the bags. Ask:
What was challenging about this activity? Why?
(Answers will vary. The purpose of this activity is for students to become aware of how much we rely on our vision and
how when we do not have it, we use our other senses.)
Part 2: Senses We Use Everyday
Now that students are aware of their di erent senses, have them work in groups of two or three to make a list of the
senses that they would use or rely on when they are doing the following activities:
walking in the dark and in daylight
(Answer: in the dark will rely on sense of hearing, touch, smell, and taste rather than
vision. In the light would rely on vision more than hearing.)
swimming or playing under water
(Answer: would rely on vision, touch, hearing, and taste rather than smell)
playing in the park
(Answer: would rely on vision, hearing, smell, and touch rather than taste)
watching television
(Answer: would rely on vision and hearing)
playing your favorite sport
(Answers will vary slightly but accept all answers.)
Explore Senses & the Environment
BRAIN: The Inside Story
Activities for Grades K–5
© 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
NYS Science Core Curriculum
LE 5.2c: Senses can provide essential
information (regarding danger, food, mates,
etc.) to animals about their environment.
Plan how your students will explore
Brain: The Inside Story
using the student
worksheets. You might choose to have students
work in groups of two or three as they explore
the exhibition.
Distribute copies of the worksheets to students
before coming to the Museum. You may want
to review the worksheets and the map of the
exhibition with them (and their chaperones) to
make sure they understand what they are to do.
Have groups share their responses with other groups. Provide each group with a picture of a human body and have them
label where the senses are located on the body. Have students discuss in their groups the following:
Where are your senses located on your body?
(Answers will vary.)
Why do you think your senses are located where they are?
(Answers will vary.)
What do the senses do?
(Answers will vary.)
• Identify the holes or openings in your head. Pick one of the holes or openings and answer these questions:
o What does this opening do?
(Answers may include: I breathe through my nose. Air goes in and out of it.)
o Why do you think it is located where it is?
(Answers may include: The holes are located here because of the close proximity to the brain.)
o Why do you have so many holes in your head?
(Answers may include: All the holes in my head are connected to one of my senses, which are connected to
my brain.)
Note: You may wish to save these drawings for after your visit to the Museum. Back in the classroom, students can
compare their drawings and the homunculus model to make connections about their senses.
Brain: The Inside Story
3rd fl oor (45 minutes)
Have students use their student worksheets to investigate how we use our senses to process information. You may wish
to divide students into groups of two or three. Students in K–2 will visit four locations in the exhibition to identify the
senses that they use to do each activity. Students in 3–5 will visit two locations to explore in depth their sense of touch
and how their sense of hearing and vision work together.
Milstein Hall of Ocean Life
1st fl oor (20 minutes)
Visit the different ecosystems and dioramas in this hall to explore how different animals rely on different senses,
depending on where they live (e.g. dark/light, land/nature, cold/warm). You may wish to have students draw an animal,
and to describe how its senses may provide essential information for survival.
Activity: Sensing the Outside World
Talk about the Museum experience with your class. Ask: What did you learn about your senses?
(Answers will vary.)
Then have students work in pairs to discuss one of the following:
If you had to give up one of your senses—which one would you pick? How do you think that would affect the other senses?
(Answers will vary.)
• Pick a job. Make a list by importance of the senses that are needed to do this job.
(Answers will vary.)
BRAIN: The Inside Story
Activities for Grades K–5
© 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
Next, write on the board: “How do our brains integrate information from the outside world?” Divide the students into fi ve
groups. Assign one of the following senses to each group: vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Distribute a big piece
of paper and a picture of the sense organ to each group. Ask each team to review the worksheets they completed in the
Museum. Then have them provide examples on the big piece of paper about how this sense tells us information about
the outside world, and present it to the class.
Activity: Taste a Smell Test
In this short hands-on activity, students will use jellybeans to explore two senses that were not examined in the exhibition.
They will fi nd out the importance of smell in their ability to taste food. Tell students that at the Museum, we learned about
our sensing brain from seeing, hearing, and touching, and now we will do an activity using our sense of taste and see how it
is connected to our other senses. After you do this jellybean activity, ask students: What does this experience demonstrate
about the senses? Have students write a creative response using what they learned about their senses at Museum and in
class to give advice to someone who has to eat soggy cold green vegetables.
Brain OLogy
Hands-on activities and online games help students explore how the brain enables us to sense the world around us.
Tasty Visions Activity
Teachers Guide to Animal and Senses
BRAIN: The Inside Story
Activities for Grades K–5
© 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
Explore Your Senses
Find these places in the exhibition. At each place, do the activity. Circle the senses
that you used to do each activity.
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
BRAIN: The Inside Story
Grades K–2
© 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
In the
Your Sensing Brain
area, fi nd the title:
Spools of
colorful thread
Puzzle pieces
of the brain
Woman with umbrella
In the
Your Emotional Brain
area, fi nd the title:
In the
Your Sensing Brain
area, fi nd the title:
Pick an activity that is interesting to you:
What is it?
“Build a Brain”
“ ”
Explore Your Senses
Find these places in the exhibition. At each place, do the activity. Circle the senses
that you used to do each activity.
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
I used these senses:
BRAIN: The Inside Story
Grades K–2
© 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
In the
Your Sensing Brain
area, fi nd the title:
Spools of
colorful thread
Puzzle pieces
of the brain
Woman with umbrella
In the
Your Emotional Brain
area, fi nd the title:
In the
Your Sensing Brain
area, fi nd the title:
Pick an activity that is interesting to you:
What is it?
“Build a Brain”
“ ”