Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, 1–13
doi: xx.xxxx/xxxx
Writing Scientific Papers in Astronomy
Johan H. Knapen
1, 2
, Nushkia Chamba
and Diane Black
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Calle Vía Láctea S/N, E-38205 La Laguna, Spain and
Departamento de
Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38200 La Laguna, Spain and
The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of
Astronomy, Stockholm University, AlbaNova, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden and
Free-lance English coach,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Contributed equally
Writing is a vital component of a modern career in astronomical research. Very few researchers, however, receive any
training in how to produce high-quality written work in an efficient manner. We present a step-by-step guide to writing
in astronomy. We concentrate on how to write scientific papers, and address various aspects including how to
crystallise the ideas that underlie the research project, and how the paper is constructed considering the audience and
the chosen journal. We also describe a number of grammar and spelling issues that often cause trouble to writers,
including some that are particularly hard to master for non-native English speakers. This paper is aimed primarily at
Master’s and PhD level students who are presented with the daunting task of writing their first scientific paper, but
more senior researchers or writing instructors may well find the ideas presented here useful.
Key words: Science writing; publishing
1 Introduction
Writing papers is key to sharing your research results and ad-
vancing your career. Yet most scientists, including astronomers,
never receive much training in academic writing. They may con-
sider that writing is not important, or chose a career in the sci-
ences to avoid a focus on language and writing skills. To com-
plicate matters, many astronomers are not native speakers of
English, so writing a research paper may become a real strug-
There are numerous books and papers to provide guidance
to young writers. Several examples, mainly focussed on biomed-
ical and engineering research, are Ashby (2005), Sterk and
Rabe (2008), the Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writ-
, or G. Gopen and J. Swan’s The Science of Scientific Writ-
. Saramäki (2018) and the related series of blog posts
vide many tips for writing papers as well as Master’s and PhD
theses, though more specific to the field of computer science.
These publications cover the whole writing process from plan-
ning the paper to final editing and polishing, but do not com-
pletely meet the needs of astronomy students. Resources fo-
cussed on astronomy include a series of book chapters, unfor-
tunately not freely available, covering in great detail the writing
process, graphics, and ethics (Sterken, 2011a,b,c), and a recent
handbook aimed at undergraduate and graduate students (Ste-
vance, 2021).
1 an d- research/clinical-chemistry/
Compiled on: October 13, 2021.
Draft manuscript prepared by the author.
arXiv:2110.05503v1 [astro-ph.IM] 11 Oct 2021
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
The main objective of the current paper is to provide concise
guidelines for scientific writing in astronomy for beginners all
over the world, published under open access. Our target audi-
ence consists of Master’s and PhD students, but the material
may also be of interest to astronomers who are more experi-
enced writers, or to writing instructors. The information here
is based on writing classes given to graduate students by JHK
and DB, as well as on the experiences of a young writer (NC).
In this paper, we first describe various aspects of getting
ready to write your paper, including how you can convince your-
self to put words on paper, and where and how we publish pa-
pers in astronomy. We then discuss how the various sections
and parts of a paper can collectively bring your message across.
We conclude by giving a series of hands-on tips on how to write
in correct English, specifically highlighting astronomy-related
2 Developing the Idea: From Thinking
to Paper Outline
2.1 Think Before you Write
Before students write their first paper, they may be asked to
write a summary or abstract of their research project for de-
partmental reports or submission to a scientific conference. In
the experience of NC, writing an abstract for a conference was
one of the very first encounters she had with a scientific writing
assignment as a graduate student. However, what she wrote
about in her first draft was a summary of the methodology she
was developing for her project (as that is what she spent her
days working on) rather than the main scientific question her
project was meant to address and what preliminary result was
expected or achieved thus far in the analysis. She was absolutely
surprised when one of her thesis advisors returned a completely
different abstract as commentary on her draft, which made her
think to herself, ’Oh is that the whole point my project?!’ This is
one of many experiences that has led us and other writers (e.g.
Sterk and Rabe, 2008) to identify the first golden rule on scien-
tific writing: think before you write.
For instance, to write the Introduction section of a paper
(Sect. 5.5), you require knowledge of the literature, a recog-
nition of the primary and secondary sources needed to place
your project in the astrophysical context, the gap in the litera-
ture that your project aims to fill and how the content in the
paper is an important step towards filling this gap (e.g. Is it a
new, efficient method? Have you acquired higher-quality data
on an astronomical source?). Collecting all these resources to
place your project in the broader context of the field is ’thinking
before writing’. Of course, the thinking needed for each section
of the paper will be different and may require feedback from
co-authors (consider for example how you think about the in-
terpretation of your results for the discussion section; Sect. 5.8).
When gathering background resources, students also need
to read and think critically. Critical reading, thinking and writing
are academic practices that many astronomy students may not
be familiar with or have never encountered during their educa-
tion as not all programmes offer such courses. To these read-
ers, it is important to understand that to be critical of an idea or
paper does not necessarily mean to be negative. The Oxford
Learner’s Dictionaries
defines critical also as involving mak-
ing fair, careful judgments about the good and bad qualities of
someone or something’; in other words, to evaluate the validity
of an idea and question when it may or may not hold true. Obvi-
ously, readers can be critical about an idea only if they have suf-
ficient knowledge
or expertise about the subject in question.
Even more problematic is that many first year PhD students
struggle to read scientific papers. This is not only because the
style of scientific writing is very different from novels or popular
articles, but very few scientific papers are written well enough
for non-experts or students to follow them easily.
We suggest a number of useful tips that new writers in as-
tronomy may find helpful when reading the literature. These
guidelines are adapted to astronomy from Wallace and Wray
(2021, mainly Chapter 4) and may help students skim through
papers in an efficient manner to identify which articles could be
most relevant to their field of study.
i. Think about why you are reading this paper. Are you look-
ing for an answer to a specific research question? Or evidence
to support an assumption used in your study? Write down a
list of questions or expectations for your literature review even
before you start reading papers.
ii. Why did the authors write this paper? Read the title and
abstract first—do they raise more questions than answers to
your initial questions? This is completely normal as authors
cannot include all the information in a title and abstract. An-
notating the abstract as you read it could help you highlight
which sections of the paper would be most relevant to your
study and determine whether you need to skim through the
introduction to determine the main aim of the paper.
iii. Study the figures of the paper and read the captions—
what story do they tell you?
iv. What are the main conclusions of the paper? In astronomy,
the main claims of the authors can usually be found in the con-
clusions section. Are these claims warranted by the evidence
presented in the figures? If not, why not?
v. Finally, what use is this paper to you? Go back to point 1
and think about how this paper could be a resource to your
own work—does the paper require an in-depth reading?
2.2 Use your own Thinking Style
Some people think primarily in pictures, while others think pri-
marily in words (Nishimura et al., 2015). Over many years of
teaching we have seen that some people need to draw pic-
tures and diagrams to explain a point—these are visual thinkers.
When visual thinkers pick up a new publication, they look first
at the figures and graphs. Other people tend to talk through
problems, and may like to write words and text to think things
through. These verbal thinkers pick up a new publication and
start reading the text to learn what the paper is about. We have
had students who think in terms of graphs, perhaps a varia-
tion on thinking in pictures, and others that tended to focus on
sounds, colours, or moving processes (the latter are really good
at solving a Rubik’s cube). Yet others may immediately see the
solution to maths problems but cannot easily verbalise why.
So what does thinking style have to do with writing? Under-
standing how you and your co-authors think may help you in
planning your paper. People who think in pictures may like to
plan the paper with flow charts, colours, and arrows—later turn-
ing these images into words (Ashby, 2005). On the other hand
verbal thinkers may prefer making a classical outline or using
bullet points to plan the paper. Understanding that your col-
leagues may have a different thinking style may help avoid con-
flicts in writing. If for example your supervisor says you must be-
gin by making an outline, but that does not work for you, then
5 But what does it mean to have knowledge on a subject? It turns out that
this is a major philosophical question (e.g. Chrisman et al., 2016, Chapter
2), so do not worry!
Knapen, Chamba & Black
explain that you work better with coloured flow charts or per-
haps make your flow chart and use that as a step in developing
an outline that your supervisor and co-authors can understand.
2.3 Learning to Write
Construct your paper carefully, as if producing a painting by
starting out with a rough sketch and then filling in the details.
Do not start off by sitting down with a blank sheet of paper or
newly opened file, and pretend you will simply start writing at
the beginning and keep writing until the end. Even the best
writers find this almost impossible to do.
The following would be our idea of writing a paper, from start
to submission:
The single most important item to consider before you even
start writing is to define the message you want to convey
to the reader, and what story you want to tell. Define that
clearly, and writing will become possible. Fail to define that
and you will struggle.
Second, draft the title and abstract of your paper.
Third, on a blank sheet of paper, or a whiteboard, or in a
computer file, brainstorm and sketch out how your paper
will look. As we discussed in Sect. 2.2, your personal pref-
erence will steer you towards creating an outline with words,
pictures, or colours.
Fourth, define your sections and subsections and then add
the key figures and tables that you want to include in the
right place. Draft the captions.
Fifth, add paragraphs, identified by their contents and by
what you need to say.
Sixth, fill in the paragraphs and (sub)sections with a very
rough and quickly written first draft of the text. You may
want to start with the easiest sections (usually sample, data,
methods) and leave the hardest for later (discussion).
Seventh, edit.
Eighth, edit more.
Ninth, tenth, ...etc. More and more and more editing and
polishing (including incorporating comments from others).
Don’t be afraid to delete!
Last and extremely important step: decide that enough is
enough, or run up against a deadline, and submit your pa-
Start each bit of your paper like a Sister Sledge song: start
off with the main message. Start each section and subsection
with a sentence on what you are going to write and why, then
write it, and sometimes you can even end it with a concluding
sentence summarizing what you just wrote.
Very rarely does a writer write the perfect text in a first draft.
Often the most productive writers write very quick and sloppy
first drafts, and then edit and edit and edit. Usually a deadline
rather than having reached perfection determines when your
paper is finished. If you are not sure about a fact or figure, do
not let this slow down the writing. Just make a note to yourself
to add the missing bit of information later.
Always ask others to read your work before you submit it.
Do not wait until you have a perfect near-final version, but
share early drafts to collect early feedback. Apart from your co-
authors, you can ask supervisors, or colleagues, or friends, or
family members to read your draft. If you are unsure about a
certain aspect, ask them explicitly to check that (spelling, gram-
mar, maths, literature completeness, etc.).
3 Choice of Journal and Submission Pro-
3.1 Where to Submit?
You may be invited to submit a research paper, for instance to
include in the proceedings of a conference you have attended,
or to contribute an invited paper. If you are not invited, however,
you and your co-authors will need to decide where to submit
your manuscript. Some general guidelines to help you are as
Consider the field, scope and readership of the journal, mak-
ing sure your paper ’fits’.
Check the author’s instructions of ’your journal to make sure
you can submit your paper.
For your career development, refereed professional journals
are best.
Impact is important: a well-known ’famous’ journal is better
than less-known ones (see Box 1, below, for impact factor).
Aim as high as is reasonable. For astronomy research papers,
this means a small list of ’main’ journals which include the
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS),
Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), the Astrophysical Journal
(ApJ), the Astronomical Journal (AJ), Icarus, and Nature As-
tronomy. Many of these journals will ask you to pay page
charges, but you can request that they be waived if you have
no funds. Do ask before submitting your manuscript, not af-
ter it has been refereed!
Do not decide a priori that a certain journal will not accept
your paper. Let the editor and referee accept at such a deci-
sion. Ask advice from more experienced researchers before
submitting your paper if you are not sure.
There are many other refereed journals, including open-
access ones, but most do not have the same impact as the
main journals and may not make the same impression on
your CV. Many are commercial so check any costs before
agreeing to publish. Some journals are even considered
’predatory’ (Eriksson and Helgesson, 2017).
Once you and your co-authors have made a choice, follow
the author’s instructions to produce your manuscript for
If a paper is rejected, analyse why (ask your co-authors or
other colleagues with more experience) and if you do not
agree with the decision consider submitting a revised ver-
sion of your paper to the same journal, or to another journal.
6 We know of a case where a research group had submitted to a real journal,
then received a message from a predatory one with a similar name, and
almost got tricked into sending their final version to the wrong place.
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
Box 1: On Impact Factors and Citations
Journals have impact factors, but the impact of individual re-
searchers or papers is measured through citations.
A journal’s impact factor is the yearly average number of cita-
tions of articles published in the journal in the last two years.
For journals like Nature it is very high (over 40) but due to a
few very highly cited papers, often in other fields (mainly in
the life sciences). For the main astronomy journals it is of or-
der 5. For smaller journals, at or below 1.
You can count the number of citations to any given paper
(also provided by the Astrophysics Data System, ADS
). For
an individual researcher, you can count the total number of
citations, or those to first-author papers, or the number of
well-cited papers (the h-index is the number of papers, x, with
more than x citations). ADS provides all this information and
more. Remember that total citations are often driven by pa-
pers with many authors, and that the h-index tends to in-
crease with the age of the scientist.
3.2 Co-author Complications
Single-author papers are rare in modern astronomical research.
The first author is often the person who has done most of the
work, by some integrated measurement. In large collaborations,
author lists are sometimes alphabetical and the person who
can claim most authorship may in that case be identified as ’cor-
responding author’. In many fields the last position in an author
list is an honorary one, often given to a key senior colleague. In
astronomy, however, this person would be second or third in
the list. As evaluations for jobs, promotions, grant competitions,
etc. normally consider first positions on an author list (and sec-
ond and third to some extent), it is important that you explain in
your CV or application materials what your role has been if you
were not first (2nd, 3rd) author—and that you ask your referees
to confirm this in their letters.
Co-authors are typically those who made substantial contri-
butions to a paper. They can include colleagues who had the
original idea or developed the instrumentation or code, or put
the funding in place. People who only were on, e.g., the ob-
serving proposal or provided limited assistance during an ob-
serving run typically are acknowledged rather than made co-
author. Co-authorships are sometimes offered to students by
researchers outside their supervisory team, for instance where
the student has in some way contributed to the paper, or forms
part of a larger collaboration.
When writing your own paper, and as there are no accepted
rules for who will become a co-author, as a junior scientist you
should not unilaterally remove prospective co-authors unless
you particularly fancy interpersonal conflict. If you have doubts,
ask a senior colleague for advice. Many papers have co-authors
who have done little, and who probably should merely have
been acknowledged. On the other hand, people may have
made key contributions to a project at an earlier stage, which
are not visible to latecomers but remain vital. As it is such a grey
area and people may hold strong views, it is best to accept as
a fact of life that every now and then a person becomes your
co-author who you would personally not have given that much
3.3 On Names an d Numbers
It is a good idea to consider how you want to be known in
the scientific world before you submit your first paper. Names
are much affected by local culture. For instance, Chinese na-
tionals and many others start their name with what in English
would be the last name, followed by their first (or given, or fore-
) name(s). In Spain and other countries, people have two last
names, their father’s (first) last name traditionally followed by
their mother’s. In Portugal, two last names are also used, but
the mother’s traditionally comes first. If you have more than one
first name, or a middle name, you may wish to add the name,
or its first initial (as current author JHK does). Americans some-
times wish to maintain ’the third’ or other annotations as part
of their name. Some female scientists prefer to sign with initials
rather than first names so they are not immediately identified
as female (current authors NC and DB do not). In some regions,
people only have one name (they are mononymous) and not all
editors and publishers are ready to accept this.
You should consider the conventions in our field along with
your own preference when choosing how you will be named
in scientific publications. Citations are key, and it is important
that your papers be readily identified with you. Decide which
name(s) to use and which additional initials or other signs to
maintain. If the first name you are known by does not corre-
spond with your initials, be careful and at least consistent in
how you publish your name. Spanish speakers often hyphenate
their two last names to avoid being cited with their second last
name only (the first last name being considered a middle name,
or second first name!). Some journals now allow authors to add
their name in Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters after the
English version of their name. Another positive novelty is that
several journals now allow authors to change their names (for
reasons including gender identity, marriage, divorce, or change
of religion).
This may look messy, and it is. It is sometimes impossible to
find a reliable overview of a person’s papers because they, for
instance, are inconsistent in how they are referred to as authors,
have a common name, or have changed their name. For all
these reasons and many more, we recommend that all authors
register with ORCID
to obtain a free persistent digital identi-
fier (ORCID iD) which is basically a number that is tied to your
person. By coupling your professional information, papers but
also affiliations, grants, etc., with your ORCID iD, all your prod-
ucts can be identified as yours even if searching by your name
does not yield unique or conclusive results.
3.4 L
In astronomy, as in much of physics and engineering, L
X is
used to prepare manuscripts. L
X is a software system for
document preparation which offers significant advantages over
word processors such as LibreOffice Writer, Microsoft Word, or
Apple Pages. For instance, L
X is free software distributed un-
der a public license, a L
X document is prepared in plain text
rather than an often proprietary internal format, and L
X is ex-
cellent at typesetting mathematical expressions (as well as non-
Latin scripts).
Most journals provide their own L
X macro packages to pre-
pare manuscripts. Many text editors and software packages are
freely available for all main computing platforms. Overleaf
increasingly used as an online tool to allow multiple co-authors
to share the editing of a L
X document.
As you start out in astronomy, it is worth investing time and
effort to master at least the basics of L
X. You will need it in
professional astronomy. And as you start putting your paper
together, if you use the L
X macro package of your favourite
journal your manuscript will immediately start to look ’real’!
Knapen, Chamba & Black
3.5 Roles of Referee, Editor, and Language Editor
You write your paper, typeset it to perfection using L
X, and
submit it to the journal. A scientific editor will consider your
manuscript and decide whether it might be suitable for pub-
lication in their journal. An editor is usually a senior scientist
and a subject specialist. They will send your manuscript to a
referee (in astronomy, usually only one, in related fields, up to
five) for peer review. The referee is a colleague who is a special-
ist in the topic of the paper. They will write a report containing
a recommendation to the editor and suggestions for improve-
ment to the authors. The role of a referee is to make sure the
paper is technically sound, but the referee is not a co-author of
the paper. A referee can thus recommend acceptance without
agreeing with everything written in a paper.
In astronomy, most referees are supportive, and after au-
thors submit a revised version of their manuscript taking into
account the recommendations of the referee, most papers are
accepted for publication. Sometimes multiple rounds of refer-
eeing and revision are needed, sometimes a second referee is
sought to adjudicate in a stalemate situation, and sometimes
a paper is rejected. When dealing with difficult referee reports,
is it always a good idea to consult with more experienced col-
leagues. Bertout and Schneider (2004) provide more back-
ground information on the roles of editors and referees at the
journal Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A).
Once a referee recommends acceptance and the editor in-
deed accepts your paper, it will enter the production stage. A
language editor will typically proofread your manuscript and
make changes to perfect both English usage and compliance
with the journal or publisher house style. Language editors are
usually very good at their job, but they are not astronomers. So if
you are asked to check the page proofs (and answer any queries
a language editor may have identified) it is very important to
check your paper line by line, word by word, to make sure no in-
advertent changes have been made. As the language editor’s
changes are usually identified, this is also a learning opportunity
to see where your phrasing or typesetting was not optimal. A&A
has an instructive list
of things that their language editors of-
ten need to correct, which is well worth looking through.
At the page proof stage you can still make small changes
or additions if absolutely necessary (such as including a miss-
ing reference that has been pointed out to you after you pre-
published your paper on the preprint server ArXiV). After that,
the paper is typeset, gets a formal journal reference, and is pub-
lished. It is indexed and will form part of the body of scientific
literature—in perpetuity!
4 Basic Points on Writing Style
Before writing a manuscript, it is important to define WHAT you
are going to write, and HOW (Sect. 2). A refereed research paper
is very different from an outreach article. A first key question
to consider is the language. In professional astronomy, this is
almost always English, but in particular for outreach (but also
some grant proposals and job applications) it may be another
language. Writing in English means for most of us writing in a
language which is not our own.
The basic concepts to consider are the Audience—who, level
of expertise, what do they know and what do they need to
know?; Purpose—inform (science paper) or entertain (popu-
lar)?; and Tone—objective, neutral, emotional? For scientific pa-
pers in refereed journals, your audience will be professionals in
the field. However, they will not necessarily be experts in your
sub-field, or aware of all the methods, techniques or tools you
use. So explain all the specifics needed to understand your work,
while avoiding jargon on the one hand and explaining the obvi-
ous on the other.
The purpose of a scientific paper is to inform, to describe your
experiment and results in a scientific way. This means that you
give enough detail and references that your results and conclu-
sions can be verified and reproduced. So do not write ’we re-
duced the data in the standard way’ but rather ’we followed the
standard procedures for data reduction as described in detail
by Author et al. (year)’ or we reduced the data in the standard
way by first ..., then ... and finally ... .’
The tone to be used is formal. So, for instance, do not use
contractions (use do not, cannot, will not, it is, etc., rather than
don’t, can’t, won’t, it’s), do not address the reader directly in the
imperative (say ’the data are...’ and not ’note that the data are...’),
and avoid colloquialisms and slang, or references to fashionable
popular culture. Section 6.4 contains more tips on sentence
A formal tone also implies that any criticism of others’ work
should be phrased in professional terms, polite, and without per-
sonal sneers. So instead of the insulting ’X et al. clearly showed
their lack of understanding of the basics of statistics when they
published...’ one could be highly critical but still professional:
’The recent study of X et al. fails to properly account for ... in
their statistical analysis.’.
Finally, it is important to consider how to organize your prod-
uct. In a research paper, we tend to use IMRaD (=Introduction,
Methods, Results and Discussion, see also Sect. 5.4) but a press
release, for instance, is structured very differently. If you are not
sure how your writing style fits the purpose, read similar writ-
ings, or ask more experienced colleagues.
Towards Inclusive Language
In recent years, the field of galaxy formation and evolution has
seen the emergence of a number of terms which in real life
signify violent, highly unpleasant and mostly illegal acts, some-
times with misogynous or racist undertones. Some of these
terms, such as a hierarchical scenario, cannibalism, stripping,
strangulation or starvation, are by now so integrated into the
professional vocabulory that in particular younger scientists
may consider their use ’normal’. We would urge exercising con-
straint in the use of violent terminology, and to consider using
alternatives. Vallejo and Moreno Soto (2018), for instance, sug-
gest more collaborative and inclusive terms to replace the vio-
lent ones, including an ancestral scenario, collectivism, sharing,
collaboration and preservation for the five mentioned above as
examples. You can define these terms when you first use them
in the text to ensure that readers understand what you mean.
5 Step by Step Guide to Writing a Scien-
tific Manuscript
5.1 Title: Clear, Informative, Short
The title is the main marketing tool for your paper—it is hard to
get right but you need a good one to catch a potential reader’s
attention. Ideally, it compresses the entire message of the pa-
per, the ’narrative’, or story, into a maximum of 10 words. The
title needs to match the abstract and the rest of the paper. It
needs to be accurate. Keep the title as short as possible. Use
simple words, no jargon, no abbreviations, no new concepts. In-
clude all important key words (search engines and other index-
ing tools will later on allow others to locate your paper). Avoid
vague titles. Avoid starting with ’On...’ or Towards...’ (instead, say
what you’ve done!). Avoid jokes or references to modern culture
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
which may not age well. If possible, package the main conclu-
sion of your paper into it.
As an exercise, you can take a recent issue of a major journal
and consider what you think of the various paper titles. You do
not need to understand what the papers are about, but can ask
yourself questions like does the title inspire me? Does it inspire
me to read the abstract? Is it silly, or cheesy? Is it so technical, or
long, or complicated, that it puts me off reading further? Then
compare your own draft title(s) with what you have seen.
5.2 Abstract
The abstract sets the scene, identifies the problem, outlines how
you will solve that problem, and then describes what you have
done, how, and what you have concluded (ideally coming back
to ’setting the scene’). In the abstract, you try to tell the whole
story of your paper in ten lines. Bertout and Schneider (2005), at
the time editors of A&A, phrased the importance of an abstract
as follows.
Confronted with a huge volume of new information every week,
researchers in the physical sciences can no longer read all the lit-
erature that is published on scientific matters that interest them.
The paper’s abstract, undoubtedly the most visible part of any sci-
entific article, has therefore in recent years become particularly
important as a filter for deciding what articles are worth taking
the time to read in detail. This is particularly true for astrophysics
articles, since the abstract is referenced and widely accessible in
the NASA Astrophysics Data Service, in topical newsletters, and in
other abstract databases.
Whether a colleague will read your paper or not thus depends
in large measure on the level of interest that is gained from read-
ing your paper’s abstract. When writing it, one must therefore
make sure that it conveys the essential elements of the article to
the reader: its objective, the methods used to reach it, and the
results obtained. This must be done in a concise yet informative
way, without using external references that will not be referenced
in the abstract databases. Finally, the style must be pleasing.
Bertout and Schneider (2005) then propose using so-called
’structured abstracts’, with explicit headings Context, Aims,
Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The journal A&A recom-
mends but does not enforce using a structured abstract, but
even if you do not use it explicitly, make sure you include the
main concepts in your abstract.
A useful exercise is to compare abstracts from different pa-
pers, for instance when you make a literature review (Sect. 2.1).
Which ones call your attention, and invite you to read the pa-
per? How many fail to set the stage and start by telling you
what they did, rather than why? If you do not have the time to
read the whole paper, do you think the abstracts will allow you
to vaguely remember the results later on? Can you recognize a
structure of the kind proposed by Bertout & Schneider?
5.3 Figures and Tables
It is often useful to develop an idea very early on about which
figures and tables will need to be included in the paper. You
will need to find the balance between including all the key ones,
without including too many. Series of figures and tables, as well
as long tables, can be published electronically only, and/or in
an Appendix. As usual, a journal’s instructions for authors will
inform you how to produce your tables and figures.
Figures need to be easy to understand and of high quality.
Try to make them as vector graphics (pdf is vectorial, jpeg is not)
so they can be scaled up. Always deliver figures of the highest
possible quality to the publisher, even if you use smaller versions
for other purposes (e.g. ArXiV or talks). Include all lines, points,
labels, etc. that you need, but omit any that are not strictly nec-
essary. Explain all elements of the figure in the caption. Do not
make your figures too complicated: you want them to catch the
reader’s attention. And try to make your figures tell the story of
the paper: some people will look at the figures in your paper,
or see them in a conference presentation, without reading your
carefully worded text (sometimes even without reading the cap-
tion). Actively looking for the key message in other papers in ti-
tle, abstract, and figure captions can help you try to act like the
audience to your own paper when writing it!
In terms of presentation, use a colour scheme that can be
interpreted by all, including those with colour vision deficiency
(’colour blindness’, affecting up to 10% of your colleagues). Sim-
ple but effective tips include using both line/point style and
colour to distinguish different elements (never only colour), and
using a colour scheme that is appropriate for colour blind peo-
ple. Many resources are available online.
You may want
to use the same format for all your figures. And you may want
to end each caption with a one-sentence conclusion of what
the figure shows. That way, if a reader scans the figures of your
paper, or someone tweets your figure, the context and implica-
tions directly come with it.
5.4 Building up your Paper
The typical structure of a research paper in our field is the fol-
lowing: Introduction, Sample/Data/Methodology, Results, Dis-
cussion, Conclusion (IMRaD). Try not to mix these sections. Keep
them logical and as short as you can. Use sub-sections and para-
graphs to separate the text into ’bite-sized chunks’ that can be
digested easily by a reader. Tell the story of the paper, using the
’narrative’ that you have defined before you started writing.
Keep an overall ’hourglass’ shape of the paper in mind: it
starts broadly, with the ’big picture’ first part of the introduc-
tion, then narrows down into the details of methods and results,
before broadening again at the end, when the discussion and
conclusion sections place the new findings in a wider context.
5.5 The Introduction
The Introduction has several roles, which you can use in this or-
der to draft it.
i. Present the problem, in a wide context. The ’Big Picture’.
Example ’topic’ sentences (Sect. 6.1) could start with ’The Sun
is...’ or ’In modern cosmology, ...
ii. Narrow the focus, by introducing the specific sub-topic you
will be describing, e.g. ’magnetic fields around sunspots...’ or
’galaxy mergers ...’
iii. Point out the gaps in the existing knowledge which you
want to fill in with your work, e.g. ’however, the exact role of...
is unclear’.
iv. Now present what you did in your study, and define the
exact problem tackled. ’The aim of the current study is...’
v. Finally, describe what you have done, We therefore ob-
vi. In many papers the Introduction ends with a preview of
what follows. ’This paper presents...’ or ’we present our sample
in Sect 2...’
A good introduction is concise, focusses on the main issues,
avoids repetition and includes references to relevant work. This
allows the reader to place the work in context, and to find key
background papers if they want to know more. You can also
Knapen, Chamba & Black
introduce other relevant aspects, such as a specific telescope,
instrument, simulation, or survey, or a particular object. Keep it
short and reasonable. Unless you write a full review paper, you
do not need to refer to every paper ever written on the topic.
Use ’e.g.’ and then give the most important or relevant ones, or
cite a review paper. Make sure you include modern work, and
references from the current year. This shows that your research
is relevant and timely. On the other hand, do not only include
modern papers. Almost all work rests on key papers that may
have been published before you were born, but you must be
aware of them (Box 2, below, gives some tips on how to find key
papers in your field). In any case read and check all papers you
cite to make sure they in fact support your claim and do not
assume previous authors have done this.
Consider for what statements you need a reference. Ba-
sically, for textbook-level basic knowledge, no; specific state-
ments or results, yes. Do not be afraid to cite your own relevant
papers, or those of your friends. Do not overdo it either, papers
that only quote own work are bound to have less impact.
Box 2: Finding Key References with ADS
i. Find a modern, well-written, relevant paper by a leading
author or group and open the abstract page in ADS.
ii. In the left column, click ’References’. This shows all the
papers referenced in the paper.
iii. Click ’View this list in a search results page’
iv. Order the resulting list by ’Citation count’ (in the drop-
down menu which says ’Author count’ by default)
v. You can now see the most-cited papers among those
referenced in your selected paper. Many of these will be cat-
alogues, or survey description papers. But very quickly you
can identify papers in the specific field of your study which
are classic and important.
vi. Repeat this process a few times for different modern pa-
pers, and the classic, pioneering, critical papers in the field
will soon bubble up.
vii. Click on one or more of these key papers, and check
which papers cite it. The most recent ones will quickly give
you a superb overview of what is currently going on in the
5.6 Sample, Data, Methods
This is probably both the most boring and technical section of
your paper, and the easiest to write (and often also the first sec-
tion that researchers write). In an observational paper, for in-
stance, you describe what data you used, how you obtained and
reduced them, and what analysis methods you used. Do not de-
scribe the results—that comes in the next section. The most you
do here is show the reduced image (or similar) in a Figure, but
the astrophysical description of what you see comes in the next
The main aims of this section are to allow others to (1) judge
how you reached your results, and how reliable, good, novel, etc.
your data and methods are to the field, and (2) reproduce what
you did. While point 1 is generally straightforward to assess,
point 2 reflects an open issue and ongoing debate in astron-
omy. There are many solutions to make a scientific paper re-
producible, each with their own caveats (see for example the re-
cent work by Akhlaghi et al. (2021) who promote an exactly re-
producible model for papers, from its figures to the underlying
pipelines in the analysis—see also the critique by Kuttel (2021)).
We will not review all currently available solutions to this issue
here, but do point out that it is particularly important to include
all critical details in the paper. Too often when we refer to older
papers it is impossible to reproduce the methodology in detail
because the data or methods were not described well enough,
are unusable, or even not publicly available now (see also Sect.
5.11). Do not hide any caveats of your methods, and be honest—
identify and address either how you have solved these issues or
why they do not affect your results (if possible, in a quantifiable
way). On the other hand, do not describe everything you ever
did, and ignore issues that do not affect the main line of the
Often in astronomy we repeat methods already described by
others. In that case, a statement such as ’we followed the data
reduction procedures as described by Author et al. (year) ...’ is
appropriate but then do describe anything you did differently.
Even if you follow previous work by your own group (or your-
self) never copy verbatim a previous description of a method
you have followed. This is plagiarism, even if you copy your own
words (in which case it is called self-plagiarism—arguably just
as bad).
In some journals (such as Nature) most of the details of this
sort go into a separate online section ’Supplementary Material’.
Similarly, in other journals you can place non-critical or back-
ground information in an appendix. In either case, make sure
you reference the background material in the main paper. Be
honest, and if there is a significant problem or doubt, do not
bury it in an appendix or in the supplementary material.
Keep the most technical parts in specific subsections or para-
graphs, so a reader can skip them if they want. Finally, we rec-
ommend using the past active tense: ’we used...’ (not ’we use...’
or ’we have used...’), but more important than that is to be con-
sistent: use whatever you choose throughout the Section.
5.7 Results
In astronomical professional writing, this is where you describe
what you have found. There is no need to discuss all the impli-
cations yet, or to make detailed comparisons with other work,
because that will come in the Discussion. But do not be too dog-
matic about this, because if you strictly only report what you see
in this section and leave anything more profound to the discus-
sion section the paper will become hard to read in a logical way.
The results section is illustrated with figures. Select those
first, define (or remind yourself of) your narrative, and use a log-
ical structure by employing sub-sections and paragraphs. Sec-
tion and sub-section titles allow the reader to scan the paper
quickly. As we suggested in Sect. 5.1, keep (sub-)section titles
short but include the key words or even the key message you
want the reader to pick up even if they just scan them and do
not read the actual text.
An effective writing trick is to start each section and sub-
section with a sentence saying why you looked at the particular
aspect you are about to describe. Compare these two ways of
starting: (i) In Figure 3 we plot our data for all the stars in our
sample; and (ii) To demonstrate how parameter x relates to y,
we show the results for all the sample stars in Figure 3. The
second approach clearly leads the reader to look at Figure 3.
5.8 Discussion
This is where we come back to the hourglass shape of the pa-
per (Sect. 5.4). The previous sections, methodology and results,
were very specific and probably very technical. In the discussion,
you place your results in the context of other work, or compare
them to theory, modelling, or observations. The other main aim
of the discussion section (which is really ’critical discussion’) is to
describe the limitations of the results you have just presented.
Once again, use sub-sections with well-chosen titles to
break up your discussion into manageable parts, choose your
paragraphs strategically, and use first sentences to set the
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
scene. Then include final sentences or paragraphs in each sec-
tion or subsection to summarise the main point.
Some key aspects you can include in the discussion section,
broadening up the ’hourglass’ as you go down the list, are the
1. Repeat why you carried out this study.
2. Return to the main question you posed early on in the ab-
stract, and answer it.
3. Explain how your answer is supported by your data, model,
figures, derivations, results.
4. Discuss how your results, and your answer, relate to other
work in the literature. Say how they are supported, how they
support other work, but also where they disagree.
5. Give your view on why there is disagreement, and/or discuss
any alternative explanations.
6. Add what future work or observations can provide more clar-
ity or advancement.
7. Finally, broaden up to describe wider implications, applica-
tions, and recommendations.
5.9 Conclusions
Always include your conclusions. If you do not make a separate
Conclusion section, then at least call the previous one ’Discus-
sion and Conclusions’ (and make sure you explicitly add the con-
clusions in the text). One of the main reasons for this is that
many readers do not have time to read the whole paper, but
may skip to this section to get a quick overview of what you have
done and found.
Keeping this in mind, start the conclusions section by sum-
marizing very briefly the why, how and what of your paper. Re-
peat key points like what the aim of the study was, the sam-
ple size, with what telescope you observed the objects or which
pipelines or codes you ran, and then make a concise and logical
summary of the main results and how you interpret them. You
may want to refer back to your key figures in the conclusions
section, to tempt those readers who read only this section to
also look at your artwork.
Finish up with a strong concluding sentence. Do not just
say something bland like ’more research is needed’ but try to
summarise your whole paper in one final sentence. Something
like ’our results show how galaxy metallicities confirm...’.
5.10 Acknowledgements, References, Appen-
Acknowledgements are important. This is both in a formal
sense, for instance because your funding agency will insist that
you acknowledge their financial support, and in an informal one,
because you want to record your appreciation of the help you
have received from others—colleagues who helped you with
specific aspects of the work, or friends or family who are not col-
leagues but who for some reason you feel deserve to be thanked
publicly for their role in the work you have managed to com-
plete and publish.
References will need to be included in the form prescribed
in the instructions for authors of the particular journal you
have chosen. Ensure that the references are complete because
their use is to allow others to find the papers. Do not save on
citations—our colleagues are our referees too, and everybody
likes to see their own work referred to by others. Consider
whether you can, or need to, add software or other products
which are not strictly research papers to your formal reference
list. Citations are often needed by the relevant authors or devel-
opers to secure future funding, or to show that their work has
been useful. Where references are not needed or possible, then
add the software or other products to the acknowledgements
Finally, use appendices to include material that would make
the paper too long, or that is necessary but too technical to in-
clude in the main body. Sometimes you can also move addi-
tional tests or explorations to the appendices. As appendices
are almost always published electronically, length restrictions
tend to be either absent or less of an issue.
5.11 Data and Software
A key aspect of ethics in science is that scientists are open about
their work and what they have done, and about the data and
tools they used. So whenever you can, publish your data and/or
your software or code with your paper. Both MNRAS and A&A
have a contract with the CDS
which guarantees long-term
archival. Git
or GitHub
are often used to publish software.
When you publish your software or code, ideally you license
it under a free-software license.
If you do, you grant your col-
leagues the right to ’run, copy, distribute, change and improve’
the software. It is interesting that if you make your software
publicly available but without an explicit licence, it is copyright-
protected under the Berne Convention Implementation Act of
1988 and other astronomers are legally forbidden from copy-
ing the software, modifying it, distributing it, or distributing
a corrected or improved version (as pointed out in the Ethics
Statement of the European Astronomical Society
Avoid making data available through your own website, or
your institute’s, or your research project’s. The websites will dis-
appear with time, or the URLs will change. The only way to guar-
antee that your data or software will remain accessible (even
after you have changed your career path, or have retired) is to
formally publish it in a repository like the CDS.
6 Writing Mechanics for Manuscript De-
6.1 Paragraphs
Well-structured paragraphs begin by expressing the main idea
in the first sentence (topic sentence), then develop that main
idea with facts, examples, or analysis.
A paragraph can end
when the necessary information has been given, or provide a
summation or linkage to the next idea. A topic sentence may
be very general, for example a galaxy is a group of stars. This
very general sentence could lead to description of the types of
galaxies. Such general sentences are common at the beginning
of an introduction. A topic sentence in a methodology section
could be something like to measure x, we followed several steps.
This topic sentence very obviously leads to a list of steps, prob-
ably using words such as first, next, finally. Topic sentences in
a results section often refer to a figure or table. Table 3 shows
the measurements of xxxx. This sentence would then lead to a
systematic presentation of each result. Paragraphs do not need
a special sentence to end, but sometimes in a results or discus-
sion section, it is helpful to give a conclusion, for example these
18 This structure is common in academic writing. In other types of writing,
for example novels, the structure may be looser. Furthermore, paragraphs
may follow a different structure in other languages, for example, in Chi-
nese, where the main idea is expressed at the end of the paragraph.
Knapen, Chamba & Black
results suggest that xxxx. Another way to end is with a transi-
tion sentence, for example, the next Section describes xxxx.
Paragraphs should be neither too long nor too short. A para-
graph must contain just enough information to explain your
ideas to the reader, but avoid unnecessary detail. Nowadays,
paragraphs in academic writing tend to contain three to seven
sentences, though the length is somewhat journal-dependent.
In any case, avoid tremendously long and discouraging-looking
paragraphs that go half a page or more. Split the long ones up
into two smaller ideas, each with its own topic sentence.
Inexperienced writers may have problems writing well-
structured paragraphs. For example, they may find themselves
writing wandering paragraphs without any clear point. The
reader tries to follow, but starts to wonder where is this para-
graph going? What is the point the author is trying to make?
Often the problem is the lack of a topic sentence. Example:
what is the point of the following paragraph?
In 2018 Brown measured x. Similarly Jones published y. Re-
cently Smith reported z.
Perhaps the writer intended to show that there has been a
lot of research on galaxy Q. In this case, a good topic sentence
could clarify the significance of these facts.
Recent research has focussed on the galaxy Q. In 2018
Brown measured x. Similarly Jones published y. Recently Smith
reported z.
Another common problem for beginning writers is trying to
cram too much into one paragraph. What is wrong with the
following paragraph?
We used several approaches to measure x. First we did a.
Then we did b and c. After measuring x, we also measured y.
This paragraph begins by describing the measurement of x,
but then gets off track by unexpectedly mentioning the mea-
surement of y. There are two possible ways to fix this problem.
Either change the topic sentence to include the measurement
of y (we used several approaches to measure x and y) or put
the measurement of y into a paragraph of its own.
6.2 Sentence Linkage
Beginning writers, particularly non-anglophones, often write
bumpy text that does not seem to flow. This problem can be
fixed by linking sentences to each other. In English the begin-
ning of a sentence always provides context and linkage, gener-
ally by repeating a word or concept that has already been men-
tioned, while the end of the sentence presents the new infor-
Here are several examples showing good linkage.
Galaxy W was recently discovered by Brown. This galaxy...
Renaming the noun galaxy links the sentences and leads prob-
ably to a description of the galaxy.
Galaxy B has been well characterized. In 2018 Brown re-
ported..., while a year later Jones published... In this case, well
characterized’ suggests research, which is listed in the following
sentences, so this structure leads to a good flow. The use of the
dates provides a bit of extra context, showing that this is recent
There are currently three missions studying the comet.
First... Second... Third... Here, the specific mention of ’three mis-
sions’ (or perhaps ’several missions’) leads the reader to expect
the list that follows.
Another technique to improve linkage and flow is the use
of ’sign-post’ words that tell the reader the relationship of the
ideas. To list examples, you can use phrases like ’for example, ’for
instance,’ and ’such as.’ To show chronological order, use dates
19 In some languages, such as Persian, the structure is just the opposite: the
new information comes at the beginning of the sentence, while the old,
familiar, linking information comes at the end.
like ’in 2012’ or words like ’first,’ ’second, ’next,’ and ’finally.’ To
show cause and effect, use words or phrases like ’consequently’
or ’as a result.’ To suggest similarity, use words like ’similarly’ or
’likewise. To show contrast, use phrases like ’in contrast’ or ’on
the other hand.’
6.3 Avoiding Plagiarism
Many journals automatically scan uploaded manuscripts for pla-
giarism, using a service such as Crossref Similarity Check, pow-
ered by iThenticate.
Thus it has become very important to
avoid the appearance of plagiarism.
To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite the sources of ideas
and to write text in your own words. If you are quoting a defini-
tion or standard description, put the quoted text between quo-
tation marks and provide the source.
Plagiarism may arise for several reasons. For example, you
cannot think of a better way to say it. To solve this problem, im-
prove your vocabulary and check sources like the Manchester
Academic Phrasebank
for ideas to expand your own vocab-
ulary of words and phrases. Or perhaps you copy a text, think-
ing ’I will change it later.’ But then you forget to change it, and
end up plagiarizing. To avoid this problem, do not take notes by
copying and pasting—always take notes in your own words. For
a full discussion of these and other tips on avoiding plagiarism,
see Roig (2015).
6.4 Tips for Nice Sentences
Make sentences just the right length. Sentences in academic
writing range on average between 18 and 32 words, with some
longer or shorter. Shorter sentences can provide a nice antidote
if the previous sentence was rather long. But sentences can
get too long and too complicated by the stringing together of
clauses, especially those that begin with ’which’ or ’that.’ Aim to
make these longer complex sentences represent no more than
one out of three or four in your paper.
Stick to a subject-verb-object structure. This structure
puts the verb right after the subject, where it belongs. So not
’characteristics such as a, b, c, d, e, f, and g were measured,’ but
much better ’we measured a, b, c, d, e, f, and g.’
Prefer active voice. Active voice leads to more lively writ-
ing, as demonstrated by the example in the previous paragraph.
Using active voice does not mean beginning every sentence
with ’we.’ Inanimate objects can also be the subject: this paper
presents...; the next section explains...; the results show...; this
model provides....
Use verb tenses correctly. The main verb tenses used in
academic writing are Present, Present Perfect, and Past.
Present tense for
1. facts and definitions
Ex: These giant low surface brightness galaxies form an inter-
esting class of objects.
2. referring to the paper or figures or tables in the paper
Ex: Fig. 1 shows.../ X is shown in Fig. 1/this paper presents...
Past tense for things you did in the past, or that somebody
else did in the past.
Ex: For each bin, we calculated the surface brightness.
Ex: The European Space Agency launched the Gaia satellite at
the end of 2013.
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
Present perfect
1. to announce work done in the ’recent’ past with emphasis
on the current relevance.
Ex: We have explored the nature of the disc truncations in two
edge-on nearby Milky Way-like galaxies.
Ex: Algorithms have been proposed along this line.
2. for a process that began in the past and continues up to
Ex: Over the last twenty years, there has been intensive re-
search into...
Keep subject and verb close together.
Not: A number of galaxies, some with spirals arms and oth-
ers with both spiral arms and a prominent bar, were observed.
But: We observed a number of galaxies, some ... etc.
Use appropriate verbs. People often mix the action we take,
as observers, or researchers, with what an object like a star or a
galaxy does.
An example: Galaxies concentrate a lot of dust in their cen-
tral regions. (Not necessarily, we see that the dust is concen-
trated there but did the galaxy do it? Write A lot of dust is con-
centrated in the central regions of galaxies.).
6.5 Place Modifiers Carefully
A modifier is a word or phrase which gives additional informa-
tion about another word or phrase.
Look at this example: orbiting at x km above the earth, we
could see the satellite. Are you really orbiting above the earth,
or is it the satellite? Verbal phrases, like orbiting at x km above
the earth should be placed directly before or directly after the
word they modify. So you can correctly write orbiting at x km
above the earth, the satellite could be seen with the naked eye
or we could see the satellite orbiting the earth at x km above
the earth.
What about last weekend when I was camping, I looked out
of my tent and could see the satellite in my pyjamas? What is
that satellite doing in your pyjamas? Prepositional phrases like
in my pyjamas usually work best right after the noun they mod-
ify. In some cases, the sentences really need a bit of rewrite. We
could put the part about the pyjamas into a separate sentence
or drop it, and tell about the satellite in the Western sky.
6.6 Correct Punctuation with Relative Clauses
First we need to define a few grammatical terms. A clause is a
group of words that contains a subject and a verb. So a clause
might be a whole sentence that can stand alone (an indepen-
dent clause). Or a clause might not be able to stand alone (a
dependent clause). Here we are concerned with a particular
class of dependent clauses, those that begin with which, who,
or that. This type of clause is known as a relative clause, since
the pronoun (which, who, or that) relates back to a previously
mentioned noun. Here is an example of a sentence containing
a relative clause: Prof. Smith, who discovered the galaxy, won
the Nobel prize. In this case, who refers to Prof. Smith.
The words which and who can be used in two ways: to give
defining information or extra, nondefining information.
Defining information is used to specify which person or
thing you are talking about.
Example: The professor who has a red shirt discovered a
new galaxy. In this case, there are several professors in the room,
and your friend is pointing out which one you should look at.
Thus the clause ’who has a red shirt’ defines which professor
your friend is talking about. Note that there are no commas
around the defining clause.
When talking about people, we usually use the pronoun
who, but for things, it is possible to use that or which to intro-
duce defining information.
Example: The galaxy which was discovered last week is
amazing. Note that here the clause ’which was discovered last
week’ defines which galaxy we are talking about, so there are
no commas. In this case, we could also use that instead of
which: the galaxy that was discovered last week is amazing.
Some writers prefer to use that for defining information and
save which for nondefining information (see below), but in fact
both these words are in common use for the defining clauses.
Nondefining information gives extra information about the
person or thing, but it is already clear which person or thing you
are talking about.
Example: Prof. Smith, who discovered the new galaxy, will
give the next lecture. In this case, we know exactly which pro-
fessor your friend is talking about: Prof. Smith. The clause ’who
discovered the new galaxy’ gives nondefining information, so in
fact this clause could be put into a separate sentence like this:
Prof. Smith will give the next lecture. She discovered the new
galaxy. Note that in this case, the commas around the defining
clause indicate that this is extra, nondefining information that
you could put some place else.
Note that the pronoun that is never used to give nondefining
Who cares? Why does it matter whether I use commas or
not? Well, sometimes, putting in commas or leaving them out
changes the meaning of the sentence.
Example without commas (defining relative clause): The
model which I developed fits the data. In this case there are
many models under discussion, but the particular one that I de-
veloped fits the data.
Example with commas (nondefining relative clause): The
model, which I developed, explains the data. In this case, there
is only one model under discussion, it explains the data, and by
the way, I developed it. The information about who developed
the model could be put in a separate sentence: I developed a
model. The model explains the data.
In summary, if you need the information in the relative
clause to specify who or what you are talking about, then do
not use commas around the clause. If the information could
just as well be put into another sentence, then do use commas
around the clause.
6.7 Avoid Ambiguity with This
A common mistake is referring to something with ’this’, without
defining what it refers to. Such as here:
In many galaxies, secular evolution leads to the formation
of pseudo-bulges and also to other changes in their morphol-
ogy. This can be observed in both optical and radio imaging.
What can be observed? The secular evolution? The formation
of pseudo-bulges? Or the changes? To solve this problem, you
write this evolution can be observed.
6.8 Tricky Plurals
While most plurals in English are formed by adding ’s’ or ’es,’ sci-
ence uses some irregular plurals. ’Data’ is usually used as a plu-
ral, with the singular form being ’datum’ or ’a piece or item of
data.’ In singular/plural pairs, here are a few tricky plurals: anal-
ysis/analyses, spectrum/spectra, phenomenon/phenomena, cri-
terion/ criteria, matrix/matrices.
Knapen, Chamba & Black
6.9 Use of the Articles a/an/the
Articles (the dog, a galaxy) can be extremely tricky for many non-
native speakers because many or even most people in the world
do not use articles at all in their first language, or do not use
them like in English!
It is thus very common in their drafts
to see ’the’ and other articles where an English native speaker
would not place one, or to leave out an article where an anglo-
phone would place one.
You should also note that for native English speakers (or for
speakers of languages which treat articles in the same way as
English, such as Dutch or German and to a lesser extent French
and Spanish) the use of articles is often completely intuitive and
crystal-clear, and they may not understand how others can pos-
sibly have a problem with articles.
Here are the basic rules.
1. Does the reader know which one or ones you are talking
about? Then use ’the.’ The reader might know which one you
are talking about for the following reasons:
a. Known because you just introduced it.
There was an association between a and c . The association
remained robust after...
b. Known because you mention something related.
...galaxy x. The structure of the galaxy is... [every galaxy has
a structure]
c. Known because you define it in the sentence.
The causes of this rotation are...
d. Known because you name it.
We used data from the SIMBAD database. [You define the
database by giving the name, SIMBAD]
e. There is only one. The Milky Way. The Sun. However, do not
use ’the’ for the names of people. I sent the data to Peter
(not ’the Peter’). Do not add ’the’ to names of countries, but
be aware that ’the’ forms part of the name of some countries
(the United States, the Netherlands). The conference was in
Spain; next year it will be in the Netherlands.
2. If rule 1 does not apply and the noun is singular, use ’a’ or
’an.’ ’A’ is used before a consonant sound: a galaxy, a star, a DVD.
’An’ is used before a vowel sound: an element, an hour, an X-ray
3. If rule 1 does not apply and the noun is plural or non-
countable, do not use any article.
Generally speaking, ab-
stract terms used in a broad, general sense are noncountable
and are not introduced with ’the’.
Examples with abstract nouns used in a general sense:
You need more information about the university program. (’In-
formation’ is used in a general sense.)
Phrasal verbs can be used in speech, but not in academic writ-
ing. (Both ’speech’ and ’academic writing’ are used in a general
But when using these abstract terms in a restricted and spe-
cific sense, rule 1 applies, and ’the’ is used.
Examples with abstract nouns used in a restricted, specific
The information in that folder is not correct. (Specific informa-
The speech you hear on the street in New York is different from
the speech you hear in London. (Specific examples of speech)
23 See$#$2/19.6/35.5
24 Some languages do not differentiate between singular and plural nouns,
which leads to confusion with articles and matching up the verbs. For ex-
ample, in Indonesian, the structure is something like ’one book is brown;
two book is brown.’ If this situation is the case in your mother language,
be careful to make nouns singular and plural, and to match the verb to
the noun in English, so you have ’one book is brown; two books are blue.’
The writing in this paper is excellent. (Specific example of writ-
4. Some confusion may arise because some nouns can be
either countable or noncountable, depending on their usage.
To make matters worse, some nouns are countable in English
but not in other languages, and vice versa.
Examples of nouns used as countable:
We gave the students some exercises to help them practice the
use of articles. (countable, plural ’exercises’)
I was so busy in the lab yesterday! I did 72 analyses. (’analyses’
refers to analysed samples)
Examples with the same nouns used as noncountable:
You should not sit in front of the computer all day; you should
get some exercise. (’Exercise’ in general—maybe walking or cy-
cling. This is quite a different meaning than the written exer-
cises to practice the use of articles in the example above)
He entered the data into the computer for analysis. (In this case,
’analysis’ is used as a general abstract noun, like ’information’ in
the example above.)
For those whose native language does not use articles, prac-
tice the rules (you can find exercises on the internet), or anal-
yse some of the sentences in this paper. Can you identify why
an article is used or not? You will not perfect your use of ar-
ticles overnight, but with some regular attention to the issue,
you can improve a lot within a year or two. For those who are
anglophones, remember that articles are very difficult for your
nonanglophone colleagues. Be helpful, not critical. After all, is
your Indonesian/Russian/Persian perfect?
6.10 Adverbs
An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It
tells us how, where, when, how much, how often, etc. Adverbs
of time (such as never, often, sometimes, also) usually do not
cause trouble, but the adverbs that end in -ly can be confusing.
They are formed:
For most adjectives, add -ly: wonderful—wonderfully
If an adjective ends in y, change y to i and add -ly: easy
Ending in -able or -idle, change -e to -y: horrible—horribly
Ending in c, add -ally: automatic—automatically
Some adverbs are irregular and do not end in -ly: good—well
And some do not change at all: fast—fast.
In fact, academic writing does not use a lot of adverbs to
modify adjectives or adverbs, except in the special case of past
participles used as adjectives. Examples are previously reported
data, a recently launched satellite, a carefully written report.
6.11 Amount vs Number
Use ’number’ for countable objects, and ’amount’ for measured
Correct: The number of stars of a given mass...
Correct: The total amount of fuel needed to launch the satel-
lite... (or else the number of litres of fuel, since litres are count-
Correct: The amount of time needed for the project... (or else
the number of months needed for the project, since months are
6.12 UK vs US Spelling
There are some differences in spelling between American and
British English. Examples are the American -or words which
Astronomy Education Journal, 2021, Vol. 00, No. 0
are written with -our in British English: color/colour, neigh-
bor/neighbour. American English ends some words with -er,
while British English uses -re: center/centre, meter/metre. Amer-
ican English has words that must end in -ize, while British
English also writes them with -ise: analyze/analyse, catego-
rize/categorise. Use the style and spelling appropriate to your
journal, and use the relevant spell checker to avoid mistakes.
Perhaps most importantly: be consistent throughout your pa-
6.13 Literature
’Literature’ is poetry, novels, and plays; ’the literature’ is the pub-
lished body of work in your field.
6.14 Avoid Phrasal Verbs in Formal English
English uses many phrasal verbs, such as ’break down’ or ’talk
about,’ but these are informal. They can be used in speech but
not in formal writing. In almost all cases, there is a single, more
formal word that can replace the phrasal verb, for example, ’de-
stroy’ or ’decompose’ are more formal than ’break down,’ and
’discuss’ is more formal than ’talk about.’ The more formal ver-
sions are derived from a Latin root and often resemble words in
French or Spanish. Other examples are using the formal ’inves-
tigate’ instead of ’look into’ or the formal ’continue’ rather than
’go on.
6.15 Infinitives and Gerunds as Nouns
Confusingly, English uses both infinitives and gerunds as nouns.
The infinitive is the ’to’ form, like ’to eat,’ and the gerund is the
noun form that ends in ’ing,’ like ’eating.’ In some cases, either
the infinitive or the gerund can be used: we began to investi-
gate the star or we began investigating the star. But depend-
ing on the main verb, it may be necessary to use the infinitive or
the gerund. We wanted to investigate the star because ’want’
requires the infinitive. We considered writing a paper because
’consider’ requires the gerund. Some verbs that are commonly
used in academic writing can be used in several different ways.
For example, the supervisor advised taking more observations
because ’advise’ requires the gerund. It is also correct to use the
structure the supervisor advised me to take more observations;
the infinitive is required when the person receiving the advice
is mentioned. In case of doubt about the correct usage, check
a dictionary such as The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary
7 Concluding Remarks
This paper is a self-help guide to writing papers in astronomy
for students and beginning writers. Often, the expectation is
that students will learn how to write papers from their men-
tors or supervisors but not all mentors are the best of writers or
are trained, or even willing, to teach students how to write! We
hope our guide provides students with a clear framework to be-
gin writing their first paper. It is also aimed to encourage them
to first think before writing and, most importantly, to recognise
that writing is a process that can be learned and constantly im-
proved. For instance, by learning how to critically approach pa-
pers in the literature, you may then identify and learn how to
present the key message and findings of your own paper in a
self-critical, compelling and efficient manner.
Without a doubt, if you continue to practice and pay at-
tention to good planning and writing, it will become easier to
produce well-written papers. We also remind graduate pro-
gramme coordinators that writing in astronomy is an essential
skill for the future success of young researchers. We believe that
the writing experience of students would be greatly enhanced
if programmes included courses in academic writing as part of
their early scientific education or graduate research training.
This paper also summarises the writing process, from plan-
ning the paper and choosing a journal, through the organiza-
tion of the paper, to the mechanics of writing and polishing text,
with some tips given along the way to avoid plagiarism. We con-
centrate on scientific papers to be submitted to refereed pro-
fessional journals in astronomy. Based on our experience, we
believe that every researcher can learn to write clearly, compe-
tently and even gracefully. We provide these guidelines based
on our experience as writers and teachers, but take these guide-
lines as just that—only guidelines which will help you find your
own way to becoming a good writer. Your reward will be when
a colleague compliments you on your beautifully written paper!
8 Declarations
8.1 Ethical Approval (optional)
Not applicable.
8.2 Consent for Publication
Not applicable.
8.3 Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
8.4 Funding
We acknowledge support from the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721463 to the SUN-
DIAL ITN network. JHK acknowledges financial support from
the State Research Agency (AEI-MCINN) of the Spanish Min-
istry of Science and Innovation under the grant ’The structure
and evolution of galaxies and their central regions’ with ref-
erence PID2019-105602GB-I00/10.13039/501100011033,
and from IAC project P/300724, financed by the Ministry of
Science and Innovation, through the State Budget and by the
Canary Islands Department of Economy, Knowledge and Em-
ployment, through the Regional Budget of the Autonomous
Community. NC acknowledges support from the research
project grant ‘Understanding the Dynamic Universe’ funded
by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation under Dnr KAW
8.5 Author’s Contributions
All authors developed the manuscript together. Individual au-
thors drafted sections and gave critical comments on the other
Knapen, Chamba & Black
9 Acknowledgements
We thank Sébastien Comerón, Simón Díaz-García, Erik & Laura
Knapen Almeida, Cristina Martínez-Lombilla, Rainer Schödel
and Aaron Watkins for comments on an earlier version of these
notes. NC also thanks T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen and Matteo Pom-
permaier for interesting discussions. Part of this paper is based
on a scientific writing course delivered by JHK to mostly MSc
and PhD students in Ethiopia and Rwanda. He wishes to thank
Professors Mirjana Pović and Pheneas Nkundabakura for organ-
ising those courses, and the students for participating.
10 Authors’ Information
JHK is a research professor of astrophysics with three decades of
experience of (co-)writing over 200 refereed research papers in
astronomy. He has edited a number of books and given courses
on academic writing. NC is a young author and postdoctoral
fellow in astronomy. Recognising that most of her Spanish-
speaking colleagues had a hard time writing papers, she or-
ganised the first scientific writing school at the Instituto de As-
trofísica de Canarias, Tenerife for PhD students in 2019. The
week-long course was given by DB, whom she and JHK met dur-
ing a SUNDIAL-ITN workshop, and inspired the making of this
guide. DB taught classes on publishing in English at the Uni-
versity of Groningen, the Netherlands, for 16 years. She is now
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