The Foundation High School Program
The new graduation plan for Texas students
The new Texas graduation plan is designed to increase flexibility in choosing courses
that will help each student succeed with future plans. These options affect students
entering 9
grade in 2014-2015 and beyond.
The Foundation High School Program (FHSP), along with EOC assessments, will
make up the basic requirements for graduation. The FHSP requires students to
complete a minimum of 22 credits including courses in English, Math, Social Studies,
Science, World Languages, Fine Arts, and Physical Education.
The Foundation High School Program PLUS Endorsement requires 26 credits. An
endorsement is earned by completing the FHSP, taking a 4
math credit (to include
Algebra II), taking a 4
science credit, a 4
social studies credit, and completing a
coherent sequence of courses in an endorsement area.
Students must earn 4 Credits:
English 1 (STAAR EOC)
English 2 (STAAR EOC)
English 3
English 4
Students must earn 4 Credits:
Algebra 1 (STAAR EOC)
An Advanced Math
An Advanced Math
Students must earn 4 Credits:
Biology (STAAR EOC)
An Advanced Science
An Advanced Science
An Advanced Science
Social Studies
Students must earn 4 Credits:
World History
World Geography
US History (STAAR EOC)
Government (0.5)
Economics (0.5)
World Languages
Students must earn 2 credits in same
Students may substitute 2 credits of
computer programming language for a
world language
Physical Education, Fine Arts, Speech
Students earn:
One credit in PE
(can include athletics, and PE equivalents)
One credit in Fine Arts
(music, art, theatre arts)
One half credit in Communication Applications
(UT requirement)
FHSP Endorsement Options
STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Business and Industry
Public Services
Arts and Humanities
Multidisciplinary Studies– UT High School Endorsement Option
UT High School
UT High School offers the Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement
To earn this endorsement, students must complete the Foundation Plan
and earn four credits in each of the four core foundation areas including
English 4, Chemistry/or Physics, social studies, and a 4
math including
Algebra II.
Students must earn a total of 26 credits
UTHS and Performance Acknowledgments
UTHS Students may earn Performance Acknowledgments on their
diplomas and transcripts in multiple ways:
Outstanding Performance in Dual Credit Courses by successfully completing 12
college hours of dual credit courses with a minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Outstanding performance in Bilingualism and Biliteracy in two or more
languages by maintaining an 80% average in English Language Arts AND
earning 3 credits in a world language with an 80% or better.
Outstanding Performance on the PSAT, ACT-Plan, SAT, or ACT by attaining
scores of:
--Combined 1250 on reading/math of SAT
--Composite (without writing) of 28 on ACT
UTHS and Distinguished Level of Achievement
Students may earn a Distinguished Level of
Achievement by meeting the four requirements below.
(The achievement will be noted on the diploma and the transcript)
Successfully completing the Foundation Plan
Earning at least one Endorsement (Multidisciplinary Studies for UTHS
Completing four levels of science
Completing four levels of Mathematics that includes Algebra II
Completing and signing the Personal Graduation
Plan Selection Form
At the time of enrollment in UTHS, each student is sent a
transcript and recommended sequence of courses.
HB5 mandates that all students complete and sign a Personal
Graduation Plan Selection Form. The student chooses an
endorsement and individual courses. After the student
completes the form, the student, parent, and counselor sign
the document.
The PGP selection form you have received is an interactive
document. Please fill in the information, print the form and
send that either by mail or electronically to
Does every student have to graduate with an endorsement?
No. A student may opt out after the student’s sophomore year.
Student and parent/guardian must sign a TEA opt out form after talking to the
academic advisor.
All freshmen and sophomores start with the 26-credit plan.
Can a student change endorsements?
- Yes. UTHS currently offers the Multidisciplinary Endorsement. When UT High
school adds new endorsements, or if a student moves to another school,
the student may choose a different or additional endorsement.
Foundation Plan (no endorsement)
This is only available to students after sophomore year.
Students complete the basic plan of 22 credits:
English 4 credits
Math 3 credits
Science 3 credits
Social Studies 3 credits
Fine Arts 1 credit
PE 1 credit
Speech 0.5 credit
Electives 6.5 credits
22 credits
Endorsement Opt-out Agreement
Texas Education Code allows student to graduate under the FHSP
without earning an endorsement.
Opt out can only be done after student’s sophomore year
Student and parents must be notified of the benefits of graduating
with an endorsement.
Form is signed by student, parent, and counselor.
If you have questions about the Texas
graduation requirements or your own
personal graduation plan, please contact
the Academic Advisor