African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(12), pp. 4644-4649, 18 June, 2011
Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/AJBM10.1417
ISSN 1993-8233 ©2011 Academic Journals
The exploration of internet marketing strategy by
search engine optimization: A critical review and
Chen-Yuan Chen
, Bih-Yaw Shih
*, Zih-Siang Chen
and Tsung-Hao Chen
Department and Graduate School of Computer Science, National Pingtung University of Education
No. 4-18, Ming Shen Rd., Pingtung 90003, Taiwan.
Doctoral Program in Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology,
Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan.
Global Earth Observation and Data Analysis Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 701 R. O. C.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, 80424, Taiwan.
Department of Business Administration, Shu-Te University, Yen Chau, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 82445, Taiwan.
Accepted 20 December, 2010
With the rise of internet, internet marketing has become an important issue, for increasing internet
business competitiveness. Recently, SEO (search engine optimization) techniques have become one
important technique for improving website ranking. Meanwhile, social networking sites are getting more
and more popular. Using keywords effectively can secure a higher ranking website, and increase site
traffic and popularity. In this paper, knowing how to implement the web site SEO actions effectively and
use the power of internet community to enhance the site's visibility and exposure can help the internet
business marketing. Using the SEO, supported by social networking sites, can contribute to the overall
site traffic and improve interaction with customers.
Key words: Internet marketing, search engine optimization, social networking sites, search engine, searching
There has been increasing interest in computer-aided
techniques and their applications in recent years (Ambe,
2010; Ding, 2010; Amini and Vahdani, 2008; Chang et al.,
2008; Omurlu et al., 2008; Trabia et al., 2008; Tu et al.,
2008; Yildirim et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2009; Hsiao et al.,
2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2005d, 2005e; Chen et al., 2005a,
2005b; Hsieh et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2006a, 2006b,
2006c; Chen, 2006; Chen et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2007c,
2007d, 2007e, 2007f; Tsai et al., 2008; Yang et al.,
2008a, 2008b; Chen et al., 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2008d,
2008e; Yeh et al., 2008; Chen, 2009a, 2009b; Chen et al.,
2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2009d, 2009e, 2009f; Lin et al.,
2009a, 2009b, 2010c; Lin and Shih, 2010; Lin and Chen,
2010; Chen and Chen, 2010a, 2010b; Chen, 2010a,
2010b; Chen et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, 2010d, 2010e,
2010f, 2010g, 2010h; Lee et al., 2010a, 2010b; Chiang et
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
al., 2010; Shih et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, 2010d; Chen
et al., 2011a, 2011b; Shih et al., 2011; Chen and Huang,
2011; Chen, 2011a, 2011b). Here, some introductions will
be made about the advantages and disadvantages of
search engine optimization and social networking sites.
Also, the situation of current internet marketing and the
applications of search engine marketing will be
Internet marketing refers to the network that is used to
carry out site or brand marketing actions. It can make use
of the following ways: search engine marketing (SEM),
search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific
websites, e-mail marketing and Web 2.0 strategies. Also,
it is commonly used to study consumer behavior analysis,
brand positioning, etc. Through good marketing, it can
increase not only sales and traffic, but also consumer
interaction, in order to get good communication with
consumers (John et al., 2007).
With the development in the network, internet
marketing has become increasingly important, and as an
alternative to traditional marketing, but there are few
articles with strategic topic to analyze and guide the
companies or web site on how to conduct marketing with
the internet (Song and Zahedi, 2006). This can be seen in
the comparison with the two types of traditional and
internet marketing channels. Through this article, we did
not only rely on research, but also on internet marketing,
and it is noted that traditional marketing can get a
balance between the two channels. Ren et al. (2010)
obtain a series of conditions in which small sites can
obtain competitive advantages by using the market
segmentation strategy, (C) 2010, published by Elsevier.
They present a model to describe the competitive
dynamics of web sites, the WWW marker, and analyze
the stability of the model (Ren et al., 2010).
Revere et al. (2010) publish an exploratory study that
investigates how hospitals use the internet as a tool to
market the quality of their services, because the
increasingly competitive environment is having a strong
bearing on the strategic marketing practices of hospitals.
The internet is a fairly new marketing tool, and it has the
potential to dramatically influence healthcare consumers
(Revere and Robinson, 2010). In summary, internet
marketing has been widely applied to various fields on
how to use the internet to conduct marketing, but the
meaning of traditional marketing is still an important topic.
It is a kind of method that uses data observation and
marketing research to identify the most suitable
"keyword" for the site, which is also called "keyword
advertisement" (Malaga, 2007), but which implies a lot of
knowledge, such as how to choose keywords, how to use
keywords to make our website to be quickly found by
search engines such as Google and Yahoo, and enhance
the website's ranking in search engines. Through this
way, the study’s website variable was not made to be
highly visible only, but also have the opportunity to
improve sales of its products. So how to find out the best
keywords, through the survey and summaries results,
and get good ranking of those keywords are both
important subjects.
In SEO (search engine optimization), there are many
skills that we need to pay attention to, because they are
used by the search engine manager as an offense and
defense mechanism. If everybody should know how to
increase access to high-ranking, the probability that users
who really want to find what they wanted would be
reduced, would imply a lot of spam. Therefore, search en-
gine manager will be timing in updating their technology,
and many of the rules would be set out to punish those
Chen et al. 4645
who intentionally deceive the search engines. After all,
making sure that users could find the most useful
information is their highest law (Lee, 2010; Lee, Chen
and Wu, 2010; Lee and Lin, 2010).. Therefore, how to
stand out in the search engine ―honestly‖ would be
inevitable (Kent, 2008). Kisiel (2010) brought up an article
which focused on the significance of search engine
optimization (SEO). It is stated in the article that to
increase the volume of traffic to individual company sites
from search engines, dealerships should use this process
(Kisiel, 2010).
Summarily, SEO skill is a developed method that can
be used in search engines. So, if one wants his/her
website to get a good ranking, he/she should pay
attention to SEO. On the other hand, it also means that
one should always pay attention to search engines,
because if one loses some updates from the search
engines, their ranking might drop down.
Aspects of search engine marketing in general are known
as SEM (search engine marketing) (Beer, 2008), which
generally includes both SEO and PPC. PPC, also known
as a non-natural website ranking, is what we paid a
common type of keyword advertisement to, and the
locations of their occurrence are right, above and left at
the site. Quite to the contrary, SEO is known as a natural
website ranking. PPC, as the name suggests, is a
marketing approach that one have to pay advertising
costs to after the consumer clicks.
According to different keywords, there will be different
spreads, and the more popular keyword cost per click
would be higher. Both of them are compared as shown in
Table 1. After comparing SEO and PPC, we decided to
use SEO as our main skill, because the use of SEO can
cut down the cost, even though it might take a long time
to get a good rank. However, after a good rank is
obtained on the search engine, it would be affected and
could work for longer times. So, in this paper, we chose
SEO as the suitable skill.
SEO (search engine optimization) can be used in many
different ways. One of those ways is how a business,
offering technical communication services, used search
engine optimization techniques to attract prospective
clients to their business web sites. It is through the
survey, by 240 principals of these businesses, that their
websites were analyzed in order to find out the prospec-
tive clients and, in a way, increase traffic (Killoran, 2010).
The other is used for brand positioning (Dou et al.,
2010), with a good ―page ranking‖ or good ranking in
Google or Yahoo, which might create a good impression
4646 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
Table 1. A comparison of SEO and PPC.
SEO, on the other hand could be regarded as a free
search engine marketing, so the cost will be lower.
PPC, have to pay per click cost of the
keyword, the cost will be higher.
Stay of rankings
Use SEO rankings, in general use of formal behavior
and without of foul under, the resulting ranking is
more permanent, and will not easily change.
In advance, using the PPC's website the
exposure is relatively high, but after not
using the attached fee still return to the
nature sort.
Risk of invalid clicks
Do not have to bear the risk of invalid clicks.
Have to bear the risk of invalid clicks.
Uncertainty of ranking
Because of the popularity of each keyword and the
first few pages of the website PR value is different, so
to ensure that each keyword appear in the high
rankings, will be more uncertainty factors.
Although each keyword's cost are
different, but after paying, can be seen
in the keyword search, belong to the
unnatural order and the relatively high
Be diversionary
Because search engine algorithms are not static, so it
is easier to contain by the search engine algorithms.
Paid to obtain the ranking is not easy to
contain by the search engine algorithms
about the website or brand on consumers. Also, SEO
provides opportunities for accounting firms (Eric, 2008),
in that they can use search engine to find out a lot of
related information that can be used for their cases.
Jöran et al. (2010) propose an article that introduces and
discusses the concept of academic search engine
optimization (ASEO). It provided ways on how to optimize
scholarly literature for academic search engines in
general and for Google Scholar in particular. In addition, it
briefly discusses the risk of researchers illegitimately
―over-optimizing‖ their articles (Jöran et al., 2010).
Also, some articles that propose the SEO methods
which stay within the guidelines laid out by the major
search engines are generally termed ―white hat‖, while
those that violate the guidelines are called ―black hat‖.
However, black hat may be punished by search engine,
and thus, will increase competition in the white hat
(Malaga, 2010).
According to the Institute for Information Industry and e-
Marketer, ―facebook‖ jumped to the first place in the top
ten ranking of the most search sites, while the others
remained stagnant, nor was the ninth place promoted to
the third. Moreover, in the years 2006 and 2007, the
number of users have had an astonishing 118% growth,
so that Facebook‖ has become rather more than the
current use of a community website (Dumon, 2008), and
many of the enterprises (for example: Nike, Acer and
Amazon) have all set up their fan page to communicate
and interact with their consumers. Thus, achieving the
promotion and marketing of the company's product, on
how to establish and implement products or the brand's
fan page, is also a very important issue (Boyd and
Ellison, 2007).
The rise of micro-blog is also one of the current
marketing channels that should not be underestimated.
According to the Association of National Advertisers’
statistics in August 2009, there are 66% of U.S.
companies that use micro-blogging (Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and LinkedIn) as a marketing tool; and the
survey in 2009 by the Institute for information industry
indicated that around 22% use text blog, 20.3% use
audio and video blogs and 12% use micro-blogging sites.
It is estimated that 174 million people use micro-blogging,
and about 490 million people use it when the blogs
increase. Hence, companies use micro-blog so that
consumers could understand their products, and thus set
a good brand image to promote their brand or product
reliability (Boyd and Ellison, 2007).
In the course of the experiment, the marketing strategy in
this experiment is very desirable, and it also complements
the real online shopping stores that are said to be the
results of learning and production in combination.
However, there is a promotion of not only marketing, but
also marketing cost. So, how to suit the current issues
and news is the direction that will be researched in the
future. Above the enterprise management, the emphasis
is on the concept of sustainability. Nonetheless, how to
make the best of the goods that can be obtained by the
study’s website is what we need to work on harder.
The authors are appreciative of the financial support in
the form of research grants to Dr. Chen-Yuan Chen from
the National Science Council, Republic of China under
Grant Nos. NSC 98-2221-E-153-004, NSC 99-2628-E-
153-001 and NSC 100-2628-E-153-001. The authors are
also most grateful for the constructive suggestions of
three anonymous reviewers all of which has led to the
making of several corrections and suggestions that have
greatly aided us in the presentation of this paper.
Meanwhile, the authors would like to thank Mr. Cheng-
Hsuan Tsai and Chen-Ping Chiu, of the Department and
Graduate School of Computer Science at the National
Pingtung University of Education for the help with the
literature corrections.
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