Okinawa Service Members Advanced
Resource Tool
Last Updated:
May 14th, 2014
Issue 7
In this issue:
Cell Phone service
guide for Okinawa
Cell Phones are part of everyday life. Here on
Okinawa, there are unique aspects of buying a cell phone that buyers need to be
aware of to ensure they are prepared to make informed decisions on choosing a
service provider, structuring their service plan, and knowing basic rules to assist in
managing their cell phone bills.
Step 1: Choose a cellphone service provider. There are three available on Okinawa (in no parcular order): So-
bank, AU, and DoCoMo. Sobank and AU have both on and o-base stores, while DoCoMo stores are located o-
base only. All three have English-speaking stas.
Step 2: Choose your phone and type of service plan. (Opons vary according to the dierent companies) Ensure you
ask the provider for details on what is included in each “plan” like available minutes, cost per minute aer you have
exceeded your plan’s minutes, free calls and text messages, etc.
(1) Pre-paid phones and the associated pre-paid phone cards. These require you to purchase the phone outright
(typically ~$40-$50) and then you would purchase pre-paid minutes in various amounts depending on how much you
want to spend.
(2) Month-to-month contract. This type of contract requires you to purchase the phone outright and depending on
the type of “plan” you choose, there is a pre-set amount of minutes and data (for smart phones) per month—
(3) Two-year contract. If you decide to enter into this type of contract, you need to decide if you want to buy the
phone outright and then sign up for the contracted service only, or have the price of the phone spread out amongst
the duraon of the contract. Like with the month-to-month contract, each “plan” has a dierent combinaon of
minutes and data. Ask quesons.
Step 3: In order to start any type of contract-based cell phone service, (pre-paid phones are not included) you must
present a copy of your PCS orders that brought you to Okinawa along with your military ID. Other forms of ID you
may use include stateside driver’s license, SOFA license, and/or Passport. Depending on the company, they may or
may not ask to retain a copy of both the PCS orders and whichever form of ID you present.
Step 4: You will be required to iniate an automac payment process either with a valid credit card or with an ac-
count at with an automac bill-paying service (automac payments are required by all three phone companies) Ask
the service provider for details about the automac payment opons they accept.
Step 5: Most new phones with contracts take me to process and charge the phone. The cell phone provider will
give you a me to return to their store to pick up your phone.
*Note: There is important informaon about cell phone contracts that you need to be aware of. (See Guide Issue #8:
Crical Informaon for Cell Phones)
Disclaimer: This informaon is compiled from local cell-phone company public-facing websites and is available from
each service provider upon request. This guide is intended as a quick reference guide only. III MEF does not imply
ownership of this informaon nor endorsement of any parcular cell phone service provider or type of service plan.
For further details, contact your local cell phone service provider.