34National Taxpayer Advocate 2023 Purple Book
Legislative Recommendation #14
Prohibit Offset of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Portion
of a Tax Refund to Past-Due Federal Tax Liabilities
Problem: e IRS has discretion to not oset tax refunds to satisfy outstanding federal tax liabilities,
but it has not exercised that discretion with respect to Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refunds.
Reducing the amount of EITC a taxpayer is eligible to receive by withholding a tax refund undermines
the purpose of this anti-poverty program.
Solution: Prohibit the IRS from osetting the EITC portion of a taxpayers refund to satisfy prior-year
tax liabilities.
IRC § 6402(a) generally authorizes the IRS to oset (i.e., withhold) a taxpayer’s refund and apply it to satisfy
a prior-year federal tax liability, but it does not require the IRS to do so.
If a taxpayer can demonstrate that
he/she will experience an economic hardship if the IRS osets his/her refund, the IRS sometimes will “bypass
the oset (i.e., pay the refund). is is referred to as an “oset bypass refund” (OBR).
Similarly, the IRS
paid refunds generated by Recovery Rebate Credits (RRCs) enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic without
reduction to satisfy a tax debt.
e EITC is a refundable credit for low-income working individuals and families.
e EITC is claimed on
a tax return and is included in the computations that determine whether a taxpayer is entitled to receive a
refund and, if so, the amount of the refund.
e Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCIA) requires federal agencies to oset certain federal
payments to collect outstanding non-tax debts owed to the United States.
However, the amount subject to
oset is statutorily limited in some instances, and payments made pursuant to “means-tested” anti-poverty
programs, such as Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, are exempt
1 Kalb v. United Statescert. denied
 
 
 
Sorenson v. Secy of Treasury
5 See
35 Improve Assessment and Collection Procedures
from oset when exemption is requested by the head of the agency administering the program.
e EITC is
sometimes referred to as a means-tested benet, although it does not meet the DCIA denition of that term.
Nevertheless, the amount of the EITC depends in part on the amount of a taxpayer’s earned income. In
2022, for example, joint lers with no qualifying children who earn more than $22,610 will be ineligible for
the credit; if they have two qualifying children and earn more than $55,529, they will be ineligible for the
credit. All other lers with no qualifying children who earn more than $16,480 in 2022 will be ineligible for
the credit; those with two qualifying children who earn more than $49,399 will be ineligible for the credit.
Any taxpayer with more than $10,300 of investment income in 2022 will be ineligible for the credit.
Like other anti-poverty programs, Congress created the EITC to provide nancial assistance for low-income
individuals and families and to reduce poverty. e average adjusted gross income of taxpayers who received
the EITC for tax year 2020 was $20,174.
Taxpayers whose EITC refund is subject to oset may request an OBR, but the timeframe for requesting
an OBR is narrow. e IRS must approve an OBR between the date the return is led and the date the
IRS assesses the tax shown on the return. is period is approximately ten to 20 days when a return is led
electronically. In scal year2022, only 377 taxpayers received OBRs.
To its credit, the IRS has exercised its discretion to not oset some tax benets to satisfy past-due federal tax
liabilities, but the IRS has not adopted a policy of protecting EITC refunds from oset. Consistent with
congressional recognition that osets may impose economic hardships on recipients of federal benets, the
National Taxpayer Advocate recommends that Congress prohibit the IRS from osetting the portion of a
taxpayers refund attributable to the EITC.
To be clear, we are not recommending that the full refund subject to oset be released – just the amount
of the refund that is attributable to the EITC. Programming would be straightforward, rendering it easily
Amend IRC § 6402(a) to prohibit oset of the EITC portion of a taxpayers refund to satisfy prior-year
tax liabilities.
 
 See, e.g.What you Need to Know About Means-Tested Entitlements
 
9 Id.
10 
11 
12 