National Maritime Center
Keep ’em Safe, Keep ’em Sailing
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Q210 Deck Safety
(Sample Examination)
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
Choose the best answer to the following Multiple Choice Questions.
1. Which term is given to the difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by shifting a
weight transversely in the vessel?
o (A) Flotation
(B) List
o (C) Trim
o (D) Heel
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
2. When possible, what is the FIRST step in fighting an engine fuel-pump fire which results from a
broken fuel line?
o (A) Cast the barge off the wharf.
o (B) Secure all engine room doors, hatches, and vents.
(C) Close the fuel line valve.
o (D) Check the spread of the fire with foam.
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
3. When should you use distress flares and rockets?
(A) Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels
o (B) At one-hour intervals
o (C) Immediately upon abandoning the vessel
o (D) At half-hour intervals
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
4. Ventilation systems connected to a compartment in which a fire is burning are normally closed to
prevent the rapid spread of the fire by which method?
o (A) Spontaneous combustion
(B) Convection
o (C) Radiation
o (D) Conduction
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
5. Once you have established the daily ration of drinking water in a survival situation, how should you
drink it?
o (A) The complete daily ration at one time during the day
(B) One-third the daily ration three times daily
o (C) Small sips only after sunset
o (D) Small sips at regular intervals during the day
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
6. Which is the prime function of the bilge keel?
o (A) To add strength to the bilge
o (B) To serve as the vessel's main strength member
o (C) To protect the vessel's hull when alongside a dock
(D) To reduce the rolling of the vessel
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
7. The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the
rescue. Which is TRUE concerning the information?
(A) The information should be transmitted as a series of short messages, if time allows
o (B) The message must be sent to a Coast Guard station FIRST
o (C) The distress message shall include the vessel's draft
o (D) The information is ALWAYS included in the initial distress message and repeated as required
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
8. What is the most important thing to remember when launching an inflatable liferaft by hand?
o (A) Open the raft container
o (B) Open the CO2 inflation valve
o (C) Inflate the raft on the vessel, then throw it over the side
(D) Ensure that the operating cord is secured to the vessel
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
9. A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side. What
does this signal indicate?
o (A) All is clear, it is safe to pass
(B) A distress signal
o (C) Danger, stay away
o (D) All is clear, it is safe to approach
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
10. Small hull leaks can be temporarily repaired by __________.
(A) caulking
o (B) parceling
o (C) seizing
o (D) par buckling
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
11. Which term represents the weight (measured in tons) required to cause a change in mean draft of
one inch?
o (A) MH1 inch
o (B) ML1 inch
o (D) MT1 inch
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
12. The term "strake" is used in reference to which item(s)?
o (A) Vessel framing
o (B) Anchor gear
o (C) Rudder mountings
(D) Hull plating
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
13. When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears "SECURITE" spoken three times he can expect
to receive a message concerning __________.
o (A) the safety of a vessel or a person is in jeopardy
o (B) a coast station traffic list
o (C) a vessel in need of immediate assistance
(D) the safety of navigation or important meteorological warnings
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
14. Which is required to be marked on the vessel's life preservers?
o (A) The crew member's article number
(B) The vessel's name
o (C) The vessel's home port
o (D) The stowage space assigned
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
15. For the purpose of training and drills, if reasonable and practicable, how frequently should rescue
boats be launched with their assigned crew?
(A) Once a month
o (B) Twice a year
o (C) Once a week
o (D) Once a year
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
16. Which type of hull damage should be repaired FIRST?
o (A) Damage in way of machinery rooms
(B) Damage at or just above the waterline
o (C) Damage to interior watertight boundaries
o (D) Damage below the waterline
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
17. Progressive flooding is controlled by securing watertight boundaries and which other action?
o (A) Transferring water ballast
(B) Plugging holes or openings
o (C) Abandoning ship
o (D) Jettisoning cargo
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
18. Who issues a ship's radiotelephone station license?
o (A) Maritime Mobile Service Commission
o (B) Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services
(C) Federal Communications Commission
o (D) U.S. Coast Guard
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
19. Pitching is angular motion of the vessel about what axis?
o (A) Centerline
(B) Transverse
o (C) Longitudinal
o (D) Vertical
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
20. What is Metacentric height a measure of?
o (A) Stability through all angles
(B) Initial stability only
o (C) Maximum righting arm
o (D) Location of G above the keel
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
21. All personnel on board a vessel should be familiar with the rescue boat's __________.
o (A) fuel consumption rates
o (B) navigational systems
o (C) maintenance schedules
(D) boarding and operating procedure
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
22. Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must __________.
o (A) secure the engine room ventilation
o (B) secure the machinery in the engine room
o (C) evacuate all engine room personnel
(D) All of the above
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
23. Once the liferaft has cleared the vessel, which of the following steps should normally be taken first
by those who have boarded a liferaft in an emergency situation?
o (A) Determine position and closest point of land
o (B) Ration food and water supplies
(C) Search for survivors
o (D) Check pyrotechnic supplies
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
24. Your voyage planning indicates you will arrive at a waypoint in longitude 49°16.3'E at 0947 ZT on 3
March 1988. How should this date be entered into an AMVER report?
o (A) 03094703
o (B) 06470303Z
(C) 030647Z MAR
o (D) 030947C MAR
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
25. Which term describes the horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel?
o (A) Roll
(B) Surge
o (C) Sway
o (D) Pitch
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
26. Which types of portable fire extinguishers are designed for use on electrical fires?
o (A) Dry chemical and soda-acid
(B) Dry chemical and carbon dioxide
o (C) Carbon dioxide and foam (stored pressure)
o (D) Foam (stored pressure) and soda-acid
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
27. Which is the abandon ship signal?
o (A) A continuous sounding of the ship's whistle
o (B) A continuous ringing of the general alarm, and sounding of the ship's whistle
(C) More than 6 short blasts and 1 long blast of the ship's whistle and the same signal on the
general alarm bells
o (D) A continuous ringing of general alarm bells for at least 10 seconds
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
28. What is the weight of the liquid displaced by a vessel floating in sea water equal to?
o (A) The reserve buoyancy
(B) The total weight of the vessel
o (C) The displaced volume
o (D) The weight required to sink the vessel
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
29. The vessel shown in illustration D025DG has broken down and you are going to take her in tow. The
wind is coming from her starboard beam. You are making more leeway than she. Where should you
position your vessel when you start running lines?
(A) A
o (B) B
o (C) C
o (D) D
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
30. When signaling a course using the International Code of Signals, which is TRUE?
o (A) The signal must be followed by "T", "M" or "C" to indicate if it is true, magnetic or compass
o (B) The signal should include the compass deviation if a compass course is signaled
(C) The signal always indicates a true course unless indicated otherwise in the message
o (D) The signal should be preceded by the letters CSE
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
31. What is the correct procedure to follow when manually launching an inflatable liferaft?
o (A) Open the canopy relief valves.
(B) Pull the painter from the container and make it fast to the cleat provided.
o (C) Connect the float free link to the vessel.
o (D) Remove the raft from the container to permit complete inflation.
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
32. Large volumes of carbon dioxide are safe and effective for fighting fires in enclosed spaces, such as
in a pumproom, provided that the __________.
o (A) persons in the space wear gas masks
o (B) ventilation system is kept operating
o (C) persons in the space wear damp cloths over their mouths and nostrils
(D) ventilation system is secured and all persons leave the space
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
33. As seen in illustration D035SA below, when the remote push button located in the wheelhouse,
starboard side, frame 122, is actuated, what is the result?
o (A) Engine room water tight doors are secured
o (B) CO2 or Halon extinguishing systems will be energized
o (C) The general alarm will sound the fire and emergency signal
(D) Ventilation ducts are secured
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
34. How should the letter "D" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
o (A) DA VID
o (C) DOG
o (D) DUKE
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
35. You are on a ship that has broken down and are preparing to be taken in tow. You will use your
anchor cable as part of the towline. Which statement is TRUE?
(A) The strain of the tow is taken by the riding pawl, chain stopper, and anchor windlass brake.
o (B) The anchor cable should be veered enough to allow the towline connection to be immediately
astern of the towing vessel.
o (C) The anchor cable should be veered enough to allow the towline connection to be just forward
of your bow.
o (D) The anchor cable should be led out through a chock, if possible, to avoid a sharp nip at the
hawsepipe lip.
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
36. The term displacement refers to which of the following?
o (A) The deadweight carrying capacity of a vessel
(B) The number of long tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat
o (C) The cubic capacity of a vessel
o (D) The gross tonnage of a vessel
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
37. If you see an individual fall overboard, which action(s) should you take?
o (A) Pass the word to the bridge
o (B) Throw him/her a life buoy
o (C) Hail "man overboard"
(D) All of the above
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
38. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the proper procedure in handling a fire
(A) Use of a spanner wrench when attaching nozzles or additional lengths of hose is always
o (B) A 1½ inch hose should be deployed with a minimum of a nozzleman and hoseman.
o (C) The nozzleman should always hold the nozzle with one hand on top, to prevent kickback.
o (D) Back-up hosemen should be placed wherever the hose makes a significant turn.
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
39. A 750 foot passenger vessel operating on the Great Lakes, not subject to SOLAS regulations, is
required to carry how many ring life buoys?
(A) 24
o (B) 18
o (C) 12
o (D) 6
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
40. Why should foam be banked off a bulkhead when extinguishing an oil fire?
o (A) To cool the bulkhead closest to the fire
o (B) To prevent any oil on the bulkheads from igniting
(C) To prevent agitation of the oil and spreading the fire
o (D) To coat the surrounding bulkheads with foam in case the fire spreads
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
41. Each distress signal and self-activated smoke signal must be replaced not later than the marked
date of expiration, or, from the date of manufacture, not later than which time frame?
o (A) 6 months
o (B) 12 months
o (C) 24 months
(D) 42 months
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
42. What term indicates the outward curvature of the hull above the waterline?
o (A) Tumble home
(B) Flare
o (C) Deadrise
o (D) Sheer
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
43. Which of the following statements is true concerning the control activators, i.e., pull-handles, push-
buttons or levers, for a space protected by a CO2 fixed fire extinguishing system?
o (A) Two control activators are required when a stop valve is installed in the main discharge line to
a space.
o (B) Only one control activator is required for discharge piping systems designed without a stop
o (C) An alarm must sound for at least 20 seconds before CO2 is released into a space that is likely
to be occupied.
(D) All of the above
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
44. Your vessel has been damaged and you must shore a bulkhead. How should you cut the shore?
o (A) Cut approximately 1/2 inch shorter per foot of shoring to allow for wet expansion
(B) Cut approximately 1/2 inch shorter than the measured length to allow for wedges
o (C) Cut approximately 1/2 inch longer than the measured length to allow for trimming
o (D) Cut to the same length as the measured length
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
45. When the bypass valve of a self-contained breathing apparatus is opened, the mainline valve should
be __________.
o (A) completely open
(B) completely closed
o (C) immediately disconnected
o (D) pinched to check the air flow
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
46. A vessel's bottom will be subjected to tension when weight is concentrated in which location(s)?
o (A) Forward
o (B) Aft
o (C) At both ends of the vessel
(D) Amidships
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
47. You have abandoned your vessel. You are in a liferaft and have cleared away from your vessel.
Which is one of your FIRST actions that should be taken?
o (A) Take measures to maintain morale
o (B) Prepare and use radio equipment
o (C) Identify the person in charge of liferaft
(D) Search for survivors
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
48. Which is the normal tendency for a loaded tanker?
o (A) Hog
(B) Sag
o (C) Have a permanent list
o (D) To be very tender
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
49. When you hear three short blasts on the ship's whistle and the same signal on the general alarm
bells, which action should you take?
(A) You are dismissed from drills
o (B) You should start the fire pump
o (C) You should point to the man overboard
o (D) You are required to be at your liferaft, proceed there
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
50. You are in a lifeboat broadcasting a distress message. What information would be essential to your
o (A) The nature of the distress
o (B) Your position by latitude and longitude
o (C) Number of persons aboard
(D) All of the above
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
51. The tops of the thwarts, side benches, and the footings of a lifeboat are painted which color?
(A) Vivid Redish Orange
o (B) Brown
o (C) Tanish Gray
o (D) Gray
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
52. You are approaching a ship that is broken down and are preparing to take her in tow. BEFORE
positioning your vessel to pass the towline, which action should you take?
o (A) Install chafing gear on the towline
(B) Compare the rate of drift between the ships
o (C) Secure the bitter end of the towing hawser to prevent loss if the tow is slipped
o (D) Have traveling lizards rigged to guide the towline while it is paid-out
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
53. What is NOT a function of the steam drum of a marine water-tube boiler?
o (A) Holds internal fittings for separation of moisture from steam
o (B) Serves as a reservoir of boiler feedwater
o (C) Receives saturated steam from the generating tubes
(D) Collects steam exhausted from the turbines
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
54. Assuming an even transverse distribution of weight in a vessel, which condition could cause a list?
(A) Empty double bottoms and lower holds, and a heavy deck cargo
o (B) Having KG smaller than KM
o (C) Flooding the forepeak to correct the vessel's trim
o (D) Having a small positive righting arm
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
55. In illustration D039SA below the location of a spare set of fire control plans on board the vessel is
designated by what approved symbol?
(A) 1
o (B) 30
o (C) 37
o (D) 69
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
56. You are at sea and have received a General Emergency message announcing the outbreak of war
in Europe. You are directed to comply with the instructions in NGA (NIMA) PUB 117, Chapter Eight.
Which statement is TRUE?
o (A) When over 200 miles from a port in the danger zone, you should not darken ship.
o (B) If on a coastwise voyage along the east coast of the U.S., you should put into the nearest
(C) You should attempt to submit an AMVER report to NSA.
o (D) You should only enter a port in the danger zone during hours of darkness.
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
57. Which single-letter sound signal(s) may only be made in compliance with the Rules of the Road?
o (A) E
o (B) D
o (C) S
(D) All of the above
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
58. What is the purpose of a water spray system on a covered lifeboat?
o (A) The spray system cools the lifeboat engine
o (B) It keeps the lifeboat warm in a cold climate by applying heated water spray from the engine to
the boat
(C) It protects the lifeboat from reaching combustion temperature while operating in a fire
o (D) The system will put out a fire inside the lifeboat
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
59. What does a pyrometer measure on a diesel engine?
o (A) Water pressure
(B) Exhaust temperature
o (C) Water temperature
o (D) Air box pressure
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
60. What is the preferred agent used in fighting a helicopter crash fire?
o (A) Halon
o (B) Water
o (C) CO2
(D) Foam
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
61. What is the purpose of a striker plate?
o (A) Provides surface for applying force on machinery
o (B) Absorbs machinery vibration
o (C) Prevents valve stem over-travel
(D) Provides landing surface for the sounding bob
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
62. What is the best procedure for picking up a lifeboat at sea while utilizing the lifeboat's sea painter?
o (A) Place the lifeboat ahead and to windward of your ship with the wind about broad on the
quarter of your ship.
o (B) Place the lifeboat ahead and to windward of your vessel with the wind about broad on the bow
of your ship.
(C) Place the lifeboat ahead and to leeward of your ship with the wind about broad on the bow of
your ship.
o (D) Place your ship to windward of the lifeboat with the wind on the quarter to allow your ship to
drift down to the lifeboat.
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
63. When patching holes in the hull, how can pillows, bedding, and other soft materials be used?
o (A) As strongbacks
o (B) As wedges
(C) As gaskets
o (D) As shores
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
64. A motor lifeboat shall carry sufficient fuel to operate continuously for a period of which duration?
o (A) 12 hours
o (B) 18 hours
(C) 24 hours
o (D) 36 hours
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
65. With an approved combination nozzle, low-velocity fog is produced by __________.
o (A) the combination nozzle only when the water pressure exceeds 125 psi
o (B) putting the handle of the nozzle in the forward position
(C) inserting an applicator in the nozzle
o (D) directing a straight stream of water against the ship's structure
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
66. Which type of davit is not considered to be a mechanical davit?
(A) Radial
o (B) Crescent
o (C) Sheath-screw boom
o (D) Quadrantal
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
67. Which firefighting method is an example of an indirect attack on a fire?
o (A) Cooling adjacent bulkheads with water to prevent the spread of the fire by conduction
(B) Flooding a paint locker with CO2 and sealing the compartment
o (C) Bouncing a straight stream of water off the overhead to create spray effect
o (D) Spraying foam on a bulkhead and letting it flow down and over a pool of burning oil
If choice B is selected set score to 1.
68. You should conduct a sector search under which of the following circumstances?
(A) The search target is sighted and then lost.
o (B) The search object is a target that will be readily detected by radar.
o (C) More than one vessel is available for a search.
o (D) Multiple aircraft are available to assist a surface vessel.
If choice A is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
Q210 Deck Safety
U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine Exam
Mate Offshore Supply Vessels
Illustrations: 3
69. Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by __________.
o (A) interrupting the chain reaction
o (
B) removing the oxygen
o (C) removing the heat
(D) removing the fuel
If choice D is selected set score to 1.
70. Which of the following statements is FALSE, concerning the regulations pertaining to the cylinder
room of a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system?
o (A) The compartment shall be clearly marked and identifiable.
o (
B) The compartment must be properly ventilated.
(C) The door must be kept unlocked.
o (D) The temperature of the room should never exceed 130°F.
If choice C is selected set score to 1.
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Q210 Deck Safety
National Maritime Center
Keep ’em Safe, Keep ’em Sailing
Adapted for testing purposes only
Further reproduction prohibited without permission
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Q210 Deck Safety
National Maritime Center
Keep ’em Safe, Keep ’em Sailing
Adapted for testing purposes only from Graphical Symbols for Shipboard Fire Control Plans
IMO Resolution A.952(23) Adopted 2003
Further reproduction prohibited without permission
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Q210 Deck Safety
National Maritime Center
Keep ’em Safe, Keep ’em Sailing
7 /20/2020
D039SA Part 1of 2
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Q210 Deck Safety
National Maritime Center
Keep ’em Safe, Keep ’em Sailing
7 /20/2020
D039SA Part 2 of 2
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Q210 Deck Safety