Attorney General
No. 01-1
Colorado Open Records Act
Nineteen Frequently Asked Questions
Issued July 5, 2001
The Colorado Open Records Act statute gives everyone broad access to government
records throughout the state. This opinion is issued to provide the people of
Colorado and Colorado's governments with answers to frequently asked questions
about this law.
This opinion is presented in a "frequently asked questions" format. The questions
and answers begin on page four below. The questions addressed in this formal
opinion are:
What governmental records are open to the public under the Colorado
Open Records Act?
How do I ask for public records from the government, and how is the
government supposed to respond?
What if I think I am entitled to see particular public records but the
government refuses to give them to me?
Are public records of disciplinary actions and investigations open to the
What is the interaction between the Colorado Open Records Act and the
rules of discovery in state or federal court?
What happens if a public record holds some information that is open to
the public and some information that falls within an exception to the Open
Records Act?
What if I request public records from the wrong agency of government?
Will I be directed to the agency that actually holds the records I want?
What are common problems faced by people who seek public records,
and how do I respond if they happen to me?
How can I get a public record certified by an agency of government?
Does the Open Records Act provide any special benefits for veterans?
What are the specific Open Records Act rules for sexual harassment
Are social security numbers in public records released in response to a
Are government employees' performance ratings or salaries open
public records?
What happens if my request for public records includes voluminous
documents or many records?
15. What are the consequences to the government involved in a public
records request if it wrongly denies my request?
What happens if the government receives a request for public records
that is confusing or ambiguous or vague?
How do I get criminal justice records?
What is the deliberative process exception to open public records, and
how does it work?
What is the public interest exception to open public records, and how
does it work?
The Colorado Open Records Act gives people in Colorado a very important right. It
allows them to learn - very quickly and completely - what their government is
doing. It empowers everyone to understand how Colorado's government affects
their lives in matters big and small. The citizens of Colorado want an open
government, and this statute is the most basic embodiment of that goal.
The Colorado Open Records Act begins at Section 24-72-201 of the Colorado
Revised Statutes. This law can be found in most libraries. For those with access to
the Internet, it can be located through the home page of the Colorado General
Assembly (, among other
places. In the questions and answers that follow, sections of this statute are
highlighted to guide the reader.
The thought behind this part of open government in Colorado is a very simple, yet
very broad and powerful idea: all public records are open for inspection by any
person at reasonable times. The only public records that fall outside this expansive
policy are records identified in specific exceptions set forth in the Colorado Open
Records Act, in other laws of the state, and in federal law.
The Colorado Open Records Act
contains several specific exceptions. Though access
to government records is the general rule in Colorado, people and companies also
want to know that the private information they must give the government will be
respected as private, and not made public. For that reason, laws authorize, and
sometimes require, that the government keep some types of records confidential.
These laws protect the privacy of records such as personnel files, law enforcement
investigations, research projects conducted by state institutions, real estate
appraisals when property is being acquired for public use, and certain tax records,
among others.
Some state laws outside the Open Records Act protect specific records. For
example, certain medical records held by the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment are specifically kept from disclosure under separate laws. Certain
records maintained by the Department of Human Services are exempt from
disclosure. Investigative records maintained by regulatory agencies and business
and professional licensing boards may be exempt. Careful legal research is required
to identify this type of exception to the Open Records Act.
Finally, a specific federal law sometimes governs whether a particular public record
is confidential, notwithstanding state laws such as the Colorado Open Records Act.
The effect of federal law must be evaluated in the context of a particular request for
public records.
Requests for documents under the Colorado Open Records Act are sometimes
publicly controversial. This controversy often flows from a difficult balance to be
struck between the fundamental principles of open government described above
and the important privacy rights of the individuals who are the subject of the
records sought. For example, some of the aspects of the hiring and firing of
individuals by government are open to the public, even though this information
may be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the people involved. As another
example, some of the information held by the government in applications for
licenses and similar approvals may be open to the public for eventual use for
commercial purposes, even though the citizen applicants might prefer that the
application information not be shared with commercial interests.
This important balance must be found by interpreting the specific text of the laws
involved in the light of the particular circumstances of the request for information.
The legal outcome of this process - whether a particular sensitive record is to be
released publicly - at times can be very difficult to determine.
The following questions and answers give general guidance to people who want to
see public records and to the public servants who manage the records in trust for
the people. It does not answer all questions you might have. The application of the
Colorado Open Records Act to a particular public record can be legally complicated
and uncertain, so please be aware that your specific circumstances might require
an analysis different from that described below.
1. What governmental records are open to the public under the Colorado
Open Records Act?
The Colorado Open Records Act applies to virtually all levels and types of
governments within Colorado. These include the state, its agencies and institutions,
cities, counties, cities and counties, towns, school districts, special districts, and
housing authorities, among others. Each of these organizations of government must
meet the requirements of the Open Records Act.
The Colorado Open Records Act does not apply to federal government records. A
different federal statute, called the Freedom of Information Act, applies to federal
government. In a similar way, this federal statute does not apply to Colorado state
or local government, either.
The "public records" that are open for inspection under the Colorado Open Records
Act include a very wide variety of materials. Books, papers, maps, photographs,
tape recordings and electronic mail, among other written materials, are all open
records. In order to be a "public record," the materials must be made by the
government, kept by the government, or maintained by the government, and the
record must also involve the receipt or expenditure of public funds, or the exercise
of functions required or authorized by law or administrative rule.
The Open Records Act only makes public written information that already exists
within the government. It does not force an agency or other government
organization involved to create new records to respond to a request. It also does
not require the government to manipulate or analyze information it might have in a
new way in order to respond to a request.
For example, suppose a public file held by a special district contains all applications
for water taps, and that it is organized by street address. The special district must
allow inspection of this file if asked, but the special district does not have to
organize the applications alphabetically or chronologically. That task would be the
responsibility of the person requesting to see the file.
Computers are widely used in Colorado government to hold public information.
Many of the computer records kept by governments in Colorado are open for
inspection under this law. For example, electronic mail is widely used, and is an
open record unless it is otherwise exempt from public inspection. The same is true
of records kept in government databases.
2. How do I ask for public records from the government, and how is the
government supposed to respond?
In general, asking to look at public records in Colorado is very easy. You must first
find out what part of government has the records you want to see. Then you have
to ask an appropriate person to see them, and make arrangements to inspect
Each agency is responsible for its own records, and one of the employees for each
agency is the "official custodian" of those records. The official custodian is probably
an administrator for the agency. This person is responsible for all of the agency's
records, even though he or she may not actually keep track of these records on a
day to day basis. The official custodian is responsible for answering requests for
The government's record custodians hold public records in trust for all citizens of
Colorado. Every time you ask to see a record, a custodian must balance your right
to access public records with the agency's obligation to maintain the record and to
perform its other jobs. The custodian must protect the integrity of the record, and
must prevent unnecessary interference with the agency's function.
Your request to see records should be in writing, and it should be as clear and
specific as you can make it. That way the agency knows what you want to see, and
if a problem arises you can also prove that you made your request and when you
made it. A written request is not legally necessary (unless an agency rule requires
it), but it is always a very good idea to ask for records in writing anyway.
Once the agency receives your request, the custodian will decide whether you can
see the records and, if so, when and where. Normally, you will look at the records
at the agency's office. Many times, the records will be immediately available. If the
record is not readily available, ask the custodian to let you know when it will be
available. If you request one, you will then get a letter identifying a date and time
that you can review and copy the record.
If the custodian cannot make the record immediately available for you to look at,
the agency has three working days to make it available to you. If your request is
large enough that the agency cannot respond within three days, the custodian will
let you know in writing, and will have an additional seven working days to make it
available under the Open Records Act.
If your re
quest for records is very large, the
agency will usually try to make arrangements with you for your review as soon as it
reasonably and practically can.
Agencies can and normally do charge for copying records. The Open Records Act
requires that the charge must be "reasonable," and cannot exceed $1.25 per page
unless the actual cost exceeds that amount.
Agencies may have their own statutes
or rules that set copying costs. For example, the secretary of state may charge less
than its cost under certain circumstances.
Keep in mind that the agency's cost may
include not only the cost of the copy, but the cost of the employee's time spent
making your copies. If you ask for copies of special documents, like your own set of
photographic prints, the cost may be higher. If you ask for certified copies, the cost
may be higher. The bottom line, however, is that government agencies cannot and
do not profit from this service. Your cost of obtaining a copy should not exceed the
agency's cost of making the copy.
You may desire to make your own copies to save money. You may, if the agency is
not prepared to make copies for you and if the agency allows you to do so. Most
agencies will be prepared to copy a small number of records. Copies must be made
at the office of the agency, if it is practical.
The custodian decides who will make the copies and where.
If the copies will be
made at a copy business, you must make arrangements and pay the cost of taking
the records to the copying business. While that might sound like a good idea, keep
in mind that the agency must maintain control of the records and supervise the
copying. If you remove the documents from the agency office, your cost will include
the cost of the custodian's time to accompany the records. As always, you should
ask the agency about its copying procedures.
3. What if I think I am entitled to see particular public records but the
government refuses to give them to me?
If the custodian denies you access to records, ask for a written statement
explaining why he or she made that decision. The custodian's letter must tell you
the legal basis for the custodian's decision, and give you reasons that will allow you
to decide if you think the decision makes sense.
Most agency custodians of record are very knowledgeable about their records and
the restrictions that apply to their access. Of course, they might make the wrong
decision on your request. If you are denied access to records that you believe
should be accessible, you can file a civil action to ask a court to decide if the
custodian's decision is wrong.
The district court that would hear your complaint is
the one that is nearest the place where the records are kept.
If you get a decision that denies your access to the records you want to see, you
might write a letter to the custodian disputing his or her decision and reasoning.
You do not have to write a letter like this, but - if your reasons are persuasive -
might get the custodian to change his or her mind. This is an easy, practical and
inexpensive way to try to overturn an adverse decision.
4. Are public records of disciplinary actions and investigations open to the
The State of Colorado regulates many businesses and professionals. This
involves investigating possible misconduct and, where appropriate, imposing
discipline for violations of Colorado law. The Open Records Act states that records
of these law enforcement investigations may be held confidential.
It is also
common to find that the statutes applying to each specific agency require that
agency to hold investigation records confidential, at least until the investigation is
Like all other government records, records of discipline are open to the public
unless there is a specific exception.
One such exception applies in many
circumstances to records of discipline of government employees, when these
records are part of the employee's personnel file.
There are few other
This is another example of a situation where it is best to ask the
agency holding the record for the rules that apply to the record. You can save a lot
of time researching these statutes by simply calling the agency that keeps the
record you want to see.
5. What is the interaction between the Colorado Open Records Act and the
rules of discovery in state or federal court?
When people become parties to a civil lawsuit, they can get information from other
parties to the lawsuit by using the "discovery" rules that apply in the particular
court in which the lawsuit has been filed. Only parties to a lawsuit may use the
discovery rules to get information. In this situation, they may get information from
government agency parties and private parties alike. In contrast, anyone can use
the Open Records Act to get information from government agencies, not just
parties in a lawsuit.
The interaction between the Open Records Act rules and the rules of discovery can
be complicated and uncertain. There may be times when parties to a civil lawsuit
can use the Open Records Act to obtain information concerning their lawsuit from
governments in Colorado, whether or not the government involved is a party to the
But there may also be times when parties to a civil lawsuit cannot use the
Open Records Act to obtain information. That can happen in cases where a request
for records under the Open Records Act violates a limit on discovery imposed by the
court or under the rules of civil procedure or otherwise interferes with the judicial
6. What happens if a public record holds some information that is open to
the public and some information that falls within an exception to the Open
Records Act?
Some public records contain a mixture of information that is public and information
that is confidential, and not subject to inspection under the Open Records Act. In
general, the government is not required to black out, or "redact," confidential
portions of a record. It can lawfully refuse to let you see that record because of its
partial confidential content.
Nevertheless, in practice if a public record contains only a word, sentence or
ragraph that is confidential, you may still be able to inspect it. The custodian may
be willing to black out the confidential portion. On the other hand, the custodian
often will not redact information from records if that would require a lot of effort.
Generally speaking, the more confidential information a record contains, the less
likely it is in practice that it will be available to you.
If the record you want contains anything confidential, the custodian will decide
whether it is appropriate to keep the document confidential, or to black out the
confidential part and give you the document. How will the custodian make this
decision? He or she will consider the following questions. How difficult is it to block
out the confidential information? Is there so much confidential information that
blacking it out is impractical because it will make the rest of the document
meaningless? Does he or she risk accidentally disclosing something confidential?
The easier it is to take it out the confidential part, the mor
e likely it is the custodian
will let you have a copy.
7. What if I request public records from the wrong agency of government?
Will I be directed to the agency that actually holds the records I want?
You probably will be directed to the right agency, but that result is not guaranteed.
Many of the people you talk to in the government will be anxious to help, but may
not have the information you need. You might have to contact several agencies
before you find the record you want.
The law requires that if the person you talk to does not have the record you want,
that person must let you know that he or she does not have it and why. If he or she
knows, you will be told who has it and where it is.
8. What are common problems faced by people who seek public records,
and how do I respond if they happen to me?
a) You ask for a record and the response is something like, "I am just a clerk here,
and I do not have any authority to give you anything. You have to see someone
else, and no one is here right now."
You may have the right office but the wrong person. If you get a response like that,
do not give up. Ask this person who you should talk to, the phone number you
should call, and the time you should call. Write a note to the agency memorializing
your request because the government must respond within the short deadlines in
the statute. Be polite, but be persistent. (Another good reason to make your
request in writing to the government in the first place is to try to avoid situations
like this.)
b) When you ask for a public record, you are asked questions about your
affiliations, why you want the public record, and what you will use the record for.
You are not obligated to explain the reason you want any record. You do not have
to discuss who you are or what you will do with the record. All you have to do is
ask, and the government is obligated to make i
ts public records available to you, as
long as they are not confidential.
c) You are told you cannot use public records for commercial purposes.
The state agency may not impose conditions on your use of a copy of a public
record unless those conditions are specifically allowed by law. In most cases, you
can use the records you inspect for any lawful purpose. Criminal justice records
cannot be used to solicit business for profit.
d) You are told that an attorney for the government agency will have to review the
request before any documents can be released.
Usually if a records custodian asks its attorney to review a records request, it is
because the custodian is concerned about releasing something confidential. As
discussed above, some government records are confidential, and the custodian
cannot legally make confidential records available to the public. The custodian may
take three working days to review a request with an attorney to avoid this problem,
or up to seven more working days if your request is large.
e) You are told that you can look at a public record, but you cannot copy it or make
notes about it.
This type of statement is incorrect. The Open Records Act generally provides that if
you are entitled to inspect a record, you are entitled to copy it.
Make sure you are talking to the official custodian. If you are not, then ask for the
custodian's name and phone number. If the official custodian tells you that you are
not entitled to a copy, ask to have these restrictions in writing. You can try to
reason with the custodian at first, but then you will be left to your legal options in
f) The agency takes too long to make records available for inspection.
The custodian is required to produce records immediately upon its receipt of a
records request, if the records are available.
If the records are not immediately
available, the custodian must make them available within three working days. If
your records request is unusually large, then the custodian is entitled to as many as
seven additional working days to make the records available.
In most situations, an agency will be able to comply with these requirements.
However, there may be occasions when you do not get to see the records as soon
as you should. The people who will work to make records available to you have
other duties as well. In fact, their duty to help you with records is something they
have to do in addition to their other work obligations. Usually, the best approach is
to be patient if the agency has provided a reasonable explanation to you about the
In most cases, you will not face any significant delay. Again, it helps if you know
what to expect. Discuss the date and time for inspection and copying with the
If an agency does not comply with these deadlines, you can go to court to enforce
your rights. If your need is so urgent that you want to consider su
ch action, be sure
to make the records custodian aware of your needs. Chances are very good that
you will save time in the long run by fully informing and working with the custodian
to make sure he or she understands your needs.
g) You visit an agency to find a particular document, but the agency has thousands
of records and you do not know where to find what you are looking for.
State agencies must make records available for you to see and ordinarily must copy
the records if you request a copy.
They are not obligated, however, to help you
narrow your search when you ask for a mass of similar records. The exception is for
a record that has been stored on microfilm or computer. For these records, the
agency must help you locate and see the specific record you want.
As you can imagine, some agencies have so many files that the average person
would have a hard time finding any particular document without help from
somebody who has an idea about where to find it. If you make a broad, vague
request to an agency, the custodian will have a hard time giving you what you
need. The custodian must react quickly to your request and so, if your request is
vague, you will probably get access to all records instead of just the records you
want. This is likely to be a frustrating and fruitless search from your point of view.
The agency's records custodian will understand this problem. Generally speaking, if
you can help the custodian by being very clear about what you want, the custodian
will help you. Before you contact an agency to ask for a record, identify as much
information about the record as possible. The more information you can provide a
records custodian, the quicker you will get the information. Under most
circumstances, if you ask for a particular record, the custodian will find it for you so
you can review it and get a copy, if you want one.
h) You as
k for a record, and the records custodian tells you that the agency has the
record, but it is currently being used.
Many public records are in the working files of the agencies. While you may be
entitled to see these records, the records may not be available for immediate
inspection because they are being used by the agency. In such circumstances, the
records custodian will let you know, and is required to make the records available
within three working days.
9. How can I get a public record certified by an agency of government?
When you make your first request for records, tell the records custodian that you
need a certified copy. This is a simple process, but it does involv
e more than simply
making copies, so be prepared to pay a higher fee. The fee for certified copies may
be set by statute or rule.
Be sure to ask about the fee at the beginning, so you
know what to expect.
10. Does the Open Records Act provide any special benefits for veterans?
Yes. If a veteran needs a record to demonstrate her eligibility for veteran benefits
provided by the federal government, the custodian must provide a certified copy of
that record without charge.
11. What are the specific Open Records Act rules for sexual harassment
A records custodian for an agency that has records about sexual harassment
complaints and investigations must keep those records confidential.
There are
three exceptions to this general rule. First, if another government agency needs
information from those records to investigate the sexual harassment complaint, it
may get only those records it needs. Second, if the record is included in a court file
or record of a court proceeding, this restriction does not apply. Third, a "person in
interest" may see the records.
12. Are social security numbers in public records released in response to a
The Open Records Act does not specifically say whether your social security number
is confidential. It does authorize a records custodian to deny a request for a social
security number if it would be contrary to federal law.
Under federal law, if you
gave your social security number to the state because of a law enacted after
October 1, 1990, the state must treat your social security number as confidential.
If a state agency asks you for your social security number and you are
uncomfortable providing it, you are entitled to certain information.
Find out if you
must provide it. If you must, then find out what law requires it and what the state
will do with it. Ask if the agency will hold it confidential. In most cases, if you must
give a state agency your social security number, the law requires that it be held
13. Are government employees' performance ratings or salaries open
public records?
Yes. Employees' personnel files are confidential.
However, those files do not
include performance ratings, salaries, expense allowances, or benefits paid to state
employees or employees of its political subdivisions.
14. What happens if my request for public records includes voluminous
documents or many records?
If your request involves many records, it is probably going to take some time for
the custodian to make the records available to you. In these cases, the custodian
may take up to ten working days.
The custodian may have many duties in
addition to responding to your request, so he or she has to balance those duties
with her duty to resp
ond to you. Of course, your request should receive a very high
priority because you are entitled to a timely response.
At the time you make your request, the custodian should be able to tell you if you
can expect a delay. This is the time to discuss when, where and how you will get to
review the records and, if you choose, make copies. It would be a good idea to
discuss the details so each of you can reach an agreement about these details. He
or she can then put these details in her letter to you, so you both have a clear
understanding. If you and the custodian cooperate, it will be easier to complete
your task.
15. What are the consequences to the government involved in a public
records request if it wrongly denies my request?
If you go to court to challenge an agency's decision denying you access to records
and you win, the court will order the agency to give you the records. If the court
decides that the custodian's decision was wrong, it is to award costs and attorneys
fees to the prevailing applicant.
If the court determines that your request for
records was frivolous, groundless or vexatious, it will award attorneys fees and
costs to the government.
A willful and knowing violation of the open records act is a crime, punishable by a
fine not to exceed $100.00, ninety days in jail, or both.
16. What happens if the government receives a request for public records
that is confusing or ambiguous or vague?
A confusing request for records will probably cause some delay. If the custodian
does not understand your request, chances are good he or she will deny it. If he or
she does so, you have the right to request a decision in writing so that you may
understand his reasons.
Of course, the custodian would rather save time by
discussing your request so that he or she better understands what you want. The
best approach is to discuss the request first, so the custodian can help you make
sure you are asking the correct agency, and identifying the correct records.
Once you have confirmed which agency has the record you seek, and what to ask
for, it is best to send the custodian a written request confirming these details.
17. How do I get criminal justice records?
You can get criminal justice records that are open to inspection by the public in the
same way that you get other public records. The custodian has the same authority
to make rules to protect the records and prevent unnecessary interference with her
and her office's duties.
As you might guess, these records are not as available as other public records. The
only records that must be made available are records of official actions, and there
are exceptions.
The custodian has more discretion with other criminal justice
If he or she denies access, you may request a written statement of
reasons, and you may challenge the decision in district court.
18. What is the deliberative process exception to open public records, and
how does it work?
A custodian must hold documents confidential if they contain privileged
The label "privileged" refers to information that is protected from
disclosure under various legal rules used in litigation. Certain deliberative process
documents can be privileged, confidential records, if their release would tend to
harm honest and frank discussion within the government.
Deliberative process records are documents that contain agency staff
recommendations or opinions on legal or policy matters that are being considered
for a final decision. As an example, administrators of government agencies normally
make the most important decisions in the agency. Before they do so, they ask for
and receive input from their subordinates, including opinions and recommendations.
This input is often in writing. These written documents are part of the agency's
deliberative process, and are confidential.
These records do not include the record of the final agency decision, or records
created after the decision.
The deliberative process exception is a good example of a balance struck in the
Open Records Act among important principles. On the one hand, the bias in the
statute is for all records to be open. On the other hand, staff people in government
might not put their honest views and recommendations in writing if they know the
writings would be available to the public. It is obvious that decisions in government
must be made upon the best information available to the decisionmaker from his or
her staff. The rule that deliberative process records are confidential
is a reflection of
the need to have government function well outweighing the desire for open
government in this instance.
The deliberative process exception in the Open Records Act places some special
responsibilities upon the government claiming its protection. The government must
provide to the person requesting the records a sworn statement that specifically
describes each document withheld, explains why the document is privileged, and
says why disclosure of the document would cause substantial harm to the public
19. What is the public interest exception to open public records, and how
does it work?
If you give a document to the government that you consider private, you would not
want any citizen to be able to get a copy. In fact, many members of the public do
give information to the government, which they expect will be held confidential.
This information may not be specifically confidential under the Open Records Act.
Yet, the expectation that it will be private is reasonable. Does the government have
to give this type of information to any citizen? It depends on the circumstances.
The "public interest" exception is a specific exception in the Open Records Act.
According to this law, an agency may hold public records confidential if the records
custodian decides that making it available to the public would cause substantial
injury to the public interest.
This is the case even if the record is something that
would otherwise be available to the public under the Open Records Act. The reason
this law exists is that the Legislature realizes that there will be situations in which
information should be kept private, even though no law specifically states that it is
You might think that such a broad exception is reason to worry about access to
public records. However, custodians know that this exception rarely applies. In
situations where this exception has been tested, a court has normally ruled in favor
of public disclosure.
It is the rare case that a record will be held confidential using the public interest
exception. In the first place, the custodian must ask for permission from the district
court to use the exception. Also, the custodian must prove how the public interest
will be inj
ured; just saying so will not be enough. And, the injury must outweigh the
public's compelling interest in access to its government's records to make sure the
government is conducting its affairs fairly, efficiently and effectively. Essentially,
the custodian - and then the court - must balance the public's interest in open
government with the public's interest in protecting the privacy of individual citizens.
In exceptional circumstances, the interests of an individual override the interests of
the whole.
This balance is evaluated by taking into account 1) whether the individual has a
legitimate expectation that the record will not be disclosed, 2) whether there is a
compelling reason to make the records available to the public, and 3) if there is
such a compelling reason, how the record might be disclosed in a way that is least
intrusive to the individual.
It is difficult to predict when this exception will apply. The courts will look at each
situation and try to balance these competing interests.
The Colorado Open Records Act gives broad and fundamental rights to every person
to learn what is happening in Colorado's government. To use these rights
effectively, citizens must know how to use this law. This opinion describes the how
this law works.
Issued this 5th day of July, 2001.
Attorney General
Thomas Roan
Assistant Attorney General
FN1 § 24-72-202(5) and 202(6)(a)(I), C.R.S.
FN2 § 24-72-202(6)(a)(I) and 202(7), C.R.S.
FN3 See, e.g., Sargent School District No. RE-33J v. Western Services
, 751 P.2d 56
(Colo. 1988); Office of State Court Administrator v. Background Information
Services, Incorporated, 994 P.2d 420 (Colo. 1999)
FN4 Larger agencies may have other "custodians" as well. § 24-72-
202(1.1), C.R.S.
These other custodians will have more direct control over the records you seek.
They probably handle the agency's records each day.
FN5 § 24-72-203(3), C.R.S.
FN6 § 24-72-203(3)(b), C.R.S.
FN7 § 24-72-205(1), C.R.S.
FN8 § 24-21-104(3), C.R.S.
FN9 Requests to copy government documents can raise copyright questions. For
example, some as-built drawings or other architectural drawings in government
files might be protected by a copyright. While the custodian may allow inspection of
such copyrighted materials, the custodian ordinarily will not copy such materials or
allow others to copy them. See § 24-72-204(1)(b) (inspection denied if contrary to
federal statute); § 24-72-205 (custodian "may" furnish copies).
FN10 § 24-72-204(5), C.R.S. This topic is discussed in more detail in response to
Question 15.
FN11 § § 24-72-204(2)(a)(I), C.R.S.
FN12 Examples include insurance company investigations, § 10-1-206(8)(b),
C.R.S.; investigations of engineers, § 12-25-109(2), C.R.S.; and investigations of
dentists, § 12-35-118(5)(e), C.R.S.
FN13 § 24-72-204(1)(a), C.R.S.
FN14 §§ 24-72-202(4.5) and 204(3)(a)(II)(A), C.R.S.
FN15 One example of a confidential record of discipline is the private
admonishment of an attorney. C.R.C.P. 251.6(d). (1999).
FN16 See People in the Interest of A.A.T., 759 P.2d 853, 854 (Colo.App. 1988).
FN17 § 24-72-204(1)(c), C.R.S.
FN18 Sargent School District No. RE-33J v. Western Services, Inc., 751 P.2d 56
(Colo. 1988); Bodelson v. Denver Pub. Co., 5 P.3d 373 (Colo. App. 2000).
FN19 § 24-72-203(2)(a), C.R.S.
FN20 § 24-72-203(1), C.R.S. Also, see Bodelson, supra, 5 P3d 373; Denver
Publishing Co. v. Dreyfus
, 184 Colo. 288, 520 P2d 104 (1974) (no special interest is
necessary to access a public record.)
FN21§ 24-72-305.5.
FN22§ 24-72-203(3)(b), C.R.S.
FN23§ 24-72-205(1), C.R.S. See note 7, above, concerning copyrighted material.
FN24§ 24-72-203(1), C.R.S.
FN25 24-72-203(1)(a), 205(1).
FN26 24-72-203(1)(b)(II).
FN27 § 24-72-203(3)(a), C.R.S.
FN28 § 24-72-205(1), C.R.S.
FN29 § § 24-72-112, C.R.S.
FN30 § 24-72-204(3)(a)(X)(A), C.R.S.
FN31 A "person in interest" (for this purpose only) is the person making the
complaint and the person who is the subject of the complaint. § 24-72-
202(3)(a)(X)(B), C.R.S.
FN32 § 24-72-204(1)(b), C.R.S.
FN33 42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2)(C)(viii)(I).
FN34 Privacy Act of 1974, Pub.L. 93-579, Section 7.
FN35 § 24-72-204(3)(a)(II)(A), C.R.S.
FN36 § 24-72-202(4.5), C.R.S.
FN37 § 24-72-203(3)(b), C.R.S.
FN38 § 24-72-204(5), C.R.S. (as modified by HB 01-1359). House Bill 01-1359,
enacted in May, 2001, also provides new rules for applicants to seek records of
executive sessions of state and local agencies.
FN39 Id.
FN40 § 24-72-206, C.R.S.
FN41 § 24-72-204(4), C.R.S.
FN42 § 24-72-304(1), C.R.S.
FN43 § 24-72-302(7), C.R.S. defines "official action" to include arrests,
indictments, filed charges, the disposition of such charges, records of release, and
many other actions.
FN44 § 24-72-
305, C.R.S. identifies the reasons a criminal justice records custodian
may deny access.
FN45 § 24-72-204(3)(a)(IV), C.R.S.
FN46 See § 24-72-204(3)(a)(XII), C.R.S.; City of Colorado Springs v. White, 967
P.2d 1042 (Colo. 1998) (common law privilege recognized). As with many rules,
this one has an exception. If you can show that your interests in getting the record
are more important than the government's interest in keeping it confidential, you
can get the record. This determination is made on a "case by case" basis. If you
challenge the confidentiality of the record, the agency must demonstrate that it has
an important interest in keeping the record confidential. If the agency can prove
that point, then you must prove that your interest in seeing the record is more
important than the agency's interest. White, 967 P.2d at 1053, 54.
FN47 Russell L. Weaver & James T.R. Jones, The Deliberative Process Privilege, 54
Mo. L.Rev. 279-299 (1989).
FN48 § 24-72-204(3)(a)(XIII), C.R.S.
FN49 § 24-72-204(6)(a), C.R.S.
FN50 See, for examples, Denver Post Corp. v. University of Colorado,739 P.2d 874
Colo.App. 1987); Denver Pub. Co. v. University of Colorado, 812 P.2d 682
(Colo.App. 1990); Zubeck v. El Paso County Retirement Plan, 961 P.2d 597
(Colo.App. 1998); Freedom Newspapers, Inc. v. Tollefson, 961 P.2d 1150
(Colo.App. 1998); Daniels v. City of Commerce City, Custodian of Records, 988
P.2d 648 (Colo.App. 1999). For an example of a particularly sensitive case in which
the exception applied, see Bodelson v. Denver Pub. Co., 5 P.2d 373 (Colo.App.
FN51 See Freedom Newspapers, Inc. v. Tollefson, 961 P.2d 1150, 1156 (Colo.App.
1998), Denver Post Corp v. University of Colorado, 739 P.2d 874 (Colo.App. 1987),
Martinelli v. District Court, 199 Colo. 163, 612 P.2d 1083 (1980).