Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received a
standing ovation aer he quoted Winston Churchil and
Wiliam Shakeeare in a eech to the United Kingdoms
House of Commons 8 March 2022, CNN reports.
We wil ght to the end, Zelensky said through an
interpreter. “We wil not give up and we wil not lose.
We wil ght until the end at sea, in the air. We wil
continue ghting for our land, whatever the cost.
Extract from a eec gien to the Bitish House of
Comons by Pime Ministe Winston Chuci, 4 June
1940, caing fo total resistance against Nazi Gerany
imediately foowing the succesful rescue of the Bitish
ary from Dunkirk.
“Turning once again, and this time more general-
ly, to the question of invasion [by Axis forces led by
Germany], I would observe that there has never been
a period in al these long centuries of which we boast
when an absolute uarantee against invasion, stil less
against serious raids, could have been given to our
people. … ere was always the chance, and it is that
chance which has excited and befooled the imagina-
tions of many Continental tyrants. Many are the tales
that are told. We are assured that novel methods wil be
adopted, and when we see the originality of malice, the
ingenuity of agression, which our enemy displays, we
may certainly prepare ourselves for every kind of novel
stratagem and every kind of brutal and treacherous
maneuver. I think that no idea is so outlandish that it
should not be considered and viewed with a searching,
but at the same time, I hope, with a steady eye. …
“I have, myself, ful condence that if al do their
duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arange-
ments are made, as they are being made, we shal prove
ourselves once again ale to … ride out the storm of war,
and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for
years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are
going to try to do. at is the resolve of His Majesty’s
Governmentevery man of them. at is the wil of
Parliament and the nation. e British Empire and the
French Repulic, linked together in their cause and in
their need, wil defend to the death their native soil,
aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of
their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and
many old and famous States have falen or may fal into
the grip of the Geapo and al the odious aparatus of
Nazi rule, we shal not ag or fail. We shal go on to the
end, we shal ght in France, we shal ght on the seas
and oceans, we shal ght with growing condence and
growing strength in the air, we shal defend our Island,
whatever the cost may be, we shal ght on the beaches,
we shal ght on the landing grounds, we shal ght in
the elds and in the streets, we shal ght in the hils; we
shal never surender.
Zelensky Echoes Churchill in
Speech to U.K.s Parliament
Sources: Grayson Quay, “‘We Will Fight to the End’: Zelensky Quotes Churchill in Speech to U.K. Parliament,” Yahoo News, 8 March
2022, accessed 1 April 2022, hps://ght-end-zelensky-quotes-churchill-211402255.html; Winston Churchill, “We
Shall Fight on the Beaches” (speech, House of Commons, 4 June 1940), accessed 1 April 2022, hps://
Previous page: en Prime Minister Winston Churchill makes a speech in Uxbridge, Middlesex, England, during the general election cam-
paign on 27 June 1945. (Photo courtesy of the Imperial War Museums). Top to boom: Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces members train
to use an NLAW antitank weapon in Kyiv outskirts, Ukraine, 9 March 2022. (Photo by Efrem Lukatsky, Associated Press). People look at the
gued remains of Russian military vehicles on a road in the town of Bucha, close to the capital Kyiv, Ukraine, 1 March 2022. (Photo by Serhii
Nuzhnenko, Associated Press). A civilian trains to throw Molotov cocktails to defend Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 1 March 2022 as Russia’s invasion
of Ukraine continues. (Photo by Viacheslav Ratynskyi, Reuters/Alamy)