How to View Registrant and Participant Information in Zoom
How is Registrant Information Useful?
How is Participant Information Useful?
It captures who registered for your Zoom meeting.
Use this information to send an email to everyone
who registered for your meeting.
View the answers to the Custom Questions that you
set up and that registrants completed. Having these
answers is important because registrants must
consent to participating in your Zoom meeting in
advance. Reach out to registrants as needed to ensure
consents are obtained before your meeting/event.
It captures who participated in your Zoom meeting
and how long they stayed. You can use participant
email addresses to send participants a thank-
you/follow-up email.
Registrant Information
Step 1: Log in to your zoom account at
Step 2: Click “Reports” on the left side.
Step 3: Under “Usage Reports” click “Meeting.
Step 4: Next to “Report Type,” ensure Registration Report” is selected. Check the box next to your meeting
and click “Generate” on the right.
*Note: If you have several meetings to sort through, you can search your meetings (by date) at the top.
Step 5: When the page refreshes, click “Download.”
Step 6: Open the Excel Spreadsheet. The column on the end will include the answers to your Custom
Questions. We used the custom question “What is your favorite color?” and the answer “Blue” as an example
to show you where to find the custom questions and answers (see below).
Participant Information
Step 1: Log in to your zoom account at
Step 2: Click “Reports” on the left side.
Step 3: Click Usage.
Step 4: Look under the Participants column and click the number of participants associated with your
meeting (you can see the date and time in the middle columns).
Step 5: Check the box next to Export with meeting data on the top left corner and click Export.
Step 6: Your spreadsheet will download as an Excel spreadsheet. Open the file to view participant information.
*Step 7: If you want to email all your participants at once, you can copy all the email addresses together and
paste them directly into your email.